HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I - Public Facilities Needs ListFacility Name Total Cost for Facility Off-Setting Revenues Net Cost to City Percent of Cost Allocated to New Development Cost Allocated to New Development Policy Background or Objective Active Transportation Plan 1 Cypress- Highland Ave to Valencia Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 42,400$ -$ 42,400$ 14.00%$5,934 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 2 Alder Ave- Baseline Ave to Randall Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 297,360$ -$ 297,360$ 14.00%$41,618 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 3 Mangoe Ave- Foothill Blvd to Merrill Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 118,000$ -$ 118,000$ 14.00%$16,515 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 4 Sierra Ave- Slover Ave to Jurupa Ave. Construct Class IV Bike Lanes 140,390$ -$ 140,390$ 14.00%$19,649 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 5 Juniper Ave- Baseline Ave to Foothill Blvd. Construct Class III Bike Lanes 16,000$ -$ 16,000$ 14.00%$2,239 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 6 Juniper Ave- Foothill Blvd to Merrill Ave. - Construct Class II Bikes Lanes 118,000$ -$ 118,000$ 14.00%$16,515 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 7 Miller Ave- Beech Ave to Maple Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 444,860$ -$ 444,860$ 14.00%$62,261 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 8 Merrill Ave - Citrus Ave to Mango Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 149,860$ -$ 149,860$ 14.00%$20,974 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 9 Merrill Ave - Mango Ave to Alder Ave. Construct Class II Bike Lanes 88,500$ -$ 88,500$ 14.00%$12,386 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 10 Merrill Ave- Alder Ave to Maple Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 88,500$ -$ 88,500$ 14.00%$12,386 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 11 San Bernardino Ave- Fontana Ave to Alder Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 328,040$ -$ 328,040$ 14.00%$45,912 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 12 Foothill Blvd- Hemlock Ave to Sultana Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 49,560$ -$ 49,560$ 14.00%$6,936 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 13 Foothill Blvd- Almeria Ave to Citrus Ave. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 44,840$ -$ 44,840$ 14.00%$6,276 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 14 Citrus Ave- Foothill Blvd to Valley Blvd. - Construct Class II Bike Lanes 295,000$ -$ 295,000$ 14.00%$41,287 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 15 Arrow Blvd- Palmetto Ave to Almeria Ave. - Construct Class IV Bike Lanes 278,000$ -$ 278,000$ 14.00%$38,908 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 16 SCE Coridor- Riverside Ave to Mange Ave. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 6,820,000$ -$ 6,820,000$ 14.00%$954,508 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 17 SCE Coridor- Bridlepath to Parkside Way. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 3,520,000$ -$ 3,520,000$ 14.00%$492,649 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 18 City Boundary- SCE to Wilson Rd. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 1,100,000$ -$ 1,100,000$ 14.00%$153,953 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 19 SCE Coridor- Sierra Ave to East Ave. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 14,300,000$ -$ 14,300,000$ 14.00%$2,001,387 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 20 Highland Channel (North)- San Sevaine Rd to Knox Ave. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 2,200,000$ -$ 2,200,000$ 14.00%$307,906 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 21 Highland Channel (South)- Knox Ave to Victoria Ave. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 5,500,000$ -$ 5,500,000$ 14.00%$769,764 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 22 San Sevaine Channel- Victoria Ave to PE Trail. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 1,100,000$ -$ 1,100,000$ 14.00%$153,953 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 23 San Sevaine Channel- I-10 to Philadelphia Ave.- Construct Class I Bike Lanes 5,500,000$ -$ 5,500,000$ 14.00%$769,764 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 24 SCE South- San Sevaine Channel to Rancherias Dr. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 1,760,000$ -$ 1,760,000$ 14.00%$246,325 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 25 SCE South- Live Oak Ave to Poplar Ave.- Construct Class I Bike Lanes 2,420,000$ -$ 2,420,000$ 14.00%$338,696 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 26 SCE South- Catawba Park to Locust Ave. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 6,600,000$ -$ 6,600,000$ 14.00%$923,717 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 27 Metrolink Trail Extension- Catawba Ave to Maple Ave. - Construct Class I Bike Lanes 6,600,000$ -$ 6,600,000$ 14.00%$923,717 Per the City Active Transportation Plan Existing / Offsetting Revenues -$ Subtotal 59,919,310$ -$ 59,919,310$ $8,386,135 Landscaped Median 1 Slover Avenue Ave - Jasmine Ave to Sierra Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center8,610,000$ -$ 8,610,000$ 14.00%$1,205,031 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 2 Merrill Ave - Oleander Ave to Sierra Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center 1,354,500$ -$ 1,354,500$ 14.00%$189,572 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 3 Arrow Blvd - Citrus Ave to Juniper Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center 1,424,500$ -$ 1,424,500$ 14.00%$199,369 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 4 Arrow Blvd - Palmetto Ave to Alder Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center 910,000$ -$ 910,000$ 14.00%$127,361 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 5 South Highland Ave - Citrus Ave to Sierra Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center1,393,000$ -$ 1,393,000$ 14.00%$194,960 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 6 Beech Ave - Cherry Ave to I-15 NB On-Ramp. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center 1,050,000$ -$ 1,050,000$ 14.00%$146,955 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 7 Beech Ave - Baseline Ave to Miller Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center 855,750$ -$ 855,750$ 14.00%$119,768 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 8 Beech Ave - Slover Ave to Jurupa Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center 1,604,400$ -$ 1,604,400$ 14.00%$224,547 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 9 Etiwanda Ave - Slover Ave to Philadelphia Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center5,392,380$ -$ 5,392,380$ 14.00%$754,702 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 10 Mulberry Ave - Slover Ave to Santa Ana Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center 896,000$ -$ 896,000$ 14.00%$125,402 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 11 Citrus Ave - Sierra Lakes Pkwy to the 210 on/off Ramps. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center259,000$ -$ 259,000$ 14.00%$36,249 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 12 Armstrong Rd - Jurupa Ave to Riverside County Limits. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center1,971,900$ -$ 1,971,900$ 14.00%$275,981 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 13 Walnut Ave - missing gap between Helen Wy & Almeria Ave. - Construct Raised Landscaped Median Center91,392$ -$ 91,392$ 14.00%$12,791 Per the City Active Transportation Plan Existing / Offsetting Revenues 4,696,256$ -$ Subtotal 25,812,822$ 4,696,256$ 21,116,566$ $2,956,319 Local Streets (Arterials not on Measure I) 1 Alder Ave. - Needs Interchange (Complete)689,394$ -$ 689,394$ 14.00%$96,486 Per the City Active Transportation Plan DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE PROGRAM PUBLIC FACILITIES NEEDS LIST A. Traffic Facilities Page 306 of 486 Regular City Council Meeting - December 10, 2019 2 Alder Ave. - Curb, gutter and sidewalk, add lanes 157,197$ -$ 157,197$ 14.00%$22,001 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 3 Alder Ave. - Curb, gutter and sidewalk, add lanes 318,182$ -$ 318,182$ 14.00%$44,532 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 4 Armstrong Road. - Add two lanes, curb gutter and sidewalk. Project to add Class 1 multi-purpose trail1,047,348$ -$ 1,047,348$ 14.00%$146,584 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 5 Beech Ave. - Improved to accommodate 4 lanes in each direction but is not at ultimate nor striped268,939$ -$ 268,939$ 14.00%$37,640 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 6 Beech Ave. - Improved to accommodate 4 lanes in each direction but is not at ultimate nor striped125,000$ -$ 125,000$ 14.00%$17,495 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 7 Beech Ave. - Improved to accommodate 4 lanes in each direction but is not at ultimate nor striped738,636$ -$ 738,636$ 14.00%$103,377 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 8 Ceres Ave. - Improved to accommodate 4 lanes in each direction but is not at ultimate nor striped1,001,894$ -$ 1,001,894$ 14.00%$140,222 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 9 Coyote Canyon Road. - Curb, gutter and sidewalk. Add Class 1 multi-purpose trail 2,424,242$ -$ 2,424,242$ 14.00%$339,290 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 10 Cypress - Saw-tooth project add sidewalk 1,018,939$ -$ 1,018,939$ 14.00%$142,608 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 11 Cypress - Saw-tooth project add sidewalk 1,969,697$ -$ 1,969,697$ 14.00%$275,673 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 12 East Street. - Minor widening, add sidewalk 491,477$ -$ 491,477$ 14.00%$68,786 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 13 Etiwanda. - Add north bound lane, curb gutter and sidewalk.2,759,848$ -$ 2,759,848$ 14.00%$386,260 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 14 Etawanda. - Minor improvements, add sidewalk 930,114$ -$ 930,114$ 14.00%$130,176 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 15 Juniper. - Curb and Sidewalk 145,833$ -$ 145,833$ 14.00%$20,410 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 16 Juniper. - Curb and Sidewalk 379,167$ -$ 379,167$ 14.00%$53,067 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 17 Juniper. - Curb and Sidewalk 1,003,788$ -$ 1,003,788$ 14.00%$140,487 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 18 Knox Ave. Underpass appears to be wide enough to allow for two additional lanes 698,864$ -$ 698,864$ 14.00%$97,811 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 19 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 2,204,545$ -$ 2,204,545$ 14.00%$308,542 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 20 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 53,977$ -$ 53,977$ 14.00%$7,555 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 21 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 150,758$ -$ 150,758$ 14.00%$21,100 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 22 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 63,826$ -$ 63,826$ 14.00%$8,933 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 23 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 211,553$ -$ 211,553$ 14.00%$29,608 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 24 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 194,697$ -$ 194,697$ 14.00%$27,249 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 25 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 62,500$ -$ 62,500$ 14.00%$8,747 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 26 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 66,288$ -$ 66,288$ 14.00%$9,277 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 27 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 100,379$ -$ 100,379$ 14.00%$14,049 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 28 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 104,167$ -$ 104,167$ 14.00%$14,579 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 29 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ 14.00%$34,989 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 30 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 992,424$ -$ 992,424$ 14.00%$138,897 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 31 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 558,333$ -$ 558,333$ 14.00%$78,143 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 32 Locust Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter sidewalk additions 549,242$ -$ 549,242$ 14.00%$76,870 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 33 Miller Ave. - Sidewalk gap closure 120,644$ -$ 120,644$ 14.00%$16,885 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 34 Miller - Sidewalk gap closure 249,242$ -$ 249,242$ 14.00%$34,883 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 35 Miller - Sidewalk gap closure 494,318$ -$ 494,318$ 14.00%$69,183 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 36 Miller - Sidewalk gap closure 507,576$ -$ 507,576$ 14.00%$71,039 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 37 Mulberry - Sidewalk 125,000$ -$ 125,000$ 14.00%$17,495 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 38 Orange Way. - Sawtooth project 498,864$ -$ 498,864$ 14.00%$69,820 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 39 Orange Way. - Sawtooth project 995,076$ -$ 995,076$ 14.00%$139,268 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 40 Philadelphia. - Crosses R/R Tracks 312,500$ -$ 312,500$ 14.00%$43,737 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 41 Philadelphia. - Crosses San Sevaine Channel 113,636$ -$ 113,636$ 14.00%$15,904 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 42 Poplar. - Minor widening, curb gutter and sidewalk 1,376,515$ -$ 1,376,515$ 14.00%$192,653 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 43 Poplar. - Minor widening, curb gutter and sidewalk 70,076$ -$ 70,076$ 14.00%$9,808 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 44 Poplar. - Minor widening, curb gutter and sidewalk 248,106$ -$ 248,106$ 14.00%$34,724 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 45 Production Ave. - Sidewalk Fully Improved 243,750$ -$ 243,750$ 14.00%$34,115 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 46 Prodection Ave. Fully Developed 495,833$ -$ 495,833$ 14.00%$69,395 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 47 Randall Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter and sidewalk 250,379$ -$ 250,379$ 14.00%$35,042 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 48 Randall Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter and sidewalk 124,811$ -$ 124,811$ 14.00%$17,468 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 49 Randall Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter and sidewalk 123,106$ -$ 123,106$ 14.00%$17,230 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 50 Randall Ave. - Minor widening, curb gutter and sidewalk 183,523$ -$ 183,523$ 14.00%$25,685 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 51 Riverside Ave. - Street widening and full improvements 1,250,000$ -$ 1,250,000$ 14.00%$174,946 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 52 Sierra. - Sawtooth project 198,864$ -$ 198,864$ 14.00%$27,832 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 53 Summit Ave. - Full Street improvements. Lane addition 486,742$ -$ 486,742$ 14.00%$68,123 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 54 Summit Ave. - Full Street improvements. Lane addition 1,003,788$ -$ 1,003,788$ 14.00%$140,487 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 55 Summit Ave. - Full Street improvements. Lane addition 1,318,182$ -$ 1,318,182$ 14.00%$184,489 Per the City Active Transportation Plan 56 Valley Blvd. Sawtooth, add sidewalk curb and gutter 987,879$ -$ 987,879$ 14.00%$138,261 Per the City Active Transportation Plan Existing / Offsetting Revenues Subtotal 33,509,659$ -$ 33,509,659$ $4,689,916 Traffic Signals (26) Page 307 of 486 Regular City Council Meeting - December 10, 2019 1 Merrill Ave./Cypress Ave. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 2 Arrow Blvd./Cypress Ave. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 3 Live Oak Ave./Village Dr. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 4 Cherry Ave./Banana Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 5 Slover Ave./Almond Ave. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 6 Alder Ave./Marygold Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 7 San Bernardino/Catawaba Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 8 Slover Ave./Bananna Ave. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 9 Randall Ave./Mango Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 10 San Bernardino/Oleander - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 11 Miller Ave./Locust Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 12 RandallAve./Cypress Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 13 Cherry Ave./Village Dr. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 14 San Bernardino/Mango Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 15 Miller Ave./Juniper Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 16 Randall Ave./Oleander Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 17 Marley Ave./Pacific Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 18 South Highland./Juniper Ave. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 19 Beech Ave./Walnut Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 20 Juniper Ave./Valencia Ave. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 21 Walnut Ave./Juniper Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 22 West Liberty/Miller Ave. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 23 Cypress Ave. /Walnut St. - Replace All way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 24 Randall Ave. /Pepper Ave. - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 25 South Heritage /East Liberty Parkway - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City 26 South Heritage /West Liberty Parkway - Replace 2 way stop with traffic signal - High Priority 400,000$ -$ 400,000$ 14.00%$55,983 Per the City Existing / Offsetting Revenues Subtotal 10,400,000$ -$ 10,400,000$ 1,455,554$ Total Traffic Facilities 129,641,791$ 4,696,256$ 124,945,535$ $17,487,924 1 New Parks in underserved areas (2) 20 Acres Each 34,000,000$ -$ 34,000,000$ 11.68%$3,970,714 Parks Master Plan 2 New South Fontana Community Center 25,000,000$ -$ 25,000,000$ 11.68%$2,919,642 Parks Master Plan 3 Park Improvements 30,000,000$ -$ 30,000,000$ 11.68%$3,503,571 Parks Master Plan 4 Recreational Trails 19,000,000$ -$ 19,000,000$ 11.68%$2,218,928 Parks Master Plan 5 New Park in North Fontana (20 acres)20,000,000$ -$ 20,000,000$ 70.00%$14,000,000 CIP 6 210 Sports Park 30,000,000$ -$ 30,000,000$ 70.00%$21,000,000 CIP 7 Downtown Lineal Park on PE Trail 3,000,000$ -$ 3,000,000$ 11.68%$350,357 CIP 8 New Community Center in Core of City 25,000,000$ -$ 25,000,000$ 11.68%$2,919,642 CIP Existing / Offsetting Revenues 2,204,022$ Total Parks and Recreation Facilities 186,000,000$ 2,204,022$ 183,795,978$ $50,882,855 1 Corporate Yard Expansion (Three phases of expansion) 37,200,000$ -$ 37,200,000$ 14.00%$5,206,405 4 Proposed Parking Structure 130 spaces (Downtown)4,900,000$ -$ 4,900,000$ 14.00%$685,790 Existing / Offsetting Revenues 8,424,378$ Total Public Facilities 42,100,000$ 8,424,378$ 33,675,623$ 5,892,195.13$ D. Fire Facilties B. Parks Facilities C. Public Facilities Page 308 of 486 Regular City Council Meeting - December 10, 2019 1 Station 80 with BC dorm and apparatus bay (Cherry-South Highland)6,500,000$ -$ 6,500,000$ 14.00%$909,721 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 2 Station 80 Training Tower/Facility 5,000,000$ -$ 5,000,000$ 14.00%$699,786 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 3 Station 81 with 80' deep apparatus bay 6,500,000$ -$ 6,500,000$ 14.00%$909,721 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 4 Station 77 Re-location 6,500,000$ -$ 6,500,000$ 14.00%$909,721 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 5 Medic Engine 80 1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ 14.00%$139,957 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 6 Medic Truck 80 1,700,000$ -$ 1,700,000$ 14.00%$237,927 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 7 Medic Engine 81 1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ 14.00%$139,957 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 8 Medic Squad 81 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ 14.00%$34,989 Per the Fontana City Fire Department9Utility Truck 80 75,000$ -$ 75,000$ 14.00%$10,497 Per the Fontana City Fire Department 10 Utility Truck 81 (Casa Grande)75,000$ -$ 75,000$ 14.00%$10,497 Per the Fontana City Fire Department Existing / Offsetting Revenues 702,280$ Total Fire 28,600,000$ 702,280$ 27,897,720$ 4,002,774$ 1 Roof Replacement $630,000 -$ $630,000.00 14.00%$88,173 2 Remodeling Projects $500,000 -$ $500,000.00 14.00%$69,979 3 Books $750,000 -$ $750,000.00 14.00%$104,968 4 Furniture Replacement $450,000 -$ $450,000.00 14.00%$62,981 5 Computer/Hardware Replacement $230,000 -$ $230,000.00 14.00%$32,190 6 Carpet Replacement $260,000 -$ $260,000 14.00%$36,389 7 Parking Lot Repairs $64,750 -$ $64,750 14.00%$9,062 8 HVAC Replacement $4,500,000 -$ $4,500,000 14.00%$629,807 9 Elevator Replacement $195,000 -$ $195,000 14.00%$27,292 Existing / Offsetting Revenues 125,291$ Total Library $7,579,750 125,291$ $7,454,459 $1,060,840 1 Two (2) story 40,000 sf structure @ 627/sq. ft. x 40,000 25,080,000$ -$ 25,080,000$ 14.00%$3,510,125 Per the Fontana Police Department 2 Vehicles & Equipment - Patrol Units Black & White (33)2,459,160$ -$ 2,459,160$ 14.00%$344,177 Per the Fontana Police Department 3 Vehicles & Equipment - Command Staff (1)50,020$ -$ 50,020$ 14.00%$7,001 Per the Fontana Police Department 4 Vehicles & Equipment - MOU/Special Assignment (11)457,160$ -$ 457,160$ 14.00%$63,983 Per the Fontana Police Department 5 Vehicles & Equipment - Animal Service Truck (2)175,200$ -$ 175,200$ 14.00%$24,520 Per the Fontana Police Department 6 Vehicles & Equipment - Community Service Truck (2)111,340$ -$ 111,340$ 14.00%$15,583 Per the Fontana Police Department 7 Vehicles & Equipment - Code Inspector Truck (3)140,100$ -$ 140,100$ 14.00%$19,608 Per the Fontana Police Department 8 Vehicles & Equipment - Field Evidence Technician Truck (1)64,000$ -$ 64,000$ 14.00%$8,957 Per the Fontana Police Department 9 Vehicles & Equipment - Administration (1)41,560$ -$ 41,560$ 14.00%$5,817 Per the Fontana Police Department 10 Total Vehicle Annual Recurring O & M Costs & Capital Recovery 1,467,531$ -$ 1,467,531$ 14.00%$205,391 Per the Fontana Police Department 11 Land - Parking lot with 200 Marked Stalls [1] (Construction Costs only )1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ 14.00%$139,957 Per the Fontana Police Department 12 General Office Equipment (Workstation, Computers, etc.)594,200$ -$ 594,200$ 14.00%$83,163 Per the Fontana Police Department 13 Staff Equipment start-up (gun, camera, safety equipment) 698,400$ -$ 698,400$ 14.00%$97,746 Per the Fontana Police Department 14 Property acquisition to expand (existing homes) Land Cost only 3,500,000$ -$ 3,500,000$ 15 Establishment of a 1,200 sq. ft. Sub-station / building lease costs 1,275,759$ -$ 1,275,759$ Existing / Offsetting Revenues 1,401,386$ -$ Total Police Facilities Total 37,114,430$ 1,401,386$ 35,713,044$ $4,526,028 Grand Total 431,035,971$ 17,553,612$ 413,482,359$ 83,852,615$ E. Library Service F. Police Facilities Page 309 of 486 Regular City Council Meeting - December 10, 2019