HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix F - Drainage StudyAppendix F Drainage Study 1 DRAINAGE STUDY FOR FONTANA SQUARE CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: ACE DESIGN LLC, 1024 IRON FRONT ROAD FOLSOM, CA 95630 AUGUST 07, 2021 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. SITE DESCRIPTION: ......................................................................................................................... 3 3. AREA BREAKUP: .............................................................................................................................. 3 4. TOPOGRAPHY: ................................................................................................................................ 3 5. RAINFALL: ....................................................................................................................................... 3 6. COEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF: .............................................................................................................. 4 7. DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA: ................................................................................................. 4 8. DESIGN CAPTURE VOLUME (DCV): ................................................................................................ 6 9. BIO RETENTION VOLUME: .............................................................................................................. 6 10. CHECK FOR INFILTRATION OF THE PONDED VOLUME: ................................................................. 7 11. DRAINAGE NETWORK: ................................................................................................................... 7 APPENDIX 1 – VICINITY MAP APPENDIX 2 – NOAA ATLAS 14, VOLUME 6, AND VERSION 2 APPENDIX 3 – WORKSHEET - H APPENDIX 4 – SOIL INFILTRATION REPORT APPENDIX 5 – GRADING PLAN APPENDIX 6 – WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 3 DRAINAGE STUDY 1. INTRODUCTION: The Scope of this drainage study is to quantify the Water Quality Control Volume required by the project site and propose the Bio retention basins of the required capacity to treat the storm runoff. The rainfall to be considered for calculation of the Water Quality Control Volume is based on mean 6-hr precipitation. Water Quality volume is calculated based on the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County Stormwater Program. Rainfall, Runoff Coefficient, Drainage Management Area and Water Quality Volume are calculated in the following sections. 2. SITE DESCRIPTION: The proposed Commercial Development site is located south of Route 210, north of S Highland Avenue, West of Catawba Avenue and east of Citrus Avenue in City of Fontana, California as shown on the Vicinity Map, refer Appendix 1. The total area of the site is 386644 sf (8.876 acres). A Banquet Hall (1 story), Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites (104 rooms, 5 story), Staybridge Suites (117 rooms, 5 story), Restaurant (1 story) and an In-n- out Burger Store (1 story) are proposed here. There is an existing eccentric Cul-d-sac from Route-210 and power lines passing through the project site. The City will relocate the Cul-d-sac and power lines out of the project boundary. 3. AREA BREAKUP: The proposed site plan consists of total paved area of 250,295 sf (5.746 acres), total landscape area of 74,248 sf (1.70 acres) and building footprint of 62,130 sf (1.43 acres). 4. TOPOGRAPHY: In present condition, the site is undeveloped and majority of the site drains in south direction and there is an average fall of around 8-10 feet through the width of the site towards South Highland Avenue. South Highland Avenue slopes from east to west. There is an existing public storm drain facility on southeast corner of the site in Citrus Avenue, however there are no public storm drain facilities in South Highland Avenue. 5. RAINFALL: Rainfall depth is used for calculation of Mean 6-hr precipitation as per NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 6, and Version 2. For LID BMP Design Capture Volume (DCV), the San Bernardino 4 County Stormwater Program requires use of the P6 method (MS4 Permit Section XI.D.6a. ii) – Form 4.2-1. Mean 6-hr precipitation is calculated as: P6= (P2yr-1hr) * C1, where C1 is a function of site climatic region, for valley = 1.4807, mountain = 1.909 and for desert = 1.2371. Mean 6-hr precipitation (P6) value comes 0.684 inches. 6. COEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF: The coefficient of runoff has been calculated by using the following formula, for the calculation of design capture volume. Rc = 0.858(Imp%)3 - 0.78(Imp%)2 + 0.774(Imp%) + 0.04 where Imp% is the Imperviousness after applying preventive site design practices. 7. DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA: During earlier discussions held with the City, City informed to route majority of overflow from Retention basins from the site to the existing public storm drainage facility on southeast corner of the site. The grading for the project site and Bio Retention basins are planned in such a way that overflow from Bio Retention basins from two third of the site area is routed to the existing storm drain manhole, located in the South-East corner of the site on Citrus avenue via a network of onsite storm drains. Proposed Site is divided into six DMAs based on the proposed grades and location of available landscaped/Green area. DMA 1 – This 29,852 sf area consists of western half of the Banquet Hall building, Parking and landscaped area in West part of the project site. This area is proposed to drain into the landscape area along the Southern West corner. A bio retention area #1 of 1,490 sf flat area without under drains is proposed in the landscaped area to provide the necessary water quality treatment to the storm runoff. The overflow from this bio retention area is proposed to drain to South-West corner of site to S Highland Avenue. DMA 2 – This 84,552 sf area consists of eastern half of Banquet Hall building, western half of Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites building, Parking and landscaped area of the project site. This area is proposed to drain into the landscape area along the S Highland Avenue. A bio retention area #2 of 2,992 sf flat area without under drains is proposed in the landscaped area to provide the necessary water quality treatment to the storm runoff. The overflow from this bio-retention area is proposed to drain to S Highland Avenue. DMA 3 – This 53,325 sf area consists of eastern half of Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites building, Parking and landscaped area of the project site. This area is proposed to drain into the landscape area along the S Highland Avenue. A bio retention area #3 of 2085 sf flat area without under drains is proposed in the landscaped area to provide the necessary 5 water quality treatment to the storm runoff. The overflow from this bio-retention area is proposed to drain to S Highland Avenue. DMA 4 – This 124,235 sf area consists of Staybridge Suites building, western portion of Restaurant building, Parking and landscaped area in centre of the project site. This area is proposed to drain into the landscape area along the S Highland Avenue. A bio-retention area #4 of 4,790 sf flat area without under drains is proposed in the landscaped area to provide the necessary water quality treatment to the storm runoff. The overflow from this bio retention area will flow to onsite storm drain network connected to the existing drainage manhole in the Southeast corner of project site in Citrus Avenue. DMA 5 – This 14,652 sf area consists of northern portion of In-N-Out Burger Store building and landscaped area in North-East corner of the project site. This area is proposed to drain into the landscape area along the corner of Citrus Avenue. A bio retention area #5 of 940 sf flat area without under drains is proposed in the landscaped area to provide the necessary water quality treatment to the storm runoff. The overflow from this bio retention area will flow to onsite storm drain network connected to the existing drainage manhole in the Southeast corner of project site in Citrus Avenue. DMA 6 – This 71,924 sf area consists of southern portion of In-N-Out Burger Store building, eastern portion of Restaurant building, Parking and landscaped area in eastern corner of the project site. This area is proposed to drain into the landscape area along the intersection of S Highland Avenue and Citrus Avenue. A bio retention area #6 of 3,790 sf flat area without under drains is proposed in the landscaped area to provide the necessary water quality treatment to the storm runoff. The overflow from this bio retention area will flow to onsite storm drain network connected to the existing drainage manhole in the Southeast corner of project site in Citrus Avenue. The DMA’s and proposed grading are shown on WQM & Grading Plan. Refer Appendix-5 and 6 for Grading & Water Quality Management Plan. DMA TOTAL AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA (ROOF + PAVING) PERVIOUS AREA (LANDSCAPE) 1 29,850 22,620 7,230 2 84,552 68,491 16,061 3 53,325 42,670 10,655 4 124,235 102,904 21,331 5 14,652 7,835 6,817 6 71,924 59,770 12,154 6 8. DESIGN CAPTURE VOLUME (DCV): Design Capture Volume (DCV) in cubic feet is determined by following expression mentioned as per City Standards. DCV = 1/12*(DMA area) * (Runoff coefficient, Rc) * (Mean 6-hr Precipitation, P6) * C2, Where C2 is a function of drawdown rate (for 48-hr = 1.963) DMA TOTAL AREA (IN SF) IMPERVIOUSNESS RATIO RUNOFF COEFFICIENT (Rc) MEAN 6-HR PRECIPITATION (IN INCHES) DESIGN CAPTURE VOLUME (IN CUBIC FEET) 1 29,850 0.76 0.552 1.01 2,730 2 84,552 0.81 0.611 1.01 8,562 3 53,325 0.80 0.600 1.01 5,297 4 124,235 0.83 0.635 1.01 13,061 5 14,652 0.53 0.363 1.01 881 6 71,924 0.83 0.637 1.01 7,590 9. BIO RETENTION VOLUME: Bio retention areas in all the six DMAs are proposed to provide the required water quality treatment. The required retention is proposed to be provided by the amended soil having porosity of 15% and by gravel volume provided below the soil having a porosity of 35%. A varying ponding depth of 1.0’-1.25’ is provided over the flat area of all the basins. A free board of 0.5’ is provided for all the basins. An infiltration rate of underlying soils is 5.75 in/hr and 10.20 in/hr at the depth of 5.0’ and 10.0’ respectively per infiltration report on dated July 20, 2021. Minimum infiltration value of 5.75 in/hr used for calculations. Infiltration safety factor of 2.2 is calculated from Worksheet H per city standards. Thus, the design percolation rate calculated for the soil is 2.61 in/hr. A typical 3-hr duration of storm is considered for filing the retention basins as per Form 4.3-3 from Water Quality Management Plan Template. DMA # AREA OF DMA (IN SF) BIO - RETEN TION # FLAT AREA (IN SF) FREE - BOARD DEPTH (IN FEET) PONDING DEPTH (IN FEET) DEPTH OF AMENDED SOIL (IN FEET) PORO SITY OF SOIL GRAVEL DEPTH (IN FEET) POROSITY OF GRAVEL VOLUME REQUIRED (IN CUBIC FEET) VOLUME PROVIDED (IN CUBIC FEET) 1 31,750 1 1,490 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.15 1.0 0.35 2,730 3,320 2 82,640 2 2,992 0.5 1.25 1.5 0.15 2.25 0.35 8,562 8,724 3 53,325 3 2,085 0.5 1.25 1.5 0.15 1.25 0.35 5,297 5,350 4 124,235 4 4,790 0.5 1.25 1.5 0.15 1.75 0.35 13,061 13,129 5 13,895 5 940 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.15 1.0 0.35 881 2,095 6 72,705 6 3,790 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.15 1.0 0.35 7,590 8,446 7 10. CHECK FOR INFILTRATION OF THE PONDED VOLUME: Considering a design infiltration rate of 2.61 inch /hour the retained volume will infiltrate into the ground within 48 hours as shown below for all the Bio-retention basins. BASIN PROVIDED VOLUME (IN CF) FLAT AREA (IN SF) DESIGN INFILTRATION RATE (IN INCHES/HOUR) DRAWDOWN TIME (IN HOURS) 1 3,320 1,490 2.61 10 2 8,724 2,992 2.61 13 3 5,350 2,085 2.61 12 4 13,129 4,790 2.61 13 5 2,095 940 2.61 10 6 8,446 3,790 2.61 10 11. DRAINAGE NETWORK: Overflow from Bio Retention basins 1, 2 and 3 is proposed to be drained through under sidewalk drains to S Highland Avenue and overflow from Bio Retention basins 4, 5 and 6 is proposed to be connected to the onsite storm drainage network. Onsite network is proposed to be connected to existing public storm drainage network on southeast corner of the site in Citrus Avenue. For Storm drain pipeline alignment and invert levels refer Appendix-5 Grading Plan. APPENDIX - 1 VICINTY MAP NORTHPROJECT APPENDIX - 2 NOAA ATLAS 14, VOLUME 6, AND VERSION 2 APPENDIX – 3 WORKSHEET-H VII-35 May 19, 2011 Worksheet H: Factor of Safety and Design Infiltration Rate and Worksheet Factor Category Factor Description Assigned Weight (w) Factor Value (v) Product (p) p = w x v A Suitability Assessment Soil assessment methods 0.25 Predominant soil texture 0.25 Site soil variability 0.25 Depth to groundwater / impervious layer 0.25 Suitability Assessment Safety Factor, SA = p B Design Tributary area size 0.25 Level of pretreatment/ expected sediment loads 0.25 Redundancy 0.25 Compaction during construction 0.25 Design Safety Factor, SB = p Combined Safety Factor, STOT= SA x SB Measured Infiltration Rate, inch/hr, KM (corrected for test-specific bias) Design Infiltration Rate, in/hr, KDESIGN = STOTKM Supporting Data Briefly describe infiltration test and provide reference to test forms: Note: The minimum combined adjustment factor shall not be less than 2.0 and the maximum combined adjustment factor shall not exceed 9.0.   1 2   25 50            21 :25.6+((7+ 5.75 APPENDIX – 4 SOIL INFILTRATION REPORT APPENDIX – 5 GRADING PLAN SLOPEFF=1501.00FF=1502.50 FF=1505.00FF=1505.50 FF=1506.50TRASHENCLOSURE08/12/2021LSDSC22REVISIONS:CHK. BY:TITLE PROJECTDWG. BY:DATE:JOB :SHEETPhone: (702) 396-5113, Fax: (702)446-8155 Land Planning Civil Engineering Architectural Design Structural Engineering ACE Design LLCACE Design LLC FOLSOM, CA 95630 1024 IRON POINT ROAD OF 04FONTANA SQUARE NWC CITRUS & S. HIGHLAND AVE. FONTANA, CALIFORNIA19-03PROJECT APPENDIX – 6 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN FF=1501.00FF=1502.50 FF=1505.00FF=1505.50 FF=1506.50SITTING AREAPATIOPOOL AREAOUT DOORFRONT PORCHPORTECOCHEREPOOLPATIOOUTDOOR SLOPE08/12/2021LSDSC44REVISIONS:CHK. BY:TITLE PROJECTDWG. BY:DATE:JOB :SHEETPhone: (702) 396-5113, Fax: (702)446-8155 Land Planning Civil Engineering Architectural Design Structural Engineering ACE Design LLCACE Design LLC FOLSOM, CA 95630 1024 IRON POINT ROAD OF 04FONTANA SQUARE NWC CITRUS & S. HIGHLAND AVE. FONTANA, CALIFORNIA19-03PROJECT