HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix F1 - Geotechnical Engineering InvestigationGeotechnical Engineering Investigation Proposed Industrial Warehouse Development Northeast Corner of Citrus Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue Fontana, California Acacia Real Estate Group, Inc. 260 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100 Newport Beach, California 92660 Attn: Mr. David Pittman Project Number 23086-22 April 25, 2022 NorCal Engineering NorCal Engineering Soils and Geotechnical Consultants 10641 Hum bolt Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 799-9469 Fax (562) 799-9459 April 25, 2022 Acacia Real Estate Group, Inc. 260 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100 Newport Beach, California 92660 Attn: Mr. David Pittman Project Number 23086-22 RE: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation -Proposed Industrial Warehouse Development -Located at the Northeast Corner of Citrus Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue, in the City of Fontana, California Dear Mr. Pittman: Pursuant to your request, this firm has performed a Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for the above referenced project in accordance with your approval of our proposal dated January 21, 2022. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the geotechnical conditions of the subject site and to provide recommendations for the construction of a proposed industrial warehouse development. The scope of work included the following: 1) site reconnaissance; 2) subsurface geotechnical exploration and sampling; 3) laboratory testing; 4) soil infiltration testing; 5) engineering analysis of field and laboratory data; 6) preparation of a geotechnical engineering report. It is the opinion of this firm that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided that the recommendations presented in this report are followed in the design and construction of the project. April 25, 2022 Page 2 1.0 Project Description Project Number 23086-22 It is proposed to construct an industrial warehouse development consisting of three (3) large buildings totaling 570,196 square feet as shown on the attached Site Plan by HPA Architects dated October 26, 2021. The proposed concrete tilt-up buildings will be supported by a conventional slab-on-grade foundation system with perimeter-spread footings and isolated interior footings. Other improvements will include asphalt and concrete pavement areas, hardscape and landscaping. It is assumed that the proposed grading for the development will include cut and fill procedures on the order of a few feet to achieve finished grade elevations. Final building plans shall be reviewed by this firm prior to submittal for city approval to determine the need for any additional study and revised recommendations pertinent to the proposed development, if necessary. 2.0 Site Description The 24.79-acre subject property is located at the northeast Corner of Citrus Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue, in the City of Fontana. The generally rectangular-shaped parcel is elongated in an east to west direction with topography of the relatively level property descending from gradually from a north to south direction on the order of a few feet. The majority of the parcel is occupied by several single family residences along with undeveloped parcels covered with sparse growth of vegetation cover. 3.0 Site Exploration The investigation consisted of the placement of fourteen (14) subsurface exploratory borings by a truck mounted hollow stem auger and hand operated auger to depths ranging between 5 and 21 feet below current ground elevations. The borings were placed at accessible locations throughout the property. The explorations were visually classified and logged by a field engineer with locations of the subsurface explorations shown on the attached plan. The exploratory borings revealed the existing earth materials to consist of fill and natural soil. Detailed descriptions of the subsurface conditions are listed on the boring logs in Appendix A. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 3 Project Number 23086-22 It should be noted that the transition from one soil type to another as shown on the trench logs is approximate and may in fact be a gradual transition. The soils encountered are described as follows: Fill: A fill soil classifying as a brown, fine to medium grained, silty SAND with gravel and cobbles were encountered across the site to depths ranging from 1 to 4 feet below ground surface. These soils were noted to be loose and dry to damp. Natural: A natural undisturbed soil classifying as a brown to light brown, fine to coarse grained, silty to slightly silty SAND with gravel and cobble was encountered beneath the upper fill soils. The native soils were observed to be medium dense to very dense and damp to moist. The overall engineering characteristics of the earth material were relatively uniform with each excavation. Groundwater was not encountered to the depth of our borings and slight caving occurred in the deeper cohesionless soils. 4.0 Laboratory Tests Relatively undisturbed samples of the subsurface soils were obtained to perform laboratory testing and analysis for direct shear, consolidation tests, and to determine in-place moisture/densities. These relatively undisturbed ring samples were obtained by driving a thin- walled steel sampler lined with one-inch long brass rings with an inside diameter of 2.42 inches into the undisturbed soils. Bulk bag samples were obtained in the upper soils for expansion index tests and maximum density tests. All test results are included in Appendix 8, unless otherwise noted. 4.1 Field Moisture Content (ASTM: D 2216) and the dry density of the ring samples were determined in the laboratory. This data is listed on the logs of explorations. 4.2 Maximum Density tests (ASTM: D 1557) were performed on typical samples of the upper soils. Results of these tests are shown on Table I. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 4 Project Number 23086-22 4.3 Expansion Index tests (ASTM: D 4829) were performed on remolded samples of the upper soils to determine expansive characteristics. Results of these tests are provided on Table II. 4.4 Corrosion tests consisting of sulfate, pH, resistivity and chloride analysis to determine potential corrosive effects of soils on concrete and underground utilities. Test results are provided on Table Ill. 4.5 R-Value test per California Test Method 301 was performed on a representative sample, which may be anticipated to be near subgrade to determine pavement design. Results are provided within the pavement design section of the report. 4.6 Direct Shear tests (ASTM: D 3080) were performed on undisturbed and/or remolded samples of the subsurface soils. The test is performed under saturated conditions at loads of 1,000 lbs./sq.ft., 2,000 lbs./sq.ft., and 3,000 lbs./sq.ft. with results shown on Plates A and B. 4.7 Consolidation tests (ASTM: D 2435) were performed on undisturbed samples to determine the differential and total settlement which may be anticipated based upon the proposed loads. Water was added to the samples at a surcharge of one KSF and the settlement curves are plotted on Plates C to F. 5.0 Seismicity Evaluation The proposed development lies outside of any Alquist Priolo Special Studies Zone and the potential for damage due to direct fault rupture is considered unlikely. The Cucamonga Fault is located about 12 kilometers from the site and is capable of producing a Magnitude 7. 0 earthquake. Ground shaking originating from earthquakes along other active faults in the region is expected to induce lower horizontal accelerations due to smaller anticipated earthquakes and/or greater distances to other faults. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 5 Project Number 23086-22 The seismic design acceleration parameters for the project site are provided below based on the ASCE/SEI 7-22 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) website, https://asce7hazardtool.online/. The ASCE/SEI 7-22 report is attached is Appendix C Seismic Design Acceleration Parameters Latitude 34.056 Longitude -117.453 Site Class D Risk Category II Peak Ground Acceleration PGAM = 0.68 Adjusted Maximum Acceleration SMs= 1.90 SM1 = 1.70 Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters Sos= 1.26 So1 = 1.13 Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Ss = 1.99 S1 = 0.63 Use of these values is dependent on the latest requirements of the ASCE, 11-4.8, Exception 2 that requires the value of the seismic response coefficient Cs be determined by Equation 12.8.2 for values of T.::: 1.5Ts and taken as equal to 1.5 times the value computed in accordance with either 12.8-3 for TL.:::T.:::1.5Ts or Equation 12.8-4 for T>TL. Computations and verification of these conditions is referred to the structural engineer. 6.0 Liquefaction Evaluation The site is expected to experience ground shaking and earthquake activity that is typical of the Southern California area. It is during severe shaking that loose, granular soils below the groundwater table can liquefy. Based on review of the County of San Bernardino County Land Use Plan -General Plan -Geologic Hazard Overlays (2009), the site lies outside a zone of "Suspected Liquefaction Susceptibility". Based on review of local groundwater maps, the depth of groundwater is in excess of 250 feet (Carson & Matti 1982). Thus, the design of the proposed construction in conformance with the latest Building Code provisions for earthquake design is expected to provide mitigation of ground shaking hazards that are typical to Southern California. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 6 7 .0 Infiltration Characteristics Project Number 23086-22 Infiltration tests within the site were performed to provide preliminary infiltration rates for the purpose of planning and design of an on-site water disposal system field testing the San Bernardino County Stormwater Program. A truck mounted Simco 2800 Drill Rig equipped with a hollow stem auger was used to excavate the exploratory borings (B-1, B-2 and B-3) to depths of 5 to 15 feet below existing ground surface within the proposed infiltration areas. The borings consisted of six-inch diameter test holes. A three-inch diameter perforated PVC casing with solid end cap was installed in the borings and then surrounded with gravel materials to prevent caving. The infiltration holes were carefully filled with clean water and refilled after two initial readings. Based upon the initial rates of infiltration at each location, test measurements were measured at selected maximum intervals thereafter. Measurements were obtained by using an electronic tape measure with 1 /16-inch divisions and timed with a stopwatch. Field data sheets are provided in Appendix D. Based upon the results of our testing, the soils encountered in the planned on-site drainage disposal system area exhibit the following field infiltration rates calculated using the Porchet Method (aka Inverse Borehole Method). The drainage disposal system shall utilize design infiltration rates based on the safety factor required by the county standard. Boring/Test No. Depth Soil Classification Field Infiltration Rate B-1/TH-1 5' Silty SAND 20.5 in/hr B-2/TH-2 1 O' Silty SAND 9.9 in/hr B-3/TH-3 15' Silty SAND 4.2 in/hr No groundwater was encountered to the depth of our borings to a maximum depth of 20 feet below existing ground surface. Based on review of local groundwater maps, the depth of groundwater is in excess of 250 feet (Carson & Matti 1982). A nearby groundwater monitoring well located approximately 0.25 mile to the east from the subject site noted a groundwater depth of 317 feet below ground surface last measured in October 2008. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 7 Project Number 23086-22 It is recommended that foundations shall be setback a minimum distance of 10 feet from the drainage disposal system and the bottom of footing shall be a minimum of 1 O feet from the expected zone of saturation. The boundary of the zone of saturation may be assumed to project downward from the top of the permeable portion of the disposal system at an inclination of 1 to 1 or flatter, as determined by the geotechnical engineer. 8.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Based upon our evaluations, the proposed development is acceptable from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. By following the recommendations and guidelines set forth in our report, the structures will be safe from excessive settlements under the anticipated design loadings and conditions. The proposed development shall meet all requirements of the City Building Ordinance and will not impose any adverse effect on existing adjacent structures. The following recommendations are based upon soil conditions encountered in our field investigation; these near-surface soil conditions could vary across the site. Variations in the soil conditions may not become evident until the commencement of grading operations for the proposed development and revised recommendations from the soils engineer may be necessary based upon the conditions encountered. It is recommended that site inspections be performed by a representative of this firm during all grading and construction of the development to verify the findings and recommendations documented in this report. Any unusual conditions which may be encountered in the course of the project development may require the need for additional study and revised recommendations. 8.1 Site Grading Recommendations Any vegetation and/or demolition debris shall be removed and hauled from proposed grading areas prior to the start of grading operations. Existing vegetation shall not be mixed or disced into the soils. Any removed soils may be reutilized as compacted fill once any deleterious material or oversized materials (in excess of eight inches) is removed. Grading operations shall be performed in accordance with the attached Specifications for Placement of Compacted Fill. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 8 8.1.1 Removal and Recompaction Recommendations Project Number 23086-22 All disturbed soils and/or fill (about 1 to 1.5 feet below ground surface) shall be removed to competent native material, the exposed surface scarified to a depth of 12 inches, brought to within 2% of optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90% of the laboratory standard (ASTM: D-1557) prior to placement of any additional compacted fill soils, foundations, slabs-on-grade and pavement. Grading shall extend a minimum of five horizontal feet outside the edges of foundations or equidistant to the depth of fill placed, whichever is greater. It is possible that isolated areas of undiscovered fill not described in this report are present on site; if found, these areas should be treated as discussed earlier. A diligent search shall also be conducted during grading operations in an effort to uncover any underground structures, irrigation or utility lines. If encountered, these structures and lines shall be either removed or properly abandoned prior to the proposed construction. Any imported fill material should be preferably soil similar to the upper soils encountered at the subject site. All soils shall be approved by this firm prior to importing at the site and will be subjected to additional laboratory testing to assure concurrence with the recommendations stated in this report. If placement of slabs-on-grade and pavement is not completed immediately upon completion of grading operations, additional testing and grading of the areas may be necessary prior to continuation of construction operations. Likewise, if adverse weather conditions occur which may damage the subgrade soils, additional assessment by the soils engineer as to the suitability of the supporting soils may be needed. Care should be taken to provide or maintain adequate lateral support for all adjacent improvements and structures at all times during the grading operations and construction phase. Adequate drainage away from the structures, pavement and slopes should be provided at all times. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 9 8.1.2 Fill Blanket Recommendations Project Number 23086-22 Due to the potential for differential settlement of foundations placed on compacted fill and native materials, it is recommended that all foundations including floor slab areas be underlain by a uniform compacted fill blanket at least two feet in thickness. This fill blanket shall extend a minimum of five horizontal feet outside the edges of foundations or equidistant to the depth of fill placed, whichever is greater. 8.2 Shrinkage and Subsidence Results of our in-place density tests reveal that the soil shrinkage of the matrix will be on the order of 5 to 10% due to excavation and recompaction, based upon the assumption that the fill is compacted to 92% of the maximum dry density per ASTM standards. Subsidence should be 0.2 feet due to earthwork operations. If crushing of the oversized alluvial material is performed and is utilized as fill, bulking of these materials will be estimated to be about 5%. The volume change does not include any allowance for vegetation or organic stripping, removal of subsurface improvements, or topographic approximations. Although these values are only approximate, they represent our best estimate of lost yardage, which will likely occur during grading. If more accurate shrinkage and subsidence factors are needed, it is recommended that field testing the actual equipment and grading techniques should be conducted. 8.3 Temporary Excavations Temporary unsurcharged excavations in the existing site materials may be made at vertical inclinations up to 4 feet in height unless cohesionless soils are encountered. In areas where soils with little or no binder are encountered, where adverse geological conditions are exposed, or where excavations are adjacent to existing structures, shoring or flatter excavations may be required. The temporary cut slope gradients given above do not preclude local raveling and sloughing. All excavations shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the soils engineer, CAL-OSHA and other public agencies having jurisdiction. Care should be taken to provide or maintain adequate lateral support for all adjacent improvements and structures at all times during the grading operations and construction phase. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 10 8.4 Foundation Design Project Number 23086-22 All foundations may be designed utilizing the following allowable bearing capacities for an embedded depth of 18 inches into approved engineered fill with the corresponding widths: Allowable Bearing Capacity (psf) Width (feet) Continuous Foundation Isolated Foundation 1.5 2000 2500 2.0 2075 2575 4.0 2375 2875 6.0 2500 3000 The bearing value may be increased by 500 psf for each additional foot of depth in excess of the 18-inch minimum depth, up to a maximum of 4,000 psf. A one-third increase may be used when considering short-term loading and seismic forces. Any foundations located along property line may utilize an allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 psf and embedded into competent native soils. A modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 200 pci may be used for design of slabs placed on engineered fill soils supporting sustained concentrated loads. A representative of this firm shall inspect all foundation excavations prior to pouring concrete. 8.5 Settlement Analysis Resultant pressure curves for the consolidation tests are shown on Plates C to E. Computations utilizing these curves and the recommended allowable soil bearing capacities reveal that the foundations will experience settlements on the order of ¾ inch and differential settlements of less than ¼ inch. 8.6 Lateral Resistance The following values may be utilized in resisting lateral loads imposed on the structure. Requirements of the California Building Code should be adhered to when the coefficient of friction and passive pressures are combined. Coefficient of Friction -0.40 Equivalent Passive Fluid Pressure = 250 lbs./cu.ft. Maximum Passive Pressure = 2,500 lbs./cu.ft. The passive pressure recommendations are valid only for approved compacted fill soils or competent native materials. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 11 8.7 Retaining Wall Design Parameters Project Number 23086-22 Active earth pressures against retaining walls will be equal to the pressures developed by the following fluid densities. These values are for granular backfill material placed behind the walls at various ground slopes above the walls. Surface Slope of Retained Materials Equivalent Fluid Density (Horizontal to Vertical (lb./cu. ft.) Level 30 5 to 1 35 4 to 1 38 3 to 1 40 2 to 1 45 Any applicable short-term construction surcharges and seismic forces should be added to the above lateral pressure values. An equivalent fluid pressure of 45 pcf may be utilized for the restrained wall condition with a level grade behind the wall. The seismic-induced lateral soil pressure for walls greater than 6 feet may be computed using a triangular pressure distribution with the maximum value at the top of the wall. The maximum lateral pressure of (20 pcf) H where H is the height of the retained soils above the wall footing should be used in final design of retaining walls. Sliding resistance values and passive fluid pressure values may be increased by 1/3 during short-term wind and seismic loading conditions. All walls shall be waterproofed as needed and protected from hydrostatic pressure by a reliable permanent subdrain system. The granular backfill to be utilized immediately adjacent to retaining walls shall consist of an approved select granular soil with a sand equivalency greater than 30. This backfill zone of free draining material shall consist of a wedge beginning a minimum of one horizontal foot from the base of the wall extending upward at an inclination of no less than ¾ to 1 (horizontal to vertical). NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 12 8.8 Slab Design Project Number 23086-22 All concrete slabs shall be a minimum of six inches in thickness in the proposed warehouse areas and four inches in office and hardscape and placed on approved subgrade soils. Additional reinforcement requirements and an increase in thickness of the slabs-on-grade may be necessary based upon soils expansion potential and proposed loading conditions in the structures and should be evaluated further by the project engineers and/or architect. A vapor retarder (10-mil minimum thickness) should be utilized in areas which would be sensitive to the infiltration of moisture. This retarder shall meet requirements of ASTM E 96, Water Vapor Transmission of Materials and ASTM E 1745, Standard Specification for Water Vapor Retarders used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. The vapor retarder shall be installed in accordance with procedures stated in ASTM E 1643, Standard practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. The moisture retarder may be placed directly upon compacted subgrade soils conditioned to near optimum moisture levels, although one to two inches of sand beneath the membrane is desirable. The subgrade upon which the retarder is placed shall be smooth and free of rocks, gravel or other protrusions which may damage the retarder. Use of sand above the retarder is under the purview of the structural engineer; if sand is used over the retarder, it should be placed in a dry condition. 8.9 Pavement Section Design The table below provides a preliminary pavement design based upon an R-Value of 65 for the subgrade soils for the proposed pavement areas. Final pavement design may need to be based on R-Value testing of the subgrade soils near the conclusion of site grading to assure that these soils are consistent with those assumed in this preliminary design. The recommendations are based upon estimated traffic loads. Client should submit any other anticipated traffic loadings to the geotechnical engineer, if necessary, so that pavement sections may be reviewed to determine adequacy to support the proposed loadings. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 13 Type of Traffic Automobile Parking Stalls Light Vehicle Circulation Areas Heavy Truck Access Areas Traffic Index 4.0 5.5 7.0 Project Number 23086-22 Asphalt (in.) Base Material (in.) 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.5 4.0 8.0 Any concrete slab-on-grade in pavement areas shall be a minimum of six inches in thickness and may be placed on approved subgrade soils. All pavement areas shall have positive drainage toward an approved outlet from the site. Drain lines behind curbs and/or adjacent to landscape areas should be considered by client and the appropriate design engineers to prevent water from infiltrating beneath pavement. If such infiltration occurs, damage to pavement, curbs and flow lines, especially on sites with expansive soils, may occur during the life of the project. Any approved base material shall consist of a Class II aggregate or equivalent and should be compacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction. All pavement materials shall conform to the requirements set forth by the City of Fontana. The base material; and asphaltic concrete should be tested prior to delivery to the site and during placement to determine conformance with the project specifications. A pavement engineer shall designate the specific asphalt mix design to meet the required project specifications. 8.10 Utility Trench and Excavation Backfill Trenches from installation of utility lines and other excavations may be backfilled with on-site soils or approved imported soils compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. All utility lines shall be properly bedded with clean sand having a sand equivalency rating of 30 or more. This bedding material shall be thoroughly water jetted around the pipe structure prior to placement of compacted backfill soils. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 14 8.11 Corrosion Design Criteria Project Number 23086-22 Representative samples of the surficial soils, typical of the subgrade soils expected to be encountered within foundation excavations and underground utilities were tested for corrosion potential. The minimum resistivity value obtained for the samples tested is representative of an environment that may be severely corrosive to metals. The soil pH value was considered mildly acidic and may not have a significant effect on soil corrosivity. Consideration should be given to corrosion protection systems for buried metal such as protective coatings, wrappings or the use of PVC where permitted by local building codes. According to Table 4.3.1 of ACI 318 Building Code and Commentary, these contents revealed negligible sulfate concentrations. Therefore, a Type II cement according to latest CBC specifications may be utilized for building foundations at this time. It is recommended that additional sulfate tests be performed at the completion of site grading to assure that the as graded conditions are consistent with the recommendations stated in this design. Corrosion test results may be found on the attached Table IV. 8.12 Expansive Soil If expansive soils are encountered, special attention should be given to the project design and maintenance. The attached Expansive Soil Guidelines should be reviewed by the engineers, architects, owner, maintenance personnel and other interested parties and considered during the design of the project and future property maintenance. 9.0 Closure The recommendations and conclusions contained in this report are based upon the soil conditions uncovered in our test excavations. No warranty of the soil condition between our excavations is implied. NorCal Engineering should be notified for possible further recommendations if unexpected to unfavorable conditions are encountered during construction phase. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all information within this report is submitted to the Architect and appropriate Engineers for the project. NorCal Engineering April 25 , 2022 Page 15 Project Number 23086-22 A preconstruction conference should be held between the developer, general contractor, grading contractor, city inspector, architect, and soil engineer to clarify any questions relating to the grading operations and subsequent construction. Our representative should be present during the grading operations and construction phase to certify that such recommendations are complied within the field. This geotechnical investigation has been conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and ski ll exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the Southern California area. No other warranty, expressed or implied is made. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned . Respectfully submitted, NORCA_I:-ENGINr N tJUbL Ke ith D. Tucker Project Engineer R.G.E. 841 ... --·-::.::.::--... NorCal Engineering Scott D. Spensiero Project Manager April 25, 2022 Page 16 References Project Number 23086-22 1. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) website, https://asce7hazardtool.online/ 2. California Building Code, 2019. 3. California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey, 2007, Fault- Rupture Hazard Zones in California; Special Publication 42. 4. California Department of Water Resources, Internet Website, http://www.water.ca.gov/waterdatalibrary/index.cfm. 5. California Division of Mines and Geology, 2008, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California: Special Publication 117 A. 6. Morton, D.M., and Miller, F.K., 2006 "Geologic Map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30' x 60' Quadrangles", U.S. Geologic Survey, scale 1:100,00. 7. San Bernardino County -Appendix VII -Infiltration Rate Evaluation Protocol and Factor of Safety Recommendations dated May 19, 2011. 8. San Bernardino County Land Use Plan -General Plan Geologic Hazard Overlays dated March 9, 2010. 9. U.S. Geological Survey -J.C Matti and S.E. Carson -Contour Map Showing Minimum Depth to Groundwater, Upper Santa Ana River Valley, California 1973-1979, 1983. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 17 Excavation Project Number 23086-22 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILL Any existing low-density soils and/or saturated soils shall be removed to competent natural soil under the inspection of the Geotechnical Engineering Firm. After the exposed surface has been cleansed of debris and/or vegetation, it shall be scarified until it is uniform in consistency, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM: D 1557). In any area where a transition between fill and native soil or between bedrock and soil are encountered, additional excavation beneath foundations and slabs will be necessary in order to provide uniform support and avoid differential settlement of the structure. Material for Fill The on-site soils or approved import soils may be utilized for the compacted fill provided they are free of any deleterious materials and shall not contain any rocks, brick, asphaltic concrete, concrete or other hard materials greater than eight inches in maximum dimensions. Any import soil must be approved by the Geotechnical Engineering firm a minimum of 72 hours prior to importation of site. Placement of Compacted Fill Soils The approved fill soils shall be placed in layers not excess of six inches in thickness. Each lift shall be uniform in thickness and thoroughly blended. The fill soils shall be brought to within 2% of the optimum moisture content, unless otherwise specified by the Soils Engineering firm. Each lift shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM: D 1557) and approved prior to the placement of the next layer of soil. Compaction tests shall be obtained at the discretion of the Geotechnical Engineering firm but to a minimum of one test for every 500 cubic yards placed and/or for every 2 feet of compacted fill placed. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 18 Project Number 23086-22 The minimum relative compaction shall be obtained in accordance with accepted methods in the construction industry. The final grade of the structural areas shall be in a dense and smooth condition prior to placement of slabs-on-grade or pavement areas. No fill soils shall be placed, spread or compacted during unfavorable weather conditions. When the grading is interrupted by heavy rains, compaction operations shall not be resumed until approved by the Geotechnical Engineering firm. Grading Observations The controlling governmental agencies should be notified prior to commencement of any grading operations. This firm recommends that the grading operations be conducted under the observation of a Soils Engineering firm as deemed necessary. A 24-hour notice must be provided to this firm prior to the time of our initial inspection. Observation shall include the clearing and grubbing operations to assure that all unsuitable materials have been properly removed; approve the exposed subgrade in areas to receive fill and in areas where excavation has resulted in the desired finished grade and designate areas of overexcavation; and perform field compaction tests to determine relative compaction achieved during fill placement. In addition, all foundation excavations shall be observed by the Soils Engineering firm to confirm that appropriate bearing materials are present at the design grades and recommend any modifications to construct footings. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 19 EXPANSIVE SOIL GUIDELINES Project Number 23086-22 The following expansive soil guidelines are provided for your project. The intent of these guidelines is to inform you, the client, of the importance of proper design and maintenance of projects supported on expansive soils. You, as the owner or other interested party, should be warned that you have a duty to provide the information contained in the soil report including these guidelines to your design engineers, architects, landscapers and other design parties in order to enable them to provide a design that takes into consideration expansive soils. In addition, you should provide the soil report with these guidelines to any property manager, lessee, property purchaser or other interested party that will have or assume the responsibility of maintaining the development in the future. Expansive soils are fine-grained silts and clays which are subject to swelling and contracting. The amount of this swelling and contracting is subject to the amount of fine-grained clay materials present in the soils and the amount of moisture either introduced or extracted from the soils. Expansive soils are divided into five categories ranging from "very low" to "very high". Expansion indices are assigned to each classification and are included in the laboratory testing section of this report. If the expansion index of the soils on your site, as stated in this report, is 21 or higher, you have expansive soils. The classifications of expansive soils are as follows: Classification of Expansive Soil* Expansion Index Potential Expansion 0-20 Very Low 21-50 Low 51-90 Medium 91-130 High Above 130 Very High *From Table 18A-I-B of California Building Code (1988) NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 20 Project Number 23086-22 When expansive soils are compacted during site grading operations, care is taken to place the materials at or slightly above optimum moisture levels and perform proper compaction operations. Any subsequent excessive wetting and/or drying of expansive soils will cause the soil materials to expand and/or contract. These actions are likely to cause distress of foundations, structures, slabs-on-grade, sidewalks and pavement over the life of the structure. It is therefore imperative that even after construction of improvements, the moisture contents are maintained at relatively constant levels, allowing neither excessive wetting or drying of soils. Evidence of excessive wetting of expansive soils may be seen in concrete slabs, both interior and exterior. Slabs may lift at construction joints producing a trip hazard or may crack from the pressure of soil expansion. Wet clays in foundation areas may result in lifting of the structure causing difficulty in the opening and closing of doors and windows, as well as cracking in exterior and interior wall surfaces. In extreme wetting of soils to depth, settlement of the structure may eventually result. Excessive wetting of soils in landscape areas adjacent to concrete or asphaltic pavement areas may also result in expansion of soils beneath pavement and resultant distress to the pavement surface. Excessive drying of expansive soils is initially evidenced by cracking in the surface of the soils due to contraction. Settlement of structures and on-grade slabs may also eventually result along with problems in the operation of doors and windows. Projects located in areas of expansive clay soils will be subject to more movement and "hairline" cracking of walls and slabs than similar projects situated on non-expansive sandy soils. There are, however, measures that developers and property owners may take to reduce the amount of movement over the life the development. The following guidelines are provided to assist you in both design and maintenance of projects on expansive soils: NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 21 Project Number 23086-22 • Drainage away from structures and pavement is essential to prevent excessive wetting of expansive soils. Grades should be designed to the latest building code and maintained to allow flow of irrigation and rain water to approved drainage devices or to the street. Any "ponding" of water adjacent to buildings, slabs and pavement after rains is evidence of poor drainage; the installation of drainage devices or regrading of the area may be required to assure proper drainage. Installation of rain gutters is also recommended to control the introduction of moisture next to buildings. Gutters should discharge into a drainage device or onto pavement which drains to roadways. • Irrigation should be strictly controlled around building foundations, slabs and pavement and may need to be adjusted depending upon season. This control is essential to maintain a relatively uniform moisture content in the expansive soils and to prevent swelling and contracting. Over-watering adjacent to improvements may result in damage to those improvements. NorCal Engineering makes no specific recommendations regarding landscape irrigation schedules. • Planting schemes for landscaping around structures and pavement should be analyzed carefully. Plants (including sod) requiring high amounts of water may result in excessive wetting of soils. Trees and large shrubs may actually extract moisture from the expansive soils, thus causing contraction of the fine-grained soils. • Thickened edges on exterior slabs will assist in keeping excessive moisture from entering directly beneath the concrete. A six-inch thick or greater deepened edge on slabs may be considered. Underlying interior and exterior slabs with 6 to 12 inches or more of non-expansive soils and providing presaturation of the underlying clayey soils as recommended in the soil report will improve the overall performance of on- grade slabs. NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Page 22 Project Number 23086-22 • Increase the amount of steel reinforcing in concrete slabs, foundations and other structures to resist the forces of expansive soils. The precise amount of reinforcing should be determined by the appropriate design engineers and/or architects. • Recommendations of the soil report should always be followed in the development of the project. Any recommendations regarding presaturation of the upper subgrade soils in slab areas should be performed in the field and verified by the Soil Engineer. NorCal Engineering :. ~ ~ l- , ~'-r.:=:::::;..~:::1:::==.;::=:::::::::;:::::::.!:::::;::::===.J ~ I I 6\ I I ==1 , i"'°' , I -. . __ L__ I ___ _L_, _ · · ---~----__, i B-9 i 'l' I I i =3 , ... =i' ·---+---· B-12 :::=I --r--1---r--7--* I I ' ' ' ' ' J. i i i Jt.i ;;;; .·. __ I ___ J __ [__J __ j __ ,------,----, ~ ~ . N I 32 =r 20' 275' 185' - 'f :B-11 -~iiLotNGr· g 7 ~ -1fo1t~N~-~! 1--'-<f--f--~u:t!,1NGt3 ! --~_Ji~-~--'-o 3 N.A.P. § ~~-21<46f~.E..f _l__2_Q6~~L sif • . i ! ! ! ! g ! I · , ·~ , ! ! ! ! ~ . ---+-+--+--====i 'EB 1 f----+-+B-8 -\ -+-+---!---+ =-''''. ==! ~-I 11, I '''' I 1111-.. -.· ~ ~ ,,,_,_, 1111 I -1 --1·--t---1· -·. · ==! 1---!--r-! --, -t---,--(--t-. ' ' ' ' ► l==s~-,.J,-+:-[_ _ _j ___ [_ _ _j___ ' ' ' t ---1---+---, · · : B-6 --l---1---+-i B-10 i I ! ! ! i i i -i -.K--t----: -T-r--I ---t---B-3 -- . w · __ _L __ I I i B-5 i ' ' ' ---r--,---,--- i i i i i -' ---, --,,., -' ---, --, I ~ I ~ , ~ , I '---'---...,...._____,__---'----'----'----' i , -l-----1 ___ · ------------~-____ L-----------·-··-··-··-~-----~,_;· -----+--··-=·==~-t-______ j_ ______ ~_-_~_------~----~ __ =11_;)-__ ~_-_ -_ ""'i::;,.t-_-_~_-__ ~ _______ _ i --------------------------------~ i I I l~I 1 INCH = 100 FEET NorCal Engineering SOILS AND GEOTECHN1CAL CONSULTANTS SITE PLAN PROJECT: 23086-22 DATE: APRIL 2022 r' April 25, 2022 List of Appendices (in order of appearance) Appendix A -Log of Excavations Log of Borings B-1 to B-14 Appendix B -Laboratory Tests Table I -Maximum Dry Density Table II -Expansion Table Ill -Corrosion Plates A and B -Direct Shear Plates C to F -Consolidation Project Number 23086-22 Appendix C -Seismic Design ASCE /SEI 7-22 Seismic Hazards Report Appendix D -Soil Infiltration Data Field Data Sheets and Calculations NorCal Engineering April 25, 2022 Appendix A Log of Excavations NorCal Engineering Project Number 23086-22 COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50%OF MATERIAL IS LARGES THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50%OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200SIEVE SIZE MAJOR DIVISION GRAVEL ANO GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50%0F COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON N0.4SIEVE SANO AND SANDY SOILS MORE THAN 50%0F COARSE FRACTION EASSll:!JGON N0.4 SIEVE SILTS AND CLAYS SILTS AND CLAYS CLEAN GRAVELS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) GRAVELS WITH FINES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES\ CLEAN SAND (LITTLE OR NO FINES) SANDS WITH FINE (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) LIQUID LIMIT 1i:::l':l':THAll.l1'n HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GRAPHIC LeTTER ~VMRnl /::YMRnl . ~ .... . . . . . .. . . . . !--... -• GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL ---• OL -------. MH TYPICAi.. DESCRIPTIONS WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL. SANO MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE ORNO FINES SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- SIL T MIXTURES CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- CLAY MIXTURES WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORL Y-GRAOED SANDS, GRAVEL· LY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES SIL TY SANDS, SAND-SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SIL TS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SIL TY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SIL TS WITH SLIGHT PLASTlCliY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS LEAN CLAYS ORGANIC SIL TS ANO ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SIL TS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLJ.1.YS ORGANIC CIJ.I.YS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDlCATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM NorCal Engineering KEY: ■ Indicates 2.5-inch Inside Diameter. Ring Sample. rgi Indicates 2-inch OD Split Spoon Sample (SPT). [SJ Indicates Shelby Tube Sample. DJ Indicates No Recovery. I] Indicates SPT with 140# Hammer 30 in. Drop. El Indicates Bulk Sample. ~ Indicates Small Bag Sample. [I Indicates Non-Standard [II Indicates Core Run. COMPONENT DEFINITIONS COMPONENT SIZE RANGE Boulders Larger than 12 in Cobbles 3 in to 12in Gravel 3 in to No 4 {4.5mm) Coarse gravel 3 in to 3/4 in Fine gravel 3/4 in to No 4 ( 4,5mm ) Sand No. 4 ( 4.5mm ) to No. 200 ( 0.074mm ) Coarse sand No. 4 ( 4.5 mm ) to No. 10 ( 2.0 mm ) Medium sand No. 10 { 2.0 mm) to No. 40 ( 0.42 mm) Fine sand No. 40 ( 0.42 mm ) to No. 200 ( 0.074 mm ) Silt and Clay Smaller than No. 200 ( 0.074 mm) COMPONENT PROPORTIONS DESCRIPTIVE TERMS RANGE OF PROPORTION Trace 1 • 5% Few 5 • 10% Little 10-20% Some 20-35% And 35 -50% MOISTURE CONTENT DRY DAMP MOIST WET Absence of moisture. dusty, dry to the touch. Some perceptible moisture; below optimum No visible water; near optimum moisture content Visible free water, usually soil is below water table. RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N -VALUE COHESIONLESS SOILS COHESIVE SOILS Density N ( blows/ft ) Consistency N (blows/ft ) Approximate Undrained Shear strength (psf) Very Loose 0 to4 Very Soft 0 lo2 <250 Loose 4 lo 10 Soft 2 to4 250-500 Medium Dense 10 to 30 Medium Stiff 410 S 500-1000 Dense 30 to 50 Stiff 8 to 15 1000. 2000 Very Dense over50 Very Stiff 15 to 30 2000-4000 Hard over 30 >4000 NorCal Engineering Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Log of Boring B-1 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology Material Description -10 - - - ,_35 FILL j I\ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND " I \Brown, loose, damp; with gravel i NATURAL I t,(;;;l,~;i,·;;1-1 g Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND ~{lil~ ~ ~Brown, medium dense, damp; with gravel / Silty (medium to coarse grained) SAND / ~L~ig~h_t_b_ro_w_n_,_m_e_d_iu_m_d_e_ns_e_,_d_a_m~p_; _s~lig~h_tl~y_s_ilt~y----------~ Boring completed at depth of 5' NorCal Engineering Samples Laboratory 3: .I!? ~ ~ ~ 0 G) ::J ~iii 1/) ... Q. 0 C .... a, C ~ -::J rn cc C a, Ill O ~ G) u: ~ (.) C 0 1 Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Log of Boring B-2 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology -0 -5 - - -35 Material Description FILL J \Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND ::i Brown, loose, damp; with gravel § NATURAL Q) g \Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND i Brown, medium dense, damp; with gravel Silty (medium to coarse grained) SAND Light brown, medium dense, damp; slightly silty Boring completed at depth of 1 O' NorCal Engineering I I Samples ~ .l!l C1I C. 0 C ~ -::, mo (.) '---------------------------------'----------'----~,,, Laboratory ~ ~ ::, ~iii "' .... QI ,,, cc C ~ u: C1I C 2 ',fl 1: s C 0 u Acacia Real Estate Group Log of Boring B-3 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith-Samples Laboratory (feet) ology Material Description ;:: J!! E ~ ~ 0 G) :, ~iii 1/) ... C. 0 C: ... QI C Ill C QI ~ -:, cc: u: g mo ~ G) -0 u C (.) . . .. FILL . -. . . "" Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND . ~ ... ~ -. '------Brown, loose, damp; with gravel / . ... ::, 0 . . . . (.) NATURAL -C . (I) . .. 0 Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND -. . C . . . § Brown, medium dense to dense, damp; with gravel -5 .. (!) . . . . -. .. . . . . . -. . .. .. . -. . . . . . . -. . -10 . .. . . . . -. .. . . . . . . -. . . . . -. . . . . . . -. . . . . -15 . ... Boring completed at depth of 15' ~ - - - -20 - - - - -25 - - - - -30 - - - - -35 NorCal Engineering 3 Acacia Real Estate Group Log of Boring B-4 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith-Samples Laboratory (feet) ology Material Description 3: J!l f ~ ~ 0 Cl) :I ~iii th ... C. 0 C: -G> C ~ -:I Ill Cl c: C .$ al 0 ~ Cl) ii: C (.) Cl 0 r--0 u . .. FILL -. . -0 Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND . .. ~ -. . .. ~ ~ Brown, loose, damp; with gravel and asphalt/concrete fragments / . . ::, ~ ... . 0 6/7 2.4 109.~ . u NATURAL -. C . .. Q) . . 0 Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND f- . . C .j.~;:,."::-~ ~ ~ Brown, medium dense, damp; with gravel / f-5 -::-~~.,..~~ 7:-;:.-::-.,::.-::-.::. Silty (medium to coarse grained) SAND I -;·--..--.-7/8 2.7 110.C :;.,..._.,. __ f-:-.,..,::.-::-.,::.-::-:; Light brown, medium dense to dense, damp; slightly silty with gravel and . .;.-:~-:,; f-~~~~~,i: cobble ~:.,._,... . .;; f-~>-::.~'l-~ ~~-==-.::.~-~ f-~~~~::-~ . . Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND r--10 . . .. Brown, medium dense, moist; with gravel I . . . 7/14 11.1 108.8 f-. . . . . . . . . . . -.:~-:;;.-:~ Silty (medium to coarse grained) SAND ~.,::.-::-.,::.-::-.::. -~~~~~~ Light brown, medium dense, damp with gravel and cobble; slightly silty -&~45-S~~ -15 ~~~"'~" ~------.;-I .:--::--:.;: 7/11 9.3 108.6 ti -:;.-c - ->--Sandy SILT -Brown, medium stiff, moist - -20 I 7/10 10.7 96.1 f-Boring completed at depth of 21' f- f- f- r--25 f- f- f- - r--30 f- f- ~ - -35 NorCal Engineering 4 N N 0 ~ N <i' <Ii ~ Q "' 0 ;:i 0/ <O ., 0 "' ~ 0 w .., ~ 0. .. "' 0 'C .. C. :, !!.l 0 .! u: E 0 " .c: " !! ·;;: ·.:; I <( rn ::, f rn ,: " .. ... ~ 0 "' 0 ;:! .. C. :, rn Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Log of Boring B-5 Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology ~o . . f-. . . . . . f-. . . . . . f-. . . . f-. . . . . ~5 . . . . . . . -. . . . -. . -. . . -. . . . -10 . . . . . -. . . . f-. . . . . -. . . . f-. ~15 f- f- f- f- ~20 - f- - - -25 - - - - -30 - f- f- f- ~35 -0 i C :, 8 C Q) 15 C ~ CJ Material Description FILL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND ~Brown, loose, damp; with gravel NATURAL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND Brown, medium dense to dense, damp; with gravel and cobble; silty to slightly silty Boring completed at depth of 15' NorCal Engineering Samples Laboratory ~J!l ~ ~ "" Cl) ::, ~iii 1/) ... 0. 0 C -CII C ~ -::, ,,, cc C CII al 0 ~ Cl) u: ~ (.) C 0 / I 10/15 3.0 117.E I 9/16 2.5 121.3 I 8/12 4.7 118.~ 5 C) 0 ;:i J "' 0 "' N i::: 0 w .., ~ fl. .; 8' ,: G> 0. ::, ~ 0 .! u: E 0 I.I .c I.I ~ :; ~ :::, t ! 0 "' s= I.I G> !:: J C) 0 i 0. ::, "' Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Log of Boring B-6 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology -0 f- f- - - -5 - - - - -10 - - - - -15 - -- - -20 ---- -25 --- - -30 --- - -35 Material Description FILL j [\ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND " I \Brown, loose, damp; with gravel ~ NATURAL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND Brown, medium dense to dense, damp; with gravel Boring completed at depth of 1 0' NorCal Engineering I Samples Laboratory 3: .l!! l!! ~ ~ Cl) :I ~iii 1/) ... Q. 0 C <J a, C Ill C a, ~ -:I oc u: 1: mo ~ Cl) u C 0 (.) I 7/10 2.2 110.i I 8/12 3.9 115.C 6 Acacia Real Estate Group Log of Boring B-7 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith-Samples Laboratory (feet) ology Material Description ,: J!l f ~ ?fl. Q) ::s ~iii "' ... Q. 0 C .... G> C ~ -::s ti) cc C G> mo ~ Q) u: g r-0 () C () . FILL . . .. --0 . .. ~ \ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND I 2 -. C Brown, loose, damp; with gravel . :, . 0 .. () NATURAL -C (l) . . . ... 0 Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND -. .. C . ~ I . Brown, medium dense to dense, damp; with gravel 7/11 2.2 107.!: -5 (9 . .. . . -. . . . .. -. . . . . -. . . . I 11/14 2.3 111.4 . . . -. . . -10 . : Boring completed at depth of 1 0' - ·--- r-15 r- r- r- r- r-20 - - - - -25 r- r- r- r- c-30 r- r- r- - -35 NorCal Engineering 7 E 0 " .c " 1l i Acacia Real Estate Group Log of Boring 8-8 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith-Samples Laboratory (feet) ology Material Description ~ J!l ~ i:, ~ G) ::I 1/) ... 0. 0 C -~iii Cll C Ill C Cl) >, -::I cc u: g I-al 0 ~ G) -0 (.) C 0 . . FILL . -. -0 . .. ~ \ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND I -. . . ~ Brown, loose, damp; with gravel and asphalt fragments . . : :, ~ 105.3 . . 8 6/7 6.6 C: NATURAL -. . . OJ 0 Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND ~ .. C: . ~ . . . Brown, medium dense, damp to moist; with gravel and some cobble -5 . (!) . .. I . 7/9 2.3 109.~ . . ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . -. . . . ,. . . ~ . . . . . . -10 .. I . 8/10 11.2 ~ 11.2 . ~ . .. -. . . . . . -. . . . : . . -. . . . -15 .. I . 7/11 12.4 108.4 . -. . . . . . . . -. . . . . -Sandy SILT -Brown, medium stiff, moist -20 I 8/10 9.8 97.9 ~ Boring completed at depth of 21' --- -25 ---- -30 - - - - -35 NorCal Engineering 8 Cl .2 .. "I <D ., 0 .., N r:: u UJ -, ~ a. .;: Cl 0 'C " a. ::, !!l u j u:: E 0 " .c " ~ ·;; 'i3 I <( IJ) ::, e i IJ) s: " " ... :; 0 Cl 0 ;:! " a. ::, IJ) Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Log of Boring B-9 Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth (feet) r-0 - - - - -5 - - - - -10 - t- - - r-15 t- - t- t- r-20 I- I- ~ ~ r-25 - - - - -30 - - - - ,_ 35 Lith- ology . . . . . . . . . . '• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . <' . . u !'! 2 C ::l 0 u C ., 0 C ~ (9 Material Description FILL I\ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND I \Brown, loose, damp; with gravel NATURAL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND Brown, medium dense to dense, damp; with gravel and cobbles Boring completed at depth of 1 0' NorCal Engineering Samples Laboratory 3: .I!? ~ ~ ~ 0 Cl) ::, ~iii "' ... Q. 0 C -Cl> C ~ -::, U) cc C Cl> mo ~ Cl) u: g 0 C () I I 11/13 3.0 119.S I 10/13 2.0 121.7 9 Cl 0 ;:i N J, C0 0 "" N i::: 0 w .., 0 0:: 0.. :;;: Cl 0 8. ::, ~ 0 .! u: E 0 " .c " £1 :i ~ :::, f! I rn .s:; " ~ ~ Cl ~ " Q, ::, (/) Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Log of Boring B-10 Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology -0 . . -. . . . -. . . -. . . . -lj.-:,;.~~ -5 ~.;:.~~~;:. --....----~-c:..-r:t:..~ r:;..,. ....... -r=:.:;.":::;."':~ &"'"~ •"::j. -ill 5 j -~.;: .{~ -~s :j..'7:;,, -::,~ -10 ~~~-;.,-.:,.~ - >- >- >- t-15 >- >- >- >- t-20 >- >- >- >- t-25 >- >- >- - -30 f- f- ~ - -35 ,::, i C :, 8 C Q) 0 C ~ (!) Material Description FILL I\ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND I \Brown, loose, damp; with gravel NATURAL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND ~ Brown, medium dense, damp; with gravel Silty (medium to coarse grained) SAND Light brown, medium dense to dense, damp; slightly silty with cobbles Boring completed at depth of 1 0' NorCal Engineering Samples Laboratory 3: Jg ~ ~ ';!. Q) :::J ~iii Ill ,... C. 0 C .... Gl C 1// C Gl ~ -:::J cc u: § Ill o ·o Q) (.) 5 C (.) I / I 9/13 3.0 124.C I 11/17 2.1 120.7 10 Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Log of Boring B-11 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology Material Description I- I- I- I- I- I- 1-10 FILL j I\ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND 8 I \Brown, loose, damp; with gravel fii NATURAL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND Brown, medium dense to very dense, damp; with gravel and cobbles Boring completed at depth of 21' ~ ::::, 1-25 ,_35 N orCal Engineering I Samples Laboratory ~J!? I!! ~ ~ Q) ::I "' ... 0. 0 C .... ~iii a, C ~ -::I II) cc C a, IXI o ~ Q) u: ~ (.) C () I 4/4 2.9 108.~ I 9/15 2.9 114.E I 17/30 2.1 H21.; I 21/30 2.3 123.E I 18/28 4.0 125.; 11 "' "' 0 !::! ~ !i ., C Cl .2 "' :;: ., 0 ., "' i::: u w -, 0 0: 0. ;;: Cl 0 i C. ::, !!l u ;,; ff e 0 '-' .c '-' :ll! :I <( ti) ::, !!' ! 0 ti) .c '-' .. !: :? u Cl 0 'C .. C. ::, ti) Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Log of Boring B-12 Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Hand Auger Hammer Weight: Drop: Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology Material Description -0 FILL Samples Laboratory ~¥1 :!! ~ ';!!. Cl) ::, C::iii "' ... C. 0 C .... C1> C ?: -::, Ill cc C C1> mo ~ Cl) u: ~ (.J C u - - - ~ \Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND -ci Brown, loose, damp; with gravel ., NATURAL I ■ 3.1 10H -Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND -5 Brown, medium dense, damp; with gravel and cobble ■ 2.7 108.~ --- - -10 Boring completed at depth of 1 O' - - - - -15 - - - - -20 ---- -25 - -- - -30 - - - - -35 NorCal Engineering 12 Cl 0 ;;i <'/ "' ., 0 .., ~ u w a 0:: Q. .;: Cl 0 'C " 0. ::, !!! u .! u: E 0 " ,: " ~ ·;;: ·;; I ~ :::, € I U) .c " ; :~ u Cl ~ 0. ::, U) Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Log of Boring B-13 Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology Material Description ~o . . -. .. -. . . "-,..;.~.,.~~ -~~l-C~~ ~~~~~l ~5 ~~~-C~i ~~--------~~~;?~l ~ &Si-S-S:~ ~;:.~;:.~.;; -!1iiii -:S-S: ,:.:,.";. "'·---10 _ _,_~ .. - - - - -15 - - - - -20 -- - - -25 - - - - -30 - - - - -35 " i :, 0 0 C <1) 15 C ~ (9 FILL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND ~ Brown, loose, damp; with gravel NATURAL \ Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND Brown, medium dense to dense, damp; with gravel Silty (medium to coarse grained) SAND Light brown, medium dense, damp; slightly silty with gravel and cobble Boring completed at depth of 1 0' NorCal Engineering Samples Laboratory ;: £? ~ ~ ~ 0 41 ::s ~iii "' ... a. 0 C: -Cl) C Ill C Cl) ~ -::s Cc: ii: ~ ID 0 ~ 41 (.) C u / I I 12/14 3.0 117.!:i I 11/15 2.2 119.2 13 8' ;:i ~ co co 0 .., !:! ... 0 UJ a 0:: 0.. :;;: Cl 0 'C ., Q. ::, !{-! 0 j ii: e 0 <) .c <) ,! I ~ ::, i i r/) .c <) ., ... ~ 0 Cl i Q. ::, r/) Acacia Real Estate Group 23086-22 Log of Boring B-14 Boring Location: Citrus & Santa Ana, Fontana Date of Drilling: 4/13/2022 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Simco 2800HS Hammer Weight: 140 lbs Drop: 30" Surface Elevation: Not Measured Depth Lith- (feet) ology -o . . . . r-. . . . ... r-. . . r-. r-. . . . -5 . . . . r-. . . . r-. . . -. . . . -. . -10 r- - - - -15 - - - - -20 - - - - -25 - I- - I- >-30 I- - I- r- >-35 u fl! ~ ::, 8 C Q) 0 C ~ ('.) Material Description FILL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND Brown, loose, damp; with gravel NATURAL Silty (fine to coarse grained) SAND Brown, medium dense to dense, damp; with gravel and cobble; slightly silty to silty Boring completed at depth of 1 0' NorCal Engineering Samples 3: .I!? 0 C -:, ID O (.J Laboratory ~ II> ... (I) C C (I) LL ~ u I 9/18 2.8 114.~ 14 April 25, 2022 Appendix B Laboratory Tests NorCal Engineering Project Number 23086-22 April 25, 2022 % by weight ppm -mg/kg Classification le 2' H 6.9 6.9 TABLE I MAXIMUM DENSITY TESTS 0 timum Moisture % 8.0 8.5 TABLE 11 EXPANSION TESTS Classification Silt SAND TABLE Ill CORROSION TESTS Project Number 23086-22 133.0 130.0 Ex ansion Index 0 Electrical Resistivit Sulfate % Chloride p m 6,590 0.002 217 4,987 0.003 289 NorCal Engineering Sample No. 134@2' Sample Type: Undisturbed/Saturated Soil Description Fine-Very Coarse Grained Sand w/ Some Silt & Gravel 2 3 Normal Stress (psf) 1000 2000 3000 Peak Stress (psi) 804 1236 2004 Displacement (in) 0.250 0.250 0.225 Residual Stress (psi) 804 1236 2004 Displacement (in.) 0.250 0.250 0.250 In Situ Dry Density (pct) 109.2 1092 109.2 In Situ Water Content (%) 2.4 2.4 2.4 Saturated Water Content (%) 20.1 20.1 20.1 Strain Rate (in/min) 0.020 0.020 0.020 4000 3500 3000 -2500 -1/) C. -1/) 1/) Cl) 2000 "--(f) "-cu Cl) .c: 1500 (f) 1000 lllll· 500 0 3000 ,---------------, 2500 1ii' 2000 s . . ~ 1500 (f) ~ ,2! "' 1000 500 3 ksf O'----------------' 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 100 12.0 Axial Strain(%) Peak Stress Residual Stress ♦ Peak Stress ■ Residual Stress 0 (Degree) 30 30 C (psi) 150 150 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Normal Stress (psf) NorCal Engineering SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Acacia Real Estate Group PROJECT NUMBER: 23086-22 DATE: 4/22/2022 DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Plate A Sample No. !311@2' Sample Type: Undisturbed/Saturated Soil Description: Fine-Coarse Grained Sand w/ Some Silt & Small Gravel 2 3 Normal Stress (psf) 1000 2000 3000 Peak Stress (psf) 624 1320 1692 Displacement (in) 0.225 0.250 0.250 Residual Stress (psf) 612 1320 1692 Displacement (in) 0.250 0.250 0.250 In Situ Dry Density (pcf) 108.3 108.3 108.3 In Situ Water Content (%) 2.9 2.9 2.9 Saturated Water Content (%) 20.5 20.5 20.5 Strain Rate (in/min) 0.020 0.020 0.020 4000 ,,-,~=-•= , ----, ___ •--- --•---- 3500 ,-~---... J - -----! ~-+- , ... ii--•-• ,_, __ ... .... 3000 ---·---·--I ·--!••-· ..... I .. I --2500 -1/) 0. - I-+· -----1 ,_, __ -·---•-···· I i ... i : --- ! ! I 3000 2500 ----------------- i _, ,;::-2000 ' ! ~ ~ 1500 V" 1000 I V f 500 V - L I I ... 0 0.0 2.0 ----·--··· I I ...... ··---- •------ --- ---,----------- ... ·---1-, I ,---- I I .. -··· -•.. _[__ .... 3 ksf ,,-;----2 ksf I 1 ksf I I 4.0 6.0 8.0 100 12.0 Axial Strain(%) ♦ Peak Stress ■ Residual Stress 1/) _, ____ ---·· -.. --.... v l.,£~ 1/) Q) I,., -Cl) I,., ca Q) .r:. Cl) I I 2000 ------ __ I -...... ---,----,/f ,-,---·--·---I I V !/' •--I I--1-------/,,.,,,I -r----I· - -- 1500 I ! I / I I __ .... ! I ! V .. i ---v /1----I I I i -v I I / -Ii V --I I ,_,,. ___ I_ 1000 I i _,,,v I 7 I // I --..... / I V I -l___j-/ 1--___ , ___ ---1--. , 1----····· .. 500 /, I I I ! --.... 1--·-· 0 (Degree) C (psi) ,-~ v,,, 7 I I .// I i './v --I ~7=ri I Peak Stress 28 140 I __ ,_ l7l,L /'I I -i •--,--,--I Residual Stress 28 130 0 I I I I i I ! I 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Normal Stress (psf) NorCal Engineering SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Acacia Real Estate Group PROJECT NUMBER: 23086-22 DATE: 4/22/2022 DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Plate B Vc11ical Pressure (kips/sq.ft.) 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 1 2 4 8 0.25 Date Tested: Sample: Depth: Sample !!eight (inches) 1.0000 0.9970 0.9960 0.9940 0.9910 0.9835 0.9770 0.9680 0.9750 4/19/2022 84 5' Consolidation (percent) 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 "0 1.7 Cl, .... ~ 2.3 I-, = 3.2 .... ~ 2.5 00 Sample No. 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 if) 0.93 <1) .c u C c:::, 0.92 -.c 0) ai 0.91 I <1) ci. E 0.90 cu (/) 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.1 B4 Depth 5' G------------- Fine-Coarse Grained Sand w/ Trace Silt Dry Density: 110.0 pcf Initial Moisture Content: 2.7 % Saturated Moisture Content: 19.7 % Saturated at I kip/sq.ft. Date 4/22/2022 ■ In-Situ Moisture Content 0 Saturated Vertical Pressure (kips/sq.ft.) N orCal Engineering SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULT ANTS Acacia Real Estate Grou CONSOLIDATION TEST ASTM D2435 Plate C PROJECT NUMBER: 23086-22 DA TE: 4/22/2022 10 Vertical Pressure (kips/sq.ft.) 0.125 0.25 0.5 2 4 8 0.25 Date Tested: Sample: Depth: Sample 1-lcighl (inches) 1.0000 0.9990 0.9970 0.9940 0.9920 0.9860 0.9800 0.9710 0.9790 4/19/2022 84 10' Consolidation (percent) 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.8 'O 1.4 Q,l .... ei: 2.0 ;.. = 2.9 .... ei: 2.1 00 Sample No. 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 if) 0.93 QJ .c: 0 ·'= 0.92 :E Ol ·w 0.91 I .!!! Cl. E 0.90 cu (/) 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.1 B4 Depth 10' G------------ Fine Grained Sand w/ Some Silt Dry Density: I 08.8 pcf Initial Moisture Content: I I. I % Saturated Moisture Content: 20.4 % Saturated at I kip/sq ft Date 4/22/2022 ■ In-Situ Moisture Content 0 Saturated Vertical Pressure (kips/sq.ft.) NorCal Engineering SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Acacia Real Estate Grou CONSOLIDATION TEST ASTM D2435 Plate D PROJECT NUMBER: 23086-22 DATE: 4/22/2022 10 Ve1iical Pressure Consolidation Sample No. Bll Depth 5' Date 4/22/2022 (kips/sq.ft.) Sample Height (inches) (percent) 1.02 ---_T -----------------,-----! -T--! I ·-·· ! ---! ---------------·----l--■ In-Situ Moisture Content --·---·-···--··-------- 1.01 ---- ------------------ -------------1-----··--·----,-1------.. 0 Saturated -- 0.125 1.0000 0.0 -·--------··--- 1.00 ---I --, ___ -----I 0.25 0.9995 0.0 --------I -- 0.5 0.9980 0.2 0.99 --------{ ~-I------~~ ---------------------------------' --~ ~, 1 0.9960 0.4 --- 0.98 1 0.9900 1.0 -~ ---··-----'0 ---! 2 0.9840 1.6 Cl; __ ,-+--.... ----' +----I'--.: ---,-- ell -T ------~ '::::1 4 0.9760 2.4 :.. 0.97 i I -+ -~ = --·-· I - 8 0.9670 3.3 .... ,--,1 Ci:! I I 00 0.96 I ' :_:! 0.25 0.9720 2.8 ---:::i:-_-.-j:::: ,_ -------•---------,------- -------------·· -I ---- 0.95 I -----, __________ -·-·--• ------~~ --· -I , __ --0.94 ----! I ,-,---, __ if) I- Q) 0.93 -·-··----- .c ---------,--------~ Date Tested: 4/20/2022 u i i , _____ --, __ C ---I I c::::----- Sample: 811 -0.92 -----+---i --,---~~ .c -------------------------------------~- Depth: 5' 0) --·w --I 0.91 I I ; Q) ,----Q. ---' I E '"-+" --0.90 ----------, __ ---------~~ rn ----------,---•-------------, __ ' ,_ ---------~ (/) i -I 0.89 ----·· I -~ I I ------------1--------0.88 ----,---------.. ---- --------------------------1----I-----.. I j I i 0.87 ! -H --·· ------i I 0.86 1---·----- ---~ ---------------------, ___ ---- --' , __ I --·-0.85 ---I i : i I -------,-------- =I---- --1---0.84 ----· ___ ,::::: __ : i , __ --------·---~---------------~ Fine-Very Coarse Grained Sand w/ Some Gravel & Trace Silt I 0.83 ----·· I 1 Dry Density: 114.8 pcf ------·-·-- Initial Moisture Content: 2.9 % ·---------H 0.82 Saturated Moisture Content: 13.3 % -H Saturated at l kip/sq.ft. ---H 0.81 0.1 1 10 Vertical Pressure (kips/sq.fl.) NorCal Engineering CONSOLIDATION TEST SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULT ANTS ASTM D2435 Acacia Real Estate Group Plate E PROJECT NUMBER: 23086-22 DATE: 4/22/2022 Ve1iical Pressure (kips/sq.ft.) 0.125 0.25 0.5 2 4 8 0.25 Date Tested: Sample: Depth: Sample Height (inches) 1.0000 0.9970 0.9940 0.9900 0.9780 0.9695 0.9610 0.9510 0.9555 Consolidation (percent) 0.0 0.3 0.6 1.0 2.2 "O 3.1 Cl, ..... ~ 3.9 i.. = 4.9 ..... ~ 4.5 IJ) Sample No. 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 ,----0.94 if) 0.93 Q) .c B11 Depth 10' Date 4/22/2022 ■ In-Situ Moisture Content 0 Saturated -----------· ---t------i------t---+----t--i--i--;-----,.-----+ --~--··---··-·-----,---f----·-··"·-1-·--··-- --+-----o= ,_ __ ---· -- 4/20/2022 811 IO' (.) -----·· -----+-----+--+----+--+--+--+---+---+-------+-=:..--~~C----_-__j----f-__ -__ -,,_-_--_-++:__-~':__+.----j .!= --- :E 0.92 -- 0) "iii I 0.91 Q) a. E co 0.90 (/) 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.1 --======t=====t====t==::t==t==';:::=t=i=::t==========t======:-_-----t-------I----------+--!-~ -/ -----i -+-----l-------'""-·I·---1--·- ... ·-· "' .. ··---·----------' ----·· .. ! .. .. 1------ Fine-Very Coarse Grained Sand w/ Some Gravel & Trace Sill Dry Density: 121.1 pcf Initial Moisture Content: 2.1 % Saturated Moisture Content: % Saturated at I kip/sq.ft. Vertical Pressure (kips/sq.ft.) 10 N orCal Engineering CONSOLIDATION TEST ASTM D2435 SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULT ANTS Acacia Real Estate Group Plate F PROJECT NUMBER: 23086-22 DA TE: 4/22/2022 April 25, 2022 Appendix C Seismic Design Report NorCal Engineering Project Number 23086-22 AMERICAN SOCIETY Of CML ENGINEERS Address: No Address at This Location Aoyle/lve H'l 1\,0 Ah:.0O1 https://asce7hazardtool.online/ ASCE 7 Hazards Report Standard: ASCE/SEI 7-22 Risk Category: II Soil Class: D -Stiff Soil " ~ Boyle Ave ti 5 Ji ~/-11 ,, J;lQ\).:, "' ~.:w,q, Upl.:md . Yl ,,. ;; i; 8.1ylo..1IL Onlruin 15. u Page 1 of 4 Elevation: 1044.52 ft (NAVO 88) Latitude: 34.056149 Longitude: -117.453035 Tue Apr 19 2022 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIElY OF CML ENGINErnS Seismic Site Soil Class: Results: PGAM: 0.68 SMs 1.9 SM1 1.7 Sos 1.26 So1 1.13 25 Multi-Period MCER Spectrum 2.0 1 5 10 0 5 0 0 2 4 G 8 Sa(9) vs T(s) 2 0 Two-Period MCE R Spectrum 1 8 1 6 14 1 2 1 0 08 06 04 0 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Sa(9) vs T(s) MCER Vertical Response Spectrum Vertical ground motion data has not yet been made available by USGS. 10 14 TL 12 Ss 1.99 S1 0.63 Soc Vs30 260 14 Multi-Period Design Spectrum 12 1.0 0 8 0.6 04 02 0 0 2 4 6 8 Sa (g) vs T(s) 1 4 Two-Period Design Spectrum 1 2 1 0 0 8 06 04 02 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Sa (g) vs T(s) Design Vertical Response Spectrum Vertical ground motion data has not yet been made available by USGS. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 2 of 4 Tue Apr 19 2022 10 14 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CML ENGINEERS Data Accessed: Tue Apr 19 2022 Date Source: USGS Seismic Design Maps based on ASCE/SEI 7-22 and ASCE/SEI 7-22 Table 1.5-2. Additional data for site-specific ground motion procedures in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-22 Ch. 21 are available from USGS. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 3 of 4 Tue Apr 19 2022 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CML ENGINEERS The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience, for informational purposes only, and is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind. The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed, produced, and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard. While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies, ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, or quality of any data provided herein. Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation, relationship, or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool, you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers, directors, employees, members, affiliates, or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of, or reliance on, the Tool or any information obtained therein. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 4 of 4 Tue Apr 19 2022 April 25, 2022 Appendix D Soil Infiltration Data NorCal Engineering Project Number 23086-22 SC>l L S At,JI:::> C:EC>TEC:X-lNIC::AL CC>r--JSUL:l"'Al'-JTS Client: Acacia Real Estate Group Project No.: 23086-22 Test Hole: 1 Depth of Test Hole: 5' Diameter of Test Hole: 8" Date Excavated: 4/13/2022 TRIAL TIME NO. 8:02 1 8:06 8:06 2 8:11 TIME Tl 8:1 7 8:18 8:18 8 8:26 8:26 9 8:35 8:35 9 8:44 8:44 10 8:54 8:54 10 9:04 9:04 10 9:14 9:14 10 9:24 9:24 1 9:25 Tl -Time Interval (min) H2 -Final Water Level (in) PERCOLATION TEST DATA Tested By: J.S. Date Tested: 4/13/2022 Caving: Notes: Strata Peculiarities: Sandy Soil Criteria Test Tl 4 5 TE 7 15 24 33 43 53 63 73 74 Hl 0.0 0.0 __ Soil Criteria Hl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.5 TE -Total Elapsed Time (min) D -Change in H20 Level (in) H2 D 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 H2 D 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 59.5 59.5 60.0 0.5 Hl -Initial Water Level SC>lLS A J:'10 GEC>TEC.-::F CNlCAL C:C>N S fJI.:,A r--.rr s Client: Acacia Real Estate Group Project No.: 23086-22 Test Hole: 2 Depth of Test Hole: 10' Diameter of Test Hole: 8" Date Excavated: 4/13/2022 TRIAL TIME NO. 9:55 1 10:24 10:24 2 10:54 TIME Tl 10:54 10 11:04 11:04 10 11:14 11:14 10 11:24 11:24 10 11:34 11:34 10 11:44 11:44 10 11:54 11:54 10 12:04 12:04 10 12:14 12:14 10 12:24 12:24 10 12:34 Tl -Time Interval (min) H2 -Final Water Level (in) PERCOLATION TEST DATA Tested By: J.S. Date Tested: 4/13/2022 Caving: Notes: Strata Peculiarities: Sandy Soil Criteria Test Tl 29 30 TE 10 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 90 100 H1 0.0 0.0 __ Soil Criteria H1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 96.0 117.0 TE -Total Elapsed Time (min) D -Change in H20 Level (in) H2 D 120.0 120.0 115.0 115.0 H2 D 98.0 98.0 96.0 96.0 97.0 97.0 96.0 96.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 117.0 21.0 125.0 8.0 Hl -Initial Water Level SC>JJ .. S AND GECYTEC:::I-fNlCAL C C>NSfJL:,ANTS Client: Acacia Real Estate Group Project No.: 23086-22 Test Hole: 3 Depth of Test Hole: 15' Diameter of Test Hole: 8" Date Excavated: 4/13/2022 TRIAL TIME NO. 7:20 1 7:47 7:47 2 8:17 TIME Tl 8:17 10 8:27 8:27 10 8:37 8:37 10 8:47 8:47 10 8:57 8:57 10 9:07 9:07 10 9:17 9:17 10 9:27 9:27 10 9:37 9:37 10 9:47 9:47 10 9:57 Tl -Time Interval (min) H2 -Final Water Level (in) PERCOLATION TEST DATA Tested By: J.S. Date Tested: 4/13/2022 Caving: Notes: Strata Peculiarities: Sandy Soil Criteria Test Tl 27 30 TE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Hl 0.0 0.0 __ Soil Criteria Hl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 159.0 167.0 TE -Total Elapsed Time (min) D -Change in H20 Level (in) H2 D 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 H2 D 166.5 166.5 162.0 162.0 160.5 160.5 161.0 161.0 160.0 160.0 160.0 160.0 159.5 159.5 159.0 159.0 167.0 8.0 171.0 4.0 Hl -Initial Water Level :G6iL iNFtLTRATJ . N .1·. l3 CALiG>~ ~J<c.,t+E;+ .:..i·•~~~~~·:.:.;.:····_;.:.;···_;.;.;•....;.··•.:-'' ~~·:··, ' . ' ' . . . " ..... ' ' .:JVfEiilo.1 .. . . . "----~--;..__....__-------~-----.;..--1,.. . :-:t/b~~~~~: '.. -~-: . ~-.11F--L . :r : ::"\·11/r:_z. --: _: _ m+:--2 T -: : .,,,, .... -........... : .... : .. -. : .... : .... : .... ; .... : .... : .... : .... : .... : .... : .. -. : .... : .... : -.. -: ... -: -... : ... -~ .... --. -. : .... : .... : .... . ··········------··············· .. ·········. . . . . -~----~-----~----~----I----~----~----~----~--.. ~----~----~----~----~----~----= . : = : = : : . : : : -. . . . :_ : : : : : : : : : . ···:····:····: .... :•···:········· ········-·····:···-·····--·--:······-· :· ······•·····:·· ...... : .. NorCaI Engineering SO!LS /\ND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS DATE