HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevised Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Table __________________________________________ July 25, 2022August 5, 2022 Prepared by: T&B Planning, Inc. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this report is to analyze the West Valley Logistics Center project (herein, “Project” or “Modified Project”) and to determine its consistency with, and the applicability of, the mitigation measures and requirements previously identified as part of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan (WVLCSP) Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The WVLCSP EIR was certified by the City of Fontana City Council on March 12, 2019, and was prepared to evaluate the environmental effects associated with General Plan Amendment (GPA) No. 11-026, Specific Plan Amendment No. 11-003, Change of Zone No. 11-016, Development Agreement No. 11-002, and Tentative Parcel Map No. 19156 (herein, “Approved Project”). The Approved Project allowed for the construction and operation of 3,473,690 s.f. of warehouse distribution uses, along with 55.23 acres of natural hillside open space and 14.93 acres of detention basins/open space. The Modified Project evaluated herein includes applications for a Revision to Tentative Parcel Map No. 19156 (TPM No. 13-005 R1), Design Review (DR 21-027), and a Specific Plan Substantial Conformance Determination (SCD), all of which are being processed under Master Case Number 21-072 (MCN 21-072). The Modified Project would entail the subdivision of approximately 285.56221.12 acres into nine parcels, and the development and operation of six warehouse buildings totaling 3,436,796 square feet (s.f.) on 199.08 acres of the 285.56221.12-acre Project site. In conjunction with its consideration of the Modified Project, the City of Fontana has prepared an Addendum to the WVLCSP EIR pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15164. Thus, the analysis presented herein has been prepared to demonstrate that the Modified Project would comply with and would implement all of the Mitigation Measures, Specific Plan Requirements, and Regulatory Requirements identified as part of the WVLCSP EIR for the Approved Project. 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Modified Project includes applications for a Revision to Tentative Parcel Map No. 19156 (TPM No. 13- 005 R1), Design Review (DR 21-027), and a Specific Plan Substantial Conformance Determination (SCD), all of which are being processed under Master Case Number 21-072 (MCN 21-072). The Modified Project would entail the subdivision of approximately 285.56221.12 acres into nine eight parcels, and the development and operation of six warehouse buildings totaling 3,436,796 s.f. on 199.08 acres of the 285.56221.12-acre Project site. The Project site is located in the southeastern portion of the City of Fontana in the southwest “Valley Region” of San Bernardino County. The Project site borders the unincorporated community of Bloomington in San Bernardino County to the east and the City of Jurupa Valley in Riverside County to the south. The Project site is located south of Jurupa Avenue, west of Locust Avenue, and is bisected by Armstrong Road. As compared to the Approved Project and the project described in the WVLCSP EIR, the Modified Project evaluated herein consists of the following modifications: WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 2  Reduction of Building Area: There would be an approximately 36,894 square-foot (s.f.) reduction in the Modified Project's building area. Specifically, the total square footage of the buildings would be reduced from the approved 3,473,690 s.f. to the modified 3,436,796 s.f.  Change in the number of buildings: The Modified Project would have six, rather than seven, buildings. The original Project had seven buildings with a total square footage of 3,473,690 s.f. The Modified Project combined buildings that were originally identified as Building 1 (743,780 s.f.) and Building 2 (580,000 s.f.) into one 1,247,745 s.f. building, now referred to as Building 1.  Increased Open Space: Approximately 55.23 acres of natural hillside open space was proposed to be preserved as part of the Approved Project on the western side of the Project site. On July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-083, approving acceptance of a The Modified Project includes the preservation of 70.15 -acres of open space area, of which 67.72 acres consist of natural hillside open space and 2.43 acres consist of an aquifer recharge area. The 67.72 acres of natural hillside open space includeswhich will accommodate restoration of 21.20 acres of Riversidean Sage Scrub (RSS) habitat. This is a 27.0% increase in natural habitat preservation and restoration, which would willall be subject to long-term management. In addition to this previously-dedicated open space area, the Project accommodates aA total of 14.83 acres of detention basins are proposed, which generally conform and comply with the approved WVLCSP, also would be included with the Project. Additionally, the Project Applicant would deed an approximately 1.49-acre parcel to the County of San Bernardino for park and recreation purposes.  Additional buffer zone: A 17.20-acre buffer zone between the development and the natural hillside open space and/or detention basins/open space is proposed. This is not required by the WVLCSP, but is being proposed as an environmentally sensitive Project design feature to further protect habitat and wildlife utilizing the natural hillside open space and/or the detention basins/open space areas.  Substitution of Riversidean Sage Scrub Location: The Approved Project was required to provide for 10.6 acres of rooftop Riversidean sage scrub ("Rooftop RSS"). In lieu of providing Rooftop RSS, the Project Applicant is proposing to acquire 16 acres of alluvial fan sage scrub credits from the Lytle Creek mitigation bank (“Lytle Creek Credits”). The proposed location would replace the formerly proposed 10.6-acre Avian Habitat Feature that was to be located on rooftops in the southern portion of the Project site. The proposed alternative location for the preservation of RSS is not required to mitigate the loss of any habitat, but is intended to maintain connectivity between habitat blocks located east and west of the Project site. The previously-proposed Rooftop RSS conflicted with other mitigation measures, including a requirement to install rooftop solar energy systems; therefore, the Project would use the rooftop area solely for solar energy systems instead of Rooftop RSS. The alternative RSS preservation location would provide an added Project benefit by procuring avian habitat at a higher quality than otherwise would have been provided by the rooftop RSS, while also benefitting other native species that the rooftop RSS would not, as isolated rooftop patches are unreachable by terrestrial species. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 3  Modification to Building Use: Pursuant to Condition of Approval (COA) 11, the Approved Project was conditioned to prohibit “Fulfillment Center” uses (ITE Code 155) unless there is compliance with CEQA and the City approves “Fulfillment Center” uses. The Modified Project is proposing to designate all six of the proposed buildings for “High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort)” uses. The proposed “Fulfillment Center” Non-Sort uses would have equal or reduced impacts to the environment as compared to the Approved Project. All other components of the Modified Project would be substantially consistent with the Approved Project that was evaluated as part of the WVLCSP EIR. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 4 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Aesthetics SP-A-1: Implement High-quality Development Standards and Design Guidelines. Chapter 3 of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan, Design Guidelines, sets forth design guidelines to achieve a high-quality design character that would provide consistent aesthetic character related to site design and building orientation, landscape and streetscape, lighting, walls, architecture, parking and access, and building systems. The Design Guidelines set forth in the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan explicitly address promoting compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods and employing high-quality architecture to define the site’s character. Design guidelines also set forth requirements for minimizing light spillage onto adjacent properties, requiring cut-offs to protect dark night sky, and requiring that windows use non-reflective glass. Based on their review of the Modified Project's application materials, City of Fontana staff has determined that the Modified Project is consistent with the standards and requirements of the Design Guidelines set forth in Chapter 3 of the WVLCSP; thus, the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-A-1. SP-A-2: Install Visual Barriers between Project Areas and Residential Areas. The perimeter walls that are visible from adjacent areas are required by the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan (Specific Plan) to be of high quality and compatible in terms of design and material with the project buildings. The Specific Plan requires that perimeter walls be accented with decorative stone or colored concrete to enhance the visual appearance, and to provide variation and articulation of the screening walls. In addition, the Specific Plan requires that walls facing a public right-of-way be no higher than 16 feet, which would screen views of the project area, while retaining views of the hills and mountains in higher elevation background views. Walls may berm up to allow 18 feet of exposure on the inward-facing side. Visual barriers installed between Project areas and residential areas will comply with the requirements set forth in the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan to be of high quality and compatible with Project buildings in terms of design and materials. Barriers will also comply with the height requirements specified in the Specific Plan. Specifically, the Project’s application materials propose 8-foot- high concrete tilt-up screen walls to screen docking areas and parking areas from views along Locust Avenue (including residential uses to the east of Locust Avenue). Additional decorative metal fencing and gates are proposed to provide security of the proposed on-site uses. Additionally, the Project incorporates extensive areas of landscaping, which would further obstruct views of the Project from off-site viewing areas. Thus, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-A-2. SP-A-3: Install Visual Barriers between Construction Work Areas and Residential Areas. The contractor will install fencing (such as chain link with slats or fencing made of windscreen material) or other structures to obstruct undesirable views of ground- level construction activities from residences, recreationists, and businesses that are adjacent to the construction site. The fencing will be a minimum of 6 feet high and will help maintain the privacy of residents and block views from ground levels. As required by Specific Plan Requirement SP-A-3, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring temporary visual barriers, with a minimum height of 6 feet, to be installed between construction work areas and residential areas in order to obstruct undesirable views of ground-level construction activities. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. SP-A-4: Light Spillage. As required by Specific Plan Requirements SP-A-3, a note has been WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 5 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Unless intended as part of a master lighting plan approved by the City of Fontana, no operation, activity, or lighting fixture shall create illumination exceeding 0.5 footcandles on any adjacent property (0.25 foot-candles within residential properties), whether the illumination is direct or indirect light from the source. Lighting levels shall be measured with a photoelectric photometer, following standard spectral luminous efficiency curves adopted by the International Commission on Illumination.  Exterior lighting shall be kept to the minimum required for safety; purely decorative lighting displays shall be prohibited.  Project lighting shall be designed to control light energy and ensure that exterior lighting is directed downward and away from adjacent streets and buildings in a manner designed to minimize off-site light spillage. added to the Project’s plans requiring that lighting associated with the Project shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles on any adjacent property (or 0.25 footcandles on residential property). The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Therefore, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-A-4. SP-A-5: Glare. All building exteriors within the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan area shall be composed of textured and other non-reflective materials, including high- performance tinted nonmirrored glass. Reflective materials on building exteriors that have a light reflectivity factor greater than 30 percent shall be limited to less than 25 percent of any wall area. The architectural plans included as part of the Modified Project’s Design Review application indicate that proposed glazing (glass) elements would consist of Solarcool Graylite materials, which the manufacturer describes as “ideal for glare control” with “Low” reflectivity. Remaining portions of the proposed buildings would consist of concrete tilt-up panels with no potential for glare. As such, the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP- A-5. SP-B-1: Open Space – Natural Area. The West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan sets aside 55.23 acres of natural open space in the western portion of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan area to protect existing habitat areas. No buildings are permitted within this area, and only uses consistent with the habitat conservation purpose of the area will be permitted. On July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-083, approving acceptance of a The Modified Project is proposing to set aside approximately 70.15 -acres of natural open space area along the westernly portion boundary of the site (67.72 acres of natural hillside open space and 2.43 acres of an aquifer recharge area), rather than the 55.23 acres required in the Specific Plan. Additionally, 14.83 acres of detention basin/open space are included at on the Project site, along with a 1.49-acre parcel that would be deeded to San Bernardino County for park and recreation purposes. Thus, the Modified Project would exceed the requirements set forth by Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-1. SP-B-3: Avian Habitat Feature. An avian habitat feature will be created using ground-level native plantings and rooftop plantings of Riversidean sage scrub (RSS) habitat plant species to create vegetative substrate that could facilitate avian species’ east-west dispersal The Modified Project is proposing an alternative approach to meet the requirement of Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-3. The revised approach would entail purchase of 16 acres of alluvial fan sage scrub habitat credits from the Lytle Creek Mitigation Bank, an approved WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 6 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE between the proposed 55.23-acre on-site RSS conservation area and nearby undeveloped RSS habitats. mitigation bank in the watershed. The proposed approach is superior to the requirement in the WVLCSP as it will provide avian habitat at a higher quality than otherwise would have been provided by the rooftop RSS, while also benefitting other native species that the rooftop RSS would not, as isolated rooftop patches are unreachable by terrestrial species. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the purchase of the required mitigation credits, and the City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. RR-A-1: Maintain Construction Sites. The Fontana Municipal Code (Article I, Chapter 5, Section 5- 12) requires that all property be maintained in a reasonably clean and well-kept manner and that all lumber and building materials are neatly piled or stacked in a safe manner. Compliance with the Fontana Municipal Code (Article I, Chapter 5, Section 5-12) regarding the maintenance of construction sites is mandatory. As such, the Modified Project would be compliant as a matter of law with Regulatory Requirement RR-A-1. RR-A-2: Maintain Signs. The Fontana Municipal Code (Article IV, Division 4, Section 3-171) requires that signs and sign structures be “periodically inspected and maintained at reasonable intervals, including the replacement of defective parts, painting, repainting, cleaning and other acts required to maintain the sign.” Compliance with the City of Fontana Municipal Code Section 30-737 (which replaced Section 3-171) requires maintenance and upkeep of all signage is mandatory. As such, the Modified Project would be compliant as a matter of law with Regulatory Requirement RR-A-2. RR-A-3: Limits on Length of Building Permits. Building permits for new commercial and industrial development are valid for a period of 18 to 24 months, which will ensure that construction activities will be temporary and not continue beyond a 24-month period for each increment of development. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that all future building permits associated with the Project shall expire within 18- to-24-months of issuance, in compliance with Regulatory Requirement RR-A-3. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. RR-B-2: Obtain Permits for Removal of Heritage Trees. The project applicant will obtain required permits pursuant to the Fontana Tree Preservation Ordinance for removal of any on-site trees subject to the provisions of the ordinance prior to issuance of a grading permit. Compliance with the Fontana Municipal Code Sections 28-61 to 28- 74 regarding the Fontana Tree Preservation Ordinance is mandatory. As such, the Modified Project would be compliant as a matter of law with Regulatory Requirement RR-B-2. RR-N-1: Comply with the Construction Noise Municipal Code Exemption. The City of Fontana’s Municipal Code limits the hours of construction to between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays; no construction is to be conducted on Sundays or federal holidays. Compliance with the Fontana Municipal Code Section 18-63 Part (7) that limits construction to certain hours is mandatory. As such, the Modified Project would be compliant as a matter of law with Regulatory Requirement RR-N-1. Air Quality WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 7 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE SP-GHG-4: Provide Electrical Connections at Loading Docks. Electrical outlets will be provided in loading dock areas to provide power for trucks when refrigeration is needed. This allows trucks with refrigerated cargo to keep their cargo cool without using their engines, minimizing idling time to reduce air emissions and use of fuel on site. As required by Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-4, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the provision of electrical outlets in loading dock areas in the event that future tenants propose uses that require refrigerated trucks. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. RR-AQ-1: Comply with South Coast Air Quality. Management District Rule 401 – Visible Emissions. A person will not discharge into the atmosphere from any single source of emission whatsoever any air contaminant for a period or periods aggregating more than 3 minutes in any 1 hour that is as dark or darker in shade as that designated No. 1 on the Ringelmann Chart, as published by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Compliance with the standards and requirements as set forth in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 401 regarding visible emissions will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Thus, the Modified Project will be required to comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-AQ-1. RR-AQ-2: Comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 402 – Nuisance. A person will not discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities of air contaminants or other material that cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public, or that endanger the comfort, repose, health, or safety of any such persons or the public, or that cause, or have a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or property. The provisions of this rule do not apply to odors emanating from agricultural operations necessary for the growing of crops or the raising of fowl or animals. Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 402 regarding nuisance will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Thus, the Modified Project will be required to comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-AQ-2. RR-AQ-3: Comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 403 – Fugitive Dust. This rule is intended to reduce the amount of particulate matter entrained in the ambient air as a result of anthropogenic (human-made) fugitive dust sources by requiring actions to prevent, reduce, or mitigate fugitive dust emissions. Rule 403 applies to any activity or human-made condition capable of generating fugitive dust. Applicable dust suppression requirements from Rule 403 are summarized below.  Nontoxic chemical soil stabilizers shall be applied according to manufacturers’ specifications to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for 10 days or more).  Active sites shall be watered at least twice daily. (Locations where grading is Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 regarding fugitive dust will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Thus, the Modified Project will be required to comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-AQ-3. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 8 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE to occur will be thoroughly watered prior to earthmoving.).  All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials shall be covered, or at least 0.6 meter (2 feet) of freeboard (vertical space between the top of the load and top of the trailer) shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of California Vehicle Code Section 23114.  Construction access roads shall be paved at least 30 meters (100 feet) onto the site from the main road.  Traffic speeds on all unpaved roads shall be reduced to 15 miles per hour or less. RR-AQ-4: Comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1113 – Architectural Coatings. No person shall apply or solicit the application of any architectural coating within the SCAQMD with volatile organic compound (VOC) content in excess of the values specified in a table incorporated in the Rule. A list of manufacturers of low/no-VOC paints is provided at the following SCAQMD website: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/planning/architectural- coatings/reporting-andsupport-documents/rule-314-manufacturers.pdf?sfvrsn=4 All paints will be applied using either high volume low-pressure spray equipment or by hand application. Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1113 regarding architectural coatings will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Thus, the Modified Project will be required to comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-AQ-4. RR-AQ-5: Comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1301 – General. This rule is intended to provide pre-construction review requirements to ensure that new or relocated facilities do not interfere with progress toward attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards, while future economic growth within the South Coast Air Quality Management District is not unnecessarily restricted. The specific air quality goal is to achieve no net increases from new or modified permitted sources of nonattainment air contaminants or their precursors. Rule 1301 also limits emission increases of ammonia and Ozone Depleting Compounds from new, modified, or relocated facilities by requiring the use of Best Available Control Technology. Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1301 will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Thus, the Modified Project will be required to comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-AQ-5. Mitigation Measure AQ-1: Incorporate Dust Suppression Measures. The Construction Contractor will ensure that the following dust suppression measures in the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook are implemented to reduce the project’s emissions:  Revegetate disturbed areas. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the implementation of dust suppression measures during construction activities, in conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-1. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 9 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE  Suspend all excavating and grading operations when wind speeds (as instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 miles per hour.  Sweep all streets once per day if visible soil materials are carried to adjacent streets (recommend water sweepers with reclaimed water).  Install “shaker plates” prior to construction activity where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved roads, or wash trucks and any equipment prior to leaving the site.  Pave, water, or chemically stabilize all on-site roads.  Minimize at all times the area disturbed by clearing, grading, earthmoving, or excavation operations. Mitigation Measure AQ-2: Utilize Tier 4 Construction Equipment. All non-road construction equipment greater than 50 horsepower shall meet EPA Tier 4 emission standards with the following exception. Equipment with an engine compliant with only Tier 3 emissions standards will be allowed on a case-by-case basis only when the applicant shows a good faith effort to procure Tier 4 equipment, and documents that no Tier 4 equipment is available for a particular equipment type within the County of San Bernardino within the scheduled construction period. Each case shall be documented with signed written or emailed correspondence by the appropriate construction contractor, along with documented correspondence from at least two construction equipment rental firms representing a good faith effort to locate engines that meet Tier 4 requirements, as applicable. Documentation will be submitted to City staff for review before Tier 3 equipment is used on the project. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-2, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the submittal of documentation to the City of Fontana prior to use of Tier 3 equipment during construction of the Project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-3: Use Low-VOC Paints. The project shall utilize “Super-Compliant” low-VOC paints that have been reformulated to exceed the regulatory VOC limits put forth by SCAQMD’s Rule 1113 (BACM AQ-2). Super-Compliant low-VOC paints shall be no more than 10 grams per liter of VOC. Alternatively, the applicant may utilize tilt-up concrete buildings that do not require the use of architectural coatings. As previously indicated, compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1113 regarding architectural coatings will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Mitigation Measure AQ-4: Use Electricity Rather than Internal Combustion Engines during Construction. The Construction Contractor shall require by contract specifications that construction operations rely on the electricity infrastructure surrounding the construction site, if available, rather than electrical generators powered by internal combustion engines. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-4, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that contract specifications mandate that construction operations rely on the electricity infrastructure surrounding the construction site, if available, rather than electrical generators powered by internal combustion engines. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 10 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-5: Use Alternative Fueled Technology during Construction. The Construction Contractor shall require the use of alternative fueled, engine retrofit technology, after- treatment products (e.g., diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters), and/or other options as they become available, including all off-road and portable diesel-powered equipment. In conformance with Mitigation Measure MM-AQ-5, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the use alternative fueled, engine retrofit technology, after-treatment products, and/or other options to the extent such options are available at the time of construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-6: Require Proper Maintenance of Construction Equipment. The Construction Contractor shall require that construction equipment be maintained in good operation condition so as to reduce emissions. The construction contractor shall ensure that all construction equipment is being properly serviced and maintained as per the manufacturer’s specification. Maintenance records shall be available at the construction site for City verification. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-6, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that the construction contractor provide maintenance records to ensure compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-6. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-7: Submit Construction Plans. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant and/or building operators shall submit construction plans and a construction vehicle management plan to the City of Fontana denoting the proposed schedule and projected equipment use. The construction vehicle management plan will include such things as: specifying idling time requirements; requiring hour meters on equipment; and documenting the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on- site equipment. The plan shall include that California state law requires equipment fleets to limit idling to no more than 5 minutes. Construction contractors shall provide evidence that low emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized, or that its use was investigated and found to be infeasible for the project as determined by the City of Fontana. Contractors shall also conform to any construction measures imposed by the SCAQMD as well as City of Fontana Community Development Planning Staff. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-7, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction plans and a construction vehicle management plan shall be prepared that require an assessment of the proposed schedule and projected equipment use, and that shall include a requirement to: specify idling time requirements (maximum of 5 minutes); require hour meters on equipment; document the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on-site equipment; demonstrate that low-emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized; and that the construction activities will comply with all applicable SCAQMD and City of Fontana construction measures that would serve to reduce air quality emissions during construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-8: Require Construction Equipment to Turn Off When Not in Use. The Construction Contractor shall require by contract specifications that construction-related equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-8, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction contractors, through contract specifications, shall meet the requirement to turn off construction equipment when not in use for more than 5 minutes. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 11 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE vehicles, and portable equipment, will be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-9: Timing of Construction Activities. Construction activity associated with off-site utility and infrastructure improvements shall not occur concurrently with site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, or paving phases of activity. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-9, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that off-site utility and infrastructure improvements shall not take place at the same time as site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, and/or paving phases of the project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-10: EPA Smartway features. The City shall require operators of the project to ensure that haul trucks incorporate EPA Smartway features, as required by ARB. Project operators shall maintain a daily log of incoming and outgoing haul trucks that are fitted with the combination of aerodynamic kits and low rolling resistance tires to reduce fuel consumption. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that EPA Smartway features shall be required for Project-related haul trucks and requiring that appropriate records shall be maintained, in conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-10. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-11: Energy Efficiency in Vendor Trucks. The City shall require operators of the proposed facilities to request that the vendor trucks incorporate energy efficiency improvement features through the voluntary Carl Moyer Program - including truck modernization, retrofits, and/or aerodynamic kits and low rolling resistance tires - to reduce fuel consumption. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future tenants shall provide educational materials to promote the use of energy efficiency improvement features, such as compliance with the Carl Moyer Program, truck modernization, retrofits, aerodynamic kits, low-rolling resistance tires, and other measures that would serve to reduce fuel consumption. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-11. Mitigation Measure AQ-12: Incorporate Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Carpool Parking. The project shall be designed to incorporate electric vehicle charging stations and five carpool parking spaces at each building for employees and the public to use. The Modified Project incorporates electric vehicle (EV) parking stalls into the design with a total of 6 van accessible EV parking stalls, 5 accessible EV parking stalls, 2 ambulatory EV parking stalls, and 118 standard EV parking stalls. In addition, 131 clean air vehicle parking stalls are included in the Modified Project's design, along with 30 carpool parking spaces (5 at each building). Thus, the Modified Project will be consistent with Mitigation Measure AQ-12. Mitigation Measure AQ-13: Provide Electric Interior Vehicles. All buildings shall be designed to provide infrastructure to support use of electric powered forklifts and/or other interior vehicles. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the provision of infrastructure to support to the use of electric powered forklifts and/or other interior vehicles. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 12 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Mitigation Measure AQ-13. Mitigation Measure AQ-14: Provide Ridesharing and Transit Incentives. The project will reduce vehicle miles traveled and emissions associated with trucks and vehicles by implementing the following measures:  Pedestrian and bicycle connections shall be provided to surrounding areas consistent with the City’s General Plan.  A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or similar mechanism shall be established by the project applicant. The TMA shall establish and coordinate a carpooling program. The TMA shall advertise its services to the building occupants. The TMA shall offer transit incentives to employees and shall provide shuttle service to and from public transit, should a minimum of five (5) employees request and use such service from a transit stop at the same drop-off and/or pick-up time. The TMA shall distribute public transportation information to project site employees. The TMA shall provide message board space for coordination rides.  Preferential parking for carpools and vanpools shall be provided on each warehouse site. As required by Mitigation Measure AQ-14, as part of the Modified Project Jurupa Avenue, Armstrong Road, and Locust Avenue will be improved to provide for sidewalks ranging in width from 5 feet to 8 feet, and these roadways also would accommodate bicycle lanes, in conformance with the City’s General Plan. Additionally, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation and implementation of a TMA or similar mechanism to encourage carpooling. The Modified Project also accommodates a total of 30 carpool parking spaces (5 spaces for each of the 6 proposed buildings). The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Mitigation Measure AQ-14. Biological Resources SP-B-1: Open Space – Natural Area. The West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan sets aside 55.23 acres of natural open space in the western portion of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan area to protect existing habitat areas. No buildings are permitted within this area, and only uses consistent with the habitat conservation purpose of the area will be permitted. The Modified Project provides mitigation superior to the WCLCSP Environmental Impact Report (EIR) with a 27.0% increase in preserved natural open space. Specifically, rather than the 55.23 acres preserved with the Approved Project, on July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-083, approving acceptance of a the Modified Project preserves 70.15 -acres of natural open space area, of which 67.72 acres consist of natural hillside open space (including restoration of 21.20 acres of RSS habitat), and 2.43 acres consist of an aquifer recharge area. A 14.83-acre detention basin/open space area also will be provided. No buildings will be permitted within the natural open areas. Therefore, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-1. SP-B-2: Habitat Management Plan. The Riversidean Sage Scrub Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan prepared as part of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan provides for the long-term management of the on-site Riversidean sage scrub (RSS) habitat. It preserves in As discussed under the consistency analysis for Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-1, the Modified Project will result in a 29.7% increase in preserved natural open space as compared to the Approved Project. A note has been added to the Project’s plans WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 13 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE perpetuity 44.8 acres of RSS habitat located on the eastern edge of the Jurupa Mountains. requiring the preparation and implementation of an updated Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Program (HMMP) to address the long- term maintenance requirements for the expanded open space areas proposed as part of the Modified Project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-2. SP-B-3: Avian Habitat Feature. An avian habitat feature will be created using ground-level native plantings and rooftop plantings of Riversidean sage scrub (RSS) habitat plant species to create vegetative substrate that could facilitate avian species’ east-west dispersal between the proposed 55.23-acre on-site RSS conservation area and nearby undeveloped RSS habitats. On July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-083, approving acceptance of The Modified Project will accommodate a total 70.15-acre open space area, of which 67.72 acres of includes undisturbed natural open space (and will accommodate , which includes the restoration of 21.20 acres of Riversidean Sage Scrub (RSS) habitat). The open space proposed as part of the Modified Project will provide for a generally unimpeded connection between Rattlesnake Mountain and open space areas westerly of the Project site, and will provide for better connectivity than the open space areas and the 10.6 acres rooftop Riversidean Sage Scrub (herein, “Rooftop RSS”) proposed as part of the Approved Project. The portion of Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-3 that requires the provision of Rooftop RSS is infeasible as such a requirement would result in fire hazards for the proposed buildings, and also would not mitigate for the loss of RSS habitat. The Modified Project will instead be conditioned by the City of Fontana to require the purchase of 16 acres of alluvial scrub habitat mitigation credits from the Lytle Creek Mitigation Bank. The requirement to purchase mitigation credits will be enforced as part of the Modified Project’s conditions of approval. According to the West Valley Logistics Center Biological Updates/Improvements Assessment (July 14, 2022; included as Technical Appendix B1 to the Modified Project’s EIR Addendum), the proposed replacement mitigation will be superior to implementation of Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-3 as it will provide a higher quality habitat than what would have been provided by the Rooftop RSS habitat while also benefitting other native species that the Rooftop RSS would not, as isolated patches are unreachable by terrestrial species. The Modified Project, therefore, is consistent with the intent WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 14 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE of Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-3 and will provide superior mitigation to the mitigation required by Specific Plan Requirement SP-B-3. RR-B-1: Obtain Permits for Jurisdictional Waters of the State and State Streambeds. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant will obtain the following regulatory approvals for construction activities proposed within the identified jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional areas: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Determination documenting isolated conditions and lack of jurisdictional authority; Regional Water Quality Control Board Porter-Cologne Water Quality Certification; and California Fish and Game Code Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the Project Applicant to obtain a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Determination, a Regional Water Quality Control Board Porter-Cologne Water Quality Certificate, and a California Fish and Game Code Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement prior to issuance of a grading permit. The City will enforce compliance with this note as part of future grading permit applications, thereby ensuring Project consistency with Regulatory Requirement RR-B-1. RR-B-2: Obtain Permits for Removal of Heritage Trees. The project applicant will obtain required permits pursuant to the Fontana Tree Preservation Ordinance for removal of any on-site trees subject to the provisions of the ordinance prior to issuance of a grading permit. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that the Project Applicant shall obtain the required permits pursuant to the Fontana Tree Preservation Ordinance prior to the removal of any on- site trees that are subject to the provisions of the ordinance. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Regulatory Requirement RR-B-2. Mitigation Measure BIO-1: Pre-Construction Focused Surveys of Proposed Conservation Area and Development Area to Confirm Absence of Special-Status Species. Focused Survey for Coastal California Gnatcatcher within 300 feet of the Conservation Area Construction Fence. A protocol-level focused survey for CAGN shall be conducted by a qualified ornithologist in the spring prior to project development to determine whether CAGN have colonized the RSS habitat within 300 feet of the location where the conservation area fencing will be installed. If CAGN are found to occur within 300 feet of the conservation area construction fence line or water pipeline construction area, an avoidance buffer no less than 300 feet shall be established around the nest(s) until all young have fledged and the nest is confirmed by a qualified biologist to be no longer active. If avoidance is not feasible, consultation with USFWS will be necessary to determine whether an Individual Take Permit is required. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring pre- construction surveys of the proposed conservation area and development area to confirm the absence of special status species including the Coastal California Gnatcatcher, San Diego Black-tailed Jackrabbit, the Western Burrowing Owl, nesting birds, and special status plants. The note also requires that appropriate measures be undertaken should any special status species be found. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of future grading permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure BIO-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 15 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Preconstruction Surveys within the Proposed Conservation Area for San Diego Black-tailed Jackrabbit. At least 48 hours prior to initiation of water pipeline construction activities, the 5.2-acre construction area shall be surveyed to confirm the absence of San Diego black-tailed jackrabbits. If individuals of the species are observed within the construction footprint, their movements shall be monitored until it can be confirmed that each individual has left the pipeline construction area. After that, exclusion fencing shall be established to prevent individuals of the species from re-entering the construction area during construction. Pre-construction Survey within the Proposed Development Area for Western Burrowing Owl. The project applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct preconstruction surveys for burrowing owls no fewer than 14 days prior to any ground- disturbing activities, to be repeated 24 hours prior to grading. The preconstruction surveys shall be approved by the City of Fontana Director of Community Development and conducted in accordance with current survey protocols provided in the CDFW Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (March 7, 2012). In the event a burrowing owl is found to be present on site during the preconstruction survey, the project applicant shall ensure that the applicable avoidance measures outlined in the CDFW Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (March 7, 2012) are applied to the proposed project (e.g., avoid direct impacts on occupied burrows during nesting season). Any active avoidance measures during the breeding season must to be coordinated with CDFW. Preconstruction Nesting Bird Survey of the Proposed Development Area. Nesting birds are protected pursuant to the MBTA and California Fish and Game Code. If ground-disturbing activities or removal of any trees, shrubs, or any other potential nesting habitat are scheduled within the avian nesting season (January 1 to August 31), a preconstruction clearance survey for nesting birds shall be completed no more than 3 days prior to ground disturbance. This will ensure that no nesting birds adjacent to the construction area will be disturbed during construction. If nesting birds are found, an avoidance buffer no less than 300 feet shall be established around the nest until all young have fledged and the nest is confirmed by a qualified biologist to be no longer active. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 16 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Pre-construction Surveys for Special-Status Plants: Prior to construction, or any other project site development-related ground disturbance activities including vegetation removal within RSS habitat that would occur during water pipeline construction, the applicant shall conduct pre-construction presence/absence surveys for Plummer’s mariposa lily, Parry’s spineflower, and paniculate tarplant by a qualified botanist. Surveys shall be conducted in accordance with CNPS and CDFW rare plant survey guidelines and shall be conducted during the flowering period when each species is most readily identifiable. A botanist shall determine the blooming period for each species and verify blooming during the growing season by visiting a reference site to observe if the target species is flowering or otherwise identifiable. A species-specific survey may be required for each special-status plant depending upon the blooming period. Any special-status plant populations shall be mapped in the field. If the presence of any special-status plant species is confirmed, a copy of the survey results shall be forwarded to CDFW for entry into the CNDDB. In the event that special-status plants are not identified within the WVLCSP development areas, including areas used for construction, no further action is required. If special-status species are determined to be present within the RSS habitat, then prior to issuance of project grading permit, a 5- year on-site restoration mitigation and monitoring program shall be developed and implemented for any planting areas established to mitigate impacts on special-status plant species. Restoration success criteria shall include: 1) Establishment of mitigation site(s) within the conservation area, where plant restoration will occur. 2) Identification by a qualified botanist of an appropriate plant palette and restoration methodology compatible with the specific affected special- status species. Mitigation sites could include existing RSS habitat areas in the preservation area, depending on site conditions and locations of special-status plants found. Mitigation Measure BIO-2: Installation of Environmentally Sensitive Area Fencing to Prevent Encroachment into the 55.23-acre Conservation Area during Construction. At or before the start of construction, including pre-construction establishment A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the installation of Environmentally Sensitive Area Fencing around the proposed 70.15-acre open space conservation area that was previously dedicated to the City pursuant to City Council Resolution WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 17 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE of staging areas and/or initiation of grading activities, Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) fencing shall be installed along the western limits of disturbance to prevent encroachment into preserved lands. Educational signage shall also be posted to inform workers and area residents of the sensitivity of biological resources in the area. The fencing shall be inspected by a qualified biological monitor once per week during construction to ensure the fencing is intact and construction activities are not encroaching into preserved lands. Implementation of this measure would not be required should the permanent fencing or barrier called for in Mitigation Measure BIO-5 be constructed prior to the start of construction. No. 2022-083, which has been increased in size to 70.15 acres, rather than the 55.23 acres proposed with the Approved Project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure BIO-2. Mitigation Measure BIO-3: Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. In coordination with the CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreement, a habitat mitigation and monitoring plan (HMMP) and up to 5 years of post-restoration monitoring and reporting will be established for the 55.23-acre conservation area. The HMMP must include the following key actions to protect the conservation area RSS habitat:  Document the baseline conditions within the RSS Open Space Area.  Eradicate weeds and other undesirable plants within the disturbed portions of the RSS Open Space Area. Tasks include conducting weed eradication or thinning, disposing of weed species annually, reseeding, and bi-annual monitoring of the site to document treatment actions.  Remove olive trees and pepper trees within the conservation area and implement restoration of RSS in their place.  Create vegetated areas along the southern boundary of the project site to accommodate potential avian movement between Rattlesnake Mountain and the Jurupa Hills regions.  Control and prevent trespassing, dumping and other human intrusion into the RSS open space area through permanent fencing, signage, and coordination with the City of Fontana.  Eliminate signs of human disturbance through annual cleanup On July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-083, approving acceptance of a 70.15-acre open space area, of which 67.72 acres consists of undisturbed natural open space. Thus, nNatural open space areas associated with the Modified Project have been increased form 55.23 acres to 67.72 acres. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation and implementation of a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP), which will identify post-restoration monitoring and reporting for the proposed 67.72-acre open space area and will include the management/maintenance requirements specified by Mitigation Measure BIO-3. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure BIO-3. Mitigation Measure BIO-4: On-site Restoration of 16 Acres of RSS within the Proposed Conservation Area. A minimum of 16 acres of area shall be restored to establish additional RSS plant community within the conservation area (see Figure 4.2.3-4). Appendix D includes a detailed plant palette that would be utilized for restoration of the On July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-083, approving acceptance of a 70.15-acre open space area. Inclusive of the previously-dedicated open space area, Tthe Modified Project provides mitigation superior to the WCLCSP Environmental Impact Report (EIR) with a 27.0% increase in preserved natural open space. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 18 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE RSS plant community within the conservation area. Restoration of RSS would occur in the portions of the conservation area that currently support non-native grasslands, disturbed areas, or non-native trees and those portions would be graded, planted, and seeded with RSS plant community species listed in Appendix D. As described in the HMMP (Mitigation Measure BIO-3), and in coordination with CDFW as part of the Streambed Alteration Agreement, a monitoring plan and up to 5 years of post-restoration monitoring and reporting will be established for the restored area within the 55.23-acre conservation area. Specifically, rather than the 55.23 acres preserved with the Approved Project, the Modified Project preserves a total of 70.15 acres of open space has been accommodated, of which 67.72 acres consist of natural hillside open space (including 21.20 acres of RSS habitat) and 2.43 acres consist of an aquifer recharge area. Therefore, the Modified Project will be consistent with Mitigation Measure BIO-4. Mitigation Measure BIO-5: On-site restoration of 5.2 acres of RSS Disturbed by Water Pipeline Construction within the Proposed Conservation Area. Immediately following conclusion of construction of the water pipeline, the 5.2- acre pipeline construction footprint shall be planted and seeded with RSS plants consistent with the plant palette included in Appendix D. As described in the HMMP (Mitigation Measure BIO-3), and in coordination with CDFW as part of the Streambed Alteration Agreement, a monitoring plan and up to 5 years of post- restoration monitoring and reporting will be established for this area that occurs within the conservation area on site. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the on-site restoration of 21.20 acres of RSS habitat within the on-site open space conservation area to mitigate impacts associated with the proposed water pipeline construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure BIO-5. Mitigation Measure BIO-6: Post-Construction Long-term Management and Protection of Proposed Conservation Area. A permanent fence or barrier shall be erected to protect the 55.23- acre conservation area, the RSS habitat, and restored RSS habitat proposed to occur there. The design and materials used for the fencing shall be consistent with fuel management zone specifications for fencing. The fence shall consist of a three or four rail wooden fence, three or four strand barbless wire with metal t- posts, or other such materials and configuration that will allow for the passage of wildlife while restricting project personnel and the public from accessing the preserved lands. Coordination with a qualified biologist shall occur for the fence design to ensure the fence will not restrict movement of mammals or entangle wildlife. Signage will also be installed that clearly states that access beyond the fence is prohibited. To remain consistent with aesthetic considerations, signage shall be installed where it is easily visible, but not visually obtrusive. The project applicant shall be responsible for the cost and implementation of fencing and signage. The project applicant shall also be responsible for maintenance of the fencing and signage until a Property Owners’ Association is established that will assume such responsibility in In conformance with Mitigation Measure BIO-6, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that permanent fencing or a barrier shall be installed around the 70.15-acre conservation area that was previously dedicated to the City pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2022-083, which has been increased in size to 70.15 acres, rather than the 55.23 acres proposed with the Approved Project. The note requires that the design and materials used for the fencing shall be consistent with the requirements of Mitigation Measure BIO-6. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 19 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE perpetuity. Mitigation Measure BIO-7: Replacement of Affected Wetland Areas. At a minimum, compensation at a 1:1 ratio for the loss of 0.27 acre of waters of the State and 0.47 acre of area that meets the CDFW jurisdictional definition would occur off site through the purchase of credits at a local mitigation bank. The in-lieu fee program or off-site mitigation bank credits purchased shall be documented and included in the CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreement required to be provided to the City prior to initiation of site grading activities As required by Mitigation Measure BIO-7, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that prior to issuance of grading permits, the Project Applicant shall provide proof that impacts to 0.27-acre of waters of the State and 0.47-acre of area that meets the CDFW jurisdictional definition have been mitigated at a minimum 1:1 ratio at a location off-site through the purchase of credits at a local mitigation bank. The note also requires that a copy of the CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreement, which will document the in-lieu program or off-site mitigation bank credits, must be submitted to the City as required prior to site grading activities. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure BIO-7. Mitigation Measure BIO-8: Perform Tree Inventory and Protect, Relocate, or Replace any City-designated Heritage, Significant, or Specimen Trees in Accordance with City Code Requirements. A certified arborist shall perform a tree inventory to identify the heritage, significant, or specimen trees within the limits of disturbance. The arborist will document species, age, size, structure, and trunk diameter. If one or more heritage, significant, or specimen trees that occur within the limits of disturbance would be disturbed or removed by project activities, the project applicant shall be responsible for the protection, relocation, and/or replacement of the tree(s). A permit for the removal of these trees will be required (Section 28-68) along with implementation of the protective measures (Section 28-66) to avoid impacts on heritage, significant, and specimen trees outside of the limits of disturbance. Trees that will be removed must be replaced or relocated per the guidelines in Section 28-67 of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. As indicated by Section 28-65 of the Tree Preservation Ordinance, no permit or replacement shall be required for the removal of: damaged parts of a heritage, significant, or specimen tree that has sustained an injured trunk, broken limbs, or uprooting as a result of storm damage or other acts of God, which create a hazard to life or property; trees that are determined to be diseased and/or dead by a certified arborist and approved by the City staff; trees that are Compliance with the Fontana Municipal Code Sections 28-61 to 28- 74 regarding the Fontana Tree Preservation Ordinance is mandatory. As such, the Modified Project would be compliant as a matter of law with Mitigation Measure BIO-8. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 20 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE determined to be hindering the safe application or installation of traffic control devices or roadway improvements in the public right-of-way or trees that hinder the line of site as determined by the City engineer; or trees that are determined to be within the ultimate right-of-way as shown within the circulation element of the City’s General Plan. Cultural Resources RR-C-1: City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 5, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article XIII, Section 5-351: Preservation of Historic Resources. Includes archaeological sites. The code states that this article is “adopted to implement the goals and policies of the general plan, which recognize the presence of archeological sites and buildings that have historic importance for the city. The city council finds and declares that historic, archeological and cultural resources symbolize the city and its people, reveal how the city's character was shaped, and instill pride in the community. The creation and functions of the planning commission and the identification, preservation and protection of historic, archeological and cultural resources within the city shall be governed by the provisions of this article.” Although the WVLCSP EIR determined that impacts to historical resources would be less than significant, the Modified Project would nonetheless be subject to compliance with the regulations set forth in the City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 5, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article XIII, Section 5-351: Preservation of Historic Resources, in the event any previously-undiscovered historical resources are identified during construction of the Modified Project, thereby ensuring consistency with Regulatory Requirement RR-C-1. RR-C-2: Comply with Requirements if Unanticipated Discovery of Human Remains. If human remains are discovered or recognized during construction-related activities, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 requires there to be no further excavation or disturbance of the immediate location of the remains until the County coroner has been informed and has determined that no investigation of the cause of death is required. If the remains are determined by the coroner to be of Native American origin, the coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), which will then identify a most likely descendant (§7050.5; Public Resources Code §5097.98). The most likely descendant will make a recommendation to the landowner as to the means of treating or disposing of the human remains and any associated grave goods with appropriate dignity, as stipulated in California Public Resources Code §5097.98. Upon discovery of human remains, the landowner will ensure that the immediate vicinity is not damaged or disturbed until specific conditions are met through discussions with the descendants regarding their preferences for treatment. If the NAHC is unable to identify a descendant, or the descendant fails to respond within 48 hours after being notified by the NAHC, the landowner is required to reinter the human remains on the property and to protect the site where the remains were reinterred Compliance with the State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 regarding the unanticipated discovery of human remains is mandatory. As such, the Modified Project would be compliant as a matter of law with Regulatory Requirement RR-C-2. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 21 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE from further and future disturbance. According to the State Health and Safety Code, six or more human burials at one location constitute a cemetery (§8100), and disturbance of Native American cemeteries is a felony (§7052). Mitigation Measure CUL-1: Monitoring for Archaeological Resources during Construction. Prior to commencement of any grading activity on the project site and consistent with the findings and recommendations of the cultural resources surveys and reports for the proposed project, as well as requests by the Gabrielino/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians and the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, qualified archaeological monitor(s) shall be retained by the applicant after consultation with representatives of the two Tribes to be present during all excavation activities occurring within 100 meters of each of following sites: P-19- 17932, CA-SBR-1573, and CA-SBR-714. The monitor(s) shall work under the direct supervision of a cultural resources professional who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for archaeology. The monitor(s) shall be empowered to temporarily halt or redirect construction work in the vicinity of any find until a qualified archaeologist can evaluate it. The monitor(s) shall be present at the pre-grade conference in order to explain the cultural mitigation measures associated with the project, and shall be present on site during all ground-disturbing activities to implement the project Monitoring Plan. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring compliance with the archaeological resources monitoring requirements set forth by Mitigation Measure CUL-1, including requirements to consult with local Tribes, to retain an archaeological monitor to monitor grading and ground-disturbing activities, and to conduct a pre-grade meeting to ensure construction workers are familiar with the cultural mitigation measures. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation measure CUL-1. Mitigation Measure CUL-2: Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources. Prior to commencement of any grading activity on the project site and consistent with the findings and recommendations of the cultural resources reports pertaining to the sensitivity of each area on the project site for cultural resources, the applicant shall prepare an Archaeological Monitoring Plan. The Monitoring Plan shall be prepared by a qualified archaeologist for review and approval by the City of Fontana Director of Community Development. The Monitoring Plan shall include at a minimum:  A list of personnel involved in the monitoring activities;  A description of how the monitoring will occur;  A description of the frequency of monitoring (e.g., full time, part- time, spot checking);  A description of what resources may be discovered;  A description of circumstances that would result in the halting of work at the project site (e.g., what is considered a “significant” archaeological site); A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation of an Archaeological Monitoring Plan prior to any grading activities and to require review and approval of the Archaeological Monitoring Plan by City of Fontana staff. Compliance with the note will ensure the Archaeological Monitoring Plan requires the evaluation of any cultural resources discovered during the monitoring of construction activities, and the appropriate treatment of any resources identified. The note further requires the preparation of a monitoring report following the completion of all mitigation activities. The note also requires that the monitoring report shall summarize all monitoring and mitigation activities, confirm that all mitigation requirements have been met, and to require that the monitoring report is submitted to the City of Fontana Director of Community Development and to the San Bernardino Archaeological WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 22 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE  A description of the procedures for halting work on the site and notification procedures; and  A description of monitoring reporting procedures. Should any cultural resources be discovered during monitoring of project construction activities, the onsite cultural resources monitor shall stop work actions within 100 feet of the discovery until such time as the resource can be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist to determine its significance and make appropriate treatment recommendations. Project personnel shall not collect or move any cultural resource materials. To the extent feasible, project activities shall avoid such resources. Where avoidance is not feasible, the resources shall be evaluated for their eligibility for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources. If a resource is not eligible, avoidance is not necessary. Disturbance and other adverse effects on any resource determined to be eligible shall be avoided. Should avoidance be infeasible, adverse effects shall be mitigated. Mitigation can include, but is not necessarily limited to: excavation of the deposit in accordance with a cultural resource mitigation or data recovery plan that makes provisions for adequately recovering the scientifically consequential information from and about the resource (see California Code of Regulations Title 4(3) Section 15126.4(b)(3)(C)). The data recovery plan shall be prepared and adopted prior to any excavation and should make provisions for sharing information with Tribes that have requested Senate Bill 18 consultation. Results of the data recovery plan shall be deposited with the regional California Historical Resources Information Center repository. Prehistoric resources may include lithics, ceramics, animal bone, or concentrations of burned rock, while historical resources may include glass, ceramics, or building foundations. It shall be the responsibility of the City of Fontana Department of Public Works to verify that the Archaeological Monitoring Plan is implemented by the applicant during project grading and construction. Information Center. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will be consistent with Mitigation Measure CUL-2. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 23 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Upon completion of all mitigation activities, the consulting archaeologist shall submit a monitoring report to the City of Fontana Director of Community Development and to the San Bernardino Archaeological Information Center summarizing all monitoring and mitigation activities and confirming that all mitigation requirements have been met. The monitoring report shall be prepared consistent with the guidelines of the Office of Historic Preservation’s Archaeological Resources Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format. The City of Fontana Director of Community Development or designee shall be responsible for reviewing any reports produced by the archaeologist to determine the appropriateness and adequacy of the findings and recommendations. Mitigation Measure CUL-3: Monitoring of Paleontological Resources and Reporting. Destruction of fossils of significant scientific interest shall be avoided. If fine- grained quaternary sediments are discovered below 5 feet in depth within Parcels 5 or 6 either during preparation of the Final Geotechnical Reports or geotechnical testing or during construction, a qualified paleontology monitor shall monitor excavation in these areas based on a Paleontological Monitoring Plan to be prepared by a qualified paleontological consultant for review and approval by the City. The paleontology monitor shall have the authority to reduce monitoring if, in his or her professional opinion, sediments being monitored are previously disturbed. Monitoring may also be reduced by the paleontological monitor if the potentially fossiliferous geologic units previously described are not found to be present or, if present, are determined by qualified paleontological personnel to have low potential to contain fossil resources. The monitor shall be equipped to salvage fossils and samples of sediments as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays and shall be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or large specimens. Any recovered specimens shall be prepared to a point of identification and permanent preservation, and shall be curated into a professional, accredited museum repository with permanent retrievable storage. A report of findings, with an appended itemized inventory of specimens, shall be prepared. The report and inventory, when submitted to the A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation of a Paleontological Monitoring Plan by a qualified paleontological consultant, which is required to be submitted to the City for review and approval. The note further requires implementation of the Paleontological Monitoring Plan during grading and ground-disturbing activities, and the appropriate treatment of any paleontological resources that may be identified. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure CUL-3. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 24 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE City of Fontana, will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts to paleontological resources. Energy Resources SP-AQ-1: Encourage Ridesharing and Transit Incentives. Each building operator will be required to support and encourage ridesharing and transit incentives for the construction crew by providing crews with the needed resources to organize rideshares, such as bulletin boards or email announcements. The Construction Contractor will also fully or partially subsidize transit fares or passes for the construction crew members who can feasibly use transit. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring evidence from the Construction Contractor demonstrating that construction crews are provided with the needed resources to organize rideshares, such as bulletin boards or email announcements, and to require the Construction Contractor to fully or partially subsidize transit fair or passes for the construction crew. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-AQ-1. SP-GHG-2: Design Building Components to Meet 2013 Title 24 Standards. The project will design building shells and building components, such as windows; roof systems; electrical and lighting systems; and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems, to meet 2013 Title 24 standards, which are 30 percent more stringent than the 2008 Title 24 standards for nonresidential buildings. In accordance with Chapter 5 of the City’s Municipal Code, City of Fontana staff is obligated to review future applications for building permits to ensure that building shells and components, including windows, roof systems, electrical and lighting systems, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems, are designed to meet the 2019 Title 24 standards (or applicable Title 24 standards that may be in place at the time of application for building permits). Thus, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-2. SP-GHG-3: Design CALGreen Compliant Buildings. Buildings will be designed to provide CALGreen Standards with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design features for potential certification and will employ energy and water conservation measures in accordance with such standards. This includes design considerations related to the building envelope; heating, ventilating, and air conditioning; lighting; and power systems. In accordance with Chapter 5 of the City’s Municipal Code, City of Fontana is obligated to review of future applications for building permits to ensure that the buildings are designed to be compliant with CALGreen standards. Thus, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-3. SP-GHG-4: Provide Electrical Connections at Loading Docks. Electrical outlets will be provided in loading dock areas to provide power for trucks when refrigeration is needed. This allows trucks with refrigerated cargo to keep their cargo cool without using their engines, minimizing idling time to reduce air emissions and use of fuel on site. As required by Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-4, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the provision electrical outlets in loading dock areas in the event that future tenants propose uses that require refrigerated trucks. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-4. SP-GHG-5: Utilize Energy-efficient Lighting. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that interior WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 25 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE The project will utilize energy-efficient interior and exterior lighting, including light- emitting diodes, T5 and T8 fluorescent lamps, or other lighting that is at least as efficient. Lighting will incorporate motion sensors that turn lighting off when not in use. and exterior lighting shall consist of energy efficient devices, including, but not limited to, light-emitting diodes, T5 and T8 fluorescent lamps, or other lighting that is at least as efficient. The note further requires the use of motion sensors that turn off lighting when not in use. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of future building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-5. SP-GHG-6: Select Efficient Refrigerants and Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems. Refrigerants and HVAC equipment will be selected to minimize or eliminate the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone depletion and global warming. Ventilation and HVAC systems will be designed to meet or exceed the minimum outdoor air ventilation rates described in the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers standards and/or per California Title 24 requirements. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that refrigerants and HVAC equipment for the Modified Project shall be designed efficiently to meet or exceed the minimum outdoor air ventilation rates described in the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers standards and/or per California Title 24 requirements. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Additionally, and in accordance with Chapter 5 of the City’s Municipal Code, the City of Fontana is obligated to review future applications for building permits to ensure that the buildings are designed to be compliant with Title 24 standards. Thus, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-6. SP-GHG-7: Provide Landscaped Parking Lots. Surface parking lots will be well landscaped to reduce the heat island effect. Parking lot landscaping will be planted with 15-gallon trees at a rate of one tree per every four parking stalls. The trees may be clustered, but a minimum of one cluster will be provided for each 100 feet of parking row. Trees will be selected and placed to provide canopy and shade for the parking lots. Application materials submitted in conjunction with the Modified Project’s proposed Design Review include a conceptual site plan and a conceptual landscape plan. The conceptual site plan shows that a total of 1,996 passenger vehicle parking stalls are proposed, requiring a total of 499 trees. The conceptual landscape plan shows that the Modified Project would meet Specific Plan Requirement SP- GHG-7 through the provision of 24-inch box chitalpa trees, 24-inch box African sumac trees, and 15-gallon Brisbane box trees within or abutting the proposed parking areas. SP-TR-5: Install Bicycle Racks. Bicycle racks will be provided at appropriate locations on Parcels 1 through 7 (e.g., between buildings or in automobile parking areas) for employees who wish to bicycle. The City of Fontana is obligated by Chapter 5 of the City’s Municipal Code to review future applications for building permits to ensure that the buildings are designed to be compliant with Title 24 standards, including CALGreen Section (Bicycle Parking), which requires the provision of bicycle parking spaces equal to 5 WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 26 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE percent of the tenant-occupant vehicular parking spaces. Accordingly, the Modified Project conforms to Specific Plan Requirement SP-TR-5. SP-UT-2: Incorporate Water-efficient Building Designs. The project will incorporate water-efficient building designs, fixtures, and appliances that meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver certification standards for water efficiency. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future building permits shall comply with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver certification standards through the incorporation of water efficient building designs, fixtures, and appliances. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of future building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT- 2. SP-UT-3: Incorporate Recycling Program. The project will be designed to incorporate an operational recycling program that will include paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future building permits shall incorporate an operational recycling program that includes paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of future building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT-3. RR-AQ-7: Require Equipment to Be Turned Off When Not in Use. Building operators will require (by contract specifications) that equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment, be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. Truck idling shall not exceed 5 minutes in time. All facilities will post signs requiring that trucks shall not be left idling for more than 5 minutes pursuant to Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 2485, which limits idle times to not more than 5 minutes. Nighttime truck idling would not be permitted. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the posting of signs that mandate idling be restricted to no more than 5 minutes and that prohibit nighttime truck idling, in conformance with the requirements of Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 2485. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Regulatory Requirement RR-AQ-7. SR-GHG-1: Provide Waste Reduction and Recycling Education. The property operator will provide readily available information provided by the City of Fontana for employee education about reducing waste and available recycling services. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future property owners shall provide future employees with readily- available City of Fontana educational material related to reducing waste and available recycling services. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Standard Requirement SR-GHG-1. Mitigation Measure AQ-2: Utilize Tier 4 Construction Equipment. All non-road construction equipment greater than 50 horsepower shall meet EPA Tier 4 emission standards with the following exception. Equipment with an engine A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-2. The note requires the Project Applicant to submit documentation to the City of Fontana prior to WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 27 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE compliant with only Tier 3 emissions standards will be allowed on a case-by-case basis only when the applicant shows a good faith effort to procure Tier 4 equipment, and documents that no Tier 4 equipment is available for a particular equipment type within the County of San Bernardino within the scheduled construction period. Each case shall be documented with signed written or emailed correspondence by the appropriate construction contractor, along with documented correspondence from at least two construction equipment rental firms representing a good faith effort to locate engines that meet Tier 4 requirements, as applicable. Documentation will be submitted to City staff for review before Tier 3 equipment is used on the project. use of Tier 3 equipment during construction of the Project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-3: Use Low-VOC Paints. The project shall utilize “Super-Compliant” low-VOC paints that have been reformulated to exceed the regulatory VOC limits put forth by SCAQMD’s Rule 1113 (BACM AQ-2). Super-Compliant low-VOC paints shall be no more than 10 grams per liter of VOC. Alternatively, the applicant may utilize tilt-up concrete buildings that do not require the use of architectural coatings. As previously indicated, compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1113 regarding architectural coatings will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Mitigation Measure AQ-4: Use Electricity Rather than Internal Combustion Engines during Construction. The Construction Contractor shall require by contract specifications that construction operations rely on the electricity infrastructure surrounding the construction site, if available, rather than electrical generators powered by internal combustion engines. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that contract specifications shall mandate that construction operations must rely on the electricity infrastructure surrounding the construction site, if available, rather than electrical generators powered by internal combustion engines. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-4. Mitigation Measure AQ-5: Use Alternative Fueled Technology during Construction. The Construction Contractor shall require the use of alternative fueled, engine retrofit technology, after- treatment products (e.g., diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters), and/or other options as they become available, including all off-road and portable diesel-powered equipment. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the use of alternative fueled, engine retrofit technology, after-treatment products, and/or other options, to the extent such options are available at the time of construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-5. Mitigation Measure AQ-6: Require Proper Maintenance of Construction Equipment. The Construction Contractor shall require that construction equipment be maintained in good operation condition so as to reduce emissions. The A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the construction contractor to provide maintenance records to ensure compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-6. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 28 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE construction contractor shall ensure that all construction equipment is being properly serviced and maintained as per the manufacturer’s specification. Maintenance records shall be available at the construction site for City verification. grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-7: Submit Construction Plans. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant and/or building operators shall submit construction plans and a construction vehicle management plan to the City of Fontana denoting the proposed schedule and projected equipment use. The construction vehicle management plan will include such things as: specifying idling time requirements; requiring hour meters on equipment; and documenting the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on- site equipment. The plan shall include that California state law requires equipment fleets to limit idling to no more than 5 minutes. Construction contractors shall provide evidence that low emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized, or that its use was investigated and found to be infeasible for the project as determined by the City of Fontana. Contractors shall also conform to any construction measures imposed by the SCAQMD as well as City of Fontana Community Development Planning Staff. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction plans and a construction vehicle management plan shall be prepared that require an assessment of the proposed schedule and projected equipment use, and that shall include a requirement to: specify idling time requirements (maximum of 5 minutes); require hour meters on equipment; document the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on-site equipment; demonstrate that low-emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized; and to show that the construction activities will comply with all applicable SCAQMD and City of Fontana construction measures that would serve to reduce air quality emissions during construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will be consistent with Mitigation Measure AQ-7. Mitigation Measure AQ-9: Timing of Construction Activities. Construction activity associated with off-site utility and infrastructure improvements shall not occur concurrently with site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, or paving phases of activity. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that off-site utility and infrastructure improvements shall not take place at the same time as site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, and/or paving phases of the project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Mitigation Measure AQ-9. Mitigation Measure EN-1: Efficient Use of Energy During Construction. Project construction plan specifications shall include the following measures to be implemented by the Construction Contractor to prevent the wasteful or inefficient use of energy and fuel during construction:  Implement work schedules and procedures that minimize equipment idle time and double-handling of material;  Switch off office equipment and lights when not in use;  Use solar power resources for road signs and other applicable equipment A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future construction plans shall include notes requiring measures to ensure the efficient use of energy during construction, as required by Mitigation Measure EN-1. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 29 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE required at the construction site; and  Design all temporary roads to minimize travel distances. Geology and Soils RR-G-1: Comply with Fontana Municipal Code, Chapter 5, Article III, 2013 Edition of the California Building Code (CBC). The project would be required to comply with the 2013 edition of the CBC, known as the California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volumes 1 and 2, based on the 2012 edition of the International Building Code, published by the International Code Council, including Appendices C, I, and J, adopted as the Building Code of the City of Fontana (City). The CBC as adopted by the City contains performance standards for grading and construction to provide an acceptable level of safety in relation to seismic and geologic hazards, as well as provisions to ensure acceptable design for buildings in relation to soils conditions. The proposed project grading and construction plans will be submitted by the applicant for review by the City for compliance with the Fontana Municipal Code and the CBC. The City of Fontana is obligated by its Municipal Code to review future grading and building permits to ensure that the plans require that grading and construction activities to occur in accordance with the Fontana Municipal Code, Chapter 5, Article III and current Building Code requirements in order to provide an acceptable level of safety in relation to seismic and geologic hazards, and to ensure acceptable design for buildings in relation to soils conditions. Thus, the Modified Project will comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-G- 1. RR-HW-1: Prepare and Implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). A SWPPP will be developed by a qualified engineer or erosion control specialist in accordance with Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System compliance and implemented prior to the issuance of any grading permit before construction. The SWPPP will be kept on site during construction activity and will be made available upon request to representatives of the Santa Ana RWQCB. The SWPPP will detail how the sediment and erosion control practices, referred to as best management practices (BMPs), will be implemented. Possible BMPs may consist of a wide variety of measures taken to reduce pollutants in stormwater and other nonpoint-source runoff. Measures range from source control, such as reduced surface disturbance, to treatment of polluted runoff, such as detention or retention basins. BMPs to be implemented as part of the stormwater management program and general permit may include, but are not limited to, the following measures.  Temporary erosion control measures (such as silt fences, stacked straw bales/wattles, silt/sediment basins and traps, check dams, geofabric, sandbag dikes, watering of bare soils, and temporary revegetation or other ground cover) will be employed to control erosion from disturbed areas.  Drainage facilities in downstream off-site areas will be protected from The City of Fontana is obligated by its Municipal Code to ensure that future applications for building and grading permits comply with City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 5, Section 5-14, which requires compliance with the City of Fontana National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. As required by the City’s NPDES permit, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) for the Modified Project will be prepared and implemented during construction activities, which will include Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will serve to preclude potential construction- related adverse effects to water quality. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 30 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE sediment using BMPs acceptable to the Santa Ana RWQCB.  All construction activities will cease during high wind (winds exceeding 25 miles per hour) and rain storm events.  Grass or other vegetative cover will be established on the construction site as soon as possible after disturbance. No disturbed surfaces will be left without erosion control measures in place during the wet season.  Maintenance of all erosion control measures, including the clearing of excess debris, throughout all construction phases will be performed to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana engineer. RR-HW-2: Submit a Final Stormwater Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) for City Approval. An SWQMP based on final design for each phase of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan will be submitted to the Fontana Director of Public Works for approval prior to issuance of grading permits. The SWQMP will provide project-specific site design, source control, and treatment control best management practices (BMPs) including low-impact development to be incorporated into final design. The BMPs will be required to be properly designed and maintained to target pollutants of concern in accordance with the City of Fontana’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan and the San Bernardino County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit. In conformance with Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-1, the City of Fontana’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan, and the San Bernardino County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit, the City of Fontana is obligated to ensure that future applications for building and grading permits comply with City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 5, Section 5-14, which requires compliance with the City of Fontana NPDES permit. As required by the City’s NPDES permit, a final Stormwater Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) will be prepared as part of future building and grading permit applications, and will be submitted to the City of Fontana Director of Public Works for review and approval prior to the issuance of grading permits, thereby ensuring the Modified Project complies with Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-2. SR-HW-1: Maintain Stormwater Detention Basins and Biotreatment Areas during Project Operation. Final selection of best management practices (BMPs) will be subject to approval by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. The City of Fontana (City) will review the list and description of the long-term BMPs and ascertain whether the physical effects of those features are addressed within the project Final Environmental Impact Report, or whether additional environmental analysis would be required. The City and/or its contractors will inspect the project following construction to ensure that all identified BMPs have been properly installed. The applicant or applicant’s designee will prepare and implement a regular maintenance and monitoring schedule to ensure that these BMPs function properly throughout project operations. The maintenance and monitoring schedule will be submitted to the City for review and approval A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the long-term maintenance of BMPs as identified by the SWQMPs required for future development of the property. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Pursuant to standard City of Fontana requirements, the SWQMPs will require review and approval by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the City of Fontana. Upon completion of Project construction, and also pursuant to standard City procedures, the City of Fontana will conduct an inspection of the Project site to ensure proper installation of BMPs. In conformance with the long-term maintenance provisions of the SWQMP, the City of Fontana will ensure that stormwater detention basins and biotreatment areas are WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 31 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE prior to implementation by the applicant. The City may require additional BMPs to be designed and implemented if those originally constructed do not achieve performance standards in accordance with the City’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan. The City would notify contractors immediately if there is a noncompliance issue, and appropriate actions would be taken by the City and the contractors to ensure immediate compliance. Project operations and maintenance activities would primarily entail maintenance of stormwater basins and biotreatment areas, landscaping, and periodic parking and external building maintenance. Stormwater basin and biotreatment area maintenance would be performed routinely to prevent sediment buildup and clogging in order to ensure optimal pollutant removal efficiency. Maintenance activities would include the following, which would be done periodically:  Remove obstructions, debris, and trash and dispose of properly.  Inspect to ensure proper drainage between storms and within 5 days following rainfall.  Inspect inlets for channels, soil exposure, or other evidence of erosion.  Remove obstructions and sediment.  Maintain vegetation via pruning and weeding, and treat with preventative and low-toxicity methods.  Check that mulch is maintained at an appropriate depth and replenish as necessary. subject to regular maintenance and monitoring. Mandatory compliance with the SWQMPs will ensure that the Modified Project operations and maintenance activities are consistent with the requirements identified in Standard Requirement SR-HW-1. Mitigation Measure GEO-1: Final Geotechnical Studies/Incorporate Foundation Design Elements Appropriate for the Project Geographic Area. Prior to approval of grading permits, a specific final geotechnical study for each construction site within the Specific Plan area will be provided by the applicant to the City for review and approval. A qualified registered geologist or engineer will verify to the satisfaction of the City Director of Public Works or the Director’s designee that foundations designed for all proposed structures are appropriate and meet code requirements. Recommendations included in Section 3.0 and Appendix D of the 2007 Preliminary Geotechnical Report and on pages 5 through 8 of the 2013 Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation and Infiltration Testing Report A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that Final Geotechnical Studies shall be prepared in conjunction with future grading permit and building permit applications, and to require that the grading plans and building plans incorporate the recommendations of the Final Geotechnical Studies, including measures relating to foundation design elements, over excavation, and recompaction of the footing subgrade soils, slab on grade, and seismic design parameters, as well as measures relating to site clearing and preparation, temporary excavation, engineered fill placement, infiltration basins, trench backfilling, foundation design, retaining walls, slope stability, rippability, pavement design and thickness, cement type, shrinkage, and surface WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 32 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE (geotechnical reports are included as Appendix H to this 2nd Recirculated Draft EIR) regarding foundations, overexcavation, and recompaction of the footing subgrade soils, slab-on-grade, and seismic design parameters will be incorporated into the final geotechnical reports as appropriate based on updated findings. All foundations will be designed in accordance with California Building Code and local requirements. Additional recommendations from the 2007 Preliminary Geotechnical Report and the 2013 Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation and Infiltration Testing Report addendum pertaining to site clearing and preparation, temporary excavation, engineered fill placement, infiltration basins, trench backfilling, foundation design, retaining walls, slope stability, rippability, pavement design and thickness, cement type, shrinkage, and surface drainage will be implemented to minimize any negative effects associated with erosion and sedimentation. drainage. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure GEO-1. Mitigation Measure GEO-2: Geotechnical Testing During Construction. Geotechnical observations and testing will be conducted as necessary during construction activities, consistent with the conclusions and recommendations presented in the final Geotechnical Studies (required per Mitigation Measure GEO-1) for development within the project area. In accordance with the final Geotechnical studies, the 2007 Preliminary Geotechnical Report, and the 2013 Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation and Infiltration Testing Report measures related to trench backfill and retaining wall backfill subdrain will be implemented. Geotechnical observation and testing will be provided during the following:  After completion of site clearing.  During overexcavation of compressible soil.  During compaction of all fill materials.  After excavation of all footings and prior to placement of concrete.  During retaining wall back drain construction and backfilling.  During utility trench backfilling and compaction.  During pavement subgrade and base preparation.  When any unusual conditions are encountered. In conformance with Mitigation Measure GEO-2, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring geotechnical testing during construction activities, including Testing Report measures related to trench backfill and retaining wall backfill subdrains. The note requires geotechnical observations and testing at the times specified by Mitigation Measure GEO-2. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure GEO-2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions SP-AQ-1: Encourage Ridesharing and Transit Incentives. Each building operator will be required to support and encourage ridesharing and A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that the Construction Contractor shall provide evidence demonstrating that WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 33 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE transit incentives for the construction crew by providing crews with the needed resources to organize rideshares, such as bulletin boards or email announcements. The Construction Contractor will also fully or partially subsidize transit fares or passes for the construction crew members who can feasibly use transit. construction crews are provided with the needed resources to organize rideshares, such as bulletin boards or email announcements, and requiring the Construction Contractor to fully or partially subsidize transit fair or passes for the construction crew. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-AQ-1. SP-AQ-3: Request Contractors and Building Operators to Use Particulate Matter Traps on All On-road Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks. The project will request contractors and building operators (by contract specifications) that on-road heavy-duty diesel trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 14,000 pounds have a 2010 model year engine or newer or are equipped with a particulate matter trap, as available. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that contractors and building operators associated with the Project shall ensure that all heavy-duty diesel trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 14,000 pounds use particulate matter traps and have a 2010 model year engine or newer. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirement SP-AQ-3. SP-AQ-6: Utilize Electric Cargo Handling Equipment. All on-site outdoor cargo-handling equipment (including yard trucks, hostlers, yard goats, pallet jacks, forklifts, and other on-site equipment) and all on-site indoor forklifts will be powered by electricity. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that outdoor cargo-handling equipment and indoor forklifts must be powered by electricity. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirement SP-AQ-6. SP-GHG-1: Incorporate Water Conservation and Efficient Measures for Landscaping. The project will devise a comprehensive water conservation strategy in compliance with California Green Building Standards Code Water Efficiency Measures and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Neighborhood Development standards to reduce water use during project operation. The strategy will include the following, plus other innovative measures that may be appropriate.  Install drought-tolerant plants for landscaping.  Use recycled water for landscape irrigation within the project at such time as it can be made reasonably available. Install the infrastructure to deliver and use recycled water, as part of street improvements within the project site along Jurupa Avenue, Locust Avenue, Alder Avenue, and Armstrong Road as needed to provide recycled water for landscape irrigation when available. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the incorporation of water conservation and efficient measures for landscaping. The note requires the preparation of a comprehensive water conservation strategy that will be in compliance with California Green Building Standards Code Water Efficiency Measures and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Neighborhood Development Standards. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. The City of Fontana also will review future grading and building permit applications for compliance with the City of Fontana’s Municipal Code Article IV, Landscaping and Water Conservation. Therefore, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 34 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE  Install water-efficient irrigation systems, such as weather-based and soil- moisture-based irrigation controllers and sensors, for landscaping according to the California Department of Water Resources Model Efficient Landscape Ordinance.  Ensure that all landscape and irrigation measures are in compliance with the City of Fontana’s Municipal Code Article IV, Landscaping and Water Conservation. SP-GHG-2: Design Building Components to Meet 2016 Title 24 Standards. The project will design building shells and building components, such as windows; roof systems; electrical and lighting systems; and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems, to meet 2013 Title 24 standards, which are 30 percent more stringent than the 2008 Title 24 standards for nonresidential buildings. The City of Fontana is obligated by Chapter 5 of its Municipal Code to review future applications for building permits to ensure that building shells and components, including windows, roof systems, electrical and lighting systems, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems, are designed to meet the 2019 Title 24 standards (or applicable Title 24 standards that may be in place at the time of application for building permits). Thus, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-2. SP-GHG-3: Design CALGreen-Compliant Buildings. Buildings will be designed to provide CALGreen Standards with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design features for potential certification and will employ energy and water conservation measures in accordance with such standards. This includes design considerations related to the building envelope; heating, ventilating, and air conditioning; lighting; and power systems. The City of Fontana is obligated Chapter 5 of its Municipal Code to review future applications for building permits to ensure that the buildings are designed to be compliant with CALGreen standards. Mandatory compliance with the City’s conditions of approval will ensure that the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-3. SP-GHG-4: Provide Electrical Connections at Loading Docks. Electrical outlets will be provided in loading dock areas to provide power for trucks when refrigeration is needed. This allows trucks with refrigerated cargo to keep their cargo cool without using their engines, minimizing idling time to reduce air emissions and use of fuel on site. As required by Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-4, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the provision of electrical outlets in loading dock areas in the event that future tenants propose uses that require refrigerated trucks. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. SP-GHG-5: Utilize Energy Efficient Lighting. The project will utilize energy-efficient interior and exterior lighting, including light- emitting diodes, T5 and T8 fluorescent lamps, or other lighting that is at least as efficient. Lighting will incorporate motion sensors that turn lighting off when not in use. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that interior and exterior lighting for the Project shall use energy efficient devices, including, but not limited to, light-emitting diodes, T5 and T8 fluorescent lamps, or other lighting that is at least as efficient. The note further requires the use of motion sensors that turn off lighting when not in use. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 35 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-5. SP-GHG-6: Select Efficient Refrigerants and Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems. Refrigerants and HVAC equipment will be selected to minimize or eliminate the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone depletion and global warming. Ventilation and HVAC systems will be designed to meet or exceed the minimum outdoor air ventilation rates described in the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers standards and/or per California Title 24 requirements. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that refrigerants and HVAC equipment for the Modified Project shall be designed efficiently to meet or exceed the minimum outdoor air ventilation rates described in the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers standards and/or per California Title 24 requirements. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-6. SP-GHG-7: Provide Landscaped Parking Lots. Surface parking lots will be well landscaped to reduce the heat island effect. Parking lot landscaping will be planted with 15-gallon trees at a rate of one tree per every four parking stalls. The trees may be clustered, but a minimum of one cluster will be provided for each 100 feet of parking row. Trees will be selected and placed to provide canopy and shade for the parking lots. Application materials submitted in conjunction with the Modified Project’s proposed Design Review include a conceptual site plan and a conceptual landscape plan. The conceptual site plan shows that a total of 1,996 passenger vehicle parking stalls are proposed, requiring a total of 499 trees. The conceptual landscape plan shows that the Modified Project would meet Specific Plan Requirement SP- GHG-7 through the provision of 24-inch box chitalpa trees, 24-inch box African sumac trees, and 15-gallon Brisbane box trees within or adjacent to the proposed parking areas. SP-GHG-8: Implement Onsite Recycling Program. As required by Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT-3, the project will be designed to incorporate an operational recycling program that will include paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future building permits shall incorporate an operational recycling program that includes paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirements SP-UT-3 and SP-GHG-8. RR-AQ-7: Require Equipment to Turn Off When Not in Use. Building operators will require (by contract specifications) that equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment, be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. Truck idling shall not exceed 5 minutes in time. All facilities will post signs requiring that trucks shall not be left idling for more than 5 minutes pursuant to Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 2485, which limits idle times to not more than 5 minutes. Nighttime truck idling would not be permitted. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the posting of signs mandating that idling be restricted to no more than 5 minutes and prohibiting nighttime truck idling, in conformance with the requirements of Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 2484. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Regulatory Requirement RR-AQ-7. SR-GHG-1: Provide Waste Reduction and Recycling Education. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 36 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE The property operator will provide readily available information provided by the City of Fontana for employee education about reducing waste and available recycling services. property owners shall provide future employees with readily- available City of Fontana educational material related to reducing waste and available recycling services. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Standard Requirement SR-GHG-1. SR-GHG-2: Incorporate More Energy-Efficient Measures Related to Construction and Building Materials. The project will be required to implement the following measures to improve energy efficiency during construction:  Use locally produced and/or manufactured building materials for at least 10 percent of the construction materials used for the project.  Use “green” building materials, such as those materials that are resource efficient and recycled and manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, for at least 10 percent of the project. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that at least 10 percent of building materials shall be locally produced and/or manufactured and requiring the use green building materials for at least 10 percent of the Project in order to improve energy efficiency during construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Standard Requirement SR-GHG-2. SR-GHG-3: Incorporate Energy-Efficiency Measures for New Warehouse Buildings. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan will demonstrate the incorporation of the following project design features that will achieve a minimum of 15 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from business-as-usual conditions, pursuant to the San Bernardino County Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and Assembly Bill 32 and the greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal selected by the City of Fontana as part of that regional program. Future projects (either constructed by the applicant as core and shell buildings or by building operators) will also be required to implement the Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and meet the 15 percent reduction by incorporating the following design features: Energy Efficiency  Design buildings to be energy efficient, meet 2013 Title 24 requirements, and comply with the CALGreen Code. Under Tier I, all new construction projects are required to reduce energy consumption by 15 percent below the baseline required by the California Energy Commission, as well as implement more stringent green measures than those required by mandatory code.  Install efficient lighting and lighting control systems. Solar or light-emitting diode lighting will be installed for outdoor lighting. The site and buildings will be designed to take advantage of daylight, such that use of daylight is an A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the incorporation of design features that will achieve a minimum of a 15 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from business-as- usual conditions in accordance with the San Bernardino County Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and Assembly Bill 32 and the greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal selected by the City of Fontana as part of that regional program. The note also requires that the design features shall be consistent with those listed in Standard Requirement SR-GHG-3. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Standard Requirement SR-GHG-3. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 37 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE integral part of the lighting systems in buildings.  Use trees, landscaping, and sun screens on west and south exterior building walls to reduce energy use.  Install light colored “cool” roofs over air conditioned spaces and cool pavements.  Install energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, appliances and equipment, and control systems that are Energy Star rated.  Implement design features to increase the efficiency of the building envelope (i.e., the barrier between conditioned and unconditioned spaces). This includes installation of insulation to minimize heat transfer and thermal bridging and to limit air leakage through the structure or within the heating and cooling distribution system to minimize energy consumption.  Provide vegetative or human-made exterior wall shading devices or window treatments for east, south, and west-facing walls with windows.  Incorporate Energy Star rated windows, space heating and cooling equipment, light fixtures, appliances, or other applicable electrical equipment.  Install and use equipment and machinery that only use less than 3,900 global warming potential hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants or natural refrigerants (ammonia, propane, carbon dioxide) for refrigeration and fire suppression equipment. Renewable Energy  Install solar ready infrastructure so that solar panels could be included over any future parking locations internal to the project. No solar panels will be placed in areas visible from Jurupa Avenue, Locust Street, Armstrong Road, or the new private street west of the Armstrong/ Locust/7th Street intersection and glare would not produce spill-over that affects nearby sensitive receptors.  Design buildings to have “solar ready” roofs that will structurally accommodate later installation of rooftop solar panels. Building operators providing rooftop solar panels will submit plans for solar panels prior to occupancy.  Use combined heat and power in appropriate applications. Water Conservation and Efficiency  Create water-efficient landscapes with a preference for a xeriscape landscape palette. Provide a landscape and development plan for the project that takes advantage of shade, prevailing winds, and landscaping.  Install water-efficient irrigation systems and devices, such as soil moisture– WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 38 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE based irrigation controls and sensors for landscaping, according to the California Department of Water Resources’ Model Efficient Landscape Ordinance.  Install landscape irrigation infrastructure along the property frontage to deliver and use reclaimed water, should reclaimed water supplies become available through the City of Fontana.  Design buildings to be water efficient. Install water-efficient fixtures and appliances (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense labeled products).  Restrict watering methods (e.g., prohibit systems that apply water to non- vegetated surfaces) and control runoff.  Restrict the use of water for cleaning outdoor surfaces and vehicles.  Implement low-impact development practices that maintain the existing hydrologic character of the site to manage stormwater and protect the environment. The project will retain stormwater runoff on site and construct basins to hold and filter water.  Implement a comprehensive water conservation strategy through methods described in the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan that are appropriate for the project and location.  The building operator(s) will provide education about water conservation and available programs and incentives to distribute to employees. Solid Waste Measures  Reuse and recycle construction and demolition waste (including, but not limited to, soil, vegetation, concrete, lumber, metal, and cardboard).  Provide interior and exterior storage areas for recyclables and green waste and adequate recycling containers located in public areas.  The City of Fontana will provide education and publicity about reducing waste and available recycling services to the building operators to distribute to employees. Transportation and Motor Vehicles  Limit idling time for commercial vehicles to no more than 5 minutes, including delivery and construction vehicles, per California Air Resources Board requirements.  The construction contractor and project operator will promote ride sharing programs (e.g., by designating a certain percentage of parking spaces for ride WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 39 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE sharing vehicles, designating adequate passenger loading and unloading and waiting areas for ride sharing vehicles, and providing a web site or message board for coordinating rides).  Provide electric vehicle charging facilities to encourage the use of low- or zero- emission vehicles.  Incorporate bicycle lanes and routes into street improvements within the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan area.  Provide adequate bicycle parking near building entrances to promote cyclist safety, security, and convenience. For large employers, provide facilities that encourage bicycle commuting (e.g., locked bicycle storage or covered or indoor bicycle parking). Mitigation Measure AQ-1: Incorporate Dust Suppression Measures. The Construction Contractor will ensure that the following dust suppression measures in the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook are implemented to reduce the project’s emissions:  Revegetate disturbed areas.  Suspend all excavating and grading operations when wind speeds (as instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 miles per hour.  Sweep all streets once per day if visible soil materials are carried to adjacent streets (recommend water sweepers with reclaimed water).  Install “shaker plates” prior to construction activity where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved roads, or wash trucks and any equipment prior to leaving the site.  Pave, water, or chemically stabilize all on-site roads. Minimize at all times the area disturbed by clearing, grading, earthmoving, or excavation operations. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the implementation of dust suppression measures during construction activities. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-1. Mitigation Measure AQ-2: Utilize Tier 4 Construction Equipment. All non-road construction equipment greater than 50 horsepower shall meet EPA Tier 4 emission standards with the following exception. Equipment with an engine compliant with only Tier 3 emissions standards will be allowed on a case-by-case basis only when the applicant shows a good faith effort to procure Tier 4 equipment, and documents that no Tier 4 equipment is available for a particular equipment type within the County of San Bernardino within the scheduled construction period. Each case shall be documented with signed written or emailed correspondence by the appropriate construction contractor, along with A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the Project Applicant to submit documentation to the City of Fontana prior to use of Tier 3 equipment during construction of the Project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-2. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 40 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE documented correspondence from at least two construction equipment rental firms representing a good faith effort to locate engines that meet Tier 4 requirements, as applicable. Documentation will be submitted to City staff for review before Tier 3 equipment is used on the project. Mitigation Measure AQ-3: Use Low-VOC Paints. The project shall utilize “Super-Compliant” low-VOC paints that have been reformulated to exceed the regulatory VOC limits put forth by SCAQMD’s Rule 1113 (BACM AQ-2). Super-Compliant low-VOC paints shall be no more than 10 grams per liter of VOC. Alternatively, the applicant may utilize tilt-up concrete buildings that do not require the use of architectural coatings. As previously indicated, compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1113 regarding architectural coatings will be assured through SCAQMD’s enforcement authority as set forth in the California Health and Safety Code Civil Penalties sections 42402, 42402.1, 42402.2, 42402.3, 42402.4, and 42402.5. Notwithstanding, the City of Fontana will condition the Modified Project to require the use of low-VOC paints, in conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-3. Mitigation Measure AQ-4: Use Electricity Rather than Internal Combustion Engines during Construction. The Construction Contractor shall require by contract specifications that construction operations rely on the electricity infrastructure surrounding the construction site, if available, rather than electrical generators powered by internal combustion engines. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-4, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that contract specifications mandate that construction operations rely on the electricity infrastructure surrounding the construction site, if available, rather than electrical generators powered by internal combustion engines. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-5: Use Alternative Fueled Technology during Construction. The Construction Contractor shall require the use of alternative fueled, engine retrofit technology, after- treatment products (e.g., diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters), and/or other options as they become available, including all off-road and portable diesel-powered equipment. In conformance with Mitigation Measure MM-AQ-5, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the use alternative fueled, engine retrofit technology, after-treatment products, and/or other options to the extent such options are available at the time of construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-6: Require Proper Maintenance of Construction Equipment. The Construction Contractor shall require that construction equipment be maintained in good operation condition so as to reduce emissions. The construction contractor shall ensure that all construction equipment is being properly serviced and maintained as per the manufacturer’s specification. Maintenance records shall be available at the construction site for City verification. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-6, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that the construction contractor provide maintenance records to ensure compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-6. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-7: Submit Construction Plans. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant and/or building operators shall submit construction plans and a construction vehicle In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-7, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction plans and a construction vehicle management plan shall be prepared that WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 41 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE management plan to the City of Fontana denoting the proposed schedule and projected equipment use. The construction vehicle management plan will include such things as: specifying idling time requirements; requiring hour meters on equipment; and documenting the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on- site equipment. The plan shall include that California state law requires equipment fleets to limit idling to no more than 5 minutes. Construction contractors shall provide evidence that low emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized, or that its use was investigated and found to be infeasible for the project as determined by the City of Fontana. Contractors shall also conform to any construction measures imposed by the SCAQMD as well as City of Fontana Community Development Planning Staff. require an assessment of the proposed schedule and projected equipment use, and that shall include a requirement to: specify idling time requirements (maximum of 5 minutes); require hour meters on equipment; document the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on-site equipment; demonstrate that low-emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized; and that the construction activities will comply with all applicable SCAQMD and City of Fontana construction measures that would serve to reduce air quality emissions during construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-8: Require Construction Equipment to Turn Off When Not in Use. The Construction Contractor shall require by contract specifications that construction-related equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment, will be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-8, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction contractors, through contract specifications, shall meet the requirement to turn off construction equipment when not in use for more than 5 minutes. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-9: Timing of Construction Activities. Construction activity associated with off-site utility and infrastructure improvements shall not occur concurrently with site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, or paving phases of activity. In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-9, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that off-site utility and infrastructure improvements shall not take place at the same time as site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, and/or paving phases of the project. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-10: EPA Smartway features. The City shall require operators of the project to ensure that haul trucks incorporate EPA Smartway features, as required by ARB. Project operators shall maintain a daily log of incoming and outgoing haul trucks that are fitted with the combination of aerodynamic kits and low rolling resistance tires to reduce fuel consumption. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that EPA Smartway features shall be required for Project-related haul trucks and requiring that appropriate records shall be maintained, in conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-10. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-11: Energy Efficiency in Vendor Trucks. The City shall require operators of the proposed facilities to request that the vendor trucks incorporate energy efficiency improvement features through the A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future tenants shall provide educational materials to promote the use of energy efficiency improvement features, such as compliance with WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 42 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE voluntary Carl Moyer Program - including truck modernization, retrofits, and/or aerodynamic kits and low rolling resistance tires - to reduce fuel consumption. the Carl Moyer Program, truck modernization, retrofits, aerodynamic kits, low-rolling resistance tires, and other measures that would serve to reduce fuel consumption. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-11. Mitigation Measure AQ-12: Incorporate Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Carpool Parking. The project shall be designed to incorporate electric vehicle charging stations and five carpool parking spaces at each building for employees and the public to use. The Modified Project incorporates electric vehicle (EV) parking stalls into the design with a total of 6 van accessible EV parking stalls, 5 accessible EV parking stalls, 2 ambulatory EV parking stalls, and 118 standard EV parking stalls. In addition, 131 clean air vehicle parking stalls are included in the Modified Project's design, along with 30 carpool parking spaces (5 at each building). Thus, the Modified Project will be consistent with Mitigation Measure AQ-12. Mitigation Measure AQ-13: Provide Electric Interior Vehicles. All buildings shall be designed to provide infrastructure to support use of electric powered forklifts and/or other interior vehicles. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the provision of infrastructure to support to the use of electric powered forklifts and/or other interior vehicles. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Mitigation Measure AQ-13. Mitigation Measure AQ-14: Provide Ridesharing and Transit Incentives. The project will reduce vehicle miles traveled and emissions associated with trucks and vehicles by implementing the following measures:  Pedestrian and bicycle connections shall be provided to surrounding areas consistent with the City’s General Plan.  A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or similar mechanism shall be established by the project applicant. The TMA shall establish and coordinate a carpooling program. The TMA shall advertise its services to the building occupants. The TMA shall offer transit incentives to employees and shall provide shuttle service to and from public transit, should a minimum of five (5) employees request and use such service from a transit stop at the same drop-off and/or pick-up time. The TMA shall distribute public transportation information to project site employees. The TMA shall provide message board space for coordination rides. Preferential parking for carpools and vanpools shall be provided on each warehouse site. As required by Mitigation Measure AQ-14, as part of the Modified Project Jurupa Avenue, Armstrong Road, and Locust Avenue will be improved to provide for sidewalks ranging in width from 5 feet to 8 feet, and these roadways also would accommodate bicycle lanes, in conformance with the City’s General Plan. Additionally, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation and implementation of a TMA or similar mechanism to encourage carpooling. The Modified Project also accommodates a total of 30 carpool parking spaces (5 spaces for each of the 6 proposed buildings). The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Mitigation Measure AQ-14. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 43 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Mitigation Measure GHG-1: Provide Solar-Ready Roofs: All buildings shall be designed to be “solar ready” to facilitate the future installation of solar energy systems except in rooftop areas where avian habitat feature areas will be created using rooftop plantings of Riversidean sage scrub (RSS) habitat plant species to create vegetative substrate that could facilitate avian species’ access east-west dispersal between to the proposed 55.23-acre on-site RSS conservation area and nearby undeveloped RSS habitats. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that rooftops of the Project buildings shall be designed to be solar-ready to facilitate the future installation of solar energy systems. The note also requires the purchase of 16 acres of alluvial scrub habitat mitigation credits from the Lytle Creek Mitigation Bank to replace the rooftop RSS habitat feature required by Mitigation Measure GHG-1. According to the West Valley Logistics Center Biological Updates Assessment (May 10, 2022), this will be superior mitigation to what is required by Mitigation Measure GHG-1 as it will provide a higher quality habitat than what would have been provided by the rooftop RSS habitat while also benefitting other native species that the rooftop RSS would not, as isolated patches are unreachable by terrestrial species. Rooftop RSS also would be infeasible because it would create fire hazards on the roofs of the buildings, and because it would inhibit the ability to accommodate solar panels on the roofs of the buildings. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. With mandatory compliance with the above- referenced note, the Modified Project will be substantially consistent with Mitigation Measure GHG-1, and will provide for superior mitigation for RSS habitat as compared to what is required by Mitigation Measure GHG-1. Hazards and Hazardous Materials SP-HM-1: Sampling and Remediation. Prior to submittal of a grading permit for the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan area, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) will be prepared for any portions of the project area in which there is evidence of previous contamination, as identified in the Phase I ESA. The Phase II ESA will be submitted to the Fontana Director of Community Development and the San Bernardino County Division of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) for review and approval. The Phase II ESA will include, but not be limited to, the following:  A scope of work for preparation of a Health and Safety Plan that specifies pre-field activity marking of boring locations and obtaining utility clearance, and Field Activities, such as identifying appropriate sampling procedures, health and safety measures, chemical testing methods, and quality A Phase I/Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was prepared for the Project site by Hazard Management Consulting (HMC), the results of which are included as Technical Appendix F to the Project’s EIR Addendum. The results of the analysis demonstrate that there are no Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) associated with the Project site. Accordingly, the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-HM-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 44 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE assurance/quality control procedures in accordance with the ASTM International Standards.  Necessary permits for well installation and/or boring advancement.  A Soil Sampling and Analysis Plan in accordance with the scope of work.  Laboratory analyses conducted by a state-certified laboratory.  Disposal processes, including transport by a state-certified hazardous material hauler to a state-certified disposal or recycling facility licensed to accept and treat hazardous waste.  An asbestos-containing materials survey for analysis of demolition/construction debris located on site. The Phase II ESA shall provide verification whether any portions of the project site are contaminated and require remediation to achieve risk-based cleanup standards of an acceptable excess cancer risk of 1 x 10-5 or as otherwise established by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), or DEHS for construction workers and workers within proposed uses on site. The applicant and project contractor(s) shall be required to follow the recommendations and specific measures included in the Phase II ESA, specifically if contamination exists on site, and follow measures for site remediation in accordance with the applicable regulatory agency. If any hazardous materials are discovered, a plan for their proper remediation shall be prepared in accordance with applicable requirements of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health and the County of San Bernardino Environmental Health Services. Should underground storage tanks be determined to remain on site, they shall be removed pursuant to the recommendations of the Phase II ESA and the applicable requirements of the City of Fontana, DTSC, RWQCB, and DEHS. In the event that that the Phase II ESA identifies contamination on site, the following remediation measures may be employed (site specific recommendations and measures will be included in the Phase II ESA based on sampling results):  Targeted Excavation with Off-site Disposal. With this technology, heavily contaminated soil is excavated and transported by truck or rail to a permitted off-site treatment and disposal facility. Pretreatment may be WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 45 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE required at the disposal facility prior to disposal.  Targeted Excavation with On-site Treatment. With this technology, heavily contaminated soil is excavated and stockpiled on site for treatment and subsequent reuse on site. Potential treatment technologies include: o Plasma arc centrifugal treatment technology, which uses heat generated by a plasma arc to melt the inorganic portion of waste material while destroying the organic portion, creating an inert slag that can be reused on site; o Smoldering treatment technology, a new technology to remediate oil in the subsurface, either in situ or above ground in treatment chambers following excavation that uses smoldering combustion (the type of combustion that turns charcoal into ash in a barbeque grill) to quickly and efficiently destroy contaminants; and o Bioremediation, which uses naturally occurring microorganisms to degrade organic contaminants in soil.  Targeted Excavation with On-site Extraction. With this technology, moderately contaminated soil is excavated and placed in areas that will be covered by soil, concrete slabs, or other structures that prevent contact with the soil. All grading within the boundaries of the former Crestmore Waste Disposal Site shall be in accordance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations Title 27, Environmental Protection. Installation of Sub-slab Vapor Barriers. To minimize potential vapor intrusion into proposed new buildings within 1,000 feet of the Crestmore Waste Disposal Site footprint, sub-slab vapor barriers can be employed in the proposed project area as a passive option if methane testing conducted prior to issuance of building permits indicates the presence of methane or other volatile gases. Additionally and prior to site construction, the applicant shall undertake the following actions in accordance with the performance standards provide herein to ensure safe conditions of the site. Additional Air Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis. Should site remediation and/or soil excavation be required as part of implementation of WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 46 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE this measure, additional analysis of the air quality and greenhouse gas emissions associated with such site remediation and/or soil excavation will be required. Asbestos and Lead Based-Paint Sampling. Sampling shall be undertaken to confirm the absence of asbestos and lead-based paint in the remnant construction debris on site. The soil sampling shall include applicable sampling procedures pursuant to the directives of the DEHS, and shall be subject to review by the DEHS. RR-HM-1: Hazardous Materials Construction Management Plan. Assessment of remnant construction debris to confirm the absence of asbestos and lead-based paint in remnant construction debris shall be conducted by a lead-based paint and asbestos licensed contractor in accordance with Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 8 of the California Code of Regulations. Should this assessment determine that lead-based paint and/or asbestos are present, the following actions shall be implemented for identified structures.  A health and safety plan shall be developed by a certified industrial hygienist for potential lead-based paint and asbestos risks present during demolition of remnant construction debris determined to have either asbestos or lead-based paint present. The health and safety plan shall then be implemented by a licensed contractor. Both the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health regulate worker exposure during construction activities that affect lead-based paint. The Interim Final Rule found in 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1926.62 covers construction work in which employees may be exposed to lead during such activities as demolition, removal, surface preparation for repainting, renovation, cleanup, and routine maintenance. The OSHA-specified method of compliance includes respiratory protection, protective clothing, housekeeping, hygiene facilities, medical surveillance, and training. No minimum level of lead is specified to activate the provisions of this regulation. o Should lead-based paint be determined to be present in remnant construction debris, a lead-based paint abatement plan containing, but not limited to, the following elements shall be implemented: o Develop an abatement specification approved by an Interim-Certified A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation of a Hazardous Materials Construction Management Plan in accordance with Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 8 of the California Code of Regulations in order to assess remnant construction debris to confirm the absence of asbestos and lead- based paint. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-HM-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 47 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE or Certified Project Designer; o Acquire necessary approvals from the San Bernardino County Environmental Health Department for specifications or commencement of abatement activities; o Contain all work areas to prohibit off-site migration of paint chip debris; o Remove all peeling and stratified lead-based paint on debris surfaces to the degree necessary to safely and properly complete demolition activities according to recommendations of the survey. The demolition contractor shall be responsible for the proper containment and disposal of intact lead-based paint on all material to be cut and/or removed during the demolition; o Provide on-site air monitoring during all abatement activities and background monitoring to ensure no contamination of work areas or adjacent properties; o Cleanup and/or HEPA vacuum paint chips; o Collect, segregate, and profile waste for disposal determination; and o Provide appropriate disposal of all waste.  Should asbestos be determined to be present in remnant construction debris, asbestos abatement shall be conducted prior to removal of remnant construction debris. o Prior to demolition of construction debris containing asbestos, contractors licensed to conduct asbestos abatement work must be retained, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) must be notified 10 days prior to initiating construction and demolition activities. o Asbestos shall be disposed of at a licensed disposal facility. Section 19827.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, adopted January 1, 1991, requires that local agencies not issue demolition or alteration permits until an applicant has demonstrated compliance with notification requirements under applicable federal regulations regarding hazardous air pollutants, including asbestos.  The SCAQMD is vested by the California legislature with authority to regulate airborne pollutants, including asbestos, through both inspection and law enforcement, and is to be notified 10 days in advance of any proposed abatement work or removal of debris determined to contain WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 48 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE asbestos. Notification shall include: o The names and addresses of operations and persons responsible; o A description and location of the debris to be removed including any available information on age and prior use, and the approximate amount of friable asbestos; scheduled start and completion dates of abatement; nature of planned work and methods to be employed; o Procedures to be employed to meet SCAQMD requirements; and o The name and location of the waste disposal site to be used.  Furthermore, the local office of California Division of Occupational Safety and Health must be notified of asbestos abatement activities.  Asbestos abatement contractors must follow state regulations contained in 8 California Code of Regulations 1529 and 341.6 through 341.14 where there is asbestos-related work involving 100 square feet or more of asbestos-containing material.  Asbestos removal contractors must be certified as such by the Contractors Licensing Board of the State of California. The owner of the property where abatement is to occur must have a Hazardous Waste Generator Number assigned by and registered with the Office of the California Department of Health Services in Sacramento.  The contractor and hauler of the material are required to file a Hazardous Waste Manifest that details the hauling of the material from the site and the disposal of it. Pursuant to California law, the City of Fontana shall not issue the required permit until the applicant has complied with the notice requirements described above. RR-HM-2: Prepare a Hazardous Materials Construction Management Plan for Accidental Spills. Prior to the City of Fontana’s approval of any final grading plans, the applicant and project contractors will submit a Hazardous Materials Construction Management Plan to ensure that appropriate remedial actions are taken in case of accidental spill. The plan will specify the following actions to address accidental spill situations, as needed:  If contaminated soil and/or groundwater are encountered during project construction, work will be halted in the area, and the type and extent of the contamination will be identified. A qualified professional, in consultation with the appropriate federal, state, and/or local regulatory agencies, will then A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation of a Hazardous Materials Construction Management Plan for accidental spills prior to City approval of final grading plans. The Hazardous Materials Construction Management Plan will ensure that appropriate remedial actions are taken in the case of an accidental spill. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will comply with Regulatory Requirement RR-HM-2. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 49 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE develop an appropriate method to remediate the contamination. If necessary, a remediation plan in conjunction with continued project construction will be implemented.  Hazardous or contaminated materials may only be removed from the project site in accordance with the following provisions: o All work is to be completed in accordance with the following regulations and requirements:  Chapter 6.5, Division 20, California Health and Safety Code;  California Administration Code, Title 22, relating to Handling, Storage and Treatment of Hazardous Materials; and  The most recently adopted version of the California Building Code adopted by the City of Fontana. o All hazardous materials will be disposed of at an approved disposal site and will only be hauled by a current California-registered hazardous waste hauler using correct manifesting procedures and vehicles displaying a current Certificate of Compliance. The contractor will identify, by name and address, the site where toxic substances are to be taken for disposal.  In case of accidental spill, the County of San Bernardino Fire Department will provide oversight in site cleanup and remediation and will verify that all appropriate remedial actions were undertaken within the project site.  Prior to issuance of a building or grading permit for any parcel within the project site, a Soil and Groundwater Management Plan (SGMP) shall be prepared by a qualified environmental engineer, reviewed and approved by the Department of Toxic Substances Control and the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and implemented by the project applicant. The SGMP shall include a requirement for development and implementation of site-specific safety plans to be prepared prior to commencement of construction consistent with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Safety and Health Standards 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910.120 as well as management of groundwater produced through temporary dewatering activities. Such site-specific safety plans shall include necessary training, operating and emergency response procedures, and reporting requirements to regulate all WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 50 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE activities that bring workers in contact with potentially contaminated soil or groundwater, landfill gas, or leachate to ensure worker safety and avoid impacts on the environment. Furthermore, the SGMP shall include protocols for any areas of the site that require excavation and relocation of refuse material (e.g., building foundations and utility infrastructure) in accordance with California Code of Regulations Title 27. RR-HM-3: Abandon Any Identified Wells in Accordance with County Requirements. If wells are encountered during earth-disturbing activities, and if the applicant decides to abandon any wells found on site, such abandonment will be conducted in accordance with current County of San Bernardino regulatory requirements. This condition will be included on project construction plan specifications. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that any wells that are identified during earth disturbing activities shall be abandoned in accordance with the current County of San Bernardino regulatory requirements and included on Project construction plan specifications. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Regulatory Requirement RR-HM-3. RR-HM-4: Prepare a Fuel Modification Zone Management Plan. In accordance with Section 30- 189(12), Article V, Division 7, of the City Zoning and Development Code (Subdivision and site plan design), and in accordance with Action 20, Goal 4, of the City of Fontana (City) General Plan Safety Element, a fuel modification zone will be required in areas threatened by fire hazard. For the project, the applicant or construction contractor will prepare a fuel modification zone management plan for the Jurupa Hills area of the proposed project site to be reviewed and approved by the City. The fuel modification zone management plan will include:  Planting and maintenance of fire-retardant vegetation species implemented in accordance with Policy 3 and Action 21, Goal 4, of the City General Plan Safety Element;  Firebreaks (areas void of vegetation and flammable structures) implemented in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 4290 minimum statewide fire safety standards; and  Implementation of fencing in accordance with Section 80.020210(f) of the San Bernardino County Code, to prevent litter (accumulation of ignitable fuels) or vandalism of the fuel modification zone. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation of a Fuel Modification Zone Management Plan in accordance with Section 30-198(12), Article V, Division 7, of the City of Fontana Zoning and Development Code and in accordance with Action 20, Goal 4, of the City of Fontana General Plan Safety Element. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Regulatory Requirement RR-HM-4. SR-HM-1: Contact Underground Services Alert. Prior to earth-disturbing activities, the contractor will contact Underground Services Alert to identify the locations and depths of all buried utility facilities not A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction contractors shall contact Underground Services Alert prior to any earth-disturbing activities to identify the locations and WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 51 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE previously identified in construction plans. For all areas identified with buried facilities, the contractor will either:  Avoid excavating in such areas beyond a depth of less than 2 feet from the existing buried facility; or  Coordinate a plan of facility realignment with a city engineer and appropriate utility company representatives. This condition will be included on project construction plan specifications. depths of all buried utility facilities, and to require that this requirement is specified on construction plan specifications. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Standard Requirement SR-HM-1. SR-HM-2: Require Construction Equipment Spark Arresters. Project contractors will be required to equip any construction equipment that normally includes a spark arrester with an arrester in good working order pursuant to manufacturers’ recommendations. Spark arrestors will be maintained in working order during the period of construction. Subject equipment includes, but is not limited to, heavy equipment (e.g., earthmovers, graders), mowers, and chainsaws. This requirement will be included on project construction plan specifications. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that spark arrestors on construction equipment must be in good working condition pursuant to manufacturers recommendations, and further requires that such requirements are included on construction plan specifications. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Standard Requirement SR-HM-2. Mitigation Measure HAZ-1: Engineering Controls and Best Management Practices during Construction. During construction, the contractor will employ use of engineering controls and best management practices to minimize human exposure to potential contaminants. Engineering controls and construction best management practices specified on project construction plans for review and approval by the City Department of Community Development will include, but not be limited to, the following:  Contractor employees working on site will be certified in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response training.  The contractor will monitor areas around the construction site for fugitive vapor emissions with appropriate field screening instrumentation.  The contractor will water/mist soil as it is being excavated and loaded onto transportation trucks.  The contractor will place any stockpiled soil in areas shielded from prevailing winds.  The contractor will cover the bottom of excavated areas with sheeting when work is not being performed. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction contractors shall use engineering controls and best management practices (BMPs) during construction in order to minimize human exposure to potential contaminants, and the note further requires that such controls and BMPs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Department of Community Development. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure HAZ-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 52 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Mitigation Measure HAZ-2: Clear Materials that Could Serve as Fire Fuel from Construction Areas. Prior to ground clearing, grading and other ground disturbance construction activities contractors will clear areas of dry vegetation or other potential fire fuels on or near staging areas, welding areas, or any other areas on which equipment will be operated. The City will require contractors to maintain areas subject to construction activities clear of combustible natural materials to the extent feasible to maintain firebreaks and minimize the availability of fire fuels. Proposed staging areas to be cleared will be identified with the assistance of a qualified biologist to avoid conflicts with policies to preserve protected habitat areas. Staging and clearing will not be permitted in protected habitat areas. This requirement will be included on project construction plan specifications and reviewed for approval by the Fontana Fire Protection District prior to issuance of grading permits. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that prior to any ground-disturbing construction activities on the Project site, the site must be cleared of any dry vegetation or other potential fire fuels, with the exception of protected habitat areas. The note also require that prior to the issuance of grading permits, the construction plans specifications must be reviewed and approved by the City of Fontana Fire Protection District. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. Mitigation Measure TRA-1a: Develop and Implement a Construction Management Plan. Prior to the issuance of construction permits, the project applicant shall develop and implement a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Traffic Engineer and the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas that shall:  Designate traffic control for any street closure, detour, or other disruption to traffic circulation.  Identify the routes that construction vehicles will use for the delivery of construction materials (e.g., lumber, tiles, piping, windows) to access the site, including any needed traffic controls and detours. Such routes shall be consistent with the truck routing set forth in the project’s Truck Management Plan.  Specify the hours during which site deliveries and off-site hauling can occur and methods to mitigate construction-related impact to adjacent streets.  Require the contractor to keep all haul routes clean and free of debris, including, but not limited to, gravel and dirt as a result of construction activities. The applicant shall clean adjacent streets, as directed by the City Traffic Engineer (or a designated representative) within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director (or a designated representative) for roadways within unincorporated County areas of any A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring preparation and implementation of a Construction Management Plan, which must be approved by the City of Fontana Traffic Engineer and the San Bernardino County Public Works Director. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure TRA-1a. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 53 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE materials that may have been spilled, tracked, or blown onto adjacent streets or areas.  Allow hauling or transport of oversize loads between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM only, Monday through Friday, unless approved otherwise by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas. No hauling or transport will be allowed during nighttime hours, weekends, or federal holidays.  Prohibit use of local streets not specifically approved by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas.  Require haul trucks entering or exiting public streets to yield to public traffic.  Provide a flag person at the intersection of Armstrong Road and Locust Avenue and any other intersections deemed necessary by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas to ensure that vehicle conflicts between haul trucks and all other vehicles are minimized.  Require that if hauling operations cause any damage to existing pavement, street, curb, and/or gutter along the haul route, the applicant will be fully responsible for repairs. The repairs will be completed by the project’s contractor to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas.  Require all construction-related parking and staging of vehicles to be kept out of the adjacent public roadways and instead be kept on site.  Meet the standards established in the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as well as City of Fontana requirements within the City of Fontana and San Bernardino County requirements within unincorporated County areas. Identify adequate access points for emergency vehicles and ensure emergency personnel would be able to identify these access points by providing a flagman, signage, or other indicator to effectively communicate emergency access during construction. Hydrology and Water Quality WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 54 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE SP-HW-1: Best Management Practices for Water Quality Management. Site Design best management practices will be included in the project-wide Stormwater Quality Management Plan submitted to the City of Fontana and approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit (see Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-2). The best management practices, which include low-impact development standards, will include, but not be limited to, the following:  Maximize permeable areas (pervious open space) of the site by reducing the amount of pavement, decreasing the project’s footprint, or by utilizing alternative paving materials in select areas.  Drain rooftops into pervious, swaled landscaped areas prior to discharge of overflow into storm drains.  Construct streets, sidewalks, and parking lot aisles to the minimum width necessary.  Construct walkways, parking stalls, overflow parking lots, and other low-traffic areas with open-jointed paving materials.  Use pervious drainage channels (rock- or grass-lined systems) for conveying parking lot runoff into storm drains.  Use perforated pipe, gravel infiltration pits, and drywells for low-flow infiltration following treatment by an acceptable method.  Construct on-site vegetated ponding areas and swaled landscaping (not mounded) that drain within 72 hours to prevent the development of vector breeding areas.  Provide curb cutouts, curb cores, or concrete mow strips and wheel stops to allow stormwater runoff to flow into swaled landscaped areas.  Where soil conditions are suitable, construct vegetated infiltration trenches in paved parking lot areas to infiltrate and filter stormwater runoff. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that prior to approval of grading permits, a SWQMP shall be prepared and approved by the City of Fontana that includes site design best management practices (BMPs). The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-HW-1. SP-HW-2: On-site Stormwater Detention. On-site detention basins will be designed and sized to reduce 100-year peak flows to 90 percent of the 25-year peak flow rate for existing conditions. Detention basins within the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan area will be designed such that the lower elevations of the basins are used for water quality purposes. The higher elevations of the basins will be used to limit the difference between pre- and post- development peak flow rates. In conformance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-HW-2, the Modified Project’s application materials include a hydrology study dated June 27, 2022, which demonstrates that the proposed detention basins have been designed to reduce 100-year peak flows to 90 percent of the 25-peak flow rate for existing conditions. The Project Applicant also has prepared a SWQMP that relies in part on the lower elevations of the detention basins for water quality treatment purposes. The City of Fontana will review future grading and building permit applications for consistency with the Modified WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 55 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Project’s application materials, thereby ensuring compliance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-HW-2. RR-HW-1: Prepare and Implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). A SWPPP will be developed by a qualified engineer or erosion control specialist in accordance with Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System compliance and implemented prior to the issuance of any grading permit before construction. The SWPPP will be kept on site during construction activity and will be made available upon request to representatives of the Santa Ana RWQCB. The SWPPP will detail how the sediment and erosion control practices, referred to as best management practices (BMPs), will be implemented. Possible BMPs may consist of a wide variety of measures taken to reduce pollutants in stormwater and other nonpoint-source runoff. Measures range from source control, such as reduced surface disturbance, to treatment of polluted runoff, such as detention or retention basins. BMPs to be implemented as part of the stormwater management program and general permit may include, but are not limited to, the following measures.  Temporary erosion control measures (such as silt fences, stacked straw bales/wattles, silt/sediment basins and traps, check dams, geofabric, sandbag dikes, watering of bare soils, and temporary revegetation or other ground cover) will be employed to control erosion from disturbed areas.  Drainage facilities in downstream off-site areas will be protected from sediment using BMPs acceptable to the Santa Ana RWQCB.  All construction activities will cease during high wind (winds exceeding 25 miles per hour) and rain storm events.  Grass or other vegetative cover will be established on the construction site as soon as possible after disturbance. No disturbed surfaces will be left without erosion control measures in place during the wet season.  Maintenance of all erosion control measures, including the clearing of excess debris, throughout all construction phases will be performed to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana engineer. The City of Fontana is obligated by its Municipal Code to ensure conformance with Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-1. The City of Fontana will ensure that future applications for building and grading permits comply with City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 5, Section 5-14, which requires compliance with the City of Fontana NPDES permit. As required by the City’s NPDES permit, a SWPPP for the Modified Project will be prepared and implemented during construction activities, which will include BMPs that will serve to preclude potential construction-related adverse effects to water quality. RR-HW-2: Submit a Stormwater Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) for City Approval. The City of Fontana is obligated by its Municipal Code to ensure conformance with Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-1. The City of WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 56 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE An SWQMP based on final design for each phase of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan will be submitted to the Fontana Director of Public Works for approval prior to issuance of grading permits. The SWQMP will provide project-specific site design, source control, and treatment control best management practices (BMPs) including low-impact development to be incorporated into final design. The BMPs will be required to be properly designed and maintained to target pollutants of concern in accordance with the City of Fontana’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan and the San Bernardino County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit. Fontana’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan, and the San Bernardino County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit, the City of Fontana will ensure that future applications for building and grading permits comply with City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 5, Section 5-14, which requires compliance with the City of Fontana NPDES permit. As required by the City’s NPDES permit, a final SWQMP will be prepared as part of future building and grading permit applications, and will be submitted to the City of Fontana Director of Public Works for review and approval prior to the issuance of grading permits, thereby ensuring the Modified Project complies with Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-2. RR-HW-3: Comply with City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 23, Article IX, General Construction Permit and the City’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan. This chapter of the Municipal Code addresses preventing discharge of pollutants into storm drains. The purpose of the code is to: (a) protect and enhance the water quality of watercourses, water bodies, groundwater, and wetlands in a manner consistent with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and (b) to implement the requirements of the San Bernardino County-wide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit and the City of Fontana’s (City’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan site construction and maintenance requirements for new development. The proposed project drainage and water quality management plans would be reviewed by the City for compliance with the City’s Construction General Permit. As part of its review of future implementing grading permit and building permit applications, the City of Fontana is obligated by its Municipal Code to review implementing plans to ensure that the implementing developments comply with all applicable provisions of City of Fontana Municipal Code Chapter 23, Article IX, General Construction Permit, and the City’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan regarding the discharge of pollutants into storm drains. With standard City review of future implementing grading and building permit applications, the Modified Project will be consistent with Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-3. RR-HW-4: Include Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Water Quality Management. Site design BMPs will be included in the project-wide Stormwater Quality Management Plan submitted to the City of Fontana and approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit (see Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-2). The BMPs, which include low-impact development standards, will include, but are not limited to, the following:  Maximize permeable areas (pervious open space) of the site by reducing the amount of pavement, decreasing the project’s footprint, or utilizing alternative paving materials in select areas.  Drain rooftops into pervious, swaled landscaped areas prior to discharge The Project's SWQMP, which is included as part of the Modified Project’s application materials, requires site design BMPs for water quality management. Future building permit and grading permit applications also will require the preparation of site-specific SWQMPs. The City of Fontana is required by its Municipal Code to review implementing building and grading permit applications for compliance with the future-required SWQMPs and associated BMPs. With standard City review of future implementing grading and building permit applications, the Modified Project will be consistent with Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-4. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 57 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE of overflow into storm drains.  Construct streets, sidewalks, and parking lot aisles to the minimum width necessary.  Construct walkways, parking stalls, overflow parking lots, and other low- traffic areas with open-jointed paving materials.  Use pervious drainage channels (rock- or grass-lined systems) for conveying parking lot runoff into storm drains.  Use perforated pipe, gravel infiltration pits, and drywells for low-flow infiltration following treatment by an acceptable method.  Construct on-site vegetated ponding areas and swaled landscaping (not mounded) that drain within 72 hours to prevent the development of vector breeding areas.  Provide curb cutouts, curb cores, or concrete mow strips and wheel stops to allow stormwater runoff to flow into swaled landscaped areas.  Where soil conditions are suitable, construct vegetated infiltration trenches in paved parking lot areas to infiltrate and filter stormwater runoff. SR-G-1: Develop and Implement an Erosion Control Plan. The applicant or developer will prepare and submit to the City of Fontana Department of Public Works for approval 30 days prior to construction an Erosion Control Plan. (Note: The Erosion Control Plan may be part of the same document as the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.) The Erosion Control Plan will identify the location of all soil-disturbing activities (including but not limited to sites involving new development or roadways), the location of all drainage structures that will be directly affected by soil-disturbing activities, and the location and type of all best management practices (BMPs) that will be installed. The plan will also include a proposed schedule for the implementation and maintenance of erosion control measures and a description of the erosion control practices, including appropriate design details. As part of the plan, the construction contractor will maintain a logbook of the erosion prevention effectiveness of the BMPs, as well as a description of any post-storm modifications to those BMPs. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation, submittal, and City review and approval of an Erosion Control Plan 30 days prior to construction. The note requires that the locations of all soil-disturbing activities, drainage structures affected by soil-disturbing activities, and BMPs must be identified as part of the Erosion Control Plan. A schedule for implementation and maintenance and a description of erosion control measures also are required by the note on the plans, and the note further requires the preparation of a logbook of erosion prevention effectiveness and any post-storm modification of BMPs. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Standard Requirement SR-G-1. SR-HW-1: Maintain Stormwater Detention Basins and Biotreatment Areas during Project Operation. Final selection of best management practices (BMPs) will be subject to approval by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. The City of Fontana (City) will A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the long-term maintenance of BMPs as identified by the SWQMPs required for future development of the property. Pursuant to standard City of Fontana requirements, the SWQMPs will require review and WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 58 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE review the list and description of the long-term BMPs and ascertain whether the physical effects of those features are addressed within the project Final Environmental Impact Report, or whether additional environmental analysis would be required. The City and/or its contractors will inspect the project following construction to ensure that all identified BMPs have been properly installed. The applicant or applicant’s designee will prepare and implement a regular maintenance and monitoring schedule to ensure that these BMPs function properly throughout project operations. The maintenance and monitoring schedule will be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to implementation by the applicant. The City may require additional BMPs to be designed and implemented if those originally constructed do not achieve performance standards in accordance with the City’s Municipal Storm Water Management Plan. The City would notify contractors immediately if there is a noncompliance issue, and appropriate actions would be taken by the City and the contractors to ensure immediate compliance. Project operations and maintenance activities would primarily entail maintenance of stormwater basins and biotreatment areas, landscaping, and periodic parking and external building maintenance. Stormwater basin and biotreatment area maintenance would be performed routinely to prevent sediment buildup and clogging in order to ensure optimal pollutant removal efficiency. Maintenance activities would include the following, which would be done periodically:  Remove obstructions, debris, and trash and dispose of properly.  Inspect to ensure proper drainage between storms and within 5 days following rainfall.  Inspect inlets for channels, soil exposure, or other evidence of erosion.  Remove obstructions and sediment.  Maintain vegetation via pruning and weeding, and treat with preventative and low-toxicity methods.  Check that mulch is maintained at an appropriate depth and replenish as necessary. approval by the Santa Ana RWQCB and the City of Fontana. Upon completion of Project construction, and also pursuant to standard City procedures, the City of Fontana will conduct an inspection of the Project site to ensure proper installation of BMPs. In conformance with the long-term maintenance provisions of the future-required SWQMPs, the City of Fontana will ensure that stormwater detention basins and biotreatment areas are subject to regular maintenance and monitoring. Mandatory compliance with the SWQMPs will ensure that the Modified Project operations and maintenance activities are consistent with the requirements identified in Standard Requirement SR-HW-1. Noise SP-GHG-4: Provide Electrical Connections at Loading Docks. Electrical outlets will be provided in loading dock areas to provide power for trucks when refrigeration is needed. This allows trucks with refrigerated cargo to keep their cargo cool without using their engines, minimizing idling time to reduce air As required by Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-4, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the provision of electrical outlets in loading dock areas in the event that future tenants propose uses that require refrigerated trucks. The City will enforce WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 59 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE emissions and use of fuel on site. compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. SP-N-1: Noise Performance Standards. The noise standard for generation of noise from any stationary noise source as it affects adjacent properties shall be: Residential 55 A-weighted decibels (dBA) (7:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.) 45 dBA (10:00 p.m.–7:00 a.m.) Industrial 70 dBA any time No person shall operate or cause the operation of any stationary source of noise at any location or allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled by such person, which causes the noise level, when measured on any other property, to exceed: 1. The noise standard specified above for the receiving land use for a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in any hour. 2. The noise standard specified above for the receiving land use plus 5 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 15 minutes in any hour. 3. The noise standard specified above for the receiving land use plus 10 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 5 minutes in any hour. 4. The noise standard specified above for the receiving land use plus 15 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 1 minute in any hour. 5. The noise standard specified above for the receiving land use plus 20 dBA for any period of time. 6. If the noise exceeding the applicable noise standard or the ambient noise level consists entirely of impact noise or simple tone noise, each of the noise levels described above shall be reduced by 5 dBA. The preceding performance standards do not apply to the following uses, each of which shall meet any applicable requirements of the City of Fontana:  Motor vehicles;  Emergency equipment, vehicles, devices, and activities; and  Temporary construction, maintenance, or demolition activities conducted between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring compliance with the noise performance standards specified by Specific Plan Requirement SP-N-1. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-N-1. SP-N-2: Installation of Sound Barriers on Site. The modified Project will have six rather than seven buildings; WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 60 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Screen wall/noise barriers will be constructed near Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7, as shown on Exhibit 10-A of the West Valley Logistics Center Noise Impact Analysis, to shield noise from adjacent sensitive receptors, including along Locust Avenue and near sensitive receptors within the City of Jurupa Valley to the south and the County of San Bernardino to the east. Screen walls would be constructed from cement or concrete masonry units along the eastern project boundary adjacent to Building 1, with two rolling gates that can be opened and closed during truck operations at night to shield the openings for truck entrances. A screen wall would also be constructed along the western project boundary adjacent to Building 2, with a wraparound portion on the north side to cover the parking area on the west side of the building. This screen wall would further reduce truck operational noise from the west side of Building 2 for residences to the northwest of the project side. Additionally, a screen wall would be constructed along the south/east side of Building 4. Noise barriers will be installed with noise-attenuating qualities and will have a minimum height of 12 feet above grade. In addition, minimum 8-foot high temporary construction noise barriers will be installed at the project site boundaries adjacent to sensitive receivers, as shown in the West Valley Logistics Center Noise Study, for the duration of mobile-equipment construction activities for the duration of the site preparation and grading stages of project construction. The noise-control barriers must have a solid face from top to bottom. The noise-control barriers must meet the minimum height and be constructed as follows:  The temporary noise barriers will provide a minimum transmission loss of 20 A-weighted decibels (Federal Highway Administration, Noise Barrier Design Handbook). The noise barrier is to be constructed using an acoustical blanket (e.g., vinyl acoustic curtains or quilted blankets) attached to the construction site perimeter fence or equivalent temporary fence posts.  The noise barrier will be maintained and any damage promptly repaired. Gaps, holes, or weaknesses in the barrier or openings between the barrier and the ground will be promptly repaired.  The noise control barrier and associated elements are to be completely removed and the site appropriately restored upon the conclusion of the construction activity. however, noise barriers, with noise-attenuating qualities that are a minimum of 12 feet above grade, will still be installed on the Project site to shield noise from adjacent sensitive receptors. Additionally, temporary construction barriers that are a minimum of 8 feet high will be installed along the Project boundaries adjacent to sensitive receptors for the duration of site preparation and grading activities. Noise barrier design will be consistent with SP-N-2. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 61 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Alternatively, the planned 14-foot-high permanent screen walls (noise barriers) at the eastern project site boundary adjacent to Locust Avenue, shown on Figure 3-3, if built prior to project construction, can replace the 8-foot-high temporary noise barriers intended to reduce the construction noise levels at homes on Locust Avenue between 11th and 8th Streets. SP-N-3: Truck Idling. To reduce potential noise impacts related to truck idling during project operations, deed restrictions and parking lot signage shall limit the maximum number of trucks idling on the east side of Building 1 to 20 trucks during nighttime hours between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Proposed deed restrictions and parking lot signage will be submitted to the City of Fontana Community Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that deed restrictions and signage shall be in place requiring that the maximum number of trucks idling along the east side of Building 1 shall be limited to a maximum of 20 trucks during nighttime hours between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-N-3. SP-N-4: Vibration Performance Standard. No person shall create or cause the creation of any activity that causes a vibration that can be felt beyond the property line of any residentially zoned property with or without the aid of an instrument. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring compliance with the vibration performance standard identified by Specific Plan Requirement SP-N-4. Additionally, and as documented in the EIR Addendum for the Modified Project, and consistent with the findings of the WVLCSP EIR, construction and operation of the Modified Project is not expected to expose nearby sensitive receptors to vibration levels that are “readily perceptible” beyond the property line of any residentially-zoned property. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-N-4. RR-N-1: Comply with the Construction Noise Municipal Code Exemption. The City of Fontana’s Municipal Code limits the hours of construction to between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays; no construction is to be conducted on Sundays or federal holidays. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring compliance with the Municipal Code time limits on construction activities, which state that no construction may occur outside the hours of 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekdays and between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Saturdays. Additionally, no construction activities will be allowed to occur on Sundays or federal holidays. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Regulatory Requirement RR-N-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 62 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE SR-N-1: Ensure Proper Operation and Maintenance of Construction Equipment. During all site excavation and grading, the construction contractors will equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers’ standards. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring all construction equipment to be equipped with properly operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacture standards during all site excavation and grading activities. The City of Fontana will conduct periodic inspections of the equipment at its discretion. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Standard Requirement SR-N-1. SR-N-2: Ensure Placement of Stationary Construction Equipment During Construction. The construction contractor will place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest the project site. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that during Project construction, all stationary construction equipment shall be placed so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest the Project site. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will comply with Standard Requirement SR-N-2. SR-N-3: Stage Construction Equipment Away from Noise- sensitive Receptors. The construction contractor will locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and noise- sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction activities. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that during Project construction, all construction equipment shall be located in staging areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and noise-sensitive receptors nearest the Project site. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Standard Requirement SR-N-3. SR-N-4: Ensure Proper Operation and Maintenance of Operational Equipment. All on-site operating equipment under the control of the building user that is used in outdoor areas (including but not limited to trucks, tractors, forklifts, and hostlers) shall be operated with properly functioning and well-maintained mufflers. The City of Fontana may conduct periodic inspection at its discretion. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that all on- site operating equipment, under the control of the building user, must be operated with properly functioning and well-maintained mufflers. The City of Fontana will conduct periodic inspections of the equipment at its discretion. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Standard Requirement SR-N-4. SR-N-5: Ensure Proper Maintenance of On-site Pavement. Quality pavement conditions free of vertical deflection (i.e., speed bumps) and potholes shall be maintained to minimize on-site operational truck noise. The City A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that Project site pavement must be maintained to ensure it is free of vertical deflection and potholes in order to minimize on-site operational WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 63 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE of Fontana may conduct periodic inspection at its discretion. truck noise. The City of Fontana will conduct periodic inspection of the pavement at its discretion. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Standard Requirement SR-N-5. SR-N-6: Post Appropriate Notices. The truck access gates and loading docks within the truck court of Buildings 1–7 shall be posted with signs that state:  Truck drivers shall turn off engines when not in use;  Diesel trucks servicing the project shall not idle for more than 5 minutes; and  Telephone numbers of the building facilities manager and the California Air Resources Board to report violations. The modified Project has six rather than seven buildings; however, A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that truck access gates and loading docks must have signs posted that are consistent with the requirements of Standard Requirement SR-N-6. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. SR-N-7: Limitation on Construction Hours. Prior to approval of grading plans and/or issuance of building permits, plans shall include a note indicating that noise-generating project construction activities shall only occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays.  During all project site construction, the construction contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturers’ standards. The construction contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site.  The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and noise-sensitive receivers nearest the project site (i.e., to the center) during all project construction.  The construction contractor shall limit construction haul truck deliveries to the same hours specified for construction equipment (between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays). The contractor shall design delivery routes to minimize the exposure of sensitive land uses or residential dwellings to delivery truck-related noise. Prior to issuance of grading permits or building permits, the City of Fontana will review the grading and building plans to ensure notes are included that reflect the requirements of Section 18-63 of the City’s Municipal Code, which requires that construction activities may not occur outside the hours of 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekdays or between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Saturdays, and that no construction activities may occur on Sundays or federal holidays. A note also has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that the construction contractor shall design delivery routes to minimize the exposure of sensitive land uses to deliver truck-related noise. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. The Modified Project will comply with the remaining components of Standard Requirement SR-N-7 through conditions of approval to be imposed by the City of Fontana. As such, the Modified Project will be consistent with Standard Requirement SR-N-7. Mitigation Measure AQ-7: Submit Construction Plans. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant and/or building In conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-7, a note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that construction plans and a WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 64 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE operators shall submit construction plans and a construction vehicle management plan to the City of Fontana denoting the proposed schedule and projected equipment use. The construction vehicle management plan will include such things as: specifying idling time requirements; requiring hour meters on equipment; and documenting the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on- site equipment. The plan shall include that California state law requires equipment fleets to limit idling to no more than 5 minutes. Construction contractors shall provide evidence that low emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized, or that its use was investigated and found to be infeasible for the project as determined by the City of Fontana. Contractors shall also conform to any construction measures imposed by the SCAQMD as well as City of Fontana Community Development Planning Staff. construction vehicle management plan shall be prepared that require an assessment of the proposed schedule and projected equipment use, and that shall include a requirement to: specify idling time requirements (maximum of 5 minutes); require hour meters on equipment; document the serial number, horsepower, age, and fuel of all on-site equipment; demonstrate that low-emission mobile construction equipment will be utilized; and that the construction activities will comply with all applicable SCAQMD and City of Fontana construction measures that would serve to reduce air quality emissions during construction. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure AQ-10: EPA Smartway features. The City shall require operators of the project to ensure that haul trucks incorporate EPA Smartway features, as required by ARB. Project operators shall maintain a daily log of incoming and outgoing haul trucks that are fitted with the combination of aerodynamic kits and low rolling resistance tires to reduce fuel consumption. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that EPA Smartway features shall be required for Project-related haul trucks and requiring that appropriate records shall be maintained, in conformance with Mitigation Measure AQ-10. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. Mitigation Measure NOI-1: Provide Rubberized Pavement. To reduce the off-site traffic noise levels resulting from WVLCSP- related truck trips, the use of an asphalt rubber hot mix overlay to reduce the noise levels associated with vehicle tires traveling over pavement is required during off-site project roadway improvements on the following roadway segments: City of Fontana  Locust Avenue: South of Jurupa Avenue (Segment #6)  South of Driveway 4 (Segment #7)  South of Driveway 5 (Segment #8)  South of 11th Street (Segment #9)  South of 10th Street (Segment #10)  South of 9th Street (Segment #11)  South of 8th Street (Segment #12)  Jurupa Avenue:  East of Locust Avenue—eastbound lanes from Locust Avenue to A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that the paving of the following road segments with rubberized pavement to reduce noise levels from Project truck trips, in conformance with Mitigation Measure NOI-1: City of Fontana  Locust Avenue: South of Jurupa Avenue (Segment #6)  South of Driveway 4 (Segment #7)  South of Driveway 5 (Segment #8)  South of 11th Street (Segment #9)  South of 10th Street (Segment #10)  South of 9th Street (Segment #11)  South of 8th Street (Segment #12)  Jurupa Avenue:  East of Locust Avenue—eastbound lanes from Locust WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 65 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Kessler Park (Segment #36) San Bernardino County  Locust Avenue:  South of Slover Avenue (Segment #4)  South of Santa Ana Avenue (Segment #5)  Jurupa Avenue:  West of Cedar Avenue (Segment #37) Avenue to Kessler Park (Segment #36) The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. The portion of Mitigation Measure NOI-1 for roadway segments located under the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County is not applicable to the proposed Project, as the WVLCSP EIR concluded that such improvements within the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County would be infeasible, and a statement of overriding considerations was adopted for these unavoidable impacts. Public Services SP-PS-1: Implement Crime Prevention through Implementation of Safety Design (CPTED) Measures. The West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan (Specific Plan) complies with the City of Fontana’s CPTED guidelines. As such, the Specific Plan incorporates the following measures identified to minimize crime occurrences and the need for additional police protection services:  A comprehensive security plan that includes uniformed security and video monitoring;  A graffiti removal plan;  The establishment of a Business Coalition/Neighborhood Watch program;  A comprehensive traffic control plan; and  Design guidelines relative to security in semi-public and private spaces, which may include, but not be limited to, access control of buildings, secured parking facilities, walls/fences with key systems, well-illuminated public and semi- public space designed with a minimum of dead space to eliminate areas of concealment, location of toilet facilities or building entrances in high foot traffic areas, and provision of security guard patrol throughout the project site, if needed. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring Safety Design (CPTED) measures, in conformance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-PS-1. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. SP-PS-2: Fire Protection through Implementation of Safety Design Measures. In order to address current plans by the Fontana Fire Protection District (FFPD) to move the fire station that is currently closest to the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan (Specific Plan) site to another location farther from the project site, such that the travel distance and running time from the relocated fire station to the project site would increase, the Specific Plan includes the The City of Fontana will review future building permit applications for compliance with the WVLCSP measures addressing fire hazards and for conformance with the City’s building code requirements. Mandatory compliance with the City’s building code and the requirements of the WVLCSP will ensure that the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-PS-2. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 66 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE following measures to provide for adequate fire protection and meet the requirements of the FFPD:  Adequate off-site public and on-site private fire hydrants will be required; their number and location will be determined after FFPD reviews and approves the site plan.  The proposed private street, along with any entry gates to individual building sites, will be built to City of Fontana (City) standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and FFPD.  Sprinkler systems will be required throughout each structure and will be built in accordance with the City’s Municipal Code.  Construction of public or private roadways in the proposed development will not exceed 15 percent in grade.  Standard cut-corners will be used on all turns.  Fire lanes and dead-ending streets will terminate in a cul-de-sac or other approved turning area. No dead-ending street or fire lane will be greater than 700 feet in length, unless approved by the FFPD.  Secondary access will be required for Parcels 1 through 7.  Fire lane widths will not be less than 20 feet. When a fire lane must accommodate the operation of an FFPD aerial ladder apparatus or where fire hydrants are installed, those portions will not be less than 28 feet wide.  Where access for a given building requires accommodation of FFPD apparatus, the minimum outside radius of the paved surface will be 35 feet. An additional 6 feet of clear space must be maintained beyond the outside radius to a vertical point 13 feet 6 inches above the paved surface of the roadway.  Where access for a given building requires accommodation of FFPD apparatus, overhead clearance will not be less than 14 feet.  No building or portion of a building will be constructed more than 150 feet from the edge of a roadway of an improved street, access road, or designated fire lane.  Access for FFPD apparatus and personnel to and into all structures will be required.  Provision of additional vehicular access where buildings exceed 28 feet in height as may be required by the FFPD. SP-R-1: Trail Access and Location Verification. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the Project to WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 67 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE The following measures are required by the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan:  Final parcel map and grading plans shall identify the confirmed alignment of the Jurupa Hills Trail through the project site.  Development of the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan shall retain access to the existing Jurupa Hills Trail and Southern California Edison Easement Trail.  The Property Owners’ Association shall be charged with ensuring that on-site operations are conducted so as to not cause deterioration of the Jurupa Hills Trail and Southern California Edison Easement Trail. comply with the WVLCSP requirements related to trail access and locations, thereby ensuring the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-R-1. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. RR-HM-4: Prepare a Fuel Modification Zone Management Plan. In accordance with Section 30- 189(12), Article V, Division 7, of the City Zoning and Development Code (Subdivision and site plan design), and in accordance with Action 20, Goal 4, of the City of Fontana (City) General Plan Safety Element, a fuel modification zone will be required in areas threatened by fire hazard. For the project, the applicant or construction contractor will prepare a fuel modification zone management plan for the Jurupa Hills area of the proposed project site to be reviewed and approved by the City. The fuel modification zone management plan will include:  Planting and maintenance of fire-retardant vegetation species implemented in accordance with Policy 3 and Action 21, Goal 4, of the City General Plan Safety Element;  Firebreaks (areas void of vegetation and flammable structures) implemented in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 4290 minimum statewide fire safety standards; and  Implementation of fencing in accordance with Section 80.020210(f) of the San Bernardino County Code, to prevent litter (accumulation of ignitable fuels) or vandalism of the fuel modification zone. In conformance with the City’s Zoning and Development Code, note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that a Fuel Modification Zone Management Plan shall be prepared prior to issuance of any building permits in areas located in fire prone areas (i.e., the Jurupa Hills area). The note requires that the plan must be reviewed and approved by the City of Fontana prior to issuance of building permits. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Regulatory Requirement RR-HM-4. RR PS-1: Pay Colton Joint Unified School District Fees. Proposed commercial, industrial, and senior housing development projects, including the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan, are required to pay the established Colton Joint Unified School District school facilities impact fees per square foot of building area at the time of building permit issuance. Individual buildings within the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan will be required to pay school fees at the established rate at the time of building permit issuance. In conformance with State law, the Project Applicant is required to pay appropriate fees to the Colton Joint Unified School District (CJUSD), thereby ensuring compliance with Regulatory Requirement RR-PS-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 68 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE RR-PS-2: Pay City of Fontana Impact Development Fees for Police and Fire Services. Proposed development projects are required to pay development impact fees to support police and fire/emergency facilities and services at the established rate at the time of building permit issuance. New development must also comply with the Fontana Police Department’s Standard Building Security Specifications and the City of Fontana’s Crime Prevention through Environmental Design guidelines. The City of Fontana is obligated by its Municipal Code to collect development impact fees from the Project Applicant to support police and fire emergency facilities and services at the established rate at the time of building permit issuance. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring compliance with the Fontana Police Department’s Standard Building Security Specifications and the City of Fontana’s Crime Prevention through Environmental Design guidelines. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will be consistent with Regulatory Requirement RR-PS-2. RR PS-3: Pay City of Fontana Impact Fees for Library Facilities. The proposed project will pay the City of Fontana’s development impact fee at the established rate at the time of building permit issuance to support expansion of library services. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the payment of development impact fees at the established rate at the time of building permit issuance to support the expansion of library services, thereby ensuring the Modified Project will be consistent with Regulatory Requirement RR-PS-3. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. SR-HM-2: Require Construction Equipment Spark Arresters. Project contractors will be required to equip any construction equipment that normally includes a spark arrester with an arrester in good working order pursuant to manufacturers’ recommendations. Spark arrestors will be maintained in working order during the period of construction. Subject equipment includes, but is not limited to, heavy equipment (e.g., earthmovers, graders), mowers, and chainsaws. This requirement will be included on project construction plan specifications. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that spark arrestors on construction equipment must be in good working condition pursuant to manufacturers recommendations, and to further require that such requirements are included on construction plan specifications. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Standard Requirement SR-HM-2. Recreation Mitigation Measure REC-1: Jurupa Hills Trail Realignment Plan. Any realignment of the Jurupa Hills Trail as a result of the proposed project will be submitted by the applicant to the County of San Bernardino prior to or concurrent with review of the proposed WVLCSP Tentative Parcel Map(s). As a portion of the Jurupa Hills Trail is located within the project site, on private land and not entirely within a utility corridor or public lands, the trail will be realigned so as to be within the utility corridor easement in the southeastern portion of the WVLCSP project site, between proposed Parcels 5 and 6. The applicant will also A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that, prior to final recordation of TPM No. 13-005 R1, the proposed realignment of the Jurupa Hills Trail shall be submitted to the County of San Bernardino for review and approval, and further requires that the Project Applicant provide proof to the City of Fontana that the County has approved the alignment shift. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that that WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 69 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE submit plans for review and approval and will coordinate with utility companies regarding any change to the existing easement, specifically if any sort of development is proposed within the easement, including roadways, buildings, and accessory structures. For compliance, the applicant will provide proof to the City of Fontana Community Development Department of the County’s approval for the alignment shift prior to Tentative Parcel Map recordation. the Modified Project will comply with Mitigation Measure REC-1. Transportation and Traffic SP-TR-1: Truck Routing Plan. A plan for the routing of trucks between the project site and area freeways is set forth in the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan (Specific Plan) to minimize impacts on nearby residential neighborhoods. The truck routing plan also includes requirements for:  Driveway designs and the geometrics of the intersection of Alder Avenue and Locust Avenue/Armstrong Road to direct trucks to the north and away from Valley Way;  A comprehensive roadway and highway signage program to direct trucks along designated routes between the project site and area freeways (see Section 3.4.3, Circulation Improvements);  Off-site improvements including roadway widening and signalization to accommodate project-related trucks (see Section 3.4.3, Circulation Improvements);  Requirements for providing instruction to truck drivers regarding approved routes; and  Requirements for the Transportation Management Committee of the Specific Plan Property Owners’ Association to monitor truck traffic and enforce applicable Specific Plan regulations. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that implementing projects are reviewed by City of Fontana for compliance with the WVLCSP, including requirements related to truck routing, driveway designs/geometrics, signage, off-site improvements, providing instruction to truck drivers, and the monitoring of truck traffic by the Property Owners’ Association. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-TR-1. SP-TR-2: Feasibility Studies and Fair Share Payments. In addition to the physical improvements included in SP-TR-1, the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan (Specific Plan) includes the following requirements:  Payment of fair share fees in addition to Nexus Study and Fontana Development Impact Fees to the County of San Bernardino for: o Alder Avenue/Slover Avenue (fair share payment for signalization that is not included as part of the Development Mitigation Nexus Study. Development within the Specific Plan will provide fair share payments at the same rate as the County of San Bernardino is collecting from projects Notes have been added to the Project’s plans requiring the payment of fair share fees; payment of Nexus Study and Fontana Development Impact fees to the County of San Bernardino; the voluntary preparation of a feasibility study for the Valley Way/State Route 60 interchange; the placement of signage along Armstrong Road south of the southernmost Project site driveway to prohibit large trucks; and to require coordination with Caltrans to install signage along State Route 60 to indicate that trucks are not permitted on Armstrong Road north of the freeway. The City will enforce WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 70 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE within the adjacent unincorporated area); and o Cedar Avenue/Slover Avenue (fair share payment for intersection improvements).  The Specific Plan will voluntarily prepare a feasibility study for the Valley Way/State Route 60 interchange for which no feasible improvements to achieve acceptable levels of operation have been identified to date and, as a consequence, no improvement program has been established to which a fair share payment for improvements can be made. The proposed feasibility study would aim to identify feasible improvements that could be undertaken at the interchange to improve existing and future levels of service, even if applicable service level standards could not be met.  Work with the cities of Fontana and Jurupa Valley to identify Armstrong Road south of the southernmost West Valley Logistics Center driveway as not a truck route and to place appropriate signage along Armstrong Road prohibiting trucks except for local deliveries.  Work with the California Department of Transportation to place signs along State Route 60 indicating that trucks are not permitted on Armstrong Road north of the freeway, and directing eastbound trucks to exit at Rubidoux Boulevard and westbound trucks to exit at Market Street. compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-TR-2. SP-TR-3: Property Owners’ Association Responsibilities. A Property Owners’ Association shall be formed by the applicant or its designee to implement the truck traffic management program set forth in the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan. The applicant or its designee will submit a proposed declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for City of Fontana (City) review prior to issuance of the first building permit for Parcels 1–7. The City’s review shall be complete, and the proposed declaration of CC&Rs shall be approved by the City, prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the first building. The Property Owners’ Association will include a Transportation Management Committee that will, at a minimum, have the responsibility and obligation to:  Require building owners/lessees to inform truck drivers of the approved routes to and from the West Valley Logistics Center;  Require dispatchers to provide truck drivers leaving the building with verbal and written instructions regarding approved truck routes to area freeways; A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the Project Applicant or its designee shall submit a proposed declaration of CC&Rs for City review. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, and as part of its review the City will verify that the proposed CC&Rs comply with the requirements of Specific Plan Requirement SP-TR-3 prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the first building. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 71 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE  Implement and maintain a monitoring program to identify the actual routes trucks are taking to and from the West Valley Logistics Center;  Enforce the use of approved truck routes; and  Provide quarterly reporting to the City regarding the actual routes trucks are taking to and from the West Valley Logistics Center. SP-TR-4: Ensure installation of Safety Features. Entry drives will be clearly marked by special features, including enhanced paving, landscaping features, decorative walls, and signage, to promote safety and to increase the visibility of driveway intersections. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the installation of safety features at entry drives to promote safety and increase the visibility of driveway intersections. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-TR- 4. SP-TR-5: Install Bicycle Racks. Bicycle racks will be provided at appropriate locations on Parcels 1 through 7 (e.g., between buildings or in automobile parking areas) for employees who wish to bicycle. The City of Fontana is obligated by Chapter 5 of its Municipal Code to review future building permit applications for compliance with CALGreen, including conformance with CALGreen Section (Bicycle Parking), which requires the provision of bicycle parking spaces equal to 5 percent of the tenant-occupant vehicular parking spaces. City review of the Modified Project for compliance with applicable CALGreen requirements will ensure the Modified Project conforms to Specific Plan Requirement SP-TR-5. RR-TR-1: Pay San Bernardino County Nexus Fees and City of Fontana Development Impact Fees for Roadway Improvements. The West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan will pay applicable fees per the San Bernardino County Nexus Study fee program and the City of Fontana’s development impact fee for industrial land use at the established rates at the time of building permit issuance. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring payment of the applicable fees per the San Bernardino County Nexus Study fee program and the City of Fontana’s development impact fee for industrial land use at the established rates at the time of building permit issuance. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Regulatory Requirement RR-TR-1. Mitigation Measure TRA-1a: Develop and Implement a Construction Management Plan. Prior to the issuance of construction permits, the project applicant shall develop and implement a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Traffic Engineer and the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas that shall:  Designate traffic control for any street closure, detour, or other disruption A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring preparation and implementation of a Construction Management Plan, which must be approved by the City of Fontana Traffic Engineer and the San Bernardino County Public Works Director. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure TRA-1a. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 72 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE to traffic circulation.  Identify the routes that construction vehicles will use for the delivery of construction materials (e.g., lumber, tiles, piping, windows) to access the site, including any needed traffic controls and detours. Such routes shall be consistent with the truck routing set forth in the project’s Truck Management Plan.  Specify the hours during which site deliveries and off-site hauling can occur and methods to mitigate construction-related impact to adjacent streets.  Require the contractor to keep all haul routes clean and free of debris, including, but not limited to, gravel and dirt as a result of construction activities. The applicant shall clean adjacent streets, as directed by the City Traffic Engineer (or a designated representative) within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director (or a designated representative) for roadways within unincorporated County areas of any materials that may have been spilled, tracked, or blown onto adjacent streets or areas.  Allow hauling or transport of oversize loads between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM only, Monday through Friday, unless approved otherwise by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas. No hauling or transport will be allowed during nighttime hours, weekends, or federal holidays.  Prohibit use of local streets not specifically approved by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas.  Require haul trucks entering or exiting public streets to yield to public traffic.  Provide a flag person at the intersection of Armstrong Road and Locust Avenue and any other intersections deemed necessary by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas to ensure that vehicle conflicts between haul trucks and all other vehicles are minimized.  Require that if hauling operations cause any damage to existing pavement, street, curb, and/or gutter along the haul route, the applicant will be fully responsible for repairs. The repairs will be completed by the project’s WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 73 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE contractor to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas.  Require all construction-related parking and staging of vehicles to be kept out of the adjacent public roadways and instead be kept on site.  Meet the standards established in the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as well as City of Fontana requirements within the City of Fontana and San Bernardino County requirements within unincorporated County areas.  Identify adequate access points for emergency vehicles and ensure emergency personnel would be able to identify these access points by providing a flagman, signage, or other indicator to effectively communicate emergency access during construction. Mitigation Measure TRA-1b: Construction of Transportation Improvements. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for the project, construction of the traffic improvements required to mitigate all direct impacts of the project within the City will be constructed. In addition to improvements called for in the proposed Specific Plan, this includes mitigation for all intersections that currently operate at an acceptable LOS, but that would operate at an unacceptable LOS with the addition of project-related traffic. Each improvement that will be provided by the applicant is listed in Table 4.2.15-18 along with the required timing for the improvement. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that, prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the Project Applicant shall implement the mitigation requirements set forth in Table 4.2.15-18 of the WVLCSP EIR. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring compliance with Mitigation Measure TRA-1b. Mitigation Measure TRA-1c: Payment of Development Impact Fees for Transportation Improvements. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for a building within the WVLCSP, the applicant shall make fee payments to fund the improvements needed to mitigate the project’s contribution to impacts on intersections, freeway mainline segments, and/or ramp junctions. Such fee payments will include:  City of Fontana Development Impact Fee (DIF), which represents the project’s required fee to mitigate impacts to both regional (Nexus Study) and additional local facilities, including:  Alder Avenue/Santa Ana Avenue (TIA Intersection #11);  Locust Avenue/Santa Ana Avenue intersection (TIA Intersection #19); and  Linden Avenue/Slover Avenue (TIA Intersection #42).  Fair share payment to San Bernardino County to install a traffic signal at the A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that, prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the Project Applicant shall make fee payments to fund the improvements needed to mitigate the Project’s contribution to impacts on intersections, freeway mainline segments, and/or ramp junctions. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project will comply with Mitigation Measure TRA-1c. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 74 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Alder Avenue/Slover Avenue intersection (TIA Intersection #10) that is not included in the Nexus Study. Fair share payment for the WVLCSP will be at the same rate being charged by the County for projects within the unincorporated area. Mitigation Measure TRA-1d: Construct Intersection Improvements. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for the first building within the WVLCSP, the applicant shall construct the improvements called for in the WVLCSP TIA at the following intersections:  Locust Avenue/Slover Avenue  Cedar Avenue/Orange Street  Cedar Avenue/Santa Ana Avenue A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the construction of the improvements listed in Mitigation Measure TRA- 1d prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure TRA-1d. Mitigation Measure TRA-1e: Payment of Development Impact Fees for Transportation Improvements. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for a building within the WVLCSP, the applicant shall make fee payments to the City to fund the improvements needed to mitigate the project’s contribution to cumulative impacts on intersections that would operate at an unacceptable LOS (or a further unacceptable LOS) in 2035. Such fee payments, based on unique traffic flow and the distribution of truck trips outside of the City of Fontana, will include:  City of Fontana Development Impact Fee (DIF), which represents required fee for mitigation of impacts to both regional (Nexus Study) and additional local facilities;  Fair share payments to San Bernardino County as mitigation for the project’s contribution of traffic and the need for the improvements described in the WVLCSP TIA (Appendix L) at the following locations: o Sierra Avenue/Slover Avenue (#3) o Production Avenue/Slover Avenue (#6) o Tamarind Avenue/Slover Avenue (#8) o Alder Avenue/Slover Avenue (#10) o Laurel Avenue/Slover Avenue (#14) o Cedar Avenue/Valley Boulevard (#43) o Cedar Avenue/Slover Avenue (#47) o Cedar Avenue/Jurupa Avenue (#49) o Cedar Avenue/7th Street (#51)  Cedar Avenue/Rubidoux Boulevard/El Rivino Road (#52) A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the payment of DIF fees and fair share contributions as required by Technical Appendix L to the WVLCSP EIR prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure TRA-1e. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 75 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Utilities SP-GHG-1: Incorporate Water Conservation and Efficient Measures for Landscaping. The project will devise a comprehensive water conservation strategy in compliance with California Green Building Standards Code Water Efficiency Measures and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Neighborhood Development standards to reduce water use during project operation. The strategy will include the following, plus other innovative measures that may be appropriate.  Install drought-tolerant plants for landscaping.  Use recycled water for landscape irrigation within the project at such time as it can be made reasonably available. Install the infrastructure to deliver and use recycled water, as part of street improvements within the project site along Jurupa Avenue, Locust Avenue, Alder Avenue, and Armstrong Road as needed to provide recycled water for landscape irrigation when available.  Install water-efficient irrigation systems, such as weather-based and soil- moisture-based irrigation controllers and sensors, for landscaping according to the California Department of Water Resources Model Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Ensure that all landscape and irrigation measures are in compliance with the City of Fontana’s Municipal Code Article IV, Landscaping and Water Conservation. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the incorporation of water conservation and efficient measures for landscaping. The note requires the preparation of a comprehensive water conservation strategy that will be in compliance with California Green Building Standards Code Water Efficiency Measures and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Neighborhood Development Standards. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications. The City of Fontana also will review future grading and building permit applications for compliance with the City of Fontana’s Municipal Code Article IV, Landscaping and Water Conservation. Therefore, the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-GHG-1. SP-HW-1: Best Management Practices for Water Quality Management. Site Design best management practices will be included in the project-wide Stormwater Quality Management Plan submitted to the City of Fontana and approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit (see Regulatory Requirement RR-HW-2). The best management practices, which include low-impact development standards, will include, but not be limited to, the following:  Maximize permeable areas (pervious open space) of the site by reducing the amount of pavement, decreasing the project’s footprint, or by utilizing alternative paving materials in select areas.  Drain rooftops into pervious, swaled landscaped areas prior to discharge of overflow into storm drains.  Construct streets, sidewalks, and parking lot aisles to the minimum width necessary.  Construct walkways, parking stalls, overflow parking lots, and other low-traffic areas with open-jointed paving materials. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that prior to approval of grading permits, a SWQMP shall be prepared and approved by the City of Fontana that includes site design best management practices (BMPs). The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-HW-1. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 76 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE  Use pervious drainage channels (rock- or grass-lined systems) for conveying parking lot runoff into storm drains.  Use perforated pipe, gravel infiltration pits, and drywells for low-flow infiltration following treatment by an acceptable method.  Construct on-site vegetated ponding areas and swaled landscaping (not mounded) that drain within 72 hours to prevent the development of vector breeding areas.  Provide curb cutouts, curb cores, or concrete mow strips and wheel stops to allow stormwater runoff to flow into swaled landscaped areas. Where soil conditions are suitable, construct vegetated infiltration trenches in paved parking lot areas to infiltrate and filter stormwater runoff. SP-HW-2: On-site Stormwater Detention. On-site detention basins will be designed and sized to reduce 100-year peak flows to 90 percent of the 25-year peak flow rate for existing conditions. Detention basins within the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan area will be designed such that the lower elevations of the basins are used for water quality purposes. The higher elevations of the basins will be used to limit the difference between pre- and post- development peak flow rates. In conformance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-HW-2, the Modified Project’s application materials include a hydrology study dated June 27, 2022, which demonstrates that the proposed detention basins have been designed to reduce 100-year peak flows to 90 percent of the 25-peak flow rate for existing conditions. The Project Applicant also has prepared a SWQMP that relies in part on the lower elevations of the detention basins for water quality treatment purposes. The City of Fontana will review future grading and building permit applications for consistency with the Modified Project’s application materials, thereby ensuring compliance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-HW-2. SP-UT-1: Ensure Access to Utility Easements. Access to utility easements on site will remain unimpeded and no disturbance will occur within the existing easements, with the exception of improvements to facilitate access. A 50-foot area around suspension towers will be kept clear. Coordination with the appropriate utility agencies will be required for any improvements to utility easements or structures on or off site as a result of project implementation. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring access to utility easements and the maintenance of a 50-foot clear area around the suspension towers. The note also requires appropriate coordination with utility agencies regarding any improvements to utility easements or structures. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT-1. SP-UT-2: Incorporate Water-Efficient Building Designs. The project will incorporate water-efficient building designs, fixtures, and appliances that meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver certification standards for water efficiency. The City of Fontana is obligated by Chapter 5 of its Municipal Code to review future applications for building permits to ensure that the buildings are designed to be compliant with CALGreen standards. Mandatory compliance with the City’s conditions of approval will ensure that the Modified Project is consistent with Specific Plan WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 77 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE Requirement SP-UT-2. SP-UT-3: Incorporate Recycling Program. The project will be designed to incorporate an operational recycling program that will include paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future building permits shall incorporate an operational recycling program that includes paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT-3. SP-UT-4: Comply with Fontana Sewer Master Plan. Sewer/wastewater facilities will be designed in accordance with the City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan. The City of Fontana is obligated to comply with its Sewer Master Plan and will review future improvement plans for compliance with the City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan, thereby ensuring consistency with Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT-4. SP-UT-5: Install Sewer/Wastewater Facilities. Sewer/wastewater facilities will be installed in accordance with specification of the California Department of Health Services and San Bernardino County Health Department. The City of Fontana is obligated by its Municipal Code to review future improvement plans to ensure that sewer/ wastewater facilities will be installed in accordance with specification of the California Department of Health Services and San Bernardino County Health Department, in conformance with Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT-5. SP-UT-6: Comply with West Valley Water District Water Master Plan. Domestic water pipe alignments and sizes will be designed in accordance with design criteria outlined in West Valley Water District’s 2012 Water Master Plan. The application materials submitted in conjunction with the Modified Project include a conceptual utility plan, which has been reviewed by City of Fontana staff for compliance with design criteria outlined in West Valley Water District’s 2012 Water Master Plan. The City will review future grading and building permits for compliance with the conceptual utility plan, thereby ensuring the Modified Project will be consistent with Specific Plan Requirement SP-UT-6. SR-G-1: Develop and Implement an Erosion Control Plan. The applicant or developer will prepare and submit to the City of Fontana Department of Public Works for approval 30 days prior to construction an Erosion Control Plan. (Note: The Erosion Control Plan may be part of the same document as the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.) The Erosion Control Plan will identify the location of all soil-disturbing activities (including but not limited to sites involving new development or roadways), the location of all drainage structures that will be directly affected by soil-disturbing activities, and the location and type of all best management practices (BMPs) that will be installed. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring the preparation, submittal, and City review and approval of an Erosion Control Plan 30 days prior to construction. The note requires that the locations of all soil-disturbing activities, drainage structures affected by soil-disturbing activities, and BMPs must be identified as part of the Erosion Control Plan. A schedule for implementation and maintenance and a description of erosion control measures also are required by the note on the plans, and the note further requires the preparation of a logbook of erosion prevention effectiveness and any WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 78 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE The plan will also include a proposed schedule for the implementation and maintenance of erosion control measures and a description of the erosion control practices, including appropriate design details. As part of the plan, the construction contractor will maintain a logbook of the erosion-prevention effectiveness of the BMPs, as well as a description of any post-storm modifications to those BMPs. post-storm modification of BMPs. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project is consistent with Standard Requirement SR-G-1. SR-GHG-1: Provide Waste Reduction and Recycling Education. The property operator will provide readily available information provided by the City of Fontana for employee education about reducing waste and available recycling services. A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring that future property owners shall provide future employees with readily- available City of Fontana educational material related to reducing waste and available recycling services. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring consistency with Standard Requirement SR-GHG-1. SR-UT-1: Comply with City of Fontana Municipal Code, Chapter 27, Article III. This code requires undergrounding of utilities as part of new development, including the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan, involving new/additional utility connections to the project site. Compliance with City of Fontana Municipal Code, Chapter 27, Article III regarding undergrounding of utilities is mandatory. Thus, the Modified Project will comply with Standard Requirement SR-UT-1. SR-UT-2: Provide Reliable Water Supply. Conditions for Reliable Water Supply, included in the Water Supply Assessment (WSA) prepared for the proposed West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan (West Valley Water District [WVWD], November 2013) include the following:  The project will install water-efficient devices and landscaping according to the requirements of WVWD’s water use efficiency ordinance(s), if any, at the time of construction of the project to reduce the impact of this project on WVWD’s water supplies.  Prior to project construction, the project applicant is required to meet with WVWD staff to develop a plan of service. The plan of service will include, but not be limited to, water and recycled water requirements to serve the project. If there is a change in the circumstances detailed in this WSA, WVWD has the option to suspend the approval of the WSA.  This project is not located near any existing recycled water facilities; however, in the future it may be possible to serve this project with recycled water. WVWD policy recognizes recycled water as a preferred source of water supply for all non-potable water demands, including, without limitation, irrigation of recreation areas, greenbelts, open space, common areas, commercial landscaping and supply for aesthetic A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring water efficient devices and landscaping, preparation of a plan of service, construction of a recycled water system (if recycled water is available in the area at the time of construction), and on-going review of the WVLCSP’s Water Supply Assessment every 3 years until commencement of construction activities. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Standard Requirement SR-UT-2. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 79 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE impoundment, or other water features. The majority of landscaped areas in this project will be designed to use recycled water to the greatest extent possible at such time as supplies become available. According to WVWD requirements, the project may be conditioned to construct a recycled water system physically separated from the potable water system.6 This system will need to be constructed to WVWD’s recycled water standards. The project may also be conditioned to construct off-site recycled water facilities; however, no such requirements are known at this time. WVWD will determine requirements for recycled water use and facilities during the design phase of the project.  The WSA will be reviewed every 3 years until the project begins construction. The property owner will notify WVWD when construction has begun. The review will ensure that the information included in the project WSA remains accurate and that no significant changes to the project or WVWD’s water supply have occurred. If the property owner has not contacted WVWD within 3 years of approval of the WSA, it will be assumed that the proposed project no longer requires the estimated water demand calculated, the demand for this project will not be considered in assessments for future projects, and the assessment provided by the WSA will become invalid. o Based on present information, WVWD has determined that it will be able to provide adequate water supplies to meet the potable water demand for the West Valley Logistics Center Specific Plan project in addition to existing and future uses. Water service will be guaranteed by the satisfaction of all rules and regulations of WVWD. WVWD reserves the right to revisit the WSA in the event of a potential increase in water demand by the project. o The WSA is not a commitment to serve the project, but a review of WVWD’s supplies based on present information available. Mitigation Measure BIO-4. On-site Restoration of 16 Acres of RSS within the Proposed Conservation Area. A minimum of 16 acres of area shall be restored to establish additional RSS plant community within the conservation area. Appendix D includes a detailed plant palette that would be utilized for restoration of the RSS plant community within the conservation area. Restoration of RSS would occur in the portions of the On July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-083, approving acceptance of a 70.15-acre open space area. Inclusive of the 70.15-acre dedicated open space, tThe Modified Project provides mitigation superior to the WCLCSP Environmental Impact Report (EIR) with a 29.7% increase in preserved natural open space. Specifically, the 70.15 acre that were dedicated to the City WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 80 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE conservation area that currently support non-native grasslands, disturbed areas, or non-native trees and those portions would be graded, planted, and seeded with RSS plant community species listed in Appendix D. As described in the HMMP (Mitigation Measure BIO-3), and in coordination with CDFW as part of the Streambed Alteration Agreement, a monitoring plan and up to 5 years of post-restoration monitoring and reporting will be established for the restored area within the 55.23-acre conservation area. represents an increase in open space dedications in comparison torather than the 55.23 acres that were proposed to be preserved with the Approved Project., tThe Modified Project preserves 70.15- acres of open space area includes, of which 67.72 acres consist of natural hillside open space (including 21.20 acres of RSS habitat) and 2.43 acres consist of an aquifer recharge area. Therefore, the Modified Project will be consistent with Mitigation Measure BIO-4. Mitigation Measure TRA-1a: Develop and Implement a Construction Management Plan. Prior to the issuance of construction permits, the project applicant shall develop and implement a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana Traffic Engineer and the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas that shall:  Designate traffic control for any street closure, detour, or other disruption to traffic circulation.  Identify the routes that construction vehicles will use for the delivery of construction materials (e.g., lumber, tiles, piping, windows) to access the site, including any needed traffic controls and detours. Such routes shall be consistent with the truck routing set forth in the project’s Truck Management Plan.  Specify the hours during which site deliveries and off-site hauling can occur and methods to mitigate construction-related impact to adjacent streets.  Require the contractor to keep all haul routes clean and free of debris, including, but not limited to, gravel and dirt as a result of construction activities. The applicant shall clean adjacent streets, as directed by the City Traffic Engineer (or a designated representative) within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director (or a designated representative) for roadways within unincorporated County areas of any materials that may have been spilled, tracked, or blown onto adjacent streets or areas.  Allow hauling or transport of oversize loads between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM only, Monday through Friday, unless approved otherwise by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino A note has been added to the Project’s plans requiring preparation and implementation of a Construction Management Plan, which must be approved by the City of Fontana Traffic Engineer and the San Bernardino County Public Works Director. The City will enforce compliance with the notes included on the Project’s plans as part of grading and building permit applications, thereby ensuring that the Modified Project complies with Mitigation Measure TRA-1a. WVLCSP EIR Mitigation Measure and West Valley Logistics Center Project Design Feature Compliance Analysis Page 81 WVLCSP EIR MITIGATION MEASURES, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, AND PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES MODIFIED PROJECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPLIANCE County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas. No hauling or transport will be allowed during nighttime hours, weekends, or federal holidays.  Prohibit use of local streets not specifically approved by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas.  Require haul trucks entering or exiting public streets to yield to public traffic.  Provide a flag person at the intersection of Armstrong Road and Locust Avenue and any other intersections deemed necessary by the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas to ensure that vehicle conflicts between haul trucks and all other vehicles are minimized.  Require that if hauling operations cause any damage to existing pavement, street, curb, and/or gutter along the haul route, the applicant will be fully responsible for repairs. The repairs will be completed by the project’s contractor to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer within the City of Fontana or the San Bernardino County Public Works Director for roadways within unincorporated County areas.  Require all construction-related parking and staging of vehicles to be kept out of the adjacent public roadways and instead be kept on site.  Meet the standards established in the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as well as City of Fontana requirements within the City of Fontana and San Bernardino County requirements within unincorporated County areas. Identify adequate access points for emergency vehicles and ensure emergency personnel would be able to identify these access points by providing a flagman, signage, or other indicator to effectively communicate emergency access during construction.