HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrip Generation Assesment DATE: February 28, 2023 TO: Ms. Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. FROM: Charlene So, Urban Crossroads, Inc. JOB NO: 15283-01 TG Memo ALDER & MERRILL TRIP GENERATION ASSESSMENT Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to provide the following Trip Generation Assessment for the proposed Alder & Merrill change of zone (Project), which is located in the City of Fontana. It should be noted that this trip generation assessment has been prepared in accordance with the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service (LOS) Assessment (dated October 21, 2020) (City Guidelines). PROJECT DESCRPTION The Project consists of a proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA) and a Zone Change (ZC) for a 6.4-acre property that is located in the City of Fontana north of Merrill Avenue, between Alder Avenue and Laurel Avenue, and south of Citron Avenue. The GPA would change the General Plan land use designation of the Project site from Single Family Residential (R-SF) to Multifamily Medium High- Density Residential (R-MFMH) and the zoning of the Project site from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Medium/High Density Residential (R-4). The existing General Plan land use and zoning are shown on Exhibit 1 and the proposed GPA and ZC are shown on Exhibit 2. The increased unit count allowance would increase from a maximum of 32 residential units (6.4 acres x 5.0 units/acre = 32 units) to 249 residential units (6.4 acres x 39 units/acre = 249 units), for a net increase of 217 units assuming maximum development potential under the existing and proposed designations. No development project is currently proposed, and no physical disturbance of the Project site is currently proposed. Only the proposed change to the underlying land use has been evaluated as part of this assessment. Ms. Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. February 28, 2023 Page 2 of 4 15283-01 TG Memo EXHIBIT 1: EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE AND ZONING EXHIBIT 2: PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONE TRIP GENERATION EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE/ZONING The existing General Plan land use designation of the Project site is R-SF and the zoning is R-1 which allows for a maximum development 32 residential units (6.4 acres x 5.0 units/acre = 32 units). In order to develop the traffic characteristics for the existing use, trip-generation statistics published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021) for Single Family Detached Housing (ITE Land Use Code 210) was used for the existing General Plan land use. Table 1 presents the trip generation rates and the resulting trip generation, which shows the existing General Plan use currently generates a total of 302 two-way trips per day with 23 AM peak hour trips and 30 PM peak hour trips. Ms. Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. February 28, 2023 Page 3 of 4 15283-01 TG Memo TABLE 1: TRIP GENERATION FOR EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE/ZONING The GPA would change the General Plan land use designation of the Project site to R-MFMH and the zoning of the Project site R-4, which allows for a maximum of 249 residential units (6.4 acres x 39 units/acre = 249 units). The net increase is 217 units assuming maximum development potential under the existing (32 units) and proposed (249 units) designations. Trip-generation statistics published in the ITE Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021) for Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) (ITE Land Use Code 221) was used for the proposed General Plan land use. Table 2 presents the trip generation rates and the resulting trip generation, which shows the proposed General Plan land use is anticipated to generate a total of 1,130 two-way trips per day with 23 AM peak hour trips and 30 PM peak hour trips. TABLE 2: TRIP GENERATION FOR PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ITE LU AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use1 Units2 Code In Out Total In Out Total Single Family Detached Housing DU 210 0.18 0.52 0.70 0.59 0.35 0.94 9.43 1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, Eleventh Edition (2021). 2 DU = dwelling units Land Use Quantity Units1 In Out Total In Out Total Daily Single Family Detached Housing 32 DU 6 17 23 19 11 30 302 1 DU = dwelling units Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ITE LU AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use1 Units2 Code In Out Total In Out Total Multifamily (Mid-Rise) Residential DU 221 0.09 0.28 0.37 0.24 0.15 0.39 4.54 1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, Eleventh Edition (2021). 2 DU = dwelling units Land Use Quantity Units1 In Out Total In Out Total Daily Multifamily Residential 249 DU 21 71 92 59 38 97 1,130 1 DU = dwelling units Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Ms. Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. February 28, 2023 Page 4 of 4 15283-01 TG Memo TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON Table 3 shows the trip generation comparison between the existing and proposed General Plan Land Use/Zoning. The resulting net new trips are identified on Table 3. As shown, the proposed Project is anticipated to generate 828 net new two-way trips per day with 69 net new AM peak hour trips and 67 net new PM peak hour trips as compared to the existing General Plan Land Use/Zoning. TABLE 3: TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON If you have any questions or comments, I can be reached at cso@urbanxroads.com. Land Use In Out Total In Out Total Daily Current General Plan (R-SF): Single Family 6 17 23 19 11 30 302 Proposed General Plan (R-MFMH): Multifamily 21 71 92 59 38 97 1,130 Net Change in Trips 15 54 69 40 27 67 828 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour