HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I_MMRPMITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 1 This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared for use in implementing mitigation for the: Public Storage Redevelopment Project MCN 22-063, DR 22-033, CUP 23-002 The program has been prepared in compliance with State law and the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared for the project by the City of Fontana (City). The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires adoption of a reporting or monitoring program for those measures placed on a project to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment (Public Resource Code Section 21081.6). The law states the reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation. The monitoring program contains the following elements: 1) The mitigation measures are recorded with the action and procedure necessary to ensure compliance. In some instances, one action may be used to verify implementation of several mitigation measures. 2) A procedure for compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. 3) The program has been designed to be flexible. As monitoring progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon recommendations by those responsible for the program. As changes are made, new monitoring compliance procedures and records will be developed and incorporated into the program. This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program includes mitigation identified in the MND. MITIGATION MONITORING AND RESPONSIBILITIES As the Lead Agency, the City is responsible for ensuring full compliance with the mitigation measures adopted for the proposed project. The City will monitor and report on all mitigation activities. Mitigation measures will be implemented at different stages of development throughout the project site. In this regard, the responsibilities for implementation have been assigned to the Applicant, Contractor, or a combination thereof. If, during the course of project implementation, any of the mitigation measures identified herein cannot be successfully implemented, the City shall be immediately informed, and the City will then inform any affected responsible agencies. The City, in conjunction with any affected responsible agencies, will then determine if modification to the project is required and/or whether alternative mitigation is appropriate. STANDARD CONDITIONS Standard Conditions are presented in instances where the proposed project would not create a significant impact but would be required to adhere to regulatory requirements in order to ensure impacts do not become significant. Standard Conditions outline compliance with various federal, State, and/or local acts, laws, rules, regulations, municipal codes, policies, etc. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 2 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 3 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Mitigation Measure No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance Biological Resources MITIGATION MEASURE BIO-1: If demolition or ground disturbance is proposed during nesting bird season (February 15 to August 31), a pre-construction nesting survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist (Project Biologist) within 72 hours prior to start of work pursuant to Sections 3503–3801 of the California Fish and Game Code. If the survey indicates nesting birds are present, an appropriate buffer to be established by the Project Biologist shall be marked off around the nest(s), and no demolition or construction activity shall occur in that area during nesting activities. Demolition and/or construction may resume within the established buffer when the Project Biologist determines the nest is no longer occupied and all juveniles have left the nest. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. Prior to the issuance of demolition and grading permits and during construction. Evidence to the City: • A qualified biologist is retained; • The required pre- construction survey has been completed, and, if necessary, appropriate buffers are established and monitored until the nesting effort is finished; and • Submittal of a report to City for mitigation monitoring compliance record keeping. Withhold demolition and grading permits or issuance of a stop work order. MITIGATION MEASURE BIO-2: Prior to removal of the 31 trees from the project site (refer to Figure 2 and Table A-3 of Appendix B of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration) the Project Applicant shall coordinate with City staff to identify suitable replacement trees in accordance with Section 28-67(c) of Article III: Preservation of Heritage, Significant, and Specimen Trees of the City Municipal Code. Each living tree shall be replaced pursuant to the replacement tree requirement determined in the Biological Resources and Arborist Report and approved by City staff. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. Prior to removal of the 31 trees on the project site. Evidence to the City of coordination regarding the identification of suitable replacement trees pursuant to the Biological Resources and Arborist Report. Issuance of a stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 4 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Mitigation Measure No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE GEO-1: Prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits, the Project Applicant shall provide evidence to the City of Fontana (City) for review and approval that proposed structures, features, and facilities have been designed and would be constructed in conformance with applicable provisions of the 2022 edition of the California Building Code (CBC) or the most current edition of the CBC in effect at the time the Project Applicant’s development application is deemed complete by the City. Additionally, the Project Applicant shall prepare a site- specific geotechnical report for the project and provide evidence to the City that the recommendations cited in the geotechnical report are incorporated into project plans and/or implemented as deemed appropriate by the City. Geotechnical recommendations may include, but are not limited to, removal of existing vegetation, structural foundations, floor slabs, utilities, septic systems, and any other surface and subsurface improvements that would not remain in place for use with the new development. Remedial earthwork, overexcavation, and ground improvement shall occur to depths specified in the geotechnical report to provide a sufficient layer of engineered fill or densified soil beneath the structural footings/foundations, as well as proper surface drainage devices and erosion control. Fill soils shall consist of very low expansive soils. Construction of concrete structures in contact with subgrade soils determined to be corrosive shall include measures to protect concrete, steel, and other City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, and during construction. Evidence to the City: 1) Project proponent/developer prepares a site-specific geotechnical report; 2) Proposed features, structures, and facilities have been designed and would be constructed per the 2022 CBC or most current edition; 3) Recommendations cited in the geotechnical report are incorporated into project plans and/or implemented as deemed appropriate by the City; 4) Retainment of structural engineer to perform verification testing upon completion of ground improvements. Withhold grading or building permits, or issuance of a stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 5 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Mitigation Measure No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance metals. Verification testing must be performed upon completion of ground improvements to confirm that the compressible soils have been sufficiently densified. The structural engineer must determine the ultimate thickness and reinforcement of the building floor slabs based on the imposed slab loading. As necessary, the City may require additional studies and/or engineering protocols to meet its requirements. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Director of Building and Safety or designee. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MITIGATION MEASURE HAZ-1: An asbestos-containing materials (ACM) survey shall be completed for all structures proposed for demolition. A Certified Asbestos Consultant shall conduct the ACM survey. If the ACM survey reveals no detectable asbestos levels pursuant to Title 8, California Code of Regulations Section 1529, no further ACM survey or remedial work is required. However, if a detectable level of asbestos is identified within structures proposed for demolition, Mitigation Measure HAZ-2 shall apply. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Building and Safety Division, or designee. City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Building and Safety Division or designee. Prior to demolition activities. Evidence to the City that an ACM survey was conducted by a Certified Asbestos Consultant. Withhold demolition permit. MITIGATION MEASURE HAZ-2: Prior to the demolition of any structure identified to contain asbestos-containing materials (ACM), the Project Applicant shall retain a Certified Asbestos Consultant to abate ACM from the demolition site pursuant to South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1403. An Asbestos Notification shall be prepared and submitted to the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Prior to demolition activities. Evidence to the City: 1) Project proponent/developer retains a Certified Asbestos Consultant to abate ACM from the site; Withhold demolition permit. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 6 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Mitigation Measure No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance SCAQMD for approval if abatement of at least 100 square feet or 160 linear feet of ACM above one percent asbestos is required. The Certified Asbestos Consultant shall provide a construction and demolition plan with disposal tickets from a San Bernardino County Department of Public Works- Solid Waste Management Division-approved disposal facility and SCAQMD air clearances prior to any asbestos removal activity, and an asbestos report shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Building and Safety Division, or designee. Building and Safety Division or designee. 2) Project proponent/developer prepares and submits an Asbestos Notification to SCAQMD if notification conditions are met; 3) A construction and demolition plan with disposal tickets from approved disposal facilities and SCAQMD air clearances, along with an asbestos report submitted to the City. MITIGATION MEASURE HAZ-3: A lead-based materials (LBM) survey shall be completed for all structures proposed for demolition. A qualified California Department of Public Health Lead Inspector Assessor shall conduct the LBM survey. If the LBM survey reveals no detectable lead levels pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 29, Section 1926.62 and Title 8, California Code of Regulations Section 1532.1, no further LBM survey or remedial work is required. However, if a detectable level of lead is identified within structures proposed for demolition, Mitigation Measure HAZ-4 shall apply. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Building and Safety Division, or designee. City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Building and Safety Division or designee. Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. Evidence to the City that an LBM survey was conducted by a qualified California Department of Public Health Lead Inspector Assessor. Withhold demolition permit. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 7 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Mitigation Measure No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance MITIGATION MEASURE HAZ-4: Prior to the demolition of any structure identified to contain lead-based materials (LBM), the Project Applicant shall retain a California Department of Public Health Lead Inspector Assessor to abate LBM from the demolition site. The Lead Inspector Assessor shall provide a construction and demolition plan with disposal tickets from a San Bernardino County Department of Public Works-Solid Waste Management Division-approved disposal facility and South Coast Air Quality Management District air clearances prior to any lead removal activity, and a lead report shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Building and Safety Division, or designee. City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee, and/or Building and Safety Division or designee. Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. Evidence to the City: 1) Project proponent/developer retains a California Department of Public Health Lead Inspector Assessor to abate LBM from the site; 2) A construction and demolition plan with disposal tickets from approved disposal facilities and SCAQMD air clearances, along with a lead report submitted to the City. Withhold demolition permit. NOISE MITIGATION MEASURE NOI-1: Due to the close proximity to surrounding structures, the City of Fontana (City) Director of Community Development, or designee, shall verify prior to issuance of demolition or grading permits, that the approved plans require that the construction contractor shall implement the following mitigation measures during project construction activities to ensure that damage does not occur at surrounding structures: • Identify structures that are located within 15 feet of heavy construction activities and that have the potential to be affected by ground-borne vibration. This task shall be conducted by a qualified structural engineer as approved by the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. Prior to the issuance of demolition, grading, and building permits and during construction activities. Evidence to the City that all approved plans include mitigation measures herein to be implemented during project construction activities; 1) Retainment of a qualified structural engineer for identification of vibration-prone structures; Withhold demolition, grading, and building permits, or issuance of stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 8 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Mitigation Measure No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance City’s Director of Community Development, or designee. • Once the construction equipment list is finalized, a comparison of the proposed equipment to be used and the assumed equipment vibration levels presented in Table 7-4 of the Federal Transit Administration Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual – FTA Report No. 0123 shall be completed. If it is determined that the proposed equipment would not generate vibration levels that could exceed the FTA Damage Criteria presented in Table 7-5 of the Federal Transit Administration Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual – FTA Report No. 0123, further vibration mitigation would not be necessary. However, if levels would potentially exceed the FTA Damage Criteria presented in Table 7-5 of the Federal Transit Administration Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual – FTA Report No. 0123, the applicant shall develop a vibration monitoring and construction contingency plan for approval by the City Director of Community Development, or designee, to identify structures where monitoring would be conducted; set up a vibration monitoring schedule; define structure-specific vibration limits; and address the need to conduct photo, elevation, and crack surveys to document before and after construction conditions. Construction contingencies would be identified for when vibration levels approached the limits. • If a vibration monitoring and construction contingency plan is deemed necessary, 2) Project Applicant/developer prepares and submits a vibration monitoring and construction contingency plan to the City if vibration levels from equipment identified on the finalized list of construction equipment for the project would exceed the FTA Damage Criteria; and 3) Retainment of vibration monitoring personnel during construction activities if a vibration monitoring and construction contingency plan is required. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 9 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Mitigation Measure No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance monitoring of vibration during initial construction activities would be required. Monitoring results may indicate the need for more or less intensive measurements. • When vibration levels approach limits, suspend construction and implement contingencies as identified in the approved vibration monitoring and construction contingency plan to either lower vibration levels or secure the affected structures. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 10 STANDARD CONDITIONS Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance CULTURAL RESOURCES STANDARD CONDITION CUL-1: Upon discovery of any cultural, tribal cultural or archaeological resources, cease construction activities in the immediate vicinity of the find until the find can be assessed by an archaeological monitor who would be retained by the project Applicant to monitor all subsequent ground- disturbing activity in native soils under the supervision of a project archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology. All cultural, tribal cultural and archaeological resources unearthed by project construction activities shall be evaluated by the archaeological monitor and tribal monitor/consultant. If the resources are Native American in origin, the property owner shall coordinate with interested Tribes (as a result of correspondence with area Tribes) regarding treatment and curation of these resources. Typically, the Tribes will request preservation in place or recovery for educational purposes. Work may continue on other parts of the project while evaluation takes place. City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. During construction. Evidence to the City: 1) Appropriate buffers are established as necessary; 2) Project Applicant/developer retains an archaeological monitor who would be supervised under a project archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology; 3) Recommendation for the treatment and disposition of resources by the qualified archaeologist in consultation with the Tribe[s], Native American monitor[s], and the archaeological monitor. Issuance of a stop work order. STANDARD CONDITION CUL-2: Preservation in place shall be the preferred manner of treatment. If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment may include implementation of archaeological data recovery excavation to remove the resource from the area of City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. During construction. Evidence to the City: 1) Recommendation for the treatment and disposition of Tribal Cultural resources by the Project Issuance of a stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 11 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance ground disturbance along with subsequent laboratory processing and analysis. All removed Tribal Cultural Resources shall be returned to the Tribes. Any historic archaeological material that is not Native American in origin shall be curated at a public, non-profit institution with a research interest in the materials, if such an institution agrees to accept the material. If no institution accepts the archaeological material, they shall be offered to the Tribe or a local school or historical society in the area for educational purposes. Applicant/developer- retained archaeological monitor in consultation with the Tribe[s]; 2) Proof of receipt of non- Native American historic archaeological material by a public, non-profit institution with a research interest in the said materials, or to the Tribe[s], local school, or historical society in the area for education purposes if no institution accepts the said materials. STANDARD CONDITION CUL-3: Archaeological and Native American monitoring and excavation during construction projects shall be consistent with current professional standards. All feasible care to avoid any unnecessary disturbance, physical modification, or separation of human remains and associated funerary objects shall be taken. Principal personnel shall meet the Secretary of the Interior standards for archaeology and have a minimum of 10 years’ experience as a principal investigator working with Native American archaeological sites in southern California. The principal personnel shall ensure that the archaeological monitor and all other personnel are appropriately trained and qualified. City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. Project duration. Evidence to the City: 1) Project Applicant/developer- retained principal personnel that meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for archaeology and have a minimum of 10 years’ experience as a principal investigator; 2) The archaeological monitor and all other personnel are appropriately trained and qualified. Issuance of a stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 12 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance STANDARD CONDITION CUL-4: Pursuant to State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, if human remains are encountered during project construction activities, no further disturbance shall occur within 100 feet of the find and the Project Applicant shall notify the San Bernardino County Coroner and the City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. The County Coroner shall make a determination of origin and disposition. If the San Bernardino County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted by the Coroner within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the “Most Likely Descendant”. The Most Likely Descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation with the property owner concerning the treatment of the remains and any associated items as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. Additionally, the specific locations of Native American burials and reburials shall be proprietary and not disclosed to the general public. City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. During construction. Evidence to the City: 1) Appropriate buffer areas have been established as applicable; and 2) Coordinate with Native American Tribe[s], City of Fontana Community Development Director (or designee), and County Coroner as necessary; Issuance of a stop work order. GEOLOGY AND SOILS STANDARD CONDITION GEO-1: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the City of Fontana (City) shall verify that the following note is included on all grading plans: “If paleontological resources are encountered during the course of ground disturbance, work within 60 feet of the find shall be halted, and an exclusionary buffer shall be established. A qualified paleontologist (defined as an individual with an M.S. or Ph.D. in paleontology or geology who is experienced with paleontological City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, and during construction. Evidence to the City: 1) Grading plans note the retainment of a qualified paleontologist in the event of paleontological discoveries; 2) Appropriate buffer areas have been established as Withhold grading permits. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 13 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance procedures and techniques, who is knowledgeable in the geology of California, and who has worked as a paleontological mitigation project supervisor for a least one year) shall be contacted to assess the find for scientific significance. Construction personnel shall not collect or move any suspected paleontological materials or further disturb any soils within the exclusionary buffer without the consent of the paleontologist and the City Community Development Director, but construction activity may continue unimpeded on other portions of the project site. If the paleontologist determines the find is not a paleontological resource, no further evaluation shall be required within the exclusionary buffer, and construction activity shall be allowed to resume therein. However, if the paleontologist determines the find is a paleontological resource, construction activity shall not resume within the exclusionary buffer, and Standard Condition GEO-2 shall apply.” This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Community Development Director or designee. applicable. STANDARD CONDITION GEO-2: If the qualified paleontologist determines paleontological resources are encountered on the project site, the paleontologist shall prepare a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Plan (PRIMP) to be implemented during the balance of ground-disturbing activities. Implementation of the PRIMP shall include (but not be limited to) the following: •Review of project-specific geotechnical report data, with particular regard to location and depth of earthmoving and the rock unit(s) encountered; City of Fontana Community Development Director or designee. During construction and in the event of paleontological resource discovery. Evidence to the City: 1) Project Applicant/developer retained paleontologist prepares and submits a PRIMP to the City; 2) Paleontologist monitors remaining ground- disturbing activities in native soils, as Withhold grading and/or building permits and/or issuance of a stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 14 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance •Development of a formal agreement between the Project Applicant and the San Bernardino County Museum, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Western Science Center, San Diego Natural History Museum, Riverside Municipal Museum, or other accredited museum repository for the final disposition, permanent storage, and maintenance of any fossil collections and associated data; •The construction schedule, term/schedule of on-site paleontological monitor(s) and the extent of areas and activities to be monitored; •Authority of paleontological monitor(s) to temporarily redirect construction activity in the vicinity of any paleontological discovery; •Procedures for the evaluation and option to recover large fossil specimens and for the evaluation, recovery, and processing of small fossil specimens; •Fossil specimen preparation, identification to the lowest taxonomic level possible, curation, and cataloging; and •A report of findings. The paleontologist shall monitor remaining ground- disturbing activities in native soils at the project site and shall be equipped to record and salvage fossil resources that may be unearthed during construction. The paleontologist shall temporarily halt or divert construction equipment to allow recording and removal of the unearthed resources. Significant fossils shall be offered for curation at an accredited museum repository in accordance with the PRIMP. A report of findings, applicable; 3) Project Applicant/developer- retained paleontologist prepares and submits a report of findings upon completion of PRIMP implementation to the City. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 15 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance including, when appropriate, an itemized inventory of recovered specimens and a discussion of their significance, shall be prepared upon completion of the steps outlined above. The report and inventory, when submitted to and approved by the City of Fontana (City), would signify completion of the program. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Community Development Director or designee. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY STANDARD CONDITION HYD- 1: Construction General Permit. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Applicant shall obtain coverage under the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (Order No. 2022-0057- DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System No. CAS000002) (Construction General Permit). This shall include submission of Permit Registration Documents (PRDs), including a Notice of Intent for coverage under the permit to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) via the Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTs). The Project Applicant shall provide the Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) to the City of Fontana (City), or designee, to demonstrate proof of coverage under the Construction General Permit. Project construction shall not be initiated until a WDID is received from the SWRCB and is provided to the City, or designee. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared and implemented for the proposed project in compliance with the requirements of the Construction General Director of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, or designee. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, during construction, and upon completion of construction. Evidence to the City: • A Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) is obtained for the Project from the SMARTS; • Project coverage under the Construction General Permit; and • Submittal of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to the City that includes BMPs. Withhold grading permit or issuance of a stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 16 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance Permit. The SWPPP shall identify construction best management practices (BMPs) to be implemented to ensure that the potential for soil erosion and sedimentation is minimized and to control the discharge of pollutants in stormwater runoff as a result of construction activities. Upon completion of construction and stabilization of the site, a Notice of Termination shall be submitted via SMARTs. STANDARD CONDITION HYD-2: Prior to the commencement of any land disturbing activities, the Project Applicant shall obtain coverage under the Construction General Permit and develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to the City for review and approval that incorporates Best Management Practices to protect water quality during construction activities pursuant to Section 23-519 of the City Municipal Code. Director of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, or designee. Prior to ground disturbing activities. Evidence to the City: 1) Project coverage under the Construction General Permit; 2) Submittal of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to the City that includes BMPs. Withhold grading permit or issuance of stop work order. STANDARD CONDITION HYD-3: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Applicant shall submit a Final Water Quality Management Plan (Final WQMP) to the City of Fontana (City) for review and approval in compliance with the requirements of the Santa Ana RWQCB’s NPDES Permit Waste Discharge Requirements for the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino, and the Incorporated Cities of San Bernardino County Within the Santa Ana Region Area-Wide Urban Stormwater Runoff Management Program (Order No. R8-2010-0036, NPDES No. CAS618036) (San Bernardino County MS4 Permit). The Final WQMP shall specify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be incorporated into the project design to target pollutants of concern in stormwater Director of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, or designee. Prior to the issuance of grading permit. Submittal to City of a Final Water Quality Management Plan (Final WQMP). Withhold grading permit. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 17 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance runoff from the project site and the necessary operation and maintenance activity for each BMP. The City shall ensure that the BMPs specified in the Final WQMP are incorporated into the final project design. The proposed BMPs specified in the Final WQMP shall be incorporated into the grading and development plans submitted to the City for review and approval. Project occupancy and operation shall be in accordance with the schedule outlined in the WQMP. STANDARD CONDITION HYD-4: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Project Applicant shall submit a grading plan and landscaping plan that incorporates the stormwater management, rainwater retention, and Low Impact Development requirements outlined in the City of Fontana’s Municipal Code to the City for review and approval. Director of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, or designee. Prior to the issuance of grading permit. Submittal to City of a final grading plan and landscaping plan that incorporates City requirements for stormwater management, rainwater retention, and Low Impact Development per the City’s Municipal Code. Withhold grading permit. NOISE STANDARD CONDITION NOI-1: Prior to issuance of demolition, grading, and building permits, the Project Applicant shall provide evidence to the City that construction plans include direction to adhere to the following source controls at all times: a) Construction shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and no construction on Sundays and holidays unless it is approved by the building inspector for cases that are considered urgently necessary as defined in Section 18-63(7) of the Municipal Code. b) For all noise-producing equipment, use types City of Fontana Building Inspector. Prior to the issuance of demolition, grading, and building permits and during construction activities. Submittal to City of Project construction plans that include direction to adhere to the City’s noise source controls at all times, including work hours, model types, upkeep of construction equipment, and path controls where physically feasible. Withhold demolition, grading, and building permits, or issuance of stop work order. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PUBLIC STORAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 18 Project Name: Public Storage Redevelopment Project Applicant: Public Storage Date: June 14, 2023 Standard Condition No. / Implementing Action Responsible for Monitoring Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance and models that have the lowest horsepower and the lowest noise generating potential practical for their intended use. c) The construction contractor will ensure that all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, is properly operating (tuned-up) and lubricated, and that mufflers are working adequately. d) Have only necessary equipment onsite. e) Use manually-adjustable or ambient-sensitive backup alarms. When working adjacent to residential use(s), the construction contractor will also use the following path controls, except where not physically feasible, when necessary: i. Install portable noise barriers, including solid structures and noise blankets, between the active noise sources and the nearest noise receivers. ii. Temporarily enclose localized and stationary noise sources. iii. Store and maintain equipment, building materials, and waste materials as far as practical from as many sensitive receivers as practical. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Building Inspector.