HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp A MMRP Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Introduction The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a lead or public agency that approves or carries out a project for which an Mitigated Negative Declaration has been certified which identifies one or more significant adverse environmental effects and where findings with respect to changes or alterations in the project have been made, to adopt a “…reporting or monitoring program for the changes to the project which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment” (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21081, 21081.6). A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) is required to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are successfully implemented. The City of Fontana is the Lead Agency for the project and is responsible for implementation of the MMRP. This report describes the MMRP for the Project and identifies the parties that will be responsible for monitoring implementation of the individual mitigation measures in the MMRP. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program The MMRP for the Project will be active through all phases of the Project, including design, construction, and operation. The attached table identifies the mitigation program required to be implemented by the City for the Project. The table identifies mitigation measures required by the City to mitigate or avoid significant impacts associated with the implementation of the Project, the timing of implementation, and the responsible party or parties for monitoring compliance. The MMRP also includes a column that will be used by the compliance monitor (individual responsible for monitoring compliance) to document when implementation of the measure is completed. As individual Plan, Program, Policies; and mitigation measures are completed, the compliance monitor will sign and date the MMRP, indicating that the required actions have been completed. Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-2 This page intentionally left blank. Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-3 TABLE 1: MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials AIR QUALITY MM 4.2-1a: All construction equipment shall be maintained in good operation condition so as to reduce emissions. The construction contractor shall ensure that all construction equipment is being properly serviced and maintained as per the manufacturer’s specification. Maintenance records shall be available at the construction site for City verification. Ongoing Throughout the Life of the Project’s Construction. Maintenance Records Shall be Available for City Verification. City of Fontana Building and Safety MM 4.2-1b: Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, all applicants shall submit construction plans to the City of Fontana denoting the proposed schedule and projected equipment use. Construction contractors shall provide evidence that low emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized, or that their use was investigated and found to be infeasible for the project. Contractors shall also conform to any construction measures imposed by the SCAQMD as well as City Planning Staff. Submit Construction Plans and Construction Schedule. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit. City of Fontana Building Department MM 4.2-1c: All paints and coatings shall meet or exceed performance standards noted in SCAQMD Rule 1113. Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1113 City of Fontana Building Department MM 4.2-1d: Projects that result in the construction of more than 19 single- family residential units, 40 multifamily residential units, or 45,000 square feet of retail/commercial/industrial space shall be required to apply paints either by hand or high-volume low pressure (HVLP) spray. These measures may reduce volatile organic compounds (VOC) associated with the application of paints and coatings by an estimated 60 to 75 percent. Alternatively, the contractor may specify the use of low volatility paints and coatings. Several of currently available primers have VOC contents of less than 0.85 pounds per gallon (e.g., Comply with Painting Methods and Restrictions. During Construction. City of Fontana Building Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-4 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials dulux professional exterior primer 100 percent acrylic). Top coats can be less than 0.07 pounds per gallon (8 grams per liter) (e.g., Lifemaster 2000-series). This latter measure would reduce these VOC emissions by more than 70 percent. Larger projects should incorporate both the use of HVLP or hand application and the requirement for low volatility coatings. MM 4.2-1e All asphalt shall meet or exceed performance standards noted in SCAQMD Rule 1108. Compliance with Rule 1108. During Construction. City of Fontana Planning Department MM 4.2-1f: Prior to the issuance of grading permits or approval of grading plans for future development projects within the project area, future developments shall include a dust control plan as part of the construction contract standard specifications. The dust control plan shall include measures to meet the requirements of SCAQMD Rules 402 and 403. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Phase and schedule activities to avoid high-ozone days and first-stage smog alerts. • Discontinue operation during second-stage smog alerts. • All haul trucks shall be covered prior to leaving the site to prevent dust from impacting the surrounding areas. • Comply with AQMD Rule 403, particularly to minimize fugitive dust and noise to surrounding areas. • Moisten soil each day prior to commencing grading to depth of soil cut. • Water exposed surfaces at least twice a day under calm conditions, and as oflen as needed on windy days or during very dry weather in order to maintain a surface crust and minimize the release of visible emissions from the construction site. Complete Dust Control Plan. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit. Compliance with Rule 402 & 403. During Construction. City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-5 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials • Treat any area that will be exposed for extended periods with a soil conditioner to stabilize soil or temporarily plant with vegetation. • Wash mud-covered tires and under carriages of trucks leaving construction sites. • Provide for street sweeping, as needed, on adjacent roadways to remove dirt dropped by construction vehicles or mud, which would otherwise be carried off by trucks departing project sites. • Securely cover all loads of fill coming to the site with a tight-fitting tarp. • Cease grading during periods when winds exceed 25 miles per hour. • Provide for permanent sealing of all graded areas, as applicable, at the earliest practicable time afler soil disturbance. • Use low-sulfur diesel fuel in all equipment. • Use electric equipment whenever practicable. • Shut off engines when not in use. MM 4.2-2c: All industrial and commercial facilities shall post signs requiring that trucks shall not be lefl idling for prolonged periods pursuant to Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 2485, which limits idle times to not more than five minutes. Comply with Title 13 of Calif. Building Code. Prior to Building Occupancy. City of Fontana Building Department MM 4.2-2d: The City shall require that both industrial and commercial uses designate preferential parking for vanpools. Prior to Issuance Occupancy City of Fontana Building Department MM 4.2-1e: The proposed commercial and industrial areas shall incorporate food service. Prior to Bond Release City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-6 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials MM 4.2-1f: All industrial and commercial site tenants with 50 or more employees shall be required to post both bus and MetroLink schedules in conspicuous areas. Prior to Occupancy City of Fontana Planning Department MM 4.2-2g: All industrial and commercial site tenants with 50 or more employees shall be requested to configure their operating schedules around the MetroLink schedule to the extent reasonably feasible. Prior to Occupancy City of Fontana Planning Department MM 4.2-2j: All residential, commercial, and industrial structures shall be required to incorporate light colored roofing materials. Prior to Issuance of Building Permits City of Fontana Planning Department BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MM 4.3-1b: Any future land disturbance for site-specific developments within the Project site shall be conducted outside of the State-identified bird nesting season (February 15 through September 1). If construction during the nesting season must occur, the site shall be evaluated by a City-approved biologist prior to ground disturbance to determine if nesting birds exist on site. If any nests are discovered, the biologist shall delineate an appropriate buffer zone around the nest, depending on the species and type of construction activity. Only construction activities approved by the biologist shall take place within the buffer zone until the nest is vacated. Prior to Construction City of Fontana Building Department MM 4.3-1d: The City shall encourage the preservation of natural habitat in conjunction with private or public development projects. Prior to construction activities City of Fontana Planning Department MM 4.3-1g: Evidence of satisfactory compliance shall be provided by Project Applicant with any required State and/or Federal permits, prior to issuance of grading permits for individual projects. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit City of Fontana Engineering Department CULTURAL RESOURCES MM 4.4-1b: If any historical resources and/or human resources are encountered before or during grading, the developer shall retain a qualified Prior to and during grading if historical City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-7 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials archaeologist to monitor construction activities and to take appropriate measures to protect or preserve them for study. and/or human resources are encountered MM 4.4-2a: A qualified archaeologist shall perform the following tasks, prior to construction activities within project boundaries: • Subsequent to a preliminary City review, if evidence suggests the potential for prehistoric resources, a field survey for prehistoric resources within portions of the project site not previously surveyed for cultural resources shall be conducted. • Subsequent to a preliminary City review, if evidence suggests the potential for sacred land resources, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted for information regarding sacred lands. • All prehistoric resources shall be inventoried using appropriate State record forms and two (2) copies of the completed forms shall be submitted to the San Bernardino County Archaeological Information Center. • The significance and integrity of all prehistoric resources within the project site shall be evaluated using criteria established in the CEQA Guidelines for important archaeological resources. • If human remains are encountered on the project site, the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office shall be contacted within 24 hours of the find, and all work shall be halted until a clearance is given by that office and any other involved agencies. • All resources and data collected within the project site shall be permanently curated at an appropriate repository within the County. Prior to construction activities City of Fontana Planning Department MM 4.4-2b: If any prehistoric archaeological resources are encountered before or during grading, the developer shall retain a qualified archaeologist to monitor construction activities and to take appropriate measures to protect or preserve them for study. With the assistance of the archaeologist, the City of Fontana shall: Prior to and during grading, if archaeological resources are encountered City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-8 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials • Enact interim measures to protect undesignated sites from demolition or significant modification without an opportunity for the City to establish its archaeological value. • Consider establishing provisions to require incorporation of archaeological sites within new developments, using their special qualities as a theme or focal point. • Pursue educating the public about the area’s archaeological heritage. • Propose mitigation measures and recommend conditions of approval (if a local government action) to eliminate adverse Project effects on significant, important, and unique prehistoric resources, following appropriate CEQA guidelines. • Prepare a technical resources management report, documenting the inventory, evaluation, and proposed mitigation of resources within the Project area. Submit one copy of the completed report, with original illustrations, to the San Bernardino County Archaeological Information Center for permanent archiving. MM 4.4-2c: Where consistent with applicable local, State and federal law and deemed appropriate by the City, future site-specific development projects shall consider the following requests by the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians, Morongo Band of Mission Indians and/or other tribes as appropriate: • In the event Native American cultural resources are discovered during construction for future development, all work in the immediate vicinity of the find shall cease and a qualified archaeologist meeting Secretary of Interior standards shall be hired to assess the find. Work on the overall Project may continue during this period; • Initiate consultation between the appropriate Native American tribal entity (as determined by a qualified archaeologist meeting Secretary of Interior standards) and the City/Project Applicant; During construction if cultural resources are discovered City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-9 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials • Transfer cultural resources investigations to the appropriate Native American entity (as determined by a qualified archaeologist meeting Secretary of Interior standards) as soon as possible; • Utilize a Native American Monitor from the appropriate Native American entity (as determined by a qualified archaeologist meeting Secretary of Interior standards) where deemed appropriate or required by the City, during initial ground-disturbing activities, cultural resource surveys, and/or cultural resource excavations. GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES MM 4.4-3a: A qualified paleontologist shall conduct a pre-construction field survey of any Project site within the Specific Plan Update area that is underlain by older alluvium. The paleontologist shall submit a report of findings that provides specific recommendations regarding further mitigation measures (i.e., paleontological monitoring) that may be appropriate. Prior to grading activities City of Fontana Planning Department MM 4.4-3b: Should mitigation monitoring be recommended for a specific project within the Project site (Specific Plan Update), the Mitigation Program shall include, but not be limited to, the following measures: • Assign a paleontological monitor, trained and equipped to allow the rapid removal of fossils with minimal construction delay, to the site full-time during the interval of earth-disturbing activities. • Should fossils be found within an area being cleared or graded, earth- disturbing activities shall be diverted elsewhere until the monitor has completed salvage. If construction personnel make the discovery, the grading contractor shall immediately divert construction and notify the monitor of the find. • All recovered fossils shall be prepared, identified, and curated for documentation in the summary report and transferred to an appropriate depository (i.e., San Bernardino County Museum). Prior to grading activities City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-10 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials • A summary report shall be submitted to City of Fontana. Collected specimens shall be transferred with copy of report to San Bernardino County Museum. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS MM 4.2-5A: Prior to the issuance of building permits, future development projects shall demonstrate the incorporation of project design features that achieve a minimum of 28.5 percent reduction in GHG emissions from business as usual conditions. Future project shall include: Energy Efficiency • Design buildings to be energy efficient and exceed Title 24 requirements by at least 5 percent. • Install efficient lighting and lighting control systems. Site and design building to take advantage of daylight. • Use trees, landscaping and sun screens on west and south exterior building walls to reduce energy use. • Install light colored “cool” roofs and cool pavements. • Provide information on energy management services for large energy users. • Install energy efficient heating and cooling systems, appliances and equipment, and control systems (e.g., minimum of Energy Star rated equipment). • Implement design features to increase the efficiency of the building envelope (i.e., the barrier between conditioned and unconditioned spaces). • Install light emitting diodes (LEDs) for traffic, street, and other outdoor lighting. • Limit the hours of operation of outdoor lighting. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-11 Renewable Energy • Install solar panels on carports and over parking areas. Ensure buildings are designed to have “solar ready” roofs. • Use combined heat and power in appropriate applications. Water Conservation and Efficiency • Create water-efficient landscapes with a preference for a xeriscape landscape palette. • Install water-efficient irrigation systems and devices, such as soil moisture-based irrigation controls. • Design buildings to be water efficient. Install water-efficient fixtures and appliances (e.g., EPA WaterSense labeled products). • Restrict watering methods (e.g., prohibit systems that apply water to non-vegetated surfaces) and control runoff. • Restrict the use of water for cleaning outdoor surfaces and vehicles. • Implement low-impact development practices that maintain the existing hydrologic character of the site to manage storm water and protect the environment. (Retaining storm water runoff on-site can drastically reduce the need for energy-intensive imported water at the site). • Devise a comprehensive water conservation strategy appropriate for the project and location. The strategy may include many of the specific items listed above, plus other innovative measures that are appropriate to the specific project. • Provide education about water conservation and available programs and incentives. Solid Waste Measures Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-12 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials • Reuse and recycle construction and demolition waste (including, but not limited to, soil, vegetation, concrete, lumber, metal, and cardboard). • Provide interior and exterior storage areas for recyclables and green waste and adequate recycling containers located in public areas. • Provide education and publicity about reducing waste and available recycling services. Transportation and Motor Vehicles • Limit idling time for commercial vehicles, including delivery and construction vehicles. • Promote ride sharing programs (e.g., by designating a certain percentage of parking spaces for ride sharing vehicles, designating adequate passenger loading and unloading and waiting areas for ride sharing vehicles, and providing a website or message board for coordinating rides). • Create local “light vehicle” networks, such as neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) systems. • Provide the necessary facilities and infrastructure to encourage the use of low or zero-emission vehicles (e.g., electric vehicle charging facilities and conveniently located alternative fueling stations). • Promote “least polluting” ways to connect people and goods to their destinations. • Incorporate bicycle lanes and routes into street systems, new subdivisions, and large developments. • Incorporate bicycle-friendly intersections into street design. Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-13 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials • For commercial projects, provide adequate bicycle parking near building entrances to promote cyclist safety, security, and convenience. For large employers, provide facilities that encourage bicycle commuting (e.g., locked bicycle storage or covered or indoor bicycle parking). • Create bicycle lanes and walking paths directed to the location of schools, parks and other destination points. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MM 4.5-2b: Prior to potential remedial excavation and grading activities within the site (if remediation is required), impacted areas shall be cleared of all maintenance equipment and materials (e.g., solvents, grease, waste oil), construction materials, miscellaneous stockpiled debris (e.g., scrap metal, pallets, storage bins, construction parts), above-ground storage tanks, surface trash, piping, excess vegetation and other deleterious materials. These materials shall be removed off-site and properly disposed of at an approved disposal facility. Once removed, a visual inspection of the areas beneath the removed materials shall be performed. Any stained soils observed underneath the removed materials shall be sampled. In the event concentrations of materials are detected above regulatory cleanup levels during demolition or construction activities, the Project Applicant shall comply with the following measures in accordance with Federal, State, and local requirements Prior to issuance of Grading Permit if remediation is required City of Fontana Building Department MM 4.5-2c: Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, a Certified Environmental Professional shall confirm the presence or absence of ACMs and LBPs prior to structural demolition/renovation activities. Should ACMs or LBPs be present, demolition materials containing ACMs and/or LBPs shall be removed and disposed of at an appropriate permitted facility. Prior to issuance of Grading Permit an ACM and LBPs Report will be Provided to the City. City of Fontana Building Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-14 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials MM 4.5-6a: Prior to the issuance of grading permits, future developers shall prepare a Traffic Control Plan for implementation during the construction phase. The Plan may include the following provisions, among others: • At least one unobstructed lane shall be maintained in both directions on surrounding roadways. • At any time that only a single lane is available, the developer shall provide a temporary traffic signal, signal carriers (i.e., flagpersons), or other appropriate traffic controls to allow travel in both directions. • If construction activities require the complete closure of a roadway segment, the developer shall provide appropriate signage indicating detours/alternative routes. Prior to issuance of Grading Permit City of Fontana Planning Department MM 4.5-6a: Prior to the issuance of grading permits, future developers shall prepare a Traffic Control Plan for implementation during the construction phase. The Plan may include the following provisions, among others: • At least one unobstructed lane shall be maintained in both directions on surrounding roadways. • At any time that only a single lane is available, the developer shall provide a temporary traffic signal, signal carriers (i.e., flagpersons), or other appropriate traffic controls to allow travel in both directions. • If construction activities require the complete closure of a roadway segment, the developer shall provide appropriate signage indicating detours/alternative routes. Prior to issuance of Grading Permit City of Fontana Engineering Department MM 4.5-6b: Prior to construction, the City of Fontana Engineering Department shall consult with the City of Fontana Police Department to disclose temporary closures and alternative travel routes, in order to ensure adequate access for emergency vehicles when construction of future projects would result in temporary lane or roadway closures. Prior to Construction City of Fontana Engineering Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-15 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials NOISE MM 4.7-1a: The following measures shall be implemented when construction is to be conducted within 500 feet of any sensitive structures or has the potential to disrupt classroom activities or religious functions. • The City shall restrict noise intensive construction activities to the days and hours specified under Section 18-63 of the City of Fontana Municipal Code. These days and hours shall also apply any servicing of equipment and to the delivery of materials to or from the site. • All construction equipment shall be equipped with muftfers and sound control devices (e.g., intake silencers and noise shrouds) no less effective than those provided on the original equipment and no equipment shall have an unmuftfed exhaust. • The City shall require that the contractor maintain and tune-up all construction equipment to minimize noise emissions. • Stationary equipment shall be placed so as to maintain the greatest possible distance to the sensitive use structures. • All equipment servicing shall be performed so as to maintain the greatest possible distance to the sensitive use structures. • If construction noise does prove to be detrimental to the learning environment, the City shall allow for a temporary waiver thereby allowing construction on Comply with Noise Restrictions Per City of Fontana Code. City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-16 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials Weekends and/or holidays in those areas where this construction is to be performed in excess of 500 feet from any residential structures. • The construction contractor shall provide an on-site name and telephone number of a contact person. Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the job superintendent shall be clearly posted at all construction entrances to allow for surrounding owners and residents to contact the job superintendent. If the City or the job superintendent receives a complaint, the superintendent shall investigate, take appropriate corrective action, and report the action taken to the reporting party. In the event that construction noise is intrusive to an educational process, the construction liaison will revise the construction schedule to preserve the learning environment MM 4.7-1b: Should potential future development facilitated by the proposed project require off-site import/export of fill material during construction, trucks shall utilize a route that is least disruptive to sensitive receptors, preferably major roadways (Interstate 10, Interstate 15, State Route 60, Sierra Avenue, Beech Avenue, Jurupa Avenue, and Slover Avenue). Construction trucks should, to the extent practical, avoid the weekday and Saturday a.m. and p.m. peak hours (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.). Prior to Fill or Cut Entering or Leaving the Project Site a Haul Route will be Determined. City of Fontana Building Department STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cultural and Tribal Resources: The Proposed Project would be subject to comply with the City’s Cultural and Tribal Standard Conditions of Approval as listed below. Upon discovery of tribal cultural or archeological resources City of Fontana Planning Department Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-17 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials • Upon discovery of any tribal cultural or archaeological resources, cease construction activities in the immediate vicinity of the find until the find can be assessed. All tribal cultural and archaeological and tribal monitor/consultant. If the resources are Native American in origin, interested Tribes (as a result of correspondence with area Tribes) shall coordinate with the landowner regarding treatment and curation of these resources. Typically, the Tribe will request preservation in place or recovery for educational purposes. Work may continue on other parts of the project while evaluation takes place. • Preservation in place shall be the preferred manner of treatment. If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment may include implementation of archaeological data recovery excavation to remove the resource along the subsequent laboratory processing and analysis. All Tribal Cultural Resources shall be returned to the Tribe. Any historic archaeological material that is not Native American in origin shall be curated at a public, non-profit institution with a research interest in the materials, if such an institution agrees to accept the material. If no institution accepts the archaeological material, they shall be offered to the Tribe or a local school or historical society in the area for educational purposes. • Archaeological and Native American monitoring and excavation during construction projects shall be consistent with current professional standards. All feasible care to avoid any unnecessary disturbance, physical modification, or separation of human remains and associated funerary objects shall be taken. Principal personnel shall meet the Secretary of the Interior standards for archaeology and have a minimum of 10 years’ experience as a principal investigator working with Native American archaeological sites in Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-18 Mitigation Measure Action and Timing Responsible for Ensuring Compliance / Verification Date Completed and Initials southern California. The Qualified Archaeologists shall ensure that all other personnel are appropriately trained and qualified. Addendum to the SWIP EIR City of Fontana 16025 Slover Avenue Project 3-19 This page intentionally left blank.