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Fontana Citrus Industrial Building
Energy and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis Report
July 2023
CEQA Lead Agency:
City of Fontana
Planning Department
8353 Sierra Avenue
Fontana, CA 92335
Project Applicant:
CHIPT Fontana Citrus Avenue, L.P.
3819 Maple Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75219
Prepared by:
1650 Spruce Street, Suite 106
Riverside, California 92507
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Page i Table of Contents
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ I
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Report Organization ..................................................................................................................... 1-1
2 PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Project Location ........................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Site Land Use and Zoning ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.2 Surrounding Land Uses ................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Existing Site Description and Operations ..................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Proposed Site Development and Operations ............................................................................... 2-3
2.3.1 Site Layout and Building Description ............................................................................. 2-3
2.3.2 Site Access and Parking ............................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.3 Project Operations ......................................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.4 Project Design Features that Reduce GHG Emissions ................................................. 2-9
2.4 Project Construction ................................................................................................................... 2-13
3 ENERGY SETTING AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................................... 3-1
3.1 Environmental Setting .................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Defining Energy: Sources, Units, and Means of Production .......................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Historical and Current Energy Production and Consumption habits .............................. 3-4
3.2 Energy Regulatory Setting ......................................................................................................... 3-11
3.2.1 Federal Energy Regulations ........................................................................................ 3-11
3.2.2 State Energy Regulations ............................................................................................ 3-13
3.2.3 City of Fontana ............................................................................................................ 3-20
4 GREENHOUSE GAS SETTING AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................ 4-1
4.1 Defining Climate Change ............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Greenhouse Gases ....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Climate Change and California ...................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.3 Carbon Sequestration ................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2 Existing State GHG Emissions Levels ......................................................................................... 4-6
4.3 Federal, State, and Local Climate Change Regulations ............................................................... 4-7
4.3.1 Federal GHG Regulations ............................................................................................. 4-7
4.3.2 State Climate Change Regulations ............................................................................... 4-8
4.3.3 City of Fontana ............................................................................................................ 4-12
5 ENERGY IMPACT ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Thresholds of Significance ........................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Energy Quantification Methodology ............................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.1 Construction .................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.2 Operational .................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Wasteful, Inefficient, or Unnecessary Consumption of Energy Resources .................................. 5-2
5.3.1 Construction .................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.2 Operation ...................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.4 Conflict with or Obstruct a State or Local Plan for Renewable Energy or Energy Efficiency ........ 5-5
6 GREENHOUSE GAS IMPACT ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Thresholds Of Significance .......................................................................................................... 6-1
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
6.2 GHG Emissions Quantification Methodology ............................................................................... 6-1
6.2.1 Construction Emissions ................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Operational Emissions .................................................................................................. 6-2
6.3 GHG Emissions ........................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.4 Consistency With GHG Reduction Plans ..................................................................................... 6-5
6.4.1 CARB Scoping Plan ...................................................................................................... 6-6
6.4.2 Sustainable Freight Plan, ACT Program, and ACF Regulation ..................................... 6-7
6.4.3 Southern California Association of Governments RTP/SCS.......................................... 6-7
6.4.4 San Bernardino County Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan ............................. 6-7
7 REPORT PREPARERS AND REFERENCES .................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 References................................................................................................................................... 7-1
List of Tables
Table 2-1: Project Trip Generation Rates ................................................................................................... 2-6
Table 2-2: Project Truck Trip Distribution ................................................................................................... 2-9
Table 2-3: Summary of Project Design Features that Reduce GHG Emissions ....................................... 2-10
Table 2-4: Construction Activity, Duration, and Typical Equipment .......................................................... 2-14
Table 3-1: Renewable Sources of Electricity Production ............................................................................ 3-2
Table 3-2: Non-Renewable Sources of Electricity Production .................................................................... 3-3
Table 3-3: United States Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021) .................................................................. 3-5
Table 3-4: California Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021) ........................................................................ 3-7
Table 3-5: California Transportation Fuels by Vehicle Type (2022) .......................................................... 3-10
Table 4-1: Global Warming Potential (GWP) of Common Greenhouse Gases (GHG) ............................... 4-3
Table 4-2: 2009 – 2020 Statewide GHG Emissions (Million MTCO2e) ....................................................... 4-7
Table 5-1: Summary of Energy Quantification Methodologies .................................................................... 5-1
Table 6-1: Summary of Emissions Quantification Methodologies ............................................................... 6-2
Table 6-2: Project Construction GHG Emissions ........................................................................................ 6-4
Table 6-3: Project Operational GHG Emissions (Unmitigated) ................................................................... 6-5
Table 6-4: San Bernardino County Regional GHG Reduction Plan: Project Consistency Analysis ............ 6-7
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Aerial View of the Project Site ................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2: Site Plan ................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Figure 2-3: Inbound Trip Distribution .......................................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-4: Outbound Trip Distribution ........................................................................................................ 2-8
Figure 3-1: United States Energy Sources for Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021) ................................. 3-5
Figure 3-2: California Energy Sources for Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021) ........................................ 3-8
Appendix A: CalEEMod Emissions Outputs
Appendix B: Fuel Consumption Spreadsheets
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols
Acronym / Abbreviation Full Phrase or Description
§ Section
°C Degrees Celsius
°F Degrees Fahrenheit
AB Assembly Bill
ACC Advanced Clean Cars
ACT Advanced Clean Trucks
APN Assessor Parcel Number
BAU Business As Usual
BOE Board of Equalization
Btu British Thermal Unit
CalEEMod California Emissions Estimator Model
Cal-EPA California Environmental Protection Agency
CalGreen Code California Green Building Standards Code
CARB California Air Resources Board
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy
CAT Climate Action Team
CBSC California Building Standards Commission
CCR California Code of Regulations
CEC California Energy Commission
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act
CH4 Methane
CI Carbon Intensity
CNRA California Natural Resources Agency
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
EISA Energy Independency and Security Act
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GW Gigawatt
GWh Gigawatt-hours
GWP Global Warming Potential
HFC Hydrofluorocarbon
HHDT Heavy Heavy-Duty Trucks
HQTA High Quality Transit Area
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols
Acronym / Abbreviation Full Phrase or Description
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt-hour
LCFS Low Carbon Fuel Standard
LDA Light Duty Auto
LDT1 / LDT2 Light Duty Trucks
LEV Low-Emissions Vehicle
LHDT Light Heavy-Duty Truck
MHDT Medium Heavy-Duty Truck
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
MT Metric Ton
MTCO2e Metric Ton of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
MW Megawatt
NHTSA National Highway Safety Administration
N2O Nitrous Oxide
NMA Neighborhood Mobility Area
PFC Perfluorocarbon
PGA Priority Growth Area
ppm Parts Per Million
PRC Public Resources Code
PSI Pounds Per Square Inch
PV Photovoltaic
Report Energy and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis Report
RFS Renewable Fuel Standards
RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard
RTP Regional Transportation Plan
SAFE Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule
SB Senate Bill
SCAG Southern California Association of Governments
SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District
SCS Sustainable Communities Strategy
SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride
SoCalGas Southern California Gas Company
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List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols
Acronym / Abbreviation Full Phrase or Description
SOI Sphere of Influence
TPA Transit Priority Area
U.S. United States
U.S. EIA United State Energy Information Administration
U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
This Energy and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis Report (“Report”) evaluates and documents
the potential energy and greenhouse gas (“GHG”) impacts associated with the construction and operation
of the proposed Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project (proposed “Project”) located at the northeast
corner of the intersection of Citrus Avenue and Slover Avenue and at the southwest corner of the
intersection of Oleander Avenue and Boyle Avenue, in the in the south-central part of the City of Fontana,
in San Bernardino County.
This Report is consistent with the guidance and recommendations contained in the South Coast Air
Quality Management District’s (“SCAQMD”) California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) Air Quality
Handbook, as amended and supplemented (SCAQMD, 2018). This Report is intended to assist the CEQA
Lead Agency (City of Fontana, “City”) with its review of potential Project-related GHG and energy impacts
in compliance with the State CEQA Statutes and Guidelines, particularly in respect to the energy and GHG
issues identified in Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines.
CHIPT Fontana Citrus Avenue, L.P. (“CHIPT”) is proposing to develop the proposed Project, which
would consist of consolidating 15 parcels into 1 parcel, demolishing 25 small existing structures, and
constructing a new, all-electric industrial building with approximately 360,500 square feet of gross building
space (the “Building”). The approximately 16.12-acre rectangular Project site is bound by Boyle Avenue to
the north, Slover Avenue and existing commercial development (an Arco fuel service station) to the south,
existing non-conforming residential development to the east, and Citrus Avenue and existing commercial
development (the same Arco fuel service station) to the west. The Project site is approximately 485 feet
(0.9 miles) south of a Union Pacific Railroad (“UPRR”) line and 575 feet (0.11 miles) south of Interstate 10
The Building would include 55 truck docks located mainly at the southern portion of the site, with
additional docks located at the western portion of the site. Truck access would be provided along three
driveways on the southern side of the site and one driveway in the northwestern corner of the site. Truck
movements would generally occur along the southern side of the site and potentially from the northwestern
truck dock to the southern docks via an internal driveway. Parking space for commuter vehicles (e.g., cars
and pick-up trucks) would be present on the western and eastern perimeters of the Building.
The proposed Project would involve construction and operational activities that would generate
GHG emissions from construction equipment, area sources, energy use and consumption, water
consumption, wastewater and solid waste generation, mobile sources including trucks, and off-road
equipment. Construction activities are anticipated to last approximately 10 months and begin in early 2024.
The building could operate 24-hours per day, 7 days per week.
The proposed Project would result in electricity, gasoline, and diesel fuel consumption during
construction activities, and electricity, gasoline, and diesel consumption during operation. Energy
consumption during construction would not be wasteful, unnecessary, or inefficient since these energy
demands are necessary components of development activities. The proposed Project would be subject to
2022 CalGreen Code energy efficiency standards, which would help reduce the Project’s operation energy
consumption. The proposed Project would not conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan adopted for the
Page S-II Executive Summary
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
purposes of reducing energy consumption. The proposed Project would not result in a significant energy
The proposed Project’s GHG emissions were estimated using the California Emissions Estimator
Model (“CalEEMod”). The Project’s GHG emissions were found to be below the 3,000 metric tons of
carbon dioxide equivalents (“MTCO2e”) threshold utilized by the City for assessing the significance of GHG
emissions from warehouse projects.
The proposed Project would not result in population or employment growth or associated
emissions that conflict with the California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) 2022 Climate Change Scoping
Plan; CARB Sustainable Freight Plan, CARB Advanced Clean Trucks Program; Connect SoCal, the
Southern California Association of Government’s (“SCAG”) Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable
Communities Strategy for 2020-2045; or the San Bernardino County Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Plan. These plans generally call on state, regional, and local government entities to establish state,
regional, community wide, and municipal programs to promote energy efficiency, reduce vehicle trips
and/or reduce air pollutant emissions, including GHG emissions. The proposed Project would not interfere
with any state, regional, or local planning processes or the implementation of any state, regional, or local
policies intended to promote energy efficiency and reduce vehicle trips and/or emissions.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
CHIPT Fontana Citrus Avenue, L.P., (the “Applicant”) has applied to the City of Fontana for a
design review, general plan amendment, zone change, and tentative parcel map for its proposed Fontana
Citrus Industrial Building Project. The proposed Project would be located at the northeast corner of the
intersection of Citrus Avenue and Slover Avenue and at the southwest corner of the intersection of
Oleander Avenue and Boyle Avenue, in the in the south-central part of the City, and would include the
development of a new, all-electric industrial building consisting of approximately 360,500 gross square feet
of building space with 55 truck docks.
MIG, Inc. (“MIG”) has prepared this Energy and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis Report to
evaluate the potential construction and operation related energy and GHG impacts of the proposed Project.
MIG has prepared this Report using Project-specific information contained in the Site Plan for the proposed
Project, as well as the Transportation Study prepared by Ganddini (Ganddini, 2023a and 2023b). Where
necessary, MIG has supplemented available information with standardized sources of information, such as
model assumptions pertaining to construction equipment activity levels. In general, this Report evaluates
the potential “worst-case” conditions associated with the proposed Project’s construction and operational
emissions levels to ensure a conservative (i.e., likely to overestimate) assessment of potential energy and
GHG impacts are presented.
This Report is intended for use by the Lead Agency to assess the potential energy and GHG
impacts of the proposed Project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA; PRC
§21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (14 CCR §15000 et seq.), particularly in respect to the
energy and GHG issues identified in Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines.
This Report is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1, Introduction, explains the contents of this Report and its intended use.
• Chapter 2, Proposed Project Description, provides an overview of the construction and
operational activities associated with the proposed Project.
• Chapter 3, Energy Setting and Regulatory Framework, provides pertinent background
information on energy, describes the existing energy setting of the proposed Project, and
provides information on the federal, state, and local regulations that govern the proposed
Project’s energy setting and potential energy impacts.
• Chapter 4, GHG Setting and Regulatory Framework, provides pertinent background
information on GHG and climate change, describes the existing GHG setting of the proposed
Project, and provides information on the federal, state, and local regulations that govern the
proposed Project’s GHG setting and potential GHG impacts.
• Chapter 5, Energy Impact Assessment, identifies the potential construction and operational
energy impacts of the proposed Project and evaluates these effects in accordance with
Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Page 1-2 Introduction
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
• Chapter 6, GHG Impact Assessment, identifies the potential construction and operational
GHG impacts of the proposed Project and evaluates these effects in accordance with
Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines.
• Chapter 7, Report Preparers and References, list the individuals involved, and the
references used, in the preparation of this Report.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
The following describes the Building and activities proposed by the Project.
The proposed Project would be located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Citrus Avenue
and Slover Avenue and at the southwest corner of the intersection of Oleander Avenue and Boyle Avenue
in the south-central part of the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County. The Project site is a partially
developed, approximately 16.12-acre (gross), irregularly shaped area that consists of 15 parcels of land
(Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 0251-151-03, 07, -09, -10, -14, -15, -16, -21, -22 and -39 to -44). The site is
bound by Boyle Avenue to the north, Slover Avenue and existing commercial development (an Arco fuel
service station) to the south, existing non-conforming residential development to the east, and Citrus
Avenue and existing commercial development (the same Arco fuel service station) to the west (see Figure
2-1 Aerial View of the Project Site).
The Project site is, at closest, approximately 485 feet (0.9 miles) south of a UPRR line and 575 feet
(0.11 miles) south of Interstate 10 (I-10).1
The City’s General Plan primarily designates the site as Light Industrial (I-L); however, a single
parcel in the southern portion of the site (APN 251-151-10) is designated Community Commercial (C-C;
(City of Fontana, 2022a). The City’s Zoning Map also designates the Project site as Light Industrial (M-1)
and Community Commercial (C-1; City of Fontana, 2022b). Per the Zoning Map, the Project site is not
located within any Specific Plan area or zoning overlay district.
The proposed Project site is surrounded by a mix of non-conforming residential and light industrial
uses to the north (across Boyle Avenue); non-conforming residential uses to the east; commercial uses to
the southeast (across Oleander Avenue); commercial, light industrial, educational, and residential land
uses to the south (across Slover Avenue); and commercial and residential land uses to the west (primarily
across Citrus Avenue).
1 Unless otherwise indicated, reported distances are measured between the edge of the listed feature (e.g., road or rail right-of-
way, land use property boundary, etc.) and the Project’s closest property line.
Page 2-2 Proposed Project Description
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Figure 2-1 Aerial View of the Project Site
Source: MIG 2023
Proposed Project Description Page 2-3
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
The Project site includes occupied and vacated residences, ancillary residential structures (e.g.,
garages, sheds, and other structures), and a retail building. The site includes 13 single-family residences
and 12 ancillary structures occupying approximately 31,359 feet, a metal building occupying 19,445 square
feet, and a plant nursery occupying approximately 950 square feet. A majority of the site is undeveloped
and consists of crushed aggregate/ruderal vegetation.
The proposed Project would involve the development of a new, all-electric approximately 360,500
square foot industrial building. Approximately 5,500 square feet of the building’s total area would consist of
office space. The entire approximately 16.12-acre site would be graded; the portions of the site not
developed with the Building would either be hardscaped (e.g., parking or sidewalks) or landscaped. The
proposed Project site plan is shown in Figure 2-2.
The proposed rectangular building would reach a height of 50 feet above ground level. The long
axis of the building, like the site, would be west to east, with the front of the building on the eastern
perimeter. The building’s office space would be located at the southeastern corner of the building.
Employee parking areas would generally be located along the site’s western and eastern perimeters.
The Building would include 55 truck docks located mainly at the southern portion of the site, with
additional docks located at the western portion of the site. The building’s southern façade would include 46
truck docks that would be set back from the site’s southern property line by approximately 206 feet and the
building’s western façade would include 9 truck docks that would be set back from the northwestern
property boundary by at least 185 feet. The building would be screened from view by a 10-foot-high
concrete screening wall at the eastern property line. The building’s façade would be set back approximately
146 feet from the site’s southern property line at the southernmost point and set back approximately 206
feet at the dock doors. The façade would also be set back approximately 58 feet from the eastern property
line, and 20 feet from the site’s northern property line. An existing 6-foot-tall concrete wall located along a
portion of the shared property line with the Arco fuel station adjacent to the southwest corner of the site
would also remain in place.
Access to the site would be provided via five driveways: two along the northern portion of the site
on Boyle Avenue and three along the southern portion of the site on Slover Avenue. There would be drive
aisles along the western, southern, and eastern portions of the site that would connect these five
driveways. The southwest, southcentral, and southeast driveways would be connected by a 56-foot wide
drive aisle while the drive aisles along the western and eastern portions of the site would be as narrow as
30 feet wide. The three southern driveways would provide access to the 46 docks along the building’s
southern façade. The northwestern driveway would provide access to the 9 docks along the building’s
western façade and employee parking in the western portion of the site and the northeastern driveway
would provide access to employee parking in the eastern portion of the site. There would be a total of 111
employee parking spaces, which would be located along the western portion of the site (30 stalls) and the
eastern portion of the site (81 stalls). In addition, there would be 52 trailer stalls, which would be located
Page 2-4 Proposed Project Description
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
along the southern boundary of the site. A median in Slover Avenue would prevent trucks from turning left
into the site’s southern driveways.
Figure 2-2: Site Plan
Source: RGA, 2023
Proposed Project Description Page 2-5
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
The proposed Project is considered a speculative industrial building because tenants/end users
have not been identified. In general, industrial warehouse buildings generate emissions from sources such
as on- and off-site vehicle trips, on-site truck maneuvering, loading and unloading activities, on-site parking,
and other on-site operations. With regards to potential Project operations that could generate emission, this
Report assumes:
• Hours of Operation: The Project could operate up to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Employee shift changes would occur in the morning (approximately 7 AM to 8 AM), afternoon
(approximately 3 PM to 4 PM), and nighttime (approximately 11 PM to 12 AM), with most
employees working a daytime shift.
• Vehicle Trip Generation: The proposed Project’s trip generation potential, as estimated in the
Site Access Memorandum prepared for the Project, is summarized in Table 2-1 (Ganddini
Group, 2023a). As shown in Table 2-1, the proposed Project would result in 505 total vehicle
trips per day, including 425 passenger vehicle trips and 80 truck trips. The closest highway /
freeway to the Project site is the I-10, which can be accessed via Citrus Avenue on- and off-
ramps located approximately 1,595 feet (0.3 road miles) from the site (via westbound Slover
Avenue to northbound Citrus Avenue, to the I-10 eastbound ramp).
The site memorandum assumed that 95% of inbound trucks would access and exit the site
from the southern driveways on Slover Avenue and 5% would access and exit the site from the
northern driveway on Boyle Avenue. The following describes the specific inbound and
outbound truck travel patterns that are anticipated for the Project.
o Inbound Truck Trips. Sixty percent (60%) of inbound truck trips would access the site
by traveling southbound on Citrus Avenue and eastbound on Slover Avenue and
turning into southcentral driveway. Forty percent (40%) of inbound truck trips would
access the site by traveling westbound on Slover Avenue. Five percent (5%) of the
truck trips would divert to the north on Oleander Avenue (i.e., at the Slover Avenue
and Oleander intersection) before turning west on Boyle Avenue and accessing the
site through the northeast driveway. The remaining 35% of truck trips from westbound
Solver Avenue (prior to the Solve Avenue and Oleander Avenue intersection) would
continue westbound on Slover Avenue and access the site via the southwestern
driveway (10% of truck trips), the southcentral driveway (15% of truck trips), or the
southeast driveway (10% of truck trips). See Figure 2-3 and Table 2-2 for inbound
truck trip distribution.
o Outbound Truck Trips. Sixty percent (60%) of outbound truck trips would exit by
traveling westbound on Slover Avenue from the southern driveways (30% from the
southwest, 25% from the southcentral, and 5% from the southeast) and turning north
on Citrus Avenue at the Citrus-Slover intersection. Forty percent (40%) of outbound
truck trips would travel eastbound on Slover Avenue, with 35% of truck trips exiting the
site by traveling eastbound on Slover Avenue from the southcentral driveway and 5%
of truck trips exiting the site by traveling eastbound on Boyle Avenue from the
northwest driveway, turning south on Oleander Avenue, and then turning east on
Slover Avenue. See Figure 2-4 and Table 2-2 for outbound truck trip distribution.
Page 2-6 Proposed Project Description
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
• Yard Equipment: The Project could include the use and operation of up to 43 electric -
powered forklifts, pallet jacks, and other material handling equipment and one (1) yard hostler.
This estimate is based on the average equipment usage at high cube warehouses, based on a
survey conducted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD, 2014). The
forklifts would primarily operate inside the proposed industrial warehouse building.
Table 2-1: Project Trip Generation Rates
Vehicle Type AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Average Daily Trips
Number Percent
Proposed Project
Passenger Cars 22 32 425 84%
Truck Trips
2-axle 2 0 13 3%
3-axle 2 0 17 3%
4-axle 4 2 50 10%
Subtotal(A) 8 2 80 16%
Total Project Trips 30 34 505 100%
Existing Conditions
Total Existing Trips 11 14 142 100%
Net Change in Vehicle Trips
Total Net Change 19 20 363 100%
Source: Ganddini, 2023a, Table 2 and Table 3
(A) Totals may not equal due to rounding.
Proposed Project Description Page 2-7
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Figure 2-3: Inbound Trip Distribution
Source: Ganddini 2023a, Figure 6
Page 2-8 Proposed Project Description
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Figure 2-4: Outbound Trip Distribution
Source: Ganddini 2023a, Figure 5
Proposed Project Description Page 2-9
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Table 2-2: Project Truck Trip Distribution
Driveway Inbound Outbound
Southwest Driveway 10% 30%
Slover Avenue, Segment West of Driveway 10% 30%
Slover Avenue, Segment East of Driveway 0% 0%
Southcentral Driveway 75% 60%
Slover Avenue, Segment West of Driveway 15% 25%
Slover Avenue, Segment East of Driveway 60% 35%
Southeast Driveway 10% 5%
Slover Avenue, Segment West of Driveway 0% 5%
Slover Avenue, Segment East of Driveway 10% 0%
Northwest Driveway 5% 5%
Total Project Trips 100% 100%
Source: Ganddini, 2023a, Figures 5 and 6
(B) Totals may not equal due to rounding.
The proposed Project would include design features that reduce energy consumption and GHG
emissions, and that are necessary to comply with the City of Fontana Municipal Code, Chapter 9, Article V:
Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards. These design features are part of the proposed
Project and are reflected in the emissions estimates and impact analyses contained in this Report; they are
not mitigation measures. The proposed Project’s emission reduction design features are summarized in
Table 2-3.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Table 2-3: Summary of Project Design Features that Reduce Energy and GHG Emissions
Project Design
Code Section and
Design Feature
How Does the Feature
Reduce Emissions and/or
GHG Impacts?
Landscaping 9-71.(c-d, e).
Landscaping shall be
drought tolerant and
low biogenic emissions
species. Landscaping
areas shall be properly
irrigated to maintain
growth of plants and
Trees shall be installed
in automobile parking
areas to provide at least
35 percent shade cover
of parking areas within
15 years. Trees shall be
planted that are
capable of meeting this
All landscaping will be
drought tolerant with low
biogenic emissions.
Trees will be planted to
provide at least 35%
shade cover to
automobile parking
areas within 15 years.
The use of drought tolerant
landscaping would reduce
emissions associated with
outdoor watering and
shade would providing
shade would reduce the
energy use and associated
emissions from cooling.
Truck Routing and
Idling Restriction
9-72.(c, e-i, d)
Signs are required for
a 3-minute idling limit,
on-site circulation
patterns, parking, truck
routes, and the
SCAQMD contact
A truck routing plan to
and from the state
highway system based
on the City's latest
truck route map is
required. It will include
the facility’s operational
characteristics and
measures for
preventing truck
queuing, circling,
stopping, and parking
on public streets.
Facility operators will
submit a truck routing
plan and install the
required signs.
The use of signs would
minimize unnecessary
idling and vehicle travel,
decreasing emissions from
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Table 2-3: Summary of Project Design Features that Reduce Energy and GHG Emissions
Project Design
Code Section and
Design Feature
How Does the Feature
Reduce Emissions and/or
GHG Impacts?
Use of Zero
Emission On-site
Equipment (forklifts,
pallet jacks, etc.)
On-site motorized
operational equipment
shall be ZE (zero
The Applicant will
require the use of
electric forklifts, pallet
jacks, and other
cargo/material handling
equipment as a lease
condition / condition of
The use of electric forklifts
and other equipment
avoids on-site emissions
from diesel-, compressed
natural gas- and other
fossil-fuel-powered types of
this equipment.
Cool/Reflective Roof
The office portion of a
building’s rooftop that is
not covered with solar
panels or other utilities
shall be constructed
with light colored
roofing material with a
The Applicant has
designed the proposed
Project to include the
use of light colored
roofing materials with a
solar reflective index
(SRI) not less than 78.
The use of light-colored
roofing materials reduces
heat gain and energy
usage associated with
building heating and
cooling systems.
Solar-ready Building
All building roofs shall
be solar-ready
The Applicant has
designed the proposed
building’s roof to
facilitate and optimize
the future installation of
a solar photovoltaic (PV)
The installation of solar PV
system would reduce
facility energy demand and
indirect emissions
associated with energy
Electric Vehicle
Parking and
At least 10% of all
passenger vehicle
parking spaces shall
be electric vehicle (EV)
ready, at least 5% of all
passenger vehicle
parking spaces shall
be equipped with
working Level 2 Quick
charge EV charging
stations installed and
operational, prior to
building occupancy
The proposed Project
would include
approximately 11 EV
charging spaces.
The use of EVs would
reduce gasoline and diesel
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Table 2-3: Summary of Project Design Features that Reduce Energy and GHG Emissions
Project Design
Code Section and
Design Feature
How Does the Feature
Reduce Emissions and/or
GHG Impacts?
Bicycle Parking 9-73.(g)
Bicycle racks are
required and shall
include locks as well as
electric plugs to charge
electric bikes.
There will be
approximately 12 bicycle
racks (one bicycle rack
per 30,000 square feet).
Racks provide locations to
safely store bicycles for
workers and/or visitors that
travel to the site by that
means of transportation.
Cool Pavements 9-74.(a)
Cool surface
treatments shall be
added to all drive
aisles and parking
areas or such areas
shall be constructed
with a solar-reflective
cool pavement such as
The Applicant has
designed the Project’s
parking areas and drive
aisles to be constructed
with a solar-reflective
cool pavement
The use of solar-reflective
cool pavements reduces
heat island effects that can
lead to increased demand
for energy in building
heating and cooling
Electrical Rooms 9-74.(b)
To ensure that
warehouse electrical
rooms are sufficiently
sized to accommodate
the potential need for
additional electrical
panels, either a
secondary electrical
room shall be provided
in the building, or the
primary electrical room
shall be sized 25%
larger than is required
to satisfy the service
requirements of the
building or the
electrical gear shall be
installed with the initial
construction with 25%
excess demand
The Applicant has
designed the proposed
building’s electrical
maintenance rooms to
be 25% larger than
required for the current
building design.
The installation of a larger
electrical room supports the
future installation and
expansion of emissions
reduction infrastructure
such as solar PV systems,
alternative space and water
heating systems, electric
vehicle/truck charging
equipment, etc.
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Table 2-3: Summary of Project Design Features that Reduce Energy and GHG Emissions
Project Design
Code Section and
Design Feature
How Does the Feature
Reduce Emissions and/or
GHG Impacts?
Use of Electric
Equipment and
Charging during
Sec. 9-74 e (2-5)
The Applicant shall
require construction
bid, contract,
procurements, and
other similar
documents include a
requirement for the
contractor to electric-
powered hand tools,
forklift, and pressure
washers during Project
construction. The
Applicant shall require
the construction
contractor to designate
an area where electric-
powered construction
vehicles and
equipment can charge
and install a conduit for
future electric truck
charging stations.
generators will be
limited to emergency
and temporary power
purpose only.
The proposed Project
will use electric forklifts
and provide for charging
on site.
The use of electric-
powered hand tools,
forklifts, and pressure
washers avoids on-site
emissions from diesel-,
compressed natural gas-
and other fossil-fuel-
powered types of this
equipment. Connecting to
electric service during
construction and limiting
the use of diesel-powered
generators minimizes on-
site emissions during
Construction of the proposed Project is anticipated to begin as early as January 2024 and take
approximately 10 months to complete. The development of the approximately 16.12-acre site and the
construction of the approximately 360,500 square feet industrial warehouse building would require
demolition, site preparation, grading, trenching, building construction, paving, and architectural coating
phases/activities. A total of 51,754 square-feet of building space would be demolished. Site grading would
require approximately 18,600 cubic yards of cut and 24,000 cubic yards of fill, resulting in the net import of
5,400 cubic yards of soil. The proposed Project is anticipated to require varying types of equipment
throughout the different construction phases including, but not limited to, bulldozers, backhoes, loaders,
graders, cranes and forklifts. Table 2-4 summarizes the proposed Project’s construction phasing and the
typical pieces of heavy-duty, off-road construction equipment that would be required during each phase.
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Table 2-4: Construction Activity, Duration, and Typical Equipment
Construction Activity(A) Duration (Days)(B) Typical Equipment Used(C)
Demolition 20 Saws, Excavator, Dozer
Site Preparation 10 Dozer, Tractor/Loader/Backhoe
Grading 30 Excavator, Grader, Dozer, Backhoe
Trenching 60 Trencher, Forklift, Tractor/Loader/Backhoe
Building Construction 160 Crane, Forklift, Backhoe
Paving 10 Paver, Paving Equipment, Roller
Architectural Coating 25 Air Compressor
Source: See Appendix A.
(A) There would be overlap between the Trenching and Building Construction phases and between the Building
Construction, Paving, and Architectural Coating phases.
(B) Days refers to total active workdays in the construction phase, not calendar days.
(C) The typical equipment list does not reflect all equipment that would be used during the construction phase. Not all
equipment would operate eight hours per day each workday.
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This chapter provides information on the environmental and regulatory energy setting of the
proposed Project. Information on existing energy conditions, and federal, state, and local energy standards
and goals was obtained from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), United States
Energy Information Administration (U.S. EIA) the California Energy Commission (CEC), Southern California
Edison (SCE), and Southern California Gas (SoCal Gas).
For the purposes of this Report, energy resources are categorized into three areas: electricity,
natural gas, and fuels used for transportation. Electricity
Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge (i.e., the movement of electrons between atoms).
It is produced by converting sources of primary energy such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydropower,
wind, and solar, into electrical power through various means.
Generators and solar photovoltaic (PV) cells are two of the primary pieces of equipment used to
produce and supply electricity to the grid. The following describes the processes through which electricity is
generated by these pieces of equipment.
• Generators. Turbine generators convert mechanical or chemical energy into electricity. At its
simplest form, an electrical generator is an electromagnet, moving wire near a magnet to direct
the flow of electricity. Turbine generators do this by using a moving fluid (e.g., water, steam,
combustion gases, or air) to push rotator blades that are attached to a generator. The rotation
of magnets and wires within the generator produce an electromagnetic current, directing
electrical flow.
• Solar Photovoltaic Cells. Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells convert solar energy directly into
electricity. They are made up of semiconductor material that absorb sunlight and generate an
electrical current. This current is captured and transferred to wires so that it can be utilized at a
different location.
Electricity production can be grouped into two main categories; electricity that is generated from
renewable sources (e.g., solar and wind) and electricity that is generated from non-renewable sources
(e.g., fossil fuel combustion). Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 summarize the primary renewable and non-
renewable sources of electricity, respectively, as well as how the energy from the various sources is
converted into electricity.
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Table 3-1: Renewable Sources of Electricity Production
Source Electricity Production Process
Wind can be converted to electricity through the use of a wind turbine (historically referred
to as "windmills"). Electricity from this source is produced when wind causes the turbine's
blades to turn. The amount of electricity generated by a wind turbine is dependent on a
number of factors, but is primarily related to how much wind energy can be collected at a
given time. Wind turbines with longer blades have the capacity to generate more electricity
than those with smaller blades, because they can collect more of the wind's energy. A
small wind turbine could generate a similar output as a larger one, but the smaller one
would need to be subject to higher wind speeds. Wind power plants, or wind farms, are
composed of multiple wind turbines spread out over a large area.
The sun’s energy can be converted into electricity by using solar PV cells, which produce
electricity when photons from the solar energy are absorbed by the semiconductor
material in the PV cell. Electrons are dislodged from the semiconductor material and
absorbed by electrical conductors, which are connected in an electrical circuit. Electricity
flows through the electrical circuit to an external device, such as a battery or an inverter.(A)
Solar energy production can be increased with additional PV cells. PV cells can be
connected in solar panels, and groups of solar panels can be connected into a solar array.
One PV cell may power small devices such as calculators, small solar arrays may power
individual residential or commercial buildings, and large arrays may produce power for
Hydroelectric energy is produced by using a naturally-flowing water source (e.g., from a
river or dam) to spin the blades of a turbine, which is typically located on or adjacent to
the body of water. Water is piped from a location upstream of the facility, through the
turbine, and released back into the environment on the downstream side of the facility.
The amount of electricity produced by a hydroelectric generator can be regulated by
controlling the amount of water flowing through the turbine at a given time (e.g., greater
water flow would produce more electricity).
Geothermal energy is produced by utilizing underground high-temperature hydrothermal
resources to create steam (or superheat evaporate and other working fluid) that turns a
turbine. Hot water is piped in one side of the system, used to turn the turbine, then piped
back to a cooling tower before being piped underground. These power plants can pipe
steam or hot water from wells that reach up to two miles into the earth.
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Table 3-2: Non-Renewable Sources of Electricity Production
Source Electricity Production Process
Fossil Fuels
Combusting fossil fuels releases energy that can be harnessed and turned into electricity.
The change in air pressure as a result of burning the material can be used to create a
mechanical process that rotates a generator (e.g., using the hot air from the combusted
material to move rotator blades within a generator or pistons within an internal combustion
engine). Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons formed from plant and animal remains that were
placed under heat and pressure from layers of sand, silt, and rock. Fossil fuels can include
coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Petroleum products such as gasoline and diesel are
produced from refining fossil fuels.
Nuclear reactors convert energy to electricity by using the heat from a nuclear reactor to
evaporate water (i.e., producing steam) that rotates a turbine. Although nuclear energy is
not renewable, it is often considered “green” and considered alongside renewable sources
because it is a carbon-free source of electricity.
Source: U.S. EIA 2022a
(A) An inverter is a device that converts the type of electricity that is produced by PV cells (direct current, or DC, electricity) to the type of electricity that is used in appliances or in an electrical grid (alternating current, or AC electricity).
Electricity production relies on different energy sources and technologies. A combination of the
renewable and nonrenewable energy sources described above are used to generate electricity.
Electricity is measured in watts, a unit of power. Watts may be described in various quantities using
kilo-, mega-, and giga-, prefixes, which correspond to one-thousand, one-million, and one-billion of
something, respectively. For context, these prefixes are typically used in the following contexts when
describing electricity production and consumption.
• Watts are used as a measurement for small devices. For example, the solar powered
calculator may use 1 Watt. A lightbulb may use 50 Watts.
• Kilowatts (kW), or 1,000 Watts, are typically used to describe large appliance and building-
scale electricity consumption. For example, the average Californian household consumed
6,174 kWh of electricity in 2019 (CEC 2021a).
• Megawatts (MW), are 1,000 kW, or one million Watts. Megawatts may be used when
discussing utility systems.
• Gigawatts (GW), are 1,000 MW, one million kW, or one billion watts. Gigawatts may used
when discussing statewide electricity generation. For example, in 2021, California generated
194,127 GWh of electricity in-state (U.S. EIA 2022b).
Electricity use over time can be measured in watt-hours (Wh), where, for example, one kWh is the
equivalent of one kW generated or consumed over the course of one hour. For example, if a 50 W lightbulb
was on for one hour it would consume 5 Wh (or 0.05 kWh) of electricity. If it was on for 100 hours, it would
consume 5 kWh of electricity. Natural Gas
Natural gas is a fossil fuel-based energy source that is typically found between layers of rock or
with deposits of crude oil. Natural gas can be extracted by drilling in wells or fracking. After extraction,
natural gas is sent to a processing facility and then to storage or to natural gas companies.
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Biomethane, also known as renewable natural gas, can be used as a substitute for fossil natural
gas. Biomethane is a gas formed from the decomposition of organic matter, composed primarily of
methane and carbon dioxide. It can be produced from solid waste landfills, wastewater treatment plants,
food waste, organic waste, and livestock farms. Biomethane is then treated to remove contaminants and
gases such as carbon dioxide until the methane content is greater than 90% (U.S. EPA 2022a).
Natural gas can be measured in units such as therms or British thermal units (Btu), which are
quantities of heat, or cubic feet, which is a volume. The U.S. EIA defines a Btu as the quantity of heat
required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of liquid water by 1 degree Fahrenheit at the temperature at
which water has its greatest density (approximately 39 degrees Fahrenheit) (U.S. EIA 2023a). One therm is
the equivalent of 100,000 Btu. Since heat quantity and volume cannot be converted directly, there is not
one conversion rate between therms and cubic feet. However, the units can be converted if the heat
content per volume is known. The average heat content of natural gas in 2020 was approximately 1,037
Btu per cubic foot (U.S. EIA 2021a). Fuels Used for Transportation
Fuels used for transportation may include diesel, gasoline, natural gas, electricity, and hydrogen.
Diesel, gasoline, and natural gas fuels have traditionally been refined from crude oil. Combusting these fuel
sources in an engine releases energy that can be transferred into making an object move (e.g., rotating a
vehicle's driveshaft or a boat's propeller). Diesel, which can also be biomass based,2 is typically used in
larger pieces of equipment, such as trucks, trains boats, buses, farm equipment, and construction
equipment. Gasoline (which may be blended with other liquids, such as ethanol), electricity, and hydrogen
fuel cells3 are primarily used to power passenger vehicles.
Total U.S. energy consumption has increased in recent decades; however, per capita energy
consumption has generally decreased since the year 2000. This is due to factors such as greater energy
efficiency in appliances, vehicles, and utility scale electricity generation and a reduction in energy-intensive
manufacturing (U.S. EIA 2022c). The following describes historical energy production and consumption
trends in the U.S.
The mix of energy sources for U.S. electricity generation has shifted in recent decades, but has
primarily consisted of electricity generated from natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, and solar
energy sources. Table 3-3 and Figure 3-1 depict the overall quantity and make-up of electricity of electricity
production in the U.S. over the last six years.
2 Biodiesel and renewable diesel are both produced from non-petroleum sources such as vegetable oil and animal fat.
Biodiesel is consumed after it is blended with petroleum diesel. While renewable diesel may also be blended with petroleum
diesel, renewable diesel can be transported and consumed directly without needing to be blended with petroleum.
3 Hydrogen fuel cells can produce electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
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Table 3-3: United States Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021)
Energy Source Electricity Produced Per Calendar Year (Million GWh)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Natural Gas 1,335 1,379 1,298 1,472 1,589 1,627 1,579
Coal 1,352 1,239 1,206 1,149 965 773 898
Nuclear 797 806 805 807 809 790 778
Hydroelectric 249 268 300 293 288 285 252
Wind 191 227 254 273 296 338 378
Solar 39 55 77 93 107 131 164
Other(A) 116 104 95 94 77 66 59
Total Electricity 4,079 4,078 4,035 4,181 4,131 4,010 4,108
Fossil Fuels(B) 2,687 2,618 2,504 2,621 2,553 2,400 2,477
Non-Hydroelectric Renewables(C) 230 282 332 366 403 469 543
Total Carbon Free Electricity(D) 1,276 1,355 1,437 1,466 1,500 1,544 1,572
Sources: U.S. EIA 2022d and U.S. EIA 2022e
(A) “Other” sources include electricity production from petroleum coke and liquids, other gases, geothermal, and biomass.
(B) Fossil fuels include natural gas and coal.
(C) Non-hydroelectric renewables include wind and solar. (D) Carbon-free energy sources consist of nuclear, hydroelectric, and renewable fuels.
Figure 3-1: United States Energy Sources for Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021)
Source: U.S. EIA 2022d and U.S. EIA 2022e
Note: The percentages for “Other” sources are not depicted in the figure, but generally include electricity production from petroleum coke
and liquids, other gases, geothermal, and biomass. Annual values for the “Other” energy sources between 2015 and 2021 ranged
between 3 percent in 2015 to 1 percent in 2021.
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As shown in Table 3-3 and Figure 3-1, electricity production had some variability between 2015
and 2021, but mainly fluctuated between 4,000 and 4,100 million GWh of production on an annual basis.
Electricity production from fossil fuels (natural gas and coal), while remaining the predominant
source of energy for electricity, decreased from a combined composition of approximately 66% in 2015 to
approximately 60% in 2021. It should also be noted that there was a large shift away from coal and toward
natural gas over this timeframe. Whereas the total contribution from coal and natural gas to electricity
production during 2015 was approximately equal at 33%, during 2021, this changed to a contribution of
38% and 22% for natural gas and coal, respectively; a 16% difference.
Nuclear power plants were the second largest generator of electricity nation-wide, while electricity
from renewable sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydroelectric) comprised less than a quarter of all electricity
production. The overall electricity contribution from renewable sources, and in particularly wind energy,
almost doubled over the 2015 to 2021 timeframe.
Natural Gas
Natural gas consumption nationwide has increased in recent decades. In 1990, the U.S. consumed
198 trillion therms of natural gas, which increased to approximately 217 trillion therms in 2021 (U.S. EIA
2012 and 2022f).
Transportation Fuels
Petroleum products (e.g., gasoline and diesel) have historically been the predominant form of
energy used within the transportation sector. Annual daily consumption of gasoline in the transportation
sector increased from approximately 85.7 billion gallons per year in 1970 to approximately 129.3 billion
gallons per year in 2021, an approximately 51% increase (U.S. EIA 2023b). Gasoline consumption has
fluctuated slightly since 2007 (i.e., increasing and decreasing) but has generally remained at or around 135
billion gallons per year, deviating only from the trend at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The
use of diesel fuel increased at a substantially faster rate across the 1970 to 2021 timeframe, from
approximately 11.3 billion gallons of consumption in 1970 to approximately 47.1 billion gallons in 2021, an
approximately 317% increase (U.S. EIA 2023b). Unlike gasoline consumption, which is still slightly down
from pre-COVID-19 levels, diesel consumption has generally remained constant. Although petroleum
productions are the primary forms of energy used within the transportation sector, other fuels are used to
lesser extents, including jet fuel (also petroleum), natural gas, biofuels, and other sources (e.g., fuel oil,
lubricants, propane, and electricity).
In 2021, petroleum products (gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel) accounted for approximately 90% of
energy consumption in the transportation sector nationwide (U.S. EIA 2022g). Gasoline is currently the
main transportation fuel used in the U.S., accounting for approximately 54% of energy consumption in the
transportation sector, and is followed by diesel at 23% and jet fuel at 11% (U.S. EIA 2022h). Electricity
accounted for less than one percent energy consumption in the U.S. transportation sector in 2021 (U.S. EIA
2022h). State
According to the U.S. EIA, California is the most populous state in the U.S., representing 12
percent of the total national population, has the largest economy, and is second only to Texas in total
energy consumption. However, California has one of the lowest per capita energy consumption levels in the
U.S. This is a result of California’s mild climate, extensive efforts to increase energy efficiency, and
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implementation of alternative technologies. California leads the nation in electricity generation from solar,
geothermal, and biomass resources (U.S. EIA 2022i).
As discussed above, California has one of the lowest per capita energy consumption levels in the
U.S, which, in part, is attributable to its extensive efforts to increase energy efficiency. The State has also
passed several legislative bills that have required retail-energy suppliers to increase the amount of
renewable electricity supplied to customers. California’s annual electricity generation and the sources that
created it for the 2015 through 2021 calendar years are presented below in Table 3-4 and Figure 3-2.
Table 3-4: California Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021)
Energy Source Electricity Produced Per Calendar Year (Thousand GWh)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Natural Gas 130 106 98 100 95 101 105
Coal 18 12 12 9 8 7 8
Petroleum / Other <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1 1
Nuclear 27 27 27 26 25 25 26
Hydroelectric 19 19 20 20 20 20 19
Wind 24 26 27 33 28 30 32
Solar 18 24 30 33 34 36 39
Biomass 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Unspecified(A) 40 42 27 30 20 20 19
Total Electricity(B) 295 291 292 285 278 273 278
Fossil Fuels(C) 148 118 111 110 104 109 114
Non-Hydroelectric Renewables(D) 62 69 77 85 82 86 90
Total Carbon Free Electricity(E) 108 115 123 130 127 132 136
Sources: CEC 2022a, U.S. EIA 2022d
(A) “Unspecified” power is power that could not be traced to a facility, and would include a mix of fuel types
(B) Totals may not equal due to rounding
(C) Fossil fuels include natural gas and coal.
(D) Non-hydroelectric renewables include wind and solar.
(E) Carbon-free energy sources consist of nuclear, hydroelectric, and renewable fuels.
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Figure 3-2: California Energy Sources for Electricity Generation (2015 to 2021)
Sources: CEC 2016, CEC 2017, CEC 2018, CEC 2019, CEC 2020, CEC 2021b, CEC 2022a
Note: Unspecified power is power that could not be traced to a facility, and would include a mix of fuel types.
As shown in Table 3-4 and Figure 3-2, overall electricity consumption throughout the State has
decreased over the 2015 to 2021 timeframe, from approximately 295 million GWh to 278 million GWh (an
approximately 6 percent decrease). Perhaps more notable than the overall decrease in electricity
production, however, is the change in the electricity energy portfolio. As shown in Figure 3-2, electricity
production from natural gas and coal power plants has decreased from a combined total of 50% of the total
energy supply, to approximately 41%. Biomass, geothermal, and nuclear sources have remained relatively
constant at 2%, 4% to 5%, and 9%, respectively, while electricity generated from geothermal, wind, and
solar sources has increased. Electricity production from solar had one of the biggest relative increases in
electricity production, increasing from approximately 6% to 14% between 2015 and 2021, respectively, (an
approximately 150% increase). In 2021,over half of California’s electricity was generated from carbon-free
sources, including renewables, nuclear, and hydroelectric.
Similar to U.S. electricity generation, California electricity generation has shifted, with coal
decreasing, renewables increasing, and nuclear and hydroelectric remaining relatively constant. However,
while the direction of the shift in energy sources on the national and statewide level is the same, the state
differs from U.S. energy consumption in the scale of this shift. For example, California’s energy mix used
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for electricity generation contains over twice the amount of renewable fuels as the U.S.4. California also
uses a lower percentage of fossil fuels, mainly due to its low coal consumption.
Natural Gas
Annual natural-gas consumption in the State has fluctuated since the 1970s, but generally
remained at or around 16,000 million therms since the 1990s (U.S. EIA 2022j). Although California has
historically accounted for approximately 10% of annual nationwide natural gas consumption, its reserves
and production constitute less than 1% of the total United States (U.S EIA 2022i and U.S. EIA 2022k).
In 2020, California consumed about 15,120 million therms of natural gas, with the majority of that
consumption attributable to the industrial sector (50%) followed by the residential (31%) and commercial
(16%) sectors. Approximately 88% of Californian homes used natural gas in some building system
capacity, including space heating (55% of homes), water heating (75% of homes), and/or cooking
appliance(s)5 (70% of homes) (U.S. EIA 2022l and U.S. EIA 2022m).
California’s transportation sector consumed 59.6 million Btu of energy per capita in 2020, which
ranked 46th in the nation (U.S. EIA, 2021b). This means that California had the 6th best transportation
energy per capita rate (i.e., most efficient) in the United States, including the District of Columbia. Much of
the State’s efficiency with regard to the amount of transportation energy consumed per capita can be
attributed to the increase in vehicle fuel efficiency standards required by the State.
California’s production of gasoline and diesel fuels supplies both in- and out-of-state demand;
however, most gasoline and diesel fuel sold in California for motor vehicles is refined within the state to
meet state-specific formulations required by CARB (i.e., these fuels typically are not imported from out of
state). Crude oil extraction and production has been decreasing since the 1980s (from 402 million barrels in
1986 to 200 million barrels in 2020) and is projected to continue to decline (CARB 2022a). According to
taxable sales figures available from the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, statewide
both gasoline and diesel have declined since 2013. Gasoline sales saw the most notable decrease (an
approximately 21% drop) from approximately 14,533 million gallons in 2013 to approximately 11,410 million
gallons in 2022. This trend has not been linear, however. Gasoline sales increased from 2013 to 2017,
remained relatively constant between 2017 and 2019, and then started to decrease rapidly across the 2020
to 2022 timeframe. This decrease is most likely attributable the shelter-in-place orders imposed due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, but is also likely associated with vehicle turnover (i.e., from older, less fuel efficient
cars to newer models) across the same timeframe. Diesel fuel sales also decreased between 2013 and
2020, from approximately 2,740 million gallons in 2013 to approximately 2,596 million gallons in 2022 (an
approximately 5% decrease). Unlike gasoline sales, which began to decrease in 2020, diesel sales tended
to increase between 2013 and 2021, only decreasing below 2013 levels in 2022 (CDTFA, 2023.
In 2022, California reached a milestone 1 million ZEVs sold, accounting for 40% of all ZEVs
operating in the U.S. (Office of Governor Gavin Newsom 2022). Most of the ZEVs sold to date have been
electric vehicles; however, vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells have also been expanding in availability
4 Whereas approximately 33% of electricity in California is from renewable sources, only 13% of electricity generated in
the greater U.S. is from renewable sources.
5 Cooking appliances includes natural gas ranges, cooktops, and ovens; natural gas outdoor grills are not included in
this metric.
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and use. CARB estimated that by 2021, 9,463 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles had been registered in California.
Of these vehicles, 7,993 had an active registration and were assumed to be in use (CARB 2021).
Transportation fuels are not used equally across different vehicle types in the state. For example,
whereas light-duty vehicles (e.g., cars and pick-up trucks) are mainly powered by gasoline and electricity,
medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (e.g., work trucks, semi-trucks, etc.) are generally powered by diesel.
Natural gas can also be used as a fuel source in trucks and buses. Table 3-5 below shows a breakdown of
state-wide vehicle population in 2022, by fuel type.
Table 3-5: California Transportation Fuels by Vehicle Type (2022)
Vehicle Type
Breakdown in Fuel Type
Gasoline Diesel Natural
Gas Electricity Plug-in
Medium- and heavy-duty trucks 8.3% 88.7% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Light heavy-duty trucks 53.7% 46.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Buses 33.9% 47.6% 18.2% 0.3% 0.0%
Light-duty vehicles 96.1% 0.5% 0.0% 2.1% 1.3%
Source: EMFAC2021
(A) Plug-in hybrid vehicles are powered by gasoline and electricity.
Although each vehicle category may use several different fuel types, the majority of trucks in 2022
used diesel; most buses mostly used gasoline, diesel, and natural gas; and the majority of light duty
vehicles used gasoline. Local
In 2021, San Bernardino County consumed approximately 16,181 GWh of electricity, about 5.8% of
the state’s electricity consumption (CEC, 2023a). The non-residential sector made up approximately 64% of
County-wide consumption while the residential sector made up approximately 36% of County-wide
consumption (CEC, 2023a).
SCE is the electricity utility provider at the Project site. In 2021, SCE sold approximately 82,048
million kWh of electricity (SCE, 2022a); approximately 43% of the electricity that SCE delivered to
customers came from carbon-free resources, including solar energy (approximately 15%), wind energy
(approximately 10%), and geothermal energy (approximately 6%) (SCE, 2022b).
Natural Gas
San Bernardino County consumed approximately 561 million therms of natural gas in 2021,
accounting for approximately 4.7% of statewide consumption. The non-residential sector made up
approximately 54% of County-wide consumption, while the residential sector made up approximately 46%
(CEC, 2023b).
SoCalGas provides natural gas service at the Project site. SoCalGas is the principal distributor of
natural gas in Southern California and provides natural gas for residential, commercial, and industrial
markets. The annual natural gas sale of SoCalGas to all markets in 2021 was approximately 5,100 million
therms (CEC, 2023c).
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Retail fuel outlet survey data indicates San Bernardino County accounted for approximately 6.7%
and 10.5% of total statewide gasoline and diesel sales, respectively, in 2021 (CEC, 2023d).
3.2.1 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATIONS Federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act
In 1975, Congress enacted the Federal Energy and Policy Conservation Act, which established the
first fuel economy standards for on-road motor vehicles in the United States. Pursuant to the act, the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is responsible for establishing additional vehicle
standards. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
On December 19, 2007, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was signed into law.
In addition to setting increased Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for motor vehicles, the
act also includes the following provisions related to energy efficiency:
• Renewable fuel standards (RFS)
• Appliance and lighting efficiency standards
• Building energy efficiency
The federal legislation requires ever-increasing levels of renewable fuels to replace petroleum. The
U.S. EPA is responsible for developing and implementing regulations to ensure transportation fuel sold in
the United State contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel. The RFS program regulations were
developed in collaboration with refiners, renewable fuel produces, and other stakeholders.
The RFS program was created under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and established the first
renewable fuel volume mandate in the United States. As required under the act, the original RFS program
(RFS1) required 7.5 billion gallons of renewable fuel to be blended into gasoline by 2012. Under the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), the RFS program was expanded in several key ways that
laid the foundation for achieving significant reductions of GHG emissions through the use of renewable
fuels, for reducing imported petroleum, and for encouraging the development and expansion of the nation’s
renewable fuels sector. The updated program is referred to as RFS2 and includes the following:
• EISA expanding the RFS program to include diesel, in addition to gasoline;
• EISA increased the volume of renewable fuel required to be blended into transportation fuel from
9 billion gallons in 2008 to 36 billion gallons by 2022;
• EISA established new categories of renewable fuel and set separate volume requirements for
each one; and
• EISA required the U.S. EPA to apply lifecycle GHG performance threshold standards to ensure
that each category of renewable fuel emits fewer GHG than the petroleum fuel it replaces (U.S.
EPA, 2022b).
Additional provisions of the EISA address energy savings in government and public institutions,
promoting research for alternative energy, additional research in carbon capture, international energy
programs, and the creation of “green jobs.”
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023 Federal Vehicle Standards
In 2009, the NHTSA issued a final rule regarding fuel efficiency and GHG emissions from cars and
light-duty trucks for model year 2011; and, in 2010, the U.S. EPA and NHTSA issued a final rule regulating
cars and light-duty trucks for model years 2012–2016.
In 2010, President Obama issued a memorandum directing the Department of Transportation,
Department of Energy, EPA, and NHTSA to establish additional standards regarding fuel efficiency and
GHG reduction, clean fuels, and advanced vehicle infrastructure. In response to this directive, EPA and
NHTSA proposed stringent, coordinated federal GHG and fuel economy standards for model years 2017–
2025 light-duty vehicles. The proposed standards projected to achieve 163 grams per mile of carbon
dioxide (CO2) in model year 2025, on an average industry fleetwide basis, which is equivalent to 54.5 miles
per gallon if this level were achieved solely through fuel efficiency. The final rule was adopted in 2012 for
model years 2017–2021.
In addition to the regulations applicable to cars and light-duty trucks described above, in 2011, the
U.S. EPA and NHTSA announced fuel economy and GHG standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks
for model years 2014–2018. The standards for CO2 emissions and fuel consumption are tailored to three
main vehicle categories: combination tractors, heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans, and vocational vehicles.
According to the U.S. EPA, this regulatory program will reduce GHG emissions and fuel consumption for
the affected vehicles by 6% to 23% over the 2010 baselines.
In August 2016, the U.S. EPA and NHTSA announced the adoption of the phase two program
related to the fuel economy and GHG standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks. The phase two
program will apply to vehicles with model year 2018–2027 for certain trailers, and model years 2021–2027
for semi-trucks, large pickup trucks, vans, and all types and sizes of buses and work trucks. The final
standards are expected to lower CO2 emissions by approximately 1.1 billion metric tons (MT) and reduce
oil consumption by up to 2 billion barrels over the lifetime of the vehicles sold under the program (U.S. EPA
and NHTSA, 2016).
In August 2018, The U.S. EPA and NHTSA released a notice of proposed rulemaking called Safer
Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and Light
Trucks (SAFE Vehicles Rule).
On September 27, 2019, the U.S. EPA and the NHTSA published the SAFE Vehicles Rule Part
One: One National Program.” (84 Fed. Reg. 51,310 (Sept. 27, 2019)). The Part One Rule revoked
California’s authority to set its own greenhouse gas emissions standards and set zero emission vehicle
mandates in California. As a result of the loss of the zero emission vehicles (ZEV) sales requirements in
California, there may be fewer ZEVs sold and thus additional gasoline-fueled vehicles sold in future years
(CARB, 2019).
In April 2020, the U.S. EPA and NHTSA issued the SAFE Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-
2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (Final SAFE Rule) that relaxed federal greenhouse gas emissions
and fuel economy standards. The Final SAFE Rule relaxed federal greenhouse gas emissions and
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to increase in stringency at approximately 1.5 percent
per year from model year (MY) 2020 levels over MYs 2021–2026. The previously established emission
standards and related “augural” fuel economy standards would have achieved approximately 4 percent per
year improvements through MY 2025. The Final SAFE Rule affects both upstream (production and
delivery) and downstream (tailpipe exhaust) CO2 emissions (CARB 2020) and has been challenged by 23
states. NHTSA repealed and the U.S. EPA rescinded the SAFE Rule Part One in December 2021 and
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March 2022, respectively, restoring California’s authority to implement its GHG standards and ZEV
mandates (NHTSA 2022, U.S. EPA 2022c).
3.2.2 STATE ENERGY REGULATIONS Title 24 Energy Standards
The CEC first adopted Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings in
1978 in response to a legislative mandate to reduce energy consumption in California. Although not originally
intended to reduce GHG emissions, increased energy efficiency, and reduced consumption of electricity,
natural gas, and other fuels result in fewer GHG emissions from residential and nonresidential buildings
subject to the standard. The standards are updated periodically to allow for the consideration and inclusion
of new energy efficiency technologies and methods.
Part 11 of the Title 24 Building Standards Code is referred to as the California Green Building
Standards Code (CalGreen Code). The purpose of the CalGreen Code is to “improve public health, safety
and general welfare by enhancing the design and construction of buildings through the use of building
concepts having a positive environmental impact and encouraging sustainable construction practices in the
following categories: (1) planning and design; (2) energy efficiency; (3) water efficiency and conservation; (4)
material conservation and resource efficiency; and (5) environmental air quality.” The CalGreen Code is not
intended to substitute or be identified as meeting the certification requirements of any green building program
that is not established and adopted by the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC).
CalGreen contains both mandatory and voluntary measures. For non-residential land uses there are
39 mandatory measures including, but not limited to, exterior light pollution reduction, wastewater reduction
by 20 percent, and commissioning of projects over 10,000 square feet. Two tiers of voluntary measures apply
to nonresidential land uses, for a total of 36 additional elective measures.
California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards are updated on an approximately three-year cycle.
The 2019 standards, focused on three key areas: proposing new requirements for installation of solar
photovoltaics for newly constructed low-rise residential buildings, updating current ventilation and Indoor Air
Quality (IAQ) requirements, and extending Title 24 Part 6 to apply to healthcare facilities. The 2019 Building
Energy Efficiency Standards were approximately 53 percent more than the 2016 Title 24 Energy Standards
for residential development and approximately 30 percent more efficient for non-residential development.
The 2022 standards, which were adopted in August 2021, went into effect on January 1, 2023. The
2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards focuses on establishing or expanding standards for electric heat
pumps, for single-family homes to be electric-ready, for solar photovoltaic system and battery storage, and
for ventilation systems (CEC 2021c). In general, the residential and nonresidential mandatory energy
efficiency measures are unchanged between the 2019 and 2022 standards. Instead, updates to the CalGreen
Code under the 2022 updates include: increased requirements for EV-ready parking, exemptions for tree
shade requirements for parking and other areas shaded by solar structures, and additional requirements for
CO2 monitoring in schools. Executive Order B-30-15
Executive Order B-30-15, 2030 Carbon Target and Adaptation, issued by Governor Brown in April
2015, set a target of reducing GHG emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels in 2030. To achieve this
ambitious target, Governor Brown identified five key goals for reducing GHG emissions in California through
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• Increase the amount of renewable electricity provided state-wide to 50 percent.
• Double energy efficiency savings achieved in existing buildings and make heating fuels cleaner.
• Reduce petroleum use in cars and trucks by up to 50 percent.
• Reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants.
• Manage farms, rangelands, forests, and wetlands to increasingly store carbon. Senate Bill 375 (Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act)
In January 2009, California Senate Bill (SB) 375, known as the Sustainable Communities and
Climate Protection Act, went into effect. The objective of SB 375 is to better integrate regional planning of
transportation, land use, and housing to reduce sprawl and ultimately reduce GHG emissions and other air
pollutants. SB 375 tasks CARB to set GHG reduction targets for each of California’s 18 regional Metropolitan
Planning Organizations (MPOs). Each MPO is required to prepare a Sustainable Communities Strategy
(SCS) as part of their Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The SCS is a growth strategy in combination with
transportation policies that will show how the MPO will meet its GHG reduction target. If the SCS cannot meet
the reduction goal, an Alternative Planning Strategy may be adopted that meets the goal through alternative
development, infrastructure, and transportation measures or policies.
In August 2010, CARB released the proposed GHG reduction targets for the MPOs. The proposed
reduction targets for the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region were 8% by year
2020 and 13% by year 2035. In September 2010 and February 2011, the 8% and the 13% targets were
adopted, respectively. SCAG’s Regional Council adopted 2016-2040 Regional Transportation
Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2016 RTP/SCS) on April 7, 2016, which updated the 2012
In March 2018, CARB established new regional GHG reduction targets for SCAG and other MPOs
in the state (CARB, 2018). The new SCAG targets are an 8% reduction in per capita passenger vehicle GHG
reductions by 2020 and a 19% reduction by 2035. On May 7, 2020, SCAG adopted “Connect SoCal”, the
2020-2045 RTP/SCS, for federal transportation conformity purposes only. On September 3, 2020, SCAG’s
Regional Council unanimously voted to approve and fully adopt Connect SoCal, and the addendum to the
Connect SoCal Program Environmental Impact Report. Connect SoCal is designed to meet the regional GHG
reduction targets for SCAG that were identified by CARB in 2018.
Connect SoCal is a long-range visioning plan that builds upon and expands land use and
transportation strategies established over several planning cycles to increase mobility options and achieve a
more sustainable growth pattern. It charts a path toward a more mobile, sustainable and prosperous region
by making connections between transportation networks, between planning strategies and between the
people whose collaboration can improve the quality of life for Southern Californians. Connect SoCal contains
10 primary goals, as detailed below:
1. Encourage regional economic prosperity and global competitiveness.
2. Improve mobility, accessibility, reliability, and travel safety for people and goods.
3. Enhance the preservation, security, and resilience of the regional transportation system.
4. Increase person and goods movement and travel choices within the transportation system.
5. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.
6. Support healthy and equitable communities.
7. Adapt to a changing climate and support an integrated regional development pattern and
transportation network.
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8. Leverage new transportation technologies and data-driven solutions that result in more efficient
9. Encourage development of diverse housing types in areas that are supported by multiple
transportation options.
10. Promote conservation of natural and agricultural lands and restoration of habitats.
Connect SoCal’s “Core Vision” centers on maintaining and better managing the transportation
network for moving people and goods, while expanding mobility choices by locating housing, jobs, and transit
closer together and increasing investment in transit and complete streets. The Core Vision includes:
Sustainable Development, System Preservation and Resilience, Demand and System Management, Transit
Backbone, Complete Streets, and Goods Movement (SCAG 2020).
From 2016 to 2045, Connect SoCal anticipates approximately 64 percent of household and 74
percent of new jobs will occur in Priority Growth Areas (PGAs). Connect SoCal’s PGA’s – Job Centers, Transit
Priority Areas (TPAs), High Quality Transit Areas (HQTAs),6 Neighborhood Mobility Areas (NMAs), Livable
Corridors, and Spheres of Influences (SOIs) – account for only 4 percent of the region’s total land areas, but
will accommodate the afore mentioned growth statistics. The Project site is not located within a TPA or an
HQTA. Renewables Portfolio Standard Program
In 2002, California established its Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Program, with the goal of
increasing the percentage of renewable energy in the state’s electricity mix to 20 percent of retail sales by
2017. The 2003 Integrated Energy Policy Report recommended accelerating that goal to 20 percent by
2010, and the 2004 Energy Report Update further recommended increasing the target to 33 percent by
2020. The state’s Energy Action Plan also supported this goal. In 2006 under Senate Bill 107, California’s
20 percent by 2010 RPS goal was codified. The legislation required retail sellers of electricity to increase
renewable energy purchases by at least one percent each year with a target of 20 percent renewables by
2010. Publicly owned utilities set their own RPS goals, recognizing the intent of the legislature to attain the
20 percent by 2010 target.
On November 17, 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-14-08 requiring “[a]ll
retail sellers of electricity shall serve 33 percent of their load with renewable energy by 2020.” The following
year, Executive Order S-21-09 directed CARB, under its AB 32 authority, to enact regulations to achieve
the goal of 33 percent renewables by 2020.
In October 2015, Governor Brown signed SB 350 to codify ambitious climate and clean energy
goals. One key provision of SB 350 is for retail sellers and publicly owned utilities to procure “half of the
state’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030.”
The State’s RPS program was further strengthened by the passage of SB 100 in 2018. SB 100
revised the State’s RPS Program to require retail sellers of electricity to serve 50% and 60% of the total
kilowatt-hours sold to retail end-use customers be served by renewable energy sources by 2026 and 2030,
respectively, and requires 100% of all electricity supplied come from renewable sources by 2045.
As part of the package of bills signed into law by Governor Newsom on September 16, 2022, also
referred to as the “California Climate Commitment”, the State’s RPS Program was strengthened once again
6 HQTAs are corridor-focused PGAs within half-a-mile of an existing or planned fixed guideway transit stop or a bus transit
corridor where buses pick passengers up at a frequency of every 15 minutes (or less) during peak commuting hours.
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by adding additional interim clean electricity targets. Specifically, SB 1020 established clean electricity
targets of 90% by 2035 and 95% by 2040 with the intent of advancing the state’s trajectory to the existing
100% clean electricity retail sales by 2045 (SB 100). Executive Order B-55-18, AB 1279, and SB 1020
On September 10, 2018, Governor Brown signed Executive Order B-55-18, to achieve carbon
neutrality by moving California to 100% clean energy by 2045. This Executive Order also includes specific
measures to reduce GHG emissions via clean transportation, energy efficient buildings, directing cap-and-
trade funds to disadvantaged communities, and better management of the state’s forest land. On September
16, 2022, Governor Newson signed into law AB 1279, the California Climate Crisis Act, and SB 1020, the
Clean Energy, Jobs, and Affordability Act of 2022. AB 1279 codified California’s 2045 carbon neutrality goal
and established a GHG emission reduction target of 85% below 1990 levels. SB 1020 set targets for the retail
sale of electricity of 90% clean electricity by 2035 and 95% by 2040, and 100% by 2045. It also set a target
for 100% clean electricity for electricity serving state agencies by 2035. Assembly Bill 2127 and Senate Bill 1075
AB 2127 and SB 1075 support the advancement of green-vehicle transportation infrastructure and
technology through statewide assessments.
In 2018, California adopted AB 2127, which requires the CEC, with CARB and CPUC, to prepare a
biennial assessment of the State’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure needed to meet the 2030 ZEV
deployment and GHG reduction goals.
On September 16, 2022, Governor Newsome signed SB 1075 SB 1075 requiring CARB, in
consultation with other state agencies, to evaluate hydrogen and form policy recommendations to accelerate
the production and use of hydrogen as an energy source. Sustainable Freight Plan
The Sustainable Freight Plan was adopted by CARB in July 2016, and provides a recommendation
on a high-level vision and broad direction to the Governor to consider for State agencies to utilize when
developing specific investments, policies, and programs related to the freight transport system that serves
our State’s transportation, environmental, and economic interests. The Sustainable Freight Plan includes
recommendations on:
• A long-term 2050 vision and guiding principles for California’s future freight transportation
• Targets for 2030 to guide the State toward meeting the Vision.
• Opportunities to leverage State freight transport system investments.
• Actions to initiate over the next five years to make progress towards the Targets and the
• Pilot projects to achieve on-the-ground progress in the near-term.
• Additional concepts for further exploration and development, if viable. Advanced Clean Trucks Program
The Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) regulation was approved by CARB on June 25, 2020 and has
two main components, a manufacturers ZEV sales requirement and a one-time reporting requirement for
large entities and fleets.
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• ZEV Truck Sales. Manufacturers who certify Class 2b-8 chassis or complete vehicles with
combustion engines would be required to sell zero-emission trucks as an increasing
percentage of their annual California sales from 2024 to 2035. By 2035, zero-emission
truck/chassis sales would need to be 55% of Class 2b – 3 truck sales, 75% of Class 4 – 8
straight truck sales, and 40% of truck tractor sales.
• Company and Fleet Reporting. Large employers including retailers, manufacturers, brokers
and others would be required to report information about shipments and shuttle services. Fleet
owners, with 50 or more trucks, would be required to report about their existing fleet
operations. This information would help identify future strategies to ensure that fleets purchase
available zero-emission trucks and place them in service where suitable to meet their needs.
Promoting the development and use of advanced clean trucks will help CARB achieve its emission
reduction strategies as outlined in the SIP, Sustainable Freight Action Plan, SB 350, and AB 32. Advanced Clean Cars Program
In January 2012, CARB approved the Advanced Clean Cars (ACC) Program (formerly known as
Pavley II) for model years 2017-2025. The components of the ACC program are the Low-Emission Vehicle
(LEV) regulations and the ZEV regulation. The Program combines the control of smog, soot, and global
warming gases with requirements for greater numbers of zero-emission vehicles into a single package of
standards. By 2025, new automobiles under California’s ACC Program will emit 34 percent less global
warming gases and 75 percent less smog-forming emissions.
Executive Order B-48-18, issued by Governor Brown in January 2018, establishes a target to have
five million ZEVs on the road in California by 2030. This Executive Order is supported by the State’s 2018
ZEV Action Plan Priorities Update, which expands upon the State’s 2016 ZEV Action Plan. While the 2016
plan remains in effect, the 2018 update function as an addendum, highlighting the most important actions
State agencies are taking in 2018 to implement the directives of Executive Order B-48-18.
EO N-79-20, issued by Governor Newsom in September 2020, set a goal that 100 percent of in-state
sales of new passenger cars and trucks will be zero-emission by 2035. It also set a goal that 100 percent of
medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in the state be zero-emission by 2045 for all operations where feasible and
by 2035 for drayage trucks. In addition, this EO set a goal to transition to 100 percent zero-emission off-road
vehicles and equipment in the state by 2035 where feasible.
In August 2022, CARB approved the Advanced Clean Cars II program, which sets requirements for
ZEV sales and codifies the light-duty vehicle goals in EO N-79-20. The regulation requires new light duty
vehicle sales will be 35% zero emission or plug in hybrid electric vehicles in 2026, 68% in 2030, and 100%
in 2035. Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation
On April 28, 2023, CARB approved Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF), a rule that requires fleets of
medium- and heavy-duty vehicles to transition to zero-emission vehicles. ACF applies to all drayage trucks,
to high priority fleets, (i.e., fleets that have at least $50 million in gross annual revenue or fleets that operate
50 or more medium- and heavy-duty vehicles), and to government fleets. The regulation places requirements
on both the sale and operation of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. Regarding the sale of vehicles, ACF
requires manufacturers to sell only zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles starting in 2036. For the
operation of vehicles, the regulation sets different timelines depending on the type of fleet.
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New drayage trucks must be zero-emission starting January 1, 2024. Existing diesel-powered
drayage trucks may continue to operate until 2035, after which only zero-emission drayage trucks may
operate. This structure will be implemented by the CARB Online System, which registers drayage trucks in
the State.
High-priority fleets and federal fleets can choose between two options to meet the zero-emission
requirements: a Model Year Schedule or a ZEV Milestone schedule. Under the Model Year Schedule, high-
priority fleets and federal government fleets would purchase only zero-emission trucks starting in 2024 and
would remove internal combustion powered trucks at the end of their useful life starting in 2025.
Alternatively, the ZEV Milestone schedule sets requirements for a percentage of the total fleet to be zero-
emission at specified years, depending on the type of vehicle. For example, under the ZEV Milestone
option, box trucks and yard tractors would need to have zero-emission vehicles consist of 10% of the fleet
by 2025, 50% of the fleet by 2031, and 100% by 2035. Specialty vehicles would have a longer timeline, and
would need to reach 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2042. State and local government fleets may also
choose the ZEV Milestone option. If state and local governments do not choose the ZEV Milestone option,
new fleet purchases are required to be 50% zero-emission7 starting in 2024 and 100% zero-emission by
2027.8 CARB 2022 Scoping Plan and Anticipated Changes in Energy Consumption
As identified in the CARB 2022 Scoping Plan Update, California energy consumption is anticipated
to shift over the coming decades as the State moves towards carbon neutrality. As part of CARB’s plan to
achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, the State will decarbonize energy consumption across several primary
sectors, including industrial processes, residential and commercial buildings, and transportation. Successful
implementation of the 2022 Scoping Plan Update is anticipated to result in a large reduction in the State’s
fossil fuel consumption and an increase in carbon-free electricity, hydrogen, and biogas. Unlike the
previous scoping plans, the 2022 Scoping Plan relies more heavily on the implementation, adoption, and
use of existing technologies to reduce GHG emissions over the coming decades, as opposed to
technologies that need to be developed. The following describes anticipated changes in energy
consumption habits over the coming decades, and how the 2022 Scoping Plan Update, other rules and
regulations, and funding strategies, are anticipate to influence the primary sources of energy used within
various sectors of the economy.
Industrial Sector
Overall energy demand for industrial manufacturing is projected to increase from 2022 to 2045.
The primary sources of energy for these activities have historically come from liquid petroleum fuel (e.g.,
gasoline, diesel, oil) and natural gas, but are anticipated to shift to electricity under the implementation of
the 2022 Scoping Plan Update and related legislation (e.g., AB 197 that calls for direct emissions
reductions from sources covered by the AB 32 inventory). Hydrogen, biomethane, and liquid biofuels are
anticipated to increase and replace petroleum fuel and natural gas; however, a complete phase out of fossil
fuels is expected to occur by 2045. Industrial processes and equipment have varying energy demands.
Replacement energy sources therefore must still be able to meet the same instantaneous and long-term
7 State and local governments may meet the ACF requirements with near-zero-emission vehicles until 2035. After
2035, only zero-emission vehicle purchases would apply to the requirements.
8 If fleets have 10 or fewer vehicles or are in designated counties, zero-emission purchasing requirements would start
later, in 2027.
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energy demands that are currently provided by petroleum and natural gas. The 2022 Scoping Plan expects
• Electricity and thermal solar will replace fossil fuels for industrial processes with low heat
• Hydrogen and biomethane will replace fossil fuels for industrial processes with high heat
The energy demands for oil and gas extraction and petroleum refining are projected to decrease by
more than 75% between 2022 and 2045, corresponding to a decrease in demand for gasoline and diesel.
The 2022 Scoping Plan notes, however, that it would not be feasible to eliminate oil and gas extraction
completely by 2045 due to an existing demand that would remain in some capacity (CARB 2022a).
Decreases in gasoline and diesel consumption would be offset by increases in electricity, hydrogen, and
Residential and Commercial
The 2022 Scoping Plan projects that residential and commercial buildings will make up one third to
half of building stock statewide by 2050. The 2022 Scoping Plan calls for ending natural gas in new
residential and commercial buildings, replacing gas appliances, and reducing existing natural gas
infrastructure. It is anticipated that, under the scenario evaluated in the 2022 Scoping Plan, that
approximately 90% of energy demand in residential and commercial buildings would be for electricity.
Remaining building energy demand would be attributable to hydrogen, biomethane, and liquid biofuel, with
a minor amount of natural gas and liquid petroleum remaining in the overall building energy consumption
portfolio. The 2022 Scoping Plan projects that by 2035, seven million homes will be all-electric or electric-
ready and that 100% of residential appliance sales would be electric. The 2022 Scoping Plan also projects
that 80% of appliance sales for commercial buildings will be electric by 2035 and by 2045, 100% of the
sales will be electric.
The 2022 Scoping Plan identifies three categories in the transportation sector where changes in
energy consumption would occur: technology (vehicles and refueling infrastructure), fuels, and VMT.
Per Executive Order (EO) N-79-20, all new passenger vehicles sold in California should be zero-
emission by 2035. The EO also calls for all drayage trucks to be zero-emission 2035, and buses and
heavy-duty long-haul trucks to be zero-emission by 2045, too, where feasible. Regulations, such as
Advanced Clean Cars II, Advanced Clean Trucks, and the proposed Advanced Clean Fleet regulation,
along with State incentive programs, would help with the deployment of ZEVs. In addition, California plans
to rapidly expand its electric charging infrastructure from approximately 80,000 EV charging stations in
2022 to approximately 250,000 EV stations by 2025, which is over a doubling in EV charging station
capacity. This goal would be supported by funding from the CEC, utilities, and other programs. In 2022, the
CEC approved a $2.9 billion investment plan for zero-emission transportation infrastructure. The CEC’s
investment plan, which would be used to install 90,000 of the 170,000 new EV chargers, includes the
following breakdown in funding for the 2022-2026 time period (CEC 2022c).
• $1.7 billion for medium- and heavy-duty ZEV infrastructure
• $900 million for light-duty EV charging infrastructure
• $118 million for ZEV manufacturing
• $90 million for hydrogen refueling infrastructure
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• $97 million for emerging opportunities such as aviation, locomotive, marine vessels and
vehicle-grid integration
• $15 million zero- and near-zero-carbon fuel production and supply
• $15 million for low-carbon fuels
• $10 million for workforce development
Existing ZEVs are primarily fueled by electricity and hydrogen. The production of electricity and
hydrogen would continue to increase. Biomethane would be used along with fossil fuels while the
development of ZEV technologies for aviation, locomotives, and marine vessels continues. Renewable
diesel has increased from approximately 1.8 million gallons in 2011 to approximately 589 million gallons in
The Scoping Plan aims to reduce VMT per capita by 25% below 2019 levels by 2030, and 30%
below 2019 levels by 2045, which would result in a decrease in energy demand from the transportation
sector. The Scoping Plan seeks to achieve this goal through strategies such as increasing funding for
public transportation, implementing roadway pricing programs, expanding active transportation
infrastructure, and supporting transportation and land use planning.
Increased Demand in Electricity and Alternative Fuel Sources
Electricity demand is anticipated to increase over the coming decades as more building systems,
appliances, industrial processes, and vehicles transition to electricity as a primary energy sources. Actions
are being taken at the state level to help accommodate the additional demand, while ensuring that
necessary increase in capacity will come from renewable sources.
In California, renewable energy and carbon-free energy sources are projected to increase in line
with state goals, such as achieving 60% renewable resources for electricity by 2030 and 100% carbon-free
energy sources for electricity by 2045 required by SB 100 (CEC 2021d). California would increase
renewable energy infrastructure such as solar arrays and wind turbines so that electricity generated by
carbon-free sources would replace electricity generated by natural gas. CARB projects that by 2045
California will add four times the solar and wind capacity and 1,700 times the hydrogen supply. While fossil
fuels would still be used, the demand for fossil fuels in 2045 would decrease by 86% relative to 2022,
including a 94% reduction in demand for liquid petroleum.
3.2.3 CITY OF FONTANA General Plan
In November 2018, the Fontana City Council adopted the General Plan. The General Plan contains
the following goals and policies related to air quality (City of Fontana 2018):
Goal 7.3: Fontana has a healthy, drought resistant urban forest, 25% tree canopy, and an urban
forestry program.
• Policy 1). Support tree conservation and planting that enhances shade and drought resistance.
Goal 9.7: The city of Fontana participates in shaping regional transportation policies to reduce traffic
congestion and greenhouse gas emissions.
• Action E). Reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation by reducing
vehicle miles traveled and per-mile emissions through use of vehicle technologies to meet the
City’s goals for greenhouse gas reductions by 2035.
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Goal 10.3: The City continues to have an effective water conservation program.
• Policy 1). Support landscaping in public and private spaces with drought-resistant plants.
Goal 10.7: Fontana is becoming an energy efficient community.
• Policy 1). Promote renewable energy and distributed energy systems in new development and
retrofits of existing development to work toward becoming a zero net energy city.
Goal 12.4: Fontana meets the greenhouse gas reduction goals for 2030 and subsequent goals set by
the state.
Goal 12.5: Fontana is an Inland Empire leader in energy-efficient energy development and retrofits.
• Policy 1). Promote energy-efficient development in Fontana.
• Policy 2). Meet state energy-efficiency goals for new construction.
Goal 12.6: Fontana is a leader energy-efficient development and retrofits.
• Policy 2). Meet or exceed state goals for energy-efficient new construction.
Goal 12.7: Conservation of water resources with best practices such as drought-tolerant plant species,
recycled water, greywater systems, has become a way of life in Fontana.
• Policy 1). Continue to promote and implement best practices to conserve water. Fontana Municipal Code
Article V. - Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards contains requirements that
reduce energy consumption from warehouse uses. The Project’s consistency with these ordinances is
discussed in Section 2.3.4.
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This chapter provides information on the environmental and regulatory GHG setting of the
proposed Project. Information on existing GHG conditions, relevant standards, and issues of concern was
obtained from the U.S. EPA, CARB, and SCAQMD.
Climate change is the distinct change in measures of climate for a long period of time. Climate
change can result from natural processes and from human activities. Natural changes in the climate can be
caused by indirect processes such as changes in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun or direct changes within
the climate system itself (i.e. changes in ocean circulation). Human activities can affect the atmosphere
through emissions of gases and changes to the planet’s surface. Emissions affect the atmosphere directly
by changing its chemical composition, while changes to the land surface indirectly affects the atmosphere
by changing the way the Earth absorbs gases from the atmosphere. The term “climate change” is preferred
over the term “global warming” because “climate change” conveys the fact that other changes can occur
beyond just average increase in temperatures near the Earth’s surface.
Elements that indicate that climate change is occurring on Earth include, but are not limited to:
• Rising of global surface temperatures by 1.3°F over the last 100 years;
• Changes in precipitation patterns;
• Melting ice in the Arctic;
• Melting glaciers throughout the world;
• Rising ocean temperatures;
• Acidification of oceans; and
• Range shifts in plant and animal species
Climate change is intimately tied to the Earth’s greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a
natural occurrence that helps regulate the temperature of the planet. The majority of radiation from the Sun
hits the Earth’s surface and warms it. The Earth’s surface in turn radiates heat back towards the
atmosphere, known as infrared radiation. Gases and clouds in the atmosphere trap and prevent some of
this heat from escaping back into space and re-radiate it in all directions. This process is essential to
supporting life on Earth because it keeps the planet warmer during the nights than without it. Emissions
from human activities since the beginning of the industrial revolution (approximately 150 years ago) are
adding to the natural greenhouse effect by increasing the gases in the atmosphere that trap heat, thereby
contributing to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature. Human activities that enhance the
greenhouse effect are detailed below.
Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and affect regulation of the earth’s temperature are known
as GHG. Many chemical compounds found in the earth’s atmosphere exhibit the GHG property. GHG allow
sunlight to enter the atmosphere freely. When sunlight strikes the earth’s surface, it is either absorbed or
reflected back toward space. Earth that has absorbed sunlight warms up and emits infrared radiation
toward space. GHG absorb this infrared radiation and “trap” the energy in the earth’s atmosphere.
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GHG that contribute to climate regulation are a different type of pollutant than criteria or hazardous
air pollutants because climate regulation is global in scale, both in terms of causes and effects. Some GHG
are emitted to the atmosphere naturally by biological and geological processes such as evaporation (water
vapor), aerobic respiration (carbon dioxide), and off-gassing from low oxygen environments such as
swamps or exposed permafrost (methane); however, GHG emissions from human activities such as fuel
combustion (e.g., carbon dioxide) and refrigerants use (e.g., hydrofluorocarbons) significantly contribute to
overall GHG concentrations in the atmosphere, climate regulation, and global climate change. Human
production of GHG has increased steadily since pre-industrial times (approximately pre-1880) and
atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have increased from a pre-industrial value of 280 ppm in the
early 1800’s to 420 ppm in February 2023 (NOAA, 2023).
The 1997 United Nations’ Kyoto Protocol international treaty set targets for reductions in emissions
of four specific GHG – carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride – and two groups of
gases – hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons. These GHG are the primary GHG emitted into the
atmosphere by human activities. Water vapor is also a common GHG that regulates the earth’s
temperature; however, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere can change substantially from day to
day, whereas other GHG emissions remain in the atmosphere for longer periods of time. Black carbon
consists of particles emitted during combustion; although a particle and not a gas, black carbon also acts to
trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. The six common GHG are described below.
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2). CO2 is released to the atmosphere when fossil fuels (oil, gasoline,
diesel, natural gas, and coal), solid waste, and wood or wood products are burned.
• Methane (CH4). CH4 is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and
oil. Methane emissions also result from the decomposition of organic waste in municipal solid
waste landfills and the raising of livestock.
• Nitrous Oxide (N2O). N2O is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well as
during combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels.
• Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6). SF6 is commonly used as an electrical insulator in high voltage
electrical transmission and distribution equipment such as circuit breakers, substations, and
transmission switchgear. Releases of SF6 occur during maintenance and servicing as well as
from leaks of electrical equipment.
• Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and Perfluorocarbons (PFCs). HFCs and PFCs are generated
in a variety of industrial processes. Although the amount of these gases emitted into the
atmosphere is small in terms of their absolute mass, they are potent agents of climate change
due to their high global warming potential.
GHG can remain in the atmosphere long after they are emitted. The potential for a particular
greenhouse gas to absorb and trap heat in the atmosphere is considered its global warming potential
(GWP). The reference gas for measuring GWP is CO2, which has a GWP of one. By comparison, CH4 has
a GWP of 28, which means that one molecule of CH4 has 28 times the effect on global warming as one
molecule of CO2. Multiplying the estimated emissions for non-CO2 GHG by their GWP determines their CO2
equivalent (CO2e), which enables a project’s combined GWP to be expressed in terms of mass CO2
emissions. The GWP and estimated atmospheric lifetimes of the common GHG are shown in Table 4-1.
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Table 4-1: Global Warming Potential (GWP) of Common Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
GHG Lifetime (years) GWP(A)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 50-200 1
Methane (CH4) 12 28
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 114 265
HFC-23 270 12,400
HFC-134a 14 1,3,00
HFC-152a 1.4 138
PFC-14 50,000 6,630
PFC-116 10,000 11,100
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 3,200 23,500
Source: IPCC, 2014.
(A) GWPs are based on the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report.
The 2009 California Climate Adaptation Strategy prepared by the California Natural Resources
Agency (CNRA) identified anticipated impacts to California due to climate change through extensive
modeling efforts. General climate changes in California indicate that:
• California is likely to get hotter and drier as climate change occurs with a reduction in winter snow,
particularly in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.
• Some reduction in precipitation is likely by the middle of the century.
• Sea levels will rise up to an estimated 55 inches.
• Extreme events such as heat waves, wildfires, droughts, and floods will increase.
• Ecological shifts of habitat and animals are already occurring and will continue to occur (CNRA,
In July 2012, the CNRA and Emergency Management Agency published an update, titled
Emergency Management Agency published California Adaptation Planning Guide, which walks local
decision-makers through the steps to create climate vulnerability assessments and adaptation strategies.
This guide presents the basis for climate change adaptation planning and introduces a step-by-step
process for local and regional climate vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategy development. The
guide outlines nine steps in adaptation planning development, the first five steps are a vulnerability
assessment which covers: 1) exposure, 2) sensitivity, 3) potential impacts, 4) adaptive capacity, and 5) risk
and onset. The last four steps are guiding principles for adaptation strategy development, which are: 6)
prioritize adaptive needs, 7) identify strategies, 8) evaluate and prioritize, and 9) phase and implement.
The potential impacts of global climate change in California are detailed below.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023 Public Health and Welfare
Concerns related to public health and climate change includes higher rates of mortality and
morbidity, change in prevalence and spread of disease vectors, decreases in food quality and security,
reduced water availability, and increased exposure to pesticides. These concerns are all generally related
to increase in ambient outdoor air temperature, particularly in summer.
Higher rates of mortality and morbidity could arise from more frequent heat waves at greater
intensities. Health impacts associated with extreme heat events include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and
exacerbation of medical conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, diabetes, nervous
system disorders, emphysema, and epilepsy. Climate change would result in degradation of air quality
promoting the formation of ground-level pollutants, particularly ozone. Degradation of air quality would
increase the severity of health impacts from criteria and other, non-GHG air pollutants (e.g., toxic air
contaminants). Temperature increases and increases in CO2 are also expected to increase plant
production of pollens, spores, and fungus. Pollens and spores could induce or aggravate allergic rhinitis,
asthma, and obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Precipitation projections suggest that California will become drier over the next century due to
reduced precipitation and increased evaporation from higher temperatures. These conditions could result in
increased occurrences of drought. Surface water reductions will increase the need to pump groundwater,
reducing supplies and increasing the potential for land subsidence.
Precipitation changes are also suspected to impact the Sierra snowpack (see “Water Management”
herein). Earlier snowmelts could coincide with the rainy season and could result in failure of the flood
control devices in that region. Flooding can cause property damage and loss of life for those affected.
Increased wildfires are also of concern as the State “dries” over time. Wildfires can also cause property
damage, loss of life, and injuries to citizens and emergency response services.
Sea-level rises would also threaten human health and welfare. Flood risks will be increased in
coastal areas due to strengthened storm surges and greater tidal damage that could result in injury and
loss of property and life. Gradual rising of the sea will permanently inundate many coastal areas in the
Other concerns related to public health are changes in the range, incidence, and spread of
infectious, water-borne, and food-borne diseases. Changes in humidity levels, distribution of surface water,
and precipitation changes are all likely to shift or increase the preferred range of disease vectors (i.e.,
mosquitoes). This could expose more people and animals to potential for vector-borne disease. Biodiversity and Habitat
Changes in temperature will change the livable ranges of plants and animals throughout the state
and cause considerable stress on these species. Species will shift their range if appropriate habitat is
available and accessible if they cannot adapt to their new climate. If they do not adapt or shift, they face
local extirpation or extinction. As the climate changes, community compositions and interactions will be
interrupted and changed. These have substantial implications on the ecosystems in the state. Extreme
events will lead to tremendous stress and displacement on affected species. This could make it easier for
invasive species to enter new areas, due to their ability to more easily adapt. Precipitation changes would
alter stream flow patterns and affect fish populations during their life cycle. Sea level rises could impact
fragile wetland and other coastal habitat.
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Although disagreement among scientists on long-term precipitation patterns in the State has
occurred, it is generally accepted by scientists that rising temperatures will impact California’s water supply
due to changes in the Sierra Nevada snowpack. Currently, the State’s water infrastructure is designed to
both gather and convey water from melting snow and to serve as a flood control device. Snowpack melts
gradually through spring warming into early summer, releasing an average of approximately 15 million
acre-feet of water. The State’s concern related to climate change is that due to rising temperatures,
snowpack melt will begin earlier in the spring and will coincide with the rainy season. The combination of
precipitation and snowmelt would overwhelm the current system, requiring tradeoffs between water storage
and flood protection to be made. Reduction in reserves from the Sierra Nevada snowpack is troublesome
for California and particularly for Southern California. Approximately 75-percent of California’s available
water supply originates in the northern third of the state while 80 percent of demand occurs in the southern
two-thirds. There is also concern is that rising temperatures will result in decreasing volumes from the
Colorado River basin. Colorado River water is important to Southern California because it supplies water
directly to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Water from the Colorado River is also used to
recharge groundwater basins in the Coachella Valley. Agriculture
California is the most agriculturally productive state in the US resulting in more than 37 billion
dollars in revenue in 2008. California is the nation’s leading producer of nearly 80 crops and livestock
commodities, supplying more than half of the nation’s fruit and vegetables and over 90 percent of the
nation’s production of almonds, apricots, raisin grapes, olives, pistachios, and walnuts. Production of crops
is not limited to the Central Valley but also occurs in Southern California. Strawberries and grapes are
grown in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Orange County and San Diego County also contribute to
strawberry production. Cherries are also grown in Los Angeles and Riverside County. Anticipated impacts
to agricultural resources are mixed when compared to the potentially increased temperatures, reduced chill
hours, and changes in precipitation associated with climate change. For example, wheat, cotton, maize,
sunflower, and rice are anticipated to show declining yields as temperatures rise. Conversely, grapes and
almonds would benefit from warming temperatures. Anticipated increases in the number and severity in
heat waves would have a negative impact on livestock where heat stress would make livestock more
vulnerable to disease, infection and mortality. The projected drying trend and changes in precipitation are a
threat to agricultural production in California. For example, in 2021, drought conditions made it such that
400,000 acres of fields were unable to be planted and harvested and resulted in an economic loss of over
$1.7 billion (CARB 2022a). Reduced water reliability and changes in weather patterns impact irrigated
farmlands, reduce food security, and wildfire risk, which can impact agricultural operations and harvesting.
Overall, agriculture in California is anticipated to suffer due to climate change impacts. Forestry
Increases in the size and severity of wildfires will substantially impact California’s forest resources
that are prime targets for wildfires. Public safety risks, property damage, emergency response costs,
watershed quality, and habitat fragmentation are all major considerations with regard to increased wildfire
risk. Climate change is also predicted to affect the behavior or plant species including seed production,
seedling establishment, growth, and vigor due to rising temperatures. Nine of the twenty largest wildfires in
California occurred in 2020 and 2021, with 4.3 million acres burning in 2020. More than a quarter of
California (25 million acres) was designated at under very high or extremely high fire threat in 2022 (CARB
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Precipitation changes will also affect forests due to longer dry periods and moisture deficits and
drought conditions that limit seedling and sapling growth. In October 2021, the governor declared the
drought was a state of emergency, and in September 2022, 94% of the State was in a severe drought
(CARB 2022d). Prolonged drought also weakens trees, making them more susceptible to disease and pest
invasion. Furthermore, as trees die due to disease and pest invasion (e.g., the Bark Beetle invasion of the
Angeles National Forest), wildfires can spread more rapidly. Transportation and Energy Infrastructure
Higher temperatures will require increased cooling, raising energy production demand. Higher
temperatures also decrease the efficiency of distributing electricity and could lead to more power outages
during peak demand. Climate changes would impact the effectiveness of California’s transportation
infrastructure as extreme weather events damage, destroy, and impair roadways and railways throughout
the state causing governmental costs to increase as well as impacts to human life as accidents increase.
Other infrastructure costs and potential impacts to life would increase due to the need to upgrade levees
and other flood control devices throughout the state. Infrastructure improvement costs related to climate
change adaptation are estimated in the tens of billions of dollars.
Carbon sequestration is the process by which plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it
in biomass like leaves and grasses. Agricultural lands, forests, and grasslands can all sequester carbon
dioxide, or emit it. The key is to determine if the land use is emitting CO2 faster than it is absorbing it.
Young, fast-growing trees are particularly good at absorbing more than they release and are known as a
sink. Agricultural resources often end up being sources of carbon release because of soil management
practices. Deforestation contributes to carbon dioxide emissions by removing trees, or carbon sinks, that
would otherwise absorb CO2. Forests are a crucial part of sequestration in some parts of the world, but not
much in the United States. Another form of sequestration is geologic sequestration. This is a manmade
process that results in the collection and transport of CO2 from industrial emitters (i.e., power plants) and
injecting it into underground reservoirs.
CARB prepares an annual statewide GHG emissions inventory using regional, state, and federal
data sources, including facility-specific emissions reports prepared pursuant to the state’s Mandatory GHG
Reporting Program (see Section 4.3.2). The statewide GHG emissions inventory helps CARB track
progress towards meeting the state’s AB 32 GHG emissions target of 431 million metric tons of CO2
equivalents (MTCO2e), as well as establish and understand trends in GHG emissions. CARB approved use
of 431 million MCO2e as the state’s 2020 GHG emission target in May 2014. Previously, the target had
been set at 427 million MCO2e.
Statewide GHG emissions for the 2009 to 2020 time period are shown in Table 4-2. CARB
considers the decrease from 2019 to 2020 an anomaly that is likely due to the impacts of the COVID-19
pandemic (CARB 2022b). GHG emissions from 2020 are therefore not considered in this analysis.
Statewide GHG emissions have generally decreased over the last decade, with 2019 levels (404 million
MTCO2e) approximately 10.2% less than 2009 levels (450 million MTCO2e) and below the State’s 2020
reduction target of 431 million MTCO2e. The transportation sector (162 million MTCO2e) accounted for
more than one-third (approximately 40%) of the state’s total GHG emissions inventory (404 million
MTCO2e) in 2019.
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Table 4-2: 2009 – 2020 Statewide GHG Emissions (Million MTCO2e)
Scoping Plan Sector Year
‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 ‘20
Agriculture 33 34 34 35 34 34 33 32 32 32 31 32
Commercial/Residential 45 46 46 39 39 36 36 37 38 37 41 39
Electric Power 101 90 89 99 93 90 86 70 64 65 60 60
High GWP 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 21
Industrial 86 88 86 81 83 85 83 82 82 82 80 73
Recycling and Waste 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9
Transportation 166 163 160 157 157 158 162 165 167 165 162 136
Total Million MTCO2e(A) 450 442 437 435 432 428 427 415 411 411 404 369
Source: CARB, 2022c
(A) Totals may not equal due to rounding. CARB inventory uses GWPs based on the United Nations’ ICC’s 4th Assessment Report.
4.3.1 FEDERAL GHG REGULATIONS U.S. EPA GHG Tailoring Rule and GHG Reporting System
On December 7, 2009, the U.S. EPA issued an endangerment finding that current and projected
concentrations of the six Kyoto GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, HFCs, and PFCs) in the atmosphere threaten
the public health and welfare of current and future generations. This finding came in response to the
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2009 - 2020 Statewide GHG Emissions (Million MTCO2e)
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Supreme Court ruling in Massachusetts v. EPA, which found that GHG are pollutants under the federal
Clean Air Act. As a result, the U.S. EPA issued its GHG Tailoring Rule in 2010, which applies to facilities
that have the potential to emit more than 100,000 MTCO2e. In 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its
decision in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA (No. 12-1146), finding that the U.S. EPA may not treat
GHGs as an air pollutant for purposes of determining whether a source is a major source required to obtain
a permit pursuant to the Clean Air Act’s Prevention of Significant Deterioration or Title V operating permit
programs. The U.S. EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program requires facilities that emit 25,000
MTCO2e or more of GHG to report their GHG emissions to the U.S. EPA to inform future policy decisions. SAFE Vehicles Rule
On September 27, 2019, the U.S. EPA and the NHTSA published the SAFE Vehicles Rule Part
One: One National Program.” (84 Fed. Reg. 51,310 (Sept. 27, 2019)). The Part One Rule revoked
California’s authority to set its own GHG emissions standards and set zero emission vehicle mandates in
California. As a result of the loss of the ZEV sales requirements in California, there may be fewer ZEVs
sold and thus additional gasoline-fueled vehicles sold in future years (CARB, 2019).
In April 2020, the U.S. EPA and NHTSA issued the SAFE Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-
2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (Final SAFE Rule) that relaxed federal greenhouse gas emissions
and fuel economy standards. The Final SAFE Rule relaxed federal greenhouse gas emissions and
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to increase in stringency at approximately 1.5 percent
per year from model year (MY) 2020 levels over MYs 2021–2026. The previously established emission
standards and related “augural” fuel economy standards would have achieved approximately 4 percent per
year improvements through MY 2025. The Final SAFE Rule affects both upstream (production and
delivery) and downstream (tailpipe exhaust) CO2 emissions (CARB 2020) and has been challenged by 23
states. NHTSA repealed and the U.S. EPA rescinded the SAFE Rule Part One in December 2021 and
March 2022, respectively, restoring California’s authority to implement its GHG standards and ZEV
mandates (NHTSA 2022, U.S. EPA 2022c).
Executive Order S-3-05 was issued by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and
established targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emission at the milestone years of 2010, 2020, and
2050. Statewide GHG emissions must be reduced to 1990 levels by year 2020 and by 80 percent beyond
that by year 2050. The Order requires the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency
(Cal-EPA) to coordinate with other State departments to identify strategies and reduction programs to meet
the identified targets. A Climate Action Team (CAT) was created and is headed by the Secretary of Cal-
EPA who reports on the progress of the reduction strategies. The latest CAT Biennial Report to the
Governor and Legislature was completed in April 2016. Assembly Bill 32 – California Global Warming Solutions Act and Related GHG Reduction
In September 2006, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill (AB) 32, the California
Climate Solutions Act of 2006. AB 32 establishes the caps on Statewide greenhouse gas emissions
proclaimed in Executive Order S-3-05 and established the timeline for meeting State GHG reduction
targets. The deadline for meeting the 2020 reduction target is December 31, 2020.
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As part of AB 32, CARB determines 1990 GHG emissions levels and projected a “business-as-
usual” (BAU)9 estimate for 2020, to determine the amount of GHG emission reductions that would need to
be achieved. In 2007, CARB approved a Statewide 1990 emissions level and corresponding 2020 GHG
emissions limit of 427 million MTCO2e (CARB, 2007). In 2008, CARB adopted its Climate Change Scoping
Plan, which projects 2020 Statewide GHG emissions levels of 596 million MTCO2e and identifies numerous
measures (i.e., mandatory rules and regulations and voluntary measures) that will achieve at least 174
million MTCO2e of GHG reductions and bring Statewide GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (CARB,
Executive Order B-30-15, 2030 Carbon Target and Adaptation, issued by Governor Brown in April
2015, set a target of reducing GHG emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels in 2030. To achieve this
ambitious target, Governor Brown identified five key goals for reducing GHG emissions in California
through 2030:
• Increase renewable electricity to 50 percent.
• Double energy efficiency savings achieved in existing buildings and make heating fuels cleaner.
• Reduce petroleum use in cars and trucks by up to 50 percent.
• Reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants.
• Manage farms, rangelands, forests and wetlands to increasingly store carbon.
By directing State agencies to take measures consistent with their existing authority to reduce
GHG emissions, Executive Order B-30-15 establishes coherence between the 2020 and 2050 GHG
reduction goals set by AB 32 and seeks to align California with the scientifically established GHG emissions
levels needed to limit global warming below two degrees Celsius.
To reinforce the goals established through Executive Order B-30-15, Governor Brown went on to
sign SB 32 and AB 197 on September 8, 2016. SB 32 made the GHG reduction target (to reduce GHG
emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030) a requirement, as opposed to a goal. AB 197 gives
the Legislature additional authority over CARB to ensure the most successful strategies for lowering
emissions are implemented, and requires CARB to, “protect the State’s most impacted and disadvantaged
communities …[and] consider the social costs of the emissions of greenhouse gases.”
On September 16, 2022, Governor Newson signed into law AB 1279, the California Climate Crisis
Act, that codified California’s 2045 carbon neutrality goal and established a GHG emission reduction target
of 85% below 1990 levels.
Scoping Plan
The CARB Scoping Plan is the comprehensive plan primarily directed at identifying the measures
necessary to reach the GHG reduction targets stipulated in AB 32. The key elements of the 2008 Plan were
to expand and strengthen energy efficiency programs, achieve a Statewide renewable energy mix of 33
percent, develop a cap-and-trade program with other partners (including seven States in the United States
and four territories in Canada) in the Western Climate Initiative, establish transportation-related targets, and
establish fees (CARB, 2009). CARB estimated that implementation of these measures will achieve at least
174 million MTCO2e of reductions and reduce Statewide GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (CARB,
9 BAU is a term used to define emissions levels without considering reductions from future or existing programs or technologies.
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On February 10, 2014, CARB released the public draft of the “First Update to the Scoping Plan.”
“The First Update” built upon the 2008 Scoping Plan with new strategies and recommendations, and
identified opportunities to leverage existing and new funds to further drive GHG emission reductions
through strategic planning and targeted low carbon investments. “The First Update” defined CARB’s
climate change priorities over the next five years, and set the groundwork to reach post-2020 goals set
forth in Executive Orders S-3-05 and B-16-12. It also highlighted California’s progress toward meeting the
2020 GHG emission reduction goals defined in the 2008 Scoping Plan. “The First Update” evaluated how to
align the State’s long-term GHG reduction strategies with other State policy priorities for water, waste,
natural resources, clean energy, transportation, and land use. “The First Update” to the Scoping Plan was
approved by the Board on May 22, 2014.
The second update to the scoping plan, the 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update (CARB,
2017a), was adopted by CARB in December 2017. The primary objective for the 2017 Scoping Plan
Update is to identify the measures required to achieve the mid-term GHG reduction target for 2030 (i.e.,
reduce emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030) established under Executive Order B-30-15
and SB 32. The 2017 Scoping Plan Update identifies an increased need for coordination among State,
Regional, and local governments to realize the potential for GHG emissions reductions that can be gained
from local land use decisions.
The third update to the scoping plan, the 2022 Scoping Plan (CARB 2022a), was released in May
2022 and adopted by CARB in December 2022. The plan presents a scenario for California to meet the
State goal of reducing GHG emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality by
2045 (CARB 2022a). Specifically, the 2022 Scoping Plan:
• Identifies a path to keep California on track to meet its SB 32 GHG reduction target of at least 40
percent below 1990 emissions by 2030.
• Identifies a technologically feasible, cost-effective path to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 and a
reduction in anthropogenic emissions by 85 percent below 1990 levels.
• Focuses on strategies for reducing California’s dependency on petroleum to provide consumers
with clean energy options that address climate change, improve air quality, and support economic
growth and clean sector jobs.
• Integrates equity and protecting California’s most impacted communities as driving principles
throughout the document.
• Incorporates the contribution of natural and working lands (NWL) to the state’s GHG emissions, as
well as their role in achieving carbon neutrality.
• Relies upon the most up-to-date science, including the need to deploy all viable tools to address
the existential threat that climate change presents, including carbon capture and sequestration, as
well as direct air capture.
• Evaluates the substantial health and economic benefits taking action.
• Identifies key implementation actions to ensure success.
Unlike the previous scoping plans, the 2022 Scoping Plan relies more heavily on the
implementation, adoption, and use of existing technologies to reduce GHG emissions over the coming
decades, as opposed to technologies that need to be developed. Examples of existing technologies the
2022 Scoping Plan relies upon include the use of renewable energy and energy storage systems (as
opposed to polluting alternatives) for the electrical grid and transitioning the transportation sector’s mobile
sources to zero-emission technologies for light- and heavy-duty vehicles. The 2022 Scoping Plan also
differs from its predecessors in that it takes into account carbon sources and sinks from California’s NWL
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and identifies the need for active carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies for some emissions
sectors, such as petroleum refining and the production / processing of stone, clay, glass, and cement.
The continued implementation of existing plans, policies, and regulations adopted for the purposes
of reducing GHG emissions remain critical for achieving the State’s 2030 and 2045 GHG reduction goals.
For example, the 2022 Scoping Plan identifies a goal of achieving a per capita VMT reduction of at least 25
percent below 2019 levels by 2030 and a 30 percent below 2019 levels by 2045, which is related to the
implementation of SB 375 and recommendations provided by the Scoping Plan’s Environmental Justice
Advisory Committee. The 2022 Scoping Plan also acknowledges that, “local governments are also
frequently the sources of innovative and practical climate solutions that can be replicated in other areas.
Their efforts to reduce GHG emissions within their jurisdictions are vital to achieving the state’s near-term air
quality and long-term climate goals… and can also provide important co-benefits such as improved air quality,
local economic benefits, healthier and more sustainable communities, and improved quality of life." Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulation
CARB initially approved the LCFS regulation in 2009, identifying it as one of the nine discrete early
action measures in the 2008 Scoping Plan to reduce California’s GHG emissions. The LCFS regulation is
designed to encourage the use of cleaner low-carbon transportation fuels in California, encourage the
production of those fuels, and therefore, reduce GHG emissions and decrease petroleum dependence in
the transportation sector. The LCFS regulation defines a Carbon Intensity, or “CI,” reduction target (or
standard) for each year, which the rule refers to as the “compliance schedule.”
The LCFS regulation initially required a reduction of at least 10 percent in the CI of California’s
transportation fuels by 2020. CARB approved some amendments to the LCFS in December 2011, which
were implemented on January 1, 2013. In September 2015, the Board approved the re-adoption of the
LCFS, which became effective on January 1, 2016, to address procedural deficiencies in the way the
original regulation was adopted. The 2015 rulemaking included many amendments, updates, and
improvements to the program, including a compliance schedule that maintained the 2009 LCFS regulation’s
target of a 10 percent reduction in average carbon intensity by 2020 from a 2010 baseline. In 2018, the
Board approved amendments to the regulation, which included strengthening and smoothing the carbon
intensity benchmarks through 2030 in-line with California's 2030 GHG emission reduction target enacted
through SB 32, adding new crediting opportunities to promote zero emission vehicle adoption, alternative
jet fuel, carbon capture and sequestration, and advanced technologies to achieve deep decarbonization in
the transportation sector (CARB, 2020). Title 24 Energy Standards
See Section Senate Bill 375 – Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act
See Section Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Program
See Section Sustainable Freight Plan
See Section
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See Section Advanced Clean Cars Program
See Section Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation
See Section Water Conservation in Landscaping Act
Section 65591 of the Government Code requires all local jurisdictions to adopt a water efficient
landscape ordinance. The ordinance is to address water conservation through appropriate use and
grouping of plants based on environmental conditions, water budgeting to maximize irrigation efficiency,
storm water retention, and automatic irrigation systems. Failure to adopt a water efficiency ordinance
requires a local jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of the State’s model water efficiency ordinance. In
2009, the Department of Water Resources updated the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
pursuant to amendments to the 1991 Act. These amendments and the new model ordinance went into
effect on January 1, 2010. The amended Act is applicable to any new commercial, multi-family, industrial or
tract home project containing 2,500 square feet or more of landscaping. Individual landscape projects of
5,000 square feet or more on single-family properties will also be subject to the Act. All landscape plans are
required to include calculations verifying conformance with the maximum applied water allowance and must
be prepared and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. Biological Diversity v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife
In its decision in Center for Biological Diversity v. California Dep’t of Fish and Wildlife (Newhall) 62
Cal.4th 204 (2015), the California Supreme Court set forth several options that lead agencies may consider
for evaluating the cumulative significance of a proposed Project’s GHG emissions:
1. A calculation of emissions reductions compared to a BAU scenario based upon the emissions
reductions in CARB’s Scoping Plan, including examination of the data to determine what level
of reduction from BAU a new land use development at the proposed location must contribute in
order to comply with statewide goals.
2. A lead agency might assess consistency with AB 32’s goals by looking to compliance with
regulatory programs designed to reduce GHG emissions from particular activities.
3. Use of geographically specific GHG emission reduction plans to provide a basis for tiering and
streamlining of project-level CEQA analysis.
4. A lead agency may rely on existing numerical thresholds of significance for GHG emissions,
though use of such thresholds is not required.
4.3.3 CITY OF FONTANA General Plan
The City of Fontana’s General Plan contains policies related to GHG emissions. See Section for more details on applicable policies.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan
The San Bernardino Council of Governments adopted the San Bernardino County Regional
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan in March 2021, which prepared baseline and future year GHG inventories
for each jurisdiction participating in the study and developed GHG reduction measures. The Regional
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan is intended to serve as the basis for cities in the County to develop more
detailed community-level climate action plans. The City of Fontana has local measures for the building
energy, on-road transportation, off-road equipment, waste, agriculture, wastewater, and water conveyance
sectors that are supported by General Plan policies. These local GHG reduction measures are expected to
result in a reduction of 167,255 MTCO2e by 2030. The study concludes that together, state and local GHG
reduction measures would reduce emissions by 49.9% from 2016 baseline levels by 2030.
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This chapter evaluates the direct and indirect energy impacts that could result from implementation
of the proposed Project.
In accordance with Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines, the proposed Project could result in
potentially significant impacts related to energy resources if it would:
• Result in a potentially significant environmental impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or
unnecessary consumption of energy resources, during project construction or operation; or
• Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency.
Implementation of the proposed Project would result in the consumption of electricity, natural gas,
and petroleum fuels during construction and operation of the business park / warehousing land uses. This
section describes the methodologies used to estimate potential energy construction associated with the
proposed Project. A summary of the methodologies used to estimate the proposed Project’s energy
consumption is shown in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1: Summary of Energy Quantification Methodologies
Consumption Source Methodology Key Data Inputs
Heavy-Duty Off-Road
Construction Equipment
CalEEMod and Carl Moyer
Program Emission Factors
Size of Project Site, Size and
Type of Proposed Structure
Off-site Vehicle Trips during
Construction CalEEMod and EMFAC2021
Vehicle Classification, Fuel Type,
Number of Trips, and Trip
Operational Electricity and
Natural Gas CalEEMod
Size and Type of Proposed
Structure, Climate Zone, and
Energy Efficiency
Operational Mobile Sources CalEEMod and EMFAC2021
Vehicle Classification, Fuel Type,
Number of Trips, and Trip
Implementation of the proposed Project would increase the demand for petroleum-based fuel
during construction. Both on- and off-site equipment would be powered by gasoline, diesel, and/or electric
fuels. Heavy-Duty Off-Road Construction Equipment
Heavy-duty, off-road construction equipment (e.g., bulldozers, loaders, etc.) would consume diesel
fuel during construction of the proposed Project. The Project’s on-site diesel fuel consumption was
estimated using the type, quantity, and runtime of equipment generated by CalEEMod and multiplying
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through by a fuel consumption factor contained in the CARB Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (2017
Revisions) (CARB, 2017b; Table D-21). Please refer to Appendix B, Sheet 2 for a breakdown of fuel
consumption by phase and equipment type. Off-Site Vehicle Trips
Gasoline and diesel fuel would be consumed by construction workers commuting to and from the
Project site, as well as vendor deliveries and haul trucks used to remove demolition debris from the site.
Petroleum consumption from these trip types were estimated by deriving an average fuel consumption rate
for various vehicle types in CARB EMission FACtor (EMFAC) Model 2021 (v1.0.2) vehicle classifications
operating in the San Bernardino sub-area in the South Coast (for year 2024) and multiplying them number
of trips accounted for in CalEEMod. Worker trips were assumed to be a mix of light duty autos (LDA) and
light-duty trucks (LDT1 and LDT2). Vendor trips were assumed to be a mix of medium heavy-duty trucks
(MHDT) and HHDT. Please see Appendix B, Sheet 3 for a breakdown of fuel consumption information by
trip type.
5.2.2 OPERATIONAL Electricity and Natural Gas
Electricity and natural gas emissions from Project operation were estimated using CalEEMod, V.
2022.1.1.5 The consumption estimates are based on default model assumptions based on the non-
residential building square footage that would be accommodated by the proposed Project (i.e.,
approximately 360,500 square feet), CEC electricity demand forecast zone (Zone 10), and building systems
energy efficiency requirements. The CalEEMod default electricity rate was set to 2024 forecasted factors to
reflect the Project’s first year of operation. Mobile Sources
Mobile source consumption estimates were generated using consumption factors derived from
CARB’s EMFAC Model 2021 (v1.0.2) and annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as estimated in CalEEMod,
which reflect the daily trip generation for the site (i.e., 505 gross vehicle trips per day) as detailed in the Trip
Generation Assessment prepared for the Project by Ganddini and shown in Table 2-1 (Ganddini 2023a).
Estimates of petroleum consumption were then generated by multiplying the annual VMT estimate by a
weighted fuel consumption factor by their respective vehicle categories. Worker and customer trips to and
from the site (passenger cars) were assumed to be a blend of Light Duty Auto (LDA) and Light Duty Trucks
LDT1/LDT2). Truck trips were assumed to be a blend and Light Heavy-Duty Trucks (LHDT1/LHDT2),
Medium Heavy-Duty Trucks (MHDT), and Heavy Heavy-Duty Trucks (HHDT) for 2-, 3-, and 4- axle trucks,
respectively. This provides a conservative estimate of mobile source fuel consumption, as it does not take
into account the existing trips to the site that would no longer occur with the implementation of the Project.
The proposed Project’s trip generation rates are shown in Table 2-1. Refer to Appendix B, Sheet 4
for detailed mobile source fuel consumption estimate calculations.
Implementation of the Project would increase the demand for energy at the Project site during
construction and operation. However, the proposed warehouse would be designed to current CalGreen Code
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requirements, and the energy consumption associated with development activities would be necessary. The
proposed Project would not use energy in a wasteful, inefficiency, or unnecessary manner.
5.3.1 CONSTRUCTION Electricity
Electric power would be required for lighting and electronic equipment (e.g., computers) located in
trailers used by the construction crew. In addition, the Project would consume electricity through workers
that may use electric vehicles to drive to and from the site. Project construction is estimated to require
approximately 3,308 kWh of electricity for worker trips and vendor trips. However, the electricity used would
be temporary and would have a negligible contribution to the Project’s overall energy consumption. Natural Gas
Natural gas consumption is not anticipated during construction of the Project. Fuels used for
construction would generally consist of diesel and gasoline, which are discussed in the next subsection.
Any amount of natural gas that may be consumed during Project construction would be nominal and would
have a negligible contribution to the Project’s overall energy consumption. Diesel and Gasoline Fuel
Diesel and gasoline fuels, also referred to as petroleum in this subsection, would be consumed
throughout construction of the Project. Fuel consumed by construction equipment would be the primary
energy resource consumed over the course of construction, and VMT associated with the transportation of
construction materials (e.g., deliveries to the site) and worker trips to and from the site would also result in
petroleum consumption. Whereas on-site, heavy-duty construction equipment and delivery trucks would
predominantly use diesel fuel, construction workers would generally rely on gasoline-powered vehicles to
commute to and from the Project site.
The operation of heavy-duty, off-road equipment associated with Project construction would
consume approximately 14,962 gallons of diesel fuel. Worker, vendor, and hauling trips associated with
Project construction are estimated to consume approximately 8,978 and 2,143 gallons of gasoline and
diesel fuel, respectively. In total, Project construction is estimated to require approximately 8,978 gallons of
gasoline and 17,105 gallons of diesel.
On- and off-road petroleum-powered vehicles/equipment would be subject to various rules and
regulations at the federal and state levels. On the federal level, on-road vehicles would be subject to the
SAFE Vehicles Rule. On the state level, off-road equipment at the site would also be required to comply
with CARB’s Airborne Toxic Control Measures, which restricts heavy-duty diesel vehicle idling to five
minutes. In addition, the efficiency of petroleum use is related to numerous other state-wide regulations and
programs, such as the LCFS (on- and off-road vehicles/equipment), ACC Program (on-road passenger
vehicles), and ACT Program (on-road trucks). Since petroleum use during construction would be temporary
and is a necessary component when conducting development activities, it would not be wasteful or
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5.3.2 OPERATION Electricity
During operation of the new warehouse, the Project would consume electricity from appliance
operation, general building systems (e.g., lighting, HVAC equipment), and outdoor lighting. Based on
estimates generated by CalEEMod, the proposed Project would consume approximately 4,057,276 kWh
per year of electricity. The proposed Project would be required to comply with the standards contained in
the CalGreen Code (i.e., Part 11 of the Title 24 Building Code) that requires the warehouse building
constructed at the site meet energy efficiency standards that improve upon those from previous years. The
Project is not proposing to install a PV system at this time, but would comply with City of Fontana Municipal
Code Section 9-73(c) and design the proposed building’s roof to facilitate and optimize the future
installation of a solar PV system.
Electricity would also be consumed by the operation of electric vehicles by future workers and
customers traveling to and from the site. As estimated in CalEEMod, based on the trip generation rates and
trip distances provided for in the Ganddini traffic memorandum / SCAQMD guidance document, the
proposed Project is anticipated to generate approximately 3,255,618 VMT on an annual basis. The average
fuel economies and vehicle fleet mix attributable to the proposed Project were used to estimate the amount
of electricity consumed from vehicle trips associated with the proposed Project. The Project is estimated to
consume approximately 769,861 kWh of electricity from on-road fuel consumption on an annual basis (see
Appendix B).
The proposed Project would also indirectly benefit from other, regulatory actions taken at the state
level. For example, SB 100 requires 60% of the power purchased by California come from renewable
sources by 2030. SB 100 further requires all retail electricity be carbon-free by 2045. Based on these state-
wide mandates, electricity consumed at the site will become more and more green (e.g., not requiring the
burning of fossil fuels), which will lead to the more efficient use of energy resources.
Although electricity would increase at the site under implementation of the Project, the proposed
facility would be designed to the 2022 Title 24 Building Code standards, and benefit from other actions
taken at the State level. For these reasons, the electricity consumed by the Project is not considered to be
inefficient or wasteful. Gasoline and Diesel Fuels
Gasoline and diesel would be consumed during operation of the proposed Project. Both forms of
petroleum fuel would be consumed from future workers and customers traveling to and from the site. As
estimated in CalEEMod, based on the trip generation rates and trip distances provided for in the Ganddini
traffic memorandums / SCAQMD guidance document, the proposed Project is anticipated to generate
approximately 3,255,618 VMT on an annual basis. Based on the average fuel economies and vehicle fleet
mix attributable to the proposed Project, vehicle trips associated with the proposed Project are estimated
consume approximately 84,992 and 98,358 gallons of gasoline and diesel, respectively, on an annual
basis. These fuel consumption estimates are based on vehicle efficiency in 2024, and would decrease in
future years as trucks become more fuel efficient and ZEV trucks are more commonly available and used
within San Bernardino County.
There are numerous regulations in place that require and encourage fuel efficiency. For example,
CARB has adopted an approach to passenger vehicles by combining the control of smog-causing
pollutants and GHG emissions into a single, coordinated package of standards. The approach also includes
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efforts to support and accelerate the number of plug-in hybrids and ZEVs in California. In addition, per the
requirements identified in SB 375, CARB adopted a regional goal for the SCAG region of reducing per-
capita GHG emissions from 2005 levels by 8% by 2020 and 19% by 2035 for light-duty passenger vehicles.
The SB 375 goal would help reduce emissions from worker and customers trips at the site. The proposed
Project would also benefit from actions taken at the state level with regard to the ACT Program and
Sustainable Freight Plan. The implementation of these programs will help reduce the number of diesel
trucks on California roadways and improve the fuel efficiency of those diesel trucks that remain in
operation. Accordingly, operation of the Project is expected to decrease the amount of petroleum it
consumes in the future due to advances in fuel economy.
Although the Project would increase petroleum use in the region during construction and operation,
the use would be a small fraction of the statewide use, and would have its overall fuel consumption
decrease over time. As such, petroleum consumption associated with the Project would not be considered
inefficient or wasteful.
The proposed Project would not conflict with nor obstruct a state or local plan adopted for the
purposes of increasing the amount of renewable energy or energy efficiency. As discussed above, the
Project would be subject to the California Title 24 Building Code energy efficiency standards for non-
residential buildings, which would help reduce energy consumption. Equipment and vehicles associated
with construction and operation of the Project would also be subject to fuel standards at the state and
federal level. The Project would inherently benefit from programs implemented to achieve the goals of the
Sustainable Freight Plan, such as the turnover of older, less fuel-efficient trucks, as fuel economy
standards are rolled out and ZEV trucks becomes more widely available and cost effective for business.
The Project would not conflict with nor obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy
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This chapter evaluates the GHG impacts that could result from implementation of the proposed
Project. Unlike air quality, which is influenced by local and regional factors and is therefore considered on
the local or regional scale, the effects of global climate change are the result of GHG emissions worldwide;
individual projects do not generate enough GHG emissions to influence global climate change. Thus, the
analysis of GHG emissions is by nature a cumulative analysis focused on whether an individual project’s
contribution to global climate change is cumulatively considerable.
In accordance with Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines, the proposed Project could result in
potentially significant GHG impacts if it would:
• Generate GHG emission, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the
environment or;
• Conflict with an applicable plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the
emissions of GHG.
To date, the SCAQMD has not adopted a numerical threshold for determining the significance of
GHG emissions in the Basin; however, as an interim threshold based on guidance provided in the
CAPCOA CEQA and Climate Change handbook, the SCAQMD has considered adopting and
recommending for use a non-zero threshold that captures approximately 90 percent of emissions from
future development. The latest threshold developed by SCAQMD using this interim method is 10,000
MTCO2e per year for industrial projects (SCAQMD 2019). During Meeting #8, the Working Group defined
industrial uses as production manufacturing, and fabrication activities or storage and distribution (e.g.,
warehouse, transfer facility, etc.). The Working Group indicated that the 10,000 MTCO2e per year threshold
applies to both emissions from construction and operational phases plus indirect emissions (electricity,
water use, etc.). The SCAQMD concluded that projects with emissions less than the screening threshold
would not result in a significant cumulative impact.
Although the interim GHG significance threshold for industrial projects, per the Working Group
discussion, would be applicable to warehouses, such as the proposed Project, the City of Fontana utilizes a
threshold of 3,000 MTCO2e per year as the GHG threshold for warehouse projects. Therefore, the more
stringent 3,000 MTCO2e threshold is utilized in this Report to help evaluate the significance of the Project’s
GHG emissions. Consistency with plans, policies, and regulations adopted for the purposes of reducing
GHG emissions is also used to evaluate the significance of the proposed Project’s GHG emissions.
The construction and operation of the proposed Project would generate GHG emissions. This
section describes the Project’s emissions sources and the methodologies used to estimate potential Project
emissions levels. A summary of the methodologies used to estimate the proposed Project’s potential GHG
emissions levels is shown in Table 6-1.
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Table 6-1: Summary of Emissions Quantification Methodologies
Emissions Source Methodology Key Data Inputs
Construction Activities CalEEMod Size of Project Lot
Area, Energy, Water and
Wastewater, Refrigerants, and
Solid Waste Sources
Size and Type of Proposed
Structure, Climate Zone, and
Energy Efficiency
Yard Hostler EMFAC Miles per Day
Mobile Sources CalEEMod Number of Trips and Trip
Construction of the proposed Project would generate equipment exhaust and dust emissions from
demolition activities, ground disturbing activities such as site preparation and grading, and the use of
gasoline- and diesel-fuel combustion in on- and off-site heavy duty construction equipment, worker vehicle
trips, vendor vehicle trips, and haul truck trips, ground disturbing activities. The proposed Project’s potential
construction emissions were modeled using CalEEMod, Version 2022.1. The Project’s construction activities,
duration, and typical equipment used during construction are shown in Table 2-4. The construction phases,
duration, and the type and amount of equipment used during construction was generated using CalEEMod
default assumptions, and modified to reflect the following Project-specific characteristics:
• Construction Phasing and Duration: The model was updated to reflect the Project-specific
phases and schedule provided by the Applicant.
• Demolition and Soil Hauling: The model was modified to include approximately 51,754 square
feet of building demolition and 5,400 cubic yards of soil import during the grading phase.
• Construction Equipment Design Features: As described in Table 2-3, the Applicant is
including design features in the Project that would reduce construction-related air pollutant
emissions. Accordingly, the following modifications were made to the model:
o All off-road construction equipment greater than 50 horsepower was assumed to meet Tier
4 Final exhaust emission standards.
o All forklifts would be electric powered.
o Electric utility hook-ups would be provided, and diesel generators would be prohibited except
for emergency and temporary power purposes.
Once operational, the proposed Project would generate GHG emissions from the following
• Small “area” sources including landscaping equipment and the use of consumer products such
as paints, cleaners, and fertilizers that result in the evaporation of chemicals to the atmosphere
during product use.
• Energy use in the form of embedded emissions in electricity consumption.
• Mobile sources including worker and vendor trips to and from the site (see Table 2-2).
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• Water and wastewater sources include the imbedded electricity consumption required to supply
water to the Project site and treat wastewater produced by individuals working or visiting the site.
• Solid Waste including the transport and disposal of waste generated at the Project site.
• Refrigerants that may escape from appliances (e.g., refrigerators) and other on-site building
systems (e.g., HVAC equipment).
• Off-road Equipment including forklifts, used to move materials around the site and within the
building, and yard hostlers, used move tractor trailers around the Project site.
Similar to construction emissions, operational emissions were estimated in CalEEMod, Version
2022.1 based on default model assumptions, with the following modifications made to reflect Project-
specific characteristics:
• Energy: The proposed Project would be all electric. CalEEMod’s default assumption regarding the
quantity of natural gas that would be consumed by the Building was converted to electricity
consumption at a rate of 3.412 kBTU per kWh (Energy Star, 2015).
• Mobile Sources:
o Trip Generation Rates: The default weekday and weekend trip generation rate for the
proposed land use were updated to reflect the trip generation rate (i.e., 505 gross trips per day)
provided in the Transportation Screening Analysis prepared for the Project (Ganddini 2023;
see Table 2-1).
o Trip Type and Distance: Passenger vehicle trips (approximately 84.2% of all trips) used a trip
distance of 16.3 miles per trip, based on the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority’s
VMT Screening Tool results for VMT per worker in 2024 (SBCTA 2022). A weighted trip
distance was developed for truck trips (15.8% of all trips) based on trip lengths of 15.3, 14.2,
and 39.9 miles per trip for 2-, 3-, and 4-axle truck trips respectively (SCAQMD 2021). The
weighted truck trip distance for this Project is approximately 24.9 miles per trip, based on the
Project’s truck trip generation identified in the Project’s Trip Generation Assessment (see Table
o Vehicle Mix: The default vehicle mix was updated to match the trip types identified in the
Project’s Trip Generation Assessment:
▪ Passenger Vehicles were assumed to be a blend of light duty auto (LDA), light duty
truck (LDT), medium duty vehicles (MDV), and motorcycles (MCY). The percent of
these vehicle types utilized for the proposed Project are based on CalEEMod defaults
and averaged to reflect the number of passenger vehicle trips generated by the
proposed Project (84.2% of all Project trips).
▪ Trucks were assumed to be a blend of Light-Heavy Duty (LHD) trucks (2-axle),
Medium-Heavy Duty (MHD) trucks (3-axle), and Heavy-Heavy Duty (HHD) Trucks. The
specific percent assigned to each vehicle category is based on the breakdown
provided in the Trip Generation Assessment (15.8% of all Project trips, see Table 2-1).
• Refrigerants: The “Cold Storage” equipment assumed by CalEEMod was removed and replaced
with “Other commercial A/C and heat pumps” equipment. The proposed Project would involve the
construction and operation of an unrefrigerated warehouse; thus, cold storage would not be
required. Furthermore, the use of “Other commercial A/C and heat pumps” equipment for
unrefrigerated warehouses is consistent with the U.S EPA source materials referenced by the
CalEEMod User Guide Appendix G, Sheet G-38 (CAPCOA 2022 and U.S. EPA 2016).
• Water: Indoor water usage at the site was reduced to approximately 2,919,270 gallons annually,
based on compliance with CalGreen Code requirements (Kier + Wright, 2023).
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
•Off-Road Equipment: Forty-three (43) forklifts were added to the model, consistent with the
average number of forklift/pallet jacks per 1,000 square feet of warehouse space, as shown in the
SCAQMD high-cube warehouse survey (SCAQMD 2014). Consistent with Fontana Sustainability
Code requirements, these pieces of equipment were assumed to be powered by electricity.
In addition to the forklifts, emissions from the operation of one (1) yard hostler were estimated,
consistent with the average number of yard hostlers per 1,000,000 square feet of warehouse space, as
shown in the SCAQMD high-cube warehouse survey. The yard hostler’s emissions were using emissions
rates for Class 8 Public Trucks contained in EMFAC2021 (v1.0.2), and the assumption that the yard hostler
would travel up to 100 miles per day, every day of the year (CARB 2022d, pg. 56).
The proposed Project would generate GHG emissions from both short-term construction and long-
term operational activities. As described in more detail below, the proposed Project would not generate
short-term or long-term emissions that exceed the 3,000 MTCO2e per year threshold utilized by the City.
Construction activities would generate GHG emissions primarily from equipment fuel combustion
as well as worker, vendor, and haul trips to and from the Project site during demolition, site preparation,
grading, building construction, paving, and architectural coating activities. Construction activities would
cease to emit GHG upon completion, unlike operational emissions that would be continuous year after
year until the Project is decommissioned. Accordingly, the SCAQMD recommends amortizing construction
GHG emissions over a 30-year period and including with operational emissions estimates. This normalizes
construction emissions so that they can be grouped with operational emissions and compared to
appropriate thresholds, plans, etc. GHG emissions from construction of the proposed Project were
estimated using CalEEMod, Version 2022.1, based on the anticipated construction schedule and
construction activities described in Section 2.4. The proposed Project’s total construction emissions, as
estimated using CalEEMod V. 2022.1, are shown in Table 6-2.
Once operational, the proposed Project would generate emissions of GHG from area, energy,
mobile, water/wastewater, refrigeration, solid waste, and off-road sources. For a description of the
methodology used to estimate emissions from these sources, see Section 6.2. The proposed Project’s
operational GHG emissions are shown in Table 6-3.
Table 6-2: Project Construction GHG Emissions
Annual GHG Emissions (MT / Year)
CO2 CH4 N2O Refrigerant
2024 252.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 257.0
Amortized GHG Estimate(A) 8.4 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 8.6
Source: MIG, 2023 (see Appendix A)
(A)Emissions are amortized over the life of the Project, which is presumed to be 30 years.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Table 6-3: Project Operational GHG Emissions (Unmitigated)
Emission Source
GHG Emissions (MT / Year)
CO2 CH4 N2O Refrigerant
(CO2e) CO2e
Project Emissions
Mobile 1,769.0 0.1 0.2 2.7 1,824.0
Area 7.3 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 7.3
Energy 815.0 0.1 <0.1 0.0 819.0
Water 5.2 0.1 <0.1 0.0 8.3
Waste 30.2 3.0 0.0 0.0 106.0
Refrigerants 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 <0.1
Off-road 10.3 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 10.4
Amortized Construction 8.4 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 8.6
Site Subtotal(A) 2,645.4 3.3 0.2 2.7 2,783.6
Existing Site Emissions(B)
Mobile 165.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.3 168.0
Area 4.9 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 5.0
Energy 136.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 137.0
Water 3.8 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 4.4
Waste 1.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.6
Refrigerants 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 <0.1
Total Existing Site Emissions(A) 311.0 0.2 <0.1 0.3 319.1
Total Net Change
Total Project Emissions(A) 2,324.5 3.1 0.2 2.3 2,464.5
GHG Threshold 3,000
Threshold Exceeded? No
Source: MIG 2023 (see Appendix A).
(A) Totals may not equal due to rounding.
(B) This emissions estimate is based on the existing land uses at the site that have operated in the recent past. This approach
is consistent with the trip generation estimate prepared for the Project by Ganddini.
As shown in Table 6-3, the proposed Project’s potential increase in GHG emissions would be
approximately 2,465 MTCO2e, which would be below 3,000 MTCO2e threshold employed by the City for
evaluating the significance of the Project’s GHG emissions.
The proposed Project would not conflict with CARB’s Scoping Plan, Sustainable Freight Plan, ACT
Program, or regional RTP/SCS. The Project’s consistency with these plans is described in more detail
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
As discussed under Section 4.3.2, the 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan is CARB’s primary
document used to ensure State GHG reduction goals are met. The 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan’s
primary objective is to identify the measures needed to achieve the 2030 reduction target established under
SB 32 and have the state achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, as established by AB 1279. The major
elements of the plan are generally geared toward actions either CARB or other state entities will pursue,
such as, but not limited to:
• Creation and future implementation of the Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage
Program required by SB 905.
• Reducing imbedded GHG emissions in supplied retail electricity by increasing the amount of
electricity generated and supplied to the grid from renewable resources, consistent with the
requirements identified in SB 100 and SB 1020 (i.e., 60% by 2030, 90% by 2035, 95% 2040,
and 100% by 2045).
• Expansion of non-petroleum fueling stations across the state to support the transition to
electric, hydrogen, and other alternatively-powered vehicles (e.g., through AB 2127 and SB
1075) while also increasing the use of mass transit, carpooling, and other trip reduction
measures (e.g., through the implementation of SB 375).
• Leverage the capacity of California’s natural and working lands to function as a sink for carbon
emissions. Specifically, AB 1757 requires the CNRA, in collaboration with CARB, other state
agencies, and an expert advisory committee, to determine a range of targets for natural carbon
sequestration, and for nature-based climate solutions, that reduce GHG emissions in 2030,
2038, and 2045. This is supported by SB 27, which requires CNRA to establish Natural and
Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy, and for CARB to established specified CO2 removal
targets for 2030 and beyond.
Many of the measures identified in the 2022 Scoping Plan Update are not applicable at the
proposed Project’s level; rather, the success of the plan primarily relies upon the State’s actions to uphold
and implement existing legislation and develop new plans and strategies to sequester, trap, and store
emitted carbon emissions. Although most of these measures would be implemented at the State level, the
GHG reductions achieved by these state measures would be realized at the local level. For example,
regardless of actions taken by the City of Fontana or County of San Bernardino, emissions generated
through gasoline combustion in motor vehicles within the city and the county would produce less GHG in
2030 than they do now. Similarly, the electricity consumed by on-site sources (e.g., lighting, building
systems, etc.) would become greener over time as the State’s RPS increases, consistent with the
benchmarks established in SB 100 and SB 1020.
In addition to State measures, Appendix D to CARB’s 2022 Scoping Plan Update identifies
potential actions that could be undertaken at a local level to support the State’s climate goals. These
actions primarily relate to preparing and implementing a qualified Climate Action Plan (CAP) at the local
level. Appendix D goes on to provide specific recommendations regarding the types of measures the
qualified CAPs should consider to align local actions with those being undertaken at the state-level. Section
3.2.1 of Appendix D also outlines project attributes for residential and mixed-use projects to qualitatively
determine consistency with the 2022 Scoping Plan. Although the 2022 Scoping Plan Update does not
include specific criteria for qualitatively evaluating the consistency of other land uses (e.g., industrial) or air
permitting with the 2022 Scoping Plan Update, the Project would support one of the overarching goals of
the.2022 Scoping Plan Update by being all electric and not using natural gas. The proposed Project would
not conflict with nor obstruct implementation of the 2022 Scoping Plan Update.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
The proposed Project would not conflict with the Sustainable Freight Plan, the ACT Program, or the
ACF Regulation. Although the proposed Project would include the use of diesel trucks during operation, the
Sustainable Freight Plan, ACT Program, and ACF Regulation would be implemented at the state-level. The
proposed Project’s GHG emissions would benefit (i.e., be reduced) over the long-term as older, less fuel-
efficient, and higher polluting engines are decommissioned and replaced by newer, cleaner engines and
ZEV trucks.
As described in Section 4.3.2, the Connect SoCal is growth strategy and transportation plan whose
primary intent is to demonstrate how the SCAG region will meet its GHG reduction target through the year
2045. Many of the measures included in the RTP/SCS are focused on: the expansion of, and access to,
mass transit (e.g., light rail, commuter rail, bus rapid transit, etc.); planning growth around livable corridors;
and locating new housing and job growth in high quality transit areas. Collectively, these land use plans, in
conjunction with measures at the state-level to improve fuel efficiency standards, are designed to meet
CARB’s goal for the SCAB region for reducing per capita GHG emissions in the region by eight percent by
2020—compared with 2005 levels—and by 19 percent by 2035 (CARB, 2018).
The proposed Project would not be located in a TPA nor would it be located in a HQTA; however,
the Project would generate fewer than 500 net new daily vehicle trips, and would not cause a substantial
increase in total citywide or regional VMT according to the City guidelines (Ganddini, 2023). The Project
meets VMT screening criteria. In addition, the Project is an industrial warehouse, which would not conflict
with housing land use strategies contained in the RTP/SCS. For these reasons, the Project would not
conflict with or otherwise obstruct implementation of Connect SoCal.
The Project’s GHG emissions would not conflict with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Plan (Reduction Plan). The Project would be consistent with the General Plan policies that form the basis
Fontana’s emission reduction measures in the Reduction Plan. In addition, the Project contains design
features, as described in Section 2.3.4, that support the goals of the Reduction Plan. Table 6-4, below,
presents a Project consistency analysis with reduction measures identified in the San Bernardino County
Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan for the City of Fontana.
Table 6-4: San Bernardino County Regional GHG Reduction Plan: Project Consistency Analysis
Measure Description Project Consistency
Building Energy
Energy-1. Building
Energy Efficiency
• SR Policy 1: Create a Sustainable Fontana
program that promotes green practices in
government and the community.
• SR Policy 2.1: Incorporate goals into the City
Code for resource efficiency in municipal
facilities and operations.
• SR Policy 5: Promote green building through
guidelines, awards, and non-financial
Not Applicable. The City would
be responsible for implementing
this measure. The Project
would, however, be designed to
current CalGreen Code
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Table 6-4: San Bernardino County Regional GHG Reduction Plan: Project Consistency Analysis
Measure Description Project Consistency
• SR Policy 6.1: Promote energy-efficient
development in Fontana.
• SR Policy 6.2: Meet or exceed state goals for
energy-efficiency in new construction.
• Chapter 10 Policy 7. Promote renewable
energy and distributed energy systems in new
development and retrofits of existing
development to work towards the highest levels
of low-carbon energy-efficiency.
Energy-2. Lighting
• SR Policy 1: Create a Sustainable Fontana
program that promotes green practices in
government and in the community.
• SR Policy 2.1: Incorporate goals into the City
Code for resource efficiency in municipal
facilities and operations.
• SR Policy 2.2: Continue organizational and
operational improvements to maximize energy
and resource efficiency and reduce waste.
Not Applicable. The City would
be responsible for implementing
this measure. The Project
would, however, be designed to
current CalGreen Code
Energy-5. Renewable
Energy – New
• SR Policy 3: Promote renewable energy
programs for government, Fontana businesses,
and Fontana residences.
• Chapter 10 Policy 7: Promote renewable
energy and distributed energy systems in new
development and retrofits of existing
development to work towards the highest levels
of low-carbon energy-efficiency.
Consistent. The Project would
be designed to current
CalGreen Code standards. The
Applicant has designed the
proposed building’s roof to be
solar-ready, which will facilitate
the future installation of a PV
Energy-6. Solar Energy
for Warehouse Space
• SR Policy 3: Promote renewable energy
programs for government, Fontana businesses,
and Fontana residences.
Consistent. The Project would
be designed to current
CalGreen Code standards. The
Applicant has designed the
proposed building’s roof to be
solar-ready, which will facilitate
the future installation of a PV
Energy-7. Solar
Installation for Existing
• SR Policy 3: Promote renewable energy
programs for government, Fontana businesses,
and Fontana residences.
• SR Policy 3.1: Evaluate a Community Choice
Aggregation (CCA) Program for Fontana.
• SR Policy 3.2: Ensure that appropriate zoning
and design standard regulations are in place as
needed to provide for domestic solar and wind
• Chapter 10 Policy 7: Promote renewable
energy and distributed energy systems in new
development and retrofits of existing
Not Applicable. The proposed
Project does not involve retrofit
of an existing residential
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Table 6-4: San Bernardino County Regional GHG Reduction Plan: Project Consistency Analysis
Measure Description Project Consistency
development to work towards the highest levels
of low-carbon energy-efficiency.
Energy-8. Renewable
Energy – Existing
• SR Policy 3: Promote renewable energy
programs for government, Fontana businesses,
and Fontana residences.
• SR Policy 4: Continue to collaborate with
SBCTA, infrastructure agencies, and utilities on
greenhouse gas reduction studies and goals.
• Chapter 10 Policy 7: Promote renewable
energy and distributed energy systems in new
development and retrofits of existing
development to work towards the highest levels
of low-carbon energy-efficiency.
Not Applicable. The proposed
Project does not involve retrofit
of an existing building.
On Road-2. Encourage
Use of Mass Transit
• CM Policy 1.4: Make land use decisions that
support walking, bicycling, and public transit use,
in alignment with the 2014-2040 Regional
Transportation Plan and Sustainable
Communities Strategy.
• CM 7.2: Coordinate with regional agencies and
Caltrans to participate in regional efforts to
maintain transportation infrastructure in Fontana.
• CM 7.3: Participate in the efforts of the
Southern California Association of
Governments (SCAG) to coordinate
transportation planning and services that
support greenhouse gas reductions.
Not Applicable. The proposed
Project consists of a speculative
warehouse development. The
Project would generate less
than 500 net new trips per day
and therefore would not cause
a substantial increase in total
citywide or regional VMT
according to the City
guidelines. Future
warehouse operators would
encourage the use of mass
transit as applicable and
required of them.
On Road-3.
Transportation Demand
Management and Signal
• CM Policy 1.1: Provide roadways that serve the
needs of Fontana residents and commerce, and
that facilitate safe and convenient access to
transit, bicycle facilities, and walkways.
• CM Policy 1.2: Make safety and multimodal
accessibility the top priority of Citywide
transportation planning.
• CM 3.2: Promote concentrated development
patterns in coordination with transit planning to
maximize service efficiency and ridership.
• CM 7.1: Lead and participate in initiatives to
manage regional traffic.
• CM 7.4: Participate in the efforts by Caltrans to
reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on
area freeways.
Not Applicable. The proposed
Project consists of a speculative
warehouse development. The
Project would generate less
than 500 net new trips per day
and therefore would not cause
a substantial increase in total
citywide or regional VMT
according to the City
guidelines. The Project
would not be required to
implement TDM strategies or
signal synchronization.
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Table 6-4: San Bernardino County Regional GHG Reduction Plan: Project Consistency Analysis
Measure Description Project Consistency
On Road-4. Expand Bike
• CM 2.1: When constructing or modifying
roadways, design the roadway space for use by
all users when feasible, including motor
vehicles, buses, bicyclists, mobility devices, and
pedestrians, as appropriate for the context of
the area.
Not Applicable. The Project
would not construct or modify
On Road-5. Community
Fleet Electrification
• CM Action 7.D: Support the adoption and use of
technologies that reduce emissions from
passenger and transit vehicles.
Consistent. The Project would
provide EV charging consistent
with current CalGreen Code
requirements and those
specified in the Fontana
Municipal Code (see Table
Solid Waste Management
Waste-2. Waste
Diversion and Reduction
• SR Policy 2.2: Continue organizational and
operational improvements to maximize energy
and resource efficiency and reduce waste.
• Chapter 10 Policy 8.2: Continue to maximize
landfill capacity by supporting recycling
innovations, such as organic waste recycling for
Consistent. The Project would
comply with State and County
solid waste reduction
Water Conveyance
Water Conveyance
• Chapter 10 Policy 1: Support initiatives to
provide a long-term supply of the right water for
the right use through working with regional
providers and the One Water One Watershed
• Chapter 10 Policy 2.1: Encourage use of
processed water from the IEUA systems using
recycled water for all non-drinking water
• Chapter 10 Policy 2.2: Promote laundry-to-
landscape greywater systems for single-family
housing units.
Consistent. The Project would
comply with current water
efficiency standards contained
in the CalGreen Code.
Water-1. Voluntary
• SR Policy 7: Continue to promote and
implement best practices to conserve water.
Consistent. The Project would
comply with current water
efficiency standards contained
in the CalGreen Code.
Water-2. Renovate
Existing Buildings
• SR Policy 7: Continue to promote and
implement best practices to conserve water.
Not Applicable. The Project
does not involve the renovation
of existing buildings.
Water-3. Water-Efficient
Landscaping Practices
• SR Policy 7: Continue to promote and implement
best practices to conserve water.
Consistent. The Project would
include drought tolerant
landscaping, consistent with the
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
Table 6-4: San Bernardino County Regional GHG Reduction Plan: Project Consistency Analysis
Measure Description Project Consistency
• Chapter 10 Policy 3.1: Support landscaping in
public and private spaces with drought resistant
• Chapter 10 Policy 3.2: Continue successful City
water conservation programs and partnerships.
requirements identified in
Municipal Code Section 9-71.
As shown in Table 6-4, the proposed Project would not conflict with the San Bernardino County
Regional GHG Reduction Plan.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
This Report was prepared by MIG under contract to CHIPT Fontana Citrus Avenue, L.P. This
report reflects the independent, objective, professional opinion of MIG. The following individuals were
involved in the preparation and review of this Report:
Chris Dugan, Director of Air Quality, GHG, and Noise Services
Phil Gleason, Senior Project Manager II
Kasey Kitowski, Air Quality Analyst I
1650 Spruce Street, Suite 106
Riverside, California 92507
(951) 787-9222
California Air Resources Board (CARB). 2007. Staff Report California 1990 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Level and 2020 Emissions Limit. Sacramento, CA. November 16, 2007.
_______2009. Climate Change Scoping Plan – A Framework for Change. Endorsed by ARB December
2008. Sacramento, CA. May 11, 2009.
_______2017a. 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan. Sacramento, CA. November 2017.
_______2017b. The Carl Moyer Program Guidelines. April 24, 2017.
_______2018. SB 375 Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets. Accessed July 21, 2020.
_______2019. “EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Part One”
November 20, 2019.
_______2020. “EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Account for the
SAFE Vehicle Rule Part One and the Final SAFE Rule” June 26, 2020.
______2021. 2021 Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment and Hydrogen Fuel Station
Network Development. September 2021. https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2021-
______2022a. 2022 Scoping Plan Update. November 16, 2022. Web. Accessed December 31 1, 2022.
______2022b Current California GHG Emission Inventory Data. October 2022. Accessed December 1,
2022. https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/ghg-inventory-data
Page 7-2 Report Preparers and References
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
______2022c. California Greenhouse Gas 2000-2020 Emissions Trends and Indicators Report. October
26, 2022. Web. Accessed December 1, 2022.
______2022d. Public Hearing to Consider the Proposed Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation. Staff Report:
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California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA). 2022. User Guide of CalEEMod Version
2022.1 Appendix G. April 2022. Web. Accessed April 4, 2023. https://www.caleemod.com/user-
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California Energy Commission (CEC). 2016. 2015 Total System Electric Generation. July 11, 2016.
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______2018. 2017 Total System Electric Generation. June 21, 2018. https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-
______2019. 2018 Total System Electric Generation. June 24, 2019. https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-
______2020. 2019 Total System Electric Generation. 2020. https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-
______2021a. 2019 California Residential Appliance Saturation Study. July 2021.
https://www.energy.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2021-08/CEC-200-2021-005-PO.pdf 2020 Total
System Electric Generation. 2021. https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-reports/energy-
______2021b. 2020 Total System Electric Generation. 2021. https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-
______2021c. Energy Commission Adopts Updated Building Standards to Improve Efficiency, Reduce
Emissions From Homes and Businesses. August 11, 2021. Accessed March 17, 2022.
______2021d. 2021 SB 100 Joint Agency Report, Achieving 100 Percent Clean Electricity in California: An
Initial Assessment. September 3, 2021. https://www.energy.ca.gov/publications/2021/2021-sb-100-
_______2022a. Total System Electric Generation in Gigawatt Hours. 2022. Accessed August 23, 2022.
Web. https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-reports/energy-almanac/california-electricity-data/2021-total-
Report Preparers and References Page 7-3
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
______2022b. CEC Approves $2.9 Billion Investment for Zero-Emission Transportation Infrastructure.
December 14, 2022. https://www.energy.ca.gov/news/2022-12/cec-approves-29-billion-investment-
_______2023a. Electricity Consumption by County. Accessed April 6, 2023. Web.
_______2023b. Natural Gas Consumption by County. Accessed April 6, 2023. Web.
_______2023c. Natural Gas Consumption by Entity. Accessed February 16, 2023. Web.
_______2023d. “California Retail Fuel Outlet Annual Reporting (CEC-A15) Results.” Retail Fuel Outlet
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California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) 2009. California Climate Adaptation Strategy. Sacramento,
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Energy Star 2015. Thermal Energy Conversions. August 2015.
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Page 7-4 Report Preparers and References
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______2019. SCAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds. Diamond Bar, CA. Revised April 2019. Web.
______2021. Proposed Rule 2305 and Proposed Rule 316 Board Package. May 7, 2021.
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MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
______2022h.Use of energy explained: Energy use for transportation. June 17, 2022.
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Consumption Estimates, 1960-2020, United States. Accessed February 14, 2023.
_____2022l. 2020 RECS Survey Data. State Fuels Used. Highlights for Fuels Used in U.S. Homes by
State, 2020 June 2022. Accessed February 14, 2023.
_____2022m. 2020 RECS Survey Data. State Appliances. Highlights for Appliances in U.S. Homes by
State, 2020 June 2022. Accessed February 14, 2023.
______2023a. Glossary. N.d. https://www.eia.gov/tools/glossary/index.php?id=British%20thermal%20unit
______2023b. Total Energy: Monthly Energy Review. Table 3.7c. January 2023 Monthly Energy Review.
January 26, 2023. Accessed February 14, 2023.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). 2016.
______2022a. Renewable Natural Gas. November 2, 2022. https://www.epa.gov/lmop/renewable-natural-
______2022b. Program Overview for Renewable Fuel Standard. Last Updated February 22, 2022.
Accessed September 1, 2022 https://www.epa.gov/renewable-fuel-standard-program/overview-
______2022c. EPA Restores California’s Authority to Enforce Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for
Cars and Light Trucks. March 9, 2022. https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-restores-
United States Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration
(U.S. EPA and NHTSA) 2016. Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fuel Efficiency Standards. Accessed May
1, 2019. https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/epa-and-dot-finalize-greenhouse-gas-and-
Page 7-6 Report Preparers and References
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
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Appendix A
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
APPENDIX A: CalEEMod Output Files
Appendix A
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
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Fontana Citrus Existing Conditions Detailed Report
Table of Contents
1. Basic Project Information
1.1. Basic Project Information
1.2. Land Use Types
1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector
2. Emissions Summary
2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds
2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated
4. Operations Emissions Details
4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use
4.1.1. Unmitigated
4.2. Energy
4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
4.3. Area Emissions by Source
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4.3.2. Unmitigated
4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use
4.4.2. Unmitigated
4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use
4.5.2. Unmitigated
4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use
4.6.1. Unmitigated
4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type
4.7.1. Unmitigated
4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type
4.8.1. Unmitigated
4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type
4.9.1. Unmitigated
4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type
4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated
4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated
4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated
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5. Activity Data
5.9. Operational Mobile Sources
5.9.1. Unmitigated
5.10. Operational Area Sources
5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated
5.10.2. Architectural Coatings
5.10.3. Landscape Equipment
5.11. Operational Energy Consumption
5.11.1. Unmitigated
5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption
5.12.1. Unmitigated
5.13. Operational Waste Generation
5.13.1. Unmitigated
5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment
5.14.1. Unmitigated
5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment
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5.15.1. Unmitigated
5.16. Stationary Sources
5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps
5.16.2. Process Boilers
5.17. User Defined
5.18. Vegetation
5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated
5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated
5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated
6. Climate Risk Detailed Report
6.1. Climate Risk Summary
6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores
6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores
6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures
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7. Health and Equity Details
7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores
7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores
7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores
7.4. Health & Equity Measures
7.5. Evaluation Scorecard
7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures
8. User Changes to Default Data
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1. Basic Project Information
1.1. Basic Project Information
Data Field Value
Project Name Fontana Citrus Existing Conditions
Operational Year 2024
Lead Agency —
Land Use Scale Project/site
Analysis Level for Defaults County
Windspeed (m/s)2.80
Precipitation (days)6.80
Location 34.064112, -117.451232
County San Bernardino-South Coast
City Fontana
Air District South Coast AQMD
Air Basin South Coast
TAZ 5311
Electric Utility Southern California Edison
Gas Utility Southern California Gas
App Version 2022.1.1.14
1.2. Land Use Types
Land Use Subtype Size Unit Lot Acreage Building Area (sq ft)Landscape Area (sq
Special Landscape
Area (sq ft)
Population Description
Single Family
15.0 Dwelling Unit 0.72 31,359 175,693 0.00 50.0 —
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Parking Lot 671 1000sqft 15.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 ——
1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector
No measures selected
2. Emissions Summary
2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Unmit.5.00 5.29 0.93 12.3 0.03 1.09 0.85 1.94 1.07 0.22 1.28 150 2,165 2,314 1.46 0.07 4.40 2,375
Unmit.4.95 5.24 0.97 11.6 0.03 1.09 0.85 1.94 1.07 0.22 1.28 150 2,099 2,248 1.46 0.07 0.33 2,305
Unmit.0.90 1.59 0.69 4.63 0.01 0.09 0.85 0.94 0.09 0.22 0.31 18.7 1,859 1,878 1.07 0.06 2.03 1,925
Unmit.0.16 0.29 0.13 0.85 < 0.005 0.02 0.16 0.17 0.02 0.04 0.06 3.09 308 311 0.18 0.01 0.34 319
2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
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Mobile 0.64 0.59 0.50 4.63 0.01 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.01 0.22 0.22 —1,054 1,054 0.05 0.05 4.18 1,074
Area 4.34 4.70 0.31 7.63 0.02 1.07 —1.07 1.05 —1.05 141 268 409 0.42 0.01 —421
Energy 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —821 821 0.08 0.01 —825
Water ———————————1.20 21.5 22.7 0.12 < 0.005 —26.8
Waste ———————————7.87 0.00 7.87 0.79 0.00 —27.5
Refrig.————————————————0.22 0.22
Total 5.00 5.29 0.93 12.3 0.03 1.09 0.85 1.94 1.07 0.22 1.28 150 2,165 2,314 1.46 0.07 4.40 2,375
Mobile 0.60 0.54 0.54 3.92 0.01 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.01 0.22 0.22 —988 988 0.06 0.05 0.11 1,005
Area 4.34 4.70 0.31 7.63 0.02 1.07 —1.07 1.05 —1.05 141 268 409 0.42 0.01 —421
Energy 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —821 821 0.08 0.01 —825
Water ———————————1.20 21.5 22.7 0.12 < 0.005 —26.8
Waste ———————————7.87 0.00 7.87 0.79 0.00 —27.5
Refrig.————————————————0.22 0.22
Total 4.95 5.24 0.97 11.6 0.03 1.09 0.85 1.94 1.07 0.22 1.28 150 2,099 2,248 1.46 0.07 0.33 2,305
Mobile 0.59 0.54 0.55 4.06 0.01 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.01 0.22 0.22 —998 998 0.06 0.05 1.80 1,017
Area 0.30 1.05 0.02 0.52 < 0.005 0.07 —0.07 0.07 —0.07 9.62 18.4 28.0 0.03 < 0.005 —28.8
Energy 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —821 821 0.08 0.01 —825
Water ———————————1.20 21.5 22.7 0.12 < 0.005 —26.8
Waste ———————————7.87 0.00 7.87 0.79 0.00 —27.5
Refrig.————————————————0.22 0.22
Total 0.90 1.59 0.69 4.63 0.01 0.09 0.85 0.94 0.09 0.22 0.31 18.7 1,859 1,878 1.07 0.06 2.03 1,925
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Annual ——————————————————
Mobile 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.74 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.16 0.16 < 0.005 0.04 0.04 —165 165 0.01 0.01 0.30 168
Area 0.05 0.19 < 0.005 0.10 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 1.59 3.04 4.64 < 0.005 < 0.005 —4.77
Energy < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —136 136 0.01 < 0.005 —137
Water ———————————0.20 3.57 3.77 0.02 < 0.005 —4.44
Waste ———————————1.30 0.00 1.30 0.13 0.00 —4.56
Refrig.————————————————0.04 0.04
Total 0.16 0.29 0.13 0.85 < 0.005 0.02 0.16 0.17 0.02 0.04 0.06 3.09 308 311 0.18 0.01 0.34 319
4. Operations Emissions Details
4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use
4.1.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
0.64 0.59 0.50 4.63 0.01 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.01 0.22 0.22 —1,054 1,054 0.05 0.05 4.18 1,074
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.64 0.59 0.50 4.63 0.01 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.01 0.22 0.22 —1,054 1,054 0.05 0.05 4.18 1,074
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0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.60 0.54 0.54 3.92 0.01 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.01 0.22 0.22 —988 988 0.06 0.05 0.11 1,005
Annual ——————————————————
0.11 0.10 0.10 0.74 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.16 0.16 < 0.005 0.04 0.04 —165 165 0.01 0.01 0.30 168
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.74 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.16 0.16 < 0.005 0.04 0.04 —165 165 0.01 0.01 0.30 168
4.2. Energy
4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
————————————109 109 0.01 < 0.005 —110
————————————561 561 0.05 0.01 —565
Total ————————————670 670 0.06 0.01 —674
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110—< 0.0050.01109109————————————Single
————————————561 561 0.05 0.01 —565
Total ————————————670 670 0.06 0.01 —674
Annual ——————————————————
————————————18.1 18.1 < 0.005 < 0.005 —18.2
————————————92.9 92.9 0.01 < 0.005 —93.5
Total ————————————111 111 0.01 < 0.005 —112
4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
0.01 0.01 0.12 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —150 150 0.01 < 0.005 —151
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —150 150 0.01 < 0.005 —151
0.01 0.01 0.12 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —150 150 0.01 < 0.005 —151
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0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —150 150 0.01 < 0.005 —151
Annual ——————————————————
< 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —24.9 24.9 < 0.005 < 0.005 —25.0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —24.9 24.9 < 0.005 < 0.005 —25.0
4.3. Area Emissions by Source
4.3.2. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Hearths 4.34 3.92 0.31 7.63 0.02 1.07 —1.07 1.05 —1.05 141 268 409 0.42 0.01 —421
—0.72 ————————————————
—0.05 ————————————————
Total 4.34 4.70 0.31 7.63 0.02 1.07 —1.07 1.05 —1.05 141 268 409 0.42 0.01 —421
Hearths 4.34 3.92 0.31 7.63 0.02 1.07 —1.07 1.05 —1.05 141 268 409 0.42 0.01 —421
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—0.05 ————————————————
Total 4.34 4.70 0.31 7.63 0.02 1.07 —1.07 1.05 —1.05 141 268 409 0.42 0.01 —421
Annual ——————————————————
Hearths 0.05 0.05 < 0.005 0.10 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 1.59 3.04 4.64 < 0.005 < 0.005 —4.77
—0.13 ————————————————
—0.01 ————————————————
Total 0.05 0.19 < 0.005 0.10 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 1.59 3.04 4.64 < 0.005 < 0.005 —4.77
4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use
4.4.2. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
———————————1.20 21.5 22.7 0.12 < 0.005 —26.8
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————1.20 21.5 22.7 0.12 < 0.005 —26.8
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———————————1.20 21.5 22.7 0.12 < 0.005 —26.8
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————1.20 21.5 22.7 0.12 < 0.005 —26.8
Annual ——————————————————
———————————0.20 3.57 3.77 0.02 < 0.005 —4.44
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————0.20 3.57 3.77 0.02 < 0.005 —4.44
4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use
4.5.2. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
———————————7.87 0.00 7.87 0.79 0.00 —27.5
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————7.87 0.00 7.87 0.79 0.00 —27.5
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———————————7.87 0.00 7.87 0.79 0.00 —27.5
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————7.87 0.00 7.87 0.79 0.00 —27.5
Annual ——————————————————
———————————1.30 0.00 1.30 0.13 0.00 —4.56
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————1.30 0.00 1.30 0.13 0.00 —4.56
4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use
4.6.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
————————————————0.22 0.22
Total ————————————————0.22 0.22
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————————————————0.22 0.22
Total ————————————————0.22 0.22
Annual ——————————————————
————————————————0.04 0.04
Total ————————————————0.04 0.04
4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type
4.7.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type
4.8.1. Unmitigated
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Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type
4.9.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
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4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type
4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
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4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Species TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Avoided ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Avoided ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Avoided ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
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Sequest ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
5. Activity Data
5.9. Operational Mobile Sources
5.9.1. Unmitigated
Land Use Type Trips/Weekday Trips/Saturday Trips/Sunday Trips/Year VMT/Weekday VMT/Saturday VMT/Sunday VMT/Year
Single Family
142 142 142 51,830 1,203 1,203 1,203 439,046
Parking Lot 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.10. Operational Area Sources
5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated
Hearth Type Unmitigated (number)
Single Family Housing —
Wood Fireplaces 1
Gas Fireplaces 13
Propane Fireplaces 0
Electric Fireplaces 0
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No Fireplaces 2
Conventional Wood Stoves 0
Catalytic Wood Stoves 1
Non-Catalytic Wood Stoves 1
Pellet Wood Stoves 0
5.10.2. Architectural Coatings
Residential Interior Area Coated (sq ft)Residential Exterior Area Coated (sq ft)Non-Residential Interior Area Coated
(sq ft)
Non-Residential Exterior Area Coated
(sq ft)
Parking Area Coated (sq ft)
63501.975 21,167 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.10.3. Landscape Equipment
Season Unit Value
Snow Days day/yr 0.00
Summer Days day/yr 250
5.11. Operational Energy Consumption
5.11.1. Unmitigated
Electricity (kWh/yr) and CO2 and CH4 and N2O and Natural Gas (kBTU/yr)
Land Use Electricity (kWh/yr)CO2 CH4 N2O Natural Gas (kBTU/yr)
Single Family Housing 114,144 349 0.0330 0.0040 469,346
Parking Lot 587,642 349 0.0330 0.0040 0.00
5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption
5.12.1. Unmitigated
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Land Use Indoor Water (gal/year)Outdoor Water (gal/year)
Single Family Housing 625,218 3,448,470
Parking Lot 0.00 0.00
5.13. Operational Waste Generation
5.13.1. Unmitigated
Land Use Waste (ton/year)Cogeneration (kWh/year)
Single Family Housing 14.6 —
Parking Lot 0.00 —
5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment
5.14.1. Unmitigated
Land Use Type Equipment Type Refrigerant GWP Quantity (kg)Operations Leak Rate Service Leak Rate Times Serviced
Single Family Housing Average room A/C &
Other residential A/C
and heat pumps
R-410A 2,088 < 0.005 2.50 2.50 10.0
Single Family Housing Household refrigerators
and/or freezers
R-134a 1,430 0.12 0.60 0.00 1.00
5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment
5.15.1. Unmitigated
Equipment Type Fuel Type Engine Tier Number per Day Hours Per Day Horsepower Load Factor
5.16. Stationary Sources
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5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps
Equipment Type Fuel Type Number per Day Hours per Day Hours per Year Horsepower Load Factor
5.16.2. Process Boilers
Equipment Type Fuel Type Number Boiler Rating (MMBtu/hr)Daily Heat Input (MMBtu/day)Annual Heat Input (MMBtu/yr)
5.17. User Defined
Equipment Type Fuel Type
5.18. Vegetation
5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated
Vegetation Land Use Type Vegetation Soil Type Initial Acres Final Acres
5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated
Biomass Cover Type Initial Acres Final Acres
5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated
Tree Type Number Electricity Saved (kWh/year)Natural Gas Saved (btu/year)
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6. Climate Risk Detailed Report
6.1. Climate Risk Summary
Cal-Adapt midcentury 2040–2059 average projections for four hazards are reported below for your project location. These are under Representation Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 which assumes GHG
emissions will continue to rise strongly through 2050 and then plateau around 2100.
Climate Hazard Result for Project Location Unit
Temperature and Extreme Heat 21.7 annual days of extreme heat
Extreme Precipitation 5.25 annual days with precipitation above 20 mm
Sea Level Rise 0.00 meters of inundation depth
Wildfire 0.00 annual hectares burned
Temperature and Extreme Heat data are for grid cell in which your project are located. The projection is based on the 98th historical percentile of daily maximum/minimum temperatures from observed
historical data (32 climate model ensemble from Cal-Adapt, 2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi.
Extreme Precipitation data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The threshold of 20 mm is equivalent to about ¾ an inch of rain, which would be light to moderate rainfall if received over a full
day or heavy rain if received over a period of 2 to 4 hours. Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi.
Sea Level Rise data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from Radke et al. (2017), as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider different
increments of sea level rise coupled with extreme storm events. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential inundation depth for the grid cell. The four simulations make
different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature
possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 50 meters (m) by 50 m, or about 164 feet (ft) by 164 ft.
Wildfire data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from UC Davis, as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider historical data of climate,
vegetation, population density, and large (> 400 ha) fire history. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential wildfire probabilities for the grid cell. The four simulations make
different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature
possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi.
6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores
Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score
Temperature and Extreme Heat 2 0 0 N/A
Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sea Level Rise 1 0 0 N/A
Wildfire 1 0 0 N/A
Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A
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Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A
Air Quality Degradation 0 0 0 N/A
The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest
The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the
greatest ability to adapt.
The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores do not include implementation of climate risk reduction measures.
6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores
Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score
Temperature and Extreme Heat 2 1 1 3
Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sea Level Rise 1 1 1 2
Wildfire 1 1 1 2
Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A
Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A
Air Quality Degradation 1 1 1 2
The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest
The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the
greatest ability to adapt.
The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores include implementation of climate risk reduction measures.
6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures
7. Health and Equity Details
7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores
The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state.
Indicator Result for Project Census Tract
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Exposure Indicators —
AQ-Ozone 95.3
AQ-PM 93.5
AQ-DPM 78.3
Drinking Water 96.1
Lead Risk Housing 42.2
Pesticides 18.1
Toxic Releases 84.6
Traffic 79.6
Effect Indicators —
CleanUp Sites 82.7
Groundwater 14.3
Haz Waste Facilities/Generators 94.4
Impaired Water Bodies 0.00
Solid Waste 87.1
Sensitive Population —
Asthma 44.4
Cardio-vascular 55.1
Low Birth Weights 20.3
Socioeconomic Factor Indicators —
Education 73.4
Housing 26.7
Linguistic 34.6
Poverty 51.4
Unemployment 51.3
7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores
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The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state.
Indicator Result for Project Census Tract
Economic —
Above Poverty 46.27229565
Employed 32.144232
Median HI 62.51764404
Education —
Bachelor's or higher 30.92518927
High school enrollment 27.47337354
Preschool enrollment 9.149236494
Transportation —
Auto Access 75.69613756
Active commuting 25.30476068
Social —
2-parent households 83.85730784
Voting 30.59155653
Neighborhood —
Alcohol availability 69.20313102
Park access 26.03618632
Retail density 30.7583729
Supermarket access 43.14128064
Tree canopy 6.390350314
Housing —
Homeownership 72.5009624
Housing habitability 80.9829334
Low-inc homeowner severe housing cost burden 33.8380598
Low-inc renter severe housing cost burden 97.78005903
Uncrowded housing 24.76581548
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Health Outcomes —
Insured adults 19.91530861
Arthritis 67.1
Asthma ER Admissions 64.4
High Blood Pressure 71.3
Cancer (excluding skin)74.5
Asthma 37.3
Coronary Heart Disease 66.7
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 53.7
Diagnosed Diabetes 40.6
Life Expectancy at Birth 53.2
Cognitively Disabled 21.0
Physically Disabled 18.0
Heart Attack ER Admissions 49.4
Mental Health Not Good 35.7
Chronic Kidney Disease 55.3
Obesity 33.9
Pedestrian Injuries 62.8
Physical Health Not Good 37.9
Stroke 58.2
Health Risk Behaviors —
Binge Drinking 36.9
Current Smoker 40.0
No Leisure Time for Physical Activity 38.5
Climate Change Exposures —
Wildfire Risk 0.0
SLR Inundation Area 0.0
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Children 32.5
Elderly 76.6
English Speaking 56.0
Foreign-born 61.6
Outdoor Workers 45.8
Climate Change Adaptive Capacity —
Impervious Surface Cover 67.8
Traffic Density 81.5
Traffic Access 23.0
Other Indices —
Hardship 66.3
Other Decision Support —
2016 Voting 50.4
7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores
Metric Result for Project Census Tract
CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Score for Project Location (a)71.0
Healthy Places Index Score for Project Location (b)40.0
Project Located in a Designated Disadvantaged Community (Senate Bill 535)No
Project Located in a Low-Income Community (Assembly Bill 1550)No
Project Located in a Community Air Protection Program Community (Assembly Bill 617)No
a: The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state.
b: The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state.
7.4. Health & Equity Measures
No Health & Equity Measures selected.
7.5. Evaluation Scorecard
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Health & Equity Evaluation Scorecard not completed.
7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures
No Health & Equity Custom Measures created.
8. User Changes to Default Data
Screen Justification
Land Use Land uses updated to reflect existing conditions.
Operations: Vehicle Data Trip rate updated with information from the traffic report. CalEEMod defaults used for trip length.
Operations: Architectural Coatings Paved parking area would not be painted.
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Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual
GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report
Table of Contents
1. Basic Project Information
1.1. Basic Project Information
1.2. Land Use Types
1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector
2. Emissions Summary
2.1. Construction Emissions Compared Against Thresholds
2.2. Construction Emissions by Year, Unmitigated
2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds
2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated
3. Construction Emissions Details
3.1. Demolition (2024) - Unmitigated
3.3. Site Preparation (2024) - Unmitigated
3.5. Grading (2024) - Unmitigated
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3.7. Building Construction (2024) - Unmitigated
3.9. Paving (2024) - Unmitigated
3.11. Architectural Coating (2024) - Unmitigated
3.13. Trenching (2024) - Unmitigated
4. Operations Emissions Details
4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use
4.1.1. Unmitigated
4.2. Energy
4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
4.3. Area Emissions by Source
4.3.2. Unmitigated
4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use
4.4.2. Unmitigated
4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use
4.5.2. Unmitigated
4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use
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4.6.1. Unmitigated
4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type
4.7.1. Unmitigated
4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type
4.8.1. Unmitigated
4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type
4.9.1. Unmitigated
4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type
4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated
4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated
4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated
5. Activity Data
5.1. Construction Schedule
5.2. Off-Road Equipment
5.2.1. Unmitigated
5.3. Construction Vehicles
5.3.1. Unmitigated
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5.4. Vehicles
5.4.1. Construction Vehicle Control Strategies
5.5. Architectural Coatings
5.6. Dust Mitigation
5.6.1. Construction Earthmoving Activities
5.6.2. Construction Earthmoving Control Strategies
5.7. Construction Paving
5.8. Construction Electricity Consumption and Emissions Factors
5.9. Operational Mobile Sources
5.9.1. Unmitigated
5.10. Operational Area Sources
5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated
5.10.2. Architectural Coatings
5.10.3. Landscape Equipment
5.11. Operational Energy Consumption
5.11.1. Unmitigated
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5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption
5.12.1. Unmitigated
5.13. Operational Waste Generation
5.13.1. Unmitigated
5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment
5.14.1. Unmitigated
5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment
5.15.1. Unmitigated
5.16. Stationary Sources
5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps
5.16.2. Process Boilers
5.17. User Defined
5.18. Vegetation
5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated
5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated
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5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated
6. Climate Risk Detailed Report
6.1. Climate Risk Summary
6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores
6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores
6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures
7. Health and Equity Details
7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores
7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores
7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores
7.4. Health & Equity Measures
7.5. Evaluation Scorecard
7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures
8. User Changes to Default Data
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1. Basic Project Information
1.1. Basic Project Information
Data Field Value
Project Name Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric)
Construction Start Date 1/1/2024
Operational Year 2024
Lead Agency —
Land Use Scale Project/site
Analysis Level for Defaults County
Windspeed (m/s)2.80
Precipitation (days)6.80
Location 34.064112, -117.451232
County San Bernardino-South Coast
City Fontana
Air District South Coast AQMD
Air Basin South Coast
TAZ 5311
Electric Utility Southern California Edison
Gas Utility Southern California Gas
App Version 2022.1.1.14
1.2. Land Use Types
Land Use Subtype Size Unit Lot Acreage Building Area (sq ft)Landscape Area (sq
Special Landscape
Area (sq ft)
Population Description
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Warehouse-No Rail
355 1000sqft 8.15 355,000 0.00 0.00 ——
General Office
5.50 1000sqft 0.13 5,500 0.00 0.00 ——
Parking Lot 110 Space 7.85 0.00 86,113 0.00 ——
1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector
No measures selected
2. Emissions Summary
2.1. Construction Emissions Compared Against Thresholds
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Unmit.0.96 18.0 3.17 22.8 0.02 0.09 1.25 1.33 0.09 0.30 0.37 —3,864 3,864 0.17 0.10 5.97 3,905
Unmit.0.90 0.80 4.05 23.7 0.05 0.10 3.36 3.44 0.09 1.35 1.37 —5,719 5,719 0.34 0.36 0.15 5,816
Unmit.0.46 1.61 1.86 10.5 0.01 0.05 1.00 1.05 0.05 0.28 0.33 —2,069 2,069 0.11 0.09 1.30 2,098
Unmit.0.08 0.29 0.34 1.91 < 0.005 0.01 0.18 0.19 0.01 0.05 0.06 —342 342 0.02 0.01 0.21 347
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Threshol —75.0 100 550 150 ——150 ——55.0 ———————
Unmit.—No No No No ——No ——No ———————
—75.0 100 550 150 ——150 ——55.0 ———————
Unmit.—No No No No ——No ——No ———————
2.2. Construction Emissions by Year, Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Daily -
2024 0.96 18.0 3.17 22.8 0.02 0.09 1.25 1.33 0.09 0.30 0.37 —3,864 3,864 0.17 0.10 5.97 3,905
Daily -
2024 0.90 0.80 4.05 23.7 0.05 0.10 3.36 3.44 0.09 1.35 1.37 —5,719 5,719 0.34 0.36 0.15 5,816
2024 0.46 1.61 1.86 10.5 0.01 0.05 1.00 1.05 0.05 0.28 0.33 —2,069 2,069 0.11 0.09 1.30 2,098
Annual ——————————————————
2024 0.08 0.29 0.34 1.91 < 0.005 0.01 0.18 0.19 0.01 0.05 0.06 —342 342 0.02 0.01 0.21 347
2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
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Unmit.2.71 10.7 7.78 28.7 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 188 16,402 16,590 20.0 1.07 37.3 17,447
Unmit.2.61 10.6 8.21 23.8 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 188 15,988 16,176 20.0 1.08 1.07 17,001
Unmit.2.60 10.6 8.33 24.6 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 188 15,630 15,818 20.0 1.08 16.2 16,656
Unmit.0.48 1.93 1.52 4.50 0.02 0.02 1.20 1.22 0.02 0.31 0.33 31.2 2,588 2,619 3.30 0.18 2.68 2,758
—55.0 55.0 550 150 ——150 ——55.0 ———————
Unmit.—No No No No ——No ——No ———————
—55.0 55.0 550 150 ——150 ——55.0 ———————
Unmit.—No No No No ——No ——No ———————
2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
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Mobile 2.71 2.01 7.78 28.7 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 —11,034 11,034 0.66 1.00 37.2 11,385
Area —8.68 ————————————————
Energy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —5,342 5,342 0.51 0.06 —5,373
Water ———————————5.59 26.0 31.6 0.58 0.01 —50.1
Waste ———————————183 0.00 183 18.3 0.00 —639
Refrig.————————————————0.11 0.11
Off-Road 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 2.71 10.7 7.78 28.7 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 188 16,402 16,590 20.0 1.07 37.3 17,447
Mobile 2.61 1.92 8.21 23.8 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 —10,620 10,620 0.67 1.01 0.97 10,939
Area —8.68 ————————————————
Energy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —5,342 5,342 0.51 0.06 —5,373
Water ———————————5.59 26.0 31.6 0.58 0.01 —50.1
Waste ———————————183 0.00 183 18.3 0.00 —639
Refrig.————————————————0.11 0.11
Off-Road 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 2.61 10.6 8.21 23.8 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 188 15,988 16,176 20.0 1.08 1.07 17,001
Mobile 2.60 1.90 8.33 24.6 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 —10,684 10,684 0.67 1.01 16.1 11,018
Area —8.68 ————————————————
Energy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —4,920 4,920 0.47 0.06 —4,949
Water ———————————5.59 26.0 31.6 0.58 0.01 —50.1
Waste ———————————183 0.00 183 18.3 0.00 —639
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Refrig.————————————————0.11 0.11
Off-Road 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 2.60 10.6 8.33 24.6 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 188 15,630 15,818 20.0 1.08 16.2 16,656
Annual ——————————————————
Mobile 0.48 0.35 1.52 4.50 0.02 0.02 1.20 1.22 0.02 0.31 0.33 —1,769 1,769 0.11 0.17 2.66 1,824
Area —1.58 ————————————————
Energy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —815 815 0.08 0.01 —819
Water ———————————0.93 4.30 5.23 0.10 < 0.005 —8.30
Waste ———————————30.2 0.00 30.2 3.02 0.00 —106
Refrig.————————————————0.02 0.02
Off-Road 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.48 1.93 1.52 4.50 0.02 0.02 1.20 1.22 0.02 0.31 0.33 31.2 2,588 2,619 3.30 0.18 2.68 2,758
3. Construction Emissions Details
3.1. Demolition (2024) - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Location TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Onsite ——————————————————
0.22 0.22 1.14 14.2 0.01 0.04 —0.04 0.04 —0.04 —1,480 1,480 0.06 0.01 —1,486
——————2.60 2.60 —0.39 0.39 ———————
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0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.01 0.01 0.06 0.78 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —81.1 81.1 < 0.005 < 0.005 —81.4
——————0.14 0.14 —0.02 0.02 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
< 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.14 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —13.4 13.4 < 0.005 < 0.005 —13.5
——————0.03 0.03 —< 0.005 < 0.005 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Offsite ——————————————————
Worker 0.09 0.08 0.09 1.02 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.21 0.00 0.05 0.05 —211 211 0.01 0.01 0.02 214
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.28 0.04 2.69 1.45 0.01 0.04 0.55 0.59 0.03 0.15 0.18 —2,099 2,099 0.23 0.34 0.11 2,205
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —11.7 11.7 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 11.9
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.02 < 0.005 0.15 0.08 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.03 < 0.005 0.01 0.01 —115 115 0.01 0.02 0.10 121
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Annual ——————————————————
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.00 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —1.94 1.94 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 1.97
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 —19.0 19.0 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 20.0
3.3. Site Preparation (2024) - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Location TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Onsite ——————————————————
0.12 0.12 0.62 6.87 0.01 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —1,257 1,257 0.05 0.01 —1,261
——————2.56 2.56 —1.31 1.31 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
< 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 0.19 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —34.4 34.4 < 0.005 < 0.005 —34.6
——————0.07 0.07 —0.04 0.04 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
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Annual ——————————————————
< 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —5.70 5.70 < 0.005 < 0.005 —5.72
——————0.01 0.01 —0.01 0.01 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Offsite ——————————————————
Worker 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.04 0.04 —158 158 0.01 0.01 0.02 160
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 0.00 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —4.40 4.40 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 4.46
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.00 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —0.73 0.73 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.74
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.5. Grading (2024) - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
16 / 52
Location TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Onsite ——————————————————
0.37 0.37 1.93 21.6 0.04 0.07 —0.07 0.07 —0.07 —3,923 3,923 0.16 0.03 —3,936
——————2.54 2.54 —1.05 1.05 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.03 0.03 0.16 1.77 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —322 322 0.01 < 0.005 —324
——————0.21 0.21 —0.09 0.09 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
0.01 0.01 0.03 0.32 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —53.4 53.4 < 0.005 < 0.005 —53.6
——————0.04 0.04 —0.02 0.02 ———————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
17 / 52
Offsite ——————————————————
Worker 0.09 0.08 0.09 1.02 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.21 0.00 0.05 0.05 —211 211 0.01 0.01 0.02 214
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.21 0.03 2.03 1.10 0.01 0.03 0.42 0.45 0.02 0.11 0.13 —1,585 1,585 0.17 0.25 0.09 1,665
Worker 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —17.6 17.6 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 17.8
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.02 < 0.005 0.17 0.09 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.04 < 0.005 0.01 0.01 —130 130 0.01 0.02 0.12 137
Annual ——————————————————
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 0.00 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —2.91 2.91 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 2.95
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.02 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 —21.6 21.6 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 22.7
3.7. Building Construction (2024) - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Location TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Onsite ——————————————————
0.35 0.31 1.98 8.83 0.01 0.07 —0.07 0.07 —0.07 —1,418 1,418 0.06 0.01 —1,423
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
18 / 52—
0.35 0.31 1.98 8.83 0.01 0.07 —0.07 0.07 —0.07 —1,418 1,418 0.06 0.01 —1,423
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.15 0.14 0.87 3.87 0.01 0.03 —0.03 0.03 —0.03 —622 622 0.03 0.01 —624
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
0.03 0.02 0.16 0.71 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —103 103 < 0.005 < 0.005 —103
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Offsite ——————————————————
Worker 0.40 0.37 0.34 5.92 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.91 0.00 0.21 0.21 —1,008 1,008 0.04 0.03 4.03 1,023
Vendor 0.03 0.01 0.32 0.17 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.08 0.08 < 0.005 0.02 0.03 —282 282 0.02 0.04 0.79 296
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Worker 0.38 0.34 0.40 4.47 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.91 0.00 0.21 0.21 —924 924 0.04 0.03 0.10 935
Vendor 0.03 0.01 0.34 0.18 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.08 0.08 < 0.005 0.02 0.03 —282 282 0.02 0.04 0.02 295
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
19 / 52
Worker 0.17 0.15 0.18 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.09 0.09 —411 411 0.02 0.02 0.76 416
Vendor 0.01 < 0.005 0.15 0.08 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.04 < 0.005 0.01 0.01 —124 124 0.01 0.02 0.15 130
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
Worker 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.02 —68.0 68.0 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.13 68.9
Vendor < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 —20.5 20.5 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 21.5
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.9. Paving (2024) - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Location TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Onsite ——————————————————
0.09 0.09 0.46 6.49 0.01 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —926 926 0.04 0.01 —929
Paving —1.54 ————————————————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
< 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.18 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —25.4 25.4 < 0.005 < 0.005 —25.4
Paving —0.04 ————————————————
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
20 / 52
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
< 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —4.20 4.20 < 0.005 < 0.005 —4.21
Paving —0.01 ————————————————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Offsite ——————————————————
Worker 0.09 0.08 0.08 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.21 0.00 0.05 0.05 —230 230 0.01 0.01 0.92 234
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —5.87 5.87 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 5.95
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.00 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —0.97 0.97 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.98
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.11. Architectural Coating (2024) - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
21 / 52
Location TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Onsite ——————————————————
0.02 0.02 0.13 1.83 —< 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 ———————
—17.2 ————————————————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
< 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.13 —< 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 ———————
—1.18 ————————————————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
< 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 —< 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 ———————
—0.21 ————————————————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Offsite ——————————————————
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
22 / 52
Worker 0.11 0.10 0.10 1.69 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.26 0.00 0.06 0.06 —288 288 0.01 0.01 1.15 292
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Worker 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —18.3 18.3 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 18.6
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.02 0.00 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —3.04 3.04 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 3.08
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.13. Trenching (2024) - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Location TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Onsite ——————————————————
0.07 0.07 0.34 4.89 0.01 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —699 699 0.03 0.01 —702
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
23 / 52
0.07 0.07 0.34 4.89 0.01 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —699 699 0.03 0.01 —702
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.01 0.01 0.06 0.80 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —115 115 < 0.005 < 0.005 —115
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
< 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 0.15 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —19.0 19.0 < 0.005 < 0.005 —19.1
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Offsite ——————————————————
Worker 0.08 0.07 0.07 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.04 0.04 —202 202 0.01 0.01 0.81 205
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Worker 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.04 0.04 —185 185 0.01 0.01 0.02 187
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
24 / 52
Worker 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.01 —30.8 30.8 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.06 31.2
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annual ——————————————————
Worker < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 —5.10 5.10 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 5.17
Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hauling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4. Operations Emissions Details
4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use
4.1.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
0.66 0.15 6.52 3.71 0.05 0.09 1.76 1.85 0.08 0.47 0.56 —5,839 5,839 0.49 0.88 16.8 6,129
2.06 1.86 1.26 25.0 0.05 0.02 4.83 4.85 0.02 1.22 1.24 —5,195 5,195 0.17 0.12 20.4 5,256
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 2.71 2.01 7.78 28.7 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 —11,034 11,034 0.66 1.00 37.2 11,385
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
25 / 52
0.65 0.15 6.81 3.71 0.05 0.09 1.76 1.85 0.08 0.47 0.56 —5,841 5,841 0.49 0.88 0.44 6,114
1.96 1.77 1.40 20.1 0.05 0.02 4.83 4.85 0.02 1.22 1.24 —4,780 4,780 0.18 0.13 0.53 4,824
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 2.61 1.92 8.21 23.8 0.10 0.11 6.59 6.70 0.10 1.69 1.80 —10,620 10,620 0.67 1.01 0.97 10,939
Annual ——————————————————
0.12 0.03 1.26 0.68 0.01 0.02 0.32 0.34 0.02 0.09 0.10 —967 967 0.08 0.15 1.20 1,013
0.36 0.32 0.26 3.82 0.01 < 0.005 0.88 0.89 < 0.005 0.22 0.23 —802 802 0.03 0.02 1.46 811
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.48 0.35 1.52 4.50 0.02 0.02 1.20 1.22 0.02 0.31 0.33 —1,769 1,769 0.11 0.17 2.66 1,824
4.2. Energy
4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
26 / 52
————————————3,455 3,455 0.33 0.04 —3,475
————————————134 134 0.01 < 0.005 —135
————————————286 286 0.03 < 0.005 —288
————————————1,467 1,467 0.14 0.02 —1,475
Total ————————————5,342 5,342 0.51 0.06 —5,373
————————————3,455 3,455 0.33 0.04 —3,475
————————————134 134 0.01 < 0.005 —135
————————————286 286 0.03 < 0.005 —288
————————————1,467 1,467 0.14 0.02 —1,475
Total ————————————5,342 5,342 0.51 0.06 —5,373
Annual ——————————————————
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
27 / 52
————————————22.2 22.2 < 0.005 < 0.005 —22.3
————————————47.4 47.4 < 0.005 < 0.005 —47.6
————————————173 173 0.02 < 0.005 —174
Total ————————————815 815 0.08 0.01 —819
4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
28 / 52
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Annual ——————————————————
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
4.3. Area Emissions by Source
4.3.2. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
—7.74 ————————————————
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project: Maximum Daily AQ and Annual GHG (All Electric) Detailed Report, 7/7/2023
29 / 52
—0.94 ————————————————
Total —8.68 ————————————————
—7.74 ————————————————
—0.94 ————————————————
Total —8.68 ————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
—1.41 ————————————————
—0.17 ————————————————
Total —1.58 ————————————————
4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use
4.4.2. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
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———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
———————————0.00 7.01 7.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 —7.05
Total ———————————5.59 26.0 31.6 0.58 0.01 —50.1
———————————5.59 19.0 24.6 0.58 0.01 —43.1
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
———————————0.00 7.01 7.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 —7.05
Total ———————————5.59 26.0 31.6 0.58 0.01 —50.1
Annual ——————————————————
———————————0.93 3.14 4.07 0.10 < 0.005 —7.13
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
———————————0.00 1.16 1.16 < 0.005 < 0.005 —1.17
Total ———————————0.93 4.30 5.23 0.10 < 0.005 —8.30
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4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use
4.5.2. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
———————————180 0.00 180 18.0 0.00 —629
———————————2.76 0.00 2.76 0.28 0.00 —9.64
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————183 0.00 183 18.3 0.00 —639
———————————180 0.00 180 18.0 0.00 —629
———————————2.76 0.00 2.76 0.28 0.00 —9.64
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————183 0.00 183 18.3 0.00 —639
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Annual ——————————————————
———————————29.8 0.00 29.8 2.98 0.00 —104
———————————0.46 0.00 0.46 0.05 0.00 —1.60
———————————0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total ———————————30.2 0.00 30.2 3.02 0.00 —106
4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use
4.6.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
————————————————0.01 0.01
————————————————0.09 0.09
Total ————————————————0.11 0.11
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————————————————0.01 0.01
————————————————0.09 0.09
Total ————————————————0.11 0.11
Annual ——————————————————
————————————————< 0.005 < 0.005
————————————————0.02 0.02
Total ————————————————0.02 0.02
4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type
4.7.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Forklifts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
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Forklifts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Annual ——————————————————
Forklifts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00 0.00 —0.00 —0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —0.00
4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type
4.8.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type
4.9.1. Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
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Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type
4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated
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Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Total ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Total ——————————————————
4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated
Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual)
Species TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e
Avoided ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
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Avoided ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Annual ——————————————————
Avoided ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
Subtotal ——————————————————
5. Activity Data
5.1. Construction Schedule
Phase Name Phase Type Start Date End Date Days Per Week Work Days per Phase Phase Description
Demolition Demolition 1/1/2024 1/26/2024 5.00 20.0 —
Site Preparation Site Preparation 1/27/2024 2/9/2024 5.00 10.0 —
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Grading Grading 2/10/2024 3/22/2024 5.00 30.0 —
Building Construction Building Construction 3/23/2024 11/1/2024 5.00 160 —
Paving Paving 6/15/2024 6/28/2024 5.00 10.0 —
Architectural Coating Architectural Coating 6/29/2024 8/2/2024 5.00 25.0 —
Trenching Trenching 3/23/2024 6/14/2024 5.00 60.0 —
5.2. Off-Road Equipment
5.2.1. Unmitigated
Phase Name Equipment Type Fuel Type Engine Tier Number per Day Hours Per Day Horsepower Load Factor
Demolition Concrete/Industrial
Diesel Tier 4 Final 2.00 6.00 81.0 0.73
Demolition Excavators Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 8.00 158 0.38
Demolition Rubber Tired Dozers Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 8.00 247 0.40
Site Preparation Rubber Tired Dozers Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 8.00 247 0.40
Site Preparation Tractors/Loaders/Backh
Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 8.00 97.0 0.37
Grading Excavators Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 6.00 158 0.38
Grading Graders Diesel Tier 4 Final 3.00 8.00 187 0.41
Grading Rubber Tired Dozers Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 6.00 247 0.40
Grading Tractors/Loaders/Backh
Diesel Tier 4 Final 2.00 8.00 97.0 0.37
Building Construction Cranes Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 8.00 231 0.29
Building Construction Forklifts Electric Average 2.00 4.00 89.0 0.20
Building Construction Generator Sets Electric Average 3.00 8.00 25.0 0.74
Building Construction Tractors/Loaders/Backh
Diesel Tier 4 Final 2.00 7.00 97.0 0.37
Building Construction Welders Diesel Average 1.00 8.00 46.0 0.45
Paving Pavers Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 6.00 130 0.42
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Paving Paving Equipment Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 6.00 132 0.36
Paving Rollers Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 6.00 80.0 0.38
Architectural Coating Air Compressors Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 6.00 78.0 0.48
Trenching Trenchers Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 8.00 78.0 0.50
Trenching Forklifts Electric Average 1.00 4.00 89.0 0.20
Trenching Tractors/Loaders/Backh
Diesel Tier 4 Final 1.00 8.00 97.0 0.37
5.3. Construction Vehicles
5.3.1. Unmitigated
Phase Name Trip Type One-Way Trips per Day Miles per Trip Vehicle Mix
Demolition ————
Demolition Worker 16.0 18.5 LDA,LDT1,LDT2
Demolition Vendor —10.2 HHDT,MHDT
Demolition Hauling 29.8 20.0 HHDT
Demolition Onsite truck ——HHDT
Site Preparation ————
Site Preparation Worker 12.0 18.5 LDA,LDT1,LDT2
Site Preparation Vendor —10.2 HHDT,MHDT
Site Preparation Hauling 0.00 20.0 HHDT
Site Preparation Onsite truck ——HHDT
Grading ————
Grading Worker 16.0 18.5 LDA,LDT1,LDT2
Grading Vendor —10.2 HHDT,MHDT
Grading Hauling 22.5 20.0 HHDT
Grading Onsite truck ——HHDT
Building Construction ————
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Building Construction Worker 70.0 18.5 LDA,LDT1,LDT2
Building Construction Vendor 9.00 10.2 HHDT,MHDT
Building Construction Hauling 0.00 20.0 HHDT
Building Construction Onsite truck ——HHDT
Paving ————
Paving Worker 16.0 18.5 LDA,LDT1,LDT2
Paving Vendor —10.2 HHDT,MHDT
Paving Hauling 0.00 20.0 HHDT
Paving Onsite truck ——HHDT
Architectural Coating ————
Architectural Coating Worker 20.0 18.5 LDA,LDT1,LDT2
Architectural Coating Vendor —10.2 HHDT,MHDT
Architectural Coating Hauling 0.00 20.0 HHDT
Architectural Coating Onsite truck ——HHDT
Trenching ————
Trenching Worker 14.0 18.5 LDA,LDT1,LDT2
Trenching Vendor —10.2 HHDT,MHDT
Trenching Hauling 0.00 20.0 HHDT
Trenching Onsite truck ——HHDT
5.4. Vehicles
5.4.1. Construction Vehicle Control Strategies
Control Strategies Applied PM10 Reduction PM2.5 Reduction
Water unpaved roads twice daily 55%55%
5.5. Architectural Coatings
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Phase Name Residential Interior Area Coated
(sq ft)
Residential Exterior Area Coated
(sq ft)
Non-Residential Interior Area
Coated (sq ft)
Non-Residential Exterior Area
Coated (sq ft)
Parking Area Coated (sq ft)
Architectural Coating 0.00 0.00 540,750 180,250 20,517
5.6. Dust Mitigation
5.6.1. Construction Earthmoving Activities
Phase Name Material Imported (Cubic Yards)Material Exported (Cubic Yards)Acres Graded (acres)Material Demolished (Building
Square Footage)
Acres Paved (acres)
Demolition 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,754 —
Site Preparation 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 —
Grading 5,400 0.00 56.3 0.00 —
Paving 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.87
5.6.2. Construction Earthmoving Control Strategies
Control Strategies Applied Frequency (per day)PM10 Reduction PM2.5 Reduction
Water Exposed Area 2 61%61%
5.7. Construction Paving
Land Use Area Paved (acres)% Asphalt
Unrefrigerated Warehouse-No Rail 0.00 0%
General Office Building 0.00 0%
Parking Lot 5.87 100%
5.8. Construction Electricity Consumption and Emissions Factors
kWh per Year and Emission Factor (lb/MWh)
Year kWh per Year CO2 CH4 N2O
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2024 490 349 0.03 < 0.005
5.9. Operational Mobile Sources
5.9.1. Unmitigated
Land Use Type Trips/Weekday Trips/Saturday Trips/Sunday Trips/Year VMT/Weekday VMT/Saturday VMT/Sunday VMT/Year
Warehouse-No Rail
80.0 80.0 80.0 29,200 1,992 1,992 1,992 727,080
General Office
425 425 425 155,125 6,928 6,928 6,928 2,528,538
Parking Lot 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.10. Operational Area Sources
5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated
5.10.2. Architectural Coatings
Residential Interior Area Coated (sq ft)Residential Exterior Area Coated (sq ft)Non-Residential Interior Area Coated
(sq ft)
Non-Residential Exterior Area Coated
(sq ft)
Parking Area Coated (sq ft)
0 0.00 540,750 180,250 20,517
5.10.3. Landscape Equipment
Season Unit Value
Snow Days day/yr 0.00
Summer Days day/yr 250
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5.11. Operational Energy Consumption
5.11.1. Unmitigated
Electricity (kWh/yr) and CO2 and CH4 and N2O and Natural Gas (kBTU/yr)
Land Use Electricity (kWh/yr)CO2 CH4 N2O Natural Gas (kBTU/yr)
Unrefrigerated Warehouse-No
3,617,515 349 0.0330 0.0040 0.00
General Office Building 140,215 349 0.0330 0.0040 0.00
Parking Lot 299,545 349 0.0330 0.0040 0.00
5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption
5.12.1. Unmitigated
Land Use Indoor Water (gal/year)Outdoor Water (gal/year)
Unrefrigerated Warehouse-No Rail 2,919,270 0.00
General Office Building 0.00 0.00
Parking Lot 0.00 1,382,899
5.13. Operational Waste Generation
5.13.1. Unmitigated
Land Use Waste (ton/year)Cogeneration (kWh/year)
Unrefrigerated Warehouse-No Rail 334 —
General Office Building 5.12 —
Parking Lot 0.00 —
5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment
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5.14.1. Unmitigated
Land Use Type Equipment Type Refrigerant GWP Quantity (kg)Operations Leak Rate Service Leak Rate Times Serviced
General Office Building Household refrigerators
and/or freezers
R-134a 1,430 0.02 0.60 0.00 1.00
General Office Building Other commercial A/C
and heat pumps
R-410A 2,088 < 0.005 4.00 4.00 18.0
Warehouse-No Rail
Other commercial A/C
and heat pumps
R-410A 2,088 < 0.005 4.00 4.00 18.0
5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment
5.15.1. Unmitigated
Equipment Type Fuel Type Engine Tier Number per Day Hours Per Day Horsepower Load Factor
Forklifts Electric Average 43.0 8.00 82.0 0.20
5.16. Stationary Sources
5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps
Equipment Type Fuel Type Number per Day Hours per Day Hours per Year Horsepower Load Factor
5.16.2. Process Boilers
Equipment Type Fuel Type Number Boiler Rating (MMBtu/hr)Daily Heat Input (MMBtu/day)Annual Heat Input (MMBtu/yr)
5.17. User Defined
Equipment Type Fuel Type
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5.18. Vegetation
5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated
Vegetation Land Use Type Vegetation Soil Type Initial Acres Final Acres
5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated
Biomass Cover Type Initial Acres Final Acres
5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated
Tree Type Number Electricity Saved (kWh/year)Natural Gas Saved (btu/year)
6. Climate Risk Detailed Report
6.1. Climate Risk Summary
Cal-Adapt midcentury 2040–2059 average projections for four hazards are reported below for your project location. These are under Representation Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 which assumes GHG
emissions will continue to rise strongly through 2050 and then plateau around 2100.
Climate Hazard Result for Project Location Unit
Temperature and Extreme Heat 21.7 annual days of extreme heat
Extreme Precipitation 5.25 annual days with precipitation above 20 mm
Sea Level Rise 0.00 meters of inundation depth
Wildfire 0.00 annual hectares burned
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Temperature and Extreme Heat data are for grid cell in which your project are located. The projection is based on the 98th historical percentile of daily maximum/minimum temperatures from observed
historical data (32 climate model ensemble from Cal-Adapt, 2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi.
Extreme Precipitation data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The threshold of 20 mm is equivalent to about ¾ an inch of rain, which would be light to moderate rainfall if received over a full
day or heavy rain if received over a period of 2 to 4 hours. Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi.
Sea Level Rise data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from Radke et al. (2017), as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider different
increments of sea level rise coupled with extreme storm events. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential inundation depth for the grid cell. The four simulations make
different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature
possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 50 meters (m) by 50 m, or about 164 feet (ft) by 164 ft.
Wildfire data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from UC Davis, as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider historical data of climate,
vegetation, population density, and large (> 400 ha) fire history. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential wildfire probabilities for the grid cell. The four simulations make
different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature
possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi.
6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores
Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score
Temperature and Extreme Heat 2 0 0 N/A
Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sea Level Rise 1 0 0 N/A
Wildfire 1 0 0 N/A
Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A
Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A
Air Quality Degradation 0 0 0 N/A
The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest
The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the
greatest ability to adapt.
The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores do not include implementation of climate risk reduction measures.
6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores
Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score
Temperature and Extreme Heat 2 1 1 3
Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A
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Sea Level Rise 1 1 1 2
Wildfire 1 1 1 2
Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A
Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A
Air Quality Degradation 1 1 1 2
The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest
The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the
greatest ability to adapt.
The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores include implementation of climate risk reduction measures.
6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures
7. Health and Equity Details
7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores
The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state.
Indicator Result for Project Census Tract
Exposure Indicators —
AQ-Ozone 95.3
AQ-PM 93.5
AQ-DPM 78.3
Drinking Water 96.1
Lead Risk Housing 42.2
Pesticides 18.1
Toxic Releases 84.6
Traffic 79.6
Effect Indicators —
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CleanUp Sites 82.7
Groundwater 14.3
Haz Waste Facilities/Generators 94.4
Impaired Water Bodies 0.00
Solid Waste 87.1
Sensitive Population —
Asthma 44.4
Cardio-vascular 55.1
Low Birth Weights 20.3
Socioeconomic Factor Indicators —
Education 73.4
Housing 26.7
Linguistic 34.6
Poverty 51.4
Unemployment 51.3
7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores
The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state.
Indicator Result for Project Census Tract
Economic —
Above Poverty 46.27229565
Employed 32.144232
Median HI 62.51764404
Education —
Bachelor's or higher 30.92518927
High school enrollment 27.47337354
Preschool enrollment 9.149236494
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Transportation —
Auto Access 75.69613756
Active commuting 25.30476068
Social —
2-parent households 83.85730784
Voting 30.59155653
Neighborhood —
Alcohol availability 69.20313102
Park access 26.03618632
Retail density 30.7583729
Supermarket access 43.14128064
Tree canopy 6.390350314
Housing —
Homeownership 72.5009624
Housing habitability 80.9829334
Low-inc homeowner severe housing cost burden 33.8380598
Low-inc renter severe housing cost burden 97.78005903
Uncrowded housing 24.76581548
Health Outcomes —
Insured adults 19.91530861
Arthritis 67.1
Asthma ER Admissions 64.4
High Blood Pressure 71.3
Cancer (excluding skin)74.5
Asthma 37.3
Coronary Heart Disease 66.7
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 53.7
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Diagnosed Diabetes 40.6
Life Expectancy at Birth 53.2
Cognitively Disabled 21.0
Physically Disabled 18.0
Heart Attack ER Admissions 49.4
Mental Health Not Good 35.7
Chronic Kidney Disease 55.3
Obesity 33.9
Pedestrian Injuries 62.8
Physical Health Not Good 37.9
Stroke 58.2
Health Risk Behaviors —
Binge Drinking 36.9
Current Smoker 40.0
No Leisure Time for Physical Activity 38.5
Climate Change Exposures —
Wildfire Risk 0.0
SLR Inundation Area 0.0
Children 32.5
Elderly 76.6
English Speaking 56.0
Foreign-born 61.6
Outdoor Workers 45.8
Climate Change Adaptive Capacity —
Impervious Surface Cover 67.8
Traffic Density 81.5
Traffic Access 23.0
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Other Indices —
Hardship 66.3
Other Decision Support —
2016 Voting 50.4
7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores
Metric Result for Project Census Tract
CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Score for Project Location (a)71.0
Healthy Places Index Score for Project Location (b)40.0
Project Located in a Designated Disadvantaged Community (Senate Bill 535)No
Project Located in a Low-Income Community (Assembly Bill 1550)No
Project Located in a Community Air Protection Program Community (Assembly Bill 617)No
a: The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state.
b: The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state.
7.4. Health & Equity Measures
No Health & Equity Measures selected.
7.5. Evaluation Scorecard
Health & Equity Evaluation Scorecard not completed.
7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures
No Health & Equity Custom Measures created.
8. User Changes to Default Data
Screen Justification
Land Use Land use information updated based on the site plan.
Construction: Construction Phases Construction schedule updated with information from the project applicant.
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Construction: Off-Road Equipment Generators and forklift type changed to electric and equipment changed from average to Tier 4 Final
to reflect compliance with the Fontana Municipal Code. The following changes were made to reflect
project specific information from the applicant: Number of concrete saws, graders, generators
increased, number of excavators, dozers, tractors/loaders/backhoes, pavers, paving equipment,
rollers decreased, hp for concrete saws, excavators, tractors/loaders/backhoes, graders, generators,
pavers, paving equipment, rollers, air compressors increased, hp for dozers, crane decreased. Saws,
excavator, dozer, pavers, paving equipment, rollers hours/day decreased. Removed scraper. Added
trenching phase and equipment.
Construction: Trips and VMT Worker trips updated based on peak workers for each phase. Vendor trips updated based on 7,200
cubic yards of concrete.
Construction: Architectural Coatings Project would use super compliant paints to comply with the Fontana Municipal Code.
Construction: Paving Paved area adjusted to remove landscaping sqft.
Operations: Fleet Mix Fleet mix updated based on traffic report.
Operations: Vehicle Data Trip rates and trip length for passenger cars updated based on data from SMBTA VMT Screening
Tool. Truck trip distance weighted based on factors provided in Rule 2305 rule-making materials.
Operations: Refrigerants Cold storage removed, since warehouse would be non-refrigerated warehouse space. A/C added for
general building cooling. Information and rate from US EPA document cited by CalEEMod User
Manual Appendix G, Sheet G-38.
Operations: Energy Use Project would be all electric. NG consumption converted to electricity at a rate of 3.41 kBTU per kWh.
Operations: Water and Waste Water Indoor water consumption updated based on information provided by Kier + Wright, reflecting indoor
water used based on compliance with CalGreen Code requirements.
Appendix B
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
APPENDIX B: Fuel Consumption Spreadsheets
Appendix B
MIG, Inc – Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project Energy and GHG Report – July 2023
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Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project
Fontana, CA
Fuel Consumption Spreadsheets
Prepared by: MIG, Inc.
July 2023
Sheet 1 Summary of Fuel Consumption
Sheet 2 Construction On-site Fuel Consumption
Sheet 3 Construction Off-site Fuel Consumption
Sheet 4 Operational Fuel Consumption
Sheet 5 Raw EMFAC Output
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Fuel Consumption Appendix
Page 1
Energy Appendix: Fuel Consumption Estimations
Fontana Citrus Industrial Building Project
Fontana, CA
Prepared by MIG, Inc. October 2022
Sheet 1: Construction and Operational Fuel Consumption Summary
Construction Fuel Consumption (Total)
Activity Gasoline (gal)Diesel (gal)Electricity (kWh)
On-site - 14,962 -
Off-site 8,978 2,143 3,308
Total 8,978 17,105 3,308
Operational Vehicle Fuel Consumption (Annual)
Trip Type Gasoline (gal)Diesel (gal)Electricity (kWh)
Employees / Visitors 84,992 138 40,988
Trucks; LHDT1/LHDT2 --6,223 -
Trucks; MHDT --17,176 -
Trucks; HHDT --74,821 -
On-Site Equipment 728,873
Total 84,992 98,358 769,861
Operational Energy Consumption (Building)
Land Use Electricity (kWh/yr)
Natural Gas
General Office
Building 140,216 -
Parking Lot 299,545 -
Warehouse 3,617,515 -
Total 4,057,276 -
Table 1-4: Total Operational Energy Consumption
Diesel Fuel
Consumed (Gal)
Gasoline Fuel
Consumed (Gal)
Electricity Consumed
Natural Gas
Mobile Source 84,992 98,358 769,861 -
Building 0 0 4,057,276 -
Total 84,992 98,358 4,827,137 -
Fuel Consumption Appendix
Page 2
Sheet 2: Construction On-site Fuel Consumption Estimations
Phase Days Equipment
# of
Pieces Hr/Day Horsepower Load Factor
Gallons of
Concrete/Industrial Saws 2 6 81 0.73 14,191 767
Excavators 1 8 158 0.38 9,606 519
Rubber Tired Dozers 1 8 247 0.40 15,808 854
Rubber Tired Dozers 1 8 247 0.40 7,904 427
Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 1 8 97 0.37 2,871 155
Excavators 1 6 158 0.38 10,807 584
Graders 3 8 187 0.41 55,202 2,984
Rubber Tired Dozers 1 6 247 0.40 17,784 961
Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 2 8 97 0.37 17,227 931
Trencher 1 4 78 0.50 9,360 506
Forklifts 1 4 89 0.20 4,272 231
Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 1 8 97 0.37 17,227 931
Cranes 1 0 231 0.29 4,287 232
Forklifts 2 4 89 0.20 21,360 1,155
Generator Sets 3 3 25 0.74 26,640 1,440
Welders 1 1 46 0.45 3,312 179
Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 2 3 97 0.37 30,148 1,630
Pavers 1 2 130 0.42 1,310 71
Paving Equipment 1 2 132 0.36 1,140 62
Rollers 1 2 80 0.38 730 39
Architectural Coating 25 Air Compressors 1 6 78 0.48 5,616 304
1 The Carl Moyer Program Guidelines 2017 Revisions. Table D-21. Approved by the Board April 27, 2017.
Demolition 20
Site Preparation 10
Grading 30
Building Construction
Fuel Consumption Appendix
Page 3
Sheet 3: Construction Off-site Fuel Consumption Estimates
Phase Days Number
of Trips
Gas Fuel
Use by
Use by
Use by
Use by
(miles per
Use by
Use by
LDA 0.5 30.4 93.7%91 43.3 0.2%0.1 2.7 6.1%65.5
LDT1 0.25 25.0 98.4%58 24.3 0.3%0.2 2.8 0.3%1.6
LDT2 0.25 24.9 98.4%59 33.9 0.3%0.1 2.9 1.3%6.8
LDA 0.5 30.4 93.7%34 43.3 0.2%0.1 2.7 6.1%24.6
LDT1 0.25 25.0 98.4%22 24.3 0.3%0.1 2.8 0.3%0.6
LDT2 0.25 24.9 98.4%22 33.9 0.3%0.0 2.9 1.3%2.6
LDA 0.5 30.4 93.7%137 43.3 0.2%0.2 2.7 6.1%98.3
LDT1 0.25 25.0 98.4%87 24.3 0.3%0.3 2.8 0.3%2.5
LDT2 0.25 24.9 98.4%88 33.9 0.3%0.2 2.9 1.3%10.3
LDA 0.5 30.4 93.7%240 43.3 0.2%0.4 2.7 6.1%172.0
LDT1 0.25 25.0 98.4%153 24.3 0.3%0.4 2.8 0.3%4.3
LDT2 0.25 24.9 98.4%154 33.9 0.3%0.3 2.9 1.3%18.0
LDA 0.5 30.4 93.7%3,200 43.3 0.2%4.8 2.7 6.1%2293.3
LDT1 0.25 25.0 98.4%2,038 24.3 0.3%5.9 2.8 0.3%57.4
LDT2 0.25 24.9 98.4%2,048 33.9 0.3%4.2 2.9 1.3%239.6
LDA 0.5 30.4 93.7%46 43.3 0.2%0.1 2.7 6.1%32.8
LDT1 0.25 25.0 98.4%29 24.3 0.3%0.1 2.8 0.3%0.8
LDT2 0.25 24.9 98.4%29 33.9 0.3%0.1 2.9 1.3%3.4
LDA 0.5 30.4 93.7%143 43.3 0.2%0.2 2.7 6.1%102.4
LDT1 0.25 25.0 98.4%91 24.3 0.3%0.3 2.8 0.3%2.6
LDT2 0.25 24.9 98.4%91 33.9 0.3%0.2 2.9 1.3%10.7
8,861 18 3,150
MHDT 0.5 5.3 8.4%118 9.0 90.8%741 1.0 0.8%60.6
HHDT 0.5 N/A 0.0%N/A 6.1 100.0%1,209 0.6 0.7%97.9
Demolition 20 30 20 600 HHDT 1.0 N/A 0.0%N/A 0 6.1 100.0%99 99 N/A 0.0%0.0
Grading 30 23 20 460 HHDT 1.0 N/A 0.0%N/A 0 6.1 100.0%76 76 N/A 0.0%0.0
Construction 160 9 10.2 14688
Total On-Road Construction Trips Genergy Usage Gasoline (gal)8,978 Diesel (gal)2,143
18.5 8880 312 0.6
Site Preparation 10 12 18.5 2220 78
Construction 160 70 18.5
Worker Trips
Demolition 20 16 18.5 5920 208 0.4
Grading 30 16
Trenching 60 14 18.5 15540 546
Gasoline (gal)Diesel (gal)
Coating 25 20 18.5 9250 325
Electricity (kWh)
Electricity (kWh)
Hauling Trips
Vendor Trips
118 1,950
Paving 10 16 18.5 2960 104
Fuel Consumption Appendix
Page 4
Sheet 4: Operational Fuel Consumption
Trip Type Vehicle Class Annual VMT
Average Fuel
Fuel Split
Gasoline Fuel
by Class
Average Fuel
Diesel Fuel
Diesel Fuel
by Class
Average Fuel
(miles per
Fuel Split
by Class
Employee / Visitor LDA / LDT1 / LDT2 2,528,538 28.36 95.3%84,992 38.8 0.2%138 2.7 4.4%40,988
84,992 138 40,988
LHDT1/LHDT2 118,151 ------19.0 100%6,223 ---
MHDT 154,505 ------9.0 100%17,176 ---
HHDT 454,425 ------6.1 100%74,821 ---
0 98,220 0
84,992 98,358 40,988
Piece of
Equipment # of Pieces Hr/Day Horse-
Factor Days/year
Forklift 22 8 89 0.2 312
Annual Electricity (kWh):728,873
Electricity (kWh)
Sub-total Resident Consumption Gasoline Diesel
Total Gasoline (Gal)Diesel (Gal)
Sub-total Truck Consumption Gasoline Diesel
Source: EMFAC2021 (v1.0.2) Emissions Inventory
Region Type: Sub-Area
Region: San Bernardino (SC)
Calendar Year: 2025
Season: Annual
Vehicle Classification: EMFAC2007 Categories
Units: miles/day for CVMT and EVMT, trips/day for Trips, kWh/day for Energy Consumption, tons/day for Emissions, 1000 gallons/day for Fuel Consumption
Region Calendar YearVehicle CategoryModel YearSpeed Fuel Population Total VMT CVMT EVMT
San Bernardino (SC)2025 HHDT Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 3.869767 177.2217 177.2217 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 HHDT Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 14693.6 1799109 1799109 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 HHDT Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 109.5985 11409.19 0 11409.19
San Bernardino (SC)2025 HHDT Aggregate Aggregate Natural Gas 2560.518 164963.6 164963.6 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDA Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 457374.7 20012363 20012363 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDA Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 986.5858 34821.96 34821.96 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDA Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 22921.3 1119595 0 1119595
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDA Aggregate Aggregate Plug-in Hybrid13621.71 691724 334673.2 357050.8
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT1 Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 39862.5 1386010 1386010 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT1 Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 9.621533 138.87 138.87 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT1 Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 81.74409 4029.091 0 4029.091
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT1 Aggregate Aggregate Plug-in Hybrid75.22656 3819.958 1658.418 2161.54
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT2 Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 197589.8 8156001 8156001 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT2 Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 559.2848 24877.85 24877.85 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT2 Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 1637.445 58171.59 0 58171.59
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LDT2 Aggregate Aggregate Plug-in Hybrid1934.989 94631.93 43031.42 51600.51
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LHDT1 Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 16963.11 633447.7 633447.7 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LHDT1 Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 11403.03 434286.2 434286.2 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LHDT1 Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 147.3649 10150.49 0 10150.49
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LHDT2 Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 2823.95 99825.12 99825.12 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LHDT2 Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 4888.887 187525 187525 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 LHDT2 Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 37.58572 2461.55 0 2461.55
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MCY Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 20826.97 123280.7 123280.7 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MDV Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 147056.4 5833562 5833562 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MDV Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 1906.903 76374.48 76374.48 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MDV Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 1802.835 63969.44 0 63969.44
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MDV Aggregate Aggregate Plug-in Hybrid1256.812 62758.19 29119.49 33638.69
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MH Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 3227.586 28520.15 28520.15 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MH Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 1329.243 11866.01 11866.01 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MHDT Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 1427.423 76828.77 76828.77 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MHDT Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 15347.54 658670.5 658670.5 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MHDT Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 133.1586 6928.4 0 6928.4
San Bernardino (SC)2025 MHDT Aggregate Aggregate Natural Gas 208.4192 9895.426 9895.426 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 OBUS Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 358.2884 15030.55 15030.55 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 OBUS Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 215.4704 15216.87 15216.87 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 OBUS Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 1.990201 157.0571 0 157.0571
San Bernardino (SC)2025 OBUS Aggregate Aggregate Natural Gas 34.88313 2090.379 2090.379 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 SBUS Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 300.4578 14124.29 14124.29 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 SBUS Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 363.8707 7488.892 7488.892 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 SBUS Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 4.690535 132.2929 0 132.2929
San Bernardino (SC)2025 SBUS Aggregate Aggregate Natural Gas 411.4766 10217.59 10217.59 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 UBUS Aggregate Aggregate Gasoline 54.83057 5264.458 5264.458 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 UBUS Aggregate Aggregate Diesel 4.529432 447.4668 447.4668 0
San Bernardino (SC)2025 UBUS Aggregate Aggregate Electricity 7.409988 1124.503 0 1124.503
San Bernardino (SC)2025 UBUS Aggregate Aggregate Natural Gas 243.8213 33368.02 33368.02 0
Units: miles/day for CVMT and EVMT, trips/day for Trips, kWh/day for Energy Consumption, tons/day for Emissions, 1000 gallons/day for Fuel Consumption
Trips Energy ConsumptionFuel Consumption
77.42629 0 0.04458
221962.6 0 296.2218
1368.406 20538.04 0
14771.26 0 26.03237
2124445 0 659.2304
4226.275 0 0.803361
114790.1 432256.1 0
56325.79 107840 11.14738
172343.8 0 55.44488
27.06662 0 0.005712
409.6554 1555.562 0
311.0618 652.8495 0.055708
925465.4 0 328.0142
2707.612 0 0.732986
8336.729 22459.04 0
8001.18 15584.89 1.44969
252725.1 0 45.45107
143435.8 0 21.01892
2061.844 5689.552 0
42072.64 0 8.149184
61496.05 0 10.83489
498.4225 1380.893 0
41653.94 0 2.925131
672637.6 0 289.7409
8796.885 0 3.151066
9175.356 24697.48 0
5196.918 10159.89 0.989654
322.8877 0 5.836853
132.9243 0 1.16056
28559.88 0 14.58516
188328.2 0 73.2242
1697.434 7253.466 0
1924.329 0 1.142891
7168.635 0 2.914538
2560.668 0 2.039111
39.81994 164.9376 0
310.4599 0 0.234933
1201.831 0 1.571118
5268.848 0 1.014599
57.7594 152.9705 0
5958.181 0 2.374159
219.3223 0 0.406548
18.11773 0 0.043318
29.63995 2200.084 0
975.2852 0 7.825519