HomeMy WebLinkAbout4_Appx D_VMT APPENDICES  APPENDIX C VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED ANALYSIS November 13, 2023 Ms. Betsy Lindsay ULTRASYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Subject: Westgate Medical Campus Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Analysis, City of Fontana Dear Ms. Lindsay: Introduction RK ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (RK) is pleased to provide this Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Analysis for the proposed Westgate Medical Campus Project (hereinafter referred to as “project”). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the project’s VMT impact pursuant to the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment, October 21, 2020 (TIA Guidelines), and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) transportation impact criteria. Project Description The proposed project is located at the northwest corner of San Sevaine Road and South Highland Avenue, in the City of Fontana The project site is currently vacant. The proposed project consists of constructing and operating two (2) 4- story medical office buildings, totaling 208,000 square feet (SF), with 1,060 on-site parking spaces. Exhibit A shows the location map of the proposed project. Exhibit B shows the proposed site plan. ULTRASYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL Page 2 RK19484.doc 2 JN: 1219-2023-28 VMT Screening Assessment The City of Fontana TIA Guidelines establish the thresholds of significance and analysis methodology for identifying VMT-related impacts under CEQA. The proposed project is subject to a VMT analysis and will adhere to the recommendations and practices described in the City’s guidelines. The City of Fontana TIA Guidelines identify four types of screening criteria that can be applied to effectively screen projects from project-level assessment. The screening steps are identified below: • Step 1: Transit Priority Area (TPA) Screening – Not Satisfied • Step 2: Low VMT Area Screening - Satisfied • Step 3: Low Project Type Screening – Not Satisfied • Step 4: Project Net Daily Trips Less Than 500 ADT – Not Satisfied Based upon this review, the project qualifies for Step 2: Low VMT Area Screening. Step 2: Low VMT Area Screening The City of Fontana TIA Guidelines state that residential and office projects located within a low VMT-generating area may be presumed to have a less than significant impact absent substantial evidence to the contrary. As stated in Section 13.0 of the TIA Guidelines, a project would result in a significant project-generated VMT impact if either of the following conditions are satisfied: 1. The baseline project-generated VMT per service population exceeds 15% below the baseline County of San Bernardino VMT per service population, or 2. The cumulative project-generated VMT per service population exceeds 15% below the baseline County of San Bernardino VMT per service population. To identify if the project is in a low VMT-generating area, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) VMT Screening Tool is used. Table 1 and 2 summarize the results of the analysis for Baseline Year 2023 and Cumulative Year 2040, respectively. ULTRASYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL Page 3 RK19484.doc 3 JN: 1219-2023-28 Table 1 Low VMT Area Screening - Baseline Year 20231 Scenario Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) VMT Per Service Population2 Baseline (Year 2023) 53717301 23.3 Threshold of Significance (15% Below County Baseline) 23.7 Project TAZ Exceeds Threshold? (Yes/No) No 1. Source: SBCTA VMT Screening Tool. Accessed November 2023 https://sbcta.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=779a71bc659041ad995cd48d9ef4052b 2. VMT Per Service Population based on the Production-Attraction (PA) Methodology Table 2 Low VMT Area Screening - Cumulative Year 20401 Scenario Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) VMT Per Service Population2 Cumulative (Year 2040) 53717301 19.7 Threshold of Significance (15% Below County Baseline) 22.6 Project TAZ Exceeds Threshold? (Yes/No) No 1. Source: SBCTA VMT Screening Tool. Accessed November 2023 https://sbcta.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=779a71bc659041ad995cd48d9ef4052b 2. VMT Per Service Population based on the Production-Attraction (PA) Methodology As Shown in Table 1 and Table 2, the project is located within a traffic analysis zone (TAZ) that is shown to generate VMT per service population that is more than 15% below the baseline County of San Bernardino VMT per service population threshold of significance for both baseline year 2023 and cumulative year 2040. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the Westgate Specific Plan Land Use Designation of Mixed Use-1 (MU-1). Hence, the project is assumed to be consistent with the SBCTA VMT modeling forecasts and would not be expected to significantly change travel patterns or VMT projections for this area. Therefore, the project qualifies for Low VMT Area Screening and may be presumed to have a less than significant impact to VMT without the need for further VMT modeling analysis. Copies of the SBCTA VMT Tool printouts are provided in Appendix A. ULTRASYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL Page 4 RK19484.doc 4 JN: 1219-2023-28 Conclusions RK has completed the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Analysis for the Westgate Medical Campus Project. Consistent with the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment, dated October 2020, the proposed project qualifies for VMT screening based on the criteria for Step 2: Low VMT Area Screening. The project may be presumed to have a less than significant impact on VMT under CEQA. We appreciate this opportunity to assist ULTRASYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL with this project. If you have any questions regarding this study, please do not hesitate to contact us at (949) 474-0809. Sincerely, RK ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. Justin Tucker, P.E. Bryan Estrada, AICP Principal Engineer Principal Exhibits engineering group, inc.WESTGATE MEDICAL CAMPUS PROJECT VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) SCREENING ANALYSIS, City of Fontana, CA 1219-2023-28 engineering N Location Map Exhibit A Legend: = Project Site Ch e r r y A v e n u e Victoria Street Walnut Street Sa n S e v a i n e R o a d N. Frontage R o a d SR-210 I-1 5 S. Highland Avenue = Project Site Boundary engineering group, inc.WESTGATE MEDICAL CAMPUS PROJECT VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) SCREENING ANALYSIS, City of Fontana, CA 1219-2023-28 engineering N Site Plan Exhibit B Appendices Appendix A SBCTA VMT Tool Printouts