HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix B2_Updated Biol Records Search Appendix B2 Updated Biological Resources Records Search MASTER CASE NO. 20-073 INITIAL STUDY 5 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 500 | Santa Ana, CA 92707 Office: 949-472-3505 | Fax: 949-472-8373 December 23, 2021 JN 181745 MONTE VISTA ASSETS, INC. Attn: Steve Landis, President 8628 Hillside Road Alta Loma, CA 91701 SUBJECT: Results of an Updated Records Search for the Fontana 47 Project – City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Dear Mr. Landis: Michael Baker International (Michael Baker) is pleased to submit this report to Monte Vista Assets, Inc. documenting the results of an updated records search for the proposed Fontana 47 Project (project or project site) located in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. The Results of a Habitat Assessment for the Fontana 47 Project – City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California (Habitat Assessment), prepared by Michael Baker and dated January 22, 2021, previously evaluated potential biological resources impacts associated with the proposed project (refer to Attachment A, 2021 Habitat Assessment). Since then, the project description has slightly changed as described below. As an update to the Habitat Assessment, Michael Baker conducted an updated records search to identify any special-status1 plant and wildlife species that were not previously identified in the Habitat Assessment and evaluate potential project impacts on such species. Specifically, the updated literature review included records searches in the following databases: the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) RareFind 5 (CDFW 2021a), the CNDDB Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS; CDFW 2021b), and the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Online Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (Online Inventory; CNPS 2021). Revised Project Description The project site is approximately 12 acres located on the west side of Catawba Avenue at the terminus of Hibiscus Street, and on the east side of Poplar Street. The revised project proposes to develop fifty-three (53) single-family residential units with associated road, utility, and water quality management improvements (refer to Attachment B, Revised Site Plan). 1 As used in this report, “special-status” refers to plant and wildlife species that are federally-/State-listed, proposed, or candidates; plant species that have been designated a California Rare Plant Rank species by the California Native Plant Society; wildlife species that are designated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as Fully Protected, Species of Special Concern, or Watch List species; and State/locally rare vegetation communities. Fontana 47 2 Updated Records Search Updated Records Search Results The CNDDB and CNPS Online Inventory were queried for reported locations of special-status plant and wildlife species as well as special-status natural vegetation communities in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles. The literature search identified fifty-five (55) special-status plant species and seventy-five (75) special-status wildlife species as occurring within the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles. In addition, five (5) special-status vegetation communities were identified. Special-status biological resources identified during the literature review as having the potential to occur within the vicinity of the project site are presented in Attachment C, Updated Records Search. Special-status plant and wildlife species were evaluated for their potential to occur within the project site based on habitat requirements, availability and quality of suitable habitat, and known distributions. Special-Status Plants Based on the updated records search, fifty-five (55) special-status plant species have been recorded in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles by the CNDDB and CNPS Online Inventory (refer to Attachment C). In comparison, the Habitat Assessment (prepared in January 2021) identified fifty-seven (57) special-status plant species in the same four USGS quadrangles. No new special-status plant species were identified in the updated records search. As stated in the Habitat Assessment, no special-status plant species were observed during the field survey conducted in December 2020. Based on the results of the Habitat Assessment, updated records search, and a review of specific habitat preferences, occurrence records, known distributions, and elevation ranges, the special-status plant species identified by the CNDDB and CNPS databases are not expected to occur within the project site. Special-Status Wildlife The updated records search identified seventy-five (75) special-status wildlife species recorded in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles by the CNDDB (refer to Attachment C). Compared to the records search conducted for the Habitat Assessment (prepared in January 2021), fifteen (15) new special-status wildlife species were identified in the updated records search of the same four USGS quadrangles. The new special-status wildlife species identified in the updated records search include great egret (Ardea alba), great blue heron (Ardea herodias), San Gabriel slender salamander (Batrachoseps gabrieli), Costa’s hummingbird (Calypte costae), greenest tiger beetle (Cicindela tranquebarica viridissima), San Bernardino ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus modestus), Dulzura kangaroo rat (Dipodomys simulans), snowy egret (Egretta thula), merlin (Falco columbarius), white cuckoo bee (Neolarra alba), black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus), rufous hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus), Lawrence’s goldfinch (Spinus lawrencei), and Brewer’s sparrow (Spizella breweri). As detailed in the Habitat Assessment, the project site is primarily comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat characterized by heavily disturbed/compacted soils. Additionally, the routine weed abatement within the project site and surrounding residential land uses have reduced the potential for the project site to provide suitable habitat for special- status wildlife species. Based on the results of the field survey conducted in December 2020 and a review of specific habitat preferences, occurrence records, known distributions, and elevation ranges, it was determined that none of the fifteen (15) additional special-status wildlife species identified in the CNDDB database are expected to occur within the project site. Fontana 47 3 Updated Records Search Special-Status Vegetation Communities Similar to the Habitat Assessment, the updated records search identified the same five (5) special-status vegetation communities reported in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles by the CNDDB: California Walnut Woodland, Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh, Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub, Southern Riparian Forest, and Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland. As stated in the Habitat Assessment, the project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which reduces the likelihood of a special-status vegetation community from establishing. As such, no special-status vegetation communities were observed within the project site during the field survey conducted in December 2020. No changes are anticipated to these findings. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the updated records search, no additional special-status plant or wildlife species are expected to occur within the project site not previously identified in the Habitat Assessment. The revised project would result in similar impacts as the original project description analyzed in the Habitat Assessment. Pre- construction nesting bird clearance surveys and burrowing owl clearance surveys would similarly be required for the revised project as detailed in the Habitat Assessment. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (949) 246-7004 or tommillington@mbakerintl.com or Frances Yau at (949) 330-4105 or frances.yau@mbakerintl.com should you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, Tom Millington Frances Yau Senior Biologist Biologist Natural Resources and Regulatory Permitting Natural Resources and Regulatory Permitting Attachments: A. 2021 Habitat Assessment B. Revised Site Plan C. Updated Records Searches D. References Attachment A 2021 Habitat Assessment January 22, 2021 JN 181745 MONTE VISTA ASSETS, INC. Attn: Steve Landis, President 8628 Hillside Road Alta Loma, CA 91701 SUBJECT: Results of a Habitat Assessment for the Fontana 47 Project – City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Dear Mr. Landis: Michael Baker International (Michael Baker) is pleased to submit this report to Monte Vista Assets, Inc. documenting the results of a habitat assessment for the proposed Fontana 47 Project (project or project site) located in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. Michael Baker conducted a thorough literature review and a field survey to reconfirm existing site conditions and assess the potential for special- status1 plant and wildlife species that have been documented or that are likely to occur on or within the immediate vicinity of the project site. Specifically, this report provides a detailed assessment of the suitability of the on-site habitat to support special-status plant and wildlife species that were identified in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) RareFind 5 (CDFW 2020a), the CNDDB Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS; CDFW 2020b), the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Online Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (Online Inventory; CNPS 2020), and other databases as potentially occurring in the vicinity of the project site. Project Location The project site is generally located north of the Interstate 10, east of Interstate 15, south of State Route 210, and west of Interstate 215 in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. The project site is depicted in Section 13 of Township 1 South, Range 6 West, on the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Fontana, California 7.5-minute quadrangle. Specifically, the project site is approximately 12.8 acres located to the north of Randall Avenue, to the east of Poplar Avenue, to the south of Merrill Avenue, and to the west of Catawba Avenue. Project Description The project consists of two main components: 1) land use and zoning changes over approximately 12 acres, and 2) tentative tract map and design review for the construction of 47 single- family dwellings on 1 As used in this report, “special-status” refers to plant and wildlife species that are federally-/State-listed, proposed, or candidates; plant species that have been designated a California Rare Plant Rank species by the California Native Plant Society; wildlife species that are designated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as Fully Protected, Species of Special Concern, or Watch List species; and State/locally rare vegetation communities. Fontana 47 2 Habitat Assessment approximately 9 acres. The proposed project requires a number of entitlements from the City of Fontana, including: • General Plan Amendment No. 20-015 – request to change the land use from R-SF to R-M; • Zone Change No. 20-015 – request to change the zone from R-1 to R-2; • Tentative Tract Map No. 20358 (TTM20-006) request to subdivide 9 gross acres into 47 single- family residential lots with private internal streets, street lighting, sewer, water, and perimeter block wall; and • Design Review No. 20-028 – request to approve the architectural design and layout of the proposed housing product. The project site is approximately 12 acres located on the west side of Catawba Avenue at the terminus of Hibiscus Street, and on the east side of Poplar Street. The project proposes to develop forty-seven (47) single family residential units with associated road, utility, and water quality management improvements (refer to Attachment B, Site Plan). At the City’s request, additional parcels have been included into the scope of the proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. These parcels would undergo the aforementioned changes but would not be developed into residential units as part of this project. Methodology Literature Review Michael Baker conducted thorough literature reviews and records searches to determine which special- status biological resources have the potential to occur on or within the general vicinity of the project site. Previous special-status plant and wildlife species occurrence records within the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles were determined through a query of the CNDDB (CDFW 2020a), BIOS (CDFW 2020b), CNPS Online Inventory (CNPS 2020), and the Calflora Database (Calflora 2020). Current conservation status of species was verified through lists and resources provided by the CDFW, specifically the Special Animals List (CNDDB 2020c), State and Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Animals of California (CNDDB 2020d), Special Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Lichens List (CNDDB 2020e), and State and Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants or California (CNDDB 2020f). In addition, Michael Baker reviewed previously prepared reports, survey results, and literature, as available, detailing the biological resources previously observed on or within the vicinity of the project site to gain an understanding of existing site conditions, confirm previous species observations, and note the extent of any disturbances that have occurred within the project site that would otherwise limit the distribution of special-status biological resources. Standard field guides and texts were reviewed for specific habitat requirements of special-status species, as well as the following resources: • City of Fontana General Plan Update (City of Fontana, 2017); • Google Earth Pro Historical Aerial Imagery from 1994 to 2020 (Google, Inc. 2020); • San Bernardino County General Plan (County of San Bernardino, 2007); • Species Accounts provided by Birds of North America (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology 2020); • Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (CDFW, 2012); Fontana 47 3 Habitat Assessment • United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service’s (USDA) Custom Soil Resource Report for San Bernardino County Southwestern Part, California, (USDA 2020); and • USFWS Critical Habitat Mapper and Environmental Conservation Online System (USFWS 2020b). Habitat Assessment/Field Survey Michael Baker biologists Ashley Spencer and Tom Millington conducted a habitat assessment/field survey on December 29, 2020 to confirm existing site conditions within the project site. Vegetation communities occurring within the project site were mapped on an aerial photograph and classified in accordance with the vegetation descriptions provided in A Manual of California Vegetation (MCV; Sawyer et al. 2009) and cross referenced with the Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California (Holland 1986) for the purposes of evaluating the presence or absence of special-status vegetation communities identified in the CNDDB records search, which uses the Holland vegetation system. In addition, site characteristics such as soil condition, topography, hydrology, anthropogenic disturbances, indicator species, condition of on-site vegetation communities, and the presence of potentially regulated jurisdictional features were noted. Michael Baker used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ArcView software to digitize the mapped vegetation communities and then transferred these data onto an aerial photograph to further document existing conditions and quantify the acreage of each vegetation community. Refer to Table 1 below for a summary of the survey dates, timing, surveyors, and weather conditions. Table 1: Survey Dates, Timing, Surveyors, and Weather Conditions Date Time (start / finish) Surveyors Weather Conditions Temperature (°F) (start / finish) Average Wind Speed (mph) December 29, 2020 0900 / 1000 Ashley Spencer Tom Millington 56 sunny / 58 sunny 4 – 5 All plant and wildlife species observed, as well as dominant plant species within each vegetation community, were recorded. Plant species observed during the habitat assessment were identified by visual characteristics and morphology in the field while unusual and less familiar plant species were photographed and identified later using taxonomic guides. Plant nomenclature used in this report follows the Jepson Flora Project (2018) and scientific names are provided immediately following common names of plant species (first reference only). Wildlife detections were made through aural and visual detection, as well as observation of sign including scat, trails, tracks, burrows, and nests. Field guides used to assist with identification of species during the habitat assessment included The Sibley Guide to Birds (Sibley 2014) for birds, A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians (Stebbins 2003) for herpetofauna, Bats of the United States and Canada (Harvey et al. 2011) for bats, and A Field Guide to Mammals of North America (Reid 2006). Although common names of wildlife species are well standardized, scientific names are provided immediately following common names of wildlife species in this report (first reference only). To the extent possible, nomenclature of birds follows the most recent annual supplement of the American Ornithological Union’s Checklist of North American Birds (Chesser et al. 2019), nomenclature of amphibians and reptiles follows Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of Fontana 47 4 Habitat Assessment North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding (Crother 2017), and nomenclature for mammals follows the Revised Checklist of North American Mammals North of Mexico (Bradley et al. 2014). Existing Site Conditions According to the Custom Soil Resource Report for San Bernardino County Southwestern Part, California (USDA 2020), the project site is underlain by the following soil units: Tujunga loamy sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes (TuB) and Tujunga gravelly loamy sand, 0 to 9 percent slopes (TvC). The project site ranges in elevation from approximately 1,188 to 1,202 feet above mean sea level. After a review of Google Earth historic aerial imagery and results from the field survey, it was determined that the project site is comprised of existing residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils. As such, native vegetation communities do not occur within the project site; instead it is comprised of disturbed and developed land dominated by non-native and ornamental plant species. Residential land uses comprise the northeast and southeast corners of the project site. In addition, residential land uses comprise the western portion of the project site. Remnant greenhouse structures can be found in the eastern portion of the project site. Areas surrounding the project site primarily consist of residential land uses. Refer to Attachment C for representative photographs of the project site taken during the field survey. Vegetation Communities and Land Cover Types As previously stated, the project site consists of disturbed/developed land that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils. As such, native vegetation communities do not occur within the project site; instead it is comprised of disturbed and developed land dominated by non-native and ornamental plant species. These land uses are depicted on Figure 1, Vegetation Communities and Other Land Uses, and described in further detail below. In addition, refer to the paragraphs below for descriptions of plant species observed within the project site during the field survey. Ornamental Approximately 0.20-acre of ornamental vegetation occurs within the central portion of the project site. China berry tree (Melia azedarach) dominates this area. Disturbed Habitat Disturbed habitat comprises approximately 8.87 acres of the project site. Disturbed areas within the project site do not comprise a natural plant community and instead consist of unpaved bare ground or areas that have been previously disked or tilled as part of routine weed abatement activities. Surface soils within these areas have been heavily disturbed/compacted as a result of anthropogenic disturbances and are either devoid of vegetation or support non-native, ruderal plant species. Plant species observed in the disturbed areas include crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), telegraph weed (Heterotheca grandiflora), common Mediterranean grass (Schismus barbatus), coastal heron’s bill (Erodium cicutarium), giant reed (Arundo donax), flax-leaved horseweed (Erigeron bonariensis), golden crownbeard (Verbesina encelioides), Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), and annual bursage (Ambrosia acanthicarpa). In addition, sparse individuals of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), California sycamore (Platanus racemosa), and Fontana 47 5 Habitat Assessment silver dollar gum (Eucalyptus polyanthemos) can be found within the eastern and southern portion of the project site. Developed Developed areas make up approximately 3.52 acres of the project site and consist of existing structures, land that have been constructed upon, or areas that have been physically altered to a degree that native vegetation is no longer supported. Developed areas within the project site consist of the remnant greenhouse structures, residential development within the northeast, southeast, and western portions of the project site, Orchid Avenue, and Catawba Avenue. Wildlife Natural vegetation communities provide foraging habitat, nesting/denning sites, and shelter from adverse weather or predation. This section provides a general discussion of common wildlife species that were detected by Michael Baker during the field survey or that are expected to occur based on existing site conditions. The discussion is to be used as a general reference and is limited by the season, time of day, and weather conditions in which the field survey was conducted. Refer to the paragraphs below for descriptions of wildlife species observed within the project site during the field survey. Fish No fish or hydrogeomorphic features (e.g., perennial creeks, ponds, lakes, reservoirs) with frequent sources of water that would support populations of fish were observed in the project site during the field survey. Therefore, no fish are expected to occur. Amphibians No amphibians or hydrogeomorphic features (e.g., perennial creeks, ponds, lakes, reservoirs) that would provide suitable breeding habitat for amphibians were observed within the project site. Due to routine weed abatement within the project site and extensive residential development in the project site and surrounding area, it is highly unlikely that the project site would support a robust population of native amphibian species. Therefore, no amphibian species are expected to occur. Reptiles No reptiles were observed within the project site during the field survey. Since the project site is primarily disturbed/developed, it is expected to provide suitable habitat for a limited number of reptilian species that are acclimated to edge or urban environments. Reptilian species that may be present within the project site include western side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana elegans), Great Basin fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis longipes), and San Diego alligator lizard (Elgaria multicarinata webbii). Birds The project site provides marginal foraging and nesting habitat for a variety of resident and migrant bird species that are adapted to a high degree of disturbance associated with the surrounding residential land uses. Fifteen (15) bird species were detected during the field survey, including northern flicker (Colaptes auratus), rock dove (Columba livia), American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), house Fontana 47 6 Habitat Assessment sparrow (Passer domesticus), black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans), lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria), Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto), western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), common starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Cassin’s kingbird (Tyrannus vociferans), mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), and white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys). Nesting birds are protected pursuant to the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) of 1918 and the California Fish and Game Code (CFGC)2. To maintain compliance with the MBTA and CFGC, clearance surveys are typically required prior to any ground disturbance or vegetation removal activities to avoid direct or indirect impacts to active bird nests and/or nesting birds. Consequently, if an active bird nest is destroyed or if project activities result in indirect impacts (e.g., nest abandonment, loss of reproductive effort) to nesting birds, it is considered “take” and is potentially punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. The project site provides marginal nesting habitat for year-round and seasonal avian residents as well as migrating songbirds that could occur in the area. Additionally, the project site provides nesting habitat for avian species that nest on the open ground (e.g., killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], western meadowlark). One (1) remnant nest was observed approximately 150 feet to the north of the project site within a eucalyptus tree; however, no remnant nests were observed within the project site. Further, no active nests or birds displaying nesting behavior were observed. Mammals The project site provides suitable habitat for a limited number of mammalian species adapted to living in edge or urban environments. However, the routine weed abatement and surrounding residential development limits the potential for mammalian species to occur. Domestic cat (Felis catus) was the only mammal species observed during the field survey. Other common mammalian species that may occur within the project site include coyote (Canis latrans), domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), opossum (Didelphis virginiana), raccoon (Procyon lotor), and desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii). Bats occur throughout most of southern California and may use the project site as foraging habitat; however, the project site is heavily disturbed and is surrounded by residential development. Common bat species that may forage within the project site include Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) and big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). Mexican free-tailed bats prefer caves or manmade structures (i.e., bridges, abandoned buildings) near water for roosting while big brown bat prefers hollow tree snags/limbs, loose bark, or manmade structures (i.e., bridges, abandoned buildings, barns) for roosting; however, these features are not present within the project site. Migratory Corridors and Linkages Wildlife corridors and linkages are key features for wildlife movement between habitat patches. Wildlife corridors are generally defined as those areas that provide opportunities for individuals or local populations to conduct seasonal migrations, permanent dispersals, or daily commutes, while linkages generally refer to broader areas that provide movement opportunities for multiple keystone/focal species or allow for 2 Section 3503 makes it unlawful to take, possess, or needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any bird, except as otherwise provided by the CFGC or any regulation made pursuant thereto; Section 3503.5 makes it unlawful to take, possess, or destroy any birds in the orders Falconiformes or Strigiformes (birds-of-prey); and Section 3513 makes it unlawful to take or possess any migratory non-game bird except as provided by the rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior under provisions of the MBTA, as amended (16 U.S.C. § 703 et seq.). Fontana 47 7 Habitat Assessment propagation of ecological processes (e.g., for movement of pollinators), often between areas of conserved land. The project site is not located within any wildlife corridors, wilderness areas, wilderness study areas, or areas of critical environmental concern identified in the San Bernardino County Land Use Plan (County of San Bernardino, 2007). The project site is located within a heavily developed area of the City of Fontana and is surrounded by residential development and highly trafficked roadways (i.e., Merrill Avenue to the north, Fontana Avenue to the east, Randall Avenue to the south). The surrounding residential land uses have fragmented the connection between the project site and surrounding naturally occurring vegetation communities. The disturbed and developed landscape of the project site and absence of native vegetation for cover most likely precludes the movement of wildlife through the project site. Further, elevated noise levels, vehicle traffic, lighting, and human presence associated with the surrounding residential development and roadways, decrease the suitability of the project site to be used as a wildlife movement corridor or linkage. State and Federal Jurisdictional Resources There are three agencies that regulate activities within inland streams, wetlands, and riparian areas in California. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Regulatory Branch regulates discharge of dredged or fill material into “waters of the U.S.” pursuant to Section 404 of the CWA and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Of the State agencies, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) regulates discharges to surface waters pursuant to Section 401 of the CWA and Section 13263 of the California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act and the CDFW regulates alterations to streambed and associated vegetation communities under Section 1600 et seq. of the CFGC. No jurisdictional drainage or wetland features were observed within the boundaries of the project site. Therefore, development of the project site would not result in impacts to Corps, Regional Board, or CDFW jurisdictional areas and regulatory approvals would not be required. Special-Status Biological Resources The CNDDB and CNPS Online Inventory were queried for reported locations of special-status plant and wildlife species as well as special-status natural vegetation communities in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles. The field survey was conducted to assess the conditions of the habitat(s) within the boundaries of the project site to determine if the existing vegetation communities, at the time of the field survey, have the potential to provide suitable habitat(s) for special-status plant and wildlife species. Additionally, the potentials for special-status species to occur within the project site were determined based on the reported locations in the CNDDB and CNPS Online Inventory and the following: • Present: the species was observed or detected within the project site during the field survey. • High: Occurrence records (within 20 years) indicate that the species has been known to occur on or within 1 mile of the project site and the site is within the normal expected range of this species. Intact, suitable habitat preferred by this species occurs within the project site and/or there is viable landscape connectivity to a local known extant population(s) or sighting(s). • Moderate: Occurrence records (within 20 years) indicate that the species has been known to occur within 1 mile of the project site and the site is within the normal expected range of this Fontana 47 8 Habitat Assessment species. There is suitable habitat within the project site but the site is ecologically isolated from any local known extant populations or sightings. • Low: Occurrence records (within 20 years) indicate that the species has been known to occur within 5 miles of the project site, but the site is outside of the normal expected range of the species and/or there is poor quality or marginal habitat within the project site. • Not Expected: There are no occurrence records of the species occurring within 5 miles of the project site, there is no suitable habitat within the project site, and/or the project site is outside of the normal expected range for the species. The literature search identified fifty-seven (57) special-status plant species and sixty-two (62) special-status wildlife species as occurring within the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles. In addition, five (5) special-status vegetation communities were identified. Special-status plant and wildlife species were evaluated for their potential to occur within the project site based on habitat requirements, availability and quality of suitable habitat, and known distributions. Special- status biological resources identified during the literature review as having the potential to occur within the vicinity of the project site are presented in Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources, provided in Attachment D. Special-Status Plants Fifty-seven (57) special-status plant species have been recorded in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles by the CNDDB and CNPS Online Inventory (refer to Attachment D). No special-status plant species were observed during the field survey. The project site is primarily comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat characterized by heavily disturbed/compacted soils. Additionally, the routine weed abatement within the project site and surrounding residential land uses have reduced the potential for the project site to provide suitable habitat for special- status plant species. Based on the results of the habitat assessment and a review specific habitat preferences, occurrence records, known distributions, and elevation ranges, it was determined that the special-status plant species identified by the CNDDB and CNPS databases are not expected to occur within the project site. Special-Status Wildlife Sixty-two (62) special-status wildlife species have been recorded in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles by the CNDDB (refer to Attachment D). No special-status wildlife species identified by the CNDDB were observed within the project site during the field survey. Based on the results of the field survey and a review of specific habitat preferences, occurrence records, known distributions, and elevation ranges, it was determined that the project site has a low potential to support Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperii; a CDFW Watch List species), sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus; a CDFW Watch List species), and California horned lark (Eremophila alpestris actia; a CDFW Watch List species). All remaining special-status wildlife species identified by the CNDDB database are not expected to occur within the project site. Special-Status Vegetation Communities Five (5) special-status vegetation communities have been reported in the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles by the CNDDB: California Walnut Woodland, Fontana 47 9 Habitat Assessment Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh, Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub, Southern Riparian Forest, and Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which reduces the likelihood of a special-status vegetation community from establishing. As such, no special-status vegetation communities were observed within the project site during the field survey. Critical Habitat Under the definition used by the Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA), “Critical Habitat” refers to specific areas within the geographical range of a species that were occupied at the time it was listed that contain the physical or biological features that are essential to the survival and eventual recovery of that species and that may require special management considerations or protection, regardless of whether the species is still extant in the area. Areas that were not known to be occupied at the time a species was listed can also be designated as Critical Habitat if they contain one or more of the physical or biological features that are essential to that species’ conservation and if the occupied areas are inadequate to ensure the species’ recovery. If a project may result in take or adverse modification to a species’ designated Critical Habitat and the project has a federal nexus, the project proponent may be required to provide suitable mitigation. Projects with a federal nexus include those that occur on federal lands, require federal permits (e.g., federal Clean Water Act [CWA] Section 404 permit), or receive any federal oversight or funding. If there is a federal nexus, then the federal agency that is responsible for providing funds or permits would be required to consult with the USFWS under the FESA. The project site is not located within any federally-designated Critical Habitat. Conclusions and Recommendations The project site is primarily comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils. As such, native vegetation communities do not occur within the project site; instead it is comprised of disturbed and developed land dominated by non-native and ornamental plant species. No special-status plant species were observed during the field survey. The residential development and routine weed abatement within the project site and surrounding residential land uses have reduced the potential for the project site to provide suitable habitat for special-status plant species. Based on the results of the literature review and the field survey, Michael Baker determined that all remaining special-status plant species identified by the CNDDB and CNPS databases are not expected to occur within the project site based on existing site conditions and a review of specific habitat preferences, occurrence records, known distributions, and elevation ranges. No special-status wildlife species were observed within the project site during the field survey. Based on the results of the habitat assessment and a review of specific habitat preferences, occurrence records, known distributions, and elevation ranges, it was determined that the project site has a low potential to support Cooper’s hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, and California horned lark. All remaining special-status wildlife species identified by the CNDDB database are not expected to occur within the project site. The project site and surrounding vegetation communities provide suitable foraging and nesting habitat for a variety of year-round and seasonal avian residents as well as migrating songbirds that could occur in the area. Nesting birds are protected under the MBTA, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and the Fontana 47 10 Habitat Assessment CFGC. If project-related activities are to be initiated during the nesting season (January 1st to August 31st), a pre-construction nesting bird clearance survey should be conducted by a qualified biologist no more than three (3) days prior to the start of any vegetation removal or ground disturbing activities. The survey should be conducted by a qualified biologist and cover all suitable nesting habitat within the project impact area, and areas within a biologically defensible buffer zone surrounding the project impact area. Further, if an active bird nest is found, the qualified biologist should identify the specific bird species and establish a “no- disturbance” buffer around the active nest to avoid potential direct and indirect impacts. It is further recommended that the qualified biologist periodically monitor any active bird nests to determine if project- related activities disturb the birds and if the “no disturbance” buffer should be increased. Once the young have fledged and left the nest, or the nest otherwise becomes inactive under natural conditions, project activities within the “no-disturbance” buffer may occur following an additional survey by the qualified biologist to search for any new nests in the restricted area. Although no burrowing owls were observed during the field survey, a pre-construction burrowing owl clearance survey should be conducted by a qualified biologist to ensure that burrowing owls remain absent from the project site and impacts to burrowing owls do not occur. The pre-construction clearance surveys should be conducted no more than 30 days prior to any vegetation removal or ground disturbing activities and in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (CDFW, 2012). Documentation of surveys and findings shall be submitted to the City of Fontana for review and file. If no burrowing owls or occupied burrows are detected, construction may begin. If an occupied burrow is found within the development footprint during pre-construction clearance surveys, a burrowing owl exclusion and mitigation plan would need to be prepared and submitted to CDFW for approval prior to initiating project activities. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (949) 246-7004 or tommillington@mbakerintl.com or Ashley Spencer at (949) 472-3454 or ashley.spencer@mbakerintl.com should you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, Tom Millington Ashley Spencer Senior Biologist Biologist Natural Resources and Regulatory Permitting Natural Resources and Regulatory Permitting Attachments: A. Figure 1 – Vegetation Communities and Other Land Uses B. Site Plan C. Site Photographs D. Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources E. References Attachment A Figure 1 – Vegetation Communities and Other Land Uses !> !>ATHOL ST POPLAR AVE CATAWBA AVE AT H OL ST ORCHID AVE 34.090287-117.458106 34.087986-117.462367 Vegetation Communities and Other Land Uses 1/6/2021 JN \\ONTACA1FS1.bkr.mbakercorp.com\HROOT\PDATA\181745\Work\Bio\4. Figure\GIS\MXD\Fig 01 Vegetation Communities and Other Land Uses.mxd RP Legend Project Site Ornamental (0.20 acre) Disturbed Habitat(8.87 acres) Developed (3.52 acres) !>Reference Point Source: Nearmap, 2020 Figure 1 0 10050 Feet FONTANA 47 HABITAT ASSESSMENT ° Attachment B Site Plan Attachment C Site Photographs Attachment C – Site Photographs Fontana 47 C-1 Habitat Assessment Photograph 1: Standing in the northwest portion of the project site, facing east. Photograph 2: Standing in the western portion of the project site, facing east. Attachment C – Site Photographs Fontana 47 C-2 Habitat Assessment Photograph 3: Standing in the western portion of the project site, facing west. Photograph 4: Standing in the southwest portion of the project site, facing north. Attachment C – Site Photographs Fontana 47 C-3 Habitat Assessment Photograph 5: Standing in the eastern portion of the project site, facing south. Photograph 6: Standing in the eastern portion of the project site, facing west. The remnant greenhouse structures can be seen in the distance. Attachment C – Site Photographs Fontana 47 C-4 Habitat Assessment Photograph 7: Standing in the eastern portion of the project site, facing southwest. Photograph 8: Standing adjacent to the southern boundary of the project site, facing northeast. Attachment D Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-1 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur SPECIAL-STATUS WILDLIFE SPECIES Accipiter cooperii Cooper’s hawk WL G5 S4 Yearlong resident of California. Generally, found in forested areas up to 3,000 feet above mean sea level (amsl) in elevation, especially near edges and rivers. Prefers hardwood stands and mature forests, but can be found in urban and suburban areas where there are tall trees (25 to 50 feet high) for nesting. Prefers pines, oaks, Douglas-firs, beeches, spruces for nesting. Common in open areas during nesting season. No Low (Foraging): The project site provides marginal foraging habitat for this species. This species is not expected to nest within the project site due to the absence of tall, mature trees (25 to 50 feet high). Accipiter striatus sharp-shinned hawk WL G5 S4 Winter resident of southern California. Found in pine (Pinus spp.), fir (Abies spp.), and aspen (Populus tremuloides) forests. They can be found hunting in forest interior and edges from sea level to near alpine areas. Can also be found in rural, suburban and agricultural areas, where they often hunt at bird feeders. No Low (Foraging): The project site provides marginal foraging habitat for this species during the winter. This species does not breed in California. Agelaius tricolor tricolored blackbird ST SSC G2G3 S1S2 Range is limited to the coastal areas of the Pacific coast of North America, from Northern California to upper Baja California. Can be found in a wide variety of habitat including annual grasslands, wet and dry vernal pools and other seasonal wetlands, agricultural fields, cattle feedlots, and dairies. Occasionally forage in riparian scrub habitats along marsh borders. Basic habitat requirements for breeding include open accessible water, protected nesting substrate freshwater marsh dominated by cattails (Typha spp.), willows (Salix spp.), and bulrushes (Schoenoplectus spp.), and either flooded or thorny/spiny vegetation and suitable foraging space providing adequate insect prey. No Not Expected: Suitable nesting and foraging habitat consisting of annual grasslands, seasonal wetlands, freshwater marsh, and open accessible water are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Aimophila ruficeps canescens southern California rufous- crowned sparrow WL G5T3 S3 Yearlong resident that is typically found between 3,000 and 6,000 feet amsl. Breed in sparsely vegetated scrubland on hillsides and canyons. Prefers coastal sage scrub dominated by California sagebrush (Artemisia californica), but they can also be found breeding in coastal bluff scrub, low-growing serpentine chaparral, and along the edges of tall chaparral habitats. No Not Expected: Suitable coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and coastal bluff scrub habitats preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-2 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Anniella pulchra northern California legless lizard SSC G3 S3 Occurs from the southern edge of the San Joaquin River in northern Contra Costa County south to the Ventura County, south of which there is a wide area where the species of Anniella is or are unknown. Occurs in moist warm loose soil with plant cover. Moisture is essential. Occurs in sparsely vegetated areas of beach dunes, chaparral, pine-oak woodlands, desert scrub, sandy washes, and stream terraces with California sycamores (Platanus racemosa), Fremont cottonwoods (Populus fremontii), or oaks (Quercus spp.). Leaf litter under trees and bushes in sunny areas and dunes stabilized with bush lupine (Lupinus sp.) and mock heather (Ericameria ericoides) often indicate suitable habitat. Often can be found under surface objects such as rocks, boards, driftwood, and logs. Can also be found by gently raking leaf litter under bushes and trees. Sometimes found in suburban gardens in southern California. No Not Expected: Suitable beach dune, chaparral, pine- oak woodlands, desert scrub, sandy wash, and stream terrace habitats preferred by this species do not occur within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Anniella stebbinsi southern California legless lizard SSC G3G4 S3S4 Locally abundant specimens are found in coastal sand dunes and a variety of interior habitats, including sandy washes and alluvial fans. A large protected population persists in the remnant of the once extensive El Segundo Dunes at Los Angeles International Airport. No Not Expected: Sandy wash and alluvial fan habitats preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle FP WL G5 S3 Yearlong resident of California. Occupies nearly all terrestrial habitats of the western states except densely forested areas. Favors secluded cliffs with overhanging ledges and large trees for nesting and cover. Hilly or mountainous country where takeoff and soaring are supported by updrafts is generally preferred to flat habitats. Deeply cut canyons rising to open mountain slopes and crags are ideal habitat. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to occur within the project site due to the lack of hilly and mountainous terrain preferred by this species for foraging and nesting. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Arizona elegans occidentalis California glossy snake SSC G5T2 S2 Inhabits arid scrub, rocky washes, grasslands, and chaparral habitats. Appears to prefer microhabitats of open areas and areas with soil loose enough for easy burrowing. No Not Expected: Arid scrub, rocky washes, and grassland habitats preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-3 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Artemisiospiza belli belli Bell's sage sparrow WL G5T2T3 S3 This species has a wide, but sparse distribution in western Riverside County, specifically within the “Riverside lowlands, San Jacinto Foothills, Santa Ana Mountains, and Desert Transition Bioregions. Yearlong resident on the coastal side of southern California mountains. Breeds in coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitats from February to August. They require semi-open habitats with evenly spaced shrubs one to two meters high. Occurs in chaparral dominated by fairly dense stands of chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum). No Not Expected: The chaparral and coastal sage scrub habitats preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. In addition, this species is possibly extirpated from the area (CNDDB, 2020). Asio otus long-eared owl SSC G5 S3? Nests in conifer, oak, riparian, pinyon- juniper, and desert woodlands that are either open or are adjacent to grasslands, meadows, or shrublands. Key habitat components are some dense cover for nesting and roosting, suitable nest platforms, and open foraging areas. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to occur within the project site due to the lack of dense woodland habitats preferred by this species for nesting and lack of open grasslands and meadows for foraging. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Aspidoscelis hyperythra orange-throated whiptail WL G5 S2S3 Uncommon to fairly common over much of its range in Orange, Riverside, and San Diego counties. Also occurs in southwestern San Bernardino County near Colton. Semi-arid brushy areas typically with loose soil and rocks, including washes, streamsides, rocky hillsides, and coastal chaparral. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to occur within the project site due to the lack of washes, streamside, rocky hillside, and coastal chaparral habitats preferred by this species. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-4 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail SSC G5T5 S3 This subspecies is found in coastal southern California, mostly west of the Peninsular Ranges and south of the Transverse Ranges, and north into Ventura County. Ranges south into Baja California. Found in a variety of ecosystems, primarily hot and dry open areas with sparse vegetation in chaparral, woodland, and riparian areas. Associated with rocky areas with little vegetation or sunny microhabitats within shrub or grassland associations. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to occur within the project site due to the lack of chaparral, woodland, and riparian habitats preferred by this species. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Athene cunicularia burrowing owl SSC G4 S3 Yearlong resident of California. Primarily a grassland species, but it persists and even thrives in some landscapes highly altered by human activity. Occurs in open, annual or perennial grasslands, deserts, and scrublands characterized by low- growing vegetation. The overriding characteristics of suitable habitat appear to be burrows for roosting and nesting and relatively short vegetation with only sparse shrubs and taller vegetation. No Not Expected: No burrowing owls or suitable burrows (>4 inches in diameter) capable of providing roosting and nesting opportunities were observed within the project site. The lack of suitable burrows, quality of surface soils within the project site, ongoing weed abatement, and the surrounding residential land uses likely preclude burrowing owls from occurring. In addition, the presence of telephone and light poles are expected to further decrease the likelihood that burrowing owls would occur within the project site as these features provide perching opportunities for larger raptors (e.g., red-tailed hawk [Buteo jamaicensis]) that are known to prey on burrowing owls. Bombus crotchii Crotch bumble bee SCE G3G4 S1S2 Found from coastal California east to the Sierra-Cascade crest and south into Mexico. Primarily occurs in California, including the Mediterranean region, Pacific coast, western desert, great valley, and adjacent foothills through most of southwestern California. Has also been recorded in Baja California, Baja California Sur, and in southwest Nevada. Inhabits open grassland and scrub habitats. Primarily nests underground. Food plant genera include Antirrhinum, Phacelia, Clarkia, Dendromecon, Eschscholzia, and Eriogonum. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to occur within the project site due to the ongoing weed abatement and lack of the preferred food plant genera. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-5 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Buteo regalis ferruginous hawk WL G4 S3S4 Common winter resident of grasslands and agricultural areas in southwestern California. Frequents open grasslands, sagebrush flats, desert scrub, low foothills surrounding valleys, and fringes of pinyon-juniper habitats. This species does not breed in California. No Not Expected: Suitable open grasslands, sagebrush flats, desert scrub habitats preferred by this species for foraging are not present within the project site. Additionally, this species is not expected to nest within the project site because it does not breed in California and there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Buteo swainsoni Swainson’s hawk ST G5 S3 Summer migrant in southern California. Typical habitat is open desert, grassland, or cropland containing scattered, large trees or small groves. Breeds in stands with few trees in juniper-sage flats, riparian areas, and in oak savannah in the Central Valley. Forages in adjacent grassland or suitable grain or alfalfa fields or livestock pastures. No Not Expected: Suitable open desert, grassland, or cropland with scattered trees and groves preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Catostomus santaanae Santa Ana sucker FT G1 S1 Occur in the watersheds draining the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. Streams that Santa Ana Sucker inhabit are generally perennial streams with water ranging in depth from a few inches to several feet and with currents ranging from slight to swift. No Not Expected: Perennial streams preferred by this species are not present within the project site. Additionally, the project site is not located within Federally designated Critical Habitat for this species. Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwestern San Diego pocket mouse SSC G5T3T4 S3S4 Found terrestrially in a wide variety of temperate habitats ranging from chaparral and grasslands to scrub forests and deserts. Open habitat on the Pacific slope from southwestern San Bernardino County to northwestern Baja California. Habitat types include coastal sage scrub, sage scrub/grassland ecotones, and chaparral communities. Major habitat requirement is the presence of low growing vegetation or rocky outcroppings, as well as sandy soil to dig burrows. No Not Expected: Suitable coastal sage scrub/grassland and chaparral habitats with low growing vegetation and rocky outcroppings are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-6 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Chaetodipus fallax pallidus pallid San Diego pocket mouse SSC G5T34 S3S4 Common resident of sandy herbaceous areas, usually in association with rocks or course gravel in southwestern California. Occurs mainly in arid coastal and desert border areas. Habitats include coastal scrub, chamise-redshank chaparral, mixed chaparral, sagebrush, desert wash, desert scrub, desert succulent shrub, pinyon- juniper, and annual grassland. No Not Expected: Suitable coastal sage scrub, chamise- redshank chaparral, mixed chaparral, sagebrush, desert wash, desert scrub, desert succulent shrub, pinyon- juniper, and annual grassland habitats preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Circus hudsonius northern harrier SSC G5 S3 Yearlong resident of California. Frequents meadows, grasslands, open rangelands, desert sinks, fresh and saltwater emergent wetlands; seldom found in wooded area. In general, it prefers saltwater marshes, wet meadows, sloughs, and bogs for nesting and foraging. Nests on the ground in shrubby vegetation or patches of dense vegetation, usually at the marsh edge. No Not Expected: Preferred habitat consisting of saltwater marshes, wet meadows, sloughs, and bogs for nesting and foraging are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Coleonyx variegatus abbotti San Diego banded gecko SSC G5T3T4 S1S2 Found in southwestern California just inland from the Pacific coast, from Ventura County south into northwestern and central Baja California. Prefers granite or rocky outcrops in coastal scrub and chaparral habitats. No Not Expected: Coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitats preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Contopus cooperi olive-sided flycatcher SSC G4 S4 Uncommon to common, summer resident in a wide variety of forest and woodland habitats below 9,000 feet amsl throughout California exclusive of the deserts, the Central Valley, and other lowland valleys and basins. Preferred nesting habitats include mixed conifer, montane hardwood-conifer, Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum), red fir (Abies magnifica), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). No Not Expected: Forest and woodland habitats preferred by this species for nesting and foraging are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-7 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Crotalus ruber red-diamond rattlesnake SSC G4 S3 Found in southwestern California, from the Morongo Valley west to the coast and south along the peninsular ranges to mid Baja California. It can be found from the desert, through dense chaparral in the foothills (it avoids the mountains above around 4,000 feet amsl), to warm inland mesas and valleys, all the way to the cool ocean shore. It is most commonly associated with heavy brush with large rocks or boulders. Dense chaparral in the foothills, boulders associated coastal sage scrub, oak/pine woodlands, and desert slope scrub associations; however, chamise and red shank (Adenostoma sparsifolium) associations may offer better structural habitat for refuges and food resources for this species than other habitats. No Not Expected: Dense chaparral habitats with large rocks and boulders preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Dipodomys merriami parvus San Bernardino kangaroo rat FE SSC G5T1 S1 Primarily found in Riversidian alluvial fan sage scrub and sandy loam soils, alluvial fans and flood plains, and along washes with nearby sage scrub. May occur at lower densities in Riversidian upland sage scrub, chaparral and grassland in uplands and tributaries in proximity to Riversidian alluvial fan sage scrub habitats. Tend to avoid rocky substrates and prefer sandy loam substrates for digging of shallow burrows. No Not Expected: Suitable Riversidian alluvial fan sage scrub habitat with sandy soils preferred by this species for burrowing are not present within the project site. The quality of surface soils within the project site (e.g., heavily disturbed/ compacted), ongoing weed abatement, and disconnection of the project site from natural fluvial processes likely precludes this species from occurring within the project site. Additionally, the project site is not located within Federally designated Critical Habitat for this species. Dipodomys nitratoides brevinasus short-nosed kangaroo rat SSC G3T1T2 S1S2 Occurs in the western, southern, and extreme southeastern side of the San Joaquin Valley, generally above the valley floor. Also occurs in Panoche Valley in eastern San Benito Valley, on the Carrizo Plain, in San Luis Obispo County, and the Cuyama Valley in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. Generally associated with friable soils on flat or gently rolling terrain in grassland and desert-shrub vegetation (Atriplex sp. and Ephedra californica). In most of their range, they are found in lighter, friable soils such as sandy bottoms and banks of arroyos and other sandy areas. No Not Expected: Suitable grassland and desert-shrub habitats with friable soils are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-8 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Dipodomys stephensi Stephens' kangaroo rat FE ST G2 S2 Occur in arid and semi-arid habitats of open grassland or sparse shrublands with less than 50% protective cover. Require soft, well-drained substrate for building burrows and are typically found in areas with sandy soil in areas with <30 percent slope. No Not Expected: Suitable open grassland and sparse shrubland habitats with soft, sandy soils preferred by this species for burrowing are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020) and the project site is not located within Federally designated Critical Habitat for this species. Elanus leucurus white-tailed kite FP G5 S3S4 Yearlong resident along the coastal ranges and valleys of California. Occurs in low elevation, open grasslands, savannah-like habitats, agricultural areas, wetlands, and oak woodlands. Uses trees with dense canopies for cover. Important prey item is the California vole (Microtus californicus). Nests in tall (20 to 50 feet) coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia). No Not Expected: Preferred open grassland, savannahs, agriculture, and oak woodland habitats preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Empidonax traillii willow flycatcher SE G5 S1S2 A rare summer resident of California with currently known breeding locations restricted primarily to the Sierra Nevada/Cascade region, near Buelton in Santa Barbara County; Prado Basin in Riverside County; and several locations in San Diego County. In California, the species is restricted to thickets of willows, whether along streams in broad valleys, in canyon bottoms, around mountain-side seepages, or at the margins of ponds and lakes. No Not Expected: Riparian habitat with thickets of willows that are adjacent to surface water preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Empidonax traillii extimus southwestern willow flycatcher FE SE G5T2 S1 Uncommon summer resident in southern California primarily found in lower elevation riparian habitats occurring along streams or in meadows. The structure of suitable breeding habitat typically consists of a dense mid-story and understory and can also include a dense canopy. Nest sites are generally located near surface water or saturated soils. The presence of surface water, swampy conditions, standing or flowing water under the riparian canopy are preferred. No Not Expected: Riparian habitats with thickets of willows that are adjacent to surface water preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020) and the project site is not located within Federally designated Critical Habitat for this species. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-9 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Eremophila alpestris actia California horned lark WL G5T4Q S4 Yearlong resident of California. This subspecies is typically found in coastal regions. Breed in level or gently sloping shortgrass prairie, montane meadows, "bald" hills, open coastal plains, fallow grain fields, and alkali flats. Within southern California, California horned larks breed primarily in open fields, (short) grasslands, and rangelands. Nests on the open ground. No Low (Foraging and Nesting): The project site provides marginal foraging and nesting habitat for this species. Eumops perotis californicus western mastiff bat SSC G5T4 S3S4 Primarily a cliff-dwelling species, roost generally under exfoliating rock slabs. Roosts are generally high above the ground, usually allowing a clear vertical drop of at least 3 meters below the entrance for flight. In California, it is most frequently encountered in broad open areas. Its foraging habitat includes dry desert washes, flood plains, chaparral, oak woodland, open ponderosa pine forest, grassland, and agricultural areas. No Not Expected: Suitable open foraging habitat preferred by this species is not present within the project site. This species is not expected to roost within the project site due to the lack of exfoliating rock slabs. Falco mexicanus prairie falcon WL G5 S4 The prairie falcon is associated primarily with perennial grasslands, savannahs, rangeland, some agricultural fields during the winter season, and desert scrub areas, all typically dry environments of western North American where there are cliffs or bluffs for nest sites. The species requires sheltered cliff ledges for cover and nesting which may range in height from low rock outcrops of 30 feet to vertical, 400 feet high (or more) cliffs and typically overlook some treeless country for hunting. Open terrain is used for foraging. No Not Expected: Suitable perennial grassland, savannah, and desert scrub habitats preferred by this species for foraging are not present within the project site. Additionally, this species is not expected to nest within the project site due to the lack of sheltered cliffs. Further, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Gila orcuttii arroyo chub SSC G2 S2 Warm streams of the Los Angeles Plain, which are typically muddy torrents during the winter, and clear quiet brooks in the summer, possibly drying up in places. They are found both in slow-moving and fast-moving sections, but generally deeper than 16 inches. No Not Expected: Perennial streams preferred by this species are not present within the project site. Icteria virens yellow-breasted chat SSC G5 S3 Summer resident of California. Primarily found in tall, dense, relatively wide riparian woodlands and thickets of willows, vine tangles, and dense brush with well-developed understories. Breeding habitat within southern California primarily consists of dense, wide riparian woodlands and thickets of willows, vine tangles, and dense brush with well-developed understories. Nesting areas are associated with streams, swampy ground, and the borders of small ponds. It winters south the Central America. Found at elevations ranging from 820 to 2,625 feet amsl. No Not Expected: Riparian woodland habitats with thickets of willows and dense brush that are adjacent to surface water preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-10 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Lanius ludovicianus loggerhead shrike SSC G4 S4 Yearlong resident of California. Prefers open habitats with bare ground, scattered shrubs, and areas with low or sparse herbaceous cover including open- canopied valley foothill hardwood, riparian, pinyon-juniper desert riparian, creosote bush scrub, and Joshua tree woodland. Requires suitable perches including trees, posts, fences, utility lines, or other perches. Nests in branches up to 14 feet above the ground frequently in a shrub with thorns or with tangled branching habitats. No Not Expected: Suitable foraging and nesting habitat preferred by this species is not present within the project site. Further, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Larus californicus California gull WL G5 S4 Require isolated islands in rivers, reservoirs and natural lakes for nesting, where predations pressures from terrestrial mammals are diminished. Uses both fresh and saline aquatic habitats at variable elevations and degrees of aridity for nesting and for opportunistic foraging. No Not Expected: Suitable fresh/saline aquatic habitats used by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Lasiurus xanthinus western yellow bat SSC G5 S3 Uncommon in California, known only in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Occurs in valley foothill riparian, desert riparian, desert wash, and palm oasis habitats. Prefers to roost and feed in, and near, palm oases and riparian habitats. Commonly found in the southwestern U.S. roosting in the skirt of dead fronds in both native and non-native palm trees. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to roost and forage within the project site due to the lack of palm oases and riparian habitats. Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus California black rail ST FP G3G4T1 S1 Suitable habitat generally includes salt marshes, freshwater marshes, and wet meadows. Typical associated vegetation includes pickle weed (Salicornia virginica) in salt marshes and bulrushes in less saline habitats. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to nest and forage within the project site due to the lack of salt marsh, freshwater marsh, and wet meadow habitats. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Lepus californicus bennettii San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit SSC G5T3T4 S3S4 Occupies many diverse habitats, but primarily is found in arid regions supporting short-grass habitats, agricultural fields, or sparse coastal scrub. No Not Expected: Suitable habitat preferred by this species is not present within the project site. Microtus californicus mohavensis Mohave river vole SSC G5T1 S1 Found in moist habitats including meadows, freshwater marshes and irrigated pastures in the vicinity of the Mojave River. Suitable habitat it associated with ponds and irrigation canals along with the Mojave River proper. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) fields may also provide habitat. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known range of this species (habitats adjacent to the Mojave River). Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-11 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Neotoma lepida intermedia San Diego desert woodrat SSC G5T3T4 S3S4 Occurs in coastal scrub communities between San Luis Obispo and San Diego Counties. Found in a variety of shrub and desert habitats, primarily associated with rock outcroppings, boulders, cacti, or areas of dense undergrowth. Woodrats often are associated with cholla cactus which they use for water and dens or boulders and boulder piles. The most common natural habitats for records are chaparral, coastal sage scrub (including Riversidian sage scrub and Diegan coastal sage scrub) and grassland. No Not Expected: Suitable chaparral, coastal sage scrub, Riversidian sage scrub, and grassland habitats preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Nyctinomops femorosaccus pocketed free-tailed bat SSC G4 S3 Often found in pinyon-juniper woodlands, desert scrub, desert succulent shrub, desert riparian, desert wash, alkali desert scrub, Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) woodland, and palm oasis habitats. Prefers rocky desert areas with high cliffs or rock outcrops, which are used as roosting sites. No Not Expected: This species is not expected to roost and forage within the project site due to the lack of palm oasis and desert scrub and riparian habitats with high cliffs and rock outcrops. Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus pop. 10 steelhead - southern California DPS FE G5T1Q S1 Steelhead can survive in a wide range of temperature conditions. Species is found where dissolved oxygen concentration is at least 7 parts per million. In streams, deep low-velocity pools are important wintering habitats. Spawning habitat consists of gravel substrates free of excessive silt. No Not Expected: Perennial streams preferred by this species are not present within the project site. Onychomys torridus ramona southern grasshopper mouse SSC G5T3 S3 Common in arid desert habitats of the Mojave and southern Central Valley of California. Known elevation range is generally below 3,000 feet amsl. Little is known about habitat requirements; however, it is commonly found in scrub habitats with friable soils for digging in desert areas. It is believed that alkali desert scrub and desert scrub habitats are preferred, with somewhat lower densities expected in other desert habitats, including succulent shrub, wash, and riparian areas. Also occurs in coastal scrub, mixed chaparral, sagebrush, low sage, and bitterbrush habitats. No Not Expected: Desert scrub habitats with friable soils preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Ovis canadensis nelson desert bighorn sheep FP G4T4 S3 Preferred habitat is near mountainous terrain above the desert floor that is visually open, as well as steep and rocky. Most Mojave Desert mountain ranges satisfy these requirements well. Surface water is another element that is considered important to population health. No Not Expected: Mountainous terrain preferred by this species is not present within the project site. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-12 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Pandion haliaetus osprey WL G5 S4 Winter resident of southern California. Associated strictly with large, fish- bearing waters, primarily in ponderosa pine through mixed conifer habitats. Uses large trees, snags, and dead-topped trees in open forest habitats for cover and nesting. Requires open, clear waters for foraging and uses rivers, lakes, reservoirs, bays, estuaries, and surf zones. No Not Expected: Mixed conifer habitats adjacent to a large water body preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Perognathus longimembris brevinasus Los Angeles pocket mouse SSC G5T1T2 S1S2 Occurs in lower elevation grasslands and coastal sage scrub communities in and around the Los Angeles Basin. Prefers open ground with fine sandy soils. May not dig extensive burrows, but instead will seek refuge under weeds and dead leaves instead. No Not Expected: Suitable grassland and coastal sage scrub habitats with fine sandy soils preferred by this species for burrowing are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Perognathus longimembris pacificus Pacific pocket mouse FE SSC G5T1 S1 One of sixteen currently recognized subspecies of little pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris), which is a widespread species that is distributed throughout arid regions of the western U.S. extending into northern part of Baja California peninsula and west central Sonora, Mexico. Pacific pocket mouse is associated with fine grain, sandy substrates in coastal strand, coastal dunes, river alluvium and coastal sage scrub habitats within 2.5 miles of the ocean in southern California. No Not Expected: Suitable coastal dune, river alluvium, and coastal sage scrub habitats with fine sandy soils preferred by this species for burrowing are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Phalacrocorax auritus double-crested cormorant WL G5 S4 Yearlong resident of California. Prefers water less than 30 feet deep with rocky or gravel bottom. Rests in daytime and roosts overnight beside water on offshore rocks, islands, cliffs, dead branches of trees, wharfs, jetties, or even transmission lines. Occupies diverse aquatic habitats in all seasons. In California, most individuals are found nesting in coastal regions. Requires suitable places for daytime resting (e.g., rocks, sandbars, pilings). Forage in shallow water (< 30 feet deep). No Not Expected: Suitable aquatic habitats preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-13 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned lizard SSC G3G4 S4 Occurs in a wide variety of vegetation types including coastal sage scrub, annual grassland, chaparral, oak woodland, riparian woodland and coniferous forest. Its elevational range extends up to 4,000 feet in the Sierra Nevada foothills and up to 6,000 feet in the mountains of southern California. In inland areas, this species is restricted to areas with pockets of open microhabitat, created by disturbance (e.g. fire, floods, unimproved roads, grazing lands, and fire breaks). The key elements of such habitats are loose, fine soils with a high sand fraction; an abundance of native ants or other insects; and open areas with limited overstory for basking and low, but relatively dense shrubs for refuge. No Not Expected: Loose, fine sandy soils preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Polioptila californica californica coastal California gnatcatcher FT SSC G4G5T2Q S2 Yearlong resident of sage scrub habitats that are dominated by California sagebrush. This species generally occurs below 750 feet amsl in coastal regions and below 1,500 feet amsl inland. Ranges from the Ventura County, south to San Diego County and northern Baja California and it is less common in sage scrub with a high percentage of tall shrubs. Prefers habitat with more low- growing vegetation. No Not Expected: Suitable coastal sage scrub habitat dominated by California sagebrush are not present within the project site. Additionally, the project site is not located within Federally designated Critical Habitat for this species. Rana muscosa southern mountain yellow-legged frog FE SE WL G1 S1 The species inhabits ponds, lakes, and streams at moderate to high elevations. Usually associated with montane riparian habitats in lodgepole pine, yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa), sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), white fir (Abies concolor), whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), and wet meadow vegetation types. Occupied alpine lakes usually have margins that are grassy or muddy and inhabit sandy or rocky shores at lower elevations. Streams utilized vary from rocky, high gradient streams with numerous pools, rapids, and small waterfalls to those with marshy edges and sod banks. Species seems to prefer streams of low gradient and slow or moderate flow with very small, shallow streams being less frequently used. No Not Expected: Montane riparian and wet meadow habitats preferred by this species are not present within the project site. Additionally, this species is possibly extirpated/ extirpated from the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Cucamonga Peak and Devore, California 7.5- minute quadrangles (CNDDB, 2020). Further, the project site is not located within Federally designated Critical Habitat for this species. Rhaphiomidas terminatus abdominalis Delhi Sands flower-loving fly FE G1T1 S1 Restricted to areas that include Delhi fine sand, an aeolian (wind-deposited) soil types. The highest density of this species has been found in habitat that includes a variety of plants including California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum), California croton (Croton californicus), deerweed (Acmispon glaber), and telegraph weed (Heterotheca grandiflora). No Not Expected: Delhi fine sand soils are not present within the project site. Rhinichthys osculus ssp. 3 Santa Ana speckled dace SSC G5T1 S1 Requires permanent flowing streams with summer water temperatures of 62 – 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Inhabits shallow cobble and gravel riffles and small streams that flow through steep, rocky canyons with chaparral covered walls. No Not Expected: Perennial streams preferred by this species are not present within the project site. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-14 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Salvadora hexalepis virgultea coast patch-nosed snake SSC G5T4 S2S3 Occurs in brushy vegetation including coastal scrub and chaparral from the coast to the mountains. Takes refuge in existing small mammal burrows. No Not Expected: Coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitats preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Setophaga petechia yellow warbler SSC G5 S3S4 Present in California from April through September. Nests in riparian areas dominated by willows, cottonwoods, California sycamores, or alders (Alnus spp.) or in mature chaparral. May also use oaks, conifers, and urban areas near stream courses. No Not Expected: Riparian habitat dominated by willows, cottonwoods, alders, and/or California sycamores are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Spea hammondii western spadefoot SSC G3 S3 Prefers open areas with sandy or gravelly soils, in a variety of habitats including mixed woodlands, grasslands, coastal sage scrub, chaparral, sandy washes, lowlands, river floodplains, alluvial fans, playas, alkali flats, foothills, and mountains. Rain pools which do not contain American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), predatory fish, or crayfish are necessary for breeding. Estivates in upland habitats adjacent to potential breeding sites in burrows approximating 3 feet in depth. No Not Expected: Suitable sandy and gravelly soils and habitats preferred by this species area not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Strix occidentalis occidentalis California spotted owl SSC G3G4T2T3 S3 Yearlong resident that roosts and breeds in forests and woodlands with large, old growth trees and snags, dense canopies (≥70% canopy closure), multiple canopy layers, and downed woody debris. Species is considered a habitat specialist; large, old trees are the key component as they provide nest sites and cover from inclement weather and add structure to the forest canopy and woody debris to the forest floor. No Not Expected: Suitable old growth woodland forest habitats preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-15 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Taxidea taxus American badger SSC G5 S3 Occupies a wide variety of habitats including dry, open grassland, sagebrush, and woodland habitats. Require dry, friable, often sandy soil to dig burrows for cover, food storage, and giving birth. Occasionally found in riparian zones and open chaparral with less than 50% plant cover. No Not Expected: Suitable open grassland, sagebrush, and woodland habitats with sandy soils preferred by this species are not present within the project site. The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Thamnophis hammondii two-striped garter snake SSC G4 S3S4 Occurs in or near permanent fresh water, often along streams with rocky beds and riparian growth up to 7,000 feet amsl. No Not Expected: Permanent freshwater is not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell’s vireo FE SE SSC G5T2 S2 Summer resident in southern California. Breeding habitat generally consists of dense, low, shrubby vegetation in riparian areas, and mesquite brushlands, often near water in arid regions. Early successional cottonwood-willow riparian groves are preferred for nesting. The most critical structural component of nesting habitat in California is a dense shrub layer that is 2 to 10 feet (0.6 to 3.0 meters) above ground. The presence of water, including ponded surface water or moist soil conditions, may also be a key component for nesting habitat. No Not Expected: Riparian habitats with early successional cottonwood – willow groves that are adjacent to surface water preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020) and the project site is not located within Federally designated Critical Habitat for this species. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus yellow-headed blackbird SSC G5 S3 Locally common yearlong resident in California. Occurs in freshwater emergent wetlands, and moist, open areas along croplands and mud flats of lacustrine habitats. Prefers to nest in dense wetland vegetation characterized by tules, cattails, or other similar plant species along the border of lakes and ponds. No Not Expected: Freshwater emergent wetland habitats preferred by this species for foraging and nesting are not present within the project site. Additionally, there are no occurrence records for this species within 5 miles of the project site (CNDDB, 2020). SPECIAL-STATUS PLANT SPECIES Acanthoscyphus parishii var. parishii Parish’s oxytheca 4.2 G4?T3T4 S3S4 Annual herb. Habitats include sandy or shale chaparral. Found at elevations ranging from 3,750 to 6,748 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-16 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Ambrosia monogyra singlewhorl burrobrush 2B.2 G5 S2 Perennial shrub. Found in sandy soils within chaparral and Sonoran Desert scrub habitat. Found at elevations ranging from 33 to 1,640 feet amsl. Blooming period is August through November. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. gabrielensis San Gabriel manzanita 1B.2 G5T3 S3 Perennial evergreen shrub. Occurs on rocky soils within chaparral habitats. Occurs at elevations ranging from 1,952 to 4,921 feet amsl. Blooms during the month of March. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort FE SE 1B.1 G1 S1 Perennial stoloniferous herb. Found on sandy, openings within marshes and swamps (freshwater or brackish). Found at elevations ranging from 12 to 558 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Asplenium vespertinum western spleenwort 4.2 G4 S4 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Found on rocky soils within chaparral, cismontane woodland, and coastal scrub habitat. Found at elevations ranging from 591 to 3,281 feet amsl. Blooming period is February through June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Berberis nevinii Nevin’s barberry FE SE 1B.1 G1 S1 Perennial evergreen shrub. Occurs on sandy or gravelly soils in chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, and riparian scrub. Found at elevations ranging from 899 to 2,707 feet amsl. Blooming period is (February) March through June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Calochortus catalinae Catalina mariposa-lily 4.2 G3G4 S3S4 Perennial bulbiferous herb. Habitats include chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland. Found at elevations ranging from 49 to 2,297 feet amsl. Blooming period is (February) March to June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Calochortus plummerae Plummer’s mariposa-lily 4.2 G4 S4 Perennial bulbiferous herb. Occurs on granitic and rocky soils within chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, lower montane coniferous forest, and valley/foothill grassland. Grows in elevations ranging from 328 to 5,577 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through July. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-17 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Calochortus weedii var. intermedius intermediate mariposa-lily 1B.2 G3G4T2 S2 Perennial bulbiferous herb. Found in chaparral, coastal scrub, and valley and foothill grasslands in rocky or calcareous soils. Found at elevations ranging from 344 to 2,805 feet amsl. Blooming period is from May to July. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Chloropyron maritimum ssp. maritimum salt marsh bird's-beak FE SE 1B.2 G4?T1 S1 Annual herb (hemiparasitic). Occurs on coastal dunes and marshes and swamps (coastal salt). Found at elevations ranging from 0 to 98 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through October (November). No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Parry's spineflower 1B.1 G3T2 S2 Annual herb. Occurs on sandy and/or rocky soils in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and sandy openings within alluvial washes and margins. Found at elevations ranging from 951 to 3,773 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Chorizanthe xanti var. leucotheca white-bracted spineflower 1B.2 G4T3 S3 Annual herb. Occurs on sandy or gravelly soils in coastal sage scrub (alluvial fans), Mojavean desert scrub, and pinyon and juniper woodland habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 984 to 3,937 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Cladium californicum California sawgrass 2B.2 G4 S2 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Found in meadows and seeps, marshes and swamps (alkaline or freshwater). Found at elevations ranging from 197 to 5,249 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through September. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Claytonia peirsonii ssp. peirsonii Peirson's spring beauty 1B.2 G2G3T2 S2 Perennial herb. Grows on scree within subalpine coniferous forest and upper montane coniferous forest habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 4,954 to 9,005 feet amsl. Blooming period is (March) May through June. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Cryptantha incana Tulare cryptantha 1B.3 G2 S2 Annual herb. Grows on gravelly or rocky soils within lower montane coniferous forest. Found at elevations ranging from 4,692 to 7,054 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-18 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Deinandra paniculata paniculate tarplant 4.2 G4 S4 Annual herb. Occurs in coastal scrub, vernal pools, and valley/foothill grassland habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 82 to 3,084 feet amsl. Blooming period is (March) April through November (December). No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Diplacus johnstonii Johnston’s monkeyflower 4.3 G4 S4 Annual herb. Found in lower montane coniferous forest (scree, disturbed areas, rocky or gravelly, roadside). Found at elevations ranging from 3,198 to 9,580 feet amsl. Blooming period is (April) May through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Dodecahema leptoceras slender-horned spineflower FE SE 1B.1 G1 S1 Annual herb. Occurs on flood deposited terraces and washes in chaparral, coastal scrub, and alluvial fan sage scrub habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 1,181 to 2,690 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum Santa Ana River woollystar FE SE 1B.1 G4T1 S1 Perennial herb. Grows on sandy or gravelly soils within chaparral and coastal scrub (alluvial fan) habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 298 to 2,001 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through September. No The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Eriogonum microthecum var. alpinum alpine slender buckwheat 4.3 G5T3 S3 Perennial herb. Found in alpine dwarf scrub and Great Basin scrub, sometimes rocky or gravelly soils. Has an elevational range of 8,202 to 10,826 feet amsl. Blooming period is July to September. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Eriogonum microthecum var. johnstonii Johnston's buckwheat 1B.3 G5T2 S2 Perennial deciduous shrub. Grows on rocky soils in subalpine coniferous forest and upper montane coniferous forest habitat. Found at elevations ranging from 6,000 to 9,600 feet amsl. Blooming period is July through September. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Eriogonum umbellatum var. minus alpine sulphur-flowered buckwheat 4.3 G5T4 S4 Perennial herb. Occurs on gravelly soils within subalpine coniferous forest and upper montane coniferous forests. Found at elevations ranging from 5,906 to 10,066 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through September. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Eriophyllum lanatum var. obovatum Southern Sierra woolly sunflower 4.3 G5T4 S4 Perennial herb. Grows on sandy loam soils within lower montane coniferous forest and upper montane coniferous forest. Found at elevations ranging from 3,655 to 8,202 feet amsl. Blooming period is June though July. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-19 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Fritillaria pinetorum pine fritillary 4.3 G4 S4 Perennial bulbiferous herb. Associated with granitic and metamorphic soils within chaparral, lower montane coniferous forest, upper montane coniferous forest, subalpine coniferous forest, pinyon and juniper woodland. Found at elevations ranging from 5,692 to 10,826 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through July (September). No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Galium angustifolium ssp. gabrielense San Antonio Canyon bedstraw 4.3 G5T3 S3 Perennial herb. Grows on granitic, sandy, or rocky soils within chaparral and lower montane coniferous forest. Found at elevations ranging from 3,937 to 8,694 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Galium jepsonii Jepson’s bedstraw 4.3 G3 S3 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Grows on granitic, rocky, or gravelly soils within lower montane coniferous forest and upper montane coniferous forest habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 5,052 to 8,202 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through July. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Galium johnstonii Johnston’s bedstraw 4.3 G4 S4 Perennial herb. Preferred habitats include chaparral, riparian woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, pinyon and juniper woodland. Found at elevations ranging from 4,003 to 7,546 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through July. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Heuchera caespitosa urn-flowered alumroot 4.3 G3 S3 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Grows on rocky soils within cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, riparian forest, and upper montane coniferous forest. Found at elevations ranging from 3,789 to 8,694 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia 1B.1 G4T1 S1 Perennial herb. Found on sandy or gravelly soils within chaparral, cismontane woodland, and coastal scrub habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 230 to 2,657 feet amsl. Blooming period is February through July (September). No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Juglans californica southern California black walnut 4.2 G4 S4 Perennial deciduous tree. Found in chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, and riparian woodland habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 164 to 2,953 feet amsl. Blooming period is March through August. No Not Expected: This species was not observed onsite during the field survey. Juncus duranii Duran's rush 4.3 G3 S3 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Habitats include lower and upper montane coniferous forests, meadows and seeps. Found at elevations ranging from 5,801 to 9,199 feet amsl. Blooming period is July through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-20 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Lepechinia fragrans fragrant pitcher sage 4.2 G3 S3 Perennial shrub. Occurs in chaparral habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 66 to 4,298 feet amsl. Blooming period is March through October. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonii Robinson’s pepper-grass 4.3 G5T3 S3 Annual herb. Dry soils on chaparral and coastal sage scrub. Found at elevations ranging from 66 to 4,396 feet amsl. Blooming period is January through July. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum ocellated Humboldt lily 4.2 G4T4? S4? Perennial bulbiferous herb. Found in openings within chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, lower montane coniferous forest, and riparian woodland habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 98 to 5,906 feet amsl. Blooming period is March through July (August). No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Lilium parryi lemon lily 1B.2 G3 S3 Perennial bulbiferous herb. Occurs on mesic soils within lower montane coniferous forest, meadows and seeps, riparian forest, and upper montane coniferous forest. Grows in elevation ranging from 4,003 to 9,006 feet amsl. Blooming period is July through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Linanthus concinnus San Gabriel linanthus 1B.2 G2 S2 Annual herb. Grows in rocky openings within chaparral, lower montane coniferous forest, and upper montane coniferous forest. Found at elevations ranging from 4,987 to 9,186 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through July. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Lycium parishii Parish's desert-thorn 2B.3 G3? S1 Perennial shrub. Grows in coastal scrub and Sonoran Desert scrub habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 443 to 3,281 feet amsl. Blooming period is March through April. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-21 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Malacothamnus parishii Parish's bush-mallow 1A GXQ SX Perennial deciduous shrub. Found in chaparral and coastal scrub habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 1,000 to 1,493 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through July. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Monardella australis ssp. jokerstii Jokerst's monardella 1B.1 G4T1 S1 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Grows on steep scree or talus slopes between breccia and secondary alluvial benches along drainages and washes. Found in chaparral and lower montane coniferous forest habitat. Blooming period is July through September. Found at elevations ranging from 4,429 to 5,741 feet amsl. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Monardella pringlei Pringle's monardella 1A GX SX Annual herb. Found on sandy soils within coastal scrub habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 984 to 1,312 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Monardella saxicola rock monardella 4.2 G3 S3 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Grows on rocky (usually serpentinite) soils in closed-cone coniferous forest, chaparral, and lower montane coniferous forest habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 1,640 to 5,906 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through September. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Muhlenbergia californica California muhly 4.3 G4 S4 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Found in mesic areas, meadows, seeps, and streambanks within chaparral, coastal scrub, and lower montane coniferous forest. Found at elevations ranging from 328 to 6,562 feet amsl. Blooming period is June through September. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Muhlenbergia utilis aparejo grass 2B.2 G4 S2S3 Perennial herb. Usually occurs in coastal sage scrub, creosote bush scrub, and wetland riparian habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 820 to 3,281 feet amsl. Blooming period is October through March. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-22 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Navarretia prostrata prostrate vernal pool navarretia 1B.1 G2 S2 Annual herb. Blooms April through July. Occurs on mesic sites and on alkaline soils in coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland, vernal pool, meadows, and seeps. Known elevations range from 5 to 4,055 feet amsl. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada short-joint beavertail 1B.2 G5T3 S3 Perennial stem succulent. Grows in chaparral, Joshua tree woodland, Mojavean desert scrub, and pinyon and juniper woodland habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 1,394 to 5,906 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through June. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Oreonana vestita woolly mountain-parsley 1B.3 G3 S3 Perennial herb. Associated with gravel and talus soils within lower montane coniferous forest, subalpine coniferous forest, and upper montane coniferous forest. Found at elevations ranging from 5,299 to 11,483 feet amsl. Blooming period is March through September. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Phacelia mohavensis Mojave phacelia 4.3 G4Q S4 Annual herb. Occurs on sandy or gravelly soils within cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, meadows and seeps, pinyon and juniper woodland. Found at elevations ranging from 4,593 to 8,202 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Phacelia stellaris Brand’s star phacelia 1B.1 G1 S1 Annual herb. Found in coastal dunes and coastal scrub habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 3 to 1,312 feet amsl. Blooming period is March through June. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum white rabbit-tobacco 2B.2 G4 S2 Perennial herb. Found on sandy and gravelly soils within chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, and riparian woodland habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 0 to 6,890 feet amsl. Blooming period is August (July) through November (December). No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Quercus durata var. gabrielensis San Gabriel oak 4.2 G4T3 S3 Perennial evergreen shrub. Habitats include chaparral and cismontane woodland habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 1,476 to 3,281 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through May. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-23 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur Sagittaria sanfordii Sandford’s arrowhead 1B.2 G3 S3 Perennial rhizomatous herb (emergent). Blooms May through October (November). Found in standing or slow- moving freshwater ponds, marshes, and ditches. Known elevations range from 0 to 1,180 feet amsl. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Senecio aphanactis chaparral ragwort 2B.2 G3 S2 Annual herb. Grows on alkaline soils within chaparral, cismontane woodland, and coastal scrub habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 49 to 2,625 feet amsl. Blooming period is January through April (May). No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Senecio astephanus San Gabriel ragwort 4.3 G3 S3 Perennial herb. Occurs on rocky slopes within coastal bluff scrub and chaparral habitats. Found at elevations ranging from 1,312 to 4,921 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through July. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Sphenopholis obtusata prairie wedge grass 2B.2 G5 S2 Perennial herb. Occurs in cismontane woodland and meadows and seeps within mesic soils. Found at elevations ranging from 984 to 6,562 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through July. No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Streptanthus bernardinus Laguna Mountains jewelflower 4.3 G3G4 S3S4 Perennial herb. Occurs in chaparral and lower montane coniferous forest habitat. Found at elevations ranging from 2,198 to 8,202 feet amsl. Blooming period is May through August. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Symphyotrichum defoliatum San Bernardino aster 1B.2 G2 S2 Perennial rhizomatous herb. Occurs near ditches, streams, and springs within cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, lower montane coniferous forest, meadows, seeps, marshes, and valley/foothill grassland. Grows in elevations ranging from 0 to 6,700 feet amsl. Blooming period is July through November (December). No Not Expected: The project site is comprised of residential development and disturbed habitat that is subject to routine weed abatement, resulting in heavily disturbed and compacted surface soils which likely precludes this species from occurring. Viola pinetorum ssp. grisea grey-leaved violet 1B.2 G4G5T3 S3 Perennial herb. Associated with upper montane coniferous forest, subalpine coniferous forest, meadows and seeps. Found at elevations ranging from 4,921 to 11,155 feet amsl. Blooming period is April through July. No Not Expected: The project site is outside of the known elevation range for this species. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-24 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur SPECIAL-STATUS VEGETATION COMMUNITIES CNDDB/Holland (1986) California Walnut Woodland MCV (1995) California Walnut Series NVCS (2009) Juglans californica Woodland Alliance G3 S3.2 Found at elevations ranging from 490 to 2,952 feet amsl in riparian corridors, but most stands cover all hillslopes. Southern California black walnut is dominant or co- dominant in the tree canopy with white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), two petaled ash (Fraxinus dipetala), toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), coast live oak, valley oak (Quercus lobata), polished willow (Salix laevigata), arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis), black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), and California bay (Umbellularia californica). Trees are less than 50 feet tall; canopy is open to continuous. Shrub layer is sparse to intermittent. Herbaceous layer is sparse or grassy. No Absent: This vegetation community does not occur within or adjacent to the project site. CNDDB/Holland (1986) Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh MCV (1995) Cattail Series, Bulrush-Cattail Series NVCS (2009) Typha (angustifolia, latifolia)- (Schoenoplectus spp.) Semipermanently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance, Typha domingensis Seasonally Flooded Temperate Herbaceous Alliance, Typha latifolia Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance G5 S5 Occurs at elevations ranging from 0 to 1,148 feet amsl in semi-permanently flooded freshwater or brackish marshes with clayey or silty soils. Narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia), southern cattail (Typha domingensis) or bulrush (Typha latifolia) is dominant or co- dominant in the herbaceous layer with creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera), pacific silverweed (Argentina egedii), Cyperus spp., desert saltgrass (Distichlis spicata), cockspur grass (Echinochloa crus-galli), common spikerush (Eleocharis macrostachya), great horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Juncus spp., least duckweed (Lemna minuta), broad leaved pepper grass (Lepidium latifolium), water parsley (Oenanthe sarmentosa), common knotweed (Persicaria lapathifolia), dotted smartweed (Persicaria punctate), common reed (Phragmites australis), Chairmaker's bulrush (Schoenoplectus americanus), California bulrush (Schoenoplectus californicus), Typha ×glauca and rough cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium). Emergent trees may be present at low cover, including Salix spp. No Absent: This vegetation community does not occur within or adjacent to the project site. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-25 Habitat Assessment Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Special- Status Rank* Habitat Preferences and Distribution Affinities Observed On-site Potential to Occur CNDDB/Holland (1986) Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub MCV (1995) Scalebroom Series NVCS (2009) Lepidospartum squamatum Intermittently Flooded Shrubland Alliance G3 S3 Found at elevations ranging from 164 to 4,922 feet amsl on intermittently or rarely flooded, low-gradient alluvial deposits along streams, washes, and fans. Scalebroom (Lepidospartum squamatum) is dominant, co-dominant, or conspicuous in the shrub canopy with burrobrush (Ambrosia salsola), California sagebrush, mule fat (Baccharis salicifolia), bladderpod (Cleome isomeris), California cholla (Cylindropuntia californica), brittlebush (Encelia farinosa), thick leaved yerba santa (Eriodictyon crassifolium), hairy yerba santa (Eriodictyon trichocalyx), California buckwheat, chaparral yucca (Hesperoyucca whipplei), deerweed, laurel sumac (Malosma laurina), prickly- pear cactus (Opuntia littoralis), lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia), sugar bush (Rhus ovata), skunkbrush (Rhus aromatica), and poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum). Emergent trees or tall shrubs may be present at low cover, including mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides), southern California black walnut, California juniper (Juniperus californica), California sycamore, Fremont cottonwood, or black elderberry. Shrubs are less than 7 feet tall; canopy is open to continuous, and two tiered. Herbaceous is layer variable and may be grassy. No Absent: This vegetation community does not occur within or adjacent to the project site. CNDDB/Holland (1986) Southern Riparian Forest MCV (1995) N/A NVCS (2009) N/A N/A N/A Riparian zones dominated by larger, mature trees consisting of various species of willows, cottonwoods, and sycamores. No Absent: This vegetation community does not occur within or adjacent to the project site. CNDDB/Holland (1986) Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland MCV (1995) California Sycamore Series NVCS (2009) Platanus racemosa Woodland Alliance G3 S3 Found at elevations ranging from sea level to 7,874 feet amsl in gullies, intermittent streams, springs, seeps, stream banks, and terraces adjacent to floodplains that are subject to high-intensity flooding. Soils are rocky or cobbly alluvium with permanent moisture at depth. California sycamore is a dominant or co-dominant in the tree canopy with white alder, southern California black walnut, Fremont cottonwood, coast live oak, valley oak, narrowleaf willow, Goodding's black willow (Salix gooddingii), polished willow, arroyo willow, yellow willow (Salix lutea), Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus mole), and California bay. No Absent: This vegetation community does not occur within or adjacent to the project site. Attachment D – Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Fontana 47 D-26 Habitat Assessment * U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) FE Endangered – any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. FT Threatened – any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) SE Endangered – any native species or subspecies of bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant which is in serious danger of becoming extinct throughout all, or a significant portion, of its range due to one or more causes, including loss of habitat, change in habitat, overexploitation, predation, competition, or disease. SCE State Candidate for Listing as Endangered – the classification provided to a native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that the Fish and Game Commission has formally noticed as being under review by the Department of Fish and Wildlife for addition to the list of endangered species, or a species for which the commission has published a notice of proposed regulation to add the species to the list of endangered species. ST Threatened – any native species or subspecies of bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that, although not presently threatened with extinction, is likely to become an endangered species in the foreseeable future in the absence of the special protection and management efforts required under the California Endangered Species Act. FP Fully Protected – any native species or subspecies of bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, or reptile that were determined by the State of California to be rare or face possible extinction. SSC Species of Special Concern – any species, subspecies, or distinct population of fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, or mammal native to California that currently satisfies one or more of the following criteria: - is extirpated from California or, in the case of birds, in its primary seasonal or breeding role; - is listed as Federally-, but not State-, threatened or endangered; meets the State definition of threatened or endangered but has not formally been listed. - is experiencing, or formerly experienced, serious (noncyclical) population declines or range retractions (not reversed) that, if continued or resumed, could qualify it for State threatened or endangered status; or - has naturally small populations exhibiting high susceptibility to risk from any factor(s), that if realized, could lead to declines that would qualify it for State threatened or endangered status. WL Watch List - taxa that were previously designated as “Species of Special Concern” but no longer merit that status, or which do not yet meet SSC criteria, but for which there is concern and a need for additional information to clarify status. California Native Plant Society (CNPS) California Rare Plant Rank 1A Presumed extirpated in California and either rare or extinct elsewhere. 1B Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere. 2B Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California but more common elsewhere. 4 Plants of limited distribution – Watch List. Threat Ranks .1 Seriously threatened in California (over 80% of occurrences threatened/high degree any immediacy of threat). .2 Moderately threatened in California (20 to 80 percent of occurrences threatened/moderate degree and immediacy of threat). .3 Not very threatened in California (less than 20 percent of occurrences threatened/low degree and immediacy of threat or no current threats known). NatureServe Conservation Status Rank The Global Rank (G#) reflects the overall condition and imperilment of a species throughout its global range. The Infraspecific Taxon Rank (T#) reflects the global situation of just the subspecies or variety. The State Rank (S#) reflects the condition and imperilment of an element throughout its range within California. (G#Q) reflects that the element is very rare but there are taxonomic questions associated with it; the calculated G rank is qualified by adding a Q after the G#). Adding a ? to a rank expresses uncertainty about the rank. G1/T1 Critically Imperiled – At very high risk of extinction due to extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer populations), very steep declines, or other factors. G2/T2 Imperiled— At high risk of extinction due to very restricted range, very few populations (often 20 or fewer), steep declines, or other factors. G3/T3 Vulnerable— At moderate risk of extinction due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors. G4/T4 Apparently Secure— Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern due to declines or other factors. G5 Secure – Common; widespread and abundant. S1 Critically Imperiled – Critically imperiled in the state because of extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer occurrences) or because of some factor(s) such as very steep declines making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the State. S2 Imperiled – Imperiled in the State because of rarity due to very restricted range, very few populations (often 20 or fewer), steep declines, or other factors making it very vulnerable to extirpation from the nation or State. S3 Vulnerable – Vulnerable in the State due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors making it vulnerable to extirpation. S4 Apparently Secure – Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern due to declines or other factors. Attachment E References Attachment E – References Fontana 47 E-1 Habitat Assessment Baldwin, B.G., D.H. Goldman, D.J. Keil, R. Patterson, T.J. Rosatti, and D.H. Wilken, eds. 2012. The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, 2nd ed. University of California Press, Berkeley. Bradley, D.R., Ammerman, L.K., Baker, R.J., Bradley, L.C., Cook, J.A., Dowler, R.C., Jones, C., Schmidly, D.J., Stangl Jr., F.B., Van Den Bussche, R.A., and B. Würsig. 2014. Revised Checklist of North American Mammals North of Mexico, 2014. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Texas Tech University. 327. 1-27. Calflora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation. [web application]. 2020. Berkeley, California: The Calflora Database [a non-profit organization]. Accessed online at: https://www.calflora.org/. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). 2019. California Natural Community List. November 8, 2019. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). 2020a. RareFind 5, California Natural Diversity Data Base, California. Data base report on threatened, endangered, rare or otherwise sensitive species and communities for the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5- minute quadrangles. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). 2020b. Biogeographic Information and Observation System, California Natural Diversity Data Base, California. Data base report on threatened, endangered, rare or otherwise sensitive species and communities for the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). July 2020c. Special Animals List. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Sacramento, CA. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). July 2020d. State and Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Animals of California. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Sacramento, CA. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Natural Diversity Database. January 2020e. Special Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Lichens List. Quarterly publication. 140 pp. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). July 2020f. State and Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants of California. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Sacramento, CA. California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2020. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (online edition, v8-03 0.39). Accessed online at: http://www.rareplants.cnps.org/. Chesser, R. T., K. J. Burns, C. Cicero, J. L. Dunn, A. W. Kratter, I. J. Lovette, P. C. Rasmussen, J. V. Remsen, Jr., D. F. Stotz, and K. Winker. 2019. Check-list of North American Birds (online). American Ornithological Society. Accessed online at: http://checklist.aou.org/taxa. City of Fontana. 2017. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035. Attachment E – References Fontana 47 E-2 Habitat Assessment County of San Bernardino. 2007. San Bernardino County General Plan Program. Available online at the following link: https://cms.sbcounty.gov/lus/Planning/GeneralPlan.aspx. Crother, B. I. (ed.). 2017. Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding pp. 1– 102. SSAR Herpetological Circular 43. Google, Inc. 2020. Google Earth Pro Imagery Version Build date 07/21/2020. Aerial Image dated May 2, 2019. Hamilton, R.A. and D.R. Willick. 1996. The Birds of Orange County, California: Status and Distribution. Sea and Sage Press; Irvine, California. Harvey, M. J., J. S. Altenbach, and T.L. Best. 2011. Bats of the United States and Canada. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Holland, R. 1986. Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. Jepson Flora Project (eds.). 2018. Jepson eFlora. Accessed online at: http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/. Reid, F.A. 2006. A Field Guide to Mammals of North America, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, New York. Sawyer, J.O., T. Keeler-Wolf, and J. Evens. 2009. A Manual of California Vegetation (Second Edition). California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, California, USA. Sibley, D.A. 2014. The Sibley Guide to Birds, Second Edition. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, New York. Stebbins, R.C. 2003. A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians, Third Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, New York. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2020. Custom Soil Resource Report for San Bernardino County Southwestern Part, California. Accessed online at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2020. ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System: Threatened and Endangered Species Active Critical Habitat Report. Accessed online at: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/table/critical-habitat.html. U.S. Geological Survey. 2020. Cucamonga Peak, California 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map. 1966. Photorevised 1988. U.S. Geological Survey. 2020. Devore, California 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map. 1966. Photorevised 1988. Attachment E – References Fontana 47 E-3 Habitat Assessment U.S. Geological Survey. 2020. Fontana, California 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map. 1967. Photorevised 1980. U.S. Geological Survey. 2020. Guasti, California 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map. 1966. Photorevised 1981. Attachment B Figure 1 – Revised Site Plan Attachment C Updated Records Searches 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 1/4 CNDDB Quad Species List 65 records. ElementType ScientificName CommonName Element Code FederalStatus StateStatus CDFWStatus CA RarePlant Rank QuadCode QuadName Data Status Taxonomic Sort Animals - Amphibians Batrachoseps gabrieli San Gabriel slender salamander AAAAD02110 None None --3411724 DEVORE Mapped Animals - Amphibians - Plethodontidae - Batrachoseps gabrieli Animals - Amphibians Rana muscosa southernmountain yellow- legged frog AAABH01330 Endangered Endangered WL -3411724 DEVORE Mapped Animals -Amphibians - Ranidae - Rana muscosa Animals - Birds Accipiter cooperii Cooper's hawk ABNKC12040 None None WL -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Accipitridae - Accipiter cooperii Animals -Birds Aquilachrysaetos golden eagle ABNKC22010 None None FP ,WL -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae -Aquila chrysaetos Animals - Birds Buteo regalis ferruginous hawk ABNKC19120 None None WL -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae -Buteo regalis Animals -Birds Circushudsonius northernharrier ABNKC11011 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Circus hudsonius Animals - Birds Elanus leucurus white-tailed kite ABNKC06010 None None FP -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Elanus leucurus Animals -Birds Eremophilaalpestris actia Californiahorned lark ABPAT02011 None None WL -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Alaudidae -Eremophila alpestris actia Animals - Birds Ardea alba great egret ABNGA04040 None None --3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Ardeidae - Ardeaalba Animals - Birds Ardea herodias great blue heron ABNGA04010 None None --3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Ardeidae - Ardea herodias Animals - Birds Falco mexicanus prairie falcon ABNKD06090 None None WL -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Falconidae -Falco mexicanus Animals -Birds Spinuslawrencei Lawrence'sgoldfinch ABPBY06100 None None --3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Fringillidae - Spinus lawrencei Animals - Birds Icteria virens yellow-breasted chat ABPBX24010 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Icteriidae - Icteria virens Animals - Birds Lanius ludovicianus loggerhead shrike ABPBR01030 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Laniidae - Laniusludovicianus Animals - Birds Pandion haliaetus osprey ABNKC01010 None None WL -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Pandionidae - Pandionhaliaetus Animals - Birds Setophaga petechia yellow warbler ABPBX03010 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Parulidae - Setophagapetechia Animals - Birds Aimophila ruficepscanescens southern California rufous-crowned sparrow ABPBX91091 None None WL -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Passerellidae - Aimophilaruficeps canescens Animals - Birds Artemisiospiza belli belli Bell's sage sparrow ABPBX97021 None None WL -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Passerellidae - Artemisiospiza belli belli 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 2/4 Animals -Birds Polioptila californica californica coastal California gnatcatcher ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped andUnprocessed Animals - Birds -Polioptilidae - Polioptila californica californica Animals - Birds Athene cunicularia burrowing owl ABNSB10010 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Strigidae - Athene cunicularia Animals -Birds Strixoccidentalis occidentalis CaliforniaSpotted Owl ABNSB12013 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped Animals - Birds - Strigidae - Strixoccidentalis occidentalis Animals - Birds Calypte costae Costa's hummingbird ABNUC47020 None None --3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Trochilidae -Calypte costae Animals - Birds Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell's vireo ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered --3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Vireonidae - Vireo belliipusillus Animals - Fish Rhinichthys osculus ssp. 8 Santa Anaspeckled dace AFCJB3705K None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Fish -Cyprinidae - Rhinichthysosculus ssp. 8 Animals - Fish Oncorhynchus mykiss irideuspop. 10 steelhead -southern California DPS AFCHA0209J Endangered None --3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Fish - Salmonidae - Oncorhynchusmykiss irideus pop. 10 Animals - Insects Bombus crotchii Crotch bumble bee IIHYM24480 None None --3411724 DEVORE Mapped Animals - Insects - Apidae -Bombus crotchii Animals -Insects Neolarra alba white cuckoobee IIHYM81010 None None --3411724 DEVORE Mapped Animals - Insects - Apidae - Neolarra alba Animals - Mammals Microtuscalifornicus mohavensis Mohave river vole AMAFF11031 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Cricetidae - Microtus californicus mohavensis Animals -Mammals Neotoma lepidaintermedia San Diego desert woodrat AMAFF08041 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Cricetidae - Neotoma lepidaintermedia Animals - Mammals Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwesternSan Diego pocketmouse AMAFD05031 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Chaetodipus fallax fallax Animals -Mammals Chaetodipusfallax pallidus pallid San Diegopocket mouse AMAFD05032 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Chaetodipusfallax pallidus Animals - Mammals Dipodomys merriami parvus San Bernardino kangaroo rat AMAFD03143 Endangered Candidate Endangered SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Dipodomys merriami parvus Animals -Mammals Dipodomyssimulans Dulzurakangaroo rat AMAFD03170 None None --3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Dipodomyssimulans Animals - Mammals Perognathus longimembrisbrevinasus Los Angeles pocketmouse AMAFD01041 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Perognathus longimembrisbrevinasus 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 3/4 Animals - Mammals Lepuscalifornicus bennettii San Diegoblack-tailed jackrabbit AMAEB03051 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Leporidae - Lepus californicus bennettii Animals -Mammals Nyctinomopsfemorosaccus pocketed free-tailed bat AMACD04010 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped Animals - Mammals - Molossidae - Nyctinomopsfemorosaccus Animals - Mammals Taxidea taxus American badger AMAJF04010 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Mustelidae - Taxidea taxus Animals - Reptiles Anniella stebbinsi SouthernCalifornia legless lizard ARACC01060 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Anniellidae - Anniella stebbinsi Animals - Reptiles Arizonaelegans occidentalis California glossy snake ARADB01017 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles -Colubridae - Arizona elegans occidentalis Animals - Reptiles Salvadorahexalepis virgultea coast patch- nosed snake ARADB30033 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals -Reptiles - Colubridae - Salvadora hexalepis virgultea Animals -Reptiles Phrynosomablainvillii coast hornedlizard ARACF12100 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Mapped andUnprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Phrynosomatidae - Phrynosomablainvillii Animals - Reptiles Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail ARACJ02143 None None SSC -3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Teiidae - Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri Community - Terrestrial Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub CTT32720CA None None --3411724 DEVORE Mapped Community - Terrestrial - Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub Community - Terrestrial Southern Riparian Forest Southern RiparianForest CTT61300CA None None --3411724 DEVORE Mapped Community -Terrestrial - Southern Riparian Forest Community - Terrestrial Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland Southern SycamoreAlder RiparianWoodland CTT62400CA None None --3411724 DEVORE Mapped Community -Terrestrial - Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland Plants - Vascular Ambrosia monogyra singlewhorl burrobrush PDAST50010 None None -2B.2 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular- Asteraceae - Ambrosia monogyra Plants - Vascular Senecio astephanus San Gabriel ragwort PDAST8H090 None None -4.3 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Asteraceae - Senecio astephanus Plants - Vascular Cryptantha incana Tulare cryptantha PDBOR0A1D0 None None -1B.3 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Boraginaceae - Cryptantha incana Plants - Vascular Streptanthus bernardinus Laguna Mountains jewelflower PDBRA2G060 None None -4.3 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular- Brassicaceae - Streptanthusbernardinus Plants - Vascular Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada short-joint beavertail PDCAC0D053 None None -1B.2 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular- Cactaceae - Opuntia basilarisvar. brachyclada 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 4/4 Plants - Vascular Quercus durata var.gabrielensis San Gabriel oak PDFAG050G2 None None -4.2 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Fagaceae - Quercus durata var. gabrielensis Plants - Vascular Juglans californica southern Californiablack walnut PDJUG02020 None None -4.2 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Juglandaceae - Juglans californica Plants - Vascular Monardella saxicola rock monardella PDLAM180Q1 None None -4.2 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Lamiaceae - Monardellasaxicola Plants - Vascular Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa-lily PMLIL0D150 None None -4.2 3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Liliaceae - Calochortusplummerae Plants - Vascular Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum ocellated humboldt lily PMLIL1A072 None None -4.2 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Liliaceae - Lilium humboldtiissp. ocellatum Plants -Vascular Lilium parryi lemon lily PMLIL1A0J0 None None -1B.2 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular- Liliaceae - Lilium parryi Plants - Vascular Malacothamnus parishii Parish's bush-mallow PDMAL0Q0C0 None None -1A 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular - Malvaceae - Malacothamnus parishii Plants -Vascular Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum Santa Ana River woollystar PDPLM03035 Endangered Endangered -1B.1 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular - Polemoniaceae - Eriastrum densifolium ssp.sanctorum Plants - Vascular Chorizantheparryi var. parryi Parry's spineflower PDPGN040J2 None None -1B.1 3411724 DEVORE Mapped and Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Polygonaceae - Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Plants - Vascular Chorizanthexanti var. leucotheca white-bracted spineflower PDPGN040Z1 None None -1B.2 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular - Polygonaceae - Chorizanthe xanti var. leucotheca Plants -Vascular Dodecahemaleptoceras slender-horned spineflower PDPGN0V010 Endangered Endangered -1B.1 3411724 DEVORE Mapped andUnprocessed Plants - Vascular - Polygonaceae -Dodecahema leptoceras Plants -Vascular Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesahorkelia PDROS0W045 None None -1B.1 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular - Rosaceae -Horkelia cuneata var. puberula Plants - Vascular Galium jepsonii Jepson's bedstraw PDRUB0N130 None None -4.3 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Rubiaceae -Galium jepsonii Plants - Vascular Galium johnstonii Johnston's bedstraw PDRUB0N140 None None -4.3 3411724 DEVORE Unprocessed Plants - Vascular- Rubiaceae - Galium johnstonii Plants - Vascular Lycium parishii Parish's desert-thorn PDSOL0G0D0 None None -2B.3 3411724 DEVORE Mapped Plants - Vascular - Solanaceae - Lycium parishii 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 1/5 CNDDB Quad Species List 79 records. Element Type Scientific Name Common Name Element Code Federal Status State Status CDFW Status CA Rare Plant Rank Quad Code Quad Name Data Status Taxonomic Sort Animals -Amphibians Batrachosepsgabrieli San Gabrielslendersalamander AAAAD02110 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped andUnprocessed Animals - Amphibians -Plethodontidae -Batrachoseps gabrieli Animals - Amphibians Rana muscosa southernmountain yellow-legged frog AAABH01330 Endangered Endangered WL -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Animals -Amphibians - Ranidae - Rana muscosa Animals - Amphibians Spea hammondii western spadefoot AAABF02020 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Animals -Amphibians - Scaphiopodidae - Spea hammondii Animals - Birds Accipiter cooperii Cooper's hawk ABNKC12040 None None WL -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Accipiter cooperii Animals - Birds Circus hudsonius northern harrier ABNKC11011 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Circus hudsonius Animals - Birds Ardea alba great egret ABNGA04040 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Ardeidae - Ardea alba Animals - Birds Ardea herodias great blue heron ABNGA04010 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Ardeidae - Ardea herodias Animals - Birds Nycticorax nycticorax black- crowned night heron ABNGA11010 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Ardeidae - Nycticorax nycticorax Animals - Birds Spinus lawrencei Lawrence's goldfinch ABPBY06100 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Fringillidae - Spinus lawrencei Animals - Birds Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus yellow- headed blackbird ABPBXB3010 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Icteridae - Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Animals - Birds Lanius ludovicianus loggerhead shrike ABPBR01030 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Laniidae - Lanius ludovicianus Animals - Birds Setophaga petechia yellow warbler ABPBX03010 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Parulidae - Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds Aimophila ruficepscanescens southern California rufous-crownedsparrow ABPBX91091 None None WL -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Passerellidae - Aimophila ruficepscanescens Animals -Birds Artemisiospizabelli belli Bell's sagesparrow ABPBX97021 None None WL -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Passerellidae -Artemisiospizabelli belli Animals -Birds Spizella breweri Brewer'ssparrow ABPBX94040 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Passerellidae -Spizella breweri Animals -Birds Phalacrocoraxauritus double-crestedcormorant ABNFD01020 None None WL -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Phalacrocoracidae- Phalacrocorax auritus Animals - Birds Polioptilacalifornica californica coastalCalifornia gnatcatcher ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Polioptilidae -Polioptila californica californica Animals - Birds Asio otus long-eared owl ABNSB13010 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Strigidae - Asio otus Animals - Birds Athene cunicularia burrowing owl ABNSB10010 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Strigidae - Athene cunicularia 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 2/5 Animals -Birds Strix occidentalisoccidentalis CaliforniaSpotted Owl ABNSB12013 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Animals - Birds - Strigidae - Strixoccidentalisoccidentalis Animals -Birds Calypte costae Costa'shummingbird ABNUC47020 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Trochilidae -Calypte costae Animals -Birds Selasphorusrufus rufoushummingbird ABNUC51020 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Trochilidae -Selasphorus rufus Animals - Birds Empidonax traillii willow flycatcher ABPAE33040 None Endangered --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Tyrannidae -Empidonax traillii Animals -Birds Empidonaxtraillii extimus southwestern willowflycatcher ABPAE33043 Endangered Endangered --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Tyrannidae -Empidonax trailliiextimus Animals -Fish Oncorhynchusmykiss irideuspop. 10 steelhead -southernCalifornia DPS AFCHA0209J Endangered None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Fish -Salmonidae -Oncorhynchusmykiss irideus pop. 10 Animals - Insects Bombus crotchii Crotch bumble bee IIHYM24480 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Animals - Insects -Apidae - Bombus crotchii Animals - Mammals Ovis canadensis nelsoni desert bighorn sheep AMALE04013 None None FP -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Bovidae - Ovis canadensis nelsoni Animals - Mammals Neotoma lepida intermedia San Diego desert woodrat AMAFF08041 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Cricetidae - Neotoma lepidaintermedia Animals -Mammals Onychomystorridus ramona southerngrasshoppermouse AMAFF06022 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Mammals -Cricetidae -Onychomys torridus ramona Animals - Mammals Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwesternSan Diego pocket mouse AMAFD05031 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals -Mammals -Heteromyidae - Chaetodipus fallax fallax Animals - Mammals Dipodomys merriami parvus San Bernardino kangaroo rat AMAFD03143 Endangered Candidate Endangered SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Dipodomysmerriami parvus Animals -Mammals Dipodomyssimulans Dulzurakangaroo rat AMAFD03170 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae -Dipodomyssimulans Animals - Mammals Perognathuslongimembris brevinasus Los Angelespocket mouse AMAFD01041 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals -Mammals -Heteromyidae - Perognathus longimembris brevinasus Animals - Mammals Lepus californicus bennettii San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit AMAEB03051 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Leporidae - Lepus californicusbennettii Animals -Mammals Eumops perotiscalifornicus westernmastiff bat AMACD02011 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Animals - Mammals -Molossidae -Eumops perotis californicus Animals -Mammals Lasiurusxanthinus westernyellow bat AMACC05070 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Animals -Mammals -Vespertilionidae - Lasiurus xanthinus Animals - Reptiles Anniella stebbinsi SouthernCalifornia legless lizard ARACC01060 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Animals - Reptiles- Anniellidae - Anniella stebbinsi 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 3/5 Animals - Reptiles Arizona elegans occidentalis California glossy snake ARADB01017 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Colubridae - Arizona elegans occidentalis Animals - Reptiles Diadophis punctatusmodestus San Bernardino ringnecksnake ARADB10015 None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Colubridae - Diadophispunctatusmodestus Animals -Reptiles Salvadorahexalepisvirgultea coast patch-nosed snake ARADB30033 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Colubridae -Salvadorahexalepis virgultea Animals -Reptiles Coleonyxvariegatusabbotti San Diegobandedgecko ARACD01031 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles- Gekkonidae -Coleonyx variegatus abbotti Animals - Reptiles Thamnophis hammondii two-striped gartersnake ARADB36160 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Animals - Reptiles- Natricidae - Thamnophis hammondii Animals - Reptiles Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned lizard ARACF12100 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles- Phrynosomatidae - Phrynosoma blainvillii Animals - Reptiles Aspidoscelis hyperythra orange- throated whiptail ARACJ02060 None None WL -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Teiidae - Aspidoscelishyperythra Animals - Reptiles Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail ARACJ02143 None None SSC -3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Teiidae - Aspidoscelis tigrisstejnegeri Community- Terrestrial CaliforniaWalnutWoodland CaliforniaWalnutWoodland CTT71210CA None None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Community - Terrestrial -California WalnutWoodland Community- Terrestrial Coastal andValleyFreshwater Marsh Coastal andValleyFreshwater Marsh CTT52410CA None None --3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Community -Terrestrial -Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh Community - Terrestrial RiversidianAlluvial Fan Sage Scrub RiversidianAlluvial Fan Sage Scrub CTT32720CA None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Community -Terrestrial -Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub Community - Terrestrial Southern Sycamore Alder RiparianWoodland Southern Sycamore Alder RiparianWoodland CTT62400CA None None --3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Community - Terrestrial - Southern Sycamore AlderRiparianWoodland Plants -Vascular Sagittariasanfordii Sanford'sarrowhead PMALI040Q0 None None -1B.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular -Alismataceae -Sagittaria sanfordii Plants -Vascular Oreonanavestita woolly mountain-parsley PDAPI1G030 None None -1B.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular - Apiaceae -Oreonana vestita Plants -Vascular Aspleniumvespertinum westernspleenwort PPASP021P0 None None -4.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Aspleniaceae -Aspleniumvespertinum Plants -Vascular Eriophyllumlanatum var. obovatum southernSierra woolly sunflower PDAST3N05D None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Asteraceae -Eriophyllum lanatum var. obovatum Plants - Vascular Streptanthus bernardinus Laguna Mountains jewelflower PDBRA2G060 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Brassicaceae - Streptanthus bernardinus Plants - Vascular Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. gabrielensis San Gabriel manzanita PDERI042P0 None None -1B.2 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular - Ericaceae - Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp.gabrielensis 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 4/5 Plants -Vascular Phaceliamohavensis Mojavephacelia PDHYD0C310 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Hydrophyllaceae -Phaceliamohavensis Plants -Vascular Juglanscalifornica southern Californiablack walnut PDJUG02020 None None -4.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Juglandaceae -Juglans californica Plants -Vascular Juncus duranii Duran's rush PMJUN013T0 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Juncaceae -Juncus duranii Plants -Vascular Lepechiniafragrans fragrantpitcher sage PDLAM0V030 None None -4.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Lamiaceae -Lepechiniafragrans Plants -Vascular Monardellaaustralis ssp.jokerstii Jokerst'smonardella PDLAM18112 None None -1B.1 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped andUnprocessed Plants - Vascular -Lamiaceae -Monardellaaustralis ssp. jokerstii Plants - Vascular Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa-lily PMLIL0D150 None None -4.2 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Liliaceae - Calochortus plummerae Plants - Vascular Calochortus weedii var. intermedius intermediate mariposa-lily PMLIL0D1J1 None None -1B.2 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular - Liliaceae - Calochortus weedii var.intermedius Plants - Vascular Fritillaria pinetorum pine fritillary PMLIL0V0E0 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Liliaceae - Fritillariapinetorum Plants -Vascular Liliumhumboldtii ssp.ocellatum ocellatedhumboldt lily PMLIL1A072 None None -4.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Liliaceae - Liliumhumboldtii ssp.ocellatum Plants -Vascular Lilium parryi lemon lily PMLIL1A0J0 None None -1B.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular -Liliaceae - Liliumparryi Plants -Vascular Claytoniapeirsonii ssp.peirsonii Peirson'sspring beauty PDPOR03121 None None -1B.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular -Montiaceae -Claytonia peirsoniissp. peirsonii Plants -Vascular Diplacusjohnstonii Johnston'smonkeyflower PDSCR1B1H0 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Phrymaceae -Diplacus johnstonii Plants -Vascular Muhlenbergiacalifornica Californiamuhly PMPOA480A0 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Poaceae -Muhlenbergia californica Plants - Vascular Linanthus concinnus San Gabriel linanthus PDPLM090D0 None None -1B.2 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular -Polemoniaceae - Linanthus concinnus Plants - Vascular Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Parry's spineflower PDPGN040J2 None None -1B.1 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped and Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Polygonaceae - Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Plants - Vascular Eriogonum microthecum var. alpinum alpine slender buckwheat PDPGN083WA None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Polygonaceae - Eriogonum microthecum var.alpinum Plants -Vascular Eriogonummicrothecumvar. johnstonii Johnston'sbuckwheat PDPGN083W5 None None -1B.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular - Polygonaceae -Eriogonummicrothecum var.johnstonii Plants - Vascular Eriogonumumbellatum var. minus alpinesulphur- flowered buckwheat PDPGN086U7 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Polygonaceae -Eriogonum umbellatum var. minus Plants - Vascular Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia PDROS0W045 None None -1B.1 3411725 CUCAMONGA PEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular - Rosaceae - Horkelia cuneata var. puberula 12/21/21, 2:47 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 5/5 Plants -Vascular Galium angustifoliumssp.gabrielense San AntonioCanyonbedstraw PDRUB0N044 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Rubiaceae -Galiumangustifolium ssp.gabrielense Plants -Vascular Galium jepsonii Jepson'sbedstraw PDRUB0N130 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Rubiaceae -Galium jepsonii Plants -Vascular Galiumjohnstonii Johnston'sbedstraw PDRUB0N140 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Rubiaceae -Galium johnstonii Plants -Vascular Heucheracaespitosa urn-floweredalumroot PDSAX0E1C0 None None -4.3 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Unprocessed Plants - Vascular -Saxifragaceae -Heuchera caespitosa Plants -Vascular Viola pinetorumssp. grisea grey-leavedviolet PDVIO04431 None None -1B.2 3411725 CUCAMONGAPEAK Mapped Plants - Vascular -Violaceae - Violapinetorum ssp. grisea 12/21/21, 2:46 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 1/3 CNDDB Quad Species List 47 records. Element Type Scientific Name Common Name Element Code Federal Status State Status CDFW Status CARare PlantRank Quad Code Quad Name Data Status Taxonomic Sort Animals -Birds Accipiter cooperii Cooper'shawk ABNKC12040 None None WL -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Accipiter cooperii Animals -Birds Circus hudsonius northernharrier ABNKC11011 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Circus hudsonius Animals -Birds Elanus leucurus white-tailedkite ABNKC06010 None None FP -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Elanus leucurus Animals - Birds Eremophila alpestris actia California horned lark ABPAT02011 None None WL -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Alaudidae - Eremophila alpestris actia Animals - Birds Ardea alba great egret ABNGA04040 None None --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Ardeidae - Ardea alba Animals - Birds Ardea herodias great blue heron ABNGA04010 None None --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Ardeidae - Ardea herodias Animals - Birds Egretta thula snowy egret ABNGA06030 None None --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Ardeidae - Egretta thula Animals - Birds Nycticorax nycticorax black- crownednight heron ABNGA11010 None None --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Ardeidae - Nycticoraxnycticorax Animals -Birds Agelaius tricolor tricoloredblackbird ABPBXB0020 None Threatened SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Birds - Icteridae - Agelaiustricolor Animals -Birds Laniusludovicianus loggerheadshrike ABPBR01030 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Laniidae - Laniusludovicianus Animals -Birds Larus californicus Californiagull ABNNM03110 None None WL -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Laridae - Laruscalifornicus Animals - Birds Aimophila ruficeps canescens southern Californiarufous- crownedsparrow ABPBX91091 None None WL -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Passerellidae - Aimophila ruficeps canescens Animals - Birds Spizella breweri Brewer's sparrow ABPBX94040 None None --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Passerellidae -Spizella breweri Animals -Birds Polioptilacalifornica californica coastalCalifornia gnatcatcher ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped andUnprocessed Animals - Birds - Polioptilidae -Polioptila californicacalifornica Animals -Birds Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus Californiablack rail ABNME03041 None Threatened FP -3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Birds - Rallidae - Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus Animals - Birds Athene cunicularia burrowing owl ABNSB10010 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Strigidae - Athene cunicularia Animals - Birds Calypte costae Costa's hummingbird ABNUC47020 None None --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Trochilidae - Calypte costae Animals - Birds Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell's vireo ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Vireonidae - Vireo bellii pusillus Animals - Insects Bombus crotchii Crotch bumble bee IIHYM24480 None None --3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Insects - Apidae - Bombus crotchii 12/21/21, 2:46 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 2/3 Animals - Insects Rhaphiomidas terminatusabdominalis Delhi Sands flower-lovingfly IIDIP05021 Endangered None --3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Insects -Mydidae - Rhaphiomidasterminatus abdominalis Animals - Mammals Neotoma lepida intermedia San Diego desert woodrat AMAFF08041 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped and Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Cricetidae - Neotoma lepida intermedia Animals - Mammals Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwesternSan Diego pocketmouse AMAFD05031 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Chaetodipus fallaxfallax Animals - Mammals Dipodomys merriami parvus SanBernardino kangaroo rat AMAFD03143 Endangered Candidate Endangered SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals -Heteromyidae - Dipodomysmerriami parvus Animals - Mammals Dipodomys nitratoides brevinasus short-nosed kangaroo rat AMAFD03153 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Mammals -Heteromyidae - Dipodomysnitratoides brevinasus Animals - Mammals Dipodomys simulans Dulzura kangaroo rat AMAFD03170 None None --3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Heteromyidae - Dipodomys simulans Animals - Mammals Dipodomys stephensi Stephens' kangaroo rat AMAFD03100 Endangered Threatened --3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Dipodomysstephensi Animals - Mammals Perognathus longimembris brevinasus Los Angeles pocket mouse AMAFD01041 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals -Heteromyidae - Perognathuslongimembris brevinasus Animals - Mammals Lepus californicus bennettii San Diego black-tailedjackrabbit AMAEB03051 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Leporidae - Lepuscalifornicus bennettii Animals - Mammals Eumops perotis californicus western mastiff bat AMACD02011 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped and Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Molossidae -Eumops perotis californicus Animals - Mammals Lasiurus xanthinus western yellow bat AMACC05070 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Mammals - Vespertilionidae - Lasiurus xanthinus Animals - Reptiles Anniella stebbinsi Southern California legless lizard ARACC01060 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Reptiles - Anniellidae - Anniella stebbinsi Animals - Reptiles Arizona elegans occidentalis California glossy snake ARADB01017 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped Animals - Reptiles - Colubridae - Arizona elegansoccidentalis Animals -Reptiles Phrynosomablainvillii coast hornedlizard ARACF12100 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Mapped andUnprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Phrynosomatidae- Phrynosoma blainvillii Animals - Reptiles Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail ARACJ02143 None None SSC -3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles- Teiidae - Aspidoscelis tigrisstejnegeri Plants -Vascular Deinandrapaniculata paniculatetarplant PDAST4R0N0 None None -4.2 3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Asteraceae -Deinandra paniculata 12/21/21, 2:46 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 3/3 Plants - Vascular Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum white rabbit- tobacco PDAST440C0 None None -2B.2 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular -Asteraceae - Pseudognaphaliumleucocephalum Plants -Vascular Symphyotrichumdefoliatum San Bernardinoaster PDASTE80C0 None None -1B.2 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular - Asteraceae -Symphyotrichum defoliatum Plants - Vascular Cladium californicum California saw-grass PMCYP04010 None None -2B.2 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular -Cyperaceae - Cladium californicum Plants - Vascular Phacelia stellaris Brand's star phacelia PDHYD0C510 None None -1B.1 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular - Hydrophyllaceae - Phacelia stellaris Plants - Vascular Juglans californica southern California black walnut PDJUG02020 None None -4.2 3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Juglandaceae - Juglans californica Plants - Vascular Calochortus catalinae Catalina mariposa-lily PMLIL0D080 None None -4.2 3411715 GUASTI Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Liliaceae - Calochortus catalinae Plants - Vascular Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa-lily PMLIL0D150 None None -4.2 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular - Liliaceae - Calochortus plummerae Plants - Vascular Muhlenbergia californica California muhly PMPOA480A0 None None -4.3 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular -Poaceae - Muhlenbergiacalifornica Plants -Vascular Muhlenbergia utilis aparejograss PMPOA481X0 None None -2B.2 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular - Poaceae -Muhlenbergia utilis Plants -Vascular Navarretiaprostrata prostratevernal pool navarretia PDPLM0C0Q0 None None -1B.2 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular - Polemoniaceae -Navarretia prostrata Plants - Vascular Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Parry's spineflower PDPGN040J2 None None -1B.1 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular -Polygonaceae - Chorizanthe parryivar. parryi Plants -Vascular Horkelia cuneatavar. puberula mesahorkelia PDROS0W045 None None -1B.1 3411715 GUASTI Mapped Plants - Vascular - Rosaceae -Horkelia cuneata var. puberula 12/21/21, 2:46 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 1/4 CNDDB Quad Species List 63 records. Element Type Scientific Name Common Name Element Code Federal Status State Status CDFW Status CARare PlantRank Quad Code Quad Name Data Status Taxonomic Sort Animals - Birds Accipiter cooperii Cooper's hawk ABNKC12040 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Accipitridae - Accipiter cooperii Animals - Birds Accipiter striatus sharp-shinned hawk ABNKC12020 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Accipitridae - Accipiter striatus Animals - Birds Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle ABNKC22010 None None FP , WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Accipitridae - Aquila chrysaetos Animals -Birds Buteo swainsoni Swainson'shawk ABNKC19070 None Threatened --3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Accipitridae - Buteo swainsoni Animals - Birds Circus hudsonius northern harrier ABNKC11011 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Accipitridae - Circus hudsonius Animals - Birds Elanus leucurus white-tailed kite ABNKC06010 None None FP -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Accipitridae - Elanus leucurus Animals - Birds Eremophila alpestris actia California horned lark ABPAT02011 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Alaudidae - Eremophilaalpestris actia Animals -Birds Ardea herodias great blueheron ABNGA04010 None None --3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Ardeidae - Ardea herodias Animals - Birds Falco columbarius merlin ABNKD06030 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Falconidae - Falcocolumbarius Animals - Birds Spinus lawrencei Lawrence's goldfinch ABPBY06100 None None --3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Fringillidae -Spinus lawrencei Animals - Birds Agelaius tricolor tricolored blackbird ABPBXB0020 None Threatened SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped Animals - Birds - Icteridae -Agelaius tricolor Animals -Birds Icteria virens yellow- breasted chat ABPBX24010 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Icteriidae - Icteria virens Animals -Birds Laniusludovicianus loggerheadshrike ABPBR01030 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Laniidae - Lanius ludovicianus Animals - Birds Pandion haliaetus osprey ABNKC01010 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Pandionidae - Pandionhaliaetus Animals -Birds Setophagapetechia yellowwarbler ABPBX03010 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Parulidae -Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds Aimophila ruficepscanescens southernCalifornia rufous-crowned sparrow ABPBX91091 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Passerellidae - Aimophilaruficeps canescens Animals - Birds Artemisiospiza belli belli Bell's sage sparrow ABPBX97021 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Passerellidae - Artemisiospizabelli belli Animals - Birds Polioptila californica californica coastal California gnatcatcher ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Polioptilidae - Polioptila californica californica 12/21/21, 2:46 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 2/4 Animals - Birds Athene cunicularia burrowing owl ABNSB10010 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Strigidae - Athenecunicularia Animals -Birds Calypte costae Costa'shummingbird ABNUC47020 None None --3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Trochilidae -Calypte costae Animals - Birds Contopus cooperi olive-sided flycatcher ABPAE32010 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Tyrannidae - Contopus cooperi Animals - Birds Empidonax traillii willow flycatcher ABPAE33040 None Endangered --3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Tyrannidae - Empidonax traillii Animals -Birds Pyrocephalusrubinus vermilionflycatcher ABPAE36010 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Birds - Tyrannidae -Pyrocephalus rubinus Animals - Birds Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell's vireo ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered --3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Birds -Vireonidae - Vireo belliipusillus Animals -Fish Catostomussantaanae Santa Anasucker AFCJC02190 Threatened None --3411714 FONTANA Mapped andUnprocessed Animals - Fish - Catostomidae -Catostomus santaanae Animals - Fish Gila orcuttii arroyo chub AFCJB13120 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Fish - Cyprinidae - Gila orcuttii Animals -Fish Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus pop. 10 steelhead - southernCalifornia DPS AFCHA0209J Endangered None --3411714 FONTANA Mapped Animals - Fish - Salmonidae - Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus pop. 10 Animals - Insects Bombus crotchii Crotch bumble bee IIHYM24480 None None --3411714 FONTANA Mapped Animals - Insects - Apidae -Bombus crotchii Animals - Insects Neolarra alba white cuckoo bee IIHYM81010 None None --3411714 FONTANA Mapped Animals - Insects - Apidae -Neolarra alba Animals - Insects Cicindelatranquebarica viridissima greenest tiger beetle IICOL02201 None None --3411714 FONTANA Mapped Animals - Insects - Carabidae -Cicindela tranquebaricaviridissima Animals - Insects Rhaphiomidasterminatus abdominalis Delhi Sandsflower-loving fly IIDIP05021 Endangered None --3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Insects - Mydidae -Rhaphiomidas terminatusabdominalis Animals - Mammals Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwesternSan Diego pocketmouse AMAFD05031 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Chaetodipus fallax fallax Animals - Mammals Dipodomys merriami parvus San Bernardino kangaroo rat AMAFD03143 Endangered Candidate Endangered SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Heteromyidae - Dipodomys merriami parvus Animals - Mammals Dipodomys simulans Dulzura kangaroo rat AMAFD03170 None None --3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Heteromyidae -Dipodomys simulans Animals -Mammals Lepus californicus bennettii San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit AMAEB03051 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped andUnprocessed Animals -Mammals - Leporidae -Lepus californicusbennettii 12/21/21, 2:46 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 3/4 Animals - Mammals Eumops perotis californicus western mastiff bat AMACD02011 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals -Mammals - Molossidae -Eumops perotis californicus Animals - Mammals Nyctinomops femorosaccus pocketed free-tailedbat AMACD04010 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped Animals -Mammals - Molossidae -Nyctinomops femorosaccus Animals - Mammals Taxidea taxus American badger AMAJF04010 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Mustelidae -Taxidea taxus Animals - Mammals Lasiurus xanthinus western yellow bat AMACC05070 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Mammals - Vespertilionidae - Lasiurus xanthinus Animals - Reptiles Anniella stebbinsi SouthernCalifornia legless lizard ARACC01060 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals -Reptiles - Anniellidae - Anniella stebbinsi Animals -Reptiles Arizona elegansoccidentalis Californiaglossy snake ARADB01017 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped Animals - Reptiles -Colubridae - Arizona elegansoccidentalis Animals - Reptiles Diadophis punctatus modestus SanBernardino ringnecksnake ARADB10015 None None --3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles -Colubridae - Diadophispunctatus modestus Animals -Reptiles Coleonyx variegatus abbotti San Diego banded gecko ARACD01031 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals -Reptiles - Gekkonidae -Coleonyx variegatusabbotti Animals - Reptiles Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned lizard ARACF12100 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Mapped and Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles -Phrynosomatidae - Phrynosomablainvillii Animals - Reptiles Aspidoscelis hyperythra orange-throated whiptail ARACJ02060 None None WL -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Teiidae - Aspidoscelis hyperythra Animals - Reptiles Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail ARACJ02143 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals - Reptiles - Teiidae - Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri Animals - Reptiles Crotalus ruber red-diamond rattlesnake ARADE02090 None None SSC -3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Animals -Reptiles - Viperidae -Crotalus ruber Community - Terrestrial RiversidianAlluvial Fan Sage Scrub RiversidianAlluvial Fan Sage Scrub CTT32720CA None None --3411714 FONTANA Mapped Community - Terrestrial -Riversidian Alluvial Fan SageScrub Plants -Vascular Deinandrapaniculata paniculatetarplant PDAST4R0N0 None None -4.2 3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Asteraceae -Deinandra paniculata Plants - Vascular Senecio aphanactis chaparral ragwort PDAST8H060 None None -2B.2 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular- Asteraceae - Senecioaphanactis Plants - Vascular Symphyotrichum defoliatum SanBernardino aster PDASTE80C0 None None -1B.2 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular - Asteraceae - Symphyotrichum defoliatum 12/21/21, 2:46 PM IMAPS Print Preview https://apps.wildlife.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 4/4 Plants - Vascular Lepidium virginicum var.robinsonii Robinson's pepper-grass PDBRA1M114 None None -4.3 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular- Brassicaceae - Lepidiumvirginicum var. robinsonii Plants - Vascular Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort PDCAR040L0 Endangered Endangered -1B.1 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular- Caryophyllaceae- Arenaria paludicola Plants - Vascular Juglans californica southern Californiablack walnut PDJUG02020 None None -4.2 3411714 FONTANA Unprocessed Plants - Vascular - Juglandaceae - Juglanscalifornica Plants - Vascular Monardella pringlei Pringle's monardella PDLAM180J0 None None -1A 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular - Lamiaceae - Monardella pringlei Plants -Vascular Calochortusplummerae Plummer'smariposa-lily PMLIL0D150 None None -4.2 3411714 FONTANA Mapped andUnprocessed Plants - Vascular - Liliaceae -Calochortus plummerae Plants - Vascular Malacothamnus parishii Parish's bush-mallow PDMAL0Q0C0 None None -1A 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular- Malvaceae - Malacothamnusparishii Plants - Vascular Chloropyronmaritimum ssp. maritimum salt marsh bird's-beak PDSCR0J0C2 Endangered Endangered -1B.2 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular - Orobanchaceae- Chloropyron maritimum ssp.maritimum Plants -Vascular Sphenopholisobtusata prairiewedge grass PMPOA5T030 None None -2B.2 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular - Poaceae -Sphenopholis obtusata Plants -Vascular Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum Santa Ana River woollystar PDPLM03035 Endangered Endangered -1B.1 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular - Polemoniaceae - Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum Plants - Vascular Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Parry's spineflower PDPGN040J2 None None -1B.1 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular - Polygonaceae - Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Plants - Vascular Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia PDROS0W045 None None -1B.1 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular- Rosaceae - Horkelia cuneatavar. puberula Plants - Vascular Lycium parishii Parish's desert-thorn PDSOL0G0D0 None None -2B.3 3411714 FONTANA Mapped Plants - Vascular - Solanaceae -Lycium parishii 12/20/21, 2:33 PM Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California - Search Result https://rareplants.cnps.org/Search/result?frm=T&sl=1&quad=3411725:3411724:3411714:3411715:1/5 Search Results Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California 55 matches found. Click on scientific name for details Search Criteria: Quad is one of [3411725:3411724:3411714:3411715] ▲ SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME FAMILY LIFEFORM BLOOMING PERIOD FED LIST STATE LIST GLOBAL RANK STATE RANK CA RARE PLANT RANK PHOTO Ambrosia monogyra singlewhorl burrobrush Asteraceae perennial shrub Aug-Nov None None G5 S2 2B.2 No Photo Available Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. gabrielensis San Gabriel manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Mar None None G5T3 S3 1B.2 No Photo Available Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort Caryophyllaceae perennial stoloniferous herb May-Aug FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 No Photo Available Asplenium vespertinum western spleenwort Aspleniaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Feb-Jun None None G4 S4 4.2 No Photo Available Calochortus catalinae Catalina mariposa lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb (Feb)Mar- Jun None None G3G4 S3S4 4.2 No Photo Available Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jul None None G4 S4 4.2 No Photo Available Calochortus weedii var. intermedius intermediate mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jul None None G3G4T2 S3 1B.2 No Photo Available Chloropyron maritimum ssp. maritimum salt marsh bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) May- Oct(Nov) FE CE G4?T1 S1 1B.2 No Photo Available Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Parry's spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G3T2 S2 1B.1 No Photo Available Chorizanthe xanti var. leucotheca white-bracted spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G4T3 S3 1B.2 No Photo Available Cladium californicum California saw- grass Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Sep None None G4 S2 2B.2 No Photo Available Claytonia peirsonii ssp. peirsonii Peirson's spring beauty Montiaceae perennial herb (Mar)May- Jun None None G2G3T2 S2 1B.2 No Photo Available Cryptantha incana Tulare cryptantha Boraginaceae annual herb Jun-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.3 No Photo 12/20/21, 2:33 PM Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California - Search Result https://rareplants.cnps.org/Search/result?frm=T&sl=1&quad=3411725:3411724:3411714:3411715:2/5 Available Deinandra paniculata paniculate tarplant Asteraceae annual herb (Mar)Apr- Nov None None G4 S4 4.2 No Photo Available Diplacus johnstonii Johnston's monkeyflower Phrymaceae annual herb May-Aug None None G4 S4 4.3 No Photo Available Dodecahema leptoceras slender-horned spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jun FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 No Photo Available Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum Santa Ana River woollystar Polemoniaceae perennial herb Apr-Sep FE CE G4T1 S1 1B.1 No Photo Available Eriogonum microthecum var. alpinum alpine slender buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial herb Jul-Sep None None G5T3 S3 4.3 No Photo Available Eriogonum microthecum var. johnstonii Johnston's buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial deciduous shrub Jul-Sep None None G5T2 S2 1B.3 No Photo Available Eriogonum umbellatum var. minus alpine sulfur- flowered buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial herb Jun-Sep None None G5T4 S4 4.3 No Photo Available Eriophyllum lanatum var. obovatum southern Sierra woolly sunflower Asteraceae perennial herb Jun-Jul None None G5T4 S4 4.3 No Photo Available Fritillaria pinetorum pine fritillary Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May- Jul(Sep) None None G4 S4 4.3 No Photo Available Galium angustifolium ssp. gabrielense San Antonio Canyon bedstraw Rubiaceae perennial herb Apr-Aug None None G5T3 S3 4.3 No Photo Available Galium jepsonii Jepson's bedstraw Rubiaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Aug None None G3 S3 4.3 No Photo Available Galium johnstonii Johnston's bedstraw Rubiaceae perennial herb Jun-Jul None None G4 S4 4.3 No Photo Available Heuchera caespitosa urn-flowered alumroot Saxifragaceae perennial rhizomatous herb May-Aug None None G3 S3 4.3 No Photo Available Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia Rosaceae perennial herb Feb- Jul(Sep) None None G4T1 S1 1B.1 No Photo Available Juglans californica Southern California black walnut Juglandaceae perennial deciduous tree Mar-Aug None None G4 S4 4.2 No Photo Available Juncus duranii Duran's rush Juncaceae perennial rhizomatous Jul-Aug None None G3 S3 4.3 No Photo 12/20/21, 2:33 PM Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California - Search Result https://rareplants.cnps.org/Search/result?frm=T&sl=1&quad=3411725:3411724:3411714:3411715:3/5 rhizomatous herb No Photo Available Lepechinia fragrans fragrant pitcher sage Lamiaceae perennial shrub Mar-Oct None None G3 S3 4.2 No Photo Available Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonii Robinson's pepper-grass Brassicaceae annual herb Jan-Jul None None G5T3 S3 4.3 No Photo Available Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum ocellated Humboldt lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar- Jul(Aug) None None G4T4?S4?4.2 No Photo Available Lilium parryi lemon lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Jul-Aug None None G3 S3 1B.2 No Photo Available Linanthus concinnus San Gabriel linanthus Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 No Photo Available Lycium parishii Parish's desert- thorn Solanaceae perennial shrub Mar-Apr None None G4 S1 2B.3 No Photo Available Malacothamnus parishii Parish's bush- mallow Malvaceae perennial deciduous shrub Jun-Jul None None GXQ SX 1A © 2021 Keir Morse Monardella australis ssp. jokerstii Jokerst's monardella Lamiaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Sep None None G4T1?S1?1B.1 No Photo Available Monardella pringlei Pringle's monardella Lamiaceae annual herb May-Jun None None GX SX 1A No Photo Available Monardella saxicola rock monardella Lamiaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Sep None None G3 S3 4.2 No Photo Available Muhlenbergia californica California muhly Poaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Sep None None G4 S4 4.3 No Photo Available Muhlenbergia utilis aparejo grass Poaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Mar-Oct None None G4 S2S3 2B.2 No Photo Available Navarretia prostrata prostrate vernal pool navarretia Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 No Photo Available Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada short-joint beavertail Cactaceae perennial stem Apr- Jun(Aug) None None G5T3 S3 1B.2 No Photo Available Oreonana vestita woolly mountain- parsley Apiaceae perennial herb Mar-Sep None None G3 S3 1B.3 No Photo Available 12/20/21, 2:33 PM Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California - Search Result https://rareplants.cnps.org/Search/result?frm=T&sl=1&quad=3411725:3411724:3411714:3411715:4/5 parsley Available Phacelia mohavensis Mojave phacelia Hydrophyllaceae annual herb Apr-Aug None None G4Q S4 4.3 No Photo Available Phacelia stellaris Brand's star phacelia Hydrophyllaceae annual herb Mar-Jun None None G1 S1 1B.1 No Photo Available Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum white rabbit- tobacco Asteraceae perennial herb (Jul)Aug- Nov(Dec) None None G4 S2 2B.2 No Photo Available Quercus durata var. gabrielensis San Gabriel oak Fagaceae perennial evergreen shrub Apr-May None None G4T3 S3 4.2 No Photo Available Sagittaria sanfordii Sanford's arrowhead Alismataceae perennial rhizomatous herb (emergent) May- Oct(Nov) None None G3 S3 1B.2 No Photo Available Senecio aphanactis chaparral ragwort Asteraceae annual herb Jan- Apr(May) None None G3 S2 2B.2 No Photo Available Senecio astephanus San Gabriel ragwort Asteraceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G3 S3 4.3 No Photo Available Sphenopholis obtusata prairie wedge grass Poaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None None G5 S2 2B.2 No Photo Available Streptanthus bernardinus Laguna Mountains jewelflower Brassicaceae perennial herb May-Aug None None G3G4 S3S4 4.3 No Photo Available Symphyotrichum defoliatum San Bernardino aster Asteraceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Nov None None G2 S2 1B.2 No Photo Available Viola pinetorum ssp. grisea grey-leaved violet Violaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None None G4G5T3 S3 1B.2 No Photo Available Showing 1 to 55 of 55 entries Suggested Citation: California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2021. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (online edition, v9-01 1.0). Website https://www.rareplants.cnps.org [accessed 20 December 2021]. CONTACT US Send questions and comments to rareplants@cnps.org. ABOUT THIS WEBSITE About the Inventory Release Notes Advanced Search Glossary ABOUT CNPS About the Rare Plant Program CNPS Home Page About CNPS Join CNPS CONTRIBUTORS The Calflora Database The California Lichen Society California Natural Diversity Database The Jepson Flora Project The Consortium of California Herbaria 12/20/21, 2:33 PM Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California - Search Result https://rareplants.cnps.org/Search/result?frm=T&sl=1&quad=3411725:3411724:3411714:3411715:5/5 CalPhotos Copyright © 2010-2021 California Native Plant Society. All rights reserved. Attachment D References Attachment D – References Fontana 47 D-1 Updated Records Search California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). 2021a. RareFind 5, California Natural Diversity Data Base, California. Data base report on threatened, endangered, rare or otherwise sensitive species and communities for the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5- minute quadrangles. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). 2021b. Biogeographic Information and Observation System, California Natural Diversity Data Base, California. Data base report on threatened, endangered, rare or otherwise sensitive species and communities for the USGS Cucamonga Peak, Devore, Fontana, and Guasti, California 7.5-minute quadrangles. California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2021. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (online edition, v8-03 0.39). Accessed online at: http://www.rareplants.cnps.org/. Michael Baker International. 2021, January 22. Results of a Habitat Assessment for the Fontana 47 Project – City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California.