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PHASE lI 13EECH ll~TERCF. PTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 2 38. 15', S' DBH [4ultl-b~n~Jced (2) 39. 15" DBH 40. 13~ DBH 41. 9" DI3H 42. 16" DBH Dead, l,~caly-~tus/.cng-horne~ Borer, Remove 43. 20' Di~ 44. 14" ~ 45- 9', 3" DBH ~l~i-~ed (2) ~6. 3~", 3% 2" D~ ~t-~ed (3), Undersized 47. 9~ 48. 7", 5" D~ ~i-t~ed (2) 49- 14" ~ ~ad, 50. 13' ~ ~ssl~ ~e~lnal dte~clc, Re~e 51. 12", 9" D~ ~Ztl-b:~c~ (2), ~tlbed rollage, ~, R~ve 52. 15" ~ Te~na:L dlebac~, ~, Re~ 53. 7" ~ ~tr~:Ly ~il~ed, ~derslz~, R~ 54. 20", 14" D~ ~l-ta~ed (2), ~, R~ve 55. 6" D~ ~derslzed 57. 6' D~ ~dersl;:ed 58. 14", 6", 6" D~ ~l~l-tx~ed (.3), ~ad, ~, R~ve 59. 18" ~ ~ad, ;;, R~ve 60. 9", 7-, 4" D~ ~lbt-tZ~ed (3), ~, R~e 61. 18' D~ T~ ~ds, girdling vires, ~e~nal dte~c~, ~il~ed 62. 1.4" ~ Te~1 die~c~, wi~ 63. 10" D~ T~ wo~ds, wilted 64. 12" D~ T~ ~,~ds, 65. 9" D~ T~ ~.~ds, wtlC~ 66. 13~ D~ T~ 67. 2" D~ 8 sprouts from ~ ~b a~ grads, ~dersiz~ 68. 21' D~ T~ ~ds, girdling wires 69. 18' D~ T~¢ ~ds 70. ~3" D~ T~¢ ~ds 71. 9"' D~ T~ sprouts, ~ ~op~ at 4', R~ 72. ~2' D~ T~ ~ds 73. 17" D~ 74. 10", 5 75. 5", 3' ~ ~t-~ed (2}, t~ ~ds, ~derslz~ 76. 8" D~ ~ad~ 77. 10', 10 78. 14~ D~ 79. 8'~ D~ Tm~ ~mds 80. 11' D~ 81. 9' D~ T~ ~ds 82. ~1' D~ ~sal spr'ou~s, ~ad, ~, R~e 83. 10.~ D~ ~ad, 84. 12" D~ T~ ~u~ds 85. 1~', 14' D~ ~i-b~ (2), ~ ~ds 86. 8" D~ T~ ~unds 87. 11'" D~ Te~nal dte~ck, R~ve .. EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE II SI~ER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN Foothill Blvd. to Baseline Avenue, City of Fontshe 'D,~ hundred and forty-five (245) Eucalyptus trees are identified on the projec~ plans, sheets 2 thzrough 6. The following tree numbers correspond 1:o ~he accompanying project; plans. the 245 trees, 21 are undersized (less than 8" DSH), 15 are dead, 25 are wea]cened and/or diseased to the point where remo~l is recon~en- deal, and 30 are located more than 15' away from she center line (C/L). total oZ 154 E~cal~ptus trees are in adequate condition such that iZ it were not for the sewer c~nstruction, they could remain. 1. 24" DBH 2. 15" DBH Old basal wound, 5" wide ]~. 23" DBH 4. 17" DBH I 5 · 9" DBH 6. 20" DBH Terminal ' ~. 11" DBH TrunE wounds 2. 20" DBH 9- 12" DBH 10. 8" DBH 11. 25" DBH 12. 21" DBH Trun~ Wounds 13. 8" DBH Trunk wounds, Undersized 1.4. 9" DBH 15. 14" DBH 16. 23" DBH Girdling wires 17. 15" DBa 18. il" DBH .~irdlin.g Wires lg. 22" DBH 20. 24" DBH Girdlin,~ wires' 21[. 9" DBH 27.. 8" DBH Girdlin.g Wires 23. 18" DBH Trun~ ~unds 24. 13" DB~I Barbed wire 2j. 13" 26. 6" DM Glrdlin!~ wire, Undersized 27. 7" DIM Undersized 28. 19", 11" DB~I MuJ. ti-tl:unXed (2) :. 29. 22" DBH Entt~dd~ bar]c, likely to split 30. 13" DBH 31. 16", 18" DBH M~lti-t~nm~ed (2), tru~ wounds 32~. 6" DBH Undersized 3~. 14" DI~ Girdlin~ wire, trun~ ~unds 34. 25" DBH Girdlim] wire 35. 6" DB~I Undersized 3~,. 16" 37. 13" DBH BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER PAGE 3 88. 18", 8" I)BH HuZti-tru~Xad (2) 89. 10" DBH Trun}c yourids, EI~ 90. 12" DBH Trunk wounds 91. 16" DBH Tru~ Yountis 92. 10" D~H WiZted, terminal dieback, EL~ 93. 16" DBH Tru~3~ wounds 94.. 12" DBH 95.. 14" DBH Tru~X wounds, viited 96.. 10% 12" DBH 97.. 5" DBH Undersized 98.. 11" DBH IDeadl, ELIiB, Remove 99.. 15" DBH Wilted, ELI{B, Remove 100. 20" DBH WiZt',ed, EX~, Remove 103~. 12" DBH Tru~X wounds 10;! . 10% 3" DBI{ MuZt:i-trur~ed (2) 10."1. 14" DBH Truzd( ~founds, girdZing wires 104. 6" DBH Und~:rsized 105, 8" D~H 106. 9" DBH 10~L 7", 6", 4" DBH ~uZti-truz~ked (3), suckers 108. 5°', 4% 5"~ 2" DBH ~{ul~;i-~runked (4), suckers 109. 11" DBH 110. 9", 4", 4" DBH r~ul~;i-trunked (3) 11~. 18" 11;!- 9" DBH ll:L 7" DBH Und~srsized 114. 12" DBH Se~sreZy wilted, Remove 115. 11" DI~ EZ~B, Remove 116. 25" DBH ll~l. 9~ DB8 Severely vtZted, Remove ll8. 21" DBH EZ~IB, 119. 9", 7" DBH HuZtl-tz~niced (2) 120. 12~ DB8 121. 8' DBH ~/llted, EI~IB, Remc~ve 12:~. 6' DBil Undersized 123. 9", lO', 5~, 4' DB~!~/1.tt-tnm)ced (4) 124. 7" ~ UndLerslzed 12!~. 11% 6~, 4~ ~ I~/l,tl-trunked (3) 12~.' 6~ D~4 Un~le=slze~ 12'7. 13~ DBH 128. 10~ ~ '. · 129. 8", 4" DI~! Hu~Ltt-tr~ced (2), trm~3c vounds, II~!B, Re~nov~ 13'D. 20'~ DBH 131. 24" DBH 132. e~ DBH 133. 18~ DBH Fire darage, basal tn/n~ 134. 14~ DBH II~B, Reu~ve 135. ll' DI~ I~j~B, Reinova 136. 14", 11' DBH I~lltt-t~ln3ced (2) 13;~. 19" DBH BEECH ]~NTERCEPTOR SL~rE~ M~IN PAGE 4 13B. 9" 139. 15' DB~I 140. 12" D~ 141- 14" DBH 142. 15" 143. 15' ~ 144. 8~ 14~. 6", 3", 5", 4" D~ T~ sever~ 2' a~ve grade, t~ sprouts, R~ve 146. 8', 6' D~ b~lt.i-t~ (2) 147. 16' ~ WIltS, te~nal die~cK ~48. 10' ~ 18' West of Center ~ine (~), 149. 12' D~ 150. 10' ~ T~ ~ds 151. 16' D~ T~ wo~ds 153. 1~* DBH " 1~- 7' D~ ~dersized 155. 11~ ~ 156. 14~ ~H ~57. 15", 18" ~ mlti-t~ (2) 158- 14" D~ 18' ~/L 159. 19" D~ 18~ ~ 160. 5~ D~ ~dersiz~ 161. 10" D~ ~ad, ~, R~ 162. 14~ D~ T~ sever~ 4~ a~ grade, R~ 163. 20~ D~ 1~. 9~ D~ 165. 15' D~ 166. 12' D~ 167. 10" D~ 168. 9" D~ 169- 12" D~ 18' 170. 15" D~ ~8 171. 13~ D~ 172. 12" D~ 173. 14" D~ 174. · 8~ 175. 12" ~ 176. 11~ ~ 177. 11" ~ 178. 18", 16" D~ ~$ti-t~ (2) 179. 11" D~ 180. 10" D~ ~a.O, ~, 181. 1O" ~ 182- 14" D~ ~aLO, ~, 183. 18" D~ 184. 8" D~ 185. 10" ~ 186. 12" ~ PHASE Zl BEECH INTERC=/-~OR SEWER MAIN PAGE 5 187. 13" DBH EI~D3 188. 14" DBH 20' WC/L 189. 13" DBIt 19' WC/I, 190. 15" DBIt 191.. 24" DBH 192. 9"' DBH Stub-cut at base, basaZ sprouts 3", Remove 193.. 11' DBH Trunk vounds 194.. 8" DBH · 195.. 7" DBH Undea:stzed 196. 7" DBH Undea:stzed 197. 13" 198. 23" DBH 199.. 8" DBH Dead,, EBB, Remove 200. 15" D~ 201.. 11" DB~ Trunk wounds, EL~, Remove 202. 26" DBIt 203. 9" DBH Dead,, ELHB, Remove 204. 7", 3" DBlt Mul~t-trunXed (2) 205. 9" DB~ Trunk cut 1' above grade, basal sprouts, Remove 206. 12" DBH 207. 8" DB!t 208. 12" D!~ 209. 11" DBH 210. 8" DB!t 211. 7" DBH Undea:sized 212. 11" DBH 213. 7", 4", 3" DBIt Mul~~i-trunked (3) 214. 9" DBH Trunk rounds, ~~erminal dieback, ELiB, Remove 215. 7", 8", 3" DBH Multl-trunked (3), 18" We/L 216. !4", 11", 7" DBH Hult/-trunked (3), 18' WC/T, 217. 10", 10- DBH Mulr, i-trun~,,ed (2), 19' We/T. 218. 18" DBH 20" ~/L 219. 10" DBH 220. 15" DBH 20' We/L 221. 13" DBIt 222. 15" DWa 20' WC/I, 223. 19" DBH 23' WC/L 224. 10", 9% 3" DBH Hulti-trunke4 (3), !20' We/I, 225. 20" ~ 20' We/I,, Dead, ELIt, Remove 226. 5", 8" u=g Stu~tt 2' above grade, 20' We/L 227. 15" DI}I 20' We/L 228. 15", 12" DB~ 19I 229. 13", 8" DBit Idulti-trunXed (2), 19' We/L 230. 8", 7" DBIt Hulti-trun~.ed (2), 19' NC/L 231. 13" 25' WC/I, 232. 9", 7", 4" DB~ HuZti-trun~ed (3), 20' We/L 233. ll" DB~ 21' 234. 15",12", 9" DBH MuZti-trunked ('3), 20' We/L 235. 11", 4" DBIt Multi-trun~ed (2), 22' We/L 236. 9" DBH 237. through 245. All trees are +20' outside C/L · EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE FOCr~HILL TRUNK SEWER Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, City of Fontaria The Eacalyptus trees are located on the North sicle of Foothill Bird, The numbering system that folZows c~rresp2nds to the numbering on the accom~anying sewer plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 64 EucaZyptus trees were inspected. Of these 64 trees, four (4) are recommended for removal ( one, deadl two severed trun~s~ one encased in c~,nen~), and nine (9) are under 8" DBI{ (Diameter Breast Height). A total of 51 Eucalyptus are ovsr 8" DBH and are of a condition that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. h 18" DBH 2. :24" DBH 3. 6" DBH 'Undersized 4. 12" DBIt 5. 16" DBH 6. 22" DBH 7. 15m DBIt 8. 9" DBIt 9- 17" DBH 10. 18" DBH 11- 19" DBH TrunX yourids 12. :L3" DBIt Tnm~ l~ounds 13. 17" DB!t 14. 17" DBlt 15. 28" DBH Trunk wounds 16. 15" DBH Trun~ wounds 17. 26" DBH 18. 1!2'° DBH 19. 15" DBH 20. 13" DBH 21. :~2" DBI~ 22. ILl" DBH 23. 18" DBH 24. 15" DE8 25. :ll" DBil 26. 10" Dell 27. 16" ~ 28. 13" DBI{ TrunX wounds 29. :[1" 30. :ll- DBH 31. 17" DBH 32. 20" DB~I 33. 18" DBH 34. 6" Dlt{ Undersized 35. i[ 2" DBit 36. ;~4" DBIt 37. 10" DBH PHASE lit FOOTHILL TRUNK PAGE 2 38 · 8' DBH 39. 7" DBH Undersized 40. 7' DBH Undersized 41. 6' DBH Undersized 42. 8' DBH 43. 28" DBH 44. 18" DBH 45 · 4' DBH Undersized 46. Sprouts Trunk severed .at grade, Remove 47. 19" DBH 48. 14" DBH 49. 9~ ~ 50. Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 51. 16" DBH 52- 17* DBH 53. 6" DBH Undersized 54 · 6= DBH Undersized 55. 17' DBH 56. 6" DBIt Undersized 57. 20" DBH TrunX wounds 58. 17* DBH 59. 24* DBH 60. 20" DBH 61. 18" DBH Trunk wounds 62. 24" DBH 63. 13* DBH Encased in cement, Remove 64. 24* DBH Dead, Remove EUC/~LYFIVS INSPECTION PHASE IV FOC~IiILL TRUNK SEWER Hemloc:c Avenue to Beech Avenue, City of Fentans · lhe 1LlacalT~tus trees ore locatl:d on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that foileve ~mrres?onds to the num~ering on the accom~anytn~ Sewer Plans, Shee~;s 2 and 3. A ~otal of 22 trees yore inspected. Of these 22 trees, one is a severed trur~ · uith basal sprouts and one tree has a DBH under 8". A total of 20 trees remain with a DBH over 8" and ~;f sufficient vitality that they could be zeta/reed except for their pr~Lmity to the proposed construction. 1- 2. 3. 4. 26' 5. 16" DBH 6, 19" D~ 7. 12" O. 1~" D~ 9. 10" 10. 7" 11. 24" D~ 12. 17" ~ ~ttple t~: ~ds 13. 18" D~ ~sal ~ ~d, 12" w~de 14. 16" D~ 15. 10" D~ 16. 17. 18" D~ 18. 19. 22" D~ T~ ~m~d, ~r,, wide 20. 14" D~ 21. 11" D~ 22. 30" D~ 'FL~_se standard provisions of agreen..,t are distributed by: Colifornio Council ofCiuil Engin~rs ~tanclSuru~Jorl STANDARD PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLIENT AND CONSULTANT AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO AT__C~ o~ ~o~tana~ ~a~ 3e~a~no made this ~ clay of ~o~embe~ , 19 8~ , by and betwee~ · ~e 0L~ o~ ~on~ana 8353 Sierra, Fontana, CA 92335 ,_ _ hereinafte~ ca~ed 'cUent,' and_ ~al~ & Foreman, In~. 3120 Redhill g~e. Cos;~ Mesa, CA 92626 hereinafter called "consultant." CJientintendsto__~QnStr~Ct an interceptor sanitary sewer line in ~he _ ~.. _ r'igh~-of-w~y oi Foothill Blvd. a~d Be~ch bereinafter called "project."' The present record owner is: Name: City oi Fontaria Address: 8353 Sierra Fontan~, CA 92335 The Jender is (if none, state below): Name: Address:__ . - Client and consultant for mutual consideration hereinafter set forth, agree as foliows: A. Consultant agrees ~o perform the following se~ices: See A~tached Exhibi~"A" Da~a and AS~ions See A~tached Exhibi~ "B'~, "C", and "D" Sco~e o~ Work B. Client agrees to compensate consultant 'for such services as follows: __ S~e Attached Exhibit "E" Fee and Payment Schedule __. See A~t~hed Exhibit "F" Rate_S~hedule C. Ciient has read and understands all the standard Provisions of Agreement set forth on the reverse hereof and the [xhibits hereto, and agrees all Standard Provisions and Exhibits are a [ __ part of this Agreement and are binding on client client's initia~ D. Client and consultant agree that the late payment charge provided for in Paragraph 33 of the Standard Provisions of Agreement shall be _ 1,5% per ~o~th [ ] E, Th~s agreement ~s null a~ void if ng~ executed w~th~n ~5 day~ o~ ~h~_prep~ed die~t'sinitials date IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted, made and executed this agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written, :~~NC, ~: ANA Name ~ .. FQ~e~aD, Jr Nathaa A, S~mo~ (Prin8 (Print) Title President Title ~ayor Address__ ,,3170_~edhill Ave, Address _~5~ Si_e~ra Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Fo~tana, CA 92335 client should mail completed contract to the address shown for consultant, ATTEST: OePu~City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: lb EXHIBIT "A" ]EXHIBIT "A" DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS Whereas the Consultant intends to provide engineering and surveying services to £acilitate construction of the Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Line in the City of Fontaria, County of San Bernardino, California. This contract for engineering services has been prepared based upon normal construction procedures and discussions between representatives of both parties. The Scope of Work (Exhibits "B", "C", and "D") specifically state those services to be performed and are subject to the following Data and Assumptions. 1. This contract shall be based upon the master plan, initial engineer and topographic survey for the subject project, completing by James L. Dotson, Civil Engineer. 2. Those items of work which have not been specifically outlined in the Data and Assumptions and Scope of Work shall not be considered to be a part thereof, but shall be considered as additional services and subject to negotiation. So as to avoid delays, the consultant will begin work on these additional services upon the Client's verbal request. A "Confirmation of Work" slip shall be signed by Client or his field representative for such additional work until the supplemental agreement is signed by Client and Consultant. 3. It is understood that the project will be divided into three separate plans as follows: Phase I - A 24" line from Cherry to Beech. Phase II A 21" line from Beech to Base Line. Phase III- A 10" line from Beech to the existing pump station. approximately 2300 feet east of Beech. -2- EXHIBIT "B" ]EXHIBIT "B" SCOPE OF WORK ~). periods by performing the tasks set forth in Exhibit "C". 4. Providing a Resident Inspector who shall perform the duties set forth in Exhibit "D" for the construction of the sewer lines and furnishing part-time inspectors to assist the Resident Inspector should the construction schedules require. 5. Providing a topographic :survey of Phase III from Beech to the Pump Station. -3- EXHIBIT "C" EXHIBIT "C" PROJECT MONITOR (CITY OF FONTANA) The tasks of Project Monitor shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Review plans and specifications for the improvements proposed to be constructed. 2. Monitor bidding and award of contract procedures. 3. Review bid proposals and make recommendations to the City as to the award(s) of Contract.. 4. Review contracts and utility and railroad agreements. 5. Attend pre-construction conferences. 6. Review construction contract change orders and make recommendations thereon. 7. Perform periodic on-site observations of the work in progress as a basis for determining that the improvements are being constructed in accordance with the Contract documents. 8. Review and verify Contractor's monthly progress estimates and payments made thereon. 9. Furnish periodic reports of progress of the project as required. 10. Provide supervision of any construction inspectors assigned to the project hy Hall & Foreman, Inc. 11. Maintain files of information pertinent to the construction of the improvements. 12. In company with authorized representatives of the City, the Contractor and Landowners, perform final inspection of the work performed under various contracts and make recommendations as to acceptance of the work. EXHIBIT "D" EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS 1. Review the construction schedule prepared by the Contractor for compliance with the Contract and give advise to the Project Monitor concerning its acceptability. 2. Attend pre-construction conferences. Assist in arranging a schedule of progress mee~ings and Other job conferences as required in.consultation with the Project Monitor and Contract Supervisor. 3. Serve ~s the Project Monitor's liaison with the Contract Supervisor. 4. When required, assist the Contract Supervisor in obtaining from the Contractor a list of his proposed suppliers and subcontractors. 5. Assist the Contract Supervisor in obtaining field samples of materials delivered to t'he site which are required to be furnished and keep records of actions taken by the Contract Supervisor. 6. Receive ~pproved shop drawings and other submissions from the Contract Supervisor; record data received, maintain a file of the drawings and submissions, and check construction for compliance with them. 7. Alert the Contractor's field superintendent when he observes materials or equipment being installed before approval of shop drawings or samples, where such are required, and advise the Contract Supervisor when he believes it is necessary to disapprove work as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. 8. Conduct on-site observations of the work in progress for the Director of Public Works: as a basis for determining that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9. Verify that tests required bX the Contract Documents:are conducted and that adequate records thereof are maintained; observe, record and report to the Project Monitor appropriate details relative to the test procedures. -5- EXHIBIT "D" /!x&ibi| EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS (continued) 10. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the outcome of these inspections and report to the Project Monitor. ll. Consider and evaluate Contractor's suggestions for modifications in drawings or specifications and report them with recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor. 12. Keep a diary of log book,. recording hours on the job site, wes~ther conditions, list of visiting officials, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures, 13. Maintain a set of drawings on which authorized changes are noted, and deliver to the Project Monitor at the completion of the Project. 14. Furnish the Project Monitor daily written reports of progress of the Project and Contr~ctor's compliance with the approved construction schedule. 15. Consult with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor in advance of schedule major tests or start of important phases of the Project. 16. Review applications for progress payment with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor, noting particularly their relation to the work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site. 17. During the course of the work gather Assembly Guarantees, Certificates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals and other required data to be furnished by the Contractor and deliver this material to the Project Monitor for his approval and fo. rwarding to the Director of' Public Works. 18. Prior to final inspection, submit to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor a list of observed items requiring correction and verify that each correction has been made. -6- EXHIBIT "D" EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA ,~ m~.,: DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AITHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS (continued) 19. Conduct final inspection in the company of the City Engineer, the Contractor and the Project Monitor, and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. 20. Verify that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor concerning acceptance. 21. LIM[ITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Except upon written instructions of the City Engineer, the Inspector: A. Shall not authorize emy deviation from the Contract Drawings. B. Shall not undertake any of the responsibilities o the Contractor, the subcentractors or the Contractor's field superintendent. C. Shall not expedite the work for the Contractor. D. Shall not advise on or issue directions relative to any aspect of the construction technique of sequence unless a specific technique or sequence is called for in the Contract Documents. E. Shall not participate in specialized field or laboratory tests. F. Shall not engage in or become a part of any disputes between the Contractor and/or his subcontractors and/or material suppliers involving labor disputes, work materials deliveries, quality or manner of workmanship, quality of materials, etc. (Where reference is made to "Contract Supervisor" or "Project Monitor" it shall also mean the City's Senior Construction Inspector if desired by City.) -7- EXHIBIT "E" ~ EXHIBIT "E" FEE AND, PAYMENT SCHEDULE The Client agrees to compensate the Consultant, as compensation for the! services indicated in Exhibits "B", "C" and "D" (Scope of Work), on an hourly basis in accordance with the Standard Rate Scheduie indicated in Exhibit "F", with a maximum fee not to exceed the foilowing: Phase I Foothill. Blvd. - Hemlock to Beech Item 1 Design & Easement Documents ....... $7,160.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $1,155.00 Item 3 Inspection ......................... $3,815.00 Phase II Beech - Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Item 1 Design & Easement Documents ....... $14,534.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $3,380.00 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $11,190.00 Phase III Foothill Blvd. - Beech to Pump Station Item 1 Design, Survey & Easement Documents $13,524.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $1,240.00 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $5,130.00 -8- EXHIBIT "E" EXHIBIT "E" FEE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE (continued) HALL & FOREMAN, INC. will bill Client monthly as the work progresses on a percentage of completion basis to be determined at the end of each billing period. Invoices shall be considered due and payable upon presentation. Both parties agree that all fees (including fixed fees and standard rate schedule) stated herein are effective from the date of this contract to July 31, 1988. MISCELLANEOUS FEES The Client shall pay the costs of any governmental fees applicable, title company charges, well monument, messenger or delivery services, outside vendor and inhouse blueprint and reproduction costs. The Client shall be billed the cost, plus 15%, for direct costs and expenses, such as soils engineer%ng fees, soils testing fees, aerial topography, and other outside consultant fees, incurred at Client~s request. Mileage charges for Inspectors shall be $0.50 per mile. Miscellaneous fees will be billed monthly as they are incurred. -9- EXHIBIT "F" EXHIBIT "F" SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES August 1, 1987 through July 31, 1988 OFFICE: Principal .............................. $105.00 per hour Senior Project Manager ................ $ 85.00 per hour Preject Manager ....................... $ 70.00 per hour Project Engineer ...................... $ 65.00 per hour Senior Designer ....................... $ 56.00 per hour Designer .............................. $ 51.00 per hour Senior Drafter ........................ $ 45.00 per hour Drafter ............................... $ 40.00 per hour Engineering Aide ...................... $ 30.00 per hour Secretary/Clerk ........................ $ 25.00 per hour FIELD: Survey Manager ......................... $ 70.00 per hour 3-Man Survey Party ..................... $165.00 per hour 2-Man Survey Party ..................... $130.00 per hour SERVICES AND EXPENSES: $0.75 per minute for services of In-House Computer $2.00 per minute for services of In-House Plotter $0.50 per mile for the Inspector's Mileage NOTE 1 In the event this agreement is breached, terminated, cancelled, or extra work is required, then Client shall pay Consultant per the foregoing. NOTE 2 Above schedule is for straight time only. In the case of overtime, the rate charged will be 11/2 times the hourly rate shown, and for Sundays and holidays, 3 times the hourly rate shown. NOTE 3 Schedule above is also to be adjusted in accordance with Paragraph 35 of the Standard Provisions of this agreement. ~10- PUBLIC I,IORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF I~0NTANA, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT (}[ANGE ORDER NO. 1 Date: February 2, 1989 Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road & Beech Avenue in North Fontaria TO: HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the follov, ring described work not included in the plane and specifications or the contract. A. Survey for obstructions to construction of removal and replacement if needed. B. Plot such obstruction on plans and analyze action. C. Add l-lateral to low side of each property 8" V.C.P. from main trunk to 6' below surface for the future connection. D. Revise estimate for changes E. Provide technical assistanct to right-of-w~y acquisition and meetings. Total Amount of Change Order No. 1 $12,000.00 We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed, and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipmeN:, furnish all materials, except as may othersrise be noted above, and perfozm all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as ~l~ padsent therefor the prices shown above. By teeso~ of this proposed charge, 20 days extension of time will be allowed. Appro Robert H. Doss George 11 Pro~ect Director Acting Public Works Director Title Date: ,February 9, 1989 Date: ~=h .... ~y 9 qQRQ J,~4 ~- oz J~, ~o~_ oz CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA g2626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 841-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LEITER OF TRANSMITrAL DATE: 06/03/91 JOB #: 3904 TO: City of Fontaria 8353 SIerra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 ATTENTION: Greg Bucknell REGARDING: Foothill and Beech Trunk Sewers Record Drawings CONTENTS AND REMARKS: Enclosed are the original mylars and record drawing prints for the subject projects. We have added the record drawing information to the mylars, n C. Hogan P.E. ect Directo; /tmg cc: Linda Lemon - H&F 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 641-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING April 26, 1991 Job #3904-005 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Greg Bucknell Regarding: Foothill/Beech Sewer-Additional Work Authorization P.O. #022642 - Prepare Record Drawings As requested, Hall & Foreman, Inc. is proceeding with the preparation of Record Drawings for the subject projects. This additional work has been authorized by P.O. #022642. Specifically, the Scope of Services includes: Prepare Record Drawings of the Beech Interceptor Sewer from Foothill to Base Line (Dwg. 1569, Sheets 1-5 of 5); Foothill Trunk Sewer from Beech to Lime Avenue, (Dwg. No. 1570, Sheets 1-3 of 3); and Foothill Trunk Sewer from Hemlock to Beech Avenue (Dwgo No. 1571, Sheets 1-3 of 3). Red-lined as-built information was provided by the City. The above services will be invoiced separately, referenced by Hall & Foreman, Inc.'s Job Number 3904-005, the signifying mark being the 3-digit -005 sub-code. Thank you for the opportunity to be of continued service on your Project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 641-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A April 18, lggl Hr. John C. Hogan, P.E. Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Hesa, CA 92626-3428 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Completion of "Record Drawings" Dear Nr. Hogan: Enclosed for completion of the "'Record Drawings" on the above referenced project are the original drawings and one copy of the "redlined" plans each as follows: 1. Beech Interceptor Sewer Nain from Foothill Blvd. to Baseline Avenue, DWG. No. 1569, Sheets I thru 5 of 5 :2.Foothill Trunk Sewer !From Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, DWG. No. 1570, Sheets 1 thru 3 of 3 3. Foothill Trunk Sewer from Hemlock Avenue to Beech Avenue, DWG. No. 1571, Sheets 1 thru 3 of 3 P.O. ~022642 for $12,826.00 was issued on 4/8/gl as referenced in my letter to you dated February 25, lg91. Please return the "redlined" plans upon returning the original drawings. If you should have any questions, please contact me at 714-350-6646. . Special Projects Engineering Section GEB=sh Enclosure C. Sweet R. Wellington J. D'Alessio 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) mm FONTAN& CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CIT [,j' FONTANA PURCHASE ORDER 8353 Sierra Ave., Fontana, CA 92335 oN I;NOHE INQUII~: NOI~ - ALL INVOICES SHOULD BE SENT TO: PURCHASING -- 350*7677 CITY OF FONTANA ACCOUNTS PAYABLE -- 350-6707 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 VENDOR: j ~ L, Z ~: SHIP TO: COiTA P~Si~ Cl 9262~ FONTA~A~ CA ~ (SE~ ATTACHED COUNCIL ACTIQN G71-TZ18-Z~QO City of Fontana CALIFORNIA February 25, 1991 Nr. John C. Hogan, P.E. Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Nesa, CA 92626-3428 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Amendment to Engineering S.srvices Agreement Dear Hr. Hogan: Enclosed for your files is one copy of a fully executed amendment to your engineering services agreement on the above referenced project. A purchase order will be issued within the next couple weeks. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-6646. incere , Gregory a. Bucknell, P. E. Project Hanager GjB:sh Enclosures cc: C. Sweet 9. Wellington ,L. Rombaugh 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0818 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA AMENDMENT TO ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT (the "A/nendment") is made this 19th day of February, 1991, by and between the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, County of San Bernardino, State of California (hereinafter "City") and Hall & Foreman, Inc., (hereinafter "Consultant") with reference to a certain contract (the "Agreement") entered into on November 30, 1987 after City Council approval on October 6, 1987. WHEREAS, the Agreement contained, in pertinent part, Exhibit "B" - Scope of Work; Exhibit "C" - Project Monitor(ing); Exhibit "D" - Duties, Responsibilities and Limitations of Authority (of) Construction Inspectors; Ex]hibit "E" - Fee and Payment Schedule; and Exhibit "F" Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates, and ~EREAS, the City and the Consultant have changed or propose to change the above-referenced exhibits or other terms and provisions of the Agreement as follows: 1. By updating Exhibit "F" - Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates, as attached hereto; 2. By approving change order one; --1-- 8PD5044 3. By approving change order two; 4. By approving a newwork request to undertake and complete the "record drawings" on the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Consultant agree as follows: Section 1. The City and the Consultant agree that the total fees under the Agreement, as amended, shall not exceed $125,000 including, without limitation, change orders one and two and additional work as set forth herein. Section 2. The Agreement is further amended to provide that the Consultant shall undertake and complete the "record drawings" on the! Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. Section 3. The Agreement is further amended by substituting a new Exhibit "F," Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates, as attached hereto.. Section 4. The City and[ the Consultant reaffirm all terms and provisions of the Agreement except insofar as such terms and provisions have been modified or amended pursuant to this Amendment. --2-- SPDS044 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted and executed this Amendment upon the termS, conditions, and provisions above-stated, as of the day and year first above-written. CITY OF FONTANA HALL & FOREMAN, INC. a municipal corporation BY:e..~pr° C Dire~ READ AND RECOMMENDED BY: Tit ject Dated: February 6, 1991 Ci Department Recommendation: i APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT c -3- SPDS044 HALL&FOREMRN,C.M. TEL: 641-8777 E~ 01,91 15:45 No.O04 P.02 August Xp 199o through ~ulF 3x, xsgx OFtbeEs Principal/General Manager ................. $135.00 per hour Project Director/Senior Project Manager...$110.O0 per hour Project Manager ........................... $ 95.00 per hour Project Engineer/Project Planner/ Project Surveyor.... ...... ....... .... .....$ 85.00 per hour CADD-Designer ...................... . ......$115.00 per hour Designer.... .............................. $ 75.00 per hour CADD-Drafter ............... . ......... .....$ 80.00 per hour Drafter .................... · .............. $ 50.00 per hour Engineering Aide ... ...................... $ 40.00 per hour 8URV~Yz Survey Manager ............................ $ 95.00 per hour 3-Man Survey Party. ...... .. ............... $195.00 per hour 2-Man Survey Party ....................... .$155.00 per hour NOT~ Xz In the event this Agreement is breached, terminated, or cancelled, or if Client-Optional Additional Services ere required, then Cllent shall pay Hall & Foreman, Ino. per the foregoing. NOTI 2| The above Schedule is for straight time only. In the case of overtime, the rate charged will be 1-1/2 times the hourly rats shown, and for Sundays and holidays, 3 times the hourly rate shown. NOTE 3~ The above Schedule shall be adjusted in accordance with Paragraph 25 of the Standard Provisions of this Agreement. CITY COUNCIL ACT1011 REP{NtT FEPNuIiIY 19. 1991 C(IISFeT CALE!I)NI Meeting Date Ageride Placement TO: Mayor and Ctty Council FR01h Anntvory Calvert, Publlc Works Director )~ INITIATED BY: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E., Consulting ProJect Manager SUBOECT:: Hall & Foreean Inc,'s Contracting Services Agreement for the Foothill/Beech Sewers ProJect, Phases I, iI, and ZII. TO APPROVE A FEE INCREASE FROM $112,173.05 TO $125,000 IN THE CITY'S CONTRACTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HALL & FOREMAN INC., APPROVED OCTOBER 1987, FOR THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWERS PROJECT, PHASES Z, II AND ll=l, AND TO AUTHORIZIE THE EXECUTION OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT AGREEMENT BY THE CITY MANAGER. Sufficient funds are tncluded tnthe Sewer Ieproveeent Fund, Fiscal/Budget Year 1990/1991 tn the Foothi11/BeechSetmr ProJect, Account No. 071-7218-2900. Thts has been revte~ed wtth the Budget 0fftce.: - n~xaammam. IraACT: I:1 Yes IEI On December 5, lg8g, the City Council approved a negative declaration for constructing a seer line tn Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock Avenue to Lime Avenue and in Beech Avenue Altgtment fr~m FootM11 Boulevard to Baseline Avenue. '- On October 6, 1987, the City Counctl approved a contract agreement in the amount of $B1,128 with Hall & Formnan, Inc., to provide factltty engineering services for the FootMll/Boech Se~ers ProJect, Phases I, II, and Ill. The City Council approved a foo tncreas,a and contract change order one on= March 21, of $12,000 Milch Increased the ton1 appropr atton to 1989 in the amount $73,128. This contract change order one and fee increase was for additional survey work to locate obstructions ~or removal and/or replacenmnt. revise plans to install[ wyes for Tatera1 sewer connections to each property, and to provide technical assistance for the Right-Of-Way acquisition =asement documents and coordination meetings. On Sept,ember 4, ZggO,' the CIty Count11 approved a fee increase ~nd contract change order two from $73,Z28 to $ZZ2,Z73.05. The fee increase and contract change order two was requtred as follows: update and revtse the plans (Phase I, IZ, and ~I~) Including additional survey work to locate trees, fire hydrants and related obstacles; re-design of sewer alignment along Foothtll Boulevard and the railroad crossing on Foothill Boulevard; and additional time for coordination meetings. Also, this contract change order two deleted the project eonttor]ng and inspection. 'dlISTIFICATION: Th~s fee, increase ts required to cover the actual engtneertng costs as stated for contract change order two as referenced above, and to complete the "record drawings" (:contract change order three) for the project. ATFACIglEIIT$: 1. Mtnute action oF October 6, ~g~87. 2. NtnuICe actton oF Hatch 21, 3. Mtnul~e action of September 4, X990. · 4. Contract Agreement dated Nove~ebr 30, 1987, 5. keendment to contract SUBHZTTED BY: REVZET~ED BY: RECONI4ENDED MY: Acttng Deputy 01rector Steve Oettsch lntertm Ctty Manager Director/Traffic Engtneer Ctty Attorney!: For Anntvory Calvert Public I~erks Nrector . AC:GJB:cm OCTOBER 6, 1987 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Molten was made by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Mayor Stoma, APR. BUOGrT to authorize a bud It adjustment for the Faothfil/Beech Sewer AOJ. FOOTHILL/ Mete installation t71.-72ZI) ¶nerosling the budgeted Leanfit by BEECH SEWER $32,000, and carttad liy the foliowing votes : P7~-7219 APe. AGREE AYES: Mayor Smart, Councilmen Boylee, Koohler, Krigness HALL & FOREMAN NOES: None AISF, J~': Councilman Day iNSPECTiON 140 87-644,A/N Mot:on was made by Nayor Stwon, seconded by Councilman Kochlee, to approve an agreeemnt w~th Halt and Foreman for the preparation of sanitary sewer plan, contract administration and tnspecttH free Cherry and Foothill ta Beech ane 6asel~no and also fr~e Beech and Foothtll to L~me and Foothill, and to latheraze the execution by appropriate CIty officials of an agreelent ~n the amount not to axcee4 $6L~28.00. helen clrrtad by the foT1Qvtng votes AYES: Nayor SIgma, C.9uncfimen Soylos, Neefilet, Kragnesa NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Oey 6145 City Counc~| M~nutes Z M~ .~ Zl, 1~89 Approvtng the apprepr4etlon from sewer funds of $Z2.000 APRV SEWER to project 71-72Z8 for the purpose of Increasing the FUNDS CNTRCT contract with Hall & Foreman for the preparation of the 71-7218 master plan for Trunk Sewer--.Foothtll Boulevard, Baseline HALL&FRNN Read and Beech Avenue tn NortJh Fentens. TRNK SEWER NSTR PLAN NO 89-116 C(~y Coun . Needing -5- September 4. 1990 N, (1) Appropriating an additional $39,045.00 free APPROP S[WER the Sewer Fund to cover the cost of the Clty's FUNO$ REs Contracting $ervtces A roemerit vtth H$11 and HALL & FORENAN Foreman, eric, for the ~ooth~11/Eeech Severs $EIW AGRHT Pro;lect, Phases l. IX end Ill. (Total eppro- FOOTHILL/BEECH 7 0 prtetton ts $11E,13, S). I SEltER PROJECT HO 90-497 $73,Z28 in the Ctty's ContractlEnt Services Agreement vtth FORENAN CONTR Hell and Foreman~ lnc., approved October 0, $ERV AGR!4T ~g87, for the F~otht11/geech Severs Pro;Jet, FOOTHILL/BEECH Phases l, II and Ill. SEllEli PROJECT .o go-4ge (3) Deleting fr~ll thai Clty'l Contracting $ervtcel DELETE NONITOR Agrelelent tdth H~111 and ForNIIn, ant., the & INSPECT HALL contract m~nitor'lng and 1nspectton. FORDIAN CONTR SEIW A6RNT NO gO-4gg FILE COPY c~ (MI ~nglr~,er/ STANI)A~D PROVISIONS OF A~R~M~T 8JTWEEN CLIENT A~D CONSULTANT ~CRE&~EN[ ~NTER2g INTO AT C~.o E_~J m~de ~hrs._.lO~ . d~ of ~mkl~ ....... ~ 8~. bY ~nd be~wee~ ............... her~m~f~etc~lled"che~L" ~nd ~R~i Ave. CQSt~ ges~, CA 92~28 heremdter called "consultant," Clientintends to COQ~,~C~G~:e~Cep~ ~i~QE-wz~ oZ Footh~L~l Blvd, znd Beech St. hereina~er called "prolecL" The present record owner is: Name: C~Q~ .... ~e lender ~s (if none, state below): Name: ~QR _, Address~ Client and consultant for mutual consideration hereindter set fofih, alree as follows: A. Consultant aBrees to perform the following se~ices: , ;~,ee Attaq~tltCt_jxhiblt' A" Data add ASS~DttOQ8 __~,ee Attache.~EX~lt "E". "C". and "D" SCOPe OZ Work See Attached Exhibit "F" Rate Schedule C. Clfe~ ~as read t,d unde~Mnds all the staedafd Provisions of A~reement set foab '~e revere ~ereof a~d ~e ~xhibi~ hereto. and ~6fees ail Standard Provisions and ~xh~bi~ are m [ l paff Of [his A~reement and ~e bindinJ on client O. Clientin.dcOnsultantalme~SthelatePaymentchaqepmvidedforinPara~raph33of che Standard Provisions of AJmlment shall be 1.5~ per ~nth IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p~i~ hereto have acce~ted, made and exKuted this a&reeme~t u~on the terms, condRio~s, and ~m~stons above state~ ~e day ~nd year tint above wn~en. , Prmg tPnn~ Title _ ~es~den~ Title ~yot ._, Address_ 3170 Redhill Ave. Address. .8353 Sierra Cos~a Mesa, CA 92626 Fou~aaa, CA 92335 Cllenl !hegld mail {om~leted ¢~tfa~ to the addroll ATTIST: ~~ · ~ Clerk ~PPRO'-~'ED AS TO John,~~'~- Ib EXHIBIT "A" DATA AND A~SUMPT~ONS ~"~1 Wherems the ConsuLtant intends to Provide enGineerinG and surveying services to facilitate construction oZ the Foothill/Beech Znterceptor Sewer Line Is t:ae City Bersardiso, Califorsia. This contract bees prepared based upos normal cosstructios procedures asd discussloss between represe~atativeS Work (Exhibits "B", "C", and '*D") speolZically state those services to be performed and are subject to the following Data and Assumptions. ~. This costract shall be based upos the aster eaGiseer and topographic3 survey for the sub3ect project, completing by James L. Dotsos, Civil EsGineer. 2. Those items oZ work which have sot bees specifically outlised is the Data and Assumptions asd Scope of Work shall not be considered Co be a part thereof, but shall be cossidered as aCiditional services asd subject Co seSotiation. So as to avoid delays, the consultant will begin work os these &~tditional services upon the Cliest's verbal request. A *'Cosfirmation of Work" slip shall be signed by Clientor his field representative for such additional wort until the supplemental sireement :Ls s~.LSned by Client asd CossulCant. 3. It is understood that the projest will be divide~ into three separate plass ae foilowl: Phase I - A 24" :tins from Cherry to Beech. Phase IX - A 21" line from Beech to Base Llse. Phase IIl- · 10' :Line from Beech to the existisS pump st&tins approximately 2300 feet east of Beech. EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" ~w, o#~, ~,0~ :]COPE OF WORK The consultant agrees to furnish services for the fo~lowing items: 1. Preparation of plans and specifications for sanitary sewer line construction using the flows established by the City of Fontzn~ M~sEer Sewer Plan. 2. Pl~epnration of easement documen=s to assis= the City Staff acquiring ~he required easements for the project. 3. Moni~oriag of the proJec~ during =he bidding and construction periods by performing Ells =asks see forEh in Exhibl= "C". 4. Providing a Residen~ Inspector who shall perform the duties see forth in Exhibit "D" for =he cons=ruc=ion ofthe sewer lines and furnishing par~-~lme inspec=ors =o assis~ the Residen~ Inspec=or should the cons~ruction schedules require. 5. Providing z ~opogrnphic survey of Phase III from Beech ~o the Pump S=z=lon. EXHIBIT "C" EXHIBIT "C" (r. 0~, u,,~ PROJECT MONITOIt (CITY OF FONTANA) The tasks of ProJect Monitor shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Review plans and specifications for the improvements proposed to be constructed. 2. Monitor biddin2 and award of contract procedures. Review bid proposals and make recommendations to the City as to the award(s) of Contract. 4. Review contracts and utility and railroad a2reements. 5. A~tend pre-construction conferences. Review construction cone:tact chan2e orders and make recommendations thereon.. T. Perform periodic on-site observations of the wor~ in progress as a basis for determinin2 that the improvements are bein2 constructed in accordance with the Contract documents. 8. Review and verify Contractor's monthly pro2ress estimates and payments made thereon. 9. Furnish periodic report~ of pro2rees of the project as required. 10. Provide supervision of any construo=lon inspectors assi2ned to the project by Hall i Foreman, lnc. ~l, Maintain files of information pertinent to the construction of the, improvements. 12. In company with authorized'represent&tires of the City, the Contr&lJtor and t~ndowners, perform fins& Inspection of the wor~ performed under vnrious con&riots an~ make recommend&&ions as to acceptance of the work, EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA DUTIES, ~ESPONSIBILITXE3 AND LXMXTATXON~ OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS 1. Review the construction schedule prepared by the Contractor for compliance with the Contract and Siva advise to the Project Monitor concernin2 its acceptability. 2. Attend prs-construc~ion conferences. Assist in artariSing a schedule of pro2rees meetin2s and other Job conferences as required in consultation with the Project Monitor and Contract Supervisor. S. Serve as the Project Monitor's liaison with the Contract Supervisor. 4. When required, assist t~he Contract Supervisor in obtainin2 from the Contractor a list of his proposed suppliers and subcontractors. S. Assist the Contrac~ Supervisor in obtainin2 field samples of materials delivered to 'the site which are required to be furnished and keep records of actions taken by the Contract Supervisor. S. Receive approved shop drawinns and other submissions from the Contract Supervisor; record da~a received, maintain a file of the drawin2s and submissions, and check construction for compliance with them. 7. Alert the Contractor's field superintendent when he observes materials or equipment bein2 installed before approval o! shop drawinns or samples, where such are required, and advise the Contract Supervisor when he believes it is necessary to disapprove work as fail!Ln2 to conform to the Contract DOC~ntle 8. Coladuct on-site observations of the work in progress for the Director of Public Works as a basis for determintn2 that the ProJet= is proceedin2 in accordance with ~he Contract Documents. 9. Verify that tests required by the Contract Documents are conducted and tha~ adequate records thereof are maintained; observe, record and report to the Project Monitor appropriate de~;alls relative to ~he test procedures. EXHIBIT "D" tx,,~, ~o.# EXHIBIT "D" ~Peol~, CITY OF FONTANA DUTIES~ RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS (continued) 10. Accompany visitin2 inspectors representin2 public or other zZencles hzvin~ Jurisdiction over the ProCeed, record ~he on=come of these inspec=lons and report to =he Pro~eot Monitor. 11. Consider and evaluate Contrzotor's sueSesSions for ~dific&=ions in drzwinSs or specifications and report =hem with recommendations Co ~he Contrnct Supervisor and ProSect Monitor. 12. Ke~ep n diary o5 los hoo:~, recordinS hours ca the Job site, weather conditions, list of visitinS oSfioizls, daily nctivi~ies, decisions, .observntions in Senernl, and specific observations in more detail ~s In ~he case of cheeryinS test procedures. lS. Mnin~ain z set of drawinns on which authorized ohanSes &re no=ed, and deliver to tlhe Project Monitor &t the completion of =he Project. 14. Furnish the Project Monitor dail~ written reports of proSTess o5 the Project and Coutrnctor'e compliance with the approved construction schedule. 15. Consult with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor in ldvnnce of schedule mJcr teStSOT start of important phnses of the Project. 18. Review applications for proSrose payment with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor, notinS particulnrly their relstio~ to the work completed tad materials and equipment delivered at the site. l?. Du:rin2 the conram of the work nather ~ssembl7 Guarantees, Certificates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals and other required data to be furnished by the Contractor nnd deliver this mmterisl to the Project Monitor for his npprovsl and forwardin2 to the Director oZ Public Works- 18. Prior to final inspection, submit to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor a lis~ oZ observed items requirin2 correction and verify that each correction has been made. -S- · EXHIBIT "D" EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF A~THORX!~Y CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS (con=inued) 19. Conduct final inspection in the company of the City InSinter, the Contractor and the Project Monitor, and prepare a final list of itsme to be corrected. 26. Verify that all itsme on final list have been corrected and m~.ke recommendations to the Con=tact Supervisor and Project Monitor concernin2 acceptance. 21. LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY' Except upon written instructions of the City In&inter, =he Inspector: A. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Drawlhas. B. Shall not undertake any of ~he responsibilities o ~he Contractor, ~he subcontractors or the Contractor's field superintendent. C. Shall not expedite the.work for ~he Contractor. D. Shall not advise on or issue directions relative to any aspect of the construction technique of sequence.unless a specific technique or sequence is called for in the Contract Documents. E. Shall not particip&t.e in specialized field or laboratory ~ests. F. Shall not engaZe in or become a part of any disputes between the Contractor and/or his eubcontractorsand/or material suppliers involvin2 labor disputes, work materials deltweriee, qualit~or manner of workmanship, qualit~ of satedisle, et~, (Where reference is made to "Contract S~Z~tIOTe' O~ "PrOJect Monitor" i~ shall also ~ean the Ci%~I 8en~or Construction Inspector if desired b~ City.) EXHIBIT "E" EXHIBIT "E" FEE AHD PAYMENT SCHEDULE The Client aSrees to compensate the Consultant, as compensation for the services indicated in Exhibits "B", "C" and "D" (Scope of Work), on an hourly basis in accordance with the Standard Ra~e Schedule indicated in ~.xhiblLt "F', with a maximum fee not to exceed th~ followin2: Phase I Foothill Blvd. - Hemlock to Beech II;em 1 Desi2n & Easement Documents ....... $7,160.00 II:em 2 Contract Monitoring ........... .... $1,155.00' Item 3 Inspection ................. ' ........ $3,815.00 Phase IX Beech-- Foothill alvd. to Base Line Item I Desi2n & Easemen~ Documents ...... . $14,534.00~ Item 2 Contract Monitoa~in2 ...-......- ..... $3,320.00 Item 3 Inspection .............. ....,..... $11,190.00 Phase lll FoothillL Blvd.- Beech to Pump Station Item 1 DesJim, Survey Ib Easement Documents $13,524.00" I t.em 2 Contract goni torin2 · · · ..... . ...... $1,240. O0 Item 3 Inspection · ...... ....... ..... ...... $2,130.00 ~ ', '~ EXHIBIT "E" EXHIBIT "E" (~) FEE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULe. ( continued ) HALL & FOREMAN, INC. will bill Client monthly as the work proJresses on a percentaae .st completion basis to be determined at the end st each billin2 period. Invoices shall be considered due and payable upon presentation. Both parties aZree that all tees (includinS fixed tess and s~andard race schedule) stated herein are effective from the date st this contract to July 31, 1988. MISCELLANEOUS FEES The Client shall pay the costs of any 2overnmental fees applicable, title company charSeE, well monument, messenaer or delivery services, outside vendor and lnhouse blueprint and reproduction COSts. The Client shall be billed the cost, plus 15~, for direct costs and expenses, such as soils euaineerin2 fees, soils testin2 fees, aerial. ~opoarnphF, and other outside consultant fees, incurred at Client~s request. Mileaae charass for Inspectors shall be $0.50 per mile. Miscellaneous fees will be 'billed monthly no they are incurred. EXHIBIT "F" EXHIBIT "F" r,- o~,, ~,,~ SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING BATES AuZust 1, 1987 ~hrou~h Jul~ 31, 1988 OFFICE: Principal .................... · .......... $105.00 per hour slenior Project Manager ......... · ....... $ 85.00 per hour ProJect ManeSet ................. · ....... $ 70.00 per hour Project EnSineer ....... . ..... . .......... $ 65.00 per hour Senior Deeinner .... .... ..... · ........ .. $ 52.00 per hour Designer ........................ ....... $ 51.00 per hour Senior DraZter ...... ..... .............. $ 45.00 per hour Draf~er ......... .... ........... · ....... $ 40.00 per hour En2ineerin2 Aide .... ................... $ 30.00 per hour Secretary/ClerM .. ...................... $ 35.00 per hour FIELD: SurveF Mana2er ....................... .., $ 70,00 per hour 3,-Man Survey Party ..... · ........... .... $165.00 per hour 2.-Man Survey Party ......... · ...........$130.00 per hour SERVICES AND EDENSEE: $0.75 per minute for services oZ In-Souse Computer $2.00 per minute for services of In-Souse Plotter $0.50 per mile for the Inspector's MileHas NOTE.It In the event this earcement is breached, terminated, cancelled, or extra work is required, then Client shall pay Consultant per the foreaoina. NOTE ~,, Above schedule is for 8trniSht time only- In the case of overtime, the rate charled.will be 11/2 times the hourly rate shown, and for Sundays and holidays, 3 times the hourly rate shown.. NOTE 3 Schedule above is also to be adjusted iu accordance w~th ParaSraph 35 of ~he Standard Provisions of this a2reemest- -lO- AMENDMENT TO ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT (the ".Amendment") is made this 19th day of February, 1991, by and bet~een the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, County of San Bernardino, State of California (hereinafter "City") and Mall & Foreman, Inc., (hereinafter "Consultant") with reference to a certain contract (the "Agreement") entered into on November 30, 1987 after City Council approval on October 6, 1987. WHEREAS, the Agreement contained, in pertinent part, Exhibit "B" - Scope of Work; Exhibit "C" - Project Monitor(ing); Exhibit "D" - Duties, Responsibilities and Limitations of Authority (of) Construction Inspectors; E~d~ibit "B" - Fee and Payment Schedule; and Exhibit "F" - Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates, and WHEREAS, the City and the Consultant have changed or propose to change the above-referenced exhibits or other terms and provisions of the Agreement as follows: 1. By updating Exhibit "F" - Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates, as attached hereto; 2. By approving change order one; ~l~ 3. By approving,change order 4. By approving a new work request to undertake and complete the "'record drawings" on the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Consultant agree as follows: Section 1. The City and the Consultant agree that the total fees under the Agreement, as amended, shall not exceed $125,000 including, without limitation, change orders one and two. and additional work as set forth herein. Section 2. The Agreement is further amended to.provide that the Consultant shall undertake and complete the "record drawings" on the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. Section 3. The Agreement is further amended by substituting a new Exhibit "F," Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates, as attached hereto. Section 4. The City and the Consultant reaffirm all terms and provisions of the Agreement except insofar as such terms and provisions have been modified or amended pursuant to this Amendment. Augua~ ~, ztto ~brough~ul~ Jl~ OYYZCSI P=~ncL~a~/Gene=al Hanage~ ....... .........,$~35.00 ~er hour Pro~ect Dltec~or/seniot P=Q~ect ~nager...$~O.O0 per ~our Pro~ec~ Hanager ........................... $ ~5,o0 pet hour CADD-Deaigner ...... ................,......$1~5.00 ~er hour ;Designer......,.....,.... ....... · ......... $ 75.00 per hour CADD-D~after ........... ,................,.~ e0.00 per hour 2Dra~ter ............... .,...,....,,.,....,.$ SO.OO per hour lzngineering Aide ,.,..,., .... · .... . ....... $ 40,00 per hour ~turvey Hanager,,,..,,,,,,,.,,,,,..,,,,.,.,$ 95,00 per hour 3-Man Survey Party**,,....**.... .......... $195.00 per hour 2-Man Su~ey Par~y.. .... , ................ .$155.00 per hour NOTI Ix In the event this Agreement is breached, terminated, or cancelled, or if Client-Optional Additional Services are required, then Client shall pay Hall & Foreman, Zno. per the foregoinq, NOTI 2~ The above Schedule is tot straight time only. Zn the case ot overtime, the rate charged viI1 be 1-1/3 times the hourly rate shogn, and for Sundays end holidays, 3 times the hourly rate shown. NOTS $x The above Schedule shall be adjusted in accordance with~.Paragraph 25 o~ the Standard Provisions ot this A~ree~ent. IN W!TNES9 WHEREOF, ~ae parties hereto have aoee~ta~ and executed thie Amendment upon the ter~n~, oOnd~t~one, and provisions above-e~ated, as of the day and ~'ear lire~ above-Written. CITY OF FONTANA H~T.~ & FOREMAN, INC. · mUni. Oipal corpo=e~ion r~ct~r READ At~b R~COI~ENDED BY: ~l e~:~ P~ojeo~ ~i ... Da Feb~ar~ 6, 1991 ' ~ne~.~ce~ficer APPROVEDM~FO~D CONTE~ -3- HFILL&FI3REP1RN,C.H. TEL.: 641-8777 Feb 12,91 I~:17 No.004 P.01 FAX "rFIAN.~MITTAL i Date: 9e,,l ll' q, ~ .... JOb # Company: C I~Y' ~- l=o,~,m-~%qA-- . From: '-~L-- '~"' ~ /_H_,aJi & FOr~__man, Number of Pages (including this form) Description or Message: if all pages are not received or there Is difficulty with this transmission, please call at (714)64'1-8777 or reply to FAX number (714)641-0170. FAX GO, NNUN.XGATZCiINIS FRON FAX (7 :Z 4) 3 S O -- 7 6 II ]L YDYA&, NI,&NEISR OF PAlESt ~'~ DATEs leLWail~i CALL C7:L4) TRANSMISSION REPORT TH:[S DOCUMENT (REEDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT COUNT 5 · ~ SEND ~ ~N~ REMOTE STATZON Z.D. START TZME DURATZON #PAGES COMMENT i 641 8777 2-12-91 12:12PM 2'22" 5 TOTAL 0:02'22" 8 XEROX TELECOPIER 7021 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA February 7, 1991 Ms. Christy Lopez Best, Best & Krieger 800 North Haven Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Hall & Foreman's Amendment to Contract Agreement Dear Ms. Lopez: Enclosed for review and approval is the Hall & Foreman's Amendment to the Contract Agreement on the above referenced project. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-6646. Si4J' Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager GJB:jvw Enclosure cc: A. Calvert C. Sweet R. Well ;ngton 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA TO: Greg Bucknell, BSI Consultant ~. ' i ~ SUIklE,dT= Hon)es left from appropriations DATE: November B, 19gO Per your request of 11/7/90, attached is a year to date transaction list for 8g/90 and 90/91, on the two accounts you questioned. Of the monies you appropriated by Council on September 4, lggO to pay Hall n~men the followin,) was used' ted~/ Appropriate $72,528.02; spent $46,526.70; 'left $26,001.32. Foothill Beech fund 71 needs more appropriation. North Fontana fund 38 has $26,001.32 left. Should you need a purchase order for more work to be completed I will need a copy of the current up to date contract, and amount you will be using from the remaining appropriation. Also, please be advised should you need more help with this or any other project you wtll have to !to through my supervisor; Geraldine Nclntosh who is prtoritizing my tasks. i'IMLL r¢ i-UKb_ivIH[~i,/F'~L. ILL: 714-641-0170 3Ul 20,89 14:14 N0.018 P,O1 CIVIL ENGINEERiN~I · LAND PLANNING · lAND ~URVEYING If all pages are not received or there is difficulty with thie treu~l~dssion, please call .... at (714) 641-8777 or r&ply to FAX n{~nber (714)641,-0170. 8170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 HHLL ~ PUKLMHN, INI;. ~EL: 714-1541-0170 Jul 20,89 14:14 No.018 P.02 HAI,L & FOREMAN, INC, . CiVil Engineering-T.and Planning-~.and Surveying . 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626-3428 Telephone (714) 641-8777 PRELIMINARY **** CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE **** Job: ~904C Estimate date: 20 July 1989 SEWER/FOOTHILL (HEMLOCK TO LIME) & SHORING By: MA~ID MOVAHED Quantity Unit Cost Item Total *** SANITARY SEWERS *** Mains: 24" VCP ............................ 12~6 LF 84.00 102~984.00 21" VCP ............................ 23 LF 59,00 1,3~7.00 12" VCP ............................ 1962 LF 34.00 66,~08.00 8" VCP .......................... 1 LF 26.00 26.00 Const. 30"x 0.375"Jacked Steel Cent; 202 LF 250.00 50,500.00 Mains subtotal: 221,575.00 Manholes: 48" Precast Mantlole ............... 6 EA 1,500.00 9,000.00 60" Manhole (w/watertight cover)... 4 EA 2,900,00 11,600.00 Drop Manhole ....................... I EA 2,200.00 2,200.00 Manholes subtotal: 22,800.00 Miscellaneous: 8" VCP Lateral (w/wyes & plugs) .... 21 EA 200.00 4,200.00 Plug End VCP Sewer ................. 14 EA 100.00 1,400.00 Remov~ Trees ....................... 106 EA 200.00 21,200.00 Remove & Res!~ore Chain Link Fence,, 360 LF 12.00 4,320.00 Remove & Replace Existing Curb ..... 270 LP 8.00 2,160,00 Remove Existing ?2" RCP ............ 40 LF 100.00 4,000.00 Remove ex. sewer plug & connect .... 1 EA 700.00 700.00 Const. Concrete Collar ............. I EA 200.00 200.00 Shoring (for saving the trees) ..... 1225 LF 200·00 245t000.00 shoring (for lack of const. eaem't) 615 LF 200,00 123,000.00 Remove/replace Pavement ............ 7000 SF 2,00 14,000.00 Page 1 of 2 MHWL ~ PUKbMHN, INC. ~EL: ?ld-6dl-01?0 Jul 20,89 l~:ld N0.018 P.0~ Construction Cost Estimate - 3904C Quantity Unit Cost Item Total Remove Struct, Appurt & Equipment.. LS 4,000.00 Traffic Control Etc ................ LS 5,000.00 MiscellaneoUs subtotal: 429,180.00 SANITARY SEWERS total: 673,5~.00 *** MAJOR CATEGORY TOTALS (without contingencies): SANITARY SEWERS: 673,555.00 *** SUMMARY: CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL: 673,555.00 CONTINGENCIES @ 10%: 67,355.50 OTHER COSTS: 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 740,910.50 NOTES: 1. SinCe Mall & Foreman , In¢!., has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the oontractor~s methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding o~ market conditions, our opinions of estimated project cost or construction cost provided for herein are to be made on the basis of our experience and qualifications and represent our best judgment as design professionals familiar with the construction industry, but Hall and Foreman , Inc., cannot and does not, guarantee that proposals, bids, or the construction cost will not. vary from opinions of estimated cost prepared by the firm. Pa9'e 2 of 2 HALL & FOREMAN, INC. CiVil Engineering-Land Planning-Land Surveying 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626-3428 Telephone (714) 641-8777 PRELIMINARY **** CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE **** Job: 3904B Estimate date: 14 July 1989 SEWER/FOOTHILL (HEMLOCK TO LIME) By: MAJID MOVAHED Quantity unit cost Item Total *** SANITARY SEWERS *** Mains: 24" VCP ........................... 1226 LF 84.00 102,984.00 21" VCP ........................... 23 LF 59.00 1,357.00 12" VCP ........................... 1962 LF 34.00 66,708.00 8" VCP ........................... 1 LF 26.00 26.00 Const. 30"x 0.375"Jacked Steel Csng 202 LF 250.00 50,500.00 Mains subtotal: 221,575.00 Manholes: 48" Precast Manhole ............... 6 EA 1,500.00 9,000.00 60" Manhole (w/watertight cover)... 4 EA 2,900.00 11,600.00 Drop Manhole ........................ 1 EA 2,200.00 2,200.00 Manholes subtotal: 22,800.00 Miscellaneous: 8" VCP Lateral (w/wyes & plugs) .... 21 EA 200.00 4,200.00 Plug End VCP Sewer ................. 14 EA 100.00 1,400.00 Remove Trees ....................... 106 EA 200.00 21,200.00 Remove & Restore Chain Link Fence.. 360 LF 12.00 4,320.00 Remove & Replace Existing Curb ..... 270 LF 8.00 2,160.00 Remove Existing 72" RCP ............ 40 LF 100.00 4,000.00 Remove ex. sewer plug & connect .... 1 EA 700.00 700.00 Const. Concrete Collar ............. 1 EA 200.00 200.00 Remove/replace Pavement ............ 7000 SF 2.00 14,000.00 Remove Struct, Appurt & Equipment.. LS 4,000.00 Traffic Control Etc ................ LS 5,000.00 Miscellaneous subtotal: 61,180.00 SANITARY SEWERS total: 305,555.00 Page 1 of 2 Construction Cost Estimate~-' 3904B ~ *** MAJOR CATEGORY TOTALS (without contingencies): SANITARY SEWERS: 305,555.00 *** SUMMARY: CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL: 305,555.00 CONTINGENCIES @ 10%: 30,555.50 OTHER COSTS: 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 336,110.50 NOTES: 1. Since Hall & Foreman , Inc., has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, our opinions of estimated project cost or construction cost provided for herein are to be made on the basis of our experience and qualifications and represent our best judgment as design professionals familiar with the construction industry, but Hall and Foreman , Inc., cannot and does not, guarantee that proposals, bids, or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of estimated cost prepared by the firm. Page 2 of 2 HALL & ]FOREMAN, INC. CiVil Engineering-Land Planning-Land Surveying 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626-3428 Telephone (714) 641-8777 PRELIMINARY **** CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE **** Job: 3904C Estimate date: 14 July 1989 SEWER/FOOTHILL (HEMLOCK TO LIME2) & SHORING By: MAJID MOVAHED Quantity unit cost Item Total *** SANITARY SEWERS *** Mains: 24" VCP ............................ 1226 LF 84.00 102,984.00 21" VCP ............................ 23 LF 59.00 1,357.00 12" VCP ........................... 1962 LF 34.00 66,708.00 8" VCP ........................... 1 LF 26.00 26.00 Const. 30"x 0,.375"Jacked Steel Csng 202 LF 250.00 50,500.00 Mains subtotal: 221,575.00 Manholes: 48" Precast Manhole ............... 6 EA 1,500.00 9,000.00 60" Manhole (~watertight cover)... 4 EA 2,900.00 11,600.00 Drop Manhole ........................ 1 EA 2,200.00 2,200.00 Manholes subtotal: 22,800.00 Miscellaneous: 8" VCP Lateral (w/wyes & plugs) .... 21 EA 200.00 4,200.00 Plug End VCP Sewer ................. 14 EA 100.00 1,400.00 Remove Trees ....................... 106 EA 200.00 21,200.00 Remove & Restore Chain Link Fence.. 360 LF 12.00 4,320.00 Remove & Replace Existing Curb ..... 270 LF 8.00 2,160.00 Remove Existing 72" RCP ............ 40 LF 100.00 4,000.00 Remove ex. sewer plug & connect .... 1 EA 700.00 700.00 Const. Concrete Collar ............. 1 EA 200.00 200.00 Shoring (for saving the trees) ..... 1225 LF 250.00 306,250.00 Shoring (for lack of const. eaem't) 615 LF 250.00 153,750.00 Remove/replace Pavement ............ 7000 SF 2.00 14,000.00 Page 1 of 2 Construction Cost Estimate~-3904C Quantity unit cost Item Total Remove Struct, Appurt & Equipment.. LS 4,000.00 Traffic Control Etc ................ LS 5,000.00 Miscellaneous subtotal: 521,180.00 SANITARY SEWERS total: 765,555.00 *** MAJOR CATEGORY TOTALS (without contingencies): SANITARY SEWERS: 765,555.00 *** SUMMARY: CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL: 765,555.00 CONTINGENCIES @ 10%: 76,555.50 OTHER COSTS: 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 842,110.50 NOTES: 1. Since Hall & Foreman , Inc., has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, our opinions of estimated project cost or construction cost provided for herein are to be made on the basis of our experience and qualifications and represent our best judgment as design professionals familiar with the construction industry, but Hall and Foreman , Inc., cannot and does not, guarantee that proposals, bids, or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of estimated cost prepared by the firm. Page 2 of 2 · CIVIL ENQINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92826-3428 · (714) 641-8777 7 CIVIL ENGINEERING * LAND PLANNING , LAND SURVEYING ~JI~CEII>TIOH 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAIVlESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING "~o6~,.p,y- ~oo~,.~. I",~ I%'-;o-~ I'°~;°: -oo ~T~mo~ D15T. ~, OF ¢~ To 1;'A. GE Dt~r~RtPTION + ~ ~1.~' G~ 4- 74 ~,5, IZ" ~'uc, ~ 95 '~l.,~ 'ZI' [44+ ~4-- 5I.Z ~,4'~ + -'zs' "$t,B t'7" f 3e '~1,6,, ~- zG ~2,o ~3" 146+ ~'~ 52-0 ~2" Eu6 C2~4'rI~4uE'D. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE * · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641'8777 /7 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PL.IJ~iN|NG · LAND 8URVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENQINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING October 16, 1990 Job #3905-F 42,6 L6 City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager Regarding: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Resubmitted herewith is a revised invoice that you recently returned to Hall & Foreman, Inc. We have revised the billing rates on this invoice as you requested. The invoice number is 150623. If yOU have any questions, please contact me. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. ec~ Direc L C Hogan P E :mg cc: Terry Brennan, Jeff Blair CE:IVKO OCT 3170 RI=DHILL AVSNUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 641-0170 GOSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLAGENTIA CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING October 4, 1990 Job #3547 41,33 L2 City of Fontana P.O. ]Box 518 Fontaria, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager Regarding: Beech Sewer Project Resubmitted herewith is the revised invoice that you recently returned to Hall & Foreman, Inc. We have revised the billing rates on this invoice as yolu requested. The invoice number is 15065. If you have any questions, ]please contact me. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. DzrectorP'E' ~~''' J hn C. Hogan, P.E. cc: George Paulsen, Terry Brennan, Jeff Blair 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 641-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA October 8, 1990 Mr. John Hogan Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626-3428 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Dear Mr, Hogan: Enclosed for resubmittal is the original of Invoice #15063, City Administrative Staff finds the $100/hour rate for CADD Designer charge unacceptable. If you should have any questions, please contact me st (714) 350-6646. ~~. Bucknel 1, P.E. Consulting Project Manager GJB:jvw Enclosure. cc: A. Calvert C. Sweet R. Wel 1 i ngton L. Rombaugh 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 27, 1990 Nr. Oohn Hogan Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Hesa, CA 92626-3428 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Dear Hr. Hogan: Enclosed for resubmittal is the original of Invoice #15065. Also, City Administrative Staff finds the $100/hour rate for the CADD Designer charge unacceptable· If you should have any questions, please contact me at {714) 350-6646. Sincerely, ~ Gre/~r~ya~p ' Consulting Project Nanager GOB.'jvw Enclosure cc: A. Calvert C. Sweet R. Wellington L. Rombaugh 8353SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) mm FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY '-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT SEI~TE31BER 4. 1990 CONSEN1' CALENDAR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROII:: Annivory C. Beard, Public Works Oirector INIT][ATEIIBY: Gregory J. Bucknet1, P.E., Consulting Project Manager four~ SUBJECT: Hall and Foremane Inc.'s Contracting Services Agreement he FootM11/Beech Sewers Project, Phases I, II and III CURRFJfi' ACTION REOUESTED: I. 1'0 APPROPRIATE AN ADDITIONAL $39,045.05 FROM THE SEWER FUND TO COVER THE COST OF THE CITY'S CONTRACTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HALL AND FORklAN, INC., FOR THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWERS PROJECT, PHASES I, II AND Ill. (TOTAL APPROPRIATION IS $112,173.05). 2. TO AUTHORIZE A FEE INCREASE TO A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $112o173.05 FROM $73,128 IN THE CITY'S CONTRACTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HALL AND FOREMAN, INC., APPROVED OCTOBER 6, 1987, FOR THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWERS PROJECT,PHASES I, II ANO Ill. 3. TO DELETE FROM THE CITY'S CONTRACTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HALL AND FOREMAN, INC., THE CONTRACT MONITORING AND INSPECTION. BUIN~ET IMP/V'r: ILl Yes I_1 No This appropriation will be from the City's Sewer Fund, (North Fontana Sewer Account) and will be transferred to the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, Account No. D71-7218-2900. Sufficient funds are available for this project. These funds come from developer purchase of sewer connection rights. ENVIROIIIENTAL IMPMI:T; IZl Yes {FI No On Oecember 5, 1989, the Cil~y Council approved a motion for a negative declaration for constructing a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock Avenue to Lime Avenue and in Beech Avenue Alignment from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue. On October 6, 1987, the City Council approved a contract agreement in the amount of $61,128 with Hall and Foreman, Inc., to provide facility engineering services for the Foothi11/Beec:h Sewers Project, Phases I, II, and Ill. The City Council approved Change Order One on March 21, 1989 in the amount of $12,000 which increased the total appropriation to $73,128. aOSI'IFICATIO~: The 'fee 1netease is required as follows: update and revise the plans (Phase I, II, and III) including additional survey work to locate trees, fire hydrants and related obstacles; redesign of sewer alignment along Foothill Boulevard and the railroad crossing on F'oothtll Boulevard; and additional time for coordination meetings. A'I'I'AI;EI~E]iTS: 1. Minute action of October 6, 1987 2. Hinute action of March 21, 1989 SUBMITTED BY: REVIENED BY: RECOMMENDED BY: Ken Jeske "=~Clark AlsopI J1 Grtssom Environmental Protection . Deputy City Manager Manager City Attorney 'For John O'Sullivan For Anntvory C. Beard City Manager Public Works Oirector ACB:GJB:bjp Ctty Council Minutes October 6, 1987 Notion was made by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Mayor Simon, APR. BUDGET to iuthorlzo a bud It adjustment for the Foothill/Belch Sewer ADO. FOOTHZLL/ Hath installation t7Z-7218) Increasing the budgeted munt by BEECH SE~ER $32,000, end carried bY the Sol towing votes ~71-72~8 APR. AGREE AYES= Nayor Stmon, Councilmen Boylee, Koehler, KragnesS HALL & FOREHAH NOES; None ABSENT: Councilman Day INSPECTZON HO 87-644,A/B Norton was made by Heyor SImon, seconded ay Councilman Koahler, to approve an agreement with Hail end Foreman for the preparation or senttory sewer plan, contract administration end inspection from Cherry and Foothill to Beech end F LIl~e and Foothill, end to authorize the Baseline end also t'roe Beech and ootht11 to execution by appropriate Ctty officials of an agreeBent tn the amount not to exceed $6ZJ28.00. Morton carried by the foilwing votes AYES= Nayor Simon, Counctllt~lfi Boylos, Koehlor, Kragnese NOE$s None AOSENTs Councilmen Day Ctty Council Htnutes 2 March 21, 1989 F, Approvtng the appropriation from sewer funds of $12,000 APRV SENER t,o project 71-7218 for the purpose of increasing the FUNO$ CNTRCT contract with Hall i Foreman for the preparetton of the 71-7218 master plan for Trunk Sewer--Foothill Boulevard, Baseline HALL&FRHN Road and Beech Avenue In North Fontena, TRNK $~ER NSTR PLAN NO 89-118 CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING January 22, 1990 Job #3904-F 3905-F, 42,5 L21 City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana~ CA 92335 Attention: John McCarty Regarding: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project The following summarizes the outstanding balances on the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project - Phases I, II &III, categorized by project number: 1. City of Fontana Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3904-000 - Phase I Description - Foothill Blvd. - Hemlock to Beech Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 14659 5/31/89 $ 450.00 $0.00 $ 450.00 15061 6/30/89 249.50 0.00 249.50 15178 7/31/89 161.25 0.00 161.25 15493 8/31/89 217.50 0.00 217.50 16404 11/30/89 1,.487.50 0.00 1,487.50 $2,565.75 $0.00 $2,565.75 2. City of Fontana - Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3904-002 - Phase I Description - Contract Change Order No. 1 Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 14456 4/30/89 $2,795.50 $0.00 $2,795.50 14660 5/31/89 545.00 0.00 545.00 $3,340.50 $0.00 $3,340.50 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 641-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA City of Fontana -2- January 22, 1990 3. City of Fontana - Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3904-003 - Phase I Description - Traffic Control Plans Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 15062 6/30/89 $990.00 $0.00 $990.00 4. City of Fontana - Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3904-800 Phase I Description - Reimbursables Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 16o26 10/31/89 $ 8.75 $0.00 $ 8.75 16322 11/30/89 75.00 0.00 75.00 16527 12/31/89 126.88 0.00 126.88 $210.63 $0.00 $210.63 5. City of Fontana - Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3905-000 - Phase II Description - Beech - Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 12455 3/31/89 $ 118.00 $0.00 $ 118 00 14661 5/31/89 855.00 0.00 855 O0 15063 6/30/89 1,079.50 0.00 1,079 50 15179 7/31/89 2,528.00 0.00 2,528 00 15494 8/31/89 2,177.50 0.00 2,177 50 16405 11/30/89 295.00 0.00 295 00 $7,053.00 $0.00 $7,053.00 6. City of Fontana - Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3905-800 - Phase II Description - Reimbursables Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 15902 9/30/89 $21.84 $0.00 $21.84 16027 10/31/89 10.74 0.00 10.74 16528 12/31/89 11.56 0.00 11.56 $44.14 $0.00 $44.14 City of Fontana -3- January 22, 1990 7. City of Fontana - Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3906-000 - Phase III Description - Foothill Blvd. - Beech to Pump Station Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 14557 4/30/89 $ 190.00 $0.00 $ 190.00 14662 5/31/89 950.00 0.00 950.0 15064 6/30/89 704.00 0.00 704.00 15180 7/31/89 275.00 0.00 275.00 15495 8/31/89 1,120.00 0.00 1,120.00 $3,239.00 $0.00 $3,239.00 8. City of Fontana Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3906-003 - Phase III Description - Sewer Re-design Study, Revise Plans/Easements Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 15065 6/30/89 $11,657.00 $0.00 $11,657.00 15181 7/31/89 1,870.00 0.00 1,870.00 15496 8/31/89 1,830.00 0.00 1,830.00 $15,357.00 $0.00 $15,357.00 9. City of Fontana - Project 71-7218 Hall & Foreman, Inc. Job #3906-800 - Phase III Description - Reimbursables Invoice Date Amount Paid Balance 15482 8/31/89 $34.50 $0.00 $34.50 15903 9/30/89 18.55 0.00 18.55 16028 10/31/89 22.60 0.00 22.60 16323 11/30/89 16.50 0.00 16.50 $92.15 $0.00 $92.15 City of Fontana -4- January 22, 1990 Also, per your request, I have attached copies of all invoices prior to June, 1989 corresponding to the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. Please call if you have any questions or comments, or if you require additional information. HALL & FOREMAN, INC. cc: Terry Brennan, Dave Crunkleton, John Hogan v RECORD OF TELEPHO~ CONVERSATION Individual Items Discussed Comments or Action Required BSI-PO06 2/80 DATE:06/13/89 HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)641-8777 TO: City of Fontana : 3906-00 JOB DESCRIPTION: 8353 Sierra Sewer re-design study, revise plans/easements. Fontana~ CA 92335 Ref: P.O. 9053 (City) TRACT # ATTN: Bob Weddle, City Engineer Upon your written approval, we will perform the following specifically described additional work: 1. Study for redes~qn of sewer location & costs to re-aliGn sewer. _ off Drivate DroDertV at Foothill & Railroad. ~2. Revise plans to show protect[on of, and alternate access points for driveways that may be blocked, protection of trees, as necessarV,/and show detail of Railroad Bridge crossing as requested. ~3. Revise easement documents as necessary and prepare easements for stockpile areas and coordination and process. 4~. Perform additional survey work as necessary to locate trees, fire hydrants, etc., to remain along Foothill Blvd. The Client agrees to compensate Consultant for the above named services as follows: On a time and material basis with an estimated fee of $6,800.00. Invoicing for this work will reference Hall & Foreman's Project Code 3906-003 CONSULTANT: ~~ BY: Robert M. Doss, P.E. TITLE: Dir. of Engineering Accepted - the above prices and :scope of work of this additional work authorizations are satisfactory .and hereby accepted. All work is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the original contract unless otherwise stipulated. CLIENT: BY: TITLE: Distribution: Client, Project Director, Financial File, Survey Division Manager, Susan Roshan, Shou-tai An 42,7 ADDWRiK TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS; SENT ~ COUNT ~ ~' 5 SEND ~ #PAGES COMMENT REMOTE STATION Z.D, START TIME DURATION 714 641 0170 12-18-69 11:48AM 2'11" 5 TOTAL 0:02'11" 5 XEROX TELECOPZER 7~21 '~ City of Fontana C .., L I FOR N I A F~X CO,~NIC~ TION$ ~a~lon/Phene Ac~o~ No. (7141 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 15, 1989 Mr. Short Tat An Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Red Hill Avenue Costa Hesa, Callfornta 92626..3428 Sub.tect: Contact Agreement vs. Invoices Footh111/kech Seer Project ' Dear Short Tat An: The Ctty recently received tnvotces for services rendered on the Foothill/Beech sewer project. Before considering these tnvotces for payment ttts desireable that the present status of accounts as revtewed be determined. Our records are as f'oTlows: A) Design a Easement Documentis $ 35,218.00 P~hase I, II, &IIl (Per Ortlgtnal Contract) CHANGE ORDER (approved Narch 21, 1989) ]2.000,00 SUB TOTAL 47,218.00 f 8) Contract Nonttortng 5,775.00 C) Inspectton 20.135.00 TOTAL CONTRACT $ 73,128.00 Total Momt Imtd to I Mll & Ferms Imt 59,408.74 n Engt eertnlSecttmrecords 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. 8OX 518) FOr,ITANA. CALIFORNIA 92334..0518 (714) 350-7600 Hr Short Tat An Page Two A revtew of the above mentioned figures reveals that Hall and Foreman has already been pa~d more for Item (A) than what was required by contract plus chan!ie order. Under the circumstances ttts extremely ~mportant that Hall and Forefnan submit complete back-up data and explanation of c~rcumstances which has requ'lred addtrig more hours thlln 1nittally anticipated tn the subject project. Please make note that ttts extremely important to ~usttfy these additional payments on an already exhausted 11mtt. If you have any further questions, please call Yousuf Patanwala at (7Z4) 350-766Z. Yours truly, Annhfory Calvert Publ¶c Works Director/,'-~ By: Yousuf Patenwile Ctvtl Engineering Assistant cc: Annivory Calvert Frobert W. Weddle tJnde Rombaugh AC:YP:stb Enclosures Ci of Fontana ALIFOBNIA September 7, 1989 Mr. Shou Tat An Hall & Foreman, Inc 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626-3428 SUBJECt: Invoices for Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Dear Shou Tai: We are in receipt of tnvoices for June and July 1989, on Foothill/Beech sewer project. Payment on these invoices cannot be made for the reasons indicated earlier in our letter of August 15, 198g, (copy attached). These invoices will be on hold until the situation is resolved. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert Public Works Director/-~'J By~v~pata~nwalai Civil Engineering Assistant; llI Enclosure YP:stb cc: R. Weddle G. Bucknell 8353 :~IERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 City of Fontana GALIFORNIA September 29, 1989 Mr. Shou-tai An Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626-3428 Subject: Invoices for iFoothi11/Beech Sewer Project Dear Shou-tai: Ws are in receipt of 3[our invoices of August, 1989 on the Feothill/Beech Sewer project. It has been brought to your attention in earlier letters of August 15 and September 7, 1989 (copy enclosed) that payment on these invoices can not be made until the requested information is received from your end. If you have any guestions, please call the undersigned at (714) 350-7661. Sincerely yours, Annivory calvert Public Works Director~~ By: Yousuf Patanwala civil Engineering Assistant III YP:ml Enclosure co: R. Weddle J. Hogan, Hall & Foreman D. Crunkleton, Hall & Foreman 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. 8OX 518) FONTANA, CALII~ORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 7, 1989 Nr. Shou Tai An Hall & Foreman, Inc 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Nesa, California 92626-3428 SLIBOECT: Invoices for Foothill/Beech Sewer Pro4ect Dear Shou Tat: We are tn receipt of invoices for June and July 1989, on Foothill/Beech sewer project. Pa.vment on these invoices cannot be made for the reasons indicated earlier ~n our letter of August 15, 1989, (copy attached). These ~nvo~ces will be on hold until the s~tuatton is resolved. Thank you. S~ncerely yours, , Ann~vory Calvert Public Works Director~d~J By:~u~ppata~nwala Ctvtl Engineering Assistant III Enclosure YP:stb cc: R. Weddle G. Bucknell 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 15, 1989 Hr. Shon Tel An Hall & Foreman, Inc. 3170 Red Hill Avenue Costa Hesa, California 92626-3428 SubJect: Contract Agreement vs. Invofces Foothill/leech Seer Project ' Dear Short Tat An: The City recently received tnvotces for services rendered on the Foothill/Beech sewer project. Before considering these tnvotces for payment ttts desireable that the present status of accounts as revtewed be determined. Our records are as follows: A) Oestgn & Easement Documents $ 35,218.00 Phase I, If, & Ill (Per Ortgtnal Contract) CHANGE ORDER (approved Narch 21, 1989) 12.000.00 SUB TOTAL 47,218.00 B) Contract Nonttortng 5,775.00 C) Ins:pectton 20.135.00 TOTAL CONTRACT $ 73,128.00 Total Rameli Rid tollIll & Febman per 59,408.74 EngtneerinlSmctim records 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FOP4TANA. CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 Mr Short Tat An Page Two A revtew of the above mentioned ftgures reveals that Hall and Foreman has already been patd more for Item (A) than what was required by contract plus change order. Under the circumstances ~t ts extremely important that Hall and Foreman submit complete back-up data and explanation of circumstances which has required addtng more hours than Initially antlctpated tn the subject project. Please make note that it is e.xtremely important to justify these addItional payments on an already exhausted l~mtt. If you have any further questions, please call Yousuf Patanwala at (714) 350-7661. Yours truly, Annivory Calvert Publlc Morks Otrector By: Yousuf Patanwala Ctivil Engineering Assistant; cc: Annivory Calvert Robert N. ~4eddle Linda Rombaugh AC:YP:stb Enclosures City of Fontana CALIFORNIA March 23, 1989 EXCERPT OF THE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 21, ~989 REGULAR MEETING: The following ts a true and correct excerpt of action taken by the City Council of the City of Fontana at the March 21, 1989 Regular "Notion was made by Council Hembet Kragness, seconded by Council Hembet Abernathy, to approve the appropriation from sewer funds of $12,000 to project 71-7218 for the purpose of increasing the contract with Hall & Foreman for the preparation of the master plan for Truck Sewer--Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road and Beech Avenue In North Fontana. Notion carried by the followlng vote: AYES: Mayor Simon, Council Members Abernathy, Boyles, Kragness Murray NOES: None. ABSENT: None." DMT: gmd 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) .=ONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 0111ER AFFECTE]) DEPARll!I]ITS: St gnature St ~nature ASST. MGR. PERSONNEL ATTORNEY PLANN ! NG BLDG/SAFETY POLI /~ CLERK _X_P~//~~~ COH. DEV. PARKS/REC. CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT March 21. 1989 Consent Calendar Heeting Date Ageride Placement TO: Nayor and City Council FROM: Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director $UI),IECT: REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN THE ANOUNT OF $12,000 IN CONTRACT WITH HALL & FORENAN FOR THE PREPARATION OF NASTER PLAN FOR TRUNK SEWER-- FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, BASELINE ROAD, AND BEECH AVENUE IN NORTH FONTANA CUPJIE)IrACTIOM REOUESTEI)= TO APPROVE THE APPROPRIATION FRON SEWER FUNDS OF $12,000 TO PROJECT 71-7218 FOR ?HE PURPOSE OF INCREASING THE CONTRACT WITH HALL & FORENAN FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE NASTER PLAN FOR TRUNK SEWER--FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, BASELINE ROAD AND BEECH AVENUE IN NORTH FONTANA. FISCAL INPACT: ~ Yes ]'~ No BAC~ROUle: The City now has a contract with Hall & Foreman for the preparation of a Naster Plan for Trunk Sewer--Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road, and Beech Avenue in north Fontaria. This project is vital to the development of a sewer system for north Fontana. Additional work: is needed on the development of the Naster Plan beyond what was included in the, original contract which was in a not-to-exceed amount of $61,128. The attached proposal for additional work authorization was submitted to the City by Hall & Foreman and details the work which will be covered by the not-to-exceed amount of $12,000. ATrACHNEXTS: 1. Copy of proposal from Hall & Foreman dated January 23, 1989 for additional work authorization City Council Hinutes 2 Narch 21, 1989 ~C ~ B. Approving the City Treasurer's attendance at the TREASURER ~ California Nunicipal Treasurer's Association Conference. CONFERENCE NO 89-114 ~.~ ? C. Adopting Resolution No. 89-48, commending Assemblyman CONNEND L\~ Jerry Eaves and the organizers of Government Day. J. EAVES RES ~L. ~ D. Reaffirming council caction of November 17, 1987, in REAFFIRN ACTN ~ ~,~ support of Alexander Gee's claim filed with the Public GEE'S CLAIN Utilities Commission for a wider, toll-free calling PUC service area through Pacific Bell for Fontaria residents. N0.89-115 ~_~ ~E. (1) Accepting as complete the subdivision improvement in ADPT RES 89-49 · Tract 12750 and authorizing related actions and (2) TRACT 12750 "'*' adopting ResOlution No. 89-49, accepting the sewers in ACCPT SEWERS ~''~L~'' Tract 12750 as part of the sewer system. C,~i~' / ~ ~ F. Approving the appropriation from sewer funds of $12,000 APRV SEWER ~ ~ to project 71-7218 for the purpose of increasing the FUNDS CNTRCT contract with Hall & Foreman for the preparation of the 71-7218 ?~c>~ master plan for Trunk Sewer--Foothill Boulevard.'Baseline HALL&FRNN Road and Beech Avenue in North Fontaria. TRNK SEWER NSTR PLAN ),~ C ~G. Accepting final map for Tracts 13085, 13085-2 and 13136-1 ACPT NAPS accepting as public all dedicated streets and easements, TRACTS 13085, F~ ~ and authorizing the proper City officials to enter into 13085-2, ~,i~F,:.~ an agreement with the subdivider for the construction of 13085-2 improvements in said tracts. NO 89-117 ~ i~l~ ~H. Directing staff to place the issue of school facilities SCHOOL FACS }~ r!~ related to growth on the April 18th Council agenda, APRIL 18 AGEN NO 89-118 ~:~_~ ~I. Adopting Resolution IIo, 89-50, joining the Congress of OBSERVE the United States in observing the week beginning Hatch NATIONAL CONN ~'~ 24, 1989, as "National Community Development Week 89". DEVEL WEEK I RES 89-50 ~L:~ ~j' Adopting Resolution No. 89-51, authorizing close out of AUTH CLOSE all CIty/County CBDG activities and reqeust balance of OUT CBDG FUNDS P~ ~ funds be used for joint City/Councty project to RES 89-51 ,~C nn construct a new headstart facility in the North Fontana C~-~C/ Community. 7~:,>J ~K. (1) Adopting Resol~ton Mo. 89-52. acknowledging a loan ADPT RES 89-52 from the Fontaria Redevelopmerit Agency, authorizing and RDA LOAN Hatch 21, 1989 · ;'CITY OF FC.-..JTANA -..~R PU.C.AS,.S USE DISTRIBUTION BALANCE S ' CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT OF INCREASE AMOUNT OF DECREASE S TO: PURCHASING TOTAL ADJUSTMENT $ ' FROM: Public Works/Rngineering COMPLETION DATE Department P.O. PACKET NO. CHANGE ORDER NO. TO PURCHAE~E ORD~ER NO. 9053 VENDO~ ~all S F~reman, Inc. _ PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE PURCHASE ORDER WITH THIS FORM. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE LINE: XXXX INCREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF iNCREASE $~ 12~ 00~0 ____ DECREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF DECREASE $ _ CANCEL PURCHASE ORDER ~ CHANGE ACCOUNT NUMBERS) JUSTIFICATION Additional services provided which were not covere~ contract agreement. Council approval March 21, 1989. , . , .... IF THERE IS MORE THAN (4) ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOLVED, USE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT L ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT REVISED White-Purchasing Dept Yellow-Dept Completion PinK-Accounts Payable Goldenrod Originating Depf 2-15-89 DATE: 01/23/89 MALL & FOREMAN, INC. REVISED:01/27/89 3170 REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)641-8777 ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION TO: CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT CODE: 390F/4~G0~ JOB DESCRIPTION: P.O. EOX 518 TRUNK FOOTHILL BLVD. AND BASE LINE AVENUE. AREA E. OF HEMLOCK AND N. FONTANA. CA 92335 OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TRACT # ATTN: MR. JOHN JUAN - ENGINEERING Upon your written approval, we will perform the following specifically described additional work pursuant to our meeting 1/19/89: A. SURVEY FOR OBSTRUCTIONS TO CONSTRUCTION OF R~4OVAL AND REPT,ACEMENT IF NEEDED. E. PLOT SUCH OBSTRUCTION ON pLANS & ANALYZE ACTION. C. ADD 1-T,ATEMAL TO LOW SIDE OF EACH PROPERTY 8" V.C.P. FROM MAIN TRUNK TO 6' BELOW SURFACE FOR THE FUTU~R CONNECTION. D. REVISE ESTIMATE FOR CHANGES. E. PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO R/W ACOUISITION & MEETINGS. The Client agrees to compensate Consultant for the above named services as follows: TIME AND MATERIAL WITH A NOT TO EXCEED ESTIMATED COST OF $12,000.00 ALL RRPRODUCTION WORK AND PROCESSING TIME NOT INCLUDED Invoicing for this work will reference Hall & Foreman's Project Code 3904-002 CONSULTANT: ~ ~ BY: ~ ROBERT H. DOSS TITLE: PROJECT DIRECTOR Accepted - the above prices and scope of work of this additional work authorizations are satisfactory and hereby accepted. All work is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the original contract unless otherwise stipulated. CLIENT: BY: TITLE: Distribution:Client, Bob Doss, Jon Sollie, John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Ray Vincenti, Financial File 42,5 ADDWRK MBLZC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY Or FONTAN~, CALI~0RNIA CONTRACT CHANGE .ORDer NO. i Date: February 2, 1989 Master Plan for Trunk Sewer, Foothill Boulevard, Baseline Road & Beech Avenue in Nerth Fentans TO: HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVENUE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 You Ire hereby directed Co make the herein described changes from the plans and speciEtcaclons or do the EolZowi~ described work nec included in the plans and 8peciEica~ions or the contract. A. Survey for obstructions to construction of removal and replacement if needed. B. Plot such obstruction on plans and analyze action. C. Add l-lateral to low side of each property 8" V.C.P, from main trunk to 6' below surface for the future connection. D. Revise estimate for thanSea E. Provide technical assistanc~ to right-of-way acquisition and meetings. Total Amount of Change Order No. 1 S12,000.00 We, the underleaned contractor, have Jim carehi' consideration co the chauSe proposed, dead hereby aires, if this pro,eel is approved, that w ~11 provide all equipment, ~urulah all materials. excepC as may othervise be noted above, and per~om el~ services notessat7 for the ~rk above specified, Red viII accept as Z~ii pe~mxt r~erefor ~he prices shown above. By tea|sou of this propdeed chauSe, 20 days extension of cinm ~ill be alleyed. Accepted: ) HALL & FOREMAN vedz/~~ ~'/'/'//~ Robert H. Does George ProJect: Director ~ctinS Public Works Director Title Date~ Februar~ 9. 1989 Dates e~h ..... y ~ ~a~a J.M ~qo~- c~z CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING , LAND SURVEYING SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES August 1, 1988 through July 31, 1989 OFFICE: Principal ......... ................. $125.00 per hour Senior Project Manager ............. $ 95.00 per hour Project Manager ..... ~ ............. $ 75.00 per hour Project Engineer .................. $ 70.00 per hour Senior Designer ...... : ............ $ 60.00 per hour . Designer .......................... $ 55.00 per hour Senior Drafter .................... $ 48.00 per hour Drafter ........................... $ 43.00 per hour Engi.nee. ring Aide ................... $ 35.00 per hour Secretary/Clerk .............. · ..... $ 30.00 per hour FIELD: Survey Manager ........................ $ 75.00 per hour 3-Man Survey Party .................... $175.00 per hour 2-Man Survey Party .................... $140.00 per hour SERVICES AND EXPENSES: $0.75 per minute for services of In-House Computer $2.00 per minute for se, rvices of In-House Plotter NOTE ~ In the event this agreementh is breached, terminated, cancelled, or extra work is required, then Client shall pay Consultant per the foregoing. NOTE 2 Above schedule is for straight time only. In the case of overtime, the rate charged will be 11/2 times the hourly rate shown, and for Sundays and holidays, 3 times the hourly rate shown. NOTE! Schedule above is also to be adjusted in accordance with Paragraph 25 of the Standard Provisions of this agreement. R170 REDHIkL AVENUE · COSTAMESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · *' Yhese standard provisions of agreer t are distributed · FILE ' of~l Engi~r~ STANDARD PROVISIONS OF ACR. EEMENT BETWEEN CLIENT AND CONSULTANT AGREEMENT ~NTEg~D INTO AT Ct~y o~ F~n~a~a~ ~ ~t~o Coun~ made [his 3~ day of ~ove~e= , ~ 9 87_., by ~nd between ....... 8353 Sier~ Fo~a~, CA_ 92335 hereinafref called "client" and__ ~l · Foreman ~ I~C _ _~ R~ 1 Av~_~ ............ Ces~ Mes~C~ 92626 hereinaf~er called "consultant" Client intends to CD~C~ i~rcep~or s~nit~ sewer line in the righ~of-w~ of Foothi~Bl~d~ ~nd Bee_oh St. ~_ hereinafter called "project," The present record owner is: Name: ..... ~ity o~ Fontaria ....... Address: 83~8 Sie=a .... ]on~a, CA 92335 The lender is (if none, state below): Name: ..... ~O~e ~ Address: Clien~ and consukam for mutual coDsideration hereinMOst set ~orth, agree as ~ollows: A. ConsuRan~ aErees to ~erform ~he following se~ices: .... ~e~_AttaGb~d Exhibit"A" Data and Assumptions See AJjached Exhibit "B'L_,."C'~ an~".D'J Scope of Work See Attached Exhibit "E" Fee and Payment Schedule ....... l~_Attach~xhibit "F" Rate Schedule C CHen~ has read and understands all ~he s~andard Provisions of A8reemem~ se~ forth on ~he reverse hereof and the Exhibits hereto, and agrees aH 5~andard Provisions and [xhibi~s are a [ _] part of this Agreement and are binding on client. ctienfs ini~a~ D. Clientandconsultantagreethatthelatep'aymentchargeprovidedforinParagraph33of the 5tandard Provisions of Agreement shall be __.~, ~ pe~ month _ [ ] ~ ~ Th{~ agr~n~ ~ null and void ~f not executed ~ithtn ~5 days of ~h~ ~e~fed c~enrsinitia~ date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted, made and executed this agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written, Name .... ~ ForemanLJft Nathan A. Simon " Title _ P~e~Lden~ Title _, ~a~gE Address_ 3~70 Red~LZl bye, Address_. 8353 Cos~a Mesa, CA 92626 F6n~E;'"~ ~2335 Client should mail compleled contract to Ihe address shown for consultan~ ATTEST: OePutYC:Lty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: lb EXHIBIT "A" ¢~-Aikl, EXHIBIT "A" DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS Whereas the Consultant intends to provide engineering and surveying services to facilitate construction of the Foothill/Beech Interceptor Sewer Line in the City of Fontann, County of San Bernardino, California. This contract for engineering services has been prepared based upon normal construction procedures and discussions between representatives of both parties. The Scope of Work (Exhibits "B", "C", and "D") specifically state those services to be performed and are subject to the following Data and Assumptions. 1. This contract shall be based upon the master plan, initial engineer and topographic survey for the subject project, completing by James L. Dotson, Civil Engineer. 2. Those items of work which have not been specifically outlined in the Data and Assumptions and Scope of Work shall not be considered to be a part thereof, but shall be considered as additional services and subJeqt to negotiation. So as to avoid delays, the consultant will begin work on these additional services upon the Client's verbal request. A "Confirmation of Work" slip shall be signed by Client or his field representative for such additional work until the supplemental agreement is signed by Client and Consultant. 3. It is understood that the project will be divided into three separate plans as follows: Phase I - A ~4" line from Cherry to Beech. Phase II - A ~1" line from Beech to Base Line. Phase III- A 10" line from Beech to the existing pump station approximately 2300 feet east of Beech. -2- EXHIBIT "B" (f-&l&h Ne,] EXHIBIT "B" SCOPE OF WORK The consultant agrees to furnish services for the following items: 1. Preparation of plans and specifications for sanitary sewer line construction using the flows established by the City of Fontana Master Sewer Plan. 2. Preparation of easement documents to assist the City Staff in acquiring the required easements for the project. S. Monitoring of the project during the bidding and construction periods by performing the tasks set forth in Exhibit "C". 4. Providing a Resident Inspector who shall perform the duties set forth in Exhibit "D" for' the construction of the sewer lines and furnishing part-time inspectors to assist the Resident Inspector should the construction schedules require. 5. Providing a topographic survey of Phase III from Beech to the Pump Station. -3- EXHIBIT "C" EXHIBIT "C" PROJECT ~ONITOR (CITY OF FONTANA) The tasks of Project Monitor shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Review plans and specifications for the improvements proposed to be constructed. Menitor bidding and award of contract procedures. 3. Review bid proposals and. make recommendations to the City as to the award(s) of Contract:. 4. Review contracts and utility and railroad agreements. 5. Attend pre-construction conferences. 6. Review construction contract change orders and make recommendations thereon. Perform periodic on-site observations of the work in progress as a basis for determining that the improvements are being constructed in accordance with the Contract documents. 8. Review and verify Contn~ctor's monthly progress estimates and ps~yments made thereon. 9. Furnish periodic reports of progress of the project as required. 10. Provide supervision of any construction inspectors assigned to the project by Hall & Foreman, Inc. 11. Maintain files of information pertinent to the construction of the improvements. 12. In company with authorized representatives of the City, the Contractor and Landowners, perform final inspection of the work performed under various contracts and make recommendations as to acceptance of the work. -4- EXHIBIT "D" (a"&;&il 1. Review the construction ;schedule prepared by the Contractor for compliance with the Contract and give advise to the Project Monitor concerning its acceptability. 2. Attend pre-construction conferences. Assist in arranging a schedule of progress meetings and other Job conferences as required in consultation with the Project Monitor and Contract Supervisor. 3. Serve as the Project Monitor's liaison with the Contract Supervisor. 4. When required, assist the Contract Supervisor in obtaining from the Contractor a list of his proposed suppliers and subcontractors. 5. Assist the Contract Supervisor in obtaining field samples of materials delivered to the site which are required to be furnished and keep records of actions taken by the Contract Supervisor. 6. Receive approved shop drawings and other submissions from the Contract Supervisor; record data received, maintain a file of the drawings and submissions, and check construction for compliance with them. 7. Alert the Contractor's field superintendent when he observes ms, terials or equipment being installed before approval of shop drawings or samples, where such are required, and advise the Contract Supervisor when he believes it is necessary to disapprove work as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. S. Conduct on-site observations of the work in progress for the Director of Public Works as a basis for determining that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9. Verify that tests required by the Contract Documents are conducted and that adequate records thereof are maintained; observe, record and report to the Project Monitor appropriate details relative to the test procedures. -5- EXHIBIT "D" 'EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS (continued) 10. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having Jurisdiction over the Project, record the outcome of these inspections and report to the Project Monitor. 11. Consider and evaluate Contractor's suggestions for modifications in drawings or specifications and report them with recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor. 12. Keep a diary of log book:, recording hours on the Job site, weather conditions, list: of visiting officials, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures. 13. Maintain a set of drawings on which authorized changes are noted, and deliver to the Project Monitor at the completion of the Project. 14. Furnish the Project Monitor daily written reports of progress of the Project and Contractor's compliance with the approved construction schedule. 15. Consult with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor in advance of schedule major tests or start of important phases of the Project. 16. Review applications for progress payment with the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor, noting particularly their relation to the work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site. 17. During the course of the work gather Assembly Guarantees, Certificates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals and other required data to be furnished by the Contractor and deliver this material to the Project Monitor for his approval and forwarding to the Director of Public Works. 18. Prior to final inspection, submit to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor a list of observed items requiring correction and verify that each correction has been made. -6- EXHIBIT "D" F. XHIBIT "D" CITY OF FONTANA ~ I Cm,,, DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AITRORI Y CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS (continued) 19. Conduct final inspection in the company of the City Engineer, the Contractor and the Project Monitor, and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. 2~. Verify that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations to the Contract Supervisor and Project Monitor concerning acceptance. 21. LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Except upon written instructions of the City Engineer, the Inspector: A. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Drawings. B. Shall not undertake any of the responsibilities o the Contractor, the subcontractors or the Contractor's field superintendent. C. Shall not expedite the,work for the Contractor. D. Shall not advise on or issue directions relative to any aspect of the construction technique of sequence unless a specific technique or sequence is called for in the Contract Documents. E. Shall not participate in specialized field or laboratory tests. F. Shall not engage in or become a part of any disputes between the Contractor and/or his subcontractors and/or material suppliers involving labor disputes, work materials deliveries, quality or manner of workmanship, quality of materials, etc. (Where reference is made to "Contract Supervisor" or "Project Monitor" it shall also mean the City's Senior Construction Inspector if desired by City.) -7- EXHIBIT "E" (/,z&~/,il Ne,J EXHIBIT "E" FEE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE The Client agrees to compensate the Consultant, as compensation for the services indicated in Exhibits "B", "C" and "D" (Scope of Work), on an hourly basis in accordance with the Standard Rate Schedule indicated in Exhibit "F", with a maximum fee not to exceed the following: Phase I Foothill Blvd. - Hemlock to Beech Item 1 Design ~ Easement Documents ....... $7,160.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $1,155.00~ Item S Inspection ........................ $3,815.00 Phase II Beech -. Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Item 1 Design & Easement Documents ....... $14,534.00~ Item.2 Contract Monitoring ..- ............. $3,380.00 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $11,190.00 Phase III Foothill. Blvd. - Beech to Pump Station Item 1 Design, Survey ga Easement Documents $13,524.00 Item 2 Contract Monitoring ............... $1,240.00 Item 3 Inspection ........................ $5,130.00 -8- EXHIBIT "E" (~shi~I: EXHIBIT "E" FEE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE (~""~') (continued) HALL &; FOREMAN, INC. will bill Client monthly as the work progresses on a percentage of completion basis to be determined at the en.d of each billing period. Invoices shall be considered due and payable upon presentation. Both parties agree that all fees (including fixed fees and standard rate schedule) stated herein are effective from the date of this contract to July B1, 1988. 'MISCEI,LANEOUS FEES The Client shall pay the costs of any governmental fees applicable, title company charges, well monument, messenger or delivery services, outside vendor and inhouse blueprint and reproduction costs. The Client shall be billed the cost, plus 15%, for direct costs and expenses, such as soils engineering fees, soils testing fees, aerial topography, and other outside consultant fees, incurred at Client's request. Mileage charges for Inspectors shall be $0.50 per mile. Miscellaneous fees will be billed monthly as they are incurred. -9- EXHIBIT "F" (1~""'~ SCHEDULE OF HOUHLY BILLING HATES August 1, 1987 through July 31, 1988 OFFICE: Principal .......................... $105.00 per hour Senior Project Manager ............. $ 85.00 per hour Project Manager .................... $ 70.00 per hour Project Engineer .................. $ 85.00 per hour Senior Designer .................. $ 58.00 per hour Designer .......................... $ 51.00 per hour Senior Drafter .................... $ 45.00 per hour Drafter ........................... $ 40.00 per hour Engineering Aide .................. $ 30.00 per hour Secretary/Clerk .................. $ 25.00 per hour FIELD: Survey Manager ......... ................. $ 70.00 per hour 31-Man Survey Party ..................... $185.00 per hour 2-Man Survey Party ..................... $130.00 per hour SERVICES AND EXPENSES: $0.75 per minute for services of In-House Computer $2.00 per minute for services of In-House Plotter $0.50 per mile for the Inspeetor's Mileage NOTE i In the event this agreement is breached, terminated, cancelled, or extra work is required, then Client sh~ll pay Consultant per the foregoing. NOTE r~ Above schedule is for straight time only. In the case of overtime, the rate charged will be 11/Z times the hourly rate shown, and for Sundays and holidays, S times the hourly rate shown. NOTE S Schedule above is also to be adjusted in accordance with Paragraph $5 of the Standard Provisions of this agreement. -10- BSI Consultants, Inc. PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES: FOOTHILL BOULEVARD STREET IMPROVEMENTS Presented to: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Prepared by: BSI Consultants, Inc. 16880 W. Bernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92127 BSI Consultants, Inc. July 26, 1990 Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 518 Fontaria, CA 92334-0518 Subject: Proposal for Engineering Services: Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements Dear Mr. Weddle: BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. is pleased to submit this revised proposal for the subject project in response to a telephone conversation with Mr. Gregory Bucknell on July 26, 1990. The projecl has been revised to consist of street improvements to Foothill Boulevard at one location as shown on Foothill Trunk Sewer plans sent to us by Mr. Bucknell. The project will be managed and designed by our staff located at our corporate offices in San Diego. Gary J. Hobson, P.E., will be the Principal-in-Charge and will provide overall quality control. Mr. Timothy M. Shell, P.E., will manage the project and be BSI's contact person for the City. It will be his responsibility to provide proper design and insure timely completion of the project within the (~ty's budgetary restraints. The Project Engineer, Mr. Neal Brown, E.I.T., will be personally involved in the design and will direct staff efforts. Surveying has been completed prior to this proposal. We would like to assure you that BSI is very excited about providing engineering services for this important project. The City will be pleased with the services that BSI will provide. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss our Scope of Sen, ices, please call me at (619) 451-6100. Sincerely, BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. Gary J. Hobson, P.E. Vice President GJH/njg proposal/corona/magave.gjh Enclosure cc: Gregory Bucknell 16680West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127 · (619) 451-6100 · FAX (619) 451-1694 FAX gg:o SCOPE OF SERVICES Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements As indicated by Mr. Gregory Bucknell on July 26, 1990, the proposed street improvements will be at one location on Foothill Boulevard. The first site will be in front of parcels A.P.N. 228-251-17 and A.P.N. 228-251-16. This project will be completed in accordance with Caltrans standards. We understand that Foothill Boulevard is a State Highway with a half- width of 47' from centerline to curb face. The three access driveways in front of APN 228- 251-17 will be maintained. The specific Scope of Service is as follows: Task 1: Field Survey No additional field surveys are included in this Scope. Field surveys have already been performed at the request of Mr. Bucknell. The work already accomplished consisted of topography and cross section points taken by data collector. Task 2: Record Data Collection Property lines, tract boundaries, and existing street right of way will be based on Trunk Sewer Plans provided by the City. Task 3: Utility Research Underground Service Alert will be contacted to provide a list of all utility companies with facilities at the project site. These companies will be asked to provide locations of major transmission and collection facilities. This information will be used to verify that provided on the Trunk Sewer Plans provided by the City and locate new facilities installed after the sewer plans were prepared. Task 4: Agency Coordination Agencies affected by the improvements will be contacted to determine policies and requirements that must be fulfilled. The agencies will include Caltrans. proposal/fontana/foothill.gjh 1 Task 5: Plan and Profile Plan and Profile sheets will be developed using the information gathered in the prev/ous tasks. The drawings will be submitted at a scale of 1" = 40'. The plan view will show the following information: · Centefline c~mtrol · Existing 'topography from Trunk Sewer Plans provided by the City · Typical sections · Curbs and edge of road improvements · Existing right of way lines, property lines, and boundary lines · Cut and fill slope limits The vertical profile will be prepared at a scale of 1"=4' and will show the following information: · Existing ground profile at centefline and proposed curb face · Proposed centerline and curb vertical curves and grades Adjacent parcels affected by the alignment study will be identified by assessors parcel number. Cross section sheets will be prepared and included in the plans. Task 6: Traffic Signing and Striping Plans will be prepared for signing and striping the improvements in accordance with Caltrans criteria. Traffic control will 'be based on the Caltrans "Manual of Traffic Controls". Task 7:: Coordination and Meetings Due to the nature of this project, it will be important to coordinate with affected parties and to communicate about the direction of the project. Periodic meetings will be held every two weeks with City Staff to discuss the status of the project. The project will be coordinated with other public and private agencies as defined under Task 6. Task 8: Specifications Technical Specifications will be prepared based on Caltrans Standard Specifications and Standard Special Provisions. Methods of measurement and payment will be clearly indicated for each bid item. These documents will be prepared for inclusion into the City's standard proposal and contract documents. proposal/fontana/[oothilLgjh 2 Task 9: Cost Estimates Quantity Estimates and Engineer's Cost Estimates will be prepared for each bid item. Units of measurement will be based on Caltrans Standard Specifications. Unit Costs will be based on the Caltrans Construction Cost Summary for the prior year. Information to be provided by the City BSI requests that the City provide the following information at the appropriate time: ,, Copies of maps on file with the City, such as tentative maps, parcel maps and tract maps for properties in the area of the improvements ,, As-built plans of existing infrastructure such as streets, waterlines, sewerlines, and storm drains in the area of the proposed improvements Names and telephone numbers of any private utilities which might be affected by the improvements, and may not be listed by Underground Service Alert. Sample plans, specifications, and cost estimates for street improvements in the City of Fontana. Items not included in the Scope of Services The following tasks can be provided by BSI Consultants but are not included in the fees or budget estimates enclosed in this proposal: Right of way descriptions and plats Right of way acquisition ,, Hydrology and hydraulic calculations and storm drain design ,, Landscaping and irrigation plans Soils engineering and R-value testing Waterline and sewerline design ,, Presentations to City Council Design of offsite improvements proposal/fontana/foothilLg~h 3 STREET IMPROVEMENT EXPERIENCE AND RF, FERENCES PROJECT REFERENCE Foothill Parkway and Mr. Leon Lies Chase Drive Special Projects Director Precise Alignment Study City of Corona (714) 736-2235 South Poway Parkway Mr. Gordon Dobler (on-going) Special Projects Director City of Poway (619) 748-6600 Monroe Street Widening Mr. John Cahill (on-going) Municipal Projects City of Ca~sbad (619) 438-1161 SR 67/ Mr. Al H. Krier Woodside Avenue Interchange Public Works Director City of Santee (619) 258-0206 SR 54 Burton Meyers City Engineer City of National City (619) 336-4380 Mast Boulevard Mr. Al H. Krier Prime Arterial Public Works Director City of Santee (619) 258-0206 Mission Gorge Road Mr. Al H. Krier Public Works Director City of Santee (619) 258-0206 proposal/fontana/foothill.gjh 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements Task Estimated Hours Fee. PE CE E3 DR CL 1. Field Survey 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 2. Data Collection 0 1 4 0 0 435 3. Utility Research 0 1 4 0 2 525 4. Agency Coordination 0 2 8 0 4 1,050 5. Plan and Profile 2 8 24 40 2 4,680 6. Signing and Striping 1 2 6 8 2 1,195 7. Coordination and Meetings 8 16 0 0 4 2,700 8. Specifications 2 8 16 0 8 2,730 9. Cost Estimates 1 1 2 2 2 530 Total Labor Costs: $13,845 Estimated Miscellaneous Costs: 350 Total Time and Materials Fee Not To Exceed: $14,195 Abbreviations: PE Principal Engineer CE Civil Engineer E3 Engineer III :DR Draftsman CL Clerical SCHEI)UI Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements It is anticipated that the Plans will be completed approximately 30 calendar days after Notice to Proceed, excluding City and Calltans review time. proposal/fontana/foothilLgjh 5 BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. SCHEDUI~ OF HOURLY RATES April 1, 1990 Principal Engineer $ 125.00 Associate 95.00 Engineer III 85.00 Draftsperson 45.00 Word Processor II 45.00 Out-of-.Pocket expenses (blueprinting, reproduction and printing) will be invoiced at cost plus 15%. A 15% fee for administration, coordination and handling will be added to subcontracted services. Mileage will be invoiced at $0.36/mile. This Schedule of Hourly Rates is effective as of April 1, 1990. Rates may be adjusted after that date to compensate for labor cost increases and other increases due to inflationary trends. proposal/fontana/foothilLgjh 6 ADDrFIONAL TERMS AND CONDrHONS Terms of Compensation BSI will submit invoices monthly to the City of Fontana for the percentage of work completed during the previous month. The City of Fontana agrees to pay all undisputed invoices within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. The City of Fontana agrees to notify BSI of any disputed invoice amounts within ten (10) days of the invoice date. Delinquent invoices will be subject to a late payment carrying charge computed at a periodic rate of L5% per month, which is an annual percentage rate of 18%, which will be applied to any unpaid balance commencing forty-five (45) days after date of the original invoice. Additionally, in the event the City of Fontana fails to pay any undisputed amounts due BSI within forty-five (45) days after invoices are rendered, then the City of Fontana agrees that BSI sitall have the right to consider said default a total breach of this Agreement and the duties of BSI under this Agreement may be terminated by BSI without liability to BSI upon ten (10) working days advance written Notice. Adjustment of Hourly Rates It is the understanding of BSI that this project will be completed prior to April 1, 1991. If the project is delayed beyond that date at the request or direction of the City of Fontana, BSI requests that the hourly rate schedule included in this proposal be updated at that time, due to inflation. This update would result in a possible increase in the total Not to Exceed fee. Ownership of Documents The City of Fontaria acknowledges and agrees that all plans, specifications, reports and other design documents prepared by BSI pursuant to this agreement shall be used exclusively on this project and shall not be used for any other work without the written consent of BSL In the event the City of Fontaria and BSI permit the reuse or other use of the plans, specifications, reports or other design documents, the City of Fontann shall require the party using them to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fontana and BSI regarding such reuse or their use, and the City of Fontaria shall require the party using them to eliminate any and all references to BSI from the plans, specifications, reports and other design documents. Client-Provided Information The City of Fontana agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BSI CONSULTANTS, INC., its officers and employees from and against any and all liability, damages, costs, losses, claims and expenses due to incorrect data or information provided by the client including but not limited to utility location data, as-built drawings, topographic survey, geotechnical reports, etc. Cost Estimates The estimated quantities and costs prepared in connection with reports, maps, plans, specifications, or drawings are estimates only and BSI shall not be responsible for fluctuations in cost factors. Estimates of areas or quantities are estimates only and are subject to variation. proposal/fontana/foothill.gjh 7 NNICH.5. 1991 CONSENT CALBI)AR Heettng Date Agenda Placement TO:: Nayor and City Councl3 FR~: Annivory Calvert, Public Norks Director ~/~ INITIATE) BY: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E., Consulting Project Nanager i~r SUBJECT: BSl Consultant Znc.'s Professional Servtces for the Foothill/Beech Sewers ProJect on Footht11 Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and on the Beech Avenue Alignment from Foothill to Baseline. CURRENT ACTION REQUESTED: TO APPROVE A FEE INCREASE REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH CONSULTANTS FOR THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWERS PROJECT; THE FEES ARE TO BE INCREASED TO BE AS FOLLOWS= PROJECT NANAGEHENT ($15,000 TO $20,000); CONTRACT ADNINISTRATION/CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION (FRON $50,000 TO $75,000); CONSTRUCTION SURVEY STAKIN6 ($45,000 - NO INCREASE); AND DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR "STREET IHPROVENENTS" ($19,610 - NO INCREASE) FOR A TOTAL FEE INCREASE ANOUNT FRON $129,610 TO $159,610 AS PER 'THE CZTY/BSI NASTER CONTRACT, BUl)SIET I~ACT:I~1 Yes I:1 No The cost of these professional engineering services (proJect management, contract adstnlstratlon/constructton inspection, consl:ructton surveying, and design) will be from the Foothill/Beech Sewer' ProJect Account NLaber 071-7218-2900. Sufficient funds are available for this pro4ect. Thts has been reviewed with the Budget office,. nfVZROmeTAL reFiT: I_'1 Yes I~1 No On Oecembew B, 1989, the City Council approved a motion for 8 negative declaratfon for constructing a sewer line in Foothill 8oulevard from Hemlock Avenue to Lime Avenue and in Beech Alignment from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue. On Ar~rtl 17, lggO, the City Counct1 approved a fee request for profeslstonal services wtth BSX Consultants, lnc., to provide construction engineering services for the Foothill/Beech Sewers Project. The fees included project management ($15,000), contract administration/construction inspection ($50,000), and construction survey staking (' i,O00) ?or a total amount of ' 0,000 as per the Ctty/BSZ Naster C~...ract. from $1ZO,O00 to $}29,6~0 for profesSIonal services wfth BSI Consultants. This increase was for the street tm;,rov~nte destgn in front of parcels A.P.N. 228-251-~7, A.P.N. 228;-251-i6. A.P.N, 228-251-31, and A.P.N, 228-25Z-09. The street improvement plans tn front of parcels A.P.N. 228-25Z-11 and A.P.N. 228-251-16 w111 be to remove and replace the extsttng curb and gutter and place the proposed curb and gutter at the ultimate location of 47 feet from the centerline of Foothill Boulevard. In front of pareels A.P.N. 228-25~-37 an, A.P.N. 228-251-09, curb and gutter will be ~laced at the ultfeate location. These street tmproveeenta are required to cooply w~th the Calftans perair and the property owners' settlecent agreeeent on Foothill Boulevard. dUSTIFICATION: Th~s addtt4one~ fee ~ncrease for project mnageeent and contract adNnfstrat4on/constructton Inspection was due to~ the V~llage of Herltage'a construction manager shutttng down the Foothill Sewer Project'from Cherry to Heelocl~ pondtag resolution of pro~ect financing by the Ctty's Seer Fund (Council Actton on September 18, 1990), thus necessitating a shut down and reeoblltzatton by the contractor on the Foothill/bach Seers Pro~ect; extra coordination t~ma on the project and the street ~proveeent plans; and extra coordination ttma on a detour plan w$th public advertisement/news release and publlc safety agencies contact for · manhole ~nstallatton on Baseline Avenue. ATFNalEIfF$: I. Council ltnutes dated December S, 1989, Apt11 11, IggO, September 4, lggO and September 18, ~990. SUBNITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: , RECOH~DI)ED BY: .. C A sop or a le ~ ~ Publh: Verb Dtrector Steve Oettsch Ctty 14anager City Nanager AC:GJI;s~3 i~/16aBQ ~. Pernardo Drive san Die.,~o, CA ~ZlZ? RECEIVED ~Et~) 451-5100 MAR O 4 199l PUBLIC WORKS $tatsment of ~ccou~t ENGINEERING FONTANA~ CITY Of Client No: GC059~ CITY OF FONTARA Page No..: 1 G~G~E~NELL~ P[ CONSLT PRJ HGR jj5] SIERRA AVENUE FO~TANA~ CA Project Invoice invoice Invoice Amount Current ~umoer 0escriiption Number ~ate Amount ~eceived ~aLance 076dO.GO F00THZLL 5LVO-IMP 74461 01117191 435.00 .e0 435.00 74Q~0 02115/91 3,6e0.OC I---S~E NOTICE .... | ~ Current I | 30 Oays 1 i OG Oays I I gC Days+ ] 3stance Due 3,~0o00 4~5,00 .OC ,00 4~11~,0~ NOTICE: Accounts with ~alances in the ~O and qO+ cot~mns are considered aeLinquent, These accounts may be subject to a late payment csrrying charge computed at a oeriodlc rate of 1o5% per month com.~encin~ forty-five (45) ~ays after the date of the invoice, SENT BY: V ;12-1Q-90; 3:16PM; ?'V, f37691-, 619451169~,;~ 2 Ci~ OF FO~ ~GZHEERZNe OEPARTH~ COST ~TZ~TE '~BXT ~ZNEER ,s~(~ T~ ~P NO, :~P~N~ ~. ~lqJ~H~-qqo~ PARCEL ~ ~,./qo. DATE ~ ~ ~T~ ~ Q~I~ ~lT UNIT COST ~OUNT 6, URB & ~ O - fig L.F. L.F. 8,~0 HZ L,F. - 600 L.F. ~ L.F, 8,00 603 L,F. - lOgO L.,F. ' L.F. 7.~0 ~0OZ L,F. - UP L.F. 7,00 8" CURB i ~B O - 2EG L.F. ~ L,F. Z~2~ L,F, - 500 L,F, L,F. 8.50 - UP ' L.F. 7,50 8" ~l~ C~SS ~ER ~' S.F, 4.~ . 4' SZD~A~ O - 2e S.F. S.F, ~4~ $,F, - 480 S,F, ' S.F. ~1 t,P, - UP " S.P. S.~ ~EEL C~IR ~P "' U 300.00 DRIVE ~Y ~P~A~ES ~ S.P. 2.~ fl~LT C · DIKG L,F, ZNPO~ ~ ~,~ S,P, ,03 C,Y. 4,~ iA.C. 'OVER Z~ T~ ... ) T~ 3B.~ WA,C, ~iR ~ T~) T~ 60.~ . A,C,OV~ 1" NIN. L,F, LeO ~ S~ CL~ ~ ~ ~R B 215.00 S~[~ LZ~$ ~ Z,OOO.~ ' ... .... ~VAL g A,C, II ' ' L,F. ~ffiAZNZl'l ~l l/l ft. OR LESS: L,F. t3.60 ;BLG ~ ~ ~, L.F, ~0.00 ~ ~ L,F. ~ECTO~ ~S ~ ~ SIN ~ 80.~ e -. · ~ A.C, ~LTXG COKR~ SEN~ BY: %sf 812-10-90; 3:I?PM'; ~07591~ 619~511594~# 3 " SHEET 2 ~5'OIIIDiIAIR ~iqtOVillBITS I'EN QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AHOUNT *10"RCP 1800 D L.F. 45.00 *18"RCP 2000 D L.F. 50.00 '24"RCP 1600 D L.F. 50.00 *24"RCP 1800 D L.F. 65.00 *30"RCP , L.F. 77.00 *36"RCP L.F. 92.00 ,48~RCp L.F. 108.00 *64"RCP ~ L.F. 123.00 IASIN/CURB INLETz CATC, M-1 EA 3,200.00 W. 10 EA 3,160o00 ~-~4 EA 4,250.00 ~"21 ' ' EA 6,200.00 ""~ dUNCTION STRUCTURE F.A 3,200.00 TRAFFIC 'rYP! OUNCTION STRUCTURE EA 2,808.00 OISCHARBE 'STRUCTURE EA 2,100.00 MANltOLE8 I " EA 2,000.50 ILOCAL DEPRESSION RE ...... EA 1,02~.50 81U~TE INLET~STRUCTU EA 2,Z00.00 """ i ! EA 2,500.00 iI(ANHOLES48~ D EA 2,000.00 ~OROP 14~/t~jiO'ESIAz Ill ffilXlt; EA 2,500.00 EA 600.00 iR**E~ODELZll 0F EX ST EA 800.00 LF Z3.25 'VCP ** Z __ LF 20.00 ** ZieYCP LF ~4.00 ** Z8"VCF LF 30,00 ~TPJ~FIG SIiNRL CONPLET[~ iPAINT TIt~FIG SI(~IPE 1CO~ EA/LS XOOK,126K, ISOK :pEDESTRI.QIGROSSVAI.KSTR~PINI L.F. .26 Z.S9 IIIIJIAE3I NON-REF~ECTI¥E) EA ~PAVDIENT ~REFLECTORSNID IOSTS ~_o EA 85.00 :8TRKi'I' SIMS ~ EA 80.00 , REINFORCB)iCONCRIrrE PIPE **YI/RIFIE5 ~LAY PIPE SENT BY: 112-10-90; 3:1?PI; 71~8507691~ 619451189~;# 4 SHEET 3 COITEILI!IENBINI INFI)VDIENTS MEDIAN ISLAND IMPROVENEWTS BASED ON A MODEL OF 330 LINEAL FT Z4* WIDE pESCRI:PTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST SUB TOTAL 36~ BOXED PALM TREES 8 SO0.O0 4,000.00 ZSiGALLON TREES S 60.00 480.00 $ 9ALLOW SHRUBS 34 i. O0 272.00 GROUND'COVERI~SQ.FT.} 2670 .ZO 814.00 YDNOSEEDED RF (SQ.FT.) 5200 .06 312.00 Ze le Tzo. S-SYSTEMS (S-VALVES) a SOD,Q0 3.000.00 oo .oo ;~IMaPR DIENT NECESSARY iiA~:!PL~pT DEMOLITION SO. FT. 7,534 .Be. 4,972.44 REP iS ARATION i FINE GRADINg SQ.FT. 7,S34 .3B 2,638.g0 i~8" P.C.C. CURB!(LINEAR FT.) 800 8.50 6,80O.OO" 'NO'!NTBLANCE (90 DAYS) 3,000.00 e I Z7.409.34 TOTAL ;5:987.34 i!;0~ A RANPLE CALCULATION BASED ON A 14'! WIDE MEDIAN IHPROVENENT INCLODINO THE ABOVE ITEH$, 1/2 OF FAIR :S~RE CONTRIBUTION AT $40.00 L.F, II;TE: THE UNIT COSTS SHO~ ABOVE DO NOT INCLUOE ITEHS NECESSARY FOR STREET :H~VGIEXI'$ S~CH ASs CONOTRUC1'ION WFIC CONTROL (~ ode. ,~o. STREET !SIGNS '- METAL lENt IlAItO RAILING (WOOD POST) REPLACIXBff OF EXISTING SURVEY NOHIMENTS RBOV~ OF EXISTING OUTDATED SIGNALS/SIgNS ETC. POWER POLE RBOVALS ASPHALT CONC. DITCH .. SENT BY~ ~ 112-10-90; 3:18PM; .~,850'7691~ 6194511694;# 5 ~ $HE~ 4 O:F-SITE CONSTRUCTION PETIT (RES Sg-Zg4) M|NZMUH INSPECTION FEE ...... .$S0.00 ESTZHATED CONSTRUCTION COST/PEP. HIT COST OiTO $28,000 - $40 + B~ OF CONSTR. COST 26,001 TO SU,O00 - COST OVER 25,001 x 4.5~ + 1,290.00 il : ITo,,..ooo-,OSTOVER..OOI TO $100,000 - COST OVER li,O01 x 3.5+ 3s41B.O0 $L00~001 & UP= COST OVER 100,001 x 3.0'/, + 4~290.00 PERHIT COST THE ABOVE ITEN/ZED UNIT COST ARE REAL FOR THE LAST QUARTER OF 1989. THE SURVEY TAKEN CONBIN~ BOTH PRIVATE INDUSTRY SUBDIVISION INPROVBENTS NO ~OVEllENT PRO~ECTS BIDDED THROUBH THE DALLY REPORT NE~S LE'R'ER FOR ~ BERNARDINO, RIVERS/DE i LqS ANGELES COUNTIES. SUB TOTAL ' PI~ Io% " irok BONDING POSES ADD 3.~AS CONTINGENCY COST IN SUBDIVISION PROOECTS sue TOTAL '7~ ~ tO. ~ (,,~ STREET LZQITS O · NATLIt IRPROVBE!frS of Fontana LIFORNIA November 26, 1990 Mr. Timothy M. Shell, P.E. BSI Consultants, Inc. 16880 West Bernardino Avenue San Diego, CA 92127 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project "Foothill Boulevard Street Improvement Plans" Dear Mr. Shell: Enclosed for your action and use are one set of redlined plans and copies of Caltrans "As-built" plans (5 sheets) on the above referenced project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-6646. Sincerely, Gre~oryJ. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager GJB:cm cc: G. Hulsizer A. Calvert C. Sweet R. Wellington 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(RO. 8OX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA r ~ -,, ~' ~% .....' DEPARTMENT 'OF PI~LIC-WORKS ' '~ ~, D~ISION OF HIGIIWA~ '~¢ ;. .... ~-":~ ~' ~%-~ ~k~ - ' ' ._~.~ S3 TE H1GH CAY !n Sa ~rn~dkne &,,.t~ l~n WogtarlvBdv and San Bern~&~o ' ' ~' Bo~innin~ .of Project -, ' ":"~ ......"=:'=':= .......~"'"'~"":' ' ......' ': AS BUILT P~NS ,~ ~ 7 f~ ,, _ ' ' . Contract No.: ~ _ :'-" ' ' Document No ~+50'A' · · ]~+00~' ZSl'~ 'A' · 274,00 'At ~,~'o, ~*~ 'C' foSfafb. 44'93'C' AS BUILT PLANS ~ TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS Contract No" -- Document No. ~7~ ~'"'~'~"-"'"".~.",~,~.~ AS BUILT PLANS Standard 5up~rel~va~iOn ~ ~ ~ Contract No ' TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS DaTe Completed ........... -- ~ .... ~CTION H ~th of ~bed 62' B~N~ 51A C~ Slopes l~m Fill Slo~s ~ I "- AS BUILT P~NS Contract NO. Date Camp eted I~GO /scAr mAcr ~{~ \ rg, Width of 270 ~ ~ i270 ~2_~ ~.¢,l'r,~ Aq~ ~TC BSIJobNo. ?.0. 6~)~ ~1~ Project:_Fobt~,tL_ Via: D Messenger ~ Express D Blueprinter D Pickup ~Mail B Other We are fommrding herewith: Originals __ Copies ~_ Report Specifications ~ Prints _~ Plans ~ Drawings _ ~ Other Description: ~ ~ a~ ~ I~ ~ I ~ ~ _e This material is: E] For your approval. D Approved by us. ~ For your review. ~ Returned by us. E3 For your files. g For use on job. E] Peryour request. From: BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. Copies to: 7~ Received by: If enclosures received are not as listed above, notify us at once. 16880 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, California 92127 (619) 451-6100 FAX: (619) 451-1694 City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A Hr. Timothy H. Shell, P.E. BSI Consultants, Inc. 16880 West Bernardino Avenue San Diego, CA 92127 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project "Foothill Boulevard Street Improvement Plans at Various Locations" Dear Hr. Shell~ Enclosed for your use are one set of sample construction specifications, one title sheet sample for street improvements, and a memorandum copy with required pavement notes for street improvements. I could not find a sample street improvement project approved by Caltrans. Use Celttans Standard Specifications as the "Referenced Specifications" in construction specifications. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714} 350-6646. S~_e~ly~ G~. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Hanager GaB=sh Attachments CC: A. Calvert C. Sweet R. Wellington Y. Patanwala J. D'Alessio 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -' KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 27, 1990 Nr. Timothy N. Shell, P.E. BSI Consultants, Inc. 16880 West Bernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92127 RE: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project "Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements Plans at Various Locations" Dear Mr. Shell: Enclosed for your files and action are copies of Change Order No. One {1} in the amount of $19,610; Purchase Order No. 21702; BSI Work Order Form signed by Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director; City Council Action Report dated September 4, 1990J BSI's proposal dated July 6, 1990; and Caltrans' plan folding procedures. Please note the maximum reimbursement for mileage is $0.25/mile. This letter will serve as your "'Notice To Proceed". If you should have any questions, please contact me at {714) 350-6646. GreoCr/yj. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Nanager GjB:jvw Enclosure cc: A. Calvert C. Sweet R. Wellington Y. Patanwala J. D'Alessio L. Rombaugh 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN& CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA BSI CITY OF FONTANA REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING 8ERVICE8 BBI CON~U~TANTS~ INC. DATR! Seotel3ber 10. 1990 REQUleSTMD Blft Gregory J. Bucknell, Consulting Project M~n~[er PROJmt~TI ' Foothill/Beech Sewer Project improvement plane cn the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project I}RO3[/,"~ 8Cli!|DI~T'IDi 60 Days from notice-to-proceed EBTIIlXt'~D C08tt $19,610 ACCOUNT NUM~BIS 071-7218-2900 REMARI~81 See attached September 4. 1990. Cit~ Council Acttnn Report BSI's proposal dated July 6, 1990. 2/27/ee · '.CI'I"Y OF FOh"fANA h,,'j PuRc.As,.e USE O.LY DISTRIBUTION BALANCE S CHANGE ORDER AMouNT oF ,NCREASE AMOUNT OF DECREASE $ TO: PURCHASING TOTAL ADJUSTMENT S FROM: ~:h.tb'l-[c Works/E~.9'. COMPLETION DATE Deportment P.O, PACKET NO, CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 _ TO PURCHASE ORDER NO. 21702 VENDOff! BSI Consu_ltant_s, Inc. Foothill/Beec_h S~.eWer~ PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE PURCHASE ORDER WITH THIS FORM. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE LINE: X INCREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF INCREASE S._ DECREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF DECREASE $ CANCEL PURCHASE ORDER CHANGE ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) JUSTIFICATION To~OrOvide en~i~eer~in_g services for street improvemen~ plans. See attached Council approval. IF THERE IS MORE THAN ('l) ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOLVED, USE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW, ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT )]~ ~p~ ~ ,_ ........ ~ oATEn'. RNANCE D~RECTQR DAlE REVISED White-Purchasing Debt Yellow-DeOt Complehon Pink-Accounts Payable Goldenro~Ongmating Dept BLANKET P.O, ~K ~ ECEN~ ~Y ~U I~I ~~~- CONTRACT ON FILE I~ ID P~ ~lP A~ F~ m ~ ~N REQUISITION NO. C DEPT. 5757: ..c..~. '~ ~-"" RECEiviNG AGENDA [TF.~ CITY CIN!MCIL ACTION REPORT SEPTI~!BER 4, 1990 CONSE]ff CALigI)AR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Annivory C. Beard, Public Works Director INITIATIED BY: Gregory O. Bucknell, P.E., Consulting Project Manager~l~ SUBJECT~ Sewer Line Construction in Foothill Boulevard from He Avenue to Lime Avenue and in Beech Avenue Alignment from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue CURRE~ff ACrIOM REQUESTEli: 1. T~' APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION INCREASE FROM $110,000 TO $129,610 FROM THE SEWER FUND FOR A FEE REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH BSI CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE FOOTHILL/BEECH TRUNK SEWER PROJECT LOCATED IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HEMLOCK AVENUE TO LIME AVENUE AND IN BEECH AVENUE ALIGNMENT FROM FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO BASELINE AVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,610. 2. TO APPROVE A FEE INCREASE REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH BSI CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE FOOTHILL/BEECH TRUNK SEWER PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,610. PRIOR APPROVED FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT {$15,000); CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION/INSPECTION ($50,000)1 AND CONSTRUCTION SURVEY STAKING ($45,000) FOR A TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT FROM $110,000 TO $129,610 AS PER THE CITY/BSI MASTER CONTRACT. BUDGET IMPACT: ILl Yes i_1 No The cost of construction for engineering services (design, administration, inspection, survey) for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Line project will be paid from the City Sewer Fund (North Fontana Sewer Account) and will be transferred to the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, Account No. 071-7218-2900. Sufficient funds are available for this project. These funds come from developer purchase of sewer connection rights. E36fIRORRE31TAL IMPACT: I_'l Yes [~'l No On December 5, 1989, the City Council approved a motion for a negative declaration for constructing a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock Avenue to Lime Avenue and in Beech Avenue Alignment from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue. On December 5, 1989, the City Council approved a motion to authorize the Public Works Department to advertise for bids for the construction of a sewer line in Foothilll Boulevard from Hemlock Avenue to Lime Avenue and in Beech Avenue Alignment from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue and approved the appropriation of $1,000,000 from the City Sewer Fund for the project. On April 17, 1990, the City Comancil awarded a construction contract in the amount of $699,970 plus $69,997 {10% construction contingency) and a professional service request in the amount of $110,000. On June 19, lggO, the City Council approved compensation in the amount of $72,236 to San Gabriel Valley Water Company for abandonment of certain water distribution facilities and for the installation and removal of a temporary waterline on Foothill Boulevard. On July 5, 1990, the City Council approved compensation in the amount of $4,500 to Fontaria Union Water Company for abandonment of certain water distribution facilities in the Beech Avenue Alignment. To date $956,703 of the $1,000,00Q appropriation has been committed; and with the approval of this fee increase for design engineering services in the amount of $19,610, a total of $976,313 will be co~mnitted. This additional design engineering service is required to comply with the Caltretns permit and the property owners' settlement agreement on Foothill Boulevard. The design will be for street improvement plans in front of parcels A.P.N. 228-2!31-17, A.P.N. 228-251-16, A.P.N. 228-251-37, and A.P.N. 22B-251-09. The street improvement plans will be to remove and replace the existing curb and guttest, and place the proposed curb and gutter at the ultimate location of 47' from the centerline of Foothill Boulevard per Caltrans standards and requilpements. AI'rAC~IERTS: Minute actions of December 5, 1989, April 17, 1990, June 19, 1990 and July 5, 1990 SUBMlen,~l~Y~L(~9.,' REVIEW~ 3Y: RECOHNENOED BY: Environmental Protection e Deputy C~ty Manager Manager City Attorney For John 0'Sullivan For Anntvory C, Beare C~ty Manager Public MoPKs DIrector ACB:GOB:bJp Pu=ltc heBPtng was opened on sewer 1the construction gO APRV NEG on Footht11 Boulevard from HemlQC~ to Lime an~ Beech Avenue SEIER LINE from FoothtH Avenue to 8asel~ne. FOOTHILL BLVD AUTHORIZE HO 8g-4~G No wraCk=in coffnuntcatton was received ~n favor or opposition. PuUItc Works DIrector, Anntvory Calvert gave the staff report, Spea~tng in favor vas Nelson Ntller, Ster?i Engineering, Z7007 Fifth Street, HIghland, CA,, representing Presley Homes. Spea~tng ~n opposttto~ were:.; (t) Carl Atktnson, ~5Z8! Foetht11 Blvd,, Font·hi, CA,, submitt·d,· report to the CGunlm11 stattng ol~ecttan$ to ~he Environmental Impact Ril~or~ (2) Slgfredo Conce~cton, Z5390 Foothill B1vd,, Fontaria, CA,, s~ated he operates a boarding cart facility and expressed concern for safety and q~esttoned liability tf someone were to be tnJured, '(3) Joe 80no, P,O, Box 36~5, Fontone, CA,, stated has bus~ness te located on the south stde and he wtll not ~e able to use th~s se~er 1the stncl It 1s on the north, He also expressed concern with htgh wtndl vtth ~he elimination of trees and requests ~ wtrtd study, (4) Ron C·ron, P,0, Box ttSZ, Upland, CA,, st·te~d there has been a lac~ of co.~.un~catton between the Ctty and ctttzen$ and requested to ·ca ·s I lt·son, 8o~ SHeale, Publlc ~ork$ Department stated the se~er has [~een designed accordtng to the N·$ter Plan, noting the locatton has been destOned by C·ltr·ns, Ntttg·tton measures are being taken to control dust and notse. H·yor' Simon left ·~ 7:58 p.m. returned ·t 8:00 p.m. City Attorney Also~ stated · Losl of Busthess Form can be su. bmttted noZtng before and after has. C~ty Nan·get, John 0'$ullhin st·ted he ~ould ~ork .tth the ctttzenS to alleviate their concerns. Pu~11c heartng was closed. ACTIONs Notton was made by Council Neber Kragness. seconded by Count11 No=or Abernathy approverig I negaZtve declaration for constructing a se~er 1the on Footnt11 Boulevard fr~ Heloc~ to Lt~ and 8e~c~ Avenue from FooCht11 to 8/sellne. Norton carr~H by a vote of 4-0, ~:0Ns Norton ~lS ~de by Ceunctl Ne~er Ioyles. seconded by Council Ne~er Kragnesl authorizing the Pu~11c torks Demerit to advertise for ~1d the construcZt~ of I SMF 1the on F~tht11 ~levard frm N.l~t to Lea Ind 8e~h Avenue fr~ Football to"Basellne~ and approvtng the appropriation of St,000,000 fr~ the Ctty Smr Fund for the proJKt. No~to,n carrtH by t vote of 4-0. 6450 C;~Y Council Minutes 8 April 17, ACTIOIh Morton was made by Council Member Murray, 10B (I) seconded by Council Member Abernathy accepting a btd AWARD CQN- tn the amount of $599,970 and award a contract to Grbavac TRACT FOOTHILL and Prkavtn, a Joint venture, for the construction of the TRUNK Foothill Boulevard Trunk Sewer from Hemlock Avenue to Ltme MQ 90-169 Avenue and the Beech Interceptor Sewer from Foothill 8oulevard 1;o Baselthe Avenue. Notion carried by a vote of 4-0. A~"riOIh Motion was made by Council Member Murray, seconded lOB by Mayor Simon authorizing a contingency fund in the amount FOOTHILL of $69,997 (10% of the contract amount) to come from the TRUNK SEWER $1,000,000 which was appropriated for this project at the NO 90-190 Council Hooting of December 5, 1969. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0. City Counctl Minutes -4- June 19, 1990 W. AppIPovtng compensation in the amount of $72,236 APRV COMPENSAT to San Gabrtel Valley Water Company for abandon- SAN GABRIEL men~ of certain water distribution facilities and VALLEY WATER CO for the Installation and removal of a temporary ABANDON WATER waterline on Foothill Boulevard. FACXLZTY NO 90-306 City Council Minutes -3- July 5, 1990 F. Approvtng compensation in the amount of $4,500 to APRV COMPEN Fontone Union Water Company for abandonment of certain FQNTANA UNION walter distribution facilities in the Beech Avenue WATER/ABANDON atignment. DISTRIB FAC BEECH ALXGN' NO 90-333 BSI Consultants, Inc. July 6, 1990 Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Subject: Proposal for Engineering Sen'ices: Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements Dear Mr. Weddle: BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. is pleased to submit this proposal for the subject project in response to your request dated June 28, 1990. As discussed in a telephone conversation with Mr. Gregory Bucknell on June 27, 1990, the project consists of street improvements to Foothill Boulevard at two locations and shown on Foothill Trunk Sewer plans sent to us by Mr. Bucknell. The project will be managed and designed by our staff located at our corporate offices in San Diego. Gary J. Hobson, P.E., will be the Principal-in-Charge and will provide overall quality control. Mr. Timothy M. Shell, P.E., will manage the project and be BSI's contact person for the City. It will be his responsibility to provide proper design and insure timely completion of the project within the City's budgetary restraints. The Project Engineer, Mr. Neal Brown, E.I.T., will be personally involved in the design and will direct staff efforts. Surveying has been completed prior to this proposal. We would like to assure you that BSI is very excited about providing engineering services for this important project. The City will be pleased with the services that BSI will provide. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss our Scope of Services, please call me at (619) 451-6100. Sincerely, BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. GJH/njg proposal/corona/magave.~h Enclosure ~6880 West Bernardo Dr~ve. San D~ego CA 92127 · {619) 451-6100 · FAX (6t9) 451 - 1694 FAX SCOPE OF SERVICES Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements As indicated in the Request for Proposal dated June 28, 1990, the proposed street improvements will be at two locations on Foothill Boulevard. The first site will be in front of parcels A.P.N. 228-251o17 and A.P.N. 228-251-16, and the second in front of parcels A.P.N. 228-251-37 and A.P.N. 228-251-09. This project will be completed in accordance with Caltrans standards. We understand that Foothill Boulevard is a State Highway with a half-width of 47' from centerline to curb face. The three access driveways in front of APN 228-251-17 will be maintained. The specific Scope of Service is as follows: Task 1: Field Survey No additional field surveys are included in this Scope. Field surveys have already been performed at the request of Mr. Bucknell. The work already acomplished consisted of topography and cross section points taken by data collector. Task 2: Record Data Collection Property lines, tract boundaries, and existing street right of way will be based on Trunk Sewer Plans provided by the City. Task 3.: Utility Research Underground Scndce Alert wil be contacted to provide a list of all utility companies with facilities at the project site. These companies will be asked to provide locations of major transmission and collection facilities. This information will be used to verify that provided on the Trunk Sewer Plans provided by the City and locate new facilities installed after the sewer plans were prepared. Task 4: Agency Coordination Agencies affected by the improvements will be contacted to determine policies and requirements that must be fulfilled. The agencies will include Caltrans. prolx~at/fi~ntana/foothiH.g~h 1 Task 5: Plan and Profile Plan and Profile sheets will be developed using the information gathered in the previous tasks. The drawings will be submitted at a scale of 1" = 40'. The plan view will show the following information: · Centerline control · Existing topography from Trunk Sewer Plans provided by the City Typical sections · Curbs and edge of road improvements · Existing right of way lines, property lines, and boundary lines · Cut and fill slope limits The vertical profile will be prepared at a scale of 1"=4' and will show the following information: · Existing ground profile at centerline and proposed curb face · Proposed centefline and curb vertical curves and grades Adjacent parcels affected by the alignment study will be identified by assessors parcel number. Cross section sheets will be prepared and included in the plans. Task 6: Traffic Signing and Striping Plans will be prepared for signing and striping the improvements in accordance with Caltrans criteria. Traffic control will be based on the Caltrans "Manual of Traffic Controls". Task 7:: Coordination and Meetings Due to the nature of this project, it will be important to coordinate with affected parties and to communicate about hte direction of the project. Periodic meetings will be held every two weeks with City Staff to disucss the status of the project. The project will be coordinated with other public and private agencies as defined under Task 6. Task 8: Specifications Technical Specifications will be prepared based on Caltrans Standard Specifications and Standard Special Provisions. Methods of measurement and payment will be clearly indicated for each bid item. These documents will be prepared for inclusion into the City's standard proposal and contract documents. proposal/fontana/foo~hill.g~h 2 Task !~ Cost Estimates Quantity Estimates and Engineer's Cost Estimates will be prepared for each bid item. Units of measurement will be based on Caltrans Standard Specifications. Unit Costs will be based on the Caltrans Construction Cost Summary for the prior year. Inforrnation to be provided by the City BSI re. quests that the City provide the following information at the appropriate time: · Copies of maps on file with the City, such as tentative maps, parcel maps and tract maps for properties in the area of the improvements · As-built plans of existing infrastructure such as streets, waterlines, sewerlines, and storm drains in the area of the proposed improvements · Names and telephone numbers of any private utilities which might be affected by the improvements, and may not be listed by Underground Service Alert. · Sample plans, specifications, and cost estimates for street improvements in the City of Fontana. Items :not included in the Scope of Services The following tasks can be provided by BSI Consultants but are not included in the fees or budget estimates enclosed in this proposal: · Right of way descriptions and plats · Right of way acquisition · Hydrology and hydraulic calculations and storm drain design · Landscaping and irrigation plans Soils engineering and R-value testing · Waterline and sewerline design Presentations to City Council · Design of offsite improvements proposal/fontana/foothilt .g~h 3 STRF. I~F IMPROVEMEA~T EXPF.~mNCE AND REFERENCES PROJECT REFERENCE Foothill Parkway and Mr. Leon Lies Chase Drive Special Projects Director Precise A/ignment Study City of Corona (714) 736-2235 South Poway Parkway Mr. Gordon Dobler (on-going) Special Projects Director City of Poway (619) 748-6600 Monroe Street Widening Mr. ,Iohn Cahill (on-going) Municipal Projects City of Carlsbad (619) 438-1161 SR 67/ Mr. AI H. Krier Woodside Avenue Interchange Public Works Director City of Santee (619) 258-0206 SR 54 Burton Meyers City Engineer City of National City (619) 336-4380 Mast Boulevard Mr. A1 H. Krier Prime Arterial Public Works Director City of Santee (619) 258-0206 Mission Gorge Road Mr. AI H. ICrier Public Works Director City of Santee (619) 258-0206 p~posaV~nmnffoo~ill.~h 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements Task Estimated Hours Fee PE CE E3 DR CL 1. Field Survey 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 2. Data Collection 0 I 4 0 0 435 3. Utility Research 0 I 4 0 2 525 4. Agency Coordination 0 2 8 0 4 1,050 5. Plan and Profile 4 16 40 80 2 9,110 6. Signing and Striping 1 2 8 16 2 1,805 7. Coordination and Meetings 8 16 0 0 4 2,700 8. Specifications 2 8 16 0 8 2,730 9. Cost Estimates I 2 2 4 2 755 Total Labor Co~ts: $19,110 Eslimated MisceHaneous Costs: 500 Total Time and Materials Fee Not To Exceed: $19,610 Abbreviations: PE Principal Engineer CE Civil Engineer E3 Engineer III DR Draftsman CL Clerical SCHF. DUI -R Footh~l Boulovard Street Improvements It is anticipated that the Plans will be completed approximately 30 calendar days after Notice to Proceed, excluding City and Caltrans review time. prop~al/fonrana/foothill .Sjh 5 BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. SCH~.DUI ,F, OF HOURLY RATES April 1, 1990 Principal Engineer $ 125.00 Associate 95.00 Engineer Ill 85.00 Draftsperson 45.00 Word Processor II 45.00 Out-of-Pocket expenses (blueprinting, reproduction and printing) will be invoiced at cost plus 15%. A 15% fee for administration, coordination and handling will be added to subcontracted services. Mileage will be invoiced at $0 /mile. This Schedule of Hourly Rates is effective as of April 1, 1990. Rates may be adjusted after that date to compensate for labor cost increases and other increas~ue to inflationary trends. ._ proposal/fontana/foothill ,8jh 6 PLAN FOLDING PROCEDURES 1st SteO -- -8~'~i'- ' / I I ,, Fold accordian style along dotted lines. ' Final Step ' Fold up from bottom then down to display title block in lower right corner creating 8 1/2" x 11" finished product as shown above NOTE: Plans should be folded as individual sheets B81 Job No. Project: ~r)7'H I I..L 5TI~E~ST I1,,I ATTN: ~ol~y ~/cA/gL, L Via: E3 Messenger [] Express [] Blueprinter E3 Pickup v3~Mail [] Other We are forwarding herewith: ~ Originals __ Copies __ Report __Specifications ~ Prints __ Plans Drawings 2- Other Description: ~ /f~°(~°~4/-<; 'l~°rz- FooTNiLC This material is: E3 For your approval. [] Approved by us. [] For your review. [] Returned by us. [] For your files. [] For use on job. Dl~Z Per your request. [] / .... From: BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. Copies to: ~ Received by: If enclosures received are not as listed above, notify us at once, 16880 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127 · (619) 451-6100 · FAX (619) 451 -t694 FAX Mr. Tim Shell aune 28, 1990 Page 2 If you should have any questions, please call me at (714) 350-6646. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer By:'~r~gory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJihbJp Enclosure cc: Ai. Beard Y. Patanwala O., D'Alessio City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 28, 1990 Mr. Tim Shell 8SI Consultants, Inc. 16880 West 8ernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92127 Re: Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements Request for Proposal ('Foothill/Beech Sewer Project) Dear Mr. Shell: Per our phone conversation, errclosed for your reference and action are the Foothill Trunk Sewer from Hemlock Avenue to Beech Avenue, the Foothill Trunk Sewer from Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, the Beech Interceptor Sewer Main from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue plans, and right-of-way map on the above referenced project. The proposed street improvement plans will be at two locations on Foothill Boulevard. The first location will be in front of parcels A.P.N. 228-251-17 and A.P.N. 228-251-16 and the second location will be in front of parcels A.P.N. 228-251-37 and A.P.N. 228-281-0g. Generally, the scope of work will include as follows: 1. Preparation of street improvement plans with related traffic, signing and striping plans. 2. The ultimate curb and gutter will be 47' from the centerline of Foothill Boulevard. 3. Three access driveways are to remain in front of the tire shop {A.P.N. 228-251-17). 4. Mike Moore, BSI, has field survey notes on these areas. 5. Caltrans standards shall be adhered to. Foothill Boulevard is a State Highway. 6. Please provide design cost estimate {ASAP). A City of Fontana work authorization is required before commencement of work. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA AGENDA ITEM CITY C06tfCIL ACTIOM REPORT APRIL 17. 1990 CmNISI](T CALBe)AR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Counctl FROM: Annivory C. Beard, Publtc Works Director INITIATED BY: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E., Consulting Project Manager SUBdEC'F: Sewer Ltne Construction tn Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and in Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baselthe Ct~U~ffACTIOM RE~'T~D: TO APPROVE A REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH BSI CONSULTANTS, INC., TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE FOOTHILL/BEECH TRUNK SEWERS PROJECT, THE FEES FOR WHICH ARE TO BE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ($15,000); CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION/INSPECTION ($50,000)| AND CONSTRUCTION SURVEY STAKING ($45,000) FOR A TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $110,000 AS PER THE CITY/BSI MASTER CONTRACT. BUDGEl' raPAct: IF---I Yes I--'1 No The cost of construction for engineering services (inspection, survey, administration) for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Line Project will be paid from the City Sewer Fund (North Fontana Sewer Account). These funds come from developer purchase of sewer connection rights. The materials testing work will be performed for the City by CHJ Geotechnical Consultants for an estimated amount not to exceed $10,000 (by separate contract). E~VXROMMEmAL IMPACT: IZl Yes I~1. No On December 5, 1989, Ctty Counctl approved a motion for a negative declaration for constructing a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and in Beech ,Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. RACKGROLel): On December 5, lg8g, City Council approved a motion to authorize the Public Works Department to advertise for bids on the construction of a sewer line in Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and in Beech Avenue from Foothill Beuleward to Baseline and approved the appropriation of $1,000,000 from the City Sewer Fund for the project. At lOgO0 a.m. on Tuesday, March 20, lg90, bids were opened for the Foothill/ Beech Trunk Sewer Project. Eighteen bids were received. Grbavac & Prkacin Construction, A Joint Venture, was the lowest responsible bidder. An April 17, 19gO, City Council Action Report has been submitted to award the construction contract to Grbavac & Prkacin Construction. J[L~TIFIC~TIO~: This project will require extraordinary construction supervision due to pendtng lawsuits by property owner(s) and other sensitive issues related to thts pro3ect, ATrRDI~BITS: Ninute actton of December 5, 1989 SUBHITTED BY: REVIEt/ED BY: ~kDepart;ment Head Ctty Art ACB:GBI:wp Ctty Counc11Ntnut~)lJ*t 4 ~ Oecember 5, 1989 Public heartng was opened on sewer 11ne construction gD APRV NEG on Footht11 Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and Beech Avenue SEWER LZNE from Foothill Avenue to Baseline. FOOTHILL BLVD AIYrHORZZE B;D NO 89-466 No written co.mJntcatton was received in favor or opposition. Publlc Works DIrector, Annivory Calvert gave the stiff report. Speaking in flyer was Nelson Miller, Sterrl Engineering, 27007 Fifth Street, HIghland, CA., representing Presley Homes. Speaktng in opposition were:.~ (1) Carl A~ktnson, 15186 Footht11 alvd., Fontana, CA,, submttted.a report to the Co~nqctl stating o~ecttons to the Environmental Impact Repor~ (2) Stgfredo ConceFcton, 15390 Foothtll Blvd., Fontaria, CA., stated he operates a boarding care facillty and expressed concern for safety and questioned liability if s~eone were to be injured. (3) Joe Bone. P.O. Box 3615. Fontaria, CA., stated hts business is located on the south side and he will not be able to use this sewer ltne since it is on the north. He else expressed concern with high winds with the elimination of trees and requests a wind study. (4) Ron CaPon, P.O. Box 1151, Upland, CA., stated there has been a lack of co~m~unication between the City and citizens and requested to act as a lieson. Bob Wattle, Public Works Department stated the sewer has been designed according to 'the Master Plan, noting the location has been designed by CeltPans. Mitigation measures are being taken to control dust and noise. Mayor Simon left at 7:58 p.m. returned at 8:00 p.m. City Attorney Alsop stated a Loss of Business Form can be submitted noting before and after loss. City Manager, John O'Sullivan stated he would work with the citizens to alleviate their concerns. Public hearing was closed. ACTION: Notion was made by Council Member Kragness, seconded by Council Member Abernathy approving a negative declaration for constructing a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0. ACTION: Notion was made by Council Member Boyhs, seconded by Council Member Kragness authorizing the Public Works Department to advertise for bid the constructiBm of a sewer line on Foothill Boulevard from Hemlock to Lime and Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline; and approvtng the appropriation of $1,000,000 from the City Seer Fund for the project. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0. CONSULTANTSYINC. ~m: Rf~Bf~ /2~ /2~2~~ ~ BENDER'S r~ NO. (619) 451-1694 ~ ~ER o[ PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE:. ~ SPECIAL. INSTRUCTIONS: , 8880 West; 8erna~do 0rive · San Diego, California 921 ~7 · (81 B) 451 -St 013 · F/~X (81 eJ 4S ~: ~94 ~Bd 8~8 3NI SIN~I~RSNOD IS8 ~:~ G6, 2~ ad~ l~vol~ I~ (titl~p~o~)~ ._ Add~s:? . _ ~ ~ '- Fret C ~ ~g ~ Me HI ~-..~ ~ ~_~DZ___~ ~ R~m~M~ . ~ C~ C~IQII ~t FI .... , _ __, __ __ ~ ::' ___ I~etlve ~im~ ~m .... , _ _ _, _ _ ~do; i 0 8 FOR ~TlbO I'~ ~0 BI~G P~O JO~ ONLY BilO, ~s~ Table ........ ,___.__ _ ...............(re~v. __. ......_ _ _. ..................Uv. P 0 t/Cont~ ~te R~end~: I Ym ~ No Verdi Client ~utho~tion 'Contact: ~Ver~l Ea. !nv . ~ ~st lnv. ~0~ 8~9 3NI S~N~IqRSNO3 IS~ 0~:~ 06, 'Y N/A- Pro jeer: Via: ~senger D Express ~ Blueprinter ~ Pickup ~ Mail ~ Other We are forwarding herewith: Originals Copies Report ___Specifications (. Prints __ Plans Drawings Other This material is: ~ For your approval. ~ Approved by us. B For your review. ~ Returned by us. ~ Foryour files. D For use on job. From: BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. Copies to: /~ ~ Received by: If enclosures received are not as listed above, notify us at once. 1906 S. Commercenter E., Ste. 204, San Bernardino, California 92408 (714) 884-2500 Fax: (714) 381-3632 CONS TANTS, INC. Consultants tm Governmental Agencies BS, Job No, Via: ~senger O Express Q Blueprinter El Pickup Q Mail O Other We are forwarding herewith: ~ Originals ~ Copies __ Report ~Specifications ~rints ~ Plans Drawings Other This material is: ~ For your approval. B Approved by us. ~ Foryour review. B Returned by us. ~ For your files. ~ For use on job. Remarks: A ~CU~ ~ From: BSI .CONSULTANTS, INC. Copies to: L~--/.t ~'~--- Received by: If enclosur'~~ed are not as listed above, notify us at once. 1906 S. Commcrcenter E., Ste. 204, San Bernardino, California 92408 (714) 884-2500 Fax: (714) 381-3632 Page 2 12/22 Prepare reference map for right of way acquistion use 4.0 12/27 Conf. with Susan Roshan re: skeches 0.5 12/28 Review and prepare sketches for acquistion parcels 2.5 TOTAL HOURS 1988: 106.5 hr~ JANUARY, 1989 1/4 Conf. with John Juan. Compile letter, temporary construction easement deeds and sketches and :~eady for mailing certified mail 8.0 hrs 1/5 Send packets to property owners certified mail 3.0 1/9 Conf. with Carl Atkinson, Dinesh Patel, Conf. with Ray Vincenti, John Juan. Investigate concerns raised 7.0 1/ll Review temporary construction easement requirements on Rancho Fontana Plaza Asso. Make field investigation of temporary construction easement and permanent easement needed across Emma Quintana property. Make field investigation of Dinesh Patel property 6.0 1/12 Review concerns raised by John Esposito. Confer with Ray Vincenti(Hall & Foreman). Convey answers to Esposito, he will execute deed. Conf. with John Artukovich re: existing sewer in Lime Ave. and the design of new sewer in Foothill and across his property. Check with Ray Vincente 5.0 1/13 Meet with Susan Roshan at Hall & Foreman office to review certain temporary construction easement needs 1.0 1/16 Conf. with Atty. Edmond Russ, re: Alice Gomach property. He wants temp. const. easement revised in form of agreement. Confo with Joseph BOno re: concerns raised by other owners who have met with him. Conf. with Susan Roshan (Hall & Foreman) 7.0 1/17 Draft terms of agreement on Gomach property for temporary construction easement 4.0 1/18 Conf. with Ray Vincenti re: concerns and questions raised in letter from John Federico. Conf. with John Juan 6.0 1/19 Meeting with John Juan, George Caswell, John Hogan and Ray Vincenti at City Hall. Conduct field investigation 5.0 1/20 Cenf. with John Federico re his concerns. Conf with Vince Monaco. Conf. with Ray Vincenti and John Juan 4.0 1/23 Conf. with Jerry Linton, Citation Homes. He requested changes in temporarylrconstruction easement deed including addition of indemnity clause. Conf. with Joseph Bono, John Juan. 2.0 1/24 Revise deed on Citation Homes adding additional terms including indemnity clause. Conf. with Carl Atkinson. Conf. with Ray Vincenti. Conf. with John Wang, owner of Miller-Beech prop. 3.5 Page 3 1/25 Conf. with Mrs. Heinz Fisher, Dinesh Patel. Conf. with John Artukovich. Conf, with Robert Eberele. Follow-up on their concerns 4.0 hrs. 1/26 Update ownerships and prepare and sent letters, Easement deeds to new owners 8.0 1/27 Conf. with John Juan, Ray Vinc~nti. Conf. with John Wang ~e: Hillside Estate Property. Conf. with Susan Roshan re: changes in ownerships. Revise certain ownerships and transmit new letters, deeds etc. 3.5 1/30 Conduct field investigation of Patel, Fisher and Atkinson properties for any obstructions in easement areas. Conf. with Patel. Conf. with John Juan 5.0 1/31 Conf. with Johh Wang re: his purchase of David Hammer property. Prepare new easement deeds for Village Parkway, Miller-Beech and Hillside Estate properties and transmit 3.0 TOTAL HOURS January, 1989 85.0 hrs. FEBRUARY, 1989 2/1 Conf. with John A~tukovich. Conf. with Ray Vincenti. Conf. with Vince Monaco. Review their concerns and discuss with John Juan 2.5 2/2 Confo with Edwin Anglemyer. Conduct field investigation on concerns raised by Sigfredo Concpcion (Sig-Con Property) and Dinesh Patelo Conf. with Carol Long re: Robert Eberely property 6.0 2/3 Conf. with John Federico. Conf with John Wang - Hillside Estates. Conf. with Ray Vincenti. To La Mirada to meet with Bruce Koenig. 4.5 2/6 Review Agreement covering easement dedication from attorney for Alice Gomach. Conf, with John Wang- Hillside Estates. To Cerritos to meet with John Lum 5.0 2/7 Conf with John Juan, Ray Vincenti. Conf with Joseph Bono 1.5 2/8 Field investigation along Foothill Boulevard. Take photos of each parcel. 4°5 2/9 Review additional information from Hall & Foreman re: Beech Avenue sewer 3°5 2/10 Conf. with Robert Eberele. Review and investigate concerns and questions raised by Carl Atkinson 2.0 2/13 Conf. with John Juan. Review plans on existing sewer in Lime Ave. and confer with John Artukovich 1.5 2/14 Update all parcel files 4.5 2/15 Conf. with Ray Vincenti. Review Presley of Southern California concerns 3.0 Page 4 2/16 Review plans on Dick Boogaard property to determine if additional area is needed for temporary construction easement 1.5 hrs. 2/17 Conf with John Wang - Hillside Estates. Conf. with Ray Vincenti 1.5 2/20 Review additional easement requirements on Hillside Estate and Miller-Beech properties. Conf. with John Juan 3.0 2/21 Conf with Vince Monaco. Prepare new deedson Hillside Estate and Miller-Beech and send to Mr. Wang 3.5 2/22 Prepare new deed on.]Village Parkway property purchased by John Wang from David Hammer 1.5 2/23 Re-check easement requirements on Donald Ward property 2.5 2/24 Conf with Ray Vincenti and John Juan. Conf. with Mr. Wang 1.0 2/27 Prepare letters to all Foothill Blvd. property owners notifying them of worksh6p sessions to be held at City Hall, March 9th and 16th 4.0 2/28 Conf. with Joseph Bono. Update parcel files 3.0 TOTAL HOURS - February, 1989 60.0 hrs. MARCH, 1989 3/2 Conf. with John Juan. Conf. with Joseph Bono 1.0 3/3 Conf. with Patel, Bono re: scheduled workshop. Conf. with John Hogan re: existing sewer line in Lime Ave. 1.5 3/6 Conf. with Ray Vincenti re: workshop to be held at City Hall. Prepare agenda for workshop 1.5 3/7 Conf with Jerry Linton, Citation Homes. Review easement requirements across their property 1.0 3/8 Review files, plans, etc. in preparation for 3/9 workshop session at City Hall 1.5 3/9 Conduct Workshop at City Hall Council Chambers 5.0 3/10 Review and discuss concerns raised by owners at workshop with Ray Vincenti 1.5 3/13 Conf. with Joseph Bono. Conf. with John Juan 1.0 3/15 Conf. with Ray Vincenti 0.5 3/16 Conduct 2nd Workshop at City Hall 4.5 3/17 Discuss concerns and questions raised at 3/16 workshop at City Hall with John Juan 1.0 3/18 Prepare and send letters to Foothill Blvd. property owners for field meeting to be held on 3/29 ~ 2.5 3/21 Conf. with Joseph Bono re: concerns raised at 3/16 workshop. Conf. with Ray Vincenti 1.5 3/23 Conf with Carl Atkinson~ Patel 1.0 3/28 Conf. with John Juan re: 3/29 field meeting with property owners. Prepare list of items to be discussed at field meeting 1.0 Page 5 3/29 Conduct field meeting with property owners on Foothill Boulevard 5.0 hrs. 3/30 Conf. with Ray Vincenti re: questions raised at field meeting with property owners. Conf. with Annivory Calvert 1.5 3/31 Conf. with Joseph Bono~ Investigate concerns raised by Mr. Heinz Fisher re: survey monuments 1.0 TOTAL HOURS - March, 1989 33.5 hrs. APRIL, 1989 4/7 Conf. with John Juan, Ray Vincenti. 0.5 4/10 Conf. with John Wang - Hillside Estates. Conf. with Joseph Bono. Update parcel files 1.5 4/19 Prepare and fax status report to Bob Weddle for staff meeting 1.5 4/27 Meet with Bob Weddle, Yosaf, Ray Vincenti at City Hall 3.5 TOAL HOURS - April, 1989 7.0 hrs. CHARGES: LABOR 1988 - 106.5 hrs. @ $70.00 per hr. = $7,455.00. Maximum fee for 1988 per Agreement 11/29/88 $ 7,000.00 January, 1989 - 85.0 hrs. @ $70.00 per hr. 5,950.00 February, 1989- 60.0 " " " " 4,200.00 March, 1989 - 33.5 " ,r " " 2,345.00 April, 1989 - 7.0 " " " " 490.00 TOTAL LABOR CHARGE THROUGH APRIL 30: $19,985.00 EXPENSES Reproduction Costs: 12/29/88, 1/7/89, 1/8/89 = $ 58.32 Postage: Certified Mailing & Postage for return mailing - 1/9/89, 2/28/89 141.05 TOTAL EXPENSES: 199.37 I ,/~'>~L"~D~.'--~..~ TO~ CH RGE ER THIS INVOICE: $20,184.37 Submitted By : / ~. ~. /. {'/.~.~ K/~,~,/./.~E? ~ t [~ P ch~ obayashf~ KT~gzR,R CRPTFR KINKO'S COPIES 741 ,. p~ ~C.F,TTA 741 N, PLACENTIA 52R-~4~ 528-2430 ~I/NR/RR ~'FR Ai O~O7/Se CHECK TENDERED ~ 2G.85 · ~,. U.S. POSTRL SERVICE FULLERTON CLERK ~'~ ~gl~ ~-~& 658 ~ATE: 02.."2E:.."'~:9 83: :38:12 F'tt CRPTFR ', f7.4~ COPIES ', 7.8~ .................................. Ra~ n. ~7 SUBTTL 7.88 ~nPTFR ', S.RR T~XI E~90 F'OSTAGE: 25. RI I~TTI PZ, Z4 TOTAL ii8 F' 0 METER 1.85 TA~I 1,4n CASH ............ TOTAL: $ ~ RW~C~ C~GE 1.73. CHECK TENDERED $ · ~7s TTFN 65 ITEM ' KINKO'S ~IES - 528-~430 FULLEF~'FON ........................................................... DATE: ¢. ,.':,.~4.':,:~ Oi~:'{:~2E~ PMCOP~ES 'z3,OO !.t0 P 0 >!~TER 2.4~ C~IES ', 4.6~ .... . ..................... COPIES '; 1~,20 TgTAL :: '.~; 1~. 20 SUB~ 23.88 " " TOTAL · +,+,+, TIIAND:: YOU ',:~,:, CASH ]O.O0 C~ 4.69 .,..,'. . ~ ,Q:.~ / '/ AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES CITY OF FONTANA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this~N~day of ~3~t~J~J , 1988, by and between the City of Fontana, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Kobayashi & Associates, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, CITY is undertaking the construction of sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly extension of Beech Avenue. WHEREAS, CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT for the purpose of providing right of way acquisition services for this project. WHEREAS, CONSULTANT, is considered professionally competent to provide the services to accomplish the right of way acquisitions for this project. WHEREAS, CITY seeks voluntary dedications of easements from all the property owners from whom rights of ways are needed for this project at this time. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and CONSULTANT, for the considerations stated herein, agree as follows: I. .SCOPE OFSERVICES CONSULTANT agrees to provide those services described as follows: 1. Preparation of correspondence to property owners to acquire the easements. 2. Incorporation of legal descriptions unto appropriate easement deed forms. 3. Conduct negotiations with property owners. 4. Meet with City staff and consultants involved in this project. 5. Prepare status reports. 6. Prepare right of way cost estimates and outline procedure should voluntary dedication method to acquire easments be unsatisfactory or incomplete. All work will be provided on an as-needed basis as authorized by the CITY and performed in.accordance with State laws and regulations governing the acquisition of property and property rights by public agencies. II. COMPENSATION CITY, agrees to compensate CONSULTANT as follows: 1. Compensation is on an hourly fee rate of $70.00 per hour. 2. Payment shall be made promptly following submittal of a Statement of Charges by the CONSULTANT to CITY on a monthly basis, showing the time spent and a brief descrip- tion of the work performed. 3. Total payment for services to be provided by CONSULTANT shall not exceed the following amounts. For calendar year 1988 $ 7,000 For calendar year 1989 15,000 III. TERMINATION OF KGREEMENT CITY may terminate this Agreement by written notice to CONSULTANT at any time and for any reason. In the event of such termination, the CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed to date notice is give by CITY. All work completed by CONSULTANT to date notice is given shall be delivered promptly to the CITY. READ AND APPROVED AS TO LEGAL F I: De nt Head city council Minute:"-2- ember ' 6065 ov 29, 1988 (1) Otttlte Cefaly, 17333 Valley Blvd., Sierra Mobile MOBILE HOME Estates, thanked the Council for their battle in rent controls {2) William Kellen, William Kellen and Associates, 18035 COMPLAINT Citron, Fontana, addressed the Council regardlOg the PLANNING TIME length of time it is taking his project to get through Planning as staff keeps requesting design changes. This was referred to staff for report at December 20, 1988 meeting. (3) Supervisor Jon Mtkels presented plaques to new PLAQUES TO Council members Ben Abernathy and Patrtcta Murray MURILAY/ABERNATHY for their past service to the Ctty of Fontana. PAST SERVICE Acrzeh Hotion made by Council Member Koehler, seconded CONSENT by Councilmember Boyles, to approve Consent Calendar Items A through F, as recommended by staff as follows: A. Adopting Resolution IIo. 811-181, approvtng and ADPT RES 88-181 ratifying check registers dated November 8, 1988, WARRANTS November 15, 1988, and November 22, 1988, in the aggregate amount of $1,821,384.98. B. Adopting Ordtnance Mo. 928, deleting Section 2-13.4 ADPT ORD 928 and amending Ordinance 873 regarding alternate ALT COMM MEMBERS members on commissions. C. Accepting as complete the work performed by Hefley ACCPT WORK Brothers, Inc. for the construction of the Southwest SWIP/HEFLEY Industrial Park Lift Station and Force Main, approve BROS the final estimate in the amount of $254,540.14, and MO 88-425 authorizing the Public Works Director to execute and ftle the Notice of Completion. O. Approving a budget adjustment in the amount of APRV BUOGET ADO $22,000 and approving consultant services agreement CONSULT SVCS for right-of-way acquisition services on the Foothill ROW ACQUIS SEWER /Beech sewer main installation project and authoriz- MO 88-426 ing the execution of such agreement by the appropriate city officials. E. Instructing the Public Works Director to order the ORDER CONSTRUCT construction of sidewalks and other miscellaneous W/S ALDER BETW improvements on the west side of Alder Avenue between SAN BERN/HAWTHOR San Bernardino Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue in NO 88-427 accordance with Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code.. F. Adopting Resolution M-182, approvtng an application ADPT RES 88-182 and project agreement for history and archeology GRANT FUNDS grant funds for the Martin Tudor Jurupa Htlls TUDOR PARK Regional Park Pit and Groove Petroglyph Site HISTORY November 29, 1988 KOB/ YABHI & ABBOCIATES 1125 N. Oakdale, P.O. Box 372E), Fullerton, California B~631 · (714] 73E~-4644 October 27, 1988 James Mocalis Acting Director of Public Works City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Dear Mr. Mocalis: Enclosed is a service agreement to provide right of way acquisition services on the Foothill Boulevard sewer project. I had previously forwarded proposals and an Agreement to the City. I spoke with Wilma several days ago regarding the status of the Agreement and she informed me that your City Attorney was reviewing it an he asked that I include a not-to-exceed amount in the Agreement. I revised the Agreement to include maximum amounts for this year and for 1989. I appreciate your review of the Agreement and if satisfactory, having it processed for City approval. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please call me at (714) 738-4644. Thank you. Enclosure AGENDA ITEN CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT Nov. 29. 1988 Consent Calendar Neering Date Agenda Placement TO: Nayor and City Counc11 FILM: Jim Nocalts, Acting Public Works Directore SUMECT: BUDGET ADJUSTNENT ON THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER NAIN INSTALLATION PROJECT AND APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT SERV/CES AGREENENT TO PROVIDE RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES.(71-7218) CIJRREBTACT]OII REQUESTED: TO APPROVE BUDGET ADJUSTNENT IN THE ANOUNT OF $22,000 AND APPROVE CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREENENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES ON THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER NAIN INSTALLATION PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF SUCH AGREENENT BY THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS. FZSCAL ZNPACT: T~ Yes l"f No The cost of the rtght of way acquisition servtces wtll be from the Sewer Fund. The agreement is for a not-to-exceed amount of $7,000 for the calendar year 1988 ~nd $15,000 for the calendar year 1989. The Beech Avenue Sewer ProJect was first approved tn the Capttal Improvement Budge~ of FY 85-86 and FY 86-87. The project is currently betrig designed by Hall and Foreman, Inc. Upon completion of the design, it is the Ctty's desire to proceed wfth the construction of thts sewer to extend sewer servtce tnto North Fontaria. Before the project can be undertaken, there is additional right of way whtch must be secured. JJSTZFZ~AT]O!h This project cannot proceed wtthout the needed rtght of way. HP. Kobayasht has successfully served the City tn the past in securtng right of way for the Ettwar~da Trunk Sewer project. In 11ght of er. Kobayasht's experience and the City's: urgent need for the right of way, staff recon~ends approval of the agreement and allocation of the necessary funds. ATTAC~IIEXTS: Kobay8~sht & Associates proposed agreement for rtght of way acquisition services. OILIER AFFECTED DEPARTMBITS: Slenature SIgnature ASST. NGR. PERSONNEL ATTORNEY PLANNING __BLDG/SAFETY POLICE CLERK PW/ENG|NEERING COH. DEV. PW/MAINTENANCE DEPUTY MGR. RDA ~K_FiNANCE RiSK MGNT. PARKS MAINTENANCE SPEC. PRO0. __PARKS/REC. RECOMMENDED: C~ty Manager AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES CITY OF FONTANA THIS AGreEMENT, made and entered into this~N~day of ~ ~J , 1988, by and between the City of Fontana, a Municipal C ~ r · orpo at'on, hereinafter referred to as "CITY'~, and Kobayashi & Associates, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, CITY is undertaking the construction of sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly extension of Beech Avenue. WHEREAS, CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT for the purpose of providing right of way acquisition services for this project. WHEREAS, CONSULTANT, is considered professionally competent to provide the services to accomplish the right of way acquisitions for this project. WHEREAS, CITY seeks voluntary dedications of easements from all the property owners from whom rights of ways are needed for this project at this time. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and CONSULTANT, for the considerations stated herein, agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES CONSULTANT agrees to provide those services described as follows: 1. Preparation of correspondence to property owners to acquire the easements. 2. Incorporation of legal descriptions unto appropriate easement deed forms. 3. Conduct negotiations with property owners. 4. Meet with City staff and consultants involved in this project. 5. Prepare status reports. 6. Prepare right of way cost estimates and outline procedure should voluntary dedication method to acquire easments be,unsatisfactory or incomplete. All work will be provided on an as-needed basis as authorized by the CITY and performed in accordance with State laws and regulations governing the acquisition of property and property rights by public agencies. II. COMPENSATION CITY, agrees to compensate CONSULTANT as follows: 1. Compensation is on an hourly fee rate of $70.00 per hour. 2. Payment shall be made promptly following submittal of a Statement of Charges by the CONSULTANT to CITY on a monthly basis, showing the time spent and a brief descrip- tion of the work performed. 3. Total payment for services to be provided by CONSULTANT shall not exceed the following amounts. For calendar year 1988 - $ 7,000 For calendar year 1989 - 15,000 III. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT CITY msy terminate this Agreement by written notice to CONSULTANT at any time and for any reason. In the event of such termination, the CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed to date notice is give by CITY. All work completed by CONSULTANT to date notice is given shall be delivered promptly to the CITY. CITY OF FONTAN '. KOBAY ~ OC ~S City ~_~-~' ' ~ READ AND .~PROVED AS TO LEGAL F: ~ Dep nt Head ' KOBAYABHI ASBOCIATES 1125 N. Oakdale, P.O. Box 3729, Fullerton, CaliforniB 92631 · [714] 738-4644 August 24, 1988 Mr. Robert Porter Deputy Director of Public Works City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana~, CA 92334-0518 Subject:: Foothill/BeeCh Sewer Project - Right of Way Services Dear Mr,. Porter: This is in regard to right of way services for the subject project, which I met and discussed with you several weeks ago. I met with Susan Roshan with Hall & Foreman and obtained information concerning the project and right of way needs and requirements. From the information received and the discussion I had with you regarding the procedure initiallyto be pursued in securing the easements, I believe that the scope of services to seek voluntary dedication of easements will include the following tasks: 1. Prepartion of coorespondence to property owners to acquire the easements. 2. Incorporation of legal descriptions unto appropriate easement deed forms. 3. Conduct negotiations with property owners. 4. Meet with City staff and consultants involved in the project. 5. Prepare status reports. 6. Prepare right of way cost estimates and outline procedure, should voluntary dedication method of easement acquisition not be satisfactory or complete. All right of way acquisition work will be performed in accordance with State laws and regulations governing the acquisition of property and property rights by public agencies. The services will be provided on an as-needed basis at an hourly rate of $70.00. An invoice will be submitted on a monthly basis, which will include a brief description of all work performed. I appreciate the opportunity to offer right of way services to your TO: ~mp~y ~/~ z-i ~ ~ ,p~/l ~p~. F~ Number sent to Street AddressJ.~ ~ ~ ~/~ k~a ~ y~ . 8pedt Instm~ons: State _ ( ~"' ZIp ~3B ~- R _ .... 'FROM: .%.,,.. ,.-= . Sent From: 1334 East Chapman Avenue Fax: (714) 871..-8294 AlphaGri~phics' ~.,,e~o.. oA ,~,,, AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISTION SERVICES CITY OF FONTANA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this .. day of 1988, by and between the City of Fontand, a M~nicipal eOrporatio~, hereinafter referred to as "CITY"t and Kobayashi & AssOciateS. hereinafter referred ~o ae "CONSULTANT". WITNESETH WHEREAS~. CITY is undertaking the construction of sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and 'the northerly extension' of Beech Avenue. WHEREAS,, CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT for the purpose of providing right of way acquisition setvies for this project. WHEREAS,, CONSULTANT is considered professionally competent provide the services to accomplish the right of way acquistions for this project. WHEREAS,. CITY seeks voluntary dedications of easements from allthe property Owners from whom rights of ways are needed for this project at this time. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and CONSULTANT, for the consideration state4 herein, agree as follows: ' I. SCOPE QF SERVICES CONSULTANT agrees to perform those services described as follows: 1. Preparation of correspondence to property owners to acquire the easementS. 2. Incorporation of legal descriptions unto appropriate easement deed forms. 3. Conduct negotiations with property owners 4. Meet with City staff and consultants involved in this project. 5. Prepare statu~ reports. 6. Prepare rightof way cost estimates and outline procedure should voluntary ded.[cation method to acquire easement~ be unsatisfactory or incomplete. Exl;ended ,Page 2. 1 All work will be provided on an as-needed basis as authorized by the CITY and performed in accordance with State laws and regulations governing the acquisition o:f property and property rights by ~ublic agencies. II. COMPENSATION CITY, agrees to compensate CONSULTANT as follows: 1. Compensation'is on an hourly fee rate of $70.00 per hour, 2. 'Payment shall be made promptly following submittal o4 a Statement of Charges by the CONSULTANT to CITY on a monthly basis, showing the time spent and a brief deScrip- tion of the work performed. III. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT CITY may terminate this Agreement by written notice to CONSULTANT at any t~me and for any reason. In the event of such termination, the CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed to date notice is'given by CITY. All werk completed by CONSULLTANT to date notice is given shall be delivered promptly to the CITY, CITY OP FONTANA KOB S & CIATES By: By ~ 'of',Fontana October 12, 1987 "Fi~e: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Attention: Eftehi Kobayashi SubJect: Right-of-Way 'fo~' IFoethill/Beecb Se~er Project This letter 18 being writcerLln eonneetton;with our telephone conver- sation of 0~toher 7~.198 your company to handle ~ed sewer pro~.ect. Attached.y0u g the proposed route of the sewer and a typical 8ecl .evard. If you tter, please contact this Rob.e~' ,,. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 818): FONTANA; CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 KQBAYASHI t ASS Octo}~er 19, 1987 "' " Mr. r~obert Schoenborn Mainten~nce/Engineerin~ Serv~;ce~ Agency Director City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fonte. na, CA 92334-0518 Subject: Foothill/Beech Sewer .Project - Right of"Way Services .Dear Mr. Schoenborn: This is in response toyour l'ette~ dated OCtober 12, 1987, regarding right of way acquisition ser~.i~ess'ought for the subject project. I discussed the procedure desired to be utilized in securing the needed rights of ways for the project with Mr. Bob Porter. I am submitting the following proposalto provide right of way acqui- sition services on this'project. It is my understandi~ that'theCitydeSires tOseek donation of easements on thus project. Z am.w~lZtng to provide services by seeki.ng donation of easements, Only.~f,',propertyowners from whom easements are needed are in:formedthat they are e~titled to receive j~st <;ompensation, or that, all rights of ways ~eeded will be obtained through. voluntary dedications, with executed easement dee,de to'be held by the City and no~ ~ be recorded until all rights of ways are secured in this manner. With .the information available, the scope of services for the right of wa~, acquisition cannot be fully defined at th'is time. However, the following are some Of .the services which Will li~ely be needed, especially in the initial stage Ofthe'acguisition process. 1. Meetings and conferences with City staff and others involved in the project. 2. Prepare correspondence, documents and other papers to owners. 3. Prepare easement deeds and temporary construction area easement deeds. 4. Conduct negotiations with property0wners; 5. Prepare,~reliminary right of way 0os~estimates and appraisal estimates for budgetary purposes, if needed.. 6 Fellow State propertyacquis~ion.regulations and State law. Services will'be provided on an hourly-rate charge basis at the rate of $65 per hour. An invoice will be submitted on a monthly basis, which will include a brief description of the work performed. I appreciate the oppo~tunity to pr0vide!right of way acquisition services to the City of Fontana. EnclOsed is a summary of my background and qualifications. ~' If you have any questions, please call me at (714) 738-4644. ~ ' rely . K ... ~: m cc: Bob M. Porter' Enclosure AGREEME~FOR RI~MT-OF-WAYAC~UI~ITIO~ THIS AMENDMENT tO that certain agreement dated December 22, 1988, b~ and between the CITY OF [ONTANA and KOBAYAS~I & A~SOCIATE~ (the "Orlginal A~reement"} is made and entered into this day of , 1989, by and between the CITY OF FON~A~'E', a municipal corporation ("City"~ and ~O~AYAS~I & ASSOCIATES ("ConSul=ant"). WITNESSETH. WHEREAS, City is undertaking the construction of-sewer facillties along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly ex~en~ion oE ~eech Avenue; and WHEREAS, Cit~ desixes to retain Consultant for the purpose of providing right-cO-way acquisition services for thi~ proJeet~ and a~quisi~io~ f-way W1 ~; :tend additional additional ~ ~ ;ting the real pr ~ (3u~Lu1 S. Total payment for Services ~o be provided by CONSULTANT shall exceed the following amounts: For ualendar ~ear 1988 $ 7,000 Po~ calendar year 1989 20,000 !;IT' '1Q- ~-gg , ~'~gl~ , T 1....1vQTIHll~ T1'1o gT;' g\l;li:lI" \l ... 2. The City and Consultant reaffirm all terms and provisions of the Original Agreement except those which are expressly modified pursuant to this Amendment to the original Agreement. By: City Manager NTAL RECOMMENDATION: CITY OF FONTANA APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: ,~'" p I~ C~ty Attorney Department Head ~ -2- BCC0058 445 AC T C A. CITY ~0~] I_ ~,~ , ~ ~' [4.74 AC,) ~ ~ 1,9~.~ 9.~ AC 596 AC. ~ a ~ t~ I,I ~ 54 ON BROWN, WINFIELD & ~ANZC)NERI 0RI61NA[ CITY OF FONTANA FEBRUARY 21 1990 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, File # 645-9000 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 PAGE 1 GENERAL " Prior Unpaj. ct Balance 1,099.79 Last Months Bill 1/01/90 - 1/31/90 1,674.,31 Less Payments: 1/01/90 - 1/31/90 ____~_.1,087.14~ Tolal Balance Forward 1,686.96 Profession~l Fees For This Bill 6,182.15/ Costs Advanced 54.42 Total amount of current bill Balance Due! ~(] 7,923.53 ............... ,' . 16, ~..,. ,,z : ~ ( ( -~ ~ / PARTL:tL ......... COL4PLE/E BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZON PL~SE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT Continued BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZO~'ERI ATTORN~','S AT LAW [TY OF FONTANA FEBRUARY 21 1990 353 SIERRA AVENUE, File ~ 645-9000 )NTANA, CALIF. 92335 PAGE 2 dent # 6280 7ofessional Services rendered: 645-9000 GENERAL ;sional Fees 03 90 JKB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: CONFERENCE AND 30 47,~6 TELEPHONE CALL TO MR, CARLSEN RE POSITION OF CITY 04 90 JKB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: TELEPHONE CALL 90 141.48 TO MR. CARLSEN AND MRS. CALVERT RE TREE REMOVAL; RE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD CONSTRUCTION: RE CALTRANS TREE POLICY AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION 04 90 KM RE FONTANA V. CALTRANS - TELEPHONE .60 66.02 CONFERENCE WITH MR, CARLSEN AND MS. BEARD RE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR LANBSCAPING ALONG 1-10 AND RE PERMIT FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT ALONG FOOTHILL 09 90 JEB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: REVIEW .30 47.16 MEMORANDUM RE CALTRANS TREE REMOVAL AND FOOTHILL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IN, WINFIELD d~, CANZONE:RI P,LEASE DETACH THIS POFITION AND RETUFIN WITH YOUFi PAYMENT Continued BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZO~"m2_RI CITY OF FONTANA FEBRUARY 21 1990 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, File # 645-9000 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 PAGE 3 JAN 09 90 KM RE FONTANA V, CALTRANS - REVIEW AND .80 88.03 ANALYZE MEMORANDUM FROM MS. DALE TO MS. BEARD RE INTERSTATE lO TREES; REVIEW AND ANALYZE LETTER FROM BEST, BEST & KRIEGER (ATTORNEY DEBAUN) RE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ISSUED BY AND REVOKED BY CALTRANS; LEGAL RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS RENEGATIVE DECLARATION JAN 10 90 JKS RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: TELEPHONE CALL .30 47.16 TO MRS. BEARD'S OFFICE JAN 16 90 KM RE FONTANA V. CALTRANS TELEPHONE .50 55.02 CONFERENCE WITH MS. BEARD RE PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR 1-10 AND RE CALTRANS' CONDITIONS ON FONTANA'S PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT ALONG FOOTHILL; INITIAL ANALYSIS OF STATUTES R,E LANDSCAPING HIGHWAY IAN 17 90 JKB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: TELEPHONE CALL .60 94.32 TO MRS. CALVERT-BEARD'S OFFICE RE MEETING; RE REVIEW OF PERMITS AND DOCUMENTS; CONFERENCE RE STATE HIGHWAY LANDSCAPE PROJECT /AN 18 90 $KB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: TELEPHONE CALL .30 47.16 FROM SECRETARY RE MErETXNG BROWN, WINFIEF. LD & CANZONERI INCORI=ORAT~D ATTORP4EY$ AT LAW PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT Continued BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZO~"ERI CITY OF FONTANA FEBRUARY 21 1990 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, File # 645-9000 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 PAGE 4 JAN 22 90 JKB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: REVIEW AND 1.00 157.20 RESEARCH RE CALTRANS APPROVAL OF PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION; CONFERENCE RE MEETING WITH CITY JAN 22 90 TEL RE: FOOTHILL SEWER PROJECT; OFFICE 6.00 817.44 CONFERENCE RE: NEW MATTER; REVIEW CORRESPONDENCE; RESEARCH RELEVANT CODE SECTIONS AND ISSUES JAN 23 90 JEB RE SOUTHRIDGE~ MEETING WITH MR. GEE RE 1.00 ~G 157.20 SCHOOL DISTRICT EXPENSES /AN 23 90 JKB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: MEETING WITH 6.00 943.20 MRS. BEARD AND MR. PATANWALA; INSPECTION OF SITE; REVIEW ENGXNEERING PLANS AND DOCUMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE. AND RELATED MATERIALS; CONFERENCE RE INTERSTATE 10 FREEWAY EIR AND RELATED MATTERS IAN 23 90 KM RE FONTANA V. CALTRANS - OFFICE .50 55.02 CONFERNCE RE CALTRANS' REVOCATION OF ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND RE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS OF A LANDSCAPED HIGHWAY ran 23 90 TEL RE: FOOTHILL SEWER PROJECT; TO FONTANA 7.50 1,021.80 CITY HALL; MEETING WITH MS. BEARD AND 3ROWN, WINFIELD & CANZONERI PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT Continued BROWN, WINFIELD & C:ANZOi~ERI ATTORNEYS AT LAW CITY OF FONTANA FEBRUARY 21 1990 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, File # 645-9000 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 PAGE 5 MR. PATANWALA RE, INITIAL REVIEW OF MATTER; SITE INSPECTION; REVIEW OF FILES JAN 24 90 ~KB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL= REVIEW LAWSUIT 1.50 235.80 RE ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL; 'REVIEW DRAFT LETTER TO CALTRANS; (4) TELEPHONE CALLS TO CITY HALL (MR. CARLSEN'S OFFICE AND MRS. BEARD'S OFFICE) JAN 24 90 TEE, OFFICE CONFERENCE RE: ACTION NECESSARY; 3.20 435.97 RESEARCH CALTRANS STATUTORY AUTHORITY OVER STATE HIGHWAYS IAN 25 90 ~KB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: TELEPHONE CALL °?0 110.04 FROM MRS. SEARD'S OFFICE RE STREETS AND flIGHWAYS CODE SECTIONS~ REVIEW AND RESEARCH RE SAME /AN 25 90 TEL RE: FOOTHILL SEWER PROJECT; DRAFT MEMO 3.00 408.72 TO FILE RE: MEETING WITH MS, BEARD AND MR. PATAWALA AND SITE INSPECTION; RESEARCH LANDSCAPED FREEWAY AND BILLBOARD REMOVAL rAN 26 90 JKB RE SOUTHRIDGE: CONFERENCE RE AGREEMENT .50 ~ ~ ?8.60 WITH TEN-NINETY AND REQUEST OF SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS 3ROWN, WINFIELD & CANZONERI PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT Continued BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZO~IERI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS AT LAW CALIFORNIA PLAZA 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE. SUITE 1500 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-3'25 TELEPHONE: 1213) 687-2100 CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 FEBRUARY 21 1990 File # 645-9000 JAN 26 90 JKB RE CALTRANS/TREE REMOVAL: RESEARCH AND CONFERENCE RE PROVISIONS OF CODE RE SIGN AMORITIZATION OF SECTIONS 5440 AND 5441 JAN 26 90 TIM RE: SCHOOL SITES/REQUEST FdR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE; 1) ANALYZE AGREEMENT; 2) RESEARCH; 3) ATTORNEY CONFERENCE WITH SPECIAL COUNSEL JAN 29 90 TIM RE: SCHOOL SITE; REDRAFT LETTER TO SCHOOL DISTRICT PAGE 6 .50 3.30 4 ~ 1. 00 4 ~ JAN 29 90 TEL RE: FOOTHILL SEWER PROJECT; REVIEW 1.70 DOCUMENTS DUPLICATED FROM CITY'S FILE ON MATTER JAN 30 90 TIM RE: SCHOOL SITES/SCHOOL DISTRICT; REVISE LETTER FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JAN 31 90 JKB TELEPHONE CALL TO AND TELEPHONE CALL FROM AUDITORS RE AUDIT LETTER; DICTATION RE SAME JKB TIM KM TEL Hours 14.30 4.80 2.40 21.40 Total BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZONERI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS AT LAW .50 ~0 .40 ~& 2,247.96 754.56 264.09 2,915.54 42.90 PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 78.60 518.76 v/ 157.20 V 231.61 n ~~- 78.60 ...,-/ 62.88 Continued BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZO'uERI CITY OF FONTANA FEBRUARY 21 1990 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, File # 645-9000 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 PAGE Total Fees 6,182.15 'osts Advanced PHOTOCOPIES 31.25 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 23.17 Total Disbursements 54.42 86,236.57 645-9000 FONTANA, CITY OF ::3ROWN, WINFIELD & CANZONERI 2/21/90 6280 $6,236.57 PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT ,01 ' CIty ' LAW'r~S August 10, 1989 YOusuJ." Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant III City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 Re: Cal~rans ~.ncroachment Permit . Dear Mr. ~atanwala: ~ou have requested that ~e research the legal authority of the California Department of Transportation ( "CalTrans" ) to revoke. an encroachment permit for the construction of a sewer line within ~oothill 9o~levard. Our research leads us to conclude that C. alTrans may have overstepped its authority in revoking the permit, and that the ~ity has a right to the encroachment permit, s~bject ~o reasonable conditions placed on the ~ity's activities The issuance and revocabi~ity of encroachment permits issued to cities and other political subdivisions by CalTrans is governed by Seotions 673 and 678 of the Streets and Eighwa~s Code. These sections state in part as follows: "Section 673. Relocation or Removal of En- croachment; Revocability of Permits. All permits other than those issued to permittees of the class specified in Section 678 [i.e. cities and other political subdivi- sions] or the class specified in Section 680 are revocable on five days' notice and the en- croachment must be removed or relocated as may be specified by the department [of transporta- tion] in the notice revoking the permit and BROWN, WINFI~"'LD & CANZONERI M~,nK GA..~"'r February 15, 1990 Ms. Annivory C. Beard Public Works Director : City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Foothill Sewer Prospect Dear Ms. Beard: We have been looking into the issue of whether Caltrans may withhold an encroachment pemit from the City of Fontana on the Foothill sewer project. However, I understand that Caltrans has now issued the requisite petit for the project. For our records and files, I would appreciate copies of all correspondence between Fontana, Caltrans and any other relevant parties which led to the issuance of the permit by Caltrans. I also understand that the lawsuit is still pending challenging the City's environmental impact assessment of the project. If there is any way in which we may of further assistance, please let us knew. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, BROWN, WINFIELD & CANZONERI By Teri~ L~ TEL/j lk [ Beard. ltr ] City of Fontana CALIFORNIA February 1, 1990 Roger Hatch leg 8 1990 Clef OF F~NTANA Vice P~es~den~ Construction and Eng~nee~n9 F~n~an~ HeN~89e, ~es~ End Associates 230 Ne~po~ Cen~e~ DNve, Su~e 300 Newpo~ Beach, CA 92660-7511 S~b~t: Ca~trans Enc~oac~n~ Pe~ Dear Roger Hatch: The City of Fontana has been able to resolve the outstanding tree issue with Caltrans on Foothill Boulevard. Zn a telephone conversation with Yousuf, Assistant District Permit Engineer Mr. Hike Miles, has indicated that Caltrans has already issued a rider to reinstate the originally issued permit. As soon as that rider permlt is received by the City, a copy will be faxed to your office. Thank you. Very truly yours, · Robert W, Weddle, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/ City Nanager RWW:YP:pc cc: A. Beard Y. Patanwala G. Bucknell 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA of Fontana LIFORNIA March 22, 1990 Leroy Jackson, Assistant Director Local Liaison State of California Department of Transportation 1120 N Street Sacramento, California 95814 Dear Mr. Jackson: Thank you so very much for assisting our City with the resolution of the problems we were having regarding the mitigation for the removal of the op. fj~thp=!L~ree~ along Foothill Boulevard. As you may recall, tt was necessary e t~es to be removed tn order for the construction of sewer and other uttltty lines. ! have sent a letter to Ken Steele, District 8 Director, as well, thanking him for his willingness to negotlatt: with our City. As you know, there were also representatives from the offices of Senator Ayala and Assemb13nnan Eaves tn attendance at our meeting. Together, we were able to work out an acceptable agreem.ent. Thank you, again, for your expert assistance with this problem. Your involvement is, as always, greatly appreciated. ou ~ ~A:Lb~:~ter on a, A Sinton'~f~;'~n NAS:AClhcm cc: Senator Ayala Assemblyman Eaves John O'Sulllvan Annivory C. Beard Robert Best Ken Steele 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7800 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, BC. CANADA CiTY OF FORTAlIA I~bl tc Morlcs Engineering Departaent TRRNSIIITTAL Date: January 23. 199Z [ ] Hand Carried Project: FOOTHILL BEECH/SEWER IX] Messenger [ ] U.S. Na11 [ ] 1st Class Subject: [ ] Express [ ] Other To: DEBRA BOGEN - BEST, BEST & KRIEGER ONTARIO, CA [X] Enclosed Herewlth [ ] Under Separate Cover Sending= [ ]For Your Informatlon [ ]For Your Files [ ]Per Your Request [ ]For Your Approval [ ]For Your Use [ ] Remarks= THE C~TYOF FO!ITANA By: GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, P.E. Coples To: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ~~ FONTANAo CA 92335 8353 Sterra Avenue, P.O. Box 518, Fontana, CA 92335 (714)350-6646 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA January 8, 1991 Nercy Ambulance Service 8190 Nango Avenue Fontana, California 92335 IRE: BASELINE AVENUE CLOSURE BETWEEN CHERRY AND CITRUS AVENUES Dear Sirs: The City of Fontana will be closing a portion of Baseline Avenue between Cherry and Citrus Avenues on Tuesday January 22 and Wednesday January 23, lg91. Baseline Avenue will be open to local traffic only between Cherry Avenue and Rancho Fontaria Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and between Sultana and Citrus Avenues. The closure is needed to allow for construction of a sewer manhole just west of Sultana Avenue on Baseline Avenue. To facilitate the construction of this manhole installation, it is necessary to close both lanes of Baseline between Rancho Fontana Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and Sultana Avenue during this two day period. Suggested alternate routes are Cherry or Citrus Avenues south to Foothill Boulevard. Any on-site issues relating to sign or barrier maintenance can be directed to the City of Fontana Police Department at {714}350-7700. Enclosed please find a traffic detour diagram with the suggested alternate route indicated. If you should have any questions please contact me at {714} 350-6646. Sincerely, Consulting Project Hanager GB:ab Enclosure cc: C. Sweet R. Wel 1 i ngton J. D'Alessio B;53 SIERRAAVENUE(P,O, BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350.7600 SISTER CITY .- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA C-1 AND C-29, DETOUR AHEAD AND DISTANCE (1500' AND 500' ). R-16, "NO RIGHT TURN". C-5 DETOUR DIRECTIONAL ARROW/SIGN. G R-17, "NO LEFT TURN". TYPE III BARRICADES AND C-3A/C-3A HODIFIED, "ROAD CLOSED TO C-19, "ROAD CLOSED AHEAD" THRU TRAFFIC" AND DATES. ,~ ............................ :.:.__.~_..,:,.,,:._.~ TYPE TIT BARRICADE~ AND C-2, "ROAD.CLOSED"- City of Fontana CALIFORNIA January 8, 1991 Fontana Unified School District Transportation 9680 Citrus Avenue Fontana, Callifornia 92335 RE: BASELINE AVENUE CLOSURE BETWEEN CHERRY AND CITRUS AVENUES Dear Sirs: The City of Fontaria will be closing e portion of Baseline Avenue between Cherry and Citrus Avenues on Tuesday January 22 and Wednesday January 23, 1991. Baseline Avenue will be open to local traffic only between Cherry Avenue and Rancho Fontana Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and between Sultana and Citrus Avenues. The closure is needed to allow for construction of a sewer manhole just west of Sultana Avenue on Baseline Avenue. To facilitate the construction of this manhole installation, it is necessary to close both lanes of Baseline between Rancho Fontana Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and Sultana Avenue during this two day period. Suggested alternate routes are Cherry or Citrus Avenues south to Foothill Boulevard. Any on-site issues relating to sign or barrier maintenance can be directed to the City of Fontana Police Department at {714}350-7700. Enclosed please find a traffic detour diagram with the suggested alternate route indicated. If you should have any questions please contact me at {714) 350-6646. Sincerely, ~. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Nanager GBzab Enclosure cc: C. Sweet R. Wellington J. D'A~essio 8~53 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O, BOX-518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 ® (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA O C-1 AND C-29, DETOUR AHEAD AND DISTANCE (1500' AND 500'). Q R-16, "NO RIGHT TURN". Q C-5 DETOUR DIRECTIONAL ARROW SIGN. Q R-17, "NO LEFT TURN" © T,,.E .i .ARR~CADES A.D C-3A/C-SA .ODIFIED, ".OAD C.OSED TO ! © 0-~9, "ROA0 CLOSE° A.E~O" THRU TRAFFIC" AND DATES, mm~~~f~'.~/,~T~E]ltJP.~ .Nil) C-~', "ROAD .CLOSED". ..... ;.=._ - ...... City of Fontana CALIFORNIA January 8, 1991 Sergeant Baron Neal City of Fontana Police Department 17005 Upland Avenue Fontana, California 92335 RE= BASELINE AVENUE CLOSURE BETWEEN CHERRY AND CITRUS AVENUES Dear Sergeant Neal: The City of Fontana will be closing a portion of Baseline Avenue between Cherry and Citrus Avenues on Tuesday aanuary 22 and Wednesday aanuary 23, 1991. Baseline Avenue will be open to local traffic only between Cherry Avenue and Rancho Fontana Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and between Sultana and Citrus Avenues. The closure is needed to allow for construction of a sewer manhole just west of Sultana Avenue on Baseline Avenue. To facilitate the construction of this manhole installation, it is necessary to close both lanes of Baseline between Rancho Fontana Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and Sultana Avenue during this two day period. Suggested alternate routes are Cherry or Citrus Avenues south to Foothill Boulevard. Any on-site issues relating to sign or barrier maintenance can be directed to the City of Fontaria Haintenance Service Center. Enclosed please find a traffic detour diagram with the suggested alternate route indicated. If you should have any questions please contact me at {714) 350:6646. Sincerely, G Bucknell, P.E. Consul ti ng Project Nanager GB:ab Enclosure cc: C. Sweet R. Wellington J. D'Alessio 8383 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518) m~ FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)3,50-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOP8, B,C, CANADA ~ (~_I AND 0-29, DETOUR AHEAD AND D~$TANGE (1500' AND 500' ). ~ R-~6, "NO RIGHT TURN". 0-5 DETOUR DZREOTXONAL ARRO~ 8~N. ~ R-J7, "NO LEFT TURN". " O ~ TYPE IZZ BARRIOADE$ AND O-3A/G-3A HODIFZ~D, "ROAD CLOSED TO 'j O-~9, "ROAD CLOSED AHEAD". THRU TRAFFXO" AND DATES. ~ TYPE XZZ BARRXGADE~ AND 9-2, "~OAD~CL~ED". City of Fontana CALIFORNIA aanuary 8, 1991 Mr. John Roberts Central Valley Fire Agency 15380 San Bernardino Avenue Fontaria, California 92335 RE: BASELINE AVENUE CLOSURE BETWEEN CHERRY AND C/TRUS AVENUES Dear Mr. Roberrs: The City of IFontana will be closing a portion of Baseline Avenue between Cherry and Citrus Avenues on Tuesday January 22 and Wednesday January 23, 1991. Baseline Avenue will be open to local traffic only between Cherry Avenue and Rancho Fontaria Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and between Sultana and Citrus Avenues. The closure is needed to allow for construction of a sewer manhole just west of Sultana Avenue on Baseline Avenue. To facilitate the construction of this manhole installation, it is necessary to close both lanes of Baseline between Rancho Fontana Parkway/Hemlock Avenue and Sultana Avenue during this two day period. Suggested alternate routes are Cherry or Citrus Avenues south to Foothill Boulevard. Any on-site issues relating to sign or barrier maintenance can be directed to the City of Fontana Police Department at (714)350-7700. Enclosed please find a traffic detour diagram with the suggested alternate route indicated. If you should have any questions please contact me at {714) 350-6646. Sincerely, Consulting Project Manager GB:ab Enclosure cc: C. Sweet R. Wellington J. D'Alessie 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA \ f) @eG -I -1-4 0 -< :z:-< I " :U" 01 m em 0 .... -I.... m .... :u.... -I .... >.... 0 ." C m 'TIm :u > ....> :0 0::0 0 ::0 :::0 .... .... .... :u 0 >0 m > z> 0 0 OC -I m m .... (I) 0(1) 0 > z > -I> > z mz r- 0 (1)0 . > 0 0 :u I I :u f'I) (,) 0 > ~ ........ 0 (I) ::0 I .... 0 (,) Ci) > > z 0 3: 0 0 I 0 0 .... en ." m .... 0 m : 0 :u 0 > 0 0 r- 0 en m 0 -I 0 o I - . = JI ;, -,...:, \ .... \.~~'" ~",., ::--.:- I . . ~ ~ II ~ ...... ,''':,,,, ,_ ,",," _ 'I . j};_.,~'~~~'.:ri'~~r<)~ : ': \~~': ~~('~\ .~~ \, ~.' . ./..J ~ J r:' . ~ \~~~~~;f',~ ~ II if ~ CHERRY AVE. .... -. 'I il'" . . "r ; · CA"~EI)I[ i~; -ill) A~~' ~ .!~ ~I > z o o I f\) CD / o ~: m Ir 1- -I · .< o :~:~ $ U-~ > -, :z: -.J m, ""I~ > I 'Ie: . n 0: In I .1. >. 'I z 1_. o. < '.J o. E j' ~"OB ST. ~ u-:) .. o m ,'- " , , .., I .j . . AV - 00( - 01 C 0 ,.. 0 :D ,.. AVE. ; '=' > 1:D % ,,", Z < 0 r HA 0 z :D U1 0 0 .. ... I - City of Fontana CALIFORNIA March 11, 1990 File: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project TO: HOLDERS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER FROM: GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, P.E. CONSULTING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ADDITION OF PAGE P-ll TO YOUR SET OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FOOTHILL/ BEECH SEWER PROJECT Page P-ll was inadvertently omitted from the specifications for the Construction of The Foothill Trunk Sewer from Hemlock Avenue to Beech Avenue, Foothill Trunk Sewer from Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, Beech Interceptor Sewer Ma in from Footh ill Boul evard to Basel i ne Avenue. Pl ease insert the enclosed copy of page P-ll into your set of the specifications. We regret this error and hope that it has not caused you any inconvenience. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 350-7618. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy pu ~ity Engineer regory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:wp Enclosure cc: R. Weddle 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714) 350.7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CIVIL ENGINEERING · LAND PLANNING · LAND SURVEYING LE'I'rER OF TRANSMI'I'FAL DATE: 03/12/90 JOB #': 3904 TO: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontaria, CA 92335 ATTENTION: Yousef Patanawala REGARDING: CONTIENTS AND REMARKS: Transmitted herewith is the missing page in the specs. cc: Steve Reiner /ib 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-3428 · (714) 641-8777 · FAX (714) 641-0170 COSTA MESA · ONTARIO · PLACENTIA HALL&POREMgN,C.M, TEL: 6al-8777 Mar 22,90 11:16 No.U05 P.01 CIVIL ENGINEERING e LAND PLANNING , LAND SURVEYING FAX TRANSMITTAL Job # Date: ~'~--22.- \~~9 _ From: ~,~3 .J~ACdHL?¢,c-, Company :_C,~'~ Attention: ~. pR,~'/k~,,./ALA F~¢ Number;_ Number of Pages (Including this Form) Description or Message: If aH pages are not received or there is difficulty with this transmission, pleElse call at (714)641-8777 or reply to FAX number (714)641-0170.' Remarks: 3170 REDHILL AVENUE i COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA g262.6-3428 · (714) 641-8177 · FAX (714) 641-0170 HALLS. FOREMAN,C.M. TEL: 641-8777 Man 22,90 11:16 No.O05 P.02 CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF imOOTHILL BLVD. AND BEECH AVE. SEWER ~IN IMPROVEMENTS ITEM ESTI~TED UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRI ~ION OU~TITY PRI~E. AMOUN~ 1. Clearing & Grubbing ~ $ ~. S" V.C.P. 25 LF $/7.~ $ 4. 21" V.C.P. 5315 LF $ 5. 24" V.C.P. 1226 LF $ ~-~ $ [OZ,~.~ 6. 48" M.H. W/water tight cover 6 EA $ ~.'~ $ 7. 60" M.H. W/water tight 8. 36" x 1/2" Steel Casing 202 LF $ ~Q.~ $ ~.~ 9. 42" x 3/8" Steel Casing 90 LF 10. Cone. Collar i EA $ ~0.~ $ ~.~ 11. Chain-Link Fence (remove & restore) ~105 LF $ 12. Modify Existing M.H. i EA $ 13. Remove & Replace 270 LF $ _ [~.~ $ ~.~ Curb & Gutter 14. Remove Exist. 72" R.C.P. ~ $ lS. Remove Exist. Trees 336 EA (Including all roots) P-9 Sheet 1 of 3 HALL&FORENAN,C.N. TEL: 641-8777 Nat 22,90 11:16 No.O05 P.03 " ~, CITY OF ~ONTANA ~4~ PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTHILL BLVD. A~D BEECH AVE. SEWER PLAIN IMPROVEMENTS ITEM ESTIPLATED UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION OUANTITY .. PRICE PRICE 16. Reconstruct Exist, Driveways 2560 SF 17. Remove & Replace Exist. A.C. & Pavement 7110 SF 18. Remove Abandoned Gas Lines LS $ ~o~,o~ S ~,~ & Water Lines 19. RemoVe Structure Pump & Equipment LS $ 20. Remove & reconstruct LS S ~,~.~, $~,~.~e reinforced concrete slope paving and abbutresses 21. 8" V.C.P. Wye & Plug 47 EA S 22. Plug end V.C.P. Sewer 7 EA 23. Sheeting, Shoring & Bracing LS &all appurtenant related work 24. Traffic Control LS ~ i~.~ $ I~,~.~ (including Article 7-X0.3 Of Special Provisions) 2S. Pothole existing Utilities 50 EA S ~.~ 26. Provide chain link fence at 1745 LF S 6~.~ S/~,~'~X~ Temporary location (temporary construction easement line) 27. Dust Palliative 24 TON $ 28. Screening material for trench LS backfill Sheet 2 of 3 P-iO HALL&FOREHAN,C.H. TEL: 641-8777 Ran 22,90 11:16 No.00S P.04 Total $ ~"7°1t"1 t4.~ Amount in Words ~afl ~q~G~ ~j~ ~l'~,.,,ll~ T~U~6~ NOTE:: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication of the general scope Of the work, but the accuracy Of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from the drawings. In case o[ a variation between the unit price and the totals shown by the bidder, the unit price will be considered to be the bid. HALL, rnc, BIDDER'S NAM~ AND TELEPHONE NUMBER Sheet 3 of 3 P-11 HALLBFOF,;EHAI',I,C N TEL: 641-8777 I,lar lX,su ..La:.,:.:.b NO.UUD r.U.L CIVIL ENGINEERING ~. LAND PLANNING · LAND ,~IURVEYING FAX TRANSMITTAL Job # Date: 3.~-- From: ~~.~~_~ To: _C_~ ,=.V' Attention: FAX Number: Number of Pages (including this Form) Description or Message: _ .as ~Or,-,~ ',p~ ~ ~--,,~'t, ..... If all pages are not received or there is difficulty with this transmission, please call L,/,7..Z-,_ at (714)641-8777 or reply to FAX number (714) 641-0170, Remarks: I 3170 REDHILL AVENUE · COBTA ME.SA, CALIFORNIA 99626-3428 I (714) 641-87T/' l, FAX (714) 641.0170 ~ COSTA MESA · ~NTA~I~ I ~t ~t~,Tl~ HHLL~PU~EMHN,C.M. iEL: 641-877r Mar 12,90 14:23 No.O06 P.02 Total $ Amount in Words general scop~e"-of the work, but the accuracy of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from-~he dr~l~gs. In case of a variation between the uni~ price and the ~otals shown by the bidder, theM~it price will be considered to be the bid. B~DER'S N AND TELEPHONE NUMBER ~ ~//heet 3 of 3 P-11 , v V o (=? BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BIt~OPENING DATE: March 20, 1990 TIME: iO:OOAM LO~TION: City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, F0ntana, CA. S~)ECT: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project NAME COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. Arcadia, 91006 2. R&L S~ers Inc. 8815 Somerset Blvd. Par~nount, 90723 4. Y. A. IIv~d, Inc. ' ......i?[I~LOs ................................... Los Ai~S, ~ ~)72~ 5. Meekins Const. Co. 6392 Old p~ley Rd. 6. ~r~ontes Const. Co. P.O. Box 1578 Bal~in P~k, 91706 ~.Kenko In6~"/'~'~ra~'~P,O. Box 831 1024 Cal~Bsa Blvd. ....... Cal~esa, ~ 92320 8.Colleen & Sons (~) 547 W. 140~St. ...................................... Gardena, C~ 90248 9.Albert W. Davies 8437 He~Ave. ~cho Cuc~nqa,~ · ~1730 ' 10. BOnadm-M~in, Inc. ~;7~444 · ....... S~o, 92412 11. J.R. Pi~line Co., Incl P.O. Bo~ 92388 12. S.A. Healy Co. & Assoc. P .O1 n6x ~' ................ 13. ~matt Const. Co. 1748 W. Eatella St~.I~3 ~ ~ "' 14. Lo~t Coast. P.O. Box 6796 - Buena P~k~ 90622 ................ 15. Si~ch-Mas~ovich 63 Alta St., ~cadia u.- 16. Stsley F. Yelich, Inc. P.O. Box 246 ....... Sierra Mi~e, 91024 17, C K Cons~ction P.O, Box 2800 " ~ ~ PAGE 2 BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BID OPENING DATE: Ma~nh ?n, lqqn TIME: iO:OOAM LOCATION: City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, F0ntana, CA. SUBJECT: Feothill/Beech Se~er Project NAME COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. AMT. ~r~n~ co~st~otion co. ~404~ S~ta~a ~' ~' ~S/~Lo~' Fontaria, 92335 CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: ROBERT N. NE])DLE, DEPUTY PUBLIC NORKS DZRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER FROM: GREGORY J. BUCICNELL, CONSULTZNG PRO~ECTItaU(AGER r~ DATE: MARCH 23, 1990 / SUB,1ECT: FOOTHILL/BEECHTRUIIKSL:ilER PRO,1ECT - BIDDING RESULTS At 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Hatch 20, 1990, bids were opened for the Foothi'll/Beech Trunk Sewer project. The results were as follows: NAIqE OF COMPANY LOCATZON BID AMOUNT 1. Grbavac & Prkactn Const. Arcadia $ 699,970.00 2. Kershaw Construction Co. Fontana 823,340.00 3. Kenco Inc./dba McGrand Calimesa 857 833.00 4. Bonadiman/McCatn Inc. San Bernardtrio 875 048.00 5. Byron L. Crume, Inc. Corona 892 455.25 6. Stanley F. Yeltch, ~nc. Sierra Madre 897 821.50 7. Lolmt Construction Buena Park 921 950.00 8. Ma~'natt Construction Co. Orange 938 881.00 9. Albert H. Davies Rancho Cucamonga 939,267.00 10. Meekins Construction Riverside 950,014.00 11. ~. R. Pipeline Co. Inc. Moreno Valley 983,625.00 12. Collich and Sons Gardena 984,707.00 13. Siraich-Masanovich Arcadia 1,038,610.00 14. T. A. Rtvard, Inc. Los Alamitos 1,088,888.00 Basel~ne/Beech Trunk~l~ewer Project March 26, 1990 Page 2 15. S. A. Healy and Associates Azusa 1,094,760.00 16. C. K. Construction Long Beach 1,181,g45.00 17. MiPamontes Construction Co. Baldwin Park 1,205,274.00 18. R and L Sewers Inc. Paramount 1,221,839.10 RWW:GJB:bjp cc: A. Beard April 3, 1990 ~{ 6~, City of Fontana 8353 Sie~a Ave. ~ S'~.- Fontaria, CA 92335 attn: Yousef Patanwala 5~ G~. - II The Cont~acto~ constructing the Foothill Boulevard sewer and storm d~aln has agreed to constPuct an additional 60 lineal feet of sewe~ and storm d=ain to complete these facilities east of the d~iveway to the Fteche= t~aiter pa=k on the northeast co~ne~ Foothill and Hemlock. The cost for these improvements is as follows: ITEM UNIT 24" VCP sewer pipe if ~ ,., " ' " ' a era w w ea ~ $ ~000 $ 2000 4~" RCP storm drain ~ o¢ ~.D~ ~0 ~ZOO if ~d/ ~ $ 90 42" brick and mortar plug ea 1 $ 200 $ 200 ~ ~f ~ cy 120 $ 50 $ 6000 lurry ill COST $ ~0, ~0~ Please ~espond immediately if you wish fo~ us to issue this change o~de~. I have included an appPoval block at the bottom of this lette~ and the app~opPiate signature will indicate acceptance. Howard Colburn ' T~ BY: ( PLEASE PRINT NAME AND BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BI~OPENING DATE: March 20, 1990 TIME: tO:OOAM LO~FTION: City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, F0ntana, CA. S bECT: othi /Be h S er Proj t NAME COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. 1. Grtktvac & Prkacin Const. P.O.B.__o.x 1~..~5_~ .... Arcadia, 91006 2. ~] S~nc~ 8815 S~et Blvd. / ................ ' P'~t, 90723 3. Byron L. C~e, Inc. 1826 P~ ~. / 4. T. A. ~v~.~ ..~ __. 11140 ~s AlgOL ........... .......... Ste. 205 ~>s ~s, ~ 9 ]720 / 5. Me~ins Const. Co. 6392 Old ~1~ ~ 6. ~r~ntes Const. Co. P.O. Box 1578 ~ C~esa, ~ 92320 / 8.Coli~ & So~ (~) 547 W. 140~ St. ~ 10. ~nad~-M~, Inc. P.-9' ~ox 6444 11. J.R. Pi~l~e ~ 5 ~Q T~r St~ ~r~o Vil~V 12. S.A. H~y Co. & As~. P .O. Box 928 13. ~t Cons~. ~o. i?~B ~..~atella S~e. 103 6=~e, 9266~ /"' L~. ~ cons~. ~.0.~ 6?96 " / / 15. S~c~-~8~Lc~ 63 ~ S~., ~ca~ 16. S~ey F. YellS, Inc. P.O, Box 246 BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTAliA BID OPENING DATE: MArPh ?n, lqqn TIME: iO:O0~M LOCATION: City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. SUBJECT: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project NAME COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. AMT. 18. Kershaw Construction Co. 14046 Santa Ana &,'/ ~'/ (fZ~ ,~c~O~'~' Fontana, 92335 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ~, COUNT ~ # 8 REMOTE STATION I.D, START TIME DURATION #PACES COMMENT 818 334 q310 8-16-90 2:19PM 1'24" 3 TOTAL 0:01'24" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7021 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA File: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project TO: HOLDERS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER FRON: GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, P.E. CONSULTING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ADDITION OF PAGE P-11 TO YOUR SET OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FOOTHILL/ BEECH SEWER PROJECT Page P-11 was inadvertently omitted from the specifications for the Construction of The Foothill Trunk Sewer from Hemlock Avenue to Beech Avenue, Foothill Trunk Sewer from Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, Beech Interceptor Sewer Main from Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Avenue. Please insert the enclosed copy of page P-11 into your set of the specifications. We regret this error and hope that it has not caused you any inconvenience. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 350-7618. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. By: ~'egory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:wp Enclosure cc: Ri. Weddle 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN~, CALIFORNIA 82334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Total $ Amount in Words NOTE: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication of the general scope of the work, but the accuracy of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from the drawings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the totals shown by the bidder, the unit price will be considered to be the bid. BIDDER'S NAME AND TELEPHONE NUMBER Sheet 3 of 3 P-11 HAR-15-'91~ THU 18:5~ ID:MBP-1 985 22~1 ~801 P01 ............ ~IL: " w ~ "' ~" ., : ' ' ~OXES " "' FAX TRANSMISSION REPORT - DATE: March 15, 1990 IIME: TOTAL OF PAGES TRANSMITTEl) 3 (INCLUDING TIllS COVER PAGE) TO: Greg Bucknell of BBI Copsultantm, Inc. COMPANY: City of Fontaria Fax# 714/350-7691 FROM: Don Pn~tt -- . WITCO CORPORATION - Golden Bear DiviSic~ PLEASE NOTIFY_ JUDY ~ IF YO~ DONOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES AT: (602) 963~2267 963-2291 * U,P,S, * FED EX * POST OFFICE BOX * SHIPPING * PACKING * NOTARY ~IAR-15-'90 THU 12:55 ID:MBP-I 965 I2c31 ~801 P02 March 15, 1990 City of ~ontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontam~, CA 92335 Tel: 7~4/350-7618 Fax: 714/350-7691 Attention: Greg Bucknell MI ConsUltantS, Inc. Befere~ee: Quotatic~ for Coherex City of Fontana Sewer Line Project Bid Date - March 20, 1990 Dear Greg: tn regard to our telephone c~m~ersatic~ today, we ~e attaching a contmactor quotation for 24 tens of eoherex concentrate deliared to the City o~ Funtana Sewer Line Project site. The quoted price Will be applicable to all bidders based c~ the sa~e conditions as stipulated per quotation to Albert W. Davies, Inc. If them are any questions, please advise bidderM to contact: ~Dnald L. Pruett Special Products Engineer Witco fX~zporatio~ - C~lden Bear Division Tel: (602) 863-3093 or Judy Nelson Products Engineering De~t Witco Corporation - Golden ~ear Division Tel: (602) 963-2267 Cordially, Special Products Engineer Witco Corporation - Golden Pa~uT Division . MAR-15,-'90 TSHtJ 12:54 ID:D1BP-19G~ 229I ~Sel P85 Wi~ Cor~ntion, P.O, Box 4S6, ~m~d~r, AZ B52~161 Te~phon~ 602~63-~267 March 15, 1990 Mr, Chri:~ Johnson Alber~ W. Daviee~ Inc. 8737 HeL~ Avenue Pancho Cucan~mga, CA 91730 (714) 9~9-3714 Reference: City Of Fontaria, Cali~orn/a - Sewer Line Project Prioe Quote - Coherex Bid Date - March 20, 1990 Dear Ckvis: In accordance with our tele~3hone con~rsation yesterday and your request for pricing of Coherex for ~3~e referenoed project, the following delivered price ~11 be hold firm thzDugh J~e 30, 1990, ~ed on you~ ~quest that ~e handle trucking, bulk delivery of a minimum 24 tons CohereM ooncentrate (loading weight will prevail) to your Storage t~nk located at Fontana, CA px~oJect site, the price for Coherex conc~jntrate is $1,08 per gallc~ plus applicable tax. Normal delivery oon~itions and hg, J~s will apply and minimum 72 hours n~ice will be neoessary to facilitate delivery as scheduled. Unload time ie not to exceed two hours and bulk storage tank must be large enough to accept t~e entire load, Price break6own: $1.08 X 5,712 g.als (24 t~n} ~ $6,168.96 plu~ applicable C~edit must be approved ~nd an account established with Witco prior to delivery. I have enclOsed a Credit Application fo~n with a preaddres~ed envelope ~o our Los Angeles, CA Credit De~nt. Please oc~plete the form or in lieu of establishin~ an aocomt, OOD payment in the form of cashier' s check or m~ney order is acceptable. ~ank you for calling Witoo Cor~oratien - Golde~ Bear Division, Literature con~zning COhe.-~x will be forthc~ing~ for your review and information. Please contact me. at your convenience if you have additional questions. Cordially, ~Dnald L. Pruett Special Products Engineer Witco C/~.rporation - Golde~ Bea~ Division HALL & FDREMRI,!, INC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Nov 16,89 17:58 No.L~Za F.UZ dlVIL ENGINEERING · LAND Pt,ANNING · t. NqO IURVEY~NG FAX TRANSMrI'rAL Job 4- Date: [[- (G- ~59 From: --'~=-/~,-~'~-,1c\-3 N ~(-R~ To: ~T~-~ F~~ A~ention: y~%~ ~A~ ~AL F~; Number: ~ t~ ~ ~0-1~ I Number of Pages (Including this Form) Description or Message: If all pages are not received or there is difficulty with this transmission, please .call ~"'5%\r--/'~ at (714)641-8777 or reply to FAX number (7t4)641-0170. tIHLL ~ ~UKEMRN, iNC. TEL: 714-641-0170 NOV !6,89 17:58 No.02a ~XHIBIT "A" A R M N N Civil Bngineering-~nd Plannlng~~and Su~eying 3170 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626-3428 Telephone (714) 641-8777 PRELIMINARY **** CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE **** 'oh: 3904D Estimate date: 18 July 1989 SEWE~FOOT~iLL (HEMLOCK TO LIME) & BEECH INTRCP. By: MAJID MOVAHED Quantity Unit Cost Item Total ** SANITARY SEWERS *** rains: ' 24" VCP .... i · · . .............. 1226 LF 84 00 102 984 O0 . S31~ LF 59 00 313,585.00 21" VCP · · ~ ..... .................... ............... 34.00 8" VCP ................... 25 LF 26.00 650.00 Con~t. 30"x ~ Jacked Steel Cs 202 LF ~50.0o 50,500.00 Const, 42 x 0.375" Jacked Steel Cs, 90 LF 250.00 22,500.00 ' Mains subtotal: 557,369,O0 anhole~: 48" Precast Manhole .............. ; 2 EA 1,500.00 3,000.00 4'8" Manliole (w/watertight cover).,, 4 EA 1,600.00 6,400.00 60" Manhole ........................ 14 EA a,800,00 39,200.00 60" Manhole (w/watertight cover), .. 4 EA 2,900. o0 11,600. oo Drop Manhole .(modified exist. mh).. 1 EA 2,200.00 2,200.00 Manholes subtotal: 62,400. O0 ~sc~llaneous: ~" VCP ~teral ('w/~es & plu~s) .... ~0 EA 200.00 ~0,000,o0 Pl, u~ End VCP Sewer ................. 24 EA 100.00 2,400.00 ~emove Trees,, ...... . .............. 336 EA 200.00 67,200.00 ~emOve & Restore Chain Link Fence.. 2105 ~ ~2.00 25,260.00 ~emove & Re{lace Existln~ Curb ..... 270 LF 8.00 2,160.00 , lemo~e Exfe lng 72' RCP ............ 40 LF 100,00 4,000.00 ~emove ex, sewer plug & connect .... 1 EA 700.00 700,00 ~onst. Concrete collar ............. 1 EA 200,00 200.00 Page 1 of 2 HRLL & FU~E~I~N, INC. TEL: 714-6a1-0170 Nov i6,39 17:58 No.O2a P.O~ Constru. Ction CoSt ~stimate - 3904D Quantity Unit cost Item Total .. x Shoring (for lackof const.' easm't) ~ ~ 123,000.00 Remove/replace Pavement ............ 7110 SF 1.00 7,110.00 Remove Struct, Appurt & Equipment.. LS 4,000.00 Tr~f'fic Control Etc 000 ................ LS 5, .o0 Miscellaneous subtotal: 251,030,00 SANITARY SEWERS total: 870,799.00 *** MAJOR ,CATEGORY TOTAI~ (without contingencies): SANITARY SEWERS: 870,799.00 *** SUMMARY: ~' CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL: 870,799.00 'CONTINGENCIES @ 10%: 87,079.90 OTHER COSTS: O.00 TOTAL ~STIMATED COST: 957,878.90 NOTES:' 1. Since Ha].1 & Foreman , Inc., has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, our opinions .of estimated project cost or construction cost provided for herein are to be made on the basis of our experience and qualificatio~s: and represent our best Judgment as desi n professionals familiar with. the construction ~ndustr , but Hal~ aa]d Foreman , Inc., cannot and does not, guarantee t~at proposals, bids, or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of estimated cost prepared by the firm. Page 2 of ~ A ENOA ,TEN 9D(i &2) CZ?Y COUNCIL ACTION REPORT Oeceeber 5. 1989 Publtc lieartn9 Meeting Date Agerids PTacement TO: Nayor and Ctty Council FROg: Anntvory Calvert, Public Norks Director .SIJB~ECT: SEWER LZNE CONSTRUCTION IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROH HENLOCK TO LINE AND BEECH AVENUE FROH FOOTNILL~-NU~TO BASELINE ~[. NOTION TO APPROVE A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER LINE IN FOOTHILL OOULEVAR~ FROM HENLOCK TO LINE AND BEECH AVENUE FRON FOOTHILL TO eASELINE. ~, MOTlOg TO AUTHORIZE THE PURLIC WORKS DEPARTNEh~ TO ADVERTISE FOR BID THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 5Lq~ER LINE IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HENLOCK TO LINE AND BEECH AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL TO OASELIWE; A~D TO APPROVE THE APPROPRIATION OF $],000,000 FROM THE CITY 5Lq/ER FUND FOR THE PROJECT. FISCAL IMPACt: ~ Yes F'[ No The cost of construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer L~ne ~Poject wl]{ be paid ~f the City Sewer Fund. A substantial ~ortton of th{s fund was established via developer pupchas~ of sowap connection Additional fundtn~ Pequest~ wt]] be made at a later date fop construction inspection, construction surveytriO, materials ~es~{n~ and contrac~ administration s~rvices. Thm design of thmFootht]]/~e~ch Sewer proJ~c~ has been ongotn~ for a number of years. PP{or to constPucttn~ this project, an environmental assessment had be accomp]tshmd. Provisions of thm ~a{{foPnia Environmental ~ua]tty Act of ]~70 (CEQA) require that th~ City d~t~rmtne the effect of projects such as this on the environment. A n~attv~ dmc]aratton cert{fSes that such a rmvtmw has been conductmd; thm project wt{{ no~ have a significant ~ffect on the environment; ami an mnvtronnmntal impact report {EIR) is not required. Affected regerva tha r~ght to appma] such a detarmtnatton. FoP this project'a environmental analysts, certain mitigation measures were noted that wt]] b~ a part of the construction program (dust mbatement, noise control, etc.) A spectal mitigation measure was proposed with respect to the requtred remove' of the eucalyptus tree row along Footh]11 and Beech. For this project, a tree replacement program wtll be established that sets a value to the trees which will be:removed. The tree replacement program wtll be funded by a contribution from the sewer fund as described tn detatl in the Negattve Declaration'- mitigation measure 4a (see attachment). These funds would be placed tn a restricted account that can solely be used to plant replacemont trees along Foothill/Beech or local environs. The first step tn implementing the tree replacement program was to conduct an t,ventory of existtrig eucalyptus trees. The arbortst's report weas just completed. and a copy ts attached for reference. As~ per the Ctty Attorney. all of the trees that wtll be removed from Foothill are street trees end not the property of the adjacent property owner unless the ortgtnal street dedication excepted the transfer of trees tn the dedication. NO known exceptions to a full dedication have been found. For the trees on Beech Avenue. a1:1 property owners have been contacted and appropriate mitigation wtll be done as a part of the construction agreements for the temporary construction easements. Thts project has encountered some resistance from the property own~s along Foothill who reside tn the County. A number of property owner moet~figs have been held wtth another one scheduled for November 29, 198g~ inI brtef. 'the property owners with existing businesses on Footht11 Boulevard have been the most concerned about the construction of thts! project. Their. concerns are based upon thetr optnton that the project would significantly tmpact their businesses vta loss of tncome. The property owner of Wheels. Etc.. Hr. Carl At~tnson. has indicated that unless he ts compensated for loss of busthess revenue, he wtll take legal action agatnst the Ctty. The City Attorney's offtcets researching the legal- tssue of paJments of damages for potential loss of business. Normally, as a function of a Clty's po!ltce powers, we have a right to construct our works. However. the sewer line project wtll be constructed tn Footht11 Boulevard tn Celttans' right-of-way (via Caltrans perett)in untncorporated County:areas. ~J,~'I'IFI~JiTI~II= The Ctty~.needs t~ :. construct thts 11ne as soon as posstble to allow for the or~lerl~:idevelopeent of the North Fontaria area as well as to sattsfy the ~, ; have patd ~,etr sewer connection fees tn advance towards ATI'A(~IBITS; 1. November 21, 1989 status report on Foothill/Beech 2. Negattve Declaration document 3. Arbortst report OTIIEX AFFECTEl) DEPARTlIE]ITS: 5t ~nature S1 qnature - - " P'/~'ZX PARKS & REC, __SLOG/SAFETY PLANNING .\~.~~./~ CLERK POLICE CON, OEV, X PUBLIC MORKS -,~ 'DEPUTY NGR, ' 'ROA ECON, DEV, 'X'FINANCE ~ c.'-.t t ~4..-/ RISK NGNT,, SPEC, PROJ, -- AC:RNI~:YP:Wp STATUS REPORT OF NOVEHBER 21. 1989 ON FOOTHILL/BEECH/BASELINE SEWER To simplify the the description of the status of the Foothill/Beech/Baseline Sewer Projects, the project background description wtll be divided into the following segments: 1. Foothill Sewer - Cherry to ltemlock Desion Administration: Heritage Construction Administration: Heritage Status: Bid awarded| Caltrans has just approved construction between Cherry Avenue and Redwood Avenue (no trees), but the remainder of the project is on hold pending reinstatement of Caltrans permit. Caltrans requires environmental document on eucalyptus tree issue. City processing mitigated negative declaration (NO) as required by CEQA. Request for Council certification of NO is programmed for the December 5, 1989 Council meeting. Notices have been sent to impacted property owners and responsible agencies. Rloht-of-way: None is required. 2. Foothill Sewer - Itemlock to Lie Desion Enoineer: Hall & Foreman Construction Administration: City of Fontaria Contractinq Authority: City of Fontana (Sewer Fund) S~atus: Project design plans and specifications are 98% complete. The Southern Pacific Railroad permit was requested on January 1, 1989; it has not been issued to date. Cattrans Permit: It was issued but subsequently suspended by Caltrans pending submittal of environmental documentation on eucalyptus tree issue. The City is processing a mitigated negative declaration (NO) as required by CEQA, 1'he ND is to be presented to City Council on December 5, 1989. Riqht-of-Way: Six out of nineteen temporary construction easements have been secured. The project can be constructed in existing.street right-of-way with the temporary construction easements which the City has in place. Property Owner Issues: Dust control; tree removal; potential loss of business during construction; access; compensation to property owners; replacement of curb and gutter at ultimate locati.on. The contractor will be required to expedite his work (with penalties) through property owner work areas (Wheels, Etc.). Dust control spray agents are being reviewed for reducing the problem of wind blown dust. 3. Beech Avenue - Foothill to Baseline Oesiqn Enqineer: Hall & Foreman Construction Administration: City of Fontaria Construction Authority: City of Fontana (Sewer Fund) Status: The project design plans and specifications are 98% complete. The Southern Pacific Railroad permit was requested on.~anuary 17, 1989 but it has not been issued to date. Environmental: The City is processing the mitigated negative declaration for the December 5, 1989 City Council meeting. Right-of-Way: The City has 25 of the 27 requtred easements. Staff ts reviewing options to Implement with existing in place construction easements. Negotiations with the property owners have delayed the project implementation. Property Owner Issues: Dust control; tree removal; construction mitigation. 4. Baseline - Beech to Alwrla Oeslqn Enqtneer: Hadole & Associates (Presley Homes) Construction Administration: Not dectded. Contracttn~ Authority: Not decided. Status: The project design ts 25~ complete. The City ts negotiating a reimbursement agreement with Presley Homes for design engineering and project assistance (Foothill/Beech segment). Presley Homes also ts to assist the CIty In securing Southern Pacific Railroad permit and general project assistance. APPENDIX M City of Fontana NOTICE OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION Planning Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Date of Declaratkon: 9/22/89 Effective Date: December 5, 1989 Applicant: City of Fontana Address: 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana Project Title: Env. Log # Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Description Of Property: Foothill Boulevard from Cherry A~enue to Lime Avenue; Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline (Plans and specifications are available for public inspection at the public counter of the Planning Department) Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Ouality Act of 1970 (Public Resources Code, Sections 1500. et seq), the City of Fontana has determined that the above-referenced project will not have a significant effect upon the environment. An environmental impact report will not be required. Appeal Period This decision may be appealed to the City Council by any person aggrieved, or by an officer, board, department, or commission of the City. Any appeal shall be filed with-in fourteen (14) days after the publication of this decision or it shall be dismissed by the City Council. The notice of Appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed in duplicate in the office of the City Clerk upon forms provided by the Planning Department. Kur/~..n_~,erson Manager of Planning CONDITIONAL APPROVAL GRANTED: YES( ) NO( ) NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECTARATION Notice is hereby given that The CitV of Fontana has completed an Initial Study of t~e FoOthill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. on t~he basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Nagative Declaration. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra ~enue, Fontana and are available for public review. At its meeting On December 5 at 6:30 p.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration. This means that the City council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the ~ity by November 21, 1989 Dated: /c - ~ c o ~ ~ 7-~ ~b/-~- Staff APPENDIX I (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Background 1. Name of Proponent City of Fontana 2, Address and Phone Nsmber of Proponent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, Callfornta 9Z335 (7141 350-7610 3. Date of Checklist Submitted Segtember 22. 1989 4,, Agency RequtrtnD Checklist City of Fontana 5,. Name*of Proposal. tf applicable Foothill/Beech Sewer ProJect 6.. Description of Project 11 Installatlon of sewer line 41' from center line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Ltme Avenue and 1n-between 12' County and City owned strt D of property destqnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Basellne. 21 Installation of storm drain line 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 3) Installation of water line 28' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 7. Location of ProJec~c 11 Sewer project ts from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2) Storm drain is on Foothtll Bou]evard between Cherry and Beech Avenue. 31 Water llne oroJect is from Cherry to Beech Avenue (see attached man), II. EnVironmental lmuacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Yes Naybe No 1. Ea~. Will the proposal result a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compactton or overcovering of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface rellef features? X APPENI~eiX Z Page 2 d. The destruction, covertng or modification of any unique geologtc or phystcal features? X e. Any tncrease tn wtnd or water eroston of sotls, etther on or off the stte? X f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes tn stltatton, deposition or eroston which may modify the channel of a rtver or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, in]et or lake? _X_ g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground fatlure, or stmt]ar hazards? 2, Atr, Will the proposal result tn: a. Substantta] air emissions or deterioration or ambtent air qua'ltty? b. The creatton of objectionable odors? X c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in c11mate, either locally or regionally? X 3, Mater. Will the proposal result tn: a. Changes in currents, or the course of rection of water movements, In etther martne or fresh waters? X b. Changes tn absorption rates, dratnage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? __ X c. A]terattons to the course or low of flood waters?__ d. Change tn the amount of surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, cluding but not llmtted to temperature, dlsso]ve oxygen or turbidtry? _J_ f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? __X_ APPENDIX Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of spechs, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Zntroductton of new species of plants into an area, or tn a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of extsttng species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? __ X 5.Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of antmals (btrds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? ...... b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of antmals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existtrig fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. Noise. Wlll the proposal result in: a. Increases tn extsting noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? APPENDIX Page 4 7. Light and 61are. Wtll the proposal produce new light or glare? 8, Land Use, Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 9.. Natural Resources. Wt'll the proposal result a. /ncrease in the rate of use of any natural resources? 10. Risk of Upset, Htll the proposal involve: a. A r~sk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, otl, pesttctdes, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset condttlons? b. Posstble interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? 13. Population. ~tll the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12:. Housing. Will the proposal affect extsttng hous- ing, or create a demand for additional houstng? 13. Transportation/Circulation, W111 the proposal result a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on extsttng parking factlit'tee, or demand for new parktng? c. Substantial impact upon extsttng transpor- tation systems? d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, rat1 or atr traffic? f. Zncrease tn trafftc hazards to motor vehicles, btcycllsts or pedestrians? APPENI)ZX Page I~1. Publtc Services. W111 the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services tn any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Pollce protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Halntenance of publlc facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15;. Energy, Will the proposal result a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16, Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities= X 17. H,m-n Health. Wtll the proposal result in: a.Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? __X_ 18. Aesthetics. Wtll the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vtsta or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? _~_ APENOIX Page 20. Cultural Resources. a. WIll the proposal result tn the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? b. Will the proposal result In adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic buildlng, structure, or object? c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a phystcal change whtch would affect unique ethnic cultural values? JL d. ~tl1 the proposal restrict exlsttng rellglous or sacred uses wtthtn the potential Impact area? _)L 21. Randatory FIndings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wtldltfe species, cause a ftsh or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California htstory or prehtstory? b. Does the project have the potential to achteve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term Impact on the environment ts one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive pertod of time while long-term tmpacts will endure well Into the future.) X c. Does the project have Impacts which are Individually ltmtted, but cumulattvely con- sidetable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the Impact on each resource ls relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects whtch will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either dtrectly or Indirectly? __ X APENDIX I Psge 7 ZI] Discussion of Environtel Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) IV. ~etermtnatton (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basis of thts intttal evaluatlon: I ftnd that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the envfronment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION wtll be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there wtll not be a s4gntftcant effect tn this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED, X I find the proposed project NAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONNENTAL INPACT REPORT ts required. PREPARED BY: Ocl;ob~r 19, 1989 "PATANWALA DATE YOUS CiViL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT Ill REVIEWED AND APPROVED ROBERT W. WEDDLE INTERIN CITY ENGINEER MItigation Measures to all "Yes" and "Maybe" answers: I.e. At the time of excavation unstable earth condlttons wtll result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which wtl~ alloN stable slopes. 1.b. 0ue to the excavation of-the trench, sotl wtll be disturbed and displaced. Most of this soil wtll be placed back Into the trench after the placement of utility ptpes. Outing backfilling operation, the sotl will be well compacted; and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. :l.c. Topographtcal change ts expected during construction stage only whtch will diminish as the project ts out of the construction stage. ;L.e. increase In wtnd eroston may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where d~rt ts being piled up as per standard specification for Pub~tc Work's construction 7-8.1. 3..g. There ts a possibility durtng construction of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2~.a. The heavy equipment on the project stte wtll temporarily disturb the alr quality of the surrounding area, but he ts regulated by Arttcle 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work's Construction. To further mlntmtze this effect, the work will not be cartted out on days when the general atr qualtty ls satd to be tn 1st stage smog alert. 3.b. Installattonof a storm dra~n line wtll benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins tn the side streets and reductng the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The Ctty of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of Eucalyptus trees have tn creattng the beauty and ambience of the Ctty. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible. in thts pro~ect, tn order to provide for publlc health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the exfsttng wtnd rows of Eucalyptus trees ts necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baselthe. These wind rows 11e within the extsttng or proposed street right-of-way. Page 2 in order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Bou}evard is widened to its full wtdth, the City of Fontana will establish a tree program. Honey wi11 be placed in the tree program ustng the following guidelines: 1. Before the project begins, a certified arbortst will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech'Avenue. The condition and trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arbortst. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of g" or more, $300 will be placed tn the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Avenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City will plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule established for the trees along Foothill Boulevard. Honey placed in thts tree program will be used to plant trees along Foothtll Boulevard and vicinity where not already requtred by development standards. 5.a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of birds and small rodents In the area. However, with the planttng of new trees tn the streetscape, the birds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be an increase tn noise level due to construction equipment, but wtll it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeptrig thetr noise level wtthtn pe;'mtsstble ltmtts. Also, the hours of construction w111 be ltmtted to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. lob. The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All uttltty companies, Pollce and Fire wtll be notified at least a week tn advance of the sectton of the pro~ect on whtch work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor wtll be required to follow the Arttcle 7-ZO of the Standard Specification for Publlc Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. Page 3 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and It will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. Zt w111 cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate thts impact, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the pro3ect site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through pro3ect specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suttable means to the property at all times. Z3f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to a~l the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs according to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. :t6. The construction of the new sewer line will provtde sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. ~["~HiE:R AVE. ~["~'~D~'II, AVE.. ~ i =" NOT TO SCALE , E REDWOOD AVE. i ,,k-PROPOSED SEWER LINE _ ,, ~ e---. PROPOSED STORM DRAIN t.j HEMLOCK ~ __ e,---FUTURE STORM DRAIN ' ~ BEECH AVE. FPROI~SED SEWER LINE I ' II,I · . CIFIC RAILROAD YL-- -- LIME M "'"' · Beech Z~ Q REMOVE TREES. AS NECESSARY (..SEE TREE Ex, ~" TR~NS~T~ ~~~/ WATER CO, )L!~ NOtS: o~ WAT~ CO.l · /Z ~ , , I2 ~ i ~r A~ I ' HEULOCK CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE. . _ ~~- --._~:;~~ - -~- ._--- N~ ~=,.-:,-~' GRANTED BY THE PRO~RTY ~NER. ~[ ' ':~ NOTE: SHdRING BY CONTRACTOR WHERE TEMPORARY · i: ~ ~ ")' ~ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE. ., - . ~ , -~.' .. ~ / ~ ' /' ". T~ OWNER. ,.,~/..,' . EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE I FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Cherry Avenue to Hemlocke Avenue, City of Fontana The Eucalyptus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that follows corresponds to the numbering on the accom- panying Sewer Plans, Sheets 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A t;otal of 61 Eucalyptus trees were inspected. Of these 61 trees, two trees should be removed for safety reasons; one is dead ('~9) and one (#3i) is unsafe. The remaining trees (59) are in such a condition so that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. Of the 59 trees, six are under 8" DBH (Diameter at Breast Height), leaving a total of 53 trees over 8" DBH of sound condition. 1. 20" DB}{ Trunk wound at base, 50~ girdled 2. 16" 3. 43", 10" DBH Multi-trun]ced (2), Minor trun}c wound 4. 23" DB~ 5. 17" DB}{ 6. 23" DBH 7. 36" DBH Trunk wound at base, + 24" wide 8. 30" DBR Trun~ ~und at base, ~0" wide 9. 25" DBH Dead, ~:calyl~tus Long-horned Borer 10. 22", 4" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 11. 24" DBH 12. 19" DBH 13. 17" DB~ 14. 12" DB}{ 15. 23" DBH 16. 40" DB}~ 17. 6" DB}{ Undersized 18. 6" DB}{ Undersized 19. 12" 20. 7" DB}{ Undersized 21. 7" DBM Unders i zed 22. 19" 23. 13", 9" Di]H Multi-trun]ced (2) 24. 14" 25. 19" DBi{ 26. 10" ~ 27. 9" DBM 28. 8" DBM 29. 21" DBH Trun]c wound at base, 4" wide, 6' tall 30. 19" DBM Trun]c wolmd at base, 4" wide 31. 30" DBi{ Over 60~ girdled at base, terminal dieback, unsafe, remove 32. 16" DBi{ 33. 6" DBa Undersized 34. 20" DBH 35. 25" DBH 36. 122" 37. 36" DB~ PHASE I FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER PAGE 2 38. 12" DBH 39. 24" DBH 40. 14" DBH 41. 15" DBH 42. 40" DBH 43. 13" DBH 44. 6" DBH Undersized 45. 17" DBH 46. 13" DBH 47. 17" DBH 48. 20" DBH 49. 28" DBH Trunk wound, 4" wide 50. 8" DBH 51. 26" DBH 52. 25" DBH 53. 23" DBH 54. 17" DBH Trunk wound at base, 14" wide 55. 19" DBH Trunk wouald at base, 24" wide 56. 19" DBH Trunk wound at base, 4" wide 57. 13" DBH 58. 18" DBH 59. 29" DBH 60. 20" DBH Trunk wound at base, 7" wide 61. 17" DBH EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE II SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN FoOthill BlVd. to Baseline Avenue, City of Fontana Two hundred and forty-five (245) EUcalyptus trees are identified on the project plans, sheets 2 through 6. The following tree numbers correspond to the accompanying project plans~ Of the 245 trees, 21 are undersized (less than 8" DBH), 15 are dead, 25 are ~;eakened and/or diseased 'to the point where removal is reco~aen- ded, and 30 are located more than 16' aw~y from the center line (C/L). A total of 154 Eucalyptus trees are in adequate condition such that if it were not for the sewer construction, they could remain. 1. 24" DBH 2. 15" DBH Old basal wound, 5" wide 3. 23" DBH 4. 17" DBH 5 · 9" 6. 20" DBH Terminal dieback 7. 11" DBH Trun3( wotulds 8. 20" DBH 9. 12" DBH 10. 8" DBH 11. 25" DBH 12. 21" DBH Trunk wounds 13. 8" DBH Trun~ wounds, Undersize~ 14. 9" DBH 15. 14" DBH 16. 23" DBH Girdling wires 17. 15" DBH 18. 11" DBH Girdling wires 19. 22" DBH 20. 24" DBH Girdling wires 21. 9" DBH 22. 8" DBH Girdling wires 23. 18" DI~ TrUnk wounds 24. .[3" DBM Barbed wire 25. 13" DBM 26. 6" DBI Girdling wire, Undersized 27. 7" D~M Undersized 28. ]9", 11" DI~ Multi-trunked (2) 29. 22" D~I Embedded bark, likely to split 30. 13" DBH 31. 16", 18" DBI{ Multi-trunked (2), .trun~ wounds 32. 6" DBH Undersized 33. .14" DBH Girdling wire, trun~ wounds 34. 2!5" DBH Girdling wire 35. 6" D~I Undersized 36. 16" DBH 37. 13" DBH PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 2 38. 15", 5" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 39. 15" DBH 40. 13" DBH 4I. 9" DBH 42. 16" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 43. 20" DBH 44. 14" DBH 45. 9", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 46. '3%", 3", 2" DBH Multi-~runked (3), Undersized 47. 9" DBH 48. 7", 5" DBH Multi-trunksd (2) 49. 14" DBH Dead, F, ucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 50. 13" DBH Massive terminal dieback, Remove 51. 12", 9" DBH Multi-trunked (2), wilted foliage, ELH~, Remove 52. 15" DB}{ Terminal diebacK, EL~8, Remove 53. 7" DBH ~xtremely wilted, Undersized, Remove 54. 20", 14" DBH Multi-trunked (2), ELHB, Remove 55. 6" DBH Undersized 56. 8" DBH Dead, EL}{B, Remove 57. 6" DBH Undersized 58. 14", 6", 6" DBH Multi-trunked (3), Dead, EL}{B, Remove 59. 18" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 60. 9", 7", 4" DBH Multi-tnmked (3), ELHB, Remove 61. 18" D~H Trun~ vo[inds, girdling wires, terminal dieback, wilted 62. 14" D~H Terminal diebac~, wilted 63. 10" DBH Trunk wounds, wilted 64. 12" DBH TrunE wounds, wilted 65. 9I' DB}{ Trunx wounds, wilted 66, 13" D~H Trunk WOunds 67. 2"' DBP{ 8 spEouts from trunk cut at grade, Undersized 68. 21" DBH TnmK wounds, girdling wires 69. 18" DBH Trun/c ~ounds 70. 13" DBH Trun]c wounds 71. 9" DBH Trun~ sprouts, trunk topped at 4', Remove 72. 12" DBH Trun]( wounds 73. 17" DE]{ 74. I0'~, 5" DB~ M~lti-trunked (2) 75. 5", 3" DBM MUlti-trunFad (2), trun]( WOunds, Undersized 76. 8" DBM Dead, EI~B, Remove 77. i0", 10" DBH Multi-trur~ed (2} 78. 14" DBM 79. 8" ' DBH Tm~ wounds 80. ii" DBH 81. 9" DBH Trun]{ wounds 82. 11" DBH Basal sprouts, .Dead, ELHB, Remove 83. 10" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 84, 12" DB~ Trunk wounds 85. 11", 14" DBH Multi-trunXed (2), trun~ WOunds 86. 8" DBH Trunk wounds 87. 11" DBH Terminal diebacK, Remove P~E II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 3 88. 18", 8" DBH Mulf~i-trunked (2) 89. 10" DBH Trunk wounds, ELHB 90. 12" DBH Trunk wounds 91. 16" DBH Trunk wounds 92. 10" DBH Wilted, terminal dieback, ELHB 93. 16" DBH Trunk wounds 94. 12" DBH 95. 14" DBE Trunk wounds, wilted 96. 10",' 12" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 97. 5" DBH Undersized 98. 11" DBH Dead, EI2~B, Remove 99. 15" DBH Wilted, EIaB, Remove 100.. 20" DBH Wilted, ELHB, Remove 101. 12" DBE Trur~c wounds 102. 10", 3" DBH Multi-trurd{ed (2) 103. 14" DBH Trun~ wounds, girdling wires 104. 6" DBH Undersized 105. 8" DBH 106. 9- DBH 107. 7", 6", 4" DB}{ Multi-trun~ed (3), suckers 108. 5", 4", 5", 2" DBH Multi-tman]ced (4), suckers 109. 11" DBH 110. 9", 4", 4" DBP{ Multi-trunked (3) 111. 18" DBH 112. 9" DBH 113. 7" DBH Undersized 114. 12" DBH Severely wilted, Remove 115. 11" DBH ELHB, Remove 116. 25" DBI{ 117. 9" DB~ Severely wilted, Remove 118. 21" DEw{ ELiIB, Remove 119. 9", 7" DBH Multi--trunked (2) 120. 12" DB~ 121. 8" DBI{ Wilted, ELHB, RemT~r~e 122. 6" DEM Undersized 123, 9", 10", 5", 4" DB!iMulti-.tmlnked (4) 124. 7" DBM Undersized 125. 11", 6", 4" DB~ Multi-trunked (3) 126: 6" EMIt Undersized 127. 13" DBM 128. 10" DBII 129. 8", 4" DE{{ Multi-trunJ(ed (2), trun~ wounds, EL~B, Remove 130. 20" DBE 131. 24" DBE 132. 8" DBH 133. 18" DBH Fire damage, basal trunk wounds, terminal dieback, Remove 134. I4" DBH ELHB, Remove 135. 11" DEM ELHB, Remove 136. 14", 11" DBH Multi-~runked (2) 137. 19" D~I PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 4 138. 9" DBH 139. 15" DBH 140. 12" DBH 141. i4" DBH 142. 15" DBH 143. 15" DBH 144. 8" DBH 145. 6", 3", 5", 4" DBH Trunk severed 2' above grade, trunk sprouts, Remove 146. 8", 6" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 147. 16" DBH Wilted, terminal dieback 148. 10" DBH 18' West of Center Line (WC/I,), ELHB, Remove 149.. 12" DBH 150,, 10" DBH Trunk ~ounds 151,. 16" DBH Trun~ wounds 152. 6", 6" DBH 153. 12" DBH 154. 7" DB}{ Undersized 155. 11" DBH 156. 14" DBH 157. 15", 18" DBH Mult;i-trunked (2) 158. 14" DBH 18' WC/L 159. 19" DBH 18' WC/L 160. 5" DBH Undersized 161. 10" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 162. 14" DBH Trunk severed 4' above grade, Remove 163. 20" DB~ 164. 9" DBH 165. 15" DBH 166. 12" DBH 167. 10" DBH 168. 9" DE4 169. 12" DBH 18' EC/L 170. 15" DB}{ ELHB 171. 13" DBH 172. 12" DB~I ELHB 173. 14" DBM 174. 8" 175. 12" 176. i1" DBM 177. 11" D~ 178. 18", 16" DBM Multi-trunked (2) 179. 11" DBH 180. 10" DBH Dead~ ELHB, 181. 10" DBH 182. 14" DB}{ Dead, ELHB, Remove 183. 18" DBM 184. 8" DBM 185. 10" DB~I 186. 12" DB~{ PHASE II BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 5 187. i3" DBH EL~n~ 188. 14" DBH 20' WC/L 189. 13" DBH 19' WC/L 190. 15" DBH 191. 24" DBH 192. 9" DBH Stub-cut at base, basal sprouts 3", Remove 193. 11" DBH Trun~ wounds 194. 8" DBH 195. 7" DBH Undersized 196. 7" DBH Undersized 197. 13" DBH 198. 23" DBH 199. 8" DBH Dead, EL}{B, Remove 200. 15" D~H 201. 11" DBH Trunk wounds, ELHB, Remove 202. 26" DBH 203. 9" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 204.. 7", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 2051. 9" DBH Trun~ cut 1' above grade, basal sprouts, Remove 206. 12" DE4 207.. 8" DBH 208.. 12" DBH 209 .. 11" DBH 210.. 8" DBH ELHB 211. 7" DBH Undersized 212. 11" DBH 213. 7", 4", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (3) 214. 9" DBH Trunk wounds, terminal dieback, ELHB, Remove 215. 7", 8", 3" DB}I Multi-trunked (3), 18" WC/L 216. 14", 11", 7" D~ Multi-trunked (3), 18' WC/L 217. 10", 10" DBH Multi-trun~ed (2), 19' WC/L 218. 18" D~ 20" WC/L 219. 10" DBH 220. 15" DEH 20' WC/L 221. 13" 222. 15" DEM 20' WC/L 223. 19" DMM 23' WC/L 224. 10", 9", 3" DBM Multi-trunked (3), +20' WC/L 225. 20" M 20' WC/L, Dead, EL~, Remove 226. 5", 8" DMM Stub-cut 2' above grade, 20' WC/I~ 227. 15" DMM 20' WC/L 228. 15", 12" DBH 19' WC/L 229. 13", 8" DMM Multi-trunked (2), 19' WC/L 230. 8", 7" DB~ Multi-trun~,ed (2), 19' WC/L 231. 13" 25' WC/L 232. 9", 7", 4" D~4 Multi-trunked (3), 20' WC/L 233. 11" DBH 21' WC/L 234. 15",12", 9" DE~{ Multi-trunked (3), 20' WC/L 235. 11", 4" DBH Multi-trur~ed (2), 22' WC/L 236. 9" DBH 237. through 245. All trees are +20' outside C/L EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION ?HASE III FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, City of Fontana The! Eucalyptus trees are located on the NOrth side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that follows corresponds to the numbering on the accompanying sewer ~lans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 64 Eucalyptus trees were inspected. Of these 64 trees, four (4) are recommended for removal ( one, dead; two severed trunks; one encased in .cement), and nine (9) are under 8" DBH (Diameter Breast Height). A total of 51 Eucalyptus are over 8" DB~ and are of a condition that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. 1. 18" DBH 2. 24" DBH 3. 6" DBH Undersized 4. 12" DBH 5. 16" DBH 6. 22" DBH 7. 15" DBH 8 · 9" DBH 9. 17" DBH 10. 18" DBH 11. 19" DBH Trunk wounds 12. 13" DBH Trun]( wounds 13. 17" DBH 14. 17" DBH 15. 28" DBH Trunk wounds 16. 15" DBH Trun~ wounds 17. 26" DBH 18. 22" DBH 19. 15" DBH 20. 13" DBH 21. 22" DBH 22. 11" DBH 23. 18" DBM 24. 15" DBM 25. 21" DBM 26. 10" DMM 27. 16" 13BM 28. 13" DBM Trunk wounds 29. 11" DB~{ 30. 21" DI}{ 31. 17" DBH 32. 20" DBH 33. 18" DBH 34. 6" DBH Undersized 35. ]2" DBH 36. 24" DBH 37. 10" DBH PHASE III FOOTHILL TRUNK SE~ER PAGE 2 38. 8" DBH 39. 7" DBH Undersized 40. 7" DBH Undersized 41. 6" DBH Undersized 42. 8" DBH 43. 28" DBH 44. 18" DBH 45. 4" DBH Undersized 46., Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 471, 19" DBH 48,. 14" DBH 49,. 9" DBH 50. Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 51. 16" DBH 52. 17" DBH 53 ~ 6" DBH Undersized 54. 6" DBH Undersized 55. 17" DBH 56. 6" DBH Undersized 57. 20" DBH Trunk wounds 58. 17" DBH 59. 24" DBM 60. 20" DBH 61. 18" DBH Trunk wounds 62. 24" DBH 63. 13" DBH Encased in cement, Remove 64. 24" DBH Dead, Remove EUCALYPTUS INSPECTION PHASE IV FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER Hemlock Avenue to Beech Avenue, City of Fontana The: Eucalyptus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The numbering system that fol~o~s corresponds to the numbering on the accompanying Sewer Plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 22 trees were inspected. Of these 22 trees, one is a severed trunk with basal sprouts and one tree has a DBH under 8". A total of 20 trees remain with a DBH over 8" and of sufficient vitality that they could be ret.ained except for their proximity to the proposed construction. 2. 22" DBH 3. 17" DBH 4. 26" DBH 5. 16" 6. 19" DB}{ 7. 12" DB}{ 8. 11" DB}{ 9. 10" DB}{ 10. 7" DB~ 12. 17" DB~ Multiple trunk wounds 13. 18" DB~ Basal trun~ wound, 12" wide 14. 16" DB}{ 15. 10" DB}{ Basal trunk wound, 8" wide 16. 18" DBH Basal trunk wound, 14" wide 17. 18" DBH 18. 8" DBH Topped at 4', Massive heartrot, Remove 19. 22" DBH Trunk wound, 7" wide 20. 14" DBH 22. 30" DBH Attention -JO14~ ~U ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ .~Q: 7~9,/ .... If all ~s ~ ~ ~iv~ ot t~e is a ~ffi~ty ~'~is ~is- sion, piece ~1 ~y ./ju~,~ .__ at (~14) 641-8777 or reply ~ n~r (714) 641-0170 31/'0 F{EDI"~I~,I, AVENUE · COST~MC~A (JALIFORNIA 9~826-342~ ,~ {714) 841.8777 HRL. L S FQRE~dRN, INC. TEL: 714-641-0170 Feb U(,8'j lU:,.%b NO.UUO r.uz REF. NO.: BDF083 BIQ pROPOSAL SCHI:C)ULE BID. f'RoPQ , A; ( t } WHERE UNIT PRICES ARE SHOWN BELOW, PAYMF,.NT TO GON'i'RACTOR IS TO Sl-~ COMPUTED MULTIPLYING THE UNIT PRICES TIMES THE ACTUAL QUANTITY OF WORK PERFORMED. QUANTITIES SHOWN SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO ACTUAL FIELD MEASURED QUANTITIES OR FINAL QUANTiTIES.AS DLcTERMINED BY OWNER'S ENGINEER, ALL REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT ~BHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY LIEN RELI[-:ASES AND AFFIDAVITS SPECIFIED iN STATE CWIL CODE 3~-62. (2) IT IS THE INTENT OF THE OWNER TO HAVE A COMPLEI'E CONTRACT WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO UMrI~ THE AMOUNT OF EXTRA WORK ON THE JOB. (3) NO EXTT:tA CHARGES FOR MOVE-IN'S WILL B~E CJ-IARGED TO THE OWNER. (4) PRICESARERRMTHROUGHTHEDURATtONOFTHEJOB. (5) QUANTITIES ARE SHOWN FOR BiD PURPOSES AND SHALL BE ADjUSTED UPON THE CIVIL ENGINEERS FLELD kF_ASUFF..k~NT. (6) A.C. PAVEMENT REMOVAL AREAS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTIONAL .. AGENCY AND OWNER'S REPRF_SI:NTATIVES PRIOR TO ACTUAL REMOVAL eCNFDUI F OF WORK PAY ITEMS.; ITEI~4 UNIT EST. UNIT t. Const. 8" Extra Strength VCP House Lateral per dot:a{1 w/Y & P1ug~ {~3 ee. e'qoncj) LF $b~. ~J~._...~JL~ 2. Const. lz"Extra Strength VCP LF 1975 3. Const. 21"Extra, Strength VCP ' LF 5315 4. ConSt. 2~," I~xtra Strength VCP LF 136~ _~ ~4. 5. Const. t~8" Procast Cort¢. MH Per 8td. 109 EA 6. Const, 60" Oiameler Conc. MH per Sheet 50 EA ~9 7. install 30" x 318' Jacked Steel Casing LF 1~,6 8. Install ~.2" x 3/8" Steel Casing LF 90 8'O . 9, Const, Coecret. e Cotlet 10. Remove Ex.& Restore Chain Link Fence LF 2188 11. Hod?ify Ex. H.H, feor 10" Drop Harthole S,t. ruo. Std, 109, 111, & 112 EA 1 I $'od __~ 12, Remove & Replace Ex. Cu~*b & Cut;t:er LF 270 1~. Remove Ex, 7Z" R.C.P. & Rap'race wfth 10" extra SIr. V.C.P. kS 1/+,, RemOve ExlStfng Trees The~; C,anno~. 8e Saved. LS ~_ (Appro~. 657) 15. Remove and Replace Existing Pavement; SF 108 1G. Re'move Stcucture, Pump & Equlpmer'l~: Per LS 2~'OO Detail 2- 7- f39 40ooo (5) QUANTITIES ARE SHOWN FOR BID PURPOSES AND.SHALL BE ADJUSTED UPON THE CAVIL F' r-- (6) A.C. pAVE~REMOVALAREASSHALL~EAPPROVEDBYTHEAPPUCABLEJURLSDICTIONAL Fn SCHFT1UI r OF WORK PAY FrFMS: 3D 1. Const, 8"Extra Strength VCP House Lateral per'detail ./Y &Plugs (~3 ea. 8'long) LF 3~ ' 2. Corlst. 12"Extr=, Strm~gth VCP LF 1975 ~;O~ r,~ Hso.- r- 3. Const. 21'Extra Strength VCP LF 5315 4. Const. 2qw Extra Strength VCP IF 1363 " 5. Const. ~8" Precast Cone. Nt'H Per StcL I~ EA 5 6. Const. 60' Diameter Conc, MH per Sheet 50EA 19 Z600,OO ~s zc~c>- __ / ,,. ~j 7. Install 30" x 3/8" Jacked Steel Casing IF l~F6 8. Install ~,2" x 3/8" Steel Casing IF 90 9. COilSt. Concrete Col 1 ar ;.: ~ a 10. Remove Ex.& Restore Chain LTnk Fence - LF 2188 'rl I 1 ?- Nod~fy Ex. N.H. for 10" Drop-Nanhole SCruc. Std. 109, III,& I12 F_,A 1 12. ~ Remove & Replace Ex, Curb &Gutter LF 270 I3. ~ Remove Ex. 72" R.C.P. & Replace with 10" extra Sir. V.C.P. L5 1½. R~ve Existing Tr~s That Cannot Be Saved. ~ {~80x~/-~:~)± {Approx. 657) 15. Rmve and Replace Exfsting Pavement SF 108 ~ '~,0~) ~2zJr_' z 1'6. R~ve Str~ture, Pump & Equfp~nt Per LS Detai I BP SCH A 1-2 E.DA I E. 9D(I&2) CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT Oecember 5, 1989 Publlc tlearino Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director SlJBJECT: SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HEMLOCK TO LIME AND BEECH AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL AVENUE TO BASELINE CURItE]ITACTIOM REqUESTrn: 1. MOTION TO APPROVE A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER LINE IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HEMLOCK TO LIME AND BEECH AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL TO BASELINE. 2. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BID THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER LINE IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD FROM HEMLOCK TO LIME AND BEECH AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL TO BASELINE; AND TO APPROVE THE APPROPRIATION OF $1,000,000 FROM THE CITY SEWER FUND FOR THE PROJECT. FISCAL ]NPACT: ~ Yes 1~ No The cost of construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Line project will be pa'd by the City Sewer Fund. A substantial portion of this fund was established v'a developer purchase of sewer connection rights. Additional funding requests will be made at a later date for construction inspection, construction surveying, materials testing and contract administration services. BACKGROiJND: The design of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project has been ongoing for a number of years. Prior to constructing this project, an environmental assessment had ~o be accomplished. Provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of lgTO (CEQA) require that the City determine the effect of projects such as this on the environlNnt. A negative declaration certifies that such a review has been conducted| the project will not have a significant effect on the environmen:; and an environmental impact report (EIR) is not required. Affected parties reserve the right to appeal such a determination. For this project's environmental analysis, certain mitigation measures were noted that will be a part of the construction program {dust abatement, noise control, etc.) A special mitigation measure was proposed with respect to the required remov~ of the eucalyptus tree row along Foothill and Beech. For this project, a tree replacement program will be established that sets a value to the trees whi.:h will be removed. The tree replacement program will be funded by a contributiln from the sewer fund as described in detail in the Negative Declaration,- mitigation measure 4a {see attachment}. These funds would be placed in a restricted account that can solely be used to plant replacement trees along Foothill/Beech or local environs. The first step in implementing the tree replacement program was to conduct ~n inventory of existing eucalyptus trees. The arborist's report weas just completed, and a copy is attached for reference. As per the City Attorney, all of the trees that will be removed from Foothi are street trees and not the property of the adjacent property owner unless t original street dedication excepted the transfer of trees in the dedicatio No known exceptions to a full dedication have been found. For the trees on Beech Avenue, all property owners have been contacted ~a~i~ appropriate mitigation will be done as a part of the construction agreemen s t for the temporary cons ruction easements. been held with another one scheduled for November 29, lg8g. In brief, the property owners with existing businesses on Foothill Boulevard have been the most concerned about the construction of this project. Their concerns are based upon their opinion that the project would significantly impact their businesses via loss of income. The property owner of Wheels, Etc., Hr. Carl Atkinson, has indicated that unless he is compensated for loss of business revenue, he will take legal action against the City. The City Attorney's office is researching the legal issue of payments damages for potential loss of business. Normally, as a function of a City police powers, we have a right to construct our works. However, the sewer lit project will be constructed in Foothill Boulevard in Celttans' rtght-of-wl {via Celttans permit) in unincorporated County areas. ~IFIr. MTXOII= The City needs to construct this line as soon as possible to allow for t) orderly development of the North Fontana area as well as to satisfy tl developers who have paid their sewer connection fees in advance tower, construction of this line. ~1. November ~1, lgGg status report on Foothill/Beech ~. Negative DecTaraUon document 3. Arborist ~eport OTHER AFFECTEO DEPARTNEHTS: Si qnatUre_ Si qnature ASST, MG . ,f .- HUMAN RESOURCES _ PLANNING / __CLERK POLICE ~_ , COH. DEV. _X_PUBLIC WORKS ~<~' ~ DEPUTY NGR. RDA ~___~/"y) ECON. DEV. RZSK NGMT.. _X_FINANCE ., ,~.:,.~ ~::~.._-~ SPEC. PRO~. RECOffi, IEND AC:Rtd~4:YP:wp STATUS REPORT OF NOVEMBER 21, 1989 ON FOOTHILL/BEECH/BASELINE SEWER To simplify the the description of the status of the Foothill/Beech/Baseline Sewer Projects, the project background description will be divided into the following segments: 1. Foothill Sewer - Cherry to Hemlock Desiqn Administration: Heritage Construction Administration: Heritage Status: Bid awarded; Caltrans has just approved construction between Cherry Avenue and Redwood Avenue {no trees), but the remainder of the project is on hold pending reinstatement of Caltrans permit. Caltrans requires environmental document on eucalyptus tree issue. City processing mitigated negative declaration {ND} as required by CEQA. Request for Council certification of ND is programmed for the December 5, lgB9 Council meeting. Notices have been sent to impacted property owners and responsible agencies. Riqht-of-way: None is required. 2. Foothill Sewer - Hemlock to Lie Desiqn Enqineer: Hall & Foreman Construction Administration: City of Fontana Contractinq Authority: City of Fontana {Sewer Fund) Status: Project design plans and specifications are 98% complete. The Southern Pacific Railroad permit was requested on January l, 198g; it has not been issued to date. Caltrans Permit: It was issued but subsequently suspended by Caltrans pending submittal of environmental documentation on eucalyptus tree issue. The City is processing a mitigated negative declaration (ND) as required by CEQA, The ND is to be presented to City Council on December 5, 1989. Rtqht-of-Way: Six out of nineteen temporary construction easements have been secured. The project can be constructed in existing street right-of-way with the temporary construction easements which the City has in place. Property Owner Issues: Dust control; tree removal; potential loss of business during construction; access; compensation to property owners; replacement of curb and gutter at ultimate location. The contractor will be required to expedite his work {with penalties) through property owner work areas {Wheels, Etc.). Dust control spray agents are being reviewed for reducing the problem of wind blown dust. 3, Beech Avenue - Foothill to Baseline Desiqn Enqineer: Hall & Foreman Construction Administration: City of Fontana Construction AuthoritY: City of Fontana {Sewer Fund) Status: The project design plans and specifications are 98% complete. The Southern Pacific Railroad permit was requested on January 17, 198g but it has not been issued to date. Environmental: The City is processing the mitigated negative declaration for the December 5, 1989 City Council meeting. Riqht-of-Way: The City has 25 of the 27 required easements. Staff is reviewing options to implement with existing in place construction easements, Negotiations with the property owners have delayed the project implementation. Property Owner Issues: Dust control~ tree removal~ construction mitigation. 4. Baseline - BetN:h to Aleeria Desiqn Enqineer: Madole & Associates {Presley Homes) Construction Administration: Not decided. Contractinq Authority: Not decided. Status: The project design is 25% complete. The City is negotiating a reimbursement agreement with Presley Homes for design engineering and project assistance {Foothill/Beech segment). Presley Homes also is to assist the City in securing Southern Pacific Railroad permit and general project assistance. APPENDIX M City of Fontaria NOTICE OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION Planning Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 9~335 Date of Declaration: 9/22/89 Effective Date: December 5, 1989 Applicant: City of Foncana Address: 8353 Sierra Avenue, Foncana Project Title: Env. Log # Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Description Of Property: Foothill Boulevard from Cherry Avenue to Lime Avenue; Beech Avenue from Foothill co Baseline (Plans and specifications are available for public inspection at the public counter of the Planning Department) Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Oualitv Act of 1970 (Public Resources Code, sections 1500. et seq), the City of Fontana has determined that the above-referenced project will not have a significant effect upon the environment. An environmental impact report will not be required. APPeal Period This decision may be appealed to the City Council by any person aggrieved, or by an officer, board, department, or commission of the: City. Any appeal shall be filed with-in fourteen (14) days after the publication of this decision or it shall be dismissed by the City council. The notice of Appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed in duplicate in the office of the City Clerk upon forms provided by the Planning Department. KU~ ~An.derson Manager of Planning CONDITIONAL APPROVAL GRANTED: YES( ) NO( ) NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that The City Of Fontana has completed an Initial Study of the Foothill/Beech Sewer project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue. Fontana and are available for public review. At its meeting on December 5 at 6:30 p.m. the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Any person wishing to comment on this matter should submit such comments, in writing, to the ~ity by November 21, 1989 Dated: ~.~ - r c-.~ ~_~ c~/~/~z- Staff APP~IX ! IE~VIROMqENTAL CHECICL[ST FORM (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) ]. Backqround 1. Nale of Proponent City of Fontana 2. Address and Phone Nmber of Proponent 8383 Sierra Avenue Fontone. California 92335 (714) 350-7610 3. Date of Checklist Submitted September 22. 198g 4. Agency Requiring Checklist City of Fontone 5. Nm of Proposal° if applicable Foothill/Beech Sewer Project 6. Descrlptton of Project 1) Installation of sewer line 4~' from center line on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Lime Avenue and in-between 12' County and City owned strip of property destqnated as future Beech Avenue from Foothill to Baseline. 2] Installation of storm drain line 34' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry to Beech Avenue. 3) Installation of water line 28' north of centerline of Foothill Boulevard from Cherry tO Beech Avenue. 7. Location of Project 1) Sewer pro.tect is from Cherry to Lime on north side of Foothill Boulevard and between Foothill and Baseline on Beech Avenue. 2l Storm drain is on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry and Beech Avenue. 3l Water line prodect is from Cherry to Beech Avenue (see attached maD). II. Enviroantal Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Yql Haybe NQ )L. Ea~. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compactton or overcovering of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X APPF-NDXX I Page 2 d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? X f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in slltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X __ ;). Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration or ambient air quality? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regioi~ally? .. X 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or low of flood waters? .. X. d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolve oxygen or turb~dity? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow X of ground waters? __ APPENDIX I Page 3 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available ?or public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any specigs of plants {including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X 5. Antml Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? X c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels) X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? __X APPENDIX Page 7. Light and Elate. Wt11 the proposal produce new light or glare? X 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result tn a sub- stantial alteration of ~he present or planned land use of an area? X g. Natural Resources. ~ill the proposal result in: a. Increase In the rate of use of any natural resources? X. 10. Risk of Upset. ~tll the proposal involve: a. A r~sk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, otl, pesttctdes, chemicals or radiation) In the event of an acctdent or upset conditions? ° b. Posstble ~nterference w~th an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X 11. Polmlatton. W111 the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or grovfch rate of the human population of an area? X 12. Houstnf. W~11 the proposal affect extsttng hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? X. 13.TransFerration/CIrculation. ~11 the proposal result tn: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b. Effects on extsttng perktng facilities, or demand for ne~ parktng? __ X : c. Substantial impact upon extsttng transpor- tation systems? d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? e. ATeorations to waterborne, rat1 or atr trafftc? __ X. f. Increase tn trafftc hazards to motor vehicles, btcycllsts or pedestrians? APPENDZX ! Page 5 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new oP altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? X b, Police protection? X c; Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Natntenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b, Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16. IJttltttes. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: X. 17. ikmmn Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? .X. 18. AestJlettcs. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to : the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X 19. eKreatte.. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? APtEHDIX I Page 6 20. Cult~al Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehlstory? . X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) __ X c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is ~'elatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) X d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X APENDIX ! Page 7 ZZZ Oiscussion of Envtrormental Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) IV.. Oeter~natlon (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluation: ! find that the proposed project COULO NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLAP~ATION will be prepared ...... I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLAILATION WILL BE PREPARED. X ! find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Is required. PREPAREO BY: DATE YOUSUFPATANWALA CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III REVIEWED AND APPROVEO ROBERT W. WEDOLE IF,'TERIM CITY ENGINEER Mitigation Measures to all "Yes" and "flaybe" answers: 1.a. At the time of excavation unstable earth conditions will result which will be mitigated through proper shoring procedure or by maintaining side slopes of the trench at an angle as recommended by soils engineer which will allow stable slopes. 1,b. Due to the excavation of the trench, soil will be disturbed and displaced. Most of this soil will be placed back into the trench after the placement of utility pipes. During bacKfilling operation, the soil will be well compacted; and the top of the trench will be leveled to grade with the surrounding ground. 1.c. Topographical change is expected during construction stage only which will diminish as the project is out of the construction stage. 1.e. Increase in wind erosion may result due to loose excavated dirt piled up on the side or alongside the project. This will be mitigated through proper watering of the area under construction stage and where dirt is being piled up as per standard specification for Public WorK's construction 7-8.1. 1.g. There is a possibility during construction of ground failure which will be prevented through proper shoring of the trench walls. 2.a. The heavy equipment on the project site will temporarily disturb the air quality of the surrounding area, but he is regulated by Article 7-8.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public WorK's. Construction. To further minimize this effect, the work will not be carried out on clays when the general air quality is said to be in 1st stage smog alert. 3.b. Installation of a storm drain line will benefit the general area by allowing the storm run off water to be picked up by catch basins in the side streets and reducing the surface flow on streets itself, thus reducing chances of flooding of streets and surrounding area. 4.a. The City of Fontaria recognizes and appreciates the positive effect that the wind rows of Eucalyptus trees have in creating the beauty and ambience of the City. The City encourages saving these wind rows whenever possible. In this project, in order to provide for public health and safety by the construction of sewers and storm drains, the removal of the existing wind rows of Eucalyptus trees is necessary on Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Lime Avenue and on the proposed Beech Avenue between Foothill and Baseline. These wind rows lie within the existing or proposed street right-of-way. Page 2 In order to insure that the trees will be planted in the streetscape at the time Foothill Boulevard is widened to its full width, the City of Fontana will establish a tree program. Money will be placed in the tree program using the following guidelines: i. Before the project begins, a certified arborlet will verify the number of trees, which have to be removed for the project, along Foothill Boulevard and the proposed Beech Avenue. The condition and. trunk size of each of these trees will be determined by the arborist. 2. For the trees which have to be removed along Foothill Boulevard, the City will place $75.00 in the Tree Program for every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 8" or less. For every tree rated average or above with a diameter of 9" or more, $300 will be placed in the Tree Fund. 3. For the trees which have to be removed for the project on private property along the future Beech Avenue, the City will negotiate with the private property owners. If the property owner agrees to maintain the trees, the City will plant trees on the private property of the resident per the schedule established for the trees along Foothill Boulevard. Money placed in this tree program will be used to plant trees along Foothill Boulevard and vicinity where not already required by development standards. 5.a. The removal of the Eucalyptus trees may change the number of birds and small rodents in the area. However, with the planting of new trees in the streetscape, the birds and small rodents may return. 6.a. There will be an increase in noise level due to construction equipment, but will it be mitigated by enforcing state laws for keeping their noise level within pe~'missible limits. Also, the hours of construction will be limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. lob. The project may interfere with normal emergency operations. All utility companies, Police and Fire will be notified at least a week in advance of the section of the project on which work will be taking place. In addition, the contractor will be required to follow the Article 7-10 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, which addresses public convenience and safety. P~ge ~ 13b. Existing parking along side of the street may be affected and it will be mitigated through proper posting of sign indicating approximately for what time period parking at a particular location will not be available. 13c. It will cause substantial impact on traffic flow on Foothill Boulevard during construction stage and to mitigate this impact, there will be advance notice placed on the roadway to make the people aware of the lane closures and expected date of its returning back to normal state. Also, the contractor will follow Caltran's temporary detour plans for the smooth flow of traffic. 13d. Excavation of a trench in front of property may cause temporary inconvenience to the businesses and homeowners along the project site. In order to minimize the effect, the contractor will be required, through project specifications and plan notes, to provide temporary driveway access by any suitable means to the property at all times. 13f. The closure and movement of construction equipment will increase traffic hazards to all the road users, and this will be mitigated through proper posting of signs acco.ding to traffic safety standards and by proper traffic controlling devices for safe detour of the traffic. 18. The construction of the new sewer line will provide sewer service to the property owners in that areas as well as releasing substantial pressure off the existing sewer pump at corner of Lime Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. Z ® ~' P~OPO~O ~TOHM O~AIN HEMLOCK · - FUT~E STORM DRAIN . / · / FROM BEECH TO LIME AVENUE L~ Q REMOVE TREES AS NECESSARY (5[[ ~REE LIST) 3(:> IN R ~ REMOVE EXISTING SEWER PLUG I EA, ~ INSTALL H. SLF I"VCP SEWER ST~ C~LETE W/~UG I EA ~ ~ , ~ .;~ ?~_ '~ ~I .... ' ~dk~d';J2Z~'~Z A ~I ,~.oo ~o,~,.~~ · ~lLffy NOTES- ~ ~ ~ ~'/~ ' :' I "= 10 '~ .. " HEMLOCK TGL iECH AVENUE M4z - ~'r, : ::'i~" , ~ C NOTE: SHORING BY CONTRACTOR WHERE TEMPORARY TRENCH Wi~ NOT BE EXCAVATED IN P~IVATE PROPETY UNLE~ TEMPORARY CONST~TION EASEMENT HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE PRO~RTY OWNER. ,,.,,. ,..,,,,. .. ~,f ,,, __..,. , NOTE: TRE~NCH WILL NOT BE EXCAVATED IN PRIVATI PROPERTY UNLE$S TEMPORARY CONSTRUe' EASEMENT HAS BEEN GRANTED 8Y THE OWNER. ~-"' E~jCAL'~?T. jS FOOTHILL ?RL.%"K SEWER Cherry Avenue to Hemloc~ Avenue, City of Fontaria Fne Eucalyp=us trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. numbering system that follows corresponds to the numbering on ~he accom- panying Sewer Plans, Sheebs 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A total of 6i Eucalyptus trees were inspected. Of these 61 =tees, two trees should be removed for safe=y reasons; one is dead (~9) and one is unsafe. The remaining trees (59) are in such a condition so that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be reba~ned. Of bhe 59 trees, six are under 8" DBH (Diameter at Breas= Height), leaving a total of 53 trees over 8" DBI4 of sound condition. i. 20" DBH Trunk wound at base, 5<3% girdled 2. 16" DBH 3. 43", i0" DBH ,Multi-trunked (2), ~tinor ~run~ wound ,4. 23" DBH !5. 1 ~" DBH 6. 23" DBH 7. 36" DBH Trunk wound at base, ~ 24" wide 8. 30" DBH Trunk wound at base, ~0" wide 9. 25" DI]M Dead, Eucalyl~tus Long-horne.~ Borer 10. 22", 4" DI}{ Multi-tz-u~*fi<ed (2) 11. 24" DBP{ 12. 19" DBH i3. 17" DBI{ 14. i2" DBM i5, 23" DBH 16. 40" DBH 17. 6" DBH Under,~ized 18. 6" DBH Undersized 19. i2" DBH 20. 7" DBIt Undereized 21. 7" DBH Undersized 22. 19" 23. i3", 9" DBI{ Hul~i-~run)ced (2) 24. 14" DI3H 25.. 19" DBI{ 26.. ~0" DBM 27, 9" IMM 28. 8" DBM 29. 21" DIiM Trunk wound ag base, 4" wide, 6' =all 30. 19" DB~I Trunk wound a= base, 4" wide 3l. 30" DBH Over 60% girdled a~ base, terminal dieback, unsafe, remov~ 32. [6" 33. 6" DB}{ Undersized 34. 20" 35. 25" 36. 22" DBit 37. 36" DBI~ PHASE I FOOTHILL ?RUNK SEWER PAGE 2 28. [2" DBH 39. 24" DBH 40. ~4" DBH 4i. 15" DBH 42. 40" DBH 43. 13" DBH 44. 6" DBH Undersized 45. i7" DBH 46. I3" DBF{ zl7. 17" DBH 48. 20" DBH 49. 28" DBH Trunk ~ound, 4" wide 50, 8" DBH 51, 26" DBH 52. 25" DBH 53. 23" DBH 54. 17" DBH Trun]( wound at base, 14" wide 5.~. 19" DBH Trunk wound at base, 24" wide 56. 19" DBH Trunk wound at base, 4" wide 57. i3" DBH 58. 18" DBH 59. 29" DBH 60. 20" DBH Trunk wound a~ base, 7" wide 61. i7" DBH ~ZUC-aL:CF?jS iNSPECTiON PHASE iI SEWER IMPROVEMEVT PROJECT BEECH INTERCEPTOR SE14ER .MAIN FOOthill Blvd. to Baselin~ Avenue, City of Fontana ?wo hundred and forty-five (245) Eucalyptus trees are identified on the ~roject plans, sheets 2 t~urouqh 6, The following tree nura~ers correspond to the accompanying project plans. Of the 245 trees, 21 are undersized (less than 8" DBH), !5 are dead, 25 are ~/eakened and/or diseased to the point where removal is recommen- ded, and 30 are located more than 16' away from the center line (C/L). A total of i54 Eucalyptus trees are in adequate condition such that if it were not for the sewer construction, they could remain. ~. 24" DBH 2. i5" DBH Old basal wound, 5" wide 3. 23" DBH ~X. 17" DBH 5. 9" DBH 6. 20" DBH Terminal dieback 7. ! i" DBH Trunk wounds 8. 20" DBH 9. i2" DBH i0. 8" DBH i1. 25" DBE 12. 21" DBH Trun~ wounds 13. 8" DBH Trunk wounds, Undersized 14. 9" D BH h:~. i4" DBH 16. 23" DBH Girdling wires i7. 15" DBH 18. 11" DBH Girdling wires 19. 22" DBH 20. 24" DBI{ Girdling wires 21. 9" DBP{ 22. 8" DBH Girdling ~ires 23. 18" DBM Trunk wounds 24.. 13" DBM Barbed wire 25. 13" D~{ 26. 6" DBM Girdling wire, Undersized 27. 7" Z~M Undersized 28. 19", 11" DBM MUlti-tmmJ(ed (2) 29. 22" DB~ Bnbedded bark, likely to split 30. L3" DB~ 31. 16", 18" DB~ Multi-trunKed (2), ~runX wounds 32. 6" DBM Undersized 33. 14" DBH Girdling wire, trunk wounds 34. 15" DBH Girdling wire 35. 6" D))4 Undersized 36. 16" DB~4 37. 13" DB~ BEECH INTERCEPTOR 5~ER .MAIN ~AGE 2 38. !5", 5" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 39. 15" DBH 40. 13" DBH 41 · 9" DBH 42. 16" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 43. 20" DBH 44. 14" DBH 45. 9", 3" DBH Multi-trunJ~ed (2) 46. 3~", 3", 2" DBH Multi-trunXed (3), Undersized 47. 9" DBH 48. 7", 5" DBH Mul~i-:runKed (2) 49. 14" DBH Dead, Eucalyptus Long-horned Borer, Remove 50. 13" DBH Massive terminal diebacIc, Remove 5I. 12", 9" DBH Mul~i-trunJ{ed (2), wil~ed foliage, KLH3, Remove 52. I5" DBH Terminal diebac}(, ELHB, Remove 53. 7" DBH ~'x~remely ~rii~ed, Undersized, Remove 54. 20", 14" DBH Multi-~runked (2), Era, Remove 55. 6" DBH Undersized 56. 8" DBH Dead, EiLHB, Remove 57. 6" DBH Undersized 58, i4", 6", 6" DBH Multi.otrunked (3), Eead, EL~IB, R~anove 59.. 18" DBH Dead, EIaB, Remove 60,. 9", 7", 4" DBH Multi-otrlu%ked (3), ELHB, Remove 61. i8" DBH Trunk ~ounds, girdlinG wires, terminal dieback, wilted 62. L4" DB[{ Terminal diebac~, wilted 63. L0" DBH Trunk wounds, ~ilted 64. i2" DBH Tru/%~ wounds, wilted 65. 9" DBH Trun3z wounds, ~,zilted 66. 13" DBH Tru$~ wounds 67. 2" DBH 8 sprouts from trunk cut at grade, Undersized 68. 21" DBH Trun~ wounds, girdling wires 69. i8" DBH Tru~k wounds 70. 13" DBH Trunk wounds 71. 9" DBH TrunR sprouts, trunk topped at 4', Remove 72. 12" DB~ Tru~ wounds 73. ~7" DBH 74. 10", 5" DBH M~alti~trunXed (2) 75. 5", 3" DMM Multi~'~runKed (2), trunk woun~ls, Undersized 76. 8" DBM Dead, ELHB, Remove 77. [0", i0" DB~ Multi-~run~ed (2) 78. 14" DBM 79. 8" DB~ Trlut~ ~ounds 80. i I" DBH 81. 9" DBH Trunk wounds 82. li*' DBH Basal sprouts, Dead, EI~4B, Remove 83. 10" DBH Dead, FLHB, Remove 84. 12" DBI{ Trunk wounds 85. 11", 14" DBM Multi-trunke(~ (2), trul~ wounds . 86. 8" DBH Trunk wounds 87. 11" DBH Terminal diebacK, Remove BEECH LVTERCEPTOR SEWER MAIN PAGE 3 88. 18", 8" DBH Y~llti-trunJ<ed (2) 89, i0" DBH TZT~ wounds, ~ 90. 12" DBH Tr%u~]< wounds 9I, 16" DBH Trunk wounds 92. 10" DBH WiLted, terminal diebacK, Fa 93. 16" DBH TrunX wounds 94. 12" DBH 95. i4" DBH Trunk wounds, wilted 96. I0", 12" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 97, 5" DBH Undersized 98. 1i" DBH Dead, EI/H]B, Remove 99. 15" DBH WiLted, ELKB, Remove 100. 20" DBH Wilted, ELHB, Remove ~01. 12" DBM Trunk wounds 102. 10", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (2) i(D3, 14" DBH Trun]{ wounds, girdling wires 104. 6" DBH Undersized i0~. 8" DBH 106. 9" DBH 107. 7", 6", 4" DBH M~lti-tru~ed (3), suckers i08. 5", 4", 5", 2" DBH Multi-trur~ed (4), suckers I09. I1" DBH 110. 9", 4", 4" DBH Multi-trunXed (3) 111. i8" DBH 112. 9" DBH i!3. 7" DBH UndersiZed 114. 12" DBH Severely wilted, Remove L15. 11" DBH EL}rm, Remove 116. 25" DBH i17. 9" DBH Severely wilted, Remove i18. 21" DBH EL}B, Remove I19. 9", 7" DBH Multi-trunKed (2) 120. 12" DBM 122[. 8" DBH Wilted, ELHB, Remove i22. 6" DB~ Undersized 123. 9", 10", 5", 4" DB~Multi-trun~ed (4) 124. 7" DBM Unders i zed 125. 11", 6", 4" DB~ Multi-~run~ed (3) i26~ 6" DBM Undersized I27. 13" DBM 128. I0" DBM 129. 8", 4" DB~ Multi-trun](ed (2), trunk wounds, ELHB, Remove I30. 20" DBH 131. 24" DEM 132. 8" DB~ 133. 18" DBM Fire damage, basal trur~ wounds, terminal diebacK, Ream~ve 134. 14" DB~ EI~8, Remove I35. ii" DEM ELM8, Re~ i36. 14", lr' DB~ Mul~i-trun~ed (2) 137. 19" DB~ PHASE !I BEECH IN"fERCEPTOR SEWER .MAIN PAGE 4 1238. 9" DBH i39. 15" DBH 140, 12" DBH 141. 14" DBH 142. 15" DBH 143. !5" DBM 144. 8" DBH !45. 6", 3", 5", 4" DBH TrunX severed 2' akxDve grade, trtutk sprouts, Remove i46. 8", 6" DBH ~[ulti-trlnnaced (2) 147. i6" DBH Wilted, terminal diebac}c 148. i0" DBH 18' West of Center Line (WC/L), ELI{B, Remove 149. i2" i50. i0" DBH Trurj< wounds i51. i6" DBH Trurd< wounds i52. 6", 6" DBH i53. 12" DBH i54. 7" DBH Undersized 155. 11" DBH i56. 14" DBH i57. i5", 18" DBH Multi-trunked (2) 158. 14" DBH 18" WC/L 159. i9" DBH 18' WC/L 160. 5" DBH Undersized 161. 10" DBH Dead, EIa, Remove 162. 14" DBH TrtulK severed 4' above grade, Remove 163. 20" DBH 164. 9" IDBH 165. 15" DBH 166. 12" DB~ 167. 10" 168. 9" DB~ 169. 12" DBM 18' EC,/L 170. 15" DBM EI~ 171. 13" DBM 172, 12" D))( ELHB 173., 14" 174., 8" 175., 12" 176., II" 177,. ii" 178. 18", 16" DB}I Multi-trlanked (2) 179- i1" DI)( ELHB 180. i0" D~ Dead, ~, 181. I0" D~ 182. 14" D))( Dead, ELMB, p~mnve 183. 18" 184. 8" 185. 10" DB~ 186. 12" DBX{ BEECH iNT_~RCEPTOR SE~'R MA/N PAGE 5 187. i3" DBH L88. 14" DBH 20' WC/L !89. 13" DBH 19' WC/L 3. 90. 15" DBH 1.91. 24" DBH 192. 9" DBH Stub-cut at base, basal sprouts 3", Remove 193. ! l" DBH Trunk wounds 194, 8" DBH 195. 7" DBH Undersized 196. 7" DBH Unders i zed !97. i3" DBH i98. 23" DBH 199. 8" DBH Dead, ELH3, Remove 200. 15" D~H 20i. 1i" DBH Trunk wounds, ELH3, Remove 202. 26" DBH 203. 9" DBH Dead, ELHB, Remove 204. 7", 3" DBH Multi-trun~ed (2) 2(35. 9" DBH TrunX cut i' above grade, basal sprouts, R~_~nove 206. i2" D~H 207. 8" DBH 208. 12" DBH 209. 11" DBM 21.0. 8" DBH EL/~B 21 1 o 7" DBH Undersized 212. I!" DBH 213. 7", 4", 3" DBH Multi-trunked (3) 214. 9" DBH TnulJ{ wounds, terminal dieback, ELHB, Remove 215. 7", 8", 3" DBH Multi-trun~ed (3), t8" WC/L 216. !4", i1", 7" DE]{ Multi-trunked (3), I8' WC/L 217. 10", 10" DB}{ Multi-tru~ed (2), 19' WC/L 218. 18" DBM 20" WC/L 219. 10" DBH 220. 15" DBH 20' WC/L 221. 23" DBM 222. 15" DBM 20' WC/L 223. 19" DMM 23' WC/L 224. I0", 9", 3" DBM Multi-tru~ed (3), !20' WC/L 22!5. 20" ISM 20' WC/L, Dead, ELHB, Rez~ove 226. 5", 8" D~ Sttlb-cu~ 2' above grade, 20' WC/L 22'7. 15" DBM 20' WC/L 228. 15", 12" DB~{ 19' 229. 13", 8" D114 Multi-~run~ed (2), 19' WC/L 230. 8", 7" DB~ Mul~i-trtul~,ed (2), i9' WC/L 23L. 13" 2S' WC/L 232. 9", 7", 4" DBM Multi-trunked (3), 20' WC/L 233. ll" DBM 21' WC/L 234. 15",12", 9" DBM Multi-truzlked (3), 20' WC/L 23.:i. 11", 4" DBM Multi-trunKed (2), 22' WC/L 236. 9" DBM 237. through 24~,. A~I trees are +20' outside _~CALTF?US INSPECTION PHASE III FOOTHILL TRL~K SEWER Beech Avenue to Lime Avenue, City of Fontana The Eucalyptus trees are located on the North side of Foothill BIrd. The numbering system chat follows corresponds to the numbering on the accompanying sewer plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 64 Eucalyptus trees were inspected. Of these 64 trees, four (4) are reconlPanded for removal ( one, dead; two severed trunXs; one encased in cement), and nine (9) are under 8" DBH (Diameter Breast Height). A total of 51 Eucalyptus are over 8" DBH and are of a condition that were it not for the proposed construction, they could be retained. 1. 18" DBH 2. 24" DBH 21. 6" DBH Undersized 4. 12" DBH 5. i6" DBH 6. 22" DBH 7. i5" DBH 8. 9" DB}{ 9. 17" DBH 10. 18" DBH 11. 19" DBH Trunk wounds 12. 13" DBH Trunk wounds 13. 17" DBH 14. 17" DBH 15. 28" DBH Trunx wounds 16. 15" DBH Trunx wounds i7. 26" DISH 18. 22" DBH 19. 15" DBH 20. 13" DBH 21. 22" DBH 22. Ii" DBH 23. 18" DBi{ 24. 15" DB!{ 25. 21" DII 26. 10" 27. 16" 28. 13" DB!{ Trunk wounds 29,. 11" 30. 21" DBH 31. 17" DBI4 32. 20" DBH 33. 18" DBH 34. 6" DEll Undersized 3~. ~. 2" DBI{ 36. 24" DBH 37. 10" DBH p.u~SE - .. FOOTHILL 'TRL~"~K SEeR PAGE 2 28. 8" DBH 39. 7" DBH Undersized .40. 7" DBH b~dersized I~l. 6" DBH Undersized 42. 8" DBH 43. 28" DBH 44. i8" DBH 45. 4" DBH Undersized 46, Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove zI7. 19" DBH 48. 14" DBH 49. 9" DBH 50. Sprouts Trunk severed at grade, Remove 51. 16" DBH 52. 17" DBH 53. 6" DBH Undersized 54. 6" DBH Undersized 55. i7" DBH 56. 6" DBH Undersized 57. 20" DBH Trunk wounds 58. 17" DBH 59. 24" DBH 60. 20" DBH 61. 18" DBH Trunk wounds 62. 24" DBH 613. 13" DBH Encased in cement, Remove 64. 24" DB]{ Dead, Remove EUCAL'fPTUS INSPECTION PHASE IV FOOTHILL TRL~K 5E'WER Hemloc:( Avenue to Beech Avenue, City of Fen=ana The EucalTgtus trees are located on the North side of Foothill Blvd. The n~mberin~ system that fcllo~;s corresponds to the numbering on the accompanying Sewer Plans, Sheets 2 and 3. A total of 22 trees were inspected. Of these 22 trees, one is a severed trunk ~ith basal sprouts and one tree has a DBP{ under 8". A total of 20 trees remain with a DBH over 8" and of sufficient vitality that they could be retained except for tl~eir proximity to the proposed construc%ion. 1. 18" DBH 2. 22" DBH 3. 17" DBM 4. 26" DBH 5. i6" DBH 6. I9" DBH 7. 12" DBH 8. !1" 9. i0" 10. 7" DBM 11. 24" DBH I2. 17" DB~ Multiple trunk wounds 13. 18" DBH Basal trunk wound, 12" wide 14. I6" DB~ 15. 10" DB~ Basal trunk .wound, 8" wide 16. i8" DBH Basal trun~ wound, 14" wide i7. 18" 18. 8" DBH Topped a= 4', Massive heartrot, Remove 19. 22" DBH Trun~ ~RDund, 7" 20. 14" 21. 11" DEa 22. 30" File~77'c~r/' City of Fontaria Public Works Dept, O~al, C'C' I~RESL~Y OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA of California ~220 PAY TO THE ORDER " OF ~ity 0f Fontanna 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontanna, Ca 92335 "'O05a)Su'-e:~O00~ae:~h~O08?n' ~& ' · · 3-31-87 Ck Req Tract ~11006/10800/ ~007 12314 679,800 00 Sanitary Sewer Fee 31500C01072 164.400 00 1133 units e $600/ unit 31310101072 24,00000 3(500(01072 34.20000 33600[01072 25.80000 3C400C01072 27,00000 3r400C~1072 48,00000 33400C01072 54,00000 ijm 3Ct00(nlnT~ qn~,4nnnn EXIIXBXT 'A' CI'IT OF FONT.,~.A (~lcl~l C~e See. 16-39(f) - ~?LIC~ O~r ~OU~ ~R/L 3. 1987 ~PLI~I~ ~i S~ ~ZON II~S. ~ ~l~ IS 2~ ~U ~ ~ OF IlC~ 8TA~ l~W, ~rlON OF SUC~ ~ OF ~ il~ ~ ~ ~XCB ~ ~tLI~TION 18 ~ti~ N0~ZC~ gl~ ~g a U~ 0F ~ OR P~T OF SUCK D~OSI~ 2. ~dtessz 17991 ~tchell South l~ine, CA 9271~-609~ 228 191 23 A, 2~te bel~ n er o ee~r conceits yo~ ~ill teq~ire wi~h respect to t~ ~tes lieridS ~cte~ hpected lookup ~tl ~lr of Eookup ~te N~lr (~ or Before) e~okupe (~ or Zefore) Rookups J~e 30, 1987 ~e 30, 1992 Jme 30, 1988 ~7 J~e 30, 1993 J~e 300 1989 J~e 30, L99~ J~ 30, 1990 J~ 30, 1995 ~ ~. 1991 5. 'ro~ ~er of ~ut h~lL~ ~it(s) (~U's'*) for ~/ch ~er ,rues appliutius ~7' (Sec, 26~7, p. 238.18 F~tu e~de). her ~cti~ Fee ~r Zq~ul~t hlliq ~i~z J600.O0 City ~/mer Po~ Armel~od Vineyord Troct IV~ I. kilt. 16169 Reee. Cl~ Ti tigee Aaeo ') ..... ~ I ClI'r OF tONTArA ~LIC~ 0~ ~OUC~ ~RZL L 1987 8~ ~U ~ ~ OF II~ ~ I~, ~ION OF 8UCN lIGHTS rOU ~Z~ It ~TIFZD Ir ~ ON OR UO~ ~ i, 1987 OF ~E ~ OF ~a il~ M ~ ~la ~ ~rLI~TION IS ~raO~ ~lCE ~l~ ~Z A ~ OF ~ OI t~T OF SUCl DUOSZT ~ 1. tro~tty ~,r, P~L~ OF SOU~ C~IFO~IA 2. ~dressz 17991 ~iCchell South I~Ine, CA 92714-6095 3. ~mmmmor'm [~em% ~(m). for ~h ~or ~icb mpplicmtioa is mdm~ i lookup ~ce ~er of lookup ~te N~er o[ (~ or blare) Bookuve (~ or h~ore) Eookuos J~e 30, 1987 J~e 30, 1992 J~e 30, 1988 J~e 30, 1993 J~e 30, 1989 J~e 30, 1996 5. 'roll ~er of ~ ~ll~ Unit(s) (~U's') for ~ich ~s sppliuti~s ~0~ (See. 26~7, p. 238.18 Font~ t~de). bur ~ctl~ Fee pr ]tq~lut ~lliq ~i~t j600.O0 ~ltlSIT 'A" CIIT OF FOI~TA.qA (~ici~l C~e Sec. 26-39(/) - (J)) ~?LI~ O~Y ~EOU~ ~R/L 3. 1987 UCZI~. ~0~ MZ~ B2 ~TIFID Br J 0N 01 ~0~ ~ i, 1987 0F ~E J~ OF ~CH II~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~LI~TION IS ~R0~ ~ SUCH ~fty ~erx P~SLEY OF SO~ C~IFO~IA 17991 ~tchell South I~tne, CA 92~1~-6095 ~sessor's t~cel ~(s). ~or ~h ~r ~ich applAcatien As 228 111 01 228 111 03 2~te below the n~er e[ l~[ c~cti~ ~u will ~uire with respect to t~ ~tel lLlted2 ~ected ~cted lookup hie ~er of lookup hie W~er of (~ or Before) Bookups (~ or Before) lookupO .3~0 30, 1987 3~0 30, 1992 .3~e 30, 1988 ~ Jae 30, 1993 ,]~e 30, 1989 J~e 30, .3~ 30, 1990 J~ 30, 1995 ,7~ 30, 1991 To~I ~er of ~ut kiliq Unit(I) ('~U'i') for ~icb ~es eppliuti~: 1~ (Sec. 26~7e p. 238.18 FHt~ hici~l hde). her ~ctia Fee ,~ 2q~val~t hlliq hits J600.~ :~ ~ ~ ~IS ~: j 75,000.00 lkt~x April , 19 87 Cl~ OF ~, City ~i~er Tltlex E:3311Bl'r 'A' cliff or rotrAtA F~XIUJ4DA XIG!ICEPTOH SEVER LM (~/c/~l ~e See. Z6-39Cf) - (J)) ~PL1~ 0~ ~OU~ ~RZL 3, 1987 ~iS U~I~ IS lSS~ ~l W~ ~OSXT ~LX~TXON ~a S~ ~XON liCkS. 8~ ~U ~ ~ OF iIG~ ~TA~ I~. ~rlON OF SUCB BZG~S ~NG ~FLI~ IS 2~ ~ HCEX~, YOU ~l~ S2 ~rIFID Sr ~n ON OR ~o~ mr s. 1987 OF ~E ~ OF ~C2 II~ fl ~ ~I~ ~ ~PLI~TION 12 ~PR0~ ~ SUCH ~TIC2 WZ~ ~X A ~ OF l, ~ro~rty ~ers P~SLEY OF SO~ C~IFO~IA 2, ~dtess$ 17991 ~tchell South Irvine, CA 92714-609~ 3. ~seaeor'e ~cel ~(~). for ~h T~CT # 11006 to t~ ~tel l/itedl ~ected b~cted lookup ~te ~er of ffoukup (~ o~ Before) E~qkuOl (~ or Before) ~ Bookups J~e 30, 1987 ~0 J~ 30, 1992 Jme 30, 1988 J~e 30, 1993 J~e 30, 1989 J~e 30, 199& J~e 30, t990 J~ 30, 1995 J~ 30, X99X i~es t (Sec. 26~7, p. 238.18 f~tm biciMl (~de). ~r ~ction Few ,r ~q~ut~t ~mltiul ~ ~ ~ ~ll ~ut t 24,000.00 lmtd: ~r4 1 _, lt~7 CX~ OF ~, ~IFOU~ City ~iuet TAtlet (~LcL~X C~e he, Z6-Zg(E) - ' ~LZ~ ~ ~O~G8 ~aZL 3. 1987 ~lS H~lff ZS lSS~ ~ ~ DDOSZr ~l ~ CO~ION 8~ ~U ~ '~ OF II~ ~ I~. ~ION OF BUCE ilGET$ 1. Mdremm: 17991 ~tchell Sou~h I~ine, CA ~2714-6095 3. ~boeaoor'8 ~eX ~(f). for ~l~h for ~ch tppI~mt~o~ h 228 352 04 228 352 06 to t~ ~tem Xleted: lookup hie bet of lookup hte X~er of ~(~ or Before) Hookups (~ or Se~ore) aooku~s .7~e 30, 1987 J~e 30, 1992 J~e 30, 1988 ~ J~e 30, 1993 J~e 30, 1989 J~e 30, J~ 30, 1990 J~ 30, 1995 5. ~ro~X aer of k~t ~XX/q Unit(m) ("~U'I") for ~tch I~l mppli~ti~l ,~ (Sac. 26~7, p. 238.11 1~Cm ~ici~X 4~de). h~r ~cti~ Fee ,r Eq~velut hllinS ~its J600.~ laths April lJ 87 Pot Arrowheod Vine)~rd Troct No, LMB~ I6/69 reere ~ E'IMOnO0 vineyorda M. B~ 17129 ~om, ~o,a .. : .' CXrf OF FO!rfANA (~ict~Z ~e 8ec, 16-39(f) - (J)) . ~PLI~ ~Y ~0U~ ~aZL 3, t987 ~!ZS ~ZH Z8 ZS~ ~ ~ D~OSXZ ~g ~CE~. YOU Wl~ ~2 ~TXFID JY ~ ~ O! ~0~ E~ OF ~ II~ ~ ~ ~la E~ ~PLI~TXON ~TXCE Wl~ ~Z A U~ 0F ~ ~ t~T 0F ~Z ~ ~LZ~TI~ 12 NOT ~. X. ~rty ~lrg P~SLEY OF SOU~ C~IFO~ ~. Mdresmt 17991 F~tchell South, I~ne, CA 9271~-6095 3. ~ssmssor's ~cml k(m). for ~i~h ~or ~ich application is Mdex 228-021-02 &. 2'~tm bel~ the n~mr of m~r mcCi~ you wJXl ~q~re ~th respect ~ctmd ~cted I!ookup ~tt ~er of Hookup ~tt N~tr of ~ or Before) Hookuo8 (~ or Before) Hookups Jaw ~, 1987 Jme 30, 1992 J.~e 30, 1988 J~e 30, 1993 J~e 30, t989 J~e 30. J~e 30, 1990 ~5 J~ 30, 1995 J~ 30, ~99~ /. q iakes t t ' (ec. 26~7, p. 238.18 F~tm ~ict~t C~o). ~r ~ctLon Fee ,r 2q~utut ~elli~ h~l April , tiff OF ~, ~l~ City ~iuer TiELet EX3IZ3IT "A' CITY 01r TONTANA A~FLXCATION AND It~CHIF~ F01 DLI~OSI~ B~ SLw~Ft CONNECTION TZHS (Amicipal Code See. 26-3P(f) - (J)) AFrLXCA~LZ ONLY naouclx APRIL 3. t987 TIllS swCZlFr IS I8$UZD lOI YOU! DBFOSX! MADS IN COM4EC~ION MITH TOUR A~PLICATION TOn SEVZi CONNECTION SIGHTS, NO C~tt4ITt~4T IS HADS SEASBY TO SF. LL rOU ~HE JinXEli OF RIGHTS STAIXD SELOW. ALLOCATION OF SUCH d~JONC A~PLICAK13 IS SUBJECT TO Clrf APPS0VAL ~ ALL AFPLICATIONS A~E IE. CEIVED. YOU WILL B· NOTIFIED Sr LrrrEl ON OS AB0~T HAY &, 1987 OF THE NI~EA OF SUCH HIGFfS AS TO ~flIIUR TOUR A~PLICATION IS ASPSOVED AND SUCH NOTICE WILL INCLUDE A IIFUND OF ALL OI MAlT OF SUCH DEPOSIT TO nl ~ILAT Y0~U! AI'I~LICATION IS NOT A~PSOVED, FILL ~N ~AIT~ 1 nROUUR 5 IZl~/ i. t~operty Ownart PRESLEY OF SOUTHERI~ CALIFORNIA 2. ktdress z 17991 ~titchell South Irvine, CA 228 131 12 &. HIsses below the number of sewer connections you viii require vith respect to the dates listtdz ~x~ected Zxpected ·|[ookup Date Number of lookup Date Number of (On or Seesre) Hookups (On or BefOre) Hookups JIme 30, t987 ~ ,Tune 30, 1992 J~no 30, 1988 1 Juno 30, lP93 3~zzo 30, 1989 ,Tune 30, i994 3~no 30, 1990 ,Tun 30, 1995 Jlano 30, ZPgi 5. Total rasher of lqululent DwellinS Unit(o) ('ZDU's') for which O~mer Bakes applicstionx 27/. (See. 26-67 , p. 238.1e Fontram Nunicipal bode). Sewer Counection Fee l~r Equlvslent DwellinS Uni~x 2600.00 ~r)J. inou~rr lx~xvu Tess DAn, $ 164.~00.00 htodx April , lt__8~ clrr oF/Q~Z~A, CALIFORNIA City 2nJiuoer ~itLex EXISTING OWNERSHIPS ~X,STI.C ow.~Rs~ ,,.s I-..I 1. Kosecki 4. Wilkins .~ i':"' 5. Kuhlman 7. McBride 8. Wheeler 9, Cuttel l' ..... c,,yo,,o.,.........,Y PRESLEY PROPERTIES ....... Rancho fontaria Specific Ran Boundary ---~.,..,..~o~d. City of Fontana ...... rulure Road Locations P~epared for Presley of Soutl~em Call[ornla City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Yonsuf Patanwala ~ Civil Engineering Assistant III SUBJECT: Brief Summary of Meeting with Property Owners on Foothill Beech Sewer Project DATE: May 31, 1989 Property owners raised various issues during this meeting some of which were project related and some were not. One thing came out clear--they are extremely dissatisfied with previous City officials because they feel that in the past the city did not keep promises that were made to them. Because of their past experience with the city, they don't seem to cooperate with the city on this project and refuse to provide voluntary construction easement on their property to facilitate the construction of this project. After a couple of hours of discussion with the property owners, it appears that if the city could provide some fair compensation to the property owners, for their inconvenience and for disturbing their businesses as well as prov- iding swners with a fixed dollar figure of what it would cost to each indiv- idual property owner if they wish to hookup to the city sewer after install- ation of this line, then they might be willing to grant temporary construction easements to the city. Beside these temporary construction easements city requires one permanent sewer easement and must proceed with necessary property appraisal process as property owners are not willing to make voluntary easements. As property owners are not ready to give voluntary construction easements to the city, City Engineer Bob Weddle has asked Hall & Foreman to check into alternate design options and obtain rider permits from Caltrans to allow for lane closures on Foothill Boulevard and to find out what they would require in order to do so. Also Hall & Foreman has been asked to include in specifications and detail on plans for contractors that they will be required to provide proper access to each property during construction, In the meantime Kobayashi will check with property owners of vacant lots to see if they will allow to stock pile dirt on their lot during construction and will pass on the information to }{all & Foreman to assist themin preparing project specification. Eiichi Kobayashi is to provide city with a proposal for obtaining easements through Eminent Domain procedure. YP:lf cc: Annivory Calvert - Director Public Works Bob Weddle - Interim City Engineer Shou-Tai An - Project Engineer, Hall & Foreman Susan Roshan - Project Coordinator, Hall & Foreman Eiichi Kobayashi - Right of Way Acquisition Consultant, Kobayashi & Associate v RECORD OF TELEPHOJ~ CONVERSATION Job No, By Project Individual ~~=~ Organizedon Items Discussed ~/~ ~- /- BSI-PO06 2/80 HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 ~.~ (714)641-8777 %~I ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION · OF FONTANA PROJECT CODE: 3904-003 JOB DESCRIPTION: TRAFFIC CONTROL P.O. BOX 518 PLAN TO USE 1 LANE OF STATE HWY. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE __FONTANA, CA 92335 FOOTHILL TRUNK SEWER TRACT # ATTN: ANNIVORY CALVERT - DIR.P.W. Upon your written approval, we will perform the following specifically described additional work pursuant to our meeting 1/19/89: PROVIDE THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PI~NS FOR FOOTHILL BLVD. FROM HEMLOCK AVE. TO LIME AVE. AND PROCESS PLANS THROUGH THE STATE DEPT· OF TRANSPORTATION FOR PERMIT TO DETOUR TRAFFIC INTO ONE .LANE DURING THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. IT MAY TAKE 8 WEEKS TO PROCESS. WE HAVE ALREADY PROCESSED PORTION FROM CHERRY TO HEMLOCK FOR HERITAGE CONST. CO. AND THE CITY OF FONTANA. The Client agrees to compensate Consultant for the above named services as follows: TIME AND MATERIAL WITH A NOT TO EXCEED ESTIMATED COST OF $2,000.00 Invoicing for this work will reference Hall & Foreman's Project Code 3904-003 RAYMOND O. VINCENTI Accepted - the above prices and scope of work of this additional work authorizations are satisfactory and hereby accepted. All work is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the original contract unless otherwise stipulated· Distribution: ~b Doss, Jon Sollie, John Hogan, 42,5 ADDWRK Susan Roshan, Ray Vincenti, Financial File ~ P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 April 10, 1989 City of Fontana P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Annivory Calvert, Director of Public Works Subject: Proposal to Perform Subsurface Soils Investigation ~ ~ Proposed 8,700+ Lineal Feet of Sewer Main Located on Foothill Boulevard Between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and Beech Avenue Between Foothill ] Boulevard and Baseline Avenue Fontana, California ~ Gentlemen: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to perform the subsurface soils investigation for the above referenced proj- ect. As we understand it, the storm drain is to be established approximately 16 feet below the existing ground surface. In addition, due to the oversized material that is anticipated to exist, this investigation will enable us to evaluate this condi- tion. This report will be suitable for submission to contractors for bidding purposes. Our subsurface soils investigation will be performed utilizing a drill rig equipped for soil sampling. Approximately five explora- tory borings, drilled to a depth of approximately 25 feet, will be placed along the project site. Continuous logs of the subsurface soil conditions as encountere~ within our exploratory borings will be recorded by a staff geologist from this firm, who will direct GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fo~tana April 10, 1989 the investigation. Bulk samples of the soils encountered will be placed in sealed containers and returned to the laboratory where sand equivalent tests would be performed. Following completion of the field and laboratory investigations, a Subsurface Soils Investigation report will be prepared to include recommendations for excavation, bedding and backfill characteris- tics, groundwater conditions, and recommendations to deal with any unusual conditions encountered. Our cost to prepare the Subsurface Soils Investigation report will be $2,800.00. Our investigation can begin within approximately three working days from our receipt of the signed white copy of the enclosed "Authorization for Service" and a deposit in the amount of $1,400.00. Acceptance of this proposal is subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit "A". Our final report will be issued within approximately two to three weeks from completion of the field investigation. We look forward to working with you and to seeing this project through to its successful conclusion. If you should have any questions concerning this proposal, do not hesitate to contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Michael S. Warren, Staff Engineer MSW:mmc Enclosures: Authorization for Service Exhibit "A" Distribution: City of Fontana (1) Hall & Forman, Inc. (1) Attn: Mr. Ray O0 Vincenti, P.E. EXHIBIT A - CONDITIONS Right of Entry The client will provide for right of entry of C.H.J. Geotechnical, Incorporated, (CHJ) personnel, and any other personnel, as well as all equipment necessary in order to complete the work. CHJ will take reasonable precautions to minimize any damage to the property, but it is understood by Client 'that in the normal course of work, some damage may occur, the correction of which is not part of this Agreement. The Client accepts this fact and will not hold CHJ responsible for any damage other than that caused by the gross negligence of willful misconduct of CHJ or its personnel. Utilities In the prosecution of this work, CHJ will take all reasonable preca!utions to avoid damage or injury to subterranean structures or utilities. The Client understands that all such structures or utilities will not be known to CHJ, and agrees not to hold CHJ responsible for damage to subterranean structures or utilities which are not called to CHJ's attention and fully and accurately described and located on the plans furnished. Indemnification CHJ and Client mutually agree to hold harmless each other from any and all claims, liabilities, cause of action for injury to or death of any person, or for damage or destruction of tangible property resulting from any negligent acts or omissions on the part of any contractors, subcontractors or consultants retained by or under the direction and control of that party. Exhibit "A" Page NO. 2 ~ ' Limitation of Liability For any damage caused by professional negligence, including errors, omissions or other professional acts and including unintentional breach of contract, by CHJ, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, CHJ'S liability, and that of its officers, employees, agents and subcontractors is limited to $50,000 or CHJ's total compensation, whichever is greater. Standard of Care Services performed by CHJ under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession, providing similar services at the same time under similar conditions and locality. The Client accepts that subsurface conditions can vary from condi- tions encountered at the location where borings, or explorations are made by CHJ and that the data, interpretations of the data, and recommendations of CHJ are based solely on that information which was available to CHJ. CHJ will not be responsible for any interl~retation of data by others of the information developed. The data obtained during the investigation phase is subject to confirmation by conditions which are encountered during construc- tion. The Client warrants that all information supplied by Client to CHJ for their use in completing its services under this Agreement are accurate and sufficient for use by CHJ, and that CHJ can rely on their completeness and accuracy. Hazardous Materials Services provided by CHJ at times may require subsurface explora- tion in areas where hazardous materials may be encountered. Client acknowledges and warrants that Client has no knowledge or EXhibit "A" Page No. 3 reason to suspect that hazardous materials are present at the sub3ect site. Should hazardous materials be present, or be discovered, whether they are known or unknown by CHJ, Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CHJ, its Officers, employees and agents or subcontractors from all claims which result; or are alleged, in whole or in part, to be the fault of CHJ '~n providing their services that involves, in whole or in the part, the presence of hazardous materials. Client also agrees to compensate CHJ, for any and all time and/or expenses incurred by CHJ in defense of any claim; for storage, transportation and disposal of contaminated samples; disposal of contaminated consum- ables and decontamination of equipment. All such compensation shall be based upon CHJ's prevailing "Schedule of Fees." CHJ reserves the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate all services under this Agreement at its sole discretion in the event hazardous materials are discovered. If CHJ services are terminated or suspended, CHJ agrees to negotiate in good faith a new agreement to continue to meet Client's needs. Disputes In the event that a dispute arises relating to the performance of the services to be provided under this Agreement, and should that dispute result in litigation, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs incurred in connection with such dispute, including CHJ's staff time at CHJ'S "Schedule of Fees" in effect at the time of such dispute, court costs, attorney's fees and all other claim-related expenses. Neither the Client nor CHJ may delegate, assign sublet or transfer his or its duties or interest in this Agreement without the prior express written consent of the other party. Exhibit "A" Page No. 4 I/We have read "Exhibit A Conditions" which is incorporated by reference in the "Authorization for Service Contract," and agree to the terms and conditions set forth. These terms and conditions as set forth are binding upon those ordering and/or Authorizing this work, and on their assigns or successors in interest. Date (Name of Owner/Authorized Agent Printed) (Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent) Sierra Enqineering CIVIL ENGINEERS * LAND SURVEYORS * LAND PLANNERS DIVISION OF PF~OJECT 2000, INC. July 10, 1989 Annivory Calvert Public Works Director City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 Subject: Status of Fgothill ~rtmnk Sewer and Beech InterceptOr Line Dear Annivory: We are seriously concerned about the timing of the construction of the Footill Trunk Sewer and the Beech Interceptor Line. Pres!ey of Southern California has several approved tracts which are being held up pending completion of these sewer lines. You will recall that Presley of Southen California, Madole and Associates and Sierra Engineering met with you and Paul Ireland on April 4, 1989, to review the background of this project and request the status and a timetable for construction. We reviewed previous discussions with the City including recent statement by George Caswell in February that the City could be ready to bid the job in May, 1989 (see attached memorandum dated February 3, 1989). A follow-up meeting was scheduled with you for May 3, 1989, however this was delegated to Bob Weddle, the new City Engineer. We again reviewed the background and requested a timetable. Bob was very helpful, considering he was brand new to the City. He provided us with a copy of a status report from Hall & Forman which also projected bids in May. However, he also indicated there were problems associated with Cal Trans approvals and that this schedule was still dependent upon obtaining right-of-way. You indicated to us in April you had reviewed the right-of-way issues on Foothill and these were well underway. (714) 86i-9400 27007 FIFTH STREET · HIGHLAND, CALIFORNIA 92346 It is now July and we are told that right-of-way is still a problem. Some redesign has been requested to avoid some problems and the Engineering Department is still awaiting a legal opinion regarding aquisit~on of right-of-way outside the city limits. It is anticipated that it may take 120 days from now to release bid packages. Bob Weddle has indicated that they have a full-time project manager and they have resolved the Cal Trans problems and are bidding the soils testing. Therefore, right-of-way~ seems to be the issue holding up the project. The correct estimate will extend construction into 1990. The 1990 construction is particularly distressing considering the agreements the City made in April, 1987 (See attached staff report, receipts and resolutions). Presley of Southern California paid $679,800.00 in sewer connection rights. Responding to the City's program and request expected hookup dates, it was indicated that presley would have 55 hookups on or before June 30, 1987, 305 hookups on or before June 30, 1988, 179 hookups on or before June 30, 1989 and 213 hookups on or before June 30, 1990. Not 1 of the 749 units have been hooked up while the City collected the $679,800.00 for this purpose in April, 1987. We would request that the City extend every effort as quickly as possible to obtain the necessary right-of-way and easements and remove whatever other obstacles remain. This project iS nearly three years behind schedule with Presley's money being held to do a major portion of the work. At this point, it seems the City Attorney's office needs to i~m~,ediately determine the steps necessary and then these steps need to be implemented by whomever is responsible, as soo~n as possible. All of the information enclosed has been provided to the City at our earlier meetings however, we have provided it again for your convenience. We also request a meeting, for the week of July 17 to discuss the latest projected schedule for these sewer lines. Sincerely, PROJECT 2000, INC./ Sierra Engineering Vice President ~-- NM/nr enclosure cc: John O'Sullivan, City Manager Bob Weddle, City Engineer Paul Ireland, Development Direc~2Lor CITY OF FONTANA Ca] I forn i a NE~Om TO: RICK CROSS, PUBLIC HOP, KS LF. ADHORKERR~ FRON: JOSEPH D'ALESSZO, PUBLIC HOP, KS INSPECTO DATE: NAY 2, 1991 RE: SEHER NAIIK)LE IDENTIFICATION - FOOTHILL TRLRC SEHER LINE Per our telephone conversatlon thts date, please insure that the flexible "L" type markers wtth white Peflectortzed surface are installed at all manhole covers on the Foothtll trunk sewer line (north side of Foothill) from Lime Avenue to Cherry Avenue. This wtll enable Caltrans maintenance crews to avotd causing damage to these manhole tops when working wtth grading/road equipment on shoulder areas. I have atl;ached copies of the plans for this sewer line indicating manhole stations. JO:sh Attachment cc: G. Bucknell E. Smith CiTY OF FONTAliA Ca] ~ forn~ a HEHORN~ TO: LIII)A NUNN, DEPUTY CITY CILERI( ~ FROH: GREGORY ~1. BUCKNELL, P.E., PROJECT ~IAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 25, 1991 RE: FOOTHILL/BEECII SEMER PROJECT AlIBI)lIE]IT TO HALL & FOREH/I'S ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEI!ENT Enclosed for your files is one copy of a fully executed amendment to the englneering services agreement on the above referenced project. GJB:sh cc: C, Sweet R. Helling~on FAX TRANSMISSION NUMBER OF PAGES TO FOLLOW: ADDITIONAl', CO~ENTS: IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY DZFFICULTY ZN REC~IVZNC THIS · ~.sMzsszoN, P~.~.ASE CALL AT 714/731-0141. CITATION'S FAX NUMBER; 714/731~0270 MARTHA STEENBOC NATHAN k SIMON C~TY CLERK RON HIBBLE BEN L ABERNATHY · CiTY TREASURER .AR Bo LE,; City of Fontaria WILLIAM KRAGNESS pATRICiAM. MURRAY ( C A L I F 0 g N I A JObIN O~SULLIVAN CIW MANAGER ~ .{'~' Fc Oune 27, 1990 G~bavac and PPkacfn 1235 Ramona Rd. A~cadia, CA 91006 Dear Please find enc3osed ~our Bid Bond submitted on Hatch 20, 1990 for the construction of the Foothill/Beech Sewer Projec~ in ~he City of Fon~ana, ~n as much as ~ou have submitted a copy of the fu]~ executed contract for ~h~s p~o~ec~, insu~ance Certificate, FM~hfu] Performance Bend ~n ~he amoun~ of $699,970.00 and Ha~e~iMs & Labo~ Bond in ~he amount of $699,970.00. The City ~s mos~ appreclaMve of ~ouF ~n~e~est In bidding on ~h~s projecL ~f ~ou should have an~ questions, p]ease con~ac~ ~he City C3e~k's office. ~S. Nunn Deputy City Clerk enclosure cc: Finance Department Public Works REC~Iv~ J!" ~ teq PUBLIC WORKS 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 618) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ')F FONTANA ~COU~ PAYABLE -- ~7 VENDOR: 1 O~75q SHIPTO: C,HeJ, 6EOTECHNZCAL ZNCe CITY OF FONTANA ' 1;55 E, COOLEY DRZVE ENGINEERING DIVISION , ~as~ sZE..A ~v~Nue , COLTON~ CA 92324 FONTANA, CA 9333~ , " O01001CO .. ~, ,~ ' ,,. 1 EA CONTRACTUAL SERVICEit TO PERFORM GtQ- TtCHNZCAL NATERIAL$ TESTZNG FO~ TNE FOOTHILLIJEECN $/~ER P~OJECTS, AS PER ATTACHED CONTRACT,, "" 071-~218-2~00 9~19,Q0 CONTRACT ON FILE ~NVO~CE ANO PACKING I,IP AND FORWARD TO AP REQUISITION NG 3G 2 ~,Q ] DIVISION = ~ G l N ~ ~ INCORPORATED P. OBox1790 · 1355 E, CooleyDrive, SuiteE, Colton, OA92324 · Phone (714)824-721 1 , Fax (714)824-7209 11910HesperiaRoad, Suite2, Hesperia, CA92345 Phone(619)949-0006 ,, Fax{619) 949-0023 August 7, 1990 City of Fontana Job No. 90381-1 P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Gentlemen: This letter transmits four copies of the Compaction Report, Sewer Trench Backfill, Beech Interceptor Sewer, Beech Avenue, North of Foothill Boulevard, Fontana, California, prepared for City of Fontana. We appreciate this opportunity to provide geotechnical services for this project. If you have questions or comments concerning this report, please contact us at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, C(.. GD~ECHNICA.L, INC. J( Dal tions Manager RJJ/RDO: dlh 1 o 1990 pUBLiC WORKS GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 , 1355 E, CooleyDrive, Suite E, Colton, CA92324 · Phone(714)824-7211 · Fax(714)824-7209 11910HesperiaRoad, Suite2, Hesperia, CA92345 Phone(619}949-0006 · Fax(619) 949-O023 August 7, 1990 City of Fontana Job No. 90381-1 P. O. ]Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Sub3ect: Compaction Report Sewer Trench Backfill Beech Interceptor Sewer Beech Avenue, North of Foothill Boulevard Fontana, California Gentlemen: This report covers the results of in-place density tests taken to date on the sewer trench backfill at the above referenced location. All tests were taken in coordination with and as requested by the client's representative. FIELD PROCEDURE: A total of 66 in-place density tests were taken by the sand volume method between June 15 and July 27, 1990. A representative sample of the soil encountered was returned to the laboratory for determ- ination of the Optimum Moisture Content - Maximum Dry Density curve. The looations of the in-place density tests are indicated on the attached Field Compaction Test Summary Sheets and Plat. OPTIMUM MOISTURE - MAXIMUM DENSITY RELATION: ASTM D 1557-70, Method C; 4-inch diameter mold; 1/30 cubic foot volume; 10-pound rammer; 18-inch fall; 5 layers; 25 blows per layer. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Page NO. 2 Job No. 90381-1 Soil Optimum Moisture Maximum Dry Density T.ype Classification (Percent) (Lbs./Cu. Ft.) 1 Gravelly Sand, fine 9.5 131.0 medium, with coarse, gravel to 1-1/2", and silt, brown (SP) RESULTS: The results of the in-place density tests taken to date, and 'the relative compaction in each case, are shown on the attached Field Compaction Test Summary Sheets. Respectfully submitted, C H~OC~L INC. IEXPIRATION I~ATE '~ Robert J, ~ohnson~ G,E. 443 ~ President RJJ/RDO: dlh EnclosureS: Field Compaction Test Summary Sheets Plat Distribution: City of Fontana (4 FIELD COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY SHEET Job No,. 90381-1 PROJECT: CITY OF FONTANA- SEWER TRENCH BACKFILL, BEECH INTERCEPTOR Sh. I of__ 4 SEWER, BEECH AVE., NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, FONTANA, CA Depth DENSITIES Test Location Of Test Depth Of Of Dry Max. ReL MC% TV e Date No. Retest Of Cut Fill Test (Ibs/cubic foot) i-15-) BF-1 Beech Avenue, Station 144~25, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 120.6 131.0 92 8.2 *See BF-3 BF-2 Beech Avenue, Station 143+50, Main 5.0 2.5-3.0 128.1 131.0 98 8.7 BF-3 Beech Avenue, Station 144+25, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 129.0 131.0 98 8.9 -19-90 BF-4 Beech Avcnuc, Station 148+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 129.5 131.0 98 83 BF-5 Beech Avenuc. Station 147+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 126.5 131.0 96 7.6 BF-6 Beech Avenue, Station 145+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 124.7 131.0 95 8.7 -26-90 BF-7 Beech Avenue, Station 153+50, Main 5.0 2.0-2.5 121.2 131.0 93 5.6 *See BF-1O BF-8 Beech Avenue, Station 153+50, Main 5.0 2.0-Z5 118.6 131.0 90 6.9 *See BF-10 -29-90 BF-9 Beech Avenue, Station i54~50, Main 5.0 2.0-2.5 1242 131.0 95 9.2 BF-10 Beech Avenue, Station 153+50, Main 5.0 2.0-23 124.4 131.0 95 8.9 -05-90 BF-11 Beech Avehen, Station 157+00, Main 5.0 2.0-2.5 127.7 131.0 97 9.4 ;j BF-12 Bex, ch Avenue, Station 159+50, Main 5.0 3.0-33 127.8 131.0 97 9.8 09- BF-13 Beech Avenue, Station 145+50, Main 10.0 4.0-1,5 129.1 131.0 98 7.2 BF-14 Beech Avenue, Station 146~-50, Main 10.0 5.0-5.5 129.5 139.0 93 8.7 1 I1X 2,8% BF-15 Beech Avenue, Station 149+50, Main 10.0 4.04.5 126.1 131.0 96 7.6 1 10-90 BF-16 llee. ch Avenue, Station 161+60, Main I 1D.0 7.0-7.5 124.9 131.0 95 6.9 1 BF-17 Beech Avenue, Station 161M-U0, Main ~ 10.0 4.04.5 125.2 131.0 { 95 8.2 1 11-90 BF-18 Beech Avenue, Station 144+75, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 121.0 13i.0 ~Z 8.4 1ILK 24% BF-19 Beech Avenue, Station 146+00, Main 10.0 2.0-2_5 125.9 131.0 97 9.2 1 BF-20 Beech Avenue, Station 147+00, Main 1O.0 2.0-2.5 137.0 137.5 93 3.5 1 LEGEND: (SG) Tests on Subgrade Elevation; (BF) Tests on Backfill; (FP) Tests on Fill in Progress (FG) Testson Finish Grade Elevation; (Mc) Moisture Content; (REL) Relative; (RX) Rock Corrected; ('1 Denotes Failure FIELD COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY SHEET Job No. 90381-1 PROJECT: CITY OF FONTANA - SEWER TRENCH BACKFILL, BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER Sh. 2 of 4 BEECH AVENUE, NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Depth DENSITIES Date Test Depth Of I l No, Location Of Test Of Dry Max, Rel. MC% Soi Remarks or Tyr Retest Of Cut Fill Test (Ibs/cubic foot) -11- :) BF-21 Beech Avenue, Station 148+00, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 128.5 138.0 93 5.4 RX 28% BF-22 Beech Avenue, Station 149+00, Main 10.0 Z0-2.5 124.1 131.0 95 7.2 -12-90 BF-23 Beech Avenue, Station 1644.00, Main 10.0 6.0-6.5 121.0 131.0 92 6.9 BF-24 Beech. Avenue, Station 166+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 120.2 131.0 92 9.8 *Se~ BF-25 BF-25 Beech Avenue, Station 166+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 124.7 131.0 95 9.4 -13-90 BF-26 Beech Avenue, Station 169,,00, Main ' 3.0 1.0-1.5 127.6 131.0 97 8.4 BF-27 Beech Avenue, Station 171+50, Main 3.0 1.0-1.5 134.0 136.0 9~ 8.7 RX 19% -16-90 BF-.?8 Beech Avenue, Station 165+00, Main 10.0 4.0-4.5 120.3 131.0 92 5.9 BY-29 Bee, ch Avenue, Station 166+00, Main I0.0 2.0-2.5 121.7 i3i.0 93 6.5 BY-30 Beech Avenue, Station 167+50, Main 10.0 5.0-5.5 120.6 131.0 92 6.2 BF-31 Beth Avenue, Station 168+00, Main 10.0 2.5-3.0 119.6 131.0 91 5.4 ) BF-32 Beech Avenue, Station 174-,00, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 130.0 131.0 99 9.2 -1% BF-33 Beech Avenue, Station 154-~0, Main 10.0 4.0-4.5 131.6 137.5 95 5.6 RX .23% BF-34 Beech Avenue, Station 155+00, Main 10.0 Z0-2.5 129.5 138.0 93 8.7 RX 25% BF-35 Beech Avenue, Station 157+50, Main 10.0 4.5-5.0 137.8 139.5 98 7.6 RX .28% BF-36 Beech Avenue, Station 158+00, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 123.7 131.0 94 4.5 BF-37 Beech Avenue, Station 161h-50, Main 10.0 Z5-3.0 123.9 131.0 94 6.2 BF-38 Beech Avenue, Station 162+60, Main 10.0 4.0-4.5 137.2 138.5 99 9.8 RX 26% BF-39 Beech Avenue, Station 163+10, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 117.9 131.0 90 5.9 I 1 -18-90 BF-40 Beech Avenue, Station 170+00, Main 10.0 4.0-4.5 128.1 137.5 93 5.4 1 RX 22% LEGEND: (SG) Tests on Subgrade Elevation; (BF) Tests on Backfill; (FP) Tests on Fill in Progress (FG) Testson Finish Grade Elevation; (Mc) Moisture Content; (REL) Relative; (RX) Rock Corrected; (*) Denotes Failure FIELD COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY SHEET Job No. 90381-1 PROJECT: CITY OF FONTANA'- SEWER TRENCH BACKFILL, BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER Sh. 3 of 4 BEECH AVENUE, NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Depth DENSITIES Typ Date Test Location Of Test Depth Of Of Dry [Max. [ Rel. MC% Soi Remarks or Retest Of No. Cut Fill Test (Ibs/cubic foot) BF-42 Beech Avenue Station 172+50, Main 10.0 5.0-5.5 126.6 131.0 96 9.2 BF~,3 Beech Avenue Slation 173+50, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 120.8 131.0 92 7.2 BF-44 Beech Avenue Slation 176+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 125.4 131.0 95 4.8 BF-45 Beech Avenue Slation 179+00, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 133.6 138.0 96 8.7 RX 25% 19-90 BF-46 Beech Avenue Station 176+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 130.6 138.0 95 8.2 RX BF-47 Beech Avenue, Station 177+50, Main 10.0 4.5-5.0 125.3 131.0 96 9.4 BF-48 Beech Avenue, Station 178+50, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 122.0 131.0 93 7.2 1 20-90 BF--49 Beech Avenue Station 180+00, Main 10.0 4.04.5 121.9 131.0 93 8.2 BF-50 Beech Avenue Station 181+00, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 1253 131.0 96 7.6 BF-51 Beech Avenue Station 181+50, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 125.0 131.0 95 4.2 BF-52 Beech Avenue Station 184+00, Main 3.0 1.0-1.5 124.1 131.0 95 8.7 BF-53 Beech Avenue S~ation 186+50, Main 3.0 1.0-1.5 126.5 131.0 96 9.8 23-90 BF-54 Beech Avenue Station 182+50, Main 10.0 4.5-5.0 131.1 135.5 96 7.2 RX 18% BF-55 Beech Avenue Station 183+50, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 120.5 134.5 90 7.9 RX 14% BF-56 Beech Avenue Station 185-~0, Main 10.0 4.0-4.5 119.1 131.0 91 7.2 BF-57 Beech Avenue Station 189+00, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 11&6 131.0 90 7.6 *See BF~0 24-90 BF-58 Beech Avenue Station 186+00, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 130.5 134.0 97 7.6 ] 1 RX 10% BF-59 Beech Avenue Station 187+50, Main 10.0 4.0-4.5 131.1 134.5 97 4.2 1 RX 13% BFJcO Beech Avenue Station 189-=-00, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 128.8 131.0 9~ 8.2 1 LEGEND: {SG) Tests on Subgrade Elevation; (BF) Tests on Backfill; (FP) Tests on Fill in Progress (FG) Testson Finish Grade Elevation; (Mc) Moisture Content; (REL) Relative; (RX) Rock Corrected; (*) Denotes Failure FIELD COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY SHEET Job No, 90381-1 PROJECT: CITY OF FONTANA - SE~ER TRENCH BACKFILL, BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER Sh. 4 of. 4 BEECH AVENUE, NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Depth DENSITIES Date Test Depth Of [ ~ Remarks or No, Location Of Test Of Dry Max. Rel. MC% Sol Ty~ Retest Of Cut Fill Test (Ibs/cubic foot) BF-62 Beech Avenue, Station 1904.00, Main 10.0 4.0-4.5 134.0 139.5 96 13.0 RX -26-90 BF-63 Beech Avenue, Station 191+00, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 128.2 135.0 95 6.2 i I RX 15% BF-64 Beech Avenue, Station 192+00, Main 4.0 2.0-2.5 126.1 131.0 96 8.7 ~ 1 -27-90 BF-65 Beech Avenue, Station 193+00, Main 10.0 4.0-43 119.6 131.0 91 8.9 1 BF~6 Beech Avenue, Station 194+00, Main 10.0 2.0-2.5 119.1 131.0 91 7.6 1 LEGEND: (SG) Tests on Subgrade Elevation; (BF) Tests on Backfill; (FP) Tests on Fill in Progress (FG) Testson Finish Grade Elevation; (Mc) Moisture Content; (REL) Relative; (RX) Rock Corrected; (*) Denotes Failure BEECH AVE~NUE ._J UJ ' ~ ' ' BEECH A"?'ENUE ' ' BEECH AVENUE (T~P) O _ __ BEECH AVENUE PLAT ~ FOR: [ ENCLOSURE SCALE 1'=1OO' C)Backfill Tests BEECH INTERCEPTOR SEWER City of Fontana BEECH AVENUE, NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD JOB NUMBER DATE: AUguSt 1990 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 90381-1 GEOTECHNICAL INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, IDolton, IDA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 July 12, 1990 City of Fontana Job No. 90381-1 P.O. Box 518 Fontana, California Attention: Annivory Calvert Director of Public Works Subject: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Fontana, California C.H.J. Job No. 891102-3 Report Dated December 1, 1989 Gentlemen: As requested, we have reviewed the subject report with respect to relative compaction for trench excavation backfill at the subject pro3ect. Since Foothill Boulevard lies within Caltrans right-of-way, compac- tion of the trench backfill should be conducted in accordance with the State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, Section 19-5.03. In accordance with the referenced Standard Specifications, relative compaction of not less than 95 percent shall be obtained at 2.5 feet below finish grade for the width of traveled way plus 3 feet on each side thereof, whether in excavation or in embankment. Therefore, compaction tests should be conducted to ensure this condition and to ensur~e proper compaction throughout the sewer trench backfill. 11910 Hesperia Road, Suite 2, Hesperia, CA 92345 · Phone (619) 949-0006 · Fax (619) 949-0023 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana Page No. 2 July 12, 1990 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and trust this report provides the information desired at this time. Should questions arise, please do not hesitate tO contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, C.H.J. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Randal B. Graham, Staff Engineer ~%/~'~~;~~~i~ Donald M.tMatthews, Project Engineer Robert J. Johnson, G.E. 43 RBG/DMM: ms Distribution: City of Fontana Mr. Joe D ' Alessio City of Fontana N CALIFOR June 25, 1990 Mr. Donald M. Matthews C.H.J. Geotechnical Inc. 1355 East Cooley Drive Colton, CA 92324 Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Geotechnical Consultant Services Agreement Dear Mr. Matthews: Enclosed for your files is an executed agreement on the above referenced project. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-6646. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. By:~ory J. BuCknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GJB:bjp Enclosure cc: A. Beard J. D'Alessio - Construction Inspector 8353 SiERRA AVENUE(P,O. 8OX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA *,, V CON~LTANT SERVICES AGRE~ THIS AGREIleBT is made this ~ day of , 1990, by and between the CITY OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, County of San Bernardfno, State of California (hereinafter "City") and CH0 Geotechnical Zncorporated (hereinafter "Consultant"). MIIEREAS, the principal members of Consultant has represented to the City that it have the knowledge, skills, resources and experience that qualify them to provide geotechnical testing services, and IIEREAS, City desires to engage Consultant to perform geotechnical materials testing for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Projects, NOW, THEREFORE, CITY A!iD CONSULTANT leJ~JALLYAGREETHAT: SECTION X SERVICES OF THE CONSULTANT General Description of Services. Consultant shall perform the tasks set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof so as to fully and adequately complete their project described herein. SECTION II RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONSULTANT 1. Personnel. All the services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. The Consultant represents that it possesses the professional and technical personnel required to perform the services required by this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent basis and Consultant is not an employee of the City. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of services under this Agreement and as required by law, shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting them, including but not limited to, Social Security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. ~ Cooperation. Consultant sq~nall work closely and cooperate fully with City's designated Project Administrator, and any other agencies which may have jurisdiction or interest in the services to be performed. 3. Project Manaqer. The Consultant shall assign the project to a Project Manager, who shall coordinate all phases of the project. This Project Manager shall be available to the City at all times. The Consultant has designated Mr. Donald M. MattheWs, to be its Project Manager. 4. Time of Performance. The task to be performed by Consultant under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be completed as directed by the City's authorized representative. 5. Report Materials. At the completion of this project, Consultant shall deliver to City all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, and reports prepared by Consultant under this Agreement. Said documents shall be considered the property of City upon payment for services performed by Consultant. 6. City Policy. Consultant will discuss and review all matters relating to policy and project direction with the Project Administrator in advance of all critical decision points in order to ensure that the project proceeds in a manner consistent with City goals and policies. 7. Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All services prepared by Consultant shall conform to applicable city, county, state, and federal requirements and be subject to approval of the Project Administrator and City Council. 8. Indemnification. Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against all liability, claims, damages, losses, and expenses for damages of any nature whatsoever including, but not limited to, bodily injury, death, personal injury, property damages, and attorneys' fees directly arising from any and all negligent actions of Consultant, its employees, agents, or subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall consultant be responsible for any claim for damages of any nature whatsoever as a result of actions and negligence by the City, its agents, officers or employees. 9. Standard of Care Licenses. Consultant represents and agrees that all personnel engaged in performing services are and shall be fully qualified and are authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. The Consultant shall perform the services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner. The Consultant shall be responsible to City for any errors or "' omtssions~ff~ the execution of this Agreement, Consultant represents and warrants to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals required of its profession. Consultant further represents and warrants that it shall keep in effect all such licenses, permits, and other approvals during the term of this Agreement. 10. Insurance. Without limiting Consultant's indemnification of City, Consultant shall obtain and provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement policy or policies of liability insurance of the type and amounts described below and satisfactory to the City Attorney. Such policies shall be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and o. i n u . e. t[ a e al bi y from Consultant's services as described herein. A. Prior to the commencement of any services hereunder, Consultant shall provide to City certificates of insurance with original endorsements, and copies of policies, if requested by City, of the following insurance, with Best's Class B or better carriers: {1) Worker's compensation insurance covering all employees and principals of the Consultant, in a minimum amount of $1 million per accident, effective per the laws of the State of California~ (2) Commercial general liability insurance covering third party liability risks, including without limitation contractual liability, in a minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury,. and property damage. If commercial general liability insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate shall apply separately to this project, or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the occurrence limit~ {3) Commercial auto liability and property insurance covering any owned and rented vehicles of Consultant in a minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. B. Said policy or policies shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by either party, or reduced in coverage or tn limits except after thirty (30) days' prior notice has been given in writing to City. Consultant shall give to City prompt and timely notice of clatm made or suit instituted "' prompt ana~imely notice of claim made or suit instituted arising out of Consultant's operation hereunder. consultant shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgemerit may~;cees~sary for its proper protection and prosecution of th '~t/s,' C Consultant shall include subcontracting consult if ~ny, as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage for each subcontractor shall be subject to the requirements stated herein. 11. Prohibition Against Transfers. A. Consultant shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreement, or any interest therein, directly or indirectly by operation of law without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so without said consent shall be null and void, and any assignee, sublessee, hypothecatee or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation, or transfer. B. The sale, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capltal stock of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or Joint venturer or syndicate member or co-tenant if Consultant is a partnership or a joint venture or a syndicate or a co-tenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means fifty percent (50%) or more of voting power of the corporation. 12. Progress. Consultant is responsible to keep the Project Administrator and/or his/her duly authorized designee informed Ic gular basis regarding the status and progress of thhidth~e~tivities performed and planned and any meetings t been scheduled or are desired. ' 13. Confidentiality. No news releases, including photographs, public announcements, or confirmations of the same, of any part of the subject matter of this Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made without prior written approval of the City. The information which results from the services in this Agreement is to be kept confidential unless the release of information is authorized by the City. " ~ SECTION Ill RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY 1. Cooperation. City agrees to cooperate with the Consultant on the project. 2. City's Responsibilities. City shall furnish to Consultant base maps, existing studies, ordinances, data, and other existing information as shall be determined by Consultant and materials in City's possession necessary for Consultant to complete the services contemplated by this Agreement. City further agrees to provide all such materials in a timely manner so as not to cause delays in Consultant's service schedule. 3. Administration. This Agreement will be administered by the City Hanager's Office. The City Hanager or his/her designee shall be considered the Project Administrator and shall have the authority to act for the City under this Agreement. The City Hanager or his/her authorized representative shall represent the City in all matters pertaining to the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. SECTION IV FEES AND PAYME]ITS 1. ComDensa'tton. Except as provided in this section, Consultant shall receive as compensation for all services rendered under this Agreement an amount not to exceed $9,319.00 and at the rates set forth in Exhibit "B". i 1 pro c ~h~m ..n indirect costs, or any type incurred by Consultant. This section shall not limit the ability of the parties to amend this Agreement to provide for an extra service. 2. Extra S rv es. Consultant shall receive compensation for extra ~horized by City in an amount the Project Administrator and Consultant shall not be entttled to extra compensation without such authorization. 3. Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writlng by C~ty. 4. Nonthly invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices to the City on a monthly basis in accordance wtth Consultant's schedule of fees contained In Exhibit "B" " show the ~J~er of hours worked per p son/consultant and the er nature of the services performed. 5. Pa.yment of Compensation. City shall make payments to Consultant within thirt~ (30) days of receiving said statement unless City disputes the amount Consultant claims is owned under this Agreement. 6. Withholdtn~s. City may wlthhold payment of any disputed sums unt11 satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not e deemed to constitute a failure topay according to the t ices~ of this Agreement. Consultant shall not discontinue i~ immediate right to appeal to the Hayor and C~ty Council with respect to such disputed sums, The determination of the Nayor and City Council with respect to such matters shall be final, Consultant shall be entitled to receive interest on any wlthheld sums at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum from the date of withholding of an~ amounts found to have been improperly withheld. 7. 10% Withholding. City may withhold an amount equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the total compensation provtded here~n, to be re]eased to Consultant upon final adoption of the study' by the Nayor and City Council. The City reserves the r~ght to refuse to pay all b~llings requesting amounts in excess of 90% of the total compensation provided herein until the project ts completed and adopted as specified above. SECTION V ACCOUNTING RECORDS Consultant shall keep records and invoices in connection wtth its services to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to the costs incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly Identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal busthess hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or coptes of such records. Consultant shall allow inspection of all services, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Termination. A. City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole, or any part, of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. In the event of termination without cause, Consultant shall be compensated for the services performed up to the date of termination. Pa3rment for services completed under the Agreement to date of termination shall be made strictly on the basis of the percent of services completed under the terms of this Agreement. The percent of services completed to date of termination shall be the percent of total Agreement sum which shall be paid to Consultant. The City Manager shall determine the percent of services completed at the date of termination. In no event may total pa3nnent to termination exceed $9,319.00 Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation after termination. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. B. In the event this Agreement is terminated, in whole or in part, as provided in paragraph A of this section, City may procure from any person or entity upon such terms, and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. C. If this Agreement is terminated as provided in paragraph A of this section, Consultant shall provide to City upon request by City all1 finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, drawings, maps, photographs, reports, etc., prepared by Consultant for the project. D. Consultant further covenants to give its good faith cooperation in the transfer of the services to any other consultant employed by the City following termination hereunder, and to participate in such meetings at no cost to City as shall be deemed necessary by the City Manager to effectively accomplish its transfer. " ~. Notices. Any notice required or deslred to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be given in writing, and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: City Consultant City Nanager C.H.J. GaDtechnical Inc. City of Fontaria 1355 E. Cooley Drive 8353 Sierra Avenue Colton, CA 92324 Fontana, Ca. 92335 Attn~ Donald H. Matthews (714) 350-7554 Phone: (714) 824-7224 Any notice so given shall be considered served on the other party three (3) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the party at its applicable address. The address for notice may be changed by gtvtng notice pursuant to this paragraph. 3. Litlgation. Should litigation be necessary to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, then all litigation and collection expenses, witness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney fees incurred by the prevailing party shall be paid to the prevailing party. 4. Entire Aqreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between City and Consultant with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a wrtting signed by both parties. 5. Enforcement. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 6. Nondiscrimination by Consultant. Consultant represents and agrees that Consultant, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or holding companies do not and will not discriminate against any subcontractor, consultant, employee, or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, or national origin. Such nondiscrimination shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, transfers, recruitment, recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. ~." City's Rights to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves the right to employ other consultants in connection with this project. 8. Conflicts of Interest. A. The Consultant or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 {the "Act"}, which {1} requires such persons to disclose financial 'interest that may foreseeably be materially affected by the service performed under this Agreement, and {2) prohibits such persons form making, or participating in making, decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interest. B. If subject to the Act, Consultant shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. SECTION VII SUBCONTRACTING 1. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the services required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior approval of City. 2. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. " ~ lillliESS NItEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted and made and executed this agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. CITY OF FONTANA, CONSULTANT a municipal corporation READ ~7~//~/~ Y: ..~~ ~ ~B By: i na er Title:~ Date. /Y Dated:/(-~i ' " ~e/ EXHIBIT "A" GEOTECHNICAL P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 April 6, 1990 City of Fontana Public Works Department P. O. Box 518 Fontane, California 92334-0518 Attention: Mr. Gregory Bucknell Subject: Proposal to Perform Compaction Testing Foothill/Beech Sewer Projects City of Fontana, California Dear Mr. Bucknell: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to perform the compaction testing for the above referenced project., As we under- stand it, the Beech interceptor sewer main has 5292! lineal feet of sewer line improvements with 14 manholes; the Foothill trunk sewer, Beech to Lime, has 1~65! lineal feet of sewer line improvements with six manholes; the FoOthill trunk sewer, Hemlock to Beech, has 1226± lineal feet of sewer line improvements with 4 manholes; bringing a total of 8483+ feet of sewer line improvements, with 24 manholes. In addition, there will be approximately 7000 square feet of removal and replacement of asphalt concrete pavement and portland cement concrete driveways. We are looking forward to providing the compaction testing on this project and have prepared this letter in order to advise you of the details of our testing procedures. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana Page .No. 2 April 6, 1990 We propose to conduct the compaction testing on a time and materials basis.. To allow for continuous monitoring of the cost involved, we request that daily time charge tickets be signed on-site by your representative for our field services. Our current cost for a field technician is computed at the rate of 847.00 per man hour portal to portal. This hourly fee includes compaction testing of the backfill- ing operation, as well as his testing equipment and vehicle. It is estimated that we will test every 250 feet for each of the facilities along the 8483! lineal feet of sewer line, and every other manhole. Assuming no more than 5 percent failures and 14 tests per trip, we can estimate 19 trips at 8 hours per trip, giving an approximate total of 152 hours of testing. In addition to field technician costs, other costs are associated with a pro~ect of this nature~ such as staff engineering and pro3ect coordination costs, as well as drafting, clerical and optimum moisture - dry density relationships for each soil type. Therefore, the total anticipated cost for compaction testing for the project is as follows: Amount Description Cost 152 Hours Field Technician (Including Travel) $ 7,144.00 15 Hours Staff Engineering and Pro3ect 825.00 Coordination @ $55.00/Hour 10 Each Optimum Moisture o. Dry Density 900.00 Curves (1 Test per Soil Type, Estimated Number) @ $90.00 Each 3 Each Compaction Reports - Each Phase 450.00 (Includes Engineering, Drafting and Clerical) @ $150.00 Each ESTIMATED TOTAL: 8 9,319.00 City of Fontana Page No. 3 April 6, 1990 It should be emphasized that this cost iS estimated only, and charges will be billed only for the actual work performed. We will, of course, make every effort to minimize costs throughout the project. We will work closely with your firm and all project contractors throughout the project. If you should have any questions concerning this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, C.H.J. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Randal B. Graham, Staff Engineer M. Matthews, Project Engineer RBG/DMM:dlh SCHEDULE OF FEES (EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1989) INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE OF FEES ARE COSTS FOR SERVICES AND TESTS COMMONLY PERFORMED BY THIS FIRM, OTHER SERVICES OR TESTS, AS WELL AS COSTS FOR THESE SERVICES OR TESTS, CAN BE SUPPLIED UPON REQUEST, C.H.J. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Engineering/Field Observation Services I Conditions and Working Hours for Deputy Inspectors 2 - 3 Laboratory Testing Services 4 - 10 ENGINEERING / FIELD OBSERVATION SERVICES SERVICES RATE PER HOUR Principal Engineer $ 95.00 Project Engineer (Registered 65.00 Staff Engineer 55.00 Supervising Laboratory Technician 48.00 Laboratory Technician 46.00 Drafting 32.00 Typing, Clerical 30.00 Field Supervisor 53.00 Code Designated Deputy (Special) Inspector 50.00 a. Concrete Batch Plant b. Field Concrete c. Masonry d. Reinforcing Steel e. Pre-stressed Concrete f. Shop Welding g. Field Welding h. Strutural Steel i. Field Guinite Non-Destructive Testing a. Ultrasonic $ 60.00 b. Dye Penetrant 60.00 c. Pachometer/Schmidt Hammer 55.00 Observation Performed by Others Cost + 20% Pick Up Test Sample 39.00 Premium Rates for Deputy (Special) Inspector a. Time and One-Half $ 68.00 (first 2 hours, Monday - Friday) b. Double Time 86.00 (after 10 hours worked Monday - Friday and all hours on Saturday and Sunday) c. Union Holidays 122.00 (See Page 3 for detail) -1- CONDITIONS AND WORKING HOURS FOR DEPUTY (SPECIAL) INSPECTORS ADVANCE NOTICE: Twenty-four (24) hours advance notice required for scheduling inspector to report to designated job site. MINIMUM CHARGES: Show-up, no inspection performed 2 hours minimum I - 4 hours inspection performed 4 hours minimum Over 4 hours up to 8 hours worked, or required to work before 12:00 noon and work pass 12:00 noon 8 hours minimum CANCELLATION: No charge, if made before 4:00 pm of the preceding day COMPLETION: Inspector will remain on job until discharged by competent authority TRAVEL TIME: No travel time will be charged, unless on remote jobs at the beginning and ending of the job MILEAGE CHARGE: No mileage will b~ charged within 40 miles of our laboratory. For projects outside 40 miles and within 100 miles, mileage will be charged at the rate of $~,~Jer~le SUBSISTENCE: On r~mote jobs over 100 mi!es. from our .~iatory!~ ea e for traveling to and from jobsite when free transportation is not provided PARKING: When not furnished for the inspector, parking will be charged as paid by the inspector REGULAR TIME: First 8 hours, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 6:00 am and 5:00 pm OVERTIME RATE: (Time and one half). First 2 hours outside regularly constituted shift or hours before 6:00 am and after 5:00 pm Monday through Friday DOUBLE TIME RATE: All hours on Saturday and Sunday or non-union holidays on- site and all hours on union holidays off-site. Hours outside first I0 hours of constituted shift, Monday through Saturday -2~ UNION HOLIDAY RATE: All hours (on-site work) on the following listed union holidays: 1. New Years Day 2. Memorial Day 3. Independence Day 4. Labor Day 5. Veteran's Day 6. Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving 7. Christmas 8. The first Saturday following the first Friday of the months of June and December SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL: Second Shift Eight hours will be charged for first 7 1/2 hours worked. (Swing Shift) Time in excess of 7 1/2 hours will be charged at applicable overtime rate. Third Shift Eight hours will be charged for first 7 hours worked. (Graveyard Time in excess of 7 hours will be charged at applicable Shift) overtime rate. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Net - Invoices are for Professional Services and are due upon presentation. LABORATORY TESTING SERVICES SOILS ASTM Rate Designation Test 9er Test D 2435 Consolidation Test $ 105.00 D 3080 Direct Shear Test 95.00 Expansion Test UBC Method 90.00 2.5" Diameter Specimen 65.00 D 1557 Maximum Density - Optimum Moisture 90.00 California Impact Method (CAL 216) 100.00 D 422 Mechanical Analysis with Hydrometer Analysis 105.00 D 2216 Moisture Content 20.00 D 2434 Permeability Test 175.00 D 4318 Plasticity Index 95.00 D 2844 R-Value, Nature Soil or Base (CAL 301) 175.00 D 2419 Sand Equivalent (CAL 217) 38.00 C 136 Sieve Analysis, Pit Run Material 68.00 C 117 Sieve Analysis, Processed Material 48.00 D 1633 Soil Cement, Compressive Strength 315.00 D 560 Soil Cement, Freeze-Thaw 500.00 D 559 Soil Cement, Wet-Dry 500.00 D 854 Specific Gravity 75.00 D 2488 Visual Classification of Soil 18.00 -4- AGGREGATES ASTM Rate Designation Test per Test C 131. C 535 Abrasion Resistance (L.A. Rattler)(CAL 211) $ 80.00 Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent (CAL 303) 175.00 C 142 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 53.00 D 3744 Durability Index (CAL 227E, 229) 115.00 C 123 Lightweight Pieces 84.00 Percent of Flat / Elongated Pieces 58.00 Percent of Fractured Faced (CAL 205D) 58.00 C 566 Moisture Content 20.00 C 87 Mortar Making Properties of Fine Aggregate 315.00 C 40 Organic Impurities 38.00 C 135 Sieve Analysis, Pit Run Material 68.00 C 136 Sieve Analysis, Processed Coarse 34.00 C 117 Sieve Analysis, Fine, Washed 48.00 C 851 Soft Particles (Scratch Hardness) 35.00 C 88 Soundness Test, Sodium Sulfate 200.00 C 127 Specific Gravity and Absorption, Coarse 40.00 C 128 Specific Gravity and Absorption, Fine 75.00 D 1664 Film Stripping Test (CAL 302) 67.00 C 29 Unit Weight and Percent Voids 53.00 D 422 Percent of Clay, Hydrometer. Method 105.00 Percent of Shale 30.00 C 289 Potential Alkali Reactivity, Chemical Method 175.00 C 295 Potential Alkali Reactivity, Petrographic Method Quotation C 227 Potential Alkali Reactivity, Mortar Bar Method Quotation Cleanness Value (CAL 227) 80.00 -5- CONCRETE ASTM Rate Designation Test per Test Concrete Mix Design (excl. Aggregate Test) $ 65.00 Review of Concrete Mix Design 65.00 Concrete Trial Mix (each mix) Equipment and Labor 180,00 Molding and Curing Test Specimen 6" x 12" Cylinder 9.00 6" x 6" Flexural Beam 19.00 4" x 4" x 11" Shrinkage Specimen 11.00 Special Curing Process Hot Water Curing (per specimen) 52.00 Rapid Curing, Boiling Water (per specimen) 90.00 C 39 Compress~ve Strength, Concrete Cylinder 15.00 C 42 Compresslye Strength, Concrete Core 20.00 Compress~ve Strength, Gunite Cylinder 25.00 Compresslve Strength, Gunite Core 20.00 Compresslve Strength, Insulating Concrete 25.00 Core Trimming (if needed) 23.00 C 85 Cement Content (Chemical Method) 155.00 C 567 Dry Unit Weight, Lightweight Concrete 21.00 Dry Unit Weight of Insulating Concrete 27.00 C 78 Flexural Strength, 6" x 6" Beam 32.00 Flexural Strength, 9" X 9" Beam 50.00 C 469 Modulus of Elasticity 78.00 C 157, C 341 Drying Shrinkage (set of 3, up to 28 days) 180.00 C 496 Splitting Tensile Test 32.00 MASONRY ASTM Rate Designation Test per Test C 67 Brick Test 24-hour Absorption, Cold Water $ 25.00 5-hour Absorption, Boiling Water 25.00 Compression Test 25.00 Modulus of Rupture 25.00 C 140 Concrete Block Test 24-hour Absorption, Cold Water 25.00 Moisture Content 21.00 Compression Test 35.00 Unit Weight 23.00 C 426 Linear Drying Shrinkage 70.00 C 270 Mortar Mix Design (excl. Aggregate Test) 65.00 C 476 Grout Mix Design (excl. Aggregate Test) 65.00 Mortar Strength (2" cube or cylinder) 15.00 Grout Prism Test (3" x 3~' x6") 15.00 Masonry Core,, Compression Test 22.00 Masonry Core, Shear Test 40.00 Masonry Core Trimming (if needed) 23.00 E 447 Masonry Prism (Assemblage) 8" x 16" x 16" 125.00 12" x 16" x 16" 150.00 Larger than 12" x 16" x 16" Quotation -7- ASPHALT MIXTURES ASTM Rate Designation Test per Test Asphalt Pavement Mix Design (Hveem Method) Quotation Asphalt Pavement Mix Design (Marshall Method) Quotation D 2172 Asphalt Content by Extraction $ 120.00 Asphalt Content and Gradation by Extraction 170.00 D 11138, D 2726 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Specimen 32.00 Moisture Vapor Susceptibility (CAL 307) 125.00 D 1569 Marshall Resistance to Plastic Flow 85.00 D 1560 Hveem Stability Value by Stabilometer (CAL 366) 85.00 C 128 Specific Gravity of Extracted Aggregates 75.00 Swell Test (CAL 305) 85.00 Compacted Asphalt Pavement Coring Equipment and Labor (per hour) 66.00 Bit Charge (per inch length of core) 2.00 Additional Technician (per hour) 46.00 -8- ASTM Rate Designation Test per Test Reinforcing Steel Test: Tensile Strength and Elongation ~11 and smaller $ 30.00 #14 bar 50.00 #18'bar (Proof Test) 72.00 Bend Test, #11 and smaller 35.00 Structrual Steel Test: Tensile Strength and Elongation Up to 100,000 pounds 25.00 100,000 - 200,000 pounds 30.00 200,000 o 300,000 pounds 35.00 300,000 o 400,000 pounds 40.00 Bend Test 25.00 Prestressing Wire and Tendon Test: A 421 Tensile Strength, Single Wire 50.00 A 416 Tensile Strength, 7-Wire Strand 85.00 A 325, A 490 Bolt and Nut, Proof Load Test 15.00 Shear Stud Test 40.00 Hardness Test 10.00 Bolt Tension Test 20.00 Machining and Preparation of Test Specimen 35.00 Welding Procedure Qualification Groove Weld 350.00 Fillet Weld 250.00 Welding Specimen Test: Ultrasonic Examination 55.00 Macroetch Test (3 faces) 45.00 Reduced - Section, Tension 30.00 Bend Test 30.00 Machining and Preparation of Test Specimen 35.00 MISCELLANEOUS Unit Rate Calibration of Hydraulic Ram 60 Ton and Under each $ 80.00 61 Ton - 100 Ton each 90.00 101 Ton - 200 Ton each 100.00 Laboratory Equipment Use of 60,000 pound Universal hour 80.00 (with one operator) Use of 400,000 pound Baldwin hour 180.00 (with one operator) Additional Technician When Required hour 46.00 Roof Cut Analysis New Roof Membrane (ASTM D3617) each 180.00 Built-up Roof Assembly (ASTM D2829) each 250.00 Spray-Applied Fire Proofing In-place Density each 42.00 P V C Conduit (ASTM F 512) Stiffness Test (per specimen) each 20.00. Impact Resistance (per specimen) each 15.00 Flattening Test (per specimen) each 20.00 Crushing Resistance (per specimen) each 20.00 Verification of Dimensions each 30.00 -10- GEOT d HNiCAL P.O. Box 17g0 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSM ITTAL Date June 19, 1990 Job No. To City of Fontaria P. 0. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334-0518 R I~ C I~ | V Ir D JH.~ ! a 1a.qO Attention: Mr. Gregory O. Bucknell P.E. PUBLICWORKS · ENGINEERING Consulting Project Manager Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, Geotechnical Testing Services Agreement We are forwarding: Compaction Report Preliminary Soils Report Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation 3 Other Consultant Services Aqreement REM ARK,<B: Per your request, we have initialed the changes made to the Consultant Services Agreement and are returninq them to .you. C. H. J. Geotechnical, Inc. Donald N. Natthews, Project Engineerz_~ DISTRIBUTION: GEOTECHNIC;AL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 11, 1990 Mr. Donald M. Matthews C.H.J. Geotechn~cal Inc. 1355 East Cooley Drive Colton,, CA 92324 Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Geotechnlcal Testing Services Agreement Miileage Reimbursement Dear Mr'. Matthews: Per our phone conversation on the above referenced subject, enclosed for authorized approval are three (3) original agreements to change the $0.45 per mile to $0.25 per mtle on the proposal attachments. Please initial changes. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-6646. Sincerely, Robert W. Waddle, P.E. Deputy P~orlc~City Engineer By~/ory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW:GOB:bjp Enclosure cc: J. O'Sullivan O. Grissom A. Beard R. Waddle Y. Patanwala L. Segers 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN/% CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA Hay 2, 1990 Ms;. Barbara C. Carson, Paralegal Best, Best & Krieger 800 North Haven, Suite 120 Ontario, CA 91764 RE: CHJ's Consultant Services Agreement Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Dear Ms. Carson: Enclosed for Stephen P. Oettsch's review and approval are three copies of CHJ's Consultant Services Agreement on the above referenced p,roject. Please return all three copies. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-6646. Sincerely yours, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Oeputy Public Norks Director/City Engineer By: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager GB:sh Enclosures CC: A. Beard R. Waddle Y. Patanwala L. Segers 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92;334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA GEO'IZ " HNICAL P.O. Box 1790 ,. 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 ~. ~ ~ ~ /d ~ Date _ ApPi 1 24, ~990 Job No. ~. To City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue P. 0. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334-0518 : Attention: Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. "~ '~'Y Deputy Public Works Dir./City Eng. gre~e~i Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, Consultant Services A Re: We are forwarding: Compaction Report Preliminary Soils Report Percolation Report Fee Sohedule Liquefaotion Evaluation 3 Other Contract Attached herein are three executed copies of the Consultant Services REMARKS: Agreement. C. H. J. Geotechnlcal, Inc. Donald M. Matthews, Project Engineer DISTRIBUTION: City of Fontana (3) GEOTECHNIGAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION ": Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA April 19, 1990 Mr. Donald M. Matthews CHJ Geetechnical Incorporated 1355 East Cooley Drive, Suite C P.O. Box 1820 Colton, CA 92324 Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Consultant Services Agreement Dear Mr. Matthews: Per your transmittal dated April ]6, lggO, enclosed for signature by an authorized official are three (3) revised copies of the contract. Please return the signed copies for final approval. A fully executed copy will be sent to you at a later date. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-7618. Sincerely yours, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. De ' ~ 'rector/City Engineer By: gory a. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager Enclosure cc: A. Beard R. Weddle Y. Patanwala L. Segers 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E, Cooley Drive, Suite EE, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date April ].6, 1990 Job No. To City of Fontaria Publ ic Works D~artment P0 Box 518 Fontana, California 92334-0518 Attention: Mr. Gregory Bucknell Re: Contracts We are forwarding: Compaction Report Preliminary Soils Report Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation Other REMARKS: Attached are the original contracts for Bech Sewer Project and Jurupa Hills Regional Park, plus a_copy of a contract that we have revised. DISTRIBUTION: Cit~v of Fontana (1) GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION < Ci ty of Fontana L I F 0 R N I A April 11, 1990 Mr. DonaldM. Matthews CHJ Geotechnical Incorporated 1355 East Cooley Drive, Suite C p.o. Box 1B20 Colton, CA 92324 APR i 3 1990 Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Consultant Services Agreement CHJ GEOTECFIN!CAL, INC. Dear Mr. Matthews: Enclosed for signature by an authorized official are three copies of the contract. Please return the three signed copies for final approval. A fully executed copy will be sent to you at a later date. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714) 350-7618. SinceF~, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy ~ Z rector/City Engineer B gory J. Bucknell,P.E. Consulting Project Manager Enclosure cc: A. Beard R. Weddle Y. Patanwala L. Segers 8353 81ERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92334~)518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOP,~ B.C. CANADA EXHIBIT "A" · INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 April 6, 1990 City of Fontana Public Works Department P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92334-0518 Attention: Mr. Gregory Bucknell Subject: Proposal to Perform Compaction Testing Foothill/Beech Sewer Projects City of Fontana, California Dear Mr. Bucknell: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to perform the compaction testing for the above referenced project.. As we under- stand it, the Beech interceptor sewer main has 5292+ lineal feet of sewer line improvements with 14 manholes; the Foothill trunk sewer, Beech to Lime, has 1~65! lineal feet of sewer line improvements with six manholes; the Foothill trunk sewer, Hemlock to Beech, has 1226+ lineal feet of sewer line improvements with 4 manholes; bringing a total of 8483+ feet of sewer line improvements, with 24 manholes. In addition, there will be approximately 7000 square feet of removal and replacement of asphalt concrete pavement and portland cement concrete driveways. We are looking forward to providing the compaction testing on this project and have prepared this letter in order to advise you of the details of our testing procedures. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana Page No. 2 April 6, 1990 We propose to conduct the compaction testing on a time and materials basis. To allow for continuous monitoring of the cost involved, we request that daily time charge tickets be signed on-site by your representative for our field services. Our current cost for a field technician is computed at the rate of 847.00 per man hour portal to portal. This hourly fee includes compaction testing of the backfill- ing operation, as well as his testing equipment and vehicle. It is estimated that we will test every 250 feet for each of the facilities along the 8483~ lineal feet of sewer line, and every other manhole. Assuming no more than 5 percent failures and 14 tests per trip, we can estimate 19 trips at 8 hours ~er trip, giving an approximate total of 152 hours of testing. In addition to field technician costs, other costs are associated with a project of this nature, such as staff engineering and projeot coordination costs, as well as drafting, clerical and optimum moisture - dry density relationships for each soil type. Therefore, the total anticipated cost for compaction testing for the project is as follows: Amount Description Cost 152 Hours Field Technician (Including Travel) S 7,144.00 15 Hours Staff Engineering and Project 825.00 Coordination @ S55.00/Hour 10 Each Optimum Moisture - Dry Density 900.00 Curves (1 Test per Soil Type, Estimated Number) @ 890.00 Each 3 Each Compaction Reports - Each Phase 450.00 (Includes Engineering, Drafting and Clerical) @ 8150.00 Each ESTIMATED TOTAL: $ 9,319.00 City of Fontana Page No. 3 April 6, 1990 It should be emphasized that this cost is estimated only, and charges will be billed only for the actual work performed. We will, of course,, make every effort to minimize costs throughout the project. We wi2L1 work closely with your firm and all project contractors throughout the project. If you should have any questions concerning this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, C.H.J. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Randal B. Graham, Staff Engineer M. Matthews, Project Engineer RBG/DMM:dlh INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSM ITTAL Date April 9, 1990 Job No. To City of Fontana Public Works Department ~~ ~,~~ ~_\ Fontana, Cal i forni a 92334-0518 ~,..~<>~ Attention: Mr. Gregory Bucknell -. Re: Proposed Bike Trail Improvements, Martin Tudor Jurupa Hills Regional~ Park and Foothill/Beech Sewer Projects, Fontaria, California We are forwarding: Compaction Report Preliminary Soils Report Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation X Other Proposals - i For Each of the Above Sites REMARKS: A Certificate of Insurance has also been enclosed. C. H. J. Geotechnical, Inc. Randal B. Graham, Staff Engineerz~t'/ DISTRIBUTION: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS 'rESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Adf;e,P. IL CERTIFICA'h OF INSURANCE %"'J,ssuEBATE,MM,DD,,,, , 4-9-90 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, THE JORDAN COMPANY EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW i325 WEST HOSPITALITY LANE, #102 ~ SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412-5276 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ~ 714/888-2231 COMPANY A GOLDEN EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY LETTER CODE SUB-CODE COMPANY B FREMONT COMPENSATION INSURANCE CO. LETTER INSURED COMPANY C C.H.J. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. LETTER POST OFFICE :BOX 1790 COMPANY D COLTON t CA 9 2 3 2 4 LETTER COMPANY E LETTER COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE iNSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER ALL LIMITB IN THOUSANDS LTR DATE (MMIDD/YY) DATE (MM/DD/YY) A GBNERALUAD,L,TY CCP 09 77 97 01/06/90 01/06/91 GENERAL AGGREGATE Ill000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIAB~LITY PRODUCTB-COMPIOPSAGGREGATE ~/C X CLAIMS MADE OCCUR. PERSONAL &ADVERTISING INJURY $1 f 0 0 0 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $1 t 0 0 0 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ 5 0 MEDICAL EXPENSE (Any one person) $ 5 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ A ANYAUTO CCP 09 77 97 01/06/90 01/06/91 LmMmf 1,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTO,I; (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPERSATION STATUTORY B ...D WP90-477256 01/06/90 01/06/91 $ 1.000 <EACHACC,DEN~ $ i t 000 (DISEASE--POLiCY LIMIT) EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ 1 I 0 0 0 (DISEASE--BACH EMPLOYEE) OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVERICLESIRESTRICTIONSISPBCIAL ITEMS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATIONEXCEPT 10-DAYS NOTICE FOR NON-PAYME:, SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE PUBLIC WORKS; DEPT LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR POST OFFICE BOX 5 18 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. FONTANA, CA 92334-0518 AuT.o D.~pR~ ,~C~ ATTN: GREGORY BUCKNELL ~O NSON U ~ACORD CORPORATION 1988 ACORD 26-8 (3188) DA~ E H POLICY NUMBER: CCP 0)mmm~7 97 ~m#COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED -- OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the tollowing: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Nam,=, of Person or Organization: CITY OF FONTANA PUBT,IC WORKS DEPT POST OFFICE BOX 518 FONTANA, CA 92334-0518 (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section 11) is amended to include as an insured the person or organizahon shown m the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out o( "your work" for that ~nsured by or for you. CG 20 10 11 85 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1984 E Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA March 30, 1990 Mr. Donald M. Matthews CHJ Geotechnical Incorporated P.O. Box 17g0 1355 East Cooley Drive, Suite E Colton, CA 92334 Re: Foothill/Beech Sewer Projects Request for Proposal Dear Mr. Matthews: Enclosed for your use is one set of specifications and plans on the above referenced project. An estimated not-to-exceed amount is $10,000. Please provide a proposal letter and unit cost list. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (714} 350-7618. Sincerely yours, Robert: W. Weddle, P.E. Deput~/~,blic Works Director/City Engineer By~Legory J. Bucknell, P.E. Consulting Project Manager RWW: GJB: bJ p cc: A. Beard R. Weddl e )r. Patanwala I.. Segers 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 9;~334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA INCORPORATED P.O. Box 231 · 1355 East Cooley Drive, Colton, CA 92324 · Phone (714) 824-7210 March 6, 1990 Robert W. Weddle, Project Engineer ~ City of Fontana Department of Public Works f ' 8353 Sierra Avenue ~ ~ ~.~ Re: Foothill Trunk Sewer & Beech Interceptor Sewer Main Dear Mr. Weddle: Please consider this letter as notification of our interest to be consid- ered for providing the compaction and materials testing services for the installation of the above referenced project. We appreciate your past business and hope our services will be consid- ered for this project. Ric RWR:jf cc: Hall & Foreman, Inc. SOILS ENGINEERS · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION City of Fontana Job No. 90381-1 P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Annivory Calvert Director of Public Works subject: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Fontana, California C.H.J. Job NO. 891102-3 Report Dated December 1, 1989 Reference: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Fontana~ CalifOrnia C.H,J. Letter Dated July 12, 1990 Gentlemen: As you know, the above referenced letter addresses the Caltrans requirements for the Foothill Boulevard portion of the subject project. The Beech Interceptor sewer main line portion of the project is not within Caltrans ri~ht-of-way. For this portion of the project, we recommend that the sewer trench backfill be compacted to 90 percent relative compaction and the upper six inches of sub~rade soils and all aggregate base be brought to relative compaction of not less than 95 percent. Normally for a project of this nature, compaction tests would be conducted at approximately two feet intervals through the backfill and approximately every 250 lineal feet alon~ the proposed ali~nment. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana Page No. 2 July 25, 1990 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and trust this report provides the information desired at this time. Should questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, C.H.J. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. iF~ ~ Randal B. Graham, Staff Engineer [Xpi~A'T, ION DATE ber~tj.~jo~son ~ ~ Ro so, G.E. 43 ~ President RBG/RJJ:tlp cc City of Fontana Mr. Joe D'Alessio GEOT[ HNICAL INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-72 '11 · Fax (714) 824-7209 December 19, 1989 City of Fontana Job No. 891102-3 P.O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Yousuf Pontatowala Subject;: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project Fontana, California C.H.J. Job No. 8913.02-3, Report dated December 1, 1989 . Gent 1 emen: '~. __[~ As requested, we have reviewed the subject report with respect to maximum allowable slope inclinations for trench excavations at the subject project. Based upon the soil conditions encountered within the subject report, it is our opinion that if shoring is utilized, the trench excavation operation and necessary shoring should be designed and constructed in accordance with the State of California, California Administrative Code, Title 8, Industrial Relations, Chapter 4, Division of Indus- trial Safety, Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders, Article 6. In accordance with the California Administrative Code, trench excavations to have sloping sidewalls rather than shoring, should have sidewall inclinations no steeper than 3/4 horizontal to 1 vertical. Flatter slopes will be required if running soils are encountered during construction.. GEOTEGHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana Page No. 2 December 19, 1989 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and trust this report provides the information desired at this time. Should questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, C.H.J. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. i~ t Gitanjali Kanchi, Staff Engineer EXpI~ATIONDATE ;' ~ ' Donald M. Matthews, Project Engineer Rob~ert~nson, G.E. 443 President GK/MSW::31m SUBSURFACE SOILS INVESTIGATION FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR CITY OF FONTANA JOB NO. 891102-3 " GEOT 'Wit'INICAL P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 December 1, 1989 City of Fontana Job No. 891102-3 Director of Public Works P.O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Annivory Calvert Subject: Foothill/Beech Sewer Project "'~ Fontana, California Gentlemen: Attached herewith is the Subsurface Soils Investigation report, prepared for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, in the City of Fontana, California. We appreciate this opportunity to provide geotechnical services for this project. If you have questions or comments concerning this report, please contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Randall B. Graham, Staff Engineer RGB:ms Distribution: City of Fontana (6) GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION SUBSURFACE SOILS INVESTIGATION FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR CITY OF FONTANA JOB NO. 891102-3 INTRODUCTION During November of 1989, a Subsurface Soils Investigation for the Foothill/Beech Sewer Project, in the City of Fontana, California, was performed by this firm. The purpose of this supplementary investiga- tion was to explore and evaluate geotechnical conditions along the proposed sewer alignment, and to provide engineering recommendations for the construction of the proposed sewer alignment. To orient our investigation at the site, a 100-scale Right of Way Map and Assessors Map for the proposed pro3ect were furnished for our use. The approximate location of the alignment is shown on the attached Plat (Enclosure "A")o The results of our investigation, together with our conclusions and recommendations, are presented in this report. FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION The soil conditions along the proposed sewer alignment were explored by means of five exploratory borings placed at approximate locations specified by our firm and approved by the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. These borings were drilled to a maximum depth of 25+ feet below the existing ground surface with a truck-mounted CME 55 drill rig. The approximate locations of our exploratory borings are indicated on the attached Plat (Enclosure "A"). Continuous logs of the subsurface conditions, as encountered within the exploratory borings, were recorded at the time of drilling by a staff geologist from this firm. Bulk samples of typical soil types Page No. 2 Job No. 891102-3 were obtained and returned to the laboratory in sealed containers for sand equivalent testing. The stratification lines presented on the boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, which may include gradual transitions. Our exploratory boring logs, are presented on Enclosures "B-l" through "B-5". The results of our sand equivalent tests are included as Enclosure "C" . SUBSURFACE GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS Data from our exploratory borings indicates that the soil profile along 'the proposed sewer alignment typically consists of silty sands, underlain by poorly to well graded sands and random strata of sandy gravels to the maximum depths attained. Gravel, to a maximum size of three inches, and cobbles to a maximum size of eight inches were encountered within all of our exploratory borings and often in substantial quantities. No fill, bedrock or free groundwater was encountered within any of our exploratory borings to the maximum depths attained. All of our exploratory borings caved to within depths of approximately two to six feet below the existing ground surface. Results of our laboratory testing on selected samples indicates that the sand equivalent values of the soils encountered range from 39 to 53. CONCLUS IONS Based upon our exploratory borings and test results, it is our opinion that the proposed sewer project is feasible from a soils engineerring standpoint provided the following recommendations are implemented during construction, Page No. 3 Job No. 891102-3 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. In general, the natural soils are suitable for use as pipe bedding material, provided the suitable poorly graded sands are segregated from the silty sands during excavation. 2. All soils encountered are generally suitable for use as trench backfill above bedding material. Backfill and densification operations should be performed in accordance with Sections 306-1.3.1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construc- tion. 3. All trench excavation operations and necessary shoring should be designed and constructed in accordance with the State of California, California Administrative Code, Title 8, Industrial Relations, Chapter 4, DivisiOn of Industrial Safety, Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders, Article 6. If sloping backfill is desired, as an alternative to shoring, then sloping backfill may be utilized in accordance with the California Administrative Code. Flatter slopes will be required if running soils are encountered during construc- tion. 4. As Foothill Boulevard is in the Calftans right of way, all trench excavations, shoring and compaction requirements should meet State of California requirements. Page No. 4 Job No. 891102-3 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and trust this report provides the information desired at this time. Should questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, ~. OT CH CAL, I C. ~ ~" ~ i Randal B. Graham, Staff Engineer H~ Mic el .~, Project Engineer President RBG/MSW:ms Enclosures: Index Map "A-l" Plat "A-2" Boring Logs "B-l" "B-5" Test Data Summary "C" Page No. 5 Job No. 891102-3 LIMITATIONS C.H.J. Geotechnical, Inc., has performed our services within the limits prescribed by our client, with the usual thoroughness and competence of the engineering profession. C.H.J. Geotechnical, Inc., makes no other warranty or representation, either expressed or implied. If this report or portion thereof are provided to contractors or included in specifications, it should be understood by all parties that t'hey are provided for information only, and should be used as such. The report and its contents resulting from this investigation are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse on extensions or modifications of the pro3ect, or for use on any other project. .Enclosure "A-l" ~,/ ~ ,Job No. 891102-3 '~ -,,,, ~ ~ ,,,, I ,, ~. .. ~,~ ........ .: · ,, - ~ . ~ ',',., . ~, · - ~ ~', . ~ · .' ~ ~ ...l.~ }: :.. .g ' " " ... m~ ' :.:~%~:.i;~ : ~ ': · . ... · " s.12 : K~iser ~ ":,': "'-'..-~¢ li ~.. · ~':;~ .':"': '" " ~ ~; ':' =:. ,. ~' ' ' i13 G~aphic Scale w Index Map OF FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR . CITY OF FONTANA BASE MAP USGS FONTANA QUAD ~' ~' a e~o~c,~,c~ INCOR~RATED It-- i i ~-Exploratory Boring Loc~fions PLAT FOR: F00THZLL/BEEEH SE~ER PROJECT ENCLOSURE CiTY 0F FONTANA CZTY 0F FONTANA, CALiFORNiA JOB NUMBER DATE: NOVE~]BER ~989 89~02-3 GEOTECHNICAL For: City of Fontana Job Number: 891102-5 Date Explored: 11-17-89 Boring Number: i Equipment: CI~E 55 Drill Rig Enclosure: SPT ~ Dry I Field ~ Rel, ~ Sample~ F Blows ~Oeneityl Noist,I Comp, ~ Type ~ e Per i Ipcf) IContemH {%) ~ ~ e Foot : : (%) : ~ ~ t Visual Classification ~ ~ 2.3: : BulH <' <' '> ': [SN] Silty Sand, fine with traces medium to coarsm~ and gravel ] ' ; ~ ~ i "' "' "'" to 2' light brown : ', , , , .,,..,...,, ~ { ~ ~ ', 6""""""" ................ ~ ...................~ .........~.~.~J .......................[.....~.[~+%8 EaZ?~E~'K~i'.E::' [SN] Sand~ fine ~o coarse ~ith ~ravel to ~"~ and silt~ light ~ ~ % ', ~ .:.,.:.:.k::.;.::!:brown ', ~ ~ ~ ', 9 :>:.:.,.:.:.;.:::. ~ ~ I ~ ~ -:',':"',"':"": ~ ~ ; I ~ ~0 .;+:.w,:.:.,.:.; ~ ,, ~ ~ ~ :v.'..'.'.'. .................. [ .............[ .......~.,.;.[ .....................{........a.~..~.k.~~z ~:F~i~1`~..E~t~E.~./,~.t.~RK~Tf(W..~.~.~;.YE~r~Es.~.~.~..~EE.~F~va..~.E.F..EEE~.~.6T~.~..Es ........................... ; ~ '. ; ~ !2 ':: ::: ::: :' ', ~ ~ ; ', ,:..:..:..: ,, ., ., : , ', : s. e: ',auH..:b :',~;: 'E:~:: ~,~-:',~"~'~'~"~E,'~'~""'~E'a';'8j" ""~'&'~"~'~"E8'~'F'~""[4'~'~'G"'g'F%'; ~" ""{~"'2""' "'~'~'6~ '~'~"'{'~ .............................. + ', ~ i ] :~,:;:,[':;,;:qa8" and silt brown ~ ', : : z7 ".i,E':'E,;': .~'.:, ' : . ', ~ , ~,~ ,.~ ,...,~, 'L ~ ', 2o ~';~,':':'i.%'::,,~,~'%'.',,~ ; '. ', ~W.' ...... 2 ' ':':':,'.:'.'::~2",' =================================================== :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..........:.....~:2~.~:?:[:~'~'~::~'.:'~ ....................................................................................................................................... Log Continued on N~xt Page For: City of Fentana aob Number: Bgl102-5 Date Explored: 11-17-8g Boring Number: 1 Equipment: CME 55 Drill Rig Enclosure: Blows IDensityl Moist.~ Comp.; Type: e Per ~ (pcf) ~Oontent~ ~%) : ~ e Foot : : (%) ~ ~ ~ t Visual Classification I I I ~ ', 24 'mm.i':!'z;~bi~ ....................................................................................~;" ~" ~'~' : ~ ~ : ~ 29 NO BEDROCK ' ' ' ' ' NO BEFUSAL ~ I I ] : ~O NO GROUND~ATER I I : ~ ~ BORINS CAVED TO 6 FEET .................................................................... ~ ...................,3~ ............ ~ ...................~ ..................~ ...................[ .....................IS7 .............. [ ................L .............[ ...............~ .................~ ................ I .................', .................~ ...................~ ..................'~41 ................ I ........[ ..............[ ..............% ..............I42 ' ' ~ ' 44 I ~: ::~: :::::~Z:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......................:::~:.~[]~]~'.~:'.::: ......................................................................................................................................................................... For: City of Fontana ,lob Number: 891102-[ Date Explored: 11-17-89 Boring Number: 2 Equipment: CME 55 Drill Rig Enclosure: "B-2" Blows ~Oensity~ Moist.~ Comp. ~ Type e Per ~ (pc~ ~Content~ (%) ~ e Foot ~ ~ (%) : ~ t Visual Classification : ~ 1.8~ ~ Bulk~ -'..'....' [SN] Silty Sand~ fine to coarse with ~ravel to 1'% ~n~ cobbles ~ i ' ' ", light ............. ~ .................~ .......[,e.~ .............L._._.h[U~ x"~z~:~";~;:';]~.~.~`).....~;~.~.~.`.~F.~.;.~i.;.....~.~B.~..~...~.F~.~...~.~.~.~...~.F.~.;~i....~.8..`.~..;..E~8~.i.~..~.8 ............................. : ~ : ~ I -~:.:~:.':.ba 6" and silt, light brown : : ~ : ~ 5 ' ~""~""~' ~ ~ k: u ~..:f~:?:.......~..~:~].."~.~.~...~B.~.7.{~`"~E.~J~..~T~.~.F~.E~E.E.~.F~.~..~.E.~?~.C~..r.~ ...................... ', ~ ~ ~ i2 -.u-..... ~ : ~ ', :..: : ', ~ ', ~ -.;.'..'..' ......... ', ..............~ ............~ ......~ ..............iS:::h:: :: :: " ' ; ::j:::j:.L:..: ........................................................................................................... ; ', 1.8~ ~ Bu!k~ i6 -~;~'rE~'z:,i:"E:T!~ [SN] Saody 5raVei, ,ine tO coarse with qravel to 2", cobbles to ', : I I ~ b~E~E:~:~'['~, 8'* and traces silt~ light brown ~ CDntlnu~d on Next D~gB For: gity of Fontaria Job Number: 891102-5 Date Explored: iI-17-89 Bmring Number: 2 Equip~=ent: ONE 55 Drill Rig Endoeure: SPT ~ Dry ~ Field ~ Rel. ~ Sample: F Blows ~Density~ MoimtJ Comp. ~ Type ~ e Per ~ Ipcfi ~Content] (%) ~ ~ e ~oot : ] (%) ~ ~ ~ t Visual Classification ................ ~ .................i .................E ......................z ......................,~END OF BORING ................ ~ ...................~ ..............{ ..........................~ .....................:2G I I I ' ' 30 NO BEDROCK ..... NO REFUSAL ' ' ' ' ' NO ................. ~ ....................! ....................~ .......................! ........................, I I I I { BORING CAVEB TO 2 FEET ..~ I I } I , 7~ NO FILL ............. { .................~ ................! .......................; ................... ....... ! ...........! ..............~ ..................: .................... I ................i ................I ...............[ .....................~ ..................... ................ ~ ..........[ .........{ ..................I ................. For: City of Fontana Job Number: 891102-3 Date Explurmd: ll-17-Bg Sorimg Number: 3 Equipment: CNE 5.~ Orill Rig Enclosure: "8-3~ SPT ) Dry ) Field ', Rel. ~ Sample', F Blmms )Denmity: Moist.) Comp. ~ Type ) e Per I(pcf) ~Contentl (%) : I m Fmmt : ~ (%) ~ ) ~ t Visual Classificatiom ~ : 1.6) ~ ~ulkl :~: :~: :~: :~ [SN] Silty Sand, fine .ith traces mediu~ to coarse and gravel to ...... ?:~::[::E ~ ) I ~ ~ 2 ::: ::: ::: :: ~ ~ ~ : ~ ::: ::: ::: :: ] : ', ~ : '.".".". ~ ~ : ', ~ · :.,<. :<. :~.:. :. ) : ', ~ : ~ .:.,.:.:.,.:-:,.:.:. ~ ~ : : t · :.,.:. :.,.:. :.~.:. :- ~ ~ t ', ~ 1 ~ :":' >:' >:' :' ) ) ~ { : · :.,.:. :.,.> :,.:.: ', ~ ', ; ', :.: :.: :-:: ', ', ', ~ ', I4""""" Log C3rtinu~a on Next Page For: City of Fontaria ~ob Number: B91102-3 Date Explored: 11-17-89 Boring Number: 3 Equipment: CME 55 Brill Rig Enclosure: SPT ~ Dry I Field; Rel. ] Sample~ F Blows ~Oensity~ Moist.~ Comp. ~ Type ~ e Per I (pcf) ~ContenU (%) I ; e Foot ~ : (%) ~ ~ ~ t Visual Classification ..... 24 :i: :i: ;!: :i ] ~ ~ I ~ ::: ::: ::: :: ..... 25 ......................;"'i .........................................................~6""~""~'i'~ ......................................................................................................................... me.' .................I ................J .......................[ ........................] .......................~29 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 30 NO BEDROCK , i , . . NO REFUSAL ............. ~ ....................~ ........................: .......................~ .......................~51NO GROUNDWATER : : : ~ ~ BORING CAVEO TO 5 FEET ~ ..............! ...................! ..................! ..................! ....................,52NO FI[L .............. I ..............! ....................; ..................[ .......................%40 For: City of Fontana aeb Number: Date Explored: 11-i>89 Boring Number: 4 Equipment: CHE 55 Brill Rig Enclosure: SPT I Dry ) Field ) R~I. ~ Sampler F ~lo.s ~Density: Mgist.: Comp. ) Type i Per ) (pcf) H;ontentl (%) i ~ e Foot ) ) (%) ) ~ ) t Visual Glassiiication ' ' 2.0) ~ Bulkt '~ '~'.~",,~ [GP] Asphalt Concret~ ' , , ' .',.:.v.'..'.'. light brown ~ ~ ) ~ 7 -:<':.""<':' ~ ', ) ~ B...,:.~......:.·. i : 2.o', : ~uik io ::>!>':'>::~ [~) ~fi~ ~i'~'~ ....i;i .....~ i~ ~Fi~'f ~ I I I ,, ~ light brown ', I ', t 16"" "' ........................................................................~FiVa"ia"~iiT"~'S'~Siii:"'iS ......................... ~ ~ 1,S', : Bulk: 17 :,2!iii~i2=.;>'~;:;i~'~? [~"~;i~:~""~Fi~'a"~""~'i~'i"'i'~"'a'~'i~iF'~i"E'~'~ I I I I i >!:>':'ij:~'~'i6" and traces of silt~ liqht brown ........... [ ............~ ............~ .............[ ..................~ ............. j .........'~ ..............[ ............~ ..........l2(+ tc9 Continued ~n ?ie~',t Page For: City ef Fmmtmnm ~mb Number: 891102-5 Date Explored: 11-17-89 Boring Number: 4 Equipment: CNE 55 Drill Rig Enclosure: "B-q" SPT ~ Ory ~ Field ~ Rel. ~ Sample~ F Blows ~Oensityl Noist.~ CORp. I Type: m Per ~ (pcf) ~ContenU {%) I ~ e Foot ~ ~ i%) ~ ~ ~ t Visual Classification h ~ ~ ~ I ~ 25 = END OF BORING ~ ~ ~ ~ % 26 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 27 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 28 ............. ~ ..................! ...............~ .................~ ...................I50NO BEDROCK ~ I ~ : ~ NO REFUSAL ............ ~ ...................~ ..................~ ..................~ ......................;51NO BROUNDNATER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GORING CAVED TO 4.5 FEET .............. ~ ..................~ .......................~ .....................~ ...............~52NO FILL ~ ' ' ' :.::::::::: .....! ..............~ ...............~ .................. For: City of Fontana Job Number: 891102-3 Date Explored: 11-17-B9 Boring Number: 5 Equipment: CME 55 Drill Rig Enclosure: "B-5" Blows ~Density~ Nmist.~ Comp. ~ Type e Per ~ (pcf) ~BontenU (%) ~ e Foot ~ ~ (%) : ~ t Visqal Classification ~ : 2.7~ ~ BulH -"""""' [SP] Sand, fine to medium with traces cosrse1 gravel to 5" and I I I I I """"""' I I ~ I ~ "',"","':"'. I I I I I 7 .v,'..-....v. I I ~ ~ i -:',"'-"""':. I I I I I 8 .:.,.:.x.:,.:.: ~ i [ ~ I ~ -:!.;.:.~..:l.:-:. I I I I I -:,.:.:.,.:-:.,.:.:- ; I I ~ I ~0 ':'/':::';';:';:::' ~ ~ ~ ~ lg ':'~':;":<"';':' L~g C~t~n~od o~ ~ext Paoe For: City of Fontana Job Number: Dete Explored: i1-17-B9 Boring Number: 5 Equipment: CME 55 Drill Big Enclosure: SPT ~ Dry ~ Field ~ Rel, ~ Bample~ F Blows ~Oensity~ Moist.: Coup.: Type ~ e Per ~ (per) ~ContenU (%) : ~ e Foot ; ~ (%) ; : ~ t Visual Classification I I I I I ':-,':-:+:':"':':' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 25 ':<':<':',-:-:- ~ f ~ ~ ~ 2~ '>:':':':<':' ......... ~ ................~ .....................~ ................~ .......................~25ENB OF BORINO .......... ~ ...................~ ................~ ....................! ..................~27 I I I % I ~0 NO BEDROCK , , NO 8ROUNBWATER I I I ' ' 51 BORING CAVEB TO 5,5 FEET I I I I I NO FILL ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................!.!...:::!:!!!~!ii!!!!!!!!:!::: ........................................................................................................................................................................... Enclosure "C" Job No. 891102-3 TEST DATA SUMMARY BORING NO. SAMPLE DEPTH SAND EQUIVALENT 1 4.0 - 8.0 47 2 0.0 - 3.0 39 3 6.0 - li.0 53 4 17.,0 25.0 41 GEOTECI-,~,AL , "' P,O, BOX 1790 · 1355 E, Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 INVOICE ~ No 4463 ' ,,;PROJECT / Beech Sewer Project To: City o~.~F~ratana 8353 Si Avenue Fontana, CA Fontana, CA 92335 DATE JOB NO CUSTOMERS P 0 NO 11~30-89 891102-3 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Subsurface Soils Investigation $ 2,800.00 Traffic Control 500.00 Amount Due: $ 3,300.00 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 8, 1989 cHj GEoTECNNic , INC. P.o. Box 1790 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E Colton, CA 92324 Subject: NOTICE TO PROCEED SUBSURFACE SOIL INVESTIGATION FOR FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT Dear Mr. Warren: Enclosed please find the fully executed copyof consulting services agreement for the above mentioned project between CHJ and the City of Fentans. Please also consider this letter as notice to proceed. The City will expect CHJ to finish this project within specified time limit asper consulting agreement. Please. submit for City approval the locations at whichCHJ intends drill bore holes. Enclosed is the blue line of preliminary right-of-way map for your information and use. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned at (714) 350-7661. Sincerely, Annivory Calvert Public Works Director ~/ By: ~Patanwala · Civil Engineering Assistant III AC:YP:cm Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA g2334-0518 (714) 350-7600 GEOT : HNICAL · INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date November 13, 1989 Job No. To City of Fontana Department of Public Works Fonta~, CA ~35 Attention: Yousuf Patanwala Re: Borinq Locations for Approval We are ferwarding: __ __ Compaction Report Preliminary Soits Report Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation XX Other Right of Map for Foothill-Beech Sewer Project REMARKS: This is our only copy, please return with Carrier if possible. Randal B. Graham, Staff Engineer DISTRIBUTION: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION CITY OF FONTANA Cali forni a MEMOm TO: LINDA NUNN DEPUTY CITY CLERK FRON= YOUSUF PATAINALA SIS~ CIVIL EMGINEERING AS III DATE: NOVEMBER 28, 1989 RE: TRANSMITTAL OF CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMEIII' WITH CIU GEOTECHNICAL, INCORPORATED (TO PROVIDE A SUBSURFACE SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT Attached for filing is a copy with original signatures of the Consultant Services Agreement with CHj Geotechnical, Incorporated to provide Subsurface Soil Investigation Report for the City of Fontaria. YP:cm Attachment CONSULTNIT SERVZCESAGREEHENT Subsurface Soil Investigation Report for Foothill/Beech Sewer Prodect TH/S AGREEHENT is made this 7th day of November , 1989, between the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "City"), and CHJ Geotechnical, Incorporated, a geotechnicel civil engineering firm, (hereinafter "Consultant"). HHEREAS, City desires to develop a subsurface soil investiqation report, and WHEREAS, the Consultant has represented to the City that it has the knowledge, skills, resources and experience that qualify it to develop subsurface soil investiqation report. NOW, THEREFORE, C/TY AND CONSULTANT NUTUALLY AGREE THAT: 1. Consultant Services Consultant will perform certain services as set out herein to provtde the following: a) Recommendations for excavation, bedding end backfill characteristics. b) Groundwater conditions. c) Recommendations to deal with any unusual conditions encountered. 2. Scope of Services (a), Consultant wtll perform the necessary services as set out in the following Scope of Services, included in the contract as Exhibit A. (b) City, with the express written consent of Consultant may modify the Scope of Services to be performed under this agreement, however, City may, in its sole discretion, reduce the services to be performed under this agreement with a commensurate reduction in compensation to be paid, as mutually agreed upon between City end Consultant. (c) Anything not included in Exhibit A shall constitute an extra. Price to be paid by City for any services performed pursuant to a modification of this Agreement or for an extra, shall be as agreed upon by City and Consultant, in writing, at the time of such modification. No services shall be performed by Consultant as a modification or extra until an agreement for same, including the price, has been executed by Consultant, City Hanager, and approved by Hayor and Counctl. Page Two 3, Consideration (a) City agrees to compensate Consultant for services as defined under Consultant Services and Scope of Services in the amount not to exceed $3300.00. City shall not be required to pay any amounts in excess of this sum, whether for copying costs, Incidental, direct or indirect costs or any type Incurred by Consultant. This section shall not limit the ability of tile parties to amend this agreement to provide for extra services fn the manner set forth in Paragraphs 2(b) and 2(c). (b) Consultant shall submit tnvolces to City on a monthly progress basis. The total project cost shall not exceed $3300.00 unless additional services are required tn writing by City. Any servtces agreed to be performed by Consultant at the written request of City in addition to those set forth herein shall be pald for by City as an extra in accordance with Consultant's prevailing hourly and test unit rates (Exhibit "B"). (c), City shall promptly review invoices and notify Consultant of any objection thereto; absent such objection in writing within twenty (20) days of the date of the invoice, the invoices shall be deemed proper and acceptable. (d) Zf City fails to pay Consultant within sixty (60) worktng days after the invoices are submitted, City agrees Consultant shall have the right, after written notice to the City, to consider such default in payment a material breach of thts entire agreement. City shall have ten (lO) working days following date of such wrltten notice wtthin which to correct such breach. Zf City continues to fat1 to make payment, the duties, obligations and responsibilities of Consultant under this Agreement are termlnated. (e) Upon nottce to Consultant, City may withhold payment of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay as that term ts used tn sub-paragraph 3(d). Consultant shall not discontinue its servlces for a period of 30 days from the date of withholding, as a result of such withholding. Consultant shall have immediate right of appeal to the Mayor and City Counctl with respect to such disputed sums. The determination of the Mayor and City Counctl with respect to such matter shall be final. Consultant shall be entttled to recetve interest on any wtthheld sums at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum from date of withholding of any amounts found to have been improperly withheld. Page Three 4. Pe,rsonnel The Consultant represents that it possesses the professlonal and technical personnel required to perform the services requtred by this Agreement. Consultant shall not subcontract for any additional personnel without prior written approval of the Ctty Manager. The Consultant shall assign Michael Warren as Project Manager. Any change in Project Manager shall be made only with the prior written approval of the City Manager, or his authorized re~presentative. 5. Pe_~rsonnel Substitutions All of the services described under Consultant Services shall be performed by Consultant or under Its supervision. Consultant agrees that all personnel engaged in performing the services are fully qualified and are authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such servl cos. 6. Tim of Performance The! tasks to be performed by Consultant under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be completed within 30 days from the above stated date. Consultant shall receive no additional compensation if completion of Its obligation under this Agreement requires a time greater than as set forth herein, unless such extension is caused by the conduct of City. Each party hereby agrees to provide timely notice to the other of any violation occurring under this section and the cause thereof. 7. Termination This agreement may be terminated by either party prtor to 1is expiration by notice in writing to the other party at least thirty (30) working days in advance of the desired termination date. City shall also have the right to terminate the Agreement for good cause at any time and without prior notice. Upon termination, Consultant shall deliver, without charge, to City all documents, drafts, reports, materials and work of any nature pertaining to this Agreement and in the possession of Consultant or under its control. In such event, Consultant shall be paid for the services performed under the Agreement to date of termination. Payment for tasks completed under the Agreement to date of termination shall be made strictly on the basis of tasks completed under the terms of this Agreement. The percent of tasks completed to date of termination shall be the percent of the total Agreement sum which will be paid to Consultant. The City Manager shall determine the services completed to date of termination. in no event may total payment to termination exceed $3300.00. A~ter payment of services rendered, Consultant further covenants to give its good faith cooperatlon in the transfer of the tasks to any other Consultant employed by the City following termination' hereunder by Consultant and, to participate in such meetings at no cost to City as shall be deemed necessary by the City Manager to effectively accomplish such transfer. Page Four 8, C~)peratton Ctty agrees to cooperate wtth Consu]tant on the project. 9. Cfty's Responstbt]tties CIty sha]] furnish to Consu]tant base maps, exlsting studies, ordinances, data and other existing information as shal] be determined by Consultant and materials in Ctty's possgsston necessary for Consultant to complete the tasks contemplated by the Agreement. City further agrees to provtde such materials tn a timely manner so as not to cause delays in Consultant's schedule. 10. Report Naterta]s All documents, data, studtes, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs an~d reports prepared by Consultant under this Agreement shall be consldered the property of Clty upon payment for servlces performed by Consultant. Said documents and materials shall be delivered to City by Consultant at completion of the project unless earlier specified in Exhlbtt A. Consultant may take and retain such copies of said documents and materials as destred. ll. Coltftdenttaltty No news releases, including photographs, public announcements or confirmation of same, of any part of the subject matter of this Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made without prlor wrttten approval of the CIty. The information whtch results from the services in thts Agreement ts to be kept confidential unless the release of information is authorized by the City. 12. Indemnification Consultant agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees from and against all damages, losses and expenses of any nature whatsoever, including, but not ltmtted to, bodtly injury, death, personal injury, property damages, attorney's fees, directly artslng from any negligent actions of the Consultant, tts employees, agents or subcontractors pertaining to the Agreement. In no event shall the Consultant be responsible for any clatm for damages of any nature whatsoever, tnjurtes or attorney's fees, to the extent that they pertain to acttons by the City, it agents, officers or employees. "12a, Obltqatfons of Subconsultant Consultant shall not enoaqe any subconsultant to perform any servtce under this Agreement unless and unttl the subconsultant has complied with all insurance provisions of this Agreement and has entered into an indemnity agreement with City as set forth in Datagraph 12," Page Five 13. ~ncontrollableDelav All agreements on C~nsultant's part are contingent upon and subject to, the provision that Consultant shall not be responsible for damages or be in default by reason of delays in performance by reason of strikes, lockouts, accident, acts of God, and any other delays unavoidable of beyond Consultant's reasonable control. In the event of any such cause of delay, the time of completion shall be extended accordingly. 14. yarranty Consultant makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to its findings, recommendations, plans, reports, professional advice or other services except that the services were carefully and accurately performed in accordance with generally accepted standards of practice in effect at tile time of performance. 15, L~labillty Z~ the event that changes are made in the plans, dtagrams and text by City or, by any person other than Consultant, which may change or affect Consultant's services, any and all liability artstng out of or resulting from such changes is waived by City against Consultant, and City assumes full responsibility and liabillty for such changes unless City gives Consultant prior written notice of such changes and Consultant consents in writing to such changes. City agrees to indemnify Consultant against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, fees of attorneys and other expenses which Consultant may incur as a result of such unconsented changes. 16. insurance Without limiting Consultant indemnification of City, Consultant shall provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement the following policy or poltctes of insurance covering its operations hereunder, (a) General Liability: Such insurance shall include, but not be limited to, comprehensive general liability with a combined single limit or not less than $500.000 per occurrence and aggregate. Such insurance shall be primary to any other slmtlar insurance and shall name the CIty of Fontaria as an additional insured. (b) Worker's Compensation: Consultant shall cover its employees with Worker's Compensation insurance in an amount and form to meet all applicable requirements or the Labor Code of the State of California. Page ~ix 17. Prohibition Agalnst Transfers (a) Consultant shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreement or any interest therein directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise without. the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so without said consent shall be null and void, and any assignee, sublessee, hypothecate or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. {b) The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or Joint venturer or syndicate member or co-tenant of Consultant is a partnership or a Joint venturer or syndicate or co-tenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means fifty {50%) percent or more of the voting power of the corporation. 18. An~t-Dtscrtmtnatton Consultant certifies and agrees that all persons employed by Consultant, it!; affiliates, subsidiaries or holding companies are and will be treated equally by Consultant without regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap, or sex and compliance with State and Federal Anti-Discrimination laws. Consultant further certifies and agrees that it will deal with its Subcontractors, Bidders and Vendors without regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap OP SeX. 19. Independent Contractor Consultant shall be an independent contractor and not an employee, nor shall any of its employees, agents or subcontractors be an employee of the City. 20. Conflict of Interest {a) The Consultant or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 {the "Act"), which {1) requires such persons to disclose financial interests that may foreseeably be materially affected by the services performed under this Agreement, and {2) prohibits such persons from making or participating in making decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interests. (b) Consultant shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is ground for termination of this Agreement by the City. Page Seven 21. A__udtt The Consultant shall keep separate books of accounts in connection wtth its services to be performed under thts Agreement. These books shall be subject to audit by the Ctty. 22. A~eintstratton Th'ls Agreement is belng administered by the Public Works Department. Yousuf Patanwala, shall be considered the Project Manager and shall have the authority to act for the Ctty under this Agreement. The Project Manager, or his/her authorized representative, shall represent the City tn alll matters pertaining to the servtces to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. 23. Proeress Consultant is responsible to keep the Project Manager and/or his/her duly aut:hortzed deslgnee informed on a regular basis, at least once a week, regarding the status and progress of the project, activities performed and planned, and any meetings that have been scheduled or are destred. 24. Ctty Policy Consultant wtll discuss and review al1 matters relating to poltcy and project direction with the Project Manager and/or his/her duly authorized destgnee tn advance of all crlttcal decision points in order to ensure that the. project proceeds consistent with Ctty goals and poltcles. 25. Licensing Consultant must have a Fontaria bustness license on file before any claims will be processed. 26. Add!ttonal Materials Upon written request, each of the parties hereto shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, such additional instruments and documents which may be necessary and proper to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 27. Invaltdatton In 'the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be tnval~d and unenforceable, the other provisions of this Agreement shall be valid and btndtng on the parties thereto. Page Eight 28. l, tttqatJon Should litigation be necessary to enforce any term or provision of th~s Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, then all litigation and collection expenses, witness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney's fees shall be paid to the preval]tng party. 29. ~ttceS Any notice requtred or desired to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be given tn wrlting, and sent by certified mail, returned receipt requested, addressed as follows: Consultant · Robert J. Johnson, President City Manager C.H.J. Geotechnical, Znc. Ctty of Fontaria 1355 E. Coo]ey Drive 8353 Sierra Ave. Co]ton, CA 92324 Fontana, Ca. 92335 Any notlce so glven shal] be considered served on the other party three days after date of matling. The address for notice may be changed by givtng notlce pursuant to this paragragh. 30. UnderstandJnq There are no understandings o~ agreements except as expressly stated here~n. 31. EnfOrceeent Thts Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance ~ith the laws of the State of Californla. Page Nine 32. _~ntire Aqreement This contract constitutes t.he ent.ire Agreement bet.ween Cit.y and Consultant. and may be modified only by furt.her writ.ten agreement. between the par~es. ZN ~I~ESS ~EREOF, the pa~1es hePeto have accepted, made and executed th~s Agreement upon the terms, conditions and p~ov~s~ons above stated, the day ~nd year 'first above written. :t~ ~ ~ BY: Robert ~. Johnson T~ 1 Ci )~}~ Title: President D~ted:: / Dated: ~'~ '~ ~~E~tDEPARI'ItENT RECOHHENDAT, : RISK HAltAGE}lENT: APPROVFE:D AS TO FORH AND LEGAL CONTENT: EXHIBIT 'A" SCone of Servtces A. Prior to drilling, USA Dig Alert will be called 48 hours in advance (1-800-422-4133) and the necessary coordination wtll be made with the utility companies to avoid damage to any utility line. B. Necessary permits will be obtatned from city, county or any other agencies involved, prior to execution of work. C. City will not charge any fees for permits within its ~urisdiction. D. !Subsurface soils investigation will be performed utilizing a drill rig equtpped for soil sampling. E. /rive exploratory bores, drilled to a depth of approximately 25 feet will be placed along the project site. Approximate locations of drllltng site shall be approved in advance by City Engineer, but will not be placed ~'ithtn Ca1 Trans right-of-way. Final location to be selected by CHJ Geotechnical, after coordination with USA Dig Alert. F. Continuous logs of the subsurface sol1 conditions as encountered within exploratory borings wtll be recorded by a staff geologist of CHJ Geotechntcal, Inc., who will dtrect the 4,vest4~at4cn.- field investigation. G. Bulk samples of the soils encountered wtll be placed in sealed containers and returned to the laboratory where sand equlvalent tests will be performed, H. Following completion of the field and laboratory investigations, a subsurface soil investigation report will be prepared to include recommendations for excavation, bedding and backfill characteristics, groundwater conditions and recommendations to deal with any unusual conditions encountered, I. Bot'es wtll be backfilled and raparched if required to match the original pavement. G" 'f(bl:ECHNICAL INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · '1 355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDUr'E OF FEES C.H.J. GEOTECHNICAr', INCORPORATED COnTON, CAr.IFORNIA Ef£ective 1/01/89 Included in this Schedule of Fees are costs for some services .and tests commonly performed by this firm. Other services or · tests, as well as costs for ~hese services or tests, can be supplied upon request. GEOTE;CHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION " EXHIBIT "B" Effective 1-01-89 S. California Area SOIL ENGINEERING AND TESTING OFFICE AND TECHNICAL SERVICES RATE PER SERVICES HOUR Principal Engineer. $ 95.00 Project Engineer (Registered) 65.00 Staff Engineer. 55.00 Supervising/Senior Field Technician 48.00 Field Technician. 47.00 Field Technician (Nuclear Gauge). 52.00 Supervising/Senior Lab Technician 48.00 Lab Technician. 47.00 Drafting. 32.00 Typing, Clerical. .'. 30.00 Litigation, Expert Witness & Preparation by Professional Engineer - S-Hour Minimum (plus ex~'enses) '... 150.00 Subsistence and Lodging - per day sub]ect to review for specific projects. 60.00 PREMIUM RATES A. Overtime (at client's request), add . . $ 16.00 B. Sundays and Holidays, add 28.00 I~OTE: THE HOURLY RATES QUOTED AEOVE INCLUDE ALL COSTS FOE FIELD EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE, FOR WHICH OUR CLIENTS WILL PAY NO ADDITIONAL FEE. Effective 1-01-89 S. California Area SOIL ENGINEERING AND TESTING OFFICE AND TECHNICAL SERVICES' (continued) SERVICES - OTHER Engineering Geology Or Engineering Geologist. . Quotation Computer Time (For Engineering Analysis). Cost + 20% Printing and Photographic Work. Cost + 20% Subcontract Services. Cost + 20% EQUIPMENT CHARGES FIBXLD EQUIPME~T Pick-up Truck and Automobile Mileage. . No Charge EXPLORATORY EQUIPMENT Drill Eguf~ment . Cost + 20% Backhoe . Cost + 20% . REPORTS - EXTRA COPIES Current Files (not over one year old) Minimum Service Charge, Per Report. $ 7,50 Copies, per sheet . .15 Inactive Files (one year or older) Minimum Service Charge, Per Report. 10.00 .15 Copies, Per Sheet , , -3- Effective 1-01-89 S. California Area .. SO~LS Chemical Analysis. Quotation Consolidation Tests. Ea. S 105.00 Direct Shear Tests . Ea. 95.00 Expansion Tests UBC. . Ea. 90.00 2.5" Diameter Specimen . . Ee. 65.00 Maximum Density - Optimum Moisture Determination ASTM . . Ea. 90.00 Cal Impact Method (CA216). . Ea. 100.00 Mechanical Analysis with Hydrometer Analysis . Ea. 105.00 Moisture Content . . Ea. 20.00 Permeability Test (Complete) Ea. 175.00 Plasticity Index (Plastic and Liquid Limit). Ea. 95.00 R-Value Determination Natural Soil or Base . . Ea. 175.00 Lime Or Cement Treated Soil. Quotation Sand Equivalent. . Ea. 38.00 Sieve Analysis (Pit Run) . Ea. 68.00 Sieve Analysis Washed on No. 200 Sieve (Processed Material) . Ea. 48.00 Soil Ce~e. nt Molding and Compresslye Strength Test (Set'of 3 Specimens, I Cement Content) . Ea. 315.00 Soil Cement Molding end Freeze - Thaw Test (Set of 3 Specimens, I Cement Content) . Ea. 500.00 Soil Cement Molding and Wet - Dry Test (Set of 3 Specimens, I Cement Content) . Ea. 500.00 Specific Gravity . Ea. 75.00 Visual Classification. . Ea. 18.00 Effective 1-01-89 S. California Area AGGREGATES Abrasion Resistance (L.A. Rattler) Ea. S 80.00 Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent - Coarse & Fine (Including Specific Gravity & Sieve Analysis). Ea. 175.00 (:lay Lumps & Friable Particles Ea. 53.00 Cleanness Value. Ea. 80.00 Elurability Factor Coarse Ea. 115.00 Fine Ea. 115.00 Lightweight Pieces Ea. 84.00 Flat or elongated pieces per size without gradation. Ea. 58.00 Fractured Faced (count or weight) per size without gradation. · . Ea. 58.00 Maximum Density - Optimum Moisture Determination ASTM ~'. . Ea. 90.00 Ca1 Impact Method (CA216). . Ee. 100.00 Moisture Content , , . Ea. 20.00 ~rtar Making Properties Of Fine Aggregate (ASTM C-87-69) .... Ea. 315.00 Organic Impurities , , , Ea. 38.00 Plasticit~ Index (Plastic and Liquid Limit). Ea. 95.00 R-Value Determination. Ea. 175.00 Sand Equivalent, , Ea. 38.00 Sieve Analysis - COarse (Processed). Ea. 34.00 Sieve Analysis Fine Washed on No. 200 Sieve, Ea. 48.00 Sieve Analysis - (Pit Run Material). Ea, 68.00 Soft Particles , , Ea, 35.00 Effective 1-01-89 S. California Area AGGREGATES ~' (continued) Soundness Test (5-Cycle Magnesium or Sodium Sulfate) Fine . Ea. S 200.00 Coarse . Ea. 200.00 Specific Gravit~ and Absorption (Coarse) Ea. 40.00 Specific Gravit3/and Absorption (Fine) Ea. 75.00 Film Stripping Test. Ea. 67.00 t~it Weight & Percent l~ids. me. 53.00 Percentage of Clay - Hl[drometer Method Ea. 105.00 Percent Shale. Ea. 30.00 Potential Reactivity (Chemical Method) me. 175.00 Potential Reactivity (Petrographic Method) Ea. Quotation Potential Reectivity (Mortar Bar Method) Ea. Quotation ASPHALT,MIXTURES Asphalt Pavement MIx Design (Hveem Method) .Ea. SQuotation Asphalt Pavemeht Mix Design (Marshall Method). Quotation Asphalt Content by Extraction. .Ea. 120.00 Asphalt Content and Gradation. .Ea. 170.00 B~ulk Specific Gravityof Cored or Compacted Speo..Ea. 32.00 Coring of Completed Asphalt Surfacing (+ 82 Per Inch Length of Cored Specimen, Maximum 6s Diameter) .Hr. 66.00 ~isture Vapor Susceptibility. .Ea. 125.00 Marshall Stability Flow. .Ea. 85.00 Stability value by Stabilometer. .Ea. 85.00 Swell Test . . .Ea. 85.00 Centrifuge Kerosene E~livalent (CKE) .Ea. 175.00 Film Stripping Test. .Ea. 67.00 8~ST~ ~EST & KR~6ER ~ ARTHUR L. LITTLEWORTH'~ W~LLJAM W, FLOYD, JR.JOptN R, ROTTSCHAEF~R ~ S UIT~ laO 8ARTON C, GAUT* K~NDALL H. NACVEY HOWARO B, GOLOS WILL~Am ~, DAHLr CHARLESD. FIELDe CLARKH, ALSOP EUGENETANAKA ~rM~F - / T~LEPHONE(714) gSg'8~a4 pA~L T. SELZER· DAVID d. ~RWFN· NARGAR~T F, TANAKA VICTORIA N, KING . .'~ - T~ L ECOPI~ R (714) 944 ~ 144I DALLAS HOLHESW HICHAEL J. ANDELSON* BASIL T. CHAPNAN BETTY S, N. AUTON ~ ', ~/ CHRISTOpHeR CARpENTeR* DOUGLAS S. PHILLTPSe JEFFERy J, GRANDALL HATT H. NORRIS ~ RICHARD T, ANDERSON* CHARLES H, ELLIS· SCOTT C, SHITH J~FFREy V, DUNN ~ GORDON COLOGNE~ OF COUNSEL Novembe~ 1, 1989 Yousef Patanwala City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Re: CHJ Geotechnical, Inc. Dear Yousef: Enclosed please find the executed copy of the CHJ Geotechnical, Inc. Consultant Services Agreement. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Very truly yours, Barbara C. Carson Legal Assistant for BEST, BEST & KRIEGER BCC0068 i~]eH · ~ GEOTb,.;HNICAL INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date Sept~ember 25, 1989 To _City of Fontana 8353 Attention: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lc Civil Engineering Assistant IZI Re: Subsurface Soils Investiqation, Foothill Boulevard Pro,iect, Fontana, CA We are forwarding: Compaction Report Preliminary Soils Report · Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation Other RElylARKS: Please note we have made changes to the indemnification clause to be : consistant with the indemnification clause sent by the City of Fontana for the Temporary Fire Facility. C. H. J. G®otechnloml, Inc. 4, Nichael S. Warren, Staff Engineer~ DISTRIBUTION: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Ci of Fontana LIFORNIA September 27, 1989 Barbara Carson Best, Best & Krieger 800 HaVen Avenue, Suite 120 Ontario, California 91762 Subject: Revised Consulting Services Agreement with C.H.J. Geotechnical Incorporated for subsurface soil investigation on Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. Dear Barbara: Enc].osed please find the signed copy of the Consultant Services Agreement from C.H.J. Geotechnical, Inc. for your second review and approval (copy of the first review enclosed). The revisions made to this agreement were: the word "work" was changed to "services/task", and in paragraph "12" the Indemnification Clause was revised. Please sign the agreement, if it is in acceptable format to your office, and return the signed copy to the City at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert ~ Public Works Director By: Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant III YP ::ml Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 INCORPORATED P.O, Box 1790 · ,1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-72i 1 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date September 25, 1989 Job No. To City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Attention: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant III Re: Subsurface Soils Investiqation, Foothill Boulevard Pr6.iect, Fontana, CA We are forwarding; Compaction Report __ Preliminary Soils Report _ Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation . Other REMARKS: Please note we have made changes to the indemnification clause to be consistant with the indemnification clause sent by the City of Fontana for the Temporary Fi re Faci 1 i ty. C. H. J. Geotechnlcal, Inc. '.,,' n ,- c b..e Michael S. Warren, Staff Engineer ~ DISTRIBUTION: GEOTECFINICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 27, 1989, Barbara Carson Beat, Beat & Krieger 800 Haven Avenue, Suite 120 Ontario, California 91762 Subject: Revised Consulting Services Agreement with C.H.J. Geotechnical Incorporated for subsurface soil investigation on Foothill/Beech Sewer Project. Dear Barbara: Enclosed please find the signed copy of the Consultant Services Agreement from C.H.J. Geotechnical, Inc. for your second review and approval (copy of the first review enclosed). The revisions laade to ,this agreement were: the word "work" was changed to "services/task", and in paragraph "12" the Indemnification Clause was revised. Please sign the agreement, if it is in acceptable format to your office, and return the signed copy to the City at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert Public Works Director~J By: Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant III YP:ml Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 INCORPORATED P,O, Box 1790 · ,1355 E, Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSMI'I'rAL Date September 25, 1989 Job No. To __City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Attention: Mr. Yousuf Patanwal a Civil Engineering Assistant III Re:__Subsurface Soils Investigation, Foothill Boulevard PF6ject, Fontana, CA We are forwarding: Compaction Report Preliminary Soils Report Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation Other REMARKS: Please note we have made changes to the indemnification clause to be consistant with the indemnification clause sent by the City of Fontana for the Temporary Fire Facility, C. H. J. G®otechnlcal, Inc. Michael S. Warren, Staff Engineer'Q-~ DISTRIBUTION: ', ' GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATER~AL.S TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION ObSERVATiON COIISUILTNIT SERVZCES AGREE]el]IT FO~ ',U'~O~THILL/~I.E~Ctl ,.E",GLOrr. L~ THIS AGREENENT is made this day of , 1988, between the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation (heretnafter "City"), and ~[-~_TEC~J~I- ~:~ca~tof~.!j(hereinafter "Consultant"). ~HEREAS, City desires to Develop HHEREAS, the Consultant has represented to the Ctty that tt has the knowl edge, skt ~ 1 s, resources and expert ence that qual tfy t t to develop NO~, THEREFORE, CITY AND CONSULTANT HUTUALLY AGREE THAT: 1. Consultant ~rvtces Consultant wtll perform and deliver services as sea.out herein to provide the following: ,, 2. ~o~ of ~rvtces (a) Consultant wl]~ perform the %t,vk ~,d i,~r the~as set out tn the following Scope of Servtces tnc]uded tn the contract as Exh~btt A. (b) Ctty, wtth the express wrttten consent of Consultant may modtfy the Scope of Serdces to be performed under this agreement, however, Ctty may, ~n tts so3e discretion, reduce the servtces to be performed under thts agre~nt wtth a co~ensurate reduction tn compensation to be pa~d, as mutually agreed upon between City and Consultant. (c) An~htng not tnc~uded In ] A sha~ coni~ttute~ra to be patd by City for y ~formed pursuant to a mod~ficatlon of thts Agreement or for~ra ~, shall be as agreed upon by C~ty and Consultant. ~n wNt~ng, at the time of such modification. No serdce -- agreement for same, including the price, has been exe a and Ctty Nanager and approved by Nayor and 'Council.. Page Four 8. Cooperation City agrees to cooperate with Consultant on the project. 9, Ctty's Responsibilities City shal~-furntsh to Consultant base maps, exlsttng studtes, ordinances, data and other extsttng Information as shall be determined by Consultant and mate ta stn C1ty's possession necessary for Consultant to complete the ~m~It:emplated by the Agreement. Ctty further agrees to provide ' all ertals in a ttmely manner so as not to cause delays In Consultant's4e~l;schedule. 10, RbooPt eaterlals All documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by Consultant under this Agreement shall be considered the property of City upon pa3nnent for services performed by Consultant. Satd documents and materials shall be delivered to City by Consultant at the completion of the project unless earlter specified tn Exhibit A · Consultant may take and retain such copies of said documents and mateP"4~ls as destred, Conftdenttaltty No news releases, Including photographs, pu6Ttc announcements or confirmation of same, of any part of the subject matter of thts Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made without prior wrttten approval of the Ctty. The Information whlch results from the servtces thts Agreement ts to be kept confidential unless the release of information ts authorized by the Ctty. 12. Zndeentftcatlon · and employees ~d against all liability, clatms, -- damages, losses and expenses, for damages of any nature whatsoever, including but not 11mtted to, bodily injury death, personal injury, property damages, attorne~'s fees dtrectly arising from negligence of the Consultant, its employees agents or subcontractors pertaining to the Agreement, In no event, shall Consultant be responsible for any clatm for damages of any nature whatsoever as a result of actions agents, offtcers or employees. ~2a. Oblteattons of Subconsultant COnsultant shall not enqaqe any subconsultant to perform any work under this A~reement unless and until the subconsultant has comolted with all insurance provisions of this Aereement and has entered into an indemnity ~ a~peement wtth City as set forth in DaraQraDh 12." ,~ Page Two 3. Consideration Ca) City agrees to compensate Consultant for services ~2'~e~ned in Exhibit A, Scope of Services in the amount not to exceed ~. City shall not. be required to pay any amounts in excess of this sum, whether for copying costs, incidental, direct or indirect costs or any type incurred by Consultant. This section shall not limit the ability of the parties to amend this agreement to provide for extra J~l~l( in the manner set forth in Paragraphs 2(b) and 2(c). {b) Consultant shall submit invoices to City on a monthly basis. Each invoice will be itemized and show the charges categorized as to the services performed. e totalv~r~oject cost shall not exceed ~tSOOil~ unless additional ~)~ required In writing by City. Any services agreed to be performed by Consultant at the written request of City in addition to those set forth herein shall be paid for by City as extr~ in accordance with Consultant's prevailing hourly rate {c) City shall promptly review invoices and notify Consultant of any objection thereto~ absent such objection in writing within twenty (20) days of the date of the invoice, the invoices shall be deemed proper and acceptable. {d) If City fails to pay Consultant within sixty {~6) working days after the invoices are submitted, City agrees Consultant shall have the right, after written notice to the City, to consider such default in pa)ent a material breach of this entire agreement. City shall have ten {10) days following date of such written notice within which to correct such breach. If City continues to fail to make pa)ent, the duties, obligations and responsibilities of Consultant under this Agreement are terminated. {e) City may withhold pa)ent of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such pa)ent. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay as that term is used in subparagraph 3{d). Consultant shall not discontinue its work for a period of 30 days from the date of withholding, as a result of such withholding. Consultant shall have i~edtate right of appeal to the Mayor and City Council with respect to such disputed sums. The determination of the Mayor and City Council with respect to such matter shall be final. Consultant shall be entitled to receive interest on any withheld sUNs at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum from date of withholding of any amounts found to have been improperly withheld. Page Three 4. personnel The Consultant represents that it possesses the professional and technical personnel required to perform the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall not subcontract for any additional ersonnel without o ubs fJ1;tons All of the services described in Exhibit A shall be performed by consultant or under its supervision. Consultant agrees that al1 personnel engaged In performing the services are fully qualified and are authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. 6. TIe of Performance The tasks to be performed by Consultant under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be completed within ~ days from the above stated date. Consultant shall receive no additton~compensat~on obligation under this Agreement requires a tlme greater than as set forth herein, unless such extension ts caused by the conduct of CIty. Each party hereby agrees to provide timely notice to the other of any violation occurring under this sectton and the cause thereof... 7. Termination This agreement may be terminated by either party prior to its expiration by notice in wrttlng to the other party at least thtrty (30) working days tn advance of the destred termination date. Ctty shall also have the right to terminate the Agreement for good cause at any tlme and wtthout prtor nottce. Upon termination, Consultant shall dellver, wtthout charge, to City all documents, drafts, reports, materials and work of any nature pertaining to thts Agreement and tn the possesslon of Consultant or under its control. Zn such event, Consultant shall be patd for the tasksperformed under the Agreement to date of termination. Payment for tasks completed under the Agreement to date of termination shall be made strictly on the basts of the ~}ao~s percen ~ asks completed under the terms of this Agreement. The percent of pleted to date of termination shall be the percent of the total Agreement sum whtch w~11 be pa~d to Consultant. The City Manager shall determine the percent of taskscompleted to date of termination. [n no ~v~nt may total payment to termination exceed $2~--.~ 'trans er of the ~o~[Y~'o any o er consultant employed by the City f -- following termlnatton hereunder by Consultant and, to participate tn such meettngs at no cost to Ctty as shall be deemed necessary by the City Manager to effectively'~ac:compllsh such transfer. Page FIve ]3. Uncontrollable Delay All agreements on Consultant's part are contingent upon and subject to, the provision that Consultant shall not be responsible for damages or be in default by reason of delays in performance by reason of strikes, lockouts~ accident, acts of God, and any other delays unavoidable of beyond Consultant's reasonable control. In the event of any such cause of delay, the time of completion shall be extended accordingly. 14. Marrarity Consultant makes no warranty, either express or Implied, as to its findings, recommendations, plans, reports, professional advice or other services except that the services were prepared In accordance wlth generally accepted standards of practice in effect at the time of performance. 15. Liability In the event that changes are made in the plans, diagrams and text by City or by any r o~_~ther than Consultant, which may change or affect Consul ant's~ ~ and all liability arising out of or resulting from such changes~s waived by City against Consultant, and City assumes full respon;ibiltty and liability for such changes unlesS'City gives Consultant prior written notice of such changes and Consultant consents in writing to such changes. City agrees to indemnify Consultant against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, fees of attorneys and other expenses which Consultant may incur as a result of such unconsented changes. 16. Insurance Without limiting Consultant indemnification of City, Consultant shall provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement the following policy or policies of insurance covering its operations hereunder. {a) General Liability: Such insurance shall include, but not be limited to, comprehensive general liability with a combined single limit or not less than $500,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall be primary to any other similar insurance and shall name the City of Fontana as an additional insured. {b) Worker's Comoensation= Consultant shall cover its employees with Worker's Compensation insurance in an amount and .form to meet all applicable requirements o.r the Labor Code of the State of California. Page Stx 17. Ih-ohtbttton AeatnstTransfers (a) Consultant shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreemen:t or any interest therein dtrectly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise without the prtor wrttten consent of the Ctty. Any attempt to do so wtthout satd consent shall be null and void, and any assignee, sublessee, hypothecate or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecatton or tranfer. (b) The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venturer or syndicate member or co-tenant of Consultant Is a partnership or a Joint venturer or syndicate or co-tenancy, which shall result tn changing the control of Consultant, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means f~fty (50%) percent or more of the vottng power of the corporation. 18. Anti-DIscrimination Consultant certtfles and agrees that all persons employed by Consultant, its affiliates, subsidiaries or holding companies are and wtll be treated equally by Consultant wtthout regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, nattonal ortgln, handicap, or sex and cQ~qtance with State and Federal Antt-Otscrtmtnatton laws. Consultant further certifies and agrees that tt w111 deal wtth tts Subcontractors, Bidders and Vendors wtthout regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, national or~g~n, handicap or sex. 19. lndeeendentConsultant Status Consultant shall be an tndependant Consultant and not an employee, nor shall any of tts employees, agents or subcontractors be an employee of the Ctty. 20. Conflict of Interest (a) The Consultant or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 (the 'Act'), whtch (1) requtres such persons to dtsclose financial Interests that may foreseeably be materially affected by the work performed under thts Agreement, and (2) prohibits such persons from maktng or participating tn making decisions 'that will foreseeably financially affect such triterests. Page Seven (b) Consultant she11 conform to all requlrements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and ts ground for termination of this Agreement by the Ctty. 2]. Audit o under thts Agreement. These books shall be subject to eudtt by the City. 22. Administration This Agreement is being administered by the Public WorRs Department. Yousuf Patan~ala shall be considered the Pro~ect ~anager and sha]~ have the authority to act for the City under this Agreement. The ~, ,!, or his/her authorized representative, shall represent the City in matters pertaining to the servlces to be rendered pursuant to Agreement. 23. Proaress Consultant ~s responsible to keep the Project Hanager end/or h~s/her duly authorized destgnee informed on a regular~bs~i~q?.Lls at least once a · c~tvlt~es performed and regarding the status and progress of the planned, and any meetings that have been scheduled ~r are desired. 24. !~ttv Pollcv Consultant ~t~1 dtscuss and review a~} matters re~attng to po~tcy and pro3ect direction ~lth the~, ,:, i;~,~and/or his/her du}y authorized destgnee tn advance of a~ crtttcal decls~on points ~n order to ensure that the pro3ect proceeds conslstent wtth Ctty goa~s and po}tctes. 25. Llcenstn~ Consultant must have a Fontana busthess ~tcense on ftle before any claims ~ be processed. 26. &tdiflonal ~terfeis Upon written request· each of the parties hereto sha~} execute and de~fver, or cause to be executed and de]t~-ered, such addlttona] tr~struments and documents whtch may be necessary and proper to carry out the terms of thfs Agreement. Page EIght 27. Invaltdatton Zn the event any provision of this Agreement sh'a11 be held to be invalid and unenforceable, the other provisions of thts Agreement shall be valtd and binding on the parties thereto. 28. Ltttaatton Should 11tlgatton be necessary to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, or to collect any portton of the amount payable under this Agreement, then all litigation and collection expenses, wttness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney's fees shall be patd to the prevailing party. 29. Nottces Any notice required or desired to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be gtven In writlng, and sent by certtfled met1, returned receipt requested, addressed as follows: C~ty Manager C.H.a. Geotechn~cal; Inc. City of Fontann 1355 E. Cooley Dr~e, Ste "E" 8353 Sierra Ave. Colton, CA 92324 Fontann, Ca. 92335 (714) 824-7211 Any nottce so given shall be considered served on the other party three days after date of matllng. The address for nottce may be changed by gtvtng notlce pursuant to this paragragh. 30. UnderstandiN There are no understandings or agreements except as expressly stated herein. 31. Enforcsmm~ .. fh~s Agreement shaJJ be construed and enforced In accordance with the laws of the State of California. 32. Enttre A~r~ement Thts contract constitutes the ent~re Agreement between City and Consultant and may be modified only by further wrttten agreement between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parttes hereto have accepted, made and executed thh Agreement upon the terms, conditions and provisions above stated, the day and year' ftrst above wrttten. Title:CIty Manager Tttle: P~-~to~.~r Dated: Dated: DEPARTNE3IT RECORRBI)ATIO!h INSIJItANCE REVIEMED: Deparlaent Heed Rtsk Manager -, Contract Compliance Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL COHTENT: City Attorney EIi!IBI~ 'A' Scope of Services A. Prior to drilling, U.S.A. Dig Alert will be called 48 hours in advance (1-800-422-4133) and the necessary coordination wilt be made with the utility companies to avoid damage to any utillty line. B. Necessary permits will be obtained from city, county or any other agencies involved, prior to execution of work. C. City will not charge any fees for permits within its jurisdiction. D. !Subsurface soils investigation will be performed utilizing a drill rig equipped for soil sampling. E. Five exploratory bores, drtlled to a depth of approximately 25 feet will be placed along the project site. Approximate 1 shall b. approved in advance by City Enginee selected by CHdvefter coo dination wtth USA Dig A~ert F. Continuous logs of the subsurface soil conditions as encountered within exploratory borings will be recorded by a staff geologist of C.N.J. 6eotechnical Inc., who will direct theyin stlgation. ---- G. Bulk samples of the soils encountered will be placed in sealed containers and returned to the laboratory where sand equivalent tests will be performed. H. Following completion of the field and laboratory investigations, a subsurface soil investigation report will be prepared to include recommendations for excavation, ~ bedding and backfill characteristic, groundwater conditions and recommendations to deal with any unusual conditions encountered. 1. Bores will be backfilled and repatched if require~ to match the original pavement. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 11, 1989 Mr. Michael S. Warren, Staff Engineer C.H.J. Geotechnical Inc. P.O. Box 1790 Colton, California 92324 Subject: Consultant Sel~ices Agreement Dear Mr. Warren: Enclosed please find a revised copy of the consultant services agreement for your review. Please fill in the project manager's name on page three, item 4. Also, please. sign and return the agreement to the undersigned as soon as possible. If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 350-7661. Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert Public Works Director/~ By: ~wala Civil Engineering Assistant III YP: ml Enclosure cc: I. Weddle' G. Bucknell 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA AUG 2 1989 CHJ GEOTECHNiCAL. INC. August 21, 1989 NP. Nichael S. Warren, Staff Engineer C.H.O. Geotechnical Incorporated P.O. Box 1790 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite "E" Colton, California 92324 Subject: Consultant Services Agreement Dear Mr. Warren: Enclosed please find a copy of the consultant services agreement as approved by our City Attorney's office. If your office agrees to its legal form and content, please return a duly executed copy to us. Also enclosed is a copy of Exhibit "A" which will be part of this agreement. If you require additional information, please call the undersigned at {714) 350-7661. Your early response will assist in expediting matters at our end. Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert Public Works Director~ Y~:ta By: nwala Civil Engineering Assistant XII AC:YP:stb cc: Robert W. Weddie, P.E. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 MEMORANDUM TO: Yousef Pantawala, City of Fontana FROM: Steve Deitsch, City Attorney's Office DATE: July 31, 1989 RE: CHJ Geotechnical, Inc. Pursuant to your request I have reviewed the proposed Consultant Services Agreement by and between the City of Fontana and CHJ Geotechnical, Inc. The proposed Agreement does contain all of the provisions which the City has included in its standard Consultant contracts. Please note that clauses 3(a), 3(b), 6, 7, 10, 22, and 24 must have the necessary language inserted where indicated by a blank. After the clauses have been completed and before an attorney executes this Agreement, it should be reviewed again for content. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. BCCOO:]2 City of Fontana CALIFOBNIA Ouly 12, 1989 Ms. Barbara Carson Best, Best & Krieger, Attorneys 800 N. Haven, Ste 120 Ontario, CA 91762 Subject: Approval as to Form and Legal Content of Consultant Services Agreen~nt Between City and C.H.O. Geotechnlcal Incoporated Dear Ms. Carson: Enclosed, please find a copy of subject Consultant Services Agreement submitted for your revtew and approval. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (714) 350-7661, Thank you, Sincerely yours, Annivory Calvert Public Works Directorf~'/x~ By:~uf Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant 11! Enclosure AC:YP:pl 8359 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 THIS AGREEH NT is made this day of , 1988, between the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "City'" , and {hereinafter ,,6on~f~r~i "Consultant" WHEREAS, City desires to Construct , and Consultant WHEREAS, the C~m~.~t~r-has represented to the City that it has the knowledge, skills, resources and experience that qualify it to r~u~etperform engineering services NOW, THEREFORE, CITY AND ~ MUTUALLY AGREE THAT: ~l~ will perform certain services as set out herein to e~)~.et the following: (a) (b) (c) 2. Scope of Services ansultant and delivep the services (a) ~~ will perfor~the-~-~-de~+ve~-~ ~k-~eduets-as set out in the following Scope of Services included tn the contract as Exhibit A. Consultant {b) City, with the express written consent of~,Lt'.~Lur agre~po ween ~ty an8 ~o su ~a · ' (c ng not included in Exhibit A shall ~nstitute ~ext a.~ rice to be paid by City for an - erformed writing, at the time of such modification. No~ be performed by ) tR{ as a modification or e ntil Page 2 by ~~ and City Manager and approved by Mayor and Council. 3. Consideration on ult nt (a) City agrees to compensate °~t~t for services ltx~t~r{~ as defined in Exhibit A, Scope of Services in the amount not to exceed $ /' City shall not be required to pay any amounts in excess if this sum, whether for copying costs, incidental, direct or indirect costs or limit the o to amend this agreement to provide for extr tin the manner set forth in Paragraphs 2{b) and ~{oc~s. tant~c>.yc~r~ ul t o {b) ~ shall submit invoices to Cl y n a monthly bastS.~.-e~be~wise-~i,, the Project Cost Sche~.le incorporated h~ Exhibit ~ Each invoice will be itemized and show the charges categorized ~as to the ~~-)agk-e~(s~--~-~-sha~-~~-~he ~i 3t~-~ask--~ebe~-~-~-e~-~-~ ~ -~:~: ~ -~he- ~e~uaq -~qq~ ~ ~ -~he~e -o~he~ ~~e ~otal pPoject cost shall not exceed $ Z ' ' Ped tn .P~tng by City. Any Pequest of City in a dt~on to~ by ~ ~ at the ~t~h be pa~d fop by Ct~y as~xtra, in accordance ~~ prew~ltn9 hourly P~tes. ~y shall pPomptly Pe d notify Consul~n~ ~~ of any objection thePeto; absent such objection w~ttn9 wtth~n t~enty (20) days of the date of the involce, ~he tnvoices shall be deemed pPopeP and Consul~n~ ~o~klng da~s af~eP ~he fnvo~ces ape submitted, Cqt~'~'gP~es Consu ~an~ ~sha11 have the r~gh~, after ~Pitten noUce to the Ctty, to consideP such ~efault tn pa~ent a matePi~l bPeach of this en~]Pe agPeement. CIty shall have ~en (10) days following date of such written notice ~th~n which ~o correct such b~each. Zf City continues to fat1 ~o m~ke pa~en~, ~he duties, obligations and ~esponsibiltt~es of Gen~P e~eP under ~h~s Agreement ~e terminated. Consu~n~ Page 3 (e) City may wtthhold payment of any dtsputed sums unttl satisfaction of the dispute w~th respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay as that term ts used tn subparagraph 3(d). -Cer~r-~cl~rConsultant shall not discontinue Itss -~ r a period of 30 days from the date of withholding, ~ ~su]t of such ~ithholding. Consultan, t 6effitfecter sha13 have ~ediate right of appeal to the Hayor and Cit~ Council ~th respect to such disputed sums. The determination of the Hayor and City Council ~ith respect to such matter shall be final. ~}~ shall be entitled to ~ece~ve ~nterest on any w~thhe sums at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum ~rom date o~ w~thhold~ng of any amounts found to have been improperly ~thheld. ~n u]~ n~ The ~ a~¢2~ ~epresents that tt possesses the servtces requtred by this not subcontract for any additional personnel w~thout prior written approval of the C~ty Manage~. 5. Personnel Substitutions A31 of the servtces described ~n Exhibit A shall be performed by consultant or unde~ its supervision. ~e~ Consu3~anC agrees that all personnel engaged in performing ~he services are fully qualified and are authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. -A~ C4 tF 6, T~me of Performance Consu~n~ The ~asks ~o be performed by 6e~rae~er unde, and pursuant to this Agreemen~ shall be completed wt~h~n *~ays above stated date. ~~ shall ~ece~ve no from the Consu~an~ Page 4 additional compensation if completion of its obligation under this Agreement requires a time greater than as set forth herein, unless such extension is caused by the conduct of City. Each party hereby agrees to provide timely notice to the other of any violation occurring under this section and the cause thereof. 7. Termination This agreement may be terminated by either party prior to its expiration by notice in writing to the other party at least thirty {30) working days in advance of the desired termination date. City shall also have the right to terminate the Agreement for good cause at any time and without prier notice..pen deliver, without charge, to control. In such event, ~~ shall be paid for its theseprices werk-perform d nder the Agreement to date of termination. Pa~ent for ~ completed under the date of Agreement to the percent of the total Agreement sum which will be paid to Consultant. e~(~ The City Manager shall determine the percent of tasks pa~ent to termination c onsultant ~~ further covenants to ' i~t good faith cooperation in the transfer of the ~ any other consultant hereunder by n ~o participate in such meetings at no cost to City as shall be deemed necessary by the City Manager to effectively accomplish such transfer. 8. Cooperation C nsultant City agrees to cooperate with~~ on the project. g. City's Responsibilities Consultant City shall furnish to Gent~t~te~ base maps, existing studies, ordinances, dat 1 ~r existing information as possession necessary ~o °m i ' contemplated by the Agreement. City further agrees to provide all such materials in a timely manner so as not to cause delays in~'~schedule. Page 5 10. Report Materials models, photographs ;e e under this Agreement shall be considered n ty of City upon payment for services performed by-C~J~i~2~e~ Sa' d cuments and materials shall be delivered to City by 8B{B tB at the complet o o th~ project unless earlier specified in Exhibit · ~r~'~ may take and retain such copies of said documents and materials as desired. 11. Confidentiallty No news releases, including photographs, public announcements or confirmation of same, of any part of the subject matter of this Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made without prior written approval of the City. The information which results from the services in this Agreement is to be kept confidential unless the release of informatJon is authorized by the Cit~. ~~ agrees ~if. ,-~efc~c-sav~ h~ harmless City~ i~s off. agent~ and employees from and limited to, bodily injury death, personal injury, property damages, attorney's fees directly arising from eBy-aRd-~44-~ negliggnc~ of the Consultant ~--act~ons--~f--~~, its employees agents or 1 for damages of any nature whatsoever as a result of actions by the City, its agents, officers or employees. 13. Uncontrollable Delay All agreements on C~S~s rt ~e ontingent upon and subject to, the provision that~~ shall not be responsible for damages or be in default by reason of delays in performance by reason of strikes, lockouts, accident, acts of God, and any other delays unavoidable of beyond Consultant's (~~ reasonable control. In the event of any such cause of delay, the time of completion shall be extended accordingly. 14.Warranty Consultant ~~makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to its findings, reco~endations, plans, reports, Page 6 services ' professional advice or other Pie -we except that thes~swere prepared in accordance with generally accepted standards of practice in effect at the time of performance. ]5. Liability In the event that changes are made in the plans, diagrams and text by City or by an e on ,or er ~han Consultant Ce.~¢~t% which may change or affec ~'~ , an~~ changes is waived ga s and City assumes full respons bili ~nd liability for such changes un]ess City s] ~ prior wrttten notice of such changes and ~conse ts~ wtiting to such changes. City agrees to indemnify ~~ against any and 8]] on . /~_'- .... Consultant ~~ sha]] provide and maintain at its o~ expense durtng the term of this Agreement the following po]icy or policies of insurance covering its operations hereunder. (a) General Liability: Such insurance shall include, but not be limited to, comprehensive general liability with a combined single limi~ or not less than $500,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shal] be primary to any other simi]ar insurance and shall name the City of Fontana as an additional insured. onsultant (b) Worker's Compensation: ~fe¢{~sha]] cover its employees with Worker's Compensation insurance tn an amount and form to meet a]l applicable requirements of the Labor Code of the State of California. ~7. Prohibition Against T~snsfers Consultant (a) 6eRtPaetef sha]l not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreement or any lnterest therein directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise without the prior wrttten consent of the City. Any attempt to do so without said consent shall be null and void, and any assignee, sublessee, hypothecate or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or tranfer. Page 7 (b) The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant ~t~, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venturer or syndicate member or co-tenant of ~ea~a¢~ Consultant is a partnership or a joint venturer or syndicate or co-tenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant r.,~,r~,,~r, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means fifty (50%) percent or more of the voting power of the corporation. 18. Anti-Discrimination Consultant (~l~t~,o ~ ~es and agrees that all persons employed by ~b~.~<h-. its affiliates. subsidiaries or holding companies are and will be treated equally by Consultant r,~>~t4,~¢~.. without regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap, or sex and compliance with State and Federal Anti-Discrimination laws. ~tf~t-t~f Consultant further certifies and agrees that it will deal with its Subcontractors. Bidders and Vendors without regard to or because of race, religion. ancestry, national origin. handicap or sex. lg. IndeDendent~,.~-t~ Consultant Status Consultant consultant ~of~t~et~t~yr shall be an independant contractor and not an employee, nor shall any of its employees, agents or subcontractors be an employee of the City. 20. Conflict of Interest Consultant {a} The (t~r~t-et-tt~r or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 {the "Act"), which (1) requires such persons to disclose affected b performed under thls Agreement, and (2) prohibits such persons from making or participating in making decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interests. Consultant (b) ~ontfacto~ shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is ground for termination of this Agreement by the City. 21. Audit Consultant conneCt?on wit i.s,"a e",:eP at;e o°k;e2f Agreement. These books shall be subject to audit by the City. 22. Administration l ~'~ This Agreement i bei administered by the/~'~ Department. shall be considered the ~t Hanager and shall have the authority to act for the City under this Agreement. The ~d~C:~r his/her authorized representative, shall represent t e City in all matters pertaining to the serv3ces to be rende ed pursuant to this Agreement.' ' 23. Proqress Consultant ~ is responsible to keep the and/or his/her duly authorized designee informed on a regular progress of the sctivities performed and planned, and any meetings thet h~ve been scheduled or ~re desired. 24. City Policy ~onsul~an~ w13] discuss and review all matters relattng to policy and project directlon ~ith the and/or his/her duly authorized designee in advance of all critical decision points in order to ensure that the project proceeds consistent with City goa]s and policies. 25. Llcensinq Co su] ~nt mu a ~~ st have current Fontana business ]icense on file before any claims wi]l be proces~d. 26. Additional Materials Upon written request, each of the parties hePeto shal~ execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and de]ivered, such additional instruments and documents which may be necessary and proper to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 27. Invalidatton In the event any provision of thts Agreement sha]l be held to be invalid and unen:forceable, the other provisions of this Agreement shall be valid and binding on the parties thereto. Page 9 28. Litiqation Should litigation be necessary to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, then all litigation and collection expenses, witness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney's fees shall be paid to the prevailing party. 29. Notices Any notice required or desired to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be given in writing, and sent by certified mail, returned receipt requested, addressed as follows: Consultant City -Ce~a~e~- City Hanager C.H.J. Geotechnical, Inc. City of Fontana 1355 E. Cooley Dpive, Ste. "E"' 8353 Sierra Ave. Colton, CA 92324 Fontana, Ca. g2335 (714) 824-7211 (714} 350-7654 Any notice so given shall be considered served on the other party three days after date of mailing. The address for notice may be changed by giving notice pursuant to this paragragh. 30. Understandinq There are no understandings or agreements except as expressly stated herein. 31. Enforcement This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Page 10 32. Entire Agreement This contract constitutes the entire Agreement between t g w the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted, made and executed this Agreement upon the terms, conditions and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. CIT~ OF FONTANA By: By: Tit3e:City Manager Title: Dated: Dated: DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: LIABILITY REVIEWED: Department Head Risk Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT: City Attorney GEOTE" i HNICAL INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92824 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date July 7, 1989 Job No. To City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue, P. 0. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Attention:: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala Civil Engineering Assistant III Re: Proposed 8,700_+ Lineal Feet of Sewer Main, Foothill Boulevard, Btwn. Hemlock and Lime Avenues & Beech Avenue, btwn. Foothill Boulevard and Basel i ne Avenue, Fontana, Cali fornia We are forwarding: Compaction Report Preliminary Soils Report Percolation Report Fee Schedule Liquefaction Evaluation ]. Other Services Agreement REMARKS: For your review and comment. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this firm at your convenience, C. H. J. Geotechnlcal, Inc. Michael S. Warren, Staff Engineer DISTRIBUTION: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND OBSERVATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION CONSULTING ENGINEERING CONTRaCT-IN6 SERVICES AGREEMENT ~-OR-zlllE-qlONBT~qUC-T-IO~ THIS AGREEMENT is made this __ day of , 1988, between the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation WHEREAS, City desires to Construct , and Consultant WHEREAS, the C~/r,~.};~>r-has represented to the City that it has the knowledge, skills, resources and experience that qualify it to Ge~etperform engineering services NOW, THEREFORE, CITY AND C_(~ MUTUALLY AGREE THAT: ~i~t~ will perform certain services as set out herein to eeRs~Bet the following: prov1 e (a) (b) (c) 2. ScoDe of Services onsultant and deliver the services (a) ~a~l~tu-~t~t~ will performAt~e-~we~i~-~+~d--de~+ver-~Yne -~k-p~edBets-as set out in the following Scope of Services included in the contract as Exhibit A. Consultant {b} City, with the express wHtten consent of (o. Lr~uLur may modify the Scope of ~- ~o be performed under this agreement, however, City ~ ~ its sole discretion, reduce ct be paid, ~s mutually agre pon between ~lty an~ ~ons~a t. (c) An~hing not included in Exhibit A shall constitute pursuant to i c i e service, ~k~ shall be as agreed upon by City and ~~in writing, at the time of such modification. No ~l be Page 2 by ~i~t~ and City ,anager and approved by flayor and Council. 3. Consideration on ult nt (a) City agrees to compensate °~u~L for services lt~rk-~ as defined in Exhibit A, Scope of Services in the amount not to exceed $ . City shall not be required to pay any amounts in excess of this sum, whether for copying costs. incidental, direct or indirect costs or any type 'to amend this agreement to limit the o provide for extra+~ht-in the manner set forth in Paragraphs 2(b) and 2(c). service Consultant (b) ~ shali submit invoices to City on a monthly basis ~jr~!cs~-ethePwise- stated in the Project Cost Schedule Incorporated herein as Exhibit Each Invoice will be itemized and show the charges categ~rized ei~as to the services pepfo~med. ~l~ -t~Pe -~he - ae(Baq -~q4~ ~ ~ -~hese -other · 3 c k~ - ape - ~ ~ -~h~R - ( he i ~ ~~ - costs - ~) - ~~he total project cost shall not exceed $ request of City in addition to those s[~ ~h herein shal~ be paid for by City asanextra, ~k in accordance with ~~ prevailing hourly rates. {c} City shall promptly review invoices and notify Consultant ~t~ of any objection thereto~ absent such objection in writing within twenty (20) dBys of the date of the invoice, the invoices shall be deemed proper and acceptable. Consultant t:,~ ,.~ <~ (d) If City fails to pay ~o~ within twenty working days after the invoices are submitted, City agrees Consultant ~~shall have the right, after written notice to the City, to consider such default in pa~ent B material breach of this entire agreement. City shall have ten (10) days following date of such written notice within which to correct such breach. If City continues to fail to make pa~ent, the duties, obligations and responsibilities of Ge~ae~e~ under this Agreement are terminated. Consultant Page 3 (e) City may withhold payment of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay as that term is used in subparagraph 3{d). -Co~tr-~c+,GrConsultant shall not discontinue itss -~ r a period of 30 days from the date of withholding, ~ ~sult of such withholding. Consultant 6entre~(lh- shall have immediate right of appeal to the Mayor and City Council with respect to such disputed sums. The determination of the Mayor and City Council with respect to such matter shall be final. ~R{ shall be entitled to receive interest on any with~e sums at the rate of seven percent {7%) per annum from date of withholding of any amounts found to have been improperly withheld. (f) G~fi~(~ ~ - (~ n 8~ - ~ -~ f - the ....................... ....................... ~(~~(~ ............. 4. Personnel E~2ul~nt The R ~a ~ represents that it possesses the services required by this .re not subcontract for any additional personnel without prior written approval of the City ~anager. 5. Personnel Substitutions All of the services described in Exhibit A shall be performed by consultant or under its supervision. ~F~eF Consultant agrees that all personnel engaged in performing the services are fully qualified and Bre authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. -A~ 6. Time of Performance Consultant The tasks to be performed by 6en~sete~ under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be completed within days from the above stated dBte. ~~ shall receive no Consultant Page 4 additional compensation tf completion of its obligation under this Agreement requires a time greater than as set forth herein, unless such extension is caused by the conduct of City. Each party hereby agrees to provide timely notice to the other of any violation occurring under this section and the cause thereof. 7. Termination This agreement may be terminated by either party prior to its expiration by notice in writing to the other party at least thirty (30) working days in advance of the desired termination date. City shall also have the right to terminate the Agreement for good cause at any time and without prior notice..port deliver, without charge, to control. Zn such event, ~0~ shall be pa~d for theservices ~k- perform d nde~ the Agreement to date of termination. Pa~ent fo~ ~ completed unde~ the Agreement to date of te~m~nat~o 11 be made strictly on the bas~s of the the percent of the total Agreement sum which w~11 be pa~d to Consu~n~. s~. The C~ty Hanager shall determine the percent of ~sks ~-comp]eted to date of termination. ~n no event may total pa~ent to termination exceed $ on ul~ n~ ~~ furthe~ covenants to ' ~ts good faith cooperation ~n the t~ansfe~ of the ~ to any othe~ consul~an~ n ~o participate ~n such meetings a~ no cost to City as shall be deemed necessary b~ the Manager to effect~ve3~ accomp3~sh such transfer. 8. Cooperation C nsult~n~ Clty agrees to coopera~e .~th~~ on the pPo~ect. 9. City's Resoons~b~l~ies Consu3~n~ C~ty shall furnish to Con~tcte~ base maps, existing studies, ordinances, data ~ ~ extsting information as she31 be determined b n ~h ~sks possession necessary ~o om contemp3a~ed by the Agreement. Cit~ further agrees p~ov~de all such mate~a3s in a t~me~ manne~ so as not to cause de3a~s ~n~~~schedule. Co~sul~n~s Page 5 10. Report Materials All documents, data, studies, surveys,~ maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by under and materials shall be delivered to City by at the com le t t project ..less earlier specified i. Ex.ibit may take and retain such copies of said documents and materials as desired. 11. Confidentialitv No news releases, including photographs, public announcements or confirmation of same, of any part of the subject matter of this Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made without prior written approval of the City. The information which results from the services in this Agreement is to be kept confidential unless the release of information is authorized by the City. 12. (+~$em~M~'ert-i<x"r Liability on ult nt o~u~ agrees to i~em.i~y~-~r-~ve-~ hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees from Bnd against all liability, ~lat~ damages, losses and expenses, for damages of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to, bodily injury de~th, personal injury, property damages, attorney's fees directly arising from a~-a~-a~q-~ gross negligence 3f the Consultant ~--a~o~-~f--~~, its employees agents or 1 for damages of any nature whatsoever as a result of actions by the City, its agents, officers or employees. 13. Uncontrollable DelBV All agreements on C~u~n~S;s, rt ~e ontingent upon and subject to, the provision thBt~~ shall not be responsible for damages or be in default by reason of delays in performance by reason of strikes. lockouts, accident, acts of ~od, and any other delays unavoidable of beyond Consultant's (~~ reasonable control. In the event of any such cause of delay, the time of completion sh~ll be extended accordingly. 14.Warranty Consultant ~~makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to its findings, reco~endations, plans, reports, Page 6 services ' professional advice or other ~w~f~- except that thes~a~ere prepared in accordance with generally accepted standards of practice in effect at the time of performance. 15. Liability In the event that changes are made in the plans, or by an e on ,or er ~han diagrams and text by City or affect~c~s~, any Consultant ~e~a~~, which may change changes is waived by City ga s and City assumes full respons'bili ~nd liability for such changes unless City s1 ~.~ prior written notice of such changes and ~ conse ts w~ttin~ to such changes. City agrees to indemnify ~ against any and ~11 unconsented changes. 16. Insurance Co sul ant li bil' t Without limiting C~.~a~-,,~em.~e~tie.--e( City, Consultant ~ shall provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement the following policy or policies of insurance covering its operations hereunder. {a} General Liability: Such insurance shall include, but not be limited to, comprehensive general liability with a combined single limit or not less than $500,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall be primary to any other similar insurance ~nd shall name the City of Fontana a~ an additional insured. onsultant {b) Worker's CompensBtton: ~n~shall cover its employees with Worker's Compensation insurance in an amount and form to meet all applicable requirements of the Labor Code of the State of California. 17. Prohibition Aqainst Transfers Consultant {a) Gen~e(e~ shall not assign, sublease, hypothecBte, or transfer this Agreement or any interest therein directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so without said consent shall be null and void, and any assignee, sublessee, hypothecate or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or tranfer. Page 7 (b) The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant r..e~ct~4,, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venturer or syndicate member or co-tenant of CeB~a¢~e~ Consultant is a partnership or a joint venturer or syndicate or co-tenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant r. on~r. or, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means fifty (50%) percent or more of the voting power of the corporation. 18. Anti-Discrimination Consultant (~ntl~'o ~l ~es and agrees that all persons employed by ~f~, its affiliates, subsidiaries or holding companies are and will be treated equally by Consultant r~,e¢~or without regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap, or sex and compliance with State and Federal Anti-Discrimination laws. (¢+Yc+,e~-t~ Consultant further certifies and agrees that it will deal with its Subcontractors, Bidders and Vendors without regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or sex. 19. Independent~ent~H>P- Consultant Status Consultant consultant £~n~-ati~>r shall be an independant contractor and not an employee, nor shall any of its employees, agents or subcontractors be an employee of the City. 20. Conflict of Interest onsultant {a} The ~Y~ or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of lg74 {the "Act"}, which {1} requires such persons to disclose affected b performed under this Agreement, and {2) prohibits such persons from making or participating in making decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interests. Co sultant (b} ~c~att~r shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is ground for termination of this Agreement by the City. 21. Audit Consultant The ~x~c~bor sha~s lep seperate books of accounts in connection with its ~ to be performed under this Agreement. These books shall be subject to audit by the City. Page 8 22. Administration This Agreement is being administered by the __ Department. shall be considered the Project Hanager and shall have the authority to act for the City under this Agreement. The or his/her authorized representative, shall represent the City in all matters pertaining to the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. 23. Proqress Consultant · ~-rt~=~-t~r is responsible to keep the and/or his/her duly authorized designee informed on a regular performed and planned, and progress of any meetings that have been scheduled or are desired. 24. City Policy Consultant ~a~zr~.~ will discuss and review all matters relating to policy and project direction with the and/or his/her duly authorized designee in ~dvance of all critical decision points in order to ensure that the project proceeds consistent with City goals and policies. 25. Licensing Co sultant ~~must have a current Fontaria business license on file before any claims will be processed. 26. Additional Materials Upon written request, each of the parties hereto shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, such additional instruments and documents which may be necessary and proper to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 27. Invalidation In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid and unenforceable, the other provisions of this Agreement shall be valid and binding on the parties thereto. Page 9 28. Litiqation Should litigation be necessary to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, then all litigation and collection expenses, witness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney's fees shall be paid to the prevailing party. 29. Notices Any notice required or desired to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be given in writing, and sent by certified mail, returned receipt requested, addressed as follows: Consultant City -C~nt~acte~- City Manager C.H.j. Geotechnical, Inc. City of Fontana 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Ste. "E" 8353 Sierra Ave. Colton, CA 92324 Fontaria, Ca. 92335 (714) 824-7211 (714) 350-7654 Any notice so given shall be considered served on the other party three days after date of mailing. The address for notice may be changed by giving notice pursuant to this paragragh. 30. Understandinq There are no understandings or agreements except as expressly stated herein. 31. Enforcement This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Page 10 32. Entire Agreement Thls contract constitutes the entire Agreement between t g w the parties. ZN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted, made and executed this Agreement upon the terms, conditions and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. CIT~ OF FO!rrANA By: By: Title:City Manager Title: Dated: Dated: DEPARTMENTAL RECOHHENDATION: LIABZLITY REVIEWED: Department Head Risk Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT: City Attorney RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Project No. Project Title ~ii FI I C t Individual J~ ~C~'[-L ~H-~J ~ Title Organization C,~,3, Location ITEMS DISCUSSED COMMENTS OR ACTION REQUIRED Wlley-Ft~k Form 4-7 GEOTECHNICAL · · INCORPORATED P.O. Box 1790 .~ 1365 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-7211 · Fax (714) 824-7209 April 10, 1989 ~-,--~, -".-..u' i'i,j~..,...:j, !'~";C. City of Fontaria P O, ]Box 518 l::i si.: ...... · Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Annivory Calvert, Director of Public Works Subject: Proposal to Perform ~ubsurface Soils Investigation Proposed 8,700+ Lineal Feet of Sewer Main Located on FooThill Boulevard Between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and Beech Avenue Between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue Fontana, California Gentlemen: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to perform the subsurface soils investigation for the above referenced proj- ect. As we understand it, the storm drai~ is to be established approximately 16 feet below the existing ground surface. In addition, due to the oversized material that is anticipated to exist, this investigation will enable us to evaluate this condi- tion. This report will be suitable for submission to contractors for bidding purposes. Our subsurface soils investigation will be performed utilizing a drill rig equipped for soil sampling. Approximately five explora- tory borings, drilled to a depth of approximately 25 feet, will be placed along the pro~ect site. Continuous logs of the subsurface soil conditions as encountered within our exploratory borings will be recorded by a staff geologist from this firm, who will direct GEOTECHN~CAL ENGINEERING · MATERIALS TESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATtON City of Fontan~j Page No. z April 10, 1989 the investigation. Bulk samples of the soils encountered will be placed in sealed containers and returned to the laboratory where sand equivalent tests would be performed. Following completion of the field and laboratory investigations, a Subsurface Soils Investigation report will be prepared to include recommendations for excavation, bedding and backfill characteris- tics, groundwater conditions, and recommendations to deal with any unusual conditions encountered. Our cclst to prepare the Subsurface Soils Investigation report will be $2,800.00. Our investigation can begin within approximately three working days from our receipt of the signed white copy of the enclosed "Authorization for Service" and a deposit in the amount of $1,400.00. Acceptance of this proposal is subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit "A". Our final report will be issued within approximately two to three weeks from completion of the field investigation. We look forward to working with you and to seeing this project through to its successful conclusion. If you should have any questions concerning this proposal, do not hesitate to contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Michael S. Warren, Staff Engineer MgW:mmc Enclosures: Authorization for Service Exhibit "A" Distribution: City of Fontana (1) Hall & Forman, Inc. (1) Attn: Mr. Ray O. Vincenti, P.E. EXHIBIT A - CONDITIONS Right of Entry The client will provide for right of entry of C.H.J. Geotechnical, IncorE)orated, (CRJ) personnel, and any other personnel, as well as all equipment necessary in order to complete the work. CHJ will take reasonable precautions to minimize any damage to the property, but it is understood by Client that in the normal course of work, some damage may ocqur, the correction of which is not part of this Agreement. The Client accepts this fact and will not hold CHJ responsible for any damage other than that caused by the gross negligence of willful misconduct of CHJ or its personnel. Utilities In the prosecution of this work, CHJ will take all reasonable !precautions to avoid damage or injury to subterranean structures ]or utilities. The Client understands that all such structures or ~utilities will not be known tO CHJ, and agrees not to hold CHJ .responsible for damage to subterranean structures or utilities iwhich are not called to CHJ's attention and fully and accurately adescribed and located on the plans furnished. Indemnification CHJ and Client mutually agree to hold harmless each other from any and all claims, liabilities, cause of action for injury to or death of any person, or for damage or destruction of tangible property resulting from any negligent acts or omissions on the part of any contractors, subcontractors or consultants retained by or under the direction and control of that party. Exhibit "A" ~ ~ Page No. 2 Limitation of Liability For any damage caused by professional negligence, including errors, omissions or other professional acts and including unintentional breach of contract, by CHJ, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, i CHJ's liability, and that of its officers, employees, agents and subcontractors is limited to $50,000 or CHJ's total compensation, whichever is greater. Standard of Care Services performed by CHJ under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession, providing similar services at the same time under similar conditions and locality. The Client accepts that subsurface conditions can vary from condi- tions encountered at the location where borings, or explorations are made by CHJ and that the data, interpretations of the data, and recommendations of CHJ are based solely on that information which was available to CHJ~ CHJ will not be responsible for any interpretation of data by others of the information developed. The data obtained during the investigation phase is sub3ect to confirmation by conditions which are encountered during construc- tion. The Client warrants that all information supplied by Client to CHJ for their use in completing its services under this Agreement are accurate and sufficient for use by CHJ, and that CHJ can rely on their completeness and accuracy. Hazardous Materials Services provided by CHJ at times may require subsurface explora- tion in areas where hazardous materials may be encountered. Client acknowledges and warrants that Client has no knowledge or Exhibit "A" ~ ~ Page No. 3 reason to suspect that hazardous materials are present at the subject site. Should hazardous materials be present, or be discovered, whether they are known or unknown by CHJ, Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CHJ, its officers, employees and agents or subcontractors from all claims which result, or are alleged, in whole or in part, to be the fault of CHJ in providing their services that involves, in whole or in the part, the presence of hazardous materials. Client also agrees to compensate CHJ, for any and all time and/or expenses incurred by CHJ in defense of any claim; for storage, transportation and disposal of contaminated samples; disposal of contaminated consum- ables and decontamination of equipment. All such compensation shall be based upon CHJ's prevailinG "Schedule of Fees." CHJ reserves the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate all servioes under this AGreement at its sole discretion in the event hazardous materials are discovered. If CHJ services are terminated or suspended, CHJ agrees to negotiate in good faith a new agreement to continue to meet Client's needs. Disputes In the event that a dispute arises relating to the performance of the services to be provided under this AGreement, and should that dispute result in litigation, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs incurred in connection with such dispute, including CHJ's staff time at CHJ'S "Schedule of Fees" in effect at the time of such dispute, court costs, attorney's fees and all other claim-related expenses. Neither the Client nor CHJ may delegate, assign sublet or transfer his or its duties or interest in this Agreement without the prior express written consent of the other party. Exhibit "A" ~ Page No. 4 I/We have read "Exhibit A Conditions" which is incorporated by reference in the "Authorization for Service Contract," and agree to the terms and conditions set forth. These terms and conditions as set forth are binding upon those ordering and/or Authorizing this work, and on their assigns or successors in interest. Date (Name of Owner/Authorized Agent Printed) (Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent) · ' City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Jane 9, 1989 C.H.J. Geotechnical, Inc. P.O. Box 1790 1355 E. Cooley Drive Suite E Colton, CA 92324 Attention: Michael S. Warren Subject: Contracting Services Agreement Dear Mr. Warren: Enclosed please find a copy of the Standard City Contracting Services Agreement and a copy of your proposal, as sent to the City. As per our telephone conver- sation on June 6, 1989, please fill out the necessary data on the City document and mark up ~n red any changes you wish to submit. However, please be aware that exceptions to the City's Standard Contract must be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. If you have any questions, please call Yousuf Patanwala at 714-350-7661. Thank You. Sincerely Yours, Annivory Calvert Public Works Director By: Patanwala gineering Assistant III Enclosures AC:YP:llf 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 ~qO 4*OZ- ~ · '. , · · INCORPORATED P.O. BOx 1790 · 1355 E. Cooley Drive, Suite E, Colton, CA 92324 Phone (714) 824-721 ~ · Fax (714) 824-7209 April 10, 1989 .... ',.:5 ~... ~.,...=,. .......... City of Fontana ""~ P. O. Box 518 Fontana, Californian='92335 Attention: Annivory Calvert, Directo~ of Public Works Subject: Proposal to Perform Subsurface Soils Investigation Proposed 8,700~ Lineal Feet of Sewer Main Located on Foothill Boulevard Between Hemlock and Lime Avenues and Beech Avenue Between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Avenue Fontana, California Gentlemen~' Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to perform the subsurface soils investigation for the above referenced proj- ect. As we understand it, the storm drain is to be established approximately 16 feet below the existing ground surface. In addition, due to the oversized material that is anticipated to exist, this investigation will enable us to evaluate this condi- tion. This report will be suitable for submission to contractors for bidding purposes. Our subsurface soils investigation will be performed utilizing a drill rig equipped for soil, sampling. Approximately five explora- tory borings, drilled to a depth of approximately 25 feet, will be place~ along the project site. ContinuOus logs of the subsurface soil conditions as encountered within our exploratory borings will be recorded by a staff geologist from this firm, who will direct GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · MA?ERIALS 'rESTING AND EVALUATION · CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION City of Fontana Page NO. 2 ~ ~,~ CoHoj Apri:L 10, 1989 the investigation. Bulk samples of the soils encountered will be placed in sealed containers and returned to the laboratory where sand equivalent tests would be performed. Following pompletion of the field and laboratory investigations, a Subsurface Soils Investigation report will be prepared to include recommendations for excavation, bedding and backfill characteris- tics, groundwater conditions, and recommendations to deal with any unusual conditions ~ncountered. Our oost to prepar~ the Subsurface Soils Investigation report will be $2,800.00. Our investigation can begin within approximately three working days from our receipt of the signed white copy of the enclosed "Authorization for Service" and a deposit in the amount of $1,400.00. Acceptance of this proposal is subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit "A". our final report will be issued within approximately two to three weeks from completion of the field investigation. We look forward to working with you and to seeing this project through to its successful conclusion. If you should have any questions concerning this proposal, do not hesitate to contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Michael S. Warren, Staff Engineer MSW:mmc Enclosures:. AuthOrization for Service Exhibit "A" Distribution: City of Fontana (1) Hall & Forman, Inc. (1) Attn: Mr. Ray O. Vincenti, P.E. EXHIBIT A - CONDITIONS Righ~ of Entry The client will provide for right of entry of C.HoJ. Geotechnical, Incorporated, (CHJ) personnel, and any other personnel, as well as all equipment necessary in order to complete the work. CHJ will take reasonable ~precautions to minimize any damage to the property, but it is. understood by Client that in the normal course of work, some damage may occur, the correction of which is not part of this Agreement. The Client accepts this fact and will not hold CHJ responsible for any damage other than that caused by the gross negligence of willful. misconduct Of CHJ or its personnel. Utilities In the prosecution of this work, CHJ will take all reasonable precautions to avoid damage or injury to subterranean structures or'utilitk~s. The Client understands that all such structures or utilities will not be known to CHJ, and agrees not to hold CHJ responsible for damage to subterranean structures or utilities which are not called to CHJ'S attention and fully and accurately described and located on the plans furnished. Inde~ification CHJ and Client mutually agree to hold harmless each other from any and all claims, liabilities, cause of action for injury to or death of any person, or for damage or destruction of tangible property resulting from any negligent acts or omissions on the part of any contractors, subcontractors or consultants retained by or under the direction and control of that party. Exhibit "A" Page, No. 2 ~ ~ Limitation of Liability For any damage caused by professional negligence, including errors, omissions or other professional acts and including unintentional breach of contract, by CHJ, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, CHJ's liability, and that of its officers, employees, ~gents and subcontractors is limited to S50,000 or CHJ's total compensation, whichever is greater. Standard of Care Services performed by CHJ under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession, providing similar services at the same time under similar conditions and locality. The Client accepts that subsurface conditions can vary from condi- tions encountered at the location where borings, or explorations are made~Sy CHJ and that the data, interpretations of the data, and recommendations of CHJ are based solely on that information which was available to CHJ. CHJ will not be responsible for any interpretation of data by others of the information developed. The data obtained during the investigation phase is sub3ect to confirmation by conditions which are encountered during construc- tion. The Client warrants that all information supplied by Client to CHJ for 'their use in completing its services under this Agreement are accurate and sufficient for use by CHJ, and that CHJ can rely on their completeness and accuracy. Hazardous Materials Services providedby. CHJ at times may require subsurface explora- tion in areas where hazardous materials may be encountered. Client acknowledges and warrants that Client has n6 knowledge or EXhibit "A" Page, No. 3 V ~ reason to suspect that hazardous materials are present at the subject site. Should hazardous materials be present, or be discovered, whether they are known or unknown by CHJ, Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CHJ, its officers, employees-and agents or subcontractors from all claims which result, or are alleged, in whole or in part, to be the fault of CHJ in providing their services that involves, in whole or in the part, the presence of hazardous materials. Client also agrees to compensate CHJ, fQ~ any and all time and/or expenses incurred by CHJ in defense of any claim; for storage, transportation and disposal of contaminated samples; disposal of contaminated consum- ables and decontamination of equipment. All such. compensation shall be based upon CHJ's prevailing "Schedule of Fees." CHJ reserves the right to unllatera~ly suspend or terminate all services under this Agreement at its sole discretion in the event hazardous materials are discovered. If CHJ services are terminated or suspended, CHJ agrees to negotiate in good faith a new agreement to continue to meet Client's needs. Disputes In the event that a dispute arises relating to the performance of the services to be provided under this Agreement, and should that dispute result in litigation, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs incurred in connection with such dispute, including CHJ's staff time at CHJ'S "Schedule of Fees" in effect at the time of such dispute, court costs, attorney's fees and all other claim-related expenses. Neither the Client nor CHJ may delegate, assign sublet Or transfer his or its duties or interest in this Agreement without the prior express written consent of the other party. Exhibit "A" Page No. 4 ~ ~ I/We have read "Exhibit A - Conditions" which is incorporated by reference in the "Authorization for Service Contract," and agree to the terms and conditions set forth. These terms and conditions as set forth are binding upon those ordering and/or Authorizing this work, and on their assigns or successors in interest. Date (Name of Owner/Authorized Agent Printed) ( Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent ) CITY,)F FONTANA ON ALL PACKAGING AND pApERS C~ ~ 1115 RELAtiVE TO TH~S ORDER 8353 Sierra Ave., Fon~ana, CA 92335 (714) 350-7677 NO~ A~ 'NVO,CSS s,o.~ ~a s~r m CITY OF ~ONTANA ACCQUNTS DAYABLE 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FQNTANA, CA 92335 VENDOR: SHIPTO; PURCHASEORDERDATE 035910 KOSAYASHI & ASSOCIATES CITY OF FONTANA 01/17/gO 1125 N. OAKDALE ENGINEERING DIVISION SHIPMENTREQUIREDBY 8~53 SIERRA AVENUE FULLERTON, CA 92631 FCNTAN~, CA 92335 OC/OQ/O0 TERMS N 3 I I ~' DESCRIPTION' ' UNITPRICE~ AMOUNT Q'P¢. UNIT I EA CONSULTANT SERVICES: FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY 1,815.83 1,815.63 ACQUISITION SERVICES ON THE FOOTHILL/ BEECH SEWER MAIN INSTALLATION PROJECT. BALANCE ON PR# 1536 1 EA COUNCIL APPROVED INCREASE ~,OOC.OO 5,000.00 (TOTAL CONTRACT FOR 1988-1989 SERVICES WAS $?2,000) ***NE~4 P.O. REQUESTED ~Y FINANCE (REF. 1536)*** 071-7218-290C 6,815.63 AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT October 17. 1989 Consent Calendar Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FR~I: Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director SUB,)ECT: INCREASE IN CONTFLACT AMOUNT FOR KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES FOR RIGHT-OF- WAY SERVICES FOR FOOTHILL/BEECH SEWER PROJECT CURRENT ACTION REQIJESTE]): TO AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE ZN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 TO THE CONTRACT WITH KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD/ BEECH AVENUE SEWER PROJECT, AND TO APPROVE AN AMENDED CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. FISCAL INPACT: ~ XI Yes ~ No The cost of the right-of-way acquisition services is paid from the Sewer Fund. BACKGROU!i): The Beech Avenue Sewer Project was first approved in the Capital Improvement Budget of FY 85-86 and FY 86-87. The design of the project has basically been completed by Hall & Foreman, and it is the City's desire to proceed with the construction of this sewer to extend sewer service into North Fontana. Before the project can be undertaken, however, there is additional right-of-way work which must be done. The primary work being done by Kobayashi & Associates now is to secure the temporary construction easements by donation from property ownel~s along Beech Avenue to possibly avoid a lengthy and costly process of acquiring the temporary construction easements. To complete the acquisition process, the City has required a significant number of additional property owner meetings and coordination of services with Hall & Foreman. Mr. Kobayashi has been, and will continue to be, involved tn the meetings and coordination of services. ATTACINEIfrS: 1. Amended Consultant Agreement 2. Ninute action of November 29, lgB8 approvlng the agreement with Kobayashi 3. ~:opy of the agreement dated December 22, lg88 wtth Kobayashi & Associates 4. Letter dated August 5, 1989 from Kobayasht & Associates OTHER AFFECTED DEPARTHEKrS: S~nature 51qnature ASST. RG ~ HUNAN RESOURCES " PLANNXNGf 'COR. DEV~ X ORKS __DEPUTY MGR ' 'RDA x )il~c~E _ _ RECORNENDED: City Manager AC:RW:wp AMENDI~'NT ~O AGREENEN~ FOR RIG~I~'-OF-WAY ACQUISITION S~VICES CITY O~ ~ THIS AMENDMENT to that certain agreement dated December 22, 1988, by and between the CITY OF FONTANA and KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES (the !'Original Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 1989, by and between the CITY OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation ("City") and KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES ("Consultant"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, City is undertaking the construction of sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly extension of I]eech Avenue; and WHEREAS, City desires to retain Consultant for the purpose of providing right-of-way acquisition services for this project; and WHEREAS, Consultant is considered professionally competent to provide the services to accomplish the right-of-way acquisitions for this project; and WHEREAS, City has requested Consultant to attend additional property owner coordination meetings and to provide additional support to the City's design engineer for coordinating the real property issues that impact project' design; and WHEREAS, City seeks voluntary dedication of easements from all the property owners from whom rights-of-way are needed for this project at this time; NOW, THEREFORE, City and Consultant, for the considera- tions stated herein, agree as follows: 1. The Original Agreement is hereby amended by deleting subsection 3 of section II, and by substituting therefor a new subsection 3 of section II, to read as follows: 3. Total payment for services to be provided by CONSULTANT shall not exceed the following amounts: For calendar year 1988 $ 7,000 For calendar year 1989 20,000 2. The City and Consultant reaffirm all terms and provisions of the Original Agreement except those which are expressly modified pursuant to this Amendment to the Original Agreement. CITY OF FONTANA KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES By: City Manager APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: City Attorney Department Head -2- BCCO058 City Counctl Nlnutes -2- November 29, Z988 t). Approvtng a budget adJustsent tn the aEount of APRV BIJOeET ADJ $22,000 and approvtng consultant servtces agrament CONSULT SVC$ for rtght-of-vtY acquisition servtces on the Footht11 ROt ACQUI$ SEllER /Beech seer main Installation project and tuthortz- NO 88-426 tng the executtoa of such agreeant by the appropriate ctty officials. AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES CITY OF FONTANA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~day of ~/~2~t~.J__, 1988, by and between the City of Fontana, a Municipal Corporati..~, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Kobayashi & Associates, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, CITY is undertaking the construction of sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly extension of Beech Avenue. WHEREAS, CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT for the purpose of providing right of way acquisition services for this project. WHEREAS, CONSULTANT, is considered professionally competent to provide the services to accomplish the right of way acquisitions forthis project. WHEREAS, CITY seeks voluntary dedications of easements from all the property owners from whom rights of ways are need&d for this project at this time. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and CONSULTANT, for the considerations stated herein, agree as follows: I. .SCOPE OF SE~VICES CONSULTANT agrees to provide those services described as follows: 1. Preparation of correspondence to property owners to acquire the easements. 2. Incorporation of legal descriptions unto appropriate easement deed forms. 3. Conduct negotiations with property owners. 4. Meet with City staff and consultants involved in this project. 5. Prepare status reports. 6. Prepare right o5 way cost estimates and outline procedure should voluntary dedication method to acquire easments be unsatisfactory or incomplete. All work will be provided on an as-needed basis as authorized by the CITY and performed in accordance with State laws and regulations governing the acquisition of property and property rights by public agencies. I31. COMPENSATION CITY, agrees to compensate CONSULTANT as follows: 1. Compensation is on an hourly fee rate of $70.00 per hour· 2. Payment shall be made promptly following submittal of a Statement of Charges by the CONSULTANT to CITY on a monthly basis, showing the time spent and a brief descrip. tion of the work performed. 3. Total payment for services to be provided by CONSULTANT shall not exceed the following amounts. For calendar year 1988 - $ 7,000 For calendar year 1989 - 15,000 III. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT CITY may terminate this Agreement by written notice to CONSULTANT at any time and for any reason. In the event of such termination, the CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed to date notice is give by CITY. All work completed by CONSULTANT to date notice is given shall be delivered promptly to the CITY· CITY OF FONTAN_,~ K BAY OCIAT · City get . ~ READ ANDAPPROVMDASTOE~GAL F . ~ ,~/~~ DEPA ENTAL RECOMMENDATION: KOBAYABHI & 1125 N. Oakdale, ~.O. Box 3728, Fullerton, California August 5, 1989 ,r. obert eddle City Engineer City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Dear Mr. Waddle: Enclosed is our invoice for right of way services provided on the Foo~ill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Sewer Project for the months of May, June and July, 1989. Our firms contract with ~e City on this project is for an amount not to exceed $20,000 for labor charges. As you will notice in reviewing the invoice that the services provided exceeded the maximum amount of ~e contract by $365.00. I believe ~at most of ~e work which has been provided during ~e past few monks was work, which was not contemplated,and therefore not included in ~e contract between the City and our firm. This work~ which 2consider to be additional services, is for ~e extra effort begin put for~ to secure ~e temporary construction easements by donation, especially from property owners along Beech Avenue, to possibly avoid a lengthy and costly process of acquiring ~e temporary construction easements. This additional work includes inquiries with property owners re~arding ~e removal and possible replacement of eucalyptus trees and locating sites for ~e temporary stockpiling of dirt from ~e excavation and ~e placement of material and equipment during' construction. Therefore, I am requesting t~at services being provided, which ~ consid r to be additional services, be considered for compensation by the City The compensation sought will be at the hourly-rate charge of $70.00 as specified in ~e existing contract. The work will be provided on an as-needed basis, with any work to be undertaken firstly approved by the City. The City's favorable consideration is appreciated. , ' Kobaya~ ~~ ' City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1989 Barbara Carson Best, Best & Kr~eger 800 N. Haven Avenue, Sutte 120 Ontarlo, CA 91762 Subject: Amendment to Agreement with Kobayashi and Associates for RIght-of-Way Acqutsftton Servtces Dear Hs. Carson: The subject agreement which is enclosed was prepared b~ Steve De~tsch on behalf of the Ctty prtor to our taking ~t to Council on October 17, 1989. The agreement has now been approved by Council, and we are tn the process of gettlng tt fully executed. IPlease get Steve Deitsch's s~gnature on the agreement and return tt to the City to my attention. Thank you for your assistance tn processing th~s document. Zf you should have any questions regarding th~s matter, please contact me at 350-7616. Stnce~,ely, Ann~vory Calvert Publlc Works D~rector By: nwala C~vtl Engineering Assistant AC:YP::wp Enclosure 8353 E',IERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION 8ERVIC ~ue F~ n CITY OF FONTANA , N THIS AMENDMENT to that certain agreement dated December 22, 1988, by and between the CITY OF FONTANA and KOBAYASHI & ASSOCIATES (the "Original Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 1989, by and between the CITY OF PON~, a municipal corporation ("City") and KOBAYI~SHI & ASSOCIATES ("Consultant"). WITNESSETH~ WHEREAS, City is undertaking the construction of-sewer facilities along Foothill Boulevard and the northerly extension of Beech Avoncol and WHEREAS, City desires to retain Consultant for the purpose of providing right-ot-way acquisition services for this proJec~ and WHEREAS, Consultant is considered professionally competent to provide the services to accomplish the right-of-way acquisitions for this proJectl and WHEREAS, City has requested Consultant to attend additional property owner coordination meetings and to provide additional support to the City~s design engineer for coordinating the real property issues that impact project designl and WHEREAS, City seeks voluntary dedication of easements from a~ll the property owners from whom rights-of-way are needed for this project at this time~ NOW, THEREFORE, City and Consultant, for the considera- tions stated heroin, agree as follows~ 1. The Original Agreement is hereby amended by deleting subsection 3 of section II, and by substituting therefor a new subsection 3 of section II, to read as followsi 3. Total payment for services to be provided by CONSULTANT shall not exceed the following amountst For calendar year 1988 $ 7,000 Pot calendar year 1989 20,000 2. The City and Consultant reaffirm all terms ana provisions of the Original Agreement except thOSe which are expressly modified pursuant to this Amendment to the Original Agreement. YA HI OCIATES City Manager APPROV~ED AS TO LEGAL FORM= DE ON= ' City Attorne~ Department Head -2- 8CC0058 1125 N. Oakdale. P.O. Box ~7~9, Fullerton, Oalifo September ?, ~989 ~. ~obe~t ~. ~e~le Cit~ o~ ~o~t~a 8353 Sie~a A~e~e De~ M~. ~e~le: · bis is a ~ollow-a~ o~ ~ lette~ to ~o~ ~ate~ ~gast A~e~ae Sewe~ ~o~ect. ~e believe that so~e o~ the wo~ ea~lie~ this ~e~, ~ ~ost o~ the wo~ being ~o~i~e~ at this ti~e, e~cee~s those as ~e~i~e~ a~ ~g~eed ~o~ i~ the Service Contract e~te~e~ i~to b~ the Cit7 a~ ~his ~ea~, se~e~l s~ecial ~o~ ~eeti~gs were bei~ wi~b t~e ~o~e~t~ ow~e~s ~om wbo~ tea~o~a~ co~st~c~io~ easements ~e soagbt, wbic~ were ~o~ a~ti.ci~a~e~ i~ ~awi~g a~ the Contract. ~be ti~e ~ece~tl~ s~e~t wi~ City a~ Co~saita~t sta~s, ~ega~i~g e~gi~ee~i~ a~ co~st~ctio~ a~ ~e Contract. It a~ea~s that ~igbt o~ wo~ will continue to be ~ee~e~ to a~ ~i~bt o~ w~ ~e~i~e~e~ts -~s ag~ee~ ~o~ the ~a~s a~ to ~o?i~e ~goi~g assis~aace to the Cit~ i~ ~e~a~i~ ·his a~di~io~al wo~ will be ~o~i~e~ o~ ~ as-~ee~e~ b~sis s~e bo~rly ~ate as s~eci~ie~ i~ the Contract o~ ~70.00 ~e~ ~a i~olce will be s~itte~ oa a ao~tbl~ b~sis, which will i~cia~e ~ b~ie~ ~esc~i~tio~ o~ all work ~o?i~e~. It is aot ~atici~a~e~ that ~o~al com~e~satio~ ~o~ ~is a~itio~al wo~ will e~cee~ .. S / .? ob y~s :D .... , KOBAYABHI & ABEIOCIATES 1125 N. Oakdale, P.O. Box 372B, Fullerton, California 92631 · [714] 738-4644 June 23, 1989 Mr. Robert W. Weddle City Engineer City 0f Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Subject: City of Fontaria, Foothill Boulevard/Beech Avenue Interceptor Sewer Project - Proposal for Right of Way Acquistion Services Dear Mr. Weddle: Per our recent conversation, I am submitting the following proposal to provide additional right of way acquisition services on the subject project. The servj. ces to be provided are shown separately for those anticipated to be needed for the Foothill Boulevard portion of the project and for the Beech Avenue portion. SCOPE OF SERVICES AND COMPENSATION SCHEDULE A. FOOTHILL BOULEVARD PORTION - Acquistion of Permanent Sewer Easements 1. Obtain data and prepare Offers to Purchase statements, Appraisal Summaries, Summary Statements Relating to the Purchase of Real Property, other appropriate acquistion documents and correspond- ence. Presently anticipated - 2 parcels to be acquired. 2. Conduct negotiations with property owners for the acquisition of easements. 3. Review sewer plans, appraisals, title reports, and any other plans and documents relating to the project. 4. Prepare Subordination documents and submit to lienholders, should there be any liens on the properties. 5. Prepare Right of Way/Property Acquisition Agreements on negotiated settlements, obtain approval and signatures from property owners, and then submit to City of approval processing. 6. Prepare Right of Entry Permits. 7. Follow accepted principals and techniques in the acquisition of real property in accordance with existing State laws. 8. Maintain files on each acquisition parcel in the manner consistent with City and State procedures. 9. Secure appraisals - subcontract COMPENSATION SCHEDULE - FOOTHILL BOULEVARD PORTION 1. Acquisition Services for two (2) permanent sewer easements Lump-Sum Charge: $ 2,500 Note: ShoUld there be any increase or decrease in the nun~er of parcels to be acquired~ the above amount shall be adjusted accordingly at the rate of $1,000 per parcel. 2. Appraisal Services for two (2) parcels -Subcontract Lump-Sum Charge: $2,000 Note: Should there be any increase pr decrease in the number of parcels to be appraised, the above amount shall be adjusted accordingly at the rate of $750 per parcel. TOTAL ESTIMATED CHARGE: $ 4,500 Negotiations are still continuing to secure temporary construction easements from property owners along the north side of Foothill Boulevard on a donation basis. Although the contractor will have the availability and option to use the areas where temporary construction easements have been obtained, since it does not appear that all temporary construction easements needed along Foothill Boulevard can be secure=d, permission should be obtained from Caltrans to occupy a portion of the street from construction use. The above described scope of services and compensation schedule do not include any work which may be needed for acquiring the easements through the process of eminent domain, should it be utilized. Such services, if needed, will be provided on an as-needed basis at an hourly rate of $75.00 per hour. B. BEECH AVENUE PORTION - Temporary Construction Easements The current plan is to secure all needed temporary construction easements for this portion of the project through the donation of easements by the property owners. However, if this method of acquisition is unsuccessful, it is anticipated that temporary construction easements will be acquired through the process of offering compensation based on an appraisal and following the procedure of property acquisitions by governmental agencies. The following is the scope of services to be provided in securing temporary construction easements through the purchase acquisition process, should it be utilized. RIGHT OF WAY AC@UISITION SERIVCES - Kobayashi & Associates 1. Prepare Offers to Purchase statements, Appraisal Summaries, Summary Statements Relating to the Purchase of Real Property or an Interest Therein~ and other documents required by State laws and regulations governing land acquisition activities by public agencies. 2. Conduct negotiations with property owners for the acquistion of temporary construction easements. 3. Meet with City and Consultant staff 4. Prepare status report to City in a timely manner 5. Secure appraisals from independent real estate appraiser 6. Prepare Right of Entry Permits 7. Prepare Subordinations and submit to lienholder where liens exists. 8. Follow accepted principals and techniques in the acquisition of real property in accordance with existing State laws. 9. Maintain files on each acquisition parcel in the manner consistent with State procedures. COMPENSATION SCHEDULE - Acquisition SerVices Based[ on twenty-eight (28) Temporary Construction Easements to be acquired. Lump-Sum Charge: 28 parcels @ $750 per parcel = $21,000 It there should be any increase or decrease in the number of parcels to be acquired, the above amount shall be adjusted accordingly at $650 per parcel. APPRAISAL SERVICES - To be subcontracted 1. Prepare acquisition appraisal for each of the twenty- eight (28) temporary construction easement parcels estimated to be acquired. 2. Deliver three (copies) of the appaisal report to the City within 60 days from the date of assignement. COMPENSATION SCHEDULE - Appraisal Services Based on twenty-eight (28) temporary construction easement parcels. Lump-Sum Charge: $ 14,000 If there should be any increase or decrease in the number of parcels to be appraised, the above amount shall be adjusted accordingly at the rate of $450 per parcel. Any work undertaken by the undersigned, which is not covered in the scope of services described above and not contemplated at this time, but may be needed to accomplish this project, will be undertaken at the hourly rate charge of $75.00. Any such work to be undertaken, shall firstly be approved by the City Engineer. If you have any questions, or desire additional information, please call me at (714) 738-4644. T~ank you, 11 ~2~ N. Oakdale, P.O. Box ~7~B, Full,art;on, (3eliforniB Sl12631 * ['7141 7~8~4844 May 12, 1989 ~ a,3~.~,.,..,~..h. ~obert ~,. Weddle ~ City Engineer City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 INVOICE For right of way acquisition services provided on Foothill Boulevard/ Beech Avenue Interceptor Sewer Project through April 30, 1989. Service Contract between City of Fontana and Kobayashi & Associates approved by the Fontana City Council at its meeting on November 29, 1988. 1988 Services 11/30 Meeting with Hall & Foreman staff; review sewer plans. Approx. 50 temporary construction easement parcels to be acquired. 6.5 hrE 12/1 Review files from City on project. Make field investi- gation of project area. 8.0 12/2 Commence preparation of parcel files, examine data from County Assessor's office on property ownerships. Compile ownership list and addressess 8.0 12/3 Continue with above 8.0 12/5 " " " 8 . 0 12/6 Commence preparation of Temporary Construction Easement documents for each parcel, prepare sketch exhibits to attach to deeds and letters to property owners 7.0 12/7 Continue with above 8.0 12/8 " " " 7 . 5 12/9 " " " 8 . 0 12/10 " " " 6 . 5 12/12 Meeting with Hall & Foreman staff. Prepare additional sketches for Easement deeds. Investigate current ownership status with title company 7.0 12/13 Conduct field investigation along Beech Avenue and evaluate temp. const. easement affect 8.0 12/15 Review up-to-date sewer plan from Hall & Foreman. Conf. with John Hogan, Susan Roshan, Hall & Foreman 3.0 12/19 Secure additional information on ownerships from County Assessor's office and update files 4.0 12/20 Conf. with John Juan and Susan Roshan(Hall & Foreman) re; right of way conoerns 2.0