HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix D Geologic and Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Report6634 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, California 91406 Phone: (818) 785-2158 Fax: (818) 785-1548 MDN 23013A GEOLOGIC AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT, PROPOSED SFD RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, North Corner of Chase Road & Aria Lane, Fontana, California for Ridge Crest Real Estate, LLC July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) 6634 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, California 91406 Phone: (818) 785-2158 Fax: (818) 785-1548 MDN 23013A July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) RIDGE CREST REAL ESTATE, LLC 353 E. Angeleno Avenue A, Burbank, California 91502 Attention: Mr. Timothy Sales Subject: Geologic and Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Report, Proposed SFD Residential Development, North Corner of Chase Road & Aria Lane, Fontana, California As requested, GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. (GSC) has performed a geologic and geotechnical engineering investigation on the subject tract. The purpose of this investigation is to provide geologic and geotechnical engineering recommendations for site grading and foundations. The report presents the results of our research, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, site reconnaissance, and provides geotechnical engineering recommendations for site grading. Grading of the site is considered feasible from a geologic and geotechnical engineering prospective, provided the recommendations presented herein are incorporated into the design and implemented during grading. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, GEOSOILS CONSULTANTS, INC. MAHAN PASDARPOUR RUDY F. RUBERTI PE 90111 CEG 1708 cc: (1) Addressee GeoSoils Consultants Inc. Page 2 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 MDN 23013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Site Description ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Proposed Development .................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Scope of Services ............................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION ........................................................................................... 3 3.0 LABORATORY TESTING ....................................................................................... 3 3.1 Soil Classification ............................................................................................................ 3 3.2 In Situ Moisture Content and Dry Unit Weight ............................................................... 4 3.3 Grain Size Distribution..................................................................................................... 4 3.4 Expansive Soil .................................................................................................................. 4 3.5 Consolidation Test............................................................................................................ 4 3.6 Compaction Tests ............................................................................................................. 5 3.7 Chemical Tests ................................................................................................................. 5 3.8 R-Value ............................................................................................................................ 5 4.0 FINDINGS ............................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Geologic Environment ..................................................................................................... 5 4.1.1 Regional Geologic Setting ........................................................................................ 6 4.1.2 Local Geologic Setting ............................................................................................. 6 4.1.3 Earth Materials .......................................................................................................... 6 4.1.4 Groundwater ............................................................................................................. 6 4.2 Faulting And Seismicity ................................................................................................... 7 4.2.1 Earthquake Characterization: .................................................................................... 7 4.2.2 Earthquake Intensity: ................................................................................................ 8 4.2.3 2019 California Building Code (CBC) Seismic Design Criteria .............................. 8 4.3 Secondary Earthquake Effects ......................................................................................... 9 4.3.1 Ground Rupture ........................................................................................................ 9 4.3.2 Landsliding ............................................................................................................. 10 4.3.3 Seiches and Tsunamis ............................................................................................. 10 GeoSoils Consultants Inc. Page 3 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 MDN 23013 4.3.4 Dry Sand Settlement Analysis ................................................................................ 11 4.3.5 Liquefaction ............................................................................................................ 11 4.4 Hydrocollapse................................................................................................................. 12 5.0 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................... 12 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 12 6.1 Removals ........................................................................................................................ 12 6.2 Foundation Recommendations ....................................................................................... 13 6.2.1 Footings................................................................................................................... 13 6.2.2 Post-tensioned Mat Slab ......................................................................................... 15 6.2.3 Foundation General Recommendations .................................................................. 20 6.3 Interior Slabs .................................................................................................................. 21 6.4 Exterior Slabs ................................................................................................................. 22 6.5 Infiltration Testing.......................................................................................................... 23 6.6 Corrosion Characteristics of Soil ................................................................................... 24 6.7 Pavement Sections.......................................................................................................... 26 6.7.1 Asphalt Concrete ..................................................................................................... 26 6.7.2 Rigid Concrete Pavements ...................................................................................... 29 6.8 Grading ........................................................................................................................... 29 6.8.1 General .................................................................................................................... 29 6.8.2 Site Preparation ....................................................................................................... 30 6.8.3 Fill Placement ......................................................................................................... 31 6.8.4 Construction Considerations ................................................................................... 35 6.8.5 Earthwork Adjustment Factors ............................................................................... 35 6.8.6 Temporary Excavation ............................................................................................ 35 6.8.7 Excavation Observation .......................................................................................... 36 6.8.8 Utility Trenching and Backfill ................................................................................ 37 7.0 CLOSURE ............................................................................................................ 38 Enclosures References Plate 1, Site Plan Appendix A, Field Procedures GeoSoils Consultants Inc. Page 4 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 MDN 23013 Plates A-1 to A-7, Boring Logs Appendix B, Laboratory Test Results Plate EI-1, Expansion Index Plates C-1 to C-7, Collapse and Swell Test Diagrams Plates G-1 to G-10, Grain Size Test Diagrams Plate MDD-1 to MDD-2, Maximum Dry Density Test Plate RV-1 to RV-2, R-Value Test Plate Ch-1, Chemical Test Appendix C, Infiltration Test Results cc: (1) Addressee Page 1 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this investigation is to provide geologic and geotechnical engineering data and recommendations to aid in development of the subject site. The following sections provide a summary of our subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, geologic and geotechnical engineering conditions, and recommendations for site grading, fill placement, and foundations. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in the City of Fontana and the time it was prepared. The report presents a brief description of the site, the geotechnical engineering characteristics of the area, the seismicity of the area, an engineering analysis of the site characteristics, conclusions, and recommendations to develop the site. Opinions presented in this report are based on an inspection of the site, geologic mapping, a review of the regional geologic maps and seismic hazard reports, review of previous consultant reports for the subject area, and our general knowledge of the geologic and soils engineering conditions in the site area. The opinions presented have been arrived at through the exercise of the generally understood standard of care for our profession and standard of engineering practice for the City of Fontana, as we understand it. 1.1 Site Description The subject site is located within the City of Fontana located at north corner of Chase Road & Aria Lane (Figure 1). All the surrounding roads are paved and there are similar residential development to the north, east and west sides. The site is currently vacant and on the south side is partially surrounded by chase road and partially by similar residential developments. The site is currently covered with cobbles and low grasses. SITE SITE LOCATION MAP NORTH CORNER OF CHASE ROAD & ARIA LANE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA RIDGECREST REAL ESTATE, LLC.GEOTECHNICAL GEOLOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL GeoSoils Consultants Inc.GSC DATE: W.O. NO.: FIGURE 17726 7/2022 MDN 23013A Page 2 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 1.2 Proposed Development Proposed development of the site will consist of construction of a residential complex which includes 50 maximum two-story units, backbone streets, and parking lots. Grading will include removing and recompacting unsuitable soil and establishing design grades. The site plan is included as Plate 1. 1.3 Scope of Services Our scope of services included the following: • Site reconnaissance. • Review of regional geologic maps, seismic hazard reports. • Excavated, sampled, and logged 7 hollow stem auger borings to the depth of 30 feet at the locations shown on Plate 1, Site Plan. • Laboratory testing. • Infiltration Testing • Engineering analyses. • Preparation of this report. 1.4 Limitations The findings and recommendations of this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering principles and practice for the City of Fontana at this time. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on-site conditions disclosed in our site inspection and the referenced reports. However, soil/rock conditions can vary significantly between borings and test pits; therefore, further refinements of our recommendations contained herein may be necessary due to changes in the building plans or what is encountered during site grading. Page 3 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A The recommendations provided in this report are applicable for preliminary development planning for the referenced tract provided that surface water will be kept from infiltrating into the subgrade adjacent to the house foundation systems. This may include, but not be limited to rainwater, roof water, landscape water and/or leaky plumbing. The lots are to be fine graded at the completion of construction to include positive drainage away from the structure and roof water will be collected via gutters, downspouts, and transported to the street in buried drainpipes. Home buyers should be cautioned against constructing open draining planters adjacent to the houses or obstructing the yard drainage in any way. Since our investigation was based on the site conditions observed and engineering analyses, the conclusions and recommendations contained herein are professional opinions. Further, these opinions have been derived in accordance with standard engineering practices, and no warranty is expressed or implied. 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION Nine hollow stem auger borings to the maximum depth of 50 feet, were excavated on the site at the locations shown on Plate 1. Except Borings B-8 and B-9 that were drilled for infiltration testing only, Soil samples were obtained from the rest of Borings with a California ring sampler and SPT sampler. The hollow stem auger borings used the standard 140 lb. hammer with a 30-inch drop. A representative from our firm continuously observed the borings, logged the subsurface conditions, and collected representative soil samples. All samples were stored in watertight containers and later transported to our laboratory for further visual examination and testing, as deemed necessary. After the test pits and boring were completed, the test pits and boring were backfilled with soil cuttings. The enclosed Boring Logs (Plates A-1 to A-7) describes the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered in the borings, based primarily on our field classifications and supported by our subsequent laboratory examination and testing. Page 4 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 3.0 LABORATORY TESTING 3.1 Soil Classification Soil materials encountered within the property were classified and described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and in general accordance with the current version of Test Method ASTM D 2488. The assigned group symbols are presented in the exploration logs, Appendix A. 3.2 In Situ Moisture Content and Dry Unit Weight In-place moisture content and dry unit weight of selected, relatively undisturbed ring soil samples were determined in accordance with the current version of the Test Method ASTM D 2435 and Test Method ASTM D2216, respectively. Once the dry unit weights had been determined, in-place densities of underlying soil profile were estimated. In those cases where ring samples were obtained, the moisture content and dry unit weights are presented on Boring Log, Appendix A. 3.3 Grain Size Distribution A grain size analysis was performed on a selected bulk sample of onsite soils in accordance with the current versions of Test Method ASTM-D6913. The test result is graphically presented on Plate G-1 through G-7. 3.4 Expansive Soil Expansion index testing was performed on selected bulk samples of the on-site soils in accordance with the current version of Test Method ASTM D4829-07. The test results are presented in Plate EI-1. Additional testing will be performed at the completion of grading. The test results indicate an expansion index of 5 and 12 (very low range). Page 5 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 3.5 Consolidation Test Consolidation tests were performed on the selected ring samples. This test was performed in general accordance with Test Method ASTM D 2435-04. The samples were inundated at an approximate load of one ton per square foot to monitor the hydro-consolidation. Results of the consolidation are presented on Plates C-1 to C-7. 3.6 Compaction Tests Two compaction tests were performed to determine to moisture density relationships of the typical surficial soils encountered on the site. The laboratory standard used was in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1557-12. TABLE 1 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Sample Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (%) B-3 @ 0-5’ Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND 132.5 8.5 B-4 @ 0-5’ Brown Silty Very Fine to Coarse SAND 128.5 9.0 3.7 Chemical Tests Samples of the near surface soil were sent to an independent outside laboratory for chemical analyses to determine the chemical content of soil. The results are included in Appendix B and discussed in “corrosion section”. 3.8 R-Value Two R-value tests were performed per Caltrans standard on the surficial samples and the result is in Appendix B. We came to 78 and 80 R-value for design purposes. Page 6 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 4.0 FINDINGS 4.1 Geologic Environment Geologic conditions on the subject site were determined through research, field mapping, and subsurface exploration, and the results were superimposed on the Site Plan, Plate 1. During grading, a geologist should be present to confirm the geologic conditions encountered on the site are consistent with those presented herein. The following sections present our findings concerning subsurface and groundwater conditions. 4.1.1 Regional Geologic Setting The subject site is located within the northern part Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of California. The Peninsular Ranges extend into lower California and are bound on the east by the Colorado Desert. The Los Angeles Basin and the island group (Santa Catalina, Santa Barbara, and the distinctly terraced San Clemente and San Nicolas islands), together with the surrounding continental shelf (cut by deep submarine fault troughs), are included in this province. A series of ranges is separated by northwest trending valleys, subparallel to faults branching from the San Andreas Fault. The trend of topography is similar to the Coast Ranges, but the geology is more like the Sierra Nevada, with granitic rock intruding the older metamorphic rocks (see Figure 2). 4.1.2 Local Geologic Setting The subject site is located within an alluvial filled valley south of the San Gabriel Mountains and north of the South San Jose Hills. Sediments filling the valley were derived primarily from the San Gabriel Mountains. GEOTECHNICAL GEOLOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL GeoSoils Consultants Inc.GSC DATE: W.O. NO.: REGIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP NORTH CORNER OF CHASE ROAD & ARIA LANE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA RIDGECREST REAL ESTATE, LLC. FIGURE 2 SITE MDN 23013A 7/2022 7726 Page 7 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 4.1.3 Earth Materials Alluvium (Qal) Alluvium underlies the site and consists of brown to yellowish brown, silty gravelly sand and sandy gravel that is dry to moist and dense. 4.1.4 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings or test pits excavated on the site. Perched groundwater conditions may exist within the alluvium during wet periods of the year. Historic high groundwater levels are at depths of at least 100 feet below the ground surface. 4.2 Faulting and Seismicity The project site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone and there are no active faults on or adjacent to the property (Figure 3)1. Although there are no faults on or adjacent to the property, there are faults near the site that can cause moderate to intense ground shaking during the lifetime of the proposed development. Therefore, earthquake resistant design is recommended. The closest active fault to the site is the Sierra Madre fault zone, located approximately 3.2 miles to the north. The Sierra Madre-Cucamonga fault zone marks the southern margin of uplift of the San Gabriel Mountains, although the Santa Susana fault extends the zone of south-vergent uplift west of these mountains. Published slip rates vary widely along the fault zone. The best- understood part of the fault is the easternmost section, the Cucamonga fault zone, with excellent geomorphic expression, several trenches, and age control from radiocarbon and soil stratigraphic studies. These studies have demonstrated multiple Holocene events on several strands of the Cucamonga fault and a minimum slip rate of 4.5 mm/yr. The slip rate on the Sierra Madre fault appears to be considerably less than the Cucamonga fault, perhaps as low as 1 mm/yr or less. GEOTECHNICAL GEOLOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL GeoSoils Consultants Inc.GSC DATE: W.O. NO.: SEISMIC HAZARD ZONE MAP NORTH CORNER OF CHASE ROAD & ARIA LANE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA RIDGECREST REAL ESTATE, LLC. FIGURE 3 SITE 7726 MDN 23013A 7/2022 Page 8 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Studies on the San Fernando fault zone indicate a somewhat shorter recurrence interval of perhaps as much as 4,000 yr. The Santa Susana fault is less well understood, but has been inferred to have a slip rate greater than 5 mm/yr. 4.2.1 Earthquake Characterization: Earthquakes are characterized by magnitude, which is a quantitative measure of the earthquake strength, based on strain energy released during a seismic event. The magnitude of an earthquake is constant for any given site and is independent of the site in question. 4.2.2 Earthquake Intensity: The intensity of an earthquake at a random site is not constant and is subject to variations. The intensity is an indirect measurement of ground motion at a particular site and is affected by the earthquake magnitude, the distance between the site and the hypocenter (the location on the fault at depth where the energy is released), and the geologic conditions between the site and the hypocenter. Intensity, which is often measured by the Mercalli scale, generally increases with increasing magnitude and decreases with increasing distance from the hypocenter. Topography may also affect the intensity of an earthquake from one site to another. Topographic effects such as steep sided ridges or slopes may result in a higher intensity than sites located in relatively flat-lying areas. 4.2.3 2019 California Building Code (CBC) Seismic Design Criteria The 2019 CBC (California Building Code) seismic coefficient criteria are provided in table 2 for structural design consideration. Under the Earthquake Design Regulations of Chapter 16, Section 1613 of the CBC 2019, the following coefficients apply for the proposed structures at the site2. Site Class D should be used for the site. The following seismic data is presented for preliminary design purposes. Ground motion parameters based on the Page 9 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Mapped Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCEr) were determined and adhere to requirements discussed in ASCE 7-16 referenced by the 2019 California Building Code. The parameters include 5% critical damping for 0.2- and 1.0-second time periods. A summary of parameters is provided in the table below for a Site Class D designation. These values may only be used when the value of the seismic response coefficient Cs satisfies equations 12.8-2, 12.8-3, or 12.8-4 of the ASCE 7-16 Standard. TABLE 2 SEISMIC PARAMETERS Description Value Mapped Response (0.2 second), Ss 2.132 Mapped Spectral Response (1.0 second), S1 0.739 Short Period Site Coefficient, Fa 1.0 1-second Period Site Coefficient, Fv Null Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response (0.2 second), SMS 2.132 Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response (1.0 second), SM1 Null 5-percent Damped Design Spectral Response (0.2 second), SDS 1.421 5-percent Damped Design Spectral Response (1.0 second), SD1 Null Maximum Considered Earthquake Geometric Mean Peak Ground Acceleration, PGAM 1.011 Site Coordinates: Latitude: 34.126010°, Longitude: -117.457176° Conformance to the above criteria for seismic excitation does not constitute any kind of guarantee or assurance that significant structural damage or ground failure will not occur if a maximum level earthquake occurs. The primary goal of seismic design is to protect life and not to avoid all damage, since such design may be economically prohibitive. Following a major earthquake, a building may be damaged beyond repair, yet not collapse. 4.3 Secondary Earthquake Effects Ground shaking produced during an earthquake can result in a number of potentially damaging phenomena classified as secondary earthquake effects. These secondary effects include ground rupture, landslides, seiches and tsunamis, seismically induced settlement, and liquefaction. Descriptions of each of these phenomena and how it could potentially affect the proposed site are described as follows: Page 10 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 4.3.1 Ground Rupture Ground rupture occurs when movement on a fault breaks the ground surface and usually occurs along pre-existing fault traces where zones of weakness already exist. The State has established Earthquake Fault Zones for the purpose of mitigating the hazard of fault rupture by prohibiting the location of most human occupancy structures across the traces of active faults. Earthquake fault zones are regulatory zones that encompass surface traces of active faults with a potential for future surface fault rupture. The site is not located within a State established Earthquake Fault Zone and there are no know active faults within the limits of the property (Figure 3); therefore, the ground rupture hazard potential for the site is considered remote. 4.3.2 Landsliding Landslides are slope failures that occur where the horizontal seismic forces act to induce soil and/or bedrock failures. The most common affect is reactivation or movement on a pre-existing landslide. Typically, existing slides that are stable under static conditions (i.e., factor-of-safety above one) become unstable and move during strong ground shaking. The site is flat and not subject to landslides. 4.3.3 Seiches and Tsunamis A seiche is the resonant oscillation of a body of water, typically a lake or swimming pool caused by earthquake shaking (waves). The hazard exists where water can be splashed out of the body of water and impact nearby structures. No bodies of constant water are near the site, therefore, the hazards associated with seiches are considered low. Page 11 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Tsunamis are seismic sea waves generated by undersea earthquakes or landslides. When the ocean floor is offset or tilted during an earthquake, a set of waves are generated similar to the concentric waves caused by an object dropped in water. Tsunamis can have wavelengths of up to 120 miles and travel as fast as 500 miles per hour across hundreds of miles of deep Ocean. Upon reaching shallow coastal waters, the once two-foot high wave can become up to 50 feet in height causing great devastation to structures within reach. Tsunamis can generate seiches as well. Due to the distance of the site relative to the ocean, seiches and tsunamis are not considered a hazard to the site. 4.3.4 Dry Sand Settlement Analysis Dry sand settlement can occur during moderate and large earthquakes when loose, natural or fill sandy soils are densified and settle, often unevenly across a site. In order for dry sand settlement to occur, the following four factors are required: 1) Relatively dry soil or soil situated above the groundwater table; 2) undrained loading (strong ground shaking), such as by earthquake; 3) contractive soil response during shear loading, which is often the case for a soil which is initially in a loose or uncompacted state; and 4) susceptible soil type; such as clean, uniformly graded sands. Structures situated above seismically densifying dry sandy soils may experience settlement. Based on site exploration, this site has a low susceptibility to dry sand settlement due to presence of cobbles and dense sandy layers to the maximum depth explored of 50 feet. 4.3.5 Liquefaction Liquefaction is a soil softening dynamic response, by which an increase in the excess pore water pressure results in partial to full loss of soil shear strength and post-liquefaction dissipation of this pore water pressure results in ground Page 12 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A settlement shortly after the earthquake. In order for liquefaction to occur, the following four factors are required: 1) saturated soil or soil situated below the groundwater table; 2) undrained loading (strong ground shaking), such as by earthquake; 3) contractive soil response during shear loading, which is often the case for a soil which is initially in a loose or uncompacted state; and 4) susceptible soil type; such as clean, uniformly graded sands, non-plastic silts, or gravels. Based on site exploration, this site is not considered susceptible to liquefaction since we have not encountered any perched ground water and historic high ground water is deeper than 50 feet. 4.4 Hydrocollapse Hydro-collapse is a condition where dry or moist soils undergo settlement upon being wetted. In many cases no additional surcharge load is necessary to trigger the Hydro-collapse. The potential for Hydro-collapse has been evaluated based upon observations, the results of Swell/Collapse or Consolidation tests, and moisture- density determinations for samples taken from the field. Department of Public Works, Materials Engineering Division consider potentially collapsible soils as generally having (a) low moisture contents (<8%), (b) low in-situ density(<108pcf), and (c) subject to 2 or greater collapse potential. A total of seven consolidation tests with hydro collapse were performed on samples from upper 15 feet and are presented on the enclosed plates C-1 through C-7 in Appendix B. All the samples have volume changes from -0.2 to -1.8%, which is generally considered within a non-collapsible zone. Considering above values, we concluded that, the on-site soil in-place poses a low potential for Hydro-collapse. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS The development of the subject site is considered feasible from a geologic and geotechnical engineering viewpoint, provided that the recommendations presented in this report are followed during grading. Page 13 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Removals Removals shall extend a minimum of 5 (five) feet below existing ground surface or proposed grades in building areas or 3 feet below the bottom of proposed foundation, whichever is lower in elevation. Removals shall extend a minimum of five feet beyond the building footprint or equal to the depth of removal, whichever is greater. In the areas of streets and other miscellaneous structures, removals shall extend a minimum of 3 (three) feet below existing ground surface. Deeper removals may be required if soft or dry soil conditions are observed during grading or if hardpan conditions are observed. We anticipate almost 10 to 20 percent of the on- site soil comprise of more than 6 inches in diameter cobbles and should be off- hauled and replaced by import fill materials. Preparation of areas to receive fill and fill placement shall be performed as discussed under “Grading section”. 6.2 Foundation Recommendations The following recommendations are provided for preliminary design purposes and the final expansion index should be determined following grading. In our opinion, conventional footings with slab-on-grade or post-tensioned interior slabs should be used to support the proposed structures. As an alternative, a uniform post-tensioned mat slab may be used to support the proposed structures. All footings should meet current slope setback requirements. Foundations should be designed for very low-expansive soil conditions. The proposed improvements should be founded into compacted fill. Under no circumstances should foundations be cast atop loose, soft, or slough, debris, existing artificial fill, topsoil, or surfaces covered by standing water. Prior to placing concrete in a foundation excavation, an inspection should be made by our representative to ensure that the foundation’s subgrade is free of loose and disturbed soils and is embedded in the recommended material. We offer the following site-specific recommendations and comments for purposes of foundation design and construction. Page 14 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 6.2.1 Footings The proposed structures may be supported on footings with slab-on-ground or post-tensioned interior slab. Exterior isolated pad footings may need to be connected to adjacent footings via tie beams at the discretion of the project structural engineer. Subgrade Preparation All conventional footings should be constructed on firm, unyielding certified compacted fill. All compacted fill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum laboratory density, as determined by ASTM D-1557-02 compaction method. Pre-moistening of all areas to receive concrete is recommended. The moisture content of the subgrade soils should be equal to or slightly greater than optimum moisture and verified by the Geotechnical Engineer to a depth of 18 inches below adjacent grade within 24 hours of concrete placement. Footing’s subgrades shall be prepared in accordance with the Grading section of this report. Bearing Capacity Continuous and isolated one- to two- story buildings footings should have a width of at least 15 and 18 inches, respectively. New footings should extend at least 12 inches below exterior grade, at least 6 inches below the bottom of concrete slabs-on-grade, at least 6 inches below crawlspace grades, whichever is deeper. Exterior isolated pad footings intended for support of roof overhangs such as decks, patio covers and similar construction should be a minimum of 24 inches square and founded at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. Footings with at least above minimum dimensions may be designed for a preliminary allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for dead plus live loads, with a one-third increase allowed when considering additional short-term wind or Page 15 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A seismic loading. The allowable bearing value may be increased by 300 pounds per square foot per foot increase in depth or width to a maximum of 2500 psf. The weight of the footings may be neglected for design purposes. All footings located adjacent to utility lines should be embedded below a 1:1 plane extending up from the bottom edge of the utility trench. Settlement The footings should be designed based on a low-expansive soils condition. Thirty-year post-construction differential settlement due to static loads is not expected to exceed about ¼-inch over 30 feet span for the proposed improvements supported on footings, provided that the foundations are designed and constructed as recommended. Lateral Capacity Lateral loads may be resisted by friction between the bottom of the footings and the supporting subgrade, and by passive soil pressure acting against the footings cast neat in foundation excavations or backfilled with properly compacted structural fill. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be assumed for design for footings supported on compacted fill. We recommend an equivalent fluid pressure of 500 pounds per cubic foot for passive soil resistance and not to exceed 2,000 pounds per cubic foot, where appropriate. The upper foot of passive soil resistance should be neglected where soil adjacent to the footing is not covered and protected by a concrete slab or pavement. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. The above values given for coefficient of friction and passive soil resistance are allowable values with a factor of safety of 1.5 and the designed may choose an appropriate factor of safety based on the loadings. Page 16 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A General Structural Design We recommend that foundations be reinforced with top and bottom steel, to provide structural continuity and to permit spanning of local irregularities. 6.2.2 Post-tensioned Mat Slab As a more conservative option, proposed structures be founded on post- tensioned mat slab systems to mitigate the effect of expansive soil. The post- tensioned mat slab should be at least 8 inches thick. Subgrade Preparation The subgrade soils below concrete flatwork areas to a minimum depth of 8 inches should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent at or slightly above the optimum moisture content. Pre-saturation of the subgrade below slabs will not be required; however, prior to placing concrete, the subgrade below all dwelling and garage floor slab areas should be thoroughly moistened to achieve a moisture content that is at least equal to or no more than 6 percent greater than optimum moisture content to a minimum depth of 8 inches below the bottoms of the slabs. Mat’s subgrades shall be prepared in accordance with the Grading section of this report. Bearing Capacity An allowable average bearing capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot may be used for dead plus live loads, with a one-third increase allowed when considering additional short-term wind or seismic loading. If requested, an allowable localized bearing capacity under columns or walls can be provided for a given loads layout. Page 17 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Settlement The mat should be designed based on a low-expansive soils condition. Thirty-year post-construction differential settlement due to static loads is not expected to exceed about ¼-inch over 30 feet span for the proposed improvements supported on mat foundation, provided that the foundations are designed and constructed as recommended Lateral Capacity Lateral loads may be resisted by friction between the bottom of the footings and the supporting subgrade, and by passive soil pressure acting against the footings cast neat in foundation excavations or backfilled with properly compacted structural fill. A coefficient of friction of 0.3 may be assumed for design for footings supported on improved ground. We recommend an equivalent fluid pressure of 500 pounds per cubic foot for passive soil resistance and not to exceed 2,000 pounds per cubic foot, where appropriate. The upper foot of passive soil resistance should be neglected where soil adjacent to the footing is not covered and protected by a concrete slab or pavement. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. The above values given for coefficient of friction and passive soil resistance are allowable values with a factor of safety of 1.5 and the designed may choose an appropriate factor of safety based on the loadings. General Structural Design The structural design of a mat foundation supported on compacted fill must evaluate the interaction between supporting soil and structure. Deepened grade beams could be designed/constructed to improve mat stiffness, as determined by the structural engineer. Page 18 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Selection of a modulus of subgrade reaction, Ks, is critical in the structural design of a mat foundation. The basic value of Ks is defined as the unit applied pressure divided by the settlement of a one square foot plate acting on the subgrade surface. The values of Ks vary according to relative density, consistency, and moisture content of the subgrade material. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be assumed for the mat subgrade. This value is based on a 1-foot square bearing area and should be scaled to account for mat foundation size and load effects. Alternatively, based on the proposed preliminary buildings dimensions and loads, a uniform modulus of subgrade reaction (Kv) of 30 pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be assumed for the mat subgrade. A more accurate layout of modulus of subgrade reaction (Kv) beneath each building can be provided if requested by the structural engineer. Post-Tensioned Design Post-tensioned slabs should be designed in accordance with the recommendations of Post-Tensioning Institute. Based on review of laboratory data for the on-site materials, the on-site materials have a very low expansion index. Deepened footings/edges around the slab perimeter must be used to minimize non-uniform surface moisture migration (from an outside source) beneath the slab. An edge depth of at least 8 inches should be considered. The bottom of the deepened footing/edge should be designed to resist tension, using cable or reinforcement per the Structural Engineer. Specific recommendations for the design of Post Tension Institute methods are presented below. Post-tensioned slabs should have sufficient stiffness to resist excessive bending due to non-uniform swell and shrinkage of subgrade soils. The differential movement can occur at the corner, edge, or center of slab. The potential for differential uplift can be evaluated using the design specifications Page 19 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A of the Post-Tensioning Institute. The following table presents suggested minimum coefficients to be used in the Post-Tensioning Institute design method. TABLE 3 SUGGESTED PT COEFFICIENTS Description Value Thornthwaite Moisture Index -20 in/year Depth to Constant Soil Suction 9 feet Constant Soil Suction (pf) 3.8 The coefficients are considered minimums and may not be adequate to represent worst case conditions such as adverse drainage, excess watering, and/or improper landscaping and maintenance. The above parameters are applicable provided structures have gutters and downspouts, yard drains, and positive drainage is maintained away from structure perimeters. Also, the values may not be adequate if the soils below the foundation become saturated or dry such that shrinkage occurs. The parameters are provided with the expectation that subgrade soils below the foundations are maintained in a relatively uniform moisture condition. Responsible irrigation of landscaping adjacent to the foundation must be practiced since over-irrigation of landscaping can cause problems. Therefore, it is important that information regarding drainage, site maintenance, settlements and effects of expansive soils be passed on to future homeowners. Based on the above parameters, the following preliminary values were obtained from the Post Tension Institute Design manual. If a stiffer slab is desired, higher values of ym may be warranted. We will revise the following preliminary PT slab design values after rough grading in our final compaction report upon some additional testing of the compacted fill. Page 20 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A TABLE 4 PRELIMINARY PT SLAB DESIGN VALUES Description Value Soil Subgrade Expansion Index Very Low em center lift 9 ft em edge lift 4.7 ft Ym center lift 0.25 in Ym edge lift 0.45 in Underlayment In areas where dampness of concrete floor slabs would be undesirable, such as habitable building interior, concrete slabs should be underlain by a minimum 10 mil vapor barrier sandwiched between two (2) one-inch imported sand layers. This vapor barrier shall be lapped and sealed (especially around the utility perforations) adequately to provide a continuous waterproof barrier under the entire slab. To reduce vapor transmission up through concrete slabs, the vapor barrier should be high quality, UV-resistant conforming to the requirements of ASTM E 1745 Class A, with a water vapor transmission rate less than or equal to 0.01 perms (such as 15-mil thick “Stego Wrap Class A”). The vapor barrier should be installed in accordance with ASTM E 1643. All seams and penetrations of the vapor barrier should be sealed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Water:Cement Ratio The permeability of concrete is affected significantly by the water:cement ratio of the concrete mix, with lower water:cement ratios producing more damp- resistant slabs and stronger concrete. Where moisture protection is important and/or where the concrete will be placed directly on the vapor barrier, the water:cement ratio should be 0.45 or less. To increase the workability of the concrete, mid-range plasticizers can be added to the mix. Water should not be added to the concrete mix unless the slump is less than specified and the water:cement ratio will not exceed 0.45. Other steps that may be taken to reduce moisture transmission through the concrete slabs-on-grade include Page 21 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A moist curing for 5 to 7 days and allowing the slab to dry for a period of two months or longer prior to placing floor coverings. Also, prior to installation of the floor covering, it may be appropriate to test the slab moisture content for adherence to the manufacturer’s requirements and to determine whether a longer drying time is necessary. 6.2.3 Foundation General Recommendations The above parameters are applicable provided structures have gutters and downspouts and positive drainage is maintained away from structures. Therefore, it is important that information regarding drainage and site maintenance be passed on to future owners. The above recommendations assume, and GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. strongly recommends, that surface water will be kept from infiltrating into the subgrade adjacent to the building foundation system. This may include, but not be limited to rainwater, roof water, landscape water and/or leaky plumbing. The lots are to be fine graded at the completion of construction to include positive drainage away from the structure and roof water will be collected via gutters, downspouts, and transported to the street in buried drainpipes. Homebuyers should be cautioned against constructing open draining planters adjacent to the houses or obstructing the yard drainage in any way. • Utility trenches beneath the slabs should be backfilled with compacted native soil materials, free of rocks. • Standard City of Fontana structural setback guidelines are applicable, except where superseded by specific recommendations by the Project Geologist and Geotechnical Engineer. • Building or structure footings shall be set back a horizontal distance, x, from the face of adjacent descending slope. The horizontal distance is calculated as x=H/3, where H is the height of slope. The distance x should Page 22 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A not be less than 5 feet nor more than 40 feet. The distance x may be provided by deepening the footings. 6.3 Interior Slabs General Recommendations Interior concrete slabs may be used along with footings. Interior slabs subgrade preparation, Underlayment, and water:cement ratio should be designed in accordance with recommendations in mat slab section. A uniform modulus of subgrade reaction (Kv) of 30 pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be assumed for slab design. We note that a uniform 8-icnh PT slab poured monolithically with deepened footings/grade beams would be considered a post-tension mat foundation with stiffening grade beams as described before. Additional recommendation for conventional and post-tensioned interior slab design is presented below. Conventional Slab-on-ground Design Conventional interior slabs should be at least 4 inches thick, and they should be dwelled into the foundation system in habitable areas. Post-Tensioned Slab Design If Post-tensioned interior slabs with footings are selected, they should be designed in accordance with post-tensioned recommendations in mat slab section. Post- tensioned interior slabs should be at least 4 inches thick and can be poured monolithically with the footings or as a separate section. 6.4 Exterior Slabs Subgrade Preparation To reduce the potential for distress to exterior concrete flatwork, the subgrade soils below concrete flatwork areas to a minimum depth of 8 inches (or deeper, as either prescribed elsewhere in this report or determined in the field) should be moisture Page 23 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A conditioned to at least equal to, or slightly greater than, the optimum moisture content and then compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Where concrete public roads, concrete segments of roads and/or concrete access driveways are proposed, the upper 6 inches of subgrade soil should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction. As a further measure to reduce the potential for concrete flatwork cracking, subgrade soils should be thoroughly moistened prior to placing concrete. The moisture content of the soils should be at least the optimum moisture content to a minimum depth of 8 inches into the subgrade. Flooding or ponding of the subgrade is not considered feasible to achieve the above moisture conditions since this method would likely require construction of numerous earth berms to contain the water. Therefore, moisture conditioning should be achieved with sprinklers or a light spray applied to the subgrade over a period of few to several days just prior to pouring concrete. Pre-watering of the soils is intended to promote uniform curing of the concrete, reduce the development of shrinkage cracks and reduce the potential for differential expansion pressure on freshly poured flatwork. A representative of the project geotechnical consultant should observe and verify the density and moisture content of the soils, and the depth of moisture penetration prior to pouring concrete. Drainage Drainage from patios and other flatwork areas should be directed to local area drains and/or graded earth swales designed to carry runoff water to the adjacent streets or other approved drainage structures. The concrete flatwork should be sloped at a minimum gradient of one percent, or as prescribed by project civil engineer or local codes, away from building foundations, retaining walls, masonry garden walls and slope areas. Page 24 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Thickened Edge To improve performance, exterior slabs-on-grade may be constructed with a thickened edge to improve edge stiffness and to reduce the potential for water seepage under the edge of the slabs and into the underlying base and subgrade. In our opinion, the thickened edges should be at least 8 inches wide and ideally should extend at least 4 inches below the bottom of the underlying aggregate base layer. 6.5 Infiltration Testing We have performed infiltration testing for the proposed LID dry well’s on the subject site. Testing was performed in accordance with the San Bernardino County Stormwater Program Manual titled “Technical Guideline Document for Water Quality Management Plans” dated July 28, 2011. Four dry well depths were proposed by the civil engineer of the record that are percolating from 10 to 15, 20 to 30, 30 to 40 and 40 to 50 feet. The In-Situ Falling Head Test method was used for determining the infiltration rate. Infiltration testing was performed by Excavating eight-inch borings to the maximum depth of each proposed dry well which was 15, 30, 40 and 50 feet. Perforated pipe was placed within percolating depth and solid pipe was placed above it. The boring is labeled as B-6, B-7 followed by B-8/P-1 and B-9/P-2 as shown on Plate 1. The infiltration test results are provided as plates P-1 to P-4. No groundwater was encountered during the excavations. Historical high groundwater map from the Fontana Seismic Hazard Zone report notes the groundwater to be more than 100 feet below the ground surface. The borings were presoaked prior to the infiltration testing. The result is included in below table. Page 25 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A TABLE 5 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Test Location Percolation Depth (ft) Pre-Adjusted Rate (inch/hour) * B-6 10-15 15.24 B-7 20-30 2.29 B-8/P-1 30-40 2.62 B-9/P-2 40-50 11.73 *Reduction factor should be applied by the Civil Engineer of The Record It is our professional opinion that on-site infiltration will not be a hazard to the potential development and the site is suitable for storm water infiltration. The proposed infiltration rates were calculated in inches per hour and are without factor of safety. Per our discussion with the civil engineer of the record, Mr. Anthony Ng from United Civil Inc, it is our understanding that the civil engineer will apply an appropriate factor of safety to these infiltration rates to calculate dry wells design percolation rates. 6.6 Corrosion Characteristics of Soil As a screening level study, limited chemical and electrical tests were performed on samples considered representative of the onsite soils to identify potential corrosive characteristics of these soils. The common indicators that are generally associated with soil corrosivity, among other indicators, include water-soluble sulfate (a measure of soil corrosivity on concrete), water-soluble chloride (a measure of soil corrosivity on metals embedded in concrete), pH (a measure of soil acidity), and minimum electrical resistivity (a measure of corrosivity on metals embedded in soils). Test methodology and results are presented in Appendix B. It should be noted that GeoSoils does not practice corrosion engineering; therefore, the test results, opinion and engineering judgment provided herein should be considered as general guidelines only. Additional analyses, and/or determination of other indicators, would be warranted, especially, for cases where buried metallic building materials (such as copper and cast or ductile iron pipes) in contact with site Page 26 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A soils are planned for the project. In many cases, the project geotechnical engineer may not be informed of these choices. Therefore, for conditions where such elements are considered, we recommend that other, relevant project design professionals (e.g., the architect, landscape architect, civil and/or structural engineer, etc.) to be involved. We also recommend considering a qualified corrosion engineer to conduct additional sampling and testing of near-surface soils during the final stages of site grading to provide a complete assessment of soil corrosivity. Recommendations to mitigate the detrimental effects of corrosive soils on buried metallic and other building materials that may be exposed to corrosive soils should be provided by the corrosion engineer as deemed appropriate. In general, a soil’s water-soluble sulfate levels and pH relate to the potential for concrete degradation; water-soluble chlorides in soils impact ferrous metals embedded or encased in concrete, e.g., reinforcing steel; and electrical resistivity is a measure of a soil’s corrosion potential to a variety of buried metals used in the building industry, such as copper tubing and cast or ductile iron pipes. Table 6 below, presents test results with an interpretation of current code approach and guidelines that are commonly used in building construction industry. The table includes the code-related classifications of the soils as they relate to the various tests, as well as a general recommendation for possible mitigation measures in view of the potential adverse impact of corrosive soils on various components of the proposed structures in direct contact with site soils. The guidelines provided herein should be evaluated and confirmed, or modified, in their entirety by the project structural engineer, corrosion engineer and/or the contractor responsible for concrete placement for structural concrete used in the project. Page 27 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A TABLE 6 SOIL CORROSIVITY SCREENING RESULTS Test (Test Method Designation) Test Location Test Results Classification General Recommendations Soluble Sulfate (Cal 417) B-2 @ 0-5 13 ppm S0(1) - Not Applicable Type II cement; minimum fc’ = 2,500 psi (2); no water/cement ratio restrictions. pH (Cal 643) B-2 @ 0-5 5.5 Strongly Acid (3) Remove and replace soil around the concrete; increase concrete cover thickness. Soluble Chloride (Cal 422) B-2 @ 0-5 5.7 ppm C1 – Moderate (3) Residence: No special recommendations; fc’ should not be less than 2,500 psi. Resistivity (Cal 643) B-2 @ 0-5 12,400 ohm-cm Mildly Corrosive (4) Protective wrapping/coating of buried pipes; corrosion resistant materials Notes: 1. ACI 318-14, Section 19.3 2. fc’, 28-day unconfined compressive strength of concrete 3. ACI 318-14, Section 19.3 4. Pierre R. Roberge, “Handbook of Corrosion Engineering” 6.7 Pavement Sections 6.7.1 Asphalt Concrete Based on the materials encountered in our borings and laboratory test results, it is our opinion that an R-value of 78, is appropriate for design of the parking area and drive isle pavements. Using estimated Traffic Indices for various pavement loading conditions, we calculated the minimum pavement section thicknesses presented in table below based on the pavement design procedure described in Chapter 630 of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. We note that it is the civil engineer’s responsibility to choose an appropriate traffic index for various pavement systems. Page 28 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A TABLE 7 MINIMUM PAVEMENT SECTION THICKNESSES Traffic Index Asphalt Thickness (in) Aggregate Thickness (in) 3.5 0.50 1.40 3.5 1.00 -0.10 4 0.50 1.80 4 1.00 0.50 4.5 0.50 2.30 4.5 1.00 1.10 4.5 1.50 -0.20 5 0.50 2.70 5 1.00 1.60 5 1.50 0.40 5.5 0.50 3.20 5.5 1.00 2.10 5.5 1.50 1.00 6 1.00 2.60 6 1.50 1.50 6 2.00 0.40 6.5 1.00 3.00 6.5 1.50 2.00 6.5 2.00 1.00 7 1.50 2.50 7 2.00 1.50 7 2.50 0.60 8 1.50 3.50 8 2.00 2.50 8 2.50 1.60 9 2.00 3.50 9 2.50 2.70 9 3.00 1.80 10 2.00 4.50 10 2.50 3.70 10 3.00 2.80 Subgrade soils immediately below the aggregate base, to a minimum depth of 8 inches, should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent based on ASTM D1557. Final subgrade compaction should be performed prior to placing base materials and after utility-trench backfills have been compacted and tested. Asphalt concrete and aggregate base should conform to and be placed in accordance with the requirements of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, latest edition, except that compaction of subgrades and aggregate base material should be based on ASTM Test D1557. The base course should be Page 29 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A compacted to 95 percent or more of the maximum dry density as evaluated by ASTM D1557. The base materials should also meet the specifications for Crushed Aggregate Base, Crushed Miscellaneous Base or Processed Miscellaneous Base as defined in Section 200-2 of the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). AC Paving: Prime coat may be omitted if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The asphalt pavement layer is placed within two weeks of completion of base and/or subbase course. 2. Traffic is not routed over completed base before paving. 3. Construction is completed during the dry season of May through October. 4. The base is free of dirt and debris. If construction is performed during the wet season of November through April, prime coat may be omitted if no rain occurs between completion of base course and paving, and the time between completion of base and paving is reduced to three days, provided the base is free of dirt and debris. Where prime coat has been omitted and rain occurs, traffic is routed over base course, or paving is delayed, measures shall be taken to restore base course, subbase course, and subgrade to conditions that will meet specifications as directed by the geotechnical engineer. We recommend that measures be taken to limit the amount of surface water that seeps into the aggregate base and subgrade below vehicle pavements, particularly where the pavements are adjacent to landscape areas. Seepage of water into the pavement base material can soften the subgrade, thereby increasing the amount of pavement maintenance that is required and shortening the pavement service life. Deepened curbs extending 4-inches Page 30 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A below the bottom of the aggregate base layer are generally effective in limiting excessive water seepage below the edges of pavement and into the subgrade. Other types of water cutoff devices or edge drains may also be considered to maintain pavement service life. 6.7.2 Rigid Concrete Pavements If the driveway will be constructed with Portland cement concrete (PCC), we recommend the driveway pavement consist of at least 4 inches of PCC on at least 6 inches of Class 2 aggregate base. Un-reinforced concrete for the 4- inch-thick driveway pavement should have a 28-day compressive strength of at least 3,500 psi. PCC pavements should be laterally constrained with curbs or shoulders and sufficient control joints should be incorporated in the design and construction to limit and control cracking. The soil subgrade and aggregate base below the pavement section should be prepared and compacted as recommended above. The use of a moisture cut-off or thickened edge along the edges of the driveway would be desirable in order to reduce water seepage below the edges of the driveway and into the underlying aggregate base and subgrade, which can lead to premature pavement distress. 6.8 Grading Grading of the site will consist of a cut/fill operation to create level pads and associated streets. The grading will involve the removing and recompacting of existing near surface material. We offer the following recommendations and construction considerations concerning earthwork grading at the site. 6.8.1 General Monitoring: We recommend that all earthwork (i.e., clearing, site preparation, fill placement, etc.) should be conducted with engineering control under Page 31 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A observation and testing by the Geotechnical Engineer and in accordance with the requirements within the Grading section of this report. Job Site Safety: At all times, safety should have precedence over production work. If an unsafe job condition is observed, it should be brought to the attention of the grading contractor or the developer’s representative. Once this condition is noted, it should be corrected as soon as possible, or work related to the unsafe condition should be terminated. The contractor for the project should realize that services provided by GSC do not include supervision or direction of the actual work performed by the contractor, his employees, or agents. GSC will use accepted geotechnical engineering and testing procedures; however, our testing and observations will not relieve the contractor of his primary responsibility to produce a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. Furthermore, our firm will not be responsible for job or site safety on this project, as this is the responsibility of the contractor. 6.8.2 Site Preparation Existing Structure Location: The General Contractor should locate all surface and subsurface structures on the site or on the approved grading plan prior to preparing the ground. Existing Structure Removal: Any underground structures (e.g., septic tanks, wells, pipelines, foundations, utilities, etc.) that have not been located prior to grading should be removed or treated in a manner recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer. Clearing and Stripping: The construction areas should be cleared and stripped of all vegetation, trees, bushes, sod, topsoil, artificial fill, debris, asphalt, concrete, and other deleterious material prior to fill placement. Page 32 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Removals: Please refer to the Removals section of this report for specific recommendations for removals. Subgrade Preparation: We recommend that the subgrade for those areas receiving any fill be prepared by scarifying the upper 12 inches and moisture conditioning, as required to obtain at least optimum moisture, but not greater than 120 percent of optimum. The scarified areas shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum laboratory density, as determined by ASTM D-1557-12 compaction method. All areas to receive fill should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to fill placement. Subgrade Verification and Compaction Testing: Regardless of material or location, all fill material should be placed over properly compacted subgrades in accordance with this section. The condition of all subgrades shall be verified by the Geotechnical Engineer before fill placement or earthwork grading begins. Earthwork monitoring and field density testing shall be performed during grading to provide a basis for opinions concerning the degree of soil compaction attained. The Contractor should be responsible for notifying the Geotechnical Engineer when such areas are ready for inspection. Inspection of the subgrade may also be required by the controlling governmental agency within the respective jurisdictions. Density tests should also be made on the prepared subgrade to receive fill, unless the areas are underlain by dense alluvium, as required by the Geotechnical Engineer. 6.8.3 Fill Placement Laboratory Testing: Representative samples of materials to be utilized as compacted fill should be analyzed in a laboratory to determine their physical properties. If any material other than that previously tested is encountered during grading, the appropriate analysis of this material should be conducted. Page 33 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A On-Site Fill Material: The on-site soils, in our opinion, are adequate for re- use in controlled fills provided the soils do not contain any organic matter, debris, and that over-sized rocks are buried in accordance with the recommendations under Rock Fragments. Rock Fragments: The alluvium on the site should be free of oversized rocks. Any rock fragments over 6 inches should be kept below a depth of 5 feet below proposed grade. Rocks greater than 6 inches in diameter should be taken off site or placed in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineer. Rocks greater than 6 inches in diameter shall be kept out of all street areas to a depth below the deepest proposed utility line. Rocks shall not be placed in concentrated pockets, shall be surrounded with fine grained material, and the distribution of the rocks shall be supervised by the Geotechnical Engineer. A sufficient amount of fine-grained material shall be placed around the rocks to prevent nesting and to fill all void space. An adequate amount of water will be required to force fines into any open voids. Fill Placement: Approved on-site material shall be evenly placed, watered, processed, and compacted in controlled horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, and each layer should be thoroughly compacted with approved equipment. The fill should be placed and compacted in horizontal layers, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer. Compaction Criteria - Shallow Fills: For fills less than 40 feet in vertical thickness, each layer shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum laboratory density for material used as determined by ASTM D- 1557-12. The field density shall be determined by the ASTM D-1556-07 method or equivalent. Where moisture content of the fill or density testing yields compaction results less than 90 percent, additional compaction effort Page 34 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A and/or moisture conditioning, as necessary, shall be performed, until the fill material is in accordance with the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. Fill Material - Moisture Content: All fill material placed must be moisture conditioned, as required to obtain at least optimum moisture, but not greater than 120 percent. If excessive moisture in the fill results in failing results or an unacceptable “pumping” condition, then the fill should be allowed to dry until the moisture content is within the necessary range to meet the required compaction requirements or reworked until acceptable conditions are obtained. Keying and Benching: All fills should be keyed and benched through all topsoil, slopewash, alluvium or colluvium or creep material into firm material where the slope receiving fill is steeper than 5:1 (Horizontal: Vertical) or as determined by Geotechnical Engineer. The standard acceptable bench height is four feet into suitable material. The key for side hill fills should be a minimum of 15 feet within compacted fill or firm materials, with a minimum toe embankment of 2 feet into compacted fill, unless otherwise specified by the Geotechnical Engineer. Slope Face - Compaction Criteria: The Contractor should be required to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent out to the finish slope face of fill slopes. This may be achieved by either overbuilding the slope a minimum of five feet, and cutting back to the compacted core, or by direct compaction of the slope face with suitable equipment, or by any other procedure which produces the required compaction. If the method of achieving the required slope compaction selected by the Contractor fails to produce the necessary results, the Contractor should rework or rebuild such slopes until the required degree of compaction is obtained, at no additional cost to the Owner or Geotechnical Engineer. Slope testing will include testing the outer 6 inches to 3 feet of the slope face during and after placement of the Page 35 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A fill. In addition, during grading, density tests will be taken periodically on the flat surface of the fill three to five feet horizontally from the face of the slope. Slope Face - Contractor’s Responsibility: The Contractor should prepare a written detailed description of the method or methods he would employ to obtain the required slope compaction. Such documents should be submitted to the Geotechnical Engineer for review and comments prior to the start of grading. Slope Face - Vegetation: All fill slopes should be planted or protected from erosion by methods specified in the geotechnical report, or required by the controlling governmental agency. Density Testing Intervals: In general, density tests should be conducted at minimum intervals of 2 feet of fill height or every 500 to 1,000 cubic yards. Due to the variability that can occur in fill placement and different fill material characteristics, a higher number of density tests may be warranted to verify that the required compaction is being achieved. Grading Control: Earthwork monitoring and field density testing shall be performed by the Geotechnical Engineer during grading to provide a basis for opinions concerning the degree of soil compaction attained. The Contractor should receive a copy of the Geotechnical Engineer's Daily Field Engineering Report which will indicate the results of field density tests for that day. Where failing tests occur or other field problems arise, the Contractor shall be notified of such conditions by written communication from the Geotechnical Engineer in the form of a conference memorandum, to avoid any misunderstanding arising from oral communication. Drainage Devices: Drainage terraces should be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies, or with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. Page 36 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 6.8.4 Construction Considerations Erosion Control: Erosion control measures, when necessary, should be provided by the Contractor during grading and prior to the completion and construction of permanent drainage controls. Compaction Equipment: It is also the Contractor's responsibility to have suitable and sufficient compaction equipment on the project site to handle the amount of fill being placed and the type of fill material to be compacted. If necessary, excavation equipment should be shut down to permit completion of compaction in accordance with the recommendations contained herein. Sufficient watering devices/equipment should also be provided by the Contractor to achieve optimum moisture content in the fill material. Final Grading Considerations: Care should be taken by the Contractor during final grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces, interceptor swales, or other devices of a permanent nature on or adjacent to the property. 6.8.5 Earthwork Adjustment Factors The following table presents shrinkage factors as based on laboratory testing of the alluvium. TABLE 8 EARTHWORK ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Material Type Adjustment Factor Alluvium 5 to 10% (shrinkage) 6.8.6 Temporary Excavation Where the necessary space is available, temporary unsurcharged embankments may be sloped back without shoring. The slope should not be cut steeper than the following gradient: Page 37 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A TABLE 9 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SLOPE Height Temporary Gradient (Horizontal:Vertical) 0 - 5' Near Vertical above 5' 1:1 In areas where soils with little or no binder are encountered, shoring or flatter excavation slopes shall be made. These recommended temporary excavation slopes do not preclude local ravelling or sloughing. All applicable requirements of the California Construction and General Industry Safety Orders, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Construction Safety Act should be met. Where sloped embankments are used, the top of the slope should be barricaded to prevent equipment and heavy storage loads within five feet of the top of the slope. If the temporary construction embankments are to be maintained for long periods, berms should be constructed along the top of the slope to prevent runoff water from eroding the slope faces. The soils exposed in the temporary backcut slopes during excavation should be observed by our personnel so that modifications of the slopes can be made if variations in the soil conditions occur. The temporary excavation slopes should be supported within three weeks. 6.8.7 Excavation Observation All footing and other excavations should be observed by an Engineering Geologist or Geotechnical Engineering prior to placement of any steel to verify that the proper foundation material has been encountered. The City Inspector should also observe the excavation. Page 38 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A 6.8.8 Utility Trenching and Backfill Utility Trenching: Open excavations and excavations that are shored shall conform to all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. Backfill Placement: Approved on-site or imported fill material shall be evenly placed, watered, processed, and compacted in controlled horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, and each layer should be thoroughly compacted with approved equipment. All fill material should be moisture conditioned, as required to obtain at least optimum moisture, but not greater than 120 percent of optimum moisture content. The fill should be placed and compacted on a horizontal plane, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer. As an alternative to on-site or imported fill material, for shallow trenches where pipe or utility lines may be damaged by mechanical compaction equipment, such as under building floor slabs, imported clean sand having a sand equivalent (SE) value of 30 or greater may be utilized. The sand backfill materials should be watered to achieve near optimum moisture conditions and then tamped into place. No specific relative compaction will be required; however, observation, probing, and if deemed necessary, testing should be performed by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant to verify an adequate degree of compaction. Backfill Compaction Criteria: Each layer of utility trench backfill shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum laboratory density determined by ASTM D-1557-12. The field density shall be determined by the ASTM D-1556-07 method or equivalent. Where moisture content of the fill or density testing yields compaction results less than 90 percent, additional compaction effort and/or moisture conditioning, as necessary, shall be performed, until the compaction criteria is reached. Page 39 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A Exterior Trenches Adjacent to Footings: Exterior trenches, paralleling a footing and extending below a 1H:1V plane projected from the outside bottom edge of the footing, should be compacted to 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Sand backfill, unless it is similar to the in-place fill, should not be allowed in the trench backfill areas. Density testing, along with probing, should be accomplished to verify the desired results. Pipe Bedding: We recommend that a minimum of 6 inches of bedding material should be placed in the bottom of the utility trench. All bedding materials shall extend at least 4 inches above the top of utilities which require protection during subsequent trench backfilling. All trenches shall be wide enough to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe. Groundwater Migration: Backfilled utility trenches may act as French drains to some extent, and considerable groundwater flow along utility bedding and backfill should be expected. Wherever buried utilities, or structures which they may intersect, could be adversely affected by such drainage, provisions shall be made to collect groundwater migrating along the trench lines. These situations include where buried utilities enter buildings, particularly where they enter below grade mechanical rooms, and where buried utilities enter junction boxes or switching stations that are intended to remain dry. Mitigation measures include, but are not limited to, placement of perforated drain pipes below and continuous with bedding materials, and placement of seepage barriers such as lean mix concrete or controlled density fill (CDF). 7.0 CLOSURE We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service to you. If you have any questions regarding the content of this report or any other aspects of the project, please do not hesitate to contact us. Page 40 July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) MDN 23013A REFERENCES 1 California Geological Survey, 2005, Seismic Hazard Zone Report 095, Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the Lancaster West 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California” 2 California Building Code (CBC), 2019, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume I and II. B-3B-7 B-1B-5 B-6 B-4 B-8/P-1 B-9/P-2 B-2 B-3B-7 B-6 B-4 B-8/P-1 B-9/P-2 EXPLANATION APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF BORINGB-7 WORK ORDER DATE SCALE REVISED PLATE 1 6634 Valjean Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91406 GEOTECHNICAL GEOLOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL GeoSoils Consultants Inc.GSC 7726 7/2022 1" = 30' PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT NORTH CORNER OF CHASE ROAD & ARIA LANE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA RIDGECREST REAL ESTATE, LLC. MDN 23013A P-2 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PERCOLATION TEST X: \ 2 0 0 1 w . o \ g s c - c a d \ 7 7 2 6 \ 5 - 9 - 2 2 \ C U R R E N T \ P l a t e 1 . d w g , 7 / 2 8 / 2 0 2 2 3 : 1 7 : 4 4 P M , A u t o C A D P D F ( H i g h Q u a l i t y P r i n t ) . p c 3 6634 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, California 91406 Phone: (818) 785-2158 Fax: (818) 785-1548 MDN 23013A July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION RESULTS PROJECT NAME W.O. DRILLING COMPANY 2R DATE STARTED 5/10/2022 B-1 TYPE OF DRILL RIG Truck Mounted LOGGED BY RM SHEET DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem HAMMER WT (lbs)140 DIAMETER OF HOLE (IN)8 DROP (IN)30 Boring Location: De p t h ( f t ) Bl o w s / 6 " Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r T e s t s 0 5 12/12/16 1.5 SIEVE moderately moist, loose 33/44/50 2.1 137.6 CONS 10 18/19/22 0.6 SIEVE 38/50 4.5 117.2 CONS 15 20/35/50 SIEVE 20 20/50 for 3"2.8 25 22/32/31 30 50 for 4" PLATE A-1 Standard Penetration Test California Ring Rock Core Bulk Sample LEGEND 15', Gray brown, gravelly sand, semi-angular, up to 2", moist, medium dense to dense dense 25', Light brown, gravelly sand, semi-angular, up to 1", moist, medium moist, dense 20', Brown, gravelly sand, semi-angular to rounded, up to 1", moist to very SIEVE: Grain Size Analysis #200: Washed Seive #200 MAX: Maximum Dry Density DS: Direct Shear C/S: Collapse/Swell CONS: Consolidation HYDR: Hydrometer Analysis EXPAN: Expansion Index CHEM: Chemical Tests R-V: R-Value PI: Atterberge Limits Tests 10', Gray to gray brown, sandy gravel, angular, up to 2", moist, medium dense 12.5', Brown, sandy gravel, semi-angular, up to 2", moist, medium dense Some caving No groundwater TD=30' 30', No recovery BORING NO. GW ELEV. Sa m p l e Ty p e GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG GROUND ELEV. GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Ridgecrest 7726 5', Gray brown and brown, fine to coarse sand with some gravel up to 2", 7.5', Mottley brown and black, sandy gravel, up to 2", moist, medium dennse PROJECT NAME W.O. DRILLING COMPANY 2R DATE STARTED 5/10/2022 B-2 TYPE OF DRILL RIG Truck Mounted LOGGED BY RM SHEET DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem HAMMER WT (lbs)140 DIAMETER OF HOLE (IN)8 DROP (IN)30 Boring Location: De p t h ( f t ) Bl o w s / 6 " Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r T e s t s 0 3.7 5 5/9/9 3.4 128..6 12/17/22 10 4/17/50 3.0 127.4 28/33/33 15 40/50 for 5"2.7 113.2 20 20/49/45 25 50 for 4"3.3 30 50 PLATE A-2 Standard Penetration Test California Ring Rock Core Bulk Sample TD=30' No groundwater Some caving LEGEND SIEVE: Grain Size Analysis #200: Washed Seive #200 MAX: Maximum Dry Density DS: Direct Shear C/S: Collapse/Swell CONS: Consolidation HYDR: Hydrometer Analysis EXPAN: Expansion Index CHEM: Chemical Tests R-V: R-Value PI: Atterberge Limits Tests 30', Gray brown, gravelly sand, grvel up to 1", moist 20', Gray brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1.5", Sampler was cutting through a larger rock, moderately moist, dense 25', Brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 2", some silt, moist, dense 7.5', Gray brown and light grown, gravelly sand with some silt, moist, medium dense 10', Brown, gravelly sand, moist to very moist, gravel up to 2", medium dense 12.5', Gray brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", semi-angular, dense, moist 15', Gray brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", semi-angular, slightly moist, dense, some silt and carbonate present 5', Light brown, sand gravel, up to ½", moist, loose GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Ridgecrest 7726 BORING NO. GROUND ELEV. GW ELEV. Sa m p l e Ty p e GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME W.O. DRILLING COMPANY 2R DATE STARTED 5/10/2022 B-3 TYPE OF DRILL RIG Truck Mounted LOGGED BY RM SHEET DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem HAMMER WT (lbs)140 DIAMETER OF HOLE (IN)8 DROP (IN)30 Boring Location: De p t h ( f t ) Bl o w s / 6 " Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r T e s t s 0 MAX R-V, SIEVE 1.5 5 6/15/12 2.4 SIEVE loose 15/26/32 2.7 132.9 CONS 10 18/15/18 2.8 SIEVE 42/35/50 4.9 133.5 15 16/26/6 20 50 for 3"3.4 118.2 25 20/24/34 30 37/50 for 4"4.4 110.4 PLATE A-3 Standard Penetration Test California Ring Rock Core Bulk Sample TD=30' No groundwater Some caving LEGEND SIEVE: Grain Size Analysis #200: Washed Seive #200 MAX: Maximum Dry Density DS: Direct Shear C/S: Collapse/Swell CONS: Consolidation HYDR: Hydrometer Analysis EXPAN: Expansion Index CHEM: Chemical Tests R-V: R-Value PI: Atterberge Limits Tests 30', Gray brown, gravelly sand, slightly moist, loose to moderately dense 20', Gray brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 2", semi-angular, slightly moist, dense 25', Brown, silty, fine sand, very moist, and gray brown, gravelly, fine to coarse, sand, moist, dense 7.5', Light brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", semi-angular, moist to very moist, dense 10', Brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", cut from larger rock, rounded, moist, loose to moderately dense 12.5', Brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 3/4", semi-angular, moist to very moist, dense to very dense 15', Gray brown to black, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", semi-angular, moist, moderately dense 5', Light brown, silty, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1.5", moist to very moist, GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Ridgecrest 7726 BORING NO. GROUND ELEV. GW ELEV. Sa m p l e Ty p e GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME W.O. DRILLING COMPANY 2R DATE STARTED 5/10/2022 B-4 TYPE OF DRILL RIG Truck Mounted LOGGED BY RM SHEET DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem HAMMER WT (lbs)140 DIAMETER OF HOLE (IN)8 DROP (IN)30 Boring Location: De p t h ( f t ) Bl o w s / 6 " Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r T e s t s 0 MAX R-V, SIEVE 0.5 5 15/20/27 2.4 25/40/43 3.3 136.1 CONS 10 21/27/31 3.1 15 41/50 for 6"2.5 143.8 20 20/39/39 25 50 for 4" 30 50 for 4" PLATE A-4 Standard Penetration Test California Ring Rock Core Bulk Sample TD=30' No groundwater Some caving LEGEND SIEVE: Grain Size Analysis #200: Washed Seive #200 MAX: Maximum Dry Density DS: Direct Shear C/S: Collapse/Swell CONS: Consolidation HYDR: Hydrometer Analysis EXPAN: Expansion Index CHEM: Chemical Tests R-V: R-Value PI: Atterberge Limits Tests 30', No recovery 20', Light brown, silty, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", moist to very moist, dense 25', No recovery 7.5', Light brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1.5", moist, dense 10', Light brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1.5', moist, dense 15', Brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", moist, dense 5', Yellowish brown, gravelly sand with some silt, moist, moderately moist GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Ridgecrest 7726 BORING NO. GROUND ELEV. GW ELEV. Sa m p l e Ty p e GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME W.O. DRILLING COMPANY 2R DATE STARTED 5/11/2022 B-2 TYPE OF DRILL RIG Truck Mounted LOGGED BY RM SHEET DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem HAMMER WT (lbs)140 DIAMETER OF HOLE (IN)8 DROP (IN)30 Boring Location: De p t h ( f t ) Bl o w s / 6 " Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r T e s t s 0 5 37/50 for 5"1.3 148.6 CONS loose, and gray gravelly sand, gravel up to 1.5", dry, dense 13/24/40 3.3 10 23/50 for 5"1.9 141.5 CONS 20/27/27 15 35/50 for 5"2.5 139.8 20 16/9/16 25 7/15/50 3.5 129.3 30 40/50 for 5" PLATE A-5 Standard Penetration Test California Ring Rock Core Bulk Sample TD=30' No groundwater Some caving LEGEND SIEVE: Grain Size Analysis #200: Washed Seive #200 MAX: Maximum Dry Density DS: Direct Shear C/S: Collapse/Swell CONS: Consolidation HYDR: Hydrometer Analysis EXPAN: Expansion Index CHEM: Chemical Tests R-V: R-Value PI: Atterberge Limits Tests 30', Gray brown, gravelly sand, dry to moderately moist, dense 20', Light brown, gravelly, silty sand, moist, loose to moderately dense 25', Brown, gravelly, silty sand, moist, moderately dense and gray brown, gravelly sand, moderately moist, dense 7.5', Light brown, gravelly sand with some silt, gravel up to 1.5", moderately moist, medium dense 10', Brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 2", moderately moist to moist, loose to moderately dense 12.5', Gray brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", possibly from larger rock, dry to moderately moist, loose to moderately dense 15', Gray brown, gravelly sand, gravel up to 2", from larger rock, moderately moist 5', Yellowish brown, silty, gravelly sand, gravel up to ½", slightly moist, GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Ridgecrest 7726 BORING NO. GROUND ELEV. GW ELEV. Sa m p l e Ty p e GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME W.O. DRILLING COMPANY 2R DATE STARTED 5/11/2022 B-6 TYPE OF DRILL RIG Truck Mounted LOGGED BY RM SHEET DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem HAMMER WT (lbs)140 DIAMETER OF HOLE (IN)8 DROP (IN)30 Boring Location: De p t h ( f t ) Bl o w s / 6 " Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r T e s t s 0 5 10 15 43/50 for 3'2.1 135.9 SIEVE 20 25 30 PLATE A-6 Standard Penetration Test California Ring Rock Core Bulk Sample LEGEND SIEVE: Grain Size Analysis #200: Washed Seive #200 MAX: Maximum Dry Density DS: Direct Shear C/S: Collapse/Swell CONS: Consolidation HYDR: Hydrometer Analysis EXPAN: Expansion Index CHEM: Chemical Tests R-V: R-Value PI: Atterberge Limits Tests No caving No groundwater 15', Gray brown, gravelly sand, dry to moderately moist, loose (hit large rocks multiple times as shown oin sample and top of tube) TD=15' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Ridgecrest 7726 BORING NO. GROUND ELEV. GW ELEV. Sa m p l e Ty p e GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME W.O. DRILLING COMPANY 2R DATE STARTED 5/11/2022 B-7 TYPE OF DRILL RIG Truck Mounted LOGGED BY RM SHEET DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem HAMMER WT (lbs)140 DIAMETER OF HOLE (IN)8 DROP (IN)30 Boring Location: De p t h ( f t ) Bl o w s / 6 " Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r T e s t s 0 1.3 5 8/14/18 1.7 SEIVE loose to moderately dense 25/32/25 2.7 141.5 CONS 10 11/25/30 2.7 SIEVE 10/15/21 15 50 for 5" 20 50 for 3" 50 for 2" 17/29/29 25 50 for 5"0.8 30', No recovery (bouncing off large rock) 30 50 for 1"31'. Gray and grayish brown, gravelly sand, cutting through larger rock, 35/50 for 5"moderately moist, dense No groundwater Some caving PLATE A-7 Standard Penetration Test California Ring Rock Core Bulk Sample TD=30' LEGEND SIEVE: Grain Size Analysis #200: Washed Seive #200 MAX: Maximum Dry Density DS: Direct Shear C/S: Collapse/Swell CONS: Consolidation HYDR: Hydrometer Analysis EXPAN: Expansion Index CHEM: Chemical Tests R-V: R-Value PI: Atterberge Limits Tests 25', Gray brown, gravelly sand, dry to moderately moist, large rock on lower portion of tube up to 2-2.5", dense gravelly sand, most, dense dense, gravel up to 1' 15', No recovery (large rock wedged into tube) 20', No recovery (bouncing off large rock) 22.5', No recovery (bouncing off large rock) 23', Brown, gravelly, silty sand, very moist, dense and light brown, silty, 12.5', Brown, gravelly sand, moderatel moist to moist, loose to moderately Sa m p l e Ty p e GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 5', Yellowish brown, silty, gravelly sand, gravel up to 1", dry to moderately moist, 7.5', Mottled yellowish brown and gray brown, silty, gravelly sand, dry to moderately moist, dense 10', Brown, gravelly, silty sand, moderately moist, dense, gravel up to 1" GW ELEV. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Ridgecrest 7726 BORING NO. GROUND ELEV. 6634 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, California 91406 Phone: (818) 785-2158 Fax: (818) 785-1548 MDN 23013A July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS EXPANSION INDEX TEST ASTM D-4829 Ridgecrest 7726 Project Information Project Name:Ridgecrest Work Order No.:7726 Date of Test:14-Jul-22 Tract Number: Constants Vol. wet soil (cf):0.0073 Calculations Specific Gravity:2.70 Boring/Lot #:B-3 B-4 Depth of Test (ft):0-5.0'0-5.0' Soil Classification:Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND. Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND. Wet Weight + Ring (lbs):1.3545 1.3455 Ring Weight (lbs):0.4280 0.4295 Wet Weight (lbs):0.9265 0.9160 Wet Density (pcf):126.9 125.5 Moisture (%):8.3 9.1 Dry Density (pcf):117.2 115.0 Saturation (%):51.2 52.9 Initial Reading:0.4140 0.4230 Final Reading:0.4190 0.4340 Expansion, H, (inches):0.0050 0.0110 Expansion Index:5 12 Expansion Potential:Very Low Very Low After Test Wet Weight (g):436.0 439.9 Dry Weight (g):384.1 368.0 Water Loss (g):51.9 71.9 Moisture (%):13.5 19.5 Expansion Index Table:0 - 20 = Very Low 21 - 50 = Low 51 - 90 = Medium 91 - 130 = High 130 & Up = Very High EI7726.1.xls CLEINT: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: SAMPLE: SOIL CLASSIFICATION: with abundant rock fragments. Init. Moisture Content (%)4.05 % Hydroconsolidation:-1.0 Init. Dry Density (PCF)121.5 Total Consolidation @ 16 tsf -10.4 Init. Void Ratio 0.38 Ridgecrest 7726 7/1/2022 B-1 @ 7.5' Brown very fine to coarse SAND Plate: C-1CONSOLIDATION TEST DIAGRAM -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Normal Pressure (tsf) Consolidation-Normal Pressure Curve Co n s o l i d a t i o ( % ) Water Added @ 1.0 tsf CLEINT: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: SAMPLE: SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Init. Moisture Content (%)4.79 % Hydroconsolidation:-0.6 Init. Dry Density (PCF)122.6 Total Consolidation @ 16 tsf -8.6 Init. Void Ratio 0.41 Plate: C-2CONSOLIDATION TEST DIAGRAM Ridgecrest 7726 7/1/2022 B-1 @ 12.5' Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND. -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Normal Pressure (tsf) Consolidation-Normal Pressure Curve Co n s o l i d a t i o ( % ) Water Added @ 1.0 tsf CLEINT: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: SAMPLE: SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Init. Moisture Content (%)4.15 % Hydroconsolidation:-0.2 Init. Dry Density (PCF)118.5 Total Consolidation @ 16 tsf -6.2 Init. Void Ratio 0.39 Ridgecrest 7726 7/1/2022 B-3 @ 7.5' Brown slightly silty very fine to coarse SAND. Plate: C-3CONSOLIDATION TEST DIAGRAM -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Normal Pressure (tsf) Consolidation-Normal Pressure Curve Co n s o l i d a t i o ( % ) Water Added @ 1.0 tsf CLEINT: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: SAMPLE: SOIL CLASSIFICATION: with abundant rock fragments. Init. Moisture Content (%)5.31 % Hydroconsolidation:-1.6 Init. Dry Density (PCF)117.2 Total Consolidation @ 16 tsf -11.9 Init. Void Ratio 0.39 Plate: C-4CONSOLIDATION TEST DIAGRAM Ridgecrest 7726 7/5/2022 B-4 @ 7.5' Brown slightly silty fine to coarse SAND -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Normal Pressure (tsf) Consolidation-Normal Pressure Curve Co n s o l i d a t i o ( % ) Water Added @ 1.0 tsf CLEINT: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: SAMPLE: SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SAND with abundant rock fragments. Init. Moisture Content (%)3.18 % Hydroconsolidation:-1.8 Init. Dry Density (PCF)124.9 Total Consolidation @ 16 tsf -9.9 Init. Void Ratio 0.33 Ridgecrest 7726 7/5/2022 B-5 @ 5.0' Light brown slightly silty fine to coarse Plate: C-5CONSOLIDATION TEST DIAGRAM -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Normal Pressure (tsf) Consolidation-Normal Pressure Curve Co n s o l i d a t i o ( % ) Water Added @ 1.0 tsf CLEINT: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: SAMPLE: SOIL CLASSIFICATION: with rock fragments. Init. Moisture Content (%)3.13 % Hydroconsolidation:-1.3 Init. Dry Density (PCF)127.0 Total Consolidation @ 16 tsf -7.3 Init. Void Ratio 0.30 Plate: C-6CONSOLIDATION TEST DIAGRAM Ridgecrest 7726 7/5/2022 B-5 @ 10.0' Gray brown very fine to coarse SAND -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Normal Pressure (tsf) Consolidation-Normal Pressure Curve Co n s o l i d a t i o ( % ) Water Added @ 1.0 tsf CLEINT: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: SAMPLE: SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SAND with rock fragments. Init. Moisture Content (%)3.90 % Hydroconsolidation:-1.5 Init. Dry Density (PCF)124.0 Total Consolidation @ 16 tsf -8.8 Init. Void Ratio 0.33 Ridgecrest 7726 7/5/2022 B-7 @ 7.5' Brown slightly silty very fine to coarse Plate: C-7CONSOLIDATION TEST DIAGRAM -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Normal Pressure (tsf) Consolidation-Normal Pressure Curve Co n s o l i d a t i o ( % ) Water Added @ 1.0 tsf Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 1.5 Liquid Limit (%): Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-1 @ 5.0' Gray brown slightly silty very fine to coarse SAND with rock fragments.SH7726.1 Plate G-1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 0.6 Liquid Limit (%): Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-1 @ 10.0' Gray brown very fine to coarse SAND with rock fragments.SH7726.2 Plate G-2 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 2.5 Liquid Limit (%): Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-1 @ 15.0' Gray brown slightly silty very fine to coarse SAND.SH7726.3 Plate G-3 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 1.5 Liquid Limit (%): Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-3 @ 0-5.0' Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND with rock fragments.SH7726.4 Plate G-4 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 2.4 Liquid Limit (%): Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-3 @ 5.0' Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND.SH7726.5 Plate G-5 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 2.8 Liquid Limit (%): Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-3 @ 10.0' Brown slightly silty very fine to coarse SAND.SH7726.6 Plate G-6 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 0.5 Liquid Limit (%): Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-4 @ 0-5.0' Light brown slightly silty very fine to coarse SAND.SH7726.7 Plate G-7 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 2.1 Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-6 @ 15.0' Gray brown slightly silty very fine to coarse SAND with rock fragments.SH7726.8 Plate G-8 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 1.7 Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-7 @ 5.0' Light brown silty very fine to coarse SAND.SH7726.9 Plate G-9 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Ridgecrest W.O. 7726 Date of Test: 7/22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology Moisture (%): 2.7 Plastic Limit (%): Plasticity Index : B-7 @ 10.0' Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND.SH7726.10 Plate G-10 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.00010.0010.010.11101001000 Pe r c e n t F i n e r B y W e i g h t Diameter (mm) Grain Size Analysis By Sieve By Hydrometer COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Size of Opening In Inches Sieve Mesh Number 12 3 3/4 4 10 20 40 60 200 Client: Work Order: Test Date: Sample: Soil Classification: Compaction Procedure: Lab and QC by: 132.5 OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (%):8.5 A Mold diameter (in)4 4 4 4 4 B Mold height (in)4.581 4.581 4.581 4.581 4.581 C Wt. of Mold (g)4276 4276 4276 4276 4276 D Moist Soil + Mold (g)6416 6459 6453 0 0 E Soil Wt. (g)2140 2183 2177 -4276 -4276 F Volume of mold (ft3)0.0334 0.0334 0.0334 0.0334 0.0334GVolume of mold (cm3)944.99 944.99 944.99 944.99 944.99 H Moist Density (g/cm3)2.26457 2.3100774 2.303728082 -4.524916 -4.52492 M Wt. of wet soil (g)200 200 200 200 200 N Wt. of dry soiltare (g)186.2 183.8 182.2 176.1 175OWt. of water (g)13.8 16.2 17.8 23.9 25 P Moisture Content (%)7.4 8.8 9.8 #N/A #N/A Q Dry Density (g/cm3)2.1 2.1 2.1 #N/A #N/A R Dry Unit Weight (pcf)131.6 132.5 131.0 #N/A #N/A Ridgecrest ASTM D 1557 Method A Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND. B-3 @ 0-5.0' 7/15/2022 7726 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY: Plate: MDD-1 RA 90.0 95.0 100.0 105.0 110.0 115.0 120.0 125.0 130.0 135.0 140.0 145.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 0.1 1.0 10 11 Gs=2.7 Gs=2.8 Gs=2.9 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DR Y D E N S I T Y ( p c f ) Client: Work Order: Test Date: Sample: Soil Classification: Compaction Procedure: Lab and QC by: 128.5 OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (%):9.0 A Mold diameter (in)4 4 4 4 4 B Mold height (in)4.581 4.581 4.581 4.581 4.581 C Wt. of Mold (g)4276 4276 4276 4276 4276 D Moist Soil + Mold (g)6314 6402 6417 0 0 E Soil Wt. (g)2038 2126 2141 -4276 -4276 F Volume of mold (ft3)0.0334 0.0334 0.0334 0.0334 0.0334GVolume of mold (cm3)944.99 944.99 944.99 944.99 944.99 H Moist Density (g/cm3)2.15664 2.2497593 2.265632441 -4.524916 -4.52492 M Wt. of wet soil (g)200 200 200 200 200 N Wt. of dry soiltare (g)187.4 183 180.6 176.1 175OWt. of water (g)12.6 17 19.4 23.9 25 P Moisture Content (%)6.7 9.3 10.7 #N/A #N/A Q Dry Density (g/cm3)2.0 2.1 2.0 #N/A #N/A R Dry Unit Weight (pcf)126.2 128.5 127.7 #N/A #N/A MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY: Plate: MDD-2 RA Ridgecrest ASTM D 1557 Method A Brown silty very fine to coarse SAND. B-4 @ 0-5.0' 7/15/2022 7726 90.0 95.0 100.0 105.0 110.0 115.0 120.0 125.0 130.0 135.0 140.0 145.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 0.1 1.0 10 11 Gs=2.7 Gs=2.8 Gs=2.9 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DR Y D E N S I T Y ( p c f ) ANAHEIM TEST LAB, INC 196 Technology Drive, Unit D Irvine, CA 92618 Phone (949) 336-6544 DATE: 5/20/2022 GEOSOILS CONSULTANTS, INC. 6634 VALJEAN AVE. P.O. NO: Verbal VAN NUYS, CA 91406 LAB NO: C-5989, 1-2 SPECIFICATION: CA 301 MATERIAL: Brown, Silty Sand w. Gravel ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Project: W.O: 7726 Client Name: Ridgecrest ANALYTICAL REPORT “R” VALUE BY EXUDATION BY EXPANSION 1)B-3 @ 0-5’ 80 N/A 2)B-4 @ 0-5’ 78 N/A RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ________________________________ WES BRIDGER LAB MANAGER "R" VALUE CA 301 Client: GeoSoils Consultants, Inc.ATL No.:C 5989-1 Date:5/20/2022 Client Reference No.: 7726 Sample: B-3 @ 0-5'Soil Type:Brown, Silty Sand w. Gravel . TEST SPECIMEN A B C D Compactor Air Pressure psi 350 350 350 Initial Moisture Content %2.3 2.3 2.3 Moisture at Compaction %7.4 7.9 7.6 Briquette Height in.2.43 2.54 2.51 Dry Density pcf 133.0 132.1 132.6 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 410 157 245 EXPANSION PRESSURE psf 0 0 0 Ph at 1000 pounds psi 11 16 13 Ph at 2000 pounds psi 18 26 22 Displacement turns 4.19 4.05 4.11 "R" Value 82 76 79 CORRECTED "R" VALUE 82 76 79 Final "R" Value BY EXUDATION:80 @ 300 psi BY EXPANSION:N/A TI = 5.0 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 "R " V a l u e Exudation Pressure "R" VALUE CA 301 Client: GeoSoils Consultants, Inc.ATL No.:C 5989-2 Date:5/20/2022 Client Reference No.: 7726 Sample: B-4 @ 0-5'Soil Type:Brown, Silty Sand w. Gravel . TEST SPECIMEN A B C D Compactor Air Pressure psi 350 350 350 Initial Moisture Content %2.4 2.4 2.4 Moisture at Compaction %8.4 8.2 7.8 Briquette Height in.2.51 2.49 2.47 Dry Density pcf 128.3 129.6 130.1 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 279 371 626 EXPANSION PRESSURE psf 0 0 0 Ph at 1000 pounds psi 13 12 10 Ph at 2000 pounds psi 23 20 16 Displacement turns 4.53 3.99 3.77 "R" Value 77 81 86 CORRECTED "R" VALUE 77 81 86 Final "R" Value BY EXUDATION:78 @ 300 psi BY EXPANSION:N/A TI = 5.0 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 "R " V a l u e Exudation Pressure DATE: ATTENTION: Ron Allen       TO:       SUBJECT:       COMMENTS: James T. Keegan, MD Corrosion and Lab Services Section Manager TRANSMITTAL LETTER Ridgecrest Enclosed are the results for the subject project.   6634 Valjean Ave. Laboratory Test Data Van Nuys, CA 91304 July 27, 2022 Your #7726, HDR Lab #22-0716LAB GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. 431 West Baseline Road ∙ Claremont, CA 91711 Phone: 909.962.5485 ∙ Fax: 909.626.3316 Plate CH-1 Sample ID B-2 @ 0-5.0' Resistivity Units as-received ohm-cm 440,000 minimum ohm-cm 12,400 pH 5.5 Electrical Conductivity mS/cm 0.04 Chemical Analyses Cations calcium  Ca2+mg/kg 30 magnesium Mg2+mg/kg 16 sodium Na1+mg/kg 21 potassium K1+mg/kg 3.1 ammonium NH41+mg/kg ND Anions carbonate CO32-mg/kg ND bicarbonate HCO31-mg/kg 98 fluoride F1-mg/kg 2.7 chloride Cl1-mg/kg 5.7 sulfate SO42-mg/kg 13 nitrate NO31-mg/kg 19 phosphate PO43-mg/kg ND Other Tests sulfide S2-qual na Redox mV na Minimum resistivity and pH per CTM 643, Chloride per CTM 422, Sulfate per CTM 417 Electrical conductivity in millisiemens/cm and chemical analyses were made on a 1:5 soil-to-water extract. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) of dry soil. Redox = oxidation-reduction potential in millivolts ND = not detected na = not analyzed Table 1 - Laboratory Tests on Soil Samples Ridgecrest Your #7726, HDR Lab #22-0716LAB 27-Jul-22 GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. 431 West Baseline Road ∙ Claremont, CA 91711 Phone: 909.962.5485 ∙ Fax: 909.626.3316 Page 2 of 2 Plate CH-1 6634 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, California 91406 Phone: (818) 785-2158 Fax: (818) 785-1548 MDN 23013A July 19, 2022 W.O. 7726 (Revised July 28, 2022) APPENDIX C INFILTRATION TESTING RESULTS Project Project No.7726 Date:6/15/2022 B-6 RM Drilled By: 15 SW 0.45 8 0 1 0 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Time Interval, (min.) Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Final Depth to Water (ft.) Change in Water Level (ft.) 1 3 10 12.5 2.5 2 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Δt, Time Interval (min.) Hi, Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Hf, Final Depth to Water (ft.) ΔHw, Change in Water Level (in.) Flow Rate (in^3/hr.) Wet Surface Area (in^2) Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 1 3 10 12.70 32.40 15777.08 1151.08 13.71 2 3 10 12.80 33.60 16361.41 1136.00 14.40 3 3 10 12.80 33.60 16361.41 1136.00 14.40 4 3 10 12.90 34.80 16945.75 1120.92 15.12 5 3 10 12.95 35.40 17237.92 1113.38 15.48 6 3 10 12.90 34.80 16945.75 1120.92 15.12 7 8 9 10 CALCULATION: 15.24 in/hr 1 15.24 in/hr *If the bottom of boring is capped by bentonite, the west surface area will not include the term: (π/4)(d)^2 **Reduction Factor is the sumation of Test-specefic, Site Variability and Long Term Reductions Plate P-1 USCS Soil Classification Test-specefic Reduction Site Variability Reduction Greater than or Equal to 6"? (y/n) Diameter,d (if round)=2 Long Term Reduction Test Hole Dimensions (inches):Pipe Diameter, dp= Tested By:2R DrillingTest Hole No. Percolation Test Data Sheet Percolation Rate= North Corner of Chase Rd Arian Lane, Fontana y Aggregate Correction, e (Void Ratio)Depth of Boring, H (ft): Wet Surface Area* = π*d*(H-(Hi+Hf)/2)+(π/4)(d)^2 Reduction Factor**=Average Infiltration Rate= Falling Head Flow Rate= (ΔHw*((π/4)(dp)^2+e*(π/4)(d^2-dp^2))/(Δt) Percolation Rate= Infiltration Rate/Reduction Factor Infiltration Rate=Falling Head Flow Rate/Wet Surface Area 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 In f i l t r a t i o n R a t e ( I n / h r ) Time (min) Infiltration Rate versus Time Project Project No.7726 Date:6/15/2022 B-7 RM Drilled By: 30 SW 0.45 8 0 1 0 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Time Interval, (min.) Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Final Depth to Water (ft.) Change in Water Level (ft.) 1 6 20 22.1 2.1 2 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Δt, Time Interval (min.) Hi, Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Hf, Final Depth to Water (ft.) ΔHw, Change in Water Level (in.) Flow Rate (in^3/hr.) Wet Surface Area (in^2) Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 1 10 20 23.50 42.00 6135.53 2538.41 2.42 2 10 20 23.40 40.80 5960.23 2553.49 2.33 3 10 20 23.40 40.80 5960.23 2553.49 2.33 4 10 20 23.39 40.68 5942.70 2554.99 2.33 5 10 20 23.34 40.08 5855.05 2562.53 2.28 6 10 20 23.31 39.72 5802.46 2567.06 2.26 7 8 9 10 CALCULATION: 2.29 in/hr 1 2.29 in/hr *If the bottom of boring is capped by bentonite, the west surface area will not include the term: (π/4)(d)^2 **Reduction Factor is the sumation of Test-specefic, Site Variability and Long Term Reductions Plate P-2 Percolation Test Data Sheet Percolation Rate= North Corner of Chase Rd Arian Lane, Fontana y Aggregate Correction, e (Void Ratio)Depth of Boring, H (ft): Wet Surface Area* = π*d*(H-(Hi+Hf)/2)+(π/4)(d)^2 Reduction Factor**=Average Infiltration Rate= Falling Head Flow Rate= (ΔHw*((π/4)(dp)^2+e*(π/4)(d^2-dp^2))/(Δt) Percolation Rate= Infiltration Rate/Reduction Factor Infiltration Rate=Falling Head Flow Rate/Wet Surface Area USCS Soil Classification Tested By:2R Drilling Test-specefic Reduction Site Variability Reduction Greater than or Equal to 6"? (y/n) Diameter,d (if round)=2 Long Term Reduction Test Hole Dimensions (inches):Pipe Diameter, dp= Test Hole No. 2.24 2.26 2.28 2.30 2.32 2.34 2.36 2.38 2.40 2.42 2.44 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 In f i l t r a t i o n R a t e ( I n / h r ) Time (min) Infiltration Rate versus Time Project Project No. 7726 Date: 6/15/2022 RM Drilled By: 40 SW 0.45 8 0 1 0 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Time Interval, (min.) Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Final Depth to Water (ft.) Change in Water Level (ft.) 1 11:00AM 11:05AM 5 30 33.5 3.5 2 11:05AM 11:10AM 5 30 33.3 3.3 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Δt, Time Interval (min.) Hi, Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Hf, Final Depth to Water (ft.) ΔHw, Change in Water Level (in.) Flow Rate (in^3/hr.) Wet Surface Area (in^2) Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 1 11:20AM 11:25AM 5 30 32.02 24.24 7082.16 2761.59 2.56 2 11:25AM 11:30AM 5 30 32.00 24.00 7012.03 2764.60 2.54 3 11:30AM 11:35AM 5 30 31.92 23.04 6731.55 2776.67 2.42 4 11:35AM 11:40AM 5 30 31.80 21.60 6310.83 2794.76 2.26 5 6 7 8 9 10 CALCULATION: 2.41 in/hr 1 2.41 in/hr *If the bottom of boring is capped by bentonite, the west surface area will not include the term: (π/4)(d)^2 **Reduction Factor is the sumation of Test-specefic, Site Variability and Long Term Reductions Plate P-3 Percolation Test Data Sheet Percolation Rate= North Corner of Chase Rd Arian Lane, Fontana y y Aggregate Correction, e (Void Ratio)Depth of Boring, H (ft): Wet Surface Area* = π*d*(H-(Hi+Hf)/2)+(π/4)(d)^2 Reduction Factor**=Average Infiltration Rate= Falling Head Flow Rate= (ΔHw*((π/4)(dp)^2+e*(π/4)(d^2-dp^2))/(Δt) Percolation Rate= Infiltration Rate/Reduction Factor Infiltration Rate=Falling Head Flow Rate/Wet Surface Area USCS Soil Classification Tested By: 2R Drilling Test-specefic Reduction Site Variability Reduction Greater than or Equal to 6"? (y/n) Diameter,d (if round)= 2 Long Term Reduction Test Hole Dimensions (inches): Pipe Diameter, dp= Test Hole No. 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 In f i l t r a t i o n R a t e ( I n / h r ) Time (min) Infiltration Rate versus Time B-8/P-1 Project Project No. 7726 Date: 6/15/2022 RM Drilled By: 50 SW 0.45 8 0 1 0 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Time Interval, (min.) Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Final Depth to Water (ft.) Change in Water Level (ft.) 1 11:50AM 11:55AM 5 40 47 7 2 11:55AM 12:00PM 5 40 46.9 6.9 Trial No. Start Time Stop Time Δt, Time Interval (min.) Hi, Initial Depth to Water (ft.) Hf, Final Depth to Water (ft.) ΔHw, Change in Water Level (in.) Flow Rate (in^3/hr.) Wet Surface Area (in^2) Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 1 12:15PM 12:20PM 5 40 46.55 78.60 22964.41 2078.48 11.05 2 12:20PM 12:25PM 5 40 46.48 77.76 22718.99 2089.03 10.88 3 12:25PM 12:30PM 5 40 46.40 76.80 22438.51 2101.10 10.68 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CALCULATION: 10.87 in/hr 1 10.87 in/hr *If the bottom of boring is capped by bentonite, the west surface area will not include the term: (π/4)(d)^2 **Reduction Factor is the sumation of Test-specefic, Site Variability and Long Term Reductions Plate P-4 Percolation Test Data Sheet Percolation Rate= North Corner of Chase Rd Arian Lane, Fontana Aggregate Correction, e (Void Ratio)Depth of Boring, H (ft): Wet Surface Area* = π*d*(H-(Hi+Hf)/2)+(π/4)(d)^2 Reduction Factor**=Average Infiltration Rate= Falling Head Flow Rate= (ΔHw*((π/4)(dp)^2+e*(π/4)(d^2-dp^2))/(Δt) Percolation Rate= Infiltration Rate/Reduction Factor Infiltration Rate=Falling Head Flow Rate/Wet Surface Area USCS Soil Classification Test-specefic Reduction Site Variability Reduction Greater than or Equal to 6"? (y/n) Diameter,d (if round)= Tested By: 2R Drilling y y Test Hole No. 2 Long Term Reduction Test Hole Dimensions (inches): Pipe Diameter, dp= 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 In f i l t r a t i o n R a t e ( I n / h r ) Time (min) Infiltration Rate versus Time B-9/P-2