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5.1 General Correspondence (3)
September 6, 1985 22737 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 7 ~ POST OFFICE BOX 885 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 (714) 824-9510 Robert Schoenborn, BE Public Works Director 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontann, California 92BB5 Deputy Public Works Di~ecto~ Re: Foothill/Beech Inte~cepto~ Sewe~ ~ ~ AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEEBING SERVICES Gentlemen: As you directed I have reviewed the proposed Agreement for Engineering Services and I find the document acceptable except for 4-minor items. To expedite execution I have presumed to rewrite and retype the Agreement. A signed original of the revised version is enclosed along with a color-marked copy indicating those places where changes were made. The 4-changes are: ~ (1 Reference to in Section A and attachment as Exhibit "A" a copy of our original Proposal, a document which is quite comprehensive and which contains wording which more completely defines the scope of the services to be provided. (2 Reference to in Beetion D and attachment as Exhibit "B" ~.~,~\~\6 a copy of our letter discussing and setting forth our proposal for the Alternate Foothill/Beech alignment. , © (3 Binding our time to complete Phase B to prior completion x___~ of construction work by the contractor, notwithstanding I~ his time to complete, an aspect of the Project which could be beyond our control. (Section C) ( ) In Section E I merely separated two concepts such tha Agreement and that it is straightforward, simple and unlike some 20-page documents prepared by other public agencies for Engineers to execute. Robert Sehoenborn, PE Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Agreement for Engineering Services September 6, 1985 Page Two If there are questions or instructions please contact me directly. Be advised that aerial photos of the Project site were made this day and that soon we will receive the first of several tope maps. Respect~u~~ James L. Dotson, CE JLD:Rena Enclosures: Revised Agreement (Original) Revised Agreement (Copy/Marked) Exhibit "A" (Preposal) Exhibit "B" (Letter) AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING ENG~INEERING SERVICES FOR BEECH/FOOTHILL SANITAHY -~EWER PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT dated , 1985, is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation hereinafter called "City" and JAMES L. DOTSON, Civil Engineer, hereinafter called "Engineer". IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: A. ~.~._~ordance with conditions set forth in PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES dated May 28, 1985 attached hereto as 'Exhibit "A"I and further in accordance with onn~f+ie~ ~t fort~ in letter from Engineer to City re: ALTERNATE PROPOSAl. dated ~ttached hereto as ~:~hjb~t "B"; Engineer shall perform and carry out to the satisfaction of the City Engineer the professional civil engineering services for' the installation of sanitary sewer facilities in Beech Avenue from a point above Highland Avenue to Foothill Boulevard and in Foothill Boulevard from Beech Avenue to the intersection of Ilex Avenue in two phases~ Phase A: Preliminary Engineering and Design 1. Provide all necessary surveys and aerial topographic control as required for design of project. 2. Design and prepare plans with horizontal scale of one inch equals 40 feet. Plans to be drawn in ink on standard 24" x 42" linen or mylar. Profile with vertical scale of one inch equals 4 feet also to be shown. 3. Locate existing utilities and determine the necessity of relocating or modification. Coordination with utility companies required. 4. Location of existing trees and determination of the necessity for removal. 5. Prepare project specifications and documents according to City standards in final form. Prepare and furnish for each project, 20 sets of bid documents including improvement plans. 6. Determine right-of-way procursment needs and prepare necessary ownership lists and easement deeds on City forms. Phase B: Bid Opening and Construction Inspection 1. Upon opening of bids, assist the City in analyzing bids and determining low bidders for the project. Assist the City in preparation and execution of construction contract. 2. Attend preconstruction conference as the City's representative design engineer. 3- Provide construction surveys which will include construction staking of each element of the project and resetting of survey monuments after work is completed. 4. Prepare As-Built plans following completion of the contract work and file plans with the City. 5. Analyze bids for award of contract. 6. Provide construction supervision, inspection and handle progress pay estimates. B. City will provide the following: 1. Staff liaison. 2. All available maps, survey information, bench mark data, improvement plans, etc. 3- Standard City 24" x 42" mylar plan and profile sheets. 4. Prompt review of material submitted by the Engineer for comment. 5. Property owner contacts for right-of-way procuremerit. 6. Advertising for bids. C. Engineer shall commence work on the project within fifteen (15) days of the execution of this agreement and Phase A shall be completed within ninety (90) calendar days; and Phase B shall be completed within fifty (50) calendar days after completion of construction work by the Contrac~or~ D. Fee and payment for Engineering services will be on a time and materials basis, with a "not to exceed" amount for Phase A of $54,600, and a "not to exceed" amount of $31,000 for Phase B. Payment will be made by the City based on the PROPOSED SCHEDULE attached hereto. Not r e n a i v for payment based upon the approved rates. may su0mit an in olce Upon approval by the City Engineer, the City shall make payment within thirty (30) days. E. Miscellaneous terms and conditions of this Agreement are as follows: 1. In the event that the City elects to revise the original scope of work, the additional work shall be paid for by the City as extra work at the same rates and in the same manner as provided in Section D above. All extra work shall be authorized in writing by the City. 2. Phase B of this contract will be activated at the ~ option of the City. Until the Engineer receives written notice of such activation from the City, all Phase B obligations in this Agreement do not apply. F. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party in the event of breech by such other party;or, if before the professional services herein described have been rendered, City deems it necessary to abandon the project. In event of such termination or any suspension of work at the written direction of the City, City shall pay the Engineer for work actually performed. G. The herein shall constitute the entire Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted, made and executed this Agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year. first above written. a~mes L. Dotson, CE Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING ENGINEERING' SERVICES FOR BEECH/FOOTHILL SANITARY SEWER PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT dated , 1985, is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation hereinafter called "City" and James L. Dotson, Engineering firm, hereinafter called "Engincer". IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: A. Engineer shall perform and carry out to the satisfaction of the City Engineer the professional civil engineering services for the installation of sani- tary sewer facilities in Beech Avenue from a point above Highland Avenue to Foothill Boulevard and in Foothill Boulevard from Beech Avenue to the intersection of Ilex Avenue in two phases. Phase A: Preliminary Engineering and Design 1. Provide all n~cessary surveyS' and aerial topograDhical control as required for design of project. 2. Design and prepare plans with horizontal scale of one inch equals 40 foot. Plans to be dra~ in ink on standard 24" x 42" linen or mylar. Profile with vertical scale of one inch equals 4 foot also to be shown. 3. Locate existing utilities and determine the necessity of relocatinR or modification. Coordination with utility companies required. 4. Location of existing trees and determination of the necessity for removal. 5. Prepare project specifications and documents according to City standards in final form. Prepare and furnish for each project, 20 sets of bid documents including improvement plans. 6. :Determine right-of-way procurement needs and prepare necessary owner- ship lists and easement deeds on City forms. Phase B: Bid Opening and Construction .In.spectip~ 1. Upon opening of bids, assist the City in analyzing bids and deter- mining low bidders for the project. Assist time City in preparation and execution of construction contract. 2. Attend proconstruction conference as the City's representative design engineer. 3. Provide construction surveys which will include constructlos staking of each element of the project and resetting of survey monuments after work is completed. 4.Prepare As-Built plans follewin% completion of the contract worl~ ~nd file plane with th~ City. 5. Analyze bi~s f!~ ~ward ~f c~,ntr,:ctl -I- 6. Provide construction supervision, inspection, and handle progress pay estimates. B. City will provide the following: 1. Staff liaison. 2. All available maps, survey information, bench mark data, improvement plans, etc. 3. Standard City 24" x 42l' mylar plan and profile sheets. 4. Prompt review of material submitted by the Engineer for comment. 5. Property owner contacts for right-of-way procurement. 6. Advertising for bids. C. Engineer shall commence work on the project within fifteen (15) days of the execution of this agreement and Phase A shall be completed within ninety (90) calendar days; and Phase B shall be completed within one hundred .and fifty (150) calendar days. D. Fee and payment for Engineering services will be on a time and materials basis, with a "not to exceed" amount for Phase A of $54~600, and a "not to exceed" amount of $31,000 for Phase B. Payment will be made by the City based on an hourly rate approved by the City. Rates are to include direct salary plus over- head and profit. Not more frequently than monthly, Engineer may submit an invoice for payment based upon the approved rates. Upon approval bY the City Engineer, the City shall make payment within thirty (30) days. E. Miscellaneous terms and conditions of this Agreemen~ are as follows~ 1. In the event that the City elects to revise the original scope of work,.the additional work shall be paid for by the City as extra work at the same rates and in the same manner as provided in Section D above. All extra work shall be authorized in writing by the City. Phase B o~ this contract will be activated at the option of the City. Until the Engineer receives written notice of such activation from the City, all Phase B obligations in this ~greement do not apply. F. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party in the event of breech by such other party; or ~f before the pro- fessional services herein described have been rendered, City deems it necessary to abandon the project. In event of such termination or any s~spension of work at the written direction of the City, City shall pay the Engineer for work actually performed, G. The herein shall constitute the entire Agreemeat. -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties he~eto have accepted, made and executed this Agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. James L. Dotson Mayor of the City of Fontaria ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Fort±one September 3, 198~ File: 70-7218 - Beech/Foothill Sanitary Sewer Project James L. Dotson 22737 Barton Road, Suite 7 P.O. Box 885 Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Subject: Agreement for Providing Engineering Services fqr Beech½Foothill Sanitary Sewer Project Enclosed for your review is a copy of the Agreement for providing Engineering Beryl cos for Beech/Foothill Sanitary Sewer project. Please sign and return the original to our office if 5Du are in agreement with the provisions as set forth in the enclosed docu- ment. A Xerox copy ~s also enclosed which you may keep for your records until we can provide you with a fully executed copy of the Agreement. We are looking forward to working with you. If you should have any questions regarding the Agreement, please contact me, Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Dlrector RS: BMP :wp Enclosures AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR BEECH/FOOTHILL SANITARY SEWER PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT dated , 1985, is made and entered into by and between the CIT% OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation hereinafter called "Cit" _ n y and James L. Dotson, Engineering firm, hereinafter called "E gineer". IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ~ A. Engineer shall perform and carry out to the satisfaction of the City Engineer the professional civil engineering services for the installation of sani- tary sewer facilities in Beech Avenue from a point above Highland Avenue to Foothill Boulevard and in Foothill Boulevard from Beech Avenue to the intersection of Ilex Avenue in two phases. Phase A: Preliminary Engineering and Design 1. Provide all necessary survey~ and aerial topograDhical control as required for design of project. 2. Design and prepare plans with horizontal scale of 0~e inch equals 40 foot. Plans to be drawn in ink on standard 24" x 42" linen or mylar. Profile with vertical scale of one inch equals 4 foot also to be shown. 3. Locate existing utilities and determine the necessity of relocating or modification. Coordination with utility companies required. 4. Location of existing trees and determination of the necessity for removal. 5. Prepare project specifications and documents according to City standards in final form. Prepare and furnish for each project, 20 sets of bid documents including improvement plans. 6. Determine right-of-way procuremeat needs and prepare necessary owner- ship lists and easement deeds on City forms. Phase B: Bid Opening and Co~t~uctio~ .In.specti0.n 1. Upon opening of bids, assist the City in analyzing bids and deter- mining low bidders for the project. Assist the City in preparation and execution of construct]on contract, 2. Attend preconstruction conference as the City's representative design engineer. 3. Provide construction surveys which will include construction staking of each element of the project and resetting of survey monuments after work is completed. 4.Prepsre As-Built plans following completion of the contract work and file plsns with the City. ~ Analyze bids f=~r award of c~nt~'act~ 6. Provide construction supervision, inspection, and handle progress pay estimates. B. City will provide the following: 1. Staff liaison. 2. All available maps, survey information, beach mark data, improvement plans, etc. 3. Standard City 24" x 42" mylar plan and profile sheets. 4. Prompt review of material su~nitted by the Engineer for comment. 5. Property owner contacts for right-of-way procurement. 6. Advertising for bids. C. Engineer shall commence work on the project within fifteen (15) days of the execution of this agreement and Phase A shall be completed within ninety (90) calendar days; and Phase B shall~be completed within one hundred and fifty (150) calendar days. D. Fee and payment for Engineering services will be on a time and materials basis, with a "not to exceed" amount for Phase A of $54,600, and a "not to exceed" amount of $31,000 for Phase B. Payment will be made by the City based on an hourly rate approved by the City. Rates are to include direct salary plus over- head and profit. Not more frequently than monthly, Engineer may submit an invoice for payment based upon the approved rates. Upon approval bY the City Engineer, the City shall make payment within thirty (30) days. E. Miscellaneous terms and conditions of this Agreement are as follows~ In the event that the City elects ta revise the original scope of work,.the additional work shall be paid for by the City as extra work at the same rates and in the same manner as provided in Section D above. All extra work shall be authorized in writing by the City. Phase B of this contract will be activated at the option of the City. ~'nti]. the Engineer receives wTitten notice of such actiVatin~o from the City, all Phase B obligations in this Agreement do not apply. F. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party in the event of breech by such other party; or if before the pro- fessional services herein described have been rendered, City deems it necessary to abandon the project. In event of such termination or any suspension of work at the written direction of the Cit~? Cit~ sball pay the Eng~ioeer for work actually performed. G. The herein shall constitute the entire Agreement. -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto havc accepted, made and executed this Agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. James L. Dotson Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney August 2 1, 1985 22737 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 7 POST OFFICE BOX 885 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 (714) 824-9510 Robert Schoenborn Public Works Director 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, California 92335 Attn: Bob Porter Re: Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Gentlemen: Please be advised that on Monday, 26 August 1985, we will begin preliminary topographic survey work on referenced project. We realize that a formal contract has yet to be executed; however', we accept on faith that such execution is imminent, and we must begin work now, else we are going to get into trouble with project schedules. We also request and strongly urge you to quickly send to Cal Trans a brief letter advising them of the possibility of butchering a portion of their Foothill Boulevard, and requesting from them some preliminary response about the concept of placing a relatively large sewer main within their right-of- way. As we have mentioned, cur experience with Cal Trans has always been at the least bitter, and at other times their requirements and suggestions have bordered on the ludicrous. We do not want to proceed too far nor long and get paid for useless efforts_nullified by Cal Trans' latent conditions. We have already proceeded to the extent of obtaining utility record plans, Assessor and right-of-way maps, etc., and we feel fairly certain that the most logical corridor will be the north traffic lane of Foothill. We have also reviewed such alignment with several Contractors and have received advice to anticipate an expensive project, due in part to anticipated stringent traffic control and pavement restoration requirements. If there are questions or instructions regarding either the above comments or the Project in general, please call. Respectfull~~ amTs!L. Dotson, CE May 23, 1985 Memo to: Robert Schoenborn, P.E, Public Works Director City of Fontaria Lloyd Michels, General Manager Cucamonga County Water District I talked to Larry Miller of the Chino Basin Municipal Water District regarding discharging domestic sewage into the non-reclaimable line at Etiwanda Ave. and 8th Street. tle stated there are two non-reclaimable lines, one in 8th Street going west from Etiwanda Avenue, and one in Etiwanda Avenue going south to "G" Street and then westerly. The line in 8th Street is filled to capacity primarily by Southern California Edison Company. The line in Etiwanda, however, has capacity and he wasn't sure the amount, 'but estimated between I and 2 MGD. The problem is getting the Board of Directors of Chino Basin to approve allowing the domestic flow until RP-4 is constructed. A sewer with a capacity of 1 to 2 MGD should be able to handle about 2500 to 5800 dwelling units during peak flow. The Engineering StafI at CBMWD indicates the property for RP-4 is being appraised now. The engineering project report due in 1986 and Final Design in 1987 and with a desirable construction completion date of 1989. Assuming 1990 for completion and with first residential move-ins in August, 1986, there would be about four years ol house sales. This would give between 25 and 1450 dwellings per year for a total ol 2500 to 5800 dwelling. Mr. Miller indicated an official request should be made by the City of Fontana or the Cucamonga County Water District, or better still both agencies to CBMWD for the, temporary connection to the non-reclaimable line, giving the reasons and the amount of time the connection to the line would remain. 3186-L AIRWAY AVENUE * COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-4675 * (714) 641 '8777 I assume that you will take it from here. I will be most happy to assist in any way that I can. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. HHF: dt cc: Joe DiIorio John Stephenson City of Fontana July 3, 1985 Pile: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Improvemen Project J. F. Davidson Associates 3426 Tenth Street Rivarside, CA 92500 The City of Fontaria has c~npleted the process to select a consulting ~irm to prepare the Beech Avenue Sewer improvement Plans, The firm of James L. Dotson has been selected for this project. All of the firms which submitted proposals appeared to be qualified to handle the project; and the final selection, based on the sub- Jective consensusof the review panel, was very difficult. We appreciate your submitting a proposal on this project. We will be happy to keep you apprised of any similar projects in which you might be interested in the future. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:BMP:wp : ,, I 51-'RRA A'/ENUE ( :a.O. BOX 51g); f:ONT,",N,a ,CALiFORNIA 92335 -" (/14~ 350-70.00 City of Fontana CAI, IFOI~N1A July 3, 1985 File: Project 70-7218 Beech Avehuh Sewer Improvemenz Project L. D. King, Inc. 2151 East '~D" Street, Suite 120-A Ontario, CA 91764 Attention: L. Dale King, ]?resident The City of Fontana has completed the process to select a consulting firm to prepare the Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Plans. The firm of James L. Dotson has bem~ selected for this project. All of the firms which submitted proposals appeared to be qualified to handle the project; and the final selection, based on the sub- jective consensus of the review panel, was very difficult. We appreciate your submitting a proposal on this project. We will be happy to keep you apprised of any similar projects in which you · might be interested in the future. Robert Schoenborn, P,E. Public Works Director By: Bob M, Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:BMP:wp SIERRA AVENLIE ( P.O. BOX ',5 iB)" FON F/~N/'LCAL!FORNIA 92335 · (714) 350-7600 / City of F'on -ana C A L I F O 1l N I A July 3, 1985 Tile: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Project Albert A. Webb Associates 3788 McCray Street Riverside, CA 92506 Attention: Sam I. Gerhson,, Vice President The City of Fontana has cc.~pleted the process to select a consulting firm t'o prepare the Beech Avenue Sewer Ixaprovement Plans. The firm of James L. Dotson has been selected for this project. All of the firms which submitted proposals appeared to be qualified to handle the project; and the final selection, based on the sub·- jective consensus of the r~iew panel, was .very difficult. We appreciate your submitting a proposal on this projegt. We will 'be happy to keep you apprised of any similar projects in which you might be interested in the future, fRo'bert Schoenborn, I. Pu'blic Works Director By| Bob M. porter Deputy Public Works Director iRS: BMP: wp z~.353 S}ERRA AVENUE ( P.O. BOX 5~8) ~ FONTANA.CALIFORNIA 92335 · {/14~ 35~3-7'~0rJ City of Fontaria C A I, I F O t{ N I A July 3, 1985 Pile: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue'Sewer Improvement Project CM Engineering Associates 225 E. Airport Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408 Attention: Clyde Hippenst:[el The City of Fontana has c~leted'theprocess to select a consulting firm to prepare the Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Plans. The firm of James L. Dotson has been selected for this project. All of the firms which su~nitted proposals appeared to be qualified to handle the project; and the final selection, based on the sub- jective consensus of the review panel, was very difficult. We appreciate your submitting a pro;osal on this project. We will be happy to keep you apprised of any similar projects in which you might be interested in the future. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:BMP:wp ! ,3 51ENRA AVENUE ( P.O. BOX 5181" FONTANA,CAL!FOi/NIA 92335" (714) 350-7600 City of Fontana July 3, 1985 Pile: Project 70-72~8 Beech Avenue' Sewer Improvement Project Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc. 305 W. Fifth Street P.O. Box 902 San Bernardino, CA 92402 Attention: Jerry M. Dunlap Regional Vice President The City of Fontaria has completed the process to select a consulting firm to prepare the Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Plans. The firm of James L. Dotson has been selected for this project. All of the firms which submitted proposals appeared to be qualified to handle the project; and the final selection, based on the sub- jective consensus of the review panel, was very difficult. We appreciate your submitting a proposal on this project. We will be happy to keep you apprised of any similar projects in which you might be interested in the future. Robert Schoenborn, P,E. Public Works Director B ~ Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:BMP:wp R7~53 ~'ERaA A'/FNUE ( p,(_i. BOX 518) · FONTANA.CALI;:ORNIA 92335" (714) 350-7600 File: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Plan PRC Engineering P.O. Box 5367 Orange, CA 92667 Attention: Donald E. Donorart Division Vice ]President The City of Fontana has completed the process to select a consulting firm to prepare the Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Plans. The finn of James L. Dotson has been selected for this project. All of the finns which submitted proposals appeared to be qualified to handle the project; and the final selection, based on the sub- jective consensus of the review panel, was very difficult. We appreciate your submitting a proposal on this project. We will be happy to keep you apprised of any similar projects in which you might be interested in the future, Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M, Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:BMP;wp ~:~h3 SiFRRA A'v'F~IUE_ ( P.O. BOX 5!8) - FONTANA.CALIFGRNIA 92335 · (714) 350-7600 City of Fontaria C A L I F 0 1/ N I A July 3, 1985 Pile: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenu~ Sewer Improvement Project WilldanAssociates 155 Hospitality Lane, Suite 110 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Attention: David E. Hedlund Vice PresidenL/Branch Manager The City of Fontaria has cmnpleted the process to select a consulting firm to prepare the Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Plans. The firm of James L. Dotson has been selected for this project. All of the firms which submitted proposals appeared to be qualified to handle fhe project; and the final selection, based on the sub- jective consensus of the review panel, was very difficult. We appreciate your submitting a proposal on this project. We will be happy to keep you apprised of any similar projects in which you migtxt be interested in the future. Robert Schoenborn, P,E. Public Works Director By; Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:EaP:wD AVENUE ( P.O RO:-': 5!8) '. FONTANA.CAI IFOFiNIA 92335 · (7 j,!) :3r,,0-Tt~00 Motion made by Councilman Day, seconded by Councilman Koehler', to ~ ~R.N~C~ APPR. CONTRA approve contract with James L. Dots6n in the amount not to exceed $68,000 for the preparation of a Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Project for the City of Fontana and authorize execution of the MO 85-361 Contract by appropriate City officials, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Simon, Councilmen Boyles, Day, Foehler, Kragness ~'~'~ NOES: NOne ABSENT: NOne In response to Councilman KragneSs, Deputy Public Works Director Porter stated this is a budgeted item in the adopt. ed Capital Improvement Budget. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM FROM: te }u o or ' SUBJECT: Alternate Route for Beech Avenue Sewer Main DATE: June 18, 1985 In accordance with the request from the Development Department, costs have been computed for an alternate route :for the Beech Avenue Sewer Main. They are as follows: Part I: 1/2 mile north of Baseline to Foothill Boulevard Approximate Estimate: -:-' 1. 8" V.C.P. = 2,640 L.F. 2. 12" V.C.P. = 5,240 L.F. 3. 21" V.C.P. = 5,140 L.F. 4. 21" V.C.P. = 100 L,F. Jacked under Railroad 5. Manholes = 33 Ea. 6. A.C. Paving - 1,000 Tons Cost Estimate: 1. 8'l V.C.P, 2,640 L.F. @ $18.00/L.F. $ 47,520.00 2. 12" V.C.P 5,240 L.F. @ $26.00/L.F. 136,240.00 3. 21" V.C.P. 5,140 L.F. @ $33.00/L.F. 169,620.00 4. 21" V.C.P. Jacked w/steel @ $130.00/L.F. 13,000.00 5. Manholes, 33 Ea. @ $1,500/Ea. 49,500~00 6. A.C. Paving 1,000 Tons @ $45/Ton 45,000.00 Sub-Total $460,880.00 10% Eng. & Staking 46,000.00 Contingencies 8%± 37,000.00 Total ~ $543,880.00 To: Reed Flory Re: Alternate Route for Beech ~venue Sewer Main June 18, 1985 Page 2. Foothill: Boulevard, Cherry Avenue to Beech Avenue Foothill/Beech Avenue M.H. # 83220 Rim Elev. = 1,266 Foothill/Cherry Avenue M.H. Rim Elev. - 1,230± 36 = .0066 Slope 5,400 Foothill & Beech Cum. 15,200 House Units @ 300/g.p.d. Ea. Q = 11.25 C.F.S. Use a 24" V.C.F. East/West at 0.66% = d = 13.58" V = 6.15 F.P.S. Allowable d = d = 0.44 + .0075 D2 d = 14.88" ~ O.K. At Cherry & Foothill Use 16,000 House Units @ 300/g.p.d. Ea. Q = 11.82 Use 24" V.C.P. @ 0.66% = d = 14.04" V~ 6.22 F.P.S. ( )14.88 O.K.) Part II Foothill Boulevard, Cherry to Beech Avenue Approximate Estimate: 1. 24" V.C.P., 5,400 L.F. @ $36.00/L.F. $194~400.00 2. Manholes, 14 Each @ $1,600/Ea. 22~400.00 3. Class 2 Base Material 8'x8"x5,400 L.F.= 2,000 Tons @ $35/T. 70,000.00 4. Paving, Final 1,070 Tons @ $46/Ton 49,220.00 5. Traffic Control (Lump Sum) $10,000 10,000.00 Sub-Total $346,020.00 10% Eng. & Staking I 34,.600.00 Contingencies 8%± 27~700100 Total $408~320~00 Part I $543,880.00 Part II 408,320.00 Total Project $952,200.00 of Fo ntana CALIFOR N'I,'k June 13, 1985 ~ile: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Main City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer Thank yon for assisting the City of Fontann in reviewing the top proposals which were submitted to the City by engineering firms interested in providing engineering services for the Beech Avenue Sewer Main Project. Your knowledge and expertise on the subject were very helpful in our making a decision as to whom to award the contract. Thank you again for t~king .part in o~lr interviewing process. %f I can be of held to yon in the f~ture, please contact me. Robert Schoenborn~ P.E. Public Works Director RS:wp Mr. Robert Shoenborn Public WorKs Director CITY OF FONTANA P.O. Box 518 Fontana~ CA 92335 Re: Beech Avenue Trun~ Sewer Pro~c~ Projec~ Schedule Dear BOb: We are enclosing herein a proposed schedule of worl~ for the above-mentioned proje!c~ for your consideration. Please include ~his in the proposal we sen~ ~o you on May 2:3, 1985. I~c you have any questions regarding the schedule, please feel free ~o call on me at (714) 787-058:0. We apologize ~or ~he delay in get~:ing this to you. Sincerely yours, J.F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES Vin~en~ M, FPasca Director o~ Munidpal ~ngineering : VMF:~mr enclosure J:F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEeRiNG s PLANNING · SURVEYING · ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS i ] TENTH STREET $ P.O. BOX 493 · RIVERSiDE, CALIFORNIA 92502 {714) 686-0844 ~ I 11200 S MT VERNON AVE,, SUITE "D' · COLTON, CALIFORNIA ~)2324 (714) E~2E 10~2 I I PO BOX 157 · TEMECLILA, CALIFORNIA 92390 {714) 676.5335 [j 74-075 EL PASEO, ~UITE A-12 · PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 {619) 346.5691 BEECH AVE~K $E~ER PROJECT SCHEDULE mn PROJECT TIME (WEEKS) TASK DESCRIPTIONS '~ ,~ c~ C~ ~o 0 I I I I I I I I l ~e ~eet Preparation (By others) , Utility Coordi~tion CalTrans~ ere) Horizon=a1 ~i~nt ~a]ysts City ~vtew and ~ncurrence Final Horizontal ~tg~ent ~alysis P~epare Plan and Profiles - Eng!uee~!ng & ~eckinE ~afting ~ City Review Prepare Specifications & Final Estates Snbmit Plans and Specs to City - P~epare ~gal ~scriptions & Plats - Submit to City *Assames that all topographic maps a~e available Ci'[y of ]_Fortlane CAI, IiFO1RN"I,K June 4, 1985 File: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Main City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer This is to confirm our conversation in which you agreed to assist the City of Fontsue on Wednesday~ June 12, by serving on s panel to interview representatives of engineering firms 'which h~ve submitted proposals to provide engineering services for the Beech Avenue Sewer Msin Project. The first interview on the 12th is scheduled for 9=30 a.m, It would, therefore~ be appreciated if you could be here around 9:00 a,m. in order that we ~ay discuss the project before the interviews begin. For your information~ a copy of the Reqaest for proposals which we sent to khe engineering firms is enclosed. Thank you for agreeing to serve on this panel~ ~ will look forwsrd to seeing yon on June 12. Robert Schoenborn~ P..E. Pu'blic Works Director RS:wp Enclosure ~[;5,3SIE[~RAAVENUEfPO. ROX518) FONTAN/~C\LiFORNlA92335 350-7610 Ci-[Z o:[' Fon a:rta C ~k iL i[ I:' 0 i[I IY [ ZX June 4, 1985 ) ~ileI Project 70~7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Main J. F. Davidson Associates Tenth Street P.O. Box 493 Riverside, CA 92502 Attention: Vincent M~ Frasca Director of M~nicipal Engineer~ng This letter is being written to tonfirm our telephone call of this date inviting your firm to appear fore panel interview on your pro~ posal to perform engineering Work onthe Beech ~venue Sewer ~roJect~ Your interview is scheduledto be heldlin the ~ontana City iHall at 10:05 a.m. on Wednesday? June 12, 1985~ 0he-half hour ~s'Be!ng alloted for the interview~ during which t~me you will be allowed to.~a~e a brief presentation which will be followed by a discussion with the panel members. Thank you for your interest in this pro~ect~ Robert $choenborn, Public Works Director RS:wp CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING September 17, 1987 City of Fontana Engineering Dept. 8353 Sierra Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Bob Porter Regarding: Sewer Proposal Attached is our proposal contract for the Foothill Blvd. and Beech Ave. sewers for your review. We plan to redraw the Foothill plans by Dotson because of the realignment with the storm drain. The Beech Ave. plan requires quite a bit of work because it does not conform to your standards for manhole spacing and drops through manholes. Also, he had not gotten any title reports nor had he drawn the right-of-way sketches to your normal requirements. I will be at your office Monday, September 21, 1987 at 10:00 AM to discuss the proposal. I will have all of Dotson's papers with me. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. ~~ '~~~ HHF:dt Attachment 3170 REDFllLL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 Cii y of Fontana C ~ L I F 0 ]R iV [ i June 4, 1985 File: Project 70~-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Main Willdan Associates 155 W. Hospitality Lane San Bernardtno, CA Attention~ David E. Hedlund Vice President/Branch ManageK This letter is being writtentocOnfirm our telephone. call of this date inviting your firm to appear .iota panel interview on 'your posal to perform engineering 'work on t~e B~ech A'venue Sewer Project,. You snggested that John'Friedrich would represent your firm tn the interview. Mr. Frfedrich's interview is scheduled to ~e beld in the Fontana City Hall atl0:'40 ajn~ on Wednesday? 3une 12, ]985. One-half hour is being allote~ for ~he interview~ during w'hich time he Will be allowed to make a brief presentation which will be .followed by a dis~ cussion with the panel members. Thank you for your interes~ in t'his pPoJ~ct~ Robert Schoenborn, P~E~ Public Works Director RS:wp Ci-[y of Fon' ana June 4., ].985 File: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Main James L. Dotson, divil Engineer 22737 Barton Road, Suite 7 Grand Terrace, CA 92324 This letter is Being written to confirm our telephone call of this date.inviting your firm to appear for a panel interview on yo'ur pr~.- posal to perform engineering work on the'~eeeh .Avenue Sewer Project. Your interviewis scheduled to beheld in the Fontana City H~]] st 9:30 a.m, on Wednesday, June 12~ 1985~ One~balf hour Is bei'ng alloted for the interview, during which t~me you will be allowed to make a brief presentation whlcb will be followed by s d~scussion w~'th the pane'l members. Thank yo~ for your interest in this proJect~ Robert Schoenborn~ Public Works Directo~ RS:~p PROPOSALS FOR PROVIDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE BEECH AVENUE SEWER MAIN 1. PRC Engineering, 5/28/85, 11:05 a.m. 2. James L. Potson, 5/28/85, 11:06 a.m. 3. Albert A. Webb Associates, 5/28/85, 11:07 a.m. 4. C.M. Engineering Associates, 5/28/85, 11:20 a.m. 5. Neste, Brudin & Stone, 5/28/85, 11:55 a.m. 6. Willdan Associates, 5/28/85, 11:57 a.m. 7. J, F. Davidson Associates, 5/28/85, 11:58 a.m. 8. L. D. King, 5/28/85, 11:58 a.m. JAMES M. MONTGOMERY, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 250 North Madison Avenue, P.O-Box 7009, Pasadena, Cafifornia 91109-7009 (818) 796-9141 or (213) 681-4255 Cable Address: Momgomery Pasadena California l'elex ,87-5420 May 24, 1985 Mr. Robert Schoenborn Public Works Director City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 Subject: Project 70-7218 Beech Avenue Sewer Main Dear Bob: I sincerely regret to advise yo~ that after due consideration, it has been decided that Montgomery Engineers will not submit a proposal for the subject job. This decision was based on only one factor: our current work load conflicts with the timing of your project. We trust that you can appreciate our position in this matter and that you will continue to keep us on your list of available engineers for future projects of 'this type. Yours very trulyt Harold Weiss /rg pLANNING ,., RESEARCH .. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II1 Consulting Engineers 3788 McCray Street · Riverside, California 92506-2973 Telephone (714) 686-1070 ALBERT A. WEBB (1a~9-1981) REF. W.O. 85-1000 ERNEST N. WEBB -- (1926-19~3) ~ay t7, 1985 FILE NO. A HUBERT WEBB RODNEY D CRAMPTON JOHN H, STAAF DAVID M. AL~RANTI SAM ~. QE~gHON F~ON BUCKLEY JOHN JORDAN WALLACE H FRANZ MATTHEW E. WEBB Mr. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director City of Fontaria P.O. Box 518 Subject: Storm Drain Master Fontana, Ca. 92335 Plan Update Preparation Dear ~r. Schoenborn: We appreciate receiving your request for proposal of April 25, 1985 pertaining to the above subject. As I indicated on May 14, 1985 our current work load precludes us from submitting a proposal on this project. We would appreciate your consideration of our firm on similar projects in the future. Sincerely yours, Vice President SIG:ad Civil Planning Environmental Surveying Assessment Motion made by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Mayor Simon, to APPR. SOLICIT solicit proposals frc~ consulting engineering firms to prepare PNDPOSALS plans and specifications for the construction of the proposed SEWER LINE sanitary sewer line on Beech Avenue to serve property north of Foot- N/O FOOTHILL hill Boulevard, and carried by the following vote: MO 85-256 AYES: Mayor Simon, Councilmen Boyles, Day, Koehler, Kragness ~,~' _ NOES: None ABSENT: None "(2ity of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Nell A. Stone, Development Director FROM: Carlos Navarro, Public Works Departmen~ SUBJECT: BeeCh Avenue Sewer Main DATE: February 5, 1985 The attached map shows tributary area to the Beech Avenue sewer line per the Master Sewer Plan design by Willdan and Associates. This line is sized for 100% build-out. As stated previously. thelower portion of. this design would only be an interim design until the Mutherry Avenue sewer main is extended. Build-out would be limited until such time. CN:wp Attachment City of Fontana CALIFORNIA .' MEMORANDUM TO: Nell A. Stone, Development Agency Director FROAI: Bob M. Porter, Deputy Public Works Director SUBJECT: Beech Avenue Sewer Main DATE: February 1, 1985 In accordance with your request, I am supplying you with a breakdown of the approximate amounts involved and a cost estimate f~r the Beech Avenue Sewer Main. The proposed system as shown (15" V.C.P.) is an interim design until the northerly extension of Mulberry sewer main iscompleted. Approximate Estimate: 1. 8" V.C.P, = 1,800 L.F. 2. 15" V.C.P. = 3,300 L.F. 3. 21" V.C.P. = 5,180 L.F. 4. 21" V.C.P. jacked under RR 100 L.F. So. Pacific PaX 5. 24" V.C.P. jacked under Foothill Blvd~, 120 L.F, 6. 24" V.C.P. = 10,380 L.F, 7o 24" V.C.P. = 100 L,F0 jacked under RRA.T, & S.F. RR' 8, Manholes, 60 each 9. AoC. Paving 10. 8" V.C.P. = 120 L.F. jacked under RR So. Pacific RR Cost Estimate: 8" V.C.P.. 1,880 L.F. @ $18.00/L.F. $ 33,840.00 15" V.C.P.. 3,300 L.F. @ $30.00/L.F. 99,000.00 21" V.C.P.. 5180 L.F. @ $33.00/L.F. 170,940.00 24" V.C.P.. 10,380 L.F. @ $36.00/L.F. 373,680.00 24" V.C.P.. 220 L.F. jacked wt~h steel @ $150.0O/L.F 33,000.00 21" V.C.P.. 100 L.F. jacked with steel @ $130.00/L.F. 13,000.00 8" V.C.P.. 120 L.F. jacked with steel @ $55.00/L.F. 6,600.00 Manholes 60 each @ $1,500/Ea. 90,000.00 2" A.C. Temp. Paving, 1,000 Tons @ $45.00/Ton 45,000.00 1" A.C. Final Paving, 800 Tons @ $48.00/Ton 38,400.00 Class 2 Base (Foothill) 450 Tons @ $35.00/Ton 16,200.00 Traffic Control (Foothill) Lump Sum $10,000 10,000,00 Sub-Total $929,660~00 10% Eng. & Staking 92~966,00 Contingencies 8%± Total ± $1,097~626.00 BMP:wp .REDWOO0 AV£. e--pftOPOStrD SE. WE.R LiNE ~ PROPOSED STOI~M D~AIN .HEMI ~ FRO~:KONIC~ FAX TO: 714~789t DEC 28, 1988 10:43AM P,01 FACSIMJl E COVER SHEET ,C -;LT ANS plSTRICT i F'[ I~ASE ['II.L OUI COMPLE1E~LY, 11tl8 IS 1'11E ROU[E SLIP AND WILL BE SENT IN FRONT PF THE MAIERIAL 10 BE SENI, [:'[,EASE ~ CLEARLY IN INKI DEI'AITI'MEN'i:. ~,~ DEPARTMENT: ADDHIONAL DIS1RICT COPIES '10: ............. DEPAR'IMENT: ,. I O: ......... DEPARTMENT: ..... IOTAL PAGES TO FOLLOW:/ NOI'E: YOUR MA'IEI~IAL WILL DE [,IETUI;~NED TO YOU AFI'ER TRANSMISSION, I>LEASF INDICA1E HOW YOU WISH I1' TO BE RETURNED: LIY MAll ..... OR PICKUP ...... PHONE EXTENSION IF OII,IEI? 111AN A CAL1RANS OFFICE, PLEASE PROVIDE THE COMPANY OR AGI:HCY'S 'IELECOF'Y MACI IINE PHONE N U M I] E R .. IF '11H:I?E AI?L: ANY PROBLEMS WI1H THE 'IRANSMiSSION, PLEASE CALL THE I)ISII?iCt8 MESSAGE CENIER AT 714-383.-zl347 OR A1SS 670-4347 ,,. F~Q~;KQN~C~ FRX TQ~ ?~4350769~ ~ PEE 2B~ ~gBB ~0~44R~ P.02 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SAN BERNARDINO, CA ~402 TOO (~14) 383,4609 We have reviewed a Negative Declaration for the Foothill Beech Sewer Line in the City of Fontaria and request consideration of the following comments: All Eucalyptus trees removed from Route 66 for this project must be reimbursed at the cost of $1,500 per tree. A cooperative agreement will be formed between Caltrans and the City in which all monies will be deposited in a trust account for which the State will use to replace the Eucalyptus trees elsewhere on State highways in Fontana. In addition, please send a detailed site plan of all trees being removed. The issuance of any encroachment permit will be dependent on the development of this agreement. When available, please send the Conditions of approval, detailed site plan of all trees to be removed, and final Staff report to: Richard Malacoff CEQA\IGR Coordinator California Department of Transportation P.O, ~ox 231 San Bernardino, CA 92402 If you have any questions, please contact Richard Malacoff at ('714) 383-4550, Very truly yours, HARVEY' J. SAWYER Chief, Transportation Planning Branch. B bcc: KSteele RSassaman GNelson RThompson DRobertson December 5, 1989 Fontana City Council City Hall Fontana, CA Dear Council member: I respectfully request that consideration of the environmental documents concerning the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project be continued until a future date in order for the city staff to more thoroughly examine some environmental issues that I will enumerate in this letter. It is further requested that consideration of the project itself be continued until such time that an appropriate and informed decision regarding the project's potential for environmental damage has been made under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines. The Initial Study prepared by Yousuf Patanwala, reviewed and approved by Robert W. Weddle, dated October 19, 1989 does not seem to provide sufficient information from which ajudgement regarding significance can be made. The following general comments regarding the Initial Study are appropriate in this case: The project description does not provide sufficient detail to know what is to occur, when it will occur, or why the project is being proposed. If installation of a sewer is involved, shouldn't the fact that a particular amount of earthwork will be accomplished be noted, or that the surface will be left bare or paved over, or a large hole will be left, be noted there. All phases of project planning, implementation, and operation are required to be considered by the Initial Study. Yet only installation is mentioned in the project description. No mention is made of the existing environmental setting. Without a baseline from which the project will be starting, it may be impossible to predict change. Without a baseline environment how can significance be determined? This is especially important for this project which is outside of the city limits and could be quite different than the setting within the city. No substantiation of any information is provided in the Initial Study. This would possibly be of less importance if the Initial Study did not indicate the potential for significant impact and then suggest that all of the impacts will be fully mitigated to levels of non-significance. The Initial Study does not examine consistency with applicable zoning, land use designations or other land use controls. The following comments are alpha-numerically keyed to the "mitigation measures" in the City of Fontana Initial Study and deal with the corresponding environmental issues: 1.a. What angle is being proposed that will assure side slope stability and when is this angle to be arrived at if it has not been7 What soils are beneath the proposed alignment? 'What is the proper shoring procedure in these soils? 1.b. What is to be done with residual soil? What is the recourse if the surface subsides and the excess soil has been trucked away? What definition of significance has been used in this instance? 1.c. Does this "mitigation measure" indicate that there could be significant impact to area topography? }tow does this paragraph mitigate that impact? 1.e. What is proposed to preclude wind erosion following construction? This area is noted for the winds that occasionally occur there. 1.g. What qualifies as proper shoring of the trench walls? What level of earthshaking was considered as probable? 2.a. Who is going to determine that work will halt on 1st stage days and what is the general area? This information is generally available and needs to be included in the evaluation and considered by the Council. 3.b Since it is a storm drain project will the project be taking flows from Foothill? What is the project doing about runoff in the project area, has it been quantified, will sheetflows across Foothill be impeded by the project? Is the project to occur during the wet part of the year? 4.a. The tree program that iis mentioned as a mitigation measure uses an unstated formula for replacement. Does the tree program just collect money for mitigation yet not cause even a one for one replacement because a county program will cause planting in this area at some future stage of area development? What will mitigate the impact of tree removal from this project.'? 4.b. The Initial Study notes a significant impact and no mitigation is required. This omission alone precludes the use of a negative declaration. 5.a. Until you are able to quantify and time a replanting program and quantify the impact you are mitigating, the accuracy of this statement is in question. Has a biological assessment of the area been accomplished? Has the California Natural Diversity Data Base been reviewed for this project? 6.a. What is the state law referred to and what noise levels does that law require? Are those limitations equal to or greater than those required by the county? 10b. If this project may interfere, what is the interference and how does notifying those agencies mitigate', the impact7 It would seem that the physical impact will require a physical resolution. 2 13b. What might be the impact on parking and how will signage mitigate that impact? For what time periods might the parking areas not be available? 13c. What is the impact on traffic and how does the proposed mitigation lessen that impact? Again, what time frame is involved? Total disruption for three days has an entirely different significance than seventy-five percent disruption for three months. 13d. At what point is this being required of the contractor and through what mechanism? What controls are in place to assure compliance? 13f. What is proper for this 'traffic environment? Who is to judge the proper levels of signage and proper controlling devices if they are not spelled out here? Should this be left to tlhe contractor? 16. If the proposed project !impacts adversely on area utilities, what is that impact? The mitigation measure that is noted is not a mitigation measure. In summary the environmental documentation that has been prepared does not meet the require. ments of CEQA either as it has been written and amended and it does not inform the decisions makers of the potential impacts the project may have on the environment. Furthermore the Initial Study as written does not mitigate all noted significant impacts to levels of non-significance, mandating a course of action other than issuing a Negative Declaration. In the :interest of improving the quality of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, I ask that you continue this public hearing until such time as you have been able to reevaluate the potential environmental impacts that may be caused by this proposed project. Because of the amount of reevaluation that must be accomplished it is appropriate that the new Initial Study be recirculated for public review and comment and that future hearings on the project be properly noticed. Because the project requires discreti[onary approval of a state agency, any future review should be coordinated with the state clearing house and the review period should reflect state review. Your careful consideration of these issues prior to making a decision is appreciated wholly. Sincerely, Carl Atkinson ~osepn ~ono P.O. Box 3615 Fon'tana, CA 92334-0i.~-. (71~) 822-4036 November 30, 1989 ~ Mr. Robert Weddle NOV 30 1989 Engineering Department City of Fontana PUSUCWORKS 8353 Sierra Avenue ~TMe~ Fontaria, CA 92335 RE, Foothill Boulevard Sewer Dear Bob, I want ~o thank you and your S~aff for your profess~onsl crit~[~ue yesterday. It is with sadness that ~r. Sigfredo Concepcion's father was killed instantly last night while attempting to cross Foothill and Sultans. He is the ma~ who raised the issue a~a[n of a signal at the intersection. I received a telephone communication yesterday from Caltrsns and they are also awaiting the City Attorney's opinion on the ownership of the windbreak along Foothill. It is my understandin~ that an easement is a non-possessory inte~est in land. This also applies to the right of ways. My research into the matter concluded that the property owner retained ownership. Is there any way the research can be ready before the City Council meeting? This would resolve the issue of whether the monies go into the Tree Fund, or is a taking from the property owner and reimbursement goes to him. I have had several opinions from ~ertified arborists as to the t~ee's value and i~ is muc2~ higher than the values placed by your consultant. Ironically, the Winds were blowing as we conducted ~he meeting. The ~rees are presently needed for a windbreak and without them my property on the South side of Foothill will be ~reatly a~fected for years to come, Wind studies should be made. Bob, easements are gr~nted with dominant and servient estates, but the possesscry interest ~oes to the landowner to the center of the street and the property is so taxed. Please feel free to telephone me at your early convenience. Sincerely, JOS~H BO RE, 17 Eucalyptus Trees growing on the North side of Foothill Boulevard between Sultana and Beech, Fontaria, California. NEGATIVE IMPACT For the following reasons, it is felt the removal of the trees will have a POSITIVE impact upon the environment, The trees bordering Foothill Boulevard were originally intended to serve as a WINDBREAK. Removal of them would greatly affect the blowing sand and debris to the buildings along the South side of Foothill. Windbreaks do slow the velocity of the Santa Aria winds and it would take years for replacement t~ees to accomplish the same purpose. The trees contribute to the REDUCTIONof smog. Photosyntheses of the leaves is needed to clean the environment. The trees are the only GREENERy along Foothill Boulevard in the subject area. They are the only esthetic beauty in thisI strip of Foothill. WILDLXFE use the trees as has been observed over the years. Birds have nested during the Spring. It is not feasible to GIRD the trees as the height of the trees is direc~ly proportionate to the root system. The trees will have to be removed if the sewer is constructed along Foothill. Assurances in the way of LIQUIDATED DAMACES is requested by the residents in event the project causes damage during the windy season. CALTRANS and SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION Departments should be notifird to get their input. ESTIMATES of mature Eucalypus Trees have been between the 2 to 5 thousand dollar range per tree for replacement along with the lack of same for years until new stock grows to the same height. Preliminary research indicates 0WNERSHIP of the trees remained with the private land-owner. Any compensation for the removal of same belongs to the titled lando~mer, and should not be placed in a common tree fund. I am not against the sewer project, but is noted ONLY the sewer will pass from Beech to Lime. The NEED for the storm drains is NOW, as is the water line. By a 12 foot strip, the City annexed land to the West in 1964. We wanted annexation when Fontana first incorporated in 1952 and in 1964, but were denied. We are now IMPACTED and frustrated by new development surrounding us. We need automated traffic signals and storm drains NOW. We should not be denied the very things created by the City that we had no way to control. My family had to put in their own water lines at their own expense when we settled here. The was absolutely no infrastructure. We installed our own septic tanks and built our other required utilities as needed. No storm drains or water lines are in the current plans. We are FLOODED now. we need TRAFFIC SIGNALS now. There is a 'catch basin' that was to control flood waters on Sultana and Miller. It is ineffective. Our land on Foothill had always been dry even through the most severe flooding. With the development of new homes to the north of us, Foothill Boulevard is now flooded every time it rains. The plans should include this area as a past due need. There are countless accidents at Foothill and Sultana due to needed signals now. CONCLUSION Removal of the trees is only a minimal part of a large overall present need. As I write this to you, there is a severe wind storm. Dust and debris is flying on my ~,roperty. If the trees are removed, winds will travel with an even greater velocity for many years which will imoact 'the South side of Foothill Boulevard. COMPENSATORY DAMAGES is a realistic alternative to alleviate this future problem. The agencies and developers who impact the area are the logical ones to DaY for this impaction of the infrastructure. Heinz Fisher 15114 Foothill Blvd., Sp.1 Fontana, California 92335 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 To The City Council and Planning Commission RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project and proposal for Negative Declaration of Same We reside in the proposed project area, corner of Hemlock and Foothill Boulevard, parcel #228-251-21 and 22, also 228-.251-43 and 44. The .plans by Hall Forman Inc. drawing N571 sheet ~ 2 of 3, shows in the plans the widening of Foothill from existing R/W to proposed R/W. This has a profound effect on our livelihood. We live on our property and it provides us with an income. You are now taking our land and income aw~. The plans also show removal of existing gas line. To aXy knowledge this is our gas supply line for us and our tenants. You propose to turn off the gas for our senior citizen tenants who lived on the property from 20 to 40 years and range in age from 60 to 90 years of age. This removes our ability to rent out spaces, thus, denying us an income and ability to exist. The project proposes to use 15 feet inside our chainlink fence. We installed the fence for security. To make it look neat and prevent dust we covered the area with slag. We also installed a drip system, planted oleander bushes and pine trees within the past five years. You now will damage the area and the cost to us is prohibitive. The proposed sewer services are not for our use, No one in this. area has requested sewer service or petitioned us to participate in such a project. We are not financially able to develop. Yet we now expect future assessment district for this improvement which does not benefit us, it only benefits the City. of Fontana and future developers in the area. Other cities have managed to provide sewer service with municipal funds. Also, some cities have senior citizen exemptions from assessment fees. This city has not offered us any such incentives. Since we have low rent, to hook up to the service is financially impossible. There is not an income to cover such an expense. For us to relocate and start all over is impossible at our age. We now request that you assume full responsibility for us and our tenants, should you approve the project. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINC~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PuBLic WORKS AGENCY ~3 385 North Arrowhead Avenue · San 9ernerdlno, CA 92415-0160 · (714) 387-4646 /~///~1 I~\~'~\ PAUL F. RYAN, R.E. H. S. ~ 320 East "D" Street s 0ntarlo, CA 91764 · (714) 391-7670 Director ~ 15605 CIvic Drive , Victorvilla, CA 92392 , 1619) 2~-8141 A~so serving the c~tie8 of: ~ 17830 Arrow Highway s Fortlena, CA 92335 , (714) 829-6244 Adelanto Lomb Linde ~ 57~7 Twentynine Palms Highway ~ Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Apple Valley Montclsir ~ San Bernardlno County Vector Control Program Barstow Needles 2355 EaBt FIfth Street ~ San Bernardlno, Ca 92415 · {714) 383-3200 Big Bear Lake Ontario Chlno Rancho Cucamonga ~ Environmental Enforcement and Housing Colton RadianCe 172 West Third Street e San Bernardino, CA 92415-0315 , (714) 387-6512/6515 Fontaria RiBIre G Air Pollution Control DIstrict Grand Terrace Sen Bernardlno Heapads Twentynine Palms 15428 Civic Drive, Suite 200, Victorvilla, CA 92392 e (619) 243-8200 Highland Upland V4ctorville Decembe~ 4 ~ 1989 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Rez Notice of Preparatl. on of Draft Negative Deolaratlon for Foothill/Beech Sewer l?roJeot The Department of Environmental Health Services has reviewed the proposal. This Department has determined that if the "Mitigation Measures" are implemented as proposed, then the effects on the environmental would be acceptable due to the long term benefits of the project. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed project. If you have any questions, please call (714) 387-4677. SCOT![ R. ROSE, R.E.H.S. Land Use Coordinator SRR:KJ:bD NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that The City of Fontana has completed an Initial Study of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmezntal Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration. Cepies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria and are available for public review. At its meeting on December 5 at 6:30 D.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the preject will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the City by November 21, 1989 Dated: /c - ~ c, - ~ ~ 7~, ~/~ Staff APPENDIX I Page 2 d, The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? X f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, tn]et or lake? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regional]y? X 3. Nater. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? X d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidity? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X APPENDIX I Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in~ a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X S.Animl Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects}? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? X c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X : v v APPENDIX I Page 4 7, Light and Glare, Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X 8. Land Use. Wtll the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X g. Natural Resources, Will the proposal result in: a. Zncrease in the rate of use of any natural resources? X ZO. Risk of Upset. Wtll the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X 1]. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? X ]3. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? X d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? X e. Alterations to watelrborne, rail or air traffic? X f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X : V v APPENDZX Page 14, Publlc Services. Will tile proposal have an effect upon, or result In a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services tn any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? X b. Police protection? X c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e, Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? X 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the 'rollowing utilities: X 17. Bin Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard {excluding mental health)? X b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic: vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X APENDIX I Page 6 20. Cultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destructien of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses wtthtn the potential impact area? X 21, Mandatory Findings of Significance, a. Does the project halre the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restri:ct the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, defin'itive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) X c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is rellatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) X d. Does the project halre environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? __ X APENDIX I Page 7 I11 Discusston of Envtrom~ntal Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) iV. Determination (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluaUon: I find that the proposed project COULO NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION NILL BE PREPAREO. X I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. PREPARED BY: October 19, 1989 ~ . v~ DATE YOU T LA CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III REVIEWED AND APPROVED ROBERT W. WEDDLE INTERIM CITY ENGINEER Hitigation r4easures to a~l "Yes" and "Naybe" ariswers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. I.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Host of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil ~ill be well compacted~ and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1.c. Topographical change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is out of the construction stage. I.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility' during construction of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be in 1st stage smog alert. 3.b. Installation of a storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The City of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of Eucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible. In this project, in order to provide for public health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees is necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline. These wind rows lie within the existing or proposed street right-of-way. Page 2 In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard ls widened to its full width, the City of Fontana will establish a tree program. Honey will be placed in the tree program using the following guidelines: I. Before the project beglns, a certtfied arbortst will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arborist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 9" or more, $300 wt~] be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech ~venue, the City wt3I negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to metntatn the trees, the Ctty will plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule estabIished for the trees along Footht]] Boulevard. Honey placed tn this tree program will be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard and vicinity where not already required by development standards. 5.a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of btrds and small rodents tn the area. However, with the planttng of new trees in the streetscape, the blrds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be an increase in notse level due to construction equipment, but will it be mlttgated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible 11mtts. Also, the hours of construction will be ltmtted to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. ZOb. The project may interfere wtth normal emergency operations. All uttlity companies, Police and Ftre will be notified at least a week tn advance of the section of the project on whtch work wtll be taklng place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-I0 of the Standard Specification for Publlc Norks Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substeLntial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate this impact, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posti:ng of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of the new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. ICHERRY AVE.I [,~,T,E, AvE.I~ .7-//__ ~ ~ REDWOOD AVE. .... ~._ '{ .,,...-PROPOSED SEWER LINE z ~ ,, . PROPOSED STORM DRAIN HEMLOCK T t .-FUT~E STORM DRAIN. BEECH AVE. ~,.,PROPOSED SEWER LINE ~ ,~_.__ CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT LIMITS / . ,%~%4ff/~---SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ~i _,Z__'~;~;:~'~'o" / I / FROM BEECH TO LIME AVENUE z~ Q REMOVE TREES. AS NECESSARY / ~ REMOVE EXISTING SEWER PLUG I EA . .. ~ , ~ - .. . IAN ~ WAT~ CO.l /Z ~ IZ ~ HEMLOCK TO BEECH AVENUE PRIVATE PROPETY UNLESS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT HAS BEEN ,,, ...... .___ -~_:.",.?,.'.~-.,' /:~...---'..T,~':.- ~,~..~ r NOTE: SHC~RING BY CONTRACTOR WHERE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE, /Z'pl~ ~ ,., ~ , _~. ' ' ~- ~ ~ TO 6R~M~ZAR ,q~M ,~ FOrTYILL TO 16I+w /~"~ ~ ~ EASEMENT H~S BEEN GRANTED BY THE PROP~R~ OWNER. NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that The City of Fontana has completed an Initial Study of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue. Fontana and are available for public review. At its meeting on December 5 at 6:30 ~.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the City by November 21, 1989 Dated: /c!-~ o-~ Staff V APPE~DTX I V ENVIROI~ENTAL CHECKLIST FORN (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) 1. Backqround 1. Naame of Proponent City of Fontana 2. Address and Phone Number, of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (714) 350-7610 3. Date of Chocklist Submit:ted SePtember 22, 1989 4. Agency Requiring Check]ist City of Fontaria 5. Name of Proposal, if app]icable Foothill/Beech Sewer Pro~ect 6. Description of Projoct 1) Xnsta]]atlon of sewer line 41' from center line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime Avenue and 1n-between 12' County and City owned strio of property deslqnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline, 2} Xnstallation of storm~ drain line 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 3) [nstallatlon of water line 28' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue, 7. Location of Projoct 1) Sewer oro3ect is from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2} Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenue. 3} Water line Dro~ect is from Cherry to Beech Avenue (see attached maD}. II. Enviromsental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes tn geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X APPENDZX Page d. The destruction, covering or modificatlon of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any tncrease In wtnd or water eroston of soils, e~ther on or off the site? X f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes ~l~ s~ltat~on, deposition or erosion which may modtfy the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, Inlet or lake? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologtc hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substanthl air emissions or deterioration or ambient alr qualiity? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change In climate, either locally or regionally? X 3. Bater. Wt13 the proposal result tn: a. Changes tn currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in elther marine or fresh ~aters? X b. Changes tn absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X c. Alteratlons to the course or low of flood waters? X d. Change tn the amount of surface water tn any water body? X e. D~scharge into surface waters, or tn any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidtry? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X APPENDZX I Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants {including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X 5.Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered !species of animals? X c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X APPENDIX I Page 4 7. Light and 61are. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X g. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate! of use of any natural resources? X 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances {including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? X 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tationsystems? X d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? X e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X APPEND/3( Page 5 14. Publlc Services. Wi31 the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services tn any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? X b. Police protection? X c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recre. ational e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? X 15. Ener~Ly. Nil1 the proposal result a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b. Substantial increase. tn demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16. Utilities. Will the prop.osal result tn a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: X 17. Human !iealth. Will the proposal result a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X 18. Aesthetics. Wtll the proposa3 result in the obstruction of any scenic v~sta or vtew open to the publlc, or will the proposal result tn the creatton of an aesthetically offensive slte open to public v~ew? X 19. Recreation. ~ill the proposa3 result ~n an tmpact upon the qualtty or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X APENDIX I Page 6 20. Cultural Resources, a. Will the proposal r,esult in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) X c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulattvely con- siderable? {A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) X d. Does the project hawe environmental effects which will cause sub:stantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? __ X APEND]X I Page 7 ]]Z DIscussion of Envtr~al Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) gV. Deteretnatlon (To be completed by the Lead Agency,) On the basis of thfs initial evaluation: Z .find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATXON will be prepared. X find that although the proposed project could have a stgntflcant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect tn thts case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATXON NILL BE PREPARED. X I find the proposed project NAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONNENTAL ZNPACT REPORT ts resulted. PREPARED BY: October 19. 1989 DATE YOU T LA CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT 111 REVXD/ED AND APPROVED ROBERT W. MEDDLE INTERIN CITY ENGINEER Mitigation Measures to all "Yes" and "Maybe" answers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigat,ed through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced, Most of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compactedl and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1.c. Topographical change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is out of the construction stage. 1.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. l.g. There is a possibility during construction of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be in 1st stage smog alert. 3.b. Installation of a storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The City of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of Eucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible. In this project, in order to provide for public health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees is necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline. These wind rows lie within the existing or proposed street right-of-way. Page 2 In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard is widened to its full width, the City of Fontana will establish a tree program. Honey will be placed in the tree program using the following guidelines: 1. Before the project begins, a certified arborist will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arborist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 9" or more, $300 will be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Xvenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City will plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule established for the trees along Foothill Boulevard. Honey placed tni!t'hts tree program will be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard and vicinity where not already required by development standards. 5.a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of birds and small rodents in the area. However, with the planting of new trees in the streetscape, the birds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be an increase in noise level due to construction equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible limits. Also, the hours of construction will be limtted to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. lob. The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Publtc Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate this impact, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by propel, traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 1,6. The construction of the new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. fCHERRY AVE, IHF. ATNER AVE. I T ~' /7_,.,7./__~.__ I~-~E~A AVF_.. I ~ ~ NOT TO SCALE ,.'-- PROPOSED SEWER LiNE '" PROPOSED STORM DRAIN ~ .-':Z HEMLOCK e, FUTURE STORM DRAIN BEECH AVE, rPIIOPOSED ,V:WE:R LINE THERN PACIFIC RAILROAD LZi~IrSTATION ~/~ TELEPH~E s FROM BEECH TO LIME AVENUE CONST,_ 60__.~ DIA. MANHOLE PER{ Ul:,~,,-- ,-, ...... ~ REMOVE EXISTING SEWER PLUG I EA. ~ INSTALL ~.5LF I"VCP SEWER STUB COMPLETE W/~UG I EA ' ~O/ " ,' 28'~ ~M~R LI~E WATER C0. NO S .... : HEMLOCK TO BEECH AVENUE ~7 '_ _ ._--._---~::_::'-"'. ........ ~"'- ...... ~-'~=":"'~",!~' _-_ =---_-_-.-,-, _ ' :":'®'~ ;~'~ ":';:""'~'~;:"~:"""'I" ' PRIVATE PROPETY UNLESS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT HAS BEEN ~ ~ I"; I '~=~"'~" GRANTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. ~--~'~ ~_=~ NOTE: SHdRtNG 8Y CONTRACTOR WHERE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE. yARZ~S 9"ra 12' , ~ ~ =~' /~ '~Z/~ FOOTM/L~ BL VD. FOOTHILL TO I~1+~0 NOTE: TRENCH WILL NOT 8~ EXCAVATED IN PRIVAT~ PROPERTY ~NLESS TEMPORAR~ CONSTRUCTIbN [~SEM[NT H~S 8EEN GRANTED 8~ THE PROBERT OWNER. NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that The City of Fontana has completed an Initial Study of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial. Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the projeot will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft NegatiVe Declaration. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana and are available for public review. At its meeting on December 5 at 6:30 p.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt. the Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the City by November 21, 1989 Staff APPBI)IX I -~ Br/IROIIBITAL I3{ECICI. IST FORN (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Backm~mnd I. Name of Proponent City of Fontana 2. Address and Phone irabet of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana. Ca] ifornia 92335 (714) 350-7610 3.'. Date of Checklist SuMttted Seotember 22, 1989 4. Agency Requiring Check]tst City of Fontaria 5, Name of Proposal, tf app]tcable Foothill/Beech Sewer Pro.tect , 6. Description of Project 1} Installation of sewer line 41' from center ]ine on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime : Avenue and in-between 12' County and City owned strio of prooerty destQnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill,to Baseline. 2] Installation of storm drain llne 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 3~ Installation of water line 28° north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 7, Location of Project 1~ Sewer orodect is from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2) Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenue, 3} Nater line oro~ect is from Cherry to Beech Avenue <see attached man), II. Environmental Impacts (Explanations of al1 "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Ye~ Naybe No 1. Earth. Nil1 the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compactton or overcovering of the sot1? X c. Change tn topography or ground surface relief features? X APPENDIX I Page 2 d. The destruction, covertng or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any increase tn wtnd or water eroston of soils, either on or off the site? X f. Changes in deposition or eroston of beach sands, or changes fn s13tation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, tn]et or ]a. ke? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, muds]ides, ground fai]ure, or slmllar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? X 3. Nater. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? X d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oy, ygen or turbidity? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X APPENDIX I Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withu drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such es flooding or tidal waves? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in~ a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crop!;, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X 5.Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects}? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered !species of animals? X c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in= a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X APPENDIX l Page 4 7. Light and 61are. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stanttal alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase tn the rate of use of any natural resources? X lO. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a, A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesttcides, chemicals or radiation) tn the event of an accident or upset conditions? X b. Posstble interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X If. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X ~2. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional houslng? X Z3. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b. Effects on extsttng parking facilities, or ~ demand for new parking? X c. Substantial Impact upon extsting transpor- tation systems? X d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? X e. Alterations to waterborne, rat1 or atr traffic? X f. Zncrease tn traffic hazards to motor vehicles, btcycltsts or pedest~,tans? X APPENDIX I Page 5 14. Public Services, Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a, Fire protection? X b, Police protection? X c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? X 15. Ener~. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b, Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: X 17. Buman Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X 18. Aesthetics, Nil1 the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic: vista or view open to the publlc, or will the proposal result in the creatlon of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X 19, Recreation, Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X APENDIX I Page 6 20. Cultural Resources. a. W111 the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or hlstortc archaeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect untque ethnic cultural values? X d. Hill the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 21. Randatory FIndings of Significance. a. ODes the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the envlronment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife specles, cause a ftsh or wtld3tfe population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restrtct the range of a rare or endangered plant or anlmal or eliminate important examples of the major pertods of California history or prehtstory? X b. ODes the project have the potentlal to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one whtch occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time whi]e long-term impacts wi'll endure well into the future.) X c. Does the project haw9 impacts whtch are individually ltmtted, but cumulattvely con- sidetable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) X d. ODes the project haw~ environmental effects which w111 cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either dtrectly or Indirectly? X APENDIX I Page 7 I]! Discussion of Environmental ~faluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) IV. Oetermtnation (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mltigatlon measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION MILL BE PREPARED. X I find the proposed project NAY have a signlftcant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ts requt~ed. PREPARED BY: October 19. 1989 DATE Y S PATANWALAOU CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT REVIEWED AND APPROVED ROBERT W. WEDDLE INTERIM CITY ENGINEER Hitigation Heasures to all "'Yes" and "Naybe" answers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes, 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Host of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compacted~ and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1..c. Topographical change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is out of the construction stage. 1.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility during construction of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be in 1st stage smog alert. 3.b. Installation of a storm drain line will benefit the general a~ea by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. ~l,a. The City of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of Eucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible. In this project, in order to provide for public health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees is necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline, These wind rows lie within the existing or proposed street right-of-way. Page In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard is widened to its full width, the City of Fontaria will establish a tree program. Money will be placed in the tree program using the following guidelines~ 1. Before the project begins, a certified arborist will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arborist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 9" or more, $300 will be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Avenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City will plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule established for the trees along Foothill Boulevard. Money placed in this tree program will be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard and vicinity where not already required by development standards. 5~a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of birds and small rodents in the area. However, with the planting of new trees in the streetscape, the birds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be an increase in noise level due to construction equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible limits. Also, the hours of construction will be limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 10bo The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate this impact, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of tile new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. ICHERRY AVE. IHEATHE~ AVE. ]RESED;~ AVF_. I ~ z i~ NOT TO SCALE -- t, .-.--- PROPOSED SEWER LINE · i ~ .-- PRo,.osED STO.,. D.A,. HEMLOCK i ' ZZ · -FUTURE STORM DRAIN . ' ~"' .I P~ER x T ~/~ lY ~foR ~FRE ~ FROM BEECH TO LIME AVENUE ~,- !Q-C-ONST. 61~' D_I_A= MANHOLE PER~ DETAIL u,',, o, .-,--. ,,~ Q REMOVE TREES. AS NECESSARY (SEE TREE LtST) 3B tht R 1"=10'~ ,. HEMLOCK TO BEECH AVENUE - ,,e ' NOTE: SHORING BY CONTRACTOR WHERE TEMPORARY :~~~~~-- --7' -:~ ,o~,,~,,o~ ~,~ ,~ ,o, .-~ : :~:- :- ~ -,x:':..-:,: -::~= T' -- I ' ' ._: .... ~ .:-' NOTE: EXCAVATED IN . ' F : . *'~ NOTE: SH~RING BY CONTRACTOR WHERE TEMPORARY · ~~ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE. · .~--~ ~I T,',,,,,, ~--~ ~'~ ,,,,,,.. ~ _ ~ ~ ' - ~.' / /~/+ O~ NOTE: T~ENCH W~LL NOT BE EXCAVATED IN PRIVATE PROPERTY UNLESS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that The City o~ Fontana has completed an Initial Study of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the projeot will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue. Fontana and are available for public review. At its meeting on December 5 at 6:30 D.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the City by November 21, 1989 V APPEB)TX Z V ENVIRO!IE31TAL CHECKLIST FORM (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Background 1. Name of Proponent City of Fontana 2. Address and Phone Nmber of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana. California 92335 (714) 350-7610 3. Date of Checklist Submitted September 22, 1989 4. Agency Requlrtng Checklist City of Fontaria 5. Nm of Proposalo If applicable Foothill/Beech Sewer Project 6. Description of Project 11 Installation of sewer line 41' from center line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime Avenue and In-between 12' County and City owned strip of property desiqnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. 21 Installation of storm drain line 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 31 Installation of water line 28' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 7. Location of Project 1) Sewer project is from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 21 Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenue. 31 Water line project is from Cherry to Beech Avenue (see attached map). Enviro~ntal Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or tn changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the :soil? X c. Change tn topography or ground surface relief features? X APPENDIX Page g d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologlc or physical features? X e. Any increase In wind or water eroston of soils, either on or off the site? X f. Changes tn deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes tn stltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or stmilar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? ~ b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? X 3. Water. Will the proposal result in~ a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? X d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidity? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X APPENDIX I Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interceptfon of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? X. 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants {including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X 5.Antml Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects}? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? X c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X APPENDIX I Page 4 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X B. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X 9. Natural Resources. Will 'the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: e. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances {including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an ,emergency evacuation plan? X 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create e demand for additional housing? X 13, Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b.. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? X d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? X e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X APPENDIX I Page 5 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? X b. Police protection? X c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Haintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental serviceS? X 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: X 17. H~n Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard {excluding mental health)? X b. Exposure of people t.o potential health hazards? X 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the p'roposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X APEND]X I Page 6 20, Cultural Resources, a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X. c. Does the proposal have the potentlal to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses wtthin the potential impact area? X 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prohistory? X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? {A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period' of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) X c.. Does the project haw~ impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? {A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) X do Does the project have! environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? __ X APENDIX I Page 7 IlI DiscuSsion of Environmental Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) IV. Determination (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect tn this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. X I find the proposed project RAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONHENTAL IHPACT REPORT is required. PREPARED BY: October 19, 1989 DATE YOU NWALA CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III REVIEWED AND APPROVED ROBERT W. WEDDLE INTERIN CITY ENGINEER Hitigation Neasures to all "'Yes" and "Haybe" answers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitlgated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Host of this soll wtll be placed back tnto the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compacted~ and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1..c. Topographical change iis expected during construction stage only which will dlminish as the project is out of the construction stage. I.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being plled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility during construction of ground failure which wIll be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be ~n ]st stage smog alert. 3.b. ]nstallation of a storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The City of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of Eucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wtnd rows whenever possible. In this project, in order to provide for publlc health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees is necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Llme Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline. These wind rows lte within the existing or proposed street rlght-of-way. Page In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard is widened to its full width, the City of Fontana will establish a tree program. Money will be placed in the tree program using the following guidelines: 1. Before the project begins, a certified arborist will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arborist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of g" or more, $300 will be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Avenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City will plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule established for the trees along Foothill Boulevard. Noney placed in this tree program will be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard and vicinity where not already required by development standards. 5.a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of birds and small rodents in the area. However, with the planting of new trees in the streetscape, the birds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be an increase in noise level due to construction equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible limits. Also, the hours of construction will be limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. lob. The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Existing parking alon~l side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate this impact, there will be advance. notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of the new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. ICHERRY AVE. J I~AT,E. AVE. ~ I- "' o NOT TO SCALE J uJ ,e-- PROPOSED SEWER LINE z r,- ', PROPOSED STORM DRAIN l OAK AVE ;J u~ .~FUTURE 16" WATER .--3 HEMLOCK i "' ,~-----FUTURE STORM DRAIN ~]~ ! 8lEECH AVE,a~CPt~:)POSED SEWER LINE 144 . ': ffZ.-S THERN PACIFIC RAILROAD · -- Li;;:TATIo" · :L~---CONS]'_._6(F' D.... JA.~MANHOLE PER) DETAIL ,j,,, .-.-._._. Z~ Q REMOVE TREES. AS NECESSARY (SEE TREE LtST) 3G (N R / A 0 ~INPoN F_XI~Ti~i ~4~ lINE ,~AIO Q REMOVE E×ISTiNG SEWER PLU(3 I E:A EX. 6" TRANS [TE 4" STEEL WATER WATER E{NE 132+00 TO 126+00 TO 132+00 137+00 FONTANA FONTANA WATE~ CO. WATER CO. : NO~S: 2~- ~cP 5~ ' HEMLOCK TO BEECH AVENUE ~:~Z---~~ ~'~ Z~'~" ~J~Z' :3~'~, ~ ' /' . ,~ -' r~ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE. :2 ~.~: ~;-= ~ I~ ~ ---- ~"~-' ' ~ ~ ~~-'.--~ --- ~ -~ -, ,__ - Z"" t _ __ _ -: ~;,;;~t~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ -, . --__ ..... x , ,-:~' .~ = ~.~ _ - , NOTE: TRENCH WI~ NOT BE EXCAVATED IN PmvATE PROPETY UN~E~ TEUPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT HAS BEEN -- . · :J~""~'-'~,~L" ~, )1 .; NOTE: SH6RING BY CONTRACTOR WHERE TEMPORARY "/>l CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE. ' ,~, 7':, ~ ~ ., ;V" ' ' V~RI~ ~ 7' V~I~ ~'ro 12' ·-' .~. '~ ~ "~ . , --' ~ ~' ,,/ /~ ~'~/~ ,, . ~.. ca,..c ~'~ ~t// _ ~ ~,,,~, f~ FOOTHIZ~ TO OWNER, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA post Office Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729, (714) 989-1851 October 31, 1989 City of Fontana Fontana, California 92335 SUBJECT: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT Dear Mr. Patannola: Thank you for givln~ us the opportunity to comment on the above pro~ect. At this time, the City of Rancho Cucamon~a does not have any comments. However, please keep us informed. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Assistant Planner JMG:ko Mayor William J. Alexander Charles J. Buquet I1 City Manager Dennis L. Slout Deborah N. Brown Pamela J. Wright Jack Lam, AICP NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that The City of Fontana has completed an Initial Study of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with 'the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana and are available for public review. At its meeting on December 5 at 6:30 D.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the City by November 21, 1989 %e/ APPE]I)/X I %~ ENV/ROM~L34TAL CHECKLIST FOil (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) 1. Backqround 1. Nm of Proponent City of Fontana 2. Address and Phone Number .of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (714) 350-7610 3. Date of Checklist Submitted September 22, 1989 4. Agency Requiring Checklist City of Fontana 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable Foothill/Beech Sewer Project 6. Description of Project 11 Installation of sewer line 41' from center line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime Avenue and in-between 12' County and City owned strip of property desiqnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. 2) Installation of storm drain line 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 3) Installation of water line 28' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 7. Location of ProJect 1) Sewer project is from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2) Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherrv and Beech Avenue. 3} Water line project is from Cherry to Beech Avenue {see attached map}. II. Environmental Imvacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Yes Haybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X APPENDI)C Page d. The destruction, coverlng or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any increase tn wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? X f. Changes tn deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes In st]tatlon, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or t:he bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologtc hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result a. Substantial alp emissions or deterioration or ambient air qualtty? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. A]teratton of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change tn climate, either locally or regionally? X 3. Water. Will the proposal result ln: a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b. Changes In absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? X d. Change in the amount: of surface water any water body? X e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turbidtry? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X APPENDIX I Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i, Exposure of people .or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in= a. Change in the diversity of species: or num- ber of any species of plants {including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X 5.Animal Life. Will the proposal result in= a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? X c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in= a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X APPENDIX I Page 4 7. Light and Blare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X g. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances {including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or' growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? X 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tationsystems? X d.. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? X e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X APPENDIX Page 5 34, Pub]tc Services. Wlll the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? X. c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? X 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: X 17. Hum~an Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard {excluding mental health)? X. b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X APENDIX: I Page 6 20. Cultural Resources, a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 21. Mandatory Findings of Si!~tflcance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? {A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) X c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? {A project may impact on two or more separate resour.ces where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) X d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X APENDIX I Page 7 ZIX Discussion of Envlrormental E~luation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) IV. Determination {To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. X I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. PREPARED BY: October 19, lg89 ' DATE YOU LA CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III REVIEWED AND APPROVED ROBERT W. WEDDLE INTERIN CITY ENGINEER rtitlgatton Heasures to a]] "Yes" and "Ha~be" answers~ 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1.b. Due to the excavation, of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Host of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During backfilling operation, the soil will be well compactedl and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1.c. Topographical change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is out of the construction stage. 1.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side! or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public Work's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility during construction of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on days when the general air quality is said to be in 1st stage smog alert. 3..b. Installation of a storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The City of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of IEucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible.. In this project, in order to provide for public health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees is necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline. These wind rows lie within the existing or proposed street right-of-way. Page In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard is widened to its full width, the City of Fontana will establish a tree program. Money will be placed in the 'tree program using the following guidelines: 1. Before the project begins, a certified arborist will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arborist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less, For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 9" or more, $300 will be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Avenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City will plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule established for the trees along Foothill Boulevard. Money placed in this tree program wtll be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard and victnity where not already required by development standards. 5.a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of birds and small rodents in the area. However, wtth the plantlng of new trees in the streetscape, the birds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be an inc'rease in noise level due to construction equipment, but wtll it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within permissible limits. Also, the hours of construction w111 be limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. lob. The project may interfere wlth normal emergency operations. All uttltty companies, Police and Fire wtll be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor wtll be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and tt will be mitigated t:hrough proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parktng at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate this impact, there wtll be advance. notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project stte. In order to mlinimlze the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suttable means to the property at all times. ~3f. The closure and movement of construction equipment wtll increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper' traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 16. The construction of the new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. ICI,,,IERRY AVE. J t,~AT,S, AVE. I T NOT TO SCALE I,,s,D,.,v~.I a h~ ~ REDWOQD AVE. J ~ ,,>-- PROPOSED SEWER LINE ~ .,,.~¢/~ Z o:: '.--- PROPOSED STORM DRAIN t.J HEMLOCK ~ ,>.-.----FUTURE STORM DRAIN BEECH AVE:. iF-PROPOSED SEWER LINE , , / LIMITS / -- , LI ~'_ !O--CONST_. 6~D_DIA. MANHOLE PER{ DETAIL u,, onL,_, 'l .... L~ Q REMOVE TREES. AS NECESSARY (...S[:~ TREE LIST) ~G ~N. R ~ INS ALL .SLF I"~P SEWER STUB COMPLETE W/~UG I EA S ' ~tL, 5]~.-~':' . "" ' ', _'_~1~._.~____._ __',~_"~:z~'~ r .~. _C "]_E' 1 ' ' ~ ,I ~ ~ EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILA~E. " ~i1~ ~;'-- ;~ ~ __ . ~ _7~,~_ ~:. ~ CONSTRUCTION 7' l:~S~'~i'. ~:_~-- '~ ~ ~- ___] X~~~~// I ..... Z ~'~?~' X ~ - :.~. =-j Z~t~L%?J2;;;2~[2~ Z~?Zt2~ ' ' ~'~"""' '~' .... -..... . ~.~g~ .~ Z~L ..:-,~Z '.~ Zo~,~° ~ ~,~ ~,o~,, ,,~,. . f-,-- NOTE: SH~RING BY CONTR~.CTOR WHERE TEMPORARY ~.~ ~ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE. :;- ,,.' V,(~l~ E'7'O ~' ,yA~z~ ~'~o ~A OF THE .' .. ~- ~ , ~ ~ , I ~.~" ~, . ~ ~- ~ T/ON ~ L FtV ,t Va NOT[; TRENCH WILL NOT BE EXCAVATED IN P~IVAT[ PROPERTY UNLESS TEMPORARY CON$TRUCTION [~SEMENT HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE P~OP~T OWNER. CHICAGO TITLE 625 CARNEGIE DR., SUITE 100, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 (714) 884-0448/1-800-722-0824 Enclosed you will find the radius requested by you on Assessor's Parcel No. * see note below This radius has been prepared as a courtesy using the most current assessor's tax rolls and equalized plat maps available to us, as per the county reGuirements. While the information herein provided is believed to be correct, this company assumes no liability for any loss occuring by the reason of reliance thereof. By: GORDON T. HUNDLEY Major Accts-Customer Service * The north lane of Foothill Blvd. from Cherry Ave. to a point approx. 650' east of Lime Ave. in Fontana, and the 12' striD of land commonly referred to as Beech Av~. from Foothill Blvd. northerly to Bseline Ave. CHICAGO TITLE 625 CARNEGIE DR.I SUITE 100I SAN BERNARDINOI CA 9240g (7'14) g84-0448/1-800-722-0824 I, GORDON T. HUNDLEY hereby certify that the attadhed list contains the names and addresses of all persons to whom all property is assessed as they appear on the latest available assessment roll of the County of San Bernardino within the area described and for a distance of THREE hundred ( 300) feet from the exterior boundties of the property legally known as Assessors Parcel Number: North lane of Foothill Blvd from Cherry to a point approx. 650' east of Lime Ave in Fontana and the 12' strip of land commonly referred to as Beech Ave. from Foothill Blvd. northerly to Baseline Ave. NAME: GORDON T. HUNDLEY TITLE/REGISTRATION: ~AJOR ACCOUNTS - RADIUS DESK (525 CARNEGIE DR., STE. 204 ADDRESS: SAN BERNARDINOt CA. 92408 PHONE: (714) 384-7831 (8am to 5pm) CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING October 23, 1989 JN 3809-007 41,51 L16 City of Fontana .. Planning Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Regarding: Foothill Boulevard Sewer 300-foot radius report, public hearing notification TranSmitted herewith for the Public Hearing notifications of the Foothill Boulevard Sewer Improvement Project is the 300- foot radius report as follows: 1. Certification letter from the title company 2. Assessor parcels roll sheets 3. One set of Assessor Maps 4. One set of envelopes for mailings Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. Special Projects Coordinator SSR/ Enclosures CC: Doug Ford, Roger Hatch John Hogan 3170 RE"DHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 ENVI;IONMENTAL FILING FEb~ ~;ASH RECE PT ", LeadAgency: "C:;.t.y of E'oz']~.ar~a Date: Z0-28-94 County/St~eAgencyofFillng: Count:y DE San Bernaz'c]].no DooumentNo,: ProjectTitle: Foot. h].].]. B].vd/]Beech Ave Server P;:oiec%; ProJectApplicantName:C~.~V DE Fonl:ana. ~]~r].neer].R~, D~'~';B]-~I~naNumber: ;' pr~jectAppltcantAddress: 8353 Sierra Ave, Fonte. na, CA 92335 Project Applicant (check approprfate box): Local Public AgencyXFX'~ School District [] Other Special Oistdct [] {? State ~gency [] Private Entity [] ~' CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: t ( ) Environmental Impact Report $850.00 $ :' ( ) Negative Declaration $1.250.00 $ ( ) Applleatlon Fee Water Diversio~r~ (State Water Resources Control Board Only) $850.00 $ ( ) Projects Subject to Cedified Regulatory Programs $850.00 $ ~( ~ County Administrative Fee $ 3 0,0 0 X,~O0X $ 3 0.0 0 ]~ ~ Project that is exempt from fees Engin~mm~ng Olvision (AivIENDED) 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335. TO= Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 ~ X County Clerk .~ County of San Bernardtrio -, 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue ~> aa San BePnard~no, CA 924]5 ~ ~ IE~FIling of Notice of Oetermjnat~on ~n compliance Sectton 2)108 or 21152 of the Public Resources ~ TItle: FoGthtll 9Quley;rd/Beech Avenue Sewer Pro~ec~ Yousu~ Pa~snwala ~7~4) X, exts~tng rtgh~ of waJ~ on northside of Foothtll Boulevard between H~lock and Lt~ Avenues and on extsttn9 Beech Avenue fight of way between Foo~htll Boulevard and Baselthe Avenue To construc~ ~runk sewer llne tn extsttn9 fight of way of Foothtll Boulevard and Be~c~ Avenue tn ~he above 9nttoned Thts ts ~o advtse ~hat ~he Ct~Y of Fontana has approved above described pro~ect on _~ ~, ~ and has made f~llovtn9 determinations regarding the above described pro~ec~: ~. The pro~ec~ wt11, X wtll not have significant ef~on the en~r~Nn~. 2. An Envtronzen~al Xmpac~ Report was prepared ~hts pro~ect pursuant ~o the provisions d CEQA. _X_ A Negative. Declaration was prepared ~or ~hts 3. Htttgatton 9asures X vere, were not made condition of approva~o~the pro.~. 4. A statmnt of Overriding Considerations __ ~as, X was not aCtopted fop thts project. Thts ts to certtfy that the ftnal ND with comnts and responses and record of project approval ts available to the General Publlc at the City of Fontaria Englneertng DIvision. , C of Fontana LIFORNIA COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NUMBER (909) 350-(R~18 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: _5 NAN[E: FAX Ntis: 3~- / ¢V/~o~ ~: ~OM: (~ ~ cover ~m) 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX ,'il 8) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 923344)518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~1~ recyCle¢~ Oa~er AUDITOR/CONTROLLER-RECORDER couNTy OF 8A. 8E..ARD,.O AUDITOR/CONTROLLER ~ 222 Wast Hospitality Lane, Fourth Floor ERROL J. MACKZUM, CPA San Bernardlno, CA 92415-0018 · (9091 387-8322 Auditor/Controller-Recorder RECORDER * 222 Wast Hospitality Lane, First Floor ROBERT L. CALDERON. CIA, CISA Son Bernard/no, CA 92415-0022 · (909) 387-8306 Assistant Auditor/Controller-Recorder 'NO TE: IMPORTANT October 19, 1994 DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION CITY OF FONTANA P.O. BOX 518 FONTANA, CA 92334-0518 We are returning the enclosed DOCUMENTS UNRECORDED for the reason(s) indicated below. 1. We have found no provision in State Law authorizing recording of the enclosed document(s). You may wish to consult your legal adviser regarding this matter. fMust file with the Ce4.,.'t, ty-Clerk) THE "TOTAL" RECORDING FEE W~r L BE EXEMPT. INOTE: Please make check or mo,ley order payable to "COUNTY RECORDER". STATE LAW REQUIRES PAYMENT OF FEES IN ADVANCE. Sincerely, DEBBIE McGINNIS Recording Supervisor (909) 386-8924 DM:tls CITY OF FONTANA PAY VOUCHER This claim form is to be used only when genera] obligations checks are to be issued and normal purchase order and invoicing procedures cannot be followed. Regular meetings &f the City Council 'For consideration of c]aims against the City of Fontaria are held on the FIRST and THIRD Tuesday of each month. CLAIHANT: C]erk of the Board of Supervisors DATE: 10/25/94 ADDRESS: 385 N. Arrowhead Ave. 2nd Floor DATE & TIHE CHECK IS CITY: San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 NEEDED ASAP Date Items Amount 10/25/94 Filing fees for Amended Notice of Determination $30.00 Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer Project Return check to Sunni Hamilton x6640 TOTAL $30. O0 Account Number The above is a true correct claim FUND FUNCTION OBj Amount against the City of Fontana and ................................... no part of the same has heretofore 537].0 7301 $30.00 been paid. - ....I ......[ ..................... ..... ....... I ..................... '~- ...... ~ ......I ..................... SIGNEO: RRECT: Dept/Div Head ...................................... . FINANCE USE ONLY APPROVED: Vendor # Invoice # Inv. Date . 11, 1993 ~LS note is to inform you that effective July ~, 1993, the County aministrative fee for filing a Notice of Determination will be increased to $30.001 If you have any questions, please contact this office at (909) 387-3846. JUN 2 2 1993 June ll, 1993 RE: NOTICES OF DETERMINATION AND EXEMPTION Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21152(c), the enclosed Notices of Determination and/or Exemption are being returned to you following the specified filing period in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. S21152 (c) "All notices filed pusuant to this section shall be available for public inspection, and shall be posted on a weekly basis in the office of the county clerk. Each notice shall remain posted for a period of 30 days, and thereafter, the clerk shall return to the local agency the notice with a notation of the period it was posted. The local agency shall retain the notice for not less than nine months". BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO EARLENE SPROAT Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By ~:ristin S. Kozicwski -', , Eat 1.. ~ '-/a ~ : !' .i. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 7, 1994 State Clearinghouse Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: Amended Notice of Determination Dear Sir: Please record the enclosedAmended Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project for the City of Foni:ana. After recordation please return to: City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-6640. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Maria M. Hamilton. Secretary/Engineering Division (mh) Enclosure cc: Associate Engineer/Special Projects Stephen P. Deitsch, Best, Best & Krieger 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518), ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER Cl'r(- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~1~ recycled paper ~,~m~ Engineering Division 8353 ~ -ra Avenue V Fontan'~,CA 92335 TO: x Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 _ _ County Clerk County of San Bernardtno - 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San BernardanD, CA 92415 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Title: Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer ProJect Yousuf Patanwala (7141 350-7661 Pro4ect Location: In existtng right of way on northside of Foothill Boulevard between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and on extsting Beech Avenue right of way between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue ProJect Description: To construct trunk sewer line'in existing right of way of Foothill Boulevard and 8~ch Avenue in the above menrio e~c limitS,but not a storm drain between Hemlock Avenue an~ Re h Avenue. This is to advise that the Ctty of Fontana has approved the above described project on ~ctober 4, 199~ and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project will, X will not have a significant eftq~i~'on the env'Tr~'mnt. 2. An Envtromnental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. _X_ A Negative Declaration was prepared for this pro3ect pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Hiltgallon measures X ere, were not made a condition of approval"oFthe proeJ~. 4. A statmnt of Overriding Considerations was, _X_was not adopted for this project, This is to certify that the final NO with conmmnts and responses and record of i~roJect approval is available to the General Public at the City of Fontana Engineering Otviston. iD~ed~~ amd ~tlng at Oiqt= , ~t ..... M1 lmvtw Offt~r :S t ~tm Tt tl · City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 7, 1994 Office of the County Recorder County of San Bernardino 222 W, Hospitality Lane San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022 RE: Amended Notice of Determination Dear Sir: Please record the enclosedAmended Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project for the City of Fontana. After recordation please return to: City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-6640. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Maria M, Hamilton. Secretary/Engineering Division (mh) Enclosure cc: Associate Engineer/Special Projects Stephen P. Deitsch, Best, Best & Krieger 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CiTY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA COUNTY OF I--- _J-, SAN BERNARDINO .o^.o or suP..v,so.. _ ,~. Marsha Turoci ................. First District ': ~" """ "~ Jon D. MikeIs ............... Second District ~"~':~"::-, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Barbara Cram Riordan ........ Third District ;.' ."~ 'L: Larry Walker ................ Fourth District · County Government Center "~'~:'J"' 385 North Arrc,whead Avenue, Second Floor Jerry Eaves ................... Fq'th District San Bermtrdino, CA 92415-0~30 (909) 387-4578 EARLENE SPROAT March 11, 1994 TO: ALL AGENCIES WHO FILE NOTICES OF DETE~INATION WITH THE COUNTY CLE~ OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RE: NOTICE OF DETE~INATION AND CERTIFICATE OF FEE EX~PTION FO~S Many of the various Notices of Determination that we receive in our office do not include all of the information we need in order to correctly process a State Fish and Game receipt. Therefore, we have created a Notice of Determination form with the information that we need. Our request is that you please utilize the attached form in the future or use one ~imilar to it, if you wish to devise your own personalized form. Also attached is a Certificate of Fee Exemption form from the State Fish and Game for your use. We have had many requests in the past from various agencies asking for a copy of this, but again, feel free to personalize this form including all of the necessary information. Than you fo your cooperation in this matter. Laura H. Welch, Deputy Clerk Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Encl. (2) City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 27, 1994 Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, Second Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 RE: Amended Notice of Determination Dear Sir: Please post the enclosed Amended Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project for the City of Fontana. Enclosed is a check for $30.00, the required posting fee. After posting please return to: City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Should you have any questions. please contact the undersigned at 909-350-6640. Sincerely, COMMUNXTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Di~) Maria M. Hamilton. Secretary/Engineering Division (mh} Enclosure cc: Associate Engineer/Special Projects Stephen P. Deitsch. Best. Best & Krieger 8353 S~ERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOXSI8) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~4~ recycled paper FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335-3598 I' PROGRAM ACCOUNTING PURCH. ORDER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTI6~I"" 53710-7301 RQST 102594 30.00 FILING FEES i FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER ~AN BERNARDINO, 'COUNTY OF CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS v020090 CITY OF FONTANA ~3 s,ER~ A,,ENU~ "'""= 0 2 3 8 0 7 =ONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3598 CHECK 23807 DATE 10/27/94 AMOUNT *****30.00'*** PAY THE SUM OF ****30**** DOLLARS AND **00'* CENTS 'O THE DRDER SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF 385 N. ARROWN~.AD AVE. ~ 2~D F~OO~ ~ ~DZ~O~ C~ 92415-0130 BANK OF AMERICA Fon~na, California OlD A~ER~ AY · ~ D 8 "'0 ~BO?"' ~: i ~ ~OO0~ ~: 0 ~ a"'BO ~R"' City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 7, 1994 State Clearinghouse Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: Amended Notice of Determination Dear Sir: Please record the enclosedAmended Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project for the City of Fontanal After recordation please return to: City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-6640. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Maria M. Hamilton. Secretary/Engineering Division (mh) Enclosure cc: Associate Engineer/Special Projects Stephen P. Deitsch, Best, Best & Krieger 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA .......... ..~.~.~,.~n Engineering Division 8353 ~ .ra Avenue V Fortran, CA 92335 TO= x Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 County Clerk County of San Bernardino -. 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415 StlJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Sectton 21X08 or 2X]52 of the Publlc Resources Code. P~oJec~Tttle: Foothill Boulevmrd/Beech Avenue 5e~er ProJect Yousuf ~J~ L~t~: ;n existing ~gh~ o~ .z~y on nor~s~de of Foothill Boulevard between ,mloe~ zn~ Um~ Avenues ~nd on existing Beech Avenue 8se1 ne Avenue r~gh~ o~ ~sv bet.een Foothill BouleYs~d ~nd B ~ ~tptt~: To construct C~un~ se~e~ 11ne'tn extsttng FooChtll Boulevard and 8e~ch Avenue Thts ts Co advhe Chat the Ctty of Fontaria has appToved ~he above described p~oJect on ~ ~, ~ and has made ~he following determinations ~ega~dtng the above descTtbed pro~ecC: ~. The p~o~ec~ ~t11, X ~tll ~o~ have a significant effort the en~r~nc. An Envtro~ntal thts pro~ct putsuan~ to the provisions of CEqA. _X_ A Negattve D~laratton was prepared for thts pro3ect pursuant to ~he provisions of 3. Htttgatton masures X ~re. were not made a condition of approvaFoFthe pro~ 4. A statent of Overriding Considerations ...... was. X was not adopted for thts pro3ect. Thts fs to certtfy that the final ND wtth c~nts and f responses and record o pro3ect approval ts available to the General Publlc at the Ctt.y of Fontana Engineering DIvision. O~:: ~ ~ttng at 0~: , ~t ..... -1 ~vtnOfft~r St~t~ Tttle .City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 7, 1994 Office of the County Recorder County of San Bernardino 222 W. Hospitality Lane San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022 RE: Amended Notice of Determination Dear Sir: Please record the enclosedAmended Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project for the City of Fontana. After recordation please return to: City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-6640. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Maria M. Hamilton. Secretary/Engineering Division (mh) Enclosure cc: Associate Engineer/Special Projects Stephen P. Deitsch, Best, Best & Krieger 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA82334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B,C, CANADA ~1~ recycled paper (AMENr ) 8353 ~ ,r~ Avenue Fonta .CA TO: Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 _X_ County Clerk County of San Bernardtno ; 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardtno, CA 92415 ~E~= Filing of Notice of Oetermination in compliance with Sectton 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. ~Tttle= Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer ProJect Yousuf Patanwal~ (114) 350-1661 Xn ex~sUng r49ht of wa~ on norths~de of Foothill Boulevsrd between Helock an~ Ua Avenues and on extst~n9 Beech Avenue r49ht of way between Foothtl~ 6oulevsr~ and 6ssellne Avenue To construct trunk sewer line in existing right of way Foothill Boulevard and 8eac~ Avenue tn the above Nattoned li~tts, but not a storm drain between Hemlock Avenue and Beech Avenue. This tS tO advise that the City of Fontann has approved the above described project on .Octobe~ ~, ~99'~' and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project ~ will, L will not have sign ticant ef,ecC on the enWronNnt. 2. An Envtroaental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. X A Negative O~laratton was prepared for this proj~t pursuant ~ the provisions 9f 4. A stat~nt of Overriding Considerations was, X was not adopted for this project. This ts to certify that thm final NO with c~nts and responses and record of project approval ts available to the General Public at the City of Fontaria Engineering Division. Oa~ ~iv~ For Filing ~ ~tin9 at O~i ~~~ ~t~l aevi~ Offi~r / S~;t~ T~tle City to amend the Environmental Checklist Form and the Notice of Determination prepared in connection with the Project. The City Attorney has prepared a Resolution making the necessary amendments requested by the Plaintiffs. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: The amendments requested by Plaintiffs will not have an impact on the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project which has already been completed. However, the Plaintiffs will not enter into the settlement unless the amendments are approved by City Council. Staff and the City Attorney recommend that the proposed Resolution be adopted because its adoption will help settle the pending litigation and will not detrimentally affect the City's discretion to undertake future storm drain projects. Staff recommends Council approve Resolution 94- , concerning an amendment of the Poorhill/Beech Sewer Project Environmental Checklist Form and an amendment of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Notice of Determination. ATTACSMENTS: Page 3 Resolution No. 94- Page 5 Modified Project Description to Initial Study Page 6 - Notice of Determination (Amended) SUBMITTED BY: RECOMMENDED BY: Director AGENDA ITEM ~ CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT OCTOBER 4, 1994 CONSENTCALENDAR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Resolution Amending the Environmental Checklist Form and Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project RECOMMENDATION: TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 94- CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM AND AN AMENIIMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT NOTICE OF DETErmINATION ~ ECONOMIC BENEFIT: [ X ] No [ ] Yes Funding General BUDGET IMPACT: [ X ] No [ ] Yes Source: [ ] Fund Budget [ ]__Fund Budget [ ] Bond Proceeds [ ] Developer Deposit ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: [ ] Yes [ X ] No BACKGROUND: On December 5, 1989, the City Council approved a Negative Declaration after preparing an Environmental Checklist Form for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. The Project involved the construction of a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and in Beech Avenue from Foothill to Base Line. The City ,Council also authorized staff to advertise the Project for construction bids. The Project was completed a number of years ago and a Notice of Determination was filed for the Project. Carl Atkinson, Joseph Bono and Sigfredo Concepcion (collectively "Plaintiffs") have filed a lawsuit, in the San Bernardino County Superior Court known as Case No. 269878, against the City of Fontana alleging that the City's Foothill/Beech Sewer Project interfered with Plaintiffs' businesses for several days. The City Attorney has negotiated a settlement of the lawsuit consistent with the City Council's direction in closed session. As partial consideration for the settlement, the plaintiffs want the RESOLUTION NO. 94- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM AND AN AMENDMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT NOTICE OF DETERMINATION WHEREAS, Carl E. Atkinson, Joseph Bono and Sigfredo Concepcion (collectively "Plaintiffs") have filed a htwsuit in the San Bernardino County Superior Court known as Case No. 269878 (the "Lawsuit") against the City of Fontam alleging that the City's Foothill/Beech Sewer Project interferred with Plaintiffs' businesses for several days; and WHEREAS, the City of Fontam desires to enter into a complete and final settlement and resolution of all claims, both known and unknown, arising from facts plead in the Lawsuit (the "Settlment"); and WHEREAS, in connection with and as partial consideration for the Settlement the City has agreed to adopt this Resolution which makes certain amendments to that Environmental Checklist Form and Notice of Determination prepared in connection with the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, determined and ordered by the City Council of the City of Fontann as follows: Section 1: The Environmental Checklist Form for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" , is hereby amended by deleting from Section 1.6.(2) the words "Beech Avenue" and replacing them with the words "Hemlock Avenue." Section 2: The Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" , is hereby mended by adding to the existing language in the Section entitled Project Description the following: ", but not a storm drain between Hemlock and Beech Avenue." Section 3: The City Council authorizes and directs Staff to amend the Environmental Checklist Form for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project and to amend and file the amended Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project SectiOn 3: The effective date of this Resolution shall be the date of its adoption. Page 1 of 2 APPROVED AND ADOPTED this __day of , 1994. READ AND APPROVED: City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontaria, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the: foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the day of , 1994, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Fontana Mayor of the City of Fomana ATTEST: City Clerk Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX I 4"641/ZRO~eqE)rTAL CHECKLISI FORM (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Backqround 1. ;Name of Proponent City of Fontana 2. Address and Phone Nmber of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana. California 92335 (714) 350-7610 3. Date of Checklist Submitte~ September 22, 1989 4. Agency Requiring Checklist City of Fontana 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable Foothill/Beech Sewer Project 6. Description of Project 11 Installation of sewer line 41' from center line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime Avenue and in-between 12' County and City owned strip of property desiqnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. 2) Installation of storm drain line 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 31 Installation of water line 28' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 7. Location of Project 11 Sewer project is from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2) Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenue. 3) Water line project is from Cherry to Beech Avenue (see attached map). II. Envirommental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets,) Yes Na,ybe No 1, Earth, Will the proposal r'esult in: a, Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures:? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X EXHIBIT "A" MOTICE OF DET~"MINATION G Engin ing Division/' ~ 8353 )l~elrra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 TO: Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk ' ' County of San Bernardino -> - 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415 : SUB.3ECr: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with ._. Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Title: Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer Project £tat= CI3LFJ~e ~,~-~F C~RltaCt Person Teleph~e iik~er Yousuf Patanwala (714) 350-7661 Project Location: In existing right of way on northside of Foothill Boulevard between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and on existing Beech Avenue right of way between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue Pro~ect Oescrtption: To construct trunk sewer line'in existing right of way of Foothtll Boulevard and Be~ch Avenue in the above mentioned lfmits. This is to advise that the City of Fontaria has approved the above described project on Oecember 5, 1989 and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1, The pro~ect will, X will not have a s i gn i fi cant efte'Er'on the env'Tr~ment. 2. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this projeot pursuant to the provisions of GEQA. _X_A Negative Oeclaration was prepared for this pro.~ect pursuant to the provisions of CE~A. 3. Mitigation measures X were, were not made a condition of approvaFo~r'the 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations _ was, X was not adopted for this project. This is to certify that the final NO with comments and responses and record of project approval is available to the ~}. General Public at the City of Fontana Engineering Division. '~//,. ;~: gate Received For Filing and Posting at OPR: "k. - "" ~'~/'/~ :<~'-'--'~ ' '~/~,' 7 Envtromental Review Officer :S t gnature Tlt 1 · EXHIBIT "B" -~ V,,,,j..I~IRO,IqDIITAL CHECKLIST FOPJq (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Backqround V 1. Name of Proponent City of Fontana 2. Address and Phone Mtmmber of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 {714) 350-7610 3. Date of Checklist Submitted September 22, 1989 (~:uended 10/4/94} 4, Agency Requiring Checklist City of Fontana 5. Name of Proposal, if applt,cable Foothill/Beech Sewer Project 6. Description of Project 1) Installation of sewer line 41' from center *line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime Avenue and in-between 12' County and City owned strip of property desiqnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. 2) Installation of storm drain line 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 3) Installation of water line 28' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry tO ~EIi~N~st)<XiiHttH3tlI3(, Hemlock Avenue 7. Location of Projec~c 1) Sewer pro.tact is from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2) Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenue. 31 Water line pro.lect is from Cherry to Beech Avenue V (see attached maD). II. Environmental Impacts (Explanations of a]] "yes" and "maybe" answers are require~ on attached sheets.) Yef Maybe NO I. 'Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X " ~w/ Fontan~fCA 92335 TO: Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room I21 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk ' ' County of San B. ernardino .. 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415 SBBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 o,r 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Title: Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer ProJect Yousuf Patanwala (7141 350-7661 ~J~ L~att~: In existing right of way on northside of Foothill Boulevard between Hmloc~ and Lime Avenues and on existing Beech Avenue right of way between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue To construct trunk sewer line'in existin~ right of way of Foothill Boulevard and Be~ch Avenue in the abov~ Nntioned limits, b~t ~ot a storm d~ain betvee~ ~e~nlock a~d ~eech This iS tO advise that the City of Fontana has approved the above described project on Octobe= ~, 1~9~ and has made the followin~ det~rminations r~gardin~ the abov~ described project} 1. The project will, X will no~ have a ~ significant ef~on the en~r~Nnt. 2. An EnvironNntal Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to thm provisions of CEQA. X A Negative Declaration was prepared for this oroject oursuant to the provisions of 3. Mitigation Nasures X ~re, were not made a condition of approvaFoFthe project. 4. A stat~nt of Overriding Considerations __ was, X was not adopted for this project. This is ~o certify that the final ND with co~ents and responses and record of project approval Is available to the General Public at the City of Fontaria Engineering Division. Date RKeiv~ For FiltnS ~ ~ttn9 at 0~= ~vt~tal ReviN Offi~r S t ~t~e Tt tl m BE~T, BE;~T & lEG September 21, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Bob Weddle, City Engineer FROM: City Attorney RE: Atkinson Settlement: Resolution amending Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Environmental Documents As you requested, we have prepared and enclose herewith a resolution amending the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Environmental Checklist Form and Notice of Determination. We have also reviewed and revised the related Agenda Report which is also enclosed. Stephen Deitsch did not have an opportunity to review these documents today so I have enclosed a disk with the documents in the event that further revisions are necessary. Please call if you have any questions. SONIA R. CARVALHO SRC40880 AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT OCTOBER 4, 1994 CON8ENTCALENDAR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Resolution A]nending the Environmental Checklist Form and Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project RECOIOEENDATION: TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 94- CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM AND AN AMENDMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT NOTICE OF DETERMINATION ECONOMIC BENEFIT= [ X ] No [ ] Yes Funding General BUDGET IMPACT= [ X ] No [ ] Yes Source: [ ] Fund Budget [ ]. Fund Budget [ ] Bond Proceeds [ ] Developer Deposit ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT= [ ] Yes [ X ] No BACKgrOUND= On December 5, 1989, the City Council approved a Negative Declaration after preparing an Environmental Checklist Form for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. The Project involved the construction of a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and in Beech Avenue from Foothill to Base Line. The City Council also authorized staff to advertise the Project for construction bids. The Project was completed a number of years ago and a Notice of Determination was filed for the Project. Carl Atkinson, Joseph Bono and Sigfredo Concepcion (collectively "Plaintiffs") have filed a lawsuit, in the San Bernardino County Superior Court known as Case No. 269878, against the City of Fontana alleging that the City's Foothill/Beech Sewer Project interferred with Plaintiffs' businesses for several days. SRC40879 The City Attorney has negotiated a settlement of the lawsuit. As partial consideration for the settlement, the plaintiffs want the City to amend the Environmental Checklist Form and the Notice of Determination prepared in ccnnection with the Project. The City Attorney has prepared a Resolution making the necessary amendments requested by the Plaintiffs. led~l~Y8IS AND FINDINGS~ The amendments requested by Plaintiffs are insignificant in that they have no impact on the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project which has already been completed. ~TERNATIVES: Staff recommends Council approve Resolution 94-__, concerning an amendment of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Environmental checklistForm and an amendment of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Notice of Determinaiton ATTACN{MENTS~ Page 3 - Resolution No. Page 5 - Modified Project ~cription to Initial Study Page 6 - Notice of Determination (Amended) SUBMITTED BY: RECOMMENDED Frank Schuma Gregory C. Devereaux Commmunity Development City Manager Director SRC~,0879 --2 -- RESOLUTION NO. 94- A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM AND AN AMENDMENT OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT NOTICE OF DETERMINATION WHEREAS, Carl E. Atldnson, Joseph Bono and Sigfredo Conception (collectively "Plaintiffs") have filed a lawsuit in the San Bernardino County Superior Court known as Case No. 269878 (the "Lawsuit") against the City of Fontana alleging that the City's Foothill/Beech Sewer Project intefferrexl with Plaintiffs' businesses for several days; and WHEREAS, the City of Fontana desires to enter into a complete and final settlement and resolution of all claims, both known and unknown, arising from facts plead in the Lawsuit (the "Settlment"); and WHEREAS, in connection with and as partial consideration for the Settlement the City has agreed to adopt this Resolution which makes certain amendments to that Environmental Checklist Form and Notice of Determination prepared in connection with the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, determined and ordered by the City Council of the City of Fontaria as follows: ~ection 1: The Environmental Checklist Form for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" , is hereby amended by deleting from Section 1.6.(2) the words "Beech Awmue" and replacing them with the words "Hemlock Avenue." l;eetion 2: The Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" , is hereby amended by adding to the existing language in the Section entitled Project Description the following: ', but not a storm drain between Hemlock Avenue and Beech Avenue." Section 3: The City Council authorizes and directs Staff to amend the Environmental Checklist Form for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project and to amend and file the amended Notice of Determination for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project .,~.ection 3: The effective date of this Resolution shall be the date of its adoption. SRC40~52 ,- APPROVED AND ADOFrED this __ day of ,1994. READ AND APPROVED: City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, and Ex-Of~cio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adoptext by the City Council at a regular meeting on the __ day of , 1994, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Fontana Mayor of the City of Fontaria ATTEST: City Clerk SRC~08S2 AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT OCTOBER 4, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: ~Approv, al of Modification to the MitigatJNegative Declaration for the Sewer Line Project in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline and authorize the filing of an amended Notice of Determination RECOMMENDATION: TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 94-_ FOR MODIFICATION TO THE MITIGAT~I~ NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE SEWER LINE PROJECT IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HEMLOCK TO LIME AND BEECH AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL TO BASELINE AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF AN AMENDED NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. ECONOMIC BENEFIT: [ X ] No [ ] Yes Funding General BUDGET IMPACT: [ X ] No [ ] Yes Source: [ ] Fund Budget [ ] Fund Budget [ ] Bond Proceeds [ ] Developer Deposits ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: [ ] Ye~N~ BACKGROUND: On December 5, 1989 the City Council approved a Negative Declaration for a sewer line project to be constructed in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and in Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline and also authorize staff to advertise this project for construction bids. This project has been complete for a number of years with the City Attorney's office trying to resolve litigation filed by some property owners along Foothill Boulevard. As a part of the Council authoriza~settlement of their claims the City Attorney has directed Community Development Department staff to prepare modifications to the project description of the Board. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: In order to resolve litigation involving the construction of a City sewer line, the City Attorney has requested that minor modifications to the environmental document be approved by Council, ALTERNATIVES: Staff recommends Council approve Resolution 94-_, modification to the Mitigat~TM Negative Declaration for the Sewer Line Project in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and Beech Avenue from Foothill Baseline and authorize the filing of an amended Notice of Determination. ATTACHMENTS: Page 3 - Resolution No. Page _ - Modified Project Description to Initial Study Page _ - Notice of Determination (Amended) SUBMI RECOMMENDED BY: ~~ Gregory C. Devereaux pment City Manager Director FS:BW:km 3. Fontand shall at its next regularly scheduled City Council meeting pass a resolution amending its September 22, 1989 Environmental Checklist Form to expunge therefrom under item 1.6. entitled "Description of PrOJect" th~ following language: 2) Installation of storm drain line 34' North of Centerline of F,0oth~ll Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. Fontand Shall also at its next regularly scheduled CIty Council meeting pass a resolution alpproving an "Amended Notice Of Determination" to amend that Fontand Notice of Determination filed December 7, 1989 with the San E~ernardino County Clerk (using the same format as the December 7, 1989Notice} so that the Notice shall, under "Subject" indicate: Amendment of filing o£' Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code, and so that the Notice under hProJect Description" shall state: To construct trunk sewer line and water line only, and not a stQrm dra~n, in existing right of way of Foothill ~oulevard and Beech Avenue in the above mentioned limits. The "Amended Notice of De~erminat~on" shall be exactly the same as the December 7, 1989 Notice except for the aforementioned changes. Fontand shall file the "Amended Notice of Determination" with the County Clerk with instructions to the Count~ Clerk that it be filed and posted with the Count~ and at the office of Publid Resources in 3 t..~ same manner as that required for a Notice of Determination pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Section 21,000 et sea. 4. In further consideration for Fontana's total payment of $60,000.00, Plaintiffs agree to release and dismiss with prejudice all claims, causes of action, demands, claims of injuries, or demands for recovery of any kinda, against Fontand arising from the facts set forth in Case Number 269878, including but not limited to any claims arising under tlhs Settlement Agreement dated approximately June 5, 1990. The parties hereto agree that PlaintiffEl do not release the City with respect to any claim or challenge as to any storm drain project which the City has planned or might in the future plan or initiate. Th~ p~rties hereto agree that Plaintiffs have not waived their rights to challenge any storm drain pro~ects and any future water and/or sewer projects which the City might in the future plan or initiate. The City of Fontand agrees that its Negative Deolar~tion of December S, ~989 does not cover an~ installation of, or ,work r61ated to, any storm drain project, and hereby waives any ~right it may have to contend that its Negative Declaration of rleclaration of December 5, ~989 satisfies the requirement Of the California EnvirOnmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21,000etsea., with respect to ~ny storm drain installation or storm drain related work in the vicinit~ of Plaintiffs. 4 APPBi)~a,/a City of~q/ontana I)~:~' NOTICE OF DETERNINATION Engineering Division/ 8353 Sierra Avenue TO: Office of Planning and Research '~ 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk ' ' County of San Bernardino 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415 '$UBOECT= Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Tttle: Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer Project ~tat,~ Cl~i~ghoGse i|,=;ber Contact Forson Telephumme )mber Yousuf Patanwala (714) 350-766! I~oJect Lecation: In existing right of way on northside of Foothill Boulevard between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and on existing Beech Avenue right of way between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue F)ojectDescription= To construct trunk sewer line in existing right of way of Foothill Boulevard and Begch Avenue in the above mentioned limits. This is to advise that the City of Fontaria has approved the above described project on December 5. lg89 and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project will, X will not have a significant effect on the en~r~ment. 2. __ An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. X A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Nitigation measures X were, were not made a condition of approvaF'oFthe project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations .__ was, X was not adopted for this project. This is to certify that the final ND with comments and responses and record of project approval is available to the General Public at the City of Fontana Engineering Division. Date Received For Filing and Posting at OPR: ~'~/~/~-~'~-~" '~/~,~ Envirormental Review Officer Signature Tttle