HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I Traffic Safety Memo Urban Planning ■ Due Diligence ■ Entitlements ■ CEQA/NEPA ■ Development Services ■ Management ■ Public Outreach 3333 Michelson Dr, Suite 500 ■ Irvine, Calif. 92612 949.794.1180 ■ info@epdsolutions.com Date: April 14, 2023 Prepared by: Hashem Basrawi To: City of Fontana Site: 15912, 15936 & 15956 Chase Road, Fontana, CA 92336 Subject: Traffic Safety Technical Memorandum This technical memorandum evaluates the safety-related potential issues of the proposed residential project at 15912, 15936 and 15956 Chase Road in the City of Fontana. The project site encompasses 3 parcels identified as APNs 0228-151-17-0-000, 0228-151-18-0-000, 0228-151-19-0-000. The project comprises 48 Single Family Detached homes located on a vacant 6.839-acre site. 4 homes out of the total 48 homes would be income restricted (i.e., restricted to very low-income households). 96 garage parking spaces and 29 guest parking spaces would be provided. Access to the site would be provided through 1 driveway on Chase Road and 2 driveways on Cascade Drive. The project’s site plan is shown in Attachment A. Safety-Related Issues Cascade Drive would provide a width of 40 feet and on-street parking would be permitted. The project driveways on Cascade drive would provide a width of 26 feet and on-street parking would be prohibited but pull-in parking spaces would be provided off of those streets. Upon the development of the project, Cascade Drive between Catawba Avenue and Salt Point Way would be completely linked as shown in the project’s site plan. The portion of Cascade Drive constructed by the project would be a private residential roadway. The City has expressed concern that drivers from existing residences would cut through the project streets to access Chase Road as an alternative route to Citrus Avenue. The intersection of Citrus Avenue/Chase Road is a two-way stop intersection. Other routes out of the neighborhood would access Citrus Avenue at Walnut Street and Baseline Avenue at Almeria Avenue, both of which are signalized intersections and would experience less delay. As shown in the Local Vicinity Map (Figure 1), there are 12 homes on Cascade Drive west of the project that may potentially use project streets as a cut-through route. To determine the number of trips that could be generated by these homes, land use code 210 of the Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition - September 2021), was referenced. Using this trip rate, there may be an additional 8 exiting trips during the AM peak hour (7-9 AM) and 5 exiting trips during the PM peak hour (4-6 PM). As will be shown later in this memo, significant numbers of cut-through trips are unlikely because travel speed through project streets would be low due to the roadway widths, turn radii, and provision of driveway-apron style entries at the project entrances. It is important to analyze the safety of passenger cars as they turn right onto either project driveway from Cascade Drive. Therefore, stopping sight distance, sight distance, and curb radius speed were evaluated at the corners of project driveways at Cascade Drive to ensure safety as passenger cars are backing up from house garages and pull-in parking spaces. 15912, 15936 & 15956 Chase Road, Fontana, CA 92336 Traffic Safety Technical Memorandum 2 | Page Figure 1: Local Vicinity Map Stopping Sight Distance/Available Sight Distance The stopping sight distance is the worst-case distance, a passenger driver would need in order to have adequate stopping distance before colliding with something in the roadway. In this case, the stopping distance was evaluated to ensure adequate stopping sight distance is available as drivers drive east on Cascade Drive. The stopping sight distance formula is: 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆= 1.47(𝑉𝑉)(𝑡𝑡)+ 1.075𝑉𝑉2𝑎𝑎 Where, V = Design speed in mph T = Time in seconds A = Deceleration braking rate of 11.2 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑠2 Given a design speed of 25 mph, a typical driver reaction time of 2.5 seconds, and 11.2 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑠2 as the deceleration braking rate, applying the sight distance formula would yield to 152 feet. As shown in Figure 2, the available sight distance (which applies to both project streets) is 187 feet. Therefore, the project provides more than adequate sight distance to account for collisions. 15912, 15936 & 15956 Chase Road, Fontana, CA 92336 Traffic Safety Technical Memorandum 3 | Page Figure 2: Available Sight Distance Curb Radius/Speed Relationship The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) provides the formula to calculate the turning speed given a turning radius. 𝑅𝑅=𝑉𝑉215(.01𝐸𝐸+𝐹𝐹) Where, R = Centerline effective turning radius V = Speed in mph E = Super-elevation. This is assumed to be zero in urban conditions F = Side friction factor Given a turning radius of 19 feet, side friction factor of 0.22 corresponding to 25 mph and super-elevation of 0, the application of the aforementioned formula would yield to a speed limit of 8 mph. NACTO states that it is recommended to limit turning speeds to 15 mph; therefore, the design of the project driveway would result in lower-speed turns at the corners than recommended by NACTO. It should also be noted that the project entry would provide a driveway-apron style approach at the entry, which would further reduce travel speeds for vehicles turning from Cascade Drive. California Vehicle Code (CVC) 22352 states that the prima facie speed for a residence district is 25 mph. Currently, there are no speed limit signs on existing segments of Cascade Drive. Therefore, as shown in Figure 3, it is recommended to install a 25-mph sign (R2-1 per CAMUTCD) on Cascade Drive to alert drivers to drive at the CVC 22352 prima facie speed limit (i.e., 25 mph) in the residence district. Additionally, a “PRIVATE ROAD VEHICLE CODE ENFORCED” (R101 per CAMUTCD) sign is recommended to be installed on Cascade Drive within the project site to discourage cut-through traffic on private project streets. 15912, 15936 & 15956 Chase Road, Fontana, CA 92336 Traffic Safety Technical Memorandum 4 | Page Figure 3: Recommended Speed Limit Traffic Signs 15912, 15936 & 15956 Chase Road, Fontana, CA 92336 Traffic Safety Technical Memorandum 5 | Page Lane Width/Speed Relationship It is to be noted that the City’s design street standards for a 40-foot local street width would also include 8 feet on both sides of the roadway for on-street parking. With on-street parking being excluded, a 24-feet street would be designed. The proposed private street would be 26 feet and would not allow on-street parking. As aforementioned, the project provides more width (i.e., 26-feet project roadways) for through traffic than the City’s standard design with cars parked. As shown in Figure 3, increasing the width of the project private street would correspond to an increase in speed whereas a narrow street would correspond to a decrease in speed. Therefore, it is recommended not to increase the width of the project streets. Figure 3: Lane Width/Speed Relationship Summary Safety-related traffic issues including stopping sight distance, available sight distance, curb radius speed, and lane width were evaluated to determine if there would be any potential safety issues. As clarified in the following conclusions, the project would not pose safety-related traffic issues. • Curb Radius/Speed Relationship: the project provides a safer turning radius than recommended by NACTO. Additionally, it is recommended to install a 25-mph sign (R2-1 per CAMUTCD) on Cascade Drive to continuously alert drivers to drive cautiously in the residence district. It’s also recommended to install a “PRIVATE ROAD VEHICLE CODE ENFORCED” (R101 per CAMUTCD) sign on Cascade Drive within the project site to notify drivers that they’re driving within a private road. • Stopping Sight Distance/Available Sight Distance: the project provides more than adequate sight distance to account for collisions. • Lane Width/Speed Relationship: since increasing street widths corresponds to an increase in speeds, it is recommended not to increase the width of the project streets. If you have any questions about this information, please contact me at (909) 525-0528 or hashem@epdsolutions.com. 15912, 15936 & 15956 Chase Road, Fontana, CA 92336 Traffic Safety Technical Memorandum ATTACHMENT A – PROJECT SITE PLAN S S S D D D SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD tridenttrident LABORATORIES AS TO FRICTIONDATEMANUFACTUREDCLASSIFIED BY UNDERWRITERSUL HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION ONLYAPPROVEDCLSSIFIEDAMWWT: 140° FASSE 1015 AND IAPMO LISTEDCSA B64.5DOUBLE CHECK BACKFLOW PREVENTERWILKINSPASO ROBLES CA., U.S.A.LOSS AND BODY STRENGTH ONLYMODELMWWP: 175 PSI375SER.NO.J tridenttrident LABORATORIES AS TO FRICTIONDATEMANUFACTUREDCLASSIFIED BY UNDERWRITERSUL HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION ONLYAPPROVEDCLSSIFIEDAMWWT: 140° FASSE 1015 AND IAPMO LISTEDCSA B64.5DOUBLE CHECK BACKFLOW PREVENTERWILKINSPASO ROBLES CA., U.S.A.LOSS AND BODY STRENGTH ONLYMODELMWWP: 175 PSI375SER.NO.J W W W W W W W