HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix D - Tree Survey and Arborist Report Tree Survey and Arborist Report For an approximate 14.8-acre Site On the NW C/O Live Oak and Santa Ana Avenues In the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, California Prepared for: EPD Solutions Contact: Brooke Blandino, Project Manager 2355 Main Street | Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 Prepared by: CalPacific Sciences George J Wirtes, MS, RCA #738 ISA Certified Arborist Report Date: July 1, 2022 Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 1 Section 2: Background ......................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 - Project Location and Description ...................................................................................... 2 2.2 - Site and Vicinity Characteristics ....................................................................................... 3 2.3 - Assignment and Scope of Survey ..................................................................................... 3 2.4 - Survey Method and Health Assessment ............................................................................ 4 2.5 - Hazard Risk Assessment ................................................................................................... 4 2.6 - Local Tree Regulation (Fontana Municipal Code Section 28:61-75) ............................... 5 2.6.1 - Tree replacement or relocation (Sec. 28-67) ..................................................... 6 2.7 - Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment ....................................................................... 7 Section 3: Subject Trees and Observations ........................................................................................ 8 3.1 - Species Assessment ......................................................................................................... 10 3.2 - Observations.................................................................................................................... 11 Section 4: Discussion and Recommendations .................................................................................. 16 4.1 - Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 16 4.2 - Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 16 4.3 - Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 16 4.3.1 - Tree Replacement ........................................................................................... 16 4.3.2 - Trees Preserved ............................................................................................... 16 4.3.3 - Migratory Bird Treaty Act .............................................................................. 17 4.3.4 - Tree Protection during Construction ............................................................... 17 Section 5: Qualifications Of Arborist ............................................................................................... 18 Section 6: References .......................................................................................................................... 19 Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 1 SECTION 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This arborist survey has been performed at the request of EPD Solutions for a proposed commercial development in the City of Fontana, California. The field survey associated with this report was performed on June 30, 2022. The subject trees were tagged with an aluminum tag containing a unique number. As part of this survey, details of each tree were recorded, documenting their species, stature, health, local environment as well as the conditions in which they occur. In all, 25 trees were assessed onsite involving two distinct species. The most prominent species onsite was tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), comprising 52.0% of the trees within the project site. Due to inadequate care and maintenance as well as aggressive volunteer sprouting, only six trees are in good to fair health and condition. The remaining 19 trees show signs of disease, lack of vigor, poor growth form, extensive crowding, etc. necessitating their removal. In addition, all the trees within the site are considered invasive by Cal-IPC (see Section 3 below); this may be factored in the final mitigation for the trees impacted by the proposed project. No trees within the site qualify as Heritage, Significant, or Specimen trees. The City of Fontana’s Municipal Code (Section 2.6.1 below) outlines provisions and guidelines for tree removal, installation, preservation, and maintenance within the City; this is especially important when considering native and special status tree species within the City. Recommended mitigation for living tree removal is replanting in accordance with the Code (see Section 2.6.1 and Appendix B below), or as approved by the City’s Planning Department. All trees that are intended for removal as part of a project require a removal permit and must be approved by the Planning Director. The Director must approve final mitigation involving replacement tree species and size. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 2 SECTION 2: BACKGROUND 2.1 - Project Location and Description The site is located on the NE corner of Live Oak and Santa Ana Avenues; it is 3.7 miles east of Interstate 15, and 0.5 mile south of Interstate 10 in the City of Fontana in the County of San Bernardino (see Figure 1 below). The proposed project includes the improvement approximately 14.8 acres to a commercial facility with associated infrastructure, parking, and landscaping. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 3 2.2 - Site and Vicinity Characteristics The elevation of the site is approximately 1,000 feet above mean sea level, and the terrain slopes gently to the southwest. For the vicinity, the Sunset Zone is 18, and the USDA Hardiness Zone is 9b. USGS describes the geological units below as Quaternary alluvium and marine deposits from the Pleistocene to Holocene period. As indicated in Table 1 below, one distinct soil series occurs within the site boundary. This soil series is described by the Natural Resource Conservation Service as alluvium, derived from granite (see Table 1 below). Table 1. Soils on Site Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres Percent TuB Tujunga loamy sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes Setting • Landform: Alluvial fans • Parent material: Alluvium derived from granite Typical profile • A - 0 to 6 inches: loamy sand • C1 - 6 to 18 inches: loamy sand • C2 - 18 to 60 inches: loamy sand 14.8 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 14.8 100.0% The vegetation community onsite includes non-native ornamental trees and vegetation as well as bareground. The site contains several structures related to a tractor/trailer truck yard. 2.3 - Assignment and Scope of Survey CalPacific Sciences (CPS) was assigned to conduct a tree survey and health assessment of all trees within the project area. The survey was performed to identify the different tree species found within the project boundary, assess their health, and provide insight as to which trees may be retained as part of the planned improvement. A health assessment was performed cataloging the health and stature parameters of each tree onsite. This included, but was not limited to; recording total diameter at breast height (DBH), canopy spread, tree height, apparent disease/decay, other signs of potential hazard, and pest damage. A potential risk assessment was also conducted keeping public safety in mind. All documentation in this report is in compliance with standards and requirements published by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). This report includes recommendations and mitigation measures meant to satisfy all applicable ordinances and permit guidelines. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 4 2.4 - Survey Method and Health Assessment Prior to the field survey, the City of Fontana’s website was accessed to review specific tree protection guidelines. An aerial photograph was used as a visual guide during the assessment. A handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) device and GPS-enabled smartphone with digitized project boundaries were used to identify the location of each subject tree. The crown-width was estimated by pacing, and the height of each subject tree was visually estimated using a tangent height gauge. These data were recorded on field sheets, and associated aluminum numeric tags were affixed to trees on the north side at BH for later reference. Tree status (relative condition, stature, and health) was conducted by ISA arborist/biologist, George Wirtes from ground level with the aid of binoculars. Canopy spread was assessed by pacing. To estimate wood integrity, a rubber mallet was occasionally used to assess possible decay within the tree stem and flare. As indicated earlier, no invasive procedures were performed. Visual characteristics were recorded on field sheets, and twig/leaf samples as well as digital photographs were taken as needed to assure accurate identification. Overall health and general appearance of each tree was numerically rated (Health/General Appearance Rating - 1-Good, 2-Fair, 3-Poor, 4-Decline/dead) based on the aforementioned conditions. The local environment was also assessed in relation to the tree species and conditions of its location (Local Environment Rating - 1-Good, 2-Fair, 3-Poor, 4-Inappropriate). For this rating, the species was considered in relation to the environment. Other conditions were also considered such as fence lines, utilities, competing canopies, grade cuts/slope, etc. The position of the subject trees was recorded using a GPS whose data was exported into GIS for periodic illustration over aerial photographs. 2.5 - Hazard Risk Assessment The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) recommends a Hazard Assessment be included with arborist reports. Such an assessment is an important component of any report and is critical if trees are to be located near public areas such as parks, walkways, residences, and buildings. This tree assessment includes a Level 2 Basic Risk Assessment as defined by ISA Best Management Practices. This type of assessment is limited to evaluating trees and obvious signs of defects such as: • Dead or broken structures • Cracks • Weakly attached branches and co-dominant stems • Missing or decayed wood • Unusual tree architecture or distribution • Obvious loss of root support Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 5 A risk rating is assigned to each tree based on its defects, aesthetics, apparent health, location and the nearby targets (people or property). As defined by ISA The ratings are defined below: 1. Low - Low-risk category applies when consequences are negligible, and likelihood is unlikely, or consequences are minor, and likelihood is somewhat likely. 2. Moderate - Moderate risk situations are those for which consequences are minor and likelihood is very likely or likely or likelihood is somewhat likely, and the consequences are significant or severe. 3. High - High-risk situations are those for which consequences are significant and likelihood is very likely or likely or Consequences are severe, and likelihood is likely. 4. Extreme - The extreme risk category applies in situations in which failure is imminent and there is a high likelihood of impacting the target and the consequence of the failure is severe. The tree risk assessor should recommend that mitigation measures be taken as soon as possible. It is impossible to maintain a tree free of risk. A tree is considered hazardous when it has a structural defect that predisposes it to failure, and it is located near a target. • A target is person or property that may sustain potential injury or property damage if a tree or a portion of a tree fails. • Target areas include sidewalks, walkways, roads, vehicles, structures, playgrounds, or any other area where people are likely to gather. • Structurally sound and healthy trees may also be hazardous if they interfere with utilities, roadways, walkways, and sidewalks, or if they obstruct motorist vision. • Common hazards include dead and diseased trees, dead branches including bark, stubs from topping cuts, broken branches (hangers), multiple leaders, tight-angled crotches, and an unbalanced crown. Evaluation of risk is as follows: 1-Good, 2-Fair, 3-Poses risk, and 4-Hazardous. 2.6 - Local Tree Regulation (Fontana Municipal Code Section 28:61-75) Chapter 28.61-75 of the FMC (or Code) addresses tree protection, maintenance, and replacement policies. It outlines special status trees, such as a “Heritage tree”, “Significant tree”, and “Specimen tree” and the procedures necessary to replacing them within a property. As stated in the City’s Code, “Except as provided in section 28-65, no person shall remove or cause the removal of any heritage, significant or specimen tree unless a tree removal permit is first obtained.” Heritage tree means any tree which: 1. Is of historical value because of its association with a place, building, natural feature or event of local, regional or national historical significance as identified by city council resolution; or 2. Is representative of a significant period of the city's growth or development (windrow tree, European Olive tree); or 3. Is a protected or endangered species as specified by federal or state statute; or 4. Is deemed historically or culturally significant by the city manager or his or her designee because of size, condition, location or aesthetic qualities. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 6 Windrow means a series of trees (minimum of four), usually a variety of eucalyptus, planted in a closely spaced line no more than ten feet apart to provide a windbreak for the protection of property and/or agricultural crops. Significant tree means any tree that is one of the following species: Genus/species Common name • Juglans californica Southern California black walnut (one specimen onsite) • Quercus agrifollia Coast live oak • Cedrus deodora Deodora cedar • Platanus racemosa California (western) sycamore • Platanus acerifolia London plane Specimen tree is defined as a mature tree (which is not a heritage or significant tree) which is an excellent example of its species in structure and aesthetics and warrants preservation, relocation or replacement as provided in sections 28.66, 28.67 and 28.68. Specimen trees shall not include any tree located on a private parcel of property of less than one acre zoned for residential use. 2.6.1 - Tree replacement or relocation (Sec. 28-67) According to the Code, Heritage, Significant or Specimen tree preservation on the site is preferred to relocation or replacement. Relocation is subject to a written report by a certified arborist on the feasibility of transplanting the subject tree. In the event that a permit is issued by the City for the removal of any heritage, significant or specimen tree as provided in sections 28-64 and -68, such trees removed shall be replaced with a species designated by the staff according to the following guidelines, unless the staff determines that replacement is inappropriate. • Windrow means a series of trees (minimum of four), usually a variety of Eucalyptus, planted in a closely spaced line no more than ten feet apart to provide a windbreak for the protection of property and/or agricultural crops. • Where existing eucalyptus windrows are to be removed along the existing or ultimate public right-of-way (R.O.W.), as shown within the circulation element of the city's general plan, they shall be replaced with appropriate street trees to be determined by the staff of not less than a 15- gallon size in a ratio of one tree from the city's approved tree list for every one removed. Eucalyptus windrow trees not along the existing public right-of-way which cannot be preserved or relocated shall be replaced according to the guidelines established within the Code. • All heritage and significant trees shall be replaced with a species designated by the designated staff according to the species, age, size, structure, and trunk diameter, graded on a scale from ten percent to 100 percent according to Tables No. I and II (see Appendices A and B for grading and replacement matrix). Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 7 2.7 - Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment This survey was conducted in a manner that draws upon past education, acquired knowledge, training, experience, and research. It was conducted to the greatest extent feasible, and although the information gathered reduces risk of tree failure/decline, it does not fully remove it. It must be noted that the occupant of the eastern-most parcel denied entrance to the arborist. Therefore, a full assessment of the final five trees was not performed and a limited assessment was only attainable from a distance via binoculars. No diagnostic testing was performed during this assessment. This survey associated with this Arborist Report included no soil sampling, root excavation, trunk coring/drilling or any other invasive procedure. The determinations of damage due to pest infestation and decay were made solely on outward appearance and inspection of the tree structures. Not all tree defects may be visible from the ground. Epiphytic growth can also obscure defects on the stem and in the canopy of a tree. Arborists cannot detect every condition that could possibly lead to the structural failure of a tree. Trees are living organisms subject to attack by disease, insects, fungi and other forces of nature. Many aspects of tree health and environmental conditions are often not detectable (internal decay, poor root anchoring, etc.). Arborists cannot guarantee that a tree will be healthy or safe under all circumstances, or for a specified period of time. The statements made in this report do not take into account the effects of climate/wind extremes, vandalism, or accident (whether physical, chemical, or fire). In addition, this area is known to have periodic, high velocity Santa Ana winds from transient high-pressure ridges CalPacific Sciences cannot, therefore, accept any liability in connection with these factors, or where prescribed work is not carried out in a correct and professional manner in accordance with current ISA good practice. The authority of this report ceases at any stated time limit within it, after one year from the date of the survey (if none stated), when any site conditions change, or after pruning (or other activity) not specified in this report. The goal of this survey is to recommend measures to limit risk exposure while enhancing the beauty and health of each tree onsite. Clients may choose to accept or disregard the recommendations contained within this report, or seek additional advice. To live near trees is to accept some degree of risk. The only way to eliminate all risk is to remove all trees onsite. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 8 SECTION 3: SUBJECT TREES AND OBSERVATIONS During the site survey, specific measurements and parameters of all trees onsite were recorded on tree assessment worksheets; these data have been transferred to the table in Appendix A at the end of this document. In all, 25 trees consisting of two distinct species were assessed (see Figure 2 below). The age of the trees onsite ranged from mature to senescent and the health from rigorous to in-decline. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 9 Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 10 3.1 - Species Assessment During the survey, tree assessments were conducted according to general ISA and City requirements; GPS waypoints were recorded, as were specific details of each tree. The tree species represented onsite are characterized in detail below (as well as their count/abundance), and a comprehensive table of each specimen’s characteristics is provided in Appendix A of this report. In general, the species onsite were appropriate for the location. Red River Gum ** Eucalyptus camaldulensis This species is native to Australia. Its bark and twigs can be a litter problem. Cal-IPC (California invasive plant council) classifies the invasiveness of this plant as limited. Its growth habit is erect or spreading and requires ample growing space. This species has evergreen foliage. Height: 45 - 150 feet. Width: 45 - 105 feet. Growth Rate: 36 or More Inches per Season. Longevity 50 to 150 years. Exposure Full Sun to Partial Shade. This species prefers wet to dry soil and is drought tolerant. It prefers clay, loam or sand textured soil. It is susceptible to beetle borers, oak root rot and root rot. Its branch strength rated as medium and root damage potential rated as moderate. 12 Tree of Heaven ** Ailanthus altissima This invasive tree species is native to China and grows rapidly. This deciduous tree tolerates hot and dry conditions, wind, air pollution, and difficult soils. However, is weedy and less desirable in most landscape situations. Can grow taller under some conditions. Cal-IPC (California Invasive Plant Council) classifies the invasiveness of this plant as moderate. Has Deciduous foliage. Height: 40 - 60 feet. Width: 40 - 60 feet. Growth Rate: 36 or More Inches per Year. Longevity Less than 50 years. Sunset Zones 2 - 24. USDA Hardiness Zones 4 - 8. It tolerates full sun to full shade and wet to dry soil with clay, loam or sand texture. Its branch strength rated as weak and root damage potential rated as moderate. 13 * California native tree species ** Cal-IPC (California Invasive Plant Council) invasive tree species Source: UFEI 2020 Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 11 3.2 - Observations As previously indicated, 25 trees were assessed onsite involving two distinct species. During the survey associated with this report, many observations relating to their health, structure, and local environment were noted. Many of the noteworthy instances are provided in the plates below. Plate 1. This is a view of a multi-stem tree with included bark and a canker at the flare (#258). Plate 2. This is a view of a tree with an embedded fence that has been compartmentalized in its tissue (#259). Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 12 Plate 3. This is a view of a tree that began as a volunteer sprouter, growing on either side of a fence (#259). Plate 4. This is a view of a large longitudinal canker within the stem of a tree (#265). Plate 5. This is a view of a dense stand of trees resulting from aggressive volunteer sprouting. Plate 6. This is a view of a lower branch that was improperly pruned leading to decay within the callus tissue (#272). Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 13 Plate 7. This is a view of a tree with an embedded fence in the stem (#273). Plate 8. This is a view of psyllid lerps on the surface of the foliage of a tree (#273). Plate 9. This is a view of a diseased stem within a tree (#274). Plate 10. This is a view of multiple sprouting stems in close proximity leading to competing canopies (#276). Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 14 Plate 11. This is a view of poor crotch formation with weak attachmet (#275). Plate 12. This is a view of included bark between two stems (#281). Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 15 Plate 13. This is an eastern aerial view of the northern boundary of the site of trees located within the property. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 16 SECTION 4: DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 - Conclusion Within the project site boundary, 25 trees were assessed composed of two distinct species. The most prominent species onsite was the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), comprising 52.0% of the trees within the project site. Due to the inadequate maintenance and aggressive volunteer sprouting, only six trees are in good to fair health and condition warranting preservation. The remaining 19 trees show signs of disease, lack adequate vigor, show poor growth form, extensive crowding, etc. necessitating their removal. No trees are native nor qualify as Heritage or Significant trees. No other trees have any other special status as defined in the Fontana Municipal Code. If consistent with the site plan, 6 trees (24.0%) on site are in fair to good health and may be preserved. 4.2 - Discussion The site is rather monotypic having only two species of trees, both of which are listed as invasive by Cal- IPC. Because of this, many of the specimens have grown in inappropriate locations, embedding fences within their tissue or creating dense stands with competing canopies and possessing poor growth form. A couple of the red river gums are large and have good vigor, but are infested with psyllid lerps and must be treated if preserved onsite. Also, areas within the site are over run with volunteer sprouters of tree of heaven. 4.3 - Recommendations 4.3.1 - Tree Replacement The City’s Municipal Code provides for special status (Heritage, Significant, and Specimen) and non- status tree replacement, as shown in Appendix B below. Tree viability (health, vigor, growth form, etc.) directly affects the mitigation requirement within the Code for any tree removal. Appendix A below includes a rating as well as a special status indication (if any) for each tree located within the project site. Appendix B below contains Tables I through IV from the City’s Code that can be used by the landscape architect to determine the size and quantity of the trees needed to be installed for each tree removed. Recommended mitigation for special status and non-status living tree removal is replanting in accordance with the Code (see Section 2.6.1 above), or as approved by the City’s Planning department. Removal of any trees must be preceded by authorization from the City’s Planning Department. 4.3.2 - Trees Preserved Removal of living, native and non-native trees may result a biological impact. If it is decided to preserve any trees onsite, an ongoing maintenance and monitoring are recommended; this is to ensure public safety and minimize liability due to potential tree failure. Strategic pruning compliant with ISA standards must be performed to subordinate non-primary, codominant stems, and canopy deadwood should be removed. Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 17 Regular care and maintenance are recommended according to ISA standards. As indicated above, many of the red river gums onsite are infested by psyllid lerps and must be treated if preserved. 4.3.3 - Migratory Bird Treaty Act Pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and CDFG Code, removal of any trees, shrubs, or any other potential nesting habitat should be conducted outside the avian nesting season. The nesting season generally extends from early February through August, but can vary slightly from year to year based upon seasonal weather conditions. 4.3.4 - Tree Protection during Construction Building/grading near trees requires that they are healthy at the start of the project for the stand to recover well. Some older trees have little tolerance for root damage or other stress factors. Younger, more vital trees are more tolerant of changes in their surroundings. However, each change in soil compaction, irrigation, under plantings, and other condition takes some of an older tree’s strength and vigor and further diminishes its health. The main stresses and risks of construction are: • Soil compaction • Lack of water or changes in the site hydrology • Change of grade in the root zone • Physical damage to tree roots and structure • Dumping of potentially toxic construction wastes • Lack of pest control and other care • Dust • Human error Mature trees take a long time to heal from, or respond to, injury. It could take 10 years for some trees to make a visible improvement in health after construction impacts occur. On the other hand, it could take 10 years for a tree to visibly start declining after cutting roots, compacting the soil, or raising the grade. Measures within the City's municipal code supersede any conflicting guidelines below. 1. Dripline fencing must be placed a minimum of 1 foot in radius from the tree per 1 inch of diameter at breast height (for example, 6-inch trunk = 6 feet protection radius/12 feet diameter). 2. Dripline fencing must be erected so that it is visible and structurally sound enough to deter construction equipment, foot traffic, and the storing of equipment under tree canopies. 3. Raising or lowering the grade in the root zone of trees can be fatal or ruin the health of trees for years to come. Grade change and soil compaction force out the oxygen and literally press the life out of the soil. A retaining wall can be used to minimize the amount of the root zone that is affected, but it is essential that the footing is not continuous. Gravel and aeration pipes should be Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 18 placed inside the retaining wall before the fill is placed. Consult with a qualified civil engineer for proper design calculations. 4. Trenching within the protection zone must be avoided wherever possible. Most of the roots are in the top 1 to 2 feet of soil, and trenching can sever a large percentage of roots. 5. Oil from construction equipment, cement, concrete washout, acid washes, paint, and solvents are toxic to tree roots. Signs should be posted on the fencing around trees notifying contractors of the fines for dumping. Portable latrines that are washed out with strong detergents can damage the fine roots of the trees. Portable latrines should not be placed near trees, nor where frequent and regular foot traffic to them will compact the soil below the trees. 6. Construction creates large amounts of dust, and the oaks and any other trees to be preserved will need to be kept clean. Dust reduces photosynthesis on all trees. Strict dust control measures must be implemented during construction to minimize this impact, and an occasional rinsing with a solution of water and insecticidal soap will help control pests. SECTION 5: QUALIFICATIONS OF ARBORIST Mr. Wirtes is a Certified Arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture (CH-08084) and a member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists. Mr. Wirtes was certified in November of 2005 and has conducted numerous tree assessments for residential properties that involve oak and other tree species. Most notably, Mr. Wirtes has created an oak regeneration plan for a 2.3-acre project site in Ventura County as mitigation within a specific plan development. He has performed numerous tree surveys is Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties on sites with as many as 400 trees. Mr. Wirtes’ education includes a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Master of Science in Environmental Science from California State University at Fullerton. I certify that the details stated herein this report are true and accurate: ________________________________________________________________ George Wirtes, MS ISA Certified Arborist, CH-08084 Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 19 SECTION 6: REFERENCES Calflora. 2022. Website at http://www.calflora.org. Cal-IPC 2022. Website at https://www.cal-ipc.org/plants/inventory/ City of Fontana, 2022. Municipal Code posted on website: https://library.municode.com/ca/fontana/codes/code_of_ordinances Hickman, J.C. 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press. Berkeley, California. Natural Resource Conservation Service. 2022. Website at http://ortho.ftw.nrcs.usda.gov/ University of California, 2020. California Tree Failure Report Program website at http://ucanr.edu/sites/treefail/ University of Florida Environmental Horticulture Department 2022. Website at http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/ UFEI, 2022. Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute website at https://selectree.calpoly.edu/ Virginia Tech, Dendrology Dept. 2022. Website at http://www.cnr.vt.edu/DENDRO/dendrology/main.htm Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 20 Appendix A - Tree Species Observed Note - This tree survey and the details recorded below are meant to characterize the trees within the property. The assessment is not exhaustive, but is a balance between the competing forces of in-depth description and cost effectiveness. The goal was to accumulate enough data to make a judgment as to what role, if any, the existing trees may have in the proposed project. Tree Tag # Species1 DBH (inches) Height (feet) Canopy Width (feet) Gen App Env Risk Rating Conclusion 1st Trunk 2nd Trunk 3rd Trunk 4th Trunk 5th Trunk 6th Trunk Total (North on top) 258 Tree of Heaven 2.5 2 3.5 4 12 23 10 2-3 3 3 50 Remove Codominant stems, decay in crotch, embedded fence in stem 7 7 3 259 Tree of Heaven 6.5 7 5 6 6.5 31 34 15 2-3 3 3 50 Remove Embedded in fence, fair vigor and health, multi-stem, poor crotch formation 8 13 10 260 Tree of Heaven 6.5 6.5 37 7 2-3 3 3 50 Remove Rhyzomous volunteer, embedded in fence, good vigor 9 8 8 261 Tree of Heaven 10 10 40 10 2-3 3 3 50 Remove Rhyzomous volunteer, embedded in fence, good vigor 10 13 6 262 Tree of Heaven 10 10 34 7 2 2 2 70 Prune Good form and vigor 7 8 5 263 Tree of Heaven 4 4 20 7 2-3 3 3 50 Remove Embedded in fence, good vigor 5 5 2 264 Tree of Heaven 3.5 3 2.5 9 23 8 2-3 3 3 50 Remove Multi-stem fair vigor, poor placement 8 7 6 265 Tree of Heaven 8 8 29 8 3 3 3 45 Remove Poor location, small canker 9 10 9 Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 21 266 Tree of Heaven 5.5 5.5 6 6 2 2 3 55 Remove Competing canopy, dense population, poor prognosis 4 5 6 267 Tree of Heaven 6.5 6.5 27 6 2 2 2 55 Remove Competing canopy, dense population, poor prognosis 6 5 6 268 Tree of Heaven 5.5 5.5 30 6 2 2 2-3 55 Remove Competing canopy, dense population, poor prognosis 7 6 9 269 Tree of Heaven 4.5 4.5 25 6 2 2 2-3 55 Remove Competing canopy, dense population, poor prognosis 7 6 7 270 Tree of Heaven 5 5 26 6 2 2-3 2-3 55 Remove Competing canopy, dense population, poor prognosis 6 6 8 271 Red River Gum 34 34 78 21 2 2 2-3 65 Prune Good health and vigor, nice specimen 27 27 25 272 Red River Gum 28 28 72 16 2-3 2 2-3 60 Prune Good health and vigor, nice specimen 18 12 32 273 Red River Gum 6.5 3 5 7 5.5 7 34 30 9 3 3 3 45 Remove Multi-stem, embedded in fence 12 7 10 274 Red River Gum 9 9 16 4 3 3 3 45 Remove Diseased, competing canopy 2 9 7 275 Red River Gum 5.5 5.5 18 5 3 3 3 45 Remove Diseased, competing canopy 9 4 8 276 Red River Gum 9 9 5.5 3 26.5 49 6 2-3 3 3 50 Remove Multi-stem, poor prognosis, poor form, good vigor 8 12 12 277 Red River Gum 8.5 8.5 36 11 2-3 2-3 2-3 60 Prune Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 22 Good form and vigor, exuding sap 13 6 9 278 Red River Gum 7 7 28 6 2-3 2-3 2-3 60 Prune Fair form and vigor, some lean 12 5 7 279 Red River Gum 8.5 8.5 34 13 2-3 2-3 2-3 60 Prune Multi-stem, good vigor, poor form 10 5 8 280 Red River Gum 7.5 3 10.5 33 5 3 3 3 45 Remove Multi-stem, good vigor, poor form 6 7 12 281 Red River Gum 9 8 17 24 6 2-3 2-3 3 55 Remove Included bark, lean, poor structure 11 8 9 282 Red River Gum 11 11 37 6 3 2-3 3 55 Remove Discolored bark, increased risk of failure, poor flare, lean. 11 8 13 Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 23 Appendix B - Fontana Municipal Code Replacement Tables The tables below have been taken directly from chapter 28 Section 61- 75 of the Code. These tables must be used in conjunction with each tree’s rating (shown in Appendix A above) to determine the mitigation required for each tree removed. Heritage and Significant Tree Replacement Table No. I for Trees Under Seven Inches in Diameter Trunk Diameter (Approximate)/Replace With Scale Rating (10% to 100%) 0.75″/ 2″/ 3.25″/ 4.5″/ 6″/ Very poor Below 45% 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. Poor 45%— 55% 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. Average 60%— 70% 1/15 gal. 1/24″ box 1/36″ box 1/48″ box 1/60″ box Very good 75%— 85% 1/15 gal. 1/24″ box 2/36″ box 2/48″ box 2/60″ box Excellent 90%—100% 1/15 gal. 1/24″ box 3/36″ box 3/48″ box 3/60″ box Heritage and Significant Tree Replacement Table No. II for Trees Seven Inches in Diameter or Greater Scale Rating (10% to 100%) Number Removed Replace With Minimum Size Very poor Below 45% 1 1 15 gallons Poor 45%—55% 1 1 15 gallons Average 60% 1 4 24″ box 65% 1 4 24″ box 70% 1 4 36″ box Very good 75% 1 4 36″ box 80% 1 4 48″ box 85% 1 4 48″ box Excellent 90% 1 4 60″ box 95% 1 4 60″ box 100% 1 4 72″ box Other Tree Replacement Table No. III for Trees under Seven Inches in Diameter Trunk Diameter (Approximate)/Replace With Scale Rating (10% to 100%) 0.75″/ 2″/ 3.25″/ 4.5″/ 6″/ Very poor Below 45% 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. Poor 45%— 55% 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. Average 60%— 70% 1/15 gal. 1/15 gal. 1/24″ box 1/36″ box 1/48″ box Very good 75%— 85% 1/15 gal. 1/24″ box 1/36″ box 1/48″ box 2/48″ box Excellent 90%—100% 1/15 gal. 1/24″ box 1/36″ box 2/48″ box 3/48″ box Tree Survey and Arborist Report Page 24 Other Tree Replacement Table No. IV for Trees Seven Inches in Diameter or Greater Scale Rating (10% to 100%) Number Removed Replace With Minimum Size Very poor Below 45% 1 1 15 gallons Poor 45%—55% 1 1 15 gallons Average 60% 1 4 24″ box 65% 1 4 24″ box 70% 1 4 36″ box Very good 75% 1 4 36″ box 80% 1 4 48″ box 85% 1 4 48″ box