HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix K2 - Exhibit B - Scoping Agreement for Traffic Impact StudyTraffic Impact Analysis -14- Al 2008 Preparation Guide This letter acknowledges the Riverside County Transportation Department requirements for traffic impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the Riverside County Transportation Department Traffic Study Guidelines dated February 2005. Case No. (i.e. TR, PM, CUP, PP) Related Cases - SP No. EIR No. GPA No. CZ No. Project Name: Project Address: Project Description: Consultant Developer Name: Address: Telephone: Fax: A. Trip Generation Source: (ITE 7th Edition or other) Current GP Land Use Proposed Land Use Current Zoning Proposed Zoning Current Trip Generation Proposed Trip Generation In Out Total In Out Total AM Trips PM Trips Internal Trip Allowance Yes No ( % Trip Discount) Pass-By Trip Allowance Yes No ( % Trip Discount) A trip discount is allowed for appropriate land uses . The trips at adjacent study area intersections and project driveways shall be indicated on a report figure. B.Trip Geographic Distribution:N % S % E % W % (attach exhibit for detailed assignment) C. Background Traffic Phase Year(s) _________________ Annual Ambient Growth Rate: % Other area projects to be analyzed: Model/Forecast methodology tment requirements for traffic he Riverside County Transportation This letter acknowledges the City of Fontana Engineering Department requirements for traffic impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the SBCTA Congestion Management Plan (CMP) Guidelines Updated 2016. See attached distributions MCN21-090 Traffic Impact Analysis -5- Preparation Guide D. Study intersections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Study Roadway Segments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Other Jurisdictional Impacts Is this project within a City’s Sphere of Influence or one-mile radius of City boundaries? Yes No If so, name of City Jurisdiction: F. Site Plan (please attach reduced copy) G. Specific issues to be addressed in the Study (in addition to the standard analysis described in the Guideline)(To be filled out by Transportation Department) H. Existing Conditions Traffic count data must be new or recent. Provide traffic count dates if using other than new counts. Date of counts______________________________________________________________________ NOTE* Traffic Study Submittal Form and appropriate fee must be submitted with, or prior to submittal of this form. Transportation Department staff will not process the Scoping Agreement prior to receipt of the fee. Recommended by: ______________________________ _________ Consultant’s Representative Date Scoping Agreement Submitted on _____________ Revised on ___________________ Approved Scoping Agreement: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 14283-02 Shea TA Scope October 27, 2021 Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 SUBJECT: SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR THE SIERRA INDUSTRIAL FACILITY (SHEA) TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT Dear Mr. Mahmoud Khodr: The firm of Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to submit this letter documenting the recommended Scope of Work for the traffic assessment in support of the proposed Sierra Industrial Facility (Shea) development (Project), which is located north of Casa Grande Drive and east of Sierra Avenue in the City of Fontana. Exhibit 1 depicts the location of the proposed Project in relation to the existing roadway network. Our goal is to obtain comments from City of Fontana staff, to ensure that the traffic assessment fully addresses the potential effects of the proposed Project. The remainder of this letter describes the draft proposed analysis methodology, project trip generation, and trip distribution for the Project. EXHIBIT 1: LOCATION MAP Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 2 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope The Project is to consist of a 203,000 square foot warehouse building (this includes a 3,000 square foot mezzanine). A preliminary site plan for the proposed Project is shown on Exhibit 2. As indicated on Exhibit 2, access to the Project site will be provided to Sierra Avenue. The northerly driveway (Driveway 1) is proposed to have right-in/right-out access only with full access assumed at the southerly driveway (Driveway 2). EXHIBIT 2: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Note: Sierra Ave will have future raised median Island and project driveway #2 will be Right-In/Right--out. Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 3 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The Project consists of the development of a 203,000 square foot warehouse building (see Exhibit 2). Trip generation represents the amount of traffic that is attracted and produced by a development and is based upon the specific land uses planned for a given project. In order to develop the traffic characteristics of the proposed project, trip-generation statistics published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11 th Edition, 2021) was used to estimate the trip generation. Trip generation rates for the Project are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1: TRIP GENERATION RATES ITE LU AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use1 Units2 Code In Out Total In Out Total Actual Vehicle Trip Generation Rates High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort)3 TSF 155 0.122 0.028 0.150 0.062 0.098 0.160 1.810 Passenger Cars 0.105 0.025 0.130 0.059 0.091 0.150 1.580 2-Axle Trucks 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.038 3-Axle Trucks 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.048 4+-Axle Trucks 0.006 0.007 0.013 0.003 0.003 0.006 0.144 High-Cube Cold Storage Warehouse3 TSF 157 0.085 0.025 0.110 0.034 0.086 0.120 2.120 Passenger Cars 0.062 0.018 0.080 0.025 0.065 0.090 1.665 2-Axle Trucks 0.003 0.007 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.260 3-Axle Trucks 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.083 4+-Axle Trucks 0.005 0.011 0.016 0.008 0.008 0.016 0.113 Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) Trip Generation Rates4 High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort)3 TSF 155 0.122 0.028 0.150 0.062 0.098 0.160 1.810 Passenger Cars 0.105 0.025 0.130 0.059 0.091 0.150 1.580 2-Axle Trucks (PCE = 1.5) 0.003 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.058 3-Axle Trucks (PCE = 2.0) 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.119 4-Axle+ Trucks (PCE = 3.0) 0.018 0.020 0.038 0.009 0.010 0.019 0.432 High-Cube Cold Storage Warehouse3 TSF 157 0.085 0.025 0.110 0.034 0.086 0.120 2.120 Passenger Cars 0.062 0.018 0.080 0.025 0.065 0.090 1.665 2-Axle Trucks (PCE = 1.5) 0.005 0.011 0.016 0.008 0.008 0.016 0.390 3-Axle Trucks (PCE = 2.0) 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.004 0.003 0.007 0.165 4-Axle+ Trucks (PCE = 3.0) 0.015 0.034 0.049 0.024 0.025 0.049 0.338 1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, Eleventh Edition (2021). 2 TSF = thousand square feet 3 Truck Mix: South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) recommended truck mix, by axle type. Normalized % - Without Cold Storage: 16.7% 2-Axle trucks, 20.7% 3-Axle trucks, 62.6% 4-Axle trucks. Normalized % - With Cold Storage: 34.7% 2-Axle trucks, 11.0% 3-Axle trucks, 54.3% 4-Axle trucks. 4 PCE factors: 2-axle = 1.5; 3-axle = 2.0; 4+-axle = 3.0. Daily Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 4 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope Passenger car equivalent (PCE) factors were applied to the trip generation rates for heavy trucks (large 2-axles, 3-axles, 4+-axles). PCEs allow the typical “real-world” mix of vehicle types to be represented as a single, standardized unit, such as the passenger car, to be used for the purposes of capacity and level of service analyses. The PCE factors are consistent with the recommended PCE factors in the City’s Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for VMT and LOS Assessment (October 2020, referred to as City’s Guidelines). For purposes of this scoping agreement, the following ITE land use codes and vehicle mixes will be utilized for the proposed Project: High-Cube Fulfillment Center Warehouse (ITE Land Use Code 155) has been used to derive site specific trip generation estimates for up to 182,700 square feet of the proposed Project (or 90% of the overall building square footage). The ITE Trip Generation Manual has trip generation rates for high-cube fulfillment center use for both non-sort and sort facilities (ITE land use code 155). As defined by ITE, a high-cube warehouse is a building that typically has at least 200,000 gross square feet of floor area, has a ceiling height of 24 feet or more, and is used primarily for the storage and/or consolidation of manufactured goods (and to a lesser extent, raw materials) prior to their distribution to retail locations or other warehouses. A typical high-cube warehouse has a high level of on-site automation and logistics management. The automation and logistics enable highly-efficient processing of goods through the high-cube warehouse.The ITE Trip Generation Manual has two subcategories for the High-Cube Fulfillment Center use: sort and non-sort. ITE describes a sort facility as a fulfillment center that ships out smaller items, requiring extensive sorting, typically by manual means. In comparison, a non-sort facility is a fulfillment center that ships large box items that are processed primarily with automation rather than through manual means. Some limited assembly and repackaging may occur within the facility. Given this description, a non-sort facility has been assumed for the purposes of calculating trip generation for the Project. The vehicle mix (passenger cars versus trucks) has been obtained from the ITE’s Trip Generation Manual. The truck percentages were further broken down by axle type per the following SCAQMD recommended truck mix: 2-Axle = 16.7%; 3-Axle = 20.7%; 4+-Axle = 62.6%. High-Cube Cold Storage Warehouse (ITE Land Use Code 157) has been used to derive site specific trip generation estimates for up to 20,300 square feet (10% of the overall building square footage). High-cube cold storage warehouses include warehouses characterized by the storage and/or consolidation of manufactured goods (and to a lesser extent, raw materials) prior to their distribution to retail locations or other warehouses. High-cube cold storage warehouses are facilities typified by temperature-controlled environments for frozen food or other perishable products. The High-Cube Cold Storage Warehouse vehicle mix has been obtained from the ITE’s Trip Generation Manual. The truck percentages were further broken down by axle type per the following SCAQMD recommended truck mix: 2-Axle = 34.7%; 3-Axle = 11.0%; 4+-Axle = 54.3%. Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 5 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope The trip generation summary for the Project in actual vehicles is shown on Table 2. As shown on Table 2, the Project is anticipated to generate a total of 378 two-way trips per day with 27 AM peak hour trips and 31 PM peak hour trips. TABLE 2:PROJECT TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY (ACTUAL VEHICLES) The trip generation summary for the Project in PCE is shown on Table 3. As shown on Table 3, the Project is anticipated to generate a total of 458 PCE two-way trips per day with 36 PCE AM peak hour trips and 34 PCE PM peak hour trips. Land Use Quantity Units 1 In Out Total In Out Total Daily High-Cube Cold Storage (10%)20.300 TSF Passenger Cars: 1 0 1 1 1 2 34 2-axle Trucks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3-axle Trucks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4+-axle Trucks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total Truck Trips (Actual Vehicles): 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Total Trips (Actual Vehicles)2 1 0 1 1 1 2 44 High-Cube Fulfillment (Non-Sort) (90%)182.700 TSF Passenger Cars: 19 5 24 11 17 27 290 2-axle Trucks: 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 3-axle Trucks: 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 4+-axle Trucks: 1 1 2 1 1 1 26 Total Truck Trips (Actual Vehicles): 1 1 2 1 1 2 44 Total Trips (Actual Vehicles)2 20 6 26 12 18 29 334 Passenger Cars: 20 5 25 12 18 29 324 Total Truck Trips (Actual Vehicles): 1 1 2 1 1 2 54 Total Project Trips (Actual Vehicles)2 21 6 27 13 19 31 378 1 TSF = thousand square feet 2 Total Trips = Passenger Cars + Truck Trips. AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 6 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope TABLE 3: PROJECT TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY (PCE) According to the City’s Guidelines: If a project generates less than 50 peak hour trips, a traffic analysis shall not be required, and a trip generation memo will be considered sufficient unless the City has specific concerns related to project access and interaction with adjacent intersections. TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON The Project is proposing a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to revise the General Plan Land use from Multi-Family High Density Residential to Light Industrial and the zoning from Multi-Family High Density (R-5) to Light Industrial (M-1). The R-5 zoning designation allows up to a maximum of 50 dwelling units per acre. Based on the Project’s acreage of 11.26 acres, approximately 563 high density dwelling units could be developed on site. A trip generation comparison is shown on Table 4 to demonstrate the net change in trip generation is an overall reduction from the currently adopted land use/zoning. Land Use Quantity Units 1 In Out Total In Out Total Daily High-Cube Cold Storage (10%)20.300 TSF Passenger Cars: 1 0 1 1 1 2 34 2-axle Trucks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 3-axle Trucks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4+-axle Trucks: 0 1 1 0 1 1 8 Total Truck Trips (PCE): 0 1 1 0 1 1 20 Total Trips (PCE)2 1 1 2 1 2 3 54 High-Cube Fulfillment (Non-Sort) (90%)182.700 TSF Passenger Cars: 19 5 24 11 17 27 290 2-axle Trucks: 1 0 1 0 0 0 12 3-axle Trucks: 1 1 2 0 0 1 22 4+-axle Trucks: 3 4 7 2 2 3 80 Total Truck Trips (PCE): 5 5 10 2 2 4 114 Total Trips (PCE)2 24 10 34 13 19 31 404 Passenger Cars: 20 5 25 12 18 29 324 Total Truck Trips (PCE): 5 6 11 2 3 5 134 Total Project Trips (PCE)2 25 11 36 14 21 34 458 1 TSF = thousand square feet 2 Total Trips = Passenger Cars + Truck Trips. AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 7 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope TABLE 4: TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON TRIP DISTRIBUTION Trip distribution is the process of identifying the probable destinations, directions, or traffic routes that will be utilized by Project traffic. The potential interaction between the planned land uses and surrounding regional access routes are considered, to identify the route where the Project traffic would distribute. Exhibits 4 and 5 illustrate the passenger car and truck trip distribution patterns through the study area intersections, respectively. EXHIBIT 4:PROJECT (TRUCK) TRIP DISTRIBUTION Land Use Quantity Units 1 In Out Total In Out Total Daily Currently Zoning: Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise)563 DU Passenger Cars: 48 160 208 134 86 220 2,556 Proposed Project: Industrial 203.000 TSF Passenger Cars: 20 5 25 12 18 29 324 Total Truck Trips (PCE): 5 6 11 2 3 5 134 Total Trips (PCE) 25 11 36 14 21 34 458 VARIANCE -23 -149 -172 -120 -65 -186 -2,098 1 TSF = thousand square feet; DU = Dwelling Units AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 8 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope EXHIBIT 5: PROJECT (PASSENGER CAR) TRIP DISTRIBUTION STUDY AREA Based on the Project’s anticipated trip generation, the Project would generate fewer than 50 peak hour trips and would contribute fewer than 50 peak hour trips to any study area intersection. As such, no further operations analysis has been proposed for this Project beyond the trip generation assessment discussed above. SPECIAL ISSUES A Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) analysis will be addressed under separate cover. In addition, a separate SB330 evaluation will be prepared for the site(s) anticipated to accommodate the transfer of 563 dwelling units from the proposed Project site. Mr. Mahmoud Khodr City of Fontana October 27, 2021 Page 9 of 9 14283-02 Shea TA Scope If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (949) 861-0177. Respectfully submitted, Charlene So, PE Associate Principal