HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix G - Preliminary Geotechnical InvestigationConsultants in the Earth & Material Sciences 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, CA 92504 Tel: 951.776.0345 Fax: 951.776.0395 www.aragongeo.com PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL PROJECT LIVE OAK AVENUE AT SANTA ANA AVENUE CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FOR LIVE OAK LAND, LLC c/o WPT CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC 150 SOUTH 5TH STREET, SUITE 2675 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 PROJECT NO. 4757-SFI DECEMBER 16, 2021 Consultants in the Earth & Material Sciences 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, CA 92504 Tel: 951.776.0345 Fax: 951.776.0395 www.aragongeo.com December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Live Oak Land, LLC c/o WPT Capital Advisors, LLC 150 South 5th Street, Suite 2675 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attention: Mr. Jonah Chodosh Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Industrial Project Live Oak Avenue at Santa Ana Avenue City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with our proposal dated September 27, 2021 and your authorization, Aragón Geotechnical Inc. (AGI) has completed preliminary geotechnical and geological assessments for the above-referenced project. The attached report presents in detail the findings, opinions, and recommendations developed as a result of surface inspections, subsurface exploration and field tests, laboratory testing, and quantitative analyses. Our scope included an infiltration feasibility study for stormwater BMPs, but excluded environmental research and materials testing for contaminants in soil, groundwater, or air at the site. Infiltration-related findings have been presented in a separate report for the designer’s use in formulating a required preliminary water quality management plan. Eleven exploratory borings were drilled within the proposed construction area to characterize local soils. AGI found two primary native-soil units: (1) Distinctly yellowish brown, silty, fine-grained sand that forms a surface layer averaging more than 20 feet thick in the southern two-thirds of the project; and (2) Brown-colored, stratified, low-cohesion and often well-graded silty sand, gravelly sand, and sandy gravel found site-wide below the surface layer. The fine-grained unit was thin or absent in the northern third of the project. We interpreted the bulk of the fine-grained silty sand to represent wind-blown (eolian) sediments deposited in a now-concealed erosional channel. The deeper and much denser stratified unit was typical of young braided-stream alluvium and sheet flood deposits. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. ii Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Geologic constraints to development will require inclusion of structural measures to mitigate elevated risks of strong earthquake ground motions at the site. However, threats from other natural hazards including liquefaction, surface fault rupture, excessive settlement, gross instability or landsliding, seiching, induced flooding, and tsunami appear to range from low to zero. Groundwater was not encountered in any boring to our maximum-explored depth of 51.5 feet. Regional well data place permanent groundwater below 300 feet. Findings indicated the site should be suitable from a geotechnical viewpoint for a typical concrete tilt-up panel building. We have recommended that specified depths of surficial natural sediments and any undocumented fill be removed and replaced as compacted engineered fill for adequate structural support and to remove a line of transition between the main soil units. Acceptable remedial grading “bottoms” below the building outline will be variable, ranging between ~3 feet to 10 feet below existing surfaces in our estimation. Reuse of all local soils in structural fills will be acceptable. We have concluded that properly designed and constructed conventional shallow footings should provide adequate building support. Overexcavation is recommended when or if needed to supply at least 48 inches or 1.0 times the foundation base width of engineered fill (whichever is greater) below all shallow spread and continuous building footings. In addition to foundation design guidelines, including preliminary recommended design values for both vertical and lateral loads, this report presents recommendations for site earthwork, prescriptive code values for use in seismic groundshaking mitigation, concrete mix designs, and construction observation. It is recommended that grading and foundation plan reviews be performed by AGI prior to construction. Thank you very much for this opportunity to be of service. We welcome questions, and can be contacted through the convenience of email at www.aragongeo.com Very truly yours, Aragón Geotechnical Inc. Mark G. Doerschlag, CEG 1752 C. Fernando Aragón, P.E., M.S. Engineering Geologist Geotechnical Engineer, G.E. No. 2994 MGD/CFA:mma Distribution: (4) Addressee Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4.0 SITE GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.1 Previous Site Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.2 Surface Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.3 Subsurface Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.4 Groundwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.0 ENGINEERING GEOLOGIC ANALYSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.1 Regional Geologic Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.2 Local Geologic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.3 Slope Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5.4 Flooding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5.5 Faulting and Regional Seismicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.5.1 Fault Rupture Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.5.2 Strong Motion Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5.5.3 Secondary Seismic Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.2 Site Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6.3 Earthwork Volume Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 6.4 Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6.5 Foundation Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6.6 Floor Slab Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.7 2019 California Building Code Seismic Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.8 Concrete & Asphalt Pavements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6.9 Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6.10 Temporary Sloped Excavations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6.11 Trench Backfill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6.12 Soil Corrosivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6.13 Construction Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6.14 Investigation Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7.0 CLOSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Geotechnical Map Explanation & Subsurface Exploration Logs . . . . . . . . APPENDIX A Laboratory Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX B Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION LIVE OAK AVENUE AT SANTA ANA AVENUE INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of preliminary soils engineering and geologic evaluations conducted by Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. (AGI) for the referenced project, located in the Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan area of the City of Fontana. Regional and local arterial thoroughfares near the project include Slover Avenue and the Interstate 10 freeway to the north, Citrus Avenue to the east, Cherry Avenue to the west, and Jurupa Avenue to the south. The rectangular project site comprises three contiguous parcels (APN 0236- 141-05-0000, 0236-141-06-0000, and 0236-141-20-0000) encompassing 13.9 acres. Map coordinates are 34.058637 N x 117.481794 W at the northwest corner of the planned structure (this coordinate point was selected for seismological analyses based on closest structure-to-source distance). Situs per the Public Lands Survey System places the project in the NW¼ of Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 6 West (San Bernardino Baseline and Meridian). Construction is envisioned to include a logistics warehouse with vehicle access from both Live Oak Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue. The accompanying Site Location Map (Figure No. 1) depicts the general location of the project on a 1:24,000-scale topographic quadrangle map. Although out-of-date with respect to the rapid urbanization of the surrounding Fontana area, the older map series was selected for clearer depictions of ground slope, drainage patterns, and some past on-site and off-site land improvements. The primary objectives of our preliminary investigation were to determine the nature and engineering properties of the subsurface materials underlying the parcels in order to confirm general site suitability for the industrial building, and to provide preliminary foundation design, grading, and construction recommendations. Accordingly, our scope included reconnaissance of the site and surrounding neighborhood, historical aerial photo interpretations, geologic literature research, subsurface exploration, recovery of representative soil samples, laboratory testing, and geotechnical analyses. Authorized services included field tests to characterize water infiltration potential at an assumed water- quality BMP site. An infiltration feasibility report has been issued by AGI under separate cover for the design civil engineer’s use in formulating a preliminary water quality management plan. 0 2000 4000 FT. Reference: U. S. Geological Survey 7½-Minute Series Topographic Map, Fontana Quadrangle (1980). SITE LOCATION MAP LIVE OAK AVENUE INDUSTRIAL PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, CA. PROJECT NO. 4757-SFI DATE: 12/16/21 FIGURE 1 SITE Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 3 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Geological assessments focused on risks posed by active earthquake faults, strong ground motion, liquefaction or other secondary seismic hazards, and groundwater. These were evaluated using published resources and site-specific quantitative analyses, plus conclusions drawn from field findings and local case-history experience. However, environmental research, Phase I or Phase II environmental site assessments, well construction, or contaminant testing of air, soil, or groundwater found in the site were beyond the scope of this geotechnical investigation. 2.0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A conceptual site development plan originating from the Irvine firm of HPA Architecture was referenced for project information and borehole locality selection. The scaled drawing (Scheme 2) lacked elevation contours but included the planned envelope of an approxi- mately rectangular 325,192-square-foot industrial building situated more less in the site center. Clearance-under-beam dimensions and finish floor elevations have not been specified. We predict that a sloped floor is likely, however. Two office areas, potentially with mezzanine levels, would be situated in the northeastern and southeastern building corners. Forty-six dock doors would be included in the structure. Based on regional practices, AGI anticipated that the structural system would feature concrete tilt-up panel walls with parapet heights of possibly 40 to 50 feet, resting on perimeter shallow foundations. Roof loads from light metal engineered trusses would bear on isolated interior steel columns. Moderate foundation loads would be predicted for walls and columns. The west side of the project will have dock-door truck aprons and trailer stalls. These areas are expected to feature concrete paving. Either concrete or asphalt surfacing could be selected for automobile parking lots. Basements or other subterranean construction were not shown on the drawing and would be unlikely. Live sewer, water, and gas utilities exist in the neighboring streets and would presumably connect with the new building via buried service laterals. We infer that raw cut-and-fill earthwork volumes required to develop the sloped but otherwise very flat site will be modest. Maximum elevation changes from present surface grades in the project area are not expected to exceed a few feet. North-side cuts and south-side fills could be employed to flatten the warehouse floor gradient to under one Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 4 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. percent. Although not shown on the concept plan, slopes and/or low retaining walls might be considered near the site boundaries to accommodate cut-and-fill grade changes versus bordering lots. 3.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Subsurface geotechnical site characterization comprising 11 exploratory soil borings was completed by AGI on October 28, 2021. There were no significant access impediments. AGI-selected drill sites were cleared of utility interference issues by notification to the 811 DigAlert service in advance of AGI’s work. Soil boring sites were preferentially placed to explore possible “least-favorable” locations identified from aerial photos and other geological resources, while also meeting a goal of spanning the building envelope to gauge the degree of geotechnical site variability. Soil boring locations and depths were not fixed, however, and were modified by AGI’s field geologist where appropriate to obtain data concerning (1) Soil material classifications, water contents, in-place densities, and settlement potential in light of local geological interpretations; (2) Presence or absence of groundwater; (3) Continuity of layers or units across the property; and (4) Unit geological origins and a derivation of site “stiffness” for earthquake engineering purposes. The soil borings were drilled with a truck-mounted hollow-stem auger rig capable of driving and retrieving soil sample barrels. Borehole termination depths ranged from 11.5 to 51.5 feet. None of the borings were prematurely halted above their target depths by machine refusal, nor was bedrock encountered. As expected, all borings encountered sediments that were amenable to drive-tube sampling, performed at 2-foot to 5-foot depth increments. At shallow depths where soil bearing capacity and settlement potential would be the main items of concern, relatively undisturbed soil samples were recovered by driving a 3.0-inch- diameter “California modified” split-barrel sampler lined with brass rings. Deeper horizons in the borings included Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) conducted using an unlined 2.0- inch O.D. split-barrel spoon. All sampler driving was done using rods and a mechanically actuated automatic 140-pound hammer free-falling 30 inches. Bulk samples of auger cuttings representative of shallow native materials found near the northern and southern ends of the proposed building were bagged. All geotechnical samples were brought to AGI’s Riverside laboratory for assigned soils testing. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 5 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Drill cuttings and each discrete sample were visually/manually examined and classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System, and observations made concerning relative density, constituent grain size, visible macro-porosity, plasticity, and past or present groundwater conditions. Continuous logs of the subsurface conditions encountered were recorded by a senior Engineering Geologist, and the results are presented on the Field Boring Logs in Appendix A. The approximate locations of the borehole explorations are illustrated on the Geotechnical Map (Plate No. 1 foldout), located at the back of this report. “Undisturbed” samples were tested for dry density and water content. One-dimensional consolidation tests were conducted on selected barrel samples in order to evaluate settlement or collapse potential. Collapsible soils undergo rapid, irreversible compression when brought close to saturation while also subjected to loads such as from buildings or fill. The recovered bulk soil samples were evaluated for index and engineering properties such as shear strength, compaction criteria, expansion potential, and corrosivity characteristics. Discussions of the laboratory test standards used and the test results are presented in Appendix B. 4.0 SITE GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Previous Site Uses AGI’s scope included limited historical research to ascertain changes to surficial conditions through time, and address known or possible geotechnical impacts to project design or construction. Digitized historical aerial photographs archived at the U.C. Santa Barbara Geospatial Collections were downloaded and interpreted for evidence of past structures, land use, and for geological assessments of active faulting potential and geomorphic history. Newer monoscopic imagery was reviewed in the Google Earth Pro web application. Finally, the on-line version of the U.S. Geological Survey Historical Map Collection was accessed for digital scans of topographic quadrangle sheets pre-dating the base map image used for Figure 1. Reviewed historical sources are listed under “References” at the end of this report. The oldest imagery we located dated to March, 1933. Most of South Fontana was agricultural terrain used for citrus, vineyards, and some stockyards. The subject site was divided into three orchards by rows of windbreak trees. The orchards might have been olives and not citrus, based on a few relict trees still alive today on nearby Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 6 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. vacant lots to the west. There were no buildings and no signs of agricultural wells. Orchard uses continued uninterrupted for more than 47 years. By 1994, all agricultural uses had ceased and the collection of three parcels was cleared of orchard crops and windbreaks. The northern half of the site featured a collection of metal-framed canopies, sheds, a crude wooden shop building, and a small stucco-and-frame office building close to Live Oak Avenue. A year-2002 picture showed that the structures were part of an unknown manufacturing business at the north end of the site, and a pallet yard in the middle of the proposed project area. The southern third of the site had been recently plated with gray-colored aggregate base, but was vacant. Two years later, the base-surfaced area was being used for semi-trailer storage by a trucking company. By 2005, trailer-only storage was supplanted by temporary semi tractor-trailer parking open to the public. The two northern businesses continued to operate. The manufacturing business appeared to have abandoned its location by 2009. The pallet yard did not vacate until 2012. Soon after, truck parking stalls migrated into the former pallet yard area. By 2016, a fence line separating the former businesses was removed and the entire 13.9 acres was available for rented parking spaces. 4.2 Surface Conditions The site features a mean slope of about 1.5 percent toward the south-southwest according to digital terrain models. Relief within the project area is estimated to be about 18 feet. Disturbed but compacted soil surfaces, usually blanketed with a thin layer of imported crushed-rock aggregate, dominate the site. Most incident rainfall would appear to drain via sheetflow to the eastern and southern sides of the project, where runoff would exit through chain-link fencing into the bordering streets. Both Live Oak Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue feature unimproved dirt shoulders with uncontrolled and partly eroded flow lines next to the site. All of the buildings and canopies noted in 1994 images are still present. Some metal structures have been partially dismantled. Concrete building floors and exterior slabs- on-grade are intact. Almost all of the site has continued to be used for rented stalls for heavy truck parking. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 7 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. At the time of AGI’s field work, the site was barren except for one lone tree and a patch of desiccated weeds in the northwestern corner. Surrounding land uses included a metal junkyard plus a portion of a newer freight facility (Ceva Logistics) to the west, and a mostly vacant dirt lot to the north. Built in 2017, the Ceva property was noted to be several feet lower than the adjacent on-site natural surfaces. 4.3 Subsurface Conditions The Live Oak Avenue project site features two primary native-soil units: (1) A surficial unit of distinctly yellowish brown, silty, and relatively homogeneous fine sand (Unified Soil Classification System symbol SM); and (2) Brown or grayish-brown colored, massive to crudely stratified, near-cohesionless, and usually well-graded gravelly sand, sandy gravel, and subordinate silty sand alluvium (symbols SW-SM, GW-GM, SM) found site-wide below the surface layer. The silty fine sand unit is very thin or even locally absent in the northern quarter of the site, but appears to abruptly thicken southward along a line that might be the northwestern wall of a buried erosional channel. Logged depths of fine sand in the channel range from around 4 feet near the channel wall to 23.5 feet close to Santa Ana Avenue. Pedogenic soil develop- ment is virtually absent. The materials lack macroscopic pores and voids that can be markers for compressible or collapsible soils. Occasional intervals of fine sand blended with coarser components suggest that fluvial reworking periodically occurred during deposition. Penetration resistance for soil sampling tools in the fine-grained silty sand is usually low and sometimes in the range of “loose” relative density. The deeper and much coarser-grained alluvial unit is characterized by medium dense to very dense relative density, and low silty fines contents that are typically under 10 percent except for occasional thin reworked silty sand beds. Variable coarse-gravel proportions tend to define sub-layers at least a few feet thick. Clast sizes to to ~4 inches across are present. Shallow alluvium in the northernmost parts of the project has hard, rounded gravel particles with a suggestion of coarsening-down stratification. Alluvium deeper than 22-23 feet or so usually has some percentage of moderately weathered gravel particles, indicating greater age. All coarse clasts have been derived from crystalline bedrock sources. Section 5.2 (Local Geologic Conditions) and the drill logs in Appendix A contain considerable additional descriptions and interpretations of soil conditions in the project area. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 8 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. 4.4 Groundwater None of AGI’s soil borings encountered groundwater to the maximum explored depth of 51.5 feet. Rarely, recovered samples from the deepest site soil borings exhibited some iron oxide staining and limonitic spots that could be evidence for transient or seasonal soil saturation. These instances were interpreted to be artifacts of material age and not groundwater, however. AGI research also found no evidence for present-day or historical occurrence of rising water such as springs, seeps, or clustered phreatophytic vegetation. Checks of State “CASGEM” groundwater monitoring hydrographs and data reported by the Chino Basin Watermaster for southern Fontana indicate unconfined permanent groundwater is more than 300 feet deep at the site. Modern-day depths are around 100 feet greater than minimum (pre-development) historical depths based on century- old anecdotal accounts. There are no municipal extraction wells nearby. Because the adjudicated basin is actively managed to balance groundwater recharge and extraction, we judge that groundwater should indefinitely remain below the 300-foot depth. Groundwater should not influence building design or construction. Future fluctuations in shallow water elevations remain possible, however, due to variations in precipitation, temperature, consumptive uses, recharge management, or land use changes in Fontana which were not present at the time observations were made. 5.0 ENGINEERING GEOLOGIC ANALYSES 5.1 Regional Geologic Setting Southwestern San Bernardino County lies within the Peninsular Ranges Physio- graphic Province, one of 11 continental provinces recognized in California. The physiographic provinces are topographic-geologic groupings of convenience based primarily on landforms, characteristic lithologies, and late Cenozoic structural and geomorphic history. The Peninsular Ranges encompass southwestern California west of the Imperial-Coachella Valley trough and south of the escarpments of the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains. Most of the province lies outside of California, where it comprises much of the Baja California Peninsula. The province is characterized by youthful, steeply sloped, northwest-trending elongated ranges and intervening valleys. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 9 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Structurally, the Peninsular Ranges province in California is composed of a number of relatively stable, elongated crustal blocks bounded by active faults of the San Andreas transform system. Tectonic deformations and large earthquakes are mostly limited to the block margins. Exceptions are most notable approaching the Los Angeles Basin, where compressive stress gives rise to increasing degrees of vertical offset along the transform faults and a change in deformation style that includes young folds and active thrust ramps. Fontana is located near the northern edge of the Perris tectonic block, the longest sides of which are bounded by the San Jacinto fault zone to the northeast and the Elsinore and Chino fault systems to the southwest. The northern Perris Block loses some internal coherency due to tectonic collision with the San Gabriel Mountains, and features several northeast-trending faults that are mostly buried by deep alluvium. The Peninsular Ranges structural blocks are dominated by the presence of intrusive granitic rock types similar to those in the Sierra Nevada, although the province additionally contains a diverse array of metamorphic, sedimentary, and extrusive volcanic rocks. In general, the metamorphic rocks represent the highly altered host rocks for the episodic emplacement of Mesozoic-age granitic masses of varying composition. Parts of the province include thick sequences of younger marine and non-marine clastic sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Tertiary age, ranging from claystones to conglomerate. Pre-Quaternary sedimentary rocks are conspicuously absent from most of the Perris Block, however, which is dominated by crystalline basement materials. 5.2 Local Geologic Conditions Between the Transverse Ranges mountain front and the Jurupa Mountains, the City of Fontana and its neighboring communities have been developed across several coalescing alluvial fans. The site is near the distal edge of the Lytle Creek fan. The Lytle Creek watershed features plutonic and metamorphic rock types that are represented in the coarse-grained and bedded deposits at the site. Morton and Miller (2006) assign late Pleistocene to late Holocene ages for younger fan alluvium (units Qyf5 and Qyf1 in Figure 2, next page) mapped across the majority of South Fontana. The mapped unit Qyf1 within the site boundary correlates extremely well with AGI findings of silty fine-grained sand. This unit is not interpreted to be alluvial, however. 0 0.5 1.0 mi. Selected vicinity units: Qyf5 Unconsolidated younger alluvial fan deposits (late Holocene) Qyf1 Moderately dissected young alluvial fan deposits, per reference (early Holocene and late Pleistocene) (See narrative for revised interpretation of origin) KgPz Kgdp Granitic and mixed intrusive/metamorphic basement rocks composed of tonalite, Kgdt granodiorite, and banded gneiss (Cretaceous and older), Jurupa Mountains block. Kht Kt Reference: Modified after Morton and Miller (2006). Scale is approximate. VICINITY GEOLOGIC MAP LIVE OAK AVENUE INDUSTRIAL PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, CA. PROJECT NO. 4757-SFI DATE: 12/16/21 FIGURE 2 (FILL) SITE Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 11 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Large areas of Ontario, Fontana, Colton, and Rialto feature fine-grained surficial sandy soils at least a few feet deep. Their loose, low-unit-weight and typically massive character with minimal pedogenic soil development is consistent with eolian (wind-deposited) sediments. Around Colton and Bloomington, these deposits transition into actual dune landforms. Our preferred geomorphic interpretion for the Live Oak site is blow sand filling a broad, incised channel in the Lytle Creek fan unit. A unit designation of Holocene eolian deposits, “Qe”, is plotted on the Geotechnical Map accompanying this report. The “Qe” unit in turn rests directly atop significantly older alluvial deposits at between 20 and 25 feet below grade; these older strata would correlate better to the Qyf1 assignment in the Morton and Miller (2006) reference. The maximum depth of alluvium at the warehouse site is not known with certainty, but has been inferred to be at least several hundred feet based on the completion depth of a municipal well about 1½ miles to the northeast. Buried bedrock relief between the Jurupa Mountains block and the San Gabriel Mountains is not well understood. Limited data indicate that some areas have in excess of 2,000 feet of sediment. - Granitic bedrock consisting of heterogeneous quartz diorite and tonalite, punctuated with large inclusions of pre-intrusive marble and schist, rises to the surface only about 4,300 feet south of the project site. 5.3 Slope Stability The almost zero-relief site was found to be free of natural features associated with gross instability of slopes. The property is also distant from Jurupa Mountains slopes near the southern City limits. We judge landslide risks to be nil. 5.4 Flooding All project areas are accorded a status of flood zone X, or outside of delineated “100- year” or 1% annual chance flood zones (FEMA, 2008). The site lacks perennial or intermittent “blueline” streams, or even ephemeral stream lines in old aerial photos. Flood and debris flow risks should be extremely low, in our opinion. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 12 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. 5.5 Faulting and Regional Seismicity The project is situated in region of active and potentially active faults, as is all of metropolitan Southern California. Active faults present several potential risks to structures and people. Hazards associated with active faults include strong earthquake ground shaking, soil densification and liquefaction, mass wasting (landsliding), and surface rupture along active fault traces. Generally, the following four factors are the principal determinants of seismic risk at a given location: Distance to seismogenically capable faults. The maximum or “characteristic” magnitude earthquake for a capable fault. Seismic recurrence interval, in turn related to tectonic slip rates. Nature of earth materials underlying the site. 5.5.1 Fault Rupture Potential Surface rupture presents a primary or direct potential hazard to structures built across an active fault trace. Reviews of official maps delineating State of California Earthquake Fault Zones and San Bernardino County Fault Hazard Management zones indicated the project site is distant from zones of mandatory investigation for active faulting. The closest known active regional fault traces are associated with the Sierra Madre Fault zone [Etiwanda strand] northeast of central Rancho Cucamonga, about 7.4 miles away at closest approach. The recently updated 2018 City of Fontana General Plan Safety Element omits findings presented in the previous edition of the General Plan that recognized theoretical surface rupture and strong motion threats from the so-called “Fontana seismic trend”. Frequent microseismic activity defines a 15-mile-long interpreted northwest-dipping planar fault beginning in south Ontario, passing the western end of the Jurupa Mountains, and terminating at the Rialto-Colton groundwater barrier more than 6 miles northeast of the project site (Gooding, 2007). This source is included in the UCERF3 Statewide fault hazard model as an active fault. Earthquake focal plane solutions generally support a left-lateral offset style. In May, 2019, an earthquake swarm initiated along a short segment of the Fontana seismic trend very near the site, prompting local news coverage as 15 felt events with magnitudes greater than ML2.5 were recorded in only 8 days (exhibit next page). Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 13 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Surface traces have not been definitively confirmed for the fault. The Fontana seismic trend is not included in an official Earthquake Fault Zone for sufficiently active and well-defined fault-line traces. However, hypothesized bedrock-to- ground-surface rupture zones would place a plotted surface trace possibly passing through the north end of the site. Interpretations of old topographic quadrangle maps (e.g., Fontana 1943 and 1953 editions) do show some anomalous and aligned contour kinks northeast of the site along the south side of the historical seismic epicenter trend. Unlike the in-force 2018 Safety Element, the previous General Plan required fault rupture hazard studies for critical facilities and schools “near” the trend line. A zone was not defined, however. Special study requirements for risk category I-III buildings such as the proposed warehouse were not mandated, and remain absent today. Screen capture of 590 earthquake epicenters plotted for the May-June 2019 “Glen Avon” swarm. Earthquake magnitudes range to a maximum of M3.3. Hypocenter depths on average increase to the northwest, i.e., downdip. Plot date 6/6/19. Elevated activity continued for several more months, but had essentially ceased by the end of 2019. Source: U.S. Geological Survey (2021b). SITE Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 14 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. AGI’s aerial photographic interpretations did not suggest visible lineaments or manifestations of fault topography related to active fault traces on or next to the site. Subtle features would have been obliterated by cultivation even in the oldest available imagery, however. The site area has also been heavily modified by erosion and subsequent concealment with surficial blow sand. We judge that chances for direct surface fault rupture affecting the project are low. 5.5.2 Strong Motion Potential All Southern California construction is considered to be at high risk of experienc- ing strong ground motion during a structure’s design life. Although a prolific source of historical micro-earthquakes, the Fontana seismic trend has not produced an event larger than ML3.8 in the last 20 years. San Bernardino County assigns a maximum considered earthquake (MCE) potential of MW6.5, consistent with rupture length–magnitude relationships for California strike-slip faults. Because of proximity, the Fontana seismic trend is a controlling source for short-period ground motions. The mean recurrence interval for the MCE event is modeled as approximately 3,450 years (Working Group, 2013). Current and future probabilistic risk models for the Fontana area fundamentally assign the highest seismic risks from large characteristic seismic events along three faults: the San Jacinto, San Andreas, and Sierra Madre [Cucamonga] fault lines. The mode-magnitude event for peak ground acceleration at a 2% in 50- year exceedance risk is a multi-segment Mw8.1 earthquake on the San Jacinto fault (U.S. Geological Survey, 2021c; dynamic conterminous U.S. 2014 model). The searchable ANSS Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog indicates about 160 events of local magnitude M4.5 or greater have occurred within 100 kilometers of the project since instrumented recordings started in 1932 (Figure 3, next page). Clusters of epicenters are associated with the 1992 Landers and triggered Big Bear Lake events. These and other notable historical earthquakes in southern California over the last 30 years (e.g., Northridge, Hector Mine) were far away. They produced measured peak ground accelerations well under 0.20g in the City of Fontana area. Interestingly, earthquakes larger than the selected M4.5 intensity threshold have been rare along the northern San Jacinto fault and Reference: U. S. Geological Survey (2021b) real-time earthquake epicenter map. Plotted are 160 epicenters of instrument-recorded events from 1932 to present (12/16/21) of local magnitude M4.5 or greater within a radius of ~62 miles (100 kilometers) of the site. Location accuracy varies. The site is indicated by the gold square. The red lines indicate the approximate surface traces of Quaternary active faults. The selected magnitude corresponds to a threshold intensity value where light damage potential begins. These events are also generally widely felt by persons. One notable Southern California historical earthquake with an epicenter just beyond the selected search radius is the Hector Mine event in the Mojave Desert north of Yucca Valley. SIGNIFICANT EVENT EPICENTER EXHIBIT LIVE OAK AVENUE INDUSTRIAL PROJECT, CITY OF FONTANA, CA. PROJECT NO. 4757-SFI DATE: 12/16/21 FIGURE 3 Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 16 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. the San Andreas fault, even though both have among the fastest slip rates and shortest mean recurrence intervals among all California faults. San Jacinto Fault: The San Jacinto fault constitutes a set of en-échelon or right- and left-stepping fault segments stretching from near Cajon Pass to the Imperial Valley region. The primary sense of slip along the zone is right-lateral, although many individual fault segments show evidence of at least several thousand feet of vertical displacement. The San Jacinto fault zone has been very active, producing possibly eight historical earthquakes of local magnitude 6.0 or greater. The communities of Hemet and San Jacinto were heavily damaged in 1918 and again in 1923 from events on the San Jacinto Fault. Pre-instrumental interpreted magnitudes for these events were ML6.8 and ML6.3, respectively. The historical record suggests each discrete segment usually reacts to tectonic stress more or less independently from the others, and to have its own characteristic large earthquake with differing maximum magnitude potential and recurrence interval. Researchers and code development authorities now model the fault with potential for multi-segment rupture, however, with consequent increases in calculated risk to structures. San Andreas Fault: For most of its over-550-mile length, the San Andreas Fault can be clearly defined as a narrow, discrete zone of predominantly right-lateral shear. The southern terminus is close to the eastern shore of the Salton Sea, where it joins a crustal spreading center marked by the Brawley Seismic Zone. To the northwest, a major interruption of the otherwise relatively simple slip model for the San Andreas fault is centered in the San Gorgonio Pass region. Here, structural complexity resulting from a 15-kilometer left step in the fault zone has created (or reactivated) a myriad of separate faults spanning a zone 5 to 7 kilometers wide (Matti, et al., 1985; Sieh and Yule, 1997; 1998). Continuing research is refining speculation that propagation of ruptures from other portions of the San Andreas Fault might not be impeded through the Pass region. New data suggest the San Bernardino and Coachella Valley segments of the fault may experience concurrent rupture roughly once out of every three to four events. Multi-segment cascade rupture is currently considered in all 2008 and later State of California seismic hazard models (Petersen, 2008; Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 17 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Working Group, 2013), and has been adopted as a scenario event for emergency response training such as the annual ShakeOut drill. Source characteristics for the two regional active fault zones with the highest contributions to site risks are listed in the following table. Fault data have been summarized from WGCEP (2013) as implemented for the latest California fault model. Magnitudes are based on a probabilistic recurrence interval of 2,475 years for each source, binned to nearest 0.05 magnitude decrement. The reference magnitudes usually reflect cascade ruptures. Regional Seismic Source Parameters Fault Name (segment) Distance from Site (km) Length (km) Geologic Slip Rate (mm/yr) Magnitude @ 2% in 50 Yr. Prob., MW San Jacinto (San Bernardino)11.9 37 10.3 8.1 San Andreas (Coachella Mojave South) 20.1 302 10.0 to 32.5 8.25 Version 3 of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3) is the reference fault source model for year 2020-2023 California building codes and insurance risk analyses. Utilizing knowledge of tectonic slip rates and last historical or constrained paleoseismic event dates, UCERF3 includes time- dependent rupture probabilities for many major California faults. For the San Jacinto fault zone (San Bernardino subsection segments 1-4) between Moreno Valley and upper Lytle Creek, the model ascribes a 4.3% to 5.1% chance for an earthquake of M 6.7 in the next 30 years beginning in 2015 (Field et al., 2015). The conditional probability for an earthquake of magnitude MW 6.7 somewhere along the southern San Andreas Fault was calculated at 57% in 30 years. These probabilities will increase each year for successive 30-year windows. Most researchers peg the southern San Andreas as “overdue” for a very large earthquake. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 18 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Earthquake shaking hazards are quantified by deterministic calculation (specified source, specified magnitude, and a distance attenuation function), or probabilistic analysis (chance of intensity exceedance considering all sources and all potential magnitudes for a specified exposure period). With certain special exceptions, today’s engineering codes and practice generally utilize (time-independent) probabilistic hazard analysis. Prescribed parameter values calculated for the latest 2014 U.S. national hazard model indicate the site has a 10 percent risk in 50 years of peak ground accelerations (pga) exceeding approximately 0.51g, and 2 percent chance in 50-year exposure period of exceeding 0.82g (U.S. Geological Survey, 2021c). The reported pga values were linearly interpolated from 0.01-degree gridded data and include soil correction (NEHRP site class D; local shear wave velocity estimate Vs30 260 m/sec). Calculated peak or spectral acceleration values should never be construed as representing exact predictions of site response, however. Actual shaking intensities from any seismic source may be substantially higher or lower than estimated for a given earthquake event, due to complex and unpredictable effects from variables such as: Near-source directivity of horizontal shaking components Fault rupture propagation direction, length, and mode (strike-slip, normal, reverse) Depth and consistency of unconsolidated sediments or fill Topography Geologic structure underlying the site Seismic wave reflection, refraction, and interference (basin effects) 5.5.3 Secondary Seismic Hazards Secondary hazards include landsliding or mass wasting, liquefaction, flooding (from ruptured tanks or canals, inundation following dam collapse, surface oscillations in enclosed water bodies, or tsunami), and unsaturated-zone subsidence as a result of dynamic soil densification. All of these induced hazards are consequences of earthquake ground motion given the right set of initial conditions. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 19 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Flooding. AGI categorically rules out tsunami and seiche hazards. The project site is inland and not adjacent to lakes or open reservoirs. Tank rupture hazards are not apparent from aerial image reviews. Flooding risks from earthquake are believed to be nil. Liquefaction. The San Bernardino County General Plan safety element does not classify the site for liquefaction potential. The site is not within State-delineated “Zones of Required Investigation” for either liquefaction potential or landsliding (California Department of Conservation, 2021b). Our investigation findings are that the site has some shallow-depth liquefaction-susceptible materials, but zero liquefaction opportunity. Permanent groundwater is very deep. Also, the alluvial fan environment is not favorable for shallow and continuous impermeable layers (aquicludes) that could promote perched-water horizons. The site thus passes screening criteria used to differentiate sites with liquefaction hazard from those that have minimal hazard (California Department of Conservation, 2008). Related permanent ground deformation phenomena such as ground fissuring, ejection of pressurized sand-water mixtures from shallow liquefied layers (sand boils), flow slides, and lateral spreading have also been ruled out as hazards. Subsidence. Findings indicate that surface settlements from dynamic dry-sand volumetric changes should remain low, assuming that surficial soils are treated by recommended remedial grading for structural support. Susceptibility is almost entirely limited to the silty fine-grained eolian sand unit. Using the Tokimatsu and Seed (1987) method, quantitative calculations suggest unsaturated soil seismic settlements should remain under ¾-inch total, based on a mean-magnitude Mw7.9 earthquake and a 0.51g peak ground acceleration (475-year return period). Empirical rules of thumb would indicate differential settlements in a 40-foot span should remain less than a ½ inch. Both the total and differential settlements are lower than typical allowable maximum deflec- tions for concrete panel-wall construction on continuous foundations. Landslides. Section 5.3 notes that the site is flat and almost a mile from rocky mountain slopes. Earthquake-induced hazards from slope instability or tumbling rocks are believed to be zero. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 20 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 General Based on the results of our field exploration and laboratory tests, engineering analyses, local experience, and judgment, it is our professional opinion that the Live Oak Avenue site should be suitable from a geotechnical viewpoint for the proposed industrial project. Geological hazards imposed on the warehouse building appear to be limited to strong ground motion due to earthquake. Geotechnical constraints include low-density surficial natural materials judged susceptible to compression and dynamic settlement under building loads. Deeper alluvium is demonstrably medium dense or better, and has much higher unit weights. Prescriptive mitigation for the hazard of strong ground motion is nominally provided structural design adherence to local adopted building codes. Section 6.7 contains recommended short- and long-period design spectral accelerations for the project. Soil excavation and compaction to create dense engineered fill are recommended to mitigate the variably thick surficial zones of disturbed and potentially compressible materials. The site is also bisected by a transition line between much looser fine- grained sand, unit Qe, and a significantly higher-density gravelly alluvium unit. The exact line of transition is not detectible from surface observations, but is approxi- mately located by the geologic contact line plotted on the Geotechnical Map. Listed below are the recommended earthwork actions for existing soil conditions impacting site development: (1) Remedial grading should replace any existing fill and near-surface horizons of the two major site soil units as compacted engineered fill beside and below the entire building envelope. Based on the exploration logs, expected “removal” depths from existing grades will on average be in the range of 7 to 8 feet where unit Qe is mapped. Data indicate that fine-sand removals may shallow to a range of 4 to 5 feet near the Qe unit contact line with younger alluvium, Qyf. The deepest removals will occur toward the south side of the industrial building, and may approach 10 feet in some areas such as toward the southeastern building corner. Removal depths everywhere within unit Qyf should range between 3 and 5 feet. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 21 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. (2) Overexcavations below nominal removal bottoms are recommended wherever needed to supply an engineered compacted fill blanket of at least 48 inches depth or 1.0 times the base width “b” of continuous or spread footings, whichever is greater. This action will mitigate the unit Qyf-Qe site transition condition, reduce imposed foundation loads on deeper eolian deposits, and help minimize differential settlement potential. The minimum-recommended engineered fill depth below industrial floor slabs-on-grade is 24 inches. For site walls only, with implementation of reduced maximum-allowable bearing pressures, the minimum-recommended engineered fill depth below footings is 24 inches. (3) Lateral excavation limits at final bottom elevations should match or exceed the fill + removal depth or 5.0 feet (whichever is greater) beyond footing edges at the building perimeter. Where overexcavations into competent material are done per item (2), “slot-cutting” for individual column lines or continuous footings will be accepted. However, 3:1 or flatter slopes are recommended in the transition zones between the slot bottoms and normal removal bottoms. (4) At least 12 inches of soil stripping before placement of compacted engineered fill is recommended in all future new pavement or walkway areas. This is primarily an opportunity to locate deeper fills, old wastewater (septic) systems, rotted tree stumps or stump cavities, trench backfill alignments, and concealed waste pits. Fills or abandoned buried improvements need to be completely removed. Thereafter, 12 inches should be processed and compacted in place. Should pavement or walkway subgrades be planned more than 12 inches below current surfaces in verified native soils, in-place processing shall be instituted to create at least 12 inches of engineered soil fill below flexible or rigid pavement structural sections. 6.2 Site Grading The general guidelines presented below should be included in the project construction specifications to provide a basis for quality control during grading. It is recommended that all compacted fills be placed and compacted under continuous engineering observation and in accordance with the following: Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 22 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Demolition of existing buildings and canopies is expected. All abandoned buried improvements including foundation concrete, utility laterals, irrigation pipes, tanks, cables, and any wastewater treatment systems should be removed. Minimal clearing and grubbing is expected. However, if necessary in the opinion of the Geotechnical Engineer, the grading contractor must remain prepared to supply personnel to pick roots or debris from engineered fill during the grading operations. Excavation of fill, compressible native soil, or other unsuitable material as determined at the time of grading by the Geotechnical Engineer shall be performed as discussed in Section 6.1 for support of compacted engineered fill, structures, and improvements. Bottom acceptance will be by geological observation, probing, and density testing in alluvium. Competent soils shall demonstrate in-place dry densities of 85% or greater of the laboratory-determined maximum dry density to be approved, and exhibit insignificant macro-porosity. All of the site soils appear to be acceptable for re-use in new engineered compacted fill if free from organic debris and trash. Crushed-rock base course appears to be from rock quarries in Corona, and may be blended with local soils. Final determinations of removal depths shall be made during grading based upon conditions encountered during earthwork activities. Observation and acceptance of all stripped areas by the Geotechnical Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist and/or their designated representative shall be done prior to placing fill. Shallow scarification of exposed structural removal bottoms to a depth of 6 to 8 inches (or as field conditions dictate), moisture-conditioning by adding moisture or drying back to above-optimum moisture contents as described below, and recompaction to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the ASTM D1557-12 test standard. Proof-rolling with suitable heavy rubber- tire equipment is recommended. In unit Qe bottoms, two-pass rolling with 100 percent coverage is preliminarily advised, with further effort applied if needed until minimal visible rutting and subsidence is apparent to AGI observers. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 23 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Fill soils should be uniformly moisture-conditioned by mixing and blending to optimum water content or higher, and placed in lifts having thicknesses commensurate with the type of compaction equipment used, but generally no greater than 6 to 8 inches. Deep ripping to furrow the compacted truck yard surfaces, followed by pre-watering of the site is recommended in advance of earthwork to moisten the upper 5 to 7 feet of material. This will help reduce fugitive dust, and more importantly should help achieve high moisture uniformity in the fill while minimizing mixing time. Soil water contents below the recom- mended minimum water content shall constitute a basis for non-acceptance of the fill irrespective of measured relative compaction, and at the discretion of the Geotechnical Engineer may require the fill be reworked to produce uniform water contents at or over the desired 100% of optimum moisture. The contractor should utilize means and methods that result in uniform compaction of engineered fill meeting at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density determined by the ASTM D1557-12 standard. It is expected that ordinary tracked and rubber-tire equipment will be suitable for mixing and compaction in the granular, non-expansive soils. AGI recommends the uppermost 12 inches of building pad and pavement subgrade material achieve at least 95 percent relative compaction for soil classifications SM, SW- SM, GW-GM, or related USCS coarse-grained classifications. Rocks or other similar irreducible inert particles larger than about 3 inches in diameter should be excluded from engineered structural fills on this site. Exploration data indicate that cobble-size rocks in the removal zones should be very rare or absent, however. Field observation and testing shall be performed to verify that the recommended compaction and soil water contents are being uniformly achieved. Where compaction of less than 90 percent is indicated, additional compaction effort, with adjustment of the water content as necessary, should be made until at least 90 percent compaction is obtained. Field density tests should be performed at frequencies not less than one test per 2-foot rise in fill elevation and/or per 1,000 cubic yards of fill placed and compacted at this site. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 24 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Import soils, if required, should consist of a USCS granular soil with negligible expansion potential and be free of deleterious organic matter and large rocks. The borrow site and import soils must be reviewed and accepted by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to importation and use. Geotechnical acceptance will only be predicated on meeting certain engineering criteria, and would not address any environmental testing or clearances required by local agencies or the proposed end use. Proper surface drainage should be carefully taken into consideration during site development planning and warehouse construction. Finish surface contours should everywhere result in drainage being directed away from building panel walls to swales, area drains, detention basins, or water quality BMPs. It is recommended that expansion index and soluble sulfate content testing be performed upon completion of rough grading in the building pad. The exact number of tests should be determined by site observations made during grading, but should not be less than one test of each type for every soil classification encountered or 4 tests of each type overall, whichever is greater. 6.3 Earthwork Volume Adjustments Removal and recompaction of the wind-laid sands will result in material volume loss. The calculation of earth balance factors for the site as a whole is subject to some uncertainty because of imprecise estimates of shallow soil density from 0 to 2 feet (due to compaction from heavy truck passage), and possible shifting of the actual transition location of the alluvium – dune sand contact depicted on Plate No. 1. Future achieved degrees of compaction may also vary from average experience. We believe that civil designers should make allowances for at least 15 to 18 percent volumetric shrinkage in the building removal areas. We also expect that bottom subsidence from heavy equipment will be higher than average in the eolian soils, and would conservatively recommend that civil designs assume 0.2 foot of loss. Subsidence in unit Qyf will be much less, and should in our estimation remain under 0.1 foot. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 25 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. 6.4 Slopes Low permanent manufactured slopes would not be unexpected at this project. We think most slopes might be relegated to property perimeters in the north half of the site, where coarser-grained alluvial soils dominate. Slope design should in general conform to the following recommendations: Cut and fill slopes should be constructed at maximum slope inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). The surfaces of all fill slopes should be compacted as generally recommended under Site Grading, and should be free of slough or loose soils in their finished condition. The desired result should be 90 percent relative compaction to the slope face. The fill portion of any fill-over-cut slopes should maintain a minimum horizontal thickness of 5 feet or one-half the remaining fill slope height (whichever is greater), and be adequately benched into undisturbed competent materials. Cut slopes in local native surficial alluvium are expected to be globally and surficially stable. However, cut slopes higher than 8 feet or so should be independently evaluated by the soils engineer for possible recommended reconstruction as stabilization fill slopes. Erosion control measures should be implemented for all slopes as soon as practicable after slope completion, per applicable City ordinances. 6.5 Foundation Design Although information regarding anticipated foundation loads was not available for this report, the predicted construction type implies moderate imposed soil loads. Foundation plans, once they become available, must be evaluated by this firm for compatibility with the preliminary recommendations presented below. Conventional shallow continuous or spread footings embedded entirely within compacted engineered fill appear feasible for the industrial building. Structural loads may be supported on continuous or isolated spread footings at least 18 inches wide. All footings including site wall foundations should be bottomed a minimum of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. The recommended maximum allowable Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 26 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. bearing value is limited to 2,500 pounds per square foot (FS 3.0). Bearing values may be increased by one-third when considering short-duration seismic or wind loads. Lateral load resistance will be provided by friction between the supporting materials and building support elements, and by passive pressure. A friction coefficient of 0.38 may be utilized for foundations and slabs constructed atop structural fill composed of silty fine-grained sand. A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, may be used for the sides of footings. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. Any exterior isolated building footings should be tied in at least two perpendicular directions by grade beams or tie beams to reduce the potential for lateral drift or differential distortion. The base of the grade beams should enter the adjoining footings at the same depth as the footings (viewed in profile). The grade beam steel should be continuous at the footing connection. Footings should either be continuous across large openings, such as loading docks or main entrances, or be tied with a grade beam or tie beam. Interior columns should be supported on spread footings or integrated footing and grade beam systems. Column loads should not be supported directly by slabs. When designing the interior building footings, the structural engineer should consider utilizing grade beams to control lateral drift of isolated column footings, if the combination of friction and passive earth pressure will not be sufficient to resist lateral forces. Minimum foundation reinforcement should consist of four No. 5 bars, two near the top and two near the bottom (viewed in cross-section), or as dictated by loading conditions. However, footing and grade beam reinforcement specified by the project structural engineer shall take precedence over the latter guidelines. Provided that AGI’s recommendations for engineered fill depths below footings are incorporated into final design and construction, foundation settlements should be of low magnitude. Much of the anticipated static foundation settlement is expected to Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 27 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. occur during construction. Maximum consolidation settlements are not expected to exceed a ½-inch and should occur below the heaviest loaded columns. Differential settlement is not expected to exceed approximately ¼ to ½ of an inch between similarly loaded elements in a 40-foot span. 6.6 Floor Slab Design Concrete slab-on-grade industrial floor construction is assumed. The following recommendations are presented as options for minimum design parameters for the slabs, accounting for “non-expansive” subgrade soil and measured soil strengths only. The minimum design parameters do not account for concentrated loads (e.g., machinery, pallet racks, etc.) and/or the use of freezers or heating boxes. The information and recommendations presented in these sections are not meant to supersede design by the project structural engineer. We have conceptualized options based on an as-built subgrade having an expansion index of less than 20 and plasticity index of 0, as AGI anticipates for local sandy materials placed during mass grading. Generally, the indicated dimensions or materials may be varied by the structural engineer to produce acceptable performance for heavy or point loads, or to reduce section thicknesses. Final verification of the applicability of these or any modified recommendations must be confirmed by expansion index testing at the conclusion of pad precise grading. Lightly Loaded Floor Slabs. Commercial/office slabs in areas which will receive relatively light live loads (i.e., less than approximately 125 psf) may be a minimum of 4.5 inches thick if reinforced with No. 3 reinforcing bars at 18 inches on-center in two horizontally perpendicular directions. Reinforcing should be properly supported on chairs or blocks to ensure placement near the vertical midpoint of the slab. "Hooking" of the reinforcement is not considered an acceptable method of positioning the steel. The recommended minimum compressive strength of concrete in this application is 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Transverse and longitudinal control joints are advised to isolate slab cracking due to concrete shrinkage or expansion. If utilized in lieu of added reinforcement or concrete additives, crack control joints should be spaced no more than 12 feet on center and Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 28 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. constructed to a minimum depth of T/4, where "T" equals the slab thickness in inches. Construction joints between pours should utilize dowel baskets to control vertical deflections from either interior loads or soil uplift pressures. Highly Loaded Floor Slabs. The project structural engineer should design slabs in the event of expected high loads (i.e., machinery, forklifts, storage racks, etc.). Designs utilizing the modulus of subgrade reaction (k-value) may be used. A k-value of 150 pounds per square inch per inch may conservatively used for on-site soils. Recommended R-value tests for final pavement section design, and/or plate load tests, may be used to verify the subgrade modulus after completion of grading. For live loads of up to 250 psf, plain concrete slabs should be at least 5½ inches thick. The concrete used in slab construction should conform to Class 560-C-3250. Transverse and longitudinal crack control joints (if utilized) should be spaced no more than 12 feet on center and constructed to a minimum depth of T/4, where "T" equals the slab thickness in inches. Construction joints between pours should utilize dowel baskets to control vertical deflections from either interior loads or soil uplift pressures. These suggested design factors can be altered as long as comparable stiffness and strength objectives can be achieved. Moisture Protection. Ground-floor office portions of the warehouse building slab would be expected to have interior floor finishes (wood, vinyl, carpet) potentially sensitive to subgrade moisture or water vapor. Prescriptive code requirements specify a minimum 6-mil-thick plastic vapor retarder installed per manufacturer instructions to seal laps and perforations. The membrane may be situated atop as- built subgrades if reasonably free of large stones. Optional thicker 10-mil or 15-mil vapor retarders (e.g., StegoWrap®) should be favored due to greater damage resistance and even lower transmissivity. Protected areas should be separated from any areas that are not similarly protected. The separation may be created by a concrete cut-off wall extending at least 24 inches into the subgrade soil. Subgrade Pre-Saturation. Pre-saturation is recommended for all pad soil and pedestrian walkway subgrades demonstrating post-grading expansion indices exceeding 20. This is not expected. For as-built expansion indices under 20, AGI Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 29 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. would recommend that soil water contents at least approach optimum soil water contents determined from ASTM D1557-12 to a depth of at least 12 inches prior to slab-on-grade concrete placement. Extremely dry soils can pull water from wet concrete by capillary action and potentially affect hydration of cement pastes. Construction sequencing that helps preserve grading water should be encouraged. Subgrade soil water contents should be checked and verified as suitable by AGI technical staff no more than 48 hours prior to concrete placement. 6.7 2019 California Building Code Seismic Criteria Prescriptive mitigation for the hazard of strong ground motion is nominally provided by structural design adherence to local adopted building codes. The 2019 California Building Code (CBC), based on the 2018 International Building Code, maintains a “look-up” code convention for seismic engineering, using as primary inputs the site’s location and the assigned site class. The latter is a measure of soil or rock elastic resistance determined by borehole tests or geophysical methods. The 2019 code updated past practice by revising default earthquake loads, and quantifying seismic risk based on the newer probabilistic 2014 National Seismic Hazard model. Design coefficients are ultimately functions of distance to active faults, fault activity, and measured or correlated mean shear wave velocity within 30 meters (100 feet) of the ground surface. The tabulated criteria presented below were derived in accordance with the rules of Section 1613 of the 2019 CBC and ASCE/SEI Standard 7-16. The current code edition is expected to expire December 31, 2022. Entitlement or civil design delays that push project approvals past this date may result in the project being subject to the next code iteration. Seismic design values are expected to change. Geotechnical and geologic reviews of prescriptive design coefficients are recommended if delays occur. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 30 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Table 6.7-1 2019 CBC Seismic Design Factors and Coefficients (Lat. 34.058637 N, Long. 117.481794 W) 2019 CBC Section #Seismic Parameter Indicated Value or Classification 1613.2.1 Mapped Acceleration MCER Ss 1.754g (Note 1) Mapped Acceleration MCER S1 0.653g (Note 1) 1613.2.2 Site Class D (Note 2) 1613.2.3 Site Coefficient Fa 1.0 Site Coefficient Fv 1.7 (Note 3) 1613.2.3 Adjusted MCER Spectral Response SMS 1.754g Adjusted MCER Spectral Response SM1 1.110g 1613.2.4 Design Spectral Response SDS 1.169g (Note 4) Design Spectral Response SD1 0.739g (Note 4) Notes (1) Interpolated from 0.01-degree gridded data in the probabilistic 2014 National Seismic Hazard Model (SEAOC, 2021), 2% in 50-year exceedance probability. (2) Determinate classification, based on minimal site grading, borehole SPT data, known depth to bedrock >>30 meters, and estimated Vs30 260 m/sec. Clay horizons are absent. (3) Provided that equivalent lateral force procedures are used to determine seismic resisting elements of the structures, and the seismic response coefficient Cs is determined in accordance with ASCE 7-16 § (4) Defined by 2019 CBC §1613.1 and ASCE/SEI 7-16 §11.4.5. A site-specific MCER response spectral acceleration at any period shall be taken as the lesser of the probabilistic or deterministic spectral response accelerations, with the latter subject to lower-limit values. The design spectral response accelerations are calculated as of the MCER value. Based on ASCE 7-16 and CBC §1613.2.5, a Seismic Design Category of D for risk category I-III buildings/structures is assigned for buildings sited where SD1 > 0.20g and S1 < 0.75g. The option for alternative seismic design category determination based on a structure’s fundamental period and CBC Table 1613.2.5(1) alone is allowed. The site-modified zero-period MCEG ground motion estimate PGAM is 0.821g. Seismic response coefficients determined by the SEAOC seismic design tool applied to Figures 22-18A and 22-19A of ASCE 7-16 would be: CRS = 0.936 CR1 = 0.912 Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 31 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. It should be understood that the 2019 CBC and most other building codes define minimum criteria needed to produce acceptable life-safety performance. Code- compliant structures can still suffer damage. Project owners should be aware that structures can be designed to further limit earthquake damage, sometimes for modest cost premiums. Ultimately, final selection of design coefficients should be made by the structural consultant based on local guidelines and ordinances, expected structural response, and desired performance objectives. 6.8 Concrete & Asphalt Pavements Depending upon budget, aesthetics, life-cycle costs, and proposed end use, Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement or a mix of PCC and lighter-duty asphalt surfaces could be specified for the project. Customarily, semi-truck driveways and trailer stalls use PCC pavement. Because automobile stalls will be oriented to discourage freight truck traffic, an option for asphaltic concrete pavements in the parking lots located north and south of the industrial building is reasonable. Refer to Section 6.1 for recommended removal and recompaction treatments of fills and shallow native soils in areas that will support new pavements, curbs and gutter, sidewalks, or other flatwork. For an assumed traffic index of 8.0, equivalent maximum single-axle loads of 13,000 pounds, an R-value of 50 or greater as expected for local soils, and assumed concrete modulus of rupture of 550 psi, the recommended preliminary PCC design section includes 7.5 inches of un-reinforced (plain) concrete, over 12 inches of granular site soil compacted to not less than 95 percent relative compaction. Concrete used for pavement should have a minimum 28-day compressive strength fc of 4,500 pounds per square inch. The structural engineer could consider alternative sections that include reinforcement or different-strength concrete mixes in the event of a different design traffic index, special conditions including ESALs exceeding 13,000 pounds, or requests for a thinner concrete section. The minimum-recommended structural section for hot mix asphalt paving under light- duty automobile loads (traffic index 5.5 and 20-year design lifetime) over local soil types would be 3.0 inches of asphalt over 6.0 inches of compacted aggregate base material. The example section may be useful for development cost estimates. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 32 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Subgrades should be processed and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density determined by ASTM D1557-12 to depths of at least 12 inches. Base course should meet materials specifications for Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base material or better, and should be placed and fully compacted in lifts no greater than 6 inches thick to a minimum dry density of 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density per the ASTM D1557-12 standard. The final recommended section may change and should be based on the pavement use condition, desired pavement lifetime, and recommended R-value tests on soils collected from as-built subgrades. Designed pavement gradients should be sufficient to rapidly clear all incident water to concrete gutters at flow lines, or to suitable stormwater BMPs. Owners, designers, and general contractors should be aware that Class 2 base material may be composed of virgin natural stone (“crushed aggregate base” or CAB), or reclaimed materials such as crushed concrete and pulverized asphalt (crushed miscellaneous base, CMB). Reclaimed base has been the source of unsatisfactory pavement performance at multiple Southern California projects due to unintended contamination with reactive aluminum metal fragments. Surface distress manifests as permanent pavement “bumps” or “pimples”. It is not clear at this time that the problem is limited to only certain suppliers, or whether local suppliers can provide warranties for delivered product. The most conservative option is to specify only “CAB” for flexible pavement base courses, in our opinion. 6.9 Retaining Walls Available plans did not depict retaining walls, but site relief and anecdotal information suggests walls will be proposed along the north side of the site. Preliminary recommended earth pressure values for walls are shown below. AGI assumes that a well-drained, select granular material with a sand equivalent value of 30 or better will be utilized for backfill. Fine-grained eolian sand is not recommended for wall backfill. Live loading (e.g., forklifts) must be added to the stated values. Active pressures from seismic inertial loads must also be included for walls retaining more than 6.0 feet of soil. Seismic loads may be based on the zero-period MCEG ground motion estimate PGAM = 0.821g and MCE event magnitude Mw7.9. Other expected site conditions such as drained, granular backfill soils appear to be consistent with the Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 33 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. assumptions of the widely used Mononobe-Okabe method or similar later variations of rigid plastic methods for finding force magnitudes on the wall. Standard reduction factors for PGA (e.g., 0.5 for M-O method) may thus be implemented. Table 6.9-1 Preliminary Retaining Wall Fluid Pressure Inclination of Retained Material Equivalent Fluid Pressure (psf) Unrestrained Restrained Level 35 55 2:1 Slope 55 65 It is recommended preliminary wall designs be reviewed by AGI for locality-specific modifications and/or needs for additional soil tests before construction. A reduced maximum-allowable foundation bearing value of 1,500 psf is recommended for site walls and retaining walls that will be subject to less-stringent removal recommenda- tions. Panel wall pour strip backfill for pad soils with very low expansion potential may alternative comprise compacted soil (90 percent compaction, and 95 percent compaction within 1.0 foot of subgrade), densified clean pea rock, or CLSM slurry. Granular-soil wall backfill at dock doors should be mechanically compacted full-depth to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. Density testing is recommended to verify the adequacy of compaction. Exterior walls retaining more than 3 feet of soil should be provided with a means of drainage to prevent hydrostatic forces. Drainage provisions may be based on the wall height, wall length, and any irrigated land uses next to the improvement. Typical approaches would be a continuous perforated subdrain line embedded in open-graded crushed rock placed at the inside bottom of the wall, or through-the-wall options such as weepholes, or open head joints for CMU structures. 6.10 Temporary Sloped Excavations Post-grading excavations at the site would be expected to variously encounter zones of engineered compacted fill, native eolian sand, and gravelly alluvium. Natural soils at the site could locally be loose or have low cohesion. Excavations up to 5 feet in Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 34 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. depth in these materials should stand vertically for temporary periods. However, trenches open for any extended period of time and all excavations greater than 5 feet in depth should be properly sloped or shored. Where sufficient space is available for a sloped excavation, the side slopes should be inclined to no steeper than 1½:1 (horizontal to vertical) per current rules for excavation material Type C and an excavation depth of 20 feet or less in unsaturated soil. The exposed earth materials in the excavation side slopes should be observed and verified as suitable by a geotechnical engineer. The exposed slope faces should be kept moist and not allowed to dry out. Vertical-walled slot cuts or shafts should be actively supported and fully sheeted. Hydraulic trench boxes are one option. We would not foresee difficulty in pulling trench boxes through a slot cut if progressive cut-and-backfill utility installations were used by contractors. Surcharge loads should not be permitted within five feet from the top of excavations, unless the cut or trench is properly shored. Contractors are ultimately responsible for verifying that slope height, slope inclination, excavation depths, and shoring design are in compliance with Cal-OSHA safety regulations (Title 8, Section 1540-1543 et seq.), or successor regulations. 6.11 Trench Backfill All soil-backfilled utility trenches on this site should be backfilled in lifts and mechanically compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. Trenches in the public street rights-of-way should conform with City of Fontana Standard Plan 1008. The City standard includes compaction of 95 percent or greater in the upper 12 inches of regular backfill. Utility purveyors may also specify a greater degree of compaction in streets than either AGI or City minima. Flooded or jetted backfill is not recommended except for densification of select imported granular bedding materials placed directly around utility lines. The local soils are probably not suitable to serve as pipe bedding materials due to silt and/or oversize gravel content. Density testing is recommended to verify the adequacy of compaction efforts. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 35 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. 6.12 Soil Corrosivity Chemical analyses were performed to provide a general evaluation of the corrosivity of the native soils and included soluble sulfates, soluble chlorides, soil pH, and minimum saturated resistivity . Findings indicated the site soils should not be highly aggressive to concrete. Analytic tests reported barely detectible soluble sulfate of only 0.0001 weight percent in a typical slightly alkaline shallow-soil sample. Saturated resistivity was 6,231 ohm-cm in the same sample, placing surficial soils in a “moderately corrosive” classification for electrolytic-type corrosion of ferrous metals. We encourage the owner to engage a qualified corrosion engineer for a more in- depth evaluation of risks to buried ferrous objects such as fire protection pipes, and for specification of special corrosion protection features that may be required. The categorically “negligible” sulfate concentrations indicate that normal Type I-II cement should be suitable for concrete mix designs utilized for this project, based on American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318 Table 4.3.1. Type V cement may optionally be used for any site concrete mix, and would be mandatory for measured sulfate concentrations exceeding 0.20 weight percent. It is recommended that all concrete which will come in contact with on-site soil materials be selected, batched, and placed in accordance with the latest California Building Code and ACI technical recommen- dations. 6.13 Construction Observation The preliminary foundation recommendations presented in this report are based on the assumption that all foundations will bear entirely within properly compacted engineered fill approved by this office. It is recommended that all engineered fill placement operations be performed under continuous engineering observation and testing by AGI personnel. Engineered fill shall constitute any load-bearing soil placements, irrespective of yardage quantity or depth. Continuous observation is a 2019 CBC requirement for engineered fill. Continuous or periodic fill observation and testing may be suitable for trench backfills depending mostly on trench depth and contractor production. Verification testing of completed soil-subgrade expansion potentials and soluble sulfate contents prior to casting floor slabs is recommended at appropriate points in the construction time line. All foundation excavations should be observed prior to placing concrete to verify that foundations are embedded within Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 36 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. satisfactory fill materials and that excavations are free of loose or disturbed soils and made to the recommended depths. 6.14 Investigation Limitations The present findings and recommendations are based on the results of the field exploration combined with interpolations of soil conditions between a limited number of subsurface excavations. The nature and extent of variations beyond or between the explorations may not become evident until construction. If conditions encoun- tered during construction vary significantly from those indicated by this report, then additional geotechnical tests, analyses, and recommendations could be required from this office. Because this report has also incorporated many assumed design characteristics of site grading and the proposed structure where specific information was not available, foundation and grading plan reviews by this firm are recommended prior to construction in order to evaluate the new facilities from a geotechnical viewpoint and allow modifications to the preliminary recommendations developed to date. We recommend that the project engineer incorporate this report and subsequent plan review reports into the overall project specification by title and date references on final drawings. Lastly, a pre-construction meeting with the owner, grading contractor, and civil engineer is strongly encouraged to present, explain, and clarify geotechnical concerns, uncertainties, and recommendations for the site. 7.0 CLOSURE This report was prepared for the use of Live Oak Land, LLC and their selected design team, in cooperation with this office. All professional services provided in connection with the preceding report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering principles and local practice in the fields of soil mechanics, foundation engineering, and engineering geology, as well as the general requirements of San Bernardino County and the City of Fontana in effect at the time of report issuance. We make no other warranty, either expressed or implied. We cannot guarantee acceptance of the final report by regulating authorities without needs for additional services. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 38 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. REFERENCES California Division of Mines and Geology, 2008, Guidelines for Evaluation and Mitigation of Seismic Hazards in California: CDMG Special Publication 117 [Rev. September 11, 2008], online version at http://www.consrv.ca.gov/dmg/pubs/sp/117.htm California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 2021a, Digital images of official maps of Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones of California, on-line versions at Internet URL http://www.quake.ca.gov/gmaps/ap/ap_maps.htm California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey, 2021b, Digital images of official maps of liquefaction and landslide Seismic Hazard Zones, on-line versions at Internet URL http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/shzp FEMA, 2008, Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Map No. 06071C8665H, 8-28-2008. Field, E.H., and 2014 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, 2015, UCERF3: A new earthquake forecast for California’s complex fault system: U.S. Geological Survey 2015–3009, 6 p., http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/fs20153009 Gooding, M.L., 2007, Seismic hazards of the Fontana trend: M.Sc. Thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, download at http://www.goodingfamily.biz/images/MastersThesisPDF/Thesis_Gooding_Sept07 sm.pdf Ishihara, K., 1985, Stability of natural deposits during earthquakes, in Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, San Francisco, CA, vol. 1, p. 321-376. Ishihara, K., and Yoshimine, M., 1992, Evaluation of settlements in sand deposits following liquefaction during earthquakes: Soils and Foundations, JSSMFE, v. 32, no. 1, March 1992. Matti, J.C., Morton, D.M., and Cox, B.F., 1985, Distribution and geologic relations of fault systems in the vicinity of the central Transverse Ranges, southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report OFR 85-365. Martin, G.R., and Lew, M. (eds.), 1999, Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117 Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards in California: Southern California Earthquake Center Contribution 462, 63 p. Morton, D.M., and Miller, F.K., 2006, Geologic map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30' x 60' quadrangles, California [ver. 1.0], U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2006-1217, scale 1:100,000. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 39 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. Petersen, Mark D., Frankel, Arthur D., Harmsen, Stephen C., Mueller, Charles S., Haller, Kathleen M., Wheeler, Russell L., Wesson, Robert L., Zeng, Yuehua, Boyd, Oliver S., Perkins, David M., Luco, Nicolas, Field, Edward H., Wills, Chris J., and Rukstales, Kenneth S., 2008, Documentation for the 2008 Update of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1128, 61 p. Sieh, K, and Yule, D., 1997, Neotectonic and paleoseismic investigation of the San Andreas fault system, San Gorgonio Pass: Progress report to Southern California Earthquake Center, 4 p. Sieh, K., and Yule, D., 1998, Neotectonic and paleoseismic investigation of the San Andreas fault system, San Gorgonio Pass: Southern California Earthquake Center, Annual Report for 1998, 2 p. and figures. http://www.scec.org/research/98progreports/ Sieh, K., and Yule, D., 1999, Neotectonic and paleoseismic investigation of the San Andreas fault system, San Gorgonio Pass: Southern California Earthquake Center, Annual Report for 1999, 4 p. and figures. http://www.scec.org/research/99progreports/ Structural Engineers Association of California [SEAOC], 2020, Seismic Design Map Tool: access date 12/1/20 from Internet URL https://www.seaoc.org/page/seismicdesignmaptool Tokimatsu, K., and Seed, H.B., 1987, Evaluation of settlement in sands due to earthquake shaking: Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, vol. 113, no. 8, p. 861-878. U.S. Geological Survey, 2021a, Fontana (1943, 1953, and 1967) 7.5' topographic quadrangle sheets, download files at The National Map: Historical Topographical Map Collection, access date 6/1/19 from Internet URL http://nationalmap.gove/historical/ U.S. Geological Survey, 2021b, Worldwide Earthquake Map, with embedded access to Quaternary faults and folds, and ANSS Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog [COMCAT], Internet URL http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ U.S. Geological Survey, 2021c, Unified Hazard Tool: Internet URL https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/interactive/ WGCEP, 2013, The uniform California earthquake rupture forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3) – the time-independent model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1165, 97 p. Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. 40 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS U.C. Santa Barbara Aerial Image Collections Date Flown Flight Number Scale Frame Numbers 3-20-33 C-2550 1:15,840 Line B, #32 5-27-38 AXL-1938 1:20,000 Line 34, #32 2-7-54 AXL-1953B 1:20,000 Line 16K, #59 5-15-67 AXM-1967 1:20,000 Line 4HH, #117 2-21-76 AMI-SBD-76 1:36,000 #8111 6-7-80 AMI-SBD-80 1:36,000 Line 19A, #10 6-1-94 NAPP 2C 1:40,000 #6866-3 Google Earth Pro Historical Image Library Image dates as shown in application: 5/31/94 5/20/05 11/12/13 8/15/19 6/4/02 6/14/06 4/27/14 4/23/20 9/7/03 3/30/07 2/9/16 11/9/20 11/2003 5/24/09 2/9/16 4/19/21 9/2/04 11/15/09 11/21/16 10/1/04 3/9/11 2/19/18 4/14/05 6/7/12 8/24/18 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. APPENDIX A Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. A-1 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. A P P E N D I X A GEOTECHNICAL MAP EXPLANATION & SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOGS The Geotechnical Map (Plate No. 1, foldout at the back of this report) was prepared based upon information supplied by the client, or others, along with Aragón Geotechnical's field measurements and observations. Field exploration locations illustrated on the map were derived from taped and paced measurements of distance to surrounding improvements, and should be considered approximate. The selected boring locations were deemed sufficient by AGI for characterizing the possible range of subsurface conditions occurring at the site. Image base: Google Earth Pro with Scheme 2 site plan overlay, image date November 9, 2020. The Field Boring Logs on the following pages schematically depict and describe the subsurface (soil and groundwater) conditions encountered at the specific exploration locations on the date that the explorations were performed. Unit descriptions reflect predominant soil types; actual variability may be much greater. Unit boundaries may be approximate or gradational. Text information often incorporates the field investigator’s interpretations of geologic history, origin, diagenesis, and unit identifiers such as formation name or time-stratigraphic group. Additionally, soil conditions between recovered samples are based in part on judgment. Therefore, the logs contain both factual and interpretive information. Subsurface conditions may differ between exploration locations and within areas of the site that were not explored. The subsurface conditions may also change at the exploration locations over the passage of time. The investigation scope and field operations were conducted in general accordance with the procedures recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard D420-98 entitled "Site Characterization for Engineering Design and Construction Purposes" and/or other relevant specifications. Soil samples were preserved and transported to AGI’s Riverside laboratory in general accordance with the procedures recommended by ASTM standard D4220 entitled "Standard Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples". Brief descriptions of the sampling and testing procedures are presented below: Ring-Lined Barrel Sampling – ASTM D3550-01 In this procedure, a thick-walled barrel sampler constructed to receive thin-wall liners (either a stack of 1-inch-high brass rings or 6-inch stainless steel tubes for environmental testing) is used to collect soil samples for classification and laboratory tests. Samples were collected from selected depths in all 6 hollow-stem auger borings. The drilling rig was equipped with a 140-pound mechanically actuated automatic driving hammer operated to fall 30 inches, acting on rods. A 12-inch-long sample barrel fitted with 2.50-inch-diameter rings and tubes plus a waste barrel extension was subsequently driven a distance of 18 inches or to practical refusal (considered to be 50 blows for 6 inches). The raw blow counts for each 6-inch increment of penetration (or fraction thereof) were recorded and are shown on the Field Boring Logs. An asterisk (*) marks refusal within the initial 6-inch Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. A-2 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. seating interval. The hammer weight of 140 pounds and fall of 30 inches allow rough correlations to be made (via conversion factors that normally range from 0.60 to 0.65 in Southern California practice) to uncorrected Standard Penetration Test N-values, and thus approximate descriptions of consistency or relative density could be derived. The method provides relatively undisturbed samples that fit directly into laboratory test instruments without additional handling and disturbance. Standard Penetration Tests – ASTM D1586-11 In deeper boreholes, Standard Penetration Tests were performed to recover disturbed samples suitable for classification, and to provide baseline data for dry-soil settlement analysis and site class for seismic design. A split-barrel sampler with a 2.0-inch outside diameter is driven by successive blows of a 140-pound hammer with a vertical fall of 30 inches, for a distance of 18 inches at the desired depth. The drill rig used for this investigation was equipped with an automatic trip hammer acting on drilling rods. The total number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches of the 18-inch sample interval is defined as the Standard Penetration Resistance, or “N-value”. Penetration resistance counts for each 6-inch interval and the raw, uncorrected N-value for each test are shown on the Field Boring Logs. Drive efficiencies for automatic hammers are higher than older rope-and-cathead systems, which are disappearing from practice. Where practical refusal was encountered within a 6-inch interval, defined as penetration resistance 50 blows per 6 inches, the raw blow count was recorded for the noted fractional interval; an asterisk (*) marks refusal within the initial 6-inch seating interval. The N-value represents an index of the relative density for granular soils or comparative consistency for cohesive soils. Bulk Sample A relatively large volume of soil is collected with a shovel or trowel. The sample is transported to the materials laboratory in a sealed plastic bag or bucket. Classification of Samples Bulk auger cuttings and discrete soil samples were visually-manually classified based on texture and plasticity, utilizing the procedures outlined in the ASTM D2487-11 standard. The assignment of a group name to each of the collected samples was performed according to the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2488-09). The plasticity reported on field logs refers to soil behavior at field moisture content unless noted otherwise. Site material classifications are reported on the Field Boring Logs. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 1005 1000 995 Aggregate Base Material: 2" of Corona-origin CAB. Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose to medium dense; slightly moist; fine-grained. Has about10-15% gravel up to ½" size (gap-graded).[Sand sheet/topsoil] Gravelly Sand: Brown; medium dense; dry to slightly moist; fine to coarse grained sand with estimated 15% fines and 30% gap-gradedgravel clasts to 3" diameter. [Youngeralluvium] Silty Sand: Light brown; medium dense; slightly moist; fine-grained and lacking any gravel; estimated ~20% fines. Appearsmassive. May very slowly coarsen downward.[Younger alluvium] 1 SM SM SM SM Silty sand, fine-grained but with traces of medium and coarse sand plus pea-sized gravel. Moist. Appears massive. Increasing gravel percentages, gap-graded1"-2" stones. RING 6921 RING 91612 RING 6913 RING 91313 118.6 121.2 100.5 104.2 1.3 1.8 2.9 1.9 BULK: MAX, EI, SHEAR 34757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 31.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 1009 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at NEC of proposed building. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. (30) (32) (22) (26) 15 20 25 30 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 990 985 980 Silty Sand: Light brown; medium dense;slightly moist; fine-grained sand with traces offine gravel; estimated ~15% fines and lowcohesion. Fast easy drilling. [Younger alluvium] Sandy Gravel: Brown; dense; slightly moist;fine to coarse grained gravel and sand; under10% fines. Includes a few small hard cobblesto ~4" diameter. Rig chatter and bounce. [Younger alluvium] Gravelly Sand: Brown; medium dense; moist;fine to coarse-grained sand similar to abovesubunit but lower 20-25% gravel proportionsand estimated 15% fines; crudely bedded 3"-6" thick. At 25 feet, exhibits some distinct medium FeO mottles and thin zones of yellowish eolian sand. [Younger alluvium] 1 SM GW-GM SM SM @ 28' passes through brief rocky zone with subrounded hard clasts to 2" diameter. Silty sand and gravelly sand, thick crudebeds, rocks to ~1" diameter. Silty sand hasorange-brown FeO grain staining. Abrupt contact. SPT121312 SPT162117 SPT71113 SPT101924 44757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=25 N=38 N=20 N=43 Bottom of boring at 31.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 1005 1000 995 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement: 2" thick, no base. Gravelly Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense; slightly moist to moist; fine- to medium-grained sand with estimated 25% gap-gradedmedium gravel. [Eolian+alluvial mix] Sand with Silt: Brown; medium dense; slightly moist; fine to coarse grained immature fluvial sand with under 10% fines and 5-10% finegravel; massive; low cohesion. [Youngeralluvium] Sandy Gravel: Brown; medium dense; slightly moist; fine to coarse-grained gravel and sand plus some small cobbles. Rig chatter andbounce. [Younger alluvium] 2 SM SM SM SW-SM SW-SM GW-GM Gravelly sand, massive, hard clasts. Gravelly sand, 15%-20% fines, well-graded. May be bioturbated. Sand with silt, about 10% fine gravel, not visibly porous. RING 141921 RING 91521 RING 111519 RING 152022 117.1 115.5 119.4 116.2 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.1 54757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 21.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 1006 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at NWC of proposed building. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. (40) (36) (34) (42) 15 20 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 990 985 Sandy Gravel: Brown; medium dense; slightlymoist; fine to coarse grained gravel and sandplus occasional small cobbles; about 8-10%fines; crudely bedded with subordinate gravelly sand. Rig chatter and bounce. [Younger alluvium] 2 GW-GM,SW-SM SW-SM Cobbles. Sand with silt, becomes dense, crude beds6"-8" thick, up to 40% gravel to 1" diameter,good grain packing. SPT111415 SPT91223 64757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=29 N=35 Bottom of boring at 21.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 1005 1000 995 Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose; moist below 1'; fine-grained; massive. Traces of rounded medium gravel (gap-graded) to 1"diameter in upper few feet. [Eolian deposits] 3 SM SM SM SM SM SM Silty sand, massive, lacks any pedogenic solum development, massive, not visibly porous. Silty sand, as above. Silty sand, as above but zero gravel, not visibily porous. Silty sand, very fine grained and siltier (estimated 30-35% fines), not visibly porous. Silty sand, possibly faintly bedded with local traces of clay plus medium & coarse sand. Unit may slowly grade siltier with depth. SPT 234 SPT 444 SPT 234 SPT 446 SPT 455 74757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 21.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 1006 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at east side of proposed building. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. N=7 N=8 N=7 N=10 N=10 15 20 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 990 985 Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense;moist; fine- to very fine-grained sand withnearly equal proportion of silt at 15 feet;massive and featureless. [Eolian deposits] 3 SM SM Silty sand, fine-grained, massive, ~30% silt. Faint medium FeO mottles. SPT456 SPT667 84757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=11 N=13 Bottom of boring at 21.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 1000 995 990 Aggregate Base Material: 4" of CAB, Corona source quarry. Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense; moist; fine- to medium-grained sand with up to~30% gap-graded gravel to 1" diameter.[Eolian deposits, reworked] Silty Sand with Gravel: Brown; medium dense; moist; fine to coarse graned with variable 5%-20% gravel in possible thick beds;rare silt drapes. Low cohesion. [Youngeralluvium] Gravelly Sand: Grayish brown; medium dense; slightly moist; estimated 15% fines typical and with rocks to ~3" across. Sample@ 10' with 3" rock in shoe. 4 SM SM SM SM SM Silty sand, loses gravel content at ~3 feet. Silty sand, as above, not visibly porous. Thin eolian sand layer. RING 677 RING 4711 RING 6711 RING 61121 107.7 123.7 97.0 101.3 3.1 1.2 12.1 3.1 94757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 21.0 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 1004 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at west (dock-door) side of proposed building. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. (14) (18) (18) (32) 15 20 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 985 Sand with Silt: Brown; dense; slightly moist.Composed of immature sand with hard gravelclasts to 1" or so. Little rig chatter. [Youngeralluvium] Sandy Gravel: Light brown; very dense;slightly moist; fine to coarse gravel with sandy,low-fines matrix. Hard clasts are up to 4"across. [Younger alluvium] 4 SW-SM GW-GM GW-GM Sandy gravel. Abrupt contact. SPT121719 SPT2250/6" 104757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=36 Bottom of boring at 21.0 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 1000 995 990 Aggregate Base Material: 3" of CAB, Corona source quarry. Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense @ surface but grading to loose; moist; fine-grained sand with zero gravel and about 35-40% silt fines. [Eolian deposits] Silty Sand: Light brown; medium dense; slightly moist. Generally fine to medium grained immature sand near top with lowcohesion. Some fine to medium gravel below9 feet. [Younger alluvium] Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense; moist; estimated 20% fines is typical; massive. No gravel. [Eolian deposits] 5 SM SM SM SM SP-SM SM Silty sand, massive, not visibly porous, lacks pedogenic solum. Silty sand, as above but with traces of coarse sand. Sand with silt, now only ~10% silt and about the same proportion of gravel. RING 5811 RING 456 RING 81015 RING 101112 121.3 107.6 112.1 113.5 5.8 4.6 1.5 1.5 114757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 21.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 1002 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located near east side of proposed building. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. (19) (11) (25) (23) 15 20 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 985 Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense;moist; estimated 20% fines is typical; massiveand not visibly porous at 15 feet. No gravel.[Eolian deposits] Gravelly Sand: Brown; medium dense;slightly moist. Bedded unit of gravelly sandand silty sand, former with hard clasts up to1½" across. [Younger alluvium] 5 SM SM Uncertain contact, a little rig chatter. SPT8911 SPT101215 124757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=20 N=27 Bottom of boring at 21.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 995 990 985 Aggregate Base Material: 4" of CAB, Corona source quarry. Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose; moist; fine-grained sand with traces of native gravel inupper 2 feet; massive and featureless. [Eoliandeposits] 6 SM SM SM SM SM Silty sand, almost 50:50 sand and silt, massive, not visibly porous, lacks pedogenic solum. Silty sand, as above. Silty sand, as above except for trace of fine gravel. Silty sand, becomes brown and medium dense, fine to coarse grained, zero gravel. Probably fluvial reworked horizon. RING 356 RING 467 RING 579 RING 91414 110.4 105.5 108.2 109.6 6.2 8.0 5.5 1.3 CONSOL CONSOL CONSOL 134757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 21.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 997 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at west (dock-door) side of proposed building. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. (11) (13) (16) (28) 15 20 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 980 Silty Sand: Brown to yellowish brown; loose;moist; fine-grained sand with spotty traces ofclay and overall ~20% fines; massive andfeatureless. [Eolian deposits, partly reworked] 6 SM SM Silty sand, becomes yellowish brown, about 35% silt, sample has very fine carbonate threads but is not visibly porous (weak paleosol). SPT345 SPT446 144757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=9 N=10 Bottom of boring at 21.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 995 990 985 Aggregate Base Material: 4" of CAB, Corona source quarry. Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose; moist; fine-grained sand with traces of native gravel inupper 3 feet; massive and featureless. [Eoliandeposits] 7 SM SM SM SM SM Silty sand, as above, disturbed texture. Silty sand, massive, not visibly porous, estimated 40% silt. Silty sand, grades to light brown and with traces of medium + coarse sand, low 20% fines. Interpreted partly fluvial. Silty sand, yellowish brown, fine-grained eolian sediment with zero gravel, rare fine carbonate threads. RING 6259 RING 667 RING 779 RING 11912 114.2 112.2 105.5 105.3 6.3 6.1 3.8 5.8 BULK: MAX, EI, SHEAR, SULFATE CHLORIDE, pH, RESISTIVITY CONSOL CONSOL 154757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 51.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 996 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at SEC of proposed building. 3 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. (34) (13) (16) (21) 15 20 25 30 35 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 980 975 970 965 Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense;moist; fine-grained sand with overall ~20%fines; massive and featureless. [Eoliandeposits, partly reworked] Gravelly Sand: Brown; dense; slightly moist;well-graded fine to coarse sand and ~40%gravel but still around 15% fines, clasts to 1"diameter are sometimes moderately weathered. Not hard drilling. [Older alluvium] Sandy Gravel: Brown; dense; slightly moist.Heavy rocks/cobbles near top, but cuttable.Averages under 10% fines, and is faintlystratified 6"-8" thick. Some clasts (especially schist) are moderately weathered. [Older alluvium] 7 SM SM SM GW-GM GW-GM Silty sand, as above, sample hassubordinate light brown (fluvial?) beds, notvisibly porous. Sandy gravel, faintly bedded 6"-8" thick, tightgrain packing. SPT579 SPT688 SPT122122 SPT131924 164757-SFI 3 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. N=16 N=16 N=43 N=43 35 40 45 50 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 3 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 960 955 950 945 Silty Sand: Layered sequence of yellowishbrown eolian sand and fine to coarse grainedfluvial sandy gravel; dense; slightly moist; bedsseem to range 6"-12+" thick. Light rig chatter and easily drilled. [Older alluvium] Sandy Gravel: Brown; medium dense; slightlymoist. Some cobbles possible in upper twofeet. Clasts often weathered. [Older alluvium] 7 SM,GW-GM SM,GW-GM ML GW-GM GW-GM, SM Silty sand and gravelly sand, latter under10% fines, origins as noted above. Sample composed entirely of moist and non-plastic sandy silt, dark yellowish brown, stiff,rare thin sandy partings, common fine MnOspots. Sandy gravel, with minor eolian silty fine sand in shoe. SPT81423 SPT231716 SPT6814 SPT171812 174757-SFI 3 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=37 N=33 N=22 N=30 Bottom of boring at 51.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 995 990 985 980 Aggregate Base Material: 4" of CAB, Corona source quarry. Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose; moist; fine-grained sand with estimated 25-30%;silt;massive and featureless. [Eolian deposits] 8 SM SM SM SM Silty sand, about 30% silt, plus trace of birdseye gravel massive, not visibly porous, lacks pedogenic solum. Silty sand, faint thick layering and trace of rounded gravel to ½" diameter. May be partly reworked (fluvial). Silty sand, becomes brown and light brown, fine grained, zero gravel. Probably fluvial reworked horizon. SPT 244 SPT 368 SPT 477 184757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 21.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 995 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at south-central end of proposed building; WQMP boring. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. N=8 N=14 N=14 15 20 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 980 975 Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose to mediumdense; moist; fine-grained sand with ~40%fines at 15 feet. Few fine pores and faint fineFeO mottles. Massive and otherwise featureless. [Eolian deposits] 8 SM SM Silty sand, as above, about 30% silt, not visibly porous. SPT344 SPT458 194757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=8 N=13 Bottom of boring at 21.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 15 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 995 990 985 980 Aggregate Base Material: 3" of CAB, Corona source quarry. Gravelly Sand with Silt: Yellowish brown; loose to medium dense; moist; fine-grainedsand with up to 25% local gravel; massive andfeatureless. [Fill] Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose; moist; fine- to very fine-grained sand with estimated 35-40% silt. Not visibly porous at 4 feet. 9 SM SM SM SM SM Silty sand, as above. Silty sand, becomes medium dense, slightly darker color, and less silt (~25%). Silty sand, grading to brown color, fine grained, zero gravel and around 35% fines. Possible fluvial reworked horizon. RING 979 RING 577 RING 7914 RING 7811 107.7 103.3 109.2 93.3 10.2 5.9 4.6 5.3 CONSOL CONSOL 204757-SFI 10/29/21 M. Doerschlag 26.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 995 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at SWC of proposed building. 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Continued on next sheet. (16) (14) (23) (19) 15 20 25 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A -COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGINTERVALS Location:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: SAMPLE Sheet 2 of TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 980 975 970 Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; medium dense;moist; fine to very fine-grained sand with ~30%fines at 15 feet. Massive and not visiblyporous. [Eolian deposits] Sandy Gravel: Brown; dense; moist;composed mostly of fine to mediumsubrounded gravel to 1" diameter and about35% sand. Some clasts moderately weathered. Interbedded with minor silty sand (thin eolian sheets). [Older alluvium] 9 SM ML GP-GM GP-GM, SM Sandy silt, firm, wet, distinct mottles. Sharp contact. Sandy gravel, as above but includes strong brown fine-grained 6" silty sand bed. SPT557 SPT344 SPT51224 214757-SFI 2 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA N=14 N=8 N=36 Bottom of boring at 26.5 feet. No groundwater encountered, local seepage zone at 21 feet. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 1000 995 Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose; dry. Heavily bioturbated. [Fill?] Sandy Gravel: Brown; medium dense; slightly moist; gap-graded coarse gravel with silty sand matrix (40%). [Younger alluvium] Gravelly Sand with Silt: Brown; medium dense; slightly moist. Apparently massive unit of fluvial reworked mixture of fan alluviumincluding 30% gap-graded gravel and wind-deposited fine sand. Hard clasts range to 2"+.[Younger alluvium] 10 SM GP-GM SM SM SM Gravelly sand with silt, as above with gap- graded hard stones to 2½" across in very fine silty sand matrix. RING 101414 RING *50/5" RING 131519 Dist. Dist. 125.2 1.8 Dist. 2.0 224757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 11.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 1004 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at NWC of truck+trailer yard. 1 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Bottom of boring at 11.5 feet. (28) (34) No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. 0 5 10 (MSL DATUM)BULKFIELD LOG OF BORING B -(Blows/ft.)Page A - Comments:COMPLETIONCONTENT (%)Date(s) Drilled:DENSITY (pcf)DEPTH (ft.)Drilled By: Drilling Method:DRIVEDRYELEVATIONGEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC LOGHammer Type: Hammer Weight/Drop: Hole Diameter: INTERVALS Location: Logged By:WATERorOTHER TESTSProject: Rig Make/Model: SAMPLE Sheet 1 of Surface Elevation: Total Depth:TYPE, "N"USCSWELLAGI Project No. 995 990 Aggregate Base Material: 6" of CAB from Corona quarry. Silty Sand: Yellowish brown; loose; moist; fine-grained sand studded with traces of gap-graded native gravel to 2" diameter in upper 3feet or so (may be partly reworked). [Eoliandeposits] 11 SM SM SM SM Silty sand, contains some medium sand and trace of gravel to ½", low cohesion. Massive and not visibly porous. Silty sand, becomes brown and medium dense, fine to coarse grained with typical 5%-7% fine gravel. Interpreted as fluvialchannel deposit. Silty sand, very fine-grained and very silty (40% fines), massive and not visibly porous. Shoe with gravel to 1½" diameter. RING 567 RING 7911 RING 5720 109.2 111.1 108.0 3.8 2.2 7.0 234757-SFI 10/28/21 M. Doerschlag 11.5 Ft. Automatic trip 140 Lb./30 In. ± 999 Ft. AMSL per Earth DEM GP Drilling Mobile B-61 Hollow-Stem Auger 8 In. Located at truck+trailer yard. 1 SANTA ANA AVE. AT LIVE OAK AVE. FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA Bottom of boring at 11.5 feet. (13) (20) (27) No groundwater encountered. Boring backfilled with compacted soil cuttings. Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. APPENDIX B Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. B-1 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. A P P E N D I X B LABORATORY TESTING Water Content - Dry Density Determinations – ASTM D2216-10 The dry unit weight and field moisture content were determined for each of the recovered barrel samples. The moisture-density information provides a gross indication of soil consistency and can assist in delineating local variations. The information can also be used to correlate soils and define units between individual exploration locations on the project site, as well as with units found on other sites in the general area. Measured dry densities ranged from approximately 93.3 to 125.2 pounds per cubic foot. Water contents in ring samples ranged from 1.2 to 12.1 percent of dry unit weight. Sample locations and the corresponding test results are illustrated on the Field Boring Logs. Modified Effort Compaction Tests – ASTM D1557-12 Bulk soil samples were collected from the two principal site soils units at the northern and southern ends of the prospective building envelope. The representative future fill materials were tested to determine their maximum dry densities and optimum water contents per the Method B procedures in the noted ASTM standard. The test method uses 25 blows of a 10-pound hammer falling 18 inches on each of 5 soil layers in a 1/30 cubic foot cylinder. Soil samples were prepared at varying moisture contents to create a curve illustrating achieved dry density as a function of water content. The test results are listed below and shown graphically on pages B-4 and B-5. Maximum Density - Optimum Water Content Determinations Soil Description Location Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (%) Silty Sand w/ Gravel (SM), some silt [Eolian sand + alluvium blend]B - 2 @ 2 - 7 ft. 132.5 6.5 Silty fine-grained Sand (SM) [Eolian deposits]B - 7 @ 0.3 - 6 ft. 132.0 8.0 Shear Strength Test – ASTM D3080-11 Direct shear tests were performed on soils prepared to represent future compacted fill derived from surficial fine-grained wind-deposited sand. We expect mass grading operations should produce soil masses with equivalent or higher strengths. “Fill” test samples were remolded to approximately 90 percent of the maximum dry density, at optimum water content as determined from a compaction test. All samples were initially saturated, consolidated and drained of excess moisture, and tested in a direct shear Live Oak Land, LLC December 16, 2021 Project No. 4757-SFI Page No. B-2 Aragón Geotechnical, Inc. machine of the strain control type. Test samples are initially prepared and/or retained within standard one-inch-high brass rings. Samples were tested at increasing normal loads to determine the Mohr-Coulomb shear strength parameters illustrated on page B-6. Peak and ultimate shear strength values are illustrated on the plot. Expansion Index Tests – ASTM D4829-11 Laboratory clay expansion tests of typical fine sandy materials and coarser alluvial sediments expected to be incorporated into structural compacted fill were performed in general accordance with the 1994 Uniform Building Code Standard 18-2 and subsequent modern ASTM adoption. Remolded samples were compacted in two layers in a 4-inch I.D. mold to a total compacted thickness of about 1.0 inch, using a 5.5-pound hammer falling 12 inches at 15 blows per layer. Initial soil saturation was between 49 and 51 percent. Test samples were confined under a normal load of 144 pounds per square foot and allowed to soak for 24 hours. The resulting volume change due to increase in moisture content within the sample was recorded and the Expansion Index (EI) calculated. Expansion Index Test Results Soil Description Location Expansion Index Expansion Classification Silty Sand w/ Gravel (SM), some silt [Eolian sand + alluvium blend]B - 1 @ 2 - 7 ft. 0 Very Low Silty Sand (SM), trace of gravel [Eolian sand]B - 7 @ 0.3 - 6 ft. 0 Very Low Consolidation Tests – ASTM D2435M-11 Natural fine-grained deposits were checked for collapse susceptibility and compressibility where loads from fill or foundations could be imposed. Varying cumulative vertical loads are applied to a laterally confined soil sample. The apparatus is designed to accept a one- inch-high brass ring containing an undisturbed soil sample. During each load increment, vertical compression (consolidation) of the sample is measured and recorded when displacement ceases. Porous stones confine the top and bottom sides of the specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. Undisturbed samples are initially at field moisture content, and are subsequently inundated to determine soil behavior under saturated conditions. The test results are plotted graphically on pages B-7 through B-13. Soil Corrosivity Soil samples representative of future mass-graded fill in future contact with concrete or ferrous metals was tested in the laboratories of Project X Corrosion Engineers, Murrieta, California, to determine the tabulated data on the next page. The submitted soil samples were tested in general accordance with ASTM and Standard Methods listed at the top of the table. Soluble-species quantitative determinations were based on 1:3 water-to-soil extracts. X X Depth/Elev:2 - 7 ft 3/8-inch Mechanical 2.6% Remarks: . SIEVE NUMBER B Moist Preparation METHOD USED (A,B or C) Lab ID No.: NWC Live Oak Ave. at Santa Ana Ave. Fontana, California Date of Sampling:October 28 & 29, 2021 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Project No.: Live Oak Land, LLC 150 S. 5th Street, Suite 2675 4757-SFI Report Date:November 11, 2021 Sampled By:Mark Doerschlag ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd. Riverside, California 92504 (951) 776-0345 Maximum Density Test Client: 21-1878 Project Name: Cesar Lopez Date Tested: Performed at Jobsite November 1, 2021 Information provided by Technician Performed at Laboratory Tested By: Dry Preparation Sample Location: Sample Description: B-1 Source:Native Silty sand with gravel (SM), composite of 3 layers. [Mixed eolian and alluvium deposits] AS REC'D MOISTURE 18.7%PERCENT RETAINED TYPE OF RAMMER 2.50 ASSUMED SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM No modifications made to test method, followed exact test procedure. DENSITY [PCF] OPTIMUM MOISTURE [%] 128.0 7.5 132.5 6.5 MOISTURE [%] CORRECTED MAXIMUM DENSITY [PCF] CORRECTED OPTIMUM AASHTO/ASTM/CTM Standards Used: Unless noted, material was sampled in accordance with AASHTO T2/ASTM D75/CTM 125. Sample tested in accordance with ASTM D2216, D1557 & D4718. Testing was performed by qualified personnel in accordance with generally accepted industry practice, material testing consultants procedures and the above reference standards. This report is applicable only to the items listed herein. The tests performed and in this report are not intended to be considered as any guarantee or warranty of suitability for service or fitness of use of items tested and it should not be relied on as such. The report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the client and any partial or whole reproduction without the consent of the client is prohibited. Page B-4 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 0 5 10 15 20DRY DENSITY (pcf)WATER CONTENT (%) Gs=2.6 Gs=2.7 Gs=2.8 Gs = 2.5 Gs = 2.4 Max Curve Corr. Max Curve X X Depth/Elev:0 - 6 ft 3/8-inch Mechanical 5.9% Remarks: . AASHTO/ASTM/CTM Standards Used: Unless noted, material was sampled in accordance with AASHTO T2/ASTM D75/CTM 125. Sample tested in accordance with ASTM D2216, D1557 & D4718. Testing was performed by qualified personnel in accordance with generally accepted industry practice, material testing consultants procedures and the above reference standards. This report is applicable only to the items listed herein. The tests performed and in this report are not intended to be considered as any guarantee or warranty of suitability for service or fitness of use of items tested and it should not be relied on as such. The report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the client and any partial or whole reproduction without the consent of the client is prohibited. Page B-5 CORRECTED MAXIMUM DENSITY [PCF] CORRECTED OPTIMUM MAXIMUM No modifications made to test method, followed exact test procedure. DENSITY [PCF] OPTIMUM MOISTURE [%] 132.0 8.0 - -MOISTURE [%] AS REC'D MOISTURE 2.1%PERCENT RETAINED TYPE OF RAMMER 2.60 ASSUMED SPECIFIC GRAVITY Sample Location: Sample Description: B-7 Source:Native Silty sand (SM), fine-grained. [Eolian sediments] Cesar Lopez Date Tested: Performed at Jobsite November 2, 2021 Information provided by Technician Performed at Laboratory Tested By: Dry Preparation 4757-SFI Report Date:November 11, 2021 Sampled By:Mark Doerschlag ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd. Riverside, California 92504 (951) 776-0345 Maximum Density Test Client: 21-1899 Project Name:NWC Live Oak Ave. at Santa Ana Ave. Fontana, California Date of Sampling:October 28 & 29, 2021 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Project No.: Live Oak Land, LLC 150 South 5th Street, Suite 2675 SIEVE NUMBER B Moist Preparation METHOD USED (A,B or C) Lab ID No.: 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 0 5 10 15 20DRY DENSITY (pcf)WATER CONTENT (%) Gs=2.6 Gs=2.7 Gs=2.8 Gs = 2.5 Gs = 2.4 Max Curve Tested by:Cesar Lopez Date Tested:November 4, 2021 Depth (ft):0.0 - 6.0 Lab I.D. No.:21-1899 Sample Description:Silty sand (SM), fined-grained. [Eolian sediments] Live Oak Land, LLC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Direct Shear Test Diagram Remolded, Consolidated, Drained. Project Name: Project Number: Sample Location: Sampled by: Date Sampled: Test Condition: 4757-SFI Mark Doerschlag October 28 & 29, 2021 B-7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6Shear Strength (k.s.f.)Normal Pressure (k.s.f.) Peak F(o) = 29.5Cohesion (p.s.f.) = 375 UltimateF(o) = 29.5Cohesion (p.s.f.) = 200 Rev: 3/29/2019 Page B-6 LF-S-20 Project Name: Project Number:Tested by: Sample Location:Date Tested: Sampled by:Depth (ft): Date Sampled:Moisture %: Dry Density (pcf):Saturation %: Sample Description: October 28 & 29, 2021 Cesar Lopez 2.0 6.2 November 1, 2021 4757-SFI B-6 Mark Doerschlag 110.4 31.8 Silty sand (SM). Fine-grained, not visibly porous. [Eolian deposits] Live Oak Land, LLC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Consolidation Curve -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 PERCENT CHANGE IN HEIGHT COMPRESSIVE STRESS (psf) REMARKS: Water added at 2,400 psf Consolidation I Expansion Rev: 4/1/2019 Page B-7 LF-S-19 Project Name: Project Number:Tested by: Sample Location:Date Tested: Sampled by:Depth (ft): Date Sampled:Moisture %: Dry Density (pcf):Saturation %: Sample Description: Live Oak Land, LCC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Consolidation Curve October 28 & 29, 2021 Cesar Lopez 4.0 8.0 November 1, 2021 4757-SFI B-6 Mark Doerschlag 105.5 36.1 Silty sand (SM), fine-grained, bit visibly porous. [Eolian deposits] -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 PERCENT CHANGE IN HEIGHT COMPRESSIVE STRESS (psf) REMARKS: Water added at 2,400 psf Consolidation I Expansion Rev: 4/1/2019 Page B-8 LF-S-19 Project Name: Project Number:Tested by: Sample Location:Date Tested: Sampled by:Depth (ft): Date Sampled:Moisture %: Dry Density (pcf):Saturation %: Sample Description: October 28 & 29, 2021 Cesar Lopez 6.0 5.5 November 1, 2021 4757-SFI B-6 Mark Doerschlag 108.2 26.6 Silty sand (SM), rare fine gravel, not visibly porous. [Eolian deposits] Live Oak Land, LLC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Consolidation Curve -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 PERCENT CHANGE IN HEIGHT COMPRESSIVE STRESS (psf) REMARKS: Water added at 2,400 psf Consolidation I Expansion Rev: 4/1/2019 Page B-9 LF-S-19 Project Name: Project Number:Tested by: Sample Location:Date Tested: Sampled by:Depth (ft): Date Sampled:Moisture %: Dry Density (pcf):Saturation %: Sample Description: October 28 & 29, 2021 Cesar Lopez 4.0 6.1 November 1, 2021 4757-SFI B-7 Mark Doerschlag 112.2 32.8 Silty sand (SM), fine-grained, massive, not visibly porous. [Eolian deposits] Live Oak Land, LCC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Consolidation Curve -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 PERCENT CHANGE IN HEIGHT COMPRESSIVE STRESS (psf) REMARKS: Water added at 2,400 psf Consolidation I Expansion Rev: 4/1/2019 Page B-10 LF-S-19 Project Name: Project Number:Tested by: Sample Location:Date Tested: Sampled by:Depth (ft): Date Sampled:Moisture %: Dry Density (pcf):Saturation %: Sample Description: October 28 & 29, 2021 Cesar Lopez 6.0 3.8 November 1, 2021 4757-SFI B-7 Mark Doerschlag 105.5 17.2 Silty sand (SM), about 20% fines, trace mc sand. [Eolian deposits] Live Oak Land, LLC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Consolidation Curve -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 PERCENT CHANGE IN HEIGHT COMPRESSIVE STRESS (psf) REMARKS: Water added at 2,400 psf Consolidation I Expansion Rev: 4/1/2019 Page B-11 LF-S-19 Project Name: Project Number:Tested by: Sample Location:Date Tested: Sampled by:Depth (ft): Date Sampled:Moisture %: Dry Density (pcf):Saturation %: Sample Description: October 28 & 29, 2021 Cesar Lopez 4.0 5.9 November 1, 2021 4757-SFI B-9 Mark Doerschlag 103.3 25.2 Silty sand (SM), fine to very fine grained, massive. [Eolian deposits] Live Oak Land, LLC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Consolidation Curve -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 PERCENT CHANGE IN HEIGHT COMPRESSIVE STRESS (psf) REMARKS: Water added at 2,400 psf Consolidation I Expansion Rev: 4/1/2019 Page B-12 LF-S-19 Project Name: Project Number:Tested by: Sample Location:Date Tested: Sampled by:Depth (ft): Date Sampled:Moisture %: Dry Density (pcf):Saturation %: Sample Description: Live Oak Land, LLC ARAGÓN GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 16801 Van Buren Blvd., Bldg. B Riverside, California 92504 951-776-0345 Consolidation Curve October 28 & 29, 2021 Cesar Lopez 6.0 4.6 November 1, 2021 4757-SFI B-9 Mark Doerschlag 109.2 22.8 Silty sand (SM), fine-grained, estimated 25% silt. [Eolian deposits] -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 PERCENT CHANGE IN HEIGHT COMPRESSIVE STRESS (psf) REMARKS: Water added at 2,400 psf Consolidation I Expansion Rev: 4/1/2019 Page B-13 LF-S-19 Project X REPORT S211105F Corrosion Engineering Page 2 Corrosion Control – Soil, Water, Metallurgy Testing Lab 29990 Technology Dr., Suite 13, Murrieta, CA 92563 Tel: 213-928-7213 Fax: 951-226-1720 www.projectxcorrosion.com Soil Analysis Lab Results Client: Aragon Geotechnical, Inc. Job Name: WPT Live Oak Client Job Number: 4757-SFI Project X Job Number: S211105F November 9, 2021 Method ASTM D4972 Bore# / Description Depth pH (ft)(mg/kg)(wt%)(mg/kg)(wt%)(Ohm-cm)(Ohm-cm) 21-1899-B-7 Brown Silty Sand / Sandy Silt 0-6 0.9 0.0001 3.4 0.0003 80,400 6,231 8.7 ASTM G187 ASTM D4327 ASTM D4327 Resistivity As Rec'd | Minimum Sulfates SO42- Chlorides Cl- Cations and Anions, except Sulfide and Bicarbonate, tested with Ion Chromatography mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) of dry soil weight ND = 0 = Not Detected | NT = Not Tested | Unk = Unknown Chemical Analysis performed on 1:3 Soil-To-Water extract PPM = mg/kg (soil) = mg/L (Liquid)