HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp N Trip Generation amd VMT Screening Analysis Urban Planning ■ Due Diligence ■ Entitlements ■ CEQA/NEPA ■ Development Services ■ Management ■ Public Outreach 3333 Michelson Dr, Suite 500 ■ Irvine, Calif. 92612 949.794.1180 ■ info@epdsolutions.com Date: March 1, 2024 Prepared by: Meghan Macias TE, Maryam Javanmardi To: City of Fontana Engineering Department Site: 16025 Slover Avenue Subject: Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Analysis (EPD 21-130)- Application Case Number: MCN22-105 This technical memorandum evaluates the need to prepare a level of service (LOS), or vehicle miles traveled (VMT) analysis for the proposed industrial project located at 16025 Slover Avenue. This memo also provides, as an attachment, a comparison of the trip generation of the proposed project with site land use that was analyzed as part of the Southwest Industrial Park (SWIP) Traffic Analysis1. The purpose of the comparison is to determine if the project as proposed would have any greater impact than the previously analyzed SWIP land use. This comparison is required to support the conclusions of the project’s evaluation under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The proposed project would replace McKinney Trailer Rental, four specialty trade contractors, and two single family houses with a 385,970 SF high-cube warehouse at the southwest corner of Citrus Avenue and Slover Avenue in the City of Fontana. The project site plan is shown in Figure 1. This memo will evaluate the project using the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines (October 21, 2020). Project Trip Generation Comparison with Existing Site Uses A trip generation analysis comparing the proposed project’s trip generation to the existing site uses was also prepared. Existing trips generated by the land uses currently on-site were reduced from the project trip generation. The trip rates for McKinney Trailer Rentals were taken from a trip generation survey taken at the McKinney Trailer Rental Facility Located at 10641 Calabash Avenue, Fontana, on Wednesday August 7, 2019. The existing land uses include small businesses that include automobile storage, engineering supplies, sign suppliers, a construction contractor and pool service. To estimate the trips generated by these uses, the rate for Specialty Trade Contractor (Land Use Code 180) from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) was used. Specialty Trade Contractor is defined by ITE as a business primarily involved in providing contract repairs and services to meet industrial or residential needs and includes business that provide services such as home repairs, industrial supplies, locksmith services and cleaning. To estimate two single family houses project trip generation, Single Family Detached Housing (Land Use Code 210) trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) were used. The reduction in the number of trips generated by the proposed Project occurred because the number of trips generated by Single Family use is less than the previous use, which was Specialty Trade Contractors. Traffic counts are provided in Attachment A. As shown in Table 1, the project would generate 24 new PCE trips during the AM peak hour and 31 new PCE trips during the PM peak hour. As shown in Tables 1, the Project, while anticipated to generate more daily, AM, and PM peak hour PCE trips than the existing use, is anticipated to generate fewer than 50 new peak hour trips, as indicated in Table 1. Therefore, per the City’s TIA guidelines, the project would not be required to prepare a LOS traffic analysis. 1 Southwest Industrial Park Project Traffic Analysis, RBF Consulting, September 29, 2011. 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 2 | Page VMT Screening Analysis Senate Bill (SB) 743 was signed by Governor Brown in 2013 and required the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to amend the CEQA Guidelines to provide an alternative to LOS for evaluating Transportation impacts. SB743 specified that the new criteria should promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of multimodal transportation networks and a diversity of land uses. The bill also specified that delay-based level of service could no longer be considered an indicator of a significant impact on the environment. In response, Section 15064.3 was added to the CEQA Guidelines beginning January 1, 2019. Section 15064.3 - Determining the Significance of Transportation Impacts states that Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) is the most appropriate measure of transportation impacts and provides lead agencies with the discretion to choose the most appropriate methodology and thresholds for evaluating VMT. City of Fontana VMT Screening Section 12.2 of the City’s Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines provides VMT screening thresholds to identify projects that would be considered to have a less-than significant impact on VMT and therefore could be screened out from further analysis. If a project meets one of the following criteria, then the VMT impact of the project would be considered less-than significant and no further analysis of VMT would be required: 1. The project is located within a Transit Priority Area (TPA). 2. The project is located in a low VMT generating area. 3. The project is considered a local-serving land use. 4. The project net daily trips are less than 500 ADT. The applicability of each criterion to the project is discussed below. Screening Criteria 1 - Transit Priority Area (TPA) Screening: According to the City’s guidelines, projects located in a TPA may be presumed to have a less than significant impact. The project is not located in a TPA; therefore the project would not satisfy the requirements of Screening Criteria 1 – TPA screening. Screening Criteria 2 - Low VMT Area Screening: The City’s guidelines include a screening threshold for projects located in a low VMT generating area. Low VMT generating area is defined as traffic analysis zones (TAZs) with a total daily VMT/Service Population (employment plus population) that is 15% less than the baseline level for the County. The project’s site was evaluated using the SBCTA VMT Screening Tool (SBCTA VMT Screening Tool (arcgis.com)). As shown in Figure 2, the Countywide VMT/Service Population is 33.3 and the VMT/Service Population for the project zone is 47.04. The VMT/Service Population of the project zone is above the County average. Therefore, the project would not meet Screening Criteria 2 – Low-VMT Area Screening. Screening Criteria 3 – Low Project Type: According to the City’s guidelines, projects which propose local serving retail (retail projects less than 50,000 SF) or other local serving uses would have a less than significant impact on VMT. The types of projects considered local serving include supermarkets, hair/nail salon, walk-in medical clinics/urgent care, K-12 schools, day care centers, and community institutions such as libraries, fire stations, etc. The project does not propose a local serving land use and therefore would not satisfy the requirements of screening criteria 3. Screening Criteria 4 – Net Daily Trips less than 500 ADT: According to the City’s guidelines, projects which would generate fewer than 500 average daily trips (ADT) would not cause a substantial increase in the total citywide or regional VMT. As shown in Table 1, the project would generate an increase of 309 daily trips when compared to the existing land uses. Because the project would generate an increase of less than 500 ADT when compared to the existing land use, it is presumed to have a less than significant impact on VMT and further analysis would not be required. Project Site Access Regional access to the Project site is provided by Interstate 10 (I-10) from Citrus Avenue exits, or from State Route 60 (SR-60) from the Country Village Road exit, and Interstate 15 (I-15) off the E Jurupa Avenue exit. 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 3 | Page Local Access to the Project site is provided via two truck driveways (one on Catawba Avenue and one on Slover Avenue) and three automobile driveways (one on Catawba Avenue and two on Citrus Avenue). Trucks are expected to enter and exit the site primarily from Slover Avenue. Truck trip distributions and trip assignments are shown on Figures 3 and 4 respectively. Automobile trip distributions are shown in Figure 5. Summary As shown in Table 1, the Project, while anticipated to generate more daily, AM, and PM peak hour PCE trips than the existing use, is anticipated to generate fewer than 50 new peak hour trips. Therefore, per the City’s TIA guidelines, the project would not be required to prepare a LOS traffic analysis. The project was evaluated using the City of Fontana VMT screening thresholds to determine if the project would require a vehicle mile traveled (VMT) analysis. The project would generate an increase of less than 500 ADT when compared to the previously analyzed and approved land use. Therefore, the project VMT impacts would be considered less than significant and further analysis of VMT would not be required. If you have any questions about this information, please contact me at (949) 794-1186 or meghan@epdsolutions.com. 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 4 | Page Figure 1: Project Site Plan Source: HPA 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 5 | Page Figure 2: Low VMT Area Screening 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 6 | Page Figure 3: Truck Trip Distribution 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 7 | Page Figure 4: Truck Trip Assignment 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 8 | Page Figure 5: Automobile Trip Distribution 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis 9 | Page Table 1: Proposed Project Compared to Existing Site Uses Land Use Units Daily In Out Total In Out Total Trip Rates Warehousing1 TSF 1.71 0.13 0.04 0.17 0.05 0.13 0.18 McKinney Trailer Rental Survey 2 AC 15.33 1.26 0.52 1.78 0.44 1.19 1.63 Specialty Trade Contractor 3 TSF 9.82 1.23 0.43 1.66 0.62 1.31 1.93 Single Family Detached Housing 4 DU 16.60 1.38 0.53 1.91 0.80 1.26 2.06 Proposed Project Trip Generation High-Cube Transload and Short-Term Storage 385.970 TSF 660 51 15 66 19 50 69 Vehicle Mix5 Percent5 Passenger Vehicles 79.57%525 41 12 53 15 40 55 2-Axle truck 3.46%23 2 0 2 1 1 2 3-Axle truck 4.64%31 2 1 3 1 2 3 4+-Axle Trucks 12.33%81 6 2 8 2 7 9100%660 51 15 66 19 50 69 PCE Trip Generation6 PCE Factor6 Passenger Vehicles 1.0 525 41 12 53 15 40 55 2-Axle truck 2.0 46 4 0 4 2 2 4 3-Axle truck 2.5 78 5 3 8 3 5 8 4+-Axle Trucks 3.0 243 18 6 24 6 21 27 892 68 21 89 26 68 94 Proposed Project Trip Generation 660 51 15 66 19 50 69 Proposed PCE Trip Generation 892 68 21 89 26 68 94 Existing Trip Generation McKinney Trailer Rentals Fontana 13.73 AC 16025 Slover Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Survey Trip Rate2 Passenger Vehicles 5.70 0.59 0.00 0.59 0.00 0.74 0.74 2-Axle truck 3.04 0.37 0.15 0.52 0.07 0.07 0.15 3-Axle truck 2.67 0.07 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.37 4+-Axle Trucks 3.93 0.22 0.22 0.44 0.15 0.22 0.3715.33 1.26 0.52 1.78 0.44 1.19 1.63 Trip Generation Passenger Vehicles 78 8 0 8 0 10 10 2-Axle truck 42 5 2 7 1 1 2 3-Axle truck 37 1 2 3 3 2 5 4+-Axle Trucks 54 3 3 6 2 3 52111772461622 PCE Trip Generation6 PCE Factor6 Passenger Vehicles 1.0 78 8 0 8 0 10 10 2-Axle truck 2.0 63 8 3 11 2 1 3 3-Axle truck 2.5 73 2 4 6 6 4 10 4+-Axle Trucks 3.0 162 9 9 18 6 9 15 376 27 16 43 14 24 38 Specialty Trade Contractor Trip Generation 3 10.9 TSF 107 13 5 18 7 14 21 Single Family Detached Housing Trip Generation 4 2 DU 33 3 1 4 2 3 4 Existing Project Trip Generation 351 33 13 46 14 33 47 Existing PCE Trip Generation 516 43 22 65 22 41 63 Net Trip Generation 309 18 2 20 5 17 22 Net PCE Trip Generation 376 25 -1 24 4 27 31 TSF = Thousand Square Feet DU = Dwelling Units PCE = Passenger Car Equivalent 5 Vehicle Mix from the City of Fontana, Truck Trip Generation Study, August 2003 for Heavy Warehouses. 6 Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) factors from the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines, 2020. 1 Trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, 11th Edition, 2021. Land Use Code 150 - Warehousig. 2 Trip rates from McKinney Trailer Rentals Fontana Survey - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 3 Trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021. Land Use Code 180 - Specialty Trade Contractor. 4 Trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021. Land Use Code 210 - Single Family Detached Housing. AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis Attachment A – Traffic Counts 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis Attachment B – Project Trip Generation Comparison with the SWIP Specific Plan The Maximum FAR in the SWIP for industrial uses is 0.55; therefore, the 748,346 SF site under the SWIP was analyzed at 411,590 SF of warehouse as follows: 748,346 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓2 ∗0.55 =411,590 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓2 The SWIP was analyzed in the previous traffic analysis using trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 8th Edition. To make an appropriate comparison, Table 2: Approved SWIP Trip Generation shows the site analyzed as a 411,590 SF warehouse using the previous ITE 8th edition trip rates and the current ITE 11th edition trip rates, and Table 3: Proposed Project Trip Generation shows the proposed 385,970 SF warehouse using the previous ITE 8th edition and the current ITE 11th edition trip rates. It should be noted that the project is more than 200,000 SF and therefore the rates for High-Cube Transload and Short-Term Storage Warehouse would apply. However, rates for High Cube Transload and Short-Term Storage Warehouse were not used in the SWIP traffic analysis, therefore, to provide a comparative analysis, the trip generation evaluation will evaluate the project as “Warehouse”, consistent with the SWIP traffic analysis. Table 4 provides a comparison of the project trip generation to the previously analyzed project. As shown in Table 4, the proposed project would generate fewer trips on this site than the previously approved SWIP using both the 8th and 11th edition Warehouse rates, therefore no new impacts would occur that were not disclosed in the previous analysis. It should be noted that the project will pay all applicable traffic impact fees, which would be used to fund the local and regional transportation system. These fees are intended to mitigate the cumulative traffic effects of land development projects. 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis Table 2: Approved SWIP Trip Generation 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis Table 3: Proposed Project Trip Generation 16025 Slover Avenue Warehouse Trip Generation and VMT Screening Analysis Table 4: Comparison of Previously Analyzed and Proposed Project Trips