HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 Fontana Business Center 3 Initial StudyFebruary 2024 INITIAL STUDY/ MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MASTER CASE NO. 23-013 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 23-001 ZONING CODE AMEDMENT NO, 23-002 SPECIFIC PL AN AMENDMENT NO. 23-001 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23-003 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN NO. 23-006 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 23-001 This page intentionally left blank February 2024 INITIAL STUDY/ MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MASTER CASE NO. 23-013 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 23-001 ZONING CODE AMEDMENT NO, 23-002 SPECIFIC PL AN AMENDMENT NO. 23-001 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23-003 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN NO. 23-006 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 23-001 Prepared for: City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 350-6681 Contact: Cecily Session-Goins, Associate Planner Prepared by: LSA 1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 200 Riverside, California 92507 951.781.9310 Project No. 20231437 This page intentionally left blank i INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i List of Abbreviations and acronyms ...................................................................................................... iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF THE INITIAL STUDY ..................................... 1-1 1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Purpose of the Initial Study ............................................................................................... 1-2 1.3 Intended Use of This Initial Study ..................................................................................... 1-2 1.4 Public Review of the Initial Study ...................................................................................... 1-3 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Project Location ................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.2 Existing Setting .................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.3 Existing Land Use ............................................................................................................... 2-1 2.4 Proposed Project ............................................................................................................... 2-2 2.5 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 2-6 2.6 Project Approvals .............................................................................................................. 2-6 3.0 INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST ................................................................................. 3-1 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED ........................................ 4-1 4.1 Determination (to be Completed by the Lead Agency) .................................................... 4-1 5.0 CEQA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST .................................................................. 5-1 5.1 Aesthetics .......................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources .................................................................................. 5-5 5.3 Air Quality ......................................................................................................................... 5-7 5.4 Biological Resources ........................................................................................................ 5-25 5.5 Cultural Resources .......................................................................................................... 5-32 5.6 Energy .............................................................................................................................. 5-37 5.7 Geology and Soils ............................................................................................................ 5-41 5.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ............................................................................................. 5-49 5.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials .................................................................................. 5-57 5.10 Hydrology and Water Quality ......................................................................................... 5-63 5.11 Land Use and Planning .................................................................................................... 5-75 5.12 Mineral Resources ........................................................................................................... 5-87 5.13 Noise................................................................................................................................ 5-89 5.14 Population and Housing ................................................................................................ 5-100 5.15 Public Services ............................................................................................................... 5-103 5.16 Recreation ..................................................................................................................... 5-109 5.17 Transportation .............................................................................................................. 5-111 5.18 Tribal Cultural Resources .............................................................................................. 5-116 5.19 Utilities and Service Systems ......................................................................................... 5-119 5.20 Wildfire .......................................................................................................................... 5-124 5.21 Mandatory Findings of Significance .............................................................................. 5-127 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) ii 6.0 LIST OF PREPARERS ........................................................................................... 6-1 7.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 7-1 FIGURES Figure 1: Project Location and Vicinity ............................................................................................... 2-9 Figure 2: Aerial Photograph of the Project Site and Surrounding Land Uses ................................... 2-11 Figure 3a: Site Photographs .............................................................................................................. 2-13 Figure 3b: Site Photographs .............................................................................................................. 2-15 Figure 3c: Site Photographs .............................................................................................................. 2-17 Figure 4: Conceptual Site Plan .......................................................................................................... 2-19 Figure 5: Conceptual Architectural Elevations .................................................................................. 2-21 Figure 6: Conceptual Landscape Plan ............................................................................................... 2-23 Figure 7: Proposed Tentative Parcel Map 20795 .............................................................................. 2-25 Figure 8: Noise Monitoring Locations ............................................................................................... 2-27 Figure 9: Operational Noise Levels ................................................................................................... 2-29 TABLES Table 2.3.A: Existing and Proposed Land Uses ................................................................................... 2-2 Table 5.3.A: SCAQMD Construction and Operation Thresholds of Significance (lbs/day) ................. 5-8 Table 5.3.B: SCAQMD Localized Significance Thresholds ................................................................... 5-9 Table 5.3.C: Short-Term Regional Construction Emissions ............................................................... 5-13 Table 5.3.D: Project Operational Emissions ...................................................................................... 5-16 Table 5.3.E: Project Localized Construction Emissions (in Pounds Per Day) .................................... 5-18 Table 5.3.F: Project Localized Operational Emissions (in Pounds Per Day) ...................................... 5-18 Table 5.3.G: Health Risks from Project Construction to Off-Site Receptors ..................................... 5-20 Table 5.3.H: Health Risks from Project Operation to Off-Site Receptors ......................................... 5-22 Table 5.6.A: Estimated Annual Energy Use of the Proposed Project ................................................ 5-38 Table 5.8.A: Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions ..................................................................... 5-51 Table 5.8.B: Long-Term Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions ..................................................... 5-51 Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) ........................................ 5-80 Table 5.13.A: Existing Noise Level Measurements ........................................................................... 5-91 Table 5.13.B: Daytime Exterior Noise Level ...................................................................................... 5-95 Table 5.13.C: Nighttime Exterior Noise Level ................................................................................... 5-95 Table 5.13.D: Vibration Source Amplitudes for Construction Equipment ........................................ 5-98 Table 5.17.A: Project Trip Generation ............................................................................................ 5-112 APPENDICES A: CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS ESTIMATOR MODEL B: HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT C: BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT AND ARBORIST REPORT D: CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT iii INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) E: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION F: PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT G-1: WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN G-2: HYDROLOGY REPORT H: NOISE MONITORING AND CONSTRUCTION CALCULATIONS I-1: TRIP GENERATION MEMORANDUM I-2: VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED MEMORANDUM J: MITIGATION MONOTIRING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) iv This page intentionally left blank v INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AAQS ambient air quality standards ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADT average daily traffic ALUCP Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan APN Assessor’s Parcel Number AQMP Air Quality Management Plan Bcf billion cubic feet BMP Best Management Practice CalEEMod California Emissions Estimator Model Caltrans California Department of Transportation CARB California Air Resources Board CBC California Building Code CCR California Code of Regulations CDFW California Department of Fish and Wildlife CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CIP Capital Improvement Program City City of Fontana CNEL Community Noise Equivalent Level CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent CWA Federal Clean Water Act dBA A-weighted decibels DCV Design Capture Volume DR Design Review DTSC California Department of Toxic Substances Control EIR Environmental Impact Report FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) vi EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ESA Environmental Site Assessment EV electric vehicle FMMP Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program FUSD Fontana Unified School District GHG greenhouse gas GPA General Plan Amendment HCP Habitat Conservation Plan HMBEP Hazardous Materials Business Emergency Plan HMMA Hazardous Materials Management Act HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning IEUA Inland Empire Utilities Agency IS Initial Study ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers kBTU thousand British thermal units Leq equivalent continuous sound level LID Low Impact Development Lmax maximum instantaneous noise level LOS level of service LRA Local Responsibility Area LST localized significance threshold mgd million gallons per day MMRP Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program MND Mitigated Negative Declaration mpg miles per gallon MRF Materials Recycling Facility MT metric ton vii INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) NCCP Natural Community Conservation Plan ND Negative Declaration NHTSA National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System OIA Ontario International Airport PCE passenger car equivalent PRC Public Resources Code REC Recognized Environmental Condition RTP Regional Transportation Plan RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SBCTA San Bernardino County Transportation Authority SCAG Southern California Association of Governments SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SCS Sustainable Communities Strategy SO2 sulfur dioxide STC Sound Transmission Class SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board TAC toxic air contaminants TPM Tentative Parcel Map USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USGS United States Geological Survey VHFHSZ Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone VMT vehicle miles traveled VOC volatile organic compounds WDR Waste Discharge Requirement WQMP Water Quality Management Plan FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) viii This page intentionally left blank 1-1 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF THE INITIAL STUDY 1.1 INTRODUCTION This Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) has been prepared to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project (project or proposed project) proposed by Chase Partners LTD (Project Applicant) in the City of Fontana, in southwestern San Bernardino County, California. The proposed project involves construction and operation of a 35,505 square foot, one-story warehouse building with office space and a mezzanine area, and associated parking, drive aisles, truck docks, and landscaping on approximately 1.61 gross acres (1.59 net acres). Chapter 1.0 of this Initial Study describes the purpose, environmental authorization, the intended uses of the Initial Study, documents incorporated by reference, and the processes and procedures governing the preparation of the environmental document. Pursuant to Section 15367 of the State of California Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA Guidelines), the City of Fontana (City) is the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City has primary responsibility for compliance with CEQA and consideration of the proposed project. The Initial Study is organized as follows: • Chapter 1.0, Introduction and Purpose of the Initial Study, discusses the Initial Study’s purpose, intended uses, and public review process. • Chapter 2.0, Project Description, provides a detailed description of the existing site conditions and proposed project, including requested approvals and entitlements. • Chapter 3.0, Initial Study Checklist, includes CEQA Appendix G, Environmental Checklist Form. • Chapter 4.0, Environmental Factors Potentially Affected, identifies the potential environmental factors that would be affected by the proposed project and determines that an Initial Study will be prepared pursuant to CEQA. • Chapter 5.0, CEQA Environmental Checklist, includes a checklist and accompanying analyses of the project’s potential environmental effects. The analysis identifies the proposed project’s environmental impact level for each environmental issue. • Chapter 6.0, List of Preparers, includes the list of preparers. • Chapter 7.0, References, details the references cited throughout the document. • Appendices include the technical materials prepared to support the analyses contained in the Initial Study. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 1-2 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE INITIAL STUDY CEQA requires that the proposed project be reviewed to determine the environmental effects that would result if the project were approved and implemented. The City, as the Lead Agency, has the responsibility for preparing and adopting the associated environmental document prior to consideration of the proposed project. The City has the authority to approve discretionary actions relating to implementation of the proposed project. This Initial Study has been prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of CEQA (California Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.); the CEQA Guidelines,1 and the rules, regulations, and procedures for implementing CEQA as adopted by the City. The objective of the Initial Study is to inform City decision-makers, representatives of other affected/responsible agencies, the public, and interested parties of the potential environmental consequences of the project. As established in CEQA Guidelines Section 15063(c), the purposes of an Initial Study are to: • Provide the Lead Agency (City of Fontana) with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Negative Declaration (ND), or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND); • Enable an applicant or Lead Agency to modify a project, thus mitigating significant impacts before an EIR is prepared, and thereby enabling the project to qualify for an ND or MND; • Assist in the preparation of an EIR, if one is required; • Facilitate environmental assessment early in the design of a project; • Provide a factual basis for finding in an ND or MND that a project will not have a significant effect on the environment; • Eliminate unnecessary EIRs; and • Determine whether a previously prepared EIR could be used to evaluate environmental impacts associated with the project. 1.3 INTENDED USE OF THIS INITIAL STUDY The City formally initiated the environmental review process for the proposed project with receipt of the project application and preparation of this Initial Study. The Initial Study screens out those impacts that would be less than significant and do not warrant mitigation, while identifying those issues that require mitigation to reduce impacts to less than significant levels. As identified in the following analyses, project impacts related to various environmental issues either do not occur, are less than significant (when measured against established significance thresholds), or have been rendered less 1 California Code of Regulations. Title 14, Chapter 3, Sections 15000 through 15387. 1-3 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) than significant through implementation of mitigation measures. Based on these analytical conclusions, this Initial Study supports adoption of an MND for the proposed project. CEQA2 permits the incorporation by reference of all or portions of other documents that are generally available to the public. The Initial Study has been prepared utilizing information from City planning and environmental documents, technical studies specifically prepared for the project, and other publicly available data. The documents utilized in the Initial Study are identified in Chapter 7.0 and are hereby incorporated by reference. These documents are available for review at the City of Fontana Community Development Department, Planning Division. 1.4 PUBLIC REVIEW OF THE INITIAL STUDY The Initial Study and a Notice of Intent (NOI) to adopt an MND will be distributed to responsible and trustee agencies, other affected agencies, and other parties for a 20-day public review period. Written comments regarding this Initial Study should be addressed to: Cecily Session-Goins, Associate Planner City of Fontana Planning Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 (909) 350-6723/csgoins@fontana.org Comments raised during the 20-day public review period will be considered and addressed prior to adoption of the MND by the City of Fontana City Council. 2 CEQA Guidelines Section 15150. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 1-4 This page intentionally left blank 2-1 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project includes the development of an approximately 35,505 square-foot warehouse building with office space and a mezzanine area, and associated parking, drive aisles, truck docks, and landscaping on approximately 1.61 gross acres (1.59 net acres) of undeveloped land in the City of Fontana (City). 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located along Juniper Avenue approximately 372 feet south of Santa Ana Avenue in the southern portion of the City of Fontana, in southwestern San Bernardino County, California (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APNs] 0255-101-24 and 0255-101-30). The project site is located in Section 30 of Township 1 South, Range 5 West of the San Bernardino Baseline and Meridian, as depicted on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute series Fontana, California quadrangle. Specifically, the center of the project site is at latitude 34°03'15.65" N and longitude -117°26’21.96" W, at an elevation of approximately 1,054 feet above mean sea level. Figure 1: Project Location and Vicinity depicts the location of the project site on a regional scale (all figures are located at the end of this chapter). 2.2 EXISTING SETTING The 1.61-acre project site is generally flat and is currently vacant and undeveloped. The site primarily consists of ruderal vegetation3 and contains two trees: one African sumac tree (Searsia lancea) and one Black Walnut tree (Juglans nigra). Three electric utility poles are located along the western frontage of the site. The northern and southern property lines are delineated with chain link fencing, while the eastern property line is delineated by a masonry wall. There is no existing sidewalk along the western frontage of the site (Juniper Avenue). The project site is bounded by large warehouses to the south, Juniper Avenue followed by the South Fontana Sports Park to the west, a United States Postal Service office to the north, and a commercial warehouse center (The Home Depot) to the east. Residential land uses exist farther north of the project site, across Santa Ana Avenue. Figure 2: Aerial Photograph of the Project Site and Surrounding Land Uses depicts the project site and surrounding land uses, and Figures 3a through 3c: Site Photographs include photographs of the project site and land uses adjacent to the site. Photograph locations are depicted on Figure 2. 2.3 EXISTING LAND USE Table 2.3.A summarizes the land uses, General Plan designations, and zoning designations of the project site and surrounding properties. 3 Ruderal vegetation consists of species (often invasive) that are first to colonize disturbed lands. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-2 Table 2.3.A: Existing and Proposed Land Uses Direction Existing Land Use Existing General Plan Designation Proposed General Plan Designation Existing Zoning Designation Proposed Zoning Designation Project Site Vacant, undeveloped land (R-PC) Residential Planned Community (3.0-6.4 du/ac) (I-G) General Industrial (0.1-0.6 FAR) (R-PC) Residential Planned Community (3.0- 6.4 du/ac) SWIPSP (Slover East Industrial District) North United States Postal Service office (P-PF) Public Facilities — (P-PF) Public Facilities — East Commercial warehouse center (WMXU-1) Walkable Mixed Use Corridor & Downtown (0.2-2 FAR, 3-39 du/ac) — (FBC) Form-Based Code (0.2-2 FAR, 2.1-39 du/ac) — South Industrial warehouse(s) (I-G) General Industrial (0.1-0.6 FAR) — (R-3) Multiple Family (12.1-24 du/ac) and (#5) SWIPSP — West Juniper Avenue, South Fontana Sports Park (R-PC) Residential Planned Community (3.0-6.4 du/ac) — (R-PC) Residential Planned Community (3.0-6.4 du/ac) — Sources: City of Fontana, State of California. General Plan Land Use Map. Adopted April 20, 2022. City of Fontana, State of California. Zoning District Map. Adopted April 20, 2022. City of Fontana, State of California. Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan. Adopted June 12, 2012. du/ac = dwelling units per acre FAR = Floor to area ratio SWIPSP = Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan The City’s General Plan indicates the R-PC land use and zoning category is intended to provide master- planned communities with specific plans that can serve a broader, regional population.4 The R-PC land use and zoning category does not identify warehouses as a permitted use; therefore, the proposed project would require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the project site from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to General Industrial (I- G) (0.1-0.6 FAR), rezone the property from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan (SWIPSP), and incorporate the property into the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP. 2.4 PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project includes the development of an approximately 35,505 square-foot warehouse building, including 1,350 square feet of office space and a 1,650 square-foot mezzanine; associated parking; drive aisles; two interior truck docks; one exterior dock-high door; landscaping throughout the project site; and improvements along the east side of Juniper Avenue. Figure 4: Conceptual Site Plan provides the conceptual site plan for the proposed project. 4 City of Fontana, State of California. General Plan Update 2015–2035. Chapter 15: Land Use, Zoning, and Urban Design Element. Page 15.25. Adopted November 13, 2018. 2-3 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2.4.1 Facility Design The proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would be a maximum height of 40 feet at its tallest parapet (see Figure 5: Conceptual Architectural Elevations). The proposed building would have a contemporary architectural design and consist of various exterior materials, including concrete, vision glass, aluminum storefront, and metal accent panels. Building design would use vertical and horizontal lines, color, and material changes in order to provide visual interest and vary the scale and massing of the proposed warehouse. The proposed 1,650 square-foot mezzanine would be delineated by 9-foot- high screen walls and steel gates. The project would include landscaped areas throughout the project site in accordance with Section 10.5 (Landscape Standards) of the SWIPSP.5 The tenant for the proposed warehouse facility is speculative at this time. The City’s Department of Engineering determined land use 150 “Warehousing” pursuant to the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual would most appropriately reflect the range of potential uses for a warehouse of this size for purposes of forecasted trip generation during project operations.6 Accordingly, based on the forecasted trip generation of the proposed warehouse, the project would generate approximately 18 employees once operational.7,8 Design elements of the proposed project include landscaped setbacks and street trees along the western, northern and the eastern (partial) site perimeter and throughout the parking area; an 8-foot- high tubular steel fence along the northern and eastern boundary of the site; and an electric fire pump proposed on-site south of the project driveway along Juniper Avenue. Light poles would be installed throughout the surface parking lot and along on-site pedestrian pathways. The warehouse building will have security lighting located on the building façades. All lighting on the project site would be subject to design review by the Development Advisory Board to ensure on-site lighting complies with local lighting standards, which require light shielding, functional and aesthetic design, and compatibility with surrounding uses. 2.4.2 Site Access Proposed vehicle and pedestrian access to the project site would be provided by one ingress/egress driveway off Juniper Avenue. The driveway would be 30-feet wide and would connect to an internal 30-foot-wide drive aisle that would lead into the internal parking area. As shown in Figure 4, the proposed driveway and drive aisle would also serve as the point of access for emergency vehicles.9 All trucks would enter the site from the south and exit the site to the south. Accordingly, the project 5 City of Fontana, State of California. Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan. Page 10-18. Adopted June 12, 2012. 6 Institute of Transportation Engineers. Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition), Volume 3, General Urban/Suburban and Rural (Land Uses 000-399). Pages 94-108. September 2021. 7 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing.” Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 8 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. 9 The entire fire access lane and proposed hammerhead turn-around area at the eastern end of the parking lot would be striped to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-4 driveway would be signed as a condition of approval to require right-in only and left-out only truck movements. The project would be subject to design review by the Development Advisory Board in accordance with Section 10.9 (Design Guidelines) of the SWIPSP, which would ensure that entrances and exits would be marked with appropriate directional signage, and all site access points, and driveway aprons would be constructed to adequate widths for public safety.10 2.4.3 Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Connectivity There are no public bus stops that provide immediate access to the project site. The closest public bus stop is located approximately 0.24-mile east of the site at the intersection of Sierra Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue, with bus service via Omnitrans Route 82. The Fontana Metrolink Station and Transit Center is located at 16777 Orange Way, approximately 2.8 miles north of the site. There are no existing bicycle facilities in the vicinity of the project site. The nearest bicycle facility (a Class III bike path) is located approximately 1.6 miles north of the project site along San Bernardino Avenue. The proposed project would provide 5 short-term bicycle parking spaces with locks and electric plug-ins for electric bike charging and 4 long-term, interior spaces, for a total of 9 bicycle parking spaces in accordance with Section 9-73(7) of Fontana’s Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code). Pedestrian access to the project site would be provided via curb and sidewalk along the Juniper Avenue frontage. 2.4.4 Landscaping The City requires at least 15 percent of the site (excluding building area) to be landscaped. The project includes approximately 10,518 square feet of landscaping, approximately 15.2 percent of the site. The proposed project would incorporate landscaping throughout the project site through a combination of accent plantings/groundcovers, shrubs/vines, and trees along the majority of the site perimeter and include additional trees and landscape strips throughout the parking areas adjacent to the proposed driveway. Proposed landscaping would be drought-tolerant and complement existing natural and manmade features, including the dominant landscaping of surrounding areas in accordance with Chapter 10.5 (Landscape Standards) of the SWIPSP’s Slover East Industrial District. Figure 6: Conceptual Landscape Plan provides the proposed project’s landscape design. 2.4.5 Drainage The project site is currently undeveloped and consists of entirely pervious surface area. Under existing conditions, stormwater generally infiltrates on site, and excess stormwater sheet flows from the east in a southwesterly direction into the existing Juniper Avenue gutter, where it enters the municipal storm drain system. The proposed project would develop the site with a 35,505 square-foot warehouse, associated parking, and other site improvements, increasing site imperviousness by 85 percent. The proposed project would direct all runoff from the site to Juniper Avenue, similar to existing conditions. The 10 City of Fontana, State of California. Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan. Page 10-67. Adopted June 12, 2012. 2-5 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) project site would consist of two Drainage Management Areas (DMA) to manage storm water runoff from the entire 1.59-acre site. DMA 1 would be approximately 0.1-acres and consist primarily of proposed landscaping. DMA 1 would utilize natural infiltration to self-treat stormwater flows. DMA 2 would be approximately 1.49 acres and would direct stormwater flows to a proposed underground infiltration chamber system. The underground infiltration chamber system would retain storm water in accordance with Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino, and the Incorporated Cities of San Bernardino County Within the Santa Ana Region Area-Wide Urban Storm Water Runoff Management Program (San Bernardino County MS4 permit). (Order Number R8-2010-0036, NPDES No. CAS618036 (San Bernardino MS4 Permit). Stormwater overflows will overtop a manhole weir and be directed to a pump system which would discharge flows at the existing storm drain lateral in Juniper Avenue. 2.4.6 Parking Proposed parking at the project site would comply with the City’s minimum parking requirements as codified in Section 10.6(C) (Required Number of Parking Spaces) of the SWIPSP.11 The project site would include a total of 43 passenger vehicle parking stalls, including three dedicated electric vehicle charging stations and five parking spaces which would be wired for future charging capabilities. Consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and CALGreen parking standards, one ADA space would be provided. The project site would also include two semi-truck parking spaces located adjacent to the interior truck docks. As previously discussed, the proposed project would also include 9 bicycle parking spaces. 2.4.7 Infrastructure and Off-Site Improvements The project would result in the installation of asphalt concrete, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, and streetlights and trees along the site frontage on Juniper Avenue to the west (refer to Figure 4). The project would include widening Juniper Avenue along the site frontage to achieve 22 feet of width from centerline to curb face, a 5 foot wide sidewalk, and the dedication of 4 feet of right of way along the western site boundary in order to provide 11 feet of landscaped parkway and sidewalk along Juniper Avenue to achieve 34 feet of ultimate half-width pursuant to the City’s General Plan Circulation Element standard for a Collector Street. The three existing power poles along the frontage of the project site would be undergrounded. Additionally, the proposed project would interconnect to existing sewer, water, electric, and telecommunications utilities within the Juniper Avenue right- of-way. The project does not include natural gas. 2.4.8 Construction Consistent with Fontana Industrial Commerce Sustainability Standards, the project is expected to utilize Tier 4 equipment. Construction would include grubbing the site of existing vegetation, rough grading, paving, and construction of the proposed warehouse building and mezzanine area, parking areas, and drive aisles, and the installation of lighting, fencing, and landscaping. The proposed project also includes trenching from the project site through segments of right-of-way within Juniper Avenue 11 City of Fontana. Zoning and Development Code. Table No. 30-685.A. Website: https://library.municode.com/ca/fontana/codes/zoning_and_development_code?nodeId=CH30ZODECO_ARTXITEPAL ORE_DIV2NUPASPRE_S30-685SPUS (accessed December 21, 2022). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-6 to facilitate utility interconnections. During grading activities, on-site soils would be excavated and recompacted in accordance with the California Building Code (CBC) to accommodate the proposed building, parking areas, and drive aisle. Anticipated construction equipment to be used includes rubber-tired dozers, tractors/loaders/backhoes, excavators, graders, scrapers, cranes, forklifts, generators, welders, air compressors, and paving equipment. Construction parking and staging would occur on the project site. However, temporary lane closures and/or detours could be necessary along Juniper Avenue during project construction. Construction hours would conform to City standards and be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. According to the project conceptual grading plans, grading of the site would include 1,200 cubic yards of cut, 1,200 cubic yards of fill, and zero soil import or export. Construction of the project is anticipated to commence in mid-2024 and be completed in mid-2025, resulting in a total construction duration of approximately 10 months. 2.5 METHODOLOGY The analysis in this IS/MND provides an environmental review of the project pursuant to CEQA. The details of this proposed project, off-site improvements, and associated actions have been characterized in this section and are also addressed in detail throughout Chapter 5.0 of this IS/MND. 2.6 PROJECT APPROVALS The City of Fontana is the Lead Agency as set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 21067 and is expected to use this IS/MND in consideration of the proposed Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project and associated actions. These actions may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Master Case Number (MCN) 23-013; • General Plan Amendment Number 23-001; • Zoning Code Amendment Number 23-002; • Specific Plan Amendment Number 23-001; • Tentative Parcel Map Number 23-003; • Administrative Site Plan Number 23-006; • Development Agreement Number 23-001; and • Grading Permit. Figure 7: Proposed Tentative Parcel Map 20795, details the project site with proposed street dedication and access to Juniper Avenue. The project may require approvals from other regulatory agencies and are listed as follows: 2-7 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) • State Water Resources Control Board: Applicant must submit a Notice of Intent to comply with the Construction General Permit;12 • Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board: Applicant must submit a Final Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP); and • Utility Providers: Applicant must obtain connection permits. 12 Construction General Permit requirements are transferred to local agencies by way of the NPDES program. Since the City of Fontana (lead agency) complies with the NPDES program guidelines, the State Water Resources Control Board is not a responsible agency or trustee agency with jurisdiction over the proposed project. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-8 This page intentionally left blank Service Layer Credits: Copyright:(c) 2014 EsriCopyright:© 2013 National Geographic SOURCE: USGS 7.5' Quad - Fontana (1980), CA J:\20231437\GIS\MXD\ProjectLocation_USGS.mxd (6/16/2023) FIGURE 1LEGEND Project Location Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project Project Location and Vicinity San BernardinoCounty RiversideCounty ÃÃ330 ÃÃ38 ÃÃ173 ÃÃ18 ÃÃ71 ÃÃ210 ÃÃ60 ÃÃ91 Project Location §¨¦15 §¨¦215 §¨¦10 Project Vicinity 0 1000 2000 Feet FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-10 This page intentionally left blank ! Å!Å !Å !Å !Å !Å Be n n e t t D r S a n t a A n a A v e J u n i p e r A v e 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fontana Sports Park Industrial Warehouse Industrial Warehouse Commercial Warehouse Center United States Postal Service Office Residential Residential SOURCE: Nearmap Aerial Imagery (May 17, 2023) J:\20231437\GIS\Pro\Fontana Business Center 3 Project\Fontana Business Center 3 Project.aprx (12/15/2023) FIGURE 2 Fontana Business Center 3 Project Aerial Photograph of the Project Site and Surrounding Land Uses 0 70 140 FEET Project Location !Å Photograph Locations Note - Refer to Figure 3 for Site Photographs FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-12 This page intentionally left blank I:\20231437\G\PhotoPages.cdr (12/18/2023) Site Photographs Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project Photo 001: Project Site Overview_Facing Southeast. Photo 002: Project Site Frontage along Juniper Avenue_Facing South. FIGURE 3a FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-14 This page intentionally left blank I:\20231437\G\PhotoPages.cdr (12/18/2023) Site Photographs Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project Photo 003: Northern Project Site Boundary_Facing East. Photo 004: Northern Project Site Boundary_Facing West. FIGURE 3b FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-16 This page intentionally left blank I:\20231437\G\PhotoPages.cdr (12/18/2023) Site Photographs Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project Photo 005: Eastern Project Site Boundary_Facing South. Photo 006: Project Site Frontage along Juniper Avenue across from Fontana Sports Park_Facing North. FIGURE 3c FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-18 This page intentionally left blank D D D CB D FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3FONTANA, CA BUILDING AREA/PARKING REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED BICYCLE PARKING TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT 33,855 SF CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC. d e v e l o p e r p r o j e c t s h e e t 1 2 3 4 5 ARCHITECTS INC. CARTER GROUP EACTRNITRCADESLAIFOCCISLTATENEHIFO 9 4 9 4 9 8 3 5 3 5 2 2 2 W. A v e n i d a c a r t e r @ C A 9 2 6 7 2 S a n C l e m e n t e S a n A n t o n i o c a r t e r g r o u p . n e t T E L E M A I L CHASE PARTNERS LTD 6444 San Fernando Road #3944 Glendale, CA 91221 310 689 7600 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 Juniper Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 MCN23-000013PAM22-000153 A1.1 PreliminarySite Plan ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERAPN 0255-101-24-0-000 & 0255-101-30-0-000Job AddressJuniper Avenue Legal Description PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SANBERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 47PAGE 18 AND 19, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTYRECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. VICINITY MAP N.T.S. Scope of Work NEW 42,100 SF INDUSTRIAL BUILDING WITH A FOOTPRINT OF 40,400 SF, 1,400SF 1ST FLOOR OFFICE, 1,700 SF MEZZANINE OFFICE, 39,000 SF WAREHOUSE,4 TRUCK DOCK LOADING AREA, TRUCK YARD WITH CONCRETE SCREENWALLS & SLIDING GATE, TOTAL PARKING OF 52 SPACES PLUS 2 LOADINGSPACES, 2 ON-GRADE OHD, COVERED BREAK AREA, TRASH ENCLOSURE,LANDSCAPED YARD, & SITE LIGHTING, ON 2.30 ACRE SITE. ApplicantCHASE PARTNERS6444 San Fernando Road, #3944Glendale, CA 91221Attn: David Parker310.689-7600 | chasepartners@yahoo.com Code Analysis Area Justification Project Information 2022 - CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Current Codes Site Plan Legend Architect of RecordCARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS, INC. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORREVIEWING AND COORDINATING ALL SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTSPREPARED BY OTHERS, INCLUDING DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS,FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. Civil Notes 1.ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN OUTSIDE THEPROPERTY LINES OF THIS PROPERTY ARE EXISTINGWITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE NEW DRIVEWAYAPPROACH. N Site Plan Notes 1 NEW TYPICAL PARKING STALLS WITH 3" WIDE DOUBLE STALLSTRIPING PER ACCESS MANAGEMENT STD. 1018.NEW TWO STANDARD AND ONE VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE. SEE DETAIL.NEW ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN AT DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE.SEE DETAIL.NEW EV CAPABLE (EVC) PARKING SPACES WIRED FORFUTURE ELECTRIC CHARGING CGC SECT EVCS (EV CHARGING STATION) PARKING SPACES WITHINSTALLED ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CGC SECT5. STANDARD OR VAN ADA ACCESSIBLE EVCS PARKING SPACEWITH INSTALLED ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CBCTABLE 11B- VEHICLE CHARGING STATION LOCATION SIGN PERCALTRANS TRAFFIC OPERATIONS POLICY DIRECTIVE 13-01 2020AND ADA CLEAR ACCESS SPACE IF LOCATED ON ACCESSIBLEPATH.NEW TRUCK EXIT DIRECTION SIGN STATING "ALL TRUCK TRAFFICEXIT LEFT ONLY"NEW ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL TO BUILDING ACCESS POINTSAS SHOWN.NEW 12" WIDE CONCRETE PAVER STRIP IN PLANTERS NEXT TOPARKING SPACES.NEW 40' WIDE CONCRETE DRIVE APPROACH PER AGENCYSTANDARDS WITH A 48" WIDE MINIMUM CLEAR PATH OF TRAVELACROSS DRIVEWAY.NEW DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY AT NEW CONCRETE DRIVE PERCITY REQUIREMENTS.NEW CONCRETE PAVING OVER BASE PER CIVIL PLANS. NEW SALT FINISH CONCRETE ACCENT WITH SAW CUT GRID @ 24"O.C. COLOR TO MATCH BUILDING.NEW 5' CONCRETE PUBLIC SIDEWALK PER CITY STANDARD 1006.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 8" CONCRETE CURB.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING CONCRETE CURB.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW LANDSCAPE AREA.SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.EXISTING CURB ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL.EXISTING 8' HIGH CMU SCREEN WALL ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL.NEW 14' HIGH CONCRETE TILT-UP SCREEN WALLS TRUCK YARDENCLOSURE. SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS.NEW 8'H X 28'W POWERED 2-SECTION SLIDING STEEL GATE W/PROTECTIVE GUARD POSTS ON ONE SIDE & MESH SCREENING ALLPAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING. GATE CONSTRUCTION TO MEETCITY FIRE STANDARDS. PROVIDE KNOX OVERRIDE SWITCH.EXISTING FENCE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING TEMP. FENCE ON PL TO BE REMOVED.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 8' HIGH TUBULAR STEEL FENCE WITH PERFORATED METALSCREENING TO MEET CITY REQUIREMENTS. NO FOOTINGS ATSEWER EASEMENT.NEW 8' HIGH TUBULAR STEEL FENCE WITH MAN GATE AS SHOWN.SEE DETAILS.PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LOCATION WITH PROTECTIVEBOLLARDS AND LANDSCAPE SCREENING AS REQUIRED.NEW ELECTRICAL, PHONE & ALARM ROOM LOCATION.SEE ELECTRICAL PLANSNEW 60"X60" MIN. REQUIRED LEVEL LANDING AT ALL EXTERIORDOORS TO MEET TITLE 24 REQUIREMENTS.NEW TRASH/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE WITH TILT-UP WALLS PAINTEDTO MATCH BUILDING WITH TRELLIS COVER AND ACCESSIBLE PATHOF TRAVEL. SEE DETAIL.NEW EMPLOYEE BREAK AREA WITH 2 TABLES & 12 CHAIRS WITHOVERHEAD SHADE STRUCTURE & TRASH RECEPTACLE. ALLOUTDOOR FURNITURE IN THE BREAK AREA SHALL BE PERMANENT,UNIFORM AND OF DURABLE MATERIALS. SEE DETAIL.NEW HUNTCO RAMBLER-5-FLG BICYCLE RACK WITH GALVANIZEDFINISH. SEE SITE DETAILS.EXISTING STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 4' DEDICATED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.PROPERTY LINE.SEE CIVIL PLANS.PROPERTY LINE SETBACK.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING POLE TO BE REMOVED.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING STREET LIGHTSEE CIVIL PLANS.DEMOLISH & REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN AND LATERAL.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW CURB OPENING, CATCH BASIN & LATERIAL.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING STORM DRAIN & MANHOLE.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW STORMWATER BIOFILTRATION SYSTEM.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NOT USED. NEW ROOF DOWNSPOUT AND OVERFLOW DRAIN.SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS.NEW FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONSEE FIRE PLANS.NEW FIRE WATER UG LINE.SEE FIRE PLANS.NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WITH DETECTOR CHECKASSEMBLY. SEE FIRE PLANS & LANDSCAPE PLANS FORSCREENING.NEW FIRE SPRINKLER RISER WITH PROTECTIVE BOLLARDS INCONFORMANCE WITH CFC SEC. 312. SEE FIRE PLANS.NEW KNOX KEY SWITCH LOCATION PER FIRE DEPARTMENTREQUIREMENTS.ROOF LADDER/HATCH ACCESS LOCATION.SEE ROOF PLAN.NEW WATER METER LOCATION.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW SEWER LATERAL TO BUILDING.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW SITE PARKING LOT POLE LIGHT.SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS.NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE.SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS.NEW LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION METER.SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.NEW IRRIGATION CONTROLLERSEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.NEW BUILDING ADDRESS LOCATIONSEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS.EXISTING STRUCTURE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL PLANS. 2a 7b 8b 9a 10a 11 12a 13a 14a 15 16 17 18 19a 3a 3b 10b 9b 8a 3c 4 5 6 7a 14b 20 21 22 23a 24a 25a 25b 25c 2b 26a 26b 26c 26d 26e 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A1.210-S2 A1.2 A1.212 7 A1.27 13b 12b 23b Preliminary Site Plan SCALE 1"=30' 10'0 50'30' Scheme 1.5.18/31/23 N 13c 35 Site 12c WAREHOUSE/OFFICE INTERIOR DOCK LANDSCAPE FIRE TRUCK PATH D D U PP U D SS PP PP D D CB D E DI SS ESTABLISHED BYPRORATION, PER MB 11/12 SOUTH LINE, INST 2005-0414870,OR, ESTABLISHED PER SAID DEED WEST LINE, PMB 217/44,ESTABLISHED PER MAP RO A D I S U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N RO A D I S U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION VACANT LAND, NO BUILDINGS J U N I P E R A V E N U E (R I G H T - O F - W A Y W I D T H V A R I E S ) POLE0.4' OUT POLE1.5' OUT POLE2.3' OUT TEMP FENCEMEANDERS ALONG PL WALL1.0' OUT WALL1.0' OUT CURB1.5' OUT FE N C E 1. 1 ' O U T CU R B 3. 4 ' O U T CU R B 3.2 ' O U T FE N C E 1.0 ' O U T AC C E S S PORTION LOT 761MB 11/12 APN: 0255-101-25OWNER: UNITED STATESPOSTAL SERVICE APN: 0255-101-29OWNER: HOME DEPOTUSA INC APN: 0255-101-33OWNER: UNKNOWN 17 " W A T E R 8" W A T E R 17 " W A T E R 8" W A T E R 8" S S 8" S S EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWERRECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 2006 ASINSTRUMENT NO 2006-0805919, OR. 8" S E W E R 8" S E W E R TWH OFFICE1st Flr 1,350 SFMezz 1,650 SF BLDG.33,855 SF Footprint35,505 SF Total WAREHOUSE30,585 SF 11 NOPARKINGNOPARKING VAN INTERIORDOCK1,920 SF HC SSS 12 ' X 7 0 ' TR A I L E R P A R K I N G 12 ' X 7 0 ' TR A I L E R P A R K I N G FIRETRUCKHAMMERHEAD HC EVCSEVCHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EVCS EVCSEVCHARGINGONLY BREAKAREA 26'X16'OHD 14'X16'OHD FIRE LANE 14 8 2 2 N 89° 29' 24" E 294.00' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 8 2 ' N 89° 30' 24" E 294.00' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 9 1 ' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 9 1 ' N 89° 29' 24" E 290.00' N 89° 30' 24" E 290.00' 3d EVCEVCLEAN AIR ONLY 2a 2a 3c 3c 3b 3d 3a EVC EVCLEAN AIRONLY EVC EVC 3a 3a 3a EVCLEAN AIRONLY EVCLEAN AIRONLY EVC 3a EVCLEAN AIRONLY 29 28 10a 11 1 1 1 1 1 2b 5 6 6 7a 7b 8b 8a 8a9a 9a 10a 23a 10a 24b 13a 13d 13c 12a12a 12b 12b 13b 13b 14a 14b ELEC./PHONE 15 17 18 19a 19b 19b 20 20 20 2121 22 10b 25a 25c25c 26b 26c 26d 26e 27 26e 34 3d EX I S T I N G R / W NE W 4 ' D E D I C A T E D R / W 21 Trash/Recycle Enclosure Roof Elevation 13 13 4 2 1 14 3 4 6 11 8 10 9 7 Plan TRASH/RECYCLE 5 Notes 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 12 2 14 1 Employee Break Area 1 Notes 2 3 4 Elevation Plan 3 4 5 3 5 4 2 1 5 16 12 A1.11 A1.12 9b 19b 12c 13d 13d Sheet Index CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE23b 22 1.FULL OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE REQUIRED2.UNDERGROUND ALL EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITYSERVICE LINES3.SEWER AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION ON SITE ORON JUNIPER AVE4.STORM DRAIN IS AVAILABLE ON JUNIPER AVE FORSTORM WATER MITIGATION NOTES DA 21.49 AC. DA 10.10 AC. 13e 13e 13e Gate 28 ' G A T E 2-S E C T I O N SL I D I N G 24a 24b 24b 8" S E W E R 42 " R C P S T O R M D R A I N 2" G A S 36" RCP STORM DRAIN 8" V.C.P SEWER 4 ℄ 13d D D D CB D FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3FONTANA, CA BUILDING AREA/PARKING REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED BICYCLE PARKING TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT 33,855 SF CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC. d e v e l o p e r p r o j e c t s h e e t 1 2 3 4 5 ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP EACTRNITRCADESLAIFOCCISLTATENEHIFO 9 4 9 4 9 8 3 5 3 5 2 2 2 W. A v e n i d a c a r t e r @ C A 9 2 6 7 2 S a n C l e m e n t e S a n A n t o n i o c a r t e r g r o u p . n e t T E L E M A I L CHASEPARTNERSLTD 6444 San Fernando Road#3944 Glendale, CA 91221 310 689 7600 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 Juniper AvenueFontana, CA 92336 MCN23-000013PAM22-000153 A1.1 PreliminarySite Plan ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERAPN 0255-101-24-0-000 & 0255-101-30-0-000Job AddressJuniper Avenue Legal Description PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SANBERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 47PAGE 18 AND 19, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTYRECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. VICINITY MAPN.T.S. Scope of Work NEW 42,100 SF INDUSTRIAL BUILDING WITH A FOOTPRINT OF 40,400 SF, 1,400SF 1ST FLOOR OFFICE, 1,700 SF MEZZANINE OFFICE, 39,000 SF WAREHOUSE,4 TRUCK DOCK LOADING AREA, TRUCK YARD WITH CONCRETE SCREENWALLS & SLIDING GATE, TOTAL PARKING OF 52 SPACES PLUS 2 LOADINGSPACES, 2 ON-GRADE OHD, COVERED BREAK AREA, TRASH ENCLOSURE,LANDSCAPED YARD, & SITE LIGHTING, ON 2.30 ACRE SITE. ApplicantCHASE PARTNERS6444 San Fernando Road, #3944Glendale, CA 91221Attn: David Parker310.689-7600 | chasepartners@yahoo.com Code Analysis Area Justification Project Information 2022 - CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Current Codes Site Plan Legend Architect of RecordCARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS, INC. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORREVIEWING AND COORDINATING ALL SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTSPREPARED BY OTHERS, INCLUDING DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS,FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. Civil Notes 1.ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN OUTSIDE THEPROPERTY LINES OF THIS PROPERTY ARE EXISTINGWITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE NEW DRIVEWAYAPPROACH. N Site Plan Notes 1 NEW TYPICAL PARKING STALLS WITH 3" WIDE DOUBLE STALLSTRIPING PER ACCESS MANAGEMENT STD. 1018.NEW TWO STANDARD AND ONE VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE. SEE DETAIL.NEW ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN AT DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE.SEE DETAIL.NEW EV CAPABLE (EVC) PARKING SPACES WIRED FORFUTURE ELECTRIC CHARGING CGC SECT EVCS (EV CHARGING STATION) PARKING SPACES WITHINSTALLED ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CGC SECT5. STANDARD OR VAN ADA ACCESSIBLE EVCS PARKING SPACEWITH INSTALLED ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CBCTABLE 11B- VEHICLE CHARGING STATION LOCATION SIGN PERCALTRANS TRAFFIC OPERATIONS POLICY DIRECTIVE 13-01 2020AND ADA CLEAR ACCESS SPACE IF LOCATED ON ACCESSIBLEPATH.NEW TRUCK EXIT DIRECTION SIGN STATING "ALL TRUCK TRAFFICEXIT LEFT ONLY"NEW ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL TO BUILDING ACCESS POINTSAS SHOWN.NEW 12" WIDE CONCRETE PAVER STRIP IN PLANTERS NEXT TOPARKING SPACES.NEW 40' WIDE CONCRETE DRIVE APPROACH PER AGENCYSTANDARDS WITH A 48" WIDE MINIMUM CLEAR PATH OF TRAVELACROSS DRIVEWAY.NEW DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY AT NEW CONCRETE DRIVE PERCITY REQUIREMENTS.NEW CONCRETE PAVING OVER BASE PER CIVIL PLANS. NEW SALT FINISH CONCRETE ACCENT WITH SAW CUT GRID @ 24"O.C. COLOR TO MATCH BUILDING.NEW 5' CONCRETE PUBLIC SIDEWALK PER CITY STANDARD 1006.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 8" CONCRETE CURB.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING CONCRETE CURB.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW LANDSCAPE AREA.SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.EXISTING CURB ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL.EXISTING 8' HIGH CMU SCREEN WALL ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL.NEW 14' HIGH CONCRETE TILT-UP SCREEN WALLS TRUCK YARDENCLOSURE. SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS.NEW 8'H X 28'W POWERED 2-SECTION SLIDING STEEL GATE W/PROTECTIVE GUARD POSTS ON ONE SIDE & MESH SCREENING ALLPAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING. GATE CONSTRUCTION TO MEETCITY FIRE STANDARDS. PROVIDE KNOX OVERRIDE SWITCH.EXISTING FENCE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING TEMP. FENCE ON PL TO BE REMOVED.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 8' HIGH TUBULAR STEEL FENCE WITH PERFORATED METALSCREENING TO MEET CITY REQUIREMENTS. NO FOOTINGS ATSEWER EASEMENT.NEW 8' HIGH TUBULAR STEEL FENCE WITH MAN GATE AS SHOWN.SEE DETAILS.PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LOCATION WITH PROTECTIVEBOLLARDS AND LANDSCAPE SCREENING AS REQUIRED.NEW ELECTRICAL, PHONE & ALARM ROOM LOCATION.SEE ELECTRICAL PLANSNEW 60"X60" MIN. REQUIRED LEVEL LANDING AT ALL EXTERIORDOORS TO MEET TITLE 24 REQUIREMENTS.NEW TRASH/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE WITH TILT-UP WALLS PAINTEDTO MATCH BUILDING WITH TRELLIS COVER AND ACCESSIBLE PATHOF TRAVEL. SEE DETAIL.NEW EMPLOYEE BREAK AREA WITH 2 TABLES & 12 CHAIRS WITHOVERHEAD SHADE STRUCTURE & TRASH RECEPTACLE. ALLOUTDOOR FURNITURE IN THE BREAK AREA SHALL BE PERMANENT,UNIFORM AND OF DURABLE MATERIALS. SEE DETAIL.NEW HUNTCO RAMBLER-5-FLG BICYCLE RACK WITH GALVANIZEDFINISH. SEE SITE DETAILS.EXISTING STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 4' DEDICATED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.PROPERTY LINE.SEE CIVIL PLANS.PROPERTY LINE SETBACK.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING POLE TO BE REMOVED.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING STREET LIGHTSEE CIVIL PLANS.DEMOLISH & REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN AND LATERAL.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW CURB OPENING, CATCH BASIN & LATERIAL.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING STORM DRAIN & MANHOLE.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW STORMWATER BIOFILTRATION SYSTEM.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NOT USED. NEW ROOF DOWNSPOUT AND OVERFLOW DRAIN.SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS.NEW FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONSEE FIRE PLANS.NEW FIRE WATER UG LINE.SEE FIRE PLANS.NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WITH DETECTOR CHECKASSEMBLY. SEE FIRE PLANS & LANDSCAPE PLANS FORSCREENING.NEW FIRE SPRINKLER RISER WITH PROTECTIVE BOLLARDS INCONFORMANCE WITH CFC SEC. 312. SEE FIRE PLANS.NEW KNOX KEY SWITCH LOCATION PER FIRE DEPARTMENTREQUIREMENTS.ROOF LADDER/HATCH ACCESS LOCATION.SEE ROOF PLAN.NEW WATER METER LOCATION.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW SEWER LATERAL TO BUILDING.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW SITE PARKING LOT POLE LIGHT.SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS.NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE.SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS.NEW LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION METER.SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.NEW IRRIGATION CONTROLLERSEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.NEW BUILDING ADDRESS LOCATIONSEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS.EXISTING STRUCTURE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL PLANS. 2a 7b 8b 9a 10a 11 12a 13a 14a 15 16 17 18 19a 3a 3b 10b 9b 8a 3c 4 5 6 7a 14b 20 21 22 23a 24a 25a 25b 25c 2b 26a 26b 26c 26d 26e 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A1.210-S2 A1.2A1.212 7 A1.27 13b 12b 23b Preliminary Site Plan SCALE 1"=30' 10'0 50'30' Scheme 1.5.18/31/23 N 13c 35 Site 12c WAREHOUSE/OFFICE INTERIOR DOCK LANDSCAPE FIRE TRUCK PATH D D U PP U D SS PP PP D D CB D E DI SS ESTABLISHED BYPRORATION, PER MB 11/12 SOUTH LINE, INST 2005-0414870,OR, ESTABLISHED PER SAID DEED WEST LINE, PMB 217/44,ESTABLISHED PER MAP RO A D I S U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N RO A D I S U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION VACANT LAND, NO BUILDINGS J U N I P E R A V E N U E (RI G H T - O F - W A Y W I D T H V A R I E S ) POLE0.4' OUT POLE1.5' OUT POLE2.3' OUT TEMP FENCEMEANDERS ALONG PL WALL1.0' OUT WALL1.0' OUT CURB1.5' OUT FEN C E 1.1' O U T CUR B 3.4 ' O U T CU R B 3.2' O U T FEN C E 1.0 ' O U T AC C E S S PORTION LOT 761MB 11/12 APN: 0255-101-25OWNER: UNITED STATESPOSTAL SERVICE APN: 0255-101-29OWNER: HOME DEPOTUSA INC APN: 0255-101-33OWNER: UNKNOWN 17 " W A T E R 8" W A T E R 17" W A T E R 8" W A T E R 8" S S 8" S S EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWERRECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 2006 ASINSTRUMENT NO 2006-0805919, OR. 8" S E W E R 8" S E W E R TWH OFFICE1st Flr 1,350 SFMezz 1,650 SF BLDG.33,855 SF Footprint35,505 SF Total WAREHOUSE30,585 SF 11 NOPARKINGNOPARKINGVAN INTERIORDOCK1,920 SF HC SSS 12' X 7 0 ' TR A I L E R P A R K I N G 12' X 7 0 ' TR A I L E R P A R K I N G FIRETRUCKHAMMERHEAD HC EVCSEVCHARGINGONLY EVCHARGINGONLY EVCS EVCSEVCHARGINGONLY BREAKAREA 26'X16'OHD 14'X16'OHD FIRE LANE 148 2 2 N 89° 29' 24" E294.00' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 8 2 ' N 89° 30' 24" E 294.00' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 9 1 ' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 9 1 ' N 89° 29' 24" E290.00' N 89° 30' 24" E 290.00' 3d EVCEVCLEAN AIRONLY 2a 2a 3c 3c 3b3d 3a EVCEVCLEAN AIRONLY EVC EVC 3a 3a 3a EVCLEAN AIRONLY EVCLEAN AIRONLY EVC 3a EVCLEAN AIRONLY 29 28 10a 11 1 1 1 1 1 2b 5 6 6 7a 7b 8b 8a 8a9a 9a 10a 23a 10a 24b 13a 13d 13c 12a12a 12b 12b 13b 13b 14a 14b ELEC./PHONE 15 17 18 19a 19b 19b 20 20 20 2121 22 10b 25a 25c25c 26b 26c 26d 26e 27 26e 34 3d EXI S T I N G R / W NEW 4 ' D E D I C A T E D R / W 21 Trash/Recycle Enclosure Roof Elevation 13 13 4 2 1 14 3 4 6 11 8 10 9 7 Plan TRASH/RECYCLE 5 Notes 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 12 2 14 1 Employee Break Area 1 Notes 2 3 4 Elevation Plan 3 4 5 3 5 4 2 1 5 16 12 A1.11 A1.12 9b 19b 12c 13d 13d Sheet IndexCIVIL ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE23b 22 1.FULL OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE REQUIRED2.UNDERGROUND ALL EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITYSERVICE LINES3.SEWER AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION ON SITE ORON JUNIPER AVE4.STORM DRAIN IS AVAILABLE ON JUNIPER AVE FORSTORM WATER MITIGATION NOTES DA 21.49 AC. DA 10.10 AC. 13e 13e 13eGate 28' G A T E 2-S E C T I O N SLID I N G 24a 24b 24b 8" S E W E R 42 " R C P S T O R M D R A I N 2" G A S 36" RCP STORM DRAIN 8" V.C.P SEWER 4 ℄ 13d 100500 D D D CB D FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 FONTANA, CA BUILDING AREA/PARKING REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED BICYCLE PARKING TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT 33,855 SF CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS INC. d e v e l o p e r p r o j e c t s h e e t 1 2 3 4 5 ARCHITECTS INC.CARTER GROUP E A CT RNI T RCADES LAIFOC CI S L TAT E NE HI FO 9 4 9 4 9 8 3 5 3 5 2 2 2 W. A v e n i d a c a r t e r @ C A 9 2 6 7 2 S a n C l e m e n t e S a n A n t o n i o c a r t e r g r o u p . n e t T E L E M A I L CHASEPARTNERS LTD 6444 San Fernando Road#3944Glendale, CA91221310 689 7600 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 Juniper AvenueFontana, CA 92336 MCN23-000013PAM22-000153 A1.1 PreliminarySite Plan ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERAPN 0255-101-24-0-000 & 0255-101-30-0-000 Job AddressJuniper Avenue Legal Description PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SANBERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 47PAGE 18 AND 19, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTYRECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. VICINITY MAPN.T.S. Scope of Work NEW 42,100 SF INDUSTRIAL BUILDING WITH A FOOTPRINT OF 40,400 SF, 1,400SF 1ST FLOOR OFFICE, 1,700 SF MEZZANINE OFFICE, 39,000 SF WAREHOUSE,4 TRUCK DOCK LOADING AREA, TRUCK YARD WITH CONCRETE SCREENWALLS & SLIDING GATE, TOTAL PARKING OF 52 SPACES PLUS 2 LOADINGSPACES, 2 ON-GRADE OHD, COVERED BREAK AREA, TRASH ENCLOSURE,LANDSCAPED YARD, & SITE LIGHTING, ON 2.30 ACRE SITE. Applicant CHASE PARTNERS6444 San Fernando Road, #3944Glendale, CA 91221Attn: David Parker310.689-7600 | chasepartners@yahoo.com Code Analysis Area Justification Project Information 2022 - CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE2022 - CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Current Codes Site Plan Legend Architect of RecordCARTER GROUP ARCHITECTS, INC. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORREVIEWING AND COORDINATING ALL SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTSPREPARED BY OTHERS, INCLUDING DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS,FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. Civil Notes 1.ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN OUTSIDE THEPROPERTY LINES OF THIS PROPERTY ARE EXISTINGWITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE NEW DRIVEWAYAPPROACH. N Site Plan Notes 1 NEW TYPICAL PARKING STALLS WITH 3" WIDE DOUBLE STALLSTRIPING PER ACCESS MANAGEMENT STD. 1018.NEW TWO STANDARD AND ONE VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE. SEE DETAIL.NEW ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN AT DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE.SEE DETAIL.NEW EV CAPABLE (EVC) PARKING SPACES WIRED FORFUTURE ELECTRIC CHARGING CGC SECT EVCS (EV CHARGING STATION) PARKING SPACES WITHINSTALLED ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CGC SECT5. STANDARD OR VAN ADA ACCESSIBLE EVCS PARKING SPACEWITH INSTALLED ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CBCTABLE 11B- VEHICLE CHARGING STATION LOCATION SIGN PERCALTRANS TRAFFIC OPERATIONS POLICY DIRECTIVE 13-01 2020AND ADA CLEAR ACCESS SPACE IF LOCATED ON ACCESSIBLEPATH.NEW TRUCK EXIT DIRECTION SIGN STATING "ALL TRUCK TRAFFICEXIT LEFT ONLY"NEW ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL TO BUILDING ACCESS POINTSAS SHOWN.NEW 12" WIDE CONCRETE PAVER STRIP IN PLANTERS NEXT TOPARKING SPACES.NEW 40' WIDE CONCRETE DRIVE APPROACH PER AGENCYSTANDARDS WITH A 48" WIDE MINIMUM CLEAR PATH OF TRAVELACROSS DRIVEWAY.NEW DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY AT NEW CONCRETE DRIVE PERCITY REQUIREMENTS.NEW CONCRETE PAVING OVER BASE PER CIVIL PLANS. NEW SALT FINISH CONCRETE ACCENT WITH SAW CUT GRID @ 24"O.C. COLOR TO MATCH BUILDING.NEW 5' CONCRETE PUBLIC SIDEWALK PER CITY STANDARD 1006.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 8" CONCRETE CURB.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING CONCRETE CURB.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW LANDSCAPE AREA.SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.EXISTING CURB ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL.EXISTING 8' HIGH CMU SCREEN WALL ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL.NEW 14' HIGH CONCRETE TILT-UP SCREEN WALLS TRUCK YARDENCLOSURE. SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS.NEW 8'H X 28'W POWERED 2-SECTION SLIDING STEEL GATE W/PROTECTIVE GUARD POSTS ON ONE SIDE & MESH SCREENING ALLPAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING. GATE CONSTRUCTION TO MEETCITY FIRE STANDARDS. PROVIDE KNOX OVERRIDE SWITCH.EXISTING FENCE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING TEMP. FENCE ON PL TO BE REMOVED.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 8' HIGH TUBULAR STEEL FENCE WITH PERFORATED METALSCREENING TO MEET CITY REQUIREMENTS. NO FOOTINGS ATSEWER EASEMENT.NEW 8' HIGH TUBULAR STEEL FENCE WITH MAN GATE AS SHOWN.SEE DETAILS.PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LOCATION WITH PROTECTIVEBOLLARDS AND LANDSCAPE SCREENING AS REQUIRED.NEW ELECTRICAL, PHONE & ALARM ROOM LOCATION.SEE ELECTRICAL PLANSNEW 60"X60" MIN. REQUIRED LEVEL LANDING AT ALL EXTERIORDOORS TO MEET TITLE 24 REQUIREMENTS.NEW TRASH/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE WITH TILT-UP WALLS PAINTEDTO MATCH BUILDING WITH TRELLIS COVER AND ACCESSIBLE PATHOF TRAVEL. SEE DETAIL.NEW EMPLOYEE BREAK AREA WITH 2 TABLES & 12 CHAIRS WITHOVERHEAD SHADE STRUCTURE & TRASH RECEPTACLE. ALLOUTDOOR FURNITURE IN THE BREAK AREA SHALL BE PERMANENT,UNIFORM AND OF DURABLE MATERIALS. SEE DETAIL.NEW HUNTCO RAMBLER-5-FLG BICYCLE RACK WITH GALVANIZEDFINISH. SEE SITE DETAILS.EXISTING STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW 4' DEDICATED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY.SEE CIVIL PLANS.PROPERTY LINE.SEE CIVIL PLANS.PROPERTY LINE SETBACK.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING POLE TO BE REMOVED.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING STREET LIGHTSEE CIVIL PLANS.DEMOLISH & REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN AND LATERAL.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW CURB OPENING, CATCH BASIN & LATERIAL.SEE CIVIL PLANS.EXISTING STORM DRAIN & MANHOLE.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW STORMWATER BIOFILTRATION SYSTEM.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NOT USED. NEW ROOF DOWNSPOUT AND OVERFLOW DRAIN.SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS.NEW FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONSEE FIRE PLANS.NEW FIRE WATER UG LINE.SEE FIRE PLANS.NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WITH DETECTOR CHECKASSEMBLY. SEE FIRE PLANS & LANDSCAPE PLANS FORSCREENING.NEW FIRE SPRINKLER RISER WITH PROTECTIVE BOLLARDS INCONFORMANCE WITH CFC SEC. 312. SEE FIRE PLANS.NEW KNOX KEY SWITCH LOCATION PER FIRE DEPARTMENTREQUIREMENTS.ROOF LADDER/HATCH ACCESS LOCATION.SEE ROOF PLAN.NEW WATER METER LOCATION.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW SEWER LATERAL TO BUILDING.SEE CIVIL PLANS.NEW SITE PARKING LOT POLE LIGHT.SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS.NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE.SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS.NEW LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION METER.SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.NEW IRRIGATION CONTROLLERSEE LANDSCAPE PLANS.NEW BUILDING ADDRESS LOCATIONSEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS.EXISTING STRUCTURE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY.SEE CIVIL PLANS. 2a 7b 8b 9a 10a 11 12a 13a 14a 15 16 17 18 19a 3a 3b 10b 9b 8a 3c 4 5 6 7a 14b 20 21 22 23a 24a 25a 25b 25c 2b 26a 26b 26c 26d 26e 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A1.210-S2 A1.2 A1.212 7 A1.27 13b 12b 23b Preliminary Site Plan SCALE 1"=30' 10'0 50'30' Scheme 1.5.18/31/23 N 13c 35 Site 12c WAREHOUSE/OFFICE INTERIOR DOCK LANDSCAPE FIRE TRUCK PATH D D U PP U D SS PP PP D D CB D E DI SS ESTABLISHED BYPRORATION, PER MB 11/12 SOUTH LINE, INST 2005-0414870,OR, ESTABLISHED PER SAID DEED WEST LINE, PMB 217/44,ESTABLISHED PER MAP ROA D I S U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N RO A D I S U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION VACANT LAND, NO BUILDINGS J U N I P E R A V E N U E (R I G H T - O F - W A Y W I D T H V A R I E S ) POLE0.4' OUT POLE1.5' OUT POLE2.3' OUT TEMP FENCEMEANDERS ALONG PL WALL1.0' OUT WALL1.0' OUT CURB1.5' OUT FE N C E 1.1 ' O U T CUR B 3.4' O U T CUR B 3.2 ' O U T FEN C E 1.0' O U T AC C E S S PORTION LOT 761MB 11/12 APN: 0255-101-25OWNER: UNITED STATESPOSTAL SERVICE APN: 0255-101-29OWNER: HOME DEPOTUSA INC APN: 0255-101-33OWNER: UNKNOWN 17" W A T E R 8" W A T E R 17" W A T E R 8" W A T E R 8" S S 8" S S EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWERRECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 2006 ASINSTRUMENT NO 2006-0805919, OR. 8" S E W E R 8" S E W E R TWH OFFICE1st Flr 1,350 SFMezz 1,650 SF BLDG.33,855 SF Footprint35,505 SF Total WAREHOUSE30,585 SF 11 NOPARKINGNOPARKINGVAN INTERIORDOCK1,920 SF HC SSS 12 ' X 7 0 ' TR A I L E R P A R K I N G 12 ' X 7 0 ' TR A I L E R P A R K I N G FIRETRUCKHAMMERHEAD HC EVCSEVCHARGINGONLY EVCHARGINGONLY EVCS EVCSEVCHARGINGONLY BREAKAREA 26'X16'OHD 14'X16'OHD FIRE LANE 148 2 2 N 89° 29' 24" E294.00' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 8 2 ' N 89° 30' 24" E 294.00' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 9 1 ' N 0 0 ° 2 2 ' 5 1 " W 2 3 8 . 9 1 ' N 89° 29' 24" E290.00' N 89° 30' 24" E 290.00' 3d EVCEVCLEAN AIRONLY 2a 2a 3c 3c 3b3d 3a EVCEVCLEAN AIRONLY EVC EVC 3a 3a 3a EVCLEAN AIRONLY EVCLEAN AIRONLY EVC 3a EVCLEAN AIRONLY 29 28 10a 11 1 1 1 1 1 2b 5 6 6 7a 7b 8b 8a 8a9a 9a 10a 23a 10a 24b 13a 13d 13c 12a12a 12b 12b 13b 13b 14a 14b ELEC./PHONE 15 17 18 19a 19b 19b 20 20 20 2121 22 10b 25a 25c25c 26b 26c 26d 26e 27 26e 34 3d EXI S T I N G R / W NE W 4 ' D E D I C A T E D R / W 21 Trash/Recycle Enclosure Roof Elevation 13 13 4 2 1 14 3 4 6 11 8 10 9 7 Plan TRASH/RECYCLE 5 Notes 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 12 2 14 1 Employee Break Area 1 Notes 2 3 4 Elevation Plan 3 4 5 3 5 4 2 1 5 16 12 A1.11 A1.12 9b 19b 12c 13d 13d Sheet Index CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE23b 22 1.FULL OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE REQUIRED2.UNDERGROUND ALL EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITYSERVICE LINES3.SEWER AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION ON SITE ORON JUNIPER AVE4.STORM DRAIN IS AVAILABLE ON JUNIPER AVE FORSTORM WATER MITIGATION NOTES DA 21.49 AC. DA 10.10 AC. 13e 13e 13eGate 28' G A T E 2-S E C T I O N SL I D I N G 24a 24b 24b 8" S E W E R 42 " R C P S T O R M D R A I N 2" G A S 36" RCP STORM DRAIN 8" V.C.P SEWER 4 ℄ 13d SOURCE: Carter Group Architects Inc FIGURE 4 I:\20231437\G\Site_Plan.ai (12/18/2023) Conceptual Site Plan Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project FEET FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-20 This page intentionally left blank EXISTINGSIDEWALK EXISTINGCURB & GUTTER EXISTING STREETTRUCK AT INTERIOR DOCKDOOR ENTRANCE - NOTRUCKS PARKED OUTSIDE.OVERHEAD DOOR FORFORKLIFT ACCESS ONLY -NO TRUCK LOADING ORUNLOADING. PROPOSED PCC PROPOSED 14'SCREEN WALLPROPOSED PCC 19 13 13 7 1234 10228 5792a 2a 5 687 14 18 18 18 1 1 1 222016 5 798 14 2b 10 4 4 18 11 15 22 2a8 22 2a6 3 765 17 17 3 17 1115 ABDEFHIJK 1 5 6.9 7 9 A B C D E F G J K 9 8 6.9 6 5 4 3 2 1 East Elevation North Elevation Juniper Avenue Elevation PARAPET PARAPET PARAPET PARAPET CEILING MEZZANINE CEILING FLOOR PARAPET PARAPETPARAPETPARAPET PARAPET PARAPET ⅊⅊ ⅊⅊ ℄ JU N I P E R A V E ⅊R/W⅊℄ JU N I P E R A V E R/W ⅊⅊ RECESSEDAREAS TYP.RECESSEDAREAS TYP. RECESSEDAREAS TYP.RECESSEDAREAS TYP. RECESSEDAREAS TYP. RECESSEDAREAS TYP. RECESSEDAREAS TYP. RECESSEDAREAS TYP.12 Exterior Color & MaterialLegend VISION GLASS - OFFICE: VISION GLASS - WAREHOUSE: SPANDREL OVER CONCRETE: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT: SOFFIT: CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL: CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL: CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL: CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL: CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL: METAL ACCENT PANEL: SCREEN WALL: TRASH ENCLOSURE: OVERHEAD DOORS: EXIT DOORS: STEEL GATES: ADDRESS SIGN LOCATION: 1 1/2" PANEL REVEALS. EXTERIOR WALL LIGHTING: VENTING LOUVERS: HVAC UNIT OR ROOF HATCHLOCATION: ROOF LINE: WINDOW CANOPY: VITRO AG 1" IGU SOLARBAN 60 (2) PACIFICA + CLEAR LOW-E BLUE. VITRO 1/4" INCH MONOLITHIC SOLARBAN 60PACIFICA LOW-E BLUE VITRO 1/4" MONOLITHIC SOLARBAN 60PACIFICA W/ MEDIUM GRAY OPACIFIER BLUE FRONT SET GLAZED SYSTEM CLEARANODIZED W/ NARROW STILE ENTRY DOORS MORIN PRIMO PSR-12-2 ZINC.SEE WALL SECTIONS & DETAILS. SMOOTH FINISH DUNN-EDWARDS COLOR: COLD WIND DE6351 SMOOTH FINISH DUNN-EDWARDS COLOR: GRAY WOLF DE6354 SMOOTH FINISH DUNN-EDWARDS COLOR: SHEET METAL DE6356 SMOOTH FINISH DUNN-EDWARDS COLOR: CLIPPED GRASS DE5552 1 1/2" DEEP FLUTED RIB PATTERNFITZGERALD FORMLINERS #14306 MORIN MATRIX MX-1 WALL SERIES.PERFORATED ZINC PANELS.PERFORATION PATTERN: 1/8” HOLE 1/4”SPACING 23% OPEN AREA. EXTERIOR ENAMEL DUNN-EDWARDSCOLORS AS SHOWN ON ELEVATION. SMOOTH FINISH DUNN EDWARDS COLOR: GRAY WOLF DE6354 EXTERIOR ENAMEL DUNN-EDWARDS COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR. HOLLOW METAL DOOR & FRAMEEXTERIOR ENAMEL DUNN-EDWARDSCOLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR. 2-SECTION ROLLING STEEL FRAMED GATE &PEDESTRIAN GATE WITH PERFORATEDCORRUGATED METAL SCREEN. 12" HEIGHT RAISED CHANNEL LETTERINGINTERNALLY ILLUMINATED. SEE STRUCTURAL DETAILS SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS. SEE MECHANICAL PLANS. HIDDEN ON ALL SIDES BY PARAPETS.SEE ROOF & MECHANICAL PLANS. SEE ROOF PLAN. ARCADIA SUN SHADE BRISE SOLEILSTANDARD SERIES BSS005 ALUMINUM.SEE ELEVATIONS & DETAILS. 567 8910 Elevation Notes 1 2a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2b Dunn-EdwardsGray WolfDE6354 Dunn Edwards Clipped GrassDE5552 Horizontal FlutedRib ConcreteFitzgeraldFormlinerPattern #14306 Morin Matrix MX-1Wall Series ZincPerforated Panels Dunn-EdwardsSheet MetalDE6356 Dunn-EdwardsCold WindDE6351 60300 SOURCE: Carter Group Architects Inc FIGURE 5 I:\20231437\G\Architectural_ElevaƟons.ai (12/18/2023) Conceptual Architectural ElevaƟons Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project FEET FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-22 This page intentionally left blank TWH SS N 89° 29' 24" E 294.00' ESTABLISHED BYPRORATION, PER MB 11/12 SOUTH LINE, INST 2005-0414870,OR, ESTABLISHED PER SAID DEED WEST LINE, PMB 217/44,ESTABLISHED PER MAP J U N I P E R A V E N U E (R I G H T - O F - W A Y W I D T H V A R I E S ) POLE0.4' OUT POLE1.5' OUT POLE2.3' OUT WALL1.0' OUT WALL1.0' OUT CURB1.5' OUT FE N C E 1.1 ' O U T CU R B 3.4 ' O U T CU R B 3.2 ' O U T FE N C E 1.0 ' O U T APN: 0255-101-25OWNER: UNITED STATESPOSTAL SERVICE APN: 0255-101-29OWNER: HOME DEPOTUSA INC APN: 0255-101-33OWNER: UNKNOWN N 89° 29' 24" E 290.00' ϱ'>>>/EZ>/&KZE/ :&/Zzh^dZ ϱ'>Zhdh^hEKΖK<dKZ&^dΖ tZ&^dZtZZzdZ ϭϱ'>>KE ϯϲΗKy ϱ'> Z/^EKy h^dZ>/Et/>>Kt sZ/'d^DKKd,'s >KW,K^dDKEKE&Zdh^ '/:ZWZs/&>KZ 's^Ddd/EΖsZ/'dΖ >Kt >Kt DKZd DKZd >Kt EKd^͗x >>dZ^t/d,/EϱΖK&,Z^WdKZ/sϴΖ>KE'ZKKdZZ/Zx>>W>EdZZ^dKZ/sϯΗD/E/DhDWd,>zZK&^,ZtKKZ<Dh>,hE>^^Kd,Zt/^EKdx W>EdtdZh^s>h^ZWZthK>^/sW>Ed>/^d ϮϰΗKy ϮϰΗKy ^dZEZh ,K>>zK< Z/^EE^/^ΖK<>,KDΖ YhZh^/>y DKZd >Kt ϱ'>Z/^hZhD 'K>EhZZEd >Kt ϭ'>ΛϮϰΗK͘͘>/dd>Zs&>y>/>z/E>>ZsK>hdΖ>/dd>ZsΖ >Kt ϭ'>ΛϰϮΗK͘͘K^d>'D'Zs/>>'Zs/>>>E/'ZΖK^d>'DΖ >Kt ϭ'>ΛϳϮΗK͘͘tZ&KzKdh^,,Z/^Ζdt/EW<^Ζ >Kt ϭ'>ΛϯϲΗK͘͘>h'>Kt's'sΖ>h'>KtΖ >Kt ϱ'>Z,DEh^>/&KZE/ K&&ZZz >Kt ϱ'>Dh,>EZ'/W/>>Z/^ W/E<Dh,>z >Kt ϯΗD/E/DhDWd,ϯͬϰΗZh^,ZK<͘K>KZdKΖZ<tKKΖ ϮϰΗKy&ZEW/E&ZKZWh^'Z/>/KZ DKZd ϭ'>ΛϭϴΗK͘͘tZ&W/E<<E'ZKKWtE/'KEd,K^Ζh^,WZ>Ζ >Kt ϭ'>ΛϲϬΗK͘͘W/E<DzKWKZhDDzKWKZhDWZs/&K>/hDΖW/E<Ζ >Kt ϲΗD/E/DhDWd,ϯΗͲϲΗTK>͘K>KZdKΖZ/KEZ/sZZK<Ζ͘ AREAS:LANDSCAPE QUANTIES: ϱ'>:hEh^WdE^ >/&KZE/'ZzZh^, >Kt ϭ'>ΛϮϰΗK͘͘>h^dZ&/>^'ZyWZ'Z/>/^DK͘ 60300 SOURCE: Carter Group Architects Inc FIGURE 6 I:\20231437\G\Landscape_Plan.ai (12/18/2023) Conceptual Landscape Plan Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project FEET FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-24 This page intentionally left blank           80400 SOURCE: Plotnik & Associates FIGURE 7 I:\20231437\G\Parcel_Map.ai (12/21/2023) Proposed TenaƟve Parcel Map Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project FEET FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-26 This page intentionally left blank LEGEND Project Site Boundary Long-term Noise Monitoring LocationLT-1LT-1 SOURCE: Google Earth (2023) FIGURE 8 I:\20231437\G\Noise_Locs.ai (1/2/2024) Noise Monitoring Locations Fontana Business Center 3 MILES 3301650 Santa Ana AveSanta Ana Ave Ju n i p e r A v e Juniper Ave LT-2LT-2LT-2 LT-1LT-1LT-1 Santa Ana Ave Ju n i p e r A v e FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-28 This page intentionally left blank FIGURE 9 I:\20231437\G\OperaƟonal_Noise.ai (1/2/2024) Operational Noise Levels Fontana Business Center 3 FEET 2401200 Hourly Noise Level (dBA Leq) <=40.0 40.<<=43.0 43.<<=46.0 46.<<=49.049.<<=52.0 52.<<=55.0 55.<<=58.0 58.<<=61.0 61.<<=64.0 64.<<=67.0 67.<<=70.070.< Scale 04080 160 240 320feet Signs and symbols Point source Building 65 dBA Leq Point receiver FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 2-30 This page intentionally left blank 3-1 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 3.0 INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST 1. Project Title: Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project 2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Fontana Planning Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 3. Contact Person and Phone Number: Cecily Session-Goins, Associate Planner (909) 350-6723 csgoins@fontana.org 4. Project Location: The project site is located along Juniper Avenue approximately 372 feet south of Santa Ana Avenue in the southern portion of the City of Fontana, in southwestern San Bernardino County, California (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APNs] 0255-101-24; and 0255-101-30). The project site is located in Section 30 of Township 1 South, Range 5 West of the San Bernardino Baseline and Meridian, as depicted on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute series Fontana, California quadrangle.13 Specifically, the center of the project site is at latitude 34°03'15.65" N and longitude -117°26’21.96" W at an elevation of approximately 1,054 feet above mean sea level. Figure 1: Project Location and Vicinity depicts the location of the project site on a regional scale. 5. Project Sponsor’s Name and Address: Chase Partners LTD 6444 San Fernando Road, #3944 Glendale, CA 91221 6. General Plan Designation: (R-PC) Residential Planned Community (3.0-6.4 du/ac) 7. Zoning: (R-PC) Residential Planned Community (3.0-6.4 du/ac) 13 United States Geological Survey. 1980. Fontana, California 7.5-minute series topographic quadrangle map. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 3-2 8. Description of Project: The Project Applicant owns the vacant and undeveloped 1.61-acre project site. The site consists of ruderal vegetation and contains two trees, which are African sumac (Searsia lancea) and black walnut (Jugans nigra) respectively on the northwestern corner and western frontage of the site. The northern and southern property line is delineated with chain-linked fencing, while the eastern property line is delineated by a row of hedges. There is no existing sidewalk on Juniper Avenue along the western frontage of the site. Figure 2: Aerial Photograph of the Project Site and Surrounding Land Uses depicts the project site and off-site land uses in proximity to the site. 9. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: The 1.61-acre project site is generally flat and is currently vacant and undeveloped. The project site is bounded by large warehouses to the south, Juniper Avenue followed by the South Fontana Sports Park to the west, a United States Postal Service office to the north, and a commercial warehouse center (The Home Depot) to the east. Residential land uses exist farther north of the project site, across Santa Ana Avenue. Figure 2: Aerial Photograph of the Project Site and Surrounding Land Uses depicts the project site and surrounding land uses, and Figures 3a through 3c: Site Photographs include photographs of the project site and land uses adjacent to the site. Photograph locations are depicted on Figure 2. 10. Have California Native American tribes traditionally and culturally affiliated with the project area requested consultation pursuant to Public Resource Code section 21080.3.1? If so, is there a plan for consultation that includes, for example, the determination of significance of impacts to tribal cultural resources, procedures regarding confidentiality, etc.?? Yes. Please refer to Section 5.18. Note: Conducting consultation early in the CEQA process allows tribal governments, lead agencies, and project proponents to discuss the level of environmental review, identify and address potential adverse impacts to tribal cultural resources, and reduce the potential for delay and conflict in the environmental review process. (See Public Resources Code Section 21083.3.2.) Information may also be available from the California Native American Heritage Commission’s Sacred Lands File per Public Resources Code section 5097.96 and the California Historical Resources Information System administered by the California Office of Historic Preservation. Please also note that Public Resources Code Section 21082.3(c) contains provisions specific to confidentiality. 4-1 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Potentially Significant Impact” for which mitigation has been prescribed as indicated by the checklist in Chapter 3.0. Aesthetics Agriculture and Forestry Resources Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Energy Geology/Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards & Hazardous Materials Hydrology/Water Quality Land Use/Planning Mineral Resources Noise Population/Housing Public Services Recreation Transportation Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities/Service Systems Wildfire Mandatory Findings of Significance 4.1 DETERMINATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LEAD AGENCY) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a “Potentially Significant Impact” or “Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated” impact on the environment, but at least one effect (1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and (2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Cecily Session-Goins, Associate Planner Date FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 4-2 This page intentionally left blank 5-1 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.0 CEQA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 5.1 AESTHETICS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Except as provided in Public Resources Code Section 21099, would the project: a. Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? b. Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway c. In non-urbanized areas, substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the site and its surroundings? (Public views are those that are experienced from a publicly accessible vantage point.) If the project is in an urbanized area, would the project conflict with applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality? d. Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? 5.1.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project have a substantial effect on a scenic vista? Less than Significant Impact. Scenic resources within in the City include the San Gabriel Mountains to the north and Jurupa Hills to the south.14 The proposed project’s impact on views of scenic resources from public viewpoints (e.g. adjacent roadways) is discussed below. Under existing conditions, views of scenic resources, including the San Gabriel Mountains and Jurupa Hills, are generally obscured from the project site and Juniper Avenue due to the extensive development and mature trees in the surrounding area; however, some distant views of the San Gabriel Mountains and partial views of the Jurupa Hills are provided from Santa Ana Avenue, north of the project site. The proposed project would result in the construction of a 35,505 square-foot warehouse building with a maximum height of 40 feet. The proposed building height would be consistent with select existing buildings in the vicinity, such as the industrial buildings to the south and the Home Depot warehouse store to the east. Views of the San Gabriel Mountains to the north of the project site would not be obstructed from adjacent roadways (i.e., Santa Ana Avenue and Juniper Avenue) with development of the proposed project, as the project site is located south of Santa Ana Avenue and east of Juniper Avenue. 14 City of Fontana. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 5.1-1. June 8, 2018. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-2 Therefore, development of the proposed 40 foot-tall warehouse building on the project site would not substantially alter views of the San Gabriel Mountain. Additionally, as discussed above, views of the Jurupa Hills, which are south of Santa Ana Avenue and east of Juniper Avenue, are obstructed by existing intervening mature trees and existing development, including residential, commercial, and industrial uses, between the site and the Jurupa Hills. As such, development of the proposed 40-foot-tall warehouse building on the project site would not substantially obstruct views of the Jurupa Hills beyond existing conditions. In addition, views of the Jurupa Hills would still be visible from other portions of Santa Ana Avenue and Jurupa Avenue. Therefore, development of the proposed warehouse building would not substantially obstruct views of the Jurupa Hills beyond existing conditions. Implementation of the proposed project would not substantially affect existing views of the San Gabriel Mountains to the north or Jurupa Hills to the south. Therefore, the proposed project would not have a substantial effect on a scenic vista, and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. b. Would the project substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? No Impact. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Scenic Highway Program does not identify any State-designated scenic highways near the project site.15 The nearest Scenic Highways are the portions of State Route 91 and Interstate 15, approximately 14 miles southeast of the project site.16 The project site is not visible from either highways. Therefore, the project would not affect any scenic resources within a State scenic highway. No impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. c. In non-urbanized areas, would the project substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the site and its surroundings? (Public views are those that are experienced from a publicly accessible vantage point.) If the project is in an urbanized area, would the project conflict with applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality? Less than Significant Impact. As of July 1, 2022, the United States Census Bureau estimated the City’s population to be 212,475 persons and the City’s land area to be approximately 43.07 square miles, which is approximately 4,933 persons per square mile.17 Therefore, the project is located in an area with at least 1,000 persons per square mile and meets the definition of Urbanized Area under Section 15387 of the CEQA Guidelines. Parcels immediately surrounding the project site consist of industrial 15 California Department of Transportation. California State Scenic Highway System Map. 2018. Website: https://caltrans.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=465dfd3d807c46cc8e8057116f1aacaa (accessed June 20, 2023). 16 Ibid. 17 United States Census Bureau. QuickFacts, Fontana City, California. Website: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/ fact/table/fontanacitycalifornia/PST045222 (accessed June 20, 2023). 5-3 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) (large warehouses), commercial, institutional (US Postal Services office), and recreational land uses (South Fontana Sports Park). The project site is located within the R-PC zoning designation, which is intended to provide master- planned communities with specific plans that can serve a broader, regional population. The R-PC zoning designation does not identify warehouses as a permitted use. Therefore, the project would require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the property from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to General Industrial (0.1-0.6 FAR), rezone the property from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to SWIPSP, and incorporate the property into the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP. Development requirements contained in Chapter 10 (Slover East Industrial District) of the SWISP include setback requirements, allowable building types, parking requirements, frontage types, and encroachment requirements (e.g. building, architectural features and signs that may encroach into the required setbacks and right-of-way) that focus on the physical design of development to promote a mix of uses and enhance the pedestrian environment. Accordingly, the proposed warehouse building height of 40 feet would not exceed the maximum permitted building height of 60 feet pursuant to Section 10.4(A) of the SWIPSP. Additionally, 8-foot-high tubular steel fences are proposed on the northern and eastern portions of the site pursuant to Section 10.4(B) of the SWIPSP. The proposed project would also include trash enclosures to screen trash receptables from public view on the northern portion of the site pursuant to Section 10.4(B) of the SWIPSP. The landscape standards for the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP requires at least 15 percent of the site (excluding building area) to be landscaped. The proposed project includes approximately 10,518 square feet of landscaping, approximately 15.2 percent of the site (excluding building area) in accordance with landscaping requirements within the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP. The project includes installation of 39 trees to be incorporated through a combination of shrubs/vines, groundcover, and trees along site perimeter and throughout the parking areas and along the internal drive aisle.18 A minimum 20-foot-wide landscape buffer would be installed along the project site frontage with Juniper Avenue, and a minimum 5-foot-wide landscaped buffer would be installed along the perimeter of the project site to the north, south, and east. Proposed landscaping would be drought-tolerant and complement existing natural and manmade features, including the dominant landscaping of surrounding areas. Pursuant to Section 10.11 (Entitlement Procedures) of the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP, the proposed project would be subject to the City’s Design Review process, which provides for the review of the physical improvements to the site, including the overall scale of the buildings, setbacks, massing, design, and landscape. The Design Review of the proposed project ensures compatibility and compliance with applicable City standards and ordinances to ensure a high-quality development compatible with the General Plan land use designation, zoning district, and surrounding community. Since the proposed project would be consistent with the Slover East Industrial District development standards set forth by the SWIPSP, the proposed project would not conflict with applicable zoning or 18 Community Works Design Group. Preliminary Landscape Plan, Fontana Business Center 3. May 31, 2023. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-4 other regulations governing scenic quality. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. d. Would the project create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Less than Significant Impact. Under existing conditions, the project is site is undeveloped and vacant. As such, there are no sources of light or glare present on the project site. Sources of light and glare in the surrounding area include street lighting and vehicles traveling on Juniper Avenue to the west, and Santa Ana Avenue to the north. Both Juniper Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue are heavily lit and well- traveled by vehicles. Light from institutional, commercial, and industrial uses in the surrounding area is also visible to the north, east, and south of the project site. Light-sensitive uses within proximity to the project site include the South Fontana Park, located west of the project site across Juniper Avenue. Development of the proposed project would introduce new sources of light on the project site and in the surrounding area through the development of the proposed warehouse building on the site and associated site improvements. The proposed warehouse building would include security lighting located on the building façades, and the parking area would include light fixtures. All on-site lighting would be designed and installed in accordance with Section 10.9(C)(3) of the SWIPSP to prevent off- site glare. Additionally, as discussed under Response to Threshold 5.1(c) above, the proposed project would be subject to the City’s Design Review process, which would ensure compliance with all applicable lighting standards, including light shielding, functional and aesthetic design, and compatibility with surrounding uses, including the recreational uses west of the project site. The purpose of these lighting standards is to minimize light pollution, glare, and spillover; conserve energy; and reduce adverse effects on the nighttime views in the project vicinity. Additionally, the City’s Design Review process includes consideration of material composition and colors to reduce potential for substantial glare from the proposed warehouse building. With compliance with all design standards and processes, the proposed project would not adversely affect nighttime views in the project vicinity. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 5-5 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.2 AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY RESOURCES In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. In determining whether impacts to forest resources, including timberland, are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to information compiled by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection regarding the state’s inventory of forest land, including the Forest and Range Assessment Project and the Forest Legacy Assessment Project; and the forest carbon measurement methodology provided in Forest Protocols adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? b. Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? c. Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code Section 12220(g)), timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code Section 4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production (as defined by Government Code Section 51104(g))? d. Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? e. Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? 5.2.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland) as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. The State’s Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP)19 designates the project site as “Other Land.” Neither the project site nor adjacent properties are designated as Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance. As such, implementation of the 19 California Department of Conservation. California Important Farmland Finder. Website: https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/DLRP/CIFF/ (accessed June 20, 2023). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-6 proposed project would not convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance to non-agricultural use. No impact to farmland would occur, and no mitigation is required. b. Would the project conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? No Impact. The City does not maintain any agricultural zones. In addition, no Williamson Act contracts are in effect in the City.20 Therefore, there would be no impact related to conflicts with existing agricultural zoning designations or Williamson Act contracts, and no mitigation is required. c. Would the project conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code Section 12220(g)), timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code Section 4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production (as defined by Government Code Section 51104(g))? No Impact. As detailed in Table 2.3.A, in Chapter 2.0, Project Description, neither the project site nor adjacent lands are zoned for forest land or Timberland Production. Therefore, there is no potential for the project to conflict with existing zoning for forest land or land zoned for Timberland Production. No impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. d. Would the project result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forestland to non-forest use? No Impact. Refer to Response to Threshold 5.2(c). The project site and adjacent land are not occupied by forest resources. Implementation of the proposed project would not result in the loss or conversion of forest land to non-forest land. No impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. e. Would the project involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? No Impact. Refer to Response to Threshold 5.2(c). No farmland or forest land is present on the project site or on adjacent land, and neither the project site nor the surrounding area is zoned for agricultural use. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not involve any changes in the existing environment which could result in the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural use, or conversion of forest land to non-forest use. No impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. 20 Ibid. 5-7 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.3 AIR QUALITY Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management district or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b. Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard? c. Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? d. Result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people? The project-specific information and analysis in this section is based on the modeling outputs of the California Emissions Estimator Model Version 2022.1 (CalEEMod) provided in Appendix A of this Initial Study. The project site is within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin). The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is the regional government agency that monitors and regulates air pollution within the Basin. The federal Clean Air Act and the California Clean Air Act mandate the control and reduction of specific air pollutants. Under these acts, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) have established ambient air quality standards for specific "criteria" pollutants, designed to protect public health and welfare. Primary criteria pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), nitrogen oxides (NOX), particulate matter less than 10 microns in size (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and lead (Pb). Secondary criteria pollutants include ozone (O3), and particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size (PM2.5). The ambient air quality standard for each criteria pollutant represents the level that is considered safe to the public and avoids specific adverse health effects associated with each criteria pollutant. The Basin is in nonattainment for the federal and State standards for O3 and PM2.5, and nonattainment for the State PM10 standard. The Basin is in attainment/maintenance for the federal PM10, CO, SO2, and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) standards. The SCAQMD has established project-level thresholds for VOC, NOX, CO, SO2, PM10, and PM2.5 shown in Table 5.3.A. The SCAQMD considers any project in the Basin with construction- or operation-related emissions that exceed any of the emission thresholds below to have potentially significant impacts. In addition, the SCAQMD published its Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology in June 2003 (updated July 2008), recommending that all air quality analyses include an assessment of air FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-8 Table 5.3.A: SCAQMD Construction and Operation Thresholds of Significance (lbs/day) Emission Source Pollutant Emissions Threshold (lbs/day) VOCs NOX CO SO2 PM10 PM2.5 Construction Thresholds 75 100 550 150 150 55 Operation Thresholds 55 55 550 150 150 55 Source: South Coast Air Quality Management District. CEQA Air Quality Handbook. Chapter 12. April 1993; Revised November 1993. CO = carbon monoxide lbs/day = pounds per day NOX = nitrogen oxides PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in size SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District SO2 = sulfur dioxide VOC = volatile organic compounds quality impacts to nearby sensitive receptors.21 This guidance was used to analyze potential localized air quality impacts associated with construction of the proposed project. Localized significance thresholds (LSTs) are developed based on the size or total area of the emission source, the ambient air quality in the source receptor area, and the distance between the project and the nearest sensitive receptor. The SCAQMD defines structures that house persons (e.g., children, the elderly, persons with pre-existing respiratory or cardiovascular illness, and athletes and others who engage in frequent exercise) or places where they gather as sensitive receptors (i.e., residences, schools, playgrounds, child-care centers, convalescent centers, retirement homes, and athletic fields). The nearest sensitive receptors in proximity to the project site are the South Fontana Sports Park located west of the project site at approximately 40 feet and the single-family residential units located approximately 480 feet north of the project site’s northern boundary line across Santa Ana Avenue. The potential health risk of construction and operation to receptors at the park were evaluated as part of this analysis pursuant to SCAQMD guidelines and Fontana’s Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code). LSTs are based on the ambient concentrations of that pollutant within the project Source Receptor Area (SRA) and the distance to the nearest sensitive receptor. For the proposed project, the appropriate SRA for the LST is the Central San Bernardino Valley (SRA 34). SCAQMD provides LST screening tables for 25-, 50-, 100-, 200-, and 500-meter source-receptor distances. The closest sensitive receptors to the project site is the South Fontana Sports Park located 40 feet (12 meters) west of the project construction limit boundary. For distances of less than 82 feet, SCAQMD recommends using the screening tables for 25-meter source receptor distances. While the project site is approximately 1.61 acres, based on the anticipated construction equipment and based on the anticipated grading and ground-disturbing activities, it is assumed that the maximum daily disturbed area for the proposed project would be 3.5 acres.22 Therefore, the LSTs for a 3.5-acre site at 82 feet (25 meters) were derived by interpolation. Table 5.3.B shows the localized significance thresholds that 21 South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). 2008. Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology. July. Website: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/localized-significance-thresholds/final-lst- methodology-document.pdf (accessed February 2023). 22 SCAQMD. n.d. Fact Sheet for Applying CalEEMod to Localized Significance Thresholds. Website: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/localized-significance-thresholds/caleemod- guidance.pdf (accessed August 2023). 5-9 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Table 5.3.B: SCAQMD Localized Significance Thresholds Emissions Source Pollutant Emissions Threshold (lbs/day) NOX CO PM10 PM2.5 Construction 220.0 1,359.0 11.0 6.0 Operations 220.0 1,359.0 3.0 1.5 Source: South Coast Air Quality Management District. Final Localized Significance Thresholds Methodology. June 2003, Revised July 2008. CO = carbon monoxide lbs/day = pounds per day NOX = nitrogen oxides PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District would apply based on the project size and distance to nearby receptors during project construction and operation, respectively. 5.3.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? Less than Significant Impact. An Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) describes air pollution control strategies to be undertaken by a city or county in a region classified as a nonattainment area to meet the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act. The main purpose of an AQMP is to bring an area into compliance with the requirements of federal and State ambient air quality standards (AAQS). The Basin is in nonattainment for the federal and State standards for O3 and PM2.5 and nonattainment for the State standard for PM10. Therefore, the Basin is classified as a nonattainment area and an AQMP is required. The applicable air quality plan is the SCAQMD’s adopted 2022 AQMP.23 The AQMP is based on regional growth projections developed by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). A consistency determination plays an essential role in local agency project review by linking local planning and unique individual projects to the air quality plans. A consistency determination fulfills the CEQA goal of fully informing local agency decision-makers of the environmental costs of the project under consideration at a stage early enough to ensure that air quality concerns are addressed. Only new or amended General Plan elements, Specific Plans, and significantly unique projects need to undergo a consistency review given that the air quality plan strategy is based on projections from local General Plans. The City’s General Plan is consistent with the SCAG Regional Comprehensive Plan Guidelines and the SCAQMD AQMP. Pursuant to the methodology provided in the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, consistency with the Basin 2022 AQMP is affirmed when a project: (1) would not increase the frequency or severity of an air quality standards violation or cause a new violation and (2) is consistent with the growth assumptions in the AQMP. Consistency review is presented as follows: 1. The proposed project would result in short-term construction and long-term operational pollutant emissions that are all less than the CEQA significance emissions thresholds established by 23 South Coast Air Quality Management District. 2022 Air Quality Management Plan. Adopted December 2, 2022. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-10 SCAQMD, as demonstrated in Section 5.3.b, below. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in an increase in the frequency or severity of an air quality standards violation or cause a new air quality standards violation. 2. The CEQA Air Quality Handbook indicates that consistency with AQMP growth assumptions must be analyzed for new or amended General Plan elements, Specific Plans, and significant projects subject to SCAG’s Intergovernmental Review criteria. As discussed in Chapter 2.0, Project Description, the proposed project would require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the project site from R-PC (3.0- 6.4 du/ac) to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR), rezone the property from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to SWIPSP, and incorporate the property into the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP. The projections in the AQMP for achieving air quality goals are based, in part, on assumptions in SCAG’s RTP/SCS regarding population, housing, and growth trends, as well as assumptions and projections of local planning agencies to determine control strategies for regional compliance status. According to SCAG’s 2020–2045 RTP/SCS, the City’s population, households, and employment are forecast to increase by approximately 75,700 residents, 26,300 households, and 18,400 jobs, respectively, between 2016 and 2045.24 The City’s General Plan has a year 2035 buildout horizon; however, the General Plan does not specify or anticipate when complete buildout would occur, as long-range demographic and economic trends are speculative. The designation within the General Plan of a site for a certain use does not necessarily mean that the site would be developed with that use during the planning period, as most development depends on property owner initiative. As discussed in Section 5.14, Population and Housing, the 1.61-acre project site’s existing land use designation is R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) results in a residential development potential of between 5 and 10 residential units, which would result in between 20 and 40 permanent residents in the City.25 Furthermore, if the project site were to be developed at the most intensive range of the exiting R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) zone and include a 20 percent density bonus pursuant to Section 30- 967 of Article XV (No Net Loss Program) of the Zoning and Development Code, the project site could be developed with up to 12 residential units that could house up to 44 persons (Refer to the discussion in Section 5.11.1(b) below). The proposed project is anticipated to employ up to 18 employees, 26,27 some of which have the potential to already reside in the City. Up to 18 employees would represent approximately 0.11 percent of the City’s forecast employment growth from 2016 to 2045 according to SCAG and would be fewer than the 20 to 44 permanent residents that development of the project site could generate under the existing land use and zoning 24 Southern California Association of Governments. 2020–2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy. Demographics and Growth Forecast, Technical Report. Table 14. Adopted September 3, 2020. 25 According to the SCAG Local Profiles Dataset for 2021 (https://scag.ca.gov/data-tools-local-profiles), Fontana has an average household size of 4.04 persons per dwelling unit. Therefore, 4.04 x 5 dwelling units = 20 residents; 4.04 x 10 dwelling units = 40 residents. 26 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing”. Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 27 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. 5-11 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) designation. Therefore, growth projections of the proposed project would be within the parameters of expected overall growth in the City, and amending the land use designation of the site to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR) for development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for by SCAG. Furthermore, the 2016–2040 RTP/SCS analyzed the region’s transportation system, future growth projections, and potential funding sources in order to develop a long-term framework for transportation improvements and maintenance.28 The RTP includes policies and regulations set forth to ensure development of transportation infrastructure within the SCAG regional area is within planned and forecast socioeconomic projections in order to achieve federal- and State- mandated regional emissions standards and greenhouse gas reduction targets. As part of the RTP, SCAG developed an SCS, which was required by Senate Bill 375, the Sustainable Communities Act of 2008. The SCS is intended to combine land use and transportation planning with the overall goal of reducing air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions generated from vehicle travel. The City currently has approximately 4,700 unemployed persons eligible to work,29 and only approximately 8.8 percent of employed Fontana residents work in the City.30 Approximately 42 percent of the working population travel 25 miles or more for work and 14 percent travel more than 50 miles.31 As such, the City has identified the goal to increase job opportunities for residents within the City. The General Plan also indicates that the warehousing and logistics industries remain important economic drivers for the City’s economy, and the City is experiencing high demand for logistics and warehousing space with lower vacancy rates than nearby jurisdictions. Therefore, development of the project site, as proposed, would provide employment opportunities within the City, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and support the AQMP’s and SCAG’s goal of reducing air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions generated from vehicle travel. Based on the proposed warehouse size (35,505 square feet), the project is expected to generate up to 18 employees. Therefore, the proposed project is not considered a project of Statewide, regional, or areawide significance (e.g., large-scale projects such as airports, electrical generating facilities, petroleum and gas refineries, residential developments of more than 500 dwelling units, and shopping centers or business establishments employing more than 1,000 persons or encompassing more than 500,000 square feet of floor space) as defined in the California Code of Regulations (CCR) (Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, Article 13, Section 15206(b)). Because the proposed project would not be defined as a regionally significant project under CEQA, it does not meet the SCAG’s Intergovernmental Review criteria. Based on the analysis above, the generation of up to 18 employees would not represent substantial or unplanned employment or population growth forecasted by SCAG or the AQMP. 28 Southern California Association of Governments. 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy: A Plan for Mobility, Accessibility, Sustainability, and a High Quality of Life. April 2016. 29 State of California, Employment Development Department. Monthly Labor Force and Unemployment Rate for Cities and Census Designated Places. September 2023. https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2 Flabormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov%2Ffile%2Flfmonth%2Fsanbrsub.xls&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK. (Accessed October 2023). 30 Stantec. Fontana General Plan Update Background Report. Page 4. April 2016. 31 Ibid. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-12 Therefore, the proposed project would not conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. b. Would the project result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard? Less than Significant Impact. As identified above, the Basin is currently designated as nonattainment for the federal and State standards for O3 and PM2.5 and nonattainment for the State standard for PM10. The Basin’s nonattainment status is attributed to the region’s development history. Past, present, and future development projects contribute to the region’s adverse air quality impacts on a cumulative basis. By its very nature, air pollution is largely a cumulative impact. No single project is sufficient in size to, by itself, result in nonattainment of AAQS. Instead, a project’s individual emissions contribute to existing cumulatively significant adverse air quality impacts. If a project’s contribution to the cumulative impact is considerable, then the project’s impact on air quality would be considered significant. In developing thresholds of significance for air pollutants, the SCAQMD considered the emission levels for which a project’s individual emissions would be cumulatively considerable. If a project exceeds the identified SCAQMD significance thresholds identified above in Table 5.3.A, its emissions would be cumulatively considerable, resulting in significant adverse air quality impacts to the region’s existing air quality conditions. Therefore, additional analysis to assess cumulative impacts is not necessary. The following analysis assesses the potential project-level air quality impacts associated with construction and operation of the proposed project. Construction Emissions. During construction, short-term degradation of air quality may occur due to the release of particulate matter emissions (i.e., fugitive dust) generated by site preparation, and grading activities. Emissions from construction equipment are also anticipated and would include CO, NOX, VOC, directly emitted PM2.5 or PM10, and toxic air contaminants such as diesel exhaust particulate matter. Project construction activities would include site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, and paving activities. Construction-related effects on air quality from the proposed project would be greatest during the site preparation phase due to the disturbance of soils. If not properly controlled, these activities would temporarily generate particulate emissions. Sources of fugitive dust would include disturbed soils at the construction site. Unless properly controlled, vehicles leaving the site would deposit dirt and mud on local streets, which could be an additional source of airborne dust after it dries. PM10 emissions would vary from day to day, depending on the nature and magnitude of construction activity and local weather conditions. PM10 emissions would depend on soil moisture, silt content of soil, wind speed, and amount of operating equipment. Larger dust particles would settle near the source, whereas fine particles would be dispersed over greater distances from the construction site. Water or other soil stabilizers can be used to control dust, resulting in emission reductions of 50 percent or more. SCAQMD has established Rule 403: Fugitive Dust, which would require the Project Applicant to implement measures that would reduce the amount of particulate matter 5-13 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) generated during the construction period. The Rule 403 measures that were incorporated in this analysis include: • Water active sites at least twice daily (locations where grading is to occur shall be thoroughly watered prior to earthmoving). • Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials, or maintain at least 2 feet (0.6 meter) of freeboard (vertical space between the top of the load and the top of the trailer) in accordance with the requirements of California Vehicle Code Section 23114. • Reduce traffic speeds on all unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour or less. In addition to dust-related PM10 emissions, heavy trucks and construction equipment powered by gasoline and diesel engines would generate CO, sulfur oxides (SOX), NOX, VOCs, and some soot particulate (PM2.5 and PM10) in exhaust emissions. If construction activities were to increase traffic congestion in the area, CO and other emissions from traffic would increase slightly while those vehicles idle in traffic. These emissions would be temporary in nature and limited to the immediate area surrounding the construction site. Construction emissions were estimated for the project using the California Emissions Estimator Model version 2022.1 (CalEEMod). Construction of the proposed project would begin during the first half of 2024 and be completed in 10 months. Consistent with Fontana Industrial Commerce Sustainability Standards, the project is expected to utilize Tier 4 equipment. In addition, this analysis assumes that the proposed project would comply with SCAQMD Rule 403 measures. All other construction details are not yet known; therefore, default assumptions (e.g., construction worker and truck trips and fleet activities) from CalEEMod were used. Construction emissions are summarized in Table 5.3.C below. Appendix A provides CalEEMod output sheets. Table 5.3.C: Short-Term Regional Construction Emissions Construction Phase Total Daily Regional Pollutant Emissions (lbs/day) VOCs NOX CO SOX Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Site Preparation 0.2 1.1 12.4 <0.1 2.5 <0.1 1.2 <0.1 Grading 0.5 2.2 24.6 <0.1 3.3 0.1 1.4 0.1 Building Construction 0.3 3.8 11.8 <0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 Paving 0.3 1.1 7.4 <0.1 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Architectural Coating 1.9 0.7 1.2 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Peak Daily Emissions 2.2 4.5 24.6 <0.1 3.3 1.4 SCAQMD Threshold 75.0 100.0 550.0 150.0 150.0 55.0 Significant? No No No No No No Source: Compiled by LSA Associates, Inc., August 2023. (Appendix A). Note: It was assumed that the architectural coatings were applied during the building construction phase. PM10 and PM2.5 fugitive emissions are from the mitigated results; the only “mitigation” measures applied in this modeling are required dust control measures per SCAQMD Rule 403. CO = carbon monoxide lbs/day = pounds per day NOX = nitrogen oxides PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in size SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District SOX = sulfur oxides VOCs = volatile organic compounds FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-14 As shown in Table 5.3.C, construction emissions associated with the project would not exceed the SCAQMD’s thresholds for VOC, NOX, CO, SOX, PM2.5, and PM10. Therefore, construction of the proposed project would not result in a cumulatively considerable increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in nonattainment under an applicable federal or State ambient air quality standard. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Operational Emissions. The proposed project would generate emissions from daily operations and vehicle trips associated with project operations. The proposed project would include a 35,505 square-foot warehouse building, parking, landscaping, and associated improvements. Long-term air pollutant emissions associated with operation of the proposed project include emissions from area, energy, and mobile sources, and are discussed below. The quantity of emissions is the product of usage intensity (i.e., the amount of natural gas) and the emission factor of the fuel source. Typically, area source emissions consist of direct sources of air emissions located at the project site, including architectural coatings and the use of landscape maintenance equipment. Area source emissions associated with the project would include emissions from the use of landscaping equipment and consumer products. In addition, the proposed project would include the use of an electric fire pump. Since the pump will be all electric, operation would not result in stationary related source emissions of criteria pollutants. Mobile source emissions are generated by the vehicle trips associated with project operations. Trip generation rates used in CalEEMod for the project were based on the Trip Generation Analysis prepared for the project (Appendix I-1),32 which determined the proposed project would generate 61 average daily trips. PM10 emissions result from running exhaust, tire and brake wear, and the entrainment of dust into the atmosphere from vehicles traveling on paved roadways. Entrainment of PM10 occurs when vehicle tires pulverize small rocks and pavement, and the vehicle wakes generate airborne dust. The contribution of tire and brake wear is small compared to the other PM emission processes. Additionally, gasoline-powered engines have small rates of particulate matter emissions compared to diesel-powered vehicles. Energy source emissions result from activities in buildings for which electricity and natural gas are used. Major sources of energy demand include building mechanical systems, such as heating and air conditioning, lighting, and plug-in electronics, such as computers. Greater building or appliance efficiency reduces the amount of energy for a given activity, which lowers the resultant emissions. The emission factor is determined by the fuel source. Therefore, cleaner energy sources, such as renewable energy, produce fewer emissions than conventional sources. Per the CalEEMod User Guide, natural gas use would contribute to both criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while electricity use would contribute to GHG emissions only.33 Since the proposed buildings would be all electric and would not use natural gas, project operation would not result 32 MAT Engineering, Inc. Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis. February 22, 2023. 33 ICF in collaboration with Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District Fehr & Peers, STI, and Ramboll. California Emissions Estimator Model User Guide, Version 2022.1. Pages 2 and 3. April 2022. 5-15 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) in any energy-source related emissions of criteria pollutants. An analysis of GHG emissions from energy sources (i.e., electricity) is provided in Section 5.8 below. In general, air quality in Fontana has notably improved in the past 20 years due to regulations imposed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) related to passenger cars, busses, and trucks, and it is expected to continue to improve in the foreseeable future as SCAQMD’s Warehouse Indirect Source Rule (Rule 2305) begins implementation and CARB prescribes additional regulations on freight trucks (e.g., Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance Program, Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation, Transport Refrigeration Unit Regulation).34 Additionally, an independent study of air quality in Fontana reveals that ozone (O3) concentrations in Fontana are below the basin-wide maximum, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in Fontana are below the federal standard, and particulate matter (PM2.5) in Fontana is below the federal standard.35 Furthermore the City approved and adopted Ordinance No. 1879 to add Article V to Chapter 9 (Environmental Protection and Resource Extraction) of the City Municipal Code on April 12, 2022. Chapter 9, Article V, also known as the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards, is designed to exceed existing regional and State air quality standards to further air quality improvement measures and standardize requirements for all warehouse developments in the City. Table 5.11.A lists the routine conditions prescribed to all warehouse projects in the City pursuant to the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards and summarizes the proposed project’s consistency with the standards that serve to reduce cumulative emissions of criteria air pollutants and diesel particulates from warehouse development in the City. The project is consistent with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards. No single project is sufficient in size, by itself, to result in nonattainment of ambient air quality standards. Instead, a project’s individual emissions would contribute to existing cumulatively significant impacts to air quality. The SCAQMD developed the operational thresholds of significance based on the grlevel above which a project’s individual emissions would result in a cumulatively considerable contribution to the Basin’s existing air quality conditions. Therefore, a project that exceeds the SCAQMD operational thresholds would also have a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact. Due to the nonattainment status of the Basin, the primary air pollutants of concern would be nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are ozone precursors, and particulate matter less than 10 microns in size (PM10) and particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size (PM2.5). Long-term operational emissions associated with the proposed project were calculated using CalEEMod and are summarized in Table 5.3.D below. Appendix A provides CalEEMod output sheets. 34 Jayaram, Varalakshmi (Lakshmi), Joseph Hower, and Julia Lester. Ramboll. City of Fontana Air Quality Update. Pages 6-11. September 14, 2021. 35 Ibid. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-16 Table 5.3.D: Project Operational Emissions Emission Type Pollutant Emissions (lbs/day) VOCs NOX CO SOX PM10 PM2.5 Mobile Sources – Vehicles and Light Duty Trucks 0.2 0.2 1.8 <0.1 0.4 0.1 Mobile Source – Heavy Duty Trucks <0.1 2.2 1.1 <0.1 0.5 0.2 Area Sources 1.1 <0.1 1.5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Energy Sources 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Project Emissions 1.3 2.4 4.4 <0.1 0.9 0.3 SCAQMD Threshold 55.0 55.0 550.0 150.0 150.0 55.0 Exceeds Threshold? No No No No No No Source: Compiled by LSA Associates, Inc., August 2023. (Appendix A). CO = carbon monoxide lbs/day = pounds per day NOX = nitrogen oxides PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in size SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District SOX = sulfur oxides VOCs = volatile organic compounds As shown in Table 5.3.D, the proposed project would not exceed the significance criteria for daily VOC, NOX, CO, SOX, PM10, or PM2.5 emissions. Therefore, operation of the proposed project would not result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in nonattainment under an applicable federal or State ambient air quality standard. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Long Term Microscale (CO Hot Spot) Analysis. Although the Basin is designated as in attainment/ maintenance for CO, localized CO concentrations are evaluated to determine whether project- related CO impacts would exceed State or national AAQS. This is because vehicular trips associated with the proposed project could contribute to congestion at intersections and along roadway segments in the project vicinity. Localized air quality impacts would occur when emissions from vehicular traffic increase as a result of the proposed project. The primary mobile- source pollutant of local concern is CO, a direct function of vehicle idling time and, thus, of traffic flow conditions. CO transport is extremely limited; under normal meteorological conditions, CO disperses rapidly with distance from the source. However, under certain extreme meteorological conditions, CO concentrations near a congested roadway or intersection may reach unhealthful levels, affecting local sensitive receptors (e.g., residents, schoolchildren, the elderly, and hospital patients). Typically, high CO concentrations are associated with roadways or intersections operating at unacceptable levels of service or with extremely high traffic volumes. In areas with high ambient background CO concentrations, modeling is recommended to determine a project’s effect on local CO levels. An assessment of project-related impacts on localized ambient air quality requires that future ambient air quality levels be projected. Existing CO concentrations in the immediate project vicinity are not available. Ambient CO levels monitored at Fontana station, the closest monitoring station to the project site, showed a highest recorded 1-hour concentration of 2.7 parts per million (ppm) (the State standard is 20 ppm and the federal standard is 35 ppm) and a highest recorded 8-hour concentration of 1.4 ppm (the State and federal standard is 9 ppm) during the past 3 years. 5-17 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) The highest CO concentrations would normally occur during peak traffic hours; therefore, CO impacts calculated under peak traffic conditions represent a worst-case analysis. As discussed in the Trip Generation Analysis prepared for the project (Appendix I-1), the proposed project would generate 6 new a.m. peak hour trips and 6 new p.m. peak-hour trips. As the proposed project would not generate 50 or more a.m. or p.m. peak hour trips, the proposed project does not meet the criteria for an evaluation of study area intersection or roadway segment Level of Service (LOS).36 Therefore, the addition of the proposed project traffic is not expected to create any significant adverse impacts to nearby intersections. Given the extremely low level of CO concentrations in the project area and lack of traffic impacts at any intersections, project-related vehicles are not expected to contribute significantly to CO concentrations or contribute to the result of CO concentrations exceeding the State or federal CO standards. Impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. c. Would the project expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? Less than Significant Impact. Sensitive receptors are people who have an increased sensitivity to air pollution or environmental contaminants. The SCAQMD defines structures that house persons (e.g., children, the elderly, persons with pre-existing respiratory or cardiovascular illness, and athletes and others who engage in frequent exercise) or places where they gather (i.e., residences, schools, playgrounds, child-care centers, convalescent centers, retirement homes, and athletic fields) as sensitive receptors. Localized Impact Analysis. As previously discussed, LSTs are based on the ambient concentrations of that pollutant within the project SRA and the distance to the nearest sensitive receptor. The nearest sensitive receptors in proximity to the project site is the South Fontana Sports Park located 40 feet west of the project site across Juniper Avenue. For the proposed project, the appropriate SRA for the LST is the Central San Bernardino Valley (SRA 34). Although the project site is approximately 1.66 acres, based on the anticipated construction equipment and based on the anticipated grading and ground-disturbing activities, it is expected that the maximum daily disturbed area for the proposed project would be 3.5 acres.37 The results of the LST analysis for both construction and operation of the proposed project are summarized in Tables 5.3.E and 5.3.F below. As shown in Tables 5.3.E and 5.3.F, the proposed project would not result in an exceedance of a SCAQMD LST during project construction or operation. Additionally, as discussed in Section 5.3.b, project related vehicles would not contribute significantly to CO concentrations and therefore 36 City of Fontana. Department of Engineering, Traffic Engineering Division. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment. Page 4. October 21, 2020. 37 SCAQMD. n.d. Fact Sheet for Applying CalEEMod to Localized Significance Thresholds. Website: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/localized-significance-thresholds/caleemod- guidance.pdf (accessed August 2023). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-18 Table 5.3.E: Project Localized Construction Emissions (in Pounds Per Day) Source NOX CO PM10 PM2.5 On-Site Project Emissions 3.5 23.6 3.3 1.4 Localized Significance Threshold 220.0 1,359.0 11.0 6.0 Exceeds Threshold? No No No No Source: Compiled by LSA Associates, Inc., August 2023. (Appendix A). Note: Source Receptor Area 34, based on a 3.5-acre construction disturbance daily area, at a distance of 25 meters (82 feet) from the project boundary. CO = carbon monoxide NOX = nitrogen oxides PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in size Table 5.3.F: Project Localized Operational Emissions (in Pounds Per Day) Source NOX CO PM10 PM2.5 On-Site Project Emissions <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Localized Significance Threshold 220.0 1,359.0 3.0 1.5 Exceeds Threshold? No No No No Source: Compiled by LSA Associates, Inc., August 2023. (Appendix A). Note: Source Receptor Area: Central San Bernardino Valley (SRA 34), 3.5 acres, 25 meters (82 feet) distance; on site traffic is assumed to be 5 percent of total. CO = carbon monoxide NOX = nitrogen oxides PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in size would not expose sensitive receptors near the project site to substantial CO concentrations. Therefore, the project would not expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. Health Risk Assessment. The following analysis is based on the project-specific Health Risk Assessment: Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, California (Appendix B).38 According to the California Air Resources Board, air pollution studies have shown that diesel exhaust and other cancer-causing chemicals emitted from cars and trucks are responsible for much of the overall cancer risk from airborne toxics in California and also have shown an association between both respiratory and other non-cancerous health effects and proximity to high-traffic roadways. The closest sensitive receptor in proximity to the project site is the South Fontana Sports Park located 40 feet west of the project site across Juniper Avenue. In addition, single-family residential units are located approximately 480 feet north of the project site’s northern boundary line across Santa Ana Avenue. The nearest school to the proposed project site is Citrus High School, which is approximately 1,500 feet to the northwest of the project site. Accordingly, the project was evaluated under a site-specific Health Risk Assessment (HRA) (Appendix B) to estimate the increased health risk levels for people living and/or working near the site from generation of toxic air contaminants (TACs). The majority of the estimated health risks from TACs are attributed to 38 LSA. Health Risk Assessment: Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, California. October 2023. 5-19 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) relatively few compounds, the most important being particulate matter from diesel-fueled engines (diesel particulate matter [DPM]). In accordance with SCAQMD guidance, health risk is considered significant under the following conditions: • Cancer risk at a nearby receptor location (i.e., area where persons reside, work, or attend school—not including streets or sidewalks) is greater than 10 cases per one million persons over a period of 30 years for adults and 9 years for children (residential uses) and 25 years for workers. • The cumulative increase in total chronic Hazard Index39 or total acute Hazard Index40 for any target organ system would exceed 1.0 at any receptor location. Project Construction. A construction HRA, which evaluates construction-period health risk to off- site receptors, was performed for the proposed project (Appendix B) and is summarized below. The project site is located near existing sensitive receptors that could be exposed to diesel emission exhaust during the construction period. To estimate the potential cancer risk associated with equipment exhaust (including diesel particulate matter) released during construction of the proposed project, a dispersion model was used to translate an emission rate from the source location to a concentration at the receptor location of interest (i.e., a nearby residence and worksites). Dispersion modeling varies from a simpler, more conservative screening-level analysis to a more complex and refined detailed analysis. This refined assessment was conducted using the CARB exposure methodology with the air dispersion modeling performed using the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dispersion model AERMOD. The model provides a detailed estimate of exhaust concentrations based on site and source geometry, source emissions strength, distance from the source to the receptor, and meteorological data. Table 5.3.G, below, identifies the results of the analysis assuming the use of Tier 4 construction equipment, pursuant to the City’s Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards, at the nearest sensitive receptor for each receptor location listed in Table 5.3.G below. Model snap shots of the sources are shown in Appendix B. As shown in Table 5.3.G, the maximum cancer risk for the residential receptor would be 0.85 in one million, the worker receptor risk would be at 0.17 in one million, the school receptor risk would be lower at 0.05 in one million, and the park receptor risk would be at 3.96 in one million, 39 Chronic Hazard Index is the ratio of the estimated long-term level of exposure to a TAC for a potential maximum exposed individual to its chronic reference exposure level. The chronic Hazard Index calculations include multipathway consideration, when applicable. 40 Acute Hazard Index is the ratio of the estimated maximum 1-hour concentration of a TAC for a potential maximum exposed individual to its acute reference exposure level. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-20 Table 5.3.G: Health Risks from Project Construction to Off-Site Receptors Location Carcinogenic Inhalation Health Risk in 1 Million Chronic Inhalation Hazard Index Acute Inhalation Hazard Index Residential Receptor Risk 0.85 <0.001 0.000 Worker Receptor Risk 0.17 0.006 0.000 School Receptor 0.05 <0.001 0.00 Park Receptor Risk 3.96 0.002 0.000 SCAQMD Significance Threshold 10 in 1 million 1.0 1.0 Significant? No No No Source: LSA. Health Risk Assessment: Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, California. October 2023. Table A. (Appendix B). SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District which would not exceed the SCAQMD cancer risk threshold of 10 in 1 million. The total chronic hazard index would be 0.006 for the worker receptor, 0.002 for the park receptor, and less than 0.001 for the residential and school receptors, which is below the threshold of 1.0. In addition, the total acute hazard index would be nominal (0.000), which would also not exceed the threshold of 1.0. Therefore, construction of the proposed project would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds and would not expose nearby sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. No significant health risk would occur from project construction emissions. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Project Operations. To determine the potential health risk to people living and working near the proposed project associated with the exhaust of diesel-powered trucks and equipment, an operational HRA was conducted for the proposed project, included in Appendix B. For the purposes of an HRA, short-term emissions are of concern for analyzing acute health impacts, and long-term emissions are of concern for analyzing chronic and carcinogenic health impacts. A multipathway assessment has been conducted. This technique was chosen as recommended in the Office of Environmental Health (OEHHA) Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines.41 This HRA has been conducted using three models: the CARB’s California Emissions Factor Model, Version 2021 (EMFAC2021) for vehicle emissions factors and percentages of fuel type within the overall vehicle fleet; AERMOD to determine how the TACs would move through the atmosphere after release from sources both on site and along the truck routes; and the CARB’s HARP model to translate the pollutant concentrations from AERMOD into individual health risks at the nearby sensitive receptor locations. 41 Office of Environmental Health (OEHHA). Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. February 2015. op cit. 5-21 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This HRA includes analyzing the inhalation, dermal soil, mother’s milk, and homegrown produce pathways. This technique was chosen as prescribed in SCAQMD’s AB2588 and Rule 1402 Supplemental Guidelines.42 The first step of an HRA is to characterize the project-related emissions of TACs. The proposed project would generate approximately 61 average daily trips, including 44 passenger vehicle trips, 3 two-axle truck trips, 4 three-axle truck trips, and 11 four-axle truck trips (total of 17 trucks per day).43 It is assumed that the truck trips would travel approximately 40 miles per trip. In accordance with Section 9-72(4) (Signage and Traffic Patterns) of Article V, Chapter 9 (Environmental Protection and Resource Extraction) of the City Municipal Code (refer to Table A above), the project Applicant has identified a proposed truck route from the project site to the nearest freeway (Interstate 10) that includes Juniper Avenue, Jurupa Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. The HRA analyses assumes 100 percent of the project trucks would enter the site off Juniper Avenue from the south and exit the site onto Juniper Avenue to the south as a conservative measure to analyze the maximum possible exposure for nearby receptors from project operations by concentrating all truck traffic through a single corridor.44 The proposed project would provide two interior truck docks; as the project would contain multiple loading docks, off-site queuing of trucks is not anticipated. Although the TAC emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles have a small health effect compared to DPM, this HRA includes all the traffic information described and both gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicle emissions. For the diesel exhaust emissions, it is sufficient to only consider the DPM (particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter [PM10]) portion of the exhaust; all the TACs for the gasoline exhaust emissions are contained in the reactive organic gas (ROG) emissions. Using speciation data from CARB, the emission rates of the TAC components are derived from the total ROG emissions. Project trucks would operate in two modes: stationary idling and moving on and off the site. The emissions from trucks while idling result in a much higher concentration of TACs at nearby sensitive receptors compared to the emissions from moving trucks. This is due to the dispersion of emissions that occurs with distance and with travel of the vehicle. For this HRA, the truck travel emissions were modeled as a series of volume sources along the on-site driveway and along Juniper Avenue going north and south, south of the project driveway. The HRA assumes vehicles traveling on site would maneuver slowly, averaging approximately 5–15 miles per hour (mph), and that vehicles traveling on roadways would average 5–55 mph. EMFAC2021 was used to determine the emissions factors of idling and operating diesel trucks to determine the total emissions of PM10. Although the TAC of concern from diesel trucks is DPM, EMFAC2021 does not include emissions factors for this TAC. DPM is a component of the overall exhaust from the project-related trucks. This HRA conservatively assumes the DPM emissions to be equal to the PM10 emissions when actually the DPM is only a portion of the overall PM10 in the 42 South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). AB 2588 and Rule 1402 Supplemental Guidelines. (Supplemental Guidelines for Preparing Risk Assessments for the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act). October 2020. op. cit. 43 MAT Engineering, Inc. Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis. Table 2. February 22, 2023. 44 LSA Associates, Inc. Health Risk Assessment: Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, California. Appendix A: HRA Model Outputs. October 2023. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-22 truck exhaust. Although it is expected that the truck emissions rate will continue to reduce over time, an HRA only allows for a single emission rate to represent the entire 25- or 30-year exposure period. The use of emissions factors for the earliest year the proposed project could start operations (2025) was selected for this HRA to be conservative. The carcinogenic and chronic health risks from the proposed project are shown in Table 5.3.H. The residential risk incorporates both the risk for a child living in a nearby residence for 9 years (the standard period of time for child risk) and an adult living in a nearby residence for 30 years (considered a conservative period of time for an individual to live in any one residence). An exposure period of 25 years was assumed for worker receptors, and a 9 year exposure duration was conservatively assumed for the school receptors. Table 5.3.H: Health Risks from Project Operation to Off-Site Receptors Location Carcinogenic Inhalation Health Risk in 1 Million Chronic Inhalation Hazard Index Acute Inhalation Hazard Index Residential Receptor Risk 0.44 <0.001 <0.001 Worker Receptor Risk 1.24 0.004 <0.001 School Receptor 0.08 <0.001 <0.001 Park Receptor Risk 2.39 <0.001 <0.001 SCAQMD Significance Threshold 10.0 in 1 million 1.0 1.0 Significant? No No No Source: Source: LSA Associates, Inc. Health Risk Assessment: Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, California. October 2023. Table B. (Appendix B). SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District As shown in Table 5.3.H, the maximum cancer risk for the residential receptor would be 4.35 in 1 million, less than the threshold of 10 in 1 million, which would not exceed the SCAQMD cancer risk threshold of 10 in 1 million. The worker receptor risk would be 1.24 in 1 million, the school receptor risk would be 0.08 in 1 million, and the park receptor risk would be 2.37 in 1 million, which would also not exceed the threshold. The total chronic hazard index would be 0.004 for the worker receptor and less than 0.001 for the residential receptor, school receptor, and park receptor which is below the threshold of 1.0. In addition, the total acute hazard index would be less than 0.001, which would also not exceed the threshold of 1.0. As these results show, all health risk levels to nearby receptors from operation-related emissions of TACs would be well below the SCAQMD’s HRA thresholds. No significant health risk would occur from project operational emissions. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. d. Would the project result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people? Less than Significant Impact. Construction. Project construction would generate limited odors over the short term, primarily from equipment exhaust. The painting of buildings and structures or the installation of asphalt surfaces may also create odors. However, construction activity would be temporary and would 5-23 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) cease after individual construction is completed. Additionally, construction activities that would generate odors are expected to be isolated to the immediate vicinity of the construction site Additionally, the Project Applicant would be required to implement standard control measures to limit fugitive dust and construction equipment emissions, which would reduce odor impacts, in accordance with the following regulations: • SCAQMD Rule 402: A person shall not discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities of air contaminants or other material which cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public, or which endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such persons or the public, or which cause, or have a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or property. • SCAQMD Rule 403: Requires that fugitive dust be controlled with best available control measures so the presence of such dust does not remain visible in the atmosphere beyond the property line of the emission source. Implementation of dust suppression techniques is also required to prevent fugitive dust from creating a nuisance off-site. Applicable dust suppression techniques include the following: ○ Water active sites at least twice daily (locations where grading is to occur will be thoroughly watered prior to earthmoving). ○ All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least 2 feet (ft) of freeboard in accordance with the requirements of California Vehicle Code Section 23114 (freeboard means vertical space between the top of the load and top of the trailer). ○ Traffic speeds on all unpaved roads shall be reduced to 15 miles per hour or less. • Title 13, Section 2449(d)(D) of the California Code of Regulations: Requires operators of off- road vehicles (i.e., self-propelled diesel-fueled vehicles 25 horsepower and up that were not designed to be driven on road) to limit vehicle idling to five minutes or less. The Project Applicant would also be required to comply with SCAQMD Rule 1113, which limits the volatile organic compound (VOC) content of architectural coatings (e.g. paint), and SCAQMD Rule 1108, which identifies standards regarding the application of asphalt. Adherence to the standards identified in SCAQMD Rules 1113 and 1108 is required for all construction projects in the City to reduce emissions and objectionable odors impacts. Adherence to the SCAQMD Rules identified above and Title 13, Section 2449(d)(D) of the California Code of Regulation would reduce odor impacts to people on or near the project site during construction. Additionally, as previously discussed, construction activities would be temporary, and odors generated from construction activities would be isolated to the immediate vicinity of the construction site. Therefore, project construction activities would not result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-24 Operation. Land uses generally associated with long-term objectionable odors include agricultural uses, wastewater treatment plants, food-processing plants, chemical plants, composting operations, refineries, landfills, dairies, and fiberglass molding facilities. The proposed project consists of a 35,505 square-foot warehouse that would not include uses that would generate long- term objectionable odors. Therefore, operation of the proposed project would not result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 5-25 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special-status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b. Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c. Have a substantial adverse effect on state or federally protected wetlands (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? d. Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e. Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? f. Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? The information and analysis in this section is based on the Habitat Assessment and Arborist Report for the Fontana Business Center 3 Project in Fontana report prepared by LSA on July 28, 2023, provided in Appendix C. 5.4.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special-status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? Less than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The 1.61-acre project site is generally flat and is currently vacant and undeveloped. The project site is bounded by large warehouses to the south, Juniper Avenue followed by the South Fontana Sports Park to the west, a United States Postal Service office to the north, and a commercial warehouse center (The Home Depot) to the east. Residential land uses exist further north of the project site, across Santa Ana Avenue. The project site FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-26 primarily consists of ruderal vegetation45 and is dominated by non-native species, including prickly Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), mouse barley (Hordeum murinum), common knotweed (Polygonum aviculare), redstem stork’s bill (Erodium cicutarium), and common Mediterranean grass (Schismus barbatus). There are a few ornamental shrubs and trees along the site edges including one African sumac tree (Searsia lancea) and one Black Walnut tree (Juglans nigra). No natural plant communities are present. Regionally, the project site is located within the Jurupa Recovery Unit of the federally endangered Delhi Sands flower-loving fly, and Delhi Sand Soils historically have been mapped on the site.46 However, the Delhi Sands Flower Loving Fly (Rhaphiomidas terminatus abdominalis) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation prepared by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW), Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, indicates the Jurupa Hills Population of this species within the Jurupa Recovery Unit is approximately 2 miles southwest of the project site among the undeveloped Jurupa Hills.47 The Recovery Strategy outlined in the Final Recovery Plan for the Delhi Sands Flower Loving Fly prepared by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region, includes three primary actions: (1) working with the appropriate landowners and local governments to preserve and enhance the presently occupied habitat; (2) implementing a program to restore lands with the highest potential; and (3) initiating a captive breeding and release program.48 Restorable habitat consists of areas that contain Delhi series soil and are not currently occupied by the animal, but could be managed for the species.49 Nevertheless, the highest priority of the Recovery Strategy is to protect existing populations and existing suitable habitat by, in part, protecting dispersal corridors critical for movement of the Delhi Sands Flower Loving Fly.50 A general biological resources assessment and tree inventory for the proposed project was prepared to evaluate the biological resources on the project site (Appendix C).51 The assessment included a literature review and field survey to determine the existence or potential occurrence of threatened, endangered, or candidate plant and animal species and critical habitats on the project site and in the project vicinity. The report also included an arborist study. None of the species identified during the literature review are expected to occur on the project site due to the lack of suitable habitat. In addition, the results of the literature search indicate the project site is not within a designated critical habitat of any species. A reconnaissance field survey of the project site was conducted by a qualified LSA Biologist on July 5, 2023, which included a burrow survey to determine if the project site contains burrows potentially 45 Ruderal vegetation consists of species (often invasive) that are first to colonize disturbed lands. 46 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region. Final Recovery Plan for the Delhi Sands Flower Loving Fly. Figure 5: Jurupa Recovery Unit. 1997. 47 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, Carlsbad, California. Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly (Rhaphiomidas terminates abdominalis) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation. Page 29. March 2008. 48 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region. Final Recovery Plan for the Delhi Sands Flower Loving Fly. Page 14. 1997. 49 Ibid. Page 15. 50 Ibid. 51 LSA Associates, Inc. Habitat Assessment and Arborist Report for the Fontana Business Center 3 Project in Fontana. July, 2023. 5-27 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) occupied by the burrowing owl and a habitat assessment for the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly. A second site visit and habitat assessment for the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly was performed on July 21, 2023. The field survey on July 5, 2023, determined that animal species observed on-site are typical of urban environments and are not identified as special-status wildlife species. The field survey also determined there are no special-status plants located within the project site. Additionally, the field survey determined that all special-status plant and animal species that have the potential to occur in the project vicinity are considered absent from the site due to the lack of suitable habitat observed on-site. Although the burrow survey did not identify burrowing owls or occupied burrows, burrows of sufficient size for burrowing owls were present on the project site. However, because of the size of the project site and isolation of the project site from more suitable habitat, it is unlikely that burrowing owl would occupy the project site. Nevertheless, because of the potential, although low, for burrowing owl to inhabit the site, Mitigation Measure BIO-1 requiring a burrowing owl pre- construction survey (within 30 days prior to disturbance, e.g. grading) is prescribed to further reduce impacts on this species. The habitat assessment performed for the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly did not constitute a protocol survey and was for the purpose of determining habitat suitability, not confirming presence or absence of the species. As stated above, the nearest known extent population of Delhi Sands flower-loving fly is in the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly Core Area approximately 2 miles southwest of the project site in the Jurupa Hills. The project site is in an area mapped as Delhi fine sand, which is considered a component of potentially suitable habitat for the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly; however, although the soil observed on site shows some consistency with Delhi fine sand, it has been severely affected by intensive long term agricultural and commercial development land use practices dating back to 1938. The decades of agricultural use, subsequent grading of the site, and continued disturbance have changed the structure of the soil and eliminated natural vegetation. Surface soil observed on the project site during the site visits on July 5, 2023 and July 23, 2023 included gravelly loamy sand, which is compacted throughout the site except for a 5-meter (16.4-foot) wide strip along the south edge where it was recently disced, presumably for weed control. These altered, compacted, and highly disturbed soils are unsuitable for Delhi Sands flower-loving fly.52 The project site consists of 1.61 acres of habitat unsuitable for Delhi Sands flower-loving fly, and the site is completely surrounded by industrial, commercial, and park development and public and private roadways. Even if the project site were to be designated as restorable habitat, its small size and infill nature isolating it from dispersion corridors and larger habitat patches renders the site with very limited potential to sustain Delhi Sands flower-loving fly populations through time.53 Therefore, the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly is considered absent from the project site, and the site has no potential to support this species due to surrounding development, disturbance and compaction of native soils, absence of sand dune formations, lack of natural vegetation, and the project site’s isolation from more suitable habitat. 52 Ibid. Page 5. 53 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, Carlsbad, California. Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly (Rhaphiomidas terminates abdominalis) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation. Page 14 and Page 15. March 2008. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-28 Overall, implementation of the proposed project would not have a substantial direct or indirect adverse effect, through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special-status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. However, the project site may contain potential habitat for burrowing owl, which are a species of special concern. Therefore, the project could impact burrowing owls during construction if they are present on site. With implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-1, impacts to candidate, sensitive, or special-status species would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation measure is required to reduce potentially significant impacts on burrowing owl to less-than-significant levels. Mitigation Measure BIO-1 Within 30 days prior the commencement of ground disturbing activities, a pre-construction burrowing owl survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist. The results of the single one- day survey shall be submitted to the City for review prior to issuance of grading permit. If burrowing owl are not detected during the pre-construction survey, no further mitigation is required. If burrowing owl are detected during the pre-construction survey, a burrowing owl protection and relocation program shall be prepared by a qualified biologist and submitted to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for review and approval. The applicant shall submit evidence to the City that required and applicable provisions of the burrowing owl protection and relocation program have been satisfied prior to the start of any on-site ground disturbance activity. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. With implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-1, any burrowing owl encountered on the project site would be protected and/or relocated under consultation with the CDFW and USFWS, and impacts to candidate, sensitive, or special-status species would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. b. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The project site primarily consists of ruderal vegetation and is dominated by non-native species. No drainage features, ponded areas, wetlands, or riparian habitat was observed on the project site during the field survey. In addition, no natural plant communities were observed on the project site. Therefore, no impact to riparian habitat or other sensitive natural communities would occur, and no mitigation is required. 5-29 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) c. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on state or federally protected wetlands (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? No Impact. The project site primarily consists of ruderal vegetation and is dominated by non-native species. No drainage features, ponded areas, wetlands, or riparian habitat subject to jurisdiction of the CDFW, USACE, and/or RWQCB were observed on the project site during the field survey. Therefore, neither Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 and 401 permits nor a CDFW streambed alteration agreement are required for the project. No impact on federally protected wetlands would occur, and no mitigation is required. d. Would the project interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Habitat fragmentation occurs when a single, contiguous habitat area is divided into two or more areas, or where an action isolates two or more new areas from each other. Isolation of habitat occurs when wildlife cannot move freely from one portion of the habitat to another or to/from one habitat type to another. Habitat fragmentation may occur when a portion of one or more habitats is converted into another habitat, as when scrub habitats are converted into annual grassland habitat because of frequent burning. Wildlife movement includes seasonal migration along corridors, as well as daily movements for foraging. Examples of migration corridors may include areas of unobstructed open space for deer, riparian corridors providing cover for migrating birds, routes between breeding waters and upland habitat for amphibians, and between roosting and feeding areas for birds. The project site is bounded by large warehouses to the south, Juniper Avenue followed by the South Fontana Sports Park to the west, a United States Postal Service office to the north, and a commercial warehouse center (The Home Depot) to the east. Residential land uses exist further north of the project site, across Santa Ana Avenue. The project site is not within a wildlife corridor and does not contain nursery sites. However, ornamental shrubs and trees that could provide suitable nesting habitat for common bird species are present along the edges of the project site. As discussed in Response 5.4(a), burrows of sufficient size for burrowing owls were present on the project site. Although the size of the project site and isolation of the project site from more suitable habitat makes it unlikely that burrowing owl would occupy the project site, because of the potential, although low, for burrowing owl to inhabit the site, Mitigation Measure BIO-1 requiring a burrowing owl pre-construction survey (within 30 days prior to disturbance, e.g. grading) is prescribed to further reduce impacts on this species. In addition, because the project would include the removal of on-site trees that may contain nesting birds, the project would have the potential to interfere with wildlife movement. Accordingly, Mitigation Measure BIO-2 is prescribed to ensure a qualified biologist conducts a pre-construction survey for nesting birds and that impacts to nesting birds are avoided if construction activities occur during nesting bird season, in accordance with Sections 3503–3801 of the California Fish and Game FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-30 Code. With implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-2, nesting birds would be protected during project construction activities. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation measure is required to reduce potentially significant impacts to nesting birds to less-than-significant levels. Mitigation Measure BIO-2 If ground disturbance is proposed during nesting bird season (February 15 to August 31), a pre-construction nesting survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist (Project Biologist) within 72 hours prior to start of work pursuant to Sections 3503– 3801 of the California Fish and Game Code. If the survey indicates nesting birds are present, an appropriate buffer to be established by the Project Biologist shall be marked off around the nest(s), and no construction activity shall occur in that area during nesting activities. Construction may resume within the established buffer when the Project Biologist determines the nest is no longer occupied and all juveniles have left the nest. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. With implementation of both Mitigation Measure BIO-1 and BIO-2, impacts to wildlife movement opportunities, including nesting birds and burrowing owl, would be reduced to less than significant with mitigation incorporated. e. Would the project conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? Less than Significant. A general biological resources assessment and tree inventory for the proposed project was prepared to evaluate the biological resources on the project site (Appendix C). Trees on the site were inventoried on July 5, 2023, by a qualified LSA arborist in accordance with the City’s tree protection ordinance (Chapter 28, Article III of the City Municipal Code). The City’s tree protection ordinance prohibits the removal of any Heritage, Significant, or Specimen tree unless a permit is obtained. The tree inventory survey identified two trees on the project site including one African sumac tree (Searsia lancea) and one Black Walnut tree (Juglans nigra). However, neither of the trees present on the project site meet the City’s definitions of Heritage, Significant, or Specimen trees. Therefore, the project would not be required to preserve any of the trees on-site or obtain a permit to remove any of the on-site trees. Development of the project would remove both living trees from the project site. Pursuant to Section 28-67(c) of the City Municipal Code, “all other trees which are not heritage, significant, or specimen tree shall be replaced. The size of the replacement tree(s) shall be based on a scale of ten percent to 100 percent. Staff may require that the ratings be performed by a certified arborist. The arborist report will be approved by staff”. Therefore, the project would be required to replace two trees on- site in accordance with the criteria specified in Section 28-67(c). The replacement requirements for on-site trees are provided in Table C in Attachment C of the general biological resources assessment and tree inventory (Appendix C). 5-31 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Standard Condition BIO-1 is prescribed to ensure that the Project Applicant would replace each living tree on the project site (two trees) pursuant to Section 28-67 (c) of the City Municipal Code. Standard Conditions. Mitigation is not required; however, the following Standard Condition is a regulatory requirement that would be implemented to ensure the project would not conflict with the City’s tree protection ordinance or other local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources. Standard Condition BIO-1 Prior to removal of the two trees from the project site (refer to Table C in Attached C of Appendix C of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration) the Project Applicant shall coordinate with City staff to identify suitable replacement trees in accordance with Section 28-67(c) of Article III: Preservation of Heritage, Significant, and Specimen Trees of the City Municipal Code. Each living tree shall be replaced pursuant to the replacement tree requirement determined in the Biological Resources and Arborist Report and approved by City staff. This condition shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. Through implementation of Standard Condition BIO-1, the project would not conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, including the City’s tree protection ordinance. Impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. f. Would the project conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? No Impact. The project site does not lie within an area covered by any adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State habitat conservation plan. Therefore, the project would not conflict with a conservation plan and no impact would occur. Mitigation is not required. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-32 5.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource pursuant to §15064.5? b. Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to §15064.5? c. Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? Cultural resources are broadly defined as any physical manifestations of human activity that are at least 50 years of age and may include archaeological resources as well as historic-era buildings and structures. Archaeological resources include both precontact remains and remains dating to the historical period. Precontact (or Native American) archaeological resources are physical manifestations of human activities that predate written records and may include village sites, temporary camps, lithic (stone tool) scatters, rock art, roasting pits/hearths, milling features, rock features, and burials. Historic archaeological resources can include refuse heaps, bottle dumps, ceramic scatters, privies, foundations, and burials and are generally associated in California with the Spanish Mission Period (1769 through 1833) through the mid-late 20th century (1970). Archaeological resources that are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register), California Register of Historical Resources (California Register), or a local register are considered historical resources pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 defines the term “historical resource” as: 1. A resource listed in, or determined to be eligible by the State Historical Resources Commission, for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources (Pub. Res. Code Section 5024.1, Title 14 CCR, Section 4850 et seq.). 2. A resource included in a local register of historical resources, as defined in Section 5020.1(k) of the Public Resources Code or identified as significant in an historical resource survey meeting the requirements of Section 5024.1(g) of the Public Resources Code, shall be presumed to be historically or culturally significant. Public agencies must treat any such resource as significant unless the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that it is not historically or culturally significant. 3. Any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, or manuscript which a lead agency determines to be historically significant or significant in the architectural, engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, educational, social, political, military, or cultural annals of California may be considered to be an historical resource, provided the lead agency’s determination is supported by substantial evidence in light of the whole record. Generally, a resource shall be considered by 5-33 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) the lead agency to be “historically significant” if the resource meets the criteria for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources (Pub. Res. Code, Section 5024.1, Title 14 CCR, Section 4852) including the following: a. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California’s history and cultural heritage. b. Is associated with the lives of persons important in our past. c. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values. d. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. A “substantial adverse change” to a historical resource, according to Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 5020.1(q), “means demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration such that the significance of a historical resource would be impaired.” 5.5.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource pursuant to §15064.5? Less than Significant Impact. A Cultural Resources Assessment was prepared for the project site and included an archaeological and historical records search, additional research (e.g., project-specific Phase I ESA and historic and aerial maps of the project site), and an intensive pedestrian survey of the project site (Appendix D).54 The records search of the project site was completed on August 4, 2023, at the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) and included a 1-mile radius search index. The records search identified 41 previously conducted cultural resources studies within 1 mile of the site; however, none of these previous studies encompassed the project site.55 The records search did not identify any historic or precontact archaeological resources on the project site. The records search identified 17 prehistoric and historic period archeological resources and 29 built environment resources that were documented within 1 mile of the project site. Additional research conducted in August 2023 included review of the project Phase I ESA report,56 online historic period maps, and aerial photographs of the project site. The research did not reveal any historic buildings or structures on the project site.57 54 LSA Associates, Inc. Cultural Resources Assessment, Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. August 2023. 55 Ibid. Page 9. 56 Orswell & Kasman, Inc. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report. June 2022. 57 LSA Associates, Inc. Cultural Resources Assessment, Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. Page 9. August 2023. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-34 The pedestrian survey conducted on August 14, 2023, did not identify any historic or precontact archaeological resources on the project site.58 Based on the results of the records search, additional research, and pedestrian survey, the project site does not contain any “historical resources” as defined under CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. In addition, the project site has sustained disturbance from weed abatement activities, and sensitivity for in-situ undocumented subsurface historical resources is low. Therefore, impacts to historical resources from project development would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. b. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to §15064.5? Less than Significant Impact. As discussed in Section 5.5.a above, the records search, additional research, and pedestrian survey, conducted as part of the Cultural Resources Assessment prepared for the project (Appendix D) did not identify any archeological resources as defined under CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 on the project site or within 1 mile of the project site. Additionally, the Cultural Resources Assessment determined that the potential for encountering subsurface archeological resources during construction is low.59 Nevertheless, the proposed project must comply with all applicable regulations protecting archaeological resources, including Title 14, California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15064.5 and [California] Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21083.2 California Environmental Quality Act-Archeological Resources, which enable the City to require the Project Applicant to make reasonable effort to preserve or mitigate impacts to any affected significant or unique archaeological resource. Although there are no known archaeological resources on the project site, there is potential for unknown subsurface archaeological resources (both historic-era resources, as well as precontact (Native American) resources) to be encountered during ground-disturbing activities. Accordingly, the City has prescribed Standard Conditions CUL-1 through CUL-3 to ensure that archaeological resources, including tribal cultural resources, are protected if archaeological resources are encountered during project construction. Standard Conditions. Mitigation is not required; however, the following Standard Conditions are regulatory requirements that would be implemented to ensure impacts related to archaeological resources remain less than significant. Standard Condition CUL-1 Upon discovery of any cultural, tribal cultural or archaeological resources, cease construction activities in the immediate vicinity of the find until the find can be assessed by an archaeological monitor who would be retained by the project Applicant to monitor all subsequent ground-disturbing activity in native soils under the supervision of a project archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology. All cultural, tribal cultural and archaeological 58 Ibid. Pages 8 and 9. 59 Ibid. Page 10. 5-35 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) resources unearthed by project construction activities shall be evaluated by the archaeological monitor and tribal monitor/consultant. If the resources are Native American in origin, the property owner shall coordinate with interested Tribes (as a result of correspondence with area Tribes) regarding treatment and curation of these resources. Typically, the Tribes will request preservation in place or recovery for educational purposes. Work may continue on other parts of the project while evaluation takes place. Standard Condition CUL-2 Preservation in place shall be the preferred manner of treatment. If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment may include implementation of archaeological data recovery excavation to remove the resource from the area of ground disturbance along with subsequent laboratory processing and analysis. All removed Tribal Cultural Resources shall be returned to the Tribes. Any historic archaeological material that is not Native American in origin shall be curated at a public, non-profit institution with a research interest in the materials, if such an institution agrees to accept the material. If no institution accepts the archaeological material, they shall be offered to the Tribe or a local school or historical society in the area for educational purposes. Standard Condition CUL-3 Archaeological and Native American monitoring and excavation during construction projects shall be consistent with current professional standards. All feasible care to avoid any unnecessary disturbance, physical modification, or separation of human remains and associated funerary objects shall be taken. Principal personnel shall meet the Secretary of the Interior standards for archaeology and have a minimum of 10 years’ experience as a principal investigator working with Native American archaeological sites in southern California. The principal personnel shall ensure that the archaeological monitor and all other personnel are appropriately trained and qualified. With implementation of Standard Conditions CUL-1 through CUL-3, impacts associated with a substantial change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to §15064.5 would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. c. Would the project disturb any humans remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? Less than Significant Impact. As discussed in Sections 5.5.a and 5.5.b above, the Cultural Resources Assessment determined that the potential for encountering subsurface archeological resources during construction is low. Therefore, there would also be a low potential for the project to disturb human remains. Nevertheless, the proposed project must comply with all applicable regulations FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-36 protecting human remains, should they be encountered, including Section 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, which requires that excavation be stopped in the vicinity of the discovered human remains while the coroner determines whether the remains are those of a Native American. If human remains are determined as those of Native American origin, the Project Applicant shall comply with the State Health and Safety Code relating to the disposition of Native American burials that fall within the jurisdiction of the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) (PRC Section 5097). Additionally, Section 7052 of the California Health and Safety Code states that disturbance of Native American cemeteries is a felony. Accordingly, Standard Condition CUL-4 is prescribed to ensure that human remains (or remains that may be human), including Native American human remains, would be protected if they are discovered during project construction. With implementation of Standard Condition CUL-4 human remains would be protected during project construction and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. Standard Conditions. Mitigation is not required; however, the following Standard Condition is a regulatory requirement that would be implemented to ensure impacts related to human remains remain less than significant. Standard Condition CUL-4 Pursuant to State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, if human remains are encountered during project construction activities, no further disturbance shall occur within 100 feet of the find and the Project Applicant shall notify the San Bernardino County Coroner and the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. The County Coroner shall make a determination of origin and disposition. If the San Bernardino County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted by the Coroner within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the “Most Likely Descendant”. The Most Likely Descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation with the property owner concerning the treatment of the remains and any associated items as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. Additionally, the specific locations of Native American burials and reburials shall be proprietary and not disclosed to the general public. 5-37 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.6 ENERGY Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Result in a potentially significant environmental impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources during project construction or operation? b. Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency? The project site is within the service territory of Southern California Edison (SCE). SCE provides electricity to more than 15 million people in a 50,000-square-mile area of Central, Coastal, and Southern California.60 According to the California Energy Commission (CEC), total electricity consumption in the SCE service area in 2022 was 85,870 gigawatt-hours (GWh) (85,869,985,679 kilowatt-hours [kWh]).61 Total electricity consumption in San Bernardino County in 2022 was 16,629.6 GWh or 16,629,614,195 kWh.62 Gasoline is the most used transportation fuel in California, with 97 percent of all gasoline being consumed by light-duty cars, pickup trucks, and sport utility vehicles. Total gasoline consumption in California was 289,918 thousand barrels or 1,464.7 trillion British Thermal Units (BTU) in 2020.63 Of the total gasoline consumption, 273,289 thousand barrels or 1,380.7 trillion BTU were consumed for transportation.64 Based on fuel consumption obtained from CARB’s California Emissions Factor Model, Version 2021 (EMFAC2021), approximately 907.3 million gallons of gasoline and approximately 325.0 million gallons of diesel will be consumed from vehicle trips in San Bernardino County in 2023. 5.6.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project result in a potentially significant environmental impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources during project construction or operation? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project would increase the demand for electricity and gasoline when compared to existing site conditions. The discussion and analysis provided below is based on the data included in the CalEEMod output, which is included in Appendix A. 60 Southern California Edison (SCE). 2020. About Us. Website: https://www.sce.com/about-us/who-we-are (accessed August 2023). 61 California Energy Commission. 2022. Electricity Consumption by Entity. Website: http://www.ecdms.energy.ca.gov/ elecbyutil.aspx. (accessed December 2023). 62 Ibid. 2022. Electricity Consumption by County. Website: http://www.ecdms.energy.ca.gov/elecbycounty.aspx. (accessed December 2023). 63 A British thermal unit is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1°F. 64 United States Department of Energy, EIA. 2021. California State Profile and Energy Estimates. Table F3: Motor gasoline consumption, price, and expenditure estimates, 2020. Website: eia.gov/state/seds/data.php?incfile=/state/seds/ sep_fuel/html/fuel_mg.html&sid=CA (accessed August 2023). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-38 Construction-Period Energy Use. The anticipated construction schedule assumes that the proposed project would be built over approximately 10 months. The proposed project would require site preparation, grading, building construction, paving, and architectural coating during construction. Construction of the proposed project would require energy for the manufacture and transportation of building materials and for preparation of the site for grading activities and building construction. Petroleum fuels (e.g., diesel and gasoline) would be the primary sources of energy for these activities. Construction activities are not anticipated to result in an inefficient use of energy because gasoline and diesel fuel would be supplied by construction contractors who would conserve the use of their supplies to minimize their costs on the proposed project. Energy usage on the project site during construction would be temporary in nature and would be relatively small in comparison to the State’s available energy sources. Therefore, construction energy impacts would be less than significant, and no mitigation would be required. Operational Energy Use. Energy use includes both direct and indirect sources of emissions. Direct sources of emissions include on-site natural gas usage for heating, while indirect sources include electricity generated by off-site power plants. As noted in Chapter 2.0, Project Description, the proposed project would not include natural gas; therefore, natural gas demand is not evaluated for purposes of this assessment. CalEEMod divides building electricity use into uses that are subject to Title 24 standards and those that are not. For electricity, Title 24 uses include the major building envelope systems covered by Part 6 (California Energy Code) of Title 24 (e.g., space heating, space cooling, water heating, and ventilation). Non-Title 24 uses include all other end uses (e.g., appliances, electronics, and other miscellaneous plug-in uses). Because some lighting is not considered as part of the building envelope energy budget, CalEEMod considers lighting as a separate electricity use category. Table 5.6.A shows the estimated potential increased electricity, gasoline, and diesel demand associated with the proposed project. The electricity rates are from the CalEEMod analysis, while the gasoline and diesel rates are based on the traffic analysis (see Attachment H) in conjunction with United States Department of Transportation (DOT) fuel efficiency data. Table 5.6.A: Estimated Annual Energy Use of the Proposed Project Land Use Electricity Use (kWh/yr) Natural Gas Use (kBTU/yr) Gasoline (gal/yr) Diesel (gal/yr) Industrial 186,501 0 6,482 29,896 Source: Compiled by LSA Associates, Inc. (August 2023). (Appendix A). gal/yr = gallons per year kBTU = thousand British thermal units kWh = kilowatt-hours 5-39 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) As shown in Table 5.6.A, the estimated potential increase in electricity demand associated with the proposed project is 186,501 kWh per year. As discussed above, total electricity consumption in the SCE service area in 2022 was 85,870 GWh. Of this total, San Bernardino County consumed 16,629.6 GWh or 16,629,614,195 kWh.65 Therefore, electricity demand associated with the proposed project would be approximately 0.0012 percent of San Bernardino County’s total electricity demand. Although there would be an overall increase in energy demand associated with the proposed project, the CALGreen Code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 11), sets performance standards for nonresidential development to reduce environmental impacts and encourage sustainable construction practices. The CALGreen Code addresses energy efficiency, water conservation, materials conservation, planning and design, and overall environmental quality. CALGreen is updated on a regular basis, with the most recent approved update consisting of the 2022 California Green Building Code Standards that was effective on January 1, 2023. The project would be required to adhere to all federal, State, and local requirements for energy efficiency, including current Title 24 and CALGreen standards which establish minimum efficiency standards related to various building features, including appliances, water and space heating and cooling equipment, building insulation and roofing, and lighting, which would reduce energy usage. In addition, proposed new development would be constructed using energy efficient modern building materials and construction practices, and the proposed project also would use new modern appliances and equipment, in accordance with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations (Title 20, CCR Sections 1601 through 1608). The expected energy consumption during construction and operation of the proposed project would be consistent with typical usage rates for industrial uses. The proposed project would result in energy usage associated with gasoline and diesel to fuel project-related trips. The average fuel economy for light-duty vehicles (automobiles, pickups, vans, and sport utility vehicles) in the United States has steadily increased, from about 13.1 mpg in 1975 to 26.0 mpg in 2022.66 The average fuel economy for heavy-duty trucks in the United States has also steadily increased, from 5.7 mpg in 2013 to a 8.0 mpg in 2021.67 Using the USEPA gasoline fuel economy estimates for 2022, the California diesel fuel economy estimates for 2021, and the traffic data from the project traffic analysis, the proposed project would result in the annual consumption of 6,482 gallons of gasoline and 29,896 gallons of diesel fuel. In 2022, vehicles in California consumed approximately 13.6 billion gallons of gasoline68 and 65 California Energy Commission. 2022. Electricity Consumption by County. Website: http://www.ecdms.energy.ca.gov/elecbycounty.aspx. (accessed December 2023). 66 United States Environmental Protection Agency. The 2023 EPA Automotive Trends Report: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Technology since 1975. December 2023. Table 3.1. Website chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2023- 12/420r23033.pdf. (accessed January 2024). 67 California Energy Commission. 2015. Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck Prices and Fuel Economy 2013–2026. Website: efiling.energy.ca.gov/getdocument.aspx?tn=206180 (accessed August 2023). 68 California Energy Commission. California Gasoline Data, Facts, and Statistics. January 2024. Website: https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-reports/energy-almanac/transportation-energy/california-gasoline-data-facts-and- statistics. (accessed January 2024). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-40 3.13 billion gallons of diesel fuel.69 Therefore, gasoline and diesel demand generated by vehicle trips associated with the proposed project would be a minimal fraction of gasoline and diesel fuel consumption in California and, by extension, in San Bernardino County. In addition, vehicles associated with trips to and from the project site would be subject to fuel economy and efficiency standards, which are applicable throughout the State. As such, the fuel efficiency of vehicles associated with project operations would increase throughout the life of the proposed project. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not result in a substantial increase in transportation-related energy uses. The proposed project would not result in the wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of fuel or energy and would incorporate renewable energy or energy efficiency measures into building design, equipment uses, and transportation. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. b. Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency? Less than Significant Impact. As indicated above, energy usage on the project site during construction would be temporary in nature. In addition, energy usage associated with operation of the proposed project would be relatively small in comparison to the State’s available energy sources, and energy impacts would be less than significant at the regional level. Because California’s energy conservation planning actions are conducted at a regional level, and because the project’s total impacts to regional energy supplies would be less than significant, the proposed project would not conflict with California’s energy conservation plans as described in the CEC’s 2023 Integrated Energy Policy Report. In addition, the proposed project would comply with Title 24 and CALGreen standards. Thus, as shown above, the proposed project would avoid or reduce the inefficient, wasteful, and unnecessary consumption of energy and would not result in any irreversible or irretrievable commitments of energy. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in the wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources during project construction or operation. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 69 California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Fuel Taxes Statistics & Reports: Diesel Fuel. September 2023. Website: https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/taxes-and-fees/spftrpts.htm. (accessed January 2024). 5-41 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.7 GEOLOGY AND SOILS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Directly or indirectly cause potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: i. Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ii. Strong seismic ground shaking? iii. Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? iv. Landslides? b. Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c. Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? d. Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial direct or indirect risks to life or property? e. Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? f. Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? The information and analysis in this section is based on the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report prepared by Noorzay Geotechnical Services, Inc. on January 24, 2023, provided in Appendix E. 5.7.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project directly or indirectly cause potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: i. Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. No Impact. The project site is not located within an Earthquake Fault Zone as defined by the State of California in the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Act of 1972 or as defined by the City’s FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-42 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.70 In addition, there is no evidence of any faults or faulting activity on or trending toward the project site.71 As such, the risk of ground rupture due to fault displacement beneath the site is low. No impact related to fault rupture would result from the implementation of the project. Mitigation is not required. ii. Strong seismic ground shaking? Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The project site is located within a seismically active region, with a number of faults traversing or in proximity to the City, including the Cucamonga, San Jacinto, Sierra Madre, San Jose, Elsinore/Glen Ivy, and San Andreas Faults. The nearest active faults in proximity to the project site are the San Jacinto Fault approximately 6.8 miles to the east, and the Cucamonga Fault approximately 7.5 miles to the north.72 Due to the presence of active and inferred faults in proximity to the project site, the project site is expected to be subject to occasionally moderate to severe ground-shaking, as well as some background shaking from other seismically active areas of the Southern California region. The extent of ground-shaking associated with an earthquake is dependent upon the size of the earthquake and the geologic material of the underlying area. Therefore, the project would have the potential to directly or indirectly cause potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death from seismic ground-shaking. However, construction and development of the project would be required to comply with applicable provisions of the California Building Code (CBC). State law requires the design and construction of new structures comply with current CBC requirements, which address general geologic, seismic (including ground shaking), and soil constraints for new buildings. Additionally, the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report prepared for the proposed project provided recommendations for the project’s design and construction in conformance with the CBC requirements as codified in Chapter 5, Article III (California Building Code) of the City Municipal Code. Mitigation Measure GEO-1 is prescribed to ensure that the project is constructed in conformance with the current CBC, applicable City standards, and recommendations identified in the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report to ensure that project development would be safeguarded against the effects of seismic related activity that may occur on- site. Therefore, impacts from seismic ground-shaking would be reduced to less than significant with mitigation incorporated. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation measure is required to reduce potentially significant impacts from seismic ground-shaking to less than significant levels. 70 City of Fontana. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Figure 4-9: Active Fault Map. June 2017; Approved and Adopted August 14, 2018. 71 Noorzay Geotechnical Services, Inc. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing, Proposed Warehouse Building, Juniper Avenue, Fontana, California, APN 0255-101-24-0000, -255-101-30-0000, Prepared for Chase Partners, LTD, NGS Project No. 23001. Page 13. January 24, 2023. 72 Ibid. Page 5. 5-43 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Mitigation Measure GEO-1 Prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits, the Project Applicant shall provide evidence to the City of Fontana (City) for review and approval that proposed structures, features, and facilities have been designed and would be constructed in conformance with applicable provisions of the 2022 edition of the California Building Code (CBC) or the most current edition of the CBC in effect at the time the Project Applicant’s development application is deemed complete by the City. Additionally, the Project Applicant shall provide evidence to the City that the recommendations cited in the project-specific geotechnical report are incorporated into project plans and/or implemented as deemed appropriate by the City. Geotechnical recommendations include, but are not limited to, removal of existing vegetation and deleterious materials, utilities, and any other surface and subsurface improvements that would not remain in place for use with the new development. Earthwork, overexcavation, and ground improvement shall occur to depths specified in the geotechnical report to provide a sufficient layer of engineered fill or densified soil beneath the structural footings/foundations, as well as proper surface drainage devices and erosion control. All grading operations, including site clearing and stripping, shall be observed by the project geotechnical engineer/geologist, who will provide observation and field testing. Further sub-excavation may be necessary depending on the conditions of the underlying soils. The actual depth of removal shall be determined at the time of grading by the project geotechnical engineer/geologist. The determination will be based on soil conditions exposed within the excavations. At minimum, any undocumented fill, topsoil, or other unsuitable materials shall be removed and replaced with properly compacted fill. Verification testing must be performed upon completion of ground improvements to confirm that the compressible soils have been sufficiently densified. Fill soils shall consist of very low expansive soils. Construction of concrete structures in contact with subgrade soils determined to be corrosive shall include measures to protect concrete, steel, and other metals. Slabs to receive moisture-sensitive coverings shall be provided with a moisture vapor retarder/barrier designed and constructed according to the American Concrete Institute 302.1R, Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. The structural engineer must determine the ultimate thickness and reinforcement of the building floor slabs based on the imposed FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-44 slab loading. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Director of Building and Safety or designee. iii. Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? No Impact. Liquefaction occurs when loose, unconsolidated, water-laden soils are subject to shaking, causing the soils to lose cohesion. The primary factors that influence the potential for liquefaction include groundwater table elevation, soil type and plasticity characteristics, relative density of the soil, initial confining pressure, and intensity and duration of ground shaking. The depth within which the occurrence of liquefaction may impact surface improvements is generally identified as the upper 50 feet below the existing ground surface. According to the San Bernardino County Geologic Hazard Overlays, number FH29C, the project site is not located within a potential liquefaction zone.73 Additionally, the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report included a review of water well data available from the California Department of Water Resources from two wells in proximity to the project site, well number 01S05W30L001S located approximately 0.25 miles northwest of the project site and well number 01S05W20N001S located approximately 0.9 miles northeast of the project site. These data indicated that the highest recorded groundwater from these wells was more than 200 feet below ground surface at well number 01S05W30L001S and almost 300 feet below ground surface at well number 01S05W20N001S.74 Based on the substantial groundwater depth near the project site, the site is not located in an area susceptible to liquefaction. Therefore, the likelihood of liquefaction occurring on the project site is low, and there would be no impact associated with liquefaction. Mitigation is not required. iv. Landslides? No Impact. Factors that contribute to slope failure include slope height and steepness, shear strength and orientation of weak layers in the underlying geologic units, and pore water pressures. The project site is generally flat and, according to the San Bernardino County Geologic Hazard Overlays, number FH29C, is not within a potential landslide susceptibility zone. In addition, the field investigation did not identify any visual evidence of landslides on or near the project site and there are no mapped landsides on or near the project site. 75 Therefore, the likelihood of a landslide on the project site is low and there would be no impact associated with landslides. Mitigation is not required. b. Would the project result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? Less than Significant Impact. The 1.61-acre project site is generally flat and is currently vacant and undeveloped. Construction activities at the project site would disturb surface soils and make them susceptible to erosion from wind and water. Potential erosion impacts from project construction 73 Noorzay Geotechnical Services, Inc. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing, Proposed Warehouse Building, Juniper Avenue, Fontana, California, APN 0255-101-24-0000, -255-101-30-0000, Prepared for Chase Partners, LTD, NGS Project No. 23001. Page 8. January 24, 2023. 74 Ibid. Page 8. 75 Ibid. Page 8. 5-45 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) would be reduced through the implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and incorporation of best management practices (BMPs) intended to reduce soil erosion pursuant to Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD-2, as identified in Section 5.10, Hydrology and Water Quality.76 Development of the proposed project would increase the impervious surface on the site by 85 percent and therefore would add impervious surface area that is currently absent from the site. As such, the potential for soil erosion from the site is low during project operation. Additionally, potential erosion impacts from project operation would be reduced through implementation of the project-specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and compliance with City Municipal Code requirements, which incorporate measures to capture excess stormwater runoff and prevent soil erosion to downstream water courses from new development and significant redevelopment of the site pursuant to Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4. Refer to Section 5.10, Hydrology and Water Quality, for additional information regarding the project’s compliance with regulations to reduce potential erosion impacts during project construction and operation. Adherence to the BMPs contained in the SWPPP and WQMP would ensure appropriate measures are taken to prevent the substantial loss of topsoil and erosion from occurring during project construction and operation. Therefore, impacts related to soil erosion would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. c. Would the project be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The project site is mostly flat and surrounded by urban development. There is no evidence of landslides and/or slope instabilities on the project site. As detailed in Section 5.7(a)(iii) and (iv) above, the project site is not located in an area considered susceptible to liquefaction or landslides. Lateral spreading is a type of liquefaction-induced ground failure associated with the lateral displacement of surficial blocks of sediment resulting from liquefaction in a subsurface layer. Since liquefaction would not occur on the project site, lateral spreading would also not occur. Therefore, there would be no impact associated with on- or off-site liquefaction, lateral spreading, or landslides. The soils underlying the project site consist of artificial fill underlain by young, alluvial fan deposits. The soils vary in strength and may be susceptible to subsidence, consolidation, and/or hydrocollapse when additional loads are imposed on those soils by construction equipment and/or proposed on-site structures. Shrinkage, bulking, and subsidence are primarily dependent upon the degree of soil compaction achieved during construction. Variations in the in-situ density of existing soils and the degree to which fill soils are compacted would influence earth volume changes. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report determined that, based upon the field investigation and test data, the upper existing soils would not provide uniform or adequate support for the proposed warehouse. In addition, undocumented fill and/or variable in situ conditions may be present in the upper soils found at the project site. These conditions may cause unacceptable 76 Pursuant to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program and Chapter 23, Article IX, Section 23-519 (Regulation of construction and industrial discharges) of the City Municipal Code. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-46 differential and/or overall settlement upon application of the anticipated foundation loads. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report concluded that it would be necessary to remove a minimum of 5 feet of the existing soils or 24 inches below proposed footings, whichever is greater, in the building area. To provide adequate support for the proposed warehouse, the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report recommended the building area be sub excavated as necessary and recompacted with a compacted fill mat beneath the proposed footings. A compacted fill mat would provide a dense, uniform, high- strength soil layer to distribute the foundation loads over the underlying soils.77 As discussed in Section 5.7(a), the project would be required to comply with all applicable CBC, City standards, and recommendations of the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report pursuant to Mitigation Measure GEO-1. Specifically, implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1 would ensure overexcavation and establishment of a sufficient layer of engineered fill or densified soil is prepared beneath any proposed structural footings/foundations. With implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1, soils would be sufficiently compacted and densified during construction to bear the weight of proposed on-site structure, which would stabilize soils and prevent subsidence and/or collapse from occurring on-site. Therefore, impacts from subsidence and/or collapse would be reduced to less than significant with mitigation incorporated. d. Would the project be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial direct or indirect risks to life or property? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Expansive soils generally have a substantial amount of clay particles, which can give up water (shrink) or absorb water (swell). The change in the volume exerts stress on buildings and other loads placed on these soils. The amount and types of clay present in the soil influence the extent or range of the shrink/swell. The occurrence of clayey soils is often associated with geologic units having marginal stability. Expansive soils can be widely dispersed, and they can occur along hillside areas as well as low-lying alluvial basins. According to the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report, materials on the project site encountered during the field investigation were considered granular and non-critically expansive. Therefore, the report determined that sub-surface soils have a very low expansion potential.78 However, the report recommended that additional evaluation of soils for expansion potential should be conducted by the geotechnical engineer during grading activities as warranted. As discussed in Section 5.7(a), the project would be required to comply with all applicable CBC, City standards, and recommendations of the project-specific geotechnical report pursuant to Mitigation Measure GEO-1. Specifically, implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1 would ensure that fill soils used during project construction would consist of very low expansive soils.79 Additionally, Mitigation Measure GEO-1 would ensure overexcavation and establishment of a sufficient layer of 77 Noorzay Geotechnical Services, Inc. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing, Proposed Warehouse Building, Juniper Avenue, Fontana, California, APN 0255-101-24-0000, -255-101-30-0000, Prepared for Chase Partners, LTD, NGS Project No. 23001, Page 14. January 24, 2023. 78 Ibid. Page 8. 79 Ibid. Page 12. 5-47 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) engineered fill or densified soil is prepared beneath any proposed structural footings/foundations. Therefore, implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1 would ensure that impacts from expansive soils would not occur, and the project would not create substantial direct or indirect risks to life or property. As such, impacts would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. e. Would the project have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? No Impact. The project would connect to the municipal wastewater collection system along Juniper Avenue, and no septic systems are proposed. Therefore, no impact related to the septic system or alternative wastewater disposal systems would occur. Mitigation is not required. f. Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The project site is generally flat and currently vacant and undeveloped. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the project site is underlain by artificial fill and young alluvial fan deposits (Unit 5) which are late Holocene in age (less than 4,200 years old).80 The project-specific geotechnical report noted artificial fill from the surface to depths up to 4 to 5 feet within the project area.81 Generally, Holocene sediments are too young to yield paleontological resources, but they are likely underlain by Pleistocene sediments, which have yielded significant paleontological resources elsewhere in San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. Although Holocene (less than 11,700 years ago) deposits can contain remains of plants and animals, only those from the middle to early Holocene (4,200 to 11,700 years ago) are considered scientifically important, and fossils from this time interval are not very common. Therefore, young alluvial fan deposits (Unit 5) (less than 4,200 years ago) are assigned a low paleontological sensitivity.82 Artificial fill consists of sediments that have been removed from one location and transported to another by human activity rather than natural means. While artificial fill may contain fossils, such fossils have been removed from their original location and are not considered important for scientific study. Therefore, artificial fill has no paleontological sensitivity.83 As artificial fill and young alluvial fan deposits (Unit 5) have little to no paleontological sensitivity, excavations during construction, which would extend to a maximum depth of approximately 11 feet, would remain in deposits with little to no paleontological sensitivity.84 Although development of the project has a low potential to encounter scientifically significant paleontological resources during project construction, implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-2 would ensure that impacts to 80 LSA Associates, Inc. Paleontological Resources Assessment, Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. Page 10. October 2023. 81 Ibid. Page 10. 82 Ibid. Page 11. 83 Ibid. Page 10. 84 Ibid. Page 12. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-48 paleontological resources encountered during project development would be reduced to less than significant with mitigation incorporated. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation measure is required to reduce potentially significant impacts on paleontological resources to less than significant levels. Mitigation Measure GEO-2 During construction activities, in the event that paleontological resources are encountered, work in the immediate area of the discovery shall be halted, and a professional paleontologist who meets the qualifications established by the Society of Vertebrae Paleontology shall be retained to assess the discovery. The qualified professional paleontologist shall make recommendations regarding the treatment and disposition of the discovered resources, as well as the need for subsequent paleontological mitigation, which may include, but not be limited to, paleontological monitoring; collection of observed resources; preservation, stabilization, and identification of collected resources; curation of scientifically significant resources into a museum repository; and preparation of a monitoring report of findings. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director, or designee. 5-49 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.8 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment? b. Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases? Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are present in the atmosphere naturally, are released by natural sources, or are formed from secondary reactions taking place in the atmosphere. The gases that are widely seen as the principal contributors to human-induced global climate change are: • Carbon dioxide (CO2); • Methane (CH4); • Nitrous oxide (N2O); • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); • Perfluorocarbons (PFCs); and • Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Over the last 200 years, humans have caused substantial quantities of GHGs to be released into the atmosphere. These extra emissions are increasing GHG concentrations in the atmosphere and enhancing the natural greenhouse effect, believed to be causing global warming. While manmade GHGs include naturally occurring GHGs such as CO2, methane, and N2O, some gases, like HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 are completely new to the atmosphere. Certain gases, such as water vapor, are short-lived in the atmosphere. Others remain in the atmosphere for significant periods of time, contributing to climate change in the long term. Water vapor is excluded from the list of GHGs above because it is short-lived in the atmosphere and its atmospheric concentrations are largely determined by natural processes, such as oceanic evaporation. These gases vary considerably in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP), which is a concept developed to compare the ability of each GHG to trap heat in the atmosphere relative to another gas. The GWP is based on several factors, including the relative effectiveness of a gas to absorb infrared radiation and length of time that the gas remains in the atmosphere (“atmospheric lifetime”). The GWP of each gas is measured relative to CO2, the most abundant GHG; the definition of GWP for a particular GHG is the ratio of heat trapped by one unit mass of the GHG to the ratio of heat trapped by one unit mass of CO2 over a specified time period. GHG emissions are typically measured in terms of pounds or tons of “CO2 equivalents” (CO2e). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-50 5.8.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment? Less than Significant Impact. This section discusses the project’s impacts related to the release of GHG emissions for the construction and operational phases of the project. Construction and operational GHG emissions were estimated using CalEEMod (refer to Appendix A) using the same methodology for the criteria pollutants described in Section 5.3, Air Quality. State CEQA Guidelines Section 15064(b) provides that the “determination of whether a project may have a significant effect on the environment calls for careful judgment on the part of the public agency involved, based to the extent possible on scientific and factual data,” and further states that an “ironclad definition of significant effect is not always possible because the significance of an activity may vary with the setting.” Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines includes significance thresholds for GHG emissions. A project would normally have a significant effect on the environment if it would do either of the following: • Generate GHG emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment; or • Conflict with an applicable plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of GHGs. Currently, there is no Statewide GHG emissions threshold that has been used to determine the potential GHG emissions impacts of a project. Threshold methodology and thresholds are currently developed and revised by air districts in California. Fontana is one of the consortium of cities that adopted San Bernardino County’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan Update85 in 2021 and GHG Development Review Process (DRP)86 in 2016. The DRP procedures need to be followed to evaluate GHG impacts and determine significance for CEQA purposes. All projects need to apply the GHG performance standards identified in the DRP and comply with State requirements. For projects exceeding the review standard of 3,000 metric tons (MT) CO2e per year, the use of screening tables or a project-specific technical analysis to quantify and mitigate project emissions is required. If GHG emissions from the project are less than 3,000 MT CO2e per year and the project would apply GHG performance standards and State requirements, project- level and cumulative GHG emissions would be less than significant. Construction Activities. Construction activities associated with the proposed project would produce combustion emissions from various sources. During construction, GHGs would be emitted through the operation of construction equipment and from worker and builder supply vendor vehicles, each of which typically use fossil-based fuels to operate. The combustion of 85 County of San Bernardino. 2021. Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Update. Website: www.gosbcta.com/plan/regional-greenhouse-gas-reduction-plan/ (accessed August 2023). 86 County of San Bernardino. 2015. GHG Development Review Processes. March. Website: www.sbcounty.gov/Uploads/lus/GreenhouseGas/FinalGHGUpdate.pdf (accessed August 2023). 5-51 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) fossil-based fuels creates GHGs such as CO2, CH4, and N2O. Furthermore, CH4 is emitted during the fueling of heavy equipment. Exhaust emissions from on-site construction activities would vary daily as construction activity levels change. SCAQMD and the City do not provide a separate GHG significance threshold for construction emissions; rather, applicable guidance specifies that construction emissions should be amortized over 30 years (a typical project lifetime), added to the project operational emissions, and that total compared to the GHG significance threshold. As shown in Table 5.8.A, the amortized construction emissions would be approximately 6.4 MT CO2e per year. (See the CalEEMod output in Appendix A for details). In accordance with SCAQMD’s guidance, Table 5.8.B below shows the amortized construction emissions added to the project operational emissions and the total emissions compared to the County’s GHG Review Standard to evaluate the project’s operational emissions impact, as discussed below. Since there is no separate GHG significance criterion for construction emissions, project-level and cumulative GHG emissions during construction activities alone would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Table 5.8.A: Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions Construction Phase Total Emissions per Phase (MT) Total Emissions per Phase (MT CO2e) CO2 CH4 N2O 2024 188.8 <0.1 <0.1 190.3 2025 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 Total Emissions for the Entire Construction Process 190.5 Total Construction Emissions Amortized over 30 Years 6.4 Source: Compiled by LSA Associates, Inc. (August 2023). Appendix A. CH4 = methane CO2 = carbon dioxide CO2e = carbon dioxide equivalent MT CO2e = metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent MT = metric tons N2O = nitrous oxide Table 5.8.B: Long-Term Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions Source Pollutant Emissions (MT per year) Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Construction Emissions Amortized over 30 Years 6.4 Mobile – Vehicles and Light Duty Trucks 76.2 <0.1 <0.1 77.6 Mobile – Heavy Duty Trucks 316.3 <0.1 0.1 332.5 Area 0.7 <0.1 <0.1 0.7 Energy 45.0 <0.1 <0.1 45.2 Water 16.3 0.3 <0.1 24.9 Waste 3.0 0.3 0.0 10.4 Total Project Emissions 497.7 San Bernardino County Review Threshold 3,000 Emissions Exceed Threshold? No Source: Compiled by LSA Associates, Inc. (August 2023). Appendix A. CH4 = methane CO2 = carbon dioxide CO2e = carbon dioxide equivalent MT = metric tons N2O = nitrous oxide FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-52 Operational GHG Emissions. Long-term GHG emissions are typically generated from mobile sources (e.g., cars, trucks, and buses), area sources (e.g., maintenance activities and landscaping), indirect emissions from sources associated with energy consumption, waste sources (land filling and waste disposal), and water sources (water supply and conveyance, treatment, and distribution). Mobile-source GHG emissions would include project-generated vehicle and truck trips to and from the project site. Area-source emissions would be associated with activities such as landscaping and maintenance on the project site. Waste source emissions generated by the proposed project include energy generated by land filling and other methods of disposal related to transporting and managing project-generated waste. Operational GHG emissions associated with the proposed project are shown in Table 5.8.B above. As shown in Table 5.8.B, the project would generate 497.7 MT CO2e/yr. This is less than San Bernardino County’s Review threshold of 3,000 MT CO2e/yr. The project would be designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with applicable San Bernardino County Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan Update GHG reduction measures related to Title 24 energy efficiency standards, State fuel efficiency measures, building and lighting efficiency, urban tree planting for shading, electric-powered construction equipment where available, the City’s idling ordinance, and water-efficient landscaping.87 These GHG reduction measures correspond to the City’s applicable Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code), as detailed in Table 5.11.A in Section 5.11 below. As such, the project would comply with GHG performance standards and would be consistent with the County of San Bernardino Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. Therefore, project-level and cumulative GHG emissions would be less than significant, and operation of the proposed project would not generate significant GHG emissions that would have a significant effect on the environment. In addition, the proposed project would be required to comply with Chapter 9, Article V, also known as the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards, of the City Municipal Code. These standards are designed to exceed existing regional and State air quality standards to further air quality improvement measures and standardize requirements for all warehouse developments in the City. As detailed in Section 5.14(b), applicable standards include: Orientation of loading docks and truck entries away from sensitive receptors; prohibiting idling for more than three minutes; requiring the preparation and implementation of a Truck Routing Plan that utilizes designated truck routes and avoids routes that pass sensitive receptors to the greatest extent possible; and requiring motorized cargo-handling equipment be zero emission. Compliance with these requirements would further reduce GHG emissions. Therefore, the proposed project would not generate GHG emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment. Impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. 87 ICF International and LSA. San Bernardino Couty Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. Table 3-24 (GHG Reduction Measures and Estimated 2030 reductions for Fontana), Pages 3-72 and 3-73. March 2021. 5-53 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) b. Would the project conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project was analyzed for consistency with the County’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan, the goals of the 2022 Scoping Plan, and the 2020–2045 RTP/SCS. County of San Bernadino Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. As a response to the 2006 AB 32 law, a project partnership led by the San Bernardino Associated Governments, the predecessor agency to the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), compiled an inventory of GHG emissions and developed reduction measures that were adopted by the 21 Partnership Cities of San Bernardino County. The regional GHG reduction plan serves as the basis for cities in San Bernardino County to develop more detailed community level climate action plans. The City of Fontana is a partner city in this study, which was last updated in March 2021. As discussed above, together with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan, the County adopted its DRP in 2016. The DRP procedures are designed to be followed to evaluate project-level GHG impacts and determine significance for CEQA purposes. All projects need to comply with the GHG performance standards identified in the DRP and with State GHG emissions control requirements. As discussed above, the GHG emissions from the project are less than the established review criteria of 3,000 MT CO2e per year. As such, the project would comply with GHG performance standards and would be consistent with the County of San Bernardino Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. Scoping Plan. Executive Order (EO) B-30-15 added the immediate target of reducing GHG emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. CARB released a second update to the Scoping Plan, the 2017 Scoping Plan, to reflect the 2030 target set by EO B-30-15 and codified by Senate Bill (SB) 32. SB 32 affirms the importance of addressing climate change by codifying into statute the GHG emissions reductions target of at least 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 contained in EO B-30-15. The companion bill to SB 32, AB 197, provides additional direction to the CARB related to the adoption of strategies to reduce GHG emissions. Additional direction in AB 197 intended to provide easier public access to air emissions data that are collected by CARB was posted in December 2016. In addition, the 2022 Scoping Plan assesses progress toward the statutory 2030 target, while laying out a path to achieving carbon neutrality no later than 2045. The 2022 Scoping Plan focuses on outcomes needed to achieve carbon neutrality by assessing paths for clean technology, energy deployment, natural and working lands, and others, and is designed to meet the State’s long-term climate objectives and support a range of economic, environmental, energy security, environmental justice, and public health priorities. The Scoping Plan contains GHG reduction measures that work towards reducing GHG emissions, consistent with the targets set EO B-30-15 and codified by SB 32 and AB 197. The measures applicable to the proposed project include energy efficiency measures, water conservation and efficiency measures, and transportation and motor vehicle measures, as discussed below. Energy efficient measures are intended to maximize energy efficiency building and appliance standards, pursue additional efficiency efforts including new technologies and new policy and implementation mechanisms, and pursue comparable investment in energy efficiency from all FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-54 retail providers of electricity in California. In addition, these measures are designed to expand the use of green building practices to reduce the carbon footprint of California’s new and existing inventory of buildings. The proposed project would not be powered by natural gas, and no natural gas demand is anticipated during construction or operation of the proposed project. The elimination of natural gas in new development would help projects implement their “fair share” of achieving long-term 2045 carbon neutrality consistent State goals. As such, if a project does not utilize natural gas, a lead agency can conclude that it would be consistent with achieving the 2045 neutrality goal and will not have a cumulative considerable impact on climate change.88 In addition, the proposed project would be required to comply with the latest Title 24 standards of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), established by the CEC, regarding energy conservation and green building standards. Water conservation and efficiency measures are intended to continue efficiency programs and use cleaner energy sources to move and treat water. Increasing the efficiency of water transport and reducing water use would reduce GHG emissions. As noted above, the proposed project would be required to comply with the latest Title 24 standards of the CCR, which includes a variety of different measures, including reduction of wastewater and water use. Therefore, the proposed project would not conflict with any of the water conservation and efficiency measures. The goal of transportation and motor vehicle measures is to develop regional GHG emissions reduction targets for passenger vehicles. The second phase of Pavley standards will reduce GHG emissions from new cars by 34 percent from 2016 levels by 2025, resulting in a 3 percent decrease in average vehicle emissions for all vehicles by 2020. Vehicles traveling to the project site would comply with the Pavley II (LEV III) Advanced Clean Cars Program. Therefore, the proposed project would not conflict with the identified transportation and motor vehicle measures. As such, the project would not conflict with implementation of the State’s Scoping Plan. 2020–2045 RTP/SCS. SCAG’s RTP/SCS identifies that land use strategies that focus on new housing and job growth in areas served by high quality transit and other opportunity areas would be consistent with a land use development pattern that supports and complements the proposed transportation network. The core vision in the 2020–2045 RTP/SCS is to better manage the existing transportation system through design management strategies, integrate land use decisions and technological advancements, create complete streets that are safe to all roadway users, preserve the transportation system, and expand transit and foster development in transit- oriented communities. The 2020–2045 RTP/SCS contains transportation projects to help more efficiently distribute population, housing, and employment growth, as well as forecast development that is generally consistent with regional-level general plan data. The forecasted development pattern, when integrated with the financially constrained transportation investments identified in the 2020–2045 RTP/SCS, would reach the regional target of reducing GHG emissions from autos and light-duty trucks by 19 percent by 2035 (compared to 2005 levels). 88 Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). Justification Report: CEQA Thresholds for Evaluating the Significance of Climate Impacts From Land Use Projects and Plans. April 2022. Website: Microsoft Word - FINAL CEQA Thresholds Report for Climate Impacts 03_30_22 revisions with tracked changes (baaqmd.gov) (accessed October 2023). 5-55 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) The 2020–2045 RTP/SCS does not require that local general plans, specific plans, or zoning be consistent with the 2020–2045 RTP/SCS but provides incentives for consistency for governments and developers. Implementing SCAG’s RTP/SCS will greatly reduce the regional GHG emissions from transportation, helping to achieve statewide emissions reduction targets. As discussed in Section 5.3, Air Quality, the proposed project would require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the project site from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR), rezone the property from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to SWIPSP, and incorporate the property into the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP. The proposed project would generate approximately 18 employees. As part of the RTP, SCAG developed an SCS, which was required by Senate Bill 375, the Sustainable Communities Act of 2008. The SCS is intended to combine land use and transportation planning with the overall goal of reducing air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions generated from vehicle travel. The City currently has approximately 4,700 unemployed persons eligible to work,89 and only approximately 8.8 percent of employed Fontana residents work in the City.90 Approximately 42 percent of the working population travel 25 miles or more for work and 14 percent travel more than 50 miles.91 As such, the City has identified the goal to increase job opportunities for residents within the City. The General Plan also indicates that the warehousing and logistics industries remain important economic drivers for the City’s economy, and the City is experiencing high demand for logistics and warehousing space with lower vacancy rates than nearby jurisdictions. Therefore, development of the project site, as proposed, would provide employment opportunities within the City, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and support SCAG’s goal of reducing air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions generated from vehicle travel. Furthermore, as detailed in Section 5.11.1(b) below, up to 18 employees would represent approximately 0.11 percent of the City’s forecast employment growth from 2016 to 2045 according to SCAG and would be fewer than the 20 to 44 permanent residents that development of the project site could generate under the existing land use and zoning designation. Growth projections of the proposed project would be within the parameters of expected overall growth in the City, and amending the land use designation of the site to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR) for development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for by SCAG. Therefore, the proposed project would not interfere with SCAG’s goal to achieve the region’s GHG reduction target of 19 percent below 2005 per capita emissions levels by 2035. Furthermore, the proposed project is not regionally significant per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15206 and as such, it would not conflict with the SCAG RTP/SCS targets since those targets were established and are applicable on a regional level. 89 State of California, Employment Development Department. Monthly Labor Force and Unemployment Rate for Cities and Census Designated Places. September 2023. https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2F labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov%2Ffile%2Flfmonth%2Fsanbrsub.xls&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK. (Accessed October 2023). 90 Stantec. Fontana General Plan Update Background Report. Page 4. April 2016. 91 Ibid. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-56 Based on the nature of the proposed project, it is anticipated that implementation of the proposed project would not interfere with SCAG’s ability to implement the regional strategies outlined in the RTP/SCS. Therefore, the proposed project would not generate conflict with an applicable plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of GHGs. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 5-57 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.9 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b. Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? c. Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d. Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? e. For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard or excessive noise for people residing or working in the project area? f. Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? g. Expose people or structures, either directly or indirectly, to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires? The information and analysis in this section is based in part on the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report (Phase I ESA) prepared for the project site by Orswell and Kasman, Inc, and dated June 3, 2022 (Appendix F).92 5.9.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? Less than Significant. Development of the project has the potential to create a hazard to the public or environment through the routine transportation, use, and disposal of construction-related hazardous materials such as fuels, oils, solvents, and other materials. All hazardous materials must be disposed of in accordance with the federal, State, and local (San Bernardino County Department of Public Health and SCAQMD) regulations to safeguard the public from significant hazards during the disposal of hazardous materials. 92 Orswell and Kasman, Inc. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report. June 3, 2022. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-58 Construction. The transport, use, and disposal of hazardous materials during construction would be regulated by the San Bernardino County Fire Department, the Fontana Fire Protection District, and the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The Code Enforcement Division of the Fontana Police Department is responsible for weed and rubbish abatement in coordination with other City and County departments. Additionally, the United States Department of Transportation Office of Hazardous Materials Safety prescribes strict regulations for the safe transportation of hazardous materials by truck and rail on State highways and rail lines, as described in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations and implemented by Title 13 of the CCR. Potential hazardous materials such as fuel, paint products, lubricants, solvents, and cleaning products may be used and/or stored on site during construction of the proposed project. These materials are typical of materials delivered to construction sites. Due to the relatively small scale of proposed development (a one-story warehouse building with a mezzanine area totaling approximately 35,505 square feet of new construction on 0.82 acres within the 1.61-acre project site), only limited quantities of these materials are expected to be used during construction, so they are not considered hazardous to the public at large. Accordingly, the potential for the release of hazardous materials during construction would be low and, even if a release were to occur, it would not result in a significant hazard to the public, surrounding land uses, or environment due to the small quantities of these materials associated with construction. Therefore, impacts from the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials during construction would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Operation. Similar to project construction, the transport, use, and disposal of hazardous materials during project operation would be regulated by the San Bernardino County Fire Department, the Fontana Fire Protection District, and the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The Code Enforcement Division of the Fontana Police Department is responsible for weed and rubbish abatement in coordination with other City and County departments. Additionally, transport of hazardous materials by truck and rail on State highways and rail lines would be regulated by the United States Department of Transportation Office of Hazardous Materials Safety as described above. These regulations inherently safeguard life and property from the hazards of fire/explosion arising from the storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous substances, materials, and devices, as well as hazardous conditions due to the use or occupancy of buildings. Therefore, impacts from the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials during project operation would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. b. Would the project create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? Less than Significant. The Phase I ESA was prepared for the project site in accordance with the standards and procedures outlined in the American Society for Testing and Materials E 1527-13, as applicable. The Phase I ESA included a literature review of local, state, and federal databases which 5-59 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) evaluated the project site and a one-mile radius encompassing the project site for the purposes of identifying recognized environmental conditions or historical recognized environmental conditions. “Recognized environmental condition” means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not recognized environmental conditions. “Historical Recognized environmental condition” means an environmental condition which in the past would have been considered a recognized environmental condition, but which may or may not be considered a recognized environmental condition currently. If a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred in connection with the property, with such remediation accepted by the responsible regulatory agency (for example, as evidenced by the issuance of a case closed letter or equivalent), this condition shall be considered a historical recognized environmental condition. Based on historical records and a review of historical aerial photographs, the project site was used for agricultural purposes from at least 1938 until 1966. Historical aerial photographs from 1980 indicate the project site became vacant sometime between 1966 and 1980. The land directly adjacent to the project site was also used for agricultural purposes as of 1938. By 1959, the properties to the north, west, and south of the project site were developed with residential uses. By 1966, the property west of Juniper Avenue was developed with a residence. By 2009, the existing United States Postal Service office and the Home Depot center to the north and east were developed, and land uses to the west and south consisted of residential uses. The existing South Fontana Sports Park to the west of the project site and industrial buildings to the south of the project site were not observed in the 2020 historical aerials but were constructed between 2021 and 2023. No evidence was identified indicating improper storage, disposal, or application of hazardous materials on the project site, and a review of available aerial photographs did not show improvements such as hangers, tanks, or large barns that would indicate significant storage, formulation, and handling of hazardous materials. No RECs, HRECs, or CRECs were identified on or in connection with the project site, and there are no RECs, HRECs, or CRECs within 1 mile of the project site that would represent a significant risk to public health or safety on the project site.93 In addition, the site reconnaissance performed as part of the Phase I ESA did not identify any potential hazardous concerns on the project site. The proposed project is not expected to store, handle, or manufacture substantial amounts of hazardous materials. Common hazardous materials that may be present during operation would include chemical products and compounds used in warehouses present throughout the region. Nevertheless, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 25507, a business shall establish and implement a Hazardous Materials Business Emergency Plan for emergency response to a release or threatened release of a hazardous material in accordance with the standards prescribed in the 93 Orswell and Kasman, Inc. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report (Phase I ESA). Pages 19-21. June 2022. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-60 regulations adopted pursuant to Section 25503 if the business handles a hazardous material or a mixture containing a hazardous material that has a quantity at any one time above the thresholds described in Section 25507(a) (1) through (8). The project site and the surrounding area do not currently contain any RECs, HRECs, or CRECs, nor is it subject to vapor migration from any on-site or off-site sources. The business on the site will be required to prepare a Hazardous Materials Business Emergency Plan subject to the provisions of California Health and Safety Code Section 25503 if the business handles a hazardous material or a mixture containing a hazardous material that has a quantity at any one time above the thresholds described in Section 25507(a) (1) through (8). Therefore, impacts from reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. c. Would the project emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? Less than Significant Impact. There are no existing or planned schools within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site.94 According to the School Boundary Maps of the Fontana Unified School District, the nearest school in proximity to the project site is Citrus High School at 10760 Cypress Avenue, approximately 0.4 mile northwest of the project site.95 Any transport of hazardous materials associated with construction of the proposed project would be in accordance with the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), which regulates the transport of hazardous materials and waste and requires carriers to register with the DTSC. Only Cal/OSHA licensed Hazardous Materials Substances Removal contractors, and/or California State Registered Asbestos Abatement Contractors registered by the Division of Occupational Health and Safety in accordance with the California Administrative Code, Title 8, and Article 2.5 and the SCAQMD Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 40, Part 763, subpart E would transport hazardous materials off site, as detailed in Section 5.9.a above. Since no schools are located or proposed within 0.25 mile of the project site, and any transport of hazardous materials associated with construction and operation of the proposed project would be in accordance with applicable regulatory policy, impacts related to an accidental release of hazardous materials or emissions of hazardous substances within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. d. Would the project be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? No Impact. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5, the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List has been compiled by the California Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Materials Data Management Program. The project site is not on any list of hazardous material sites compiled 94 Fontana Unified School District. School Boundary Maps and Maps to Schools. 2023/2024. Website: https://www.fusd.net/Page/577 (accessed June 22, 2023). 95 Ibid. 5-61 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. Therefore, no impact related to the Cortese List or other governmental databases compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 would occur, and no mitigation is required. e. Would the project be located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard or excessive noise for people residing or working in the project area? No Impact. The project site is located approximately 4.8 miles north of the Flabob Airport, 8 miles east of Ontario International Airport (ONT), and 11 miles southwest of San Bernardino International Airport (SBD). The project site is located outside of the Airport Influence Area and Airport Compatibility Zones of Flabob Airport and SBD. The project site is within the ONT Airport Influence Area of the Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ONTLUCP),96 as well as within the ONTLUCP Overflight Notification Zone for Real Estate Transaction Disclosures and ONT Airspace Protection Zone for structural heights greater than 200 feet above grade.97 However, the proposed warehouse would be constructed up to 40 feet above grade, and the project site is not within an ONTLUCP Safety Zone or Noise Impact Zone.98 Furthermore, notification is a regulatory requirement for residential and mixed-use projects within the ONTLUCP Overflight Notification Zone for Real Estate Transaction Disclosures and generally is the responsibility of real estate agents or brokers. However, pursuant to Policy O1d of the ONTLUCP, notification is not required for a property that does not include residential or mixed-use development.99 Therefore, no impacts related to airport hazards or excessive noise on customers and employees occupying the project site would occur, and no mitigation is required. f. Would the project impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? Less than Significant Impact. Construction activities that may temporarily restrict vehicular traffic would be required to implement appropriate measures to facilitate the passage of persons and vehicles through/around any required road closures. Typical City requirements include prior notification of any lane or road closures with sufficient signage before and during any closures and flag crews with radio communication when necessary to coordinate traffic flow. The project Applicant would be required to comply with these requirements, which would maintain emergency access and allow for evacuation if needed during construction activities. Compliance with these requirements would ensure that short-term impacts related to this issue would be less than significant. Implementation of the proposed project would increase the number of vehicles operating near the site and would generate an increase in the amount and volume of traffic on local and regional roadway networks. In accordance with the California Fire Code, the project Applicant is required to design, 96 Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. Chapter 2: Procedural and Compatibility Policies. Map 2-1: Airport Influence Area. April 19, 2011. 97 Ibid. Map 2-4: Airspace Protection Zones, and Map 2-5: Overflight Notification Zones. 98 Ibid. Map 2-2: Safety Zones, and Map 2-3: Noise Impact Zones. 99 Ibid. Page 2-31. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-62 construct, and maintain structures, roadways, and facilities to maintain appropriate emergency/evacuation access to and from the project site. Access to and from the project site is available via Juniper Avenue via a single ingress/egress driveways on the northwest portion of the site. The driveway would serve as the first point of access for emergency vehicles because it would provide emergency responders with unrestricted access to the internal driveway and drive aisle.100 Emergency responders would be able to access the eastern truck parking area via the security gate that would include an override switch for emergency access. Entrances and exits to and from parking and loading facilities would be marked with appropriate directional signage. All site access points and driveway aprons are designed and would be constructed to adequate widths for public safety pursuant to local requirements. As previously discussed, the project would be subject to the City’s Design Review process to ensure compliance with all local requirements, including emergency access. These improvements would also be reviewed by the Fontana Fire Protection District and Police Department through the City’s general development review process. Proper site design and compliance with standard and emergency City access requirements would allow for evacuation if necessary during ongoing project operations. Therefore, project operation would not impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan, and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. g. Would the project expose people or structures, either directly or indirectly, to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires? Less than Significant Impact. As discussed in Section 5.20, Wildfire, the project site is not within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) in the Local Responsibility Areas (LRAs).101 The project site and vicinity are not located in areas identified by the City to be areas at risk of a wildfire event.102 Additionally, the project would be required to comply with 2022 CBC requirements for ignition- resistant construction and applicable policies of the City’s General Plan Safety Element, including Goal 3, Action B, which requires structures to adhere to applicable fire codes and fire access requirements in accordance with California Fire Code and the City’s Municipal Code. Finally, as previously discussed, the project site is located in an urbanized area of the City and is not located in or near wildland areas. Therefore, the project would not expose people or structures to significant loss or injury from wildland fires. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 100 The entire fire access lane and proposed hammerhead turn-around at the eastern end of the parking lot would be striped to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles. 101 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE). Fire Hazard Severity Zones Map. Website: https://egis.fire.ca.gov/FHSZ/ (accessed June 22, 2023). 102 City of Fontana. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Figure 4-5: Fire Perimeter City of Fontana. June 2017; Approved and Adopted August 14, 2018. 5-63 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.10 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade surface or groundwater quality? b. Substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that the project may impede sustainable groundwater management of the basin? c. Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river or through the addition of impervious surfaces, in a manner which would: i. Result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site; ii. Substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or offsite; iii. Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff; or iv. Impede or redirect flood flows? d. In flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche zones, risk release of pollutants due to project inundation? e. Conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan? The information and analysis in this section is based on the Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan For Fontana Business Center 3 and the Preliminary Hydrology Report For Fontana Business Center 3 prepared by Plotnik and Associates and dated July 6, 2023, and July 10, 2023, respectively. These reports are provided in Appendix G-1 and G-2, respectively. 5.10.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade surface or groundwater quality? Less than Significant Impact. Construction. Pollutants of concern during construction include sediment, trash, petroleum products, concrete waste (dry and wet), sanitary waste, and chemicals. Each of these pollutants on its own or in combination with other pollutants can have a detrimental effect on water quality. During construction activities, excavated soil would be exposed, and there would be an increased potential for soil erosion and sedimentation compared to existing conditions. In addition, chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products (such as paints, solvents, and fuels), and concrete- related waste may be spilled or leaked during construction. Any of these pollutants have the FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-64 potential to be transported via stormwater runoff into receiving waters (i.e., Etiwanda/San Sevaine Channel, Santa Ana River Reach 3, and the Pacific Ocean).103 The 1.61-acre project site is generally flat and is currently vacant and undeveloped. Development of the proposed project would include the construction of a 35,505 square-foot warehouse building and associated improvements, which would increase the impervious surface on the site by 85 percent. Because project construction would disturb greater than 1 acre of soil, the project would be subject to the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Stormwater Runoff Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (Order No. 2022-0057-DWQ, NPDES No. CAS000002) (Construction General Permit). The project would also be required to comply with City Municipal Code Section 23-519, Regulation of Construction and Industrial Dischargers. Section 23-519 of the City’s Municipal Code prohibits land disturbance or construction activities without first obtaining coverage under the Construction General Permit, development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure that construction practices include measures to protect water quality and prevent illegal discharges. As specified in Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD-2 and as required by the Construction General Permit and City Municipal Code, the Construction Contractor would be required to prepare an SWPPP and implement construction BMPs detailed in the SWPPP during construction activities. Construction BMPs would include, but not be limited to, erosion and sediment control, designed to minimize erosion and retain sediment on site, and good housekeeping practices to prevent spills, leaks, and discharge of construction debris and waste into receiving waters. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report prepared for the proposed project, included a review of water well data available from the California Department of Water Resources from two wells in proximity to the project site, well number 01S05W30L001S located approximately 0.25 miles northwest of the project site and well number 01S05W20N001S located approximately 0.9 miles northeast of the project site. These data indicated that the highest recorded groundwater from these wells was more than 200 feet below ground surface at well number 01S05W30L001S and almost 300 feet below ground surface at well number 01S05W20N001S.104 Therefore, it is unlikely excavation activities would have the potential to encounter groundwater and groundwater dewatering is not anticipated to be required during construction activities. With implementation of Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD-2, which require compliance with the Construction General Permit and Municipal Code requirements respectively, including implementation of construction BMPs, impacts associated with a violation of water quality standards or waste discharge requirements during project construction would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 103 Plotnik and Associates. Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan for Fontana Business Center 3. July 6, 2023. 104 Noorzay Geotechnical Services, Inc. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing, Proposed Warehouse Building, Juniper Avenue, Fontana, California, APN 0255-101-24-0000, -255-101-30-0000, Prepared for Chase Partners, LTD, NGS Project No. 23001, Page 13. January 24, 2023. 5-65 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Operation. During operation, anticipated pollutants of concern associated with the proposed project include pathogens (bacterial/viral), nutrients (phosphorous and nitrogen), sediment, metals, oil and grease, trash/debris, pesticides/herbicides, organic compounds, and oxygen demanding compounds. The City of Fontana is a co-permittee under the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino, and the Incorporated Cities of San Bernardino County Within the Santa Ana Region Area-Wide Urban Stormwater Runoff Management Program (Order No. R8- 2010-0036, NPDES No. CAS618036) (San Bernardino County MS4 permit). The San Bernardino County MS4 Permit requires the preparation of project-specific WQMPs for priority projects. The project is considered a priority project because it involves the development of more than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface and because it includes more than 5,000 square feet of surface parking area that would be exposed to stormwater runoff. As specified in Standard Condition HYD-3 and as required by the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit, the project would prepare a Final WQMP. The Final WQMP would specify the Site Design, Source Control, Low Impact Development (LID), and Treatment Control BMPs that would be implemented to capture, treat, and reduce pollutants of concern in stormwater runoff. Site Design BMPs are stormwater management strategies that emphasize conservation and use of existing site features to reduce the amount of runoff and pollutant loading generated from a site. Source Control BMPs are preventative measures that are implemented to prevent the introduction of pollutants into stormwater. LID BMPs mimic a project site’s natural hydrology by using design measures that capture, filter, store, evaporate, detain, and infiltrate runoff rather than allowing runoff to flow directly to piped or impervious storm drains. Treatment Control BMPs are structural BMPs designed to treat and reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff prior to releasing it to receiving waters. A Preliminary WQMP has been prepared for the project, which details the following operational BMPs that would be implemented to reduce impacts to water quality from operation of the project: 1. Site Design BMPs include minimizing impervious surface areas; maximizing natural infiltration capacity; preserving existing on-site drainage patterns; disconnecting impervious surface areas (e.g. stormwater runoff on roofs would be directed to landscaped areas); re-vegetating disturbed areas; minimizing unnecessary compaction in stormwater retention/infiltration basin/trench areas; utilizing vegetated drainage swales in place of underground piping; and staking off areas to be used for landscaping to minimize compaction during construction. 2. Non-Structural Source Control BMPs include education for property owners, tenants, and occupants on stormwater BMPs; activity restrictions; landscape management BMPs; BMP (hydrodynamic separator and underground infiltration system) maintenance; Title 22 CCR compliance; compliance with City of Fontana stormwater ordinance; spill contingency plan; hazardous materials disclosure compliance; uniform fire code implementation; litter and debris control program; employee training; catch basin inspection and cleanout program; vacuum sweeping of parking lots; and compliance with all other applicable NPDES permits. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-66 3. Structural Source Control BMPs include storm drain signage and stenciling; waste storage areas that are designed and constructed to reduce pollution introduction; efficient irrigation systems and landscape design; finish grade of landscaped areas at a minimum of 1-2 inches below top of curb, sidewalk, or pavement; protect slopes and channels and provide energy dissipation; and covered dock areas. 4. LID BMPs include catch basin and curb inlets with storm filters and an underground infiltration chamber system. The proposed project would direct all stormwater runoff from the site to Juniper Avenue. With implementation of the proposed project, the project site would be divided into two drainage management areas (DMA). DMA 1 would manage stormwater runoff from the landscaped area and portion of sidewalk at the southwestern corner of the project site. Stormwater runoff from impervious areas (e.g., sidewalk) within DMA 1 would be directed to a proposed infiltration area in the landscaping. DMA 1 would be self-treating using natural infiltration. Overflows (stormwater runoff volume that exceeds the design capture volume of the proposed infiltration area) would flow into a proposed catch basin and directed off-site via a storm drainpipe and discharged along Juniper Avenue through the adjacent curb opening catch basin. DMA 2 would manage stormwater runoff for the rest of the project site. Stormwater runoff from impervious areas (e.g., concrete, asphalt, and roofs) within DMA 2 would be directed to proposed inlets with storm filters and discharged into to the proposed underground infiltration chamber system via a storm drainpipe system. Overflows from the underground chambers (stormwater runoff volume that exceeds the storage volume of the underground chamber) would be directed off-site via a storm drainpipe and discharged along Juniper Avenue through an existing storm drain lateral. The infiltration area within DMA 1 and the proposed underground infiltration chamber system would be designed to store and infiltrate the entire Design Capture Volume (DCV) according to the requirements of the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit.. The DCV is the volume of stormwater runoff that must be captured and treated by stormwater BMPs. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a Final WQMP would be prepared to ensure that the proposed project includes LID BMPs (e.g., underground infiltration chamber system) that is sized to retain, infiltrate and discharge the required Design Capture Volume on the project site in accordance with the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit. Infiltration of stormwater could have the potential to affect groundwater quality. As discussed above, the project includes site design, source control, and LID BMPs, including catch basins and curb inlets with storm filters to capture trash and debris to reduce pollutants of concern in stormwater prior to entering the proposed infiltration area and underground infiltration chamber system and infiltrating into the soil. Furthermore, when storm water is infiltrated, soil and plants absorb and filter pollutants and reduce the potential for pollutants of concern to reach groundwater. As specified in Standard Condition HYD-3, a Final WQMP would be prepared prior to or during final design, which would ensure that the project design would adequately target 5-67 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) pollutants of concern in stormwater runoff before infiltrating into the soil or leaving the project site. As specified in Standard Condition HYD-4, the project would also be required to comply with City Municipal Code Section 28-111 (Stormwater Management and Rainwater Retention), which requires the project to incorporate stormwater BMPs into the landscape and grading design plans to minimize runoff and increase infiltration and City Municipal Code Section 30-668 (Low Impact Development), which requires a minimum of two LID standards listed in the section to be incorporated into all new development projects or rehabilitated landscaping to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) and to be shown on all landscape plans. Additionally, all LID standards are required to be consistent with the project-specific WQMP. As described above, the project includes site design, source control, and LID BMPs that would minimize runoff and increase infiltration as required by Section 28-111 of the City’s Municipal Code. The project includes a minimum of two LID standards as required by Section 30-668 of the City’s Municipal Code, including landscaped areas designed and maintained to be 1-2 inches below impervious surfaces and protecting slopes and channels and providing energy dissipation.105 With implementation of Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4, which require adherence to the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit, including preparation of a Final WQMP to address pollutants of concern in stormwater runoff, and compliance with the City Municipal Code, project impacts associated with the violation of water quality standards or waste discharge requirements would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Standard Conditions. Mitigation is not required; however, the following Standard Conditions are regulatory requirements that would be implemented to ensure impacts related to water quality standards or waste discharge requirements remain less than significant. Standard Condition HYD-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Applicant shall obtain coverage under the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (Order No. 2022-0057-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System No. CAS000002) (Construction General Permit). This shall include submission of Permit Registration Documents (PRDs), including a Notice of Intent for coverage under the permit to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) via the Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTs). The Project Applicant shall provide the Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) to the City of Fontana (City), or designee, to demonstrate proof of coverage under the Construction General Permit. Project construction shall not be initiated until a WDID is received from the SWRCB and is provided to the City, or designee. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 105 Plotnik and Associates. Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan for Fontana Business Center 3. July 6, 2023. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-68 (SWPPP) shall be prepared and implemented for the proposed project in compliance with the requirements of the Construction General Permit. The SWPPP shall identify construction best management practices (BMPs) to be implemented to ensure that the potential for soil erosion and sedimentation is minimized and to control the discharge of pollutants in stormwater runoff as a result of construction activities. Upon completion of construction and stabilization of the site, a Notice of Termination shall be submitted via SMARTs. Standard Condition HYD-2 Prior to the commencement of any land disturbing activities, the Project Applicant shall obtain coverage under the Construction General Permit and develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to the City for review and approval that incorporates Best Management Practices to protect water quality during construction activities pursuant to Section 23-519 of the City Municipal Code. Standard Condition HYD-3 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Applicant shall submit a Final Water Quality Management Plan (Final WQMP) to the City of Fontana (City) for review and approval in compliance with the requirements of the Santa Ana RWQCB’s NPDES Permit Waste Discharge Requirements for the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino, and the Incorporated Cities of San Bernardino County Within the Santa Ana Region Area-Wide Urban Stormwater Runoff Management Program (Order No. R8-2010-0036, NPDES No. CAS618036) (San Bernardino County MS4 Permit). The Final WQMP shall specify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be incorporated into the project design to target pollutants of concern in stormwater runoff from the project site and the necessary operation and maintenance activity for each BMP. The City shall ensure that the BMPs specified in the Final WQMP are incorporated into the final project design. The proposed BMPs specified in the Final WQMP shall be incorporated into the grading and development plans submitted to the City for review and approval. Project occupancy and operation shall be in accordance with the schedule outlined in the WQMP. Standard Condition HYD-4 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Applicant shall submit a grading plan and landscaping plan that incorporates the stormwater management, rainwater retention, and Low Impact Development requirements outlined in the City of Fontana’s Municipal Code to the City for review and approval. 5-69 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) b. Would the project substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that the project may impede sustainable groundwater management of the basin? Less than Significant Impact. Construction. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Stormwater Percolation Testing report prepared for the proposed project, included a review of water well data available from the California Department of Water Resources from two wells in proximity to the project site, well number 01S05W30L001S located approximately 0.25 miles northwest of the project site and well number 01S05W20N001S located approximately 0.9 miles northeast of the project site. These data indicated that the highest recorded groundwater from these wells was more than 200 feet below ground surface at well number 01S05W30L001S and almost 300 feet below ground surface at well number 01S05W20N001S. During construction, the depth of excavation would not exceed approximately 2 feet bgs, 1 foot below the bottom of existing foundations and floor slab, or the depth required to remove soil disturbed during grading activities, whichever is greater. Based on depth to groundwater and depth of excavation, groundwater dewatering activities would not be required during project construction. Furthermore, according to the project-specific PWQMP, soil compaction would be minimized during construction, which would promote natural infiltration during construction activities.106 Therefore, construction impacts related to a decrease in groundwater supplies or interference with groundwater recharge in a manner that may impede sustainable groundwater management would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Operation. Once developed, the project site would be approximately 85 percent impervious for a total impervious surface area of approximately 59,612 sf. Currently, the site is 100 percent pervious; therefore, development of the proposed project would increase impervious surface on the project site by approximately 59,612 sf, which would decrease on-site infiltration. However, as described above in Response 3.10(a), the project includes BMPs to collect and infiltrate stormwater at the project site in accordance with the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit. Therefore, development of the proposed project would not substantially decrease the amount of stormwater that infiltrates as compared to the existing conditions. The project site is located within the Upper Santa Ana Valley-Chino Groundwater Basin. As discussed in Response 5.10(e) below, the Upper Santa Ana Valley-Chino Groundwater Basin is identified by the Department of Water Resources as a very low priority basin and therefore is not required to prepare a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The Fontana Water Company (FWC) would supply water to the project site, which includes local groundwater from the Chino Groundwater Basin. As discussed in Section 5.19, Utilities and Service Systems, the FWC anticipates that sufficient water supplies would be available to serve the proposed project. Therefore, the proposed project’s water demand would not substantially decrease groundwater supplies. Impacts related to depletion of groundwater supplies or interference with groundwater 106 Plotnik and Associates. Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan for Fontana Business Center 3. July 6, 2023. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-70 recharge in a manner that may impede sustainable groundwater management would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. c. Would the project substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river or through the addition of impervious surfaces, in a manner which would: i. Result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site; Less than Significant Impact. In the existing condition, stormwater generally sheet flows from east to southwest across the project site onto Juniper Avenue. In the post-project condition, stormwater would be intercepted by proposed catch basins and either directed to a proposed infiltration area where flows would be self-treated using natural infiltration (DMA 1) or conveyed to the proposed underground infiltration chamber system where stormwater would infiltrate into the soil (DMA 2). Overflows from DMA 1 would flow into a proposed catch basin and directed off-site via a storm drainpipe and discharged along Juniper Avenue through the adjacent curb opening catch basin and overflows from the underground infiltration chamber system would be directed off-site via a storm drainpipe and discharged along Juniper Avenue through an existing storm drain lateral. Construction. Currently, the project site is 100 percent pervious. During grading and construction activities, soil would be exposed and disturbed, drainage patterns would be temporarily altered, and there would be an increased potential for soil erosion and siltation compared to existing conditions. Additionally, during a storm event, soil erosion and siltation could occur at an accelerated rate. As discussed above in Response 5.10(a) and as specified in Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD-2, the Project Applicant would be required to obtain coverage under the Construction General Permit, which requires preparation of a SWPPP. The SWPPP would detail Erosion Control and Sediment Control BMPs to be implemented during construction to minimize erosion and retain sediment on site. Compliance with the requirements of the Construction General Permit and implementation of the construction BMPs would ensure that construction impacts related to on- and off-site erosion or siltation would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Operation. Implementation of the proposed project would increase the amount of existing impervious surface area on the project site by 85 percent. An increase in impervious surface area increases the rate and volume of runoff during a storm, which can more effectively transport sediments to receiving waters. However, the impervious surface areas on the project site would not be prone to on-site erosion or siltation because there would be no exposed soil. The remaining pervious surfaces on the project site would be landscaped with vegetation that would stabilize the soil and promote infiltration, thereby minimizing on-site erosion and siltation. Furthermore, the project would be required to implement Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4, which require the preparation of a Final WQMP, in compliance with the San Bernardino County MS4 permit, and the implementation of Site Design, Source Control, and LID BMPs that minimize the rate and volume of stormwater runoff and increase infiltration, and thereby reduce the potential for soil erosion and siltation. 5-71 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) With implementation of Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4, operational impacts related to on- or off-site erosion or siltation would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. ii. Substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or offsite; and iv. Impede or redirect flood flows? Less than Significant Impact. Construction. According to the City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, the project site is not located within a 100-year Flood Zone or Floodway, 500-year Flood Zone, or Flood Zone protected by a levee.107 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 06071C8665H (August 28, 2008)108 indicates the project site is mapped within Flood Zone X. Zone X areas are defined by FEMA as areas of minimal flood hazard, which are the areas outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area and higher than the elevation of the 0.2 percent annual chance flood. As discussed in Response 5.10(a), project construction would comply with the requirements of the Construction General Permit and the City Municipal Code and would include the preparation and implementation of a SWPPP (Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD-2). The SWPPP would specify construction BMPs to control and direct on-site surface runoff to ensure that project construction does not increase the rate or amount of surface runoff or impede or redirect flood flows in manner that would result in on- or off-site flooding. With implementation of a SWPPP and associated BMPs (Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD-2), construction activities would not result in a substantial increase in the rate or amount of surface runoff or impeding or redirecting flood flows in a manner that would result in on- or off-site flooding and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. Operation. As stated in Response 5.10(c)(i) above, development of the project would result in an 85 percent increase in impervious surface area on the project site, which would increase stormwater runoff and could potentially result in flooding. However, as discussed above, the project site is not within a 100-year floodplain and therefore would not impede or redirect flood flows. Additionally, the proposed underground infiltration chamber system, which has been designed to be consistent with the requirements of the San Bernardino County MS4 permit and City Municipal Code requirements (Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4), would be of sufficient size to capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff consistent with the requirements of the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit and City Municipal Code. Compliance with the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit and City Municipal Code (Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4) would ensure that operational activities would not result in a substantial increase in the rate or amount of surface runoff or impede or redirect flood flows in a manner that would result in on- or off-site flooding and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. 107 City of Fontana. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Figure 4-1: Flood Hazard Map and Figure 4-2: Dam Inundation areas in Fontana. June 2017; Approved and Adopted August 14, 2018. 108 Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2008. National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map, San Bernardino County, California and Incorporated Areas. Panel Number 06071C8665H. August 28. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-72 iii. Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff; or Less than Significant Impact. Construction. As discussed in Response 5.10(a) above, project construction would comply with the requirements of the Construction General Permit and the City Municipal Code and would include the preparation and implementation of a SWPPP (Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD- 2). The SWPPP would specify construction BMPs to control and direct on-site surface runoff to ensure that stormwater runoff from the construction site does not exceed the capacity of the stormwater drainage system and does not discharge polluted runoff during construction activities. With implementation Standard Conditions HYD-1 and HYD-2, construction impacts related to exceeding the capacity of the stormwater drainage system or additional polluted runoff would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Operation. As previously discussed, the project site is undeveloped and there is no existing stormwater infrastructure on-site. Currently, stormwater runoff on the project site sheet flows from east to southwest and discharges onto Juniper Avenue. The proposed project would increase the impervious surface area by 85 percent compared to existing conditions, which would increase stormwater runoff collected on the project site and discharged off-site into the existing storm drain system and receiving waters. However, as previously discussed, the proposed project would capture and infiltrate the required DCV and when stormwater flows exceed the DCV, stormwater would be discharged into the existing storm drain system in Juniper Avenue so that stormwater runoff does not exceed the capacity of the existing stormwater system pursuant to the requirements of the County of San Bernardino MS4 Permit (Standard Condition HYD-3) and the City Municipal Code (Standard Condition HYD-4). Additionally, as discussed in Response 5.10(a) above, the proposed Project would implement operational BMPs to reduce pollutants of concern in stormwater runoff in compliance with the County of San Bernardino MS4 permit (Standard Condition HYD-3). With implementation of Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4, operational impacts related to the creation or contribution of storm water runoff that would exceed the capacity of existing or planned storm water drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. d. In flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche zones, would the project risk release of pollutants due to project inundation? Less than Significant Impact. As discussed in Response 5.10(c)(ii) above, the project site is not located within a 100-year flood zone; therefore, there is no risk of a release of pollutants from the project site due to inundation from a flood. The project site is approximately 41 miles east of the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ana Mountains are between the project site and the Pacific Ocean. Based on the distance from the Pacific Ocean and the presence of an intervening mountain range, there is no risk of a release of pollutants from the project site due to inundation from a tsunami. 5-73 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Seiches are oscillations in enclosed bodies of water that are caused by a number of factors, most often wind or seismic activity. The nearest major water feature is Lake Mathews located approximately 13.6 miles south of the project site, respectively. Given the distance of large standing bodies of water from the project site, there is no risk of a release of pollutants from the project site due to seiche-related flooding. Given that the project site is not located within a flood hazard zone and the distance from the Pacific Ocean and from closed bodies of water, implementation of the project would not result in a flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche, risking release of pollutants due to project site inundation. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. e. Would the project conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan? Less than Significant Impact. The project site is within the jurisdiction of the Santa Ana RWQCB. The Santa Ana RWQCB adopted a Water Quality Control Plan (i.e., Basin Plan) (January 1995, Updated June 2019) that designates beneficial uses for all surface and groundwater within its jurisdiction and establishes the water quality objectives and standards necessary to protect those beneficial uses. The proposed project would comply with the Construction General Permit and the existing San Bernardino County MS4 Permit, which require the preparation of an SWPPP, preparation of a Final WQMP, and implementation of construction and operational BMPs to reduce pollutants of concern in stormwater runoff. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in water quality impacts that would conflict with the Santa Ana RWQCB Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan). Impacts related to a conflict with the Basin Plan would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) was enacted in September 2014. SGMA requires governments and water agencies of high- and medium-priority basins to halt overdraft of groundwater basins. SGMA requires the formation of local Groundwater Sustainability Agencies, which are required to adopt Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) to manage the sustainability of the groundwater basins. The project site is located within the Upper Santa Ana Valley-Chino Groundwater Basin. The Upper Santa Ana Valley-Chino Groundwater Basin is identified by the Department of Water Resources as a very low priority basin;109 therefore, development of a GSP or an approved GSP alternative is not required. As discussed previously, due to the depth to groundwater, it is not expected that any storm water that may infiltrate during project construction or operation would affect groundwater quality because the groundwater table is deep, and pollutants would be filtered prior to reaching groundwater; pollutants in storm water are generally removed by soil through absorption as water infiltrates. Therefore, in areas of deep groundwater, there is more absorption potential and, as a result, less potential for pollutants to reach groundwater. Furthermore, given the depth to groundwater, there is not a direct path for pollutants to reach groundwater. Although the proposed Project would increase impervious surface area by 85 percent, which would decrease on-site infiltration, the proposed project would collect and infiltrate the required DCV in accordance with the requirements of the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit. Therefore, the 109 California Department of Water Resources. 2016. Groundwater Exchange. Website: https://groundwaterexchange.org/ basin/upper-santa-ana-valley-3/ (Accessed July 25, 2023). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-74 proposed project would not substantially decrease on-site infiltration and groundwater recharge when compared to existing conditions. Therefore, the proposed project would not conflict with or obstruct the implementation of a sustainable groundwater management plan, and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. 5-75 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.11 LAND USE AND PLANNING Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Physically divide an established community? b. Cause a significant environmental impact due to a conflict with any land use plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? 5.11.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project physically divide an established community? No Impact. The physical division of an established community typically refers to the construction of a physical feature (such as an interstate or railroad tracks) or removal of a means of access (such as a local road or bridge) that would impair mobility within an existing community, or between a community and outlying area. For example, the construction of an interstate highway or railroad track through an existing community may constrain travel from one side of the community to another; similarly, such construction may also impair travel to areas outside the community. The project site is bounded by large warehouses to the south, Juniper Avenue followed by the South Fontana Sports Park to the west, a United States Postal Service office to the north, and a commercial warehouse center (The Home Depot) to the east. Residential land uses exist further north of the project site, across Santa Ana Avenue. The project site is currently vacant and undeveloped. The proposed warehouse would be similar and compatible with the surrounding industrial and commercial development immediately south and east of the project site. The project does not include the installation of infrastructure or roadways that would divide an existing community. Therefore, the proposed project would not physically divide an established community. As such, no impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. b. Would the project cause a significant environmental impact due to a conflict with any land use plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is currently designated in the City’s General Plan and zoned as Residential Planned Community (R-PC). The proposed project includes a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the project site from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR), rezone the property from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to SWIPSP, and incorporate the property into the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP. Table 2.3.A: Existing and Proposed Land Uses, in Chapter 2.0, Project Description, summarizes the project site and surrounding land uses, General Plan designations, and zoning designations. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-76 Government Code Section 66300 et seq., also known as the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 or Senate Bill 330 (SB330), requires that any net loss of residential capacity that results from a project’s action be concurrently rectified by changing the development standards, policies, or conditions applicable to another parcel within the jurisdiction to compensate for the loss in residential capacity imposed by the project’s action. The proposed rezone of the 1.61-acre project site from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to SWIPSP would result in the loss of up to 10 residential units. Therefore, development of the project would effectively reduce Fontana’s residential capacity by up to 10 units. To avoid a net loss of residential capacity citywide, the City has adopted Article XV (No Net Loss Program) of the Zoning and Development Code. Section 30-965 of Article XV establishes a no Net Loss Density Bonus Program for projects that include a change in zone from a residential use to a non- residential use. This program creates a citywide Unit Bank, which for the proposed project, 10 residential units plus a 20 percent density bonus in accordance with Section 30-967(3)(a) would be made available (total of 12 residential units) to project applicants subsequently seeking to develop property for residential use within the City to ensure that there is no net loss of residential capacity within the City as required by SB330. Chapter 15, Land Use, Zoning, and Urban Design, of the City’s General Plan indicates that the I-G designation allows uses such as manufacturing, warehousing, fabrication, assembly, processing, trucking, equipment, and automobile and truck sales and services. The SWIPSP is located on the southwestern edge of the City and includes nine land use districts, including the Slover East Industrial District, which would include the project site with approval of the zone change and Specific Plan Amendment. The Slover East Industrial District is intended to provide opportunities for light and heavy manufacturing activities that are supported by existing trucking routes and the existing rail spur. In addition, it is intended to promote the continued use and expansion of existing industrial, distribution, and logistics-based warehousing developments, and strategically located service commercial facilities. Although the proposed project’s specific warehouse use is speculative, it would be conditioned to be consistent with the proposed I-G land use designation, the SWIPSP zoning district, and the Slover East Industrial District intended use as a 35,505 square-foot warehouse building. The SCAG functions as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for six counties, including San Bernardino County, wherein the Project is located. As the designated MPO, SCAG is federally mandated to research and plan for transportation, growth management, hazardous waste management, and air quality. Although SCAG does not have formal regulatory authority and cannot directly implement land use decisions, SCAG guides land use planning for the southern California region through intergovernmental coordination and consensus building. The City’s General Plan bases the City’s target growth forecast on regional growth forecasts detailed in SCAG’s latest [2020-2045] RTP/SCS. Therefore, the analysis of the proposed project’s impacts to the City’s growth forecast is based on the latest data provided in SCAG’s 2020-2045 RTP/SCS.110 Typically, growth-inducing potential of a project would be considered significant if it fosters growth or a concentration of population in excess of what is assumed in pertinent master plans and land use plans. Significant growth impacts could also occur if the project provides infrastructure or service 110 Southern California Association of Governments. 2020-2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (Connect SoCal). Adopted September 3, 2020. 5-77 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) capacity to accommodate growth beyond the levels currently permitted by local or regional plans and policies. According to SCAG’s 2020–2045 RTP/SCS, the City’s population, households, and employment are forecast to increase by approximately 75,700 residents, 26,300 households, and 18,400 jobs, respectively, between 2016 and 2045. The City’s General Plan has a year 2035 buildout horizon; however, the General Plan does not specify or anticipate when complete buildout would occur, as long-range demographic and economic trends are speculative. The designation within the General Plan of a site for a certain use does not necessarily mean that the site would be developed with that use during the planning period, as most development depends on property owner initiative. Although the project site’s existing land use designation is R-PC, amending the land use designation to I-G is not expected to result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for at General Plan buildout, as discussed in more detail below. As of July 1, 2022, the United States Census Bureau estimated the City’s population to be 212,475 persons.111 Development of the proposed project and other projects in the City and in San Bernardino County would lead to increases in population, housing, and employment. As discussed in Section 5.14, Population and Housing, the 1.61-acre project site’s existing land use designation is R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac), which results in a residential development potential of between 5 and 10 residential units or between 20 and 40 permanent residents in the City.112 Furthermore, if the project site were to be developed at the most intensive range of the exiting R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) zone and include a 20 percent density bonus pursuant to Section 30-967 of Article XV (No Net Loss Program) of the Zoning and Development Code, the project site could be developed with up to 12 residential units that could house up to 44 persons. The proposed project is anticipated to employ up to 18 employees, 113,114 some of which have the potential to already reside in the City. Therefore, development of the proposed project under the proposed land use and zoning designation would result in a relatively less intense use of the project site with regards to population growth. Up to 18 employees would represent approximately 0.11 percent of the City’s forecast employment growth from 2016 to 2045 according to SCAG and would be fewer than the 20 to 44 permanent residents that development of the project site could generate under the existing land use and zoning designation. Therefore, population growth projections of the proposed project would be within the parameters of expected overall population growth in the City, and amending the land use designation of the site to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR) for development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in population growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for in the City’s General Plan or by SCAG. 111 United States Census Bureau. QuickFacts, Fontana City, California. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/ fontanacitycalifornia (accessed July 21, 2023). 112 According to the SCAG Local Profiles Dataset for 2021 (https://scag.ca.gov/data-tools-local-profiles), Fontana has an average household size of 4.04 persons per dwelling unit. Therefore, 4.04 x 5 dwelling units = 20 residents; 4.04 x 10 dwelling units = 40 residents. 113 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing”. Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 114 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-78 The City currently has approximately 4,700 unemployed persons eligible to work,115 and only approximately 8.8 percent of employed Fontana residents work in the City.116 Approximately 42 percent of the working population travel 25 miles or more for work and 14 percent travel more than 50 miles.117 As such, the City has identified the goal to increase job opportunities for residents within the City. The General Plan also indicates that the warehousing and logistics industries remain important economic drivers for the City’s economy, and the City is experiencing high demand for logistics and warehousing space with lower vacancy rates than nearby jurisdictions. Therefore, development of the project site, as proposed would help the City meet its goals of providing employment opportunities to residents within the City. On April 12, 2022, the Fontana City Council approved and adopted Ordinance No. 1879 to add Article V to Chapter 9 (Environmental Protection and Resource Extraction) of the City Municipal Code. Chapter 9, Article V, also known as the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards, is designed to exceed existing regional and State air quality standards to further air quality improvement measures and standardize requirements for all warehouse developments in the City. Table 5.11.A lists the routine conditions prescribed to all warehouse projects in the City pursuant to the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards and summarizes the proposed project’s consistency with the standards. As the proposed project consists of a warehousing facility on a site within an area of the City consisting of industrial and commercial warehousing land uses, the proposed project would be consistent with the Slover East Industrial District (SED) of the Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan (SWIP), which is intended to provide opportunities for light and heavy manufacturing and promote the continued use and expansion of existing industrial, distribution, and logistics-based warehousing developments. Additionally, the City’s Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) would be included in the project development plans, as described in the table below, and the proposed project would be conditioned to ensure compliance with the applicable Standards. Amendments to land use designations do not in and of themselves constitute a significant environmental impact. Changes to planned land uses are considered to be environmental impacts only when they would result in direct physical impacts or where those changes relate to avoiding or mitigating environmental impacts. As such, associated physical environmental impacts that could be generated from development of the project site as proposed (I-G) rather than as previously anticipated in the General Plan (R-PC) are discussed in this Initial Study under specific topical sections. As detailed in Section 5.3.1(a), the project is consistent with the 2022 AQMP, and impacts to the environment resulting from the proposed project are subject to applicable mitigation and local, State, and/or federal regulations, which would render the project consistent with the 2022 Scoping Plan, 2020-2045 RTP/SCS, and Santa Ana RWQCB Basin Plan. Additionally, the project does not foster growth or a concentration of population in excess of what is assumed in the City’s General Plan or by 115 State of California, Employment Development Department. Monthly Labor Force and Unemployment Rate for Cities and Census Designated Places. September 2023. https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2F labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov%2Ffile%2Flfmonth%2Fsanbrsub.xls&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK. (Accessed October 2023). 116 Stantec. Fontana General Plan Update Background Report. Page 4. April 2016. 117 Ibid. 5-79 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) SCAG. Therefore, impacts related to conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect are less than significant. Mitigation is not required. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-80 Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) Section Consistency Analysis Section 9-71. – Buffering and Screening / Adjacent Uses 1. For any Warehouse building larger than 50,000 square feet in size, a ten-foot-wide landscaping perimeter buffer shall be required, measured from the property line of all adjacent sensitive receptors. For any Warehouse building larger than 400,000 square feet in size, a twenty-foot wide landscaping buffer shall be required, measured from the property line of all adjacent sensitive receptors. The buffer area(s) shall include, at a minimum, a solid decorative wall(s) of at least ten feet in height, natural ground landscaping, and solid screen buffering trees, as described below, unless there is an existing solid block wall. For any Warehouse building equal to or less than 50,000 square feet in size, a solid decorative wall(s) of at least ten feet in height shall be required when adjacent to any sensitive receptors. Sensitive receptor shall be defined as any residence including private homes, condominiums, apartments, and living quarters, schools, preschools, daycare centers, in-home daycares, health facilities such as hospitals, long term care facilities, retirement and nursing homes, community centers, places of worship, parks (excluding trails), prisons, and dormitories. Consistent: The proposed warehouse building is 35,505 square feet in size. The nearest sensitive receptors in proximity to the project site South Fontana Sports Park located approximately 40 feet to the west of the project site across Juniper Avenue. However, this recreational facility is separated from the project site by Juniper Avenue; therefore, the project does not share a property line with any sensitive receptor. Accordingly, a solid decorative wall(s) of at least ten feet in height is not required. 2. Trees shall be used as part of the solid screen buffering treatment. Trees used for this purpose shall be evergreen, drought tolerant, minimum 36-inch box, and shall be spaced at no greater than 40-feet on center. The property owner and any successors in interest shall maintain these trees for the duration of ownership, ensuring any unhealthy or dead trees are replaced timely as needed. Consistent: During project construction, existing vegetation would be removed from the project site and replaced in accordance with City Municipal Code Section No. 30-551(E)(4) (Landscaping) and Article V of Chapter 9 (Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards) of the City’s Zoning and Development Code (refer to Figure 6 Conceptual Landscape Plan). The proposed project would incorporate landscaping throughout the project site through a combination of accent plantings/groundcovers, shrubs/vines, and trees along the majority of the site perimeter and include additional trees and landscape strips throughout the parking areas adjacent to the proposed driveway. Proposed landscaping would be drought-tolerant and complement existing natural and manmade features, including the dominant landscaping of surrounding areas in accordance with Chapter 10.5 (Landscape Standards) of the SWIPSP’s Slover East Industrial District. Trees on the north and east property lines shall be a minimum 36-inch box, and the applicant shall provide species information to show that they are evergreen and drought tolerant. 5-81 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) Section Consistency Analysis 3. All landscaping shall be drought tolerant, and to the extent feasible, species with low biogenic emissions. Palm trees shall not be utilized. Consistent: As shown on Figure 6 (Conceptual Landscape Plan), the proposed project would incorporate landscaping throughout the project site through a combination of accent plantings/groundcovers, shrubs/vines, and trees along the majority of the site perimeter and include additional trees and landscape strips throughout the parking areas adjacent to the proposed driveway. Proposed landscaping would be drought-tolerant and complement existing natural and manmade features, including the dominant landscaping of surrounding areas in accordance with Chapter 10.5 (Landscape Standards) of the SWIPSP’s Slover East Industrial District. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 4. All landscaping areas shall be properly irrigated for the life of the facility to allow for plants and trees to maintain growth. Consistent: All landscaping areas would be properly irrigated for the life of the facility to allow for plants and trees to maintain growth. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 5. Trees shall be installed in automobile parking areas to provide at least 35% shade cover of parking areas within fifteen years. Trees shall be planted that are capable of meeting this requirement. Consistent: As shown on Figure 6 (Conceptual Landscape Plan), the proposed project would include trees along the proposed driveway and parking areas. These trees have been selected for their size and shading properties. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 6. Unless physically impossible, loading docks and truck entries shall be oriented away from abutting sensitive receptors. To the greatest extent feasible, loading docks, truck entries, and truck drive aisles shall be located away from nearby sensitive receptors. In making feasibility decisions, the City must comply with existing laws and regulations and balance public safety and the site development’s potential impacts to nearby sensitive receptors. Therefore, loading docks, truck entries, and drive aisles may be located nearby sensitive receptors at the discretion of the Planning Director, but any such site design shall include measures designed to minimize overall impacts to nearby sensitive receptors. Consistent: The proposed project includes the construction of an approximately 35,505 square-foot warehouse building with two interior truck docks and one exterior dock-high door. As shown on Figure 4 (Conceptual Site Plan) the loading docks are proposed in the center of the project site and would face north. As shown on Figure 2 (Aerial Photograph of the Project Site and Surrounding Land Uses), the project site abuts one sensitive receptor to the west, the South Fontana Sports Park. However, this recreational facility is separated from the project site by Juniper Avenue; therefore, the project does not share a property line with any sensitive receptor. Additionally, the loading docks would be oriented away from the sports park and the proposed warehouse building would obscure view of the proposed loading docks from the sparts park. Trucks would enter and exit the property from a proposed driveway on the west side of the site off Juniper Avenue. Although the driveway would be located directly across Juniper Avenue from the sports park, due to the configuration of the project site and surrounding properties, Juniper Avenue is the only street that provides direct access to the project site. As such, the only feasible location for the proposed driveway is off Juniper Avenue. The project driveway shall be signed for right-turn ingress and left turn egress only to avoid truck traffic along the Fontana Sports Park. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-82 Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) Section Consistency Analysis 7. For any Warehouse building larger than 400,000 square feet in size, the building’s loading docks shall be located a minimum of 300 feet away, measured from the property line of the sensitive receptor to the nearest dock door which does not exclusively serve electric trucks using a direct straight-line method. Not Applicable: The proposed project includes a warehousing facility of approximately 35,505 square feet in size. Section 9-72. – Signage and Traffic Patterns 1. Entry gates into the loading dock/truck court area shall be positioned after a minimum of 140 feet of total available stacking depth inside the property line. The stacking distance shall be increased by 70 feet for every 20 loading docks beyond 50 docks. Queuing, or circling of vehicles, on public streets immediately pre- or post-entry to an industrial commerce facility is strictly prohibited unless queuing occurs in a deceleration lane or right turn lane exclusively serving the facility. Consistent: As shown on Figure 4 (Conceptual Site Plan), the entry gates into the interior loading docks and exterior dock-high door are positioned approximately 180 feet and 240 feet inside the property line, respectively. The proposed warehousing facility includes two interior dock- high doors and one exterior dock-high door. The proposed project is required to comply with all City ordinances to avoid queuing and circling of vehicles on public streets, including Juniper Avenue. 2. Applicants shall submit to the Engineering Department, and obtain approval of, all turning templates to verify truck turning movements at entrance and exit driveways and street intersections adjacent to industrial buildings prior to entitlement approval. Unless not physically possible, truck entries shall be located on Collector Streets (or streets of a higher commercial classification), and vehicle entries shall be designed to prevent truck access on streets that are not Collector Streets (or streets of a higher commercial classification), including, but not limited to, by limiting the width of vehicle entries. Consistent: The driveway facilitating access to and from the project site would be 40 feet wide and would connect to an internal 30-foot-wide drive aisle. The proposed project would be conditioned to ensure adequate truck turning radii at the entrance/exit driveway and applicable street intersections as part of the Fontana Development Advisory Board review of the project. The project would include widening Juniper Avenue along the site frontage to achieve 22 feet of width from centerline to curb face, a 5 foot wide sidewalk, and the dedication of 4 feet of right of way along the western site boundary in order to provide 11 feet of landscaped parkway and sidewalk along Juniper Avenue to achieve 34 feet of ultimate half-width pursuant to the City’s General Plan Circulation Element standard for a Collector Street. The project driveway shall be signed for right-turn ingress and left turn egress only to avoid truck traffic along the Fontana Sports Park. 3. Anti-idling signs indicating a 3-minute diesel truck engine idling restriction shall be posted at industrial commerce facilities along entrances to the site and in the dock areas and shall be strictly enforced by the facility operator. Consistent: The proposed project would include signage along entrances to the site and in the dock areas indicating a 3-minute diesel truck engine idling restriction. 4. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy facility operators shall establish and submit for approval to the Planning Director a Truck Routing Plan to and from the State Highway System based on the City’s latest Truck Route Map. The plan shall describe the operational characteristics of the use of the facility operator, including, but not limited to, hours of operations, types of items to be stored within the building, and proposed truck routing to and from the facility to designated truck routes that avoids passing sensitive receptors, to the greatest extent possible. The plan shall include measures, such as signage and pavement markings, queuing analysis and Consistent: The facility operator would establish and submit for approval to the Planning Director a Truck Routing Plan to and from the State Highway System based on the City’s latest Truck Route Map. Trucks would enter and exit the property from the 40-foot-wide driveway on the west side of the site that facilitates direct access to the loading docks and internal parking area that would be screened from the sensitive receptor to the west by the proposed warehouse building. Since the loading docks and truck court are proposed in the center of the site and not in the viewshed of any sensitive receptors or public right- of-way, solid screen walls are not required. The project 5-83 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) Section Consistency Analysis enforcement, for preventing truck queuing, circling, stopping, and parking on public streets. Facility operator shall be responsible for enforcement of the plan. A revised plan shall be submitted to by the Planning Director prior to a business license being issued by the City for any new tenant of the property. The Planning Director shall have discretion to determine if changes to the plan are necessary including any additional measures to alleviate truck routing and parking issues that may arise during the life of the facility. driveway shall be signed for right-turn ingress and left turn egress only to avoid truck traffic along the Fontana Sports Park. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy, and the project certificate of occupancy would be contingent upon review and approval of the Truck Routing Plan by the City Engineering Department and Director of Planning. 5. Signs and drive aisle pavement markings shall clearly identify the on-site circulation pattern to minimize unnecessary on-site vehicular travel. Consistent: The proposed project would include signs and drive aisle pavement markings to identify the on-site circulation pattern to minimize unnecessary on-site vehicular travel. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 6. Facility operators shall post signs in prominent locations inside and outside of the building indicating that off-site parking for any employee, truck, or other operation related vehicle is strictly prohibited. City may require facility operator to post signs on surface or residential streets indicating that off-site truck parking is prohibited by City ordinance and/or the Truck Routing Plan. Consistent: The proposed project would include signs in prominent locations inside and outside of the building indicating that off-site parking for any employee, truck, or other operation related vehicle is strictly prohibited. If so requested by City staff, the warehousing facility operator would post signs on surface or residential streets indicating that off-site truck parking is prohibited by City ordinance and/or the Truck Routing Plan. 7. Signs shall be installed at all truck exit driveways directing truck drivers to the truck route as indicated in the Truck Routing Plan and State Highway System. Consistent: The project would include signs at all truck exit driveways directing truck drivers to the truck route as indicated in the Truck Routing Plan and State Highway System. The project driveway shall be signed for right-turn ingress and left turn egress only to avoid truck traffic along the Fontana Sports Park. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 8. Signs shall be installed in public view with contact information for a local designated representative who works for the facility operator and who is designated to receive complaints about excessive dust, fumes, or odors, and truck and parking complaints for the site, as well as contact information for the SCAQMD’s on-line complaint system and its complaint call-line: 1-800-288-7664. Any complaints made to the facility operator’s designee shall be answered within 72 hours of receipt. Consistent: The project would include signs in public view indicating the facility operator representative and contact for SCAQMD’s compliant call-line, and the operator shall respond to complaints about excessive dust, fumes, or odors, and truck and parking complaints within 72 hours of receipt. 9. All signs under this Section shall be legible, durable, and weather-proof. Consistent: All signs under this Section shall be legible, durable, and weather-proof. 10. Prior to issuance of a business license, City shall ensure for any facility with a building or buildings larger than 400,000 total square feet, that the facility shall include a truck operator lounge equipped with clean and accessible amenities such as restrooms, vending machines, television, and air conditioning. Not Applicable: The proposed project includes a warehousing facility of approximately 35,505 square feet in size. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-84 Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) Section Consistency Analysis Section 9-73. – Alternative Energy 1. On-site motorized operational equipment shall be ZE (zero emission). Consistent: Warehouse equipment such as forklifts would be electric. No internal combustion engine/diesel generators are proposed to be used as part of daily operations, except in events of emergency as a back-up power source. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 2. All building roofs shall be solar-ready, which includes designing and constructing buildings in a manner that facilitates and optimizes the installation of a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system at some point after the building has been constructed. Consistent: The proposed warehousing facility would be constructed with a flat, solar-ready roof. 3. The office portion of a building’s rooftop that is not covered with solar panels or other utilities shall be constructed with light colored roofing material with a solar reflective index (“SRI”) of not less than 78. This material shall be the minimum solar reflective rating of the roof material for the life of the building. Consistent: Portions of the roof not potentially covered by solar panels or other utilities would be constructed with light colored roofing material with minimum SRI of 78. The proposed project would achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) “Silver” rating based on site location, design, construction, and operation. 4. On buildings over 400,000 square feet, prior to issuance of a business license, the City shall ensure rooftop solar panels are installed and operated in such a manner that they will supply 100% of the power needed to operate all non-refrigerated portions of the facility including the parking areas. Not Applicable: The proposed project includes a warehousing facility of approximately 35,505 square feet in size. 5. At least 10% of all passenger vehicle parking spaces shall be electric vehicle (EV) ready, with all necessary conduit and related appurtenances installed. At least 5% of all passenger vehicle parking spaces shall be equipped with working Level 2 Quick charge EV charging stations installed and operational, prior to building occupancy. Signage shall be installed indicating EV charging stations and specifying that spaces are reserved for clean air/EV vehicles. Unless superior technology is developed that would replace the EV charging units, facility operator and any successors in interest shall be responsible for maintaining the EV charging stations in working order for the life of the facility. Consistent: The project site would include a total of 43 passenger vehicle parking stalls, including three dedicated electric vehicle charging stations and five parking spaces which would be wired for future charging capabilities. Consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and CALGreen parking standards, one ADA space would be provided. The project site would also include two semi-truck parking spaces located adjacent to the interior truck docks. As such, at least 10 percent (4 spaces) of all passenger vehicle parking spaces would be wired for future electric vehicle (EV) charging, with all necessary conduit and related appurtenances installed. At least 5 percent (2 spaces) of all passenger vehicle parking spaces would be equipped with working Level 2 Quickcharge EV charging stations installed and operational prior to building occupancy. Signage would be installed indicating EV charging stations and specifying that spaces are reserved for clean air/EV vehicles. EV charging stations would be maintained in working order for the life of the facility. 5-85 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) Section Consistency Analysis 6. Unless the owner of the facility records a covenant on the title of the underlying property ensuring that the property cannot be used to provide chilled, cooled, or freezer warehouse space, a conduit shall be installed during construction of the building shell from the electrical room to 100% of the loading dock doors that have potential to serve the refrigerated space. When tenant improvement building permits are issued for any refrigerated warehouse space, electric plug-in units shall be installed at every dock door servicing the refrigerated space to allow transport refrigeration units (TRUs) to plug in. Truck operators with TRUs shall be required to utilize electric plug-in units when at loading docks. Consistent: The project does not include a refrigeration component to the proposed warehousing facility. Accordingly, the owner would record a covenant on the title of the underlying property ensuring that the property cannot be used to provide chilled, cooled, or freezer warehouse space. 7. Bicycle racks are required per Section 30-714 and in the amount required for warehouse uses by Table 30-714 of the Zoning and Development Code. The racks shall include locks as well as electric plugs to charge electric bikes. The racks shall be located as close as possible to employee entrance(s). Nothing in this section shall preclude the warehouse operator from satisfying this requirement by utilizing bicycle parking amenities considered to be superior such as locating bicycle parking facilities indoors or providing bicycle lockers. Consistent: The proposed project would provide 5 short- term bicycle parking spaces with locks and electric plug-ins for electric bike charging and 4 long-term, interior spaces, for a total of 9 bicycle parking spaces. Section 9-74. – Operation and Construction 1. Cool surface treatments shall be added to all drive aisles and parking areas or such areas shall be constructed with a solar-reflective cool pavement such as concrete. Consistent: The parking lots, truck court, and drive aisles would be constructed with a solar-reflective cool pavement. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 2. To ensure that warehouse electrical rooms are sufficiently sized to accommodate the potential need for additional electrical panels, either a secondary electrical room shall be provided in the building, or the primary electrical room shall be sized 25% larger than is required to satisfy the service requirements of the building or the electrical gear shall be installed with the initial construction with 25% excess demand capacity. Consistent: The primary electrical room would be sized 25 percent larger than is required to satisfy the service requirements of the building. 3. Use of super-compliant VOC architectural and industrial maintenance coatings (e.g., paints) shall be required. Consistent: The proposed warehousing facility would be painted with super-compliant VOC architectural and industrial maintenance coatings. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 4. The facility operator shall incorporate a recycling program. Consistent: Operation of the proposed warehousing facility would include a recycling program. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-86 Table 5.11.A: Project Consistency with the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards (Article V of Chapter 9 of the Fontana Municipal Code) Section Consistency Analysis 5. The following environmentally responsible practices shall be required during construction: a. The applicant shall use reasonable best efforts to deploy the highest rated CARB Tier technology that is available at the time of construction. Prior to permit issuance, the construction contractor shall submit an equipment list confirming equipment used is compliant with the highest CARB Tier at the time of construction. Equipment proposed for use that does not meet the highest CARB Tier in effect at the time of construction, shall only be approved for use at the discretion of the Planning Director and shall require proof from the construction contractor that, despite reasonable best efforts to obtain the highest CARB Tier equipment, such equipment was unavailable. b. Use of electric-powered hand tools, forklifts, and pressure washers. c. Designation of an area in any construction site where electric-powered construction vehicles and equipment can charge. d. Identification in site plans of a location for future electric truck charging stations and installation of a conduit to that location. e. Diesel-powered generators shall be prohibited except in case of emergency or to establish temporary power during construction. Consistent: A construction equipment list would be submitted to City staff prior to construction on the site confirming equipment used is compliant with the highest CARB Tier at the time of construction or that, despite reasonable best efforts to obtain the highest CARB Tier equipment, such equipment was unavailable. In such a case, alternative equipment would be used upon approval of the Planning Director. Construction equipment would include the use of electric- powered hand tools, forklifts, and pressure washers, and the construction contractor would designate a location on the site for charging of electric-powered construction vehicles and equipment. Project plans would identify a location for future electric truck charging stations and installation of a conduit to that location. Diesel-powered generators would not be used during construction or operation, except in case of emergency or to establish temporary power during construction. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 6. A Property Maintenance Program shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director or his/her designee prior to the issuance of building permits. The program shall provide for the regular maintenance of building structures, landscaping, and paved surfaces in good physically condition, and appearance. The methods and maximum intervals for maintenance of each component shall be specified in the program. Consistent: As required, the project applicant would submit a Property Maintenance Program to the Planning Director or designee for approval prior to the issuance of building permits. The program would provide for the regular maintenance of building structures, landscaping, and paved surfaces in good physical condition, and appearance. The methods and maximum intervals for maintenance of each component would be specified in the program. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. 7. Property owner shall provide facility operator with information on incentive programs such as the Carl Moyer Program and Voucher Incentive Program and shall require all facility operators to enroll in the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay Program. Consistent: The property owner would provide the facility operator with information on incentive programs such as the Carl Moyer Program and Voucher Incentive Program and would require the facility operator to enroll in the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay Program. Notes shall be added to project plans in accordance with this policy. Source: City of Fontana. Fontana Municipal Code. Ordinance No. 1879 (Article V of Chapter 9 (Environmental Protection and Resource Extraction)), also known as the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards. Adopted April 12, 2022. In effect May 12, 2022. 5-87 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.12 MINERAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? b. Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? 5.12.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? b. Would the project result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? Less than Significant Impact. In 1975, the California Legislature enacted the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act which, among other things, provided guidelines for the classification and designation of mineral lands. Areas are classified on the basis of geologic factors without regard to existing land use and land ownership. The areas are categorized into four Mineral Resource Zones (MRZs): MRZ-1: An area where adequate information indicates that no significant mineral deposits are present, or where it is judged that little likelihood exists for their presence. MRZ-2: An area where adequate information indicates that significant mineral deposits are present, or where it is judged that a high likelihood exists for their presence. MRZ-3: An area containing mineral deposits, the significance of which cannot be evaluated. MRZ-4: An area where available information is inadequate for assignment to any other MRZ zone. Of the four categories, lands classified as MRZ-2 are of the greatest importance. Such areas are underlain by demonstrated mineral resources or are located where geologic data indicate that significant measured or indicated resources are present. MRZ-2 areas are designated by the State of California Mining and Geology Board as being “regionally significant.” Such designations require that a Lead Agency’s land use decisions involving designated areas are to be made in accordance with its mineral resource management policies and that it considers the importance of the mineral resource to the region or the State as a whole, not just to the Lead Agency’s jurisdiction. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-88 The project site is located within Mineral Resource Zone 3 (MRZ-3),118 which is defined as areas containing known or inferred mineral deposits, the significance of which cannot be evaluated. The 1.61-acre project site is currently vacant and undeveloped land. The project site is bounded by large warehouses to the south, Juniper Avenue followed by the South Fontana Sports Park to the west, a United States Postal Service office to the north, and a commercial warehouse center (The Home Depot) to the east. Residential land uses exist further north of the project site, across Santa Ana Avenue. The City of Fontana General Plan currently designates the project site’s land use and zoning category as Residential Planned Community (R-PC).119 The proposed project would require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the project site from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to General Industrial (0.1-0.6 FAR), rezone the property from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to SWIPSP, and incorporate the property into the Slover East Industrial District of the SWIPSP. Neither the existing land use and zoning designation nor the proposed land use and zoning designation allow for mineral resources extraction at the project site or surrounding area. Further, the project site has minimal potential to be used for mineral resources extraction in the future due to its size and location in an urbanized area of the City. Additionally, the project site and vicinity are not considered a State-designated mineral resource extraction zone. Therefore, impacts from the loss of available mineral resources would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. 118 California Department of Conservation. Mineral Land Classification Map, San Bernardino P-C Region. Fontana Quadrangle, Special Report 143, Plate 7.6. 1975. 119 City of Fontana, State of California. General Plan Update 2015–2035. Chapter 15: Land Use, Zoning, and Urban Design Element. Page 15.25. Adopted November 13, 2018. 5-89 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.13 NOISE Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project result in: a. Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? b. Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? c. For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? 5.13.1 Impact Analysis Noise is usually defined as unwanted sound. Noise consists of any sound that may produce physiological or psychological damage and/or interfere with communication, work, rest, recreation, or sleep. Several noise measurement scales exist that are used to describe noise in a particular location. A decibel (dB) is a unit of measurement that indicates the relative intensity of a sound. Sound levels in dB are calculated on a logarithmic basis. An increase of 10 dB represents a 10-fold increase in acoustic energy, while 20 dB is 100 times more intense, and 30 dB is 1,000 times more intense. Each 10 dB increase in sound level is perceived as approximately a doubling of loudness; and similarly, each 10 dB decrease in sound level is perceived as half as loud. Sound intensity is normally measured through the A-weighted sound level (dBA), and this scale gives greater weight to the frequencies of sound to which the human ear is most sensitive. The A-weighted sound level is the basis for 24-hour sound measurements which better represent how humans are more sensitive to sound at night. As noise spreads from a source, it loses energy so that the farther away the noise receiver is from the noise source, the lower the perceived noise level would be. Geometric spreading causes the sound level to attenuate or be reduced, resulting in a 6 dB reduction in the noise level for each doubling of distance from a single point source of noise to the noise sensitive receptor of concern. There are many ways to rate noise for various time periods, but an appropriate rating of ambient noise affecting humans also accounts for the annoying effects of sound. Equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) is the total sound energy of time varying noise over a sample period. However, the predominant rating scales for human communities in the State of California are the Leq, the community noise equivalent level (CNEL), and the day-night average level (Ldn) based on A-weighted decibels (dBA). CNEL is the time varying noise over a 24-hour period, with a 5 dBA weighting factor applied to the hourly Leq for noises occurring from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (defined as relaxation hours) and 10 dBA weighting factor applied to noise occurring from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (defined as sleeping hours). Ldn is similar to the CNEL scale, but without the adjustment for events occurring during the evening relaxation hours. CNEL and Ldn are within one dBA of each other and are normally FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-90 exchangeable. The noise adjustments are added to the noise events occurring during the more sensitive hours. A project would result in a significant noise effect if it would substantially increase the ambient noise levels for adjoining areas or conflict with adopted environmental plans and goals of applicable regulatory agencies, including, as appropriate, the City of Fontana. Certain land uses are considered more sensitive to noise than others. Consistent with Section 9-71 of the Fontana Municipal Code, sensitive receptor shall be defined as any residence including private homes, condominiums, apartments, and living quarters, schools, preschools, daycare centers, in- home daycares, health facilities such as hospitals, long term care facilities, retirement and nursing homes, community centers, places of worship, parks (excluding trails), prisons, and dormitories. The project site is generally surrounded by office, industrial, and park uses. The closest sensitive receptors are the Fontana Sports Park located to the west across Juniper Avenue and residences located north, approximately 480 feet from the project site boundary. Existing noise sources at the project site are primarily associated with traffic on surrounding roadways, including Juniper Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue, and surrounding industrial uses. Noise Standards. This project utilizes the City’s residential noise control guidelines codified in Section 30-469 of the City’s Municipal Code, which establishes an exterior noise level standard of 65 a-weighted decibels (dBA) as measured at the property line of any residential-zoned property. Section 18-63(b)(7) of the City’s Municipal Code establishes exemption criteria for construction activities, specifically exempting noise generated from construction between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. The City has not established daytime construction noise level limits for construction activities that occur within the specified hours prescribed in the City Municipal Code; therefore, construction noise standards from the Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (FTA Manual) are used to determine the potential noise impacts during project construction. The FTA criteria establishes daytime exterior noise standards of 80 dBA for residential, 85 dBA for commercial, and 90 for dBA for industrial land uses. Finally, the City’s General Plan identifies three main categories (audible, potentially audible, and inaudible) associated with noise impacts, and indicates that only an audible change in noise level, which is a change of 3 dBA or more, is considered potentially significant.120 Overview of the Existing Noise Environment. In order to assess the existing noise conditions in the area, long-term noise measurements were conducted at the project site. Two long-term, 24- hour measurements were taken from July 11, 2023, to July 12, 2023. The locations of the noise measurements are shown on Figure 8 (Noise Monitoring Locations), and the results are summarized in Table 5.13.A. Noise measurement data information are provided in Appendix H. 120 City of Fontana. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015–2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 5.10-4. June 8, 2018. 5-91 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Table 5.13.A: Existing Noise Level Measurements Location Number Location Description Daytime Noise Levels1 (dBA Leq) Evening Noise Levels2 (dBA Leq) Nighttime Noise Levels3 (dBA Leq) Average Daily Noise Levels (dBA CNEL) Primary Noise Sources LT-1 On a utility pole at the northwestern corner of a warehouse facility at 11011 Juniper Avenue, approximately 30 feet from Juniper Avenue centerline 57.8–64.2 57.2–61.9 51.4–58.7 63.6 Traffic on Juniper Avenue. LT-2 On a utility pole at the northwestern corner of the intersection at Santa Ana Avenue and Juniper Avenue, approximately 75 feet from the center of intersection. 64.8–72.8 65.8–68.6 56.4–64.7 71.2 Traffic on Santa Ana Avenue and Juniper Avenue. Source: Compiled by LSA (September 2023). Figure 8. 1 Daytime Noise Levels = noise levels during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2 Evening Noise Levels = noise levels during the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 3 Nighttime Noise Levels = noise levels during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA = A-weighted decibels ft = foot/feet Leq = equivalent continuous sound level a. Would the project result in generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? Less than Significant Impact. Construction Noise. Short-term noise impacts would be associated construction of the proposed warehouse facility and associated structures. Construction-related short-term noise levels would be higher than existing ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project site at the present time but would no longer occur once construction of the proposed project is completed. Two types of short-term noise impacts could occur during the construction of the proposed project. First, construction crew commutes and the transport of construction equipment and materials to the site for the proposed project would incrementally increase noise levels on access roads leading to the site. Although there would be a relatively high single-event noise exposure potential causing intermittent noise nuisance (passing trucks at 50 feet would generate up to 84 dBA Lmax), the effect on longer-term ambient noise levels would be small when compared to existing daily traffic volumes on Juniper Avenue. The results of the CalEEMod for the proposed project indicate that during the grading phase, an additional 65 vehicles, consisting of worker and hauling trips, would be added to the roadway adjacent to the project site (see Appendix A). Because the existing traffic volume on Juniper Avenue is considerably more than 65 vehicles, construction-related vehicle trips would not approach existing daily traffic volumes and traffic FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-92 noise would not increase by 3 dBA CNEL. A noise level increase of less than 3 dBA would not be perceptible to the human ear in an outdoor environment. Therefore, short-term construction- related impacts associated with worker commute and equipment transport to the project site would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. The second type of short-term construction noise is related to noise generated from heavy equipment used during construction activities. Construction activities include site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, and paving on the project site. These various sequential phases change the character of the noise generated on a project site. Typical noise levels range up to 88 dBA maximum instantaneous noise level (Lmax) at 50 feet during the noisiest construction phases. It is expected that average noise levels during construction at the nearest sensitive receptor121 would range from 62 dBA equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) and 74 dBA Leq, depending on the construction phase (refer to Appendix H for construction noise calculations). The grading phase is expected to generate the highest noise levels (74 dBA Leq), which would take place for a duration of approximately 15 days. Noise levels at the nearest off-site industrial uses, located immediately adjacent to the south approximately 210 feet from the center of the project site, would reach an average noise level of 73 dBA Leq during the daytime hours. Therefore, noise levels generated from project construction would be below the 80 dBA Leq and 90 dBA Leq criteria established by the FTA for residential or other more sensitive uses and industrial uses, respectively. These predicted noise levels would only occur when all construction equipment is operating simultaneously; and therefore, the noise levels are assumed to be conservative in nature. Although the noise generated by project construction activities may result in a temporary increase in the ambient noise levels in the project vicinity, construction noise would cease once project construction is completed. As discussed above, noise levels generated from project construction would be below the 80 dBA Leq and 90 dBA Leq criteria established by the FTA for residential / sensitive use and industrial uses, respectively. Finally, the proposed project would be required to comply with the construction hours specified in Section 18-63(b)(7) of the City Municipal Code. As specified in Standard Condition NOI-1, project construction activities would only occur between the hours and days prescribed in Section 18-63(b)(7) of the City Municipal Code, and project construction would be required to implement City prescribed best practices for reducing construction noise. Since the City’s Municipal Code Section 18-63(b)(7) allows construction noise in excess of normally defined thresholds between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, adherence to Standard Condition NOI-1 would ensure the project would not generate a substantial temporary increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance during more sensitive hours. Additionally, with implementation of Standard Condition NOI-1, all feasible and reasonable methods to reduce construction noise would be implemented. 121 The nearest sensitive receptor is the Fontana Sports Park to the west of the project site. The property line of the park is located 200 feet from the center of the project site, which is considered the average location of construction activity for each phase. Therefore, the noise level for each construction phase at the nearest sensitive receptor was calculated using a distance of 200 feet. 5-93 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Therefore, the overall noise levels generated by project construction would be minimized and construction noise impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. Long-Term Off-Site Traffic Noise. Noise levels from vehicle traffic (including employee and customer passenger vehicles) entering and exiting the site from Juniper Avenue was analyzed using the following equation: Change in CNEL = 10 log10 [Ve+p/Vexisting] Where: Vexisting = the existing daily volume Ve+p = existing daily volumes plus project Change in CNEL = the increase in noise level due to the project Data for existing average daily traffic (ADT) and project ADT volumes were obtained from the City General Plan Community Mobility and Circulation Element and the Trip Generation/Vehicle Miles Traveled Analysis prepared for the project, respectively. Based on the City’s General Plan Exhibit 9.5, Average Daily Trips, the existing ADT volume along Juniper Avenue in the vicinity of the project is approximately 2,100.122 Based on the project ADT volumes identified in the Trip Generation/Vehicle Miles Traveled Analysis prepared for the project, the project was estimated to result in a net increase of 91 ADT (see Appendix I-1). The results of the calculations show that the proposed project would result in an increase of less than 0.2 dBA CNEL along Juniper Avenue. As previously discussed, a noise level increase of less than 3 dBA would not be perceptible to the human ear. Additionally, an increase of 0.2 dBA would not exceed the City’s impact threshold of 3 dBA.123 Therefore, project-related traffic along Juniper Avenue would not result in a significant noise increase. Operational Noise. Long-term noise associated with the project would be generated from vehicle traffic entering and exiting the site and on-site stationary sources, such as on-site heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and truck delivery and loading/unloading activities associated with the proposed building operations. These mobile and stationary operational noise sources are analyzed separately in relation to the ambient noise environment because the City’s applicable noise standards are different for mobile versus stationary noise sources. Whereas mobile noise sources such as vehicle traffic are measured as Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), stationary noise sources such as truck loading/unloading, parking lot activities, and heating ventilation air conditioning are measured as Lmax and Leq. Additionally, anticipating the timing of noise events (continuous versus intermittent) would be speculative, as they differ for the various stationary noise sources. However, reasonable assumptions are made as specified for each noise source described below in order to combine the stationary noise levels anticipated to be generated by the proposed project and compare them to the ambient noise 122 City of Fontana. City of Fontana General Plan Community Mobility and Circulation Element. Exhibit 9.5: Average Daily Trips. Approved and Adopted by City Council November 13, 2018. 123 City of Fontana. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015–2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 5.10-4. June 8, 2018. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-94 environment in terms of Leq.124 To provide a conservative analysis, it is assumed that within any given hour, 4 heavy trucks would maneuver to park near the loading zone east of the proposed building. HVAC equipment is expected to run continuously for the duration of a 24-hour period. To determine the future noise impacts from project operations to the noise sensitive uses, a 3-D noise model, SoundPLAN, was used to incorporate the site topography as well as the shielding from the proposed building on-site. A graphic representation of the project operational noise levels is presented in Figure 9 (Operational Noise Levels). Heating-Ventilation-Air Conditioning (HVAC) Equipment. The project is estimated to have four rooftop HVAC units on the proposed building to provide ventilation. The HVAC equipment could operate 24 hours per day and would generate sound power levels (SPL) of up to 87 dBA SPL or 72 dBA Leq at a distance of 5 feet, based on manufacturer data (Trane)125. Trash Bin Emptying Activities. The project is es�mated to have a trash dumpster north of the proposed building. The trash emptying ac�vi�es would take place for a period less than 1 minute and would generate SPLs of up to 118.6 dBA SPL or 84 dBA Leq at 50 feet, based on reference informa�on within SoundPLAN. Truck Delivery and Loading/Unloading Activities. The operational noise analysis for the proposed project anticipates truck loading and unloading activities associated with the project would occur only in the parking stalls located east of the proposed building and the loading dock. Noise levels generated by truck loading and unloading activities are associated with the truck engine noise, air brakes, and back-up alarms. These noise levels would occur for a shorter period of time (less than 5 minutes). Based on measurements taken by LSA for a project that included loading and unloading activities, noise levels generated from truck loading and unloading activities would generate a noise level of 75 dBA Leq at 20 feet. Shorter term noise levels that occur during the docking process taken by LSA were measured to be 76.3 dBA L8 at 20 feet. Delivery trucks would arrive on site and maneuver their trailers so that trailers would be parked within the loading docks. During this process, noise levels are associated with the truck engine noise, air brakes, and back-up alarms while the truck is backing into the dock. These noise levels would occur for a shorter period of time (less than 5 minutes). After a truck enters the loading dock, the doors would be closed, and the remainder of the truck loading activities would be enclosed and therefore much less perceptible. To present a conservative assessment, it is assumed that truck arrivals and departure activities could occur at one trailer parking and three parking spaces for a period of less than 5 minutes each and unloading activities could occur at the loading dock for a period of more than 30 minutes in a given hour. 124 The Leq noise level is provided to describe operational noise levels for a longer period of time (compared to the maximum instantaneous noise level, Lmax) and compare them to ambient noise levels anticipated to be generated by the proposed project. 125 Trane. Fan Performance - Product Specifications RT-PRC023AU-EN. 5-95 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Tables 5.13.B and 5.13.C, below, show the combined hourly noise generated by the truck loading and unloading activities, trash bin emptying activities, and HVAC equipment generated by the proposed project as measured at the property line of the closest sensitive receptors. As shown in Tables 5.13.B and 5.13.C below, the project-related noise levels would range from 40.2 dBA Leq to 50.0 dBA Leq at the surrounding sensitive receptors. As previously discussed, the City’s exterior noise standard for residential and other sensitive uses is 65 dBA Leq for both daytime and nighttime hours. Therefore, the noise levels generated by the project would not exceed the City’s exterior noise standard. Additionally, the project would not increase the noise level by 3 dBA or more from existing noise levels. Therefore, the project would not result in generation of a permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Table 5.13.B: Daytime Exterior Noise Level Receptor Direction Existing Quietest Daytime Noise Level (dBA Leq) Project Generated Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Potential Operational Noise Impact?1 Fontana Sports Park West 57.2 50.0 No Residence at 16675 Bayleaf Lane North 64.8 40.9 No Residence at 10890 Bennet Drive North 64.8 49.2 No Source: Compiled by LSA (2023). Figure 9. 1 A potential operational noise impact would occur if (1) the quietest daytime ambient hour is less than 65 dBA Leq and project noise impacts are greater than 65 dBA Leq, OR (2) the quietest daytime ambient hour is greater than 65 dBA Leq and project noise impacts are 3 dBA greater than the quietest daytime ambient hour. dBA = A-weighted decibels Leq = equivalent noise level Table 5.13.C: Nighttime Exterior Noise Level Receptor1 Direction Existing Quietest Nighttime Noise Level (dBA Leq) Project Generated Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Potential Operational Noise Impact?2 Residence at 16675 Bayleaf Lane North 56.4 40.2 No Residence at 10890 Bennet Drive North 56.4 49.0 No Source: Compiled by LSA (2023). Figure 9. 1 The Fontana Sports Park is not included in the nighttime assessment as the park would not be hosting nighttime sports events after 10:00 p.m. 1 A potential operational noise impact would occur if (1) the quietest nighttime ambient hour is less than 65 dBA Leq and project noise impacts are greater than 65 dBA Leq, OR (2) the quietest nighttime ambient hour is greater than 65 dBA Leq and project noise impacts are 3 dBA greater than the quietest nighttime ambient hour. dBA = A-weighted decibels Leq = equivalent noise level Standard Conditions. Mitigation is not required; however, the following Standard Conditions are regulatory requirements that would be implemented to ensure impacts related to construction- period noise remain less than significant. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-96 Standard Condition NOI-1 Prior to issuance of grading and building permits, the Project Applicant shall provide evidence to the City that construction plans include direction to adhere to the following source controls at all times: a. Construction shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and no construction on Sundays and holidays unless it is approved by the building inspector for cases that are considered urgently necessary as defined in Section 18-63(7) of the Municipal Code. b. For all noise-producing equipment, use types and models that have the lowest horsepower and the lowest noise generating potential practical for their intended use. c. The construction contractor will ensure that all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, is properly operating (tuned-up) and lubricated, and that mufflers are working adequately. d. Have only necessary equipment onsite. e. Use manually-adjustable or ambient-sensitive backup alarms. When working adjacent to residential use(s), the construction contractor will also use the following path controls, except where not physically feasible, when necessary: i. Install portable noise barriers, including solid structures and noise blankets, between the active noise sources and the nearest noise receivers. ii. Temporarily enclose localized and stationary noise sources. iii. Store and maintain equipment, building materials, and waste materials as far as practical from as many sensitive receivers as practical. This condition shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Building Inspector. 5-97 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) b. Would the project result in generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Vibration Standards. Groundborne noise is typically assessed at locations where there is no airborne noise path, or for buildings with substantial sound insulation such as a recording studio. For typical buildings, the interior airborne noise levels are often higher than the groundborne noise levels. Therefore, the main focus of the discussion and analysis is groundborne vibration as it relates to off-site building damage and human annoyance. The 2018 FTA Manual guidelines show that a vibration level of up to 0.2 in/sec in peak particle velocity (PPV) is considered safe for non-engineered timber and masonry buildings, which are the types of buildings located on properties adjacent to the project site. Accordingly, the 0.2 in/sec in the PPV threshold was used to evaluate vibration impacts at the nearest structures to the site.126 Additionally, the City does not specify the vibration level that would be considered an impact but indicates predicted vibration levels that would occur during construction hours specified pursuant to the City Municipal Code Section 18-63(b)(7) are considered “an acceptable intrusion of the ambient noise within that project area.”127 Therefore, vibration that could result from construction that occurs between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays would not be significant in regards to human annoyance. Construction Vibration Building Damage Potential. There is currently limited information regarding vibration source levels from specific equipment used for this project. However, to provide a comparison of vibration levels expected to occur during construction of a project of this size to the PPV threshold of 0.2 PPV (in/sec) discussed above, a large bulldozer would generate 0.089 PPV (in/sec) of ground-borne vibration when measured at 25 feet based on the 2018 FTA Manual. Table 5.13.D below summarizes the reference vibration levels at a distance of 25 feet for each type of standard construction equipment according to the 2018 FTA Manual.128 126 Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. FTA Report No. 0123. September 2018. https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/research-innovation/118131/transit-noise- and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf (accessed February 8, 2023). 127 City of Fontana. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 5.10-7. June 8, 2018. 128 Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. FTA Report No. 0123. Table 7-4. September 2018. https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/research-innovation/118131/ transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf (accessed February 8, 2023). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-98 Table 5.13.D: Vibration Source Amplitudes for Construction Equipment Equipment Reference PPV/Lv at 25 ft PPV (in/sec) Lv (VDB)1 Hoe Ram 0.089 87 Large Bulldozer 0.089 87 Caisson Drilling 0.089 87 Loaded Trucks 0.076 86 Jackhammer 0.035 79 Small Bulldozer 0.003 58 Source: Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. FTA Report No. 0123. Table 7-4. September 2018. https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/research-innovation/118131/transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf (accessed February 8, 2023). 1 RMS vibration velocity in decibels (VdB) is 1 µin/sec. µin/sec = micro-inches per second ft = foot/feet in/sec = inches per second Lv = velocity in decibels PPV = peak particle velocity RMS = root-mean-square VdB = vibration velocity decibels The distance to the nearest buildings for vibration impact analysis is measured between the nearest off-site buildings and the project construction boundary (assuming the construction equipment would only be used at or near the project setback line) because vibration impacts normally occur within buildings. The closest structure to external construction activities is the industrial warehouse approximately 80 feet to the south of the project construction boundary. Vibration transmission from project construction to the warehouse structure to the south was calculated by the formula below. LvdB (D) = LvdB (25 feet) – 30 Log (D/25) PPVequip = PPVref x (25/D)1.5 Using the reference data from Table 5.13.D and the equation above, project construction activities would be expected to generate ground-borne vibration levels of approximately 0.016 PPV (in/sec) at the warehouse structure without mitigation. This vibration level would not exceed the 0.2 PPV (in/sec) threshold. Vibration levels at all other buildings near the project site would be lower than the 0.2 PPV (in/sec) threshold. Therefore, project construction activities would generate a ground-borne vibration level that is considered safe for non-engineered timber and masonry buildings. Therefore, construction vibration damage impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. Construction Vibration Human Annoyance Potential. As stated above, predicted vibration levels that would occur during construction hours specified pursuant to the City Municipal Code Section 18-63(b)(7) are considered “an acceptable intrusion of the ambient noise within that project 5-99 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) area.”129 Therefore, adherence to Standard Condition NOI-1, which would limit construction activities to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, would ensure impacts related to human annoyance from construction vibration would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. Long-Term Operational Vibration. The proposed project would not generate vibra�on levels related to on-site opera�ons. In addi�on, vibra�on levels generated from project-related traffic on the adjacent roadways are unusual for on-road vehicles because the rubber �res and suspension systems of on-road vehicles provide vibra�on isola�on. Based on a reference vibra�on level of 0.076 in/sec PPV, structures greater than 20 feet from the roadways that contain project trips would experience vibra�on levels below the most conservative standard of 0.12 in/sec PPV, and therefore vibra�on levels generated from project-related traffic on the adjacent roadways would be less than significant, and mi�ga�on is not required. c. For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? Less than Significant Impact. The project site is located approximately 4.8 miles north of the Flabob Airport, 8 miles east of Ontario International Airport, and 11 miles southwest of San Bernardino International Airport (SBD). The project site is located outside of the Airport Influence Area and Airport Compatibility Zones of Flabob Airport and SBD. Map FL-3 of the Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Policy Document shows that the project site is outside of the 60 to 65 dBA CNEL noise contour.130 The project site is within the ONT Airport Influence Area of the Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ONTLUCP).131 However, the project site is not within an ONTLUCP Safety Zone or Noise Impact Zone.132 Therefore, the project would not expose people working in the project area to excessive airport-related noise levels. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 129 City of Fontana. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 5.10-7. June 8, 2018. 130 Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Policy Document. Map FL-3: Noise Compatibility Contours Flabob Airport. Adopted October 2004. 131 Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. Chapter 2: Procedural and Compatibility Policies. Map 2-1: Airport Influence Area. April 19, 2011. 132 Ibid. Map 2-2: Safety Zones, and Map 2-3: Noise Impact Zones. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-100 5.14 POPULATION AND HOUSING Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Induce substantial unplanned population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? b. Displace substantial numbers of existing people or housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 5.14.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project induce substantial unplanned population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? Less than Significant Impact. CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.2[d] identifies a project as growth inducing if it fosters economic or population growth, or development of businesses or housing either directly or indirectly in the surrounding environment. New employees from commercial or industrial development and new population from residential development represent direct forms of growth, which have a secondary effect of expanding the size of local markets and inducing additional economic activity in the area. Under CEQA, growth inducement is not considered necessarily detrimental, beneficial, or of little significance to the environment. Typically, the growth-inducing potential of a project would be considered substantial if it fosters growth or a concentration of population in excess of what is assumed in pertinent master plans, land use plans, or in projections made by regional planning agencies (e.g., SCAG). Once operational, the proposed project would generate approximately 18 employees.133,134 According to SCAG’s 2020–2045 RTP/SCS, the City’s population, households, and employment are forecast to increase by approximately 75,700 residents, 26,300 households, and 18,400 jobs, respectively, between 2016 and 2045. The City’s General Plan has a year 2035 buildout horizon; however, the General Plan does not specify or anticipate when complete buildout would occur, as long-range demographic and economic trends are speculative. The designation within the General Plan of a site for a certain use does not necessarily mean that the site would be developed with that use during the planning period, as most development depends on property owner initiative. Although the project site’s existing land use designation is R-PC, amending the land use designation to I-G is not expected 133 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing”. Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 134 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. 5-101 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) to result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for at General Plan buildout as for the reasons described below. As of July 1, 2022, the United States Census Bureau estimated the City’s population to be 212,475 persons.135 Development of the proposed project and other projects in the City and in San Bernardino County would lead to increases in population, housing, and employment. The 1.61-acre project site’s existing land use designation is R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) results in a residential development potential of between 5 and 10 residential units, which would result in between 20 and 40 permanent residents in the City.136 Furthermore, if the project site were to be developed at the most intensive range of the exiting R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) zone and include a 20 percent density bonus pursuant to Section 30-967 of Article XV (No Net Loss Program) of the Zoning and Development Code, the project site could be developed with up to 12 residential units that could house up to 44 persons. The proposed project is anticipated to employ up to 18 employees, 137,138 some of which have the potential to already reside in the City. Therefore, development of the proposed project under the proposed land use and zoning designation would result in a relatively less intense use of the project site with regards to population growth. Up to 18 employees would represent approximately 0.11 percent of the City’s forecast employment growth from 2016 to 2045 according to SCAG and would be fewer than the 20 to 44 permanent residents that development of the project site could generate under the existing land use and zoning designation. Growth projections of the proposed project would be within the parameters of expected overall growth in the City, and amending the land use designation of the site to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR) for development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for in the City’s General Plan or by SCAG. Therefore, impacts related to population growth would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. b. Would the project displace substantial numbers of existing people or housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. Government Code Section 66300 et seq., also known as the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 or Senate Bill 330 (SB330), requires that any net loss of residential capacity that results from a project’s action be concurrently rectified by changing the development standards, policies, or conditions applicable to another parcel within the jurisdiction to compensate for the loss in residential capacity imposed by the project’s action. The proposed rezone of the 1.61-acre project site from R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) to SWIPSP would result in the loss of up to 10 residential units. Therefore, development of the project would effectively reduce Fontana’s residential capacity by up to 10 units. 135 United States Census Bureau. QuickFacts, Fontana City, California. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/ fontanacitycalifornia (accessed July 21, 2023). 136 According to the SCAG Local Profiles Dataset for 2021 (https://scag.ca.gov/data-tools-local-profiles), Fontana has an average household size of 4.04 persons per dwelling unit. Therefore, 4.04 x 5 dwelling units = 20 residents; 4.04 x 10 dwelling units = 40 residents. 137 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing”. Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 138 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-102 To avoid a net loss of residential capacity citywide, the City has adopted Article XV (No Net Loss Program) of the Zoning and Development Code. Section 30-965 of Article XV establishes a no Net Loss Density Bonus Program for projects that include a change in zone from a residential use to a non- residential use. This program creates a citywide Unit Bank, which for the proposed project, 10 residential units plus a 20 percent density bonus in accordance with Section 30-967(3)(a) would be made available (total of 12 residential units) to project applicants subsequently seeking to develop property for residential use within the City to ensure that there is no net loss of residential capacity within the City as required by SB330. Furthermore, the project site is currently vacant, and no residential units are present on the site. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not displace substantial numbers of existing people or housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere. No impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. 5-103 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.15 PUBLIC SERVICES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: i. Fire protection? ii. Police protection? iii. Schools? iv. Parks? v. Other public facilities? 5.15.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: i. Fire protection? Less than Significant Impact. The San Bernardino County Fire Department provides fire protection, fire prevention, and emergency services to the Fontana Fire Protection District (FFPD) for the City of Fontana, including the project site. The County Fire Department is organized into six divisions within four service areas: Valley Region – Division 1 (West Valley) and Division 2 (East Valley); Mountain Region – Division 3; North Desert Region – Division 5 (North Desert) and Division 6 (High Desert); and South Desert – Division 4. The project site is located within the jurisdiction of Division 1, which is currently staffed by 292 total employees and has the capacity to serve the proposed project. The closest fire station is San Bernardino County Fire Station 77 located at 17459 Slover Avenue approximately one mile northeast of the project site. Fire Station 77 is staffed with one captain, one engineer, two firefighter paramedics, and one firefighter, and is equipped with one medic engine and one medic squad.139 In 2022, the response time for San Bernardino County Fire Department for critical emergencies was 7 minutes and 30 seconds.140 However, this time is skewed due to the long response distances in outlying areas of the County. The County Fire Department, in urban areas, has a target response time of 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Average travel time between Fire Station 77 and the 139 City of Fontana. About the Fontana Fire District, Stations & Equipment, Fire Station 77. Website: https://www.fontanaca.gov/639/Stations-Equipment. (Accessed June 23, 2023). 140 San Bernardino County Fire Protection District. Service Zone FP-5, 2022 Information, Valley Service Zone, West Valley. Available at: https://sbcfire.org/fp5/. (Accessed February 3, 2023). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-104 project site is approximately 4 minutes. As discussed in Section 5.17, Transportation, the project would generate fewer than 50 vehicle trips during the a.m. and p.m. peak hour; therefore, the project is not expected to result in an adverse effect on the surrounding transportation network or increase congestion on roadways within the project vicinity. Therefore, the project is not expected to increase the FFPD’s response times. The project site is located in an LRA but is not designated as a High or Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone.141 Project design features incorporated into the structural design and layout of the warehouse would keep service demand increases to a minimum. For example, the proposed project would be constructed in accordance with the current California Building Code (2022 CBC), which requires the on‐site structure to incorporate construction techniques and materials such as roofs, eaves, exterior walls, vents, appendages, windows, and doors resistant to and/or to perform at high levels against ignition during exposure to fires. Fire sprinklers would be incorporated into the structure to further reduce fire risk and service demand. The proposed project’s internal circulation system would also be developed consistent with County and Fire Code requirements to facilitate emergency vehicles access.142 Based on the proposed Project’s location in an LRA Non‐Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone and its proximity to existing San Bernardino County Fire Department facilities capable of responding to emergencies at the project site within the target time of 7 minutes and 30 seconds, development of the proposed project would not cause fire staffing, facilities, or equipment to operate at a deficient level of service or cause a demand that would result in the need for additional staffing, facilities or equipment. Development of the proposed warehouse building may incrementally increase the demand for fire protection services due to the increase in the daytime population at the project site, but not to the degree that the existing fire stations within the City could not meet demand. Furthermore, the proposed project design would be submitted to and approved by the FFPD prior the issuance of building permits to ensure the design meets the requirements of the FFPD. Funding for new fire protection facilities commensurate with the increased demand for services in the City would be provided from capital improvement fees levied on new development. These development impact fees (DIFs) are one-time charges applied to new development and are imposed to raise revenue for the construction or expansion of capital facilities such as fire stations located outside of project boundaries of a new development that benefit the area. DIFs enable the City to collect fair-share fees from new development projects to fund new infrastructure and services, including fire protection services. DIFs are collected for specific infrastructure needs and are deposited into different accounts representing these requirements. The project would be designed and operated per applicable standards required by the City for new development with regard to fire protection. The project Applicant would be required to pay applicable DIFs used to fund capital costs associated with constructing new fire protection facilities and purchasing equipment for these facilities. In addition, the City maintains mutual aid agreements with 141 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE). FHSZ Viewer. Website: https://egis.fire.ca.gov/FHSZ/. (Accessed July 21, 2023). 142 The entire fire access lane and proposed hammerhead turn-around at the eastern end of the parking lot would be striped to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles. 5-105 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) fire protection agencies in the surrounding cities (e.g., Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, and Rialto), which allow for the services of nearby police departments to assist the FFPD during major emergencies. Although the proposed project would not cause the need for additional staffing, facilities or equipment or increase response times, payment of applicable DIFs commensurate with the increased demand for services in the City would offset any increase in demand for fire protection services. Based on the information and analysis above, construction of the proposed warehouse in accordance with applicable policies (i.e., CBC and California Fire Code) designed to minimize fires and risk to persons and structures from exposure to fires would not require new or physically altered fire protection facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts. Impacts associated with the need to expand fire protection services and facilities in order to maintain acceptable levels of service would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. ii. Police protection? Less than Significant Impact. The City of Fontana Police Department (FPD) headquarters is located at 17005 Upland Avenue, approximately 3.2 miles north of the project site. Implementation of the project could incrementally increase the demand for police services. However, the proposed project would incorporate Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) pursuant to Section 30- 395 of the City’s Zoning and Development Code features to keep service demand increases to a minimum. For example, the proposed project would implement informal surveillance design such as architecture, landscaping, and lighting designed to minimize visual obstacles and eliminate places of concealment for potential assailants. The warehouse may be protected by a security company, which would also reduce crime on the project site during non-operational hours, and the project site would be equipped with formal surveillance through the use of closed-circuit television and electronic monitoring. Additionally, the internal truck parking area would be protected by a security gate, and the proposed warehouse would have security lighting located on the building façades to reduce the potential for crime. The City monitors staffing levels to ensure that adequate police protection and response times continue to be provided as individual development projects are proposed and on an annual basis as part of the City Council’s budgeting process. Additionally, the City employs a 5-year strategic planning process to ensure adequate police services as buildout of the City occurs. The continual monitoring of police staffing levels by the City would ensure the proposed project would not result in a significant reduction in police response times. Funding for new police facilities commensurate with the increased demand for services in the City would be provided from capital improvement fees levied on new development. These DIFs are one- time charges applied to new development and are imposed to raise revenue for the construction or expansion of capital facilities such as police stations located outside of project boundaries of a new development that benefit the area. DIFs enable the City to collect fair-share fees from new development projects to fund new infrastructure and services, including police services. DIFs are collected for specific infrastructure needs and are deposited into different accounts representing these requirements. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-106 The project would be designed and operated per applicable standards required by the City for new development with regard to public safety. The project Applicant would be required to pay applicable DIFs used to fund capital costs associated with constructing new public safety structures and purchasing equipment for new public safety structures. In addition, the City maintains mutual aid agreements with police agencies in the surrounding cities (e.g., Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, and Rialto) and with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, which allow for the services of nearby police departments to assist the FPD during major emergencies. Payment of applicable DIFs commensurate with the increased demand for services in the City would offset any increase in demand for police services. Based on the information and analysis provided above, the addition of the proposed buildings constructed in accordance with applicable policies designed to minimize crime (e.g., CPTED) would not require new or physically altered police protection facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. iii. Schools? No Impact. The project site is located within the Fontana Unified School District within the attendance area of 46 schools serving students from preschool through adult education, including 27 preschools, 29 elementary schools, 7 middle schools, and 5 high schools. As of the 2022-23 school year, the Fontana Unified School District reported an enrollment amount of 34,170 students which included 14,729 enrolled in elementary schools, 7,768 enrolled in middle school, and 11,673 enrolled in high school.143 The proposed project includes the development of an industrial warehouse does not include housing; therefore, no increase in the number of school-age students is expected to occur with implementation of the proposed project. Employees of the proposed project are anticipated to come from the local area, and therefore, employees with school-aged children are more than likely already enrolled in the local school district. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not cause or contribute to a need to construct new or physically alter public school facilities. California Government Code (Section 65995[b]) establishes the base amount of allowable developer fees imposed by school districts. These base amounts are commonly referred to as “Level 1 fees” and are subject to inflation adjustment every two years. School districts are placed into a specific “level” based on school impact fee amounts that are imposed on the development. With the adoption of Senate Bill 50 and Proposition 1A in 1998, schools meeting certain criteria can now adopt Level 2 and 3 developer fees. The amount of fees that can be charged over the Level 1 amount is determined by the district’s total facilities needs and the availability of State matching funds. If there is State facility funding available, districts are able to charge fees equal to 50 percent of their total facility costs, 143 California Department of Education, DataQuest. 2022-23 Enrollment by Grade, Fontana Unified Report (36-67710). Website: https://dq.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/dqcensus/EnrGrdLevels.aspx?cds=3667710&agglevel=district&year=2022- 23&ro=y&ro=y. (Accessed July 21, 2023). 5-107 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) termed “Level 2” fees. If, however, there are no State funds available, “Level 3” fees may be imposed for the full cost of their facility needs.144 Per California Government Code, “The payment or satisfaction of a fee, charge, or other requirement levied or imposed … are hereby deemed to be full and complete mitigation of the impacts on the provision of adequate school facilities.” The project Applicant would be required to pay these development fees in accordance with Government Code 65995 and Education Code 17620. Through payment of applicable development fees, no impacts related to school services would occur. Mitigation is not required. iv. Parks? Less than Significant Impact. Please refer to Section 5.16, Recreation, below for a discussion and analysis of park and recreation impacts based on implementation of the proposed project. The proposed project does not include the development of publicly available park/recreational uses on site, nor would it generate more population or growth than anticipated for the area such that impacts to park/recreational facilities would result in the need for new facilities, the development of which could cause a significant environmental effect. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. v. Other public facilities? Less than Significant Impact. Other public facilities located in the surrounding area include the City’s three libraries: Fontana Lewis Library and Technology Center located at 8437 Sierra Avenue approximately 3.1 miles north of the project site, San Bernardino County Library Summit Branch located at 15551 Summit Avenue approximately 6.6 miles northwest of the project site, and Kaiser Branch Library located at 11155 Almond Avenue approximately 3 miles west of the project site. Once operational, the proposed project would generate approximately 18 employees.145,146, many of whom are anticipated to already live in the City. Therefore, while implementation of the proposed project would increase employment opportunities within the City, fulfillment of these employment positions is not anticipated to result in substantial population growth in the City. As detailed in Section 5.14, Population and Housing, development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for in the City’s General Plan or by SCAG. Therefore, the forecasted 18 employees of the project would have been expected to utilize the City’s public facilities, such as libraries. As the proposed project would not generate substantial additional population in the area, implementation of the proposed project would not result in increased use of other public facilities such as libraries or community facilities that would result in the 144 California State Legislature, Legislative Analyst’s Office. An Evaluation of the School Facility Fee Affordable Housing Assistance Programs, January 2001. Website: http://www.lao.ca.gov/2001/011701_school_facility_fee.html (accessed June 23, 2023). 145 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing”. Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 146 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-108 need for such facilities to be expanded or new facilities to be constructed. In addition, the Applicant would be required to pay applicable DIFs used to fund capital costs associated with constructing new public facility structures and purchasing equipment for new public facilities, including libraries. Based on the information and analysis provided above, the proposed project is not expected to result in the need to construct or expand other public facilities, including libraries. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 5-109 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.16 RECREATION Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a. Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b. Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? 5.16.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b. Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? Less than Significant Impact. The closest parks to the project site are South Fontana Sports Park located approximately 40 feet from the project site across Juniper Avenue, Sycamore Hills Park located at 11075 Mayberry Street approximately 0.5 mile east of the project site, and Martin Tudor Jurupa Hills Regional Park located at 11925 Sierra Avenue approximately 0.5 mile south of the project site. These parks are open to the public, and the amenities include sports fields, picnic amenities, restrooms, playgrounds, and open space. Once operational, the proposed project would generate approximately 18 employees.147,148, many of whom are anticipated to already live in the City. Therefore, while implementation of the proposed project would increase employment opportunities within the City, fulfillment of these employment positions is not anticipated to result in substantial population growth in the City. As detailed in Section 5.14, Population and Housing, development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for in the City’s General Plan or by SCAG. Therefore, the forecasted 18 employees of the project would have been expected to utilize the City’s park and recreation facilities. There is a low probability that employees of the proposed project would visit the nearby parks during operational hours. Park use by employees would be nominal and would not result in substantial physical deterioration of any park facility. Implementation of the proposed project would not require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which could result in adverse physical effects on the environment. In addition, the project would be required to pay applicable development fees to offset impacts from deterioration to parks and recreation 147 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing”. Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 148 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-110 facilities in the City. Therefore, development of the project would not create a significant increase in the use of existing neighborhood, regional parks, or other recreational facilities. Impacts related to recreation would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 5-111 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.17 TRANSPORTATION Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Conflict with a program, plan, ordinance or policy addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle and pedestrian facilities? b. Conflict or be inconsistent with CEQA Guidelines §15064.3, subdivision (b)? c. Substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? d. Result in inadequate emergency access? The information and analysis in this section is based on the Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis (Appendix I-1) and Fontana Business Center 3 Project Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening/Analysis (Appendix I-2), prepared by MAT Engineering, Inc. dated February 22, 2023. 5.17.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project conflict with a program plan, ordinance or policy addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle and pedestrian facilities? Less than Significant Impact. The project would include widening Juniper Avenue along the site frontage to achieve 22 feet of width from centerline to curb face, a 5 foot wide sidewalk, and the dedication of 4 feet of right of way along the western site boundary in order to provide 11 feet of landscaped parkway and sidewalk along Juniper Avenue to achieve 34 feet of ultimate half-width pursuant to the City’s General Plan Circulation Element standard for a Collector Street. A project-specific trip generation and VMT screening analysis was prepared to assess potential impacts associated with the proposed project. The project trip generation was developed using rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition) for Land Use 150 – “Warehouse Land Use.” Project trips were divided into truck and passenger vehicles based on the SCAQMD recommendations for warehousing projects. Based on this approach, the traffic assessment assumed that 27.5 percent of project traffic would be trucks and 72.5 percent would be passenger cars. Based on vehicle mix from the SCAQMD, Warehouse Truck Trip Study Data Results and Usage, dated December 2014, the truck mix was considered as 62.5 percent 4-axle, 20.7 percent 3-axle, and 16.7 percent 2-axle trucks. All truck trips were converted to passenger car equivalents (PCEs) using a 2 PCE factor for 2-axle trucks, 2.5 for 3-axle trucks, and 3.0 for 4-axle trucks based on the PCE adjustment factors detailed in the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment. As shown in Table 5.17.A, the proposed project is anticipated to generate 10 passenger car equivalent (PCE) trips in the AM peak hour, 10 PCE trips in the PM peak hour, and 91 daily PCE trips. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-112 Table 5.17.A: Project Trip Generation Land Use Quantity Units ITE Code Peak Hour Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Warehouse (Without PCE Adjustment) 35,505 TSF 150 5 1 6 2 4 6 61 Vehicle Type Breakdown Warehouse (72.5% Passenger Cars)1 4 0 4 1 3 4 44 Warehouse (37.5% Trucks)1 1 1 2 1 1 2 17 Percent Mix of Vehicles1 2-Axle Trucks (16.7% of Truck Trips) 0.17 0.16 0.33 0.17 0.16 0.33 2.84 3-Axle Trucks (20.7% of Truck Trips) 0.21 0.2 0.41 0.21 0.2 0.41 3.52 4-Axle Trucks (62.5% of Truck Trips) 0.62 0.64 1.26 0.62 0.64 1.26 10.64 PCE-Adjusted Trips Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE)2 2-Axle Trucks (2.0 PCE) 0 1 1 0 1 1 6 3-Axle Trucks (2.5 PCE) 1 0 1 1 0 1 9 4-Axle Trucks (3.0 PCE) 2 2 4 2 2 4 32 Passenger Vehicles (1.0 PCE) 4 0 4 1 3 4 44 Total (PCE-Adjusted) 7 3 10 4 6 10 91 Source: MAT Engineering, Inc. Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip generation Analysis, City of Fontana, California, Table 2: Project Trip Generation. February 22, 2023. 1. South Coast Air Quality Management District Normalized Truck Mix Data for Warehouse without Cold Storage 2. PCE Adjustment factors are based on City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysi8s Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment. TSF = Total Square Feet The City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment indicates full traffic studies to determine if project-generated vehicle trips would adversely affect the surrounding transportation network are required if a project generates 50 or more trips during the AM or PM peak hour.149 For projects anticipated to generate fewer than 50 peak hour trips, a trip generation memorandum generally is considered sufficient unless the City has specific concerns related to project access and interaction with adjacent intersections. As the proposed project is expected to generate only 10 trips in each the AM and PM peak hour, the proposed project’s contribution to the surrounding transportation network would be minimal, and a full traffic study is not required for the proposed project. Therefore, the proposed project would not conflict with any applicable programs, plans, or policies addressing the circulation system. Currently, there no existing bicycle facilities in the vicinity of the project site. The proposed project would provide 5 short-term bicycle parking spaces with locks and electric plug-ins for electric bike charging and 4 long-term, interior spaces, for a total of 9 bicycle parking spaces. The nearest bicycle facility (a Class III bike path) is located approximately 1.6 miles north of the project site along San Bernardino Avenue. According to Chapter 9, Community Mobility and Circulation, of the City’s General Plan, Class II bike lanes are planned along Sierra Avenue, Santa Ana Avenue, and Cypress Avenue north 149 City of Fontana. Department of Engineering, Traffic Engineering Division. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment. Page 4. October 21, 2020. 5-113 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) of Santa Ana Avenue.150 The proposed project would not impact future plans to develop Class II bicycle lanes in the project area. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not impact existing or planned bicycle facilities, programs, plans, or policies addressing bicycle facilities. Sidewalks are provided on the west side of Juniper Avenue, opposite the project site, as well as on the east side of Juniper Avenue to the north and south of the project site. The proposed project would construct a 5-foot-wide sidewalk, and the dedication of 4 feet of right of way along the western site boundary in order to provide 11 feet of landscaped parkway and sidewalk along the east side of Juniper Avenue to connect the existing sidewalks on the east side of Juniper Avenue to the north and south of the project site. Implementation of the proposed project would not impact any existing or planned pedestrian facilities, programs, plans, or policies addressing pedestrian facilities. The project area is currently served by Omnitrans, a public transit agency serving various jurisdictions within San Bernardino County. The closest public bus stop is located approximately 0.25 mile east of the site at the intersection of Sierra Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue, with bus service via Omnitrans Route 82. Omnitrans periodically reviews their service and stop locations to address ridership, budget, and community demand needs. Changes in land use can affect these periodic adjustments, which may lead to either enhanced or reduced service where appropriate. Once operational, the proposed project would increase employment to an area served by public transit and potentially increase ridership. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not impact any programs, plans, or policies addressing transit facilities. Based on the discussion above, implementation of the proposed project would not conflict with a program plan, ordinance or policy addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. b. Would the project conflict or be inconsistent with CEQA Guidelines §15064.3, subdivision (b)? Less than Significant Impact. CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3, subdivision (b) establishes “vehicle miles traveled” criteria in lieu of “level of service” (LOS) for analyzing transportation impacts and was signed into law as Senate Bill (SB) 743 in 2013. VMT refers to the amount and distance of automobile travel attributable to a project. As a result of Senate Bill (SB) 743, the California Office of Administrative Law cleared the revised CEQA Guidelines for use on December 28, 2018. Among the changes to the guidelines was the removal of vehicle delay and level of service from consideration under CEQA. The intent of SB 743 and the revised State CEQA Guidelines is to promote the reduction of GHG emissions, the development of multimodal transportation networks, and a diversity of land uses. With the adopted guidelines, transportation impacts are to be evaluated based on a project’s effect on VMT. The City has updated their transportation impact guidelines City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment to provide thresholds of significant and methodology for identifying VMT related impacts. Based on the City’s guidelines, there 150 City of Fontana. 2018. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035, Exhibit 9.6 Bicycle Facilities in Fontana. November 13. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-114 are four screening criteria that may be applied to effectively screen out land use projects from project- level assessment: • Transit Priority Area (TPA) Screening • LOW VMT Area Screening • Low Project Type Screening, and • Projects Generation Net Daily Trips Less than 5000 Average Daily Traffic (ADT). A land use project need only to meet one of the above screening thresholds to result in a less than significant impact. As discussed previously, the proposed project is expected to generate 10 PCE trips in the AM peak hour, 10 PCE trips in the PM peak hour, and 91 daily PCE trips. As the proposed project would result in less than 500 ADT, the proposed project is screened out from requiring a full VMT analysis and is expected to have a less than significant VMT impact.151 Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. c. Would the project substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? Less than Significant Impact. Construction of the proposed project may require temporary partial lane closures. Standard construction safety measures would be implemented including appropriate signage and flagmen visible to approaching motorists and pedestrians indicating roadway access limitations and other necessary warnings. Full road closures are not anticipated during construction. In the event that partial lane closures are required during construction, detour/safety signage would be installed to direct drivers around construction activities along Juniper Avenue. The project would include widening Juniper Avenue along the site frontage to achieve 22 feet of width from centerline to curb face, a 5 foot wide sidewalk, and the dedication of 4 feet of right of way along the western site boundary in order to provide 11 feet of landscaped parkway and sidewalk along Juniper Avenue to achieve 34 feet of ultimate half-width pursuant to the City’s General Plan Circulation Element standard for a Collector Street. Proposed vehicle and pedestrian access to the project site would be provided by one ingress/egress driveway off Juniper Avenue. The driveway would be 40 feet wide and would connect to an internal 30-foot wide drive aisle that would lead into the internal parking area. The proposed driveway and drive aisle would also serve as the point of access for emergency vehicles. The project would be subject to design review by the Development Advisory Board in accordance with Section 10.9 (Design Guidelines) of the SWIPSP and Chapter 9, Article V, also known as the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards, which would ensure that entrances and exits would be marked with appropriate directional signage, and all site access points, and driveway aprons would be constructed to adequate widths for public safety. Operation of the proposed warehouse would involve the use of delivery trucks and vehicles on the project site. However, use of such vehicles is standard on the existing roadways and consistent with adjacent industrial land uses to the south. Therefore, operation of the proposed project would not introduce an incompatible use to the project area. Implementation of the proposed project would not 151 MAT Engineering, Inc. Fontana Business Center 3 Project Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening/Analysis. February 22, 2023. 5-115 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment), and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. d. Would the project result in inadequate emergency access? Less than Significant Impact. Construction. Construction of the proposed project may require partial lane closures that may temporarily restrict vehicular traffic would be required to implement appropriate measures to facilitate the passage of persons and vehicles through/around any required road closures. Typical City requirements include prior notification of any lane or road closures with sufficient signage before and during any closures, flag crews with radio communication when necessary to coordinate traffic flow, etc. The project Applicant would be required to comply with these requirements, which would maintain emergency access and allow for evacuation if needed during construction activities. Compliance with these requirements would ensure that short-term impacts related to this issue are less than significant. Mitigation is not required. Operation. Proposed vehicle and pedestrian access to the project site would be provided by one ingress/egress driveway off Juniper Avenue. The driveway would be 40 feet wide and would connect to an internal 30-foot wide drive aisle that would lead into the internal parking area. As shown in Figure 4, the proposed driveway and drive aisle would also serve as the point of access for emergency vehicles.152 The project would be subject to design review by the Development Advisory Board in accordance with Section 10.9 (Design Guidelines) of the SWIPSP and Chapter 9, Article V, also known as the Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards, which would ensure that entrances and exits would be marked with appropriate directional signage, and all site access points, and driveway aprons would be constructed to adequate widths for public safety. The project would also result in the installation of asphalt concrete, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, and streetlights and trees along the site frontage on Juniper Avenue to the west. The project would include widening Juniper Avenue along the site frontage to achieve 22 feet of width from centerline to curb face, a 5 foot wide sidewalk, and the dedication of 4 feet of right of way along the western site boundary in order to provide 11 feet of landscaped parkway and sidewalk along Juniper Avenue to achieve 34 feet of ultimate half-width pursuant to the City’s General Plan Circulation Element standard for a Collector Street. These improvements would be subject to the City’s Design Review process to ensure compliance with local requirements and would also be reviewed by the Fontana Fire Protection District and Police Department through the City’s general development review process. Proper site design and compliance with standard and emergency City access requirements would allow for evacuation, if necessary, during ongoing business operations. This would ensure that long-term impacts related to this issue are less than significant. Mitigation is not required. 152 The entire fire access lane and proposed hammerhead turn-around at the eastern end of the parking lot would be striped to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-116 5.18 TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code Section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or object with cultural value to a California Native American tribe, and that is: i. Listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code Section 5020.1(k)? Or ii. A resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code Section 5024.1? In applying the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resource Code Section 5024.1, the lead agency shall consider the significance of the resource to a California Native American tribe. 5.18.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code Section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or object with cultural value to a California Native American tribe, and that is: i. Listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code Section 5020.1(k)? Please refer to Section 5.18.b, below. ii. A resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code Section 5024.1? In applying the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resource Code Section 5024.1, the lead agency shall consider the significance of the resource to a California Native American tribe. Less than Significant Impact. The term “California Native American tribe” is defined as “a federally recognized California Native American tribe or a non-federally recognized California Native American tribe that is on the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC).” 5-117 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Chapter 532, Statutes of 2014 (i.e., Assembly Bill 52) requires Lead Agencies to evaluate a project’s potential to affect “tribal cultural resources.” Such resources include “sites, features, places, cultural landscapes, sacred places, and objects with cultural value to a California Native American Tribe that are eligible for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources or included in a local register of historical resources.” Assembly Bill (AB) 52 also gives Lead Agencies the discretion to determine, supported by substantial evidence, whether a resource qualifies as a “tribal cultural resource.” California Government Code 65352.4 (i.e., Senate Bill 18) defines “consultation” as the meaningful and timely process of seeking, discussing, and considering carefully the views of others, in a manner that is cognizant of all parties’ cultural values and, where feasible, seeking agreement. Consultation between government agencies and Native American tribes shall be conducted in a way that is mutually respectful of each party’s sovereignty. Consultation shall also recognize the tribes’ potential needs for confidentiality with respect to places that have traditional tribal cultural significance. CEQA defines a “historical resource” as a resource that meets one or more of the following criteria: (1) is listed in, or determined eligible for listing in, the California Register of Historical Resources (California Register); (2) is listed in a local register of historical resources as defined in PRC Section 5020.1(k); (3) is identified as significant in a historical resource survey meeting the requirements of PRC Section 5024.1(g); or (4) is determined to be a historical resource by a project’s Lead Agency (PRC Section 21084.1 and State CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[a]). “Local register of historical resources” means a list of properties officially designated or recognized as historically significant by a local government pursuant to a local ordinance or resolution. A resource may be listed as a historical resource in the California Register of Historical Resources if it meets any of the following National Register of Historic Places criteria as defined in PRC Section 5024.1(C): a. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California’s history and cultural heritage. b. Is associated with the lives of persons important in our past. c. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values. d. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. A “substantial adverse change” to a historical resource, according to PRC Section 5020.1(q), “means demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration such that the significance of a historical resource would be impaired.” The CEQA Guidelines do not preclude identification of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code Sections 5020.1(j) or 5024.1. Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[c][4], if an archaeological resource is neither a unique archaeological nor a historical resource, the effects of the project on those resources shall not be considered a significant effect on FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-118 the environment. It shall be sufficient that both the resource and the effect on it are noted in the Initial Study, but they need not be considered further in the CEQA process.153 Per AB 52 (specifically California Public Resources Code 21080.3.1), Native American consultation is required upon request by interested California Native American tribes that have previously requested that the City provide them with notice of such projects. The City engaged the NAHC for a Sacred Lands File Search and contact list of tribes pursuant to California Government Code 65352.3 on June 16, 2023. The NAHC indicated the results of the Sacred Lands File Search are positive and recommended the City contact the Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation in addition to the tribes listed in the NAHC Tribal Consultation List for the region. The City sent letters to listed Native American tribes for consultation under AB52 and SB 18 on August 15, 2023. Two Native American Tribes, the Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation and the Yuhaaviatam of San Manuel Nation (formerly known as the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians) provided input on the project respectively on August 17, 2023, and August 25, 2023, and shared their knowledge of tribal cultural resources in the project vicinity. As discussed in Sections 5.5.b and 5.5.c, Cultural Resources, the project would have the potential to impact tribal cultural resources or Native American human remains if discovered during project construction. Accordingly, Standard Conditions CUL-1 through CUL-4 are prescribed to ensure that tribal cultural resources and Native American human remains are protected if discovered during project construction. Compliance with Standard Conditions CUL-1 through CUL-4 would ensure the project would be conditioned to cease excavation or construction activities if cultural, tribal cultural, archaeological resources, or human remains are identified and would include provisions for Native American Monitoring of ground-disturbing activities in such an instance. These conditions also would ensure further consultation with interested Native American Tribes for the appropriate treatment of Tribal Cultural Resources. Therefore, impacts to Tribal Cultural Resources would remain less than significant. Mitigation is not required. 153 Pursuant to Section 21082.3(c) of the Public Resources Code, details on the nature, extent, and location of Tribal Cultural Resources identified by Native American Tribes shall remain confidential for the purposes of this analysis. 5-119 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.19 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a. Require or result in the relocation or construction of new or expanded water, wastewater treatment or stormwater drainage, electric power, natural gas, or telecommunications facilities, the construction or relocation of which could cause significant environmental effects? b. Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project and reasonably foreseeable future development during normal, dry and multiple dry years? c. Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project’s projected demand in addition to the provider’s existing commitments? d. Generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or in excess of the capacity of local infrastructure, or otherwise impair the attainment of solid waste reduction goals? e. Comply with federal, state, and local management and reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste? 5.19.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project require or result in the relocation or construction of new or expanded water, wastewater treatment or stormwater drainage, electric power, natural gas, or telecommunications facilities, the construction or relocation of which could cause significant environmental effects? Less than Significant Impact. Proposed project improvements, including the construction and expansion of water, drainage, electric, and telecommunications facilities, are described in Section 2.4.7, Infrastructure and Off-Site Improvements. The proposed warehouse building would interconnect to existing utilities where available along the site frontage of Juniper Avenue. The approval of drainage features and other utility improvements occurs through the building plan check process. As part of this process, all project-related drainage features and utility infrastructure would be required to comply with Section 21-85(c) (Additional Public Improvements) and Chapter 27 (Utilities) of the City Municipal Code, as well as Santa Ana RWQCB standards. On-site project-related drainage features would be designed, installed, and maintained per the San Bernardino County MS4 Permit, the City Municipal Code, and the requirements identified in the Final WQMP (per Standard Conditions HYD-3 and HYD-4). All proposed improvements and interconnection to drainage, electric power, water, and wastewater facilities would be installed simultaneously with finish grading activities and required project frontage improvements (sidewalk, landscaping, and trees) along Juniper Avenue. The areas of potential impact from drainage and utility infrastructure improvements are included in the analytical footprint of this Initial Study and associated technical studies, and impacts are mitigated where necessary to less than FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-120 significant levels. As a result, interconnection to the existing utilities in the project vicinity would not result in substantial disturbance to native habitat or soils, or to the operation of existing roadways and utilities. There would be no significant environmental effects specifically related to the installation of utility interconnections that are not encompassed within the project’s construction and operational footprints, and therefore already identified, disclosed, and subject to all applicable mitigation measures, as well as local, State, and federal regulations, as part of this Initial Study. Therefore, impacts related to relocation of utilities would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. b. Would the project have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project and reasonably foreseeable future development during normal, dry and multiple dry years? Less than Significant Impact. The FWC supplies water to the project site via groundwater supplies from three adjudicated basins, including the Chino Basin, Rialto-Colton Basin (including the No Man’s Land Basin), and the Lytle Basin. The Chino Basin is the main source of water for the FWC. According to the FWC UWMP, none of the basins supplying groundwater to the FWC are in “critical condition of overdraft.”154 FWC’s current available pumping capacity totals approximately 37,222 gallons per minute (gpm), with individual well production ranging from approximately 189 gpm to 2,955 gpm. In addition, the proposed Chino Basin Program will augment the existing Chino Basin groundwater supply with recycled water through the construction of an advanced water treatment facility to provide high-quality recycled water for storage in the Chino Basin. The development of one or more of these potential projects would further enhance FWC’s local supplies and minimize the need for imported supplies.155 On March 28, 2022, the California Governor issued Executive Order N-7-22, which encourages all Californians and water agencies to restrict water usage, restrict new and expansion of existing groundwater wells, promote projects that facilitate groundwater recharge, and reduce their reliance on imported water from the State Water Project (SWP).156 On May 24, 2022, the California State Water Resource Control Board adopted emergency water conservation regulations,157 effective June 10, 2022, requiring the FWC to implement Stage 2 of its Water Shortage Contingency Plan and prohibit use of potable water for irrigating non-functional turf at commercial sites such as the project site.158 The Metropolitan Water District also implemented an Emergency Water Conservation Program that offered the FWC two pathways towards compliance with Executive Order N-7-22; they include either (1) restricting outdoor irrigation to one day per week beginning June 1, 2022, or (2) complying with monthly allocation limits subject to penalties. The FWC opted for the latter taking a reduced monthly allocation of imported water.159 154 San Gabriel Water Company, Fontana Water Company Division. 2020 Urban Water Management Plan. Pages 6-5 through 6-8. June 2021. 155 Ibid. Page 7-9. 156 State of California, Executive Department. Executive Order N-7-22. March 28, 2022. Website: https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/March-2022-Drought-EO.pdf (accessed June 23, 2023). 157 State Water Resources Control Board. Resolution No. 2022-0018 To Adopt an Emergency Regulation to Reduce Water Demand and Improve Water Conservation. May 24, 2022. Website: https://www.fontanawater.com/wp- content/uploads/2022/06/Emergency-Water-Conservation-Regulations-SWRCB.pdf (accessed June 23, 2023). 158 Fontana Water Company. Announcement Regarding California’s Drought Conditions. Website: https://www.fontanawater.com/conservation1/drought-alert/ (accessed June 23, 2023). 159 Ibid. 5-121 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Although the drought emergency provisions of Executive Order N-7-22 were eased on March 24, 2023, other Executive Orders, such as N-5-23, maintain certain measures that support communities still facing water supply challenges in the hopes of building up long-term water resilience. FWC is no longer in a Level 2 shortage, and the statewide call to voluntarily reduce water usage by 15 percent was rescinded; however, FWC maintains restrictions on wasteful water usage.160 In addition to the State-mandated prohibitions, FWC plans to activate Rule No. 14.1, Water Shortage Contingency Plan, and implement the water use restrictions outlined in Rule No. 14.1 Section G, during water shortage conditions to close the gap between water supply and water demand.161 The Water Shortage Contingency Plan enables the utility to respond effectively to a wide variety of water supply conditions or catastrophic events, such as an earthquake or fire that damages water lines. Based on the projected future population within the FWC service area and assuming current per capita water consumption patterns, the FWC determined it has adequate water supplies to meet the projected demand for Normal Year, Single Dry Year, and Five Consecutive Dry Year scenarios through the year 2045.162 As discussed in Section 5.14, Population and Housing, once operational the proposed project would employ approximately 18 persons, which are fewer persons compared to the development potential of the project site if it were to be developed with residential uses (between 20 and 44 permanent residents) under existing land use and zoning designations for the property. Therefore, amending the land use designation of the project site from R-PC to I-G is not expected to result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for at General Plan buildout. Implementation of the proposed project would not increase water demand on-site beyond that which is anticipated for the property under the current R-PC land use and zoning designations. As such, the FWC would be able to meet the proposed project’s water demand during normal, single-dry, and multiple-dry years through the year 2045. Since sufficient water supplies are available to serve the proposed project and reasonably foreseeable future development during normal, dry, and multiple dry years, impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. c. Would the project result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project’s projected demand in addition to the provider’s existing commitments? Less than Significant Impact. The project site is within the sewer service area of the City of Fontana and the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA). Operational discharge flows treated by the IEUA would be required to comply with waste discharge requirements for that facility. IEUA serves approximately 875,000 people over 242 square miles in Western San Bernardino County and provides services to the Cities of Chino, Chino Hills, Fontana, Montclair, Ontario, Upland, and Rancho Cucamonga.163 IEUA operates four Regional Water Recycling Plants (RPs), including RP-1, RP-4, RP-5, and the Carbon 160 Fontana Water Company. Announcement Regarding California’s Drought Conditions. Website: https://www.fontanawater.com/conservation1/drought-alert/ (accessed June 23, 2023). 161 San Gabriel Water Company, Fontana Water Company Division. 2020 Urban Water Management Plan. Pages 8-7 and 8-9. June 2021, amended October 2021. 162 Ibid. Pages 3-6 and 8-1. 163 Inland Empire Utilities Agency. About us. Website: https://www.ieua.org/about-us/ (accessed June 23, 2023). FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-122 Canyon Water Recycling Facility. IEUA’s RP-4 located near the intersection of Etiwanda Avenue and 6th Street in the City of Rancho Cucamonga treats local wastewater generated by the City of Fontana. IEUA’s four RPs have a combined treatment capacity of approximately 86 million gallons per day (MGD) and currently treat over 50 MGD.164 RP-1 has a capacity of 44 MGD and treats an average flow of 28 MGD of wastewater, with a surplus capacity of approximately 16 MGD, and is operated in conjunction with RP-4 to provide recycled water to users. RP-4 has recently been expanded to a capacity of 14 MGD and treats an average flow of 10 MGD, with a surplus capacity of approximately 4 MGD.165 Together, RP-1 and RP-4 have a 20 MGD surplus capacity. As discussed in Section 5.14, Population and Housing, once operational the proposed project would employ approximately 18 persons, which are fewer persons compared to the development potential of the project site if it were to be developed with residential uses (between 20 and 44 permanent residents) under existing land use and zoning designations for the property. Therefore, amending the land use designation of the project site from R-PC to I-G is not expected to result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for at General Plan buildout. The average wastewater flow is 100 gallons per person per day.166 Under a worst-case scenario where the project site would be occupied by 18 employees 24 hours per day, the project would generate 1,800 gallons of wastewater per day167 or 657,000 gallons of wastewater per year. The project’s estimated wastewater treatment demand represents 0.009 percent of the RP-1 and RP-4 current daily surplus capacity,168 and sufficient surplus wastewater treatment capacity is available to serve the project. As sufficient surplus treatment capacity is available, impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. d. Would the project generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or in excess of the capacity of local infrastructure, or otherwise impair the attainment of solid waste reduction goals? Less than Significant Impact. Solid waste collection is a “demand-responsive” service, and current service levels can be expanded and funded through user fees. Solid waste from the proposed project would be hauled by Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. and transferred to the West Valley Materials Recycling Facility (MRF)/Transfer Station. From the MRF, the non-recyclable material would be sent to Mid-Valley Landfill. Mid-Valley Landfill has a daily throughput of 7,500 tons with a remaining capacity of 61,219,377 cubic yards.169 164 Inland Empire Utilities Agency. Facilities. Website: https://www.ieua.org/facilities/ (accessed June 23, 2023). 165 Inland Empire Utilities Agency. Facilities, Regional Water Recycling Plant No. 4. Website: https://www.ieua.org/regional-water-recycling-plant-no-4/ (accessed June 23, 2023). 166 ESA Associates, Inc. IEUA Facilities Master Plan Draft Program Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016061064. Page 2-38. December 2016. 167 100 gallons/person/day × 18 persons = 1,800 gallons per day 168 1,800 gallons per day Project demand ÷ 20,000,000 gallons per day WWTP surplus = 0.009 percent. 169 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Solid Waste Information System (SWIS). SWIS Facility/Site Activity Details: Mid-Valley Sanitary Landfill (36-AA-0055). Website: https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/1880?siteID=2662 (accessed June 23, 2023). 5-123 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) Based on a generation rate of 11.9 pounds per employee per day,170 the project would generate approximately 214.2 pounds of solid waste per day.171 This amount is equivalent to as much as 0.0014 percent of the daily throughput at Mid-Valley Landfill.172 As such, Mid-Valley Landfill has adequate capacity to serve the proposed project. As adequate daily surplus capacity exists at the receiving landfill, and the project would comply with local and State waste reduction strategies, the project would not generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or in excess of the capacity of local infrastructure. Impacts would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. e. Would the project comply with federal, state, and local management and reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste? Less than Significant Impact. Construction. The City would require the project Applicant to prepare a Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP) to ensure a minimum 65 percent of all construction waste would be recycled/reused in accordance with CALGreen Code Sections 4.408 and 5.408. Therefore, the project would comply with federal, State, and local management reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste during project construction. Impacts would remain less than significant. Mitigation is not required. Operation. The project operator is required to coordinate with Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc., which would collect solid waste from the site and transfer the solid waste to the MRF. The MRF would sort the solid waste into recyclable and non-recyclable waste and would transfer the non- recyclable waste to Mid-Valley Landfill for disposal. All development within the City, including the proposed project, is required to comply with applicable elements of AB 1327, Chapter 18 (California Solid Waste Reuse and Recycling Access Act of 1991) and other local, State, and federal solid waste disposal standards. Therefore, the project would comply with federal, State, and local management reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste during project operation, and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. 170 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). California’s 2017 Per Capita Disposal Rate Estimate. Website: https://calrecycle.ca.gov/lgcentral/goalmeasure/disposalrate/2017-2/ (accessed January 3, 2023). 171 11.9 pounds per employee per day × 18 employees = 214.2 pounds of solid waste per day. 172 214.2 pounds of solid waste per day ÷ 7,500 tons (15,000,000 pounds) daily surplus = 0.0014 percent. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-124 5.20 WILDFIRE Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact If located in or near state responsibility areas or lands classified as very high fire hazard severity zones, would the project: a. Substantially impair an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? b. Due to slope, prevailing winds, and other factors, exacerbate wildfire risks, and thereby expose project occupants to pollutant concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of a wildfire? c. Require the installation or maintenance of associated infrastructure (such as roads, fuel breaks, emergency water sources, power lines or other utilities) that may exacerbate fire risk or that may result in temporary or ongoing impacts to the environment? d. Expose people or structures to significant risks, including downslope or downstream flooding or landslides, as a result of runoff, post-fire slope instability, or drainage changes? 5.20.1 Impact Analysis a. Would the project substantially impair an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? Less than Significant Impact. According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) Fire Hazard Severity Zones mapping, the project site is located within a Local Responsibility Area (LRA) but is not designated as a High or Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ).173 The nearest VHFHSZ is located approximately 1.8 miles southwest of the site. The project is located in an area that is developed with local roads and regional highways that provide adequate access and departure from the area in the event of an emergency, such as a wildfire. The proposed project would be designed to comply with the current California Fire Code (2022 California Fire Code) standards for development for commercial uses, Fontana Building Code Standards, and standards as set forth by the FFPD. Proposed vehicle access to the project site would be provided by one ingress/egress driveway off Juniper Avenue. The driveway would be 40 feet wide and would connect to an internal 30-foot-wide drive aisle that would lead into the internal parking area. As shown in Figure 4, the proposed driveway and drive aisle would also serve as the point of access for emergency vehicles.174 Therefore, the proposed project would not substantially impair an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan within a VHFHSZ. Impacts are less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 173 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE). FHSZ Viewer. Website: https://egis.fire.ca.gov/FHSZ/, (Accessed July 21, 2023). 174 The entire fire access lane and proposed hammerhead turn-around at the eastern end of the parking lot would be striped to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles. 5-125 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) b. Would the project, due to slope, prevailing winds, and other factors, exacerbate wildfire risks, and thereby expose project occupants to pollutant concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of a wildfire? Less than Significant Impact. As described above, the proposed project is located within an LRA but is not designated as a VHFHSZ. The project site is predominately flat and lacks significant slopes. Wildfires have the tendency for uncontrolled spread when the terrain is hilly or mountainous and not conducive to practicable firefighting capabilities. The likelihood of uncontrolled spread of a wildfire near or on the project site is relatively low since the surrounding topography is relatively flat and substantially developed. San Bernardino County and Fontana are subject to seasonal wind events including times during the fall when Santa Ana Wind conditions are prevalent. Santa Ana Wind conditions in the area of the proposed project typically blow from a northeast to southwest direction (an offshore flow). Wildfires have been recorded to occur in such Santa Ana Wind events sometimes leading to uncontrolled spread of wildfires. CALFIRE and the San Bernardino County Fire Department have taken these conditions and the locations of Fire Hazard Severity Zones into consideration when determining potential impacts associated with wildfire spread within the City of Fontana and surrounding cities. If such a conflagration175 driven by winds were to get out of control, the City’s FFPD and San Bernardino County Fire Department have procedures in place to respond to such an emergency and evacuate residents and employees as needed.176 Wind events can also result in smoke drift from nearby wildfires resulting in smoke settling in low- lying areas. The City is located in a valley between the San Bernardino/San Gabriel Mountains and the Jurupa Mountains; as such, the potential for smoke settlement from nearby wildfires is a possibility. Such smoke settlement would be temporary and is expected to clear out within a couple days of when settlement commenced (based on weather conditions). Overall, implementation of the proposed project would have a low probability of exposing occupants to pollutant concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of a wildfire due to slope or prevailing winds. Impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation is not required. c. Would the project require the installation or maintenance of associated infrastructure (such as roads, fuel breaks, emergency water sources, power lines or other utilities) that may exacerbate fire risk or that may result in temporary or ongoing impacts to the environment? Less than Significant Impact. As described above, the proposed project is not located within or near a wildfire State Responsibility Area, nor is the land classified as a VHFHSZ. The proposed project includes development of an industrial building, surface parking lot, on-site utility infrastructure, and landscaping. In the absence of any significant potential for on-site or adjacent wildfire hazard, the proposed project would not need to incorporate fire protection infrastructure (such as roads, fuel breaks, emergency water sources, power lines, or other non-existing utilities) that may themselves exacerbate fire risk. Furthermore, because all improvements would be implemented in an urbanized 175 Conflagration is an extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property. 176 City of Fontana. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Page 176. June 2017; approved and adopted August 14, 2018. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-126 setting in accordance with the current California Building Code, California Fire Code, and applicable local ordinances, impacts related to this issue would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. d. Would the project expose people or structures to significant risks, including downslope or downstream flooding or landslides, as a result of runoff, post-fire slope instability, or drainage changes? Less than Significant Impact. As described above, the proposed project is not located within or near a wildfire State Responsibility Area, nor is the land classified as a VHFHSZ. According to the City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, the project site is not located in flood hazard or inundation zones,177 and the site is not located near bodies of water or enclosed water storage features which could result in tsunamis or seiches. Therefore, risks associated with runoff caused by post-fire slope instability or post-fire drainage change are low. The project site is located in an urbanized area surrounded by commercial, recreational, and industrial land uses. Similar to adjacent properties, the project site is primarily flat. No hillside area or natural areas prone to wildfire are located within the project site boundaries or in the immediate project vicinity. Due to the absence of hills in the area, development of the proposed project would not expose persons or property to post-fire slope instability or post-fire drainage changes. Therefore, potential impacts related to the exposure of people or structures due to significant downstream flooding or landslides as a result of runoff, post-fire slope instability, or drainage changes would be less than significant, and mitigation is not required. 177 City of Fontana. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Figure 4-1: Flood Hazard Map and Figure 4-2: Dam Inundation areas in Fontana. June 2017; approved and adopted August 14, 2018. 5-127 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5.21 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, substantially reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) c. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 5.21.1 Impact Analysis a. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, substantially reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The project site is an infill site surrounded by developed landscapes. Additionally, the project site has been severely affected by intensive long term agricultural and commercial development land use practices dating back to 1938. The decades of agricultural use, subsequent grading of the site, and continued disturbance have changed the structure of the soil and eliminated natural vegetation. No riparian or sensitive natural community is located on site, and there is no designated critical habitat within or adjacent to the project site for any species. The project site does not include any federally protected wetlands or any drainage features, ponded areas, wetlands, or riparian habitat subject to jurisdiction by the CDFW, USACE, and/or RWQCB. Although the burrow survey did not identify burrowing owls or occupied burrows, burrows of sufficient size for burrowing owls were present on the project site. Because of the size of the project site and isolation of the project site from more suitable habitat, it is unlikely that burrowing owl would occupy the project site. Nevertheless, there is potential, although low, for burrowing owl to inhabit the site in the future. Therefore, the project would be conditioned to ensure a qualified biologist conducts a pre-construction burrowing owl survey, which includes measures to be implemented should burrowing owls be present on the project site. Additionally, ornamental trees that provide suitable nesting habitat for common bird species are FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-128 located in the western portion of the project site and would be removed from the site with implementation of the project. The project would be conditioned to ensure a qualified biologist conducts a pre-construction survey for nesting birds if construction activities occur during nesting bird season in accordance with Sections 3503–3801 of the California Fish and Game Code. Additionally, the project would be conditioned to comply with the City’s tree protection ordinance by ensuring the Project Applicant replaces each living tree on the project site (31 trees) pursuant to Section 28-67 (c) of the City Municipal Code. With implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-1, any burrowing owl encountered on the project site would be protected and/or relocated under consultation with the CDFW and USFWS, and impacts to candidate, sensitive, or special-status species would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. With implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-2, impacts to native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species (including nesting birds), established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, and native wildlife nursery sites would be reduced to less than significant with mitigation incorporated. Through implementation of Standard Condition BIO-1, the project would comply with the City’s tree preservation ordinance and therefore would not conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, including trees. Based on the results of the cultural records search, no precontact or historic cultural resources have been previously recorded on the project site. Additionally, an archaeological field survey conducted at the project site was negative for surficial evidence of precontact or historic cultural resources. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not result in impacts to historical resources. Although there were no precontact or historic cultural resources identified on the project site, the project would be required to comply with all applicable regulations protecting cultural and tribal cultural resources in the event that these resources are encountered during project construction. Therefore, Standard Conditions CUL-1 through CUL-4 are prescribed to ensure that the project would be conditioned to cease excavation or construction activities if cultural or tribal cultural resources are identified during construction and would incorporate archaeological and Native American Monitoring of ground-disturbing activities in such an instance. These conditions also would ensure further consultation with interested Native American Tribes for the appropriate treatment of tribal cultural resources. Additionally, implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-2 would ensure unanticipated paleontological resources encountered during construction would be managed pursuant to applicable regulatory policy. Accordingly, impacts to important examples of major periods of California history or prehistory would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. The proposed project has either no impact, a less than significant impact, or a less than significant impact with mitigation incorporated with respect to all natural resources issues pursuant to CEQA. Implementation of the mitigation measures described above would ensure impacts to the quality of the environment would be reduced to less than significant with mitigation incorporated. 5-129 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) b. Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. CEQA defines cumulative impacts as “two or more individual effects which, when considered together, are considerable, or which can compound to increase other environmental impacts.” Section 15130 of the CEQA Guidelines requires evaluation of potential environmental impacts when the project’s incremental effect is cumulatively considerable. “Cumulatively considerable” means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of “reasonably foreseeable probable future” projects, per CEQA Section 15355. Cumulative effects can also be evaluated by considering the project’s compatibility with projections contained in an adopted general plan or related planning document with regard to long-term population, employment, and household projections of the region.178 Cumulative impacts can result from a combination of the proposed project together with other closely related projects that cause an adverse change in the environment or an unplanned increase in land use or development intensity that could potentially overburden community infrastructure or service capacity. Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant projects taking place over time. The proposed project would have no impacts to agriculture and forestry resources. Therefore, the project would not result in a cumulatively considerable impact to agriculture and forestry resources when viewed in connection with the effects of past, present or reasonably foreseeable projects. The potentially significant impacts that would be reduced to a less-than-significant level with implementation of recommended mitigation measures include the topics of biological resources and geology. Specifically, implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-1 would ensure that impacts to burrowing owl are reduced to a less-than-significant level, and implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-2 would ensure that impacts nesting birds are reduced to a less-than-significant level. With regard to geology, potentially significant impacts to humans and structures from unstable soils would be reduced to less-than-significant levels with implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1, while potential impacts to paleontological resources would be reduced to less-than-significant levels with implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-2. All environmental impacts that could occur as a result of the proposed project would be reduced to a less-than-significant level through the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in this Initial Study, and all discretionary projects in the City would be subject to similar review and mitigation to collectively mitigate impacts to biological and geological resources. Adherence to Standard Conditions also would ensure that impacts related to cultural and tribal cultural resources and noise during construction, as well as impacts related to hazards and hazardous materials and water quality during construction and operation would remain less than significant. Furthermore, such Standard Conditions and compliance with regulatory policy would be applicable to 178 City of Fontana. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 7-1. June 8, 2018. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-130 all projects in the City in order to reduce potential impacts related to these resources from cumulative projects. For the topics of aesthetics, agricultural and forestry resources, air quality, energy, greenhouse gases, hazards and hazardous materials, land use and planning, mineral resources, population and housing, public services, recreation, transportation, utilities and service systems (water, wastewater, storm drainage, and solid waste), and wildfire, the project would have no impacts or less-than-significant impacts. The proposed project would result in the construction of a 35,505 square-foot warehouse building with a maximum height of 40 feet. The proposed building height would be consistent with select existing buildings in the vicinity, such as the industrial buildings to the south and the Home Depot warehouse store to the east. The proposed project would be designed in accordance with the Slover East Industrial District development standards set forth by the SWIPSP, which are designed to promote compatibility between land uses, preserve neighborhood character, promote quality design, and minimize lighting impacts. Therefore, the project’s cumulative aesthetic effects would not be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future projects. As detailed in Section 5.3.1(b), air pollution by its very nature is largely a cumulative impact. No single project is sufficient in size to, by itself, result in nonattainment of AAQS. Instead, a project’s individual emissions contribute to existing cumulatively significant adverse air quality impacts. If a project’s contribution to the cumulative impact is considerable, then the project’s impact on air quality would be considered significant. In developing thresholds of significance for air pollutants, the SCAQMD considered the emission levels for which a project’s individual emissions would be cumulatively considerable. If a project exceeds the identified SCAQMD significance thresholds identified above in Table 5.3.A, its emissions would be cumulatively considerable, resulting in significant adverse air quality impacts to the region’s existing air quality conditions. As shown in Table 5.3.C and Table 5.3.D, construction and operational emissions associated with the project would not exceed the SCAQMD’s thresholds for VOC, NOX, CO, SOX, PM10, and PM2.5. Therefore, construction and operation of the proposed project would not result in a cumulatively considerable increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in nonattainment under an applicable federal or State ambient air quality standard when considered with past, current, and future projects. The project would be required to adhere to all federal, State, and local requirements for energy efficiency, including current Title 24 and CALGreen standards which establish minimum efficiency standards related to various building features, including appliances, water and space heating and cooling equipment, building insulation and roofing, and lighting, which would reduce energy usage. In addition, proposed new development would be constructed using energy efficient modern building materials and construction practices, and the proposed project also would use new modern appliances and equipment, in accordance with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations (Title 20, CCR Sections 1601 through 1608). As detailed in Section 5.6, there is adequate energy capacity to serve the project in addition to existing development and reasonably foreseeable projects, which also would be subject to compliance with federal, State, and local requirements for energy efficiency, including current Title 24 and CALGreen standards. Therefore, the project’s energy demand would not be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future projects. 5-131 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) As discussed in Section 5.14, Population and Housing, the 1.61-acre project site’s existing land use designation is R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac), which results in a residential development potential of between 5 and 10 residential units or between 20 and 40 permanent residents in the City.179 Furthermore, if the project site were to be developed at the most intensive range of the exiting R-PC (3.0-6.4 du/ac) zone and include a 20 percent density bonus pursuant to Section 30-967 of Article XV (No Net Loss Program) of the Zoning and Development Code, the project site could be developed with up to 12 residential units that could house up to 44 persons. The proposed project is anticipated to employ up to 18 employees, 180,181 some of which have the potential to already reside in the City. Therefore, development of the proposed project under the proposed land use and zoning designation would result in a relatively less intense use of the project site with regards to population growth. Up to 18 employees would represent approximately 0.11 percent of the City’s forecast employment growth from 2016 to 2045 according to SCAG and would be fewer than the 20 to 44 permanent residents that development of the project site could generate under the existing land use and zoning designation. Therefore, population growth projections of the proposed project would be within the parameters of expected overall population growth in the City, and amending the land use designation of the site to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR) for development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in population growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for in the City’s General Plan or by SCAG.As detailed in Section 5.11.1(b), up to 18 employees would represent approximately 0.11 percent of the City’s forecast employment growth from 2016 to 2045 according to SCAG and would be fewer than the 20 to 44 permanent residents that development of the project site could generate under the existing land use and zoning designation. Growth projections of the proposed project would be within the parameters of expected overall growth in the City, and amending the land use designation of the site to General Industrial (I-G) (0.1-0.6 FAR) for development of a proposed 35,505 square-foot warehouse would not result in growth in the area or City beyond that which was planned for by SCAG. Therefore, the proposed project would not interfere with SCAG’s goal to achieve the region’s GHG reduction target of 19 percent below 2005 per capita emissions levels by 2035. Furthermore, the proposed project is not regionally significant per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15206 and as such, it would not conflict with the SCAG RTP/SCS targets since those targets were established and are applicable on a regional level. Because the proposed project would not conflict with SCAG’s projections regard long-term population, employment, and household growth in the region the proposed project would not result in an unplanned increase in land use or development intensity that could result in a cumulatively considerable overburdening of community infrastructure, such as the circulation network and utilities and service systems, or service capacity, such as public services and recreation facilities, when considered with past, current, and future projects. 179 According to the SCAG Local Profiles Dataset for 2021 (https://scag.ca.gov/data-tools-local-profiles), Fontana has an average household size of 4.04 persons per dwelling unit. Therefore, 4.04 x 5 dwelling units = 20 residents; 4.04 x 10 dwelling units = 40 residents. 180 ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) rates for Land Use 150 – “Warehousing”. Average 1.71 daily vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet gross floor area and average 5.05 daily vehicle trips per employee. 1.71 ÷ 5.05 = 0.345 employees per 1,000 square feet gross floor area. 0.345 × 35.505 = 12.25 employees. 181 The total employment generation includes the potential for carpooling or alternative modes of transportation, and therefore adds 50 percent (6 additional employees) to the forecasted employment generation. FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 5-132 When future development proposals are considered by the City, these proposals would undergo environmental review pursuant to CEQA, and when necessary, mitigation measures would be adopted as appropriate. In most cases, this environmental review and compliance with project conditions of approval, relevant policies and mitigation measures, and the General Plan, and compliance with applicable regulations would ensure that significant impacts would be avoided or otherwise mitigated to less-than-significant levels. Implementation of these measures would ensure that the impacts of the project and other projects in the vicinity would be below established thresholds of significance, and that these impacts would not combine with the impacts of other cumulative projects to result in a cumulatively considerable impact on the environment as a result of project development. Therefore, this impact would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. c. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Based on the analysis provided throughout this IS/MND, the project would have no impact or less than significant impact directly or indirectly on human beings with regard to public views, air quality, health risk, GHG emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, public services, and/or wildfire. All development associated with the proposed project must comply with applicable provisions of the 2022 CBC and the City’s building regulations. Accordingly, proper engineering design and construction in conformance with the 2022 CBC standards and a site-specific geotechnical investigation prepared in conformance the current CBC and applicable City standards (Mitigation Measure GEO-1) would ensure that the project does not subject people to significant geologic hazards. The project site is located within the ONTLUCP Overflight Notification Zone for Real Estate Transaction Disclosures and within the ONT Airspace Protection Zone for structural heights greater than 200 feet above grade.182 The proposed buildings on the project site would not exceed 200 feet above grade and would not be subject to the requirements of the ONT Airspace Protection Zone. Additionally, pursuant to Policy O1d of the ONTLUCP, notification is not required for a property that does not include residential or mixed-use development.183 As detailed in Section 5.13, Noise, construction and operation of the project would not generate a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels or generate vibration in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance with adherence to Standard Condition NOI-1. Adherence to Standard Condition NOI-1 would ensure noise and vibration would be restricted to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays 182 City of Fontana. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Map 2-4: Airspace Protection Zones, and Map 2-5: Overflight Notification Zones. June 2017; approved and adopted August 14, 2018. . 183 Ibid. Page 2-31. 5-133 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, during which time the City considers vibration “an acceptable intrusion of the ambient noise within that project area.”184 With incorporation of mitigation measures and standard conditions, the proposed project would not result in any environmental effects which would cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. Potential impacts on human beings would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. . 184 City of Fontana. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 5.10-7. June 8, 2018. 6-1 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 6.0 LIST OF PREPARERS Pam Reading, Principal in Charge Dionisios Glentis, Project Manager/Senior Environmental Planner Lauren Peachey, Assistant Environmental Planner Cara Cunningham, Senior Air Quality Specialist JT Stephens, Senior Noise and Vibration Specialist Jennette Bosseler, Editor Meredith Canterbury, GIS Jason Thomas, Graphic Designer FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 6-2 This page intentionally left blank 7-1 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 7.0 REFERENCES Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). Justification Report: CEQA Thresholds for Evaluating the Significance of Climate Impacts From Land Use Projects and Plans. April 2022. Website: Microsoft Word - FINAL CEQA Thresholds Report for Climate Impacts 03_30_22 revisions with tracked changes (baaqmd.gov) (accessed October 2023). California Code of Regulations. Title 14, Chapter 3, Sections 15000 through 15387. California Department of Conservation State Mining and Geology Board. Guidelines for Classification and Designation of Mineral Lands. Website: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/ smgb/guidelines/documents/classdesig.pdf (accessed December 29, 2022). California Department of Conservation. California Important Farmland Finder. Website: https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/DLRP/CIFF/ (accessed June 20, 2023). ______. Mineral Land Classification Map, San Bernardino P-C Region. Fontana Quadrangle, Special Report 143, Plate 7.6. 1975. California Department of Education, DataQuest. 2022-23 Enrollment by Grade, Fontana Unified Report (36-67710). Website: https://dq.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/dqcensus/EnrGrdLevels.aspx?cds=3667710&agglevel=distr ict&year=2022-23&ro=y&ro=y. (Accessed July 21, 2023). California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE). Fire Hazard Severity Zones Map. Website: https://egis.fire.ca.gov/FHSZ/ (accessed June 22, 2023). ______. FHSZ Viewer. Website: https://egis.fire.ca.gov/FHSZ/. (Accessed July 21, 2023). California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Solid Waste Information System (SWIS). SWIS Facility/Site Activity Details: Mid-Valley Sanitary Landfill (36-AA-0055). Website: https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/1880?siteID=2662 (accessed June 23, 2023). ______. California’s 2017 Per Capita Disposal Rate Estimate. Website: https://calrecycle.ca.gov/lgcentral/goalmeasure/disposalrate/2017-2/ (accessed January 3, 2023). 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FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) 7-4 Jayaram, Varalakshmi (Lakshmi), Joseph Hower, and Julia Lester. Ramboll. City of Fontana Air Quality Update. September 14, 2021. LSA Associates, Inc. Cultural Resources Assessment, Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. August 2023. ______. Habitat Assessment and Arborist Report for the Fontana Business Center 3 Project in Fontana. July 2023. ______. Health Risk Assessment: Fontana Business Center 3 Project, Fontana, California. October 2023. ______. Paleontological Resources Assessment, Fontana Business Center 3 Industrial Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. October 2023. MAT Engineering, Inc. Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis. February 22, 2023. ______. 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Morton. 1973. 7-7 INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX A CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS ESTIMATOR MODEL FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX B HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX C BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT AND ARBORIST REPORT FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX D CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX E GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX F PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX G-1 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX G-2 HYDROLOGY REPORT FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX H NOISE MONITORING AND CONSTRUCTION CALCULATIONS FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX I-1 TRIP GENERATION MEMORANDUM FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX I-2 VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED MEORANDUM FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) APPENDIX J MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FONTANA BUSINESS CENTER 3 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FEBRUARY 2024 P:\20231437_Fontana Business Center 3\Initial Study\IS-MND Draft 2\Fontana Business Center 3 Initial Study .docx (02/15/24) This page intentionally left blank