HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix M - Noise Impac Analysis Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse NOISE IMPACT ANALYSIS CITY OF FONTANA PREPARED BY: Bill Lawson, PE, INCE blawson@urbanxroads.com (949) 336-5979 Sama Shami sshami@urbanxroads.com (949) 945-4407 DECEMBER 21, 2021 13921-06 Noise Study Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study ii Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study iii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... III APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ IV LIST OF EXHIBITS ................................................................................................................................. IV LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................... V LIST OF ABBREVIATED TERMS ............................................................................................................. VI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 1 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Site Location .................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Project Description ........................................................................................................................ 3 2 FUNDAMENTALS ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Range of Noise .............................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Noise Descriptors .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Sound Propagation ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.4 Noise Control ................................................................................................................................ 9 2.5 Noise Barrier Attenuation ........................................................................................................... 10 2.6 Land Use Compatibility With Noise ............................................................................................ 10 2.7 Community Response to Noise ................................................................................................... 10 2.8 Vibration ..................................................................................................................................... 11 3 REGULATORY SETTING .............................................................................................................. 13 3.1 State of California Noise Requirements ...................................................................................... 13 3.2 State of California Green Building Standards Code .................................................................... 13 3.3 City of Fontana General Plan Noise Element .............................................................................. 13 3.4 Operational Noise Standards ...................................................................................................... 14 3.5 Construction Noise Standards..................................................................................................... 14 3.6 Construction Vibration Standards ............................................................................................... 15 3.7 Airport Land Use Compatibility ................................................................................................... 15 4 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA ............................................................................................................ 17 4.1 CEQA Guidelines Not Further Analyzed ...................................................................................... 17 4.2 Noise-Sensitive Receivers ........................................................................................................... 17 4.3 Significance Criteria Summary .................................................................................................... 19 5 EXISTING NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS ................................................................................... 21 5.1 Measurement Procedure and Criteria ........................................................................................ 21 5.2 Noise Measurement Locations ................................................................................................... 21 5.3 Noise Measurement Results ....................................................................................................... 22 6 TRAFFIC NOISE METHODS AND PROCEDURES ............................................................................ 25 6.1 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model ........................................................................................ 25 6.2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Prediction Model Inputs ........................................................................... 25 7 OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 29 7.1 Traffic Noise Contours ................................................................................................................ 29 7.2 Existing Project Traffic Noise Level Increases ............................................................................. 31 7.3 OYC (2023) Project Traffic Noise Level Increases ....................................................................... 31 8 RECEIVER LOCATIONS................................................................................................................ 33 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study iv 9 OPERATIONAL NOISE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................ 35 9.1 Operational Noise Sources .......................................................................................................... 35 9.2 Reference Noise Levels ............................................................................................................... 35 9.3 CadnaA Noise Prediction Model ................................................................................................. 38 9.4 Project Operational Noise Levels ................................................................................................ 39 9.5 Project Operational Noise Level Compliance .............................................................................. 40 9.6 Project Operational Noise Level Increases ................................................................................. 40 10 CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 43 10.1 Construction Noise Levels ........................................................................................................... 43 10.2 Construction Reference Noise Levels ......................................................................................... 43 10.3 Construction Noise Analysis ........................................................................................................ 45 10.4 Construction Noise Level Compliance ........................................................................................ 46 10.5 Nighttime Concrete Pour Noise Analysis .................................................................................... 47 10.6 Typical Construction Vibration Analysis ...................................................................................... 49 11 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 51 12 CERTIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 53 APPENDICES APPENDIX 3.1: CITY OF FONTANA DEVELOPMENT CODE APPENDIX 5.1: STUDY AREA PHOTOS APPENDIX 5.2: NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENT WORKSHEETS APPENDIX 7.1: OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE CONTOURS APPENDIX 9.1: CADNAA OPERATIONAL NOISE MODEL INPUTS APPENDIX 10.1: CADNAA CONSTRUCTION NOISE MODEL INPUTS APPENDIX 10.2: CADNAA CONCRETE POUR NOISE MODEL INPUTS LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1-A: LOCATION MAP .............................................................................................................. 4 EXHIBIT 1-B: SITE PLAN........................................................................................................................ 5 EXHIBIT 2-A: TYPICAL NOISE LEVELS .................................................................................................... 7 EXHIBIT 2-B: NOISE LEVEL INCREASE PERCEPTION ............................................................................. 11 EXHIBIT 2-C: TYPICAL LEVELS OF GROUND-BORNE VIBRATION .......................................................... 12 EXHIBIT 3-B: LA/ONT FUTURE AIRPORT NOISE CONTOURS ................................................................ 16 EXHIBIT 5-A: NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS ............................................................................... 23 EXHIBIT 8-A: RECEIVER LOCATIONS ................................................................................................... 34 EXHIBIT 9-A: OPERATIONAL NOISE SOURCE LOCATIONS .................................................................... 36 EXHIBIT 10-A: CONSTRUCTION NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS ........................................ 44 EXHIBIT 10-B: NIGHTTIME CONCRETE POUR NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS ................... 48 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study v LIST OF TABLES TABLE ES-1: SUMMARY OF CEQA SIGNIFICANCE FINDINGS .................................................................. 1 TABLE 3-1: OPERATIONAL NOISE STANDARDS ................................................................................... 14 TABLE 4-1: SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA SUMMARY .................................................................................. 19 TABLE 5-1: 24-HOUR AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS .......................................................... 22 TABLE 6-1: OFF-SITE ROADWAY PARAMETERS................................................................................... 26 TABLE 6-2: AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES ................................................................................. 26 TABLE 6-3: TIME OF DAY VEHICLE SPLITS ........................................................................................... 27 TABLE 6-4: WITHOUT PROJECT VEHICLE MIX ..................................................................................... 27 TABLE 6-5: EXISTING 2021 WITH PROJECT VEHICLE MIX .................................................................... 27 TABLE 6-6: OYC (2023) WITH PROJECT VEHICLE MIX .......................................................................... 27 TABLE 7-1: EXISTING WITHOUT PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS .............................................................. 29 TABLE 7-2: EXISTING WITH PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS ..................................................................... 30 TABLE 7-3: OYC (2023) PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS ........................................................................... 30 TABLE 7-4: OYC (2023) WITH PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS .................................................................. 30 TABLE 7-5: EXISTING WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASES .............................................. 32 TABLE 7-6: OYC (2023) WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE INCREASES ..................................................... 32 TABLE 7-1: REFERENCE NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................... 37 TABLE 9-2: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS .............................................................. 39 TABLE 9-3: NIGHTTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS ........................................................... 39 TABLE 9-4: OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE ....................................................................... 40 TABLE 9-5: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASES .............................................. 41 TABLE 9-6: NIGHTTIME OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASES ........................................................ 41 TABLE 10-1: CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS .................................................................... 45 TABLE 10-2: CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOISE LEVEL SUMMARY ................................................... 46 TABLE 10-3: TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE ...................................................... 46 TABLE 10-4: NIGHTTIME CONCRETE POUR NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE ............................................... 47 TABLE 10-5: VIBRATION SOURCE LEVELS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ...................................... 49 TABLE 10-6: CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT VIBRATION LEVELS ........................................................... 50 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study vi LIST OF ABBREVIATED TERMS (1) Reference ADT Average Daily Traffic ANSI American National Standards Institute Calveno California Vehicle Noise CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CNEL Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA A-weighted decibels FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration INCE Institute of Noise Control Engineering Leq Equivalent continuous (average) sound level Lmax Maximum level measured over the time interval Lmin Minimum level measured over the time interval mph Miles per hour OPR Office of Planning and Research PPV Peak Particle Velocity Project Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse REMEL Reference Energy Mean Emission Level RMS Root-mean-square VdB Vibration Decibels Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Urban Crossroads, Inc. has prepared this noise study to determine the potential noise impacts and the necessary noise mitigation measures, if any, for the proposed Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse development (“Project”). The proposed Project includes the development of 417,436 square feet of high-cube fulfillment center warehouse use and 139,145 square feet of high-cube cold storage warehouse use for a total of 556,581 square feet. This study has been prepared to satisfy applicable City of Fontana standards and thresholds of significance based on guidance provided by Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. (1) The results of this Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis are summarized below based on the significance criteria in Section 4 of this report. Table ES-1 shows the findings of significance for each potential noise and/or vibration impact under CEQA before and after any required mitigation measures. TABLE ES-1: SUMMARY OF CEQA SIGNIFICANCE FINDINGS Analysis Report Section Significance Findings Unmitigated Mitigated Off-Site Traffic Noise 7 Less Than Significant - Operational Noise 9 Less Than Significant - Construction Noise 10 Less Than Significant - Construction Vibration Less Than Significant - Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 2 This page intentionally left blank Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 3 1 INTRODUCTION This noise analysis has been completed to determine the noise impacts associated with the development of the proposed Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse (“Project”). This noise study briefly describes the proposed Project, provides information regarding noise fundamentals, sets out the local regulatory setting, presents the study methods and procedures for transportation related CNEL traffic noise analysis, and evaluates the future exterior noise environment. In addition, this study includes an analysis of the potential Project-related long- term stationary-source operational noise and short-term construction noise and vibration impacts. 1.1 SITE LOCATION The proposed project is located on the northwest corner of Cypress Avenue and Slover Avenue in the City of Fontana. The Project location is shown on Exhibit 1-A. The Project Site is generally located directly south of the I-10 Freeway with the nearest noise sensitive residential uses located south and west of the Project site. 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Project includes the development of 469,095 square feet of high-cube fulfillment center warehouse use (75% of the total square footage) and 156,365 square feet of high-cube cold storage warehouse use (25% of the total square footage) for a total of 625,460 square feet, as shown on Exhibit 1-B. The Project is anticipated to be developed within a single phase with an Opening Year of 2023. To present the potential worst-case conditions, the Project is assumed to be operational 24 hours per day, seven days per week. It is expected that the Project business operations would primarily be conducted within the enclosed buildings, except for traffic movement, parking, as well as loading and unloading of trucks at designated loading bays. The on-site Project-related noise sources are expected to include: loading dock activity, roof-top air conditioning units, parking lot vehicle movements, trash enclosure activity, and truck movements. Per the Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Study prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc., the Project is expected to generate a total of approximately 1,334 vehicular trips per day, which includes 296 truck trips per day (2). Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 4 EXHIBIT 1-A: LOCATION MAP Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 5 EXHIBIT 1-B: SITE PLAN Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 6 This page intentionally left blank Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 7 2 FUNDAMENTALS Noise is simply defined as "unwanted sound." Sound becomes unwanted when it interferes with normal activities, when it causes actual physical harm or when it has adverse effects on health. Noise is measured on a logarithmic scale of sound pressure level known as a decibel (dB). A- weighted decibels (dBA) approximate the subjective response of the human ear to broad frequency noise source by discriminating against very low and very high frequencies of the audible spectrum. They are adjusted to reflect only those frequencies which are audible to the human ear. Exhibit 2-A presents a summary of the typical noise levels and their subjective loudness and effects that are described in more detail below. EXHIBIT 2-A: TYPICAL NOISE LEVELS Source: Environmental Protection Agency Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety (EPA/ONAC 550/9-74-004) March 1974. 2.1 RANGE OF NOISE Since the range of intensities that the human ear can detect is so large, the scale frequently used to measure intensity is a scale based on multiples of 10, the logarithmic scale. The scale for measuring intensity is the decibel scale. Each interval of 10 decibels indicates a sound energy ten times greater than before, which is perceived by the human ear as being roughly twice as loud. (3) The most common sounds vary between 40 dBA (very quiet) to 100 dBA (very loud). Normal conversation at three feet is roughly at 60 dBA, while loud jet engine noises equate to 110 dBA Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 8 at approximately 100 feet, which can cause serious discomfort. (4) Another important aspect of noise is the duration of the sound and the way it is described and distributed in time. 2.2 NOISE DESCRIPTORS Environmental noise descriptors are generally based on averages, rather than instantaneous, noise levels. The most used figure is the equivalent level (Leq). Equivalent sound levels are not measured directly but are calculated from sound pressure levels typically measured in A- weighted decibels (dBA). The equivalent sound level (Leq) represents a steady state sound level containing the same total energy as a time varying signal over a given sample period (typically one hour) and is commonly used to describe the “average” noise levels within the environment. Peak hour or average noise levels, while useful, do not completely describe a given noise environment. Noise levels lower than peak hour may be disturbing if they occur during times when quiet is most desirable, namely evening and nighttime (sleeping) hours. To account for this, the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), representing a composite 24-hour noise level is utilized. The CNEL is the weighted average of the intensity of a sound, with corrections for time of day, and averaged over 24 hours. The time of day corrections require the addition of 5 decibels to dBA Leq sound levels in the evening from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and the addition of 10 decibels to dBA Leq sound levels at night between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. These additions are made to account for the noise sensitive time periods during the evening and night hours when sound appears louder. CNEL does not represent the actual sound level heard at any time, but rather represents the total sound exposure. The City of Fontana relies on the 24-hour CNEL level to assess land use compatibility with transportation related noise sources. 2.3 SOUND PROPAGATION When sound propagates over a distance, it changes in level and frequency content. The way noise reduces with distance depends on the following factors. 2.3.1 GEOMETRIC SPREADING Sound from a localized source (i.e., a stationary point source) propagates uniformly outward in a spherical pattern. The sound level attenuates (or decreases) at a rate of 6 dB for each doubling of distance from a point source. Highways consist of several localized noise sources on a defined path and hence can be treated as a line source, which approximates the effect of several point sources. Noise from a line source propagates outward in a cylindrical pattern, often referred to as cylindrical spreading. Sound levels attenuate at a rate of 3 dB for each doubling of distance from a line source. (3) 2.3.2 GROUND ABSORPTION The propagation path of noise from a highway to a receiver is usually very close to the ground. Noise attenuation from ground absorption and reflective wave canceling adds to the attenuation associated with geometric spreading. Traditionally, the excess attenuation has also been expressed in terms of attenuation per doubling of distance. This approximation is usually Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 9 sufficiently accurate for distances of less than 200 ft. For acoustically hard sites (i.e., sites with a reflective surface between the source and the receiver, such as a parking lot or body of water), no excess ground attenuation is assumed. For acoustically absorptive or soft sites (i.e., those sites with an absorptive ground surface between the source and the receiver such as soft dirt, grass, or scattered bushes and trees), an excess ground attenuation value of 1.5 dB per doubling of distance is normally assumed. When added to the cylindrical spreading, the excess ground attenuation results in an overall drop-off rate of 4.5 dB per doubling of distance from a line source. (5) 2.3.3 ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS Receivers located downwind from a source can be exposed to increased noise levels relative to calm conditions, whereas locations upwind can have lowered noise levels. Sound levels can be increased at large distances (e.g., more than 500 feet) due to atmospheric temperature inversion (i.e., increasing temperature with elevation). Other factors such as air temperature, humidity, and turbulence can also have significant effects. (3) 2.3.4 SHIELDING A large object or barrier in the path between a noise source and a receiver can substantially attenuate noise levels at the receiver. The amount of attenuation provided by shielding depends on the size of the object and the frequency content of the noise source. Shielding by trees and other such vegetation typically only has an “out of sight, out of mind” effect. That is, the perception of noise impact tends to decrease when vegetation blocks the line-of-sight to nearby residents. However, for vegetation to provide a substantial, or even noticeable, noise reduction, the vegetation area must be at least 15 feet in height, 100 feet wide and dense enough to completely obstruct the line-of sight between the source and the receiver. This size of vegetation may provide up to 5 dBA of noise reduction. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) does not consider the planting of vegetation to be a noise abatement measure. (5) 2.3.5 REFLECTION Field studies conducted by the FHWA have shown that the reflection from barriers and buildings does not substantially increase noise levels. (5) If all the noise striking a structure was reflected back to a given receiving point, the increase would be theoretically limited to 3 dBA. Further, not all the acoustical energy is reflected back to same point. Some of the energy would go over the structure, some is reflected to points other than the given receiving point, some is scattered by ground coverings (e.g., grass and other plants), and some is blocked by intervening structures and/or obstacles (e.g., the noise source itself). Additionally, some of the reflected energy is lost due to the longer path that the noise must travel. FHWA measurements made to quantify reflective increases in traffic noise have not shown an increase of greater than 1-2 dBA; an increase that is not perceptible to the average human ear. 2.4 NOISE CONTROL Noise control is the process of obtaining an acceptable noise environment for an observation point or receiver by controlling the noise source, transmission path, receiver, or all three. This Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 10 concept is known as the source-path-receiver concept. In general, noise control measures can be applied to these three elements. 2.5 NOISE BARRIER ATTENUATION Effective noise barriers can reduce noise levels by up to 10 to 15 dBA, cutting the loudness of traffic noise in half. A noise barrier is most effective when placed close to the noise source or receiver. Noise barriers, however, do have limitations. For a noise barrier to work, it must be high enough and long enough to block the path of the noise source. (5) 2.6 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY WITH NOISE Some land uses are more tolerant of noise than others. For example, schools, hospitals, churches, and residences are more sensitive to noise intrusion than are commercial or industrial developments and related activities. As ambient noise levels affect the perceived amenity or livability of a development, so too can the mismanagement of noise impacts impair the economic health and growth potential of a community by reducing the area’s desirability as a place to live, shop and work. For this reason, land use compatibility with the noise environment is an important consideration in the planning and design process. The FHWA encourages State and Local government to regulate land development in such a way that noise-sensitive land uses are either prohibited from being located adjacent to a highway, or that the developments are planned, designed, and constructed in such a way that noise impacts are minimized. (6) 2.7 COMMUNITY RESPONSE TO NOISE Community responses to noise may range from registering a complaint by telephone or letter, to initiating court action, depending upon everyone’s susceptibility to noise and personal attitudes about noise. Several factors are related to the level of community annoyance including: • Fear associated with noise producing activities; • Socio-economic status and educational level; • Perception that those affected are being unfairly treated; • Attitudes regarding the usefulness of the noise-producing activity; • Belief that the noise source can be controlled. Approximately ten percent of the population has a very low tolerance for noise and will object to any noise not of their making. Consequently, even in the quietest environment, some complaints will occur. Twenty-five percent of the population will not complain even in very severe noise environments. Thus, a variety of reactions can be expected from people exposed to any given noise environment. (7) Surveys have shown that about ten percent of the people exposed to traffic noise of 60 dBA will report being highly annoyed with the noise, and each increase of one dBA is associated with approximately two percent more people being highly annoyed. When traffic noise exceeds 60 dBA or aircraft noise exceeds 55 dBA, people may begin to complain. (7) Despite this variability in behavior on an individual level, the population can be expected to exhibit the following responses to changes in noise levels as shown on Exhibit 2-B. A change of Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 11 3 dBA are considered barely perceptible, and changes of 5 dBA are considered readily perceptible. (5) EXHIBIT 2-B: NOISE LEVEL INCREASE PERCEPTION 2.8 VIBRATION Per the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (8), vibration is the periodic oscillation of a medium or object. The rumbling sound caused by the vibration of room surfaces is called structure-borne noise. Sources of ground- borne vibrations include natural phenomena (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sea waves, landslides) or human-made causes (e.g., explosions, machinery, traffic, trains, construction equipment). Vibration sources may be continuous, such as factory machinery, or transient, such as explosions. As is the case with airborne sound, ground-borne vibrations may be described by amplitude and frequency. There are several different methods that are used to quantify vibration. The peak particle velocity (PPV) is defined as the maximum instantaneous peak of the vibration signal. The PPV is most frequently used to describe vibration impacts to buildings but is not always suitable for evaluating human response (annoyance) because it takes some time for the human body to respond to vibration signals. Instead, the human body responds to average vibration amplitude often described as the root mean square (RMS). The RMS amplitude is defined as the average of the squared amplitude of the signal and is most frequently used to describe the effect of vibration on the human body. Decibel notation (VdB) is commonly used to measure RMS. Decibel notation (VdB) serves to reduce the range of numbers used to describe human response to vibration. Typically, ground-borne vibration generated by man-made activities attenuates rapidly with distance from the source of the vibration. Sensitive receivers for vibration include structures (especially older masonry structures), people (especially residents, the elderly, and sick), and vibration-sensitive equipment and/or activities. The background vibration-velocity level in residential areas is generally 50 VdB. Ground-borne vibration is normally perceptible to humans at approximately 65 VdB. For most people, a vibration-velocity level of 75 VdB is the approximate dividing line between barely perceptible and distinctly perceptible levels. Typical outdoor sources of perceptible ground-borne vibration are construction equipment, steel-wheeled trains, and traffic on rough roads. If a roadway is smooth, the ground-borne vibration is rarely perceptible. The range of interest is from approximately 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Just Perceptible Barely Perceptible Readily Perceptible Twice as Loud Noise Level Increase (dBA) Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 12 VdB, which is the typical background vibration-velocity level, to 100 VdB, which is the general threshold where minor damage can occur in fragile buildings. Exhibit 2-C illustrates common vibration sources and the human and structural response to ground-borne vibration. EXHIBIT 2-C: TYPICAL LEVELS OF GROUND-BORNE VIBRATION Source: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 13 3 REGULATORY SETTING To limit population exposure to physically and/or psychologically damaging as well as intrusive noise levels, the federal government, the State of California, various county governments, and most municipalities in the State have established standards and ordinances to control noise. In most areas, automobile and truck traffic is the major source of environmental noise. Traffic activity generally produces an average sound level that remains constant with time. Air and rail traffic, and commercial and industrial activities are also major sources of noise in some areas. Federal, state, and local agencies regulate different aspects of environmental noise. Federal and state agencies generally set noise standards for mobile sources such as aircraft and motor vehicles, while regulation of stationary sources is left to local agencies. 3.1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOISE REQUIREMENTS The State of California regulates freeway noise, sets standards for sound transmission, provides occupational noise control criteria, identifies noise standards, and provides guidance for local land use compatibility. State law requires that each county and city adopt a General Plan that includes a Noise Element which is to be prepared per guidelines adopted by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR). (9) The purpose of the Noise Element is to limit the exposure of the community to excessive noise levels. In addition, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that all known environmental effects of a project be analyzed, including environmental noise impacts. 3.2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE The State of California’s Green Building Standards Code contains mandatory measures for non- residential building construction in Section 5.507 on Environmental Comfort. (10) These noise standards are applied to new construction in California for controlling interior noise levels resulting from exterior noise sources. The regulations specify that acoustical studies must be prepared when non-residential structures are developed in areas where the exterior noise levels exceed 65 dBA CNEL, such as within a noise contour of an airport, freeway, railroad, and other areas where noise contours are not readily available. If the development falls within an airport or freeway 65 dBA CNEL noise contour, the combined sound transmission class (STC) rating of the wall and roof-ceiling assemblies must be at least 50. For those developments in areas where noise contours are not readily available and the noise level exceeds 65 dBA Leq for any hour of operation, a wall and roof-ceiling combined STC rating of 45, and exterior windows with a minimum STC rating of 40 are required (Section 5.507.4.1). 3.3 CITY OF FONTANA GENERAL PLAN NOISE ELEMENT The City of Fontana General Plan was updated on November 13, 2018. (11) To protect residents from the negative effect of “spillover” noise (Goal #10), the City of Fontana has identified the following policies in the General Plan Noise Element: Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 14 Policy Residential land uses and areas identified as noise-sensitive shall be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including industrial, commercial, and residential activities and equipment. Actions A. Projects located in commercial areas shall not exceed stationary- source noise standards at the property line of proximate residential or commercial uses. B. Industrial uses shall not exceed commercial or residential stationary source noise standards at the most proximate land uses. C. Non-transportation noise shall be considered in land use planning decisions. D. Construction shall be performed as quietly as feasible when performed in proximity to residential or other noise sensitive land uses. 3.4 OPERATIONAL NOISE STANDARDS To analyze noise impacts originating from a designated fixed location or private property such as the Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Project, stationary-source (operational) noise such as the expected loading dock activity, roof-top air conditioning units, parking lot vehicle movements, trash enclosure activity, and truck movements are typically evaluated against standards established under a jurisdiction’s Municipal Code. The City of Fontana noise control guidelines for determining and mitigating non-transportation or stationary noise source impacts from operations in neighboring residential areas are found in the Zoning and Development Code (Section 30-543), provided in Appendix 3.1. For industrial zoning districts, Section 30-543 indicates that no person shall create or cause to be created any sound which exceeds the noise levels in this section as measured at the property line of any residentially zoned property. The performance standards found in Section 30-543 limit the exterior noise level to 70 dBA Leq during the daytime hours, and 65 dBA Leq during the nighttime hours at sensitive receiver locations as shown on Table 3-1. (12) TABLE 3-1: OPERATIONAL NOISE STANDARDS Jurisdiction Land use Noise Level Standards (dBA Leq)2 Daytime Nighttime City of Fontana1 Residential 70 65 1 Section 30-543 of the City of Fontana Development Code (Appendix 3.1). 2 Leq represents a steady state sound level containing the same total energy as a time varying signal over a given sample period. "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 3.5 CONSTRUCTION NOISE STANDARDS The City of Fontana has set restrictions to control noise impacts associated with the construction of the proposed Project. According to Section 18-63(b)(7), Construction or repairing of buildings or structures, construction activity is limited: between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays except in the case of urgent necessity. (13) Project construction noise levels are, therefore, considered exempt from Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 15 municipal regulation if activities occur within the hours specified in the City of Fontana Municipal Code, Section 18-63(7) of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. However, if activity occurs outside of these hours, the City of Fontana stationary-source (operational) noise level standards of 70 dBA Leq during the daytime hours, and 65 dBA Leq during the nighttime hours shall apply as previously discussed in Section 3.4. 3.6 CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION STANDARDS To analyze vibration impacts originating from the operation and construction of the Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse, vibration-generating activities are typically evaluated against standards established under a City’s Municipal Code. The City of Fontana Municipal Code, Section 30-543, indicates that operational vibration levels shall not create or cause to be created any activity that causes a vibration that can be felt beyond the property line with or without the aid of an instrument. (13) For analysis purposes, a peak-particle-velocity (PPV) vibration threshold of 0.2 in/sec PPV is used to determine perception consistent with the City of Fontana Municipal Code requirements based on guidance provided by the Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. (8) 3.7 AIRPORT LAND USE COMPATIBILITY The Project site is located roughly 7.7 miles northeast of the Ontario International Airport (ONT). This places the Project site within the ONT Airport Influence Area according to Policy Map 2-1 of the Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ONT ALUCP). The ONT ALUCP was amended July 2018 to promote compatibility between airport and the land uses that surround it. (14) Since the Project site is located within the ONT Airport Influence Area, the Project is subject to the Noise Criteria established on Table 2-3 in the ONT ALUCP. As shown on Exhibit 3-B, the Project site is located within the ONT Airport Influence Area but outside the 60 dBA CNEL airport noise impact zone consistent with Policy Map 2-3. According to Table 2-3 of the ONT ALUCP, industrial land uses located outside the 60 dBA CNEL noise level contours of ONT, such as the Project, are considered normally compatible land use and must reduce interior noise levels to 50 dBA CNEL. Standard building construction practices required under the State of California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) typically provide up to 25 dBA CNEL of attenuation. With respect to noise generated by the ONT Airport facilities and activities, application of standard CALGreen construction practices would yield acceptable Project interior noise levels of approximately 35 dBA CNEL. In addition, the Project does not propose or require facilities or actions that would contribute to or exacerbate noise generated by ONT facilities and activities. Therefore, the Project would not be adversely affected by airport/airfield noise, nor would the Project contribute to or result in adverse airport/airfield noise impacts. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 16 EXHIBIT 3-B: LA/ONT FUTURE AIRPORT NOISE CONTOURS Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 17 4 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA The following significance criteria are based on currently adopted guidance provided by Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. (1) For the purposes of this report, impacts would be potentially significant if the Project results in or causes: A. Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? B. Generation of excessive ground-borne vibration or ground-borne noise levels? C. For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? While the City of Fontana General Plan Guidelines provide direction on noise compatibility and establish noise standards by land use type that are sufficient to assess the significance of noise impacts, they do not define the levels at which increases are considered substantial for use under Guideline A. CEQA Appendix G Guideline C applies to nearby public and private airports, if any, and the Project’s land use compatibility. 4.1 CEQA GUIDELINES NOT FURTHER ANALYZED As previously indicated in Section 3.7, the ONT Airport noise contour boundaries are presented on Exhibit 3-B of this report and show that the Project is considered normally compatible land use since it is located outside the 60 dBA CNEL noise impact zone. Industrial/business park/commercial land uses located outside the 60 dBA CNEL noise level contours of ONT, such as the Project evaluated here, are considered a normally compatible land use, and must reduce interior noise levels to 50 dBA CNEL. Standard building construction practices required under the State of California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) typically provide up to 25 dBA CNEL of attenuation. As such, application of standard CALGreen construction practices would yield acceptable Project interior noise levels of approximately 35 dBA CNEL. Potential airstrip/airport noise impacts affecting the Project are therefore not further analyzed. 4.2 NOISE-SENSITIVE RECEIVERS Noise level increases resulting from the Project are evaluated based on the Appendix G CEQA Guidelines described above at the closest sensitive receiver locations. Under CEQA, consideration must be given to the magnitude of the increase, the existing ambient noise levels, and the location of noise-sensitive receivers to determine if a noise increase represents a significant adverse environmental impact. This approach recognizes that there is no single noise increase that renders the noise impact significant. (15) Unfortunately, there is no completely satisfactory way to measure the subjective effects of noise or of the corresponding human reactions of annoyance and dissatisfaction. This is primarily because of the wide variation in individual thresholds of annoyance and differing individual Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 18 experiences with noise. Thus, an important way of determining a person’s subjective reaction to a new noise is the comparison of it to the existing environment to which one has adapted—the so-called ambient environment. In general, the more a new noise exceeds the previously existing ambient noise level, the less acceptable the new noise will typically be judged. The Federal Interagency Committee on Noise (FICON) (16) developed guidance to be used for the assessment of project-generated increases in noise levels that consider the ambient noise level. The FICON recommendations are based on studies that relate aircraft noise levels to the percentage of persons highly annoyed by aircraft noise. Although the FICON recommendations were specifically developed to assess aircraft noise impacts, these recommendations are often used in environmental noise impact assessments involving the use of cumulative noise exposure metrics, such as the average-daily noise level (CNEL) and equivalent continuous noise level (Leq). As previously stated, the approach used in this noise study recognizes that there is no single noise increase that renders the noise impact significant, based on a 2008 California Court of Appeal ruling on Gray v. County of Madera. (15) For example, if the ambient noise environment is quiet (<60 dBA) and the new noise source greatly increases the noise levels, an impact may occur if the noise criteria may be exceeded. Therefore, for this analysis, FICON identifies a readily perceptible 5 dBA or greater project-related noise level increase is considered a significant impact when the noise criteria for a given land use is exceeded. Per the FICON, in areas where the without project noise levels range from 60 to 65 dBA, a 3 dBA barely perceptible noise level increase appears to be appropriate for most people. When the without project noise levels already exceed 65 dBA, any increase in community noise louder than 1.5 dBA or greater is considered a significant impact if the noise criteria for a given land use is exceeded, since it likely contributes to an existing noise exposure exceedance. The FICON guidance provides an established source of criteria to assess the impacts of substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels. Based on the FICON criteria, the amount to which a given noise level increase is considered acceptable is reduced when the without Project noise levels are already shown to exceed certain land-use specific exterior noise level criteria. The specific levels are based on typical responses to noise level increases of 5 dBA or readily perceptible, 3 dBA or barely perceptible, and 1.5 dBA depending on the underlying without Project noise levels for noise-sensitive uses. These levels of increases and their perceived acceptance are consistent with guidance provided by both the Federal Highway Administration (5 p. 9) and Caltrans (17 p. 2_48). Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 19 4.3 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA SUMMARY Noise impacts shall be considered significant if any of the following occur as a direct result of the proposed Project. Table 4-1 shows the significance criteria summary matrix. TABLE 4-1: SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA SUMMARY Analysis Receiving Land Use Condition(s) Significance Criteria Daytime Nighttime Off-Site Noise- Sensitive1 if ambient is < 60 dBA CNEL ≥ 5 dBA CNEL Project increase if ambient is 60 - 65 dBA CNEL ≥ 3 dBA CNEL Project increase if ambient is > 65 dBA CNEL ≥ 1.5 dBA CNEL Project increase Operational Noise2 Adjacent Uses Exterior Noise Level Standards 70 dBA Leq 65 dBA Leq Noise- Sensitive1 if ambient is < 60 dBA CNEL ≥ 5 dBA CNEL Project increase if ambient is 60 - 65 dBA CNEL ≥ 3 dBA CNEL Project increase if ambient is > 65 dBA CNEL ≥ 1.5 dBA CNEL Project increase Construction Noise3 Adjacent Uses If construction occurs outside of permitted hours 70 dBA Leq 65 dBA Leq Construction Vibration4 If construction vibration exceeds: 0.2 PPV in/sec 1 Ficon, 1992. 2 Based on Section 30-543 of the City of Fontana Municipal Code. 3 Based on Sections 18-63(7) and 30-543 of the City of Fontana Municipal Code. 4 Based on Section 30-183 of the City of Fontana Municipal Code and the Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 20 This page intentionally left blank Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 21 5 EXISTING NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS To assess the existing noise level environment, 24-hour noise level measurements were taken at four locations in the Project study area. The receiver locations were selected to describe and document the existing noise environment within the Project study area. Exhibit 5-A provides the boundaries of the Project study area and the noise level measurement locations. To fully describe the existing noise conditions, noise level measurements were collected by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020. Appendix 5.1 includes study area photos. 5.1 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA To describe the existing noise environment, the hourly noise levels were measured during typical weekday conditions over a 24-hour period. By collecting individual hourly noise level measurements, it is possible to describe the daytime and nighttime hourly noise levels and calculate the 24-hour CNEL. The long-term noise readings were recorded using Piccolo Type 2 integrating sound level meter and dataloggers. The Piccolo sound level meters were calibrated using a Larson-Davis calibrator, Model CAL 150. All noise meters were programmed in "slow" mode to record noise levels in "A" weighted form. The sound level meters and microphones were equipped with a windscreen during all measurements. All noise level measurement equipment satisfies the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard specifications for sound level meters ANSI S1.4-2014/IEC 61672-1:2013. (18) 5.2 NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS The long-term noise level measurements were positioned as close to the nearest sensitive receiver locations as possible to assess the existing ambient hourly noise levels surrounding the Project site. Both Caltrans and the FTA recognize that it is not reasonable to collect noise level measurements that can fully represent every part of a private yard, patio, deck, or balcony normally used for human activity when estimating impacts for new development projects. This is demonstrated in the Caltrans general site location guidelines which indicate that, sites must be free of noise contamination by sources other than sources of interest. Avoid sites located near sources such as barking dogs, lawnmowers, pool pumps, and air conditioners unless it is the express intent of the analyst to measure these sources. (3) Further, FTA guidance states, that it is not necessary nor recommended that existing noise exposure be determined by measuring at every noise-sensitive location in the project area. Rather, the recommended approach is to characterize the noise environment for clusters of sites based on measurements or estimates at representative locations in the community. (8) Based on recommendations of Caltrans and the FTA, it is not necessary to collect measurements at each individual building or residence, because each receiver measurement represents a group of buildings that share acoustical equivalence. (8) In other words, the area represented by the receiver shares similar shielding, terrain, and geometric relationship to the reference noise source. Receivers represent a location of noise sensitive areas and are used to estimate the future noise level impacts. Collecting reference ambient noise level measurements at the nearby sensitive receiver locations allows for a comparison of the before and after Project noise levels Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 22 and is necessary to assess potential noise impacts due to the Project’s contribution to the ambient noise levels. 5.3 NOISE MEASUREMENT RESULTS The noise measurements presented below focus on the average or equivalent sound levels (Leq). The equivalent sound level (Leq) represents a steady state sound level containing the same total energy as a time varying signal over a given sample period. Table 5-1 identifies the hourly daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) noise levels at each noise level measurement location. TABLE 5-1: 24-HOUR AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Location1 Description Energy Average Noise Level (dBA Leq)2 CNEL Daytime Nighttime L1 Located in the middle of the Project site on Boyle Avenue near OHNO Construction at 16434 Boyle Avenue. 61.3 58.8 66.2 L2 Located east of the Project site on Cypress Avenue near existing single-family residential home at 16521 Boyle Avenue. 61.0 56.0 64.1 L3 Located south of the Project site on Cypress Avenue near existing single-family residential home at 10600 Cypress Avenue. 61.8 57.3 65.1 L4 Located in the southern portion of the Project site on Slover Avenue near existing single-family residential home at 16376 Slover Avenue. 67.9 64.4 71.8 1 See Exhibit 5-A for the noise level measurement locations. 2 Energy (logarithmic) average levels. The long-term 24-hour measurement worksheets are included in Appendix 5.2. "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Table 5-1 provides the (energy average) noise levels used to describe the daytime and nighttime ambient conditions. These daytime and nighttime energy average noise levels represent the average of all hourly noise levels observed during these time periods expressed as a single number. Appendix 5.2 provides summary worksheets of the noise levels for each hour as well as the minimum, maximum, L1, L2, L5, L8, L25, L50, L90, L95, and L99 percentile noise levels observed during the daytime and nighttime periods. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 23 EXHIBIT 5-A: NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 24 This page intentionally left blank Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 25 6 TRAFFIC NOISE METHODS AND PROCEDURES The following section outlines the methods and procedures used to model and analyze the future traffic noise environment. Consistent with the Land Use Compatibility Criteria, all transportation related noise levels are presented in terms of the 24-hour CNEL’s. 6.1 FHWA TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL The expected roadway noise level increases from vehicular traffic were calculated by Urban Crossroads, Inc. using a computer program that replicates the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Prediction Model- FHWA-RD-77-108. (19) The FHWA Model arrives at a predicted noise level through a series of adjustments to the Reference Energy Mean Emission Level (REMEL). In California the national REMELs are substituted with the California Vehicle Noise (Calveno) Emission Levels. (20) Adjustments are then made to the REMEL to account for: the roadway classification (e.g., collector, secondary, major or arterial), the roadway active width (i.e., the distance between the center of the outermost travel lanes on each side of the roadway), the total average daily traffic (ADT), the travel speed, the percentages of automobiles, medium trucks, and heavy trucks in the traffic volume, the roadway grade, the angle of view (e.g., whether the roadway view is blocked), the site conditions ("hard" or "soft" relates to the absorption of the ground, pavement, or landscaping), and the percentage of total ADT which flows each hour throughout a 24-hour period. Research conducted by Caltrans has shown that the use of soft site conditions is appropriate for the application of the FHWA traffic noise prediction model used in this analysis. (21) 6.2 OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL INPUTS Table 6-1 presents the roadway parameters used to assess the Project’s off-site dBA CNEL transportation noise impacts consistent with the Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Study, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. Table 6-1 identifies the three study area roadway segments, the distance from the centerline to adjacent land use based on the functional roadway classifications per the City of Fontana General Plan Circulation Element, and the posted vehicle speeds. The ADT volumes used in this study area presented on Table 6-2 are based on the Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Study, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. for the following traffic scenarios under both Without and With Project alternatives: Existing (2021), and Opening Year Cumulative (OYC) (2023). (2) The ADT volumes vary for each roadway segment based on the existing traffic volumes and the combination of project traffic distributions. This analysis relies on a comparative evaluation of the off-site traffic noise impacts, without and with project ADT traffic volumes from the Project traffic study. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 26 TABLE 6-1: OFF-SITE ROADWAY PARAMETERS ID Roadway Segment Receiving Land Use1 Distance from Centerline to Nearest Adjacent Land Use (Feet)2 Posted Speed Limit (mph)3 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. Sensitive 40' 45 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. Sensitive 40' 45 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. Sensitive 40' 45 1 Based on a review of existing aerial imagery. Noise sensitive uses limited to existing residential land uses. 2 Distance to receiving land use is based upon the right-of-way distances. 3 Based on a review of existing aerial imagery. TABLE 6-2: AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES ID Roadway Segment Average Daily Traffic Volumes1 Existing (2021) Opening Year Cumulative (OYC) (2023) Without Project With Project Without Project With Project 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. 12,679 13,369 15,487 16,177 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. 13,843 14,454 16,679 17,290 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. 14,365 14,924 17,213 17,772 1 Slover Avenue & Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Impact Analysis, Urban Crossroads, Inc. To quantify the off-site noise levels, the Project related truck trips were added to the heavy truck category in the FHWA noise prediction model. The addition of the Project related truck trips increases the percentage of heavy trucks in the vehicle mix. This approach recognizes that the FHWA noise prediction model is significantly influenced by the number of heavy trucks in the vehicle mix. Table 6-3 provides the time of day (daytime, evening, and nighttime) vehicle splits. The daily Project truck trip-ends were assigned to the individual off-site study area roadway segments based on the Project truck trip distribution percentages documented in the Traffic Impact Analysis. Using the Project truck trips in combination with the Project trip distribution, Urban Crossroads, Inc. calculated the number of additional Project truck trips and vehicle mix percentages for each of the study area roadway segments. Table 6-4 shows the traffic flow by vehicle type (vehicle mix) used for all without Project traffic scenarios, and Tables 6-5 and 6-6 show the vehicle mixes used for the with Project traffic scenarios. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 27 TABLE 6-3: TIME OF DAY VEHICLE SPLITS Vehicle Type Time of Day Splits1 Total of Time of Day Splits Daytime Evening Nighttime Autos 77.50% 12.90% 9.60% 100.00% Medium Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30% 100.00% Heavy Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80% 100.00% 1 Typical Southern California vehicle mix. "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; "Evening" = 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. TABLE 6-4: WITHOUT PROJECT VEHICLE MIX Classification Total % Traffic Flow Total Autos Medium Trucks Heavy Trucks All Segments 87.40% 5.38% 7.22% 100.00% Based on a 24-hour count taken at Oleander Avenue and Slover Avenue (Slover Avenue & Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Impact Analysis, Urban Crossroads, Inc.). Vehicle mix percentage values rounded to the nearest one-hundredth. Due to the added Project truck trips, the increase in Project traffic volumes and the distributions of trucks on the study area road segments, the percentage of autos, medium trucks and heavy trucks will vary for each of the traffic scenarios. This explains why the existing and future traffic volumes and vehicle mixes vary between seemingly identical study area roadway segments. TABLE 6-5: EXISTING 2021 WITH PROJECT VEHICLE MIX ID Roadway Segment With Project1 Autos Medium Trucks Heavy Trucks Total2 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. 86.78% 5.27% 7.95% 100.00% 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. 87.30% 5.23% 7.47% 100.00% 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. 87.26% 5.26% 7.49% 100.00% 1 Slover Avenue & Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Impact Analysis, Urban Crossroads, Inc. 2 Total of vehicle mix percentage values rounded to the nearest one-hundredth. TABLE 6-6: OYC (2023) WITH PROJECT VEHICLE MIX ID Roadway Segment With Project1 Autos Medium Trucks Heavy Trucks Total2 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. 86.88% 5.29% 7.83% 100.00% 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. 87.32% 5.26% 7.43% 100.00% 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. 87.28% 5.27% 7.44% 100.00% 1 Slover Avenue & Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Impact Analysis, Urban Crossroads, Inc. 2 Total of vehicle mix percentage values rounded to the nearest one-hundredth. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 28 This page intentionally left blank Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 29 7 OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE ANALYSIS To assess the off-site transportation CNEL noise level impacts associated with the proposed Project, noise contours were developed based on the Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Analysis. (2) Noise contour boundaries represent the equal levels of noise exposure and are measured in CNEL from the center of the roadway. 7.1 TRAFFIC NOISE CONTOURS Noise contours were used to assess the Project's incremental 24-hour dBA CNEL traffic-related noise impacts at land uses adjacent to roadways conveying Project traffic. The noise contours represent the distance to noise levels of a constant value and are measured from the center of the roadway for the 70, 65, and 60 dBA CNEL noise levels. The noise contours do not consider the effect of any existing noise barriers or topography that may attenuate ambient noise levels. In addition, because the noise contours reflect modeling of vehicular noise on area roadways, they appropriately do not reflect noise contributions from the surrounding stationary noise sources within the Project study area. Tables 7-1 through 7-4 present a summary of the exterior dBA CNEL traffic noise levels without barrier attenuation. Roadway segments are analyzed from the without Project to the with Project conditions in each of the following timeframes: Existing (2021), and OYC (2023). Appendix 7.1 includes a summary of the dBA CNEL traffic noise level contours for each of the traffic scenarios. TABLE 7-1: EXISTING WITHOUT PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Existing Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. Sensitive 75.5 93 200 431 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. Sensitive 75.9 98 212 457 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. Sensitive 76.0 101 218 469 1 Based on a review of existing aerial imagery. Noise sensitive uses limited to existing residential land uses. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of the receiving adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 30 TABLE 7-2: EXISTING WITH PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Existing Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. Sensitive 76.0 100 216 464 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. Sensitive 76.1 103 221 476 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. Sensitive 76.3 105 226 487 1 Based on a review of existing aerial imagery. Noise sensitive uses limited to existing residential land uses. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of the receiving adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. TABLE 7-3: OYC (2023) PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Existing Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. Sensitive 76.4 106 229 493 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. Sensitive 76.7 112 240 518 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. Sensitive 76.8 114 245 529 1 Based on a review of existing aerial imagery. Noise sensitive uses limited to existing residential land uses. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of the receiving adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. TABLE 7-4: OYC (2023) WITH PROJECT NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Existing Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. Sensitive 76.8 113 243 524 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. Sensitive 76.9 115 248 535 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. Sensitive 77.0 118 253 546 1 Based on a review of existing aerial imagery. Noise sensitive uses limited to existing residential land uses. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of the receiving adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 31 7.2 EXISTING PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASES An analysis of existing traffic noise levels plus traffic noise generated by the proposed Project has been included in this report to fully analyze all the existing traffic scenarios identified in the Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Impact Analysis. This condition is provided solely for informational purposes and will not occur, since the Project will not be fully developed and occupied under Existing conditions. Table 7-1 shows the Existing without Project conditions CNEL noise levels. The Existing without Project exterior noise levels are expected to range from 75.5 to 76.0 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-2 shows the Existing with Project conditions will range from 76.0 to 76.3 dBA CNEL. Table 7-5 shows that the Project off-site traffic noise level impacts will range from 0.2 to 0.5 dBA CNEL. Based on the significance criteria for off-site traffic noise presented in Table 4- 1, land uses adjacent to the study area roadway segments would experience less than significant noise level increases on receiving land uses due to the Project-related traffic. 7.3 OYC (2023) PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASES Table 7-3 presents the OYC (2023) without Project conditions CNEL noise levels. The OYC (2023) without Project exterior noise levels are expected to range from 76.4 to 76.8 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-4 shows the OYC (2023) with Project conditions will range from 76.8 to 77.0 dBA CNEL. Table 7-6 shows that the Project off-site traffic noise level increases will range from 0.2 to 0.4 dBA CNEL. Based on the significance criteria for off-site traffic noise presented in Table 4-1, land uses adjacent to the study area roadway segments would experience less than significant noise level increases on receiving land uses due to the Project-related traffic. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 32 TABLE 7-5: EXISTING WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASES ID Road Segment CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)1 Noise- Sensitive Land Use?2 Incremental Noise Level Increase Threshold3 No Project With Project Project Increase Limit Exceeded? 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. 75.5 76.0 0.5 Yes 1.5 No 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. 75.9 76.1 0.2 Yes 1.5 No 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. 76.0 76.3 0.3 Yes 1.5 No 1 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the nearest adjacent land use. 2 “Yes” = Existing, noise-sensitive land uses adjacent to the study area roadway segment. 3 Does the Project create an incremental noise level increase exceeding the significance criteria (Table 4-1)? TABLE 7-6: OYC (2023) WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE INCREASES ID Road Segment CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)1 Noise- Sensitive Land Use?2 Incremental Noise Level Increase Threshold3 No Project With Project Project Increase Limit Exceeded? 1 Slover Av. w/o Oleander Av. 76.4 76.8 0.4 Yes 1.5 No 2 Slover Av. w/o Cypress Av. 76.7 76.9 0.2 Yes 1.5 No 3 Slover Av. w/o Juniper Av. 76.8 77.0 0.2 Yes 1.5 No 1 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the nearest adjacent land use. 2 "Yes" = Existing, noise-sensitive land uses adjacent to the study area roadway segment. 3 Does the Project create an incremental noise level increase exceeding the significance criteria (Table 4-1)? Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 33 8 RECEIVER LOCATIONS To assess the potential for long-term operational and short-term construction noise impacts, the following sensitive receiver locations, as shown on Exhibit 8-A, were identified as representative locations for analysis. Sensitive receivers are generally defined as locations where people reside or where the presence of unwanted sound could otherwise adversely affect the use of the land. Noise-sensitive land uses are generally considered to include schools, hospitals, single-family dwellings, mobile home parks, churches, libraries, and recreation areas. Moderately noise- sensitive land uses typically include multi-family dwellings, hotels, motels, dormitories, out- patient clinics, cemeteries, golf courses, country clubs, athletic/tennis clubs, and equestrian clubs. Land uses that are considered relatively insensitive to noise include business, commercial, and professional developments. Land uses that are typically not affected by noise include: industrial, manufacturing, utilities, agriculture, undeveloped land, parking lots, warehousing, liquid and solid waste facilities, salvage yards, and transit terminals. To describe the potential off-site Project noise levels, four receiver locations in the vicinity of the Project site were identified. All distances are measured from the Project site boundary to the outdoor living areas (e.g., private backyards) or at the building façade, whichever is closer to the Project site. The selection of receiver locations is based on FHWA guidelines and is consistent with additional guidance provided by Caltrans and the FTA, as previously described in Section 5.2. Other sensitive land uses in the Project study area that are located at greater distances than those identified in this noise study will experience lower noise levels than those presented in this report due to the additional attenuation from distance and the shielding of intervening structures. Distance is measured in a straight line from the project boundary to each receiver location. R1: Location R1 represents the existing noise sensitive residence at 16412 Washington Drive, approximately 485 feet north of the Project site. Since there are no private outdoor living areas (backyards) facing the Project site, receiver R1 is placed at the residential building façade. L1, A 24-hour noise measurement is used to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R2: Location R2 represents the existing noise sensitive residence at 16515 Slover Avenue, approximately 226 feet southeast of the Project site. Receiver R2 is placed at the outdoor living areas (backyards) facing the Project site. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L3, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R3: Location R3 represents the existing noise sensitive residence at 16355 Slover Avenue, approximately 161 feet south of the Project site. Since there are no private outdoor living areas (backyards) facing the Project site, receiver R3 is placed at the residential building façade. A 24-hour noise measurement near this location, L4, is used to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R4: Location R4 represents the existing noise sensitive residence at 10424 Oleander Avenue, approximately 94 feet west of the Project site. Since there are no private outdoor living areas (backyards) facing the Project site, receiver R4 is placed at the residential building façade. A 24-hour noise measurement, L1, is used to describe the existing ambient noise environment. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 34 EXHIBIT 8-A: RECEIVER LOCATIONS Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 35 9 OPERATIONAL NOISE ANALYSIS This section analyzes the potential stationary-source operational noise impacts at the nearby receiver locations, identified in Section 8, resulting from the operation of the proposed Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Project. Exhibit 9-A identifies the noise source locations and the planned 14-foot-high screen wall used to assess the operational noise levels. 9.1 OPERATIONAL NOISE SOURCES This operational noise analysis is intended to describe noise level impacts associated with the expected typical of daytime and nighttime activities at the Project site. To present the potential worst-case noise conditions, this analysis assumes the Project would be operational 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Consistent with similar warehouse and industrial uses, the Project business operations would primarily be conducted within the enclosed buildings, except for traffic movement, parking, as well as loading and unloading of trucks at designated loading bays. The on-site Project-related noise sources are expected to include: loading dock activity, roof-top air conditioning units, parking lot vehicle movements, trash enclosure activity, and truck movements. 9.2 REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS To estimate the Project operational noise impacts, reference noise level measurements were collected from similar types of activities to represent the noise levels expected with the development of the proposed Project. This section provides a detailed description of the reference noise level measurements shown on Table 9-1 used to estimate the Project operational noise impacts. It is important to note that the following projected noise levels assume the worst- case noise environment with the loading dock activity, roof-top air conditioning units, parking lot vehicle movements, trash enclosure activity, and truck movements all operating at the same time. These sources of noise activity will likely vary throughout the day. 9.2.1 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES The reference noise level measurements presented in this section were collected using a Larson Davis LxT Type 1 precisions sound level meter (serial number 01146). The LxT sound level meter was calibrated using a Larson-Davis calibrator, Model CAL 200, was programmed in "slow" mode to record noise levels in "A" weighted form and was located at approximately five feet above the ground elevation for each measurement. The sound level meters and microphones were equipped with a windscreen during all measurements. All noise level measurement equipment satisfies the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard specifications for sound level meters ANSI S1.4-2014/IEC 61672-1:2013. (18) Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 36 EXHIBIT 9-A: OPERATIONAL NOISE SOURCE LOCATIONS Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 37 TABLE 7-1: REFERENCE NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Noise Source1 Noise Source Height (Feet) Min./Hour2 Reference Noise Level @ 50 feet (dBA Leq) Sound Power Level (dBA)3 Day Night Cold Storage Loading Dock Activity 8' 60 60 65.7 111.5 Roof-Top Air Conditioning Units 5' 39 28 57.2 88.9 Parking Lot Vehicle Movements 5' 60 60 56.1 79.0 Trash Enclosure Activity 5' 10 10 57.3 89.0 Truck Movements 8' 60 60 58.0 93.2 1 As measured by Urban Crossroads, Inc. 2 Anticipated duration (minutes within the hour) of noise activity during typical hourly conditions expected at the Project site. "Day" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Night" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 3 Sound power level represents the total amount of acoustical energy (noise level) produced by a sound source independent of distance or surroundings. Sound power levels calculated using the CadnaA noise model at the reference distance to the noise source. Numbers may vary due to size differences between point and area noise sources. 9.2.2 COLD STORAGE LOADING DOCK ACTIVITY To describe the loading dock activities, a reference noise level measurement was collected to represent the truck activities. The reference noise level measurement was taken in the center of the loading dock activity area and represents multiple concurrent noise sources resulting in a combined noise level of 65.7 dBA Leq at a uniform distance of 50 feet. Specifically, the reference noise level measurement represents one truck located approximately 30 feet from the noise level meter with another truck passing by to park roughly 20 feet away, both with their engines idling. Throughout the reference noise level measurement, a separate docked and running reefer truck was located approximately 50 feet east of the measurement location. Additional background noise sources included truck pass-by noise, truck drivers talking to each other next to docked trucks, and air brake release noise when trucks parked. 9.2.3 ROOF-TOP AIR CONDITIONING UNITS The noise level measurements describe a single mechanical roof-top air conditioning unit. The reference noise level represents a Lennox SCA120 series 10-ton model packaged air conditioning unit. At the uniform reference distance of 50 feet, the reference noise levels are 57.2 dBA Leq. Based on the typical operating conditions observed over a four-day measurement period, the roof-top air conditioning units are estimated to operate for and average 39 minutes per hour during the daytime hours, and 28 minutes per hour during the nighttime hours. These operating conditions reflect peak summer cooling requirements with measured temperatures approaching 96 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) with average daytime temperatures of 82°F. For this noise analysis, the air conditioning units are expected to be located on the roof of the Project buildings. 9.2.5 TRASH ENCLOSURE ACTIVITY To describe the noise levels associated with a trash enclosure activity, Urban Crossroads collected a reference noise level measurement at an existing trash enclosure containing two dumpster bins. The trash enclosure noise levels describe metal gates opening and closing, metal scraping Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 38 against concrete floor sounds, dumpster movement on metal wheels, and trash dropping into the metal dumpster. The reference noise levels describe trash enclosure noise activities when trash is dropped into an empty metal dumpster, as would occur at the Project Site. The measured reference noise level at the uniform 50-foot reference distance is 57.3 dBA Leq for the trash enclosure activity. The reference noise level describes the expected noise source activities associated with the trash enclosures for the Project’s proposed building. Typical trash enclosure activities are estimated to occur for 10 minutes per hour. 9.2.6 PARKING LOT VEHICLE MOVEMENTS To describe the on-site parking lot activity a reference noise level of 56.1 dBA Leq at 50 feet is used. Parking activities are expected to take place during the full hour (60 minutes) throughout the daytime and evening hours. The parking lot noise levels are mainly due cars pulling in and out of parking spaces. 9.2.6 TRUCK MOVEMENTS The truck movements reference noise level measurement was collected over a period of 1 hour and 28 minutes and represents multiple heavy trucks entering and exiting the outdoor loading dock area producing a reference noise level of 59.8 dBA Leq at 50 feet. The noise sources included at this measurement location account for trucks entering and existing the Project driveways and maneuvering in and out of the outdoor loading dock activity area. 9.3 CADNAA NOISE PREDICTION MODEL To fully describe the exterior operational noise levels from the Project, Urban Crossroads, Inc. developed a noise prediction model using the CadnaA (Computer Aided Noise Abatement) computer program. CadnaA can analyze multiple types of noise sources using the spatially accurate Project site plan, georeferenced Nearmap aerial imagery, topography, buildings, and barriers in its calculations to predict outdoor noise levels. Using the ISO 9613-2 protocol, CadnaA will calculate the distance from each noise source to the noise receiver locations, using the ground absorption, distance, and barrier/building attenuation inputs to provide a summary of noise level at each receiver and the partial noise level contributions by noise source. Consistent with the ISO 9613-2 protocol, the CadnaA noise prediction model relies on the reference sound power level (Lw) to describe individual noise sources. While sound pressure levels (e.g., Leq) quantify in decibels the intensity of given sound sources at a reference distance, sound power levels (Lw) are connected to the sound source and are independent of distance. Sound pressure levels vary substantially with distance from the source and diminish because of intervening obstacles and barriers, air absorption, wind, and other factors. Sound power is the acoustical energy emitted by the sound source and is an absolute value that is not affected by the environment. The operational noise level calculations provided in this noise study account for the distance attenuation provided due to geometric spreading, when sound from a localized stationary source (i.e., a point source) propagates uniformly outward in a spherical pattern. A default ground attenuation factor of 0.5 was used in the noise analysis to account for mixed ground representing Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 39 a combination of hard and soft surfaces. Appendix 9.1 includes the detailed noise model inputs used to estimate the Project operational noise levels presented in this section including the planned noise barriers. 9.4 PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS Using the reference noise levels to represent the proposed Project operations that include loading dock activity, roof-top air conditioning units, parking lot vehicle movements, trash enclosure activity, and truck movements, Urban Crossroads, Inc. calculated the operational source noise levels that are expected to be generated at the Project site and the Project-related noise level increases that would be experienced at each of the sensitive receiver locations. The operational noise level calculations include the planned 14-foot-high screen wall located around the southern loading dock as shown on Exhibit 9-A. Table 9-2 shows the Project operational noise levels during the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The daytime hourly noise levels at the off-site receiver locations are expected to range from 51.1 to 54.2 dBA Leq. TABLE 9-2: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS Noise Source1 Operational Noise Levels by Receiver Location (dBA Leq) R1 R2 R3 R4 Cold Storage Loading Dock Activity 53.7 51.0 51.8 53.0 Roof-Top Air Conditioning Units 26.8 21.0 27.8 34.4 Parking Lot Vehicle Movements 23.3 3.7 23.5 39.3 Trash Enclosure Activity 22.2 0.0 0.0 2.4 Truck Movements 35.0 35.3 41.8 47.1 Total (All Noise Sources) 53.8 51.1 52.2 54.2 1 See Exhibit 9-A for the noise source locations. CadnaA noise model calculations are included in Appendix 9.1. Table 9-3 shows the Project operational noise levels during the nighttime hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The nighttime hourly noise levels at the off-site receiver locations are expected to range from 51.1 to 54.0 dBA Leq. The differences between the daytime and nighttime noise levels are largely related to the duration of noise activity and the number of truck movements. TABLE 9-3: NIGHTTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS Noise Source1 Operational Noise Levels by Receiver Location (dBA Leq) R1 R2 R3 R4 Cold Storage Loading Dock Activity 53.7 51.0 51.8 53.0 Roof-Top Air Conditioning Units 24.4 18.6 25.4 32.0 Parking Lot Vehicle Movements 22.4 2.7 22.5 38.3 Trash Enclosure Activity 21.2 0.0 0.0 1.5 Truck Movements 34.0 34.3 40.9 46.1 Total (All Noise Sources) 53.8 51.1 52.2 54.0 1 See Exhibit 9-A for the noise source locations. CadnaA noise model calculations are included in Appendix 9.1. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 40 9.5 PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE To demonstrate compliance with local noise regulations, the Project-only operational noise levels are evaluated against exterior noise level thresholds based on the City of Fontana exterior noise level standards at nearby noise-sensitive receiver locations. Table 9-4 shows the operational noise levels associated with Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Project will satisfy the City of Fontana 70 dBA Leq daytime and 65 dBA Leq nighttime exterior noise level standards at the nearest receiver locations. Therefore, the operational noise impacts are considered less than significant at the nearby noise-sensitive receiver locations. TABLE 9-4: OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE Receiver Location1 Project Operational Noise Levels (dBA Leq)2 Noise Level Standards (dBA Leq)3 Threshold Exceeded?4 Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime R1 53.8 53.8 70 65 No No R2 51.1 51.1 70 65 No No R3 52.2 52.2 70 65 No No R4 54.2 54.0 70 65 No No 1 See Exhibit 9-A for the noise source locations. 2 Proposed Project operational noise levels as shown on Tables 9-1 and 9-2. 3 City of Fontana exterior noise level standards for residential land use, as shown on Table 3-1. 4 Do the estimated Project operational noise source activities exceed the noise level standards? "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 9.6 PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASES To describe the Project operational noise level increases, the Project operational noise levels are combined with the existing ambient noise levels measurements for the nearby receiver locations potentially impacted by Project operational noise sources. Since the units used to measure noise, decibels (dB), are logarithmic units, the Project-operational and existing ambient noise levels cannot be combined using standard arithmetic equations. (3) Instead, they must be logarithmically added using the following base equation: SPLTotal = 10log10[10SPL1/10 + 10SPL2/10 + … 10SPLn/10] Where “SPL1,” “SPL2,” etc. are equal to the sound pressure levels being combined, or in this case, the Project-operational and existing ambient noise levels. The difference between the combined Project and ambient noise levels describes the Project noise level increases to the existing ambient noise environment. As indicated on Tables 9-5 and 9-6, the Project is not expected to generate a measurable daytime and nighttime operational noise level increase dBA Leq at the nearest receiver locations. Project-related operational noise level increases will satisfy the operational noise level increase significance criteria presented on Table 4-1. Therefore, the incremental Project operational noise level increase is considered less than significant at all receiver locations. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 41 TABLE 9-5: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASES Receiver Location1 Total Project Operational Noise Level2 Measurement Location3 Reference Ambient Noise Levels4 Combined Project and Ambient5 Project Increase6 Increase Criteria7 Increase Criteria Exceeded?7 R1 53.8 L1 61.3 61.4 0.1 3.0 No R2 51.1 L3 61.8 62.2 0.4 3.0 No R3 52.2 L4 67.9 68.0 0.1 1.5 No R4 54.2 L1 61.3 62.1 0.8 3.0 No 1 See Exhibit 9-A for the noise source locations. 2 Total Project daytime operational noise levels as shown on Table 9-3. 3 Reference noise level measurement locations as shown on Exhibit 5-A. 4 Observed daytime ambient noise levels as shown on Table 5-1. 5 Represents the combined ambient conditions plus the Project activities. 6 The noise level increase expected with the addition of the proposed Project activities. 7 Significance Criteria as shown on Table 4-1. TABLE 9-6: NIGHTTIME OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASES Receiver Location1 Total Project Operational Noise Level2 Measurement Location3 Reference Ambient Noise Levels4 Combined Project and Ambient5 Project Increase6 Increase Criteria7 Increase Criteria Exceeded?7 R1 53.8 L1 58.8 59.0 0.2 5.0 No R2 51.1 L3 57.3 58.2 0.9 5.0 No R3 52.2 L4 64.4 64.7 0.3 3.0 No R4 54.0 L1 58.8 60.0 1.2 5.0 No 1 See Exhibit 9-A for the noise source locations. 2 Total Project nighttime operational noise levels as shown on Table 9-4. 3 Reference noise level measurement locations as shown on Exhibit 5-A. 4 Observed nighttime ambient noise levels as shown on Table 5-1. 5 Represents the combined ambient conditions plus the Project activities. 6 The noise level increase expected with the addition of the proposed Project activities. 7 Significance Criteria as shown on Table 4-1. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 42 This page intentionally left blank Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 43 10 CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS This section analyzes potential impacts resulting from the short-term construction activities associated with the development of the Project. Exhibit 10-A shows the construction activity boundaries in relation to the nearest sensitive receiver locations previously described in Section 8. City of Fontana Municipal Code Section 18-63(7), states that project construction noise levels are considered exempt between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. If Project construction activity occurs outside of the hours specified in the Municipal Code, noise levels shall satisfy the City of Fontana construction noise level thresholds of 70 dBA Leq during the daytime hours and 65 dBA Leq during the nighttime hours. 10.1 CONSTRUCTION NOISE LEVELS Noise generated by the Project construction equipment will include a combination of trucks, power tools, concrete mixers, and portable generators that when combined can reach high levels. The number and mix of construction equipment are expected to occur in the following stages: • Demolition • Site Preparation • Grading • Building Construction • Paving • Architectural Coating 10.2 CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS To describe peak construction noise activities, this construction noise analysis was prepared using reference noise level measurements published in the Update of Noise Database for Prediction of Noise on Construction and Open Sites by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). (22). The DEFRA database provides the most recent and comprehensive source of reference construction noise levels. Table 10-1 provides a summary of the DEFRA construction reference noise level measurements expressed in hourly average dBA Leq using the estimated FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM) usage factors (23) to describe the typical construction activities for each stage of Project construction. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 44 EXHIBIT 10-A: CONSTRUCTION NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 45 TABLE 10-1: CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS Construction Stage Reference Construction Activity1 Reference Noise Level @ 50 Feet (dBA Leq)1 Combined Noise Level (dBA Leq)2 Demolition Demolition Equipment 69 73 Backhoes 61 Hauling Trucks 71 Site Preparation Crawler Tractors 77 79 Hauling Trucks 71 Rubber Tired Dozers 71 Grading Graders 79 79 Excavators 64 Compactors 67 Building Construction Cranes 67 74 Tractors 72 Welders 65 Paving Pavers 70 74 Paving Equipment 69 Rollers 69 Architectural Coating Cranes 67 72 Air Compressors 67 Generator Sets 67 1 Update of Noise Database for Prediction of Noise on Construction and Open Sites by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) expressed in hourly average Leq based on estimated usage factors from the FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM). 2 Represents the combined noise level for all equipment assuming they operate at the same time consistent with FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment guidance for general construction noise assessment. 10.3 CONSTRUCTION NOISE ANALYSIS Using the reference construction equipment noise levels and the CadnaA noise prediction model, calculations of the Project construction noise level impacts at the nearest sensitive receiver locations were completed. To assess the worst-case construction noise levels, the Project construction noise analysis relies on the highest noise level impacts when multiple pieces of equipment with the highest reference noise level is operating at the closest point from the edge of primary construction activity (Project site boundary) to each receiver location. Consistent with FTA guidance for general construction noise assessment, Table 10-1 presents the combined noise levels for all equipment, assuming they operate at the same time. As shown on Table 10-2, the construction noise levels are expected to range from 61.4 to 73.5 dBA Leq, and the highest construction levels are expected to range from 68.4 to 73.5 dBA Leq at the nearest receiver locations. Appendix 10.1 includes the detailed CadnaA construction noise model inputs. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 46 TABLE 10-2: CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOISE LEVEL SUMMARY Receiver Location1 Construction Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Demolition Site Preparation Grading Building Construction Paving Architectural Coating Highest Levels2 R1 62.4 68.4 68.4 63.4 63.4 61.4 68.4 R2 63.5 69.5 69.5 64.5 64.5 62.5 69.5 R3 65.6 71.6 71.6 66.6 66.6 64.6 71.6 R4 67.5 73.5 73.5 68.5 68.5 66.5 73.5 1 Noise receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 10-A. 2 Construction noise level calculations based on distance from the construction activity, which is measured from the Project site boundary to the nearest receiver locations. CadnaA construction noise model inputs are included in Appendix 10.1. 10.4 CONSTRUCTION NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE The construction noise analysis shows that the highest construction noise levels will occur when construction activities take place at the closest point from the edge of primary construction activity to each of the nearby receiver locations. Project construction noise levels are considered exempt if activities occur within the hours specified in the City of Fontana Municipal Code, Section 18-63(7) of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. If Project construction activity occurs outside of the hours specified in the Municipal Code, noise levels shall satisfy the City of Fontana construction noise level thresholds of 70 dBA Leq during the daytime hours and 65 dBA Leq during the nighttime hours. At the time of this analysis, no Project construction activity is planned within the hours specified in the City of Fontana Municipal Code, Section 18-63(7). As shown on table 10-3, the noise impacts due to project construction noise is considered less than significant at all receiver locations. TABLE 10-3: TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE Receiver Location1 Construction Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Highest Construction Noise Levels2 Threshold Specified Hours Threshold Exceeded?5 Specified Hours3 Outside of Specified Hours Daytime4 Outside of Specified Hours Nighttime4 R1 68.4 Exempt 70 65 No R2 69.5 Exempt 70 65 No R3 71.6 Exempt 70 65 No R4 73.5 Exempt 70 65 No 1 Noise receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 10-A. 2 Highest construction noise level calculations based on distance from the construction noise source activity to nearby receiver locations as shown on Table 10-2. 3 Specified hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays as per the City of Fontana Municipal Code Section 18-63(7). 4 City of Fontana exterior noise level standards for residential land use, as shown on Table 3-1. 5 Do the estimated Project construction noise levels exceed the construction noise level threshold during the specified hours mentioned in The City of Fontana Municipal Code Section 18-63(7)? Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 47 10.5 NIGHTTIME CONCRETE POUR NOISE ANALYSIS It is our understanding that nighttime concrete pouring activities will occur as a part of Project building construction activities. Nighttime concrete pouring activities are often used to support reduced concrete mixer truck transit times and lower air temperatures than during the daytime hours and are generally limited to the actual building area as shown on Exhibit 10-B. Since the nighttime concrete pours will take place outside the permitted City of Fontana Municipal Code, Section 18-63(b)(7) hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays the Project Applicant will be required to obtain authorization for nighttime work from the City of Fontana. Any nighttime construction noise activities shall satisfy the residential noise limit categories outlined in Table 3-1. As shown on Table 10-4, the noise levels associated with the nighttime concrete pour activities (paving) are estimated to range from 51.1 to 54.2 dBA Leq and will satisfy the City of Fontana 65 dBA Leq nighttime stationary-source exterior hourly average Leq residential noise level threshold at all the receiver locations. Based on the results of this analysis, all nearest noise receiver locations will experience less than significant impacts due to the Project related nighttime concrete pour activities. Appendix 10.2 includes the CadnaA nighttime concrete pour noise model inputs. TABLE 10-4: NIGHTTIME CONCRETE POUR NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE Receiver Location1 Use Construction Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Paving Construction2 Nighttime Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?4 R1 Residence 53.8 65 No R2 Residence 51.1 65 No R3 Residence 52.2 65 No R4 Residence 54.2 65 No 1 Noise receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 10-B. 2 Paving construction noise level calculations based on distance from the construction noise source activity to nearby receiver locations. 3 Exterior noise level standards based on the City of Fontana Development Code Section 30-543. 4 Do the estimated Project construction noise levels exceed the nighttime construction noise level threshold? Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 48 EXHIBIT 10-B: NIGHTTIME CONCRETE POUR NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 49 10.6 TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION ANALYSIS Construction activity can result in varying degrees of ground vibration, depending on the equipment and methods used, distance to the affected structures and soil type. It is expected that ground-borne vibration from Project construction activities would cause only intermittent, localized intrusion. Ground-borne vibration levels resulting from typical construction activities occurring within the Development Site were estimated by data published by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). (8) However, while vehicular traffic is rarely perceptible, construction has the potential to result in varying degrees of temporary ground vibration, depending on the specific construction activities and equipment used. Ground vibration levels associated with various types of construction equipment are summarized on Table 10-5. Based on the representative vibration levels presented for various construction equipment types, it is possible to estimate the potential Project construction vibration levels using the following vibration assessment methods defined by the FTA. To describe the human response (annoyance) associated with vibration impacts the FTA provides the following equation: PPVequip = PPVref x (25/D)1.5 TABLE 10-5: VIBRATION SOURCE LEVELS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Equipment PPV (in/sec) at 25 feet Small bulldozer 0.003 Jackhammer 0.035 Loaded Trucks 0.076 Large bulldozer 0.089 Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, September 2018. Construction activity can result in varying degrees of ground vibration, depending on the equipment and methods used, distance to the affected structures and soil type. It is expected that ground-borne vibration from Project construction activities would cause only intermittent, localized intrusion. The proposed Project’s construction activities most likely to cause vibration impacts are: • Heavy Construction Equipment: Although all heavy mobile construction equipment has the potential of causing at least some perceptible vibration, the vibration is usually short-term and is not of sufficient magnitude to cause building damage. • Trucks: Trucks hauling building materials to construction sites can be sources of vibration intrusion if the haul routes pass through residential neighborhoods on streets with bumps or potholes. Repairing the bumps and potholes generally eliminates the problem. Ground-borne vibration levels resulting from construction activities occurring within the Project site were estimated by data published by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Construction activities that would have the potential to generate low levels of ground-borne vibration within the Project site include grading. Using the vibration source level of construction equipment Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 50 provided on Table 10-5 and the construction vibration assessment methodology published by the FTA, it is possible to estimate the Project vibration impacts. At distances ranging from 94 to 495 feet from Project construction activity, construction vibration velocity levels are estimated to range from 0.001 to 0.012 in/sec PPV, as shown on Table 10-6. Based on the vibration standards used in this report, the Project construction vibration levels will satisfy the 0.2 in/sec PPV threshold at all the nearby sensitive receiver locations. Therefore, the vibration impacts due to Project construction are considered less than significant. Further, vibration levels at the site of the closest sensitive receiver are unlikely to be sustained during the entire construction period but will occur rather only during the times that heavy construction equipment is operating adjacent to the Project site perimeter. TABLE 10-6: CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT VIBRATION LEVELS Receiver1 Distance to Const. Activity (Feet) Receiver Levels (in/sec) PPV2 Threshold (in/sec) PPV Threshold Exceeded?3 Small Bulldozer Jack- hammer Loaded Trucks Large Bulldozer Peak Vibration R1 495' 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.2 No R2 220' 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.2 No R3 159' 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.2 No R4 94' 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.012 0.012 0.2 No 1 Receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 10-A. 2 Based on the Vibration Source Levels of Construction Equipment included on Table 10-3. 3 Does the peak vibration exceed the vibration thresholds? Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 51 11 REFERENCES 1. State of California. California Environmental Quality Act, Environmental Checklist Form Appendix G. 2021. 2. Urban Crossroads, Inc. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Traffic Study. November 2021. 3. California Department of Transportation Environmental Program. Technical Noise Supplement - A Technical Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. Sacramento, CA : s.n., September 2013. 4. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Noise Abatement and Control. Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety. March 1974. EPA/ONAC 550/9/74-004. 5. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Environment and Planning, Noise and Air Quality Branch. Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance. December 2011. 6. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Highway Traffic Noise in the United States, Problem and Response. April 2000. p. 3. 7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Noise Abatement and Control. Noise Effects Handbook-A Desk Reference to Health and Welfare Effects of Noise. October 1979 (revised July 1981). EPA 550/9/82/106. 8. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. September 2018. 9. Office of Planning and Research. State of California General Plan Guidlines. October 2017. 10. State of California. California Green Building Standards Code. 2016. 11. City of Fontana. General Plan Noise Element. November 2018. 12. —. Zoning and Development Code, Section 30, Article V - Residential Zoning Districts, Division 6 - Performance Standards. 13. —. Municipal Code, Chapter 18, Article II - Noise. 14. City of Ontario. Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. July 2018. 15. California Court of Appeal. Gray v. County of Madera, F053661. 167 Cal.App.4th 1099; - Cal.Rptr.3d, October 2008. 16. Federal Interagency Committee on Noise. Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues. August 1992. 17. California Department of Transportation. Technical Noise Supplement. November 2009. 18. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Specification for Sound Level Meters ANSI S1.4- 2014/IEC 61672-1:2013. 19. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model. December 1978. FHWA-RD-77-108. 20. California Department of Transportation Environmental Program, Office of Environmental Engineering. Use of California Vehicle Noise Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels (Calveno REMELs) in FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction. September 1995. TAN 95-03. 21. California Department of Transportation. Traffic Noise Attenuation as a Function of Ground and Vegetation Final Report. June 1995. FHWA/CA/TL-95/23. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 52 22. Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affiars (Defra). Update of Noise Database for Prediction of Noise on Construction and Open Sites. 2004. 23. FHWA. Roadway Construction Noise Model. January 2006. Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 53 12 CERTIFICATIONS The contents of this noise study report represent an accurate depiction of the noise environment and impacts associated with the proposed Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Project. The information contained in this noise study report is based on the best available data at the time of preparation. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (949) 336- 5979. Bill Lawson, P.E., INCE Principal URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. 260 E. Baker Street, Suite 200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 336-5979 blawson@urbanxroads.com EDUCATION Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo • December, 1993 Bachelor of Science in City and Regional Planning California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo • June, 1992 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS PE – Registered Professional Traffic Engineer – TR 2537 • January, 2009 AICP – American Institute of Certified Planners – 013011 • June, 1997–January 1, 2012 PTP – Professional Transportation Planner • May, 2007 – May, 2013 INCE – Institute of Noise Control Engineering • March, 2004 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ASA – Acoustical Society of America ITE – Institute of Transportation Engineers PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Certified Acoustical Consultant – County of Orange • February, 2011 FHWA-NHI-142051 Highway Traffic Noise Certificate of Training • February, 2013 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study 54 This page intentionally left blank Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study APPENDIX 3.1: CITY OF FONTANA DEVELOPMENT CODE 55 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 56 Section No. 30-542 - Trash and Recycling Collection Areas. All trash receptacles and disposal areas shall be screened from view. All industrial facilities shall be provided with trash receptacles and recycling facilities as follows: 1. Number. An adequate number and size of receptacles shall be provided to serve all uses on a property. 2. Screening. All receptacles shall be screened and the trash enclosure that is designed pursuant to the City approved Conceptual Plan. The receptacle shall not be visible above the wall. The enclosure shall be architecturally compatible with the architecture of the proposed/existing structures. DIVISION 6. - PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Section No. 30-543 - Noise and Vibration. A. Noise Levels. No person shall create or cause to be created any sound which exceeds the noise levels in this Section as measured at the property line of any residentially zoned property: 1. The noise level between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. shall not exceed 70 db(A). 2. The noise level between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall not exceed 65 db(A). B. Noise Measurements. Noise shall be measured with a sound level meter that meets the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Section SI4-1979, Type 1 or Type 2. Noise levels shall be measured using the "A" weighted sound pressure level scale in decibels (reference pressure = 20 micronewtons per meter squared). C. Vibration. No person shall create or cause to be created any activity which causes a vibration which can be felt beyond the property line with or without the aid of an instrument. Section No. 30-544 - Light and Glare. All lights shall be directed and/or shielded to prevent the light from adversely affecting adjacent properties. No structure or lighting feature shall be permitted which creates adverse glare. A photometric plan shall be provided that indicates the amount of light emanating from the proposed/existing light fixtures. Section No. 30-545 - Odors. All uses shall be operated in a manner such that no offensive odor is perceptible at or beyond the property line of that use. Section No. 30-546 - Electromagnetic Interference. No use, activity, or process shall be conducted which produces electromagnetic interference with normal radio and television receptions beyond the property line of that use. 57 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 58 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study APPENDIX 5.1: STUDY AREA PHOTOS 59 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 60 JN: 13547 Study Area Photos L1_E 34, 3' 53.840000", 117, 26' 46.010000" L1_N 34, 3' 55.490000", 117, 26' 48.920000" L1_S 34, 3' 54.320000", 117, 26' 45.650000" L1_W 34, 3' 53.950000", 117, 26' 45.930000" L2_E 34, 3' 52.420000", 117, 26' 38.700000" L2_N 34, 3' 52.290000", 117, 26' 38.730000" 61 JN: 13547 Study Area Photos L2_S 34, 3' 52.420000", 117, 26' 38.700000" L2_W 34, 3' 52.420000", 117, 26' 38.700000" L3_E 34, 3' 40.330000", 117, 26' 39.030000" L3_N 34, 3' 40.360000", 117, 26' 39.010000" L3_S 34, 3' 40.360000", 117, 26' 39.010000" L3_W 34, 3' 40.330000", 117, 26' 39.030000" 62 JN: 13547 Study Area Photos L4_E 34, 3' 47.460000", 117, 26' 48.290000" L4_N 34, 3' 47.400000", 117, 26' 48.180000" L4_S 34, 3' 47.460000", 117, 26' 48.290000" L4_W 34, 3' 47.500000", 117, 26' 48.450000" 63 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 64 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study APPENDIX 5.2: NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENT WORKSHEETS 65 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 66 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo II JN:13547 Project:Slover & Cypress Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%Leq Adj.Adj. Leq 0 54.6 59.6 50.1 59.2 58.9 58.2 57.6 55.6 53.7 50.9 50.6 50.3 54.6 10.0 64.6 1 53.7 59.3 50.4 58.9 58.6 57.8 57.0 53.9 52.6 51.1 50.8 50.6 53.7 10.0 63.7 2 59.2 66.8 51.6 66.6 66.4 65.3 64.5 59.2 56.0 52.3 52.0 51.7 59.2 10.0 69.2 3 60.1 66.7 52.7 66.5 66.2 65.5 64.7 61.2 57.9 54.1 53.3 52.8 60.1 10.0 70.1 4 57.1 65.6 50.5 65.2 65.0 63.8 62.4 56.5 53.9 51.1 50.9 50.6 57.1 10.0 67.1 5 60.5 70.9 49.7 70.3 69.4 67.6 66.6 59.2 55.4 50.7 50.3 49.9 60.5 10.0 70.5 6 58.4 67.6 50.5 67.3 66.7 64.8 63.3 58.6 54.3 51.3 51.0 50.7 58.4 10.0 68.4 7 63.4 75.7 50.8 74.9 73.8 71.8 69.2 58.6 54.7 51.5 51.2 50.9 63.4 0.0 63.4 8 60.1 69.5 50.4 69.2 68.6 67.2 66.1 58.7 54.4 51.1 50.8 50.5 60.1 0.0 60.1 9 59.2 67.4 52.4 67.0 66.5 65.2 64.1 59.7 56.1 53.1 52.8 52.5 59.2 0.0 59.2 10 60.4 70.8 50.6 70.6 70.3 68.5 66.4 58.0 54.6 51.5 51.1 50.7 60.4 0.0 60.4 11 61.6 69.4 51.6 69.0 68.6 67.0 65.6 62.4 59.5 53.9 52.2 51.8 61.6 0.0 61.6 12 57.1 65.8 51.1 65.5 65.1 62.8 61.0 57.2 54.5 51.8 51.5 51.2 57.1 0.0 57.1 13 57.3 65.7 51.3 65.2 64.4 62.9 61.8 57.6 54.7 51.9 51.6 51.4 57.3 0.0 57.3 14 57.2 63.0 53.5 62.6 62.2 60.9 60.0 57.9 56.0 54.3 54.0 53.7 57.2 0.0 57.2 15 62.2 71.1 55.7 70.6 70.3 68.3 66.9 61.8 59.1 56.5 56.2 55.8 62.2 0.0 62.2 16 63.5 73.5 56.3 73.2 72.6 70.6 68.1 62.3 59.5 57.2 56.8 56.4 63.5 0.0 63.5 17 63.1 72.1 56.9 71.3 70.4 68.8 67.6 63.1 60.4 57.8 57.4 57.0 63.1 0.0 63.1 18 61.5 67.8 57.3 67.3 66.9 65.8 65.0 62.0 60.1 58.1 57.8 57.4 61.5 0.0 61.5 19 61.7 68.6 56.7 68.1 67.7 66.8 65.9 62.5 59.6 57.5 57.2 56.9 61.7 5.0 66.7 20 61.6 68.9 55.9 68.4 67.9 66.5 65.5 62.4 59.6 56.8 56.4 56.0 61.6 5.0 66.6 21 63.0 70.3 54.8 69.9 69.4 68.4 67.7 64.1 60.5 55.9 55.4 55.0 63.0 5.0 68.0 22 58.8 65.5 52.4 65.3 64.8 63.9 63.0 60.0 56.6 53.2 52.9 52.6 58.8 10.0 68.8 23 61.2 72.1 51.6 71.5 70.6 67.6 65.6 60.6 56.7 52.5 52.2 51.7 61.2 10.0 71.2 Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 57.1 63.0 50.4 62.6 62.2 60.9 60.0 57.2 54.4 51.1 50.8 50.5 Max 63.5 75.7 57.3 74.9 73.8 71.8 69.2 63.1 60.4 58.1 57.8 57.4 61.1 68.9 68.3 66.7 65.1 59.9 57.0 54.1 53.6 53.3 Min 61.6 68.6 54.8 68.1 67.7 66.5 65.5 62.4 59.6 55.9 55.4 55.0 Max 63.0 70.3 56.7 69.9 69.4 68.4 67.7 64.1 60.5 57.5 57.2 56.9 62.2 68.8 68.4 67.2 66.4 63.0 59.9 56.7 56.3 56.0 Min 53.7 59.3 49.7 58.9 58.6 57.8 57.0 53.9 52.6 50.7 50.3 49.9 Max 61.2 72.1 52.7 71.5 70.6 67.6 66.6 61.2 57.9 54.1 53.3 52.8 58.8 65.6 65.2 63.8 62.8 58.3 55.2 51.9 51.5 51.2 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 66.2 Evening Day Evening Energy Average Night Day Night Energy Average Energy Average Average: Average: Average: 60.6 61.3 58.8 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) L eq (dBA) Night Wednesday, August 05, 2020 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime L1 - Located north of the Project site on Boyle Avenue near OHNO Construction at 16434 Boyle Avenue.54.653.759. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning Z:\Shared\UcJobs\13547\04_Noise\Field Work\Measurements\13547_L1_A 67 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo II JN:13547 Project:Slover & Cypress Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%Leq Adj.Adj. Leq 0 56.0 64.7 47.4 64.5 64.2 62.4 61.0 55.4 52.3 48.6 48.2 47.6 56.0 10.0 66.0 1 55.1 64.9 48.0 64.7 64.2 62.2 60.0 53.8 51.1 48.7 48.5 48.2 55.1 10.0 65.1 2 54.4 61.9 47.9 61.6 61.2 59.9 58.7 54.7 52.2 49.0 48.6 48.1 54.4 10.0 64.4 3 54.8 63.4 48.1 63.0 62.4 60.5 58.9 55.2 52.1 48.9 48.6 48.2 54.8 10.0 64.8 4 53.5 75.5 47.6 74.8 74.1 71.4 66.2 54.0 50.9 48.5 48.0 47.7 53.5 10.0 63.5 5 57.2 64.9 49.2 64.5 64.2 63.1 61.9 57.8 54.5 50.5 49.9 49.4 57.2 10.0 67.2 6 56.5 65.3 50.3 64.7 64.1 62.4 61.0 56.2 53.6 51.1 50.8 50.5 56.5 10.0 66.5 7 61.6 69.1 55.5 68.7 68.3 66.4 65.3 62.0 60.0 56.9 56.2 55.7 61.6 0.0 61.6 8 61.0 67.6 57.2 67.2 66.9 65.3 64.0 61.4 59.7 58.1 57.8 57.3 61.0 0.0 61.0 9 58.4 66.7 52.7 66.3 65.9 64.4 62.8 58.3 55.9 53.7 53.3 52.9 58.4 0.0 58.4 10 58.2 68.0 50.3 67.6 67.1 65.1 63.2 57.1 54.3 51.4 50.9 50.4 58.2 0.0 58.2 11 58.6 69.0 50.4 68.6 68.0 65.9 63.4 57.2 54.3 51.3 51.0 50.6 58.6 0.0 58.6 12 58.0 68.5 50.7 67.9 66.8 64.0 61.9 57.2 54.9 51.8 51.3 50.8 58.0 0.0 58.0 13 59.1 68.8 51.8 68.3 67.5 65.6 63.5 58.5 55.8 53.0 52.5 52.0 59.1 0.0 59.1 14 61.0 72.1 52.5 71.6 70.6 67.7 65.2 59.4 56.7 53.8 53.3 52.7 61.0 0.0 61.0 15 64.3 75.7 51.7 75.4 75.1 72.6 69.2 61.4 57.3 52.9 52.3 51.9 64.3 0.0 64.3 16 61.9 72.8 51.4 72.3 71.5 69.3 67.0 60.4 56.4 52.6 52.1 51.5 61.9 0.0 61.9 17 64.0 74.7 51.7 74.4 73.8 71.4 69.0 62.8 58.2 53.0 52.4 51.9 64.0 0.0 64.0 18 62.0 72.5 52.0 72.1 71.5 69.4 67.4 60.1 56.5 53.1 52.6 52.1 62.0 0.0 62.0 19 61.0 72.1 51.5 71.4 70.6 68.4 66.0 59.4 55.8 52.6 52.2 51.6 61.0 5.0 66.0 20 61.3 72.8 50.3 72.4 71.8 69.0 66.2 58.7 54.7 51.2 50.8 50.4 61.3 5.0 66.3 21 56.8 65.1 49.3 64.8 64.4 62.9 61.3 57.0 54.0 50.2 49.8 49.4 56.8 5.0 61.8 22 57.1 68.3 48.0 67.8 67.1 64.1 61.8 55.0 51.9 48.9 48.5 48.1 57.1 10.0 67.1 23 57.4 66.9 50.4 66.5 65.9 64.0 62.1 57.2 53.8 51.2 50.8 50.5 57.4 10.0 67.4 Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 58.0 66.7 50.3 66.3 65.9 64.0 61.9 57.1 54.3 51.3 50.9 50.4 Max 64.3 75.7 57.2 75.4 75.1 72.6 69.2 62.8 60.0 58.1 57.8 57.3 61.2 70.0 69.4 67.2 65.2 59.6 56.7 53.5 53.0 52.5 Min 56.8 65.1 49.3 64.8 64.4 62.9 61.3 57.0 54.0 50.2 49.8 49.4 Max 61.3 72.8 51.5 72.4 71.8 69.0 66.2 59.4 55.8 52.6 52.2 51.6 60.1 69.5 68.9 66.8 64.5 58.3 54.8 51.3 50.9 50.5 Min 53.5 61.9 47.4 61.6 61.2 59.9 58.7 53.8 50.9 48.5 48.0 47.6 Max 57.4 75.5 50.4 74.8 74.1 71.4 66.2 57.8 54.5 51.2 50.8 50.5 56.0 65.8 65.3 63.3 61.3 55.5 52.5 49.5 49.1 48.7 56.0 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) L eq (dBA) Night Wednesday, August 05, 2020 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime L2 - Located east of the Project site on Cypress Avenue near existing single-family residential home at 16521 Boyle Avenue. 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 64.1 Evening Day Evening Energy Average Night Day Night Energy Average Energy Average Average: Average: Average: 59.7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning Z:\Shared\UcJobs\13547\04_Noise\Field Work\Measurements\13547_L2_B 68 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo II JN:13547 Project:Slover & Cypress Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%Leq Adj.Adj. Leq 0 54.0 65.6 43.6 65.2 64.6 61.9 59.0 50.6 46.9 44.4 44.0 43.7 54.0 10.0 64.0 1 53.0 64.8 44.7 64.2 63.6 59.7 57.2 51.7 46.0 45.0 44.9 44.8 53.0 10.0 63.0 2 53.9 65.0 44.2 64.5 63.7 61.2 58.9 52.9 47.7 44.8 44.5 44.3 53.9 10.0 63.9 3 55.5 66.6 45.0 66.2 65.6 62.9 60.6 54.7 48.7 45.6 45.3 45.1 55.5 10.0 65.5 4 58.4 70.2 43.8 69.7 68.8 66.3 64.6 55.4 48.4 44.6 44.3 44.0 58.4 10.0 68.4 5 59.1 70.0 43.9 69.5 68.8 66.4 64.8 57.8 52.4 45.1 44.5 44.1 59.1 10.0 69.1 6 61.4 71.5 51.5 71.0 70.3 67.8 65.9 61.1 57.7 53.4 52.6 51.8 61.4 10.0 71.4 7 66.2 79.2 54.5 78.7 78.0 73.5 69.2 62.4 59.1 55.8 55.2 54.7 66.2 0.0 66.2 8 61.5 69.9 53.0 69.1 68.3 66.7 65.3 62.4 59.4 55.0 54.1 53.3 61.5 0.0 61.5 9 62.3 70.6 54.4 70.0 69.3 67.6 66.0 62.9 60.4 56.3 55.5 54.7 62.3 0.0 62.3 10 61.1 72.2 52.2 71.7 70.9 68.1 65.5 59.8 56.8 53.4 52.9 52.4 61.1 0.0 61.1 11 62.1 69.4 57.9 68.8 68.1 66.6 65.3 62.5 60.4 58.8 58.5 58.2 62.1 0.0 62.1 12 60.2 69.7 51.9 69.2 68.5 66.1 64.5 60.6 56.6 52.8 52.4 52.0 60.2 0.0 60.2 13 58.7 68.8 48.9 68.1 67.3 65.2 63.6 58.6 54.6 49.9 49.5 49.0 58.7 0.0 58.7 14 63.5 72.5 54.7 72.1 71.5 69.3 67.8 63.8 60.5 56.3 55.7 55.0 63.5 0.0 63.5 15 62.7 74.5 51.2 74.1 72.9 69.1 66.7 61.8 57.9 52.5 51.9 51.3 62.7 0.0 62.7 16 60.9 70.7 50.8 70.2 69.3 66.8 65.2 61.4 57.1 52.1 51.5 50.9 60.9 0.0 60.9 17 61.4 72.4 50.0 71.7 70.7 67.6 65.5 61.4 57.5 51.4 50.7 50.2 61.4 0.0 61.4 18 60.7 70.9 50.2 70.3 69.5 67.0 65.1 60.8 56.9 51.4 50.8 50.4 60.7 0.0 60.7 19 59.9 70.0 49.7 69.5 68.8 66.3 64.6 60.2 55.3 50.6 50.2 49.9 59.9 5.0 64.9 20 60.5 72.6 49.1 71.9 70.7 67.6 65.1 58.9 54.4 50.0 49.6 49.2 60.5 5.0 65.5 21 59.7 71.3 48.9 70.6 69.4 66.3 64.0 59.1 55.0 49.7 49.3 49.0 59.7 5.0 64.7 22 58.0 68.0 50.0 67.5 66.8 64.4 62.6 57.5 53.9 51.0 50.6 50.2 58.0 10.0 68.0 23 54.0 64.1 45.7 63.6 62.9 60.8 59.0 53.6 49.3 46.6 46.2 45.9 54.0 10.0 64.0 Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 58.7 68.8 48.9 68.1 67.3 65.2 63.6 58.6 54.6 49.9 49.5 49.0 Max 66.2 79.2 57.9 78.7 78.0 73.5 69.2 63.8 60.5 58.8 58.5 58.2 62.2 71.2 70.3 67.8 65.8 61.5 58.1 53.8 53.2 52.7 Min 59.7 70.0 48.9 69.5 68.8 66.3 64.0 58.9 54.4 49.7 49.3 49.0 Max 60.5 72.6 49.7 71.9 70.7 67.6 65.1 60.2 55.3 50.6 50.2 49.9 60.1 70.7 69.6 66.7 64.6 59.4 54.9 50.1 49.7 49.4 Min 53.0 64.1 43.6 63.6 62.9 59.7 57.2 50.6 46.0 44.4 44.0 43.7 Max 61.4 71.5 51.5 71.0 70.3 67.8 65.9 61.1 57.7 53.4 52.6 51.8 57.3 66.8 66.1 63.5 61.4 55.0 50.1 46.7 46.3 46.0 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 65.1 Evening Day Evening Energy Average Night Day Night Energy Average Energy Average Average: Average: Average: 60.6 61.8 57.3 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) L eq (dBA) Night Wednesday, August 05, 2020 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime L3 - Located south of the Project site on Cypress Avenue near existing single-family residential home at 10600 Cypress Avenue. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning Z:\Shared\UcJobs\13547\04_Noise\Field Work\Measurements\13547_L3_R 69 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo II JN:13547 Project:Slover & Cypress Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%Leq Adj.Adj. Leq 0 61.4 73.5 47.5 73.0 72.2 69.1 66.5 59.0 52.6 48.4 48.1 47.7 61.4 10.0 71.4 1 58.8 72.3 47.9 71.6 70.4 66.2 62.8 53.9 50.0 48.4 48.2 48.0 58.8 10.0 68.8 2 61.8 74.4 49.1 73.7 72.5 68.9 66.6 59.2 53.8 50.3 49.8 49.2 61.8 10.0 71.8 3 62.6 74.2 47.8 73.6 72.7 69.9 67.7 61.1 53.9 48.7 48.3 48.0 62.6 10.0 72.6 4 66.0 77.1 49.1 76.6 75.8 73.2 71.3 65.4 58.9 51.3 50.2 49.3 66.0 10.0 76.0 5 68.0 79.2 49.4 78.7 77.8 74.9 72.8 67.3 62.2 52.4 51.3 49.9 68.0 10.0 78.0 6 67.6 78.0 53.7 77.5 76.5 74.2 72.6 67.9 62.7 55.4 54.5 53.8 67.6 10.0 77.6 7 68.0 78.3 52.3 77.8 76.9 74.6 73.1 68.2 63.4 54.8 53.5 52.6 68.0 0.0 68.0 8 67.0 77.0 52.5 76.5 75.9 73.9 72.5 66.8 61.6 53.9 53.3 52.7 67.0 0.0 67.0 9 66.9 76.5 56.1 76.0 75.3 73.2 71.6 67.4 62.7 57.6 57.0 56.3 66.9 0.0 66.9 10 67.4 77.5 52.1 77.1 76.3 73.9 72.5 67.4 62.9 53.5 52.7 52.2 67.4 0.0 67.4 11 66.1 75.4 51.6 75.0 74.4 72.4 71.0 66.7 61.8 54.0 52.9 51.9 66.1 0.0 66.1 12 68.0 78.4 56.5 77.9 77.0 74.2 72.4 68.3 63.8 57.8 57.2 56.6 68.0 0.0 68.0 13 69.1 78.6 63.2 77.9 77.0 74.4 72.7 69.1 66.5 63.9 63.6 63.3 69.1 0.0 69.1 14 68.0 77.6 59.0 77.1 76.4 74.0 72.5 68.2 64.6 60.1 59.6 59.2 68.0 0.0 68.0 15 69.4 80.9 54.3 80.3 79.4 76.2 73.7 68.7 64.1 56.7 55.6 54.6 69.4 0.0 69.4 16 68.7 79.2 53.9 78.6 77.8 75.0 73.1 68.8 64.9 56.5 55.2 54.1 68.7 0.0 68.7 17 70.8 82.8 53.6 82.3 81.3 78.2 75.6 68.9 64.8 56.0 54.9 53.8 70.8 0.0 70.8 18 67.8 78.3 53.4 77.8 77.0 74.3 72.6 67.6 63.1 55.6 54.4 53.6 67.8 0.0 67.8 19 66.1 75.9 52.8 75.4 74.6 72.5 71.1 66.7 61.4 54.0 53.5 52.9 66.1 5.0 71.1 20 66.5 77.3 52.0 76.8 76.0 73.7 71.6 65.7 60.4 53.4 52.7 52.1 66.5 5.0 71.5 21 64.2 74.6 52.3 74.1 73.3 70.8 69.0 64.1 59.5 53.6 53.0 52.5 64.2 5.0 69.2 22 61.9 73.1 48.4 72.5 71.8 69.3 67.4 60.6 55.3 49.4 49.0 48.5 61.9 10.0 71.9 23 62.5 74.4 47.6 74.0 73.2 70.1 67.6 60.1 55.0 48.9 48.2 47.7 62.5 10.0 72.5 Timeframe Hour Leq L max Lmin L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 66.1 75.4 51.6 75.0 74.4 72.4 71.0 66.7 61.6 53.5 52.7 51.9 Max 70.8 82.8 63.2 82.3 81.3 78.2 75.6 69.1 66.5 63.9 63.6 63.3 68.3 77.9 77.1 74.5 72.8 68.0 63.7 56.7 55.8 55.1 Min 64.2 74.6 52.0 74.1 73.3 70.8 69.0 64.1 59.5 53.4 52.7 52.1 Max 66.5 77.3 52.8 76.8 76.0 73.7 71.6 66.7 61.4 54.0 53.5 52.9 65.7 75.4 74.6 72.3 70.6 65.5 60.5 53.7 53.1 52.5 Min 58.8 72.3 47.5 71.6 70.4 66.2 62.8 53.9 50.0 48.4 48.1 47.7 Max 68.0 79.2 53.7 78.7 77.8 74.9 72.8 67.9 62.7 55.4 54.5 53.8 64.4 74.6 73.7 70.6 68.4 61.6 56.0 50.4 49.7 49.1 64.4 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) L eq (dBA) Night Wednesday, August 05, 2020 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime L4 - Located southwest of the Project site on Slover Avenue near existing single-family residential home at 16376 Slover Avenue. 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 71.8 Evening Day Evening Energy Average Night Day Night Energy Average Energy Average Average: Average: Average: 66.9 67.961.458.861.862.666.068.067.668.067.066.967.466. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning Z:\Shared\UcJobs\13547\04_Noise\Field Work\Measurements\13547_L4_E 70 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study APPENDIX 7.1: OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE CONTOURS 71 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 72 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Oleander Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:Existing Without Project 12,679 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,224 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.40% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.38% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.22% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.66 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -12.38 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.1 67.3 65.5 59.5 68.768.1 68.0 74.1 66.6 60.3 58.7 67.467.2 72.8 63.8 65.0 73.573.4 Vehicle Noise:76.0 74.6 68.5 66.8 75.575.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 90 193 895416 93 200 929431 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Cypress Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:Existing Without Project 13,843 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,336vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.40% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.38% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.22% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.28 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.99 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.4 67.7 65.9 59.9 69.168.5 68.4 74.5 67.0 60.7 59.1 67.867.6 73.2 64.2 65.4 73.973.8 Vehicle Noise:76.4 75.0 68.9 67.2 75.975.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 95 205 949441 98 212 985457 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Juniper Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:Existing Without Project 14,365 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,386 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.00 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.40% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.38% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.22% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.11 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.83 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 67.9 66.1 60.0 69.368.7 68.5 74.6 67.2 60.8 59.3 68.067.7 73.4 64.3 65.6 74.073.9 Vehicle Noise:76.6 75.2 69.0 67.4 76.075.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 97 210 973452 101 218 1,010469 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Oleander Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:Existing + Project 13,369 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,290vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.35 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%86.78% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.27% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.95% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.51 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.73 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.3 67.5 65.7 59.7 68.968.3 68.1 74.7 66.8 60.4 58.9 67.667.3 73.5 64.4 65.7 74.274.0 Vehicle Noise:76.5 75.1 68.8 67.3 76.075.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 97 208 965448 100 216 1,000464 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 73 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Cypress Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:Existing + Project 14,454 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,395 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.30% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.23% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.47% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.21 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.66 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 67.9 66.1 60.1 69.368.7 68.5 74.8 67.1 60.7 59.2 67.967.7 73.5 64.5 65.7 74.274.1 Vehicle Noise:76.7 75.3 69.1 67.5 76.175.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 99 213 989459 103 221 1,025476 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Juniper Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:Existing + Project 14,924 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,440vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.85 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.26% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.26% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.49% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.05 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.51 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.8 68.0 66.2 60.2 69.468.8 68.6 74.9 67.3 60.9 59.3 68.067.8 73.7 64.6 65.9 74.474.2 Vehicle Noise:76.8 75.4 69.2 67.6 76.376.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 101 218 1,011469 105 226 1,049487 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Oleander Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:OYC 2023 15,487 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,495 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.68 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.40% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.38% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.22% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.79 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.51 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.9 68.2 66.4 60.4 69.669.0 68.9 74.9 67.5 61.2 59.6 68.368.1 73.7 64.6 65.9 74.474.2 Vehicle Noise:76.9 75.5 69.3 67.7 76.476.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 102 220 1,023475 106 229 1,061493 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Cypress Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:OYC 2023 16,679 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,609vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.40% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.38% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.22% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.47 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.19 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.2 68.5 66.7 60.7 69.969.3 69.2 75.3 67.8 61.5 59.9 68.668.4 74.0 65.0 66.2 74.774.6 Vehicle Noise:77.2 75.8 69.7 68.0 76.776.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 107 232 1,075499 112 240 1,115518 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 74 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Juniper Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:OYC 2023 17,213 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,661 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.40% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.38% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.22% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.33 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -11.05 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.4 68.6 66.9 60.8 70.069.4 69.3 75.4 68.0 61.6 60.1 68.868.5 74.1 65.1 66.4 74.874.7 Vehicle Noise:77.3 76.0 69.8 68.2 76.876.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 110 237 1,098510 114 245 1,139529 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Oleander Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:OYCP 2023 16,177 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,561vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.51 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%86.88% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.29% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.83% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.67 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -10.97 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.1 68.3 66.6 60.5 69.769.1 69.0 75.5 67.6 61.3 59.7 68.468.2 74.2 65.2 66.4 74.974.8 Vehicle Noise:77.3 75.9 69.6 68.1 76.876.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 109 235 1,089505 113 243 1,129524 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Cypress Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:OYCP 2023 17,290 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,668 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.32% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.26% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.43% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.41 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -10.91 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.4 68.7 66.9 60.8 70.169.5 69.2 75.5 67.9 61.5 60.0 68.768.4 74.3 65.2 66.5 75.074.8 Vehicle Noise:77.4 76.1 69.8 68.2 76.976.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 111 240 1,112516 115 248 1,153535 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:Slover Avenue and Cypres Job Number:13921 Road Segment:w/o Juniper Av. Road Name:Slover Av. Scenario:OYCP 2023 17,772 9.65% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,715vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:55feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%87.28% 84.8%4.9%10.3%5.27% 86.5%2.7%10.8%7.44% 3.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.27 3.41 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -10.78 3.40 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.004 29.475 29.173 29.202 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.8 67.0 60.9 70.269.6 69.4 75.7 68.0 61.7 60.1 68.868.6 74.4 65.4 66.6 75.175.0 Vehicle Noise:77.5 76.2 70.0 68.4 77.076.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 113 244 1,134526 118 253 1,176546 Tuesday, December 21, 2021 75 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 76 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study APPENDIX 9.1: CADNAA OPERATIONAL NOISE MODEL INPUTS 77 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 78 13921 - Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue CadnaA Noise Prediction Model: 13921_02.cna Date: 27.05.21 Analyst: S. Shami Calculation Configuration Configuration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB)0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit,LEN))2000.01 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))999.99 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))1.01 Min. Length of Section (%)0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min)960.00 Reference Time Night (min)480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB)0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB)5.00 Night-time Penalty (dB)10.00 DTM Standard Height (m)0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 2 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source - Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr - Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source - Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst. within Area Src do not shield On Screening Incl. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit,TEMP))10 rel. Humidity (%)70 Ground Absorption G 0.50 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit,SPEED))3.0 Roads (RLS-90) Strictly acc. to RLS-90 Railways (FTA/FRA) Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Receiver Noise Levels Name M.ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night CNEL Day Night CNEL Type Auto Noise Type X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) RECEIVERS R1 46.3 46.2 52.9 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6199347.57 2334204.88 5.00 RECEIVERS R2 52.4 52.3 58.9 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6200017.46 2332446.40 5.00 RECEIVERS R3 52.5 52.4 59.1 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6199007.04 2332416.46 5.00 RECEIVERS R4 46.0 45.9 52.6 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6198793.50 2333379.56 5.00 Point Source(s) Name M.ID Result. PWL Lw / Li Operating Time K0 Height Coordinates Day Evening Night Type Value norm.Day Special Night X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)dB(A)(min)(min)(min)(dB)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) POINTSOURCE PARKING26 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199068.59 2332632.74 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING25 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199152.92 2332632.74 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING24 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199237.24 2332631.71 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING23 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199326.71 2332631.71 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING22 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199426.45 2332634.80 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING21 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199523.12 2332634.80 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING20 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199681.48 2332634.80 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING19 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199762.72 2332634.80 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING18 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333643.59 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING17 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333583.95 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING16 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333524.30 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING15 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333472.89 5.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.79 Name M.ID Result. PWL Lw / Li Operating Time K0 Height Coordinates Day Evening Night Type Value norm.Day Special Night X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)dB(A)(min)(min)(min)(dB)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) POINTSOURCE PARKING14 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333415.30 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING13 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333352.57 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING12 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333293.96 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING11 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333087.26 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING10 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2333038.93 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING09 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2332990.60 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING08 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6198880.41 2332943.30 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING07 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199716.44 2333683.69 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING06 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199612.58 2333683.69 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING05 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199514.89 2333684.72 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING04 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199415.14 2333683.69 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING03 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199314.37 2333683.69 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING02 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199223.87 2333683.69 5.00 POINTSOURCE PARKING01 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw 79.0 900.00 0.00 540.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199118.98 2333683.69 5.00 POINTSOURCE AC01 88.9 88.9 88.9 Lw 88.9 585.00 0.00 252.00 0.0 5.00 g 6199689.72 2332747.58 50.00 POINTSOURCE AC02 88.9 88.9 88.9 Lw 88.9 585.00 0.00 252.00 0.0 5.00 g 6199679.47 2333601.69 50.00 POINTSOURCE TRASH01 89.0 89.0 89.0 Lw 89.0 150.00 0.00 90.00 0.0 5.00 a 6199789.98 2333501.41 5.00 Line Source(s) Name M.ID Result. PWL Result. PWL'Lw / Li Operating Time Moving Pt. Src Height Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Type Value norm.Day Special Night Number Speed (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)dB(A)(min)(min)(min)Day Evening Night (mph)(ft) LINESOURCE TRUCK01 93.2 93.2 93.2 62.7 62.7 62.7 Lw 93.2 900.00 0.00 540.00 8 LINESOURCE TRUCK02 93.2 93.2 93.2 78.0 78.0 78.0 Lw 93.2 900.00 0.00 540.00 8 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) LINESOURCE 8.00 a 6199002.75 2332528.47 8.00 0.00 6199002.73 2332685.41 8.00 0.00 6198994.29 2332696.25 8.00 0.00 6198979.84 2332714.32 8.00 0.00 6198971.40 2332722.76 8.00 0.00 6198967.79 2332738.42 8.00 0.00 6198961.76 2333617.88 8.00 0.00 6198971.40 2333632.34 8.00 0.00 6198978.63 2333644.39 8.00 0.00 6198990.68 2333656.44 8.00 0.00 6199729.19 2333654.03 8.00 0.00 6199743.65 2333646.80 8.00 0.00 6199755.69 2333632.34 8.00 0.00 6199764.13 2333617.88 8.00 0.00 6199765.33 2333008.28 8.00 0.00 6199807.50 2332852.87 8.00 0.00 6199801.47 2332733.60 8.00 0.00 6199789.43 2332715.53 8.00 0.00 6199759.31 2332691.43 8.00 0.00 6199003.93 2332686.61 8.00 0.00 LINESOURCE 8.00 a 6199600.23 2332690.42 8.00 0.00 6199600.31 2332581.18 8.00 0.00 Area Source(s) Name M.ID Result. PWL Result. PWL''Lw / Li Operating Time Height Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Type Value norm.Day Special Night (ft) (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)dB(A)(min)(min)(min) AREASOURCE DOCK01 111.5 111.5 111.5 75.2 75.2 75.2 Lw 111.5 8 AREASOURCE DOCK02 111.5 111.5 111.5 75.8 75.8 75.8 Lw 111.5 8 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) AREASOURCE 8.00 a 6199065.36 2333629.02 8.00 0.00 6199065.36 2332862.03 8.00 0.00 6199004.72 2332863.74 8.00 0.00 6199005.58 2333629.02 8.00 0.00 AREASOURCE 8.00 a 6199654.70 2333512.01 8.00 0.00 6199716.19 2333509.44 8.00 0.00 6199716.19 2332862.03 8.00 0.00 6199655.52 2332863.74 8.00 0.00 Barrier(s) Urban Crossroads, Inc.80 Name M.ID Absorption Z-Ext.Cantilever Height Coordinates left right horz.vert.Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) BARRIERTEMP 0 14.00 a 6198940.04 2332528.25 14.00 0.00 6198938.83 2332862.41 14.00 0.00 6198820.00 2332863.62 14.00 0.00 6198822.82 2333140.73 14.00 0.00 6198936.97 2333139.71 14.00 0.00 6198933.88 2333247.68 14.00 0.00 6198806.69 2333244.59 14.00 0.00 6198805.52 2333706.28 14.00 0.00 6199801.83 2333731.75 14.00 0.00 6199827.50 2332839.43 14.00 0.00 6199820.31 2332838.41 14.00 0.00 BARRIERTEMP 0 14.00 a 6199715.34 2332838.12 14.00 0.00 6199789.46 2332837.38 14.00 0.00 BARRIERTEMP 0 14.00 a 6199015.18 2332809.74 14.00 0.00 6198980.24 2332810.04 14.00 0.00 Building(s) Name M.ID RB Residents Absorption Height Coordinates Begin x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) BUILDING BUILDING00001 x 0 45.00 a 6199065.36 2333629.02 45.00 0.00 6199705.94 2333629.02 45.00 0.00 6199705.09 2333511.15 45.00 0.00 6199654.70 2333512.01 45.00 0.00 6199655.55 2332837.26 45.00 0.00 6199715.34 2332838.12 45.00 0.00 6199711.07 2332724.52 45.00 0.00 6199015.83 2332721.96 45.00 0.00 6199014.97 2332838.12 45.00 0.00 6199065.36 2332838.97 45.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.81 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 82 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study APPENDIX 10.1: CADNAA CONSTRUCTION NOISE MODEL INPUTS 83 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 84 13921 - Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue CadnaA Noise Prediction Model: 13921_03_Construction.cna Date: 01.06.21 Analyst: S. Shami Calculation Configuration Configuration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB)0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit,LEN))2000.01 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))999.99 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))1.01 Min. Length of Section (%)0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min)960.00 Reference Time Night (min)480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB)0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB)5.00 Night-time Penalty (dB)10.00 DTM Standard Height (m)0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 2 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source - Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr - Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source - Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst. within Area Src do not shield On Screening Incl. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit,TEMP))10 rel. Humidity (%)70 Ground Absorption G 0.50 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit,SPEED))3.0 Roads (RLS-90) Strictly acc. to RLS-90 Railways (FTA/FRA) Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Receiver Noise Levels Name M.ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night CNEL Day Night CNEL Type Auto Noise Type X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) RECEIVERS R1 68.1 68.1 74.8 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6199347.57 2334204.88 5.00 RECEIVERS R2 69.2 69.2 75.9 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6200017.46 2332446.40 5.00 RECEIVERS R3 71.2 71.2 77.9 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6199007.04 2332416.46 5.00 RECEIVERS R4 78.1 78.1 84.7 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6198793.50 2333379.56 5.00 Area Source(s) Name M.ID Result. PWL Result. PWL''Lw / Li Operating Time Height Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Type Value norm.Day Special Night (ft) (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)dB(A)(min)(min)(min) SITEBOUNDARY CONSTUCTION 129.3 129.3 129.3 79.0 79.0 79.0 Lw"79 8 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) SITEBOUNDARY 8.00 a 6198805.52 2333706.28 8.00 0.00 6199890.67 2333734.02 8.00 0.00 6199891.69 2333230.93 8.00 0.00 6199826.22 2333228.86 8.00 0.00 6199858.70 2332752.63 8.00 0.00 6199860.51 2332607.26 8.00 0.00 6199832.76 2332581.93 8.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.85 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6199271.19 2332580.12 8.00 0.00 6198939.86 2332576.45 8.00 0.00 6198938.83 2332862.41 8.00 0.00 6198820.00 2332863.62 8.00 0.00 6198819.74 2333188.04 8.00 0.00 6198935.44 2333193.17 8.00 0.00 6198934.35 2333231.24 8.00 0.00 6198806.73 2333229.15 8.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.86 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study APPENDIX 10.2: CADNAA CONCRETE POUR NOISE MODEL INPUTS 87 Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue Warehouse Noise Impact Analysis 13921-06 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 88 13921 - Slover Avenue and Cypress Avenue CadnaA Noise Prediction Model: 13921_02_nighttimeconcretepour.cna Date: 01.06.21 Analyst: S. Shami Calculation Configuration Configuration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB)0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit,LEN))2000.01 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))999.99 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))1.01 Min. Length of Section (%)0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min)960.00 Reference Time Night (min)480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB)0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB)5.00 Night-time Penalty (dB)10.00 DTM Standard Height (m)0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 2 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source - Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr - Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source - Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst. within Area Src do not shield On Screening Incl. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit,TEMP))10 rel. Humidity (%)70 Ground Absorption G 0.50 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit,SPEED))3.0 Roads (RLS-90) Strictly acc. to RLS-90 Railways (FTA/FRA) Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Receiver Noise Levels Name M.ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night CNEL Day Night CNEL Type Auto Noise Type X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) RECEIVERS R1 55.8 55.8 62.5 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6199347.57 2334204.88 5.00 RECEIVERS R2 56.1 56.1 62.8 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6200017.46 2332446.40 5.00 RECEIVERS R3 58.0 58.0 64.7 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6199007.04 2332416.46 5.00 RECEIVERS R4 60.0 60.0 66.7 70.0 65.0 0.0 5.00 a 6198793.50 2333379.56 5.00 Area Source(s) Name M.ID Result. PWL Result. PWL''Lw / Li Operating Time Height Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Type Value norm.Day Special Night (ft) (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)dB(A)(min)(min)(min) BUILDING CONCRETEPOUR 117.1 117.1 117.1 70.0 70.0 70.0 Lw"70 8 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) BUILDING 8.00 a 6199065.36 2333629.02 8.00 0.00 6199705.94 2333629.02 8.00 0.00 6199705.09 2333511.15 8.00 0.00 6199654.70 2333512.01 8.00 0.00 6199655.55 2332837.26 8.00 0.00 6199715.34 2332838.12 8.00 0.00 6199711.07 2332724.52 8.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.89 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6199015.83 2332721.96 8.00 0.00 6199014.97 2332838.12 8.00 0.00 6199065.36 2332838.97 8.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.90