HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 General Correspondence (5) CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Yousuf Patanwala, Civil Eng. II FROM: John Conway, Acting Parks Supervisor ~ Certified Arborist $231 . SUBJECT: Tree Report DATE: July 19, 1989 Based on our field inspection along Foothill Blvd. - Lime to Hemlock and Hemlock north of Foothill Blvd. North side of Foothill Blvd. Lime to Hemlock. The trees in question are Eucalyptus Camaldelensis, a~eraging 24" in diameter and 45'in height are in an established wind row. These trees are heavily foliated, well established reasonably healthy with few signs'of stress, disease, or pest il~festations. As you indicated if a trench of approximately 15' d,~ep and 8' across is to be dug next to this wind row th,. following conditions must be met to mitigate the potential ri:~k to public safety. 1. Generally the trench must maintain a distance of 5' from the base of the trunk with a minimum of 3'in some instance. Those instances would have to have prior approval or be related to some site constraint that has no other solution. The majority of the root systems are located on the north side of trees due in part to the northerly wind conditions that are experienced here in Fontana . This is a].so the same side that the trench will be located on. This will further impact the root loss from this trenching. 2. Drop crotching and thinning out of the branch structure must be completed prior to 'the trenching taking place. 3. All root must be flush cut and not torn. ~ Hemlock Ave. 1 block nortih of Foothill next to a trailer park. The tree in question is a Eucalyptus Camaldelens~s, 40" in diameter 50' in heigth, appeared to have moderate r6ot loss on the n/w side of the tree. This tree was moderately foliated well established and reasonably healthy with few signs of stress, disease, or pest infestation. This tree showed si4:ns of prior topping. A portion of the tree overhangs an adjacent ~,railer. To mitigate the potential risk of this tree falling oves' in a high wind that was created by the installation of a sewer ine next to this tree. 1 Page 2 Cont. 1. I recommend that this tree be drop crotched and .hinned. It is too soon to tell whetheror not this tree wilI survive the damage done to it's root system. cc: Annivory Calvert Roger Matta 2 City of Font .na CALIFORNIA August 1, 1989 Mr. Bud Roberts Sierra Engineering 27007 Bth Street Highland, CA 92346 Subject~ob Status of Foothill/lleech r~wer Dear M errs: As you may be aware, the Foothill/Beech Sewer project requires temporary construction easements for its construction. The City's right-of-way agent, Mr. Kobiyashi, has been able to acquire s~ temporary constructi,on easements on Foothill Boulevard and for almost all properties along Beech Avenue. Design plans for the construction of this sewer line have been prepared by Hall and Foreman and approved by the City. Presently, the City is trying to resolve certain issues with Celttans in regards to the construction permit which Celttans has temporarily suspended. The Deputy District Director and X are having conversations in an effort to work through these issues. Once Celttans agrees to reinstate the construction permit, the City will be ready to call bids for the project. Thank you for your continued patience. Sincerely yours, Anniv cc: R. Weddle L. Millegan F. Molinos Y. Patanwala AC:YP:pl 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714~) 350-7600 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Ouly 28, 1989 Ms. Barbara Carson, Paralegal Best, Best & Krieger, Attorneys 800 N. Haven, Suite 120 Ontario, CA 91762 Subject: Caltrans Encroachment Permit Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Dear Ms. Carson: This is to request that you coordinate with Mr. Clark Alsop that t.he "following request be assigned to the appropriate attorney for a legal opinio !. In brieft the City has .been. working for many years to prov de for the on the East. A separate sewer line would be built in Beech Avenu"e that would connect the proposed line in Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue.! The City's design engineer, Hall & Foreman, has had many lengthy meetings [coordinating with Celttans to meet their requirements and until recently had mpt their old requirements for project design. issued On December 7, 1988, a permit for th~ sewer construction was {copy enclosed}. Subsequently, we later received a Oune 2g, 198g letter (copy enclosed} that suspended the permit. The suspension was under t~e guidelines that they did not want the sewer manholes to be in the future trayel ways. To construct the sewer in the future "parkway" will require the aqquisition of right-of-way in County territory, and seriously delay the project ~nd add major costs to the project as well. While Celttans has been documented to have significant authority in the issuance or non-issuance of permits, I believe we have some maim problems in developing this portion of Fontana, if we cannot construct the sewer, storm drains, water lines, etc., necessary to serve this area, in Foothill Boulevard. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (71 350-7600 Page Two Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project July 28, 1989 The City is willing to cooperate ~iith Caltrans on ~ normal permit equirements, but there is not sufficient room to construct all of the utilit lines in a future non-existing right-of-way area any~vay. ~ Your firms expeditious review is requested. A response by!Aug st 11, 1989, with a copy to the Public Works Director, Annivory Calvert, is requested. Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert ~ Public Works Director~ By: anwala Civil Engineering Assistant Ill Enclosures Caltrans Permit Caltrans Letter dated June 29, 1989 cc: Annivory Calvert Robert Weddle Felipe Holinos File AC:YP:pl STATE OF CALIFOrNIA--BUSINESS, 1.ANSP~,,ATION AND HOUSING AGEN~ -- · DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 5AN BERNARDINO, CA ~2 TDD (714) 383-~ June 29, 1989 City of Fontana Mr. Felipe Molinos < ~/~/[~ P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92330-0518 Dear Mr. Molinos: Per our telephone conversations and meeting June 13, ~1989 Petit 08-88-N-UK-I169 for installation of sewer lines along ~Route 66 is suspended. Our first concern is that as presently proposed all vehicles will pass over the sewer manholes. Also when maintenance i]s performed e~ipment will be parked in the nu~er 3 lane which will close that As a Doss~b~e solution ~C ~s e o ~oca~n~ ~he se~e~ manhole ~n ~he shou~de~ a~ea o~ ~he ~ma~e · he o~he~ ma~o~ co~ce~ ~s ~ha~ ~he p~ope~ env~onmen~a~ documents have no~ bee~ su~m~ed ~o~ the ~emova~ o~ ~ees ~h~ch ~s ~ecessa~y ~o~ ~he sa~e ~s~a~a~on of ~he se~e~ ~o~k u~de~ ~h~s pe~ mus~ ~oC p~oceed un~ ~hese ~ssues have Z~ you have ~echn~ca~ ~es~ions ca~ ~ke ~es a~ (7~) 383-4~03. Ve=y ~y yours, Ass~s~a~ D~s~c~ 2e~ ~nee= (OAGHMENT PERMIT ._p_~<.~v 2/~ ~8-88-N-UK-116~ n compliance with (check one): ~8-8BD-66-15.~8/15.65 your application of September 6, 1988 DecembeP 7, ileG8 Utility Notice No. o6 $EXEMPT ~XXX Ag~eement No. o6 $XXX R/W Contract No. o~ XXX XXX 8353 SieP~`a Ave. - (714) 55~-761~ , PERMITTEE nd subject to the following, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED to: ave installed and thereafter. own and maintain 8", 1~", I~", ~1" and iamete~ VCP ~ewe~ main~, manhole~ and ~elated appurtenanoe~. Al~o, bo~e/]aok, ~n and maintain a 3~" diametm~ x 1/~" thiok ~teel oasin( under and aoros~ the ~uthe~n Paoifio RailRoad t~aok~ and remove an extstin~ 72" dia:mete~'RCP. All ~rk i~ along the north ~ide of Foothill BIrd. (State Route 8G) from Cherry Ave. ast to ~ime Ave. a~ pe~ RED-~INED REVISED P~ANS date ~tamped Deoembe~ ?, 1~88 nd/or a~ direoted by the State's Representative. l) baokf~ll of t~enohes mu~t be to ~8% oompaotton and/o~ as direoted by the tate's Representative. All manhole~ mumt be oement slu~ry baok~llled a~ dtreoted y the State's Representative. Any dama(e to State p~ope~ty ~hall be ~epaired or eplaoed at no cost to the State ae di~eoted by the State'~ Representative. PRE-JOB CONFERENCE WITH THE STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE TART OF ANY WORK COVERED UNDER THIS PERMIT. AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS' NOTICE HALb BE GIVEN TO THE STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE TO SCHEDULE THE CONFERENCE. THE CATE;S REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS PERMIT IS J. ESTRADA, PAGE ~: ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PA~T OP THIS PERMIT In a~iti~ ~ ~ the ps~itt~ ,ill be bill~ ~al c~ts ~r: Y~ L ~ R~i~ YB ~ Interim i Y~ ' Fiel~ ~rk Y~ ~ A ~lH]~ ~r~ui~e~ prior to b~inni~ ~k| ' ! ~ PER (If ~y ~ltr~s ~t Y~ ! N.A. ~e in~rmati~ in t~ mvirmmentaI ~ocuaentati~ h~ ~ ~vi~ a~ c~id~ pPi~ ~ ~p~al of this petit. .is ~it is v~id roles ~e ~rk is c~let~ )f~ XY 31, 1~. ,is ~it is to be strictly c~st~ ~d m ot~r ~rk ~t)r th~ ;~ifically ~tim~ is ~y ~ iz~. ~ pm~)~t ~rk ~all ~ c~c~ until all 0the~ n~ry pnits an~ mvi~tal clearancB hal ) ~IA ES~) UTILITI~ ~ ~ S~,~ist,ict)i~t0r 2s ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT NO. 08-88-N-UK-,169 ~3 work in the Staro's right of wax must be to State Standards, as directed by ~e ~tate's Representative. K-Rail shall be used for protection of the staveling public from construction as directed by the State's Rep]ssentative. All striping and pavement markings damaged shall be replaced at n(, cost to the State. All traffic control during the installation of this facility shall be to State Standards as directed by the State's Representative. Paved ~lork area shall be overlaid so that pavement joints match lane lines as directed by the State's Representative. ApL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF T ANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION E~CROACHMENT PERMIT UTILITY PROVISION DATED JULY i987. WHERE SURVEI/MONUMENTS EXIST, SUCH MONUMENTS SHALL BE PROTECTED C~R SHALL BE N REFERENCED A D RESET, PURSUANT TO "BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE' SECTIONS 87e0 TO 88~5 (LAND SURVEYORS ACT). Permittee's work shal~ be subordinated to any operations which t~e State may conduct, and shall not delay, nor interfere with the State forces Qr Staro's contractor. Notwithstanding General Provision No. 3, your contractor will be required to apply for and obtain a permit prior to starting work. PERMITTEE SHALL CONTACT STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETED WORK. 2 HALL ~ FORENAN,.,. ~NC. TEL: 714-641-0170 3uI 17,89 16:~29 No.O05 P.O1 CIVIL INGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND IURVIYING If all pages are not received or there is difficulty withthi! trarsmission, please call at (714)$41-8777 or reply toFAx ntmbar (714)641-0170, ..T~Tn mFi~HItl AVFk~tlF · CO~TAMF~A, CAL:IFOFINIA t~2e~8-,1428 · (714] 641-18777 Ex'~ended Page LPO006 7731 ~IJ~NE 13LVD,, Suite No, 201, TUSTIN, CA 92680 (7~i1~31-0141 ; October 24, 1988 Mr. Jim O'Sullivan City Manager City of Fontana Post Office Box 518 fontaria, CA 92334-0518 Re: Beech Sewer Dear Mr. O~Sullivan: I have enclosed a copy of my September 29th letter to M~. Mocalis where I asked and he agreed to provide status ot the Beech Sewer. With all the turmoil n he En i t gineering Department, I presume he has been unable to determine the status. However, it is very important to Citation and to other Builders in that area to be made aware of the status an~ timing. Your assistance in seeing this information provided is very much needed so that we can effectively plan our~ business. We would appreciate your assistance. Sincerely, CITATION BUILDERS FGL:lh ~~nR~ger Enclosure 17731 }~NE BLVO,, Suite No. 201, TUSTIN, CA 92680 (7hl~lf31-0141 ///~ September 29, 1988 ~ ., ~:~ _ .j ...... ~'~ Mr. Jim Mocalis Community Development City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 Re: Beech Avenue Sewer Dear Mr. Mocalis: This is a follow-up to our phone conversation earlier this week in which you kindly agreed to determine the status of the "Beech Avenue Sewer" and inform me. We have a great need to have this sewer completed in the near term. Please let us know the status so that we can plan certain aspects of our development. Sincerely, CITATION BUILDERS F.G. LINTON, JR. Development Manager City of Fontana CALIFOBNIA July 25, 1988 File: Beech Avenue Sewer Main Presley of Southern California 17991 Mitcheel South Irvine, CA 92714 Attention: Alan D. Uman, Vice President Planning & Engineering Subject: Beech Avenue Sewer Main This leiter is in response to your letter of July 14, 1988 on the ab!ove subject. ; The construction plans are 99% complete. The City has a right-of-way agent working on the necessary right-of-way documents. The plans will be lubmitted to Caltrans in the very near future after the last few revisions ar~ made. It appears that construction will begin this fall. The City is endeavoring to expedite this project in as timely a manor as possible. George Gaswell Acting Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director GC:BMP:do cc: John O'Sullivan, City Manager Jim Mocalis, Community Development Director Jerry Litton, Citation Builders 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 ( ) 350,-7600 J JUly 1.4, 1988 Mr. Bob Porter CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Post Office Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Re: Beach Avenue Sewer Main Dear Bob: As a followup to our conversation today, I would appreciate a confirmation of the City's intent and timetable toi install the Beach Avenue sewer main to Baseline Road and to !take the temporary pump station out of service. ~ Your immediate reply to this will be greatly appreci~ated. Very truly yours, PRESLEY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Alan D. Uman, Vice President' Planning and Engineering ADU/lml cc: John O'Sullivan, City Manager Jim Mocalis, Community Development Director 17991 Mitchell South , Irvine, California 92714-6095 · (714) 660-0660 Ma~hng Address: Post Office Box 19672 · Irwne, Cahforn~a 92713-9672 f'- 17731 ~RVtNE BLVO,, ,$uime No, 201. TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 731.0141 TiLEFAX T~SMITTAL PAX ~714/731.-0270 ITEMS TO FOLLOW INCLUDE: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, OR IF THESE ITEMS DO NOT SUCESSF6LLY ARRIVE THROUGH YOUR MACHINE, PLEASE GIVE US A CAT,L AT {714)!731-0141. THANK YOU 1! Mr. Bob Weddle Interim City Engineer City of Fontana P. O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 Re: Foothill Boulevard, Cherry to Hemlock Sewer and Storm Drain Plans Authorization to go to Bid Dear Bob, This letter will acknowledge our report for public bid of the above-referenced sewer and storm drain. The sewer has been previously approved, however the storm drain originals and Webb's recommendation for approval have been forwarded to the City at this time. We currently have a Cal-Trans permit for the construction of the sewer, however Cal-Trans' permit section has said once they receive approved storm drain plans they will issue a se,arate, subsequent permit. Finally, the Community Facilities District No. 2 has se~ aside $1.3 million for the construction of the above refbrenced improvements, which may be verified by Don Gee. We expect a bid opening of August 4, 1989, and assuming all is in order, an award of contract on August 22, 1989. In the future, you can expect to be notified of every request for authorization of public bid for all contracts regarding the Community Facilities DiStrict No. 2. Very truly yours, FONTANA HERITAGE WEST END ASSOCIATES A California limited partnership Roger D. Hatch Vice President Construction and Engineering RDH/cjs 230 Newport Center Drive · Suite 300 · Newport Beach, CA 92660-751l (714) 720 1166 FAX (714[ 720 1392 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CON~ 'ERSATION Project No. ' Project Title Date (amHpm~ Individual O~ ~ ~ Title ~O]~C~ Organization ~L ~ ~~ Location Pho.,No,~ / ITEMS DISCUSSED Wlley-Fllt Form 4-7 CITY OF FONTAliA CALiFORNiA NEHORANDUN TO: Annivory Calvert FRON: Bob Weddle SUBJECT: Foothill/Beech Sewer IProject DATE: Ouly 3, 1989 in the continuing saga of subject sewer project, this is to bring you up to date on the latest Caltrans items. As you may recall, ! received a phone call on June 12, 1989, from an individual who stated that he was with the Caltrans Permit Section. This person told me that they were going to write a letter advising the City that Galtrans was going to "suspend" our current permit for the sewer construction. iWhen ! asked why, he stated that the field inspector didn't want any manholes in the travel way, and they concurred with his input. He had no comments on discovered earlier. We immediately contacted Hall and Foreman to follow up on what Caltrans concerns were and if we could mitigate these concerns. On Monday, June 26, 1989, Bob Doss of Hall and Foreman met with us to go over the issues. He stated that he was working with the Caltrans Traffic group to approve the sewer line location, as there will be a future storm drain and water line also constructed on Foothill. On Friday, June 30, 1989, Hall and Foreman advised us by phone t~at Celttans would not suspend our permit and that we could move forward. In closing, it looks llke we are back on track as far as Caltran's concerned. We just have to resolve the remaining problems, which ere: 1. Foothill and Beech Right-of-Way. 2. County Permit (Beech). 3. Railroad Crossing Permit. 4. Soils Investigation - CHJ. 5. Caltrans Permit- modifying for trees, lane closures 6. Condemnation proceedings, if necessary. (Steve Oebaun of BBK to send data on legality of acquitling property for temporary construction easements in County areas]. 7. Complete bid specifications and cost estimate. : 8. Construction plans to indicate alternate access pointsl, etc., for businesses. Data to be provided to property owners. cc: Yousuf Patanwala Bob Doss Project File RW:pl CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETI'ER OF TRANSMITI'AL DATE: 06/29/89 " JOB #: 3906 I J~IL 3 1989 CITY OF FO TO: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335_ ATTENTION: Felipe Molinos REGARDING: Sewer Improvement Plans CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith, please find four blueline sets of n Sewer Improvement Plans on Foothill Blvd. between Hemlock and Lime showi g new revisions for your review and approval. BY: Majid Movahed Project Engineer cc: Bob Doss, STA, Mike Cordova - H&F ~ Patanwala -Citv F~a /jb 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LE'I'rER OF TRANSMI'I'I'AL DATE: 06/29/89 ~ CnYOF~0NT^~A JOB #: 3809 TO: WEBB & ASSOCIATES 4505 Allstate Drive, Suite 106 Riverside, CA 92501 ATTENTION: Wally Franz REGARDING: Sewer Improvement Plans on Foothill Blvd. Between Icherry and Lime. "2 CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith, please find two sets of sewer plans an~ your redline plan check for your review and approval. Should you have any questions please contact me @ (714) 641-8777. BY: Majid Movahed Project Engineer cc: Bob Doss, STA, Mike Cordova- H&F ~~a, Felipe MolinoS - City Fontana /jb 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (7'4) 641-8777 CITY OF FONTAliA CALIFORNIA NENORANDUN TO: Project File I FRON: Yousuf Patanwala SUBOECT: Suam~ary of Neering on Foothill Boulevard Sewer Project DATE: June 29, 1989 Attendants: 1. Robert Doss (Project Nanager) - Hall & Foreman 2. Najid Nobahed (Project Engineer) - Hall & Foreman 3, Eiichi Kobayashi - Kobayashi & Associates 4, Robert Weddle (/nterim City Engineer) - City of Fontaria 5. Felipe Holinos (Senior Engineer - City of Fontana 6, Yousuf Patanwala (Engineering Assistant III) - City of Fontana Sewer Nanholes in Foothill Boulevard Travel Lane Bob Doss said that Hall & Foreman is taking up this issue witq Caltrans, According to him, the initial design people from Hall & Foreman has taken this fact into consideration and the present location of the manhole will! provide 7' to of clear drivi.g space in the lane next to the .ortherly They have asked Caltrans' traffic engineering section to review this r. He said if Caltrans insists on 12' clear driving space, then the manholes will be re-oriented and will not cause any major problem. Hopefully, we will not have to put the manholes in the parkway. Trees Hall & Foreman will closely study the location of trees and wil~ determine the exact number of trees that has to be removed for installation o~ sewer line at the presently established location. Revise Aliqnment of Sewer Line near Railroad Crossinq on Foothill Boulevard Majid of Hall & Foreman said that he h:as examined the railroad ;bridge plan and these plans do not show the wall going more than 2 feet deep. T)he concrete According B o n a a h r r in , of the sewer line, taking it out of the private property, is worka>le because sewer lines at that point are about 15' deep and there is no evident danger of undermining any foundations. Page Two Re= Summary of Meeting on Foothill Blvd Sewer Project June 29, 1989 According to Bob Weddle, he is not very comfortable with the neir proposal because he is afraid that there is not enough space for receiving )~it on the West end of the new alignment of line and it may cause removal and leplacement of 'the side slope of the existing bridge on the Northwest side, as well as it may require lane closure. These issues need to be addressed ant discussed with Celttans. It was further established that if the new alignmert is found to be unworkable, or if Celttans or the Railroad will not grant perilits within an acceptable time-frame, then the project construction may be divid,~d into two phases. Phase I construction on Foothill Boulevard should stop at p,~int beyond which it requires a permit or permanent easement for construction ~f the line up to Lime Avenue Pump Station. During the construction stage of Plase I, all necessary efforts will be made to require necessary permits or permanent easement, whatever the case may be, by Hall .& Foremen and the City, to add the remaining line via change order to the original contract. County Permit - Sewer Line on Beech Avenue Hall & Foreman will make all necessary efforts to obtain the County permit for installation of Beech Avenue sewer line, on the County own d property 'as: their review. After which they will be able to issue the necessar~ permit to the City. I Cost Estimates HaJid of Hall & Foreman is to submit to the City a revised cost estimate of the project, based on changes in construction methods and revisi>n in plans required due to unavailability of all the required T.C.E.'s, as yell as new restrictions imposed by Celttans regarding saving of trees, etc. Temporary Construction Easement Hr. Kobayashi is to pursue property owners on Beech Avenue t~ obtain the remaining temporary construction easements. To assist him in his work, he has partly by the City. Presently property owners are under the imp ession that there is no such strip of land between adjacent properties. Ad4itional Work Order: I Hall and Foreman will submit a detailed breakdown for the additional work order they have submitted for approval. cc: Annivory Calvert YP:p1 CXTY OF FONTAliA CALXFORNI[A NENORANDUN TOt Foothill/Beech Sewer Project File FRON: Bob ~eddle SUBOECT: Right-or-Nay DATE: June 29, 1989 It is my understanding that the only permanent right-of-way we hav~ along Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline is an old twelve foot wide strip edicated to the County and/or City. Koby Kobayashi has been directed to acquire temporary constructi n easements along this strip and he is nearing completion of this assignment. Normally I prefer a minimum of 15' to 20' wide easements for lolg, hard to reach areas for ease of maintenance (see attached Yorba Linda crib~ria). This would apply to repairs or annual cleaning of the sewers. In reviewing the proposed general plan document circulation element exhibit, Beech is to be a secondary highway in this general location {see attached). In as much as this area will be.required to dedicate the ultinate street right-of-way, we will only have to live with a narrow right-of-wa for a few years, in my opinion. The option of acquiring permanent maintenar rights to a 15 to 20' width would delay the project and possibly add much higl~er costs of acquisition. Enclosures cc= Annivory Calvert Earl Smith Yousuf Patanwala Koby Kobayashi Bob Doss RW=pl ~ ,,,,,,,,~....,| . ~...-.-., ~" .i~,,,.¢~. · .,,,--','.. ...."~ -., ..........-,. .................................................t ..........Z ...... IIIII Malor HIghway ~--- Industrial Collector · Construct Ne~v Interchange IIIIIII Primary Highway ,,~,~, Collector Street I|ll[llrlllT/Secondary Highway ,,,,,,,,, Local Street FONTANA !Exhibit CIR-2 General Plan 1989 Recommended Street Classi.fications · ',,,...., '~'. - ,.,-, ...... .....,-,,..!. '-,,::, ',, i-.7-. %..-, ','-, .. ~,:,,~ :.:..--'..,.':-:.:', .'%' .!. ~ j~--~:-',,-~,';:-f-::'---i ..:-i. 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':.-~ ~., ~ .%'-:z'~ ,%'I',, ~ ;., :<%. ,-.t _4%;.:,,.-'~ Z,-.~': .'~ :.-,"":,-:;-,..:,.":' .,"-'. --, .-' ......~ .......--..~ ;--'%':.--' BY ~1 [ CHK DATE BERRYMAN & STEPHENSON INC. ~60 S. ANAHI:'IM BLVD., STI~. ~'00~ .~NAHI~IM~ CALIFORNIA ~1~80.~ I (7141956'4770 SH~;'T ~!=' .......... ..J i l Pot. 8..,wanda V#neyaras. ,v,.~./ ,, ....I: L.. -- ~ 'S MILLER AVENUE S ~ -- Pot. Et'W~nda Vine~,ards M.B. 17/; I Nc , _., ..---~,;-J.~..-BASE~V~INE-,.,, -- =~,..-,~ __ .-~ ........... _~; ~--. ~.'~ $ 4.29/~C ' 430 AC ! 227 AC ~'~, 14 ,'~C, 45 AC 25 AC 25 AC 45 9.55 AC SAC ss t ~ ~ ~s ~ ,. ,. ,.t,%..,~,, ,. "Lfi,~"~"~=' '~ '''~ ~ 35 ~ sse CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND $UR'tEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (71!) 641-8777 Comments or Action Required (PHONE, CA M City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Yousuf Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant III %~ SUBJECT: Brief Summary of Meeting with Property Owners on Foothill Beech Sewer Project DATE: May 31, 1989 Property owners raised various issues during this meeting some of which were project related and some were not. One thing came out clear--they axe extremely dissatisfied with previous City officials because they fee] that in the past the city did not keep promises that were made to them. ecause of their past experience with the city, 'they don't seem to cooperate.with · the city on this project and refuse to provide voluntary constructior easement on their property to facilitate the construction of this project. After a couple of hours of discussion with the property owners, it a~pears that if the city could provide some fair compensation to the r pe ~ owners p o rt , for their inconvenience and for disturbing their businesses as well as prov- iding owners with a fixed dollar figure of what it would cost 'to eac' indiv- ation h i r o ion easements to the city. Beside these temporary construction easements city requires one permanent sewer easement and must proceed with necessary property appraisal p[ocess as property owners are not willing to make voluntary easements. As property owners are not ready to give voluntary construction easements to the city, City Engineer Bob Weddie has asked Hall & Foreman to ckeck into alternate design options and obtain rider permits from Caltrans to allow for lane closures on Foothill Boulevard and to find out what hey would require in order to do so. Also Hall & Foreman has been aske. to include in specifications and detail on plans for contractors that lhey will be required to provide proper access to eacb property during construction. In the meantime Kobayashi will check with property owners of vacant lots to see if they will allow to stock pile dirt on their lot during construction and will pass on the information to Hall & Foreman to assist themir preparing project specification. Eiichi Kobayashi is to provide city with a proposal for obtaining easements through Eminent Domain procedure. YP:lf cc: Annivory Calvert - Director Public Works Bob Weddie - Interim City Engineer Shou-Tai An - Project Engineer, Hall & Foreman Susan Roshan - Project Coordinator, Hall & Foreman Eiichi Kobayashi - Right of Way Acquisition Consultant, Kobayashi & Associate City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Foothill Interceptor Sewer File FROM: $o~ Weddle, Interim City Engineer .~{~d SUBJECT: Caltrans Funding for Foothill Boulevard Widening DATE: May 19, 1989 In the process of acquiring temporary construction easements from tlte property owners along the construction zone, some of the property owners haw requested that when the existing curb gets removed for the sewer construction that the , . curb be replaced in its ultimate location. The extra cost for the de 1 plans, , s gn construction cost, etc., was expected to be covered by Caltrans or the City of Fontana. The City's sewer project, as I understand it, is funded entirely from the sewer fund. As a restricted fund it cannot be used for roadway widenings-~just street replacement costs associated with the sewer construction. I further under- widenin re uest and as mater of ol 1 ,the widening of a state highway. On May 12, 1989 I contacted Mr. George Boom, Senior Civil Engineer !nd Branch Chief of the Project Studies Branch-Caltrans District, and per Mr. Boom: 1) Caltrans funding is very tight. The state is using as mbch of its money as possible for federal matching fund projects. P~ojects h i e . m e r gas tax increase vote and resolution of Gann limit. 2) Large projects must go through the STIP (State Transportiation Improvement Program) p~cess for state wide project selecltion. It could be a very lengthy process and must have a good icost/benefit analysis. For example, what benefit does the street widening provide; i.e. increased travel lanes, or enhanced safety and accident ~reduction (that can be documented, etc.). 3) Smaller projects (less than $300,000) are handled localliy, but there is alot of competition and the projects also go through ~the cost/ benefit analysis. The bottom line was that he could not say "do not submit" a request for Cal- trans funding the Foothill Boulevard widening. The process is lenEthy; competition for funds is great; and the likelihood of getting money is remote based upon a cost/benefit anal~sis~ in my opinion. BWW:ca cc: A. Calvert, K. Kobayashi; Kobayashi & Asso., J. Hogan; Hall &'Foreman, Y. Patanwala, G. Boom; Caltrans District 8 FON068-22/3036F/j In 02/14/87 ORDINANCE NO. 867 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 26-39 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF TNE CITY OF FONTANA, OF SEWER CONNECTION FEES, AND DECLARING AN URGENCY WITH RESPECT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Amendment of Subsections (f) to {i) of Section 26-39(f) Of the Municipal Code of the City of Fontana. Subsections (f) to (i) of Section 26-39 Of the Municipal Code of the City of Fontshe are hereby amended to read as follows: "(f) The provisions of this Section 26-39(a}, (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall continue to be applicable to all areas of the City exclusive of (i) the North Fontana Redevelopmeat Project and (ii) areas within the City boundaries as the same exist or as may hereafter be amended which are benefited by the sewer facilities to be financed and constructed within the North Fontana Redevelopment Project and such other areas that may be served by such sewer facilities financed and constructed pursuant to this Section 26-39(f) to (J) (the areas described in (i) and (ii) above being defined herein as the "Benefited Area"). The sewer connection fees to be paid to the City within the Banefired Area shall be in the amounts as hereinafter set forth in Section 26-39(g), (h) and (i); provided, however, that the sewer connection fees of the City shall be those which are applicable as of the effective date of the Ordinance approving this Section 26-39(f) to (j) if the provisions of Section 26-39(g), clauses (i), (ii) or (iii), have been met. The City may pledge to any Person any and all sewer connection fees attributable to the Banefired Area as a reimbursement to such Person for the principal of and interest on any conventional loans or on any financing undertaken by the City for the construction and installation Of master planned sewer facilities through either the Municipal Improvement Act Of 1913 and the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 or the Mello-Roos Co~ununity Facilities Act of 1982 or such other similar municipal bond acts where the real property of such Person is subject to foreclosure or sale for nonpayment of such principal or interest and such Person continues to pay the applicable sewer connection fee whether pursuant to an agreement with the City or pursuant to the schedules as set forth in subsections (h) and (i) hereof. The City may enter into reimbursement agreements with such Persons which reimbursement agreements shall be approved by the City Council specifying the precise terms and provisions of the reimbursement of sewer connection fees for the debt service payments on any loans obtained by such PerSons or financings undertaken by the City pursuant ~o said fin~ncln~ ~cts. The City may also pledge any sewer connection fees collected within the Banefired Axaa as provided in Section 26-39(g), (h) and (i) to any trustee or other Person for the purpose of implementing any financing of master planned sewer facilities within the Banefired Area pursuant to a lease-purchase agreement or an installment sale agreement. .. (g) All property Owners within the Banefired Area and any other person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, association or other legal entity (collectively defined herein as "Person") may purchase sewer connection rights from the City Page i of 5 by the payment of a sewer connection fee in cash equal to six hundred dollars ($600) per equivalent dwelling unit as further defined in the City of Fontaria Municipal Code ("EDU") for a period of thirty (30) days commencing on March 3, 1987. In lieu of the actual payment in cash during such thirty-day period, any such Person may either ~) dedicate ~actlities in lieu of fees to the City within said period of time, (tl) on or before the expiration of such thirty-day period have completed procedures pursuant to either the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 or the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 or such other similar assessment proceeding for the formation of an appropriate district under either or both of such scts or such other similar assessment proceeding and all procedures shall hsve been completed to ensure that funds shall be available when requested by the City to provide for the construction end financing of facilities in lieu of sewer connection fees required under this Section 26-39, or (iii) on or before the expiration of such thirty-day period have entered into a development agreement with the City pursuant to Government Code Section 65864, st. seq., wherein the sewer connection fees have been established to be the ~mount in effect ss of the date of the ordinsnce spproving such development sgreement. Any Person complying with the provisions Of (i) or (ii) above for the express purpose that such compliance shall be in lieu of payment of sewer connection fees shall be deemed to have paid a sewer connection fee equal to six hundred dollars (8600) per EDU, and, if compliance is sought by such Person as to (ii) above, ssid six hundred dollar (8600) sewer connection fee per EDU shall he applicable in determining the number of EDU'S for which the sewer connection fee will be waived irrespective of the actual date that master plsnned sewer facilities are actually installed by such Person. Any ~erson complying with the provisions Of (iii) above shall be entitled to pay said six hundred dollar (8600) sewer connection fee per EDU in cash in connection with application for $ building permit for the property subject to such agreement, without regard to the fee schedules contained in Subsections (h) and (i) of Section 26-39. With respect to that certain property included as of the date of the Ordinance approving this Section 26-39(f) to (j) within the West End Specific Plan and/or Community Facilities District No. 2, the sewer connection fee shall be egusl to six hundred dollsrs (8600) per EDU without regard to the time when such sewer connection fees are actually paid, and the total estimated sewer capacity to be .considered by the City Engineer as hereinsfter provtded~or purposes of determining the time or times when sewer connection rights may be exercised by any Person complying with the provisions of this Section 26-39(f) to (j) shall take into account any sewer connection rights, and the tim~ ~!rovid~d for the ex~rc~s~ thereof, s~bject to reimbursement agreements in effect as of the effective date of the Ordinance enacting' this Section 28-39(g) with the Owners of property Within the West End Specific Plan, and such rights and the times provided for the exercise thereof subject to oral or written agreement with the Cucamonga County Water District. The payment of sewer connection fees. under Subsactions (f) through (j) of Section 26-39 by any of the methods enumerated therein, and the receipt by the City of such fees, shall not constitute the acceptance thereof by the City, or the sale of the sewer connection rights for which such fees are received, until the same shall have been approved and accepted by the City Engineer. Payment of such fees and the receipt thereof by the City shall constitute only an application for the sale of such connection rights. Such approval and acceptance by the City Engineer on behalf of the City shall contain appropriate Page 2 of 5 Any Person not entering into a deferred payment agreement within said second thirty-day period, shall not be entitled to thereafter enter into a deferred payment agreement and to pay the sewer connection fee pursuant to this subsection (h) but shall st sll times pay the applicable sewer connection fee amount pursuant to subsection (i). Any Person that does not install facilities in lieu of fees putsuser to clausff (i) of subsection (h) of this Section 28-39 within the ther ~ described thirty-day period may nevertheless install facilities in lieu of fees at a subsequent date as may be either specifically set forth or permitted in a deferred payment agreement either whereby a Person hss specifically agreed to so install facilities in lieu of fees at a specified subsequent dste or to prepay sewer connection fees under a deferred payment agreement provided that the dollar amount of the sewer connection fee to be applied as a credit by virtue of the installation of facilities in lieu of fees at such subsequent date shall be that dollar amount applicable to a particular fiscal year pursuant to this subsection (h). (i) In the event additional sewer connection rights remain available in the determination of the City Engineer within the Banefired Area after the payments in cash during the initial thirty-day period pursuant to (g) above and after the approval by the City of deferred payment agreements pursuant to (h) above, the City msy sell additional sewer connection rights and collect sewer connection fees therefor in the amounts if paid during the fiscal years as set forth below for each EDU: Fiscal Year A~ount 1986-87 $1,000 1987-88 1,100 1988-89 1,210 1989-90 1,331 1990-91 1,464 1991-92 1,611 1992-93 1,772 1993-94 1,949 1994-98 2~144 Psyment of the above set forth sewer connection fee at the time of issuance of a building permit shall be applicable within the Banefired Area after the expiration of the initial thirty-day period and for those Persons not executing a deferred payment agreement within the next succeeding thirty-day period thereafter. SECTION 2. ProSram Rescission. It is the intention of this Council that funds be generated by the procedures established under this Ordinance in such amounts and st such times as will be sufficient to support the financing Of sewer facilities. If, after evaluating the applications received by the City for cash sale of and deferred payment 'agreements for sewer connection rj. ghts, the City Engineer, in his sole discretion, determines that the procedures established under this Ordinance are unworkable or will not result in sufficient funds being ~cei~ed for such financing, the City Engineer shall make his recommendations to this Council in regard to amendment Or recission of this Ordinance, and this Council will then consider appropriate action. In the event this Council should rescind this Ordinance, the City Engineer shall return funds received and any deferred payment agreements and any other documents received pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance and no Person shall be deemed to have acquired any rights to receive sewer service or to compel the City to provide any such sewer service. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately as an Urgency Ordinance pursuant to the provisions of Section 36937 of the California Government Code. This Page 4 of 5 conditions in regard to when such sewer connection rights may be exercised. Any other provisions of Subsections (f) through (j) to the contrary notwithstanding, the acceptance of such fees and the sale of such rights shall not constitute a right connect to said sewer line immediately or at any particular time other in conformsnce with such appropriate conditions, it being the intent of Subsections (f) through (j) hereof that sewer connection fees be paid and sewer connection rights be sold in advance of the time when capacity can be made available for the exercise of such rights. The number of sewer connection rights to be granted by the City in accordance with this Section 26-39(f) to (i), inclusive, shall not exceed the number of EDU'S that are anticipated to serviced by the City at the time or times provided for such rights to be exercised, as determined by the City Engineer. The City Council shall, by resolution, provide appropriate criteria for the determinations to be made by the City Engineer hereunder and procedures for the implementation said Subsections (f) through (j). (h) After the expiration of the thirty-day period as set forth in (g) above and if unsold sewer connection rights are available, the City may for an additional thirty-day period enter into deferred payment agreements with Persons who shall secure or guaranty the payment obligation of the future sewer connection fees by either depositing a letter of credit or other surety or guaranty with the City in a form and substance acceptable to the City Attorney or by recording such deferred payment agreement as to the property as .owned by such Person within the Benefited Area which deferred payment agreement shall contain provisions to enable the City to foreclose upon such agreement as recorded against the real property securing the payment of the sewer connection fees and to sell such property to recover the amount of the sewer connection fees which are due and owing and unpaid as of any date specified in such deferred payment agreement, or as to any other Person not then a property conditions in regard to when such sewer connection rights may be exercised. Any other provisions of Subsections (f) through (j) to the contrary notwithstanding, the acceptance of such fees and the sale of such rights shall not constitute a right connect to said sewer line immediately or at any particular time other in conformance with such appropriate conditions, it being the inten~ of Subsections (f) through (j) hereof that newer conneltion fees be paid and sewer connection rights besold in advance of the time when capacity can be made available for the exercise of Such rights. The number of sewer connection rights to be granted by the City in accordance with this Section 26-39(f) to (i), inclusive, shall not exceed the number of EDU'S that are anticipated to Serviced by the City at the time or times provided for Such rights to be exercised, as determined by the City Engineer. The City Council Shall, by resolution, provide appropriate criteria for the determinations to be made by the City Engineer hereunder and procedures for the implementation said Subsections (f) through (j). (h) After the expiration of the thirty-day period as set forth in (g) above and if unsold sewer connection rights are available, the City may for an additional thirty-day period enter into deferred payment agreements with Persons who shall secure or guaranty the payment obligation of the future sewer connection fees by either depositing a letter of credit or other surety or guaranty with the City in a form and substance acceptable to the City Attorney or by recording such deferred payment agreement as to the property as owned by such Person within the Benefited Area which deferred payment agreement shall contain provisions to enable the City to foreclose upon Such agreement as recorded against the real property Securing the payment of the Sewer connection fees and to sell such property to recover the amount of the sewer connection fees which are due and owing and unpaid as of any date specified in such deferred payment agreement, or as to any other Person not then a property owner within the Benefited Area seeking to purchase Sewer connection rights shall deposit a letter of credit or other Surety or guaranty with the City in a form and substance acceptable to the City Attorney., Such deferred payment agreements shall provide for the payment of sewer connection fees in the amounts if paid during the fiscal years as set forth below for each EDU: Fiscal Year Amount 1986-87 $ 660 1987-88 726 1988-89 799 1989-90 878 1990-91 966 1991-92 1,063 1992-93 1,i69 1993-94 1,286 1994-95 1,414 A.~ ~r~n ~S an obl~.qnr under a deferred payment agreement may prepay any sewer connection fees previously co~nitted to in such deferred payment agreement in an amount equal to the dollar figure representing the sewer connection fee as applicable in the fiscal year in which a prepayment occurs, and such Person shall be deemed to have prepaid the Sewer connection fee for the latest fiscal year for which Such obligor has committed to pay Such sewer connection fee and for which there exists an unpaid amount whether or not the same is due and owing in the fiscal year during which the prepayment occurs. The prepaymen- of a sewer connection fee in advance of the previously co.-unitted schedule of payments as applicable tO a Person under a deferred payment agreement shall not preclude such Person from obtaining building permits from the City at such time if all other conditions of the City for the issuance of a building permit have been satisfied. Page 3 of 5 Council hereby finds and determines that: (i) the immediate establishment of procedures for the orderly implementation of Ordinance No. 856 which became effective on February 5, 1987 is essential to the preservation of the public health and safety. the existing sanitary sewer system of the City of Fontshe, including the proposed Etiwanda Interceptor Sewer Line, is not sufficient for the needs of the City, (iii) the Municipal Code. as amended by Ordinance No. 856, fails to provide for the allocation among persons paying s~er connection fees of the limited sewer capacity available and fails to provide for the acceptance by the City of sewer connection fees in advance of the availability of sewer capacity, (iv) it is essential to the implementation of the City's master planned sewer program that the City presently be able to accept cash payment of sewer connection fees for sewer capacity and connection rights to be provided by the City at a future date as determined by the City, and that the City not be obligated by the acceptance of such cash payments to provide immediate service, and (v) the cash payment period established under Ordinance No. 856 has commenced without procedures being in effect for the allocation of sewer connection rights among applicants and it is essential that the procedures and policies established herein be effective immediately. This Ordinance shall be published once in the The Herald-News, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Fontaria, within fifteen (15} days after its adoption. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ]7~b day of F~1987. f the Ci City Clerk I. Patricia M. Murray, City Clerk Of the City Of Fontana and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, was introduced and passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the ]7~h day of February , 1987, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Simon: Councilmen Boy]as. Day. Koeh]er NOES: Councilman Krapness ASSENT: None city C,ier h C~6f *on~ans I Eurt~er testi~y that said ordinance was thereupon signed by the Mayor of the City of Fontshe. ntanaf Page 5 of 5 ~ RECORD OF E ERSATION TELEPHON CONV CITY OF FONTANA Job No. ~ Project BSI-PO06 2/80 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND ~URVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMI'I'I'AL DATE: 05/03/89 JOB #: 3904-02-43 TO: CiTY OF FONTANA - Engineering 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 ATTENTION: Yousef Patanwala and Felip~ Molinos REGARDING: Meeting with Cat Trans on 4/48/89 CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith is a copy of the meeting summary. BY: Ray O. Vincenti, P.E. Construction Admin. Manager CC: /ib 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 ~4AY 08 '89 16:26 ~'.i WEBB All~rt A. W~bb Assoclate~ W.O. Consultin En Ineers Pile ~v~de, ~ 9~5~2973 TeX h~ ~4 ~61~o ~ (714) To: CITY OF FONTANA ATTENTION: YOUSUF PATANWALA FAX: 350-7691 From: WALLY FRANZ Date: May 8, 1989 Time: 4.:30 p.m. Memo: DESCRIPTION OF WORK CFD NO. 2 PHASE I Pages (Including this, cover sheet): 13 .Operator: Connle ,... HAY 08 DESORIPTION OF WORK COMMUNITY FAOI61TIES DISTRICT NO. a CITY OF FONTANA Communit~ Facilities District No. 2 ~ i are ~enerall~ described es ~ollowsz I. STREET. WATER AND UNDERGROUND UTI6ITY IMPROVEME~[I$~ I' Street Improvements, including removals, excavation ~nd g~edin~ and ~onstruc~ion o~ curbs, ~utters0 sidewalks, bridges, handiceppe~ ramps, stree~ pavement, s~reet lightin~, traffic si~ning and striping, utilicy relocet~ns~ ~d aleo, Domestic Water S~tem ~mprovemente including mains, line ~d side valves, a~r ~d vacuum release valvee, pressure educing Underground EleCtrical ~d Communications Facilities improvements, cons~r~ction and installation c~ appu~enancesanC appurtenant work in c~nnac~ion with the ~or~going, all in t. he ~ollo~ing 1ia~ed (Improvements a~e propomed ~o be constructe~ Or ins~alled in the ~ull length of the street unless otherwise .indicated.) ~ase].ine Avenue between the w~sterly leg 9f the propose Crescent 8nd E~t Avenue; The South one-hell of B~seiine Avenue between proposed ~ve Oak Avenue ~d the Residential/Industrial Boundary; and Proposed CherrF Avenue between Easel~ne Avenue and Foot~iil ~oulevard. LAve O~ Avenue from ~eselineAvenue to approximately ~800 ~eeu southerly from Baseline Avenue; Hemlock Avenue from Poo~hill Boulevard ~o approxima~el~ 1~00 feet northerly from Foothill Boulevard; Miller Avenue from proposed Cherry Avenue to approximately 1300 [eet easterly from proposed Cherry Avenue; : Proposed Miller Avenue from East Avenue to proposed He~itage Parkwayl ' Proposed Heritage Parkway, from wes~erl~ leg uP ~r~d Xvenue ~o the northerlF boundary of CPC: The proposed Sou~h Crescent, from B~eline Road to eas',e=l~ le~ Grand Avenue:. ~" Proposed O~and Avenue, From Crescen~ ~o Streeu "v" and ~he westerly le~ o~ trend Avenue [rom "V" to Meritage Parkw~; Unn~ed proposed streets. shown on the improvement pla~s and desi~ated by the following letters: la Unnamed proposal S~s, shown on ~he tmp=ovemen~ p and designated by the ~ollowip~ letters: "A" ~ Excepting domestic wa~er constructed in Phase ~ ~or Eas~ Avenue, B~eline Road and Heritage P~kw~. ZYZ. SZONALIZATZON, including ~he installation o~ ei~aliza~iOn ~ ~wo (2~ ma~or s~reeC intersections, a~ eigh~ (~) minor suree~ intersection ~d ac ~o (2) r~ilrnad crossings, incl~ding mas~a, arms, sisal heads. ceble , conduits, ~l~ings, deuices, aa~e~y lighting. appur~en~ces ~d appurten~ connection ~herewi~h a~ ~he rollowing intersections: Majo~ Intersections: F~o~htll Souleusrd and Esc Avenue~ ~d Basedins Avenue ~i~h ~-1~ Northbound On-Or~ ~ino~ Zntersec~io~: E~seline Avenue and ~he easterly leg o~ ~he Crescen~ Eas~ Avenue ~d proposed utmamed S~re~ "DD"~ ~as~ Avenue ~nd proposed Miller Avenue~ Foothill Boulevard ~d proposed unnamed S~ree~ "E~"; Proposed Cherr~ Avenue ~d proposed unn~ed S~ree~ P:oposeC Cherr~ Avenue ~d proposed Miller Avenue; Proposed Chatty Avenue and proposed ~amed S~ree~ and Prepneed Cherr~ Avenue ~d proposed unnamed S~ree~ ~aseline Avenue ~d $PRR (Proposed ~nnamed s~r~e~s are aa ~hown bF le~r de~l~a~inns on ~he improvemen~ pla~s.) ~V. SANITARY SEWER IMFROV~E~$, including maine. m~holes. ~yes. s~ub-ou~a ~or ~cure s~ree~, including appurtenances and appur~enm~ ~ork in connection ~he~i~h ~or Of~i~e $e~ers ~ sewers in certain Ar~ Backbone S~ree~a ~d in Easements ~ (~mprouemen~$ ~0 be installed generally along ~he entire length ~:nleas o~herwise indica~ed.) ARTERIAL STSEETS: NON~ P,:opoeed South Ct'eseen~., f:ou Baseline east le~ of G~m.nd; ~r~l~sedHsrl~s~Parkway, from wes~srl~ Or~d Avenue to S~t O-Or D~eM O~d Avenue, f~ Bou~ C~e~t to ~d westerly lee of Grand Avenue from B~et "V" to Unn~ed p~posed screens, as shown on ~e im9Tovemen~ plate ~d deei~mtd b~ the followin{ Euemen~m. sho~ on ~he ~mpmvemen~ ple~s ~d desi~ated by the letters "SE'* in combina~ion wiCh e d~{it as follows: "8E'1"; "BE-7*'; "S~-8"I ~d "8B'9". appu~n~ce~ ~d appu~cenent work in co~nection the~th In the followin~ streets: . Bast Avenue [=om the Easement des~mted ~mp~ovement pla~s to Foo~h~ll ~uleve~d; F~h~ll Boulev&N, from C~:T~ Aven~ ~o Heel~ AveriM; OheT~ .Avenue', ~om B~el~ne Avenue ~o Boulevard; ~d F~om Foothill Bouleva=d ~d Eas~ Avenue southe=l~ on HickoT~ Avenue to Arrow Miehway, ~hence westerly Etiw~da Avenue, thence sou~he=ly bo MaTlay ~venue. VI. STORM DRAIN 1MP~OV~E~S, tncludin~ reinfoPced culverts, ~anhole~, Juncbion structures, t~el~ion e=ruc~ures, catch basins, connecto~ pi~es, ~ppu~enaneee end aDpu~en~t work in connection the=ewith within ~he A~terial ~d Backbone S'~ree=s ~d in ~ementS as follows: (Unnamed p~oposed s=Teets ape desi~a~ed on ~he imp~ovement platsib~ and storm~ dpain easements by the letters "BD" followed bF a di~it~) AR~RIAL STRE~S: 1100 ~eet westeP1N f~om the SBC~CD ri~h~ of way ~oP k Fled Control Channel~ Poeposed Che~Py Avenue, from proposed street "1I" to pTopoeed Foothill Boulevard, f~om Hemlock Avenue to the SBCFCDMriEht of way for Et~w~da C~eek FIood Control Ch~nel. BAOKBONB ST~E~TSz Proposed Live Oak Avenue, from its southerly terminus t~ app~ox~ma~el~ 1,000 fee= southerly f~om Baseline Avenue Miller Avenue, f~m its eu~e~ly ~e~inus to p~posad 0 e~:~ enue;RA Pvopos~ He~ita~e Pa~kw~, f~om its in~eveec~ion wi~ p~oVossd s~vee~s "C" ~d "K" to i~s in~e?sectio~ wi~h p~pos~ "E"I from ln~evsec~ion wi~h p~posed s~veet "E" ~o Euemen~ "SD-6~', northerly boundary of CPC southerly =o ~he SBC~D vi~tjof.we~ for ~Etiw~de CvMk Flood ~n~ol Chnel, ~d, a~ i~e inte~bec~ions wi~h proposed s~ne~S "CC" ~d Proposed Sou~h Crescent m~ ~ts in~eveection wiEh soulbound GT~d Avenue~ ~d Pvoposed Southbound 0rand Avenue, from pvoposed South Crescent to p~posed s=vee= "V" ~d from proposed s~vee= "W" ~o Hev~age Parkway. UNNAMED PR0POS~D 'X' a~ i~s intevsec~on with "Z"; "Z"; "AA" between "V" ~d~ "Z', and, fvo~ approximately 800 fee~ northerly fToa 'Y' Co 'CC"; "CO"; "FF"; "GG". ~d "HH". EAS~ ~ "SD-2". 'SD-6"; , "SD-7"; , and 'SD-9". installation Or ivriSation sFs~ems, includin~ pipes, valves ~d sprinkler l~eads, plant mainten~ce and furnish~n~ ~d installation of appuvten~ces and pevfovm~ce of ~ppurtenent work In connection ~hevewith, all in accordance with Clue Open S~ace/Recvea~ion Concep~ ofthe Wss% End Specific Plan as foilowe: PARKWAY AND MEDIAN ~NDBqAPINO: ARTEHZALS: Baseline Avenue, southerly parkway between proposed Liv. Oak Avenue and ~he Industrial/Residen~tsl Boundary, u~, in bo~h p~Pkways and n end Proposed Cherry Avenue, bo~h parkwsys ad the u 1 mad an between Baseline Avenue ~d Foothill COLLECTOR S~E~S: Within s~ree~s in Phase I. LANDSCAPING OF PAR~, TRAILS, GATEWAYS, ENTRYWAYS. UTILZ~ AND RAILROAD Perks, Schools, School/Pavk ~d Community ~acili~ies/ Recreational/Open S~ece Areas: (Desi~aEed on the improvemen~ pla~s by name end a Park. desi~aEed Area Foothill Gateway Park, desi~a~ed as A~eas ~d "0S-5": School/Park A~as. desi~eGed as "SP-2": and School/Communit~ Facilities/Recreational/Open Space Areas, desi~ated ae Area "0S-7'., XZZ, OPERATION AND MAZNTKNANOga IncT~ded In ~he wo=k for ~he ~omm~ni~y ~eetli~tes District wtll operation and maintenance ac ities constructed by or serving the Dist~i~t, as ~ollows~ Street Lighting DeSention BaSins Fire Services Police Services Perks Landscaping A mainCer, ance district is proposed the "Landscaping and Lighting Act Streets and Highways Code of the State cf California, for ~undin~ he operation and maintenance costs for 9treat Lighting, Parks and Landscaping, costs for maintenance and operation ~o be funded by ~ha Community Facilities District No. increment funds pledged by the Fondaria Redevelopment Agency. Incigen~al Expenses: Incidental expenses include the costs fo~ design and co~:struction enginesting; landscape archi~ectt:rel design~ compensati~n o~ ~he City Engineer For plan checkAn.g, inspection, administrative costs and monitoring of the proJect~ permits| soils and materials tssting~ construction management and supervision; and, ~ontract administration. DRSCRZ[~ION O~ COMMUNITY FACILITZF3 DISTRICT N0. CITY 0F FONTANA PHA~B2 The works of imp=ovemen~ pTopose~ ~o Community Facilities Dis~=ict No,. 2 in the Ci~ ~ene=ally described aa ~ollows:. S~I~E~T, WATER AND UNDEBOROUND UTZ~ITY IMPROVEMh~TS~ ~reet ~mp~ov~men~s, ~ncluding ~emovals. excsve~icn end g= ~n~ and ~he cons~uu~ion o[ curbs. &l~te~s~ 8~ew&iks~ mains. line and side v~lves, ai~ end vacuum Tele~e veives, lpressu~e ---~,,^~*~ -.-~ .... ~1~,.,~;,~ oo~hl~e~ ~ropoeed $ou~h Crescent, ~om e~ le2 o~ O~d Beeline ~o~; P~pos~ Heri~a2e Pa:kw~, northerly o~ ~t~e~ easterly ~p~matelF ~0~' ~m "E-E" ~d ~ p~ximit~ or "H" P~sed ea~ leg o~ ~r~d Avenue, ~rom "V" Sb~t Heribis Unn~ed Proposed Streets, as 2hown on the improvemen~ ~pls~s ~d desi~ated b~ the ~ollowing "L"; "M"; "~"; "BE"; Easements sho~ on the imp~ovemen~ pla~s ~d desi~a~ed by the letters "SE" in combination wi~h a digit as ~ollows: v. OFFSITS SANITARY SEWER IMP8OV~, including installation and cons ~ruc bion o~ mains, m~holes, casin;s, pavement ~moval and replacement, a~urtenances ~d appur~en~ work in connection therawi~h in the foliowin; s~ree~s: NONE VI. STORM DRAIN IMPROVerS, including reinforced concrete pipe~ ~d box cu!vePts. m~holes. ]unction s tPuc~u~es, ~B~tion s~uc~u~es connec~o~ p~pss, eppur~en~ces ~a ep~uP~enBn~ work in ~onnec~ion ~ithin the A~'teT!al and Baukbone S~ee~ ~d in Easements as ~ollow~ "S" , and ~torm dr2in eesements ~y the lettePs D followed by ARTERIAL S~EM: BACKBONE STREW: P~oposed Heri~e Parkway, F~om approximately 50 fee~ . easterly of proposed sCree~ "M" to Easement from proposed street "DD" sou~hePly to the CPC northerly Boundary. ~NAMED PROPO8~ "J"~ "N"; "0" between "N~ ~d E~ement "P" between "8" ~d South~und 8~d Avenue~ "S" f~m approximately ~00 ~eeC northa~lX from "M" to "N", f~om "P" to eppPoxima~ely 800 no~thePly from "P', and at i~s intersection with '~T"; "T" i "U"; "V", VII. ~D~C~I~Q, including pl~tlnB of ~es, shahs, ;~o~d cove~ ~d othe~ pl~ts, soil ~d~en~. furnishtn~ ~d s~eadtng ~opsotl, fertilizer ~d ~ulch, installation of irvi~aticn systems, l~cludin2 pi~s, valves '~d spvin~lev he~ds, :pl~t mainten~ce ~d fu~shinS ~d inst~lation of appurtea~ceS ps~fov~ce of appurtsn~ work ~n connmc~iOn therewith, all in accvrd~ce with the Open Sp~ce/Rec~sa~ion Concept of the West End Specific Pl~ as ~PARKWAY AND ~' B~sel~ne Avenue, southevl~ F~kway, from east le~ of " Orescent ~o the Zndust~a~/ReSidential Boundary, and both, parkw~s ~d the full medi~ between ~he east ~d the west le6 of the p~opos~ Cvsscent~ Foothill Boulevard, the North Parkw~ between Hemlock ~venue ~d Eas~ Avenue~ ~ast Avenue, the East PaPkw~ between Baseline Avenue ~d Pwt~ill Bouleva=d. COhLECTOR STRE~ Within s~reets in Parkways and medians of all streets shown on the improvement plat, planned and designated by letters, within the proposed3CPD boundaries, and also. those portions of proposed HemloCk Avenue, proposed Live Oak Avenue and of proposed Street "C" which are shown on the plat but lie outside the proposed CFD boundarieS. LANDSCAPING OF PARKS TRAILS, GATEWAYS, ~NTRX~AY$, _UTILITY A~D RAILROAD Perks, Schools, School/Perk and Community Faciltties/Recreational/0pen Space Areas: (Designated on the improvement plats by name and a .letter/digit designation.) East Village Park, designated Area P-l; Scl~ool/Park Areas, designated as Schnol/Communi~y Facilities/Recreational/Open Space Areas, designstsd aa Areas "OS-l', "OS-Z", "0S-3", an "S-I" PEDESTRIAN'TRAIL LANDSCAPING . .-. .. All trails as shown on the improvement plats, not included in Phase I. OAT~AY AND I~ITRY~AY LANDSOAP~NO~ (Foo~hill Oatsway Pa~k)| Crescent ~tries, rrcm east ~e~ of er~d Aven~ Bueli~ Ro~; Middle & southerly Ormnd Avenue PCC appu~ten~es ~d appurten~ work in co~ton ~he~tth ~t the Etiwanda 'F da o He~ta~e Parkw~ at two locations in i~s westerly loop, the northerly east-wes~ le~ ~d ~he sout'he~ly po~t~on of the north-sough.leg. the portion bet~en B~el~ne Avenue ~d ~e 8PRR included in ~echa~neling o~ S~ Sevsine ~io~ to the ~tiw~da C~eek Ch~el ~e ~onst~uc~ton of ~empo~y ch~el ~mp~ov~en~ ~d ~l~ control basin e~Cavat~on a~ LoWe~ $~ Soysine Burn ~o provide for ~he ~unc~ion~n~ AlcePnatives fOP~ the Wesb End Specific PZ~ as p~epa~ed by B~11 Mann end Assocte~es, dated NovembeF, 198~. ('Inclusion o~ the po~tiono~ t~e fZO~d contPol channel between Baseline Avenue ~d the SPRR in Phase Z ~eview ~d maF be included in Phase IZ.) 0FFSITE DRAINAGE, Double Reinfo~ced Cono~ete Box, appurtenances ~d appu~ten~t work, from ~O00' easte~ZF of Etiw~d. C:eek ~he eas~ C:escent. XI. SERVICE FACILI~I~: OPERATION AND MAIliNGS: Inchlded in ~he work fo~ the Communit? Facilities Dfs~?ic~ will be operation and mainten~ce of faciiiCiee constructed bF oP sePvin~ the Dis~ict, as follows: St~eet LiZhtin~ Detention Basins Fire Services Police Services Parka L~dacaping Pert 2 o~ Division 1~ o~ ~he Streets and HiShways Code ~ the State o~ CalA~ornia, for ~dt~ the o~ra~on ~d m~n~ costs S~ LightinS, Pa~ks ~d L~dscap~2, wi~ ~e costs special t~ ~d b~ ~u inc~ment r~ds pled2ed bF the Font~a Redevelopmerit Incident~ e~enses inclUde~ costs ~or desi~ ~d c struckion en~neerinS~ l~dsca~ archi~ectur~ ~si~ compensation o~ the City ~gineer ~or pl~ che~in2, inspection, administrative costs ~d monitoring o~ ~he project2 permi~sJ soils ~d ma~er~.al testing; cons~ructi~ m~agem~t ~d supe~ision~ ~d contract ) ~9P/85-203 KOBAYAEHI & ABOOCIATEB 11~5 N, 0mkdale, P.O. 8o× 3788, ~ullerton, 0elifornie 98631 · ~14) 7~8-4~44 P.O. Box .615 Fontaria, CA 92335 S~ject: City of Fontana - Proposed Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Interceptor Sewer Project - Parcel No. 37 '- Dear Mr. Bono: A project is being undertaken for the installation of a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenue (future street). The project is intended to provide the area with needed sewer facilities. Our records indicate that you are the owners of a parcel of property fronting on Foothill Boulevard identifLed as Assessor's Parcel No. 228-251-37. The sewer line will be installed within the existing Foothill Boulevard right of way. However, in order to construct the sewer in the manner proposed, the contractor will need to enter upon the front portion of your property for a short period of time during the pipe installation operation. The firm of Kobayashi & Associates has been retained and assigned to assist in handling rights of way concerns and obtaining permissions from property owners to enter upon their properties for this project. Therefore, we ask for your permission to enter upon your property to accomplish this project. Enclosed is a Temporary Construction Easement document which will allow the City of Fontana, its assigns and contractors to enter upon your property. This document will not be recorded, and therefore, your signatures do not ha~e to be notarized. All work will be performed in a workmanlike manner and consistent with the City of Fontana's construction contract requirements for the installation of public improvements. Upon completion of the sewer construction, your property will be restored to a c)ndition equivalent to that existed just prior to the commencement of construction. This Temporary Construction Easement will terminate upon completion of construction and said restoration of our property. If you approve, please execute the Temporary Constructlot Easement document and return it to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. I will forward it to the City for its use. Your voluntary dedication of a temporary construction ease ent is very much appreciated. If you desir& additional information Or have any questions, please call me at (714) 738-4644. Thank you. Sincerely, KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES CC: John Juan Ray Vincenti Enclosures THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby a~knowledged, FRANCES BONO ; do e__shereby grant to the CITY OF FONTANA, a Municipal Corkoration, a Temporary Construction Easement to be used in conjunctioh with the proposed Sewer construction in Foothill Boulevard, across ithe real more particularly o tat "Exhibit B" and made a part hereof. : Together with the right of enter upon and to pass and rep,ss over and along said easement and right-of-way and to deposit tools,i implements, and other materials thereon, by said City, its assigns an~ agents, Temporary Construction Easement 1 e a u completion of the sewer construction and restoration of Grantor's property. Dated: CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING , LAND SURVEYING LEFFER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 04/20/89 JOB #: 3904-05, 3809-004 TO: WEBB AND ASSOCIATES 3788 McCray Riverside, CA 92506 ATTENTION: Wally Franz REGARDING: Foothill Boulevard CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith are three blueline sets of the Sewer Plans, tot check of the revisions and review. Please have the City Engineer approve same. BY: Ray O. Vincenti, P.E. Construction Admin. Manager cc: George Shambeck, John Hogan, Jim Maltland, Roger Watson - H&F Roger Hatch, Doug Ford, Jeff Jastram - Fontaria Heritage Anniuory Calvert, Yousef Patanwala - City of Fontana Engineering /gi ! 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (~14) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING PROJECT NAME/LOCATION Foothill Blvd. - Sewer JOB # 3904-02 CLIENT NAME City of Fontana MEETING SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 3/28/98 LOCATION: City of Fontana ATTENDEES: Jim Bevins - Gas Co. Roqer Bauchman - Gas Co. (NAME/CO.) Bob St. John - Gas Co. Harry Frankland-G.E.Goodrich John Juan - City of Fontana Ray Vincenti - HiF SUMMARY PREPARED BY: Ray Vincenti MEETING PURPOSE: To determine if Gas line could be saved D allel to the ar sewer construction or must it be removed. ACTION ITEMS: RESPONSIBLE WHEN TASK PARTY DUE 1. Jim Beyins-Lines are steel and can remain in place durinq excavation. Gas Co. Contractor must be careful not to hit them even though there would be only 1' to 2' clearance between edge of trench 14' deed & Gas line. 2. Ray Vincenti-If this is true, will the Gas Co. be prepared to protect their line and H&F assume the liability? 3. Roqer Bauchman- No! the contractor must Gas Co. be responsible. (Additional tasks listed on reverse side of this sheet.) DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 4/4/89 - CITY HALL CC: ATTENDEES, John Ho~an, George Shambeck, Ann Ivory, Calvert Bob Doss, Mike Cordova (see reverse) 42,5 SUMARY 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (71I) 641-8777 I CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LANb SURVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 04/12/89 JOB #: 3904-02 TO: CALTRANS 247 W. 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92403 ATTENTION: Bruce Haskins REGARDING: Permit Application to Caltrans Tree Cutting or Removal CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith are six sets of sewer plans, permit applicationL and photos of the construction area. As you stated, there are no fees due from the City of Fontana. However, the contractor will pay a fee. The City of Fontaria requests a permit for this work. Please advise as soon as possible due to previous permit issued. BY: Ray Vincenti Construction Admin. Manager cc: George Shambeck, John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Shou-tai An John Juan, Annivory Calvert /kd 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 April 21, 1989 Job ~3904-02 42,5:L14 City of Fontana Interim City Engineer P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Bob Weddle Regarding: Status Report for the Foothill Trunk Sewer Jine and Beech Interceptor Line The following is as requested: 1. Temporary R/W needs to be obtained at this time. It will be difficult for the contractor to be confined to the existing R/W. See cross-sections of excavation shown on the plans. 2. A traffic control plan is needed to provide one lane of the State Hwy. to be used by the contractor during the construction period. A proposal for such a plan has been sent to the City for authorization. 3. The soils report is needed for the bid package and & proposal for the report has been sent to the City for authorization. 4. Caltrans permit has been obtained for the sewer construction, and an auxiliary permit has been requ6sted to remove or cut down all the trees necessary in the State R/W. 5. A meeting is scheduled with Caltrans on Friday 1:00 P.M. at their office: 247 W. 3rd St., San Bernardino, with ~ichard myself, to review the proposed construction d traffic control, and any other problems of backfill'and construction anticipated. 6. Fontana Water Co. is preparing plans for the 16" water main to be placed 28' north of the centerline from Cherr~ Ave. to Redwood Ave. for Hilton, Hemlock, Redwood streets. They should be ready in 2 weeks according to Frank LoGui~ice of S.G.V.W.C., (818) 448-6183. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 City of Fontana -2- April 21,~ 1989 7. The Gas Co. is planning line relocations from the ~outh side of Foothill, according to Ken Wayer of S.C. Gas (7~4) 335-7756. Blvd. was sent to the So. Pacific a t . on 1/17/89. Mr. Hamilton was called and reported these were sent to San Francisco for approval on 4/18/89. I do not know how soon we will receive the license. I estimate it will be three weeks. 9. The estimated quantities were revised and sent to t~ e City a o t · 10. t v e p s to Webb Associates for their review of the Sewer Pl~ans from Cherry to Lime on Foothill, and for the Beech Ave. Interceptor with the recent revisions, so the sameFaybe approved by the City Engineer. 11. The schedule for construction should be delayed by One month to a mid-July anticipated start date, due to the mahy items now being reviewed and delay in temporary R/W permission. (See copy of schedule attached.) HALL & FOREMAN, INC. Construction Admin. Manager ROV:dt Attachments cc: Yousef Patanvala, Annivory Calvert - City of Fontala John Hogan, Mike Cordova, George Shambeck - H&F CITY ~ ~NT/NG~NC/~ ARE.' DAT: 01/23/89 ~.. ~qC/. MALL &FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)641-8777 ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION 3904 002 TO: CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT CODE: JOB DESCRIPTION: MA~TER PLAN P.O. BOX 518 TRUNK FOOTHILL BLVD.~AND BASE LINE AVENUE. AREA E. OF H~MLOCK AND N. FONTANA, CA 92335 OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TRACT # ATTN: MR. JOHN JUAN - ENGINEERING Upon your written approval, we will perform the following lpecifically described additional work pursuant to our meeting 1/19/89: A. SURVEY FOR OBSTRUCTIONS TO CONSTRUCTION OF REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT IF NEEDED. B. PLOT SUCH OBSTRUCTION ON PLANS & ANALYZE ACTION. C. ADD i-LATERAL TO LOW SIDE OF EACH PROPERTY 8" V.C.P. FIOM MAIN TRUNK TO 6' BELOW SURFACE FOR THE FUTURE CONNECTION. D. REVISE ESTIMATE FOR CHANGES. E. PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO R/W ACQUISITION & MEETXNGS. The Client agrees to compensate Consultant for the above Named services as follows: TIME AND MATERIAL WITH AN ESTIMATED COST OF $12.000.00 Invoicing for this work will reference Hall & Foreman's Project Code 3904-002 CONSULTANT:~~ BY: ROBERT H. DOSS TITLE: PROJECT DIRECTOR Accepted - the above prices and scope of work of this additional work authorizations are satisfactory and hereby accepted. All:work is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the original contract unless otherwise stipulated. CLIENT: BY: TITLE: Distribution: Client, Bob Doss, Jon Sollie, John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Ray Vincenti, Financial File 42,5 ADDWRK CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING January 24, 1989 Job #390!4-00 42,5 L6 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: George Caswell, Deputy Director of Public Wbrks Regarding: Foothill Trunk Sewer (Hemlock Ave. to Lime Ave.) and Beech Ave. Interceptor Main We are ready to prepare the bid package for the sewer extension of the Foothill trunk sewer, starting at Heml~ock and proceeding easterly, per the signed plan. You havei authorized the R/W acquisition for areas as needed for the sewer construction. The sewer and storm drain construction west of Hemlock,~ (part of the Heritage project) has not yet gone to contract and it may be several weeks before it goes to public bib. Our plans call for our proposed line to tie into the Heritage construction east of the Hemlock Ave. intersec!tion. Heritage is placing the storm drain and sewer at the 2~ethe time, so that all excavation can be done at once and traffic control on Foothill can serve for both faciliti!es, thereby saving both money and time. We believe that it would be a great savings to the Cityi if we designed the storm drain parallel to the sewer on , costs and double costs for K-rail and traffic control agd also reduce the time effort involved for the City to ob,tain the easement for construction. Therefore, we are prepared to complete the Storm Drain iPlan in the next 10-weeks to continue the in-place construct.ion at Hemlock and Foothill Blvd. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · ('~14) 641-8777 City of Fontana -2- January 24,4989 We estimate the design and project management of the storm drain already covers this area. The construction cost for this 900' of storm drain and temporary inlets is estimated at approximately $100,000 and the City may save 25% in construction costs by simply doing the storm drain simultaneously with the sewer as it is being done on the portion to the west of Cherry Ave. If you would be amenable to this very important savingof cost, time and effort, please provide us with authorization to complete the balance of the main Storm Drain line in Foothill Blvd. immediately. Your timely attention and response to this matter is urgent. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. ROV/kd cc: John Hogan, Bob Doss, Jim Maitland, Mike Cordova, !Rick Doolittle Jon Sollie, Shou-tai An~ Susan Roshan, George Shambeck ~,.~~ dyo = 77. ~ C.F. ~. · .- (;',~T;~,,'~,~:) ~'~"""""""""""""' ! AYE. ~ VE. ~ ~' ~VIL ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING LAND SURVEYING ~EPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISD~ ;'" CITY OF F-~NTANA , -~ ,'..c...,$.~ u.o.,v ! / " DISTRIBUTION BALAI4CE S -"P </' ?~'// 'CHANGE ORDER AMouNT oF ,NcRE~sE ~','-~ '~'~" / AMOUNT OF DECREASE $ TO: PURCHASING, TOTAL ADJUSTMENT $ 7'4~ ?//(.' (// FROM: ~hmblj c Work~/Mngineering COMPLETION DATE .~""17 '~/ Oepadment P.O. PACKET NO. CHANGE ORDER NO. TO PURCHASE ORDER NO. 9053 VENDOR Hall & Feremant Inc. PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF file PURCHASE ORDER WITH THIS FORM. - PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE LINE: X. XXX INCREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF INCREASE $_ 12_, 000 ~ DECREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF DECREASE S_ _ ~ CANCEL PURCHASE ORDER ,~. ~__ CHANGE ACCOUNT NUMSE~ JUSTIFICATION Additional services provided which were not _covere,~, in contract_agreement. Council ap_proval March 21, 1989. ACCOUNT ~ · ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNt REMSED ~DATE: 01/23/89 HALL & FOREMAN, INC. REVISED:01/27/89 3170 REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)641-8777 ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION TO: CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT CODE: 3~04-002 JOB DESCRIPTION: i MASTER PLAN P.O. BOX 518 TRUNK FOOTHILL BLVD, AND BASE LINE AVENUE. AI{RA E. O~ HEMLOCK AND N. FONTANA, CA 92335 OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TRACT # ATTN: MR. JOHN JUAN - ENGINEERING Upon your written approval, we will perform the following specifically described additional work pursuant to our meeting 1/19/89: A. SURVE~ FOR OBSTRUCTIONS TO CONSTRUCTION OF R~MOVAL ~D REPLACEMENT IF NEEDED. B. PLOT SUCH OBSTRUCTION ON PI,~NS & ANALYZE ACTION. C. ADD 1-LATERAL TO LOW SIDE OF EACH PROPERTY 8" V.C.PJ FROM MAIN TRUNK TO 6' BELOW SURFACE FOR THE FUTURE CONNECTION~ D. REVISE ESTIMATE FOR CHAjqGES. E. PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO R/W ACOUISITION & MEETINGS, The Client agrees to compensate Consultant for the abov~ named services as follows: TIME AND MATERIAL WITH A NOT TO EXCEED ESTIMATED COST 0F $12,000000 ALL REPRODUCTION WORK AND PROCESSING TIME NOT INCLUDED Invoicing for this work will reference Hall & Foreman's Project Code 3904-002 CONSULTANT: ~ ~ BY: ROBERT H. DOSe TITLE: PROJECT DIRECTOR Accepted - the above prices and scope of work of this ad [itional work authorizations are satisfactory and hereby accepted. Ai~ work is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the Original contract unless otherwise stipulated. CLIENT: BY: TITLE: Distribution:Client, Bob Dose, Jon Sollie, John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Ray vincenti, Financial File 42,5 ADDWILK A.E.DA iTEM 8F CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT March 2]. 1989 Consent!Calendar Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Hayor and City Council FROM: Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director ; SIJBOECT: REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,000 IN CONT CT WITH HALL & FOREMAN FOR THE PREPARATION OF HASTER PLAN FOR TRUN~ SEWER-- FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, BASELINE ROAD, AND BEECH AVENUE IN NORTH FONTANA CURRE]frACTION REQUESTED: P T - TO APPROVE THE APPROPRIATION FROM SEWER FUNDS OF $12 000 TO ROJEC 71 7218 FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING THE CONTRACT WITH HALL'& FOREMAN FBR THE PREPARATION OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR TRUNK SEWER--FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, BASELINE ROAD AND BEECH AVENUE IN NORTH FONTANA. FISCAL IMPACT: ~ Yes ~ No BACKGR(Xll): The Ctty now has a contract wtth Hall & Foreman for the preparaUon of a Master Plan for Trunk Sewer--Foothill Boulevard, Baseltne Road, and BeeCh Avenue In north Fontaria. Th~s project is vital to the development of a sewer system for north Fontaria. Addltlonal work ts needed on the development of the Master Plan beyond what was Included 4n the ortgtnat contract whtch was tn a!not-to-exceed amount of $61,128. The attached proposal for add4tlonal work authortzatlon was submitted to the C~ty by Hall & Foreman and details the work which will be covered by the not-to-exceed amount of $12,000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copy of proposal from Hall & Foreman dated January 23, 1989 for additional work authorization City Counctl Minutes 2 March 21, i989 B. Approving the City Treasurer's attendance at the TREASURER California Municipal Treasurer's Association Conference. CONFERENCE NO 89-114 C. Adopting Resolution No, 89-48, commending Assemblyman ~COMMEND Jerry Eaves andthe organizers of Government Day. J. EAVES RES 89-48 D. Reaffirming council caction of November 17, 1987, in REAFFIRM ACTN support of Alexander Gee's claim filed with the Publtc GEE'S CLAIN Utilities Commission for a wider, toll-free ca11ing PUC service area through Pacific Bell for Fontaria residents. MO 89-115 E. (1) Accepting as complete the subdivision improvement in ~ADPT RES 89-49 Tract 12750 and authorizing related actions and (2) ,TRACT 12750 adopting Resolution No. 89-49, accepting the sewers tn ACCPT SEWERS Tract 12750 as part of the sewer system. F. Approvfng the appropriation from sewer funds of $12,000 APRV SEWER to project 71-7218 for the purpose of increasing the FUNDS CNTRCT contract with Hall & Foreman for the preparation of the 71-7218 master plan for Trunk Sewer--Foothill Boulevard, Baseline HALL&FRMN Road and Beech Avenue in North Fontana. TRNK SEWER MSTR PLAN !NO 89-1Z6 G. Accepting final map for Tracts 13085, 13085-2 and 13136-1 tCPT NAPS accepting as public all dedicated Streets and easements, FRACTS 13085, and authorizing the proper City officials to enter into [3085-2, an agreement with the subdivlder for the construction of [3085-2 improvements in said tracts. tO 89-117 H. Dlrectlng staff to place the issue of school facilities ~CHOOL FACS related to growth on the Apt11 18th Council agenda. ~PRIL 18 AGEN 0 89-118 Z. Adopting Resolution Ito, 89-5(3, joining the Congress of OBSERVE the United States in observing the week beginning March NATIONAL CONN 24, 1989, as "National Community Development Week 89". IEVEL WEEK ES 89-50 J. Adopting Resolution No, 8g-51, authorizing close out of UTH CLOSE all City/County CBDG acttvltles and reqeust balance of UT CBDG FUNDS funds be used for Joint Ctty/Councty project to ES 89-51 construct a new headstart facility in the North Fontana Community, K. (~) Adopting Resolution !1o, 89-52, acknowledging a loan .DPT RES 89-52 from the Fontana Redevelopment Agency, authorizing and RDA LOAN Narch 21 1989 standard provisions of agreeliJ~t are distributed by: V Cdirornio Council nd uru jou Folm 8M 84~1 A ~ 1973 by California Council o[ Civil Engineers and Land Suweyors (EO r Office Use) STANDARD PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLIENT AND CONSULTANT AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO AT City of Fontaria, San Bernardino County made this~0th day of ~ovember , 19 37 , by and between __ The City of Fontana ' " ~3~3 Sierra, Fontana, CA 92335 hereinafter called "client," and Ball & Fore_rngn, In~. _ .... 31~0 Re,hill Ave _ Costa Mesa, CA 92626 _ ~ herdhalter called "consultant." Cl~ent~ntends ro~JonStruC~ an inter'c~ptor sanitary sewer !in~ ~n right-o~-way o~ Foothill Bled, and Beech S~ he~e~nafte~ called 'p~o~cct' Ihe p~esent ~eco[d owner B: Name:~ , ~i~y of Fontaria Addless: 8353 6ierrg Font~na, CA 92335 Ybe ~ende~ g (~f none~ state below): Name: _ ~o~e Address: ...... ! Client and consultant for mutuaFconsideration hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: F " A. Consultant agrees to perform the following se~ices: See Attached Exhibit "B", "C", and "D" ~OD~ of Wor~ 8. Client agrees ~o compensate coss~Ran~ fo~ s~ch services as follows: Se.e A~tached ~hi~it "E" Fee andsPayment Schedule S~ Attached Exhibit "F" Rate Schedule C them has ~ead and ~nde~s~ands aH ~be s~anda~d P~ovB~ons of Agreement set forth on the ~eve[se hereof and the [xh~b~ts he~eto~ and agrees aH Standaid P[ov~s~ons a~d [xhib~ts ale a ] part of this Agreement and are binding on client. [ elient'8 initials D. ClientandconsultantagreethatthelatepaymentchargeprovidedforinParagraph33of the Standard Provisions of Agreement shall be ~. 5~ pO~ ~O~h , ~. This a~raament is null and void ~f no~ axecu~ed~i~h~n ~5 days of ~he prepared ~ cl~ent'slnitials ' da~ te a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accep d, m de and executed this agreemen 'upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT: HALB ~ FOREMAN, I~C. ~: CIT~ ONTA~A (Print) (Print) Title _ President litle ~ayor Address_ ~170 Redh~ll Ave. Address~ 8353 S~erra Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Fon~ana~"~23aS Client should mail compleled co.lract to the address 8how. for consulla.l. NoarD PROVISIONS OF a reeme Client and consultant agree that the following provisi6t.s sha]l be par of their agreement! 1. This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of client and consultant. 2. This agreement shall not be assigned by either client or consultant without the prior written consent of the other - 3. This agreement contains the entire agreement between client and consultant relating to the project and the provision of services to the project, Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations or representations not expressly set forth in th is agreement are of no force or effect Subsequent modifications to this agreement shal[ be in writing and signed by both client and consultant. 4. Consultant's waiver of any term, condition, orcovenant, or breach of anyterm, condition, o~covenant, shall not constitute the waiver of any other term, condition, orcovenanL or the breach of any other term, condition, or covenant 5. If anyterm, condition, or covenant of this agreement is he~d by a court of competent jurisc~iction to be invahd, void or unenforceable. the remaining provisions of this agreement shall be valid and binding bn client and consultant 6. Consultant is t~ot Tespo~sible for delay caused by a~tivities or factors beyond consultant's reasonabfe control, including but not limited to, delays by reason of strikes, lockouts, work slowdowns or stoppages, accidents, acts of God, failure of client to furnish ime y n o ma on o app ore o disapprove consultant's work prom ptly, faulty performance by client or other contractors or governmental agencies. When such delays beyond consultant's reasonable control occur, client agrees consuitant is not responsible in damages nor shall consultant be deemed to be in default of this agreement 7, Consultant shall not be liable for damages resulting from the actions or inactions of governmental agencies including, but not limited to, permit processing, environmental impact reports, dedications, general plans and amendments thereto. zoning matters, annexations or consolidations, use or conditional use permits, and building permits· 8. Consultant shall only act as an advisor in all governmental relations. 9. In the event that client institutes a suit against consultant. either directly by complaint or by way of cross-complain~, including a cross-complaint for indemnity, for alleged negligence, error, omission, orOtherfailuretoperform, andifclientfailstoobtain aiudgmentinclient'sfavor, thetawsuitisdismissed, orifjudgmentisrenderedforconsultant, clientagrees to pay consultant all costs of defense. including attorneys' fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and any and all other expenses of defense Client agrees such payment shall be made immediately following dBmissal of the ca~e or upon entry of judgment· G0. If any action at law ~r equity, including an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, Which fees may be set by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose, in addition to any other relief to which he may be entitled· 11. Client agrees that in the event client institutes litigation to enforce of interpretthe pfovisionsofthisagreement, such litigation is to be brought and adjudicated in the appropriate cou~t in the county in Which consultani~s principal place of business is located, and client waives the right to bring, try or remove such litigation to any other county or judicial district, 12. All original papers, documents, drawings and other work product of consultant, and copies thereof~ produced by consultant pursuant to this agreement, except documents which are required to be filed with public agencies, shall remain the propercy of consultant and may be used by consultant without the consent of client. 13. All sewices provided pursuant to this agreement may be used by client only for the proiect described on the face hereof· 14. Client and consultant agree to cooperate with each other in every way on the project· 15. Upon written request, client and consultant shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, such additional instruments and documentswhich are necessary to perform the terms o this agreement 16. This agreementshall not be construed to alter, affect orwaive any lien orstop notice rightswhich consultantmay have forthe performance ofservices pursuant to this agreement· 17, 7 ~fpaymentf~rc~nsu~tant~sservi~esist~bemade~nbeha~f~fclientbyathird~party~ender`c~ientagree~ ha consu an sha notbe requiredtoindemni~thethird-parb/lender, in the form of an endorsement Or otherwise, as a condition of receiving payment for services. 18. Consultant makes no representation concerning the estimated quantities and cost figures made in connection with ~aps, plans, specifications, or drawings other than that all such figures are estimates only and consultant shall not be responsible for fluctuations in cost factors· 19, Consultant does not guarantee the completion or quality of performance of contract or the completion or q~ality of performance of contracts by the construction contractor or contractors, or other third parties, nor is he responsible for their acts or omissions 20. Consultant makes no warrantyI either express or implied, as to his findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice except thattheworkwas performed pursuaht to generally accepted standards of practice in effect at the time of performance 21. Consultant makes norepresentationsconcerningsoilconditions unless specificallyincluded in writinginthisagreement, and he isnotresponsibleforanyliabilitythatmayariseout Of the making or failure to make soil surveys, or su~surface soil tests, or general soil testing, 22. Estimates of areas provided under this agreement are not to be considered precise u~less consubant specifically agrees to provide the precise determination of such areas 23. In theeventthatchangesare made inthe plans and specifications byclientorbyanyotherpersonotherthanconsultant, whichchangesaffectconsultant'swork, anyand all liabigty arising out of or resulting from such changes is waived by client against consultant, and client assumes full responsibility and liabilib/for such changes unless client gives consultant prior written notice of such changes and consultant consents in writing to such changes, Client agrees to indemnif,/consultant against any and all liability, loss, costsl damages, fees of attorneys and other expenses which consultant may sustain or incur as a result of such unconsented changes. 24. Clientagreesnottouseorpermitanyotherpersontousepans, dawngs, o o he d~cument~preparedbyc~nsu~tant,whichplans~drawings~~r~therd~cumentsarenotsignedby consultant Client agrees to be liable and responsib e o anysuch use o uns gned pans. drawings, or other documents not signed by consultant and waives llabiity against consultant for their use 25. Consultant has a rightto complete all servicesagreed to be rendered pursuant tothiscontract. In the eventthis agTeement is terminated beforethe completion of all services. unless consultant is responsible for such early termination, client agrees to release consultant from all liability for work performed. 26. If the client fails to pay consultant within thirb/(~0) days after invoices are rendered, client agrees consultant shall have the right to consider Such default in payment a material breach of this entire agreement, and, upon written notice, the duties, obligations. and responsibilities of consultant under this agreement are terminated· In such event, client shag promptly pay consultant for all fees, charges, and services provided by consultant, 27. Client agrees consultant will not perform o~site construction review, construction managemeng supervision of construction of engineedng structures or other construction supervision, for this project unless specifically provided for in this agreement, and that such services will be per[ormed by others, and client will defend, indemni~, and hold consultant ha~m~e~fr~manyanda~iabi~ityadsingfr~m~rresu~tingfr~mtheperf~rmance~fc~nstructi~nreview~c~ns uc onman~gement,supervisionofconstructionofengineeringstructu~es, or other construction supervision by other persons or entities· 28. Client agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction practices, construction contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for iob site conditions during the course of construction of the pro oct* including safety of all persons and property that this requirement shall be made to apply con inuously and no be med to normal working hours, and client further agrees to defend, indemnif'/and hold consultant harmless from any and all liabilit,/, real or alleged, in connection With' the performance of work on this proiect, excepting liability arising from the sole negligence of consultant. 29. Client agrees to limitconsultant's liabilityto clientand to aft contractors and subcontractors on the project, due toprofessional negligence, acts, errors or omissions of consultant, to the sum of $50,000 or consultant's fees, whichever is greater. 30. Clientagreestopurchaseand maintain, dudngthecou~se ofconstfuction, builder'srisk"all risk" insurancewhichwill name consultantasan additional insured astheirinterestmay ATTEST: De~u~City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: lb EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "A" (r~o#~c,v.) DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS ~)- m~.t: Whereas the Consultant intends to provide engineering and surveying services to facilitate construction of the Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Line in the City of Fontana, County of ~an Bernardino, California. This contract for engineering se:'vices has been prepared based upon normal construction procedures al~d discussions between representatives of both parties. The Scope of Work (Exhibits "B", "C", and "D") specifically state thos, services to be performed and are subject to the following Data and Assumptions. 1. This contract shall be based upon the master plan, initial engineer and topographic survey for the subject project, completing by James L. Dotson, Civil Engineer. 2. Those items of work which have not been specifically utlined additional services and subject to negotiation. So as to avoid delays, the consultant will begin work on these additional services upon the Client's verbal request. A "Confirmation of Work" slip shall be signed by Client or his field representative for such additional work until the supplemental agreement is signed by Client and Consultant. 3. It is understood that the project will be divided int~ three separate plans as follows: Phase I - A 24" line from Cherry to Beech. Phase II - A 21" line from Beech to Base Line. Phase III- A 10" line from Beech to the existin~ pump station approximately 2300 feet east of Beech. -2- EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" SCOPE OF WORK ~.~ The consultant agrees to furnish services for the following items: 1, Preparation of plans and specifications for sanitary sewer line construction using the flows established by the City Of Fontana Master Sewer Plan, 2, Preparation of easement documents to assist the City Staff in acquiring the required easements for the project, ~ . 3, Monitoring of the project during the bidding and c structlon On periods by performing the tasks set forth in Exhibit i'C". 4, Providing a Resident Inspector who shall perform the duties set forth in Exhibit "D" for the construction of the sewer lines and furnishing part-time inspectors to assist the Res:.dent Inspector should the construction schedules require, 5. Providing a topographic survey of Phase III from Beec] to the Pump Station. -3- EXHIBIT "C" (b&ibit EXHIBIT "C" PROJECT MONITOR (CITY OF FONTANA) The tasks of Project Monitor shall include, but not be linited to, the following: 1. Review plans and specifications for the improvements )roposed to be constructed. 2. Monitor bidding and award of contract procedures. S. Review bid proposals and make recommendations to the City as to the award(s) of Contract. 4. Review contracts and utility and railroad agreements. 5. Attend pre-construction conferences. 6. Review construction contract change orders and make recommendations thereon. 7. Perform periodic on-site observations of the work in progress as a basis for determining that the improvements are being constructed in accordance with the Contract documents, 8. Review and verify Contractor's monthly progress estimates and payments made thereon. 9. Furnish periodic reports of progress of the project a~ required. a 10. Provide supervision of any construction inspectors assigned to the project by Hall & Foreman, Inc. ll. Maintain files of information pertinent to the construction of the improvements. 12. In company with authorized representatives of the City, the Contractor and Landowners, perform final inspection of the work performed under various contracts and make recommendations as to acceptance of the work. -4- EXHIBIT "D" EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS I 1. Review the construction schedule prepared by the Contractor for compliance with the Contract and give advise to the P~oject Monitor concerning its acceptability. 2. Attend pre-construction conferences. Assist in arranging a schedule of progress meetings and other Job conferences as required in consultation with the Project Monitor and Contract Supervisor. 3. Serve as the Project Monitor's liaison with the Contract SupervisOr. i 4. When required, assist the Contract Supervisor in obta ning from the Contractor a list of his proposed suppliers and , subcontractors. 5. Assist the Contract Supervisor in obtaining field samples of materials delivered to the site which are required to!be furnished and keep records of actions taken by the Contract Supervisor. 6. Receive approved shop drawings and other submissions ~rom the Contract Supervisor; record data received, maintain a~file of the drawings and submissions, and check construction ~or compliance with them. , 7. Alert the Contractor's field superintendent when he observes materials or equipment being installed before approval of shop drawings or samples, where such are required, and advi~se the Contract Supervisor when he believes it is necessary disapprove work as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. 8. Conduct on-site observations of the work in progress ior the Director of Public Works as a basis for determining that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract~ Documents. 9. Verify that tests required by the Contract Documents ~re conducted and that adequate records thereof are maint:ined; observe, record and report to the Project Monitor appropriate details relative to the test procedures. -5- ~.~ EXHIBIT "D" (~t'&Iblt No.] EXHIBIT "D" ~ I C~=: CITY OF FONTANA ~""'~) DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS I (continued) lOo Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or Other outcome of these inspections and report to the nitor. 11. Consider and evaluate Contractor's suggestions for modifications in drawings or specifications and report them with recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project' Monitor. 12. Keep a diary of log book, recording hours on the Job ~ite, weather conditions, list of visiting officials, daily: activities, decisions, observations in general, and s'ecific 13. Maintain a set of drawings on which authorized changes are noted, and deliver to the Project Monitor at the completion of the Project. 14. Furnish the Project Monitor daily written reports of progress of the Project and Contractor's compliance with the a~proved construction schedule. . 15. Consult with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor in advance of schedule major tests or start of important phases o~ the Project. 16. Review applications for progress payment with the Conlract Supervisor and Project Monitor, noting particularly their relation to the work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site. 17. During the course of the work gather Assembly Guarantees, Certificates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals and o~her this material i p a forwarding to the Director of Public Works. 18. Prior to final inspection, submit to the Contract Supei. rvisor and Project Monitor a list of observed items requiring correction and verify that each correction has been made. -8- EXHIBIT "D" EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA c~ t: c~.,: DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF ALTHORIITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS (continued) 19. Conduct final inspection i.n the company of the City ENgineer, the Contractor and the Project Monitor, and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. 20. Verify that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor concerning acceptance. 21, LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Except upon written instructions of the City Engineer, the Inspector: A. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contra~t Drawings. ?s Contractor, the subcontractors r field superintendent. C.Shall not expedite the work for the Contractor. D.Shall not advise on or issue directions relative to any Contract Documents. ~ E. Shall not participate in specialized field or lab ratory tests. ~ Shall not engage in or become a part Of any disputes between the Contractor and/or his subcontractors ~nd/or material suppliers involving labor disputes, work materials delivsries, quality or manner workmanship, of materials, etc. (Where reference is made to" t me~ n Supervisor" or "Project Monitor" it shall also a the City's Senior Construction Inspector if desired b~ City.) -7- E, HIBIT "E" ~(b&ibie N,,) EXHIBIT "E" FEE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE The Client agrees to compensate the Consultant, as compensation for the services indicated in Exhibits "B", "C" and "D" (Scope of Work), on an hourly basis in accordance with the Standard Rate Schedule indicated in Exhibit "F", with a maximum fee not to exceed the following: Phase I Foothill Blvdo - Hemlock.to Beech Item 1 Design & Easement Documents ....... $7,160.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $1,155.Q0 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $3,815.00 Phase II Beech - Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Item 1 Design &Easement Documents ....... $14,534.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $3,380.00 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $11,190.00 Phase III Foothill Blvd. - Beech to Pump Statio~ Item 1 Design, Survey & Easement Documents $13,524.60 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $1,240.00 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $5,130.90 -8- EXHIBIT "E" (w'Aib~t N,,) ~F~, 0~,, U:,) EXHIBIT "E" '. ) FEE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE (continued) HALL & FOREMAN, INC. will bill Client monthly as the work progresses on a percentage of completion basis to be determined at the end of each billing period. Invoices shall be considered due and payable upon presentation. Both parties agree that all fees (including fixed fees an~ standard rate schedule) stated herein are effective from the date of this contract to July 31, 1988. MISCELLANEOUS FEES The Client shall pay the costs of any governmental fees applicable, title company charges, well monument, messenger or delivery services, outside vendor and inhouse blueprint and reproduction costs. aerial topography, and other outside consultant fees, incurred at Client's request. Mileage charges for Inspectors shall b~ $0.50 per mile. Miscellaneous fees will be billed monthly as they are incrrred. -9- EXHIBIT "F" EXHIBIT "F" (,F~ 0~, SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES August 1, 1987 'through July 31, 1988 OFFICE: Principal $105 00 per ~o' Senior Project Manager ............ $ 85.00 per Hour Project Manager ................... $ 70.00 per ~our Project Engineer .................. $ 65.00 per our Senior Designer ................... $ 56.00 per our Designer .......................... $ 51.00 per Hour Senior Dra ter .................... $ 45.00 per Drafter ........................... $ 40.00 per Secretary/Clerk .................... $ 25.00 per FIELD: I Survey Manager ......................... $ 70.00 per ~our 3-Man SUrvey Party ..................... $165.00 per hour 2-Man Survey Party ..... ................ $130.00 per hour SERVICES AND EXPENSES: $0.75 per minute for services of In-House Computer $2.00 per minute for services of In-House Plotter $0.50 per mile for tile Inspector's Mileage NOTE 1 In the event this agreement is 'breached, terminated, cancelled, or extra work is required, then Client shall pay Consultant Fer the foregoing. NOTE 2 e c se of~overtime, Above schedule is for straight time only. In th a the rate charged will be 11/2 times the hourly rate show , and for Sundays and holidays, 3 times t'he hourly rate shown. NOTE 3 Schedule above is also to be adjusted in accordance with ~aragraph 35 of the Standard Provisions of this agreement. -10- AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES CITY OF FONTANA THIS AGREEMLNT, made and entered into this ~day of 1988, by and between the City of Fontaria, a Municipal Corp(ration, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Kobayashl & Associates, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, CITY is undertaking the construction of sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly extension of Be~ch Avenue. WHEREAS, CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT for the purposeiof providing right of way acquisition services for this project. WHEREAS, CONSULTANT, is considered professionally competent to provide the services to accomplish the right of way acquisitions for this project. WHEREAS, CITY seeks voluntary dedications of easements frol~ all the property owners from whom rights of ways are needed for th~s project at this time. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and CONSULTANT, for the considerations stated herein, agree as follows: I. SCOPE OFSERVICES CONSULTANT agrees to provide those services described as f~llows: 1. Preparation of correspondence to property ownersi to acquire the easements.. ~ 2. Incorporation of legal descriptions unto appropriiate easement deed forms. 3. Conduct negotiations with property owners. 4. Meet with City staff and consultants involved in this project. 5. Prepare status reports. 6. Prepare right of way cost estimates and outline ~rocedure should voluntary dedication method to acquire easments be unsatisfactory or incomplete. All work will be provided on an as-needed basis as authoriz d by the CITY and performed in accordance with State laws and regulations governing the acquisition of property and property rights bF public agencies. II. COMPENSATION CITY, agrees to compensate CONSULTANT as follows: 1. Compensation is on an hourly fee rate of $70.00 per hour. h monthly basis, showing the time spent and a brief descrip- tion of the work performed. 3. Total payment for services to be provided by CONSULTANT shall not exceed the following amounts. For calendar year 1988 - $ 7,000 For calendar year 1989 - 15,000 III. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT CITY may terminate this Agreement by written notice to CONSULTANT at any time and for any reason. In the event of such termination, the CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed to date notice is give by CITY. All work completed by CONSULTANT to date notice is given shall be delivered promptly to the CITY. CITY OF FONTA!N~ K~BAY OCIAT S By: city READ AND~EGAL F ' . DEPA ENTAL RECOMMENDATION: D~TE: 01/23/89 HALL & FOREMAN, INC. REVISED:01/27/89 3170 REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)641-8777 ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION J S 'BLV BASE LINE P.O. BOX 518 AVENUE. AREA E. OF ~EMLOCK AND N. FONTANA, CA 92335 OF lOOTHILL BLVD. TRACT # ATTN: MR. JOHN JUAN - ENGINEERING Upon your written approval, we will perform the following specifically described additional work pursuant to our meeting 1/19/89: A. SURVEY FOR OBSTRUCTIONS TO CONSTRUCTION OF REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT IF NEEDED. B. PLOT SUCH OBSTRUCTION ON PLANS & ANALYZE ACTION. C. ADD 1-LATERAL TO LOW SIDE OF EACH PROPERTY 8" V.C.P. FROM MAIN TRUNK TO 6' BELOW SURFACE FOR THE FUTURE CONNECTION. D. REVISE ESTIMATE FOR CHANGES. E. PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO R/W ACOUISITION & MEETINGS. The Client agrees to compensate Consultant for the above named services as follows: TIME AND MATERIAL WITH A NOT TO EXCEED ESTIMATED COST OF $12,000.00 ALL REPRODUCTION WORK AND PROCESSING TIME NOT INCLUDED Invoicing for this work will reference Hall & Foreman's Project Code 3904-002 CONSULTANT: ~ ~ BY: ROBERT H. DOSS TITLE: PROJECT DIRECTOR . additional work Accepted - the above prices and scope of work of this authorizations are satisfactory and hereby accepted. All work is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the or!iginal contract unless otherwise stipulated. CLIENT: BY: TITLE: Distribution: Client, Bob Doss, Jon Sollie, John Hogan, susan Ros~an, Ray Vinoenti, Financial File 42,5 ADDWRK City of Fontar..a C A L I F O R N I A February 23, 1989 File; Project 71-7218 - Beech Avenue Sewer :ain Kobayashi & Associates P.O. Box 3729 Fullerton, CA 92631 Attention: Eiichi Kobayashi Enclosed are the 75 sheets of Fontana City letterhead and 75 [ity envelopes requested by you in relation to the meetings which 'ou are planning with residents affected by the Foothill/Beech Aw!nue Sewer Main project. , The City Council Chambers have been reserved for the meetings on March 9, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. and on March 16, 3:00 - 6;00 p.m. Annivory Calvert By: Wilma Pinsak Secretary Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 City of Fonta a C A L I F 0 R N February 14, 1989 File: Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attention: Robert H. Doss, Director of Engineering Subject: Change Order No. 1 for Project 71-7218 Enclosed for your files is a fully executed copy of Change Order No. 1 for Project 71-7218~ Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road and Beech Avenue in North Fontana. ~ If you should have any questions regarding this matter, pleaselcon- tact this Department. ! Annivory Calvert Public Works Director Acting Deputy Public Works Director AC:GC:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O, BOX 518) FONTANA, CALiFORNiA 92334-0518 {71+) 350-7600 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMI'I'FAL DATE: 02/09/89 JOB #: 3906-02 3905-02 3904-02 TO: CITY OF FONTANA Dept. of Public Works 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 ATTENTION: George Caswell Acting Public Works Director REGARDING: Contract Change Order No.1 CONTENTSANDREMARKS: Transmitted herewith is the signed Contract Change Order No. 1 for your signature. Please send a copy when it has been fully executed. BY: Robert H. Doss, P.E. Director of Engineering CC: /dt 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 City of Fontana CALIFOBN1A February 3, 1989 File: Project 71-7218 RECEIVED HALLANDFORE~AN, INC. Hall & Foreman ~~ 3170 Redhill Avenue B O g ~989 Costa Hesa, CA 92626 , ~ D ,, //~OLITTLE ~ Attention: Robert H. Doss ~ Enclosed is Contract Change Order No. 1 extending by $12,000 the plrchase order for your services in relatiou to Hall & Foreman's work on th~ Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road & Beech Avenue in North Fontana. Please execute the Change Order and return it to me in the Public ~orks Department, Engineering Division. After it has been fully executed, a copy will be provided for your files. ~ If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this Department. ~ G Acting Pu lic Works Director GC:ll Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 City of Fonta a CALIFORNIA January 6, 1989 File: Project 71~7218 Foothill & Beech Seer Trunk Line Hall & Foreman 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attention: Robert H. Doss · . . .... nthe completion of the project. The purchase order is being process- ed through the Finance Department. Hopefully this letter will encourage you not to set the project in a dormant mode. If yOU should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Annivory Calvert Public Works Director By: John T. Juan RCE/LS Project Manager AC:JJ:ll cc: Ray Vincenti, Hall & Foreman 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (71~) 350-7600 City of Fontana CALIFOBNIA Pebruary 3, 1989 File: Project 71-72118 Hall & Foreman 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attention: Robert H. Doss Enclosed is Contract Change Order No. l extending by $12,000 the purchase order for your services in relation to Hall & Foreman's work on the Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road & Beech ~venue in North Fontana. Please execute the Change Order and return it to me in the Publi~ Works Department, Engineering Division. After it has been fully executed, a copy will be provided for your files. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please c6ntact this Department. GC:ll Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 FUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard, Baseline h ue in North Fontana ~ TO: HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes fro~ the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications or the contract. A. Survey for obstruetions to ooustruetion of removal and replacement if needed. S. Plot such obstruction on plans and analyze action. I C. Add l-lateral to low side of each property 8" V.C.F. from main trunk to 6' below surface for the future conuection. D. Revise estimate for changes E. Provide technical assistsnet to right-of-way acquisition and meetings. Total Amount of Change Order No. 1 $12,000.00 We, the undersigned contractor, have 8ivan careful consideration;to the change proposed, and hereby agree, if this proposal is approv~d, the= we wil~ provide all equipment, furnish all maCerials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessar~ for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. By reason of this proposed change, 20 days extension of ~ime will be allowed. Accepted= HALL & POREMAN Approved: Robert H. Doss George Caswell Pro~eet Direc~or ~ating Public ~orks Direetor Ti~le Dater Date: ~ ..... y 9 ~a~ **NO~** NO CB~UNGES CAjBE M~3)E ON ~ FOR PURC1~ASING USE ONLY A C~SE~ ~E O~ DISTRIBUTI )N BAL. DEP~~ ~GE O~ OF [NCRE~SE $ M~E O~DM ~O~T OF )EC~ASE $ TOTAL A~S~NT $ PURC~S Ie'~G Public Works Department - En~lneerinE Division Department REQUEST P.O. # 9053 ,VENDOR Hall & Foreman. Inc. Please check appropriate line: x Increase Decrease Cancel Account number(s) addition Inthe amount of $ ]? o0o i~ON: Contract Chan~e Order No. ] ~s in the procp~s of hetng ~e.ted%te provide for ~ad~t~nn~l ~prv~n~ Frnm ~]1 ~ ~rpm~n ~n thp dP~ign nF tbp M~q~r %Pl~D F~r T~un~ Sewer, Fonthill Bn. lpv~a ~nd B~el{ne ~n~d ~Tp~ R~Rt nF Npmlnnk ~nd N rth nf [nnth~l] Boulevard, The addltlbnal items covered by Contract Change Order No, i are necessary for the development oE thfs sewer system. If there ls more than (1) account number involved, please use the bottom of this form. ACCOONT ~ $/%Ie3ONT ACOOONT ~ $ AMOUNT _ ~ February ?, 198q DEP~ w~AD DAB · Pr.~-ASE At~rAC~ A COPY OF ~ ~E O~ ~ 'r~8 ~ ~VISED 1-15-8 CITY OF FONTANA~ REQUEST FOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FUND: 77- DAT~: Feb. 2, 1989 Request is hereby made for a transfer: Account ~ Account Name Beginning Adjustment Balance FROM: (For Finance Use Only) 9000 bnaDDropriated Fund Balance $ !$ TO: 71-7718 79 Hall & ,FordmaD, Tnc. $12,000.00 JUSTIFICATION: The City now has a contract with Hall & Foreman for ~the preparation of a Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Road, area East of Hemlock and North of Foothill Boulevard. This project is vital to the developLent of a sewer system for North Fontana. Additional work is needed on the deVelopmen' of the Master Plan beyond what was in the original contract with Hall & Foremanl This amolmt Iof $12,000 covers the additional work which is seen to be needed at the present tille. Requested by: George Gaswell, Acting Fublt~ Works Director Approved by Director of Finance Aeejoved by City Managerl. FORi.i CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING January 27, 1989 Job #3904-002 42,5 ADDWRK City of Fontana Engineering Dept. P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: John Juan Regarding: The Additional Work Authorization Form Pursuant to your call, attached herewith is the revised Additional Work Authorization you requested with the "not to exceed" clause included. Thank you for your request. We will endeavor to give you the excellent service your City deserves. Please feel free to call on us with any questions. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. R O. Vincenti Construction Admin. Manager ROV:dt Encl. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 ~ V DATE: 01/23/89 HALL & FOREMAN, INC. REVISED:01/27/89 3170 REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)641-8777 ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION TO: CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT CODE: 390~-002 JOB DESCRIPTION: MASTER PLAN P.O. BOX 518 TRUNK FOOTHILL BLVDi AND BASE LINE AVENUE. AREA E. OF HEMLOCK AND N. FONTANA. CA 92335 OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TRACT # ATTN: MR. JOHN jUAN - ENGINEERING Upon your written approval, we will perform the following specifically described additional work pursuant to our meeting 1/19/89 A. SURVEY FOR OBSTRUCTIONS TO CONSTRUCTION OF RRMOVAL AN] REPLACEMENT IF NEEDED. B. PLOT SUCH OBSTRUCTION ON PLANS & ANALYZE ACTION. C. ADD 1-LATERAL TO LOW SIDE OF EACH PROPERTY 8" V.C,P. [ROM MAIN TRUNK TO 6' BELOW SURFACE FOR THE FUTURE CONNECTION. D. REVISE ESTIMATE FOR CHANGES. E. PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO R/W ACOUISITION & MEETINGS. The Client agrees to compensate Consultant for the above ~amed services as follows: TIME AND MATERIAL WITH A NOT TO EXCEED ESTIMATED COST OF!$12.000.00 ALL REPRODUCTION WORK AND PROCESSING TIME NOT INCLUDED Invoicing for this work will reference Hall & Foreman's Project code 3904-002 CONSULTANT: ~ ~ BY: ROBERT H. DOSS TITLE: PROJECT DIRECTOR Accepted - the above prices and scope of work of this additional work authorizations are satisfactory and hereby accepted. Allwork is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the o~iginal contract unless otherwise stipulated. CLIENT: BY: TITLE: Distribution: Client, Bob Doss, Jon Sollie, John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Ray Vincenti, Financial File 42,5 ADDWRK City of Fontana CALIFORN1 A / 5anuary 20, 1989 File: Southern CalifOrnia Gas Company & BeecB Avenue Sewer Installation Southern California Gas Company 1981 Lugonia Avenue Redlands, CA 92373-0306 Attention: Mr. Paul Goebel Sr. Planning Technician Subject: Gas Line Relocation on Foothill Boulevard/Cherry to Be~ch Ave. Thank you for your letter of January 10, 1989, a copy of which attached for ready reference. The sewer project actually will extend on Foothill Boulevard as!far east as Lime Avenue. I understand that you will receive plans from Hall and Foreman covering the entire stretch, As far as collectability, the entire project falls under the franchise agreement. The project is primarily for the benefit of the City~ and storm drain and sewer installation is part of implementing the respec- tive master plans. If you have any questions, please call me at (7.14) 350-7616. ThAnks for your attention to this matter. James Mocalis Acting Public Works Director By: Felipe Molinos Senior Engineering Services Assistant JM:FM:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (71i4) 350-7600 PUBLIC ~OI~S DEPARTNENT CITY OF FOIffANA, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Date: February 2, 1989 Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road & Beech Avenue in North Fontana TO: HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from]she plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications or the contract. A. Survey for obstrucEions to construction of removal and replacemeAt if needed. B. Plot such obstruction on plans and analyze action. C. Add l-lateral to low side of each property 8" V.C.P. from main t~unk to 6' below surface for the future connection. D. Revise estimate for changes E. Provide technical assistanct to right-of-way acquisition and meetitngs. Total Amount of Change Order No. 1 $12,000.00 We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration ~to the change proposed, and hereby agree, equipment, ~urnieh all materials~ except as may other~iae be noted abcve, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as ~ul~ pa~qnenc therefor the prices sho~n abovao By reason o~ ~his proposed change, 20 days ex~ension o~ ime ~ill be allowed, Approved: Robert H. Doss 11 Proiec~ Director ActinS Public Work Director Title Da~e: February 9, 1989 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 25, 1988 I File: Beech Avenue [Sewer Hain Presley of Southern California 17991 Milcheel South Irvine, CA 92714 Attention: Alan D. Uman, Vice President Planning & Engineering Subject: Beech Avenue Sewer Main This letter is in response to your letter of July 14, 1988 on the dbove subject The construction plans are 99% complete: The City has a right-of-wAy agent working on the necessary right-of-way documents. The plans will be ]submitted to Calltans in the very near future after the last few revisions ar!e made. It appears that construction will begin this fall. The City is endeavoring to expedite this project in as timely a manler as possible. , George Caswell Acting Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director GC:BMP:do cc: John O'Sullivan, City Manager Jim Mocalis, Community Development Director Jerry Litton, Citation Builders 7! 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (14) 350.-7600 JUly 14, 1988 Mr. Bob Porter CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Post Office Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Re: Beach Avenue Sewer Main Dear Bob: As a followup to our conversation today, I would appreciate a confirmation of the City's intent and timetable to~install the Beach Avenue sewer main to Baseline Road and to take the temporary pump station out of service. Your immediate reply to this will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, PRESLEY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Alan D. Uman, Vice President Planning and Engineering ADU/lml cc: John O'Sullivan, City Manager Jim Mocalis, Community Development Director 17991 Mitchell South · Irvine, California 92714-6095 · (714) 660-0660 Mailing Address Post Office Box 19672 · irwne, Cahforn~a 92713 9672 CIVIL ENGINEERING ® LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I°AT / 2/s8 I J°"'%9o6 TO: · CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92335 ATTENTION: FELLIPE REGARDING: FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER FROM BEECH AVE TO LIME AVE CONTENTS AND REMARKS: TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE 2 SETS OF SEWER PLANS AND 2 COPIES OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR PLAN CIIECK. BY: WES AMEJKO PROJECT ENGINEER RD CC: G. SHAMBECK, J. MUUAN, ~. KU~HA~, K. VI~UE~'I'I, K. WAIbU~I, DOUG FORD, ROGER HATCH 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING e LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: · CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92335 A'I'rENTION: EELLIPE REGARDING: FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER FROM HEMLOCK TO BEECH AVE. CONTENTS AND REMARKS: TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE 2 SETS OF SEWER PLAN PRINTS AND 2 COPIES OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR PLAN CHECK. BY: ~g AME. T~D PROJECT ENGINEER RD CC: SHOU-TAI AN, SUSAN ROSHAN 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1° %/m2/88 TO: · CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92335 ATTENTION: FELLIPE REGARDING: BEECH AVE. SEWER MAIN CONTENTS AND REMARKS: TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE 2 SETS OF ~EWER PLANS AND COPIES OF THE PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR PLAN CHECK. BY: WES AMEJKO PROJECT ENGINEER RD CC:G. SHAMBECK, J. HOGAN, S. RUSHAM, M. VI~UE~'I'I, K. WA'f~UB, DOUG FORD, ROGER HATCH 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 1125 NORTH OAKDALE P.O. BOX 3729 FULLERTON, CA 92631 ATrENTION: EIICHI KOBAYASHI REGARDING: SEWER EASEMENTS-TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS CONTENTS AND REMARKS: TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE 2 SETS OF COPIES OF SKETCHES AS PROPOSED FOR EASEMENTS ALONG FOOTHILL, FROM HEMLOCK TO BEECH AND ALONG BEECH FROM FOOTHILL TO BASELINE. MAPPING DEPT. MANAGER CC: S. ROSHAN, BOB PORTER, ROGER HATCH 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA City of Fonta a C A 14 I F O ~ N I A March 2i, 1988 File: Foothill/Beech Sewer & Foothill Storm Drain & Sewer Project for Village of Heritage State of California Department of Transportation District 8 P.O. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA 92402 Attention: Antonio Encinares Subject: Installation of. Sewer and Storm Drain Facilities along North side of Foothill Boulevard This letter is in connection with a request for an e ~ment per- noroat mit to install sanitary sewer and storm drainage facilities along the north side of Foothill Boulevard. The proposed sanitary sewer is to be installed from Cherry Avenue to Lime Avenue. The proposed storm drain is to be installed from Cherry Avenue to Hemlock Avenue. The above noted improvement: plans have been prepared by HaL1 & Fore- If you should have any questions or need additional information, please contact our office. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director By: Bob M. Porter Engineering Services Director RS :BMP :wp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518; FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-760C City of Fontana CALIFORNIA File: Project 71-7218,~Beech Avenue MEMORANDUM Foothill Boulevard Sewer Main TO: City qlerk FRO~I: Robert Schoenborn, Maintenance/EngineeringServices Direct0r/~L SUBJECT: Transmittal of Hall & Foreman Contract for Beech Avenue/FoOthill Boulevard Sewer Main Preparation, Inspection & Contract Administration DATE: November 30, 1987 Enclosed for filing is a copy, with original signatures, of the contract between the City and Hall and Foreman, Inc., of the Contract for the Preparation of Sanitary Sewer Plan, Contract Administration and Inspection of Foothill/Beech Sewer Main Installation. RS:wp Attachment City of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 30, 1987 File: Project 71-7218, Beech Avenue Sewer Main Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attention: Hugh H. goreman, Jr. Subject: Contract for the Preparation of Sanitary Sewer Plan, Contract Administration and Inspection of Foothill/Beech Sewer Main Installation Enclosed is a fully executed copy (original signatures) of the above-referenced contract. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this Department. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director RS :wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 sound, wellburned,l~hroughtout i.ts entire thicknes.m~m~ All delivery to the job site shall be inspected and shall ~ass inspection or be rejected and be replaced with new pipe, by the inspector. All sewer installation, excavation and pavement repair works shall be in accordance with city standards 131. The unit price paid for this item per linear foot shall include all labor, materials, equipment, trench protection, bedding materials, backfill and all incidental work and services required in construction of sanitary sewers appurtenances, and no other payment will be made therefor. EXTRA WORK - New and unforeseen work or as indicated by undergr:ound alert caused by utility facilities not indicated in the plansi and specifications shall be classed as '!Extra Work". the' City of Fo tana shall assume tfie responsibility for timely removal, relocatio~ or protection of existing main or trunk line utility facilities located on this construction project. All such work shall comply with these specifications and the City Standard Specifications and those o~ the Dept. of Caltrans. FIRST-AIDE FOR EHPLOYEES Contractor shall maintain adequate emergency first-aid treatment for his: employees. As used in !this section "adequate" shall be construed to mean, "sufficient to c~ply with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of lg70," contractor shall include this expense in various other conf~--' ~tems and no separate payment shall be made. SECTION 3 - EXCAVATIONS Excavations shall include removal of all materials of whatever nature the proper placement of bedding materials. All excavations shall be made, protected and supported as requ)ired for safety and in the manner set forth in the operations ruiles, orders and regulations prescribed by the California Divisioq of Industrial Safety. Barriers shall be placed and maintained at ~ach end as well as at intervals along the excavation as required to ~arn pedestrian and vehicular traffic of the open trench conditions, obstructions, and hazards. ~-~ ~) ona ~=~g;~d ~ee~, ~n advance of ~he p~pe ~a~tng, or i~e~ unfi~ed ~or mo~e ~han ~) ~c ~ed ~ee~, behind ~he p~pe ~ha~ has been ~ajd. ~ The con~rac~o~ sha~ p~o~ec~ ~hjs excavation b~ placjn~ war~ng ~tgh~s, 6'chatn ~jnk fencing, the~ sha~ be maintained excavaUon o~ ~ o~he~ obstructions or hazards from sunse~ ~o sunrise each n~gh~ Wheneve~ the CJ~ Eng~nee~ determines ~ha~ ~he needi~or ' traffic steel pla~r~.2oveP the excavations are need~thi";0ntra~c~or ) i, t0.,t~' ~ .,,,, prorid. t,... tt..,,th.. ,,a,, with.rand '.-20' ~.a,.,.(~l' ..... , ......., .....,....: .....~,,' .. ~ ,. .:::::.:,~::::: .':':: , :: .: ' .. : publlc nuisance, the contractor shall apply ~ateP over the necessary area ~n sufficient amounts to alleviate this nuisance. Contractor's attention ~s d~Pected to "Underground Service Aler~i", ]-8OO-422-4133. , Contractor ~tll not be allowed to store excavated mateP~al~ oP a.c.removal outstde the public right-of-Nay or ~n the publ~tc T~,r;~.;- ~ rtght-ot-~ay. ::.:-:": ~~""i.~: u~::~ ':'~j~:,fc~ :'~'p~ :: : ~ Full c~pensatton for shoring of excavation, re~val of a.c. pavu~~, steel sleds, protection and or support, ~arn~ng barriers and 11ghtsI. steel traffic plates, and dust control .traffic signs, an~d transportation and dump fee's shall be considered as ~ncludedtn thse l~p sm price patd for this 1tern and no separate pa~ent ~11 b:e made therefore. .~ym/~ 5ECT]0N 4 - BACKFILL ~~ 70; All sewer pipes ~nstalled shall be bsckf~11ed wit ne (12") above the p~pe. The backf~11 mater~al placed ~n the area aroudd and to within twelve (12") ~nches above the pipe from street subgrad;e to w~thtn s~x (6") ~nches below street subgrade shall be termed · select backf~11".Select backfill shall be free from broken pavement ..... ~ ,ll ~ull|clent amounts to alleviate thUts l nu sance. Contractor's a"ention is dtr~'~ted to "nderg~wrnd Service left", 1'800-422-413~./ ~ Contractor will not.-be allowed to store excavated material, a.c.removal outsid( the public right-of-way or in the public right-of-way. ~ Full compensation for shoring of excavation, r~val or ,.~. p~:v;;,~; ..... steel sleds; protection and or support, warning barriers and lights, steel traffic plates, and dust control ,traffic signs,; and transportation and dump fee's shall be considered as included in the lump sum price patd for this 1tam and no separate paint will be made therefore. ~ SLU~F SECTION 4 - BACKFILL All sewer pipes installed shall be backfilled with sand to onej foot (12") above the pipe, The backfill material placed tn the area around and to within twelve (12") inches above the pipe from street subgrade to within six (6") inches below street subgrade shall be termed "select backfill".Select backfill shall be free from broken pavement sand, gravel, crushed aggregate, or native free-draining 1 material having a sand equivalent of not less than thirty {30), and shall have a percentage composition by weight which conforms to the following gtadtng= ! i iieve Sizes Percentaqe Passinq Siev~ 2 - 1/2 .............................90 - 100 No. 4 .................. , ..........35 - 100 Backfill material which is not 'select backfill" shall be "colon backfill". Comon backfill shall be free from broken pavement of concrete, stones of lumps, exceeding six (6") inches in dimensl'on, vegetable matter, or other u~at!sfactory materials. ~' Y~ The select backfill placed aro d and over the pipe eventy on each side of the ipe for the full width of t e trench tn layers of about twelve {12") inches In depth. Each layer shalil be option of importing slurry type pre-motstened sand as approved by the City Engineer, which would not require placement tn twelve inches layers. The compaction requirements for slurry sand backfilling Hill be the same as for native material. g Particular attention is to be given to the class bedding called !for, and care shall be exercised in the backfill to av. gqid damage to)any In all cases, after backfill lis in place s~de shall) be mechanically compacted until;/c~e'upp~r-~x(i)' is thoroqghly compacted .to not less than ninety-five percent {95%) o~ standard density, ~ .~ ~ ~/~ ~/ ~/~. SECTION 5 - COMPACTION TESTING / Testing will be required by a independentL~ Testing will b~ at intervals of not less than 250 linear feet of main line and a mtnjimum of every forth lateral. These test will be a~ ~, depths~ as indicated by the inspector or project engineer. ThTS work wtll be considered as tncluded in the various contract items and no dther pa~ent will be:made. SECTION 6 - TEST FOR LEA~GE When directed by the City Engineer, the sewer main shall be tmsted for exfiltratton. Tests shall be made after placement of s~lect backfill, but before pavement replacement. The method of testing shall be determined by the Engineer, which in all case will be b3 air test. The contractor will be expected to correct any section of,line that does not pass this test. considered as included in the unit ai te d no other pa~ent will be made, SECTION 7 - TEMPORARY, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING All asphalt concrete paving shall conform to sections 19 and 39 of~ the City Standard Specifications, and City standard detail ~current Standards, The contractor shall place, at the en8 of provide a safe and smooth condition until permanent paving t place. Contractor shall include thls expense in the various q her contract items and no separate pa~ent shall be made. Zf t~ench failure should occur, the contractor will be notified of )such deficiencles and allowed (8) hours, to remove, replace, and r medy this work. upon failure of the contractor to promptly comply and under order of the City Engineer, trench failures shall be r me led, aggregate for thts asphalt concrete cap pament shall confor to grading specified for In three-eigths inch (3/8") minimum size,~fine gradation. ~._~ ~ ~ ~ 10 Base paving on ~othill Boulevard shall be fo~e~f (4") inches in thickness, the mineral aggregate for this asphal t concrete!base pavement shall conform to grading specified for as one-halfJinch (1/2") minimum size, fine gradation. I The contract unit price paid per ton of asphalt shall include full compensation for saw cutting, furnishing and placement of all materials and all labor, equipment and incidentals involed in this work. SECTION g - MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION - All sanitary sewer constru;tion shall conform to the standard provisions for sanitary sewer construction. " All sewer manholes shall be constructed per City Standard' Detail # 112 and as specified on the plans. All new sewer manholes under this contract shall have a diameter of {48") inches unless other'wise stated. The contract unit price 'for all sewer manholes shall inc)ude all labor, pre-cast sections, tools, equipment, covers, r~ngs, shelf, and all materials involved in this work and shall include the adjustment of the manhole to grade after paving, all these Items shall be included in the unit price paid for under manholes a~d no other separate payment will be made therefor. SECTION 10 SEWER SERVICE LATERALS: All sewer service laterals shall be constructed per as shown on the approVed plans. Wye or saddle connections shall be per city std. 125 p~v~ -r~l ?~-o~'P-~ The contract unit price paid per linear foot of vcp sewer laterals nstallln~ shall include full compensation for furnishing and i ' ' all materials and all incidentals involved in this work. SECTION 11 - PRESERVATION,OF SURVEY HONUHENTS All the contractors work shall not disturb any permanent survey monuments during construction of improvements, except where their destruction is unavoidable, and the contractor is proceeding with accepted pracUce. Honuments that otherwise are lost or disturbed by its operation ~hall be replaced at the Contractor's expense by a Civil Engineer or' Land surveyor registered by the State of California, to do such work, under the Business and Professions code. SECTION 12 - TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN When required to move tr~affic through or around construction areas a traffic control plan sha)l be submitted to the Engineering Services Dept. These plans shall clLarify all conditions the driver will encounter including all s)tgns, locations of flag persons, pavement markings, delinea~tors, barricades, lights, etc. The contractor's operations shall cause no unnecessary inconvenience and the access rights of the general p~ublic and also commercial business along the project area shal,1 be considered at all times. The contract unit price {Lump Sum Price), shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, s)igns, lights, rentals, flag persons, etc. as shown on the traffic plans and 11 Engineer's Estimat~ CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS ON FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BETWEEN HEMLOCK AND LIME AVENUE. BEECH AVENUE BETWEEN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND BASELINE WENUE. CITY COUNCIL NATHAN A."NAT" SIMON,MAYOR BEN ABERNATHY ~.PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GARY BOYLES --.~ PATRICIA MURRAY CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk. City Hall 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California until 3:00 O' clock p.m.on at which time they will be publicly opened: and read, for performing work as follows: THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER BETWEEN;_H.~M~OCK! AND LINE AVENUE. BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN BETWEEN FOOTHILL AND/' /~y/~ BASELINE. k ~/ ~ BIDDING BOND: No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified check or cashier's check, or bidder's bond made payable to the City of Fontana for the amount equa' to at least ten {10} perGent of the bid amount,such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder tO whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract. Any bid received after the hour' stated above for any reason Whatsoever, will not be considered for any purpose but will be returned, unopened, to the bidder. If an award is made to a contractor in accordance with the terms of his bid, the contractor shall promptly secure worbnen's compensation insurance and liability insurance, execute the contract in the required form, and furnish satisfactory bonds for the faithful performance of the contract and payment of any .material suppliers and laborers thereunder. Said bonds shall each be in an amount not less than fifty percent {50%) of the total amount of the bid price named in the contract. The payment bond shall not be less than fifty percent {50%) of the total amount of the contract. The City of Fontaria reserves the right to reject any bond, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, the Surety's acknowledgment is not in the form included in the contract documents or in another form substantially as prescribed by law. The Contractor may, at Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute securities equivalent to any monies withheld by the City to insure performance under the contract. Such security shall be deposited ~ith the City, or a state or faderally chartered bank as escro~ agent, who shall pay such monies to the Contractor upon satisfactory completion of the contract. 2 The contractor ~j~11 be the beneficial owner olq~m~ly security substituted for monies withheld and shall receive any accrued interest thereon, Securities eligible for investment shall tnclude those 11sted in the Government Code Section 16430 or bank or savings and loan certificates of deposit. All bids are to be compared on the basis for the City Engineer's Estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisionsof Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. Plans and forms of proposal,contract, and special provisions may be obtained at the office of HALL ~ FORENAN INC, 3170 Redhill Costa Nesa, Caltfrnta 92626. Tel. (714) 641-8777. The charge for the iplans and specifications is $ 85.00 if plans are picked up $ 100. if mailed the purchaser. The charge ts non-refundable. The City of Fontaria reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularity or Informality in any bid to the extent permitted by the law. 3. GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE RATE~ In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general rate of wages and employer palnnent for health and welfare, vacation, pensions and similar purposes appllcable to the localtry in which the work is in accordance with the "General Prevailing Wage Rates" current at the time of bidding as published by the State of California Busthess and Transportation Agency, Department, of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. Contractor shall supply the City of fontaria with a certified copies of all payroll records upon request, and or shall make available upon request by the public for inspection these enumerated payroll records, Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 (Chapter 1411, Statutes of 1968) and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the!emplolnnent of apprentices by the contractor or any subcontractor under him? Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprentice occupation to appqy to the ~oint Apprenticeship Committee nearest the site of the Public Works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade, for a Certificate of Approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journelnnen that will be used tn the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen tn such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the Ootnt Apprenticeship Committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or 3 B. When~s~te number of apprentices In tr~ng in the ar~ea exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that ~t ts replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an ann~ual bas~s statew~de or locally, or D. When the contractor provides evtdence that ~e employs registered apprentices on all of h~s contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The contractor ts required to make contributions to funds established for the admlnlstratlon of apprenticeship programs tf he employs :registered apprentices or journeymen ~n any apprentice trade on such contracts and other contractors on the public works stte are making such contributions. The contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply w~th the requlrements of Section ]777.5 and 1777.6 ~n the employment of apprentices. information relattve to apprenticeship standards, wages schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the D~rector of ~Industrial Relations, exoffic~o the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Franisco, California, or from the Division 'of Apprenticeship Standards and branch offtces. AFFIRHATIVE ACTION - The C~ty of Fontana hereby notifies all b~ders that ~t will affirmatively tnsure that ~n any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises w~11 be afforded full opportunity to submit b~ds ~n response to this invitation and w111 not be d~scr~mtnated agatnst on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national ortgln tn consideration for the award. ADDRESS AND HARKZNG OF PROPOSAL- The envelope enclosing the proposal shall be sealed and addressed to the Clty Clerk and delivered or marled to the Ctty of Fontana, P.O. Box 5]8, Fontana, Ca. 92335. The envelope shall be platnly marked ~n the upper left hand corner with the name and address of the b~dder and shall bear the words "BID PROPOSAL FOR .... "followed by the title of the specifications for the work and the date and hour of opening of bids. The certified or cash~er's check, money order, or b~dder's bond shall be enclosed tn the same envelope wlth the proposal, (10 percent of btd amount). 4. WORKING DAYS - The designated number of working days for this contract ts forty five days,(45 ) working days from date of said approval of this contract as outllned In section 8 (c) of the Ctty Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall begin work wtthtn 15 calendar days after the date of the notice to proceed and shal~ diligently prosecute the same to comp}etion before the expiration of the amount of working days.I The Contractor shall pay to the City of Fontana the sum of fivej Hundred and fifty dollars ($550.00) per day for each and every calender day's delay in fintshing the work tn excess of the number of working days prescribed tn thts contract, 4 5. PARTZAL PAYRENT - The contractor shall, once in each month, i cause an estimate in wrtttng to be made of the total amount of the work done to the time of such estimate. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of such estimated value of the work done, as aforesaid, as partial secur}ty for the fulfillment of thts contract by the contractor, and shall ~onthly pay to the contractor, while carrytng on the work, the balance not retained as aforesaid, after deducting therefrom all prevtous payments and all sums to be kept or retained, under the provisions of this contract. No such estimate or payment will be requtred to be made when, in the judgment of the Engineer the work is not proceeding in accordance with thejprovtstons of this contract, or when in his Judgment the total value of the work done, since the last estimate amounts to less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). The contractor's billtng shall show any prevtous payments made, and shall show the ten percent (10%) withholding. The retalned percentage as spectfied above will be held by the City and wtll be due and payable to the contractor thirty-five (35) ~da s tiltrig of the notice of completion. I y after 6. FINAL ESTINATE, PAYWENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK - WhenAver in the opln~on of the Engineer, the contractor shall have completely performed the contract on h~s part, the contractor shall submit to the .Engineer a written statement of the final quantlttes of contract items fo~ inc]uston in the final estimate. ~ Upon receipt from the contractor of the written statement of the final quantities, the City Engineer w111 make, in wrlttng, an estimate in which he will state, from actual measurements, the whole amount of work done by the contractor and the value of such Work under and according to the terms of the contract. If, in the discretion, the said City finds th~,t the work has been completed according to the contract, it will thereupon by Minute Order of the City Council, so find and declare the work to be a,:cepted. Within ten (10) days after the date of acceptance of the work, the City Engineer will cause to be filed on behalf of the C~ty, in the office of the County Recorder, a Notice of Completion of the work herair agreed to be done by the contractor. : Upon expiration of thirty-five (35) days after the filing of ~uch Notice of Completion of the work, the City will pay to the contractor the amount remaining after deducting from the amount or values stated in, the above mentioned estimate all prior payments to the contractor and all amounts to be kept and retained under the provision of the contract. if the contractor disagrees with the Engineer's final estimate !and w~thtn said period of thirty-five (35) days file a written statement of hts claims, the Engineer will issue as a semi-final estimate the proposed estimate submitted to the contractor and the City will, within thirty (30) days pay the sum found due thereon after deducting from the amount or value stated in the first mentioned estimate of all prior payments to the contractor and all amounts to be kept and retained under the provisions of the contract. The City Engtneer wtll then conalder and investigate the contractor's claim and will make such revisions in the said estimate as he 5 may find to be ~ and will then certify in wri~.2g to the Cit~ Clerk the whole amount and value of the work done by the contractor lunder and according to the terms of the contract. The City will pay the amount so found due, after deductlng all prevlous payments, amounts to ~e retained under the contract, and amounts which may be retained in accordance with the applicable specifications. All prior estimates upon which partial payments have been mad~ shall be subject to correction in the final estimate. The final estimate and palnnent made thereunder shall be final and concluslve upon the Contractor. 7. FINAL PAYMENT TO TERMINATE LIABILITY OF THE CITY - The acceptance by the contractor of the final payment made according to the terms of this contract shall operate as and be a release to the City of Forttara from all claims and liabilities to the contractor for anything done o furnished for of relattng to the work. SECTION I - CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF OUANTITIES: t ile a&s t ral ,2. Const. 12" extra strength vcp 1975 LF ~3. Const. 21" extra strength vcp f~ ~LF . 4. Const. 24" extra strength.vcp f~ ~LF ~ 5. Const. 48" Precast concrete MH per std. }Z2 5 ea. ~6. Const. 60" diameter conc. MN .7. install 30" x 3/8" jacked steel casing 146 LF ~. tnstall 42" x 3/8" steel casing 90 LF ~. const. concrete col 1 ar 1 ea. i~- LIO~ ~emove exist. & restore chain link fence 2188 LF F '11~ffy exist. MH and reconne~ -10" sewer ~ep su~" '~ J2 ,,.remove and replace exist. curb & gutter 270 LF , 13. remove exist. 72" RCP & replace wtth 10" extra strenght vttrified clay pipe (vcp) lump sum 14. remove & replace exist. trees that can not be saved (lump sum) ~IF 15. remove & replace exist. pavement 16. remove structure, pump & equip. lump sum ~/ SECTION 2 - SCOPE OF WORK -' The contractor shall furnish and construct, tn accordance wtth the // specification and drawing, all labor, equipment and materials required for / the construction of improvements in the City of Fontaria which i~cludes: Sewer Main Lines, Lateral, clean-outs, Manholes and tree ~ removals, clean up,miscellaneous and Appurtenant Work. ' The work embraced herein shall be done in accordance with these ~ Standards Specifications and the Standard Specifications of the State[ of California, Department of Transportation, dated 1975, or the latest subsequent revision thereof, hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specifications, i~m~ffar as the same may apply and~ accordance ~ith the following City Standard Specifications. These City Standard Specifications cover the usual construction requirements for work specified on a City Construction Project, however, in the event it is determined that specific work to be is of such a nature that the method of construction, type and/or of material cannot be defined by the Standard Specifications or these City Standard Specifications, such work shall be performed in accordance with the approval of the Public Works Department. All sections of the Standard Specifications will govern except those sections specifically mentioned herein which are not relevant to)the work contemplated herein. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and these City Standard Specifications, the special provisions shall take precedence. Unless otherwise shown in these Special Provisions, the scope of!all work shall conform to the City Standard Specifications and tha~ of State Dept. of Trnasportation standard specifications. The City reserves the right to make alterations, deviations, additions to or omissions from the plans and specifications, including the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any item or portion of the work of to omit any item or advisable, andl to require such extra work as may be determined by the Engineer td be required for the proper completion of construction of the whole york contemplated. When the contractor feels compensation for an item of work should be subject to adjustment, the contractor shall furnish the City =ith adequate detailed cost data for such items of work, such data t~ be submitted with his request. The work covered by these specifications includes all labor, materials, equipment, excavation, tree removals backfill and all incidental works and services required in connection with )the construction of the sanitary sewer and appurtenances complete, in) accordance with the applicable specifications and drawings. I SEWER PIPE - Unless otherwise specified, all sanitary sewer shall be constructed of bell and spigot type vitrified clay pipe,! or provisions of the American Society for Testing Materials D 278, currently in use and to the specifications entitled "Vitrified Clay Pipe, Haterlals Section" published by the Clay Pipe Institute. Where provisions of these specifications are in conflict, the more restrictive provision shall apply. All vitrified clay pipe shall be extrastrenght class as designated in the aforementioned specifications and shall be first quality, durable, i 7 sound, wellburned;~tfiroughtout its entire thicknes~F~ All delivery to the Job stte shall be inspected and shall ~ass inspection or be rejected and be replaced with new pipe, by ithe inspector. A13 sewer installation, excavation and pavement repair works shal3i be in accordance with city standards Z31. The unit price paid for this item per ltnear foot shall include labor, materials, equipment, trench protection, bedding materials, backfill and all incidental work and services required, In construction of sanitary sewers appurtenances, and no other pa3n~ent will be made therefor. alert caused by utility facilities not indicated i specifications shall be classed as "Extra Work". the City of Fontana shall assume the responsibility for timely removal, relocation,~ or protection of existing main or trunk line utility facilities located on this construction project. All such work shall comply with these specifications and the City Standard Specifications and those ofithe Dept. of Caltrans. , FIRST-A~DE FOR EHPLOYEES ContraCtor shall maintain adeqiate emergenc~ first-aid treatment for his employees. As used in ~hts sectton "adequate" shall be construed to mean, "sufficient to comply with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970," contractor shall include this expense in vartous other contract ilems and no separate payment shall be made. SECTION 3 - EXCAVATIONS Excavations shall include removal of all materials of whatever nature encountered. The excavation shall be true to line and grade, iand shall be made a sufficient distance below the flowline to the proper placement of bedding materials. All excavations shall be made, protected and supported as requtred for safety and in the manner set forth in the operations rules, orders and regulations prescribed by the Callfornia Divisioni of Industrial Safety. Barriers shall be placed and mafntained a each end as well as at intervals along the excavation as required to warn pedestrian and vehicular traffic of the open trench conditions, obstructions, and hazards. The length of an open trench, at the end of the day, shall not exceed c,oo,> one hundred feet, in advance of the pipe laying, or untilled for more than (~00') one hundred feet, behind the pipe , has been laid. The contractor shall protect this excavation by placing war~tng llghts, 6'chain link fencing, the7 shall be maintained along;the excavation or at other obstructions or hazards from sunset to sunrise each night. Whenever the City Engineer determines that the needifor 8 shall provtde these items,they shall withstand "H-20" 1 i During excavation and construction of the sewer maln, the contractor shall bear the responsibility for dust and sand control. Whenever the City Engineer determines that blowing sand or dust t!s a public nuisance, the contractor shall apply water over the necessary area in sufficient amounts to alleviate this nuisance. Contractor's attention is directed to "Underground Service Alert", 1-800-422-4133. Contractor will not be allowed to store excavated material, or a.c.removal outside the public right-of-way or in the public right-of-way. Full compensation for shoring of excavation, removal of a.c. pav!ng, steel sleds, protection and or support, warning barriers and lights, steel traffic plates, and dust control,traffic signs, )and transportation and dump fee's shall be considered as included in)the lump sum price paid for this item and no separate payment will~ be made therefore. SECTION 4 - BACKFILL All sewer pipes installed shall be backfilled with sand to one foot {12") above the pipe. The backfill material placed in the area around and to within twelve (12") inches above the pipe from street subgrade to within six (6") inches below street subgrade shall be termed "select backfill".Select backfill shall be free from broken pavement matter. Except where otherwise specified, bedding material shall) be sand, gravel, crushed aggregate, or native free-draining granular material having a sand equivalent of not less than thirty (30),2and shall have a percentage composition by weight which conforms to*the following grading: Sieve Sizes Percentage Passtnq Sievei 2 - 1/2 ............................. 90 - 100 , No 4 35 - 100 Backfill material which is not "select backfill" shall be te~med "common backfill". Common backfill shall be free from broken pavement of concrete, stones of lumps, exceeding six (6") inches in dimension, vegetable matter, or other unsatisfactory materials. evenly on each side of the ptpe for the full width of the e layers of about twelve (12") inches in depth. Each layer shall; be thoroughly compacted to a relative density of ninety percent (90%) by the use of vibratory to other approved compaction equipment. In lleu of ustng native excavated material, the contractor has )the optton of importing slurry type pre-moistened sand as approved by'the City Engineer, which would not requlre placement in twelve (12") inches layers. The compaction requirements for slurry ;and backfilling will be the same as for native material. Particular attention is to be given to the class bedding called for, and care shall be exercised in the backftll to avoid damage to !any pipe. In all cases, after backfill is in place subgrade shall! be mechanically compacted until the upper six (6") inches ts thoroughly compacted to not less than ninety-five percent (95%) of standard density. All this work will be considered as inculuded in the various 'pay items end no other payment will be made. SECTION 5 - COMPACTION TESTING Testing will be required by a independent lab. Testing will be et intervals of not less than 250 linear feet of main line end a mini;mum of every forth lateral. These test will be at varing depths,i as indicated by the inspector or project engineer~ This work will! be considered as included in the various contract items and no other payment will be made, SECTION 6 - TEST FOR LEAKAGE When directed by the City Engineer, the sewer main shall be te~ted for exfiltration. Tests shall be made after placement of select backfill, but before pavement replacement. The method of testing shall be determined by the Engineer, which in all case will be by;air test. The contractor will be expected to correct any section of line that does not pass this test. Testing and correction of any section of sewer line willi be considered as included in the unit price paid for in this item and no other payment will be made. SECTION 7 - TEMPORARY. ASPHALT CONCRETE pAVING All asphalt concrete paving shall conform to sections 19 and 39 of the City Standard Specifications, and City standard detail # 131,iand all current Standards. The contractor shall place, at the en! of each day temporary paving, and compact it in such a manner as; to provide a safe and smooth condition until permanent paving is in place. Contractor shall include 'this expense in the various other contract items and no separate payment shall be made. If trench failure should occur, the contractor will be notified of Such deficiencies and allowed {8} hours, to remove, replace, and remedy this work. upon failure of the contractor to promptly comply 'and under order of the City Engineer, trench failures shall be remedied, removed, replaced at contractor sole expense. Cap paving shall consist of {3/4") in thickness, the mineral aggregate for this asphalt concrete cap pavment shall conforn to grading specified for in three-eigths inch {3/8"} minimum size, 'ine gradation. 10 Base paving on I~:ff, hi11 BouleVard shall be foL~J(4") inchesl in thickness, the mineral aggregate for this asphalt concrete base pavement shall conform to grading specified for as one-half linch (1/2") minimum size, fine gradation. The contract unit price patd per ton of asphalt shall include full compensation for saw cutting, furnishing and placement of ia11 materials and all labor, equipment and incidentals involed in ~his work. SECTION 9 - MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION - All sanitary sewer construction shall conform to the standard provisions for sanitary sewer construction. All sewer manholes shall be constructed per City Standard Detai~l # 112 and as specified on the plans. All new sewer manholes under ~his contract shall have a diameter of (48") inches unless other wise stated. The contract unit price for all sewer manholes shall tnc]qde 811 labor, pre-cast sections,- tools, equipment, covers, rings, shelf, and all materials involved in this work and shall Include:the adjustment of the manhole to grade after paving, all these items shall be included in the unit price paid for under manholes andI no other separate payment wtll be made therefor. SECTION lO SEWER SERVICE LATERALS: All sewer service laterals shall be constructed per as shown on the approved plans. Wye! or saddle connections shall be per city std. ~25 The contract unit price patd per linear foot of vcp sewer laterals shall include full compensation for furnishing and installing !all materials and all incidentals involved in this work. = SECTION ll - PRESERVATION OF SURVEY NONUNENTS All the contractors work shall not disturb any permanent survey monuments during construction of improvements, except where their destruction! is unavoidable, and the contractor ts proceeding wtth accepted practice. Nonuments that otherwise are lost or disturbed by its operation shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense by a Ctvll Engineer or Land surveyor registered by the State of California, to do such work, under the Business and Professions code. SECTION 12 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN When required to move traffic through or around construction areas a traffic control plan shall! be submitted to the Engineerlng Servlces Dept. These plans shall clarify all conditions the driver will encounter including all signs, locations of flag persons, pavement markings, delineators, barricades, 11ghts, etc. The contractor's operations shall causeno unnecessary tnconvenfence and the access rights of the general public and also commercial business along the project area shall' be considered at all times. The contract unit price (Lump Sum Price), shall tnclude ~ull compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, signs, lights, rentals, flag persons, etc. as shown on the traffic plans and no other payment~'~will be made, these plans ~tjl be submitted seventy-two (72) hours in advance of needed control for approval, to the ctty and the Department of Transportation , State of Caltornia. SECTION 13 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT Your attention ts directed. to Section 9 of the City Standard Specifications, and these of Dept.j of transportation, State of Calif. SECTION 14 - INSPECTIONS The contractor shall allow the inspectors access to all work during this project. SECTION 15 CLEAN-UP RESTORATION FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE Upon completion of all work and before final inspection of this project site, all parts of this project shall be left in a neat ;and presentable condition. This shall include any off-site stock-pt!es, of sand or construction materials. Final walk-through shall be done as joint inspection City/ contractor, and shall be made to determine if the work has been done in accordance with this contract. Full compensation for final clean-up will be considered as included in the prices for various contract items, of this project, and)no separate payment will be made therefor. 12 CONTRACT PROPOSAL THE COHSTRUCTION~_O~FOOTHZLL TRUNK LINE AND BEECH INTERCEPTOR OOT.IL .LVD. TODASELI.E. To the City Council of the Ct~cy/y~f Fontana: The undersigned as bidder declares that he has carefully examtnedlthe plans and specifications and read the accompanylng instructions to bidders; and hereby proposes and agrees, If this proposal accepted, to furnish all materials and do all the work requtrec to complete the said work tn accordance wtth said plans and specification in the time and manner therein prescribed, for the unit prtce set forth tn the following schedule. In case of a discreplnc7 between words and figures, the words shall prevail. . I I APPROXINATE I 1TEN WITH UNIT PRICE I UNIT I T~TAL I ITEH I QUANTITY I WRITTEN IN WORDS I PRICE I I 344 LF const. 8"extra strenght vcp lateral e Per Linear Foot 1975 LF I const.12" extra strenght vcp I I I I e I I I I I I I I I I I Per Linear Foot I I I 5315 LF I const. 21" extra strenght vcp I I I e I I I I I I , I 1363 LF I const. 24" extra strenght vcp I e I I I I I I I I Per Linear Foot I I I Iconst. 48" precast conc. MH per II I 5 ea Istd. 112 e I I I I I I I I I I I I each I I I 13 CONTRACT PROPOSAL CONTINUATION ........................................................................... I I I const. 60" MH per sheet 50 161 l e I I g ea I I I I I I I each I I linsta11 30" x 3/8" steel casing I 7 I 146 LF land lacking e I I I I I I ! ......! ............. ............... I I linsta11 42" x 3/8" steel casing I 8 I 90 LF land lacking e I I I I I I I I I per linear foot I I I const. concrete collar I 9 I lea le I I I I I I each I I I remove and restore chain link I lO I 2188 LF I fence e I I I I I I I I I per linear foot I I [modify exist. MH to std.lO9 & I ll I 1 ea. 1112 using 6' dia. shaft e __ I I I I I I I I I each I I Iremove & replace curb & gutter I ~2 I 270 LF le I I I I I I I I I per linear foot I I Iremove exist. 7Z" RCP & replace I ~3 I lump sumIwith lO" vcp e I I I I I I I I I 1 ump sum 14 CONTRACT PROPOSAL CONTZNUATZON I remove exist. trees that can notl lump sum [ be save e I I lump sum Iremove & replace exist. pavement le I [ per square foot Iremove structure, punp & equipt. lump sum Iper detail on the plans. e __ I I I lump sum Total Bid in Words Total Bid //f.in Figures 15 Accompanying this proposal is (Z!nsert $ cash","cashier's check", "certified check", or "biidders bond", as the case may be} in the amount equal to at least ten p~rcent (10%) of the bid. , The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract, with necessary bonds, within eight {8) daysi not including Sundays and legal holidays, after having received notic that the contract has been awarded and is ready for signature, the prlceeds of the security accompanying his bid shall become the property o~f the City of Fontaria, and this proposal and the acceptance thereof may be considered null and void. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of contractors, License No. Signature of bidder {If an individual, so state. If a fi~m or co-partnership, stati the name and give the names of all individual co-partners composin! the firm. If a cotportion, state legal name of corporation, also nam of President, Secretary, Treasurer,and Hanager thefor) Business Address Date: ,1989 16 SUGGESTED BIDDER 'S BOND TO ACCOHPANY PROPOSAL KNOWN ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ' That we, as Prindlpal, and unto the City of Fontana in the sum of , successors and assigns; for the payment of which sum, well and !truly made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the certain proposal of the above bounden dated ,198g is accepted by the City of Fontaria, and if the above bounden , his heirs,executors, administrators, successor and assigns shall duly enter into and execute a contract for such construction, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds described within ten days {10) not including sunday from the date of the mailing of a' notice Of the bounden by and from the said City of Fontaria that said contract is ready for execution, then' this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals this day of ,198g 17 BIDDER'S WORK REFERENCE TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL Please llst the four Jobs completed by your company as the principal contractor. Please list job, contract amount, working days, contracting agency and telephone number: The bidder shall list the names and addresses of each subcontractor to whom the bidder proposes to subcontract portion of the work. NAME AND ADDRESSES DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK The General Contractor shall provide the City of Fontana with a 24-hour phone number for on the job emergencies that may arise. AREA Code Phone Number Name: 18 AGREENENT FOR SUBSTITUTION OFSECURITIES FOR RETENTION PAYRENTS THIS AGREENENT between the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporaition, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Construction Company, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", is: made and entered into this day of , 1989 and provides as follows: J THIS AGREENENT is entered into with reference to the following fa~ts: 1. On or about , lg89 the Cit~ and Contractor e~tered into a contract for performing work as follows: 2. The contract authorizes the City to retain certain sumsi from progress payments to be made to the contractor. In accordance with this contract, the City has retained to date the total sum of $ , said sum being hereinafter referred to as "re~ained sum" · J 4. The City is willing to release the retained sum t~ the contractor executes this agreement and fully complies with all )terms and conditions hereon. ) NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Contractor shall deliver to the Finance Director/City Clerk one or more bank or savings and loan certificates of deposit for a total sum of $ Title to said certificates of deposits shall be held as follows: City of Fontana, California in;trust for Construction Company~ 2. Upon delivery of said certificates of deposits to the Finance Director / City Clerk, the City shall commence progress paymen't for total retained sum to the contractor._ 3. The City shall have a possessory security interest ii the retained sum. 4. Contractor shall be the beneficial owner of said certificates of deposit and shall receive any interest thereon. 5. At the expiration of thirty-five {35) days from the d~te of acceptance of the work described in the contract by the City, ior as prescribed by law, the said certificates of deposit shall be released to the Contractor, except such amounts as are required by law to be withheld by properly executed and filed notices of stop payments,:or as may be authorized by the contract to be further retained. ) 6. The City may pay or apply the sums represented by the certificates of deposit for the same purposes and to the same extant as 19 and, in the even~uch payments or application i~wi~ade, the City may then or at any time thereafter convert to cash, all or so many o~ the certificates of deposit as the City deems necessary, and any interest or penalties resulting from such conversion shall be borne by the contractor. - . i 7.The Contractor shall pay all costs associated with issuance of said certificates of deposit, the holding of the same by the City), and substitution of securities as hereinafter provided. 8. The Contractor shall pay all of the City's costs and reasonable attorney's fees in the event any legal action is commenced by the 'City, either against the Contractor or any bank or savings and lloan association issuing said certificates of deposit, for the purpose of enforcing this agreement or any provision of this Agreement. g. While the contractor is not in default under the contract:, the Contractor may deposit substitute securities eligible for investment of the type described in Government Code Subsection 14402.5 for the certificates of deposit initially deposited with the City Fi:nance Director / City Clerk, provided however, that the aggregate value of the securities eligible for investment of deposit with the city hereunder shall not be reduced below $ 10. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall insure to the benefit of the successors and assigns each party provided, however, that the Contractor shall have no greater right to assign the ben~efits of his Agreement, or the securities held pursuant hereto, than the contractor would have had to assign the retained sum but for this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREON, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first about written. CITY OF FONTANA BY: ATTEST: Mayor of the City of Fontana CONTRACTOR: City Clerk, City of Fontaria City engineer, City of Fontana APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL AND CONTENTS: CITY ATTORNEY, CITY OF FONTANA Date: 20 CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTHILL TRUNK LINE AND BEECH AVENUE INTERCEPTOR This agreement, made and concluded this day of i,1989 between the City of Fontana, party of the first ~part, and , Contractor, party of the second ipart. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed b:y the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed i,n the two bonds, bearing even date with 'these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the ifirst part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all work and furnish all materials except such as are mentioned in the specification to be furnish by said party of the first part., necessary to contract and complete in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: For the construction of FOOTHILL TRUNK LINE AND BEECH SEWER INTERCEPTOR. BETWEEN<,IiEMLOC~ AND LIiiE AVENUE. BETWEEN FOOTHILL AND BASELINE AVENUE. '-~-'~,~ In accordance with the Special ProviS?t~ns, and also in accordanc~ with the specifications entitled "City of Fontaria, Public ,Works Department,City Standards Specifications" which said special provisions and standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: DWG. No! 570, 571,572 ARTICLE II: And the said contractor agrees to receive and acce~t the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all material, s and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement| also all toss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, o~ form the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecuti~on of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontana and for all !risks of every description connected with the work| also for all expense tncurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuan:ce of work, and for well and faithfully completing the world, and the lwhole thereof, tn the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit-' 21 ~m/ CONTRACT ITEHS V i ...... ..... ....... .... I 1TEN I QUANTITY I WRITTEN IN WORDS I PRICE I I I 344 LF const. 8"extra strenght vcp latera~ e Per Linear Foot 1975 LF I conSt.12" extra strenght vcp I I [ Per Linear Foot 5315 LF I const. 21" extra strenght vcp I e I I Per Linear Foot 1363 LF I const. 24" extra strenght vcp I e I I Per Linear Foot Iconst. 48" precast conc. MH per 5 ea Istd. 112 e I I I each I const. 60" HH per sheet 50 19 ea I e I I each Ilnstall 30" x 3/8" steel casing 146 LF land Jacking 8 I I per linear foot linstall 42" x.3/8" steel casing 90 LF land jacking 0 I I I per 1 i near foot 22 CONTRACT ITENS CONTINUATION I I I const. concrete collar I 9 I Z ea I I I I I t I each I I I remove and restore chain link I ZO I 2188 LF I fence e I I I I I I I I I per linear foot I I Imodtfy exlst. HH to std.~Og & I ~ I Z ea. }1~2 uslng 6' dta. shaft 8 __ I I I I I I I I I each } I Iremove & replace curb & gutter I ~2 I 270 LF le I I I I I I I I J per linear foot I I Iremove exist. 72" RCP & replace J 13 I lump sum Iwith ZO" vcp e I I I I I I I I I lump sum I I I remove exist. trees that can notl J ]4 I lump sumI be save I I I I I I lump sum I I Iremove & replace exist. pavement Jis I lo8 le I I I '1 I I I per square foot I I Iremove structure, punp & equipt. IZ6 I lump sum Iper detail on the plans. e __ I I I ........................ .......................... Total Bid in CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING April 21, 1989 Job ~3904-02 42,5 ~L14 City of Fontana Interim City Engineer P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Bob Weddle Regarding: Status Report for the!Foothill Trunk Sewer Line and Beech Interceptor Line The following is as requested: 1 Temporary R/W needs to be obtained at this time. I; * difficult for the contractor to be confined to the x n R/W. See cross-sections of excavation shown on theiplans. 2. A traffic control plan is needed to provide one lan~ of the State Hwy. to be used by the contractor during the construction period. A proposal for such a plan has been sent to the City for authorization. 3. The soils report is needed for the bid package and a proposal for the report has been sent to the City f~r authorization. 4. Caltrans permit has been obtained for the sewer construction, and an auxiliary permit has been requested to remove or cut down all the trees necessary in the State R/W. 5. A meeting is scheduled with Caltrans on Friday i:00iP.M. at their office: 247 W. 3rd St., San Bernardino, with Richard McDowell, John Estrada, etc., Yousef of the City, and myself, to review the proposed construction procedure traffic control, and any other problems of backfill!and construction anticipated. 6. Fontana Water Co. is preparing plans for the 16" wa~er main to be placed 28' north of the centerline from Cherry Ave. to Redwood Ave. for Hilton, Hemlock, Redwood streets. !They should be ready in 2 weeks according to Frank LoGui~ice of S.G.V.W.C. , (818) 448-6183. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (71~) 641-8777 City of Fontana -2- April 21, 1989 7. The Gas Co. is planning line relocations from the south side of Foothill, according to Ken Wayer of S.C. Gas (714) 335-7756. 8. The request for railroad crossing at Beech Ave. and Foothill Blvd. was sent to the So.. Pacific Transportation Co!. on 1/17/89. Mr. Hamilton was called and reported these were sent to San Francisco for approval on 4/18/89. I do not know how soon we will receive the license. I estimate it will be three weeks. ~ 9. The estimated quantities were revised and sent to the City for inclusion into the Centract documents on April ~14, 1989. 10. As requested by the City, we have forwarded 3 sets iof prints to Webb Associates for their review of the Sewer Plians from Cherry to Lime on Foothill, and for the Beech Ave. Interceptor with the recent revisions, so the same ~may be approved by the City Engineer. 11. The schedule for construction should be delayed by .one month to a mid-July anticipated start date, due to the many items now being reviewed and delay in temporary R/W permission. (See copy of schedule attached.) HALL & FOREMAN, INC. ' Construction Admin. Manager ROV:dt Attachments cc: Yousef Patanvala, Annivory Calvert - City of Fontana John Hogan, Mike Cordova, George Shambeck - H&F CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING· LAND SUR~'EYING su~'=-~r~L. ~1"~.o.~-' ID'~ ' ' I'~ -~1~,~ ' 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (71~4) 641-8777 KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES - 1125 N. OskdBle, I~.CI. Box ~7~9, FullBrton, Californ'! ~631 · [714} 7~ 1644 April 8, 1989 ~;~~ ' Ms. Annivory Calvert P~lic Works Director City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 INVOICE For right of way acquisition services provided on Foothill Boulevard/ Beech Avenue Interceptor Sewer Project through March 31, 19i89. Service Contract between City of Fontana and Kobayashi & AsMsociates approved by the Fontana City Council on November 29, 1988. 1988 Services 11/30 Meeting with Hall & Foreman staff, review sewer pla~s. Approx. 50 Temporary Const. EaSements to be acquired 6.5 hrs. 12/1 Review files from City on project. Make field investi-g ation of project area M 8.0 12/2 Commence preparation of parcel files, examine data f'rom County Assessor's office on property ownerships. Compile ownership list and addresses ' 8.0 12/3 Continue with above 8.0 12/5 Continue with above 8.0 12/6 Commence preparation of Temporary Construction Easement documents for each parcel, prepare sketch exhibits to attach to deeds and lettears to property owners 7.0 12/7 Continue with above 8.0 12/8 " " " 7.5 12/9 " " " 8.0 12/10 " " " ~ 6.5 12/12 Meeting with Hall & Foreman staff. Prepare addition 1 sketches for Easement Deeds. Investigate current ownership status with title company ~ 7.0 12/13 Conduct field investigation along Beech Avenue and evaluate temp. const. ease. affect. ~ 8.0 12/15 Review up-to-date sewer plan from Hall & Foreman. Cdnf. with John .Hogan, Susan Roshan, Hall & Foreman 3.0 12/19 Secure additional information On ownerships from County Assessor's office and update files ! 4.0 re: rights of way concerns 2.0 12/22 Prepare reference map for right of way i i purposes 4.0 12/27 Conf. with Susan Roshan re: legal description and s]:etches 0.5 12/28 Review and prepare sketches for several acquisition parcel 2.5 TOTAL HOURS - 198: 106.5 hrs. JANUARY, 1989 1/4 Conf. with John Juan. Compile letter, temp. const. ease deeds and sketches ready for mailing certified mail - 50 packets 8 0 hrs. 1/5 Send packets to property owners certified mail 3 0 1/9 Conduct negotiations with property owners 7 0 1/11 ' " " " " 6 0 1/12 " " " " " ~ 5 0 1/13 Conf. with Susan Roshan. Request additiona r/w data : 10 1/16 Conduct negotiations with property owners. investigat~ questions and concerns raised by owners 7.0 1/17 Continue with negotiations 4.0 1/18 " " " 6 . 0 1/19 " " " 5 . 0 1/20 " " " 4.0 1/23 " " " 2 . 0 1/24 " " " 3 . 5 1/25 " " " 4 . 0 1/26 Update ownerships and prepare and send letters, Easement deeds to new owners 8.0 1/27 Conduct negotiations 3.5 1/30 " " 5.0 1/31 " " 3.0 TOTAL HOURS - January, 1989 85.0 hrs. FEBRUARY , 1989 2/1 Conduct Negotiations 2.5 2/2 " " 6 . 0 2/3 " " 4.5 2/6 " " 5.0 2/7 " " 1.5 2/8 Field investigation along Foothill Boulevard 4.5 2/9 Review additional information from Hall & Foreman re Beech Ave. Sewer 3.5 2/10 Conduct Negotiations 2.0 2/13 " " 1.5 2/14 " " 4.5 2/15 Conf. with Ray Vincenti, Hall & Foreman. Cond. Nego. 3.0 2/16 Conduct NegOtiations 1.5 2/17 " " 1.5 2/20 " " 3.0 2/21 " " 3.5 2/22 " " 1.5 2/23 " " 2.5 2/24 " " 1.0 2/27 Prepare letters to all Foothill owners re: workshop sessions to be held at City Hall, March 9th and 16th 4.0 2/28 Conduct Negotiations 3.0 TOTAL HOURS - February, 1989 60 hrs. MARCH, 1989 3/2 Conduct Negotiations 1.0 hrs. 3/3 " " 1.5 3/6 Conf. with Ray Vincenti re: workshop to be held at City Hall. Prepare agenda 1.5 3/7 Conduct Negotiations 1.0 3/8 " " 1.5 3/9 Conduct Workshop at City Hall Council Chambers 5.0 3/10 Conduct Negotiations 1.5 3/13 " " 1.0 3/15 Conf. with Ray Vincenti 0.5 3/16 Conduct 2nd Workshop at City Hall 4.5 3/17 Conduct Negotiations 1.0 3/18 Prepare and send letters to Foothill property owners for field meeting to be held on 3/29 2.5 3/21 Conduct Negotiations 1.5 3/23 " " 1.0 3/28 " " 1.0 v3/29 Conduct field meeting with property owners at Bono's Resturant 5.0 3/30 Conduct Negotiations 1.5 3/31 " " 1.0 TOTAL HOURS - March, 1989 33.5 hrs. CHARGES: LABOR 1988 - 106.5 hrs. @ $70.00 per hr. = $7,455.00. Maximum fee for 1988 per Agreement 11/29/88 $7,000.00 January, 1989 85.0 hrs. @ $70.00 per hr. 5,950.00 February, 1989 60.0 " " " " " 4,200.00 March, 1989 33.5 " " " " " 2,345.00 TOTAL LABOR CHARGE: ~$ 19,495.00 EXPENSES Reproduction Costs: 12/29/88,1/7/89, 1/8/89 = $58.32 Postage: Certified Mailing & postage for return mailing- 1/9/89, 2/28/89 141.05 TOTAL EXPENSES: 199.37 TOTAL CHARGE PER THIS INVOICE: iS 20,289.37 NOTE: Time shown for negotiation with property owners and conferences with City and Consultant staff includes time..,epe~n "o~ any preparatory and follow-up work u~ertak~,'conn tion ~ith these activities. Submitted By: ~'i' ~ WTWWR~R ~,nPTFR KINKOsS COPIES 741 N. PI AfI, FNTTA 741 N~ PLACENTIA 5~R-94~n 528-2430 nl/~/~ ~Fn~ ~1 0~07/88 CHECK T~NDEREZ~ $ **~ U.S. POSTAL SERVICE FULLERTON 350 CLERK ~0~ ~ ~.nA ~58 ~.~ DATE: 02/28,"8~ 03:38: ~2 PM r~PT~ ~. ~.~ COPIE~ '~ 7.8Q .............................. ~4~ O.n? SUBTTL 0~0 POSTAGE 25.88 RI I~TTI 2~.~4 TOTAL ~8 F' 0 METER 1.85 TAXi 1,4~ CASH CHECK TENDERED $ ' ................................... ~7~ TTFH ~5 ITEH *:+:* T ,. v YOU *:+:* ~lZA~n 11 :P5 005~0~0 14:4~' F~u~ - ~or~/uu~ v41 .. 528-243~ ~/29/88 FUL. LEE:TC~ri ' ,.., ........................................... CLERK ,~E~7 508 0.06 DATE: Oi/~JSt."':3S' Ai:=:3aIS' PHCOPIES ', 3.00 ............................ : .......................slo o.os TOTAL :: : '.t; !14. ~El SUB~ 23.88 CHECK TENDERED '.~; il4.2C~ T~ ............................................... TOT~ 30 ***THANK YOU .i,....w CASH C~ 4.69 f J 11~5 N, Oakdale, P. . March n, 1989 - Mr. John Juan Department of Public Works City o~ Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue --'-- /4~.,' Fontana, CA 92335 ......................... INVOICE For Right o~ Way Acquisition services provided on Foothill BoUlevard/ Beech Avenue Intercepto~ Sewer ProJsct through February 28, l~Sg. Services provided include the ~ollowinE: - Meetings and telephone con~erenoes with City and Engineering Consultant staffs - Field investigations o~ p~oject site - P~eparation ~ correspondence ~nd Temporary Construction Easement deeds Review of Improvement Plans and Assessor's d~t~ - Preparation o~ m~inten~nce o~ ~ile ~or each parcel - Negotiations with property owners - Updating ownershi~p~ addressess, etc. CHARGES: LABOR 1988 - 100.0 hrs. @'~$70.00 per hr.(per Agreement) $7,000.00 January, 1989 - 85.0 " "' " " " '5-,950.00 FebrUary, 1989 - 60.00 " "' "" " " 4,200.00 Total - L~bor: $17,150.00 EXPENSES Reproduction Costs: 12/29/88, 1/7/89, 1/8/89 - $ 58.82 Postage: Certified Mailing,~ postage ~dr return mailings - 1/9/89, 2/28/89 141.05 To~al - Expens;es 199.37 B~ ~ TOTAL CHARGE PER THIS INVOICE: ~ $17,349.37 Submitted ' k'TWKn'R nnPTFR KINKO~S COPIES 741 N, PI ARFNTTA 741 Ni PLACENTIA ~2R-P4~n 528-2430 fil/n~/~ ~F~~ nl 0~07Z88 CHECK TENDERED $ 26;85 , *** U,S~ F'OSTAL SEF~VICE *** FULLERTON 350 .............................. ~4~ n.n7 SUBTT 7.8~ 0~0 F'O~TAGE 25.00 n~TF~ ', S.RR TA~ RI I~TTI ~, ~4 TOTAt llO P 0 METER 1.85 TAXI 1.4~ CASH TOTAL: $ ~ RHFRW CHUG 1.73 CHECK TENDERED $ ' .................................. ~5 TTFH ITEH ~ KI~O'S C~IESTM - 528-~4S~ ~/~9/88 DATE: O!.,"O~h"OS Oi:~O:iP F'M COPIES '~ 3.00 O'~E' F'OS:I'ACE ~i'S,.4F~ COPIES ', 3.06 'Lie F' 0 r'IET~R 2.40 ~8 0.07 Ei'~r~ POSTACE ~ ~. (30 ~OB .... . .........~....: ..........COPZES % ~3.20 TOTAL: ; $ i~4.20 SUg~ CHECK TENDERED '~ li4.20 T~ " TOT~ '~..~=, TH~r.4K 'y'RU,:~.m.= CASH CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING PROJECT NAME/LOCATION Foothill Blvd. - Sewer JOB # 3904-02 CLIENT NAME City of Fontana MEETING SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 3/28/98 LOCATION: City of Fontana ATTENDEES: Jim Bevins - Gas Co. RoGer Bauchman -Gas Co. (NAME/CO.) Bob St. John - Gas Co. Harry Frankland-G.E.Goodrich John JUan - City of Fontana Ray Vincenti - H~F SUMMARY PREPARED BY: RaV Vincenti ~ MEETING PURPOSE: To determine if qas line could be saved Dar~llel to the sewer construction or must it be removed. ACTION ITEMS: I RESPONSIBLE WHEN TASK PARTYi DUE 1. Jim Beyins-Lines are steel and can remain in ~ place during excavation. Gas Co. Contractor must be careful not to hit them even thouqh there would be only 1' to 2' clearance between edge of trench 14' deep & Gas line. 2. Ray Vincenti-If this is true, will the Gas Co. be predated to protect their line and H&F assume the liability? 3. Roqer Bauchman- No! the contractor must Gas Co. be responsible. (Additional tasks listed on reverse side of this sheet.) DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 4/4/89 - CITY HA~L CC: ATTENDEES, John Hoqan, Georqe Shambeck, Ann Ivory, Calvert Bob Doss, Mike Cordova (see reverse) 42,5 SUMARY 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-8428 · '14) 641-8777 ADDITIONAL TASKS a~ JOB # 3904-02 RESPONSIBLE WHEN PARTY DUE 4. RaY Vincenti-would the Gas Co. be willina to H&F move the' steel line to within 1' of the N. R/W line? 5. Bob St. John-Mavbe, but would replace steel Gas Co. line only with Plastic lines now used. 6. RaY Vincenti~If there is a trench failure, H&F the Plastic line may fail. Would You use steel lines in this case to provide the ~ added protection. 7.~ Roaer Bauchman-No! it is not our Policy. We Gas Co. will onlv use plastic and the contractor must be liable and responsible. 8. Ray Vincenti-Does the Gas Co. have anV other H&F alternatives to offer? 9. Roaer Bauchman-No! Gas Co. CONCLUSION: Gas Co. unwillin~ to assume responsibility and does not want to relocate with steel. No agreement reached. COMMENTS: #1-If ~as line is interrupted more than once, Fire Debt will most likeV shut down the ~ob. Excavation this close to Gas line would rec~lire extraordinary care. Production would be aDDrox. 1/2 of normal (Per Kinko). #2-RAY suagested thev shut off the line is increments as work progressed, Gas Co. said not feasible. No! KOSAYASHI & ASSOCIATES 1125 N. Oakdale, P.O. Box 3729, Fulierton, California 92631 * {~14} 738-4644 NOTICE TO MEET DATE: March 20, 1989 TO: Property Owners on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue. RE: Proposed sewer installation in Foothill Boulevard! A field meeting will be held to discuss the various prope!rty owner concerns and resolve potential problems associated with the proposed sewer construction. The meeting will start at 10:O0 A.M., Wednesday, March 29., 1989. The meeting place will be in front of Bono's Deli & RestSrant at 15395 Foothill Boulevard. There will be representatives from the City, and the consultant engineering and right of way acquisition firms. Hope to see you there Si. r'~y ,-~\ chi Kob ~I & ASSOCIATES Right of Way Representative for City of Fontana cc: John Juan Roger Hatch Ray Vincenti HALL ~ F[~REHAN, IHC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Rpr 14,~9 lJ:~l r~o.UU~ r.v1 (~tll. ENalNEE~INQ · ~D ~NIN~ e ~ND $U~VE~Na If 811 pages are mt reoeived or there is a diffi~ulty with this transmis- sion, please ca~l ,'~Ay ...... at (714) 641-8777 or reply to FAX n~ber (714) 641-0~70 3rIO REDHILL }V[NU~ · COS~AMESA. CALIFORNIA g2876.34?h e (714) t, 4 -8777 HALL % FBREMAN, INC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Apt 14,89 13:41No.O09 P.02 Civil Engineering-Land Planning-Land Surveying 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626-3428 Telephone (714) 641-8777 **** CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE **** Job: 3904A Estimate date: 13 April 1989 SEWER/FOOTHILL (CHERRY TO LIME) & BEECH INTERCEP By: JANICE= Quantity Unit Cost Item Total *** SANITARY SEWERS *** Mains: 4-24" VCP ............. , ............ 5394 LF 84 00 453,096.00 ~-21" VCP .......................... 5292 LF 59 00 312,228.00 1-12. VCP .......................... 1975 LF 34 00 67,150.00 I- 8" VCP .......................... 376 LF 26 O0 9,776.00 ~ 30"x 0.375" Steel Casing .......... 146 LF 75 00 10,950.00 ~ 42"x 3/8" Steel Casing ............ 90 LF 80 00 7,200.00 Mains subtotal: 860,400.00 Manholes: ( 48" PreCast Manhole ............... 5 EA 1,500.00 7,500.00 ~-60" Manhole ........................ 19 EA 2,800.00 53,200.00 &-60" Manhole (w/watertight cover)... 10 EA 2,900.00 29,000.00 /]. Drop Manhole ....................... 1 EA 2,200.00 2,200.00 Manholes subtotal: i 91,900.00 Miscellaneous: ~ fi8" VCP Lateral (w/wyes & plugs) .... 79 EA 200.00 1~,800.00 ,~ 6" VCP Lateral ..................... 22 LF ' 24,00 528,00 - PlUg End VCP SeWer ................. 9 EA 100.O0 900.00 /~ Remove Trees,, ........... .,, ....... 394 EA 200.00 78,800.00 ~ Remove & Restore Chain Link Fence.. 2188 LF 12.00 26,256.00 /~ Remove & Replace Existing Curb .... . 270 LF 8,00 2,160.00 /5Remove Existing 72" RCP .... ' ........ 40 LF 100.00 4,000.00 13Remove ex. sewer plug & connect .... i EA 700.00 700.00 fConst. Concrete Collar ............. 1 EA 200.00 200,00 Page i of 2 HALL & FORENAN, INC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Apt' 14,89 13:41 No.O09 P.O,~ Constfuctlon Cost Estimate - 3904A Quantity Unit Cost Item Total Remove/replace Pavement ............ 4000 SF 2.00 8,000.00 Remove Struct, Appurt & Equipment.. LS 4,000.00 /~Traffic Control Etc ................ LS 10,000.00 Miscellaneous subtotal: 151,344.00 SANITARY SEWERS total: 1,103,644.00 *** MAJOR CATEGORY TOTALS (without contingencies): SANITARY SEWERS: 1,103,644.00 "" *** SUMMARY: CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL: 1,103,644.00 CONTINGENCIES @ 10%: 110,364.40 OTHER COSTS~ 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: .1,214,008,40 NOTES: 1, Since Hall & Foreman , Inc.,. has no control over the cost of labor, materials~ or equipment, or over the contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, our opinions of estimated project cost or eonstruetion costi provided for herein are to be made on the basis of our experience and qualifications and represent our best judgment as design professionals familiar with the construction industry, but Hall and 'Foreman , Inc., cannot and does not, guarantee that proposals, bid~, or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of estimated cost prepared by the firm. Page 2 of 2 HALL ~ FOREHAN, INC. TEL: 714-G41-0170 Apt 14,09 15:241No.O09 P.04 CONTRACT PROPOSAL THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTHILL TRUNK LiNE AND BEECH iNTERCEPTOR SE~4ER NAIN, HENLOCK TO LINE, FOOTHILL BLVD, TO BASELINE, To the Ctty Council of the City of Fontana: The underslgned as b~dder declares that he has carefully examined the plans and specifications and read the accompanying Instructions to b~ddersl and hereby roposes ~nd agrees, accepted, to furnhh a~4 materials and do ~11 the wor~ required;to complete the said work in ~ccordance wtth sa~d p3ans ~nd specification ~n the ttme and manner there~n prescribed, for the untt price set forth ~n the followlng schedu3e. Zn case of a d~screpancy between words and flgures, the words shall prevail, I APPROXIHATE I ITEH~ITH UNIT PRICE I UNIT I TOTAL ITEH I QUANTITY I ~RZTTEN IN ~ORDS PRICE I Per Linear Foot [ 1975 LF const,12" extra strenght vcp " Per Unear Foot 5315 LF const, 21" extra strenght vcp I e _ I Per L,.ea 'Foot" t36-3 LF const. ~4" extra strenght vCp I I Per ~tnear Foot I } I Iconst, 48" precast conc,.NN per 5 ea std, 112 e_ I ..... .! 13 HRLL & FOREI~RN, INC. TEL: 714-64i-0170 Rpr 14,~w lo.q~ ,~u.v~ .... CONTRACT PROPOSAL CONTINUATION I remove 4N4,J,. trees that can not l I t 14 lump sum be save t :um t (~ ~) ~ ~v~ I I I ' lump sum I I ( I remove & replace extst, p~vemen~ [ 4oo~ I remove structure, punp & equipS. ~ 16 lump sum per det~11 on the plans. e "' I lump sum fe~er~ L~Te~ ~.~: H ...... :: ..... --. ~, ~ HALL ~ FORENAN, INC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Apt 14,89 CONTRACT PROPOSAL CONTINUATION const. 60" NH per sheee-f~ I ~ .. I I each I 1natal1 30" x 3/8" steel casln9 I 7 146 LF and 3acklng e I I I per l~neaP foo~ I I I install 42" x 3/8" steel casing I I I I pep linear foot I I const, concrete collar I 9 lea e ........ I I each remove and Pestore chain link 10 ~188 LF fence e I t per linear foot I I I modify exist, HH to std,109 & I 11 1 ea. I12 using 6' dta. shaf~ e I _ I I each ' I remove i replace curb I gutter I 12 270 LF e I I [ pet llnear foot 13 lump sum I 'lump sum 14 SAN BER~ BARDINO CHICAGO TITLE COMF'ANY 625 CARNEGIE DRIVE SUITE ;100 SAN BERNARDINO7 CA 92408 714'-884-044S OPdeP No, 8800520-7 Your Re~. JOB ~3904 CITY OF FQNTANA EN81NEER I NI-] DEPT. 8,'~5,~ SIERRA FONTANA.~ CA ATTN'. BOB POR]'ER .......... _PHOTO COPIES OF: ITEM (S) ......... OTHER ............................... HALL &FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE COSTA MESA, CA 92626-~428 ATTN: SUSAN S. ROSHAN Re'~erence: FrOOTHII_L/SEWER-I ]'he Preliminary Report .For your Order JOB ~3904 is enclosed. A].]. recipients o.F the Report are shown. ~ Thank you for youP censider'ation o~: ChicaSc~ Title. ,; ~ ~ SAN BERNARDINO CH I CAG[] T I TI..E COMPAI',IY 625 CARNEGIE DF;~IVE SUITE 100 SAN BERN,4RDINO, CA 9240E~ 714-884-0448 OPdeP No. 8800~20-7 PRELiPiiNARY REi:'[]RT Youl.', No. jOB ~3904 CITY OF FON'I'ANA ENGINEERING DEF'T. 8353 E;IE2RRA FONI'ANA, CA 923Z~5 ATTN.' BOB F'ORTER Dated as o+ FEBRUARY :[7, 1988 at '7::Z~0 A.M. In response to the above re+erenced application ~c>r a policy e~ title insurance, Chicago Title Company hereby reports that it is prepaPed to issue., oP cause to be issued, as e~ the date her'eo~., a I='olicy or Policies o'F Title Insur'ance descr"ibin~ the land and tl'~e estate uP interest therein hereina.PbeP set .Fort'h., insurin~ a~:fain~t lo~s which may be sustained by IE~xception below uP not excluded ~rorn cover'a~e pursuant to the printed Schedules., Conditions and Stipulations o~ said Policy ~orrns. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions ~rom the coverafje to sa:i.d PeIlcy or Policies are set .Forth in Exhibit A attacl"~ed. Copies o.F the Polic;y ~or'rn~ should be read. 'They are available ~rom the o~.Fice which issued tl'~is This report (and any supp].ements uP arnendrnen'bs her, eta) is issued solely ~oP the puPpose e.F +acilitatin9 the issuance o~ a policy o~ title insurance and no liabil:[ty is assumed hereby. I.F it is desirked that liability be assurned prior to the issuance o+ a policy o+ tit,le insurance, a BindeP or Cornmii:rnent should be requested. The +cu.-m o+ pc~licy o+ tit'le ir'~surance contemplated by this r'epor, t is: :i.,,California Land Title Association Star~dard Coverage Policy ~ 2. ArnePican Land Title Association Owr'~em."s Policy For, m B.....Star~d~Pd (_) 2a American Land T:ltle Associ~rtion OwnePs Policy F:'orm B-Extended (._) ~,, American Land 'T'i't:le Association Residen~:i. al Title Insurance Policy (_.) 4. American Land Title Association L.oan Pol:lcy-StandaPd (.._) 4a Arnerican Land Tit le Assoc iat ion Loan Pol :[cy-Exter~ded (_) ':: NA BE UII.:ZLE I 0 F::'AGEZ 1 PRELIMINARY REPORT Order No. 8800320-7 The estate Or interest in the lanO hereina~ter' OescrlbeO oP reSerre~ to covered by this Report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: HEINZ W. FISCHER AND MARIE S. FISCHER~ HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS~ AS TO PAROELS 1, 2 AND 3; MITSUKO DOOLITTLE, AS TO PARCEL 4~ SUBJECT TO ITEM NO. 31HEREINAFTER SHOWN~ CARL E. ATKINSON, JR. AND DILZA ATKINSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS~ AS TO PARCEL 5~ DINESH L. PATEL AND MANI BEN PATEL, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS, AS TO PARCEL 6; HOWARD WAGNER AND KATHERINE WAGNER, HUSBAND AND WIFE~ AS JOINT TENANTS, AS TO PARCEL 7; JOHN J. LUM AND LIZA L.Y. LUM~ HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTST AS TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 JOHN A. FEDERICO AND MRS. LUCY FEDERICO~ AS TO PARCEE 10 The land referred to in this Report~ in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, is described as follows: SEE LEGAL ATTACHED PAGE 2 PRELIMINARY REPORT OPdeP No. 8800320-7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL NO. 1: THE WESTERLy 150 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 1/2 OF LOT 52~ ACCORDING TO MAP OF ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. 1~ A SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 2~ TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH~ RANGE 6 WEST~ SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN~ AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OF MAPS~ PAGE 69~ RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL STATE AND COUNTY HIGHWAYS. AREA AND DISTANCES OF SAID LAND ARE COMPUTED TO THE CENTERS OF THE ADJOINING STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. S~ID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR'S MAP, RECORDED IN BOOK 8~ PAGE 62, RECORDS OF SURVEY. PARCEL NO. THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE EAST 200 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 52~ ACCORDING TO MAP OF ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. 1~ A SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 2~ TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH~ RANGE 6 WEST~ SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN~ AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OF MAPS~ PAGE 69T RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM~ ALL STATE AND COUNTY HIGHWAYS. AREA AND DISTANCES OF SAID LAND ARE COMPUTED TO THE CENTERS OF THE ADJOINING STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. PARCEL NO. THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE EAST 200 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 52~ ACCORDING TO MAP OF ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. 1T A SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 2; TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH~ RANGE 6 WEST; SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN~ AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OF MAPST PAGE 69~ RECORDS OP SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM~ ALL STATE AND COUNTY HIGHWAYS. AREA AND DISTANCES OF SAID LAND ARE COMPUTED TO THE CENTERS OF THE ADJOINING STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. PARCEL NO. THE WEST 165 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET OF LOTS 52 AND 537 ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. 1T SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 2~ TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH~ RANGE 6 WEST~ SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN~ IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO~ STATE OF CALiFORNiA~ AS PER PLAT RECORDED iN BOOK i6 OF MAPS~ PAGE RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. SAVING AND EXCEPTING THE SOUTH'20 FEET OF SAID LOT 52~ IN STATE HIGHWAY. PARCEL NO. PAGE PRELIMINARY REPORT Orde~' No. 8800520-7 THE EAST 165 FEET OF LOTS 52 AND 55~ ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. SUBDIVISiONOF SECTION 2~ TOWNSHIP 1SOUTH~ RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN~ IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO; STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OF MAPS~ PAGE 89, IN THE OFPICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SAVING AND EXCEPTING THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF SAID LOT 52 IN STATE HIGHWAY. PARCEL NO. THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE WEST 100 FEET OF LOT 56; ARROWHEAD VINEYARDS TRACT NO. 1, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OF MAPS~ PAGE 69~ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. AREAS AND DISTANCES FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE COMPUTED TO THE C~NTER OF ALL ADJOINING STREETS AND ROADS. P~RCEL NO. 7: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE EAST 100 FEET OP THE WEST 200 ~EET OF LOT 56~ ARROWHEAD VINEYARD~ TRSCT NO. 1~ AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK I~ OP MAFS~ PAGE 69~ RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. PARCEL NO. 8: THE WEST 500 FEET~ EXCEPTING THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE WEST 200 FEET THEREOF~ OF LOT 56~ ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. 1~ AS PER PLAT RECORDED iN BOOK 16 OF MAF'S~ PAGE 69~ RECORDS OF SAiD COUNTY. EXCEPT THEREFROM ANY PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY. NOTE: THE AREA AND DISTANCES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE COMPUTED TO THE CENTERS OF THE ADJOINING STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. PARCEL NO. 9: THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE WEST 400 FEET OF LOT 56, ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. 1~ AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OF MAPS~ PAGE 69~ RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY. NOTE: THE AREA AND DISTANCES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE COMPUTED TO THE CENTERS OF THE ADJOINING STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. PARCEL NO. 10: LOT 56~ ARROWHEAD VINEYARD TRACT NO. 1, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OP MAPS~ PAGE 69~ RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST 4~0 FEET THEREOF AND ALSO EXCEPTING HIGHWAY. AREAS AND DISTANCES OF ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE COMPUTED TO CENTER OF PAGE 4 PRELIMINARY REPORT oroer No. ~oo~zo-7 ALL ADJOINING STREETS AND ROADS, PAGE 5 PRELIMINARY REPORT Order No. 8800320-7 At the date hereof exceptions to coverage, in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form~ would be as fol lows: 1. General and Special taxes for the fiscal year' 1987-1988. Second installment: $20'7.28 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-21 Exemptloft: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 1 2. Gegeral and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $23.79 ~ode Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-21 Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 1 General and special taxes for' the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $23.67 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-44 Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 2 4. General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $23.67 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-4~ Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 5 5. General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $558.~1 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-18 Exemption: NONE PAGE 6 · , PRELIMINARY REPORT Or der No. 8800520-7 Affects: PARCEL NO. 4 General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $794.38 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-17 Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 5 7. General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. ~Second installment: $972.71 Code Area: 074025 ~Assessment No: 228-251-16 Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 6 8. General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $77.62 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-16 Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 6 9. General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $157.59 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-i5 Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 7 10. General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1987-1988. Second installment: $275.01 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-14 Exemption: NONE PAGE 7 PRELIMINARY REPORT Order No. 8800~20-7 Affects: PARCEL NO. 8 11. Gene~-al and special taxes for the fiscal year' 1987-1988. Second installment: $192.81 Code Area: 074025 Assessment No: 228-251-13 Exemption: NONE Affects: PARCEL NO. 9 12. SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES ASSESSED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OP CHAPTER 5.5 (CpMMENCING WITH SECTION 75) OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. FISCAL YEAR; 1987-1988 SECOND INSTALLMENT; $284.42 DATE DELINQUENT~ APRIL 10~ 1988 PENALTY AMOUNT; $58.45 ASSESSMENT NO.: 228-251-16 Affects: PARCEL NO. 6 SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES ASSESSED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75) OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. FISCAL YEAR; 1987-1988 SECOND iNSTALLMENT; $~5.51 DATE DELINQUENT~ APRIL 10~ 1988 PENALTY AMOUNT; $13.54 ASSESSMENT NO.: 228-251-i7 Affects: PARCEL NO. 5 14. SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES ASSESSED F'URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OP CHAPTER 5.5 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75) OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. FISCAL YEAR; 1987-1988 SECOND INSTALLMENT; $434.82 DATE DELINQUENT~ APRIL 10~ 1988 PENALTY AMOUNT; $53.49 ASSESSMENT NO.: 228-251-17 PAGE 8 PRELIMINARY REPORT Or de~- No. 8800~20-7 Affects: PARCEL NO~ 5 15. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES~ IF ANY~ ASSESSED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER ~.5 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75) OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO RESERVED INA DOCUMENT. PURPOSE PUBLIC UTILITIES RECORDED FEBRUARY 097 1910 IN BOOK 452; PAGE 265 OF DEEDS AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. i THROUGH 57 INCLUSIVE REFERENCE IS MADE TO SAID DOCUMENT FOR FULL PARTICULARS. AMONG OTHER THINGS~ SAID DOCUMENT PROVIDES: A COVENANT ~ROHIBITING THE MANUPACTURE OR SALE OP INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND THE PROVISION OF TITLE UF'ON VIOLATION THEREOF. 17. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS RESERVED IN A DOCUMENT. PURPOSE PUBLIC UTILITIES RECORDED JUNE 01, 1913 IN BOOK 614~ PAGE ~31 OF DEEDS AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 6 THROUGH 10~ INCLUSIVE REFERENCE IS MADE TO SAID DOCUMENT FOR FULL PARTICULARS. AMONG OTHER THINGS~ SAID DOCUMENT PROVIDES: A COVENANT PROHIBITING THE MANUFACTURE OF SAID OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND THE REVERSION OF TITLE UPON VIOLATION THEREOF. 18. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY PURPOSE RAILROAD RECORDED JUNE 17, 1913 IN BOOK 529, PAGE 216 OF DEEDS AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 8, 9 AND 10 REFERENCE IS MADE TO SAID DOCUMENT FOR FULL PARTICULARS. 19. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO STATE OF CALIFORNIA PURPOSE STATE HIGHWAY RECORDED JULY 19, 1929 IN BOOK 517, PAGE 269, OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS THE SOUTH 50 FEET OF ALL PARCELS LYING WITHIN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD PAGE 9 PRELIMINARY REPORT Order No. 8800320-7 AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO DOMENICO FERRUA, ET UX. PURPOSE PUBLIC UTILITIES RECORDED JULY 147 1935 IN BOOK 900, PAGE 44~ OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS A STRIP OF LAND 5 FEET IN WIDTH, COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 52, AND RUNNING EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE BOULEVARD AS ESTABLISHED BY DEED FROM DALCRIDE LALIBERTE AND ELLA F. LALIBERTE~ DATED JULY 29, 1927 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 304 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, PAGE 314, A DISTANCE OF 330 FEET. Affects: PARCEL NOS. iT 2 AND 3 21. ORDINANCE NO. 599 ESTABLISHES A SET-BACK LINE OF 65 FEET FROM THE CENTER LINE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ON AUGUST 25~ 1947. 22. RiBhts of the public in and to that portion of the herein described land .lyinB within FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND HEMLOCK AVENUE. 23. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PURPOSE HIGHWAY AND ROAD PURPOSES RECORDED JULY 06, 1965 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 798 IN BOOK 6425~ PAGE 45, OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS THE SOUTH 60.00 FEET OF THE EAST 165.00 FEET OF LOTS 52 AND 53, EXCEPTING THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, 100.00 FEET WIDE. 24. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness and any other amounts payable under the terms thereo~. Amount: $65,000.00 Dated: AUGUST 05~ 1971 Trustor: HEINZ W. FISCHER AND MARIE S. FISCHER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS Trustee: TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Beneficiary: CLOYDE B. LAURTTZEN AND VENUS V. LAURITZEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE~ AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded: AUGUST 12~ 1971 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 46 IN BOOK 77297 PAGE 9777 OFFICIAL RECORDS The present a~nount due should be determined by contactinS the current beneficiary under said deed of'trust. PAGE 10 PREL. I M I NARY REPORT Order No, 8800320-7 AFFECTS: THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND AIND OTHER LAND= Affects: PARCEL NO, 1 zs. A deed of trust to eec:ure an indebtednes.s and any other a~noun'b~ payruble under the terms thereo.~, Amount: $29~ 0c)0.00 OC 21 1974 IZ)ated~ .. ~T(Z]BI~R 'l"rustor': FRANKI_IN IRWIN FISNER AND DEANN( LYNN F'ISHEZR, HUSBAND AND WIFE Trustee: BANK OF AMERICA NATIGNAL TRUST ~ND SAVINGS ABSO[]IATION, Beneficiary: JENNIE GASSARA, A WIDOW Recorded: NOVEMBER 12, t974 AS INS]'RUMENT ~NO. 433 IN BOOK 8555, PAGE: 69i, OFFICIAl, RECORDS The present amount due should be deter'mined by contacting the current beneficiary under said deed of tnust. A~fects: F:'ARCEL NO. 5 z6. A deed o~ tf-ust to secur'e an indebtedness and any Other' arnour'lts payable under the terrns thereo'F. Arnount: ~4:2,667.8:2 Dated: FEBRL)ARY 21, 198() I Trustor: "rED M. SIRKIN AND TERRY M. SIRKIN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, DAI...E PIKE AND ROSANNE PIKE, HUSBAND AND WiFE AND ROBERT TIRO'[TA AND SANDRA "FIROTTA~ HUSBAND AND WIFE Trustee: CAI_II::rORNIA LAND TITLE: CQMPANY~ A CALIFORNIA CORPORAT I ON : Bene~:iciany: FRANI4L. IN IRWIN rzISHER AND DEANNA LYNN FISHER., HUSBAND AND WIF:'E~ AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded: MARCH 06, 1980 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 80-057051, OFIzICIAL RECDRDS The pr, esent amount due should be deter'mined by contacting the current beneficiary under said deed of trust. AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE BENEFICIAl_ INTEREST UNDER SAID DEED OF:' TRUST WHICH NAMES AS ASSIGNEE [~ARY HU8NES, AN UNMARRIED MAN RECORDED MAY 16, 19S5 AS INSTRUMEIqT NO. 85-116482, DFFIE',IAL RECGRDS PAGE 11 PREL. IMI NARY REPORT []ndeF' No. 8800,~20-7 A~ects-' PARCEL. NO, 27. A deed o~: tnust to secu~'e an indebtedness and any other~ amounts payable under' the tenrns theneo.f. Amount: $75,000.00 Dated: jANUARY 22~ 1981 'l"nuston: DINESH L,. PATEL AND MANI BEN RATEL, HUSBAND AND WIEE Thustee: THIE BANK OF []ALI~=ORNIA~ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION~ A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION Bene'~iciany: HARRY I. .... CHRISTIAN., A WIDOWER' Reconded: FEBRLJARY 19~ 1981 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 81...-055Z~20, OFFICIAL RECORDS The p~"esent amount due should be deter'~n:Lned by contact inS t~l"le cunr'ent beneficiar'y under' said deed o.F tnL~St. Affects: F"ARCEI_ NO. 6 i A deed o.~ t~-ust to secure an indebtedness and any other' al'~oul~ts payable under' the tenrns the~'eo~:. Amount: $46~ 000.00 Dated: AUGUST 07.~ 1985 Thuston: DINESH L. PATEL AND MANI BEN PATEL~ HUSBAND AND WIFE Tnostee: SHOSHONE SERVICE CORPOF(A'I"ION~ A CALIFORNIA CORP[]RAT ION Beneficiany: FREDRIC H. RUBEL JEWELERS~ INC.~ DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN F~ecc,~-ded:', NOVEMBER 22~ 1985 AS INSTRUMEN~r NO. 85-.294862~ OFFICIAL RECORDS The pr'esent a~nount due should be deter'mined by centactin8 the bene.~iciar'y unde~'~ said deed o.~ t~ust. Af.Fects: PARCEL NO. 6 s deed o'~ t~ust to secune an indebtedness and any ether' arnour:~ts payable L.inden the te~rns theneo.~. Arnount: $105,, ~00.00 Dated: APRIl.. '24~ 1986 'T't-ustot": CARL E,, ATKINSON~ JR. AND DILZA ATKINSON Tt-ustee: POMONA FINANCIAL SERVICES, IIxlC~ BeneficiaPy: F'OMONA FIRST FE:DERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC I AT :[ [IN Recor'ded: MAY 14-, 1986 AS :[NSTRUMENT NO. 86-:L25180, OFFICIAL RECORDS 'r'l"~e pr'esen~ arnount' cJue shoul~ be cle't:er'rn:Lned by contactIn8 the cuPPent PAGE 12 PRELIMINARY REP:ORT Order' No.. 88003:~0-7 beneficiary under said deed o.F trust. A~fects: F'ARCEL NO, 5 30. A deed 04: trust 't'o secure an indebtedn:ess and any otl"~er' arnounts payable under the terms thereof, Amount: $~6~ 000, :00 Oateel; JANLIARY 15.~ 19~7 'Trustor: MI'T'SU~O I)OOLI'T'TLE Trustee~ TRUST DEED AGENCY~ A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Ben e ~ i c i ar y: AYAK 0 IE:MOR I F(ecorded: OC"rOBEF~ 19~ :1.9S7 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 87-S'Z3750., OFFICIAL RECORDS The present amount due should be determined by contactin8 ~l"~e current beneficiary under saicl deed o'F trust. Affects: PARCE.:L N[]. 4 T251. ANY MATTERS WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY EXAM]:NATION OF LOS AI\!GELEES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. D08091'7. Af.Fects: PARCEEL NO, 4 THE COMMUNITY INTEREST OF' THE SPOUSE OF THE VESTEE NAMED BELOW. VESTEE: jOHN A. FEDERiCO AND LUCY FEDERICO AN ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT FOR THE AMOUNT SNOWN BELOW AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS DUE. [~EB'FOR DINEZSH PATEL, AN INDIVIDUAL CREDITOR ,]. MELCHIONE, C/O LEDEIRER & KOTLER A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION BATE ENTERED OCTOBER 18~ 19S4 []OUNfY LOS ANGE~LES COURT MUN I C I PAL. CASE NO. 131 668 AMOUNT $5-~ 481.09 RECORDED NOVEMBER 01, 1984 AS INSTRUI~ENT NO. 84-262864, OFFICIAL. RECORDS A~.~ects: PARCEL NO. 6 F'AGE ,. PIRIEL, IMI IxlARY REPI]R"I" (]p(L~el" I',1o.: 88()0320-7 PLATS : RM/JH :l. 4 PFd~I._IMII\IARY REP[]RT []Pcler, No. ESBOO,']ZO--'7 NOTES NOTE NO. ~ "Should this c:omF~any be Pequir'ed to disbur-se '~unds as paPt o~ the closing ~ 'this tPansactic~n~ yc~uP attention is diPected to the e~ects ~:hat SB ~550 will have upom oup ab:i. lity to d:i. sbur'se said ~unds." PAGE 15 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY (~I-gZ ~nd AMERICAN LAND 'IiTLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD OWNER'S POLICY (~1-87) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and thc Company will not pay loss 0r damage, costs, attorneys' f~es or expanses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restrict- ing, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a s~paration in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of adefect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental palice power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has beon recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but no~ excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights ofa purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; CO) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. The above policy forms may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition t~ the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy will also include the following General Exceptions: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expanses) which arise by reason of: , 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes o~ assessments on real propar~y or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whethe~ or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained] by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of parsons in possession thereof. 3. Easemems, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which arc not shown by the public records. : 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), Co), or (e) are shown by the public records. EXHIBIT A PRELIMINARY REPORT (LIST OF PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS) CALIFORNIA LAND 'IITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1973 (Amended 12-6-85 and 2-20-86) SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage, nor against costs, attorneys' fees or expenses, any or all of which arise by reason of the following: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by 7. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or real property or by the public records. prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoymint of the land, or regulating Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or the character, dimensions, or location o~ any improvement now or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership by the records of such agency or by the public records. or a change in the dimensions or area ofth~ land or any parcel of which 2. Any facts. rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the the land is or was a part, whether or not ~hown by the public records public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the at Date of Policy, or the effect of any violation of any such law, or- land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. dinance or government~ regulation, whether or not shown by the public 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are records at Date of Pobcy. 8. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power not shown by the public records. unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records. 4. Discrepancies. conflicts in boundary iines~ shortage in area, 9. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would ~) whether or not shown by the public re~ords at Date of Policy, but disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. created, caused, suffered, assumed or agereed to by the insured clai- 5. (a) Unpatemed mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in mant; (b) not shown by the public recordsland not otherwise excluded patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights~ from coverage but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by (a)~ (b)~ or (c) are shown by the public records. this policy or acquired the insured mortgage and not disclosed in writing 6. Any right, title, interest, estate or easement in land beyond the by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured lines of the area specifically described or referred to in Schedule A, claimant became an insured hereunder; '(c) resulting in no loss or or in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or water- damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent ways, but nothing in this paragraph shall modify or limit the extent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not to which the ordinary right of an abuthng owner for access to a physical- have been sustained if the insured claimant had been a purchaser or ly open street or highway is insured by this policy. encumbrancer for value without knowledge. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6-1-87) EXCLUSIONS In addition to the exceptions in Schedule B, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorney's fees and expenses resulting from: I. Governmental police power, and the existence or violation of any law or government regulation. This includes building and zoning ordinances and also taws and regulations concerning: · land use · land division · improvements on the land · environmental protection This exclusion does not apply to the violations or the enforcement of these matters which appear in the public records at Policy Date. This exclusion does not limit the zoning coverage described in items 12 and 13 of Covered Title Risks. 2. The right to take the land by condemning it, unless: · a notice of exercising the right appears in the public records on the Policy Date · the taking happened prior to the Policy Date and is binding on you if you bought the land without knowing of the taking 3. Title Risks: · that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you Ic° · that are known to you~ but not to us. on the Policy Date - unless they appeared in the public re rds · that result in no loss to you · that first affect your title after the Policy Date - this does not limit the labor and material lien ~overage in Item 8 of Covered Title Risks 4. Failure to pay value for your title. 5. Lack of a right: · to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in Item 3 of Schedule A, or · in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land This exclusion does not limit the.access coverage in Item 5 of Covered Title Risks. F.2688-03 (6- l -87) · ~ EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (6-1.87) WITH ALTA ENDORSEMENT - FORM 1 COVERAGE and AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD LOAN POLICY (6-1-87) WITH ALTA ENDORSEMENT - FORM I COVERAGE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance o~ governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restrict- ing, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, Or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was n pan; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a ~lefect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exerc se ~ereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the puhl c records at Date of Policy, 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) crated, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at. Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior ~ the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (except to the extent that this policy insuses the priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over any statutory lien for services, labor or material or to the extent insurance is afforded herein as to assessments for street improvements under construction or completed at Date of Policy); or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer cred~it protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any statutory lien for services, labor or materials (or the claim or priority of any statutory lien for services, labor or materials Over the lien of the insured mortgage ) arising from an improvement or work related to the land which is contracted fox' and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and is not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to advance. : The above policy forms may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition t~ the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy will also include the fol owing General Exceptions: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE i This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the reec~rds of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessmems, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmerits, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. . 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the public records. AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES CITY OF FONTANA 1988, by and between the City of Fontana, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Kobayashi & Associates, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, CITY is undertaking the construction of sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly extension of BeeCh Avenue. WHEREAS, CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT for the purpose of providing right of way 'acquisition services for this project. WHEREAS, CONSULTANT, is considered professionally competentito provide the services to accomplish the right of way acquisitions for this project. WHEREAS, CITY seeks voluntary dedications of easements fromiall the property owners from whom rights of ways are needed for this project at this time. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and CONSULTANT, for the considerations stated herein, agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES CONSULTANT agrees to provide those services described as follows: 1. Preparation of correspondence to property owners to acquire the easements. 2. Incorporation of legal descriptions unto appropri,ate easement deed forms. 3. Conduct negotiations with property owners. 4. Meet with City staff and consultants involved in !this project. 5. Prepare status reports. 6. Prepare right of way cost estimates and outline procedure should voluntary dedication method to acquire easments be.unsatisfactory or incomplete. All work will be provided on an as-needed basis as authorized by the CITY and performed in accordance with State laws and regulations governing the acquisition of property and property 'rights by public agencies. II. COMPENSATION CITY, agrees to compensate CONSULTANT as follows: 1. Compensation is on an hourly fee rate of $70.00 per hour. 2. Payment shall be made promptly following submittal of a Statement of Charges by the CONSULTANT to CITY on a monthly basis, showing the time spent and a brief descrip- tion of the work performed. 3. Total payment for services to be provided by CONSULTANT shall not exceed the following amounts. For calendar year 1988 $ 7,000 For calendar year 1989 15,000 III. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT CITY may terminate this Agreement by written notice to CONSULTANT at any time and for any reason. In the event of such termination, the CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed to date notice is give by CITY. All work completed by CONSULTANT to date notice is given shall be delivered promptly to the EITY. CITY OF FONTAN " ~~X~ By: City g~r ~'~"' I ~ 4/7/89 3:35 p.m. John: Kobayashi left you the following names~ addresses and telephone nos: 1. Linda Shanley 14604 Foothill Boulevard 829-8068 2. Heinz Fisher 15134 Foothill Boulevard 822-2060 3. Carl Atkinaon 15186 Foothill Boulevard ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ 350-8200 4. Larry Kline ]4622 Foothill Boulevard 822-1871 5. Sigfredo Concepcion 15390 Foothill Boulevard 823-8156 Mr. Ron Bucktey Webb & Associates, Inco 3788 McCray Street Riverside, CA 925~6-2973 RE: Foothill Sewer (Beech Ave. Sewer Project), Cherry Ave. to Hemlock, The Village of Heritage, City of Fontana Dear Ron, According to my records of over two years ago - it is my opinion that the above mentioned sewer was to be built by the city of Fontana, separate from the Community Facilities District No. 2. I have requested that Shirley .Macclellan, City of Fontana, provide us with the data regarding the Beech Avenue sewer project. I'm certain the scope of work will include the above referenced area, and that there was originally another consultant engineer (aside from Hall & Foreman) preparing that portion of sewer plans. Furthermore, I recall Bob Schoenbom requesting that Fontana Heritage West End Associates contract with the city on the management of construction of their sewer and the coordination of the CFD storm drain which would be installed concurrently within the same trench. Finally, I also have requested that John Hogan and Edgar Molinos to pull their records and let us know what they find. Certainly if ~ou could help substantiate this issue, it would greatly be appreciated. Very truly yours, FONTANA HERITAGE WEST END ASSOCIATES A California Limited Partnership RDH:kc : cc: D. Ford, S. Macclellan, E. Casasola, A. Calvert, W. Franz, H. Colburn 230 Newport Center Drive · Suite 300, Newpofl Be,ccl~, CA 92660 751 [ · (714) 720 I I¢:,G · FAX (714/ 720 1392 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LEFFER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 04/20/89 JOB #: 3904-05, 3809-004 TO: WEBB AND ASSOCIATES 3788 McCray Riverside, CA 92506 ATTENTION: Wally Franz REGARDING: Foothill Boulevard CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith are three blualin~ sets of the Sewer Plans, for check of the revisions and review. Please have the City Engineer approve same. BY: Ray O. Vincenti, P.E. Construction Admin. Manager cc: George Shambeck, John Hogan, Jim Maltland, Roger Watson - H&F Roger Hatch, Doug Ford, Jeff Jastram - Fontana Heritage Anniuory Calvert, Yousef Patanwala - City of Fontana Engineering /gi 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETI'ER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 04/12/89 JOB #: 3904-02 TO: CALTRANS 247 W. 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92403 ATTENTION: Bruce Haskins REGARDING: Permit Application to Caltrans Tree Cutting or Removal CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith are six sets of sewer plans, permit application, and photos of the construction area. As you stated, there are no fees due from the City of Fontana. However, the contractor will pay a fee. ! The City of Fontana requests a permit for this work. Please advise as soon as possible due to previous permit issued. BY: Ray Vincenti Construction Admin. Manager cc: George Shambeck, John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Shou-tai An John Juan, Annivory Calvert /kd 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714i 641-8777 2i4g?lEg~94 ALPHAGRAPHICS ~" TO: c 2. ~ 7 PIece ~ll immeffiatel~ Fax Num~r s~Z to~ 7/-// ~ =~'Z" - 7 C D / ~ URG~T~ FROM: - , ~' .1/~.~ c,~ 7 ~ //~ ,.-..~.., Sent From: 1334 East Chapman AvenueFax: ('714) 871-8294 AlphaGraphics® F.,,e,on. oA ,,6~~o,~.: ~,,.~ ~,.,.,, 8 7148718294 AL.PHA~RAPHIC~ 02/2~/89 10:2~ 002 Dear Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenue Property Owner: The City of Fontana is planning to install an interceptor sewer, in and along Foothill Boulevard, between Hemlock Avenue and ~ime Avenue, and along the future street con~only known as Beech Avenue, northerly Of Foothill Boulevard. Also, the City is assisting in th~ planned construction of a sewer, in and along Foothill Boulevard, between Cherry Avenue and Hemlock Avenue. ~n order to construct these sewers in the manner proposedi it is necessary to qet unto the properties adjoining the proposed sewer during construction, A letter was sent to you recently requesting permission to enter upon your property temporarily during]the sewer construction. Enclosed with that letter was a Temporary ConStruction Easement docu~nent which wo'uld grant your permission to the City to enter upon your property for this purpose. : The response to the proposed sewer construction has been ~ery favorable. However, many property owners had questions a~out the project, which in our opinion, can best be answered by holding informational meetings at Fontaria City Hall. City Engineering Department staff and consultants will be available to ansKer any questions you may have regarding the project. : The meetings will be held in Conference Room at City H~all, 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana at the following times: ~ Thursday, March 9, 1989 1:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. Thursday, March 169 1989 3:00 P.M. 6:00 P.~. You are cordially invited to drop in any time during the above periods. We would very much like ~o have you attend. If you are unable to attend and would like information regarding th~s!project, please callus at C714) 738~4644, ~r ~eturn the enclosed copy of this letter, wi~h your name, phone number and any questions you ~ay have written on the backsside of the letter and send it to Koba'~ashi & Associates, P,O, Box 3729, Fullerton, CA 92631. Sincerely, co: George Ca~well Eiich'1 ~0bayas~i John Juan John Hogan KOBAYAS}II & ASSOCIATES ~Right of Way Ray Vincenti Representative for City~of Fontaria ribILL ~ rUK~-I~IHPi, lieU. Ib_L: (14-b41-C11,'0 Jan 17,89 10]:50 No.00zl P.0I ~/1L I[NG~MEIJ~JNCJ e~ ~.ND le'LAt/N~ · LAND 5Ut~VEY1NG HHLL ~ PUI~EMRN, INC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Jan 17,$9 10~:50 No.004 P.02 City of Fonta. na C A L I F O R N I .~. 3snuary 5~ 1989 gouthorn Pacific Transportat~oD Co. G.R. Fatty, Superintendent 610 South Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90014 Attention: Mr. Rober~ D. Harris Regarding{ R/R Cros.~lng.~, Baldwin Park Lln~, G~ty of Fentans, Future EXtention of Beech Ave., 1700~ North East of th~ Foothil~ Blvd. (BBO 520.76) Crossing. Enclosed for your use are three sets of the Beech Ave. sewer extension from Foothill, northerly 1000', showing a ~2" steel casing R.C.P. to be Jacked undar your rail,. The profile ~hows 13 feet of cover. Please provide us w~th a license or permit to enter and construct. A 20' w~de easement to ~he City of Fentans is requested as shown on ~he enc]osed documents. Th~s is necessary t~ provLde for ~he City of Foatnna sewer system. We e×pect to go ~o contract on ~h~s sewer 8 weeks afte!r January 1, ~989. Will it be possible to obtain parrnLssio~ in that time frame? Thank you for your cooperation on this tedious ~ask of creatin~ new er additional crossings. You~ help and early attention is certainly app- recisted. James Mocali~ Actin~ Public Works Director .Johl3 HeliUm, Ray Vinc..rlti , JLnl Malt lsnd, .~hcltl-~:i Ao - }~.:~F George Sh$.~beck~ SuMan go~;han, ROger WcLst~n - HHLL ~ ~UKFMNN, INC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Jan 18,89 11i37 No.O04 P.Oi CIVIL I;NN~INEZRINQ · ~D ~G · ~ND eURV~NG HALL & FBREHAN, INE. TEL: 714-641-0170 Jan 18,89 11:137 No.O04 P.02 SAMPLE LETTER FOR CITY OF FONTANA TO SEND TO RAILROAD Southern Pacific Transportation Co. G.R. Fatty, Superintendent 610 South Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90014 Attention: Mr. Robert D. Harris Regarding: R/R Crossings, baldwin Park Line City Of Fontana, Future Extension of Sewer Trunk Foothill $1vd. (BBO 520.76) crossing Enclosed for your use are three sets of the Foothill Blv~. sewer trunk at Lame Ave. showing a 30" steel pipe casing to beijacked under your rails. The profile shows 15 feet of coveT. Please provide us with a license or permit to enter and construct. A 45' wide easement to the City of Fentana is requested as shown on the enclosed documents. This is necessary to provide for the City of Fontana sewer system. We expect to go to contract on this sewer 8 to 12 weeks after JanUary 1, 1989. Will it be possible to obtain permission in that time frame? Thank you for your cooperation on this tedious ~ask of creating new or additional crossings. Your help and early attention is certainly appreciated. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. CITY OF FONTANA ~ay O. ~Acenti, P.E. Felipe Molonos Project Manager City Engineer ROV/dt ~elipe Mol~nos - City of Fontana Jehn Hogan, Ray Vincenti, Jim Maltland, Shou-tai An, George Shambeck, Susan Roshan, Roger Watson - H&F ' CIVIL ENGINEERING 4, LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LEITER OF TRANSMrlTAL DATE: 01/24/89 JOB #: 3904-00-43 TO: KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES 1125 North Oakdale Fullerton, Ca 92631 AI'I'ENTION: Eiichi Kobayashi REGARDING: Points of Laterals Ditch CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transm, ed herew,th ,s one set property. Small marks at the lot corners show where a stubha placed to serve the porperties. By: Ray O. Vincenti, P.E. Construction Admin. Manager cc: George Shambeck, John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Ray Vincenti H&F Jim Maltland, Bob Doss, Shou-Tai An, Roger Watson, Mike Cordova - H&F Joel Butterworth, Jay Kanani - H&F Roger Hatch, Doug Ford, Jeff Jastram - Heritage John Juan - City of Fontana 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (7i4) 641-8777 S?.[ 0 C i,'. 'R 'I--BUS 'ESS, ANSP~ ]O AND HOUSING AGENCY F A: u N A IN TR T N V G~ORGE D~UKX~jIAN. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SAN BHRNARDINO, Mr. Bob M. Porter City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 519 Fontena, CA 92334-~518 Dear Mr. Porter: We have reviewed the revised plans for the proposed tnetal]ation of sewer and storm drain facilities along the north side of floothil Boulevard (State Route 66), east of Cherry Avenue. Traffic control and K-rail installation plans should be submitted for our review. Plan should show these additional notes: 1. All manholes exoevations within the State right of way' should be backfilled with slurry. 2. Paved'work area should be overlaid to match the lane lines with .,:it.- the pavement joints, as directed by the State's represlentative. U Two sets of manholes are proposed to be installed in the f!uture ~3 ~ .. lane which is against our policy. Consideration should be~ given to ~-, delay this project until 60 ft. of right of way is obtained by the i-' State. The storm drain and the sewer lines can use the outer portion. We will continue processing this application upon receiptiof 6 sets of revised plans (folded 8-1/2" x 11.) addressing our comments. If you have technical questions, please call Remesh Gupta~at (714) 383-4536. If this information is not received within 45 calendar days from the date of this letter, your application may be denied. Please identify all materials submitted in response to th~s letter as resubmittal in order to effect more expeditious handling df the same. If possible. please identify all revised plans with a "ReXised Plan" stamp showing date of revision. It is extremely important that the transmittel letters an~ any other communication include the Celttans Permit Number. // Mr. Bob H. Porter City of Fontana Page 2 July 28, 2988 For questions ~egarding permit status, please call Pat Spiedlet at (714) 383-~501. " cereS> ~ E. ENCINARES nt District Permit Engineer cc: Hell & Foreme'n STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSP ION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 TDD 1714) 383-4609 October 24, 1988 08-SEd-BB-:10.7/13.2 Village of Heritage John o'Sullivan City Manager City of Fontana City Hall 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA Dear Mr. O'Sullivan: In a meeting held September 16, 1987, the City of Fontana acknowledged that the City would initiate the cooperative effort for this project with the County of San Bernardinc. A!copy of the corresponding "Meeting Summary" is enclosed for your reference. Our project file currently has no documentation indicating contact between the City and County has taken place. As the Project Report nears completion, County concurrence with median design, intersection development, and jurisdiction arr'ngements for work and maintenance become increasingly important~ Should a liaison regarding this project already exist between t~e City and County, Caltrans will need copies of record material pertaining to work within State right of way, including a median planting design (paragraph 5.5 "Meeting Summary"). If a cooperative effort with the County isn't yet in effect, contact should be made immediately, and Caltrans kept apprised of developments. We thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.' Should you have any questions regarding this letter, or any o~her item related to this project, please call Mr. Ralph Wheeler at (714) 383-4220. Very truly yours, GEORGE E. BOON Chief, Project Studies Enc CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING MEETING SUMMARY FONTANA WEST END PROJECT JOB #3800 1.0 DATE OF MEETING: SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 AT CALTRANS, SAN BERNARDINO. 2.0 THOSE PRESENT: BOB POTE, NICK DAVIES, RALPH WHEELER -CALTRANS  BOB PORTER, PETER BROY - CITY OF FONTANA JOHN HOGAN - H&F 3.0 DISTRIBUTION: THOSE PRESENT ROGER HATCH, DOUG FORD - FONTANA HERITAGE AHMED SHEIKH, BOB DOSS, HUGH FOREMAN, JIM MAITLAND - H~F 4.0 PURPOSE OF MEETING: 1) TO DISCUSS THE ISSUE OF MEDIANS IN FOOTHILL BLVD. 2) TO REVIEW THE OVERALL STATUS OF THE PROJECT AND THE MULBERRY PERMIT. , 3) TO REVIEW THE PROPOSED SEWER, STORM DRAIN, AND WATER LINE LOCATIONS IN FOOTHILL EAST OF CHERRY. 5.0 RESUME: 5.1CALTRANS WILL REQUIRE 10-24 MONTHS TO COMPLETE THE PROCESSING OF THE PROJECT. RALPH WHEELER WILL INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY THAT INTERIM PERMITS CAN BE ISSUED FOR THE PROJECT. THE PERMITS WOULD BE CONDITIONED SUCH THAT ANY IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE FINAL.APPROVED PROJECT WOULD HAVE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AT THE APPLICANT'S EXPENSE. (CALTRANS' ACTION) 5.2 CALTRANS IS CURRENTLY PREPARING THE PROJECT STUDY, REPORT (PSR). IT MUST EVENTUALLY BE APPROVED BY THE C.TiC. THEN P THE APPLICANT (CITY OF FONTANA) PREPARES THE ROJ~CT REPORT. THE CITY DIRECTED HALL & FOREMAN TO PREPARE THE PROJECT REPORT WHEN THE TIME COMES. (H & F ACTION) 3170 REDHILL AVEhUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 5.3 CALTRANS REQUESTED THAT H & F PROVIDE A DIAGRAM S~OWING THE FULL EXTENT OF THE FOOTHILL BLVD. STREET IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE PROPOSED FOR THE WEST END PROJECT. THE DIAGRAM IS TO BE AT APPROXIMATELY 1"= 100' SCALE, PLAN AND CENTERLINE PROFILE, PLUS TYPICAL SECTIONS. COPIES OF THIS PLAN WERE REQUESTED BY THE CITY. (H & F ACTION) 5.4 CALTRANS REQUESTED A SET OF THE FOOTHILL BLVD. IMPROVEMENT (H & F ACTION) 5.5 CALTRANS AGREED IN PRINCIPLE THAT MEDIANS WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE IN FOOTHILL. CALTRANS WILL EVENTUALLY HAVE TO APPROVE THE PLANTING DESIGN. NO TREE SPECIES THAT HAVE TRUNKS IN EXCESS OF 4" IN DIAMETER AT MATURITY WILL BE PERMITTED (ASSUMING THE SPEED LIMIT WILL BE GREATER THAN 35 MPH). THE CITY WILL HAVE TO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE MEDIAN. 5.6 BEFORE THE MEDIANS CAN FORMALLY BE APPROVED (I.E..WHEN THE PROJECT REPORT IS APPROVED), CALTRANS WILL NEED T4 SEE EVIDENCE THAT THE COUNTY CONCURS WITH THE CURBED MEDIANS. THE CITY WILL PROCESS THIS THROUGH THE COUNTY TO SECURE A BOARD RESOLUTION. (CITY OF FONTANA ACTION) 5.7 THE PROPOSED LOCATIONS FOR THE FUTURE SEWER, STORM DRAIN, AND WATER LINES IN FOOTHILL BLVD., EAST OF CHERRYMTO CIRCUMSTANCES AY I I , W THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON ATTACHMENT #1 WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE. HALL & FOREMAN WILL PREPARE PLANS FOR THE STORM DRAIN, AND SEWER (WITH THE CITY'S AUTHORIZATION) AND SUBMIT THE PLANS TO BOB POTE FOR AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. (H & F ACTION) 6.0 NEXT STEP 6.1 TAKE ACTION AS NOTED ABOVE.