HomeMy WebLinkAbout6282-111.01 DESCRIPTION AL Related Requirements: Review the General Conditions, Standard Specifications and Special Provisions, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. B. Work Included: Provide all products and execute all labor to achieve soil preparation, complete as shown and as specified. C. Related Work In Other Sections: Irrigation System - Section 02810 Lawns and Grosses - Section 02930 Trees, Shrubs. and Ground Covers - Section 02950 Landscape Maintenance - Section 02970 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicable Standards: General Conditions, Special Provisions, B. Provide certificates of inspection required by low for transportation with invoice. File copies of certificates with Agency's Authorized Representative after acceptance of material. Inspection by governmental officials at point of origin does not preclude rejection of materials at project site. 1.03 SUBMITTALS SOILS MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS: 1. IN ORDER TO REDUCE RUNOFF AND ENCOURAGE HEALTHY PLANT GROWTH, A SOIL MANAGEMENT REPORT SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT, OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE, AS FOLLOWS: A. SUBMIT SOIL SAMPLES TO A LABORATORY FOR ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. B. SOIL SAMPLING SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LABORATORY PROTOCOL, INCLUDING PROTOCOLS REGARDING ADEQUATE SAMPLING DEPTH FOR THE INTENDED PLANTS 2. THE SOIL ANALYSIS SHALL INCLUDE: A. SOIL TEXTURE B. INFILTRATION RATE DETERMINED BY LABORATORY TEST OR SOIL TEXTURE INFILTRATION RATE TABLE C. PH D. TOTAL SOLUBLE SALTS E. SODIUM F. PERCENT ORGANIC MATTER G. AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 3. IN PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE LANDSCAPE INSTALLATIONS (I.E. PRODUCTION HOME DEVELOPMENTS) A SOIL SAMPLING RATE OF 1 IN 7 LOTS OR APPROXIMATELY 15% WILL SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. LARGE LANDSCAPE PROJECTS SHALL SAMPLE AT A RATE EQUIVALENT TO 1 IN 7 LOTS. 4. THE PROJECT APPLICANT, OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE, SHALL COMPLY WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A. IF SIGNIFICANT MASS GRADING IS NOT PLANNED, THE SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AS PART OF THE LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE B. OR IF SIGNIFICANT MASS GRADING IS PLANNED, THE SOIL MANAGEMENT REPORT SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE CITY INSPECTOR DESIGNATED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AND TO THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ANY PLANT MATERIAL, AND SUBMITTED WITH THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION 5. Samples and Product Data: Prior to delivery to site, submit samples and man ufacturer's literature to the Agency Authorized Representative for the following items: 1, Organic Amendments: One (1) pint for each type 2. Topsoil: One-half (2) pound 3. Soil Mixes: One-half (2) pound for each type 4. Sand: One-half (2) pound 5. Chemical Additives: One (1) pint for each type B. Test Data: Submit all laboratory test data for all materials. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Labeling: Furnish standard products in unopened manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels showing quantity, analysis and name of manufacturer. B. Storage: Store products with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. 1.05 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Sampling: Agencys Authorized Representative reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request by Agency's Authorized Representative. B. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials Immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. C. Testing: Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. 1.06 PRE -PLANT REVIEW A. Acceptance: Work will be accepted by the Agency's Authorized Representative upon satisfactory completion of all soil preparation work. B. Notification: Notify Agency's Authorized Representative forty-eight (48) hours In b. Herbicide: Perform a radish/ryegross growth trial If herbicide contamination Is suspected. Consult with Agency's Authorized 95-100 6.35 mm (1/4") 80-100 2.38 mm (#8. - mesh) 0-30 500 microns (#35, 32 mesh) 2. Chemical Properties: Nitrogen Content (dry weight basis): Wood of Redwood - 0.4-0.6% Wood of Fir/Cedar - 0.56-0.84% Iron Content (dry weight basis): Minimum O.D8% Iron as metallic Soluble Salts: Maximum 3.5 milliohms/am twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius #100 sieve and ninety (90) percent will pass #20 sieve. B. Dolomite Line: Agricultural grade mineral soil conditioner containing thirty-five (35) percent minimum magnesium carbonate and forty-nine (49) percent minimum calcium carbonate, one hundred (100) percent passing $65 sieve. "Kaiser Dolomite 65 AG" as manufactured by Kaiser, Inc., Mineral Products Department, or equal. BENCH MARK: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TSM PER FIELD BOOK 4015/848 ELEVATION - 1019.83'. DATUM - 1929 RAILROAD SPIKE IN POWER POLE #71833, N.E. CORNER POPLAR AVE. & SANTA ANA AVE. EST. FROM BM 0-38. C. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing eighty (00) percent minimum calcium sulfate. D. Iron Sulfate: (Ferric or Ferrous): Supplied by a commercial fertilizer supplier, containing twenty (20) percent to thirty (3D) percent Iron and thirty-five (35) percent to forty (40) percent sulphur. E Sulfate of Potash: Agricultural grade containing (50) percent to fifty-three, percent of water-soluble potash. F. Single Superphosphate: Commercial product containing approximately twenty (20) percent to twenty-five (25) percent available phosphoric acid G. Ammonium Sulfate: Commercial product containing approximately twenty-one (21) percent ammonia. H. Ammonium Nitrate: Commercial product containing approximately thirty-four (34) percent ammonia. I. Calcium Nitrate: Agricultural grade containing fifteen and one-half (15-1/2) percent nitrogen. J. Ursa Formaldehyde: Granular commercial product containing thirty-eight (38) nitrogen. K. I.B.D.U. (iso Butyidiene Diurea): Commercial product containing thirty-one (31) percent nitrogen. L. Soil Sulfur; Agricultural grade sulfur containing a minimum of ninety-six (96) percent sulfur. M. Iron Sequestrene: Geigy Iron Sequestrene 330 Fe. 2.05 WATER A. Clean, fresh and potable, furnished and paid for by the contractor until Final City Acceptance. Applications must be filled out with the subsequent water company within the project area. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SOIL PREPARATION A. General: 1. Moisture Content: Do not work soil when moisture content Is so dry that dust will form In air that clods will not break readily. Apply water. If necessary, to bring soil to an optimum moisture content of tilling and planting. B. Preparation of Existing Soil: L-36 1. Verification of Existing Grades: Verify that grades are within plus or minus one tenth of one foot of the required finished grades. Report all variations Immediately to the Agencys Authorized Representative. 2. Prior to planting compacted soil SHALL be transformed to a friable condition 3. Install Compost at a minimum rate of four cubic yards per 1,000 square feet of permeable area SHALL be Incorporated to a depth of 6 Inches Into soil 4. Cultivation: Rip or cultivate all planting areas to a depth of six (6) inches immediately prior to amending existing soil, except for slope areas 2:1 or greater. 5. Cleaning of Debris: After installing trees, shrubs and finish grading, but prior to the installation of the turf clear areas of stones IX"inches, diameter and larger from the surface. Also, remove all weeds, debris and other extraneous materials prior to amending existing soil. 6. Trees to Remain: Hand cultivate within the drip line of existing trees to remain. Depth of cultivation shall not exceed two (2) Inches. Cultivate Immediately prior to amending existing soil. 7. All rocks and debris generated In the preparation of soil shall be disposed of In a legal manor by the contractor at the contractor's expense. 3.02 SOIL CONDITIONING A. Amending of Existing Soil (all areas less than 2:1 slopes); 1. Prior to planting compacted soil SHALL be transformed to a friable condition 2. Install on all projects Compost at a minimum rate of four cubic yards per 1,000 square feet of permeable area SHALL be Incorporated to a depth of 6 Inches Into soil 3. Areas to Receive Hydra seeding: Delete pre -plant fertilizer. 4. Incorporation of Amendments: Incorporate thoroughly within top six (6) inches of soil layer and bring amended soil to finish grades and elevation shown on drawings. Do not work soils under muddy conditions. B. Backfill Mix for On Grade Plant Pits: 1. Composition: Sixty (60) percent Native Soil excavated from plant pit Forty (40) percent Nitrogen -treated sawdust L-37 One (1) lb. 12-12-12 cubic yard of mix Two (2) lbs. Iron Sulfate per cubic yard of mix One (1) lb. Urea Formaldehyde per cubic yard of mix 2. Intent: The above amendments and quantities are approximate and are for bidding purposes only. Following on site topsoil analysis for agricultural suitability (paid for by Contractor) by an approved Soils and Plant Laboratory, composition of amendments may change. Contract price will be adjusted accordingly. 3.03 DRAINAGE OF PLANTING AREAS A. Surface Drainage: All planting areas shall have positive drainage towards drains and/or street curbs. Contractor shall verify that no standing water will occur. I t HUNTER LANDSCAPE - 1 - , I I 71 1 S. Fee Ana Street imm"Will 5 il Placentia, California 92870 :: , ... I , 11 Ph: 714.986.2400 1'' Fax: 714.986.2408 D. Distant Material: Submit photographs with a person adjacent to plants for preliminary review. Such review shall not impair the right of review and rejection during the progress of the work. E. Unavailable Material: If proof is submitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent size of variety with corresponding adjustment of contract price. Substantiate such proof In writing no later than fifteen (15) days after award of contract. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Labeling: Furnish standard products in manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels legibly showing quantity, analysis, genus/species and name of manufacturer/grower. B. Storage: Store products with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. Protect metal containers from sun during summer months with temperatures above eighty (80) degrees Fahrenheit. C. Handling: Do not lift or handle container plants by tops, stems or trunks at any time. Do not bind or handle plants with wire or rope at any time. D. Anti -Desiccant: At Contractor's option, spray all evergreen or deciduous plant material in full leaf immediately before transporting with anti -desiccant. Apply an adequate film over trunks, branches, twigs and foliage. 1.07 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Sampling: Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request. B. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials Immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANT MATERIALS A. General: 1. Growing Conditions: Plants shall be nursery -grown In accordance with good horticultural practices under climatic conditions similar to those or project for at least two years unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Agency's Authorized Representative. 2. Appearance: All plants shall be symmetrical, tightly knit, so trained or factored in development and appearance as to be superior in form, number of branches, compactness and symmetry. 3. Vigor: Plants shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when in leaf. They shall be free of disease, insect post, eggs, or larvae. They shall have healthy, well -developed root systems. Plants shall be free from physical damage or adverse conditions which would prevent thriving growth. 4. Container Stock: Verify that all container stock has been In the containers in which they were delivered for at least six (6) months, but not over two (2) years. Samples must prove to be free of kindled, circling or girdling roots and with no evidence of a pot-bound condition. Do not Install container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth when taken from container. B. Measurements: 1. General: Measure plants when branches are in their normal upright position. Height and spread dimensions specified refer to main body of plant and not branch tip to tip. Take caliper measurement at a point on the trunk six (6) Inches above natural ground line for trees up to four (4) Inches In caliper and at a point twelve (12) Inches above the natural ground line for trees over four (4) inches in caliper. 2. Palm Tree Measurements a. In size grading palm trees, the specified height of the trunk itself shall take precedence. Trunk height is measured from the ground line, which should be at or near the top of the root zone, to the base of the heart leaf, 2. Size Range: If a range of size Is given, do not use plant materials less than the minimum size. The measurements specified are the minimum size acceptable and are the measurements after pruning, where pruning Is required. Plants that meet the measurements specified, but do not possess a normal balance between height and spread shall be rejected by the Agency's Authorized Representative. 3. Substitutions: Plants shall be true to species and variety and shall conform to measurements specified except that plants larger than specified may be used If accepted by Agencys Authorized Representative. Use of such plants shall not Increase contract price. If larger plants are accepted, Increase the ball of earth In proportion to the size of the plant. C. Pruning: Do not prune plants before delivery. For pruning after Installation, see Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance. D. Condition: Trees which have multiple leaders, unless specified, or damaged or crooked leaders, will be rejected. Trees with abrasions of the bark, sunscalds, disfiguring knots, or fresh cuts of limbs over three-quarters (3/4) Inches which have not completely calloused, will be rejected by the Agencys Authorized Representative. 2.02 BACKFILL MIX FOR PLANT PITS A. See Section 02920 - Soil Preparation. 2.03 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS A. Top -dress Fertilizer: Complete fertilizer, fifty (50) percent of the nitrogen to be derived from natural organic sources or urea -form. Available phosphoric acid shall be from super phosphate, bone or tankage. Potash shall be derived from murlate of potash containing sixty (60) percent potash: Sixteen (16) percent Nitrogen Six (6) percent Phosphorus Eight (8) percent Potash B. Tree and Shrub Planting Fertilizer: "Agriform" twenty-one (21) gram tablets with 20-10-5 (N-P-K) Formula as manufactured by Sierra Chemical Co., Milpitas, California, (408) 263-8080, or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. 2.04 STAKING MATERIALS A. Tree Stakes; Lodge pole Pine two (2) Inch diameter; ten (10) feet long) with ten (10) inches. Tapered driving point and chamfered top, treated with copper napthanate or pentachlorophenol to heartwood, green color, as manufactured by C & E Lumber Company, Pomona, CA. Tel. (909) 626-3591, or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. B. Ties: Wonder tree -tie or other tie as accepted by Agency's Authorized Representative. 2.05 GUYING MATERIALS A. Dead Men: Cedar or redwood, with one (1) three-quarter (3/4) Inch x four (4) Inch galvanized eyebolt centered and secured on its side; screw -type galvanized steel ground anchor, or Universal ground anchom, as manufactured by Laconia Malleable Iron Company, Laconia, New Hampshire. B. Hardware: 1. Guying Cable: 1 x 19 Air cord, size as specified. 2. Tumbuckles: Galvanized or dip -pointed and weld less. 3. Cable Clamps: Galvanized or copper, size as required. 4. Plastic Guy Covers: One half (2) Inch diameter x four (4) to five (5) foot long white PVC SCH. 40 piping. 2.06 ROOT BARRIERS A. Barriers to deflect tree roots downward shall be Installed when the tree Is planted within five (5) feet of City Improvements (i.e. sidewalks, curb & gutter, storm drain structures, wall structures...). B. Root barriers shall be Deep Root Corp. or equal. 2.07 WATER A. Clean, fresh and potable, furnish and paid for by the contractor until Final City acceptance. B. Transport required. 2.08 ANTI -DESICCANT A. Anti -desiccants for retarding excessive loss of plant moisture and inhibiting wilt shall be spray able, water Insoluble vinyl-vin)ledine complex which will produce a moisture retarding barrier not removable by rain. B. Wilt -proof Formula NCF as manufactured by Nursery Specialty Products, Greenwich, CN. or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. PART - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPLANT REVIEW A. General: Do not commence planting work prior to acceptance by Agency's Authorized Representative of soil preparation. B. Finish Grades: Finish grades for all planting areas shall have been established In another section. Verify that all grades are within one (1) inch plus or minus of required finish grade, and that all soil amendments have been installed as specified under Section on Soil Preparation. C Notification: Submit written notification of all conditions Inconsistent with specifications for soil preparation and mixing as described In Section 02920 - Soil Preparation. Submit in writing, all discrepancies in the Drawings or Specifications, obstructions on the site, or prior work done by others, which Contractor feels precludes maintaining proper drainage; include description of all work required for correction or relief of said discrepancies. C. Detrimental Drainage, Soils and Obstructions: 1. Notification: Supply written notification of all conditions detrimental to growth of plant material. State condition and submit proposal and cost estimate for correcting condition. 2. Testing: Test drainage of five (5) plant beds and pits identified in field by Agency's Authorized Representative by filling with water twice in succession. Notify Agency's Authorized Representative of conditions where retention of water is planting beds occurs for more than twenty-four (24) hours. 3. Correction: Submit for acceptance a written proposal and cost estimate for the correction before proceeding with work. 3.03 LAYOUT AND EXCAVATION OF PLANTING AREAS A. Layout and Staking: Lay out plants at locations shown on Drawings. Stake each tree location with lath, color coded for each species. Outline shrub and ground cover beds with lime. Agencys Authorized Representative will check location of plants in the field and shall adjust to exact position before planting begins. Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to refuse review at this time, If in his opinion, a sufficient quantity of plants Is not available. B. Plant Pits: Excavate container -grown tree, shrub, and vine pits to the following dimensions: Width Depth Boxed Trees Two (2) times box width One Times Box Height Container Trees Two (2) times diameter One Times Container Height Container Shrubs Two (2) times diameter One Times Container Height 3.04 PLANTING OPERATIONS A. General: 1. Protect plants at all times from sun or drying winds. 2. Keep plants that cannot be planted immediately upon delivery in the shade, well -protected and well- watered. B. Handling of Plant Materials: 1. Remove container stock carefully after containers have been cut on two sides with accepted cutter. Do not use spade to cut containers. C. Installation: 1. Positioning: After removing plant from container, scarify side of root ball to prevent root -bound condition and position plant In planting pit. 2. Backfilling: Use backfill mix to backfill plant pits. Set each plant plumb and brace rigidly In position until planting soil has been tamped solidly around the ball and roots. When plant pits have been backfilled approximately two-thirds (2/3) full, water thoroughly and saturate root ball, before Installing remainder of the backfill mix to top of pit, eliminating all air pockets. 3. Staking and/or Guying: Stake or guy as outlined In Section 3.05 below. 4. Fertilizer Tablets: Place evenly distributed In plant pits when backfilled two-thirds (2/3) to finish grade according to the following schedule. Fifteen (15) gallon can - Three (3) tablets D. Adjustment: Adjust plants to that after full settlement has occurred, the natural grade at the base of the plants Is one (1) Inch above the adjacent planting finish grade. E. Watering Basin: Form saucer with four (4) inches high berm centered around tree and shrub pits twelve (12) Inches wider than ball diameter. Do not form saucer around trees In lawn areas. F. Watering: Water all plants immediately after planting. G. Labels: Remove all nursery -type plant labels from plants. 3.05 STAKING AND GUYING A. General: 1. Trees shall be able to stand upright without support, and shall return to the vertical after their tops have been deflected horizontally and released. Stake or guy trees which do not meet this qualification. All plant materials shall remain plumb and straight for all given conditions from Installation through the guarantee period. 2. Use either staking or guying method per planting details and planting legend. B. Staking: 1. Locate stakes In a line with trunk of tree, perpendicular to prevailing wind, and as close to the main trunk is practical, avoiding root injury. Drive stakes at lease thirty (30) inches into firm ground. 2. Remove tree from nursery -supplied stake and tie to new stakes using four (4) accepted tree ties. Find proper height for point of tree ties and attach as follows: a. Hold trunk In one hand, pull top to one side and release. Height at which trunk will just return to upright is Base Height. Attach tree ties to trunk approximately twenty-four (24) Inches above Base Height. b. Nall tree ties to stakes using two (2) galvanized roofing nalls at each end of tie. C. Guying: 1. Guy trees at points of branching with guys spaced equally around and outside perimeter of ball. Cover guys with rubber hose at points of contact With bark. Position guys at crotches and fasten to a dead man. 2. Install 2 x 3' or 4'or 5' SCH. 40 P.V.C. pipe or approved white coated wire. 3. Guys: Provide one turnbuckle for each guy. Use two (2) cable clamps at each cable connection. 3.07 PRUNING A. See Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance 3.00 GROUND COVER PLANTING A. Planting; Plant ground cover plants at optimum depth for proper growth. Avoid air pockets. Equally space triangularly, at distances called for in the Drawings. B. Fertilizers; Apply top -dress fertilizer at the rate of five (5) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet. C. Watering: Water bad thoroughly after fertilizer application. Wash all fertilizer from leaves of plant materials. 3.09 CLEAN-UP A. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. B. Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance. END OF TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUND COVERS SECTION LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SECTION 02970 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Related Requirements: Review the General Conditions, Standard Specifications and Special Provisions, which contain Information and requirements that apply to this Section. B. Work Included: Provide Landscape Maintenance, complete as specified. C. Related Work In Other Sections: Irrigation System - Section 02810 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Lawns and Grosses - Section 02930 Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Covers - Section 02950 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicable Standards: Apply as described in the following: 1. General Conditions, Special Provisions 2. Guide for Fertilizing Shade and Ornamental Trees. 3. Pruning Standards for Shade Trees. B. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Perform all work In accordance with all applicable laws, codes and regulations required by authorities having jurisdiction over such work. 2. Provide for all Inspections and permits required by Federal, State, or local authorities In furnishing, transporting, and Installing of all agricultural chemicals. 3. The County Agricultural Commissioners Office must by low, be given a monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disease control chemicals used. C. Work Force: 1. Experience: The landscape maintenance firm shall have a full time foreman assigned to the job for the duration of the contract. He shall have a minimum of four (4) years experience in landscape maintenance supervision, with experience or training in turf management, entomology, pest control, soils, fertilizers and plant identification. HE MUST SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY. 2. Labor Force: The landscape maintenance firm's labor force shall be thoroughly familiar and trained In the work to be accomplished and perform the task In a competent, efficient manner acceptable to the Agency. 3. Supervision: The foreman shall directly employ and supervise the work force at all times. Notify Agency of all changes In supervision. 4. Contractors employees shall wear nice clean company uniforms with proper safety equipment and provide all necessary traffic control to complete the maintenance. SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS IN EFFECT. A. Submit to Agency's Authorized Representative for approval, two (2) copies each of the following Items: 1. Schedule of maintenance operations and monthly status report Including list of all equipment and materials proposed for the job. 2. Written application recommendation by a licensed agricultural pest control advisor for all weed, pest and disease controls restricted by the Director of Agriculture proposed for this work. 3. All licenses and Insurances required by the City of Fontana, the State or Federal government pertaining to this work. 4. Monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disease control chemicals used for the project. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Site Visit: At beginning of maintenance period, Visit and walk the site with the Agency's representative to clarify scope of work and understand existing project/ site conditions. B. Documentation of Conditions: Document general condition of existing trees, shrubs, ground covers and lawn, recording all plant materials which are damaged or dying, if any. C. Irrigation System: Document general condition of existing irrigation system, making sure that faulty electrical controllers, broken or inoperable sprinkler heads (or emitters) are reported. 1.05 SCHEDULING A. Perform all maintenance during hours mutually agreed upon between Agency and Contractor. B. Work force shall be present at the project site at least once a week and as often as necessary to perform specified maintenance in accordance with the approved maintenance schedule. PART - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Fertilizers: Sierra Chemical Company 1001 Yosemite Drive Milpitas, California 95035 (408) 263-8080 B. Herbicides: Chevron Chemical Company 575 Market Street Son Francisco, California 94105 (415) 894-0880 Rhone-Poulenc Chemical Company Agra Chemical Division P.D. Box 125 Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852 (201) 297-0100 Ciba-Geigy Corporation Agricultural Division P.O. Box 1830 Greensboro, North Carolina 27419 (919) 292-7100 Elanco Products Company 740 S. Alabama Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46285 (317) 261-3638 The Dow Chemical Company P.O. Box 1706 Midland, Missouri 48640 (517) 636-0236 3M Company -Agri Chemicals Project 3M Center, Building 223-65E St Paul, Minnesota 55144 (317) 261-3000 2.02 MATERIALS A. General: All materials and equipment, unless otherwise indicated, shall be provided by the Contractor. B. Water: Clean, potable and fresh, furnished and paid for by the Contractor. C. Fertilizers: 1. Tightly compressed, slow -release and long-lasting complete fertilizer tablets bearing manufacturer's label of guaranteed analysis of chemicals present. 2. Balanced, once- a -season application controlled -released fertilizers with a blend of coated pills which supply controlled -release nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and phosphorus. D. Herbicides, Insecticides, and Fungicides: 1. Obtain best quality materials with original manufacturer's containers, properly labeled with guaranteed analysis. 2. Use non -staining materials. E. Lawn Seed for Reseeding: Match existing lawn mix. F. Replacement Tree Guys, Stakes, Ties and Wires: Match existing materials on the site. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Duration: Continuously maintain each plant and each portion of ground cover area after installation, during progress of work, and for a Minimum period of ninety (90) days after completion of all planting work until Final Acceptance by the Agency's Authorized Representative. B. Protection: 1. Protect all planting areas from damage of all kinds from beginning of work until Flinal Acceptance by the Agency's Authorized Representative, 2. Replacement plants shall be of a size, condition and variety acceptable to Agency's Authorized Representative. 3.02 TREES AND SHRUBS A. Watering Basins: 1. Maintain all watering basins around plants so that enough water can be applied to establish moisture through major root zones. 2. In rainy season, open basins to allow surface drainage away from the root crown where excess water may accumulate. Restore watering basins at end of rainy season. 3. For supplement hand watering of watering basins, use a water wand to break the water force. Do not permit crown roots to become exposed to air through dislodging of soil and mulch. B. Resetting: Reset plants to proper grades or upright position. C. Weed Control: 1. All areas between plants, Including watering basins shall be weed free. 2. Use only recommended and legally approved herbicides to control weed growth. 3. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots and breaks the seal of pre -emergent herbicides. D. Pruning: 1. Prune trees to select and develop permanent scaffold branches that are smaller In diameter than the trunk or branch to which they are attached, and which have vertical spacing of eighteen (18) Inches to forty-eight (48) Inches and radial orientation so as mot to overlay one another. 2. Prune trees to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, and narrow Vahoped branched forks that lack strength. Reduce toppling and wind damage by thinning out crowns. 3. Prune trees to maintain growth within space limitations, maintaining a natural appearance and balancing crown with roots. 4. No stripping of lower branches ("raising up') of young trees will be permitted. 5. Retain lower branches in a "tipped back" or pinched condition to promote caliper trunk growth (tapered trunk). Do not cut back to fewer than six buds or leaves on such branches. Only cut lower branches flush with the trunk after the tree Is able to sand erect without staking or other support. 5. Thin out and shape evergreen trees when necessary to prevent wind and storm damage. Do primary pruning of deciduous trees during the dormant season. Do not permit any pruning of trees prone to excessive "bleeding" during growth season. 7. Prune damaged trees or those that constitute health or safety hazards at anytime of year as required. 8. Make all cuts clean and close to the trunk, without cutting into the branch collar. "Stubbing" will not be permitted. Cut smaller branches flush with trunk or lateral branch. Make larger cuts (one (1) inch in diameter or larger) parallel to shoulder rings, with the top edge of the cut at the trunk or lateral branch. 9. Branches too heavy to handle shall be pre-cut In three stages to prevent splitting or peeling of bark. Make the first two (2) cuts eighteen (18) Inches or more from the trunk to remove the branch. Make the third cut at the trunk to remove the resulting stub. 10. Do not prune or clip shrubs into balled or boxed forms unless specifically called for by design. E. Staking and Guying of Trees: 1. Inspect stakes and guys at least one month to check for rubbing that causes bark wounds. 2. Conform to the recommended procedures of staking and guying as outlined 3.03 GROUND COVERS A. Watering: 1. Check for moisture penetration throughout the root zone at least two (2) times a month. 2. Water as frequently as necessary to maintain healthy growth of ground covers. B. Weed Control: 1. Control weeds, preferably with pre -emergent herbicides and with selective systemic herbicides. 2. Minimize hoeing of weeds In order to avoid plant damage. 3.04 LAWNS A. Watering: 1. Water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions require, to replenish soil moisture to six (6) Inches below root zone. 2. Provide a total of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches of water weekly during hot summer weather, in five (5) applications per week. 3. Water at night If Irrigation system Is electrically controlled. Otherwise watering shall be done during early mornings. B. Weed Control For Weed Free Lawns: 1. Control broad leaf weeds with selective herbicides. 2. In areas where crabgrass has Infested the lawn, apply a selective posternergent herbicide as soon as possible and prior to flowering. 3. Apply pre -emergent herbicides such as Docthal, Bolan, or Betason prior to crabgrass gemination. 4. Do not Irrigate for forty-eight (48) hours after application of all herbicide sprays. 5. Coordinate application of herbicides with thatch control and reseeding schedule as described below. 6. Weeds are defined as any plant that Is not on the approved plant pallet list or within the hydro seeding mix. 7. All herbicides shall be applied by a licensed applicator per the manufacturer's instructions. C. Mowing and Edging: 1. Contractors shall mow lawns and trim edges on a weekly basis, and provide a mowing and maintenance schedule to the Inspector prior to the 90 day maintenance period beginning. D. Reseeding of Lawn Areas: Match existing seed mix of adjacent areas. E. Top Dress Fertilizer. 1. See Section 02930 - Lawns and Grasses for type of fertilizer to be used. 2. Contractor shall apply top dress fertilizer to all lawn areas in two (2) complete and separate applications during the 90-day Maintenance Period unless otherwise recommended by the fertilizer manufacturer or a certified horticulturist employed by the contractor. 3. The first application shall take place no later than the end of the second week of the ninety (90) day period. The second application shall occur just prior to the end of the ninety (90) day Maintenance Period and Final Acceptance. 3.05 INSECTS, PESTS, AND DISEASE CONTROL A. Inspection: Inspect all plant materials for signs of stress, damage and potential trouble from the following: 1. Presence of Insects, moles, gophers, ground squirrels, snails and slugs In planting areas. 2. Discolored or Watching leaves or needles. 3. Unusually light green or yellowish green color Inconsistent with normal green color of leaves. B. Personnel: Perform spraying for Insect, pest and disease control only by qualified, trained personnel. C. Application: Spray with extreme care to avoid all hazards to any person or pet in the area or adjacent areas. 3.06 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. General: 1. Repair without charge to Agency all damages to system caused by Contractor's operations or vandalism. Perform all repairs within one (1) watering period. 2. Report promptly to Agency all accidental damage not resulting from Contractor's negligence or operations. 3. Do not run the Irrigation system during rainy periods. Set and program automatic controllers for seasonal water requirements. B. Cleaning and Monitoring the System: 1. Continually monitor the Irrigation systems to verify that they are functioning properly as designed. Make program adjustments required by changing field conditions. 2. Clean pump filter and strainer as often as necessary to keep the Irrigation systems free of sand and other debris. 3. Prevent spraying on windows, building walls, by balancing the throttle control on the remote -control wives and the adjustment screws on the sprinkler heads. Do not allow water to atomize and drift. C. Air Blow -Out: 1. Set automatic control stations to two and one half (2-1/2) minutes timing. 2. Attach hose from portable air compressor to one (1) inch air inlet installed on main line at backfiow preventer. 3. Operate compressor at one hundred (100) cubic feet per second at 60-80 PSI. D. Manual Drain Valves: Open manual drain valves located at low points on the main line to drain completely after air blow-out has been completed. E. Backflow Preventer. Rotate backflow unit at unions and open pet cocks and drain. Reverse operation and tighten unions to resume Irrigation. 3.07 THE NINETY (90) DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. Preliminary Review: As soon as all plantings are completed per Contract Documents, hold a preliminary review to determine the condition of the work. Al. Schedule a meeting with the Engineering Public Works Inspector and the Public Works Maintenance Division to Inspect all tree and plant depths prior to starting the 90 day Maintenance Period. B. Date of Review: Submit a written request to the Agency's Authorized Representative at lease five (5) working days prior to anticipated date of review. C. Beginning of the Minimum Ninety (90) Day Maintenance Period: The date on which the Agency's Authorized Representative issues a letter of Preliminary Acceptance to the Contractor. By this date, all plant materials shall be planted and all areas requiring hydro seeded lawns shall be completed. 3.08 PRE -FINAL AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Conditions for Pre -Final Acceptance of Work at End of Maintenance Period: 1. Each plant shall be alive and thriving, showing signs of growth and no signs of stress, disease, or any other. 2. All plants not meeting these conditions shall be replaced and a Ninety (90) Day Maintenance Period commenced for such plants. 3. Lawn areas shall be 100% weed free unless otherwise approved by the Agency's Authorized Representative, 4. Lawn areas shall have 100% germination and establishment of turf. B. Corrective Work: 1. Work requiring corrective action or replacement is the judgment of the Agency's Authorized Representative and shall be performed within ten (10) calendar days after the Pre -Final Review. 2. Perform corrective work and materials replacement in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and shall be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Agency. 3. After corrective work is completed, the Contractor shall again request a Pre -Final Review for Pre -Final Acceptance as outlined above. 4. Continue maintenance of all landscaped areas until such time as all corrective measures have been completed and accepted by the Agency's Authorized Representative. END OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SECTION CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA JURUPA AVENUE STREET IMPOVEMENTS 1 nmirNFn Fw. -1 Specifications 1 nATF-.