HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix H - Noise and Vibration Memorandum Appendix H Noise and Vibration Memorandum MEMORANDUM To: Jared Samnet, Development Associate, JPI From: Mark Storm, INCE Bd. Cert. (Dudek - Acoustic Services Manager); Cole Martin, INCE Subject: Noise and Vibration Assessment for the JPI Jefferson Fontana Project Mitigated Negative Declaration Date: November 15, 2022 Cc: Kristen Stoner, Dudek Attachments: Figure 1. Project Location Figure 2. Noise Measurement Locations Figure 3. Aggregate Stationary Sources Operational Noise Level Prediction Attachment A: Summary of Acoustical Concepts Attachment B: Photographs of Measurement Locations and Field Notes Attachment C: Construction Noise Prediction Model Worksheets Attachment D: Traffic Noise Model Calculations Dudek is pleased to submit this noise and vibration technical assessment to assist JPI with Mitigated negative Declaration (MND) requirements for the proposed Jefferson Fontana Project (project), located in the City of Fontana (City) as shown in Figure 1. This technical memorandum presents environmental impact assessment criteria for noise and vibration, and by way of quantitative predictive analyses evaluates potential impacts from construction and operation of the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Attachment A provides the reader a summary of acoustical fundamentals and glossary of acoustical descriptors that are used to frame the noise and vibration assessment herein. The contents and organization of this memorandum are as follows: • Section 1, Project Description • Section 2, Existing Noise Conditions • Section 3, Regulatory Setting • Section 4, Thresholds of Significance • Section 5, Analysis Methodologies • Section 6, Impacts Analysis • Section 7, References Cited MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 2 NOVEMBER 2022 1 Project Description The project will be located on Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN’s) 025-117-119, 025-132-117, -118, -119, -120, 121, -122, -123, -124, -125, -126, -127, and -135, which includes an 11.59-acre parcel of predominantly undeveloped, relatively flat land bound by asphalt-paved public rights-of-way, commercial and residential development. Dudek understands that JPI is considering purchase of the property to develop a mixed-use project. The property on which the project is proposed (project site) is bound by Cypress Avenue to the west, Valley Boulevard to the north, Interstate 10 to the south, and Juniper Avenue to the east. Exhibit A displays the project site plan used for the noise and vibration analyses presented herein. Exhibit A – Project Site Plan 2 Existing Noise Conditions Noise measurements were conducted at three (3) representative positions in the vicinity of the project site on November 11, 2022 to characterize the existing outdoor ambient sound levels. The noise measurement locations are shown in Figure 2. Table 1 provides a summary of the noise measurement results as well as the locations, date, and times the noise level measurements were performed. As shown in Table 1, short-term (15 minutes duration) MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 3 NOVEMBER 2022 noise levels ranged from approximately 65 dBA Leq (at location ST1) to 69 dBA Leq (at location ST2). The measurements were conducted by an attending Dudek investigator with a SoftdB “Piccolo” model sound level meter equipped with a windscreen-protected, 0.5-inch diameter pre-polarized condenser microphone with pre-amplifier. The sound level meter meets the current American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for a Type 2 (General Use) sound level meter. The accuracy of the sound level meter was verified using a field calibrator before and after the measurements, and the measurements were conducted with the microphone positioned approximately 5 feet above the ground. Table 1. Measured Outdoor Ambient Noise Levels Survey Location Location (and noted sounds) Date Time Leq (dBA) Lmax (dBA) Lmin (dBA) ST1 Northeast corner of the parking lot at 10200 Juniper Ave. (distant traffic, rustling leaves) 11/11/22 12:04 p.m. – 12:19 p.m. 64.9 74.6 58.8 ST2 Northern side of the project site (distant traffic, rustling leaves) 11/11/22 12:24 p.m. – 12:39 p.m. 68.9 77.7 53.7 ST3 Eastern side of the project site; across from 16711 Valley Blvd. (distant conversations/yelling, distant industrial, distant traffic, rustling leaves) 11/11/22 11:47 a.m. – 12:02 p.m. 66.8 78.0 57.2 Notes: Leq = equivalent continuous sound level (time-averaged sound level); dBA = A-weighted decibels; Lmax = maximum sound level during the measurement interval; Lmin = minimum sound level during the measurement interval. See Figure 2 for measurement locations. Attachment B provides sample digital photographs of the field noise level survey locations, followed by Dudek investigator field notes. 3 Regulatory Setting 3.1 Federal There are no federal noise standards that would directly regulate environmental noise during construction and operation of the project. The following is provided because guidance summarized herein is used or pertains to the analysis. 3.1.1 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Although intended for federally funded mass transit projects, selected impact assessment procedures and criteria included in the aforementioned FTA guidance manual are routinely used for projects proposed by or under the jurisdiction of counties or municipalities. For example, a daytime construction noise level threshold of 80 dBA Leq over an 8-hour period (FTA 2018) is recommended guidance for the exterior of residential land uses when local noise regulations or other quantified standards are lacking. MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 4 NOVEMBER 2022 3.1.2 Federal Interagency Committee on Noise Some guidance regarding the determination of a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above existing levels is provided by the 1992 findings of the Federal Interagency Committee on Noise (FICON 1992), which assessed the annoyance effects of changes in ambient noise levels resulting from aircraft operations. The FICON recommendations are based upon studies that relate aircraft and traffic noise levels to the percentage of persons highly annoyed by the noise. Annoyance is a qualitative measure of the adverse reaction of people to noise that generates speech interference, sleep disturbance, or interference with the desire for a tranquil environment. The rationale for the FICON recommendations is that it is possible to consistently describe the annoyance of people exposed to transportation noise in terms of Ldn. The changes in noise exposure that are shown below are expected to result in equal changes in annoyance at sensitive land uses. Although the FICON recommendations were specifically developed to address aircraft noise impacts, they are used in this analysis to define a substantial increase in community noise levels related to all transportation noise sources and permanent non-transportation noise sources. • Outdoor ambient sound level without the project is less than 60 dBA Ldn, then a project-attributed increase of 5 dBA or more would be considered significant; • Outdoor ambient sound level without the project is between 60 and 65 dBA Ldn, project-attributed increase of 3 dBA or more would be considered significant; and • Outdoor ambient sound level without the project is greater than 65 dBA Ldn, then project-attributed increase of 2 dBA or more would be considered significant. 3.2 State The following state regulations and guidance pertaining to noise and vibration assessment would apply to the proposed project. 3.2.1 California Noise Control Act of 1973 Sections 46000 through 46080 of the California Health and Safety Code, known as the California Noise Control Act of 1973, declares that excessive noise is a serious hazard to the public health and welfare and that exposure to certain levels of noise can result in physiological, psychological, and economic damage. It also identifies a continuous and increasing bombardment of noise in the urban, suburban, and rural areas. The California Noise Control Act declares that the State of California has a responsibility to protect the health and welfare of its citizens by the control, prevention, and abatement of noise. It is the policy of the State to provide an environment for all Californians free from noise that jeopardizes their health or welfare. 3.2.2 California Department of Transportation The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) provides guidelines regarding vibration associated with construction and operation of transportation infrastructure, which can also be applied to construction of non- transportation projects involving the same equipment and processes. Similar to the aforementioned FTA guidance MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 5 NOVEMBER 2022 summarized in Section 3.1.2, Caltrans recommends 0.3 ips PPV as a building damage risk threshold for “older residential structures” exposed to “intermittent” sources of groundborne vibration (Caltrans 2020). For occupants of those types of homes, Caltrans suggests a “severe” annoyance standard of 0.4 ips PPV. 3.3 City of Fontana The following local regulations and guidance pertaining to noise and vibration assessment would apply to the proposed project. 3.3.1 General Plan Update The City’s General Plan Update 2015-2035 (City of Fontana 2018) adopted on November 18, 2018 provides goals and policies pertaining to noise and vibration concerns that include the following reproduced from its Noise and Safety element (Chapter 11): • Goal 11.8: the City of Fontana protects sensitive land uses from excessive noise by diligent planning though 2035. o Policy 11.8.1 New sensitive land uses shall be prohibited in incompatible areas. o Policy 11.8.2 Noise-tolerant land uses shall be guided into areas irrevocably committed to land uses that are noise-producing, such as transportation corridors. o Policy 11.8.3 Where sensitive uses are to be placed along transportation routes, mitigation shall be provided to ensure compliance with state-mandated noise levels. o Policy 11.8.4 Noise spillover or encroachment from commercial, industrial and educational land uses shall be minimized into adjoining residential neighborhoods or noise-sensitive uses. • Goal 11.9: The City of Fontana provides a diverse and efficiently operated ground transportation system, that generates the minimum feasible noise on its residents through 2035. o Policy 11.9.1 All noise sections of the State Motor Vehicle Code shall be enforced. • Goal 11.10: Fontana’s residents are protected from the negative effects of “spillover” noise. o Policy 11.10.1 Residential land uses and areas identified as noise-sensitive shall be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including industrial, commercial, and residential activities and equipment. 3.3.2 Municipal Code The City Municipal Code Chapters 18 and 30 regulate noise on the basis of noise increment to the pre-existing ambient attributed to a source of concern. Per Chapter 18, Nuisances, Article II – Noise, Sec. 18-63(b)(4), (6), (7), and (10), a variety of sound source types can violate the municipal code if they create loud, excessive, impulsive or intrusive noise that annoys or disturbs people from a distance of 50 feet or more from the edge of the property, structure or unit in which the source is located. Such sources include un-muffled engine exhausts, loading or MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 6 NOVEMBER 2022 unloading of vehicles, building construction and repair outside of allowable hours, and the operation of heavy construction equipment or processes such as pile-driving. Chapter 30, Article V, Division 6, Sec. 30-469-Noise prohibits the creation or cause of any sound that exceeds an exterior limit of 65 dBA. Should project construction activities take place between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, this 65 dBA limit would apply. Additionally, the City relies on the 24-hour CNEL descriptor to assess land use compatibility with transportation related noise sources. Although the City does not specify a quantified threshold with respect to allowable vibration exposure, Chapter 30, Article V, Division 6, Sec. 30-470-Vibration of the Municipal Code prohibits the creation or cause of any vibration that can be perceived beyond the property line with or without the aid of an instrument. For purposes of assessing project-attributed impact, the analysis herein adopts the FTA’s maximum acceptable continuous vibration threshold of 0.2 in/sec PPV. 4 Thresholds of Significance The State of California has developed guidelines to address the significance of noise impacts based on Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines (14 CCR 15000 et seq.), which provides guidance that a project would have a significant environmental impact if it would: 1. Generate a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies. 2. Generate excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels. 3. Expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or a public use airport. Quantitative thresholds of significance have been established for the purposes of this impact assessment, based on relevant federal guidance, State requirements, and local polices and regulations described in Section 3, and are listed below. • Should construction activities occur outside of the City’s allowable daytime construction hours, the exterior noise limit of 65 dBA would apply; • Because the City lacks a quantified construction noise level limit, the FTA guidance-based construction noise threshold of 80 dBA eight-hour Leq at nearest offsite residences is adopted herein; • A change to the existing outdoor ambient sound environment of more than 3 dBA CNEL due to project- attributed added construction traffic to traffic flows on existing roadways (i.e., Valley Boulevard); and • Guidance from Caltrans indicates that groundborne vibration velocity of 0.3 ips PPV received at an older residential structure typical of the project surroundings would be considered a potential building damage MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 7 NOVEMBER 2022 risk; and occupants within would likely be annoyed (and thus impacted) if perceived vibration levels were greater than 0.4 ips PPV. 5 Analysis Methodologies 5.1 Construction Noise Construction noise is considered a short-term impact and would be considered significant if construction activities exceed the allowable hours of operation as permitted by the FTA’s advisory threshold of 80 dBA Leq over an 8-hour daytime period at a residential land use. Noise-sensitive land uses in the vicinity of the project include residences to the south, east, and north of the project site. Although additional residences and other noise-sensitive receivers are further afield, the construction noise assessment focused on project-attributed noise exposure levels predicted to occur at these nearest existing residences. Construction noise levels at more distant receivers would be substantially lower, consistent with established acoustical principles of attenuation with geometric divergence and other factors. Project-generated construction noise will vary depending on the construction process, the type of equipment involved, the location of the construction site with respect to sensitive receptors, the schedule proposed to carry out each task (e.g., hours and days of the week), and the duration of the construction work. Using information provided by the project applicant as well as typical equipment identified by CalEEMod for this type and size of development, project construction noise per each of six distinct phases was calculated using a spreadsheet-based model emulating the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Roadway Construction Noise Model (FHWA 2008). Table 2 presents the equipment list used for the construction noise analysis. Table 2. Construction Equipment Assumptions by Phase Potential Construction Phase Start Date Finish Date One-Way Vehicle Trips Equipment Average Daily Workers Average Daily Vendor Trucks Total Haul Trucks Type Quantity Usage Hours Site Preparation 1/02/2023 1/13/2023 18 6 Rubber Tired Dozers 3 8 Tractors/Loaders/ Backhoes 4 8 Grading 1/14/2023 2/24/2024 20 6 Excavators 2 8 Graders/Blades 1 8 Rubber Tired Dozers 1 8 Scrapers 2 8 Tractors/Loaders/ Backhoes 2 8 Building 2/25/2023 4/19/2023 430 92 0 Cranes 1 8 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 8 NOVEMBER 2022 Using the provided construction information, prediction results are summarized at the nearest noise-sensitive receptor (the residence to the south of the Project site) for two calculation scenarios as follows: • Usage of the shortest activity-to-receptor distance for the loudest equipment type and quantity associated with the studied construction phase, with less noisy equipment types at successive distance increments of 50 feet; and • An “acoustic centroid” approach, akin to the FTA general assessment technique for estimating construction noise, whereby all listed equipment for a construction phases is represented by a common location at the geographic center of the studied construction zone or area. The first of these methods is considered a conservative approach to assess what might be characterized as a peak exposure level, applicable to not more than approximately 10%–15% of the total construction period and when the studied construction activity is taking place with loudest equipment along the property boundary closest to these nearest off-site receivers. This “nearest” method also assumes that only one piece of equipment per type within a studied activity phase would be at these nearest distances; otherwise, most of the equipment would unrealistically “stack” near the boundary line and not be working other areas of the construction site. The second approach utilizes the acoustic centroid technique to represent a time-averaged location for the phase equipment and activity, thereby yielding average noise levels to represent overall noise exposure as experienced for adjacent receivers over the duration of each construction phase. Attachment C displays the construction noise model worksheets, and their input parameters, for each of these analysis approaches. 5.2 Construction Vibration The main concern associated with ground-borne vibration is annoyance; however, in extreme cases, vibration can cause damage to buildings, particularly those that are old or otherwise fragile. Some common sources of ground- Table 2. Construction Equipment Assumptions by Phase Potential Construction Phase Start Date Finish Date One-Way Vehicle Trips Equipment Average Daily Workers Average Daily Vendor Trucks Total Haul Trucks Type Quantity Usage Hours Construction Forklifts 3 8 Generator Sets 1 8 Tractors/Loaders/ Backhoes 3 8 Welders 1 8 Paving 4/20/2023 5/17/2024 16 6 0 Pavers 2 8 Paving Equipment 2 8 Rollers 2 8 Architectural Coating 5/18/2024 6/14/2024 86 0 0 Air Compressors 1 8 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 9 NOVEMBER 2022 borne vibration are trains, and construction activities such as blasting, pile-driving, and heavy earth-moving equipment. The primary source of ground-borne vibration occurring as part of the project is construction activity. Ground-borne vibration information related to construction/heavy equipment activities has been collected by Caltrans. Information from Caltrans indicates that transient vibrations (such as from construction activity) with approximately 0.035 ips PPV may be characterized as barely perceptible, and vibration levels of 0.24 inches per second PPV may be characterized as distinctly perceptible (Caltrans 2020). The attenuation of groundborne vibration as it propagates from source to receptor through intervening soils and rock strata can be estimated with expressions found in FTA and Caltrans guidance. By way of example, for a large bulldozer (having a reference vibration velocity of 0.089 ips PPV [FTA 2018]) operating on site and as close as the project boundary (i.e., approximately 20 feet from the nearest receiving sensitive land use) the estimated vibration velocity level would be less than 0.12 ips PPV per the equation as follows: PPVrcvr = PPVref * (25/D)^1.5 = 0.12 = 0.089 * (25/20)^1.5 In the above equation, PPVrcvr is the predicted vibration velocity at the receiver position, PPVref is the reference value at 25 feet from the vibration source (the roller), and D is the actual horizontal distance (in feet) to the receiver. 5.3 Operation Noise 5.3.1 Offsite Roadway Traffic The project is expected to generate a total of 2,170 trips to the roadway system. As shown in Table 1 of the project’s Transportation Technical Memorandum, during the PM peak-hour, approximately 184 vehicles are estimated to enter or exit the project site. Utilizing this information, as well as additional traffic data shown in Attachment D, an emulator based on the FHWA’s Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model RD-77-108 was used to estimate potential noise impacts at adjacent noise-sensitive uses. Consistent with Caltrans guidance (Caltrans, 2013), this analysis assumes 80% of the ADT occurs during daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.), 5% during the evening (7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.), and 15% during the nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). The truck percentages used in the noise model for existing arterials were 2.0% medium trucks and 1.0% heavy trucks, generally consistent with similar studies where such arterial roadways accept truck traffic. The change in roadway noise levels was predicted for two conditions: existing and existing plus project. Traffic noise level predictions presented in Table 3 are calculated for the Valley Boulevard – Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue roadway segment bounded by intersections within the project area. MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 10 NOVEMBER 2022 Table 3. Predicted Roadway Noise Change – Existing plus Project Modeled Roadway Segment Existing (2022) Noise Level (dBA CNEL) Existing (2022) Plus Project Noise Level (dBA CNEL) Project-Related Noise Level Increase (dBA) Valley Blvd: Cypress Ave – Juniper Ave. 69.2 69.6 0.4 Source: Attachment D. In the context of community noise (i.e., outside of a controlled environment) a change in noise levels of less than 3 dBA is not perceptible to the average human listener. Additionally, based upon the FICON thresholds presented in Section 3.1.2, an increase of less than 5 dBA when the ambient sound level is less than 60 dBA Ldn/CNEL, less than 3 dBA when the ambient sound level is less than between 60 and 65 dBA Ldn/CNEL, or less than 2 dBA when the ambient sound level is greater than 65 dBA Ldn/CNEL would not be substantial. 5.3.2 Onsite Stationary Sources Implementation of the project would result in changes to existing noise levels on and around the project site by developing new stationary sources of noise, including introduction of additional outdoor HVAC equipment. These sources may affect noise-sensitive vicinity land uses off the project site. Rooftop HVAC Based on the available architectural and mechanical roof plans and other design information for the proposed project, there are a number of residential HVAC units on each of the residential and commercial project buildings, with a total of 441 units. Rooftop HVAC reference sound levels were available from the design plans and “product data” information submittals. Sound Propagation Prediction The aggregate noise emission from these outdoor-exposed HVAC sound sources has been predicted with the Datakustik CadnaA sound propagation program. CadnaA is a commercially available software program for the calculation, presentation, assessment, and prediction of environmental noise based on algorithms and reference data per International Organization of Standardization (ISO) Standard 9613-2, “Attenuation of Sound During Propagation Outdoors, Part 2: General Method of Calculation” (ISO 1996). The CadnaA computer software allows one to position sources of sound emission in a simulated three-dimensional (3-D) space atop rendered “blocks” of project building masses having heights and footprints consistent with project architectural plans and elevations. In addition to the above-mentioned sound source inputs and building-block structures that define the three- dimensional sound propagation model space, the following assumptions and parameters are included in this CadnaA-supported stationary noise source assessment: • Ground effect acoustical absorption coefficient equal to 0.2, which intends to represent an average or blending of ground covers that are characterized largely by hard reflective pavements and existing building surfaces across the Project site and the surroundings; • Reflection order of 1, which allows for a single reflection of sound paths on encountered structural surfaces such as the modeled building masses; MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 11 NOVEMBER 2022 • Off-site residential structures and the commercial buildings have not been rendered in the model; • Calm meteorological conditions (i.e., no wind) with 68 degrees Fahrenheit and 50% relative humidity; and • All of the modeled HVAC equipment is operating concurrently and continuously for a minimum period of 1 hour. Table 4 presents the predicted aggregate noise level exposures from these operating HVAC systems at each of five (5) nearby offsite noise-sensitive receptors (i.e., existing residences). Predicted levels shown in Table 4 range between 32 to 36 dBA hourly Leq, which is below the City’s noise standard of 45 dBA Leq for single-family residential properties. Figure 3 displays the location of the studied noise-sensitive receptors and noise contours. Table 4. Stationary Operations Noise Modeling Results Studied Noise-Sensitive Receptor (approximate address) Predicted Project-Attributed Noise Exposure Level at Nearby Noise- Sensitive Receptors Project HVAC (dBA hourly Leq) R1 (10050 Juniper Ave) 35 R2 (10050 Juniper Ave) 36 R3 (10050 Juniper Ave) 36 R4 (10050 Juniper Ave) 34 R5 (16592 Washington Dr) 32 Note: Leq = equivalent continuous sound level (time-averaged sound level); dBA = A-weighted decibels; HVAC = heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning. See Figure 3 for locations of studied noise-sensitive receptors. Parking Lot Activity A comprehensive study of noise levels associated with surface parking lots was published in the Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management (Baltrënas et al. 2004). The study found that average noise levels during the peak period of use of the parking lot (generally in the morning with arrival of commuters, and in the evening with the departure of commuters), was 47 dBA at 1 meter (3.3 feet) from the outside boundary of the parking lot. The project parking spaces are located throughout the project area, including directly adjacent to noise sensitive receptor property lines. 6 Impact Assessment 6.1 Generate a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels? On-site noise-generating activities associated with the project would include short-term construction. The project would also generate off-site traffic noise increases along various roadways in the area. These potential effects are analyzed in the following subsections. MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 12 NOVEMBER 2022 6.1.1 On-Site Construction (Short-Term) Noise Construction of the project would generate noise that could expose nearby receptors (i.e., residences) to momentary elevated noise levels that may disrupt communication and routine outdoor activities. The magnitude of the impact would depend on the type of construction activity, equipment, duration of the construction phase, distance between the noise source and receiver, and intervening structures. Using the RCNM-emulating model, the predicted noise level exposures from the proposed construction activities at the nearest studied residential receptors are summarized in Table 5. Details of the modeling input and output are provided in Attachment C. Table 5. Construction Noise Model Results Summary Construction Phase Construction Noise at Nearest Sensitive Receptor Distances (dBA 8-hour Leq) Nearest Distance (20 feet) Acoustic Center (450 feet) Site Preparation (dozer, tractor) 86 64 Grading (excavator, grader, dozer, scraper, backhoe) 87 64 Building Construction (crane, man-lift, generator, backhoe, welder/torch) 86 62 Architectural Coating (air compressor) 84 59 Paving (concrete mixer truck, paver, backhoe, roller) 80 50 Notes: See Attachment C for complete results. As previously discussed, the City’s Noise Ordinance does not establish quantitative construction noise standards; however, Section 430.469-Noise of the City’s Municipal Code restricts noise-generating construction activities to the hours from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The construction contractor would thus be required to comply with these noise regulations prescribing the hours allowed for construction activity. Were the FTA guidance limit of 80 dBA Leq to be applied as a standard, Table 6 informs that the predicted noise level exposure at the offsite noise sensitive receptor closest to the construction boundary (i.e., a distance of only 20 feet) is 87 dBA and exceeds this standard by 7 dB. Hence, despite construction activity hours complying with City regulations, project construction noise impacts could be less than significant with mitigation such as the following measure: MM-NOI-1 The applicant and/or project contractor shall implement the following measures: • All construction equipment must have appropriate sound muffling devices, which shall be properly maintained and used at all times such equipment is in operation. • The project contractor shall place stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest the project site. • The construction contractor shall locate on-site equipment staging areas so as to maximize the distance between construction-related noise sources and noise-sensitive receptors nearest the Project site during the construction period. MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 13 NOVEMBER 2022 • All noise producing construction activities, including warming-up or servicing equipment and any preparation for construction, shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. • An eight (8) foot tall temporary noise barrier shall be erected along the southern Project site property line where the property line is adjacent to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. With the needed noise reduction quantity being 7 dB (i.e., the arithmetic difference of 87 dBA and 80 dBA), MM- NOI-1 offers the project Applicant (or its construction contractors) flexible and practical options to implement it successfully and yield compliant noise exposure levels. For example, independent of any barrier-based sound path occlusion, reducing operation time of a piece of steady noise-producing equipment by 50% would also yield a 3 dB reduction. With the mitigation measures outlined above applied to the project, construction noise would be considered a less than significant impact. 6.1.3 Operation Noise Offsite Roadway Traffic Project-attributed traffic would cause increases in roadway volumes or trips on Valley Boulevard and Juniper Avenue, but not at levels expected to yield significant impacts. Using the information from Section 5.3.1, the predicted change in roadway traffic noise from Valley Boulevard will be less than 0.4 dB, which would be considered an imperceptible difference and thus a less than significant impact—especially in such an urban environment with existing noise levels expected to already exceed 65 dBA. Onsite Stationary Sources Aggregate noise emission from continuously operating outdoor-exposed rooftop air-conditioning units is expected to be below the City of Fontana (City) exterior noise threshold of 65 dBA Leq. Please see accompanying Figure 3 depicting the prediction results of the sound emission model, with the color-coded bands of sound level displayed as a horizontal plane five feet above grade. Noise associated with the project parking spaces was also analyzed. Since parking lot noise is considered transient, the hourly Leq would not exceed the City’s noise standard of 45 dBA at the nearest noise sensitive property line. Therefore, noise associated with onsite sources would be considered a less than significant impact. 6.2 Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? The closest distance between anticipated vibration-producing construction equipment (e.g., a roller) and offsite residential structures appears to be at least 20 feet, which according to FTA prediction methodology would be adequate for attenuating ground-borne vibration to levels that, per FTA or California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) guidance with respect to building damage risk and occupant annoyance, would not exceed relevant criteria and thus be a less than significant impact. In detail, the groundborne vibration propagation expression appearing in Section 5.2 can be used with FTA reference data for a roller (0.21 ips PPV at 25 feet) as follows: MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 14 NOVEMBER 2022 PPVrcvr = PPVref * (25/D)^1.5 = 0.29 = 0.21 * (25/20)^1.5 The predicted 0.29 ips PPV for the on-site roller is less than the 0.3 ips threshold for building damage risk and less than 0.4 ips PPV with respect to occupant annoyance. 6.3 Expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive aviation noise levels? The nearest public airport is well over 5 miles away, and there are no apparent private airfield. Hence, project worker or future residence exposure to aviation traffic noise is expected to be “no impact.” MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 15 NOVEMBER 2022 7 References Cited 14 CCR 15000–15387 and Appendices A–L. Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. Baltrënas, P., D. Kazlauskas, & E. Petraitis. 2004. Testing on noise level prevailing at motor vehicle parking lots and numeral simulation of its dispersion, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 12:2, 63-70 Caltrans. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. April. Accessed at https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/tcvgm- apr2020-a11y.pdf. Carrier. 2012. Product Data Sheet: Catalog No. CA16NA-06PD. City of Fontana. 2018. General Plan Update Chapter 11 Noise and Safety, November 13. Accessed at https://www.fontana.org/DocumentCenter/View/26750/Chapter-11---Noise-and-Safety. City of Fontana. 2014. Traffic Count Map. Accessed at https://www.fontana.org/DocumentCenter/View/36781/Fontana-Traffic-Count-Map-Updated?bidId= Dudek. 2022. JPI Jefferson Fontana – Transportation Due Diligence – Preliminary Findings. July 1. Federal Transit Administration (FTA). 2018. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. FTA Report No. 0123. John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. September. Accessed at https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/research-innovation/118131/transit-noise-and- vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf. FHWA. 2008. Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM), Software Version 1.1. U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division. FICON. 1992. Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues. Federal Interagency Committee on Noise. August 1992. MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA PROJECT - NOISE AND VIBRATION DUE DILIGENCE 14386.05 16 NOVEMBER 2022 Figures Project Location JPI Fontana Project SOURCE: Open Street Map; Bing Maps Date : 7 / 6 / 2 0 2 2 - L a s t s a v e d b y : a g r e i s - P a t h : Z : \ P r o j e c t s \ j 1 4 3 8 6 0 3 \ M A P D O C \ D O C U M E N T \ B i o \ F i g u r e 1 - P r o j e c t L o c a t i o n . m x d 02,0001,000 Feet Project Boundary Study Area (100-Foot) FIGURE 1 Loma Linda Yucaipa Yucca Valley Twentynine Palms Victorville NeedlesBarstow Apple Valley Inyo County Kern County Riverside County Imperial County Nevada Arizona 395 95 243 18 74 91 39 206 330 178 173 86 177 76 60 78 79 58 2 38 247 14 111 190 138 127 5 15 605 215 10 15 210 40 405 Project Site 0 #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! #RE F ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 SOURCE:Google 2022; Dudek 2022 JPI Jefferson Fontana Project FIGURE 2 0 123.5 247 Feet Noise Measurement Locations Project Site ST1 ST3 ST2 0 144 288 432 576 720 864 100 8 115 2 129 6 144 0 158 4 172 8 187 2 201 6 216 0 230 4 244 8 259 2 273 6 288 0 302 4 316 8 331 2 345 6 360 0 374 4 388 8 403 2 417 6 432 0 446 4 460 8 475 2 489 6 504 0 518 4 532 8 547 2 561 6 576 0 590 4 604 8 619 2 633 6 648 0 662 4 676 8 691 2 705 6 720 0 734 4 748 8 763 2 777 6 792 0 806 4 820 8 835 2 849 6 864 0 878 4 892 8 907 2 921 6 936 0 950 4 964 8 979 2 993 6 1008 0 1022 4 1036 8 1051 2 1065 6 1080 0 1094 4 1108 8 1123 2 1137 6 1152 0 1166 4 1180 8 1195 2 1209 6 1224 0 1238 4 1252 8 1267 2 1281 6 1296 0 1310 4 1324 8 1339 2 1353 6 1368 0 1382 4 1396 8 1411 2 1425 6 1440 0 1454 4 1468 8 1483 2 1497 6 1512 0 1526 4 1540 8 1555 2 1569 6 1584 0 1598 4 1612 8 1627 2 1641 6 1656 0 1670 4 1684 8 1699 2 1713 6 1728 0 1742 4 1756 8 1771 2 1785 6 1800 0 1814 4 1828 8 1843 2 1857 6 1872 0 1886 4 1900 8 1915 2 1929 6 1944 0 1958 4 1972 8 1987 2 2001 6 2016 0 2030 4 2044 8 2059 2 2073 6 2088 0 2102 4 2116 8 2131 2 2145 6 2160 0 2174 4 2188 8 2203 2 2217 6 2232 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 SOURCE:Google 2022; Dudek 2022 JPI Jefferson Fontana Project FIGURE 3 0 70 140 Feet Aggregate Stationary Sources Operational Noise Level Prediction Legend Receiver Location A-weighted Project Operations Sound Pressure Level (SPL) 35 dBA 35 dBA N R1R2R4R3 R5 Project Building HVAC Unit Typ. 441 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT:NOISE AND VIBRATION ASSESSMENT FOR THE JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA MITGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 14386.05 17 NOVEMBER 2022 Attachments NOISE AND VIBRATION DUE DILIGENCE A-1 14386.03 JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA PROJECT JULY 2022 Summary of Acoustical Concepts Fundamentals of Sound Vibrations, traveling as waves through air from a source, exert a force perceived by the human ear as sound. Sound pressure level (SPL, referred to as sound level) is measured on a logarithmic scale in decibels (dB) that represent the fluctuation of air pressure above and below atmospheric pressure. Frequency, or pitch, is a physical characteristic of sound and is expressed in units of cycles per second or hertz (Hz). The normal frequency range of hearing for most people extends from about 20 to 20,000 Hz. The human ear is more sensitive to middle and high frequencies, especially when the noise levels are quieter. As noise levels get louder, the human ear starts to hear the frequency spectrum more evenly. To accommodate for this phenomenon, a weighting system to evaluate how loud a noise level is to a human was developed. The frequency weighting called “A” weighting is typically used for quieter noise levels which de-emphasizes the low frequency components of the sound in a manner similar to the response of a human ear. This A-weighted sound level is called the “noise level” and is referenced in units of dBA. Since sound is measured on a logarithmic scale, a doubling of sound energy results in a 3 dBA increase in the noise level. Changes in a community noise level of less than 3 dBA are not typically noticed by the human ear. Changes from 3 to 5 dBA may be noticed by some individuals who are extremely sensitive to changes in noise. A 5 dBA increase is readily noticeable1. The human ear perceives a 10 dBA increase in sound level as a doubling of the sound level (e.g., 65 dBA sounds twice as loud as 55 dBA to a human ear). An individual’s noise exposure occurs over a period of time; however, noise level is a measure of noise at a given instant in time. Community noise sources vary continuously, being the product of many noise sources at various distances, all of which constitute a relatively stable background or ambient noise environment. The background, or ambient, noise level gradually changes throughout a typical day, corresponding to distant noise sources, such as traffic volume, as well as changes in atmospheric conditions Noise levels are generally higher during the daytime and early evening hours when traffic (including airplanes), commercial, and industrial activity is the greatest. However, noise sources experienced during nighttime hours when background levels are generally lower can be potentially more conspicuous and irritating to the receiver. In order to evaluate noise in a way that considers periodic fluctuations experienced throughout the day and night, a concept termed “community noise equivalent level” (CNEL) was developed, wherein noise measurements are weighted, added, and averaged over a 24-hour period to reflect magnitude, duration, frequency, and time of occurrence. A complete definition of CNEL and other terminology used to describe noise is provided in the following list. 1 https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/tens-sep2013- a11y.pdf NOISE AND VIBRATION DUE DILIGENCE A-2 14386.03 JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA PROJECT JULY 2022 Glossary of Common Acoustical Terms Ambient Noise Level The composite of noise from all sources near and far. The normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location. A-Weighted Sound Level (dBA) The sound pressure level (SPL) in decibels as measured on a sound level meter (SLM) using the A-weighted filter network, which de-emphasizes the very low and very high frequency components of the measured sound in a manner similar to the frequency response of the average healthy human ear. Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) The A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level over a 24- hour period with a 5 dB adjustment added to sound levels occurring during the evening hours (7 p.m. to 10 p.m.) and 10 dB adjustment added to sound levels occurring during the nighttime hours (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.). Day-night Sound Level (Ldn) The A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level over a 24- hour period with a 10 dB adjustment added to sound levels occurring during the nighttime hours (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.). Decibel (dB) The unit for expressing SPL and is equal to 10 times the logarithm (to the base 10) of the ratio of the measured sound pressure squared to a reference pressure, which is 20 micropascals. Equivalent Sound Level (Leq[xh]) The value corresponding to a steady-state sound level containing the same total energy as a time-varying signal over a given sample period. The Leq may feature notation in its subscript indicating the time period (e.g., eight hours as “8h” to populate “[Xh]”) of energy averaging. Maximum (Minimum) Sound Level (Lmax, Lmin) The highest (lowest) value measured by an SLM over a given sample period, based on a time-weighted sound level in dB using a “fast” or “slow” time constant. Statistical Sound Level (LXX) The SPL exceeded a cumulative XX percent (%) of the measured time period. By way of example, L50 is also referred to as a “median” sound level. The L90 value is often considered akin to a “background” sound level of indistinct contribution to the outdoor sound environment or an approximation of continuous or steady-state sources of noise such as mechanical equipment. Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) The maximum instantaneous positive or negative peak of a vibration wave. (In this document, a PPV descriptor with units of mm/sec or in/sec is used to evaluate construction-generated vibration for building damage risk and human annoyance. Vibration Velocity Decibel (VdB) Ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the square of the amplitude of the RMS vibration velocity to the square of the amplitude of the reference RMS vibration velocity. The reference velocity in the United States is one micro-inch per second. NOISE AND VIBRATION DUE DILIGENCE A-3 14386.03 JPI JEFFERSON FONTANA PROJECT JULY 2022 Exterior Noise Distance Attenuation Noise sources are typically classified in two forms: (1) point sources, such as stationary equipment or a group of construction vehicles and equipment working within a spatially limited area at a given time, and (2) line sources, such as a roadway with a large number of pass-by sources (motor vehicles). Sound generated by a point source typically diminishes (attenuates) at a rate of 6.0 dBA for each doubling of distance from the source to the receptor at acoustically “hard” sites and at a rate of 7.5 dBA for each doubling of distance from source to receptor at acoustically “soft” sites. Sound generated by a line source (i.e., a roadway) typically attenuates at a rate of 3 dBA and 4.5 dBA per doubling distance, for hard and soft sites, respectively. Sound levels can also be attenuated by man-made or natural barriers. For the purpose of sound attenuation discussion, a “hard” or reflective site does not provide any excess ground- effect attenuation and is characteristic of asphalt or concrete ground surfaces, as well as very hard- packed soils. An acoustically “soft” or absorptive site is characteristic of unpaved loose soil or vegetated ground. Fundamentals of Vibration Vibration is an oscillatory motion that can be described in terms of displacement, velocity, or acceleration. The response of humans to vibration is very complex. However, it is generally accepted that human response is best approximated by the vibration velocity level associated with the vibration occurrence. Heavy equipment operation, including stationary equipment that produces substantial oscillation or construction equipment that causes percussive action against the ground surface, may be perceived by building occupants as perceptible vibration. It is also common for ground-borne vibration to cause windows, pictures on walls, or items on shelves to rattle. Although the perceived vibration from such equipment operation can be intrusive to building occupants, the vibration is seldom of sufficient magnitude to cause even minor cosmetic damage to buildings. When evaluating human response, ground-borne vibration is usually expressed in terms of root mean square (RMS) vibration velocity. RMS is defined as the average of the squared amplitude of the vibration signal. As for sound, it is common to express vibration amplitudes in terms of decibels defined as: Lv = 20*LOG(vrms/vref) where vrms is the RMS vibration velocity amplitude in inches/second and vref is the decibel reference of 1x10-6 inches/second (0.000001 ips). To avoid confusion with sound decibels, the abbreviation VdB is used for vibration decibels. The vibration threshold of perception for most people is around 65 VdB (which is equivalent to 0.0018 in/sec RMS). Vibration impacts to buildings are generally discussed in terms of peak particle velocity (PPV) that describes particle movement over time (in terms of physical displacement of mass, expressed as inches/second or in/sec). Groundborne vibration generated by construction projects is usually highest during pile driving, rock blasting, soil compacting, jack hammering, and demolition-related activities. Next to pile driving and soil compacting, grading activity has the greatest potential for vibration impacts if large bulldozers, large trucks, or other heavy equipment are used. Field Noise Measurement Data Record: 1525 Project Name JPI Fontana Project #14386.05 Observer(s) Date 2022-11-11 Meteorological Conditions Temp (F)65 Humidity % (R.H.)22.6 Wind Gusty Wind Speed (MPH)8 Wind Direction North Sky Partly Cloudy Instrument and Calibrator Information Instrument Name List Piccolo #1897 Instrument Name Piccolo #1897 Instrument Name Lookup Key Piccolo #1897 Manufacturer Soft dB inc. Model Piccolo Serial Number P0222050202 Calibration Date 05/02/2022 Calibrator Name (SB) LD CAL200 Calibrator Name (SB) LD CAL200 Calibrator Name Lookup Key (SB) LD CAL200 Calibrator Manufacturer Larson Davis Calibrator Model LD CAL200 Calibrator Serial #4496 GPS Assistance Used No Pre-Test (dBA SPL)94.6 Post-Test (dBA SPL)94 Windscreen Yes Weighting?A-WTD Slow/Fast?Slow ANSI?Yes Monitoring Record #1 Site ID ST3 Site Location Lat/Long 34.069224, -117.440082 Begin (Time)11:47:00 End (Time)12:02:00 Other Lx (Specify Metric)L Primary Noise Source Traffic Other Noise Sources (Background)Distant Conversations / Yelling, Distant Industrial, Distant Traffic, Rustling Leaves Other Noise Sources Additional Description Music from auto shop, Sirens Is the same instrument and calibrator being used as previously noted? Yes Are the meteorological conditions the same as previously noted? Yes Page 1/8 Description / Photos Terrain Mixed Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST3 North Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST3 South Page 2/8 Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST3 East Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST3 West Page 3/8 Monitoring Record #2 Site ID ST1 Site Location Lat/Long 34.068447, -117.441870 Begin (Time)12:08:00 End (Time)12:23:00 Other Lx (Specify Metric)L Primary Noise Source Traffic Other Noise Sources (Background)Distant Traffic, Rustling Leaves Is the same instrument and calibrator being used as previously noted? Yes Are the meteorological conditions the same as previously noted? Yes Description / Photos Terrain Mixed Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST1 North Site Photos Page 4/8 Photo Comments / Description ST1 South Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST1 East Page 5/8 Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST1 West Monitoring Record #3 Site ID ST2 Site Location Lat/Long 34.070203, -117.441936 Begin (Time)12:28:00 End (Time)12:43:00 Other Lx (Specify Metric)L Primary Noise Source Traffic Other Noise Sources (Background)Distant Traffic, Rustling Leaves Is the same instrument and calibrator being used as previously noted? Yes Are the meteorological conditions the same as previously noted? Yes Description / Photos Terrain Hard Site Photos Page 6/8 Photo Comments / Description ST2 North Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST2 South Page 7/8 Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST2 East Site Photos Photo Comments / Description ST2 West Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Page 8/8 JPI Jefferson Fontana Project Attachment C -- Construction Noise Prediction Model Worksheets To User: bordered cells are inputs, unbordered cells have formulae 80 allowable hours over which Leq is to be averaged = 8 = temporary barrier (TB) of input height inserted between source and receptor Construction Activity Equipment Total Equipment Qty AUF % (from FHWA RCNM) Reference Lmax @ 50 ft. from FHWA RCNM Client Equipment Description, Data Source and/or Notes Source to NSR Distance (ft.)Temporary Barrier Insertion Loss (dB)Additional Noise Reduction Distance-Adjusted Lmax Allowable Operation Time (hours) Allowable Operation Time (minutes) Predicted 8-hour Leq Source Elevation (ft)Receiver Elevation (ft)Barrier Height (ft) Source to Barr. ("A") Horiz. (ft) Rcvr. to Barr. ("B") Horiz. (ft) Source to Rcvr. ("C") Horiz. (ft)"A" (ft) "B" (ft) "C" (ft) Path Length Diff. "P" (ft)Abarr (dB)Heff (with barrier)Heff (wout barrier)G (with barrier)G (without barrier)ILbarr (dB) Notes Site Preparation dozer 1 40 82 Rubber Tired Dozers 75 0.1 77.6 8 480 74 5 5 0 5 70 75 7.1 70.2 75.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 tractor 1 40 84 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 25 0.1 89.9 8 480 86 5 5 0 5 20 25 7.1 20.6 25.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Site Preparation Phase:86.2 Grading excavator 1 40 81 Excavators 225 0.1 63.8 8 480 60 5 5 0 5 220 225 7.1 220.1 225.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 grader 1 40 85 Graders/Blades 25 0.1 90.9 8 480 87 5 5 0 5 20 25 7.1 20.6 25.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 dozer 1 40 82 Rubber Tired Dozers 175 0.1 67.4 8 480 63 5 5 0 5 170 175 7.1 170.1 175.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 scraper 1 40 84 Scrapers 75 0.1 79.6 8 480 76 5 5 0 5 70 75 7.1 70.2 75.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 tractor 1 40 84 Tractor/Loaders/Backhoes 125 0.1 73.0 8 480 69 5 5 0 5 120 125 7.1 120.1 125.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Grading Phase:87.3 Building Construction crane 1 16 81 Cranes 75 0.1 76.6 8 480 69 5 5 0 5 70 75 7.1 70.2 75.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 man lift 1 20 75 Forklifts 125 0.1 64.0 8 480 57 5 5 0 5 120 125 7.1 120.1 125.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 generator 1 50 72 Generator Sets 225 0.1 54.8 8 480 52 5 5 0 5 220 225 7.1 220.1 225.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 tractor 1 40 84 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 25 0.1 89.9 8 480 86 5 5 0 5 20 25 7.1 20.6 25.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 flat bed truck 1 40 74 Welders 175 0.1 59.4 8 480 55 5 5 0 5 170 175 7.1 170.1 175.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Building Construction Phase:86.0 Paving paver 1 50 77 Pavers 125 0.1 66.0 8 480 63 5 5 0 5 120 125 7.1 120.1 125.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 pavement scarafier 1 20 85 Paving Equipment 25 0.1 90.9 8 480 84 5 5 0 5 20 25 7.1 20.6 25.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 roller 1 20 80 Rollers 75 0.1 75.6 8 480 69 5 5 0 5 70 75 7.1 70.2 75.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Paving Phase:84.1 Architectural Coating compressor (air)1 40 78 Air Compressors 25 0.1 83.9 8 480 80 5 5 0 5 20 25 7.1 20.6 25.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Architectural Coating Phase:80.0 noise level limit for construction phase at residential land use, per FTA guidance = JPI-Fontana_RCNM-emulator_mcs111522.xlsx Dudek Project No. 14386.05 RCNM_defaults-near JPI Jefferson Fontana Project Attachment C -- Construction Noise Prediction Model Worksheets To User: bordered cells are inputs, unbordered cells have formulae 80 allowable hours over which Leq is to be averaged = 8 = temporary barrier (TB) of input height inserted between source and receptor Construction Activity Equipment Total Equipment Qty AUF % (from FHWA RCNM) Reference Lmax @ 50 ft. from FHWA RCNM Client Equipment Description, Data Source and/or Notes Source to NSR Distance (ft.)Temporary Barrier Insertion Loss (dB)Additional Noise Reduction Distance-Adjusted Lmax Allowable Operation Time (hours) Allowable Operation Time (minutes) Predicted 8-hour Leq Source Elevation (ft)Receiver Elevation (ft)Barrier Height (ft) Source to Barr. ("A") Horiz. (ft) Rcvr. to Barr. ("B") Horiz. (ft) Source to Rcvr. ("C") Horiz. (ft)"A" (ft) "B" (ft) "C" (ft) Path Length Diff. "P" (ft)Abarr (dB)Heff (with barrier)Heff (wout barrier)G (with barrier)G (without barrier)ILbarr (dB) Notes Site Preparation dozer 3 40 82 Rubber Tired Dozers 455 0.1 57.9 8 480 59 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 tractor 4 40 84 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 455 0.1 59.9 8 480 62 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Site Preparation Phase:63.6 Grading excavator 2 40 81 Excavators 455 0.1 56.9 8 480 56 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 grader 1 40 85 Graders/Blades 455 0.1 60.9 8 480 57 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 dozer 1 40 82 Rubber Tired Dozers 455 0.1 57.9 8 480 54 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 scraper 2 40 84 Scrapers 455 0.1 59.9 8 480 59 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 tractor 2 40 84 Tractor/Loaders/Backhoes 455 0.1 59.9 8 480 59 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Grading Phase:64.3 Building Construction crane 1 16 81 Cranes 455 0.1 56.9 8 480 49 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 man lift 3 20 75 Forklifts 455 0.1 50.9 8 480 49 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 generator 1 50 72 Generator Sets 455 0.1 47.9 8 480 45 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 tractor 3 40 84 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 455 0.1 59.9 8 480 61 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 flat bed truck 1 40 74 Welders 455 0.1 49.9 8 480 46 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Building Construction Phase:61.5 Paving paver 2 50 77 Pavers 455 0.1 52.9 8 480 53 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 pavement scarafier 2 20 85 Paving Equipment 455 0.1 60.9 8 480 57 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 roller 2 20 80 Rollers 455 0.1 55.9 8 480 52 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Paving Phase:59.3 Architectural Coating compressor (air)1 40 78 Air Compressors 455 0.1 53.9 8 480 50 5 5 0 5 450 455 7.1 450.0 455.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Architectural Coating Phase:49.9 noise level limit for construction phase at residential land use, per FTA guidance = JPI-Fontana_RCNM-emulator_mcs111522.xlsx Dudek Project No. 14386.05 RCNM_defaults-centroid JPI Jefferson Fontana Project Attachment C -- Construction Noise Prediction Model Worksheets To User: bordered cells are inputs, unbordered cells have formulae 80 allowable hours over which Leq is to be averaged = 8 = temporary barrier (TB) of input height inserted between source and receptor Construction Activity Equipment Total Equipment Qty AUF % (from FHWA RCNM) Reference Lmax @ 50 ft. from FHWA RCNM Client Equipment Description, Data Source and/or Notes Source to NSR Distance (ft.)Temporary Barrier Insertion Loss (dB)Additional Noise Reduction Distance-Adjusted Lmax Allowable Operation Time (hours) Allowable Operation Time (minutes) Predicted 8-hour Leq Source Elevation (ft)Receiver Elevation (ft)Barrier Height (ft) Source to Barr. ("A") Horiz. (ft) Rcvr. to Barr. ("B") Horiz. (ft) Source to Rcvr. ("C") Horiz. (ft)"A" (ft) "B" (ft) "C" (ft) Path Length Diff. "P" (ft)Abarr (dB)Heff (with barrier)Heff (wout barrier)G (with barrier)G (without barrier)ILbarr (dB) Notes Site Preparation dozer 1 40 82 Rubber Tired Dozers 75 12.3 65.4 8 480 61 5 5 8 5 70 75 5.8 70.1 75.0 0.90 12.5 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 12.3 tractor 1 40 84 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 25 13.7 76.3 8 480 72 5 5 8 5 20 25 5.8 20.2 25.0 1.05 13.2 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 13.7 Total for Site Preparation Phase:72.7 Grading excavator 1 40 81 Excavators 225 11.4 52.5 8 480 49 5 5 8 5 220 225 5.8 220.0 225.0 0.85 12.3 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 11.4 grader 1 40 85 Graders/Blades 25 13.7 77.3 8 480 73 5 5 8 5 20 25 5.8 20.2 25.0 1.05 13.2 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 13.7 dozer 1 40 82 Rubber Tired Dozers 175 11.6 55.9 8 480 52 5 5 8 5 170 175 5.8 170.0 175.0 0.86 12.3 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 11.6 scraper 1 40 84 Scrapers 75 12.3 67.4 8 480 63 5 5 8 5 70 75 5.8 70.1 75.0 0.90 12.5 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 12.3 tractor 1 40 84 Tractor/Loaders/Backhoes 125 11.8 61.3 8 480 57 5 5 8 5 120 125 5.8 120.0 125.0 0.87 12.4 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 11.8 Total for Grading Phase:73.9 Building Construction crane 1 16 81 Cranes 75 12.3 64.4 8 480 56 5 5 8 5 70 75 5.8 70.1 75.0 0.90 12.5 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 12.3 man lift 1 20 75 Forklifts 125 11.8 52.3 8 480 45 5 5 8 5 120 125 5.8 120.0 125.0 0.87 12.4 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 11.8 generator 1 50 72 Generator Sets 225 11.4 43.5 8 480 40 5 5 8 5 220 225 5.8 220.0 225.0 0.85 12.3 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 11.4 tractor 1 40 84 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 25 13.7 76.3 8 480 72 5 5 8 5 20 25 5.8 20.2 25.0 1.05 13.2 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 13.7 flat bed truck 1 40 74 Welders 175 11.6 47.9 8 480 44 5 5 8 5 170 175 5.8 170.0 175.0 0.86 12.3 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 11.6 Total for Building Construction Phase:72.5 Paving paver 1 50 77 Pavers 125 11.8 54.3 8 480 51 5 5 8 5 120 125 5.8 120.0 125.0 0.87 12.4 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 11.8 pavement scarafier 1 20 85 Paving Equipment 25 13.7 77.3 8 480 70 5 5 8 5 20 25 5.8 20.2 25.0 1.05 13.2 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 13.7 roller 1 20 80 Rollers 75 12.3 63.4 8 480 56 5 5 8 5 70 75 5.8 70.1 75.0 0.90 12.5 13.0 5.0 0.5 0.7 12.3 Total for Paving Phase:70.6 Architectural Coating compressor (air)1 40 78 Air Compressors 25 0.1 83.9 8 480 80 5 5 0 5 20 25 7.1 20.6 25.0 0.00 0.1 5.0 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 Total for Architectural Coating Phase:80.0 noise level limit for construction phase at residential land use, per FTA guidance = JPI-Fontana_RCNM-emulator_mcs111522.xlsx Dudek Project No. 14386.05 RCNM_defaults-near+barrier Attachment D Traffic Noise Modeling Calculations - Summary Project: 14386.05JPI Jefferson Fontana Number Name From To Summary of Net Changes 1 Valley Boulevard Cypress Avenue Juniper Avenue 69.2 69.6 0.4 *All modeling assumes average pavement, level roadways (less than 1.5% grade), constant traffic flow and does not account for shielding of any type or finite roadway adjustments. All levels are reported as A-weighted noise levels. Segment Description and Location Existing Existing + Project Δ Existing – Existing + Project Attachment D - 1 Traffic Noise Model Calculations Project: 14386.05JPI Jefferson Fontana Noise Level Descriptor:CNEL Site Conditions:Hard Traffic Input:ADT Traffic K-Factor:10 CNEL, Number Name From To (mph) Near Far % Auto % Med % Hvy % Day % Eve % Night (dBA)5,6,7 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Existing Conditions 1 Valley Boulevard Cypress Avenue Juniper Avenue 23,392 45 65 110 97.0% 2.0% 1.0% 80.0% 15.0% 5.0% 69.2 *All modeling assumes average pavement, level roadways (less than 1.5% grade), constant traffic flow and does not account for shielding of any type or finite roadway adjustments. All levels are reported as A-weighted noise levels. Input Speed Traffic Distribution Characteristics Output Distance to Contour, (feet)3 Distance to Directional Centerline, (feet)4Segment Description and Location 71 711 ADT 225 2248 Attachment D - 2 Traffic Noise Model Calculations Project: 14386.05JPI Jefferson Fontana Noise Level Descriptor:CNEL Site Conditions:Hard Traffic Input:ADT Traffic K-Factor:10 CNEL, Number Name From To (mph) Near Far % Auto % Med % Hvy % Day % Eve % Night (dBA)5,6,7 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Existing + Project Conditions 1 Valley Boulevard Cypress Avenue Juniper Avenue 25,562 45 65 110 97.0% 2.0% 1.0% 80.0% 15.0% 5.0% 69.6 *All modeling assumes average pavement, level roadways (less than 1.5% grade), constant traffic flow and does not account for shielding of any type or finite roadway adjustments. All levels are reported as A-weighted noise levels. Input Output ADT Speed Distance to Directional Centerline, (feet)4 Traffic Distribution CharacteristicsSegment Description and Location Distance to Contour, (feet)3 78 246 777 2456