HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix C - Non-Confidential Cultural Resources Memo January 9, 2023 14657 Kevin Rice Patriot Development Partners 12126 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90049 Subject: Cultural Resources Record Search Results for the NWC Santa Ana Avenue and Almond Avenue Warehouse Project, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Dear Mr. Kevin Rice: Dudek was retained by Patriot Development Partners (Applicant) to conduct a preliminary cultural resources assessment in support of the proposed NWC Santa Ana Avenue and Almond Avenue Warehouse (proposed Project). This letter report includes the following components: (1) a results summary of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) records search intended to identify recorded cultural resources and previously conducted cultural resource studies within the proposed Project site and a 0.5-mile records search buffer; (2) an assessment of the known cultural resources as well as the potential for unknown resources to be present within the proposed Project site; 3) an appraisal of what, if any, limitations the presence or potential presence of cultural resources may pose to the proposed Project development pursuant to state and local regulations. The City of Fontana (City) is the lead agency responsible for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and for considering approval of the proposed Project. Although the conclusions presented in this memo are informed by research and analysis consistent with CEQA and City requirements, approval of a project is not within a consultant’s purview and is completely within the agency’s jurisdiction. Conclusions and recommendations provided in this memo are for the purpose of considering potential project limitations and should not be used to assume any decisions made by the deciding agency. This report was prepared by Dudek Archaeologist, Linda Kry, BA, RA and Heather McDaniel McDevitt, MA, RPA, who meets the Secretary of the Interior professional standards and served as Principal Investigator and provided general oversight and quality control and assurance. Dudek staff archaeologists Jennifer De Alba, BA, Brenda Rogers, BA, and Lanette Renz, BA conducted archival research and wrote portions of the report and Ms. Rogers conducted the pedestrian survey. Project Location The proposed Project site is located within the southern portion of the City of Fontana, in southwestern San Bernardino County, California and is located within public land survey system (PLSS) Section 27 of Township 1 South, Range 6 West on the Fontana, California 7.5-minute USGS Quadrangles (Appendix A: Figure 1). Specifically, the approximately 6.46-acre proposed Project site is composed of three parcels (Assessor Parcel Numbers [APNs] 0236-091-01, 0236-091-02, and 0236-091-03) and includes addresses 14228 and 14272 Santa Ana Avenue, and 10858 Almond Avenue. The proposed Project site is generally bound by commercial development to the west and north, Santa Ana Avenue to the south, and Almond Avenue to the east (Appendix A: Figure 2). TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 2 JANUARY 2023 Present and Historical Use of the Proposed Project Site At the time of this assessment, the proposed Project site was occupied by industrial businesses (trucking and heavy equipment), including two single-family residential structures. The proposed Project site also includes several storage buildings and sheds. The remainder of the proposed Project site consists of graveled parking areas, various hardscape features, and paved driveways and parking areas. Present site conditions of each parcel that make up the proposed Project site are as follows: • The parcel at 10858 Almond Avenue (APN 0236-091-01), contains an office building and a paved truck and trailer storage yard for the business identified as Pointdirect Transport, Inc. • The parcel at 14272 Santa Ana Avenue (APN 0236-091-02), contains a single-family residence, storage structures, and an 18-wheeler truck storage and maintenance yard for the business identified as M & C Diesel Road Service. • The parcel at 14228 Santa Ana Avenue (APN 0236-091-03), contains a truck yard, storage area, mechanical pit, maintenance area, steel building and a single-family residence. Historical uses at the proposed Project site include agriculture, residential, auto maintenance, and trucking. The proposed Project site was used for agricultural purposes from approximately the 1930s to 1980s. Residential structures were developed on the proposed Project site during that time, from the late 1960s through to the 1980s. Infrastructure related to vehicle storage such as paved and graveled areas and associated structures were developed in the 1990s. By the 1990s, the proposed Project site contained much of the structures present on site at the time of the survey. Project Description The proposed Project includes construction of a one-story, 158,144 square-foot warehouse building with a maximum height of 45 feet above ground surface. including a 6,000 square-foot office and a 3,000 square-foot mezzanine. The building would be located in the center of the proposed Project site surrounded by paved parking lots, a truck court, loading areas, and landscaping. A truck court, providing four (4) trailer parking spots, 16 loading docks, and one (1) ramp to the warehouse building is proposed along the western side of the Project site with security gates limiting traffic between the truck court and the southwestern parking lot. Areas totaling 33,448 square feet surrounding the warehouse, parking lots, and truck court would be landscaped including trees, shrubs, plants, and land covers. Access to the proposed Project site would be provided by two driveways off Almond Avenue and one driveway off Santa Ana Avenue. The first driveway would be a 40-foot-wide truck driveway at the northeast corner of the proposed Project site, along Almond Avenue, providing access to the proposed vehicle parking lot and truck court; the second driveway would be a 30-foot wide passenger vehicle driveway at the eastern boundary of the proposed Project site, along Almond Avenue, providing access to the employee parking lot. The third driveway would be a 40-foot wide truck driveway at the southwest corner of the proposed Project site, along Santa Ana Avenue, providing access to the truck court. The proposed Project would provide a total of 50 parking spots along the eastern boundary and the southwest corner of the proposed Project site. Gated entry to the truck court would be provided at the northern most entrance and the southwestern entrance. TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 3 JANUARY 2023 The proposed Project would also include improvements to Santa Ana Avenue and Almond Avenue along the proposed Project’s street frontages, including a landscape setback, a new sidewalk, and half-width frontage improvements within the roadway right-of-way. Consistent with City standards, all existing overhead utility service lines adjoining and within the proposed Project site would be converted to underground, and new City streetlights would be installed within the dedicated right-of-way. The proposed Project site is currently developed and served by some existing utilities, including domestic water, natural gas, and electricity. However, in some instances, these present utilities are not adequately sized to serve the proposed Project and, thus, would be upgraded/replaced during project construction. As such, lateral water lines would be installed as part of the proposed Project and connect to the existing water line within Santa Ana Avenue and Almond Avenue to provide adequate domestic water service and fire flow. Similarly, lateral sewer lines would be extended to the proposed Project site from the existing sewer main including installation of an 8- inch sewer main extension within the Santa Ana Avenue right-of-way, and a 6-inch sewer line from the sewer main extension to the proposed Project site. As part of the proposed Project, a new engineered storm drain system would be constructed on the proposed Project site to collect and treat on-site stormwater runoff. On-site stormwater would be collected via a series of inlets and catch basins before being conveyed to an on-site underground infiltration basin located on the western edge of the project site. The infiltration basin would allow a certain amount of stormwater to infiltrate into the soils, and excess flows would then flow into the City’s storm drain system. Background Research SCCIC Records Search Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) notified researchers that the response time for records searches of the CHRIS database was significantly delayed and only previously digitized records for San Bernardino County were available. Therefore, as part of the cultural resources assessment prepared for the proposed Project, Dudek referenced two previously conducted CHRIS records searches completed on December 3, 2019 and March 8, 2022 for two projects located to the east and immediately adjacent to the south of the present proposed Project site. These records searches included the following data sets: any previously recorded cultural resources and investigations within a 0.5-mile radius, both covering the proposed Project site and surrounding areas, as well as their digitized collections of mapped prehistoric and historic archaeological resources; Department of Parks and Recreation site records; technical reports; archival resources; ethnographic references; historical maps; the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), the California Historic Property Data File, and the lists of California State Historical Landmarks, California Points of Historical Interest, and the Archaeological Determinations of Eligibility. Dudek reviewed the SCCIC records to determine whether implementation of the proposed Project would have the potential to impact any known and unknown cultural resources. The results of the records search are presented in Confidential Appendix B. TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 4 JANUARY 2023 Previously Conducted Cultural Resource Studies Results of the cultural resources records search indicate that three (3) cultural resource studies have been conducted within a 0.5-mile radius of the proposed Project site between 1994 and 2016, none of which address any portion of the proposed Project site. This suggests that the entirety of the proposed Project site has not been subject to a previous archaeological investigation formally submitted to the CHRIS database. Table 1, below, summarizes all three (3) previous studies. Table 1. Previous Technical Studies Within a 0.5-Mile of the Proposed Project Site SCCIC Report No. Authors Year Title Proximity to Proposed Project Site SB-02919 Alexandrowicz, J. Stephen and Susan R. Alexandrowicz 1994 Historic Preservation Investigation of Lot 21, Slover Ave Subdivision Number 1, NE Corner of Cherry and Slover Avenue, County of San Bernardino, California Outside SB-04248 Duke, Curt 2003 Cultural Resources Assessment: Cingular Wireless Facility No. SB 264-03, Fontana, San Bernardino County, CA. Outside SB-08231 Hogan, Michael 2016 Report on Archaeological Monitoring of Earth-Moving Activities For West Fontana Logistics Center Project 10918 Cherry Avenue; APN 0236-181-11 City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California CRM TECH Contract No. 3128 Outside Previously Recorded Cultural Resources The SCCIC records indicate that that no previously recorded cultural resources exists within or adjacent to the proposed Project site. A total of seven (7) cultural resources have been previously recorded within 0.5-mile of the proposed Project site. Of these, one (1) is a historic period archaeological site located 762 meters (2500 ft) northeast of the proposed Project site and six (6) are historic built environment resources, each found ineligible for listing on the CRHR, the closest of which is located 67 meters (220 ft) southwest of the proposed Project site. No prehistoric archaeological resources or resources of Native American origin were identified within the proposed Project site or 0.5-mile records search area. Table 2, below, summarizes all seven (7) previously recorded cultural resources within the proposed Project’s records search area preceded by a brief summary of the built environment cultural resource formally located adjacent to the proposed Project site. P-36-033111 P-36-033111 is a historic built environment resource built in 1945 and was located at 14191 Santa Ana Avenue approximately 67 meters (220 ft) southwest of the proposed Project site. P-36-033111 is described in the site record as a “side-gabled, Minimal Traditional-style, single-family residence, exhibits a partial-width front porch, wide, horizontal wood siding, and a small, attached garage.” The structure was formally recorded and evaluated in 2019 by J.R.K Stropes and was found to not meet significance criteria pursuant to CEQA criteria and was ineligible for listing in the CRHR or the NRHP. The structure has since been demolished. TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 5 JANUARY 2023 Table 2. Previous Recorded Cultural Resources Within a 0.5-Mile Radius of the Proposed Project Site Designation Description Recording Events NRHP/CRHR Status Approximate Proximity to Proposed Project Site P-36-007795 Historic-period Archaeological Site: Remnants of a mid-twentieth century residential property consisting of foundations, a historic-age refuse pit, and a historic-age refuse scatter 1994 (Alexandrowicz, J.S.) Not Evaluated Outside P-36-033027 Historic Building: Two single- family residences 2019 (JRK Stropes, BFSA) 6Z: Found ineligible for the NRHP or CRHR through survey evaluation Outside P-36-033107 Historic Building: Single Family Residence 2019 (JRK Stropes, BFSA) 6Z: Found ineligible for the NRHP or CRHR through survey evaluation Outside P-36-033108 Historic Building: Single Family Residence 2019 (JRK Stropes, BFSA) 6Z: Found ineligible for the NRHP or CRHR through survey evaluation Outside P-36-033109 Historic Building: Single Family Residence 2019 (JRK Stropes, BFSA) 6Z: Found ineligible for the NRHP or CRHR through survey evaluation Outside P-36-033110 Historic Building: Single Family Residence 2019 (JRK Stropes, BFSA) 6Z: Found ineligible for the NRHP or CRHR through survey evaluation Outside P-36-033111 Historic Building: Single Family Residence 2019 (JRK Stropes, BFSA) 6Z: Found ineligible for the NRHP or CRHR through survey evaluation Outside Geotechnical Report Review NorCal Engineering completed a geotechnical study for the proposed Project site (completed June 21, 2022). The report, Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Proposed Industrial Warehouse Development, Northwest Corner of Santa Ana Ave. & Almond Ave., Fontana, California, documents the subsurface geological conditions at the proposed Project site (NorCal Engineering 2022) and details the results of 11 subsurface exploratory borings (B-1 through B-11) conducted on May 31, 2022, using a truck-mounted drill-rig equipped with a hollow stem auger. The TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 6 JANUARY 2023 subsurface exploratory investigations were placed at accessible locations throughout the proposed Project site. The subsurface exploratory borings were advanced to depths between approximately 5 to 20 feet (ft.) below ground surface (bgs) to determine subsurface geological conditions within the proposed Project site. According to the boring logs, fill soils were encountered in all borings, from surface to between 1 to 2 ft. bgs and are characterized as brown, fine to medium grained, silty sand with gravel. Crushed base material was noted across the surface near borings B-1, B-3 and B-5; asphalt was encountered on the surface near borings B-6, B-7 and B-8. Native undisturbed soils were identified below the fill soils and are characterized as brown, fine to medium grained silty sand with gravel to a gravelly fine to coarse grained sand, each with occasional cobble. The geological boring investigations were terminated at each location based on subsurface refusal at varying depths, approximately 5 to 20 ft. bgs; however, no bedrock or groundwater was encountered at any of the 11 locations. Table 3, below, summarizes the results of the 11 subsurface exploratory borings within the proposed Project site. Table 3. Summary of Subsurface Boring Results – NorCal Engineering 2022 Boring Location Fill Soils Alluvium (Native Soils) Terminated Depth B-1 Southern half of APN 0236-091-03, outside building footprint 0±1 ft. bgs 1±-12 ft. bgs ~12 ft. bgs B-2 Midpoint of APN 0236- 091-03, outside building footprint 0±1.5 ft. bgs 1.5±-13 ft. bgs ~13 ft. bgs B-3 Northern half of APN 0236-091-03, outside building footprint 0±1.5 ft. bgs 1.5±-14 ft. bgs ~14 ft. bgs B-4 Northern half of APN 0236-091-03, outside building footprint 0±1 ft. bgs 1±-20.5 ft. bgs ~20.5 ft. bgs B-5 Along parcel boundary of APNs 0236-091-02 and 0236-091-03, within southern half, overlapping building footprint 0±2 ft. bgs 2±-6.5 ft. bgs ~6.5 ft. bgs B-6 Southern half of APN 0236-091-02, at southeast corner of building footprint 0±1.5 ft. bgs 1.5±-11 ft. bgs ~11 ft. bgs B-7 Southern half of APN 0236-091-02, overlapping building footprint 0±2 ft. bgs 2±-10 ft. bgs ~10 ft. bgs B-8 Northern half of APN 0236-091-02, overlapping the northeast corner of building footprint 0±2 ft. bgs 2±-8 ft. bgs ~8 ft. bgs B-9 Northern half of APN 0236-091-01, outside of building footprint 0±1 ft. bgs 1±-5 ft. bgs ~5 ft. bgs TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 7 JANUARY 2023 Table 3. Summary of Subsurface Boring Results – NorCal Engineering 2022 Boring Location Fill Soils Alluvium (Native Soils) Terminated Depth B-10 Midpoint of APN 0236- 091-01, overlapping building footprint 0±1 ft. bgs 1±-10 ft. bgs ~10 ft. bgs B-11 Southern half of APN 0236-091-01, outside of building footprint 0±1 ft. bgs 1±-5 ft. bgs ~5 ft. bgs Note: ~ denotes approximate depth. Field Survey Methods Dudek conducted an archaeological pedestrian survey of the proposed Project site on January 6, 2023. Due to present site conditions, which consists of existing buildings, structures, parked vehicles, and paved lots, formal transects were not employed. Instead, a mixed approach (opportunistic survey) and reconnaissance survey (visual inspection) were utilized, selectively examining areas of exposed ground surfaces, where possible. The survey of the approximately 6.46-acre proposed Project site included all three (3) Project parcels. The ground surface was inspected for prehistoric artifacts (e.g., flaked stone tools, tool-making debris, groundstone tools, ceramics, fire- affected rock), soil discoloration that might indicate the presence of a cultural midden, soil depressions, features indicative of structures and/or buildings (e.g., standing exterior walls, post holes, foundations), and historical artifacts (e.g., metal, glass, ceramics, building materials). Ground disturbances such as rodent burrows, vehicle tracks, and landscaped areas were also visually inspected for exposed subsurface materials. All field notes, photographs, and records related to the current study are on file at Dudek’s Pasadena, California office. All field practices met the Secretary of Interior’s standards and guidelines for a cultural resources inventory. Results Ground surface visibility within the proposed Project site was variable and as such, in areas of dense ground coverage, surface scrapes were occasionally implemented, when necessary, to enhance detection of archaeological materials that may have been obscured on the surface. Survey results for the three (3) parcels that make up the proposed Project site are discussed individually below. Note: the geotechnical study revealed that the proposed Project site is predominately covered in fill soils. As such, any exposed soils observed during the survey were likely fill soils and not a good representation of the native soils present prior to development and ground disturbing activities. APN 0236-091-01 This parcel is located along Almond Avenue and is currently in use as a storage lot for tractor trailers and Recreational Vehicles and accounts for approximately 35 percent of the proposed Project site. The ground surface consisted of paved asphalt and crushed road base, which accounted for approximately 98 percent of the parcel, TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 8 JANUARY 2023 and as such, ground surface visibility ranged from non-existent to poor (0 to 5 percent). A narrow band of mounded dirt and grass was observed at the northern end of the parcel was, with only modern trash visible. APN 0236-091-02 This parcel is located in the central portion of the proposed Project site and accounts for approximately 35 percent of the site. The majority of the parcel consists of a crushed-road base graveled parking lot, but no stored vehicles. An abandoned residential structure is located at the south end of the parcel, with a paved driveway and landscaped area. The compacted gravel parking area and structure encompasses approximately 90 percent of the parcel with some exposed ground surface along the chain link fence that separates the parcels. Therefore, ground surface visibility was non-existent to poor (0 to 5 percent). Only modern materials were observed. APN 0236-091-03 This parcel located in the western portion of the proposed Project site was developed, at the time of the survey, with a large truck maintenance structure, paved areas, a mechanic bay and a residential structure. The northern half of the lot, approximately 40 percent for the parcel, included areas with exposed soils and provided poor to good visibility (10 to 50 percent). Intermittent patches of exposed soils within vegetation were observed near the residential building and provided non-existent to fair ground surface visibility (0 to 30 percent). Overall, the visible existing surface comprised of fill soils characterized as brown, fine to medium grained, silty sand with gravel, which are visible within all the parcels within the proposed Project site as previously mentioned above. No cultural materials were identified as a result of the survey. As previously mentioned in Geotechnical Report Review section, all subsurface exploratory boring locations conducted within the proposed Project site identified fill soils at depths from surface to between 1 and 2 ft. bgs (see Table 3). The presence of the fill soil is an indication that any cultural material observed between the ground surface and 1 and 2 ft. bgs, would have been previously displaced from the primary depositional location. Additionally, the presence of fill soils demonstrates that the native soils upon and within which cultural deposits would exist in context was not observed during the survey. Although, no cultural materials were identified within the proposed Project site as a result of the pedestrian survey, these negative results are not reliable. Summary and Management Considerations Results of the records search indicate that the entirety of the proposed Project site has not been subject to a previous cultural resources investigation formally submitted to the CHRIS database. A total of seven (7) cultural resources have been previously recorded within 0.5-mile of the proposed Project site. Of these, one (1) is a historic period archaeological site located 762 meters (2500 ft) northeast of the proposed Project site and six (6) are historic built environment resources, each found ineligible for listing on the CRHR. The closest of these resources, P-36-033111, was located 67 meters (220 ft) southwest of the proposed Project site but has since been demolished. No prehistoric archaeological resources or resources of Native American origin were identified within the proposed Project site or 0.5-mile records search area. The proposed Project site has been utilized for agricultural purposes from as early as the 1930s to the 1980s and portions of the proposed Project site have been developed TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 9 JANUARY 2023 for residential and industrial use beginning in the late 1960s through to the 1990s, much of which is still present on site. A review of a geotechnical report prepared for the proposed Project site indicated that fill soils were encountered between surface and 1 to 2 ft. bgs and are underlain by native soils. The proposed Project site’s native soils consist of Quaternary alluvium and marine deposits from the Pleistocene to Holocene geologic age. More specifically, the proposed Project site is underlain by Quaternary younger fan deposits associated with the Holocene age. Holocene- era alluvial formations do have the potential to support the presence of buried archaeological resources. These soils are associated with the period of prehistoric human use, as well as represent ongoing processes of development that have potential to preserve cultural material in context, depending on area-specific topographical setting. According to the geotechnical report’s recommendations for site preparation, the report recommends the removal of existing vegetation and/or demolition debris, including the removal of fill soils identified between surface and 2 ft bgs and includes an additional 12 in of scarification. The depths of proposed ground disturbance for the proposed Project is unknown, however, for management and recommendation purposes, it is assumed not to exceed 5 ft bgs. In consideration of all these factors, the potential to encounter intact deposits containing archaeological resources within soils between the current grade and 2 ft bgs is highly unlikely; however, ground disturbing activities within the proposed Project site at depths exceeding 2 ft bgs is unknown. As such, adherence to the mitigation measures (MMs) established in the Program Environmental Impact Report for the Southwest Industrial Park (SWIP) Specific Plan (SP) area pertaining to prehistoric and historic-period archaeological resources, such as response and treatment of inadvertent discovery of unknown cultural resources would ensure that any potential impacts to unknown archaeological resources within the proposed Project site would be less-than-significant. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this letter report and its findings. Linda Kry can be reached by email at lkry@dudek.com and Heather McDaniel McDevitt can be reached at hmcdevitt@dudek.com. Sincerely, ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Linda Kry, B.A., RA Heather McDaniel McDevitt, M.A., RPA Archaeologist Archaeologist/Principal Investigator Att: Appendix A: Figures Appendix B. (Confidential) SCCIC Records Search Information cc: Patrick Cruz, Sean Kilkenny, Dudek TO: MR. KEVIN RICE SUBJECT: CULTURAL RESOURCES RECORD SEARCH RESULTS FOR THE NWC SANTA ANA AVENUE AND ALMOND AVENUE WAREHOUSE PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 14657 10 JANUARY 2023 References NorCal Engineering. 2022. Geotechnical Engineering Investigation - Proposed Industrial Warehouse Development, Northwest Corner of Santa Ana Ave. & Almond Ave., Fontana, California. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). 2023a. Web Soil Survey. ttps://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/ App/HomePage.htm. Accessed January 2023. USDA. 2023b. https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/T/TUJUNGA.html. Accessed January 2023. Appendix A Figures Da t e : 1 / 5 / 2 0 2 3 - L a s t s a v e d b y : h m c o m b e r - P a t h : Z : \ P r o j e c t s \ j 1 4 6 5 7 0 1 \ M A P D O C \ D O C U M E N T \ C u l t u r a l \ F i g u r e 1 P r o j e c t L o c a t i o n . m x d Project Location NWC Santa Ana Avenue and Almond Avenue Warehouse Project SOURCE: USGS 7.5 Minute Series Fontana Quadrangle Township 1S; Range 6W; Section 27 02,0001,000 Feet Project Boundary FIGURE 1 1:24,000 Adelanto Anaheim AppleValley Banning Beaumont Big Bear Lake Buena Park CalimesaChino Chino Hills Claremont Colton Corona Duarte Eastvale Fontana Glendora Grand Terrace Hemet Hesperia Highland Jurupa Valley La Palma LaVerne Lake Elsinore Loma Linda Menifee Monrovia Montclair MorenoValleyNorco Ontario Orange Palmdale Pasadena Perris Placentia Rancho Cucamonga Redlands Rialto Riverside SanBernardino SanDimas SanJacinto Upland Victorville Yucaipa Riverside County Los Angeles County SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Project Site 0600300Meters Da t e : 1 / 5 / 2 0 2 3 - L a s t s a v e d b y : h m c o m b e r - P a t h : Z : \ P r o j e c t s \ j 1 4 6 5 7 0 1 \ M A P D O C \ D O C U M E N T \ C u l t u r a l \ F i g u r e 2 P r o j e c t S i t e . m x d Project Site NWC Santa Ana Avenue and Almond Avenue Warehouse Project SOURCE: Bing Maps (accessed 2023); San Bernadino County 2023 0400200Feet Project Boundary Project Parcels Parcels FIGURE 2 0 12060Meters Appendix B (Confidential) SCCIC Records Search Results