HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix E - Noise and Vibration Impact Analysis CARLSBAD CLOVIS IRVINE LOS ANGELES PALM SPRINGS POINT RICHMOND RIVERSIDE ROSEVILLE SAN LUIS OBISPO 20 Executive Park, Suite 200, Irvine, California 92614 949.553.0666 www.lsa.net MEMORANDUM DATE: May 9, 2022 TO: Michael Goodwin, Principal, First Industrial, L.P. FROM: Jason Lui, Associate/Senior Noise Specialist SUBJECT: Noise and Vibration Impact Analysis for the First Tamarind II Logistics Project in Fontana, California (LSA Project No. FRT2202) INTRODUCTION This noise and vibration impact analysis has been prepared to evaluate the potential noise and vibration impacts and reduction measures associated with the First Tamarind II Logistics Project (project) in Fontana, California. This report is intended to satisfy the City of Fontana’s (City) requirements and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a project-specific noise and vibration impact analysis by examining the impacts of the proposed uses on the project site and evaluating the reduction measures that the project requires. All references cited in this memorandum are included in Attachment A. Project Location The project site is comprised of one parcel (Assessor’s Parcel Number ([APN] 0256-011-03) bounded by a logistics warehouse (Ceva Logistics) to the north, Tamarind Avenue to the east, to the south a general industrial use that includes truck parking, and three large warehouse developments to the west that are buffered from the project site by a private truck route. The Project is located within a Light Industrial (M-1) zone in the southeastern portion of the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County. Figure 1 shows the regional and project location (all figures are provided in Attachment B of this document). Project Description The project would develop a light industrial warehouse building totaling 60,900 square feet (sf) with a building height of 40 feet (ft) on approximately 4.35 acres. The project would consist of a 57,900 sf warehouse, a 3,000 sf mezzanine/office space on the eastern side of the warehouse building, 82 parking spots for standard cars and clean air cars, an electric vehicle charging station, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) compliant cars, and five truck parking spots. The truck parking is located on the very south portion of the project site, and a docking area is attached to the south side of the warehouse building. The standard parking area is directly adjacent to the east of the warehouse building. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 2 The site would be accessed by two driveways at the southeast (private truck route) and southwest corners of the site along Tamarind Avenue. The project would include 8 ft and 13 ft high screen walls that surround the proposed truck docking area. Additionally, the walls, hedges, and fences will be compatible with the main warehouse structure in terms of design and materials. Streetlights will also be provided by the proposed project, including utility undergrounding, and full off-site improvements. Construction is planned to start in August 2022 and last about one year. Figure 2 shows the site plan. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOUND Noise is usually defined as unwanted sound. Noise consists of any sound that may produce physiological or psychological damage and/or interfere with communication, work, rest, recreation, and sleep. To the human ear, sound has two significant characteristics: pitch and loudness. Pitch is generally an annoyance, while loudness can affect the ability to hear. Pitch is the number of complete vibrations, or cycles per second, of a wave resulting in the tone’s range from high to low. Loudness is the strength of a sound that describes a noisy or quiet environment and is measured by the amplitude of the sound wave. Loudness is determined by the intensity of the sound waves combined with the reception characteristics of the human ear. Sound intensity refers to how hard the sound wave strikes an object, which in turn produces the sound’s effect. This characteristic of sound can be precisely measured with instruments. The analysis of a project defines the noise environment of the project area in terms of sound intensity and its effect on adjacent sensitive land uses. Measurement of Sound Sound intensity is measured through the A-weighted scale to correct for the relative frequency response of the human ear. That is, an A-weighted noise level deemphasizes low and very high frequencies of sound similar to the human ear’s de-emphasis of these frequencies. Decibels (dB), unlike the linear scale (e.g., inches or pounds), are measured on a logarithmic scale, which is a scale based on powers of 10. For example, 10 decibels is 10 times more intense than 0 dB, 20 dB is 100 times more intense than 0 dB, and 30 dB is 1,000 times more intense than 0 dB. Thirty decibels (30 dB) represents 1,000 times as much acoustic energy as 0 dB. The decibel scale increases as the square of the change, representing the sound pressure energy. A sound as soft as human breathing is about 10 times greater than 0 dB. The decibel system of measuring sound gives a rough connection between the physical intensity of sound and its perceived loudness to the human ear. A 10 dB increase in sound level is perceived by the human ear as only a doubling of the loudness of the sound. Ambient sounds generally range from 30 dB (very quiet) to 100 dB (very loud). Sound levels are generated from a source, and their decibel level decreases as the distance from that source increases. Sound dissipates exponentially with distance from the noise source. For a single point source, sound levels decrease approximately 6 dB for each doubling of distance from the source. This drop-off rate is appropriate for noise generated by stationary equipment. If noise is produced by a line source (e.g., highway traffic or railroad operations), the sound decreases 3 dB for 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 3 each doubling of distance in a hard site environment; however, line source noise in a relatively flat environment with absorptive vegetation decreases 4.5 dB for each doubling of distance. There are many ways to rate noise for various time periods, but an appropriate rating of ambient noise affecting humans also accounts for the annoying effects of sound. The equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) is the total sound energy of time-varying noise over a sample period. However, the predominant rating scales for human communities in the State of California are the Leq and community noise equivalent level (CNEL) or the day-night average noise level (Ldn) based on A-weighted decibels (dBA). CNEL is the time-varying noise over a 24-hour period, with a 5 dBA weighting factor applied to the hourly Leq for noises occurring from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (defined as relaxation hours), and a 10 dBA weighting factor applied to noises occurring from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (defined as sleeping hours). Ldn is similar to the CNEL scale but without the adjustment for events occurring during the evening hours. CNEL and Ldn are within 1 dBA of each other and are normally interchangeable. The City uses the CNEL noise scale for long-term noise impact assessment. Other noise rating scales of importance when assessing the annoyance factor include the maximum noise level (Lmax), which is the highest exponential time-averaged sound level that occurs during a stated time period. The noise environments discussed in this analysis for short-term noise impacts are specified in terms of maximum levels denoted by Lmax, which reflects peak operating conditions and addresses the annoying aspects of intermittent noise. Lmax is often used together with another noise scale, or noise standards in terms of percentile noise levels, in noise ordinances for enforcement purposes. For example, the L10 noise level represents the noise level exceeded 10 percent of the time during a stated period. The L50 noise level represents the median noise level. Half the time the noise level exceeds this level, and half the time, it is less than this level. The L90 noise level represents the noise level exceeded 90 percent of the time and is considered the background noise level during a monitoring period. For a relatively constant noise source, the Leq and L50 are approximately the same. Noise impacts can be described in three categories. The first category includes audible impacts that refer to increases in noise levels noticeable to humans. Audible increases in noise levels generally refer to a change of 3 dB or greater because this level has been found to be barely perceptible in exterior environments. The second category, potentially audible, refers to a change in the noise level between 1 dB and 3 dB. This range of noise levels has been found to be noticeable only in laboratory environments. The last category includes changes in noise levels of less than 1 dB, which are inaudible to the human ear. Only audible changes in existing ambient or background noise levels are considered potentially significant. Physiological Effects of Noise Physical damage to human hearing begins at prolonged exposure to noise levels higher than 85 dBA. Exposure to high noise levels affects the entire system, with prolonged noise exposure in excess of 75 dBA increasing body tensions, thereby affecting blood pressure and functions of the heart and the nervous system. In comparison, extended periods of noise exposure above 90 dBA would result in permanent cell damage. When the noise level reaches 120 dBA, a tickling sensation occurs in the human ear, even with short-term exposure. This level of noise is called the threshold of feeling. As the sound reaches 140 dBA, the tickling sensation is replaced by the feeling of pain in the ear (the 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 4 threshold of pain). A sound level of 160–165 dBA will result in dizziness or loss of equilibrium. The ambient or background noise problem is widespread and generally more concentrated in urban areas than in outlying, less developed area. Table A lists definitions of acoustical terms, and Table B shows common sound levels and their sources. Table A: Definitions of Acoustical Terms Term Definitions Decibel, dB A unit of measurement that denotes the ratio between two quantities that are proportional to power; the number of decibels is 10 times the logarithm (to the base 10) of this ratio. Frequency, Hz Of a function periodic in time, the number of times that the quantity repeats itself in 1 second (i.e., number of cycles per second). A-Weighted Sound Level, dBA The sound level obtained by use of A-weighting. The A-weighting filter deemphasizes the very low- and very high-frequency components of the sound in a manner similar to the frequency response of the human ear and correlates well with subjective reactions to noise. (All sound levels in this report are A-weighted, unless reported otherwise.) L01, L10, L50, L90 The fast A-weighted noise levels that are equaled or exceeded by a fluctuating sound level 1%, 10%, 50%, and 90% of a stated time period. Equivalent Continuous Noise Level, Leq The level of a steady sound that, in a stated time period and at a stated location, has the same A-weighted sound energy as the time-varying sound. Community Noise Equivalent Level, CNEL The 24-hour A-weighted average sound level from midnight to midnight, obtained after the addition of 5 dBA to sound levels occurring in the evening from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM and after the addition of 10 dBA to sound levels occurring in the night between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Day/Night Noise Level, Ldn The 24-hour A-weighted average sound level from midnight to midnight, obtained after the addition of 10 dBA to sound levels occurring in the night between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Lmax, Lmin The maximum and minimum A-weighted sound levels measured on a sound level meter, during a designated time interval, using fast time averaging. Ambient Noise Level The all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment at a specified time; usually a composite of sound from many sources at many directions, near and far; no particular sound is dominant. Intrusive The noise that intrudes over and above the existing ambient noise at a given location. The relative intrusiveness of a sound depends upon its amplitude, duration, frequency, and time of occurrence and tonal or informational content, as well as the prevailing ambient noise level. Source: Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control (Harris 1991). 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 5 Table B: Common Sound Levels and Their Noise Sources Noise Source A-Weighted Sound Level in Decibels Noise Environments Subjective Evaluations Near Jet Engine 140 Deafening 128 times as loud Civil Defense Siren 130 Threshold of Pain 64 times as loud Hard Rock Band 120 Threshold of Feeling 32 times as loud Accelerating Motorcycle at a Few Feet Away 110 Very Loud 16 times as loud Pile Driver; Noisy Urban Street/Heavy City Traffic 100 Very Loud 8 times as loud Ambulance Siren; Food Blender 95 Very Loud — Garbage Disposal 90 Very Loud 4 times as loud Freight Cars; Living Room Music 85 Loud — Pneumatic Drill; Vacuum Cleaner 80 Loud 2 times as loud Busy Restaurant 75 Moderately Loud — Near Freeway Auto Traffic 70 Moderately Loud — Average Office 60 Quiet One-half as loud Suburban Street 55 Quiet — Light Traffic; Soft Radio Music in Apartment 50 Quiet One-quarter as loud Large Transformer 45 Quiet — Average Residence without Stereo Playing 40 Faint One-eighth as loud Soft Whisper 30 Faint — Rustling Leaves 20 Very Faint — Human Breathing 10 Very Faint Threshold of Hearing — 0 Very Faint — Source: Compiled by LSA (2015). FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION Vibration refers to ground-borne noise and perceptible motion. Ground-borne vibration is almost exclusively a concern inside buildings and is rarely perceived as a problem outdoors, where the motion may be discernible, but without the effects associated with the shaking of a building there is less adverse reaction. Vibration energy propagates from a source through intervening soil and rock layers to the foundations of nearby buildings. The vibration then propagates from the foundation throughout the remainder of the structure. Building vibration may be perceived by occupants as the motion of building surfaces, the rattling of items on shelves or hanging on walls, or a low-frequency rumbling noise. The rumbling noise is caused by the vibration of walls, floors, and ceilings that radiate sound waves. Annoyance from vibration often occurs when the vibration exceeds the threshold of perception by 10 vibration velocity decibels (VdB) or less. This is an order of magnitude below the damage threshold for normal buildings. Typical sources of ground-borne vibration are construction activities (e.g., blasting, pile driving, and operating heavy-duty earthmoving equipment), steel-wheeled trains, and occasional traffic on rough roads. Ground-borne vibration and noise from these sources are usually localized to areas within approximately 100 ft from the vibration source, although there are examples of ground-borne vibration causing interference out to distances greater than 200 ft (see the Federal Transit Administration’s [FTA] 2018 Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual). When roadways are smooth, vibration from traffic, even heavy trucks, is rarely perceptible. It is assumed for most projects that the roadway surface will be 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 6 smooth enough that ground-borne vibration from street traffic will not exceed the impact criteria; however, both construction of a project and freight train operations on railroad tracks could result in ground-borne vibration that may be perceptible and annoying. Ground-borne noise is not likely to be a problem because noise arriving via the normal airborne path will usually be greater than ground-borne noise. Ground-borne vibration has the potential to disturb people and damage buildings. Although it is very rare for train-induced ground-borne vibration to cause cosmetic building damage, it is not uncommon for heavy duty construction processes (e.g., blasting and pile driving) to cause vibration of sufficient amplitudes to damage nearby buildings (FTA 2018). Ground-borne vibration is usually measured in terms of vibration velocity, either the root- mean-square (RMS) velocity or peak particle velocity (PPV). The RMS is best for characterizing human response to building vibration, and PPV is used to characterize potential for damage. Decibel notation acts to compress the range of numbers required to describe vibration. Vibration velocity level in decibels is defined as: Lv = 20 log10 [V/Vref] where Lv is the VdB, “V” is the RMS velocity amplitude, and “Vref” is the reference velocity amplitude, or 1 × 10-6 inches/second (in/sec) used in the United States. REGULATORY SETTING Federal Regulations Federal Transit Administration Vibration standards included in the FTA’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (2018) are used in this analysis for ground-borne vibration impacts on human annoyance. Table C provides the criteria for assessing the potential for interference or annoyance from vibration levels in a building. The criteria for environmental impact from ground-borne vibration and noise are based on the maximum levels for a single event. Table D lists the potential vibration building damage criteria associated with construction activities, as suggested in the FTA’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (2018). These FTA guidelines show that a vibration level of up to 0.5 PPV (in/sec) [FTA 2018] is considered safe for buildings consisting of reinforced concrete, steel, or timber (no plaster), and would not result in any construction vibration damage. For non-engineered timber and masonry buildings, the construction building vibration damage criterion is 0.2 PPV (in/sec). For buildings extremely susceptible to vibration damage, the construction building vibration damage criterion is 0.12 PPV (in/sec). 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 7 Table C: Interpretation of Vibration Criteria for Detailed Analysis Land Use Maximum Lv (VdB)1 Description of Use Workshop 90 Vibration that is distinctly felt. Appropriate for workshops and similar areas not as sensitive to vibration. Office 84 Vibration that can be felt. Appropriate for offices and similar areas not as sensitive to vibration. Residential Day 78 Vibration that is barely felt. Adequate for computer equipment and low-power optical microscopes (up to 20×). Residential Night and Operating Rooms 72 Vibration is not felt, but ground-borne noise may be audible inside quiet rooms. Suitable for medium-power microscopes (100×) and other equipment of low sensitivity. Source: Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (FTA 2018). 1 As measured in ⅓-octave bands of frequency over the frequency range 8 to 80 Hertz. FTA = Federal Transit Administration LV = velocity in decibels VdB = vibration velocity decibels Table D: Construction Vibration Damage Criteria Building Category PPV (in/sec) Approximate LV (VdB)1 Reinforced concrete, steel, or timber (no plaster) 0.50 102 Engineered concrete and masonry (no plaster) 0.30 98 Non-engineered timber and masonry buildings 0.20 94 Buildings extremely susceptible to vibration damage 0.12 90 Source: Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (FTA 2018). 1 RMS vibration velocity in decibels (VdB) re 1 µin/sec. µin/sec = microinches per second FTA = Federal Transit Administration in/sec = inches per second LV = velocity in decibels PPV = peak particle velocity VdB = vibration velocity decibels RMS = root-mean-square Local Regulations City of Fontana Noise Element of the General Plan. The Noise Element of the City’s General Plan lists the policies and actions required to meet the City’s noise-related goals. The following lists the applicable goals, policies, and actions for the proposed project. • Goal 3. Fontana’s residents are protected from negative effects of “spillover” noise. o Policy: Residential land uses and areas identified as noise-sensitive shall be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including industrial, commercial, and residential activities and equipment. o Actions: ■ Projects located in commercial areas shall not exceed stationary source noise standards at the property line of proximate residential or commercial uses. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 8 ■ Industrial uses shall not exceed commercial or residential stationary source noise standards at the most proximate land uses. ■ Non-transportation noise shall be considered in land use planning decisions. ■ Construction shall be performed as quietly as feasible when performed in proximity to residential or other noise-sensitive land uses. To achieve Goal 3, the proposed project was assessed based on the requirements and noise standards in the City’s Municipal Code, discussed below. Municipal Code. Section 30-543(a) of the City’s Municipal Code has established daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) exterior noise standards of 70 dBA and 65 dBA, respectively, for residential-zoned property from industrial-zoned uses. Similar to Section 30-543(a) as discussed above, Section 30-543(c) of the City’s Municipal Code was used to evaluate potential vibration impacts from project operations. This code section limits operational vibration levels that create or cause to create any activity that causes a vibration that can be felt beyond the property line with or without the aid of an instrument. Because the City does not specify the vibration level that can be felt, this analysis uses a vibration perception threshold of 65 VdB from the Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (FTA 2018). In addition, Section 18-63(b) of the City’s Municipal Code states: Noises that are loud, excessive, impulsive, or intrusive sound or noise that annoys or disturbs persons of ordinary sensibilities from a distance of 50 ft or more from the edge of the property, structure, or unit in which the source is located, are declared to be in violation of this article, but such enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive. Applicable noises that are prohibited under this section include the following: • Loading, Unloading or Opening Boxes: The creation of a loud, excessive, impulsive or intrusive and excessive noise in connection with loading or unloading of any vehicle or the opening and destruction of bales, boxes, crates and containers. • Construction or Repairing of Buildings or Structures: The erection (including excavating), demolition, alteration or repair of any building or structure other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, except in case of urgent necessity in the interest of public health and safety, and then only with a permit from the building inspector, which permit may be granted for a period not to exceed three days or less while the emergency continues and which permit may be renewed for periods of three days or less while the emergency continues. If the building inspector should determine that the public health and safety will not be impaired by the erection, demolition, alteration or repair of any building or structure or the excavation of streets and highways within the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., and if he shall further determine that loss or inconvenience 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 9 would result to any party in interest, he may grant permission for such work to be done on weekdays within the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., upon application being made at the time the permit for the work is awarded or during the progress of the work. County of San Bernardino County Development Code. Section 83.01.080(c) of the County of San Bernardino (County) Development Code establishes the noise standards for stationary noise sources that affect adjacent properties. Table E provides the County’s noise standards based on the affected land use and the time period. The noise metric used for stationary sources is defined as noise levels that cannot be exceeded for certain percentages of time, or Ln. In addition, Section 83.01.080(d) of the County Development Code establishes interior and exterior noise standards for mobile noise sources for various land use categories. Table F provides the County’s interior and exterior noise standards for each land use category. Section 83.01.080(g)(3) of the County Code limits temporary construction, maintenance, repair, or demolition activities to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., except on Sundays and federal holidays. Section 83.01.090 of the County Code requires that no ground vibration shall be allowed that can be felt without the aid of instruments at or beyond the lot line, nor shall any vibration be allowed which produces a particle velocity greater than or equal to two-tenths (0.2) in/sec measured at or beyond the lot line. In addition, vibration generated from temporary construction, maintenance, repair, or demolition activities between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. is exempt, except on Sundays and federal holidays. Table E: County of San Bernardino Stationary Noise Standards Affected Land Use (Receiving Noise) Time Period L50 (30 min) L25 (15 min) L8 (5 min) L2 (1 min) Lmax (Anytime) Residential 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 55 60 65 70 75 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 45 50 55 60 65 Professional Services Anytime 55 60 65 70 75 Other Commercial Anytime 60 65 70 75 80 Industrial Anytime 70 75 80 85 90 Source: County of San Bernardino, County Code (2020). Note: If the measured ambient level exceeds any of the first four noise limit categories above, the allowable noise exposure standard shall be increased to reflect the ambient noise level. If the ambient noise level exceeds the fifth noise limit category above, the maximum allowable noise level under this category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level. dBA = A-weighted decibel min = minutes L2 = The noise standard plus 15 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 1 minute in any hour. L8 = The noise standard plus 10 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 5 minutes in any hour. L25 = The noise standard plus 5 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 15 minutes in any hour. L50 = The noise standard plus up to 5 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in any hour. Lmax = The noise standard plus 20 dBA or the maximum measured ambient noise level for any period of time. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 10 Table F: County of San Bernardino Mobile Noise Standards Land Use dBA Ldn or CNEL Categories Uses Interior Exterior Residential Single and multi-family, duplex, mobile homes 45 60 Commercial Hotel, motel, transient housing 45 Commercial retail, bank, restaurant 50 N/A Office building, research and development, professional offices 45 65 Amphitheater, concert hall, auditorium, movie theater 45 N/A Institution/Public Hospital, nursing home, school classroom, religious institution, library 45 65 Open Space Park N/A 65 Source: County of San Bernardino, County Code (2020). 1 The indoor environment shall exclude bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, closets, and corridors. 2 The outdoor environment shall be limited to: hospital/office building patios, hotel and motel recreation areas, mobile home parks, multi-family private patios or balconies, park picnic areas, private yard of single-family dwellings, and school playgrounds. 3 An exterior noise level of up to 65 dBA (Ldn or CNEL) shall be allowed provided exterior noise levels have been substantially mitigated through a reasonable application of the best available noise reduction technology, and interior noise exposure does not exceed 45 dBA (Ldn or CNEL) with windows and doors closed. Requiring that windows and doors remain closed to achieve an acceptable interior noise level shall necessitate the use of air conditioning or mechanical ventilation. CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA = A-weighted decibel EXISTING SETTING Sensitive Land Uses in the Project Vicinity Existing land uses within the project area include residences, vacant land, and industrial uses. Single- family residences are immediately east of the project site across Tamarind Avenue and are located in the County of San Bernardino. The industrial uses are located north, south, and west of the project site in the City. Overview of the Existing Noise Environment The primary existing noise sources in the project area are transportation facilities. Traffic on Tamarind Avenue and other local streets contributes to the ambient noise levels in the project vicinity. Noise from motor vehicles is generated by engines, interaction between tires and the road, and vehicle exhaust systems. In addition, industrial activities contribute to the background ambient noise in the project vicinity. Ambient Noise Measurements Short-Term Noise Measurements Short-term (20-minute) noise level measurements were conducted on April 12, 2022, using Larson Davis Model 824 Type 1 sound level meter. Table G shows the results of the short-term noise level measurements along with a description of the measurement locations and noise sources that occurred during the measurement. As shown in Table G, the measured average noise levels in the project area range from 53.2 to 59.9 dBA Leq, and the instantaneous maximum noise level ranges between 68.5 and 76.0 dBA Lmax. Figure 3, Noise Monitoring Locations, shows the short-term monitoring location. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 11 Table G: Short-Term Ambient Noise Level Measurements Monitor No. Location Date Start Time Noise Level (dBA) Noise Source(s) Leq Lmax Lmin ST-1 1751 Tamarind Court. In the front yard. Approximately 38 ft from the Tamarind Avenue centerline. 4/12/22 11:38 a.m. 59.9 76.0 46.0 Traffic on Tamarind Avenue. ST-2 At the western end of the vacant lot north of the project site. Approximately 9 ft from the wall to the north and west. 4/12/22 12:14 p.m. 53.2 72.2 45.3 Faint traffic noise from Tamarind Avenue and faint warehouse noise. ST-3 10545 Production Avenue. Located at the southeast corner of warehouse in the parking lot. 4/12/22 12:38 p.m. 57.1 68.5 53.9 Freight trucks traveling along the private driveway. One or two trailers parked along the private driveway with refrigeration units in operation. Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). dBA = A-weighted decibel ft = foot/feet Leq = equivalent continuous sound level Lmax = maximum measured sound level Lmin = minimum measured sound level Long-Term Noise Measurements One long-term (24-hour) noise level measurement was conducted on April 12, 2022, using Larson Davis Spark 706RC dosimeters. Table H shows the hourly Leq, Lmax, and Lmin results from the long- term noise level measurement. Table I summarizes the results of the long-term noise level measurement along with a description of the measurement locations and noise sources that occurred during the measurement. As shown in Table I, the calculated CNEL level at LT-1 was 66.0 dBA. In addition, the daytime average noise levels ranged from 59.0 to 66.3 dBA Leq, (averaging 63.1 dBA Leq) and nighttime average noise levels ranged from 53.2 to 61.8 dBA Leq (averaging 58.2 dBA Leq). Also, the daytime maximum instantaneous noise level ranged from 77.9 to 90.0 dBA and the nighttime instantaneous noise level ranged from 71.7 to 80.3 dBA. Figure 3 shows the long-term monitoring locations. Existing Aircraft Noise Ontario International Airport and Flabob Airport are 9.0 miles west and 5.0 miles southeast of the project site, respectively. The Compatibility Policy Map: Noise Impact Zones from the LA/Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (City of Ontario 2011) shows that the project site is outside the 60 to 65 dBA CNEL noise contour. Also, the noise compatibility contours for the Flabob Airport in the Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission 2004) show that the project site is outside the 55 dBA CNEL noise contour. Although there are no private airstrips within 2 miles of the project site, the helipad for the Fontana Kaiser Permanente medical center has a heliport approximately 0.8 mile east of the project site. The use of this heliport is for infrequent emergencies and would not influence the noise environment at the project site. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 12 Table H: Long-Term (24-Hour) Noise Level Measurement Results at LT-1 Start Time Date Noise Level (dBA) Leq Lmax Lmin 1 11:00 AM 4/12/22 62.5 78.3 47.2 2 12:00 PM 4/12/22 63.3 81.9 46.2 3 1:00 PM 4/12/22 62.4 77.9 44.8 4 2:00 PM 4/12/22 64.0 80.0 44.9 5 3:00 PM 4/12/22 63.6 81.2 45.6 6 4:00 PM 4/12/22 64.5 79.7 44.4 7 5:00 PM 4/12/22 62.2 79.6 44.5 8 6:00 PM 4/12/22 61.9 80.9 47.0 9 7:00 PM 4/12/22 61.3 80.8 44.5 10 8:00 PM 4/12/22 60.3 81.9 43.9 11 9:00 PM 4/12/22 59.0 78.2 45.0 12 10:00 PM 4/12/22 57.6 79.3 43.9 13 11:00 PM 4/12/22 56.9 77.1 44.0 14 12:00 AM 4/13/22 54.7 75.0 43.9 15 1:00 AM 4/13/22 53.2 71.7 45.0 16 2:00 AM 4/13/22 57.3 79.3 48.2 17 3:00 AM 4/13/22 56.2 80.1 47.9 18 4:00 AM 4/13/22 57.8 77.3 49.9 19 5:00 AM 4/13/22 61.8 80.2 51.2 20 6:00 AM 4/13/22 61.0 80.3 52.3 21 7:00 AM 4/13/22 65.2 85.8 49.5 22 8:00 AM 4/13/22 66.3 90.0 46.3 23 9:00 AM 4/13/22 62.1 80.1 45.5 24 10:00 AM 4/13/22 61.6 81.1 45.5 Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). dBA = A-weighted decibel Leq = equivalent continuous sound level Lmax = maximum measured sound level Lmin = minimum measured sound level 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 13 Table I: Long-Term Ambient Noise Monitoring Results Monitor No. Location Noise Level (dBA) Noise Sources Daytime Nighttime CNEL Leq Lmax Leq Lmax LT-1 Northeastern corner of the project site. Approximately 38 ft from the Tamarind Avenue centerline. On a utility/light pole. 59.0–66.3 (63.1)1 77.9–90.0 53.2–61.8 (58.2)2 71.7–80.3 66 Traffic on Tamarind Avenue. Industrial activity. Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). Note: Long-term (24-hour) noise level measurements were conducted from April 12, 2022, to April 13, 2022. 1 Average daytime noise level. 2 Average Nighttime noise level. CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA = A-weighted decibels ft = foot/feet Leq = equivalent continuous sound level Lmax = maximum instantaneous noise level Existing Traffic Noise The guidelines included in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (1977; FHWA RD-77-108) were used to evaluate highway traffic-related noise conditions along roadway segments in the project vicinity. This model requires various parameters, including traffic volumes, vehicle mix, vehicle speed, and roadway geometry to compute typical equivalent noise levels during daytime, evening, and nighttime hours. The resultant noise levels are weighted and summed over 24-hour periods to determine the CNEL values. The existing (2022) average daily traffic (ADT) volumes were derived from the project’s Traffic Memorandum (LSA 2022) and traffic counts. The standard vehicle mix for southern California roadways was used for traffic on these roadway segments. Table J provides the existing traffic noise levels in the project vicinity. These noise levels represent the worst-case scenario, which assumes that no shielding is provided between the traffic and the location where the noise contours are drawn. Attachment C provides the specific assumptions used in developing these noise levels and model printouts. Table J shows that traffic noise levels along Tamarind Avenue and the Private Driveway are low, whereas traffic noise levels along Santa Ana Avenue are moderate and moderately high along Slover Avenue. Also, Table J shows that the 70 and 65 dBA CNEL impact zones along Tamarind Avenue and the Private Driveway are less than 50 ft from the roadway centerline while the 60 dBA CNEL impact zone extends up to 66 ft from the roadway centerline. The 70 dBA CNEL impact zone along Santa Ana Avenue is less than 50 ft from the roadway centerline while the 65 and 60 dBA CNEL impact zones extend up to 86 ft and 185 ft, respectively, from the roadway centerline. The 70, 65, and 60 dBA CNEL impact zones along Slover Avenue extend up to 82 ft, 171 ft, and 365 ft, respectively, from the roadway centerline. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 14 Table J: Existing (2022) Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment ADT Centerline to 70 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 65 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 60 dBA CNEL (ft) CNEL (dBA) 50 ft from Centerline of Outermost Lane Slover Avenue West of Private Driveway 16,250 82 171 365 70.7 Slover Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue 15,932 81 168 360 70.7 Slover Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue 15,463 80 165 353 70.5 Santa Ana Avenue West of Private Driveway 5,987 < 50 79 164 65.5 Santa Ana Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue 5,844 < 50 78 161 65.4 Santa Ana Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue 7,315 < 50 86 185 67.8 Private Driveway Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway 510 < 50 < 50 < 50 55.2 Private Driveway Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue 435 < 50 < 50 < 50 54.5 Tamarind Avenue Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway 1,969 < 50 < 50 66 61.1 Tamarind Avenue Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue 1,632 < 50 < 50 58 60.3 Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). Note: Traffic noise within 50 ft of the roadway centerline should be evaluated with site-specific information. ADT = average daily traffic CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA = A-weighted decibels ft = foot/feet IMPACTS Short-Term Construction Noise Impacts Two types of short-term noise impacts would occur during project construction. The first type would be from construction crew commutes and the transport of construction equipment and materials to the project site and would incrementally raise noise levels on roadways leading to the project site. The pieces of construction equipment for construction activities would move on site, would remain for the duration of each construction phase, and would not add to the daily traffic volume in the project vicinity. Although there would be a relatively high single-event noise exposure potential causing intermittent noise nuisance (passing trucks at 50 ft would generate up to a maximum of 84 dBA), the effect on longer-term ambient noise levels would be small because the number of daily construction-related vehicle trips is small compared to existing daily traffic volume on the Private Driveway, Tamarind Avenue, Santa Ana Avenue, and Slover Avenue. The building construction phase would generate the most trips of all the construction phases, at 222 trips per day based on the California Emissions Estimator Model (Version 2020.4.0). Roadways that would be used to access the project site are the Private Driveway, Tamarind Avenue, Slover Avenue, and Santa Ana Avenue. Based on Table J, the Private Driveway, Tamarind Avenue, Slover Avenue, and Santa Ana Avenue have estimated existing daily traffic volumes of 435, 1,632, 15,463, and 7,315, respectively, near the 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 15 project site. Based on the information above, construction-related traffic would increase noise by up to 1.8 dBA. A noise level increase of less than 3 dBA would not be perceptible to the human ear in an outdoor environment. Therefore, no short-term, construction-related impacts associated with worker commutes and transport of construction equipment and material to the project site would occur, and no noise reduction measures would be required. The second type of short-term noise impact is related noise generated from construction activities. The proposed project anticipates demolition, site preparation, grading, building construction, paving, and architectural coating phases of construction. Construction is performed in discrete steps, each of which has its own mix of equipment and, consequently, its own noise characteristics. These various sequential phases change the character of the noise generated on a project site. Therefore, the noise levels vary as construction progresses. Despite the variety in the type and size of construction equipment, similarities in the dominant noise sources and patterns of operation allow construction-related noise ranges to be categorized by work phase. Table K lists the Lmax recommended for noise impact assessments for typical construction equipment included in the FHWA Highway Construction Noise Handbook (FHWA 2006), based on a distance of 50 ft between the equipment and a noise receptor. Typical noise levels range up to 88 dBA Lmax at 50 ft during the noisiest construction phases. The demolition, site preparation, and grading phase tends to generate the highest noise levels because the noisiest construction equipment is earthmoving equipment. Earthmoving equipment includes excavating machinery such as backfillers, bulldozers, draglines, and front-end loaders. Earthmoving and compacting equipment includes compactors, scrapers, and graders. Project construction is expected to require the use of graders, bulldozers, and water trucks/pickup trucks. Noise associated with the use of each type of construction equipment for the site preparation phase is estimated to be between 55 dBA Lmax and 85 dBA Lmax at a distance of 50 ft from the active construction area. As shown in Table K, the maximum noise level generated by each grader is assumed to be approximately 85 dBA Lmax at 50 ft. Each bulldozer would generate approximately 85 dBA Lmax at 50 ft. The maximum noise level generated by water trucks/pickup trucks is approximately 55 dBA Lmax at 50 ft from these vehicles. Each doubling of the sound sources with equal strength increases the noise level by 3 dBA. Assuming that each piece of construction equipment operates at some distance from the other equipment, the worst-case combined noise level during this phase of construction would be 88 dBA Lmax at a distance of 50 ft from the active construction area. Based on a usage factor of 40 percent, the worst-case combined noise level during this phase of construction would be 84 dBA Leq at a distance of 50 ft from the active construction area. The closest residential property line is approximately 55 ft from the project construction boundary and may be subject to short-term construction noise reaching 87 dBA Lmax (83 dBA Leq) generated by construction activities in the project area. Ambient noise levels in the project vicinity range between 53.2 and 66.3 dBA Leq and 68.5 and 90.0 dBA Lmax based on short-term and long-term noise level measurements shown in Tables G and I. Although the noise generated by project construction activities would be higher than the ambient noise levels and may result in a temporary increase in the ambient noise levels, construction noise would stop once project construction is completed. The project would be required to comply with the construction hours allowed under the City’s Municipal 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 16 Table K: Typical Construction Equipment Noise Levels Equipment Description Acoustical Usage Factor1 (%) Maximum Noise Level (Lmax) at 50 ft2 Backhoe 40 80 Compactor (ground) 20 80 Compressor 40 80 Crane 16 85 Dozer 40 85 Dump Truck 40 84 Excavator 40 85 Flatbed Truck 40 84 Forklift 20 85 Front-End Loader 40 80 Grader 40 85 Impact Pile Driver 20 95 Jackhammer 20 85 Pavement Scarifier 20 85 Paver 50 85 Pickup Truck 40 55 Pneumatic Tools 50 85 Pump 50 77 Rock Drill 20 85 Roller 20 85 Scraper 40 85 Tractor 40 84 Welder 40 73 Source: Table 9.1, FHWA Highway Construction Noise Handbook (FHWA 2006). Note: The noise levels reported in this table are rounded to the nearest whole number. 1 Usage factor is the percentage of time during a construction noise operation that a piece of construction equipment is operating at full power. 2 Maximum noise levels were developed based on Specification 721.560 from the CA/T program to be consistent with the City of Boston, Massachusetts, Noise Code for the “Big Dig” project. CA/T = Central Artery/Tunnel FHWA = Federal Highway Administration ft – foot/feet Lmax = maximum instantaneous noise level Code Noise Ordinance, the San Bernardino County Code, and the best construction practices listed below would minimize construction noise: • The construction contractor shall limit construction activities to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays pursuant to Section 18-63(b)(7) of the City’s Municipal Code (City of Fontana 2021) and Section 83.01.080(g)(3) of the County Code. Construction is prohibited outside these hours and on Sundays and federal holidays. • During all project site excavation and grading, the project contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers’ standards. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 17 • The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction. • The construction contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that the emitted noise is directed away from the sensitive receptors nearest the project site. Therefore, no noise impacts from construction activities would occur. No noise reduction measures are required. Short-Term Construction Vibration Impacts This construction vibration impact analysis discusses the level of human annoyance using vibration levels in VdB and assesses the potential for building damage using vibration levels in PPV (in/sec). Vibration levels calculated in RMS are best for characterizing human response to building vibration, whereas vibration levels in PPV are best for characterizing damage potential. As shown previously in Table D, the FTA guidelines indicate that a vibration level up to 0.5 PPV (in/sec) is considered safe for buildings consisting of reinforced concrete, steel, or timber (no plaster), and would not result in any construction vibration damage (FTA 2018). For a non-engineered timber and masonry building, the construction vibration damage criterion is 0.2 PPV (in/sec). For buildings extremely susceptible to vibration damage, the construction vibration damage criterion is 0.12 PPV (in/sec). Table L shows the reference vibration levels at a distance of 25 ft for each type of standard construction equipment from the FTA’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (2018). Outdoor demolition, site preparation, and grading for the proposed project would require the use of a large bulldozer, loaded trucks, and jackhammers, which would generate ground-borne vibration of up to 87 VdB (0.089 PPV [in/sec]), 86 VdB (0.076 PPV [in/sec]), and 79 VdB (0.035 PPV [in/sec]), respectively, when measured at 25 ft. Table L: Vibration Source Amplitudes for Construction Equipment Equipment Reference PPV/LV at 25 ft PPV (in/sec) LV (VdB)1 Pile Driver (Impact), Typical 0.644 104 Pile Driver (Sonic), Typical 0.170 93 Vibratory Roller 0.210 94 Hoe Ram 0.089 87 Large Bulldozer2 0.089 87 Caisson Drilling 0.089 87 Loaded Trucks2 0.076 86 Jackhammer2 0.035 79 Small Bulldozer 0.003 58 Sources: Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (FTA 2018), Table 7-4. 1 RMS vibration velocity in decibels (VdB) is 1 µin/sec. 2 Equipment shown in bold is expected to be used on site. 3 Rubber-tire bulldozer. µin/sec = micro-inches per second ft = foot/feet FTA = Federal Transit Administration in/sec = inches per second LV = velocity in decibels PPV = peak particle velocity RMS = root-mean-square VdB = vibration velocity decibels 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 18 The formulas for vibration transmission are provided below. LvdB (D) = LvdB (25 ft) – 30 Log (D/25) PPVequip = PPVref × (25/D)1.5 The greatest vibration levels are anticipated to occur during the demolition, site preparation, and grading phases. All other phases are expected to result in lower vibration levels. The distance to the nearest buildings for vibration impact analysis is measured between the nearest off-site buildings and the project boundary (assuming the construction equipment would be used at or near the project boundary), because vibration impacts normally occur within the buildings. Table M lists the projected vibration levels from various construction equipment expected to be used on the project site to the closest buildings in the project vicinity. As shown in Table M, the closest residential and industrial buildings are approximately 80 ft east and 55 ft north of the project construction boundary and would experience vibration levels of up to 72 VdB (0.016 PPV [in/sec]) and 77 VdB (0.027 PPV [in/sec]), respectively. These vibration levels would not have the potential to result in community annoyance because vibration levels would exceed the FTA’s community annoyance threshold of 84 VdB for industrial buildings as they are not as sensitive to vibration and 78 VdB for daytime residences. In addition, these vibration levels would not have to potential to cause building damage because the industrial building structures would be constructed equivalent to reinforced concrete, steel, or timber (no plaster), and vibration levels would not exceed the FTA vibration damage threshold of 0.5 PPV (in/sec). Also, residential building structures would be constructed equivalent to non-engineered timber and masonry and vibration levels would not exceed the FTA vibration damage threshold of 0.2 PPV (in/sec). Other nearby building structures surrounding the project site would not result in annoyance or building damage because they are farther away and would experience lower vibration levels. The policy to restrict construction activities to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays consists of times that the City considers vibration “an acceptable intrusion of the ambient noise within that project area.”1 Similarly, vibration generated from temporary construction activities at buildings located within San Bernardino County during the allowable hours are exempt. Therefore, no vibration impacts from project construction activities would occur upon compliance with the City and County policies. No vibration reduction measures are required. Long-Term Aircraft Noise Impacts As discussed above, the Ontario International Airport and Flabob Airport are 9.0 miles west and 5.0 miles southeast of the project site, respectively. The Compatibility Policy Map: Noise Impact Zones from the LA/Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (City of Ontario 2011) shows that the project site is outside of the 60 to 65 dBA CNEL noise contour. Also, the noise compatibility 1 City of Fontana. 2018a. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015–2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. Page 5.10-7. June 8. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 19 Table M: Summary of Construction Vibration Levels Land Use Direction Equipment/ Activity Reference Vibration Level at 25 ft Distance to Structure (ft) Maximum Vibration Level VdB PPV (in/sec) VdB PPV (in/sec) Industrial North Large Bulldozer 87 0.089 90 70 0.013 Loaded Truck 86 0.076 90 69 0.011 Jackhammer 79 0.035 90 62 0.005 Residence East Large Bulldozer 87 0.089 80 72 0.016 Loaded Truck 86 0.076 80 71 0.013 Jackhammer 79 0.035 80 64 0.006 Industrial South Large Bulldozer 87 0.089 55 77 0.027 Loaded Truck 86 0.076 55 76 0.023 Jackhammer 79 0.035 55 69 0.011 Residence South Large Bulldozer 87 0.089 370 52 0.002 Loaded Truck 86 0.076 370 51 0.001 Jackhammer 79 0.035 370 44 0.001 Industrial West Large Bulldozer 87 0.089 130 66 0.008 Loaded Truck 86 0.076 130 65 0.006 Jackhammer 79 0.035 130 58 0.003 Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). Note: The FTA-recommended building damage threshold is 94 VdB (0.2 PPV [in/sec]) at the receiving residential and church building structure. The FTA-recommended building damage threshold is 102 VdB (0.5 PPV [in/sec]) at the receiving industrial building structure. 1 Based on the information provided by the project applicant and construction contractor, loaded trucks would be limited to certain areas on the project site and would not operate within 15 ft from the project construction boundary. ft = foot/feet FTA = Federal Transit Administration in/sec = inches per second PPV = peak particle velocity VdB = vibration velocity decibels contours for Flabob Airport in the Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission 2004) show that the project site is outside of the 55 dBA CNEL noise contour. Although there are no private airstrips within 2 miles of the project site, the helipad for the Fontana Kaiser Permanente medical center has a heliport approximately 0.8 mile east of the project site. The usage of this heliport would be infrequent and would not influence the noise environment at the project site. Therefore, the project would not expose people working in the project area to excessive noise levels. Long-Term Traffic Noise Impacts The guidelines included in the FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (1977; FHWA RD-77- 108) were used to evaluate highway traffic-related noise conditions along roadway segments in the project vicinity. This model requires various parameters, including traffic volumes, vehicle mix, vehicle speed, and roadway geometry to compute typical equivalent noise levels during daytime, evening, and nighttime hours. The resultant noise levels are weighted and summed over 24-hour periods to determine the CNEL values. The existing (2022) ADT volumes were derived from the project’s Traffic Memorandum (LSA 2022) and traffic counts. The standard vehicle mix for Southern California roadways was used for traffic on these roadway segments under the without project scenario. Under the with project scenario, the vehicle mix was adjusted based on the project’s vehicle mix. Two traffic alternatives were evaluated for project-related traffic accessing the project 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 20 site through the Private Driveway or Tamarind Avenue. Table N shows the existing (2022) traffic noise levels without and with the project under the Private Driveway Alternative along roadways in the project vicinity. Table O shows the existing (2022) traffic noise levels without and with the project under the Tamarind Avenue Alternative along roadways in the project vicinity. These noise levels represent the worst-case scenario, which assumes that no shielding is provided between the traffic and the location where the noise contours are drawn. Attachment C provides the specific assumptions used in developing these noise levels and model printouts. Also, Tables N and O show that the project-related traffic would increase noise by up to 1.8 dBA under the Private Driveway Alternative and 0.5 dBA under the Tamarind Avenue Alternative. Noise level increases less than 3 dBA would not be perceptible to the human ear in an outdoor environment. Therefore, no traffic noise impacts from project-related traffic on off-site sensitive receptors would occur. No noise reduction measures are required. Long-Term Stationary Noise Impacts Delivery trucks/truck loading and unloading activities, parking activities, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment associated with the project would potentially affect the existing off-site sensitive land uses. The following provides a detailed noise analysis and discussion of each stationary noise source. Truck Delivery and Truck Loading and Unloading Activities Truck delivery and truck loading/unloading activities for the proposed project would occur on the south side of the proposed warehouse building, as Figure 2 shows. These activities would take place during both daytime and nighttime hours. Noise levels generated from these activities include truck movement, docking at loading dock doors, backup alarms, air brakes, idling, and loading and unloading activities. These activities would result in a maximum noise level similar to noise readings from truck delivery and truck loading and unloading activities for other projects, which would generate a noise level of 75 dBA Lmax at 50 ft. Although a typical truck-unloading process takes an average of 15–20 minutes, this maximum noise level occurs in a much shorter period of time (less than 5 minutes). Also, it is estimated that there would be a maximum of four delivery trucks per hour and that each truck would generate the maximum noise level for a cumulative period of 5 minutes, which would result in a cumulative period of 20 minutes in any hour. Based on the assumptions above, truck delivery and truck loading and unloading activities would generate a noise level of 70.2 dBA Leq at 50 ft. The closest residential property line area to the project’s truck delivery and truck loading/unloading activities is approximately 365 ft east of the project site. The proposed 8 ft and 13 ft high screen walls along the eastern perimeter of the truck docking area would provide a minimum noise reduction of 5 dBA for the residences east of the project site. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 21 Table N: Existing Traffic Noise Levels Without and With Project (Private Driveway Alternative) Roadway Segment Without Project Traffic Conditions With Project Traffic Conditions ADT Centerline to 70 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 65 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 60 dBA CNEL (ft) CNEL (dBA) 50 ft from Centerline of Outermost Lane ADT Centerline to 70 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 65 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 60 dBA CNEL (ft) CNEL (dBA) 50 ft from Centerline of Outermost Lane Increase from Without Project Conditions (dBA) Slover Avenue west of Private Driveway 16,250 82 171 365 70.7 16,326 83 173 369 70.8 0.1 Slover Avenue between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue 15,932 81 168 360 70.7 15,971 81 169 362 70.7 0 Slover Avenue east of Tamarind Avenue 15,463 80 165 353 70.5 15,470 80 165 353 70.5 0 Santa Ana Avenue west of Private Driveway 5,987 < 50 79 164 65.5 6,001 < 50 80 165 65.5 0 Santa Ana Avenue between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue 5,844 < 50 78 161 65.4 5,851 < 50 78 161 65.4 0 Santa Ana Avenue east of Tamarind Avenue 7,315 < 50 86 185 67.8 7,322 < 50 86 185 67.8 0 Private Driveway between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway 510 < 50 < 50 < 50 55.2 549 < 50 < 50 < 50 57 1.8 Private Driveway between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue 435 < 50 < 50 < 50 54.5 442 < 50 < 50 < 50 54.6 0.1 Tamarind Avenue between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway 1,969 < 50 < 50 66 61.1 2,015 < 50 < 50 68 61.3 0.2 Tamarind Avenue between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue 1,632 < 50 < 50 58 60.3 1,646 < 50 < 50 62 60.6 0.3 Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). ADT = average daily traffic CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA = A-weighted decibels ft = foot/feet 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 22 Table O: Existing Traffic Noise Levels Without and With Project (Tamarind Avenue Alternative) Roadway Segment Without Project Traffic Conditions With Project Traffic Conditions ADT Centerline to 70 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 65 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 60 dBA CNEL (ft) CNEL (dBA) 50 ft from Centerline of Outermost Lane ADT Centerline to 70 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 65 dBA CNEL (ft) Centerline to 60 dBA CNEL (ft) CNEL (dBA) 50 ft from Centerline of Outermost Lane Increase from Without Project Conditions (dBA) Slover Avenue west of Private Driveway 16,250 82 171 365 70.7 16,326 83 172 368 70.8 0.1 Slover Avenue between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue 15,932 81 168 360 70.7 15,986 82 171 365 70.7 0.0 Slover Avenue east of Tamarind Avenue 15,463 80 165 353 70.5 15,470 80 165 353 70.5 0.0 Santa Ana Avenue west of Private Driveway 5,987 < 50 79 164 65.5 6,001 < 50 80 166 65.6 0.1 Santa Ana Avenue between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue 5,844 < 50 78 161 65.4 5,851 < 50 79 164 65.5 0.1 Santa Ana Avenue east of Tamarind Avenue 7,315 < 50 86 185 67.8 7,322 < 50 86 185 67.8 0.0 Private Driveway between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway 510 < 50 < 50 < 50 55.2 532 < 50 < 50 < 50 55.4 0.2 Private Driveway between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue 435 < 50 < 50 < 50 54.5 442 < 50 < 50 < 50 54.6 0.1 Tamarind Avenue between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway 1,969 < 50 < 50 66 61.1 2,030 < 50 < 50 71 61.6 0.5 Tamarind Avenue between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue 1,632 < 50 < 50 58 60.3 1,646 < 50 < 50 59 60.3 0.0 Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). ADT = average daily traffic CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA = A-weighted decibels ft = foot/feet 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 23 Parking Lot Activity The proposed project would include surface parking for automobiles east of the project and five truck parking spaces inside the truck docking area south of the proposed warehouse building. Noise generated from parking lot activities would include noise generated by vehicles traveling at slow speeds, engine start-up noise, car door slams, car horns, car alarms, and tire squeals. Representative parking activities would generate approximately 60 to 70 dBA Lmax at 50 ft. It is assumed that parking activities for automobiles and trucks would generate the maximum noise level for a cumulative period of 5 minutes in any hour, which would be 59.2 dBA Leq at 50 ft. For automobile parking activities, the closest residential property line is approximately 75 ft east of the project site. For truck parking activities, the closest residential property line is approximately 235 ft east of the project site. The proposed 8 ft and 13 ft high screen walls along the eastern perimeter of the truck docking area would provide a minimum noise reduction of 5 dBA for the residence east of the project site. HVAC Equipment The proposed project would include up to two rooftop HVAC units with parapets. The HVAC equipment could operate 24 hours per day. Each rooftop HVAC unit would generate a noise level of 66.6 dBA Leq at a distance of 5 ft. A total of two HVAC units operating simultaneously would generate a noise level of 69.6 dBA Leq at a distance of 5 ft. At a distance of 50 ft, HVAC noise levels would be 49.6 dBA Leq. The closest residential use area to the proposed rooftop HVAC equipment is approximately 365 ft east of the project site. The rooftop HVAC equipment would be shielded by the roofline and parapet, which would provide a minimum noise reduction of 8 dBA. Stationary Noise Impacts Summary Table P shows the individual stationary noise source from delivery and truck loading and unloading activities, automobile parking activities, truck parking activities, and rooftop HVAC equipment at the closest residential property line east of the project site as well as the distance attenuation, noise reduction from shielding, and the combined stationary noise level. As shown in Table P, noise levels generated at the closest residential property line east of the project site in San Bernardino County from project operations would reach up to a maximum noise level of 66.5 dBA and a combined stationary noise level of 56.5 dBA Leq. The maximum noise level of 66.5 dBA would not exceed the County’s daytime anytime noise standard of 75 dBA Lmax. Although the County’s nighttime anytime noise standard of 65 dBA Lmax would be exceeded, the measured maximum instantaneous noise level of 80.3 dBA Lmax is higher than what the project would generate. The combined stationary noise level of 56.5 dBA Leq would exceed the County’s daytime and nighttime 30-minute (L50) noise standards of 55 dBA and 45 dBA. However, the measured average daytime and nighttime ambient noise levels at the closest residence are higher than the County’s noise standards based on LT-1, with an average daytime and nighttime ambient noise level of 63.1 dBA Leq and 58.2 dBA Leq, respectively. Noise levels at LT-1 would be representative of the noise levels at the closest residence east of the project site based on distance from the Tamarind Avenue centerline. Based on the above, the measured average daytime and nighttime ambient noise level would be the new noise standard, which would not be exceeded. Also, the increase in ambient noise 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 24 Table P: Stationary Noise Levels Land Use Direction Noise Source Reference Noise Level at 50 ft (dBA) Distance from Source to Receptor (ft) Distance Attenuation (dBA) Shielding (dBA) Noise Level (dBA Leq) Combined Noise Level (dBA Leq) Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Residential East Truck Delivery1 70.2 75 365 17.3 52 47.9 52.7 56.5 Auto Parking Activities 59.2 70 75 3.5 0 55.7 66.5 Truck Parking Activities 59.2 70 235 13.4 5 40.8 51.6 HVAC 49.6 -- 365 18.8 83 24.3 -- Source: Compiled by LSA (2022). 1 Truck delivery and truck loading and unloading activities. 2 The proposed 8 ft and 13 ft high screen wall along the eastern perimeter of the truck docking area would provide a minimum noise reduction of 5 dBA. 3 The parapet and roofline would provide a minimum noise reduction of 8 dBA. dBA = A-weighted decibels ft = foot/feet HVAC = heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Leq = equivalent continuous sound level 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 25 levels would reach up to 0.9 dBA during daytime hours and 2.2 dBA during nighttime hours. A noise level increase of less than 3 dBA would not be perceptible to the human ear in an outdoor environment. In addition, the combined stationary noise level at residences in Fontana would be lower than 56.5 dBA Leq because they are farther away and/or would be shielded by existing intervening buildings. Therefore, noise levels generated from project operations would not exceed the City’s exterior daytime and nighttime noise standards of 70 dBA and 65 dBA, respectively, for residential uses. No noise impacts from project operations would occur and no noise reduction measures are required. Long-Term Vibration Impacts The proposed project would not generate vibration. In addition, vibration levels generated from project-related traffic on the adjacent roadways (the Private Driveway, Tamarind Avenue, Slover Avenue, and Santa Ana Avenue) are unusual for on-road vehicles because the rubber tires and suspension systems of on-road vehicles provide vibration isolation. Therefore, no vibration impacts from project-related operations would occur, and no vibration reduction measures are required. BEST CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES The following best construction practices would minimize construction noise: • The construction contractor shall limit construction activities to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays pursuant to Section 18-63(b)(7) of the City’s Municipal Code (City of Fontana 2021) and Section 83.01.080(g)(3) of the County Code. Construction is prohibited outside these hours and on Sundays and federal holidays. • During all project site excavation and grading, the project contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers’ standards. The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction. • The construction contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that the emitted noise is directed away from the sensitive receptors nearest the project site. REDUCTION MEASURES Short-Term Construction Noise Impacts No noise reduction measures are required. Short-Term Construction Vibration Impacts No vibration reduction measures are required. Aircraft Noise Impacts No noise reduction measures are required. 5/9/22 «P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx» 26 Traffic Noise Impacts No noise reduction measures are required. Long-Term Stationary Noise Impacts No noise reduction measures are required. Long-Term Vibration Impacts No vibration reduction measures are required. ATTACHMENTS A: References B: Figures C: FHWA Traffic Noise Model Printouts A-1 NOISE AND VIBRATION IMPACT ANALYSIS MAY 2022 FIRST TAMARIND II LOGISTICS PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx (05/09/22) ATTACHMENT A REFERENCES City of Fontana. 2018a. Fontana Forward General Plan Update 2015-2035. Draft Environmental Impact Report. SCH #2016021099. June 8. _____. 2018b. General Plan Update 2015–2035, Noise Element. November 13. _____. 2021. Municipal Code. September 13. City of Ontario. 2011. LA/Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. April 19. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 1977. Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model, FHWA RD 77 108. _____. 2006. Highway Construction Noise Handbook. Roadway Construction Noise Model, FHWA- HEP-06-015. DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-06-02. NTIS No. PB2006-109012. August. Federal Transit Administration (FTA). 2018. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. FTA Report No. 0123. September. Website: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/ files/docs/research-innovation/118131/transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment- manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf (accessed April 2022). Harris, Cyril M., editor. 1991. Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control. Third Edition. LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA). 2022. First Tamarind II Logistics Project Traffic Memorandum. April 6. Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. 2004. Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, October 14. Website: http://www.rcaluc.org/Plans/New-Compatibility- Plan (accessed April 2022). NOISE AND VIBRATION IMPACT ANALYSIS MAY 2022 FIRST TAMARIND II LOGISTICS PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx «05/09/22» ATTACHMENT B FIGURES Figure 1: Regional and Project Location Figure 2: Site Plan Figure 3: Noise Monitoring Locations Project Location SanBernardinoCounty RiversideCounty ÃÃ330 ÃÃ71 ÃÃ173 ÃÃ18 ÃÃ210 ÃÃ60 ÃÃ91 Project Location §¨¦15 §¨¦215 §¨¦10 SOURCE: Bing (2021)I:\FRT2202\GIS\MXD\Noise\RegProjLoc_Noise.mxd (4/22/2022) FIGURE 1 First Tamarind II LogisticsRegional and Project Location Project Vicinity 0 1000 2000 FEET LEGEND Project Location SOURCE: Herdman Architecture + Design; (4/12/22)NFEETExisƟng Screen Wall (protect in place) 20010FIGURE 2Site PlanLEGENDFirst Tamarind II LogisƟcs  *$7(                        '5,9(  352326('%8,/',1*6)35,9$7('5,9(7$0$5,1''5,9('2&.+,'22566)2)),&(6)0(==    0,1   0,1            0,1    $B$B$B$B$B$B$B127$3$573527(&7,13/$&((;,67,1*6&5((1:$//3527(&7,13/$&((;,67,1*6&5((1:$//                $B$B$B$BProposed 8 Ō High Screen WallProposed 13 Ō High Screen WallProposed 8 Ō High Tubular Steel FenceI:\FRT2202\G\Site_Plan.ai (4/22/22) SOURCE: Google Earth 2022FEET2001000FIGURE3Noise Monitoring LocationsI:\FRT2202\G\Noise_Locs.ai (4/22/2022)First Tamarind II LogisƟcsShort-term Noise Monitoring LocationProject LocationLong-term Noise Monitoring LocationLEGENDST-1ST-1ST-1LT-1LT-1LT-1LT-1LT-1LT-1ST-1ST-1ST-1ST-2ST-2ST-2ST-3ST-3ST-3Slover AveSlover AveSlover AveTamarind AveTamarind AveTamarind Ave NOISE AND VIBRATION IMPACT ANALYSIS MAY 2022 FIRST TAMARIND II LOGISTICS PROJECT FONTANA, CALIFORNIA P:\FRT2202_First Tamarind II CatEx\Technical Studies\Noise\Report\Noise Memo_20220506.docx «05/09/22» ATTACHMENT C FHWA HIGHWAY TRAFFIC NOISE MODEL PRINTOUTS TABLE Existing No Project-01 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 16250 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.74 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 82.0 170.7 364.8 784.4 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-02 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15932 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.66 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 81.1 168.5 360.0 774.1 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-03 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15463 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.53 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 79.6 165.2 353.0 758.9 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-04 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 5987 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.46 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 78.8 163.5 349.3 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-05 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 5844 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.36 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 77.7 161.0 343.7 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-06 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 7315 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 67.83 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 86.2 185.3 399.0 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-07 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 510 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 55.21 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.8 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-08 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 435 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 54.52 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.1 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-09 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 1969 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 61.08 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 66.0 141.6 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-10 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 1632 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 60.26 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 58.3 125.0 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-01 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 16326 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.36 1.59 0.77 M-TRUCKS 12.55 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.32 0.20 0.10 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.82 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 83.0 172.7 369.2 793.9 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-02 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15971 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.43 1.58 0.71 M-TRUCKS 12.56 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.33 0.19 0.09 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.69 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 81.5 169.4 362.0 778.5 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-03 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15470 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.53 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 79.6 165.3 353.1 759.1 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-04 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 6001 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.52 1.55 0.63 M-TRUCKS 12.58 0.08 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.33 0.18 0.11 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.53 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 79.7 165.4 353.3 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-05 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 5851 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.36 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 77.8 161.1 344.0 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-06 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 7322 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 67.84 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 86.3 185.4 399.3 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-07 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 549 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 73.22 2.00 2.55 M-TRUCKS 12.20 0.01 0.01 H-TRUCKS 9.11 0.18 0.72 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 56.98 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 75.6 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-08 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 442 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 54.59 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.6 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-09 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 2015 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 74.89 1.69 1.19 M-TRUCKS 12.51 0.10 0.01 H-TRUCKS 9.28 0.20 0.13 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 61.32 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 68.5 147.0 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing with Project-10 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Private Driveway) - Existing with Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 1646 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.52 1.52 0.61 M-TRUCKS 12.58 0.06 0.01 H-TRUCKS 9.30 0.18 0.22 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 60.63 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 61.6 132.3 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-01 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 16250 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.74 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 82.0 170.7 364.8 784.4 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-02 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15932 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.66 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 81.1 168.5 360.0 774.1 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-03 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15463 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.53 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 79.6 165.2 353.0 758.9 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-04 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 5987 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.46 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 78.8 163.5 349.3 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-05 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 5844 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.36 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 77.7 161.0 343.7 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-06 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 7315 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 67.83 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 86.2 185.3 399.0 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-07 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 510 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 55.21 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.8 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-08 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 435 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 54.52 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.1 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-09 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 1969 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 61.08 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 66.0 141.6 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing No Project-10 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing No Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 1632 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 60.26 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 58.3 125.0 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-01 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 16326 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.37 1.59 0.77 M-TRUCKS 12.55 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.32 0.20 0.09 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.80 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 82.7 172.1 367.8 791.0 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-02 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15986 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.36 1.59 0.77 M-TRUCKS 12.55 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.32 0.19 0.11 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.75 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 82.1 170.8 365.0 784.9 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-03 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Slover Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 15470 SPEED (MPH): 45 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 70.53 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 79.6 165.3 353.1 759.1 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-04 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue West of Private Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 6001 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.63 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.08 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.33 0.18 0.12 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.56 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 79.9 166.0 354.6 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-05 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue Between Private Driveway and Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 5851 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.50 1.55 0.63 M-TRUCKS 12.56 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.12 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 24 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 65.46 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 78.9 163.6 349.3 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-06 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Santa Ana Avenue East of Tamarind Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 7322 SPEED (MPH): 40 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.10 0.01 H-TRUCKS 9.35 0.19 0.07 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 67.81 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 85.9 184.6 397.5 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-07 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 532 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 55.40 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.5 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-08 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Private Driveway Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 442 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 54.59 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.6 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-09 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Slover Avenue and Project Driveway NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 2030 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 74.37 1.78 1.69 M-TRUCKS 12.38 0.10 0.05 H-TRUCKS 9.20 0.24 0.19 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 61.56 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 71.0 152.5 ______________________________________________________________________ TABLE Existing With Project-10 FHWA ROADWAY NOISE LEVEL ANALYSIS RUN DATE: 04/21/2022 ROADWAY SEGMENT: Tamarind Avenue Between Project Driveway and Santa Ana Avenue NOTES: Tamarind Logistics Warehouse (Tamarind) - Existing With Project ______________________________________________________________________ * * ASSUMPTIONS * * AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 1646 SPEED (MPH): 35 GRADE: .5 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES DAY EVENING NIGHT --- ------- ----- AUTOS 75.51 1.56 0.64 M-TRUCKS 12.57 0.09 0.02 H-TRUCKS 9.34 0.19 0.08 ACTIVE HALF-WIDTH (FT): 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SOFT ______________________________________________________________________ * * CALCULATED NOISE LEVELS * * CNEL AT 50 FT FROM NEAR TRAVEL LANE CENTERLINE (dB) = 60.30 DISTANCE (FEET) FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL ------- ------- ------- ------- 0.0 0.0 58.6 125.7 ______________________________________________________________________