HomeMy WebLinkAbout5 Historical and Archaeological Resources Survery Report
Assessor’s Parcel Number 0226-421-06
City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California
For Submittal to:
Planning Division
Department of Community Development
City of Fontana
8353 Sierra Avenue
Fontana, CA 92335
Prepared for:
W. Dean Brown
The Planning Consortium
29422 Modjeska Canyon Road
Silverado, CA 92676
Prepared by:
1016 East Cooley Drive, Suite A/B
Colton, CA 92324
Bai “Tom” Tang, Principal Investigator
Michael Hogan, Principal Investigator
October 18, 2017
CRM TECH Contract Number 3247
Title: Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report: Tentative Tract Map
Number 20079, Assessor’s Parcel Number 0226-421-06, City of Fontana,
San Bernardino County, California
Author(s): Bai “Tom” Tang, Principal Investigator/Historian
Ben Kerridge, Archaeologist/Report Writer
Daniel Ballester, Project Archaeologist/Filed Director
Consulting Firm: CRM TECH
1016 East Cooley Drive, Suite A/B
Colton, CA 92324
(909) 824-6400
Date: October 18, 2017
For Submittal to: Planning Division
Department of Community Development
City of Fontana
8353 Sierra Avenue
Fontana, CA 92335
(909) 350-7640
Prepared for: W. Dean Brown
The Planning Consortium
29422 Modjeska Canyon Road
Silverado, CA 92676
(714) 328-6313
USGS Quadrangle: Devore, Calif., 7.5’ quadrangle (Section 14, T1N R6W, San Bernardino
Baseline and Meridian)
Project Size: Approximately 9.5 acres
Keywords: San Bernardino Valley; Phase I historical/archaeological resources survey;
no “historical resources” under CEQA
Between August and October 2017, at the request of The Planning Consortium, CRM
TECH performed a cultural resources survey for a proposed residential development
project on the northwestern edge of the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County,
California. The project area, designated Tentative Tract Map Number 20079, consists
of what is currently Assessor’s Parcel Number 0226-421-06, an approximately 9.5-
acre parcel of undeveloped land located northwest of the intersection of Labrador
Avenue and Montreal Drive. It lies within the southwest quarter of Section 14, T1N
R6W, San Bernardino Baseline and Meridian.
The study is part of the environmental review process for the proposed project, which
entails the establishment of 21 residential lots, two streets, an equestrian trail, and
other associated utilities. The City of Fontana, as the lead agency for the project,
required the study in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). The purpose of the study is to provide the City with the necessary
information and analysis to determine whether the proposed project would cause
substantial adverse changes to any “historical resources,” as defined by CEQA, that
may exist in or near the project area.
In order to identify such resources, CRM TECH conducted a historical/archaeological
resources records search, pursued historical background research, and carried out a
systematic field survey of the project area. Through the various avenues of research,
this study did not encounter any “historical resources” within or adjacent to the
project area. However, due to the presence of dense vegetation growth and the
resulting poor ground visibility, portions of the project area could not be surveyed
adequately and will need to be inspected again once the vegetation is removed.
Based on these considerations, CRM TECH recommends that grubbing and/or other
vegetation removal work in the project area be monitored by a qualified
archaeologist. Meanwhile, the identification of potential “tribal cultural resources” is
partially beyond the scope of this study and remains to be addressed through Native
American consultation by the City of Fontana in accordance with Assembly Bill 52.
Furthermore, if any subsurface cultural deposits are encountered during future
grading, trenching, excavation, or other earth-moving operations associated with the
project, all work in that area should be halted or diverted until a qualified
archaeologist can evaluate the nature and significance of the finds.
MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. i
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1
SETTING .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Current Natural Setting ..................................................................................................................... 4
Cultural Setting ................................................................................................................................. 5
Prehistoric Context........................................................................................................................ 5
Ethnohistoric Context ................................................................................................................... 5
Historic Context ............................................................................................................................ 6
RESEARCH METHODS ..................................................................................................................... 7
Records Search.................................................................................................................................. 7
Historical Research ........................................................................................................................... 7
Field Survey ...................................................................................................................................... 8
RESULTS AND FINDINGS ................................................................................................................ 8
Records Search.................................................................................................................................. 8
Historical Research ........................................................................................................................... 8
Field Survey .................................................................................................................................... 11
DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................................... 11
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 12
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 13
APPENDIX 1: PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS .......................................................................... 16
Figure 1. Project vicinity...................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2. Project location ..................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3. Recent aerial photograph of the project area ........................................................................ 3
Figure 4. Current natural setting of the project area ............................................................................ 4
Figure 5. Previous cultural resources studies ....................................................................................... 9
Figure 6. The project area and vicinity in 1873-1875 ........................................................................ 10
Figure 7. The project area and vicinity in 1893-1894 ........................................................................ 10
Figure 8. The project area and vicinity in 1936 ................................................................................. 10
Figure 9. The project area and vicinity in 1952-1954 ........................................................................ 10
Between August and October 2017, at the request of The Planning Consortium, CRM TECH
performed a cultural resources survey for a proposed residential development project on the
northwestern edge of the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California (Figure 1). The
project area, designated Tentative Tract Map Number 20079, consists of what is currently Assessor’s
Parcel Number 0226-421-06, an approximately 9.5-acre parcel of undeveloped land located
northwest of the intersection of Labrador Avenue and Montreal Drive (Figures 2, 3). It lies within
the southwest quarter of Section 14, T1N R6W, San Bernardino Baseline and Meridian (Figure 2).
The study is part of the environmental review process for the proposed project, which entails the
establishment of 21 residential lots, two streets, an equestrian trail, and other associated utilities.
The City of Fontana, as the lead agency for the project, required the study in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA; PRC §21000, et seq.). The purpose of the study is to
provide the City with the necessary information and analysis to determine whether the proposed
project would cause substantial adverse changes to any “historical resources,” as defined by CEQA,
that may exist in or near the project area.
In order to identify such resources, CRM TECH conducted a historical/archaeological resources
records search, pursued historical background research, and carried out a systematic field survey of
the project area. The following report is a complete account of the methods, results, and final
conclusion of the study. Personnel who participated in the study are named in the appropriate
sections below, and their qualifications are provided in Appendix 1.
Figure 1. Project vicinity. (Based on USGS San Bernardino, Calif., 1:250,000 quadrangle [USGS 1969])
Figure 2. Project location. (Based on USGS Cucamonga Peak and Devore, Calif., 1:24,000 quadrangles [USGS 1988;
Figure 3. Recent aerial photograph of the project area. (Based on Google Earth imagery)
The City of Fontana is located in the central portion of the San Bernardino Valley, a broad inland
valley defined by the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountain Ranges on the north and a series
of low rocky hills on the south. The natural environment of the region is characterized by its
temperate Mediterranean climate, with seasonal average temperatures ranging between 35º and 90º
Fahrenheit. Rainfall is typically less than 20 inches annually, most of which occurs between
November and March.
The project area consists of an irregular-shaped parcel of vacant land bounded by a residential
neighborhood on the south and the east and by the San Sevaine Canyon Wash on the west, with
undeveloped open fields continuing to the north and the west (Figures 3, 4). The southern base of
the San Gabriel Mountains lies approximately a quarter-mile north of the project location.
Elevations in the project area range approximately from 1,775 to 1,860 feet above mean sea level. A
small portion of the property near the northeast corner has been disked in the past, but the area was
covered by dense vegetation growth at the time of the survey.
The vegetation along the eastern and southern boundaries of the property has been cleared to protect
the adjacent residential neighborhoods from brush fires. The terrain of the project area is rough,
with an incline toward the north. Two drainages cross the western portion of the project area, and a
large earthen levee runs near the center of the property in a roughly north-south direction. The soil
Figure 4. Current natural setting of the project area. (Photograph taken on September 1, 2017; view to the north)
appears to be made up of medium-brown coarse alluvial sands with rocks and large boulders. The
vegetation observed include sycamore trees, buckwheat, datura, white sage, sunflower, foxtails, wild
mustard, and other common grasses and shrubs (Figure 4).
Prehistoric Context
The earliest evidence of human occupation in inland southern California was discovered below the
surface of an alluvial fan in the northern portion of the Lakeview Mountains, overlooking the San
Jacinto Valley, with radiocarbon dates clustering around 9,500 B.P. (Horne and McDougall 2008).
Another site found near the shoreline of Lake Elsinore, close to the confluence of Temescal Wash
and the San Jacinto River, yielded radiocarbon dates between 8,000 and 9,000 B.P. (Grenda 1997).
Additional sites with isolated Archaic dart points, bifaces, and other associated lithic artifacts from
the same age range have been found in the Cajon Pass area, typically atop knolls with good
viewsheds (Basgall and True 1985; Goodman and McDonald 2001; Goodman 2002; Milburn et al.
The cultural prehistory of southern California has been summarized into numerous chronologies,
including those developed by Chartkoff and Chartkoff (1984), Warren (1984), and others.
Specifically, the prehistory of the inland region has been addressed by O’Connell et al. (1974),
McDonald et al. (1987), Keller and McCarthy (1989), Grenda (1993), Goldberg (2001), and Horne
and McDougall (2008). Although the beginning and ending dates of different cultural horizons vary
regionally, the general framework can be devided into three primary periods:
• Paleoindian Period (ca. 18,000-9,000 B.P.): Native peoples of this period created fluted
spearhead bases designed to be hafted to wooden shafts. The distinctive method of thinning
bifaces and spearhead preforms by removing long, linear flakes leaves diagnostic Paleoindian
markers at tool-making sites. Other artifacts associated with the Paleoindian toolkit include
choppers, cutting tools, retouched flakes, and perforators. Sites from this period are very sparse
across the landscape and most are deeply buried.
• Archaic Period (ca. 9,000-1,500 B.P.): Archaic sites are characterized by abundant lithic scatters
of considerable size with many biface thinning flakes, bifacial preforms broken during
manufacture, and well-made groundstone bowls and basin metates. As a consequence of making
dart points, many biface thinning waste flakes were generated at individual production stations,
which is a diagnostic feature of Archaic sites.
• Late Prehistoric Period (ca. 1,500 B.P.-contact): Sites from this period typically contain small
lithic scatters from the manufacture of small arrow points, expedient groundstone tools such as
tabular metates and unshaped manos, wooden mortars with stone pestles, acorn or mesquite bean
granaries, ceramic vessels, shell beads suggestive of extensive trading networks, and steatite
implements such as pipes and arrow shaft straighteners.
Ethnohistoric Context
The City of Fontana lies in an area where the traditional territories of the Serrano and the Gabrielino
peoples adjoined and overlapped with each other, at least during the Late Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Periods. The homeland of the Gabrielino, probably the most influential Native
American group in aboriginal southern California (Bean and Smith 1978a:538), was centered in the
Los Angeles Basin, and reached as far east as the San Bernardino-Riverside area. The homeland of
the Serrano was primarily the San Bernardino Mountains, including the slopes and lowlands on the
north and south flanks.
Whatever the linguistic affiliation, Native Americans in and around the Fontana area exhibited
similar social organization and resource procurement strategies. Villages were based on clan or
lineage groups. Their home/base sites are marked by midden deposits, often occurring with bedrock
mortars. During their seasonal rounds to exploit plant resources, small groups would migrate within
their traditional territory in search of specific plants and animals. Their gathering strategies often
left behind signs of special use sites, usually grinding slicks on bedrock boulders, at the locations of
the resources.
As early as 1542, the Gabrielino were in contact with the Spanish during the historic expedition of
Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, but it was not until 1769 that the Spaniards took steps to colonize
Gabrielino territory. Shortly afterwards, most of the Gabrielino people were incorporated into
Mission San Gabriel and other missions in southern California. The Serrano were brought into the
mission system after 1819, when an asistencia of Mission San Gabriel was established in present-
day Loma Linda. Due to introduced diseases, dietary deficiencies, and forceful reduction,
Gabrielino and Serrano population dwindled rapidly. By 1900, the Gabrielino had almost ceased to
exist as a culturally identifiable group (Bean and Smith 1978a:540). The Serrano, meanwhile, were
mostly settled on the San Manuel and the Morongo Indian Reservations (Bean and Smith
Historic Context
In 1772, three years after the beginning of Spanish colonization of Alta California, Pedro Fages,
comandante of the new province, and a small force of soldiers under his command became the first
Europeans to set foot in the San Bernardino Valley (Beck and Haase 1974:15). They were followed
in the next few years by two other famed early Spanish explorers, Juan Bautista de Anza and
Francisco Garcés, who traveled through the valley in the mid-1770s (ibid.). Despite these early
visits, for the next 40 years the inland valley received little impact from the Spanish colonization
activities in Alta California, which were concentrated predominantly in the coastal regions.
For the bulk of the Spanish-Mexican period, the San Bernardino Valley was considered a part of the
land holdings of Mission San Gabriel. The name “San Bernardino” was bestowed on the region at
least by 1819, when a mission asistencia and an associated rancho were officially established under
that name in the eastern end of the valley (Lerch and Haenszel 1981). After gaining independence
from Spain in 1821, the Mexican government began in 1834 the process of secularizing the mission
system in Alta California, which in practice meant the confiscation of the Franciscan missions’ vast
land holdings, to be distributed later among prominent citizens of the province. During the 1830s
and the 1840s, several large land grants were created in the vicinity of present-day Fontana, but the
project area was not involved in any of these, and thus remained public land when California became
a part of the United States in 1848.
Used primarily as cattle ranches, the ranchos around Fontana saw little development until the mid-
19th century, when a group of Mormon settlers from Salt Lake City founded the town of San
Bernardino in 1851. After the completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad in the mid-1870s, and
especially after the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway introduced a competing line in the
1880s, a phenomenal land boom swept through much of southern California, ushering in a number
of new settlements in the San Bernardino Valley. In 1887, the Semi-Tropic Land and Water
Company purchased a large tract of land near the mouth of Lytle Creek, together with the necessary
water rights to the creek, and laid out the townsites of Rialto, Bloomington, and Rosena (Schuiling
While Rialto and Bloomington were soon settled and began to grow, little development took place at
Rosena before the collapse of the 1880s land boom and the ensuing financial destruction of the
Semi-Tropic Land and Water Company (Schuiling 1984:90, 102). In 1905, Azariel Blanchard
“A.B.” Miller (1878-1941), widely considered the founder of present-day Fontana, arrived in Rosena
from the Imperial Valley and, along with his associates, soon established Fontana Farms on a tract of
land that eventually reached 20,000 acres (Anicic 2005:32-40). Within the first 10 years of the 20th
century, an irrigation system was constructed and much of the land was planted in grain and citrus
crops (Schuiling 1984:102). Miller’s Fontana Farms endeavors became synonymous to the location,
which lead to Rosena’s renaming as Fontana in 1913.
Up to Miller’s death in 1941, Fontana remained primarily an agricultural settlement where poultry,
hog, and rabbit raising played a particularly important role in the local economy (Schuiling
1984:102). During World War II, however, the establishment of the Kaiser Steel Mill dramatically
altered the agrarian setting of the Fontana area. With other industrial enterprises moving into the
area after Kaiser, Fontana became known as a center of heavy industry, a characterization that lasted
until recent years (ibid.:106). Since the closure of the Kaiser Steel Mill in 1983, and in response to
demand for affordable housing, Fontana, like many other cities in the San Bernardino Valley, has
increasingly taken on the characteristics of a “bedroom community.”
On August 22, 2017, CRM TECH archaeologist Nina Gallardo conducted the records search at the
South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC), which is the State of California’s official
cultural resource records repository for the County of San Bernardino. During the records search,
Gallardo examined maps and records on file at the SCCIC for a complete inventory of previously
identified historical/archaeological resources and existing cultural resources studies within a one-
mile radius of the project area. Previously identified cultural resources include properties designated
as California Historical Landmarks, Points of Historical Interest, or San Bernardino County
Landmarks, as well as those listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the California Register
of Historical Resources, or the California Historical Resources Inventory.
Historical background research for this study was conducted by CRM TECH archaeologist Ben
Kerridge and principal investigator/historian Bai “Tom” Tang. Sources consulted during the
research included primarily published literature in local and regional history, U.S. General Land
Office (GLO) land survey plat maps dated 1875, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps
dated 1901-1996, and aerial photographs taken in 1938-2016. The historic maps are collected at the
Science Library of the University of California, Riverside, and the California Desert District of the
U.S. Bureau of Land Management, located in Moreno Valley. The aerial photographs are available
at the NETR Online website and through the Google Earth software.
On September 1, 2017, CRM TECH archaeologist Daniel Ballester carried out a pedestrian field
survey of the project area. Where possible, Ballester walked a series of parallel transects spaced 15
meters (approximately 50 feet) apart. Due to the presence of dense vegetation, however, regular
transects were impracticable on portions of the property. In those areas, Ballester followed any
accessible route available and examined as much exposed ground surface as possible. Ground
visibility was generally poor (0-25 percent) because of the vegetation growth.
According to records on file at the SCCIC, the project area was included in several large-scale
cultural resource studies completed between 1984 and 1992 (Figure 5), but no cultural resources
were previously recorded within or adjacent to the project boundaries. Because all of these past
studies are now more than 20 years old, they are considered to be outdated for statutory compliance
purposes in connection to the current project.
Within a one-mile radius of the project location, SCCIC records show at least 16 other previous
studies on various tracts of land and linear features (Figure 5). Together, the previous studies in the
vicinity covered more than 90 percent of the land within the scope of the records search, and resulted
in the recordation of 27 historical/archaeological sites into the California Historical Resources
Inventory. All but one of these sites dated exclusively to the historic period. The lone exception,
Site 36-006816, consisted of a prehistoric—i.e., Native American—lithic scatter as well as a
historic-period wagon road, refuse scatter, a well, a levee, and a retaining wall. It was recorded in
1991 about 0.13 mile to the northwest of the project area.
The 26 historic-period sites included buildings, irrigation features, structural remains, rock
alignments, cairns, power transmission lines, and a limestone quarry. Four of these sites were
considered eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (36-006807, 36-006808, 36-
006812, and 36-006815). None of these sites, however, was found within or adjacent to the project
boundaries, and thus none of them requires further consideration during this study.
Historical sources consulted for this study demonstrate ample evidence of settlement activities in the
surrounding area as early as the 1870s but no indication of such activities within the project
boundaries throughout the historic period (Figures 6-9; NETR Online 1938-1966). In 1873-1875,
several settlers’ houses, roads, and agricultural fields were noted in the general vicinity of the project
Figure 5. Previous cultural resources studies in the vicinity of the project area, listed by SCCIC file number. Locations
of historical/archaeological sites are not shown as a protective measure.
Figure 6. The project area and vicinity in 1873-1875.
(Source: GLO 1875)
Figure 7. The project area and vicinity in 1893-1894.
(Source: USGS 1901; 1903)
Figure 8. The project area and vicinity in 1936. (Source:
USGS 1941)
Figure 9. The project area and vicinity in 1952-1954.
(Source: USGS 1954)
location (Figure 6). By 1938, however, no man-made features of any kind were known to be present
within or adjacent to the project area (NETR Online 1938). Between 1938 and 1955, portions of the
project area were impacted by flood-control work implemented along the San Sevaine Canyon Wash
to the west, including the forerunner of the earthen levee across the property today (NETR Online
1938-1966). The adjacent residential neighborhood to the south and the east was developed in the
1990s, but the project area itself has evidently remained vacant and undeveloped to the present time
(NETR Online 1994-2012; Google Earth 1994-2016).
No buildings, structures, objects, sites, features, or artifacts dating to the prehistoric or historic
period (i.e., 50 years or older) were encountered within or adjacent to the project boundaries during
the field survey. As mentioned above, portions of the project area have been disturbed by past
flood-control work, including the construction of the earthen levee across the center of the property
and a second levee along the western project boundary. Meanwhile, the areas along the eastern and
southern boundaries have been impacted by construction activities on the adjacent properties.
Evidence of past disking was observed in the northeastern portion of the project area, and some
grubbing has occurred along the southern and eastern property boundaries, but much of the ground
surface remained covered by dense vegetation growth and could not be inspected adequately.
The purpose of this study is to identify any cultural resources within the project area and to assist the
City of Fontana in determining whether such resources meet the official definition of “historical
resources,” as provided in the California Public Resources Code, in particular CEQA. According to
PRC §5020.1(j), “‘historical resource’ includes, but is not limited to, any object, building, site, area,
place, record, or manuscript which is historically or archaeologically significant, or is significant in
the architectural, engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, educational, social, political,
military, or cultural annals of California.”
More specifically, CEQA guidelines state that the term “historical resources” applies to any such
resources listed in or determined to be eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical
Resources, included in a local register of historical resources, or determined to be historically
significant by the lead agency (Title 14 CCR §15064.5(a)(1)-(3)). Regarding the proper criteria for
the evaluation of historical significance, CEQA guidelines mandate that “generally a resource shall
be considered by the lead agency to be ‘historically significant’ if the resource meets the criteria for
listing on the California Register of Historical Resources” (Title 14 CCR §15064.5(a)(3)). A
resource may be listed in the California Register if it meets any of the following criteria:
(1) Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of
California’s history and cultural heritage.
(2) Is associated with the lives of persons important in our past.
(3) Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or
represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values.
(4) Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. (PRC
As discussed above, no potential “historical resources” were previously recorded within or adjacent
to the project area, and none were encountered during the present survey. However, it should be
noted that ground visibility was poor at the time of the archaeological field survey because of the
dense vegetation growth, and portions of the project area could not be examined effectively. In
order to establish positively the presence or absence of surface archaeological remains, especially
those of prehistoric origin, the project area will need to be inspected again once the vegetation is
removed, as discussed further below.
CEQA establishes that a project that may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a
“historical resource” or a “tribal cultural resource” is a project that may have a significant effect on
the environment (PRC §21084.1-2). “Substantial adverse change,” according to PRC §5020.1(q),
“means demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration such that the significance of a historical
resource would be impaired.”
In summary of the research results presented above, no “historical resources,” as defined by CEQA,
were encountered throughout the course of the study, but portions of the project area could not be
surveyed adequately due to poor ground visibility. Furthermore, the identification of potential
“tribal cultural resources,” as defined by PRC §21074, is partially beyond the scope of this study and
remains to be addressed through the Native American consultation process that the City of Fontana
will be conducting pursuant to Assembly Bill 52. Based on these considerations, CRM TECH
presents the following recommendations to the City of Fontana:
• No “historical resources” are known to exist within or adjacent to the project area, and thus the
proposed project will not cause a substantial adverse change to any known “historical resources.”
• The presence or absence of “tribal cultural resources” in or near the project area remains to be
determined by the City of Fontana in consultation with the State of California Native American
Heritage Commission and the local Native American groups,
• Archaeological monitoring should be required during grubbing and/or other vegetation removal
work in the project area. The monitoring program should consist of, at a minimum, the
• Ground surface exposed through vegetation removal should be inspected systematically
by a qualified archaeologist. Whenever cultural materials more than 50 years old are
discovered, they need to be field-recorded and evaluated. The monitor should be
prepared to quickly recover any artifacts as they are unearthed to avoid construction
delays. If a substantial cultural deposit is encountered, however, the monitor must have
the power to temporarily halt or divert construction activities in that area to allow for
controlled removal.
• On-site monitoring should be coordinated with interested Native American groups, who
may wish to participate.
• If human remains or possible human remains are encountered, construction activities in
the immediate vicinity should be halted temporarily, and the San Bernardino County
Sheriff-Coroner Department should be notified immediately pursuant to state law.
• Collected artifacts should be cleaned, identified, catalogued, analyzed, and prepared for
curation at an appropriate repository with permanent retrievable storage that would
allow for additional research in the future.
• Site record forms that incorporate the artifacts encountered during monitoring should be
prepared and submitted to the SCCIC as a permanent record of the discovery.
• A report that documents the methods and results of the monitoring program, including
an itemized inventory of recovered artifacts and a detailed artifact analysis, should be
prepared upon completion of the fieldwork. The report should include an interpretation
of the cultural activities represented by the archaeological remains and a discussion of
the significance of all recovered cultural material.
• It is anticipated that no other cultural resources investigation will be necessary on this
property, but the final determination on the necessity will depend on field observations
during the monitoring program.
• If any subsurface cultural deposits are encountered during future grading, trenching, excavation,
or other earth-moving operations associated with the project, all work in that area should be
halted or diverted until a qualified archaeologist can evaluate the nature and significance of the
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1993 Archaeological Treatment Plan for CA-RIV-2798/H, Lake Elsinore, Riverside County,
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in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. On file, South Central Coastal
Information Center, California State University, Fullerton.
McDonald, Meg, Philip J. Wilke, and Andrea Kauss
1987 McCue: An Elko Site in Riverside County. Journal of California and Great Basin
Anthropology 9(1):46-73.
Milburn, Doug, U.K. Doan, and John D. Goodman II
2008 Archaeological Investigation at Baldy Mesa-Cajon Divide for the Baldy Mesa Off-
Highway-Vehicle Recreation Trails Project, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino
County, California. San Bernardino National Forest Technical Report 05-12-53-091. San
NETR Online
1938-2012 Aerial photographs of the project vicinity, taken in 1938, 1959, 1966, 1980, 1994,
2002, 2005, 2009, 2010, and 2012. http://www.historicaerials.com.
O’Connell, James F., Philip J. Wilke, Thomas F. King, and Carol L. Mix (eds.)
1974 Perris Reservoir Archaeology: Late Prehistoric Demographic Change in Southeastern
California. On file, Eastern Information Center, University of California, Riverside.
Schuiling, Walter C.
1984 San Bernardino County: Land of Contrasts. Windsor Publications, Woodland Hills,
USGS (United States Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior)
1901 Map: San Bernardino, Calif. (15’, 1:62,500); surveyed in 1893-1894.
1903 Map: Cucamonga, Calif. (30’, 1:62,500); surveyed in 1894.
1941 Map: Devore, Calif. (1:31,680); surveyed in 1936.
1954 Map: Devore, Calif. (7.5’, 1:24,000); aerial photographs taken in 1952, field-checked in
1969 Map: San Bernardino, Calif. (1:250,000); 1958 edition revised.
1988 Map: Devore, Calif. (7.5’, 1:24,000); 1966 edition photorevised in 1985.
1996 Map: Cucamonga Peak, Calif. (7.5’, 1:24,000); 1988 edition revised in 1996.
Warren, Claude N.
1984 The Desert Region. In Michael J. Moratto (ed.): California Archaeology; pp. 339-430.
Academic Press, Orlando, Florida.
Bai “Tom” Tang, M.A.
1988-1993 Graduate Program in Public History/Historic Preservation, UC Riverside.
1987 M.A., American History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
1982 B.A., History, Northwestern University, Xi’an, China.
2000 “Introduction to Section 106 Review,” presented by the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation and the University of Nevada, Reno.
1994 “Assessing the Significance of Historic Archaeological Sites,” presented by the
Historic Preservation Program, University of Nevada, Reno.
Professional Experience
2002- Principal Investigator, CRM TECH, Riverside/Colton, California.
1993-2002 Project Historian/Architectural Historian, CRM TECH, Riverside, California.
1993-1997 Project Historian, Greenwood and Associates, Pacific Palisades, California.
1991-1993 Project Historian, Archaeological Research Unit, UC Riverside.
1990 Intern Researcher, California State Office of Historic Preservation, Sacramento.
1990-1992 Teaching Assistant, History of Modern World, UC Riverside.
1988-1993 Research Assistant, American Social History, UC Riverside.
1985-1988 Research Assistant, Modern Chinese History, Yale University.
1985-1986 Teaching Assistant, Modern Chinese History, Yale University.
1982-1985 Lecturer, History, Xi’an Foreign Languages Institute, Xi’an, China.
Cultural Resources Management Reports
Preliminary Analyses and Recommendations Regarding California’s Cultural Resources Inventory
System (with Special Reference to Condition 14 of NPS 1990 Program Review Report). California
State Office of Historic Preservation working paper, Sacramento, September 1990.
Numerous cultural resources management reports with the Archaeological Research Unit,
Greenwood and Associates, and CRM TECH, since October 1991.
Michael Hogan, Ph.D., RPA*
1991 Ph.D., Anthropology, University of California, Riverside.
1981 B.S., Anthropology, University of California, Riverside; with honors.
1980-1981 Education Abroad Program, Lima, Peru.
2002 Section 106—National Historic Preservation Act: Federal Law at the Local Level.
UCLA Extension Course #888.
2002 “Recognizing Historic Artifacts,” workshop presented by Richard Norwood,
Historical Archaeologist.
2002 “Wending Your Way through the Regulatory Maze,” symposium presented by the
Association of Environmental Professionals.
1992 “Southern California Ceramics Workshop,” presented by Jerry Schaefer.
1992 “Historic Artifact Workshop,” presented by Anne Duffield-Stoll.
Professional Experience
2002- Principal Investigator, CRM TECH, Riverside/Colton, California.
1999-2002 Project Archaeologist/Field Director, CRM TECH, Riverside.
1996-1998 Project Director and Ethnographer, Statistical Research, Inc., Redlands.
1992-1998 Assistant Research Anthropologist, University of California, Riverside
1992-1995 Project Director, Archaeological Research Unit, U. C. Riverside.
1993-1994 Adjunct Professor, Riverside Community College, Mt. San Jacinto College, U.C.
Riverside, Chapman University, and San Bernardino Valley College.
1991-1992 Crew Chief, Archaeological Research Unit, U. C. Riverside.
1984-1998 Archaeological Technician, Field Director, and Project Director for various southern
California cultural resources management firms.
Research Interests
Cultural Resource Management, Southern Californian Archaeology, Settlement and Exchange
Patterns, Specialization and Stratification, Culture Change, Native American Culture, Cultural
Cultural Resources Management Reports
Author and co-author of, contributor to, and principal investigator for numerous cultural resources
management study reports since 1986.
* Register of Professional Archaeologists; Society for American Archaeology; Society for California
Archaeology; Pacific Coast Archaeological Society; Coachella Valley Archaeological Society.
Ben Kerridge, M.A.
2014 Archaeological Field School, Institute for Field Research, Kephallenia, Greece.
2010 M.A., Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton.
2009 Project Management Training, Project Management Institute/CH2M HILL.
2004 B.A., Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton.
Professional Experience
2015- Project Archaeologist/Report Writer, CRM TECH, Colton, California.
2015 Teaching Assistant, Institute for Field Research, Kephallenia, Greece.
2009-2014 Publications Delivery Manager, CH2M HILL, Santa Ana, California.
2010- Naturalist, Newport Bay Conservancy, Newport Beach, California.
2006-2009 Technical Publishing Specialist, CH2M HILL, Santa Ana, California.
Papers Presented
• Geomorphological Survey of Tracts T126–T151 to Support Archaeological Shoreline Research
Project. Institute for Field Research, Kephallenia, Greece, 2014.
• The Uncanny Valley of the Shadow of Modernity: A Re-examination of Anthropological
Approaches to Christianity. Graduate Thesis, California State University, Fullerton, 2010.
• Ethnographic Endeavors into the World of Counterstrike. 74th Annual Conference of the
Southwestern Anthropological Association, 2003.
Cultural Resources Management Reports
Co-author and contributor to numerous cultural resources management reports since 2013.
Society for California Archaeology; Pacific Coast Archaeological Society.
Daniel Ballester, M.S.
2013 M.S., Geographic Information System (GIS), University of Redlands, California.
1998 B.A., Anthropology, California State University, San Bernardino.
1997 Archaeological Field School, University of Las Vegas and University of California,
1994 University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
2007 Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), California State University,
San Bernardino.
2002 “Historic Archaeology Workshop,” presented by Richard Norwood, Base
Archaeologist, Edwards Air Force Base; presented at CRM TECH, Riverside,
Professional Experience
2002- Field Director/GIS Specialist, CRM TECH, Riverside/Colton, California.
2011-2012 GIS Specialist for Caltrans District 8 Project, Garcia and Associates, San Anselmo,
2009-2010 Field Crew Chief, Garcia and Associates, San Anselmo, California.
2009-2010 Field Crew, ECorp, Redlands.
1999-2002 Project Archaeologist, CRM TECH, Riverside, California.
1998-1999 Field Crew, K.E.A. Environmental, San Diego, California.
1998 Field Crew, A.S.M. Affiliates, Encinitas, California.
1998 Field Crew, Archaeological Research Unit, University of California, Riverside.
Nina Gallardo, B.A.
2004 B.A., Anthropology/Law and Society, University of California, Riverside.
Professional Experience
2004- Project Archaeologist, CRM TECH, Riverside/Colton, California.
• Surveys, excavations, construction monitoring, field recordation, mapping,
records searches, and Native American liaison.
Honors and Awards
2000-2002 Dean’s Honors List, University of California, Riverside.