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2 Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis
Focused Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis for Tract 20079, City of Fontana Report #17-059 October 20, 2017 Prepared For: The Planning Consortium 29422 Modjeska Canyon Road Silverado, CA. 92676-9786 Prepared By: Fred Greve, P.E. Greve & Associates, LLC 2915 Calle Frontera San Clemente, CA 92673 fred@greveandassociates.com 949•466•2967 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Existing Air Quality ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Description ............................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Potential Construction Impacts .................................................................................... 1 2.1 Thresholds of Significance ................................................................................................ 1 2.1.1 Regional Air Quality .............................................................................................. 1 2.1.2 Localized Significance Thresholds ...................................................................... 3 2.2 Construction Impacts ........................................................................................................ 4 2.2.1 Regional Emissions ................................................................................................ 4 2.2.2 Local Air Quality Impacts Due to Construction .................................................. 5 2.2.3 Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions During Construction ................................ 6 2.3 Operational Impacts .......................................................................................................... 6 2.3.1 Regional Operational Impacts ............................................................................. 6 2.3.2 Local Air Quality Impacts Due to Operation ...................................................... 7 3.0 Greenhouse Gas Emissions .......................................................................................... 9 3.1 Significance Threshold ...................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Project Emissions ............................................................................................................... 9 4.0 Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Construction Impacts ...................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Operational Impacts ........................................................................................................ 11 4.3 Climate Change Impacts ................................................................................................ 11 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 SCAQMD Regional Pollutant Emission Thresholds of Significance ............................ 1 Table 2 Localized Significance Thresholds at the Nearest Receptors ...................................... 4 Table 3 Peak Construction Emissions ........................................................................................... 5 Table 4 On-Site Emissions By Construction Activity .................................................................... 5 Table 5 Project Emissions (pounds per day) ................................................................................ 7 Table 6 Comparison of Project Emissions with SCAB Emissions .............................................. 7 Table 7 On-Site Emissions By Operations .................................................................................... 8 Table 8 Construction GHG Emissions (Metric Tons Per Year) .................................................. 10 Table 9 Annual Project Emissions (Metric Tons) ........................................................................ 10 Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 1 1.0 EXISTING AIR QUALITY 1.1 Project Description The proposed project consists of 21 single family homes on 9.5 gross acres (Exhibit 1). The project site is approximately 1,220 feet north of the existing terminus of Moncton Way and 813 feet west of the northerly extension of Moncton Way and 130 feet east of the northerly extension of Moncton Way, which also known as phase four of the Hunter’s Ridge Specific Plan. Existing residential areas are nearby on the south and east sides of the project. This report focuses only on the potential air quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of this project. Greenhouse gas emissions due to construction and operation are also assessed. 2.0 POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS 2.1 Thresholds of Significance 2.1.1 Regional Air Quality In their "1993 CEQA Air Quality Handbook”, the SCAQMD has established significance thresholds to assess the impact of project related air pollutant emissions. Table 1 presents these significance thresholds. There are separate thresholds for short-term construction and long-term operational emissions. A project with daily emission rates below these thresholds are considered to have a less than significant effect on air quality. It should be noted the thresholds recommended by the SCAQMD are very low and subject to controversy. It is up to the individual lead agencies to determine if the SCAQMD thresholds are appropriate for their projects. Table 1 SCAQMD Regional Pollutant Emission Thresholds of Significance Pollutant Emissions (lbs./day) CO ROG NOx PM10 PM2.5 SOx Construction 550 75 100 150 55 150 Operation 550 55 55 150 55 150 Exhibit 1 -Site Plan Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 3 2.1.2 Localized Significance Thresholds As part of the SCAQMD’s environmental justice program, attention was focused on localized effects of air quality. In accordance with Governing Board direction, SCAQMD staff developed localized significance threshold (LST) methodology and mass rate look-up tables by Source Receptor Area (SRA) that can be used to determine whether or not a project may generate significant adverse localized air quality impacts. LSTs represent the maximum emissions from a project that will not cause or contribute to an exceedance of the most stringent applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard, and are developed based on the ambient concentrations of that pollutant for each source receptor area. The LST methodology is described in “Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology” updated in 2009 by the SCAQMD and is available at the SCAQMD website (http://aqmd.gov/ceqa/handbook/LST/LST.html). The LST mass rate look-up tables provided by the SCAQMD allow one to determine if the daily emissions for proposed construction or operational activities could result in significant localized air quality impacts. If the calculated on-site emissions for the proposed construction or operational activities are below the LST emission levels found on the LST mass rate look-up tables and no potentially significant impacts are found to be associated with other environmental issues, then the proposed construction or operation activity is not significant for local air quality. The LST mass rate look-up tables are applicable to the following pollutants only: oxides of nitrogen (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter (PM10), and particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5). LSTs are derived based on the location of the activity (i.e., the source/receptor area); the emission rates of NOX, CO, PM2.5 and PM10; and the distance to the nearest exposed individual. The LST methodology presents mass emission rates for each SRA, project sizes of 1, 2, and 5 acres, and nearest receptor distances of 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 meters. For project sizes between the values given, or with receptors at distances between the given receptors, the methodology uses linear interpolation to determine the thresholds. If receptors are within 25 meters of the site, the methodology document says that the threshold for the 25 meter distance should be used. The project is located in Source Receptor Area (SRA) 34. The nearest existing sensitive land use are the residences south and east of the project site, and are directly adjacent to likely construction areas. Table 2 summarizes the LSTs for construction and operation. A project with daily emission rates below the thresholds during construction and operation is considered to have a less than significant effect on local air quality. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 4 Table 2 Localized Significance Thresholds at the Nearest Receptors Localized Significance Threshold (lbs./day) Description NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Construction Activities 270 1,746 14 8 Operation 270 1,746 4 2 2.2 Construction Impacts Temporary impacts can result from project construction activities. Air pollutants are emitted by construction equipment and fugitive dust is generated during grading and construction. Emissions during the phases of construction were calculated using the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod version 2016.3.1). CalEEMod is a computer program developed by the SCAQMD in conjunction with the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The model calculates emissions for construction and operation of various projects. For on-road vehicular emissions, the CalEEMod model utilizes the EMFAC2014 emission rates that have also been developed by CARB. 2.2.1 Regional Emissions CalEEMod considers the following phases in its calculation of construction emissions; demolition, site preparation, grading, building construction, paving, and painting. The appropriate number of acres, duration of each construction phase, and other key elements of the project were input into the CalEEMod to generate the estimate of emissions. It was assumed that the overlap between construction phases would be minimal. No mitigation is assumed for this analysis. CalEEMod printouts are included in the Appendix. Table 3 presents the results of the total emissions calculations for the construction activities discussed above. The highest construction emissions are presented below and represent a worst-case scenario. No mitigation is included in the emissions presented below. The projected emissions are compared to the Significance Thresholds described in Section 2.1.2. The CalEEMod printouts are included in the Appendix. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 5 Table 3 Peak Construction Emissions Pollutant Emissions (Pounds Per Day) Activity ROG NOx CO SOx PM10 PM2.5 Demolition 3.8 38.4 23.0 0.0 2.1 1.9 Site Preparation 4.7 48.3 23.3 0.0 20.8 12.4 Grading 2.9 30.7 17.3 0.0 8.3 4.8 Building Construction 2.7 23.7 18.0 0.0 1.6 1.4 Paving 1.5 15.3 15.3 0.0 1.0 0.8 Architectural Coating 12.1 1.8 1.9 0.0 0.2 0.1 Maximum Daily Emissions 12.1 48.3 23.3 0.0 20.8 12.4 SCAQMD Threshold 75 100 550 150 150 55 Exceed Threshold? No No No No No No The projected construction emissions are all well below the significance thresholds established by the SCAQMD. Therefore, there will be no regional air quality impacts due to construction. 2.2.2 Local Air Quality Impacts Due to Construction The on-site construction emissions were calculated utilizing CalEEMod. The emissions presented in Table 4 are those that would be emitted from activity for the project site. The total construction emissions are compared to the Localized Significance Thresholds (LSTs) described in Section 2.1.2. Worksheets showing the emission calculations are presented in the appendix. Table 4 On-Site Emissions By Construction Activity Daily Emissions (lbs./day) Activity NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Peak Daily Total - No Watering 48.2 22.5 20.6 12.3 Peak Daily Total - With Watering 48.2 22.5 9.6 6.2 LST Thresholds 270 1,746 14 8 Exceed Threshold - No Mit? No No Yes Yes Exceed Threshold-With Mit? No No No No Without watering the emissions will exceed the LST significance thresholds for PM10 and PM2.5 during site preparation and grading activities. Watering the site three times per day reduces the dust emissions (i.e., PM2.5 and PM10) substantially. With watering the Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 6 particulate emissions are reduced to a level where the LST significance thresholds will not be exceeded. A mitigation measure is proposed in Section 4.1 that brings the emissions below the thresholds. Therefore, the nearby residences will not be adversely affected during construction. Local air quality impacts during construction will be less than significant with the proposed mitigation measure. 2.2.3 Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions During Construction In 1998, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) identified particulate matter from diesel- fueled engines (Diesel Particulate Matter or DPM) as a Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC). It is assumed that the majority of the heavy construction equipment utilized during construction would be diesel fueled and emit DPM. Impacts from toxic substances are related to cumulative exposure and are assessed over a 70-year period. Cancer risk is expressed as the maximum number of new cases of cancer projected to occur in a population of one million people due to exposure to the cancer- causing substance over a 70-year lifetime (California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Guide to Health Risk Assessment.) Grading for the project, when the peak diesel exhaust emissions would occur, is expected to take less than 3 months with all construction expected to be completed in less than 2 years. Because of the relatively short duration of construction compared to a 70-year lifespan, diesel emissions resulting from the construction of the project, including truck traffic associated with the project, are not expected to result in a significant impact. 2.3 Operational Impacts 2.3.1 Regional Operational Impacts Air pollutant emissions due to the project were calculated using the CalEEMod program. The program calculated operational emissions for the proposed project. The primary source of emissions generated by the proposed project will be from motor vehicles. Natural gas combustion and re-current painting of the facilities will also contribute to the emissions. CalEEMod calculates maximum daily emissions for the summertime and wintertime periods. The results presented below are from the summer or winter emissions, whichever are the higher emissions. Output files from the CalEEMod program are presented in the appendix. Table 5 presents the results of the CalEEMod model showing the maximum daily air pollutant emissions projected for buildout year. The specific data utilized in calculating the emissions are provided in the appendix. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 7 Table 5 Project Emissions (pounds per day) ROG NOx CO SOx PM10 PM2.5 Total Project Emissions 1.3 2.7 7.3 0.0 1.6 0.5 SCQAMD Thresholds 55 55 550 150 150 55 Exceed Thresholds No No No No No No Table 5 shows that the total project emissions are below the SCAQMD thresholds for all criterion pollutants. Therefore, the project will not result in a significant regional air impact and mitigation is not necessary to reduce operational emissions. Table 6 compares the net change in emissions due to the project to the projected basinwide emissions from the 2016 AQMP. This comparison shows that the project would result in a net increase in emissions that is insignificant in comparison to basinwide emissions. Table 6 Comparison of Project Emissions with SCAB Emissions Pollutant Emissions (tons/day) ROG NOx CO SOx PM10 PM2.5 Project Emissions 0.0007 0.0014 0.0036 0.0000 0.0008 0.0002 2031 South Coast Air Basin* 345 214 1,188 18 N/A 65 Project as Percentage of Basin 0.0002% 0.0006% 0.0003% 0.00006% N/A 0.0004% * Source: Table 3-4E Final 2016 AQMP 2.3.2 Local Air Quality Impacts Due to Operation The on-site operational emissions were calculated utilizing CalEEMod. The emissions presented in Table 7 are those that would be emitted from activity by the project site. The total on-site operational emissions are compared to the Localized Significance Thresholds (LSTs) described in Section 2.1.2. Worksheets showing the emission calculations are presented in the appendix. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 8 Table 7 On-Site Emissions By Operations Daily Emissions (lbs./day) Activity NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 On-Site Emissions 2.7 7.3 1.6 0.5 LST Thresholds 270 1,746 4 2 Exceed Threshold? No No No No None of the emissions will exceed the LST significance thresholds. Therefore, the nearby residences will not be adversely affected during operations. Local air quality impacts during operation will be less than significant, and mitigation measures are not needed. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 9 3.0 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 3.1 Significance Threshold The Significance Threshold that will be used for this project is based on SCAQMD’s suggested tiered approach, which is consistent with CARB’s recommendations. The project is not specifically exempted in SB97 and there are no GHG reduction plans that are consistent with the AB32 GHG reduction goals that with a certified final CEQA document that are applicable to the proposed project. Therefore, the project is not compliant with Tiers 1 or 2. The significance of the project will be determined based on compliance with the Tier 3 and 4 requirements. The project will be considered to have a significant impact if total annual GHG emissions exceed 3,000 MT CO2EQ. If the 3,000 threshold is exceeded then the annual emissions per service population (the number of residents for residential projects and persons employed for commercial projects) should not exceed 4.6 MT CO2EQ/yr./person, or a significant impact will be determined. Note that the methodology recommends that total construction emissions be amortized over a 30-year period or the project’s expected lifetime if it is less than 30 years. 3.2 Project Emissions Temporary impacts will result from construction activities. The primary source of GHG emissions generated by construction activities is from the use of diesel-powered construction equipment. Typical emission rates for construction equipment were obtained from CalEEMod (California Emissions Estimator Model). CalEEMod is a computer program that can be used to estimate emissions including operation (vehicle and area) sources, as well as construction projects associated with land development projects in California. Using CalEEMod, the emissions from construction for the proposed project were calculated and are presented in Table 8. These emissions represent the total level of emissions based on the construction schedule. According to the SCAQMD’s CEQA Handbook (Greenhouse Gas CEQA Significance Threshold Stakeholder Working Group #5, August 27, 2008), construction emissions are amortized over the life of the project, defined by SCAQMD as 30 years, and are added to the annual operation emissions. Thus, the project’s annualized construction emissions will be added to the operation emissions and compared to the applicable GHG significance threshold. Worksheets showing the specific data used to calculate the construction emissions are presented in the appendix. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 10 Table 8 Construction GHG Emissions (Metric Tons Per Year) CO2 CH4 N2O CO2EQ Total Construction Emissions (Metric Tons) 397.1 0.1 0.0 399.5 Averaged Over 30 Years (Metric Tons Per Year) 13.2 0.0 0.0 13.3 MTCO2EQ = metric tons equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2). The California Emissions Model (CalEEMod) developed by the SCAQMD in conjunction with the ARB was used to estimate the operational GHG emissions. The results are presented in Table 9. A complete breakdown of the emissions is provided in the Appendix. Table 9 Annual Project Emissions (Metric Tons) CO2 CH4 N2O CO2EQ Annual Operational Emissions 422.2 0.4 0.0 432.0 Annualized Construction Emissions 13.2 0.0 0.0 13.3 Total Annual Emissions 435.5 0.4 0.0 445.3 Table 9 shows that the GHG emissions for the project will be about 445 MTCO2EQ per year. This is lower than the SCAQMD Tier 3 screening threshold of 3,000 MTCO2EQ per year. The project emissions are below the SCAQMD threshold of 3,000 MTCO2EQ per year, and therefore, no significant climate change impacts are anticipated. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 11 4.0 MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1 Construction Impacts During site preparation and grading activities, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions were projected to be above local significance threshold. A mitigation measure is provided below that bring the emissions to below the thresholds. AQ-1: Water site three times per day during site preparation phase. During grading and site preparation, the work area needs to be watered three times per day. This mitigation measure will bring the short-term emissions to a level of insignificance. 4.2 Operational Impacts No air impacts will occur during operation, and therefore, mitigation measures are not needed. 4.3 Climate Change Impacts Emissions of greenhouse gas are below established thresholds, and therefore, mitigation measures are not needed. Tract 20079 Greve & Associates, LLC Page 12 APPENDIX CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.1 Page 1 of 1 Date: 10/16/2017 3:19 PM Fontana TTM 20079 - South Coast AQMD Air District, Winter Fontana TTM 20079 South Coast AQMD Air District, Winter 1.0 Project Characteristics 1.1 Land Usage Land Uses Size Metric Lot Acreage Floor Surface Area Population Single Family Housing 21.00 Dwelling Unit 9.50 37,800.00 60 1.2 Other Project Characteristics Urbanization Urban Wind Speed (m/s)2.2 Precipitation Freq (Days)31 Climate Zone 10 Operational Year 2020 Utility Company Southern California Edison CO2 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 702.44 CH4 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 0.029 N2O Intensity (lb/MWhr) 0.006 1.3 User Entered Comments & Non-Default Data Project Characteristics - Land Use - Actual tract acreage Woodstoves - All units have gas fireplace Construction Off-road Equipment Mitigation - Table Name Column Name Default Value New Value tblConstDustMitigation WaterUnpavedRoadVehicleSpeed 40 0 tblFireplaces FireplaceWoodMass 1,019.20 0.00 tblFireplaces NumberGas 17.85 21.00 tblFireplaces NumberNoFireplace 2.10 0.00 tblFireplaces NumberWood 1.05 0.00 tblLandUse LotAcreage 6.82 9.50 tblProjectCharacteristics OperationalYear 2018 2020 tblWoodstoves NumberCatalytic 1.05 0.00 1.05 0.00 tblWoodstoves WoodstoveWoodMass 999.60 0.00 NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 tblWoodstoves NumberNoncatalytic Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 2.0 Emissions Summary 2.1 Overall Construction (Maximum Daily Emission) Unmitigated Construction ROG NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Year lb/day lb/day Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total 2018 4.6682 48.2749 23.2937 0.0405 18.2675 2.5785 20.8460 9.9840 2.3722 12.3563 0.0000 4,042.8684 4,042.8684 1.1999 0.0000 4,069.6822 2019 12.1033 21.3377 17.5497 0.0283 0.1677 1.2921 1.3943 0.0445 1.2148 1.2422 0.0000 2,733.6159 2,733.6159 0.7193 0.0000 2,749.5664 Maximum 12.1033 48.2749 23.2937 0.0405 1.1999 0.0000 4,069.682218.2675 2.5785 20.8460 9.9840 2.3722 12.3563 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 4,042.8684 4,042.8684 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Year lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 2018 4.6682 48.2749 23.2937 0.0405 7.2470 2.5785 9.8256 3.9263 2.3722 6.2986 0.0000 4,042.8684 4,042.8684 1.1999 0.0000 4,069.6822 2019 12.1033 21.3377 17.5497 0.0283 0.1677 1.2921 1.3943 0.0445 1.2148 1.2422 0.0000 2,733.6159 2,733.6159 0.7193 0.0000 2,749.5664 Maximum 12.1033 48.2749 23.2937 0.0405 7.2470 2.5785 9.8256 3.9263 2.3722 6.2986 0.0000 4,042.8684 4,042.8684 1.1999 0.0000 4,069.6822 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0059.78 0.00 49.55 60.40 0.00 44.55 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.00 0.00 0.00 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 2.2 Overall Operational Unmitigated Operational ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Area 0.9069 0.3685 1.8865 2.3200e-003 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0000 447.8255 447.8255 0.0116 8.1500e- 003 450.5442 Energy 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e-003 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 251.2988 251.2988 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.7921 Mobile 0.4020 2.1811 5.3163 0.0184 1.5121 0.0191 1.5312 0.4046 0.0179 0.4225 1,868.5327 1,868.5327 0.0973 1,870.9650 Total 1.3320 2.7464 7.2866 0.0220 0.1137 0.0128 2,574.30131.5121 0.0727 1.5848 0.4046 0.0715 0.4761 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 2,567.6569 2,567.6569 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Operational ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2ePM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Category lb/day lb/day Area 0.9069 0.3685 1.8865 2.3200e-003 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0000 447.8255 447.8255 0.0116 8.1500e- 003 450.5442 Energy 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e-003 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 251.2988 251.2988 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.7921 Mobile 0.4020 2.1811 5.3163 0.0184 1.5121 0.0191 1.5312 0.4046 0.0179 0.4225 1,868.5327 1,868.5327 0.0973 1,870.9650 Total 1.3320 2.7464 7.2866 0.0220 1.5121 0.0727 1.5848 0.4046 0.0715 0.4761 0.0000 2,567.6569 2,567.6569 0.1137 0.0128 2,574.3013 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.0 Construction Detail Construction Phase Phase Number Phase Name Phase Type Start Date End Date Num Days Week Num Days Phase Description 1 Architectural Coating Architectural Coating 2/23/2019 3/22/2019 5 20 2 Building Construction Building Construction 3/10/2018 1/25/2019 5 230 3 Demolition Demolition 1/1/2018 1/26/2018 5 20 4 Grading Grading 2/10/2018 3/9/2018 5 20 5 Paving Paving 1/26/2019 2/22/2019 5 20 6 Site Preparation Site Preparation 1/27/2018 2/9/2018 5 10 Acres of Grading (Site Preparation Phase): 0 Acres of Grading (Grading Phase): 10 Acres of Paving: 0 Residential Indoor: 76,545; Residential Outdoor: 25,515; Non-Residential Indoor: 0; Non-Residential Outdoor: 0; Striped Parking Area: 0 (Architectural OffRoad Equipment Phase Name Offroad Equipment Type Amount Usage Hours Horse Power Load Factor Architectural Coating Air Compressors 1 6.00 78 0.48 Demolition Excavators 3 8.00 158 0.38 Demolition Concrete/Industrial Saws 1 8.00 81 0.73 Grading Excavators 1 8.00 158 0.38 Building Construction Cranes 1 7.00 231 0.29 Building Construction Forklifts 3 8.00 89 0.20 Building Construction Generator Sets 1 8.00 84 0.74 Paving Pavers 2 8.00 130 0.42 Paving Rollers 2 8.00 80 0.38 Demolition Rubber Tired Dozers 2 8.00 247 0.40 Grading Rubber Tired Dozers 1 8.00 247 0.40 Building Construction Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 7.00 97 0.37 Grading Graders 1 8.00 187 0.41 Grading Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 8.00 97 0.37 Paving Paving Equipment 2 8.00 132 0.36 Site Preparation Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 4 8.00 97 0.37 Site Preparation Rubber Tired Dozers 3 8.00 247 0.40 Building Construction Welders 1 8.00 46 0.45 Trips and VMT Phase Name Offroad Equipment Count Worker Trip Number Vendor Trip Number Hauling Trip Number Worker Trip Length Vendor Trip Length Hauling Trip Length Worker Vehicle Class Vendor Vehicle Class Hauling Vehicle Class Architectural Coating 1 2.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Building Construction 9 8.00 2.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Demolition 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Grading 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Paving 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Site Preparation 7 18.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT 3.1 Mitigation Measures Construction Water Exposed Area Clean Paved Roads 3.2 Architectural Coating - 2019 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Archit. Coating 11.8262 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.2664 1.8354 1.8413 2.9700e-003 0.1288 0.1288 0.1288 0.1288 281.4481 281.4481 0.0238 282.0423 Total 12.0926 1.8354 1.8413 2.9700e-003 0.0238 282.04230.1288 0.1288 0.1288 0.1288 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 281.4481 281.4481 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0107 7.4700e-003 0.0811 2.2000e-004 0.0224 1.7000e- 004 0.0225 5.9300e- 003 1.6000e- 004 6.0900e-003 22.0931 22.0931 6.9000e- 004 22.1104 Total 0.0107 7.4700e-003 0.0811 2.2000e-004 6.9000e- 004 22.11040.0224 1.7000e- 004 0.0225 5.9300e- 003 1.6000e- 004 6.0900e-003 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 22.0931 22.0931 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Archit. Coating 11.8262 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.2664 1.8354 1.8413 2.9700e-003 0.1288 0.1288 0.1288 0.1288 0.0000 281.4481 281.4481 0.0238 282.0423 Total 12.0926 1.8354 1.8413 2.9700e-003 0.0238 282.04230.1288 0.1288 0.1288 0.1288 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 281.4481 281.4481 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0107 7.4700e-003 0.0811 2.2000e-004 0.0224 1.7000e- 004 0.0225 5.9300e- 003 1.6000e- 004 6.0900e-003 22.0931 22.0931 6.9000e- 004 22.1104 Total 0.0107 7.4700e-003 0.0811 2.2000e-004 6.9000e- 004 22.11040.0224 1.7000e- 004 0.0225 5.9300e- 003 1.6000e- 004 6.0900e-003 22.0931 22.0931 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.3 Building Construction - 2018 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 2.6795 23.3900 17.5804 0.0269 1.4999 1.4999 1.4099 1.4099 2,620.9351 2,620.9351 0.6421 2,636.9883 Total 2.6795 23.3900 17.5804 0.0269 0.6421 2,636.98831.4999 1.4999 1.4099 1.4099 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 2,620.9351 2,620.9351 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 8.8800e-003 0.2428 0.0670 5.1000e-004 0.0128 1.8000e- 003 0.0146 3.6900e- 003 1.7200e- 003 5.4100e-003 54.1513 54.1513 4.0700e- 003 54.2532 Worker 0.0469 0.0339 0.3633 9.2000e-004 0.0894 7.1000e- 004 0.0901 0.0237 6.6000e- 004 0.0244 91.2543 91.2543 3.1100e- 003 91.3322 Total 0.0558 0.2766 0.4303 1.4300e-003 7.1800e- 003 145.58540.1022 2.5100e- 003 0.1047 0.0274 2.3800e- 003 0.0298 145.4056 145.4056 Mitigated Construction On-Site SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2ROGNOxCO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 2.6795 23.3900 17.5804 0.0269 1.4999 1.4999 1.4099 1.4099 0.0000 2,620.9351 2,620.9351 0.6421 2,636.9883 Total 2.6795 23.3900 17.5804 0.0269 0.6421 2,636.98831.4999 1.4999 1.4099 1.4099 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 2,620.9351 2,620.9351 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 8.8800e-003 0.2428 0.0670 5.1000e-004 0.0128 1.8000e- 003 0.0146 3.6900e- 003 1.7200e- 003 5.4100e-003 54.1513 54.1513 4.0700e- 003 54.2532 Worker 0.0469 0.0339 0.3633 9.2000e-004 0.0894 7.1000e- 004 0.0901 0.0237 6.6000e- 004 0.0244 91.2543 91.2543 3.1100e- 003 91.3322 Total 0.0558 0.2766 0.4303 1.4300e-003 7.1800e- 003 145.58540.1022 2.5100e- 003 0.1047 0.0274 2.3800e- 003 0.0298 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 145.4056 145.4056 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.3 Building Construction - 2019 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2ePM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 2.3612 21.0788 17.1638 0.0269 1.2899 1.2899 1.2127 1.2127 2,591.5802 2,591.5802 0.6313 2,607.3635 Total 2.3612 21.0788 17.1638 0.0269 0.6313 2,607.36351.2899 1.2899 1.2127 1.2127 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 2,591.5802 2,591.5802 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 8.0500e-003 0.2290 0.0616 5.0000e-004 0.0128 1.5400e- 003 0.0143 3.6900e- 003 1.4700e- 003 5.1600e-003 53.6633 53.6633 3.9300e- 003 53.7615 Worker 0.0427 0.0299 0.3243 8.9000e-004 0.0894 7.0000e- 004 0.0901 0.0237 6.4000e- 004 0.0244 88.3725 88.3725 2.7600e- 003 88.4415 Total 0.0507 0.2589 0.3859 1.3900e-003 6.6900e- 003 142.20290.1022 2.2400e- 003 0.1045 0.0274 2.1100e- 003 0.0295 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 142.0357 142.0357 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 2.3612 21.0788 17.1638 0.0269 1.2899 1.2899 1.2127 1.2127 0.0000 2,591.5802 2,591.5802 0.6313 2,607.3635 Total 2.3612 21.0788 17.1638 0.0269 0.6313 2,607.36351.2899 1.2899 1.2127 1.2127 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 2,591.5802 2,591.5802 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 8.0500e-003 0.2290 0.0616 5.0000e-004 0.0128 1.5400e- 003 0.0143 3.6900e- 003 1.4700e- 003 5.1600e-003 53.6633 53.6633 3.9300e- 003 53.7615 Worker 0.0427 0.0299 0.3243 8.9000e-004 0.0894 7.0000e- 004 0.0901 0.0237 6.4000e- 004 0.0244 88.3725 88.3725 2.7600e- 003 88.4415 Total 0.0507 0.2589 0.3859 1.3900e-003 6.6900e- 003 142.20290.1022 2.2400e- 003 0.1045 0.0274 2.1100e- 003 0.0295 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 142.0357 142.0357 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.4 Demolition - 2018 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 3.7190 38.3225 22.3040 0.0388 1.9386 1.9386 1.8048 1.8048 3,871.7665 3,871.7665 1.0667 3,898.4344 Total 3.7190 38.3225 22.3040 0.0388 1.0667 3,898.43441.9386 1.9386 1.8048 1.8048 3,871.7665 3,871.7665 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 0.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 171.1019 171.1019 5.8400e- 003 171.2479 Total 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 5.8400e- 003 171.24790.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 171.1019 171.1019 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 3.7190 38.3225 22.3040 0.0388 1.9386 1.9386 1.8048 1.8048 0.0000 3,871.7665 3,871.7665 1.0667 3,898.4344 Total 3.7190 38.3225 22.3040 0.0388 1.0667 3,898.43441.9386 1.9386 1.8048 1.8048 0.0000 3,871.7665 3,871.7665 Mitigated Construction Off-Site SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2ROGNOxCO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 0.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 171.1019 171.1019 5.8400e- 003 171.2479 Total 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 5.8400e- 003 171.24790.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 171.1019 171.1019 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.5 Grading - 2018 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 6.5523 0.0000 6.5523 3.3675 0.0000 3.3675 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 2.7733 30.6725 16.5770 0.0297 1.5513 1.5513 1.4272 1.4272 2,988.0216 2,988.0216 0.9302 3,011.2769 Total 2.7733 30.6725 16.5770 0.0297 0.9302 3,011.27696.5523 1.5513 8.1037 3.3675 1.4272 4.7947 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 2,988.0216 2,988.0216 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2ePM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 0.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 171.1019 171.1019 5.8400e- 003 171.2479 Total 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 5.8400e- 003 171.24790.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 171.1019 171.1019 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 2.5554 0.0000 2.5554 1.3133 0.0000 1.3133 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 2.7733 30.6725 16.5770 0.0297 1.5513 1.5513 1.4272 1.4272 0.0000 2,988.0216 2,988.0216 0.9302 3,011.2769 Total 2.7733 30.6725 16.5770 0.0297 0.9302 3,011.27692.5554 1.5513 4.1067 1.3133 1.4272 2.7405 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 2,988.0216 2,988.0216 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 0.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 171.1019 171.1019 5.8400e- 003 171.2479 Total 0.0879 0.0635 0.6811 1.7200e-003 5.8400e- 003 171.24790.1677 1.3400e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2300e- 003 0.0457 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 171.1019 171.1019 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.6 Paving - 2019 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 1.4544 15.2441 14.6648 0.0228 0.8246 0.8246 0.7586 0.7586 2,257.0025 2,257.0025 0.7141 2,274.8548 Paving 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 1.4544 15.2441 14.6648 0.0228 0.7141 2,274.85480.8246 0.8246 0.7586 0.7586 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 2,257.0025 2,257.0025 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0800 0.0560 0.6081 1.6600e-003 0.1677 1.3000e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2000e- 003 0.0457 165.6984 165.6984 5.1800e- 003 165.8278 Total 0.0800 0.0560 0.6081 1.6600e-003 5.1800e- 003 165.82780.1677 1.3000e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2000e- 003 0.0457 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 165.6984 165.6984 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 1.4544 15.2441 14.6648 0.0228 0.8246 0.8246 0.7586 0.7586 0.0000 2,257.0025 2,257.0025 0.7141 2,274.8548 Paving 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 1.4544 15.2441 14.6648 0.0228 0.7141 2,274.85480.8246 0.8246 0.7586 0.7586 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 2,257.0025 2,257.0025 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0800 0.0560 0.6081 1.6600e-003 0.1677 1.3000e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2000e- 003 0.0457 165.6984 165.6984 5.1800e- 003 165.8278 Total 0.0800 0.0560 0.6081 1.6600e-003 5.1800e- 003 165.82780.1677 1.3000e- 003 0.1690 0.0445 1.2000e- 003 0.0457 165.6984 165.6984 3.7 Site Preparation - 2018 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 18.0663 0.0000 18.0663 9.9307 0.0000 9.9307 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 4.5627 48.1988 22.4763 0.0380 2.5769 2.5769 2.3708 2.3708 3,831.6239 3,831.6239 1.1928 3,861.4448 Total 4.5627 48.1988 22.4763 0.0380 1.1928 3,861.444818.0663 2.5769 20.6432 9.9307 2.3708 12.3014 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 3,831.6239 3,831.6239 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.1055 0.0762 0.8174 2.0600e-003 0.2012 1.6000e- 003 0.2028 0.0534 1.4800e- 003 0.0548 205.3223 205.3223 7.0100e- 003 205.4974 Total 0.1055 0.0762 0.8174 2.0600e-003 7.0100e- 003 205.49740.2012 1.6000e- 003 0.2028 0.0534 1.4800e- 003 0.0548 205.3223 205.3223 Mitigated Construction On-Site SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2ROGNOxCO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 7.0458 0.0000 7.0458 3.8730 0.0000 3.8730 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 4.5627 48.1988 22.4763 0.0380 2.5769 2.5769 2.3708 2.3708 0.0000 3,831.6239 3,831.6239 1.1928 3,861.4448 Total 4.5627 48.1988 22.4763 0.0380 1.1928 3,861.44487.0458 2.5769 9.6228 3.8730 2.3708 6.2437 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 3,831.6239 3,831.6239 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.1055 0.0762 0.8174 2.0600e-003 0.2012 1.6000e- 003 0.2028 0.0534 1.4800e- 003 0.0548 205.3223 205.3223 7.0100e- 003 205.4974 Total 0.1055 0.0762 0.8174 2.0600e-003 7.0100e- 003 205.49740.2012 1.6000e- 003 0.2028 0.0534 1.4800e- 003 0.0548 205.3223 205.3223 4.0 Operational Detail - Mobile 4.1 Mitigation Measures Mobile CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2ROGNOx NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Mitigated 0.4020 2.1811 5.3163 0.0184 1.5121 0.0191 1.5312 0.4046 0.0179 0.4225 1,868.5327 1,868.5327 0.0973 1,870.9650 Unmitigated 0.4020 2.1811 5.3163 0.0184 1.5121 0.0191 1.5312 0.4046 0.0179 0.4225 1,868.5327 1,868.5327 0.0973 1,870.9650 4.2 Trip Summary Information Average Daily Trip Rate Unmitigated Mitigated Land Use Weekday Saturday Sunday Annual VMT Annual VMT Single Family Housing 199.92 208.11 181.02 677,929 677,929 Total 199.92 208.11 181.02 677,929 677,929 4.3 Trip Type Information Miles Trip %Trip Purpose % Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Single Family Housing 14.70 5.90 8.70 40.20 19.20 40.60 86 11 3 4.4 Fleet Mix HHD OBUS UBUS MCYLand Use LDA LDT1 LDT2 MDV LHD1 0.122290 0.016774 0.005862 0.020637 LHD2 MHD 0.001944 0.004777 0.000705 0.000956 SBUS MH 0.032653 0.002037Single Family Housing 0.547828 0.043645 0.199892 5.0 Energy Detail Historical Energy Use: N NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 5.1 Mitigation Measures Energy ROG NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total NaturalGas Mitigated 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e-003 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 251.2988 251.2988 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.7921 NaturalGas Unmitigated 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e-003 251.2988 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.79210.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 251.2988 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas Unmitigated NaturalGas Use ROG NOx Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Single Family Housing 2136.04 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e- 003 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 251.2988 251.2988 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.7921 Total 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e- 003 251.2988 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.79210.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 251.2988 Mitigated CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2NaturalGas Use ROG NOx Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Single Family Housing 2.13604 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e- 003 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 251.2988 251.2988 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.7921 Total 0.0230 0.1969 0.0838 1.2600e- 003 4.8200e- 003 4.6100e- 003 252.79210.0159 0.0159 0.0159 0.0159 CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 251.2988 251.2988 Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 6.0 Area Detail 6.1 Mitigation Measures Area ROG NOx NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Mitigated 0.9069 0.3685 1.8865 2.3200e-003 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0000 447.8255 447.8255 0.0116 8.1500e- 003 450.5442 Unmitigated 0.9069 0.3685 1.8865 2.3200e-003 0.0116 8.1500e- 003 450.54420.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0000 447.8255 447.8255 6.2 Area by SubCategory Unmitigated SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2ROGNOxCO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Architectural Coating 0.0648 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 0.7484 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 0.0408 0.3484 0.1482 2.2200e-003 0.0282 0.0282 0.0282 0.0282 0.0000 444.7059 444.7059 8.5200e- 003 8.1500e- 003 447.3486 Landscaping 0.0529 0.0201 1.7383 9.0000e-005 9.5600e- 003 9.5600e- 003 9.5600e- 003 9.5600e-003 3.1196 3.1196 3.0400e- 003 3.1957 Total 0.9069 0.3685 1.8865 2.3100e-003 0.0116 8.1500e- 003 450.54420.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 447.8255 447.8255 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory lb/day lb/day PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Architectural Coating 0.0648 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 0.7484 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 0.0408 0.3484 0.1482 2.2200e-003 0.0282 0.0282 0.0282 0.0282 0.0000 444.7059 444.7059 8.5200e- 003 8.1500e- 003 447.3486 Landscaping 0.0529 0.0201 1.7383 9.0000e-005 9.5600e- 003 9.5600e- 003 9.5600e- 003 9.5600e-003 3.1196 3.1196 3.0400e- 003 3.1957 Total 0.9069 0.3685 1.8865 2.3100e-003 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0377 0.0000 447.8255 447.8255 0.0116 8.1500e- 003 450.5442 7.0 Water Detail 7.1 Mitigation Measures Water 8.0 Waste Detail 8.1 Mitigation Measures Waste 9.0 Operational Offroad Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Days/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type 10.0 Stationary Equipment Heat Input/Year Boiler Rating Fuel Type Fire Pumps and Emergency Generators Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Hours/Year Horse Power User Defined Equipment Equipment Type Number 11.0 Vegetation Load Factor Fuel Type Boilers Equipment Type Number Heat Input/Day CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.1 Page 1 of 1 Date: 10/16/2017 3:22 PM Fontana TTM 20079 - South Coast AQMD Air District, Annual Fontana TTM 20079 South Coast AQMD Air District, Annual 1.0 Project Characteristics 1.1 Land Usage Land Uses Size Metric Lot Acreage Floor Surface Area Population Single Family Housing 21.00 Dwelling Unit 9.50 37,800.00 60 1.2 Other Project Characteristics Urbanization Urban Wind Speed (m/s)2.2 Precipitation Freq (Days)31 Climate Zone 10 Operational Year 2020 Utility Company Southern California Edison CO2 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 702.44 CH4 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 0.029 N2O Intensity (lb/MWhr) 0.006 1.3 User Entered Comments & Non-Default Data Project Characteristics - Land Use - Actual tract acreage Woodstoves - All units have gas fireplace Construction Off-road Equipment Mitigation - Table Name Column Name Default Value New Value tblConstDustMitigation WaterUnpavedRoadVehicleSpeed 40 0 tblFireplaces FireplaceWoodMass 1,019.20 0.00 tblFireplaces NumberGas 17.85 21.00 tblFireplaces NumberNoFireplace 2.10 0.00 tblFireplaces NumberWood 1.05 0.00 tblLandUse LotAcreage 6.82 9.50 tblProjectCharacteristics OperationalYear 2018 2020 tblWoodstoves NumberCatalytic 1.05 0.00 1.05 0.00 tblWoodstoves WoodstoveWoodMass 999.60 0.00 NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 tblWoodstoves NumberNoncatalytic Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 2.0 Emissions Summary 2.1 Overall Construction Unmitigated Construction ROG NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Year tons/yr MT/yr Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total 2018 0.3779 3.4301 2.4202 3.9100e-003 0.1707 0.2063 0.3770 0.0873 0.1932 0.2805 0.0000 348.7137 348.7137 0.0858 0.0000 350.8587 2019 0.1592 0.3742 0.3389 5.5000e-004 2.8200e- 003 0.0218 0.0246 7.5000e- 004 0.0204 0.0212 0.0000 48.3412 48.3412 0.0123 0.0000 48.6473 Maximum 0.3779 3.4301 2.4202 3.9100e-003 0.0858 0.0000 350.85870.1707 0.2063 0.3770 0.0873 0.1932 0.2805 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 348.7137 348.7137 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2ePM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Year tons/yr MT/yr 2018 0.3779 3.4300 2.4202 3.9100e-003 0.0757 0.2063 0.2820 0.0365 0.1932 0.2297 0.0000 348.7133 348.7133 0.0858 0.0000 350.8583 2019 0.1592 0.3742 0.3389 5.5000e-004 2.8200e- 003 0.0218 0.0246 7.5000e- 004 0.0204 0.0212 0.0000 48.3411 48.3411 0.0123 0.0000 48.6473 Maximum 0.3779 3.4300 2.4202 3.9100e-003 0.0757 0.2063 0.2820 0.0365 0.1932 0.2297 0.0000 348.7133 348.7133 0.0858 0.0000 350.8583 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0054.78 0.00 23.67 57.72 0.00 16.85 1.1999 1.1999 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.8672 0.8672 Quarter Start Date End Date Maximum Unmitigated ROG + NOX (tons/quarter)Maximum Mitigated ROG + NOX (tons/quarter) 1 1-1-2018 3-31-2018 0.5199 0.5199 2 4-1-2018 6-30-2018 0.8578 0.8578 3 7-1-2018 9-30-2018 1.1999 2.2 Overall Operational 4 10-1-2018 12-31-2018 0.8675 0.8675 5 1-1-2019 3-31-2019 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Highest 1.1999 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 Unmitigated Operational ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 Area 0.1555 6.8700e-003 0.2191 4.0000e-005 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e-003 0.0000 5.3966 5.3966 4.4000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.4352 Energy 4.2000e-003 0.0359 0.0153 2.3000e-004 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e-003 0.0000 104.2805 104.2805 3.3800e- 003 1.3000e- 003 104.7520 Mobile 0.0683 0.3853 0.9373 3.2400e-003 0.2576 3.2900e- 003 0.2609 0.0690 3.0900e- 003 0.0721 0.0000 298.3951 298.3951 0.0152 0.0000 298.7759 Waste 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.9936 0.0000 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 Water 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.4341 8.7299 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e- 003 10.6236 Total 0.2280 0.4281 1.1717 3.5100e-003 0.3591 2.5200e- 003 431.95800.2576 7.7400e- 003 0.2653 0.0690 7.5400e- 003 0.0766 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 5.4277 416.8022 422.2299 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Operational ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Area 0.1555 6.8700e-003 0.2191 4.0000e-005 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e-003 0.0000 5.3966 5.3966 4.4000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.4352 Energy 4.2000e-003 0.0359 0.0153 2.3000e-004 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e-003 0.0000 104.2805 104.2805 3.3800e- 003 1.3000e- 003 104.7520 Mobile 0.0683 0.3853 0.9373 3.2400e-003 0.2576 3.2900e- 003 0.2609 0.0690 3.0900e- 003 0.0721 0.0000 298.3951 298.3951 0.0152 0.0000 298.7759 Waste 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.9936 0.0000 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 Water 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.4341 8.7299 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e- 003 10.6236 Total 0.2280 0.4281 1.1717 3.5100e-003 0.2576 7.7400e- 003 0.2653 0.0690 7.5400e- 003 0.0766 5.4277 416.8022 422.2299 0.3591 2.5200e- 003 431.9580 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.0 Construction Detail Construction Phase Phase Number Phase Name Phase Type Start Date End Date Num Days Week Num Days Phase Description 1 Architectural Coating Architectural Coating 2/23/2019 3/22/2019 5 20 2 Building Construction Building Construction 3/10/2018 1/25/2019 5 230 3 Demolition Demolition 1/1/2018 1/26/2018 5 20 4 Grading Grading 2/10/2018 3/9/2018 5 20 5 Paving Paving 1/26/2019 2/22/2019 5 20 6 Site Preparation Site Preparation 1/27/2018 2/9/2018 5 10 Acres of Grading (Site Preparation Phase): 0 Acres of Grading (Grading Phase): 10 Acres of Paving: 0 Residential Indoor: 76,545; Residential Outdoor: 25,515; Non-Residential Indoor: 0; Non-Residential Outdoor: 0; Striped Parking Area: 0 OffRoad Equipment Phase Name Offroad Equipment Type Amount Usage Hours Horse Power Load Factor Architectural Coating Air Compressors 1 6.00 78 0.48 Demolition Excavators 3 8.00 158 0.38 Demolition Concrete/Industrial Saws 1 8.00 81 0.73 Grading Excavators 1 8.00 158 0.38 Building Construction Cranes 1 7.00 231 0.29 Building Construction Forklifts 3 8.00 89 0.20 Building Construction Generator Sets 1 8.00 84 0.74 Paving Pavers 2 8.00 130 0.42 Paving Rollers 2 8.00 80 0.38 Demolition Rubber Tired Dozers 2 8.00 247 0.40 Grading Rubber Tired Dozers 1 8.00 247 0.40 Building Construction Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 7.00 97 0.37 Grading Graders 1 8.00 187 0.41 Grading Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 8.00 97 0.37 Paving Paving Equipment 2 8.00 132 0.36 Site Preparation Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 4 8.00 97 0.37 Site Preparation Rubber Tired Dozers 3 8.00 247 0.40 Building Construction Welders 1 8.00 46 0.45 Trips and VMT Phase Name Offroad Equipment Count Worker Trip Number Vendor Trip Number Hauling Trip Number Worker Trip Length Vendor Trip Length Hauling Trip Length Worker Vehicle Class Vendor Vehicle Class Hauling Vehicle Class Architectural Coating 1 2.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Building Construction 9 8.00 2.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Demolition 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Grading 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Paving 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Site Preparation 7 18.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 20.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT 3.1 Mitigation Measures Construction Water Exposed Area Clean Paved Roads 3.2 Architectural Coating - 2019 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr Archit. Coating 0.1183 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 2.6600e-003 0.0184 0.0184 3.0000e-005 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e-003 0.0000 2.5533 2.5533 2.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.5587 Total 0.1209 0.0184 0.0184 3.0000e-005 2.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.55871.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e-003 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 2.5533 2.5533 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 1.0000e-004 8.0000e-005 8.3000e- 004 0.0000 2.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.2000e- 004 6.0000e- 005 0.0000 6.0000e-005 0.0000 0.2039 0.2039 1.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.2040 Total 1.0000e-004 8.0000e-005 8.3000e- 004 0.0000 1.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.20402.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.2000e- 004 6.0000e- 005 0.0000 6.0000e-005 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 0.2039 0.2039 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Archit. Coating 0.1183 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 2.6600e-003 0.0184 0.0184 3.0000e-005 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e-003 0.0000 2.5533 2.5533 2.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.5586 Total 0.1209 0.0184 0.0184 3.0000e-005 2.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.55861.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e- 003 1.2900e-003 0.0000 2.5533 2.5533 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 1.0000e-004 8.0000e-005 8.3000e- 004 0.0000 2.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.2000e- 004 6.0000e- 005 0.0000 6.0000e-005 0.0000 0.2039 0.2039 1.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.2040 Total 1.0000e-004 8.0000e-005 8.3000e- 004 0.0000 1.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.20402.2000e- 004 0.0000 2.2000e- 004 6.0000e- 005 0.0000 6.0000e-005 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 0.2039 0.2039 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.3 Building Construction - 2018 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.2827 2.4677 1.8547 2.8400e-003 0.1582 0.1582 0.1488 0.1488 0.0000 250.8444 250.8444 0.0615 0.0000 252.3809 Total 0.2827 2.4677 1.8547 2.8400e-003 0.0615 0.0000 252.38090.1582 0.1582 0.1488 0.1488 0.0000 250.8444 250.8444 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2ROGNOxCO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 9.1000e-004 0.0261 6.7200e- 003 5.0000e-005 1.3300e- 003 1.9000e- 004 1.5200e- 003 3.8000e- 004 1.8000e- 004 5.6000e-004 0.0000 5.2704 5.2704 3.8000e- 004 0.0000 5.2798 Worker 4.4900e-003 3.6700e-003 0.0394 1.0000e-004 9.2600e- 003 8.0000e- 005 9.3300e- 003 2.4600e- 003 7.0000e- 005 2.5300e-003 0.0000 8.8831 8.8831 3.0000e- 004 0.0000 8.8907 Total 5.4000e-003 0.0298 0.0461 1.5000e-004 6.8000e- 004 0.0000 14.17050.0106 2.7000e- 004 0.0109 2.8400e- 003 2.5000e- 004 3.0900e-003 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 14.1536 14.1536 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.2827 2.4676 1.8547 2.8400e-003 0.1582 0.1582 0.1488 0.1488 0.0000 250.8441 250.8441 0.0615 0.0000 252.3806 Total 0.2827 2.4676 1.8547 2.8400e-003 0.0615 0.0000 252.38060.1582 0.1582 0.1488 0.1488 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 250.8441 250.8441 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2ePM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 9.1000e-004 0.0261 6.7200e- 003 5.0000e-005 1.3300e- 003 1.9000e- 004 1.5200e- 003 3.8000e- 004 1.8000e- 004 5.6000e-004 0.0000 5.2704 5.2704 3.8000e- 004 0.0000 5.2798 Worker 4.4900e-003 3.6700e-003 0.0394 1.0000e-004 9.2600e- 003 8.0000e- 005 9.3300e- 003 2.4600e- 003 7.0000e- 005 2.5300e-003 0.0000 8.8831 8.8831 3.0000e- 004 0.0000 8.8907 Total 5.4000e-003 0.0298 0.0461 1.5000e-004 6.8000e- 004 0.0000 14.17050.0106 2.7000e- 004 0.0109 2.8400e- 003 2.5000e- 004 3.0900e-003 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 14.1536 14.1536 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.3 Building Construction - 2019 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.0224 0.2003 0.1631 2.6000e-004 0.0123 0.0123 0.0115 0.0115 0.0000 22.3349 22.3349 5.4400e- 003 0.0000 22.4709 Total 0.0224 0.2003 0.1631 2.6000e-004 5.4400e- 003 0.0000 22.47090.0123 0.0123 0.0115 0.0115 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 22.3349 22.3349 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 7.0000e-005 2.2200e-003 5.6000e- 004 0.0000 1.2000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 1.3000e- 004 3.0000e- 005 1.0000e- 005 5.0000e-005 0.0000 0.4704 0.4704 3.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.4712 Worker 3.7000e-004 2.9000e-004 3.1700e- 003 1.0000e-005 8.3000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 8.4000e- 004 2.2000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 2.3000e-004 0.0000 0.7747 0.7747 2.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.7753 Total 4.4000e-004 2.5100e-003 3.7300e- 003 1.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.24659.5000e- 004 2.0000e- 005 9.7000e- 004 2.5000e- 004 2.0000e- 005 2.8000e-004 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 1.2450 1.2450 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.0224 0.2003 0.1631 2.6000e-004 0.0123 0.0123 0.0115 0.0115 0.0000 22.3349 22.3349 5.4400e- 003 0.0000 22.4709 Total 0.0224 0.2003 0.1631 2.6000e-004 5.4400e- 003 0.0000 22.47090.0123 0.0123 0.0115 0.0115 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 22.3349 22.3349 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 7.0000e-005 2.2200e-003 5.6000e- 004 0.0000 1.2000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 1.3000e- 004 3.0000e- 005 1.0000e- 005 5.0000e-005 0.0000 0.4704 0.4704 3.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.4712 Worker 3.7000e-004 2.9000e-004 3.1700e- 003 1.0000e-005 8.3000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 8.4000e- 004 2.2000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 2.3000e-004 0.0000 0.7747 0.7747 2.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.7753 Total 4.4000e-004 2.5100e-003 3.7300e- 003 1.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.24659.5000e- 004 2.0000e- 005 9.7000e- 004 2.5000e- 004 2.0000e- 005 2.8000e-004 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 1.2450 1.2450 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.4 Demolition - 2018 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.0372 0.3832 0.2230 3.9000e-004 0.0194 0.0194 0.0181 0.0181 0.0000 35.1241 35.1241 9.6800e- 003 0.0000 35.3660 Total 0.0372 0.3832 0.2230 3.9000e-004 9.6800e- 003 0.0000 35.36600.0194 0.0194 0.0181 0.0181 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 35.1241 35.1241 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 1.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.5801 Total 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.58011.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.0372 0.3832 0.2230 3.9000e-004 0.0194 0.0194 0.0181 0.0181 0.0000 35.1240 35.1240 9.6800e- 003 0.0000 35.3660 Total 0.0372 0.3832 0.2230 3.9000e-004 9.6800e- 003 0.0000 35.36600.0194 0.0194 0.0181 0.0181 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 35.1240 35.1240 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 1.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.5801 Total 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.58011.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 3.5 Grading - 2018 Unmitigated Construction On-Site SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2ROGNOxCO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 0.0655 0.0000 0.0655 0.0337 0.0000 0.0337 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.0277 0.3067 0.1658 3.0000e-004 0.0155 0.0155 0.0143 0.0143 0.0000 27.1069 27.1069 8.4400e- 003 0.0000 27.3178 Total 0.0277 0.3067 0.1658 3.0000e-004 8.4400e- 003 0.0000 27.31780.0655 0.0155 0.0810 0.0337 0.0143 0.0479 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 27.1069 27.1069 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 1.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.5801 Total 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.58011.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 0.0256 0.0000 0.0256 0.0131 0.0000 0.0131 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.0277 0.3067 0.1658 3.0000e-004 0.0155 0.0155 0.0143 0.0143 0.0000 27.1068 27.1068 8.4400e- 003 0.0000 27.3178 Total 0.0277 0.3067 0.1658 3.0000e-004 8.4400e- 003 0.0000 27.31780.0256 0.0155 0.0411 0.0131 0.0143 0.0274 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 27.1068 27.1068 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 1.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.5801 Total 8.0000e-004 6.5000e-004 7.0000e- 003 2.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.58011.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 1.5788 1.5788 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.6 Paving - 2019 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.0145 0.1524 0.1467 2.3000e-004 8.2500e- 003 8.2500e- 003 7.5900e- 003 7.5900e-003 0.0000 20.4752 20.4752 6.4800e- 003 0.0000 20.6371 Paving 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 0.0145 0.1524 0.1467 2.3000e-004 6.4800e- 003 0.0000 20.63718.2500e- 003 8.2500e- 003 7.5900e- 003 7.5900e-003 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 20.4752 20.4752 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 7.2000e-004 5.8000e-004 6.2500e- 003 2.0000e-005 1.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5289 1.5289 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.5301 Total 7.2000e-004 5.8000e-004 6.2500e- 003 2.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.53011.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 1.5289 1.5289 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Off-Road 0.0145 0.1524 0.1467 2.3000e-004 8.2500e- 003 8.2500e- 003 7.5900e- 003 7.5900e-003 0.0000 20.4752 20.4752 6.4800e- 003 0.0000 20.6371 Paving 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 0.0145 0.1524 0.1467 2.3000e-004 6.4800e- 003 0.0000 20.63718.2500e- 003 8.2500e- 003 7.5900e- 003 7.5900e-003 0.0000 20.4752 20.4752 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 7.2000e-004 5.8000e-004 6.2500e- 003 2.0000e-005 1.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 0.0000 1.5289 1.5289 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.5301 Total 7.2000e-004 5.8000e-004 6.2500e- 003 2.0000e-005 5.0000e- 005 0.0000 1.53011.6500e- 003 1.0000e- 005 1.6600e- 003 4.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 4.5000e-004 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 1.5289 1.5289 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 3.7 Site Preparation - 2018 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 0.0903 0.0000 0.0903 0.0497 0.0000 0.0497 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.0228 0.2410 0.1124 1.9000e-004 0.0129 0.0129 0.0119 0.0119 0.0000 17.3800 17.3800 5.4100e- 003 0.0000 17.5152 Total 0.0228 0.2410 0.1124 1.9000e-004 5.4100e- 003 0.0000 17.51520.0903 0.0129 0.1032 0.0497 0.0119 0.0615 0.0000 17.3800 17.3800 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2ROGNOxCO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 4.8000e-004 3.9000e-004 4.2000e- 003 1.0000e-005 9.9000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 1.0000e- 003 2.6000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 2.7000e-004 0.0000 0.9473 0.9473 3.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.9481 Total 4.8000e-004 3.9000e-004 4.2000e- 003 1.0000e-005 3.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.94819.9000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 1.0000e- 003 2.6000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 2.7000e-004 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 0.9473 0.9473 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Fugitive Dust 0.0352 0.0000 0.0352 0.0194 0.0000 0.0194 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.0228 0.2410 0.1124 1.9000e-004 0.0129 0.0129 0.0119 0.0119 0.0000 17.3799 17.3799 5.4100e- 003 0.0000 17.5152 Total 0.0228 0.2410 0.1124 1.9000e-004 5.4100e- 003 0.0000 17.51520.0352 0.0129 0.0481 0.0194 0.0119 0.0312 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 17.3799 17.3799 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 4.8000e-004 3.9000e-004 4.2000e- 003 1.0000e-005 9.9000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 1.0000e- 003 2.6000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 2.7000e-004 0.0000 0.9473 0.9473 3.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.9481 Total 4.8000e-004 3.9000e-004 4.2000e- 003 1.0000e-005 3.0000e- 005 0.0000 0.94819.9000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 1.0000e- 003 2.6000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 2.7000e-004 CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 0.0000 0.9473 0.9473 Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 4.0 Operational Detail - Mobile 4.1 Mitigation Measures Mobile ROG NOx NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Mitigated 0.0683 0.3853 0.9373 3.2400e-003 0.2576 3.2900e- 003 0.2609 0.0690 3.0900e- 003 0.0721 0.0000 298.3951 298.3951 0.0152 0.0000 298.7759 Unmitigated 0.0683 0.3853 0.9373 3.2400e-003 0.2576 3.2900e- 003 0.2609 0.0690 3.0900e- 003 0.0721 0.0000 298.3951 298.3951 0.0152 0.0000 298.7759 4.2 Trip Summary Information Average Daily Trip Rate Unmitigated Mitigated Land Use Weekday Saturday Sunday Annual VMT Annual VMT Single Family Housing 199.92 208.11 181.02 677,929 677,929 Total 199.92 208.11 181.02 677,929 677,929 4.3 Trip Type Information Miles Trip %Trip Purpose % Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Single Family Housing 14.70 5.90 8.70 40.20 19.20 40.60 86 11 3 4.4 Fleet Mix HHD OBUS UBUS MCYLand Use LDA LDT1 LDT2 MDV LHD1 0.122290 0.016774 0.005862 0.020637 LHD2 MHD 0.001944 0.004777 0.000705 0.000956 SBUS MH NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 0.032653 0.002037Single Family Housing 0.547828 0.043645 0.199892 Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 5.0 Energy Detail Historical Energy Use: N 5.1 Mitigation Measures Energy ROG NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Electricity Mitigated 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 62.6752 62.6752 2.5900e- 003 5.4000e- 004 62.8994 Electricity Unmitigated 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 62.6752 62.6752 2.5900e- 003 5.4000e- 004 62.8994 NaturalGas Mitigated 4.2000e-003 0.0359 0.0153 2.3000e-004 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e-003 0.0000 41.6053 41.6053 8.0000e- 004 7.6000e- 004 41.8526 NaturalGas Unmitigated 4.2000e-003 0.0359 0.0153 2.3000e-004 41.6053 41.6053 8.0000e- 004 7.6000e- 004 41.85262.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 0.00002.9000e-003 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas Unmitigated ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2NaturalGas Use NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr tons/yr MT/yr Exhaust PM10 Single Family Housing 779654 4.2000e-003 0.0359 0.0153 8.0000e- 004 7.6000e- 004 2.3000e- 004 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e-003 0.0000 41.6053 41.6053 0.0000 41.6053 41.8526 Total 4.2000e-003 0.0359 0.0153 2.3000e- 004 41.6053 8.0000e- 004 7.6000e- 004 41.8526 Mitigated 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e-003 NaturalGas Use ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr tons/yr MT/yr Single Family Housing 779654 4.2000e-003 0.0359 41.6053 8.0000e- 004 0.0153 2.3000e- 004 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.3000e- 004 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e-003 0.0000 41.6053 2.9000e-003 0.0000 7.6000e- 004 41.8526 Total 4.2000e-003 0.0359 0.0153 41.6053 41.6053 8.0000e- 004 7.6000e- 004 41.8526 5.3 Energy by Land Use - Electricity 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 2.9000e- 003 Unmitigated Electricity Use Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kWh/yr t o n MT/yr Single Family Housing 196707 62.6752 2.5900e- 003 5.4000e-004 62.8994 Total 62.6752 2.5900e- 003 5.4000e-004 62.8994 5.4000e-004 Mitigated Electricity Use Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e 62.8994 Land Use kWh/yr t o n MT/yr Single Family Housing 196707 62.6752 2.5900e- 003 CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 62.8994 Total 62.6752 2.5900e- 003 5.4000e-004 Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 6.0 Area Detail 6.1 Mitigation Measures Area ROG NOx NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category tons/yr MT/yr Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Mitigated 0.1555 6.8700e-003 0.2191 4.0000e-005 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e-003 0.0000 5.3966 5.3966 4.4000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.4352 Unmitigated 0.1555 6.8700e-003 0.2191 4.0000e-005 4.4000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.43521.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e- 003 1.5500e-003 0.0000 5.3966 5.3966 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 6.2 Area by SubCategory Unmitigated ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Architectural Coating 0.0118 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 0.1366 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 5.1000e-004 4.3500e-003 1.8500e- 003 3.0000e-005 3.5000e- 004 3.5000e- 004 3.5000e- 004 3.5000e-004 0.0000 5.0429 5.0429 1.0000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.0729 Landscaping 6.6200e-003 2.5100e-003 0.2173 1.0000e-005 1.1900e- 003 1.1900e- 003 1.1900e- 003 1.1900e-003 0.0000 0.3538 0.3538 3.4000e- 004 0.0000 0.3624 Total 0.1556 6.8600e-003 0.2191 4.0000e-005 4.4000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.43521.5400e- 003 1.5400e- 003 1.5400e- 003 1.5400e-003 SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 0.0000 5.3966 5.3966 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Mitigated ROG NOx CO Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory tons/yr MT/yr PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 Architectural Coating 0.0118 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 0.1366 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 5.1000e-004 4.3500e-003 1.8500e- 003 3.0000e-005 3.5000e- 004 3.5000e- 004 3.5000e- 004 3.5000e-004 0.0000 5.0429 5.0429 1.0000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.0729 Landscaping 6.6200e-003 2.5100e-003 0.2173 1.0000e-005 1.1900e- 003 1.1900e- 003 1.1900e- 003 1.1900e-003 0.0000 0.3538 0.3538 3.4000e- 004 0.0000 0.3624 Total 0.1556 6.8600e-003 0.2191 4.0000e-005 1.5400e- 003 1.5400e- 003 1.5400e- 003 1.5400e-003 0.0000 5.3966 5.3966 4.4000e- 004 9.0000e- 005 5.4352 7.0 Water Detail 7.1 Mitigation Measures Water Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category t o n MT/yr Mitigated 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e- 003 10.6236 Unmitigated 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e- 003 10.6236 7.2 Water by Land Use Unmitigated Indoor/Outd oor Use Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use Mgal t o n MT/yr Single Family Housing 1.36823 / 0.862583 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e-003 10.6236 Total 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e-003 10.6236 Mitigated Indoor/Outd oor Use Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use Mgal t o n MT/yr Single Family Housing 1.36823 / 0.862583 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e-003 10.6236 Total 9.1640 0.0449 1.1300e-003 10.6236 8.0 Waste Detail 8.1 Mitigation Measures Waste Category/Year Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e t o n MT/yr Mitigated 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 Unmitigated 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 8.2 Waste by Land Use Unmitigated Waste Disposed Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use tons t o n MT/yr Single Family Housing 24.6 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 Total 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 Mitigated Waste Disposed Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use tons t o n MT/yr Single Family Housing 24.6 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 Total 4.9936 0.2951 0.0000 12.3714 9.0 Operational Offroad Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Days/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type Horse Power Load Factor Boiler Rating Fuel Type 10.0 Stationary Equipment Fire Pumps and Emergency Generators Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Hours/Year User Defined Equipment Equipment Type Number 11.0 Vegetation Fuel Type Boilers Equipment Type Number Heat Input/Day Heat Input/Year