HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A - LCA EIR Summary of Impacts and Mitigation MeasuresAPPENDIX A
Lytle Creek Apartment EIR - Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
The Lytle Creek EIR 1 Sobrato Project
Addendum EIR
Impact Mitigation Measure
3.1 Aesthetics, Light, and Glare 3.1 Aesthetics, Light, and Glare
Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? To Be Determined.
Refer to the discussion in Section 3.1, Aesthetics, Light, and Glare, on
Page 3.1-3
No mitigation exists to reduce this impact to a level of less than significant
Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely
affect day or nighttime views in the area? Less Than Significant Impact
with Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the discussion in Section 3.1, Aesthetics, Light, and Glare, on Page 3.1 -4.
Mitigation 3.1-4a
Prior to the issuance of building permits,
the City of Fontana shall approve a lighting
plan for the project. Outdoor light intensity
shall be limited to that necessary for adequate security and safety. All outside lighting shall be directed and/or shielded to
prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties
and shall be shown on the site plan and
Mitigation 3.1-4b
To the extent feasible, the proposed
project shall include only a limited amount
of highly reflective building materials that
would cast glare at adjacent residences.
The use of non-reflective windows shall
be used to the extent feasible on sides
facing residents. The City of Fontana
Planning Division shall approve all building materials prior to project approval.
3.2 Air Quality
Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing
or projected air quality violation? Less Than Significant Impact
With Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the discussion in Section 3.2, Air Quality, on Page 3.2-16.
Mitigation 3.2-2
Prior to the issuance of grading permits,
the proposed project shall include a dust
control plan as part of the construction
contract standard specifications. The dust
control plan shall include measures to meet
the requirements of SCAQMD Rules 402
and 403. Such measures may include, but
are not limited to, the following:
• Attempt to phase and schedule
activities to avoid high-ozone days
and first-stage smog alerts.
• Discontinue operation during
second-stage smog alerts.
• All haul trucks shall be covered
prior to leaving the site to prevent
dust from impacting the surrounding areas.
• Comply with AOMD Rule 403,
particularly to minimize fugitive
dust and noise to surrounding
Lytle Creek Apartment EIR - Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
The Lytle Creek EIR 2 Sobrato Project
Addendum EIR
Impact Mitigation Measure
• Moisten soil each day prior to
commencing grading to depth of
soil cut.
• Water exposed surfaces at least
twice a day under calm conditions,
and as often as needed on windy
days or during very dry
• weather in order to maintain a
surface crust and minimize the
release of visible emission from
the construction site.
• Treat any area that will be
exposed for extended periods with
a soil conditioner to stabilize soil
or temporarily plant with
• Wash mud-covered tires and
under carriages of trucks leaving
construction sites.
• Provide for street sweeping, as
needed, on adjacent roadways to
remove dirt dropped by
construction vehicles or mud, which would otherwise be carried
off by trucks departing project
• Securely cover all loads of fill
coming to the site with a tight-fitting tarp.
• Cease grading during periods
when winds exceed 25 miles per
• Provide for permanent sealing of
all graded areas, as applicable, at
the earliest practicable time after
soil disturbance.
• Maintain construction equipment
in peak operating condition so as
to reduce operating emissions.
• Use low-sulfur diesel fuel in all equipment.
• Use electric equipment whenever
• Shut off engines when not in use.
Cumulative Impacts. Significant Unavoidable Impact.
Refer to the discussion in Section 3.2, Air
Quality, on Page 3.2-23.
No mitigation exists to reduce this impact to a level of less than significant.
3.4 Cultural Resources
Lytle Creek Apartment EIR - Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
The Lytle Creek EIR 3 Sobrato Project
Addendum EIR
Impact Mitigation Measure
Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical
resource as defined in
§ 15064.5? Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.4,
Cultural Resources, on Page 3.4-5.
Mitigation 3.4-1
A qualified historical resources monitor
shall be present at the project site during
grading. If evidence of subsurface historic
resources are found during construction,
excavation in the vicinity of the find shall
cease and a professional archaeologist shall
evaluate findings in accordance with standard practice and applicable
Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an
archaeological resource
pursuant to §15064.5? Less Than Significant
with Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.4,
Cultural Resources, on Page 3.4-6.
Mitigation 3.4-2
A qualified archaeological monitor shall be
present at the project site during grading. If
evidence of subsurface prehistoric or
historic archaeological resources are found
during construction, excavation in the
vicinity of the find shall cease and a
professional archaeologist shall evaluate
findings in accordance with standard
practice and applicable regulations.
Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or
geologic feature? Less Than Significant
Impact with Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.4, Cultural Resources, on
Page 3.4-6.
Mitigation 3.4-3
A qualified paleontological monitor shall be
present at the project site during grading. If
evidence of subsurface paleontological
resources are found during construction, excavation in the vicinity of the find shall
cease and a professional archaeologist shall
evaluate findings in accordance with
standard practice and applicable regulations. Paleontological resources shall be evaluated for their significance, depth,
extent and integrity, as appropriate
consistent with local, State, and federal
Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal
cemeteries? Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.4,
Cultural Resources, on Page 3.4-7.
Mitigation 3.4-4
If human remains are discovered during
any activities that involve subsurface
ground disturbance, there shall be no
further excavation or disturbance of the
site or any nearby area reasonably
suspected to overlie human remains until:
(1) The San Bernardino County Coroner has been informed and has determined that no
investigation of the cause of death is
required, and
(2) If the remains are of Native American origin, the Native American Heritage
Commission is contacted within 24 hours of
the discovery, and the descendants from
Lytle Creek Apartment EIR - Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
The Lytle Creek EIR 4 Sobrato Project
Addendum EIR
Impact Mitigation Measure
the deceased native Americans have made
a recommendation to the landowner or the
project proponent, for means of treating or
disposing of, with appropriate dignity,
the human remains and any associated
grave goods as provided in California Public
Resources Code Section 5097.98.
3.8 Noise
Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of
standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or
applicable standards of other agencies? Significant and Unavoidable Impact.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.8, discussion in Section 3.8,
Noise, on Page 3.8-9.
Mitigation 3.8-1a
Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the
Applicant shall demonstrate, to the
satisfaction of the City of Fontana, that the
Project complies with the following:
• All construction equipment, fixed
or mobile, shall be equipped with properly operating and
maintained mufflers;
• Construction noise reduction
methods such as shutting off idling
equipment, installing temporary acoustic barriers around stationary
construction noise sources
maximizing the distance between
construction equipment staging
areas and occupied residential areas, and use of electric air
compressors and similar power
tools, rather than diesel
equipment, shall be used where
feasible; • During construction, stationary
construction equipment shall be
placed such that emitted noise is
directed away from sensitive noise
• During construction, stockpiling
and vehicle staging areas shall be
located as far as practical from
noise sensitive receptors;
• Operate earthmoving equipment
on the construction site, as far
away from vibration sensitive sites
as possible;
• Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number
of the job superintendent shall be
clearly posted at all construction
entrances to allow for surrounding
owners and residents to contact the job superintendent. If the City
or the job superintendent receives
Lytle Creek Apartment EIR - Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
The Lytle Creek EIR 5 Sobrato Project
Addendum EIR
Impact Mitigation Measure
a complaint, the superintendent
shall investigate, take appropriate
corrective action, and report the
action taken to the reporting
party; and.
• Construction activities shall be
limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays.
A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project
vicinity above levels existing without the project? Less Than
Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.8, Noise, on Page 3.8-12.
Mitigation 3.8-3
Electrical and mechanical equipment (i.e.,
ventilation and air conditioning units) and
trash compactors shall be located as far
away as feasible from habitable areas of the residential units (i.e., living
sleeping rooms). Additionally; the following
shall be considered prior to installation:
proper selection and sizing of equipment,
installation of equipment with proper
acoustical shielding and incorporating the
use of parapets into the building design. All
stationary equipment shall be designed to
meet the noise criteria as specified in the
City of Fontana Zoning and Development
Code, and will be subject to approval by
the City Planning Department.
A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above
levels existing without the project? Significant
and Unavoidable Impact.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.8, Noise, on Page 3.8-14.
No mitigation exists to reduce this impact to a level of less than significant.
3.10 Public Services and Utilities
Would the project result in the adverse physical impacts associated with
the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, the
construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in
order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or
other performance objectives for police protection? Less Than
Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.10, Public Services and
Utilities, on Page 3.10-8.
Mitigation 3.10-1a
Prior to the approval of final design, the
Fontana Police Department shall review
apartment complex design in accordance
with the principles of the Crime Prevention
Through Environmental Design program.
Any modifications suggested by the
Fontana Police Department shall be
incorporated into the final design of the project.
Mitigation 3.10-1 b
The completed project shall participate in the Fontana Police Department Crime Free Multi-Housing Program.
3.11 Traffic and Circulation
Lytle Creek Apartment EIR - Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
The Lytle Creek EIR 6 Sobrato Project
Addendum EIR
Impact Mitigation Measure
Cause an increase in traffic which is substantia in relation to the existing
traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial
increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity
ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? Less Than Significant
Impact with Mitigation Incorporated.
Refer to the impact discussion in Section 3.11,
Traffic and Circulation, on Page 3.11~11.
Mitigation 3.11-1 a
The applicant shall pay a fair share
contribution to improve the traffic signal
phasing for eastbound Sierra Lakes
Parkway and northbound Citrus Avenue
approach to implement right-turn overlaps
prior to issuance of certificate of
Mitigation 3.11-1 b
The applicant shall pay a fair share
contribution to the widening of eastbound 1-210 Eastbound Ramps approach from one left-turn lane, one shared
through/right-turn lane, and one dedicated
right-turn lane to consist of two left-turn
lanes, one shared through/left-turn lane,
and one free right-turn lane prior to
issuance of certificate of occupancy. In
addition, the applicant shall pay a fair share
contribution to the widening of
northbound Citrus Avenue approach from
two through lanes and a de facto right-turn
lane to consist of two through lanes and a
shared through/right-turn lane prior to
issuance of certificate of occupancy.