HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix F3 - Phase II - 2018-08-06❖ APPENDICES ❖ APPENDIX F3 PHASE II – 2018-08-06 August 6, 2018 Abolfath Hosseinioun c/o Hallmark Escrow 18200 Yorba Linda Blvd. #200 Yorba Linda, CA 92866 Subject: Soil Sample Results for 16835 Baseline Avenue and Adjacent Parcels, Fontana Dear Mr. Hosseinioun: PlaceWorks, on behalf of Abolfath Hosseinioun (Client), submits this letter report to document the soil sampling program implemented at the Baseline Parcels located at 16835 Baseline Avenue, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California (Figures 1 and2). The project site consists of 6.59-acres (site) located to the west of the intersection of Baseline Avenue and Sierra Avenue at 16835 Baseline Avenue in Fontana, San Bernardino County. The site is divided into two areas, Area A is approximately 1.12-acres and consists of Assessor Parcel Number [APN] 0241-051-16 and has the address 16835 Baseline Avenue. Area B consists of the following four adjacent parcels to Area A: APNS 0241-051-17, 0241-051-01, 0241-051-02, and 0241-051-32. Figure 3 shows the parcels and APNs labeled on Area A and B. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was implemented for Area A in May 2018 that identified one Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) for the Area A parcel. Area A was used as an orchard with a residence from at least 1938 to approximately 1960 when the orchard was no longer present. The site was an orchard during the time period when organochlorine pesticides were used to protect crops. Limited soil sampling for organochlorine pesticides and arsenic was recommended. PlaceWorks was requested to also assess Area B for potential residual pesticides due to the historic land use of Area B which included an orchard, a chicken farm and residential. Both Areas A and B are currently vacant undeveloped disturbed land with no structures located on the site. The site is bounded by Baseline Avenue to the north, Sierra Avenue to the east, and Montgomery Avenue to the south. Surrounding the site is a mixture of vacant land, residential and commercial office uses. New houses are located to the north across Baseline Avenue, a senior citizen villa is located to the northeast, an Arco Service Station is located to the east across Sierra Avenue, and adjacent land to the south and west is vacant. The nearest school is Kathy Binks Elementary School, located approximately 0.5- mile to the west off Baseline Avenue. SUMMARY OF FIELD ACTIVITIES Soil samples were collected following protocols described in the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)’s PEA Guidance Manual (DTSC 2015). Soil samples were collected on July 23, 2018 within the approximately 6.59 acre project area. Three soil samples were collected from the soil surface at 0.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) in Area A and nine soil samples were collected 0.5 feet bgs from Area B. Soil sample locations are shown on Figure 4. Soil sampling was conducted using a hand auger. Soil from the hand auger barrel was emptied into a certified pre-cleaned glass jar, then sealed and labeled. Observations pertaining to the soil type were described by August 6, 2018 | Page 2 the field geologist. Each soil sample was labeled with the sample number, sample depth, and the date and time the sample was collected. Samples were immediately placed in an ice-filled cooler and listed on a chain-of-custody form. Any observation pertaining to potential soil contamination or soil source was recorded. The chain-of-custody form is included as an attachment. Area A One composite soil sample and one discrete soil sample was analyzed for organochlorine pesticides by EPA Method 8081A in Area A to assess historic use of pesticides related to the agricultural land use of the site and also for residual termiticides from the historic structures. Two surface soil samples were analyzed for arsenic to assess for potential residual arsenic based pesticides and three surface samples were analyzed for lead to assess potential lead-based paint impacts to soil from former structures by EPA Method 6010B. The soil samples were analyzed using A&R Laboratories, a California State Certified Laboratory. Area B Four composite samples and one discrete soil sample was analyzed for organochlorine pesticides from Area B to assess historic use of pesticides related to the agricultural land use of the site and also for residual termiticides from the historic structures. Five surface soil samples were analyzed for arsenic to assess the historical agricultural land use of Area B and nine soil samples were analyzed for lead to assess historic structures. The laboratory analytical report for Area A and B is included as an attachment. FINDINGS No odors or staining were observed by the field geologist. Groundwater was not encountered. Soils at the site were gravelly sandy loam. Pesticides Area A Two organochlorine pesticides were reported in the soil samples analyzed from Area A: 4,4`-DDE and 4,4`- DDT. The concentrations were not elevated above health based screening levels for industrial land use exposure and residential land use exposure scenarios. The concentrations were screened against Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Screening Levels and EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels for discrete soil samples and also adjusted for 2:1 composite samples. Table 1 is a summary table of pesticide results at Area A. 4,4`-DDE was detected with concentrations ranging from 0.012 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) to 0.038 mg/kg. All concentrations of 4,4`-DDE were significantly below the EPA Region 9 Regional Screening levels of 2 mg/kg for 4,4`-DDE and 2:1 composite screening level of 1 mg/kg. 4,4`-DDT was detected with concentrations ranging from 0.0025 mg/kg to 0.017 mg/kg. All concentrations of 4,4`-DDT were significantly below the EPA Region 9 Regional Screening levels of 1.9 mg/kg for 4,4`-DDT and 2:1 composite screening level of 0.95 mg/kg. August 6, 2018 | Page 3 Area B Four organochlorine pesticides were reported in the soil samples analyzed from Area B: chlordane, 4,4`- DDE,4,4`-DDT and dieldrin. The concentrations were not elevated above health based screening levels for industrial land use exposure and residential land use exposure scenarios. The concentrations were screened against Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Screening Levels and EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels for discrete soil samples and also adjusted for 2:1 composite samples. Table 2 is a summary table of pesticide results at Area B. Chlordane was detected in one composite sample B-9, B-10 at 0.044 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), which is below the DTSC Screening Level of 0.22 mg/kg for 2:1 composites for chlordane and below the EPA Region 9 RSL of 0.85 mg/kg. 4,4`-DDE was detected in all soil samples with concentrations ranging from 0.0021mg/kg to 0.024 mg/kg. All concentrations of 4,4`-DDE were significantly below the EPA Region 9 Regional Screening levels of 2 mg/kg for 4,4`-DDE and 2:1 composite screening level of 1 mg/kg. 4,4`-DDT was detected with concentrations ranging from 0.0096 mg/kg to 0.022 mg/kg. All concentrations of 4,4`-DDT were significantly below the EPA Region 9 Regional Screening levels of 1.9 mg/kg for 4,4`-DDT and 2:1 composite screening level of 0.95 mg/kg. Dieldrin was detected in one composite sample B-9, B-10 at 0.013 mg/kg, which is below the EPA Region 9 Regional Screening levels of 0.017 mg/kg for 2:1 composite samples. Arsenic Area A Arsenic was detected in two surface soil samples analyzed ranging in concentration from 2.64 mg/kg to 2.73 mg/kg. The arsenic concentrations are within background naturally occurring concentrations in native soil and are below the DTSC’s screening level of 12 mg/kg for arsenic. Table 3 is a summary table showing arsenic concentrations in soil in Area A. Area B Arsenic was detected in four surface soil samples analyzed ranging in concentration from 1.12 mg/kg to 3.03 mg/kg. The arsenic concentrations are within background naturally occurring concentrations in native soil and are below the DTSC’s screening level of 12 mg/kg for arsenic. Table 4 is a summary table showing arsenic concentrations in soil in Area B. Lead Area A Lead was detected in the three surface soil samples analyzed from Area A ranging in concentrations from 19.4 mg/kg to 56.8 mg/kg. The lead concentrations are below DTSC Screening Levels for both residential and industrial land use exposure scenarios. Table 3 includes lead results for soil samples collected from Area A. August 6, 2018 | Page 4 Area B Lead was detected in nine surface samples collected in Area B ranging in concentration from 10.6 mg/kg to 164 mg/kg. Two surface soil samples, B-7 and B-11, are above the DTSC’s health based screening level of 80 mg/kg for lead for residential land use; however, the average lead concentration for the site was 48 mg/kg which is below the DTSC screening level for residential exposure. The DTSC screening level for industrial exposure is 320 mg/kg which was not exceeded for the site. Table 4 includes lead results for soil samples collected from Area B. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analytical results for organochlorine pesticides, lead and arsenic; no potential health-based risks were identified based on the historic land use at the site of agricultural use. PlaceWorks recommends that no further soil analysis is needed to assess the impacts of the historic agricultural usage of both Site A and Site B. Please call us at (909) 989-4449 if you have any questions regarding this project. Sincerely, Denise Clendening, Ph.D. Michael Watson, PG 8177 Associate Principal Project Geologist Attachments: Figures, tables and laboratory report PlaceWorks Figure 1 - Regional Location LIMITED PHASE II - BASELINE PARCELSHALLMARK ESCROW Source: ESRI, 2018 0 Scale (Miles) 3Note: Unincorporated county areas are shown in white. Site PlaceWorks Figure 2 - Local Vicinity LIMITED PHASE II - BASELINE PARCELSHALLMARK ESCROW Source: ESRI, 2018 0 Scale (Feet) 2,000Project Boundary 210 PlaceWorks Figure 3 - Aerial Photograph LIMITED PHASE II - BASELINE PARCELSHALLMARK ESCROW Source: Google Earth Pro, 2018 0 Scale (Feet) 200Project Boundary Baseline Ave Si e r r a A v e Be l l a S t r a d a D r Tu r n s t o n e C t Su n d a n c e W y Montgomery Ave Sl e e p y C r e e k Residential Residential Residential ARCO Residential Commercial APN: 0241-051-16 APN: 0241-051-17 APN: 0241-051-01APN: 0241-051-32 APN: 0241-051-02 Area A Area B Area B Area B Area B PlaceWorks Figure 4 - Soil Sampling Locations LIMITED PHASE II - BASELINE PARCELSHALLMARK ESCROW Source: Google Earth Pro, 2018 0 Scale (Feet) 100 Baseline Ave Sie r r a A v e Montgomery Ave Project Boundary Sample Locations (OCPs, Pb, As)B-1 B-7 B-8 B-5 B-6 B-3 B-4 B-1 B-2 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 Former Structures Area A Area B Area B Area B Area B TABLE 1 SUMMARY TABLE OF ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES IN SOIL Area A - 16835 Baseline Avenue APN 0241-051-16 Fontana, California Sample Number Depth (feet bgs) Sample Date Chlordane 4,4´-DDE 4,4´-DDT Dieldrin Composite B-1, B-2 0.5' 7/23/2018 <0.010 0.038 0.017 <0.0020 B-4 0.5' 7/23/2018 <0.010 0.012 0.0025 <0.0020 Heatlh Based Screening Levels EPA Region 9 RSL Residential 1.7 2 1.9 0.034 EPA Region 9 RSL 2:1 Composite Residential 0.85 1 0.95 0.017 EPA Region 9 RSL Industrial 7.7 9.3 8.5 0.14 DTSC Residential Screening Levels (SL) 0.44 NA NA NA DTSC Residential SLs for 2:1 Composite 0.22 NA NA NA DTSC SL Industrial 1.5 NA NA NA Notes: < - Non detect at the established method detection limit. EPA RSLs= Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 Regional Screening Levels May 2018 DTSC SLs= Department of Toxic Substances Control Screening Levels June 2018 Samples analyzed by EPA Method 8081A The complete laboratory analytical reports are included as an attachment NA = Screening level not available Concentration (milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]) P:\HOSS-01.0\Lab Data\HOSS Result Tables .xlsx8/6/2018 Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 SUMMARY TABLE OF ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES IN SOIL Area B APNs 0241-051-17, -01, -02, -32 Fontana, California Sample Number Depth (feet bgs) Sample Date Chlordane 4,4´-DDE 4,4´-DDT Dieldrin Composite B-3, B-5 0.5' 7/23/2018 <0.010 0.0028 <0.0020 <0.0020 Composite B-6, B-8 0.5' 7/23/2018 <0.010 0.014 <0.0020 <0.0020 B-7 0.5' 7/23/2018 <0.010 0.024 0.022 <0.0020 Composite B-9, B-10 0.5' 7/23/2018 0.044 0.019 0.0096 0.013 Composite B-11, B-12 0.5' 7/23/2018 <0.010 0.0021 <0.0020 <0.0020 Heatlh Based Screening Levels EPA Region 9 RSL Residential 1.7 2 1.9 0.034 EPA Region 9 RSL 2:1 Composite Residential 0.85 1 0.95 0.017 EPA Region 9 RSL Industrial 7.7 9.3 8.5 0.14 DTSC Residential Screening Levels (SL) 0.44 NA NA NA DTSC Residential SLs for 2:1 Composite 0.22 NA NA NA DTSC SL Industrial 1.5 NA NA NA Notes: < - Non detect at the established method detection limit. EPA RSLs= Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 Regional Screening Levels May 2018 DTSC SLs= Department of Toxic Substances Control Screening Levels June 2018 Samples analyzed by EPA Method 8081A The complete laboratory analytical reports are included as an attachment NA = Screening level not available Concentration (milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]) TABLE 3 SUMMARY TABLE OF ARSENIC AND LEAD IN SOIL Area A - 16835 Baseline Avenue APN 0241-051-16 Fontana, California Sample Number Depth (feet bgs) Sample Date Arsenic Lead B-1 0.5' 7/23/2018 2.64 56.8 B-2 0.5' 7/23/2018 NA 41.8 B-4 0.5' 7/23/2018 2.73 19.4 Heatlh Based Screening Levels DTSC SL Residential 12 80 DTSC SL Industrial 12 320 Notes: The complete laboratory analytical reports are included as an attachment. NA = Not analyzed; Shaded cell indicates above Screening Level (SL) < - Non detect at the established method detection limit. DTSC SLs= Department of Toxic Substances Control Screening Levels Samples analyzed by EPA Method 6010B Concentration (milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]) TABLE 4 SUMMARY TABLE OF ARSENIC AND LEAD IN SOIL Area B APNs 0241-051-17, -01, -02, -32 Fontana, California Sample Number Depth (feet bgs)Sample Date Arsenic Lead B-3 0.5' 7/23/2018 3.03 19 B-5 0.5' 7/23/2018 NA 10.6 B-6 0.5' 7/23/2018 2.73 13.6 B-7 0.5' 7/23/2018 2.68 128 B-8 0.5' 7/23/2018 NA 11 B-9 0.5' 7/23/2018 1.12 14.5 B-10 0.5' 7/23/2018 NA 51.8 B-11 0.5' 7/23/2018 <1.00 164 B-12 0.5' 7/23/2018 NA 20.3 Heatlh Based Screening Levels DTSC SL Residential 12 80 DTSC SL Industrial 12 320 Notes: The complete laboratory analytical reports are included as an attachment. NA = Not analyzed; Shaded cell indicates above Screening Level (SL) < - Non detect at the established method detection limit. DTSC SLs= Department of Toxic Substances Control Screening Levels Samples analyzed by EPA Method 6010B Concentration (milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]) 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 1 of 4 CASE NARRATIVE Authorized Signature Name / Title (print)Ken Zheng, President Signature / Date Ken Zheng, President 07/30/2018 9:53:19 Laboratory Job No. (Certificate of Analysis No.)1807-00159 Project Name / No.HALL Dates Sampled (from/to)07/23/18 To 07/23/18 Dates Received (from/to)07/23/18 To 07/23/18 Dates Reported (from/to)07/30/18 To 7/30/2018 Chains of Custody Received Yes Comments: Subcontracting Organic Analyses No analyses sub-contracted Inorganic Analyses No analyses sub-contracted Other Analyses No analyses sub-contracted Sample Condition(s) All samples intact Positive Results (Organic Compounds) Sample RLUnitsResultAnalyte AnalyteSampleQual Result Qual Units RL 4,4'-DDE mg/Kg 0.0020B-4@0.5'0.012 4,4'-DDT mg/Kg 0.0020B-4@0.5'0.0025 4,4'-DDE mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-1@0.5', B-2@0.5'0.038 4,4'-DDT mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-1@0.5', B-2@0.5'0.017 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 2 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83102 P135 1807-00159 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 001 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:10@ B-1@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Arsenic TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 1.00 07/25/182.64 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1856.8 1.0 002 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:15@ B-2@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1841.8 1.0 003 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:22@ B-4@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Arsenic TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 1.00 07/25/182.73 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1819.4 1.0 [Pesticides] Ultrasonic Extraction AREPA 3550 07/24/18Complete 1.0 Aldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 alpha-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 beta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 delta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 gamma-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Chlordane AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 4,4'-DDD AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 4,4'-DDE AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.012 1.0 4,4'-DDT AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.0025 1.0 Dieldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan I AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Endosulfan II AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan Sulfate AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 3 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83102 P135 1807-00159 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 003 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:22@ B-4@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil .....continued Endrin Aldehyde AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin ketone AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.100 07/24/18<0.100 1.0 Heptachlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Heptachlor Epoxide AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Methoxychlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 Toxaphene AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.020 07/24/18<0.020 1.0 [Surrogates] Tetrachloro-m-xylene AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1857 Decachlorobiphenyl AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/18106 004 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:22@ COMPOSITE: B-1@0.5', B-2@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Pesticides] Ultrasonic Extraction AREPA 3550 07/24/18Complete 1.0 Aldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 alpha-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 beta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 delta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 gamma-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Chlordane AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 4,4'-DDD AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 4,4'-DDE AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.038 1.0 4,4'-DDT AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.017 1.0 Dieldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan I AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Endosulfan II AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan Sulfate AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin Aldehyde AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin ketone AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.100 07/24/18<0.100 1.0 Heptachlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83102 P135 1807-00159 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 004 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:22@ COMPOSITE: B-1@0.5', B-2@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil .....continued Heptachlor Epoxide AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Methoxychlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 Toxaphene AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.020 07/24/18<0.020 1.0 [Surrogates] Tetrachloro-m-xylene AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1858 Decachlorobiphenyl AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/18102 Respectfully Submitted: Ken Zheng - Lab Director ABBREVIATIONS DF = Dilution Factor RL = Reporting Limit, Adjusted by DF MDL = Method Detection Limit, Adjusted by DF Qual = Qualifier Tech = Technician QUALIFIERS B = Detected in the associated Method Blank at a concentration above the routine RL. B1 = BOD dilution water is over specifications . The reported result may be biased high. D = Surrogate recoveries are not calculated due to sample dilution. E = Estimated value; Value exceeds calibration level of instrument. H = Analyte was prepared and/or analyzed outside of the analytical method holding time I = Matrix Interference. J = Analyte concentration detected between RL and MDL. Q = One or more quality control criteria did not meet specifications. See Comments for further explanation. S = Customer provided specification limit exceeded. As regulatory limits change frequently, A & R Laboratories advises the recipient of this report to confirm such limits with the appropriate federal, state, or local authorities before acting in reliance on the regulatory limits provided. For any feedback concerning our services, please contact Jenny Jiang, Project Manager at 951.779.0310. You may also contact Ken Zheng, President at office@arlaboratories.com. The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIES FOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. office@arlaboratories.com www.arlaboratories.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Page 1 of 1 PLACEWORKS ONTARIO, CA 91764 Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Customer # Date Sampled 83102 P135 07/23/2018 Customer P.O. 1807-00159 Project: HALL 07/30/2018 07/23/2018 EPA 6010BMethod # Technician: TLB Date Analyzed: 7/25/2018 75127QC Reference # 001 002 003Samples Results LCS %REC LCS %DUP LCS %RPD Arsenic 101 102 0.8 Lead 101 102 0.3 Control Ranges LCS %REC LCS %RPD 75 - 125 0 - 20 75 - 125 0 - 20 EPA 8081AMethod # Technician: AR Date Analyzed: 7/24/2018 75123QC Reference # 003 004Samples Results LCS %REC LCS %DUP LCS %RPD 4,4'-DDT 60 55 6 Aldrin 90 86 4 Dieldrin 90 86 4 Endrin 70 70 0 gamma-BHC 86 84 3 Heptachlor 86 80 7 Control Ranges LCS %REC LCS %RPD 50 - 130 0 - 30 50 - 140 0 - 30 70 - 130 0 - 30 70 - 150 0 - 30 50 - 150 0 - 30 50 - 150 0 - 30 EPA 8081A/8082Method # Technician: AR Date Analyzed: 7/24/2018 75123QC Reference # 003 004Samples No QC recoveries reported. No method blank results were above reporting limit Respectfully Submitted: Ken Zheng - President For any feedback concerning our services, please contact Jenny Jiang, Project Manager at 951.779.0310. You may also contact Ken Zheng, President at office@arlaboratories.com. CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIES FOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. office@arlaboratories.com www.arlaboratories.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Page 1 of 1 PLACEWORKS ONTARIO, CA 91764 Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Customer # Date Sampled 83102 P135 07/23/2018 Customer P.O. 1807-00159 Project: HALL 07/30/2018 07/23/2018 EPA 6010BMethod # Technician: TLB Date Analyzed: 7/25/2018 75127QC Reference # 001 002 003Samples Results LCS %REC LCS %DUP LCS %RPD Arsenic 101 102 0.8 Lead 101 102 0.3 Control Ranges LCS %REC LCS %RPD 75 - 125 0 - 20 75 - 125 0 - 20 EPA 8081AMethod # Technician: AR Date Analyzed: 7/24/2018 75123QC Reference # 003 004Samples Results LCS %REC LCS %DUP LCS %RPD 4,4'-DDT 60 55 6 Aldrin 90 86 4 Dieldrin 90 86 4 Endrin 70 70 0 gamma-BHC 86 84 3 Heptachlor 86 80 7 Control Ranges LCS %REC LCS %RPD 50 - 130 0 - 30 50 - 140 0 - 30 70 - 130 0 - 30 70 - 150 0 - 30 50 - 150 0 - 30 50 - 150 0 - 30 EPA 8081A/8082Method # Technician: AR Date Analyzed: 7/24/2018 75123QC Reference # 003 004Samples No QC recoveries reported. No method blank results were above reporting limit Respectfully Submitted: Ken Zheng - President For any feedback concerning our services, please contact Jenny Jiang, Project Manager at 951.779.0310. You may also contact Ken Zheng, President at office@arlaboratories.com. 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 1 of 8 CASE NARRATIVE Authorized Signature Name / Title (print)Ken Zheng, President Signature / Date Ken Zheng, President 07/30/2018 9:53:26 Laboratory Job No. (Certificate of Analysis No.)1807-00160 Project Name / No.HALL Dates Sampled (from/to)07/23/18 To 07/23/18 Dates Received (from/to)07/23/18 To 07/23/18 Dates Reported (from/to)07/30/18 To 7/30/2018 Chains of Custody Received Yes Comments: Subcontracting Organic Analyses No analyses sub-contracted Inorganic Analyses No analyses sub-contracted Other Analyses No analyses sub-contracted Sample Condition(s) All samples intact Positive Results (Organic Compounds) Sample RLUnitsResultAnalyte AnalyteSampleQual Result Qual Units RL 4,4'-DDE mg/Kg 0.0020B-7@0.5'0.024 4,4'-DDT mg/Kg 0.0020B-7@0.5'0.022 4,4'-DDE mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-3@0.5', B-5@0.5'0.0028 4,4'-DDE mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-6@0.5', B-8@0.5'0.014 4,4'-DDE mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-9@0.5', B-10@0.5'0.019 4,4'-DDT mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-9@0.5', B-10@0.5'0.0096 Chlordane mg/Kg 0.010COMPOSITE: B-9@0.5', B-10@0.5'0.044 Dieldrin mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-9@0.5', B-10@0.5'0.013 4,4'-DDE mg/Kg 0.0020COMPOSITE: B-11@0.5', B-12@0.5'0.0021 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 2 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83103 P135 1807-00160 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 001 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ B-3@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Arsenic TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 1.00 07/25/183.03 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1819.0 1.0 002 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:25@ B-5@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1810.6 1.0 003 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:27@ B-6@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Arsenic TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 1.00 07/25/182.73 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1813.6 1.0 004 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:30@ B-7@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Arsenic TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 1.00 07/25/182.68 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/18128 1.0 [Pesticides] Ultrasonic Extraction AREPA 3550 07/24/18Complete 1.0 Aldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 alpha-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 beta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 delta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 gamma-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Chlordane AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 4,4'-DDD AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 3 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83103 P135 1807-00160 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 004 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:30@ B-7@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil .....continued 4,4'-DDE AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.024 1.0 4,4'-DDT AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.022 1.0 Dieldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan I AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Endosulfan II AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan Sulfate AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin Aldehyde AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin ketone AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.100 07/24/18<0.100 1.0 Heptachlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Heptachlor Epoxide AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Methoxychlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 Toxaphene AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.020 07/24/18<0.020 1.0 [Surrogates] Tetrachloro-m-xylene AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1850 Decachlorobiphenyl AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/18110 005 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:33@ B-8@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1811.0 1.0 006 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:44@ B-9@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Arsenic TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 1.00 07/25/181.12 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1814.5 1.0 007 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:48@ B-10@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 4 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83103 P135 1807-00160 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 007 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:48@ B-10@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1851.8 1.0 008 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:53@ B-11@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Arsenic TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 1.00 07/25/18<1.00 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/18164 1.0 009 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:57@ B-12@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Metals] Metals Acid Digestion TLBEPA 3050B 07/25/18Complete 1.0 Lead TLBEPA 6010Bmg/Kg 0.500 07/25/1820.3 1.0 010 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-3@0.5', B-5@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Pesticides] Ultrasonic Extraction AREPA 3550 07/24/18Complete 1.0 Aldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 alpha-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 beta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 delta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 gamma-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Chlordane AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 4,4'-DDD AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 4,4'-DDE AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.0028 1.0 4,4'-DDT AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Dieldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan I AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Endosulfan II AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 5 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83103 P135 1807-00160 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 010 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-3@0.5', B-5@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil .....continued Endosulfan Sulfate AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin Aldehyde AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin ketone AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.100 07/24/18<0.100 1.0 Heptachlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Heptachlor Epoxide AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Methoxychlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 Toxaphene AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.020 07/24/18<0.020 1.0 [Surrogates] Tetrachloro-m-xylene AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1863 Decachlorobiphenyl AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1896 011 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-6@0.5', B-8@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Pesticides] Ultrasonic Extraction AREPA 3550 07/24/18Complete 1.0 Aldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 alpha-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 beta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 delta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 gamma-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Chlordane AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 4,4'-DDD AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 4,4'-DDE AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.014 1.0 4,4'-DDT AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Dieldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan I AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Endosulfan II AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan Sulfate AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin Aldehyde AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 6 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83103 P135 1807-00160 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 011 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-6@0.5', B-8@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil .....continued Endrin ketone AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.100 07/24/18<0.100 1.0 Heptachlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Heptachlor Epoxide AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Methoxychlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 Toxaphene AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.020 07/24/18<0.020 1.0 [Surrogates] Tetrachloro-m-xylene AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1859 Decachlorobiphenyl AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/18105 012 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-9@0.5', B-10@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Pesticides] Ultrasonic Extraction AREPA 3550 07/24/18Complete 1.0 Aldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 alpha-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 beta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 delta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 gamma-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Chlordane AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/180.044 1.0 4,4'-DDD AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 4,4'-DDE AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.019 1.0 4,4'-DDT AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.0096 1.0 Dieldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.013 1.0 Endosulfan I AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Endosulfan II AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan Sulfate AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin Aldehyde AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin ketone AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.100 07/24/18<0.100 1.0 Heptachlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Heptachlor Epoxide AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 7 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83103 P135 1807-00160 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 012 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-9@0.5', B-10@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil .....continued Methoxychlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 Toxaphene AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.020 07/24/18<0.020 1.0 [Surrogates] Tetrachloro-m-xylene AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1860 Decachlorobiphenyl AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/18101 013 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-11@0.5', B-12@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil [Pesticides] Ultrasonic Extraction AREPA 3550 07/24/18Complete 1.0 Aldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 alpha-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 beta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 delta-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 gamma-BHC AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Chlordane AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 4,4'-DDD AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 4,4'-DDE AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/180.0021 1.0 4,4'-DDT AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Dieldrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan I AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Endosulfan II AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endosulfan Sulfate AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin Aldehyde AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0020 07/24/18<0.0020 1.0 Endrin ketone AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.100 07/24/18<0.100 1.0 Heptachlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Heptachlor Epoxide AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.0010 07/24/18<0.0010 1.0 Methoxychlor AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.010 07/24/18<0.010 1.0 Toxaphene AREPA 8081Amg/Kg 0.020 07/24/18<0.020 1.0 [Surrogates] The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIESFOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. www.arlaboratories.com office@arlaboratories.com Page 8 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Cust # Permit Number Customer P.O. 83103 P135 1807-00160 Project: HALL Analysis Result DateMethod 07/30/18 07/23/18 Units TechRLDFQual PLACEWORKS DENISE CLENDENING 2850 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD. SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91764 013 Date & Time Sampled: 07/23/18 13:19@ COMPOSITE: B-11@0.5', B-12@0.5' Sample: Sample Matrix:Soil .....continued Tetrachloro-m-xylene AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1859 Decachlorobiphenyl AREPA 8081A/8082%REC 50-150 07/24/1876 Respectfully Submitted: Ken Zheng - Lab Director ABBREVIATIONS DF = Dilution Factor RL = Reporting Limit, Adjusted by DF MDL = Method Detection Limit, Adjusted by DF Qual = Qualifier Tech = Technician QUALIFIERS B = Detected in the associated Method Blank at a concentration above the routine RL. B1 = BOD dilution water is over specifications . The reported result may be biased high. D = Surrogate recoveries are not calculated due to sample dilution. E = Estimated value; Value exceeds calibration level of instrument. H = Analyte was prepared and/or analyzed outside of the analytical method holding time I = Matrix Interference. J = Analyte concentration detected between RL and MDL. Q = One or more quality control criteria did not meet specifications. See Comments for further explanation. S = Customer provided specification limit exceeded. As regulatory limits change frequently, A & R Laboratories advises the recipient of this report to confirm such limits with the appropriate federal, state, or local authorities before acting in reliance on the regulatory limits provided. For any feedback concerning our services, please contact Jenny Jiang, Project Manager at 951.779.0310. You may also contact Ken Zheng, President at office@arlaboratories.com. The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and is rendered upon condition that it is not to be reproduced, wholly or in part, for advertising or other purposes without approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research CHEMISTRY · MICROBIOLOGY · FOOD SAFETY · MOBILE LABORATORIES FOOD · COSMETICS · WATER · SOIL · SOIL VAPOR · WASTES 951-779-0310 FDA# LA City# ELAP#'s 1650 S. GROVE AVE., SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 FAX 951-779-0344 2030513 10261 2789 2790 2122 A & R Laboratories, Inc. office@arlaboratories.com www.arlaboratories.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Page 1 of 1 PLACEWORKS ONTARIO, CA 91764 Date Reported Date Received Invoice No. Customer # Date Sampled 83103 P135 07/23/2018 Customer P.O. 1807-00160 Project: HALL 07/30/2018 07/23/2018 EPA 6010BMethod # Technician: TLB Date Analyzed: 7/25/2018 75127QC Reference # 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009Samples Results LCS %REC LCS %DUP LCS %RPD Arsenic 101 102 0.8 Lead 101 102 0.3 Control Ranges LCS %REC LCS %RPD 75 - 125 0 - 20 75 - 125 0 - 20 EPA 8081AMethod # Technician: AR Date Analyzed: 7/24/2018 75123QC Reference # 004 010 011 012 013Samples Results LCS %REC LCS %DUP LCS %RPD 4,4'-DDT 60 55 6 Aldrin 90 86 4 Dieldrin 90 86 4 Endrin 70 70 0 gamma-BHC 86 84 3 Heptachlor 86 80 7 Control Ranges LCS %REC LCS %RPD 50 - 130 0 - 30 50 - 140 0 - 30 70 - 130 0 - 30 70 - 150 0 - 30 50 - 150 0 - 30 50 - 150 0 - 30 EPA 8081A/8082Method # Technician: AR Date Analyzed: 7/24/2018 75123QC Reference # 004 010 011 012 013Samples No QC recoveries reported. No method blank results were above reporting limit Respectfully Submitted: Ken Zheng - President For any feedback concerning our services, please contact Jenny Jiang, Project Manager at 951.779.0310. You may also contact Ken Zheng, President at office@arlaboratories.com.