HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix F - Noise Study_SobratoAPPENDIX F ACOUSTICAL ASSESSMENT Acoustical Assessment Sobrato Residential Development Project City of Fontana, California Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 3880 Lemon Street, Suite 420 Riverside, California 92501 Contact: Mr. Ryan Chiene 714.705.1343 February 2022 City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Location ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Description ................................................................................................................................... 1 2 ACOUSTIC FUNDAMENTALS 2.1 Sound and Environmental Noise .............................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Groundborne Vibration .......................................................................................................................... 10 3 REGULATORY SETTING 3.1 State of California ................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Local ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.1 Existing Noise Sources ............................................................................................................................ 15 4.2 Noise Measurements ............................................................................................................................. 16 4.3 Sensitive Receptors ................................................................................................................................ 16 5 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA AND METHODOLOGY 5.1 CEQA Threshsolds .................................................................................................................................. 18 5.2 Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 18 6 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 6.1 Acoustical Impacts ................................................................................................................................. 20 7 REFERENCES References .............................................................................................................................................. 35 TABLES Table 1 Typical Noise Levels .................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 2 Definitions of Acoustical Terms ................................................................................................................ 7 Table 3 Human Reaction and Damage to Buildings for Continuous or Frequent Intermittent Vibrations ......... 10 Table 4 Existing Traffic Noise Levels ................................................................................................................... 15 Table 5 Existing Noise Measurements ................................................................................................................ 16 Table 6 Typical Construction Noise Levels .......................................................................................................... 21 Table 7 Project Construction Noise Levels at Nearest Receptor ........................................................................ 21 Table 8 Existing Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels ............................................................................................... 23 Table 9 Horizon Year and Horizon Year Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels ........................................................... 24 Table 10 Unmitigated On-Site Traffic Noise Levels ............................................................................................... 25 Table 11 Mitigated On-Site Traffic Noise Levels ................................................................................................... 27 Table 12 Sound Transmission Class for Windows ................................................................................................. 28 Table 13 Typical Construction Equipment Vibration Levels ................................................................................. 33 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Regional Vicinity ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Exhibit 2 Site Vicinity ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Exhibit 3 Conceptual Site Plan ................................................................................................................................ 5 Exhibit 4 Noise Measurement Locations .............................................................................................................. 17 Exhibit 5 Traffic Noise Receiver Locations (All Floors) .......................................................................................... 26 Exhibit 6 Recommended Window and Entry Door Treatments (Second Floor) .................................................... 30 City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | iii APPENDICES Appendix A: Noise Data LIST OF ABBREVIATED TERMS APN Assessor’s Parcel Number ADT average daily traffic dBA A-weighted sound level CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CLSP California Landings Specific Plan CSMA California Subdivision Map Act CNEL community equivalent noise level Ldn day-night noise level dB decibel du/ac dwelling units per acre Leq equivalent noise level FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration HVAC heating ventilation and air conditioning Hz hertz HOA homeowner’s association in/sec inches per second Lmax maximum noise level µPa micropascals Lmin minimum noise level PPV peak particle velocity RMS root mean square TNM 2.5 Traffic Noise Model Version 2.5 VdB vibration velocity level City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 1 1 INTRODUCTION This report documents the results of an Acoustical Assessment completed for the Sobrato Residential Development Project (“Project” or “Proposed Project”). The purpose of this Acoustical Assessment is to evaluate the potential construction and operational noise and vibration levels associated with the Project and determine the level of impact the Project would have on the environment. 1.1 Project Location and Setting The Project site is located south of Sierra Lakes Parkway and east of Lytle Creek Road in the northern area of the City of Fontana (City) in the County of San Bernardino (County). Exhibit 1: Regional Vicinity and Exhibit 2: Site Vicinity show the Project’s location within the overall City as well as the Project’s location within the surrounding community, respectively. The Project site is bordered by Lytle Creek Road to the west, Sierra Lakes Parkway to the north, Maloof Avenue to the east, and Highland Channel to the south. Regional access to the site would be via State Route 210 (SR-210) approximately 0.03 miles south of the Project site with the nearest exit/entrance ramp located approximately 0.6 miles southeast of the Project, at the SR-210’s intersection with Citrus Avenue. The Project would occupy approximately 10.3 acres within the City and includes the following 16 Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs): 0226-162-08, -09 through -11, -13 through -21, -23, -25 through -26. The Project site is currently vacant with sparse vegetation. Per the Lytle Creek EIR, there was a dilapidated single- family structure on site which was removed in December 2004.1 The site is surrounded by vacant land and single-family residences to the north; single-family residences to the east; Highland Channel, SR-210, and single-family residences to the south; and single-family residences to the west. 1.2 Project Description The Project proposes a planned unit development (PUD) that includes two (2) residential products: cluster and motorcourt on the 10.3-acre site for a total of 143 units with the density of 13.8 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The cluster development module would include 47 units consisting of 36 3-bedroom units and 15 4-bedroom units and the motorcourt development module would include 96 units consisting of 16 1-bedroom units, 32 2-bedroom units, and 48 3-bedroom units; see Exhibit 3: Conceptual Site Plan for further details. The Sobrato PUD would serve as the underlying standards and requirements and contain design and development standards, provisions, procedures, and permitted uses for the Project. Project Circulation Regional access to the Project site is provided via SR-210 approximately 0.03-mile south of the Project site with the nearest exit/entrance ramp located approximately 0.6-mile southeast of the Project, at the SR- 210’s intersection with Citrus Avenue. Local access to the Project site is provided via Lytle Creek Road, which is a collector street that trends in a north-south direction and Sierra Lakes Parkway, which is classified as a primary highway that trends in an east-west direction. 1 City of Fontana, Draft Environmental Impact Report SCH #2005021054, page 2.0-1, 2006. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 2 Project site main ingress and egress driveway would be provided via one 40-foot-wide driveway located on Lytle Creek Road. The driveway would connect the internal circulation directly to Lytle Creek Road and allow full access movement for vehicles and emergency vehicles. Parking The Project would be required to provide at least 384 parking stalls; however, the Project includes 400 parking stalls; see Exhibit 3. Project Phasing and Construction Project construction is anticipated to occur over a duration of approximately 12 months, commencing in December 2022. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 3 Exhibit 1: Regional Vicinity City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 4 Exhibit 2: Site Vicinity City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 5 Exhibit 3: Conceptual Site Plan City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 6 2 ACOUSTIC FUNDAMENTALS 2.1 Sound and Environmental Noise Acoustics is the science of sound. Sound can be described as the mechanical energy of a vibrating object transmitted by pressure waves through a medium (e.g., air) to human (or animal) ear. If the pressure variations occur frequently enough (at least 20 times per second), they can be heard and are called sound. The number of pressure variations per second is called the frequency of sound and is expressed as cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). Noise is defined as loud, unexpected, or annoying sound. In acoustics, the fundamental model consists of a noise source, a receptor, and the propagation path between the two. The loudness of the noise source, obstructions, or atmospheric factors affecting the propagation path, determine the perceived sound level and noise characteristics at the receptor. Acoustics deal primarily with the propagation and control of sound. A typical noise environment consists of a base of steady background noise that is the sum of many distant and indistinguishable noise sources. Superimposed on this background noise is the sound from individual local sources. These sources can vary from an occasional aircraft or train passing by to continuous noise from traffic on a major highway. Perceptions of sound and noise are highly subjective from person to person. Measuring sound directly in terms of pressure would require a large range of numbers. To avoid this, the decibel (dB) scale was devised. The dB scale uses the hearing threshold of 20 micropascals (µPa) as a point of reference, defined as 0 dB. Other sound pressures are then compared to this reference pressure, and the logarithm is taken to keep the numbers in a practical range. The dB scale allows a million-fold increase in pressure to be expressed as 120 dB, and changes in levels correspond closely to human perception of relative loudness. Table 1: Typical Noise Levels provides typical noise levels. Table 1: Typical Noise Levels Common Outdoor Activities Noise Level (dBA) Common Indoor Activities – 110 – Rock Band Jet fly-over at 1,000 feet – 100 – Gas lawnmower at 3 feet – 90 – Diesel truck at 50 feet at 50 miles per hour Food blender at 3 feet – 80 – Garbage disposal at 3 feet Noisy urban area, daytime Gas lawnmower, 100 feet – 70 – Vacuum cleaner at 10 feet Commercial area Normal Speech at 3 feet Heavy traffic at 300 feet – 60 – Large business office Quiet urban daytime – 50 – Dishwasher in next room Quiet urban nighttime – 40 – Theater, large conference room (background) Quiet suburban nighttime – 30 – Library Quiet rural nighttime Bedroom at night, concert hall (background) – 20 – Broadcast/recording studio – 10 – Lowest threshold of human hearing – 0 – Lowest threshold of human hearing Source: California Department of Transportation, Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, September 2013. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 7 Noise Descriptors The dB scale alone does not adequately characterize how humans perceive noise. The dominant frequencies of a sound have a substantial effect on the human response to that sound. Several rating scales have been developed to analyze the adverse effect of community noise on people. Because environmental noise fluctuates over time, these scales consider that the effect of noise on people is largely dependent on the total acoustical energy content of the noise, as well as the time of day when the noise occurs. The equivalent noise level (Leq) is the average noise level averaged over the measurement period, while the day-night noise level (Ldn) and Community Equivalent Noise Level (CNEL) are measures of energy average during a 24-hour period, with dB weighted sound levels from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Most commonly, environmental sounds are described in terms of Leq that has the same acoustical energy as the summation of all the time-varying events. Each is applicable to this analysis and defined in Table 2: Definitions of Acoustical Terms. Table 2: Definitions of Acoustical Terms Term Definitions Decibel (dB) A unit describing the amplitude of sound, equal to 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure. The reference pressure for air is 20. Sound Pressure Level Sound pressure is the sound force per unit area, usually expressed in µPa (or 20 micronewtons per square meter), where 1 pascals is the pressure resulting from a force of 1 newton exerted over an area of 1 square meter. The sound pressure level is expressed in dB as 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio between the pressures exerted by the sound to a reference sound pressure (e.g., 20 µPa). Sound pressure level is the quantity that is directly measured by a sound level meter. Frequency (Hz) The number of complete pressure fluctuations per second above and below atmospheric pressure. Normal human hearing is between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. Infrasonic sound are below 20 Hz and ultrasonic sounds are above 20,000 Hz. A-Weighted Sound Level (dBA) The sound pressure level in dB as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighting filter network. The A-weighting filter de-emphasizes the very low and very high frequency components of the sound in a manner similar to the frequency response of the human ear and correlates well with subjective reactions to noise. Equivalent Noise Level (Leq) The average acoustic energy content of noise for a stated period of time. Thus, the Leq of a time-varying noise and that of a steady noise are the same if they deliver the same acoustic energy to the ear during exposure. For evaluating community impacts, this rating scale does not vary, regardless of whether the noise occurs during the day or the night. Maximum Noise Level (Lmax) Minimum Noise Level (Lmin) The maximum and minimum dBA during the measurement period. Exceeded Noise Levels (L01, L10, L50, L90) The dBA values that are exceeded 1%, 10%, 50%, and 90% of the time during the measurement period. Day-Night Noise Level (Ldn) A 24-hour average Leq with a 10 dBA weighting added to noise during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. to account for noise sensitivity at nighttime. The logarithmic effect of these additions is that a 60 dBA 24-hour Leq would result in a measurement of 66.4 dBA Ldn. Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) A 24-hour average Leq with a 5 dBA weighting during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and a 10 dBA weighting added to noise during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. to account for noise sensitivity in the evening and nighttime, respectively. The logarithmic effect of these additions is that a 60 dBA 24-hour Leq would result in a measurement of 66.7 dBA CNEL. Ambient Noise Level The composite of noise from all sources near and far. The normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location. Intrusive That noise which intrudes over and above the existing ambient noise at a given location. The relative intrusiveness of a sound depends on its amplitude, duration, frequency, and time of occurrence and tonal or informational content as well as the prevailing ambient noise level. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 8 The A-weighted decibel (dBA) sound level scale gives greater weight to the frequencies of sound to which the human ear is most sensitive. Because sound levels can vary markedly over a short period of time, a method for describing either the average character of the sound or the statistical behavior of the variations must be utilized. Most commonly, environmental sounds are described in terms of an average level that has the same acoustical energy as the summation of all the time-varying events. The scientific instrument used to measure noise is the sound level meter. Sound level meters can accurately measure environmental noise levels to within about plus or minus 1 dBA. Various computer models are used to predict environmental noise levels from sources, such as roadways and airports. The accuracy of the predicted models depends on the distance between the receptor and the noise source. A-Weighted Decibels The perceived loudness of sounds is dependent on many factors, including sound pressure level and frequency content. However, within the usual range of environmental noise levels, perception of loudness is relatively predictable and can be approximated by dBA values. There is a strong correlation between dBA and the way the human ear perceives sound. For this reason, the dBA has become the standard tool of environmental noise assessment. All noise levels reported in this document are in terms of dBA, but are expressed as dB, unless otherwise noted. Addition of Decibels The dB scale is logarithmic, not linear, and therefore sound levels cannot be added or subtracted through ordinary arithmetic. Two sound levels 10 dB apart differ in acoustic energy by a factor of 10. When the standard logarithmic dB is A-weighted, an increase of 10 dBA is generally perceived as a doubling in loudness. For example, a 70-dBA sound is half as loud as an 80-dBA sound and twice as loud as a 60-dBA sound. When two identical sources are each producing sound of the same loudness, the resulting sound level at a given distance would be 3 dBA higher than one source under the same conditions. Under the dB scale, three sources of equal loudness together would produce an increase of 5 dBA. Sound Propagation and Attenuation Sound spreads (propagates) uniformly outward in a spherical pattern, and the sound level decreases (attenuates) at a rate of approximately 6 dB for each doubling of distance from a stationary or point source. Sound from a line source, such as a highway, propagates outward in a cylindrical pattern. Sound levels attenuate at a rate of approximately 3 dB for each doubling of distance from a line source, such as a roadway, depending on ground surface characteristics. No excess attenuation is assumed for hard surfaces like a parking lot or a body of water. Soft surfaces, such as soft dirt or grass, can absorb sound, so an excess ground-attenuation value of 1.5 dB per doubling of distance is normally assumed. For line sources, an overall attenuation rate of 3 dB per doubling of distance is assumed. Noise levels may also be reduced by intervening structures; generally, a single row of buildings between the receptor and the noise source reduces the noise level by about 5 dBA, while a solid wall or berm reduces noise levels by 5 to 10 dBA. The way older homes in California were constructed generally provides a reduction of exterior-to-interior noise levels of about 20 to 25 dBA with closed windows. The exterior-to-interior reduction of newer residential units is generally 30 dBA or more. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 9 Human Response to Noise The human response to environmental noise is subjective and varies considerably from individual to individual. Noise in the community has often been cited as a health problem, not in terms of actual physiological damage, such as hearing impairment, but in terms of inhibiting general well-being and contributing to undue stress and annoyance. The health effects of noise in the community arise from interference with human activities, including sleep, speech, recreation, and tasks that demand concentration or coordination. Hearing loss can occur at the highest noise intensity levels. Noise environments and consequences of human activities are usually well represented by median noise levels during the day or night or over a 24-hour period. Environmental noise levels are generally considered low when the CNEL is below 60 dBA, moderate in the 60 to 70 dBA range, and high above 70 dBA. Examples of low daytime levels are isolated, natural settings with noise levels as low as 20 dBA and quiet, suburban, residential streets with noise levels around 40 dBA. Noise levels above 45 dBA at night can disrupt sleep. Examples of moderate-level noise environments are urban residential or semi- commercial areas (typically 55 to 60 dBA) and commercial locations (typically 60 dBA). People may consider louder environments adverse, but most will accept the higher levels associated with noisier urban residential or residential-commercial areas (60 to 75 dBA) or dense urban or industrial areas (65 to 80 dBA). Regarding increases in dBA, the following relationships should be noted:  Except in carefully controlled laboratory experiments, a 1-dBA change cannot be perceived by humans.  Outside of the laboratory, a 3-dBA change is considered a just-perceivable difference.  A minimum 5-dBA change is required before any noticeable change in community response would be expected. A 5-dBA increase is typically considered substantial.  A 10-dBA change is subjectively heard as an approximate doubling in loudness and would almost certainly cause an adverse change in community response. Effects of Noise on People Hearing Loss. While physical damage to the ear from an intense noise impulse is rare, a degradation of auditory acuity can occur even within a community noise environment. Hearing loss occurs mainly due to chronic exposure to excessive noise but may be due to a single event such as an explosion. Natural hearing loss associated with aging may also be accelerated from chronic exposure to loud noise. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a noise exposure standard that is set at the noise threshold where hearing loss may occur from long-term exposures. The maximum allowable level is 90 dBA averaged over 8 hours. If the noise is above 90 dBA, the allowable exposure time is correspondingly shorter. Annoyance. Attitude surveys are used for measuring the annoyance felt in a community for noises intruding into homes or affecting outdoor activity areas. In these surveys, it was determined that causes for annoyance include interference with speech, radio and television, house vibrations, and interference with sleep and rest. The Ldn as a measure of noise has been found to provide a valid correlation of noise level and the percentage of people annoyed. People have been asked to judge the annoyance caused by aircraft noise and ground transportation noise. There continues to be disagreement about the relative City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 10 annoyance of these different sources. A noise level of about 55 dBA Ldn is the threshold at which a substantial percentage of people begin to report annoyance.2 2.2 Groundborne Vibration Sources of groundborne vibrations include natural phenomena (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sea waves, landslides, etc.) or man-made causes (explosions, machinery, traffic, trains, construction equipment, etc.). Vibration sources may be continuous (e.g., factory machinery) or transient (e.g., explosions). Ground vibration consists of rapidly fluctuating motions or waves with an average motion of zero. Several different methods are typically used to quantify vibration amplitude. One is the peak particle velocity (PPV); another is the root mean square (RMS) velocity. The PPV is defined as the maximum instantaneous positive or negative peak of the vibration wave. The RMS velocity is defined as the average of the squared amplitude of the signal. The PPV and RMS vibration velocity amplitudes are used to evaluate human response to vibration. Table 3: Human Reaction and Damage to Buildings for Continuous or Frequent Intermittent Vibrations, displays the reactions of people and the effects on buildings produced by continuous vibration levels. The annoyance levels shown in the table should be interpreted with care since vibration may be found to be annoying at much lower levels than those listed, depending on the level of activity or the sensitivity of the individual. To sensitive individuals, vibrations approaching the threshold of perception can be annoying. Low-level vibrations frequently cause irritating secondary vibration, such as a slight rattling of windows, doors, or stacked dishes. The rattling sound can give rise to exaggerated vibration complaints, even though there is very little risk of actual structural damage. In high noise environments, which are more prevalent where groundborne vibration approaches perceptible levels, this rattling phenomenon may also be produced by loud airborne environmental noise causing induced vibration in exterior doors and windows. Table 3: Human Reaction and Damage to Buildings for Continuous or Frequent Intermittent Vibrations Peak Particle Velocity (in/sec) Approximate Vibration Velocity Level (VdB) Human Reaction Effect on Buildings 0.006-0.019 64-74 Range of threshold of perception Vibrations unlikely to cause damage of any type 0.08 87 Vibrations readily perceptible Recommended upper level to which ruins and ancient monuments should be subjected 0.1 92 Level at which continuous vibrations may begin to annoy people, particularly those involved in vibration sensitive activities Virtually no risk of architectural damage to normal buildings 0.2 94 Vibrations may begin to annoy people in buildings Threshold at which there is a risk of architectural damage to normal dwellings 0.4-0.6 98-104 Vibrations considered unpleasant by people subjected to continuous vibrations and unacceptable to some people walking on bridges Architectural damage and possibly minor structural damage Source: California Department of Transportation, Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual, 2013. 2 Federal Interagency Committee on Noise, Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues, August 1992. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 11 Ground vibration can be a concern in instances where buildings shake, and substantial rumblings occur. However, it is unusual for vibration from typical urban sources such as buses and heavy trucks to be perceptible. Common sources for groundborne vibration are planes, trains, and construction activities such as earth-moving which requires the use of heavy-duty earth moving equipment. For the purposes of this analysis, a PPV descriptor with units of inches per second (in/sec) is used to evaluate construction- generated vibration for building damage and human complaints. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 12 3 REGULATORY SETTING To limit population exposure to physically or psychologically damaging as well as intrusive noise levels, the Federal government, the State of California, various county governments, and most municipalities in the state have established standards and ordinances to control noise. 3.1 State of California California Government Code California Government Code Section 65302(f) mandates that the legislative body of each county and city adopt a noise element as part of its comprehensive general plan. The local noise element must recognize the land use compatibility guidelines established by the State Department of Health Services. The guidelines rank noise land use compatibility in terms of “normally acceptable”, “conditionally acceptable”, “normally unacceptable”, and “clearly unacceptable” noise levels for various land use types. Single-family homes are “normally acceptable” in exterior noise environments up to 60 CNEL and “conditionally acceptable” up to 70 CNEL. Multiple-family residential uses are “normally acceptable” up to 65 CNEL and “conditionally acceptable” up to 70 CNEL. Schools, libraries, and churches are “normally acceptable” up to 70 CNEL, as are office buildings and business, commercial, and professional uses. Title 24 – Building Code The State’s noise insulation standards are codified in the California Code of Regulations, Title 24: Part 1, Building Standards Administrative Code, and Part 2, California Building Code. These noise standards are applied to new construction in California for interior noise compatibility from exterior noise sources. The regulations specify that acoustical studies must be prepared when noise-sensitive structures, such as residential buildings, schools, or hospitals, are located near major transportation noise sources, and where such noise sources create an exterior noise level of 65 dBA CNEL or higher. Acoustical studies that accompany building plans must demonstrate that the structure has been designed to limit interior noise in habitable rooms to acceptable noise levels. For new multi-family residential buildings, the acceptable interior noise limit for new construction is 45 dBA CNEL. 3.2 Local City of Fontana General Plan Adopted on November 13, 2018, the Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035 (Fontana General Plan) identifies noise standards that are used as guidelines to evaluate transportation noise level impacts. These standards are also used to assess the long-term traffic noise impacts on specific land uses. According to the Fontana General Plan, land uses such as residences have acceptable exterior noise levels of up to 65 dBA CNEL. Based on the guidelines in the Fontana General Plan, an exterior noise level of 65 dBA CNEL is generally considered the maximum exterior noise level for sensitive receptors. Land uses near these significant noise-producers can incorporate buffers and noise control techniques including setbacks, landscaping, building transitions, site design, and building construction techniques to reduce the impact of excessive noise. Selection of the appropriate noise control technique would vary depending on the level of noise that needs to be reduced as well as the location and intended land use. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 13 The City has adopted the Noise and Safety Element as a part of the updated Fontana General Plan. The Noise and Safety Element specifies the maximum allowable unmitigated exterior noise levels for new developments impacted by transportation noise sources. Additionally, the Noise and Safety Element identifies transportation noise policies designed to protect, create, and maintain an environment free of harmful noise that could impact the health and welfare of sensitive receptors. The following Fontana General Plan goals, policies, and actions for addressing noise are applicable to the Project: Goal 8: The City of Fontana protects sensitive land uses from excessive noise by diligent planning through 2035. Policy 8.2: Noise-tolerant land uses shall be guided into areas irrevocably committed to land uses that are noise-producing, such as transportation corridors. Policy 8.4: Noise spillover or encroachment from commercial, industrial and educational land uses shall be minimized into adjoining residential neighborhoods or noise-sensitive uses. Action C: The State of California Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines shall be followed with respect to acoustical study requirements. Goal 9: The City of Fontana provides a diverse and efficiently operated ground transportation system that generates the minimum feasible noise on its residents through 2035. Policy 9.1: All noise sections of the State Motor Vehicle Code shall be enforced. Policy 9.2: Roads shall be maintained such that the paving is in good condition and free of cracks, bumps, and potholes. Action A: On-road trucking activities shall continue to be regulated in the City to ensure noise impacts are minimized, including the implementation of truck-routes based on traffic studies. Action B: Development that generates increased traffic and subsequent increases in the ambient noise level adjacent to noise-sensitive land uses shall provide appropriate mitigation measures. Action D: Explore the use of “quiet pavement” materials for street improvements. Goal 10: Fontana’s residents are protected from the negative effects of “spillover” noise. Policy 10.1: Residential land uses and areas identified as noise-sensitive shall be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including industrial, commercial, and residential activities and equipment. Action A: Projects located in commercial areas shall not exceed stationary-source noise standards at the property line of proximate residential or commercial uses. Action B: Industrial uses shall not exceed commercial or residential stationary source noise standards at the most proximate land uses. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 14 Action C: Non-transportation noise shall be considered in land use planning decisions. Action D: Construction shall be performed as quietly as feasible when performed in proximity to residential or other noise sensitive land uses. City of Fontana Municipal Code Standards established under the City of Fontana Municipal Code (Municipal Code) are used to analyze noise impacts originating from the Project. Operational noise impacts are typically governed by Fontana Municipal Code Sections 18-61 through 18-67. However, the City currently relies on delineated general industrial areas. According to the General Plan Noise and Safety section, these areas are buffered from residential uses through land use zoning that places either light industrial or commercial uses between the major manufacturers involved in heavy industrial uses and local residents. This separation of land uses meaning noise intrusion on conforming land uses is not a problem at this time. Guidelines for non-transportation and stationary noise source impacts from operations at private properties are found in the Zoning and Development Code in Chapter 30 of the Fontana Municipal Code. Applicable guidelines indicate that no person shall create or cause any sound exceeding the City’s stated noise performance standards measured at the property line of any residentially zoned property. Per Fontana Municipal Code Section 30-543(A), the performance standards for exterior noise emanating from any property are 70 dBA between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. and 65 dBA during the noise- sensitive hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. at residential uses. For this analysis, a 65-dBA nighttime noise level standard is conservatively used to analyze potential noise impacts at off-site residential receptors within the City of Fontana. The City has also set restrictions to control noise impacts from construction activities. Section 18-63(b)(7) states that the erection (including excavation), demolition, alteration, or repair of any structure shall only occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, except in the case of urgent necessity or otherwise approved by the City of Fontana. Although the Fontana Municipal Code limits the hours of construction, it does not provide specific noise level performance standards for construction. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 15 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.1 Existing Noise Sources The City is impacted by various noise sources. Mobile sources of noise, especially cars, trucks, and trains are the most common and significant sources of noise. Other noise sources are the various land uses (i.e., residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational and parks activities) throughout the City that generate stationary-source noise. Mobile Sources Existing roadway noise levels were calculated for the roadway segments in the Project vicinity. This task was accomplished using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) and Existing (2017) ADT Volumes from the Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035 Draft Environmental Impact Report.3 The noise prediction model calculates the average noise level at specific locations based on traffic volumes, average speeds, roadway geometry, and site environmental conditions. The average vehicle noise rates (also referred to as energy rates) used in the FHWA model have been modified to reflect average vehicle noise rates identified for California by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The Caltrans data indicates that California automobile noise is 0.8 to 1.0 dBA higher than national levels and that medium and heavy truck noise is 0.3 to 3.0 dBA lower than national levels. The average daily noise levels along local roadway segments in proximity to the Project site are included in Table 4: Existing Traffic Noise Levels. As shown in Table 4, existing traffic noise levels along local roadways in the Project vicinity range between 53.6 dBA CNEL and 60.9 dBA CNEL. In addition, according to the on-site traffic noise modeling results provided in Section 6.1, Acoustical Impacts (On-Site Traffic Noise), noise levels from SR-210 traffic range from approximately 57.6 dBA CNEL to 72.8 dBA CNEL (at ground level) at the Project site. 3 City of Fontana, Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035 Draft Environmental Impact Report, https://www.fontana.org/DocumentCenter/View/29524/Draft-Environmental-Impact-Report-for-the-General-Plan-Update, accessed November 2, 2021. Table 4: Existing Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment ADT dBA CNEL1 Sierra Lakes Parkway Lyte Creek Road to Maloof Avenue 16,000 60.9 Lyte Creek Road South of Sierra Lakes Parkway Road 3,000 53.6 ADT = average daily trips; dBA = A-weighted decibels; CNEL= Community Equivalent Noise Level Notes: 1. Traffic data obtained from the Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035 Draft Environmental Impact Report, 2018. 2. Traffic noise levels are at 100 feet from the roadway centerline. Noise levels modeled using the FHWA-RD-77-108 Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model; see Appendix A for traffic noise modeling results. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 16 Stationary Sources The primary sources of stationary noise in the Project vicinity are those associated with residential properties surrounding the Project. The noise associated with these sources may represent a single-event noise occurrence or short-term noise. Other noises include mechanical equipment (e.g., heating ventilation and air conditioning [HVAC] equipment), dogs barking, idling vehicles, and residents talking. 4.2 Noise Measurements The Project site is currently vacant and unoccupied. To quantify existing ambient noise levels in the Project area, Kimley-Horn conducted four short-term noise measurements on October 7, 2021; see Appendix A: Noise Data. The noise measurement sites were representative of typical existing noise exposure within and immediately adjacent to the Project site. The 10-minute measurements were taken between 8:37 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Measurements of Leq are considered representative of the noise levels throughout the day. The average noise levels and sources of noise measured at each location are listed in Table 5: Existing Noise Measurements and shown on Exhibit 4: Noise Measurement Locations. Table 5: Existing Noise Measurements Site Location Measurement Period Duration Daytime Average Leq (dBA) 1 Southwest corner of Ross Way and Lytle Creek Road 8:37 – 8:47 a.m. 10 Minutes 62.1 2 Western side of Lytle Creek Road, near the intersection of Jocelyn Way and Lytle Creek Road 8:51 – 9:01 a.m. 10 Minutes 62.8 3 Along the south side of Sierra Lake Parkway, east of the Project site 9:06 – 9:16 a.m. 10 Minutes 71.6 4 At the southern end of Malouf Avenue 9:20 – 9:30 a.m. 10 Minutes 70.6 Source: Noise measurements taken by Kimley-Horn, October 7, 2021. See Appendix A for noise measurement results. 4.3 Sensitive Receptors Noise exposure standards and guidelines for various types of land uses reflect the varying noise sensitivities associated with each of these uses. Land uses considered sensitive receptors include residences, schools, playgrounds, childcare centers, long-term health care facilities, rehabilitation centers, convalescent centers, and retirement homes. Sensitive land uses surrounding the Project consist mostly of residential communities. Sensitive land uses near the Project include single-family uses north, east, and west of the site. There are also residences located to the south of the Project site (south of SR-210); however, these uses are heavily influenced by traffic noise on SR-210 and would not be influenced by noise-generating activities at the Project site. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 17 Exhibit 4: Noise Measurement Locations City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 18 5 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA AND METHODOLOGY 5.1 CEQA Thresholds Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines contains analysis guidelines related to noise impacts. These guidelines have been used by the City to develop thresholds of significance for this analysis. A project would create a significant environmental impact if it would:  Generate a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies;  Generate excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels; and  For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, expose people residing or working in the Project area to excessive noise levels. 5.2 Methodology Construction Construction noise levels were based on typical noise levels generated by construction equipment published by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and FHWA. Construction noise is assessed in dBA Leq. This unit is appropriate because Leq can be used to describe noise level from operation of each piece of equipment separately, and levels can be combined to represent the noise level from all equipment operating during a given period. FHWA’s Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM) was used to estimate construction noise at nearby sensitive receptors. For modeling purposes, construction equipment has been distributed evenly between the center of the construction site and the nearest receptor. To be conservative, the loudest and most used equipment was placed nearest the sensitive receptor. Noise level estimates do not account for the presence of intervening structures or topography, which may reduce noise levels at receptor locations. Therefore, the noise levels presented herein represent a conservative, reasonable worst-case estimate of actual temporary construction noise. Operations The analysis of the Without Project and With Project noise environments is based on noise prediction modeling and empirical observations. Reference noise level data are used to estimate the Project operational noise impacts from stationary sources. Noise levels are collected from field noise measurements and other published sources from similar types of activities are used to estimate noise levels expected with the Project’s stationary sources. The reference noise levels are used to represent a worst-case noise environment as noise level from stationary sources can vary throughout the day. Operational noise is evaluated based on the standards within the City’s Noise Ordinance and General Plan. The Without Project and With Project traffic noise levels in the Project vicinity were calculated using the FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108). City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 19 Vibration Groundborne vibration levels associated with construction-related activities for the Project were evaluated utilizing typical groundborne vibration levels associated with construction equipment, obtained from FTA published data for construction equipment. Potential groundborne vibration impacts related to building/structure damage and interference with sensitive existing operations were evaluated, considering the distance from construction activities to nearby land uses and typically applied criteria. For a building that is constructed with reinforced concrete with no plaster, the FTA guidelines show that a vibration level of up to 0.20 in/sec is considered safe and would not result in any vibration damage. Human annoyance is evaluated in vibration decibels (VdB) (the vibration velocity level in decibel scale) and occurs when construction vibration rises significantly above the threshold of human perception for extended periods of time. The FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (FTA, 2018) (FTA Noise and Vibration Manual) identifies 80 VdB as the threshold for buildings where people normally sleep. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 20 6 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 6.1 Acoustical Impacts Threshold 6.1 Would the Project generate a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? Construction Construction noise typically occurs intermittently and varies depending on the nature or phase of construction (e.g., land clearing, grading, excavation, paving). Noise generated by construction equipment, including earth movers, material handlers, and portable generators, can reach high levels. During construction, exterior noise levels could affect the residential neighborhoods surrounding the construction site. The nearest sensitive receptors to the Project construction area are existing residential uses located approximately 325 feet to the west of the Project site’s acoustic center. Following FTA methodology, when calculating construction noise, all equipment is assumed to operate at the center of the Project because equipment would operate throughout the Project site and not at a fixed location for extended periods of time. Construction activities would include site preparation, grading, building construction, paving, and architectural coating. Such activities would require dozers and tractors during site preparation; excavators, graders, and dozers during grading; cranes, forklifts, generators, tractors, and welders during building construction; pavers, rollers, mixers, and paving equipment during paving; and air compressors during architectural coating. Typical operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve 1 or 2 minutes of full power operation followed by 3 to 4 minutes at lower power settings. Other primary sources of acoustical disturbance would be random incidents, which would last less than one minute (such as dropping large pieces of equipment or the hydraulic movement of machinery lifts). Noise generated by construction equipment, including earth movers, material handlers, and portable generators, can reach high levels. Typical noise levels associated with individual construction equipment are listed in Table 6: Typical Construction Noise Levels. The City’s Municipal Code does not establish quantitative construction noise standards. Instead, the Municipal Code establishes limited hours of construction activities. Municipal Code Section 18-63 states that construction activities may only take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, except in the case of urgent necessity or otherwise approved by the City of Fontana. However, this analysis conservatively uses the FTA’s threshold of 80 dBA (8-hour Leq) for residential uses to evaluate construction noise impacts.4 The noise levels calculated in Table 7: Project Construction Noise Levels at Nearest Receptor, show estimated exterior construction noise levels at the nearest sensitive uses (residences located approximately 325 to the north of the Project site’s acoustic center) without accounting for attenuation from physical barriers or topography. 4 Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, Table 7-2, Page 179, September 2018. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 21 Table 6: Typical Construction Noise Levels Equipment Typical Noise Level (dBA) at 50 feet from Source Air Compressor 81 Backhoe 80 Compactor 82 Concrete Mixer 85 Concrete Pump 82 Concrete Vibrator 76 Crane, Derrick 88 Crane, Mobile 83 Dozer 85 Generator 81 Grader 85 Impact Wrench 85 Jack Hammer 88 Loader 85 Paver 89 Pneumatic Tool 85 Pump 76 Roller 74 Saw 76 Scraper 89 Shovel 82 Truck 88 Note: 1. Calculated using the inverse square law formula for sound attenuation: dBA2 = dBA1+20Log(d1/d2) Where: dBA2 = estimated noise level at receptor; dBA1 = reference noise level; d1 = reference distance; d2 = receptor location distance Source: Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, September 2018. Table 7: Project Construction Noise Levels at Nearest Receptor Construction Phase Modeled Exterior Construction Noise Level (dBA Leq) Noise Threshold (dBA Leq) Exceed Threshold? Site Preparation 73.3 80 No Grading 68.7 80 No Building Construction 67.7 80 No Paving 63.7 80 No Architectural Coating 61.4 80 No Note: Equipment distributed evenly between the center of the construction site and the nearest sensitive receptor. Source: Federal Highway Administration, Roadway Construction Noise Model, 2006. Refer to Appendix A for noise modeling results. Table 7 depicts a worst-case scenario for each phase of construction, with all equipment operating simultaneously while located as close to the nearest sensitive receptor as possible. However, during construction, equipment would operate throughout the Project site and the associated noise levels would not occur at a fixed location for extended periods of time. As indicated in Table 7, Project construction noise levels would not exceed the FTA’s 80 dBA threshold at the nearest residential uses. In addition, compliance with the Municipal Code would further minimize impacts from construction noise, as construction would be limited to daytime hours on weekdays and Saturdays. Therefore, because City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 22 Project construction noise levels would not exceed FTA noise standards and construction activities would be required to comply with Municipal Code provisions, noise impacts would be less than significant noise impact in this regard. Operations Implementation of the proposed Project would create new sources of noise in the Project vicinity. The major noise sources associated with the Project that would potentially impact existing nearby residences include stationary noise equipment (i.e., trash compactors, air conditioners, etc.); parking areas (i.e., car door slamming, car radios, engine start-up, and car pass-by); and off-site traffic noise. Mechanical Equipment The nearest sensitive receptors to the Project site are the single-family residences located 30 feet east and west of the Project site. Potential stationary noise sources related to long-term operation of the Project would include mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment (e.g., heating ventilation and air conditioning [HVAC] equipment) typically generates noise levels of approximately 52 dBA at 50 feet.5 Based on Project site plans, the nearest potential location for a HVAC unit would be located approximately 70 feet from the nearest residential property. At this distance, HVAC noise levels would attenuate by the distance to approximately 49.10 dBA, which is below the City’s 65 dBA noise standard for residential uses. Additionally, standard construction practices, such as wall assemblies and windows, would result in an exterior-interior noise level reduction of approximately 25 dBA.6 As such, interior HVAC noise levels would be approximately 24.08 dBA, which is below the City’s 45 dBA interior noise standard for residential uses. Operation of mechanical equipment would not increase ambient noise levels beyond the acceptable compatible land use noise levels. Further, it is noted that noise from stationary sources at the Project site would primarily occur during the daytime activity hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in a less than significant impact related to stationary noise levels. Parking Noise The Project would provide 400 parking stalls (see Section 1.2, Project Description). Parking spaces would be a combination of ground-floor garage spaces for each unit, and open parking spaces throughout the Project site. Nominal parking noise would occur within the on-site parking facilities. Traffic associated with parking lots is typically not of sufficient volume to exceed community noise standards, which are based on a time-averaged scale such as the CNEL scale. The instantaneous maximum sound levels generated by a car door slamming, engine starting up, and car pass-bys range from 53 to 61 dBA7 and may be an annoyance to adjacent noise-sensitive receptors. It should be noted that parking lot noises are instantaneous noise levels compared to noise standards in the hourly Leq or 24-hour CNEL metrics, which are averaged over the entire duration of a time period. Additionally, parking noise also occurs at the adjacent properties surrounding the site under existing conditions. Parking and driveway noise would be consistent with existing noise in the vicinity and would be partially masked by background traffic noise from motor vehicles traveling along SR-210 to the south 5 Elliott H. Berger, Rick Neitzel, and Cynthia A. Kladden, Noise Navigator Sound Level Database with Over 1700 Measurement Values, 2015. 6 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Protective Noise Levels (EPA 550/9-79-100), November 1979. 7 Kariel, H. G., Noise in Rural Recreational Environments, Canadian Acoustics 19(5), 3-10, 1991. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 23 and Sierra Lakes Avenue to the north. Actual noise levels over time resulting from parking activities will be far below the City’s noise standards. Therefore, noise impacts associated with parking would be less than significant. Off-Site Traffic Noise Implementation of the Project would generate increased traffic volumes along nearby roadway segments. Using the trip rates from the Trip Generation and VMT Screening Memorandum for the Proposed Citrus East Residential Project in the City of Fontana (Kimley-Horn, 2021) (Traffic Impact Study), the proposed Project would generate approximately 1,047 daily trips which would result in noise increases on Project area roadways. In general, a traffic noise increase of less than 3 dBA is barely perceptible to people, while a 5-dBA increase is readily noticeable.8 Generally, traffic volumes on Project area roadways would have to approximately double for the resulting traffic noise levels to increase by 3 dBA. Therefore, permanent increases in ambient noise levels of less than 3 dBA are considered to be less than significant. Traffic noise levels for roadways primarily affected by the Project were calculated using the FHWA’s Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108). Traffic noise modeling was conducted for conditions with and without the Project, based on traffic volumes from the Traffic Impact Study. As indicated in Table 8: Existing Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels, Existing Conditions Plus Project traffic-generated noise levels on Project area roadways would range between 54.9 dBA CNEL and 61.2 dBA CNEL at 100 feet from the centerline, and the Project would result in a maximum increase of 1.3 dBA CNEL along Lytle Creek Road. As such, the Project would result in an increase of less than 3.0 dBA CNEL for the roadway segments analyzed and traffic noise impacts from off-site traffic would be less than significant. Table 8: Existing Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment Existing Conditions Existing Conditions Plus Project Project Change from No Build Conditions Significant Impact? ADT1 dBA CNEL2 ADT dBA CNEL2 Sierra Lakes Parkway Lyte Creek Road to Maloof Avenue 16,000 60.9 17,047 61.2 0.3 No Lyte Creek Road South of Sierra Lakes Parkway 3,000 53.6 4,047 54.9 1.3 No ADT = average daily trips; dBA = A-weighted decibels; CNEL= Community Equivalent Noise Level Notes: 1. Traffic data obtained from the Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035 Draft Environmental Impact Report, 2018. 2. Traffic noise levels are at 100 feet from the roadway centerline. Noise levels modeled using the FHWA-RD-77-108 Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model; see Appendix A for traffic noise modeling results. The Horizon Year “2040 Without Project” and “2040 Plus Project” scenarios were also compared. As shown in Table 9: Horizon Year and Horizon Year Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels, roadway noise levels would range between 54.9 dBA CNEL and 61.4 dBA CNEL at 100 feet from the centerline, and the Project would result in a maximum increase of 1.3 dBA CNEL. As such, the Project would result in an increase of 8 Federal Highway Administration, Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance, Noise Fundamentals, https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environMent/noise/regulations_and_guidance/polguide/polguide02.cfm, accessed November 2, 2021. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 24 less than 3.0 dBA CNEL for the roadway segments analyzed and traffic noise. Noise impacts from off-site traffic would be less than significant in this regard. Table 9: Horizon Year and Horizon Year Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment Horizon Year (2040) Horizon Year (2040) Plus Project Project Change from No Build Conditions Significant Impact? ADT1 dBA CNEL2 ADT dBA CNEL2 Sierra Lakes Parkway Lyte Creek Road to Maloof Avenue 17,000 61.1 18,047 61.4 0.3 No Lyte Creek Road South of Sierra Lakes Parkway 3,000 53.6 4,047 54.9 1.3 No ADT = average daily trips; dBA = A-weighted decibels; CNEL= Community Equivalent Noise Level Notes: 1. Traffic data obtained from the Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035 Draft Environmental Impact Report, 2018. 2. Traffic noise levels are at 100 feet from the roadway centerline. Noise levels modeled using the FHWA-RD-77-108 Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model; see Appendix A for traffic noise modeling results. On-Site Traffic Noise A noise impact analysis has been completed to determine the noise exposure levels that would result from off-site transportation noise sources, and to identify potential noise reduction measures that would achieve acceptable exterior and interior noise levels. The primary source of traffic noise affecting the Project site is from SR-210. This analysis addresses on-site exterior and interior noise levels at proposed residential receptors. The California Supreme Court in a December 2015 opinion (California Building Industry Association v. Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 62 Cal. 4th 369 [No. S 213478]) confirmed that CEQA, with several specific exceptions, is concerned with the impacts of a project on the environment, not the effects the existing environment may have on a project. Therefore, this section is not required under CEQA and is included for informational purposes only. The evaluation of the significance of project impacts in the following discussion is provided to ensure compliance with City and State Building Code noise standards. Predicted On-Site Traffic Noise Traffic volumes along SR-210 were obtained from the Caltrans Traffic Census Program.9 Truck ADT and fleet mix data was also obtained from the Caltrans Traffic Census. Roadways and receivers were digitized in the FHWA Traffic Noise Model, Version 2.5 (TNM 2.5) based on the Project site plan layout. The model also accounted for the differences in elevation between the roadway and each receptor. Noise levels were calculated at the exterior receptor locations for each of the proposed two stories with residential units. Table 10: Unmitigated On-Site Traffic Noise Levels provides the results of the modeling and Exhibit 5: Traffic Noise Receiver Locations (All Floors) depicts the location of the modeled noise receivers. As shown in Table 10, unmitigated exterior noise levels on-site would range from 57.6 dBA CNEL to a maximum of 72.8 dBA CNEL at first floor receptors, and from 68.0 dBA CNEL to a maximum of 77.8 dBA CNEL at second 9 California Department of Transportation, Traffic Census Program, https://dot.ca.gov/programs/traffic-operations/census, accessed November 2, 2021. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 25 floor receptors. Unmitigated interior noise levels on-site would range from 32.6 dBA CNEL to a maximum of 47.8 dBA CNEL at first floor receptors, and from 43.0 dBA CNEL to a maximum of 52.8 dBA CNEL at second floor receptors; see Table 10. Noise levels would be lower at the receivers further away from SR- 210. Proposed residential units would have outdoor (patio) space on the first floor that are exposed to traffic noise from SR-210. Table 10: Unmitigated On-Site Traffic Noise Levels Receiver No. Exterior Noise Levels (dBA CNEL)1 Interior Noise Levels (dBA CNEL)2 First Floor Second Floor First Floor Second Floor 1 72.4 76.9 47.4 51.9 2 72.8 76.8 47.8 51.8 3 72.7 76.9 47.7 51.9 4 69.5 76.2 44.5 51.2 5 66.1 74.9 41.1 49.9 6 61.9 73.0 36.9 48.0 7 61.2 71.8 36.2 46.8 8 69.2 77.8 44.2 52.8 9 67.5 74.8 42.5 49.8 10 67.3 70.3 42.3 45.3 11 67.0 71.8 42.0 46.8 12 64.9 70.9 39.9 45.9 13 64.8 68.4 39.8 43.4 14 61.5 70.0 36.5 45.0 15 63.1 68.0 38.1 43.0 16 57.6 71.6 32.6 46.6 17 58.9 71.2 33.9 46.2 18 66.5 76.7 41.5 51.7 Notes: 1. Refer to Exhibit 5 for modeled receiver locations. Receivers in Bold text exceed applicable noise standards. TNM 2.5 input and output files are provided in Appendix A. 2. A 25 dBA noise attenuation rate was utilized to determine the interior noise standards (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Protective Noise Levels (EPA 550/9-79-100), November 1979). Each of the receivers in the table would be required to use mechanical ventilation to ensure a “closed window” condition is satisfied. As indicated in Table 10, unmitigated on-site traffic noise levels from SR-210 would exceed the City’s 65 dBA CNEL exterior noise standard at the outdoor patio areas of 11 of the 18 modeled receivers on the first floor and at all receivers on the second floor. In addition, the City’s 45 dBA CNEL noise standard would be exceeded at 3 of the 18 modeled receivers on the first floor, and at 15 of the 18 modeled receivers on the second floor assuming an exterior-interior sound reduction of 25 dBA from standard construction practices. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) employs noise/land use compatibility standards in Appendix D: Noise Element Guidelines of the State of California General Plan Guidelines (OPR, 2017) (OPR Guidelines) that establishes a conditionally acceptable noise standard of 70 dBA CNEL for multi-family residential uses (noise levels over 70 dBA CNEL are considered normally unacceptable and new development is discouraged). For new multi-family residential projects located in areas with conditionally acceptable noise levels, the OPR Guidelines state that “New construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. Conventional construction, but with windows closed and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning will normally suffice.” Thus, noise reduction measures are recommended to reduce on-site traffic noise levels from SR-210 at the Project site to comply with the conditionally acceptable land use compatibility standard in the OPR Guidelines. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 26 Exhibit 5: Traffic Noise Receiver Locations (All Floors) City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 27 Architectural Project Conditions/Techniques Based on the TNM 2.5 modeling results, 10 modeled receivers at the Project site (Receivers 1 through 5, 8 through 11, and 18) would require noise abatement to reduce exterior noise levels at the first floor outdoor residential patio areas in compliance with the conditionally acceptable noise standard of 70 dBA CNEL; 3 modeled receivers on the first floor would require noise abatement to reduce interior noise levels to meet the 45 dBA CNEL noise standard; all 18 receivers would require noise abatement for exterior noise levels on the second floor; and 15 receivers on the second floor would require noise abatement to reduce interior noise levels below 45 dBA CNEL. Recommendations would include the use of an 8-foot-high masonry wall, upgraded windows, balcony treatments, and including HVAC systems at each residence. Perimeter Concrete Masonry Wall In order to reduce traffic noise at the outdoor patio areas of on-site residential units, an 8-foot-high perimeter wall along the southern boundary, and a 6-foot-high perimeter wall along the northern, eastern, and western boundary is recommended in accordance with Recommendation 1 (REC-1); the approximate wall locations are depicted in Exhibit 5. Acceptable materials for the construction of the walls shall have a weight of 2.5 pounds per square foot of surface area. The barriers may be composed of the following: masonry block, stucco veneer over wood framing (or foam core), glass, Plexiglass or Lexan (1/4- inch thick) and may be constructed out of a combination of the above listed materials. Table 11: Mitigated On-Site Traffic Noise Levels, shows the on-site traffic noise levels with implementation of the recommended perimeter walls. Table 11: Mitigated On-Site Traffic Noise Levels Receiver No. Exterior Noise Levels (dBA CNEL)1 Interior Noise Levels (dBA CNEL)2 First Floor Second Floor First Floor Second Floor 1 67.5 76.9 42.5 51.9 2 66.8 76.9 41.8 51.9 3 67.8 76.9 42.8 51.9 4 69.4 76.3 44.4 51.3 5 66.1 74.9 41.1 49.9 6 61.9 73.0 36.9 48.0 7 61.2 71.8 36.2 46.8 8 69.0 77.8 44.0 52.8 9 66.8 74.8 41.8 49.8 10 62.5 70.3 37.5 45.3 11 62.0 71.8 37.0 46.8 12 64.8 70.9 39.8 45.9 13 64.8 68.4 39.8 43.4 14 61.5 70.0 36.5 45.0 15 63.1 68.0 38.1 43.0 16 57.6 71.6 32.6 46.6 17 58.9 71.2 33.9 46.2 18 66.5 76.7 41.5 51.7 Notes: 1.Refer to Exhibit 5 for modeled receiver locations. Receivers in Bold text exceed applicable noise standards. TNM 2.5 input and output files are provided in Appendix A. 2.A 25 dBA noise attenuation rate was utilized to determine the interior noise standards (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Protective Noise Levels (EPA 550/9-79-100), November 1979). Each of the receivers in the table would be required to use mechanical ventilation to ensure a “closed window” condition is satisfied. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 28 As indicated in Table 11, exterior noise levels at the first-floor outdoor patio areas would range from 57.6 dBA CNEL to 69.4 dBA CNEL with the recommended perimeter walls and would be below the OPR Guideline’s conditionally acceptable compatibility standard of 70 dBA CNEL. Interior noise levels at the first-floor receivers would range from 32.6 dBA CNEL to 44.4 dBA CNEL with the recommended perimeter walls and would not exceed the interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL. However, exterior noise levels at 16 of the 18 receivers on the second floor would exceed the conditionally acceptable noise compatibility standard of 70 dBA CNEL, and interior noise levels at 15 of the 18 modeled receivers on the second floor would exceed the 45 dBA CNEL interior noise standard; see Table 11. Due to the elevation difference between the building and SR-210, the perimeter walls would not be effective for upper story receivers. Thus, additional noise abatement and attenuation features are needed. Window Treatments Although sound insulation varies with frequency and is very different for various types of partitions, it is convenient to compare the effectiveness of two partitions using a method of rating insulation that can be represented by a single number. In North America, the most commonly used single number rating is the Sound Transmission Class (STC). A STC rating of 0 indicates that a partition provides no airborne sound insulation. Typical values of sound insulation ratings provided by various types of window constructions are presented in Table 12: Sound Transmission Class for Windows. For high sound insulation, the purchase of commercially available windows that have been rated by a recognized testing laboratory provides better performance for a given cost than individually designed units. To obtain a sound transmission class rating above 45, it is necessary to select acoustical windows with specially designed frames, and glass mounting is recommended. Table 12: Sound Transmission Class for Windows STC1 Single Glazed Glass Thickness Dual Glazed Glass (Airspace Between Glass) Inches (mm) Sealed Window Operable Window Inches (mm) Both 1/8-Inch (3-mm) Glass Both 1/4-Inch (6-mm) Glass 1/4-Inch (6-mm) Laminated 9/32-Inch (7-mm) Glass 30 27 1/8 (3), 5/32 (4) 1/4 (6) NA NA 32 29 1/4 (6) 3/8 (10) NA NA 34 31 1/4 (6) L2 3/4 (20) 5/16 (8) NA 36 32 1/2 (12) 1-1/4 (30) 1/2 (13) NA 38 34 1/2 (12) L2 2 (50) 3/4 (20) 3/8 (10) 40 36 NA 2-3/4 (70) 1-1/4 (30) 5/8 (16) 42 37 NA 4 (100) 2 (50) 1 (25) 44 39 NA 6 (150) 3-1/4 (80) 1-1/2 (40) 46 41 NA NA 4-3/4 (120) 2-7/8 (60) 48 43 NA NA NA 4 (100) mm = millimeter; NA = Not Applicable Notes: 1. STC ratings assume that windows have effective weather stripping. 2. L denotes laminated glass. For example 1/4 (6) L is 1/4-inch (6 mm) thick laminated glass. Source: Cyril M. Harris, Noise Control in Buildings – A Practical Guide for Architects and Engineers, 1994. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 29 Transmission of sound through a hollow window-frame can significantly reduce the sound insulation, especially for windows with very high STC. This reduction can be minimized by drilling one or more holes in the hollow frame and pumping a mastic material to fill the hollow frame. The following is a listing of various window types that are utilized on typical residential structures:  Single Glazing (Unlaminated). The sound insulation provided by single glazing improves with increasing glass thickness. However, the increase is limited in the mid-frequency range by the stiffness of the glass. As indicated in Table 12, a single, unlaminated layer of solid glass usually does not provide an STC rating above 32 for a sealed window and 29 for an operable window.  Laminated Glass. aminated glass is two or more layers of glass bonded together by think plastic interlayers. It can provide higher values of sound transmission class than solid glass of equal thickness. This is because the sound insulation versus thickness of single sheets of glass exhibits a dip at a frequency determined by the stiffness of the glass. The improvement in sound insulation is primarily due to damping by the plastic interlayers that reduce the magnitude of the dip.  Dual Glazing. Dual glazing is two panes of glass with airspace between them. Dual glazing provides greater sound insulation at high frequencies than single glazed laminated glass. Table 12 compares typical vales of STC for sealed windows, with corresponding values for operable windows, and for single-glazed windows of various thicknesses. These STC values increase with the increasing thickness of glass. For glass of a given thickness, sealed windows provide greater sound insulation than operable windows. The overall improvement provided by dual glazing depends on the separation of the layers and glass thickness. For each doubling of the airspace, there is an increase in STC rating of about 3. There is some advantage in using two panes of laminated glass, especially for glass thicker than ¼ inch (6 mm). As discussed above, interior noise levels experienced on the second floors at Receivers 1 through 12 and 16 through 18 would exceed the interior standard of 45 dBA CNEL with standard construction practices; refer to Table 12. Therefore, it is recommended the Project include the STC ratings for windows and entry doors identified in Exhibit 6: Recommended Window and Entry Door Treatments (Second Floor) to reduce interior noise levels below 45 dBA CNEL, as provided in REC-2. Balcony Treatments In general, second floor receivers on the eastern, southern, and western facades of the motorcourt buildings would be exposed to exterior noise levels exceeding the City’s conditionally acceptable noise standard of 70 dBA CNEL for multi-family uses. Therefore, it is recommended that outward facing balconies on the second floors of the motorcourt buildings incorporate noise attenuating balcony or patio treatments to reduce exterior noise levels below the City’s 70 dBA CNEL standard, as recommended in REC-3. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 30 Exhibit 6: Recommended Window and Entry Door Treatments (Second Floor) Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning In a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, the components that generate the most sound power are the supply fan (in the air supply system) and the return fan (in the return air system). By definition, a fan is a device for moving air, which utilizes a power-driven rotating impeller. A fan has at least one inlet opening and at least one outlet opening. The opening may or may not be provided with connections to ductwork. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 31 If an HVAC system does not have good aerodynamic design and efficient operation of the various components, the noise level of fan noise sources may increase in level. The airflow at the entrance and exit of a fan should be as smooth as possible to minimize the generation of turbulence; turbulence results in the generation of noise and an increased static pressure drop in the system. It is recommended that the following measures would be implemented to reduce noise levels associated with HVAC equipment:  Fittings (such as elbows and transitions) should not be placed closer than 3 to 6 duct diameters downstream from a fan;  For an HVAC system having a constant volume of airflow, operate the fans generally close to their maximum efficiency;  For a variable-volume system, a variable-speed drive should be considered to maintain operating efficiency for low volume;  Avoid any obstruction close to the fan inlet or fan outlet;  Provide a minimum space of 1.5 duct diameters at the fan inlet or fan outlet;  Consider the installation of bell-shaped inlet to provide better airflow conditions at the fan; and  Avoid offsets, abrupt or nonsymmetrical transitions, or offset flexible duct connectors in ductwork since they will be source of turbulence and therefore noise sources. These measures are required as part of REC-4 and REC-5. Conclusion Based on TNM 2.5 traffic noise modeling for future receivers at the Project site, the Project should include an 8-foot-high perimeter wall along the southern boundary and a 6-foot-high perimeter wall along the northern, eastern, and western boundary, and windows/entry doors with the minimum STC ratings identified above in the “Window Treatments” section (and shown in Exhibit 6) to reduce interior noise levels below the 45 dBA CNEL interior standard. In addition, each residence/dwelling unit should include an HVAC system to allow for a closed windows condition, and balconies should be prohibited on the second floor to avoid exposure to excessive noise levels for on-site residents. Upon final site design and development of architectural schematic and building plans, the Project engineer shall ensure that the building construction specifications for windows and entry doors include the STC- rated windows and the perimeter walls identified above. The STC ratings for the Project shall be specified upon final site design and shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Fontana prior to issuance of building permits. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Level of Significance: Less than significant impact. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 32 Recommendations: REC-1 The Project should include an 8-foot-high perimeter wall along the southern Project boundary, and a 6-foot-high perimeter wall along the northern, eastern, and western Project boundary to reduce exterior noise levels in outdoor residential areas. Acceptable materials for the construction of the wall barriers shall have a weight of 2.5 pounds per square foot of surface area. The barrier may be composed of the following: masonry block, stucco veneer over wood framing (or foam core), glass, Plexiglass or Lexan (1/4-inch think) and may be constructed out of a combination of the above listed materials. The final recommendations for design shall be submitted and approved by the City of Fontana Community Development Director. REC-2 After the final architectural drawings have been developed, and prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project Applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director (or designee) that the applicable Project plans and specifications include sound-rated windows and entry doors on the residential facades identified in Exhibit 6. REC-3 Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Project Applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Building Official that the outward-facing balconies on the eastern, southern, and western facades of second floor motorcourt units shall incorporate noise attenuating balcony and/or patio treatments. Balconies more than 6 feet deep shall include a barrier that is at least 42 inches high as measured from the floor. Acceptable materials for the construction of the barrier shall have a weight of 2.5 pounds per square foot of surface area. The barrier may be composed of the following: masonry block, stucco veneer over wood framing (or foam core), glass, Plexiglass or Lexan (1/4-inch thin) and may be constructed out of a combination of the above listed materials. REC-4 The final site design should implement centralized heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning units (HVAC) on all of the affected units to ensure noise levels will be below 45 dBA with the windows and doors closed. Additionally, the mechanical ventilation units shall be designed to supply two air changes per hour for each habitable room, with a minimum of 15 cubic feet per minute of outside air per occupant. The fresh air inlet duct shall be of sound attenuating construction and shall consist of ten feet of straight or curved ducts plus one sharp 90-degree bend. REC-5 The Project Applicant shall include the following recommendations in the design of the HVAC equipment: Fittings (such as elbows and transitions) should not be placed closer than 3 to 6 duct diameters downstream from a fan; For an HVAC system having a constant volume of airflow, operate the fans generally close to their maximum efficiency; For a variable-volume system, a variable-speed drive should be considered to maintain operating efficiency for low volume; Avoid any obstruction close to the fan inlet or fan outlet; Provide a minimum space of 1.5 duct diameters at the fan inlet or fan outlet; Consider the installation of bell-shaped inlet to provide better airflow conditions at the fan; and City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 33 Avoid offsets, abrupt or nonsymmetrical transitions, or offset flexible duct connectors in ductwork since they will be source of turbulence and therefore noise sources. Threshold 6.2 Would the Project generate excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? Increases in groundborne vibration levels attributable to the proposed Project would be primarily associated with short-term construction-related activities. The FTA has published standard vibration velocities for construction equipment operations in the FTA Noise and Vibration Manual. The types of construction vibration impacts include human annoyance and building damage. Building damage can be cosmetic or structural. Ordinary buildings that are not particularly fragile would not experience cosmetic damage (e.g., plaster cracks) at distances beyond 30 feet. This distance can vary substantially depending on soil composition and underground geological layer between vibration source and receiver. In addition, not all buildings respond similarly to vibration generated by construction equipment. For example, for a building that is constructed with reinforced concrete with no plaster, the FTA guidelines show that a vibration level of up to 0.20 in/sec is considered safe and would not result in any vibration damage. Human annoyance is evaluated in vibration decibels (VdB) (the vibration velocity level in decibel scale) and occurs when construction vibration rises significantly above the threshold of human perception for extended periods of time. The FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Manual identifies 80 VdB as the approximate threshold for annoyance. The nearest sensitive receptors are the single-family residences located approximately 30 feet to the east and west of the Project site. However, since construction activity would be intermittent and the use of heavy construction equipment would be spread throughout the Project site and not concentrated at one specific location for an extended period of time, it is assumed the concentration of construction activity for the purposes of this vibration analysis would occur no closer than 50 feet from the nearest sensitive receptors. Table 13: Typical Construction Equipment Vibration Levels, lists vibration levels at 25 and 50 feet for typical construction equipment. Groundborne vibration generated by construction equipment spreads through the ground and diminishes in magnitude with increases in distance. Table 13: Typical Construction Equipment Vibration Levels Equipment Peak Particle Velocity at 25 Feet (in/sec) Peak Particle Velocity at 50 Feet (in/sec) Approximate VdB at 25 Feet Approximate VdB at 50 Feet Large Bulldozer 0.089 0.032 87 78 Loaded Trucks 0.076 0.027 86 77 Jackhammer 0.035 0.012 79 70 Small Bulldozer/Tractors 0.003 0.001 58 49 Notes: 1.Calculated using the following formula: PPVequip = PPVref x (25/D)1.5, where: PPVequip = the peak particle velocity in in/sec of the equipment adjusted for the distance; PPVref = the reference vibration level in in/sec from Table 7-4 of the Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, 2018; D = the distance from the equipment to the receiver. 2. Calculated using the following formula: Lv(D) = Lv(25 feet) - (30 x log10(D/25 feet)) per the FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (2018). Source: Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, 2018. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 34 As indicated in Table 10, based on FTA data, vibration velocities from typical heavy construction equipment operations that would be used during Project construction range from 0.001 to 0.032 in/sec PPV at 50 feet from the source of activity, which is below the FTA’s 0.20 PPV threshold for building damage and 80 VdB threshold for human annoyance. Therefore, vibration impacts associated with the Project construction would be less than significant. Once operational, the Project would not be a significant source of groundborne vibration. Groundborne vibration surrounding the Project currently result from heavy-duty vehicular travel (e.g., refuse trucks, heavy duty trucks, delivery trucks, and transit buses) on the nearby local roadways. Operations of the proposed Project would include truck deliveries. Due to the rapid drop-off rate of ground-borne vibration and the short duration of the associated events, vehicular traffic-induced ground-borne vibration is rarely perceptible beyond the roadway right-of-way, and rarely results in vibration levels that cause damage to buildings in the vicinity. According to the FTA’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, trucks rarely create vibration levels that exceed 70 VdB (equivalent to 0.012 inches per second PPV) when they are on roadways. Therefore, trucks operating at the Project site or along surrounding roadways would not exceed FTA thresholds for building damage or annoyance. Impacts would be less than significant in this regard. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Level of Significance: Less than significant impact. Threshold 6.3 For a Project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the Project expose people residing or working in the Project area to excessive noise levels? The nearest airport to the Project site is the Ontario International Airport located approximately 8.34 miles to the southwest. Thus, the Project is not located within an airport land use plan or within two miles of an airport and would not expose people residing or working in the Project area to excessive noise levels. No impact would occur in this regard. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Level of Significance: No impact. City of Fontana Sobrato Residential Development Project Acoustical Assessment February 2022 Page | 35 7 REFERENCES 1. California Department of Transportation, Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, September 2013. 2. California Department of Transportation, Traffic Census Program, https://dot.ca.gov/programs/traffic-operations/census, accessed November 2, 2021. 3. California Department of Transportation, Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual, 2013. 4. City of Fontana, Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035, https://www.fontana.org/DocumentCenter/View/28271/Complete-Document---Approved-General- Plan-Documents-11-13-2018, 2017. 5. City of Fontana, Draft Environmental Impact Report SCH #2005021054, page 2.0-1, 2006. 6. Elliott H. Berger, Rick Neitzel, and Cynthia A. Kladden, Noise Navigator Sound Level Database with Over 1700 Measurement Values, 2015. 7. Federal Highway Administration, Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance, Noise Fundamentals, https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environMent/noise/regulations_and_guidance/polguide/polguide02.cf m, accessed November 2, 2021. 8. Federal Highway Administration, Roadway Construction Noise Model, 2006. 9. Federal Interagency Committee on Noise, Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues, August 1992. 10. Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, Table 7-2, Page 179, September 2018. 11. Kariel, H. G., Noise in Rural Recreational Environments, Canadian Acoustics 19(5), 3-10, 1991. 12. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Protective Noise Levels (EPA 550/9-79-100), November 1979. Appendix A NOISE DATA FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels Project Name: Sobrato Residential Development Project Project Number: 195311005 Scenario:Existing Ldn/CNEL:CNEL Assumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening Night Total ADT Volumes 77.70% 12.70% 9.60% Medium-Duty Trucks 87.43% 5.05% 7.52% Heavy-Duty Trucks 89.10% 2.84% 8.06% Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of Roadway Median ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour # Roadway Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL 1 Sierra Lakes Parkway Lyte Creek Road to Maloof Avenue 2 0 16,000 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 60.9 - 39 122 387 2 Lyte Creek Road South of Sierra Lakes Parkway 2 0 3,000 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 53.6 - - - 73 Page 1 FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels Project Name: Sobrato Residential Development Project Project Number: 195311005 Scenario:Existing Plus Project Ldn/CNEL:CNEL Assumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening Night Total ADT Volumes 77.70% 12.70% 9.60% Medium-Duty Trucks 87.43% 5.05% 7.52% Heavy-Duty Trucks 89.10% 2.84% 8.06% Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of Roadway Median ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour # Roadway Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL 1 Sierra Lakes Parkway Lyte Creek Road to Maloof Avenue 2 0 17,047 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 61.2 - 41 130 412 2 Lyte Creek Road South of Sierra Lakes Parkway 2 0 4,047 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 54.9 - - - 98 Page 2 FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels Project Name: Sobrato Residential Development Project Project Number: 195311005 Scenario:Opening Year Ldn/CNEL:CNEL Assumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening Night Total ADT Volumes 77.70% 12.70% 9.60% Medium-Duty Trucks 87.43% 5.05% 7.52% Heavy-Duty Trucks 89.10% 2.84% 8.06% Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of Roadway Median ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour # Roadway Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL 1 Sierra Lakes Parkway Lyte Creek Road to Maloof Avenue 2 0 17,000 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 61.1 - 41 130 411 2 Lyte Creek Road South of Sierra Lakes Parkway 2 0 3,000 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 53.6 - - - 73 Page 3 FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels Project Name: Sobrato Residential Development Project Project Number: 195311005 Scenario:Opening Year Plus Project Ldn/CNEL:CNEL Assumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening Night Total ADT Volumes 77.70% 12.70% 9.60% Medium-Duty Trucks 87.43% 5.05% 7.52% Heavy-Duty Trucks 89.10% 2.84% 8.06% Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of Roadway Median ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour # Roadway Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL 1 Sierra Lakes Parkway Lyte Creek Road to Maloof Avenue 2 0 18,047 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 61.4 - 44 138 436 2 Lyte Creek Road South of Sierra Lakes Parkway 2 0 4,047 35 0 1.0% 0.1% 54.9 - - - 98 Page 4 Noise Measurement Field Data Project: Job Number:195311005 Site No.: Date:10/7/2021 Analyst: Time:8:37 - 8:47 AM Location: Noise Sources: Comments: Results (dBA): Leq: Lmin: Lmax: Peak: 62.1 56.7 79.9 95.2 Sound Level Meter:LD SoundExpert LxT Temp. (degrees F):63 Calibrator:CAL200 Wind (mph):< 5 Response Time:Slow Sky:Partly Cloudy Weighting:A Bar. Pressure:30.03 Microphone Height:5 feet Humidity:84% Photo: Sobrato 1 WeatherEquipment Freeway, Cars Melissa Thayer and Serena Lin Ross Way & Lytle Creek Measurement Report Report Summary Meter's File Name FONT.001.s Computer's File Name LxTse_-20211007 083718-FONT.001.ldbin Meter LxT SE 0005586 Firmware 2.404 User Location Job Description Note Start Time 2021-10-07 08:37:18 Duration 0:10:00.0 End Time 2021-10-07 08:47:18 Run Time 0:10:00.0 Pause Time 0:00:00.0 Results Overall Metrics LAeq 62.1 dB LAE 89.9 dB SEA --- dB EA 108.7 µPa²h LApeak 95.2 dB 2021-10-07 08:37:49 LASmax 79.9 dB 2021-10-07 08:37:50 LASmin 56.7 dB 2021-10-07 08:42:05 LAeq 62.1 dB LCeq 72.0 dB LCeq - LA eq 9.9 dB LAIeq 62.8 dB LAIeq - LAeq 0.7 dB Exceedances Count Duration LAS > 85.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LAS > 115.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 135.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 137.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 140.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 Community Noise LDN LDay LNight 62.1 dB 62.1 dB 0.0 dB LDEN LDay LEve LNight 62.1 dB 62.1 dB --- dB --- dB Any Data A C Z Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Leq 62.1 dB 72.0 dB --- dB Ls(max)79.9 dB 2021-10-07 08:37:50 --- dB --- dB LS(min)56.7 dB 2021-10-07 08:42:05 --- dB --- dB LPeak(max)95.2 dB 2021-10-07 08:37:49 --- dB --- dB Overloads Count Duration OBA Count OBA Duration 0 0:00:00.0 0 0:00:00.0 Statistics LAS 5.0 62.5 dB LAS 10.0 62.0 dB LAS 33.3 60.7 dB LAS 50.0 60.0 dB LAS 66.6 59.3 dB LAS 90.0 58.3 dB Noise Measurement Field Data Project: Job Number:195311005 Site No.: Date:10/7/2021 Analyst: Time:8:51 - 9:01 AM Location: Noise Sources: Comments: Results (dBA): Leq: Lmin: Lmax: Peak: 62.8 52.3 82.0 97.1 Sound Level Meter:LD SoundExpert LxT Temp. (degrees F):63 Calibrator:CAL200 Wind (mph):< 5 Response Time:Slow Sky:Partly Cloudy Weighting:A Bar. Pressure:30.03 Microphone Height:5 feet Humidity:84% Photo: Equipment Weather Sobrato 2 Melissa Thayer and Serena Lin Jocelyn & Lytle Creek Cars Measurement Report Report Summary Meter's File Name FONT.002.s Computer's File Name LxTse_-20211007 085115-FONT.002.ldbin Meter LxT SE 0005586 Firmware 2.404 User Location Job Description Note Start Time 2021-10-07 08:51:15 Duration 0:10:00.0 End Time 2021-10-07 09:01:15 Run Time 0:10:00.0 Pause Time 0:00:00.0 Results Overall Metrics LAeq 62.8 dB LAE 90.6 dB SEA --- dB EA 128.5 µPa²h LApeak 97.1 dB 2021-10-07 08:53:27 LASmax 82.0 dB 2021-10-07 08:53:27 LASmin 52.3 dB 2021-10-07 08:55:50 LAeq 62.8 dB LCeq 67.6 dB LCeq - LA eq 4.7 dB LAIeq 65.3 dB LAIeq - LAeq 2.4 dB Exceedances Count Duration LAS > 85.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LAS > 115.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 135.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 137.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 140.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 Community Noise LDN LDay LNight 62.8 dB 62.8 dB 0.0 dB LDEN LDay LEve LNight 62.8 dB 62.8 dB --- dB --- dB Any Data A C Z Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Leq 62.8 dB 67.6 dB --- dB Ls(max)82.0 dB 2021-10-07 08:53:27 --- dB --- dB LS(min)52.3 dB 2021-10-07 08:55:50 --- dB --- dB LPeak(max)97.1 dB 2021-10-07 08:53:27 --- dB --- dB Overloads Count Duration OBA Count OBA Duration 0 0:00:00.0 0 0:00:00.0 Statistics LAS 5.0 69.3 dB LAS 10.0 65.4 dB LAS 33.3 56.3 dB LAS 50.0 54.9 dB LAS 66.6 54.1 dB LAS 90.0 53.2 dB Noise Measurement Field Data Project: Job Number:195311005 Site No.: Date:10/7/2021 Analyst: Time:9:06 - 9:16 AM Location: Noise Sources: Comments: Results (dBA): Leq: Lmin: Lmax: Peak: 71.6 58.9 84.5 100.5 Sound Level Meter:LD SoundExpert LxT Temp. (degrees F):63 Calibrator:CAL200 Wind (mph):< 5 Response Time:Slow Sky:Partly Cloudy Weighting:A Bar. Pressure:30.03 Microphone Height:5 feet Humidity:84% Photo: Equipment Weather Sobrato 3 Melissa Thayer and Serena Lin Side of Sierra Lakes Pkwy Cars, dogs Measurement Report Report Summary Meter's File Name FONT.003.s Computer's File Name LxTse_-20211007 090655-FONT.003.ldbin Meter LxT SE 0005586 Firmware 2.404 User Location Job Description Note Start Time 2021-10-07 09:06:55 Duration 0:10:00.0 End Time 2021-10-07 09:16:55 Run Time 0:10:00.0 Pause Time 0:00:00.0 Results Overall Metrics LAeq 71.6 dB LAE 99.3 dB SEA --- dB EA 955.8 µPa²h LApeak 100.5 dB 2021-10-07 09:11:36 LASmax 84.5 dB 2021-10-07 09:11:46 LASmin 58.9 dB 2021-10-07 09:16:19 LAeq 71.6 dB LCeq 73.3 dB LCeq - LA eq 1.7 dB LAIeq 79.3 dB LAIeq - LAeq 7.7 dB Exceedances Count Duration LAS > 85.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LAS > 115.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 135.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 137.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 140.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 Community Noise LDN LDay LNight 71.6 dB 71.6 dB 0.0 dB LDEN LDay LEve LNight 71.6 dB 71.6 dB --- dB --- dB Any Data A C Z Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Leq 71.6 dB 73.3 dB --- dB Ls(max)84.5 dB 2021-10-07 09:11:46 --- dB --- dB LS(min)58.9 dB 2021-10-07 09:16:19 --- dB --- dB LPeak(max)100.5 dB 2021-10-07 09:11:36 --- dB --- dB Overloads Count Duration OBA Count OBA Duration 0 0:00:00.0 0 0:00:00.0 Statistics LAS 5.0 78.8 dB LAS 10.0 75.5 dB LAS 33.3 68.2 dB LAS 50.0 63.6 dB LAS 66.6 62.0 dB LAS 90.0 60.5 dB Noise Measurement Field Data Project: Job Number:195311005 Site No.: Date:10/7/2021 Analyst: Time:9:20 - 9:30 AM Location: Noise Sources: Comments: Results (dBA): Leq: Lmin: Lmax: Peak: 70.6 66.0 74.1 88.7 Sound Level Meter:LD SoundExpert LxT Temp. (degrees F):63 Calibrator:CAL200 Wind (mph):< 5 Response Time:Slow Sky:Partly Cloudy Weighting:A Bar. Pressure:30.03 Microphone Height:5 feet Humidity:84% Photo: Equipment Weather Sobrato 4 Melissa Thayer and Serena Lin Cul-de-sac at the southern end of Maloof Avenue Cars, dogs Measurement Report Report Summary Meter's File Name FONT.004.s Computer's File Name LxTse_-20211007 092010-FONT.004.ldbin Meter LxT SE 0005586 Firmware 2.404 User Location Job Description Note Start Time 2021-10-07 09:20:10 Duration 0:10:00.0 End Time 2021-10-07 09:30:10 Run Time 0:10:00.0 Pause Time 0:00:00.0 Results Overall Metrics LAeq 70.6 dB LAE 98.4 dB SEA --- dB EA 760.1 µPa²h LApeak 88.7 dB 2021-10-07 09:23:08 LASmax 74.1 dB 2021-10-07 09:21:31 LASmin 66.0 dB 2021-10-07 09:30:01 LAeq 70.6 dB LCeq 76.1 dB LCeq - LA eq 5.5 dB LAIeq 71.2 dB LAIeq - LAeq 0.6 dB Exceedances Count Duration LAS > 85.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LAS > 115.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 135.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 137.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 LApeak > 140.0 dB 0 0:00:00.0 Community Noise LDN LDay LNight 70.6 dB 70.6 dB 0.0 dB LDEN LDay LEve LNight 70.6 dB 70.6 dB --- dB --- dB Any Data A C Z Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Level Time Stamp Leq 70.6 dB 76.1 dB --- dB Ls(max)74.1 dB 2021-10-07 09:21:31 --- dB --- dB LS(min)66.0 dB 2021-10-07 09:30:01 --- dB --- dB LPeak(max)88.7 dB 2021-10-07 09:23:08 --- dB --- dB Overloads Count Duration OBA Count OBA Duration 0 0:00:00.0 0 0:00:00.0 Statistics LAS 5.0 72.5 dB LAS 10.0 72.1 dB LAS 33.3 71.0 dB LAS 50.0 70.4 dB LAS 66.6 69.8 dB LAS 90.0 68.4 dB Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM),Version 1.1 Report date: 11/02/2021 Case Description: Architectural Coating **** Receptor #1 **** Baselines (dBA) Description Land Use Daytime Evening Night ----------- -------- ------- ------- ----- Residential E Residential 1.0 1.0 1.0 Equipment --------- Spec Actual Receptor Estimated Impact Usage Lmax Lmax Distance Shielding Description Device (%) (dBA) (dBA) (feet) (dBA) ----------- ------ ----- ----- ----- -------- --------- Compressor (air) No 40 77.7 325.0 0.0 Compressor (air) No 40 77.7 325.0 0.0 Results ------- Noise Limits (dBA) Noise Limit Exceedance (dBA) ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Calculated (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night ---------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Equipment Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Compressor (air) 61.4 60.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Compressor (air) 61.4 60.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 61.4 63.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM),Version 1.1 Report date: 11/01/2021 Case Description: Building Construction **** Receptor #1 **** Baselines (dBA) Description Land Use Daytime Evening Night ----------- -------- ------- ------- ----- Residential E Residential 1.0 1.0 1.0 Equipment --------- Spec Actual Receptor Estimated Impact Usage Lmax Lmax Distance Shielding Description Device (%) (dBA) (dBA) (feet) (dBA) ----------- ------ ----- ----- ----- -------- --------- Crane No 16 80.6 325.0 0.0 Tractor No 40 84.0 325.0 0.0 Results ------- Noise Limits (dBA) Noise Limit Exceedance (dBA) ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Calculated (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night ---------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Equipment Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Crane 64.3 59.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tractor 67.7 66.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 67.7 67.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM),Version 1.1 Report date: 11/01/2021 Case Description: Grading **** Receptor #1 **** Baselines (dBA) Description Land Use Daytime Evening Night ----------- -------- ------- ------- ----- Residential E Residential 1.0 1.0 1.0 Equipment --------- Spec Actual Receptor Estimated Impact Usage Lmax Lmax Distance Shielding Description Device (%) (dBA) (dBA) (feet) (dBA) ----------- ------ ----- ----- ----- -------- --------- Dozer No 40 81.7 325.0 0.0 Grader No 40 85.0 325.0 0.0 Results ------- Noise Limits (dBA) Noise Limit Exceedance (dBA) ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Calculated (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night ---------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Equipment Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Dozer 65.4 64.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Grader 68.7 67.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 68.7 69.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM),Version 1.1 Report date: 11/01/2021 Case Description: Paving **** Receptor #1 **** Baselines (dBA) Description Land Use Daytime Evening Night ----------- -------- ------- ------- ----- Residential E Residential 1.0 1.0 1.0 Equipment --------- Spec Actual Receptor Estimated Impact Usage Lmax Lmax Distance Shielding Description Device (%) (dBA) (dBA) (feet) (dBA) ----------- ------ ----- ----- ----- -------- --------- Paver No 50 77.2 325.0 0.0 Roller No 20 80.0 325.0 0.0 Results ------- Noise Limits (dBA) Noise Limit Exceedance (dBA) ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Calculated (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night ---------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Equipment Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Paver 61.0 61.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Roller 63.7 59.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 63.7 63.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM),Version 1.1 Report date: 11/01/2021 Case Description: Site Preparation **** Receptor #1 **** Baselines (dBA) Description Land Use Daytime Evening Night ----------- -------- ------- ------- ----- Residential E Residential 1.0 1.0 1.0 Equipment --------- Spec Actual Receptor Estimated Impact Usage Lmax Lmax Distance Shielding Description Device (%) (dBA) (dBA) (feet) (dBA) ----------- ------ ----- ----- ----- -------- --------- Dozer No 40 81.7 325.0 0.0 Concrete Saw No 20 89.6 325.0 0.0 Results ------- Noise Limits (dBA) Noise Limit Exceedance (dBA) ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Calculated (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night ---------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Equipment Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 Lmax L10 ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Dozer 65.4 64.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Concrete Saw 73.3 69.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 73.3 70.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Kimley-Horn 15-Feb-22 Elena Ajdari TNM 2.5 Calculated with TNM 2.5 RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS PROJECT/CONTRACT: Fontana Sobrato RUN: Onsite Traffic Noise (First Floor) - UNMITIGATED BARRIER DESIGN: Barrier Analysis 11 Average pavement type shall be used unless a State highway agency substantiates the use ATMOSPHERICS: 68 deg F, 50% RH of a different type with approval of FHWA. Receiver Name No. #DUs Existing No Barrier With Barrier Lden Lden Increase over existing Type Calculated Noise Reduction Calculated Crit'n Calculated Crit'n Impact Lden Calculated Goal Calculated Sub'l Inc minus Goal dBA dBA dBA dB dB dBA dB dB dB 1 2 1 0 72.8 66 72.8 10 Snd Lvl 72.4 0.4 8 -7.6 2 3 1 0 72.8 66 72.8 10 Snd Lvl 72.8 0 8 -8 3 4 1 0 72.9 66 72.9 10 Snd Lvl 72.7 0.2 8 -7.8 4 6 1 0 72.7 66 72.7 10 Snd Lvl 69.5 3.2 8 -4.8 5 7 1 0 71.7 66 71.7 10 Snd Lvl 66.1 5.6 8 -2.4 6 8 1 0 69.8 66 69.8 10 Snd Lvl 61.9 7.9 8 -0.1 7 9 1 0 69.2 66 69.2 10 Snd Lvl 61.2 8 8 0 8 10 1 0 73.6 66 73.6 10 Snd Lvl 69.2 4.4 8 -3.6 9 11 1 0 73.2 66 73.2 10 Snd Lvl 67.5 5.7 8 -2.3 10 12 1 0 71.8 66 71.8 10 Snd Lvl 67.3 4.5 8 -3.5 11 13 1 0 71.4 66 71.4 10 Snd Lvl 67 4.4 8 -3.6 12 14 1 0 65.2 66 65.2 10 ---- 64.9 0.3 8 -7.7 13 15 1 0 64.9 66 64.9 10 ---- 64.8 0.1 8 -7.9 14 16 1 0 65.4 66 65.4 10 ---- 61.5 3.9 8 -4.1 15 17 1 0 63.4 66 63.4 10 ---- 63.1 0.3 8 -7.7 16 18 1 0 66.7 66 66.7 10 Snd Lvl 57.6 9.1 8 1.1 17 19 1 0 66.7 66 66.7 10 Snd Lvl 58.9 7.8 8 -0.2 18 20 1 0 73.4 66 73.4 10 Snd Lvl 66.5 6.9 8 -1.1 Dwelling Units # DUs Noise Reduction Min Avg Max dB dB dB All Selected 18 0 4 9.1 All Impacted 14 0 4.9 9.1 All that meet NR Goal 1 9.1 9.1 9.1 Kimley-Horn 15-Feb-22 Elena Ajdari TNM 2.5 Calculated with TNM 2.5 RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS PROJECT/CONTRACT: Fontana Sobrato RUN: Onsite Traffic Noise (First Floor) - MITIGATED BARRIER DESIGN: Barrier Analysis 11 Average pavement type shall be used unless a State highway agency substantiates the use ATMOSPHERICS: 68 deg F, 50% RH of a different type with approval of FHWA. Receiver Name No. #DUs Existing No Barrier With Barrier Lden Lden Increase over existing Type Calculated Noise Reduction Calculated Crit'n Calculated Crit'n Impact Lden Calculated Goal Calculated Sub'l Inc minus Goal dBA dBA dBA dB dB dBA dB dB dB 1 2 1 0 72.8 66 72.8 10 Snd Lvl 67.5 5.3 8 -2.7 2 3 1 0 72.8 66 72.8 10 Snd Lvl 66.8 6 8 -2 3 4 1 0 72.9 66 72.9 10 Snd Lvl 67.8 5.1 8 -2.9 4 6 1 0 72.7 66 72.7 10 Snd Lvl 69.4 3.3 8 -4.7 5 7 1 0 71.7 66 71.7 10 Snd Lvl 66.1 5.6 8 -2.4 6 8 1 0 69.8 66 69.8 10 Snd Lvl 61.9 7.9 8 -0.1 7 9 1 0 69.2 66 69.2 10 Snd Lvl 61.2 8 8 0 8 10 1 0 73.6 66 73.6 10 Snd Lvl 69 4.6 8 -3.4 9 11 1 0 73.2 66 73.2 10 Snd Lvl 66.8 6.4 8 -1.6 10 12 1 0 71.8 66 71.8 10 Snd Lvl 62.5 9.3 8 1.3 11 13 1 0 71.4 66 71.4 10 Snd Lvl 62 9.4 8 1.4 12 14 1 0 65.2 66 65.2 10 ---- 64.8 0.4 8 -7.6 13 15 1 0 64.9 66 64.9 10 ---- 64.8 0.1 8 -7.9 14 16 1 0 65.4 66 65.4 10 ---- 61.5 3.9 8 -4.1 15 17 1 0 63.4 66 63.4 10 ---- 63.1 0.3 8 -7.7 16 18 1 0 66.7 66 66.7 10 Snd Lvl 57.6 9.1 8 1.1 17 19 1 0 66.7 66 66.7 10 Snd Lvl 58.9 7.8 8 -0.2 18 20 1 0 73.4 66 73.4 10 Snd Lvl 66.5 6.9 8 -1.1 Dwelling Units # DUs Noise Reduction Min Avg Max dB dB dB All Selected 18 0.1 5.5 9.4 All Impacted 14 3.3 6.8 9.4 All that meet NR Goal 3 9.1 9.3 9.4 Kimley-Horn 15-Feb-22 Elena Ajdari TNM 2.5 Calculated with TNM 2.5 RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS PROJECT/CONTRACT: Fontana Sobrato RUN: Onsite Traffic Noise (2nd Floor) - UNMITIGATED BARRIER DESIGN: Barrier Analysis 11 Average pavement type shall be used unless a State highway agency substantiates the use ATMOSPHERICS: 68 deg F, 50% RH of a different type with approval of FHWA. Receiver Name No. #DUs Existing No Barrier With Barrier Lden Lden Increase over existing Type Calculated Noise Reduction Calculated Crit'n Calculated Crit'n Impact Lden Calculated Goal Calculated Sub'l Inc minus Goal dBA dBA dBA dB dB dBA dB dB dB 1 2 1 0 76.9 66 76.9 10 Snd Lvl 76.9 0 8 -8 2 3 1 0 76.8 66 76.8 10 Snd Lvl 76.8 0 8 -8 3 4 1 0 76.9 66 76.9 10 Snd Lvl 76.9 0 8 -8 4 6 1 0 76.9 66 76.9 10 Snd Lvl 76.2 0.7 8 -7.3 5 7 1 0 74.9 66 74.9 10 Snd Lvl 74.9 0 8 -8 6 8 1 0 73 66 73 10 Snd Lvl 73 0 8 -8 7 9 1 0 72 66 72 10 Snd Lvl 71.8 0.2 8 -7.8 8 10 1 0 77.8 66 77.8 10 Snd Lvl 77.8 0 8 -8 9 11 1 0 75.7 66 75.7 10 Snd Lvl 74.8 0.9 8 -7.1 10 12 1 0 74.1 66 74.1 10 Snd Lvl 70.3 3.8 8 -4.2 11 13 1 0 73.4 66 73.4 10 Snd Lvl 71.8 1.6 8 -6.4 12 14 1 0 71 66 71 10 Snd Lvl 70.9 0.1 8 -7.9 13 15 1 0 68.4 66 68.4 10 Snd Lvl 68.4 0 8 -8 14 16 1 0 71.3 66 71.3 10 Snd Lvl 70 1.3 8 -6.7 15 17 1 0 68.1 66 68.1 10 Snd Lvl 68 0.1 8 -7.9 16 18 1 0 72.1 66 72.1 10 Snd Lvl 71.6 0.5 8 -7.5 17 19 1 0 72.4 66 72.4 10 Snd Lvl 71.2 1.2 8 -6.8 18 20 1 0 77.7 66 77.7 10 Snd Lvl 76.7 1 8 -7 Dwelling Units # DUs Noise Reduction Min Avg Max dB dB dB All Selected 18 0 0.6 3.8 All Impacted 18 0 0.6 3.8 All that meet NR Goal 0 0 0 0 Kimley-Horn 15-Feb-22 Elena Ajdari TNM 2.5 Calculated with TNM 2.5 RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS PROJECT/CONTRACT: Fontana Sobrato RUN: Onsite Traffic Noise (2nd Floor) - MITIGATED BARRIER DESIGN: Barrier Analysis 11 Average pavement type shall be used unless a State highway agency substantiates the use ATMOSPHERICS: 68 deg F, 50% RH of a different type with approval of FHWA. Receiver Name No. #DUs Existing No Barrier With Barrier Lden Lden Increase over existing Type Calculated Noise Reduction Calculated Crit'n Calculated Crit'n Impact Lden Calculated Goal Calculated Sub'l Inc minus Goal dBA dBA dBA dB dB dBA dB dB dB 1 2 1 0 76.9 66 76.9 10 Snd Lvl 76.9 0 8 -8 2 3 1 0 76.8 66 76.8 10 Snd Lvl 76.9 -0.1 8 -8.1 3 4 1 0 76.9 66 76.9 10 Snd Lvl 76.9 0 8 -8 4 6 1 0 76.9 66 76.9 10 Snd Lvl 76.3 0.6 8 -7.4 5 7 1 0 74.9 66 74.9 10 Snd Lvl 74.9 0 8 -8 6 8 1 0 73 66 73 10 Snd Lvl 73 0 8 -8 7 9 1 0 72 66 72 10 Snd Lvl 71.8 0.2 8 -7.8 8 10 1 0 77.8 66 77.8 10 Snd Lvl 77.8 0 8 -8 9 11 1 0 75.7 66 75.7 10 Snd Lvl 74.8 0.9 8 -7.1 10 12 1 0 74.1 66 74.1 10 Snd Lvl 70.3 3.8 8 -4.2 11 13 1 0 73.4 66 73.4 10 Snd Lvl 71.8 1.6 8 -6.4 12 14 1 0 71 66 71 10 Snd Lvl 70.9 0.1 8 -7.9 13 15 1 0 68.4 66 68.4 10 Snd Lvl 68.4 0 8 -8 14 16 1 0 71.3 66 71.3 10 Snd Lvl 70 1.3 8 -6.7 15 17 1 0 68.1 66 68.1 10 Snd Lvl 68 0.1 8 -7.9 16 18 1 0 72.1 66 72.1 10 Snd Lvl 71.6 0.5 8 -7.5 17 19 1 0 72.4 66 72.4 10 Snd Lvl 71.2 1.2 8 -6.8 18 20 1 0 77.7 66 77.7 10 Snd Lvl 76.7 1 8 -7 Dwelling Units # DUs Noise Reduction Min Avg Max dB dB dB All Selected 18 -0.1 0.6 3.8 All Impacted 18 -0.1 0.6 3.8 All that meet NR Goal 0 0 0 0