HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix E2_Phase II ESA Appendix E2 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment MASTER CASE NO. 20-073 INITIAL STUDY Offices In: California • Nevada PO Box 904, Clayton, CA 94517 ● (925) 673-5500 / fax (925) 673-5507 July 8, 2020 Project #20-5052A Mr. Steve Landis MV AMCV LLC 8628 Hillside Road Alta Loma, CA 91701 RE: Limited Shallow Soil Sampling – Proposed Residential Development (Approximately 9 Acres) APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233- 122-28-0000, and 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue) Dear Mr. Landis: Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. (PEI) completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the above-referenced subject property dated May 26, 2020 for MV AMCV, LLC (Client). The Phase I ESA concluded (directly excerpted): ● PEI’s historical review indicates the subject property was utilized for agricultural purposes (possibly intermittently) from at least 1938 until at least 2004, and most recently on the eastern parcels by Orchid Way, Inc. (circa 2003-2004). Agricultural chemicals in use today are applied in dilute concentrations and, when used properly, degrade relatively quickly. However, environmentally persistent pesticides commonly applied prior to the 1980s can linger in the soil for many years. It is not known if environmentally persistent pesticides have been applied to the subject site in the past. Based upon the apparent length of time that has elapsed since the majority of the agricultural usage has occurred, and the apparent lack of intensive agricultural usage, there appears to be a lower likelihood of potential former usage of pesticides significantly environmentally impairing the subject property, or which would require remedial actions. However, since the past operational usage is unknown and the property is planned for residential re-development, additional investigation of potential pesticides would be prudent. Additionally, the on-site residence and related storage structures have been on-site since 1945, and persistent termiticides were commonly applied to such structures and underlying soils prior to the 1980s. It would also be prudent to evaluate this potential issue. Based upon the above conclusions and recommendations, PEI provided the Client with a Limited Soil Sampling proposal dated May 27, 2020, and accepted by the Client on June 18, 2020. Based on the historic agricultural use of the property, shallow soil sampling for Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs), arsenic and total lead (in a targeted area) was completed for the subject property. The scope of work for the shallow sampling was proposed as follows: 9-Acre Property Soil Sampling Fontana, CA Page 2 of 5 The property will be divided into five (5) distinct grid sections (see attached figure). Four (4) soil sample locations were selected from each grid for a total of 20 locations. PEI will obtain two soil samples (at approximately 0-6 inches and 24 inches below ground surface [bgs]) via hand tools (e.g., hand auger) from each of the 20 locations in general accordance with the 2008 DTSC Interim Guidelines for Sampling Agricultural Properties. The soil samples from each boring will be labeled, and placed in an iced cooler for transportation to a California certified laboratory under chain-of-custody. The 20 shallow soil samples (e.g., 0-6 inches bgs) will be composited into 5 samples by personnel at the laboratory. The 5 soil samples will then be analyzed by the laboratory for Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) by EPA Method 8081A and arsenic by EPA Method 6010 as specific in the 2008 guidelines. The remaining individual soil samples collected from 24 inches bgs will be held at the laboratory pending laboratory analysis of the composited samples. Additional sampling beyond the 5 composite soil samples is not included in this scope of work. In addition to the agricultural pesticide evaluation above, PEI proposes collecting four soil samples from exposed soil areas adjoining the residential dwelling and outbuildings. The soil samples from this area will be labeled, transported, and analyzed as described above. In addition to OCPs, and arsenic, the composite sample from these samples will also be analyzed for total lead by USEPA Method 6010. Additional analysis (e.g., deeper samples), if recommended and approved by the Client, will be completed on a time and materials basis at $150/sample. A letter report of findings will be prepared. On June 25 and 26, 2020, PEI visited the subject property to sample shallow soils. The weather during the site visit was approximately 88-91 degrees with partly cloudy skies. Based on the proposed sampling methodology referenced above, PEI divided the approximately 9-acre parcel into five approximately equal rectangular sections. The sections were numbered 1 through 5 from west to east. Four discreet soil samples were collected in each sampling area for a total of 20 discreet sampling locations. In addition to the five sections above, four soil samples were collected within 1 foot of the residence, garage, and two sheds located in the southeastern portion of the site. The samples around the structures were designated as section 6. The sections and sampling locations are shown in the attached Figure 1. Two soil samples were collected from each of 24 sample locations using hand-auger equipment. Initial shallow soil samples were collected from approximately 0 to 6-inches below ground surface. It was anticipated that deeper soils samples could be collected at depths of 24 inches. However, due to soil conditions (e.g., gravel and loose soils) present during the assessment, the deeper samples were collected as noted on the chain-of-custody form varying from 6 inches bgs to 12 to 18 inches bgs. Samples were labeled according to the section designation, sample location, and the depth of the corresponding soil sample: 9-Acre Property Soil Sampling Fontana, CA Page 3 of 5 1-1 0”-6” = Soil sample collected in section 1, location 1, at 0 to 6 inches depth (bgs); 4-3 6”-12” = Soil sample collected in section 4, location 3, at 6 to 12 inches depth (bgs). A total of forty-eight (48) soil samples were collected from the subject property (e.g., two samples per each of the 24 sampling locations). Soil sample locations are noted on Figure 1. Soils encountered during the sampling activities at the subject property consisted of light brown, loose, dry silty sand (SM) with gravel to 3-4 inches. A surficial growth of knee-high grasses, weeds, shrubs and trees was present onsite, in addition to four greenhouses, a dilapidated shack, two concrete water tanks, a hose bib, a residence, a garage, and two sheds. Two soil samples from each soil boring location (6 inches and deeper than 6 inches bgs) were placed into glass jars and sealed with Teflon-lined lids. The jars were labeled and preserved in an iced cooler. The soil samples were delivered under chain-of-custody protocol to Enviro-Chem Laboratories, Inc. in Pomona, California for analysis. Based on the DTSC guidance referenced above, six shallow soil samples were composited from 24 sample locations (e.g., 1 composite sample from each of the four samples from each of the six sections). PEI instructed that four 0-6 inch soil samples from each sampling area be composited at the fixed-base laboratory for laboratory analysis. The deeper soil samples from each boring were held at the laboratory, pending laboratory analysis results of the 0-6 inch composited soil samples. FINDINGS PEI received the data from Enviro-Chem Laboratories, Inc. on July 6, 2020. The data is summarized in the discussion below: The larger sections of land (Sections 1 through 5) contained no concentrations of environmental concern for the analytes tested. Specifically, arsenic concentrations were consistent across the site and indicated typical background concentrations equal to or less than 5.91 mg/Kg, and no organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were detected above laboratory detection limits. No further assessment appears warranted related to the vast majority of the 9-acre property. The composite sample from the soil samples collected from the perimeter of the on-site buildings at the southeastern corner of the property contained concentrations of lead, DDE and DDT as discussed below: 4,4-DDE at 0.300 mg/Kg – This concentration is below the lowest January 2019 Tier 1 Environmental Screening Level (ESL) of 0.33 mg/Kg, and significantly below the published ESL for cancer risk for direct exposure for shallow soil exposure at residential properties of 1.8 mg/Kg. This concentration is not of environmental concern. 9-Acre Property Soil Sampling Fontana, CA Page 4 of 5 4,4-DDT at 0.330 mg/Kg - This concentration is above the lowest January 2019 Tier 1 Environmental Screening Level (ESL) of 0.0011 mg/Kg for significantly vegetated terrestrial habitats. However, the residential portion of the subject property does not fit this profile. This concentration is significantly below the published ESL for cancer risk for direct exposure for shallow soil exposure at residential properties of 1.9 mg/Kg. Therefore, this concentration is not of environmental concern. Total Lead at 142 mg/Kg - This concentration is above the lowest January 2019 Tier 1 Environmental Screening Level (ESL) of 32 mg/Kg for minimally terrestrial habitats (which includes high-density residential). This concentration is also above the published ESL for cancer risk for direct exposure for shallow soil exposure at residential properties of 89 mg/Kg. The concentration of lead is likely from residual lead-based paint in the soils near the structures and is not anticipated to be widespread on-site. CONCLUSIONS Based on the data, the majority of the property included in the undeveloped and former greenhouse portions do not contain arsenic or organochlorine pesticide concentrations of environmental concern. Composite shallow soil samples adjoining the structures in the residential portion of the property contain lead in soil at concentrations above its ESL. Elevated lead concentrations are typically the result of surface exposure to lead-based materials, and typically do not migrate significantly with depth. PEI recommends additional lead analysis of the “Section 6” soil samples including: 1) soluble threshold limit concentrations (STLC) analysis of the shallow composite soil sample; 2) deeper soil samples (e.g., 6 to 12”) to assess the depth of impact, and 3) individual soil samples of shallow Section 6 composite samples to assess whether a specific location may have a higher concentration of lead. LIMITATIONS The Screening Phase II findings are based on the conditions existing at the site when the field sampling was conducted. This work was performed in accordance with the proposal that was approved by the Client. This Assessment has been conducted and prepared in accordance with generally accepted practices and procedures exercised by reputable professionals under similar circumstances. PEI makes no other warranties or guarantees, either expressed or implied, as to the findings, opinions, or recommendations contained in this report. This Screening Phase II was not fully comprehensive in nature but was restricted to areas discussed herein. The findings presented in this report were based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the areas investigated during the time frame of this assessment. These findings may not be considered representative of future conditions in the areas investigated or conditions in any untested areas of the site. This investigation was performed in accordance with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaking currently similar studies in the same geographical area. No other warranty is expressed or implied. 9-Acre Property Soil Sampling Fontana, CA Page 5 of 5 It should be recognized that this study was not intended to be a definitive investigation of potential impact at the subject property. Given that the Scope of Services for this investigation was limited and that the investigation was further limited by the lack of accessibility in some areas, it is possible that currently unrecognized impacts (or higher levels than those found) may exist at the site. Therefore, PEI cannot act as insurers and cannot “certify” that a site is free of environmental contamination, that impact does not exist below a certain level in other areas of the site, or that some other, currently unrecognized, environmental impact does not exist at the site. The recommendations provided in this report do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon in any way for legal interpretations. This report has been prepared for the sole use of the Client, affiliates, and assigns of the Client. This report may not be relied upon by any other party without the written authorization of PEI and the Client. The Scope of Services performed in the execution of this investigation may not be appropriate to satisfy the needs of other private users or public agencies, and any re-use of this document or the findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented herein is at the sole risk of said user. This report is not necessarily designed to be used for regulatory review or closure purposes, but simply to facilitate a real estate transaction or review. CLOSURE Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions, please contact me at the number below. Respectfully Submitted, Peter K. Cloven, CEM, EP Kevin M. Clark, P.G. #8573 Project Manager Professional Geologist FIGURES NORTH FIGURE: Sample Locations Fontana, CA 1-1 6-2 6-1 6-3 6-4 4-1 1-1 5-3 5-4 5-2 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-1 1-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 4-4 4-2 4-3 5-1 1-1 1 PHOTO LOGS _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #1: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233-122-63-0000, looking north towards Orchid Avenue Photo #2: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233-122- 60-0000, looking south towards residences on Athol Street Photo #3: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233- 122-63-0000, looking west towards Poplar Avenue _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #4: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233-122- 63-0000, looking east Photo #5: View of abandoned 5-gallon bucket of hydraulic oil (left of tree) on APN 0233-122- 60-0000, looking west Photo #6: Close up view of abandoned 5- gallon bucket of hydraulic oil (next to tree) on APN 0233-122- 60-0000, with no apparent soil staining. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #7: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233-122- 28-0000, looking west Photo #8: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233-122-28-0000, looking north Photo #9: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233-122- 28-0000, looking east _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #10: View of soil sampling location in APN 0233-122- 28-0000, looking south Photo #11: View of soil sampling location in one of four greenhouses Photo #12: View of soil sampling location in one of four greenhouses _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #13: View of soil sampling location in one of four greenhouses Photo #14: View of soil sampling location in one of four greenhouses Photo #15: View of soil sampling location 5-1 next to storage shed, looking west _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #17: View of soil sampling location 5-3, looking east Photo #18: Another view of soil sampling location 5-2 next to concrete fluid storage tubs (2), looking northwest Photo #16: View of soil sampling location 5-2 next to concrete fluid storage tubs (2), looking north _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #20: View of soil sampling location 5-4 (next to water pipes sticking up to the right of the hand auger), looking east towards residence at 9092 Catawba Avenue Photo #21: Another view of soil sampling location 5-4 (next to water pipes sticking up to the left of the hand auger), looking west towards greenhouses Photo #19: Another view of soil sampling location 5-3, looking north _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #23: View of soil sampling location 6-2 (next to storage shed), looking east towards residence at 9092 Catawba Avenue Photo #24: View of soil sampling location 6-3 (next to smaller storage shed and septic tank [foreground]), looking southeast towards residence at 9092 Catawba Avenue Photo #22 View of soil sampling location 6-1 (next to garage), looking east towards residence at 9092 Catawba Avenue _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. APNs 0233-122-60-0000, 0233-122-63-0000, 0233-122-28-0000 & 0233-122-29-0000 (9092 Catawba Avenue), Fontana, CA Photo #26: View of soil sampling location 6-4 (east side of residence in garden area), looking northwest at 9092 Catawba Avenue Photo #27: Another view of soil sampling location 6-3 (next to smaller storage shed corner and septic tank [foreground]), looking southeast towards residence at 9092 Catawba Avenue Photo #25 Another view of soil sampling location 5-4 (next to water pipes sticking up to the left of the sampling stake [painted white at top]), looking west towards greenhouses ANALYTICAL REPORT & CHAIN OF CUSTODY