HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMRP Document
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Jefferson Fontana Apartment
Prepared for:
8353 Sierra Avenue
Fontana, California 92335
Contact: George Velarde, Assistant Planner
Prepared by:
605 Third Street
Encinitas, California 92024
Contact: Kristen Stoner
Printed on 30% post-consumer recycled material.
14386.05 i NOVEMBER 2023
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Table ......................................................................................... 3
1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ................................................................................................... 3
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Initial Study/Mitigated
Negative Declaration
14386.05 ii NOVEMBER 2023
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1 Introduction
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that a public agency adopting a Mitigated Negative
Declaration (MND) take affirmative steps to determine that approved mitigation measures are implemented after
project approval. The lead or responsible agency must adopt a reporting and monitoring program for the mitigation
measures incorporated into a project or included as conditions of approval. The program must be designed to
ensure compliance with the MND during project implementation (California Public Resources Code,
Section 21081.6(a)(1)).
This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) will be used by the City of Fontana (City) to ensure
compliance with adopted mitigation measures identified in the MND for the proposed Jefferson Fontana Apartment
Project (project) located at the southwest corner of Valley Boulevard and Juniper Avenue, Fontana, California
(project) when construction begins. The City, as the lead agency, will be responsible for ensuring that all mitigation
measures are carried out. Implementation of the mitigation measures would reduce impacts to below a level of
significance for biological resources, cultural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, noise, and tribal cultural
The remainder of this MMRP consists of a table that identifies the mitigation measures by resource for each project
component. Table 1 identifies the mitigation monitoring and reporting requirements, list of mitigation measures,
party responsible for implementing mitigation measures, timing for implementation of mitigation measures, agency
responsible for monitoring of implementation, and date of completion. With the MND and related documents, this
MMRP will be kept on file at the following location:
City of Fontana
Planning Department
8353 Sierra Avenue
Fontana, California 92335
Southwest Corner of 5th Street and Central Avenue Warehouse Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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2 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Table
Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
Biological Resources
MM-BIO-1: Nesting Bird Avoidance. The project
should avoid the avian nesting season to reduce all
potential impact to protected birds and their nests.
In the event the project must commence during the
nesting season (February – September), a pre-
construction nesting survey should be conducted
within 3 days prior to ground disturbing activities to
determine the presence/absence of nesting birds.
If an active nest is found on the study area, a
qualified biologist will establish a buffer around the
nest (up to 500 feet for raptors and 300 feet for
passerine birds) and ongoing biological monitoring
during construction may be required until the
nestlings have fledged and the nest is no longer
active. The buffer will be established by a biologist
based on the sensitivity of the species to
disturbance and the proximity to project activities.
Construction activities may commence outside of
the buffer under the discretion of a monitoring
biologist. One the monitoring biologist has
determined the nest is no longer active, the buffer
can be removed, and construction may continue.
Prior to and during
Project applicant and
their construction
City of Fontana
Cultural Resources
MM-CUL-1: Cultural Resource Conditional
Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan. A
qualified archaeologist shall be retained to assess
Prior to and during
Project applicant and
their construction
City of Fontana
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
information available (final grading and
construction plans, geotechnical testing results, as-
built plans, etc.) and determine the depth at which
native soils exist and would be impacted by Project
implementation. The depth of native soils shall be
included in the Plan so as to guide when a
pedestrian survey of native soils shall occur after fill
soils have been removed. Potential impacts to
cultural resources shall be minimized through
implementation of pre- and post- construction
tasks. Tasks pertaining to cultural resources
include the development of a cultural resource
inadvertent discovery plan (Plan). The purpose of
the Plan is to outline a program of treatment and
mitigation in the case of an inadvertent discovery of
cultural resources during ground-disturbing phases
(including but not limited to preconstruction site
mobilization and testing, grubbing, removal of soils
for remediation, construction ground disturbance,
construction grading, trenching, and landscaping)
and to provide for the proper identification,
evaluation, treatment, and protection of any
cultural resources throughout the duration of the
Project. This Plan shall define the process to be
followed for the identification and management of
cultural resources in the Project area during
construction. Existence of and importance of
adherence to this Plan shall be stated on all Project
site plans intended for use by those conducting the
ground disturbing activities. The Plan shall also
include the conditions under which monitoring is
required, if at all, based on the results of the
pedestrian survey and the manner of facilitation.
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
MM-CUL-2: Workers Environmental Awareness
Program. Prior to the start of construction activities,
all construction personnel and monitors shall be
trained regarding identification and treatment
protocol for inadvertent discoveries of cultural
resources (archaeological and tribal) and human
remains. A basic presentation and handout or
pamphlet shall be prepared in order to ensure
proper identification and treatment of inadvertent
discoveries of cultural resources and human
remains. The purpose of the Workers
Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) training
is to provide specific details on the kinds of
materials that may be identified during ground
disturbing activities and explain the importance of
and legal basis for the protection of human remains
and significant cultural resources. Each worker
shall also be trained in the proper procedures to
follow in the event that cultural resources or human
remains are uncovered during ground disturbing
activities. These procedures include but are not
limited to work curtailment or redirection, and the
immediate contact of the site supervisor and
archaeological monitoring staff.
Prior to
Project applicant and
their construction
City of Fontana
MM-CUL-3: Retention of an On-Call Qualified
Archaeologist. A qualified archaeologist shall be
retained and on-call to respond and address any
inadvertent discoveries identified project
implementation. Additionally, in consideration of
the potential to encounter intact cultural deposits
beneath fill soils, the qualified archaeologist shall
Project applicant and
their construction
City of Fontana
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
survey the project site once fill soils have been
removed to ensure no cultural deposits underly the
fill layer. If is determined, based on the
aforementioned survey, that cultural resources are
present or may be present and may be impacted
during project construction, monitoring may be
warranted. Additionally, any identified cultural
resources shall be assessed and evaluated
pursuant to CEQA. If it is determined that
monitoring is warranted, a qualified archaeological
principal investigator, meeting the Secretary of the
Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards, shall
oversee and adjust monitoring efforts as needed
(increase, decrease, or discontinue monitoring
frequency) based on the observed potential for
construction activities to encounter cultural
deposits or material. The archaeological monitor
will be responsible for maintaining daily monitoring
MM-CUL-4: Inadvertent Discovery Clause. In the
event that potential archaeological resources (sites,
features, or artifacts) are exposed during ground
disturbing, all construction work occurring not less
than 100 feet of the find shall immediately stop
and the qualified archaeologist that has been
retained on call must be notified immediately to
assess the significance of the find and determine
whether or not additional study is warranted.
Depending upon the significance of the find under
the CEQA, the archaeologist may simply record the
find and allow work to continue. If the discovery
proves significant under CEQA, additional work
(e.g., preparation of an archaeological treatment
Project applicant and
their construction
City of Fontana
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
plan, testing, data recovery, or monitoring) may be
warranted if the resource cannot be feasibly
In the event that human remains are inadvertently
encountered during construction activities, the
remains and associated resources shall be treated
in accordance with state and local regulations that
provide requirements with regard to the discovery
of human remains, including California Health and
Safety Code Section 7050.5, California Public
Resources Code Section 5097.98, and CEQA
Guidelines Section 15064.5(e). In accordance with
these regulations, if human remains are found, the
County Coroner must be immediately notified of the
discovery. No further excavation or disturbance of
the project site or any nearby (no less than 100
feet) area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent
remains can occur until the County Coroner has
determined if the remains are potentially human in
origin. If the County Coroner determines that the
remains are, or are believed to be, Native American,
he or she is required to notify the Native American
Heritage Commission (NAHC) that shall notify those
persons believed to be the most likely descendant.
The most likely descendant shall determine, in
consultation with the property owner, the
disposition of the human remains.
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
MM-HAZ-1: Prior to the issuance of grading permits,
the project applicant shall retain a qualified
contractor to remove and dispose of contaminated
Prior to issuance
of grading permits
Project applicant and
their construction
City of Fontana
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
soil in the northwestern (SS1-0.5) and southeastern
(SS2-0.5) areas of soil staining of soil samples, as
identified in the July 2022 Limited Phase II
Environmental Site Assessment, Proposed Fontana
Residential Development, Southwest of the
Intersection of Juniper Avenue and Valley
Boulevard, Fontana, California, prepared by
Leighton, or any updates to that report. The
removal, transport, and disposal of refuse shall be
done in accordance with all applicable local, state,
and federal guidelines related to hazardous
materials handling. A summary of the soil removal
and disposal activities shall be provided to the City
of Fontana within a reasonable timeframe following
completion of these activities.
MM-NOI-1: Reduce Construction Noise Levels. The
applicant and/or project contractor shall implement
the following measures:
All construction equipment must have appropriate
sound muffling devices, which shall be properly
maintained and used at all times such equipment is
in operation.
The project contractor shall place stationary
construction equipment so that emitted noise is
directed away from sensitive receptors nearest the
project site.
The construction contractor shall locate on-site
equipment staging areas so as to maximize the
distance between construction-related noise
sources and noise-sensitive receptors nearest the
Project site during the construction period.
Prior to and during
Project applicant
and/or Project
City of Fontana
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
All noise producing construction activities, including
warming-up or servicing equipment and any
preparation for construction, shall be limited to the
hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
A minimum eight (8) foot tall temporary noise
barrier shall be erected along the southern Project
site property line where the property line is adjacent
to the nearest noise sensitive receptor.
Tribal Cultural Resources
MM-TCR-1: Workers Environmental Awareness
Program. All Consulting Tribes shall be notified by
the applicant/owner/developer of the time and
location of the Worker Environmental Awareness
Program (WEAP) training no later than 72 hours
prior to its scheduled occurrence. The
applicant/owner/developer shall provide all
Consulting Tribes access and opportunity to
participate in the WEAP training. Further details and
requirements pertaining to the WEAP training,
please see MND Section 3.5 Cultural Resources
mitigation measure MM-CUL-2.
No later than 72
hours prior to
Project applicant City of Fontana
MM-TCR-2: Retention of a Native American
Monitoring: Prior to any ground disturbance
activities, the applicant/owner/developer shall
contact all Consulting Tribes with notification of the
approximate commencement of ground disturbing
activities. The applicant/owner/developer shall
make arrangements with the Consulting Tribes to
enter into a Native American Monitoring Agreement
with the intent of securing a total of one Native
American monitor (from any Tribe under contract) to
Prior to any ground
Project applicant City of Fontana
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
be present during initial ground disturbance
occurring from 1 foot above native soils and below.
Initial ground disturbance is defined as initial
construction-related earthmoving of sediments from
their place of deposition. As it pertains to cultural
resource (archaeological or Native American)
monitoring, this definition excludes movement of
sediments after they have been initially disturbed or
displaced by current Project-related construction.
The timing of when cultural resource monitoring
(archaeological and Native American) shall be
required shall be outlined in the Cultural Resource
Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan pursuant
to MM-CUL-1. The Plan will be provided to each
Consulting Tribe under contract prior to
commencement of ground disturbing activities. More
than one monitor may be required if multiple areas
within the Project site are simultaneously exposed to
initial ground disturbance causing monitoring to be
hindered by the distance (more than 100 feet apart)
of the simultaneous activities. If more than one of
the Consulting Tribes would like to serve as a
contracted monitoring entity, each Consulting Tribe
will be retained under contract with the
applicant/owner/developer and monitoring will occur
on a nonsynchronous, rotational basis allowing each
Consulting Tribe the opportunity to monitor as
equally as possible based on the construction
schedule and availability of each Consulting Tribe’s
MM-TCR-3: Inadvertent Discovery Clause. In the
event that potential prehistoric or historic-era Native
American/Tribal resources (sites, features, or
Project applicant and
their construction
City of Fontana
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
artifacts) are exposed during construction activities
for the project, all construction work occurring not
less than 50 feet of the find shall immediately stop
and all Consulting Tribes must be notified
immediately and be consulted with throughout the
assessment of the find and determination of
whether or not additional study is warranted.
Depending upon the nature of the discovery, the
archaeologist may simply record the find and allow
work to continue. If the discovery proves potentially
significant under CEQA, additional work such as
subsurface testing may be warranted. If the
discovery is determined significant under CEQA and
avoidance is not feasible, data recovery will be
In the event that human remains and associated
funerary objects are inadvertently encountered
during construction activities, the remains and
funerary objects shall be treated in accordance with
state and local regulations that provide requirements
with regard to the accidental discovery of human
remains, including California Health and Safety Code
Section 7050.5, California Public Resources Code
Section 5097.98, and CEQA Guidelines Section
15064.5(e). In accordance with these regulations, if
human remains are found, the County Coroner must
be immediately notified of the discovery. Additionally,
all Consulting Tribes must be notified of the
discovery immediately. No further excavation or
disturbance of the Project site or any nearby (no less
than 100 feet) area reasonably suspected to overlie
adjacent remains can occur until the County Coroner
has determined, within 2 working days of notification
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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Table 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Measure
Party Responsible
for Implementation
Party Responsible
for Monitoring
Date of Completion/
of the discovery, if the remains are potentially human
in origin. If the County Coroner determines that the
remains are, or are believed to be, Native American,
he or she is required to notify the NAHC within 24
hours. The NAHC must immediately notify those
persons it believes to be the most likely descendant
from the deceased Native American. The most likely
descendant must then complete their inspection
within 48 hours of being granted access to the site.
The most likely descendant would then determine, in
consultation with the property owner, the disposition
and treatment of the human remains.
Jefferson Fontana Apartment Project/ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
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