HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 Appendix A - Notice of PreparationAppendix A: Notice of Preparation NOP – City of Fontana Downtown Core Project November 30, 2022 Page 1 of 6 City of Fontana Planning Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA, 92335 Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR and Scoping Meeting Date: November 30, 2022 To: State Clearinghouse, Agencies, Organizations and Interested Parties Subject: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Scoping Meeting for the Downtown Core Project Scoping Meeting: The City of Fontana will hold a public scoping meeting, where agencies, organizations, and members of the public will receive a brief presentation on the Project and will have the opportunity to provide comments on the scope of the information and analysis to be included in the EIR. The meeting will be held on: Wednesday December 14, 2022 at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Zoom Virtual Meeting Link to join on a computer: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85499358801?pwd=b2VBYW1jL0ZyVDNuUkY1MFE0eGZBdz09 Dial-In Number: (669) 900-6833 Access meeting at: Meeting ID: 854 9935 8801 Passcode: 026035 Comment Period: November 30, 2022 to January 3, 2023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Fontana (City), as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Downtown Core Project (“Project”). In accordance with Section 15082 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City has issued this Notice of Preparation (NOP) to provide responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and other interested parties with information describing the proposed project and its potential environmental effects. The purpose of this notice is to: 1) serve as the Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), Responsible Agencies, public agencies involved in funding or approving the project, and Trustee Agencies responsible for natural resources affected by the project, NOP – City of Fontana Downtown Core Project November 30, 2022 Page 2 of 6 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15082. 2) advise and solicit comments and suggestions regarding the preparation of the EIR, environmental issues to be addressed in the EIR, and any other related issues, from interested parties, including interested or affected members of the public; and 3) advertise a public meeting to solicit comments from public agencies and interested parties regarding the scope of study in the EIR. The City determined that the proposed Project would require preparation of a full-scope EIR; thus, an Initial Study was not prepared in conjunction with this NOP. Consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15082(b), the City will prepare an EIR to address the environmental impacts associated with the Project at a programmatic level. No specific development projects are proposed as part of the proposed Project. However, the program EIR can serve to streamline environmental review of future projects. Information regarding the project description, project location, and topics to be addressed in the Draft EIR is provided below. This notice is available for public review on the City’s website at: https://www.fontana.org/2137/Environmental-Documents. For questions regarding this notice, please contact Alejandro Rico – Associate Planner (909) 350-6558, or by email: arico@fontana.org Notice of Preparation Comment Period The City, as Lead Agency, requests that responsible and trustee agencies, all interested parties, and the Office of Planning and Research, respond in a manner consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15082(b). Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.4, responsible agencies, trustee agencies and the Office of Planning and Research must submit any comments in response to this notice no later than the comment period deadline identified below. In accordance with the time limits established by CEQA, the NOP public review period will begin on November 30, 2022 and end on January 3, 2023. In the event that the City does not receive a response from any Responsible or Trustee Agency, or by any interested parties, by the end of the review period, the City may presume that the Responsible Agency, Trustee Agency, or interested party has no response to make (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15082(b)(2)). Comments in response to this notice must be submitted to the address below, or by email by the close of the NOP review period, which is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 Alejandro Rico – Associate Planner City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Email: arico@fontana.org Scoping Meeting The City of Fontana will hold a scoping meeting to provide an opportunity for agency representatives and the public to assist the City in determining the scope and content of the EIR. The scoping meeting will be held on Wednesday December 14, 2022, at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Information regarding the virtual meeting (Zoom) is provided above. NOP – City of Fontana Downtown Core Project November 30, 2022 Page 3 of 6 Project Location The proposed Project Area encompasses approximately 478 acres and is bounded by Foothill Boulevard on the north, Randall Avenue on the south, Juniper Avenue on the west, and Mango Avenue on the east. The Downtown Core Project Area’s location is shown in Figure 1, Downtown Core Project Area. Project Description The City is proposing to create a new focused area in the Downtown Core (Project Area) by creating and implementing a new General Plan land use category and six new FBC districts specific to the Project Area. The Project would involve amending the General Plan, including establishing a new General Plan land use category, amending the General Plan Land Use Map to apply the new land use category, and amending the Zoning and Development Code, including the Zoning District Map, as described below. The proposed Project, would in part, provide increased residential development opportunities, consistent with the goals of the SB 2 Planning Grant received by the City. General Plan Text and Map Amendments Chapter 9: Community Mobility and Circulation The Project proposes to modify the existing circulation within the Project Area specific to Nuevo Avenue, Wheeler Avenue, and Sierra Avenue; refer to the Project Area Circulation and Parking discussion below. General Plan Chapter 9 Exhibit 9.2 would be amended to modify the functional roadway classifications for Nuevo Avenue and Wheeler Avenue and to remove the roadway functional class for Sierra Avenue between Arrow Boulevard and Orange Way; related text modifications would also occur for consistency. Chapter 14: Downtown Area Plan Modifications to text and graphics would occur within Chapter 14 to be consistent with the proposed modifications to Chapter 9 and 15. Chapter 15: Land Use, Zoning, and Urban Design The Project proposes to amend General Plan Chapter 15, Table 15.25 and Exhibit 15.10 to include the addition of a new WMXU-3: Walkable Mixed-Use Downtown Core (0.2-2.0 FAR, 2.1-70 du/ac) land use category. Text modifications would also occur within Chapter 15 to incorporate the WMXU-3 land use category. General Plan Land Use Map The General Plan Land Use Map would be amended to apply the WMXU-3: Walkable Mixed-Use Downtown Core (0.2-2.0 FAR, 2.1-70 du/ac) land use category within the Project Area, as shown on Figure 2, Proposed Land Use Categories. Zoning and Development Code Amendments Zoning and Development Code Chapter 30, Article III, Form-Based Code, would be amended to incorporate six new FBC districts, described below, including permitted land uses, increased densities and development standards by zoning district, building types, frontage types, general regulations, design and architectural regulations, private open space types, and public open space standards specific to each new FBC District. Article IV, Zoning Districts, Section 30-405, Section 30-406, and Table No. 30-408 would also be amended to add the new Downtown Core and associated land use districts. The Fontana Zoning District NOP – City of Fontana Downtown Core Project November 30, 2022 Page 4 of 6 Map would be amended to incorporate the Downtown Core and associated land use districts. The Fontana Zoning District Map would be amended to incorporate the Downtown Core. The Project proposes the following six new FBC districts as shown on Figure 3, Proposed FBC Districts: Civic Core. The Civic Core district would involve a mix of existing and new public uses, including the existing City Hall, Library, and Park spaces. Building heights would be a maximum of 70 feet. Gateway Core. The Gateway Core district would develop strong gateways along Sierra Avenue and serve as a primary gateway to Downtown Fontana from the north and south. This area would contain a mix of existing and new buildings and would support Downtown commercial uses by encouraging the development of residential units near transit and along major corridors. Building heights would be a maximum of 70 feet with a 55-foot maximum adjacent to street corners, and a 35-foot maximum adjacent to Sierra Avenue. First floor commercial uses would be allowed anywhere in the district, and density bonuses would be provided as an incentive for including optional commercial uses. Multi-Family Core. The Multi-Family Core district would strengthen the opportunity for higher density multi-family development within the Downtown Core. It would support Downtown commercial uses by encouraging the development of residential units within walking distance. Building heights would be a maximum of 55 feet. Density bonuses would be provided as an incentive for lot assemblages of at least one acre. Mixed-Use Core. The Mixed-Use Core district would involve a mix of existing and new commercial and residential uses. Buildings built along major corridors would be built to the sidewalk to reinforce the street as a pedestrian-friendly area. Building heights would be a maximum of 55 feet. First floor commercial uses would be allowed anywhere in the district and required on Nuevo Avenue between Orange Avenue and Arrow Boulevard, on Wheeler Avenue between Orange Avenue and Arrow Boulevard, and Arrow Boulevard between Juniper Avenue and Wheeler Avenue. Density bonuses would be provided as an incentive for including optional commercial uses. Neighborhood Core. The Neighborhood Core district would be largely composed of single-family homes and would allow the development of extra units. This area would provide a transition between the Downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods. Building heights would be a maximum of 40 feet. Density bonuses would be provided as an incentive for lot assemblages of at least one acre. Sierra Core. The Sierra Core district would reinforce Sierra Avenue between Arrow Boulevard and Orange Way as the core of Downtown Fontana. This area would be enhanced with a pedestrian promenade and public plazas, and provide a variety of entertainment, retail, service, and residential uses within existing and new buildings. Building heights would be a maximum of 70 feet, with a 55-foot maximum adjacent to street corners, and a 35-foot maximum adjacent to Sierra Avenue. First floor commercial uses would be required. Project Area Circulation and Parking In addition, the Project proposes to ultimately close a quarter-mile portion of Sierra Avenue to vehicular traffic in order to enhance the pedestrian experience and promote walkability. This would occur in two phases. Phase I (interim condition) would reduce the number of travel lanes on Sierra Avenue from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction, convert Wheeler Avenue to a one-way northbound NOP – City of Fontana Downtown Core Project November 30, 2022 Page 5 of 6 street, and convert Nuevo Avenue to a one-way southbound street. Phase II (the ultimate condition) would close Sierra Avenue between Arrow Boulevard and Orange Way to vehicular traffic, diverting traffic to parallel streets. Development Standards and Design and Architectural Regulations The Downtown Fontana Development Guide summarizes development standards and design and architectural regulations for all new development projects within the Project Area. Individual development projects within the Project Area would be required to comply with the new FBC district development standards as they define the minimum or baseline standards for urban design. The design guidelines further define the desired character and image of development in the Project Area. Development standards, and the design and architectural regulations, address a variety of development regulations including, but not limited to, building facades, roofs, signs, mechanical equipment, landscaping, lighting, plazas, pedestrian walkways and courtyards, and parking. Development Potential While no specific development projects are proposed as part of the Project, the Project will accommodate future growth in the Downtown Core area. The proposed General Plan, General Plan Land Use Map, Zoning District Map and Zoning and Development Code amendments would apply the new General Plan WMXU-3 land use category and new Zoning and Development Code FBC districts to the Project Area. Table 1 identifies the maximum development potential that could occur within the Project Area under the proposed FBC districts. Table 1: Proposed Project Development Potential FBC District Acreage Maximum Development Potential Existing Development Anticipated to Remain Net New Development Potential Residential (du) Commercial (s.f.) Residential (du) Commercial (s.f.) Residential (du) Commercial (s.f.) Gateway Core 106.4 4,331 1,537,799 276 125,091 4,055 1,412,708 Multi-Family Core 84.7 3,438 0 0 0 3,438 0 Mixed-Use Core 44 2,203 1,905,262 0 0 2,203 1,905,262 Neighborhood Core 73.3 461 0 0 0 461 0 Sierra Core 13.6 871 373,802 108 0 763 373,802 Civic Core 41.9 0 500,538 0 199,442 0 301,096 Total 363.9 11,304 4,317,401 384 324,533 10,920 3,992,868 As shown in Table 1, based on the maximum development potential and existing (on-the-ground) development anticipated to remain, implementation of the Downtown Core Project would allow for the following new development: • New development of approximately 10,920 dwelling units (8,900 units over existing conditions) • New development of approximately 3,992,868 square feet of non-residential uses (2,685,404 square feet over existing conditions) NOP – City of Fontana Downtown Core Project November 30, 2022 Page 6 of 6 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected The proposed project could potentially affect the following environmental factors, and each will be addressed in the EIR: • Aesthetics • Air Quality • Agriculture and Forestry Resources • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Energy • Geology/Soils • Greenhouse Gases Emissions • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology/Water Quality • Land Use and Planning • Mineral Resources • Noise • Population and Housing • Public Services • Parks and Recreation • Transportation and Traffic • Tribal Cultural Resources • Utilities and Service Systems • Wildfires • Mandatory Findings of Significance The EIR will assess the effects of the project on the environment, identify potentially significant impacts, identify feasible mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate potentially significant environmental impacts, and discuss potentially feasible alternatives to the project that may accomplish basic objectives while lessening or eliminating any potentially significant project-related impacts. Attachments • Figure 1: Downtown Core Project Area • Figure 2: Proposed Land Use Categories • Figure 3: Proposed FBC Districts Merrill Ave Pe p p e r A v e Ju n i p e r A v e Randall Ave Upland Ave Ma n g o A v e Orange Way Ivy Ave Arrow Blvd Se w e l l A v e Ch a n t r y A v e Si e r r a A v e Si e r r a A v e Valencia Ave Ceres Ave Arrow Blvd Ol i v e S t Ceres Ave Lerner Ln Spring St Ivy Ave Seville Ave Nu e v o A v e Bl a n c h a r d A v e Wh e e l e r C t Terrace Ln Wh e e l e r A v e Ro s e na A v e Em er ald A v e New port Ave Pinedale Ct Be n n e t t A v e Bl a n c h a r d A v e Ke m p s t e r A v e Athol St Hibiscus St Pine Ave Ac a c i a A v e Foothill Blvd Athol St Ne w p o r t A v e Owen St Upland Ave Be n n e t t A v e Wh e e l e r A v e Pe p p e r A v e Se w e l l A v e Martin Ave Ch a n t r y A v e DOWNTOWN CORE PROJECT Figure 1. Downtown Core Project Area Legend Project Area 0 500 1,000 Feet \ Sources: ArcGIS Online World Imagery map service; USGS National Map Roads. Map date: November 14, 2022. Project Area P-R R-MFH WMXU-3 P-PF 0 500 1,000 Feet \ Sources: City of Fontana; San Bernardino County; USGS National Map Roads. Map date: November 15, 2022. DOWNTOWN CORE PROJECT Figure 2. Proposed Land Use Categories Legend Merrill Ave Pe p p e r A v e Ju n i p e r A v e Upland Ave Ma n g o A v e Ceres Ave Ivy Ave Pine Ave Se w e l l A v e Randall Ave Si e r r a A v e Si e r r a A v e Ol i v e S t Pinedale Ave Valencia Ave Arrow Blvd Orange Way Arrow Blvd Ceres Ave Lerner Ln Spring St Ivy Ave Seville Ave Nu e v o A v e Wh e e l e r C t Terrace Ln Anastasia Ave Wh e e l e r A v e Ro se na A v e Em e r ald A v e Ne w p ort A v e Pinedale Ct Be n n e t t A v e Bl a n c h a r d A v e Ke m p s t e r A v e Athol St Hibiscus St Ac a c i a A v e Foothill Blvd Ne w p o r t A v e Ch a n t r y A v e Be n n e t t A v e Wh e e l e r A v e Athol St Pe p p e r A v e Owen St Upland Ave Se w e l l A v e Martin Ave Legend Project Area Civic Gateway Core Mixed-Use Core Multi-Family Core Neighborhood Core Sierra Core 0 500 1,000 Feet \ Sources: City of Fontana; San Bernardino County; USGS National Map Roads. Map date: November 15, 2022. DOWNTOWN CORE PROJECT Figure 3. Proposed FBC Districts Merrill Ave Pe p p e r A v e Ju n i p e r A v e Upland Ave Pine Ave Ma n g o A v e Ivy Ave Ch a n t r y A v e Se w e l l A v e Ceres Ave Randall Ave Sie r r a A v e Sie r r a A v e Orange Way Arrow Blvd Pinedale Ave Ol i v e S t Valencia Ave Arrow Blvd Ceres Ave Lerner Ln Spring St Ivy Ave Seville Ave Nu e v o A v e Wh e e l e r C t Terrace Ln Wh e e l e r A v e Ro se na A v e Em erald A v e Ne w p ort A v e Pinedale Ct Be n n e t t A v e Bl a n c h a r d A v e Ke m p s t e r A v e Athol St Hibiscus St Ac a c i a A v e Foothill Blvd Ne w p o r t A v e Be n n e t t A v e Wh e e l e r A v e Athol St Owen St Upland AvePe p p e r A v e Se w e l l A v e Martin Ave Ch a n t r y A v e