HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix C - Cultural Resources Technical Study Appendix C Cultural Resources Technical Study Rincon Consultants, Inc. 250 East 1st Street, Suite 1400 Los Angeles, California 90012 213 788 4842 OFFICE AND FAX info@rinconconsultants.com www.rinconconsultants.com June 1, 2022 Project No: 22-12661 Tim Nguyen Acquisitions and Development Frontier Enterprises 2151 East Convention Center Way, Suite 114 Ontario, California, 91764 Email: TNguyen@frontier-enterprises.com Subject: Cultural Resources Assessment for the 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project, 17795 Foothill Boulevard, City of Fontana, County of San Bernadino, California Dear Mr. Nguyen: Rincon Consultants, Inc. (Rincon) was retained by Frontier Enterprises to provide a cultural resources assessment in support of the 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project (proposed project), located in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernadino, California, as specified by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This letter report documents the results of the tasks performed by Rincon’s cultural assessment to include a cultural resources records search, archival and background research, and field survey. All work was completed in accordance with CEQA. Project Site and Description The proposed project site is located in the City of Fontana (Figure 1). Specifically, the proposed project encompasses portions of Section 9 of Township 01 South, Range 05 West on the Fontana, California United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle. The following project description has been adapted from information provided by Frontier Enterprises and included in administrative drafts of the corresponding planning documents in May 2022. The proposed project site encompasses approximately seven acres and is identified as Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 0246-011-24, 0246-011-25, 0246-011-26, 0246-011-11, 0246-011-27, 0246-011-33, and 0246-011-37. Regional vehicular access to the project site is provided by Interstate 10 (I-10), Interstate 15 (I-15) and State Route 210 (SR-210). The project site is located along the south side of Foothill Boulevard, formerly State Route 66, approximately three miles north of I-10. Methods Background and Archival Research Rincon completed background and archival research in support of this assessment in May 2022. A variety of primary and secondary source materials were consulted. Sources included, but were not limited to, historical maps, aerial photographs, and written histories of the area. The following sources were utilized to develop an understanding of the project site and its context: Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 2 ▪ Historical aerial photographs accessed via NETR Online ▪ Historical aerial photographs accessed via University of California, Santa Barbara Library FrameFinder ▪ Historical USGS topographic maps California Historical Resources Information System Records Search On May 4, 2022, Rincon received the results of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) (File No. 23652.9742) from the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) (Attachment B). The SCCIC is the official State repository for cultural resources records and reports for the county in which the proposed project is located. The purpose of the records search was to identify previously recorded cultural resources, as well as previously conducted cultural resources studies within the project site and a 0.5-mile radius surrounding it. Rincon also reviewed the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), the California Historical Landmarks list, and the Built Environment Resources Directory (BERD). Additionally, Rincon reviewed the Archaeological Determination of Eligibility (ADOE) list. Sacred Lands File Search On March 17, 2022, Rincon contacted the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) to request a search of the Sacred Lands File (SLF), as well as a contact list of Native Americans culturally affiliated with the project site vicinity (Attachment C). Rincon provided an assistance package to the City of Fontana so that the City can conduct necessary AB 52 consultation for the proposed project. Field Survey Rincon Archaeologist, Robert Mariani, conducted a pedestrian survey of the project site on May 17 and again on May 23, 2022. The pedestrian survey was conducted using transect intervals spaced approximately five meters apart, with transects oriented in a north to south direction. Exposed ground surfaces were examined for prehistoric and historic artifacts (e.g., flaked stone tools, tool-making debris, stone milling tools, ceramics, fire-affected rock), ecofacts (marine shell and bone), soil discoloration that might indicate the presence of a cultural midden, soil depressions, and features indicative of the former presence of structures or buildings (e.g., standing exterior walls, postholes, foundations) or historic debris (e.g., metal, glass, ceramics). Ground disturbances such as burrows and drainages were also visually inspected. Survey accuracy was maintained using a handheld Global Positioning Satellite unit and a georeferenced map of the project site. Site characteristics and survey conditions were documented using field records and a digital camera. Copies of the survey notes and digital photographs are maintained at the Rincon office in Los Angeles. Findings Known Cultural Resources Studies The CHRIS records search and background research identified two cultural resources studies immediately adjacent to the project site and seven additional cultural resources studies within ½-mile of the project site (Attachment B). Of these two studies adjacent to the site, one includes a small portion of the project site, and one includes areas directly adjacent to the project site. Less than 10 percent of the Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 3 project site has been studied previously, and less than 10 percent has been surveyed in the last 18 years. Because the SCCIC records for San Bernardino County are not fully digitized and they do not allow in- person requests, full reports were not received from the SCCIC. However, bibliographical information from the studies is summarized below in further detail. Study SB-05498 Study SB-05498 is a Historical Resources Compliance Report for Relinquishment of State Route 66 (Foothill Boulevard). The study was conducted in 2003 by Caltrans District 8 representative C. Hammond. While full digital records are not available from the SCCIC, the study does border the proposed project property along its northern border along Foothill Boulevard. Study SB-04373 Study SB-04373 is a cultural resources monitoring assessment conducted by Earth Touch for the City of Fontana’s Tamarind Park. While the park itself is not located on the project site, the study did assess less than 10 percent of the area along Foothill Boulevard. The results of that portion of the study did not locate archaeological resources. Known Cultural Resources No resources are recorded within or adjacent to the project site. The CHRIS records search and background research identified one cultural resource within a ½-mile of the project site. Resources recorded in the search radius are listed in Table 1 below, and the resource would not be impacted by the currently proposed project. Table 1 Known Cultural Resources Primary Number Trinomial Resource Type Description Recorder(s) and Year(s) Eligibility Status Relationship to Project Site P-36- 008040 CA-SBR- 8040H Historic Historic privy with associated historic debris D. Grenda/ 1994 Unevaluated Outside (0.5 mile south of project site) Source: SCCIC 2022 Aerial Imagery and Historical Topographic Maps Review Rincon completed a review of historical topographic maps and aerial imagery to ascertain the development history of the project site. Historic topographic maps from 1896 depict a few structures, likely houses, along Foothill Boulevard in the vicinity of the project site. By 1938, aerial imagery of the project site shows an orchard and a small residence near Foothill Boulevard. From 1948 to 1966, three houses fronting Foothill Boulevard appear on aerial images, but most of the proposed project property remains agricultural use and orchards. By 1985, most previous buildings had been removed and buildings consistent with existing foundations had been constructed on the northern portion of the site. Imagery from 2002 depicts structures are generally consistent with the remnant foundations at the current project site. Imagery from 2018 depicts the project site in its current condition (NETR Online 2022). Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 4 Sacred Land File Search On May 4, 2022, the NAHC responded to Rincon’s SLF request, stating that the results of the SLF search were negative. See Attachment C for the NAHC response, including Tribal contacts list(s). Rincon provided an assistance package to the City of Fontana so that the City can conduct necessary AB 52 consultation for the proposed project. Survey Results The following section summarizes the results of all background research and fieldwork as they pertain to archaeological resources that may qualify as historical resources and/or unique archaeological resources. Ground visibility across the approximate seven-acre project site varied from fair to poor. The northeastern portions of the survey area was paved and had concrete pads remnant from modern building foundations and exhibited zero percent ground visibility (Figure 2). The southern and western portions had ground cover of ruderal vegetation about 4-6 inches tall that allowed only 30 percent visibility (Figure 3). This southern and western portion of the project site had evidence of modern refuse as well as refuse from unknown time periods. Metal, masonry, glass, and plastic debris were all present at the site. A cement and metal object, approximately 175 centimeters long and 109 centimeters wide was observed at the southern fence line but contained no markers marks or embossments to indicate its age. The survey also encountered a scatter of historic bricks that were stamped with manufacturing marks (Figures 4 through 5), among other disassociated brick and concrete objects. Resource A historic brick scatter (Mariani S-001H), observed within the project site, is described below. DESCRIPTION The resource is a scatter of historic bricks that likely date to the early 20th century. The resource measures approximately 30 meters east to west, and five meters north to south. It is located in the southwestern portion of the proposed project property. A total of eight stamped bricks were encountered, among scattered refuse from various undetermined ages. Seven of the bricks were stamped with “LACLEDE” or “LACLEDE KING” while one brick was stamped with “ROYAL 72.” The LaClede Brick Manufacturing Company had its inception in 1844, and was making high grade, dry press process fire bricks labeled “LACLEDE KING” into the 1920s at least (Refactories Book 1920). These LaClede King stamped bricks were meant for high temperature uses, often used for furnaces and kilns. Based on dates associated with the stamped bricks and general land use patterns in the area, it is likely that Mariani S-001H dates to the early to mid-1920s. EVALUATION Resources Mariani S-001H consists of a historic brick scatter. No evidence is present that the resource is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California’s history and cultural heritage (does not meet Criterion A/1) or that it is associated with the lives of persons important in our past (does not meet Criterion B/2). Further, the resource does not embody any distinctive characteristics (does not meet Criterion C/3). Twentieth-century refuse scatters are ubiquitous in San Bernardino County, particularly on the margins of Route 66. Since the historic bricks were encountered among various other refuse, this resource likely represents dumping area that has Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 5 been used into modern times. The site is a surface scatter of artifacts, and its data potential was exhausted by this recording (does not meet Criterion D/4). Thus, Rincon recommends the resource ineligible for the NRHP, CRHR, and local designation. Conclusions and Recommendations The impact analysis included here is organized based on the cultural resource’s thresholds included in CEQA Guidelines Appendix G, Environmental Checklist Form: a. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource pursuant to Section 15064.5? b. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to Section 15064.5? c. Would the project disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of dedicated cemeteries? Threshold A broadly refers to historical resources. To more clearly differentiate between archaeological and built environment resources, we have chosen to limit analysis under Threshold A to built environment resources. Archaeological resources, including those that may be considered historical resources pursuant to Section 15064.5 and those that may be considered unique archaeological resources pursuant to Section 21083.2, are considered under Threshold B. Historical and Unique Archaeological Resources This assessment identified a single, historic archaeological resource within the project site. The resource comprises a scatter of historic bricks that lacks integrity of original location and do not appear to be associated with any former structures on the project site. As described above, the resource does not meet any of the criterion for inclusion in the NRHP, CRHR, or local designation. However, as there is evidence that project site has been used as a refuse dumping site for various time periods, the area is sensitive for future unanticipated cultural resources. Therefore, Rincon presents the following recommended mitigation for monitoring and unanticipated discoveries during construction. With adherence to this measure, Rincon recommends a finding of less than significant impact with mitigation for archaeological resources under CEQA. Recommended Mitigation Archaeological Monitoring The applicant shall retain a qualified archaeological to spot-check and/or monitor all project-related ground disturbing activities. Archaeological monitoring shall be performed under the direction of an archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for archeology (National Park Service 1983). Monitors will have the authority to halt and redirect work should any archaeological resources be identified during monitoring. If archaeological resources are encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work in the immediate area must halt and the find evaluated for listing in the CRHR and NRHP. Archaeological monitoring may be reduced or halted at the discretion of the project archaeologist, in consultation with the lead agency, as warranted by conditions such as encountering bedrock, sediments being excavated are fill, or negative findings during the first 50 Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 6 percent of ground-disturbance. If monitoring is reduced to spot-checking, spot-checking shall occur when ground-disturbance moves to a new location within the project site and when ground disturbance will extend to depths not previously reached (unless those depths are within bedrock). The monitors shall submit a report to the City to document compliance within 30 days of completion of ground disturbing activities. Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources In the event that archaeological resources are unexpectedly encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work in the immediate area should be halted within 50 feet of the find and an archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archeology (National Park Service 1983) should be contacted immediately to evaluate the find. If the find is prehistoric, then a Native American representative should also be contacted to participate in the evaluation of the find. If necessary, the evaluation may require preparation of a treatment plan and archaeological testing for CRHR eligibility. If the discovery proves to be eligible for the CRHR and cannot be avoided by the proposed project, additional work, such as data recovery excavation, may be warranted to mitigate any significant impacts to historical resources. Human Remains Background research and the SCCIC record search indicate that no human remains are known to be present within the project site. However, the discovery of human remains is always a possibility during ground disturbing activities. If human remains are found, the State of California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has made a determination of origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. In the event of an unanticipated discovery of human remains, the County Coroner must be notified immediately. If the human remains are determined to be of Native American origin, the Coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission, which will determine and notify a most likely descendant (MLD). The MLD has 48 hours from being granted site access to make recommendations for the disposition of the remains. If the MLD does not make recommendations within 48 hours, the landowner shall reinter the remains in an area of the property secure from subsequent disturbance. With adherence to existing regulations, Rincon recommends a finding of less than significant impact to human remains under CEQA. Should you have any questions concerning this study, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (213) 457-3027 or abean@rinconconsultants.com. Sincerely, Rincon Consultants, Inc. Andrea Bean Senior Archaeologist Attachments Attachment A Figures Attachment B CHRIS Record Search Request Attachment C NAHC and SLF Results Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 7 References LaClede-Christy Company (Refactories Book). 1920 LaClede-Christy Company Refactories Book. https://books.google.com/books?id=zD5AAQAAMAAJ. Accessed May 2022. National Environmental Title Research (NETRonline) Var. “Historic Aerials.” [digital photograph database]. Aerial images of 17795 Foothill Boulevard property and vicinity. https://netronline.com/. Accessed May 2022. Attachment A Figures Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 9 Figure 1 Project Location Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 10 Figure 2 Property Overview 1 Overview from northern portion of project site facing northeast. Figure 3 Property Overview 2 Overview from southern portion of project site facing east. Frontier Enterprises 17795 Foothill Boulevard Development Project Page 11 Figure 4 Mariani S-001H Overview Overview of historic brick scatter facing east. Figure 5 Detail of Stamped Brick Stamped “LACLEDE KING” fire brick likely from early 1920s. Attachment B CHRIS Record Search Request California Historical Resources Information System CHRIS Data Request Form 1 of 3 2-29-2020 Version ACCESS AND USE AGREEMENT NO.:_______________ IC FILE NO.:________________________ To:___________________________________________________________________ Information Center Print Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Affiliation: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: __________________ Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ Email: ____________________________________ Billing Address (if different than above): _________________________________________________________ Billing Email: _______________________________________________ Billing Phone: ___________________ Project Name / Reference: ___________________________________________________________________ Project Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________ County or Counties: ________________________________________________________________________ Township/Range/UTMs: _____________________________________________________________________ USGS 7.5’ Quad(s): ________________________________________________________________________ PRIORITY RESPONSE (Additional Fee): yes / no TOTAL FEE NOT TO EXCEED: $___________________________ (If blank, the Information Center will contact you if the fee is expected to exceed $1,000.00) Special Instructions: Information Center Use Only Date of CHRIS Data Provided for this Request: ___________________________________________________ Confidential Data Included in Response: yes / no Notes:___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 of 3 2-29-2020 Version California Historical Resources Information System CHRIS Data Request Form Mark the request form as needed. Attach a PDF of your project area (with the radius if applicable) mapped on a 7.5’ USGS topographic quadrangle to scale 1:24000 ratio 1:1 neither enlarged nor reduced and include a shapefile of your project area, if available. Shapefiles are the current CHRIS standard for submitting digital spatial data for your project area or radius. Check with the appropriate IC for current availability of digital data products. •Documents will be provided in PDF format. Paper copies will only be provided if PDFs are not availableat the time of the request or under specially arranged circumstances. •Location information will be provided as a digital map product (Custom Maps or GIS data) unless thearea has not yet been digitized. In such circumstances, the IC may provide hand drawn maps. •In addition to the $150/hr. staff time fee, client will be charged the Custom Map fee when GIS is requiredto complete the request [e.g., a map printout or map image/PDF is requested and no GIS Data isrequested, or an electronic product is requested (derived from GIS data) but no mapping is requested]. For product fees, see the CHRIS IC Fee Structure on the OHP website. 1. Map Format Choice: Select One: Custom GIS Maps GIS Data Custom GIS Maps and GIS Data No Maps Any selection below left unmarked will be considered a "no. " Within project area Within ______ radius yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no Within ______radius Location Information: ARCHAEOLOGICAL Resource Locations1 NON-ARCHAEOLOGICAL Resource Locations Report Locations1 “Other” Report Locations2 3.Database Information: (contact the IC for product examples, or visit the SSJVIC website for examples) Within project areaARCHAEOLOGICAL Resource Database1 yes / no yes / no List (PDF format)Detail (PDF format) Excel Spreadsheet yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no NON-ARCHAEOLOGICAL Resource Database yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no List (PDF format) Detail (PDF format) Excel Spreadsheet yes / no yes / no Report Database1 yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no List (PDF format) Detail (PDF format) Excel Spreadsheet Include “Other” Reports 2 yes / no yes / no 4.Document PDFs (paper copy only upon request): Within project area Within ______ radius ARCHAEOLOGICAL Resource Records1 NON-ARCHAEOLOGICAL Resource RecordsReports1 “Other” Reports2 yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no California Historical Resources Information System CHRIS Data Request Form 5.Eligibility Listings and Documentation: Within project area Within ______ radius yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / noyes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no OHP Built Environment Resources Directory3: Directory listing only (Excel format)Associated documentation4 OHP Archaeological Resources Directory1,5: Directory listing only (Excel format) Associated documentation4 California Inventory of Historic Resources (1976): Directory listing only (PDF format)Associated documentation4 6.Additional Information: The following sources of information may be available through the Information Center. However, several ofthese sources are now available on the OHP website and can be accessed directly. The Office of HistoricPreservation makes no guarantees about the availability, completeness, or accuracy of the information providedthrough these sources. Indicate below if the Information Center should review and provide documentation (ifavailable) of any of the following sources as part of this request. Caltrans Bridge Survey yes / no / no yes yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no yes / no Ethnographic Information Historical Literature Historical Maps Local Inventories GLO and/or Rancho Plat Maps Shipwreck Inventory Soil Survey Maps 1 In order to receive archaeological information, requestor must meet qualifications as specified in Section III of the current version of the California Historical Resources Information System Information Center Rules of Operation Manual and be identified as an Authorized User or Conditional User under an active CHRIS Access and Use Agreement. 2 “Other” Reports GIS layer consists of report study areas for which the report content is almost entirely non-fieldwork related (e.g., local/regional history, or overview) and/or for which the presentation of the study area boundary may or may not add value to a record search. 3 Provided as Excel spreadsheets with no cost for the rows; the only cost for this component is IC staff time. Includes, but not limited to, information regarding National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, California State Historical Landmarks, California State Points of Historical Interest, and historic building surveys. Previously known as the HRI and then as the HPD, it is now known as the Built Environment Resources Directory (BERD). The Office of Historic Preservation compiles this documentation and it is the source of the official status codes for evaluated resources. 4 Associated documentation will vary by resource. Contact the IC for further details. 5 Provided as Excel spreadsheets with no cost for the rows; the only cost for this component is IC staff time. Previously known as the Archaeological Determinations of Eligibility, now it is known as the Archaeological Resources Directory (ARD). The Office of Historic Preservation compiles this documentation and it is the source of the official status codes for evaluated resources. 3 of 3 2-29-2020 Version Records Search Map ±0 2,0001,000 FeetHalf-Mile Buffer Area of Potential Effects 0 500250 Meters 1:24,000 Imagery provided by National Geographic Society, Esri, and their licensors © 2022. FontanaQuadrangle. T01S R05W S04,05,08,09. The topographic representation depicted in this mapmay not portray all of the features currently found in the vicinity today and/or features depictedin this map may have changed since the original topographic map was assembled. Cultural Resources Study Rincon Consultants, Inc. Attachment C NAHC and SLF Results STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gavin Newsom, Governor NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION Page 1 of 1 May 4, 2022 Andrea Bean Rincon Consultants, Inc. Via Email to: abean@rinconconsultants.com Re: 17795 Foothill Boulevard Residential Project, San Bernardino County Dear Ms. Bean: A record search of the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) Sacred Lands File (SLF) was completed for the information you have submitted for the above referenced project. The results were negative. However, the absence of specific site information in the SLF does not indicate the absence of cultural resources in any project area. Other sources of cultural resources should also be contacted for information regarding known and recorded sites. Attached is a list of Native American tribes who may also have knowledge of cultural resources in the project area. This list should provide a starting place in locating areas of potential adverse impact within the proposed project area. I suggest you contact all of those indicated; if they cannot supply information, they might recommend others with specific knowledge. By contacting all those listed, your organization will be better able to respond to claims of failure to consult with the appropriate tribe. If a response has not been received within two weeks of notification, the Commission requests that you follow-up with a telephone call or email to ensure that the project information has been received. If you receive notification of change of addresses and phone numbers from tribes, please notify me. With your assistance, we can assure that our lists contain current information. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at my email address: Cody.Campagne@nahc.ca.gov. Sincerely, Cody Campagne Cultural Resources Analyst Attachment CHAIRPERSON Laura Miranda Luiseño VICE CHAIRPERSON Reginald Pagaling Chumash PARLIAMENTARIAN Russell Attebery Karuk SECRETARY Sara Dutschke Miwok COMMISSIONER William Mungary Paiute/White Mountain Apache COMMISSIONER Isaac Bojorquez Ohlone-Costanoan COMMISSIONER Buffy McQuillen Yokayo Pomo, Yuki, Nomlaki COMMISSIONER Wayne Nelson Luiseño COMMISSIONER Stanley Rodriguez Kumeyaay EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Raymond C. Hitchcock Miwok/Nisenan NAHC HEADQUARTERS 1550 Harbor Boulevard Suite 100 West Sacramento, California 95691 (916) 373-3710 nahc@nahc.ca.gov NAHC.ca.gov