HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix C2_Updated Cultural Report Appendix C2 Updated Cultural Resources Identification Report MASTER CASE NO. 20-073 INITIAL STUDY 801 South Grand Avenue, Suite 850 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Office: 213-627-8645 | mbakerintl.com MBAKERINTL.COM January 11, 2022 Mr. Steve Landis, President MONTE VISTA ASSETS, INC. 8628 Hillside Road Alta Loma, CA 91701 RE: UPDATED CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION REPORT FOR THE MONTE VISTA HOMES FONTANA 47 PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Landis: On April 6, 2021, Michael Baker International delivered to you the Memorandum Cultural Resources Identification Report for the Monte Vista Homes Fontana 47 Project, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. The report was prepared in support of the Monte Vista Homes Fontana 47 Project (project), and reported the results of a South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) records search, literature and historical map review, archaeological and built environment field survey, archaeological sensitivity analysis, and California Register of Historical Resources (California Register) evaluation of one building. These efforts were completed to determine whether the project area could result in significant adverse changes to historical resources in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As detailed in our memo report, no historical resources were identified which may be impacted by the proposed project. Moreover, an analysis of the archaeological sensitivity of the project area indicated that the archaeological sensitivity of the project area is low, primarily because of past disturbances within the project area. Subsequent to our April 6, 2021, memo report, the project description was altered. These changes, which are detailed below, required a reassessment of our cultural resources impacts analysis. As described below, the changes to the project description do not result in any impacts to cultural resources. UPDATES TO THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project area is approximately 12.8 acres located on the west side of Catawba Avenue at the terminus of Hibiscus Street, and on the east side of Poplar Street. The project proposes to develop single-family residential units with associated road, utility, and water quality management improvements. At the City’s request, additional parcels (APNs 0233-22-28, 0233-22-29, 0233-22- 60, 0233-22-63) have been included in the scope of the proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, although these parcels would not be developed into residential units as part of this project. The project consists of two main components: • Land use and zoning changes over approximately 12.8 acres • Tentative tract map and design review for the construction of single-family dwellings on 9 acres The remaining 3.8 acres would be left as-is with their respective dwellings. The residential development would be supported by internal private streets, sewer and water access, a six-foot- high perimeter block wall, six-foot-high white vinyl fencing and gates for interior lots, and the installation of right-of-way improvements, including curb, gutter, and streetlights. The major changes to the project description are noted in the table below. The original project description included the construction of 47 residential units. The new project description calls for the construction of an additional six units, resulting in a total of 53 new residential units. In addition, a 0.4-acre park has been added to the design. The project footprint has not changed as a result of these additional features; instead, the density of housing in the new design has increased from 5.2 dwelling units (du) per acre to 6.0 du per acre. Previous Project Description New Project Description 47 residential units 53 residential units (additional 6 units) Density of 5.2 du/ac Density of 6.0 du/ac Access on the west side of the site was provided on Poplar Avenue Access on the west side of the site provided on Orchid Avenue No parks/open space proposed 0.4-acre park proposed in the central portion of the site Construction dates from summer 2021 to late 2022 Construction dates from summer 2022 to late 2023 Project was less than 52 units and would generate less than 50 peak hour traffic trips Project is 53 units and may generate additional traffic scrutiny Population increase of 194 persons Population increase of 218 persons (difference of 24 persons) The project requires a number of entitlements from the City of Fontana, including: • General Plan Amendment No. 20-015 – request to change the land use from R-SF (single-family residential) to R-M (multi-family residential) • Zone Change No. 20-015 – request to change the zone from R-1 (single-family residential) to R-2 (two-family residential) • Tentative Tract Map No. 20358 (TTM20-006) – request to subdivide 9 gross acres into 47 single-family residential lots with private internal streets, streetlighting, sewer, water, and perimeter block wall • Design Review No. 20-028 – request to approve the architectural design and layout of the proposed housing product CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION The methods and results of the SCCIC records search, literature and historical map review, archaeological and built environment field surveys, archaeological sensitivity analysis, and California Register evaluation are presented in detail in our April 6, 2021, memo. As described in that memo, archival and literature research identified no historical resources within the project area. One existing building that is historic in age was identified within the project area during the survey, but the resource was found ineligible for inclusion in the California Register. The effort identified no historical resources as defined by CEQA Section 15064.5(a) within the project area. Archaeological sensitivity of the project area is low. As described above, the changes to the project description do not result in a change to the project footprint. More units and a park will be constructed within the project area, but these new elements will all be located within the original project area. Because there are no historical resources identified within the project area, there will be no impacts to known cultural resources. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The findings and recommendations of Michael Baker International’s memo dated April 6, 2021, remain appropriate for the revised project description. No historical resources as defined by CEQA Section 15064.5(a) are located within the project area. In the unlikely event that any subsurface cultural resources are encountered during earth-moving activities, it is recommended that all work within 50 feet be halted until an archaeologist can evaluate the findings and make recommendations for treatment of the resource in compliance with Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(i). Any human remains encountered during ground-disturbing activities shall be treated in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, which states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County coroner has made a determination of the origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. In the event of an unanticipated discovery of human remains, the County coroner shall be notified immediately. If the human remains are determined to be prehistoric, the coroner shall notify the Native American Heritage Commission, which shall determine and notify the most likely descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 hours of notification and may recommend scientific removal and nondestructive analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American burials. PREPARER QUALIFICATIONS Marc A. Beherec, PhD, Principal Investigator/Senior Archaeologist, is a registered professional archaeologist (#989598) and meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for archaeology and history, and the Society for California Archaeology’s professional qualification standards for Principal Investigator. Dr. Beherec has more than 20 years of experience in cultural resources management, including project management, personnel management, Native American consultation, archival research, laboratory analysis, ethnographic and historical research, field survey, prehistoric and historical excavation, laboratory analysis, and collections management. He has experience with cultural and tribal cultural resources issues as they relate to CEQA and the National Environmental Policy Act. He directs the preparation of cultural resources technical studies compliant with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and CEQA, including studies documenting research, survey, testing, excavation, monitoring, and evaluation for inclusion in the National and California Registers. Sincerely, Marc A. Beherec, PhD, RPA Senior Archaeologist Attachment: Attachment 1 – Memorandum Cultural Resources Identification Report for the Monte Vista Homes Fontana 47 Project, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Appendix D Field Infiltration Test Results MASTER CASE NO. 20-073 INITIAL STUDY ZS Engineering 113 Tomato Springs, Irvine, CA 92618 C: 949-331-3232 info@zs-engineering.com Page 1 of 3 July 9, 2020 ZS Engineering #200604 Steve Landis Monte Vista Assets, Inc. 8628 Hillside Road Alta Loma, CA 91701 Subject: Field Infiltration Test Results Residential Tract of Single-Family Homes between Poplar Avenue and Catawba Avenue, Tentative Tract No. 18905, City of Fontana, CA 92336 (APNs 0233-122-60, -63, -28 and -29) Dear Mr. Landis: In response to your request, ZS Engineering has prepared this report on findings from the infiltration field tests at the proposed residential tract of single-family homes at the above location. 1.1 Field Infiltration Tests On June 20, 2020, after drilling and field logging, bore holes P-1 and P-2, each drilled to a depth 15 feet below grade, were converted into infiltration test holes. Test locations are shown in the attached exhibit. About 2 inches thick layer of ¾-inch gravel were poured at the bottom of each hole and then a perforated 3-inch diameter (inside) HDPE pipe was placed inside each hole. Annular spaces between the HDPE pipes and the test holes were backfilled with ¾-inch gravel. After preparation of the test holes, these were filled with water and two (2) consecutive readings of water drop were taken, each at 25 minutes interval and each time the hole being filled with water to the top. These initial readings yielded water level drops varying from 12 to 15 feet. This satisfied the Sandy Soil Criteria for infiltration test per the County guidelines. Accordingly, field tests were conducted on the same day without any need for overnight presoak. Field Infiltration Test Results - Residential Tract ZS Engineering #200604 betn Poplar Ave & Catawba Ave, Fontana, CA July 9, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Test readings for each hole were taken over one hour period with 6 consecutive readings, each reading at 10 minutes interval. Field tests began with each of the test holes filled with water to the top. Water level drop for each time interval was recorded to a measurement precision of 0.25 inch. Each hole was filled to the top after each 10-minute reading. The drop that occurred during the final 10-minute interval was used to determine the infiltration rate. Field infiltration test data sheets are presented hereafter. Evaluation of the design field infiltration rates is discussed in Section 3.4. Test hole preparation and test procedures were conducted in compliance with the San Bernardino County Guidelines for WQMP (see References). Field test data and calculations are presented in Appendix C. After completion of the infiltration test readings, the test holes were backfilled with the excavated soil spoils up to the surface. 1.2 Field Infiltration Rate Percolation rate from the field test data is related to, but not equal to, the infiltration rate. While an infiltration rate is a measure of the speed at which water progresses downward into the soil, the percolation rate measures not only the downward progression but the lateral progression through the soil as well. This reflects the fact that the surface area for infiltration testing would include only the horizontal surface while the percolation test includes both the bottom surface area and the sidewalls of the test hole. In order to convert the percolation rate into infiltration rate, the following equation, known as Porchet Method, is recommended in the County Guidelines. Where, It = Infiltration Rate, inch/hr ∆H = Water level drop over the time interval, inches ∆t = Time interval, minutes r = Effective radius of the test hole (4 inches) Havg = Average water head over the time interval, inches Summary of the field test data and infiltration rates, evaluated using the above equation, at both the test holes are presented in Table 1 below. It = ∆H 60 r ∆t (r + 2Havg) Field Infiltration Test Results - Residential Tract ZS Engineering #200604 betn Poplar Ave & Catawba Ave, Fontana, CA July 9, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Table 1 - Summary of the Field Test Data Test Hole # Depth of Hole (ft) Final ∆H (inch) ∆t (min) Final Havg (inch) Infiltration Rate, It (inch/hr) P-1 15 77.00 10 141.50 6.44 P-2 15 73.25 10 143.38 6.05 Infiltration rates at the test holes were found to fairly consistent, varying from 6.05 to 6.44 inch/hr. These rates are found to be within typical range of values for the sandy, gravelly soils that were encountered at the test locations. For a preliminary design estimate, we recommend a field infiltration rate of 6.0 inch/hr for subsurface soils for the proposed buried infiltration chambers at the target location with bottom of chambers at about 15 feet below the existing grade. Project Civil Engineer shall need to implement appropriate factor of safety to this field infiltration rate for design of the infiltration systems. We appreciate this opportunity of service. If there are any questions, comments regarding this report, please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, ZS ENGINEERING Zafar Ahmed, PE, GE Geotechnical Engineer Attachments: Infiltration Test Hole Locations Map Appendix A - Field Infiltration Test Data Field Infiltration Test Results - Residential Tract ZS Engineering #200604 betn Poplar Ave & Catawba Ave, Fontana, CA July 9, 2020 APPENDIX A Field Infiltration Test Data Project Name:Residential Tract betn Poplar Ave & Catawba Ave, Fontana, CA Job No.:200604 Test Hole No.:P-1 (see Fig. 2, Site Plan & Exploration Map) Depth of Test Hole (ft):15 Soil Description: 0 - 2': Silty f-c Sand (SM) w/ some fine gravel (up to 1/2") 2' - 10': Silty Sand to Sand, gravel size up to 1", less silts. 10' -15': Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), f-c sand, gravel up to 2" Sandy Soil Criteria Test By:ZA Date:Presoak:No Percolation Test By:ZA Date: Time Passed Interval ∆Sandy Soil (min)(inch)Criteria 11:46 AM 12:11 PM 12:21 PM 12:46 PM Time Total Elapsed Interval, ∆t Time ∆H (min)(min)(inch) 12:50 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM1:10 PM 1:10 PM 1:20 PM 1:20 PM1:30 PM 1:40 PM 1:50 PM 1:50 PM2:00 PM 80.50 10 60 0 ft.0.00 in 6 ft.5.00 in 77.00 10 50 0 ft.0.00 in 6 ft.8.50 in 89.00 10 40 0 ft.0.00 in 6 ft.11.25 in 83.25 10 30 0 ft.0.00 in 7 ft.5.00 in 6.00 in 102.00 10 20 0 ft.0.00 in 7 ft.11.00 in 95.00 Infiltration Test Data (Test Date 6/20/20) Time Water Level from Top Initial Final 10 10 0 ft.0.00 in 8 ft. 120.00 Yes 2 25 0 ft 0.0 in 9 ft 2.00 in 110.00 Yes 1 25 0 ft 0.0 in 10 ft 0.00 in Infiltration Test Data Sheet for P-1 6/20/20 6/20/20 Sandy Soil Criteria Test Data (Test Date 6/20/20) Trial No.Time Water Level from Top Initial Final Project Name:Residential Tract betn Poplar Ave & Catawba Ave, Fontana, CA Job No.:200604 Test Hole No.:P-2 (see Fig. 2, Site Plan & Exploration Map) Depth of Test Hole (ft):15 Soil Description: 0 - 2': Silty f-c Sand (SM) w/ some fine gravel (up to 1/2") 2' - 10': Silty Sand to Sand, gravel up to 1", less silts. 10' -15': Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), f-c sand, gravel up to 2" Sandy Soil Criteria Test By:ZA Date:Presoak:No Percolation Test By:ZA Date: Time Passed Interval ∆Sandy Soil (min)(inch)Criteria 11:36 AM 12:01 PM 12:05 PM 12:30 PM Time Total Elapsed Interval, ∆t Time ∆H (min)(min)(inch) 12:55 PM 1:05 PM 1:05 PM1:15 PM 1:15 PM 1:25 PM 1:25 PM1:35 PM 1:37 PM 1:47 PM 1:47 PM1:57 PM 76.25 10 60 0 ft.0.00 in 6 ft.1.25 in 73.25 10 50 0 ft.0.00 in 6 ft.4.25 in 84.50 10 40 0 ft.0.00 in 6 ft.7.00 in 79.00 10 30 0 ft.0.00 in 7 ft.0.50 in 2.00 in 98.00 10 20 0 ft.0.00 in 7 ft.6.00 in 90.00 Infiltration Test Data (Test Date 6/20/20) Time Water Level from Top Initial Final 10 10 0 ft.0.00 in 8 ft. 116.00 Yes 2 25 0 ft 0.0 in 9 ft 0.50 in 108.50 Yes 1 25 0 ft 0.0 in 9 ft 8.00 in Infiltration Test Data Sheet for P-2 6/20/20 6/20/20 Sandy Soil Criteria Test Data (Test Date 6/20/20) Trial No.Time Water Level from Top Initial Final