HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix H_Trip Gen, VMT      CARLSBAD CLOVIS IRVINE LOS ANGELES PALM SPRINGS POINT RICHMOND RIVERSIDE ROSEVILLE SAN LUIS OBISPO 20 Executive Park, Suite 200, Irvine, California  92614     949.553.0666     www.lsa.net    MEMORANDUM  DATE: November 1, 2022  TO: Aaron Anderson, Public Storage  FROM: Ken Wilhelm, LSA  SUBJECT: Public Storage Fontana, California – Trip Generation/Vehicle Miles Traveled Analysis  LSA is pleased to present this trip generation/vehicle miles traveled (VMT) memorandum for the  proposed Public Storage project (project) in Fontana, California. The proposed project is at 17173  Valley Boulevard, the current site of an existing public storage facility. The proposed project would  demolish 18,272‐square feet (sf) of the existing self‐storage (mini‐warehouse) use within four  buildings on site and construct a 110,834 sf, three‐story self‐storage facility (including 1,268 sf of  office use).   The project site is bordered by Valley Boulevard to the north, Interstate 10 to the south, a mobile  home park to the east, and Vineyard Valley Shopping Center to the west. Access to the site is  currently provided at the signalized intersection of Health Care Parkway/Valley Boulevard and a  gated right‐in/right‐out driveway along Valley Boulevard. The project site plan is attached.  Per the City of Fontana (City) Planning Department letter (dated July 14, 2022), a trip generation and  VMT memorandum shall be prepared for the project. This memorandum is prepared consistent with  the City’s Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled and Level of Service  Assessment (October 21, 2020).  TRIP GENERATION  The daily and peak‐hour trips of the existing uses and the proposed project were calculated using  trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition  (2021). Table A summarizes the project trip generation using the ITE trip rates.   The proposed project would demolish 16,454 sf of the existing office and mini‐warehouse uses on  site. As shown in Table A, using trip rates for a Mini‐Warehouse use (Land Use Code 151), the  existing uses to be demolished generate 24 daily weekday trips, including 2 trips (1 inbound and 1  outbound) in the a.m. peak hour and 2 trips (1 inbound and 1 outbound) in the p.m. peak hour.  The proposed project includes the construction of a 110,834 sf, three‐story self‐storage facility  (including 1,268 sf of office use). As shown in Table A, using trip rates for a Mini‐Warehouse use  (Land Use Code 151), the proposed project would generate 161 daily weekday trips, including  10 trips (6 inbound and 4 outbound) in the a.m. peak hour and 17 trips (8 inbound and 9 outbound)  in the p.m. peak hour.    11/1/22 «P:\PUB2202\Technical Studies\Transportation\Doc\Trip Generation Memo2.docx»  2  Table A: Project Trip Generation Summary   Land Use Size Unit ADT  AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour  In Out Total In Out  Total  Trip Rates  Mini‐Warehouse (Self‐Storage)  tsf 1.45 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.15  Existing Trip Generation  Old Self‐Storage (to be demolished) 16.454 tsf 24 1 1 2 1 1 2  Project Trip Generation  New Self‐Storage Facility 110.834 tsf 161 6 4 10 8 9 17  Net Trip Generation (Project ‐ Existing)   137 5 3 8 7 8 15  1  Trip rates referenced from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition (2021).    Land Use Code 151 ‐ Mini‐Warehouse  ADT = average daily trips  tsf = thousand square feet    After taking credit for the existing trip generation on site, the net project is anticipated to generate  137 daily trips, including 8 trips (5 inbound and 3 outbound) in the a.m. peak hour and 15 trips  (7 inbound and 8 outbound) in the p.m. peak hour.  According to the City’s TIA guidelines, a TIA should be prepared for every project that is forecast to  equal or exceed the San Bernardino Associated Governments Congestion Management Plan  threshold of 250 two‐way peak‐hour trips. Industrial and warehousing projects shall convert trucks  to passenger car equivalent before applying this threshold. The proposed project is a public storage  facility that would not likely generate large trucks and is expected to generate fewer than 250 trips  during the peak hours. As such, a TIA should not be required.   VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED  As a result of Senate Bill (SB) 743, the California Office of Administrative Law cleared the revised  California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for use on December 28, 2018. Among the  changes to the guidelines was the removal of vehicle delay and level of service (LOS) from  consideration under CEQA. The intent of SB 743 and the revised CEQA guidelines is to promote the  reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of multimodal transportation networks,  and a diversity of land uses. With the adopted guidelines, transportation impacts are to be  evaluated based on a project’s effect on vehicle miles traveled (VMT).   According to the City’s TIA guidelines, projects that would generate fewer than 500 net daily trips  are screened out from a VMT analysis and are presumed to have a less‐than‐significant  transportation impact. Based on the City’s guidelines, projects that generate fewer than 500 daily  trips include 287,000 (or smaller) sf of warehousing use.  The proposed project is less than 287,000 sf and would generate fewer than 500 daily trips.  Therefore, the proposed project is screened out from a VMT analysis and is presumed to have a less‐ than‐significant transportation impact.    11/1/22 «P:\PUB2202\Technical Studies\Transportation\Doc\Trip Generation Memo2.docx»  3  CONCLUSION  LSA analyzed the trip generation of the proposed project to determine whether it would require a  TIA or VMT analysis. The net project is anticipated to generate 137 daily trips, including 8 trips in  the a.m. peak‐hour and 15 trips in the p.m. peak‐hour. Based on the results of the project trip  generation, a TIA should not be required and the project is presumed to have a less‐than‐significant  transportation impact.   If you have any questions, please contact me at (949) 553‐0666.   Attachment: Site Plan  30 ' 30 ' 23 ' - 8 " LOBBY 30 ' AE R I A L A C C E S S 30 ' FI R E A C C E S S 15 1 ' - 4 " 241'-4" PROPOSED SELF-STORAGE BUILDING 3-STORY 109,566 S.F. V A L L E Y B O U L E V A R D S A N B E R N A D I N O F R E E W A Y 25 S H A R E D A C C E S S E A S E M E M T 62' 26 ' 15 ' - 3 0 ' MI N F I R E R E Q ' D 70' CLEAR TO OBSTRUCTIONS 132' 9 14 ' TY P SECURITY GATE & FENCE. FOR FIRE DEPT ACCESS ONLY SEMI-TRAILER PARKING DEMO PORTION OF EXISTING WALL UP TO NEW SECURITY GATE FIRE DEPT. SECOND POINT OF ACCESS & CUSTOMER ENTRANCE FIRE DEPT. FIRST POINT OF ACCESS (E) TRASH ENCLOSURE 72'-8" 112'-2" 2 2 ' - 1 0 " 105' 9' TYP 17 ' TY P 5 (2) BIKE SP (2) LONG TERM BIKES (E) BUILDING 4000 (E) BUILDING 3000 (E) BUILDING 2000 (E) BUILDING 6000 (E) BUILDING 5000 (E) BUILDING 8000 (E) BUILDING 8000 (E) BUILDING 9000 (E) HOTEL NOT A PART (E) RETAIL NOT A PART (E) RETAIL NOT A PART (E) RETAIL NOT A PART (E) PARKING NOT A PART (E) PARKING NOT A PART (E) PARKING NOT A PART PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 687'-9" 6' 2' EV CHARGING ONLY ADA POLE SIGN, TYP (2)EV CHARGING 24" DECORATIVE CONCRETE, TYP 9' 12'-8" 9'14'-2" 18 ' 9'8'9'12'5' CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL EV 19 ' 6' 1 0 '10 ' (E) DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20' 70 ' R 2 8 ' 26 ' (E) 2-STORY TO BE DEMOLISHED 9,298 S.F. HAMMERHEAD TURNAROUND PER DIAGRAM A-1.12 OF THE SAN BERNADINO COUNTY F.D. 6' 19'37'-11" (E) SIGNAGE EASEMENT (E) FH(E) FH (E) FH (E) FH (E) FH 34'-4" 12' WIDE SIGN MAINTENANCE ACCESS GATE (E) BUILDING 7000 ABANDON (E) HYDRANT PROPOSED BUILDING MOUNTED FDC PROPOSED FIRE SERVICE (E) CURB PROPOSED CURB PROPOSED HYDRANT 23 ' - 9 " 20 ' - 1 0 " 22 ' - 2 " UNDERGROUND GATE SENSORS EA. SIDE, TYP (E) BLOCK WALL TO REMAIN (E) POLE SIGN (E) POWER POLE TO REMAIN 150' (E) FH(E) FH (E) FH (E) FH (E) FH 10'-7" (E) PROJECT AREA 83,554 S.F. (1.92 ACRES) 17 ' - 1 0 " 7 LANDSCAPE, TYP 34'-10" PROPOSED UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION BASIN PROPOSED UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION BASIN PROPERTY LINE R19' R45' (E) CELL TOWER (E) CELL TOWER CELL TOWER & MAIN SITE ELECTRICAL GEAR (4 METERS) 800 AMP, 120/208 SERVICE T T 10'-8"2'2'2'2'2'2'5'5' 18' 24" DECORATIVE CONCRETE, TYP 2' DEMO (E) 2-STORY OFFICE 5,724 S.F. DEMO (E) BLDG 2000 644 S.F. DEMO (E) BLDG 3000 788 S.F. SECU R I T Y R A C K FP SECU R I T Y R A C K E T $ I A C C C C SAFE 18"X4 8 " R A C K S 18"X48" R A C K S 18"X48" RACKS18"X48" RACKS 15"X12"LCKS 18"X48 " R A C K S OFFICE CANOPY ABOVE 7' 2' SECTION 30-542(2): ALL RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SCREENED & THE TRASH ENCLOSURE THAT IS DESIGNED PURSUANT TO THE CITY APPROVED CONCEPTUAL PLAN. THE RECEPTACLE SHALL NOT BE VISIBLE ABOVE THE WALL. THE ENCLOSURE SHALL BE ARCHITECTURALLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE PROPOSED/ EXISTING STRUCTURES. TEMP OFFICE PROJECT AREA 16,619 S.F. (0.38 ACRES) VEHICULAR PATH AND CIRCULATION TO PROPOSED BUILDING 60' R/W ST O P ST O P 20 ' CL R . 30'PL 17'2' 5' 4'x6' SWITCH PAD ST O P ST O P 20 ' CL R . K E K E C K M M TRASH 26'-8" 10'-4" SIDEWALK CARTS 5'H.CMU WALL TO SCREEN EQUIPMENT INTERNAL UNITS ST O P 5' DEDICATION 61' 50' MIN STACKING 5' 8'x10 'TRANSFORMER CLOSE (E) DRIVEWAY 27'-5" 1'-10" (N) CHOP GATE (N) CHOP GATE (N) 6'H SWING GATE 1' 5'H.CMU WALL TO SCREEN EQUIPMENT PROPOSED BASIN SHEET 2 S T U D I O architecture + engineering 17173 VALLEY BOULEVARD | FONTANA, CA CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 01.05.23 0 30'15'60' scale: 1" = 30'-0" NORTH