HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix F_Phase I ESA 316 West Foothill Boulevard ■ Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 932-1800 ■ FAX (626) 932-1807 ■ www.orswell-kasman.com PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Vacant Land APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 Fontana, California 92337 June 3, 2022 CLIENT: Mr. David Parker Chase Partners, Ltd. 6444 San Fernando Road, #3944 Glendale, California 91221 PREPARED FOR: Mr. David Parker Chase Partners, Ltd. PROJECT NUMBER: P22185 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: _________________________________ _________________________________ Mark Stuhlman Martin A. Kasman ASTM Environmental Professional Project Manager This report was prepared in conformance to meet or exceed the scope and limitations as set forth by the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527-21. It is for the express use of the client, and its contents are considered to be privileged and confidential. Acceptance of this report constitutes an agreement by the client to assume full liability for information contained herein. This report is for the sole use and interpretation of the client, and it is not to be reproduced or distributed to outside parties. The information in this report is furnished in good faith and was obtained from sources and databases considered to be reliable; however, the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed. We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professionals as defined in §312.10 of 40 CFR 312. We have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. We have developed and performed the all appropriate inquires in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. The individual qualifications of these professionals are included in this report. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 1 2.2 Detailed Scope of Services ................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Significant Assumptions ...................................................................................................... 2 2.4 Limitations and Exceptions .................................................................................................. 2 2.5 Special Terms and Conditions.............................................................................................. 3 2.6 User Reliance ....................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 3 3.1 Title Records ........................................................................................................................ 3 3.2 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations ........................................................ 3 3.3 Specialized Knowledge ........................................................................................................ 3 3.4 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information ............................................ 4 3.5 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues ................................................................... 4 3.6 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information ........................................................ 4 3.7 Reasons for Performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessment ....................................... 4 3.8 Other User Provided Information ......................................................................................... 4 4.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE .................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions ................................................................................ 4 4.2 Location and Legal Description ........................................................................................... 5 4.3 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics ............................................................................ 5 4.4 Current Use of Property ....................................................................................................... 5 4.5 Subject Property Observations ............................................................................................. 5 4.6 Adjoining Property Observations ......................................................................................... 7 5.0 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCES ......................................................................................... 7 5.1 Topography ........................................................................................................................... 7 5.2 Geology/Soils ........................................................................................................................ 8 5.3 Hydrology.............................................................................................................................. 8 6.0 RECORDS REVIEW............................................................................................................... 8 6.1 Historical Use Information on the Subject Property ............................................................ 8 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 6.2 Historical Use Information on the Adjoining Properties ................................................... 10 6.3 Regulatory Records Review ............................................................................................... 12 6.4 Additional Regulatory Records Review ............................................................................. 17 6.5 Other Environmental Reports............................................................................................. 18 7.0 INTERVIEWS ....................................................................................................................... 18 7.1 Owner/Operator/Occupant Interviews ............................................................................... 18 7.2 Interviews with Local Government Officials ..................................................................... 18 7.3 Interview with Others ......................................................................................................... 18 8.0 NON-SCOPE SERVICES ..................................................................................................... 18 8.1 Presumed Asbestos-Containing Materials ......................................................................... 19 8.2 Results of Lead-Based Paint Observations ........................................................................ 19 8.3 Microbial Contamination (Mold) ....................................................................................... 19 8.4 Radon ................................................................................................................................. 19 9.0 FINDINGS AND OPINIONS ............................................................................................... 19 9.1 Recognized Environmental Conditions .............................................................................. 19 9.2 Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions ............................................................. 19 9.3 Controlled Recognized Environmental Conditions............................................................ 20 9.4 Vapor Migration ................................................................................................................. 20 9.5 Data Gaps/Data Failure ...................................................................................................... 20 9.6 Opinion ............................................................................................................................... 20 9.7 Deviations........................................................................................................................... 21 10.0 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................. 21 10.1 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 21 11.0 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................... 21 11.1 Site and Vicinity Map ...................................................................................................... 21 11.2 Site Plan............................................................................................................................ 21 11.3 Site and Vicinity Photographs .......................................................................................... 21 11.4 Historical Research Documentation ................................................................................. 21 11.5 Regulatory Records Documentation ................................................................................ 22 11.6 Interview and Research Documentation .......................................................................... 22 11.7 Special Contractual Conditions between User and Environmental Professional ............. 22 11.8 Qualifications of the Environmental Professionals .......................................................... 22 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 1 - 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our review of regulatory and historical records, a visual inspection of the site and surrounding area and an interview with the property purchaser’s representative has not identified any recognized environmental conditions, historical recognized environmental conditions or controlled recognized environmental conditions which are likely to impact the subject property. Although data failure occurred in the historical uses of the subject property prior to 1938, it is unlikely the data failure will impact the ability to identify any recognized environmental conditions. Based on the results of this assessment, no further environmental studies are recommended for the site. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is to determine if any recognized environmental conditions, historical recognized environmental conditions or controlled recognized environmental conditions exist on or near the subject property. As defined by ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-21, a recognized environmental condition is (1) the presence or likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at the subject property due to a release to the environment; (2) the likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on or at the subject property due to a release or likely release to the environment; or (3) the presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at the subject property under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. The ASTM Standard defines a historical recognized environmental condition as a previous release of hazardous substances or petroleum products affecting the subject property that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or authorities and meeting unrestricted use criteria established by the applicable regulatory authority or authorities without subjecting the subject property to any controls (for example, activity and use limitations or other property use limitations). A historical recognized environmental condition is not a recognized environmental condition. The ASTM Standard defines a controlled recognized environmental condition as a recognized environmental condition affecting the subject property that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or authorities with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to implementation of required controls (for example, activity and use limitations or other property use limitations). The ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-21 requires all obvious uses of the subject property shall be identified at five year intervals from the present, back to the subject property’s first developed Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 2 - use, or back to 1940, whichever is earlier, using standard historical sources. Developed use includes agricultural uses or placement of fill dirt. Data failure occurs when these objectives are not met. Our review of standard historical sources include aerial photographs, fire insurance maps, local street directories, and building department or assessor’s property records. Our experience in performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments since 1990 has determined that the other standard historical sources identified in the ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-21 are not reasonably obtainable or likely to be sufficiently useful, accurate, or complete in terms of satisfying the objectives. 2.2 Detailed Scope of Services This report is based on a preliminary study into the past and current uses of the subject property and the surrounding area. The report includes a visual inspection of the subject property and adjacent sites, and a review of regulatory agency records, aerial photographs, and other historic record sources. Also included in this report are maps, diagrams, and photographs pertaining to this site. 2.3 Significant Assumptions The information in this report is furnished in good faith and was obtained from sources and databases considered to be reliable; however, nothing in this report should be construed as a promise or guarantee that the subject property is free of environmental hazards. In many instances, this report relies on regulatory database information provided by federal, state and local governmental agencies. Although the database information used in this report consists of records that are updated on a regular basis, it may not reflect the actual current status of the case. 2.4 Limitations and Exceptions This report was prepared in conformance to meet or exceed the scope and practice as set forth by the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527-21, “Standard Practice of Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process.” No tests were conducted, and no samples of air, water, soil or building materials were taken. This report is limited in nature and should not be construed to be a characterization of environmental regulatory compliance or of any conditions above or below grade. The evaluations in this report are based on information provided by interviews, readily accessible regulatory and historical records and observations made during the site inspection. No independent verification of the information was obtained or performed by Orswell & Kasman, Inc. Orswell & Kasman, Inc. prepared this report in a competent and professional manner in accordance with sound industry standards, practices and procedures. No warranty is provided Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 3 - regarding the actual site conditions described in this report beyond matters amenable to visual confirmation. We make no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy or reliability of information or documents provided by others and contained within this report. This assessment was completed within the time constraints imposed by the client. In some cases, regulatory agencies, property owners, tenants, property managers and other knowledgeable persons have not responded timely to inquiries concerning the subject property which may be considered critical to determining whether a recognized environmental condition exists on the subject property. 2.5 Special Terms and Conditions No special terms or conditions have been incorporated into the preparation of this report. There were also no limiting physical conditions such as rain or lack of electrical power that had a limiting effect on the site inspection. 2.6 User Reliance This report is prepared for the express use of the client (or the client’s designee), and its contents are considered to be privileged and confidential. Acceptance of this report constitutes an agreement by the client to assume full liability for information contained herein. This report is for the sole use and interpretation of the client and it is not to be reproduced or distributed to outside parties. 3.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION 3.1 Title Records No recorded land title records were provided by the client for review. 3.2 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations The client has not provided any information concerning environmental liens or activity and use limitations. 3.3 Specialized Knowledge No specialized knowledge of recognized environmental conditions, historical recognized environmental conditions or controlled recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property has been provided by the client. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 4 - 3.4 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information The client has not provided any commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information within the local community about the subject property that is material to recognized environmental conditions, historical recognized environmental conditions or controlled recognized environmental conditions in connection with the site. 3.5 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues No information has been provided by the client that indicates the subject property is being sold or purchased at a significantly reduced price due to outstanding environmental issues. 3.6 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information Information provided by the owner, property manager, and/or occupants of the site are included in this report under Section 7.0, Interviews. 3.7 Reasons for Performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The reasons for performing this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment are to satisfy commercial real estate lending requirements or provide due diligence information concerning the historical uses and current condition of the site. This report is intended to permit the client to satisfy one of the requirements to qualify for the innocent landowner, contiguous property owner, or bona fide prospective purchaser limitations under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (42 U.S.C. §9601). This practice constitutes all appropriate inquiries into the previous ownership and uses of the subject property consistent with good commercial and customary practice as defined at 42 U.S.C. §9601(35)(B). 3.8 Other User Provided Information No other information concerning the subject property has been provided by the client. 4.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 4.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions The site reconnaissance consisted of a walk through the entire property, and visually observing the structures, storage areas and parking lots. No inspection was conducted under floors, above ceilings, on rooftops, or behind walls. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 5 - 4.2 Location and Legal Description The subject property, APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000, Fontana, California, is located on the east side of Juniper Avenue, south of Santa Ana Avenue. The subject property is described as San Bernardino County Tax Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000. 4.3 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics The site consists of vacant land located in a mixed commercial and residential area of Fontana, California (see site plan). The site and the surrounding area are fairly level, and the subject property is not connected to the municipal water and sewage systems. 4.4 Current Use of Property The subject property is currently vacant and unoccupied. No manufacturing activities take place at the site. 4.5 Subject Property Observations On May 25, 2022, an inspection of the subject property and surrounding area was conducted by ASTM Environmental Professional Mark Stuhlman. The site consists of approximately 1.38 acres of vacant, unimproved land with no permanent structures or buildings (see photos #1 and #2). The property is exposed soil, and no evidence of previous buildings were observed on the site. An unidentified concrete vault is located in the southwest corner of the site (see photo #3). Small amounts of windblown trash and other non-hazardous debris were observed on the site. The site inspection also attempted to identify the following features, activities, uses and conditions: Item Observation Hazardous substances and petroleum products in connection with identified uses None identified Hazardous substances and petroleum products in connection with unidentified uses None identified Unidentified hazardous substances or petroleum products not in connection with property use None identified Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 6 - Item Observation Aboveground hazardous substance or petroleum product storage tanks (ASTs) None identified Underground hazardous substance or petroleum product storage tanks (USTs) None identified Vent pipes, fill pipes, or access ways None identified Fueling systems None identified Strong, pungent, or noxious odors None identified Pools of liquid None identified Drums, totes, or intermediate bulk containers of hazardous substances or petroleum products None identified Machinery or equipment identified as containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). None identified Significant staining or corrosion on interior or exterior portion of property None identified Drains or sumps None identified Standing surface water and pools or sumps containing liquids likely to be hazardous substances or petroleum products None identified Regulated or unregulated wastewater discharge (wastewater clarifiers) None identified Ponds, pits, or lagoons None identified Stockpiled soils with visual evidence of contamination None identified Questionable fill material (unknown origin) or visual evidence of buried wastes None identified Septic systems or cesspools None identified Wells None identified Stressed vegetation None identified Surficial disturbance None identified Biohazardous or medical wastes None identified Herbicide or pesticide use None identified Dry-cleaning operation None identified Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 7 - Item Observation Graded areas suggesting filled material or mounds of stockpiled debris None identified Heating/Cooling systems None identified Other None identified 4.6 Adjoining Property Observations Northern Border North of the subject property is a commercial building which is occupied by The United States Post Office (see photo #4). There were no visible signs of spills or contamination on the adjacent property. Eastern Border East of the subject property is a commercial building which is occupied by The Home Depot (see photo #5). There were no visible signs of spills or contamination on the adjacent property. Southern Border South of the subject property is a construction site (see photo #6). There were no visible signs of spills or contamination on the adjacent property. Western Border West of the subject property is Juniper Avenue, and further west is a construction site (see photo #7). There were no visible signs of spills or contamination on the adjacent property. 5.0 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCES 5.1 Topography A 1980 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Topographical map of the subject property and surrounding area is included in the appendices of the report. The map shows the locations of the identified offsite environmental risks or threats described in the report. The elevation of the subject property is approximately 1,065 feet above mean sea level. The subject property and surrounding properties are fairly level. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 8 - 5.2 Geology/Soils State of California Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) The CDMG conducts studies, publishes maps, and provides information concerning the geological formations throughout the state of California. CDMG research information is combined with information from the United States Geological Survey and the ensuing geologic maps of the state are prepared. These geologic maps also illustrate the approximate locations of known earthquake faults. A review of the area map published by CDMG indicates the geologic area surrounding the subject property consists of Holocene Younger fan deposits. The client may wish to refer to the enclosed geologic map. 5.3 Hydrology California Department of Water Resources Division of Planning and Local Assistance (DWR) DWR maintains contour maps and data of the groundwater levels in the San Bernardino County area. The records indicate the depth to the aquifer, as well as the approximate flow direction. A review of this data revealed the site is located at an elevation of approximately 1,065 feet above sea level. The closest well is located about one mile northeast of the subject property. The elevation of the nearby well is 1,102 feet above sea level, and the groundwater levels are 732 feet above sea level, or approximately 370 feet below the ground surface. Based on the topography of the area, the groundwater flow is expected to be to the southwest, although this cannot be confirmed due to lack of nearby wells. 6.0 RECORDS REVIEW 6.1 Historical Use Information on the Subject Property City of Fontana Building and Safety Department A review of the building records for the subject property determined there are no records. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 9 - County of San Bernardino Assessor’s Office A review of the Assessor’s records for the subject property determined the following: APN Address Year Built Use 0255-101-24-0000 Juniper Avenue ---- Vacant Commercial 0255-101-30-0000 ---- ---- Vacant Commercial The property owners for both parcels are identified as the J. L. Brandenburg Separate Property Trust and the T. A. Brandenburg Separate Property Trust. City of Fontana Department of Planning The subject property is zoned residential planned community R-PC. Historical Aerial Photographs A review of historical aerial photographs of the subject property determined the following information: Date of Photo Description 1938, 1948, 1959 The subject property is agricultural land. and 1966 1980, 1985, 1994, The subject property is vacant land. 2002, 2009, 2014 and 2019 Historical Topographic Maps Available topographic maps dated 1896, 1898, 1901, 1905, 1909, 1913, 1926, 1929, 1938, 1943, 1946, 1955, 1959, 1963, 1965, 1969, 1975, 1980, 1985, 2012, 2015 and 2018 were reviewed for this environmental site assessment. A review of the maps did not identify any commercial or industrial uses on the subject property which were likely to lead to any recognized environmental conditions. Historic Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps provide information on commercial and industrial properties, based on risk data gathered for the fire insurance companies. The maps show the number of buildings located on the subject property, and the type of construction. The maps also describe the various businesses located nearby, and show the locations of tanks, boilers, and other potential hazards. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 10 - A review of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Map collections from 1867-1970, did not locate any maps for the subject property. Historic City Directory Search City Directories provide information on residential, commercial and industrial properties, and list the business name and address. A review of the historic directories provides an overview of the current and previous occupants of the site. A search of Lusky’s Criss Cross City Directory dated 1956-1965 and the Haines Criss Cross City Directory dated 1977-2011, determined there were no listings for the subject property. A review of building permit records, county assessor records, historical aerial photographs, historic topographic maps and historic city directories determined the subject property has been vacant land for the past 84 years. 6.2 Historical Use Information on the Adjoining Properties Historical Aerial Photographs A review of historical aerial photographs of the adjoining properties determined the following information: Date of Photo Description 1938 and 1948 North, east, south and west of the subject property is agricultural land. 1959 North and east of the subject property is agricultural land. South of the subject property is a residence. To the west is Juniper Avenue, and further west is agricultural land. 1966 North and east of the subject property is agricultural land. South of the subject property is a residence. To the west is Juniper Avenue, and further west is a residence. 1980, 1985, 1994 North and east of the subject property is vacant land. South of the subject and 2002 property is a residence. To the west is Juniper Avenue, and further west is a residence. 2009 and 2014 North of the subject property is a commercial building. East of the subject property is a commercial building. South of the subject property is a residence. To the west is Juniper Avenue, and further west is a residence. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 11 - Date of Photo Description 2019 North of the subject property is a commercial building. East of the subject property is a commercial building. South of the subject property is a residence. To the west is Juniper Avenue, and further west is vacant land. Historical Topographic Maps Available topographic maps dated 1896, 1898, 1901, 1905, 1909, 1913, 1926, 1929, 1938, 1943, 1946, 1955, 1959, 1963, 1965, 1969, 1975, 1980, 1985, 2012, 2015 and 2018 were reviewed for this environmental site assessment. A review of the maps did not identify any commercial or industrial uses on the adjacent properties which were likely to lead to any recognized environmental conditions. Historic Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps provide information on commercial and industrial properties, based on risk data gathered for the fire insurance companies. The maps show the number of buildings located on the property, and the type of construction. The maps also describe the various businesses located nearby, and show the locations of tanks, boilers, and other potential hazards. A review of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Map collections from 1867-1970, did not locate any maps for the area surrounding the subject property. Historic City Directory Search City Directories provide information on residential, commercial and industrial properties, and list the business name and address. A review of the historic directories provides an overview of the current and previous occupants of the adjoining properties. A search of Lusky’s Criss Cross City Directory dated 1956-1965 and the Haines Criss Cross City Directory dated 1977-2011, determined the adjacent property to the north has been occupied by The United States Post Office (2011). The adjacent property to the east has been occupied by The Home Depot (2011). There were no commercial or industrial uses on the adjacent property to the south, or west of Juniper Avenue which were likely to lead to contamination of the subject property. A review of historical aerial photographs, historic topographic maps and historic city directories determined the commercial building north of the subject property was constructed between 2005 and 2009, and the property was previously vacant or agricultural land. The commercial building east of the subject property was constructed between 2005 and 2009, and the property was previously vacant or agricultural land. The property to the south has been a construction site since 2021. The property was occupied by a residence between 1959 and 2021, and the property was previously vacant or agricultural land. The property to the west of Juniper Avenue has been Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 12 - a construction site since 2021. The property was occupied by a residence between 1966 and 2020, and the property was previously vacant or agricultural land. 6.3 Regulatory Records Review FEDERAL AGENCY RECORDS United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) National Priorities List The National Priorities List (NPL) identifies abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites which have been identified as possibly representing a long-term threat to the public health or environment. These sites have been identified as being highly contaminated with hazardous substances and represent the USEPA's target enforcement and cleanup efforts. Studies of individual sites are conducted by the USEPA to determine level of contamination, and the sites are then compared and ranked to other sites on the NPL. A review of the USEPA National Priorities List dated January 2022 indicates there are no proposed, final or delisted sites located within one mile of the subject property. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Federal Superfund Liens List The USEPA maintains a list of Superfund Lien sites that have been issued on properties throughout the United States. These sites have been remediated through the expenditures of Superfund monies. The purpose of the lien is to prevent the property owner from gaining a financial benefit from the federal government's cleanup and restoration activities. A review of the July 2011 Federal Superfund List revealed there are no Superfund Liens on or adjacent to the site. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) The USEPA has developed a database known as CERCLIS which contains information on potential hazardous waste sites located throughout the United States. There are over 33,000 sites on the CERCLIS inventory. All sites are subjected to a preliminary assessment and thereafter are either placed on the National Priority List (NPL) or are placed in a category for those sites requiring no further Federal Superfund action. A review of the January 2022 CERCLIS report indicates there are no CERCLIS sites listed within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. In addition, there are no listed “No Further Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 13 - Required Action Planned” (NFRAP) sites identified within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Treatment, Storage or Disposal Facilities (TSDF) The USEPA maintains a list of facilities which have been authorized to receive hazardous waste. These facilities have permits to treat, store, or dispose of the waste, as determined by the RCRA regulations. In addition, the USEPA publishes a list of those facilities that are subject to a corrective action, based on the facilities’ waste handling and storage procedures. The facilities which are subject to a corrective action are identified as CORRACTS sites. A review of the January 2022 RCRA TSDF list determined there are no known CORRACTS facilities located within a one-mile radius of the subject property. In addition, there are no non-CORRACTS TSD facilities listed within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Tribal Underground Storage Tanks (UST) The USEPA maintains a list of locations of underground storage tanks (UST) located in Indian country. A review of the October 2021 Tribal UST list did not identify any registered tribal underground storage tanks within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Tribal Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) The USEPA maintains a list of locations of leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) located in Indian country. A review of the October 2021 Tribal LUST list did not identify any tribal leaking underground storage tanks within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste Generators The USEPA maintains a list of facilities which are identified as generators of large and small quantities of hazardous waste. These facilities have permits to generate, store and dispose of the waste, as determined by the RCRA regulations. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 14 - A review of the January 2022 RCRA Hazardous Waste Generators list determined the subject and adjacent properties are not identified as large or small quantity hazardous waste generators. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Institutional Control / Engineering Control Registries The USEPA maintains a list of institutional and engineering controls for the purpose of tracking sites that may contain residual contamination or have activity and use limitations. Engineering controls are engineering measures designed to minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by either limiting direct contact with contaminated areas or controlling migration of contaminants. Institutional controls are non-engineering controls used to restrict land use or land access in order to protect people and the environment from exposure to hazardous substances remaining at the site or facility. A review of the September 2006 USEPA Institutional Control / Engineering Control Registry did not identify the subject property as having institutional or engineering controls. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Office of Emergency and Remedial Response Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) The USEPA maintains a list of locations which have reported a release of oil or hazardous substances to the federal government. Most of the data in this system is based on information that was received during the initial notification. The USEPA ceased maintaining the ERNS database list in 1999, and the responsibility to report oil, chemical, radiological, biological and etiological discharges into the environment was transferred to the United States Department of Homeland Security National Response Center (NRC). A review of the ERNS list for 1999 determined there are no reported incidents on the subject property. United States Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard National Response Center (NRC) The NRC is the national point of contact for reporting all oil, chemical, radiological, biological and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. In addition to gathering and distributing spill data for Federal On-Scene Coordinators and serving as the communications and operations center for the National Response Team, the NRC maintains agreements with a variety of federal entities to make additional notifications regarding incidents meeting established trigger criteria. A review of the NRC list for 2015 determined there are no reported incidents on the subject property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 15 - STATE AGENCY RECORDS State of California Environmental Protection Agency (CAL-EPA) Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) CAL-EPA is responsible for the regulation and enforcement of environmental health laws within the state of California, as set forth by the California Health and Safety Code. CAL-EPA is also designated by the USEPA to assist in enforcing federal environmental laws. CAL-EPA regulates companies involved in the generation, transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous substances. CAL-EPA records include the "CalSites" database, which is a listing of 7,800 known active, inactive and abandoned hazardous waste sites. These sites have previously been reported in the Abandoned Site Program Information System (ASPIS), Bond Expenditure Plan (BEP), and Cortese databases. CAL-EPA records also include a listing of the California Integrated Waste Management Board's "Active" and "Closed and Inactive" landfills database. A review of the January 2022 CAL-EPA records determined there are no listed “CalSite” facilities located within a one-mile radius of the subject property. In addition, there are no active, closed or inactive landfill sites identified within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. State of California Environmental Protection Agency (CAL-EPA) Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Land Use Covenants CAL-EPA/DTSC utilizes Land Use Covenants (LUCs) to protect the public from unsafe exposures to residual contamination that is left in place after site remediation activities have been completed. The LUC imposes limitations on land use when hazardous materials, wastes, or substances remain on the subject property at levels which are not suitable for unrestricted use of the land. The LUC includes easements, servitudes, covenants, and restrictions which run with the land and continue into perpetuity unless modified or terminated in accordance with applicable law. All LUCs are signed by the DTSC and the landowner, and recorded in the county where the land is located. A review of the January 2022 DTSC database records did not identify any deed restrictions on the subject property. State of California Water Resources Control Board Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Land Use Covenants RWQCB utilizes Land Use Covenants (LUCs) to protect the public from unsafe exposures to residual contamination that is left in place after site remediation activities have been completed. The LUC imposes deed restrictions and activity and use limitations on land use when hazardous Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 16 - materials, wastes, or substances remain on the subject property at levels which are not suitable for unrestricted use of the land. The LUC includes easements, servitudes, covenants, and restrictions which run with the land and continue into perpetuity unless modified or terminated in accordance with applicable law. All LUCs are signed by the RWQCB and the landowner, and recorded in the county where the land is located. A review of the December 2021 RWQCB database records did not identify any recorded land use and activity restrictions on the subject property. State of California Water Resources Control Board (WRCB) Deed Restrictions WRCB utilizes Deed Restrictions to protect the public from unsafe exposures to residual contamination that is left in place after site remediation activities have been completed. The Deed Restrictions impose restrictions and activity and use limitations on land use when hazardous materials, wastes, or substances remain on the subject property at levels which are not suitable for unrestricted use of the land. The Deed Restrictions can include easements, servitudes, covenants, and restrictions which run with the land and continue into perpetuity unless modified or terminated in accordance with applicable law. All Deed restrictions are signed by the WRCB and the landowner, and recorded in the county where the land is located. A review of the December 2021 WRCB database records did not identify any deed restrictions on the subject property. State of California Water Resources Control Board Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) The RWQCB is responsible for monitoring the quality and flow of groundwater, and they address other potential threats to the groundwater from surface spills and leaks. The RWQCB monitors the contamination problem, the investigation and any remedial action. Their database information includes active and closed Cleanup Program Sites, Land Disposal Sites, Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Sites, Military Cleanup Sites, Military Privatized Sites, Military Underground Storage Tank Sites and registered underground storage tank sites (RWQCB sites) within the State of California. A review of the June 2019 RWQCB records determined the subject property is not listed as a known RWQCB site. There are also no known open RWQCB LUST sites or active non-LUST RWQCB Cleanup sites identified within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. In addition, there are no records of registered underground storage tanks identified on or adjacent to the subject property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 17 - 6.4 Additional Regulatory Records Review State of California Department of Conservation Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) The CalGEM regulates the drilling, operation and abandonment of gas and oil wells throughout the state of California. If an active, idle or abandoned well is located on or adjacent to a proposed construction site, CalGEM requires a site plan review prior to issuing a building permit. Abandoned oil wells must meet standards established in 1984. A review of the area map published by CalGEM indicates there are no producing, idle or abandoned oil wells on or adjacent to the subject property. The client may wish to review the enclosed map. South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) The AQMD is responsible for the development and enforcement of regulations concerning air emissions and airborne hazards from stationary sources in the South Coast Air Basin. AQMD maintains a “Hot Spot” list of facilities whose air emissions pose as a risk to the surrounding community. In addition, the AQMD Facility INformation Detail (FIND) database provides public information about facilities in the AQMD basin. A review of the AQMD records determined there are no "Hot Spot" facilities identified on or adjacent to the subject property. In addition, the subject property is not identified as an active or inactive permitted facility in the FIND database. County of San Bernardino Department of Solid Waste Management (SWM) SWM maintains information concerning the locations of active, inactive or future solid waste landfill sites in San Bernardino County. Contact with SWM officials determined there are no active, inactive or closed landfill sites located within a ½ mile radius of the subject property. San Bernardino County Fire Department (SBCFD) Hazardous Materials Division SBCFD maintains records concerning hazardous materials sites and underground storage tanks in San Bernardino County. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 18 - A review of the SBCFD records determined the subject property is not identified as a handler of large or small quantities of chemicals, generator of hazardous waste, or having records of registered underground storage tanks. The adjacent property to the east (The Home Depot Store #1857, 16783 Santa Ana Avenue) is identified as a small quantity hazardous waste generator, hazardous material handler and an EPCRA facility. 6.5 Other Environmental Reports No previous environmental reports were identified by Orswell & Kasman, Inc. or made available by the client/user during the preparation of this assessment. 7.0 INTERVIEWS 7.1 Owner/Operator/Occupant Interviews The property owner was not interviewed. 7.2 Interviews with Local Government Officials No interviews with local government officials were conducted. 7.3 Interview with Others Mr. Michael Carter, the property purchaser’s representative, advised the current owner purchased the property in 2013. According to Mr. Carter no hazardous materials are stored or used on the premises. Mr. Carter advised to the best of his knowledge, there are no underground storage tanks, septic tanks, wells or wastewater clarifiers on the site, and he is not aware of any chemical spills or contamination problems with the property. 8.0 NON-SCOPE SERVICES No non-scope or additional services including a broader scope of services, liability/risk evaluations, or remedial activities are included in this report. Some substances may be present on a property in quantities and under conditions that may lead to contamination of the property or nearby properties, but are not included in CERCLA's definition of hazardous substances (42 U.S.C. §960 I (14)) or do not otherwise present potential CERCLA liability. In any case, they are beyond the scope of this practice. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 19 - 8.1 Presumed Asbestos-Containing Materials An asbestos building materials inspection was not included in the scope of service agreement. 8.2 Results of Lead-Based Paint Observations A lead-based paint inspection was not included in the scope of service agreement. 8.3 Microbial Contamination (Mold) An inspection for microbial mold was not included in the scope of service agreement. 8.4 Radon A survey of the radon conditions was not included in the scope of service agreement. 9.0 FINDINGS AND OPINIONS 9.1 Recognized Environmental Conditions We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-21 on the vacant land identified as APNs 0255- 101-24-0000 and 0255-101-30-0000, Fontana, California, the Property. Any exceptions to, or deletions from the Standard Practice are described in Section 2.4 of this report. This assessment has not identified any evidence of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 9.2 Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-21 on the vacant land identified as APNs 0255- 101-24-0000 and 0255-101-30-0000, Fontana, California, the Property. Any exceptions to, or deletions from the Standard Practice are described in Section 2.4 of this report. This assessment has not identified any evidence of historical recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 20 - 9.3 Controlled Recognized Environmental Conditions We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-21 on the vacant land identified as APNs 0255-101-24-0000 and 0255-101-30-0000, Fontana, California, the Property. Any exceptions to, or deletions from the Standard Practice are described in Section 2.4 of this report. This assessment has not identified any evidence of controlled recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 9.4 Vapor Migration Vapor migration is defined as the movement of hazardous substances or petroleum products as a vapor in the subsurface. Properties with known or suspected soil or groundwater contamination located within an approximate minimum search distance of ⅓-mile for hazardous substances (volatile and semi-volatile nonpetroleum hydrocarbons, e.g., perchloroethylene associated with dry cleaners) or ⅒-mile for petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g., gasoline fuel associated with gas stations), were evaluated to determine if they are likely to impact the subject property. No offsite locations have been identified as potential risks or threats to the subject property. 9.5 Data Gaps/Data Failure The ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-21 requires all obvious uses of the Property shall be identified at five year intervals from the present, back to the Property’s first developed use, or back to 1940, whichever is earlier, using standard historical sources. Developed use includes agricultural uses or placement of fill dirt. Data failure occurs when these objectives are not met. Our review of standard historical sources include aerial photographs, topographic maps, fire insurance maps, local street directories, and building department or assessor’s property records. No significant data gaps were identified that would affect the ability to identify a recognized environmental condition. Although data failure occurred in the historical uses of the Property prior to 1938, it is unlikely the data failure will impact the ability to identify recognized environmental conditions. 9.6 Opinion Based on a review of regulatory and historical records, an interview with the property purchaser’s representative and a visual inspection of the site and surrounding area, this assessment has not identified any recognized environmental conditions, historical recognized environmental conditions or controlled recognized environmental conditions which are likely to impact the subject property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 21 - 9.7 Deviations This report was prepared in conformance to meet or exceed the scope and practice as set forth by the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527-21, “Standard Practice of Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process.” No significant deviations, deletions, or client-imposed constraints were made from this practice. 10.0 CONCLUSIONS 10.1 Conclusions Based on the results of this assessment, no further environmental studies are recommended for the site. 11.0 APPENDICES 11.1 Site and Vicinity Map A United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Topographical map of the subject property and surrounding area is included in the appendices of the report. The map shows the locations of the identified offsite environmental risks or threats described in the report. 11.2 Site Plan A site plan of the subject property is included in the appendices of the report. The site plan shows the general location of the structures on the property, and other items of interest which were identified in the description of the site. 11.3 Site and Vicinity Photographs Photographs of the subject property and surrounding neighborhood are attached to this report. These photographs were taken at the time of the site inspection. 11.4 Historical Research Documentation Building permit records were obtained directly from the regulatory agency identified in this report. The aerial photographs summarized in this report were obtained from BBL Consultants, Solana Beach, California; the United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California; Google Earth; Nationwide Environmental Title Research, Tempe, Arizona; or the United States Department of Agriculture, Salt Lake City, Utah. The historic topographic maps summarized in Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 22 - this report were obtained from Nationwide Environmental Title Research, Tempe, Arizona. The Sanborn Fire Insurance Map information was obtained from Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The city directory search information was obtained from Sherman Library and Gardens, Corona Del Mar, California. 11.5 Regulatory Records Documentation All government records were obtained directly from the regulatory agencies identified in this report. 11.6 Interview and Research Documentation All of the field notes and supporting information obtained from interviews and research concerning the subject property are maintained in the report file at the offices of Orswell & Kasman, Inc. 11.7 Special Contractual Conditions between User and Environmental Professional No special contractual conditions or agreements exist between the client and any of the employees of Orswell & Kasman, Inc., and Orswell & Kasman, Inc. does not have any financial interest in the subject property. 11.8 Qualifications of the Environmental Professionals The following are the qualifications of the individuals who conducted the site inspection, the records review or prepared the report: Jack Orswell Jack Orswell, the company founder, is an ASTM Environmental Professional and a licensed Private Investigator (#PI 14366) with the State of California. He is also a USEPA/AHERA accredited Asbestos Management Planner and California Certified Asbestos Consultant (#92- 0869). He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California, and his Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership from Woodbury University. For 15 years he served as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Denver, San Francisco and Los Angeles offices. Mr. Orswell received specialized training from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and he was one of the first FBI Agents to work with the EPA in investigating federal environmental crimes. While with the FBI, Mr. Orswell worked with the EPA’s National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC) in Denver, Colorado, and helped establish evidence control procedures for their Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 23 - laboratory personnel. As coordinator of environmental investigations for the FBI’s Los Angeles office, Mr. Orswell gained extensive training and experience working with the California Department of Health Services and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Since 1988, Mr. Orswell has been in private industry, conducting environmental assessments for several financial institutions, real estate companies and law firms. Mr. Orswell has conducted environmental investigations throughout the United States, locating and interviewing witnesses to determine how hazardous materials were handled in various manufacturing operations, and documenting the long term effects of improper disposal. Mr. Orswell’s extensive background in criminal environmental enforcement and civil litigation support make him uniquely qualified as an environmental assessor and investigator. He is a life member of the FBI Agents Association, a member of the Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Association of Environmental Professionals, the National Association of Government Guarantee Lenders, and ASTM International. Marty Kasman Marty Kasman, the principal of the company, is an ASTM Environmental Professional and a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (#4927) with the State of California. He is also a USEPA/AHERA accredited Asbestos Management Planner and California Certified Asbestos Consultant (#99-2553). He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Environmental and Occupational Health Science from California State University at Northridge. He also has a Certificate in Hazardous Materials Management from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). In addition, Mr. Kasman also received specialized hazardous materials training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia. Mr. Kasman served fourteen years with the Los Angeles County Fire Department, as a Supervising Hazardous Material Specialist and Deputy Health Officer. His responsibilities included field and laboratory work in hazardous materials management, conducting inspections of industrial plant operations, and monitoring cleanup activities. In addition, Mr. Kasman has investigated hundreds of abandoned waste sites and other cases involving the illegal dumping of hazardous materials throughout Los Angeles County. Mr. Kasman currently serves as an environmental consultant to industry management in the proper handling of hazardous materials and waste. He has taught courses in hazardous materials regulatory compliance and waste management at UCLA, California State University at Northridge, and the California Specialized Training Institute at San Luis Obispo. Mr. Kasman also served on the State of California Local Unified Program Implementation Committee (LUPIC) to develop a standardized hazardous materials contingency plan. Mr. Kasman’s extensive education, training, and experience in hazardous materials management make him fully qualified to conduct environmental assessments and investigations. He is the former president and director of the California Hazardous Materials Investigators Association. He is also a former director of the Local Environmental Enforcement Officers Association, and Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 24 - the Los Angeles County Association of Environmental Health Specialists. He is a member of California and National Environmental Health Associations. Scott Wilcox Scott A. Wilcox is an ASTM Environmental Professional and a licensed Private Investigator (PI #18117) with the State of California. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Law and Society from the University of California at Santa Barbara, with an emphasis in pre-law. Since 1989, Mr. Wilcox has worked exclusively in the environmental investigation field, conducting and supervising numerous environmental investigations nationwide. Mr. Wilcox has an extensive background in the design, implementation and management of investigative teams, collaborating with attorneys and private clients in support of complex civil litigation issues. He has worked closely with many regulatory agency personnel throughout the country in his role as a case manager. Because of his unique environmental investigative experience, Mr. Wilcox is well versed in determining the access and availability of records and other documentation regarding environmental regulatory compliance at the federal, state, regional and local levels. He has been directly involved with several Superfund investigations throughout the western United States, and he has conducted hundreds of environmental due diligence investigations throughout his career. Mr. Wilcox’s education, training and experience provide him with unique qualifications to conduct environmental assessments and investigations. He is a registered environmental expert witness with the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and he is a member of Professional Environmental Marketing Association. Richard Clark Richard Clark is an ASTM Environmental Professional and a licensed Professional Civil Engineer and General Engineering Contractor with Hazardous Substances Removal and Remedial Action Certification. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Soil Science from California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo and his Master of Science degree in Environmental Studies (Environmental Science concentration with an emphasis in civil engineering) from California State University, Fullerton. He pursued post graduate studies in geology at California State University, Northridge. Mr. Clark also earned a Certificate in Site Assessment and Remediation from the University of California, Irvine. Mr. Clark has over 25 years of experience in private industry and government, conducting Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments and inspections of industrial plant operations, and monitoring cleanup activities. He has managed large remediation projects, including soil and groundwater cleanups and underground tank removals. He has been responsible for remediation feasibility studies, remediation system design, remediation contracting and system installation, and construction management. Since 1997, Mr. Clark has served as a Hazardous Materials Specialist and Deputy Health Officer for the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 - Page 25 - Mr. Clark’s extensive education, training, and work experience in environmental site assessments and remedial activities fully qualifies him to conduct environmental assessments and consulting services. Mr. Clark is also a certified professional soil scientist. He is a member of the Soil Science Society of America, Professional Soil Scientist Association of California, American Society of Civil Engineers, Geological Society of America, and Soil and Water Conservation Society. Mark Stuhlman Mark Stuhlman is an ASTM Environmental Professional and geologist with geotechnical and environmental experience. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from California State University at Northridge. He has 40-hour OSHA HAZWOPER certification and undertakes 8-hour refresher training annually. Mr. Stuhlman has over 10 years of experience in private industry conducting Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments, monitoring cleanup activities and site remediation. He has managed large remediation projects, including soil and groundwater monitoring programs, and soil dig and haul oversight. He has been responsible for remediation, contracting and system installation, and construction management. Mr. Stuhlman’s education, training, and work experience in environmental site assessments and remedial activities fully qualifies him to conduct environmental assessments and consulting services. He is a member of the Geological Society of America, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the Geoscience Information Society. NOT TO SCALE - FOR ORIENTATION PURPOSES ONLY SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION:F JU N I P E R A V E N U E UNITED STATES POST OFFICE CONSTRUCTION SITE CONSTRUCTION SITE THE HOME DEPOT APNS: 0255-101-24-0-000 AND 0255-101-30-0-0000 FONTANA, CA 92337 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 Photo #1 Photo #2 Photo #3 Photo #4 Photo #5 Photo #6 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report APNs: 0255-101-24-0-000 and 0255-101-30-0-000 June 3, 2022 Photo #7 June 3, 2022 Property Information: Prepared For: Report Date: ORSWELL & KASMAN, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS RESEARCH REPORT Orswell & Kasman, Inc. 316 West Foothill Boulevard Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 932 - 1800 * FAX (626) 932 - 1807 The information provided herein is based upon research of public records listed on the "Reference Guide to the Regulatory Agency Databases" page of this report and not on a physical inspection of the property. By requesting this report, the client accepts the terms and conditions described on the "Database Summary" page of this report. The client may want to obtain a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report from an ASTM Qualified Environmental Professional to determine if any potential hazards exist on the property. Prepared by: www.orswell-kasman.com Specializing in CaliforniaOKI Report #: P22185 Vacant Land South of 16731 Santa Ana Avenue Fontana, CA 92551 David Parker Chase Partners South of 16731 Santa Ana AvenueFontana, CA 92551 Orswell Kasman, Inc. 316 West Foothill Boulevard Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 932 - 1800 * Fax (626) 932 - 1807 www.orswell-kasman.com DATABASE SUMMARY No Sites Within Specified Radius Property & Adjacent ¼ Mile Radius ½ Mile Radius 1 Mile Radius 3National Priority List (NPL) RCRA CORRACTS Facilities CERCLIS CALSITES LUSTIS Active / Inactive Landfills Treatment, Storage & Disposal (TSD) Federal Hazardous Waste Generators Registered Underground Storage Tanks Superfund Liens CERCLIS NFRAP ERNS / NRC This report is in conformance with the ASTM standard for an Environmental Site Assessment governernment records check Sites reported as "Case Closed" or "No Further Action" may not be listed in this report OKI Report #:P22185 Completion Date:6/3/22 Property Information: Vacant Land 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 The information contained in this report is obtained from federal, state and other public sources. Orswell & Kasman, Inc. (OKI) does not make any guarantees, warranties or representations, whether expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy of such information, and shall not be held responsible in the event that any such inaccuracies are present. All liability for damages of any nature arising from any inaccuracy in the facts stated herein must be assumed by the client. OKI also advises the client that this report and information contained herein is intended solely for the use of the client or assignee with whom OKI has a contractual relationship. OKI makes no other warranty, express or implied, as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report, and is not responsible for the independent conclusions, opinions or recommendations made by any other party or entity based whole or in part on the information provided in this records review. This report alone does not meet the “All Appropriate Inquiry” as defined by 42 U.S.C. §9601(35)(B). Institutional Controls / Engineering Controls 3 3 3 RWQCB Sites Closed RWQCB Sites Tribal LUST 3 Tribal Underground Storage Tanks 3 RWQCB Deeds Restrictions 3 DTSC Deed Restrictions 3 REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE REGULATORY AGENCY DATABASES Source Description NPL: 1 mile search radius Date: January 2022 The National Priority List (NPL) identifies abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites, which have been identified as possibly representing a long-term threat to the public health or environment. These sites have been identified as being highly contaminated with hazardous substances and represent the USEPA's target enforcement and cleanup efforts. Studies of individual sites are conducted by the USEPA to determine the level of contamination, and the sites are then compared and ranked to other sites on the NPL. This search also includes properties that have been delisted from the NPL. CORRACTS: 1 mile search radius Date: January 2022 The USEPA maintains a list of facilities which have been authorized to receive hazardous waste. These facilities have permits to treat, store or dispose of the waste as determined by the RCRA regulations. In addition, the USEPA publishes a list of those facilities who are subject to a corrective action based on the facilities waste handling and storage procedures. The facilities, which are subject to a corrective action, are identified as CORRACTS sites. CERCLIS: ½ mile search radius Date: January 2022 The USEPA has developed a database known as the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS), which contains information on potential hazardous waste sites located throughout the United States. There are over 33,000 sites on the CERCLIS inventory. All sites are subjected to a preliminary assessment and thereafter are either placed on the National Priority List (NPL) or are placed in a category for those sites requiring no further Federal Superfund action (NFRAP). CALST: ½ mile search radius Date: January 2022 The State of California Environmental Protection Agency maintains the "CalSite" database, which is a listing of 7,800 known active, inactive and abandoned hazardous sites. These sites have previously been reported in the Abandoned Site Program Information System (ASPIS), Bond Expenditure Plan (BEP) and Cortese database. RWQCB: ½ mile search radius Date: June 2017 The State of California Water Resources Control Board is responsible for monitoring the quality of flow of the groundwater and compiles lists of known leaking underground storage tanks. The list is maintained as the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System (LUSTIS). The local Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) monitors the contamination problem, the investigation and any remedial activities. Tribal UTanks: ½ mile search radius Date: December 2021 The USEPA has developed data about underground storage tanks (UST) in Indian country. Tribal LUST: ½ mile search radius Date: December 2021 The USEPA has developed data about leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) in Indian country. SWIS: ½ mile search radius Date: May 2020 The State of California Integrated Waste Management Board maintains a list of active and inactive landfill sites within California and provides information concerning the ownership and types of wastes brought to the landfills. TSD: ½ mile search radius Date: January 2022 Treatment, Storage or Disposal Facilities (TSDF) is a federal listing of facilities, which have been authorized to receive hazardous waste. These facilities have permits to treat, store or dispose of waste as determined by the RCRA regulations. ERNS: Property Date: 2015 The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a list of locations which have reported a release of oil or hazardous substances to the USEPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. Most of the data in this system is based on information that was received during the initial notification. HWG: Property & adjacent Date: January 2022 The United States Environmental Protection Agency maintains a list of known hazardous waste generators in the nation. A company on the list generates reportable quantities of hazardous waste, and the disposal and transportation of the waste is monitored through the use of a hazardous waste manifest. FED CTRL: Property Date: September 2019 The United States Environmental Protection Agency maintains a list of properties with institutional controls such as administrative and legal controls that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and/or protect the integrity of the remedy. UTANK: Property & adjacent Date: June 2017 The location and identity of registered underground tanks is maintained by the State of California Water Resources Control Board in the Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database. The list was compiled in 1991 and there are currently no plans to update the database at the present time. SFL: Property & adjacent Date: July 2011 The USEPA maintains a list of Superfund Liens that have been issued on properties throughout the United States. These sites have been remediated through the expenditures of Superfund monies. The purpose of the lien is to prevent the property owner from gaining a financial benefit from the federal government's cleanup and restoration activities. Land Use Restrictions: Property Date: January 2022 The State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has developed a list of properties where DTSC has placed activity and use limits or requirements on current or future use of the property due to varying levels of cleanup possible, practical, or necessary at the site. Deed Restrictions: Property Date: December 2021 The State of California Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has developed a list of properties where the SWRCB has recorded deed notifications or land activity and use limits or requirements on the current and future use of the property due to varying levels of cleanup possible, practical, or necessary at the site.