HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I - Phase 1 ESA ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA i January 2019 Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................... 1  2. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 2  2.1. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION ..................................... 2  2.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ........................................ 3  3. SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. 4  4. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ................................................................................ 5  5. INTERVIEWS......................................................................................................... 6  5.1 SITE OWNER INTERVIEW ........................................................................................ 6  5.2 USER-PROVIDED INFORMATION ............................................................................. 6  5.3 AGENCY INTERVIEW .................................................................................................. 7  5.3.1 San Bernardino County Fire Protection District............................................ 7  5.3.2 California Department of Toxic Substances Control ...................................... 7  5.3.3 California Regional Water Quality Control Board ........................................ 7  5.3.4 Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources ........................................... 7  5.3.5 South Coast Air Quality Management District ............................................... 8  5.3.6 City of Fontana ............................................................................................... 8  6. SITE RECONNAISSANCE ................................................................................... 9  6.1 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ................................................................................ 9  7. HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION ............................................................... 12  7.1 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................................... 12  7.2 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS ............................................................................................ 14  7.3 SANBORN FIRE INSURANCE MAPS ........................................................................ 15 7.4 CITY DIRECTORY LISTINGS .................................................................................. 15  7.5 BUILDING PERMITS ............................................................................................... 15  7.6 HISTORICAL REPORTS .......................................................................................... 15  8. PUBLIC AGENCY RECORDS SEARCH REVIEW ............................................ 17  8.1 UNMAPPED SITES ..................................................................................................... 19 8.2 GEOTRACKER SITES ................................................................................................. 19  9. VAPOR ENCROACHMENT SCREENING ..................................................... 20  10. EVALUATION OF ADDITIONAL POTENTIAL HAZARDS .......................... 21  11. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 22  12 LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................... 23  ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA ii January 2019 List of Figures Figure 1 6LWH Map List of Appendices Appendix A Qualifications Appendix B Environmental Data Resources, Inc. Report Appendix C Property Information Appendix D Agency Records Appendix E Site Photographs Appendix F Aerial Photographs Appendix G Topographic Maps Appendix H Sanborn Maps and City Directory Appendix I EDR Vapor Encroachment Screen ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 1 January 2019 1. Executive Summary A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was conducted for the vacant parcel located south of Live Oak Avenue and Village Drive in Fontana, California (APN 0237-411-14-0000; Figure 1; “Site”). The Site totals approximately 27 acres and was formerly a part of a quarry. The findings of this investigation are based upon a review of historical source information, a radius search performed by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), agency records, interviews, and a site reconnaissance. The Site was a part of the Declezville Quarry, a granite stone and aggregate quarry. The quarry operations included operation of steam drills to drill holes in the rock and dynamite to loosen the rock. The rock was then sorted and loaded onto railcars or trucks. A railspur was located along the western border of the Site and a second railspur appears to have been added through the middle of the Site in the 1960s. The railspurs were removed around the 1980s. Soil contamination is sometimes found along railspurs, particularly when chemicals are loaded onto train cars or, to a lesser extent, from creosote railroad ties or herbicides used along the track. As no chemicals were likely loaded along the railspurs and weed control was unlikely a big issue at the rocky Site, the former presence of the railspurs does not represent a recognized environmental condition and is considered de minimus. A main part of the quarry was located on the eastern-adjacent property; this area was originally quarried prior to 1938 and possibly prior to 1900. The Site was developed with a residence and appeared to be a support area for the quarry in the 1930s. By the 1940s, the dwelling was removed and the Site was also actively quarried. The Site may have later been used just for rock crushing. By the 1980s or 1990s, the site was vacant and no longer used. It is possible that a boiler was used to power the steam drills used at the quarry. The potential boiler may have been fueled by oil or coal. However, there is no evidence that a boiler or any fuel storage was located on the Site. As the Site was just a portion of the Declezville Quarry, it is possible that such equipment may have been located off of the Site. No indications of environmental impacts at the Site were noted during the site reconnaissance or based on the agency records searches. Based on these findings, no recognized environmental conditions (REC) were identified for the Site. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 2 January 2019 2. Introduction This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was performed according to the guidelines stipulated in the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 1527-13, “Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process”. The Site is the vacant parcel located south of Live Oak Avenue and Village Drive in Fontana, California. The Site is approximately 27 acres and is located within APN 0237-411-14-0000. This Phase I ESA is being conducted for JM Built Corporation to assist with due diligence prior to the potential development of the Site for residential purposes. 2.1. Assessment Procedure and Scope of Investigation Phase I Environmental Site Assessments assist in identifying past and present land use, including identification of possible on-site releases or disposal of manufacturing or other wastes if such information is contained within regulatory reports, files, and/or is currently visible on-site. The assessment reviews Local, County, State, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lists of known or potentially hazardous waste sites, landfills, and sites currently under investigation for environmental violations that may be of concern to this site. The scope of the environmental investigation consisted of: 1) a reconnaissance of the Site; 2) a file review of regulatory agency records; 3) a review of available historical aerial photographs and topographic maps; 4) a review of available Sanborn fire insurance maps and City Directory listings; 5) an interview with the property owner representative; 6) vapor encroachment screening; and 7) the preparation of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report detailing the findings of the investigation. These activities were conducted in order to identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs). The term recognized environmental conditions means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at the Site 1) due to any release to the environment, 2) under conditions that indicate a release to the environment, or 3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a release to the environment. The term controlled recognized environmental condition (controlled REC) is an environmental condition that would have been considered a recognized environmental condition in the past, but which has been remediated and received risk- based closure by a regulatory agency (i.e. no further action letter) where residual contamination remains in place. Furthermore, controlled REC is used if the property ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 3 January 2019 is subject to a control or use restriction (i.e. property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls) due to residual onsite contamination. The term historical recognized environmental condition (historical REC) is an environmental condition that would have been considered a recognized environmental condition in the past, but which has been remediated and received unrestricted residential use closure by the regulatory agency. Therefore, no controls or use restrictions have been applied to the property. The term recognized environmental condition is not intended to include de minimus conditions. De minimus conditions are conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. 2.2 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals The Phase I ESA was conducted under the supervision of Nicole Peacock, a Professional Engineer with over 18 years of relevant experience (Appendix A). I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental professionals as defined in Section 312.10 of 40 CFR 312. I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the Site. I have developed and performed all the appropriate inquires in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 4 January 2019 3. Site Description The Site is comprised of approximately 27 acres of vacant land located south of the intersection of Live Oak Avenue and Village Drive in Fontana, San Bernardino County, California (Figure 1). There is no known address associated with the Site. The Site is undeveloped and partially terraced with several dirt roads and paths running throughout. The Site is hilly and rocky and generally slopes from the east to the west. The Site is bordered to the north by Village Drive and residential housing. The Site is bordered to the northwest by Live Oak Avenue and residential housing, a police and fire station, and a day care facility. The Site is bordered to the west by a park. The Site is bordered to the south and southwest by residential housing. An abandoned quarry is located to the east of the Site. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 5 January 2019 4. Environmental Setting General topographic information for the Site and the surrounding area was obtained from a review of a USGS topographic map for Fontana, California, from the EDR report (Appendix B), from Google Earth, and from the site visit. The Site and surrounding area are XQHYHQ. The elevation of the Site ranges from approximately 923 feet above mean sea level (MSL) to approximately 998 feet MSL. The Site generally slopes toward the west, locally sloping toward the north along the primary historic access road that runs through the Site. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS), the surface soils at the Site are well-drained, moderately coarse soils (Appendix B). Shallow granitic bedrock is present at the Site. Based on a review of the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) on-line records, the site reconnaissance, and the aerial photograph review, there are no oil wells on or in the immediate vicinity of the Site. According to DOGGR, the closest well to the 6ite is a dry borehole located approximately two miles south of the Site. One observation water well was mapped by EDR within one mile of the Site. The well was mapped approximately ¾ mile northwest of the Site. Depth to water in the well was not reported. Two wells were mapped on the Geotracker GAMA website within ¼ mile of the Site.1  The closest water well, located approximately ¼ mile due north of the Site, was a well in the Department of Water Resources’ database with water quality data from 1982. The data included elevated nitrate concentrations (above the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water).  A well located approximately ¼ mile northwest of the Site was a well in the Department of Water Resources’ database with water quality data from 1959- 1960. The data included elevated nitrate concentrations (above the 0&/ for drinking water). Groundwater flow is assumed to be toward the west, based on regional topography. No release sites with groundwater data were located in the vicinity of the Site; therefore, no local groundwater depth or flow direction information were obtained. 1 Geotracker GAMA https://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/gama/gamamap/public/, accessed January 7, 2019 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 6 January 2019 5. Interviews 5.1 Site Owner Interview On December 17, 2018, Jose Murguia, the owner of the Site, completed a property background information questionnaire (Appendix C). Mr. Murguia provided additional information by phone on December 18, 2018. Mr. Murguia stated that he has owned the Site for one year and the Site has been vacant during that time. He stated that he does not have contact information for the prior owners. He is unaware of an address for the Site. Mr. Murguia stated that the Site was XVHGfor rock crushing to make gravel in the 1970s. MU0urguia stated that he is not aware of any chemical storage or industrial use of the Site other than the rock crushing. He stated that he is not aware of any fill soil, stained soil, or any other obvious indicators of contamination on the Site. Mr. Murguia stated that he was not aware of any environmental lawsuits, environmental liens, or activity and land use limitations related to environmental issues. Nor was he aware of any prior environmental reports for the Site. 5.2 User-Provided Information In general accordance with ASTM Standard 1527-13, Mr. Murguia provided the answers below (in italics) to the following questions. 1) Are you aware of any environmental cleanup liens against the property that are filed or recorded under federal, tribal, state or local law? No 2) Are you aware of any activity and land use limitations, such as engineering controls, land use restrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the property and/or have been filed or recorded in a registry under federal, tribal, state or local law? No 3) As the user of this ESA, do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the property or nearby properties, including the knowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business? No 4) Does the purchase price being paid for this property reasonably reflect the fair market value of the property? No. (Dudek notes that this Phase I ESA is not associated with a property transaction; therefore, there is no purchase price.) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 7 January 2019 5) Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases? No 6) As the user of this ESA, based on your knowledge and experience related to the property are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property? No 5.3 Agency Interview Records pertaining to environmental conditions of the Site were requested from local regulatory agencies as discussed in the following subsections. 5.3.1 San Bernardino County Fire Protection District Dudek contacted the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District to request files for the Site. The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District responded on December 18, 2018 that they do not have any files for the Site (Appendix D). 5.3.2 California Department of Toxic Substances Control Dudek contacted the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to request files for the Site. DTSC responded on December 19, 2018 that they do not have any files for the Site (Appendix D). 5.3.3 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Dudek contacted the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to request files for the Site. The RWQCB responded on December 24, 2018 that they cannot use APNs to search for records. As there is no known address for the Site, the RWQCB cannot search their records for Site files (Appendix D). 5.3.4 Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Based on a review of the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) on-line records, there are no oil wells on the Site or in the immediate vicinity of the Site.2 2 DOGGR Well Finder, https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/doggr/wellfinder/#/-118.94276/37.11133/6, accessed January 7, 2019 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 8 January 2019 5.3.5 South Coast Air Quality Management District Dudek reviewed online files using the South Coast Air Quality Management District FIND website to search air permits associated with the Site.3 The only permits identified in association with the Site were from the 1980s. The permits were for the Matich Corp at So. Live Oak Ave and were for Aggregate Production/Crushing (Appendix D). 5.3.6 City of Fontana Dudek requested files associated with permits for the Site from the City of Fontana. The City Clerk’s Office responded on December 20, 2018 that the City does not have records for the Site. 3 SCAQMD FIND, http://www3.aqmd.gov/webappl/fim/prog/search.aspx, accessed January 7, 2019 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 9 January 2019 6. Site Reconnaissance A site reconnaissance was conducted on December 21, 2018, by Susan Smith of Dudek. The site reconnaissance consisted of driving and walking the Site, recording observations, and taking photographs. Photographs are presented in Appendix E. The Site consists of vacant land with rocky, uneven terrain (Photographs 1 through 3). Several dirt roads and tracks are located throughout the Site (Photographs 1 through 3). The Site is accessed via a gate located on Village Drive (Photograph 4). The Site is fenced on the northern and northwestern sides (Photographs 4 and 5). The eastern side of the Site is marked by a steep rock wall (Photographs 6 and 7). 6.1 Summary of Observations Adjacent Land Uses Residential housing, a police and fire station, and a day care facility are located to the north and northwest of the Site (Photographs 8 and 9). Residential housing is present to the south and southwest of the Site (Photographs 3, 10, and 11). An abandoned quarry is located to the east of the Site (Photograph 12). A park is located to the west of the Site; a portion of the park was reportedly used as a dirt bike race track (Photographs 2, 13, and 14). Wetlands and Natural Waterways No wetlands were observed on the Site during the site reconnaissance. Surface Water Discharge Surface water, when present on the Site during rain events, would generally drain toward the west. Distressed Vegetation No unnaturally distressed vegetation was observed on the Site. Indications of Solid Debris Storage Various piles of concrete debris were observed on the Site (Photographs 15 and 16). Railroad ties and fencing materials were observed piled up on the northern portion of the Site (Photograph 17). ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 10 January 2019 Indications of Agricultural Use No indications of agriculture were observed on the Site. Chemical Storage or Use No indications of chemical use or storage were observed on the Site. Unnaturally Colored Water No unnaturally discolored pools or flowing water were observed on the Site. Groundwater Wells, Cisterns, Cesspools, or Septic Tanks No groundwater wells, cisterns, cesspools, or septic tanks were observed on the Site. Pits, Ponds, or Lagoons No pits, ponds, or lagoons were observed on the Site. Transformers No transformers were observed on the Site. Abnormal Odor No abnormal odors were noted on the Site. Soil Disturbances No abnormal soil disturbances were observed on the Site. Storage Tanks No evidence of underground storage tanks or aboveground storage tanks was observed on the Site during the site reconnaissance. Pipelines A PVC pipeline was observed on the southwestern portion of the Site; the pipeline is connected to a nearby fire hydrant (Photograph 18). No other pipelines were observed on the Site during the site reconnaissance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 11 January 2019 Based on a review of the National Pipeline Mapping System online database, the nearest hazardous liquid pipeline is located approximately 1.5 miles north of the Site and runs parallel to I-10. Stained Soil No stained soil was observed on the Site during the site reconnaissance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 12 January 2019 7. Historical Use Information Dudek reviewed the following historical use information in order to assess the possibility of historical activities that could present environmental concerns. This information obtained from review of these historical use records is summarized in the following table and is described in more detail in the following subsections. Period Property Adjoining Area Source Pre-190V – around 1940V The Site appears to have been used as a support area for the adjacent quarry. A residence was located on the Site. Surrounding properties include the quarry and agricultural areas. AP, TM, Hist 1940s-1980s The Site was quarried for stone Surrounding properties include the quarry and agricultural areas. AP, TM 1980s or 1990s - Present The Site appears vacant. Surrounding properties are undeveloped or part of a residential community. AP Historical aerial photographs (AP) Topographic Maps (TM) Historical Documents (Hist) 7.1 Aerial Photographs Dudek reviewed historical aerial photographs from EDR for the years 1938, 1948, 1953, 1959, 1967, 1975, 1985, 1990, 1994, 2006, 2012, and 2016 (Appendix F). The aerial photographs are described in the following table: Date Site Adjacent Properties 1938 The Site appears largely undeveloped, with some unimproved roads transversing the eastern side and northern portion of the Site. A residential-sized structure is visible in the southwestern portion of the Site. A smaller structure is visible in the southwest corner of the Site. Railcars are visible along the eastern border of the Site A disturbed area (quarry) is located to the east of the Site, near the northern portion of the Site. The remaining area to the east appears mainly undeveloped. Land to the west and south appears agricultural. A north-south trending road is observed north and west side of the Site. A large, long building and a smaller building are visible north of the Site. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 13 January 2019 1948 The surface of the entire site appears disturbed, as the site is apparently being used as a quarry. Railcars are still visible on the Site. The structures in the southwestern portion of the Site are no longer visible. However, other smaller structures (trailers?) are visible on the eastern portion of the Site. No apparent changes are observed as compared to the 1938 aerial photograph. 1953 The entire Site, as well as property to the north, northeast, and south, appear to be an active quarry. Railcars are still visible on the Site; however, no clear structures are visible. Besides the continued excavation due to the active quarry, the surrounding areas appear unchanged as compared to the 1948 aerial photograph. A train is observed on the north side of the hill, which is located east of the Site, indicating a rail spur that leads to the quarry. 1959 No apparent changes are observed to the use of the Site as compared to the 1953 aerial photograph. The surrounding area uses appear unchanged as compared to the 1953 aerial photograph, except a series of small manmade ponds located east of the quarried area. 1967 No railcars are observed at the Site. No changes are apparent on the surrounding properties. 1975 No apparent changes are observed to the use of the Site as compared to the 1967 aerial photograph. The land adjacent to the Site to the west is now a small development, apparently commercial, with two long buildings and roadways. Additional manmade ponds are observed to the northeast of the Site. 1985 No apparent changes are observed as compared to the 1975 aerial photograph. 1990 No apparent changes are observed to the ground surface of the Site. The surrounding areas to the west, northwest, and south are developed as a residential community. Houses, a school, and a newly developing area are observed. The manmade ponds to the northeast are no longer observed. 1994 The site appears inactive. Additional development is observed to the west. A large commercial center is observed. 2006 No apparent changes are observed as compared to the 1994 aerial photograph. Large manmade ponds, possibly a treatment facility, is observe to the northeast. Otherwise, no apparent changes are observed as compared to the 1994 aerial photograph. 2009, 2012, 2016 No apparent changes are observed as compared to the 2006 aerial photograph. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 14 January 2019 7.2 Topographic Maps Historical topographic maps were obtained from EDR for the years 1869-1897, 1898-1900, 1901, 1941-1943, 1942-1944, 1953, 1954, 1966-1967, 1973, 1975-1976, 1980- 1981, and 2012 (Appendix G). The topographic maps show the following: Date Scale Description 1896-1897, 1898-1900, 1901 1:62,500 The Site appears undeveloped. Declezville, a railroad, and a quarry are located to the west and southwest. The southern half of the Site is located on the edge of a steep hill. 1941-1943 1:24,000 The Declezville railroad spur of the Southern Pacific Railroad is located along the western Site boundary. A quarry is denoted to the north. A small residential-sized structure is shown in the southwestern corner of the Site. The Site is located on the north side of the Jurupa Mountains. The topographic lines on the map stop suddenly in the central portion of the Site, indicating a sharp change in the topography, likely due to the quarry activities. 1942-1944 1:62,500 Small unimproved roadways transect the Site off the main road to the north. Otherwise the site and surrounding areas appear similar to the 1941-1943 topographic map. The topography of this map shows the steep hill just east of the Site. No structures are shown on the Site. 1953, 1954 1:24,000, 1:62,500 The entire Site appears to have been quarried out, as the topography is now flat instead of sloping hillside as observed in the previous topographic maps. Electric transmission lines are observed transecting west-east to the north of the Site, with a single transmission line connected that transects southwest-northeast to the west of the site. The surrounding areas to the west, north, and northeast are agricultural, with orchards to the north. To the south and southeast are the foothills of the Jurupa Mountains. 1966-1967 1:24,000 The Site has an unimproved road transecting through, and quarries are located on the east site border, and directly to the east in the hillside. A second rail spur is shown in the middle of the Site. The Fontana Bird Park is located directly to the west, on the opposite side of Live Oak Avenue. A sewage disposal site, with multiple manmade ponds, is located to the northeast. The surrounding areas to the west, north, and east appear agricultural and/or sparse residential, while the mountains appear mostly undeveloped to the south, and a city development approximately 1 mile south beyond the mountains. 1973 1:24,000 Some commercial development is observed to the north. Otherwise, no apparent changes are observed as compared to the 1966-1967 topographic map. 1975-1976 1:62,500 No apparent changes are observed as compared to the 1973 topographic map. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 15 January 2019 Date Scale Description 1980-1981 1:24,000 A small pond is observed north of the Site, on the north side of the Declezville railroad spur. Development of highway 60 is observed south of the Jurupa Mountains. 2012 1:24,000 Southridge Village is located to the west and south of the Site. The Site appears undeveloped; rail spurs are no longer present on the Site. Apparent residential development is also observed to the east. Both developments extend to the northern edge of the mountains. 7.3 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Historical Sanborn fire insurance maps were requested from EDR. Sanborn maps typically provide information regarding the historical uses of the Site and surrounding properties. However, Sanborns were created typically for cities with populations of 2,000 or more and the coverage is dependent on the location of the Site within city limits. No Sanborn maps were found for the Site (Appendix H). 7.4 City Directory Listings City directory listLngs were requested from EDR; however, no address information was found in the Site area (Appendix H). 7.5 Building Permits Dudek requested permit files from the City of Fontana. The City had no building records available for the Site (Appendix D). Dudek reviewed building permits noted in the EDR report. No building permits were presented for the Site. 7.6 Historical Reports Dudek reviewed reports readily available on-line about the Declez Quarries. The information reviewed (from the Stone Quarries and Beyond website4) indicated that the Declez quarries were previously owned by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and were previously leased by the California Construction Company. The Site and adjacent quarries are believed to be a part of the Declez quarries. The quarry (likely the quarry 4 https://quarriesandbeyond.org/states/ca/quarry_photo/ca-san_bernardino_photos2.html ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 16 January 2019 east or southwest of the Site and not on the Site) was first operated prior to 1900.5 The quarried stone (granite) was used for rubble in the San Pedro breakwater in the early 1900s.5 In the 1940s, large blocks from the quarry (possibly the Site or the adjacent quarry) were used for riprap in Long Beach.5 The quarry was later used for smaller aggregate. The stone was drilled using steam drills and then loosened using dynamite.4 The rock was then sorted into piles based on size, and then loaded onto rail cars or trucks for shipment.5 The quarry ceased operating in the 1980s or 1990s, when residential communities encroached on the area. 5 California Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology Open File Report 86-13, Mineral Land Classification of the Matich Corporation Declezville Quarry, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 17 January 2019 8. Public Agency Records Search Review The regulatory database gives a listing of sites, within an approximately one-mile radius of the Site, which are known to be chemical handlers, hazardous waste generators, or polluters. Information in these listings includes the location of the site relative to the Site, sources of pollution, and the status of the site. The search performed for this assessment was conducted in December 2018 by EDR. The complete database search report is included as Appendix B. The following table describes which databases were searched and how many facilities were identified within those databases. Acronym Database Search Distance Site Listed? Number of Sites Listed NPL National Priorities List (including proposed NPL sites) 1 mile No 0 Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions 1 mile No 0 CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) 0.5 mile No 0 CERCLIS NFRAP CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned 0.5 mile No 0 CORRACTS Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action 1 mile No 0 RCRA TSDF RCRA - Transportation, Storage, and Disposal 0.5 mile No 0 RCRA GEN RCRA registered small or large generators of hazardous waste 0.25 mile No 0 RCRA-LQG RCRA Large Quantity Generators 0.25 mile No 1 RCRA-SQG RCRA Small Quantity Generators 0.25 mile No 0 RCRA-CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators 0.25 mile No 0 ERNS Emergency Response Notification System 0.25 mile No 0 US ENG CONTROLS Sites with Engineering Controls 0.5 mile No 0 US INST CONTROLS Sites with Institutional Controls 0.5 mile No 0 RESPONSE State- and Tribal-Equivalent NPL 1 mile No 0 ENVIROSTOR State- and Tribal-Equivalent CERCLIS 1 mile No 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 18 January 2019 Acronym Database Search Distance Site Listed? Number of Sites Listed SWF/LF State and Tribal Landfill and/or Solid Waste Disposal Site 0.5 mile No 0 LUST State and Tribal Leaking Storage Tank 0.5 mile No 0 SLIC State and Tribal Leaking Storage Tank 0.5 mile No 0 Indian LUST State and Tribal Leaking Storage Tank 0.5 mile No 0 UST State and Tribal Registered Storage Tank 0.25 mile No 0 AST State and Tribal Registered Storage Tank 0.25 mile No 0 Indian UST State and Tribal Registered Storage Tank 0.25 mile No 0 FEMA UST State and Tribal Registered Storage Tank 0.25 mile No 0 LUCIS Institutional Control/Engineering Control 0.5 mile No 0 Indian VCP State and Tribal Voluntary Cleanup 0.5 mile No 0 VCP State and Tribal Voluntary Cleanup 0.5 mile No 1 US Brownfields State and Tribal Brownfields 0.5 mile No 0 Additional Environmental Records Varies No 3 The Site was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. Five listings at unique addresses within the noted radii were identified in the databases searched by EDR. Three of the listings are in databases that track information on sites that handle hazardous materials or generate hazardous waste, but do not necessarily indicate an uncontrolled release of hazardous substances to the environment (San Bern. Co. Permit, HAZNET, and RCRA LQG). The other two listed sites were in the VCP and Envirostor databases, among other databases. The VCP and Envirostor databases indicate a potential release of hazardous materials to the environment. These two sites are discussed below.  Southridge Plaza – Alpha Cleaners, located at 11617 Cherry Avenue, had documented tetrachloroethylene (PCE) contamination in soils. Following remediation efforts, the site received closure in July 2018.  American Metal Recycling, located at 11150 Redwood Avenue, is still an active cleanup, with confirmed polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination in soils. While this is an active cleanup site, it is greater than one half mile from the Site, and the contamination is reportedly limited to soils. Based on the information available, it is unlikely that these listings have impacted the environmental conditions of the Site. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 19 January 2019 8.1 Unmapped Sites Unmapped sites are flagged by EDR but not mapped due to insufficient address information. Two sites were unmapped in the EDR report. A clandestine drug lab (CDL) was identified on Live Oak Avenue south of Jurupa Avenue. This location is likely within one half mile of the Site. Abandoned drug lab waste was identified in this location in 2002. No additional cleanup efforts or environmental contamination is reported. The second site is reportedly in the Woodcrest Area of Riverside, which is greater than one mile from the Site. Based on the information available, it is unlikely that these listings have impacted the environmental conditions of the Site. 8.2 Geotracker Sites Two additional sites were plotted on Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Geotracker website within one mile of the Site. Both sites (Industrial Freight Systems and Southern Calif. Auto Auction) have closed LUST files and are located greater than ½ mile from the Site. Based on the information available, it is unlikely that these listings have impacted the environmental conditions of the Site. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 20 January 2019 9. Vapor Encroachment Screening A “Tier I” Vapor Encroachment Screening (VES) was performed for the Site in accordance with ASTM E 2600-15 “Standard Guide for Vapor Encroachment Screening on Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions.” The Tier I VES was performed to evaluate whether there is a potential for vapors originating from contaminated soil and/or groundwater to occur in the subsurface below potential future on-site structures. For sites where a vapor encroachment condition (VEC) could not be ruled out but where reports of site sampling were available, those reports were used to evaluate the site (Tier 2 screening). The following table presents a summary of the VEC findings, assuming a groundwater flow direction toward the west: Potential for Vapor Intrusion on Site Areas of Concern Conclusion Site (existing conditions) A VEC does not exist. Site (former condition) A VEC does not exist. Adjoining Property or near-by Property Operations or Existing Conditions A VEC does not exist. Historical Uses of Adjoining Property or Near- by Properties A VEC does not exist. Regulatory Review of sites identified on Federal, State, and Local databases A VEC does not exist. Based on this screening a VEC does not exist (Appendix I). ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 21 January 2019 10. Evaluation of Additional Potential Hazards Dudek obtained information regarding the following potential sources of hazards and hazardous material releases from the interview, site reconnaissance, the EDR report, and historical reports. Agricultural Use Based on a review of historical aerial photographs, the Site has not been used for agriculture. Off-Site Sources No off-site sources that have likely impacted the environmental conditions of the Site were identified in the EDR report. Radon Based on review of the EDR Report, the Federal EPA Radon Zone for San Bernardino County is 2 (less than 4 picocuries per liter [pCi/L]), indicating that radon is not a concern in this area. PCB Items No transformers are located on the Site. Fill Material There are no known fill soils at the Site. Debris There was no evidence of debris storage at the Site during the site reconnaissance, other than small areas of concrete or wood debris. Tanks No evidence of above ground or underground storage tanks was observed on the Site during the site reconnaissance. Pipelines A PVC pipeline was observed on the southwestern portion of the Site; the pipeline is connected to a nearby fire hydrant (Photograph 18). No other pipelines were observed on the Site during the site reconnaissance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 22 January 2019 11. Conclusions Information obtained during the Phase I ESA indicates that the Site has been previously developed with a residence and a quarry. The Site was a part of the Declezville Quarry, a granite stone and aggregate quarry. The quarry operations included operation of steam drills to drill holes in the rock and dynamite to loosen the rock. The rock was then sorted and loaded onto railcars or trucks. The Site may have been quarried or used for stone crushing between the 1940s and the 1980s or 1990s. A railspur was located along the western border of the Site as of the 1930s and a second railspur appears to have been added through the middle of the Site in the 1960s. The railspurs were removed around the 1980s. Soil contamination is sometimes found along railspurs, particularly when chemicals are loaded onto train cars or, to a lesser extent, from creosote railroad ties or herbicides used along the track. As no chemicals were likely loaded along the railspurs and weed control was unlikely a big issue at the rocky Site, the former presence of the railspurs does not represent a recognized environmental condition and is considered de minimus. Additionally, it is possible that a boiler was used to power the steam drills used at the quarry. The potential boiler may have been fueled by oil or coal. However, there is no evidence that a boiler or any fuel storage was located on the Site. As the Site was just a portion of the Declezville Quarry, it is possible that such equipment may have been located off of the Site. The Site is currently vacant. Small areas of debris (concrete and rail ties) were observed on the Site. No indications of chemical or oil storage on the Site were observed during the Site reconnaissance. Based on the EDR report, no sites in the vicinity of the Site are expected to have impacted the environmental conditions of the Site. Dudek has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the Site (APN 0237- 411-14-0000 in Fontana, California) in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-13. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 12 of this report. This assessment has revealed no recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Site. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11566 APN 0237-411-14-0000 Dudek Fontana, CA 23 January 2019 12 Limitations The following data gap, which is unlikely to be significant, was identified for this Phase I ESA:  The Site was partially developed in the earliest available aerial photograph (1938). It is not known when the Site was first developed. The findings and conclusions presented in this report are professional opinions based solely upon the indicated data described in this report, visual observations of the property and vicinity and our interpretation of the available historical information and documents reviewed. Dudek makes no warranty as to the accuracy of statements made by others or the accuracy of information included in documentation reviewed in connection with this study. It should be recognized that this study was not intended to be a definitive investigation of potential contamination at the property and that the recommendations do not necessarily include all conditions that may be present. It is possible that conditions or contamination exist at the property that have not been previously identified or that are not identified in this Phase I ESA. No warranties or guarantees or representations, expressed or implied, are made by Dudek, except for the representation that this report has been prepared in accordance with current generally accepted practices and standards consistent with the level of care and skill exercised under similar circumstances by other professionals performing the same or similar services in the same or similar locality. The conclusions are intended exclusively for the purpose outlined herein and may not be suitable for, or relied upon, by others and any use of this document is at the sole risk of said user. No party other than the user of this Phase I ESA, as identified in Section 2.0 of this Phase I ESA, should rely on this report without prior written consent of Dudek. In accordance with ASTM Standard E 1527-13, this Phase I ESA is valid for 180 days. After 180 days, this report, or the information presented in this report is no longer valid and must be updated or revised, as appropriate. Site Map APN 0237-411-14-0000 - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment SOURCE: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, MapmyIndia, ' OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community; Bing Maps Dat e : 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 9 - L a s t s a v e d b y : d p r i t c h a r d - p e t e r s o n - P a t h : Z : \ H y d r o \ P r o j e c t s \ 1 1 5 6 6 - F o n t a n a P h a s e I \ M X D \ W O R K I N G \ F o n t a n a _ F ig u r e 1 _ S i t e M a p . m x d 0 500250Feet Site Boundary FIGURE 1 084Miles Site APPENDICES APPENDIX A Qualifications APPENDIX A Qualifications A-1 Environmental Professional Professional License Degree(s) Years’ Experience Task Performed Nicole Peacock Professional Engineer, State of California; Professional Geologist, State of California B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, B.S., Geology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1999 18 Report Preparation/Review, QA/QC Susan Smith Professional Geologist, State of California B.S., Geological Sciences, California State University Fullerton 15 Site Reconnaissance, Report Preparation APPENDIX B Environmental Data Resources, Inc. Report FORM-LBC-DCA ®kcehCoeG htiw tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Inquiry Number: 5515609.2s December 18, 2018 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 32 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map A-5 Physical Setting Source Map A-10 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-12 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC5515609.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2018 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments for Forestland or Rural Property (E 2247-16), the ASTM Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process (E 1528-14) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COORDINATES 34.0397080 - 34˚ 2’ 22.94’’Latitude (North): 117.4809850 - 117˚ 28’ 51.54’’Longitude (West): Zone 11Universal Tranverse Mercator: 455601.6UTM X (Meters): 3766468.5UTM Y (Meters): 972 ft. above sea levelElevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY 5619058 FONTANA, CATarget Property Map: 2012Version Date: 5620426 GUASTI, CAWest Map: 2012Version Date: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 20140603Portions of Photo from: USDASource: 5515609.2s Page 2 6 AMERICAN METAL RECYC 11150 REDWOOD AVENUE ENVIROSTOR, VCP, SWRCY, HAULERS, NPDES, San Bern....Lower 2786, 0.528, NNW B5 RITE AID # 5696 11673 CHERRY AVE RCRA-LQG Lower 1214, 0.230, WNW B4 RITE AID #5696 11673 CHERRY AVE HAZNET, San Bern. Co. Permit Lower 1214, 0.230, WNW A3 SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - A 11617 CHERRY AVENUE ENVIROSTOR, VCP, HAZNET Lower 858, 0.162, WNW A2 AUTOZONE #3327 11617 CHERRY AVE San Bern. Co. Permit Lower 858, 0.162, WNW 1 FIRE STATION 74 11500 LIVE OAK AVE San Bern. Co. Permit Lower 110, 0.021, North MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing SEMS Superfund Enterprise Management System Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list SEMS-ARCHIVE Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRA-CESQG RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS Land Use Control Information System US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State- and tribal - equivalent NPL RESPONSE State Response Sites State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF Solid Waste Information System State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST Geotracker’s Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Report INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land CPS-SLIC Statewide SLIC Cases State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing UST Active UST Facilities AST Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Considered Brownfieds Sites Listing ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites WMUDS/SWAT Waste Management Unit Database SWRCY Recycler Database HAULERS Registered Waste Tire Haulers Listing INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands ODI Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations IHS OPEN DUMPS Open Dumps on Indian Land Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL Delisted National Clandestine Laboratory Register HIST Cal-Sites Historical Calsites Database EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 SCH School Property Evaluation Program CDL Clandestine Drug Labs Toxic Pits Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites CERS HAZ WASTE CERS HAZ WASTE US CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks SWEEPS UST SWEEPS UST Listing HIST UST Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database CA FID UST Facility Inventory Database CERS TANKS California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) Tanks Local Land Records LIENS Environmental Liens Listing LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information DEED Deed Restriction Listing Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System CHMIRS California Hazardous Material Incident Report System LDS Land Disposal Sites Listing MCS Military Cleanup Sites Listing SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites DOD Department of Defense Sites SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ROD Records Of Decision RMP Risk Management Plans RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System PRP Potentially Responsible Parties PADS PCB Activity Database System ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database RADINFO Radiation Information Database HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites US AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem US MINES Mines Master Index File ABANDONED MINES Abandoned Mines FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System UXO Unexploded Ordnance Sites ECHO Enforcement & Compliance History Information DOCKET HWC Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing FUELS PROGRAM EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing CA BOND EXP. PLAN Bond Expenditure Plan Cortese "Cortese" Hazardous Waste & Substances Sites List CUPA Listings CUPA Resources List DRYCLEANERS Cleaner Facilities EMI Emissions Inventory Data ENF Enforcement Action Listing Financial Assurance Financial Assurance Information Listing HAZNET Facility and Manifest Data ICE ICE HIST CORTESE Hazardous Waste & Substance Site List HWP EnviroStor Permitted Facilities Listing HWT Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter Database MINES Mines Site Location Listing MWMP Medical Waste Management Program Listing NPDES NPDES Permits Listing PEST LIC Pesticide Regulation Licenses Listing PROC Certified Processors Database Notify 65 Proposition 65 Records UIC UIC Listing WASTEWATER PITS Oil Wastewater Pits Listing WDS Waste Discharge System CERS CERS WIP Well Investigation Program Case List CIWQS California Integrated Water Quality System SAMPLING POINT SAMPLING POINT (GEOTRACKER) OTHER OIL GAS OTHER OIL & GAS (GEOTRACKER) MILITARY PRIV SITES MILITARY PRIV SITES (GEOTRACKER) PROD WATER PONDS PROD WATER PONDS (GEOTRACKER) UIC GEO UIC GEO (GEOTRACKER) PROJECT PROJECT (GEOTRACKER) WDR Waste Discharge Requirements Listing WELL STIM PROJ Well Stimulation Project (GEOTRACKER) NON-CASE INFO NON-CASE INFO (GEOTRACKER) EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR Hist Auto EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Stations EDR Hist Cleaner EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. A review of the RCRA-LQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 03/01/2018 has revealed that there is 1 RCRA-LQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ RITE AID # 5696 11673 CHERRY AVE WNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.230 mi.) B5 16 EPA ID:: CAR000268011 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS ENVIROSTOR: The Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC’s) Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program’s (SMBRP’s) EnviroStor database identifes sites that have known contamination or sites for which there may be reasons to investigate further. The database includes the following site types: Federal Superfund sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites. EnviroStor provides similar information to the information that was available in CalSites, and provides additional site information, including, but not limited to, identification of formerly-contaminated properties that have been released for reuse, properties where environmental deed restrictions have been recorded to prevent inappropriate land uses, and risk characterization information that is used to assess potential impacts to public health and the environment at contaminated sites. A review of the ENVIROSTOR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/29/2018 has revealed that there are 2 ENVIROSTOR sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - A 11617 CHERRY AVENUE WNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.162 mi.) A3 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 Facility Id: 60002338 Status: No Further Action AMERICAN METAL RECYC 11150 REDWOOD AVENUE NNW 1/2 - 1 (0.528 mi.) 6 19 Facility Id: 60002511 Status: Active State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP: Contains low threat level properties with either confirmed or unconfirmed releases and the project proponents have request that DTSC oversee investigation and/or cleanup activities and have agreed to provide coverage for DTSC’s costs. A review of the VCP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/29/2018 has revealed that there is 1 VCP site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - A 11617 CHERRY AVENUE WNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.162 mi.) A3 9 Status: No Further Action Facility Id: 60002338 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Other Ascertainable Records San Bern. Co. Permit: San Bernardino County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division. A review of the San Bern. Co. Permit list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/27/2018 has revealed that there are 3 San Bern. Co. Permit sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ FIRE STATION 74 11500 LIVE OAK AVE N 0 - 1/8 (0.021 mi.) 1 8 Facility Status: ACTIVE Facility Id: FA0010196 AUTOZONE #3327 11617 CHERRY AVE WNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.162 mi.) A2 8 Facility Status: ACTIVE Facility Status: INACTIVE Facility Id: FA0008326 RITE AID #5696 11673 CHERRY AVE WNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.230 mi.) B4 14 Facility Status: ACTIVE Facility Status: FEE EXEMPT Facility Status: INACTIVE Facility Id: FA0011104 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5515609.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 2 records. Site Name Database(s)____________ ____________ CDL FOUR CORNERS PIPE LINE COMPANY CPS-SLIC EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 0 9 2 0 11 20 1080 1080 1 0 4 0 10 40 1000 0 920 0 8 40 96 0 960 960 1360 13 20 1280 1 2 4 012 4 0 1480 14 40 8 8 0 8 8 0 1400 9 20 920 9 2 0 920 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 960 9 6 0 1 7 20 1 6801400 1 200 1640 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 000 1000 1000 1000 1 1 6 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1040 1040 0 1120 1 400 16 40 16 0 0 16 0 0 15 6 0 1 5 6 0 1 52 0 1 5 2 0 1 4 80 14 80 14 8 0 1 4 80 9 60 1 480 14 401440 1 4 4 0 1 440 8 8 0 1 400 1400 1 4 00 1400 1360 1360 1 3 6 0 1 3 6 0 13 6 0 1 320 13 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 3 20 1 3 20 1320 1 2 80 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1280 1 240 1 24 0 12 4 0 1240 124 0 1240 1 2 4 0 12 0 0 1 2 00 1 2 0 0 1 2 00 1200 1 2 00 1200 1 2 0 1 160 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 11 6 0 1 1 11 1 1 2 0 11 2 0 1 1 2 0 11 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1120 1 3 6 1 3 6 13 2 0 1 3 1281280 1240 124 0 1 2 0 0 12 0 0 11 6 0 1160 1120 1120 1 0 8 0 1080 1080 108 10 80 1080 10 8 0 1 0 8 0 1 0 8 0 1080 1 0 8 0 1 0 4 0 1 040 1040 104 1 040 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000 9 6 0 9 6 0 960 9 2 0 920 92 0 8 0 0 84 0 840 8 8 0 880 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 96 0 96 0 960 1400 1360 1320 1280 1240 1 240 1200 92 0 960 960 1000 10 0 0 10 4 0 12 8 0 12 4 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 1200 1 1 6 0 1160 11 2 0 1120 1 0 8 0 1080 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001NPL LIENS Federal Delisted NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Federal CERCLIS list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SEMS Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SEMS-ARCHIVE Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Federal RCRA generators list 1 NR NR NR 1 0 0.250RCRA-LQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-SQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-CESQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US INST CONTROL Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ERNS State- and tribal - equivalent NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000RESPONSE State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 2 NR 1 0 1 0 1.000ENVIROSTOR State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWF/LF State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUST TC5515609.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CPS-SLIC State and tribal registered storage tank lists 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP 1 NR NR 0 1 0 0.500VCP State and tribal Brownfields sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500BROWNFIELDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500WMUDS/SWAT 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWRCY 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001HAULERS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500IHS OPEN DUMPS Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US HIST CDL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000HIST Cal-Sites 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250SCH 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001CDL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Toxic Pits 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CERS HAZ WASTE 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US CDL Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250SWEEPS UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250HIST UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA FID UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CERS TANKS Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001LIENS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001LIENS 2 TC5515609.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEED Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001HMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001CHMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001LDS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001MCS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001SPILLS 90 Other Ascertainable Records 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA NonGen / NLR 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001EPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001TSCA 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001TRIS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001SSTS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RMP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RAATS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PRP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PADS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ICIS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001MLTS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001COAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PCB TRANSFORMER 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RADINFO 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001HIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001DOT OPS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CONSENT 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001INDIAN RESERV 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUSRAP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001LEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US AIRS 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ABANDONED MINES 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001FINDS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000UXO 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ECHO 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001DOCKET HWC 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FUELS PROGRAM 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CA BOND EXP. PLAN 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500Cortese 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CUPA Listings 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250DRYCLEANERS TC5515609.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001EMI 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ENF 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001Financial Assurance 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001HAZNET 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ICE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500HIST CORTESE 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000HWP 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250HWT 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001MINES 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250MWMP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001NPDES 3 NR NR NR 2 1 0.250San Bern. Co. Permit 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PEST LIC 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500PROC 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Notify 65 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001UIC 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500WASTEWATER PITS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001WDS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001CERS 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250WIP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001CIWQS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001SAMPLING POINT 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001OTHER OIL GAS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001MILITARY PRIV SITES 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PROD WATER PONDS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001UIC GEO 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PROJECT 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001WDR 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001WELL STIM PROJ 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001NON-CASE INFO EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000EDR MGP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.125EDR Hist Auto 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.125EDR Hist Cleaner EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RGA LF 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RGA LUST 7 0 1 0 5 1 0- Totals -- NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC5515609.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 01/31/2019Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIALPermit Category: PT0026334Permit Number: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLEET MANAGEMENTOwner: FA0010196Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: San Bern. Co. Permit: 110 ft. 0.021 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 934 ft. < 1/8 FONTANA, CA 92335 North 11500 LIVE OAK AVE N/A 1 San Bern. Co. PermitFIRE STATION 74 S122218540 05/31/2007Expiration Date: INACTIVEFacility Status: HAZMAT HANDLER - USED OIL COLLECTION CENTERSPermit Category: PT0014608Permit Number: AutoZone Stores IncOwner: FA0008326Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 05/31/2009Expiration Date: INACTIVEFacility Status: HAZMAT HANDLER - USED OIL COLLECTION CENTERSPermit Category: PT0018289Permit Number: AutoZone Stores IncOwner: FA0008326Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 05/31/2019Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALSPermit Category: PT0019763Permit Number: AutoZone Stores IncOwner: FA0008326Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 05/31/2019Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATORPermit Category: PT0018288Permit Number: AutoZone Stores IncOwner: FA0008326Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: San Bern. Co. Permit: 858 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster A 0.162 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 913 ft. 1/8-1/4 FONTANA, CA 92337 WNW 11617 CHERRY AVE N/A A2 San Bern. Co. PermitAUTOZONE #3327 S106229975 TC5515609.2s Page 8 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/20/2017Completed Date: No Further Action LetterCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 10/19/2016Completed Date: Site Characterization WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 09/15/2016Completed Date: Other ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Completed Info: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: 60002338Alias Name: Project Code (Site Code)Alias Type: 401785Alias Name: Project Code (Site Code)Alias Type: 401738Alias Name: SOIL, SOILPotential Description: Tetrachloroethylene (PCEConfirmed COC: Tetrachloroethylene (PCEPotential COC: DRY CLEANINGPast Use: NONE SPECIFIEDAPN: -117.4860Longitude: 34.04299Latitude: Responsible PartyFunding: NONE SPECIFIEDSite Mgmt Req: NORestricted Use: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramSpecial Program: , 20Senate: , 47Assembly: Cleanup CypressDivision Branch: Robert SengaSupervisor: Anantaramam PeddadaProgram Manager: SMBRPLead Agency: SMBRPRegulatory Agencies: NONPL: 12.7Acres: Voluntary CleanupSite Type Detailed: Voluntary CleanupSite Type: 401785Site Code: 07/13/2018Status Date: No Further ActionStatus: 60002338Facility ID: ENVIROSTOR: 858 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster A 0.162 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 913 ft. 1/8-1/4 HAZNETFONTANA, CA 92337 WNW VCP11617 CHERRY AVENUE N/A A3 ENVIROSTORSOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - ALPHA CLEANERS S113124752 TC5515609.2s Page 9 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No Further ActionStatus: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramSpecial Programs Code: , 20Senate: , 47Assembly: 401785Site Code: Cleanup CypressDivision Branch: Robert SengaSupervisor: Anantaramam PeddadaProject Manager: DTSC - Site Cleanup ProgramLead Agency Description: SMBRPLead Agency: SMBRPCleanup Oversight Agencies: NONational Priorities List: 12.7Acres: NONE SPECIFIEDSite Mgmt. Req.: Voluntary CleanupSite Type Detail: Voluntary CleanupSite Type: 60002338Facility ID: VCP: Not reportedSchedule Revised Date: Not reportedSchedule Due Date: Not reportedSchedule Document Type: Not reportedSchedule Sub Area Name: Not reportedSchedule Area Name: Not reportedFuture Due Date: Not reportedFuture Document Type: Not reportedFuture Sub Area Name: Not reportedFuture Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/20/2017Completed Date: Other ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 10/11/2016Completed Date: Other ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 03/08/2017Completed Date: Site Characterization ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/21/2017Completed Date: CorrespondenceCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/14/2016Completed Date: Voluntary Cleanup AgreementCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - ALPHA CLEANERS (Continued) S113124752 TC5515609.2s Page 10 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedComments: 10/11/2016Completed Date: Other ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 03/08/2017Completed Date: Site Characterization ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/21/2017Completed Date: CorrespondenceCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/14/2016Completed Date: Voluntary Cleanup AgreementCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/20/2017Completed Date: No Further Action LetterCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 10/19/2016Completed Date: Site Characterization WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 09/15/2016Completed Date: Other ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Completed Info: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: 60002338Alias Name: Project Code (Site Code)Alias Type: 401785Alias Name: Project Code (Site Code)Alias Type: 401738Alias Name: SOIL, SOILPotential Description: 30022Confirmed COC: 30022Potential COC: DRY CLEANINGPast Use: NONE SPECIFIEDAPN: 34.04299 / -117.4860Lat/Long: Responsible PartyFunding: NORestricted Use: 07/13/2018Status Date: SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - ALPHA CLEANERS (Continued) S113124752 TC5515609.2s Page 11 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation San BernardinoFacility County: Include On-Site Treatment And/Or Stabilization) Landfill Or Surface Impoundment That Will Be Closed As Landfill( ToMethod Decode: Other organic solidsCat Decode: 0.2Tons: Include On-Site Treatment And/Or Stabilization) Landfill Or Surface Impoundment That Will Be Closed As Landfill( ToDisposal Method: Other organic solidsWaste Category: 99TSD County: UTD991301748TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: MEMPHIS, TN 381033607Mailing City,St,Zip: DEPT 8190, 123 S FRONT STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 9014957217Telephone: BRYAN BLAIRContact: CAL000266012GEPAID: 2017Year: S113124752envid: San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Alkaline solution without metals pH >= 12.5Cat Decode: 0.004Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Alkaline solution without metals pH >= 12.5Waste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: MEMPHIS, TN 381033607Mailing City,St,Zip: DEPT 8190, 123 S FRONT STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 9014957217Telephone: BRYAN BLAIRContact: CAL000266012GEPAID: 2017Year: S113124752envid: HAZNET: Not reportedSchedule Revised Date: Not reportedSchedule Due Date: Not reportedSchedule Document Type: Not reportedSchedule Sub Area Name: Not reportedSchedule Area Name: Not reportedFuture Due Date: Not reportedFuture Document Type: Not reportedFuture Sub Area Name: Not reportedFuture Area Name: Not reportedComments: 06/20/2017Completed Date: Other ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - ALPHA CLEANERS (Continued) S113124752 TC5515609.2s Page 12 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Other organic solidsCat Decode: 0.2Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Other organic solidsWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD044429835TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: MEMPHIS, TN 381033607Mailing City,St,Zip: DEPT 8190, 123 S FRONT STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 9014957217Telephone: BRYAN BLAIRContact: CAL000266012GEPAID: 2017Year: S113124752envid: San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Unspecified solvent mixtureCat Decode: 0.0105Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Unspecified solvent mixtureWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: MEMPHIS, TN 381033607Mailing City,St,Zip: DEPT 8190, 123 S FRONT STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 9014957217Telephone: BRYAN BLAIRContact: CAL000266012GEPAID: 2017Year: S113124752envid: San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Other inorganic solid wasteCat Decode: 0.003Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Other inorganic solid wasteWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: MEMPHIS, TN 381033607Mailing City,St,Zip: DEPT 8190, 123 S FRONT STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 9014957217Telephone: BRYAN BLAIRContact: CAL000266012GEPAID: 2017Year: S113124752envid: SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - ALPHA CLEANERS (Continued) S113124752 TC5515609.2s Page 13 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 32 additional CA_HAZNET: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA - ALPHA CLEANERS (Continued) S113124752 7179758643Telephone: DAVID CROZIERContact: CAR000268011GEPAID: 2017Year: S108724326envid: San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Unspecified solvent mixtureCat Decode: 0.0215Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Unspecified solvent mixtureWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: CAMP HILL, PA 17011Mailing City,St,Zip: 30 HUNTER LNMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 7179758643Telephone: DAVID CROZIERContact: CAR000268011GEPAID: 2017Year: S108724326envid: San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Off-specification, aged or surplus inorganicsCat Decode: 0.005Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Off-specification, aged or surplus inorganicsWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: CAMP HILL, PA 17011Mailing City,St,Zip: 30 HUNTER LNMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 7179758643Telephone: DAVID CROZIERContact: CAR000268011GEPAID: 2017Year: S108724326envid: HAZNET: 1214 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B 0.230 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 914 ft. 1/8-1/4 FONTANA, CA 92337 WNW San Bern. Co. Permit11673 CHERRY AVE N/A B4 HAZNETRITE AID #5696 S108724326 TC5515609.2s Page 14 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Unspecified organic liquid mixtureCat Decode: 0.0285Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Unspecified organic liquid mixtureWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: CAMP HILL, PA 17011Mailing City,St,Zip: 30 HUNTER LNMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 7179758643Telephone: DAVID CROZIERContact: CAR000268011GEPAID: 2017Year: S108724326envid: San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Off-specification, aged or surplus organicsCat Decode: 0.133Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Off-specification, aged or surplus organicsWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: CAMP HILL, PA 17011Mailing City,St,Zip: 30 HUNTER LNMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 7179758643Telephone: DAVID CROZIERContact: CAR000268011GEPAID: 2017Year: S108724326envid: San BernardinoFacility County: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryMethod Decode: Pharmaceutical wasteCat Decode: 0.003Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Pharmaceutical wasteWaste Category: Los AngelesTSD County: CAD008364432TSD EPA ID: San BernardinoGen County: CAMP HILL, PA 17011Mailing City,St,Zip: 30 HUNTER LNMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: RITE AID #5696 (Continued)S108724326 TC5515609.2s Page 15 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 11/30/2018Expiration Date: INACTIVEFacility Status: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR SPECIALPermit Category: PT0019354Permit Number: THRIFTY PAYLESS INCOwner: FA0011104Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 11/30/2011Expiration Date: FEE EXEMPTFacility Status: HAZMAT HANDLER GENERAL ACT.(NB)Permit Category: PT0023316Permit Number: THRIFTY PAYLESS INCOwner: FA0011104Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 11/30/2017Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: RCRA LARGE QUANTITY GENERATOR MINIMALPermit Category: PT0037864Permit Number: THRIFTY PAYLESS INCOwner: FA0011104Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: San Bern. Co. Permit: 5 additional CA_HAZNET: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access RITE AID #5696 (Continued)S108724326 hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1 waste during any calendar month; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the during any calendar month; or generates more than 100 kg of any calendar month; or generates more than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste Handler: generates 1,000 kg or more of hazardous waste during anyDescription: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: 09EPA Region: EHS@RITEAID.COMContact email: 717-975-8643Contact telephone: USContact country: CAMP HILL, PA 17011 HUNTER LNContact address: DAVID W CROZIERContact: CAMP HILL, PA 17011 HUNTER LNMailing address: CAR000268011EPA ID: FONTANA, CA 92337 11673 CHERRY AVEFacility address: RITE AID # 5696Facility name: 10/13/2016Date form received by agency: RCRA-LQG: 1214 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster B 0.230 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 914 ft. 1/8-1/4 FONTANA, CA 92337 WNW 11673 CHERRY AVE CAR000268011 B5 RCRA-LQGRITE AID # 5696 1019899682 TC5515609.2s Page 16 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation bromate, chlorate, cyanide, fluoride, hypochlorite, nitrite, Aqueous solution (2 < pH < 12.5) containing reactive anions (azide,. Waste name: 131. Waste code: Alkaline solution without metals (pH > 12.5). Waste name: 122. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 08/28/1991Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 717-761-2633Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: NEW YORK, NY 10105 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS 46TH FLROwner/operator address: CFGI SOUTHRIDGE LLCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 04/11/1997Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: Not reported Not reportedOwner/operator address: THRIFTY PAYLESS, INC.Owner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: 100 kg of that material at any time hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting kg of acutely hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less RITE AID # 5696 (Continued)1019899682 TC5515609.2s Page 17 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation D007. Waste code: DISPOSED, THE WASTE WOULD BE A CORROSIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE. THESE CAUSTIC OR ACID SOLUTIONS BECOME CONTAMINATED AND MUST BE USED BY MANY INDUSTRIES TO CLEAN METAL PARTS PRIOR TO PAINTING. WHEN OR DEGREASE PARTS. HYDROCHLORIC ACID, A SOLUTION WITH A LOW PH, IS CAUSTIC SOLUTION WITH A HIGH PH, IS OFTEN USED BY INDUSTRIES TO CLEAN CONSIDERED TO BE A CORROSIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE. SODIUM HYDROXIDE, A A WASTE WHICH HAS A PH OF LESS THAN 2 OR GREATER THAN 12.5 IS. Waste name: D002. Waste code: WHICH WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS IGNITABLE HAZARDOUS WASTE. MATERIAL. LACQUER THINNER IS AN EXAMPLE OF A COMMONLY USED SOLVENT WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR OF THE FLASH POINT OF A WASTE IS TO REVIEW THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, CLOSED CUP FLASH POINT TESTER. ANOTHER METHOD OF DETERMINING THE LESS THAN 140 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AS DETERMINED BY A PENSKY-MARTENS IGNITABLE HAZARDOUS WASTES ARE THOSE WASTES WHICH HAVE A FLASHPOINT OF. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Liquids with pH < 2. Waste name: 791. Waste code: Detergent and soap. Waste name: 561. Waste code: Photochemicals / photo processing waste. Waste name: 541. Waste code: Other organic solids. Waste name: 352. Waste code: Unspecified organic liquid mixture. Waste name: 343. Waste code: Off-specification, aged, or surplus organics. Waste name: 331. Waste code: Pharmaceutical waste. Waste name: 311. Waste code: Latex waste. Waste name: 291. Waste code: Polychlorinated biphenyls and material containing PCB’s. Waste name: 261. Waste code: Unspecified oil-containing waste. Waste name: 223. Waste code: Unspecified solvent mixture. Waste name: 214. Waste code: Off-specification, aged, or surplus inorganics. Waste name: 141. Waste code: perchlorate, and sulfide anions) RITE AID # 5696 (Continued)1019899682 TC5515609.2s Page 18 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No violations foundViolation Status: CARBARYL (OR) 1-NAPHTHALENOL, METHYLCARBAMATE. Waste name: U279. Waste code: PHENOL. Waste name: U188. Waste code: NAPHTHALENE. Waste name: U165. Waste code: NICOTINE, & SALTS. Waste name: P075. Waste code: WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS GREATER THAN 0.3% 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4-HYDROXY-3-(3-OXO-1-PHENYLBUTYL)-, & SALTS,. Waste name: P001. Waste code: CRESOL. Waste name: D026. Waste code: M-CRESOL. Waste name: D024. Waste code: SILVER. Waste name: D011. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: MERCURY. Waste name: D009. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: RITE AID # 5696 (Continued)1019899682 , 20Senate: , 47Assembly: Southern California Schools & Brownfields OutreachDivision Branch: Yolanda GarzaSupervisor: Rana GeorgesProgram Manager: SMBRPLead Agency: SMBRPRegulatory Agencies: NONPL: 10Acres: Voluntary CleanupSite Type Detailed: Voluntary CleanupSite Type: 401787Site Code: 06/15/2017Status Date: ActiveStatus: 60002511Facility ID: ENVIROSTOR: CIWQS San Bern. Co. Permit 2786 ft.NPDES 0.528 mi.HAULERS Relative: Lower Actual: 962 ft. 1/2-1 SWRCYFONTANA, CA 92337 NNW VCP11150 REDWOOD AVENUE N/A 6 ENVIROSTORAMERICAN METAL RECYCLING S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 19 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: FY 2017/18 annual cost estimate issued.Comments: 09/12/2017Completed Date: Annual Oversight Cost EstimateCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: DTSC approved the Workplan for implementation.Comments: 04/20/2018Completed Date: Site Characterization WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Step out samples collected.Comments: 11/14/2017Completed Date: FieldworkCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Concurrence with Report findings.Comments: 02/02/2018Completed Date: Site Characterization ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 10/19/2017Completed Date: FieldworkCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: DTSC approved Sampling Workplan for implementation.Comments: 10/03/2017Completed Date: Site Characterization WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Completed Info: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: 60002511Alias Name: Project Code (Site Code)Alias Type: 401787Alias Name: NONE SPECIFIEDPotential Description: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBsConfirmed COC: Molybdenum Nickel Vanadium and compounds Zinc Chromium VI Iron Manganese and compounds Mercury and compounds (elemental Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs Silver Chromium III Arsenic Total Chromium (1:6 ratio Cr VI:Cr III Lead MercuryPotential COC: RECYCLING - SCRAP METALPast Use: NONE SPECIFIEDAPN: -117.4851Longitude: 34.05071Latitude: Responsible PartyFunding: NONE SPECIFIEDSite Mgmt Req: NORestricted Use: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramSpecial Program: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 20 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Project Code (Site Code)Alias Type: 401787Alias Name: NONE SPECIFIEDPotential Description: 30018,Confirmed COC: 30357, 30402, 30407, 30587, 30594 30001, 30005, 30013, 30014, 30018, 30021, 30152, 30153, 30335, 30353,Potential COC: RECYCLING - SCRAP METALPast Use: NONE SPECIFIEDAPN: 34.05071 / -117.4851Lat/Long: Responsible PartyFunding: NORestricted Use: 06/15/2017Status Date: ActiveStatus: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramSpecial Programs Code: , 20Senate: , 47Assembly: 401787Site Code: Southern California Schools & Brownfields OutreachDivision Branch: Yolanda GarzaSupervisor: Rana GeorgesProject Manager: DTSC - Site Cleanup ProgramLead Agency Description: SMBRPLead Agency: SMBRPCleanup Oversight Agencies: NONational Priorities List: 10Acres: NONE SPECIFIEDSite Mgmt. Req.: Voluntary CleanupSite Type Detail: Voluntary CleanupSite Type: 60002511Facility ID: VCP: Not reportedSchedule Revised Date: 02/27/2019Schedule Due Date: Preliminary Endangerment Assessment ReportSchedule Document Type: Not reportedSchedule Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDESchedule Area Name: Not reportedFuture Due Date: Not reportedFuture Document Type: Not reportedFuture Sub Area Name: Not reportedFuture Area Name: DTSC concurred with proposed step-out sampling plan.Comments: 11/09/2017Completed Date: CorrespondenceCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: FY 1819 Estimate: $7,946Comments: 08/24/2018Completed Date: Annual Oversight Cost EstimateCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: 08/10/17. Fully executed Cleanup Agreement sent to RP via regular mail onComments: 08/09/2017Completed Date: Voluntary Cleanup AgreementCompleted Document Type: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 21 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation DTSC concurred with proposed step-out sampling plan.Comments: 11/09/2017Completed Date: CorrespondenceCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: FY 1819 Estimate: $7,946Comments: 08/24/2018Completed Date: Annual Oversight Cost EstimateCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: 08/10/17. Fully executed Cleanup Agreement sent to RP via regular mail onComments: 08/09/2017Completed Date: Voluntary Cleanup AgreementCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: FY 2017/18 annual cost estimate issued.Comments: 09/12/2017Completed Date: Annual Oversight Cost EstimateCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: DTSC approved the Workplan for implementation.Comments: 04/20/2018Completed Date: Site Characterization WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Step out samples collected.Comments: 11/14/2017Completed Date: FieldworkCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Concurrence with Report findings.Comments: 02/02/2018Completed Date: Site Characterization ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 10/19/2017Completed Date: FieldworkCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: DTSC approved Sampling Workplan for implementation.Comments: 10/03/2017Completed Date: Site Characterization WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Completed Info: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: 60002511Alias Name: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 22 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedEffective Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedAdoption Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedProgram Type: Region 8 - Scrap Metal PermitRegulatory Measure Type: 8 36MR000011WDID: Not reportedOrder Number: Not reportedPlace ID: Not reportedRegulatory Measure ID: Not reportedAgency Number: Not reportedRegion: Not reportedNPDES Number: Not reportedFacility Status: NPDES: No Permit record for this business.Waste Tire Permit Summary: (909) 988-8000Mailing Phone: San BernardinoMailing County: 92337Mailing Zip: CAMailing State: FontanaMailing City: 11150 Redwood AvenueMailing Address: Dustin Daugherty, Todd RubinContact Person: Not reportedBusiness Email Address: (909) 988-8000Facility Phone: 1655469Facility ID: HAULERS: American Metal Recycling IncOrganization Name: 18824Organization ID: Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 3:45 pm; Sat 7:00 am - 11:45 am; Sun ClosedHours of Operation: YBimetal: YPlastic: YGlass: YAluminium: 06/01/2004Operation Begin Date: NRural: (909) 988-8000Phone Number: nmorbitzer@amr-scrap.comEmail: Not reportedWebsite: 92337Mailing Zip Code: CAMailing State: FontanaMailing City: 11150 Redwood AveMailing Address: RC12220Cert Id: 25196Reg Id: SWRCY: Not reportedSchedule Revised Date: 02/27/2019Schedule Due Date: Preliminary Endangerment Assessment ReportSchedule Document Type: Not reportedSchedule Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDESchedule Area Name: Not reportedFuture Due Date: Not reportedFuture Document Type: Not reportedFuture Sub Area Name: Not reportedFuture Area Name: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 23 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDeveloper: Not reportedOperator Type: Not reportedOperator Contact Email: Not reportedOperator Contact Phone Ext: Not reportedOperator Contact Phone: Not reportedOperator Contact Title: Not reportedOperator Contact: Not reportedOperator Zip: Not reportedOperator State: Not reportedOperator City: Not reportedOperator Address: Not reportedOperator Name: Not reportedContact Email: Not reportedContact Phone Ext: Not reportedContact Phone: Not reportedContact Title: Not reportedContact: Not reportedPlace Size Unit: Not reportedPlace Size: Not reportedStatus Date: Not reportedStatus: Not reportedProcessed Date: Not reportedReceived Date: 92337Discharge Zip: CaliforniaDischarge State: FontanaDischarge City: 11150 Redwood AveDischarge Address: American Metal Recycling IncDischarge Name: Not reportedTermination Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedExpiration Date Of Regulatory Measure: 05/11/2012Effective Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedAdoption Date Of Regulatory Measure: Region 8 - Scrap Metal PermitProgram Type: 8 36MR000011WDID: Not reportedPlace ID: EnrolleeRegulatory Measure Type: Not reportedOrder Number: 426573Regulatory Measure ID: 8Region: 0Agency Number: ActiveStatus: Not reportedNPDES Number: NPDES as of 03/2018: 92337Operator Zip: CaliforniaOperator State: FontanaOperator City: 11150 Redwood AveOperator Address: American Metal Recycling IncOperator Name: 05/11/2012Status Date: ActiveStatus: Not reportedDischarge Zip: Not reportedDischarge State: Not reportedDischarge City: Not reportedDischarge Name: Not reportedDischarge Address: Not reportedExpiration Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedTermination Date Of Regulatory Measure: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 24 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 05/11/2012Status Date: ActiveStatus: 05/11/2012Processed Date: 04/26/2012Received Date: Not reportedDischarge Zip: Not reportedDischarge State: Not reportedDischarge City: Not reportedDischarge Address: Not reportedDischarge Name: Not reportedTermination Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedExpiration Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedEffective Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedAdoption Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedProgram Type: 8 36MR000011WDID: Not reportedPlace ID: Region 8 - Scrap Metal PermitRegulatory Measure Type: Not reportedOrder Number: 426573Regulatory Measure ID: 8Region: Not reportedAgency Number: Not reportedStatus: Not reportedNPDES Number: Not reportedTertiary Sic: Not reportedSecondary Sic: Not reportedPrimary Sic: Not reportedCertification Date: Not reportedCertifier Title: Not reportedCertifier: Not reportedReceiving Water Name: Not reportedDir Discharge Uswater Ind: Not reportedConstype Water Sewer Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Description: Not reportedConstype Transport Ind: Not reportedConstype Residential Ind: Not reportedConstype Recons Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Description: Not reportedConstype Industrial Ind: Not reportedConstype Gas Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Electrical Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Commertial Ind: Not reportedConstype Comm Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Cable Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Below Ground Ind: Not reportedConstype Above Ground Ind: Not reportedEmergency Phone Ext: Not reportedEmergency Phone: Not reportedConstype Linear Utility Ind: Not reportedDeveloper Contact Title: Not reportedDeveloper Contact: Not reportedDeveloper Zip: Not reportedDeveloper State: Not reportedDeveloper City: Not reportedDeveloper Address: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 25 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 8Region: Not reportedNPDES Number: ActiveFacility Status: Not reportedTertiary Sic: Not reportedSecondary Sic: 5093-Scrap and Waste MaterialsPrimary Sic: 26-APR-12Certification Date: General ManagerCertifier Title: David PrietoCertifier: Declez CanalReceiving Water Name: NDir Discharge Uswater Ind: Not reportedConstype Water Sewer Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Description: Not reportedConstype Transport Ind: Not reportedConstype Residential Ind: Not reportedConstype Recons Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Description: Not reportedConstype Industrial Ind: Not reportedConstype Gas Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Electrical Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Commertial Ind: Not reportedConstype Comm Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Cable Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Below Ground Ind: Not reportedConstype Above Ground Ind: Not reportedEmergency Phone Ext: 909-565-6633Emergency Phone: Not reportedConstype Linear Utility Ind: Not reportedDeveloper Contact Title: Not reportedDeveloper Contact: Not reportedDeveloper Zip: CaliforniaDeveloper State: Not reportedDeveloper City: Not reportedDeveloper Address: Not reportedDeveloper: Private BusinessOperator Type: amrecyc@aol.comOperator Contact Email: Not reportedOperator Contact Phone Ext: 909-988-8000Operator Contact Phone: OwnerOperator Contact Title: Todd RubinOperator Contact: 92337Operator Zip: CaliforniaOperator State: FontanaOperator City: 11150 Redwood AveOperator Address: American Metal Recycling IncOperator Name: ddaugherty@amr-scrap.comContact Email: Not reportedContact Phone Ext: 909-988-8000Contact Phone: General ManagerContact Title: Dustin DaughertyContact: AcresPlace Size Unit: 9.76Place Size: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 26 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOperator City: Not reportedOperator Address: Not reportedOperator Name: Not reportedContact Email: Not reportedContact Phone Ext: Not reportedContact Phone: Not reportedContact Title: Not reportedContact: Not reportedPlace Size Unit: Not reportedPlace Size: Not reportedStatus Date: Not reportedStatus: Not reportedProcessed Date: Not reportedReceived Date: 92337Discharge Zip: CaliforniaDischarge State: FontanaDischarge City: 11150 Redwood AveDischarge Address: American Metal Recycling IncDischarge Name: Not reportedTermination Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedExpiration Date Of Regulatory Measure: 05/11/2012Effective Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedAdoption Date Of Regulatory Measure: Region 8 - Scrap Metal PermitProgram Type: 8 36MR000011WDID: Not reportedPlace ID: EnrolleeRegulatory Measure Type: Not reportedOrder Number: 426573Regulatory Measure ID: 8Region: 0Agency Number: ActiveStatus: Not reportedNPDES Number: NPDES as of 03/2018: Not reportedOperator Zip: Not reportedOperator State: Not reportedOperator City: Not reportedOperator Address: Not reportedOperator Name: Not reportedStatus Date: Not reportedStatus: 92337Discharge Zip: CaliforniaDischarge State: FontanaDischarge City: American Metal Recycling IncDischarge Name: 11150 Redwood AveDischarge Address: Not reportedExpiration Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedTermination Date Of Regulatory Measure: 05/11/2012Effective Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedAdoption Date Of Regulatory Measure: Region 8 - Scrap Metal PermitProgram Type: EnrolleeRegulatory Measure Type: 8 36MR000011WDID: Not reportedOrder Number: Not reportedPlace ID: 426573Regulatory Measure ID: 0Agency Number: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 27 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTermination Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedExpiration Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedEffective Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedAdoption Date Of Regulatory Measure: Not reportedProgram Type: 8 36MR000011WDID: Not reportedPlace ID: Region 8 - Scrap Metal PermitRegulatory Measure Type: Not reportedOrder Number: 426573Regulatory Measure ID: 8Region: Not reportedAgency Number: Not reportedStatus: Not reportedNPDES Number: Not reportedTertiary Sic: Not reportedSecondary Sic: Not reportedPrimary Sic: Not reportedCertification Date: Not reportedCertifier Title: Not reportedCertifier: Not reportedReceiving Water Name: Not reportedDir Discharge Uswater Ind: Not reportedConstype Water Sewer Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Description: Not reportedConstype Transport Ind: Not reportedConstype Residential Ind: Not reportedConstype Recons Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Description: Not reportedConstype Industrial Ind: Not reportedConstype Gas Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Electrical Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Commertial Ind: Not reportedConstype Comm Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Cable Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Below Ground Ind: Not reportedConstype Above Ground Ind: Not reportedEmergency Phone Ext: Not reportedEmergency Phone: Not reportedConstype Linear Utility Ind: Not reportedDeveloper Contact Title: Not reportedDeveloper Contact: Not reportedDeveloper Zip: Not reportedDeveloper State: Not reportedDeveloper City: Not reportedDeveloper Address: Not reportedDeveloper: Not reportedOperator Type: Not reportedOperator Contact Email: Not reportedOperator Contact Phone Ext: Not reportedOperator Contact Phone: Not reportedOperator Contact Title: Not reportedOperator Contact: Not reportedOperator Zip: Not reportedOperator State: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 28 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation General ManagerCertifier Title: David PrietoCertifier: Declez CanalReceiving Water Name: NDir Discharge Uswater Ind: Not reportedConstype Water Sewer Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Ind: Not reportedConstype Utility Description: Not reportedConstype Transport Ind: Not reportedConstype Residential Ind: Not reportedConstype Recons Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Ind: Not reportedConstype Other Description: Not reportedConstype Industrial Ind: Not reportedConstype Gas Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Electrical Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Commertial Ind: Not reportedConstype Comm Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Cable Line Ind: Not reportedConstype Below Ground Ind: Not reportedConstype Above Ground Ind: Not reportedEmergency Phone Ext: 909-565-6633Emergency Phone: Not reportedConstype Linear Utility Ind: Not reportedDeveloper Contact Title: Not reportedDeveloper Contact: Not reportedDeveloper Zip: CaliforniaDeveloper State: Not reportedDeveloper City: Not reportedDeveloper Address: Not reportedDeveloper: Private BusinessOperator Type: amrecyc@aol.comOperator Contact Email: Not reportedOperator Contact Phone Ext: 909-988-8000Operator Contact Phone: OwnerOperator Contact Title: Todd RubinOperator Contact: 92337Operator Zip: CaliforniaOperator State: FontanaOperator City: 11150 Redwood AveOperator Address: American Metal Recycling IncOperator Name: ddaugherty@amr-scrap.comContact Email: Not reportedContact Phone Ext: 909-988-8000Contact Phone: General ManagerContact Title: Dustin DaughertyContact: AcresPlace Size Unit: 9.76Place Size: 05/11/2012Status Date: ActiveStatus: 05/11/2012Processed Date: 04/26/2012Received Date: Not reportedDischarge Zip: Not reportedDischarge State: Not reportedDischarge City: Not reportedDischarge Address: Not reportedDischarge Name: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 29 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FA0001303Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 10/31/2003Expiration Date: INACTIVEFacility Status: SPECIAL HANDLERPermit Category: PT0008308Permit Number: B & D AUTO TRUCKS DISMANTLINGOwner: FA0001303Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 11/30/2005Expiration Date: INACTIVEFacility Status: AST OPERATING PERMITPermit Category: PT0014945Permit Number: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING INCOwner: FA0008550Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 11/30/2017Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: APPLIANCE RECYCLERPermit Category: PT0018796Permit Number: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING INCOwner: FA0008550Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 11/30/2018Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: LARGE QUANTITY GENERATORPermit Category: PT0014944Permit Number: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING INCOwner: FA0008550Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 11/30/2018Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALSPermit Category: PT0014943Permit Number: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING INCOwner: FA0008550Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: 11/30/2018Expiration Date: ACTIVEFacility Status: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITYPermit Category: PT0020305Permit Number: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING INCOwner: FA0008550Facility ID: SAN BERNARDINORegion: San Bern. Co. Permit: Not reportedTertiary Sic: Not reportedSecondary Sic: 5093-Scrap and Waste MaterialsPrimary Sic: 26-APR-12Certification Date: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 30 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -117.48458Longitude: 34.05102Latitude: 1Violations within 5 years: 2Enforcement Actions within 5 years: Not reportedTTWQ: Not reportedComplexity: Not reportedMajor/Minor: Not reportedDesign Flow: Not reportedExpiration/Review Date: Not reportedTermination Date: 05/11/2012Effective Date: Not reportedAdoption Date: CAG618001NPDES Number: 8 36MR000011WDID: R8-2012-0012Order Number: Region 8 - Scrap Metal PermitRegulatory Measure Type: ActiveRegulatory Measure Status: INDSTWProgram: 8Region: 5093SIC/NAICS: Industrial - Scrap and Waste MaterialsPlace/Project Type: 11150 Redwood Ave, Fontana, CA 92337Agency Address: American Metal Recycling IncAgency: -117.48451Longitude: 34.05082Latitude: 0Violations within 5 years: 0Enforcement Actions within 5 years: Not reportedTTWQ: Not reportedComplexity: Not reportedMajor/Minor: Not reportedDesign Flow: Not reportedExpiration/Review Date: 05/11/2012Termination Date: 04/01/2004Effective Date: Not reportedAdoption Date: CAS000001NPDES Number: 8 36I018727WDID: 2014-0057-DWQOrder Number: Storm water industrialRegulatory Measure Type: TerminatedRegulatory Measure Status: INDSTWProgram: 8Region: 5093SIC/NAICS: Industrial - Scrap and Waste MaterialsPlace/Project Type: 11150 Redwood Ave, Fontana, CA 92337Agency Address: American Metal RecyclingAgency: CIWQS: 10/31/2003Expiration Date: INACTIVEFacility Status: SPECIAL GENERATORPermit Category: PT0008309Permit Number: B & D AUTO TRUCKS DISMANTLINGOwner: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING (Continued) S108197525 TC5515609.2s Page 31 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) Count: 2 records. FONTANA S107539928 ON LIVE OAK AVENUE, SOUTH OF J CDL RIVERSIDE S108542963 FOUR CORNERS PIPE LINE COMPANY WOODCREST AREA CPS-SLIC TC5515609.2s Page 32 To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update:Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 11/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 11/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. TC5515609.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 11/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 11/07/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/05/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2017 Number of Days to Update: 92 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8704 Last EDR Contact: 07/06/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies SEMS: Superfund Enterprise Management System SEMS (Superfund Enterprise Management System) tracks hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites, and remedial activities performed in support of EPA’s Superfund Program across the United States. The list was formerly know as CERCLIS, renamed to SEMS by the EPA in 2015. The list contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). This dataset also contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and the sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 11/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 11/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list SEMS-ARCHIVE: Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive TC5515609.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SEMS-ARCHIVE (Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive) tracks sites that have no further interest under the Federal Superfund Program based on available information. The list was formerly known as the CERCLIS-NFRAP, renamed to SEMS ARCHIVE by the EPA in 2015. EPA may perform a minimal level of assessment work at a site while it is archived if site conditions change and/or new information becomes available. Archived sites have been removed and archived from the inventory of SEMS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list the site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. The decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that. based upon available information, the location is not judged to be potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 11/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 11/28/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2018 Number of Days to Update: 86 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2018 Number of Days to Update: 86 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2018 Number of Days to Update: 86 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5515609.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2018 Number of Days to Update: 86 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2018 Number of Days to Update: 86 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: Department of the Navy Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 11/28/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 11/28/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal ERNS list ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 09/24/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact: 09/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State- and tribal - equivalent NPL RESPONSE: State Response Sites Identifies confirmed release sites where DTSC is involved in remediation, either in a lead or oversight capacity. These confirmed release sites are generally high-priority and high potential risk. Date of Government Version: 10/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/30/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS ENVIROSTOR: EnviroStor Database The Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC’s) Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program’s (SMBRP’s) EnviroStor database identifes sites that have known contamination or sites for which there may be reasons to investigate further. The database includes the following site types: Federal Superfund sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites. EnviroStor provides similar information to the information that was available in CalSites, and provides additional site information, including, but not limited to, identification of formerly-contaminated properties that have been released for reuse, properties where environmental deed restrictions have been recorded to prevent inappropriate land uses, and risk characterization information that is used to assess potential impacts to public health and the environment at contaminated sites. Date of Government Version: 10/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/30/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF (SWIS): Solid Waste Information System Active, Closed and Inactive Landfills. SWF/LF records typically contain an inve ntory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or i nactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 11/12/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/14/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Telephone: 916-341-6320 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal leaking storage tank lists TC5515609.2s Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING LUST REG 1: Active Toxic Site Investigation Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Modoc, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Trinity counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/28/2001 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/29/2001 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast (1) Telephone: 707-570-3769 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 7: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Imperial, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara counties. Date of Government Version: 02/26/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/26/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/24/2004 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Colorado River Basin Region (7) Telephone: 760-776-8943 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST: Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Report (GEOTRACKER) Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Sites included in GeoTracker. GeoTracker is the Water Boards data management system for sites that impact, or have the potential to impact, water quality in California, with emphasis on groundwater. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/08/2018 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: see region list Last EDR Contact: 12/11/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LUST REG 9: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Report Orange, Riverside, San Diego counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/23/2001 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/21/2001 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region (9) Telephone: 858-637-5595 Last EDR Contact: 09/26/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/09/2012 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 6V: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, San Bernardino counties. Date of Government Version: 06/07/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/07/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2005 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Victorville Branch Office (6) Telephone: 760-241-7365 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 6L: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 09/09/2003 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/07/2003 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region (6) Telephone: 530-542-5572 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 5: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Calveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo, Yuba counties. TC5515609.2s Page GR-6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 07/01/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/31/2008 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region (5) Telephone: 916-464-4834 Last EDR Contact: 07/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 2: Fuel Leak List Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma counties. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/20/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/19/2004 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region (2) Telephone: 510-622-2433 Last EDR Contact: 09/19/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/02/2012 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LUST REG 3: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz counties. Date of Government Version: 05/19/2003 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/19/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2003 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region (3) Telephone: 805-542-4786 Last EDR Contact: 07/18/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 4: Underground Storage Tank Leak List Los Angeles, Ventura counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 09/07/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/07/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/12/2004 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region (4) Telephone: 213-576-6710 Last EDR Contact: 09/06/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/19/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8). For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 02/14/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/15/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/28/2005 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8) Telephone: 909-782-4496 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 04/12/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 04/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-7 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 04/25/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 04/24/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 05/08/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 04/13/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 04/12/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA, Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies CPS-SLIC: Statewide SLIC Cases (GEOTRACKER) Cleanup Program Sites (CPS; also known as Site Cleanups [SC] and formerly known as Spills, Leaks, Investigations, and Cleanups [SLIC] sites) included in GeoTracker. GeoTracker is the Water Boards data management system for sites that impact, or have the potential to impact, water quality in California, with emphasis on groundwater. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-8 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SLIC REG 1: Active Toxic Site Investigations The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/03/2003 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/07/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/25/2003 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region (1) Telephone: 707-576-2220 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SLIC REG 2: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/20/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/19/2004 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region (2) Telephone: 510-286-0457 Last EDR Contact: 09/19/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/02/2012 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SLIC REG 3: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/15/2006 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region (3) Telephone: 805-549-3147 Last EDR Contact: 07/18/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SLIC REG 4: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 11/17/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/18/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/04/2005 Number of Days to Update: 47 Source: Region Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region (4) Telephone: 213-576-6600 Last EDR Contact: 07/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies SLIC REG 5: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/05/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/21/2005 Number of Days to Update: 16 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region (5) Telephone: 916-464-3291 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SLIC REG 6V: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/25/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/16/2005 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board, Victorville Branch Telephone: 619-241-6583 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TC5515609.2s Page GR-9 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SLIC REG 6L: SLIC Sites The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/07/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/07/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/12/2004 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region Telephone: 530-542-5574 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SLIC REG 7: SLIC List The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 11/24/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/29/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/04/2005 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: California Regional Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin Region Telephone: 760-346-7491 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SLIC REG 8: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/03/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/03/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/14/2008 Number of Days to Update: 11 Source: California Region Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8) Telephone: 951-782-3298 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SLIC REG 9: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2007 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/11/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/28/2007 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region (9) Telephone: 858-467-2980 Last EDR Contact: 08/08/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/21/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/30/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 136 Source: FEMA Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact: 10/10/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies UST: Active UST Facilities Active UST facilities gathered from the local regulatory agencies Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: SWRCB Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact: 12/11/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TC5515609.2s Page GR-10 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING UST CLOSURE: Proposed Closure of Underground Storage Tank (UST) Cases UST cases that are being considered for closure by either the State Water Resources Control Board or the Executive Director have been posted for a 60-day public comment period. UST Case Closures being proposed for consideration by the State Water Resources Control Board. These are primarily UST cases that meet closure criteria under the decisional framework in State Water Board Resolution No. 92-49 and other Board orders. UST Case Closures proposed for consideration by the Executive Director pursuant to State Water Board Resolution No. 2012-0061. These are cases that meet the criteria of the Low-Threat UST Case Closure Policy. UST Case Closure Review Denials and Approved Orders. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-327-7844 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies MILITARY UST SITES: Military UST Sites (GEOTRACKER) Military ust sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies AST: Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities A listing of aboveground storage tank petroleum storage tank locations. Date of Government Version: 07/06/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/12/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/19/2016 Number of Days to Update: 69 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-327-5092 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 05/08/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 04/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). TC5515609.2s Page GR-11 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 04/13/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/12/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/24/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/12/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/25/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. TC5515609.2s Page GR-12 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: EPA, Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Program Properties Contains low threat level properties with either confirmed or unconfirmed releases and the project proponents have request that DTSC oversee investigation and/or cleanup activities and have agreed to provide coverage for DTSC’s costs. Date of Government Version: 10/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/30/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 07/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/18/2016 Number of Days to Update: 142 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Last EDR Contact: 09/24/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS: Considered Brownfieds Sites Listing A listing of sites the SWRCB considers to be Brownfields since these are sites have come to them through the MOA Process. Date of Government Version: 09/24/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/15/2018 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-323-7905 Last EDR Contact: 09/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 09/18/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact: 09/18/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/31/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites TC5515609.2s Page GR-13 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING WMUDS/SWAT: Waste Management Unit Database Waste Management Unit Database System. WMUDS is used by the State Water Resources Control Board staff and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards for program tracking and inventory of waste management units. WMUDS is composed of the following databases: Facility Information, Scheduled Inspections Information, Waste Management Unit Information, SWAT Program Information, SWAT Report Summary Information, SWAT Report Summary Data, Chapter 15 (formerly Subchapter 15) Information, Chapter 15 Monitoring Parameters, TPCA Program Information, RCRA Program Information, Closure Information, and Interested Parties Information. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2000 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/10/2000 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/10/2000 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-227-4448 Last EDR Contact: 10/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SWRCY: Recycler Database A listing of recycling facilities in California. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/15/2018 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: Department of Conservation Telephone: 916-323-3836 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HAULERS: Registered Waste Tire Haulers Listing A listing of registered waste tire haulers. Date of Government Version: 09/26/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Integrated Waste Management Board Telephone: 916-341-6422 Last EDR Contact: 08/07/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact: 10/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Number of Days to Update: 137 Source: EPA, Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5515609.2s Page GR-14 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING IHS OPEN DUMPS: Open Dumps on Indian Land A listing of all open dumps located on Indian Land in the United States. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 176 Source: Department of Health & Human Serivces, Indian Health Service Telephone: 301-443-1452 Last EDR Contact: 11/02/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations that have been removed from the DEAs National Clandestine Laboratory Register. Date of Government Version: 09/21/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/21/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 11/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST CAL-SITES: Calsites Database The Calsites database contains potential or confirmed hazardous substance release properties. In 1996, California EPA reevaluated and significantly reduced the number of sites in the Calsites database. No longer updated by the state agency. It has been replaced by ENVIROSTOR. Date of Government Version: 08/08/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/24/2006 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 02/23/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/25/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SCH: School Property Evaluation Program This category contains proposed and existing school sites that are being evaluated by DTSC for possible hazardous materials contamination. In some cases, these properties may be listed in the CalSites category depending on the level of threat to public health and safety or the environment they pose. Date of Government Version: 10/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/30/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of drug lab locations. Listing of a location in this database does not indicate that any illegal drug lab materials were or were not present there, and does not constitute a determination that the location either requires or does not require additional cleanup work. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/06/2018 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-255-6504 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies CERS HAZ WASTE: CERS HAZ WASTE List of sites in the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) Regulated Site Portal which fall under the Hazardous Chemical Management, Hazardous Waste Onsite Treatment, Household Hazardous Waste Collection, Hazardous Waste Generator, and RCRA LQ HW Generator programs. TC5515609.2s Page GR-15 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: CalEPA Telephone: 916-323-2514 Last EDR Contact: 10/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TOXIC PITS: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites Toxic PITS Cleanup Act Sites. TOXIC PITS identifies sites suspected of containing hazardous substances where cleanup has not yet been completed. Date of Government Version: 07/01/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/26/1995 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-227-4364 Last EDR Contact: 01/26/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/27/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 09/21/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/21/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 11/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks SWEEPS UST: SWEEPS UST Listing Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System. This underground storage tank listing was updated and maintained by a company contacted by the SWRCB in the early 1990’s. The listing is no longer updated or maintained. The local agency is the contact for more information on a site on the SWEEPS list. Date of Government Version: 06/01/1994 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/07/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/11/2005 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/03/2005 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned UST MENDOCINO: Mendocino County UST Database A listing of underground storage tank locations in Mendocino County. Date of Government Version: 12/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/06/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 707-463-4466 Last EDR Contact: 11/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually HIST UST: Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database The Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database is a historical listing of UST sites. Refer to local/county source for current data. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1990 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/25/1991 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/12/1991 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact: 07/26/2001 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5515609.2s Page GR-16 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SAN FRANCISCO AST: Aboveground Storage Tank Site Listing Aboveground storage tank sites Date of Government Version: 09/11/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/11/2018 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: San Francisco County Department of Public Health Telephone: 415-252-3896 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies CERS TANKS: California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) Tanks List of sites in the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) Regulated Site Portal which fall under the Aboveground Petroleum Storage and Underground Storage Tank regulatory programs. Date of Government Version: 10/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-323-2514 Last EDR Contact: 10/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CA FID UST: Facility Inventory Database The Facility Inventory Database (FID) contains a historical listing of active and inactive underground storage tank locations from the State Water Resource Control Board. Refer to local/county source for current data. Date of Government Version: 10/31/1994 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/29/1995 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact: 12/28/1998 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Local Land Records LIENS: Environmental Liens Listing A listing of property locations with environmental liens for California where DTSC is a lien holder. Date of Government Version: 08/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 08/13/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 11/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually DEED: Deed Restriction Listing TC5515609.2s Page GR-17 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program Facility Sites with Deed Restrictions & Hazardous Waste Management Program Facility Sites with Deed / Land Use Restriction. The DTSC Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program (SMBRP) list includes sites cleaned up under the program’s oversight and generally does not include current or former hazardous waste facilities that required a hazardous waste facility permit. The list represents deed restrictions that are active. Some sites have multiple deed restrictions. The DTSC Hazardous Waste Management Program (HWMP) has developed a list of current or former hazardous waste facilities that have a recorded land use restriction at the local county recorder’s office. The land use restrictions on this list were required by the DTSC HWMP as a result of the presence of hazardous substances that remain on site after the facility (or part of the facility) has been closed or cleaned up. The types of land use restriction include deed notice, deed restriction, or a land use restriction that binds current and future owners. Date of Government Version: 09/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/02/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: DTSC and SWRCB Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 12/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/08/2018 Number of Days to Update: 73 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact: 09/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CHMIRS: California Hazardous Material Incident Report System California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System. CHMIRS contains information on reported hazardous material incidents (accidental releases or spills). Date of Government Version: 04/06/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/24/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 51 Source: Office of Emergency Services Telephone: 916-845-8400 Last EDR Contact: 07/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/05/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually LDS: Land Disposal Sites Listing (GEOTRACKER) Land Disposal sites (Landfills) included in GeoTracker. GeoTracker is the Water Boards data management system for sites that impact, or have the potential to impact, water quality in California, with emphasis on groundwater. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/08/2018 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: State Water Qualilty Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly MCS: Military Cleanup Sites Listing (GEOTRACKER) Military sites (consisting of: Military UST sites; Military Privatized sites; and Military Cleanup sites [formerly known as DoD non UST]) included in GeoTracker. GeoTracker is the Water Boards data management system for sites that impact, or have the potential to impact, water quality in California, with emphasis on groundwater. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5515609.2s Page GR-18 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SPILLS 90: SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch Spills 90 includes those spill and release records available exclusively from FirstSearch databases. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded after 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 90. Date of Government Version: 06/06/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/22/2013 Number of Days to Update: 50 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/28/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2018 Number of Days to Update: 86 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 01/31/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact: 11/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: USGS Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 10/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 339 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 10/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: N/A SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. TC5515609.2s Page GR-19 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/01/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/03/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2017 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact: 11/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post-closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 08/31/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact: 09/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - primarily because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 88 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact: 11/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/08/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 73 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/21/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 198 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact: 09/21/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/31/2018 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. TC5515609.2s Page GR-20 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/10/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 2 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact: 11/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/25/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4203 Last EDR Contact: 10/24/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 08/13/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact: 11/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually RMP: Risk Management Plans When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/22/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact: 10/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5515609.2s Page GR-21 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 08/13/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 10/04/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/11/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 57 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact: 10/11/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 11/18/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/23/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2017 Number of Days to Update: 79 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 10/09/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 08/18/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 08/18/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/08/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/21/2016 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact: 10/11/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5515609.2s Page GR-22 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING COAL ASH DOE: Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact: 12/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/30/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/15/2017 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 10/02/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/03/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact: 10/03/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. TC5515609.2s Page GR-23 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2012 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Telephone: 202-366-4595 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Telephone: Varies Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/28/2017 Number of Days to Update: 218 Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 11/21/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Biennially INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2017 Number of Days to Update: 546 Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact: 10/09/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FUSRAP: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program DOE established the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) in 1974 to remediate sites where radioactive contamination remained from Manhattan Project and early U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) operations. Date of Government Version: 08/08/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/11/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 3 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-3559 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. TC5515609.2s Page GR-24 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 06/23/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/11/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2017 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact: 12/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 08/13/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact: 11/27/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/27/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: American Journal of Public Health Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact: 12/02/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) The database is a sub-system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 10/12/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/26/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/03/2017 Number of Days to Update: 100 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 09/26/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/08/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/12/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/26/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/03/2017 Number of Days to Update: 100 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 09/26/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/08/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually US MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/29/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Last EDR Contact: 11/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually US MINES 2: Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal Mines Database Listing This map layer includes ferrous (ferrous metal mines are facilities that extract ferrous metals, such as iron ore or molybdenum) and nonferrous (Nonferrous metal mines are facilities that extract nonferrous metals, such as gold, silver, copper, zinc, and lead) metal mines in the United States. TC5515609.2s Page GR-25 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/05/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/29/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/18/2008 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 11/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies US MINES 3: Active Mines & Mineral Plants Database Listing Active Mines and Mineral Processing Plant operations for commodities monitored by the Minerals Information Team of the USGS. Date of Government Version: 04/14/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/08/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2011 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 11/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies ABANDONED MINES: Abandoned Mines An inventory of land and water impacted by past mining (primarily coal mining) is maintained by OSMRE to provide information needed to implement the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The inventory contains information on the location, type, and extent of AML impacts, as well as, information on the cost associated with the reclamation of those problems. The inventory is based upon field surveys by State, Tribal, and OSMRE program officials. It is dynamic to the extent that it is modified as new problems are identified and existing problems are reclaimed. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/11/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 3 Source: Department of Interior Telephone: 202-208-2609 Last EDR Contact: 12/06/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 08/07/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: EPA Telephone: (415) 947-8000 Last EDR Contact: 12/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly UXO: Unexploded Ordnance Sites A listing of unexploded ordnance site locations Date of Government Version: 09/30/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/19/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 87 Source: Department of Defense Telephone: 703-704-1564 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOCKET HWC: Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing A complete list of the Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Facilities. Date of Government Version: 05/31/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/26/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-0527 Last EDR Contact: 11/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-26 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ECHO: Enforcement & Compliance History Information ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for about 800,000 regulated facilities nationwide. Date of Government Version: 09/02/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2280 Last EDR Contact: 12/31/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FUELS PROGRAM: EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing This listing includes facilities that are registered under the Part 80 (Code of Federal Regulations) EPA Fuels Programs. All companies now are required to submit new and updated registrations. Date of Government Version: 08/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/22/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-385-6164 Last EDR Contact: 11/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CA BOND EXP. PLAN: Bond Expenditure Plan Department of Health Services developed a site-specific expenditure plan as the basis for an appropriation of Hazardous Substance Cleanup Bond Act funds. It is not updated. Date of Government Version: 01/01/1989 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/02/1994 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 916-255-2118 Last EDR Contact: 05/31/1994 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned CORTESE: "Cortese" Hazardous Waste & Substances Sites List The sites for the list are designated by the State Water Resource Control Board (LUST), the Integrated Waste Board (SWF/LS), and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (Cal-Sites). Date of Government Version: 09/24/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: CAL EPA/Office of Emergency Information Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 09/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CUPA LIVERMORE-PLEASANTON: CUPA Facility Listing list of facilities associated with the various CUPA programs in Livermore-Pleasanton Date of Government Version: 08/28/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department Telephone: 925-454-2361 Last EDR Contact: 12/06/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies CUPA SAN FRANCISCO CO: CUPA Facility Listing Cupa facilities Date of Government Version: 09/11/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/19/2018 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: San Francisco County Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 415-252-3896 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies DRYCLEAN AVAQMD: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District Drycleaner Listing A listing of dry cleaners in the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District. TC5515609.2s Page GR-27 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/15/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/16/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District Telephone: 661-723-8070 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies DRYCLEANERS: Cleaner Facilities A list of drycleaner related facilities that have EPA ID numbers. These are facilities with certain SIC codes: power laundries, family and commercial; garment pressing and cleaner’s agents; linen supply; coin-operated laundries and cleaning; drycleaning plants, except rugs; carpet and upholster cleaning; industrial launderers; laundry and garment services. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control Telephone: 916-327-4498 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually DRYCLEAN SOUTH COAST: South Coast Air Quality Management District Drycleaner Listing A listing of dry cleaners in the South Coast Air Quality Management District Date of Government Version: 10/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: South Coast Air Quality Management District Telephone: 909-396-3211 Last EDR Contact: 11/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies EMI: Emissions Inventory Data Toxics and criteria pollutant emissions data collected by the ARB and local air pollution agencies. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/20/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/06/2018 Number of Days to Update: 47 Source: California Air Resources Board Telephone: 916-322-2990 Last EDR Contact: 09/21/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/31/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies ENF: Enforcement Action Listing A listing of Water Board Enforcement Actions. Formal is everything except Oral/Verbal Communication, Notice of Violation, Expedited Payment Letter, and Staff Enforcement Letter. Date of Government Version: 11/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/02/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: State Water Resoruces Control Board Telephone: 916-445-9379 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 1: Financial Assurance Information Listing Financial Assurance information Date of Government Version: 10/19/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-255-3628 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for solid waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. TC5515609.2s Page GR-28 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 08/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/16/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2018 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: California Integrated Waste Management Board Telephone: 916-341-6066 Last EDR Contact: 11/07/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies HAZNET: Facility and Manifest Data Facility and Manifest Data. The data is extracted from the copies of hazardous waste manifests received each year by the DTSC. The annual volume of manifests is typically 700,000 - 1,000,000 annually, representing approximately 350,000 - 500,000 shipments. Data are from the manifests submitted without correction, and therefore many contain some invalid values for data elements such as generator ID, TSD ID, waste category, and disposal method. This database begins with calendar year 1993. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/10/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-255-1136 Last EDR Contact: 10/10/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICE: ICE Contains data pertaining to the Permitted Facilities with Inspections / Enforcements sites tracked in Envirostor. Date of Government Version: 08/20/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/21/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2018 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Department of Toxic Subsances Control Telephone: 877-786-9427 Last EDR Contact: 11/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST CORTESE: Hazardous Waste & Substance Site List The sites for the list are designated by the State Water Resource Control Board [LUST], the Integrated Waste Board [SWF/LS], and the Department of Toxic Substances Control [CALSITES]. This listing is no longer updated by the state agency. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/22/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/08/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 01/22/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HWP: EnviroStor Permitted Facilities Listing Detailed information on permitted hazardous waste facilities and corrective action ("cleanups") tracked in EnviroStor. Date of Government Version: 08/20/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/21/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2018 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 11/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HWT: Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter Database A listing of hazardous waste transporters. In California, unless specifically exempted, it is unlawful for any person to transport hazardous wastes unless the person holds a valid registration issued by DTSC. A hazardous waste transporter registration is valid for one year and is assigned a unique registration number. Date of Government Version: 10/09/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/10/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-440-7145 Last EDR Contact: 10/10/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5515609.2s Page GR-29 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING MINES: Mines Site Location Listing A listing of mine site locations from the Office of Mine Reclamation. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Department of Conservation Telephone: 916-322-1080 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly MWMP: Medical Waste Management Program Listing The Medical Waste Management Program (MWMP) ensures the proper handling and disposal of medical waste by permitting and inspecting medical waste Offsite Treatment Facilities (PDF) and Transfer Stations (PDF) throughout the state. MWMP also oversees all Medical Waste Transporters. Date of Government Version: 08/28/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2018 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 916-558-1784 Last EDR Contact: 12/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies NPDES: NPDES Permits Listing A listing of NPDES permits, including stormwater. Date of Government Version: 11/12/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/14/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-445-9379 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PEST LIC: Pesticide Regulation Licenses Listing A listing of licenses and certificates issued by the Department of Pesticide Regulation. The DPR issues licenses and/or certificates to: Persons and businesses that apply or sell pesticides; Pest control dealers and brokers; Persons who advise on agricultural pesticide applications. Date of Government Version: 09/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2018 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Pesticide Regulation Telephone: 916-445-4038 Last EDR Contact: 12/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PROC: Certified Processors Database A listing of certified processors. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/15/2018 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: Department of Conservation Telephone: 916-323-3836 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NOTIFY 65: Proposition 65 Records Listings of all Proposition 65 incidents reported to counties by the State Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This database is no longer updated by the reporting agency. Date of Government Version: 09/19/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/20/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/19/2018 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-445-3846 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5515609.2s Page GR-30 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING UIC: UIC Listing A listing of wells identified as underground injection wells, in the California Oil and Gas Wells database. Date of Government Version: 04/27/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/13/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/17/2018 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Deaprtment of Conservation Telephone: 916-445-2408 Last EDR Contact: 12/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies WASTEWATER PITS: Oil Wastewater Pits Listing Water officials discovered that oil producers have been dumping chemical-laden wastewater into hundreds of unlined pits that are operating without proper permits. Inspections completed by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board revealed the existence of previously unidentified waste sites. The water boards review found that more than one-third of the region’s active disposal pits are operating without permission. Date of Government Version: 05/08/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/11/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: RWQCB, Central Valley Region Telephone: 559-445-5577 Last EDR Contact: 10/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies WDS: Waste Discharge System Sites which have been issued waste discharge requirements. Date of Government Version: 06/19/2007 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/20/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2007 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-341-5227 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CERS: CalEPA Regulated Site Portal Data The CalEPA Regulated Site Portal database combines data about environmentally regulated sites and facilities in California into a single database. It combines data from a variety of state and federal databases, and provides an overview of regulated activities across the spectrum of environmental programs for any given location in California. These activities include hazardous materials and waste, state and federal cleanups, impacted ground and surface waters, and toxic materials Date of Government Version: 10/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-323-2514 Last EDR Contact: 10/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies WIP: Well Investigation Program Case List Well Investigation Program case in the San Gabriel and San Fernando Valley area. Date of Government Version: 07/03/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/21/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2009 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board Telephone: 213-576-6726 Last EDR Contact: 09/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies UIC GEO: Underground Injection Control Sites (GEOTRACKER) Underground control injection sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resource Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-31 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING OTHER OIL GAS: Other Oil & Gas Projects Sites (GEOTRACKER) Other Oil & Gas Projects sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies CIWQS: California Integrated Water Quality System The California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) is a computer system used by the State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards to track information about places of environmental interest, manage permits and other orders, track inspections, and manage violations and enforcement activities. Date of Government Version: 09/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/02/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-794-4977 Last EDR Contact: 12/04/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies WDR: Waste Discharge Requirements Listing In general, the Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) Program (sometimes also referred to as the "Non Chapter 15 (Non 15) Program") regulates point discharges that are exempt pursuant to Subsection 20090 of Title 27 and not subject to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Exemptions from Title 27 may be granted for nine categories of discharges (e.g., sewage, wastewater, etc.) that meet, and continue to meet, the preconditions listed for each specific exemption. The scope of the WDRs Program also includes the discharge of wastes classified as inert, pursuant to section 20230 of Title 27. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-341-5810 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly WELL STIM PROJ: Well Stimulation Project (GEOTRACKER) Includes areas of groundwater monitoring plans, a depiction of the monitoring network, and the facilities, boundaries, and subsurface characteristics of the oilfield and the features (oil and gas wells, produced water ponds, UIC wells, water supply wells, etc?) being monitored Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies PROJECT: Project Sites (GEOTRACKER) Projects sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SAMPLING POINT: Sampling Point ? Public Sites (GEOTRACKER) Sampling point - public sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-32 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING NON-CASE INFO: Non-Case Information Sites (GEOTRACKER) Non-Case Information sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies MILITARY PRIV SITES: Military Privatized Sites (GEOTRACKER) Military privatized sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies PROD WATER PONDS: Produced Water Ponds Sites (GEOTRACKER) Produced water ponds sites Date of Government Version: 09/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned EDR Hist Auto: EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-33 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING EDR Hist Cleaner: EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery in California. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 196 Source: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the State Water Resources Control Board in California. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/30/2013 Number of Days to Update: 182 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies COUNTY RECORDS ALAMEDA COUNTY: CS ALAMEDA: Contaminated Sites A listing of contaminated sites overseen by the Toxic Release Program (oil and groundwater contamination from chemical releases and spills) and the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program (soil and ground water contamination from leaking petroleum USTs). Date of Government Version: 10/05/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/10/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Alameda County Environmental Health Services Telephone: 510-567-6700 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually UST ALAMEDA: Underground Tanks Underground storage tank sites located in Alameda county. Date of Government Version: 10/05/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/10/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/02/2018 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Alameda County Environmental Health Services Telephone: 510-567-6700 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/24/2047 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually AMADOR COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-34 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA AMADOR: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility List Date of Government Version: 07/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/20/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Amador County Environmental Health Telephone: 209-223-6439 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies BUTTE COUNTY: CUPA BUTTE: CUPA Facility Listing Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 04/21/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/25/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2017 Number of Days to Update: 106 Source: Public Health Department Telephone: 530-538-7149 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned CALVERAS COUNTY: CUPA CALVERAS: CUPA Facility Listing Cupa Facility Listing Date of Government Version: 10/31/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Calveras County Environmental Health Telephone: 209-754-6399 Last EDR Contact: 09/24/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly COLUSA COUNTY: CUPA COLUSA: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 05/23/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/24/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 50 Source: Health & Human Services Telephone: 530-458-0396 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually CONTRA COSTA COUNTY: SL CONTRA COSTA: Site List List includes sites from the underground tank, hazardous waste generator and business plan/2185 programs. Date of Government Version: 08/20/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/21/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/11/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Contra Costa Health Services Department Telephone: 925-646-2286 Last EDR Contact: 10/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually DEL NORTE COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-35 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA DEL NORTE: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility list Date of Government Version: 08/16/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/06/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Del Norte County Environmental Health Division Telephone: 707-465-0426 Last EDR Contact: 10/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies EL DORADO COUNTY: CUPA EL DORADO: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 09/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2018 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: El Dorado County Environmental Management Department Telephone: 530-621-6623 Last EDR Contact: 11/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies FRESNO COUNTY: CUPA FRESNO: CUPA Resources List Certified Unified Program Agency. CUPA’s are responsible for implementing a unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste management regulatory program. The agency provides oversight of businesses that deal with hazardous materials, operate underground storage tanks or aboveground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 10/16/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/18/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Dept. of Community Health Telephone: 559-445-3271 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually GLENN COUNTY: CUPA GLENN: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 01/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/24/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: Glenn County Air Pollution Control District Telephone: 830-934-6500 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies HUMBOLDT COUNTY: CUPA HUMBOLDT: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 07/11/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/13/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/22/2018 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Humboldt County Environmental Health Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually IMPERIAL COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-36 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA IMPERIAL: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 10/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: San Diego Border Field Office Telephone: 760-339-2777 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies INYO COUNTY: CUPA INYO: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 04/02/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/03/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: Inyo County Environmental Health Services Telephone: 760-878-0238 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies KERN COUNTY: UST KERN: Underground Storage Tank Sites & Tank Listing Kern County Sites and Tanks Listing. Date of Government Version: 11/02/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/07/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Kern County Environment Health Services Department Telephone: 661-862-8700 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly KINGS COUNTY: CUPA KINGS: CUPA Facility List A listing of sites included in the county’s Certified Unified Program Agency database. California’s Secretary for Environmental Protection established the unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulatory program as required by chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. The Unified Program consolidates the administration, permits, inspections, and enforcement activities. Date of Government Version: 11/21/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Kings County Department of Public Health Telephone: 559-584-1411 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LAKE COUNTY: CUPA LAKE: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 11/07/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/08/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Lake County Environmental Health Telephone: 707-263-1164 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LASSEN COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-37 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA LASSEN: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 10/15/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Lassen County Environmental Health Telephone: 530-251-8528 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LOS ANGELES COUNTY: AOCONCERN: San Gabriel Valley Areas of Concern San Gabriel Valley areas where VOC contamination is at or above the MCL as designated by region 9 EPA office. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/23/2009 Number of Days to Update: 206 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3178 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HMS LOS ANGELES: HMS: Street Number List Industrial Waste and Underground Storage Tank Sites. Date of Government Version: 09/20/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Public Works Telephone: 626-458-3517 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually LF LOS ANGELES: List of Solid Waste Facilities Solid Waste Facilities in Los Angeles County. Date of Government Version: 10/15/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/16/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: La County Department of Public Works Telephone: 818-458-5185 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LF LOS ANGELES CITY: City of Los Angeles Landfills Landfills owned and maintained by the City of Los Angeles. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Engineering & Construction Division Telephone: 213-473-7869 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SITE MIT LOS ANGELES: Site Mitigation List Industrial sites that have had some sort of spill or complaint. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/16/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Community Health Services Telephone: 323-890-7806 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually UST EL SEGUNDO: City of El Segundo Underground Storage Tank Underground storage tank sites located in El Segundo city. TC5515609.2s Page GR-38 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/21/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/19/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/10/2017 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: City of El Segundo Fire Department Telephone: 310-524-2236 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually UST LONG BEACH: City of Long Beach Underground Storage Tank Underground storage tank sites located in the city of Long Beach. Date of Government Version: 03/09/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/03/2017 Number of Days to Update: 54 Source: City of Long Beach Fire Department Telephone: 562-570-2563 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually UST TORRANCE: City of Torrance Underground Storage Tank Underground storage tank sites located in the city of Torrance. Date of Government Version: 10/02/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/05/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/02/2018 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: City of Torrance Fire Department Telephone: 310-618-2973 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually MADERA COUNTY: CUPA MADERA: CUPA Facility List A listing of sites included in the county’s Certified Unified Program Agency database. California’s Secretary for Environmental Protection established the unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulatory program as required by chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. The Unified Program consolidates the administration, permits, inspections, and enforcement activities. Date of Government Version: 11/26/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/27/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Madera County Environmental Health Telephone: 559-675-7823 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies MARIN COUNTY: UST MARIN: Underground Storage Tank Sites Currently permitted USTs in Marin County. Date of Government Version: 09/26/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/02/2018 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: Public Works Department Waste Management Telephone: 415-473-6647 Last EDR Contact: 10/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually MERCED COUNTY: CUPA MERCED: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 08/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/31/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/19/2018 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Merced County Environmental Health Telephone: 209-381-1094 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies MONO COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-39 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA MONO: CUPA Facility List CUPA Facility List Date of Government Version: 07/18/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/19/2018 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Mono County Health Department Telephone: 760-932-5580 Last EDR Contact: 12/06/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies MONTEREY COUNTY: CUPA MONTEREY: CUPA Facility Listing CUPA Program listing from the Environmental Health Division. Date of Government Version: 10/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/01/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Monterey County Health Department Telephone: 831-796-1297 Last EDR Contact: 10/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies NAPA COUNTY: LUST NAPA: Sites With Reported Contamination A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Napa county. Date of Government Version: 01/09/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/11/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/02/2017 Number of Days to Update: 50 Source: Napa County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-253-4269 Last EDR Contact: 11/21/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned UST NAPA: Closed and Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites Underground storage tank sites located in Napa county. Date of Government Version: 11/28/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/30/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: Napa County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-253-4269 Last EDR Contact: 11/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NEVADA COUNTY: CUPA NEVADA: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/08/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Community Development Agency Telephone: 530-265-1467 Last EDR Contact: 10/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies ORANGE COUNTY: IND_SITE ORANGE: List of Industrial Site Cleanups Petroleum and non-petroleum spills. TC5515609.2s Page GR-40 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/14/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact: 11/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually LUST ORANGE: List of Underground Storage Tank Cleanups Orange County Underground Storage Tank Cleanups (LUST). Date of Government Version: 10/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/14/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact: 11/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly UST ORANGE: List of Underground Storage Tank Facilities Orange County Underground Storage Tank Facilities (UST). Date of Government Version: 10/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/06/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact: 11/06/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PLACER COUNTY: MS PLACER: Master List of Facilities List includes aboveground tanks, underground tanks and cleanup sites. Date of Government Version: 09/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/06/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Placer County Health and Human Services Telephone: 530-745-2363 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually PLUMAS COUNTY: CUPA PLUMAS: CUPA Facility List Plumas County CUPA Program facilities. Date of Government Version: 07/19/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Plumas County Environmental Health Telephone: 530-283-6355 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies RIVERSIDE COUNTY: LUST RIVERSIDE: Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Riverside County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST). Date of Government Version: 10/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 4 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 951-358-5055 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5515609.2s Page GR-41 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING UST RIVERSIDE: Underground Storage Tank Tank List Underground storage tank sites located in Riverside county. Date of Government Version: 10/10/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 951-358-5055 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SACRAMENTO COUNTY: CS SACRAMENTO: Toxic Site Clean-Up List List of sites where unauthorized releases of potentially hazardous materials have occurred. Date of Government Version: 08/03/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Sacramento County Environmental Management Telephone: 916-875-8406 Last EDR Contact: 10/02/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly ML SACRAMENTO: Master Hazardous Materials Facility List Any business that has hazardous materials on site - hazardous material storage sites, underground storage tanks, waste generators. Date of Government Version: 08/23/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/02/2018 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Sacramento County Environmental Management Telephone: 916-875-8406 Last EDR Contact: 10/02/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SAN BENITO COUNTY: CUPA SAN BENITO: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 11/15/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/16/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: San Benito County Environmental Health Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: PERMITS SAN BERNARDINO: Hazardous Material Permits This listing includes underground storage tanks, medical waste handlers/generators, hazardous materials handlers, hazardous waste generators, and waste oil generators/handlers. Date of Government Version: 07/27/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2018 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: San Bernardino County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division Telephone: 909-387-3041 Last EDR Contact: 11/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SAN DIEGO COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-42 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING HMMD SAN DIEGO: Hazardous Materials Management Division Database The database includes: HE58 - This report contains the business name, site address, business phone number, establishment ’H’ permit number, type of permit, and the business status. HE17 - In addition to providing the same information provided in the HE58 listing, HE17 provides inspection dates, violations received by the establishment, hazardous waste generated, the quantity, method of storage, treatment/disposal of waste and the hauler, and information on underground storage tanks. Unauthorized Release List - Includes a summary of environmental contamination cases in San Diego County (underground tank cases, non-tank cases, groundwater contamination, and soil contamination are included.) Date of Government Version: 06/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/06/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/17/2018 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: Hazardous Materials Management Division Telephone: 619-338-2268 Last EDR Contact: 12/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LF SAN DIEGO: Solid Waste Facilities San Diego County Solid Waste Facilities. Date of Government Version: 04/18/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/24/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/19/2018 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 619-338-2209 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SAN DIEGO CO LOP: Local Oversight Program Listing A listing of all LOP release sites that are or were under the County of San Diego’s jurisdiction. Included are closed or transferred cases, open cases, and cases that did not have a case type indicated. The cases without a case type are mostly complaints; however, some of them could be LOP cases. Date of Government Version: 10/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 858-505-6874 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SAN DIEGO CO. SAM: Environmental Case Listing The listing contains all underground tank release cases and projects pertaining to properties contaminated with hazardous substances that are actively under review by the Site Assessment and Mitigation Program. Date of Government Version: 03/23/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/15/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: San Diego County Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 619-338-2371 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY: LUST SAN FRANCISCO: Local Oversite Facilities A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in San Francisco county. Date of Government Version: 09/19/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/19/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/29/2008 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Department Of Public Health San Francisco County Telephone: 415-252-3920 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly UST SAN FRANCISCO: Underground Storage Tank Information Underground storage tank sites located in San Francisco county. TC5515609.2s Page GR-43 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 11/05/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/06/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 415-252-3920 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY: UST SAN JOAQUIN: San Joaquin Co. UST A listing of underground storage tank locations in San Joaquin county. Date of Government Version: 06/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/11/2018 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Environmental Health Department Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY: CUPA SAN LUIS OBISPO: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility List. Date of Government Version: 11/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/15/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department Telephone: 805-781-5596 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SAN MATEO COUNTY: BI SAN MATEO: Business Inventory List includes Hazardous Materials Business Plan, hazardous waste generators, and underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 09/18/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/20/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: San Mateo County Environmental Health Services Division Telephone: 650-363-1921 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually LUST SAN MATEO: Fuel Leak List A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in San Mateo county. Date of Government Version: 09/18/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/20/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/17/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: San Mateo County Environmental Health Services Division Telephone: 650-363-1921 Last EDR Contact: 09/10/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/24/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SANTA BARBARA COUNTY: CUPA SANTA BARBARA: CUPA Facility Listing CUPA Program Listing from the Environmental Health Services division. Date of Government Version: 09/08/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/09/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/07/2011 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Telephone: 805-686-8167 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SANTA CLARA COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-44 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA SANTA CLARA: Cupa Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 11/16/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/16/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2018 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 408-918-1973 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies HIST LUST SANTA CLARA: HIST LUST - Fuel Leak Site Activity Report A listing of open and closed leaking underground storage tanks. This listing is no longer updated by the county. Leaking underground storage tanks are now handled by the Department of Environmental Health. Date of Government Version: 03/29/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/30/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/21/2005 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Santa Clara Valley Water District Telephone: 408-265-2600 Last EDR Contact: 03/23/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST SANTA CLARA: LOP Listing A listing of leaking underground storage tanks located in Santa Clara county. Date of Government Version: 03/03/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/05/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/18/2014 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 408-918-3417 Last EDR Contact: 11/21/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually SAN JOSE HAZMAT: Hazardous Material Facilities Hazardous material facilities, including underground storage tank sites. Date of Government Version: 11/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/06/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: City of San Jose Fire Department Telephone: 408-535-7694 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually SANTA CRUZ COUNTY: CUPA SANTA CRUZ: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility listing. Date of Government Version: 01/21/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/23/2017 Number of Days to Update: 90 Source: Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Telephone: 831-464-2761 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SHASTA COUNTY: CUPA SHASTA: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility List. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/19/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2017 Number of Days to Update: 51 Source: Shasta County Department of Resource Management Telephone: 530-225-5789 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SOLANO COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-45 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING LUST SOLANO: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Solano county. Date of Government Version: 08/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/17/2018 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: Solano County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-784-6770 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly UST SOLANO: Underground Storage Tanks Underground storage tank sites located in Solano county. Date of Government Version: 11/29/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Solano County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-784-6770 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SONOMA COUNTY: CUPA SONOMA: Cupa Facility List Cupa Facility list Date of Government Version: 09/24/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/16/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: County of Sonoma Fire & Emergency Services Department Telephone: 707-565-1174 Last EDR Contact: 09/24/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies LUST SONOMA: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Sonoma county. Date of Government Version: 10/02/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/04/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/25/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 707-565-6565 Last EDR Contact: 09/24/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/07/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly STANISLAUS COUNTY: CUPA STANISLAUS: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 08/14/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/16/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/24/2018 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Stanislaus County Department of Ennvironmental Protection Telephone: 209-525-6751 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies SUTTER COUNTY: UST SUTTER: Underground Storage Tanks Underground storage tank sites located in Sutter county. Date of Government Version: 09/18/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/20/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/25/2018 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Sutter County Department of Agriculture Telephone: 530-822-7500 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TEHAMA COUNTY: TC5515609.2s Page GR-46 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA TEHAMA: CUPA Facility List Cupa facilities Date of Government Version: 07/17/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/02/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/07/2018 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Tehama County Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 530-527-8020 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TRINITY COUNTY: CUPA TRINITY: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 10/22/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 760-352-0381 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TULARE COUNTY: CUPA TULARE: CUPA Facility List Cupa program facilities Date of Government Version: 09/13/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/14/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/19/2018 Number of Days to Update: 5 Source: Tulare County Environmental Health Services Division Telephone: 559-624-7400 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/18/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TUOLUMNE COUNTY: CUPA TUOLUMNE: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 04/23/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/25/2018 Number of Days to Update: 61 Source: Divison of Environmental Health Telephone: 209-533-5633 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies VENTURA COUNTY: BWT VENTURA: Business Plan, Hazardous Waste Producers, and Operating Underground Tanks The BWT list indicates by site address whether the Environmental Health Division has Business Plan (B), Waste Producer (W), and/or Underground Tank (T) information. Date of Government Version: 09/26/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2018 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Ventura County Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LF VENTURA: Inventory of Illegal Abandoned and Inactive Sites Ventura County Inventory of Closed, Illegal Abandoned, and Inactive Sites. TC5515609.2s Page GR-47 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/01/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/01/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/19/2012 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 10/01/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually LUST VENTURA: Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Ventura County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST). Date of Government Version: 05/29/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/24/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/31/2008 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 11/07/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly MED WASTE VENTURA: Medical Waste Program List To protect public health and safety and the environment from potential exposure to disease causing agents, the Environmental Health Division Medical Waste Program regulates the generation, handling, storage, treatment and disposal of medical waste throughout the County. Date of Government Version: 09/25/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2018 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Ventura County Resource Management Agency Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 10/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly UST VENTURA: Underground Tank Closed Sites List Ventura County Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites (UST)/Underground Tank Closed Sites List. Date of Government Version: 09/04/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/12/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2018 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly YOLO COUNTY: UST YOLO: Underground Storage Tank Comprehensive Facility Report Underground storage tank sites located in Yolo county. Date of Government Version: 10/15/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/19/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Yolo County Department of Health Telephone: 530-666-8646 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/14/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually YUBA COUNTY: CUPA YUBA: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility listing for Yuba County. Date of Government Version: 11/05/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/07/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/14/2018 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: Yuba County Environmental Health Department Telephone: 530-749-7523 Last EDR Contact: 10/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5515609.2s Page GR-48 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 11/12/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/14/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/04/2018 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Telephone: 860-424-3375 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NJ MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/13/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/01/2018 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 10/09/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/21/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2018 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/01/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/31/2018 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8651 Last EDR Contact: 10/31/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/11/2019 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/27/2018 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: 717-783-8990 Last EDR Contact: 10/15/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/28/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually RI MANIFEST: Manifest information Hazardous waste manifest information Date of Government Version: 12/31/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/23/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 401-222-2797 Last EDR Contact: 11/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/04/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/15/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/09/2018 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/07/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/2019 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC5515609.2s Page GR-49 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Oil/Gas Pipelines Source: PennWell Corporation Petroleum Bundle (Crude Oil, Refined Products, Petrochemicals, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)) N = Natural Gas Bundle (Natural Gas, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)). This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: PennWell Corporation This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Licensed Facilities Source: Department of Social Services Telephone: 916-657-4041 Flood Zone Data: This data was obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. It includes the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) which incorporates Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data and Q3 data from FEMA in areas not covered by NFHL. Source: FEMA Telephone: 877-336-2627 Date of Government Version: 2003, 2015 NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: Department of Fish and Wildlife Telephone: 916-445-0411 TC5515609.2s Page GR-50 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC5515609.2s Page GR-51 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING TC5515609.2s Page A-1 geologic strata. of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics 2. Groundwater flow velocity. 1. Groundwater flow direction, and Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principle investigative components: forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in 2012Version Date: 5620426 GUASTI, CAWest Map: 2012Version Date: 5619058 FONTANA, CATarget Property Map: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 972 ft. above sea levelElevation: 3766468.5UTM Y (Meters): 455601.6UTM X (Meters): Zone 11Universal Tranverse Mercator: 117.480985 - 117˚ 28’ 51.55’’Longitude (West): 34.039708 - 34˚ 2’ 22.95’’Latitude (North): TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES FONTANA, CA 92337 LIVE OAK AVE APN 0237-411-14 TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM® TC5515609.2s Page A-2 should be field verified. on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES El e v a t i o n ( f t ) El e v a t i o n ( f t ) TP TP 0 1/2 1 Miles✩Target Property Elevation: 972 ft. North South West East 11 9 2 13 3 9 14 3 7 11 9 0 11 3 3 10 4 1 99 896 1 98 3 97 2 10 7 0 98 1 94 2 94 2 95 2 96 2 97 2 98 3 98 7 88 1 88 2 88 5 88 9 89 9 90 0 90 3 90 8 92 2 97 2 11 9 4 13 1 6 13 1 3 11 6 6 10 4 1 10 0 6 99 9 99 5 10 0 4 General WestGeneral Topographic Gradient: TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5515609.2s Page A-3 Not Reported GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. Not found Status: 1.25 miles Search Radius: Site-Specific Hydrogeological Data*: * ©1996 Site-specific hydrogeological data gathered by CERCLIS Alerts, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA. All rights reserved. All of the information and opinions presented are those of the cited EPA report(s), which were completed under a Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) investigation. contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapFONTANA NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic Data CoverageNWI Quad at Target Property FEMA FIRM Flood data06065C0039G FEMA FIRM Flood data06065C0038G Additional Panels in search area:FEMA Source Type FEMA FIRM Flood data06071C8665H Flood Plain Panel at Target Property FEMA Source Type FEMA FLOOD ZONE and bodies of water). Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5515609.2s Page A-4 Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Stratifed SequenceCategory:CenozoicEra: QuaternarySystem: QuaternarySeries: QCode: (decoded above as Era, System & Series) at which contaminant migration may be occurring. Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 1 2 3 1 4 0 1/16 1/8 1/4 Miles TC5515609.2s Page A-6 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reported and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granular bedrock weathered18 inches14 inches 3 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reported and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam14 inches 7 inches 2 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reported and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: ModerateCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: textures. moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep,Hydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 1 in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5515609.2s Page A-7 Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: textures. moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep,Hydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 3 Min: 6.1 Max: 7.8 Min: 42 Max: 141 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED Sand. Gravel and Fragments, 200), Stone passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularloamy sand59 inches18 inches 2 Min: 6.1 Max: 7.8 Min: 42 Max: 141 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED Sand. Gravel and Fragments, 200), Stone passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granular sand gravelly loamy18 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: ModerateCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: excessively drained sands and gravels. Class A - High infiltration rates. Soils are deep, well drained toHydrologic Group: gravelly loamy sandSoil Surface Texture: TUJUNGASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 2 ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5515609.2s Page A-8 > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: ModerateCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: textures. moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep,Hydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: HanfordSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 4 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reported and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granular bedrock weathered18 inches14 inches 3 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reported and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam14 inches 7 inches 2 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reported and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: ModerateCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5515609.2s Page A-9 Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. No PWS System Found FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID No Wells Found FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1.000State Database Nearest PWS within 0.001 milesFederal FRDS PWS 1.000Federal USGS WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION SEARCH DISTANCE (miles)DATABASE opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS Min: 5.6 Max: 7.8 Min: 14 Max: 42 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularfine sandy loam59 inches11 inches 2 Min: 5.6 Max: 7.8 Min: 14 Max: 42 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam11 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5515609.2s Page A-10 1/2 - 1 Mile NWCADW60000003882 1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 96 0 9 2 0 92 0 11 2 01080 10 4 0 10 40 1 0 00 1000 960 9 60 9 20 9 2 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 40 8 00 960 960 960 1360 1320 1280 1 2 4 012 4 0 1 480 1440 8 8 0 8 8 0 1 400 9 20 920 9 2 0 920 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 60 960 960 1 7 20 1 680 1 400 1 6 40 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 1 6 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1040 1040 1040 1120 1 4 00 16 40 16 0 0 16 0 0 15 6 0 1 5 6 0 1 5 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 4 801480 1 4 80 1 4 80 9 60 1 480 14 4 01440 1 4 4 0 1 440 8 8 0 1 400 1400 1 40 0 1400 1 360 1360 1 3 6 0 1 36 0 13 60 15 2 0 1 320 1 3 2 0 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 13 2 0 1 480 1 2 80 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1280 1 440 1 240 12 4 0 1 2 4 0 1240 1240 1240 1 2 4 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 1200 1 2 0 0 1200 1 2 0 0 1 160 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 1 16 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 11 6 0 1 1 6 0 1120 1 12 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 20 11 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1120 1120920 8 80 1 3 6 0 1 3 60 1 3 2 0 1 3 20 128 0 1280 1240 1240 1200 1 2 00 1 1 6 0 1 160 1 1120 1120 1 0 8 0 1080 1080 1080 10 80 1080 10 8 0 1 08 0 1 0 8 0 1080 1 0 8 0 1 0 4 0 1 040 1040 1040 1 040 1 0 0 0 1 0 00 1000 1000 1000 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 96 0 9 2 0 920 9 2 0 9 2 0 92 0 8 0 0 84 0 840 8 8 0 880 8 8 CA TC5515609.2s Page A-12 CADW60000003882Site id: Southern Region OfficeDwr region:80238Dwr region id: ChinoBasin desc:’8-2.01’Basin code: San BernardinoCounty name:36County id: ObservationWell use descrip:1Well use id: ’CHINO-1207068’Local well name:Not ReportedState well numbe: 340481N1174911W001Site code:-117.491095Longitude: 34.048091Latitude:3882Objectid: 1 NW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower CADW60000003882CA WELLS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5515609.2s Page A-13 Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedBasement Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedLiving Area - 2nd Floor 0%0%100%0.678 pCi/LLiving Area - 1st Floor % >20 pCi/L% 4-20 pCi/L% <4 pCi/LAverage ActivityArea Number of sites tested: 18 Federal Area Radon Information for SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Federal EPA Radon Zone for SAN BERNARDINO County: 2 0392337 ______________________ > 4 pCi/LNum TestsZipcode Radon Test Results State Database: CA Radon AREA RADON INFORMATION GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON ® TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data was obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. It includes the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) which incorporates Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data and Q3 data from FEMA in areas not covered by NFHL. Source: FEMA Telephone: 877-336-2627 Date of Government Version: 2003, 2015 NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: Department of Fish and Wildlife Telephone: 916-445-0411 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOW Information SystemR Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC5515609.2s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS Water Well Database Source: Department of Water Resources Telephone: 916-651-9648 California Drinking Water Quality Database Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 916-324-2319 The database includes all drinking water compliance and special studies monitoring for the state of California since 1984. It consists of over 3,200,000 individual analyses along with well and water system information. OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION California Oil and Gas Well Locations Source: Department of Conservation Telephone: 916-323-1779 Oil and Gas well locations in the state. California Earthquake Fault Lines Source: California Division of Mines and Geology The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary fault lines prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey. Additional information (also from 1975) regarding activity at specific fault lines comes from California’s Preliminary Fault Activity Map prepared by the California Division of Mines and Geology. RADON State Database: CA Radon Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 916-210-8558 Radon Database for California Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. TC5515609.2s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration California Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary fault lines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey. Additional information (also from 1975) regarding activity at specific fault lines comes from California’s Preliminary Fault Activity Map prepared by the California Division of Mines and Geology. STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC5515609.2s Page PSGR-3 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED APPENDIX C 3URSHUW\,QIRUPDWLRQ APPENDIX D Agency Records Department of Toxic Substances Control Barbara A. Lee, Director 5796 Corporate Avenue Cypress, California 90630 Matthew Rodriquez Secretary for Environmental Protection Edmund G. Brown Jr. Governor December 19, 2018 Ms. Nicole Peacock Dudek Encinitas npeacock@dudek.com 0237-14-000 Fontana PR4-121718-02 Dear: Ms. Peacock: We have received your Public Records Act Request for records from Department of Toxic Substances Control. After a, thorough review of our files we have found that, no such records exist at this office pertaining to the sites/facilities referenced above. We would like to inform you about Envirostor, a database that provides information and documents on over 5,000 DTSC cleanup sites. Envirostor can be accessed at: http://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public. If you have any questions, would like further information regarding your request, please contact our Regional Records Coordinator at (714) 484-5336. future request please: fax: 714.484.5318 or email both: Jone.Barrio@dtsc.ca.gov & Julie.Johnson@dtsc.ca.gov Sincerely, Jone Barrio, Happy Holidays 😊 Jone Barrio Regional Records Coordinator Cypress Administrative Services Printed on Recycled Paper 1 Nicole Peacock From:WB-RB8-FileReview8 <FileReview8@waterboards.ca.gov> Sent:Monday, December 24, 2018 2:51 PM To:Nicole Peacock Subject:RE: Records Request Good  afternoon,    Unfortunately we do not use APN numbers or cross streets to maintain our files. We only use facility names and/or  physical address numbers to locate files. If you can provide a numerical address or facility name, we can carry out your  request.   If we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again.     File Review Desk  3737 Main St. Suite 500  Riverside, CA 92501        From: Nicole Peacock <npeacock@dudek.com>   Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 3:06 PM  To: WB‐RB8‐FileReview8 <FileReview8@waterboards.ca.gov>  Subject: Records Request    Hi,    I would like any files you have for APN 0237‐411‐14‐0000 in Fontana.  There is no known address for the site.  Thanks      NICOLE PEACOCK, P.E., P.G. SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER DUDEK ENGINEERING + ENVIRONMENTAL 605 THIRD STREET ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 T 760-479-4152 C 760-419-5592 F 760-942-5206 WWW.DUDEK.COM PLEASE NOTE: Dudek & Associates uses an email filter to clean viruses and filter Spam. Please take the time to verify receipt of any important or time-sensitive email sent to us.   1 Nicole Peacock From:Susana Gallardo <sgallardo@fontana.org> Sent:Thursday, December 20, 2018 8:14 AM To:Nicole Peacock Cc:Karen Porlas; Kimberly Solorio Subject:RE: Online Form Submittal: Public Records Request Form Good morning,   The City Clerk’s Office received your request on December 18, 2018. The following information is in response:      The City of Fontana does not have any responsive records for  APN 0237‐411‐14‐0000.    Should you have questions concerning this email transmittal, please do not hesitate to contact me.           Susana Gallardo   Administrative Clerk II • City Clerk's Office   sgallardo@fontana.org • Office: (909) 350‐6714  From: noreply@civicplus.com <noreply@civicplus.com>   Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 3:11 PM  To: Clerks <Clerks@fontana.org>  Subject: Online Form Submittal: Public Records Request Form    Public Records Request Form The City of Fontana is subject to the California Public Records Act (Government Code Sections 6250-6276.48) and must respond to all records requests in accordance with these statutes. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6253(c), "Each agency, upon a request for a copy of records, shall, within 10 days from receipt of the request, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the agency and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefore." If more than 10 days are needed to determine if your records request will be complied with, you will be notified per Government Code Section 6253(c) advising that an extension is needed. Would you like to add an  attachment?  No 2 Enter request for a copy of  the public records  Hi, I would like any historical permits for APN 0237-411-14- 0000 in Fontana. I do not know of an address associated with the parcel. thanks Requestor Contact Information Name Nicole Peacock Date 12/18/2018 Phone 7604794152 Email npeacock@dudek.com Street Address 605 Third Street City Encinitas State California Zip Code 92024 (Section Break) Copy Fees (Make check payable to City Of Fontana) Electronic copies are provided at no cost Election Filing Forms : $0.10 per page Black & White Photocopies (Using Copier Feeder) : $0.20 for the 1st page and $0.05 per additional page Black & White Photocopies (Manual on Flatbed): $0.20 per page Color Photocopies (Using Copier Feeder) : $0.50 for the 1st page and $0.40 per additional page Color Photocopies (Manual on Flatbed): $0.50 per page Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.   APPENDIX E Site Photographs APPENDIX E Site Photographs 11566 E-1 January 2019 Photograph 1 – Photograph showing the northern portion of the subject property. Village Drive is in the foreground and Live Oak Avenue is to the right. Photograph 2 – Photograph showing the western portion of the subject property and the western- adjacent park (left). Photograph 3 – Photograph showing the southern portion of the subject property. Note the southern-adjacent residential housing in the background. Photograph 4 – Photograph showing the subject property access gate located on the northern portion of the subject property. APPENDIX E (Continued) 11317 E-2 Photograph 5 – Photograph showing the fencing located on the northwestern portion of the subject property. Photograph 6 – Looking south from the eastern portion of the subject property. Note the steep terrain of the eastern-adjacent property (left). Photograph 7 – Photograph showing the eastern- adjacent steep rock wall. Photograph 8 – Photograph showing Village Drive and the northern-adjacent residential housing (right) and the police and fire station (background). APPENDIX E (Continued) 11317 E-3 Photograph 9 – Photograph showing Live Oak Avenue and the western-adjacent day care facility. Photograph 10 – Photograph showing the southern-adjacent residential housing. Photograph 11 – Photograph showing the southwestern-adjacent residential housing. Photograph 12 – Photograph showing the eastern-adjacent abandoned quarry. APPENDIX E (Continued) 11317 E-4 Photograph 13 – Looking south on the western portion of the subject property showing the western-adjacent park (right) and the subject property (left). Photograph 14 – Looking north from the western portion of the subject property showing the western-adjacent park and remnants of a dirt bike track (left). Photograph 15 – Photograph showing concrete debris observed on the subject property. Photograph 16 – Photograph showing concrete debris observed on the subject property. APPENDIX E (Continued) 11317 E-5 Photograph 17 – Photograph showing railroad ties and fencing materials located on the northern portion of the subject property. Photograph 18 – Photograph showing a PVC pipeline located on the southwestern portion of the subject property. APPENDIX ) Aerial Photographs The EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Inquiry Number: December 19, 2018 5515609.8 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com 2016 1"=500'Flight Year: 2016 USDA/NAIP 2012 1"=500'Flight Year: 2012 USDA/NAIP 2009 1"=500'Flight Year: 2009 USDA/NAIP 2006 1"=500'Flight Year: 2006 USDA/NAIP 1994 1"=500'Acquisition Date: June 01, 1994 USGS/DOQQ 1990 1"=500'Flight Date: September 06, 1990 USDA 1985 1"=500'Flight Date: September 13, 1985 USDA 1975 1"=500'Flight Date: August 01, 1975 USGS 1967 1"=500'Flight Date: May 15, 1967 USDA 1959 1"=500'Flight Date: October 15, 1959 USDA 1953 1"=500'Flight Date: January 31, 1953 USDA 1948 1"=500'Flight Date: July 10, 1948 USGS 1938 1"=500'Flight Date: June 14, 1938 USDA EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package 12/19/18 APN 0237-411-14 Site Name:Client Name: Dudek & Associates LIVE OAK AVE 605 Third Street FONTANA, CA 92337 Encinitas, CA 92024 EDR Inquiry #5515609.8 Contact:Audrey Herschberger Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade. Search Results: Year Scale Details Source When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2018 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 5515609 8-page 2 5515609.8 2016 = 500' 5515609.8 2012 = 500' 5515609.8 2009 = 500' 5515609.8 2006 = 500' 5515609.8 1994 = 500' 5515609.8 1990 = 500' 5515609.8 1985 = 500' 5515609.8 1975 = 500' 5515609.8 1967 = 500' 5515609.8 1959 = 500' 5515609.8 1953 = 500' 5515609.8 1948 = 500' 5515609.8 1938 = 500' APPENDIX * Topographic Maps EDR Historical Topo Map Report Inquiry Number: 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com with QuadMatch™ APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 December 18, 2018 5515609.4 EDR Historical Topo Map Report EDR Inquiry # Search Results: P.O.# Project: Maps Provided: Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. page- Coordinates: Latitude: Longitude: UTM Zone: UTM X Meters: UTM Y Meters: Elevation: Contact: Site Name: Client Name: 2012 1980, 1981 1975, 1976 1973 1966, 1967 1954 1953 1942, 1944 1941, 1943 1901 1898, 1900 1896, 1897 12/18/18 APN 0237-411-14 Dudek & Associates LIVE OAK AVE 605 Third Street FONTANA, CA 92337 Encinitas, CA 92024 5515609.4 Audrey Herschberger EDR Topographic Map Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by Dudek & Associates were identified for the years listed below. EDR’s Historical Topo Map Report is designed to assist professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDRs Historical Topo Map Report includes a search of a collection of public and private color historical topographic maps, dating back to the late 1800s. NA 34.039708 34° 2' 23" North 11566 -117.480985 -117° 28' 52" West Zone 11 North 455602.56 3766663.05 971.52' above sea level This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2018 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. 5515609 4 2 page Topo Sheet Key This EDR Topo Map Report is based upon the following USGS topographic map sheets. - 2012 Source Sheets 2012 Guasti 7.5-minute, 24000 2012 Fontana 7.5-minute, 24000 1980, 1981 Source Sheets 1980 Fontana 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1978 1981 Guasti 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1978 1975, 1976 Source Sheets 1975 SAN BERNARDINO 15-minute, 50000 1976 ONTARIO 15-minute, 50000 1973 Source Sheets 1973 Guasti 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1973 1973 Fontana 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1973 5515609 4 3 page Topo Sheet Key This EDR Topo Map Report is based upon the following USGS topographic map sheets. - 1966, 1967 Source Sheets 1966 Guasti 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1966 1967 Fontana 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1966 1954 Source Sheets 1954 Ontario 15-minute, 62500 1954 San Bernardino 15-minute, 62500 Aerial Photo Revised 1952 1953 Source Sheets 1953 Fontana 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1952 1953 Guasti 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1952 1942, 1944 Source Sheets 1942 SAN BERNARDINO 15-minute, 50000 1944 CUCAMONGA 15-minute, 50000 5515609 4 4 page Topo Sheet Key This EDR Topo Map Report is based upon the following USGS topographic map sheets. - 1941, 1943 Source Sheets 1941 GUASTI VICINITY 7.5-minute, 31680 1943 Fontana 7.5-minute, 31680 1901 Source Sheets 1901 San Bernardino 15-minute, 62500 1898, 1900 Source Sheets 1898 San Bernardino 15-minute, 62500 1900 Cucamonga 15-minute, 62500 1896, 1897 Source Sheets 1896 San Bernardino 15-minute, 62500 1897 Cucamonga 15-minute, 62500 5515609 4 5 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 2012 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, Fontana, 2012, 7.5-minute W, Guasti, 2012, 7.5-minute 5515609 4 6 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1980, 1981 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, Fontana, 1980, 7.5-minute W, Guasti, 1981, 7.5-minute 5515609 4 7 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1975, 1976 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, SAN BERNARDINO, 1975, 15-minute NW, ONTARIO, 1976, 15-minute 5515609 4 8 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1973 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, Fontana, 1973, 7.5-minute W, Guasti, 1973, 7.5-minute 5515609 4 9 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1966, 1967 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, Fontana, 1967, 7.5-minute W, Guasti, 1966, 7.5-minute 5515609 4 10 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1954 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, San Bernardino, 1954, 15-minute NW, Ontario, 1954, 15-minute 5515609 4 11 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1953 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, Fontana, 1953, 7.5-minute W, Guasti, 1953, 7.5-minute 5515609 4 12 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1942, 1944 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, SAN BERNARDINO, 1942, 15-minute NW, CUCAMONGA, 1944, 15-minute 5515609 4 13 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1941, 1943 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, Fontana, 1943, 7.5-minute NW, GUASTI VICINITY, 1941, 7.5-minute 5515609 4 14 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1901 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, San Bernardino, 1901, 15-minute 5515609 4 15 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1898, 1900 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, San Bernardino, 1898, 15-minute NW, Cucamonga, 1900, 15-minute 5515609 4 16 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1896, 1897 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Dudek & Associates TP, San Bernardino, 1896, 15-minute NW, Cucamonga, 1897, 15-minute 5515609 4 17 APPENDIX + Sanborn Maps and City Directory Certified Sanborn® Map Report Inquiry Number: 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 December 18, 2018 5515609.3 Certified Sanborn® Map Report Certified Sanborn Results: Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. page- The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million fire insurance maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow and others which track historical property usage in approximately 12,000 American cities and towns. Collections searched: Library of Congress University Publications of America EDR Private Collection The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866™ Limited Permission To Make Copies Sanborn® Library search results Contact:EDR Inquiry # Site Name: Client Name: Certification # PO # Project 12/18/18 LIVE OAK AVE APN 0237-411-14 Dudek & Associates 605 Third Street FONTANA, CA 92337 5515609.3 Encinitas, CA 92024 Audrey Herschberger The Sanborn Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by Dudek & Associates were identified for the years listed below. The Sanborn Library is the largest, most complete collection of fire insurance maps. The collection includes maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow, and others. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by the Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection. Results can be authenticated by visiting www.edrnet.com/sanborn. The Sanborn Library is continually enhanced with newly identified map archives. This report accesses all maps in the collection as of the day this report was generated. 9FDF-430D-BC00 NA UNMAPPED PROPERTY 11566 This report certifies that the complete holdings of the Sanborn Library, LLC collection have been searched based on client supplied target property information, and fire insurance maps covering the target property were not found. Certification #: 9FDF-430D-BC00 Dudek & Associates (the client) is permitted to make up to FIVE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request. This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2018 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. 5515609 3 2 APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Inquiry Number: 5515609.5 December 18, 2018 The EDR-City Directory Abstract 6 Armstrong Road Shelton, CT 06484 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.comEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Executive Summary Findings City Directory Images Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2017 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Environmental Data Resources, Inc.’s (EDR) City Directory Abstract is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s City Directory Abstract includes a search and abstract of available city directory data. For each address, the directory lists the name of the corresponding occupant at five year intervals. Business directories including city, cross reference and telephone directories were reviewed, if available, at approximately five year intervals for the years spanning 1922 through 2014. This report compiles information gathered in this review by geocoding the latitude and longitude of properties identified and gathering information about properties within 660 feet of the target property. A summary of the information obtained is provided in the text of this report. RECORD SOURCES EDR's Digital Archive combines historical directory listings from sources such as Cole Information and Dun & Bradstreet. These standard sources of property information complement and enhance each other to provide a more comprehensive report. EDR is licensed to reproduce certain City Directory works by the copyright holders of those works. The purchaser of this EDR City Directory Report may include it in report(s) delivered to a customer. Reproduction of City Directories without permission of the publisher or licensed vendor may be a violation of copyright. RESEARCH SUMMARY The following research sources were consulted in the preparation of this report. An "X" indicates where information was identified in the source and provided in this report. Source TPYear Adjoining Text Abstract Source Image 2014 EDR Digital Archive ---- 2010 EDR Digital Archive ---- 2008 Haines Company, Inc.-X X - 2003 Haines & Co Publishers -X X - 2002 Cole Information Services ---- 1996 GTE ---- 1995 GTE Directories ---- 1991 GTE California Incorporated ---- 1990 GTE California Incorporated ---- 1985 GTE ---- 1981 General Telephone Company of California ---- 5515609-5 Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Source TPYear Adjoining Text Abstract Source Image 1980 GTE ---- 1975 Pacific Telephone Co ---- 1970 General Telephone Company of California ---- 1965 GTE ---- 1964 Luskey Brothers & Co ---- 1961 Luskey Brothers& Co Publishers ---- 1960 Luskey Brothers & Co Publishers ---- 1956 General Telephone Company Publishers ---- 1955 Luskey Brothers Co Publishers ---- 1951 Los Angeles Directory Co Publishers ---- 1950 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co ---- 1949 San Bernardino Directory Co. Publishers ---- 1946 Los Angeles Directory Company Publishers ---- 1945 Southern Califronia Telephone Company ---- 1942 San Bernardino Directory Co Publisher ---- 1941 Associated Telephone Company Limited ---- 1940 Los Angeles Directory Co.---- 1938 Los Angeles Directory Co.---- 1936 San Bernardino Directory Co Publisher ---- 1934 Los Angeles Directory Co.---- 1931 Los Angeles Directory Co.---- 1930 San Bernardino Directory Co Publisher ---- 1926 Los Angeles Directory Co.---- 1923 Los Angeles Directory Company ---- 1922 R.L. Polk & Co Publishers ---- 5515609-5 Page 2 FINDINGS TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 FINDINGS DETAIL Target Property research detail. 5515609-5 Page 3 FINDINGS ADJOINING PROPERTY DETAIL The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report. Detailed findings are provided for each address. CARDINAL CT 11812 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 GRASSKOPF BO Lisa Haines Company, Inc. 2003 GRASSKOPFBO Lisa Haines & Co Publishers 11813 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 GUERRA Rodolfo Haines Company, Inc. 2003 GUERRA Rodolfo Haines & Co Publishers 11816 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 PRECIADO Christine Haines Company, Inc. 2003 BANSAL Sumati Haines & Co Publishers 11817 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 MURPHY Gerry Haines Company, Inc. 2003 MURPHY Gerry Haines & Co Publishers 11821 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 MACHUCA Evelyn Haines Company, Inc. 2003 FAISAL Muhammad Haines & Co Publishers 11825 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 DEWIANA Christi Haines Company, Inc. PAKASI A Haines Company, Inc. 2003 DEWIANA Christi Haines & Co Publishers 11829 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 KIRATA Josefina Haines Company, Inc. 2003 KIRATA Roberto Haines & Co Publishers 5515609-5 Page 4 Year Uses Source FINDINGS 11833 CARDINAL CT Year Uses Source 2008 NKWEWO Azise Haines Company, Inc. 2003 VALADEZ Manuel Haines & Co Publishers 5515609-5 Page 5 FINDINGS ADJOINING PROPERTY: ADDRESSES NOT IDENTIFIED IN RESEARCH SOURCE The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report, and the addresses were not identified in research source. Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 11812 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 11813 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 11816 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 11817 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 11821 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 11825 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 11829 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 11833 CARDINAL CT 2014, 2010, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS NOT IDENTIFIED IN RESEARCH SOURCE The following Target Property addresses were researched for this report, and the addresses were not identified in the research source. Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source LIVE OAK AVE 2014, 2010, 2008, 2003, 2002, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1990, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1964, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1926, 1923, 1922 APPENDIX I EDR Vapor Encroachment Screen neercS tnemhcaorcnE ropaV RDE teehskroW tnemhcaorcnE ropaV s’RDE gnisu deraperP 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 Inquiry Number: 5515609.2s January 8, 2019 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Primary Map 2 Secondary Map 3 Map Findings 4 Record Sources and Currency GR-1 Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice The EDR Vapor Encroachment Worksheet enables EDR's customers to make certain online modifications that effects maps, text and calculations contained in this Report. As a result, maps, text and calculations contained in this Report may have been so modified. EDR has not taken any action to verify any such modifications, and this report and the findings set forth herein must be read in light of this fact. Environmental Data Resources shall not be responsible for any customer's decision to include or not include in any final report any records determined to be within the relevant minimum search distances. This report contains information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANYSUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES.ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, or risk codes provided in this report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can produce information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2019 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS TC Page 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by EDR. The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of the ASTM Standard Practice for Assessment of Vapor Encroachment into Structures on Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions (E 2600). STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Default Area of Concern (Miles)*pr o p e r t y 1/ 1 0 > 1 / 1 0 Federal NPL site list 1.0 0 0 0 Federal Delisted NPL site list 1.0 0 0 0 Federal CERCLIS list 0.5 0 0 0 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list 0.5 0 0 0 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 1.0 0 0 0 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0.5 0 0 0 Federal RCRA generators list 0.25 0 0 0 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0.5 0 0 0 Federal ERNS list 0.001 0 0 - State- and tribal - equivalent NPL 1.0 0 0 0 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 1.0 0 0 0 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 0.5 0 0 0 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 0.5 0 0 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists 0.25 0 0 0 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries not searched --- State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0.5 0 0 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites 0.5 0 0 0 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0.5 0 0 0 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0.5 0 0 0 Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 1.0 0 0 0 Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks 0.25 0 0 0 Local Land Records 0.5 0 0 0 Records of Emergency Release Reports 0.5 0 0 0 Other Ascertainable Records 1.0 0 0 0 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 1.0 0 0 0 Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0.001 0 0 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 *The Default Area of Concern may be adjusted by the environmental professional using experience and professional judgement. Each category may include several databases, and each database may have a different distance. A list of individual databases is provided at the back of this report. EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES EDR Exclusive Records 1.0 0 0 0 Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0.001 0 0 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS APN 0237-411-14 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COORDINATES Latitude (North):34.039708 - 34° 2¢ 22.945862² Longitude (West):117.480985 - 117° 28¢ 51.555176² Elevation:972 ft. above sea level EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 SEARCH RESULTS Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Name Address Dist/Dir Map ID Page Not Reported Name Address Dist/Dir Map ID Page Not Reported Name Address Dist/Dir Map ID Page Not Reported Name Address Dist/Dir Map ID Page Not Reported EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 . BeginOC-start-Wetlands-BeginOC-startBeginOC-start-- State Wetlands-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- State WetlandsBeginOC-start-- National Wetlands Inventory-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- National Wetlands InventoryBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-WetlandsBeginOC-start-Water-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-WaterBeginOC-start-Areas of Concern-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Areas of ConcernBeginOC-start-Power Transmission Lines / Oil & Gas Pipelines-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Power Transmission Lines / Oil & Gas PipelinesBeginOC-start-Flood Zones-BeginOC-startBeginOC-start-- 500 Year Zone-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- 500 Year ZoneBeginOC-start-- 100 Year Zone-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- 100 Year ZoneBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Flood ZonesBeginOC-start-County Lines-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-County LinesBeginOC-start-Streets-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-StreetsBeginOC-start-Railroads-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-RailroadsBeginOC-start-Target Property Location-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Target Property LocationBeginOC-start-Federal DOD Records-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Federal DOD RecordsBeginOC-start-Indian Reservations BIA-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Indian Reservations BIABeginOC-start-National Priority List Records-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-National Priority List RecordsBeginOC-start-Search Rings-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Search Rings . BeginOC-start-Wetlands-BeginOC-startBeginOC-start-- State Wetlands-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- State WetlandsBeginOC-start-- National Wetlands Inventory-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- National Wetlands InventoryBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-WetlandsBeginOC-start-Water-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-WaterBeginOC-start-Areas of Concern-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Areas of ConcernBeginOC-start-Power Transmission Lines / Oil & Gas Pipelines-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Power Transmission Lines / Oil & Gas PipelinesBeginOC-start-Flood Zones-BeginOC-startBeginOC-start-- 500 Year Zone-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- 500 Year ZoneBeginOC-start-- 100 Year Zone-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-- 100 Year ZoneBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Flood ZonesBeginOC-start-County Lines-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-County LinesBeginOC-start-Streets-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-StreetsBeginOC-start-Railroads-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-RailroadsBeginOC-start-Contour Lines-BeginOC-start BeginOC-start-Contour Lines-OffBeginOC-start 0 9 2 0 11 20 1080 1080 1 0 4 0 10 40 1000 0 920 0 8 40 96 0 960 960 1360 13 20 1280 1 2 4 012 4 0 1480 14 40 8 8 0 8 8 0 1400 9 20 920 9 2 0 920 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 960 9 6 0 1 7 20 1 6801400 1 200 1640 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 000 1000 1000 1000 1 1 6 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1040 1040 0 1120 1 400 16 40 1 6 0 0 16 0 0 15 6 0 1 5 6 0 1 52 0 1 5 2 0 1 4 80 14 80 14 8 0 1 4 80 9 60 1 480 14 401440 1 4 4 0 1 440 8 8 0 1 400 1400 1 4 00 1400 1360 1360 1 3 6 0 1 3 6 0 13 6 0 1 320 13 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 3 20 1 3 20 1320 1 2 80 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1 2 8 0 1280 1 240 1 24 0 12 4 0 1240 124 0 1240 1 2 4 0 12 0 0 1 2 00 1 2 0 0 1 2 00 1200 1 2 00 1200 1 2 0 1 160 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 1 16 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 0 11 6 0 1 1 11 1 1 2 0 11 2 0 1 1 2 0 11 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1120 1 3 6 1 3 6 13 2 0 1 3 1281280 1240 124 0 1 2 0 0 12 0 0 11 60 1160 1120 1120 1 0 8 0 1080 1080 108 10 80 1080 10 8 0 1 0 8 0 1 0 8 0 1080 1 0 8 0 1 0 4 0 1 040 1040 104 1 040 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000 9 6 0 9 6 0 960 9 2 0 920 92 0 8 0 0 84 0 840 8 8 0 880 BeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Contour LinesBeginOC-start-Target Property Location-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Target Property LocationBeginOC-start-Federal DOD Records-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Federal DOD RecordsBeginOC-start-Indian Reservations BIA-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Indian Reservations BIABeginOC-start-National Priority List Records-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-National Priority List RecordsBeginOC-start-Search Rings-BeginOC-startBeginOC-end-BeginOC-end-Search Rings LEGEND DATABASE ACRONYM: Applicable categories (A hoverbox with database description). FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS, CITY, ST, ZIP EDR SITE ID NUMBER u MAP ID# Direction Distance Range (Distance feet / miles) Relative Elevation Feet Above Sea Level ASTM 2600 Record Sources found in this report. Each database searched has been assigned to one or more categories. For detailed information about categorization, see the section of the report Records Searched and Currency. Worksheet: Comments: Comments may be added on the online Vapor Encroachment Worksheet. MAP FINDINGS TC Page 8 ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list US NPL National Priority List EPA 11/14/2018 11/27/2018 12/07/2018 US Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites EPA 11/14/2018 11/27/2018 12/07/2018 US NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens EPA 10/15/1991 02/02/1994 03/30/1994 Federal CERCLIS list US SEMS Superfund Enterprise Management System EPA 11/14/2018 11/27/2018 12/07/2018 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list US CORRACTS Corrective Action Report EPA 03/01/2018 03/28/2018 06/22/2018 Federal RCRA TSD facilities list US RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Environmental Protection Agency 03/01/2018 03/28/2018 06/22/2018 Federal RCRA generators list US RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators Environmental Protection Agency 03/01/2018 03/28/2018 06/22/2018 US RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators Environmental Protection Agency 03/01/2018 03/28/2018 06/22/2018 US RCRA-CESQG RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators Environmental Protection Agency 03/01/2018 03/28/2018 06/22/2018 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US LUCIS Land Use Control Information System Department of the Navy 10/17/2018 10/25/2018 12/07/2018 US US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List Environmental Protection Agency 07/31/2018 08/28/2018 09/14/2018 US US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls Environmental Protection Agency 07/31/2018 08/28/2018 09/14/2018 Federal ERNS list US ERNS Emergency Response Notification System National Response Center, United States Coast 09/24/2018 09/25/2018 11/09/2018 State and tribal - equivalent NPL CA RESPONSE State Response Sites Department of Toxic Substances Control 10/29/2018 10/30/2018 12/13/2018 State and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS CA ENVIROSTOR EnviroStor Database Department of Toxic Substances Control 10/29/2018 10/30/2018 12/13/2018 State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal CA SWF/LF (SWIS) Solid Waste Information System Department of Resources Recycling and Recover 11/12/2018 11/14/2018 12/13/2018 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists CA LUST REG 1 Active Toxic Site Investigation California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 02/01/2001 02/28/2001 03/29/2001 CA LUST REG 7 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 02/26/2004 02/26/2004 03/24/2004 CA LUST Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Report (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/08/2018 CA LUST REG 9 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Report California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 03/01/2001 04/23/2001 05/21/2001 CA LUST REG 6V Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 06/07/2005 06/07/2005 06/29/2005 CA LUST REG 6L Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 09/09/2003 09/10/2003 10/07/2003 CA LUST REG 5 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 07/01/2008 07/22/2008 07/31/2008 TC5515609.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date CA LUST REG 2 Fuel Leak List California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 09/30/2004 10/20/2004 11/19/2004 CA LUST REG 3 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 05/19/2003 05/19/2003 06/02/2003 CA LUST REG 4 Underground Storage Tank Leak List California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 09/07/2004 09/07/2004 10/12/2004 CA LUST REG 8 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 02/14/2005 02/15/2005 03/28/2005 US INDIAN LUST R10 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 10 04/12/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN LUST R9 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Environmental Protection Agency 04/10/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN LUST R8 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 8 04/25/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN LUST R7 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 7 04/24/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN LUST R6 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 6 04/01/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN LUST R4 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 4 05/08/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN LUST R1 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 1 04/13/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN LUST R5 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA, Region 5 04/12/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 CA CPS-SLIC Statewide SLIC Cases (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 CA SLIC REG 1 Active Toxic Site Investigations California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 04/03/2003 04/07/2003 04/25/2003 CA SLIC REG 2 Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Regional Water Quality Control Board San Fran 09/30/2004 10/20/2004 11/19/2004 CA SLIC REG 3 Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 05/18/2006 05/18/2006 06/15/2006 CA SLIC REG 4 Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Region Water Quality Control Board Los Angele 11/17/2004 11/18/2004 01/04/2005 CA SLIC REG 5 Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Regional Water Quality Control Board Central 04/01/2005 04/05/2005 04/21/2005 CA SLIC REG 6V Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Regional Water Quality Control Board, Victorv 05/24/2005 05/25/2005 06/16/2005 CA SLIC REG 6L SLIC Sites California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 09/07/2004 09/07/2004 10/12/2004 CA SLIC REG 7 SLIC List California Regional Quality Control Board, Co 11/24/2004 11/29/2004 01/04/2005 CA SLIC REG 8 Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing California Region Water Quality Control Board 04/03/2008 04/03/2008 04/14/2008 CA SLIC REG 9 Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing California Regional Water Quality Control Boa 09/10/2007 09/11/2007 09/28/2007 State and tribal registered storage tank lists CA UST Active UST Facilities SWRCB 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/03/2018 CA MILITARY UST SITES Military UST Sites (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 CA UST CLOSURE Proposed Closure of Underground Storage Tank (UST) Cases State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/03/2018 CA UST MENDOCINO Mendocino County UST Database Department of Public Health 12/04/2018 12/06/2018 12/14/2018 CA AST Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities California Environmental Protection Agency 07/06/2016 07/12/2016 09/19/2016 US INDIAN UST R10 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 10 04/12/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN UST R9 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 9 04/10/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN UST R8 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 8 04/25/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN UST R7 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 7 04/24/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN UST R6 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 6 04/01/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN UST R1 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA, Region 1 04/13/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN UST R4 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 4 05/08/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US INDIAN UST R5 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 5 04/12/2018 05/18/2018 07/20/2018 US FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing FEMA 05/15/2017 05/30/2017 10/13/2017 TC5515609.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites US INDIAN VCP R7 Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng EPA, Region 7 03/20/2008 04/22/2008 05/19/2008 US INDIAN VCP R1 Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing EPA, Region 1 07/27/2015 09/29/2015 02/18/2016 CA VCP Voluntary Cleanup Program Properties Department of Toxic Substances Control 10/29/2018 10/30/2018 12/13/2018 State and tribal Brownfields sites CA BROWNFIELDS Considered Brownfieds Sites Listing State Water Resources Control Board 09/24/2018 09/25/2018 10/15/2018 Other Records US CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library 09/30/2018 10/12/2018 12/07/2018 US ROD Records Of Decision EPA 08/13/2018 10/04/2018 11/16/2018 US LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Environmental Protection Agency 08/13/2018 10/04/2018 11/16/2018 CA HIST CAL-SITES Calsites Database Department of Toxic Substance Control 08/08/2005 08/03/2006 08/24/2006 US DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations EPA, Region 9 01/12/2009 05/07/2009 09/21/2009 CA SWRCY Recycler Database Department of Conservation 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/15/2018 CA CA FID UST Facility Inventory Database California Environmental Protection Agency 10/31/1994 09/05/1995 09/29/1995 CA HIST UST Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database State Water Resources Control Board 10/15/1990 01/25/1991 02/12/1991 CA SAN FRANCISCO AST Aboveground Storage Tank Site Listing San Francisco County Department of Public Hea 09/11/2018 09/12/2018 10/11/2018 CA SWEEPS UST SWEEPS UST Listing State Water Resources Control Board 06/01/1994 07/07/2005 08/11/2005 US US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information Environmental Protection Agency 08/31/2018 09/25/2018 11/09/2018 US EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST Environmental Protection Agency 08/30/2013 03/21/2014 06/17/2014 US FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Department of Energy 08/08/2017 09/11/2018 09/14/2018 US PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database Environmental Protection Agency 05/24/2017 11/30/2017 12/15/2017 US 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List Environmental Protection Agency 09/30/2017 05/08/2018 07/20/2018 US LEAD SMELTER 1 Lead Smelter Sites Environmental Protection Agency 08/13/2018 10/04/2018 11/16/2018 US LEAD SMELTER 2 Lead Smelter Sites American Journal of Public Health 04/05/2001 10/27/2010 12/02/2010 US US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Drug Enforcement Administration 09/21/2018 09/21/2018 11/09/2018 US SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing Environmental Protection Agency 01/01/2017 02/03/2017 04/07/2017 US COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List Environmental Protection Agency 07/01/2014 09/10/2014 10/20/2014 US COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data Department of Energy 12/31/2005 08/07/2009 10/22/2009 US US AIRS (AFS) Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem ( EPA 10/12/2016 10/26/2016 02/03/2017 US US AIRS MINOR Air Facility System Data EPA 10/12/2016 10/26/2016 02/03/2017 US Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions EPA 11/14/2018 11/27/2018 12/07/2018 US SEMS-ARCHIVE Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive EPA 11/14/2018 11/28/2018 12/07/2018 US RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated Environmental Protection Agency 03/01/2018 03/28/2018 06/22/2018 US HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System U.S. Department of Transportation 03/26/2018 03/27/2018 06/08/2018 US DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeli 07/31/2012 08/07/2012 09/18/2012 US US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs Drug Enforcement Administration 09/21/2018 09/21/2018 11/09/2018 US US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites Environmental Protection Agency 09/18/2018 09/18/2018 11/09/2018 US DOD Department of Defense Sites USGS 12/31/2005 11/10/2006 01/11/2007 US FEDLAND Federal and Indian Lands U.S. Geological Survey 12/31/2005 02/06/2006 01/11/2007 US FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 01/31/2015 07/08/2015 10/13/2015 US UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Department of Energy 06/23/2017 10/11/2017 11/03/2017 US ODI Open Dump Inventory Environmental Protection Agency 06/30/1985 08/09/2004 09/17/2004 US US MINES Mines Master Index File Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health A 08/01/2018 08/29/2018 10/05/2018 US US MINES 2 Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal Mines Database Listing USGS 12/05/2005 02/29/2008 04/18/2008 TC5515609.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date US US MINES 3 Active Mines & Mineral Plants Database Listing USGS 04/14/2011 06/08/2011 09/13/2011 US PRP Potentially Responsible Parties EPA 08/13/2018 10/04/2018 11/09/2018 US TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System EPA 12/31/2016 01/10/2018 01/12/2018 US TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act EPA 12/31/2016 06/21/2017 01/05/2018 US FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fu EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxi 04/09/2009 04/16/2009 05/11/2009 US FTTS INSP FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fu EPA 04/09/2009 04/16/2009 05/11/2009 US HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing Environmental Protection Agency 10/19/2006 03/01/2007 04/10/2007 US HIST FTTS INSP FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Lis Environmental Protection Agency 10/19/2006 03/01/2007 04/10/2007 US SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems EPA 12/31/2009 12/10/2010 02/25/2011 US ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System Environmental Protection Agency 11/18/2016 11/23/2016 02/10/2017 US PADS PCB Activity Database System EPA 09/14/2018 10/11/2018 12/07/2018 US MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System Nuclear Regulatory Commission 08/30/2016 09/08/2016 10/21/2016 US RADINFO Radiation Information Database Environmental Protection Agency 10/02/2018 10/03/2018 11/09/2018 US FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System EPA 08/07/2018 09/05/2018 10/05/2018 US RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System EPA 04/17/1995 07/03/1995 08/07/1995 US RMP Risk Management Plans Environmental Protection Agency 08/01/2018 08/22/2018 10/05/2018 US BRS Biennial Reporting System EPA/NTIS 12/31/2015 02/22/2017 09/28/2017 US PWS Public Water System Data EPA 12/17/2013 01/09/2014 10/15/2014 US INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations USGS 12/31/2014 07/14/2015 01/10/2017 US INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Environmental Protection Agency 12/31/1998 12/03/2007 01/24/2008 CA CA BOND EXP. PLAN Bond Expenditure Plan Department of Health Services 01/01/1989 07/27/1994 08/02/1994 CA CDL Clandestine Drug Labs Department of Toxic Substances Control 12/31/2017 06/12/2018 08/06/2018 CA CHMIRS California Hazardous Material Incident Report System Office of Emergency Services 04/06/2018 04/24/2018 06/14/2018 CA CORTESE "Cortese" Hazardous Waste & Substances Sites List CAL EPA/Office of Emergency Information 09/24/2018 09/25/2018 10/16/2018 CA CUPA LIVERMORE-PLEASANTON CUPA Facility Listing Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department 08/28/2018 08/30/2018 11/01/2018 CA CUPA SAN FRANCISCO CO CUPA Facility Listing San Francisco County Department of Environmen 09/11/2018 09/12/2018 09/19/2018 CA DEED Deed Restriction Listing DTSC and SWRCB 09/04/2018 09/05/2018 10/02/2018 CA DRYCLEAN AVAQMD Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District Drycleaner L Antelope Valley Air Quality Management Distri 10/15/2018 10/16/2018 11/16/2018 CA DRYCLEAN SOUTH COAST South Coast Air Quality Management District Drycleaner Listi South Coast Air Quality Management District 10/04/2018 10/05/2018 11/01/2018 CA DRYCLEANERS Cleaner Facilities Department of Toxic Substance Control 08/30/2018 09/27/2018 11/01/2018 CA EMI Emissions Inventory Data California Air Resources Board 12/31/2017 06/20/2018 08/06/2018 CA ENF Enforcement Action Listing State Water Resoruces Control Board 11/01/2018 11/02/2018 12/13/2018 CA Financial Assurance 1 Financial Assurance Information Listing Department of Toxic Substances Control 10/19/2018 10/23/2018 11/30/2018 CA Financial Assurance 2 Financial Assurance Information Listing California Integrated Waste Management Board 08/14/2018 08/16/2018 09/10/2018 CA HAULERS Registered Waste Tire Haulers Listing Integrated Waste Management Board 09/26/2018 09/28/2018 11/01/2018 CA HAZNET Facility and Manifest Data California Environmental Protection Agency 12/31/2017 10/10/2018 11/16/2018 CA HIST CORTESE Hazardous Waste & Substance Site List Department of Toxic Substances Control 04/01/2001 01/22/2009 04/08/2009 CA HWP EnviroStor Permitted Facilities Listing Department of Toxic Substances Control 08/20/2018 08/21/2018 09/10/2018 CA HWT Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter Database Department of Toxic Substances Control 10/09/2018 10/10/2018 11/16/2018 CA ICE ICE Department of Toxic Subsances Control 08/20/2018 08/21/2018 09/10/2018 CA LDS Land Disposal Sites Listing (GEOTRACKER) State Water Qualilty Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/08/2018 CA LIENS Environmental Liens Listing Department of Toxic Substances Control 08/29/2018 08/30/2018 10/01/2018 CA MCS Military Cleanup Sites Listing (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 CA MINES Mines Site Location Listing Department of Conservation 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 CA MWMP Medical Waste Management Program Listing Department of Public Health 08/28/2018 09/05/2018 10/03/2018 CA NPDES NPDES Permits Listing State Water Resources Control Board 11/12/2018 11/14/2018 12/13/2018 CA PEST LIC Pesticide Regulation Licenses Listing Department of Pesticide Regulation 09/04/2018 09/05/2018 10/03/2018 TC5515609.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date CA PROC Certified Processors Database Department of Conservation 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/15/2018 CA NOTIFY 65 Proposition 65 Records State Water Resources Control Board 09/19/2018 09/20/2018 10/19/2018 CA SCH School Property Evaluation Program Department of Toxic Substances Control 10/29/2018 10/30/2018 12/13/2018 CA SPILLS 90 SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch FirstSearch 06/06/2012 01/03/2013 02/22/2013 CA TOXIC PITS Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites State Water Resources Control Board 07/01/1995 08/30/1995 09/26/1995 CA UIC UIC Listing Deaprtment of Conservation 04/27/2018 06/13/2018 07/17/2018 CA WASTEWATER PITS Oil Wastewater Pits Listing RWQCB, Central Valley Region 05/08/2018 07/11/2018 09/13/2018 CA WDS Waste Discharge System State Water Resources Control Board 06/19/2007 06/20/2007 06/29/2007 CA WIP Well Investigation Program Case List Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board 07/03/2009 07/21/2009 08/03/2009 CA WMUDS/SWAT Waste Management Unit Database State Water Resources Control Board 04/01/2000 04/10/2000 05/10/2000 CA MILITARY PRIV SITES Military Privatized Sites (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 US IHS OPEN DUMPS Open Dumps on Indian Land Department of Health & Human Serivces, Indian 04/01/2014 08/06/2014 01/29/2015 CA CERS TANKS California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) Tanks California Environmental Protection Agency 10/22/2018 10/23/2018 11/30/2018 CA CERS HAZ WASTE CERS HAZ WASTE CalEPA 10/22/2018 10/23/2018 11/30/2018 CA OTHER OIL GAS Other Oil & Gas Projects Sites (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 CA CERS CalEPA Regulated Site Portal Data California Environmental Protection Agency 10/22/2018 10/23/2018 11/30/2018 CA UIC GEO Underground Injection Control Sites (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resource Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 US UXO Unexploded Ordnance Sites Department of Defense 09/30/2017 06/19/2018 09/14/2018 CA SAMPLING POINT Sampling Point ? Public Sites (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 US DOCKET HWC Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing Environmental Protection Agency 05/31/2018 07/26/2018 10/05/2018 CA NON-CASE INFO Non-Case Information Sites (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 US ABANDONED MINES Abandoned Mines Department of Interior 09/10/2018 09/11/2018 09/14/2018 CA PROJECT Project Sites (GEOTRACKER)State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 CA PROD WATER PONDS Produced Water Ponds Sites (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 US ECHO Enforcement & Compliance History Information Environmental Protection Agency 09/02/2018 09/05/2018 09/14/2018 US FUELS PROGRAM EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing EPA 08/22/2018 08/22/2018 10/05/2018 CA CIWQS California Integrated Water Quality System State Water Resources Control Board 09/04/2018 09/05/2018 10/02/2018 CA WDR Waste Discharge Requirements Listing State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 CA WELL STIM PROJ Well Stimulation Project (GEOTRACKER) State Water Resources Control Board 09/10/2018 09/12/2018 10/09/2018 HISTORICAL USE RECORDS US EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR, Inc. US EDR Hist Auto EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Stations EDR, Inc. US EDR Hist Cleaner EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners EDR, Inc. CA RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List Department of Resources Recycling and Recover 07/01/2013 01/13/2014 CA RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tan State Water Resources Control Board 07/01/2013 12/30/2013 TC5515609.2s Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date COUNTY RECORDS CA CS ALAMEDA Contaminated Sites Alameda County Environmental Health Services 10/05/2018 10/10/2018 11/01/2018 CA UST ALAMEDA Underground Tanks Alameda County Environmental Health Services 10/05/2018 10/10/2018 11/02/2018 CA CUPA AMADOR CUPA Facility List Amador County Environmental Health 07/01/2018 07/24/2018 08/20/2018 CA CUPA BUTTE CUPA Facility Listing Public Health Department 04/21/2017 04/25/2017 08/09/2017 CA CUPA CALVERAS CUPA Facility Listing Calveras County Environmental Health 10/31/2018 12/04/2018 12/12/2018 CA CUPA COLUSA CUPA Facility List Health & Human Services 05/23/2018 05/24/2018 07/13/2018 CA SL CONTRA COSTA Site List Contra Costa Health Services Department 08/20/2018 08/21/2018 09/11/2018 CA CUPA DEL NORTE CUPA Facility List Del Norte County Environmental Health Divisio 08/16/2018 11/06/2018 11/14/2018 CA CUPA EL DORADO CUPA Facility List El Dorado County Environmental Management Dep 09/04/2018 09/05/2018 09/18/2018 CA CUPA FRESNO CUPA Resources List Dept. of Community Health 10/16/2018 10/18/2018 11/14/2018 CA CUPA GLENN CUPA Facility List Glenn County Air Pollution Control District 01/22/2018 01/24/2018 03/14/2018 CA CUPA HUMBOLDT CUPA Facility List Humboldt County Environmental Health 07/11/2018 07/13/2018 08/22/2018 CA CUPA IMPERIAL CUPA Facility List San Diego Border Field Office 10/22/2018 10/25/2018 11/14/2018 CA CUPA INYO CUPA Facility List Inyo County Environmental Health Services 04/02/2018 04/03/2018 06/14/2018 CA UST KERN Underground Storage Tank Sites & Tank Listing Kern County Environment Health Services Depar 11/02/2018 11/07/2018 12/14/2018 CA CUPA KINGS CUPA Facility List Kings County Department of Public Health 11/21/2018 11/27/2018 12/12/2018 CA CUPA LAKE CUPA Facility List Lake County Environmental Health 11/07/2018 11/08/2018 11/14/2018 CA CUPA LASSEN CUPA Facility List Lassen County Environmental Health 10/15/2018 10/23/2018 11/14/2018 CA AOCONCERN San Gabriel Valley Areas of Concern EPA Region 9 03/30/2009 03/31/2009 10/23/2009 CA HMS LOS ANGELES HMS: Street Number List Department of Public Works 09/20/2018 10/12/2018 11/16/2018 CA LF LOS ANGELES List of Solid Waste Facilities La County Department of Public Works 10/15/2018 10/16/2018 11/16/2018 CA LF LOS ANGELES CITY City of Los Angeles Landfills Engineering & Construction Division 01/01/2018 05/01/2018 05/14/2018 CA SITE MIT LOS ANGELES Site Mitigation List Community Health Services 07/01/2018 10/16/2018 11/16/2018 CA UST EL SEGUNDO City of El Segundo Underground Storage Tank City of El Segundo Fire Department 01/21/2017 04/19/2017 05/10/2017 CA UST LONG BEACH City of Long Beach Underground Storage Tank City of Long Beach Fire Department 03/09/2017 03/10/2017 05/03/2017 CA UST TORRANCE City of Torrance Underground Storage Tank City of Torrance Fire Department 10/02/2018 10/05/2018 11/02/2018 CA CUPA MADERA CUPA Facility List Madera County Environmental Health 11/26/2018 11/27/2018 12/12/2018 CA UST MARIN Underground Storage Tank Sites Public Works Department Waste Management 09/26/2018 10/04/2018 11/02/2018 CA CUPA MERCED CUPA Facility List Merced County Environmental Health 08/29/2018 08/31/2018 09/19/2018 CA CUPA MONO CUPA Facility List Mono County Health Department 07/18/2018 09/04/2018 09/19/2018 CA CUPA MONTEREY CUPA Facility Listing Monterey County Health Department 10/29/2018 11/01/2018 11/16/2018 CA LUST NAPA Sites With Reported Contamination Napa County Department of Environmental Manag 01/09/2017 01/11/2017 03/02/2017 CA UST NAPA Closed and Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites Napa County Department of Environmental Manag 11/28/2018 11/30/2018 12/14/2018 CA CUPA NEVADA CUPA Facility List Community Development Agency 11/06/2018 11/08/2018 11/14/2018 CA IND_SITE ORANGE List of Industrial Site Cleanups Health Care Agency 10/04/2018 11/14/2018 12/13/2018 CA LUST ORANGE List of Underground Storage Tank Cleanups Health Care Agency 10/04/2018 11/14/2018 12/13/2018 CA UST ORANGE List of Underground Storage Tank Facilities Health Care Agency 10/04/2018 11/06/2018 12/14/2018 CA MS PLACER Master List of Facilities Placer County Health and Human Services 09/04/2018 09/06/2018 10/03/2018 CA CUPA PLUMAS CUPA Facility List Plumas County Environmental Health 07/19/2018 07/25/2018 09/05/2018 CA LUST RIVERSIDE Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Department of Environmental Health 10/10/2018 10/12/2018 10/16/2018 CA UST RIVERSIDE Underground Storage Tank Tank List Department of Environmental Health 10/10/2018 10/12/2018 11/05/2018 CA CS SACRAMENTO Toxic Site Clean-Up List Sacramento County Environmental Management 08/03/2018 10/02/2018 11/01/2018 CA ML SACRAMENTO Master Hazardous Materials Facility List Sacramento County Environmental Management 08/23/2018 10/02/2018 11/02/2018 CA CUPA SAN BENITO CUPA Facility List San Benito County Environmental Health 11/15/2018 11/16/2018 12/13/2018 CA PERMITS SAN BERNARDINO Hazardous Material Permits San Bernardino County Fire Department Hazardo 07/27/2018 07/31/2018 09/10/2018 TC5515609.2s Page GR-6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date CA HMMD SAN DIEGO Hazardous Materials Management Division Database Hazardous Materials Management Division 06/04/2018 06/06/2018 07/17/2018 CA LF SAN DIEGO Solid Waste Facilities Department of Health Services 04/18/2018 04/24/2018 06/19/2018 CA SAN DIEGO CO LOP Local Oversight Program Listing Department of Environmental Health 10/22/2018 10/23/2018 11/30/2018 CA SAN DIEGO CO. SAM Environmental Case Listing San Diego County Department of Environmental 03/23/2010 06/15/2010 07/09/2010 CA LUST SAN FRANCISCO Local Oversite Facilities Department Of Public Health San Francisco Cou 09/19/2008 09/19/2008 09/29/2008 CA UST SAN FRANCISCO Underground Storage Tank Information Department of Public Health 11/05/2018 11/06/2018 12/14/2018 CA UST SAN JOAQUIN San Joaquin Co. UST Environmental Health Department 06/22/2018 06/26/2018 07/11/2018 CA CUPA SAN LUIS OBISPO CUPA Facility List San Luis Obispo County Public Health Departme 11/14/2018 11/15/2018 12/13/2018 CA BI SAN MATEO Business Inventory San Mateo County Environmental Health Service 09/18/2018 09/20/2018 11/01/2018 CA LUST SAN MATEO Fuel Leak List San Mateo County Environmental Health Service 09/18/2018 09/20/2018 10/17/2018 CA CUPA SANTA BARBARA CUPA Facility Listing Santa Barbara County Public Health Department 09/08/2011 09/09/2011 10/07/2011 CA CUPA SANTA CLARA Cupa Facility List Department of Environmental Health 11/16/2018 11/16/2018 12/13/2018 CA HIST LUST SANTA CLARA HIST LUST - Fuel Leak Site Activity Report Santa Clara Valley Water District 03/29/2005 03/30/2005 04/21/2005 CA LUST SANTA CLARA LOP Listing Department of Environmental Health 03/03/2014 03/05/2014 03/18/2014 CA SAN JOSE HAZMAT Hazardous Material Facilities City of San Jose Fire Department 11/01/2018 11/06/2018 12/14/2018 CA CUPA SANTA CRUZ CUPA Facility List Santa Cruz County Environmental Health 01/21/2017 02/22/2017 05/23/2017 CA CUPA SHASTA CUPA Facility List Shasta County Department of Resource Manageme 06/15/2017 06/19/2017 08/09/2017 CA LUST SOLANO Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Solano County Department of Environmental Man 08/29/2018 09/04/2018 10/17/2018 CA UST SOLANO Underground Storage Tanks Solano County Department of Environmental Man 11/29/2018 12/04/2018 12/14/2018 CA CUPA SONOMA Cupa Facility List County of Sonoma Fire & Emergency Services De 09/24/2018 09/25/2018 10/16/2018 CA LUST SONOMA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites Department of Health Services 10/02/2018 10/04/2018 10/25/2018 CA CUPA STANISLAUS CUPA Facility List Stanislaus County Department of Ennvironmenta 08/14/2018 08/16/2018 08/24/2018 CA UST SUTTER Underground Storage Tanks Sutter County Department of Agriculture 09/18/2018 09/20/2018 10/25/2018 CA CUPA TEHAMA CUPA Facility List Tehama County Department of Environmental Hea 07/17/2018 08/02/2018 09/07/2018 CA CUPA TRINITY CUPA Facility List Department of Toxic Substances Control 10/22/2018 10/25/2018 11/14/2018 CA CUPA TULARE CUPA Facility List Tulare County Environmental Health Services D 09/13/2018 09/14/2018 09/19/2018 CA CUPA TUOLUMNE CUPA Facility List Divison of Environmental Health 04/23/2018 04/25/2018 06/25/2018 CA BWT VENTURA Business Plan, Hazardous Waste Producers, and Operating Unde Ventura County Environmental Health Division 09/26/2018 10/25/2018 11/30/2018 CA LF VENTURA Inventory of Illegal Abandoned and Inactive Sites Environmental Health Division 12/01/2011 12/01/2011 01/19/2012 CA LUST VENTURA Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Environmental Health Division 05/29/2008 06/24/2008 07/31/2008 CA MED WASTE VENTURA Medical Waste Program List Ventura County Resource Management Agency 09/25/2018 10/25/2018 11/30/2018 CA UST VENTURA Underground Tank Closed Sites List Environmental Health Division 09/04/2018 09/12/2018 10/04/2018 CA UST YOLO Underground Storage Tank Comprehensive Facility Report Yolo County Department of Health 10/15/2018 10/19/2018 11/05/2018 CA CUPA YUBA CUPA Facility List Yuba County Environmental Health Department 11/05/2018 11/07/2018 11/14/2018 STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC5515609.2s Page GR-7 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date