HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix C - Biological Resources 1 of 7 April 4, 2022 Ms. Tracy Zinn T&B Planning, Inc. 3200 El Camino Real, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92602 Subject: Santa Ana and Oleander Project-Biological Resources Dear Ms. Zinn: This letter report describes the existing biological resources on the Santa Ana and Oleander project site and evaluates the potential impacts to those resources that may occur as a result of project implementation. This report is intended to provide the City of Fontana (City) and applicant with information necessary to assess impacts to biological resources under the California Environmental Quality Act. PROJECT LOCATION The approximately 29.8-acre project site is located north of Santa Ana Avenue, west of Citrus Avenue, and east and west of Oleander Avenue in the City (Figures 1 and 2). While a portion of the project site west of Oleander Avenue is designated as Not a Part (NAP) on the conceptual site plan, it is included within the overall, 29.8-acre project site in this report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project would entail redevelopment of the project site, which would transform the property from its existing residential use to a modern facility with three, multi-story buildings (maximum allowed height of 60 feet) supporting warehouse and office space. The project would also include auto and trailer parking as well as landscaping. Access to the facility would be from driveways on Oleander Avenue, Santa Ana Avenue, and Citrus Avenue. Proposed development activities are assumed herein to cause physical disturbance to the entire project site despite a portion of the site west of Oleander Avenue being designated as NAP on the conceptual site plan. No other on- or off-site physical impacts have been evaluated in this report as part of the project. METHODS Prior to conducting the biological fieldwork, background research was conducted to obtain information on the existing biological conditions on the project site and in its vicinity. Background research included a review of current local, State, and federal regulations, historical and current aerial imagery, U.S. Geological Survey topography, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey mapping, the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), and National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). 2 of 7 A query was made of the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) to identify sensitive biological resources reported in the project site vicinity. The CNDDB, which is administered by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), provides an inventory of vegetation communities, plant species, and wildlife species that are considered sensitive by State and federal resource agencies, academic institutions, and other conservation groups. Reported occurrences of sensitive species from the project vicinity were used to evaluate the potential of such species to occur on or adjacent to the project site. Biologist Brian Leatherman conducted a site visit on March 15, 2022 to identify and map existing biological resources on the project site. Most of the residences on the project site are still occupied, but he had enough access to see most of the site. Mr. Leatherman walked areas of the site where direct access was permitted; he recorded plant and animal species observed/detected (Attachments A and B); and he took representative site photographs (Attachment C; Figure 3). There are a lot of ornamental shrubs and trees on the private properties, most of which he did not attempt to identify because ornamental vegetation associated with occupied residences is considered a feature of development. Vegetation Mapping Mr. Leatherman mapped vegetation and land cover types by hand on recent aerial imagery with a scale of 1 inch equal to 230 feet. Sensitive Plant Species The CNDDB query did not return any records of sensitive plant species on site or within the project vicinity. Based on these results and the long-disturbed and developed condition of the project site (see Results, Physical Description and Land Use below) and his professional opinion, Mr. Leatherman did not consider that a focused plant species survey was warranted and, therefore, one was not conducted. Although not expected, Mr. Leatherman did look for sensitive plant species during the site visit, and the date of the site visit coincided with the typical bloom period for most sensitive annual species (i.e., March through May). And, while he did not have 100 percent access to the project site, its long history of disturbance and development means that the potential for sensitive plant species to occur is low at best. Sensitive Animal Species The CNDDB query returned historic records of three sensitive animal species in the vicinity of project site but none on the project site. Based on the long-disturbed and developed condition of the project site (see Results, Physical Description and Land Use below) and his professional opinion, Mr. Leatherman did not consider that focused sensitive animal species surveys were warranted and, therefore, none was conducted. 3 of 7 Wetlands, Riparian/Riverine and Vernal Pool Resources, and Jurisdictional Features During the site visit, the project site was inspected for Riparian/Riverine and Vernal Pool Resources, as well as any features that have potential to be considered Waters of the U.S. (WUS) or Waters of the State (WS) under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and/or California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), respectively. RESULTS Physical Description and Land Use The project site is essentially level with on-site elevations ranging from approximately 1,040 to 1,060 feet above mean sea level. The soil mapped on site is Tujunga loamy sand (0 to 5 percent slopes). Most of the site is currently developed and supports residential properties, but there are also areas characterized as disturbed and others that are periodically disced and mapped as non-native grassland (but could also be considered disturbed based on how recently discing occurred). Historic aerial imagery as far back as 1938 shows the project site in agricultural production and/or a combination of residential uses and agriculture up until at least the late 1960s (Historic Aerials by NETRONLINE; National Environmental Title Research, LLC 2022; https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer). Vegetation Communities and Land Cover Two vegetation communities and one land cover type are present on site: non-native grassland, disturbed habitat, and developed, respectively (Figure 3). Table 1 VEGETATION COMMUNITIES AND LAND COVER TYPES ON THE PROJECT SITE Vegetation Communities Acres Non-native grassland 8.6 Disturbed habitat 4.3 Developed 16.9 TOTAL 29.8 Non-native grassland is mapped in two strips on the project site. Some of the plant species noted in this community on site include wild oat (Avena sp.), ripgut grass (Bromus diandrus), red brome (Bromus rubens), and rigid fiddleneck (Amsinckia menziesii). These areas appear to be periodically disced. Disturbed habitat also occurs in two areas on site. Characteristic plant species of this community include Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album), and prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola). 4 of 7 Developed is a constructed, land cover type that occupies the remainder of the project site and is characterized by residential properties and associated ornamental shrubs and trees. Sensitive Plant Species Plant species observed on site consist primarily of non-native (including ornamental) species. No sensitive plant species were observed on site, and none is anticipated to occur given the long-disturbed and developed condition of the site. It should be noted that Article III. – Preservation of Heritage, Significant, and Specimen Trees (https://library.municode.com/ca/fontana/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CO_CH28VE_ARTIIIPRHESISPTR_S28-61PU) may be applicable to the project. This article was adopted to establish regulations for the preservation and protection of heritage, significant and/or specimen trees within the City located on both private and public property. Mr. Leatherman was not able to access the entire project site to record all plant species present, and he was not directed to conduct a tree survey. Article III requires a permit to remove heritage, significant, and specimen trees. Sensitive Animal Species No sensitive animal species were observed or detected on site during the site visit, and none is anticipated to occur given its long-disturbed and developed condition. One federal endangered species, Delhi sands flower-loving fly (Rhaphiomidas terminatus abdominalis), was reported to the CNDDB in the site vicinity. The Delhi sands flower-loving fly, however, occurs in association with Delhi sands soils, which are not present on site. Another federal endangered species, which is also a candidate for State listing as endangered, was reported to the CNDDB in the site vicinity. This species is the San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus). San Bernardino kangaroo rats are found on the gentle slopes of alluvial fans, on flood plains, along washes, and on adjacent upland areas with soils containing sand, loam, and gravel deposited by rivers and streams. They also occupy areas where sandy soils are wind deposited in alluvial sage scrub, coastal sage scrub, and chaparral vegetation. There is no San Bernardino kangaroo habitat present on site. While non-native grassland was mapped on site and is a type of potential habitat for the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia; federal Bird of Conservation Concern and State Species of Special Concern), no burrowing owl or sign of the burrowing owl (e.g., pellets, prey remains, whitewash) was observed during the site visit. Additionally, no burrows that could be used by the burrowing owl were observed, particularly those created by the California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi), which was also not observed or detected on site. It is Mr. Leatherman’s professional opinion that burrowing owls are not likely to occur on site due to the periodic discing and the apparent lack of California ground squirrels and potentially suitable burrows (artificial [e.g., pipes] or natural). 5 of 7 Wetlands, Riparian/Riverine and Vernal Pool Resources, and Jurisdictional Features The NHD and NWI did not return results for any riparian/riverine, vernal pool, or other wetland resources on site. The NHD/NWI did return a result of a reservoir/freshwater pond located east of Juniper Avenue, north of Aliso Drive, and south of the Fontana Crossings Business Center, which is approximately 0.52-mile northeast of the project site. The NHD/NWI also identified a canal/ditch/riverine feature that runs in an east-west direction north of, and paralleling Interstate 10. No riparian/riverine, vernal pool, or other wetland resources, or features that have potential to be considered WUS or WS under the jurisdiction of the Corps and/or (CDFW), respectively, were observed on site. The project site is essentially flat and does not support any aquatic features necessary for the development of these resources. Nesting Birds The federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and California Fish and Game Code (sections 3503 and 3513) provide for protection of birds during the avian nesting season. A killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) appeared to Mr. Leatherman on a nest in the gravel on the property shown in Photo 10 (Attachment C). Other MBTA- and Fish and Game Code-protected species that he observed or detected (e.g., house finch [Haemorhous mexicanus] and mourning dove [Zenaida macroura]) also have potential to nest on site in the shrubs and trees and on or in the residential structures, for example. Mr. Leatherman also observed a pair of red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) roosting in row of eucalyptus trees along the north end of the project site but did not see a nest. He indicated, however, that one could still be present. Wildlife Corridors The Chapter 7 of the Fontana General Plan (Conservation, Open Space, Parks and Trails) does not show any conserved, open space, park, protected area, or trail feature adjacent to or in the vicinity of the project site. The nearest such features is a protected area south of Jurupa Avenue (see the block of undeveloped land shown at the bottom of Figure 2) and, it is separated from the project site by residential development, Jurupa Avenue, and numerous warehouse facilities (Figure 2). Therefore, there are no local or regional corridors connecting wildlife habitat present within or adjacent to the project site. PROJECT IMPACTS Vegetation Communities and Land Cover Under the assumption that the entire project site surveyed would be affected by project development, the project would impact two vegetation communities (non-native grassland and disturbed habitat) and one land cover type (developed), none of which is considered sensitive (Table 2). Therefore, no significant impacts would occur. 6 of 7 Table 2 IMPACTS TO VEGETATION COMMUNITIES AND LAND COVER ON THE PROJECT SITE Vegetation Communities Acre Non-native grassland 8.6 Disturbed habitat 4.3 Developed 16.9 TOTAL 29.8 Sensitive Plant Species No sensitive plant species occur on site; therefore, no significant impacts to sensitive plant species would occur. A permit to remove any heritage, significant and/or specimen tree may be required, however, under City Municipal Code, if they are present. Sensitive Animal Species The site has little to no potential to support sensitive animal species; therefore, no significant impacts to sensitive animal species would occur. Wetlands, Riparian/Riverine and Vernal Pool Resources, and Jurisdictional Features No wetlands, riparian/riverine habitats, or potential WUS or WS occur on site. Therefore, there would be no impacts to these types of features, and the project would not require Corps, CDFW, or Regional Water Quality Control Board permits. Nesting Birds If project construction is to occur during the avian nesting season (February 15 – September 1), significant impacts to nesting birds could occur. Therefore, a pre-construction nesting bird survey should be conducted by a qualified biologist to ensure that no impacts to nesting birds occur. The nesting bird survey should be completed within three days prior to the commencement of any construction activities including vegetation removal or other ground-disturbing activities. If active nests are found, they should be avoided, and appropriate no-impact buffer zones should be established and maintained/monitored until after the young have fledged and are no longer dependent on the nest as determined by a qualified biologist. Wildlife Corridors No local or regional wildlife corridors are present within or adjacent to the project site; therefore, the project would not affect wildlife movement. 7 of 7 CONCLUSION The project would not impact any sensitive vegetation community, sensitive plant species, or wetlands, riparian/riverine or vernal pool resources, and potential WUS or WS on the site since none is present. If any tree protected by City Municipal Code would be removed, however, a permit may be required. The project would not impact any sensitive animal species since none is expected to occur, nor would it impact wildlife movement. There could, however, be impacts to nesting birds should construction occur during the avian nesting season (February 15 – September 1). Implementation of the pre-construction nesting bird survey and maintaining/monitoring appropriate no-impact nest buffer zones would reduce this potential impact to a less-than-significant level. As such, the project would not result in significant impacts to sensitive biological resources. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this letter report. Sincerely, Greg Mason Senior Biologist Attachments: A – Plant Species Observed B – Animal Species Observed or Detected C – Representative Photographs !"`$!Project Site !"a$ I¿ %&h( ?z AÆ %&h( %&g( !"a$ ?z %&h( %&g( Figure 1 0 42Miles ²Regional Location SANTA ANA AND OLEANDERFONTANA, CA !"`$ Slover Ave Jurupa Ave Project Site Santa Ana AveFontana AvePoplar AveSierra AveCitrus AveValley Blvd San Bernardino Ave Cypress AveBeech AveProject SiteOleander AveFigure 2 0 2,0001,000 Feet ²Project Location SANTA ANA AND OLEANDERFONTANA, CA Santa Ana Ave Oleander AveCitrus Ave987 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 19 18 17 16 151413 12 1110FFFFFF FF F F F F F FFFFFFFFigure 3 0 230115Feet ²Biological Resources SANTA ANA AND OLEANDERFONTANA, CA Project Boundary FPhoto Location VegetationNon-native GrasslandDisturbed HabitatDeveloped ATTACHMENT A PLANT SPECIES OBSERVED FAMILY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Anacardiaceae Schinus molle1 Peruvian pepper tree Arecaceae Phoenix sp.1 palm Washingtonia sp.1 fan palm Asteraceae Ambrosia acanthicarpa bur-sage Heterotheca grandiflora telegraph weed Lactuca serriola1 prickly lettuce Oncosiphon piluliferum1 stinknet Verbesina encelioides sp. exauriculata1 earless crown beard Bignoniaceae Tecoma capensis1 Cape honeysuckle Boraginaceae Amsinckia menziesii rigid fiddleneck Brassicaceae Brassica tournefortii1 Sahara mustard Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album1 lamb's quarters Salsola tragus1 Russian thistle Cupressaceae Juniperus sp.1 ornamental juniper Fabaceae Bauhinia sp.1 butterfly tree Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium1 red-stemmed filaree Malvaceae Ceiba speciosa1 floss silk tree Malva parviflora1 cheeseweed Moraceae Ficus sp.1 edible fig Musaceae Musa sp.1 banana tree Mytaceae Eucalyptus sp.1 gum Nyctaginaceae Bougainvillea sp.1 bougainvillea Oleaceae Fraxinus sp.1 ornamental ash Olea europaea1 common olive Rutaceae Citrus x sinensis1 orange tree Citrus limon1 lemon tree Pinaceae Pinus sp.1 ornamental pine Poaceae Avena sp.1 wild oat Bromus diandrus1 ripgut grass Bromus rubens1 red brome Cynodon dactylon1 Bermuda grass Hordeum murinum var. leporinum1 hare barley Pennisetum setaceum1 crimson fountain grass Solanaceae Datura wrightii pale-flowered thorn-apple 1Non-native species ATTACHMENT B ANIMAL SPECIES OBSERVED OR DETECTED SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Reptiles Phrynosomatidae Uta stansburiana side-blotched lizard Sceloporus occidentalis western fence lizard Birds Aegithalidae Psaltriparus minimus bushtit Charadriidae Charadrius vociferus killdeer Columbidae Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian collared dove Zenaida macroura mourning dove Corvidae Corvus brachyrhynchos American crow Corvus corax common raven Fringillidae Haemorhous mexicanus house finch Mimidae Mimus polyglottos northern mockingbird Passeridae Zonotrichia leucophrys white-crowned sparrow Passeriformes Tyrannus vociferans Cassin’s Kingbird Parulidae Setophaga coronata yellow-rumped warbler Sturnidae Sturnus vulgaris European starling Trochilidae Calypte anna Anna’s hummingbird Tyrannidae Sayornis nigricans black phoebe Mammals Felidae Felis catus feral cat Geomyidae Thomomys bottae valley pocket gopher Representative Photographs Photo Point 1. 3/15/22 Photo Point 2. 3/15/22 Photo Point 3. 3/15/22 Photo Point 4. 3/15/22 Photo Point 5. 3/15/22 Photo Point 6. 3/15/22 Photo Point 7. 3/15/22 Photo Point 8. 3/15/22 Photo Point 9. 3/15/22 Photo Point 10. 3/15/22 Photo Point 11. 3/15/22 Photo Point 12. 3/15/22 Photo Point 13. 3/15/22 Photo Point 14. 3/15/22 Photo Point 15. 3/15/22 Photo Point 16. 3/15/22 Photo Point 17. 3/15/22 Photo Point 18. 3/15/22 Photo Point 19. 3/15/22 Photo Point 20. 3/15/22