HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I-2_VMT Memo MAT Engineering, Inc. www.matengineering.com 17192 Murphy Avenue #14902 Irvine, CA 92623 Ph: 949.344.1828 MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com Transportation Planning ■ Traffic & VMT Studies ■ Parking Studies ■ Traffic Engineering ■Traffic Signal Design/Modification ■ Signing & Striping Plans ■ Traffic Control Plans Noise, Air Quality & Greenhouse Gas Studies February 22, 2023 Ms. Dawn M. Ellis CHASE PARTNERS, LTD 644 San Fernando Road, #3944 Glendale, CA 91221 Subject: Fontana Business Center 3 Project Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening/Analysis, City of Fontana, California Dear Dawn, MAT Engineering, Inc. is pleased to submit this Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) screening/analysis for the proposed Fontana Business Center 3 project. A. Project Location & Description The currently vacant project site is located south of Santa Ana Avenue and west of Juniper Avenue in the City of Fontana. The proposed project consists of 35,505 square feet of general warehouse use (no cold storage). Access for the proposed project is planned via Juniper Avenue. Exhibit A shows the project location. Exhibit B shows the proposed site plan. B. Project Trip Generation Based on the detailed trip generation analysis prepared for the proposed project and documented in the Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis, City of Fontana, California (MAT Engineering, Inc., February 22, 2023): • The proposed project is forecast to generate approximately 61 daily trips which include approximately 6 AM peak hour trips and approximately 6 PM peak hour trips. • After converting the truck trips to passenger Car Equivalents (PCE), the proposed project is forecast to generate approximately 91 PCE-adjusted daily trips which include approximately 10 PCE-adjusted AM peak hour trips and approximately 10 PCE-adjusted PM peak hour trips. Fontana Business Center 3 Project Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening/Analysis, City of Fontana, California 0026-2023-01.02 / February 22, 2023 Page 2 MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com C. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Assessment In response to Senate Bill (SB) 743, the California Natural Resource Agency certified and adopted new CEQA Guidelines in December 2018 which now identify Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as the most appropriate metric to evaluate a project's transportation impact under CEQA (§ 15064.3). Effective July 1, 2020, the previous CEQA metric of LOS, typically measured in terms of automobile delay, roadway capacity and congestion, generally will no longer constitute a significant environmental impact. The City of Fontana has updated their transportation impact guidelines City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) & Level of Service Assessment to provide recommendations in the form of thresholds of significance and methodology for identifying VMT related impacts. Based on the City’s TIA Guidelines, there are various types of screening that may be applied to effectively screen out land use projects from project-level assessment. The screening criteria are the following: • Transit Priority Area (TPA) Screening; • LOW VMT Area Screening; • Low Project Type Screening; and • Projects Generating Net Daily Trips Less than 500 Average Daily Traffic (ADT). Since the proposed project is forecast to generate less than 500 daily trips, based on the City’s adopted VMT guidelines, the proposed project is presumed to have a less than significant VMT impact and is screened out for requiring a full VMT analysis. Fontana Business Center 3 Project Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening/Analysis, City of Fontana, California 0026-2023-01.02 / February 22, 2023 Page 3 MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com MAT Engineering Inc. appreciates the opportunity to provide this technical letter and memorandum. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact us at 949-344-1828 or at@matengineering.com. Respectfully submitted, MAT ENGINEERING, INC. Alex Tabrizi, PE, TE President Fontana Business Center 3 Project Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening/Analysis, City of Fontana, California 0026-2023-01.02 / February 22, 2023 Page 4 MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com Attachment A Exhibits Exhibit A Project Location Not to Scale Fontana Business Center 3 Project, City of Fontana, California / 0026-2023-01 FEB/2023 Legend: Site Location JU N I P E R A V E SI E R R A A V E SANTA ANA AVE Exhibit B Site Plan Not to Scale Fontana Business Center 3 Project, City of Fontana, California / 0026-2023-01 FEB/2023