HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix H - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Industrial Property 10734 Live Oak Avenue Fontana, California 92337 File No. 227704455 October 2021 Prepared for: Live Oak Land, LLC 150 South 5th Street Suite 2675 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center Maple Plain, MN 55359 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY October 2021 i This document entitled Phase I Environmental Site Assessment: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak, Fontana, California was prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (“Stantec”) for the account of Live Oak Land, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the “Client”). Any reliance on this document by any third party is strictly prohibited. The material in it reflects Stantec’s professional judgment in light of the scope, schedule and other limitations stated in the document and in the contract between Stantec and the Client. The opinions in the document are based on conditions and information existing at the time the document was published and do not take into account any subsequent changes. In preparing the document, Stantec did not verify information supplied to it by others. Any use which a third party makes of this document is the responsibility of such third party. Such third party agrees that Stantec shall not be responsible for costs or damages of any kind, if any, suffered by it or any other third party as a result of decisions made or actions taken based on this document. Prepared by (signature) Alison Creeger Reviewed by (signature) J. Joseph Otte PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Table of Contents October 2021 i Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................1 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................1 1.2 SUBJECT PROPERTY ...................................................................................................1 1.3 CONCLUSIONS ..............................................................................................................1 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................1 2.1 PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................1 2.2 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................1 2.3 DEVIATIONS...................................................................................................................2 2.4 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS ..................................................................................3 2.5 SIGNIFICANT ASSUMPTIONS .......................................................................................3 2.6 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................3 2.7 USER RELIANCE............................................................................................................3 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................4 3.1 USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY .....................................................................................4 3.2 CURRENT USE OF ADJOINING PROPERTIES .............................................................5 3.3 PHYSICAL SETTING ......................................................................................................5 3.3.1 Topography .................................................................................................... 5 3.3.2 Geology ......................................................................................................... 5 3.3.3 Hydrogeology ................................................................................................. 5 4.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION .................................................................................6 4.1 REASON FOR PERFORMING PHASE I ESA .................................................................6 4.2 OWNER, PROPERTY MANAGER AND OCCUPANT INFORMATION ...........................6 4.3 TITLE RECORD INFORMATION ....................................................................................6 4.4 USER QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................................................................6 4.4.1 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitation ........................................ 6 4.4.2 Specialized Knowledge .................................................................................. 6 4.4.3 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information ......................... 6 4.4.4 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Reasons............................................ 6 5.0 RECORDS REVIEW .......................................................................................................7 5.1 STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD RESOURCES ..............................................7 5.1.1 Subject Property............................................................................................. 7 5.1.2 Surrounding Properties .................................................................................. 7 5.2 ADDITIONAL RECORD SOURCES ..............................................................................11 5.2.1 San Bernardino Tax Information ................................................................... 11 5.2.2 Local Building Records Review .................................................................... 11 5.3 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION ...............................................................................12 5.3.1 Aerial Photographs ....................................................................................... 12 5.3.2 City Directories ............................................................................................. 13 5.3.3 Historical Maps............................................................................................. 13 5.3.4 Fire Insurance Maps .................................................................................... 14 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Table of Contents October 2021 ii 5.4 PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS ..................................................................14 6.0 SUBJECT PROPERTY .................................................................................................15 6.1 SUBJECT PROPERTY OBSERVATIONS .....................................................................15 6.1.1 Materials Management ................................................................................. 16 6.1.2 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management ................................................... 16 6.1.3 Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks (ASTs/USTs) ...................... 16 6.1.4 Interior and Exterior Surface Observation..................................................... 16 6.1.5 Pits, Sumps, Oil-Water Separators and Floor Drains .................................... 17 6.1.6 Wastewater and Stormwater Discharge Systems ......................................... 17 6.1.7 Wells, Drywells and Lagoons ....................................................................... 17 6.1.8 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Oil Containing Equipment ................ 17 7.0 INTERVIEWS ................................................................................................................18 7.1 INTERVIEW WITH SUBJECT PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVE ..................................18 7.2 INTERVIEW WITH SUBJECT PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVE ..................................18 7.3 INTERVIEW WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL .................................................18 8.0 EVALUATION ...............................................................................................................19 8.1 DATA GAPS/DATA FAILURE .......................................................................................19 8.2 IDENTIFIED FINDINGS.................................................................................................19 8.3 OPINIONS .....................................................................................................................20 8.4 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................20 9.0 NON-SCOPE CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................21 10.0 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................22 11.0 QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................23 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Detail Map APPENDICES Appendix A User Questionnaire Appendix B GeoSearch Radius Report Appendix C County/City Information Appendix D Aerial Photographs Appendix E City Directories Appendix F Historical Maps Appendix G Fire Insurance Map Research Document Appendix H Subject Property Photographs Appendix I Research Summary PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Executive Summary October 2021 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (Stantec) was authorized by Mr. Scott Haugen, Senior Vice President at WPT Capital Advisors, LLC, to conduct this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). This ESA was conducted in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, Designation E-1527-13 (ASTM Phase I Standard) and satisfies standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312 – Standards for Conducting All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI Rule) for the purposes of meeting the all appropriate inquiries provisions necessary to qualify for certain landowner liability protections under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9601(35)(B). 1.2 SUBJECT PROPERTY The Subject Property is located at 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. 1.3 CONCLUSIONS This ESA has identified no evidence of recognized environmental conditions (RECs), controlled recognized environmental conditions (CRECs) or historical recognized environmental conditions (HRECs) in connection with the Subject Property. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Purpose and Scope October 2021 1 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 2.1 PURPOSE Stantec was authorized by Mr. Scott Haugen, Senior Vice President at WPT Capital Advisors, LLC, to conduct this Phase I ESA of the property and improvements located at 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California; the Subject Property. The Subject Property consists of three tax parcels comprising 14.77 acres occupied by multiple dilapidated structures and a partially paved parking area. Access to the Subject Property is from Live Oak Avenue. The Subject Property location is depicted in Figure 1. A Site Detail Map of the Subject Property is included as Figure 2. The conclusions contained in this report have been made to assist Live Oak Land, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, in evaluating environmental conditions at the present time at the Subject Property. In addition, the report is intended to satisfy the requirements of “all appropriate inquiry… consistent with good commercial or customary practice” referenced in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9601(35)(B). 2.2 SCOPE This ESA was prepared in accordance with the ASTM Phase I Standard and AAI Rule to identify, to the extent feasible and in accordance with the processes described herein: recognized environmental conditions, controlled recognized environmental conditions, and historical recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Subject Property. As defined in ASTM E 1527-13, the term recognized environmental condition (REC) means “the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on or at a property: (1) due to a release to the environment; (2) under conditions of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment.” Additionally, though not specifically defined in ASTM E1527-13, Stantec considers the presence of a vapor encroachment condition to be a REC. As defined in ASTM E1527-13, the term controlled recognized environmental condition (CREC) means “a recognized environmental condition resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls.” As defined in ASTM E1527-13, the term historical recognized environmental condition (HREC) means “a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls.” PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Purpose and Scope October 2021 2 As defined in ASTM E1527-13, the term business environmental risk means “a risk which can have a material environmental or environmentally-driven impact on the business associated with the current or planned use of a parcel of commercial real estate, not necessarily limited to those environmental issues required to be investigated in this practice.” A summary of the general scope of work for this project is described in the following tasks: • Task I. Records Retrieval and Review of Records: Stantec obtained publicly available, practically reviewable and reasonably ascertainable federal, state, county and city information about the Subject Property and other properties within minimum established search distances of the Subject Property. These sources were searched for any information about RECs, CRECs, HRECs or business-related environmental risks relative to the Subject Property. This search included a review of Superfund sites; waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities regulated under RCRA; spills or discharges of hazardous substances, toxic materials or petroleum products; and known or recorded landfills; and/or well databases. • Task II. Site Reconnaissance: Stantec visually inspected the Subject Property to evaluate the Subject Property for RECs, CRECs, HRECs and business-related environmental risks. The structures and grounds of the Subject Property were observed for filling, subsidence, unusual land or surface forms, colorations, odors, indications of dumping, and evidence of suspect environmental features on the Subject Property such as tanks, drains, drywells, etc. Observations pertaining to adjacent property use were also recorded where such observations pertained to RECs, CRECs, HRECs or business-related environmental risks relative to the Subject Property. • Task III. Interviews of People with Knowledge of the Subject Property: Stantec interviewed people with knowledge of the history of the Subject Property and of the surrounding properties. Interviews were completed in order to obtain information pertaining to RECs, CRECs or HRECs relative to the Subject Property. Interviewees included the Subject Property owner(s) and occupant(s), as well as local government officials. Data gathered in the course of performing the above three tasks was used in concert to determine if information from one source indicated the need for additional information from another source. • Task IV. Reporting: Stantec completed this Phase I ESA by combining the information retrieved through data searches with the observations that were made during the Subject Property reconnaissance and interviews. Photographs were taken to document the overall status and current use of the Subject Property and specific areas of concern. Deviations from the scope described in the ASTM Phase I Standard are identified in Section 2.3. 2.3 DEVIATIONS No intentional deviations from the ASTM Phase I Standard were made in preparing this report. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Purpose and Scope October 2021 3 2.4 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS The results of this study, performed by Stantec, are based on the scope of work defined in Section 2.2, subject to any project-specific limitations or project-specific additional non-scope considerations described herein. As is the case with any investigation of finite scope, this review is intended to reduce, but cannot eliminate, the uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs, CRECs or HRECs in connection with the Subject Property. Therefore, the possibility of the presence of some localized substances that may be classified as hazardous cannot be ruled out completely. However, it is Stantec’s opinion that the conditions observed at the Subject Property are representative of existing conditions at the time of the site reconnaissance. 2.5 SIGNIFICANT ASSUMPTIONS Stantec assumes that WPT Capital Advisors, LLC and any interviewed parties have provided accurate information that will assist Stantec in determining appropriate inquiry, including but not limited to actual knowledge, previously prepared reports, environmental cleanup liens and title review information. In addition, Stantec assumes, for the purposes of the site reconnaissance, adequate information has been provided to accurately establish the physical boundaries of the real property being evaluated. 2.6 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The purpose of this report is to aid in the environmental assessment of the Subject Property and not to evaluate the structural condition of buildings or other features of the Subject Property. Stantec has performed its work in a manner consistent with the care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the environmental profession. The conclusions contained in this report represent our professional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with currently accepted engineering practices at this time and location. Stantec does not offer any form of warranty or guarantee that the Subject Property contains no hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants. Stantec assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information that was obtained from other sources, including, without limitation, regulatory and government agencies, persons knowledgeable about the Subject Property, persons knowledgeable about adjacent properties and vendors of public practice. 2.7 USER RELIANCE This report has been prepared solely for the information and use of Live Oak Land, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Others wishing to rely on the findings of this report, not having a contractual relationship with Stantec, do so without permission and at their own risk. Our professional recommendations made to the addressee(s) are exclusive to that party’s disclosed intended or proposed consideration with respect to the Subject Property at the present time. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Site Description October 2021 4 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY The Subject Property is located in an industrial area in the City of Fontana, California. Site Address/Location Address: 10734 Live Oak Avenue City: Fontana County: San Bernardino State: California Township: Range: Section: 1 S 6 West SE ¼ of NW ¼ of 26 Property Information Size: 14.77 acres Property Identification Numbers: 0236141200000, 0236141050000 and 0236141060000 Improvements There are four dilapidated structures on the Subject Property that were part of prior operations of a pallet manufacturing operation or a lumber/millwork operation. The structures are not in use as part of the current operations by the tenant at the Subject Property. Building Information Size: Year of Construction: 1,000-sq-ft office building 4,525-sq-ft steel structure 5,300-sq-ft mfg bldg. 3,000-sq-ft wooden shed Approximately 1979 or thereafter Description: The office building appears similar in style to a manufactured home or jobsite trailer. The other buildings are sheds or canopies in various states of disrepair. See Section 6 for further description. Use of the Property Current Use: The Subject Property is in use as a truck storage yard or parking lot. Past Use: According to reviewed sources of information, the Subject Property was an orchard from at least 1938 to 1985. The northern two lots of the Subject Property have been occupied by various pallet and lumber companies since at least 1981. Ownership and Operation of the Property Current Ownership & Operation: The Subject Property is owned by trusts of Robert & Lillian Cantero and occupied by Mr. Bill Bosha, who generates income via license agreements with truckers who park their trucks and trailers on the Subject Property. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Site Description October 2021 5 3.2 CURRENT USE OF ADJOINING PROPERTIES The following land uses were noted on adjoining properties: Direction Description North Time Warner and Loveday Lumber East Oldcastle Infrastructure (cement products), Red Star Logistics (shipping) and ICO Polymers (beyond Live Oak Avenue and the Union Pacific railroad tracks) South Saia LTL Freight (beyond Santa Ana Avenue) West Salvage yard, Inland Concrete Products and Ceva Logistics 3.3 PHYSICAL SETTING 3.3.1 Topography The Subject Property is generally sloping slightly to the south. The northern portion of the Subject Property is at an elevation of approximately 1,000 feet above mean sea level and the southern portion of the Subject Property is at an elevation of approximately 985 feet above mean sea level. Site surface drainage is to the south and east toward the municipal stormwater sewer system associated with Santa Ana Avenue and Live Oak Avenue, respectively. Historic development may have included grading or filling of the Subject Property to improve the location for construction and drainage. 3.3.2 Geology Published references describe the surficial geology at the Subject Property as alluvium, lake, playa and terrace deposits (Jennings, 2010). Shallow bedrock in the vicinity of the Subject Property consists of younger fan alluvial deposits (Bortugno, 1986). 3.3.3 Hydrogeology The general direction of regional groundwater flow in the area of the Subject Property is presumed to be to the south-southeast toward the Santa Ana River. Local conditions may vary due to surface water features, perched groundwater conditions or artificially created drainage systems. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY User Provided Information October 2021 6 4.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION 4.1 REASON FOR PERFORMING PHASE I ESA This Phase I ESA is being performed as a component of due diligence activities and to determine whether RECs, CRECs or HRECs affect the Subject Property. 4.2 OWNER, PROPERTY MANAGER AND OCCUPANT INFORMATION The Subject Property is owned by Robert & Lillian Cantero and occupied by Tiger Group Transport. The Subject Property Representative, Mr. Bill Bosha, the Subject Property tenant, and Mr. Brad Fox of Voit Real Estate, provided access and a tour of the Subject Property. 4.3 TITLE RECORD INFORMATION A title commitment record for the Subject Property was not provided to Stantec during preparation of this Phase I ESA, and a title search was not within the scope of this ESA. 4.4 USER QUESTIONNAIRE An All Appropriate Inquiries User Questionnaire was completed by Mr. Bryce Tuma of WPT Capital Advisors, LLC to establish the User’s knowledge of environmental condition of the Subject Property. The following sections include the information obtained from the completed User Questionnaire, which is included in Appendix A. 4.4.1 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitation No independent review of environmental liens was undertaken by Stantec as a part of this scope of work. No activity and use limitations were disclosed to Stantec during preparation of this ESA. 4.4.2 Specialized Knowledge No prior assessments were provided to Stantec at the outset of this scope of work. 4.4.3 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information Commonly known or reasonably ascertainable environmental information was found relevant to this study, which is discussed throughout this ESA. 4.4.4 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Reasons No valuation reduction for environmental reasons was disclosed at the outset of this study. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 7 5.0 RECORDS REVIEW 5.1 STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD RESOURCES Stantec requested and reviewed a search of files from federal and state databases from GeoSearch for the Subject Property (the GeoSearch Radius Report). Files were searched from Federal and State environmental records databases within minimum search distances as specified in the ASTM Phase I Standard, and the GeoSearch Radius Report included a more extensive database list than those minimally identified as required by the ASTM Phase I Standard. A summary of the sites identified in the GeoSearch Radius Report are discussed below, along with information regarding the significance of the listing for the Subject Property. The GeoSearch Radius Report, which contains more information regarding database descriptions and search distances, is included in Appendix B. 5.1.1 Subject Property The Subject Property was identified on the following reviewed regulatory database in the GeoSearch Radius Report for Lopez Pallets, Inc.: • San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) Lopez Pallets, Inc. is listed in the SBFD database for an inactive, special hazardous waste generator. The specific waste is not listed. The hazardous waste permits were requested from San Bernardino County Fire Department but were not in a reasonably obtainable format for review. Based on observations during the site reconnaissance, it appears unlikely any wood treatment (i.e., preservatives, such as creosote or pentachlorophenol) activities were conducted on-Site, and the likelihood is that the wastes generated were conditionally-exempt wastes such as used oil. Stantec requested the following County files to determine the potential significance of these database listings for the Subject Property: • Hazardous waste #FA0004479 5.1.2 Surrounding Properties Additional mapped sites of regulatory interest identified within the search radii defined by the ASTM Phase I Standard, as identified in the GeoSearch Radius Report, include the following: Number of Sites Regulatory Database Comments 1 Enforcement and Compliance Information System (ECHOR09) site The ECHOR09 database includes facilities regulated as Clean Air Act stationary sources, Clean Water Act direct dischargers, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act hazardous waste handlers, and Safe Drinking Water Act public water systems. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 8 Number of Sites Regulatory Database Comments A listing in the ECHOR09 database, by itself, is not indicative of a release or a material threat of release of petroleum products or potentially hazardous substances at the facility. 2 Facility Registry System (FRSCA) sites The FRSCA database includes pointers to other databases and facilities that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. A listing in the FRSCA database, by itself, is not indicative of a release or a material threat of release of petroleum products or potentially hazardous substances at the facility. 1 Integrated Compliance Information System National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICISNPDES) site The ICISNPDES identifies permits for point source dischargers of pollutants into waterways regulated by the EPA. Fontana Wood Products located at 10712 Live Oak Avenue, adjacent north, is listed for a non-potable water discharge permit and a former industrial permit. The active non-potable water discharge permit is listed as in compliance. Based on the type of database and regulatory status, this listing is not considered a REC for the Subject Property. 1 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Facilities (NPDES) site The NPDES database identifies active, historical and terminated permits maintained by the CalEPA, including stormwater permits. Fontanta Wood Products is listed in association with the ICISNPDES listing discussed above. 1 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act – Non-Generator Facilities (RCRANGR09) site RCRANGR05 listings are sites listed by the EPA as a former generator of hazardous waste. Van Matre Lumber Co. Inc. located at 10690 Live Oak Avenue, approximately 365 feet north-northeast, is listed as a former generator of hazardous waste. Based on the type of operations, depth to groundwater and distance, this listing is not considered a REC for the Subject Property. 3 Aboveground Storage Tanks (ABST) sites The database contains aboveground storage Tanks (ASTs) registered with the California Environmental Protection Agency’s (CalEPA) since 2008. The listings are located over 0.20 miles from the Subject Property. These listings on their own are not indicative of a release and the Subject Property and based on the distance, are not considered RECs for the Subject Property. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 9 Number of Sites Regulatory Database Comments 1 Aboveground Storage Tanks Prior to January 2008 (AST2007) site The database contains AST facilities registered with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) between 2003 and 2007. This listing is located 0.25 miles east of the Subject Property. Based on the distance and lack of identified release, this listing is not considered a REC for the Subject Property. 3 Historical Underground Storage Tanks (HISTUST) sites The database identifies historical underground storage tanks (USTs) registered with the SWRCB between 1984 and 1987. The HISTUST sites are located over 0.19 miles from the Subject Property. These listings on their own are not indicative of a release and the Subject Property and based on the distance, are not considered RECs for the Subject Property. Leaking UST sites are discussed in the LUST database below. 3 Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System (SWEEPS) sites The SWEEPS database identifies active and inactive USTs registered with the SWRCB. The SWEEPS sites are located over 0.20 miles from the Subject Property. These listings on their own are not indicative of a release and the Subject Property and based on the distance, are not considered RECs for the Subject Property. Leaking UST sites are discussed in the LUST database below. 3 GeoTracker Cleanup (CLEANUPSITES) sites The CLEANUPSITES database identifies sites with impacted groundwater or potential to impact groundwater as identified by the SWRCB. These include listings from other databases including leaking tanks, Department of Defense cleanup and others. The three CLEANUPSITES are associated with the three LUST listings discussed below. 3 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) sites The LUST database is maintained by the SWRCB and identifies leaking USTs. The LUST sites are located over 0.37 miles from the Subject Property and have granted regulatory closure. Based on the distance and regulatory status, these listings are not considered RECs for the Subject Property. 3 Envirostor Cleanup (ENVIROSTOR) sites The database is maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to track sites with confirmed or potential contamination where further investigation is necessary. Treon Steel Fabricators, Inc. located at 10665 Redwood Avenue, approximately 0.12 miles west-northwest, is listed PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 10 Number of Sites Regulatory Database Comments for metal impacts that was referred to a local agency in 2000. Based on the distance and regulatory status, this listing is not considered a REC for the Subject Property. The remaining two listings are located over 0.60 miles from the Subject Property. Based on the distance from the Subject Property, these listings are not considered RECs for the Subject Property. 1 Dry Cleaner Facilities (CLEANER) site The DTSC maintains a list of dry cleaner facilities that are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Chux Trux Inc. located at 14689 Aliso Drive, approximately 0.20 miles west, is listed for an inactive dry cleaner site. Based on the distance and side-gradient location with respect to the groundwater flow direction, this listing is not considered a REC for the Subject Property. 3 Historical Cortese List (HISTCORTESE) sites The SWRCB identifies hazardous waste and substance release sites. The three CLEANUPSITES are associated with the three LUST listings discussed above. 3 Recycling Centers (SWRCY) sites The database identifies certified recycling center. The SWRCY sites are located over 0.35 miles from the Subject Property. A listing in the SWRCY database is not indicative of a release or a material threat of release of petroleum products or hazardous waste; therefore, these listings are not considered RECs for the Subject Property. 1 Referred to Another Local or State Agency (REF) site This database identifies sites that do not have confirmed contamination and are referred to the appropriate agency for regulatory oversight. The REF site is associated with the ENVIROSTOR listing discussed above. 32 San Bernardino County Hazardous Listing (SBFD) sites The SBFD database identifies permitted hazardous waste sites maintained by the San Bernardino County Fire Department. Fontana Wood Products located at 10712 Live Oak Avenue, adjacent north, is listed for inactive and active conditionally exempt small quantity generator of hazardous waste. S & D Specialties, Inc. located at 10650 Live Oak Avenue, approximately 300 feet north, is listed as a former hazardous waste generator. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 11 Number of Sites Regulatory Database Comments Van Matre Lumber Co. located at 10690 Live Oak Avenue, approximately 365 feet northeast, is listed as an active small quantity generator of hazardous waste. Construction Steel Works located at 10665 Redwood, approximately 635 feet west-northwest, is listed as a former hazardous waste handler. These database listings do not identify the type of hazardous waste produced or if violations have been issued. Based on the industrial area and quantity of hazardous waste generators, we consider these listings indicative of regulated hazardous waste management delegated to the county under RCRA. Lacking data identifying releases or indications of non-compliance, we do not consider them indications of a REC with respect to the Subject Property. No unmapped sites were identified in the GeoSearch Radius Report. Unmapped sites are those where address information is insufficient to allow the sites to be accurately mapped by GeoSearch. Stantec did not review State/County/City files for these database listings because sufficient information was available from other sources to determine the potential for RECs, CRECs and/or HRECs relative to the Subject Property. 5.2 ADDITIONAL RECORD SOURCES Additional record sources may be consulted when, in the judgment of the Environmental Professional, such additional records are reasonably ascertainable, sufficiently useful, accurate and complete, and are generally obtained pursuant to good commercial and customary practice. Such records may include local brownfield lists, or other local lists similar to those federal, state and tribal lists. Such sources may include local health or environmental departments, fire departments, planning departments, building permit or inspection departments, and other local pollution, water quality or utility companies. 5.2.1 San Bernardino Tax Information San Bernardino County tax information was obtained and reviewed from the San Bernardino County tax assessor’s website. Tax records provide publicly available information about the Subject Property. The tax records did not reveal additional information with respect to the environmental condition of the Subject Property. The San Bernardino County tax information is included as Appendix C. 5.2.2 Local Building Records Review Local building records were requested but were not received at the time of this report. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 12 5.3 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION 5.3.1 Aerial Photographs Aerial photographs were reviewed from 1938, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1966, 1970, 1975, 1985, 1990, 1994, 2002, 2009, 2012, 2014 and 2016. The aerial photographs are presented in Appendix D. Year Description 1938 The 1938 aerial photograph shows the majority of the Subject Property in use as an orchard. Three wind-break rows of trees are located through the Subject Property, aligned east-west. The northern portion of the Subject Property appears to be row crops. Adjacent properties appear to be orchard or other agricultural cropland. Railroad tracks and a road are directly adjacent east, a road is adjacent south and a structure is adjacent north. 1948-1954 The 1948 through 1954 aerial photographs show the northern portion of the orchard has been converted to agricultural cropland. Commercial development is visible adjacent east, beyond the railroad tracks. 1966-1975 The 1966 through 1975 aerial photographs shows the northern portion of the Subject Property is no longer in agricultural use. That portion of the Subject Property remains vacant. Adjacent properties appear generally as above except the general agricultural use in the vicinity of the Subject Property has decreased. 1985 The 1985 aerial photograph shows the northern portion of the Subject Property is in used as a parking area associated with the adjacent property north. The central portion of the Subject Property is undeveloped and the southern portion is in use as an orchard. Industrial development begins north and east of the Subject Property. 1990-1994 The 1990 and 1994 aerial photographs show covered sheds constructed on the northern portion of the Subject Property. The orchard is no longer on the southern portion of the Subject Property. That area remains vacant land on the Subject Property. Industrial buildings have been constructed adjacent north, east and west of the Subject Property. The orchard south of the has been removed and the land remains vacant. 2002 The 2002 aerial photograph shows the northern and central portions of the Subject Property are in used as storage for wood products. The southern portion remains vacant. Truck storage is visible adjacent south of the Subject Property. The adjacent properties appear to be development for industrial use. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 13 Year Description 2009-2016 The 2009 through 2016 aerial photographs show truck and other material storage on the southern half of the Subject Property. The northern portion remains as above on the 2009 aerial photograph. The subsequent aerial photographs no longer have wood product storage on the northern portion and is instead in use for truck trailer storage. Adjacent properties appear generally as above. 5.3.2 City Directories City directories were researched for the Subject Property and surrounding properties. The streets researched were Live Oak Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue and directories were available for the years 1965, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2011. The city directories are included as Appendix E. Listings for the address of the Subject Property (10734 Live Oak Avenue) consist of the following: Directory Year Subject Property Listing 1965 Vacant 1971-1976 No listings 1991-2001 American Lumber Sales, Lopez Pallets, E S A Pallets (2001 only), Martha Martinez (2001 only) 2006 Jurupa Valley Millworks, Lopez Pallets, Martha Martinez 2011 Martha Martinez Other listings in the vicinity of the Subject Property include other industrial listings. 5.3.3 Historical Maps The San Bernardino and Ontario, California USGS 15-minute series topographic maps dated 1896, 1898, 1901 and 1954; and the Fontana and Gusti, California USGS 7.5-minute series topographic maps dated 1943, 1953, 1967, 1973, 1980, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018 show the area of the Subject Property. There are no structures or other items shown on the Subject Property on the 1896 through 1941 topographic maps. A railroad track is adjacent east with structures beyond on the 1941 map. Remaining adjacent properties are unimproved. The 1953 through 1980 topographic maps show the southern half of the Subject Property as an orchard. No structures are depicted on the Subject Property. Structures are adjacent north and west. Live Oak Avenue is adjacent east, before the railroad tracks, and Santa Ana Avenue is adjacent south. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Records Review October 2021 14 The 2009 through 2018 topographic maps do not show structures, by design, just roadways and natural features. The historical maps are included as Appendix F. 5.3.4 Fire Insurance Maps A search was conducted to determine if fire insurance maps were available for the Subject Property. Fire insurance maps were created for insurance underwriters and often contain information regarding the uses of individual structures and the locations of fuel and/or chemical storage tanks that may have been on a particular property. According to Historical Information Gatherers, Inc. (HIG), fire insurance map coverage is not available in the research materials searched for the Subject Property. HIG fire insurance map research documentation is included as Appendix G. 5.4 PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS Previous environmental reports were not provided to Stantec during preparation of this Phase I ESA. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Subject Property October 2021 15 6.0 SUBJECT PROPERTY 6.1 SUBJECT PROPERTY OBSERVATIONS Mr. J. Joseph Otte of Stantec conducted a site reconnaissance on October 5, 2021. Mr. Otte was accompanied during the site reconnaissance by the Subject Property Representative, Mr. Brad Fox, Senior Associate of Voit Real Estate Services. Mr. Bill Bosha, Subject Property tenant, was also present for much of the site reconnaissance. Stantec staff visually observed the Subject Property to identify current land use, obtain evidence of past uses, and to identify surface characteristics of the Subject Property for the presence of RECs, CRECs or HRECs. Subject Property photographs are included in Appendix I. The site reconnaissance consisted of visually observing the interior and exterior portions of the Subject Property. Stantec staff observed (from the Subject Property boundaries) the adjoining properties for evidence of RECs, CRECs or HRECs, and for indications of past and current land use. The Subject Property is functionally a large parking lot for trucks – primarily semi-tractors and semi- trailers, although some smaller trucks also are clients (i.e., licensees) of the property tenant (see photographs 1 and 2). Portions of the lot appear to have some pavements, although it is somewhat difficult to ascertain based on the presence of loose gravel over much of the area used by the truckers (see photographs 3 and 4). Several relic buildings are present on the north two parcels of the larger Subject Property. These buildings include a low building approximately 18’ by 60’ that could not be accessed during the site reconnaissance (see photographs 5 and 6). The building appears to have been used as an office, based on the interior views that could be seen through the windows. It is possible this building could be disconnected from electrical power and removed from the Subject Property and repurposed elsewhere. Moving west from the office building is a metal pole-barn type building that is nearly entirely devoid of siding (see photograph 7). There is a fairly large concrete pad associated with this structure, which was likely used for wood storage. West of this structure is another building that was clearly used in wood milling or cutting, based on the presence of a dust-collection system (see photographs 8 and 9). There is a small hut on the south end of the building, possibly for a control room. There is a saw-cut in the concrete just east of this area, that could potentially be indicative of a former underground storage tank (see photograph 10). There is also a trench drain on the concrete on the west side of the building, likely to improve drainage from the pad (see photograph 11). There was no evidence of a trap or sump associated with this trench drain, which appears to simply divert stormwater from the concrete pad, although it should be noted that the concrete in the area of the drain has a flaking coating of paint or sealant. South of the building on the northwest corner of the Subject Property is a long, wooden garage-type building oriented east-to-west (see photograph 12). The westernmost bay appears to have been a garage, potentially used for vehicle maintenance, based on a shallow pit (see photograph 13) in the concrete that may have been used to drain oil from cars or trucks. The pit is filled with solid waste (see photograph 14), so the bottom could not be easily observed, although it did appear as if the pit was PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Subject Property October 2021 16 shallow (i.e., less than three feet) and had no outlet. The east end of the building appeared not to have a concrete slab (see photographs 15 and 16). Finally, there is a small guard shack near the main entrance (see photograph 17). The Subject Property is otherwise surrounded by fencing. 6.1.1 Materials Management No significant materials are managed on the Subject Property. The Subject Property is used as a surface parking lot by the current property tenant. Mr. Bosha indicated that truckers were prohibited (by written agreement) from conducting maintenance on their trucks or equipment. 6.1.2 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management A solid waste dumpster was noted on the Subject Property, presumably for routine trash generated by the truckers who use the Subject Property (see photograph 18). No evidence of current or historical hazardous waste generation was noted during the site reconnaissance or documented in the GeoSearch Radius Map Report, although two 55-gallon drums were noted on the north end of the Subject Property (see photograph 19). Presumably, these drums contain used oil from historical activities on the lumber/millwork facility, although these drums will require appropriate profiling prior to disposal. Should the contents of the drums prove to be a hazardous waste other than used oil (which is an “exempt” waste when managed appropriately), a hazardous waste generator license may be necessary to document disposal. 6.1.3 Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks (ASTs/USTs) One small AST was noted on the Subject Property (see photograph 20). The site representatives were not certain when the AST was last used, though both thought the AST was empty. Care should be taken when clearing the area visible in photograph 10, as there is a remote possibility there could be a small UST in this area, although it seems unlikely to have been abandoned in-place in the 1980s or later. 6.1.4 Interior and Exterior Surface Observation Stantec observed no evidence of soil subsidence, surface staining, pooled liquids, stressed vegetation, fill soil piles or debris piles on the Subject Property, with the exception of an area that appeared to contain a few cubic yards of sawdust (see photograph 21) and the previously mentioned pit in the garage. Some evidence of burrowing animals was noted around the base of the electrical transformer (see photograph 22). PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Subject Property October 2021 17 6.1.5 Pits, Sumps, Oil-Water Separators and Floor Drains One of the buildings contained a shallow pit as discussed above (see photographs 13 and 14), though it was unclear what the pit was for. It did not appear to have an outlet and was not associated with a trap, however it contained some solid waste, which made direct observation of the base of the pit difficult. Additionally, one shallow trench drain was noted in the floor of another building (see photograph 11). This appeared to simply drain water from the pad. 6.1.6 Wastewater and Stormwater Discharge Systems The Subject Property is in an area served by the municipal sanitary sewer system, although it does not appear as if any of the buildings on the Subject Property are so served. Three portable toilets were noted (see photograph 18). Stormwater at the Subject Property drains from the Subject Property to the adjoining streetscape. There is no on-site stormwater retention on the Subject Property. 6.1.7 Wells, Drywells and Lagoons Stantec did not observe the presence of wells, drywells or lagoons at the time of the site reconnaissance. 6.1.8 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Oil Containing Equipment Stantec observed one pad-mounted transformer on the northeastern portion of the Subject Property at the time of the site reconnaissance (see photograph 23). There was no indication on the transformer indicating PCB content. The pad-mounted transformer did not show evidence of leaks or spills at the time of the site reconnaissance. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Interviews October 2021 18 7.0 INTERVIEWS 7.1 INTERVIEW WITH SUBJECT PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVE Date of Interview: October 5, 2021 Name: Mr. Brad Fox Affiliation: Senior Associate, Voit Real Estate Services Years familiar with Subject Property: Several years Telephone Number: 909-545-8012 Mr. Fox is a broker representing the seller (two family trusts of Robert & Lillian Cantero). He walked the property with Mr. Otte and, to the extent he was able, answered questions concerning Subject Property observations and the history of the area. 7.2 INTERVIEW WITH SUBJECT PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVE Date of Interview: October 5, 2021 Name: Mr. Bill Bosha Affiliation: Leaseholder for the property Years familiar with Subject Property: 17 years as a tenant Telephone Number: 818-426-7160 Mr. Bosha has leased the south parcel of the Subject Property for the past 17 years. By way of license agreements with various independent operators, he allows truckers to park semi-tractors and semi-trailers (and in some cases, smaller trucks) on the Subject Property. As the two lots on the north were vacated by the former pallet manufacturer and former lumber facility, he acquired leases to those parcels as well, given his relationship with the now deceased Robert Cantero. He indicated that he has strict rules for the parties who park their trucks on the lot, and that they are prohibited from doing vehicle maintenance of any kind. 7.3 INTERVIEW WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL Date of Interview: October 4, 2021 Name: Fire Chief Daniel Munsey Affiliation: San Bernardino County Fire Protection District Years familiar with Subject Property: N/A Telephone Number: 909-386-8401 Stantec contacted Fire Chief Daniel Munsey with the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District regarding the Subject Property. The Fire Protection District manages AST, UST and hazardous waste files. Fire Chief Daniel Munsey could not disclosure information regarding the Subject Property without an official written request and a payment for research. Due to the information being unreasonably obtainable, Stantec did not complete the request and payment for information. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Evaluation October 2021 19 8.0 EVALUATION 8.1 DATA GAPS/DATA FAILURE Historical information was reviewed back to 1896. Data gaps greater than five years exist from prior to 1896, from 1901 to 1938 and from 1954 to 1965. The interviews, historical maps, city directories and aerial photographs provide generally good corroborating information that allows an understanding of historical Subject Property use. A research summary is included as Appendix J. Stantec considers the evaluation of the presence of RECs, CRECs and HRECs to be complete, based on the lack of identified changes in land use during the periods affected by data gaps of more than five years. Therefore, we do not recommend additional investigation relative to the resolution of those data gaps, as we do not believe it would materially affect our conclusion. 8.2 IDENTIFIED FINDINGS Stantec was authorized by Mr. Scott Haugen, Senior Vice President at WPT Capital Advisors, LLC, to conduct this Phase I ESA of the property and improvements located at 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California; the Subject Property. The Subject Property consists of three tax parcels comprising 14.77 acres occupied by multiple dilapidated structures and a partially paved parking area. Access to the Subject Property is from Live Oak Avenue. According to reviewed sources of information, the Subject Property was an orchard from at least 1938 to 1985. The City of Fontana website identifies citrus orchards as the primary agricultural use of the area. Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides were commonly used in citrus orchards, however, based on review of aerial photographs, it did not appear as if any of the base of operations of the larger orchard were maintained on the Subject Property, making it less likely that these materials were present in bulk, or blended or mixed on the Subject Property. The Subject Property has been occupied by various pallet, millwork and lumber companies since at least 1981. We consider it unlikely that wood preservatives were used or managed on the Subject Property. The Subject Property was identified on the SBFD database in the GeoSearch Radius Report for Lopez Pallets, Inc. The listing identifies Lopez Pallets, Inc. for an inactive, special hazardous waste generator. The specific waste is not listed, although based on the description “special,” we presume it to be a conditionally-exempt material, such as used oil. The hazardous waste permits were requested from San Bernardino County Fire Department but were not in a readily available or practically-reviewable format for review. Other wood and lumber product companies were noted in the vicinity of the Subject Property in the GeoSearch Radius Report. Fontana Wood Products located at 10712 Live Oak Avenue, adjacent north, S & D Specialties, Inc. located at 10650 Live Oak Avenue, approximately 300 feet north, Van Matre PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Evaluation October 2021 20 Lumber Co. located at 10690 Live Oak Avenue, approximately 365 feet northeast, and Construction Steel Works located at 10665 Redwood, approximately 635 feet west-northwest, are listed for either inactive or active hazardous waste generators. These hazardous waste listings do not identify the type of hazardous waste produced or if violations have been issued. It should be noted, however, that none of these facilities was identified as a wood-treatment facility. Remaining mapped sites of regulatory interest identified in the GeoSearch Radius Report are not indicative of a release or material threat of release of petroleum products or potentially hazardous substances to soil, groundwater or soil vapor at the Subject Property based on location, regulatory status or type of database. 8.3 OPINIONS The following opinions are based on the above findings: • The historical citrus orchard status of the Subject Property from at least 1938 to 1985 is not considered a REC based on the previously described rationale based primarily on lack of evidence of bulk storage or blending. The Subject Property contained orchard acreage, but none of the farmstead structures or buildings that would have indicated a base of operations for agricultural equipment or chemicals. • The use of the Subject Property as a wood product storage and pallet fabricating company since at least 1979 is not considered a REC based on site observations indicative of simple milling and pallet assembly operations. No evidence of wood preservatives or lumber treatment was observed or noted in historical operation’s descriptions. • The current use of the Subject Property as a transportation-oriented company specializing in temporary parking of trucks and trailers by Mr. Bosha for the last 17 years is not considered a REC based on the lack of vehicle maintenance activities (i.e., repair, maintenance and truck washing are prohibited). • The sites of regulatory interested identified in the GeoSearch Radius report are not considered to represent RECs for the Subject Property based on regulatory status or type of database. 8.4 CONCLUSIONS Stantec performed a Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of the ASTM Phase I Standard and in accordance with the AAI Rule (40 CFR Part 312) of the property and improvements of 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California; the Subject Property. Exceptions to, or deletions from, the ASTM Phase I Standard are described in Section 2.3 and Section 2.4 of this report. This ESA has identified no evidence of RECs, CRECs or HRECs in connection with the Subject Property. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Non-Scope Considerations October 2021 21 9.0 NON-SCOPE CONSIDERATIONS Assessments of potential environmental issues or conditions at the Subject Property that may relate to commercial real estate activities, but were not part of this scope of work (unless otherwise noted) include the following: • Asbestos Survey • Radon Gas Survey • Lead-Based Paint Assessment • Lead in Drinking Water Evaluation • Wetland Delineation • Regulatory Compliance Audit • Cultural and Historic Resources Review • Industrial Hygiene Review • Health and Safety Assessment • Ecological Resources Evaluation • Endangered Species Survey • Indoor Air Quality Evaluation • Mold Investigation • High Voltage Power Lines Assessment This list is not intended to be all-inclusive and is not intended to imply significance of further investigation into these non-scope items. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY References October 2021 22 10.0 REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process E 1527-13, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013. Bortugno, E.J. and Spittler, T.E. Geologic Map of the San Bernardino Quadrangle, California: Regional Geologica Map 3A. 1986. City of Fontana California. About the City of Fontana. Site Accessed: October 6, 2021. <https://www.fontana.org/31/About-Us> Jennings. C.W. et al. Geologic Map of California: California Geological Survey, Geologic Data Map 2. 2010. Other materials referenced in this report are included in the Appendices. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Qualifications October 2021 23 11.0 QUALIFICATIONS Company Experience Wenck Associates, Inc. now part of Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (Stantec) is a full-service environmental consulting firm that specializes in providing comprehensive environmental, regulatory, and safety guidance for our client’s real estate asset protection, redevelopment and development needs. Collectively, Stantec offers our clients over 25 years of experience, depth of technical and regulatory knowledge and expertise in the following service areas: • Environmental Assessment Services (Phase I and II) • Site Preparation/Planning Services • Integrated Site Remediation and Risk-based Response Actions • Storage Tank Removal, Replacement and Compliance • Stormwater Management Plans and Permitting (NPDES requirements, etc.) • Wetlands Delineation and Mitigation • Environmental Permitting and Compliance • Asbestos and Lead Identification and Abatement • Voluntary Cleanup Programs and Guidance on Public Funding Mechanisms for Brownfield Redevelopment • Indoor Air Quality Assessment • Facility Layout Review for Environmental and Safety Efficiency • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Statements (EIS), Environmental Assessment Worksheets (EAW), Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) • Traffic Engineering • Pollution Prevention Plans • Greenhouse Gas Services Stantec strives to provide our clients with strategic, high quality and cost-effective services that are customized to their specific needs. For more extensive information on the services we provide please refer to www.Stantec.com. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Qualifications October 2021 24 Individual Bios Alison Creeger Ms. Creeger is an Environmental Scientist at Stantec. She has environmental experience working in due diligence, land restoration, tree inspection, and water conservation. Ms. Creeger focuses on conducting Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments. She has conducted on-site contractor oversight, construction excavation observation, underground storage tank removals, groundwater monitoring, soil and groundwater remediation, and final report generation. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Restoration Science and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. J. Joseph Otte Mr. Joseph Otte has been consulting in the area of environmental real estate transaction support since 1998. For seven years prior to that, Mr. Otte’s position was as project manager and supervisor of the Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) Program of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). He holds a Bachelor of Arts in geology from the College of St. Thomas and a Master of Business Communication from the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota. FIGURES 1. Site Location Map 2. Site Detail Map Los AngelesCountyRiversideCounty SanBernardinoCounty Subject Property Disclaimer: This document has been prepared based on information provided by others as cited in the Notes section. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errorsor omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. Client/Project Figure No. Project Location Title "($$¯V:\2277\active\227704455\03_data\gis_cad\gis\pro\phase_i\phase_i.aprx Revised: 2021-10-08 By: jshuckLegend Subject Property Page 1 of 1 Notes1. Coordinate System: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N2. Data Sources: USGS3. Background: USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle (At original document size of 8.5x11) 1:24,000 0 1,000 2,000Feet Prepared by JCS on 2021-10-08TR by XXX on 2020-XX-XXIR by XXX on 2020-XX-XX T 1S, R6W, S26Fontana, San Bernadino County, CA 227704455WPT Industrial, LPPhase I Site Location Map 1 Los AngelesCountyRiverside County SanBernardinoCounty LiveOakAveSanta Ana Ave Subject Property Disclaimer: This document has been prepared based on information provided by others as cited in the Notes section. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errorsor omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. Client/Project Figure No. Project Location Title "($$¯V:\2277\active\227704455\03_data\gis_cad\gis\pro\phase_i\phase_i.aprx Revised: 2021-10-08 By: jshuckLegend Subject Property Page 1 of 1 Notes1. Coordinate System: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N2. Data Sources: ESRI, San Bernadino County3. Background: ESRI World Imagery (At original document size of 8.5x11) 1:2,400 0 100 200Feet Prepared by JCS on 2021-10-08TR by XXX on 2020-XX-XXIR by XXX on 2020-XX-XX T 1S, R6W, S26Fontana, San Bernadino County, CA 227704455WPT Industrial, LPPhase I Site Detail Map 2 APPENDIX A User Questionnaire APPENDIX B GeoSearch Radius Report Radius Report Target Property: Fontana 10712 Live Oak Ave Fontana, San Bernardino County, California 92337 Prepared For: Historical Information Gatherers Order #: 170365 Job #: 424937 Date: 09/29/2021 0 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Target Property Summary 1 Database Summary 2 Database Radius Summary 8 Radius Map 14 Ortho Map 16 Topographic Map 17 Located Sites Summary 18 Site Summary By Database 22 Elevation Summary 26 Unlocated Sites Summary 121 Environmental Records Definitions 122 Unlocatable Report See Attachment Zip Report See Attachment www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Table of Contents This report was designed by GeoSearch to meet or exceed the records search requirements of the All Appropriate Inquiries Rule (40 CFR �312.26) and the current version of the ASTM International E1527, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process or, if applicable, the custom requirements requested by the entity that ordered this report. The records and databases of records used to compile this report were collected from various federal,state and local governmental entities. It is the goal of GeoSearch to meet or exceed the 40 CFR �312.26 and E1527 requirements for updating records by using the best available technology. GeoSearch contacts the appropriate governmental entities on a recurring basis. Depending on the frequency with which a record source or database of records is updated by the governmental entity, the data used to prepare this report may be updated monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. The information provided in this report was obtained from a variety of public sources. GeoSearch cannot ensure and makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability, quality, errors occurring from data conversion or the customer's interpretation of this report. This report was made by GeoSearch for exclusive use by its clients only. Therefore, this report may not contain sufficient information for other purposes or parties. GeoSearch and its partners, employees, officers And independent contractors cannot be held liable For actual, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages suffered by a customer resulting directly or indirectly from any information provided by GeoSearch. www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Disclaimer Target Property Information Fontana 10712 Live Oak Ave Fontana, California 92337 Coordinates Point (-117.48141, 34.059049) 1,009 feet above sea level USGS Quadrangle Fontana, CA Geographic Coverage Information County/Parish: San Bernardino (CA) ZipCode(s): Fontana CA: 92335, 92337 1 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Target Property Summary FEDERAL LISTING Standard Environmental Records Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) EMERGENCY RESPONSE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM ERNSCA 0 0 TP/AP FEDERAL ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL SITES EC 0 0 TP/AP LAND USE CONTROL INFORMATION SYSTEM LUCIS 0 0 TP/AP RCRA SITES WITH CONTROLS RCRASC 0 0 TP/AP RESOURCE CONSERVATION & RECOVERY ACT - GENERATOR RCRAGR09 0 0 0.1250 RESOURCE CONSERVATION & RECOVERY ACT - NON- GENERATOR RCRANGR09 1 0 0.1250 BROWNFIELDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BF 0 0 0.5000 DELISTED NATIONAL PRIORITIES LIST DNPL 0 0 0.5000 NO LONGER REGULATED RCRA NON-CORRACTS TSD FACILITIES NLRRCRAT 0 0 0.5000 RESOURCE CONSERVATION & RECOVERY ACT - NON-CORRACTS TREATMENT, STORAGE & DISPOSAL FACILITIES RCRAT 0 0 0.5000 SUPERFUND ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SEMS 0 0 0.5000 SUPERFUND ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARCHIVED SITE INVENTORY SEMSARCH 0 0 0.5000 NATIONAL PRIORITIES LIST NPL 0 0 1.0000 NO LONGER REGULATED RCRA CORRECTIVE ACTION FACILITIES NLRRCRAC 0 0 1.0000 PROPOSED NATIONAL PRIORITIES LIST PNPL 0 0 1.0000 RESOURCE CONSERVATION & RECOVERY ACT - CORRECTIVE ACTION FACILITIES RCRAC 0 0 1.0000 RESOURCE CONSERVATION & RECOVERY ACT - SUBJECT TO CORRECTIVE ACTION FACILITIES RCRASUBC 0 0 1.0000 SUB-TOTAL 1 0 Additional Environmental Records Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) AEROMETRIC INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM / AIR FACILITY SUBSYSTEM AIRSAFS 0 0 TP/AP BIENNIAL REPORTING SYSTEM BRS 0 0 TP/AP CERCLIS LIENS SFLIENS 0 0 TP/AP CLANDESTINE DRUG LABORATORY LOCATIONS CDL 0 0 TP/AP EPA DOCKET DATA DOCKETS 0 0 TP/AP ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE HISTORY INFORMATION ECHOR09 1 0 TP/AP FACILITY REGISTRY SYSTEM FRSCA 2 0 TP/AP 2 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Summary Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM HMIRSR09 0 0 TP/AP HAZARDOUS WASTE COMPLIANCE DOCKET FACILITIES HWCD 0 0 TP/AP INTEGRATED COMPLIANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM (FORMERLY DOCKETS) ICIS 0 0 TP/AP INTEGRATED COMPLIANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM ICISNPDES 1 0 TP/AP MATERIAL LICENSING TRACKING SYSTEM MLTS 0 0 TP/AP NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM NPDESR09 0 0 TP/AP PCB ACTIVITY DATABASE SYSTEM PADS 0 0 TP/AP PERMIT COMPLIANCE SYSTEM PCSR09 0 0 TP/AP SEMS LIEN ON PROPERTY SEMSLIENS 0 0 TP/AP SSEHRI PFAS CONTAMINATION SITES SSEHRIPFAS 0 0 TP/AP SECTION SEVEN TRACKING SYSTEM SSTS 0 0 TP/AP TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT INVENTORY TSCA 0 0 TP/AP TOXICS RELEASE INVENTORY TRI 0 0 TP/AP ALTERNATIVE FUELING STATIONS ALTFUELS 0 0 0.2500 FEMA OWNED STORAGE TANKS FEMAUST 0 0 0.2500 HISTORICAL GAS STATIONS HISTPST 0 0 0.2500 INTEGRATED COMPLIANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM DRYCLEANERS ICISCLEANERS 0 0 0.2500 MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION MASTER INDEX FILE MSHA 0 0 0.2500 MINERAL RESOURCE DATA SYSTEM MRDS 0 0 0.2500 OPEN DUMP INVENTORY ODI 0 0 0.5000 SURFACE MINING CONTROL AND RECLAMATION ACT SITES SMCRA 0 0 0.5000 URANIUM MILL TAILINGS RADIATION CONTROL ACT SITES USUMTRCA 0 0 0.5000 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SITES DOD 0 0 1.0000 FORMER MILITARY NIKE MISSILE SITES NMS 0 0 1.0000 FORMERLY USED DEFENSE SITES FUDS 0 0 1.0000 FORMERLY UTILIZED SITES REMEDIAL ACTION PROGRAM FUSRAP 0 0 1.0000 RECORD OF DECISION SYSTEM RODS 0 0 1.0000 SUB-TOTAL 4 0 3 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Summary STATE (CA) LISTING Standard Environmental Records Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) DTSC DEED RESTRICTIONS DTSCDR 0 0 TP/AP ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANKS ABST 3 0 0.2500 ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANKS PRIOR TO JANUARY 2008 AST2007 1 0 0.2500 HISTORICAL UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS HISTUST 3 0 0.2500 STATEWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND PLANNING SYSTEM SWEEPS 3 0 0.2500 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS USTCUPA 0 0 0.2500 BROWNFIELD SITES BF 0 0 0.5000 CALSITES DATABASE CALSITES 0 0 0.5000 GEOTRACKER CLEANUP SITES CLEANUPSITES 3 0 0.5000 LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS LUST 3 0 0.5000 SOLID WASTE INFORMATION SYSTEM SITES SWIS 0 0 0.5000 VOLUNTARY CLEANUP PROGRAM VCP 0 0 0.5000 ENVIROSTOR CLEANUP SITES ENVIROSTOR 3 0 1.0000 ENVIROSTOR PERMITTED AND CORRECTIVE ACTION SITES ENVIROSTORPCA 0 0 1.0000 SUB-TOTAL 19 0 Additional Environmental Records Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) CALIFORNIA HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INCIDENT REPORT SYSTEM CHMIRS 0 0 TP/AP CLANDESTINE DRUG LABS CDL 0 0 TP/AP EMISSIONS INVENTORY DATA EMI 0 0 TP/AP HAZARDOUS WASTE TANNER SUMMARY HWTS 0 0 TP/AP LAND DISPOSAL SITES LDS 0 0 TP/AP MILITARY CLEANUP SITES MCS 0 0 TP/AP NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM FACILITIES NPDES 1 0 TP/AP PFAS SAMPLING LOCATION SITES PFAS 0 0 TP/AP RECORDED ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP LIENS LIENS 0 0 TP/AP CALIFORNIA MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FACILITY LIST MWMP 0 0 0.2500 DTSC REGISTERED HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSPORTERS DTSCHWT 0 0 0.2500 DRY CLEANER FACILITIES CLEANER 1 0 0.2500 4 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Summary Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) MINES LISTING MINES 0 0 0.2500 SPILLS, LEAKS, INVESTIGATION & CLEANUP RECOVERY LISTING SLIC 0 0 0.2500 CORTESE LIST CORTESE 0 0 0.5000 EXPEDITED REMOVAL ACTION PROGRAM SITES ERAP 0 0 0.5000 HISTORICAL CORTESE LIST HISTCORTESE 3 0 0.5000 LISTING OF CERTIFIED DROPOFF, COLLECTION, AND COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS DROP 0 0 0.5000 LISTING OF CERTIFIED PROCESSORS PROC 0 0 0.5000 NO FURTHER ACTION DETERMINATION NFA 0 0 0.5000 RECYCLING CENTERS SWRCY 3 0 0.5000 REFERRED TO ANOTHER LOCAL OR STATE AGENCY REF 1 0 0.5000 SITES NEEDING FURTHER EVALUATION NFE 0 0 0.5000 WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT DATABASE WMUDS 0 0 0.5000 TOXIC PITS CLEANUP ACT SITES TOXPITS 0 0 1.0000 SUB-TOTAL 9 0 5 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Summary LOCAL LISTING Additional Environmental Records Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HAZARDOUS SITE LISTING SBFD 33 0 0.2500 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MEDICAL WASTE FACILITY LIST SBMW 0 0 0.2500 SUB-TOTAL 33 0 6 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Summary TRIBAL LISTING Standard Environmental Records Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ON TRIBAL LANDS USTR09 0 0 0.2500 ILLEGAL DUMP SITES ON THE TORRES MARTINEZ RESERVATION TORRESDUMPSIT ES 0 0 0.5000 LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ON TRIBAL LANDS LUSTR09 0 0 0.5000 OPEN DUMP INVENTORY ON TRIBAL LANDS ODINDIAN 0 0 0.5000 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 Additional Environmental Records Database Acronym Locatable Unlocatable Search Radius (miles) INDIAN RESERVATIONS INDIANRES 0 0 1.0000 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 TOTAL 66 0 7 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Summary FEDERAL LISTING Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Acronym Search Radius (miles) TP/AP (0 - 0.02) 1/8 Mile (> TP/AP) 1/4 Mile (> 1/8) 1/2 Mile (> 1/4) 1 Mile (> 1/2)> 1 Mile Total AIRSAFS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 BRS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 CDL 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 DOCKETS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 EC 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 ECHOR09 0.0200 1 NS NS NS NS NS 1 ERNSCA 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 FRSCA 0.0200 2 NS NS NS NS NS 2 HMIRSR09 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 HWCD 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 ICIS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 ICISNPDES 0.0200 1 NS NS NS NS NS 1 LUCIS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 MLTS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NPDESR09 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 PADS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 PCSR09 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 RCRASC 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 SEMSLIENS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 SFLIENS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 SSEHRIPFAS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 SSTS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 TRI 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 TSCA 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 RCRAGR09 0.1250 0 0 NS NS NS NS 0 RCRANGR09 0.1250 0 1 NS NS NS NS 1 ALTFUELS 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 FEMAUST 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 HISTPST 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 ICISCLEANERS 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 MRDS 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 MSHA 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 BF 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 DNPL 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 NLRRCRAT 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 8 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Radius Summary Acronym Search Radius (miles) TP/AP (0 - 0.02) 1/8 Mile (> TP/AP) 1/4 Mile (> 1/8) 1/2 Mile (> 1/4) 1 Mile (> 1/2)> 1 Mile Total ODI 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 RCRAT 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 SEMS 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 SEMSARCH 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 SMCRA 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 USUMTRCA 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 DOD 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 FUDS 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 FUSRAP 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 NLRRCRAC 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 NMS 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 NPL 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 PNPL 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 RCRAC 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 RCRASUBC 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 RODS 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 SUB-TOTAL 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 9 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Radius Summary STATE (CA) LISTING Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Acronym Search Radius (miles) TP/AP (0 - 0.02) 1/8 Mile (> TP/AP) 1/4 Mile (> 1/8) 1/2 Mile (> 1/4) 1 Mile (> 1/2)> 1 Mile Total CDL 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 CHMIRS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 DTSCDR 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 EMI 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 HWTS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 LDS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 LIENS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 MCS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NPDES 0.0200 1 NS NS NS NS NS 1 PFAS 0.0200 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 ABST 0.2500 0 0 3 NS NS NS 3 AST2007 0.2500 0 0 1 NS NS NS 1 CLEANER 0.2500 0 0 1 NS NS NS 1 DTSCHWT 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 HISTUST 0.2500 0 0 3 NS NS NS 3 MINES 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 MWMP 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 SLIC 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 SWEEPS 0.2500 0 0 3 NS NS NS 3 USTCUPA 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 BF 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 CALSITES 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 CLEANUPSITES 0.5000 0 0 0 3 NS NS 3 CORTESE 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 DROP 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 ERAP 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 HISTCORTESE 0.5000 0 0 0 3 NS NS 3 LUST 0.5000 0 0 0 3 NS NS 3 NFA 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 NFE 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 PROC 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 REF 0.5000 0 1 0 0 NS NS 1 SWIS 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 SWRCY 0.5000 0 0 0 3 NS NS 3 VCP 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 10 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Radius Summary Acronym Search Radius (miles) TP/AP (0 - 0.02) 1/8 Mile (> TP/AP) 1/4 Mile (> 1/8) 1/2 Mile (> 1/4) 1 Mile (> 1/2)> 1 Mile Total WMUDS 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 ENVIROSTOR 1.0000 0 1 0 0 2 NS 3 ENVIROSTORPCA 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 TOXPITS 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 SUB-TOTAL 1 2 11 12 2 0 28 11 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Radius Summary LOCAL LISTING Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Acronym Search Radius (miles) TP/AP (0 - 0.02) 1/8 Mile (> TP/AP) 1/4 Mile (> 1/8) 1/2 Mile (> 1/4) 1 Mile (> 1/2)> 1 Mile Total SBFD 0.2500 1 4 28 NS NS NS 33 SBMW 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 SUB-TOTAL 1 4 28 0 0 0 33 12 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Radius Summary TRIBAL LISTING Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Acronym Search Radius (miles) TP/AP (0 - 0.02) 1/8 Mile (> TP/AP) 1/4 Mile (> 1/8) 1/2 Mile (> 1/4) 1 Mile (> 1/2)> 1 Mile Total USTR09 0.2500 0 0 0 NS NS NS 0 LUSTR09 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 ODINDIAN 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 TORRESDUMPSITES 0.5000 0 0 0 0 NS NS 0 INDIANRES 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 NS 0 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 6 7 39 12 2 0 66 NOTES: NS = NOT SEARCHED TP/AP = TARGET PROPERTY/ADJACENT PROPERTY 13 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Radius Summary .2 14 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Database Radius SummaryRadius Map 1 .3 15 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Radius Map 1Radius Map 2 .4 16 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Radius Map 2Ortho Map .5 17 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Ortho MapTopographic Map 1 ECHOR09 110070095880 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 29 1 FRSCA 110065927242 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS 10712 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 30 1 FRSCA 110070095880 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 31 1 ICISNPDES CAZ465382INP DES Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 32 1 NPDES 1912132182 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 34 1 SBFD FA0003288 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS 10712 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 35 2 SBFD FA0004479 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.035 mi. SSE (185 ft.) LOPEZ PALLETS, INC.10734 LIVE OAK AVE A, FONTANA, CA 92337 36 3 SBFD FA0005844 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.063 mi. N (333 ft.) S & D SPECIALTIES, INC. 10650 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 37 4 RCRANGR09 CAL000268881 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.069 mi. NE (364 ft.) VAN MATRE LUMBER CO INC 10690 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 38 4 SBFD FA0001761 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.069 mi. NE (364 ft.) VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 10690 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 40 5 ENVIROSTOR 36340068 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.120 mi. WNW (634 ft.) TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC. 10665 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 41 5 REF 36340068 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.120 mi. WNW (634 ft.) TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC. 10665 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 42 5 SBFD FA0002482 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.120 mi. WNW (634 ft.) CONSTRUCTION STEEL WORKS 10665 REDWOOD, FONTANA, CA 92337 43 6 SBFD FA0004235 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.125 mi. N (660 ft.) KEEP ON TRUCKING CO., INC 10610 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 44 7 SBFD FA0018005 Lower (995 ft.) 0.132 mi. WSW (697 ft.) CEVA LOGISTICS 10789 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 45 8 SBFD FA0003444 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.154 mi. NW (813 ft.) GENERAL AUTO DISMANTLERS 10625 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 46 9 SBFD FA0005048 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.186 mi. NNE (982 ft.) OLIVEROS TRUCK REPAIR 10576 LIVE OAK, FONTANA, CA 92335 48 10 HISTUST 0002A186 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.188 mi. W (993 ft.) MANFREDI MOTOR TRANSIT 10700 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 49 11 SBFD FA0006564 Lower (993 ft.) 0.199 mi. WSW (1051 ft.) SWIFT TRANSPORTATION 10780 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 51 11 SBFD FA0011210 Lower (993 ft.) 0.199 mi. WSW (1051 ft.) WESTERN EXPRESS INC 10780 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 52 12 ABST 90856 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 53 12 CLEANER CAL000286728 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) CHUX TRUX INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 59 18 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Located Sites Summary NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address PAGE # 12 SBFD FA0009957 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) CARLOS AGUILAR- AGUILAR 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 60 12 SBFD FA0009961 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 61 12 SBFD FA0009962 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) CHUX TRUX 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 63 12 SBFD FA0011212 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) 3-D STEEL CUTTING 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92335 64 13 HISTUST 00029A77 Higher (1,021 ft.) 0.201 mi. NNW (1061 ft.) BRUTOCO ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUC 14801 SLOVER AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92335 65 13 SBFD FA0001589 Higher (1,021 ft.) 0.202 mi. NNW (1067 ft.) BRUTOCO ENG. & CONST. INC 14801 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 68 13 SWEEPS A36-000-762 Higher (1,021 ft.) 0.201 mi. NNW (1061 ft.) BRUTOCO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUC 14801 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 69 14 SBFD FA0001267 Lower (988 ft.) 0.211 mi. SW (1114 ft.) DAYTON SUPERIOR CORP. 14760 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 70 14 SBFD FA0014238 Lower (988 ft.) 0.211 mi. SW (1114 ft.) INLAND CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC 14760 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 71 15 SBFD FA0016492 Lower (1,002 ft.) 0.212 mi. SE (1119 ft.) RED STAR LOGISTICS INC. 14990 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 73 16 SBFD FA0009959 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.236 mi. WNW (1246 ft.) PCS PALLETS 10612 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 74 16 SBFD FA0009960 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.222 mi. WNW (1172 ft.) DYE & BROWNING CONSTRUCTION 10640 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 75 17 ABST 28577 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS, INC. - FONTANA, CA 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 76 17 HISTUST 0002A134 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NE (1204 ft.) KOCH ASPHALT COMPANY 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 81 17 SBFD FA0004278 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) SEMMATERIALS, L.P.14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 83 17 SBFD FA0012629 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) BKEP MATERIALS, LLC - FONTANA, CA 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 84 17 SBFD FA0016903 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) PLANT F21 SOUTH 10575 LIVE OAK, FONTANA, CA 92336 86 18 SBFD FA0006563 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) SWIFT TRANSPORTATION 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 87 18 SBFD FA0012157 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) LUCKY TRANSPORT INC 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 88 18 SBFD FA0012158 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) ALVAREZ TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 89 18 SWEEPS A36-000-18046 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 90 19 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Located Sites Summary NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address PAGE # 18 SWEEPS I36-000-18046 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 91 19 SBFD FA0007243 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.245 mi. ESE (1294 ft.) ICO POLYMERS 10820 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 92 20 ABST 398586 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.245 mi. E (1294 ft.) OLDCASTLE INFASTRUCTURE 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 93 20 AST2007 203281644 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.245 mi. E (1294 ft.) UTILITY VAULT CO/OLDCASTLE PRECAST INC 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92334 97 20 SBFD FA0006997 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.245 mi. E (1294 ft.) OLDCASTLE PRECAST 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 98 21 SBFD FA0005186 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.248 mi. SE (1309 ft.) PACIFIC EXPRESS, INC. 15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 100 21 SBFD FA0007929 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.248 mi. SE (1309 ft.) JACK B KELLEY, LLC 15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 101 21 SBFD FA0014916 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.248 mi. SE (1309 ft.) CTR OF THE CAROLINAS, INC. 15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 103 22 SBFD FA0003277 Higher (1,024 ft.) 0.249 mi. NNE (1315 ft.) FONTANA WATER CO - F21NORTH 14891 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 104 23 SWRCY RC197288.001 Lower (999 ft.) 0.348 mi. WNW (1837 ft.) BLUE MOUNTAIN RECYCLING LLC 14594 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 105 24 SWRCY RC5403 Higher (1,032 ft.) 0.356 mi. NNE (1880 ft.) FONTANA RECYCLING CENTER 14964 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 106 25 CLEANUPSITE S T0607100367 Lower (989 ft.) 0.374 mi. W (1975 ft.) TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 107 25 HISTCORTESE 083602620TCO R Lower (989 ft.) 0.374 mi. W (1975 ft.) TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92335 108 25 LUST T0607100367 Lower (989 ft.) 0.374 mi. W (1975 ft.) TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 109 26 HISTCORTESE 083603366TCO R Higher (1,033 ft.) 0.379 mi. NE (2001 ft.) CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030, FONTANA, CA 92337 110 26 LUST T0607100538 Higher (1,033 ft.) 0.391 mi. NE (2064 ft.) CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 111 27 CLEANUPSITE S T0607100538 Higher (1,033 ft.) 0.391 mi. NE (2064 ft.) CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 112 28 SWRCY RC14119 Higher (1,036 ft.) 0.468 mi. NE (2471 ft.) ALFA RECYCLING CENTER 10471 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 114 29 CLEANUPSITE S T0607100535 Lower (1,007 ft.) 0.469 mi. WNW (2476 ft.) CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 115 29 HISTCORTESE 083603351TCO R Lower (1,007 ft.) 0.469 mi. WNW (2476 ft.) CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527, FONTANA, CA 92335 117 29 LUST T0607100535 Lower (1,007 ft.) 0.469 mi. WNW (2476 ft.) CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 118 20 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Located Sites Summary NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address PAGE # 30 ENVIROSTOR 60002511 Lower (961 ft.) 0.601 mi. SSW (3173 ft.) AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING 11150 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 119 31 ENVIROSTOR 36330035 Higher (1,010 ft.) 0.669 mi. ESE (3532 ft.) HILLYARD ALUMINUM RECOVERY CORPORATION 10825 BEECH STREET, FONTANA, CA 92335 120 21 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Located Sites Summary NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address PAGE # 12 ABST 90856 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 17 ABST 28577 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS, INC. - FONTANA, CA 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 20 ABST 398586 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.245 mi. E (1294 ft.) OLDCASTLE INFASTRUCTURE 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 20 AST2007 203281644 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.245 mi. E (1294 ft.) UTILITY VAULT CO/OLDCASTLE PRECAST INC 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92334 12 CLEANER CAL000286728 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) CHUX TRUX INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 25 CLEANUPSITE S T0607100367 Lower (989 ft.) 0.374 mi. W (1975 ft.) TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 27 CLEANUPSITE S T0607100538 Higher (1,033 ft.) 0.391 mi. NE (2064 ft.) CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 29 CLEANUPSITE S T0607100535 Lower (1,007 ft.) 0.469 mi. WNW (2476 ft.) CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 1 ECHOR09 110070095880 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 5 ENVIROSTOR 36340068 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.120 mi. WNW (634 ft.) TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC. 10665 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 30 ENVIROSTOR 60002511 Lower (961 ft.) 0.601 mi. SSW (3173 ft.) AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING 11150 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 31 ENVIROSTOR 36330035 Higher (1,010 ft.) 0.669 mi. ESE (3532 ft.) HILLYARD ALUMINUM RECOVERY CORPORATION 10825 BEECH STREET, FONTANA, CA 92335 1 FRSCA 110065927242 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS 10712 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 1 FRSCA 110070095880 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 25 HISTCORTESE 083602620TCO R Lower (989 ft.) 0.374 mi. W (1975 ft.) TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92335 26 HISTCORTESE 083603366TCO R Higher (1,033 ft.) 0.379 mi. NE (2001 ft.) CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030, FONTANA, CA 92337 29 HISTCORTESE 083603351TCO R Lower (1,007 ft.) 0.469 mi. WNW (2476 ft.) CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527, FONTANA, CA 92335 10 HISTUST 0002A186 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.188 mi. W (993 ft.) MANFREDI MOTOR TRANSIT 10700 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 13 HISTUST 00029A77 Higher (1,021 ft.) 0.201 mi. NNW (1061 ft.) BRUTOCO ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUC 14801 SLOVER AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92335 17 HISTUST 0002A134 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NE (1204 ft.) KOCH ASPHALT COMPANY 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 1 ICISNPDES CAZ465382INP DES Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 25 LUST T0607100367 Lower (989 ft.) 0.374 mi. W (1975 ft.) TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 22 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Site Summary By Database NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address 26 LUST T0607100538 Higher (1,033 ft.) 0.391 mi. NE (2064 ft.) CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 29 LUST T0607100535 Lower (1,007 ft.) 0.469 mi. WNW (2476 ft.) CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 1 NPDES 1912132182 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 4 RCRANGR09 CAL000268881 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.069 mi. NE (364 ft.) VAN MATRE LUMBER CO INC 10690 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 5 REF 36340068 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.120 mi. WNW (634 ft.) TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC. 10665 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 1 SBFD FA0003288 Equal (1,009 ft.) TP FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS 10712 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 2 SBFD FA0004479 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.035 mi. SSE (185 ft.) LOPEZ PALLETS, INC.10734 LIVE OAK AVE A, FONTANA, CA 92337 3 SBFD FA0005844 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.063 mi. N (333 ft.) S & D SPECIALTIES, INC. 10650 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 4 SBFD FA0001761 Equal (1,009 ft.) 0.069 mi. NE (364 ft.) VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 10690 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 5 SBFD FA0002482 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.120 mi. WNW (634 ft.) CONSTRUCTION STEEL WORKS 10665 REDWOOD, FONTANA, CA 92337 6 SBFD FA0004235 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.125 mi. N (660 ft.) KEEP ON TRUCKING CO., INC 10610 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 7 SBFD FA0018005 Lower (995 ft.) 0.132 mi. WSW (697 ft.) CEVA LOGISTICS 10789 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 8 SBFD FA0003444 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.154 mi. NW (813 ft.) GENERAL AUTO DISMANTLERS 10625 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 9 SBFD FA0005048 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.186 mi. NNE (982 ft.) OLIVEROS TRUCK REPAIR 10576 LIVE OAK, FONTANA, CA 92335 11 SBFD FA0006564 Lower (993 ft.) 0.199 mi. WSW (1051 ft.) SWIFT TRANSPORTATION 10780 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 11 SBFD FA0011210 Lower (993 ft.) 0.199 mi. WSW (1051 ft.) WESTERN EXPRESS INC 10780 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 12 SBFD FA0009957 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) CARLOS AGUILAR- AGUILAR 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 12 SBFD FA0009961 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 12 SBFD FA0009962 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) CHUX TRUX 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 12 SBFD FA0011212 Lower (1,001 ft.) 0.201 mi. W (1061 ft.) 3-D STEEL CUTTING 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92335 13 SBFD FA0001589 Higher (1,021 ft.) 0.202 mi. NNW (1067 ft.) BRUTOCO ENG. & CONST. INC 14801 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 23 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Site Summary By Database NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address 14 SBFD FA0001267 Lower (988 ft.) 0.211 mi. SW (1114 ft.) DAYTON SUPERIOR CORP. 14760 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 14 SBFD FA0014238 Lower (988 ft.) 0.211 mi. SW (1114 ft.) INLAND CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC 14760 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 15 SBFD FA0016492 Lower (1,002 ft.) 0.212 mi. SE (1119 ft.) RED STAR LOGISTICS INC. 14990 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 16 SBFD FA0009959 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.236 mi. WNW (1246 ft.) PCS PALLETS 10612 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 16 SBFD FA0009960 Lower (1,005 ft.) 0.222 mi. WNW (1172 ft.) DYE & BROWNING CONSTRUCTION 10640 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 17 SBFD FA0004278 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) SEMMATERIALS, L.P.14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 17 SBFD FA0012629 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) BKEP MATERIALS, LLC - FONTANA, CA 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 17 SBFD FA0016903 Higher (1,023 ft.) 0.228 mi. NNE (1204 ft.) PLANT F21 SOUTH 10575 LIVE OAK, FONTANA, CA 92336 18 SBFD FA0006563 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) SWIFT TRANSPORTATION 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 18 SBFD FA0012157 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) LUCKY TRANSPORT INC 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 18 SBFD FA0012158 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) ALVAREZ TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 19 SBFD FA0007243 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.245 mi. ESE (1294 ft.) ICO POLYMERS 10820 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 20 SBFD FA0006997 Higher (1,015 ft.) 0.245 mi. E (1294 ft.) OLDCASTLE PRECAST 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 21 SBFD FA0005186 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.248 mi. SE (1309 ft.) PACIFIC EXPRESS, INC. 15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 21 SBFD FA0007929 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.248 mi. SE (1309 ft.) JACK B KELLEY, LLC 15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 21 SBFD FA0014916 Lower (1,000 ft.) 0.248 mi. SE (1309 ft.) CTR OF THE CAROLINAS, INC. 15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 22 SBFD FA0003277 Higher (1,024 ft.) 0.249 mi. NNE (1315 ft.) FONTANA WATER CO - F21NORTH 14891 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 13 SWEEPS A36-000-762 Higher (1,021 ft.) 0.201 mi. NNW (1061 ft.) BRUTOCO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUC 14801 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 18 SWEEPS A36-000-18046 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 18 SWEEPS I36-000-18046 Lower (993 ft.) 0.243 mi. W (1283 ft.) FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 23 SWRCY RC197288.001 Lower (999 ft.) 0.348 mi. WNW (1837 ft.) BLUE MOUNTAIN RECYCLING LLC 14594 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 24 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Site Summary By Database NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address 24 SWRCY RC5403 Higher (1,032 ft.) 0.356 mi. NNE (1880 ft.) FONTANA RECYCLING CENTER 14964 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 28 SWRCY RC14119 Higher (1,036 ft.) 0.468 mi. NE (2471 ft.) ALFA RECYCLING CENTER 10471 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 25 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Site Summary By Database NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. Map ID# Database Name Site ID#Relative Elevation Distance From Site Site Name Address Elevations are collected from the USGS 3D Elevation Program 1/3 arc-second (approximately 10 meters) layer hosted at the NGTOC. . Target Property Elevation: 1009 ft. NOTE: Standard environmental records are displayed in bold. EQUAL/HIGHER ELEVATION Map ID# Database Name Elevation Site Name Address Page # 1 ECHOR09 1,009 ft.FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 29 1 FRSCA 1,009 ft.FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS 10712 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 30 1 FRSCA 1,009 ft.FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 31 1 ICISNPDES 1,009 ft.FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 32 1 NPDES 1,009 ft.FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 34 1 SBFD 1,009 ft.FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS 10712 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 35 2 SBFD 1,009 ft.LOPEZ PALLETS, INC.10734 LIVE OAK AVE A, FONTANA, CA 92337 36 3 SBFD 1,009 ft.S & D SPECIALTIES, INC.10650 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 37 4 RCRANGR09 1,009 ft.VAN MATRE LUMBER CO INC 10690 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 38 4 SBFD 1,009 ft.VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 10690 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 40 6 SBFD 1,015 ft.KEEP ON TRUCKING CO., INC 10610 LIVE OAK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 44 9 SBFD 1,015 ft.OLIVEROS TRUCK REPAIR 10576 LIVE OAK, FONTANA, CA 92335 48 13 HISTUST 1,021 ft.BRUTOCO ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUC 14801 SLOVER AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92335 65 13 SBFD 1,021 ft.BRUTOCO ENG. & CONST. INC 14801 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 68 13 SWEEPS 1,021 ft.BRUTOCO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUC 14801 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 69 17 ABST 1,023 ft.ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS, INC. - FONTANA, CA 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 76 17 HISTUST 1,023 ft.KOCH ASPHALT COMPANY 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 81 17 SBFD 1,023 ft.SEMMATERIALS, L.P.14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 83 17 SBFD 1,023 ft.BKEP MATERIALS, LLC - FONTANA, CA 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 84 17 SBFD 1,023 ft.PLANT F21 SOUTH 10575 LIVE OAK, FONTANA, CA 92336 86 20 ABST 1,015 ft.OLDCASTLE INFASTRUCTURE 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 93 20 AST2007 1,015 ft.UTILITY VAULT CO/OLDCASTLE PRECAST INC 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92334 97 20 SBFD 1,015 ft.OLDCASTLE PRECAST 10650 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 98 26 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Elevation Summary 22 SBFD 1,024 ft.FONTANA WATER CO - F21NORTH 14891 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 104 24 SWRCY 1,032 ft.FONTANA RECYCLING CENTER 14964 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 106 26 HISTCORTESE 1,033 ft.CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030, FONTANA, CA 92337 110 26 LUST 1,033 ft.CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 111 27 CLEANUPSITES 1,033 ft.CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION 15030 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 112 28 SWRCY 1,036 ft.ALFA RECYCLING CENTER 10471 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 114 31 ENVIROSTOR 1,010 ft.HILLYARD ALUMINUM RECOVERY CORPORATION 10825 BEECH STREET, FONTANA, CA 92335 120 LOWER ELEVATION Map ID# Database Name Elevation Site Name Address Page # 5 ENVIROSTOR 1,005 ft.TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC.10665 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 41 5 REF 1,005 ft.TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC.10665 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 42 5 SBFD 1,005 ft.CONSTRUCTION STEEL WORKS 10665 REDWOOD, FONTANA, CA 92337 43 7 SBFD 995 ft.CEVA LOGISTICS 10789 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 45 8 SBFD 1,005 ft.GENERAL AUTO DISMANTLERS 10625 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 46 10 HISTUST 1,001 ft.MANFREDI MOTOR TRANSIT 10700 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 49 11 SBFD 993 ft.SWIFT TRANSPORTATION 10780 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 51 11 SBFD 993 ft.WESTERN EXPRESS INC 10780 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 52 12 ABST 1,001 ft.ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 53 12 CLEANER 1,001 ft.CHUX TRUX INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 59 12 SBFD 1,001 ft.CARLOS AGUILAR-AGUILAR 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 60 12 SBFD 1,001 ft.ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 61 12 SBFD 1,001 ft.CHUX TRUX 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 63 12 SBFD 1,001 ft.3-D STEEL CUTTING 14689 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92335 64 14 SBFD 988 ft.DAYTON SUPERIOR CORP.14760 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 70 14 SBFD 988 ft.INLAND CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC 14760 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 71 15 SBFD 1,002 ft.RED STAR LOGISTICS INC.14990 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 73 16 SBFD 1,005 ft.PCS PALLETS 10612 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 74 16 SBFD 1,005 ft.DYE & BROWNING CONSTRUCTION 10640 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 75 18 SBFD 993 ft.SWIFT TRANSPORTATION 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 87 27 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Elevation Summary Map ID# Database Name Elevation Site Name Address Page # 18 SBFD 993 ft.LUCKY TRANSPORT INC 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 88 18 SBFD 993 ft.ALVAREZ TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 89 18 SWEEPS 993 ft.FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 90 18 SWEEPS 993 ft.FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY 10720 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 91 19 SBFD 1,000 ft.ICO POLYMERS 10820 HEMLOCK AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 92 21 SBFD 1,000 ft.PACIFIC EXPRESS, INC.15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 100 21 SBFD 1,000 ft.JACK B KELLEY, LLC 15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 101 21 SBFD 1,000 ft.CTR OF THE CAROLINAS, INC.15000 SANTA ANA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 103 23 SWRCY 999 ft.BLUE MOUNTAIN RECYCLING LLC 14594 ALISO DR, FONTANA, CA 92337 105 25 CLEANUPSITES 989 ft.TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 107 25 HISTCORTESE 989 ft.TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92335 108 25 LUST 989 ft.TERESI TRUCKING 10747 CHERRY AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 109 29 CLEANUPSITES 1,007 ft.CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 115 29 HISTCORTESE 1,007 ft.CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527, FONTANA, CA 92335 117 29 LUST 1,007 ft.CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO 14527 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 118 30 ENVIROSTOR 961 ft.AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING 11150 REDWOOD AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92337 119 28 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Elevation Summary Map ID# Database Name Elevation Site Name Address Page # MAP ID# 1 Distance from Property: 0.000 mi. (0 ft.) X Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION UNIQUE ID: 110070095880 REGISTRY ID: 110070095880 NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC ADDRESS: 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FACILITY LINK: Facility Detail Report Back to Report Summary 29 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Enforcement and Compliance History Information (ECHOR09) MAP ID# 1 Distance from Property: 0.000 mi. (0 ft.) X Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION REGISTRY ID: 110065927242 NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS LOCATION ADDRESS: 10712 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO COUNT EPA REGION: 09 FEDERAL FACILITY: TRIBAL LAND: ALTERNATIVE NAME/S: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS PROGRAM/S LISTED FOR THIS FACILITY CA-ENVIROVIEW - CA-ENVIROVIEW STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION/S (SIC) NO SIC DATA REPORTED NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION/S (NAICS) NO NAICS DATA REPORTED Back to Report Summary 30 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Facility Registry System (FRSCA) MAP ID# 1 Distance from Property: 0.000 mi. (0 ft.) X Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION REGISTRY ID: 110070095880 NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC LOCATION ADDRESS: 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY EPA REGION: 09 FEDERAL FACILITY: TRIBAL LAND: ALTERNATIVE NAME/S: NO ALTERNATIVE NAME(S) LISTED FOR THIS FACILITY PROGRAM/S LISTED FOR THIS FACILITY NPDES - NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION/S (SIC) NO SIC DATA REPORTED NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION/S (NAICS) NO NAICS DATA REPORTED Back to Report Summary 31 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Facility Registry System (FRSCA) MAP ID# 1 Distance from Property: 0.000 mi. (0 ft.) X Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: CAZ465382INPDES NPDES ID: CAZ465382 FACILITY #: 110070095880 NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE FONTANA CA 92337 COUNTY: NOT REPORTED FACILITY TYPE: PRIVATELY OWNED FACILITY IMPAIRED WATERS: NOT REPORTED STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION 2421-SAWMILLS AND PLANING MILLS, GENERAL PERMITS FACILITY TYPE INDICATOR: NON-POTABLE WATER PERMIT TYPE: GENERAL PERMIT COVERED FACILITY MAJOR MINOR FACILITY: MINOR DISCHARGER PERMIT STATUS: TERMINATED WATER BODY: NOT REPORTED PERMIT NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC AGENCY TYPE: STATE ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: 10/23/2015 ISSUE DATE: 10/23/2015 ISSUING AGENCY: CA WATERBOARDS EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/23/2015 EXPIRATION DATE: 6/30/2020 RETIREMENT DATE: NOT REPORTED TERMINATION DATE: 4/18/2018 PERMIT COMPLIANCE STATUS: YES PERMIT SUBJECT TO DMR RUN: NOT REPORTED REPORTABLE NONCOMPLIANCE TRACKING IS ON: YES INSPECTIONS - NO INSPECTIONS REPORTED - HISTORIC COMPLIANCE HISTORIC NON-COMPLIANCE QUARTER (YYYYQ): 20183 HISTORIC NON-COMPLIANCE: UNDETERMINED QNCR STATUS - INSUFFICIENT DATA, OR PERMITEE IS A MINOR DISCHARGER NOT SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REPORTING NUMBER OF E90 VIOLATIONS: 0 NUMBER OF COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE VIOLATIONS: 0 NUMBER OF SINGLE EVENT VIOLATIONS: 0 NUMBER OF PERMIT SCHEDULE VIOLATIONS: 0 SINGLE EVENT VIOLATIONS - NO SINGLE EVENT VIOLATIONS REPORTED - 32 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Integrated Compliance Information System National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICISNPDES) FORMAL ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS - NO FORMAL ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS REPORTED - EFFLUENT VIOLATIONS - NOT REPORTED - EFFLUENT VIOLATIONS contd.. - NOT REPORTED - EFFLUENT VIOLATIONS contd.. - NOT REPORTED - Back to Report Summary 33 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Integrated Compliance Information System National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICISNPDES) MAP ID# 1 Distance from Property: 0.000 mi. (0 ft.) X Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 1912132182 REGULATORY MEASURE ID: 465382 NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC ADDRESS: 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO REGION: 8 - SANTA ANA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, LOCATED IN RIVERSIDE. FACILITY DETAILS PROGRAM: INDUSTRIAL REGULATORY MEASURE STATUS: TERMINATED REGULATORY MEASURE TYPE: ENROLLEE ORDER NO: 97-03-DWQ WDID: 8 36I026242 NPDES NO: CAS000001 ADOPTION DATE: NOT REPORTED EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/23/2015 EXPIRATION DATE: NOT REPORTED TERMINATION DATE: 4/18/2018 DISCHARGER INFORMATION NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC DISCHARGER ADDRESS: 10712 LIVE OAK AVENUE FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92337 Back to Report Summary 34 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Facilities (NPDES) MAP ID# 1 Distance from Property: 0.000 mi. (0 ft.) X Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0003288 NAME: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS ADDRESS: 10712 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0022345 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0007979 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0022345 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0007979 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0022345 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/15 PERMIT #: PT0007979 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/15 PERMIT #: PT0022345 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 PERMIT #: PT0007979 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 Back to Report Summary 35 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 2 Distance from Property: 0.035 mi. (185 ft.) SSE Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0004479 NAME: LOPEZ PALLETS, INC. ADDRESS: 10734 LIVE OAK AVE A FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: JESUS MANUEL LOPEZ PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0009551 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0009552 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/10 Back to Report Summary 36 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 3 Distance from Property: 0.063 mi. (333 ft.) N Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0005844 NAME: S & D SPECIALTIES, INC. ADDRESS: 10650 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: SILAGY, JOHN PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0007911 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/17 PERMIT #: PT0007910 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/17 Back to Report Summary 37 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 4 Distance from Property: 0.069 mi. (364 ft.) NE Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION EPA ID#: CAL000268881 OWNER TYPE: OTHER NAME: VAN MATRE LUMBER CO INC OWNER NAME: VAN MATRE LUMBER CO INC ADDRESS: 10690 LIVE OAK AVE OPERATOR TYPE: OTHER FONTANA, CA 92337 OPERATOR NAME: BRET VAN MATRE CONTACT NAME: BRET VAN MATRE CONTACT ADDRESS: PO BOX 310009 FONTANA CA 92331-0009 CONTACT PHONE: 909-357-1555 NON-NOTIFIER: DATE RECEIVED BY AGENCY: 04/09/2003 CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION NAME:CERTIFICATION TITLE:CERTIFICATION SIGNED DATE: DTSC HQ CA-DTSC 09/05/2018 INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION (NAICS) 321999 - ALL OTHER MISCELLANEOUS WOOD PRODUCT MANUFACTURING CURRENT ACTIVITY INFORMATION GENERATOR STATUS: NON-GENERATOR LAST UPDATED DATE: 09/05/2018 SUBJECT TO CORRECTIVE ACTION UNIVERSE: NO TDSFs POTENTIALLY SUBJECT TO CORRECTIVE ACTION UNDER 3004 (u)/(v) UNIVERSE: NO TDSFs ONLY SUBJECT TO CORRECTIVE ACTION UNDER DISCRETIONARY AUTHORITIES UNIVERSE: NO NON TSDFs WHERE RCRA CORRECTIVE ACTION HAS BEEN IMPOSED UNIVERSE: NO CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKLOAD UNIVERSE: NO IMPORTER: NO UNDERGROUND INJECTION: NO MIXED WASTE GENERATOR: NO UNIVERSAL WASTE DESTINATION FACILITY: YES RECYCLER: NO TRANSFER FACILITY: NO TRANSPORTER: NO USED OIL FUEL BURNER: NO ONSITE BURNER EXEMPTION: NO USED OIL PROCESSOR: NO FURNACE EXEMPTION: NO USED OIL FUEL MARKETER TO BURNER: NO USED OIL REFINER: NO SPECIFICATION USED OIL MARKETER: NO USED OIL TRANSFER FACILITY: NO USED OIL TRANSPORTER: NO COMPLIANCE, MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION EVALUATIONS - NO EVALUATIONS REPORTED - VIOLATIONS - NO VIOLATIONS REPORTED - ENFORCEMENTS - NO ENFORCEMENTS REPORTED - HAZARDOUS WASTE - NO HAZARDOUS WASTE INFORMATION REPORTED - UNIVERSAL WASTE - NO UNIVERSAL WASTE REPORTED - CORRECTIVE ACTION AREA - NO CORRECTIVE ACTION AREA INFORMATION REPORTED - CORRECTIVE ACTION EVENT 38 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - Non-Generator (RCRANGR09) NO CORRECTIVE ACTION EVENT(S) REPORTED Back to Report Summary 39 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - Non-Generator (RCRANGR09) MAP ID# 4 Distance from Property: 0.069 mi. (364 ft.) NE Elevation: 1,009 ft. (Equal to TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0001761 NAME: VAN MATRE LUMBER CO ADDRESS: 10690 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA , CA 92335 OWNER: VAN MATRE LUMBER CO INC PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0007941 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0022395 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0022395 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0007941 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0022395 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0007941 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0022395 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/17 PERMIT #: PT0007941 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/17 PERMIT #: PT0029162 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CUPA ANNUAL ADMIN PERMIT PROGRAM FEE-LEVEL 1 STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 11/30/14 Back to Report Summary 40 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 5 Distance from Property: 0.120 mi. (634 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,005 ft. (Lower than TP) SITE INFORMATION ID #: 36340068 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL #: 236141180000 FACILITY LINK: CLICK HERE NAME: TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC. ADDRESS: 10665 REDWOOD AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO SITE SIZE (ACRES): 0 LEAD AGENCY: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY DTSC PROJECT MANAGER: NOT REPORTED DTSC SUPERVISOR: REFERRED - NOT ASSIGNED DTSC DIVISION BRANCH: CLEANUP CYPRESS NPL LISTED: NO RESTRICTED LAND USE: NO SITE TYPE: EVALUATION SITE TYPE DESCRIPTION EVALUATION DTSC's CURRENT INVOLVEMENT AT SITE (as of 07/03/2000) REFER: 1248 LOCAL AGENCY - PAST USE/S THAT CAUSED THE CONTAMINATION NONE SPECIFIED CONFIRMED CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN NONESPECIFIED - NONE SPECIFIED Back to Report Summary 41 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 EnviroStor Cleanup Sites (ENVIROSTOR) MAP ID# 5 Distance from Property: 0.120 mi. (634 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,005 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 36340068 ENVIROSTOR ID: 36340068 FACILITY NAME: TREON STEEL FABRICATORS, INC. ADDRESS: 10665 REDWOOD AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO FACILITY DETAILS PROGRAM TYPE: EVALUATION STATUS: REFER: 1248 LOCAL AGENCY STATUS DATE: 7/3/2000 CALENVIROSCREEN SCORE: 71-75% SITE CODE: NOT REPORTED Back to Report Summary 42 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Referred to Another Local or State Agency (REF) MAP ID# 5 Distance from Property: 0.120 mi. (634 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,005 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0002482 NAME: CONSTRUCTION STEEL WORKS ADDRESS: 10665 REDWOOD FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: ROUBEN P. BAGATOURIAN PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0000807 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 11-25 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/12 Back to Report Summary 43 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 6 Distance from Property: 0.125 mi. (660 ft.) N Elevation: 1,015 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0004235 NAME: KEEP ON TRUCKING CO., INC ADDRESS: 10610 LIVE OAK AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: KEEP ON TRUCKING COMPANY, INC. PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0006457 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL HANDLER STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 12/31/10 PERMIT #: PT0006456 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 12/31/10 Back to Report Summary 44 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 7 Distance from Property: 0.132 mi. (697 ft.) WSW Elevation: 995 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0018005 NAME: CEVA LOGISTICS ADDRESS: 10789 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: GEORGE SCHNEIDER PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0038914 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0038914 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0038914 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/19 Back to Report Summary 45 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 8 Distance from Property: 0.154 mi. (813 ft.) NW Elevation: 1,005 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0003444 NAME: GENERAL AUTO DISMANTLERS ADDRESS: 10625 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: TRAN HOA PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0000702 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0000703 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0000702 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0000703 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0000702 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0000703 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0000702 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0000703 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0000702 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/17 PERMIT #: PT0000703 46 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/17 PERMIT #: PT0028759 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CUPA ANNUAL ADMIN PERMIT PROGRAM FEE-LEVEL 1 STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/14 Back to Report Summary 47 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 9 Distance from Property: 0.186 mi. (982 ft.) NNE Elevation: 1,015 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0005048 NAME: OLIVEROS TRUCK REPAIR ADDRESS: 10576 LIVE OAK FONTANA , CA 92335 OWNER: OLIVEROS, SAM PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0003943 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR - 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/06 PERMIT #: PT0003944 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES (W/GEN PRMT) STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/06 Back to Report Summary 48 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 10 Distance from Property: 0.188 mi. (993 ft.) W Elevation: 1,001 ft. (Lower than TP) MANFREDI MOTOR TRANSIT, 10700 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 UNIQUE ID: 0002A186 Page 1 out of 2 49 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Historical Underground Storage Tanks (HISTUST) MANFREDI MOTOR TRANSIT, 10700 REDWOOD AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 UNIQUE ID: 0002A186 Page 2 out of 2 Back to Report Summary 50 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 HISTUST (HISTUST) MAP ID# 11 Distance from Property: 0.199 mi. (1,051 ft.) WSW Elevation: 993 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0006564 NAME: SWIFT TRANSPORTATION ADDRESS: 10780 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: SWIFT TRANSPORTATION, INC. PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0010072 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/08 Back to Report Summary 51 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 11 Distance from Property: 0.199 mi. (1,051 ft.) WSW Elevation: 993 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0011210 NAME: WESTERN EXPRESS INC ADDRESS: 10780 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92335 OWNER: WESTERN EXPRESS INC PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0019278 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 11-25 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0021419 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0019279 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/13 Back to Report Summary 52 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 12 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) W Elevation: 1,001 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 90856 SITE ID: 90856 FACILITY NAME: ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DR FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: NOT REPORTED FACILITY LINK: Click Here FACILITY DETAILS EI ID: 10050571 EI DESCRIPTION: ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE CHEMICAL DETAILS NONE REPORTED ENFORCEMENT DETAILS ACTION DATE: 7/7/2016 ACTION TYPE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE INSPECTOR AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION ACTION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTION PROGRAM: HMRRP ACTION SOURCE: CERS ACTION DATE: 7/7/2016 ACTION TYPE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE INSPECTOR AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION ACTION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTION PROGRAM: HW ACTION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DETAILS EVALUATION DATE: 7/31/2019 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: APSA EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 7/31/2019 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HMRRP EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS 53 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) EVALUATION DATE: 7/31/2019 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HW EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 7/7/2016 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HMRRP EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 7/7/2016 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HW EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DETAILS VIOLATION DATE: 7/31/2019 CITATION: 22 CCR 12 66262.34(F) - CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 22, CHAPTER 12, SECTION(S) 66262.34(F) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO PROPERLY LABEL HAZARDOUS WASTE ACCUMULATION CONTAINERS AND PORTABLE TANKS WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: ""HAZARDOUS WASTE"", NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE GENERATOR, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HAZARDOUS WASTE, AND NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/30/2019. OBSERVATION: OBSERVED (1) 55-GALLON DRUM OF WASTE ABSORBENT WITHOUT A HAZARDOUS WASTE LABEL. CORRECTIVE ACTION: PLACE A HAZARDOUS WASTE LABEL WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: ""HAZARDOUS WASTE"", NAME VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HW VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/31/2019 CITATION: HSC 6.67 25270.4.5(A) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.67, SECTION(S) 25270.4.5(A) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO PREPARE A SPILL PREVENTION, CONTROL, AND COUNTERMEASURES (SPCC) PLAN. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/30/2019. OBSERVATION: FACILITY STORES OVER 1,320 GALLONS OF NEW AND USED PETROLEUM BASED OIL PRODUCTS AND ARE SUBJECT TO PREPARE AN SPCC PLAN. CORRECTIVE ACTION: PREPARE AND IMPLEMENT AN SPCC PLAN. SUBMIT A SIGN 54 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: APSA VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/31/2019 CITATION: HSC 6.67 25270.6(B) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.67, SECTION(S) 25270.6(B) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO PAY THE APSA PROGRAM FEE. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/28/2019. OBSERVATION: FACILITY WAS OBSERVED TO STORE MORE THAN 1,320 GALLONS OF NEW AND USED PETROLEUM BASED OIL PRODUCTS. CORRECTIVE ACTION: PAY APSA PROGRAM FEES UPON RECEIPT OF AN INVOICE. VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: APSA VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/31/2019 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25505(A)(4) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25505(A)(4) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO PROVIDE INITIAL AND ANNUAL TRAINING TO ALL EMPLOYEES IN SAFETY PROCEDURES IN THE EVENT OF A RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL OR FAILURE TO DOCUMENT AND MAINTAIN TRAINING RECORDS FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/30/2019. OBSERVATION: MS. LAURA CEJA STATED THAT TRAINING IS DONE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES BUT IS NOT DOCUMENTED. CORRECTIVE ACTION: SUBMIT A SIGNED STATEMENT TO THIS DEPARTMENT STATING THAT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/ HAZARD VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS VIOLATION DATE: 7/31/2019 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508(A)(1) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508(A)(1) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO ANNUALLY REVIEW AND ELECTRONICALLY CERTIFY THAT THE BUSINESS PLAN IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE ON OR BEFORE THE ANNUAL DUE DATE. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/19/2019. OBSERVATION: BUSINESS PLAN WAS LAST SUBMITTED VIA CERS, CERS ID#10050571 ON 9/26/2017. CORRECTIVE ACTION: REVIEW AND CERTIFY THE BUSINESS PLAN AND SUBMIT A COPY ELECTRONICALLY VIA CERS. SUBMIT THE CERTI VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/31/2019 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508(A)(1) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508(A)(1) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO COMPLETE AND ELECTRONICALLY SUBMIT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY INFORMATION FOR ALL REPORTABLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON SITE AT OR ABOVE REPORTABLE QUANTITIES. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/22/2019. OBSERVATION: OBSERVED (20) 250 CUBIC FT. CYLINDERS OF CARBON DIOXIDE THAT WAS LISTED ON THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY VIA CERS IN THE INCORRECT DAILY MAX QUANTITY, ALSO OBSERVED (1) 55-GALLON DRUM VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS 55 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/31/2019 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508(A)(1) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508(A)(1) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO ESTABLISH AND ELECTRONICALLY SUBMIT AN ADEQUATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN AND PROCEDURES FOR A RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/22/2019. OBSERVATION: THE LOCAL CUPA NUMBER WAS NOT LISTED ON THE FACILITIES EMERGENCY RESPONSE/CONTINGENCY PLAN VIA CERS. CORRECTIVE ACTION: UPDATE THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE/CONTINGENCY PLAN BY ADDING (909) 386-84 VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/7/2016 CITATION: HSC 6.5 MULTIPLE - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.5, SECTION(S) MULTIPLE VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR PROGRAM - OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE - GENERAL NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/01/2016. FAILURE TO COMPLETE HAZARDOUS WASTE LABELS (CCR 66262.34(F)(3)) VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HW VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/7/2016 CITATION: HSC 6.5 MULTIPLE - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.5, SECTION(S) MULTIPLE VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR PROGRAM - OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE - GENERAL NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/01/2016. FAILURE TO LABEL HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS (CCR 66262.34(F)(3)) VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HW VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/7/2016 CITATION: HSC 6.5 MULTIPLE - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.5, SECTION(S) MULTIPLE VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR PROGRAM - OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE - GENERAL NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/01/2016. FAILURE TO NOTE ACCUMULATION START DATE ON LABELS (CCR 66262.34(F)(2)) VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HW VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/7/2016 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508(A)(1) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508(A)(1) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO ANNUALLY REVIEW AND ELECTRONICALLY CERTIFY THAT THE BUSINESS PLAN IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE ON OR BEFORE THE ANNUAL DUE DATE. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/11/2016. VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP 56 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 7/7/2016 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508(A)(1) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508(A)(1) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO COMPLETE AND ELECTRONICALLY SUBMIT A BUSINESS PLAN WHEN STORING/HANDLING A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AT OR ABOVE REPORTABLE QUANTITIES. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/11/2016. VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- AFFILIATION DETAILS ENTITY NAME: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 620 SOUTH E STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415-0153 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: CUPA DISTRICT ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (909) 386-8401 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: VIRGINIA BARAJAS ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: DOCUMENT PREPARER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: JUAN & VIRGINIA BARAJAS ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DRIVE FONTANA, CA 92337 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: MAILING ADDRESS ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DR FONTANA, CA 92337 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: VIRGINIA BARAJAS ENTITY TITLE: OWNER AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: IDENTIFICATION SIGNER 57 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: BARAJAS, JUAN/BARAJAS, VIRGINI ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DRIVE FONTANA, CA 92337 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: LEGAL OWNER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (909) 556-5740 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: JUAN BARAJAS ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: OPERATOR ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (951) 522-9125 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: PARENT CORPORATION ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: JUAN AND VIRGINIA BARAJAS ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DRIVE FONTANA, CA 92337 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY OWNER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (951) 522-9125 ----------------------- Back to Report Summary 58 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) MAP ID# 12 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) W Elevation: 1,001 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: CAL000286728 PERMIT ID: CAL000286728 FACILITY NAME: CHUX TRUX INC ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DR FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO STATUS: INACTIVE FACILITY LINK: CLICK HERE FACILITY DETAILS SIC CODE: 7219 SIC DESCRIPTION: LAUNDRY AND GARMENT SERVICES, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED NAICS CODE: NOT REPORTED SIC DESCRIPTION: NOT REPORTED Back to Report Summary 59 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Dry Cleaner Facilities (CLEANER) MAP ID# 12 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) W Elevation: 1,001 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0009957 NAME: CARLOS AGUILAR-AGUILAR ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DR FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: AGUILAR-AGUILAR, CARLOS PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0016976 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/05 Back to Report Summary 60 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 12 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) W Elevation: 1,001 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0009961 NAME: ALISO TRAILER MFG, INC ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DR FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: BARAJAS, JUAN/BARAJAS, VIRGINI PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0016980 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0016981 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: LARGE QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0039627 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0016980 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0016981 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: LARGE QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0039627 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0016980 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0016981 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0016980 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0016981 61 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 08/31/15 PERMIT #: PT0016980 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 08/31/15 PERMIT #: PT0027333 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CUPA ANNUAL ADMIN PERMIT PROGRAM FEE-LEVEL 2 STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 08/31/13 PERMIT #: PT0016981 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 08/31/13 PERMIT #: PT0016980 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 08/31/13 Back to Report Summary 62 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 12 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) W Elevation: 1,001 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0009962 NAME: CHUX TRUX ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DR FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: PALMER, CHARLES & MELINDA PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0016982 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL HANDLER STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/07 PERMIT #: PT0016983 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/07 Back to Report Summary 63 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 12 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) W Elevation: 1,001 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0011212 NAME: 3-D STEEL CUTTING ADDRESS: 14689 ALISO DR FONTANA , CA 92335 OWNER: DUIMSTRA, KENDALL JR. & BREE PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0019284 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/11 Back to Report Summary 64 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 13 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) NNW Elevation: 1,021 ft. (Higher than TP) BRUTOCO ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUC, 14801 SLOVER AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92335 UNIQUE ID: 00029A77 Page 1 out of 3 65 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Historical Underground Storage Tanks (HISTUST) BRUTOCO ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUC, 14801 SLOVER AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92335 UNIQUE ID: 00029A77 Page 2 out of 3 66 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 HISTUST (HISTUST) BRUTOCO ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUC, 14801 SLOVER AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92335 UNIQUE ID: 00029A77 Page 3 out of 3 Back to Report Summary 67 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 HISTUST (HISTUST) MAP ID# 13 Distance from Property: 0.202 mi. (1,067 ft.) NNW Elevation: 1,021 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0001589 NAME: BRUTOCO ENG. & CONST. INC ADDRESS: 14801 SLOVER AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: BRUTOCO ENG. & CONST. PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0019766 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/15 PERMIT #: PT0002202 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/15 PERMIT #: PT0002201 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/15 PERMIT #: PT0027572 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CUPA ANNUAL ADMIN PERMIT PROGRAM FEE-LEVEL 2 STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/14 PERMIT #: PT0019765 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: EPCRA FACILITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/13 Back to Report Summary 68 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 13 Distance from Property: 0.201 mi. (1,061 ft.) NNW Elevation: 1,021 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY #: 762 STATUS: ACTIVE BOE: 44-019778 JURISDICTION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY NAME: BRUTOCO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUC AGENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - U.S.T. ADDRESS: 14801 SLOVER AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 TANK INFORMATION TANK #: 000001 CAPACITY: 4000 INSTALLED: NOT REPORTED REMOVED: NOT REPORTED TANK USE: M.V. FUEL STORAGE TYPE: PRODUCT CONTENT: REG UNLEADED CONTAINMENT: NOT REPORTED TANK #: 000002 CAPACITY: 6000 INSTALLED: NOT REPORTED REMOVED: NOT REPORTED TANK USE: M.V. FUEL STORAGE TYPE: PRODUCT CONTENT: LEADED CONTAINMENT: NOT REPORTED TANK #: 000003 CAPACITY: 8000 INSTALLED: NOT REPORTED REMOVED: NOT REPORTED TANK USE: M.V. FUEL STORAGE TYPE: PRODUCT CONTENT: DIESEL CONTAINMENT: NOT REPORTED TANK #: 000004 CAPACITY: 550 INSTALLED: NOT REPORTED REMOVED: NOT REPORTED TANK USE: OIL STORAGE TYPE: WASTE CONTENT: WASTE OIL CONTAINMENT: NOT REPORTED Back to Report Summary 69 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System (SWEEPS) MAP ID# 14 Distance from Property: 0.211 mi. (1,114 ft.) SW Elevation: 988 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0001267 NAME: DAYTON SUPERIOR CORP. ADDRESS: 14760 SANTA ANA AVE FONTANA , CA 92335 OWNER: DAYTON SUPERIOR CORPORATION PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0005414 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 11-25 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 4/30/12 PERMIT #: PT0023567 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 4/30/12 Back to Report Summary 70 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 14 Distance from Property: 0.211 mi. (1,114 ft.) SW Elevation: 988 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0014238 NAME: INLAND CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC ADDRESS: 14760 SANTA ANA AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: HARTZEIM, DOUGLAS PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0025023 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/21 PERMIT #: PT0025024 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/21 PERMIT #: PT0025023 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/20 PERMIT #: PT0025024 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/20 PERMIT #: PT0025023 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/19 PERMIT #: PT0025024 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/19 PERMIT #: PT0037177 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: WASTE-GEN RECYCLER GENERAL ACT (ONSITE)(NB) STATUS: FEE EXEMPT PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/18 PERMIT #: PT0025023 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/18 PERMIT #: PT0025024 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/18 PERMIT #: PT0025023 71 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 02/28/16 PERMIT #: PT0025024 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 02/28/16 PERMIT #: PT0025024 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 02/28/14 PERMIT #: PT0025023 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 11-25 EMPLOYEES STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 02/28/14 Back to Report Summary 72 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 15 Distance from Property: 0.212 mi. (1,119 ft.) SE Elevation: 1,002 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0016492 NAME: RED STAR LOGISTICS INC. ADDRESS: 14990 SANTA ANA AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: NICOLAS GARCIA PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0035562 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0035562 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0035562 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0035562 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/18 Back to Report Summary 73 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 16 Distance from Property: 0.236 mi. (1,246 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,005 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0009959 NAME: PCS PALLETS ADDRESS: 10612 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: MELGAR, MARIO PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0023283 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/10 PERMIT #: PT0016977 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/10 Back to Report Summary 74 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 16 Distance from Property: 0.222 mi. (1,172 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,005 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0009960 NAME: DYE & BROWNING CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 10640 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: DYE, ROBERT & BROWNING, STEVEN PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0016978 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR - 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/06 PERMIT #: PT0016979 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES (W/GEN PRMT) STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 8/31/06 Back to Report Summary 75 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 17 Distance from Property: 0.228 mi. (1,204 ft.) NNE Elevation: 1,023 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 28577 SITE ID: 28577 FACILITY NAME: ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS, INC. - FONTANA, CA ADDRESS: 14929 SLOVER AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: NOT REPORTED FACILITY LINK: Click Here FACILITY DETAILS EI ID: 10055263 EI DESCRIPTION: ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE CHEMICAL DETAILS NONE REPORTED ENFORCEMENT DETAILS ACTION DATE: 8/12/2013 ACTION TYPE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE INSPECTOR AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION ACTION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTION PROGRAM: HMRRP ACTION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DETAILS EVALUATION DATE: 2/26/2021 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HW EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 2/26/2021 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: APSA EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 2/26/2021 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY 76 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HMRRP EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 2/26/2018 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: APSA EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 2/26/2018 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HMRRP EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 2/26/2018 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HW EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 8/12/2013 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: APSA EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS EVALUATION DATE: 8/12/2013 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HW EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 8/12/2013 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES 77 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HMRRP EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DETAILS VIOLATION DATE: 2/26/2021 CITATION: HSC 6.67 25270.4.5(A) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.67, SECTION(S) 25270.4.5(A) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO PREPARE AN SPCC PLAN WHICH FULFILLS ALL BASIC REQUIREMENTS THAT INCLUDE: 1. THE SPCC PLAN MUST BE PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD ENGINEERING PRACTICES. 2. HAVE FULL APPROVAL OF MANAGEMENT AT A LEVEL OF AUTHORITY TO COMMI NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 04/14/2021. OBSERVATION: THE CURRENT SPCC PLAN DID NOT HAVE A SIGNED APPROVAL OF MANAGEMENT. CORRECTIVE ACTION: SUBMIT A SIGNED STATEMENT THAT THE APPROVAL OF MANAGEMENT PAGE HAS BEEN SIGNED AND INCLUDED IN THE SP VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: APSA VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 2/26/2021 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508.1(A)-(F) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508.1(A)-(F) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO ELECTRONICALLY UPDATE BUSINESS PLAN WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING EVENTS: A 100 PERCENT OR MORE INCREASE IN THE QUANTITY OF A PREVIOUSLY DISCLOSED MATERIAL. ANY HANDLING OF A PREVIOUSLY UNDISCLOSED HAZARDOUS MATERI NOTES: OBSERVATION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WERE OBSERVED ON SITE DURING THE INSPECTION THAT ARE NOT LISTED IN THE MOST CURRENT CERS INVENTORY OR ARE LISTED IN LESSER QUANTITIES. ALSO, THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN DOCUMENT DOES NOT HAVE A PHONE NUMBER VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 2/26/2021 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508.2 - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508.2 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO ANNUALLY REVIEW AND ELECTRONICALLY CERTIFY THAT THE BUSINESS PLAN IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE ON OR BEFORE THE ANNUAL DUE DATE. NOTES: OBSERVATION: THE LAST BUSINESS PLAN UPDATE WAS SUBMITTED INTO CERS ON 2/26/2019. CORRECTIVE ACTION: SUBMIT A SIGNED STATEMENT THAT A BUSINESS PLAN UPDATE HAS BEEN SUBMITTED INTO CERS. VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DATE: 8/12/2013 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25505(A) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25505(A) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: OWNER/OPERATOR FAILED TO COMPLETE AND/OR SUBMIT A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN WHEN STORING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AT OR ABOVE THE THRESHOLDS QUANTITIES OF 55 78 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) GALLONS/500 LBS/200 CUBIC FEET. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 08/29/2013. ""CERS BP SUBMISSION HAS DEFICIENCIES; NO ER SECTION AND MAPS ARE MISSING. CB COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION WAS RECEIVED ON 8/29/2013. VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- AFFILIATION DETAILS ENTITY NAME: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 620 SOUTH E STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415-0153 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: CUPA DISTRICT ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (909) 386-8401 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: JACOB WALLACE ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: DOCUMENT PREPARER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: JACOB WALLACE ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: PO BOX 1639 JACKSON, MS 39215 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: MAILING ADDRESS ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 14929 SLOVER AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: JACOB WALLACE ENTITY TITLE: REGIONAL COMPLIANCE AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: IDENTIFICATION SIGNER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: JACOB WALLACE ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED 79 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) AFFILIATION ADDRESS: PO BOX 1639 JACKSON, MS 39215 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: LEGAL OWNER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (662) 299-5852 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS, INC. - FONTANA, CA ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: OPERATOR ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (909) 829-0505 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS INC ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: PARENT CORPORATION ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- Back to Report Summary 80 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) MAP ID# 17 Distance from Property: 0.228 mi. (1,204 ft.) NE Elevation: 1,023 ft. (Higher than TP) KOCH ASPHALT COMPANY, 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 UNIQUE ID: 0002A134 Page 1 out of 2 81 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Historical Underground Storage Tanks (HISTUST) KOCH ASPHALT COMPANY, 14929 SLOVER AVE, FONTANA, CA 92335 UNIQUE ID: 0002A134 Page 2 out of 2 Back to Report Summary 82 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 HISTUST (HISTUST) MAP ID# 17 Distance from Property: 0.228 mi. (1,204 ft.) NNE Elevation: 1,023 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0004278 NAME: SEMMATERIALS, L.P. ADDRESS: 14929 SLOVER AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: SEMMATERIALS, L.P. PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0001868 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES (W/GEN PRMT) STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 7/31/09 PERMIT #: PT0001869 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR - 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 7/31/09 PERMIT #: PT0016887 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: EPCRA FACILITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 7/31/09 Back to Report Summary 83 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 17 Distance from Property: 0.228 mi. (1,204 ft.) NNE Elevation: 1,023 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0012629 NAME: BKEP MATERIALS, LLC - FONTANA, CA ADDRESS: 14929 SLOVER AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: BKEP MATERIALS, LLC - FONTANA, CA PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0022052 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 31-50 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/21 PERMIT #: PT0022053 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/21 PERMIT #: PT0024334 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 10,001-100,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/21 PERMIT #: PT0022052 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 31-50 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0022053 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0024334 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 10,001-100,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0024334 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 10,001-100,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0022052 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 31-50 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0022053 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0024334 84 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 10,001-100,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0022052 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 31-50 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0022053 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0024334 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0022054 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: EPCRA FACILITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0028424 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CUPA ANNUAL ADMIN PERMIT PROGRAM FEE-LEVEL 3 STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0022053 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0024334 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0022052 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 31-50 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 Back to Report Summary 85 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 17 Distance from Property: 0.228 mi. (1,204 ft.) NNE Elevation: 1,023 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0016903 NAME: PLANT F21 SOUTH ADDRESS: 10575 LIVE OAK FONTANA , CA 92336 OWNER: SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER COMPANY PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0036188 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/21 PERMIT #: PT0036188 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0036188 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0036188 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/18 Back to Report Summary 86 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 18 Distance from Property: 0.243 mi. (1,283 ft.) W Elevation: 993 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0006563 NAME: SWIFT TRANSPORTATION ADDRESS: 10720 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: SWIFT TRANSPORTATION, INC. PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0010071 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR - 26-50 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 3/31/04 PERMIT #: PT0010070 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 26-50 EMPLOYEES (W/GEN PRMT) STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 3/31/04 Back to Report Summary 87 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 18 Distance from Property: 0.243 mi. (1,283 ft.) W Elevation: 993 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0012157 NAME: LUCKY TRANSPORT INC ADDRESS: 10720 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: MEYER, PAUL PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0021414 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 3/31/10 Back to Report Summary 88 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 18 Distance from Property: 0.243 mi. (1,283 ft.) W Elevation: 993 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0012158 NAME: ALVAREZ TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR ADDRESS: 10720 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: ALVAREZ, IRENE PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0021415 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL HANDLER STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 3/31/10 PERMIT #: PT0021416 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 3/31/10 Back to Report Summary 89 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 18 Distance from Property: 0.243 mi. (1,283 ft.) W Elevation: 993 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY #: 18046 STATUS: ACTIVE BOE: 44-020663 JURISDICTION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY NAME: FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY AGENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - U.S.T. ADDRESS: 10720 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 TANK INFORMATION TANK #: 000001 CAPACITY: 10000 INSTALLED: NOT REPORTED REMOVED: NOT REPORTED TANK USE: M.V. FUEL STORAGE TYPE: PRODUCT CONTENT: DIESEL CONTAINMENT: NOT REPORTED Back to Report Summary 90 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System (SWEEPS) MAP ID# 18 Distance from Property: 0.243 mi. (1,283 ft.) W Elevation: 993 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY #: 18046 STATUS: INACTIVE BOE: 44-020663 JURISDICTION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY NAME: FINDLEY CHEICAL COMPANY AGENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - U.S.T. ADDRESS: 10720 REDWOOD AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 TANK INFORMATION TANK #: 000002 CAPACITY: 10000 INSTALLED: 01-01-81 REMOVED: 03-24-92 TANK USE: M.V. FUEL STORAGE TYPE: PRODUCT CONTENT: DIESEL CONTAINMENT: BARE STEEL TANK #: 000003 CAPACITY: 10000 INSTALLED: 01-01-01 REMOVED: 03-24-92 TANK USE: M.V. FUEL STORAGE TYPE: PRODUCT CONTENT: LEADED CONTAINMENT: BARE STEEL Back to Report Summary 91 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System (SWEEPS) MAP ID# 19 Distance from Property: 0.245 mi. (1,294 ft.) ESE Elevation: 1,000 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0007243 NAME: ICO POLYMERS ADDRESS: 10820 HEMLOCK AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: A. SCHULMAN INC PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0006371 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4-10 CHEMICALS STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0023677 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SM QTY GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0006371 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 11-25 EMPLOYEES STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 PERMIT #: PT0023677 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 Back to Report Summary 92 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 20 Distance from Property: 0.245 mi. (1,294 ft.) E Elevation: 1,015 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 398586 SITE ID: 398586 FACILITY NAME: OLDCASTLE INFASTRUCTURE ADDRESS: 10650 HEMLOCK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: NOT REPORTED FACILITY LINK: Click Here FACILITY DETAILS EI ID: 10046098 EI DESCRIPTION: ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE CHEMICAL DETAILS NONE REPORTED ENFORCEMENT DETAILS ACTION DATE: 6/2/2016 ACTION TYPE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE INSPECTOR AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION ACTION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTION PROGRAM: HMRRP ACTION SOURCE: CERS ACTION DATE: 7/31/2013 ACTION TYPE: INDUSTRIAL STORM WATER ENFORCEMENT ACTION DIVISION: WATER BOARDS ACTION PROGRAM: INDSTW ACTION SOURCE: SMARTS ----------------------- EVALUATION DETAILS EVALUATION DATE: 5/27/2020 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: APSA EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 5/27/2020 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HMRRP EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS 93 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 5/27/2020 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HW EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS EVALUATION DATE: 6/2/2016 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: APSA EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 6/2/2016 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: NO GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HW EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- EVALUATION DATE: 6/2/2016 VIOLATIONS FOUND?: YES GENERAL TYPE: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION EVALUATION TYPE: ROUTINE DONE BY LOCAL AGENCY EVALUATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM: HMRRP EVALUATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- VIOLATION DETAILS VIOLATION DATE: 6/2/2016 CITATION: HSC 6.95 25508(A)(1) - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, SECTION(S) 25508(A)(1) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: FAILURE TO ANNUALLY REVIEW AND ELECTRONICALLY CERTIFY THAT THE BUSINESS PLAN IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE ON OR BEFORE THE ANNUAL DUE DATE. NOTES: RETURNED TO COMPLIANCE ON 06/10/2016. THE TANK FACILITY STATEMENT DOES NOT REFLECT THE CORRECT WASTE OIL CONTAINER CAPACITY. UPDATE THE TANK FACILITY STATEMENT WITH THE CORRECT INFORMATION AND SUBMIT IT WITH THE HMBP UPDATE. VIOLATION DIVISION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT VIOLATION PROGRAM: HMRRP VIOLATION SOURCE: CERS ----------------------- 94 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) AFFILIATION DETAILS ENTITY NAME: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 620 SOUTH E STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415-0153 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: CUPA DISTRICT ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (909) 386-8401 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: ANTHONY SWANSON ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: DOCUMENT PREPARER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: MATTHEW KIDDY ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 10650 HEMLOCK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: MAILING ADDRESS ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 10650 HEMLOCK AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: ANTHONY SWANSON ENTITY TITLE: SAFETY TECH AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: IDENTIFICATION SIGNER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: OLDCASTLE INFRASTRUCTURE INC ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 7000 CENTRAL PKWY #800 ATLANTA, GA 30328 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: LEGAL OWNER ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (909) 770-7842 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: OLDCASTLE INFRASTRUCTURE INC ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED 95 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: OPERATOR ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: (909) 770-7842 ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: OLDCASTLE INFASTRUCTURE INC ENTITY TITLE: OPERATOR AFFILIATION ADDRESS: 7000 CENTRAL PKWY STE 800 ATLANTA, GA 30328 AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: OWNER/OPERATOR ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- ENTITY NAME: OLDCASTLE INFRASTRUCTURE ENTITY TITLE: NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION ADDRESS: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED, NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED AFFILIATION DESCRIPTION: PARENT CORPORATION ENTITY PHONE NUMBER: NOT REPORTED ----------------------- Back to Report Summary 96 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Above Ground Storage Tanks (ABST) MAP ID# 20 Distance from Property: 0.245 mi. (1,294 ft.) E Elevation: 1,015 ft. (Higher than TP) SITE INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID#: 203281644 NAME: UTILITY VAULT CO/OLDCASTLE PRECAST INC ADDRESS: 10650 HEMLOCK AVE FONTANA, CA 92334 TOTAL GALLONS: 2000 OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME: UTILITY VAULT CO Back to Report Summary 97 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Aboveground Storage Tanks Prior to January 2008 (AST2007) MAP ID# 20 Distance from Property: 0.245 mi. (1,294 ft.) E Elevation: 1,015 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0006997 NAME: OLDCASTLE PRECAST ADDRESS: 10650 HEMLOCK AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: OLDCASTLE PRECAST PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0001628 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0001629 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0020794 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/21 PERMIT #: PT0001628 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0001629 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0020794 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/20 PERMIT #: PT0001628 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0001629 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0020794 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/19 PERMIT #: PT0001628 98 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0001629 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0020794 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0001628 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/15 PERMIT #: PT0001629 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/15 PERMIT #: PT0022540 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: EPCRA FACILITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 5/31/14 PERMIT #: PT0020794 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 PERMIT #: PT0020794 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 PERMIT #: PT0001628 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER- 100+ EMPLOYEES STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 PERMIT #: PT0001629 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 05/31/14 Back to Report Summary 99 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 21 Distance from Property: 0.248 mi. (1,309 ft.) SE Elevation: 1,000 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0005186 NAME: PACIFIC EXPRESS, INC. ADDRESS: 15000 SANTA ANA AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: HAROLD VICKERS PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0000694 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SPECIAL GENERATOR STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/03 PERMIT #: PT0000695 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZMAT HANDLER 0-10 EMPLOYEES (W/GEN PRMT) STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 10/31/03 Back to Report Summary 100 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 21 Distance from Property: 0.248 mi. (1,309 ft.) SE Elevation: 1,000 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0007929 NAME: JACK B KELLEY, LLC ADDRESS: 15000 SANTA ANA AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: KENAN ADVANTAGE GROUP PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0013927 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0013928 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/20 PERMIT #: PT0013927 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0013928 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/19 PERMIT #: PT0013927 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0013928 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/18 PERMIT #: PT0022427 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/15 PERMIT #: PT0013927 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/15 PERMIT #: PT0013928 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/15 PERMIT #: PT0022426 101 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) PERMIT DESCRIPTION: EPCRA FACILITY STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 9/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0013927 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0013928 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11-30 CHEMICALS STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0028115 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: CUPA ANNUAL ADMIN PERMIT PROGRAM FEE-LEVEL 2 STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 PERMIT #: PT0022427 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: APSA 1,320-10,000 GAL FAC CAPACITY STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 09/30/13 Back to Report Summary 102 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 21 Distance from Property: 0.248 mi. (1,309 ft.) SE Elevation: 1,000 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0014916 NAME: CTR OF THE CAROLINAS, INC. ADDRESS: 15000 SANTA ANA AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: CTR OF THE CAROLINAS, INC. PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0025973 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 2/28/15 Back to Report Summary 103 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 22 Distance from Property: 0.249 mi. (1,315 ft.) NNE Elevation: 1,024 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION ID#: FA0003277 NAME: FONTANA WATER CO - F21NORTH ADDRESS: 14891 SLOVER AVE FONTANA , CA 92337 OWNER: SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER COMPANY PERMIT DETAILS PERMIT #: PT0005259 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: INACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 12/31/18 PERMIT #: PT0005259 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1-3 CHEMICALS SPECIAL STATUS: ACTIVE PERMIT EXPIRATION: 12/31/17 Back to Report Summary 104 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing (SBFD) MAP ID# 23 Distance from Property: 0.348 mi. (1,837 ft.) WNW Elevation: 999 ft. (Lower than TP) SITE INFORMATION ID #: RC197288.001 NAME: BLUE MOUNTAIN RECYCLING LLC ADDRESS: 14594 ALISO DR CITY: FONTANA STATE: CA ZIP: 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO SITE DETAILS OPERATION BEGIN DATE: 02/25/14 OPERATION END DATE: NOT REPORTED PROGRAM PHONE: (909) 428-2000 ORGANIZATION NAME: BLUE MOUNTAIN RECYCLING LLC ADDRESS: 14594 ALISO DR FONTANA CA 92337 GLASS: ACCEPTED ALUMINIUM: ACCEPTED PLASTIC: ACCEPTED BIMETAL: ACCEPTED Back to Report Summary 105 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Recycling Centers (SWRCY) MAP ID# 24 Distance from Property: 0.356 mi. (1,880 ft.) NNE Elevation: 1,032 ft. (Higher than TP) SITE INFORMATION ID #: RC5403 NAME: FONTANA RECYCLING CENTER ADDRESS: 14964 SLOVER AVE CITY: FONTANA STATE: CA ZIP: 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO SITE DETAILS OPERATION BEGIN DATE: 07/27/93 OPERATION END DATE: 03/11/08 PROGRAM PHONE: (909) 829-7100 ORGANIZATION NAME: NOT REPORTED ADDRESS: STREET NOT REPORTED CITY NOT REPORTED GLASS: NOT ACCEPTED ALUMINIUM: NOT ACCEPTED PLASTIC: NOT ACCEPTED BIMETAL: NOT ACCEPTED Back to Report Summary 106 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Recycling Centers (SWRCY) MAP ID# 25 Distance from Property: 0.374 mi. (1,975 ft.) W Elevation: 989 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GLOBAL ID: T0607100367 URL LINK: CLICK HERE BUSINESS NAME: TERESI TRUCKING ADDRESS: 10747 CHERRY AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO FACILITY DETAILS CASE TYPE: LUST CLEANUP SITE CASE NUMBER: 083602620T STATUS: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 1995-07-17 00:00:00 POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION: DIESEL POTENTIAL MEDIA AFFECTED: SOIL DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SEVERELY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SITE HISTORY: NOT REPORTED REGULATORY ACTIVITIES TYPE OF ACTION:DATE:ACTION: OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK DISCOVERY OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK REPORTED OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK STOPPED REMEDIATION 01/01/50 EXCAVATION STATUS HISTORY STATUS:DATE: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 07/17/1995 OPEN - REMEDIATION 01/09/1995 OPEN - SITE ASSESSMENT 01/03/1995 OPEN - CASE BEGIN DATE 12/28/1994 CONTACT DETAILS ORGANIZATION: SANTA ANA RWQCB (REGION 8) ADDRESS: 3737 MAIN STREET, SUITE 500 CITY: RIVERSIDE CONTACT NAME: ROSE SCOTT CONTACT TYPE: REGIONAL BOARD CASEWORKER CONTACT PHONE: 9513206375 EMAIL: ROSE.SCOTT@WATERBOARDS.CA.GOV Back to Report Summary 107 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 GeoTracker Cleanup Sites (CLEANUPSITES) MAP ID# 25 Distance from Property: 0.374 mi. (1,975 ft.) W Elevation: 989 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 083602620TCOR ID#: 083602620T NAME: TERESI TRUCKING ADDRESS: 10747 CHERRY SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92335 Back to Report Summary 108 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Historical Cortese List (HISTCORTESE) MAP ID# 25 Distance from Property: 0.374 mi. (1,975 ft.) W Elevation: 989 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GLOBAL ID: T0607100367 URL LINK: CLICK HERE BUSINESS NAME: TERESI TRUCKING ADDRESS: 10747 CHERRY AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO FACILITY DETAILS CASE TYPE: LUST CLEANUP SITE CASE NUMBER: 083602620T STATUS: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 019095-07-17 00:00:00 POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION: DIESEL POTENTIAL MEDIA AFFECTED: SOIL DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SEVERELY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SITE HISTORY: NOT REPORTED HISTORICAL FACILITY DETAILS NO HISTORICAL DETAIL(S) INFORMATION REPORTED FOR THIS FACILITY Back to Report Summary 109 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) MAP ID# 26 Distance from Property: 0.379 mi. (2,001 ft.) NE Elevation: 1,033 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 083603366TCOR ID#: 083603366T NAME: CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 15030 FONTANA, CA 92337 Back to Report Summary 110 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Historical Cortese List (HISTCORTESE) MAP ID# 26 Distance from Property: 0.391 mi. (2,064 ft.) NE Elevation: 1,033 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GLOBAL ID: T0607100538 URL LINK: CLICK HERE BUSINESS NAME: CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 15030 SLOVER AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO FACILITY DETAILS CASE TYPE: LUST CLEANUP SITE CASE NUMBER: 083603366T STATUS: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 019099-05-26 00:00:00 POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION: DIESEL POTENTIAL MEDIA AFFECTED: SOIL DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SEVERELY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SITE HISTORY: NOT REPORTED HISTORICAL FACILITY DETAILS NO HISTORICAL DETAIL(S) INFORMATION REPORTED FOR THIS FACILITY Back to Report Summary 111 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) MAP ID# 27 Distance from Property: 0.391 mi. (2,064 ft.) NE Elevation: 1,033 ft. (Higher than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GLOBAL ID: T0607100538 URL LINK: CLICK HERE BUSINESS NAME: CALTRAC CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 15030 SLOVER AVE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO FACILITY DETAILS CASE TYPE: LUST CLEANUP SITE CASE NUMBER: 083603366T STATUS: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 1999-05-26 00:00:00 POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION: DIESEL POTENTIAL MEDIA AFFECTED: SOIL DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SEVERELY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SITE HISTORY: NOT REPORTED REGULATORY ACTIVITIES TYPE OF ACTION:DATE:ACTION: OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK DISCOVERY OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK REPORTED OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK STOPPED STATUS HISTORY STATUS:DATE: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 05/26/1999 OPEN - CASE BEGIN DATE 12/18/1998 OPEN - SITE ASSESSMENT 12/18/1998 CONTACT DETAILS ORGANIZATION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ADDRESS: 620 SOUTH E STREET CITY: SAN BERNARDINO CONTACT NAME: CATHERINE RICHARDS CONTACT TYPE: LOCAL AGENCY CASEWORKER CONTACT PHONE: 9093868419 EMAIL: CRICHARDS@SBCFIRE.ORG ORGANIZATION: SANTA ANA RWQCB (REGION 8) ADDRESS: 3737 MAIN STREET, SUITE 500 CITY: RIVERSIDE CONTACT NAME: MIGUEL OVIEDO 112 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 GeoTracker Cleanup Sites (CLEANUPSITES) CONTACT TYPE: REGIONAL BOARD CASEWORKER CONTACT PHONE: 9517823238 EMAIL: MIGUEL.OVIEDO@WATERBOARDS.CA.GOV Back to Report Summary 113 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 GeoTracker Cleanup Sites (CLEANUPSITES) MAP ID# 28 Distance from Property: 0.468 mi. (2,471 ft.) NE Elevation: 1,036 ft. (Higher than TP) SITE INFORMATION ID #: RC14119 NAME: ALFA RECYCLING CENTER ADDRESS: 10471 HEMLOCK AVE CITY: FONTANA STATE: CA ZIP: 92335 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO SITE DETAILS OPERATION BEGIN DATE: 11/25/08 OPERATION END DATE: 01/24/09 PROGRAM PHONE: NOT REPORTED ORGANIZATION NAME: NOT REPORTED ADDRESS: STREET NOT REPORTED CITY NOT REPORTED GLASS: NOT ACCEPTED ALUMINIUM: NOT ACCEPTED PLASTIC: NOT ACCEPTED BIMETAL: NOT ACCEPTED Back to Report Summary 114 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Recycling Centers (SWRCY) MAP ID# 29 Distance from Property: 0.469 mi. (2,476 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,007 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GLOBAL ID: T0607100535 URL LINK: CLICK HERE BUSINESS NAME: CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO ADDRESS: 14527 SLOVER AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO FACILITY DETAILS CASE TYPE: LUST CLEANUP SITE CASE NUMBER: 083603351T STATUS: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 2007-03-07 00:00:00 POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION: GASOLINE, MTBE / TBA / OTHER FUEL OXYGENATES POTENTIAL MEDIA AFFECTED: SOIL DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SEVERELY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SITE HISTORY: NOT REPORTED REGULATORY ACTIVITIES TYPE OF ACTION:DATE:ACTION: OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK DISCOVERY OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK REPORTED OTHER 01/01/50 LEAK STOPPED REMEDIATION 01/01/50 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION (SVE) STATUS HISTORY STATUS:DATE: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 03/07/2007 OPEN - REMEDIATION 08/16/2000 OPEN - REMEDIATION 10/14/1999 OPEN - SITE ASSESSMENT 06/25/1999 OPEN - SITE ASSESSMENT 04/19/1999 OPEN - SITE ASSESSMENT 02/26/1999 OPEN - SITE ASSESSMENT 11/30/1998 OPEN - CASE BEGIN DATE 08/05/1998 CONTACT DETAILS ORGANIZATION: SANTA ANA RWQCB (REGION 8) ADDRESS: 3737 MAIN STREET, SUITE 500 CITY: RIVERSIDE CONTACT NAME: NANCY OLSON-MARTIN CONTACT TYPE: REGIONAL BOARD CASEWORKER 115 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 GeoTracker Cleanup Sites (CLEANUPSITES) CONTACT PHONE: NOT REPORTED EMAIL: NOLSON-MARTIN@WATERBOARDS.CA.GOV Back to Report Summary 116 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 GeoTracker Cleanup Sites (CLEANUPSITES) MAP ID# 29 Distance from Property: 0.469 mi. (2,476 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,007 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GEOSEARCH ID: 083603351TCOR ID#: 083603351T NAME: CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO ADDRESS: 14527 FONTANA, CA 92335 Back to Report Summary 117 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Historical Cortese List (HISTCORTESE) MAP ID# 29 Distance from Property: 0.469 mi. (2,476 ft.) WNW Elevation: 1,007 ft. (Lower than TP) FACILITY INFORMATION GLOBAL ID: T0607100535 URL LINK: CLICK HERE BUSINESS NAME: CIRCLE K #0514/ TOSCO ADDRESS: 14527 SLOVER AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO FACILITY DETAILS CASE TYPE: LUST CLEANUP SITE CASE NUMBER: 083603351T STATUS: COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED 020007-03-07 00:00:00 POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION: GASOLINE, MTBE / TBA / OTHER FUEL OXYGENATES POTENTIAL MEDIA AFFECTED: SOIL DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SEVERELY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: NO SITE HISTORY: NOT REPORTED HISTORICAL FACILITY DETAILS NO HISTORICAL DETAIL(S) INFORMATION REPORTED FOR THIS FACILITY Back to Report Summary 118 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) MAP ID# 30 Distance from Property: 0.601 mi. (3,173 ft.) SSW Elevation: 961 ft. (Lower than TP) SITE INFORMATION ID #: 60002511 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL #: 023619112 FACILITY LINK: CLICK HERE NAME: AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING ADDRESS: 11150 REDWOOD AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO SITE SIZE (ACRES): 10 LEAD AGENCY: SMBRP DTSC PROJECT MANAGER: RANA GEORGES DTSC SUPERVISOR: YOLANDA GARZA DTSC DIVISION BRANCH: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS & BROWNFIELDS OUTREACH NPL LISTED: NO RESTRICTED LAND USE: YES SITE TYPE: VOLUNTARY CLEANUP SITE TYPE DESCRIPTION VOLUNTARY CLEANUP DTSC's CURRENT INVOLVEMENT AT SITE (as of 03/22/2021) CERTIFIED O&M - LAND USE RESTRICTIONS ONLY - PAST USE/S THAT CAUSED THE CONTAMINATION RECYCLING - SCRAP METAL CONFIRMED CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN 30001 - ARSENIC 30005 - TOTAL CHROMIUM (1:6 RATIO CR VI:CR III) 30013 - LEAD 30014 - MERCURY (ELEMENTAL) 30018 - POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBS) 30021 - SILVER 30152 - CHROMIUM III 30153 - CHROMIUM VI 30335 - IRON 30353 - MANGANESE AND COMPOUNDS 30357 - MERCURY AND COMPOUNDS 30402 - MOLYBDENUM 30407 - NICKEL 30587 - VANADIUM AND COMPOUNDS 30594 - ZINC Back to Report Summary 119 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 EnviroStor Cleanup Sites (ENVIROSTOR) MAP ID# 31 Distance from Property: 0.669 mi. (3,532 ft.) ESE Elevation: 1,010 ft. (Higher than TP) SITE INFORMATION ID #: 36330035 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL #: NONE SPECIFIED FACILITY LINK: CLICK HERE NAME: HILLYARD ALUMINUM RECOVERY CORPORATION ADDRESS: 10825 BEECH STREET FONTANA, CA 92335 COUNTY: SAN BERNARDINO SITE SIZE (ACRES): NOT REPORTED LEAD AGENCY: NONE SPECIFIED DTSC PROJECT MANAGER: NOT REPORTED DTSC SUPERVISOR: * MMONROY DTSC DIVISION BRANCH: CLEANUP CYPRESS NPL LISTED: NO RESTRICTED LAND USE: NO SITE TYPE: HISTORICAL SITE TYPE DESCRIPTION * HISTORICAL DTSC's CURRENT INVOLVEMENT AT SITE (as of 05/12/1995) REFER: RWQCB - PAST USE/S THAT CAUSED THE CONTAMINATION NONE SPECIFIED CONFIRMED CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN NONESPECIFIED - NONE SPECIFIED Back to Report Summary 120 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 EnviroStor Cleanup Sites (ENVIROSTOR) This list contains sites that could not be mapped due to limited or incomplete address information. No Records Found 121 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Unlocated Sites Summary AIRSAFS Aerometric Information Retrieval System / Air Facility Subsystem VERSION DATE: 10/20/14 The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) modified the Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) to a database that exclusively tracks the compliance of stationary sources of air pollution with EPA regulations: the Air Facility Subsystem (AFS). Since this change in 2001, the management of the AIRS/AFS database was assigned to EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) Clean Air Act data from AFS are frozen and reflect data as of October 17, 2014, the EPA retired this system for Clean Air Act stationary sources. ALTFUELS Alternative Fueling Stations VERSION DATE: 10/28/20 Nationwide list of alternative fueling stations made available by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Includes Bio-diesel stations, Ethanol (E85) stations, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane) stations, Ethanol (E85) stations, Natural Gas stations, Hydrogen stations, and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). BF Brownfields Management System VERSION DATE: 01/11/21 Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. The United States Environmental Protection Agency maintains this database to track activities in the various brown field grant programs including grantee assessment, site cleanup and site redevelopment. This database includes tribal brownfield sites. BRS Biennial Reporting System VERSION DATE: 12/31/17 The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the States, biennially collects information regarding the generation, management, and final disposition of hazardous wastes regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), as amended. The Biennial Report captures detailed data on the generation of hazardous waste from large quantity generators and data on waste management practices from treatment, storage and disposal facilities. Currently, the EPA states that data collected between 1991 and 1997 was originally a part of the defunct Biennial Reporting System and is now incorporated into the RCRAInfo data system. CDL Clandestine Drug Laboratory Locations VERSION DATE: 06/17/20 122 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this information as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. The Department does not establish, implement, enforce, or certify compliance with clean-up or remediation standards for contaminated sites; the public should contact a state or local health department or environmental protection agency for that information. DNPL Delisted National Priorities List VERSION DATE: 07/26/21 This database includes sites from the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Final National Priorities List (NPL) where remedies have proven to be satisfactory or sites where the original analyses were inaccurate, and the site is no longer appropriate for inclusion on the NPL, and final publication in the Federal Register has occurred. DOCKETS EPA Docket Data VERSION DATE: 12/22/05 The United States Environmental Protection Agency Docket data lists Civil Case Defendants, filing dates as far back as 1971, laws broken including section, violations that occurred, pollutants involved, penalties assessed and superfund awards by facility and location. Please refer to ICIS database as source of current data. DOD Department of Defense Sites VERSION DATE: 12/01/14 This information originates from the National Atlas of the United States Federal Lands data, which includes lands owned or administered by the Federal government. Army DOD, Army Corps of Engineers DOD, Air Force DOD, Navy DOD and Marine DOD areas of 640 acres or more are included. EC Federal Engineering Institutional Control Sites VERSION DATE: 04/27/21 This database includes site locations where Engineering and/or Institutional Controls have been identified as part of a selected remedy for the site as defined by United States Environmental Protection Agency official remedy decision documents. The data displays remedy component information for Superfund decision documents issued in fiscal years 1982-2017, and it includes final and deleted NPL sites as well as sites with a Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) agreement in place. The only sites included that are not on the NPL, proposed for NPL, or removed from proposed NPL, are those with an SAA Agreement in place. A site listing does not indicate that the institutional and engineering controls are currently in place nor will be in place once the remedy is complete; it only indicates that the decision to include either of them in the remedy is documented as of the completed date of the document. Institutional controls are actions, such as legal controls, that help minimize the 123 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL potential for human exposure to contamination by ensuring appropriate land or resource use. Engineering controls include caps, barriers, or other device engineering to prevent access, exposure, or continued migration of contamination. ECHOR09 Enforcement and Compliance History Information VERSION DATE: 11/28/20 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database, provides compliance and enforcement information for facilities nationwide. This database includes facilities regulated as Clean Air Act stationary sources, Clean Water Act direct dischargers, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act hazardous waste handlers, Safe Drinking Water Act public water systems along with other data, such as Toxics Release Inventory releases. ERNSCA Emergency Response Notification System VERSION DATE: 06/28/21 This National Response Center database contains data on reported releases of oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and/or etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. The data comes from spill reports made to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard, the National Response Center and/or the U.S. Department of Transportation. FEMAUST FEMA Owned Storage Tanks VERSION DATE: 12/01/16 This is a listing of FEMA owned underground and aboveground storage tank sites. For security reasons, address information is not released to the public according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FRSCA Facility Registry System VERSION DATE: 03/02/21 The United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Environmental Information (OEI) developed the Facility Registry System (FRS) as the centrally managed database that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. The Facility Registry System replaced the Facility Index System or FINDS database. FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites VERSION DATE: 12/31/18 The Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) inventory includes properties previously owned by or leased to the United States and under Secretary of Defense Jurisdiction, as well as Munitions Response Areas (MRAs). The remediation of these properties is the responsibility of the Department of Defense. This data is provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the boundaries/polygon data are based on preliminary findings and not 124 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL all properties currently have polygon data available. DISCLAIMER: This data represents the results of data collection/processing for a specific USACE activity and is in no way to be considered comprehensive or to be used in any legal or official capacity as presented on this site. While the USACE has made a reasonable effort to insure the accuracy of the maps and associated data, it should be explicitly noted that USACE makes no warranty, representation or guaranty, either expressed or implied, as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any of the data provided herein. For additional information on Formerly Used Defense Sites please contact the USACE Public Affairs Office at (202) 528-4285. FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program VERSION DATE: 03/04/17 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) established the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) in 1974 to remediate sites where radioactive contamination remained from the Manhattan Project and early U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) operations. The DOE Office of Legacy Management (LM) established long-term surveillance and maintenance (LTS&M) requirements for remediated FUSRAP sites. DOE evaluates the final site conditions of a remediated site on the basis of risk for different future uses. DOE then confirms that LTS&M requirements will maintain protectiveness. HISTPST Historical Gas Stations VERSION DATE: NR This historic directory of service stations is provided by the Cities Service Company. The directory includes Cities Service filling stations that were located throughout the United States in 1930. HMIRSR09 Hazardous Materials Incident Reporting System VERSION DATE: 03/24/21 The HMIRS database contains unintentional hazardous materials release information reported to the U.S. Department of Transportation located in EPA Region 9. This region includes the following states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa. HWCD Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Facilities VERSION DATE: 10/29/20 This list of the Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Facilities is maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the EPA, Section 120(c) of CERCLA requires EPA to establish a listing, known as the Federal Facility Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket (Docket), of Federal facilities which are managing or have managed hazardous waste; or have had a release of hazardous waste. Thus, the Docket identifies all Federal facilities that must be evaluated to determine whether they pose a risk to human health and the environment and it makes this information available to the public. In order for the Docket to remain current and accurate it requires periodic updating. 125 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System (formerly DOCKETS) VERSION DATE: 09/19/20 ICIS is a case activity tracking and management system for civil, judicial, and administrative federal Environmental Protection Agency enforcement cases. ICIS contains information on federal administrative and federal judicial cases under the following environmental statutes: the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act - Section 313, the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. ICISCLEANERS Integrated Compliance Information System Drycleaners VERSION DATE: 09/19/20 This is a listing of drycleaner facilities from the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tracks facilities that possess NAIC and SIC codes that classify businesses as drycleaner establishments. The following Primary SIC Codes are included in this data: 7211, 7212, 7213, 7215, 7216, 7217, 7218, and/or 7219; the following Primary NAICS Codes are included in this data: 812320, 812331, and/or 812332. ICISNPDES Integrated Compliance Information System National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System VERSION DATE: 04/26/20 Authorized by the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. This database is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. LUCIS Land Use Control Information System VERSION DATE: 09/01/06 The LUCIS database is maintained by the U.S. Department of the Navy and contains information for former Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) properties across the United States. MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System VERSION DATE: 06/29/17 MLTS is a list of approximately 8,100 sites which have or use radioactive materials subject to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing requirements. Disclaimer: Due to agency regulations and policies, this database contains applicant/licensee location information which may or may not be related to the physical location per MLTS site. 126 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL MRDS Mineral Resource Data System VERSION DATE: 03/15/16 MRDS (Mineral Resource Data System) is a collection of reports describing metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources throughout the world. Included are deposit name, location, commodity, deposit description, geologic characteristics, production, reserves, resources, and references. This database contains the records previously provided in the Mineral Resource Data System (MRDS) of USGS and the Mineral Availability System/Mineral Industry Locator System (MAS/MILS) originated in the U.S. Bureau of Mines, which is now part of USGS. The USGS has ceased systematic updates of the MRDS database with their focus more recently on deposits of critical minerals while providing a well-documented baseline of historical mine locations from USGS topographic maps. A few updates last occurred 2015 and early 2016 for select mine site area/s. MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration Master Index File VERSION DATE: 08/07/20 The Mine dataset lists all Coal and Metal/Non-Metal mines under MSHA's jurisdiction since 1/1/1970. It includes such information as the current status of each mine (Active, Abandoned, NonProducing, etc.), the current owner and operating company, commodity codes and physical attributes of the mine. Mine ID is the unique key for this data. This information is provided by the United States Department of Labor - Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). NLRRCRAC No Longer Regulated RCRA Corrective Action Facilities VERSION DATE: 08/09/21 This database includes RCRA Corrective Action facilities that are no longer regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or do not meet other RCRA reporting requirements. NLRRCRAT No Longer Regulated RCRA Non-CORRACTS TSD Facilities VERSION DATE: 08/09/21 This database includes RCRA Non-Corrective Action TSD facilities that are no longer regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or do not meet other RCRA reporting requirements. This listing includes facilities that formerly treated, stored or disposed of hazardous waste. NMS Former Military Nike Missile Sites VERSION DATE: 12/01/84 This information was taken from report DRXTH-AS-IA-83A016 (Historical Overview of the Nike Missile System, 12/1984) which was performed by Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. for the U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency Assessment Division. The Nike system was deployed between 1954 and the mid- 1970’s. Among the substances used or stored on Nike sites were liquid missile fuel (JP-4); starter fluids (UDKH, aniline, and furfuryl alcohol); oxidizer (IRFNA); hydrocarbons (motor oil, hydraulic fluid, diesel fuel, gasoline, 127 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL heating oil); solvents (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, stoddard solvent); and battery electrolyte. The quantities of material a disposed of and procedures for disposal are not documented in published reports. Virtually all information concerning the potential for contamination at Nike sites is confined to personnel who were assigned to Nike sites. During deactivation most hardware was shipped to depot-level supply points. There were reportedly instances where excess materials were disposed of on or near the site itself at closure. There was reportedly no routine site decontamination. NPDESR09 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System VERSION DATE: 04/01/07 Authorized by the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. The NPDES database was collected from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from December 2002 through April 2007. Refer to the ICIS and/or ICIS-NPDES database as source of current data. This database includes permitted facilities located in EPA Region 9. This region includes the following states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa. NPL National Priorities List VERSION DATE: 07/26/21 This database includes United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Priorities List sites that fall under the EPA's Superfund program, established to fund the cleanup of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for possible long-term remedial action. ODI Open Dump Inventory VERSION DATE: 06/01/85 The open dump inventory was published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. An “open dump” is defined as a facility or site where solid waste is disposed of which is not a sanitary landfill which meets the criteria promulgated under section 4004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6944) and which is not a facility for disposal of hazardous waste. This inventory has not been updated since June 1985. PADS PCB Activity Database System VERSION DATE: 11/19/20 PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) who are required to notify the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of such activities. PCSR09 Permit Compliance System VERSION DATE: 08/01/12 The historic Permit Compliance System tracked enforcement status and permit compliance of facilities controlled 128 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) under the Clean Water Act. This database includes permitted facilities located in EPA Region 9 states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa. This system has since been modernized by United States Environmental Protection Agency and is now integrated into the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). Please refer to the ICIS database as the current source for this data. PNPL Proposed National Priorities List VERSION DATE: 07/26/21 This database contains sites proposed to be included on the National Priorities List (NPL) in the Federal Register. The United States Environmental Protection Agency investigates these sites to determine if they may present long-term threats to public health or the environment. RCRAC Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - Corrective Action Facilities VERSION DATE: 08/09/21 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. This listing refers to facilities with corrective action activity. RCRAGR09 Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - Generator VERSION DATE: 08/09/21 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. This listing refers to facilities currently generating hazardous waste. EPA Region 9 includes the following states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa. RCRANGR09 Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - Non-Generator VERSION DATE: 08/09/21 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. This listing refers to facilities classified as non-generators. Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. EPA 129 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL Region 9 includes the following states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa. RCRASC RCRA Sites with Controls VERSION DATE: 08/12/21 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. This listing refers to facilities with institutional controls in place. RCRASUBC Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - Subject to Corrective Action Facilities VERSION DATE: 08/09/21 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. This listing refers to facilities subject to corrective actions. RCRAT Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - Non-CORRACTS Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facilities VERSION DATE: 08/09/21 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. This listing refers to facilities recognized as hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal sites (TSD). RODS Record of Decision System VERSION DATE: 09/21/20 These decision documents maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency describe the chosen remedy for NPL (Superfund) site remediation. They also include site history, site description, site characteristics, community participation, enforcement activities, past and present activities, contaminated media, the contaminants present, and scope and role of response action. 130 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL SEMS Superfund Enterprise Management System VERSION DATE: 07/26/21 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI), has implemented The Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), formerly known as CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System) to track and report on clean-up and enforcement activities taking place at Superfund sites. SEMS represents a joint development and ongoing collaboration between Superfund's Remedial, Removal, Federal Facilities, Enforcement and Emergency Response programs. SEMSARCH Superfund Enterprise Management System Archived Site Inventory VERSION DATE: 07/26/21 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund Enterprise Management System Archived Site Inventory (List 8R Archived) replaced the CERCLIS NFRAP reporting system in 2015. This listing reflects sites at which the EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program. SEMSLIENS SEMS Lien on Property VERSION DATE: 06/22/20 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI), has implemented The Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), formerly known as CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System) to track and report on clean-up and enforcement activities taking place at Superfund sites. SEMS represents a joint development and ongoing collaboration between Superfund's Remedial, Removal, Federal Facilities, Enforcement and Emergency Response programs. This is a listing of SEMS sites with a lien on the property. SFLIENS CERCLIS Liens VERSION DATE: 06/08/12 A Federal CERCLA ("Superfund") lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which United States Environmental Protection Agency has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. This database contains those CERCLIS sites where the Lien on Property action is complete. Please refer to the SEMSLIENS database as source of current data. SMCRA Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Sites VERSION DATE: 12/18/20 An inventory of land and water impacted by past mining (primarily coal mining) is maintained by the Office of 131 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) to provide information needed to implement the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The inventory contains information on the location, type, and extent of AML impacts, as well as information on the cost associated with the reclamation of those problems. The inventory is based upon field surveys by State, Tribal, and OSMRE program officials. It is dynamic to the extent that it is modified as new problems are identified and existing problems are reclaimed. SSEHRIPFAS SSEHRI PFAS Contamination Sites VERSION DATE: 12/12/19 This PFAS Contamination Site Tracker database is compiled by the Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute (SSEHRI) at Northeastern University. According to the SSEHRI, the database records qualitative and quantitative data from each known site of PFAS contamination, including timeline of discovery, sources, levels, health impacts, community response, and government response. The goal of this database is to compile information and support public understanding of the rapidly unfolding issue of PFAS contamination. All data presented was extracted from government websites, news articles, or publicly available documents, and this is cited in the tracker. Disclaimer: The source conveys this database undergoes regular updates as new information becomes available, some sites may be missing and/or contain information that is incorrect or outdated, as well as their information represents all contamination sites SSEHRI is aware of, not all possible contamination sites. This data is not intended to be used for legal purposes. Limited location details are available with this data. Please access the following source link for the most current information: https://pfasproject.com/pfas-contamination-site-tracker/ SSTS Section Seven Tracking System VERSION DATE: 08/04/20 The United States Environmental Protection Agency tracks information on pesticide establishments through the Section Seven Tracking System (SSTS). SSTS records the registration of new establishments and records pesticide production at each establishment. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) requires that production of pesticides or devices be conducted in a registered pesticide-producing or device- producing establishment. "Production" includes formulation, packaging, repackaging, and relabeling. For this database, the Product Information is only available for establishments up through 2014 or prior years, product details are no longer released by the EPA within the current SSTS non-Confidential Business Information data. TRI Toxics Release Inventory VERSION DATE: 12/31/18 The Toxics Release Inventory, provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, includes data on toxic chemical releases and waste management activities from certain industries as well as federal and tribal facilities. This inventory contains information about the types and amounts of toxic chemicals that are released each year to the air, water, and land as well as information on the quantities of toxic chemicals sent to other facilities for further waste management. 132 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act Inventory VERSION DATE: 12/31/16 The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was enacted in 1976 to ensure that chemicals manufactured, imported, processed, or distributed in commerce, or used or disposed of in the United States do not pose any unreasonable risks to human health or the environment. TSCA section 8(b) provides the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authority to "compile, keep current, and publish a list of each chemical substance that is manufactured or processed in the United States." This TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory contains non-confidential information on the production amount of toxic chemicals from each manufacturer and importer site. The EPA has collected Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) data since in 1986 (as Inventory Update Reporting). Collections occur approximately every four years and reporting requirements changed from collection to collection. USUMTRCA Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act Sites VERSION DATE: 03/04/17 The Legacy Management Office of the Department of Energy (DOE) manages radioactive and chemical waste, environmental contamination, and hazardous material at over 100 sites across the U.S. The L.M. Office manages this database of sites registered under the Uranium Mill Tailings Control Act (UMTRCA). 133 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - FEDERAL ABST Above Ground Storage Tanks VERSION DATE: 08/12/21 This database, provided by the California Environmental Protection Agency’s (CalEPA) Regulated Site Portal, contains aboveground petroleum storage tank facilities originating from the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). These facilities store petroleum in aboveground storage tanks with oversight by local agencies. As of January 1, 2008, Assembly Bill No. 1130 of the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) authorized the Certified Unified Program Agencies to implement and administer the requirements of the APSA. CalEPA Data Disclaimer: Information displayed in the portal is collected from separate agency databases and displayed unaltered. Information that is considered confidential, trade secret, or is otherwise protected by the agency that manages the database is not loaded into the portal. For more detail about information displayed in the portal, please visit the data source sites. Please refer to AST2007 database for aboveground storage tank information obtained from the California State Water Resources Control Board prior to 2008 APSA requirements. AST2007 Aboveground Storage Tanks Prior to January 2008 VERSION DATE: 11/01/06 This database contains aboveground storage tank facilities registered with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) between 2007 and 2003. Since 2006, tanks were required to contain a minimum (even as cumulative) of 1320 gallons to be in the program. As of January 1, 2008, the SWRCB no longer maintains a list of registered aboveground storage tanks, due to effective Assembly Bill No. 1130 (Laird) of the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA). This Bill authorized the Certified Unified Program Agencies to implement and administer the requirements of the APSA. Please refer to ABST database as a current source for aboveground petroleum storage tank data. BF Brownfield Sites VERSION DATE: 08/05/21 This database of Brownfield Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) sites is maintained by the California Environmental Protection Agency. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (CTSC), the State Water Resources Control Board, and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs) agreed to a Brownfield Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA limits the oversight of a brownfields site to one agency, establishes procedures and guidelines for identifying the lead agency, calls for a single uniform site assessment procedure, requires all cleanups to address the requirements of the agencies, defines roles and responsibilities, provides for ample opportunity for public involvement, commits agencies to review time frames, and commits agencies to coordinate and communicate on brownfields issues. The Brownfield MOA site list is obtained from the State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker online database. This list contains both open and completed sites. CALSITES CALSITES Database VERSION DATE: 05/01/04 This historical database was maintained by the Department of Toxic Substance Control for more than a decade. 134 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) CALSITES contains information on Brownfield properties with confirmed or potential hazardous contamination. In 2006, DTSC introduced EnviroStor as the latest Brownfields site database. CDL Clandestine Drug Labs VERSION DATE: 06/30/19 The California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) maintains this listing of illegal drug laboratories. DTSC maintains a limited cost-tracking database to manage and pay appropriate contractor invoices for removal costs. The data source is an expenditure report with the contractors’ invoice information and the reported removal action locations. The reported location information may or may not include the actual location of the illegal drug lab for several reasons. First, DTSC receives the location information verbally from law enforcement or local environmental health officials in the initial request for emergency support. Second, DTSC does not verify the information received and does not perform “data cleaning” or other measures to ensure data quality. Third, the location information may not be the actual location of an illegal drug lab or any hazardous substance release to the environment. The initial report may have provided the location of the nearest identifiable address to an illegal drug lab or mobile lab or abandonment of illegal drug lab wastes, or a nearby meeting location for the contractor. Please note the DTSC does not guarantee the accuracy of the address or location information or the condition of the location listed. The listing of an address or location in this database does not indicate that any illegal drug lab materials were or were not present there, and does not constitute a determination that the address or location either requires or does not require additional cleanup work or mitigation action. CHMIRS California Hazardous Material Incident Report System VERSION DATE: 04/04/21 The California Hazardous Material Incident Report System list is maintained by the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES). This list contains all spills called in to the California OES Warning Center for a specific year since 1993. CLEANER Dry Cleaner Facilities VERSION DATE: 05/13/21 This list of dry cleaners is maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). Data is extracted from the DTSC Hazardous Waste Tracking System. This list includes dry cleaner facilities that have registered EPA identification numbers. These facilities are categorized by SIC codes (7211, 7212, 7213, 7215, 7216, 7217, 7218, 7219). This database may also include facilities other than dry cleaners who also register with these same NAICS Codes. Not all companies report their NAICS/SIC Codes to the DTSC, therefore this database may exclude registered dry cleaner facilities with incomplete classification information. CLEANUPSITES GeoTracker Cleanup Sites VERSION DATE: 07/07/21 This list of GeoTracker Cleanup Sites is maintained by the California State Water Resources Control Board. The database contains contaminated sites that impact groundwater or have the potential to impact ground water, 135 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) including sites that require cleanup, such as Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites, Department of Defense Sites, and Cleanup Program Sites. GeoTracker also contains records for various unregulated projects as well as permitted facilities including: Irrigated Lands, Oil and Gas production, operating Permitted USTs, and Land Disposal Sites. GeoTracker portals retrieve records and view integrated data sets from multiple State Water Board programs and other agencies. CORTESE Cortese List VERSION DATE: 01/06/21 This list of hazardous waste and substances sites (Cortese List) is maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). DTSC’s Brownfields and Environmental Restoration Program (Cleanup Program) EnviroStor database provides DTSC’s component of Cortese List data by identifying Annual Workplan (now referred to State Response and/or Federal Superfund), and Backlog sites listed under Health and Safety Code section 25356. In addition, DTSC’s Cortese List includes Certified with Operation and Maintenance sites. The list, or a site’s presence on the list, has bearing on the local permitting process as well as on compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Because this statute was enacted over twenty years ago, some of the provisions refer to agency activities that were conducted many years ago and are no longer being implemented and, in some cases, the information to be included in the Cortese List does not exist. DROP Listing of Certified Dropoff, Collection, and Community Service Programs VERSION DATE: 12/16/20 This list of Certified Dropoff, Collection, and Community Service Programs (non-buyback) operating under the state of California's Beverage Container Recycling Program is maintained by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. DTSCDR DTSC Deed Restrictions VERSION DATE: 09/08/21 The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) maintains this listi of sites with deed restrictions. According to the DTSC, restricted land use indicates whether the site or area within the site has an environmental restriction recorded and/or other institutional control preventing certain types of land use or activities. The land use restrictions listed under the site management requirements are only an abbreviated summary of the land use restrictions, and may not encompass all restrictions and notification requirements placed on a property. For complete land use restriction information please contact the DTSC to review associated Land Use Restriction documents. DTSCHWT DTSC Registered Hazardous Waste Transporters VERSION DATE: 10/19/20 The California Department of Toxic Substances Control maintains this list of Registered Hazardous Waste Transporters. 136 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) EMI Emissions Inventory Data VERSION DATE: 12/31/18 This list of Emissions Inventory Data is maintained by the California Environmental Protection Agency California Environmental Agency Air Resources Board. This list includes criteria pollutant data and toxic data. Please note gas stations, print shops, autobody shops, and dry cleaners are not included in this list. ENVIROSTOR EnviroStor Cleanup Sites VERSION DATE: 07/12/21 This list of Envirostor Cleanup Sites is maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). DTSC has developed the EnviroStor database system to evaluate and track sites with confirmed or potential contamination and sites where further investigation may be necessary. This EnviroStor database of cleanup sites contains the following: Federal Superfund sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites. ENVIROSTORPCA EnviroStor Permitted and Corrective Action Sites VERSION DATE: 07/15/21 The California Department of Toxic Substance Control maintains this list of Hazardous Waste sites in their Envirostor online database. This list contains: 1) data pertaining to the Hazardous Waste Sites tracked in Envirostor; 2) the completed activities for Hazardous Waste Units; 3) the completed activities for Hazardous Waste Units undergoing closure; 4) completed maintenance activities; 5) the various "aliases" for a project (Some examples are: alt project name, alt address, EPA ID, etc.). ERAP Expedited Removal Action Program Sites VERSION DATE: 07/12/21 This list of Expedited Removal Action Program Sites is a subset of the EnviroStor database, maintained by the California Department of the Toxic Substance Control. Sites are queried from Envirostor by site type = State Response ERAP. HISTCORTESE Historical Cortese List VERSION DATE: 11/02/02 This historical listing includes hazardous waste and substances sites designated by the State Water Resources Control Board, the Integrated Waste Board, and the Department of Toxic Substance Control. The Cortese List was utilized by the State, local agencies and developers to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements in providing information about the location of hazardous materials release sites. See CACORTESE for an updated version of this database. 137 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) HISTUST Historical Underground Storage Tanks VERSION DATE: 12/31/87 The Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database is a historical list of Underground Storage Tank sites, compiled from tank survey and registration information collected at one time between 1984 and 1987 by the State Water Resources Control Board. The hazardous substances stored within these tanks includes, but not restricted to, petroleum products, industrial solvents, and other materials. HWTS Hazardous Waste Tanner Summary VERSION DATE: 12/31/19 The Hazardous Waste Tanner Summary is maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). This list includes data extracted from the copies of hazardous waste manifests received each year by the DTSC. LDS Land Disposal Sites VERSION DATE: 07/07/21 This list of Land Disposal sites (Landfills) is a subset of the GeoTracker Cleanup Sites database, maintained by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Sites are queried from GeoTracker by case type = Land Disposal Site. LIENS Recorded Environmental Cleanup Liens VERSION DATE: 11/16/20 The California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) maintains this list of liens placed upon real properties. A lien is utilized by the DTSC to obtain reimbursement from responsible parties for costs associated with the remediation of contaminated properties. LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks VERSION DATE: 07/07/21 This list of leaking underground storage tanks is a subset of the GeoTracker Cleanup Sites database maintained by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Sites are queried from GeoTracker by case type = LUST Cleanup Site. MCS Military Cleanup Sites VERSION DATE: 07/07/21 This list of Military sites is a subset of the GeoTracker Cleanup Sites database maintained by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Sites are queried from GeoTracker by case type = Military Cleanup Sites. This 138 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) list includes : Military UST sites; Military Privatized sites; and Military Cleanup sites (formerly known as DoD non UST). MINES Mines Listing VERSION DATE: 01/12/21 This list includes mine site locations extracted from the Mines Online database, maintained by the California Department of Conservation. Mines Online (MOL) is an interactive web map designed with GIS features that provide information such as the mine name, mine status, commodity sold, location, and other mine specific data. Please note: Mine location information is provided to assist experts in determining the location of mine operators in accordance with California Civil Code section 1103.4 and reflects information reported by mine operators in annual reports provided under Public Resources Code section 2207. While the Division of Mine Reclamation (DMR) attempts to populate MOL with accurate location information, the DMR cannot guarantee the accuracy of operator reported location information. MWMP California Medical Waste Management Program Facility List VERSION DATE: 12/31/20 This list of Medical Waste Management Program Facilities is maintained by the California Department of Public Health. The Medical Waste Management Program (MWMP) regulates the generation, handling, storage, treatment, and disposal of medical waste by providing oversight for the implementation of the Medical Waste Management Act (MWMA). The MWMP permits and inspects all medical waste off-site treatment facilities, medical waste transporters, and medical waste transfer stations. This list contains transporters, treatment, and transfer facilities. NFA No Further Action Determination VERSION DATE: 09/09/19 This list of No Further Action (NFA) sites is maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. NFA identifies sites where a Phase I Environmental Assessment was completed and resulted in a no action required determination. Please refer to ENVIROSTOR for current No Further Action sites. NFE Sites Needing Further Evaluation VERSION DATE: 06/01/21 This list of Inactive - Needs Evaluation sites is maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. These are unconfirmed contaminated properties that need further assessment. This data is queried from the Department of Toxic Substances Control Evirostor online database. NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Facilities VERSION DATE: 11/18/20 139 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) This list of active, historical, and terminated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Facilities permits is maintained by the California Environmental Protection Agency State Water Resources Control Board. This data includes storm water general permit enrollees that are active or have been active within the past three years. Please note there can be multiple listings for a single permit due to multiple dischargers, multiple facilities, and/or multiple address listings. Please use the Regulatory Measure ID to identify duplicates, as this is a unique identifier for each permit. PFAS PFAS Sampling Location Sites VERSION DATE: 12/14/20 This list of PFAS Sampling Locations is maintained by the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). This list contains site locations with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) analytical data. The data can represent individual sampling points (i.e. soil boring, groundwater monitoring well, drinking water well, etc.) or a site location with multiple sampling points. Sites currently under investigation are not included in this database until analytical results are finalized and submitted electronically by the Responsible Parties via GeoTracker’s Electronic Submittal of Information Portal, and after acceptance by a Regional Water Quality Control Board. According to the SWRCB, the addresses in this data may or may not be accurate. PROC Listing of Certified Processors VERSION DATE: 10/27/20 This list of Certified Processors that are operating under the state of California's Beverage Container Recycling Program is maintained by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. REF Referred to Another Local or State Agency VERSION DATE: 06/01/21 This Referred to Another Local or State Agency list, maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), contains properties where contamination has not been confirmed and which were determined as not requiring direct Department of Toxic Substance Control Site Mitigation Program action or oversight. Accordingly, these sites have been referred to another state or local regulatory agency. This data is extracted from the DTSC Envirostor online database and is queried by Status = "Refer state and local agencies". SLIC Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Recovery Listing VERSION DATE: 08/04/21 This list of Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Recovery sites is maintained by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). This list all "non-federally owned" sites that are regulated under the State Water Resources Control Board's Site Cleanup Program and/or similar programs conducted by each of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Cleanup Program Sites are also commonly referred to as "Site Cleanup Program sites". Cleanup Program Sites are varied and include but are not limited to pesticide and fertilizer facilities, rail yards, ports, equipment supply facilities, metals facilities, industrial manufacturing and maintenance sites, dry cleaners, bulk transfer facilities, refineries, mine sites, landfills, RCRA/CERCLA cleanups, and some 140 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) brownfields. Unauthorized releases detected at Cleanup Program Sites are highly variable and include but are not limited to hydrocarbon solvents, pesticides, perchlorate, nitrate, heavy metals, and petroleum constituents, to name a few. SWEEPS Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System VERSION DATE: 10/01/94 The Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System (SWEEPS) contains a historical listing of active and inactive underground storage tank locations from the State Water Resources Control Board. The hazardous substances stored within these tanks includes, but not restricted to, petroleum products, industrial solvents, and other materials. Refer to CUPA listing for source of current data. SWIS Solid Waste Information System Sites VERSION DATE: 07/19/21 This list of Solid Waste Information System Sites is extracted from the Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database, maintained by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. The SWIS database includes information on solid waste facilities, operations, and disposal sites located in California. The types of facilities found in this database include landfills, transfer stations, material recovery facilities, composting sites, transformation facilities, waste tire sites, and closed disposal sites. SWRCY Recycling Centers VERSION DATE: 11/02/20 This list of Certified Recycling Centers that are operating under the state of California's Beverage Container Recycling Program is maintained by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. TOXPITS Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites VERSION DATE: 07/01/95 Toxic Pits are sites with possible contamination of hazardous substances where cleanup is necessary. This listing is no longer updated by the State Water Resources Control Board. USTCUPA Underground Storage Tanks VERSION DATE: 07/09/21 The California State Water Resources Control Board maintains this list of permitted underground storage tanks. Permitted Underground Storage Tank (UST) Facilities includes facilities at which the owner or operator has been issued a permit to operate one or more USTs by the local permitting agency. Permitted UST Facilities are imported weekly from the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). 141 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) VCP Voluntary Cleanup Program VERSION DATE: 07/12/21 This list of Voluntary Cleanup Sites is a subset of the Envirostor database maintained by the California Department of Toxic Substance Control. Sites are queried from Envirostor by site type = Voluntary Cleanup. WMUDS Waste Management Unit Database VERSION DATE: 01/01/00 The Waste Management Unit Database System tracks and inventories waste management units. CCR Title 27 contains criteria stating that Waste Management Units are classified according to their ability to contain wastes. Containment shall be determined by geology, hydrology, topography, climatology, and other factors relating to the ability of the Unit to protect water quality. Water Code Section 13273.1 requires that operators submit a water quality solid waste assessment test (SWAT) report to address leak status. The WMUDS was last updated by the State Water Resources control board in 2000. 142 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - STATE (CA) SBFD San Bernardino County Hazardous Site Listing VERSION DATE: 11/16/20 This list of permitted hazardous sites is maintained by the San Bernardino County Fire Department. Active, inactive, fee exempt, and pending sites are included on this list. SBMW San Bernardino County Medical Waste Facility List VERSION DATE: 12/22/20 This list of San Bernardino County medical waste facilities is maintained by the County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health Medical Waste Program. The Medical Waste Program regulates generators of medical waste based on the Medical Waste Management Act. The program inspects medical waste facilities, facilities with on-site medical waste treatment units, and common storage areas annually. This program also investigates complaints regarding mishandling of medical waste and facilities that may be operating without a valid health permit. Some facilities that may generate medical waste include hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, blood banks, and doctors, dental and veterinarian offices. 143 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - LOCAL INDIANRES Indian Reservations VERSION DATE: 09/27/17 This database is extracted from select geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) within the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) provides the list of federally recognized tribes. The American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas includes the following legal entities: federally recognized American Indian reservations and off-reservation trust land areas, state- recognized American Indian reservations, and Hawaiian home lands (HHLs). The boundaries for federally recognized American Indian reservations and off-reservation trust lands are as of January 2017. The boundaries for state-recognized American Indian reservations and for state designated tribal statistical areas were delineated by state governor-appointed liaisons for the 2010 Census through the State American Indian Reservation Program and Tribal Statistical Areas Program respectively. LUSTR09 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks On Tribal Lands VERSION DATE: 05/27/21 This database, provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), contains leaking underground storage tanks on Tribal lands located in EPA Region 9. This region includes the following states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa. ODINDIAN Open Dump Inventory on Tribal Lands VERSION DATE: 11/08/06 This Indian Health Service database contains information about facilities and sites on tribal lands where solid waste is disposed of, which are not sanitary landfills or hazardous waste disposal facilities, and which meet the criteria promulgated under section 4004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6944). TORRESDUMPSITES Illegal Dump Sites on the Torres Martinez Reservation VERSION DATE: 12/31/18 This listing of illegal dump site locations on the Torres Martinez Reservation is maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX. These dump sites contain unlawfully discarded household waste such as landscaping and wood wastes with no known soil or groundwater contamination. A majority of the sites have already been cleaned up through the collaborative efforts of the EPA, The California Integrated Waste Management Board and the Torres Martinez Tribe. This data contains the 2007 List of Illegal Dump Site Locations from the Torres Martinez Reservation and the 2017-2018 List of Illegal Dump Site Locations from the Torres Martinez Reservation. USTR09 Underground Storage Tanks On Tribal Lands VERSION DATE: 05/27/21 This database, provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), contains underground 144 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - TRIBAL storage tanks on Tribal lands located in EPA Region 9. This region includes the following states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa. 145 of 145 www.geo-search.com 888-396-0042 Order# 170365 Job# 424937 Environmental Records Definitions - TRIBAL APPENDIX C County/City Information Report generated: Thursday, September 23, 2021 San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-Clerk Senator Bob Dutton (Ret.) Parcel Report Parcel Parcel:0236141060000 Parcel Status:A = ACTIVE Parcel Type:0 = REAL PROPERTY Property ID: Tax Status:1 = ASSESSED BY COUNTY Use Code:CITRUS Land Access:DUAL DUAL Size:07 = 7.001 TO 14.000 ACRES Land Type:01 = INDUSTRIAL District:FONTANA Resp Group:D = REAL PROPERTY RespnUnit:COM = COMMERCIAL ZONE OR USE Owner Owner 1:CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR Owner 2:C/O LILLIAN N CANTERO TRUSTEE Effective Date:05/24/2012 Current Owners Name R/I % Int Type Acquisition Date Document Date Inactive Date Document Nbrs CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR TR = TRUST REVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 05/24/2012 05/24/2012 NONE 20120203673 Legal Tract Map Tract Lot Block Unit Book Page Legal Description Legal Description S T L AND W CO S B L E 1/2 LOT 954 EX RR R/W AND EX CO RD 8.25 AC San Bernardino C… Roll Values History Roll Year TRA Supplement Corrected Date Corrected Code Billed Owner Joint Owner Land Value Improvement Value Improvem Penalty 2021 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $953,138 $0 0 2020 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $943,365 $0 0 2019 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $924,868 $0 0 2018 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $906,733 $0 0 2017 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $888,954 $0 0 2016 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $871,524 $0 0 2015 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $858,433 $0 0 2014 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $841,617 $0 0 2013 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR $837,813 $0 0 Parcel History Event Date Event Group/Type Multi Parcel Multi Parcel List 05/24/2012 TRANSFER - 100% PER RECORDED DOCUMENT NO 12/12/1994 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 08/28/1987 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 02/18/1982 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 08/18/1976 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) YES 0236141060000 TOT-CNV 08/18/1976 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) YES 0236141050000 TOT-CNV 02/27/1973 CREATE - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (NONREPAR) NO Owner History Name R/I % Int Type Acquisition Date Document Date OrigInactive Date Document Number CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SP BYPASS TR TR = TRUST REVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 05/24/2012 05/24/2012 NONE 20120203673 CANTERO, ROBERT AND LILLIAN N TRS TR = TRUST REVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 08/28/1987 12/13/1994 05/23/2012 9449113400000 CANTERO, LILLIAN N SP = SPOUSAL 50.0000 J = JOINT MAIL OWNER NONE 08/28/1987 12/12/1994 8729812400000 CANTERO, ROBERT SP = SPOUSAL 50.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE 08/28/1987 12/12/1994 8729812400000 HAWES, DON E SO = SOLE OWNER 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 08/18/1976 02/19/1982 08/27/1987 8203347600000 HAWES, MARILYN D UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 J = JOINT MAIL OWNER NONE 08/18/1976 02/18/1982 0000000001373 HAWES, DON E UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE 08/18/1976 02/18/1982 0000000001373 WRIGHT, ZENITH H UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 J = JOINT MAIL OWNER NONE NONE 08/17/1976 WRIGHT, NEWTON A UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE NONE 08/17/1976 Land Characteristics Effective Date From:12/13/1994 Effective Date to:Present Zoning: Lot Width:0.00 Lot Depth:0.00 Footage:359,370 Gross Acre:8.25 Net Acre:0 Access:6 = DUAL Slope Dir:0 = NONE Slope Degree:0 = LEVEL View Quality:0 = NONE View Type:0 = NONE Sewer:1 = PUBLIC Water:1 = PUBLIC Elec.:2 = OVERHEAD Gas:1 = PUBLIC Offsite:9 = CHECK Enc/Eas:0 = NONE Nuisance1:0 = NONE Nuisance2:0 = NONE Spc Infl1:0 = NONE Spc Infl2:0 = NONE Dock Rts:0 = NONE Lease Exp: San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-Clerk Parcel Information Management System Report generated: Thursday, September 23, 2021 San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-Clerk Senator Bob Dutton (Ret.) Parcel Report Parcel Parcel:0236141050000 Parcel Status:A = ACTIVE Parcel Type:0 = REAL PROPERTY Property ID: Tax Status:1 = ASSESSED BY COUNTY Use Code:VACANT Land Access:PUB/PV PUBLIC PAVED Size:06 = 3.501 TO 7.000 ACRES Land Type:01 = INDUSTRIAL District:FONTANA Resp Group:D = REAL PROPERTY RespnUnit:IND = INDUSTRIAL ZONE OR USE Owner Owner 1:CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 Owner 2:C/O LILLIAN N CANTERO, TRUSTEE Effective Date:05/24/2012 Current Owners Name R/I % Int Type Acquisition Date Document Date Inactive Date Document Nbrs CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 TR = TRUST REVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 05/24/2012 05/24/2012 NONE 20120203671 Legal Tract Map Tract Lot Block Unit Book Page Legal Description Legal Description S T L AND W CO S B L S 1/2 E 1/2 LOT 951 EX RR R/W AND CO RD 4.32 AC San Bernardino C… Roll Values History Roll Year TRA Supplement Corrected Date Corrected Code Billed Owner Joint Owner Land Value Improvement Value Improve Penalty 2021 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $506,479 $0 0 2020 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $501,286 $0 0 2019 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $491,457 $0 0 2018 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $481,821 $0 0 2017 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $472,374 $0 0 2016 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $463,112 $0 0 2015 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $456,156 $0 0 2014 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $447,221 $0 0 2013 10008 NO CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 $445,200 $0 0 Parcel History Event Date Event Group/Type Multi Parcel Multi Parcel List 05/24/2012 TRANSFER - 100% PER RECORDED DOCUMENT NO 12/12/1994 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 12/29/1986 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 02/18/1982 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 08/18/1976 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) YES 0236141050000 TOT-CNV 08/18/1976 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) YES 0236141060000 TOT-CNV 02/27/1973 CREATE - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (NONREPAR) NO Owner History Name R/I % Int Type Acquisition Date Document Date OrigInactive Date Document Number CANTERO, LILLIAN SURVIVOR'S TR 8/8/11 TR = TRUST REVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 05/24/2012 05/24/2012 NONE 20120203671 CANTERO, ROBERT AND LILLIAN N TRS TR = TRUST REVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 12/30/1986 12/13/1994 05/23/2012 9449113300000 CANTERO, LILLIAN N SP = SPOUSAL 50.0000 J = JOINT MAIL OWNER NONE 12/30/1986 12/12/1994 8640002900000 CANTERO, ROBERT SP = SPOUSAL 50.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE 12/30/1986 12/12/1994 8640002900000 HAWES, DON E SO = SOLE OWNER 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 08/18/1976 02/19/1982 12/29/1986 8203347600000 HAWES, MARILYN D UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 J = JOINT MAIL OWNER NONE 08/18/1976 02/18/1982 0000000001373 HAWES, DON E UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE 08/18/1976 02/18/1982 0000000001373 WRIGHT, ZENITH H UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 J = JOINT MAIL OWNER NONE NONE 08/17/1976 WRIGHT, NEWTON A UK = UNKNOWN 0.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE NONE 08/17/1976 Land Characteristics Effective Date From:12/13/1994 Effective Date to:Present Zoning:SP5 Lot Width:0.00 Lot Depth:0.00 Footage:188,179 Gross Acre:4.32 Net Acre:0 Access:1 = PUBLIC PAVED Slope Dir:0 = NONE Slope Degree:0 = LEVEL View Quality:0 = NONE View Type:0 = NONE Sewer:1 = PUBLIC Water:1 = PUBLIC Elec.:2 = OVERHEAD Gas:1 = PUBLIC Offsite:9 = CHECK Enc/Eas:0 = NONE Nuisance1:0 = NONE Nuisance2:0 = NONE Spc Infl1:0 = NONE Spc Infl2:0 = NONE Dock Rts:0 = NONE Lease Exp: San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-Clerk Parcel Information Management System Report generated: Thursday, September 23, 2021 San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-Clerk Senator Bob Dutton (Ret.) Parcel Report Parcel Parcel:0236141200000 Parcel Status:A = ACTIVE Parcel Type:0 = REAL PROPERTY Property ID: Tax Status:1 = ASSESSED BY COUNTY Use Code:GEN OFFICE Land Access:PUB/PV PUBLIC PAVED Size:05 = 1.501 TO 3.500 ACRES Land Type:01 = INDUSTRIAL District:FONTANA Resp Group:D = REAL PROPERTY RespnUnit:IND = INDUSTRIAL ZONE OR USE Owner Owner 1:CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS Owner 2:C/O LILLIAN N CANTERO TRUSTEE Effective Date:05/24/2012 Current Owners Name R/I % Int Type Acquisition Date Document Date Inactive Date Document Nbrs CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY- PAS TI = TRUST IRREVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 05/24/2012 05/24/2012 NONE 20120203674 Legal Tract Map Tract Lot Block Unit Book Page Legal Description Legal Description PARCEL MAP 9152 PARCEL 2 San Bernardino C… Roll Values History Roll Year TRA Supplement Corrected Date Corrected Code Billed Owner Joint Owner Land Value Improvement Value Improvem Penalty 2021 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $129,574 $30,370 0 2020 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $128,245 $30,059 0 2019 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $125,730 $29,470 0 2018 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $123,265 $28,892 0 2017 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $120,848 $28,325 0 2016 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $118,478 $27,770 0 2015 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $116,698 $27,353 0 2014 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $114,412 $26,817 0 2013 10008 NO CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY-PAS $113,895 $26,696 0 Parcel History Event Date Event Group/Type Multi Parcel Multi Parcel List 05/24/2012 TRANSFER - 100% PER RECORDED DOCUMENT NO 12/12/1994 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 12/10/1986 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO 07/03/1985 CREATE - SUBDIVISION YES 0236141190000 NEW-SUB 07/03/1985 INACTIVATE - SUBDIVIDED YES 0236141160000 OLD-SUB 07/03/1985 CREATE - SUBDIVISION YES 0236141200000 NEW-SUB 03/01/1985 TRANSFER - WORKED IN OLD SYSTEM (100% OR PARTIAL) NO Owner History Name R/I % Int Type Acquisition Date Document Date OrigInactive Date Document Number CANTERO, ROBERT & LILLIAN SPOUSES BY- PAS TI = TRUST IRREVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 05/24/2012 05/24/2012 NONE 20120203674 CANTERO, ROBERT AND LILLIAN N TRS TR = TRUST REVOCABLE 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE 12/13/1994 05/23/2012 9449113000000 CANTERO, ROBERT SO = SOLE OWNER 100.0000 B = BILLED OWNER NONE 12/11/1986 12/12/1994 8637565300000 CASTRO, ARMANDO TC = TENANCY IN COMMON 50.0000 J = JOINT MAIL OWNER 02/14/1978 03/01/1985 12/10/1986 8600000000000 CANTERO, ROBERT TC = TENANCY IN COMMON 50.0000 B = BILLED OWNER 02/14/1978 03/01/1985 12/10/1986 8600000000000 Land Characteristics Effective Date From:07/03/1985 Effective Date to:Present Zoning:SP5 Lot Width:0.00 Lot Depth:0.00 Footage:96,703 Gross Acre:2.22 Net Acre:0 Access:1 = PUBLIC PAVED Slope Dir:0 = NONE Slope Degree:0 = LEVEL View Quality:0 = NONE View Type:0 = NONE Sewer:1 = PUBLIC Water:1 = PUBLIC Elec.:2 = OVERHEAD Gas:1 = PUBLIC Offsite:9 = CHECK Enc/Eas:0 = NONE Nuisance1:0 = NONE Nuisance2:0 = NONE Spc Infl1:0 = NONE Spc Infl2:0 = NONE Dock Rts:0 = NONE Lease Exp: Other Characteristics Effective Date From:07/03/1985 Effective Date to:Present Sequence:1 Location: Addressln1: Addressln2: Use:0113 = LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Struc Quality:A Struc Type:D Gro Lease:408 Net Lease:408 Const. Year:1979 Eff Year:1979 Nbr Units:1 Adj. SF Units:0 # Stories:1 Story Height:16 Elevator:0 Land Scape:- Func. Obs:0 = NONE Adj LB Rate:0 Lease Exp: Apt 1 Units:0 Apt 1 Bdrm:0 Apt 1 Bath:0 Apt 2 Units:0 Apt 2 Bdrm:0 Apt 2 Bath:0 Apt 3 Units:0 Apt 3 Bdrm:0 Apt 3 Bath:0 Apt 4 Units:0 Apt 4 Bdrm:0 Apt 4 Bath:0 Apt 5 Units:0 Apt 5 Bdrm:0 Apt 5 Bath:0 Garage:0 Car Port:0 Open Spaces:0 RV Spaces:0 Laundry:- Apt Pool:- Apt Spa:- Tennis:- Security Gate:- Office Percent:0 Mezz SQF:0 Restaurant:- Hotel Pool:- Hotel Spa:- Conf. Room:- San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-Clerk Parcel Information Management System APPENDIX D Aerial Photographs 2016´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 2014´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 2012´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 2009´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 2002´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1994´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1990´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1985´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1975´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1970´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1966´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1954´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1952´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1948´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com 1938´HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Approximate Scale 1: 6,000 (1"=500') Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA www.historicalinfo.com APPENDIX E City Directories Research Summary for City Directory Abstract Site Location Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA Conducted For Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2080 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN HIG has produced a city directory abstract for one or more streets associated with the site location indicated above. The publications used to create the CD Abstract are listed below. The information below is taken directly from the city directory books. The following are definitions as they are found in the Haines books: XXXX = is no phone, no people or non-published phone. 600 XXXX = Correct address only. No other information. X Streetname = intersecting cross street Publication year, publisher and title 2011 Haines San Bernardino County 2006 Haines San Bernardino 2001 Haines San Bernardino 1996 Haines San Bernardino 1991 Haines San Bernardino 1986 Haines San Bernardino 1981 Haines Riverside - San Bernardino 1976 Haines Riverside - San Bernardino 1971 Haines Riverside - San Bernardino HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Date Created 09/29/2021 Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 1 of 8 Abstract Section 1- This section includes the city directory data sorted by address. 10524 Live Oak Avenue 2011 BOLANOS Jorge 2006 COBARRUBIA B Juan 2001 BOLANOSCOBARRUBIA S Juan 1996 NGUEYN Thu H 1981 XXXX 1976 DUNCAN MARION O 10526 Live Oak Avenue 1986 TRAN DAN 10528 Live Oak Avenue 2011 CARCAMO Mario Nelson 2006 XXXX 1986 STEPHESON ROBT W 1981 STEPHENSON ROBT W 1976 XXXX 1971 DEMARCO FRANK 10540 Live Oak Avenue 2011 UM Michelle 2006 DELINO Dora 2001 FUENTES John 1996 NUNEZ Manuel 10548 Live Oak Avenue 2011 MENDEZ Judith 2006 MENDEZ Judith 2001 OLIVERSO Sam 1981 GARCIA ABBY 1981 GARCIA AASENCION 1976 GARCIA ABBY 1976 GARCIA SENCION 1971 GARCIA ABBY 1971 GARCIA ASENCION 10576 Live Oak Avenue 2011 OLIVERAS Sam 2011 UM Michelle 2006 OLIVEROS Sam Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 2 of 8 2001 OLIVERSO Sam 1996 OLIVERSO Sam 1991 OLIVEROS Sam 1986 OLIVERSO R A 1986 OLIVERSON SAM 1981 OLIVERSO SAM 1976 OLIVEROS MANUELA 1971 OLIVEROS MANUELA 10610 Live Oak Avenue 2011 XXXX 2001 KEEP ON TRUCKING 2001 KEEP ON TRUCKING CO INC 1996 KEEP ON TRUCKING 1996 KEEP ON TRUCKING CO 1996 VANMATRE LUMBER CO 1991 KEEP ON TUCKING 1991 KEEP ON TUCKING CO 1991 VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 1986 CROSBY SALES 1986 OBRIEN TRUCKING 1981 BUTLER MARVIN 1976 BUTLER MARVIN 10650 Live Oak Avenue 2011 J & J ABRASIVE CLEANING 2006 J & J ABRASIVE CLEANING 2001 J&J ABRASIVE CLEANING 2001 SOLBERG Ludvig 1996 J&J ABRASIVE CLNG 1991 DESERT WIND BLASTING 1991 S&D SPECIALTIES 1986 DESERT WIND BLSTIN 1986 S&D SPECIALTIES 1981 ARROW CAL CO 1976 VIKING MACHINE 1971 VIKING MACHINE 10654 Live Oak Avenue 2011 SOUTH FONTANA COMMUNITY CHURCH Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 3 of 8 2006 SOUTH FONTANA COMMUNITY CHURCH 2001 SOUTH FONTANA COMMUNITY CHURCH 1996 SOUTH FNTNA CMTY CH 1991 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH 1986 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH 1981 SO FON COMMUNITY CH 1976 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH 1971 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH 10656 Live Oak Avenue 1986 BAKER WOOD PRODUCTS 1981 WALKER TRUCK PAINTN 1976 AMER RECLAMATION CO 10676 Live Oak Avenue 2011 XXXX 2001 XXXX 1996 ROACH M SANDBLASTNG 1991 ROACH M SANDBLSTNG 1986 BROTHES SANDBLASTG 1986 L&M MACHINE 10690 Live Oak Avenue 2011 LOVEDAY LUMBER 2011 VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 2006 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 2006 VAN MATRE LIMBER CO 2001 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 2001 VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 1996 CANTERO LUMBER SLS 1991 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 1991 PAUET ROOF STCTR 1986 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 1986 CANTERO ROBT JR 10712 Live Oak Avenue 2011 FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 2006 FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 2001 FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 1996 FOTNANA WOOD PRDCTS Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 4 of 8 1991 FONTANA WOOD PRCTS 1986 FONTANA WOOD PRDCTS 1981 FONTANA WOODS PROD 10734 Live Oak Avenue 2011 MARTINEZ Martha 2006 JURUPA VALLEY MILLWORKS 2006 LOPEZ PALLETS 2006 MARTINEZ Martha 2001 AMERICAN LUMBER SALES INC 2001 E S A PALLETTS INC 2001 IBARRA Jose A 2001 LOPEZ PALLETS 2001 MARTINEZ Martha 1996 AMER LUMBER SLS INC 1996 LOPEZ PALLETS 1991 AMER LUMBER SLS INC 10736 Live Oak Avenue 2001 XXXX 1996 XXXX Abstract Section 2: This section includes the city directory data sorted by the year the city directory was published. 2011 10524 BOLANOS Jorge 10528 CARCAMO Mario Nelson 10540 UM Michelle 10548 MENDEZ Judith 10576 OLIVERAS Sam 10576 UM Michelle 10610 XXXX 10650 J & J ABRASIVE CLEANING 10654 SOUTH FONTANA COMMUNITY CHURCH 10676 XXXX 10690 LOVEDAY LUMBER 10690 VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 10712 FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10734 MARTINEZ Martha Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 5 of 8 X SANTA ANA AVE 2006 10524 COBARRUBIA B Juan 10528 XXXX 10540 DELINO Dora 10548 MENDEZ Judith 10576 OLIVEROS Sam 10650 J & J ABRASIVE CLEANING 10654 SOUTH FONTANA COMMUNITY CHURCH 10690 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 10690 VAN MATRE LIMBER CO 10712 FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10734 JURUPA VALLEY MILLWORKS 10734 LOPEZ PALLETS 10734 MARTINEZ Martha X SANTA ANA AVE 2001 10524 BOLANOSCOBARRUBIA S Juan 10540 FUENTES John 10548 OLIVERSO Sam 10576 OLIVERSO Sam 10610 KEEP ON TRUCKING 10610 KEEP ON TRUCKING CO INC 10650 J&J ABRASIVE CLEANING 10650 SOLBERG Ludvig 10654 SOUTH FONTANA COMMUNITY CHURCH 10676 XXXX 10690 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 10690 VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 10712 FONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS INC 10734 AMERICAN LUMBER SALES INC 10734 E S A PALLETTS INC 10734 IBARRA Jose A 10734 LOPEZ PALLETS 10734 MARTINEZ Martha 10736 XXXX 1996 Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 6 of 8 10524 NGUEYN Thu H 10540 NUNEZ Manuel 10576 OLIVERSO Sam 10610 KEEP ON TRUCKING 10610 KEEP ON TRUCKING CO 10610 VANMATRE LUMBER CO 10650 J&J ABRASIVE CLNG 10654 SOUTH FNTNA CMTY CH 10676 ROACH M SANDBLASTNG 10690 CANTERO LUMBER SLS 10712 FOTNANA WOOD PRDCTS 10734 AMER LUMBER SLS INC 10734 LOPEZ PALLETS 10736 XXXX 1991 10576 OLIVEROS Sam 10610 KEEP ON TUCKING 10610 KEEP ON TUCKING CO 10610 VAN MATRE LUMBER CO 10650 DESERT WIND BLASTING 10650 S&D SPECIALTIES 10654 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH 10676 ROACH M SANDBLSTNG 10690 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 10690 PAUET ROOF STCTR 10712 FONTANA WOOD PRCTS 10734 AMER LUMBER SLS INC 1986 10526 TRAN DAN 10528 STEPHESON ROBT W 10576 OLIVERSO R A 10576 OLIVERSON SAM 10610 CROSBY SALES 10610 OBRIEN TRUCKING 10650 DESERT WIND BLSTIN 10650 S&D SPECIALTIES 10654 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 7 of 8 10656 BAKER WOOD PRODUCTS 10676 BROTHES SANDBLASTG 10676 L&M MACHINE 10690 CANTERO LUMBER SALES 10690 CANTERO ROBT JR 10712 FONTANA WOOD PRDCTS 1981 10524 XXXX 10528 STEPHENSON ROBT W 10548 GARCIA ABBY 10548 GARCIA AASENCION 10576 OLIVERSO SAM 10610 BUTLER MARVIN 10650 ARROW CAL CO 10654 SO FON COMMUNITY CH 10656 WALKER TRUCK PAINTN 10712 FONTANA WOODS PROD 1976 10524 DUNCAN MARION O 10528 XXXX 10548 GARCIA ABBY 10548 GARCIA SENCION 10576 OLIVEROS MANUELA 10610 BUTLER MARVIN 10650 VIKING MACHINE 10654 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH 10656 AMER RECLAMATION CO 1971 10528 DEMARCO FRANK 10548 GARCIA ABBY 10548 GARCIA ASENCION 10576 OLIVEROS MANUELA 10650 VIKING MACHINE 10654 SOUTH FON CMNTY CH Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 8 of 8 1965 Fontana & Bloomington, CA - Luskey Brothers & Co. Research Summary for City Directory Abstract Site Location Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA Conducted For Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2080 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN HIG has produced a city directory abstract for one or more streets associated with the site location indicated above. The publications used to create the CD Abstract are listed below. The information below is taken directly from the city directory books. The following are definitions as they are found in the Haines books: XXXX = is no phone, no people or non-published phone. 600 XXXX = Correct address only. No other information. X Streetname = intersecting cross street Publication year, publisher and title 2011 Haines San Bernardino County 2006 Haines San Bernardino 2001 Haines San Bernardino 1996 Haines San Bernardino 1991 Haines San Bernardino 1986 Haines San Bernardino 1981 Haines Riverside - San Bernardino 1976 Haines Riverside - San Bernardino 1971 Haines Riverside - San Bernardino HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Date Created 09/29/2021 Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 1 of 6 Abstract Section 1- This section includes the city directory data sorted by address. 14720 Santa Ana Avenue 2001 HARTZHEIM George 1996 XXXX 1991 ARROW TRUCKING 1986 LOCKE LUIS E 1981 LOCKE LOUIS E 1976 LOCKE LOUIS E 1971 LOCKE LORRAINE 1971 LOCKE LOUIS E 14731 Santa Ana Avenue 2011 SAIA INC 2011 SAIA MOTOR FRGHT LINES 2006 SAIA MOTOR FRGHT LINES 2001 WESTEX 1996 MERCHANTS OF CA 1991 CONSLTD FREGITHWAYS 1986 CONSOLIDATD FGHTWY 1981 CONSLTD FREIGHTWAYS 1981 CONSOLDIATED FRGHT 1981 CONSOLIDTD FRGTWAYS 1976 CONSOLIDATD FRGTWYS 1976 CONSOLDATED FRGTWY 1976 CONSOLIDATED FRTWYS 14760 Santa Ana Avenue 2011 DAYTON SUPERIOR 2001 AZTEC CONCRETE ACCESSORIES INC 1996 AZTEC CNCRTE ACSRY 1991 AZTEC CNCRETE ACSRYS 1986 WATKINS THERESA 1981 WATKINS TEHRESA 1976 WATKINS T HERESA 1971 ESCOBAR W C MFG 14790 Santa Ana Avenue 2011 HONG Chi Hien 2006 HONG Chi Hien Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 2 of 6 2001 HONG Chi Hien 1996 HONG Chi Hien 1991 PLASTING SARAH DALE 1986 PLASTING SARAH DALE 1981 PLASTING MORRIS G 1976 PLASTING MORRIS G 1971 PLASTING MORRIS G 14990 Santa Ana Avenue 2011 RED STAR LOGISTICS 2006 J & R PALLET CO 2001 J&R PALLET CO 15000 Santa Ana Avenue 2011 JACK B KELLY INC 2006 JACK B KELLY INC 2001 XXXX 1996 MORGAN CORP 1991 BARRETTT MIKE EQUIP 1986 BARRETT MIKE EQUIP 15005 Santa Ana Avenue 2011 QUALITY COLLISION CENTER 15050 Santa Ana Avenue 2011 RPS CABLE CORP 2006 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 2006 RPS CABLE CORP 2001 BUBION Lulu 2001 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 2001 RPS CABLE CORP 1996 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 1996 RPS CABLE CORP 1991 R P S CABLE CORP 1991 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 1986 R P S CABLE CORP 15320 Santa Ana Avenue 1986 GALLADE CHEMICAL CO Abstract Section 2: This section includes the city directory data sorted by the year the city directory was published. Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 3 of 6 2011 X REDWOOD AVE 14731 SAIA INC 14731 SAIA MOTOR FRGHT LINES 14760 DAYTON SUPERIOR 14790 HONG Chi Hien X LIVE OAK AVE 14990 RED STAR LOGISTICS 15000 JACK B KELLY INC 15005 QUALITY COLLISION CENTER 15050 RPS CABLE CORP X HEMLOCK AVE 2006 X REDWOOD AVE 14731 SAIA MOTOR FRGHT LINES 14790 HONG Chi Hien X LIVE OAK AVE 14990 J & R PALLET CO 15000 JACK B KELLY INC 15050 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 15050 RPS CABLE CORP X HEMLOCK AVE 2001 X REDWOOD AV 14720 HARTZHEIM George 14731 WESTEX 14760 AZTEC CONCRETE ACCESSORIES INC 14790 HONG Chi Hien 14990 J&R PALLET CO 15000 XXXX 15050 BUBION Lulu 15050 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 15050 RPS CABLE CORP X HEMLOCK AV 1996 14720 XXXX 14731 MERCHANTS OF CA Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 4 of 6 14760 AZTEC CNCRTE ACSRY 14790 HONG Chi Hien 15000 MORGAN CORP 15050 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 15050 RPS CABLE CORP 1991 14720 ARROW TRUCKING 14731 CONSLTD FREGITHWAYS 14760 AZTEC CNCRETE ACSRYS 14790 PLASTING SARAH DALE 15000 BARRETTT MIKE EQUIP 15050 R P S CABLE CORP 15050 REGIONAL STEEL CORP 1986 14720 LOCKE LUIS E 14731 CONSOLIDATD FGHTWY 14760 WATKINS THERESA 14790 PLASTING SARAH DALE 15000 BARRETT MIKE EQUIP 15050 R P S CABLE CORP 15320 GALLADE CHEMICAL CO 1981 14720 LOCKE LOUIS E 14731 CONSLTD FREIGHTWAYS 14731 CONSOLDIATED FRGHT 14731 CONSOLIDTD FRGTWAYS 14760 WATKINS TEHRESA 14790 PLASTING MORRIS G 1976 14720 LOCKE LOUIS E 14731 CONSOLIDATD FRGTWYS 14731 CONSOLDATED FRGTWY 14731 CONSOLIDATED FRTWYS 14760 WATKINS T HERESA 14790 PLASTING MORRIS G 1971 Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 5 of 6 14720 LOCKE LORRAINE 14720 LOCKE LOUIS E 14760 ESCOBAR W C MFG 14790 PLASTING MORRIS G Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 6 of 6 1965 Fontana & Bloomington, CA - Luskey Brothers & Co. APPENDIX F Historical Maps 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2018 -- -- -- West Guasti, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2018 -- -- -- 2018 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2015 -- -- -- West Guasti, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2015 -- -- -- 2015 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2012 -- -- -- West Guasti, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2012 -- -- -- 2012 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2009 -- -- -- West Guasti, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 2009 -- -- -- 2009 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 1967 1978 -- 1980 1980 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 1967 1973 -- 1973 West Guasti, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 1966 1973 -- 1973 1973 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 1967 1966 -- -- 1967 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 1953 1952 -- -- West Guasti, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 1953 1952 -- -- 1953 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East Fontana, CA USGS 7½' x 7½' 1943 -- -- -- 1943 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East San Bernardino, CA USGS 15' x 15' 1954 1952 -- -- West Ontario, CA USGS 15' x 15' 1954 -- -- -- 1954 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East San Bernardino, CA USGS 15' x 15' 1901 -- -- -- 1901 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East San Bernardino, CA USGS 15' x 15' 1898 -- -- -- 1898 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 117°30'W 117°30'W West | East West | East Aerial Photo Topo Updates Zone | Topographic Map Name | Publisher | Map Size |Base Map |Photo Year|Inspected| Revised East San Bernardino, CA USGS 15' x 15' 1896 -- -- -- 1896 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N1: 24,000 (1"=2,000') 0 1Distance in Miles Site information: Fontana10712 Live OakFontana, CA Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. project #227704455 HIG #212055481 completed: 09/28/2021 14:43 APPENDIX G Fire Insurance Map Research Document Fire Insurance Maps No Coverage Statement Site Location Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA Requested by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2080 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN The HIG Historical Map Collection and the United States Library of Congress Map Collection were searched for fire insurance maps (FIM), real estate atlases and similar maps for the site location and adjoining properties. No FIMs or similar maps were identified for the site location and/or adjacent properties. FIM+ Maps The HIG Historical Map Collection and the United States Library of Congress Map Collection were searched for fire insurance maps (FIMs), real estate atlases and similar maps for the site location and adjoining properties. No FIMs or similar maps were identified for the site location and/or adjoining properties. HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Date Created 09/29/2021 Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX H Subject Property Photographs Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 1 of 12 Photo #1 View facing west across central portion of the Subject Property near main entrance Photo #2 View showing truck parking areas on south portion of the Subject Property Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 2 of 12 Photo #3 View showing possible concrete areas beneath gravel on south portion of the Subject Property Photo #4 Second view showing gravel over a presumed base Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 3 of 12 Photo #5 View of small office building, facing north-northwest Photo #6 View of small office building, facing east Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 4 of 12 Photo #7 Vie facing west showing the structure adjoining west of the office building Photo #8 View of baghouse on north end of building in the northwest corner of the Subject Property, facing south Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 5 of 12 Photo #9 View facing northeast showing the metal fabricating building n the northwest corner of the Subject Property Photo #10 View facing west-northwest on the south end of the northwest building, note saw cut Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 6 of 12 Photo #11 View of trench drain in the concrete pad west of the northwest building Photo #12 View facing generally northeast showing the wooden building Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 7 of 12 Photo #13 View showing westernmost bay of wooden building Photo #14 Closeup view of pit in garage floor Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 8 of 12 Photo #15 View facing east at the main entrance on the property’s east side, view shows guard shack Photo #16 View of middle bay of wooden garage-type building Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 9 of 12 Photo #17 View of east bay of wooden garage-type building Photo #18 View of solid waste dumpster near port-a-potties in central portion of the Subject Property Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 10 of 12 Photo #19 View showing two 55-gallon drums, likely containing used oil Photo #20 View of AST on north edge of the Subject Property, facing northeast Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 11 of 12 Photo #21 View of some debris and small pile of sawdust on the north edge of the Subject Property Photo #22 View of concrete pad for transformer showing evidence of burrowing critters Photographs of the Property and Vicinity Site Name: Industrial Property, 10734 Live Oak Avenue, Fontana, California 92337 File No: 227704455 Date: October 2021 Page 12 of 12 Photo #23 View of pad-mounted transformer near northeast portion of the Subject Property APPENDIX I Research Summary HIG Research Summary Site Location Fontana 10712 Live Oak Fontana, CA Requested by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2080 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN This Research Summary identifies the products and services provided by Historical Information Gatherers, Inc. (HIG) for the above referenced site location. All products are provided as PDFs unless otherwise noted. Historical Aerial Photographs Aerial photographs of the site location were used to create a multi-page file named AerialPhotos. Each aerial photograph has a title block that includes the year and scale of the photograph as well as project information submitted at the time the order was placed. The years provided are: 1938, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1966, 1970, 1975, 1985, 1990, 1994, 2002, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016 City Directory Pages/Abstracts Research Methodology: A search was conducted for city directories that include coverage of the site area using HIG's City Directory Collection and other sources, if needed. Directories for the following years were identified for the site area. A comma between date ranges indicates a gap of 10 years or more in available city directories: San Bernardino, CA; 1922-1949, 1961-2011 Fontana-Bloomington, CA; 1965 The above listed directories were reviewed at approximate 5 year intervals to determine if the street(s) specified in the order were included in the directories and had listings for the site area. HIG attempted to identify former street names and aliases and if identified, these were also included in the review. Research Results: City directory information, when provided, was used to create a multi-page file(s) named CD- followed by the street name. When City Directory Pages are provided, the publication name and date are shown at the top of each page. When a City Directory abstract is provided, the first page of the abstract includes the relevant publication information. The years of coverage identified for each street and any identified historical street names are as follows: Live Oak Avenue (1965-2011) Santa Ana Avenue (1965-2011) FIM+ Maps The HIG Historical Map Collection and the United States Library of Congress Map Collection were searched for fire insurance maps (FIMs), real estate atlases and similar maps for the site location and adjoining properties. No FIMs or similar maps were identified for the site location and/or adjoining properties. Database Report A GeoSearch Radius Report is provided as a file named DBR. Links to the text file, unlocatable report and zip report can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon within the GeoSearch report. Key information regarding the database listings is included in a separate Excel spreadsheet named DBRS. Topographic Maps The HIG Historical Map Collection was searched for topographic maps for the site location and adjoining properties. Maps from the HIG Collection were used to create a multi-page file named TopoMaps. The years provided are: 1896, 1898, 1901, 1943, 1953, 1954, 1967, 1973, 1980, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 HIG Project # 2055481 Client Project # 227704455 Date Created 09/29/2021 Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 1 of 2 Up to four different topographic maps may have been used to create a unified map showing the site location in the center. Unified maps show subdued modern topo features where corresponding maps of the same year were not published. The date in large font on each map is the date HIG has attributed to the map based on the date of first publication, or the most recent date of map inspection or revision. The definitions below provide clarification regarding the dates included in the HIG title block for each map. Base Map Year - The year when a topographic map was first published or the date the map was significantly revised and given a new base map date. Photo Year - The date of the most recent aerial photography used to create, revise, or inspect the map. Photoinspected Year - The year the base map was compared to a more recent aerial photograph. If the comparison showed that no changes were needed, the map was marked photoinspected and no changes were made to the map. Photorevised Year - During the photo inspection process, if enough changes were observed, the map would be revised by adding the new features. These changes were not field checked and are shown in purple on the photorevised maps. Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability This Research Summary and the related documents and images provided by Historical Information Gatherers (hereafter referred to as the “Site Specific HIG Data”) contain information obtained from a variety of public and private sources. Additional information for the site and surrounding properties may exist. Accordingly, there can be no guaranty or warranty that the information provided is complete for its particular intended purpose. No warranty expressed or implied, is made whatsoever in connection with the Site Specific HIG Data. Historical Information Gatherers specifically disclaims the making of any such warranties, including without limitation, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Historical Information Gatherers, its officers, employees and independent contractors cannot be held liable to anyone for any loss or damage, whether arising out of errors or omissions, negligence, accident or any other cause, resulting directly or indirectly from any information provided or any information not provided in the Site Specific HIG Data. Any liability on the part of Historical Information Gatherers is strictly limited to a refund equal to the amount paid for the Site Specific HIG Data. HIG Copyright Notice This Research Summary and the selection, arrangement and compilation of Site Specific HIG Data are the property of Historical Information Gatherers. © Copyright 2021 by Historical Information Gatherers, Inc. All rights reserved. The person or entity that ordered and paid for the Site Specific HIG Data is granted a personal, non-assignable, limited license to reproduce the Site Specific HIG Data solely for purposes of providing supporting documentation for reports produced for the site location which is noted on page one of this Research Summary. Any other reproduction or other use of the Site Specific HIG Data in any media or format, in whole or in part, is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from Historical Information Gatherers, and the person or entity that ordered and paid for the Site Specific HIG Data assumes all liability for the making of any such reproductions. Licensing Agreement The licensing agreement between Historical Information Gatherers and infoGroup provides that Historical Information Gatherers may create photocopies or reproductions of portions of Polk City Directories, Hill-Donnelley Criss-Cross Directories and other directories under infoGroup copyright. The licensing agreement also permits the person or entity that ordered and paid for the Site Specific HIG Data to include photocopies or reproductions of portions of Polk City Directories, Hill-Donnelley Criss-Cross Directories and other directories under infoGroup copyright as supporting documents for reports produced for the site which is the subject of the Site Specific HIG Data. Historical Information Gatherers • www.historicalinfo.com • 952-253-2004 • Page 2 of 2