HomeMy WebLinkAbout2_Appx B_Cultural❖ APPENDICES ❖ APPENDIX B CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR THE PA 27 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING – ADDENDUM 6, WESTGATE SPECIFIC PLAN FEIR PROJECT CITY OF FONTANA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Intex Properties Corporation Attn: Douglas M. Ford, Vice President 4001 Via Oro Avenue Long Beach, CA 90810 Prepared by: Stephen O’Neil, M.A., RPA Megan B. Doukakis, M.A. Rodrigo Jacobo, M.A. Cynthia Stoddard, B.A. UltraSystems Environmental Inc. 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 788-4900 January 2024 Key Words: City of Fontana; San Bernardino County; Cucamonga, Calif. USGS Quad, Devore, Calif. USGS Quad.; Gabrielino (Tongva) tribe; Positive Results; Historic Feature ❖ CULTURAL REPORT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page i Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR THE PA 27 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING – ADDENDUM 6, WESTGATE SPECIFIC PLAN FEIR PROJECT CITY OF FONTANA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Intex Inland Properties Corporation Attn: Douglas M. Ford, Vice President 4001 Via Oro Avenue Long Beach, CA 90810 Prepared by: UltraSystems Environmental Inc. 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 788-4900 Stephen O’Neil, M.A., RPA Megan B. Doukakis, M.A. Rodrigo Jacobo, M.A. Cynthia Stoddard, B.A. Brent Johnson, M.A. January 31, 2024 Reviewed by: Stephen O’Neil, M.A., RPA UltraSystems Environmental Inc. Date: January 31, 2024 ❖ TABLE OF CONTENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page ii Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Project Description .............................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Methods ................................................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.4 Disposition of Data .............................................................................................................................. 1-3 2.0 SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 Natural Setting ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Cultural Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.1 Prehistoric Context .............................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2.2 Ethnohistoric Context......................................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.3 Historic Context .................................................................................................................... 2-4 3.0 RESEARCH METHODS ......................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Records Search ...................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Field Survey ............................................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.3 Native American Outreach ............................................................................................................... 3-1 4.0 FINDINGS ................................................................................................................................................ 4-2 4.1 Records Search ...................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.1.1 Recorded Archaeological Sites ....................................................................................... 4-2 4.1.2 Previous Cultural Resource Investigations ............................................................... 4-3 4.2 Native American Outreach ............................................................................................................... 4-6 4.3 Pedestrian Survey Results ................................................................................................................ 4-8 4.4 National Register of Historic Places ...........................................................................................4-17 5.0 MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1 Site Evaluation Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Potential Effects .................................................................................................................................... 5-1 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 6-1 7.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 7-1 TABLES Table 4.1-1 - Known Cultural Resources Within a One-Half-Mile Radius of the APE ............................ 4-3 Table 4.1-2 - Known Cultural Resource Studies Within a One-Half-Mile Radius of the APE ............. 4-3 FIGURES Figure 4.3-1 – Overview from Southwest Corner, South Highland Avenue to the Right; View to the East ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-10 Figure 4.3-2 – Overview from the Southeast Corner, South Highland Avenue to the Left; View to the West ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-11 Figure 4.3-3 – Vineyard Rows and Ground Cover; View to the East ......................................................... 4-12 ❖ TABLE OF CONTENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page iii Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-4 – N Southern California Edison Transmission Line on West Boundary; View to the South 4-13 Figure 4.3-5 – East Boundary of Parcel with Tree Row; View to the South ........................................... 4-14 Figure 4.3-6 – San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Features in NorthWest Corner of the Parcel; View to the NorthEast ..................................................................................................................................... 4-15 Figure 4.3-7 – Large Concrete Debrie Scatter, South Highland Avenue to the Left; View to the West .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4-16 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Project Maps Attachment B Personnel Background Attachment C Native American Heritage Commission Record Search and Native American Contacts ❖ INTRODUCTION ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 1-1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview This Phase I Cultural Resource Inventory was prepared for the City of Fontana Planning Department at the request of Intex Inland Properties Corporation. The proposed project would develop two medical office buildings, each four stories and 104,000 square feet in building area; surface parking; and landscaping. The buildings would be in the north-central part of the site and the parking in the east, south, and west. UltraSystems conducted this cultural resources study to evaluate the potential presence of prehistoric and historic resources within the project boundary. This assessment was completed as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)-compliant documentation (i.e., Negative Declaration (ND)/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)) for Addendum #6 to the Westgate Specific Plan EIR for PA41. The lead agency is the City of Fontana, and the project applicant/client is Intex Properties Corporation. The City of Fontana has received an application for a Second Amendment to the Westgate Specific Plan (WSP) approved by the City in 2017. The WSP site spans 964 acres along the east side of the Interstate 15 (I-15) freeway from Baseline Avenue in the south to Lytle Creek Road in the north. The project site is currently vacant; a Southern California Edison (SCE) transmission line easement passes northeast-southwest (paralleling the I-15) through the project site. The area known as PA 27 is being designed for a medical office campus, which is part of the approved Westgate Specific Plan. The project site is currently vacant. This planning area is located south of the 210 Freeway and is bounded by San Sevaine Road to the east and S. Highland Avenue to the south. Surrounding uses include vacant land to the south and east and the 210 Freeway, directly north. The main access to the project site would be located off S. Highland Drive. The project site would be developed with 208,000 GSF medical office buildings, consisting of twin 4- story buildings. There would be 1060 parking stalls provided for visitors and staff and the expected occupancy date of these facilities would be June 2025. The project is located in northwest Fontana (Attachment A, Figure 1 and Figure 2). The background research and archival study included a 0.5-mile buffer surrounding the project site’s Area of Potential Effect (APE). The project site is vacant, undeveloped land. In addition, the project site is surrounded by vacant land opposite San Sevaine Road to the east and South Highland Avenue to the south; a utility corridor to the west; and SR-210 to the north. 1.2 Project Description The modified project would develop two medical office buildings, surface parking, and landscaping on a 17.5-acre site within the Westgate East community area of the Westgate Specific Plan (WSP) in the City of Fontana. The modified proposed project would implement a portion of the approved Westgate Specific Plan Amendment #1. The Westgate East community area, 168.9 acres, is located in the central portion of the WSP area (JHA Consulting, 2017, p. 3-21). More specifically, Westgate East is bounded by the I-210 freeway and San Sevaine Channel to the north, a utility corridor to the west, San Sevaine Road to the east, and south Highland Avenue to the south. ❖ INTRODUCTION ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 1-2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 The modified project site is approximately 17.5 acres located within the Westgate East community area. The project site is currently vacant and is surrounded by vacant land opposite San Sevaine Road to the east and South Highland Avenue to the south; a utility corridor to the west; and SR-210 to the north. Regional access to the site is provided by the I-15 freeway, which is to the west of the project site with an onramp to the southwest at Baseline Avenue and the I-210 freeway (located in the northern part of the project area) with an onramp at Cherry Avenue. The proposed project is located within Planning Area 27 in the north part of the Westgate East community area, surrounded by vacant land (abandoned vineyards) opposite San Sevaine Road to the east and South Highland Avenue to the south; a utility corridor to the west; and SR-210 to the north. The modified project site is 17.5 acres in area. The modified project proposes development of two medical office buildings, each four stories and 104,000 square feet in building area, for total building area of 208,000 square feet; surface parking; and landscaping. The Project area is located in northwest Fontana, and is in the eastern section of the WSP. This may be seen on the Guasti, Calif., USGS topographical quadrangle, Range 06 W, Township 01 N, in the N ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 35. The subject property is currently vacant (abandoned vineyards) and is surrounded by vacant land to the east and south; a utility corridor to the west; and SR-210 to the north. (see Attachment A, Figure 3). Area of Potential Effects The APE for the undertaking encompasses the maximum extent of ground disturbance required by the project design (see Attachment A, Figure 2 and Figure 3). The surface area of the APE is approximately 17.5 acres, with the entirety of this area subject to direct ground disturbances during construction. 1.3 Methods A cultural resources records search was completed at the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) at California State University, Fullerton, which is the local California Historic Resources Information System (CHRIS) Information Center. The records search was conducted to identify previously recorded cultural resources (prehistoric and historic archaeological sites/isolates, historic buildings, structures, objects, or districts) within the project area and to also determine previous cultural resource surveys. The project site and a 0.5-mile buffer zone are included in the search radius for archival studies. These records included a review of previously recorded prehistoric and historic archaeological resources and a review of listed cultural resource survey reports within that same geographical area. Stephen O’Neil, M.A., RPA, the cultural resources manager at UltraSystems Environmental who qualifies as a Principal Prehistoric Archaeologist and Historic Archaeologist per United States Secretary of the Interior Standards (see Attachment B), contacted the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) requesting a Sacred Lands File (SLF) Search and also asked for a list of interested local tribal organizations and potentially affiliated Native American individuals. The identified parties were contacted to comply with the requirement for outreach with Native American tribal organizations. An intensive pedestrian cultural resources survey was conducted by Mr. O’Neil and Archaeological Technician Cynthia Stoddard, B.A. (see Attachment B). Megan B. Doukakis, M.A., Assistant Project Archaeologist (see Attachment B), conducted research and assisted with report preparation as well as conducting the cultural resources record search at the SCCIC. Brent D. Johnson, M.A., Historian and Rodrigo Jacobo, B.A., Historian (see Attachment B), also contributed to report preparation. ❖ INTRODUCTION ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 1-3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 A search of the Built Environmental Resource Directory provided by the Office of Historic Preservation (2021) for potential historic properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) was conducted for this project on January 24, 2024, by Mr. Jacobo. 1.4 Disposition of Data This report will be filed with the South-Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton; the City of Fontana Planning Department; and UltraSystems Environmental, Inc., Irvine, California. All field notes and other documentation related to the study will remain on file at the Irvine office of UltraSystems. ❖ SETTING ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 2-1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 2.0 SETTINGS 2.1 Natural Setting The City of Fontana is located in the western portion of the San Bernardino Valley. This is a broad inland valley defined by the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountain Ranges to the north and is ringed by a series of low rocky hills to the south. Temperatures in the region were much cooler and wetter throughout much of the Pleistocene Epoch. Today, the region’s environment is characterized by a temperate Mediterranean climate, with the average maximum temperature in July reaching 95 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the average minimum temperature in January at around 46°F. Rainfall is typically less than 15 inches annually, most of which occurs between November and March. The geology in the northern vicinity of the project site boundary is underlain by Surficial Sediments (Qa) (Dibblee and Minch 2003). This deposit consists of alluvial gravel and sand of valley areas, composed of boulder gravel near mountains grading outward into finer gravel and sand and dates to the Holocene (11,650 years before present [ybp] to the present time). The southern part of the project vicinity is also underlain by Young alluvial-fan deposits of Lytle Creek (Qyfl) (Morton 2003). This deposit consists of unconsolidated, gray, cobbly and boulder alluvium of Lytle Creek fan sand and dates to the Holocene (11,650 years before present [ybp] to the present time) and late Pleistocene (129,000 to 11,650 ybp). 2.2 Cultural Setting 2.2.1 Prehistoric Context The earliest evidence of human occupation in the Inland Empire region (consisting of the southwestern corner of San Bernardino and western Riverside counties) was discovered below the surface of an alluvial fan in the northern portion of the Lakeview Mountains, overlooking the San Jacinto Valley, dating to around 9,500 radiocarbon years (rcy) before present (B.P.) (before present = A.D. 1950) (Horne and McDougall, 2008). Another prehistoric archaeological site was found near the shoreline of Lake Elsinore, close to the confluence of Temescal Wash and the San Jacinto River, dates between 8,000 and 9,000 B.P. (Grenda, 1993, 1997). Additional sites with isolated Archaic dart points, bifaces, and other associated flaked stone artifacts are considered to be from the same age range and have been found in the Cajon Pass area, typically atop knolls with good viewsheds (Basgall and True, 1985; Goodman, 2002; Goodman and McDonald, 2001; Milburn et al., 2008). The regional prehistory of Southern California has been characterized by various cultural chronologies, including those developed by Chartkoff and Chartkoff (1984), Warren (1984), and others. Specifically, the prehistory of the Inland Empire region has been addressed by O’Connell et al. (1974), Keller and McCarthy (1989), Grenda (1993), and Horne and McDougall (2008). Although the beginning and ending dates of different cultural periods vary, the regional framework can be generally broken into four primary periods: • Paleoindian and Lake Mojave (Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene) (ca. 11000 to 6000 calibrated years [cal] B.C.). This time period is characterized by highly mobile foraging strategies and a broad spectrum of subsistence pursuits. These earliest expressions of aboriginal occupation in America were marked by the use of large projectile points (Fluted and Concave Base Points) that are an element of the Western Clovis expression. Following the earliest portions of this time span there was a change in climate coincident with the ❖ SETTING ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 2-2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 retreat of glaciers. Large bodies of water existed and lakeside aboriginal adaptations were common. Large stemmed points (Western Stemmed – Lake Mojave and Silver Lake) accompanied by a wide variety of formalized stone tools were employed with the aid of atlatls (dart throwers) and are representative of an adaptation that was in part focused on lacustrine environments. • Millingstone Horizon (ca. 6000 cal B.C. to cal A.D. 1000), during which time mobile hunter-gatherers became more sedentary and plant foods and small game animals came into more use. This prehistoric cultural expression is often characterized by a large number of millingstones (especially well-made, deep basin metates) and formalized, portable handstones (manos). Additionally, the cultural assemblage is dominated by an abundance of scraping tools (including scraper planes and pounding/pulping implements), and only a slight representation of dart-tipped projectile points (Pinto, Elko and Gypsum types). • Late Prehistoric Period (ca. cal A.D. 1000 to 1500), during which a more complex social organization, more diversified subsistence base and an extensive use of the bow and arrow is evidenced. Small, light arrow points, expedient millingstones and, later, pottery mark this period along with the full development of regional Native cultures and tribal territories. • Protohistoric Period (ca. cal A.D. 1500 to 1700s) ushered in long-distance contacts with Europeans, and thereby led to the Historic Period (ca. cal A.D. 1700 to contemporary times). Small arrow points are recognized as a hallmark of this time period. Geospatial analyses of known prehistoric sites in inland Southern California suggest that longer-term residential settlements of the Native population were more likely to occur in sheltered areas. Such locations were near the base of hills and/or on elevated terraces, hills, and finger ridges. Further, these favored locations were near permanent or reliable sources of water. These were areas that were largely level encampments situated on the unprotected valley floor. The residential sites were used for resource procurement and travel. The use of such geographical settings is supported by the ethnographic literature. These reports identify the foothills as preferred areas for settlement (Bean and Smith, 1978a; 1978b). The project area, however, is situated approximately seven miles north of the Jurupa Hills, in a flat, open alluvial plain. 2.2.2 Ethnohistoric Context The project lies within the territory of the Gabrielino (Tongva) ethnolinguistic group (Bean and Smith, 1978a:538), who speak a language classified as a member of the Uto-Aztecan language family. This language is further affiliated as an element of the Northern Takic Branch of that linguistic group (Golla, 2011). The Gabrielino, with the Chumash, were considered the most populous, wealthiest, and therefore most powerful ethnic nationalities in aboriginal Southern California (Bean and Smith, 1978a:538). Unfortunately, most Gabrielino cultural practices had declined before systematic ethnographic studies were instituted. Today, the leading sources on Gabrielino culture are Bean and Smith (1978a), Johnston (1962), and McCawley (1996). According to the recent research, Takic groups were not the first inhabitants of the region. Archeologists suggest that a Takic in-migration may have occurred as early as 2,000 years ago, replacing or intermarrying with a more ancient indigenous people represented by speakers of a Hokan language (Howard and Raab, 1993; Porcasi, 1998). By the time of European contact, the ❖ SETTING ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 2-3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Gabrielino territory included the southern Channel Islands and the Los Angeles Basin. Their territory reached east into the present-day San Bernardino-Riverside area and south to the San Joaquin Hills in central Orange County. Different groups of Gabrielino adopted several subsistence strategies, based on gathering, hunting, and fishing. Because of the similarities to other Southern California tribes in economic activities, inland Gabrielino groups' industrial arts, exemplified by basket weaving, exhibited an affinity with those of their neighbors (Kroeber, 1925). Coastal Gabrielino material culture, on the other hand, reflected an elaborately developed artisanship most recognized through the medium of steatite, which was rivaled by few other groups in Southern California. The intricacies of Gabrielino social organization are not well known. There appeared to have been at least three hierarchically ordered social classes, topped with an elite consisting of the chiefs, their immediate families, and other ceremonial specialists (Bean and Smith, 1978a). Clans owned land, and property boundaries were marked by the clan's personalized symbol. Villages were politically autonomous, composed of non-localized lineages, each with its own leader. The dominant lineage's leader was usually the village chief, whose office was generally hereditary through the male line. Occasionally several villages were allied under the leadership of a single chief. The villages frequently engaged in warfare against one another, resulting in what some consider to be a state of constant enmity between coastal and inland groups. The Fontana region was within the eastern Tongva culture area. The central Tongva lands was the Los Angeles Basin, but it extended east to include portions of the San Bernardino Valley. In the San Bernardino Valley, the Tongva’s neighbors were the Serrano on the north and the Cahuilla farther east. Away from the Santa Ana River this area was not well watered. Therefore, this portion of the territory was not as densely populated as the coastal territory. The village of Jurupa, also spelled Huruuvnga, was somewhat west of Riverside (McCawley, 1996:49). Its proximity to Fontana is attested by Native consultants who described a “long range of hills at Jurupa – west of Riverside,” termed Shokaava by the Tongva consultant to researcher J.P. Harrington (McCawley, 1996:50). These hills likely correspond to the Jurupa hills lying five miles south of the project site. In the late Mission Period or just thereafter, much of the region was populated by the Serrano (Bean and Smith, 1978b), who migrated into the area following the removal of the Gabrielino to Mission San Gabriel. The first Franciscan Order’s religious establishment in Gabrielino territory and the broader region was Mission San Gabriel, founded in A.D. 1772. Priests from the mission proselytized the Tongva throughout the Los Angeles Basin. As early as 1542, however, the Gabrielino were in peripheral contact with the Spanish even during the historic expedition of Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo. However, it was not until 1769 that the Spaniards took steps to colonize the territory of aboriginal Californians. Within a few decades, most of the Gabrielino were incorporated into Mission San Gabriel and other missions in Southern California (Engelhardt, 1931). Due to introduced diseases, dietary deficiencies, and forceful reduccion (removal of non-agrarian Native populations to the mission compound), Gabrielino population dwindled rapidly from these impacts. By 1900, the Gabrielino community had almost ceased to exist as a culturally identifiable group. In the late 20th century, however, a renaissance of Native American activism and cultural revitalization of Gabrielino descendants took place. Among the results of this movement has been a return to a traditional name for the tribe, the Tongva, which is employed by several of the bands and organizations representing tribal members. Many of the Tongva bands focus on maintaining and teaching traditional knowledge, with special focus on language, place names and natural resources. ❖ SETTING ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 2-4 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 2.2.3 Historic Context Spanish / Mexican Era In 1772, three years after the beginning of Spanish colonization of Alta California, Lt. Pedro Fages, governor of the new province, and a small force of soldiers under his command became the first Europeans to set foot in the San Bernardino Valley (Beck and Haase, 1974:15). The colonizers were followed in the next few years by two other famed Spanish explorers, Lt. Colonel Juan Bautista de Anza and Fr. Francisco Garcés, who traveled through the valley in the mid-1770s. Despite these early visits, for the next 40 years this inland valley received little impact from the Spanish colonization activities. The Spanish incursions into Alta California were concentrated along the coast. For the bulk of the Spanish-Mexican Period, the San Bernardino Valley was considered within the religious jurisdiction, as well as a part of the land holdings, of Mission San Gabriel. The name “San Bernardino” was bestowed on the region by about 1819, when the mission asistencia and an associated rancho were officially established under this name in the eastern area of the valley (Lerch and Haenszel, 1981). After gaining independence from Spain, in 1834 the Mexican government began the process of secularizing the missions in Alta California, which in practice meant the confiscation of the Franciscan missions’ vast land holdings that were to have been returned to the Native population, to be distributed among prominent citizens of the province. During the 1830s and the 1840s, several large land grants were created near present-day Fontana, but the project itself does not fall within the boundaries of any private ranchos and remained public land when California became a part of the United States in 1848. The American Period to Founding of Fontana Used primarily as cattle ranches, the ranchos around Fontana saw little development until the mid-19th century. A colony of Mormon settlers from Salt Lake City founded the town of San Bernardino in 1851. The Southern Pacific Railroad was completed in the mid-1870s, and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway introduced a competing rail line in the 1880s during a phenomenal land boom that swept through much of Southern California (Dumke, 1944). The boom ushered in a number of new settlements in the San Bernardino Valley. In 1887, the Semi-Tropic Land and Water Company purchased a large tract of land near the mouth of Lytle Creek. With that acquisition and accompanied by the necessary water rights to the creek, Semi-Tropic laid out the townsites of Rialto, Bloomington, and Rosena (Schuiling, 1984:90). While Rialto and Bloomington were soon settled and began to grow, little development took place at Rosena before the collapse of the 1880s land boom and the ensuing financial collapse of the Semi-Tropic Land and Water Company (Schuiling, 1984:90, 102). In 1905, Azariel Blanchard “A.B.” Miller (1878-1941), widely considered the founder of present-day Fontana, arrived in Rosena. Miller hailed from the Imperial Valley and, along with his associates, soon established Fontana Farms on a tract of land that eventually reached 20,000 acres (Anicic, 2005:32-40). Within the first ten years of the 20th century, an irrigation system was constructed and much of the land was planted in grain and citrus (Schuiling, 1984:102). Miller’s Fontana Farms became synonymous with the location, which led to Rosena being renamed as Fontana in 1913. Up to Miller’s death in 1941, Fontana remained primarily an agrarian settlement. It was recognized as the town where domesticated animal husbandry of poultry, hog, and rabbit played a particularly important role in the local economy (Schuiling, 1984:102). During World War II, however, the establishment of the Kaiser Steel Mill initiated an alteration of this agrarian setting. With further ❖ SETTING ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 2-5 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 industrial enterprises moving into the area, Fontana became known as a center of heavy industry, a characterization that lasted until recent years (Schuiling, 1984:106). The Kaiser Steel Mill ceased operations in 1983. In response to demand for affordable housing, Fontana, like many other cities in the San Bernardino Valley became a “bedroom community” for the more developed cities of Los Angeles and western San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Fontana’s progression from its agricultural roots to an industrial center and then a suburban residential community represents a prominent and characteristic trend in the history of the region. Historical maps and aerial photographs reflect similar trends in the growth of the project area as well as nearby neighborhoods. The land along Santa Ana Avenue that was primarily agricultural fields was recast with notable industrial development between 1967 and 1994. During the post-WWII era, agriculture gave way to suburban development as residential neighborhoods and light industry gradually spread over former farmlands (NETR Online, 2018: 1959, 1966). Project Site Land Use History Historic Aerial Photos Historic aerial photos are available for the project area, starting with 1938 and the latest dating to 2020. The 1938 aerial photo shows that the project area was being used for agriculture, as shown by row crops and a network of unimproved dirt access roads with no urban development in near or around the project area (NETROnline 2024: 1938, 1948, 1959, 1966). However, the outline of Cherry Street as a dirt road can be seen as the years progress. All these four aerials show that the area remained agricultural with vineyards in the central area (project site) and other types of agricultural use surrounding (NETROnline 2024: 1938, 1948, 1959, 1966). The 1980 and 1985 aerial photos (NETROnline 2024: 1980 and 1985) show continued mixed-use agriculture for the project area. By this time the San Sevaine Basin has been dug out and channelized. In addition, the I-15 freeway has been constructed immediately west of the project site with an interchange at Foothill Boulevard that includes a paved Cherry Avenue at Foothill Boulevard; however, Victoria Street remains a dirt road at this time. The 1994 aerial photo shows somewhat additional residential and commercial development in the area (NETROnline 2024: 1994). The 2002 aerial photo (NETROnline 2023: 2002) shows a residential neighborhood present on the northeast side of the Cherry Avenue and Baseline Avenue intersection between Baseline and Walnut Avenue, with Cherry and Victoria both now fully paved streets. South Highland Avenue is present as a dirt road in 2002, and Cherry Avenue is now paved north of Victoria Street. There is significant urban development within the 0.5-mile radius of the project area. In addition, the SR-210 Freeway is now present and intersects the I-15 Freeway adjacent to the project site. There remains vineyards on the west and east sides of Cherry Avenue, while the open lands to the west along Victoria Street appear fallow; this remains the same through 2005 and 2010 (NETROnline 2024: 2005 and 2010) A set of structures appear on the west end of Victoria on the north side in 2009, and this complex has been expanded by 2010. 2010 is when an apparently large pile of concrete debris appears in the south edge of the parcel near South Highland Avenue; it was not present before a is present through to the present time (see Section 4.3 and Figure 4.3-7 below); it does not appear to be a structure at any point nor does it appear on U.S.G.S. topo maps at any point. The 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020 ❖ SETTING ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 2-6 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 aerial images show no change in the use of project area lands which remained vineyards (NETROnline 2024: 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020). Historic Topographic Maps U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps are available for the project area starting in 1896 up through 2021. The 1896 through 1955 topographic maps (USGS 2024: 1896, 1898, 1901, 1905, 1909, 1913, 1926, 1929, 1936, 1938, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1955) indicate the project area is open land with a grid of dirt roads including the future Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Road. This set of maps indicate no change of land use at the project site, merely showing the land with elevations added. On the 1955 USGS topo map (USGS 2024: 1955) the entire project area is now indicated to be agricultural use – as either orchards or vineyards; Base [Baseline Road] is shown as paved with Foothill Boulevard to the north as a primary road/highway; the mid-site wash is shown as a stream reaching mid-way south into the project area. There is more development of the land present in this map onward. The amount of land in the area being utilized for agriculture, however, begins to diminish after this year. In the 1959 map version shows less land being used for agricultural use. There is no change seen in the 1960 map (USGS 2024: 1960). The 1963 topo map shows no substantial change except that the agricultural use in the mid-project site area is now definitely a large vineyard, with potential orchards to the west. The series of USGS maps from 1968 through 1975 show no changes except that the main roads in the project vicinity are now paved, such as Cherry Avenue and South Highland Avenue. The 1980 USGS map continues to indicate the same agricultural use; now Victoria Street is a paved road and Cherry Avenue is paved from Foothill Boulevard south to Victoria; also, the I-15 freeway has been constructed to the west with an interchange at Foothill Boulevard and Cherry Avenue. The 1982, 1984 and 1985 topo maps show no change; but in 1988 it is seen that Cherry Avenue now extends south of Victoria Street as a dirt road and a well appears immediately to the northeast of the site near what is now a ramp connecting the SR-210 to I-5 and on-off ramps (USGS 2024: 1982, 1984, 1985, 1988). The 1999 topo map shows no change in land use from the 1988 version, though there are multiple additions completed on the interchange of the SR-210 and I-5 freeways from this time on (USGS 2024: 1999). From 2012 through 2021, the last available USGS map, only roads are shown, not the use of the lands. All major roads in and around the project area are fully paved. There remains some agricultural land within the 0.5-mile radius, including the project site, but significant land development and urbanization has taken place surrounding the project site to the south and east and north of the freeway (USGS 2024: 1999 - 2021). ❖ RESEARCH METHODS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 3-1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 3.0 RESEARCH METHODS The cultural resources inventory and related archival research included a background cultural resources records check (archival research) at the SCCIC. Additionally, a SLF search and a list of local Native American groups and individuals for outreach was requested from the NAHC. Finally, a pedestrian cultural resource survey of the entire project area was conducted. 3.1 Records Search A cultural resource records search was conducted by Stephen O’Neil on January 18, 2024 at the SCCIC. The archives were reviewed to identify resources that have been previously recorded and evaluated for historic significance, as well as to identify any previous completed cultural resources survey reports. Also searched and reviewed were the official records and maps for cultural resources and surveys in the City of Fontana historical sites directory; the National Register of Historic Places; the Listed Properties and Determined Eligible Properties (2012); and the California Register of Historical Resources (2012). For the current study, the scope of the records search included a 0.5-mile buffer zone from the project’s footprint (see Attachment A, Figure 2). The research effort will be used to assess the sensitivity of the project site for both surface and subsurface cultural resources and to assist in determining the potential to encounter such resources, especially prehistoric—i.e., Native American—cultural remains, during earth-moving activities associated with the undertaking. 3.2 Field Survey On December 13, 2023, archaeologists Stephen O’Neil and Cynthia Stoddard visited the project site to conduct a pedestrian survey. During the survey, the project site was carefully inspected for any indication of human activities dating to the prehistoric or historic periods (i.e., 50 years or older). 3.3 Native American Outreach On September 23, 2022, Mr. O’Neil contacted the NAHC via email notifying them of project 7170B activities, adjacent to the current project 7170G with a search buffer area that encompassed the current project site, requesting a search of their SLF and requesting a list of local tribal organizations and individuals to contact for project outreach. The NAHC replied on February 22, 2023, with a positive result for the project area and recommended contacting the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation, as well as 29 other tribal organizations and individuals. This five-month delay in receiving a response from NAHC affected the schedule for completing this report. Contact letters to local tribes were sent on January 9, 2024 (Attachment C). ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 4.0 FINDINGS 4.1 Records Search 4.1.1 Recorded Archaeological Sites Based on the CHRIS cultural resource records search, it was determined that there have been no prehistoric cultural resources recorded within the project site boundary or the 0.5-mile radius of the project area. There have been historic sites recorded within the 0.5-mile buffer but none within the project boundary. Table 4.1-1 summarizes these resources. The four historic sites that are within the 0.5-mile radius are the following: 36-007325, 36-009363, 36-009364, and 36-014190. Site 36-007325 (CA-SBr-7325H) is 20th century residential/commercial site. According to the site record, the property is estimated to have been built in 1925. “The site consists of several structural foundations, a small cobblestone reservoir (fishpond?), a driveway with cobble-concrete pillars, a rock alignment, a sparse scatter of artifacts, a tree ladder, and landscape vegetation” (Sutton and Zeller 1992). In addition, the site consists of 8 features and several artifacts. Feature 1 is the remnants of the structure, a slab foundation. Feature 2 is a remnant of the structure, another slab foundation. Feature 3 consists of two cobble-concrete pillars. Feature 4 is a cobble-concrete oval reservoir, most likely a fishpond. Feature 5 consists of remnants of a cobble-concrete structure with a foundation and a sidewalk. Feature 6 is a cobble alignment. Feature 7 is a tree ladder and Feature 8 is the dirt driveway that leads up to the property running along the west and south ends of the site. Artifacts that were found at the site include glass fragments such of bottles; ceramic material was also noted consisting of a porcelain bowl and a stoneware teapot; and metal material in the form of crown bottle caps. Site 36-009363 is the remains of the H.E. Miller Property (ca. 1939) and consist of two concrete foundations. The site also includes some refuse and debris which is considered modern and associated with later development in the area in 1966. The Miller property includes numerous trees. The original structure has been demolished. However, since the property has an ownership record dating to pre-1892, there exists the potential for buried remains at the property site. No artifacts associated with the structure were noted. Site 36-009364 is the Biocima residential structure that dates to 1936 and consists of two foundations. There is also a reservoir that dates to 1932. A survey conducted in 1996 showed that the Biocima Residence was no longer present and had been demolished. However, since the property has an ownership record dating to pre-1892, there exists the potential for buried remains at the property site and recommendations for monitoring were made. No artifacts associated with the structure were found. Site 36-014190 is “a large, square reservoir with rounded corners. It is constructed partially above grade on a corner site which slopes gently to the south. The surrounding embankment is steeper and higher to the south. The perimeter walls are of two different types of stone: fieldstone set in concrete, and a large section of cobblestone at the northeast corner. The interior is lined with concrete. The reservoir wall has been breached at several points, and evidence of associated pumping equipment no longer remains. The reservoir lot has pepper and eucalyptus trees along the fence on the south and east sides. A modern residence, built in 1978, is located on the south half of the property” (Gallup 1989). The property was evaluated and determined to not be of historical significance for entry into the National Register. No artifacts associated with the structure were noted. ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Table 4.1-1 KNOWN CULTURAL RESOURCES WITHIN A ONE-HALF-MILE RADIUS OF THE APE Site Number Author(s) Date Type Description 36-007325 Paula Sutton & Andrea Zeller 1988, 1992 Historic 20th Century residential/ commercial site, ca. 1925. The site consists of several structural foundations, a small cobblestone reservoir (fish pond?), a driveway with cobble-concrete pillars, a rock alignment, a sparse scatter of artifacts, a tree ladder, and landscape vegetation. 36-009363 Jeanette A. McKenna 1997 Historic The H.E. Miller Property from 1936 consisting of two foundations. There is little refuse, but the structures were demolished. The property ownership record dates to pre-1892. 36-009364 Jeanette A, McKenna 1997 Historic Biocima residential structure from 1936 consisting of two foundations. There is also a reservoir that dates to 1932. The property ownership record dates to pre-1892. 36-014190 Aaron A. Gallup 1989 Historic Abandoned reservoir with estimated construction in 1915. 4.1.2 Previous Cultural Resource Investigations According to the records at the SCCIC, there have been no previous survey reports that included a portion of the project boundary. There have been 17 cultural resource studies within the 0.5-mile buffer of the project (Table 4.1-2) (see Attachment D). None of these studies record any cultural resources in the project boundary. Of the 17 cultural resource studies, only six included and/or listed resources. Those reports are the following (with the number of resources listed in parentheses): SB- 02413 (1), SB-03050 (1), SB-03172 (3), SB-03173 (4), SB-03174 (4), SB-07990 (6) dating from 1985 through 2024. Table 4.1-2 KNOWN CULTURAL RESOURCE STUDIES WITHIN A ONE-HALF-MILE RADIUS OF THE APE Report Number Author(s) Date Title Resources SB-01501 MASON, ROGER D. 1985 CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORT FOR THE ETIWANDA PIPELINE AND POWER PLANT EIR N/A ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-4 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Report Number Author(s) Date Title Resources SB-01506 SWOPE, KAREN K. and MEG MCDONALD 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT EVALUATION: ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF TENTATIVE TRACT 13000, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA N/A SB-02033 MCKENNA, JEANETTE A. 1990 A PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPOSED LEWIS HOMES' PROJECT AREA, FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA N/A SB-02041 HAMMOND, STEPHEN R. 1989 NEGATIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT: ROUTE 15, 30, POST MILE 7.6/9.3, 11.8/13.1 N/A SB-02413 SUTTON, PAULA A. 1991 FIRST ADDENDUM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE INTERSTATE 15/STATE ROUTE 30 INTERCHANGE IN THE CITIES OF RANCH CUCAMONGA AND FONTANA IN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA 36-006901 SB-03050 MCKENNA, JEANETTE A. 1995 A CULTURAL RESOURCES RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY OF WESTGATE PROPERTY (1000 +/- ACRES) IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA 36-006901 SB-03172 MCKENNA, JEANETTE A. and RICHARD S. SHEPARD 1996 A PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCE INVESTIGATION OF THE LANDINGS 750 LLC PROJECT AREA, A 200 +/- ACRE PROPERTY LOCATED IIN NORTH FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA. 51PP 36-009363, 36-009364, 36-009365 ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-5 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Report Number Author(s) Date Title Resources SB-03173 MCKENNA, JEANETTE A. and RICHARD S. SHEPARD 1997 PHASE III CUTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION: ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE LANDINGS 750 LLC PROJECT AREA, A 200 +/- ACRE PROPERTY LOCATED IN NORTH FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA. 45PP 36-009363, 36-009364, 36-009365, 36-009366 SB-03174 MCKENNA, JEANETTE A. and RICHARD S. SHEPARD 1996 A PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION OF THE SUMMIT HEIGHTS PROJECT AREA, LOCATED IN NORTH FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA. 35PP 36-009367, 36-009368, 36-009369, 36-009370 SB-04019 MCKENNA, JEANETTE A. 2002 A PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCE INVESTIGATION OF THE TENTATIVE TRACT 16291, THE RUSSO PROPERTY, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA. 42PP N/A SB-04023 MCKENNA, JEANETTE A. 2002 ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING, FONTANA PROPERTY. 7PP N/A SB-04547 SHEPARD, RICHARD 2005 CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT: FAIRFIELD APARTMENTS PROJECT SITE, APN: 0226-135-03, FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA. 7PP N/A SB-04549 SHEPARD, RICHARD 2004 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT: SOMMERVILLE- CONZELMAN/COVENANT PROJECT SITE, APN:0228- 021-20, FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA. 7PP N/A ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-6 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Report Number Author(s) Date Title Resources SB-04554 DICE, MICHAEL and MARNIE VIANNA 2004 AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES EVALUATION & PALEONTOLOGICAL RECORDS SEARCH FOR THE CHAFFEY HIGH SCHOOL #9 PROJECT, SAN SEVAINE & WALNUT AVE, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA. 33PP N/A SB-06907 Bonner, Diane F. and Robert J. Wlodarski 2010 Cultural Resources Record Search and Archaeological Survey Results for the proposed Royal Street Communications, California, LLC, Site LA5304A (BTS Koehier Park) located at 15352 Walnut Avenue, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California, 92336 N/A SB-06986 Glover, Amy and Sherri Gust 2010 Phase I Resources Assessment Report for the Falcon Ridge Substation Project in the Cities of Fontana and Rialto, San Bernardino County, California. N/A SB-07990 George, Joan and Josh Smallwood 2014 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for the Etiwanda Pipeline North Relining Project, Cities of Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California 36-002910, 36-006901, 36-015497, 36-016454, 36-020137, 36-024086 4.2 Native American Outreach On September 23, 2022, UltraSystems contacted the NAHC via email notifying them of project 7170B adjacent to the current project 7170G with a search buffer area that encompassed the current project site, requesting a search of their SLF and asking for a list of local tribal organizations and individuals to contact for project outreach. The results of the SLF search request were received February 22, 2023, at the office of UltraSystems from Ms. Cameron Vela, Cultural Resources Analyst. The NAHC letter stated that “A record search of the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) Sacred Lands File (SLF) was completed for the information submitted for the above referenced project. The results were positive [emphasis in the original]. Please contact the Gabrielino Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation on the attached list for information.” (See Attachment C.) ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-7 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 On January 9, 2024 Mr. Jacobo prepared and mailed letters with accompanying maps to all 30 tribal contacts on the NAHC list, representing 21 tribal organizations, and also emailed identical letters and maps to each of the 29 tribal contacts for which email addresses were known, requesting a reply if they have knowledge of cultural resources in the area, and asked if they had any questions or concerns regarding the project. (See Attachment C.) Of the 21 tribes that were contacted seven responded to the initial email and letter. An email response received from Claritsa Duarte, Cultural Resources Analyst for the Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians on January 16, 2024, indicated that the project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. An email response was also received from Luz Salazar, Cultural Resources Analyst for the Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians on January 10, 2024, indicated that the project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. An email response was received from Ana Rios, Administrative Assistant for the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians on January 16, 2024, indicating that the tribe is unaware of specific cultural resources that may be affected by the proposed project; however, in the event of discoveries any cultural resources during the development of this project the tribe would like to be informed for further evaluation. An email response was received from Ms. Conley for the Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Indian Council on January 10, 2024, indicating that they have no comment. An email response received from Dorothy Willis on January 10, 2024, for the Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians indicating that the project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. An email response was received from Deneen Pelton, Cultural Resources Department Coordinator for the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians on January 16, 2024, indicating that the project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. An email response was received from Raylene Borrego, Cultural Resources Technician for the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians on January 19, 2024, indicating the proposed project site is considered culturally sensitive by the Tribe due to its proximity to previously recorded sites. As the area is of concern, the Tribe will wish to engage in government-to-government consultation pursuant to AB 52 with the Lead Agency for the project. Ms. Borrego also noted that Jessica Mauck is no longer working for the tribe and to direct all matters pertaining to cultural resources to Alexandra McCleary, Senior Manager of Cultural Resources Management. Following a three-week waiting period, January 26, 2024, telephone calls were placed to the remaining tribes that had not yet responded. For the Cahuilla Band of Indians, the receptionist noted that Mr. Salgado was not in and the call was transferred to the Cultural Department where Ms. Gregory asked that the letter be forwarded to her for review and comment; the letter was sent to her email the same day but there has been no response to date. The Gabrielino/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians, Mr. Morales, Chairperson, indicated that area has religious and cultural significance found in the tribe’s oral history; therefore, he recommends tribal monitoring and a qualified archeologist on site when ground disturbance begins. He mentioned that he would personally like to assist with monitoring when development begins and requests that the tribe be kept updated and notified of any potential discoveries. For the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, Mr. Ontiveros of the tribe’s cultural resource department, indicated that the tribe would defer to San Manuel and the San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians. The following tribes were called but did not answer and so a message was left: the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, the Kizh Nation, the Gabrielino/Tongva Nation, the Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe, The Morongo Band of Mission Indians, the Pala Band of Mission Indians, the Pechanga Band of Indians, the Ramona Band of Cahuilla, the Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians, the Serrano Nation of Mission ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-8 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Indians, and the Torres-Martinez Desert Indians. The Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation, did not initially answer when a phone call was made on January 26, 2024, but did back that same day -- Mr. Scott, Acting Chairman stated that the tribe has no comment and would refer to the more local tribes in the area. (See Attachment C.) 4.3 Pedestrian Survey Results A pedestrian survey of the PA 27 project site along South Highland Street in the city of Fontana was conducted on December 13, 2023 by Mr. O’Neil and Ms. Stoddard. The survey location consisted of a single parcel containing a vineyard along South Highland Avenue between Cherry Avenue to the west and San Sevaine Road to the east, and bounded by the SR-210/Foothill Freeway to the north. The survey methods consisted of walking, and visually inspecting the exposed ground surface of the project site using standard archaeological procedures and techniques. The survey observations were documented with photographs. Weather conditions consisted of a clear sky throughout the day, with temperatures ranging from approximately 60° F at the start of the survey at 9:30 a.m. to 65° F in the mid-afternoon when completed. There was a strong breeze throughout the day of 14 MPG to the south. The soil was sandy and gravelly with numerous small (2 to 4 inches diameter), and medium rocks (6 to 12 inches diameter). The project parcels consist of open flat land approximately 1,750 by 600 feet with the length east/west paralleling South Highland Avenue. The parcel is an active vineyard with rows situated east/west. Survey of the ground surface was conducted in transects 10 meters apart started at the southwest corner of the parcel immediately north of South Highland Avenue, working east to the southeast corner (Figure 4.3-1 and Figure 4.3-2) the rows of vines (Figure 4.3-3). Transects were continued west to east, then back east to west, on onward until the entire parcel had been surveyed. The west edge of the parcel is adjacent to but does not include the Southern California Edison transmission line that runs from the north-east to the southwest (Figure 4.3-4). The east edge of the parcel has a row of trees and concrete debris at the base approximately ten feet out from San Sevaine Road (Figure 4.3-5). The parcel is a vineyard, though the rows are contracted from their original spread along the area adjacent to South Highland Avenue and from the east. The space between the rows contains a variety of scattered non-native vegetation, predominantly a low groundcover, as well as tumble weed (Russian thistle), several species of mustard, heron’s bill, and various grasses, and native plants including jimson weed, buckwheat, and two sunflower species. There were numerous burrows in areas of the field that suggest presence of rabbits though there were no direct signs of them. Coyote scat was observed; as well as several flocks of doves. The survey did locate a several piles of concrete debris situated along the south and east side of the parcel that appeared to have been dumped there. There are underground water lines access features at the edge of South Highland and in the northwest corner of the parcel maintained by the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Figure 4.3-6). There was a feature consisting of numerous large (up to five feet in length) and small (approximately one foot in length) grey and reddish pieces of concrete, some with flat sides and many of amorphous shape (Figure 4.3-7). This also contains a wooden beam (railroad tie) within the pile, but no historic artifacts (i.e., work or domestic trash) were observed. This feature encompassed an area of approximately 48 feet by 33 feet and is located approximately 36 feet from South Highland Avenue. There was no indication that the concrete had formed a foundation or was the remains of a structure. It seems to appear in aerial photos starting ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-9 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 2010 to the present (see Section above) but not as a recognizable feature. It was determined to not be of historical significance. During the survey, the project site was carefully inspected for any indication of human activities dating to the prehistoric or historic periods (i.e., 50 years or older). The project site has been disturbed by previous agricultural use as a vineyard and other past agricultural uses (see Section above on historic use). Photographs of the project site were taken documenting the cultural resources survey. The result of the pedestrian survey was negative for prehistoric cultural resources. ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-10 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-1 OVERVIEW FROM SOUTHWEST CORNER, SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE TO THE RIGHT; VIEW TO THE EAST ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-11 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-2 OVERVIEW FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER, SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE TO THE LEFT; VIEW TO THE WEST ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-12 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-3 VINEYARD ROWS AND GROUND COVER; VIEW TO THE EAST ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-13 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSMISSION LINE ON WEST BOUNDARY; VIEW TO THE SOUTH ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-14 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-5 EAST BOUNDARY OF PARCEL WITH TREE ROW; VIEW TO THE SOUTH ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-15 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-6 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FEATURES IN NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL; VIEW TO NORTHEAST ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-16 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 4.3-7 LARGE CONCRETE DEBRIS SCATTER, SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE TO THE LEFT; VIEW TO THE WEST ❖ FINDINGS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 4-17 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 4.4 National Register of Historic Places A search of the Built Environmental Resource Directory (BERD) provided by the Office of Historic Preservation (2024) was conducted for this project on January 25, 2024, by Mr. Jacobo, UEI Historian. It was determined that both the project boundary and project area do not have any resources present that have been evaluated under the National Register (Built Environmental Resource Directory). ❖ MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 5-1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 5.0 MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Site Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of significance under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) uses criteria found in eligibility descriptions from the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR). Generally, a resource is to be considered historically significant if it meets the criteria for listing in the California Register [Public Resources Code § 5024.1; California Code of Regulations § 15064.5(a)(3)]. These criteria provide that a resource may be listed as potentially significant if it: • Is associated with the events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California history and cultural heritage. • Is associated with the lives of persons important in our past. • Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic value. • Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. 5.2 Potential Effects No listed CRHR or National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) cultural resources will be adversely affected by the project. However, the potential presence of buried cultural (prehistoric and/or historic archaeological) resources cannot be ruled out. If prehistoric and/or historic artifacts are observed during subsurface excavation, work should be stopped in that area and a qualified archaeologist and Native American monitor should be called to assess the finds. ❖ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 6-1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS No prehistoric archaeologic resources were identified during the pedestrian field survey of the project. A set of broken concrete slabs was observed adjacent to South Highland Avenue in the east area but there were no foundations or historic artifacts associated with it that might suggest a function and aerial photos of the project site shows that it did not appear until approximately 2010 (see Section and Section 4.3). No prehistoric or historic resources were identified in the project site through the SCCIC records search. The NAHC SLF record search indicated the presence of a traditional site in the project region, stating to contact the Kizh Nation of the Gabrielino tribe for further information; however, the Gabrielino – Kizh Nation have not responded to date to UEI’s outreach letter or telephone call, and there was no response from the Gabrielino-Kizh Nation regarding the SLF traditional property. The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, the Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California, The Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians, the Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians, and the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians indicated that the project area was outside of their traditional Territory or that they had no knowledge of particular cultural resources in the project area, and often deferred to tribes close to the project site. The Augustine Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians, though unaware of specific cultural resources in the project area, indicated they wished to be made aware if cultural resources were found during ground disturbing activities development. Chairperson Anthony Morales of the Gabrielino / Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians stated that the project area has religious and cultural significance to his tribe as known through their oral history, and therefore requests both archeological and tribal monitoring during ground disturbing activities. Also, Raylene Borrego, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Cultural Resource Technician, stated that the project site is considered sensitive due to its proximity to previously recorded sites – they will be requesting AB 52 consultation with the Laad Agency but did not note any specific mitigation recommendations at this time (See Section 4.2 and Attachment C.) This cultural resources study analysis suggests that there is a low potential for finding additional resources. If prehistoric and/or historic items are observed during subsurface activities, work should be stopped in that area and a qualified archaeologist and Native American monitor should be called to assess the findings and retrieve the material. If human remains are encountered during excavations associated with this project, work will halt in that area and the San Bernardino County Coroner will be notified (§ 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code). The Coroner will determine whether the remains are of recent human origin or older Native American ancestry. If the coroner, with the aid of the supervising archaeologist, determines that the remains are prehistoric, they will contact the NAHC. The NAHC will be responsible for designating the most likely descendant (MLD), who will make recommendations as to the manner for handling these remains and further provide for the disposition of the remains, as required by § 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. Following notification by the NAHC, the MLD will make these recommendations within 48 hours of having access to the project site following notification by the NAHC. These recommendations may include scientific removal and nondestructive analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American burials (§ 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code). The agricultural nature of the project site extending throughout the 20th century up to the present suggests that ground here has been minimally disturbed, with the native surface soil remaining. The results of the pedestrian assessment, in addition to the SCCIC and SLF records searches, with the ❖ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 6-2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 cultural and historical background research, indicate it is unlikely that historic properties could be adversely affected by project construction. ❖ REFERENCES ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 7-1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 7.0 REFERENCES Anicic, John Charles, Jr. 2005 Images of America: Fontana. Arcadia Publishing, San Francisco and Chicago. Basgall, Mark E., and D.L. True 1985 Archaeological Investigations in Crowder Canyon, 1973-1984: Excavations at Sites SBR-421B, SBR-421C, SBR-421D, and SBR-713, San Bernardino County, California. On file, South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Bean, Lowell John, and Charles R. Smith 1978a Gabrielino. In Handbook of North American Indians, William C. Sturtevant, general editor, vol. 8, California, edited by Robert F. Heizer, pp. 538-549. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 1978b Serrano. In Handbook of North American Indians, William C. Sturtevant, general editor, vol. 8, California, edited by Robert F. Heizer, pp. 570-574. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Beck, Warren A., and Ynez D. Haase 1974 Historical Atlas of California. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma. Chartkoff, Joseph L., and Kerry Kona Chartkoff 1984 The Archaeology of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. City of Fontana 2017 Westgate Specific Plan, City of Fontana, California. Prepared by: JHA Consulting and FORMA Design. Dibblee, T.W. and Minch, J.A. 2003 Geologic map of the Devore quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California, Dibblee Geological Foundation, Dibblee Foundation Map DF-105, 1:24,000. Dumke, Glenn S. 1944 The Boom of the Eighties. Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Engelhardt, Zephyrin, O.F.M. 1931 San Gabriel Mission and the Beginnings of Los Angeles. Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago. Gallup, Aaron A. 1989 California Department of Transportation Architectural Inventory/Evaluation Form, Reservoir. (36-013746.) On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Glover, Amy and Sherri Gust 2010 Phase I Resources Assessment Report for the Falcon Ridge Substation Project in the Cities of Fontana and Rialto, San Bernardino County, California. SB-06986 Prepared by Cogstone. . On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Goodman, John D. ❖ REFERENCES ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 7-2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 2002 Archaeological Survey of the Charter Communications Cable Project, Mountaintop Ranger District, San Bernardino National Forest, California. San Bernardino National Forest Technical Report 05-12-BB-102. San Bernardino, California. Goodman, John D., II, and M. McDonald 2001 Archaeological Survey of the Southern California Trails Association Event Area, Little Pine Flats, Mountaintop Ranger District, San Bernardino National Forest, California. San Bernardino National Forest Technical Report 05-12-BB-106. San Bernardino, California. Grenda, Donn 1993 Archaeological Treatment Plan for CA-RIV-2798/H, Lake Elsinore, Riverside County, California. On file at Eastern Information Center, University of California, Riverside. 1997 Continuity and Change: 8,500 Years of Lacustrine Adaptation on the Shores of Lake Elsinore. Statistical Research Technical Series 59. Statistical Research, Inc., Tucson, Arizona. Hammond, Stephen R. 1989 Negative Archaeological Survey Report: Route 15, 30, Post Mile 7.6/9.3, 11.8/13.1. SB- 002041. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Howard, W. J., and L. M. Raab 1993 Olivella Grooved Rectangle Beads as Evidence of an Early Period Southern California Channel Island Interaction Sphere. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 29(3):1-11. Horne, Melinda C., and Dennis P. McDougall 2008 CA-RIV-6069: Early Archaic Settlement and Subsistence in the San Jacinto Valley, Western Riverside County, California. On file at Eastern Information Center, University of California, Riverside. Johnston, Bernice E. 1962 California’s Gabrielino Indians. Southwest Museum, Los Angeles. Kaiser, Kathryn H. 1973 Point of Historical Interest, “Baseline Road”. On file, San Bernardino Archaeological Information Center, San Bernardino County Museum, Redlands. . On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Keller, Jean S., Jean Salpas, and Daniel F. McCarthy 1989 Data Recovery at the Cole Canyon Site (CA-RIV-1139), Riverside County, California. Pacific Coast Archeological Society Quarterly 25(1):1-89. Kroeber, Alfred 1925 Handbook of the Indians of California. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin No. 78, Washington, D.C. Lerch, Michael K., and Arda M. Haenszel 1981 Life on Cottonwood Row. Heritage Tales 1981:33-71. Fourth Annual Publication of the City of San Bernardino Historical Society, San Bernardino, California. ❖ REFERENCES ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 7-3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Mason, Roger D. 1985 Cultural Resource Survey Report For The Etiwanda Pipeline And Power Plant EIR. SB-01501. Prepared by Scientific Resources Surveys, Inc. . On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. McCawley, William 1996 The First Angelinos: The Gabrielino Indians of Los Angeles. Malki Museum Press, Banning, California/Ballena Press, Novato, California. McKenna, Jeanette A. 1990 A Phase I Archaeological Investigation Of The Proposed Lewis Homes' Project Area, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. SB-02033. . On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. 1995 A Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Survey Of Westgate Property (1000 +/- Acres) In The City Of Fontana, San Bernardino County, Ca., SB-03050. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Milburn, Doug, U.K. Doan, and John D. Goodman II 2008 Archaeological Investigation at Baldy Mesa-Cajon Divide for the Baldy Mesa Off-Highway- Vehicle Recreation Trails Project, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California. San Bernardino National Forest Technical Report 05-12-53-091. San Bernardino, California. Morton, D.M. 2003 Preliminary geologic map of the Fontana 7.5' quadrangle, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California, United States Geological Survey, Morton, Douglas M. and Johnathan C. Matti 2001 Geologic Map of the Devore 7.5' Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California. United States Geological Survey and Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside. NETR Online 2023 Aerial photographs of the project vicinity, taken in 1938, 1948, 1959, 1966, 1980, 1985, 1994, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2028 and 2020. http://www.historicaerials.com. Accessed February 27, 2023. O’Connell, James F., Philip J. Wilke, Thomas F. King, and Carol L. Mix (editors.) 1974 Perris Reservoir Archaeology: Late Prehistoric Demographic Change in Southeastern California. California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaeological Report 14. Sacramento, California. Porcasi, Judith F. 1998 Middle Holocene Ceramic Technology on the Southern California Coast: New Evidence from Little Harbor, Santa Catalina Island. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 20:270-284. Schuiling, Walter C. 1984 San Bernardino County: Land of Contrasts. Windsor Publications, Woodland Hills, California. ❖ REFERENCES ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Page 7-4 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Smallwood, Josh 2014 Archaeological Site Record Update for 36-015497. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Sutton, Paula, and Andrea Zeller 1992 Archaeological Site Record, (36-013746) (CA-SBR-7325H). On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Swope, Karen K. and Meg McDonald 1985 Environmental Impact Evaluation: Archaeological Assessment Of Tentative Tract 13000, City Of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. SB-01506. Prepared by Archaeological Research Unit, UCR. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Sylvia, Barbara 2003 Negative Historic Property Survey Repot Form: Inland Empire Traffic Management Center. SB-04206. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Tang, Bai “Tom”, John J. Eddy, Harry M. Quinn, Terri Jacquemain, Daniel Ballester, and Laura Hensley Shaker 2008a Identification And Evaluation Of Historic Properties: Northeast Recycled Water Expansion Projects In And Near The Cities Of Rancho Cucamonga And Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. SB-05999. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. 2008b Extended Phase I Historical/Archaeological Resources Study: Northeast Recycled Water Expansion Projects in and near the Cities of Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. SB-06000. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Tang, Bai "Tom", Deirdre Encarnacion, Terri Jacquemain, and Daniel Ballester 2013 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report: Vulcan Conservation And Flood Control Project, In And Near The City Of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. SB-07401. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 2023 USGS Historic Topographic Map Explorer. Topographic maps developed in 1896, 1898, 1901, 1905, 1909, 1913, 1926, 1929, 1938, 1943, 1946, 1955, 1959, 1960, 1963, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1975, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1999, 2012, 2015 and 2018. Electronically accessed February 27, 2023. http://historicalmaps.arcgis.com/usgs/. Warren, Claude N. 1984 The Desert Region. In Michael J. Moratto (ed.), California Archaeology, pp. 339-430. Academic Press, Orlando, Florida. ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ATTACHMENTS ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT MAPS ❖ ATTACHMENTS❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment A, Page 1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 1 Project Regional Location Map ❖ ATTACHMENTS❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment A, Page 2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 2 Project Study Area ❖ ATTACHMENTS❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment A, Page 3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Figure 3 Topographic Map with APE Shown ❖ ATTACHMENTS❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ATTACHMENT B PERSONNEL BACKGROUND ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Stephen O’Neil, M.A., RPA Cultural Resources Manager, Cultural Anthropology/Archaeology Education ▪ M.A., Anthropology (Ethnography emphasis), California State University, Fullerton, CA, 2002 ▪ B.A., Anthropology, California State University, Long Beach, CA, 1979 Professional and Institutional Affiliations ▪ California Mission Studies Association ▪ City of Laguna Beach Environmental Sustainability Committee, appointed 2012 ▪ Orange County Natural History Museum; Board Member ▪ Pacific Coast Archaeological Society; Board Member and Past President ▪ Society for California Archaeology Professional Registrations and Licenses ▪ Register of Professional Archaeologists (No. 16104) (current) ▪ Riverside County, CA, Cultural Resource Consultant (No. 259) (current) ▪ Cultural Resource Field Director, BLM Permit (CA-13-19) – California, 2013 ▪ NEPA and CEQA Consultation for Environmental Professionals; course by the National Association of Environmental Professionals, 2013 Professional Experience Mr. O'Neil has 30 years of experience as a cultural anthropologist in California. He has researched and written on archaeology, ethnography, and history. Mr. O'Neil has archaeological experience in excavation, survey, monitoring, and lab work. Most of this has been on Native American prehistoric sites, but also includes Spanish, Mexican, and American period adobe sites. His supervisory experience includes excavation and survey crew chief and project director of an adobe house excavation. He has a wide range of expertise in Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments, archaeological resource assessment surveys, salvage operations, and cultural background studies for various EIR projects. Mr. O'Neil has worked for cultural resource management firms as well as government agencies and Native American entities. He has prepared technical reports as well as published journal articles. Select project experience Inglewood Avenue Corridor Widening Project, City of Lawndale, Los Angeles County, CA: 2013- 2014 Mr. O’Neil directed and conducted archaeological field survey, cultural resource records search, Native American contacts and report writing for this project. The City of Lawndale is widening Inglewood Avenue from Marine Avenue north. The project uses Caltrans funds and the cultural resources report was prepared in Caltrans format. A separate historic properties report was prepared as well. Prepared for Huitt-Zollars Engineering. Via Ballena Storm Drain Relocation, City of San Clemente, Orange County, CA: 2013 Mr. O’Neil directed and conducted archaeological field survey, cultural resource records search, Native American contacts and report writing for this project. This residential area has a damaged ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 storm drain under Via Ballena that was causing earth movement and erosion. The requirements for state funding, and cultural resources inventory report was required. Prepared for the City of San Clemente. Pine Canyon Road – Three Points Road to Lake Hughes Road, Los Angeles County, CA: 2013 Mr. O’Neil directed and conducted archaeological field survey, cultural resource records search, Native American contacts and report writing for this project. This nine-mile portion of Pine Canyon Road lies partially within the Angeles National Forest. A series of widening and culvert repairs is planned by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW). An assessment was made of possible cultural resources, historic and prehistoric that may be affected by the construction, and four historic sites were recorded. Prepared for LACDPW. Alton Parkway Extension Project, Cities of Irvine and Lake Forest, Orange County, CA: 2012 Mr. O’Neil directed and conducted archaeological and paleontological monitoring, archaeological excavation, cultural resource records search, Native American contacts and report writing for this project. Alton Parkway was extended 2.1 miles between the cities of Irvine and Lake Forest. For the portion within the City of Irvine, UltraSystems conducted monitoring and excavation services. One prehistoric site was excavated and reported on; a series of living features were discovered and also reported. The final monitoring report described the paleontological and archaeological findings. A separate technical report on the archaeological excavations was also prepared. Mr. O’Neil directed research into historic and prehistoric background and prepared the final assessment of potential impacts. Prepared for the Orange County Department of Public Works. NEPA and CEQA Documentation, Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS), Los Angeles County, CA: 2011-2014 Mr. O’Neil is part of the UltraSystems team currently preparing technical studies and NEPA and CEQA documentation toward the construction of LA-RICS, an $800-million emergency communications system due to be operational in 2016. LA-RICS will provide a highly-coordinated emergency communications system to all first responders to natural and man-made disasters throughout Los Angeles County. Mr. O’Neil is the cultural and historical resources studies team leader, directing five researchers. These studies include coordination of field visits to all 260-plus locations for an archaeologist and/or an architectural historian with agency escorts to observe and record any onsite prehistoric and historic features, performing records and literature searches at archaeology information centers and local archives, contacting local agencies for historically listed structures and districts, coordinate public notices of the project throughout Los Angeles County, consultation with the Native American Heritage Commission and all local tribal organizations, and direct consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). This information was compiled by Mr. O’Neil and is used to prepare FCC historical resource forms which were submitted to the SHPO for review. ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Megan B. Doukakis Archaeological Technician Education ▪ M.A. Public Archaeology, California State University, Northridge, 2019 ▪ B.A., Anthropology, California State University, Long Beach, 2011 ▪ University of California, Los Angeles- Pimu Catalina Archaeological Field School, 2010 ▪ International Scholar Laureate Program: Delegation on Anthropology and Archaeology in China, 2009 ▪ Earthwatch Institute, “Unearthing Mallorca’s Past” archaeological excavation, Mallorca, Spain, 2005 Professional and Institutional Affiliations ▪ Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, 2011 ▪ Sigma Alpha Lambda, National Leadership and Honor Organization, 2010 ▪ Society for California Archaeology Membership 2012-2015 Professional Experience Ms. Black has worked in the field of cultural resource management for five years at environmental firms. Before this Ms. Black had participated in multiple field schools in Southern California and abroad. She has experience in survey, excavation, laboratory work, and information searches. Ms. Black holds the title of Archaeological Technician at UltraSystems Environmental. Prior to this, she completed a CRM internship at UltraSystems. These positions have provided her with the opportunity to contribute to proposals, final reports, project scheduling, archaeological record searches and paleontological, archaeological and Native American monitor organizing for projects. Select project experience Results of the Condition Assessment, Site Monitoring, and Effects Treatment Plan (CASMET) Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, CA Client: Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Duration: 5/11 to 9/11 Ms. Black conducted survey and excavation for the USMC Base Camp Pendleton condition assessment project. Areas were tested around Camp Pendleton for the presence and condition of cultural material previously recorded. She also conducted laboratory work and curation for the material collected within excavations. Ms. Black contributed to the final report with background records searches and prehistoric and historic background writing for the report. Archaeological Excavation Results Report for the Alton Parkway Extension Project, Orange County, CA Client: Orange County Department of Public Works; Contract: $357,170, 10/10 to 6/12 Ms. Black participated in the Alton Parkway project, City of Irvine, Orange County, CA. She was responsible for cleaning and cataloging the artifacts recovered from the excavation and surface collections. She also contributed to the final report by compiling the historical background information. ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 4 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Identification and Evaluation of Historic Properties ADA Wheelchair Access Ramp Improvement Project, City of Lake Forest, Orange County, CA Client: City of Lake Forest/Penco, Contract: $2,981.62, Duration: 6/12 to 7/12 Ms. Black contributed to the cultural resource records search, field survey, Native American contacts and report writing for this project. This residential area required wheelchair access ramps on every corner in this neighborhood. An assessment of the possible cultural resources that may be affected with this construction was made for the City of Lake Forest. Ms. Black contributed the historic and prehistoric background, and the assessment of the possible resources in the area. Tenaska Solar Projects Imperial Solar Energy Center–South; Imperial Solar Energy Center– West; and Wistaria Ranch, Imperial County, CA Client: Tenaska/CSOLAR Development, Contract: $3,441,809, 10/13 to 8/15. Ms. Black conducted Native American contacts for field monitoring, coordinated with subcontractors to initiate cultural and paleontological field surveys, for the several solar energy projects being handled by UltraSystems Environmental in the El Centro area, Imperial County, CA. She contributed different parts of the survey report and monitoring program documents, including historic and prehistoric background, editorial review. At ISEC- West, Ms. Black was responsible for contacting and organizing Tribal monitors for this project. She contacted tribal organizations and inquired about their interest in providing tribal monitors for this project. Ms. Black directly organized with Native American groups to sign agreements, and fill out tax paperwork. She was also responsible for organizing and keeping track of and gathering field log from monitors from six tribal groups. She also recovered previously recorded artifacts in the field before the start of the project. NEPA and CEQA Documentation, Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System - Long Term Evolution, Los Angeles County, CA Client: LARICS Joint Powers Authority, Contract: $3,051,312, 1/12 to 1/15. UltraSystems’ team prepared technical studies and NEPA and CEQA documentation toward the construction of LA-RICS-LTE, an $800-million emergency communications system that will provide a highly coordinated emergency communications system to all first-responders to natural and man- made disasters throughout Los Angeles County. For this project Ms. Black conducted record searches at the South Central Coastal Information Center for the Department of Commerce on over 300 project sites throughout the County of Los Angeles. She helped prepare letters to the NAHC and tribal organizations associated with the project area. Ms. Black contributed to contacting, organizing, and scheduling architectural historians to conduct historical research around the project areas. Letters were written for contact to local agencies and cities. A public notice was constructed and published in three local newspapers. Ms. Black also constructed hundreds of Federal Communications Commission 620 and 621 forms for submission to California State Historic Preservation Office. Newton Canyon Monitoring Project, CA Client: County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Contract: $2,930.00, Duration: 7/13 to 12/13 Ms. Black was an archaeological monitor for this project. She monitored all ground disturbing activities as well as lightly surveying the area for cultural material. Ms. Black also conducted the records center research at the South Central Coastal Information Center at CSUF. Through email, letter, and telephone correspondence, Ms. Black contacted the NAHC and associated tribal groups. ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 5 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 6 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 7 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 8 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 9 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 10 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENTS ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment B, Page 11 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ATTACHMENT C Native American Heritage Commission Records Search and Native American Contacts ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment C, Page 1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment C, Page 2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment C, Page 3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment C, Page 4 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment C, Page 5 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment C, Page 6 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment C, Page 7 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 PA 27 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING – ADDENDUM 6, WESTGATE SPECIFIC PLAN FEIR PROJECT CITY OF FONTANA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA [UltraSystems (UEI) Project #7170G] Native American Contact Log Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments Cameron Vela, Asst. Government Program Analyst Native American Heritage Commission N/A December 12, 2024. September 23, 2022; February 22, 2023 Request for Sacred Lands File search and local Native American representatives contact information. Response received February 22, 2023 (for project 7170A). The NAHC response to information request for 7170A covers the same area as 7170G – PA 27 and this tribal contact list and SLF search was utilized for the current project. Reid Milanovich, Chairperson Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response from Claritsa Duarte, Cultural Resources Analyst for the tribe on January 16, 2024, indicating that the project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. Patricia Garcia- Plotkin, THPO Director Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response received from Luz Salazar, Cultural Resources Analyst for the tribe on January 10, 2024, indicating that the project is not located within the ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. Amanda Vance, Chairperson Augustine Band of Cahuilla Mission Indian January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response received from Ana Rios, Administrative Assistant for the tribe on January 16, 2024, indicating that the tribe is unaware of specific cultural resources that may be affected by the proposed project. However, in the event, they should discover any cultural resources during the development of this project the tribe would like to be informed for further evaluation. Doug Welmas, Chairperson Cabazon Band of Mission Indian January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024, there was no answer and a message was left. No response to date. Daniel Salgado, Chairperson Cahuilla Band of Indian January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; the receptionist said that Mr. Salgado was not in and the call was transferred to the Cultural Department where Ms. Gregory asked that the letter be forwarded to her ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments for review and comment. The letter was sent to her email the same day. No response to date. Andrew Salas, Chairperson Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024, there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. Anthony Morales, Chairperson Gabrieleno / Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024, and Mr. Morales indicated that area has religious and cultural significance found in the tribe’s oral history. As result, he recommends tribal monitoring and a qualified archeologist on site when ground disturbance begins. He mentioned that he would like to personally assist with monitoring when development begins and requests that the tribe be kept always updated and notified of any potential discoveries. Sandonne Goad, Chairperson Gabrieleno / Tongva Nation January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer and the inbox ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 4 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments was full so no message could be left. Christina Conley, Tribal Consultant and Administrator Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response was received from Ms. Conley for the tribe on January 10, 2024, indicating that they have no comment. Robert Dorame, Chairperson Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response was received January 10, 2024 from Ms. Conley – see above. Charles Alvarez, Chairperson Gabrieleno- Tongva Nation January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer. Phone line disconnected and so no m4ssage could be left. Ray Chapparosa, Chairperson Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeño Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response received from Dorothy Willis on January 10, 2024, indicating that the project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. Ann Brierty, THPO Morongo Band of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 5 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. Robert Martin, Chairperson Morongo Band of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. Shasta Gaughen, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Pala Band of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. Mark Macarro, Chairperson Pechanga Band of Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. . Paul Macarro, Cultural Resources Coordinator Pechanga Band of Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 6 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments was left. No response to date. Jill McCormick, Historic Preservation Officer Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, the phone line disconnected and so unable to leave a message. See Manfred Scott below. Manfred Scott, Acting Chairman Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. Later that day, Mr. Scott returned the call and stated that the tribe has no comment and would refer to the more local tribes in the area. Joseph Hamilton, Chairperson Ramona Band of Cahuilla January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. John Gomez, Environmen- tal Coordinator Ramona Band of Cahuilla January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 7 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments was left. No response to date. Bo Mazzetti, Chairperson Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response was received January 16, 2024 from Ms. Pelton – see below. Cheryl Madrigal, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response from Deneen Pelton, Cultural Resources Department Coordinator for the tribe was received January 16, 2024, indicating that the project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area, and they defer to the other tribes in the area. Jessica Mauck, Director of Cultural Resources San Manuel Band of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 N/A Letter and email Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. An email response from Raylene Borrego, Cultural Resources Technician for the tribe was received January 19, 2024, indicating the proposed project site is considered culturally sensitive by the Tribe due to its proximity to previously recorded sites. As the area is of concern, the Tribe will wish to engage in government-to- government consultation pursuant to AB 52 with the Lead Agency for the project. She also mentioned that Jessica ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 8 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments Mauck is no longer working for the tribe and to direct all matters pertaining to cultural resources to Alexandra McCleary, Senior Manager of Cultural Resources Management. She can be contacted via email Alexandra.mccleary@san maunel-nsn.gov or by phone (909) 864-8933 ext. 2023. Lovina Redner, Acting Chair Santa Rosa Band of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message could not be left as the answering machine never went to voicemail. Mark Cochrane, Co- Chairperson Serrano Nation of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. Wayne Walker, Co- Chairperson Serrano Nation of Mission Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. Joseph Ontiveros, Cultural Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 9 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Name Tribe/Affiliati on Letter Contacts E-mail Contacts Telephone Contacts Comments Resource Department concerns was sent January 9, 2024. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; Mr. Ontiveros answered and indicated that the tribe would defer to San Manuel and the San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians. Isaiah Vivanco, Chairperson Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. See Ontiveros reply above. Cultural Committee Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 January 26, 2024 Letter and email describing project and requesting input on concerns was sent January 9, 2024. No response. A phone call was made on January 26, 2024; there was no answer, and a message was left. No response to date. ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 10 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 From: THPO Consulting <ACBCI-THPO@aguacaliente.net> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 1:10 PM To: Steve Oneil <soneil@ultrasystems.com> Subject: Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Greetings, A records check of the Tribal Historic Preservation Office’s cultural registry revealed that this project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area. Therefore, we defer to the other tribes in the area. This letter shall conclude our consultation efforts. Thank you, Claritsa Duarte Cultural Resources Analyst cduarte@aguacaliente.net C: (760) 985-7538 | D: (760) 883-1134 5401 Dinah Shore Drive, Palm Springs, CA 92264 Good afternoon Clarita, Thank you for your response on behalf of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians regarding the Westgate Specific Plan EIR project. Your reply will be included in the cultural resources report under preparation. Know that our letter and email to you is outreach inquiring if the tribe knows of resources in the project are, and is not related to AB 52 consultation which is conducted by the Lead Agency. Also, UltraSystems is conducting several studies within the Westgate Specific Plan area. Is your reply regarding the one designated Project 7170-G for Parcel Area 27? Thank you, Stephen O'Neil | Cultural Resources Manager | M.A./RPA UltraSystems Environmental | WBE/DBE/SBE/WOSB 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Office 949.788.4900 ext. 276 Fax 949.788.4901 Cell 949.677.2391 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 11 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Greetings, A records check of the Tribal Historic Preservation Office’s cultural registry revealed that this project is not located within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area. Therefore, we defer to the other tribes in the area. This letter shall conclude our consultation efforts. Best Regards, Luz Salazar Cultural Resources Analyst lsalazar@aguacaliente.net C: (760) 423-3148 | D: (760) 883-1137 5401 Dinah Shore Drive, Palm Springs, CA 92264 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 12 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 13 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 From: Anadalia Rios <ARios@augustinetribe.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 11:53 AM To: Steve Oneil <soneil@ultrasystems.com> Subject: Cultural Resources Inventory Hello, Please see the attached cultural resource response letter. Thank you, Ana Rios Administrative Assistant Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians Office: (760) 398-4722 Ext 7498 Cell: (760) 450-3883 Email: ARios@augustinetribe.com Website: augustinetribe-nsn.gov Ms. Rios, Thank you for your response on behalf of the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians to the 7170G project in Fontana. Your letter will be included in the project’s cultural resources report. Stephen O'Neil | Cultural Resources Manager | M.A./RPA UltraSystems Environmental | WBE/DBE/SBE/WOSB 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Office 949.788.4900 ext. 276 Fax 949.788.4901 Cell 949.677.2391 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 14 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Good afternoon, We have no comment. Take care, Christina tehoovet taamet C H R I S T I N A C O N L E Y •Native American Monitor - Caretaker of our Ancestral Water and Land •Cultural Resource Administrator Under Tribal Chair, Robert Dorame (Most Likely Descendant) of Pimugna (Catalina Island) •Native American Heritage Commission Contact •Fully qualified as a California State Recognized Native American Tribe fulfilling SB18, AB52 Compliance Regulations •HAZWOPER Certified •626.407.8761 https://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/lac/1137966_AREPORTONHARMSCountyofLosAngeles.pdf __________________________________________________________ G A B R I E L I N O T O N G V A I N D I A N S O F C A L I F O R N I A The Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California tribe is traditionally and culturally recognized in the State of California Bill AJR96 as the aboriginal tribe to encompass the entire Los Angeles Basin area to Laguna Beach, extending to the Channel Islands of Santa Catalina, San Nicholas and San Clemente Islands NAHC recognizes GTIOC Tribal Territory ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 15 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 From: Dorothy Willis <dwillis@loscoyotesband.org> Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 9:12 AM To: Rodrigo Jacobo <rjacobo@ultrasystems.com> Cc: Steve Oneil <soneil@ultrasystems.com>; Megan Black <mblack@ultrasystems.com> Subject: RE: Project 7170G - Cultural Resources Study, Westgate PA-27 Medical Office Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Good Day, I have received, reviewed, and logged. Due to the project location, the tribe will defer to the local tribe. Thank you, Dorothy Willis Los Coyotes Band of Indians Good morning Ms. Willis, Thank you for your reply on behalf of the Los Coyotes Band of Indians concerning the Westgate PA-27 project in Fontana. Your response will be included in the cultural resources report being prepared. Respectfully yours, Stephen O'Neil | Cultural Resources Manager | M.A./RPA UltraSystems Environmental | WBE/DBE/SBE/WOSB 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Office 949.788.4900 ext. 276 Fax 949.788.4901 Cell 949.677.2391 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 16 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 From: Deneen Pelton <DPelton@rincon-nsn.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 1:20 PM To: Steve Oneil <soneil@ultrasystems.com> Cc: Cheryl Madrigal <CMadrigal@rincon-nsn.gov>; Shuuluk Linton <slinton@rincon-nsn.gov> Subject: Westgate Specific Plan, Fantana, San Bernardino County Greetings, This email is written on behalf of Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians, (“Rincon Band” or “Band”), a federally recognized Indian Tribe and sovereign government. The Band has received the notification for the above referenced project. The location identified within project documents is not within the Band’s specific Area of Historic Interest (AHI). At this time, we have no additional information to provide. We recommend that you directly contact a Tribe that is closer to the project and may have pertinent information. Thank you for submitting this project for Tribal review. If you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenience at (760) 749-1092 or via electronic mail at crd@rincon-nsn.gov. Thank you for the opportunity to protect and preserve our cultural assets. Deneen Pelton Cultural Resources Department Coordinator Cultural Resources Department Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians 1 West Tribal Road | Valley Center, CA 92082 Office: (760) 749 1092 ext. 323|Cell: 760-705-7304 Fax: 760-888-2016 Email: dpelton@rincon-nsn.gov ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 17 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 From: Steve Oneil <soneil@ultrasystems.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 3:06 PM To: Deneen Pelton <DPelton@rincon-nsn.gov> Cc: Cheryl Madrigal <CMadrigal@rincon-nsn.gov>; Shuuluk Linton <slinton@rincon-nsn.gov>; Rodrigo Jacobo <rjacobo@ultrasystems.com> Subject: RE: Westgate Specific Plan, Fantana, San Bernardino County - project 7170-G PA 27 Good afternoon Deneen, Thank you for your response on behalf of the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians regarding the Westgate Specific Plan EIR project. Your reply will be included in the cultural resources report under preparation. Also, UltraSystems is conducting several studies within the Westgate Specific Plan area. Is your reply regarding the one designated Project 7170-G for Parcel Area 27? Thank you, Stephen O'Neil | Cultural Resources Manager | M.A./RPA UltraSystems Environmental | WBE/DBE/SBE/WOSB 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Office 949.788.4900 ext. 276 Fax 949.788.4901 Cell 949.677.2391 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 18 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 From: Deneen Pelton <DPelton@rincon-nsn.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 3:24 PM To: Steve Oneil <soneil@ultrasystems.com> Cc: Cheryl Madrigal <CMadrigal@rincon-nsn.gov>; Shuuluk Linton <slinton@rincon-nsn.gov>; Rodrigo Jacobo <rjacobo@ultrasystems.com> Subject: RE: Westgate Specific Plan, Fantana, San Bernardino County - project 7170-G PA 27 Hello Steve, Yes, it is 7170-G PA27. Thank you, Deneen Pelton Cultural Resources Department Coordinator Cultural Resources Department Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians 1 West Tribal Road | Valley Center, CA 92082 Office: (760) 749 1092 ext. 323|Cell: 760-705-7304 Fax: 760-888-2016 Email: dpelton@rincon-nsn.gov Thaks for confirming that. Steve Stephen O'Neil | Cultural Resources Manager | M.A./RPA UltraSystems Environmental | WBE/DBE/SBE/WOSB 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Office 949.788.4900 ext. 276 Fax 949.788.4901 Cell 949.677.2391 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 19 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 From: Raylene Borrego <Raylene.Borrego@sanmanuel-nsn.gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 4:41 PM To: Steve Oneil <soneil@ultrasystems.com> Subject: Response to Information Request: Project 7170G - Cultural Resources Study, Westgate PA-27 Medical Office Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Dear Stephen, Thank you for contacting the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians concerning the proposed project area. San Manuel appreciates the opportunity to review the project documentation received by the Cultural Resources Management Department on January 9th, 2024. Based on our current knowledge, the proposed project site is considered culturally sensitive by the Tribe due to its proximity to previously recorded sites. As the area is of concern, the Tribe will wish to engage in government-to-government consultation pursuant to AB 52 with the Lead Agency for the project. Also, I’d like to update the Tribe’s principal point of contact for matters pertaining to Cultural Resources, as Ms. Mauck is no longer working for SMBMI. For all CRM matters please address Alexandra McCleary, Senior Manager of Cultural Resources Management. You can contact her via email Alexandra.mccleary@sanmaunel-nsn.gov or by phone (909) 864-8933 ext. 2023. Thank you again for your correspondence, if you have any additional questions or comments please reach out to me at your earliest convenience. Regards, Raylene Borrego Cultural Resources Technician Raylene.Borrego@sanmanuel-nsn.gov O:(909) 864-8933 x 50-2035 M: (909) 737-3349 26569 Community Center Dr Highland, California 92346 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D, Page 20 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 Good morning Raylene, Thank you for your reply on behalf of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians concerning the Westgate PA 27 project. Thank you for letting me know thar Ms. Mauck is no longer with the SMBMI and to include Alesandra McCleary in the future. I expect you have let the NAHC know this change so they will include McCleary’s contact when we request future contact lists. I expect that the Lead Agency, the City of Fontana, will reach out to you concerning AB 52 consultation. Respectfully yours, Stephen O'Neil | Cultural Resources Manager | M.A./RPA UltraSystems Environmental | WBE/DBE/SBE/WOSB 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Office 949.788.4900 ext. 276 Fax 949.788.4901 Cell 949.677.2391 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ATTACHMENT D CHRIS RECORDS SEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D Page 1 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D Page 2 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024 ❖ ATTACHMENT ❖ 7170G/PA 27 Medical Building, Westgate Specific Plan FEIR Project Attachment D Page 3 Cultural Resources Inventory January 2024