HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 Appendix D - Noise StudyAppendix D: Noise Study Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Prepared for: De Novo Planning Group 180 East Main St., #108 Tustin, CA 92780 Prepared by: MD Acoustics, LLC Claire Pincock, INCE-USA Mike Dickerson, INCE-USA 1197 Los Angeles Ave, Ste C-256 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Date: 1/18/2023 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Table of Contents MD Acoustics, LLC ii JN: 04622022_Report_011823 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of Analysis and Study Objectives 1 1.2 Site Location and Project Area 1 1.3 Proposed Project Description 1 1.4 Existing Land Uses 2 2.0 Fundamentals of Noise ................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Sound, Noise, and Acoustics 8 2.2 Frequency and Hertz 8 2.3 Sound Pressure Levels and Decibels 8 2.4 Addition of Decibels 8 2.5 Human Response to Changes in Noise Levels 9 2.6 Noise Descriptors 10 2.7 Tonal Sounds 11 2.8 Sound Propagation 11 2.9 Ground Absorption 12 2.10 Sound Attenuation 12 3.0 Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals ....................................................................................... 15 3.1 Vibration Descriptors 15 3.2 Vibration Perception 17 3.3 Vibration Propagation 17 4.0 Regulatory Setting ......................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Federal Regulations 18 4.2 State Regulations 20 4.3 City of Fontana 21 5.0 Study Method and Procedure ....................................................................................................... 25 5.1 Noise Measurement Procedure and Criteria 25 5.2 SoundPLAN Noise Modeling 25 5.3 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model 26 6.0 Existing Noise Environment .......................................................................................................... 28 6.2 Noise Measurements 28 6.3 Existing Noise Modeling 31 6.5 Existing Vibration Sources in the Project Area 34 7.0 Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation ................................................................... 35 7.1 Transportation Noise 35 7.2 Stationary Noise 44 7.3 Construction Noise 45 7.4 Groundborne Vibration 47 8.0 CEQA Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 49 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Table of Contents MD Acoustics, LLC iii JN: 04622022_Report_011823 9.0 References .................................................................................................................................... 51 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: SoundPLAN Data Appendix B: Noise Measurement Data and Field Sheets Appendix C: FHWA Roadway Noise Worksheets LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Plan Area ............................................................................................................................. 3 Exhibit B: Existing General Plan Land Use Map .................................................................................. 4 Exhibit C: Proposed General Plan Land Use Map ............................................................................... 5 Exhibit D: Existing Zoning Districts ...................................................................................................... 6 Exhibit E: Proposed Zoning Districts ................................................................................................... 7 Exhibit F: Typical Ground-borne Vibration Levels ............................................................................ 16 Exhibit G: Noise Measurement Location Map .................................................................................. 30 Exhibit H: Existing Roadway Noise Level Contours (CNEL)................................................................ 33 Exhibit I: 2040 No Project Noise Contours (CNEL) ........................................................................... 41 Exhibit J: 2040 With Project Noise Contours (CNEL) ........................................................................ 42 Exhibit K: 2040 Alternative 1 Noise Contours (CNEL) ....................................................................... 43 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of Existing On-Site Development .................................................................................. 2 Table 2: Decibel Addition ............................................................................................................................ 8 Table 3: Typical Noise Levels....................................................................................................................... 9 Table 4: Perceived Changes in Noise Levels ............................................................................................. 10 Table 5: Noise Reduction Afforded by Common Building Construction .................................................. 13 Table 6: Typical Human Reaction and Effect on Buildings Due to Ground-Borne Vibration ................... 15 Table 7: FHWA Design Noise Levels .......................................................................................................... 19 Table 8: Roadway Noise Modeling Parameters ........................................................................................ 26 Table 9: Vehicle Mix Data ......................................................................................................................... 27 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Table of Contents MD Acoustics, LLC iv JN: 04622022_Report_011823 Table 10: Short-Term Noise Measurement Summary .............................................................................. 28 Table 11: Long-Term Noise Measurement Summary ............................................................................... 29 Table 12: Existing Exterior Noise Levels Along Roadways ........................................................................ 31 Table 13: 2040 No Project Traffic Noise Levels (dBA, CNEL) .................................................................... 35 Table 14: 2040 Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels (dBA, CNEL) .................................................................. 36 Table 15: 2040 Alternate 1 Traffic Noise Levels (dBA, CNEL) ................................................................... 37 Table 16: Change in Noise Along Roadways (dBA, CNEL @ 50')............................................................... 39 Table 17: Typical Construction Noise Levels ............................................................................................. 45 Table 18: Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment ............................................................... 47 Table 19: Human Response to Transient Vibration .................................................................................. 48 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Introduction 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Analysis and Study Objectives This noise assessment was prepared to evaluate the potential noise impacts for the Project Area and to recommend noise mitigation measures, if necessary, to minimize the potential noise impacts. The assessment was conducted and compared to the noise standards set forth by the Federal, State, and Local agencies. Consistent with the City's Noise Guidelines, the Project must demonstrate compliance to the applicable noise criterion as outlined within the City's Noise Element and Municipal Code. The following is provided in this report:  A description of the Project Area and the proposed Project  Information regarding the fundamentals of noise and vibration  A description of the local noise and vibration guidelines and standards  An analysis of traffic noise impacts to and from the project site  An analysis of stationary noise impacts to and from the project site  An analysis of construction noise impacts  An analysis of ground-borne vibration impacts to and from the project site  Suggested mitigation measures to reduce impacts 1.2 Site Location and Project Area The proposed Project Area encompasses approximately 478 acres bounded by Foothill Boulevard on the north, Randall Avenue on the south, Juniper Avenue on the west, and Mango Avenue on the east, as shown in Exhibit A. 1.3 Proposed Project Description The City is proposing to create a new focused area in the Downtown Core (Project Area) by creating and implementing a new General Plan land use category and six new Form Based Code districts specific to the Project Area. The Project would involve amending the General Plan, including establishing a new General Plan land use category, amending the General Plan Land Use Map to apply the new land use category, and amending the Zoning and Development Code, including the Zoning District Map, as described below. The proposed Project, would in part, provide increased residential development opportunities, consistent with the goals of the Senate Bill 2 Planning Grant received by the City. the Project proposes to ultimately close a quarter-mile portion of Sierra Avenue to vehicular traffic. This would occur in two phases. Phase I (interim condition) would reduce the number of travel lanes on Sierra Avenue from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction, convert Wheeler Avenue to a one-way northbound street, and convert Nuevo Avenue to a one-way southbound street. Phase II (the ultimate condition) would close Sierra Avenue between Arrow Boulevard and Orange Way to vehicular traffic, diverting traffic to parallel streets. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Introduction 2 1.4 Existing Land Uses The Project Area contains a mix of existing on-site development, as shown in Table 1, Summary of Existing On-Site Development. As indicated in Table 1, the Project Area is currently developed with approximately 1.3 million square feet of non-residential uses and 2,020 dwelling units. Table 1: Summary of Existing On-Site Development Land Use Development Dwelling Units Building Square Feet Land Area (acres) Single-Family Residential1 896 Multi-Family Residential2 1,124 Commercial3 642,458 Office 293,579 Industrial 46,894 Public Facilities4 324,533 Public Parks 2.08 Public Right of Way 114.00 Vacant (Land) 12.07 Grand Total 2,020 1,307,464 Source: CoStar Group, Esri, Google Earth, ParcelQuest, San Bernardino County Assessor Notes: 1. Includes attached and detached single-family homes 2. Includes apartments, condos, and retirement homes 3. Includes retail properties as designated by CoStar Group 4. Includes civic centers and educational and government facilities Exhibit A Plan Area Introduction 3 Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Exhibit BExisting General Plan Land Use Map Introduction 4 Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Exhibit CProposed General Plan Land Use Map Introduction 5 Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Exhibit DExisting Zoning Districts Introduction 6 Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Exhibit E Proposed Zoning Districts Introduction 7 Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 8 2.0 Fundamentals of Noise This section of the report provides basic information about noise and presents some of the terms used within the report. 2.1 Sound, Noise, and Acoustics Sound is a disturbance created by a moving or vibrating source and is capable of being detected by the hearing organs. Sound may be thought of as mechanical energy of a moving object transmitted by pressure waves through a medium to a human ear. For traffic or stationary noise, the medium of concern is air. Noise is defined as sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or unwanted. 2.2 Frequency and Hertz A continuous sound is described by its frequency (pitch) and its amplitude (loudness). Frequency relates to the number of pressure oscillations per second. Low-frequency sounds are low in pitch (bass sounding) and high-frequency sounds are high in pitch (squeak). These oscillations per second (cycles) are commonly referred to as Hertz (Hz). The human ear can hear from the bass pitch starting at 20 Hz to the high pitch of 20,000 Hz. 2.3 Sound Pressure Levels and Decibels The amplitude of a sound determines its loudness. The loudness of sound increases or decreases as the amplitude increases or decreases. Sound pressure amplitude is measured in units of micro-Newton per square meter (µN/m2), also called micro-Pascal (µPa). One µPa is approximately one hundred billionths (0.00000000001) of normal atmospheric pressure. Sound pressure level (SPL or Lp) is used to describe in logarithmic units the ratio of actual sound pressures to a reference pressure squared. These units are called decibels abbreviated dB. 2.4 Addition of Decibels Because decibels are on a logarithmic scale, sound pressure levels cannot be added or subtracted by simple plus or minus addition. When two sounds of equal SPL are combined, they will produce an SPL 3 dB greater than the single SPL. In other words, sound energy that is doubled produces a 3 dB increase. If two sounds differ by approximately 10 dB, the higher sound level is the predominant sound. When combining sound levels, estimates shown in Table 2 may be utilized. Table 2: Decibel Addition When Two Decibel Values Differ by: Add This Amount to Higher Value Example 0 or 1 dB 3 dB 70+69=73 dB 2 or 3 dB 2 dB 74+71=76 dB 4 to 9 dB 1 dB 66+60=67 dB 10 dB or more 0 dB 65+55=65 dB Source: Caltrans Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. Caltrans, 2013 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 9 2.5 Human Response to Changes in Noise Levels In general, the healthy human ear is most sensitive to sounds between 1,000 Hz and 5,000 Hz, and it perceives a sound within that range as being more intense than a sound with a higher or lower frequency with the same magnitude. For purposes of this report as well as with most environmental documents, A-scale weighting is typically used and is reported in terms of the A-weighted decibel (dBA). The A-scale was designed to account for the frequency-dependent sensitivity of the human ear. Typical A-weighted noise levels are shown in Table 3. Table 3: Typical Noise Levels Common Outdoor Activities Noise Level (dBA) Common Indoor 110 Rock Band Jet flyover at 1,000 feet 100 Gas lawnmower at 3 feet 90 Diesel truck at 50 feet at 50 mph Food blender at 3 feet 80 Garbage disposal at 3 feet Noisy urban area, daytime Gas lawnmower, 100 feet 70 Vacuum cleaner at 10 feet Commercial area Normal speech at 3 feet Heavy traffic at 300 feet 60 Large Business Office Quiet urban daytime 50 Dishwasher in next room Quiet urban nighttime 40 Theater, large conference room (background) Quiet suburban nighttime 30 Library Quiet rural nighttime Bedroom at night, concert hall (background) 20 Broadcasting/recording studio 10 Lowest Threshold of Human Hearing 0 Lowest Threshold of Human Hearing Source: Caltrans Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. Caltrans, 2013. In general, the human ear can barely perceive a change in the noise level of 3 dB. As shown in Table 4, a change in 5 dB is readily perceptible, and a change in 10 dB is perceived as being twice or half as loud. As previously discussed, a doubling of sound energy results in a 3 dB increase in sound, which means that a doubling of sound energy (e.g., doubling the volume of traffic on a highway) would result in a barely perceptible change in sound level. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 10 Table 4: Perceived Changes in Noise Levels Changes in Intensity Level, dBA Changes in Apparent Loudness 1 Not perceptible 3 Just perceptible 5 Clearly noticeable 10 Twice (or half) as loud Source: Caltrans Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. Caltrans, 2013. 2.6 Noise Descriptors Noise in our daily environment fluctuates over time. Some noise levels occur in regular patterns, and others are random. Some noise levels are constant, while others are sporadic. Noise descriptors were created to describe the different time-varying noise levels. A-Weighted Sound Level: The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighted filter network. The A-weighting filter de-emphasizes the very low and very high- frequency components of the sound in a manner similar to the response of the human ear. A numerical method of rating human judgment of loudness. Ambient Noise Level: The composite of noise from all sources, near and far. In this context, the ambient noise level constitutes the normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location. Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL): The average equivalent A-weighted sound level during a 24- hour day, obtained after the addition of five (5) decibels to sound levels in the evening from 7:00 to 10:00 PM and after the addition of ten (10) decibels to sound levels in the night between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Decibel (dB): A unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound, equal to 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is 20 micro- pascals. dBA: A-weighted sound level (see definition above). Equivalent Sound Level (LEQ): The sound level corresponding to a steady noise level over a given sample period with the same amount of acoustic energy as the actual time-varying noise level. The energy average noise level during the sample period. Habitable Room: Any room meeting the requirements of the California Building Code or other applicable regulations which is intended to be used for sleeping, living, cooking, or dining purposes, excluding such enclosed spaces as closets, pantries, bath or toilet rooms, service rooms, connecting corridors, laundries, unfinished attics, foyers, storage spaces, cellars, utility rooms, and similar spaces. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 11 L(n): The A-weighted sound level exceeded during a certain percentage of the sample time. For example, L10 in the sound level exceeded 10 percent of the sample time. Similarly, L50, L90, L99, etc. Noise: Any unwanted sound or sound which is undesirable because it interferes with speech and hearing, is intense enough to damage hearing, or is otherwise annoying. The State Noise Control Act defines noise as "...excessive undesirable sound...". Outdoor Living Area: Outdoor spaces that are associated with residential land uses typically used for passive recreational activities or other noise-sensitive uses. Such spaces include patio areas, barbecue areas, jacuzzi areas, etc. associated with residential uses; outdoor patient recovery or resting areas associated with hospitals, convalescent hospitals, or rest homes; outdoor areas associated with places of worship which have a significant role in services or other noise-sensitive activities; and outdoor school facilities routinely used for educational purposes which may be adversely impacted by noise. Outdoor areas usually not included in this definition are: front yard areas, driveways, greenbelts, maintenance areas and storage areas associated with residential land uses; exterior areas at hospitals that are not used for patient activities; outdoor areas associated with places of worship and principally used for short- term social gatherings; and, outdoor areas associated with school facilities that are not typically associated with educational uses prone to adverse noise impacts (for example, school play yard areas). Percent Noise Levels: See L(n). Sound Level (Noise Level): The weighted sound pressure level obtained by use of a sound level meter having a standard frequency filter for attenuating part of the sound spectrum. Sound Level Meter: An instrument, including a microphone, an amplifier, an output meter, and frequency weighting networks for the measurement and determination of noise and sound levels. Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL): The dBA level which, if it lasted for one second, would produce the same A-weighted sound energy as the actual event. 2.7 Tonal Sounds A pure tone sound is a sound produced at or near a single frequency. Laboratory tests have shown that humans are more perceptible to changes in sound levels of a pure tone. For a noise source to contain a "pure tone," there must be a significantly higher A-weighted sound energy in a given frequency band than in the neighboring bands, thereby causing the noise source to "stand out" against other noise sources. A pure tone occurs if the sound pressure level in the one-third octave band with the tone exceeds the average of the sound pressure levels of the two contagious one-third octave bands by 5 dB for center frequencies of 500 Hertz (Hz) and above; by 8 dB for center frequencies between 160 and 400 Hz; and by 15 dB for center frequencies of 125 Hz or less. 2.8 Sound Propagation As sound propagates from a source it spreads geometrically. Sound from a small, localized source (i.e., a point source) radiates uniformly outward as it travels away from the source in a spherical pattern. The Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 12 sound level attenuates at a rate of 6 dB per doubling of distance. The movement of vehicles down a roadway makes the source of the sound appear to propagate from a line (i.e., line source) rather than a point source. This line source results in the noise propagating from a roadway in a cylindrical spreading versus a spherical spreading that results from a point source. The sound level attenuates for a line source at a rate of 3 dB per doubling of distance. Research has demonstrated that atmospheric conditions can have a significant effect on noise levels when noise receivers are located 200 feet or more from a noise source. Wind, temperature, air humidity, and turbulence can further impact have far sound can travel. 2.9 Ground Absorption As noise propagates from the source, it is affected by the ground and atmosphere. Noise models use hard site (reflective surfaces) and soft site (absorptive surfaces) to help calculate predicted noise levels. Hard site conditions assume no excessive ground absorption between the noise source and the receiver. Soft site conditions such as grass, soft dirt, or landscaping attenuate noise at a rate of 1.5 dB per doubling of distance. When added to the geometric spreading, the excess ground attenuation results in an overall noise attenuation of 4.5 dB per doubling of distance for a line source and 7.5 dB per doubling of distance for a point source. 2.10 Sound Attenuation Noise-related land use issues are typically composed of three basic elements: (1) the noise source, (2) a transmission path, and (3) a receiver. The appropriate acoustical treatment for a given project should consider the nature of the noise source and the sensitivity of the receiver. When the potential for a noise-related problem is present, either avoidance of the noise-related problem or noise control techniques should be selected to provide an acceptable noise environment for the receiver while remaining consistent with local aesthetic standards and practical structural and economic limits. Fundamental noise control options are described below. 2.10.1 Noise Barriers Effective noise barriers can reduce noise levels by 10 to 15 dBA, cutting the loudness of traffic noise in half. To achieve that reduction, the barrier must be high enough and long enough to block the line-of- sight of the vehicles on the road. A noise barrier can still achieve a 5 dBA noise level reduction when it is tall enough to barely allow a line-of-sight of the vehicles. A noise barrier is most effective when placed close to the noise source or receiver. When the noise barrier is an earthen berm instead of a wall, the noise attenuation can be increased by another 3 dBA. 2.10.2 Setbacks Noise exposure may be reduced by increasing the setback distance between the noise source and the receiving use. Setback areas can take the form of open space, frontage roads, recreational areas, and storage yards. The available noise attenuation from this technique is limited by the characteristics of the noise source but generally ranges between 4 and 6 dBA. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 13 2.10.3 Site Design Buildings can be placed on a property to shield other structures or areas affected by noise and to prevent an increase in noise levels caused by reflections. The use of one building to shield another can significantly reduce overall noise control costs, particularly if the shielding structure is insensitive to noise. An example would be placing a detached garage nearest the noise source to shield the house or backyard. Site design should guard against creating reflecting surfaces that may increase onsite noise levels. For example, two buildings placed at an angle facing a noise source may cause noise levels within that angle to increase by up to 3 dBA. The open end of U-shaped buildings should point away from noise sources for the same reason. Landscaping walls or noise barriers located within a development may inadvertently reflect noise to a noise-sensitive area unless carefully located. 2.10.4 Building Facades When interior noise levels are of concern in a noisy environment, noise reduction may be obtained through the acoustical design of building facades. Standard construction practices provide a noise reduction of 10–15 dBA for building facades with open windows and a noise reduction of approximately 25 dBA when windows are closed (Table 5). An exterior-to-interior noise reduction of 25 dBA can be obtained by requiring that building design include adequate ventilation systems, which would allow windows facing a noise source to remain closed, even during periods of excessively warm weather. Where greater noise reduction is required, acoustical treatment of the building facade may be necessary. Reducing relative window area is the most effective control technique, followed by providing acoustical glazing (e.g., thicker glass or increased air space between panes) within frames with low air infiltration rates, using fixed (i.e., non-movable) acoustical glazing, or eliminating windows. Noise transmitted through walls can be reduced by increasing wall mass (e.g., using stucco or brick in lieu of wood siding), or isolating wall members by using double or staggered stud walls, while noise transmitted through doorways can be lessened by reducing door area, using solid-core doors, or sealing door perimeters with suitable gaskets. Noise-reducing roof treatments include using plywood sheathing under roofing materials. Table 5: Noise Reduction Afforded by Common Building Construction Construction Type Typical Occupancy General Description Range of Noise Reduction (dB)1 1 Residential, Commercial, Schools Wood frame, stucco, or wood sheathing exterior. Interior drywall or plaster. Sliding glass windows, with windows partially open. 15-20 2 Same as 1 above Same as 1 above, but with windows closed. 25-30 3 Commercial, Schools Same as 1 above, but with fixed 0.25-inch plate glass windows. 30-35 4 Commercial, Industrial Steel or concrete frame, curtain wall, or masonry exterior wall. Fixed 0.25-inch plate glass windows. 35-40 Source: California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook, 2002. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 14 2.10.5 Landscaping While the use of trees and other vegetation is often thought to provide significant noise attenuation, approximately 100 feet of dense foliage – with no visual path extending through the foliage – is required to achieve a 5 dBA attenuation of traffic noise. Thus, the use of vegetation as a noise barrier is not considered a practical method of noise control unless large tracts of dense foliage are part of the existing landscape. Vegetation can be used, however, to acoustically "soften" intervening ground between a noise source and a receiver, increasing ground absorption of sound, and thus, increasing the attenuation of sound with distance. Planting trees and shrubs also offers aesthetic and psychological value, and it may reduce adverse public reaction to a noise source by removing the source from view, even though noise levels would be largely unaffected. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals 15 3.0 Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals 3.1 Vibration Descriptors Ground-borne vibrations consist of rapidly fluctuating motions within the ground that have an average motion of zero. The effects of ground-borne vibrations typically only cause a nuisance to people, but at extreme vibration levels, damage to buildings may occur. Although ground-borne vibration can be felt outdoors, it is typically only an annoyance to people indoors where the associated effects of the shaking of a building can be notable. Ground-borne noise is an effect of ground-borne vibration and mainly exists indoors since it is produced from noise radiated from the motion of the walls and floors of a room and may also consist of the rattling of windows or dishes on shelves. Several different methods are used to quantify vibration amplitude. Typical human reaction and effect on buildings due to ground-borne vibration is shown in Table 6. Exhibit F illustrates common vibration sources and the human and structural responses to ground-borne vibration PPV – Known as the peak particle velocity (PPV) which is the maximum instantaneous peak in vibration velocity, typically given in inches per second. RMS – Known as root mean squared (RMS) can be used to denote vibration amplitude VdB – A commonly used abbreviation to describe the vibration level (VdB) for a vibration source. Table 6: Typical Human Reaction and Effect on Buildings Due to Ground-Borne Vibration Vibration Level Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) Human Reaction Effect on Buildings 0.006–0.019 in/sec Threshold of perception, possibility of intrusion Vibrations unlikely to cause damage of any type 0.08 in/sec Vibrations readily perceptible Recommended upper level of vibration to which ruins and ancient monuments should be subjected 0.10 in/sec Level at which continuous vibration begins to annoy people Virtually no risk of "architectural" (i.e., not structural) damage to normal buildings 0.20 in/sec Vibrations annoying to people in buildings Threshold at which there is a risk to "architectural" damage to normal dwelling – houses with plastered walls and ceilings 0.4–0.6 in/sec Vibrations considered unpleasant by people subjected to continuous vibrations and unacceptable to some people walking on bridges Vibrations at a greater level than normally expected from traffic, but would cause "architectural" damage and possibly minor structural damage Source: Caltrans Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual, 2020. Exhibit F Typical Ground-Borne Vibration Levels 16 Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals 17 3.2 Vibration Perception Typically, developed areas are continuously affected by vibration velocities of 50 VdB or lower. These continuous vibrations are not noticeable to humans whose threshold of perception is around 65 VdB. Outdoor sources that may produce perceptible vibrations are usually caused by construction equipment, steel-wheeled trains, and traffic on rough roads, while smooth roads rarely produce perceptible ground- borne noise or vibration. The California Department of Transportation has published one of the seminal works for the analysis of ground-borne noise and vibration relating to transportation- and construction-induced vibrations and although the Project is not subject to these regulations, it serves as useful tools to evaluate vibration impacts. (California Department of Transportation, 2020). 3.3 Vibration Propagation There are three main types of vibration propagation: surface, compression, and shear waves. Surface waves, or Rayleigh waves, travel along the ground's surface. These waves carry most of their energy along an expanding circular wave front, similar to ripples produced by throwing a rock into a pool of water. P-waves, or compression waves, are body waves that carry their energy along an expanding spherical wave front. The particle motion in these waves is longitudinal (i.e., in a "push-pull" fashion). P- waves are analogous to airborne sound waves. S-waves, or shear waves, are also body waves that carry energy along an expanding spherical wave front. However, unlike P-waves, the particle motion is transverse, or side-to-side and perpendicular to the direction of propagation. As vibration waves propagate from a source, the vibration energy decreases in a logarithmic nature and the vibration levels typically decrease by 6 VdB per doubling of the distance from the vibration source. This drop-off rate can vary greatly depending on the soil but has been shown to be effective enough for screening purposes, in order to identify potential vibration impacts that may need to be studied through actual field tests. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 18 4.0 Regulatory Setting The proposed Project is located in the City of San Jacinto, and noise regulations are addressed through the efforts of various federal, state, and local government agencies. The agencies responsible for regulating noise are discussed below. 4.1 Federal Regulations 4.1.1 Noise Control Act of 1972 The Federal Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) originally was tasked with implementing the Noise Control Act. However, it was eventually eliminated leaving other federal agencies and committees to develop noise policies and programs. Some examples of these agencies are as follows: • The Department of Transportation (DOT) assumed a significant role in noise control through its various agencies. • The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) regulates noise from aircraft and airports. • The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulates noise from the interstate highway system. • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for the prohibition of excessive noise exposure to workers. The federal government advocates that local jurisdiction use their land use regulatory authority to arrange new development in such a way that "noise sensitive" uses are either prohibited from being constructed adjacent to a highway or that the developments are planned and constructed in such a manner that potential noise impacts are minimized. Since the federal government has preempted the setting of standards for noise levels that can be emitted by the transportation source, the City is restricted to regulating the noise generated by the transportation system through nuisance abatement Codes and land use planning. The intent of a General Plan Noise Element is to set goals to limit and reduce the effects of noise intrusion and to set acceptable noise levels for varying types of land uses. To this end, the City has the authority to set land use noise standards and restrict private activities that generate excessive or intrusive noise. However, it should be recognized that the City does not have the authority to regulate all sources of noise within the City and various other agencies may supersede City authority. The following is a summary of some federal agency requirements that apply to noise within the Project Area. 4.1.2 Federal Highway Administration Federal Highway Administration State routes and freeways that run through the City are subject to Federal funding and, as such, are under the purview of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The FHWA has developed noise standards that are typically used for Federally funded roadway projects or projects that require either Federal or Caltrans review. These noise standards are based on Leq and L10 values and are included in Table 7, FHWA Design Noise Levels. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 19 Table 7: FHWA Design Noise Levels Design Noise Levels1 Activity Category Description of Category Leq (dBA) L10 (dBA) A Lands on which serenity and quiet are of extraordinary significance and serve an important public need and where the preservation of those qualities is essential if the area is to continue to serve its intended purpose. Examples include natural parks or wildlife habitats. 57 (exterior) 60 (exterior) B Picnic areas, recreation areas, playgrounds, active sports areas, parks, residences, motels, hotels, schools, churches, libraries, and hospitals. 67 (exterior) 70 (exterior) C Developed lands, properties, or activities not included in Categories A or B, above. 72 (exterior) 75 (exterior) D Undeveloped lands. E Residences, motels, hotels, public meeting rooms, schools, churches, libraries, hospitals, and auditoriums. 52 (interior) 55 (interior) Source: FHWA Noise Standard. 23 Code of Federal Regulations 772. Notes: Either Leq or L10 (but not both) design noise levels may be used on a project. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issues formal requirements related specifically to standards for exterior noise levels along with policies for approving HUD-supported or assisted housing projects in high noise areas. In general, these requirements established three zones. These include: • 65 dBA Ldn or less - an acceptable zone where all projects could be approved, • Exceeding 65 dBA Ldn but not exceeding 75 dBA Ldn - a normally unacceptable zone where mitigation measures would be required, and each Project would have to be individually evaluated for approval or denial. These measures must provide 5 dBA of attenuation above the attenuation provided by standard construction required in a 65 to 70 dBA Ldn area and 10 dBA of attenuation in a 70 to 75 dBA Ldn area, and • Exceeding 75 dBA Ldn - an unacceptable zone in which projects would not, as a rule, be approved. 4.1.3 The Federal Interagency Committee on Noise The Federal Interagency Committee on Noise (FICON) developed guidance for the assessment of project- generated increases in noise levels that consider the ambient noise level. The FICON recommendations are based on studies of the percentage of persons highly annoyed by aircraft noise. These recommendations are often used for different types of environmental noise such as traffic noise. A readily perceptible 5 dBA or greater project-related noise level increase is considered a significant impact Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 20 when the noise criteria for a given land use is exceeded. In areas where the existing noise levels range from 60 to 65 dBA Ldn, a 3 dBA barely perceptible noise level increase is considered significant. When the existing noise levels already exceed 65 dBA Ldn, any increase in community noise louder than 1.5 dBA or greater is considered a significant impact since it likely contributes to an existing noise exposure exceedance. 4.2 State Regulations 4.2.1 California Department of Health Services The California Department of Health Services (DHS) Office of Noise Control studied the correlation between noise levels and their effects on various land uses. As a result, the DHS established four categories for judging the severity of noise intrusion on specified land uses. These categories are presented in the State Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Exposure table (California Office of Noise Control, 2017). The Fontana General Plan has not adopted these standards and instead uses a threshold of 65 dBA CNEL and 65 dBA Leq12 for sensitive uses. 4.2.2 The California Building Code Section 1206.4 of the 2022 California Building Code (Cal. Code Regs., Title 24, Part 2), Chapter 12 (Interior Environment), establishes an interior noise criterion of 45 dBA CNEL in any habitable room. Per California Building Code, Chapter 2 (Definitions), a habitable space is A space in a building for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces and similar areas are not considered habitable spaces.This section applies to dwelling and sleeping units. 4.2.3 California Green Building Standards Code California Green Building Standards Code (2022), Chapter 5 (Nonresidential Mandatory Measures) Section 5.507.4 (Acoustical Control), applies to all proposed buildings that people may occupy but are not residential dwelling units, with the exception of factories, stadiums, storage, enclosed parking structures, and utility buildings. Buildings must comply with Section 5.507.4.1 or Section 5.507.4.2. Section 5.507.4.1 requires wall and roof-ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source making up the building, or addition envelope or altered envelope, shall meet a composite Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of at least 50 or a composite Outdoor to Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) rating of no less than 40, with exterior windows of a minimum STC of 40 or OITC of 30 when within the 65 CNEL noise contour of an airport, freeway, expressway, railroad, industrial source, or fixed-guideway source. If contours are not available, buildings exposed to 65 dB Leq(h) must meet a composite STC rating of at least 45 or OITC of 35 with exterior windows of at least STC 40 or OITC 30. Section 5.507.4.2 requires that the interior noise attributable to exterior sources must not exceed 50 dBA Leq(h) during any hour of operation. Section 5.507.4.3 requires that assemblies separating tenant spaces from tenant spaces or public places must have an STC of at least 40. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 21 4.3 City of Fontana Existing planning policies and noise regulations applicable to noise within the City of Fontana are presented in the Noise and Safety Element of the City of Fontana General Plan "Fontana Forward" and within the City of Fontana Municipal Code. Applicable goals, policies, and regulations are presented below. 4.3.1 City of Fontana 2015-2035 General Plan The primary noise sources in the Project Area are transportation noise and stationary noise sources. Transportation noise refers to noise from automobile use, trucking, and nearby airport operations. Typical stationary noise sources include but are not limited to HVAC Systems, Pump Stations, Cooling Towers/Evaporative Condensers, Lift Stations, Emergency Generators, Boilers, Steam Valves, Steam Turbines, Generator, Fans, Air Compressors, Heavy Equipment, Conveyor Systems, Transformers, Pile Drivers, Grinders, Drill Rigs, Gas or Diesel Motors, Welders, Cutting Equipment, Outdoor Speakers, Blowers and Pneumatic Equipment. General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions The 2015-2035 General Plan Noise and Safety Element includes the following goals, policies and actions that are intended to avoid or reduce noise impacts related to transportation, stationary, and construction related noise sources. Goal 8: The City of Fontana protects sensitive land uses from excessive noise by diligent planning through 2035. Policies • New sensitive land uses shall be prohibited in incompatible areas. • Noise-tolerant land uses shall be guided into areas irrevocably committed to land uses that are noise-producing, such as transportation corridors. • Where sensitive uses are to be placed along transportation routes, mitigation shall be provided to ensure compliance with state- mandated noise levels. • Noise spillover or encroachment from commercial, industrial and educational land uses shall be minimized into adjoining residential neighborhoods or noise-sensitive uses. Actions A. The following uses shall be considered noise-sensitive and discouraged in areas in excess of 65 dBA CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level): Residential Uses; Hospitals; Rest Homes; Long Term Care Facilities; and Mental Care Facilities. B. The following uses shall be considered noise-sensitive and discouraged in areas in excess of 65 Leq(12) (Equivalent Continuous Sound Level): Schools; Libraries; Places of Worship; and Passive Recreation Uses. C. The State of California Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines shall be followed with respect to acoustical study requirements. Goal 9: The City of Fontana provides a diverse and efficiently operated ground transportation system that generates the minimum feasible noise on its residents through 2035. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 22 Policies • All noise sections of the State Motor Vehicle Code shall be enforced. • Roads shall be maintained such that the paving is in good condition and free of cracks, bumps, and potholes. • Noise mitigation measures shall be included in the design of new roadway projects in the city. Actions A. On-road trucking activities shall continue to be regulated in the City to ensure noise impacts are minimized, including, including the implementation of truck-routes based on traffic studies. B. Development that generates increased traffic and subsequent increases in the ambient noise level adjacent to noise-sensitive land uses shall provide appropriate mitigation measures. C. Noise mitigation practices shall be employed when designing all future streets and highways, and when improvements occur along existing highway segments. D. Explore the use of "quiet pavement" materials for street improvements. Goal 10: Fontana's residents are protected from the negative effects of "spillover" noise. Policy • Residential land uses and areas identified as noise-sensitive shall be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including industrial, commercial, and residential activities and equipment. Actions A. Projects located in commercial areas shall not exceed stationary- source noise standards at the property line of proximate residential or commercial uses. B. Industrial uses shall not exceed commercial or residential stationary source noise standards at the most proximate land uses. C. Non-transportation noise shall be considered in land use planning decisions. D. Construction shall be performed as quietly as feasible when performed in proximity to residential or other noise sensitive land uses. The Fontana General Plan Environmental Report includes two noise-related mitigation measures. MM-NOI-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a developer shall contract for a site-specific noise study for the parcel. The noise study shall be performed by an acoustic consultant experienced in such studies and the consultant's qualifications and methodology to be used in the study must be presented to City staff for consideration. The site-specific acoustic study shall specifically identify potential noise impacts upon any proposed sensitive uses (addressing General Plan buildout conditions), as well as potential project impacts upon off-site sensitive uses due to construction, stationary and mobile noise sources. Mitigation for mobile noise impacts, where identified as significant, shall consider facility siting and truck routes such that project-related truck traffic utilizes existing established truck routes. Mitigation shall be required if noise levels exceed 65 dBA, as identified in Section 30-182 of the City’s Municipal Code. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 23 MM-NOI-2 To reduce impacts related to heavy construction equipment moving and operating on site during project construction, grading, demolition, and paving prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall ensure that the following procedures are followed: • Construction equipment, fixed or mobile, shall be properly outfitted and maintained with feasible noise-reduction devices to minimize construction generated noise. • Laydown and construction vehicle staging areas shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses if feasible. • Stationary noise sources such as generators shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses, if feasible. • Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the job superintendent shall be clearly posted at all construction entrances to allow surrounding property owners to contact the job superintendent 24 hours a day to report noise and other nuisance-related issues, if necessary. The point of contact shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and have authority to commit additional assets to control dust after hours, on weekends, and on holidays. In the event that the City of Fontana receives a pattern of noise complaints, appropriate corrective actions shall be implemented, such as on site noise monitoring during construction activities, and a report of the action shall be provided to the reporting party. 4.3.3 City of Fontana Municipal Code The Noise Ordinance of the Municipal Code is designed to protect people from non-transportation noise sources such as construction activity; commercial, industrial, and agricultural operations; machinery and pumps; and air conditioners. Enforcement of the ordinance ensures that adjacent properties are not exposed to excessive noise from stationary sources. Enforcing the ordinance includes requiring proposed development projects to show compliance with the ordinance, including operating in accordance with noise levels and hours of operations limits placed on the project site. The City also requires construction activity to comply with established work schedule limits. The ordinance is reviewed periodically for adequacy and amended as needed to address community needs and development patterns. The City of Fontana's Noise Ordinance consists of Sections 18-61 to 18-67 of the Fontana Municipal Code. These sections include noise-related definitions, discusses consequences for violation of the code, lists specifically prohibited noises, and outlines the allowed procedure for the use of sound trucks and sound amplifying aircraft. Section 18-63 states that any noise that disturbs persons of ordinary sensibilities is unlawful. It also outlines the penalties for violating the Noise Ordinance. Section 18-36 lists specific prohibited noises as they disturb a person of ordinary sensibilities. These sources including horns and signaling devices, sound amplifying equipment, animals, exhausts, vehicle and load defects, loading and unloading activities, construction during the hours of 6PM to 7AM on weekdays and 5PM to 8AM on Saturday, noise near schools, courts, places of worship, and hospitals, transportation of metal pillars, specific construction equipment between 6PM and 7AM, and blowers between the hours of 6PM and 7AM on weekdays and 5PM to 8AM on Saturdays. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 24 Section 30-469 outlines residential noise standards for interior and exterior uses. Within a residential zone, no use shall create a noise greater than 65 dB at an exterior use and 45 dB at an interior use. The code does not specify the weighting scale or specific location of the measurement, but generally environmental noise standards are in dBA and taken at the property line of a useable area. Section 30-470 states that any vibration occurring on a residential property which can be felt beyond the property line is prohibited. Section 30-542 is similar to Sections 30-469 and 30-470 for noises occurring on industrial properties. Daytime residential levels, however, are limited to 70 dBA at any residential property line and 65 dBA at night at any residential property line. This section also prohibits vibration which can be felt beyond the property line. Section 30-943(a)(6) outlines noise restrictions for extraction permits including daytime limits of 55 dBA at residential properties, 60 dBA at commercial properties at any time, and 70 dBA at industrial properties at any time. These limits are reiterated in Section 9-62(c)(3)(d)(3). Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Study Method and Procedure 25 5.0 Study Method and Procedure The following section describes the noise modeling procedures and assumptions used for this assessment. 5.1 Noise Measurement Procedure and Criteria Noise measurements are taken to determine the existing noise levels. A noise receiver or receptor is any location in the noise analysis in which noise might produce an impact. The following criteria are used to select measurement locations and receptors:  Locations expected to receive the highest noise impacts, such as the first row of houses  Locations that are acoustically representative and equivalent of the area of concern  Human land usage  Sites clear of major obstruction and contamination MD conducted the sound level measurements in accordance with the City and Caltrans technical noise specifications. All measurements equipment meets American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifications for sound level meters (S1.4-1983 identified in Chapter 19.68.020.AA). The following gives a brief description of the Caltrans Technical Noise Supplement procedures for sound level measurements:  Microphones for sound level meters were placed 5-feet above the ground for all measurements  Sound level meters were calibrated before and after each measurement  Following the calibration of equipment, a windscreen was placed over the microphone  Frequency weighting was set on "A" and slow response  Results of the long-term noise measurements were recorded on field data sheets  During any short-term noise measurements, any noise contaminations such as barking dogs, local traffic, lawnmowers, or aircraft flyovers were noted  Temperature and sky conditions were observed and documented 5.2 SoundPLAN Noise Modeling SoundPLAN acoustical modeling software was utilized to create existing, 2040 without Project, 2040 with Project, and 2040 Alternate 1 traffic noise level contours for the 19 segments analyzed in the Project’s traffic impact analysis and 13 additional segments calculated from the Project’s intersection volumes provided by Kittleson & Associate, Inc. Model parameters included average daily traffic volumes, day/evening/night split, roadway classification, width, speed, and truck mix. All modeled roadways were assumed to have a "hard site", as the majority of analysis occurs at 50 feet from the centerline of the road. Possible reductions in noise levels due to intervening topography and buildings were not accounted for in this analysis. Roadway modeling assumptions utilized for the technical study are provided in Table 8 and Table 9, and in Appendix C. A summary of the model parameters and REMEL adjustments are presented below. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Study Method and Procedure 26  Roadway classification – (e.g., freeway, major arterial, arterial, secondary, collector, etc.),  Roadway Active Width – (distance between the center of the outermost travel lanes on each side of the roadway)  Average Daily Traffic Volumes (ADT), Travel Speeds, Percentages of automobiles, medium trucks, and heavy trucks  Roadway grade and angle of view  Site Conditions (e.g., soft vs. hard)  Percentage of total ADT which flows each hour throughout a 24-hour period 5.3 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model The FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) was utilized to model and to compare existing traffic noise levels to 2040 Future noise levels. The FHWA model arrives at the predicted noise level through a series of adjustments to the Reference Energy Mean Emission Level (REMEL). Roadway modeling assumptions utilized for the technical study are provided in Table 8 and Table 9. Table 8: Roadway Noise Modeling Parameters Roadway Segment Limits Existing ADT1 2040 No Project ADT1 2040 With Project ADT1 2040 Alternative 1 ADT1 Speed3 Arrow Blvd. Juniper to Rosena 13,667 16,483 16,370 15,860 35 Arrow Blvd. Rosena to Nuevo 10,800 15,200 15,000 15,000 35 Arrow Blvd. Nuevo to Sierra 14,076 19,817 26,021 22,071 35 Arrow Blvd. Sierra to Wheeler 13,665 17,663 28,592 23,781 35 Arrow Blvd. Wheeler to Emerald 10,800 13,800 12,800 12,800 35 Arrow Blvd. Emerald to Mango 10,800 15,400 16,300 16,300 35 Ceres Ave. Nuevo to Sierra 1,894 2,650 2,989 2,519 25 Foothill Blvd. Juniper to Sierra 21,370 27,602 27,137 27,636 45 Foothill Blvd. Sierra to Mango 17,600 23,500 23,700 23,700 45 Juniper Ave. Foothill to Upland 11,200 13,800 14,900 14,900 35 Juniper Ave. Upland to Arrow 10,000 18,100 19,900 19,900 35 Juniper Ave. Arrow to Valencia 13,323 16,097 17,554 14,995 35 Mango Ave. Foothill to Upland 8,000 10,400 11,300 11,300 35 Mango Ave. Upland to Valencia 10,905 12,655 15,728 13,191 35 Mango Ave. Valencia to Merrill 9,300 13,500 19,400 19,400 35 Merrill Ave. Juniper to Mango 12,843 15,380 16,815 16,061 40 Nuevo Ave. Arrow to Valencia 928 1392 17153 11076 25 Nuevo Ave. Valencia to Orange 500 700 10600 10600 35 Orange Way Nuevo to Sierra 2,332 8,445 21,478 15,482 35 Orange Way Sierra to Wheeler 1,376 1,415 16,973 13,137 35 Randall Ave. Juniper to Mango 7,643 8,954 8,978 8,381 40 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Study Method and Procedure 27 Roadway Segment Limits Existing ADT1 2040 No Project ADT1 2040 With Project ADT1 2040 Alternative 1 ADT1 Speed3 Sierra Ave. Foothill to Upland 21,180 33,274 31,931 25,880 30 Sierra Ave. Upland to Arrow 15,600 22,200 20,000 20,000 30 Sierra Ave. Arrow to Valencia 22,594 32,951 0 0 30 Sierra Ave. Valencia to Orange 16,800 25,100 0 0 30 Sierra Ave. Orange to Merrill 21,864 34,069 27,200 22,612 30 Sierra Ave. Merrill to Athol 19,000 26,600 25,200 25,200 40 Sierra Ave. Athol to Randall 27,582 37,072 35,761 32,688 40 Valencia Ave. Juniper to Sierra 1,426 3,910 3,486 2,157 25 Valencia Ave. Sierra to Mango 1,160 3,644 3,220 1,891 25 Wheeler Ave. Arrow to Valencia 874 1,311 15,365 11,224 25 Wheeler Ave. Valencia to Orange 400 700 12900 12900 25 Notes: 1) Kittleson Associates, December 2022. 2) Speed was modeled as posted. Table 9: Vehicle Mix Data Motor-Vehicle Type1 Daytime % Evening % Night % Total % of (7AM to 7 PM) (7 PM to 10 PM) (10 PM to 7 AM) Traffic Flow2 Existing Automobiles 77.7 12.7 9.6 93.30 Medium Trucks 87.4 5.1 7.5 1.84 Heavy Trucks 89.1 2.8 8.1 4.86 2040 No Project Automobiles 77.7 12.7 9.6 94.80 Medium Trucks 87.4 5.1 7.5 1.84 Heavy Trucks 89.1 2.8 8.1 3.36 2040 With Project Automobiles 77.7 12.7 9.6 95.40 Medium Trucks 87.4 5.1 7.5 1.84 Heavy Trucks 89.1 2.8 8.1 2.76 2040 Alternative 1 Automobiles 77.7 12.7 9.6 93.60 Medium Trucks 87.4 5.1 7.5 1.84 Heavy Trucks 89.1 2.8 8.1 4.56 Notes: 1 Typical Southern California Traffic Mix 2 Project VMT Summary Total Daily VMT in Study Area Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Existing Noise Environment 28 6.0 Existing Noise Environment 6.1 General Land Use Noise Existing land uses within the Project Area include single and multiple-family residential development, commercial, recreational, institutional, and industrial land uses. Noise sources associated with existing land uses include residential maintenance, parking lot noise, heating, and cooling system (HVAC) noise, property maintenance noise, trash truck noise, loading and unloading noise, and recreational noise. 6.2 Noise Measurements Two (2) long-term 24-hour noise measurements and eight (8) short-term 10-minute noise measurements were conducted throughout the Project Area to document the existing noise environment. Noise measurement locations are shown in Exhibit G. 6.2.1 Short-Term Noise Measurements Eight short-term noise measurements (10-minute) were taken in order to document the daytime Leq level at different locations throughout the Project Area. Measured noise levels ranged between 51.3 and 71.2 dBA Leq. Vehicle noise associated with Foothill Boulevard, Arrow Boulevard, Merrill Avenue, and Randall Avenue, and railway noise were the primary sources of ambient noise. Noise measurement results are presented in Table 10. Field notes and meter output are provided in Appendix B. Table 10: Short-Term Noise Measurement Summary Noise Measurement Location Approximate Location Date Time A-Weighted Sound Level (dBA) Leq Lma x Lmin L2 L8 L25 L50 ST1 17095 Foothill Blvd. 12/08/22 3:24 PM 67.3 87.6 51.2 73.6 69.4 65.6 60.0 ST2 8212 Bennett Ave. 12/08/22 3:51 PM 69.3 89.0 44.7 79.0 70.6 61.6 54.3 ST3 17004 Arrow Blvd. 12/08/22 11:55 AM 56.3 64.6 49.8 63.4 61.0 56.1 54.0 ST4 16725 Valencia Ave. 12/08/22 2:22 PM 58.5 80.7 44.0 63.3 60.3 55.2 51.2 ST5 8999 Olive St. 12/08/22 2:03 PM 51.3 69.9 43.9 56.4 53.6 51.3 49.4 ST6 9100 Acacia Ave. 12/08/22 12:33 PM 52.2 74.7 38.8 57.2 50.5 44.9 42.6 ST7 9289 Juniper Ave. 12/08/22 1:35 PM 71.2 89.6 51.4 81.0 72.0 68.1 64.6 ST8 17110 Randall Ave. 12/08/22 1:09 PM 67.7 88.6 47.4 74.5 69.1 65.0 62.0 Notes: dBA = A-weighted decibels, Leq = equivalent noise level, Lmax = maximum noise level, Lmin = minimum noise level, Ln = noise level exceeded n percent of the measurement period, 10-minute duration 6.2.2 Long-Term Noise Measurements Two (2) long-term noise measurements (24 consecutive hours) were taken in order to document the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) at different locations throughout the Project Area. As shown in Table 11, the measured CNEL was 71.2 at 40 feet from the centerline of Juniper Ave. and 80.1 dBA at 100 feet from the railroad. The primary noise sources were vehicle traffic and railway noise. Table 11 also outlines the daytime (7 AM to 7 PM), evening (7 PM to 10 PM), and nighttime (10 PM to 7 AM) Leq Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Existing Noise Environment 29 levels at each location. These represent the average level over each time period (day/evening/night). Field notes and meter output are provided in Appendix B. Table 11: Long-Term Noise Measurement Summary Noise Measurement Location Approximate Location Date Description A-Weighted Sound Level (dBA) Daytime Leq Evening Leq Nighttime Leq CNEL LT1 Juniper Ave. near Foothill Blvd. 12/7/22- 12/8/22 vehicle noise 66.6 66.8 63.8 71.2 LT2 Sierra Ave. near Metrolink 12/7/22- 12/8/22 vehicle noise, rail noise 74.2 75.5 73.1 80.1 Notes: dBA = A-weighted decibels Leq = equivalent noise level Lmax = maximum noise level Lmin = minimum noise level Ln = noise level exceeded n percent of the measurement period 24-hour duration Exhibit G Noise Measurement Location Map Existing Noise Environment 29 Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA x = Short-Term measurement (10-Minute) x = Long-Term measurement (24-Hour) 1 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Existing Noise Environment 31 6.3 Existing Noise Modeling The primary sources of noise in Fontana are transportation-related noises. Foothill Boulevard and Sierra Avenue, along with other major roadways create ambient noise levels that affect the overall quality of life in the community. Modelled existing noise levels provided in Table 12 and on Exhibit H, confirm that there are currently sensitive land uses in the project area that are exposed to noise levels above 65 dBA CNEL. It should be noted that the modeled noise contours do not take into account factors such as existing buildings, walls, etc. that may reduce or in some cases, amplify noise sources. Measured noise levels provided in Tables 10 and 11, do take into account existing structures as well as other noise sources. Those areas in the City that currently experience sound levels greater than 65 dBA CNEL are typically near major vehicular traffic corridors. Traffic noise levels typically depend on three factors: (1) the volume of traffic, (2) the average speed of traffic, and (3) the vehicle mix (i.e., the percentage of trucks versus automobiles in the traffic flow). Vehicle noise includes noises produced by the engine, exhaust, tires, and wind generated by taller vehicles. Other factors that affect the perception of traffic noise include the distance from the highway, terrain, heavy vegetation, and natural and structural obstacles. While tire noise from automobiles is generally located at ground level, some truck noise sources may emanate from 12 feet or more above the ground. Table 12: Existing Exterior Noise Levels Along Roadways CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Arrow Blvd. Juniper to Rosena 71.0 64 201 636 2011 Arrow Blvd. Rosena to Nuevo 69.3 42 134 423 1337 Arrow Blvd. Nuevo to Sierra 70.2 52 166 524 1657 Arrow Blvd. Sierra to Wheeler 70.1 51 161 509 1609 Arrow Blvd. Wheeler to Emerald 69.3 42 134 423 1337 Arrow Blvd. Emerald to Mango 69.3 42 134 423 1337 Ceres Ave. Nuevo to Sierra 58.1 3 10 32 103 Foothill Blvd. Juniper to Sierra 73.4 110 348 1100 3480 Foothill Blvd. Sierra to Mango 72.9 98 310 981 3101 Juniper Ave. Foothill to Upland 68.4 35 109 346 1093 Juniper Ave. Upland to Arrow 67.9 31 97 305 966 Juniper Ave. Arrow to Valencia 69.0 40 126 400 1265 Mango Ave. Foothill to Upland 66.9 24 77 244 773 Mango Ave. Upland to Valencia 68.2 33 104 330 1044 Mango Ave. Valencia to Merrill 67.5 28 89 282 890 Merrill Ave. Juniper to Mango 70.0 50 159 504 1593 Nuevo Ave. Arrow to Valencia 54.9 2 5 15 49 Nuevo Ave. Valencia to Orange 54.5 1 5 14 45 Orange Way Nuevo to Sierra 61.6 7 23 72 228 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Existing Noise Environment 32 CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Orange Way Sierra to Wheeler 59.2 4 13 42 133 Randall Ave. Juniper to Mango 67.9 31 98 310 981 Sierra Ave. Foothill to Upland 70.2 53 167 529 1673 Sierra Ave. Upland to Arrow 68.6 36 115 365 1154 Sierra Ave. Arrow to Valencia 70.3 54 170 539 1703 Sierra Ave. Valencia to Orange 69.0 40 125 397 1254 Sierra Ave. Orange to Merrill 70.7 59 187 591 1868 Sierra Ave. Merrill to Athol 71.8 76 240 757 2395 Sierra Ave. Athol to Randall 73.6 115 363 1149 3635 Valencia Ave. Juniper to Sierra 56.9 2 8 24 77 Valencia Ave. Sierra to Mango 56.0 2 6 20 62 Wheeler Ave. Arrow to Valencia 54.7 1 5 15 47 Wheeler Ave. Valencia to Orange 51.3 1 2 7 21 Notes: 1. Exterior noise levels calculated at 5-feet above ground. 2. Noise levels calculated from centerline of subject roadway. 3. Contour Distances do not take into account potential noise reduction from existing barriers such as buildings, walls or berms as a worst- case scenario for planning screening purposes. Overall levels are likely lower at sensitive receptors. Exhibit H Existing Roadway Noise Level Contours (CNEL) 32 Existing Noise Environment Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Existing Noise Environment 34 6.3 Existing Airport/Aircraft Noise There are no airports located within the Project Area and the Project Area is not located within any airport noise contours. The closest airport to the Project Area is the Ontario International Airport located approximately 8 miles southwest of the Project Area. The noise contours associated with this airport do not encroach into the Project Area. 6.4 Existing Railway Noise Existing and future developments within 455 feet of the Metrolink rail line may be exposed to levels above 65 dBA CNEL due to rail noise. Developments within 593 feet of a crossing with a horn warning may be exposed to levels above 65 dBA CNEL due to rail noise. The long-term measurement by the rail line (LT2) confirms that levels by the rail are above 65 dBA CNEL. 6.5 Existing Vibration Sources in the Project Area The main sources of vibration in the project area are related to vehicles and construction. Typical roadway traffic, including heavy trucks, rarely generates vibration amplitudes high enough to cause structural or cosmetic damage. However, there have been cases in which heavy trucks traveling over potholes or other discontinuities in the pavement have caused vibration high enough to result in complaints from nearby residents. These types of issues typically can be resolved by smoothing the roadway surface (Caltrans 2020). Construction activities that produce vibration that can be felt by adjacent land uses include the use of vibratory equipment, large bulldozers, and pile drivers. The primary source of vibration during construction is usually from a bulldozer. A large bulldozer has a peak particle velocity of 0.089 inches per second at 25 feet. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 35 7.0 Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation This assessment analyzes future noise impacts to and from the proposed Project and compares the results to the City of Fontana General Plan Policies and Noise Standards. The analysis details the estimated noise levels associated with traffic from adjacent roadways and on-site stationary noise sources. Each future noise source related to the Project was evaluated in light of applicable City of Fontana General Plan policies and ordinances and programmatic mitigation measures are provided as applicable. 7.1 Transportation Noise Transportation noise includes noise from aircraft, railways, and roadways. There are no airstrips within 2 miles of the project site and therefore has no impact. Future developments within 725 feet of a crossing with a horn warning may be exposed to levels above 65 dBA CNEL. Future developments within 560 feet of the rail line and more than 725 feet from a crossing with a horn warning may be exposed to levels above 65 dBA CNEL. However, railway activity is not anticipated to increase as a result of the Project, and there is therefore no impact. The primary noise source in the Project Area will continue to be vehicle traffic. Future traffic noise level contours are presented in Exhibit I. Tables 13 through 15 show the future noise levels at a distance of 50 feet from the centerline of studied roadways by the year 2040 for No Project, With Project, and Alternate 1. The distances to the 55, 60, 65, and 70 dBA CNEL noise contours are also provided. Table 13: 2040 No Project Traffic Noise Levels (dBA, CNEL) CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Arrow Blvd. Juniper to Rosena 71.1 64 204 644 2037 Arrow Blvd. Rosena to Nuevo 70.0 50 158 500 1580 Arrow Blvd. Nuevo to Sierra 70.9 62 196 620 1959 Arrow Blvd. Sierra to Wheeler 70.4 55 175 552 1746 Arrow Blvd. Wheeler to Emerald 69.6 45 143 454 1435 Arrow Blvd. Emerald to Mango 70.1 51 160 506 1601 Ceres Ave. Nuevo to Sierra 58.6 4 11 36 114 Foothill Blvd. Juniper to Sierra 74.0 125 394 1246 3939 Foothill Blvd. Sierra to Mango 73.6 115 363 1148 3629 Juniper Ave. Foothill to Upland 68.5 36 113 357 1131 Juniper Ave. Upland to Arrow 69.7 46 147 464 1468 Juniper Ave. Arrow to Valencia 69.1 41 128 406 1283 Mango Ave. Foothill to Upland 67.3 27 84 267 844 Mango Ave. Upland to Valencia 68.1 32 102 322 1017 Mango Ave. Valencia to Merrill 68.4 34 109 343 1085 Merrill Ave. Juniper to Mango 70.2 52 164 518 1639 Nuevo Ave. Arrow to Valencia 55.7 2 6 18 58 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 36 CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Nuevo Ave. Valencia to Orange 55.2 2 5 17 53 Orange Way Nuevo to Sierra 66.4 22 69 219 692 Orange Way Sierra to Wheeler 58.6 4 11 36 115 Randall Ave. Juniper to Mango 68.0 31 99 312 987 Sierra Ave. Foothill to Upland 71.3 68 215 680 2150 Sierra Ave. Upland to Arrow 69.3 42 134 425 1343 Sierra Ave. Arrow to Valencia 71.1 64 203 643 2032 Sierra Ave. Valencia to Orange 69.9 48 153 485 1533 Sierra Ave. Orange to Merrill 71.8 75 238 753 2382 Sierra Ave. Merrill to Athol 72.6 91 288 911 2881 Sierra Ave. Athol to Randall 74.2 133 420 1327 4197 Valencia Ave. Juniper to Sierra 60.2 5 17 53 167 Valencia Ave. Sierra to Mango 59.9 5 16 49 156 Wheeler Ave. Arrow to Valencia 55.5 2 6 18 55 Wheeler Ave. Valencia to Orange 52.7 1 3 9 30 Notes: 1. Exterior noise levels calculated at 5-feet above ground. 2. Noise levels calculated from centerline of subject roadway. 3. Contour Distances do not take into account potential noise reduction from existing barriers such as buildings, walls or berms as a worst- case scenario for planning screening purposes. Overall levels are likely lower at sensitive receptors. Table 14: 2040 Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels (dBA, CNEL) CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Arrow Blvd. Juniper to Rosena 70.7 59 187 591 1869 Arrow Blvd. Rosena to Nuevo 69.6 46 144 456 1441 Arrow Blvd. Nuevo to Sierra 71.8 75 238 751 2376 Arrow Blvd. Sierra to Wheeler 72.2 83 261 826 2611 Arrow Blvd. Wheeler to Emerald 68.9 39 123 389 1229 Arrow Blvd. Emerald to Mango 70.0 50 157 495 1565 Ceres Ave. Nuevo to Sierra 58.6 4 12 37 115 Foothill Blvd. Juniper to Sierra 73.6 116 365 1156 3654 Foothill Blvd. Sierra to Mango 73.4 109 345 1092 3454 Juniper Ave. Foothill to Upland 68.5 36 113 357 1127 Juniper Ave. Upland to Arrow 69.7 47 149 472 1491 Juniper Ave. Arrow to Valencia 69.1 41 129 409 1292 Mango Ave. Foothill to Upland 67.3 27 85 268 847 Mango Ave. Upland to Valencia 68.7 37 117 369 1168 Mango Ave. Valencia to Merrill 69.6 46 144 455 1440 Merrill Ave. Juniper to Mango 70.2 53 167 530 1675 Nuevo Ave. Arrow to Valencia 66.1 20 64 203 643 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 37 CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Nuevo Ave. Valencia to Orange 66.7 23 74 234 740 Orange Way Nuevo to Sierra 70.1 51 163 514 1625 Orange Way Sierra to Wheeler 69.1 40 127 402 1272 Randall Ave. Juniper to Mango 67.7 29 92 292 925 Sierra Ave. Foothill to Upland 70.8 59 188 594 1879 Sierra Ave. Upland to Arrow 68.4 35 110 349 1102 Sierra Ave. Arrow to Valencia -- -- -- -- -- Sierra Ave. Valencia to Orange -- -- -- -- -- Sierra Ave. Orange to Merrill 70.4 55 173 548 1732 Sierra Ave. Merrill to Athol 72.1 81 255 807 2551 Sierra Ave. Athol to Randall 73.8 120 378 1196 3783 Valencia Ave. Juniper to Sierra 59.3 4 13 42 134 Valencia Ave. Sierra to Mango 58.9 4 12 39 124 Wheeler Ave. Arrow to Valencia 65.7 18 58 184 583 Wheeler Ave. Valencia to Orange 64.9 15 49 155 490 Notes: 1. Exterior noise levels calculated at 5-feet above ground. 2. Noise levels calculated from centerline of subject roadway. 3. Contour Distances do not take into account potential noise reduction from existing barriers such as buildings, walls or berms as a worst- case scenario for planning screening purposes. Overall levels are likely lower at sensitive receptors. Table 15: 2040 Alternate 1 Traffic Noise Levels (dBA, CNEL) CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Arrow Blvd. Juniper to Rosena 71.6 71 226 714 2259 Arrow Blvd. Rosena to Nuevo 70.6 57 180 569 1798 Arrow Blvd. Nuevo to Sierra 72.0 80 252 795 2515 Arrow Blvd. Sierra to Wheeler 72.3 86 271 857 2710 Arrow Blvd. Wheeler to Emerald 69.9 49 153 485 1534 Arrow Blvd. Emerald to Mango 70.9 62 195 618 1954 Ceres Ave. Nuevo to Sierra 59.2 4 13 41 131 Foothill Blvd. Juniper to Sierra 74.4 139 439 1388 4389 Foothill Blvd. Sierra to Mango 74.1 129 407 1288 4073 Juniper Ave. Foothill to Upland 69.5 44 141 445 1407 Juniper Ave. Upland to Arrow 70.7 59 186 588 1861 Juniper Ave. Arrow to Valencia 69.4 44 138 436 1378 Mango Ave. Foothill to Upland 68.2 33 106 334 1057 Mango Ave. Upland to Valencia 68.9 39 122 387 1222 Mango Ave. Valencia to Merrill 70.6 57 180 568 1798 Merrill Ave. Juniper to Mango 70.9 61 194 612 1936 Nuevo Ave. Arrow to Valencia 65.5 18 56 177 558 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 38 CNEL, dBA Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Segment Limits @50 ft 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA Nuevo Ave. Valencia to Orange 67.7 29 92 292 924 Orange Way Nuevo to Sierra 69.7 46 146 462 1462 Orange Way Sierra to Wheeler 68.9 39 123 388 1228 Randall Ave. Juniper to Mango 68.2 33 105 331 1045 Sierra Ave. Foothill to Upland 71.0 62 197 623 1969 Sierra Ave. Upland to Arrow 69.5 45 143 451 1425 Sierra Ave. Arrow to Valencia -- -- -- -- -- Sierra Ave. Valencia to Orange -- -- -- -- -- Sierra Ave. Orange to Merrill 70.7 59 186 589 1862 Sierra Ave. Merrill to Athol 72.9 98 309 976 3087 Sierra Ave. Athol to Randall 74.2 132 419 1324 4186 Valencia Ave. Juniper to Sierra 58.5 4 11 35 111 Valencia Ave. Sierra to Mango 57.9 3 10 31 98 Wheeler Ave. Arrow to Valencia 65.6 18 57 181 573 Wheeler Ave. Valencia to Orange 66.2 21 66 208 659 Notes: 1. Exterior noise levels calculated at 5-feet above ground. 2. Noise levels calculated from centerline of subject roadway. 3. Contour Distances do not take into account potential noise reduction from existing barriers such as buildings, walls or berms as a worst- case scenario for planning screening purposes. Overall levels are likely lower at sensitive receptors. As shown in Tables 13 through 15 and Exhibit I, J, and K, by the year 2040, existing land uses adjacent to the studied roadways will be exposed to noise levels that exceed the City's exterior standards of 65 dBA CNEL for sensitive uses. A significant impact would occur if the project resulted in levels higher than 65 dBA CNEL and increased the overall roadway noise level by 3 dBA CNEL, which is a noticeable change in noise level. Compared to existing traffic noise levels, 2040 without Project traffic volumes are expected to be up to 4.8 dBA CNEL louder than existing ambient noise levels at existing land uses and will result in audible increases in ambient noise along Orange Way and Valencia Avenue (see Table 16). Levels along Orange Way between Nuevo Avenue and Sierra Avenue will increase more than 3 dB and will be above 65 dBA CNEL. Sensitive receptors along those segments include a park and multifamily residential uses. Implementation of the Project will result in substantial permanent increases in existing noise levels at existing and future sensitive receptors. Compared to existing traffic noise levels, 2040 with Project traffic volumes are expected to be up to 13.6 dBA CNEL louder than existing ambient noise levels at existing land uses and will result in audible increases in ambient noise along Nuevo Avenue, Orange Way, and Wheeler Avenue (see Table 16). Levels along Nuevo Avenue from Arrow Boulevard to Orange Way, Orange Way from Nuevo Avenue to Wheeler Avenue, and Wheeler Avenue from Arrow Boulevard to Valencia Avenue will increase more than 3 dB and will be above 65 dBA CNEL. Sensitive receptors along Nuevo Avenue include a single-family residential uses and multifamily residential uses. There are no sensitive uses along Nuevo Avenue from Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 39 Arrow Boulevard to Valencia Avenue. Sensitive receptors along Orange Way include a park and multifamily residential uses. Sensitive receptors along Wheeler Avenue include single-family residential uses. Implementation of the Project will result in substantial permanent increases in existing noise levels at existing and future sensitive receptors along these segments. Compared to existing traffic noise levels, 2040 Alternate 1 traffic volumes are expected to be up to 11.2 dBA CNEL louder than existing ambient noise levels at existing land uses and will result in audible increases in ambient noise along Mango Avenue, Nuevo Avenue, Orange Way, and Wheeler Avenue (see Table 16). Levels along Orange Way will increase more than 3 dB and will be above 65 dBA CNEL. Sensitive receptors along Mango Avenue include single-family residential uses. Sensitive receptors along Nuevo Avenue include single-family residential uses and multifamily residential uses. There are no sensitive uses along Nuevo Avenue from Arrow Boulevard to Valencia Avenue. Sensitive receptors along Orange Way include a park and multifamily residential uses. Sensitive receptors along Wheeler Avenue include single-family residential uses. Implementation of the Project will result in substantial permanent increases in existing noise levels at existing and future sensitive receptors along these segments. Table 16: Change in Noise Along Roadways (dBA, CNEL @ 50') Roadway Segment Existing 2040 No Project 2040 With Project 2040 Alternate 1 CNEL @ 50' dBA CNEL @ 50' dBA Change in Noise Level CNEL @ 50' dBA Change in Noise Level CNEL @ 50' dBA Change in Noise Level Arrow Blvd. Juniper to Rosena 71.0 71.1 0.1 70.7 -0.3 71.6 0.5 Arrow Blvd. Rosena to Nuevo 69.3 70.0 0.7 69.6 0.3 70.6 1.3 Arrow Blvd. Nuevo to Sierra 70.2 70.9 0.7 71.8 1.6 72.0 1.8 Arrow Blvd. Sierra to Wheeler 70.1 70.4 0.4 72.2 2.1 72.3 2.3 Arrow Blvd. Wheeler to Emerald 69.3 69.6 0.3 68.9 -0.4 69.9 0.6 Arrow Blvd. Emerald to Mango 69.3 70.1 0.8 70.0 0.7 70.9 1.6 Ceres Ave. Nuevo to Sierra 58.1 58.6 0.5 58.6 0.5 59.2 1.1 Foothill Blvd. Juniper to Sierra 73.4 74.0 0.5 73.6 0.2 74.4 1.0 Foothill Blvd. Sierra to Mango 72.9 73.6 0.7 73.4 0.5 74.1 1.2 Juniper Ave. Foothill to Upland 68.4 68.5 0.1 68.5 0.1 69.5 1.1 Juniper Ave. Upland to Arrow 67.9 69.7 1.8 69.7 1.9 70.7 2.8 Juniper Ave. Arrow to Valencia 69.0 69.1 0.1 69.1 0.1 69.4 0.4 Mango Ave. Foothill to Upland 66.9 67.3 0.4 67.3 0.4 68.2 1.4 Mango Ave. Upland to Valencia 68.2 68.1 -0.1 68.7 0.5 68.9 0.7 Mango Ave. Valencia to Merrill 67.5 68.4 0.9 69.6 2.1 70.6 3.1 Merrill Ave. Juniper to Mango 70.0 70.2 0.1 70.2 0.2 70.9 0.8 Nuevo Ave. Arrow to Valencia 54.9 55.7 0.8 66.1 11.2 65.5 10.6 Nuevo Ave. Valencia to Orange 54.5 55.2 0.7 66.7 12.2 67.7 13.1 Orange Way Nuevo to Sierra 61.6 66.4 4.8 70.1 8.5 69.7 8.1 Orange Way Sierra to Wheeler 59.2 58.6 -0.6 69.1 9.8 68.9 9.7 Randall Ave. Juniper to Mango 67.9 68.0 0.0 67.7 -0.3 68.2 0.3 Sierra Ave. Foothill to Upland 70.2 71.3 1.1 70.8 0.5 71.0 0.7 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 40 Roadway Segment Existing 2040 No Project 2040 With Project 2040 Alternate 1 CNEL @ 50' dBA CNEL @ 50' dBA Change in Noise Level CNEL @ 50' dBA Change in Noise Level CNEL @ 50' dBA Change in Noise Level Sierra Ave. Upland to Arrow 68.6 69.3 0.7 68.4 -0.2 69.5 0.9 Sierra Ave. Arrow to Valencia 70.3 71.1 0.8 -- -- -- -- Sierra Ave. Valencia to Orange 69.0 69.9 0.9 -- -- -- -- Sierra Ave. Orange to Merrill 70.7 71.8 1.1 70.4 -0.3 70.7 0.0 Sierra Ave. Merrill to Athol 71.8 72.6 0.8 72.1 0.3 72.9 1.1 Sierra Ave. Athol to Randall 73.6 74.2 0.6 73.8 0.2 74.2 0.6 Valencia Ave. Juniper to Sierra 56.9 60.2 3.4 59.3 -- 58.5 -- Valencia Ave. Sierra to Mango 56.0 59.9 4.0 58.9 3.0 57.9 1.9 Wheeler Ave. Arrow to Valencia 54.7 55.5 0.8 65.7 11.0 65.6 10.9 Wheeler Ave. Valencia to Orange 51.3 52.7 1.4 64.9 13.6 66.2 14.9 Notes: 1. Existing and Future traffic volumes compiled from the traffic study prepared for the Project (Kittleson & Associates, Inc. Dec 2022). 2. An impact would occur if the Project increased the roadway segment level by 3 dB or more (an audible difference) and resulting in a future level above 65 dBA CNEL. Bolded cells are 65 dBA CNEL or more than 3 dB. Significant Impacts are in red. Exhibit I 2040 No Project Noise Contours (CNEL) 38 Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Exhibit J 2040 With Project Noise Contours (CNEL) 39 Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Exhibit K 2040 Alternative 1 Noise Contours (CNEL) 40 Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation Downtown Fontana FBC Districts Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 44 Implementation of the proposed Project will result in significant impacts related to exceedances of the land use compatibility criteria and substantial increases in ambient noise levels as presented in Table 16. Table 16 does not include sensitive uses that are further than 50 ft from the centerline and does not consider noise reduction factors such as property line walls. Where existing land uses will be impacted, the impact would be significant and unavoidable as setback distances of existing sensitive receptors are already established. In order to reduce these impacts, the use of sound walls or quiet pavements could be employed. Construction of new sound walls could be a feasible mitigation measure. However, many impacted residential uses along the roadway segments listed above are accessed directly via driveways off the main roadway or may already have a sound wall. A new sound wall would require many driveway openings, resulting in partial noise barriers. These openings in the sound wall would substantially reduce the noise barrier performance. Additionally, raising the heights of sound walls or constructing new noise barriers would result in encroachment on private property. Such encroachment would require private property owners to allow permission to enter their property. Raising sound wall heights would likely require enlarging footings, thereby requiring the demolition of existing sound walls. Therefore, the use of new sound walls or modifying sound walls is not considered to be practical. Quiet pavements have been used to mitigate traffic noise and are typically assumed to provide a 3 to 5 dBA reduction. Quiet pavement placed along sensitive receptor areas on the impacted roadway segments could reduce traffic noise levels. Many of the noise impacts outlined in the previous tables could potentially be mitigated through the use of quiet pavement. However, not all impacted roadway segments could be mitigated by quiet pavements due to the magnitude of the traffic noise increases. Additionally, widespread repaving of Project Area streets with quiet pavements would be expensive and impractical. There are no feasible noise reduction measures for existing sensitive land uses. Future sensitive land uses can be mitigated using MM-NOI-1 of the Fontana General Plan Environmental Impact Report. 7.2 Stationary Noise Implementation of the Project could result in the future development of land uses that generate noise levels in excess of applicable City noise standards for non-transportation noise sources as outlined in Section 4.3.3. While the Project does not explicitly propose any new noise-generating uses, Project implementation would allow for the development of mixed-uses, increased residential development at higher densities, and new commercial development, which may result in new noise sources. Specific development projects and the details of future noise-generating land uses that may be located in the Project Area in the future are not known at this time. Additionally, noise from existing stationary sources, as identified in the Existing Settings Section, would continue to impact noise-sensitive land uses in the vicinity of the noise sources. While no specific projects are proposed under the Project, changes in land use may allow for more intensive noise-generating uses in closer proximity to noise-sensitive uses. Where this occurs, detailed noise studies would be required to ensure that noise control measures are implemented into the project design. Such measures could include the redesign of stationary noise sources away from sensitive uses, Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 45 construction of sound walls or berms between noise generating uses and sensitive uses, using buildings to create additional buffer distance and screening, or other site design measures to ensure that non- transportation (stationary) noise sources do not cause exterior noise levels to exceed allowable standards at sensitive receptors. 7.3 Construction Noise The degree of construction noise may vary for different projects within the scope of the proposed Project and also vary depending on the construction activities. Noise levels associated with the construction will vary with the different phases of construction. Construction must occur between the times of 7AM and 6PM on weekdays and 8AM to 5PM on Saturdays per Section 18-63(b)(7) of the Fontana Municipal Code. There are no specific limits for noise levels during those times. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled data regarding the noise-generated characteristics of typical construction activities. The data is presented in Table 17. These noise levels would diminish rapidly with distance from the construction site at a rate of 6 dBA per doubling of distance. For example, a noise level of 86 dBA measured 50 feet from the noise source would reduce to 80 dBA at 100 feet. At 200 feet from the noise source, the noise level would reduce to 74 dBA. At 400 feet, the noise source would reduce by another 6 dBA to 68 dBA. Contractors are required to comply with the City of Fontana's Noise Ordinance during construction described in Section 18-63(7). Table 17: Typical Construction Noise Levels Equipment Powered by Internal Combustion Engines Type Noise Levels (dBA) at 50 Feet Earth Moving Compactors (Rollers) 73 - 76 Front Loaders 73 - 84 Backhoes 73 - 92 Tractors 75 - 95 Scrapers, Graders 78 - 92 Pavers 85 - 87 Trucks 81 - 94 Materials Handling Concrete Mixers 72 - 87 Concrete Pumps 81 - 83 Cranes (Movable) 72 - 86 Cranes (Derrick) 85 - 87 Stationary Pumps 68 - 71 Generators 71 - 83 Compressors 75 - 86 Impact Equipment Saws 71 - 82 Vibrators 68 - 82 Notes: Source: Reference Noise Levels from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 46 7.3.1 Construction Related Traffic Individual projects within the scope of the Project would result in short-term noise impacts associated with construction activities. Two types of short-term noise impacts could occur during construction activities. First, construction crew commute and the transport of construction equipment and materials to the site for the proposed Project would incrementally increase noise levels on access roads leading to the site. Truck traffic associated with project construction should be limited to within the permitted construction hours, as listed in the City's Municipal Code Section 18-63(7). Although there would be a relatively high single-event noise exposure potential at a maximum of 87 dBA Lmax at 50 ft from passing trucks, causing possible short-term intermittent annoyances, the effect on ambient noise levels would be less than 1 dBA when averaged over one hour or 24 hours. In other words, the changes in noise levels over 1 hour or 24 hours attributable to passing trucks would not be perceptible to the normal human ear. 7.3.2 On-Site Construction Activities Site preparation phase, which includes grading and paving, tends to generate the highest noise levels since the noisiest construction equipment is earthmoving equipment. Earthmoving equipment includes excavating machinery such as backhoes, bulldozers, and front loaders. Earthmoving and compacting equipment includes compactors, scrapers, and graders. Typical operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve 1 or 2 minutes of full power operation followed by 3 or 4 minutes at lower power settings. Site-specific construction activities associated with future development is expected to require the use of scrapers, bulldozers, motor graders, and water and pickup trucks. The maximum noise level generated by each scraper is assumed to be approximately 87 dBA Lmax at 50 ft from the scraper in operation. Each bulldozer would also generate approximately 85 dBA Lmax at 50 ft. The maximum noise level generated by the sound sources with equal strength increases the noise level by 3 dBA. Noise reduction potential will be Project and site-specific. Construction noise would be an impact if construction occurred outside of the hours outlined in Section 18-63(7) of the Fontana Municipal Code. Potential impacts would be site-specific, depending on the equipment used and distances to sensitive receptors. These impacts can be reduced to less than significant with implementation of MM-NOI-1 and MM-NOI-2 of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report. MM- NOI-1 requires site-specific studies to identify potential construction noise impacts to off-site sensitive uses. MM-NOI-2 requires the following procedures: • Construction equipment, fixed or mobile, shall be properly outfitted and maintained with feasible noise-reduction devices to minimize construction generated noise. • Laydown and construction vehicle staging areas shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses if feasible. • Stationary noise sources such as generators shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses, if feasible. • Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the job superintendent shall be clearly posted at all construction entrances to allow surrounding property owners to contact the job superintendent 24 hours a day to report noise and other nuisance-related issues, if necessary. The point of contact shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and have Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 47 authority to commit additional assets to control dust after hours, on weekends, and on holidays. In the event that the City of Fontana receives a pattern of noise complaints, appropriate corrective actions shall be implemented, such as on site noise monitoring during construction activities, and a report of the action shall be provided to the reporting party. Construction activities must occur within the allowed hours outlined in Section 18-63(7) of the Municipal Code. 7.4 Groundborne Vibration The main sources of vibration in the project area are related to vehicles and construction and railway vibration. Typical roadway traffic, including heavy trucks, rarely generates vibration amplitudes high enough to cause structural or cosmetic damage. However, there have been cases in which heavy trucks traveling over potholes or other discontinuities in the pavement have caused vibration high enough to result in complaints from nearby residents. These types of issues typically can be resolved by smoothing the roadway surface (Caltrans 2020). 7.4.1 On-Site Construction Activities Construction activities that produce vibration that can be felt by adjacent land uses include the use of vibratory equipment, large bulldozers, and pile drivers. The primary sources of vibration during construction are usually vibratory rollers and large bulldozers. As shown in Table 18, a vibratory roller has a peak particle velocity (inches/second) of 0.21 and a large bulldozer has a peak particle velocity of 0.089 (inches per second) at 25 feet. The use of pile driving equipment can generate a peak particle velocity of 1.5 (inches per second) depending on the size and model. Table 18: Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment Equipment Peak Particle Velocity Approximate Vibration Level (inches/second) at 25 feet LV (VdB) at 25 feet Pile driver (impact) 1.518 (upper range) 112 0.644 (typical) 104 Pile driver (sonic) 0.734 upper range 105 0.170 typical 93 Clam shovel drop (slurry wall) 0.202 94 Hydromill 0.008 in soil 66 (slurry wall) 0.017 in rock 75 Vibratory Roller 0.21 94 Hoe Ram 0.089 87 Large bulldozer 0.089 87 Caisson drill 0.089 87 Loaded trucks 0.076 86 Jackhammer 0.035 79 Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation 48 Table 18: Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment Small bulldozer 0.003 58 Source: Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, Federal Transit Administration, May 2006. The California Department of Transportation has published one of the seminal works for the analysis of ground-borne noise and vibration relating to transportation- and construction-induced vibrations and, although the Project is not subject to these regulations, it serves as a useful tool to evaluate vibration impacts (California Department of Transportation, 2013). Table 19 provides maximum PPV levels (inches/second) to be used to determine the typical human response to transient vibration. When evaluated in light of the estimated groundborne vibration levels presented in Table 18, it can be determined that construction activities in the project area have the potential to result in significant impacts related to groundborne vibration associated with construction activities. However, implementation of MM-NOI-1 of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report which requires site- specific acoustical studies to analyze construction impact will ensure that vibration levels comply with Section 30-470 and 30-543 of the Fontana Municipal Code which require vibration levels to be imperceptible beyond adjacent residential property lines. Additionally, implementation of MM-NOI-2 will help to achieve this requirement. Table 19: Human Response to Transient Vibration PPV (in/sec) Human Response 2.0 Severe 0.9 Strongly perceptible 0.24 Distinctly perceptible 0.035 Barely perceptible Source: California Department of Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. April 2020. Note: transient sources create a single isolated vibration event, such as blasting or drop balls. Continuous/frequent intermittent sources include impact pile drivers, pogo-stick compactors, crack-and-seat equipment, vibratory pile drivers, and vibratory compaction equipment. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA CEQA Analysis 49 8.0 CEQA Analysis The California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (Appendix G) establishes thresholds for noise impact analysis as presented below: (a) Would the project result in the generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the Project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise Code, or applicable standards of other agencies? Transportation Noise Impacts Traffic noise will be significant if levels are increased by more than 3 dBA to levels above 65 dBA CNEL in areas with sensitive uses. Compared to existing traffic noise levels, 2040 plus Project and 2040 plus Alternate 1 traffic volumes are expected to be up to 13.6 and 14.9 dBA CNEL louder respectively than existing ambient noise levels at existing land uses and will result in substantial increases in ambient noise along Neuvo Avenue, Orange Way, and Wheeler Avenue (see Table 16). Alternative 1 will also result in a significant increase along Mango Avenue. Implementation of the proposed Project will result in substantial permanent increases in existing noise levels at sensitive receptors. Implementation of the proposed Project will result in significant impacts related to exceedances of the land use compatibility criteria and substantial increases in ambient noise levels as presented in Table 16. Where existing land uses will be impacted, the impact would be significant and unmitigable. Where proposed land uses are expected to be exposed to noise levels that exceed the 65 dBA CNEL land use compatibility criteria, impacts can be mitigated to "less than significant" with implementation of noise control measures such as relocating outdoor recreational areas away from 65 dBA CNEL or greater areas or shielding outdoor areas using noise barriers. Stationary Noise Sources Stationary noise will be significant if it exceeds the levels outlined in the Fontana Municipal Code as outlined in Section 4.3.3. Implementation of the Downtown Core Project may result in stationary noise impacts from future uses. Implementation of good land use planning and policies and actions can minimize noise impacts related to these sources by avoiding the placement of noise generating equipment near noise-sensitive land uses and where unavoidable, include design measures to the degree practical to avoid violating the noise criteria presented in Section 4.3.3. Stationary noise impacts can be mitigated to "less than significant" with implementation of MM-NOI-1 of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report. Construction Noise and Vibration Construction noise will be significant if construction occurs outside of the hours specified in Section 18- 63(7) of the Fontana Municipal Code. The potential impact is site-specific and depends on the construction equipment used and distance to adjacent sensitive receptors. Implementation of the proposed Project could result in short-term noise impacts associated with construction activities. Two types of short-term noise impacts could occur during construction activities, on-site and off-site. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA CEQA Analysis 50 Construction crew commute and the transport of construction equipment and materials to the site for the proposed Project would incrementally increase noise levels on access roads leading to the site. Truck traffic associated with project construction should be limited to within the permitted construction hours, as listed in the City's Municipal Code. Although there would be a relatively high single-event noise exposure potential at a maximum of 87 dBA Lmax at 50 ft from passing trucks, causing possible short- term intermittent annoyances, the effect on ambient noise levels would be less than 1 dBA when averaged over one hour or 24 hours. In other words, the changes in noise levels over 1 hour or 24 hours attributable to passing trucks would not be perceptible to the normal human ear. Therefore, short-term construction-related impacts associated with worker commute and equipment transport on local streets leading to the project site would result in a less than significant impact on noise-sensitive receptors along the access routes. No mitigation is required. The site preparation phase of on-site construction activities, which includes grading and paving, tends to generate the highest noise levels since the noisiest construction equipment is earthmoving equipment. Earthmoving equipment includes excavating machinery such as backhoes, bulldozers, and front loaders. Earthmoving and compacting equipment includes compactors, scrapers, and graders. Typical operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve 1 or 2 minutes of full power operation followed by 3 or 4 minutes at lower power settings. Site-specific construction activities associated with future development are expected to require the use of scrapers, bulldozers, motor graders, and water and pickup trucks. The maximum noise level generated by each scraper is assumed to be approximately 87 dBA Lmax at 50 ft from the scraper in operation. Each bulldozer would also generate approximately 85 dBA Lmax at 50 ft. The maximum noise level generated by the sound sources with equal strength increases the noise level by 3 dBA. Noise reduction potential will be Project and site- specific. Implementation of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report mitigation measures MM- NOI-1 and MM-NOI-2 and Section 18-63(7) of the Municipal Code during site-specific projects will reduce the impact to less than significant. b) Generate excessive ground-borne vibration or ground-borne noise levels? Construction vibration will be significant if vibration can be felt beyond the property line per Section 30- 470 and 30-543 of the Municipal Code. Noise studies done in the Project Area per MM-NOI-1 of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report must ensure that construction vibration levels are below perceptible levels. MM-NOI-2 will help to achieve this threshold. This impact would be less than significant with the implementation of MM-NOI-1 and MM-NOI-2 of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report. Downtown Core Project Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA References 51 9.0 References American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Specifications for sound level meters (S1.4-1983 identified in Chapter 19.68.020.AA). California, State of, Building Standards Commission 2019 California Uniform Building Code (UBC), Title 24. 2019 Green Code Section 5.507.4.3 (2019) California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 2013 Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. 2020 Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. April. 2021 Caltrans Traffic Counts https://dot.ca.gov/programs/traffic-operations/census California Office of Noise Control 2017 Guidelines for the Preparation and Content of Noise Elements of the General Plan. February. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1974 Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety. Prepared by the EPA, Office of Noise Abatement and Control. Federal Interagency Committee on Noise 1992 Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues. August. Federal Transit Administration 2006 Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. Typical Construction Equipment Vibration Emissions. FTAVA-90-1003-06. Fontana, City of 2018 Fontana Forward, General Plan Update 2015-2035. City of Fontana Code of Ordinance. Office of Planning and Research, State of California 2017 Office of Planning and Research, General Plan Guidelines. Appendix A: SoundPLAN Data Segment EXISTING BO No Project BO With Project BO Alternative 1 Design Speed (mph) DISTANCE NEAR/FAR LANE (ft) EXISTING DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY EXISTING DAY EVE NIGHT Arrow Blvd Juniper to Rosena 13,667 16,483 16,370 15,860 35 80 AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.9330 AUTOMOBILES 604.12 394.97 99.52 Arrow Blvd Rosena to Nuevo 10,800 15,200 15,000 15,000 35 70 MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.0184 MEDIUM TRUCKS 13.41 3.10 1.54 Arrow Blvd Nuevo to Sierra 14,076 19,817 26,021 22,071 35 66 HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.0486 HEAVY TRUCKS 36.09 4.60 4.35 Arrow Blvd Sierra to Wheeler 13,665 17,663 28,592 23,781 35 66 Arrow Blvd Wheeler to Emerald 10,800 13,800 12,800 12,800 35 70 BO No Project DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY BO No Project DAY EVE NIGHT Arrow Blvd Emerald to Mango 10,800 15,400 16,300 16,300 35 70 AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.9480 AUTOMOBILES 613.83 401.32 101.12 Ceres Ave Nuevo to Sierra 1,894 2,650 2,989 2,519 25 30 MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.0184 MEDIUM TRUCKS 13.41 3.10 1.54 Foothill Blvd Juniper to Sierra 21,370 27,602 27,137 27,636 45 50 HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.0336 HEAVY TRUCKS 24.95 3.18 3.01 Foothill Blvd Sierra to Mango 17,600 23,500 23,700 23,700 45 60 Juniper Ave Foothill to Upland 11,200 13,800 14,900 14,900 35 42 BO With Project DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY BO With Project DAY EVE NIGHT Juniper Ave Upland to Arrow 10,000 18,100 19,900 19,900 35 40 AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.9540 AUTOMOBILES 617.72 403.86 101.76 Juniper Ave Arrow to Valencia 13,323 16,097 17,554 14,995 35 36 MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.0184 MEDIUM TRUCKS 13.41 3.10 1.54 Mango Ave Foothill to Upland 8,000 10,400 11,300 11,300 35 40 HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.0276 HEAVY TRUCKS 20.49 2.61 2.47 Mango Ave Upland to Valencia 10,905 12,655 15,728 13,191 35 38 Mango Ave Valencia to Merrill 9,300 13,500 19,400 19,400 35 38 BO Alternative 1 DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY BO Alternative 1 DAY EVE NIGHT Merrill Ave Juniper to Mango 12,843 15,380 16,815 16,061 40 42 AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.9360 AUTOMOBILES 606.06 396.24 99.84 Nuevo Blvd Arrow to Valencia 928 1,392 17,153 11,076 25 18 MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.0184 MEDIUM TRUCKS 13.41 3.10 1.54 Nuevo Blvd Valencia to Orange 500 700 10,600 10,600 35 18 HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.0456 HEAVY TRUCKS 33.86 4.32 4.08 Orange Blvd Nuevo to Sierra 2,332 8,445 21,478 15,482 35 42 Orange Blvd Sierra to Wheeler 1,376 1,415 16,973 13,137 35 40 Randall Ave Juniper to Mango 7,643 8,954 8,978 8,381 40 48 Sierra Ave Foothill to Upland 21,180 33,274 31,931 25,880 30 50 Sierra Ave Upland to Arrow 15,600 22,200 20,000 20,000 30 38 Sierra Ave Arrow to Valencia 22,594 32,951 0 0 30 42 Sierra Ave Valencia to Orange 16,800 25,100 0 0 30 40 Sierra Ave Orange to Merrill 21,864 34,069 27,200 22,612 30 60 Sierra Ave Merrill to Athol 19,000 26,600 25,200 25,200 40 45 Sierra Ave Athol to Randall 27,582 37,072 35,761 32,688 40 52 Valencia Blvd Juniper to Sierra 1,426 3,910 3,486 2,157 25 28 Valencia Blvd Sierra to Mango 1,160 3,644 3,220 1,891 25 28 Wheeler Blvd Arrow to Valencia 874 1,311 15,365 11,224 25 24 Wheeler Blvd Valencia to Orange 400 700 12,900 12,900 25 24 SP ENTRY Appendix B: Noise Measurement Data and Field Sheets Appendix C: FHWA Roadway Noise Worksheets FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =400 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 40 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 45.9 44.0 42.2 36.2 44.8 45.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 40.5 39.2 32.8 29.7 39.0 39.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 50.9 49.6 40.7 40.4 49.5 49.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 52.4 51.0 44.8 42.1 51.0 51.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 1 2 7 21 LDN 1 2 6 20 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Rosena ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,667 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =80 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,367 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 30.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 30.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 30.2 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.5 65.7 63.8 57.8 66.4 67.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.2 58.9 52.5 49.5 58.7 59.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.7 68.4 59.4 59.2 68.2 68.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.0 70.5 65.4 61.8 70.7 71.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 64 201 636 2011 LDN 59 186 589 1864 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =874 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 87 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 49.3 47.4 45.6 39.6 48.2 48.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 43.9 42.5 36.2 33.1 42.4 42.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 54.3 53.0 44.1 43.8 52.9 53.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 55.8 54.4 48.2 45.5 54.4 54.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 1 5 15 47 LDN 1 4 14 44 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,426 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 143 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 51.5 49.6 47.8 41.8 50.4 51.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 46.1 44.7 38.4 35.3 44.5 44.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 56.5 55.2 46.2 46.0 55.0 55.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 58.0 56.5 50.4 47.6 56.6 56.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 2 8 24 77 LDN 2 7 23 72 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Rosena to Nuevo ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,080 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.8 63.9 62.0 56.1 64.7 65.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.5 57.1 50.7 47.7 56.9 57.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.9 66.6 57.6 57.4 66.4 66.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.3 68.8 63.6 60.0 68.9 69.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 42 134 423 1337 LDN 39 124 392 1239 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =14,076 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,408 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.7 64.8 63.0 57.0 65.6 66.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.4 58.0 51.6 48.6 57.8 58.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.8 67.5 58.6 58.3 67.4 67.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.2 69.7 64.5 61.0 69.9 70.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 52 166 524 1657 LDN 49 154 486 1536 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,665 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,367 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.6 64.7 62.8 56.9 65.5 66.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.3 57.9 51.5 48.5 57.7 58.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.7 67.4 58.4 58.2 67.2 67.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.1 69.6 64.4 60.9 69.7 70.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 51 161 509 1609 LDN 47 149 471 1491 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Wheeler to Emerald ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,080 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.8 63.9 62.0 56.1 64.7 65.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.5 57.1 50.7 47.7 56.9 57.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.9 66.6 57.6 57.4 66.4 66.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.3 68.8 63.6 60.0 68.9 69.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 42 134 423 1337 LDN 39 124 392 1239 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Emerald to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,080 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.8 63.9 62.0 56.1 64.7 65.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.5 57.1 50.7 47.7 56.9 57.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.9 66.6 57.6 57.4 66.4 66.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.3 68.8 63.6 60.0 68.9 69.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 42 134 423 1337 LDN 39 124 392 1239 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Ceres Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,894 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =30 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 189 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 47.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 47.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 47.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 52.8 50.9 49.0 43.0 51.7 52.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 47.4 46.0 39.6 36.6 45.8 46.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 57.7 56.4 47.5 47.2 56.3 56.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 59.2 57.8 51.6 48.9 57.9 58.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 3 10 32 103 LDN 3 10 31 96 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =21,370 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,137 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 71.0 69.2 67.3 61.3 70.0 70.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 62.3 60.9 54.5 51.5 60.7 61.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 71.0 69.7 60.8 60.5 69.6 69.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 74.3 72.8 68.4 64.2 73.0 73.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 110 348 1100 3480 LDN 101 319 1008 3186 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =17,600 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,760 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 70.5 68.7 66.8 60.8 69.5 70.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.8 60.4 54.0 51.0 60.2 60.5 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.5 69.2 60.3 60.0 69.1 69.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 73.8 72.3 67.9 63.7 72.5 72.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 98 310 981 3101 LDN 90 284 898 2840 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =11,200 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,120 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.9 63.0 61.2 55.2 63.8 64.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.6 56.2 49.8 46.8 56.0 56.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.0 65.7 56.8 56.5 65.6 65.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.4 67.9 62.7 59.2 68.1 68.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 35 109 346 1093 LDN 32 101 320 1012 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,000 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,000 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.4 62.5 60.6 54.6 63.3 63.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.0 55.7 49.3 46.3 55.5 55.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.5 65.2 56.2 56.0 65.0 65.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.8 67.3 62.2 58.6 67.5 67.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 31 97 305 966 LDN 28 90 283 895 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,323 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =36 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,332 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.5 63.6 61.8 55.8 64.4 65.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.2 56.8 50.5 47.4 56.7 56.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.6 66.3 57.4 57.2 66.2 66.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.0 68.5 63.4 59.8 68.7 69.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 40 126 400 1265 LDN 37 117 370 1172 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =8,000 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 800 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 63.4 61.5 59.7 53.7 62.3 62.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 56.1 54.7 48.3 45.3 54.5 54.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.5 64.2 55.3 55.0 64.1 64.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 67.9 66.4 61.2 57.7 66.6 66.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 24 77 244 773 LDN 23 72 226 716 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,905 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,091 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.7 62.8 61.0 55.0 63.6 64.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.4 56.0 49.6 46.6 55.8 56.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.8 65.5 56.6 56.3 65.4 65.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.2 67.7 62.5 59.0 67.9 68.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 33 104 330 1044 LDN 31 97 306 967 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =9,300 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 930 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.0 62.1 60.3 54.3 62.9 63.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 56.7 55.3 48.9 45.9 55.1 55.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.1 64.8 55.9 55.6 64.7 64.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.5 67.0 61.8 58.3 67.2 67.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 28 89 282 890 LDN 26 82 261 825 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Merrill Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =12,843 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,284 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.2 65.3 63.4 57.4 66.1 66.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.1 57.7 51.3 48.3 57.5 57.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.1 66.8 57.9 57.7 66.7 66.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.0 69.4 64.7 60.8 69.7 70.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 50 159 504 1593 LDN 46 147 464 1467 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =928 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 93 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 49.5 47.6 45.8 39.8 48.4 49.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 44.1 42.8 36.4 33.3 42.6 42.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 54.5 53.2 44.3 44.0 53.1 53.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 56.0 54.6 48.4 45.7 54.6 54.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 2 5 15 49 LDN 1 5 14 46 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =500 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 50 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 51.0 49.2 47.3 41.3 49.9 50.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 43.7 42.3 36.0 32.9 42.2 42.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 53.2 51.9 42.9 42.7 51.7 51.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 55.5 54.0 48.9 45.3 54.2 54.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 1 5 14 45 LDN 1 4 13 42 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =2,332 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 233 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 58.1 56.2 54.3 48.4 57.0 57.6 MEDIUM TRUCKS 50.8 49.4 43.0 40.0 49.2 49.5 HEAVY TRUCKS 60.2 58.9 49.9 49.7 58.8 58.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 62.6 61.1 55.9 52.4 61.2 61.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 7 23 72 228 LDN 7 21 67 211 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,376 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 138 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 55.7 53.9 52.0 46.0 54.7 55.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 48.4 47.0 40.7 37.6 46.9 47.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 57.9 56.6 47.6 47.4 56.4 56.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 60.2 58.7 53.6 50.0 58.9 59.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 13 42 133 LDN 4 12 39 123 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Randall Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =7,643 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =48 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 764 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.0 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.9 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.0 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.1 63.2 61.3 55.3 64.0 64.6 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.0 55.6 49.2 46.2 55.4 55.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.0 64.7 55.8 55.5 64.6 64.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.9 67.3 62.6 58.7 67.6 67.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 31 98 310 981 LDN 29 90 286 903 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =21,180 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,118 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.9 64.1 62.2 56.2 64.8 65.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.5 58.1 51.8 48.7 57.9 58.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.4 68.1 59.1 58.9 67.9 68.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.3 69.8 64.2 61.0 69.9 70.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 53 167 529 1673 LDN 49 156 493 1560 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,600 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,560 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.3 62.4 60.6 54.6 63.2 63.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.9 56.5 50.1 47.1 56.3 56.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.7 66.4 57.5 57.3 66.3 66.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.7 68.2 62.6 59.4 68.3 68.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 36 115 365 1154 LDN 34 108 340 1076 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =22,594 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,259 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.0 64.1 62.3 56.3 64.9 65.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.6 58.2 51.8 48.8 58.0 58.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.4 68.1 59.2 59.0 68.0 68.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.4 69.9 64.3 61.1 70.0 70.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 54 170 539 1703 LDN 50 159 502 1589 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,680 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.7 62.8 61.0 55.0 63.6 64.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.2 56.9 50.5 47.5 56.7 57.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.1 66.8 57.9 57.6 66.7 66.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.0 68.6 62.9 59.8 68.7 69.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 40 125 397 1254 LDN 37 117 370 1170 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Orange to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =21,864 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,186 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.4 64.5 62.7 56.7 65.3 65.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.0 58.6 52.2 49.2 58.4 58.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.8 68.5 59.6 59.4 68.4 68.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.8 70.3 64.7 61.5 70.4 70.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 59 187 591 1868 LDN 55 174 551 1743 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Merrill to Athol ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =19,000 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =45 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,900 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 44.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.9 67.0 65.2 59.2 67.8 68.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.8 59.5 53.1 50.1 59.3 59.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.9 68.6 59.7 59.4 68.5 68.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.7 71.2 66.5 62.6 71.4 71.8 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 76 240 757 2395 LDN 70 221 697 2206 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Athol to Randall ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =27,582 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =52 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,758 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 42.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 42.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 42.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 70.7 68.9 67.0 61.0 69.6 70.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 62.7 61.3 54.9 51.9 61.1 61.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 71.7 70.4 61.5 61.2 70.3 70.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 74.6 73.0 68.3 64.4 73.3 73.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 115 363 1149 3635 LDN 106 335 1058 3347 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Existing NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,160 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 116 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.933 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.049 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 50.6 48.7 46.9 40.9 49.5 50.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 45.2 43.8 37.5 34.4 43.6 43.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 55.6 54.3 45.3 45.1 54.1 54.3 VEHICULAR NOISE 57.1 55.6 49.5 46.7 55.7 56.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 2 6 20 62 LDN 2 6 19 59 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Rosena ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,483 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =80 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,648 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 30.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 30.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 30.2 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.4 66.5 64.7 58.7 67.3 67.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.0 59.7 53.3 50.3 59.5 59.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.9 67.6 58.6 58.4 67.4 67.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.0 70.5 65.9 61.9 70.7 71.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 64 204 644 2037 LDN 59 187 592 1871 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =32,951 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 3,295 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.7 65.8 64.0 58.0 66.6 67.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.2 59.8 53.5 50.4 59.7 59.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.5 68.2 59.2 59.0 68.0 68.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.1 70.6 65.5 61.9 70.8 71.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 64 203 643 2032 LDN 59 188 594 1879 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =33,274 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 3,327 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.0 66.1 64.2 58.3 66.9 67.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.5 60.1 53.7 50.7 59.9 60.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.7 68.4 59.5 59.2 68.3 68.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.3 70.8 65.8 62.1 71.0 71.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 68 215 680 2150 LDN 63 199 629 1988 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =25,100 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,510 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.5 64.6 62.8 56.8 65.4 66.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.0 58.6 52.3 49.2 58.4 58.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.2 67.0 58.0 57.8 66.8 67.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.8 69.3 64.3 60.6 69.5 69.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 48 153 485 1533 LDN 45 142 448 1418 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Orange to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =34,069 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 3,407 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.4 66.5 64.7 58.7 67.3 67.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.9 60.5 54.2 51.1 60.4 60.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.2 68.9 59.9 59.7 68.7 68.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.8 71.2 66.2 62.6 71.4 71.8 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 75 238 753 2382 LDN 70 220 697 2203 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Merrill to Athol ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =26,600 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =45 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,660 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 44.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 70.5 68.6 66.7 60.7 69.4 70.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 62.3 60.9 54.6 51.5 60.7 61.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.8 68.5 59.5 59.3 68.3 68.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 73.5 71.9 67.7 63.4 72.2 72.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 91 288 911 2881 LDN 83 263 831 2629 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Athol to Randall ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =37,072 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =52 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 3,707 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 42.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 42.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 42.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 72.1 70.2 68.4 62.4 71.0 71.6 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.9 62.6 56.2 53.2 62.4 62.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 71.4 70.1 61.2 60.9 70.0 70.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 75.1 73.5 69.3 65.0 73.8 74.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 133 420 1327 4197 LDN 121 383 1211 3830 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =3,910 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 391 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 55.9 54.1 52.2 46.2 54.8 55.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 50.5 49.1 42.7 39.7 48.9 49.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 59.2 57.9 49.0 48.8 57.8 58.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 61.3 59.8 54.2 51.0 59.9 60.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 5 17 53 167 LDN 5 16 49 156 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =3,644 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 364 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 55.6 53.8 51.9 45.9 54.5 55.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 50.2 48.8 42.4 39.4 48.6 48.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 58.9 57.6 48.7 48.5 57.5 57.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 61.0 59.5 53.9 50.7 59.6 59.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 5 16 49 156 LDN 5 15 46 145 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,311 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 131 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 51.2 49.3 47.4 41.4 50.1 50.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 45.7 44.3 37.9 34.9 44.1 44.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 54.4 53.2 44.2 44.0 53.0 53.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 56.5 55.0 49.4 46.2 55.1 55.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 2 6 18 55 LDN 2 5 16 52 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =700 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 70 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 48.4 46.5 44.7 38.7 47.3 47.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 43.0 41.6 35.2 32.2 41.4 41.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 51.7 50.4 41.5 41.2 50.3 50.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 53.8 52.3 46.7 43.5 52.4 52.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 1 3 9 30 LDN 1 3 9 28 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Rosena to Nuevo ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,200 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,520 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.3 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.2 66.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.9 58.6 52.2 49.2 58.4 58.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.8 66.5 57.5 57.3 66.3 66.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.9 69.4 64.8 60.8 69.6 70.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 50 158 500 1580 LDN 46 145 459 1451 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =19,817 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,982 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.3 66.4 64.5 58.5 67.2 67.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.9 59.5 53.1 50.1 59.3 59.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.7 67.4 58.5 58.2 67.3 67.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.9 70.3 65.7 61.7 70.6 70.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 62 196 620 1959 LDN 57 180 569 1799 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =17,663 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,766 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.8 65.9 64.0 58.0 66.7 67.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.4 59.0 52.6 49.6 58.8 59.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.2 66.9 58.0 57.7 66.8 66.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.4 69.8 65.2 61.2 70.1 70.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 55 175 552 1746 LDN 51 160 507 1604 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Wheeler to Emerald ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,380 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.9 65.0 63.2 57.2 65.8 66.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.5 58.1 51.8 48.7 58.0 58.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.3 66.0 57.1 56.9 65.9 66.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.5 69.0 64.4 60.3 69.2 69.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 45 143 454 1435 LDN 42 132 417 1318 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Emerald to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,400 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,540 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.4 65.5 63.7 57.7 66.3 66.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.0 58.6 52.3 49.2 58.4 58.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.8 66.5 57.6 57.3 66.4 66.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.0 69.4 64.9 60.8 69.7 70.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 51 160 506 1601 LDN 46 147 465 1470 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Ceres Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =2,650 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =30 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 265 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 47.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 47.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 47.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 54.3 52.4 50.5 44.6 53.2 53.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 48.8 47.4 41.1 38.0 47.3 47.5 HEAVY TRUCKS 57.6 56.3 47.3 47.1 56.1 56.3 VEHICULAR NOISE 59.6 58.2 52.6 49.4 58.3 58.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 11 36 114 LDN 3 11 34 106 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =27,602 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,760 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 72.2 70.3 68.5 62.5 71.1 71.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.4 62.0 55.7 52.6 61.8 62.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.5 69.2 60.3 60.0 69.1 69.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 74.8 73.2 69.3 64.7 73.5 74.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 125 394 1246 3939 LDN 113 358 1131 3576 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =23,500 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,350 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 71.9 70.0 68.1 62.2 70.8 71.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.0 61.7 55.3 52.3 61.5 61.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.2 68.9 59.9 59.7 68.7 68.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 74.4 72.8 68.9 64.4 73.2 73.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 115 363 1148 3629 LDN 104 329 1042 3294 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,380 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.9 64.0 62.1 56.2 64.8 65.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.5 57.1 50.7 47.7 56.9 57.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.3 65.0 56.1 55.8 64.9 65.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.5 67.9 63.3 59.3 68.2 68.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 36 113 357 1131 LDN 33 104 328 1038 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =18,100 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,810 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.0 65.1 63.3 57.3 65.9 66.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.6 58.2 51.9 48.8 58.1 58.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.4 66.1 57.2 57.0 66.0 66.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.6 69.1 64.5 60.4 69.3 69.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 46 147 464 1468 LDN 43 135 426 1348 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,097 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =36 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,610 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.4 64.5 62.7 56.7 65.3 65.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.0 57.7 51.3 48.2 57.5 57.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.9 65.6 56.6 56.4 65.4 65.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.0 68.5 63.9 59.9 68.7 69.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 41 128 406 1283 LDN 37 118 373 1178 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,400 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,040 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.6 62.7 60.9 54.9 63.5 64.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.2 55.8 49.5 46.4 55.7 55.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.0 63.7 54.8 54.6 63.6 63.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.2 66.6 62.1 58.0 66.9 67.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 27 84 267 844 LDN 25 77 245 775 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =12,655 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,265 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.4 63.5 61.7 55.7 64.3 64.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.0 56.6 50.3 47.2 56.5 56.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.8 64.6 55.6 55.4 64.4 64.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.0 67.5 62.9 58.9 67.7 68.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 32 102 322 1017 LDN 30 93 295 934 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,500 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,350 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.7 63.8 62.0 56.0 64.6 65.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.3 56.9 50.6 47.5 56.7 57.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.1 64.8 55.9 55.6 64.7 64.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.3 67.7 63.2 59.1 68.0 68.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 34 109 343 1085 LDN 32 100 315 997 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Merrill Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,380 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,538 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.0 66.1 64.3 58.3 66.9 67.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.9 58.5 52.1 49.1 58.3 58.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.3 66.0 57.1 56.8 65.9 66.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.0 69.4 65.3 60.9 69.8 70.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 52 164 518 1639 LDN 47 150 473 1496 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,392 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 139 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 51.4 49.5 47.6 41.6 50.3 50.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 45.9 44.5 38.2 35.1 44.3 44.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 54.6 53.4 44.4 44.2 53.2 53.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 56.7 55.2 49.6 46.4 55.4 55.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 2 6 18 58 LDN 2 5 17 54 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =700 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 70 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 52.6 50.7 48.8 42.9 51.5 52.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 45.2 43.8 37.4 34.4 43.6 43.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 53.0 51.7 42.8 42.5 51.6 51.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 56.2 54.6 50.0 46.0 54.9 55.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 2 5 17 53 LDN 2 5 15 49 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =8,445 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 844 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 63.7 61.9 60.0 54.0 62.6 63.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 56.3 55.0 48.6 45.6 54.8 55.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 64.2 62.9 53.9 53.7 62.7 62.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 67.3 65.8 61.2 57.2 66.0 66.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 22 69 219 692 LDN 20 64 201 635 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,415 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 142 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 55.9 54.1 52.2 46.2 54.8 55.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 48.5 47.2 40.8 37.8 47.0 47.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 56.4 55.1 46.1 45.9 54.9 55.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 59.5 58.0 53.4 49.4 58.2 58.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 11 36 115 LDN 3 11 33 105 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Randall Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =8,954 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =48 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 895 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.0 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.9 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.0 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.8 63.9 62.1 56.1 64.7 65.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.7 56.3 49.9 46.9 56.1 56.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.1 63.8 54.9 54.6 63.7 63.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.8 67.2 63.1 58.7 67.6 68.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 31 99 312 987 LDN 28 90 285 901 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout No Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =22,200 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,220 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.948 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.034 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.9 64.0 62.2 56.2 64.8 65.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.4 58.0 51.7 48.6 57.9 58.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.7 66.4 57.4 57.2 66.2 66.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.3 68.8 63.7 60.1 69.0 69.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 42 134 425 1343 LDN 39 124 393 1242 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Rosena ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,370 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =80 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,637 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 30.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 30.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 30.2 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.4 66.5 64.7 58.7 67.3 67.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.0 59.6 53.3 50.2 59.5 59.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.0 66.7 57.7 57.5 66.5 66.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.6 70.0 65.7 61.5 70.3 70.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 59 187 591 1869 LDN 54 171 540 1708 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =0 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 0 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! MEDIUM TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! HEAVY TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICULAR NOISE #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!#NUM! NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! LDN #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =31,931 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 3,193 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.8 65.9 64.1 58.1 66.7 67.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.3 59.9 53.5 50.5 59.7 60.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.7 67.4 58.4 58.2 67.2 67.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.7 70.2 65.4 61.5 70.4 70.8 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 59 188 594 1879 LDN 55 173 547 1730 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =0 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 0 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! MEDIUM TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! HEAVY TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICULAR NOISE #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!#NUM! NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! LDN #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Orange to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =27,200 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,720 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.5 65.6 63.7 57.7 66.4 67.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.9 59.6 53.2 50.2 59.4 59.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.3 67.0 58.1 57.8 66.9 67.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.3 69.8 65.1 61.2 70.0 70.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 55 173 548 1732 LDN 50 160 504 1595 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Merrill to Athol ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =25,200 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =45 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,520 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 44.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 70.3 68.4 66.5 60.5 69.2 69.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 62.1 60.7 54.3 51.3 60.5 60.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.7 67.4 58.4 58.2 67.2 67.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.9 71.3 67.4 62.8 71.7 72.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 81 255 807 2551 LDN 73 232 733 2317 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Athol to Randall ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =35,761 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =52 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 3,576 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 42.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 42.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 42.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 72.0 70.1 68.2 62.2 70.9 71.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.8 62.4 56.0 53.0 62.2 62.5 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.4 69.1 60.1 59.9 68.9 69.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 74.6 73.0 69.1 64.6 73.4 73.8 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 120 378 1196 3783 LDN 109 344 1087 3437 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =3,486 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 349 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 55.5 53.6 51.7 45.8 54.4 55.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 50.0 48.6 42.2 39.2 48.4 48.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 57.9 56.6 47.6 47.4 56.5 56.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 60.3 58.8 53.5 50.0 59.0 59.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 13 42 134 LDN 4 12 39 124 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =3,220 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 322 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 55.1 53.2 51.4 45.4 54.0 54.6 MEDIUM TRUCKS 49.6 48.3 41.9 38.9 48.1 48.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 57.5 56.2 47.3 47.1 56.1 56.3 VEHICULAR NOISE 59.9 58.4 53.2 49.7 58.6 58.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 12 39 124 LDN 4 11 36 115 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,365 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,537 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 61.9 60.0 58.1 52.1 60.8 61.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 56.4 55.0 48.6 45.6 54.8 55.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 64.3 63.0 54.0 53.8 62.8 63.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 66.7 65.2 59.9 56.4 65.3 65.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 18 58 184 583 LDN 17 54 171 541 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =12,900 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,290 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 61.1 59.2 57.4 51.4 60.0 60.6 MEDIUM TRUCKS 55.6 54.2 47.9 44.8 54.1 54.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 63.5 62.2 53.3 53.0 62.1 62.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 65.9 64.4 59.1 55.7 64.6 64.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 15 49 155 490 LDN 14 45 144 455 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Rosena to Nuevo ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,000 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,500 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.3 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.2 66.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.9 58.5 52.1 49.1 58.3 58.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.8 65.6 56.6 56.4 65.4 65.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.5 68.9 64.6 60.4 69.2 69.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 46 144 456 1441 LDN 42 132 416 1317 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =26,021 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,602 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 69.5 67.6 65.7 59.8 68.4 69.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 62.1 60.7 54.3 51.3 60.5 60.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.0 67.7 58.8 58.5 67.6 67.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.7 71.1 66.8 62.5 71.4 71.8 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 75 238 751 2376 LDN 69 217 687 2172 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =28,592 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,859 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 69.9 68.0 66.1 60.2 68.8 69.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 62.5 61.1 54.7 51.7 60.9 61.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.4 68.1 59.2 59.0 68.0 68.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 73.1 71.5 67.2 62.9 71.8 72.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 83 261 826 2611 LDN 75 239 755 2387 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Wheeler to Emerald ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =12,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,280 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.6 64.7 62.9 56.9 65.5 66.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.2 57.8 51.5 48.4 57.6 57.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.2 64.9 55.9 55.7 64.7 64.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.8 68.2 63.9 59.7 68.5 68.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 39 123 389 1229 LDN 36 112 355 1124 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Emerald to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,300 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,630 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.7 65.8 63.9 57.9 66.6 67.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.2 58.9 52.5 49.5 58.7 59.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.2 65.9 57.0 56.7 65.8 65.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.8 69.3 65.0 60.7 69.6 70.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 50 157 495 1565 LDN 45 143 453 1431 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Ceres Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =2,989 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =30 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 299 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 47.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 47.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 47.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 54.8 52.9 51.1 45.1 53.7 54.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 49.3 48.0 41.6 38.6 47.8 48.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 57.2 56.0 47.0 46.8 55.8 56.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 59.6 58.2 52.9 49.4 58.3 58.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 12 37 115 LDN 3 11 34 107 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =27,137 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,714 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 72.2 70.3 68.5 62.5 71.1 71.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.3 61.9 55.6 52.5 61.8 62.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.6 68.3 59.4 59.1 68.2 68.3 VEHICULAR NOISE 74.4 72.8 69.2 64.4 73.2 73.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 116 365 1156 3654 LDN 104 330 1045 3303 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =23,700 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,370 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 71.9 70.1 68.2 62.2 70.8 71.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.1 61.7 55.3 52.3 61.5 61.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.3 68.1 59.1 58.9 67.9 68.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 74.2 72.5 68.9 64.2 73.0 73.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 109 345 1092 3454 LDN 99 312 987 3122 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =14,900 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,490 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.2 64.3 62.5 56.5 65.1 65.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.8 57.4 51.1 48.0 57.3 57.5 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.8 64.5 55.5 55.3 64.4 64.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.4 67.8 63.6 59.3 68.1 68.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 36 113 357 1127 LDN 33 103 326 1031 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =19,900 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,990 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.4 65.6 63.7 57.7 66.4 66.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.0 58.7 52.3 49.2 58.5 58.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.0 65.7 56.8 56.5 65.6 65.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.6 69.1 64.8 60.5 69.4 69.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 47 149 472 1491 LDN 43 136 431 1363 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =17,554 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =36 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,755 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.8 64.9 63.1 57.1 65.7 66.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.4 58.0 51.7 48.6 57.8 58.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.4 65.1 56.1 55.9 64.9 65.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.0 68.4 64.1 59.9 68.7 69.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 41 129 409 1292 LDN 37 118 374 1181 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =11,300 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,130 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.0 63.1 61.3 55.3 63.9 64.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.6 56.2 49.8 46.8 56.0 56.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 64.5 63.2 54.3 54.1 63.1 63.3 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.2 66.6 62.3 58.1 66.9 67.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 27 85 268 847 LDN 24 77 245 774 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,728 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,573 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.4 64.5 62.7 56.7 65.3 65.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.0 57.6 51.2 48.2 57.4 57.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.9 64.6 55.7 55.5 64.5 64.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.6 68.0 63.7 59.5 68.3 68.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 37 117 369 1168 LDN 34 107 338 1067 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =19,400 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,940 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.3 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.2 66.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.9 58.5 52.1 49.1 58.3 58.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.8 65.6 56.6 56.4 65.4 65.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.5 68.9 64.6 60.4 69.2 69.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 46 144 455 1440 LDN 42 132 416 1317 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Merrill Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,815 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,682 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.4 66.5 64.7 58.7 67.3 67.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.2 58.9 52.5 49.5 58.7 59.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.8 65.5 56.6 56.4 65.4 65.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.1 69.5 65.5 61.0 69.8 70.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 53 167 530 1675 LDN 48 152 481 1522 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =17,153 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,715 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 62.3 60.4 58.6 52.6 61.2 61.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 56.8 55.4 49.1 46.0 55.2 55.5 HEAVY TRUCKS 64.7 63.4 54.5 54.2 63.3 63.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 67.1 65.6 60.3 56.9 65.8 66.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 20 64 203 643 LDN 19 60 189 596 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,600 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,060 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.4 62.5 60.7 54.7 63.3 63.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.0 55.6 49.2 46.2 55.4 55.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 64.0 62.7 53.7 53.5 62.5 62.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 67.6 66.0 61.7 57.5 66.3 66.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 23 74 234 740 LDN 21 68 214 677 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =21,478 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,148 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.8 65.9 64.1 58.1 66.7 67.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.4 59.0 52.7 49.6 58.8 59.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.4 66.1 57.1 56.9 65.9 66.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.0 69.4 65.1 60.9 69.7 70.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 51 163 514 1625 LDN 47 149 470 1486 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,973 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,697 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.8 64.9 63.0 57.0 65.7 66.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.3 58.0 51.6 48.6 57.8 58.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.3 65.0 56.1 55.8 64.9 65.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.9 68.4 64.1 59.8 68.7 69.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 40 127 402 1272 LDN 37 116 368 1163 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Randall Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =8,978 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =48 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 898 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.0 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.9 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.0 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.9 64.0 62.1 56.1 64.8 65.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.7 56.3 49.9 46.9 56.1 56.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 64.3 63.0 54.0 53.8 62.8 63.0 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.5 66.9 63.0 58.4 67.3 67.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 29 92 292 925 LDN 27 84 266 840 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout With Project NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =20,000 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,000 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.954 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.028 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.5 63.6 61.8 55.8 64.4 65.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.0 57.6 51.2 48.2 57.4 57.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.4 65.1 56.1 55.9 64.9 65.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.4 67.8 63.1 59.2 68.1 68.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 35 110 349 1102 LDN 32 102 321 1015 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =12,900 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,290 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 61.0 59.1 57.3 51.3 59.9 60.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 55.6 54.2 47.9 44.8 54.1 54.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.7 64.4 55.5 55.2 64.3 64.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 67.3 65.8 59.8 57.0 65.9 66.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 21 66 208 659 LDN 20 62 196 618 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Rosena ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,860 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =80 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,586 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 30.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 30.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 30.2 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.2 66.3 64.5 58.5 67.1 67.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.9 59.5 53.1 50.1 59.3 59.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.0 68.7 59.8 59.5 68.6 68.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.5 71.0 66.0 62.3 71.2 71.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 71 226 714 2259 LDN 66 209 661 2090 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =1,891 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 189 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 52.7 50.8 49.0 43.0 51.6 52.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 47.3 45.9 39.6 36.5 45.8 46.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 57.4 56.1 47.2 46.9 56.0 56.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 59.0 57.6 51.5 48.7 57.6 57.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 3 10 31 98 LDN 3 9 29 92 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Rosena to Nuevo ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,000 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,500 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.2 65.3 63.5 57.5 66.1 66.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.9 58.5 52.1 49.1 58.3 58.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.0 67.7 58.8 58.5 67.6 67.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.5 70.0 65.0 61.3 70.2 70.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 57 180 569 1798 LDN 53 166 526 1663 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =22,071 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,207 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.7 66.8 64.9 59.0 67.6 68.2 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.3 60.0 53.6 50.6 59.8 60.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.5 69.2 60.2 60.0 69.1 69.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 73.0 71.5 66.4 62.8 71.7 72.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 80 252 795 2515 LDN 74 233 736 2327 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =23,781 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =66 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,378 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 37.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 37.6 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 37.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 69.0 67.1 65.3 59.3 67.9 68.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 61.7 60.3 53.9 50.9 60.1 60.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.8 69.5 60.6 60.3 69.4 69.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 73.3 71.8 66.8 63.1 72.0 72.3 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 86 271 857 2710 LDN 79 251 793 2507 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Wheeler to Emerald ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =12,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,280 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.5 64.6 62.8 56.8 65.4 66.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.2 57.8 51.5 48.4 57.6 57.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.3 67.0 58.1 57.9 66.9 67.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.8 69.3 64.3 60.6 69.5 69.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 49 153 485 1534 LDN 45 142 449 1419 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Arrow Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Emerald to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,300 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =70 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,630 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 35.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 35.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 35.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.6 65.7 63.8 57.9 66.5 67.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.2 58.9 52.5 49.5 58.7 59.0 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.4 68.1 59.2 58.9 68.0 68.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.9 70.4 65.3 61.7 70.6 70.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 62 195 618 1954 LDN 57 181 572 1807 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Ceres Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =2,519 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =30 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 252 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 47.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 47.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 47.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 54.0 52.1 50.3 44.3 52.9 53.5 MEDIUM TRUCKS 48.6 47.2 40.9 37.8 47.0 47.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 58.7 57.4 48.4 48.2 57.3 57.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 60.3 58.8 52.8 50.0 58.9 59.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 13 41 131 LDN 4 12 39 123 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =27,636 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,764 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 72.2 70.3 68.4 62.5 71.1 71.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.4 62.0 55.7 52.6 61.8 62.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 71.9 70.6 61.6 61.4 70.4 70.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 75.3 73.7 69.5 65.2 74.0 74.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 139 439 1388 4389 LDN 127 401 1269 4012 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Foothill Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =23,700 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =45 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,370 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 71.9 70.0 68.1 62.1 70.8 71.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.1 61.7 55.3 52.3 61.5 61.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 71.5 70.2 61.3 61.1 70.1 70.2 VEHICULAR NOISE 75.0 73.4 69.1 64.9 73.7 74.1 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 129 407 1288 4073 LDN 118 372 1177 3723 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =14,900 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,490 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.2 64.3 62.4 56.4 65.1 65.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.8 57.4 51.1 48.0 57.3 57.5 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.0 66.7 57.7 57.5 66.5 66.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.5 69.0 63.9 60.3 69.2 69.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 44 141 445 1407 LDN 41 130 412 1302 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =19,900 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,990 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.4 65.5 63.6 57.6 66.3 66.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.0 58.7 52.3 49.2 58.5 58.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.2 67.9 58.9 58.7 67.7 67.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.7 70.2 65.1 61.5 70.4 70.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 59 186 588 1861 LDN 54 172 544 1721 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Juniper Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =14,995 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =36 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,499 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.7 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.7 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.1 64.2 62.3 56.3 65.0 65.6 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.7 57.3 51.0 47.9 57.2 57.4 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.9 66.6 57.6 57.4 66.4 66.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.4 68.9 63.8 60.2 69.1 69.4 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 44 138 436 1378 LDN 40 127 403 1274 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =11,300 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,130 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.9 63.0 61.2 55.2 63.8 64.4 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.6 56.2 49.8 46.8 56.0 56.3 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.7 65.4 56.5 56.2 65.3 65.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.2 67.7 62.7 59.0 67.9 68.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 33 106 334 1057 LDN 31 98 309 978 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,191 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,319 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.5 63.7 61.8 55.8 64.4 65.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.2 56.8 50.5 47.4 56.6 56.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.4 66.1 57.1 56.9 65.9 66.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.9 68.3 63.3 59.7 68.5 68.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 39 122 387 1222 LDN 36 113 358 1131 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Mango Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =19,400 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,940 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 67.2 65.3 63.5 57.5 66.1 66.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.9 58.5 52.1 49.1 58.3 58.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.0 67.7 58.8 58.5 67.6 67.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.5 70.0 65.0 61.3 70.2 70.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 57 180 568 1798 LDN 53 166 526 1663 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Merrill Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =16,061 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,606 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 68.1 66.3 64.4 58.4 67.0 67.6 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.0 58.7 52.3 49.3 58.5 58.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.8 67.5 58.6 58.3 67.4 67.5 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.8 70.3 65.6 61.7 70.5 70.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 61 194 612 1936 LDN 56 178 563 1780 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =11,076 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,108 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 60.3 58.4 56.6 50.6 59.2 59.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 54.9 53.5 47.2 44.1 53.3 53.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.0 63.7 54.7 54.5 63.6 63.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 66.6 65.1 59.1 56.3 65.2 65.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 18 56 177 558 LDN 17 52 166 524 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Nuevo Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =10,600 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =18 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,060 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 49.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 49.2 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 49.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.3 62.4 60.6 54.6 63.2 63.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.0 55.6 49.2 46.2 55.4 55.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.1 64.8 55.9 55.7 64.7 64.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 68.6 67.1 62.1 58.4 67.3 67.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 29 92 292 924 LDN 27 85 270 855 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Nuevo to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =15,482 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,548 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.3 64.4 62.6 56.6 65.2 65.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.0 57.6 51.2 48.2 57.4 57.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.1 66.8 57.9 57.7 66.7 66.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.6 69.1 64.1 60.4 69.3 69.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 46 146 462 1462 LDN 43 135 428 1353 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Orange Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Sierra to Wheeler ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =13,137 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,314 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.6 63.7 61.8 55.8 64.5 65.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 58.2 56.8 50.5 47.4 56.7 56.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 67.4 66.1 57.1 56.9 65.9 66.1 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.9 68.4 63.3 59.7 68.6 68.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 39 123 388 1228 LDN 36 114 359 1136 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Randall Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Mango ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =8,381 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =48 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 838 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.0 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.9 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.0 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.5 63.6 61.7 55.7 64.4 65.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.4 56.0 49.6 46.6 55.8 56.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.1 64.9 55.9 55.7 64.7 64.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 69.1 67.6 63.0 59.0 67.8 68.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 33 105 331 1045 LDN 30 96 304 961 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Foothill to Upland ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =25,880 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =50 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,588 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 43.4 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 43.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 43.4 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.8 64.9 63.1 57.1 65.7 66.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.4 59.0 52.6 49.6 58.8 59.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.9 68.7 59.7 59.5 68.5 68.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 72.0 70.5 65.0 61.7 70.6 71.0 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 62 197 623 1969 LDN 58 183 580 1835 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Upland to Arrow ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =20,000 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =38 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,000 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 46.3 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 46.3 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 46.3 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 65.4 63.5 61.7 55.7 64.3 64.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 59.0 57.6 51.2 48.2 57.4 57.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 68.5 67.3 58.3 58.1 67.1 67.3 VEHICULAR NOISE 70.6 69.1 63.6 60.3 69.2 69.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 45 143 451 1425 LDN 42 133 420 1328 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =0 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =42 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 0 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.5 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.4 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.5 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! MEDIUM TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! HEAVY TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICULAR NOISE #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!#NUM! NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! LDN #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Valencia to Orange ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =0 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =40 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 0 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 45.9 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 45.8 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 45.9 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! MEDIUM TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! HEAVY TRUCKS #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICULAR NOISE #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!#NUM! NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! LDN #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Orange to Merrill ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =22,612 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =30 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =60 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,261 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 40.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 40.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 40.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 66.6 64.7 62.8 56.9 65.5 66.1 MEDIUM TRUCKS 60.1 58.8 52.4 49.3 58.6 58.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 69.7 68.4 59.5 59.2 68.3 68.4 VEHICULAR NOISE 71.7 70.3 64.7 61.5 70.4 70.7 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 59 186 589 1862 LDN 55 173 549 1735 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Merrill to Athol ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =25,200 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =45 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 2,520 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 44.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 44.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 44.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 70.2 68.3 66.4 60.5 69.1 69.7 MEDIUM TRUCKS 62.1 60.7 54.3 51.3 60.5 60.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 70.8 69.6 60.6 60.4 69.4 69.6 VEHICULAR NOISE 73.8 72.3 67.7 63.7 72.5 72.9 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 98 309 976 3087 LDN 90 284 898 2838 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Sierra Ave DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Athol to Randall ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =32,688 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =40 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =52 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 3,269 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 42.8 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 42.7 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 42.8 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 71.5 69.6 67.8 61.8 70.4 71.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 63.4 62.0 55.7 52.6 61.8 62.1 HEAVY TRUCKS 72.2 70.9 61.9 61.7 70.7 70.9 VEHICULAR NOISE 75.2 73.6 69.0 65.0 73.9 74.2 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 132 419 1324 4186 LDN 122 385 1217 3848 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Valencia Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Juniper to Sierra ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =2,157 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =28 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 216 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.1 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.0 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.1 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 53.3 51.4 49.6 43.6 52.2 52.8 MEDIUM TRUCKS 47.9 46.5 40.2 37.1 46.3 46.6 HEAVY TRUCKS 58.0 56.7 47.7 47.5 56.5 56.7 VEHICULAR NOISE 59.6 58.1 52.1 49.3 58.2 58.5 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 4 11 35 111 LDN 3 10 33 105 VEHICLE MIX DATA FHWA-RD-77-108 ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CNEL) - CALVENO PROJECT:Downtown Fontana FBC Districts JOB #:0462-2020-22 ROADWAY Wheeler Blvd DATE: 12-Jan-23 SEGMENT Arrow to Valencia ENGINEER:C. Pincock LOCATION:Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA SCENARIO:Buildout Alternative 1 NOISE INPUT DATA ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA 0 ADT =11,224 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =25 DIST C/L TO WALL =0 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =24 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =50 ROAD ELEVATION =0 PAD ELEVATION =0 GRADE =0 ROADWAY VIEW: LF ANGLE -90 PK HR VOL = 1,122 RT ANGLE 90 DF ANGLE 180 SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION AUTOMOBILES 10 HTH WALL =0 FT MED TRUCKS 10 (HARD SITE=10, SOFT SITE=15)AMBIENT = 0 HVY TRUCKS 10 BARRIER =0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) MISC. VEHICLE INFO VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVE NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE GRADE ADJUSTMENT AUTOMOBILES 0.777 0.127 0.096 0.936 AUTOMOBILES = 2.00 48.6 - - MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.874 0.051 0.075 0.018 MEDIUM TRUCKS= 4.00 48.5 - - HEAVY TRUCKS 0.891 0.028 0.081 0.046 HEAVY TRUCKS = 8.01 48.6 0.0 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 60.4 58.5 56.7 50.7 59.3 59.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 55.0 53.6 47.3 44.2 53.5 53.7 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.1 63.8 54.9 54.6 63.7 63.8 VEHICULAR NOISE 66.7 65.2 59.2 56.4 65.3 65.6 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 18 57 181 573 LDN 17 54 170 538 VEHICLE MIX DATA