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5.1 General Correspondence
MARTHA STEENSOCK NATHAN A SIMON C~Ty CLERK M'~'YOR RON HIBBLE BEN L. ABERNATHY ," ~ CITY TREASURER ,,,,%%%%, City of Fontana pAT.~OAM, MU.RAv ' ~ C A L [ F O R N I A CITY MANAGER aune 27, 1990 Byron L, Crume, Inc. 1826 Pomona Rd. Corona, Ca 91720 Dear Sirsi Please! find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on Hatch 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontaria. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc; Finance Department Public Works 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O, BOX 518) · FONTANk CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 850-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA NATHAN K SIMON CiTv CLERK BEN L ABERNATHY m C~TY TREASURER BoYLE C ty Of Fontana pATRICIAM. MURFrAY (Z A L I F O R N [ A CITY MANAGER July 2, 1990 Colich & Sons 547 W. 140th St. Gardena, CA 90248 Dear S;irs| Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please .contact the City Clerk's office. S.~un~n~L/~ Deputy City Clerk ]sn enclosure ~ cc: F~nance Department Pu,blic Works '~ ~ 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350°7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, E~C. CANADA MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN A SIMON Cir¢CLERK M/,fOR RON HIBSLE BEN L ASERNATHY ,, Cl~ TREASURE~ C ty of Fontana WILLIAM K~AGNESS p~r~c~. Mua~Y C A L I F 0 R N I A COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN OSULLIVAN CiTY MANAGER July 2, lggO Meekins Construction 6293 Pedley Road Riverside, CA 92509 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, lggO for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Llnda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk 1sn enclosure cc: Finance Department Publ t c Works 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) e FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334~0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, S.C. CANADA MARTHA S'FEENBOC~, NATHAN ~. SIMON M~'fo~ RON HJBBLE BEN L ABERNATHY ' ' PATRICIAM. MUR~IAY =~"~~) C A L I F 0 R N I A COUNCIL MEMBERS , JOHN ~SULLJVAN CJTY MANAGER July Miramontes Const. Co. Inc. P.O. Box 1576 Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, lggO for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk 1sn enclosure cc: Firlance Department Public Works ~ '~ 8363 SIERRA AVENUE(P,O. BOX518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA MAqTHA STEENBO(~K NATHAN A. ,SIMON CtTv CLERK MA 'OR RON HaBBLE ,,N, ABE,NAT,,,"i" '~::':'?'-i' C i t y f F C,.,T,,--,.,, GARYE. 8OYL~,,7 o ontana WILLIAM KRAGNESS ~ pATRICIA M. MURRAY~ ~ ' ,JOHN qSOi ~IVAN -.", ,;~' July 2, 1990 T.A. Rivard Inc. 11140 Los Alamitos Blvd. ~205 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Dear 5;irs= Please, find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on Hatch 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontaria. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk 1sn enclosure cc: Finance Department Public Works 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P-O. BOX 518) m FONTAN& CALIFORNIA92334-0518 ® (714)350-7500 SISTER CITY -- HAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA rT,, MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN A SIMON CiTy CLERK B~N L ABERHATHY Ow TREASURER PATRICIAM. MURRAY C A L [ F O R N [ A COuNCiL MEMBERS JOHN aSULLIVAN July 2, 1990 Albert W. Davies, Inc. P.O. Box 215 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91729 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontaria. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $Cgg,g70.O0. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Sincerely, Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk lsn e.c os.re cc: Finance Department Public Works 8353SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) e FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)360-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA /,,~;~( MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN k SIMON CrTY CLERK MAYOR RON HIBBLE BEN L. ABERNATHY · C~TY TREASURER Bo LE, Clty OE oa[ana WILLIAM KRAGNESS COUNCIL MEMBERS jOHN ~SULLIVAN CITY MANAGER July 2, 1990 Bonadiman-McCain, Inc. 280 So. Lena Rd. San Bernardino, CA 92408 Dear ~;irs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on Hatch 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk 1sn enclosure cc: Finance Department Publ i c Works 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) ,e FONTANk CALIFORNIAg2334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, E~C. CANADA l MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN A SIMON CAT'/CLERK MAYOR BEN L ABERNATHY ,; ~ 'I,. WILLIAM KRAGNESS July 2, 1990 J.R. Pipeline Co., Inc. P.O. Box 505 Moreno Valley, Ca 92388 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk 1sn enclosLire cc: Finance Department Pu:blic Works 8:353 81ERRAAVIENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN A. SIMON CiTY CLEnK MAYOR RON HIBBLE o Fontana WiLLiam KRAGNESS ~, ~ ~mlc~m. mu..~v ~. C A E [ E O ~ ~ ~ A COUNCIL MEMBER8 CIW MANAGER ~ '~, July 2, 1990 S. A. Healy Co. & Associates 1190 14. Gladstone Azusa, CA 91702 Dear Sirsl Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The succes;sful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Llnda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk ]sn enclosure cc: Finance Department Publ i c Works 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O, BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA MARTHA STEENBOCK RON HISBLE BEN L ABERNATHY , C~w TREASURER GAR Bo .Es City Of Fontana PATRICIAM. MURRAY C A L I F O R N I A JOHN ~SULLIVAN , July 2, 1990 Marnatt Construction Company 1748 W. Katella, Suite 103 Orange, CA 92667 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Sincerely, Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk ]sn enclosure cc= Finance Department Public Works 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTAN~ CALIFORNIA92334-0515 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN A SIMON CrTv CLERK MAYOR RON NIBBLE BEN L ABERNATHY ~ "' ' ' "' '<':" ' of Fontan A. BoY Es .,. City WILLIAM K~AGNESS p~m~c~. ~u~y C A L I F O R N I A JOHN ~SULLIVAN '~ ~ July 2, 1990 Loant Construction P.O. Box 6796 Buena Park, CA 90622 Dear Sirsl Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Sincerely, Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Finance Department Public Works 8383 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN A, SIMON C~TY CLERK MAYOR BEN L ABIERNATHY ",,:~ RON HIBBLE CITY TREASURER GARY oYLE ,.¢.City f Fonta o na WILLIAM KRAGNESS PATRICIAM. MURRAY C A L I F O R N I A COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN ~SULLIVAN CITY MANAGER ~/' July 2, 1990 Simtch-Masanovich 63 Alta St. Arcadia, CA 91006 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk 1st1 enclosure cc.' Finance Department Publ i c Works :.~ 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA NATHAN A. SIMON ~ MARTHA STEENBOCK BEN L ABERNATHY <'-~' ( ~.~' '. CiTY TREASURER GA. soYLE , , C ty of Fontana WILLIAM KRAGNE~3S "" ' p~T.~c~. Mu~.~v ~~'j:"~~ C A L I F O R N ! A JOHN ~SULLIVAN .~. ." ~ July 2, 1990 Stanley F. Yelich, Inc. P.O. Box 246 Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Sincerely, Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Finance Department Public Works 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, GALIFORNIA 92334-0518 I (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA MARTHA 5TEENBOCK NATHAN A. SIMON CITY CLEn:z MAYO~A RON HI~BI.E BEN L. ABERNATh~ · C~ TREASURER WILLIAM KRAGNESS COUNCIL MEMBerS JOHN ~SU[ LrVAN CI~Y MANAGE~ July 2, 1990 C K Construction P.O. Box 2800 Long Beach, CA 90801 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,910.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Finance Department .' Public Works 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANk CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-1600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C, CANADA NATHAN A. S3MON MARFHA STEENBOCK MAyOR CITY CLERK RON HIBBLE WiLL}AM KRAGNE~.S '7 P~T~c~M, Mu~.,~y C A L I F O R N I A COUNCrL MEMgERS JOHN ~SULLIVAN July 2, lggO Kenko Inc. dba/NcGrand & Assoc. 1025 Calimesa Blvd., Suite #4 Callmesa, CA 92320 Dear Sirst Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on Hatch 20, lg90 for the constrl~ction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $6gg,gTO.O0. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. Sincerely, Linda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk 1sn enclosure cc: Finance Department Public Works 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P,O. BOX518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)360-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA .~,7 MARTHA STEENBOCK NATHAN A, SIMON CITY CLBRK MAYOR RON HIBBLE BEN L ABERNATHY · CiTY TREASURER C ty of Fontana WILLIAM K~AGNES8 PATtIClAM. MUrrAY C A L I F O R N I A COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN ~SULLFVAN CITY MANAGER July 2, 1990 Kershaw Construction Co. 14046 :Santa Ana Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. ~S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Finance Department Publ i c Works ..:',, 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P,O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA NAlhAf.. A SIMmJ MAYO" BEN L. ABERNATHY GARY E BOYLES WILliAM KRAGNESS PA.TRICIA M. MURRAY COuNCIL MEMBERS JOHN O'SULLIVAN CITY MANAGER City of Fontana CALIFORNIA 'M,RT~JI STEEN80CK Cirv CL~RK RON HI88LE CITY TREASURER July 2, 1990 R & L Sewers Inc. 8815 Somerset Paramount, CA 90723 Dear Sirs; Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on March 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Grbavac and Prkacin in the amount of $699,970.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any questions, please contact the City Clerk's office. lsn enclosure cW;:s~ Li nda S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk c:::;> C-~ '2' cc: Finance Department Public Works CJ 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, ac. CANADA CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: LINDA NUNN, DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~ FRON: GREGORY a, BUCKNELL, P,E,, CONSULTING PROOECT NANAGER DATE: JUNE 25, 1990 SUBJECT: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PRO~.ECT ;, :~.~ .!~ .... < .. ~!: . ~. CHJ'S CONSULTANT SERVICES AGIIF~ Enclosed for your files is an executed agreement on the above referenced project. GOB:bjp Enclosure cc: A,, Beard R., Weddle CITY OF FONTANA CALI FORN ]A MEMORANDUM TO: LINDA NUNN, DEPUTY CITY CLERK FROM: GREGORY O. BUCKNELL, P. E., CONSULTING PROJECT MANAGER DATE: OUNE 25, 1990 SUB,]EC1F: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT BID PROPOSAL BOND RELEASES Enclosed for your actlon are seventeen btd proposal bonds for release on the .- above referenced project. COB:bjp Enclosure cc: A. Beard R. Weddle CITY OF FOMTANA Ca] t forni a TO: LINDA NUNN, DEPUTY CITY CLERK FROM: GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, CONSULTING PROJECT MANAGER DATE: JUNE 19, 1990 RE: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEHER PROJECT Enclosed for your files are one set of Fully Executed Construction Contract, Certificate of Insurance, Faithfull Performance Bond, Materh] and Labor Bond, and Genoral Ltabi]tty Endorsement on the above referenced project. GB:dp cc: A. Beard R. Weddle Y, Patanwala PRESLEY of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FO~A, CALIFO~IA 92335 ~'~ A~: MS. ~IVORY P~LIC WO~S DIREC~R ~E: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEIW~R AND RANCliO FariNA SPECIFIC YLAN PMOJECTS Dear AnnivOry: We are very appreciative of the time you and your staff spent with us on April 25, 1990, and the follow up meeting with Bob Weedle on April 27, 1990. The following discussion and action items took place regarding various Proslay Development Projects. The purpose of the meetings was to establish issues on the various projects, and to provide action items by key personnel for resolution, (1) CITY MASTER PLAN SEWER PROJECT We are pleased to hear ~hat the Foothill/Beech Sewer Contract has been awarded, and that the Contractor has 90 working days =o complete the project - approximately september 1, 1990. (2) PR~SLEY MASTER PLAN SE~ER PROJECT We have now accepted the fact that the offsite portion of the project requires a public bid, and we are in the process of having specifications prepared regarding the upslead portion. Onslte, we hope to get a determination at our ~ext ~eeti~g. The plans are in for, hopefully, =he last check. All utility Companies have responded. (3) D~ION BASIN j~qa/' Our consultant is working with your staff and the plan y~,~ checker to expedite the revisions of the plan cheek. 19 Corpom~ ~ua. Newton Beach, C-lt~ ~6~ ~a414~ ~1: ~ O~U ~ 6110 · N~ ~ ~& 92658-61~ (4) TRACT NO~S 12314 A~D 10800 (A) Reaordation Schedule ~// It is noted that Tentative Tract No. 12314 expires ~// on Sepetember 8, 1990 - for which there are no ~/ further extentions. To allow the map to record by that date, the following must be met~ August 1, 1990 - Bonds and Agreements submitted to the City. August 10, 1990 - Staff report complete and submitted to the council. AuguSt 21, 1990 - Council agenda for approval. We really appreciate the response of the staff in wor~ing with us to accomplish the above. (B) Median in Base Line Avenue In the meetin~ with our consultants and Bob Weedle on April 26, 1990, it was determined that the Base Line Avenue median should be 14 feet in width. (C) Base Line Avenue Street Improvements Pieslay indicated that it strongl~ desired to have the full (excluding median) improvements constructed within the limits of this project since this is really our window to the project and our models would be near Base Line. It was decided that Pieslay would provide the City a cost estimate of future removals and replacements required when the storm drain facility is constructed in Base Line Avenue. (D) Drainage Issues /(~y/ To be discussed with our consultants and City Staff/Plan Checker. (E) Secondary Access ~ ~y) One outcome cf this issue was that Pieslay decided 7 to record Tentative Tract No. 12314 as one map (phase) if the City would agree to accept the ~ improvements in phases and, as a result, reduce the bonds. This was acceptable to the City with the stipulation that Pieslay would not request more than three reductions. The issue of obtaining the necessary right=of-way at the northerly end of the project, south of the e:12Y, redevelopmerit area was discussed. It was agreed ~'3,j~ that Presley would provide all the documentation ~ and try to obtain the necessary Propertyl if Presley was unsuccessful, =he City would initiate condemnation preceedings. Thanks again for your time. We are looking fcNard to getting together with you and the staff at our next meeting scheduled for May 15, 1990 at 10=00 am. Very truly yours, FR~SLEY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Alan D.Uman Vice President of Planning and Engineering KDU/mm John O'sullivan, City Manager Russ Carlson, Special Projects, Acting Community Developmen= Director Bob Waddle, Deputy Director of Public Works Kurt Anderson, Planning Manager Dave Martines, Director of Building and Safety John Liblee "' ' City of Fontana ~ CALIFORNIA May 23, lg90 Mr. Alan O. Uman Vice President of Plannin9 and Engineering Presley of Southern California 19 Corporate Plaza Mewport Beach, CA 92660 Sub3ect: Sewer Project Bid Requirements Oear Mr. Uman: Pursuant to our recent discussion on the b~d requirements for the Baseline Sewer Project and the Almeria Sewer Upsizin~ Project, I have completed my research with the City Attorney's Office. In summary, the Baseline project must be bid as a Public ~orks project. Almerta project is not required to be b~d as a public works project, although it could be done this way. In any event, both projects must comply with state prevailin~ labor requirements, includina submittals of certified payrolls. Almeria pro~ects unit costs must be approved by the undersigned prior to contract award. Should you or your staff require any further information, please contact ~he undersi~ned at (714) 3B0-1610 Robert }1. ~eddle, P.E. Deput~ Public ~orks Director/City Engineer R~:bjp cc: A. Beard G. Bucknell F. Molinos Y. Patanwala S. Oeitsch, BBK M. Ridde1, BBK 83~;3 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN& CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ,- V V May 10, 1990 Cona Bellefeuille Chicago Title Insurance Company 625 Carnegie Dr., Suite 100 San Bernardino, CA g2408 Re: Your No. 8926gZ-7 Our No. 12FT/Beech Avenue Please find enclosed the information requested in your letter of Hay 3, 1990, in reference to the above file number. If you require any further information, please contact the undersigned at {714) 350-7610. Sincerely, Robert ~. ~eddle, P.E. Deputy Public ~orks Director/~ity Engineer RWW:bjp Enclosure cc: Y.'Patanwala G. Bucknell 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Chica ,o 625 Carnegie Dr., Suite 100, San Bernardino, CA 92408 (714)884-0448/1-800-722-0824 MAY 3, 1990 CITY OW FONTA~A 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 ATTN= BOB WEDDLE RE: YOUR NO. 12PT/BEECH AVENUE OUR NO. 8926926-7 OUR FILE OF PENDING TITLE ORDERS INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE BEEN FURNISHED A PRELIMINARY RNFORT UNDER THE ABOVE NUMBER. THREE MONTHS OR MORE HAVE ELAPSED SINCE THIS TITLE WORK WAS COMPLETED BY OUR OFFICE. IN ORDER FOR US TO PROPERLY DISPOSE OF THIS ORDER, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM ARD RETURN IT TO US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THIS INFORMATION IS NEEDED TO DETERMIRE WHETHER WE SHOULD CANCEL THE ORDER OR CONTINUE TO HOLD IT OPEN. IF, AFTER A PERIOD OF TWENTY-ONE (21) DAYS FROM THE DATE HEREOF, WE HAVE HAD NO RESPONSE TO THIS LETTER, WE WILL ASSUME IT IS YOUR WISH TO CANCEL THE ABOVE REFERENCED ORDER. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. CONA BELLEFEU~ TITLE OFFICER PL~aASE CONTINUE TO HOLD OPEN FOR EXPECTED FUTURE CLOSING AND POLICY REQUEST. THE EXPECTED DATE OF CLOSING IS /~'/~//~ PLEASE CANCEL FILE. DATE April 10, 1990 Ms. Annivory Beard,Public Works Director City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer and Rancho Fontana Specific Plan Projects Dear Annivory: We are very appreciative of the time you and the staff spent with us on March 27, 1990. The following discussion and action items took place regarding various Presley Development Projects. The purpose of the meeting was to establish issues on the various projects and provide action items by key personnel for resolution. Discussion: 1. City Master Plan Sewer Project. We are pleased to hear that you have scheduled the Foothill/Beech sewer project for award of the contract by Council on April 17. We trust the following schedule which was previously given to us can continue to be meant: 1. Notice to proceed April 27, 1990 2. Start construction May 14, 1990 3. Completion Sept. 1, 1990 You indicated that the City Attorney has indicated to proceed and that you are confident that the property owner litigation can be resolved and the railroad and water line issues are well on the way to resolution. 2. Presley Master Plan Sewer Project. In regards to the Baseline Trunk Sewer, which we are proceeding with~ You indicated you would clear the way with the City Attorney, Steve Deitsch, so we can discuss the issue with him directly. The major concern is whether we can proceed with construction of the Master Plan Baseline trunk sewer to serve Tract 12314 with reimbursement without the need for the public bid procedures. We concurred with Bob Weddle that we had expected that this could be handled as with other items, without the need for public bid procedures. The reimbursement would come from funds previously paid by Presley for sewer hookup charges. ]gCo~ommPiaza. Ne~po~Beach, C~mia92660 (7]4) 640-6400 · FAX(7]4) 640-]643 Ma]]inM Addressz ~s~ O~ce Box 6H0 · Ne~o~ Beachl Ca]iforma 92658-6]]0 Annivory Beard Page 2 3. Tract 12341/10800 a) Grading Permit Prior to Recordation: City staff indicated that issuing a grading permit prior to tract recordation was acceptable with proper bonding, etc. b) Model Permits Prior to Recordation: Staff indicated that issuing model permits prior to recordation was acceptable subject to proper bonding, agreement for tear-down and provisions for temporary toilet facilities. Presley indicated that they would probably use the Port-O toilets with their own holding facilities that would be pumped periodically until such time as the sewer will be complete t~ the tract around September 1, 1990. Presley also acknowledged no permanent occupancies would be issued until the sewer is installed and operational. c) Model Site Plan Access from Baseline: Bob Weddle from the City of Fontaria indicated that the temporary access from Baseline was acceptable to his department. He indicated that perhaps the deceleration lane with temporary improvements would need to be installed. d) Phasing Plan Comments Dated March 12, 1990: Milt Madole reviewed the various comments from the Staff Report pertaining to Presley. Issues such as the routing of construction traffic through the existing neighborhood were discussed. Recordation and construction were discussed. Off-site detention as part of this review was discussed. The result of the meeting directed that Milt Madole would set up a meeting with John Libiez in order to provide a resolution to the issues raised in the Staff Report. e) Detention Basin| 1) Plan Check Status: Bob Weddle indicated that he has reviewed the detention plans and found them generally acceptable in terms of their design. Annivory Beard Page 3 2) Discharge to Baseline Road: .' Issues were raised regarding the drainage ~ discharge to Lytle Creek. Bob Weddle indicated that the downstream discharge was so minor from the project that it was not enough to worry about. 3) Tree Replacement Fee: It was agreed that secondary growth from trees that have been previously cut down will not be counted as trees needing replacement or trees needing to be paid a fee upon, : 4. Tract 13928: It was agreed that there would be a workshop with Director Russ Carlson in order to review the comments and provide some resolution to issues raised by the various departments regarding the tract design. 5. Tract 13926 Sewer and Storm Drain: Bob Weddle and Kurt Anderson agreed that the use of existing easements was acceptable for the placement of sewer and storm drain facilities. Whatever vacation of streets and easements required, John Libiez and Milt Madole would work on this issue and Milt Madole would provide whatever supporting material required by the City for the vacation. 6. Tract 14296 IChicken Ranch] Street Aliunment: Staff indicated that the issue was the potential conflict points that might provide access difficulties to Baseline Road. Presley Staff indicates that there was a traffic report that would be submitted for the Specific Plan Amendment that would address the Chicken Ranch tract access point issues, indicating that the tract, as currently designed, posed no traffic difficulties. A meeting between Paul Balbach, Clyde Sweet and Bob Kahn, the various traffic engineers was proposed in order to review the traffic issue. John Libiez raised the question of the Specific Plan Amendment needed for Rancho Fontana. It was agreed that a pre-tentative map could be concurrently processed with the Specific Plan Amendment in order to expedite the review and approval process of this tract. Annivory Beard Page 4 7. New Item Low/Moderate Income Housing Requirement: This issue relates to the concerns that have been expressed by some staff members for the need to provide low to moderate income housing. This appears to be in substantial conflict with the direction that the City has been giving for north Fontana, especially the Council's desires for high quality development with substantial amenities. It is also our understanding the Rancho Fontana Specific Plan area is exempt from this requirement. Annivory, due to your guidance this was the most positive and productive meeting we have had with the City in years. I appreciate your canter and openness regarding the state of the City staffing problems. We look to cur next meeting April 19th, at 9:00 a.m. Very truly yours, PRESI~Y OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Alan D. Uman Vice President of Planning and Engineering ADL/pam cc: John O'Sullivan, City Manager Russ Carlson, Special Projects, Acting Community Development Director Bob Weddle, Deputy Director of Public Works Kurt Anderson, Planning Manager Dave Martinez, Director of Building and Safety CITY OF FONTANA/PRESLEY PROJECT STATUS MEETING MARCH 27, 1990 - 9:00 AM AGENDA ATTENDEES: City of Fontana: Annivory Beard Russ Carlsen Robert Weddle Kurt Anderson Dave Martinez Greg Bucknell Yousuf Patanask Presley of So. Cal: Dean Stewart A1 Uman Ralph Chenier Madole & Associates: Milt Madole Sierra Engineering: Nelson Miller Planning Associates: Hardy Strozier 1. Tract 12314/10800 A. Grading Permit prior to recordation B. Model Permits prior to recordation C. Model Site access from Baseline D. Phase plan comments dated March 12, 1990 2. Detention basin A. Plan check status B. Discharge to Baseline Road C. Tree Replacement Fee 3. Sewer Line Foothill/Beech status 4. Tra¢~t 13926 Sewer & Storm drain easement 5. Sewer Baseline Road (A) Plan check status (B) Public bid? 6. Tract 13928 D.A.B. Review & Comments 7. Tract 12496 (chicken ranch) Street Alignments 8. Specific Plan Amendment Status ME~TING CONFIRMATION DATE March 27, 1990 Ti~E 9:00 a.m. H)CATION Executive Conference Room SIJBJECT: PRESLEY TR 12314 LAST ISSUES FOR TRACT APPROVAL REQUIRING POLICY DECISIONS A~ENDEES: Annivory C. Beard Russ Carlsen Robert Weddle Kurt Anderson Dave Martinez Greg Bucknell Yousuf Patanask Presley: A1 Uman Dean Stewart Bob Albertson Nelson Miller Milt Maddle RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Job No. O~anizltion ~/~ , Items Discu.ed Cmments or Action Re~uiwed ,q., RECORD OF TELEPHONYCONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Job No. Organization Items Discussed Comments or Action Required HHLL ~, PIJH, P_MFff,I, iNC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Nov 16,89 17:58 No.024 P.O1 ~, 5t ~ CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING , LAND SURVEYING FAX TRANSMll'rAL Job # Date: [~_ I,r~- FrOm: ,,_~-A?~,<,Cx,,,3 A~ention: Y~%~ F~ Number: ~t~ Number of Pages Oncluding this Form) Desc;ription or Message: .If all pages are not received or there is difficulty with this transmission, please call ~'~.r-_~%\c./~. at (714)641-8777 or reply to FAX number (714)641-0170. HALL ~ FOREMAN, INC. TEL: 714-6a!-0170 Nov !6,89 17:58 No.024 ' ~ ~X~IB~T "A" ~' "' "' ...... ALL'&'PGR¼MkN;' ' Civil Engineering-Land, Planning-Land surveying ~ 3170 Redhill Avenue CoBra Mesa, California 92626-3428 Telephone (714) 641-8777 PRELIMINARY **** CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE **** Db: 3904D Estimate date: 18 July 1989 SEWER/FOOTHiLL (HEMLOCK TO LIME) & BEECH INTRCP. By: MAJID MOVAHED Quantity Unit Cost Item Total ~, SANITARY SEWERS *** mins: ~4" VCP .... ~ ...................... 1226 L[ 84,00 102,984.00 ~1" VCP ' 531B LF 59 00 313 585 00 [2" VCP.~...~.~i~ ................ 1975 LF 34.00 67,150.00 8" VCP .... ,. .!? .................. 25 LP' 26.00 680.00 Donst. 30"x 0~.~ Jacked Steel Cs 202 LF ~50.0o 50,500.00 2onst. 42 x 0.375" Jacked Steel Cs. 90 LF 250.00 22,500.00 ., ! Mains subtotal: ~57,369,00 ~nhole~: :8" PreCast Manhole .. ............ ~ 2 EA 1,500.00 3,000.00 ~'8" Manhole (w/watertight cover)... 4 EA 1,600,00 6,400.00 50" Manhole.~ ....... . ........ ~ ..... 14 EA 2,800.00 39,200.00 ~0" Manhole (w/Watertight cover)... 4 EA 2,900.00 11,600.00 3rop Manhole (modified exist. mh).. 1 EA 2,200.00 ~,~00.00 ~ Manholes subtotal: 62,400.00 ~sCellaneoUs: ~" VCP Lateral (w/wyes & plugs) .... 50 EA 100.00 10,000,00 ~lug End VCP Sewer ................. 24 EA 100.00 2,400°00 ~emove Trees.. ..................... 336 EA 200~00 67,200.00 ~emOve & Restore Chain Link Fence.. 2105 LF 12.00 25,260.00 ~emove & Replace Existing CUrb ..... 270 LF 8,00 2,160,00 ~emo~e Existing 7~" RCP. ........... 40 LF 100.00 4,000.00 ~emove ex, sewer plug & connect .... I EA 700.00 700.00 ~onst. Concrete Collar ............. 1 EA 200.00 200.00 Page I of 2 FOREMIeN, INC. TEL: 714-6z11-0170 Nov 16,89 17:58 No.024 P.03 HALL ~l ! , Constru. Ctlon Cost Estimate - 3904D Quantity Unft Cost Item Total .. Shoring (for lackof const.' easm't) ~ t~ 123,000.00 Remove/replac~ Pavement ............ 7110 SF 1,00 7,110.00 Remo~e St~uct, Appurt & Equipment.. LS 4,000.00 Traffic Control Etc ................ LS 5,000 O0 Miscellaneous subtotal: 251,030.00 SANITAR~ SEWERS total~ 870,799.00 *** MAJOR CATEGORY TOTALS (without contingencies): SANITARY SEWERS: 870,799.00 *** SUMMARY: CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL: 870,799.00 'CONTINGENCIES @ 10%: 87,079,90 OTHER COSTS: 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 957,878.90 NOTES: 1. Since Hall & Foreman ~ Inc., has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions our opinions ,of est]mated project cost or construction cost providea for herein are to be made on the basis of our experience and qualifications and represent our best judgment as design professionals familiar with the construction industry, but Hall and Foreman , Inc,, cannot and does not, guarantee that proposals, bids, or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of estimated cost prepared by the firm. Page 2 of 2 Ci of Fontana LIFOI~NIA NOTICE OF NEETING TIHE: 9:00 A.N. DAY: NEDNESDAY DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 1989 PLACE: BONO'S DELI& RESTAURANT 15395 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, FONTANA The City of Fontana Public Works Department, Engineering Division, is holding a property owner meeting to answer any question that the property owners may have with respect to the pending construction of thE! sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. Mr. Bono has kindly volunteered a portion of his restaurant to hold this meeting. The City Engineer, Mr. Robert Weddle will be present to answer your questions. Your attendance will be very much appreciated. YP:cm 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 ~ RECORD OF TELEPHOI~ CONVERSATION ~-'-~'""1 CONSLTLTANTS, INC. Job No, I terns Discu'~sed Comments or Action Reqtjlred BSI-PO06 2/80 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LE'I'rER OF TRANSMI'ITAL DATE: 02/22/90 JOB #: 3904-004 TO: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 ATTENTION: Yousef Patanwala REGARDING: Specification & Bid Document Foothill Sewer/Original Mylars CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith are the bidding documents, specification and original mylars. If you have any questions, please call. BY: Sassan Haghgoo, P.E. Sr. Project Engineer CC: /ib 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMITrAL DATE :: 02/13/90 JOB -#: 3904,3905,3906 TO: CITY OF FONTANA Engineering 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 ATTENTION: Yous~f Patanwala REGARDING: Foothill Sewer CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transrrlitted herewith are 2 prints of the revised sewer plans and your redlines for your review before today's meeting. BY: .....~r. Project co: /ib 3170 REDFIILL AVENUE · COSTA~'IESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 ® FAX (714) 641-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: PRESLEY of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Presley Property in Rancho Fontana Dear Ann: I want to thank you for another productive session regarding the status of the sewer line to serve the Ranch Fontana area and other issues relating to our properties. We have had a long struggle in Fontana and I've got to tell you I am very encouraged about the quality of the senior management of Fontana. It is absolutely refreshing to have meetings with you and Bob Weddle with the only attitude on the table is how do we solve the problem. We were also very pleased to learn of your hiring Bob Weddle as full time city engineer for the City of Fontana. He is a superb addition to the Fontana Management Team. On the business side the following items were discussed: 1. Status of the trunk sewer line. It is our understanding that your latest schedule is as follows: February 13th distribute plans for bid, March 7th receipt and opening of bids, March 30th award of bid by City Counsel. Based on this award date and our previous discussions this should place the completion of the sewer approximately July 31, 1990. It is our understanding there are three remaining issues on the sewer line but that you are optimistic that they can be resolved and if not you are prepared to proceed accordingly. The three remaining issues being: a) your disagreement with CalTran regarding their mitigation requirements for removal of the trees. b) potential litigation being filed by the foothill property owners. c) the resolution of the sewer conflict with the two existing water lines in the easement area on Beach Avenue. In re~ards to our contribut!gn to the tree mitigation for the trunk Sewer lines it ts"a~letha~ Presley will contribute $50,000.00 towards the tTeemiti~etion fund. This contribution is to be made upon the completion of the subject sewer. ]9 Corporals P]aza · Newpofi Beach. Ca]i~rnia 92660 (714) 640-6400 · FAX (714) 640-1643 Mailing Address ~sl O~ke Box 6110 - Newport Beach. Calibrma 92658-6110 Annivory Calvert ~ Presley Property in Rancho Fontana February 9, 1990 Page 2 2. Temporary detention basin. Our plans for the agreed to five foot deep temporary detention basin have been submitted to the engineering department for plan check, 3. Base line trunk sewer line. The plans for this line have been through one plan check by the city are relatively clean and should have approvals within thirty days. At our next meeting we will submit to you a reimbursement agreement for this stretch of trunk sewer as well as the trunk sewer which traverses through the property of our Nelson Property. 4. NELSON PROPERTY (TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12314) CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. A. Overall Tract Presley strongly needs to deliver product on this site during the latter months of this calendar year. To meet this schedule the production units need to be under construction by August 1990. It appears from the current schedule that the record map should record approximately June 15, 1990. The grading of the site needs to commence around June 8, 1990. We would like to grade the total project prior to the map recording. It's our understanding that the City staff is reluctant to allow this to occur, primarily because of a potential "blow" sand problem. We are hoping to come to a mutually satisfactory mitigation procedure so that the total project can be graded without recording it. We are working with Bob Weddle and Dave Martinez on this. B. Model Site. Our model site needs to be under construction by June, 1990. We would like to start building our model site, consisting of four (4) houses and a parking area prior to the recordation of the tract. In discussion with various City personnel we have been informed that the City does not have a procedure for the construction of model homes prior to the recordation of the tract. Most other agencies do allow the construction to take place with a "demolition" bond to cover the removal of the units should the project not proceed. We respectfully request that some similar procedure be developed by the City to allow the construction of models prior to recordation. We would like to discuss this during the meeting on February 15th, 1990. Annivory Calvert Presley Property in Rancho Fontana February 9, 1990 Page 3 5. City Fees A. Increased Processinq fees. We had a discussion regarding the new grading plan check fee which is over $75.00 per lot, this is more than it cost to design the grading plan. Grading plans should be able to be checked for half of this amo'unt. Bob Weddle indicated that we should have a discussion wit2h Jim Grissom regarding this issue. I indicated that we would do so. B. Infrastructure Fee Proqram. It is our understanding that the City is ready to enter into an agreement with Flory, Olsen and Van Osdell (FOVO) to perform a north Fontana infrastructure master plan study. This study is estimated to take from eight to twelve months to complete. As we briefly discussed with you, our concern is that the processing and development of our project should not be impacted by the length of time to complete the study. Ann, again thank you for a very productive meeting and we look forward to our next dialogue on February 15, at 2:00 p.m. Very truly yours, PRESLEY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Alan D. Uman Vice President, Planning and Development ADU/pam cc: John O'Sullivan, City Manager Bob Weddle, City Engineer Kurt Anderson, Planning Manager Dave Martinez, Director of Building and Safety Rudy Garcia, Deputy Manager /" City of Fontana CALIFORNIA February 7, 1990 Roger Hatch Vice President Construction and Engineering Fontana Heritage, West End Associates 23(I Newport Center Drive, Suite 300 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7511 SuMect: Caltrans Encroachment Permit Dear Roger Hatch: The City of Fontana has been able to resolve the outstanding tree issue with Celttans on Foothill Boulevard. In a telephone conversation with Yousuf, Assistant District Permit Engineer Mr. Mike Mil. es, has indicated that Caltrans has already issued a rider to reinstate the originally issued permit. As soon as that rider permit is received by the City, a copy will be faxed to your office. Thank you. Very truly yours, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/ City Manager RWI~:YP:pc cc :: A. Beard Y. Patanwal a G. Bucknel 1 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA February 5, 1990 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92334-0518 Attn: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant III Dear Yousuf: Pursuant to our conversation today, the following is a summary of our response to the issues raised in your letter of January 4, 1990: 1. The Fontana Union Water Company will not be required to relocate a pipeline at their own expense, since the purpose of the removal of the pipeline is to benefit the City in its construction of a sewer line. Therefore, the City must bear the cost to remove the pipeline on the premises. 2. Any and all property owned in fee by the County must be transferred by Grant Deed to the City in order to effectively transfer fee ownership. The property held in fee by the County is not automatically transferable upon annexation by the City. LAW OFFICES best. BESt & kriEgEr Mr. Yousuf Patanwala City of Fontana February 5, 1990 Page 2 Please contact either Kirk Smith or myself if you should have further questions or comments regarding the above stated matter. Sincerely, /Sheron~ Legal Assistant STH/mr CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MENOILAMNJR TO: FOOTHILL/BEECH SEMER PRO~ECT FILE DATE.- aANUARY 19, 1990 SUBOEC,T/ RELOCATIO!I OF EXISTING MATER LINES OR NORTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FItOR HI.~LOCK TO BEECH A meeting was held fn the office of the C~ty Engtneer to d~scuss the above mentioned subject, The following were in attendance: · Bob Heddle Interim C~ty Engineer, Ctty of Fontaria Gw'eg Bucknell Consultant Project Manager, Ctty of Fontana Oohn McCarty Interlm Assistant City Engineer, C~ty of Fontana Yousuf Patanwala Ctvtl Engineering Assistant Ill, C~ty of Fontaria Frank LoGutdtce Vice President, San Gabriel Hater Company In the meeting, tt was agreed that Fontana Hater Company wt1~ tnstall a temporary 11ne wtthtn 1-foot south of existing north, rtght of way 11ne. The Ctty of Fontana wtll work out the financial agreement wtth the Fontana Hater Company to reimburse the reasonable cost for the relocatton of existtng 4" and 6' water ltnes. After Fontana Hater Company has reestabltsh services to their customers, from the temporary 1the, the extsttng 4" and 6" water 11ne wtll be considered abandoned tn place. It wtll be the responsibility of contractor constructing the sewer line to co-operate with Fontana Hater Company in the installation of the temporary water 1the. Fontana Hater Company w~11 confirm tn wrtttng their willingness to co-operate wtth the City. YP:cm John CALIFORNIA ,-I'I~ n~ ', ~'~~~ T,0 Annivory Calvert, P blic Works Director D,ATE: December 7, 1989 Please be sure that you communicate to CalTrans Peggy' JO'S:jm ~ ~j ~ v RECORD OF TELEPHO~ CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Job No. Project Individual ~ ~ Phone No. Items Dis~:ussed City of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 27, 1989 HP. Alan D. Uman, Vice President Presley Homes 19 Corporate Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Status Report on Foothil~ Beech Sewer Line Dear Nr. Uman: For your Information, this is to provide you with a copy of the Footht11/Beech/Baseline Sewer Line Project status report that was presented to the City Council on November 21, 1989 and additional data that might be of interest to you. On November 29, 1989, I will be meeting with the Foothill Boulevard property owner!; to explain the project and its timing. Some property owners are threatening legal action over the issue of potential loss of business, etc. At the: December 5, 1989 City Counctl meeting, the City Council wtll be asked to approve the negative declaration and authorize staff to advertise thls project for construction bids. A bid opening date has not been set as the plans and specifications need final corrections to be done by the design firm. Presuming that the negative declaration is approved, it will be forwarded to Caltrans, who should reinstate the City's construction permit for work on Foothill Boulevard. Per an earlier meeting with representatives of Presley Homes, Z understood that you have some key contacts with Southern Pacific Rai3road (SPRR). The SPRR permit. application was transmitted to SPRR on &nuary 17, 1989 and the design engineer has not been able to find out when the permit might be issued or if any additional information is required. Z would appreciate any assistance that you can provide. The City's Project Hanager, Rr. Yousuf Patanwala, can provide you or your staff with copies of the original SPRR permit application should tt be helpful. Lastly, the City's soils firm will be completing the subsurface investigations soon and Nr. Patanwala will be mailing out the final utility notification letters. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 Pres~ey Homes November 27, 1989 Page 2 In closing, we fully expect to have this project out to bid in December and a contract awarded in January 1990. Should you or your staff have any questions, please contact the undersigned or Mr. Yousuf Patanwala at (714) 350-7610. Sincerely yours, Robert W. Weddle Interim City Engineer RWW:cm cc: A. Calvert G. Bucknell Y. Patanwala y L. Dale J. McDowell M. Madole, Mado]e Associates R. Roberrs, Sierra Engineering R. Hatch, Village of Heritage J. Hogan, Ha]] & Foreman Enclos;ure AGENOA ZTEM CZTY COUNCZL ACTZON REPORT Novseer 21, 1989 Consent Calendar Hee~tn90a~e Agenda Placement TO: HayoP and C~ty Count17 FRO!h Annivory Calvert, Public Works O~rector SUBJECT: FOOTHXLL/BEECH/BASELZNE SEWER CONSTRUCTZON PROJECTS - STATUS REPORT CURRI]trACTZOII REqUESTEl)= 7. TO RECEIVE A REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE CURRENT SEWER PROJECTS WHXCH ARE PROGRAMMED TO SERVE NORTH FONTANA. 2. TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON OECEMBER 5, 1989 TO APPROVE THE NEGATXV OECLARATZON DOCUMENT WZTH MZTZGATZON MEASURES. FISCAL/NPACT: T"F Yes ~ No BRCKSROIII): To stmpl~fy the the description of the status of the Footht11/Seech/Saselfne Sewer ProJects, the project background description w~11 be d~vlded ~nto the following segments: 1, Foothtll SetliP - ChoPPy tO IkaloCk Oeslqn Administration: Hefttape Construction Admln~stratton: Heritage Status: Btd awarded; Celttans has just approved construction between Cherry Avenue and Redwood'Avenue (no trees), but the remainder of the project ts on hold pending reinstatement of Celttans permtt. Celttans requires environmental document on eucalyptus tree tssue. Ctty processing mitigated neglttve declaration (NO) as required by CEQA. Request for Count11 certification of NO ts prograntled for the December 5, 1989 Count11 meettrig. Nottces have been sent to ~mpacted property owners and responsible agencies. R~eht-ot-way= None }s required. 2. Fetht11 Sewer - Itemlock to Lfee Oeeton Enotneer: Hall & Foreman Construction Administration: Ctty of Fontaria Contractthe Authority: City of Fontaria (Sewer Fund) Status: ProJect design plans and specifications are 98% complete. The Southern Pac~fh: RaHroad permit was requested on January 1, 7989; tt has not been tssued to date. Celttans Permit: It was tssued but subsequently suspended by Celttans pending submittal of' envfronmental documentation on eucalyptus tree issue. The City is processing a mitigated negative declaration (NO) as required by CEQA, The ND is to be presented to City Council on December 5, lg8g. Right-of-Way: Six out of nineteen tempor3ry construction easements nave ~een secured. The project can be constructed in existing street right-of-way with the temporary construction easements which the City has in place. Property Owner Issues: Dust control; tree removal; potential loss of business during construction; access; compensation to property owners; replacement of curb and gutter at ultimate location. The contractor will be required to expedite his work (with penalties) through property owner work areas (Wheels, Etc.). Dust control spray agents are being reviewed for reducing the problem of wind blown dust. 3. Beech Avenue - Foothill to Baseline Desiqn EnDSneer: Hall & Foreman ConStruction Administration: City of Fontaria ConStruction AuthoritY: City of Fontaria (Sewer Fund) Status: The project design plans and specifications are gB% complete. The Southern PatSliD Railroad permit was requested on January 17, lgBg but it has not been issued to date. Environmental: The City is processing the mitigated negative declaration for the December 5, lg89 City Council meeting. Riqht-of-WaY: The City has 25 of the 27 required easements. Staff is reviewing options to implement with existing in place construction easements. Negotiations with the property owners have delayed the project implementation. ProJerry Owner Issues: Dust control; tree removal; construction mitigation. 4. easeline - 8ee~h to Almeria Desion EnDSneer: Hadole & Associates (Presley Homes) Construction Administration: Not decided. Contractinq Authority: Not decided. Status: The project design is 25~ complete. The City is negotiating a reimbursement agreement with Presley Homes for design engineering and project assistance (Foothill/Beech segment). Presley Homes also is to assist the City in securing Southern Pacific Railroad permit and general project assistance, ATTACilENT$: 1. Location map 2. Bid award minutes - Foothill, Cherry to Beech Project 3, Initial study document - Negative Declaration Document 4. Tree replacement program - Lisa Donnell Nemorandum CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETI'ER OF TRANSMI'I'I'AL DATE: 10/23/89 JOB #: 3904 TO: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 ATTENTION: Yousef Patanwaia REGARDING: Specification & Bid Document Foothill Sewer CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmil~ed herewith are the bidding documents and specification for your use. if you have any questions, please call Mr. Sassan Haghgoo. L, BY: Sh0u-tai An, P.E. Sr. Project Manager CO: ~ '~ /jb ' 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND 8URVE~NG September 7, 1989 Job #3904, 3905, #3906 42,7 L1 City of Fontana Public Work Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92334-0518 Attention: Yousuf Patanwala Regarding: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Status Per our telephone conversation on August 29, 1989, the following is a summary of our current project status for your information: 1. Plan Corrections - Right-of-way information is shown on the plans. - The latest temporary construction easements are shown on the plans. 2. Caltrans Permit -Mr. Mike Miles of Caltrans requested the tree removal issue to be approved by the City. Our latest information is that City Engineer will make a decision on whether the City Council needs to approve this issue or not. The City Engineeris on vacation until after September 14, 1989, per our conversation. -The manhole rotation on the title sheet has been corrected. Caltrans will be informed and approve it when we meet with them next. - For your information~ enclosed is a copy of a letter from our office to Ms. Annivory Calvert. 3. Southern Pacific Railroad Permit - We made a call to Ms., Dare Wasivk of S.P.R.R., regarding their Job # "Fontana, line 8 page 56; and line 9 page 56," on August 30, 1!)89. She told us that the application has been sent to their San Francisco office and we should be able to have their response by the end of September. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MEBA, CALIF. ORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641~8777 City of Fontana -2- September 7. 1989 4. Bid package Please find the enclosed "draft bid package" for your review and comment. 5. Revision Approval We are submitting a revision package (enclosed) showing all delta changes made since January, 1989, for your review. We will submit the original for approval 'signature when you approve the revisions. If you have any questions regarding the above issues, please call me. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. Shou-tai An, P.E. Sr. Project Manager STA/kd cc: Bob Weddle - City of Fontana John Hogan - H&F CIVIL ENGINEERING , LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING August 31, 1989 JN 3809,004 41,51 L14 City Of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Ms. Annivory Calvert Public Works Director Regarding: Sewer Installation in Foothill Blvd. from Cherry Avenue to Hemlock Ave. On behalf of the City of Fontana, Hall & Foreman, Inc. has applied for a permit from Caltrans for the installation of a 24" sewer line located in the Foothill Boulevard right-of-way. Several months ago this permit was issued by Caltranso It later was revoked because of an issue concerning eucalyptus tree removal. Caltrans agreed to reissue the permit if the City wo'uld prepare a letter consenting to the removal of the aforementioned trees. We have been informed by Mr. Greg Bucknell, who is currently managing the project for the City, that you have decided not to send this letter without City Council approval. You should be aware that this constraint makes it difficult to fulfill previous commitments made with property owners currently constructing industrial buildings in the Fontana Commerce Center located betwee~ Cherry Avenue and Hemlock Avenue. The sewer construction was scheduled to commence the beginning of September, 1989 in order to provide sewer service to these projects. Occupancies will be jeopardized if the sewer construction is delayed.. Enclose(] is a copy of a typical section applicable to the Cherry Avenue - Hemlock Avenue reach. This depicts the proposed location of the improvements and the existing tree locations. It is apparent from this section that the trees must be removed to construct not only the sewer, but also to complete the storm drain, water line and the ultimate street improvements. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CitV of Fontana -2- AuGust 31, 1989 In conclusion, we believe the tree removal is inevitable. The development occurring in the area to be served by the sewer is desirable and beneficial to the City of Fontana. We therefore encourage you to take a proactive stance to resolve this final issue to allow construction of the sewer to commence. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. ohn C. Hogan ~ roject Director JCH/kd cc: Roger Hatch - Fontana Heritage Greg Bucknell - City of Fontana Jim Maitland, Mike Cordova, Shou-tai An CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETTER OF TRANSMITrAL DATE: 03/08/90 JOB #: 3904 TO: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 A'I'I'ENI'ION: Greg Bucknell REGARDING: Foothill Sewer Soils Report & Dust Control Literature CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith are the original soils report and the dust control agent literature as requested. Sr. Project E~ i co: Steve Reiner /ib 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 641-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA MADOLE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Civil Engineering, Land Planning and Surveying 1820 EAST SIXTEENTH STREET SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 (714) 835-2548 TRANSMITTAL The following items are transmitted by: Mail__ Sessenger Number ~e s cr fp t ion The above items At your request For yourl review are transmitted: For your approval For your action For your files For your information General Remarks: CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING DATE: 10/2a/89 A /~c:~'7-//~,/.~/~F,,F.,~/,/~'~j~,..~ JOB #: : OF FONTANA TO: 8353 Sierra venue Fontana, CA 92535 ATTENTION: Yousef Patanwala 'REGARDING: Specification & Bid Document Foothill Sewer CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith are the bidding documents and specification for your use. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Sassan Haghgoo. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 9262~-3428 · (714) 641-8777 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 16, 1990 Mr. Alan D. Uman Vice President of Planning and Engineering Presley of Southern California lg Corporate Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project and Rancho Fontana Specific Plan Project Re: Your April 10, 1990 Letter Dear A'I: This is to provide you with the written documentation that I have reviewed your April 10, 1990 letter that summarized the March 27, 1990 meeting on subject project, and that I in general concur with your understanding of the project. The one area that I do not concur was on the detention basin discharge to Baseline Avenue (item 3(e)(2) page 3). Your engineers, Madole and Associates and Sierra Engineering, are presently looking at methods to increase the water carrying capacity at the north shoulder of Baseline Avenue. If you recall, some eucalyptus trees have to be removed in this alignment and your project would only be responsible for contributing to the tree replace account for those trees along your property. This shallow shoulder ditch would connect to the same type of earthen ditch that the Village of Heritage constructed westerly of your project. Should you or your staff have any questions on the above, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer RWW:bjp cc: A. Beard E. Casasola ~"~_~,; J. libiez 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 TO: PROJECT FILE FROM: YOUSUF PATANWALA, CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III SUBJECT: STATUS OF FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT DATE: NOVENBER 20, 1989 Following is the status of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project: 1. Engineering plans are ninety-nine percent complete. 2. Temporary Construction Easement - Have been obtained for 25 out of 27 property owners on Beech Avenue. The sewer line can be built in existing right of way on Foothill Boulevard. 3. City is awaiting response to the mitigated negative declaration document from the property owners along the project route and "responsible agencies." 4. City has awarded "Subsurface Soil Investigation" work to CHJ Geotechnical Inc. and they are expected to complete their work by first week of December. 5. Bid specification package is ninety five percent complete. 6. Public Hearing will be held at the City Council Meeting of December 5, 1989, to obtain Council consent to the mitigated Negative Declaration document and permission to advertise for bid. 7. Caltrans is expected to reinstate their construction permit to the City after the acceptance of mitigated negative declaration document by the City Council. 8. Hale & Foreman is working with SoUthern Pacific Railroad to obtain the per- mit for installation of sewer line across railroad tracks at Beech and Foothill Boulevard. 9. Southern California Gas Company is expecting to obtain a permit from Cal- trans in the third week of November to allow them to move their line from north side of Foothill Boulevard to south side of Foothill Boulevard. 10. City expects to award the bid to the contractor by the first week of February, 1990. 11. Project is expected to go into the construction stage in the first week of April, 1990. CC. A. Calvert B. Weddle F. Molinos YP/dp Citcy^ of Fontana LIFOBNIA October 23, 1989 Mr. Carl Atkinson Wheels, Etc. 15186 Foothill Boulevard Fontana, california 92335 Subject: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Deer Mr. A~kinson.' This is to follow-up on a request you made when you visited the City offices on October 3, 1989 and talked to Mr. Ycusuf Patanwala, who is the City ' s ProJ act Manager for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, and our subsequent telephone communications on October 18, 1989. Specifically, as I understand the issue, you were very frustrated in that you had not heard from the City in many months, as you, of course, were concerned about how the project would impact your business operation. Specifically, driveway access is not your main concern, but that the trenching will go through 'your work area and you want some guarantees as to when it will be restored. At this time the City has been concentrating on resolving the final project issues prior to advertising this project for public bids, which should occur in late November or early December, 1989. Further notifications to impacted properties will be made in the near term. This communication is being sent as you had requested an update. We will set up a meeting wi~h ycu to specifically cover your concerns and how we can handle them. As we had discussed in a meeting last spring, this project will be constructed. We have secured enough temporary construction easementS to build the proJ act on Foothill Boulevard. At this time we are completing our final d environmental documentation an securing the remaining necessary permits. We will mail you a copy of our proposed 8853 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 923,14-0518 (714) 350-7600 Page 2 October 23, 1989 environmental mitigation measures and keep you posted on the date this item goes to the City Council, so that you have the opportunity to express your concerns as you explained them to Mr. Patanwala and myself. As I had previously committed to you and the other business/ property owners along the project construction zone, we will make every reasonable effort possible to mitigate the project's impact on the properties in the area. Please feel free to contact the undersigned at (714) 350-7613, should you have any further questions. Very truly yours, ~w.~_..a" Robert W. Weddle Interim City Engineer RWW:ml cc: A. Calvert L. Donnell Y. Patanwala Shu-tai An, Hall & Foreman E. Kobayashi LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRIEGER Yousuf Patanwala August 10, 1989 Page Two wi thin the time specified by the department, which time shall not be less than five such days, unless the permit so provides." "Section 678. Bond of Public Corporations and Political Subdivisions. Except as otherwise provided in this section, such a bond shall not be required of any county, city, public corporation or poli- tical subdivision which is authorized by law to establish or maintain any works or facili- ties in, under or over any public highway, nor shall the application of any such governmental unit for a permit be denied. Every such ap- plicant is entitled as a matter of right to a permit, but is otherwise subject to the provi- sions of this article and to all reasonable conditions and provisions made by the depart- ment in any such permit." Under these sections, CalTrans may not deny the City's application for an encroachment permit, although it may place reasonable conditions on the issuance of the permit. Further, although CalTrans is generally authorized to revoke permits with five days notice, under Section 673 this authority does not apply to the revocation of an encroachment permit issued to a city. We believe that under the sections cited above, CalTrans acted improperly in revoking the encroachment permit issued to the City. Nowhere in the Code is CalTrans specifically authorized to revoke an encroachment permit granted to a city. The specific exclusion of political subdivisions from general power to revoke granted by Section 673 leads us to conclude that the Legislature must have intended to withhold from CalTrans the power to revoke encroachment permits from cities. Our reading of Section 673 is consistent with other pro- visions of the Code, specifically Section 678, quoted above. That section, which specifically denies CalTrans the power to refuse the issuance of a permit to a city, appears to have been enacted by the Legislature to curtail CalTrans' ability to infringe on the right of cities to exercise their autonomy within their borders. We believe that our reading of Section 673 to limit CalTrans' authority to revoke a permit is consistent with this legislative intent and supports the City's position. BEST, BEST & KRIEGER Yousuf Patanwala August 10, 1989 Page Three We note that the encroachment permit expired on July 31, 1989. Since CalTrans refused to honor the permit from June 13, 1989 to the permit's expiration. date, we believe that once Cal- Trans recognizes the validity of the permit the City should be able to proceed under the permit for a period of approximately six weeks to make up for the lost time during which CalTrans improper- ly refused to honor the permit. Should the City be unable to com- plete its project within this time, the City may apply for an additional encroachment permit, which, under Section 678, cannot be denied but only made subject to reasonable conditions. If you have any further questions on this matter, please feel free to call me. Very truly yours, /kwp LAW OFFICE~ OF BEST~BEST & KRIEGER Yousuf Patanwala August 10, 1989 Page Two within the time specified by the department, which time shall not be less than five such days, unless the permit so provides." "Section 678. Bond of Public Corporations and Political Subdivisions. Except as otherwise provided in this section, such a bond shall not be required of any county, city, public corporation or poli- tical subdivision which is authorized by law to establish or maintain any works or facili- ties in, under or over any public highway, nor shall the application of any such governmental unit for a permit be denied. Every such ap~ plicant is entitled as a matter of right to a permit, but is otherwise subject to ~he provi- sions of this article and to all reasonable conditions and provisions made by the depart- ment in any such permit." Under these sections, CalTrans may not deny the City's application for an encroachment permit, although it may place reasonable conditions on the issuance of the permit. Further, although CalTrans is generally authorized to revoke permits with five days notice, under Section 673 this authority does not apply to the revocation of an encroachment permit issued to a city. We believe that under the sections cited above, CalTrans acted improperly in revoking the encroachment permit issued to the City. Nowhere in the Code is CalTrans specifically authorized to revoke an encroachment permit granted to a city. The specific exclusion of political subdivisions from general power to revoke granted by Section 673 leads us to conclude that the Legislature must have intended to withhold from CalTrans the power to revoke encroachment permits from cities. Our reading of Section 673 is consistent with other pro- visions of the Code, specifically Section 678, quoted above. That section, which specifically denies CalTrans the power to refuse the issuance of a permit to a city, appears to have been enacted by the Legislature to curtail CalTrans' ability to infringe on the right of cities to exercise their autonomy within their borders. We believe that our reading of Section 673 to limit CalTrans' authority to revoke a permit is consistent with this legislative intent and supports the City's position. BEST, BEST & KRIEGER YOUSUf Patanwala August 10, 1989 Page Three We note that the encroachment permit expired on July 31, 1989. Since CalTrans refused to honor the permit from June 13, 1989 to the permit's expiration date, we believe that once Cal- Trans recognizes the validity of the permit the City should be able to proceed under the permit for a period of approximately six weeks to make up for the lost time during which CalTrans improper- ly refused to honor the permit. Should the City be unable to com- plete its project within this time, the City may apply for an additional encroachment permit, which, under Section 678, cannot be denied but only made subject to reasonable conditions. If you have any further questions on this matter, please feel free to call me. Very truly yours, rleger /kwp City of Font a C A L I F 0 R N I A aUly 28, 1989 >O ~' ~'0~ Hs. Barbara CaPson, Paralegal Best, Best & Krieger, Attorneys 800 N. Haven, Suite 120 Ontario, CA 91762 Subject: Caltrans Encroachment Permit Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Dear Hs. Carson: This is to request that you coordinate with Hr. Clark Alsop that the'following request be assigned to the appropriate attorney for a legal opinion. In bw'~ef, the City has been working for many years to provlde for the constlruction of a sewer line tn Foothill Boulevard that would connect to the Vi]lage of Heritage on the Hest and extend to Ume Street on Foothill Boulevard on the East. A separate sewer line would be built in Beech Avenue that would connect the proposed 11ne ~n Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue. The City's design engineer, Hall & Foreman, has had many ]engthy meetings coordinating with ,Caltrans to meet their requirements and untll recently had met their old requirements for pro~ect design. On December 7, 1988, a permit fop th~ sewer construction was tssued (copy enclosed). Subsequently, we later received a June 29, 1989 letter (copy enclosed) that suspended the permit. The suspension was under the guidelines that they did not want the sewer manholes to be in the future travel ways. To construct the sewer in the future "parkway" will require the acquisition of right-of-way tn County territory, and seriously delay the project and add major costs to the project as well. While Caltrans has been documented to have significant authority in the issuance or non-issuance of permits, I believe we have some major problems developing this portion of Fontana, if we cannot construct the sewer, storm drains, water lines, etc., necessary to serve this area, ~n Foothill Boulevard. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 Page Two Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project JUly 28, 1989 The City is willing to cooperate with Caltrans on normal permit requirements, but there is not sufficient room to construct all of the utility lines in a future non-existing right-of-way area anyway. Your firms expeditious review is requested. A response by Auqust 11, 1989, with a copy to the Public Works Director, Annivory Calvert, is requested. Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert +~ Public Works Director~ By: atanwala Civil Engineering Assistant Enclosures Caltrans Permit Caltrans Letter dated June 29, 1989 cc: Annivory Calvert Robert Weddle Felipe Molinos File AC:YP:pl DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION June 29, 1989 City of Fontaria ' Mr. Felipe Molinos ~/~/~ P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92330-0518 Dear Mr. Molinos: Per our telephone conversations and meeting June 13, 1989 08-.88-N-UK-1169 for installation of sewer lines along Route 66 is suspended. Our first concern is that as presently proposed all vehicles will pags over the sewer manholes. Also when maintenance is perfomed e~lipment will be parked in the nu~er 3 lane which will close that lane for unknown periods of time causing congestion and safety problems. As a possible solution it is suggested that you explore possibly locating the sewer manhole in the shoulder area of the ultimate width. The other major concern is that the proper environmental documents have not been submitted for the removal of trees which is necessary for the safe installation o[ the sewer pipe. Work under this pemi~ must not proceed until these issues have been addressed. If you have technical ~estions call Mike Miles at (714) 383-4103. Very truly yours, M. D. MI~S, P.E. As~listant District Petit Engineer MDM: ~1 (OACHMENT F'E!RMIT ..r~l~ No. ._p_=m:. ~.EV =/m=, 68-88-N-UK-116c~ nicompliance with (check one): ~18-SBD-66-13.~8/15.63 You,' application of September- 6~ 1988 DecembeP 7, le88 Ut i 1 ity Notice No. of $EXEMPT $XXX _A~Peement NO. of $XXX R/W Cont~-act No. of XXX XXX 3: ~City o~: Fontana 8353 Sier~*a Ave. I Fon tana ~ Ca. (714.) 55~-761~ I , PERMITTEE nd subject to the following, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED to: ave in~tal led and the~e~tez. own and maintain 8", 1~", 12", ~1" and iameter VCP ~ewe~ mains, manholes and related appurtenances. Also, bo~e/jaok, · ~n and maintain a 3~" diameter x 1/~" thiok steel oatin~ under and aeross the 9uthe~n Pacific RatlRoBd ~raoks and remove an exittin( ?2" diamete~ RCP. All a~k i~ alon~ the north side o~ Foothill BIrd. (State Route Be) from Cherry Ave. ast to Lime Ave. a~ pe~ RED-bIN~D R~VISED PbANS date ~tamped December nd/or a~ di~ec=ted by the State's Rep~e~entBtive. I I baokfi'l 1 of t~enohe~ must be to 8S% oompaotton and/or a~ di~eoted by the tate's Repre;e~ntativ8. All manhole~ mu~t be oement slu~y b~okftlled a~ direoted y the State's Representative. Any damage to State p~ope~ty shall be ~epai~ed epiaoed at no oost to the State a~ dtreoted by the State'~ Representative. PRE-JOB CONFERENCE WITH THE STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE TART OF ANY WORK COVERED UNDER THIS PERMIT. AT ~EAST TWO WORKING DAYS' NOTICE HALb BE GIVEN TO THE STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE TO SCHEDULE THE CONFERENCE. THE ~ATE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS PERMIT IS J. ESTRADA, PAGIS ~: ATTACHED ?O AND MADE A PART O~ THIS PERMIT In ~iti~ ~ ~ t~ pm~itt~ will ) bill~ ~al c~%s ~r: ~i~ YB ~ In~tim r Y~ Fiel~ ~k Y~ ~ A ~l~ll _ ~ pri~ ~ ~inni~ ~: YB X.N.A. ~ interim in t~ ~vi~mtal ~tatim ~ ~ ~vi~ a~ c~i~ pri~ t0 ~pP~al ~ this p~it. .is ~it is ~ be strictly cmst~ ~d m 0t)r ~Pk 0t~r th~ maSHtally ~tim~ is ~y ~t~iz~. ~ p,~)~t ~Pk ~all ) c~ ~til all 0th~ n~N~ ~its ~d ~vi~tal CINP~B ~t ) ~tai~. E)) UTILITI~ ~71 ~ ~; , Di~Pi~t Di~t~ 2s ATTAC~ED TO AND MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT NO. ~8-88-N-UK-II6g ~jl work in the State's right of way must be to State Standards, as directed by ~e State's Repcesentative, K-Rail sha~l be used for protection of the ~raveling public from construction as directed by the Statems Representative. A~i striping and pavement markings damaged shall be replaced at no cost to the ~tate. All traffic control durin~ the installation Of this facility shall be to S~ate Standards as directed by the State's Representative. Paved work area 6hall be over),aid so that pavement joints match lane lines as directed by the ~cate's Repre:~entative. A~L WORK SHALl. BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF T~ANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION E~CROACHMENT PERMIT UTILITY PROVISION DATED JULY 1987, WHERE SURVEY MONUMENTS EXIST, SUCH MONUMENTS SHALL BE PROTECTED OR SHALL BE REFERENCED AND RESET, PURSUANT TO "BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE" SECTIONS 87e~ TO 88ZB (LAND SURVEYORS ACT). Permittee's work shall be subordinated to any operations which the State may conduct, and shall not delay, nor interfere with the State forces or State'S contracto~. Notwithstanding General Provision No. 8, your contractor will be required to apply for an~ obtain a permit prior to startin$ work. PERMITTEE SHALL CONTACT STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINA~ INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETED WORK. STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY ,~,Q__ , ~, GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~,/~t SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 '68-88-~-g~-~ ~.O. ~ox 5~8 ~on~nB~ CA ~2330-05~8 ~ou ~o nee~ ~o p~ov~e ~e p~ope env~onmen~ ~o~ ~n~e~ ~e~ 08-88-B-g~-~g ~s~ no~ p~oo~~~ ~n~ ~e~e 4103. Sincerely, Assistant District Petit Engineer Consulting Engineers 8788 McCray Street · Riverside, California 92506-2978 Telephone (714) 686-1070 ¢ ~ ~ , FAX (714) 788-1256 REF. W.O. 88-800 ALBE~T A WEBB -- (1899-1981) SAM I GERSHON RON BUOKLBY MATTHEWEWEBB WALLACEHFRANZ Al-],g~-St' 22t 19 ]?~bl&c Wo~s DeDa:t,me~t 8353 Sie~a AvenGe Fo~t,a~a~ CA 92335 RE: St,o:z:'m D~aiDs - ~oothill ~oGleva;d~ ~D~ 107 Dea= A~ivo=y: Co~ce~ ~ega=ding the Set, Aside ~o~ t,he Above p~oject, has D=omDt,ed ~=~he: invest,igat~o~ as amount, o~ ~ds actually eva&labia £o~ ~se. O~ reco=ds iDdicat. e ~hat app~oximat. eJ.y $685,000 ~as p=ev&o~sly set, aside add ava&lable ~o: the Storm D:a&~ po:tio~ o~ the ~o:k. The balance o~ t,he st,o~m d=ai~ po~tio~ o~ t,he D:oject ~11 be aDp~oximately $250~000 add has bee~ qaa~a~t,eed He:it,age West, E~d Associat,es i~ ~ecessa~y. The sewe~ po=t~oD o£ t,he ~o~ ~as balaDce o~ t,he £~ds will be made available ~:om C~D funds u~de~ sepa:at.e lette~ ~o Do~ Gee. ZD a~y caset a loan ~:om t,he C~D could be 9~ovided ~aa~a~t,ee th&s D~oject,. sa~ic&eD~ £~ds a~d may be a~a:ded. Should you have a~y q~est,ioDs~ please call me at (?~4) 781-6190~ o~ at~ home a~ 780-~150. ASSOCZATE,S~.~/y ALBERT A. WEBB /- ,,~ ~/'. Jeanne St~ric~~ ~-' ~OFFON~NA ~,,7 c: Roge~ Hatch~ Fontana Heritage West End Associat,es Civil Planning Environmental Surveying Assessment RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Job No. ~.~,. ~,/z~ ~rn,,e, ~,.17.~ //~,, Organization ~ ~ -//~ Comments or Action Required CIVIL ENGINEERING * LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING MEETING SUMMARY MEETING DATE: ~- 2 5- ~g~ LOCATION: ATTENDEES: ~AV (NAME/CO.) /t:r/~/~e~/'~'/ouHof - sumumY PREPm~ED BY:~'~ 0, V. ACTION ITEMS: RESPONSIBLE WHEN TASK PARTY DUE (A~d~ona~ ~asks ~Xs~e~ on reverse sX~e o~ ~h~s shee~, CC: ATTENDEES, (see reverse) 42,60 SUMARY 3170 REDI-ilLL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 ADDITIONAL TASKS JOB # : RESPONSIBL~ WHEN PARTY DUE Y{Z~v c/4 ~ / r/-/ X/a 2'~ rz~ c ,I. /q-e~u'rrZc-"z~ . No h F/~.,-/z. He, f/n-zb OB & ABBOCIATEB . Oakdale, P.O. Box 3729. Fullerton, California 92631 · ~14] 73B-4644 FranCeS Bono P.0. Box 615 Fontana, CA 92335 S~bject: City of Fontans - ~roposed Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Znterceptor Sewer Pro~ect - Parcel ~o. 37 Dear Mr. Bono: A project is being undertaken for the installation of a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard and Beech Avenue (future street). The project is intended to provide the area with needed sewer facilities. Our records indicate that you are the owners of a parcel of property fronting on Foothill Boulevard identified as Assessor's Parcel No. 228-251-37. The sewer line will be installed within the existing Foothill Boulevard right of way. However, in order to construct the sewer in the manner proposed, the contractor will need to enter upon the front ]portion of your property for a short period of time during the pipe installation operation. The firm of Kobayashi & Associates has been retained and assigned to assist in handling rights of way concerns and obtaining permissions from property owners to enter upon their properties for this project. Therefore, we ask for your permission to enter upon your property to accomplish this project. Enclosed is a Temporary Construction Easement document which will allow the City of Fontana, its assigns and contractors to enter upon your property. This document will not be recorded, and therefore, your signatures do not have to be notarized. All work will be performed in a workmanlike manner and consistent with the City of Fontana's construction contract requirements for the installation of public improvements. Upon completion of the sewer construction, your property will be restored to a condition equivalent to that existed just prior to the commencement of construction. This Temporary Construction Easement will terminate upon completion of construction and said restoration of your property. If you approve, please execute the Temporary Construction Easement document and return it to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. I will forward it to the City for its use. Your voluntary dedication of a temporary construction easement is very much appreciated. If you desire additional information or have any questions, please call me at (714) 738-4644. Thank you. Sincerely, KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES CC: John Juan Ray Vincenti Enclosures THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, FRANCES BONO do e__~shereby grant to the CITY OF FONTANA, a Municipal Corporation, a Temporary Construction Easement to be used in conjunction with the proposed Sewer construction in Foothill Boulevard, across the real property situated in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, more particularly shown outlined in red on the attached sketch marked "Exhibit B" and made a part hereof. Together with the right of enter upon and to pass and repass over and along said easement and right-of-way and to deposit tools, implements, and other materials thereon, by said City, its assigns and agents, whenever and wherever necessary for the purposes above set forth. Said Temporary Construction Easement shall cease and terminate upon completion of the sewer construction and restoration of Grantor's property. Dated: 19 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETI'ER OF TRANSMII'i'AL DATE: 06/29/89 JOB-if: 3905 JUN 30 1989 TO: KEITH COMPANIES 200 Baker Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ATTENd'ION: Dick Porowski REGARDING: Sewer Improvement Plans on Beech Ave. CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith, please find three prints of Sheet 4 and your red line plan check for your review and approval. Also notice the additon of telephone lines and R/W's lines. Should you have any questions, please contact @ (714) 641-8777. BY: Majid Movahed Project Engineer cc: Bob Doss, STA, Mike Cordova Yousuf Patanwala, F.~JiDe~_M_Olin_o_s /ib 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LEITER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ JUN 30 1989 DATE ' 06/29/89 cfi~ oF FO.TA.A JOB #: 3905 TO: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION & FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 825 E. 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92415 ATTENTION: Don Wells REGARDING: Beech Ave. Sewer Line CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith, please find three sets of Sewer Improvements plans and a copy of the letter from your agency to the City of Fontaria (our client) requesting such a transmittal. I hereby request a letter of non-objection for installation of sewer line on Beech Ave. within the juristiction of San Bernardino County. Should you have any questions please me at (714) 641-8777. BY: Majid Movahed Project Engineer co: Bob Doss, STA, Susan Roshan, Mike Cordova - H&F ,6etipe~VtoHnoS, Bob Weddie, YouSuf Patanwala - City of Fontana Eiichi Kobayashi- Kobayashi /jb 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LETI'ER OF TRANSMII'I'AL DATE: 06/29/89 I JIlN 30 I989 JOB #: 3906 - TO: CALTRANS - Permit Section 247 W. 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92403 ATTEN'I'ION: Bruce Haskins REGARI[:)ING: New Permit for Realignment of sewer line crossing R/R. CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Transmil:ted herewith, please find five blueline sets of sewer plans and application for new permit. Should you have any questions, please contact me @ (714) 641-8777. BY: Majid Movahed Project Engineer co: Bob Doss, STA, Mike Cordova - H&F Yousuf Patanwala, Bob Weddie, r,-,elipe-Molinos --City Fontaria /jb 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COGTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 December 28, 1987 JN #3905-00 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Mr. Bob Porter Regarding: Plans for Beech Blvd. Sewer Interceptor and Foothill Sewer Trunk Accompanied herewith please find 2 sets of bluelines of Beech Blvd. sewer interceptor and Foothill sewer trunk from Beech Blvd. to Lime Ave. (wet well) for your plan check. A set of sewage flow and pipe sizing calculations is provided herewith also for your review. Sewage flow data at Base Line & Beech Ave. (5060.97 GPM) were taken from the City of Fontana, master sewer plan, prepared by Ja~mes L. Dotson, dated 11/11/85, for downstream flow and pipe sizing calculations along Beech Ave. Temporary construction and permanent easements are indicated on the plans where needed which will prove helpful to your right-of-way acquisition consultant in preparing and processing the necessary easement documents before the commencement of construction. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. A~med S~eikh Project Engineer AS: kd 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 City of Fontana C A L I }: 0 t{ N ] A December 21, 1987 File: Sewers, General Hall & Foreman 3170 Red Hill Avenue - Sub et % ~ j ct: Reiocation of Sewer in Redwood Avenue This latter is in response to your and Ken Willis' inquiry about relocating the sanitary sewer in Redwood Avenue from 5 feet west sf the centerline to 5 feet east of the centerline because of 16 inch water main 9 feet west of the centerline. The information provided did not indicate existing and/or proposed depths of sewer and water. Attached you will find a copy of the Health Department separation criteria. You can install a parallel sewer within 4 feet of the_.~ water main if it is below the water main. 'Please review and consider this information and advise our office if you still want to change the location of the sewer. 'Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Servi ~s Agency Director By: Bob M. Porter Engineering Services Director RS: BM? :wp RECEIV~D Attachmen~ ~AL[ & ~ORE~N iNC.. qEC ~ 8 t987 ~LE~ ~ OMAS 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518, FONTANA CALWORNIA 92334-05~E (715) 350-76C,9 REQUII%ED SEPARATION BEIWEF~T WATER MAINS AND S~F!TARY SEW~.S SPECIAL CO~TRUCTION RHD, UIRD~"?S Where Required Separation Cannot Be ~intained pAR~T,r~.L COlTSTaTION PFr~FDTDICUIAR CONSTEUCTT~b~k. . E ........ ................ "' ii iii ..... ' I::::::::::;;~:. ......ZO~m-D ....3"' '~.~"':~::' '~- '-. '~.:6zZ-~~:.:::~ ................~..~ ....... ................... .. . ' --:j~Z-:+:~ ............. ::::::l:"::::: .......... f;~:~: ':::~:::: ............. ..... ZO~ A .... B .... ' .............. ~=::~=n: ......... ~otes: Df.r~f~!ons ~e ~m outside of wa~e~ m~ ~o outside of sewe~, ccncre'.e en:~.se~n% on ~e ~. C=~E 1 ~nd 3: ~ S~ BErG Zone ~ec~l Co~%~ion R~d fop Se~e~ A, Sewe~ lines wi~ not be pe~t~ in ~hls zone wi~hou~ spec~t pe~Isslon ~m t~e De~n% of Health, B. ~ra-stre~h ~trified c~y pipe ~th co~resSlon Jehts~ or eonc~te pipe vi~h re!~e~ed concrete ~omd the Joints, which Joints shaE have a thiehess of sk ~ches ~d a ~nim ~s~ce sbng the pi~ of six hches on either side of the Joht; or ~bber - gasket reinforced concrete pipe; or ~bber gasketed asbestos- cemnt pi~; or ~bber gssketed phstic pipe; or cast iron pipe with confession Jolts. C. or D. Chss 150 or hea~er cast-~n pi~ ~th hot dip bitmino~ coating and appro~d mecP~ical Joints; or ~ sewer pipe '~thin a contin~ steel csshg, which cas~g s~ll ha~ a thlckess of not less tb~n one-fo~h hch ~d with all ~ between sewer pi~ ~d c~ presage ~uted with sand-ce~nt ~o~. (Contend on ~ge Page 3 of 4 '->/' " Section 1 Sanitary Sewer 1-1.01 Basis of Design: New sewers shall be designed at peak flows using Manning's Formula with n -- 0.013. Existing sewers shall be considered at capacity when running 3/4 of full depth at design peak flow. The following design assumptions shall apply: 1. )~oustngunit densities shall be ealculaced recognizing both existing and proposed land uses. Minimum housing density to be used for undeveloped land is 4 units per acre. Number of persons per housing unit for design shall normally be 3. 3.Average waste discharge per person shall be 100 gallons per day or 0.07 gallons per minute. In which ~ Is the peak rate in gallons per minute of flow and h is the number of housing units or equivalent housing ,.. units 5as~d on an average discharge of 0.21 gallons per minute pe~ housing unit. 5. ' :' desll~ ~,.fl~ ,~ be Computed + ':.~f 6. ~e peak flow fo~ula and the freeboard of the pipe is considered_ sufficient for nodal ground water infiltration ~,G without a4~itional allowance. -- 1-1.02 Minimum Veloct:7: All ~ewe~ ~hall be ae~t~ne~ ~or mtntm~ o~ ~ ~eet pe~ ~eco~v~' ~al~ ~u11. .~en pe~ ~1o~.~r3 le~}_ than that nece~ar~ ~o~ a-~ ~ull condit~o: vtth ~n 8 inch pipe an e~o~ shall ~e m~e ~o I~f e t~e ~ade to m~xIm~a t~a velocttT. 1-1.03 Minimum Pipe St~e~ ~fn~m~ p~pa atamete~ fo~ main line ~evers be 8 inch. Minimum ~e~vtce l~e~al ~eve~ pipe shall ~e 4 fnch. 1-1.0~ Curved Sewers: Sewer lines shall be installed parallel to the center ,' l~ne of the street with a minimum radius offfeet. 1-1.05 ~|anhole Spacing: ~anholes shall be installed at ever)' change in grade, alignment, and pipe diameter. Ti~orrnal maximum spacing between manholes shall be 400 feet. 5~anholes shall be installed at sewer line for termination~ that cannot be extended, except that a tent. inal cleanout may be used where the end of such sewer is not more than i~5~"7e~' f'~om the nearest manhole. ' 1-1.06 Pipe Diameter Changes: ~enever a sewer flows into another of larger diameter, the two pipes shall be installed with their 0.8 lines aligned at the same elevation or___wj.~,~he~.r .cr~.w~__~.at the same elevation. ~ere a sewer flows into an..__o~beF.~of smaller diameter but having a steeper grade, the invert of the smaller sewer shall be depressed below the invert of the larger by an amount equal to the velocity head difference bej~we_~._n~..F~._two sewers. * 1T1';07 ~~l~k: Minimum cover over sewer mains shall be 5 feet. Laterals shall have a minimum cover of 4 feet at the flow line of the street gutter. ~ere sewer line cover ~ll~,~[eet~ the line shall be encased in concrete. The thickness of encasement shall be one fourth the diameter with an absolute minimum 1-1.08 All manholes shall conform to requirements of City of Fontana Standard Detail Drawings Nos. 110, 111, 112, 113, or 115. M~hole covers to conform to Standard Detail Drawing No. 109. ! Drop manholes shall be installed wherever the difference in elevation between the crown of the lower sewer and the invert of the upper sewer is greater than 2 feet. 1-1.09 Terminal Cleanout: Terminal cleanouts shall conform to requirements of City of Fontaria Standard Detail Drawing No. 128. S ," · esf. 7r~ ~" 5 =. '-/fire/~ -2- Table IV-2: Peaking Factors Average Flow gpd Peaking Factor 300 20.6zi 1,500 10.03 3,000 7.51 14,500 6.zlO 6,000 5.73 7,500 5.28 9,000 /4.95 1 O, 500 14.69 16,500 LI. 03 30,000 3.36 60,000 2.80 120,000 _ _ 2.140 z180, 000 1.92 960,000 1.78 1,920,000 1 . 68 3, 8140, 000 1 · 61 7,680,000 1 . 56 15, 1400, 000 1 · 52 30,700,000 1.50 II II CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING * LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING JOB SHE OF _ ' ~ ,.~ 7~o I~ ,, -to , foe~o~ 1~2P~ ~3 tZ ~( I.~ql~qsl~°~ ~" 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING * LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING , LAND PLANNING , LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 'CIVIL ENGINEERING , LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 I '-' < >,× o- Diarn.in Hydraulic , ]1 m Square Radius A R , - 0.012 n - 0.015 . - 0.019 , ' 0.021 a - 6`024 6 ,195 ,]25 .250 .049 271,600. 424.420. 091,000. 831,940, 1,086,350. 8 .349 .167 .303 .I06 58,000. 90]03. 145,509. i77,730. 232,]64, 10 .545 .208 .351 .191 17,879, 27,936. 44.802, 54.707. 71.455. 12 .785 .250 .397 .312 6,698. 10,466. 17,797. Z0,605. 26,791. 15 1.227 .~]25 .461 .566 2,035.6 3,180.8 5,10~.5 6,234.4 8,144.6 18 1.767 .375 .520 .9]9 772.2 1,206,5 1,935.5 2,364.7 3,088.7 21 2.405 .437 .576 1.385 340.00 531.24 852.© 1,041.0 ] ,359.99 24 3.142 30 .630 1.979 166.5 260.04 417.31 510.20 666.39 30 4.909 .625 .731 3.589 50.7 79.126 127.01 I55.12 202.54 36 7.069 .75 .825 . 5.832 19.20 29,953 48.071 58.713 76.69i 42 9.621 .975 .915 8,803 8.40 13.148 21.096 25,773 33.667 ,48 12.566 1,00 LO0 12.566 4.130 6.452 10.353 12.647 I6.52i 54 15.904 1.125 1,082 17.208 2.202 3,440 5.520 6.741 8.817 60 19.635 1.25 1.16 22.777 1.257 1.965 3.337 3.848 5.030 66 23.758 ' 1.375 1,236 29.365 0.756 1.182 1.895 2.316 3.026 72 28.274 1.50 1.310 37.039 0.475 0.743 1.I92 1.456 1.902 78 33.183 1.625 1.382 45.859 0.310 0.485 0,777 0.950 1.241 84 38,485 1.75 1.452 55.880 0.209 0.320 0.524 0.640 0.835 90 44.179 1.875 1.52I 67.1~6 0.144 0.226 0.362 0.442 0.578 96 50.268 2.00 1.587 79.772 0.102 0.160 0.257 0.314 0.410 108 6,3.617 2.25 1,717 109.230 0.055 0.085 0.137 0.167 0.219 114 70.882 2.375 1.780 126.170 0.041 0.064 0. I03 0.125 0.164 120 78.54 2.5 1.842 144.671 0.031 0.049 6`078 D.098 0.125 ".n.l.9 low E..etio.:E.ergy < %A ) 1.46.R = .y.rea,lc S,ope = ,a,, lo feet diu.ded by le.91h ,n .eet Q: 1.48 R~ x SY2 (11 To find energy loss in pipe friction for e given Q. multiply 02 by figure shown under Q = AV proper value of n. Q = capacity Incfe. (11 To find maximum O for 8 given diameter, solve for hydraulic radius which equals n ---' coefficient of roughness. Are~., V _-- Velocity in feet per second Wetted Perimeter HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES CIRCULAR CONDUITS FLOWING PART FULL T TABLE 33 D_--Diameter ~ f d ,00 ,01 .02 .03 ,04 .08 ,06 .07 .08 .09 d:Depth of Flow D A:Area of Flow D .0.000.007, R:Hydraulic Radius d . . .2.121 .126.131 . T:Top Width .,189, __, r ., , TABLE 32 ,, X() ,7, .302.302.303.304,304 Area Values of ,8.304.304.304.304.304.303.303.302.301.299 . 1.0.250 _d .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .08 .07 .08 ,09 D TABLE 34 .,011.015, , Top Width Values of Z . D . ~ .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .4.293.303.313.323.333.343.353.363.373.383 .0 .000 .199.280.341.392.436.457.510.543 .572 .5,393.403.413.423.433.443.453.462.472.482 .1 .600 .626.650.673.694.714.733.751.768 .785 .6.492.502.512.521.531 .540.550.559.569.578 ,2 .800 .815.828.842.854.866.877.888.898 .908 .7.587,596.605.514,623.632.640.649.657.666 .3 .917 .925.933.940.947 .g54.960.966.971 .975 .4 .980 .984.987.990.993.995.997.998.999 1.000 .8.674.681.689.697.704.712.719.725.732.738 .5 1.000 1.000.999,998.997.995.993.990,987 .984 .9,745.750.756.761 .766.771 .775,779.782.784 ,6 .980 .975.971.966.960.954.947.940.933 ,925 '0.785 .7 .917 ,908.898.888.877.866.854.842.828 .815 , e G,vl!n d = 3 it , D = ,l h. d = 0 75, .6 .800 .785.768,751 .733.714,694.673.650 .626 ' i"j .9 .600 .572,543.510.475.436.392.341.280 .199 1.0 .009 ~-_IZP, j/{>= 0.~'~, A/t~t.-o.qzZ_' I~'.j> ,a/~> = a.S's" t Al[>'z--- o.,-f~"z-l"" ,, ZO, ~D= ,~.(~o ~/~/l>t- = 24%/P = o.&'L A/'i>~ .. Co.S'l) ,, CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LE'f'TER OF TRANSMITTAL I D*TE5/ 2/88 1'°8"%905 TO: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92335 ATTENTION: BOB PORTER REGARDING: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS CONTENTS AND REMARKS: TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS FOR YOUR REVIEW. ~.~// MAPPING MANAGER . RD EU: M. YUKbMaN, J. HOGAN, S. RO~HAN, R. VINCENTI, R. WATSON, ROGER HATCH, DOUG FORD 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 .PROPOSAL FOR ENGINRERING SERVICES TO CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA FOR BEECH AVENUE -'SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT offered by JAMES L. DOTSON Civil Engineer 22737 Barton Road, Suite 7 Grand Terrace, California 92324 (714) 824-9510 May 28, 1985 May 28, 1985 CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES SEHER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - BEECH AVENUE INTRODUCTION This proposal is presented in 2-parts and its contents are: PROPOSAL TEXT PROPOSED PROJECT - General - Aerial Survey/Mapping - Soils Investigation/Testing - Service Connections - Construction Inspection - Schedule of Completion SCOPE OF WORK/PROPOSED ENGINEERING FEES PROPOSED FEES FOR OPTIONAL SERVICES SERVICES EXCLUDED FROM PROPOSAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FEES COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST PROPOSAL APPENDIX EXHIBIT "A" - ENGINEERING SERVICES ESTIMATE EXHIBIT "B" - PROJECT MAP PROJECT PERSONNEL/CONSULTANTS RUSUME OF PRINCIPAL ENGINEER REFERENCES PROPOSED PROJECT GENF~ - This proposed Project appears to be rather straight forward and should not require any particular ingenuity from either Engineer or Contractor, However, there is an obvious need for concern with certain details and with coordination. Please refer to a map entitled Exhibit "B" of the appendix. The proposed alignment, average slope, native soil material, lateral crossfall and pipe depth requirements all appear to be unusually uniform. Interfering utilities appear to be few and required disturbance of existing Proposal - Fontaria Page Two roadway improvements by sewer construction appears to be limited. Two~railroads and two State roadways apparently will have to be crossed by means of bored tubes, and no overhead obstructions are evident. Protection from floods and accommodation of drainage during construction poses no particular concern. There are concerns, however, for those portions of the alignment north of Foothill Blvd. with regard to 3-aspects: (1) Design to accommodate future development plans. (2) Protection of completed facilities from construction loads and operations. (3) Placement of sewers to accommodate existYng trees. It has been presumed by this Proposal that development plans in this area already exist and that these plans will be made available to the Engineers in a timely manner in order that sewer lines and manholes can be appropriately placed to accommodate these developments. Such elements as roadway widths, location and intersections; approximate elevation of final grade relative to existing grade; and required location of-sewers relativeto other utilities must be provided to the Engineers prior to start of design efforts. It has also been presumed by this Proposal that hydraulic analyses necessary to determine sewage flows all all reaches of the Project has already been performed by the City and that the Engineers will not be required to do more than determine appropriate pipe diameters required for particular slopes. It has been presumed by this Proposal that the material for all sewer pipe will be VCP to correspond with the same materials in the reminder of the City's sewerage; and that all sewer pipes placed in future roadway alignments must be designed to accommodate loading from future presence of hea~nyeonstruotion equipment. Also it has been presumed that all manholes in such future roadways must be designed for considerable and inevitable veM~icaladjustment; and further, such manhole covers must be marked for location and protection. It has been presumed by this Proposal that all existing trees along the proposed alignment can be removed by construction of sewers; and that the cos1; oF t~ee removal, potential damage to new sewer pipes/manholes, and construction access cost shall be the only criteria for determining alternate locations for sewer facilities. ~3ER]CALSURVEY/~tn_PPING - In accordance with instructions within the Request for Proposals (RFP), this Proposal does not include any expense for surveying to establish aerial mapping targets, plotting of topo/contour maps, or imprinting of photo maps onto mylar plan sheets. However, and primarily because the aerial mapping work is an absolutely critical part of the Projects' design effort, we would prefer that the City allow our firm to be assigned this portion of the Project also. We Proposal - Fontsna Page Three must in any case verify and augment the aerial maps and prefer that the final mapping not be placed on mylar plan sheets until a considerable smo~mt of pre-design study has been accomplished. Contrary to some engineering firms, we prefer that our sewer plans be "clean" in the sense that nothing appear on final drawings that is useless to the Contractor and is useful only to the design engineer. We find that placing certain normal mapping details on construction drawingsltends to conI~se designers, inspectors and contractors, and instead of creating an intended savings, actually leads to greater expense. This is particularly evident with the use of photo-strip imprints because of its dark and obscuring effect upon details of a plan. The cost to do the aerial mapping will be the same whether accomplished by the City or by our firm, both parties being required to utilize special consultants. Accordingly, we request to be assigned the work, although no expense for necessary coordination has been included in this Proposal. SOILS INVESTIGAI'iON/TES'£1NG. - The native material along the proposed alignment appears to be almost perfectly uni'formand consists of alluvial deposits of silts, sands and gravels. Such materials are ideal for backfill e~npaetion by water densification and offer considerable costs savings thereby. However, such materials are less ideal during excavation for trenches as the trench will not "stand" vertically. Accordingly, care must be used during design to create sufficient clearance from existing underground utilities to avoid collapse of the utility into the sewer pipe trench. The existing soil material being predictable, we see no need for the expense of providing preliminary soils investigation. Accordingly, this item has been omitted from this Proposal. This Proposal presumes that the City will provide the services of a Soils Engineer to prepare backfill compaction testing reports; OR that the Contractor will be required to provide same as part of his contract. In either case, providing of such services has been omitted from this Proposal. SE~VICE CONNE~-£1ONS - In appears that Along that portion of the proposed alignment south of Foothill Blvd. there are over lO0-existing d~ellings, commercial and/or industrial structures that presently dispose of sewage via underground septic systems. It also appears that although most of these structures are outside the present City limits of Fontana, the possibility of future inclusion within the City and abandonment of the individual septic systems in favor of connection to the new public sewer may become desirable. To save considerable extra expense in the future and avoid repeated disturbance to paved roadways, it might be advisable to eonstruet service connections to each of the structure- occupied properties as part of this Project. Proposal - Fon~ma Page Four Also, along that reach of the proposed alignment north of Foothill Blvd., it seems probable that development plans may exist and that it may be possible to construct service connections to future properties as a part of this Project. Such effort and expense now may save considerable future costs and preclude the undesirable requirement of field-tapping a VCP sewer main. These items of engineering service and expense were not contemplated in the RFP and accordingly have not been included as part of the Proposal. How~ver, a proposed fee for doing such work has been included in a later section herein as an Option, should the City wish to include the work. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION - It is estimated that the approximately 25,000 lineal feet of proposed pipeline will be completely constructed by a contractor in 50-working days, including testing and paving. For that 50-day duration it has been presumed by this Proposal that one Non-Professional Inspector will be at the job-site continuously; and, that a Senior Engineer will be in frequent daily contact with the Inspector and also visit the job-site on a regular basis for brief periods. With regard to the amount of time that will be required of the Engineer to properly control the work, the most critical aspect of construction inst~ection and contract administration will be which contractor is selected to do the work. If a contractor of dubious ability and/or history of ~oor performance is selected to do the work, we may elect to assign a more experienced and senior engineer to oversee the construction operations for as often as necessary to properly control such a contractor. There will be no additional cost to the City fer such extra attention however, as our Proposal stipulates that all fees are based on hourly rates and function. A senior engineer will be charged the same as a Non- Professional Inspector while performing the lesser duties. It is our hope of course that the City afford us the opportunity to help select a capable and reputable contractor. SC}tEDULE OF COMPLETION - Please refer to Exhibit "A" of the Appendix, 'which sets forth several and various elements of engineering work required by the Project, and an estimate of the number of hours required of various engineering personnel. To mainta±n proper coordination of the design effort and to complete plans and specifications in a reasonable time and ready for bidding procedures, this Proposal presumes that 2-Engineers and 2-Draftsmen be assigned to the Project, more-or-less full-time. It is estimated that 75-calendar days will be required from the Pre-Design Conference to the start of the bidding process. The bidding and construction processes are of course outside the control of an Engineer. However, it is estimated that the bidding and contract award procedure will consume 60-calendar days; and that the construction period will last 90-calendar days. The total estimate of time to complete the Pro3eet after an. Engineer is notified to begin will be about 8 to 9- Proposal - Fontam Page Five SCOPE OF WORK/PROPOSED ENGINEERING FEES -- Pl~;ase refer again to Exhibit "A" of the Appendix. The several and various items of engineering work presumed by this Proposal to be provided are set forth on Exhibit "B", as are the total estimated and Not to Exceed Costs therefor. Items that have been excluded from the Proposal have been previously discussed herein and/or will be set forth hereafter. To reiterate and to clarffy,the estimates of cost are set forth here: En~',ineering Service Estimated Cost Not to Exceed Cost PHASE A Preliminary $ 11,608.00 $ 12 ,OO0.O0 Design 19,500.00 21,000. OO Bidding 3,936.00 4, O00. OO PHASE A TOTALS $ 35,034.00 $' 37,000.00 PHASE B Construction $ 29,744.00 $ 31,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL $ 64,778.00 $ 68,000.00 PROPOSED FEES FOR OPTIONAL SERVICES EXISTING STRUCTURES Field Determine Proper Position for Service Connection Place and Locate on Plans Prepare Spec. for Svc. Connection Estimate Quantities Inspect & Field Locate for AS-BUILT Plans NOT TO EXC~n COST $50.O0/SERVICE" FUTURE STRUCTURES Review Development Plans to D~;termine Sva. Corm. Location Place & Locate on Plans Prepare Spec. for Svc. Connection Estimate Quantities Inspect & Field Locate for AS-BUILT Plans NOT TO EXC~:~:. COST $30.00/SERVIC~ Pro~x~al - Fontaria Page Six SERVICES EXCLUDED FROM PROPOSAL Specifically not included in the afore-mentioned engineering services and estimated costs therefor are: (a) Soils investigations and compaction testing (b) Aerial surveys and mapping (c) Preparation of documents or materials for environmental proceedings (d) Application for/or obtainment of permits to construct facilities (e) Replacement of survey monuments (f) Design of conflicting utilities relocation or installation (g) Payment of fees for plans checking, permits, mailings, recording, etc. (h) Attendance at council meetings, public hearings, etc. (i) Negotiations for right-of-way acquisition (j) Preparation of contract change orders except those initiated or caused by the Engineers.' PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FEES The hourly rates listed hereafter are limited to those categories of work which are anticipated as being normally required for a project of this type and extent. The fees charged for the various items of engineering services performed shall in no case exceed the amounts listed hereinabaeve; and in all cases the actual fee shall be determined by applying the appropriate hourly rate from the following schedule to the time involved in performing various tasks ~ provided however, that the scope of work shall remain substantially as defined herein. Fees charged to the City shall be determined by function and not by person; e.g. an Associate Engineer performing work normally done by a Draftsman will be charged at the lesser rate. It is stipulated that the fee to be charged for any other category not listed shall be 2.5 times the hourly rate paid to the person in said category. CATEGORY/ITEM OF EXPENSE RATE 1. Senior Consulting Engineer ........ $ 60.00/hour 2. Assoc. Engineer, Design Engineer,Spec .... Writer, Professional Inspector, ete ..... $ 50.00 3. Land Surveyor, Design Draftsman, Non- Professional Inspector, Plans Reviewer, etc. $ 40.00 4. Copy Draftsman ........ $ 30.00 5. Office Asst., Engr. Aide .... $ 20.00 6. Word Processor, Secretarial, etc.. $ 16.00 7. Messenger, Productions, etc. . . $ 16.00 8. Survey Crew (2-Man) ....... $ 90.00 9. Survey Crew (3-Man) ....... $120.00 10. Special Consultants ....... Direct Cost per Invoice 11. Materials ........... Direct Cost per Invoice 12. Miscellaneous (Mileage, travel, lodging, etc. ) ......... N/C w/in 50-mi of job site Proposal - Fontaria Page Seven COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL The proponents stipulate to the requirements contained within the Request for Proposal and to those normally implied as a condition of providing professional services to public agencies, to wit: (a) Proposal Validity. This proposal is valid to a minimum of sixty (60) days from date of receipt. (b) Fee Schedule. All hourly rates include wages, benefits, profit, overhead and other usual costs of business. (c) Work Schedule. if required, prior to beginning any engineering work, a schedule of events and date of completion shall be prepared and submitted to the City for approval. (d) Records Retention. Proponents will maintain pro~ect records for a specified period of time and provide copies to the City upon request. (e) Equal Opportunity. Proponents will adhere to all requirements ensuring equal opportunity for all employees. CONFLICT OF INTEREST It is recognized by the Engineers that because we frequently represent certain local contractors, material suppliers and others involved with se~r pipeline construction contracts with public agencies, it is possible that the appearance of a conflict of interest may occur should any one of our affected current or former clients desire to submit proposals for doing the work. Should such an apparent conflict occur, and should the City desire or require, we stipulate that we will make a full disclosure regarding any present or previous relations that may exist or have existed between our firm and the other affected .party(s). We further stipulate that if we are not.a~arded acOntract to provide en~ineering services for this Preject and a~other firm receives such contract award, our firm will refrain from further involvement in this Project on behalf of any client, except the City of Fontana. o0o STATEMENTS OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS CITY OF FONTANA SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - BEECH AVENUE PROJECT PERSONNEL/CONSULTANTS All work will be performed by and/or under the direct supervision of James L. Dotson, CE. The primary assistant will be Keith S. Dagostino, EIT. All surveying work will be perforTned by and/or under the direction of Marvin B. Kuhn, LS, of Kuhn & Associates, Inc.,Land Surveyors of 22?3? Barton Road, Suite 8, Grand Terrace, California. Should their services be required, Pictorial Sciences, Inc., of San Bernardino will perform aerial mapping; and CHJ Materials, Inc., Of Colton will provide soils investigation and testing services. SafeCo Title Insurance will provide assistance regarding right-of- way acquisition documents. All other personnel will be sub-professionals of the regular staff, EXCEPT that a qualified pipeline Inspector MAY be specially and temporarily employed for the duration of construction. Neither our firm nor any of its principal employees has ever provided engineering services to the City of Fontana nor for any client whose project is within the City. Mr. Kuhn has provided surveying services within the City and not for the City. By virtue of nearly 40-years residence within or nearby to Fontana, Mr. Dotson is very well acquainted with the area and almost all of the public and utility agencies, contractors and other persons who may become involved with the Project. ooo RESUME OF PRINCIPAL ENGINEER JAMES L. DOTSON Professional history 1981-Present .... Consulting Engineer in private practice '{967-1981 ....... Senior Engineer & Project Manager - Hicks & Hartwick, Inc. Redlands, CA and Big Bear Lake, CA 1966-1967 ....... Assistant City Engineer, Colton, CA 1963-1966 ....... Design Engineer, Hicks & Hartwick 1955-1963 ....... Sub-professional experience as survey crew member & Chief; draftsman; soils technician; construction inspector. Cal Trans - District 8 and U.S. Army Engineers. Education BSCE (1964), California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA Credential (Life) - CE Technology (1970), UCLA Registration California, Registered Civil Engineer No. 18165 (1968) Associations Member, ASCE: Member, AWWA; affiliate, ASTM; Assoc. Member, SB County Association of Special Districts Relevant experience (Partial Listing) DESIGN 1984 - City of Colton, California 15,000 1.f. sewer construction and sewer replacement project, inel. lift stations, deep and dangerous dry-sand trenching, major utility relocations, reconnection of existing services, and restoration of pavement. 1984 - Big Bear MWD - Assessment District 3 Lake Dredging and Trunk Sewer Relocation. Includes 2-Lagoons, 15-feet deep and 40,000 cy excavation, 17'-earth cofferdams, relocation of 21" Trunk Sewer Main from within Lake to 25'-deep trench along shoreline. JAMES L. DOTSON 1984 - City of Beaumont - Assessment District 1983-1 10,000 1.f. Sewer Collection System with 27'-depths, special bedding, creek crossing and special construction methods for deep trenching. 1967-1980 - Big Bear City CSD Project Engineer for 23-phase, $15,000,000, 110~mile sewage collection system. Responsible for design, funding, assessments, right-of-way acquisition, planning and environmental procedures, construction inspection, a~d contract administration. SuperviSed 101man staff from design to completion. CONSTRUCTION 1985 - Big Bear Lake Supervising engineer for contracts administration and construction of $780,000 lake dredging ~,~ and sewer relocation project involving 17'- high earth cofferdams and removal and relocation of 21" sewer from underwater to 25'-deep trenches on shore. 1984 - City of Colton, CA Supervising engineer for contract administration and construction of $450,000 sewer collection system project including lift station and trenching to 15-feet in dangerous dry- sand conditions. 1984 - City of Beaumont, CA Supervising engineer for contract administration and construction of $680,000 sewer collection system project involving 27'-deep trenches, creek crossing, special bedding and special trenching requirements. 1968-1980 - Big Bear City CSD Consulting District and full-time Resident Engineer for 22 consecutive projects for construction of 110-mile sewe~ system including seven~lmajor lift stations, utility buildings, and restoration of 64 miles of paved roadways. Supervised JAMES L. DOTSON 1968-1980 - Big Bear City CSD Continued three survey crews, five inspectors and served as liaison with funding agencies, utility and other outside agencies, controlled all project funds, contract change orders, litigations and absolutely all matters regarding project completion. Total Project Budgets approximately $25,000,000. Construction conditions included excessive groundwater, 34'- deep trenches, blasting, feeezing, violent Storms, high altitudes~ steep terrain, dense forests, compaction by jetting,'importation and/or on-site manufacture of special materials for bedding and backfill. 1957-1963 - General Construction - Cal Trans'- District VIII Construction inspector and asst. resident engineer for 15 major freeway projects including utility relocation, storm drain and channel improvements, asphaltic pavements, structures and PCC slip-form paving. 1981-Present - Construction Consulting Speciallcons~ltant-for six pipeline contractors. Prepare plans for construction devices and facilities; safety planning; liaison with public agencies for interpretation of plans and specifications; prepare cost and quantity estimates; consulting re: litigation. Special consultant for manufacturers, including: one cf precast storm drain ~atch basins and similar devices; one of submersible sewage pumps; and one of corrugated metal pipe products. Prepare plans, specifications and cost estimates; consulting for bidding and litigation. REFERENCES The ~llowing named persons are very familiar with the capabilities and competence of the members of our firm and we urge the City to contact each and all for verification should such be desired: Lisa Dickey Charles J. Rounds, Pres. Comm.. Devel. Coordinator Chas J. Rounds, Inc. City of Colton, CA Fontana, CA 714-370-5082 714-823-1323 714-866-7828 Gary' G. Phelps Frank M. Mancha, Pres. City Engineer Mancha Corp. Beaumont, CA Fontana, CA 714-845-1171 714-825-6390 Gary Cecil T.A. Rivard, Pres. Sanitation Superintendant T.A. Rivard, Inc. Big ]Bear City CSD Los Alamitos, CA 714-!585-2565 213-431-1326 Stephen D. Foulkes James N. Hicks, Pres. District Manager Hicks & Hartwick, Inc. Big Bear MWD Big Bear Lake, CA 714-866-5796 714-866-3262 ooo 22737 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 7 July 6~ 1987 POST OFFICE BOX 885 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 (714) 824-9510 Robert J. Schoenborn, CE Public Works Director 8353 Sierra Avenue Fonta, na~ CA 92325 Attn: Robert Porter Re: Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Project ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSAL (REVISED) Bob: As you requested and instructed~ herein and herewith is our propesal to segment~ extend and complete the sewer project(s). I apologize for the delay and attribute same to having to endure the roles of father-of-the-bride and City Engineer of Beaumont, the latter having become increasingly all-consuming. The "Project" has been divided into 2-phases: Foothill- Cherry to Lime; and Beech-Foothill to Lyster. The estimated expense to separate and complete these Z-projects is set forth on forms entitled Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" respectively. This form is almost the same as contained in our original Proposal, and differs in Z-respects: 1) Extending the Foothill project from Beech to Lime requires additional survey work. We have chosen field methods over aerial because of the detail required around the underpass~ sewer lift-statlon and railroad near Lime. 2) Cal Trans negotiations~ which we request to do ourselves as a means of expediting the work. Please notice that all the hourly rates for various categories of employees have been increased due to the simple fact that since the original Proposal was submitted in May 1985~ costs have increased. Preparation of this proposal signals the end of our work under the original Proposal~ the budget for which was pretty well exhausted by attendance at numerous meetings~ conferences with 6ther engineers working in the area~ revisions~ revisions and more revisions. Robert: J. Schoenborn~ CE Robert; Porter Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Project Engineering Services Proposal Revised) July 6, 1987 Page Two The present Agreement is sufficient to incorporate this letter as an additional Amendment thereto; and~ all the terms set forth therein and in the Proposal attached thereto are still valid and will extend to include this letter in all respects. Attached hereto as Exhibit "C" , is an attempt to estimate the expense that might be incurred if we are to be employed to obtain required easements for the proposed sewer mains. As best as can be remembered and tallied, I have personally obtained over the past 15-years or so, 800 easements or fee title parcels, 700 by negotiation and the other 100 by expensive eminent domain proceedings. I prefer to obtain as many easements by 'Ivoluntary" means as possible before incurring the expense of appraisals and litigation guarantee policies. I also prefer to work with specific people, in this case Appraiser Ed Hill of San Bernardino and Commonwealth Land Title Company for which my wife is Escrow Manager which in turn allows me to obtain favored service. I also prefer to work with certain attorneys, but I presume your City Attorney will be utilized in this case. If not, I recommend Best, Best and Krieger of Riverside~ specifically Barton C. Gaut of that firm. My nearly 90~ success rate for voluntary execution is less attributable to personal charm than to having very specific instructions from my employers. Such instructions will include limitations on what I can "give" and assurances of approval of terms agreed upon by me and the affected property owner. A meeting between you, me, the City Attorney and others involved is therefore required. Exhibit "C" assumes that NOT MORE TMAN 10 hours will be devoted td negotiation for voluntary execution of any single easement. In that period it should become evident whether or not the property owner will execute the necessary document. If not, it will probably be best to summarily begin condemnation proceedings, beginning with obtaining a litigation guarantee and thence an appraisal for use by the Attorney and Superior Court. Please advise me of your decision regarding this letter-proposal. I must rearrange several priorities in order to resume work and when that is done, I prefer to go "straight through" and finish the work as quickly and completely as possible. Also enclosed for your interest and review are a set of "Public Works" specs as prepared by our firm for a sewer project, and a set of photos of the Beech-Lime area. Please advise of any comments regarding each item. Robert J. Schoenborn, GE Robert Porter Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Project Engineering Services Proposal (Revised) July 6, 1987 Page Three ames L. Dotson, CE Enclosures: As Noted Herein. Statement of Services : PRELIMINARY DESIGN BIDDING CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA ~ SERVICES SERVICES ASSISTANCE SERVICES FOOTHILL BLVD - CHERRY TO LIME SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ENGINEERING SERVICES ESTIMATE James L. Dotson Civil Engineer July, 1987 1 Senior Engineer $ '72.00 8 4 4 4 ZO 1,~0.00 4 20 4 4 IZ 44 3,168.00 4 4 8 S76.00 6912.00 2 As soc. Engr.,etc 60.00 4 4 8 480.00 8 20 28 1,680.00 16 8 16 40 2,100.00 8160.00 3 LS, Des. Draft, etc. 48.00 8 4 8 ZO 960.00 20 4 4 4 32 1,536.00 0 0.00 !11, 14016.00 4 Copy Draftsman, etc 36.00 0 0.00 20 8 8 36 1,296.00 0 0.00 1296.00 5 Off. Asst,Aide, etc 2~.00 8 ~ lZ 288.00 8 8 192.00 8 8 192.00 1632.00 6 Wd. Proc,Secy.etc. 20.00 0 0.0O 40 dO 800.00 8 8 8 Z~ 480.00 1840.00 7 Messenger, Clerk,ere 16.00 4 4 4 4 16 256.00 8 8 128.00 20 20 320.00 1152.00 8 Sur~ey Crew (Z-Man) 120.00 8 8 960.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3840.00 9 Survey Crew (3-Man) 150.00 Z4 Z4 3,600.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3600.00 10 Sp. Consultants Cost 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 11 Materials Cost X X 50.00 0 O.OC X X 1,000.00 1250.00 1Z Miscellaneous Cost 0 0.00 -9 O. qC 0 O. 00 O. 00 · oT~ ~8~o ~1~{~,1~1o88,o~.0~60180 1~.,±..~1~68,800.0~ ~o~o~,00,,,~.ooS8 ~o1~ ~o~o4~6~8.0o ,'~T'I'O EXU~:nCOS~ 48000.00 m CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 3ERVICE$ SERVICES ASSISTANCE [' SERVICES ~m:eL~.t AV~ - FOO~.L TO EYST[R SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ENGINEERING SERVICES ESTIMATE James L. Dotson Civil Engineer July, 1987 Category of Work/ ~ Hourly Item of Expense Rate/Cost ~ / ~/'~/~/ '/~7 ~r "t ~J[ r ~ , 1 Senior Engineer $ 72.00 4 4 4 12 864.00 4 20 4 4 8 40 2,880.00 4 4 8 576.00 4 20 24! 1,728.00 84 6048.00 2 As soc. Engr., etc 60.00 0 0.00 20 20 1,200.0C 16 8 16 40 2,400.00 !8 4 4 40 4 60 3,600.00 120! 7200.00 3 ~, Des. ~aft, etc. 48.00 4 4 8 4 20 96O.00 8 4 4 4 20 960.00 0 0.00 ~40 240 11,520.00 280/3440.00 4 Copy ~aftsmn, etc 36-00 0 0.00 40 8 8 56 2,016.0e 0 0.00 8 8 288.00 64 2304.00 5 off. Asst,~de,'etc 2~.00 0 0.00 0 O.0C 8 8 192.00 20 20 480.00 28 672.00 6 Wd. ~oc. Secy. etc. 20.00 0 0.00 40 40 800.0C 8 8 16 320. ~ 20 8 28 560.90 84 1680.00 7 Messen~er~ Clerk,etc 16.00 0 0.00 4 4 64.0C 20 20 320.00 20 8 28 ~8.00 52 832.00 8 Su~ey Crew (2-~n) 120.00 4 4 480.00 0 0.0C 0 60 60 7,200.00 64 7680.00 9 S~ey Crew (3-~n) 150.00 0 0.00 0 0.0C 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 Sp. Cons~t~ts Cost 0 0.~ 0 0.0C 0 0 0.00 O 0.00 11 ~terials Co st 0 0.00 0 0.0C X X 1, X X 400.00 X 1400.00 12 ~sce~eous Cost 0 0.00 0 0.0C 0 0 0. O0 0 0.00 [ CITY OF FONTANA / SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (FOOTHILL - CHERRY TO LIME) (BEECH - FOOTHILL TO LYSTER) ENGINEERING SERVICES ESTIMATE RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION Prepare, R/W Files (~e) Obtain Documents (Direct Expense) $ 500.00 Misc. Materials 100.00 Assemble Files 50 hrs. @ $24.00/hr. 1,200.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 1,800.00 (~) NEGOTIATIONS Prin. Engr. 10 hrs. @ $72.00/hr x 25-parcels $18,000.00 Engr. Asst. 4 hrs. @ $24.00/hr x 25-parcels 2,400.00 Notary $4.00 fee x 25-parcels 100.00 Recordation $20.00 x 25-parcels 500.00 SUB-TOTAL $21~000.00 SUBMITTAL TO LITIGATION Litigation Guarantee Policies 25-parcels x $300/ea $ 7,500.00 Appraisals for Condemnation 25-parcels x $500/ea 12~500.00 Prin. Engr. 2 hrs. @ $72.00/hr x 25-parcels 3,600.00 Engr. Asst. 2 hrs. @ $24.00/hr x 25-parcels 1,200.00 SUB-TOTAL $24,800.00 TOTAL $47,600.00 (~e) Does not include purchase/settlement expense. James L. Dotson Civil Engineer July, 1987 RFP's for Sanitary Sewer Facilities Installation in Beech Avenue sent to following: PRC Engineering P.O. Box 5367 972 Town & Country Road Orange~, CA 92667 Willdan Associates 155 Hospitality Lane, Suite 110 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc, P.O. Box 902 350 W. Fifth Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 CM Engineering Associates 225 E. Airport Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408 James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc, ~ 250 N. Madison Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101 Albert A. Webb Associates 3788 McCray Street Riverside, CA 92506 Attention: Sam I. Gershon L.D. King 2151 East "D" Street, Suite 120-A Ontario, CA 91764 Metcalf & Eddy Engineers, Inc. 290 N. "D" Street San Bernardino, CA Jim Dotson P.O. Bex 885 Grand Terrace, CA 92324 J. F. Davidson Associates 3426 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92500 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Ibinz U. & Marik S. Fisher APN No. 228-251-2i The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Footilill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory d. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CLty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/BeeCh Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Heinz ~. & Marik S. Fisher APN No. 228-251-44 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Heinz U & 14arik S. Fisher APM No. 228-251-43 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Footl~ill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert kr. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7800 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, lg90 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: End of Rainbo~v notel APN No. 228-25i-i8 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consider;~tion will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALiFORNiA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7000 SISTER CiTY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CLty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: ~Itsuko, 01and APN NO. 228-251-i8 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bJp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ( P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 ® (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Apri 1 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Wheel Etc. APN No. 228-251-17 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothi 11 Boul evard from Hemlock to lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothi 11 Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer /1;1 By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Carl E. Jr. & Dilza Atkinson APN No. 228-251-17 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothi 11 Boul evard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothi 11 Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer /1;1 By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subjects: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant~ Dinesh L. & Man~ B. P~tel APN No. 228-251-16 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert WI. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Byx Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW.'GjB.'bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C, CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Harold & Katherine Wagner APN No. 228-251-15 The City of Fontana has awarded 'the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lg90. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CiTY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: John J. & Liza L. Lum APN No. 228=251-14 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bJp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: John $. APN No. 228-251-13 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714} 350-7618 for any additione~l information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bJp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) m~ FONTANA, CAUFORN&A 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, lgg0 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Lucy Frederico APN No. 228-251-39 & 40 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Bouleval~d to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General EngineePing Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on Hay 14, lggO. Your cooperation and considel'ation will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert ~l. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Hanager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O- BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0818 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, lggO Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: county of San Bernardino APN NO. 228-251-35 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Nanager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Ls. H. ~cal Shih APN No. 228-251-1I The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Basel i ne to Grbavac and Prkaci n, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely,, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB: bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Yao F. Hong & We± Ling tlong APN No. 228-251-11 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consid{;ration will be appreciated. If you. should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gpegory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bJp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 StSTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject.' Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant.' Fra,cis B~no APN No. 228-251-46 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on Hay 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By= Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. ConsLilting Project Hanager RWW:GJB=bj'p 8353SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: SIG CUN Znc. APN No. 228-251-45 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Generaq Engineering Contractors. Constructionl is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bJp 8353 81ERRA AVENUE(P.G BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Robert Eberle et al APN No. 228-261-26 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to comtence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTAN.A, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORN A April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: John F & Francine S. Esposito APN No. 228-261-13 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA of Fontana iCt~JALiFORNiA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: John ~, & Francine 8, Esposito APN No. 228-261-12 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory a. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN~ CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- I<AMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Altc~ D. Gomach et al & M. D. Warner APN No. 228-261-10 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contrac~ for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN.a, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C, CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Emma QuLntana APN No. 228-261-09 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W.. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY '-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 19gO Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Southern Pacific Transportation APN No. 228-261-28, 29, 30, 31 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Constilting Project Manager RWW:GjB:b3p 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA of Fontana iCtYALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Zohn M & Lucflle G. Artukovich APN NO. 228-261-08 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 19g0. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W.. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:b,jp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, lggO Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Donald Jones APN NO. 228-251-08 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on Nay 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Hanager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 S)STER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: joi~n L. Hoikup APN No. 228-25i-07 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lg90. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjip 8353SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: CharSLe8 J, Rounds Co. APN No. 228-251-05, 06 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and considera. tion will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. SOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- HAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: M. L. & Gloria M. Sapp APN No. 228-251-25, 26 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely', Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 81ERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: .E. & D. H. Anglem7er APN No. 228-251-0~, OL The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (RO. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April aT, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Donald Ward APN No. 228-251-02 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA C:icty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, lggO Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Fontana Union ~jater Co, APN No. 228-353-06, 05 The City of' Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideratien will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional 'information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 81ERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7e00 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Ci tX of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: J. wan~ c/o Eetnesto APN No. 228-353-01 The City cf Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -' KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CLty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Kuo Ah Hsueh Chang APN No. 228-353-07 The City of Fontarts has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Generaq Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bJp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7800 Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Donald gmemeto et al APN No. 228-353-0a The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely', Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bJp 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. 8OX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ,.~-~ i~City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, lggO Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property, ow.er/Prese.t occ.pa.t, ~ ~,.~~ co~a,.y The City of Fontana has awarded h contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to con~ence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance.. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: ~re~ory ~. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) em FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA of Fontana iC[~TA L I F O R N I A April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: De Luca Nu~ztata APN NO. 228-352-01 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely', Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 3504600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: CltatioD Homes APN NO. 228-191-06, 07, 13~ 28 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. ConsUlting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92834-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Village Parkway APN No. 228-191-05 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to 6rbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on Nay 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 9353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0618 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER C{TY -- KAMLOOP8, B.C. CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Presle7 of Southern Calffornia Inc. APN No. 228-i91-03, 23, 24 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 19g0. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely', Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNfA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C, CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Bruce W. Koenf8, et al APN NO. 228-191-04 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lg90. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92834-0518 · (714) 3504800 SISTER CiTY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Rancho Fontaria P1. APN NO. 228-191-19, 20 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 19g0. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Hanager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (RO. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER C~TY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A April 27, lggO Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Dick C, APN No. 228-191-02 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 E SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Pat & vf~ce xonaco APN NO. 228-191-01 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to comntence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C, CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Margaret Oser APN NO. 228-35~-03 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 19g0. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance.. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB~:bJp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Presley of Southern California APN No. 228-191-25, 26 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy IPublic Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Frances Bono APN No. 232-031~17 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineer'ing Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated~ If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincereliy, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C, CANADA Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subjects: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Frances Bono APN No. 232-031-20 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated., If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Hanager RWW:GJB::bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ( P.O. BOX 518} · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City .of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: APN No. 232-031-18 The City of Fontana has awarded th{; contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engi neeri ng Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Si ncerel y ,, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW: GJB: bj p 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CtTY -- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Frances APN No. 232-031-21 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -~ KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: vie & Della Gunby APN No. 232-031-1.6 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lg90. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely., Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB~bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Apri 1 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Ellen Sterkel APN No. 232-031-15 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothi 11 Boul evard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothi 11 Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer fly By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Babu Patel APN No. 232-011-19, 20 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Genera~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer fl/ By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Nattvtdad Oonzalez APN NO. 232-011-18 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill BoulevBrd to Baseline to Grbav~c and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me {714} 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER C~TY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA (/ Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Mary Hal£ord APNNO. 232-011-16 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Generaq Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on Nay 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Nanager RWW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA (/Y Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Jayant1 Pace1 APN No. 232-011-15 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a aoint Venture, Genera Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on Ray 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Nanager RW:GJB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P,O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334'-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOP,S, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Joyce M. Woo APN No. 232-011-14 The City of Fontana has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Gener~ Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance4 Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public WorKs Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-76Q0 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 27, lg90 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Robert E. Gonzales APN No. 232-011-13 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, lggO. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB;:bjp 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA9~334-O518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: J.mes Knight APN No. 232-011-i2 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, General Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to commence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA · CALIFORNIA April 27, 1990 Subject: Construction of Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Property Owner/Present Occupant: Elli H. Cooper APN No. 232-o11-11 The City of Fontaria has awarded the contract for construction of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on Beech Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline to Grbavac and Prkacin, a Joint Venture, Generaq Engineering Contractors. Construction is anticipated to conmlence on May 14, 1990. Your cooperation and consideration will be appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call me (714) 350-7618 for any additional information and assistance. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GjB:bjp 8353 S~ERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ,.: · .. ;~-' . .......... ' (~ DISTRICT NUMBER ;;;~;"~'~' "~ ~-- ~ DISTRICT BOUNDAR /,~so~ ' ~ ~ ......... ~7~---~- , . ~ CONTRIBUTORY ';~- ' i"' ~ ~'t MANHOLE NUM~EB ~' LINE SIZE & DIRE(. ~'~'~:~ ........... ~ .........................* .............. ~ EXISTING . , uueu~ FUTURE ~ ,a~. '/ ' ' .............. ~ ~ ~ BEGINNING OF STF ~'/ ~ ~ .......... ~' ~ END OF STRIP ', ~ ,' ..... ~-, ~, ~ ~ ~ ,,: 22737 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 7 POST OFFICE BOX 885 May 28, 1985 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 (714) 824-9510 ~obert. Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director P.O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Re: Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Project PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES Mr. Schoenborn: In accordance with instructions of the Request for Proposals and subsequent information provided by you, submitted herewith is our Proposal to provide engineering services for referenced project. The Proposal is rather thorough and its essence is reflected almost entirely within Exhibit A of the Appendix, which is a tabular outline that we find extremely useful not only in estimating a project's time and cost requirements, but which we also use later to control engineering efforts. As you may know we are a small firm and this project is about as large as we choose to undertake. It is the sort of project however for which we are particularly skilled and experienced. We urge you to contact the persons listed as references, all of whom can attest to our often unique approach to this type of project. The extent of our experience is evidenced by that portion of the Proposal in which, for ethical reasons, we offer to account for anticipated conflicts of interest. To the extent possible our Proposal is complete, and hopefully we will be selected as Engineers for the Project. If there are questions or instructions, please call. R e s p e c t;~y~ Dot o , . ~~res: Proposal (3 Copies) .,. ( AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR BEECH/FOOTHILL SANITARY SEWER PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT dated Segtember 20 , 1985, is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation hereinafter called "City" and JAMES L. DOTSON, Civil Engineer, hereinafter called "Engineer". IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: A. In accordance with conditions set forth in PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES dated May 28, 1985 attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and further in accordance with conditions set forth in letter from Engineer to City re: ALTERNATE PROPOSAL dated August 5, 1985 attached hereto as~!Exhibit "B"; Engineer shall perform and carry out to the satisfaction of the City Engineer the professional civil engineering services for the installation of sanitary sewer facilities in Beech Avenue from a point above Highland Avenue to Foothill Boulevard and in Foothill Boulevard from Beech Avenue to the intersection of Ilex Avenue in two phases| Phase A: Preliminary Engineering and Design 1. Provide all necessary surveys and aerial topographic control as required for design of project. 2. Design and prepare plans with horizontal scale of one inch equals 40 feet. Plans to be drawn in ink on standard 24" x 42" linen or mylar. Profile with vertical scale of one inch equals 4 feet also to be shown. 3- Locate existing utilities and determine the necessity of relocating or modification. Coordination with utility companies required. 4. Location of existing trees and determination of the necessity for removal. 5. Prepare project specifications and documents according to City standards in final form. Prepare and furnish for each project, 20 sets of bid documents including improvement plans. 6. Determine right-of-way procuremerit needs and prepare necessary ownership lists and easement deeds on City forms. Phase B: Bid Opening and Construction Inspection 1. Upon opening of bids, assist the City in analyzing bids and determining low bidders for the project. Assist the City in preparation and execution of construction contract. 21, Attend preconstruetion conference as the City's representative design engineer. 3,. Provide construction surveys which will include construction staking of each element of the project and resetting of survey monuments after work is completed. 4. Prepare As-Built plans following completion of the contract work and fils plans with the City. 5. Analyze bids for award of contract. 6. Provide construction supervision, inspection and handle progress pay estimates. B. City will provide the following: Staff liaison. 2. All available maps, survey information, bench mark data, improvement plans, etc. 3. Standard City 24" x 42" mylar plan and profile sheets. 4. Prompt review of material submitted by the Engineer for comment. 5. Property owner contacts for right-of-way procurement. 6. Advertising for bids. C. Engineer shall commence work on the project within fifteen (15) days of the execution of this agreement and Phase A shall be completed within ninety (90) calendar days; and Phase B shall be completed within fifty (50) calendar days after completion of construction work by the Contractor. D. Fee and payment for Engineering services will be on a time and materials basis, with a "not to exceed" amount for Phase A of $54,600, and a "not to exceed" amount of $31,000 for Phase B. Payment will be made by the City based on the PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FEES as set forth on Page Six of the aforementioned Exhibit "A" attac"~d hereto. Not more frequently than monthly, Engineer may submit an invoice for payment based upon the approved rates. Upon approval by the City E~gineer, the City shall make payment within thirty (30) days. E. Miscellaneous terms and conditions of this Agreement are as follows: 1. In the event that the City elects to revise the original scope of work, the additional work shall be paid for by the City as extra work at the same rates and in the same manner as provided in Section D above. All extra work shall be authorized in writing by the City. 2. Phase B of this contract will be activated at the option of the City. Until the Engineer receives written notice of such activation from the City, all Phase B obligations in this. Agreement do not apply. F. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party in the event of breech by such other parry;or, if before the professional services herein described have been rendered. City deems it necessary to abandon the project. In event of such termination or any suspension of work at the written direction of the City, City shall pay the Engineer for work actually performed. G. The herein shall constitute the entire Agreement. IN WIT|~ESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted, made and executed this Agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. City Cierk ~/ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~t ~ y 'torney PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA FOR BEECH AVENUE -'SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT offered by JAMES L. DOTSON Civil Engineer 22737 Barton Road, Suite 7 Grand Terrace, California 92324 (714) 824-9510 May 28, 1985 May 28, 1985 CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - BEECH AVENUE INTRODUCTION This proposal is presented in 2-parts and its contents are: PROPOSALTEXT PROPOSED PROJECT - General ... - Aerial Survey/Mapping - ~6ils Investigation/Testing - Servioe Connections - Construction Inspection - Schedule of Completion SCOPE OF WORK/PROPOSED ENGINEERING FEES PROPOSED FEES FOR OPTIONAL SERVICES SERVICES EXCLUDED FROM PROPOSAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FEES COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST PROPOSAL APPENDIX EXHIBIT "A" - ENGINEERING SERVICES ESTIMATE EXHIBIT "B" - PROJECT:MAP PROJECT PERSONNEL/CONSULTANTS RUSUME OF PRINCIPAL ENGINEER REFERENCES PROPOSED PROJECT GENERAL This proposed Project appears to be rather straight forward and should not require any particular ingenuity from either Engineer or Contractor. However, there is an obvious need for concern with certain details and with coordination. Please refer to a map entitled Exhibit "B" of the appendix. : The proposed alignment, average slope, native soil material, lateral cressfall and pipe depth requirements all appear to be unusually uniform. Interfering utilities appear to be few and required disturbance of existing "'. "' P~6posa/. -, Forttar..f ~' Page Two roadway improvements by sewer construction appears to be limited. Two~railroads and two State roadways apparently will have to be crossed by means of bored tubes, and no overhead obstructions are evident. Protection from floods and accommodation of drainage during construction poses no particular concern. There are concerns, however, for those portions of the alignment north of Foothill Blvd. with regard to 3-aspects: (1) Design to accommodate future development plans. (2) Protection of completed facilities from construction loads and operations. (3) Placement of sewers to accommodate existing trees. It has been presumed by this Proposal that development plans in this area already exist and that these plans will be made available to the Engineers in a timely manner in order that sewer lines and manholes can be appropriately placed to accommodate these developments. guch elements as roadway widths, location and inte.~$_lections; approximate elevation of final grade relative to existing grade; and required location of sewers~ relativeto other utilities must be provided to the Engineers prior to start of design efforts. It I~as also been presumed by this Proposal that hydraulic anslyses necessary to determine sewage flows all all reaches of the Project has already been performed by the City and tha~ the Engineers will not be required to do more than determine appropriate pipe diameters required for particular slopes. It has been presumed by this Proposal that the material for all sewer pipe will be VCP to correspond with the same materials in the remainder of the City's sewerage~ and that all sewer pipes placed in future roadway ali~qments mus~ be designed to accommodate loading from future presence of hea~ny construction equipment. Also it has been presumed that all manholes in such future roadways must be designed for considerable and inevitable vertical adjustment; and further, such manhole covers must be marked for location and protection. It has been presumed by this Proposal that all existing trees along the proposed alignment can be removed by construction of sewers; and that the cost of tree re~Dval, potential damage to new sewer pipes/manholes, and construction access cost shall be the only criteria for determining alternate locations for sewer facilities. AERIAL SUR~EY/MAPPING - In accordance with instructions within the Request for Proposals (RFP), this Proposal does not include any expense ~)r surveying to establish aerial mapping targets, plotting of topo/contour maps, or imprinting of photo maps onto mylar plan sheets. However, and primarily because the aerial mapping work is an absolutely critical pert of the Projects' design effort, we would prefer that the City allow our firm to be assigned this portion of the Project also. We must in any case verify and augment the aerial maps and prefer that the final mapping not be placed on mylar plan sheets until a considerable amount ofpre-design study has been accomplished. Contrary to some engineering firms, we prefer that our sewer plans be "clean" in the sense that nothing appear on final drawings that is useless to the Contractor and is useful only to the design engineer. We find that placing certain normal mapping details on construction drawings.tends to confuse d~signers, inspectors and contractors, and instead of creating an intended savings, actually leads be greater expense. This is particularly evident with the use of photo-strip imprints because of its dark and obscuring effect upon details of a plan. The cost to do the aerial mapping will be the same whether accomplished by the City or by our firm, both parties being required to utilize special consultants. Accordingly, we request to be assigned the work, although no expense for necessary coordination has been included fin this Proposal. ~O:I:LS INVESTIGATION/TES-i'ING The native material along the proposed alignment appears to be almost perfectly miform and consists of alluvial deposits of silts, sands and gravels. Such materials are ideal for backfill compaction by water densification and offer considerable costs savings thereby. However, such materials are less ideal during excavation for trenches as the trench will not "stand" vertically. Accordingly, care must be used during design to create sufficient clearance from existing underground utilities to avoid collapse of the utility into the sewer pipe trench. The existing soil material being predictable, we see no need for the expense of providing preliminary soils investigation. Accordingly, this item has been omitted from this Proposal. Th:Ls Proposal presumes that the City will provide the services of a So11~ Engineer to prepare backfill compaction testing reports; OR that the Contractor will be required to provide same as part of his contract. In either case, providing of such services has been omitted from this Proposal. ~VICE CONNECTIONS Zn appears that along that portion of the proposed alignment south of Foothill Blvd. there are over lO()-existing d~ellings, commercial and/or industrial structures that presently dispose of sewage via underground septic system. It also appears that although most of these structures are outside the present City limits of Fontana, the possibility of future inclusion within the City and abandonment of the individual septic systems in favor of connection to the new public sewer my become desirabl~. To save considerable extra expense in the future and avoid repeated disturbance to paved roadways, it might be advisable to construct service connections to each of the structure- occupied properties as part of this Project. Proposal -Fort ~ Page Four Also, along that reach of the proposed alignment north of Foothill Blvd., it seems probable that development plans may exist and that it may be possible to eonstruct service connections to future properties as a part of this Project. Such effort and expense now may save considerable future costs and preclude the undesirable requirement of field-tapping a VCP sewer main. These items of engineering service and expense were not contemplated in the RFP and accordingly have net b~n included as part of the Proposal. However, a proposed fee for doing such work has been included in a later section herein as an Option, should the City wish to include the work. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION - It is estimated that the approximately 25,000 lineal feet of proposed pipelime will be completely constructed by a contractq.~ in 50-working days, including testing and paving. For that 50-day duration it has been presumed by this Proposal that one Non-Pro~ssional inspector will be at the job-site continuously; and, that a Senior Engineer will be in frequent daily contact with the Inspector and also visit the job-site on a regular basis for brief periods. With regard to the amount of time that will be required of the Engineer to properly control the work~ the most critical aspect of construction inspection and contract administration will be which contractor is selected to do the work. If a contractor of dubious ability and/or history of po~r p~rform~nce is selected to do the work, we may elect to assign a more experienced and senior engineer to oversee the construction operations for as often as necessary to properly control such a contractor. There will be no additional cost to ~he City for such extra attention however, as our Proposal stipulates that all fees are based on hourly rates and I~unction. A senior engineer will be charged the same as a Non- Professional Inspector while performing~the lesser duties. ~t is our hope of course that the City afford us the opportunity to help select a capable and reputable contractor. SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION - Please refer to Exhibit "A" of the Appendix, "which sets forth several and various elements of engineering work required by the Project, and an estimate of the number of hours required of various engineering personnel. To maintain proper coordination of the design effort and to complete plans and specifications in a reasonable time and ready for bidding procedures, this Proposal presumes that 2-Engineers and 2-Draftsmen be assigned to the Project, more-or-less full-time. It is est~n~ted that 75-calecdar days will be required from the Pre-Design Conference ~o .the start of the bidding process. The bidding and construction processes are of course outside the control of an Engineer. However, it is estimated that the bidding and contract award procedure will consume 60-calendar days; and that the construction period will last 90-calendar days. The total estimate of tim~ to complete the Project after art Engineer is notified to begin will be about 8 to 9- months. · ""' Pr'OpOssl - Fonta'r r Page Five SCOPE OF WORK/PROPOSED ENGINEERING FEES Please refer again to Exhibit "A" of the Appendix. The several and various items of engineering work presumed by this Proposal to be provided are set forth on Exhibit "B", as are the total estimated and Not to Exceed Costs therefor. Items that have been excluded from the Proposal have been previously discussed heroin and/or will be set forth hereafter. To reiterate and to clarify,the-estimates of cost are set forth here: Engineering Service Estimated Cost Not ~o Exeeed Cost PHASE A Preliminary $ 11,608.00 $ 12,000.00 Design 19,500.00 21,000.00 Bidding 3,936.00 4,000.00 PHASE A TOTALS $ 35,034.00 $ 37,000.00 PHASE B Construction $ 29,744.00 $ 31,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL $ 6~778.00 $ 68,000.00 PROPOSED FEES FOR OPTIONAL SERVICES EXISTING STRUCTURES Field Determine Proper Position ) for Service Connection ) Place and Locate on Plans ) Prepare Spec. for Svc. Connection ) Estimate Quantities ) Inspect & Field Locate for AS-BUILT Plans ) NOT TO EXC~:K~} CO,S~ $50.O0/SERVICE;: FUTURE STRUCTURES Review Development Plans to ) Determine Svc. Conn. Location ) Place & Locate on Plans ) Prepare Spec. for Svc. Connection ) Estimate Quantities Insp~;ct & Field Locate for AS-BUILT Plans ) NOT TO EXCkK~ COST $30.00/SERVICE SERVICES EXCLUDED FROM PROPOSAL Specifically not included in the afore-mentioned engineering services and estimated costs therefor are: (a) Soils investigations and compaction testing (b) Aerial surveys and mapping (c) Preparation of documents or materials for environmental proceedings (d) Application for/or obtainment of permits to construct facilities (e) Replacement of survey monuments (f) Design of conflicting utilities relocation or installation (g) Payment of fees for plans checking, permits, mailings, recording, etc, (h) Attendance at council meetings, public hearings, etc. (i) Negotiations for right-of-way acquisition (5) Preparation of contract change orders except those initiated or caused by the Engineers. PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FEES The hourly rates listed hereafter are limited to those categories of work which are anticipated as being normally required for a project of this type and extent. The fees charged for the various items of engineering services performed shall in no case exceed the amounts listed hereinabaove; and in all cases the actual fee shall be determined by applying the appropriate hourly rate from the following schedule to the time involved in performing various tasks; provided however, that the scope of work shall remain substantially as defined herein. Fees charged to the City shall be determined by function and not by person; e.g. an Associate Engineer performing work normally done by a Draftsman will be charged at the lesser rate. It is stipulated that the fee to be charged for any other category not listed shall be 2°5 tin~_s the hourly rate paid to the person in said category. CATEGORY/ITEM OF EXPENSE RATE 1. Senior Consulting E~gineer .......... $ 60.00/hour 2. Assoc. Engineer, Design Engineer,Spec ..... Writer, Professional Inspector, ere ..... $ 50.00 3. Land Surveyor, Design Draftsman, Non- Professional Inspector, Plans Reviewer, etc. $ 40.00 4. Copy Draftsman ........ $ 30.00 5. Office Asst., Engr. Aide .... $ 20.00 6. Word Processor, Secretarial, etc.. $ 16.O0 7. Messenger, Productions, etc .... $ 16.00 8. Survey Crew (2-Man) ........ .. $ 90.00 9- Survey Crew (3-Man) ....... $120.00 10o Special Consultants ........ )irect Cost per Invoice 11. Materials ......... )ireet Cost per Invoice 12. Miscellaneous (Mileage, travel, lodging, etc.) ........... N/C w/in 50-mi of job site Proposal - Fort ~ Page Seven COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL The proponents stipulate to the requirements contained within the Request for Proposal and to those nor~naliy implied as a condition cf providing professional services to public a~encies, to wit: (a) Proposal Validity. This proposal is valid to a minimum of siXty (60) days from date of receipt. (b) Fee Schedule. All hourly rates include wages, benefits, profit, overhead and other usual costs of business. (c) Work Schedule. if required, prior to beginning any engineering worM, a schedule of events and date of completion shall be prepared and submitted to the City for approval. (d) Records Retention. Proponents will maintain project records for a specified period of time and provide copies to the City upon request. (e) Equal Opportunity. Proponents will adhere to all requirements ensuring equal opportunity for all employees. CONFLICT OF INTEREST It is recognized by the Engineers that because we frequently represent certain local contractors, material suppliers and others involved with sewer pipeline construction contracts with public agencies, it is possible that the appearance of a conflict of interest may occur should any one of our affected current or former clients desire to submit proposals for doing the work. St~ould such an apparent conflict occur, and should the City desire or require, we stipulate that we will make a full disclosure regarding any present or previous relations that may exist or have existed between our firm and the other affected party(s). We fhrther stipulate that if we are not awarded a contract to provide engineering services for this Project and another firm receives such contract award, our firm will refrain from further involvement in this Project on behalf of any client, except the City of Fontana. o0o August 5 ~ ~ 985 22737 8ARTON ROAD, SU~T[ POST OFFIC~ BOX 885 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 Robert SChoenborn (714) 824-9~10 Public Works Director 8353 Sierra Avenue Fon~ana, California 92335 Attention: Rober~ PotSet Re: Beech Avenue Sewer improvement ALTERNATE PROPOSAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES Gentlemen: As you requested we have completed our review of a revised alignment for referenced project as shown color-marked on an enclosed map entitled Exhibit "A"'~! The colored area thereon is that which we anticipate to have plotted from aerial photos. The purpose of our review, of course, was to determine any effects upon our estimate of engineering costs; and, the results are both positite and negative, good and bad, cheaper and more costly. At this point this letter will present discussions, comments and suggestions. At its end, we will summarize ~he Alternate Proposal based upon the alignment as shown on Exhibit "A". Please refer to a series of enclosed photos showing the North side of Foothill Boulevard from Sultana to East Avenue; It appears that in the reach from Beech to Cherry, the only practical position for a 21-Lnch sewer main is within the most northerly traffic lane of Foothill. The southerly side of Foothill is 'literally loaded with water, gas and irrigation mains; and the northerly side is occupied by eucalyptus trees, sign structures, gas and water mains and a few other and sundried items. Placing the main in one of Cal Trans' traffic lanes of course invites a possible horrendous cost of resurfacing at least one lane and maybe the entire north half of Foothill. Placing the main north of the eucalyptus trees will probably invite even more cost, particularly for engineering, in order to determine and prepare plans for items to be removed, relocated, repaired, avoided, negotiated and abandoned. Our major concern for this corridor is potential liability arising from possible damage to the root systems of the eucalyptus trees and eventual fellinS of the trees by high-winds. It is our recommendation then, that the chosen alignment be the north traffic lane, at least in that first 1-mile reach. West of Cherry, the main could be placed north of the pavement, at least until we approach East Avenue where drainage structures Beech,Avenue Sewer Improvement Alternate Proposal/Engineering Services AUgust 5, 1985 Page Two become a problem. Please note Photos 18, 19, and 20 which show a roadside drainage flume. If we place the main north of the flume, somewhere downstream we may have to cross this. We must also reckon with Etiwanda Creek and its RCB crossing Foothill. If it is planned that a sewer main coming down East Avenue will join our sewer main, it is our recommendation that our main angle east of Etiwanda Creek, turn southwest and cross Foothill, and allow the East Avenue sewer to cross Etiwanda Creek and join our main. Otherwise, the sewers will cross the Etiwanda RCB twice. In summary, it is our recommendation that the entire Foothill main be located in the northerly traffic lane. With further consideration we prefer that you.~onsider yet another route: Arrow Route. This would involve extending the Beech main to Arrow, turn west and follow Arrow to East Avenue, which would involve constructing another 1/2-mile of main. However, such an alternate route may actually create a savings by avoiding Cal Trans' sacrosanct Foothill Boulevard. The Arrow Route does pose one question however, that concerning the existence of old concrete pavement below asphalt, a typical occurrence for the Freeways of the 1920's. Most of these old concrete roadways were only 22-feet wide however, probably leaving plenty of room to squeeze in a 21" - 30" sewer main. Notwithstanding any of the discussion and recommendations above, should you direct us to proceed with the Foothill alignment, specifically within the northerly traffic lane thereof, our original Proposal should be modified as follows: Preparation of Aerial Topo Fees to Pictorial Science $ 9,000.00 Survey Research (40 hours at $40.O0/hr) 1,600.00 Aerial Targeting/Control (60 hours at $90.O0/hr) 5,400.00 *Preparation of Blank Plan Sheets 500.00 Sub-Total $ 16,500.00 Preliminary Services Alternate Proposal Research/Review $ 1,100.00 Additional Conferences/Cal Trans 500.00 Sub-Total' $ 1,600.00 TOTAL INCREASE $ 18,100.00 ~Delete if City provides us with 20 - 24" x 42" pre-bordered mylar plan/profile sheets with City Title Blocks preprinted Robert Schoenborn 'Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement Alternate proposal/Engineering Services AUgust 5, 1985 Page Three thereon. Otherwise, we will prepare a single master for reproduction by Pictorial Sciences at cost of $500.00. Nothing else in our original Proposal is to be changed, including stipulations in the text thereof, EXCEPT that because of delays in starting this Project and anticipated intransigent of Cal Trans, we wish to extend the time-to-complete as measured from Pre-Design conference to start of Bidding Process from 75-calendar days to 90-calendar days. Both our firm and our aerial photo firm (Pictorial Sciences) were ready to begin work on this Project a month ago and have now filled the void with other committments, which we now must fulfill before we can start. Originally Pictoria~Science was to produce-t~e. aerial maps in 5-days. Now they want 3-weeks for all sheets but we have asked them to "dole" out the sheets as completed in order to speed the process. In summary, our original Proposal shall be modified as follows to reflect the alternate alignment: (1) Sewer main to be placed within the most northerly traffic lane of Foothill Boulevard between Beech Avenue and East Avenue. (2) Sewer main to be terminated easterly of Etiwanda Creek. (3) Time to complete engineering work from ,Pre-Design Conference to start of Bidding Process to be extended to 90-calendar days. (~) Original Proposal price of $68,000.00 will be increased to $86,100.00 and shall include additional services of providing aerial surveying/mapping; preparation of blank plan sheets (*); cost of preparing revised Proposal; and, cost of dealing with Cal Trans. (5) (*) If City provides pre-printed, pre-bordered mylar plan/profile sheets, delete $500.00 from Proposal. We ask that you consider our revised Proposal very carefully, particulary with regard to placing the sewer main within the pavement of Foothill which could add $100,000 - $200,000 in overall expense for the Project; and with regard to considering Arrow as another possible and better alternative. ".'~/~oSevt S~oenbovn Beech Avenue Sewer Improvement A~ternate Proposal/Engineering Be~vices Aug~ 5, 1985 Page Four ~f there are questions or instructions, please contact me directly. ~ames L. Dotson, CE JLD: Rena Enclosures: Exhibit "A" (Map of Proposed Route) Photos (4-Sheets) 22737 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 7 POST OFFICE BOX 885 September 2~ 1987 GRANDTERRACE, CA92324 (714) 824-9510 Robert J. Schoenborn, CE 85-072-CF Public Works Director -- 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana~ CA. 92325 Re: Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Project ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSAL (REVISED) Bob(s) : On Friday 28 August just past we met and discussed my providing 3-revised proposals: 1) Foothill/Hemlock-Lime Z) Beech/Foothill-Baseline 3) Right-of-way acquisition for both. On Sunday 30 August I set about to prepare said proposals as I implied at our meeting that I would. After 3-hours into that effort I allowed a rage to overwhelm me. I flung everything on my desk in every direction and went for a long walk. Upon returning I cleaned up the mess (which was major) and repaired the damage (which was minor). No revised proposals to you from me are forthcoming. I quit. I've had it ! I reviewed mF files and discovered that we have: 1) Been involved in this Project since Ma~ 6~ 1985, a total Of 850-days. 2) Submitted I-original and 7-modified proposals for all or portions of the Project. 3) Prepared 5-versions of the so-called Master Sewer Plan for the Project. 4) Made i-major and 3-minor changes to our "completed" plans to accommodate other proposed utilities. 5) Logged 41-hours on the telephone with Developers and/or their Engineers who called us (not counting Hall & Foreman) discussing the "situation in Fontann", the time for which the City paid us nothing. 6) Artended 9-meetings with various City officials, consultants~ developers, wheels and big-whigs~ for which the City paid us plenty, Robert J. Schoenborn~ CE Robert Porter Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Project Engineering Services Proposal (Revised) September 2, 1987 Page Two 7) Constructed not ONE FOOT of sewer main, except for that portion of the Project relinquished to Mall and Foreman at my suggestion. Something is terribly wrong, either with me or with City Mall. Within 90-days of submission of my very first proposal I realized that the City should never have hired me or any other Engineer for this Project and that such hiring was very premature. My opinion of the moment is similar and I strongly recommend that the City needs neither mine nor an other Engineer's services to get this job done. The Master Plan and almost all the Plan/Profiles are complete and that fact is sufficient to require whichever Developer screams the loudest to put his money where his mouth is and pay his own Engineer to package the damned job and get it built. The City has done enough! As you may know, I have served in the positions of City and District Engineer for several local agencies for over 20-years. Accordingly I feel certain by experience that I know what has occurred in Fontana's City Hall to cause this Project to become a mess. Many times I have been caught between politics and reality and almost every time I lost. The few times I "won" required that I perform a little butt-kicking~ black- mailing~ favor-trading or whatever. Of course I was fired several times also, and even labeled "intractable" on occasion. So be it! There remains only one way to get a project completed: Hire a good Engineer, hire a good Contractor then get the Hell out of the way. I suggest somebody in City Hall. is "in the way", is bringing unnecessary pressure on your staff~ and is accomplishing nothing in ~he process. My departure is not going to help you in that regard and in one sense I feel like a traitor. Maybe that could be changed to "martyr" and some good will come from the deed. Remember, only by us stepping aside did any of this Project get completed. Please advise me as to the disposition of your plans, records and data. No further charges will be made to the City. However I reserve the right to charge the socks off any Developer's Engineer for copies of anything in my possession. Robert J. Schoenborn, CE Robert Porter Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Project Engineering Services Proposal (Revised) September 2, 1987 Page Three Although I believe my action is in the best interests of the City, I know you will suffer accordingly~ and I apologize for that. I enjoyed the Project~ I learned a lot and I particularly enjoyed shop talk with Bob Porter. Good luck fellows~ good luck. Respectfull and with Regrets~ 3ames L. Dotson~ CE JLD: sande