HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 General Correspondence (4) City of Fontana CALIFORNIA December 7, 1989 RE: Negative Declaration for San Bernardino County Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Clerk of the Board 385 North Arrowhead, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 Clerk of the Board: Enclosed is a copy of the Notice of Determination for the above referenced item, This document is provided for filing with your office in accordance with State law. The duplicate copy and return envelope is provided to assist in the mailing of the duplicate form to the City. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, Robert W. Weddle Interim City Engineer RWW.'YP:cm Enclosure 8353 S[ERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 3804600 SISTER CiTY -- YAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA APPIa~!X;.~,~ Clty of F~jana IIOTICE OF DETEIUIINATIOII Engineering Dtvtston 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 TO: Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 _X_ County Clerk County of San Bernardtno 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardtrio, CA 92415 ~-.~.~.. 9LIBOECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance Section 21108 or 21152 of the Publtc Resources Code. ProJect T~tle: Foothtll Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer ProJect Stat~ CJ~afi~ghousalr C,~tactFerso~ Teleph~neiksber Yousuf Patanwala (714~ 350-7661 FfoJectLocatton: Zn extsttng right of way on northslde of Foothill Boulevard between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and on extsttng Beech Avenue right of way between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue ~roJectDescrtFtton: To construct trunk sewer ]tne in extsttng right of way of Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenue in the above mentioned This is to advise that the Cttv of Fontaria has approved the above described project on December 5. 1989 and has made the !Fol]owlng determtnatlons regarding the above descY1bed project: 1. The project wl]l, X will not have a significant ef~:~'on.the env'~r~ment. 2. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. X A Ne9attve Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of 3.Httlgatton measures X were, were not made a condition of approvaT'oFthe project. 4. A statement of ,Overriding Considerations was, X was not adopted for this project. This is to certify that the fina~ ND with comments responses and record of project approval ts avafiable to ~e Genera~ PubJtc at the City of Fontana Engineering OateRecetvedFor Ffitng aa~ost~ngatOFR: \~:~'. Signature Tttle CITY OF FONTANA FONTANA, CALIFORNZA NIOTZCE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C/TY OF FONTANA THAT A PUBLIC HEARZNG WILL BE HELD TO CONSZDER SEWER PROJECTS WHICH ARE PROGRAMMED TO SERVE NORTH FONTANA AND TO CONSZDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION RELATZNG TO THESE PROJECTS. NATURE OF REQUEST: To consider sewer projects which are programmed to serve North Fontaria and the negative declaration relating to thereof. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City Envlronmental Review Officer has revtewed the project and made the following environmental determination recommendation: Negattve Declaration LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Foothill Blvd. between Cherry Ave. and Beech, and on Beech between Foothill and Baseline. Exact location maps on ftle in the City Clerk's Department. DATE OF HEAR/NG: December 5, 1989 PLAC~ OF HEARZNG: City Hall Council Chambers 8353 Sierra Ave Fontana, CAlifornia 92335 TIME OF HEARING: 5~30 P.M. ANY :iNTERESTED PARTY MAY APPEAR ANO PRESENT ANY [NFORMATZON WHZCH MAY BE OF ASS[STANCE TO THE CITY COUNCZL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERN/NG THIS PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. CZTY COUNCZL CITY OF FONTANA, CAL[FORN/A Publish on or before November 24, 1989. P.O. #20502 City Clerks Department A ENDA 'TEMgD(I&2) ~ CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT Decelber 5. 1989 Publlc tleartng fleeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and Ctty Counctl i~(W4: Annivory Calvert, Publlc Works D~rector SIJB,1ECT: SEWER LiNE COHSI'RUCTION TN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HEMLOCK TO LTME AND BEECH AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL AVENUE TO BASELXNE CJJRRE]fF ACTTON REQUESTED: 1. MOTION TO APPROVE A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER LiNE TH FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROH HEMLOCK TO LiME AND BEECH AVENUE FROM FOOTHTLL TO BASELTHE. 2. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC kffiRKS DEPARTMENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BiD THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEHER LiNE ZH FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HEMLOCK TO LiME AND BEECH AVENUE FROM ;OOTHILL TO BASELINE; AND TO APPROVE THE APPROPRIATTON OF $1,000,000 FROM THE CiTY SEHER FUND FOR THE PRO~IECT. FISCAL IllFACT: '~T Yes 'F"T Me The cost of construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Line project w~11 be f by the Ctty Sewer Fund. A substantial portton o thts fund was established v~ developer purchase of sewer connection rights. Additional fundtng requests will be made at a later date for construct~ln ~nspection, construction surveying, materials testing and contract administration services. The design of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project has been ongotng for years. Prtor to constructing thts project, an environmental assessment had be accomplished. Provisions of the California Environmental qualtty Act of 1970 (CEQA) require that the City determine the effect of projects such as thts on the environment. A negattve declaration certifies that such a review has been conductel the project wtll not have a significant effect on the environmen;; and an environmental tmpact report (EIR) ts not required. Affected parties reserve the right to appeal such a determination. For this proJect's envtr'onmental analysts, certain ffdttgatton measures were noted that will be a part of the construction program (dust abatement, no~se control, etc.) A spectal mttlgatlon measure was proposed:with respect to the required remo~~I of the eucalyptus tree row along Foothtll and Beech. For this pro~ect, atr e replacement program w111 be established that sets a value to the trees whi h wtll be removed. The tree replacement program will be funded by a contrtbutl n d ' - restricted account that can solely be used to plant replacement trees alolg Foothill/Beech or local environs. inventory of extsttng eucalyptus trees. The arborist's report u completed, and a copy ts attached for reference. /~ As per the Clty Attorney, all of the trees that will be removed from Footht11 are street trees and not the property of the adjacent property owner unless t e ortgtnal street ded carton excepted the transfer of trees in the dedtcatto No known exceptions to a f'ull dedtcatlon have been found. For the trees on Beech Avenue, all property owners have been contacted ar appropriate mitigation wtlfl be done as a part of the construction agreement for the temporary construction easements. Thts project has encountered some resistance froe the property own~s a]on Footht11 who restde tn the County. A number of property owner meet'mgs hay been held wtth another one scheduled for November 29, 1989. In brtef, the property owners with existing businesses on Foothill Boulevard have been the most concerned about the construction of this project. Their concerns are based upon their optnton that the project would significantly impact their businesses vta loss of income. The property owner of Mheels, Etc., Nr. Carl Atktnson, has indicated that unless he is cempensated for loss of bustness revenue, he wtll take legal actton against the City. The City Attorney's office is researching the legal issue of payments damages for potential loss of business. Noteally, as a function of a Clty'~ police po~ers, we have a rtght to construct our works. However, the sewer ltm project ~tll be constructed in Fmotht11 Boulevard tn Caltrans' rtght-of-~a (vla Calftans permtt) in untncorporated County areas· 311$TiF]CATIOIh The Ctt~ needs to. construct this 1the as soon as posstble to allow for the orderlJ~: developeent of the North Fontana area as well as to sattsfy the developers who have paid thetr sewer connection fees in advance towards construCtiOn of thts 11ne, ATI'AQ!!E]fi'S: 1. November 21, 1989 status report on Foothill/Beech 2, Negattve Declaration document 3. Arbortst report APPE]e)~ City o~m~ontana NOTXCE OF DETERMXMATION Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 TO: Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk County of San Bernardino 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415 SUBaECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Title: Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer Pro~ect State Clearinghouse Nmmber Contact Person Telephone Mmber Yousuf Patanwala (714) 350-7661 Project Location: In existing right of way on northside of Foothill Boulevard between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and on existing Beech Avenue right of way between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue Project Description: To construct trunk sewer line in existing right of way of Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenue in the above mentioned limits. This is to advise that the City of Fontaria has approved the above described project on December 5. 1989 and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project will, X will not have a significant effect on the enV~r~ment. 2. __An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. X A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Hitigation measures X were, were not made a condition of approval of the project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations __ was, X was not adopted for this project. This is to certify that the final ND with comments and responses and record of project approval is available to the General Public at the City of Fontana Engineering Division. Date Received For Filing and Posting at OPR: '*~'~/'~//'<-'/~..*-"~:' '~/~,,~ Environmental Review Officer Signature Title EIICALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE IV FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Hemloc:{ Avenue to Beech Avenue, City of Fontana The Eucaly.~tus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that fcllo~s corres.oonds to the numbering on the accompanying Sewer Plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 22 trees were inspected. Of these 22 trees, one is a severed trur~ with basal sprouts and one tree has a DBH under 8". A total of 20 trees reinBin with a DBH over 8" and of sufficient vitality that they could be retained except for their proximity to the proposed construction. 1. 18" DBH 2. 22" DBH 3. 17" DBH 4. 26" DBH 5. 16" DBH 6. 19" DBH 7. 12" DBH 8. 11" DBH 9. 10" DBH 10. 7" DBH i1. 24" DBH 12. 17" DBH Multiple trur~ wounds 13. 18" DBH Basal trun~ ~round, 12" wide 14. 16" DBH 15. 10" DBH Basal trunk %~und, 8" wide 16. 18" DBH Basal trunk wound, 14" wide 17. 18" DBH 18. 8" DBH Topped at 4' ,. Massive heartrot, Remove 19. 22" DBH Trunk wound, 7" wide 20. 14" DB}{ 21. 11" DB~ 22. 30" DBH \ 12 -- The Herald-NeWs, FontaM, CA Fddly, Nov~mlxr za, \ Public Notice Public Notice FICTITIOUS BUSINESS CITY OF FONTANA NAME STATEMENT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA FIle No. 111127 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY : The following person(s) 18 (are) do- TOHFE Ihg business 'as: Peace in the Valley CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY MInistry Rehabilitation Center, 8587 FONTANATHATAPUBLICHEARINO Palmetto Avenue, Fontaria, California WILL BE HELD TO CONSIDER AN 923.35 AMENDMENT TO THE BIRTCHER- Peace In the Valley TRACHMAN DISPOSITON AND .. Ministry, Inc. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT I (A Callf. Corp.) (DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT 8587 Palmetto Avenue, PROJ ECI'.) Fontshe, California92335 NATURE OF REQUEST: TO CON. This business is conducted by: a SIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE corporation BIRTCHER-TRAGHMAN DISPOSITI, The reglstrant commenced to tran. ON AND DEVELOPMENT 8act business under the fictitious AGREEMENT (DOWNTOWN business name or names listed above REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT). ro on October, 1989. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Corns Peace In the Valley Valley Blvd. end Sierra Ave. Minisir'/, INC, DATE OF HEARING: December ,~ slDannyVatenzuela, 1989 { ' PLACE OF HEARI G: Y Pastor/President N CIt ~ I This statement was filed with theFO;nu~acnl;·.. county c,erk of .n Eernerdlno Coun-S,.,r. A ty on October 13, 1989 TIME OF HEARING: 6:30 P.M. CERTiFICATiON ANY INTERESTED PARTY MA' I hereby certify that this copy is · cot- APPEAR AND PRESENT ANY ll~ rect copy of the original statement on FORMATION WHICH MAY BE O file in my office, ASSISTANCE TO THE CiTY COUNCIl slJuanltaHernandez IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION Deputy CONCERNING THIS PROJEC~ Expires October13,1994 PLEASE CONTACT THE pLANNIN' Publish: Nov. 10, 17, 24; Dec. 1,1989 DEPARTMENT. City COuncil CIty of Fontaria. ~ ~ California CITY OF FONTANA Pubfish: Nov. 24, 27, 1989 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF HEARING T 064822 NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN BY THE NOllCEOFTRUB'rEE'BOALE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TENo.:ee-2154 NOTICE FONTANA THAT A PUBLIC HEARING YOU Nt IN DEFAULT UNDER ! A W,LL BE HELD To coNsiDER ~SESSMENT UEN DATED Mmch 14, 989 · SEWER PROJECTS WHICH ARE pROGRAMMED TO SERVE NORTH ~O%'ER~PR~*ERTY,/~IT FONTANA AND TO CONSIDER THE PUBLICSALE, IFYoUNEED/~IE)O~LANA RELATING TO THESE PROJECTS. LAWYER. to serve North Fontsfie and the cownants Conditions, end R~ negative declaration relating to by J~mea 'C. Niso~ Sr. And Ju~ A. Nd~on, as thereof. Owne~ for the ber~ffi and s~cuffiy of ~ttru~. ENV RONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Meadows Nomeownus A.odatlon as ~ , The City Environmental Review Of- d~edMIrcht4,1988, andrl~)~aa ricer has reviewed the pro act and No. 89-0936~4oftMerch la, 1ge~,S~n ' : m.e the fol,ow,ng envlro.me.ta, BIDDER FOR ~H, A CASHIER'8 Negative Declaration RTY Foothill A LOCATION OF PROPE BIrd. between Cherry Ave. and Beech, STATE OR FEDERAL 8AV1NGS/d~lD LOAN and on Beech between FOOthill and AS~OCIAllON (per/whIG It time O! / In awful Baseline. EXact location maps on file money of the Urmed Stress) ~ In 8~ctinn · ' DATE OF HEARING: December 5, BernardIre Co.my Co~mmu.e, 351 No Anewheed PLACE OF HEARING: City Hall Inte~mc°"wWedtoan~n°whemW"under~l Council Chambers, 8353 Sierra Ave., Forttens, California 92335 TIME OF .EA.,.G: 8: 0 P.M. ANY INTERESTED PARTY MAY P~ Map P. ec~ded In B~k 1;. p.ge~ 62 o e~. FORMATION WHICH MAY BE OF Re~xbe~ol~ktCoumy. ASSiSTANCETOTHECITYCOUNCIL. The ofre~ ed~r~ and IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS deeinauon, tf e~f, of the reof p~ ,, ~ CONCERNING TH IS PROJECT, ~xwe Is pumo~be to be 92o2 claus Avers. PLEASE CONTACT THE pLANNING Fonton~C~ om~ 9233 DEPARTMENT. llablllt~ ~ ~ Info~noflo6 c, ty of Foots.c, ,o Publish: Nov. 24, 1989 THE tmi ~o~m ol the tmpWd PHASE III FODTHILL TRUNK S~VER PAGE 2 38. 8' DB}{ 39. 7" DBH Undersized 40. 7" DBH Undersized 41. 6" DBH Undersized 42. 8" DBH 43. 28" DBH 44. 18" DBH 45. 4" DBH Undersized 46. Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 47. 19" DBH 48. I4" DBH 49. 9" DBM 50. Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 51. 16" DBH 52. 17" DBH 53. 6" DBH Undersized 54. 6" DBH Undersized 55. I7" DBH 56. 6" DBH Undersized 57. 20" DBH Trunk wounds 58. 17" DBM 59. 24" DB~ 60. 20" DBM 61. 18" DBM Trunk wounds 62. 24" DBH 63. 13" DBH Encased in cement, Remove 64. 24" DBH Dead, Remove EUCLALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE III FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, City of Fontana The EucalylDtus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that follows corresponds to the numbering on the accompanying sewer plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 64 Eucalyptus trees were inspected. Of these 64 trees, four (4) are reconxnended for removal ( one, dead; two severed trunks; one encased in cement), and nine (9) are under 8" DBH (Diameter Breast Height). A total of 51 Eucalyptus are over 8" DBH and are of a condition that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. 1. 18" DBH 2. 24" DBH 3. 6" DBH Undersized 4. 12" DBH 5. 16" DBH 6. 22" DBH 7. 15" DBH 8. 9" DBH 9. 17" DBH 10. I8" DBH 11. 19" DBM Trunk wounds 12. 13" DBH Trun~ wounds 13. 17" DBH 14. 17" DBH 15. 28" DBH Trunk wounds 16. 15" DBH Trunk wound.~ 17. 26" DBH 18. 22" DBH 19. 15" DBH 20. i3" DBM 21. 22" DB~ 22. 11" DBM 23. 18" DB~ 24. 15" DBM 2~.5. 21" Dill 26. 10" 27. 16" EM8 28. 13" DBM Trun~ wDunds 29. 11" DBM 30. 21" DEa 31. ~7" DB~ 32. 20" DB~ 33. 18" DB~ 34. 6" DBM Undersized 35. ~. 2" DBH 36. ~4" DB~ 37. 10" PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 4 138. 9" DBH 139. 15" DBH i40. 12" DBH 141. 14" DBH 142. 15" DBH 143. 15" DBH 144. 8" DBH 145. 6", 3", 5", 4" DBH Trun~ severed 2' above grade, trunk sprouts, Remove 146. 8", 6" DBH ~alti-trun}~ed (2) 147. 16" DBH Wilted, terminal dieback 148. 10" DBH 18' West of Center Line (WC/L), ELHB, Remove 149. 12" DBH 150. 10" DBH Trunk wounds i51. 16" DBH Trunk wounds 152. 6", 6" DBH 153. I2" DBH 15.4. 7" DBH Undersized 155. 11" DBH 156. 14" DBH 157. I5", 18" DBH Multi-trlulKed (2) 158. 14" DBH 18' WC/L 159. 19" DBH 18' WC/L 160. 5" DBH Undersized 161. 10" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 162. 14" DBH Trunk severed 4 ' above grade, Remove 163. 20" DBH 164. 9" DBH 165. 15" DBH 166. 12" DBH 167. 10" DBH 16.8. · 9" DBH 169. 12" DBH 18' EC/L 170. 15" DBH BI~B 171. 13" DBH 172. 12" DBM 173. 14" DBM 174. 8" DBM 175. 12" i76. 11" 177. 11" DBM 178. 18", 16" DBM M~ti-tru/lked (2) 179. 1i" .DBH EEaB 180. 10" DBH Dead, EEHB, 181. 10" DBH 182. 14" DBH Dead, ELHB, 183. 18" DBH 184. 8" DBM 185. 10" DBH 186. 12" DBH PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 5 187. 13" DBH ELHt3 188. 14" DBH 20' WC/L 189. I3" DBH 19' WC/L 190o 15" DBH 191. 24" DBH 192. 9" DBH Stub-cut at base, basal sprouts 3", Remove 193. 11" DBH Trunk wounds 194. 8" DBH 195. 7" DBH Undersized 196. 7" DBH Undersized 197. 13" DBH 198. 23" DBH 199. 8" DB, H Dead, EL}{B, Remove 200. 15" DBH 201. 11" DBH Trunk: wounds, ELHB, Remove 202. 26" DBH 203. 9" DBH Dead, El/e, Remove 204. 7", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 205. 9" DBH Trl/llkl cut 1' above grade, basal sprouts, R~_move 206. 12" DBH 207. 8" DBH 208. 12" 209. 11" DBH 210. 8" DBH ELHB 211. 7" DBH Unders i zed 212. 11" DBH 213. 7", 4", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (3) 214. 9" DBH Trunk wounds, terminal diebac}:, ELHB, Remove 215. 7", 8", 3" DBH M1/lti-trullKed (3), 18" WC/L 216. !4", 11", 7" DBH Multi-trunked (3), 18' WC/L 217. 10", 10" DB~ Multi-trtulXed (2), 19' WC/L 218. 18" DBH 20" WC/L 219. 10" 220. 15" DB}{ 20' WC/L 221. 13" DB~{ 222. 15" DES{ 20' WC/L 223. 19" DMM 23' WC/L 224. 10", 9", 3" DBM Multi-trun~ed (3), _+20' WC/L 225. 20" E~ 20' We/L, Dead, ELHB, Remove 226. 5", 8" ~BM Stub-cut 2' above grade, 20' WC/L 227. 15" DES{ 20' WC/L 228. 15", 12" DB}{ 19' WC/L 229. 13", 8" DB}{ Multi-trun~ed (2), 19' WC/L 230. 8", 7" DBH Multi-trunK. ed (2), 19' WC/L 231. 13" 25' WC/L 232. 9", 7", 4" DB~ Multi-trunked (3), 20' I~C/L 233. 11" DB~{ 21' WC/L 234. 15",12", 9" DB~{ Multi-trunked (3), 20' WC/L 235. 11", 4" DBH Multi-trunXed (2), 22' WC/L 236. 9" DBH 237. through 245. All trees are +20' outside C/L PP{ASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SE~ER MAIN PAGE 2 38. 15", 5" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 39. 15" DBH 40. 13" DBH 4 i. 9" DBH 42. I6" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 43. 20" DBH 44. 14" DBH 45. 9", 3" DBH Multi-.trun3-.ed (2) 46. 3~", 3", 2" DBH Multi-.trun3(ed (3), Undersized 47. 9" DBH 48. 7", 5" DBH Multi-trun}(ed (2) 49. 14" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 50. 13" DBH Massive terminal diebaclc, Remove 5I. 12", 9" DBH Multi-trunked (2), wilted foliage, ELHB, Remove 52. 15" DBH Terminal dieback, ELMB, Remove 53. 7" DBH E-xtren~ely Wilted, Undersized, Remove 54. 20", 14" DB~ Multi-trunKed (2), ELHB, Remove 55. 6" DB~ Undersized 56. 8" DBH Dead, PiLHB, Remove 57. 6" DB~ UndersXzed 58. 14", 6", 6" DBH Multi-t~runked (3), Dead, ELHB, Remove 59. 18" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 60. 9", 7", 4" DBH Multiotrun~ed (3), ELMB, Remove 61. 18" DBH TrunJ{ %Iounds, girdling wires, terminal dieback, wilted 62. 14" DBH Terminal diebacK, wilted 63. 10" DB~ Trunk wounds, wilted 64. 12" DBH Trun~ wounds, wilted 65. 9" DBH Trunk wounds, wilted 66. 13" DBH Trun~ wounds 67. 2" DBH 8 sprouts from trunk cut at grade, Undersized 68. 21" DB}{ Trun~ ~3unds, girdling wires 69. 18" DBH Trunk wounds 70. 13" DBH Tr%lnk ~)unds 71. 9" DBH Trun~ sprouts, trun/( topped at 4', Remove 72. 12" DBH Trur~ wounds 73. 17" DBM 74. 10", 5" DB~ Multi-tx%u~ed (2) 75. 5", 3" DB~ Multi-tr.an~ed (2), trunk wounds, Undersized 76. 8" DBM Dead, EI~B, Remove 77. i0", 10" DBM Multi-~rlul~ed (2) 78. 14" DBM 79. 8" DB~ Trur~k wounds 80. 11" DB~ 81. 9" DB~ Trun~ wounds 82. Ll" DBH Basal sprouts, Dead, ELHB, Remove 83. 10" DE]{ Dead, ELHB, Remove 84 · 12" DBH Trunk wounds 85. 11", 14" DB~ Mul~i-~m/n~ed (2), ~runk wounds 86. 8" DB~ Trunk wo~mds 87. 11" DBH Terminal diebacK, Remove PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 3 88. 18", 8" DBH Mul~i-trun~ed (2) 89. i0" DBH TrLu~k wounds, ELHB 90. i2" DBH Trunk wounds 9I. i6" DBH Trunk wounds 92.. 10" DBH Wil~ced, terminal dieback, ELHB 93. 16" DBH Trullk wounds 94. 12" DBH 95. 14" DBH Trlulk wounds, wilted 96. I0", I2" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 97. 5" DBH Undersized 98. I1" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 99. 15" DBH Wilt;ed, ELHB, Remove 100. 20" DBH Wilt;ed, ELHB, Remove 101. 12" DBH Trur~ wounds 102. 10", 3" DBH Mult;i-trunked (2) 103. i4" DBH Truth{ wounds, girdling wires 104. 6" DBH Unde:rs i zeal 105. 8" DBH 106. 9" DBH 107. 7", 6", 4" DBH Multi-trunked (3), suckers 108. 5", 4", 5", 2" DBH Multi-trunked (4), suckers i09. I1" DBH 110. 9", 4", 4" DBI{ Multi-trunked (3) 111. 18" DBIt 112. 9" DBH 113. 7" DBH Undersized 114. 12" DBH Severely wilted, Remove 115. 11" DBH EL~[, Remove ii6. 25" Dt]I{ 117. 9" DBH Seve~rely wilted, Restore 118. 21" DBI{ EL~I~, R~ve 119., 9", 7" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 120., 12" DBH 121.. 8" DBH Wilted, ELiiB, Resrs~ve 122. 6" DBH Undersized 123. 9", 10", 5", 4" DEMMulti-trunked (4) 124. 7" DMM Undersized 125. 11", 6", 4" DM~{ Multi-trunked (3) 126r 6" DIM Undersized 127. 13" DMM 128. 10" DBM i29. 8", 4" DI]I{ Multi-trun~ed (2), trun]{ wounds, EL~I~, Remove 130. 20" DBH 131. 24" DBH 132. 8" DBH I33. 18" DBM Fire damage, basal trunk wounds, terminal diebacK, Remove 134. 14" DIll{ ELHB, Remove 135. 11" DI~I{ ELH1], Remove 136. 14", 11" DBH Multi-trunXed (2) 137. 19" DI]H P}{ASE I FOCYTHIT.T. ~DlqK S~R PAGE 2 38. 12" DBH 39. 24" DBH 40. i4" DBH 41. 15" DBH 42. 40" DBH 43. 13" DBH 44. 6" DBH Undersized 45. 17" DBH 46. 13" DBH 47. 17" DBH 48. 20" DB~ 49. 28" DBH Trunk wound, 4" wide 50.. 8" DBH 5i.. 26" DBH 52u 25" DBH 53. 23" DBH 54, 17" DBH Trunk wo%uld at base, 14. wide 55. I9" DBH Trunk wo~xnd at base, 24" wide 56. 19" DBH Trunk wound at base, 4" vide 57. i3" DBH 58. 18" DBH 59. 29" DBH 60. 20" DBH Trun)< wound at base, 7" wide 61. I7" DBH EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE II SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BEEC}{ INTERCEPTOR SEWER ,MAIN Foothill Blvd. to Baseline Avenue, City of Fontana Two hundred and forty-five (245) Eucalyptus trees are identified on the project plans, sheets 2 through 6. The following tree numbers correspond to the accompanying project plans. Of the 245 trees, 21 are undersized (~ess than 8" DBM), I5 are dead, 25 are weakened and/or diseased to the point where removal is reco~nen- ded, and 30 are located more than 16' away from the center line (C/L). A total of 154 Eucalyptus trees are in adequate condition such that if it were not for the sewer construction, they could remain. 1. 24" DBH 2. 15" DBH Old basal wound, 5" wide 3. 23" DBH 4. 17" DBH 5. 9" DBH 6. 20" DBH Terminal dieback 7. 11" DBH Trun~ wounds 8. 20" DBH 9. I2" DBH 10. 8" DBH 11, 25" DBH 12. 21" DBH Trunk wo~mds 13. 8" DBH Trunk wounds, Undersized 14. g" DBH 15. 14" DBH 16. 23" DBH Girdling wires t7. 15" DBH 18. 11" DBH Girdling wires 19. 22" DBH 20. 24" DBH Girdling wires 21. 9" DBH 22. 8" DBH Girdling wires 23. 18" DBM Trun~ wo~mds 24. 13" DBM Barbed w~re 25. i3" ]MM 26. 6" D88 Girdling wire, Undersized 27. 7" EMM Undersized 28. 19", 11" DBM Multi-tr~mKed (2) 29. 22" DB~ Embedded bark, likely to split 30. 13" .DBM 31. 16", 18" DBM Multi-trimmed (2), trunk wounds 32. 6" DBH Undersize~ 33. i4" DBH Girdling wire, trunk wounds 34. 25" DBH Girdling wire 35. 6" DBH Undersized 36. 16" DBM 37. 13" DBH - NOTE: SH(~R~NG BY CONTRACTOR WHE, RE TEMPORAR',f ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT ,~ /... EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE I FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Cherry Avenue to Hemlock Avenue, City of Fontana The Eucalyptus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that follows corresponds to the numbering on the accom- panying Sewer Plans, Sheets 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A total of 61 Eucalyptus trees Were inspected. Of these 61 trees, two trees should be removed for safety reasons; one is dead ($9) and one (~31) is unsafe. The remaining trees (59) are in such a condition so that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. Of the 59 trees, six are under 8" DBH (Diameter at Breast Height), leaving a total of 53 trees over 8" DBH of sound condition. 1. 20" DBM Trunk wound at base, 50~ girdled 2. 16" DBH 3. 43", I0" DBH Multi-trunked (2), Minor trunk wound 4. 23" DBH 5. 17" DBH 6. 23" DBH 7. 36" DBH Trunk wound at base, + 24" wide 8. 30" DEM Trunk 'wound at base, ~0" wide 9. 25" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer 10. 22", 4" DBH Multi-trunJced (2) 11.. 24" DBH 12. 19" DBH 13. 17" DB~ 14. 12" DBH 15. 23" DBH 16. 40" DBH 17. 6" DBH Undersized 18. 6" DBH Undersized 19. 12" DBH 20. 7" DB/{ Undersized 21. 7" DBM Undersized 22. 19" DBH 23. 13", 9" DBH Multi-trunRed (2) 24. 14" DBH 25. 19" DI]M 26. lO" DBM 27. 9" DB8 28. 8" DiM 29. 2P' DBI{ Trun~ vaDund at base, 4" wide, 6' tall 30. 19" DBi{ Trurt~ ~3und at base, 4" wide 31. 30" DBH Over 6~ girdled at base, terminal diebacK, unsafe, remove 32. 16" DBH 33. 6" DBH Undersi:.,ed 34. 20" DBH 35. 25" DBH 36. 22" DBH 37. 36" DBH (~ REMOVE EXISTING SEWER PLUG I EA. EX. 6" ~ANSfT~ STEEL W~TER ~)WATER bl~ 132-00 TO 126-00 TO 13~,00 137,00 F~T~N~ F~TANA WATER CO. WATEr CO. ' · ~ILITY ~ ' NOTES: .. - ~ " NOTE: TRENCH WI~ NOT BE EXCAVATED IN CONST~UCT~O~ E~S~E~T H~S 8EE~ ~~ , , ~ ~'' FUTU,qE STORM DRAIN  8~ECH AVE. e/,.--PROPOSF,,D SEWER UN( ~ __ !~ S/~THF,,RN PACIFIC RAILRQAO ~ //" , " ~ Y~~~,'~ ~'/'~ ~ .. ,.., - .~ ......... FROM BEECH TO LIME ~VENUE Page 2 In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard is widened to its full width, the City of Fontaria will establish a tree program. Honey will be placed in the tree program using the following guidelines= 1. Before the project begins, a certified arborist will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arborist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 9" or more, $300 will be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Avenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City will plant trees on the private! property of the resident per the schedule established for the trees along Foothill Boulevard. Honey placed in this tree program will be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard and vicinity where not already required by development standards. 5.a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of birds and small rodents in the area. However, with the planting of new trees in the streetscape, the birds and small rodents may return. ~6.a. iThere will be an increase in noise level due to construction /equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within pe;'missible limits. Also, the ~' hours of construction will be limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. I~Ob~ The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Extsting parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate this impact, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary .detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of the new sewer line will provide sewer servtce to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. APENDXX Z Page 7 I/Z Discussion of Envtrorental Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) IV. DeterminatiOn {To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the p~,oposed project could have a significant .effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in 'this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARAT/ON WILL BE PREPARED. X :[ find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONHENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. PREPARED BY: DATE YOUSUF'PATANNALA CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT IZI REVIEWED AND APPROVED ROBERT W. WEDOLE I~TERIN CITY ENGINEER Hitigation Measures to all "Yes" and "Maybe" answers: I.e. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Host of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compacted~ and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. I.c. Topographical change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is out of the construction stage. 1.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where ,dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility during construction of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not i be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be · . in 1st stage smog alert. ~ 3.~ Installation of a storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in ~ the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The City of Fontana recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows o,f Eucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible. In this project, in order to provide for publtc health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees is necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and LIme Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline. These wtnd rows lie within the existing or proposed street right-of-way. APPENDIX I Page 5 :t4. Publlc Services. W111 the proposal have an effect upon~ or result tn a need for new or altered gov- ernmental servtces In any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? X b. Pollce protection? X c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Halntenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? X ].5. Energ3r. Wtll the proposal resultin= a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? __ X b. Substantial increase tn demand upon extsting sources or energy, or requtre the development of new sources of energy? X ].6. Utilities. W~11 the proposal result In a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities= X ~7. ~m=n Itealth. Htll the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X 18. Aesthetics. ~tll the proposal result tn the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or wtll the proposal result In the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X 19. Recreation, Will the proposal result tn an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X APEND:[X I Page 6 2(3. Cultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? X b. Wtll the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quallty of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildltfe species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? __ X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) X c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) __ X d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? __ X APPENDIX I Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X 5.Miml Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthtc organisms or insects)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? X c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or resu)t in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? __ X 6, Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X APPENDIX I Page 4 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal >roduce new light or glare? X 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result qn a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X g. Matural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X 10, Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticldes, chemicals or radiation) in the! event of an accident or upset conditions?' __ X b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X 11. Population, Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density,, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12, Housing, Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? X 13. Transportation/Circulation, Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movmnt? X b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? X d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? X e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? __ X f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X APPEM~IX I ENYIR01I~ENTAL CHECKLIST FORR (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Backqround 1. Name of Proponent City of Fontaria ,2. Address and Phone bber of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana. California gg336 (714) 350-7610 3. Date of Checklist Subedtted September 22. 1989 4. Agency Requiring Check:list City of Fontana 5. Name of Proposal, tf applicable Foothill/Beech Sewer Pro3ect 6. Oescrtptton of Project 11 Installation of sewer line 41' from center line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime Avenue and in-between 12' County and City owned strto of orooertv designated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline, 2) Installation of storm drain 1the 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 3) Installation of water 1the 28' north of Centerl~ne of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 7. Locatton of Project 1) Sewer oroject is from Cherry to Ltme on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2) Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenue. 3) W&ter line oro.lect is from Cherry to Beech Avenue (see attached maD). II. Environmental Is~acts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Yet Maybe No 1. ' Earth. Nil1 the proposal result a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b.. Disruptions, displacements, compactton or overcovering of tlne sot1? X.. c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X APPENIDZX l Page 2 d. The destruction, coverlng or modtflcatton of any unique geologtc or physical features? X e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, etther on or off the site? _)L f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes In stltatton, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologtc hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposa!l result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? _X_ b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? X 3. Mater. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? X d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidtry? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X APPENDIX M City of Fontana NO~ICE OF NEGATIVE DECLA~TION Planning Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Date of Declaration: 9/22/89 Effective Date: December 5, 1989 Applicant: City of Fontana Address: 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fo~ncana Project Title: Env.! Log # Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Description of Property: Foo~thill Boulevard from Cherry AVenue to Lime Avenue; Beech Avenue from Foothill tO Baseline (Plans and specifications are available for public inspection at the public counter of the Planning Department) Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Ouality Act of 1970 (Public Resources Code, Sections 1500. et seq), the City of Fontana has determined that the above-referenced project will[ not have a significant effect upon the environment. An environmental impact report will not be required. ApPeal Period This decision may be appealed to the City Council by any person aggrieved, or by an officer, board, department, or commission of the City. Any appeal shall be filed with-in fourteen (14) days after the publication of 'this decision or it shall be dismissed by the City Council. The notice of Appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed in duplicate in the office of the City Clerk upon forms provided by the Planning Department. Kt~_~An~erson Manager of Planning CONDITIONAL APPROVAL GRANTED: YES( ) NO( ) NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that The City of Fontana has completed an Initial Study of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8393 Sierra Avenue · Fontana and are available for public review. At its meeting on December 5 at 6:30 p.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the q~ity by November 21, 1.989 Dated: /c - ~ c - ~ ~ ~_~ c~/_~t- Staff STATUS REPORT OF NOVEMBER 21, 1989 ON FOOTHILL/BEECH/BASELINE SEWER To simplify the the description of the status of the Foothill/Beech/Baseline Sewer Projects, the project background description will be divided into the following segments: 1. Foothill Sewer - Cherry to Hemlock Desiqn Administration: Heritage Construction Administration: Heritage Status: Bid awarded; CeltPans has Just approved construction between Cherry Avenue and Redwood Avenue {no trees), but the remainder of the project is on hold pending reinstatement of Celttans permit. Caltrans requires environmental document on eucalyptus tree issue. City processing mitigated negative 'declaration (ND) as required by CEQA. Request for Council certification of NO is programmed for the December 5, 1989 Council meeting. Notices have been sent to impacted property owners and responsible agencies. Riqht-of-way: None is required. 2. Foothill Sewer - Hemlock to Lime Desiqn Enqineer: Hall & Foreman Construction Administration: City of Fontaria Contractinq Authority: City of Fontana (Sewer Fund) StatuS: Project design plans and specifications are 98% complete. The Southern Pacific Railroad permit was requested on January l, 1989; it has not been issued to date. Caltrans Permit: It was issued but subsequently suspended by Celttans pending submittal of environmental documentation on eucalyptus tree issue. The City is processing a mitigated negative declaration (ND) as required by CEQA, The ND is to be presented to City Council on December 5, 1989. Right-of-Way: Six out of nineteen temporary construction easements have been secured. The project can be constructed in existing street right-of-way with the temporary construction easements which the City has in place. Property Owner Issues:: Dust control; tree removal; potential loss of business during construction; access; compensation to property owners; replacement of curb and gutter at ultimate location. The contractor will be required to expedite his work (with penalties) through property owner' work areas (Wheels, Etc.). Dust control spray agents are being reviewed for reducing the problem of wind blown dust. 3. Beech Avenue - Foothill to Baseline Oesiqn Enqineer: Hall & Foreman Construction Administration: City of Fontaria Construction Authority: City of Fontana (Sewer Fund) Status: The project dlesign plans and specifications are 98% complete. The Southern Pacific Railroad permit was requested on January 17, 1989 but it has not been issued to date. Environmental: The City is processing the mitigated negative declaration for the December 5, 1989 City Council meeting. Riqht-of-WaY: The City has 25 of the 27 required easements. Staff is reviewing options to implement with existing in place construction easements. Negotiations with the property owners have delayed the project implementation. Property Owner Issues:: Dust control| tree removal; construction mitigation. 4. Baseline - Beech to Almerta Desiqn Enqineer: Madole & Associates (Presley Homes) Construction Administration: Not dectded. Contractinq Authority: Not decided. Status: The project design is 25% complete. The City is negotiating a reimbursement agreement with Presley Homes for design engineering and project assistance (Foothill/Beech segment). Presley Homes also ts to assist the City in securing Southern Pacific Ratlroad permit and general project assistance. 011JER AFFECTE]) DEPARTRENTS: St ~nature 5t ~nature AssT.... . ~.~ .u.,~. RESOURCES CLERK POLICE COH. DEV. X PUBLIC NORKS DEPUTY HGR. ' 'RDA ECON. DEV.. i RISK HGHT.. _X_FINANCE l~ t.,~::.~ ~ ,.~':.~.-,.~--' SPEC. PROO. AC::RW:YP:Wp PLEASE PRINT DATE//~/~/~? , PLEASE PRINT IF YOU ARE ~OlN(I TO TEITIFY ON ANY film OF TH! AIINDA, R.IAI! IF YOU ARE GOING TO TESTIFY ON ANY ITEM OF THE AGENDA, !allIll' FILL OUT THIIC CARD AND HAND TO CiTY QLIRK. THII II FOR THE CITY FILL OUT THIS CARD AND HAND TO CITY CLERK, THIS IIC FOR THE CITY CLERK'It INFORMATION ONLY IN OROIR TO AI:X~URATILY figCORD THE CLERK'S INFORMATION ONLY IN ORDER TO ACCURATELY RECORD THE MINUTEft. MINUTES. wE m. 7/fz 2z " m. 7f,4 ' AFFILIATIOR--~A/ I WISH TO TESTIFY ON AGENDA ITEM NO/~ ' ' ( ) I WIICH TO TElTIFf ON A - L , IF A PUBLIC HEARIN~ ITIM - IN, EAI! CIRCI,I IF; OWWOIllON ON FAVOR IF YOU ARE GOI!'~ TO T!ITII~ ON ANY film OF TH!/IINDA, Pt.lAill IF YOU ARE GOING TO TESTIFY ON ANY ITEM OF THE AGENDA, PLEAloE FILL OUr THIIC CARD A!IO HAND TO Crl"Y (I,!RK. THIIC II FEN THE CITY FILL OUT THIS CARD AND HAND TO CITY CLERK. THIS IS FOR THE CITY CLERK'S INFORMATION ONLY IN ORDER TO ACCURAT!I.Y RECORD THE t"~yjFKr:S.INFORMATION ONLY IN ORDER TO ACCURATELY RECORD THE MINUTES. AFFILIATi4~ (?~u_ 7T~E,M,N * - AFFILIATION CoH-.c.El, q ( ) I WISH TO TESTIFY ON AGENDA ( ) I WISH TO TEGTIFY ON AGENDA ITEM NO.. IF A PUBLIC HEARING IT - PLE CIRCLE IF' OPPOSITI FAVOR IF A PUBLIC HEARING ITEM - PLEASE CIRCLE IF' OPPOICITION DR FAVOR EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE I FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Cherry Avenue to 5~mlock Avenue, City of Fontana The Eucalyptus trees are located[ on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that follows cerresponds to the numbering on the accom- panying Sewer Plans, Sheets 2, ,2[, 4, 5, and 6. A total of 61 Eucalyptus trees ~re inspected. Of these 61 trees, two trees should be removed for safety reasons; one is dead (~9) and one (~31) is unsafe. The remaining trees (59) are in such a condition so that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. Of the! 59 trees, six are under 8" DBH (Diameter at Breast Height), leaving a total of 53 trees over 8" DBH of sound condition. 1. 20" DBH Trunk wound at base, 50%girdled 2. 16" DBH 3. 43", 10" DBH Multi-trur~ed (2), Minor trunk wound 4. 23" DBH 5. 17" DBH 6. 23" DBH 7. 36" DBH Trunk wouff~d at base, + 24" wide 8. 30" DBH Trunk wound at base, ~0" wide 9. 25" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer 10. 22", 4" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 11. 24" DBH 12. ].9" DBH 13. 17" DBH 14. I2" DBH 15. 23" DBH 16. 40" DBH 17. 6" DBH' Undersized 18. 6" DBH Undersized 19. 12" DBH 20. 7" DBH Undersized 21. 7" DBH Undersized 22. 19" DBH .~ 23. 13", 9" DBH Multi-trtulked (2) 24. 14" DBH 25. 19" DBH 26. 10" DBH 27. 9" DBH 28. 8" DBH 29. 21" DBH Trunk wom]d at base, 4" wide, 6' tall 30. 19" DBH Trunk wo~d at base, 4" wide 31. 30" DBH Over 6(Bgirdled at base, terminal dieback, unsafe, remove 32. 16" DBH 33. 6" DBH Undersized 34. 20" DBH 35. 25" DBH 36. 22" DBH 37. 36" DBH PHASE I FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER PAGE 2 38. 12" DBH 39. 24" DBH 40. 14" DBH 41. 15" DBH 42. 40" DBH 43. 13" DBH 44. 6" DBH Undersized 45. 17" DBH 46. 3.3" DBH 47. 17" DBH 48. 20" DBH 49. 28" DBH Trunk ~ound~. 4" wide 50. 8" DBH 51. 26" DBH 52. 25" DBH 53. 23" DBH 54. 17" DBH Trunk wound at base, 14" wide 55. 19" DBH Trunk wound at base, 24" wide 56. 19" DBH Trunk wound at base, 4" }[ide 57. 13" DBH 58. ].8" DBH 59. 29" DBH 60. 20" DBH Trunk wound at base, 7" wide 61. 17" DBH EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE II SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN Foothill Blvd. to Baseline Avenue, City of Fontana Two h~mdred and forty-five (245) Eucalyptus trees are identified on the project plans, sheets 2 through 6. The following tree numbers correspond to the! accompanying project plans. Of the 245 trees, 21 are undersized (less than 8" DBH), 15 are dead, 25 are! weakened and/or diseased to the point where removal is recommen- ded, and 30 are located more than 16' a~ay from the center line (C/L). A total of 154 Eucalyptus trees are in adequate condition such that if it were not for the sewer construction, they could remain. 1. 24" DBH 2. 15" DBH Old basal wound, 5" wide 3. 23" DBH 4. 17" DBH 5. 9" DBH 6. 20" DBH Terminal dieback 7. 11" DBH Trunk wounds 8. 20" DBH 9. I2" DBH 10. 8" DBH 11. 25" DBH 12. 21" DBH Trunk wounds 13. 8" DBH Trunk woundis, Undersized 14. 9" DBH 15. 14" DBH 16. 23" DBH Girdling wi]:es 17. 15" DBH 18. 11" DBH Girdling wires 19. 22" DBH 20. ?.4" DBH Girdling wires 21. 9" DBH 22. 8" DBH Girdling wires 23. 18" DBH Trunk wounds "~ 24. 13" DBH Barbed wire 25. 13" DBH 26. 6" DBH Girdling wire, Undersized 27. 7" DBH Undersized 28. 19", 11" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 29. 22" DBH ~lbedded bark, likely to split 30. 13" DBH 31. 16", 18" DBH Multi-trunked (2), trunk wounds 32. 6" DBH Undersized 33. 14" DBH Girdling wire, trunk wounds 34. 25" DBH Girdling wire 35. 6" DBH Undersized 36. 16" DBH 37. 13" DBH PHASE II BEECH I~ERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 2 38. 15", 5" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 39. 15'" DBH 40. 13" DBH 41. 9" DBH 42. 16" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 43. 20" DBH 44. 14" DBH 45. 9", 3" DBH Multi-tr~mked (2) 46. 3½", 3", 2" DBH Multi-tr~lnked (3), Undersized 47. 9" DBH 48. 7", 5" DBH Multi-trlmked (2) 49. 14" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 50. 13" DBH Massive terminal dieback, Remove 51. 12" , 9" DBH Multi-trlmked (2), wilted foliage, ELHB, Remove 52. 15" DBH Terminal dieback, ELHB, Remove 53. 7" DBH ~xtremely wilted, Undersized, Remove 54. 20", 14" DBH Multi-trlmked (2), ELHB, Remove 55. 6" DBH Undersized 56. 8" DBH Dead, EL}tB, Remove 57. 6" DBH Undersized 58. 14", 6", 6" DBH Multi-trlLnked (3), Dead, ~LHB, Remove 59. 18" DBH Dead, EL}t8, Remove 60. 9", 7", 4" DBH Multi-tr~mked (3), ELHB, Remove 61. 18" DBH Trunk wo~mds, girdling' wires, terminal dieback, wilted 62. 14" DBH Terminal dieback, wilted 63. 10" DBH Trunk wo~mds, wilted 64. 12" DBH Trunk wo~mds, wilted 65. 9" DBH Trunk wo~mds, wilted 66. 13" DBH Trunk wo~mds 67. 2" DBH 8 sprouts from trunk cut at grade, Undersized 68. 21" DBH Trunk wo~mds, girdling wires 69. 18" DBH Trunk wo~mds 70. 13" DBH Trunk wo~mds 71. 9" DBH Trunk sprouts, trunk topped at 4', Remove 72. 12" DBH Trunk wo~mds .,~ 73. 17" DBH 74. 10", 5" DBH Multi-tr~nlked (2) 75. 5", 3" DBH Multi-tr~unked (2), trunk wounds, Undersized 76. 8" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 77. 10", 10" DBH Multi-tr~mked (2) 78. 14" DBH 79. 8" DBH Trurbk wo~nlds 80. 11" DBH 81. 9" DBH Trunk ~,~o~mds 82. 11" DBH Basal sprouts, Dead, ELHB, Remove 83. 10" DBH Dead, EL}B, Remove 84. 12" DBH Trunk woLmds 85. 11", 14" DBH Multi-tr~mked (2), trunk wounds 86. 8" DBH Trunk wo~mds 87. 11" DBH Terminal dieback, Remove PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 3 88. 18", 8" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 89. 10" DBH Trunk wounds, ELHB 90. 12" DBH Trunk wounds 91. 16" DBH Trunk wounds 92. 10" DBH Wilted, terminal dieback, ELHB 93. 16" DBH Trunk wounds 94. 12" DBH 95. 14" DBH Trunk mounds, wilted 96. 10", 12" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 97. 5" DBH Undersized 98. i1'' DBH Dead, E6HB, Remove 99. 15" DBH Wilted, ELHB, Remove 100. 20" DBH Wilted, ELHB, Remove 101. 12" DBH Trunk weunds 102. 10", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 103. 14" DBH Trunk weunds, girdling wires 104. 6" DBH Undersized 105. 8" DBH 106. 9" DBH 107. 7", 6", 4" DBH Multi-trunked (3), suckers 108. 5", 4", 5", 2" DBH Multi-trunked (4), suckers 109. 11" DBH 110. 9", 4", 4" DBH Multi-trunked (3) 111. 18" DBH 112. 9" DBH 113. 7" DBH Undersized 114. 12" DBH Severely wilted, Remove 115. 11" DBH ELHB, Remove 116. 25" DBH 117. 9" DBH Severely wilted, Remove 118. 21" DBH ELHB, Remove 119. 9", 7" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 120. ].2" DBH 121. 8" DBH Wilted, ELHB, Remove 122. 6" DBH Undersized ~ 123. 9", 10", 5", 4" DBHMulti-~].~ulked (4) 124. 7" DBH Undersized 125. 11", 6", 4" DBH Multi-t]o/nked (3) 126: 6" DBH Undersi:~ed 127. 13" DBH 128. 10" DBH 129. 8", 4" DBH Multi-t].lLnked (2), trunk wounds, ELHB, Remove 130. 20" DBH 131. 24" DBH 132. 8" DBH 133. 18" DBH Fire damage, basal trunk wounds, terminal dieback, Remove 134. 14" DBH ELHB, ReJmDve 135. 11" DBH ELHB, Re3~ove 136. 14", 11" DBH Multi-t].nlnked (2) 137. 19" DBH PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 4 138. 9" DBH 139. 15" DBH 140. 12" DBH 141. 14" DBH 142. 15" DBH 143. 15" DBH 144. 8" DBH 145. 6", 3", 5", 4" DBH Trunk severed 2' above grade, trunk sprouts, Remove 146. 8", 6" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 147. 16" DBH Wilted, terminal dieback 148. 10" DBH 18' West of Center Line (IWC/L), ELHB, Remove 149. 12" DBH 150. 10" DBH Trunk wounds 151. 16" DBH Trunk wounds 152. 6" , 6" DBH 153. 12" DBH 154. 7" DBH Undersized 155. 11" DBH 156. 14" DBH 157. 15", 18" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 158. 14" DBH 18' ~2/L 159. 19" DBH 18' ~2/L 160. 5" DBH Undersized 161. 10" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 162. 14" DBH Trunk severed 4' above grade, Remove 163. 20" DBH 164. 9" DBH 165. 15" DBH 166. 12" DBH 167. 10" DBH 168. 9" DBH 169. 12" DBH 18' E~.~/L 170. 15" DBH ELHB 171. 13" DBH 172. 12" DBH ELHB -,~ 173. 14" DBH 174. 8" DBH 175. 12" DBH 176. 11" DBH 177. 11" DBH 178. 18", 16" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 179. 11" DBH ELHB 180. 10" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 181. 10" DBH 182. 14" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 183. 18" DBH 184. 8" DBH 185. 10" DBH 186. 12" DBH PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 5 187. 13" DBH ELHB 188. 14" DBH 20' WC/L 189. 13" DBH 19' WC/L 190. 15" DBH 191. 24" DBH 192. 9" DBH Stub-cut at base, basal sprouts 3", Remove 193. 1I" DBH Trunk wounds 194. 8" DBH 195. 7" DBH Undersized 196. 7" DBH Undersized 197. 13" DBH 198. 23" DBH 199. 8" DBH Dead, ELH]B, Remove 200. 15" D~H 201. 11" DBH Trunk wounds, ELH]~, Remove 202. 26" DBH 203. 9" DBH Dead, ]~HB, Remove 204. 7", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 205. 9" DBH Trunk cut 1' above grade, basal sprouts, Remove 206. 12" DBH 207. 8" DBH 208. 12" DBH 209. 11" DBH 210. 8" DBH ELHB 211. 7" DBH Undersized 212. 11" DBH 213. 7", 4", 3" DBH Multi-trLuLked (3) 214. 9" DBH Trunk wounds, terminal dieback, ELHB, Remove 215. 7", 8", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (3), 18" WC/L 216. !4", 11", 7" DBH Multi-trunked (3), 18' WC/L 217. 10", 10" DBH Multi-trunked (2}, 19' WC/L 218. 18" DBH 20" WC/L 219. 10" DBH 220. 15" DBH 20' WC/L 221. 13" DBH .~ 222. 15" DBH 20' WC/L 223. 19" DBH 23' WC/L 224. 10", 9", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (3), +20' WC/L 225. 20" DBH 20' WC/L, Dead, ELHB, Remove 226. 5", 8" DBH Stub-cut 2' above grade, 20' WC/L 227. 15" DBH 20' WC/L 228. 15", 12" DBH 19' WC/L 229. 13", 8" DBH MuZti-trunked (2), 19' WC/L 230. 8", 7" DBH Multi-t. rur~ed (2), 19' WC/L 231. 13" 25' WC/L 232. 9", 7", 4" DBH Multi-t.runked (3), 20' WC/L 233. 11" DBH 21' WC/L 234. 15",12", 9" DBH Multi-trunked (3), 20' WC/L · 235. 11", 4" DBH Multi-trunked (2), 22' WC/L 236. 9" DBH 237. through 245. All trees are +20' outside C/L EUCKSYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE III FOOq~{ILL TRUNK SEWER Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, City of Fontana The Eucalyptus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numberin~ system that follows ~3rresponds to the numbering on the accompanying sewer plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 64 Eucalyptus trees were inspected. Of these 64 trees, four (4) are recommended for removal ( one, dead; two severed trunks; one encased in c~nent), and nine (9) are under 8" DBH (Diameter Breast Height). A total of 51 Eucalyptus are over 8" DBH and are of a condition that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. 1. 18" DBH 2. 24" DBH 3. 6" DBH Undersized 4. 12" DBH 5. 16" DBH 6. 22" DBH 7. 2/5" DBH 8. 9" DBH 9. ~[7" DBH 10. 18" DBH 11. 19" DBH Trunk wounds 12. 13" DBH Trunk wounds 13. 17" DBH 14. 17" DBH 15. 28" DBH Trunk wounds 16. 15" DBH Trunk wounds 17. 26" DBH. 18. 22" DBH 19. 15" DBH 20. 13" DBH 21. 22" DBH 22. 11" DBH ~. 23. 18" DBH 24. 15" DBH 25. 21" DBH 26. 10" DBH 27. 16" DBH 28. 13" DBH Trunk wounds 29. 11" DBH 30. 21" DBH 31. 17" DBH 32. 20" DBH 33. 18" DBH 34. 6" DBH Undersized 35. .~ 2" DBH 36. 24" DBH 37. 10" DBH PHASE III FOOq~ILL TRUNK SEWER PAGE 2 38. 8" DBH 39. 7" DBH Undersized 40. 7" DBH Undersized 41. .5" DBH Undersized 42. 8" DBH 43. 28" DBH 44. 18" DBH 45. 4" DBH Undersized 46. Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 47. 19" DBH 48. 14" DBH 49. 9" DBH 50. Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 51. 16" DBH 52. 17" DBH 53. 6" DBH Undersized 54. 6" DBH Undersized 55. 17" DBH 56. 6" DBH Undersized 57. 20" DBH Trunk wounds 58. 17" DBH 59. 24" DBH 60. 20" DBH 61. 18" DBH Trunk wounds 62. 24" DBH 63. 13" DBH Encased in cement, Remove 64. 24" DBH Dead, Remove EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE IV FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Hemlock Avenue to Beech Avenue, City of Fontana The E~calpL3tus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that follows corresponds to the numbering on the accoHpanying Sewer Plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 22 trees ~ere inspected. Of these 22 trees, one is a severed trunk with basal sprouts and one tree! has a DBH under 8". A total of 2J~ trees remain with a DBH over 8" and of sufficient vitality that they could be retained except for their proximity to the proposed construction. 1. 18" DBH 2. 22" DBH 3. 17" DBH 4. 26" DBH 5. 16" DBH 6. 19"' DBH 7. 12~' DBH 8. 11" DBH 9. 10" DBH 10. 7" DBH 11. 24" DBH 12. 17" DBH Multiple trunk wounds 13. 18" DBH Basal trunk wou~xd, 12" wide 14. 16" DBH 15. 10" DBH Basal trup3~ wound, 8" wide 16. 18" DBH Basal trunk wound, 14" wide 17. 18" DBH 18. 8" DBH Topped at 4', Massive heartrot, Remove 19. 22" DBH Trunk wound, 7" wide 20. 14" DBH 21. 11" DBH 22. 30" DBH O'he :Planning ssociales Jonathan PatRe, Inc. Hardy M. Strozier, Ine. 3151 AIRWAY AVENUE, SUITE R-1 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 92628 October 3, 1989 Ns, Lisa DonnelZ, St, Planner CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Dear MS. Donnell: Thank you for our meeting last week regarding the environmental studies for the sewer expansion projects. I indicated to you that I would provide information regarding both Environmental Officers for the County of San Bernardino and Cal Trans District 8. They are as follows: 1. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Environmental Analysis Team 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, 3rd. Floor San Bernardino, Ca 92415-0182 Attention: Paul Kielhold (Telephone: (714) 387-4146) 2. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION District #8 247 West, 3rd. Street P.O. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA 92402 Attention: Mr. Steve Keel (Telephone: (714) 383-4108) Please let me know if you need any help in the review or critique. Har~d~. StroZi~er, AICP co: Paul Ireland Rudy Garcia A1 Uman Attn: Hazel Put~ P.O. Box 426 Fon'tana, CA 92335 Fontana Mater Company 714-822-2201 Attn: Bruce E. Cash P.O. Box 987 Fontaria, CA 92335 San Bernardtrio County Department of 7]4-387-4692 Environmental Health Attn: Mr. Paul Ryan · 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardtno, CA 92415-0160 San Bernardtno County Department of 714-387-2623 Transportation, Flood Control and A~rports Attn: Mr. Kenneth Miller Dtrector of Transportation and Flood Control 825 least Third Street San iBernardtno, CA 92415-0810 San IBernardtno County Engineering Contract 714-387-276g ~ Servtces Attn: Mr. Ttm Kelley 825 least 3rd Street San IBernardtno, CA 92415-0834 San IBernardtno County!Land Management 714-387-4165 D,epartment, Office of Planntng Attn: Senior Planner, Mest Valley Planning Team 385 North Arrowhead Avenue San IBernardtno, CA 92415-0183 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. ~SSOC OMNITRONS 1700 West Fifth Street 600 South Commonwealth San Bernardino, CA 92411 Suite 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90005 PACIFIC BELL · Jackie F. Denault SOWJTItB~N CALIFORNIA 3939 East Coronado Street Second Floor Folt Of~oe BOx 782 Anaheim, CA 92807 RfaltO, C3[ 92376 193-391-017 Pa~NCMO CUCAMONGA Planning Department Poet Office BOx 807 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 570 West Fourth Street San Bemardino, CA 92401 SAN BAG Wee MoDehie1, Exe~utive Director :.- 334 Welt 3~ Street, Suite 401 San Bernardino, CA 92410 SOUTHERN PACIFIC LAND COMPANY % Tax Col~an~ Southern Peu. Tran. I Harket Street San Francisco, CA 94105 194-381-002 SAN BER~ARDINO COglITY t Street SOUTH COAST A~ QUALITY , CA 93415 Management District .: .,- .- "T-- ~ .. ~9150 East Flair Drive E1 Monte, CA 91731 ,--' Secretary, M ager ' P.O. Box O0 " Founta ~28 ~ Riverside County E od Control 7 1995 Market Str t San Bernardino County Department of 714-387-4692 Environmental Health Attn: Mr. Paul Ryan 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415-0160 San Bernardtno County Department of 714-387-2623 Transportation, Flood Control and Airports Attn: Mr. Kenneth Miller Director of Transportation and Flood Control 825 East Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92415-0810 San Bernardino County Engineering Contract 714-387-2769 . Services Attn: Mr. Tim Kelley 8Z5 East 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92415-0834 San Bernardino County Land Management 714-387-4165 Department, Office of Planning Attn: Senior Planner, West Valley Planning Team 385 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardtno, CA 92415-0183 San Bernardino ley Municipal Water District Attn: Mr , Louis Fletcher General anager Regional Wm~lklr qu ty ~ontrol Board Santa Ana R~ 8 0 Attn: ~r. J. An ew $chlange Manager~ 3500 Tyler Seet Riversial , ;:~unt:Y of San Bern ~no 714-383-1918 ,,-~:ard of Superv ors / Attn: Jon M els ~..,l-.:" County Gov nment Center I 714-962-2411 County Sanira n Districts of range County 28 Eastern Munici Water District 714-766-1810 Attn: Don S wart P.O. Box 8 Fontana Historical Society 714-823-1733 Attn: Hazel Putnam P.O. Box 426 Fontana, CA 92335 Fontaria Water Company 714-822-2201 Attn: Bruce E. Cash P.O. Box 987 Fontana, CA 92335 Jurupa Community Se, r-vfE~ZcesD'~strict ~4 Attn: John General anaSc~ dM,a~ 92509 Riversi e Metropolitan Water Dist t of Southern California Attn: Mr. Ed J. rnhill Manager of Envir mental Stud es and Water C~nservatio 1111 West Su set Blvd. Los Angel~iaW"d~fEeir~n~ Native American rttage Comm. Attn:B WilliC A.T~oh~son i 915 Capito all, Room 288 Sacram Office of Htstor Preservation Attn: Hans Kr tzberg Orange County Envtro ental Hanagement . 714-B,3441~3 Agenc~i Attn: Mr. MJc e uane Hana,ger of Jro~m~ntal and Special Projects ONTARIO P NIN~~PARTMEN'.e SECRETARY F OURCES SIMON, NA A,, · MAYOR OMNITRONS 1700 West Fifth Street m 92316 San Bernardino, CA 92411 PACIFIC BELL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOC · Jackie F. Denault GOVERNMENT 3939 East Coronado Street Attention: Clearinghouse ~'~" Second Floor 600 South Commonwealth · Anaheim, CA 92807 Suite 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90005 RANC~{O CUCAMONGA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Post Office Box 807 Nest Office Box' 788 -- Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rialto, CA 92376 193-391-017 SALDIVAR, OT D SARAH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA w 11290 Si ra enue EDISON ,oct o.ic. I ~. Rialto, CA 92376 194-391-021 SAN BAG SOUTHERN RNIA w . Wes McDaniel, Executive Director EDISON 334 West 3rd Street, Suite 401 Eost O Ec. 76788 San Bernardtrio, CA 92410 EDISO MP w Dolores Caz~e: " Second Flc~r ~ ICIPAL ~ .Off Bo 788 Rt4 _t *~ SOUTHERNCALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY Sn~~ WALTON, JOHN . ETAL 570 West Fourth Street % Stonehil evelopment · a 194~-007 ,~SOUTHE1LN PACIFIC LAND COMPANY WALTON, JOHN · ETAL % Tax Company Southern Pac. Tran. % Stonehil velopmentI i Market Street 8235 Sis Avenue · San Francisco, CA 94105 Fontaria CA 92335 194-381-002 194- - {OUTH COAST A~ QUALITY WARE, DONALD & MARILYN Brian Farris 11262 Sierr Avenue Fontana 92335 Management District 9150 East Flair Drive 25 1 Monte, CA 91731 STATE CLEANING SE  WEST SAN BE DINO COUNTY Bruce Walt Water Dis Office o lanning and Research Post Of ce Box 188 1400 nth Street, Room 12:L Ria . ' ~.7 S 4 ' STON~HILL D PMENT i WOLFINBAR' Leroy L. S z , ~ :' -. :r': ~ 9g~4. Ch Avenue Preskden ' F 8253 S rra Avenue .. -: TOK~31~RA, LBERT L e~ 10820 N ~ Avenue Michael G. lker, Director' 825 East 'ird Street, Room 100 Post Of Ce Box Post Offi BoX 818 Mecca, 92254 194- - -., 4-4 APPflI)IX I (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Backqround 1. lass of Frolxmnt ~ !~ '~ 0F ~'  2. AddressandFhonelmberofProlm,ent · Date of Checklist $ubBttted Agency Requiting Checklist '!-'l ' ..~'S,1 Name of Proposal, tf applicable IMscrtptton ot' PPoJecl~ ,T N~n~t~-,~-~ (~planattons o~ all "~es" and "m~e" ans~Ps ape Pequtr~ on a~taehed sheets. ) ~ ~ N~ 1. R~. ~tll the proposal result ~n= a. Unstable earth conditions g~logtc substructures? b.Disruptions. dtsplac~nts. c~pactton or overcovering of the sot17 c.Change tn toNgraphy or ground surface ,ellef fettures? APPENDIX Page 2 d. The destruction,, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any Increase tn wtnd er water eroston of soils, etther on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltatton, deposition or ePoslon whtch may modtfy the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet o,r lake? g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslldes, ' mudslldes, ground failure, or stmllar hazards? 2. Atr. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air .emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteratlon of atr movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3. Mater. Wtll the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? ' b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course ow~low of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or tn any alteration of surface water quality, in- ' ' cludtng but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidity? f.Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? APPENDIX Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? i. Exposure of peo;ple or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? /' 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic p'lants)? j b. Reductto~ of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? J .. c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural cro~?. ~-~ 5. Anise1 Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthtc organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c, Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? d.Oetertoratton to existing fish or wtldltfe habitat? 6, Noise. Will the proposal result in: ' ? a. Increases in existing noise levels? v/' . .... b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? APPENDZX Z Page 4 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 9. Matural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 10. Risk of Upset, Will the proposal involve:' a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset colqdttions? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human. population of an area'? 12, Housing, Wtll the proposal affect extsttng hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? 3[3. Transportation/CIrculation, Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? ~ Alterations to present patterns of circula-L ' tion or movement of people and/or goods?' ' e. Alterations to waterborne. rail or air traffic? ~f.i, Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicycltsts or pedestrians? APPENDZX Page 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, tncludlng roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existtrig sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result tn a need for ]1. in Health. Will the proposal result ~n: a.Creatton of any health hazard or potential heatth hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? 18. Aesthetics. t4tll the proposal result tn the obstruction of any Scenic vtsta o~ view open to the public, or will the proposal result tn the creatton of an aesthe!Hcally offensive stte open to publlc vtew? 19. Iicreattoe. ~tll the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of extsttmJ., recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources., a, Will the p~oposal result tn the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? APPEND1X Page b. MIll the proposal result tn adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or htstortc butldlng, structure, or object? c. Does the proposal have the potentlal to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d. IHll the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? -21. I!andatoryFtndings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quallty of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wtldlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten ~ to eliminate a plant or animal. cemuntty, re- duce the number or restrtct the range of a rare : or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major period~ of California history or prehtstory? ~-... b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the d~sadvantage of long-te~f(' envtrordaental goals? (R short-term tepact on the envtrordnent is one which occurs in a rela- tively brtef, definitive period of ttme whlle long-term Impacts w11~1 endure well tnto the future.) c. Does the project have tmpacts whtch are Individually 11mired, but cueulattve]y con- sidetable? (A project mey tepect on two or mere separate resources where the tmpact on each resource ts relatively seal1, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the envtrommnt ts significant.) __ d. Does the project have environmental effects which wtll cause substantial adverse effects on human betrigs, etther dtrectly or indirectly? ill DIscussion ofF e v t_ eatel Evaluation (Narrative description of envtronmntal impacts.) APPENDIX ! __ __ Page 7 (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basts of thts fntt~al evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the envfronment, and a NEGATZVE DECLARAT/ON w~11 be prepared. I ftnd that' although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there w111 not be a significant effect tn thts case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATZVE DECLARATZON WiLL BE PREPARED. ! flnd the proposed project HAY have a significant effect on the envlronment, and an ENVIRONHENTAL IHPACT REPORT ts required. / / ' DATE SIGNATURE Hittgatton Heasures to all "Yes" and "Haybe" answers: Z.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions wtll result which w111 be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining stde slopes of the trench at an angle as reconanended by sotls engtneer whtch w~11 allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, sotl w~11 be disturbed and displaced. Host of this sotl will be placed back tnto the trench after the placement of uttl~ty pipes. Durtng backfilling operation, the so~l will be well compacted; and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1.c. Topographtcal change ts expected during construction stage only whtch will dtmtntsh as the project ts out of the construction stage. I.e. Increase tn w~nd erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt ptled up on the side or alongside the project. This wtll be mitigated through proper watertng of the area under constructlon stage and where dtrt is being ptled up as per standard specification for Public Nork's construction Z.g. There tsa possibility during construction of ground failure whtch wtll be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air qualtty of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Arttcle 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Publlc Nork's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work wtll not be carried out on days when the general atr quallty ts satd to be tn Zst stage smog alert. 3.b. Installation of a storm dratn line wtll benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reductng the surface flow on streets ttself, thus reducing chances of floodtng of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The Ctty of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the postttve effect that the wtnd rows of Eucalyptus trees have in creattng the beauty and ambience of the City. The Ctty encourages savtng these wind '7 rows whenever possible. In this pro3ect/tn order to provide for public health and safety by the construction of seers and storm dratns, the removal of the extstlng wind rows of Eucalyptus trees on Footht11 Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lie Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Basellne ~"' ~Y These wtnd rows lte wtthtn the existing or proposed street right-of-way. Page 2 will be placed tn the tree~lI~using the following guidelines: i. Before the project begins, a certified arbortst will verify the number of l~ees~along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenu~ ch~have to be removed for t~e pro3ec~ The condition an~unk size of each of these trees ~tll be determined b7 the a~boMst. 2. For the t~ees ~htch have ~o be removed along~th~ rated average or above wttha dtamter of 8" less. For every tree rated average or above vtth a dtameter of 9" or more, $300 vtll be placed tn the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees whtch have ~o be r~ved for the pro3ect on prlvate property along the future Beech~venue, the Ctty wtll negotiate wtth the prtvate property o~ers. if the property o~er agrees to matnta~n the trees, the Ctty wtll plant ~rees on the prlvate property of the resident per the schedule establlshed for the trees along Footht]l Boulevard. Honey placed in ~hts tree~ ibm used ~o plan~ ~rees along ~~ Footht]l Boule~where not already requtred by develop~nt standar,s. I~e tree fund cQuld also bc us~ to prQserve 8nether Eucalyptus Tree wi.d r~s ~n ~ ~oc3t~Gn ~u~tab]e for presecv~n. Noncy ~uld be added to ~ts tree fund from other development roJscts to help establish a source of funds to mathtat. ~,~ ~ontana's and/or untque tr~s. hl~tortc 5.a. The r~va3 of the Eucalyptus trees ma~ change the n~be~ of btrds ~ and~a]3 rodents ~n the area. H~ever, with the planting of new trees tn the streetscape, the b~rds and sma31 rodents ma~ return. 6.a. There wM] be~ncrease ~n no~se ]eve3 due to construction equ~nt. but wt]~ ~t be mitigated b~ enforcing state laws for keeping thet~ noise level ~tth~n permissible ]tmtts. Also, the hours of construction ~t]] be }~mited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. ~Ob. The p~o~ect may ~nterfere wtth norma3 ~rgenc~ operations. A]~ utfitt~ c~pan~es, Police and F~re ~]3 be nottried at ]east a tn advance of the section of the pro~ect on ~hich ~ork wt]] be taking piece. ~n addltlon, the contractor .tl] be requtred to fo]]o~ the Art~c]e 7-]0 of the Standard Specification for Pub3~c ~orks Construction, which addresses pub]tc convenience and safety. Page 3 ].3b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mttlgated through proper posting of stgn indicating approximately for what time pertod parking at a particular locatloS/ will not be available. 13c, It will cause substantial tmpact on traffic flow on Foothill the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of~trench in~of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to mintmtze the effect, the contractor will be required, through prod,act specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at al1 times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this w111 be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of~new sewer 1the will provide sewer servlce to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Ltme Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. APPE!I)IX I ENVIROIIENTAL CHECKLIST FOIl (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) 2. Address and Fhone Iraher of Prom t -~ 5 ~_ 3. Date of Checklist Submitted q I z~t 4. Agency RequtrJn9 Checklist ~ff'F ~ .',~r~:. .~'~..~5. Name of Proposal, ff applicable ~F¢~,!~. / L~ · 4.,., 7. Location of ProJecl~.~3~Lf/~r~l IJB, o~ ~. LI~'/;~_,' (~planatlons of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets. ) Yes Maybe NO 1. Ea~, Ntll the proposal result ~n: a. Unstable earth conditions or tn changes tn geologic substructures? - t -- b. Dtsruptfons, d!splacents, cmpactton or overcovering of the sot17 c. Change tn topography or ground surface re1 tef features? APPENDIX I Page 2 d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geo'logid or phystcal features? e. Any increase in wind.or water erosion of soils, either on oroffthe site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, ' mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantfal air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course o~e-Zlow of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not ltmtted to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidity? f.Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? APPENDZX T Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, etther through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aqutfer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public Water supplies? t. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as floodtng or ttdal waves? 4. Plant Life. Wtll the proposal result a. Change tn the diversity of species, or num- ber of any spectes of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops. and aquattc plants)? ~ b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? ? c. Zntroductton of new spectes of plants taro an area, or tn a barrier to the normal replentsh- eent of extsttng spectes? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural cro~?. 5. Artteal Ltfe. Wtll the proposal result tn: a. Change in the diversity of spectes, or num- bers of any spectes of antmals (birds, land animals Including reptiles, ftsh and shell- ftsh, benthtc organisms or Insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any untque, rare or endangered spectes of anlmals? c. introduction of new spectes of animals into an area, or result tn a barrter to the migra- tion or movement of animals? d.Deterioration to extsttng ftsh or wtldltfe hab4tat? 6. Iletse. Wtll the proposal result a. Increases tn extsttng noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? APPENDZX ! ~ Page 4 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stanttal alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? g, Natural Resources, Nil1 the proposal result a. increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 1,0, Risk of Upset. ~tll tlhe proposal involve:' a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not ltmtted to, otl, 3~esttctdes, chemicals or radiation) tn the event of an accident or upset conditions? b. Poss4ble interference wtth an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? 11. Population. ~tll the proposal alter the location, dlstrtbutton, denslty, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12.Housing. Ntll the proposal affect existtrig hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? 13.Transportatton/Clrculal;to~. Wt11 the proposal result a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on extstlng parktng facilities, or demand for new par'king? c,Substantial tmpact upon extsttng transpor- tation systems? ~.~ Aaterat~ons to present patterns of c~rcula-~ tton or movement of people and/or goods?' ' e. Alterations to waterborne, rat1 or ~.f.~' increase tn trafftc hazards to motor vehicles, btcycltsts or pedestrians? .... to DuDIlC vlew7 ~ APPENDxX Z ~ Page 5 14. INbllc Services. Wtll the proposal have an effect upon, or result tn a need for new or altered govo ernmental servtces tn any of the following areas: a. Ftre protection? b. Pollce protection? c. Sehools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Natntenance of publlc facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15, Ener~Ly, Nil1 the proposal result tn: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase tn demand upon ext~ttng sources or energy, or requtre the developgent of new sources of energy? 36. Utfitttes. Nil1 the proposal result tn a need for il, I~man Iiealth, Nt11 the'~oposal result a.Crestton of any healVn hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b.Exposure of people to potential health hazards? 18. Aesthetics, ~tll the proposal result tn the obstruction of any Scenic vtsta or vtew open to the publlc, or will the proposal result tn the creatton of an aesthetically offensive site open to publlc vtew? ]g. Recreation. Mill the propesal result tn an tmpact upon the quality or quantity of extstlq ~ recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Iteso.rces., a. ~tll the p~opesal result tn the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? APPENDIX PBge 6 b. Ntll the proposal result tn adverse phystcal or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or h~stor~c butldlng, structure, or object? c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical .change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d. ~tll the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential ~mpact area? 21. Handatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project hav~ the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wtldl~fe spectes, cause a fish or w~ldl~fe population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal. community, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate Important examples of the major periods of California hfstory or preh~stor~? b. Does the project have the potential to achteve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-te~t~' environmental goals? (A short-term Impact on the environment ts one whlch occurs In a rela- t~vel~ brief, definitive period of t~me whtle long-term ~mpacts wll~ endure well tnto the future.) c. Does the prolect have impacts whtch are individually l~mtted, but cumu]attvely con- s~derable? (A prolect may tmpact on two or more separate resources where the tmpact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those ~mpacts on the environment ts significant.) d. Ooes the project have environmental effects which wtll cause substantial adverse effects on human betngs, etther dtrectly or indirectly? DIscussion of Envtr~ -qtal Evaluatlon (Narrative description of envlronmental Impacts.) APPEND[X! ~,~ Page 7 IV. OeterttnattOn (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basls of thts ln~ttal evaluation: ] find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a s~gntficant effect on the environment, and a .NEGATIVE DECLARATZON w~11 be prepared. ! find that'although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there wtll not be a s~gntficant effect tn th~s case because the m~ttgat~on measures described on an attached sheet have been added to t:he project. A NEGATZVE DECLARATZON WILL BE PREPARED. ! find the proposed project MAY' have a significant effect on the .environment, and an ENVIRONHENTAL ZMPACT REPORT ts required. DATE SZGNATURE For Mitigation Measures to all "'Yes" and "Maybe" answers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Most of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compacted~ and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1.c. Topographical change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is eut of the construction stage. 1.,a. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility during construction of ground failure which will be prevented throu!gh proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be in 1st stage smog alert. 3.b. Installation of a storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The City of Fontana recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of Eucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible. In this project in order to provide for public health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline is necessary. These wind rows lie within the existing or proposed street right-of-way. Page 2 In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard is widened to its ful] width, the City of Fontaria will establish a tree fund. Money will be placed in the tree fund using the following guidelines: 1. Before the project begins, a certified arborist will verify the number of trees along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue ~hich have to be removed for the project. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arbo~ist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Fund for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 9" or more, $300 will be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Avenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City wtll plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule established for thE! trees along Foothill Boulevard. Money placed in this tree 'Fund could be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard where not already required by development standards. The tree fund could also be used to preserve another Eucalyptus Tree wind rows in a location suitable for preservation. Money could be added to this tree fund from other development projects to help establish a source of funds to maintain some of Fontana's historic and/er unique trees. 5.a. The removal of the Eucallyptus trees may change the number of birds and amall rodents in the area. However, with the planting of new trees in the streetscape,, the birds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be increase in noise level due to construction equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible limits. Also, the hours of construction will be limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. lob. The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13,c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of trench in frout of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. MItigation Measures to all "yes" and "Maybe" answers: Z.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining stde slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by sotls engtneer whtch wtll allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, sot1 will be disturbed and displaced most of this sotl will be placed back into the trench after the placement of uttltty ptpes. 1,c. Topographtcal change ts expected durtng construction stage only ' which will distinguish as the project ts out of the construction stage. 1.e. Increase in wtnd erosion may result due to loose excavated ptled up on the side or along side of the project. Thts wtll be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt ts being ptled up. There ts a posstbtltt o~ g~und failure whtch wtll be prevented 1.g. through proper shorln the trench walls, 2.a. The heavy equt~ent on the project s~te w~11 teporar~ly dtsturb the atr quallty of the surrounding area; to mtntmtze thts affect be car~ o t n when the general air the work wt 11 not quality ts satd to be tn ge h_ ..... '" allowtng the t~ benefit the general area by ptcked up by catch basins ~n the s~de streets ~nd reducing the surface flow on streets Itself, thus reductng chants of floodtrig of streets and surrounding area. 4..~The execution of project necesst s r~va] of exist1 d rows ~ts can be mitigated 'planting an ade a~unt of met trees at thetr u]tt e location tn pub1 rtght-of-wa Z enever ~ that ts made avat ]e to the*City. he eantt~ und could ,be set ~stde f that purpose depe g on the rec ndatton of landscape a ttect on how man rees wtll b equtred tn the .. trees should anted tn the are. 6.a. There w111 be tncrease tn noise level due to construction equt~nt ~but wtl] be mitigated by enforcing state laws for noise level within pwetsstble 3te~ts. Page 2 lob, The project may interfere with normal emergency operations, All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking pl ace, 13b, Existing pa'~n~ may be affected and it will be mitigated through ..?~.=_~1~ proper post of sign indicating approximately what time period parking at a particular location will not be available, 13c, It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to m rigareVere will be i advance notice placed on the roadway to make people aware of the lane closures and expected date. of its retuntng~ back to normal 13t, a~ mov onstruction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road uses and this will be mitigated through proper post~rof signs accordtng to traffic safety standards and by proper affic controlling devices, 16. The construction of new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as it will release substantial pressure of the existing sewer pump at corner of ~ and Foothi 11 Boulevard, T. IBackqrould 2. Naae of Proponent e ln~ O~ 2. Address and Phone Nmd~r of Proponent ~_~:~ 3. Date of Ch~Htst Su~dU~ ~ 6. Description of ProJeclL~ :LN~-~r~ ~F -~F'N~ It., LI~E ~Z II. Envtro~ntal lla~s ~;/" (Explanations of all "~es" and "maybe" ans~ePs are requtred on attached sheets. ) Yq~ Haybe No Ea~. Nfi] the proposa~ resu3t ~n: a. Unstab3e earth conditions or tn changes tn geologtc substructures? b. Dtsruptlons, d~splacements, compact~on or overcovering of t. he soft? c. Change In topography or ground surface ' teltel features? APPENDZX ! Page 2 d. The destruction, covering or modiftcaUon of any unique geologic or phystcal features? e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? g. Exposure of peoplu or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, 1 ands 1 i des, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 2. Air. Will the proposal result a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3. Water. ~ Will the proposal result in.' a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Changes in absorplhion rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? · c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in-' ? cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbtdity? f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow ' of ground waters? APPENDIX I Page 3 g. Change tn the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aqutfer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for publlc ~ater supplies? 1. Exposure of peop3e or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any untque, rare ~ or endangered species of plants? ~.t~ c. Introduction of new species of plants into an , area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? 5. Animal'Life. Will the proposal result in= a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered spectes of antmals? ' c. Introduction of new spectes of animals into an area, or result tn a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? d.Deterioration to existing fish or wtldlife habitat? 6, Noise. Will the proposal result in: - t a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? t APPENDZX Page 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? 8. LaN Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 9, Natural Resources, Will the proposal result a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve= a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? 11, Population, Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area'/ 12.Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? 13.Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in= a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c.Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? ~ Alterations to present patterns of circula-~ tion or movement; of people and/or goods? e. Alterations to ~raterborne, rail or air traffic? ~.~' Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, btcycltsts or pedestrians? APPENDZX Page 14, ~ubllc Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a, Ftre protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Haintenance of publlc facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? I5.. Ener~. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon extsting sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the "- following utilities: 17. Hmn I!ealth. Will the proposal result in= a.Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard {excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? 18.' Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open ton~ the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site ope to public view? 19. Recreation. Wtll the proposal result In an impact upon the quality or quantity of existin~J ~ recreational opportunities? 20/~ultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result In the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? APPENDZX Page b. N111 the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effec~.s to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d. Ifill the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? ffandatory Findtngs of SIgnificance, a. Does the pro~lect have the potential to degrade the quality of the envlronment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wtldltfe species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eltmlnate a plant or animal community, re- :~. duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate , important examples of the major periods of Ca1 tfornia history or preh~story? 4/~ b. Does the project have the potentlal to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-ter. nf~' envtronmenta goals? CA short-term impact on the environment ts one whtch occurs in a rela- tively brtef, definitive period of time while long-term impacts w111 endure well tnto the future. ) c. Does the project have tmpacts which are t ndt vt dual ~ y 1 t mi ted, but cumul at1 vely con- sidetable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource ts relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment ts significant.) d. Does the project Ihave environmental effects whtch will cause substantial adverse effects on human betngs, ,either d~rectly or Indirectly? III D¶scuss~on of Envtrormtal Evaluation (Hat'r~tt ve descrt ptt on of envt tonmental tmpacts, ) APPENDIX I Page 7 IV, Determination (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basts of thts tn~t~al evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULO NOT have a s~gntficant effect on the enyironmento and a NEGATIVE OECLARATION w111 be prepared. I find tha~'although the proposed project could have a significant ,effect on the environment, there wtll not be a slgntficant effect ~n~ thts case because the mit~atton measures described on an attached .sheet have been added to tile project A NEGATZVE DECLARA ZON WILL BE he proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVZRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ts required. DATE SIGNATURE For Mitigation Measures to all "'Yes'" and "Maybe" answers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Most of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compacted~ and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. Topographical cha.ge is expected d.ri.g which will diminish as the project is :u~n u ,,,.- stage. ___~p!~cification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility of ground failure which will be prevented ~g~'~ through proper shoring ef the trench walls .a.eavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be in a Ill degree smog el'eft stage. Also, the contractor's working hours will be limited to 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3.b. Installation of storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run elf water to be picked up by catch basins in ,the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The execution of the project necessitates removal of certain portions of existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenues as well as between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. This can be mitigated by planting an adequate amount of street trees at their ultimate location in public right-of-way, whenever that is made available to the City. In the meantime, a fund could be set aside for that purpose depending on the recommendation of a landscape architect on 'h~w many trees will be required in the future for that stretch of Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenues and what kind of trees should be planted in the future. Page 2 6.a. There will be increase in noise level due to construction equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible limits. lob. The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. lt will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill'~ Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate, there will b advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of trench ~ of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the b i and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project spec'' ations and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by ttable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated .through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of new sewer line wtll provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. ENVIRD!eENTAL CHECKLIST FORII (To Be Comp3eted By Lead Agency) I. Backqround 1. Name of Proponent 2. Address and Phone Nusbtr of Proponent 3.. Date of Ch~klist Su~itt~ 4. Agenc~ R~utMng Ch~kltst 50 N~ of Pro~sal, if applicable ~H~/B~C-H 6, Description of Projec~ ~N~]ALLAT~o~ TU 7. L~ation of ProJ~)~ft~t I I. Envt rosnta] Impacts (Explanations of a]] "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on ~ttached sheets. ) Yes Haybe No 1. Earth. Nt~] the proposal result a. Unstable earth conditions or geol og4 c substructures? b.D~srupttons, d~splacements, compact~on o~ overcored ng of the so~ 1 ? c.Change ~n topogPapl~y or ground surface tel ~ef features? APPENDIX Page d. The destruction, covertrig or modification of any untque geologic or phystcal features? e. Any increase in wtnd or water eroston of soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or eroston of beach' Sands, or changes in stltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or' stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- ' ~ cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? APPENDIX Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public ~ater supplies? t. Exposur~ of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants {including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural cro~ 5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including 'reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: ~ ~ a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? APPENDIX Page 4 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve= a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12.Noustng. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? 13.Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in= a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on existin, g parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? ~d~ Alterations to present patterns of circula-' tion or movement o,f people and/or goods?' e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? <~.~1 Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? APPENDIX Page 5 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmentall services? 1!5. Energ3~. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy., or require the development of new sources of energy? 1,5. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the :-.. following utilities: 11. Bin Health. Will the proposal result a.Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? 1:8. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public vtew? 19, Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existi~ recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources, a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destPuctton of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? APPENDIX I Page 6 b, Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact 21. Handatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project [lave the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildltfe species, cause a 'Fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number olr restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project Ihave the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-te~{' environmental goals? {A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? {A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? lII Oiscusston of Environmental Evaluation {Narrative description of environmental impacts.} APPENDIX Page 7 Oetermtnation (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) One the bas~s of this ~nttta] evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a s~gntficant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION w111 be prepared. I find thal~"although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, thePe w~11 not be a significant effect In this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the! pro~ect. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONHENTAL IMPACT REPORT ts required. DATE SIGNATURE For Mitigation Measures to all "Yes" and "Maybe" answers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1.b.. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Most of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compacted; and the top of the trench will be leveled tc> grade with the surrounding ground. 1.c. Topographicel change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is out of the construction stage. 1.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on 'the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To furthe"r minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be in a III degree smog alert stage. Also, the contractor's working hours will be limited to 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3.b. Installation of storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, 'thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The execution of the project necessitates removal of certain portions of existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenues as well as between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. This can be mitigated by planting an adequate a~nount of street trees at their ultimate location in public right.-of-way, whenever that is made available to the City. In the meantime, a fund could be set aside for that purpose depending on the recommendation of a landscape architect on how many trees will be required in the future for that stretch of Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenues and what kind of trees should be planted in the future. Page 6.a. There will be increase in noise level due to construction equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible limits. 10b.. The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of trench in frout of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project: specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f.. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. CITY OF FONTANA FONTANA~ CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Bob Weddle, Interm City Engin~ r FROM: Lisa Donnell, Senior Plan~ SUBJECT: Tree Program for Foothill/Beech Sewer Projects DATE: October 13, 1989 As further explanation of tree program outlined as a mitigation measure for the Foothill/Beech Sewer project, the following background information is provided: Staff contacted nursery owners in the area to obtain information regarding tree planting. It was learned that the longer trees are kept in boxes the greater likelihood that the root systems would be growing in circles around the inside of the container. Trees with developed root systems in a circular pattern have a tendency to fall over in strong winds; have a more difficult time establishing a new root system when transplanted; and tend to develop new roots closer to the surface. For these reasons, it was suggested that trees no larger than 24" boxed be planted along streets. The price quoted for a 24" boxed tree delivered and planted was $300.00. The price of a 15 gallon tree delivered and planted would be $75.00. Due to the fact that Eucalyptus trees cannot be transplanted from existing locations., tend to develop a root system according to the prevailing wind pattern, and are very fast growing, it was deemed to be reasonable to replace the existing mature eucalyptus trees with 24" boxed trees which could establish viable root systems and not present a safety problem due to possible toppling Also, it appeared reasonable to only replace those trees which were deemed to be of average or above (~ality since the natural life span of trees below this quality could be very short. In addition it should be noted that Cal Trans has very specific guidelines as to the type and size of trees that can be planted in parkways along state highways. These guidelines to my knowledge, do not permit trees larger than those in 24" boxes to be planted. As Foothill Avenue is a State Highway, the City would be required to follow Cal Trans standards. If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact me. CITY OF FONTANA MEMORANDUM TO: ROBERT WEDDLE INTERIM CITY ENGINEER FROM: YOUSUF PATANWAIi~ ~ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III DATE: OCTOBER 6, 1989 RE: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT TREE INVENTORY ]FOR E.I.R. REPORT In order to prepare tree inventory and evaluation of existing trees on Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenue, I contacted Rogelio Matta, Parks Superintendent, to check whether he can spare the staff arborist, John Conway, to perform this task in house. Rogelio Matta feels that this is a type of task which will require a lot of time froin his staff member, John Conway, and he is not in a position to spare him at this time. He suggested that we should seek help of an outside arborist for this purpose and he will be glad to provide us with a list of reference names. This is an urgent situation and I request your immediate advice on this matter. Thank you. e =, v RECORD OF TELEPHOI~CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Job No. Project Individual ~"/¢--"'~ ,/)/c 2z~ ~ Organization Items Discussed ~ c ._, ~// f~L ~ PHONED MEE~SAGE W LLCALL' AGAIN ~ CA~E TO S~ YOU Comments or Action Required LSiG~D TOPS ~ FORM 4003 9053 Forelan ~onta~a~ ~ 92335 * RECEIVED HALL & FOREMAN. INC.- .(d .'. 1~,, c~ssA i,r~ 1 '3 MB,CK THOM.~S RETAIN VENDOR COPY OF P.O, IN YOUR FILE. REMIT INVOICE IMMEDIATELY TO: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DIVISION, 8353 SIERRA AVE., FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335. THE P.O. NO. WILL BE SHOWN ON THE CHECK ISSUED IN PAYMENT H EREOF, THUS ENABLING YOU TO IDENTIFYTHE PAYMENT WITH THE ITEMS SHOWN ABOVE. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE ONLYAFTER RECEIPTOF INVOICE AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT May 2, 1989 Consent Calendar Heating Date Agenda Placement TO= Hayor and City Council FROM= Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director SUBOIECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE JURUPA INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM DRAINAGE XMPROVEMENTS. ENG/NEER'S ESTIMATE $1,600,000 CURRE]iT ACT/ON REQUESTE/): TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BXDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE JURUPA INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR: (A) HEMLOCK AVENUE, JURUPA TO SANTA ANAl (B) BEECH AVENUE, JURUPA TO 1,500 FEET NORTHERLYI (C) ELM AVENUE, JURUPA TO SANTA ANA;, (D) ELM AVENUE, SANTA ANA TO SLOVER; (E) JURUPA AVENUE AT POPLAR DRAINAGE INLETS. ENGINEER'S ESTXMATE $1,600,000 F/SCAL INPACT: ~ Yes I"'T No The fund source for this project wt11 be from Storm Drain Funds. Funding requests will be made to Council at a later date for infpectton, con- struction surveying, contract administration and materials testing services. Earlier budgeting estimates of $1,200,000 for the base system plus'$400.O00 for the Elm Avenue, Santa Aria to Slover segments. tie out to the current estimates and the working drawings. These engineering estimates are conser- vative as we have*not constructed a similar project ~or some time. BACKGROU~): The backbone drainage system for the Southridge development is moving forward, with .construction expected to begin in May, 1989. The Jurupa Industrial Park Storm Drainage System can now be connected to a downstream drainage system. With development starting in tha Industrial Park area, storm drain improvements need to proceed as soon as possible. In order to expedite the process wtth the final plan updates (coordination with Southridge, et al) currently under way, staff requests authorization to advertise for bids. It is our expectation to have the bid openlng on Hay 31, 1989 with a request to award to the qualified low bidder at the Council meeting of June 6, 1989. dUSTIFICATION: Construction of these improvements is necessary for developmen~ to proceed in the Jurupa Industrial Park. AI'rAQIIE]fi'S: 1. Pl. ans and specifications wlll be available tn the Engineering Otvtston of the Publlc Works Department as soon as the latest revisions are completed. OTHER AFFECTED DEPNIT!!EXTS: St qnature St anature ASST. HGR. PARKS & REC. ATTORNEY PLANNING BLDG/SAFETY POLICE CLERK X PUBLIC WORKS 'X'co.. OEV. 'X_'RDA ' 'DEPUTY HGR. ~ RISK HGHT. T ~:~ ~/~ ~-~ ,- PROJ. SPEC. - RECOHHENDED: Ctt~ Hana~er [THE KEITH COMPANIES LEITER OF TRANSMrlTAL Planning · Civil Enginefling ArrEhrnon F,~Z.-//*f:'- ,,qt~LI, q05 Fo,qT' ,,h , ,/'d- WE ARE SENDING YOUrAttached [] Under separate cover via /~ tq/~'-- the following items: COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITFED as checked below: [] For approval [] Appmved as submiRed f'l Resubmit copies for approval /~_For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit __ copies for distribution [] ks requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return ____ corrected prints [] For review and comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19.__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 200 Baker Street Costa Mesa. CA 92626 (714) 540.0800 06/50/89 13:44 ~ 714 987 6499 R~NCHO CUC~MONGA City of Rancho Cucamonga TELECOPY Telephone: (714) 989-1851 Fax: (714) 987-6499 DATE: &,- TIME: NO. OF PAGES: (including this one) Please call (714) 989-1851, extension 242, if lhere are any problems in receiving this iransmit~ion. 06/~0/8~ 1~4~ ~ 714 ~87 ~4~ RAN~HO CUC~NONBA 0~ City of Rancho Cucamonga TELECOPY Telephone: (714) 989.185i Fax: (714) 987-6499 TIME: NO. OF PAGES: (including ~his one) Please call (714) 989-1851, extension 242, if there are any problems in receiving thls |ransmlssion. REVISED DRAFT P04072 08-~DD-66-Rancho Cucamonga PAIT II CITY OF ~MIC!O CUCAJfOIGA ~OO~Ild~ ~.~V.aen UNI)IPPISS WI~ZN9 1. r~RODUCTION This proposal calls ~cr widening or replacing Che,ex~sting narrow Foothill Doulevard Underpass which carries the ~ou~hern Paci~c'~_ BaldWin Drench ~ne. ~aCe Route 6~ (Foothill B uleva~) negotIi~es ~ reverse ~urve beneath th~s structure. The ~h o~ t~e ~de~asS, 44 ~eet measured between'~aees of abutments cons~u~es a bottleneck and a saZe~y hazard on ~n ~rba~ boulevard~~ improved to six lanes w~h a wide median. The underpates lacks median, sidewalks and shoulders, and can be alleged to be dangerous for pedantfiRms and bicycl~s~s. Sigh~ distance ~or nor~h~ound veh!~loq entering at theadjacent Baker ~tr~t Several ~[~erent basic.~onZi~r~s ~or. Underpas~ ~idening .~~ ~enj, rj~in cost ~rom $1.9 ~illi~n.to more than $~.~' m~on, exclusive ~ costs of ~ rights-o~-way, were developed an~ ere described ........................... .................... The study reques~ originated ~rom the City ~ Rancho Cucamonga, Funding expected ~o be de~ved ~rom conventional 3~ate gas ~ax sources, plus a mandatory l0 percent contribution from Southern 2. Replacement or w~denin~ o~ Che ex~st~n~ underpaSs has been ~roposed s~te ot several ser~ou~ vehicular accidents ~ v '~ n ~me~'[ ~ ~'t~i~'E~ 'mu~v~ conc]ece abutmenU. one ~tal~t~ ~uJ~!~r~ ol..~be und~ ~s ~ s~n~le ~.an~. ~nl~ trac~, ~hrou~h steel ~r~er ~ome ~ leer lon2, ~ed by the Consolidated ~teel Under~s ~butments The substructure consists o~ two massive reinforced concrete abutments, The existin~ underpass was reconstructed in 192~ based on a set January lP29. The present westerly[ abutment was bu~lg new. However, the east~!y abu~aen~is~.~emo~r~jr~.~ incorpora~i~ortions FOOTglbL.RPT previously existing abutment, and portions of the footings were lowered. ~!a~ in the ~!~..~r~F~. ~or an originally ~lanne~ solon4 treck~ c~n~'is ent with the Paci'~ic'~l~l~ic Ratlway's pro~Osai to ~stell double track for its commuter operation between ~os Angeles ~nd San Bernardino. The a~oJ~b..e_m~.~k~.~§._were ra~j~_~9~ this ~.ecOnd track. Both abutments are of ~he gravity-ripe which means tha~ the supporting concre'%"~'w]Yi"i~"~'bout 4 fee~ thl~[ aC th~'~'~ore than 9 fe&= thick above~he ~ooting. ~o~~'a[e su~~ spread zoo~n~s~ piles w~r~ '~o~ u~e exi~tin~ supers~uc~ur~ an~ .Su~c~u_~j~ i~ ~und ph[sical Planning aeau~remen~ ~or W~denina or R~lacement gith ~he demise o~ rail commuter service, the~ a SecOnd track. ne~= materialized. Therefore, re~emen~,~!ter~ative~ ~ consider .a sinale ~rack ~erx~c~ure only. The Foothill Soulsyard und~ffpaS~i~i~ien.~ in tha~ i~ offers_only ~Our ~ubstand~rd la~e~ on a thoroughE~re planne~ ~or ~.~.~.~. A re~l~emen~ pro~ec= pr~po~in~a loblet, structure. was nominated ~X~he C~ of Rancho !~=-83 slatewide ~itt!~s~ o~ ~rade cr6sSings or separations mos~ urgently in need o~ separation or replacement. ~e ~ ~he relatively high cost ~or complete replacement, some $3.6 million as estimated in a~d low tra!n(~7 ~t~t .~ to obtain state mat~hin~ funds. Xeplacemen~ of this underpass would ,allow widening of the rqadway to six lanes and ~o ~nclude shoulders and space for b~cycl~sts and'pedestrians, would eliainate the co~stric~ion c~ traffic approaching ~he concrete abutments, and would contribute signlficantl~ to highway safety. The projec~ enjoys strong support from ~he City o~ ~ancho Cucamonga. has no known 3. SITE CONDITIONS The section of Southern Facif~c.'s Baldwin Par~ Dranc[~rac~ge at the under~ass ~it~ is o~ )n eabanksent a~d s~(~.~S the sou~heas~ slope c] Red ~ TB[terr~i~ rises ~e'{~e nort~. The alignmeo~ ~Rlev.%r~ ~a~.dB~.the south, again sk~.~n~ the sOUth slo~e_?f Red ~1... There are no s~gnl~cant dr~v~ or in roveiencs on the north s~de Boulevard is c~osely abutted by residential subdues, such lil~l~'&nt o~ realignment widehing 3~61il'~ie'Vard favorin~ the south would create right-of-way acquisition problems. A FOOTHILL. RPT 4, 8?RUCTUFU~, ax,IelfW~/ff !dID itll:SllOl~ OYIItlTIONav. JkLT~ITIVI3 The development and selection o~ a teasibis replacement or widenin~ plan I ~or the Foothill Boulevard Underpass must consider the tollowing issues: o How can Foothill Boulevard vehicular traffic be maintained through o Now can ~outhern Paci~i~ rail traffic and service to customers be maintained during c0nstru~ti~? .............. several dif~eren~ combinations of bridge replacement, alignment, and railroad operational alternatives were considered, consisting of the 4A. ~ructura~ Alternatives From the standpoint ot developing an economical superstructure l~out to ~arr~ th~ railroad track, it i~ essen~a~ tAmt any ne~*o~odeied .... underpas..s ~ave a ~enter pie~ located in the sd.~o~ a d~vtded Foothill Bo~eva~.roadwaX, ~ ~1nale'~'2~'r~e without a cents[ pier would 'b~ some 2J0 ~feet 'long and would requtre'etth;~"'a"~'h~[~s or m~.~,~f~R~_~. ~rid~ superstruc~ure.~[the only pr~ct~&l solut~n~ The existin~ topogra hi, the 61, ~j~ewed a~gnmen~ and the ~rooose~ six-la~'[~ised med~,n parkway configur~ion, man~mlnimum'~n lengths .... ~ ll['~$et ~S~'th~h~ ~ ~pan and for f-80 ra~l~.a~ loa~ing, onI~" threSj~_e_~~ bridge superstructu3res ar~ considered approp~i'ate consideration: ....................... o Steel t~ru pla. te girders, similar to the present structure o Dec~-ty~e,.,.~t-in-Rlace piestressed concrete.. box girder (elij~ated ~rom e~.~sider~tion bec~U~.~_.~d~=Se ~t~.On, roag~ proti!~~ o ?r~uqh-ty~e c~s~fin-place, ;re,~essed concrete ~irder 7hess struct~_~ype~ ~e ~n~ttble with s~!~.~e~.t~p~tr~' ~.r~.~me~ ~uuuind o Construct ~ ~econd steel .~l~._~].~an..on north side only, similar ~o existing sp~n, to lengthen ~resent bri~e. Exts~'~ span to remain in place, (compatible wi~h uns~et~tcil widening only, beach), o ~e_~0ve present bridge: construct tw~ pew ~{estresssd, reinforced c~ncr~e ~, Applicable to either ~y_~{~cal or widJ~'. e,' ....... 4B. Foothill Boule~arg..Roadwsy Widening Alternatives S me. tr'cal widening of Foothill BoUlevard, that is, widening both to -_ o t~e nor~ and to the south, with center portion of the existinq pavement converted to s median- It should be noted that thi~ alternative is !..n.,compatih~ ~:!~..~stru~A~_e[_r.~!~pa.d_ operational plan that requires: the present bridge ~.o carry trai~ durin~'conetruction. ~oreovsr', because of the limited ro~dwa~"w~dth 9~'/'~]~[~ ~'8[[~.3. B~, it is clesrly impr.actical tO bu~d e supporting c~uter pier in the middle o~ the present roadway. To attempt ~o rou~e traffic around the pier excavetion and through the existin~f underpass would only create unacceptable traffic congestion. be cone~r.t~ted parallel an~ on'She ~Or[~ or 4C. ~Jternatives For Handlin~ Southern Pacific ~eil Service Durin~ Construction Although ~9~ern Pacific wcul~,pre~e~ to m~Ain~l ~ervice across the preeent'hr~e during c6~&{ructicn, a lurther variety o~ opt~n~ b~ the po~s~b~lit~ tha~ Southern Psc~ic management might e~ree a nu~er c~'~0~th,. ~hese ~ce alternatives are: i~ Southern Fac~c Servic~ Al~er'nat~v~ C - Con~inuous ~a~lOnera~ Construct new parallel underpass s~ructure ~n oilset al~gnment~ rail · ~ service to continue across Foothill. ~oulevard without int~rruption on ~resent br~d~e. ' ,~ Southern Paei.~c ~ervice Alternative Z - Ra~% e vice D~scont~.~ued A ,ajor ~actor ~n evalUatin~ the ~e,~ib~lity 0~"'w~n[n~ &~e underp~s~ relates to methods o~ h~dl~n~ rail traffic durin~ construction. A temporar~ timber trestle and shoofl (temporar~ track) would ~ncrea. S~..~,~t c~e~ and s~Ja ~;Ze~lu~ed ~=&~ aenir~tU[a~'] ....... As described ~n ~art ~ in recent years Southern Paci~ic's Baldwin Park Branch has been uper'a'~e~ a~ two stub end '~y~[s[~; W~t"~ served :tom the C~ty o~ ~'[~'Vara~'~'~s~Tthence v~a san D~ma~ and Fomona~ the easterl~ segment has been served ~rom ~est Colton Yard through Rialto and Forttans. Consequently, considera~on c~n be ~ven to rearra~ railroad crew assignments so that ~[[~a'throu~h ~he site' Can be d~scont~nued'du=~[ constr~'lg~j"' ~i~fi'ar arrangements'to dis'ContinU~ rail service were made sever21 ~ears a~o dur~n~ construction o~ the victorix ~ark Underpass, ~n the e~sterl~ section O: Rancho Cuc~monga. Under th~s revised rail operational ~lanc.sw~tch~n; service to Southern Pacific shippers and industr~es would be is follows: FOOTHILL. RPT 06/~0z89 15~49 ~ ~14 98? 6499 ~ONCHO CUCAMONGA 05 o West End og Branch -- bocal train to operate easthound from City Industry Yard, via San Dimes,. Pomona, Nontclair. The last customer served would be Soyd Lumber {:ompany in Upland. Southern Pacific would activate its existing trackage rights agreement and operate vie the Santa re Railway ~or one-halJ~ mile through the City oZ Claremont. o ,.d ,t nch--Loc. trai. to ope.t.w..tbound C ton Ysr; a Rielto, Forttans, and Rancho Cucamonga to the American Call Plastics Products plant near Archibald Avenue in Alta home, and return. o It is anticipated that, utili~ing an accelerated construction schedule and incorporating recommended Scheme 1, the Southern Pacific track bftw~n ~l~d and ~r~ ~oma would ~e ou~ ~ 'j~vrde Zcr no m~e ~nan ~ouf ~cnths. Z~ s"~a~-in-Elace concret;-ty e ~f construction is ~ei'~j.~. ~he ~rack ~ould ~e ~Ut-o~-serviCe ~oer ~ T~' ~' ~ In either. case, a~[]~i~l.i~.W... K~u!~'~j~.q.~inue..~...i~t~.~! ' servict.~ ~ Southern Pacific engineer~ng s~aZ~ member has indicated in~ormall~ the Railroad could serve ~s. shippers along the ~aldW~n Fark Stanch b~ trains operat~g ~rom the C~y o~ Zndus~ry and from West Col~on, respectively, as described above, but this indiCa~ion should nat be construed as reflac~in~ any ~ormel co~itment o~ ~ou~hern PaciZ~c management. 4D. ~ummary o~ RePlacement Xl~ern~xt~ves These various combinationS. ~f alternatives were ~d ~o live, identified and described below: Scheme 1 - Ee~o~ende~ 'Fig )' ~ -~ " aoedw8X~idenxna (See ~ t on Sortheas~ -- UnS~etr~cal Existing underpass to remain ~n plyLee ~c span three eastbound lanes, build new second span Co the northwest to, extend across thxee-lane roadway ~or westbound ~ra~t~c, to create a S-lena underpass w~th w~de ned~en. (Because o~ sdJacent subdivision development, ~t sppears ~npract~csl tc build ~arallel roadway on the eouth.) The ex~st~na westerly abutmen~ would remain w~Ehout alteration, the easeerly abutment would be remodele~ as a cen~er p~er. end a new northeasterly abuemen~ will support a second s~eel ~rder sp~n over reincared westbound lanes. Advantages - Th~s alternative presents the s~lest and mos~ ~e solution to the Erection of ~he add~tional northerly span cculd be accomplished w~h~n Zour-~o s~x-monChs. n~sldvant~aes - The e~st~ng und~paps span's 44-~oo~ h~erel cleararies reduces the standard ~aveled way section cZ the ~hree *estbo~nd la~; ~y't;c ~'~'["The' ~;nter'iane would be nsrrowed fcom ~2 to 11 feet, and ~ sidewalk width of onl~ 5 ~eet would be ~arr~ed alon~ ~he south 8~de o[ th~ underpi~SV FOOTHILL.apT R_~_service to customers would have to be rearrangsd~ as prev~'~l~'~escribed, with train traffic through the'site _ s~p.pended.~r four t:o s~x~O~h~ ......... m lv.,( i 5 Install new a.b.u. tments outbound fi'om the existing abutments, remove existing steel girders and support abu[~'nts, ~nstruct .n'~'~'~'pier, and erect ~o na~ ~teel ~. thru girder ~van~i~es - Relatively short const~uctien schedule, as superstructure is p~tmarily shop tabricated. S~metric~l widening limits encroachment into Red ~11. ~A~vant~qes - Requires temporary divided t~aveled w~y sections (~ lanes each direction) during construction ot the center pier and erection of new steel spans. K~ Both Schemes_ ~ and2. would require short-term temporary suspension of rail t~af~tc, i.e,, no shoofly~ refer to a previous discussion ~ntttlad "Handling Traffic During ConStruction," Facia treatment could be added to the steel girders o~ either ~hames I or jt~to present a more pleasing appearance, as ~--' indicated in Ftaure II-5, · Scheme 2A - eW.~teel spen ;$.rders _vi_th Unsy~setrical____X..o~u.d_w..~.v. Wi~e.~in_/g (NOt shown, ~'t s~lsr to F!~i~re existing underpass. The con~tguration oi roadway lanes is similar to tha~ described ~or Scheme 1, and the cross-section the same as ~iaure a complete new underpass s~ruc~ure would be constructed immediately adjace~ and on the wes~ si[e oZ the e~s~ina bridc}~ while the la~er ~ I ' abu~ment~ a new center pier would ~ltgn with the present north abutment; and a new north abutment would be erected about 120 Leer to the northeast. After ~he new bridge is completed, the tollowing operations would occur: siitt Southern Pacitic ~rack ~rcm the .~rese~. bJ~jge ..o~_~9 the b[idge. Step .. 2= Remove existing. ~.~eel su~e~struct~3~. ~r~.~._ F~THILh. RPT ste_.~p_/= Excavate, grade, and pave the new westbound roedYex, parallel and located on the north o~ the) existing Foothill Boulevard armyelled way. Step ~. :~stripe roadway, and rerou~.e tTafIlc. The present pavement will carry three lanes of eastbound traffic only; the new roadway will carry ,three lanes of westbound traffic, genetelly as described ~or Scheme 1. Scbeqe 3 T 9ons}~uct ~lew Prestressed Concrete gndergass on Of.~set Alianmez~ (See F~gure'~=-n ' An e.~_~=ely new cast-in-place, ~rest=essed ooncrete under~ass could be constructed i~ediately a~a~ent .to ~he exis.[in~' structure wh~i~he ia~er Iema~ns ~n service. fem~orary itsel hlsework bobs would span the existin~ FOothill Boulevard roadway to Support ~he formwork until the concrete becomes sel~-supportin~. There are two ge~s~ble s~ructural configurations, both shown ~n o Pr~s~ressed Concrete ~ox,Deck e~d!r (Not recommended) -- With the railr0a sub~rade 's~ported on top, ~res~resse~'~x girders of the design shown in Figure ~1-3 wo~l~ reau~re .either raising the existin~ t~ck by about dive feq.~, o; ~owerin~ the Daveme~t of Foothill Boulet~ amount. In the latter case, a length o~ [qo~hill Bq~levar~, extending over some ~,OOQJeet World_have ~ be r)ara4f4 and lowered, as ghown in Figure II-3. Because of the extensive regrading, paving and complex traffic handling problems associated with this conIiguration, as well as the unknown adverse effects on existing underground util:ities, drainage, and side slopes, the concrete box deck girder should be dismissed from con~id~ration. c.qn~oura~zo~.~o~sl ere ~u~ h at this site is commonly referred ~o aw a trough-ty~ structUr~ --essentially .a%-shaped cross-section which c~rries the ballast and track section. This cross-section re~uire} a minim,~ denth of 5 ~eet ~.sup~rtino cB~crete belo~ the railroad ~$es .~9~ ba~a_!~, . trough ~s not ~avo=ed by Sou~5'~r~ P~ci~;c engineering o~zcers, Suc~ under'p&~'~a~e ~een ba~i~' '[[~"'~outbern Pmcffic system. The ~tr~=tG~il W~blemj ~{~"~co~nt?re4 wit~ t~e early ex~phs h~.~ ~en ~oFr~ted. ~e ttoudh-"~yDejs now aeeeotablt. The principal problems associa~e~ with any t~E o2 conc~e railroad bridge constr~ction over t~e ex~st'ing hfghw~y incline: ~;{ vertical ' ' ~%arance over the roadway to accouodate hlsew~k and ~ormwork, ~ the "-'-- by temporary timber ~alsework a suppoets. FOOTHILL.RPT 4a~aNcBo CUCAMONOA FOOTHILL BLVD. U.P. RA~CHO CUCAMONGA P0407201 pRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 12/21/88 = wmetrical w!ds, 9 of Foothill lvU. COST o Existing F~ciliti~ Remove S~cture-Bridge, Single Span Steel Thm Plate Girder (Inoluding ~ Re~. W~llD) .................... .. ............. $ 190,000 O S~m~Ure-~ridge, ~o Simpl~ Spans, Steel th~ Plate Girder 1,360 Facia Treatment (Optional) ..................... 33,000 o Retaining walls (200' wee~w 100' E~st, North Si~e/ ~ts Retired Sou~h) Avercage ~: 8~ ENposed ...... 137,000 u Roadway Items Detour Grading & P~ving ........................ 26,000 ~a=ricades, Tempora~ Signing & S~riping, Traffic control .................... ~ .......... 30,000 Clea=ing & G~bing .................. . .... 10,000 Roadway Excavation ........................ 40,000 Roudway E~an~ent 20 000 ~)r~inage Collection System.., ......... . .... 40,000 Pavement, Curbs, Sidewalks (4~0LF) ......... 92,000 Ioncos, .............................. . ..... Not Retired ~ndscaping and I~rigation (450L[) ......... 11,000 S~gning & Lighting ..................... . ..... 10,000 Appurtenances ................................ 40,000 Mobilization (10%} ........................... 20~, 000 o Railroad Faoilities ~[=ack Removal ................................. 15,000 Pe~anen~ Trae~ork ~ 4~, 000 Railroad Inspection ............................ 30 ~ 000 o U=ilit~ Modifications StOm Drains & Sanitary Sewer... ............... Not Retired '.Islephone ~ Power Line Relocations ..... .. ...... By Others Gas & Water Line Reloca~ions ................... By Others Sub-Tu~al $ 2,334,000 o AllowanUs for Contingencies & Inflation Constmc~ion Contingenu~ (20%) ................. 470, Inflation Allowance (Cu=rent Cos=, July '88).. No~ Included Total Construction Cost $ 2,804,000 o Allowance for Engineering Prelimina~ Engineering. ........... . .......... 25,000 Oesign Engineering ........... .. ............... 190,000 Const~c~ion S~akeout and I~spection .......... 140,000 8~-To~al $ 3,159, O ~ight.-o~-w8~ and Rela~ed COsts i~n~ and Impr0vemenee ............. . ............ ~0~ Included Engineering, Appraisal Fees, Etu ............. .. Not I~luded Total ~roject Cost (exclusive of WW) $ 3,1~9~000 Call ~ 3.16~ FOOTHILL BLVD. U.P. RANCHO ~C~MONGA P0407201 pRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 12/21/88 SCHENE 1 Uns_~m. et~cal Roadwa l~ldenin~ COST - Add One Steel Span for ~eet~oundF Exist Span to Remain for Eastbound o structure-~ridge, Single Span, Steel thru Plate Girder .. ...... ..... ...................... $ 780,000 .Facia Treatment (Optional .. o xetaining wails ( oo' we.t; Average Ht: 8' exposed.... ...................... 150,000 o Roadway Items Detour Grading & Paving ......... .. ........ . ..... Not Required Barricades, Temporary Signing & Striping, Traffic control ......... . .......... .. .......... 20,O00 Clearing & Grubbing . ......... .. ............... 10,000 Roadway Excavation ............................. 42,000 Roadway Embankment ............ , .... ~ ........... 10,000 Drainage Collection S~,stem ................... 30,000 Pavement, curbs, Side~alks (450LF) ........... 90~000 Fences ................. , .... .. ............... Not Required Landscaping and ITrigation (4~0LF) ....... .... 10,000 Signing & Lighting ...... o...... ............. . 10,000 Appurtenances (~%) ...................... .... Mobilization (10%) ............ . ............... 120,000 o Railroad FaCilities Track Removal ....................... ............15,000 Permanent Trackwork ...................... ........31,000 .aidroad ection ................... ........... 0,000 o Utilit~ Modifi .one Storm Drain~ & Sanitary Sewer ............ ' ....... Not Required Telephone & Power Line Relocations. ............. By Others Gas & Water Line Relocations .................... B~ Others Sub-Total $ 1,403,000 o Allo~ance for Contingencies & Inflation Construction Contingency (20%) ' 280,000 Inflation Allowance (Current Cost, J~ly '88) ..Not Included Total Construction Cost $ 1,683,000 o Allowance for Engineering Preliminary Engineering...., .... . ......... ., .... 25,000 Design Engineering ..... . ................. . ...... 125,000 Construction Stakeout and Inspection ......... ... 85,00~ Sub-Total $ 1,918~000 o .~ig~'t-of-wav and R~lated Costs Land and Improvements.. .......... . .............. Not Included Engineering, Appraisal Fees, Eto ................ Ng~t Included Total Project Cost (exclusive of R/W) $ 1,918,000 Call $ 1~0D.000 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD UNDERPASS STEEL 'THROUGH PLATE GIRDER SECTION FOOTHILL BOULEVARD UNDERPASS PRESTRESSEr) CONCRETE SECTIONS compliance with (check ~e): ~8-SBD-66-15.~8/15.65 you~ ap;lication ~ Se~te~e~ 6, 1~88 Decembe~ 7, 1~88 Ut~ lity ~tice No. o~ $EXE~PT $XXX ~gPeement No. o~ $XXX ~/W C~tract ~. o~ XXX XXX ' 8~53 Sierra Ave. ~ ~ } Fontaria, Ca. 92335 -- (714) 55~761e , PEtITTEE an8 sub3ect to the foll~lng, ~ISSZ~ IS ~REBY BRANTED hive: tnltal led Ind the~elfte~, own i~d Illntlln 8", le", 12", ~tAmlte~ VCP sewer mains, Ilnholel l~d ~ellted ~ppu~tenincel. Also, bote/~ack, pl~lnd m~Jntitn · 3~" dllmetl~ x 1/2" thick still cll~nI under and Ic~ols the $0u~hern Pacific RailRoad tracks and remove In exlltlnl 72" diameter RCP. work Is ~loni the north side ot Foothill Blvd. (Stlte Route 66) f~om Che~ry Ave. east to Lime Ave. as per R~D-LIN~D REVISED P~ANS date stamped Decembe~ 7, 1988 an~/o~ as directed by the St~te's Reprelentattve. Art backfl'l I of t~enchel must be to BSS eolpIotlon and/or Is dl~ectmd by the 5hte's Representative. All mlnholel mu~t be cement slurry backfilled a~ directed b~the State's Representative. Any dimlie to State property Ihall be repaired or (~placed at no cost to the State as directed by the State's ~epresentatlve. pRE-JOB CONFERENCE glTH THE STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY gORK COVERED UNDE~ THIS PE~HIT. AT LEAST TgO WORKING DAYS' NOTICE SH~LL BE GIVEN TO THE STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE TO SCHEDULE THE CONFERENCE. THE S~TE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS PERHIT IS J. ESTRADA, (71t)383-4626. PAGE 2: ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THIS PERNIT ~t ~s ~i~ ml~ ~ ~ is c~le~ ~ ~f 31, 1~. ~Et ~ ~all ~ c~ ~til all 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~tal clw~ ~w W ~i~. ~7~ our erm// been received end ss/ ned Perre// TrGc /ng Number CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LANO SURVEYING LEITER OF TRANSMII'rAL DATE:/, 05/09/89 JOB #: 3904-02 TO: CITY OF FONTANA - Engineering 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 REGARDING: Sewer No. Side Foothill, Oherry to Lime CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith for your information and use is a copy of tree removal rider to Foothill sewer construction permit from CaI-Trans. BY: Ray O. Vincenti, P.E. Construction Admin Manager cc: John Hogan, Rich Doss, Mike Cordova /ib ,, 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMES/,, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 May 10, 1989 8avl~-C. C~unklcton Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Redhill Avenue C6sXa Mesa., CA 92626-3428 Subject: Invoices for Foothill Sewer Cherry-Hemlock This is in response to your letter dated May 3, 1989 regarding invoices which were returned to you from Heritage with the statement that they were "City Invoices". According to Albert A. Webb Associates, project engineer for the City for Village of Heritage, that portion of Foothill sewer between Cherry and Hemlock is part of Communit~ Facility District #2; and the invoices in question should be the responsibility of Village of Heritage rather than the City. Please note that Exhibit "E" of your contract agreement with e City · does not call for this portion of sewer li e.'~if thia portion of~s~ewe~ ~i~e~ad~b n pa~t of~ your agrccmcnt. the i_~ e and paymcnt ochcdulc a~ pYmae II'and Phase Ill ~L ~A~AuA~ '~".~ ~ , Please take up this matter again with Village of Heritage and Webb Associates. Thank you. Sincerely, ~0~ O~L'f CO~ ~C~D~ ~0~ ~ Annivory Calvert [~O~& ~h tDclc TD ~e ~ C ~ ~t~t ~L~ Pnblic Works Director By: Yousuf Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant II~' AC:YP:ca ~ I~0~ d~-~J~V WEBB A!llnrt A. Webb Aao~iat~ W.O. __ Riv~ld~, Ca 9:;l~06-2973 Tel hone ~14 ~6-1~0 ~714) 78~-1256 ....... To: CITY OF FONTANA ATTiENTION: YOUSUF PATANWALA. FAX: 350-7691 ~From: WALLY FRANZ Date: May 8, 1989 TIme: 4:30 p.m, Memo: DESCRIFFION OF WORK CFD .NO, 2 PHASE 1 Pages (Including this cover cheer): 13 Operator: Counie The works' of improvementp~opoeed to be constructed End installed in , Community Facilities District No. 2 in the City of Foetans, California are generally described as follows: L STREET, WATER_..AN_~..UND~RGROU_N.D UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS; Street Improvements, including removals, excavation and grading and the c~o~struction 0f c~F. bs, ~tt~rs~ sidewalks, bridges, handicapped ramps, street pavement, street lightning. traffic signing and striping, utilic}' relocatiene; and also, Domesti~ Water System...I..mproveeent's including mains, line and side valves, air and vacuum release valves, pressure reducing valvea, blowoff'assembilea, fire hydrant assemblies, irri~ation water set.vices and meters, and stu~,-outs for future streets; and also, Underground Slec~.r..ical and CommuniCations Facilities Improvements, ~ncluding trenching end installation of dents. manholes, vaults, hand holeS, service pedestals and trench backfilling; and eiso. including construction and installation of appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection with the foregoing, all in the following listed streets: (Improvements are proposed to be constructed Or installed in the full length of the stree~ unless otherwise ..indicated.) ARTERIAL STREETS: Baseline Avenue between the westerly leg 0f the proposed Crescent and East. Avenue; The South one-half of Baseline Avenue between proposed Live Oak Avenue and the Residential/Industrial Boundary; and Proposed Cherry Avenue! between Baseline Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. sy, c so s LAve Oak Avenue from ~laseline. Avenue to approximately 1800 ~eet' southerly from Baseline Avenue~ Hemlock Avenue from Foothill Boulevard ~o approximately 1if00 feet northerly from Foothill Boulevard; Miller Avenue from proposed Cherry Avenue to approximately 1300 feet easterly from proposed Cherry Avenue| Proposed Miller Avenue from East Avenue to proposed Heritage Parkway| Proposed Heritage Parkway, from wes~erly[leg of ~rand Avenue ~o the northerly boundary of CPC| The proposed Sou~h Crescent, from BaSelins Road to easterly leg of Creed Avenue: PrOposed 0rand. Avenue, from Crescent to SCree~ "V" and the westerly lee of ~rand Avenue from "V" to Heritage Parkway; Unnamed proposed streets. shown on the improvement plate and designated by the following letters: MAY 08 ~8~ 1B:39 P.1 Unnamed proposed set'eats, shown on the improvement plats and desilmated by ~he following ') "A"; "O", fz'om "N' to the eamte~:~y ~eretnus of 'He; "3' eke fz, om "Ls to spp~oxtle~ely midway '0"; ,p,| .Q,; ,R.; 'S" "~"' 'DD"; and, excepting domeetlc water constt-ucted in Phase i for ~ut Avenue, BaseltneRoad and Heri~a&t Parkway. ~I. O~'~ZTB DOMSSTIO WATER 5Y~ IMPROVEN~: NON~ III. SIONAL~ZATION, including the ins~lla~on of s~ina~ze~ion st ~o (2) me~or street intersections, g~ eight (S) mine: s~le~ intersee~ions and ~ (2) :eilt-oad crossings, incZudin~ mas~s, e~ms, signal heeds, cables, condui~s, ~t~tngs, devicest sleety lighting, sppu~tenmnces and eppu~tenant work in con~ec~on bhe~ewith ~ bhe following Intersections| Halo: $nte:eecttons: FQothlll Boulevard and ~as~ Avenue~ and Basalgem Avenue ~ith 1-15 Neathbound On-Orr~amps. ~tnor Intersections: BaseZinc Avenue end the easte:~y le6 of the ! East Avenue and p:oposed unnamed Street 'DD'; Bast Aven~e and proposed NiZ~e: Avenue; ~ooth~ll Boulevard and proposed unnamed St~ee~ Proposed Cherr~ Avenue and proposed unnamed 8treet "C'; Proposed Cherry Avenue and proposed ~i~er Ave~e; Proposed C~e:~y Avenue end proposed unnamed S~ee~ and Proposed C~erry Avenue emd proposed unnamed ~t:ee~ Redlroed CrossingS: Baselthe Avenue and (Proposed unnamed streets a~e es mhown by lette~ designations on ~he improvement pZa~s.) ZV. SANZTARY SEWER ZHPROVENgh"r$, including mains, manholes, wyes, and sbub-ou~s Per ~u~u~e me=eels, including appurtenances end appu=~mnan~ work in connec~ion ~her~wi~h rot Orrsi~e Sewers and sewers in certain A~terisZ and Backbone St~ea~s and in Eesemen~s ss rollowe: (Improvements ~o be installed generally along the enbi:e length o~ unless oChe:wise indicated.) ARTSRZAL STREETS: NONE : I MAY 08 ~89 16:33 P.1 P~s~ ~ri~ Parkw~, ?r~ w~ter~ Or~d ~d ~s~rly ~e2 of G:~ ben~ ~ St~t 'V" to Unn~ p~osod st~ets, u s~n ~ ~ imV~nt plats ~d des~aC~ b~ the foll~in2 letters: "~"; "X'; "Z"; ,,~,,; ,,~,,; ~ ,,~. ~ements, sho~ on ~e ~mp~v8ent plate ~ desolated by the letters "~" ~n combination w~ a d~f~t u follows: V. 0~I~ S~IT~Y S~ I~OV~, ~ncludtn2 ~nsC~laCion ~d cons trucC~on o ~ 28i~. m~holes, co~nis ,. pa~ent removal ~d replacement, , app~r~en~ces ~d appurtenen~ work in connection ~he:~ith in ~he following streets: Eest Avenue f~m the Easement des~atd as SE-9 on ~he lmprovemen~ plats to Foothill ~ulevsrd; Chi~U .Argue', f~om Bueline Avenue to Poo~hill Boulevard; ~d ) From Foothill Boulevard ~d East Avenue southerly on Hickory Avenue to Arrow Righw~, ~hence westerly ~o Etiw~da Avenue, thence southerly ~o Marlay ~venue. Vt. STORM DRAIN IMPROV~E~, including reinforced concreUe pipes and box culverts, m~holes, Junction structures, tr~siUion s~ruc~res, catch basins, connector pipes, appur~ces ~d ~pur~en~ ~rk in connection therewith within ~he Arterial ~d Backbone Streets ~d in ~emente as fcll~s: (Unnamed proceed s~rests a~ desi~a~ed on ~he improv~ent plats by le~ers ~d s~orm drain easements by ~e let~ers "SD" Foll~ed by a digit. ) Baseline Avenue, from existin2 S~ Sevaine Creek ~o ~p~ximately 1100 feet westerly from ~he SBCED rlgh~ of way for E~iwanda Creek Fled Control Ch~nel; PrOceed Cherry Avenue, From proposed s~ree~ "lI" to p~posed screen "E" { ~d Foothill Boulevard, from Hemlock Avenue to ~he SBCFCD rl~ or way For E~iw~da Creek FZood Control Ch~el. ,MAY 08 ~8~ 1~:~ P.2 Proposed Live Oak Avenue. from its eoutharl~ ~erminus to approximately 1,000 feet sol,t~herly l~r~e Baseless Avenue; Miller Avenue, from its ealte~l~ terminus to px~sed Cherr~ AvenUe t "~" $treet f~o~ pro~Nmesd Het, ita~ Parkway, to Redwood Avenue; Proposed He~ita~e Parkway, ~rom its intersection ,rASh proposed streets "0" and "K" to its intersection wi~h proposed "g"z from its intersection wi~h px~osed etmt "g" to Easement "SD-6", from northerly boundary oF OPC southerly to the $BCFCD right of.we~v rot Etiwenda Creek Flood Con~ol Ohannel, and, at its in~ereec~ions wi~h proposed streets "CC" and Proposed South Crescen~ at its intersection with soughbound Grand Avenue Z end Proposed Southbound .Grand Avenue, rrnm propose~ SoU~h Crescent to proposed street "V" and from proposed street "W" to Heritage Parkway. UNNAMED PROPOSED STRESTS:: "X" at its intersect.~on with "Z"; "Z"; "AA" between "V" andT "Z", and, [rom approximately 800 feet northerly from "Y" to "CC"; "CO"t "GG"; and "HH". "SD-2"; "SD-6"; "SD-7"; "SD-8"; and "SD-9". VII. ~ANDSCAPINO, including planrise of trees. shrubs, ground cover and other plants, soil amendment, ~urnishing and spreading topsoil; fertilizer and mulch, installation OF irrigation systems, including pipes, valves and sprinkler heads0 plane maintenance and ~u~niahinZ and installation o~ appurtenances and performance of appu~tenant ~ork in connection therewith, all in accordance with ~e Open Space/Recreation Concept of the Wast End Specific Plan aa follows: PARKWAY AND MEDIAN LAND$OAPXNG: ARTERIALS: 8asSline Avenue, southerly pa~k~a.y between proposed Live Oak Avenue and the Industrial/Residential Boundary, and, in both parkways and " the full median between ~he wes~ leg o~ the proposed Crescent to Eas~ Avenue| and Proposed Cherr~ Avenue, both parkwayl and the full median between Baseline Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. COL~-ECTOR Sq~BETS: Within streets in Phase I. LANDSCAPTNG OF PAR~, TRAILS, GATEWAYS, ENTRYWAYS. UTxLI~"~ AND RAILROAD F~ASEMEN~| Parks, Schools, SchOol/Park and Community Facilities/ Recreational/Open Space Areas: (Desi~nated on the improvement plats by name and a ls~ter/dlgit desl&q~ation. ) Park, designated Area ) Foothill Gateway Park, designated as Areea "OS-~" · and "0S-5"; School/Park Areas, desiina~'ed as "SP-2"| and School/Oommunlt~ FaCilities/Recreational/Open Space Areas. designated a~ Area MAY 08 '89 16:3~ P,1 XZI, OPIff!AT'rON AND MA1'l,r,t'jdldANOmz Included in the work for ~he O~aeunity Facilities District will be operation and maintenance of ~acilities constructed by o~ lervtn~ the Diet~ict, as l'oll~l: 8tz~et ~.lehtin~ Dete~tion BsSins Firs Services Foltce Services Pa~ks Landscapin~ A maintenance district is proposed to be formed pursuant to the provisions of the "Landscepin2 and LiShtin2 Act of 1972", bein2 Part 2 or Division I~ o~ the Streets and Hi2hwa~s Code or ths State of Caliro~nie, ~or ~undin2 the operation and ma~ntensnce costs ~o~ Street ~.~2htin2, Parks and Ls~dscapinZ, with ths costs .~or maintenance and ope~ation o~ the remainder o~ the above listed l~ems ~o be ~unded by ~he Community Facilities District No. 2 special tax and by ~ax increment funds pled2ed by the Fon~ana Redevelopmsnt ASenc~. Incidental Expenses: Zncidon~al expenses lncludo the costs ~o~ design and construction en~nesr.~n~; landscape architectural desl2n| compensation o~ ~he City En2ineer ~or plan checkin2, inspection, 'ndministcet~vo costs and monitorin2 o~ the pt-oJect; permits; so~ls and materials tssti~2; cons~ruction m~a~ment ~d supe~lsio~; ~d, contract ~minist~s~lon. -I .MAY 08 ~89 i~:S6 p.~ DBSCRIPTION OF WORK C0}6~U~IT~ FACIL~TIIS DISTRICT N0.2 CITY OF FO~rrANA The ~orks of isp~ovesent p~oposed to be constructed and installed Community Facilities District No.. 2 in the City or Font~a. Califo~ia are ;hardly ~scrl~d u follows: ~reet Imp~vmm~ts, lnclUdin; ~e~vals. excavation ~d 2~in2 ~d conerection o~ curbs, ~tte~s, sideelks, b~id2es, h~dicapp~ ~eps, street pavement. st:eat l~2h~in~, trm~fi~ st~in2 ~d Sttipin2, utill~ telorations; ~d also. Domestic Wate~ S~stem Improvements inUludin2 m~ns. line ~d side valves, ai~ ~d vacuum ~le~e vatyes. pressure '.I"1AY 88 '89 16;40 BACKBON~ Proposed South Cmcent, from east le2 Baseline Road; PToposad Her~taSe Parkway, northerly of easterly e~px~bsatel¥ 1000' f:~m "E-E" and ~n the proximity of "Hw Street; Proposed seat leg of Grand Avenue, rrcm 're Strewst to Her~tNle ParkMaM; Unnamed Proposed Streets, am eho~n on the improvement plats and dmsl2natsd by the relicwinE latterst "L"; "Mw ! "~'* J **~"; Easements shown on the imp~ovement plats and designated by the letters *'SE'* ~n combination with a d~ait am follows: '*SE*2"; "St-3'; ~'SS-tt'; "SE-F' | V. OFF~ITB SANITARY SEWF/% IMPROVEMENTS, includin~ installation and construction o~ mains, manholes, casehas, pavement removal and replacement, appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith in the followin2 streets: VI. STORM DRAIN IMPROVD~ENTS, includin~ reinforced concrete pipes and box culverts, manholes. ~unction structures, transition structures, catch basins,' connecto~ pipes. appurtenances ena eppurtenant work in connection the~ewith within the Arterial and Bsckbone Street ~nd in Easements as follows: (Unnamed propose~ streets are des~Snated on the improvement plats b~ letters ~nd storm drain easements by the letters "SD" followed by a digit. ) AR~_J~IAL STREETS: BACKBONE Proposed Hsritsge Perked, f~x~ app~ximately ~0 feet essterl~ of proposed street "IS" to Ballsent Item proposed street 'DD" southerly to the CPC northerly Boundat~y. U~NAMF~ PROPOSED STREETS: "J"; "N" ~ "0" between "N" and Easement "SD-~" "P" between "S" and Southbound Grand Avenuel "S" from approximately ~00 ~eet nor~herl~ from "M" to "N", from "P" to approxisatel¥ 800 fee~ northerly ~rom "P", and at its intersection with "T"; "T"; "U"; "V" . ,MAYI[ItEI '89 i~:40 P.~ VII, LANDSCAPINQ, includin~ plantin~ of trees, shrubs, g~ound cover and other plants, soil amendment, rurnishir4$ and spreadin2 topsoil, fertilizer and mulch, installation of irrlSation systems, lncludin~ pipes, valves 'and sprinkler heads, .plant saintshence and ~urniehin2 and installation o~ appurtenances and perform. enos of appurtenant work in connection thez~with, all in accordance with the Open Space/Recreation Concept oF the Wast End Specific Plan as 'PARKWAY AND HgDI'..~h~r LANDSCAPZNO: Baseline Avenue, southerly Pa~kws.V., From east leg of " Crescent to the Industrial/Residential Boundary, and in both, parkways and the full median between the east leg and the west lee of the proposed Crescent; Foothill Boulevard, the North P~kway between Hemlock ~venue and l~ast Avenue; East Avenue, the East Parkway between Baseline Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. COLLECTOR STREB~: Within streets in Phase Parkways end medians of all streets shown on the improvement plat, planned and deeii~nated by letters. within the proposed OFD boundaries, and also, those portions of proposed ~emlock Avenue, of proposed Live Oak Avenue and or proposed Street "C" which are shown on the p~at but lie outside the proposed CFD boundaries. LANDSCAPIHQ OF PARKS, TRAILS, GATEWAYS, EN'~'nTWAYS, UTILITY AND RAILROAD Parks, Schools, School/Park and Communit~ Fac~lities/Recreational/Open Space Areas'- (Desi~nated on the improvement plats by name and a ,letter/dijit desiination. ) East Village Bark, desiWnated Area P-l; School/Pa~k Areas, designated as "SP~I'' School/Communit~ Fac!lities/Recreat~onal/Open Space Areas, designated as AI~as "OS-I", "OS-a', "08-3" , and "S-1". FE. DESTRIAN TRAIL LANDSCAPING: All trails as shown on the improvement plats, not included in Phase I. MRY 00 '0SI 16:40 P.4 ~ I~~ OATBWAY AND EI~YWAY LANDSOAPiNg: (Foothill Oatews~ Pa~k); CreScent Kntries, rrcln east Zeg of O~ Aven~ to B~eltne East Villas ~t~iee; and Middle & eou~herlM Gmmd Avenue Entries, VIII~ BRXDG~/~LTIPLE BOX OULV~, including s~Puc~ure excavation ~d backSill, ~orming, ~drnishAng concrete ~or b~dges or multiple box culverts ~d parapets, h~d rails, appur~en~ces ~d appur~en~ ~or~ in co~ion ~h~re~i~h a~ the E~i~anda Creek FloOd Control 0h~nel Crossing o~ ~he SPRR, ~d a~ ~he~ollo~ing in~ars~c~ions o~ s~ree~s wi~h ~he E~i~da Creek Fldod Control Ch~nel: Heri~ag6 Parkway a~ two locations in i~s ~e~erly loop, ~he nor~heriy sash-west leg ~d the sou~e~lF portion o~ ~he nor~h-sou~hleg. Ix, FLOOD CONTROL FACILITI~, includin~ ch~nel grading, bhe construction of concme~e ~ned ch~nels, from Victoria Avenue to Foothill Boulevard, excepting ~he portion batten Baseline Avenue ~d ~he SPRR included in Phase I, ~he rechenneling of S~ Saysine flow ~o the ECiw~da Creek Ch~el ali~ment, and ~he construction o~ ~empora~y ch~nel improvemen=e ~d [l. ood control basin excavation a~ LoWer S~ Saysine B,~in improvements within the West End Specific Plan Area, ~n~ether wi~h appurtenances end eppUr~en~% workin connection ~erewi~h, ell in accordance wi~hAl~e=naCe "B" of %he Supplemental Repor~ on Flood Control Facili~F Alternatives foP~ ~he Wes~ End Specific Plan as prepared by Bill Mann end Associates, da~e~ November, 198A~. (Inclusion of ~he por~iono[ the flood control channel between Baseline Avenue ~d ~he ~eview ~md may be included in Phase II,) x. OFFSITE DRAINAGe, Double Reinforced Concrete Box, including appurtenances ~d appurten~t work, from 1000' eas~erlM of E~iw~da Creek the eas~ Crescent. XI, SEBVZCE FACIL~TI~: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: Inchmded in ~he work ~oP the CommunitM Facilibies Dis~ric~ will be operation and maintenance the District, as follows: Street Ligh~in~ Detention Fire 8errices Police Services Parks A m&intennnce district iS p~s~ Co ~ foxed pu~su~ to p~vie~ons of ~he "L~dscap~n2 ~d Light~ Ac~ o~ 197~", be~n~ Pa~ a o~ Division 15 of ~he S~e~s ~d Hi~w~s Code of ~he of California, fo~ ~und~n~ ~be operation ~d m~n~en~ce costs ~o~ S~ee~ LlZhtinZ, Pa~ks ~d L~dscapi~, wl~h ~e costs fo~ main~en~ce ~d opeTat:lon of ~e ~em~ndsr or the ~ove lis~ed ' items to ~ ~d~ by ~he Ccmm~i~y Facilities Dis~ct No. special t~ ~d by ~u increment ~unds pledged by the Font~a Re~velopmen~ A~cy. hcident~ ~enses~ Incident~ e~ensee in4~lude ~e cost8 ~or desi~ ~d const~uctlon en2ineeTin2~ l~de~a~ a~chi~ectural desi~ compensation o~ the City ~6inee~ [o~ pl~ checkinE, inspec~ion, edministra~ive ~d monito~in~ o~ the proJect~ peTmt~sJ soils ~d material constructi~ m~a~emen~ ~d supe~ision~ ~d contrec~ admi~ist~at~on, / EXHIBIT "E" (i=&ait Ne.] (Fer Of~t rJ.) EXHIBIT "E" ~ I ~,ien,: FEE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE t:sa~:~ The Client agrees to compensate the Consultant, as compensation for the services indicated in Exhibits "B", "C" and "D" (Scope of Work), on an hourly basis in accordance with the Standard Rate Schedule indicated in Exhibit "2F", with a maximum fee not to exceed the following: Phase I Foothill Blvd.- Hemlock to Beech Item 1 Design & Easement Documents ....... $7,160.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ........ . ....... $1,155.00 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $S,815.00 Phase II Beech - Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Item 1 Design & Easement Documents ....... $14,534.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $S,380.00 Item $ Inspection ......................... $11,190.00 Phase Ill Foothill Blvd.- Beech to Pump Station Item I Design, Survey & Easement Documents $13,522.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring. .............. $1,240.00 Item 3 Inspection ......................... $5,130.00 -8- CONSULTANT ENGINEERING SERVICES COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA This AgFeement made and entePed into this 2nd day of June 1987 by and between the City of Fontana, a municipal corpoPation, hereinafteP referred to as "City", and Albert A. Webb Associates, 3788 McCray Street, Riverside, California 92506, her.einafter referred to as "Engineer", witnesseth that: WHEREAS, City has formed Community Facilities District No. 2 (West End Specific Plan Area) pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982; and WHEREAS, City has need for Civil Engineering Consultant services For performance of certain tasks related to said District and the lands therein, including: 1. Special tax distric'b procedural, budgeting and fund disbursement related tasks. 2. Checking of maps for subdivision of the lands within said District. 3. Checking of plans for improvements to be installed as part of the work in said District and required as conditions to approval of said subdivisions, including review of studies and reports relating to such improvements. l~. MonitoPing of construction of impPovements to be constPucted and installed as paPt of the woPk in said DistPict. D. Inspection of the DistPict public impPovements duping constPuction and installation thePeof. WHEREAS, EngineeP has specialized knowledge, tPaining and expePience in pePfePmance of such tasks; and, WHEREAS, it is the desiPe of the paPties hePeto to set foPth the tePms and conditions under which EngineeP shall pPovide City with the services as set forth hePein; NOW THEREFORE, be it mutually agPeed as follows: FIRST: EngineeP, when authoPized, shall pePform the named work in conjunction with the afoPementioned project in accordance with the pPoposalS thePefoP, dated December 11, 1985 and JanuaPy 21, 1986, as amended, and the following: 1. Assist City Staff and Consultants in pePfoPmance of special tax distPict Pelated tasks, including, but not limited to, pPoceduPal matters such as Peallocation of special taxes, pPeparation of district and phasing budgets, allocation of costs, Peview of incidental expense invoices and calculations fop bond fund set aside amounts. 2. PePfoPm subdivision map checking services, including checking fop conformance with conditions fop appPoval of such maps, afteP receiving notice that DevelopeP has paid to oF deposited with the City all fees PequiPed in connection with such maps. 2 THIRD. City shall compensate Engineer for services performed as follows= 1. Special Tax District Services: Services set forth in Section First, 1., shall be performed for the hourly rates set forth in the Fee Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "Art, plus reimbursement for incidental expenses, such as costs for printing, copying and mileage incurred in connection with such services at cost to Engineer. In no event shall the hourly rates exceed that for Project Engineer. 2. Subdivision Map Checking: Engineer shall be compensated for subdivision map checking services as follows: Base Fee per Map : $325 1 to 50 Lots : $ 35 per Lot 51 to 100 Lots : $ 30 per Lot 10i Lots and Up : $ 25 per Lot The base fee assumes no major discrepancies or disputes concerning boundary closure. It is also assumed that the plan checker will be furnished copies of title reports for the land being subdivided, all survey notes and data concerning the location of permanent monuments found and will also be provided a computerized lot closure run for the subdivision. 3. Improvement Plan Checking: Engineer shall be compensated for improvement plan checking, based on the Engineer's Estimate of Improvement Costs for the improvements required for each subdivision or District related project as follows: Estimated Construction Cost Plan Checking Fee 0 - $ 50,000 $ 500 + 3.5% of construction costs $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $ 2,250 + 3.25% of construction costs over $50,000 $ 150,001 - $ 250,000 $ 5,500 + 3.0% of construction costs over $150,000 $ 250,001 - $ 500,000 $ 8,500 + 2.5% of construction costs over 8250,000 $ 500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 14,750 + 1.5% of construction costs over $500,000 $ 1,000,000 - and up $ 22,250 + 1.0% of construction costs over $1,000,000 The above fees are predicated on the following: 1. That the checker will receive for checking all improvement plans, e.g. street, sewer and storm drain, pertinent to a particular reach of improvements. This will balance out the costs since some types of improvements, such as sewer, should require less than the average checking time, while street improvement plans, for example, will require more. This will also speed up checking and resolution of iraprovement conflicts. 2. That the checker will be furnished all map street centerline data. The checker will also be furnished copies of the water plans and any other underground facilities plans not being checked in order to resolve any conflicts. 5 3. That the number of ehecks per set of plans covered bF the above schedule shall be limited to .three unless revisions required after the third check are minimal. EnEineer shall be compensated for tasks such as reviewinE and checking studies and reports related to the project, grading plans and right of way documents at the Pates set forth en said Fee Schedule attached as Exhibit "A". In no event shall the hourly rates exceed that for Project Engineer. In addition, Engineer shall be reimbursed for incidental expenses incurred in performance of the foI~egoing services at cost to Engineer. Project Monitor: Duties for project monitor will be performed fop an hourly Pate set forth on attached Exhibit "A" fop Project Engineer, plus reimbursement for incidental expenses such as printing and copring, telephone toll charges, etc. No mileage will be charged fop the ProJect Monitor. Compensation for supporting personnel assistin~ the Project Monitor in performance of his duties shall be at the rates shown on the Fee Schedule! attached hereto as Exhibit "A", but in no event shall said rates exceed the hourl~ rate set for Project Manager. Inspectors: The fee for inspectors shall be $35.00 per hour, plus mieage. Mileage charges for inspectors shall be $0.50 per mile. The Pate for siEnalization and lightin~ inspection shall be $55.00 per hour plus reimbursement for mileage at a rate of $0.50 per mile. The foreging fees and Pates shall be subject to review each AuEust 1st during the life of this agreement. 6 FOURTH: Engineer shall perform tasks in connection with the said District in addition to those set forth in Section "FIRST" if authorized to do so, in writing, by City. Engineer shall be compensated for such additional authorized work at the hourly rates set forth in said Exhibit "A" plus reimbursement for incidental expenses and outside service as set forth in Section "THIRD". FIFTH: Effective Date of Contract The effective date of this agreement is January 21, 1986, and shall end on completion, satisfactory to City, of all authorized work. SIXTH: Termination The right is reserved by City to terminate tZhis Agreement at any time upon written notice to Engineer inn the event the project or any portion thereof is to be abandoned or indefinitely postponed, or in the case Engineer's services, in the judgment of the City, are unsatisfactory or because of Engineer's failure to prosecute the work with diligence or within the time limits specified, or because of his inability to perform. In any such case, Engineer shall be paid the value of the services rendered up to the time of termination. If the services of Engineer are terminated for fault on his part, City ms~ procure the completion of the services or work in such manner as it deems best and shall charge to Engineer any excess cost over that provided for in this Agreement or any damages City may sustain by reason of default. Notices shall be deemed to have been given for the purpose of this Agreement on the day that the s~me are deposited in the course of transmission of said system. 7 SEVENTH: Designated Repr'esentative Ssjn I. Gershon, Ronald L. Buckley of Wallace Fpanz will represent the Engineer and be its contact and agent in all consultations with City duping the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement. EIGHTH: Access to Work Prpduct City.shall at all times havB access to the work product of Engineer hereunder whenever it is in preparation and progress. NINTH: Compliance with Law Engineer understands, and does hereby agree that, in the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement, he shall comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations pertaining to such services when performed for City. TENTH: Amendment This Agreement shall not be modified except by an agreement in writin~ signed by both parties. ELEVENTH: Assignment This Agreement shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by Engineer. TWELFTH: Notices Whenever notices are required to be given pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the same shall be given by depositing the same in the course of tpansmission of the United States Postal Services, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: a) City: Robert Schoenborn Director of Public Works City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 b) Engineer: Sam I. Gershon Vice President Albert A. Webb Associates 3788 McCray Street Riverside, CA 92506 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hePeto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. CITY OF FONTANA Mayor ATTEST: Depu~ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM ALBERT A. W B ASSOCIATES Y ~,- I ~ershon Vice President MISC2/85-268 9 " ATTACHMENT "A" PROJECT MONITOR (City of Fontaria) The tasks of Project Monitor shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1 Review plans and specifications for the improvements proposed to be constructed. 2 Monitor bidding and award of contract procedures. 5. Reyiew bid proposals 8rid make recommendations to the City as to the award(s) of Contract. 4. Review contracts and utility and railroad agreements. 5. Attend pre-construction conferences. 6. Review construction contract change orders and m.~ke reco~mmendations thereon. 7. Perform periodic on-site observations of the work in progress as a basis for determining that the improvements are being constructed in accordance with the Contract documents. 8. Review and verify Contraetor's monthly progress estimates and payments made thereon. 9. Furnish periodic reports of progress of the project as required. 10. Provide supervision of any construction inspectors assigned to the project by Albert A. Webb Associates. 11. Maintain files of information pertinent to the construction of the improvements. 12. In company with authorized representatives of the City, the Contractor and Landowners, perform final inspection of the work performed under various contracts and m~ke recommendations as to acceptance of the work. ATTACHMENT "B'1 City of Fontana DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS 1. Review the construction schedule prepared by the Contractor for compliance with the Contract and give advice to the Project Monitor concerning its acceptability. 2. Attend pre-construction conferences. Assist in arranging a schedule of progress meetings and other job conferences as required in consultation with the Project Monitor and Contract Supervisor. 3. Serve as the Project Monitor's liaison with the Contract Supervisor. 4. When required, assist the Contract Supervisor in obtaining from the Contractor a list of his proposed suppliers and subcontractors. 5. Assist the Contract Supervisor in obtaining field samples of materials delivered to the site which are required to be furnished and keep records of actions taken by the Contract Supervisor. 6, Receive approved shop drawings and other submissions from the Contraot Supervisor; record data received, maintain a file of the drawings and submissions, and check construction for compliance with them. 7. Alert the Contractor's field superintendent when he observes materials or equipment being installed before approval ef shop drawings or samples, where such are required, and advise ~he Contract Supervisor when he believes it is necessary to disapprove work as failing to conform to the Contract DOcuments. 8. Conduct on-site observations of the work in progress for the Director of Public Works as a basis for determining that the Project is pro- ceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9. Verify that tests required by the Contract Documents are conducted and that adequate records thereof are maintained; observe, record and report to the Project Monitor appropriate details relative to the test procedures. 10. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the outcome of these inspeqtions and report to the Project Monitor. 11. Censider and evaluate Contractor's suggestions for modifications in drawings or specifications and report them with recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor. 12. Keep a diary of log book, recording hours on the job site, weather conditions, list of visiting officials, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures. 13. Maintain a set of drawings on which authorized changes are noted, and deliver to the Project Monitor at the completion of the Project. 14. Furnish the Project Monitor daily written reports of progress of the Project and Contractor's compliance with the approved construction schedule. 15. Consult with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor in advance of scheduled major tests or start of important phases of the Project. 16. Review applications for progress payment with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor, noting particularly their relation to the work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site. 17. During the course of the work gather Assembly Guarantees, Certifi- cates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals and other required data to be furnished by the Contractor and deliver this material to the Project Monitor for his approval and forwarding to the Director of Public Works 18. Prior to final inspection, submit to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor a list of observed items requiring correction and verify .that each correction has been made. 19. Conduct final inspection in the company of the City Engineer, the Contractor and the Project Monitor, and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. Page 2 20. Verify that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor concerning acceptance. 21. LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Except upon written instructions of the City Engineer, the Inspector: A. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Drawings. B, Shall not undertake any of the responsibilities of the Contractor, the subcontractors or the Contractor's field superintendent. C,Shall not expedite the work for the Contractor. D. Shall not advise on or issue directions relative to any aspect of the construction technique of sequence unless a specific technique or sequence is called for in the Contract Documents. E.Shall not participate in specialized field or laboratory tests. F. Shall not engage in or become a part of any disputes between the Contractor and/or his su=bcontractors and/or material suppliers involving labor disputes, work, materials deliveries, quality or manner of workmanship, quality of materials, etc. (Where reference is made to "Contract Supervisor" or "Project Monitor" it shall also mean the City's Senior Construction Inspector if desired by City). ~age 3 REP-1/86-25 ' t ' EXHIBIT "A" ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3788 McCray Street · Riverside, California · (714) 686-1070 SCHEDULE OF FEES OFFICE ENGINEERING Senior Consultant ............................. $75.00 Per Hour Principal Engineer ........................... 65.00 Per Hour Pro ect Engineer ............................. 55.00 Per Hour Engmeer~Designer ........................... 50.00 Per Hour Environmental Planner (Senior) ............ 45,00 Per Hour Environmental Planner ...................... 40.00 Per Hour Designer--Senior ........................... 48,00 Per Hour Designer--Associate ........................ 45.00 Per Hour Designer--Draftsman ....................... 43.00 Per Hour Draftsman--Senior .......................... 40.00 Per Hour Draftsman .................................... 35.00 Per Hour Clerical ....................................... 18.00 Per Hour FIELD SURVEYS 3-Man Party ................................. $156.00 Per Hour 2-Man Party ................................. 114.00 Per Hour 1-Man Party ................................. 65.00 Per Hour Mileage ....................................... 50 Per Mile Subsistence ................................. 35.00 Per Man/Day Field Survey rates are subject to changes granted under terms of the prevailing labor agreement. MISCELLANEOUS Expert Witness and Court Appearance .......... To Be Arranged Prints .............................................. Cost Telephone Toll Ch, arges ................... ' ....... Cost Outside Service Charge. ......................... Cost Plus 15% November I, 1985 ,_~AI'EI March 9, 1989 PROJECT: City of Font~n~ ~ Foothill/Beech Sewer Project NAME "ADDRESS PHONE NO City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1989 Mr. Carl Atkinson Wheels, Etc. 15186 Foothill Boulevard Fontana, California 92335 Subject: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Dear Mr. Atkinson: This is to follow-up on a request you made when you visited the City offices on October 3, 1989 and talked to Mr. Yousuf Patanwala, who is the City's Project Manager for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, and our subsequent telephone communications on October 16, 1989. Specifically, as I understand the issue, you were very frustrated in that you had not heard from the City in many months, as you, of course, were concerned about how the project would impact your business operation. Specifically, driveway access is not your main concern, but that the trenching will go through your work area and you want some guarantees as to when it will be restored. At this time the City has been concentrating on resolving the final project issues prior to advertising this project for public bids, which should occur in late November or early December, 1989. Further notifications to impacted properties will be made in the near' term. This communication is being sent as you had requested an update. We will set up a meeting with you to specifically cover your concerns and how we can handle them. As we had discussed in a meeting last spring, this project wil~ be constructed. We have secured enough temporary construction easements to build the project on Foothill Boulevard. At this time we are completing our final environmental documentation and securing the remaining necessary permits. We will mail you a copy of our proposed 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 3507600 Page 2 October 23, 1989 environmental mitigation measures and keep you posted on the date this item goes to the City Council, so that you have the opportunity to express your concerns as you explained them to Mr. Patanwala and myself. As I had previously committed to you and the other business/ property owners along the project construction zone, we will make every reasonable effort possible to mitigate the proJect's impact on the properties in the area. Please feel free to contact the undersigned at (714) 350-7613, should you have any further questions. Very truly yours, Robert W. Weddle Interim City Engineer RWW:ml cc: A. Calvert L. Donnell Y. Patanwala Shu-tai An, Hall & Foreman E. Kobayashi RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION By Project No. Project Title 'F~oT~ ILl,-//~[[ C~ Individual ~E..' F"'~OI~I'~) Title Organization '~i~O4'rcf-~'f 0~31~'E ~)!,~ I:~I~TftlLL_ Location Subject F~1TI~ I~q~P (~ F~o~r OF ~P~, ITEMS DISCUSSED ~ ~:~ ~' ~0 IU ~ EAI2LIE~ ~L~ t~u~E~ COMMENTS OR ACTION REQUIRED Wlley-Flsk Form 4-7 PRESLEY of SOUTHERN CALIFO NI P~sident ~s. ~nnivo~ Calvort ~blic Works Director (a / ~blic Works Department City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, California 9233~ I wanted to ~hank you ve~ much for taking your time and ~ou:r staf['s time to meet with us regarding our project on Baseline. As we discussed in Monday's meeting, I am hopeful that we will be able to move fo~ard and get the necessary infrastructure installed to our project. Once again, I want to reemphasize that we are very willing to work with you and the City of Fontana to accomplish our goal. We appreciate your attitude and the City's for what seems to be a strong willingness to help us down the road and get this project built. Again, many thanks for your time and we look fo~ard to working with you on this project. L. C. "BOb" Albertson, Jr. LCA/dml 19 Corporate Plaza · Newport Beach, California 92660 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 6110 · Newport Beach, California 92658-6110 17~4) 640-6400 · FAX (714) 640-1643 qz~tra va ia ~ ck ~ S a ftd P. O. BOx 2151" M][XOOi~II'M[{]~!tY~M, Upland, California M 91785 Phone (714) 982-6713 October 10, 1989 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, Ca. 92335 Attention: Mr. Yousuf Dear Mr. Yousuf: In respect to the te].ephone conversation which we had regarding our proposal to remove the necessary trees on Foothill Blvd. for the widening project. We will push the trees over, cut them up and haul the wood away free. The only charge that you would incur would be the loading and trucking of the stumps and brush plus the! dump fees. Thank you for your time and consideration. e~ely yours~ Bonald Willemsen RW/lU i& City of Fontana CALIFOF~NIA September 25, 1989 Shou-'rat An Hall & Foreman 3170 Redhill Boulevard Costa Hesa, CA Subject: Contract Documents and Specifications for Construction of Sewer Faciltty Improvements Dear Shou-Tat, Enclosed please find a sample copy of contract and specification document prepared by BSI Consultants for a City project. These documents were recently reviewed by the City Attorney's office and were found very acceptable (copy of letter attached). Please make your draft copy of contract and specification document for Foothill/Beech Sewer ProJect simtlar in forma~..to the sample copy. This would help in expediting things at our end. Please call me at 350-7661 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Yousuf Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant ZI! AC:YP:wp Enclosures cc: Eobert W. Weddle dohn Hogan, Hall & Foreman , ~ 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) PONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350~7600 September 15, 1989 Jim Strodt eck Redevel ment Project Coordinator CITY FONTANA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8353 mrra Avenue ~!~2335' Re: Review of standard contract documents Dear Jim: When we spoke by telephone the other day, I indicated that I would be reviewing the City's standard contract documents to make sure that they are legally sufficient. ShortlF after our conversation, I received a set prepared by BSI Consultants, Inc. for the Jurupa Industrial Park storm drain improvements. My comments in this letter will pertain to that contract set. In short, that contract set looks pretty good. Although the General Specifications do not contain all of the provisions required by law, they do incorporate by reference the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction published by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern Ca'Afornia Chapter of the American Public Works Association and the Southern California District of the Associated General Contractors of California (the "Green Book"), and the Green Book does contain all of the legally-required provisions. Therefore, it appears that all of the bases are covered. The bidding documents, including the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, also look pretty good. They appear to contain all of the legally-required provisions as well. I did notice that the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, on page B-l, and the Instructions to Bidders, on page IB-5, both make reference to Government Code Section ~590, which permits the substitution of 'securities in lieu of contract retentions. That provision has now been relocated to the Public Contract Code, where it appears as Section 22300. LAW OirFIC~:~5 OF BE:ST, BE:ST & KRIIEGER Jim Strodtbeck Redevelopment Project Coordinator CiTY OF FONTANA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY September 15, 1989 Page 2 Therefore, I would r~commend that both references be changed to Public Contract Code Section 22300. Furthermore, although Section 7-3.1 of the Special Provisions requires the insurance certificate to contain a statement which provides that the City is an additional insured, I noticed that the insurance certificate accepted on that job failed to include that provision. Even if that statement had appeared on the insurance certificate, it might not be enforceable against the insurance company because language on an insurance certificate does not alter or amend the policy itself. That protection probably ought to be provided in the form of an endorsement, instead of a statement on the insurance certificate. I have enclosed forms of endorsements which we have prepared for your use in the future, and I would recommend that your consulting engineers begin including these in your standard contract set with appropriate language changes to the Special Provisions to require 'these forms of endorsements to be provided along with the insurance certificate. I have also enclosed different forms of the Payment Bond and the Performance Bond to be substituted in place of your current bond forms. I believe that the enclosed bond forms are worded somewhat more favorably. For example, the enclosed bond forms provide for payment of attorney's fees if it becomes necessary for the City to sue on those bonds. Also enclosed is a form of Non-Collusion Affidavit which differs a little from the form included in the contract set which I reviewed. The form is now dictated by statute, and the enclosed form should be used in the future because it complies precisely with current statutory requirements. Finally, please remember that the Redevelopment Agency is an entity separate and distinct from the City itself. Therefore, if the Redevelopment Agency enters into the contract, the City should not appear as the contracting entity in the contract agreement. Instead, it should be the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fontana in those instances. The BSI standard contract set looks pretty good, and I see no need to hold up any contracts currently in process. However, I would recommend just the couple of revisions discussed above with respect to future contracts. Furthermore, I just recently saw a different contract set which BEST, BEST & KRIEGER Jim Strodtbeck Redevelopment Project Coordinator CITY OF FONTANA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY September 15, 1989 Page 3 the City appa'Fently ~zses in some circumstances. That contract set needs more extensive revisions. Sincerely, Michael T. Riddell of BEST, BEST & KRIEGER City Attorneys for the City of Fontana MTR/lsl Interim City Engineer CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 GENERAL LZABZLZTY ENOQitSEXENT CITY OF FONTANA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("Redevelopmerit Agency") 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA g2335 A. POLICY INFORMATION Endorsement ~ 1. Insurance Company ; Policy Number 2. Policy Term (From) , {To) ; Endorsement Effective Date 3. Named Insured 4. Address of Named Insured 5. Limit of Liability Any One Occurrence/Aggregate $ / 6. Deductible or Self-Insured Retention (Nil unless otherwise specified): $ ~7. Coverage is equivalent to: : Comprehensive General Liability form GLO002 (Ed. 1/73) Commercial General Liability "occurrence" form CGO001 ° 8. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Coverage is: "occurrence" Note: The Redevelopment Agency's standard insurance requirements specify "occurrence" coverage. "Claims-made" coverage is not acceptable. If cormercial general liability form or equivalent is used, the general aggregate must apply separately to this location/project or the general aggregate must be twice the occurrence limit. 9. Description of Project: B. POLICY AHENDMENTS This endorsement i s issued in consideration of the policy premium. Notwithstanding any inconsistent statex:4nt in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. INSURED. As respects any work performed on the above-described Project, the Redevelopment Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, and volunteers are included as insureds with regard to damages and defense of claims arising from: (a) activities performed by or on behalf of the Named Insured, (b) products and completed operations of the Named Insured, or (c) premises owned, leased or used by the Named Insured. 2. CON1)IBUTION NOT REQUIRED. As respects: (a) work performed by the Named Insured on the above-described Project for or on behalf of the Rede~elopment Agency; or (b) products sold by the Named Insured to the Redevelopmerit Agency for use on th(. Project; or (c) premises leased by the Named Insured from the Redevelopmerit Agency, the insurance afforded by this policy shall be primary insurance as respects the Redevelopmerit Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, or volunteers; or stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Named Insured's scheduled underlying primary coverage. In either event, ~ny other insurance maintained by the Redevelopmerit Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, or volunteers shall be in excess of this insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. SCOPE OF COVERAGE. This policy, if primary, affords coverage at least as broad as: (1) Insurancc Services Office form number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73), Comprehensive General Liability Insurance and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability endorsement; or (2) Insurance Services Office Cummercial General Liability Coverage, "occurrence" form CG 0001; or (3) If excess, affords coverage which is at least as broad as the primary insurance forms referenced in the preceding sections (1} and (2). 4. SEVENABILITY OF INTEREST. ~he insurance afforded by this policy applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought, except with respects to the Compan~'s limit of liability. 5. PROVISIONS REGARDING THE INSUREO'S DUTIES AFTER ACCIDENT OR LOSS. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to the Redevelopmerit Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 6. CANCELLATION NOTICE. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail return receipt requested has been given to the Redevelopment Agency. Such notice shall be addressed as : shown in the heading of this endorsement. C. INCIDENT AND CLAIH REPORTING PROCEDURE Incidents and claims are to be reported to the insurer at: ATTN: (Title) (Department) (Company) (Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code) ( ) (Telephone Number) O. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER I, , warrant that I have authority to bind the below listed {print/type name) insurance company and by my signature hereon do so bind this company. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (original signature required on endorsement furntfhed to the Redevelopment Agency) ORGANIZATION: TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: ( ) WORKERS' COMPENSATION/EI~LOYERS LIABILITY ENDORSEElIT CITY OP FONTANA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("Redevelopmerit Agency") 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 A. POLICY INPOR~IATION Endorsement # 1. Insurance Company , ("the Company") Policy Number 2. Effective Date of This Endorsement 3. Named Insured 4. Employer's Liability Limit (Coverage B) B. POLICY/~MENDMENTS In consideration of the policy premiumand notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. Cancellation Notice. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail return receipt requested has been given to the Redevelopment Agency. Such notice shall be addressed as shown in the heading of this endorsement. 2. Waiver of Subrogation. The Insurance Company agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the Redevelopment Agency, its elected or appeinted officers, officials, agents and employees for losses paid under the terms of this policy which, arise from work performed by the Named Insured for the Redevelopment Agency. C. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER I, , warrant that I have authority to bind the below listed {print/type name) insurance company and by my signature hereon do so bind this company. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (original signature required on endorsement furnished to the Redevelopment Agency) ORGANIZATION: ' TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: ( ) :. . AtlTOM(IBILE LIABILITY ENDORSEMEIIT CITY OF FONTANA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("Redevelopment Agency") 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335. A. POLICY INFORMATION Endorsement # 1. Insurance Company ; Policy Number 2. Policy Term (From)_ (To) ; Endorsement Effective Date 3. Named Insured 4. Address of Named Insured 5. Limit of Liability Any One Occurrence/Aggregate $ / 6. Deductible or Self-Insured Retention {Nil unless otherwise specified): $ B. POLICY AMENDMENTS This endorsement is issued in consideration of the policy premium. Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. INSURED. The Redevelopment Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, consulting engineers, employees and volunteers are included as insureds with regard to damages and defense of claims arising from: the ownership, operation, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of any auto owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Named Insured, regardless of whether liability is attributable to the Named Insured or a combination of the Named Insured and the Redevelopmerit Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2, CONTRIBUTION NOT REQUIRED. As respects work performed by the Named Insured for or on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency, the insurance afforded by this policy shall: (a) be primary insurance as respects the Redevelopment Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers; or (b) stand i n an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Named Insured's primary coverage. In either event, any other insurance maintained by the Redevelopment Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of this insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. SCOPE OF COVERAGE. This policy, if primary, affords coverage to the Named Insured at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/78), Code 1 ("any auto") and endorsement CA 0025. (2) If excess, affords coverage which is at least as broad as the primary insurance forms referenced in the preceding section (1). 4. SEVERXB. ILITY OF INTEREST. The insurance afforded by this policy applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom ~ claim is made or a suit is brought, except with respect to the Company's limit of liability. 5. PROVISIONS REGARDING THE INSURED'S DUTIES AFTER ACCIDENT OR LOSS. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to the Redevelopment Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 6. CANCELLATION NOTICE. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not be suspended, vuided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail return receipt requested has been given to the Redevelopment Agency. Such notice shall be addressed as shown in the heading of this endorsement, C. INCIDENT AND CLAIM REPOrtiNG PROCEDURE Incidents and claims are to be reported to the insurer at: ATTN: (Title} (Department} {Company} (Street Address) (City) (State!) {Zip Code} ( ) (Telephone Number} D. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER I, , warrant that I have authority to bind the below listed (print/type name) insurance company and by my signature hereon do se bind this company. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (original signature required on endorsement furnished to the Redevelopment Agency) ORGANIZATION: TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: { ) CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND (CALIFOHNIA PUBLIC WORK) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PREzSENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the City of Fontana Redevelopment Agency (sometimes r~ferred to hereinafter as "Obliges") has awarded to (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), an agreement for the work described as follows: (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Work"); and WHEREAS, the work to be performed by the Contractor is more particularly set forth in that certain contract for the said Public Work dated , (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"), which Contract is incorpo- rated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Contractor is required by said Contract to perform the terms thereof and to provide a bond both for the performance and guaranty thereof. NOW~ THEREFORE, we, , the undersigned Contractor, as Principal, and , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as Surety, are held and. firmly bound unto the City of Fontana Redevelopment Agency in the sum of Dollars ($ ), said sum being not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount payable by the said Obligee under the terms of the said Contract, for which amount well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the bounden Contractor, his or its heirs, executors, administra- tors, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the cove- nants, conditions and agreements in the said Contract and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or its part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their intent and meaning; and shall faithfully fulfill the -1- one year guarantee of all materials and workmanship; and indemnify and save harmless the Obligee, its officers and agents, as stipulated in said Contract, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to ~the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work or to the Specifications. No final settlement between the Obligee and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Contractor and Surety agree that if the Obligee is required to .engage the services of an attorney in connection with enforcement of the bond, each shall pay Obligee's reasonable attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in addition to the above sum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this __ day of , 19__. PRINCIPAL/CONTRACTOR: By: SURETY: By: Attorney-in-Fact -2- The rate of premium on this bond is per thousand. The total amount of premium charged: $ (The above must be filled in by corporate surety). IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing bonds must possess a certificate of authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in ~ection 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whole or in part, with federal, grant or loan funds, it must also appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended). THIS IS A REQUIRED FORM. Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (Name and Address of Surety) (Name and Address of agent or representative for ser- vice of process in California if different from above) (Telephone Number of Surety and agent or representative for service of process in California). -3- S~A~ OF ~IFORNIA ~ ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of , in the year , beEore me, , a Notary Public in ana"f~r said State, personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the'Attorney-in-Fact of the (Surety) and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the (Surety) thereto and his own name as Attorney-in-Fact. Notary Public in and for said State (SEAL) Commission expires= NOTE= A copy of the power of attorney to %ocal represen- tatives of the bonding company must be attached hereto. -4- MTR0135 (CALIFORNIA pUBLIC WORK.) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the City of Fontana Redevelopment Agency {sometimes re erred to hereinafter as "Obliges") has awarded to (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), an agreement dated , described as follows: (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"): and WHEREAS, said Contractor is required to furnish a bond in connection with said Contract, and pursuant to Section 3247 of the California Civil Code; NOW, THEREFORE, We, , the undersigned Contractor, as Principal; and , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontana Redevelopment Agency and to any and all persons, companies or corporations entitled to file stop notices under Section 3181 of the California Civil Code, in the sum of Dollars ($ ), said sum being not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount payable by the said Obliges under the terms of the said Contract, for which payment will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if said Contractor, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, or Subcontractors, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions or other supplies, implements, mchinery or power used in, upon for or about the perform- ance of the Public Work contracted to be done, or to pay any person for any work or labor of any kind, or for bestowing skills or other necessary services thereon, or for amounts du6 under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work or labor, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Develop- ment Department from the wages of employees of said Con- -1- tractor and his Subcontractors pursuant to Section 13020 of the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work and labor as required by the provisions of Section 3247 through 3252 of the Civil Code, the Surety or Sureties hereon will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, otherwise the above obligation shall be void. In addition to the provisions hereinabove, it is agreeg. that this bond will inure to the benefit of any and all persons,. companies and corporations entitled to serve stop notices under Section 3181 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the said Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work or to the Specifications. No final settlement between the Obliges and the Contractor hereunder shall abridge the right of any beneficiary here- under, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Contractor and Surety agree that if the Obliges is required to engage the services of an attorney in connection with the enforcement of this bond, each shall pay Obligee's reason- able attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in addition to the above sum., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this __ day of , 19__. PRINCIPAL/CONTRACTOR: By: SURETY: By: Attorney-in-Fact -2- IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing bonds must possess a certificate of authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in Section 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whole or in part, with federal, grant or loan funds, it must also appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended). TSIS IS A R UIRE Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (Name and Address of Surety) (Name and Address of agent: or representative for ser- vice of process in California if different from above) (Telephone Number of Surety and agent or representative for service of process in California). -3- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of , in the year , before me, , a Notary Public in ana'Far said State,~_personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney-in-Fact of the (Surety) and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the (Surety) thereto and his own name as Attorney-in-Fact. Notary Public in and for said State (SEAL) Commission expires: NOTE: A copy of the power of attorney to local represen- tatives of the bonding company must be attached hereto. -4- MTR0 13 5A STATE OF CALIFORNIA § § NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT COUNT'Y OF § , being first duly sworn, deposes and (Name of Affiant) says that he/st~ is of , (Title) (Name of Bidder) the party making the foregoing bid; that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. ( Signature ) (Typed Name) SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME 0n this day of , 19 Notary Public My Commission Expires: CZTY OF FONTANA ~ TO: NefiVORY CALVERT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROIh YOUSUF PATAINALA ~' CIVIL E]~GINEERING ASSISTANT IIl DATE: AUGUST 29° 1989 RE: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEttER PRO,1ECT STATUS REPORT The followlng items are the principal tssues on this project. A. Caltrans Construction Permit According to Hall & Foreman's project manager, Shou-Tai An, Caltrans will be reinstating their permit once the manhole revisions have been made to reorient the manhole covers more towards the curb side and less In the traffic lane. The City will issue a non-objection letter to Caltrans regardt'ng removal of trees along the project site. Greg Bucknell has been working on the tree issues both for Village of Heritage and City sewer projects. B. Railroad Permit Mall & Foreman has applied for a permit with Southern Pacific Railroad, but has not received any response from t~he railroad. C. Temporary Construction Easement Mr. Kobtyasht has been able to get temporary construction easement on Beech Avenue from 12 property owners of the 16. The remaining 4 property owners have informed Hr. Kobtyasht that they will sign the easement deed. (Please see attached memorandum from Kobtyashi.) Foothi 11/Beech Sewer Project Status Page Two D. ~as Line There is a Southern California Gas Company gas main located 4' to 5' south of the north R/W line of Foothill Boulevard. They have previously agreed to move the line to one foot south of the north R/W line. Currently the Gas Company is preparing to work east from Cherry Avenue to move the gas line completely to the south side of Foothill. If the gas line is relocated to the south side of the street, there ~vill be no need to protect the 'line for construction. According to the Gas Company representative, Mr. Ciejka, they are working with Caltrans to obtain a permit for their project. Once the permit is obtained, it will take the Gas Copany five weeks to shift their line between Cherry and Beech Avenues. The remaining pointion will be completed within 'the next one to one and one-half week's time. E. Preparation of Bid Package V Hall and Foreman is required to make necessary revisions on the plan to satisfy Caltrans requirements, to show ;proper delineation where temporary construction ,easements are available, to indicate City and County boundary lines and to show areas where trees can be removed and where they cannot be removed. Specifications should be prepared for the project with an alternate item for protection of the trees. F. Subsurface Soil Investiqation The City Attorney's office has reviewed the consultant agreement of C.H.O. Geotechnical Inc. for subsurface soil investigation. The revised agreement was sent back to C.H.O. for their approval and signature. YP:ml cc: Robert W. Weddle CZTY OF FONTANA MIEMOItAII~M TO: Robert W. Weddle, P.E. U FROM: Consultin~ Project ~ng(n;er. DATE: August 21, 1989 RE: F~thill ~ulevard Trunk )r - I~n-obj~tion for Tr~ R~val (Phase I - frm Cherry Avenue to )l~k Avenue) (Phase II - frm ~l~:k Avenue to B~h Avenue) (Phase IIX- frm B~h Avenue to Lira Avenue) Per your request, enclosed for your review is a typical trench detail for the sewer, storm drain, and water improvements along the north right-of-way on Foothill Boulevard. On The Village of Herltage's Phase I from Cherry Avenue to Hemlock Avenue, the construction of the sewer, storm and water will necessitate the removal of the trees at this time. On the City's Phase II from Hemlock Avenue to Beech Avenue, the construction of the sewer may not necessitate the tree removal, but the Fontaria Water Company's plans to extend a 12" waterline from Cherry Avenue to Beech Avenue for The Village of Heritage project will. For the City's Phase IZl from Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, the centerline for the sewer construction will be ten {10) feet from the centerline of the trees. The excavation of the sewer trench will bring the construction within five {5) feet of the trees. The survival of the trees may be debatable due to the construction operation cutting the tree roots. It is recommended that the project be bid with tree removal and trees protected-in-place alternatives. Another factor to be considered should be the future roadway widening. Further, I recommend the Non-objection for Tree Removal Letter to Celttans should be for all three phases and determine the status of the tree removal for Phase I11 at a later date. The Celttans permit request is for all three phases. cc: Annivory Calvert Yousuf Patanwala CIVIL ENGINEER5 · LAND SURVEYOR,; , LAND PLANNER,; ~)c'~' ~/,, D~VISION OF PROJECT 2000, INC July 26, 1989 ,~.L.' Mr. John O'Sullivan City Manager / C~::y of ~ontana 8353 Sierra A?enue ~.O, Box 5~8 Fontaria, CA 92334 Dear Mr. O'Sullivan: I would like to thank you for meeting with A1 Uman, Presley of Southern California, Jerry Linton, Citation Builders and myself on Tuesday, July 25, 1989. In order to keep from having any confusion as to the results of that meeting, I wanted to summarize my understanding of the issues discussed. Issue: Foothill/Beech Sewer Trunk Line Result: You have instructed the Engineering Department to make ~he completion of this project a priority. Issue: Sewer Treatment Plant Capacity Result: It is your opinion that the Chino Basin has a responsibility to handle this area's sewage. You stated you are waitin~ for the Attorney's response and will inform us as soon as possible. Issue: Condition ~2 & 10, Tract 13929 C.F.D. Result~ I will meet with Paul Ireland about the validity of adding this condition. Also, I will investigate the possiblility Of doing a Fiscal Analysis of the tract prior to the Council Hearing. 1 (714) llE-9400 27007 FIFTH STREET · HIGHLAND. CALIFORNIA 92346 ~ .~N, INC. TEL: 71a-641-0170 Au9 11,89 15:36 No.015 P.02 AuguSt 11, 1989 Calftens ~n Be~n~ino~ ~ 92403 Attention: Mike Miles Foothill Blvd. )-~~o Regardingl Tree Removal on ~ [ '-;-. The existing trees located in Boulevard are in conflict with the future improvements ~o be installed in the aforementioned right-o=-way. ~ese trees ~eed to be removed in order to acco~odate the installation of sewer, water, stom drain, and widening of the future travelway. We, there=ore, give Our consent for the removal of the trees in ~estion. City of Fontana August 3, 1989 Mr. Gregg Bucknell Public Works Department City.of Fontana P. O.-Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 Re: Removal of Trees Foothill Sewer & Storm Drain Between Cherry & Hemlock Dear Greg, Pursuant to our conversation today, attached please find a rough draft of the letter addressed to Cal-Trans which references the removal of the existing eucalyptus trees at the above-referenced location. It is very important to process this at your earliest convenience. I would appreciate it i£ you could personally contact me once the letter is executed so I can send someone to hand-carry it to Cal-Trans. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Very truly yours, FONTANA HERITAGE WEST END ASSOCIATES ACalifornia limited partnership Roger D. Hatch Vice President Construction and Engineering RDH/cjs cc: Ron Buckley, Annivory Calvert, Doug Ford, John Hogan 230 Newport Center Drive · Suite 300 · Newport Beach, CA 92660-7511 · (714) 720-1166 · FAX (714) 720-1392 · _ EL 714-641-0170 03,89 11:15 No.OO5 P.02 August 3, i989 JN 3809-004 41,51.L13 Caltrane Permits Section P.O. Box 231 247 W. Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 Attentlon: Hank Lewandowski Regarding: Foothill Slvd. Sewer and Storm Drain Required Tree Removal (Permit # 88-UK-1169) This letter is to inform Caltrans that the City of Fontana has no objection to the removal of eucalyptus trees within the Foothill Blvd. (RoUte 66) right-of-way between Cherry Avenue and Hemlock Avenue. The impacts of the construction of the subject facilities and the widening of the north side of Foothill Blvd. was addreSSed in the Environmental Impact RepOrt for the West End Speclflc Plan. Sincerely, CITY OF FONTANA Annivory Calvert Director of Public Works cc: Roger Hatch - Fontana Heritage John Hogan - Sierra Enqineerinq CIVIL ENI~INEERS · LAND SURVEYOR5 ', LAND PLANNERS ~: ,, ~ DIVISION OF Pf~(DJECT 2000, INC. CC ' / July 26, 1989 . ~}~ Mr. John O'Sullivan JUt 28 City Manager . u~.~ City o[ Fontana j~/ 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 518 Fontaria, CA 92334 Dear Mr. O'Sullivan{ I would like to thank you for meeting with Al'Uman, Presley of Southern California, Jerry Linton, Citation Builders and myself on Tueeday, July 25, 1989. In order to keep from having any confusion as to the results of that meeting, I wanted to summarize my understanding of the issues discussed. Issue{ Foothill/Beech Sewer Trunk Line Result: You have instructed the Engineering Department to make the completion of this project a priority. Issue: Sewer Treatment Plant Capacity Result: It is your opinion that the Chino Basin has a responsibility to handle this area's sewage. You stated you are waiting for the Attorney's response and will inform us as soon as possible. Issue: Condition #2 & 10, Tract 13929 C.F.D. Result: I will meet with Paul Ireland about the validity of adding this condition. Also, I will investigate the possiblility Of doing a Fiscal Analysis of the tract prior to the Council Hearing. 1 C714) 111-14OO 27007 FIFTH STREET ,, HIGHLAND, CALIFORNIA 92346 If this does not coincide with your understanding of the results of our meeting, please contact me. Sincerely, PROJECT 2000, INC./ Sierra Engineering E. J. (Bud) Roberrs President EjR/nr 88-046 cc: A1 Uman