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Appendix I - Water Quality Management Plan
Citrus East Project City of Fontana Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration June 2022 APPENDIX I ‐ WQMP Water Quality Management Plan For: Lennar Citrus East APN: 0239-141-30-0-000 Prepared for: Ryan Combe Lennar Homes, Inland Division 980 Montecito Dr, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc 3880 Lemon Street, Suite 420 Riverside, CA 92501 951-543-9868 Submittal Date: 01/13/2022 Revision Date: Preliminary for Entitlements Complete Date: _____01/13/2022__________ Construction WQMP Complete Date: _____________________ Final WQMP Approved Date: _____________________ MCN No. __________________WQMP No. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Owner’s Certification Project Owner’s Certification This Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for Lennar Homes, Inland Division by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. The WQMP is intended to comply with the requirements of the City of Fontana and the NPDES Areawide Stormwater Program requiring the preparation of a WQMP. The undersigned, while it owns the subject property, is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this plan and will ensure that this plan is amended as appropriate to reflect up-to-date conditions on the site consistent with San Bernardino County’s Municipal Storm Water Management Program and the intent of the NPDES Permit for San Bernardino County and the incorporated cities of San Bernardino County within the Santa Ana Region. Once the undersigned transfers its interest in the property, its successors in interest and the city/county shall be notified of the transfer. The new owner will be informed of its responsibility under this WQMP. A copy of the approved WQMP shall be available on the subject site in perpetuity. “I certify under a penalty of law that the provisions (implementation, operation, maintenance, and funding) of the WQMP have been accepted and that the plan will be transferred to future successors.” Project Data Permit/Application Number(s):WQMP:Grading Permit Number(s): Tract/Parcel Map Number(s):TPM NO. 20513 Building Permit Number(s): CUP, SUP, and/or APN (Specify Lot Numbers if Portions of Tract):APN: 0239-141-30-0-000 Owner’s Signature Owner Name: Ryan Combe Title Director of Forward Planning Company Lennar Homes, Inland Division Address 980 Montecito Dr, Suite 302, Corona, CA 92879 Email Ryan.combe@lennar.com Telephone # 951-712-9218 Signature Date Preparer’s Certification Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Contents Project Data Permit/Application Number(s):WQMP:Grading Permit Number(s): Tract/Parcel Map Number(s):TPM No. 20513 Building Permit Number(s): CUP, SUP, and/or APN (Specify Lot Numbers if Portions of Tract):0239-141-30-0-000 “The selection, sizing and design of stormwater treatment and other stormwater quality and quantity control measures in this plan were prepared under my oversight and meet the requirements of Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R8-2010-0036.” Engineer:Mike Sutton, PE PE Stamp Below Title Professional Engineer Company Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc Address 3880 Lemon Street, Suite 420 Email Mike.Sutton@kimley-horn.com Telephone # 1-760-565-5146 Signature Date 1/12/2022 Table of Contents Section 1 Discretionary Permits ......................................................................................... 1-1 Section 2 Project Description ............................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Project Information........................................................................................ 2-1 2.2 Property Ownership / Management .............................................................. 2-2 2.3 Potential Stormwater Pollutants ................................................................... 2-3 2.4 Water Quality Credits ........……………………………………………………………………………. 2-4 Section 3 Site and Watershed Description ......................................................................... 3-1 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Contents ii Section 4 Best Management Practices ................................................................................ 4-1 4.1 Source Control BMP ....................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 Pollution Prevention.................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Preventative LID Site Design Practices ....................................................... 4-6 4.2 Project Performance Criteria ......................................................................... 4-7 4.3 Project Conformance Analysis ....................................................................... 4-13 4.3.1 Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMP .............................................. 4-15 4.3.2 Infiltration BMP .......................................................................................... 4-17 4.3.3 Harvest and Use BMP .................................................................................. 4-19 4.3.4 Biotreatment BMP ....................................................................................... 4.20 4.3.5 Conformance Summary ............................................................................... 4-24 4.3.6 Hydromodification Control BMP ............................................................... 4-26 4.4 Alternative Compliance Plan (if applicable) ................................................. 4-27 Section 5 Inspection & Maintenance Responsibility Post Construction BMPs ................. 5-1 Section 6 Site Plan and Drainage Plan ................................................................................ 6-1 6.1. Site Plan and Drainage Plan .......................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Electronic Data Submittal ............................................................................. 6-1 6.3 Post Construction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-1 6.4 Other Supporting Documentation………………………………………………………………… 6-1 Forms Form 1-1 Project Information ............................................................................................... 1-1 Form 2.1-1 Description of Proposed Project ......................................................................... 2-1 Form 2.2-1 Property Ownership/Management ..................................................................... 2-2 Form 2.3-1 Pollutants of Concern ......................................................................................... 2-3 Form 2.4-1 Water Quality Credits ......................................................................................... 2-4 Form 3-1 Site Location and Hydrologic Features ................................................................. 3-1 Form 3-2 Hydrologic Characteristics .................................................................................... 3-2 Form 3-3 Watershed Description .......................................................................................... 3-5 Form 4.1-1 Non-Structural Source Control BMP ................................................................... 4-2 Form 4.1-2 Structural Source Control BMP .......................................................................... 4-4 Form 4.1-3 Site Design Practices Checklist ........................................................................... 4-6 Form 4.2-1 LID BMP Performance Criteria for Design Capture Volume ............................. 4-7 Form 4.2-2 Summary of HCOC Assessment .......................................................................... 4-9 Form 4.2-3 HCOC Assessment for Runoff Volume ............................................................... 4-10 Form 4.2-4 HCOC Assessment for Time of Concentration .................................................. 4-11 Form 4.2-5 HCOC Assessment for Peak Runoff .................................................................... 4-12 Form 4.3-1 Infiltration BMP Feasibility ................................................................................ 4-14 Form 4.3-2 Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMP ..................................................... 4-15 Form 4.3-3 Infiltration LID BMP ........................................................................................... 4-18 Form 4.3-4 Harvest and Use BMP ......................................................................................... 4-19 Form 4.3-5 Selection and Evaluation of Biotreatment BMP ................................................ 4-20 Form 4.3-6 Volume Based Biotreatment – Bioretention and Planter Boxes w/Underdrains 4-21 Form 4.3-7 Volume Based Biotreatment- Constructed Wetlands and Extended Detention 4-22 Form 4.3-8 Flow Based Biotreatment ................................................................................... 4-23 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Contents iii Form 4.3-9 Conformance Summary and Alternative Compliance Volume Estimate .......... 4-24 Form 4.3-10 Hydromodification Control BMP ..................................................................... 4-26 Form 5-1 BMP Inspection and Maintenance ........................................................................ 5-1 Attachment A .......................................................................................................... Site Plan Attachment B ...................................................................................................... HCOC Map Attachment C .................................................................................................... Calculations Attachment D .............................................................................................. BMP Fact Sheet Attachment E ...................................................................................... Geotechnical Report Attachment F .................................................................................... Educational Materials Attachment G ........................................................................ Operations and Maintenance Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1-1 Section 1 Discretionary Permit(s) Form 1-1 Project Information Project Name Lennar Citrus East Project Owner Contact Name:Ryan Combe Mailing Address: 980 Montecito Dr, Suite 302 Corona, CA, 92879 E-mail Address:Ryan.combe@lennar.com Telephone: 951-712-9218 Permit/Application Number(s):WQMP:Tract/Parcel Map Number(s):TPM No. 20513 Additional Information/ Comments:N/A Description of Project: Kimley-Horn and Associates has been hired to prepare a Peliminary WQMP for the proposed Lennar Citrus East. The 8.59 acre site is located northeast of the intersection of Summit Avenue and Citrus Avenue in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County. The project site encompasses Parcel B of Tract Map No. 20513. The APN for the project site is 0239-141-30- 0-000. The project site development will consist of the construction of 76 single-family homes. Below is a description of what the parcel will encompass: ·Parcel B will be approximately 8.65-acres. It will consist of the proposed 76 homes with associated landscaping, concrete hardscape, and asphalt parking for automobiles. The proposed landscaping will be approximately 78,791 square feet (21% pervious). ·The project site will not be phased. Land use at the proposed site will include residential living and landscaping. The project site has been divided into three (3) drainage areas for water quality treatment. DMA 1 will encompass 7.57 acres. Drainage from DMA 1 will drain into an underground infiltration system identified as BMP-1. DMA 2 will encompass 0.65 acres. Drainage from DMA 2 will drain into the same underground infiltration system identified as BMP-1. DMA 3 includes the landscaped perimeter of the site encompassing 0.37 acres and can be identified as a self- treating area. See Attachment A for DMA delineation and proposed underground infiltration system locations. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1-2 Provide summary of Conceptual WQMP conditions (if previously submitted and approved). Attach complete copy. N/A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-1 Section 2 Project Description 2.1 Project Information The purpose of this information is to help determine the applicable development category, pollutants of concern, watershed description, and long-term maintenance responsibilities for the project, and any applicable water quality credits. This information will be used in conjunction with the information in Section 3, Site Description, to establish the performance criteria and to select the LID BMP or other BMP for the project or other alternative programs that the project will participate in, which are described in Section 4. Form 2.1-1 Description of Proposed Project 1 Development Category (Select all that apply): Significant re-development involving the addition or replacement of 5,000 ft2 or more of impervious surface on an already developed site New development involving the creation of 10,000 ft2 or more of impervious surface collectively over entire site Automotive repair shops with standard industrial classification (SIC) codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532- 7534, 7536-7539 Restaurants (with SIC code 5812) where the land area of development is 5,000 ft2 or more Hillside developments of 5,000 ft2or more which are located on areas with known erosive soil conditions or where the natural slope is 25 percent or more Developments of 2,500 ft2 of impervious surface or more adjacent to (within 200 ft) or discharging directly into environmentally sensitive areas or waterbodies listed on the CWA Section 303(d) list of impaired waters. Parking lots of 5,000 ft2 or more exposed to storm water Retail gasoline outlets that are either 5,000 ft2or more, or have a projected average daily traffic of 100 or more vehicles per day Non-Priority / Non-Category Project May require source control LID BMPs and other LIP requirements. Please consult with local jurisdiction on specific requirements. 2 Project Area (ft2):374,431 3 Number of Dwelling Units:76 4 SIC Code: 5 Is Project going to be phased? Yes No If yes, ensure that the WQMP evaluates each phase as a distinct DA, requiring LID BMPs to address runoff at time of completion. 6 Does Project include roads? Yes No If yes, ensure that applicable requirements for transportation projects are addressed (see Appendix A of TGD for WQMP) Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-2 2.2 Property Ownership/Management Describe the ownership/management of all portions of the project and site. State whether any infrastructure will transfer to public agencies (City, County, Caltrans, etc.) after project completion. State if a homeowners or property owners association will be formed and be responsible for the long-term maintenance of project stormwater facilities. Describe any lot-level stormwater features that will be the responsibility of individual property owners. Form 2.2-1 Property Ownership/Management Describe property ownership/management responsible for long-term maintenance of WQMP stormwater facilities: The maintenance of the proposed development is the responsibility of the owner until the property is sold to a new owner and they then assume responsibility of the BMP maintenance and management. There is no homeowners or property owner’s association set up for this propose development. All the BMPs are the responsibility of the owner to maintain. BMPs include, but are not limited to, BMP maintenance; e.g. inspection, storm drain stenciling, efficient irrigation and landscape maintenance, and BMP maintenance of underground infiltration system. No infrastructure will be transferred to a public agency after project completion. Ryan Combe Lennar Homes, Inland Division 980 Montecito Dr, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-3 2.3 Potential Stormwater Pollutants Determine and describe expected stormwater pollutants of concern based on land uses and site activities (refer to Table 3-3 in the TGD for WQMP). Form 2.3-1 Pollutants of Concern Pollutant Please check: E=Expected, N=Not Expected Additional Information and Comments Pathogens (Bacterial / Virus)E N Resulting from wild bird, pet waste, and garbage. Nutrients - Phosphorous E N Resulting from fertilizers, food waste, and garbage. Nutrients - Nitrogen E N Resulting from fertilizer and waste Noxious Aquatic Plants E N Resulting from landscape areas Sediment E N Resulting from the driveways, rooftops, sidewalks, paved areas, and landscape. Metals E N Resulting from cars, trucks, and parking areas. Oil and Grease E N Resulting from leaking vehicles and parking areas. Trash/Debris E N Resulting from poorly managed trash containers and parking areas. Pesticides / Herbicides E N Resulting from proposed landscaping areas. Organic Compounds E N Resulting from vehicles. Other: Petroleum/Hydrocarbons E N Resulting from vehicles. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-4 2.4 Water Quality Credits A water quality credit program is applicable for certain types of development projects if it is not feasible to meet the requirements for on-site LID. Proponents for eligible projects, as described below, can apply for water quality credits that would reduce project obligations for selecting and sizing other treatment BMP or participating in other alternative compliance programs. Refer to Section 6.2 in the TGD for WQMP to determine if water quality credits are applicable for the project. Form 2.4-1 Water Quality Credits 1 Project Types that Qualify for Water Quality Credits:N/A Redevelopment projects that reduce the overall impervious footprint of the project site. [Credit = %impervious reduced] Higher density development projects Vertical density [20%] 7 units/ acre [5%] Mixed use development, (combination of residential, commercial, industrial, office, institutional, or other land uses which incorporate design principles that demonstrate environmental benefits not realized through single use projects) [20%] Brownfield redevelopment (redevelop real property complicated by presence or potential of hazardous contaminants) [25%] Redevelopment projects in established historic district, historic preservation area, or similar significant core city center areas [10%] Transit-oriented developments (mixed use residential or commercial area designed to maximize access to public transportation) [20%] In-fill projects (conversion of empty lots & other underused spaces < 5 acres, substantially surrounded by urban land uses, into more beneficially used spaces, such as residential or commercial areas) [10%] Live-Work developments (variety of developments designed to support residential and vocational needs) [20%] 2 Total Credit % 0 (Total all credit percentages up to a maximum allowable credit of 50 percent) Description of Water Quality Credit Eligibility (if applicable) N/A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 3-1 Section 3 Site and Watershed Description Describe the project site conditions that will facilitate the selection of BMP through an analysis of the physical conditions and limitations of the site and its receiving waters. Identify distinct drainage areas (DA) that collect flow from a portion of the site and describe how runoff from each DA (and sub-watershed DMAs) is conveyed to the site outlet(s). Refer to Section 3.2 in the TGD for WQMP. The form below is provided as an example. Then complete Forms 3.2 and 3.3 for each DA on the project site.If the project has more than one drainage area for stormwater management, then complete additional versions of these forms for each DA / outlet. Form 3-1 Site Location and Hydrologic Features Site coordinates take GPS measurement at approximate center of site Latitude 34.151287 Longitude -117.452185 Thomas Bros Map page 1 San Bernardino County climatic region: Valley Mountain 2 Does the site have more than one drainage area (DA): Yes No If no, proceed to Form 3-2. If yes, then use this form to show a conceptual schematic describing DMAs and hydrologic feature connecting DMAs to the site outlet(s). An example is provided below that can be modified for proposed project or a drawing clearly showing DMA and flow routing may be attached Self-Treating Runoff from DA-C will sheet flow into a landscaped area for self-treatment. Treatment for DA-C is not required onsite. DA-A to BMP-1 DA-A includes a majority of Parcel B including the north, east and west areas of the site. Storm water drainage from DA-A will sheet flow through each lot into its respective yard drain. All drainage collected from the inlets will be routed to an underground perforated corrugated metal pipe (CMP) system identified as BMP-1 as shown on the WQMP exhibit. The underground infiltration systems will provide volume storage and infiltration at the bottom of the perforated CMP system. The perforated CMP has been sized to treat and store the full DCV for DA-A and DA-B. DA-B to BMP-1 DA-B encompasses the southern entrance to the site. Storm water drainage from DA-B will sheet flow through the site and will be intercepted by the proposed catch basins located at low points as shown on the WQMP exhibit. All drainage collected from the basin will be routed to an underground perforated corrugated metal pipe (CMP) system identified as BMP-1 as shown on the WQMP exhibit. The drywells have been sized to treat and store the full DCV for DA-A and DA-B. BMP-1 DA-A DA-B Self-Treating DA-C Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 3-2 Form 3-2 Existing Hydrologic Characteristics for Drainage Area 1 For Drainage Area 1’s sub-watershed DMA, provide the following characteristics DA-A N/A N/A N/A 1 DMA drainage area (ft2)374,431 2 Existing site impervious area (ft2)- Based on land use 0 3 Antecedent moisture condition For desert areas, use http://www.sbcounty.gov/dpw/floodcontrol/pdf/2 0100412_map.pdf 3 4 Hydrologic soil group Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool – http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap/ A 5 Longest flowpath length (ft)844 6 Longest flowpath slope (ft/ft)0.02 7 Current land cover type(s)Select from Fig C-3 of Hydrology Manual Chaparral 8 Pre-developed pervious area condition: Based on the extent of wet season vegetated cover good >75%; Fair 50-75%; Poor <50% Attach photos of site to support rating Poor Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 3-3 Form 3-3 Watershed Description for Drainage Area (TOTAL) Receiving waters Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool - http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap/ See ‘Drainage Facilities” link at this website Santa Ana River, Reach 1,2,3,4 Warm Creek Applicable TMDLs Refer to Local Implementation Plan Indicator Bacteria 303(d) listed impairments Refer to Local Implementation Plan and Watershed Mapping Tool – http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap/ and State Water Resources Control Board website – http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaana/water_iss ues/programs/tmdl/index.shtml Santa Ana River, Reach 4 – Indicator Bacteria Warm Creek – Indicator Bacteria Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool – http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap/ None Unlined Downstream Water Bodies Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool – http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap/ Santa Ana River Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Hydrologic Conditions of Concern Yes Complete Hydrologic Conditions of Concern (HCOC) Assessment. Include Forms 4.2-2 through Form 4.2-5 and Hydromodification BMP Form 4.3-10 in submittal No (See Attachment B) Watershed–based BMP included in a RWQCB approved WAP Yes Attach verification of regional BMP evaluation criteria in WAP • More Effective than On-site LID • Remaining Capacity for Project DCV • Upstream of any Water of the US • Operational at Project Completion • Long-Term Maintenance Plan No Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-1 Section 4 Best Management Practices (BMP) 4.1 Source Control BMP 4.1.1 Pollution Prevention Non-structural and structural source control BMP are required to be incorporated into all new development and significant redevelopment projects. Form 4.1-1 and 4.1-2 are used to describe specific source control BMPs used in the WQMP or to explain why a certain BMP is not applicable. Table 7-3 of the TGD for WQMP provides a list of applicable source control BMP for projects with specific types of potential pollutant sources or activities. The source control BMP in this table must be implemented for projects with these specific types of potential pollutant sources or activities. The preparers of this WQMP have reviewed the source control BMP requirements for new development and significant redevelopment projects. The preparers have also reviewed the specific BMP required for project as specified in Forms 4.1-1 and 4.1-2. All applicable non-structural and structural source control BMP shall be implemented in the project. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-2 Form 4.1-1 Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Describe BMP Implementation OR, if not applicable, state reasonIncludedNot Applicable N1 Education of Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants on Stormwater BMPs Education Material included in Attachment F of this document will be provided to Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants when taking possession of property. N2 Activity Restrictions Pursuant to the Education Material included in Attachment F of this document, the User of the facility will be notified upon possession of the property of all activities that are restricted and or limited and the education material shall be referenced in all lease documents. N3 Landscape Management BMPs Leasing documents will require user of property to adhere to Landscape management BMPs listed in the Education Material in Attachment F of this document. N4 BMP Maintenance Owner will be responsible for maintain all BMPs per the appropriate O&M and as outlined in the Educational Material included win Attachment F of this document. N5 Title 22 CCR Compliance (How development will comply) No Hazardous Wastes as defined by Title 22 CCR produced at this site. N6 Local Water Quality Ordinances Owner shall ensure business activities at the site comply with the City’s Stormwater Ordinance through the implementation of BMP’s included in this report. N7 Spill Contingency Plan No Hazardous Waste. N8 Underground Storage Tank Compliance No Underground Storage Tanks. N9 Hazardous Materials Disclosure Compliance No Hazardous Materials. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-3 Form 4.1-1 Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Describe BMP Implementation OR, if not applicable, state reasonIncludedNot Applicable N10 Uniform Fire Code Implementation Proposed site compliant with Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code, does not require fire sprinkler system. N11 Litter/Debris Control Program See Section 5 for BMP inspection, maintenance and frequency of litter and debris control. See Attachment F for material on litter and debris control. N12 Employee Training See Attachment F for BMP specific employee training and Section 5 for post construction BMP training. N13 Housekeeping of Loading Docks No loading docks proposed. N14 Catch Basin Inspection Program Catch basins will be inspected and maintained per the Operation and Maintenance Plan. N15 Vacuum Sweeping of Private Streets and Parking Lots See Road and Maintenance (SC-70) and Parking/Storage Maintenance (SC-43) in Attachment F for sweeping requirements. N16 Other Non-structural Measures for Public Agency Projects No non-structural measures for public agency projects. N17 Comply with all other applicable NPDES permits Proposed site will comply with all NPDES permits. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-4 Form 4.1-2 Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Describe BMP Implementation OR, If not applicable, state reasonIncludedNot Applicable S1 Provide storm drain system stencilling and signage (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-13) Catch Basins are proposed. Stenciling and signage will be provided per BMP Handbook SD-13. S2 Design and construct outdoor material storage areas to reduce pollution introduction (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-34) No Outdoor Storage. S3 Design and construct trash and waste storage areas to reduce pollution introduction (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-32) Covered Trash Enclosure Proposed. Inspection and maintenance outlined in Form 5-1. S4 Use efficient irrigation systems & landscape design, water conservation, smart controllers, and source control (Statewide Model Landscape Ordinance; CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-12) Proposed site follows irrigation requirements described in CASQA New Development BMP SD-12. See Attachment F. S5 Finish grade of landscaped areas at a minimum of 1-2 inches below top of curb, sidewalk, or pavement Proposed site has finished grade of landscape area at a minimum of 1-2 inches below top of curb, sidewalk, and pavement. S6 Protect slopes and channels and provide energy dissipation (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-10) Slopes/channels not expected. S7 Covered dock areas (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-31) No covered dock areas. S8 Covered maintenance bays with spill containment plans (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-31) No maintenance bays. S9 Vehicle wash areas with spill containment plans (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-33) No vehicle wash areas. S10 Covered outdoor processing areas (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-36) No outdoor processing. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-5 Form 4.1-2 Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Describe BMP Implementation OR, If not applicable, state reasonIncludedNot Applicable S11 Equipment wash areas with spill containment plans (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-33) No equipment wash areas. S12 Fueling areas (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-30) No Fueling Areas. S13 Hillside landscaping (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-10) No hillside. S14 Wash water control for food preparation areas No food preparation. S15 Community car wash racks (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-33) No community car wash racks. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-6 4.1.2 Preventative LID Site Design Practices Site design practices associated with new LID requirements in the MS4 Permit should be considered in the earliest phases of a project. Preventative site design practices can result in smaller DCV for LID BMP and hydromodification control BMP by reducing runoff generation. Describe site design and drainage plan including: Refer to Section 5.2 of the TGD for WQMP for more details. Form 4.1-3 Preventative LID Site Design Practices Checklist Site Design Practices If yes, explain how preventative site design practice is addressed in project site plan. If no, other LID BMPs must be selected to meet targets Minimize impervious areas: Yes No Explanation: Landscape areas will be maximized on site to the maximum extent possible in parking islands and where possible along sidewalks. . Maximize natural infiltration capacity: Yes No Explanation: An underground infiltration system is proposed to maximize onsite infiltration potential. Grading activities to protect infiltration capacity at BMP locations. Preserve existing drainage patterns and time of concentration: Yes No Explanation: Natural drainage patterns will be maintained to the maximum extent possible. Runoff from site will continue to eventually discharge to the public storm drain system adjacent to the site similarly to existing conditions. Disconnect impervious areas: Yes No Explanation: All impervious areas will be directed to the underground infiltration system proposed on-site. Protect existing vegetation and sensitive areas: Yes No Explanation: There are no sensitive areas onsite. Existing vegetation will be replaced with drought tolerant landscaping. Re-vegetate disturbed areas: Yes No Explanation: Drought tolerant landscaping is proposed throughout project area. Minimize unnecessary compaction in stormwater retention/infiltration basin/trench areas: Yes No Explanation: Unnecessary compaction will be prevented within the limits of the underground perforated CMP infiltration system. Utilize vegetated drainage swales in place of underground piping or imperviously lined swales: Yes No Explanation: To maintain existing flow patterns, vegetated swales were not feasible. Stake off areas that will be used for landscaping to minimize compaction during construction : Yes No Explanation: Proposed landscape areas will be staked off during construction to minimize compaction. §A narrative of site design practices utilized or rationale for not using practices §A narrative of how site plan incorporates preventive site design practices §Include an attached Site Plan layout which shows how preventative site design practices are included in WQMP Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-7 4.2 Project Performance Criteria The purpose of this section of the Project WQMP is to establish targets for post-development hydrology based on performance criteria specified in the MS4 Permit. These targets include runoff volume for water quality control (referred to as LID design capture volume), and runoff volume, time of concentration, and peak runoff for protection of any downstream waterbody segments with a HCOC.If the project has more than one outlet for stormwater runoff, then complete additional versions of these forms for each DA / outlet. Methods applied in the following forms include: §For LID BMP Design Capture Volume (DCV), the San Bernardino County Stormwater Program requires use of the P6 method (MS4 Permit Section XI.D.6a.ii) – Form 4.2-1 §For HCOC pre- and post-development hydrologic calculation, the San Bernardino County Stormwater Program requires the use of the Rational Method (San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual Section D). Forms 4.2-2 through Form 4.2-5 calculate hydrologic variables including runoff volume, time of concentration, and peak runoff from the project site pre- and post-development using the Hydrology Manual Rational Method approach. For projects greater than 640 acres (1.0 mi2), the Rational Method and these forms should not be used. For such projects, the Unit Hydrograph Method (San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual Section E) shall be applied for hydrologic calculations for HCOC performance criteria. Refer to Section 4 in the TGD for WQMP for detailed guidance and instructions. Form 4.2-1 LID BMP Performance Criteria for Design Capture Volume (DA-A) 1 Project area DMA 1 (ft2): 329,793 2 Imperviousness after applying preventative site design practices (Imp%):85.8 % 3 Runoff Coefficient (Rc): 0.67 Rc = 0.858(Imp%)^3-0.78(Imp%)^2+0.774(Imp%)+0.04 4 Determine 1-hour rainfall depth for a 2-year return period P2yr-1hr (in): 0.742 http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/sa/sca_pfds.html 5 Compute P6, Mean 6-hr Precipitation (inches): 1.10 P6 = Item 4 *C1, where C1 is a function of site climatic region specified in Form 3-1 Item 1 (Valley = 1.4807; Mountain = 1.909; Desert = 1.2371) 6 Drawdown Rate Use 48 hours as the default condition. Selection and use of the 24 hour drawdown time condition is subject to approval by the local jurisdiction. The necessary BMP footprint is a function of drawdown time. While shorter drawdown times reduce the performance criteria for LID BMP design capture volume, the depth of water that can be stored is also reduced. 24-hrs 48-hrs 7 Compute design capture volume, DCV (ft3): 39,808 DCV = 1/12 * [Item 1* Item 3 *Item 5 * C2], where C2 is a function of drawdown rate (24-hr = 1.582; 48-hr = 1.963) Compute separate DCV for each outlet from the project site per schematic drawn in Form 3-1 Item 2 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-8 Form 4.2-1 LID BMP Performance Criteria for Design Capture Volume (DA-B) 1 Project area DMA 2 (ft2): 28,359 2 Imperviousness after applying preventative site design practices (Imp%): 44.7% 3 Runoff Coefficient (Rc): 0.32 Rc = 0.858(Imp%)^3-0.78(Imp%)^2+0.774(Imp%)+0.04 4 Determine 1-hour rainfall depth for a 2-year return period P2yr-1hr (in): 0.742 http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/sa/sca_pfds.html 5 Compute P6, Mean 6-hr Precipitation (inches): 1.10 P6 = Item 4 *C1, where C1 is a function of site climatic region specified in Form 3-1 Item 1 (Valley = 1.4807; Mountain = 1.909; Desert = 1.2371) 6 Drawdown Rate Use 48 hours as the default condition. Selection and use of the 24 hour drawdown time condition is subject to approval by the local jurisdiction. The necessary BMP footprint is a function of drawdown time. While shorter drawdown times reduce the performance criteria for LID BMP design capture volume, the depth of water that can be stored is also reduced. 24-hrs 48-hrs 7 Compute design capture volume, DCV (ft3): 1,565 DCV = 1/12 * [Item 1* Item 3 *Item 5 * C2], where C2 is a function of drawdown rate (24-hr = 1.582; 48-hr = 1.963) Compute separate DCV for each outlet from the project site per schematic drawn in Form 3-1 Item 2 Form 4.2-1 LID BMP Performance Criteria for Design Capture Volume (DA-C) 1 Project area DMA 3 (ft2): 16,279 2 Imperviousness after applying preventative site design practices (Imp%): 0% 3 Runoff Coefficient (Rc): 0.04 Rc = 0.858(Imp%)^3-0.78(Imp%)^2+0.774(Imp%)+0.04 4 Determine 1-hour rainfall depth for a 2-year return period P2yr-1hr (in): 0.742 http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/sa/sca_pfds.html 5 Compute P6, Mean 6-hr Precipitation (inches): 1.10 P6 = Item 4 *C1, where C1 is a function of site climatic region specified in Form 3-1 Item 1 (Valley = 1.4807; Mountain = 1.909; Desert = 1.2371) 6 Drawdown Rate Use 48 hours as the default condition. Selection and use of the 24 hour drawdown time condition is subject to approval by the local jurisdiction. The necessary BMP footprint is a function of drawdown time. While shorter drawdown times reduce the performance criteria for LID BMP design capture volume, the depth of water that can be stored is also reduced. 24-hrs 48-hrs 7 Compute design capture volume, DCV (ft3): (no onsite treatment required for self-treating areas) DCV = 1/12 * [Item 1* Item 3 *Item 5 * C2], where C2 is a function of drawdown rate (24-hr = 1.582; 48-hr = 1.963) Compute separate DCV for each outlet from the project site per schematic drawn in Form 3-1 Item 2 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-9 Form 4.2-2 Summary of HCOC Assessment (DA A/DA B/DA C) Does project have the potential to cause or contribute to an HCOC in a downstream channel: Yes No Go to:http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap/ If “Yes”, then complete HCOC assessment of site hydrology for 2yr storm event using Forms 4.2-3 through 4.2-5 and insert results below (Forms 4.2-3 through 4.2-5 may be replaced by computer software analysis based on the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual) If “No,” then proceed to Section 4.3 Project Conformance Analysis Condition Runoff Volume (ft3)Time of Concentration (min)Peak Runoff (cfs) Pre-developed 1 N/A Form 4.2-3 Item 12 2 N/A Form 4.2-4 Item 13 3 N/A Form 4.2-5 Item 10 Post-developed 4 N/A Form 4.2-3 Item 13 5 N/A Form 4.2-4 Item 14 6 N/A Form 4.2-5 Item 14 Difference 7 N/A Item 4 – Item 1 8 N/A Item 2 – Item 5 9 N/A Item 6 – Item 3 Difference (as % of pre-developed) 10 N/A % Item 7 / Item 1 11 N/A % Item 8 / Item 2 12 N/A % Item 9 / Item 3 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-10 Form 4.2-3 HCOC Assessment for Runoff Volume (DA A/DA B/DA C) Weighted Curve Number Determination for: Pre-developed DA DMA A DMA B DMA C DMA D DMA E DMA F DMA G DMA H 1a Land Cover type N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2a Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3a DMA Area, ft2 sum of areas of DMA should equal area of DA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4a Curve Number (CN)use Items 1 and 2 to select the appropriate CN from Appendix C-2 of the TGD for WQMP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Weighted Curve Number Determination for: Post-developed DA DMA A DMA B DMA C DMA D DMA E DMA F DMA G DMA H 1b Land Cover type N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2b Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3b DMA Area, ft2 sum of areas of DMA should equal area of DA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4b Curve Number (CN)use Items 5 and 6 to select the appropriate CN from Appendix C-2 of the TGD for WQMP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 Pre-Developed area-weighted CN: N/A 7 Pre-developed soil storage capacity, S (in): N/A S = (1000 / Item 5) - 10 9 Initial abstraction, Ia (in): N/A Ia = 0.2 * Item 7 6 Post-Developed area-weighted CN: N/A 8 Post-developed soil storage capacity, S (in): N/A S = (1000 / Item 6) - 10 10 Initial abstraction, Ia (in): N/A Ia = 0.2 * Item 8 11 Precipitation for 2 yr, 24 hr storm (in):N/A Go to:http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/sa/sca_pfds.html 12 Pre-developed Volume (ft3): N/A Vpre =(1 / 12) * (Item sum of Item 3) * [(Item 11 – Item 9)^2 / ((Item 11 – Item 9 + Item 7) 13 Post-developed Volume (ft3): N/A Vpre =(1 / 12) * (Item sum of Item 3) * [(Item 11 – Item 10)^2 / ((Item 11 – Item 10 + Item 8) 14 Volume Reduction needed to meet HCOC Requirement, (ft3): N/A VHCOC = (Item 13 * 0.95) – Item 12 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-11 Form 4.2-4 HCOC Assessment for Time of Concentration (DA A/DA B/DA C) Compute time of concentration for pre and post developed conditions for each DA (For projects using the Hydrology Manual complete the form below) Variables Pre-developed DA1 Use additional forms if there are more than 4 DMA Post-developed DA1 Use additional forms if there are more than 4 DMA DMA A DMA B DMA C DMA D DMA A DMA B DMA C DMA D 1 Length of flowpath (ft) Use Form 3-2 Item 5 for pre-developed condition N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Change in elevation (ft)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 Slope (ft/ft),So = Item 2 / Item 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 Land cover N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 Initial DMA Time of Concentration (min)Appendix C-1 of the TGD for WQMP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 Length of conveyance from DMA outlet to project site outlet (ft) May be zero if DMA outlet is at project site outlet N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 Cross-sectional area of channel (ft2)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 Wetted perimeter of channel (ft)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9 Manning’s roughness of channel (n)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 Channel flow velocity (ft/sec) Vfps = (1.49 / Item 9) * (Item 7/Item 8)^0.67 * (Item 3)^0.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 Travel time to outlet (min) Tt = Item 6 / (Item 10 * 60) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 Total time of concentration (min) Tc = Item 5 + Item 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 Pre-developed time of concentration (min): N/A Minimum of Item 12 pre-developed DMA 14 Post-developed time of concentration (min): N/A Minimum of Item 12 post-developed DMA 15 Additional time of concentration needed to meet HCOC requirement (min): N/A TC-HCOC = (Item 13 * 0.95) – Item 14 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-12 Form 4.2-5 HCOC Assessment for Peak Runoff (DA A/DA B/DA C) Compute peak runoff for pre- and post-developed conditions Variables Pre-developed DA to Project Outlet (Use additional forms if more than 3 DMA) Post-developed DA to Project Outlet (Use additional forms if more than 3 DMA) DMA A DMA B DMA C DMA A DMA B DMA C 1 Rainfall Intensity for storm duration equal to time of concentration Ipeak = 10^(LOG Form 4.2-1 Item 4 - 0.6 LOG Form 4.2-4 Item 5 /60) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Drainage Area of each DMA (Acres) For DMA with outlet at project site outlet, include upstream DMA (Using example schematic in Form 3-1, DMA A will include drainage from DMA C) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 Ratio of pervious area to total area For DMA with outlet at project site outlet, include upstream DMA (Using example schematic in Form 3-1, DMA A will include drainage from DMA C) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 Pervious area infiltration rate (in/hr) Use pervious area CN and antecedent moisture condition with Appendix C-3 of the TGD for WQMP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 Maximum loss rate (in/hr) Fm = Item 3 * Item 4 Use area-weighted Fm from DMA with outlet at project site outlet, include upstream DMA (Using example schematic in Form 3-1, DMA A will include drainage from DMA C) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 Peak Flow from DMA (cfs) Qp =Item 2 * 0.9 * (Item 1 - Item 5) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 Time of concentration adjustment factor for other DMA to site discharge point Form 4.2-4 Item 12 DMA / Other DMA upstream of site discharge point (If ratio is greater than 1.0, then use maximum value of 1.0) DMA A n/a N/A N/A n/a N/A N/A DMA B N/A n/a N/A N/A n/a N/A DMA C N/A N/A n/a N/A N/A n/a 8 Pre-developed Qp at Tc for DMA A: N/A Qp = Item 6DMAA + [Item 6DMAB* (Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAB)/(Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAB)* Item 7DMAA/2] + [Item 6DMAC* (Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAC)/(Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAC)* Item 7DMAA/3] 9 Pre-developed Qp at Tc for DMA B: N/A Qp = Item 6DMAB + [Item 6DMAA* (Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAA)/(Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAA)* Item 7DMAB/1] + [Item 6DMAC* (Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAC)/(Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAC)* Item 7DMAB/3] 10 Pre-developed Qp at Tc for DMA C: N/A Qp = Item 6DMAC + [Item 6DMAA* (Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAA)/(Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAA)* Item 7DMAC/1] + [Item 6DMAB * (Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAB)/(Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAB)* Item 7DMAC/2] 10 Peak runoff from pre-developed condition confluence analysis (cfs): N/A Maximum of Item 8, 9, and 10 (including additional forms as needed) 11 Post-developed Qp at Tc for DMA A: N/A Same as Item 8 for post-developed values 12 Post-developed Qp at Tc for DMA B: N/A Same as Item 9 for post-developed values 13 Post-developed Qp at Tc for DMA C: N/A Same as Item 10 for post-developed values 14 Peak runoff from post-developed condition confluence analysis (cfs): N/A Maximum of Item 11, 12, and 13 (including additional forms as needed) 15 Peak runoff reduction needed to meet HCOC Requirement (cfs): N/A Qp-HCOC = (Item 14 * 0.95) – Item 10 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-13 4.3 Project Conformance Analysis Complete the following forms for each project site DA to document that the proposed LID BMPs conform to the project DCV developed to meet performance criteria specified in the MS4 Permit (WQMP Template Section 4.2). For the LID DCV, the forms are ordered according to hierarchy of BMP selection as required by the MS4 Permit (see Section 5.3.1 in the TGD for WQMP). The forms compute the following for on-site LID BMP: §Site Design and Hydrologic Source Controls (Form 4.3-2) §Retention and Infiltration (Form 4.3-3) §Harvested and Use (Form 4.3-4) or §Biotreatment (Form 4.3-5). At the end of each form, additional fields facilitate the determination of the extent of mitigation provided by the specific BMP category, allowing for use of the next category of BMP in the hierarchy, if necessary. The first step in the analysis, using Section of the TGD for WQMP, is to complete Forms 4.3-1 and 4.3-3) to determine if retention and infiltration BMPs are infeasible for the project. For each feasibility criterion in Form 4.3-1, if the answer is “Yes,” provide all study findings that includes relevant calculations, maps, data sources, etc. used to make the determination of infeasibility. Next, complete Forms 4.3-2 and 4.3-4 to determine the feasibility of applicable HSC and harvest and use BMPs, and, if their implementation is feasible, the extent of mitigation of the DCV. If no site constraints exist that would limit the type of BMP to be implemented in a DA, evaluate the use of combinations of LID BMPs, including all applicable HSC BMPs to maximize on-site retention of the DCV. If no combination of BMP can mitigate the entire DCV, implement the single BMP type, or combination of BMP types, that maximizes on-site retention of the DCV within the minimum effective area. If the combination of LID HSC, retention and infiltration, and harvest and use BMPs are unable to mitigate the entire DCV, then biotreatment BMPs may be implemented by the project proponent. If biotreatment BMPs are used, then they must be sized to provide sufficient capacity for effective treatment of the remainder of the volume-based performance criteria that cannot be achieved with LID BMPs (TGD for WQMP Section Under no circumstances shall any portion of the DCV be released from the site without effective mitigation and/or treatment. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-14 Form 4.3-1 Infiltration BMP Feasibility Feasibility Criterion – Complete evaluation for each DA on the Project Site 1 Would infiltration BMP pose significant risk for groundwater related concerns? Yes No Refer to Section of the TGD for WQMP If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 2 Would installation of infiltration BMP significantly increase the risk of geotechnical hazards? Yes No (Yes, if the answer to any of the following questions is yes, as established by a geotechnical expert): ·The location is less than 50 feet away from slopes steeper than 15 percent ·The location is less than eight feet from building foundations or an alternative setback. ·A study certified by a geotechnical professional or an available watershed study determines that stormwater infiltration would result in significantly increased risks of geotechnical hazards. If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 3 Would infiltration of runoff on a Project site violate downstream water rights? Yes No If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 4 Is proposed infiltration facility located on hydrologic soil group (HSG) D soils or does the site geotechnical investigation indicate presence of soil characteristics, which support categorization as D soils? Yes No If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 5 Is the design infiltration rate, after accounting for safety factor of 2.0, below proposed facility less than 0.3 in/hr (accounting for soil amendments)? Yes No If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 6 Would on-site infiltration or reduction of runoff over pre-developed conditions be partially or fully inconsistent with watershed management strategies as defined in the WAP, or impair beneficial uses?Yes No See Section 3.5 of the TGD for WQMP and WAP If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 7 Any answer from Item 1 through Item 3 is “Yes”: Yes No If yes, infiltration of any volume is not feasible onsite. Proceed to Form 4.3-4, Harvest and Use BMP. If no, then proceed to Item 8 below. 8 Any answer from Item 4 through Item 6 is “Yes”: Yes No If yes, infiltration is permissible but is not required to be considered. Proceed to Form 4.3-2, Hydrologic Source Control BMP. If no, then proceed to Item 9, below. 9 All answers to Item 1 through Item 6 are “No”: Yes No Infiltration of the full DCV is potentially feasible, LID infiltration BMP must be designed to infiltrate the full DCV to the MEP. Proceed to Form 4.3-2, Hydrologic Source Control BMP. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-15 4.3.1 Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMP Section XI.E. of the Permit emphasizes the use of LID preventative measures; and the use of LID HSC BMPs reduces the portion of the DCV that must be addressed in downstream BMPs. Therefore, all applicable HSC shall be provided except where they are mutually exclusive with each other, or with other BMPs. Mutual exclusivity may result from overlapping BMP footprints such that either would be potentially feasible by itself, but both could not be implemented. Please note that while there are no numeric standards regarding the use of HSC, if a project cannot feasibly meet BMP sizing requirements or cannot fully address HCOCs, feasibility of all applicable HSC must be part of demonstrating that the BMP system has been designed to retain the maximum feasible portion of the DCV. Complete Form 4.3-2 to identify and calculate estimated retention volume from implementing site design HSC BMP. Refer to Section 5.4.1 in the TGD for more detailed guidance. Form 4.3-2 Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMPs (DMA 1-3) 1 Implementation of Impervious Area Dispersion BMP (i.e. routing runoff from impervious to pervious areas), excluding impervious areas planned for routing to on-lot infiltration BMP: Yes No If yes, complete Items 2-5; If no, proceed to Item 6 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 2 Total impervious area draining to pervious area (ft2)N/A N/A N/A 3 Ratio of pervious area receiving runoff to impervious area N/A N/A N/A 4 Retention volume achieved from impervious area dispersion (ft3)V = Item2 * Item 3 * (0.5/12), assuming retention of 0.5 inches of runoff N/A N/A N/A 5 Sum of retention volume achieved from impervious area dispersion (ft3): N/A Vretention =Sum of Item 4 for all BMPs 6 Implementation of Localized On-lot Infiltration BMPs (e.g. on- lot rain gardens): Yes No If yes, complete Items 7-13 for aggregate of all on-lot infiltration BMP in each DA; If no, proceed to Item 14 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 7 Ponding surface area (ft2)N/A N/A N/A 8 Ponding depth (ft)N/A N/A N/A 9 Surface area of amended soil/gravel (ft2)N/A N/A N/A 10 Average depth of amended soil/gravel (ft)N/A N/A N/A 11 Average porosity of amended soil/gravel N/A N/A N/A 12 Retention volume achieved from on-lot infiltration (ft3) Vretention = (Item 7 *Item 8) + (Item 9 * Item 10 * Item 11) N/A N/A N/A 13 Runoff volume retention from on-lot infiltration (ft3): N/A Vretention =Sum of Item 12 for all BMPs Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-16 Form 4.3-2 cont. Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMPs (DA A- C) 14 Implementation of evapotranspiration BMP (green, brown, or blue roofs): Yes No If yes, complete Items 15-20. If no, proceed to Item 21 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 15 Rooftop area planned for ET BMP (ft2)N/A N/A N/A 16 Average wet season ET demand (in/day) Use local values, typical ~ 0.1 N/A N/A N/A 17 Daily ET demand (ft3/day) Item 15 * (Item 16 / 12) N/A N/A N/A 18 Drawdown time (hrs) Copy Item 6 in Form 4.2-1 N/A N/A N/A 19 Retention Volume (ft3) Vretention = Item 17 * (Item 18 / 24) N/A N/A N/A 20 Runoff volume retention from evapotranspiration BMPs (ft3): Vretention =Sum of Item 19 for all BMPs 21 Implementation of Street Trees: Yes No If yes, complete Items 22-25. If no, proceed to Item 26 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 22 Number of Street Trees N/A N/A N/A 23 Average canopy cover over impervious area (ft2)N/A N/A N/A 24 Runoff volume retention from street trees (ft3) Vretention = Item 22 * Item 23 * (0.05/12) assume runoff retention of 0.05 inches N/A N/A N/A 25 Runoff volume retention from street tree BMPs (ft3): Vretention = Sum of Item 24 for all BMPs 26 Implementation of residential rain barrel/cisterns: Yes No If yes, complete Items 27-29; If no, proceed to Item 30 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 27 Number of rain barrels/cisterns N/A N/A N/A 28 Runoff volume retention from rain barrels/cisterns (ft3) Vretention = Item 27 * 3 N/A N/A N/A 29 Runoff volume retention from residential rain barrels/Cisterns (ft3): N/A Vretention =Sum of Item 28 for all BMPs 30 Total Retention Volume from Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMPs: N/A Sum of Items 5, 13, 20, 25 and 29 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-17 4.3.2 Infiltration BMPs Use Form 4.3-3 to compute on-site retention of runoff from proposed retention and infiltration BMPs. Volume retention estimates are sensitive to the percolation rate used, which determines the amount of runoff that can be infiltrated within the specified drawdown time. The infiltration safety factor reduces field measured percolation to account for potential inaccuracy associated with field measurements, declining BMP performance over time, and compaction during construction. Appendix D of the TGD for WQMP provides guidance on estimating an appropriate safety factor to use in Form 4.3-3. If site constraints limit the use of BMPs to a single type and implementation of retention and infiltration BMPs mitigate no more than 40% of the DCV, then they are considered infeasible and the Project Proponent may evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs lower in the LID hierarchy of use (Section 5.5.1 of the TGD for WQMP) If implementation of infiltrations BMPs is feasible as determined using Form 4.3-1, then LID infiltration BMPs shall be implemented to the MEP (section 4.1 of the TGD for WQMP). . Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-18 Form 4.3-3 Infiltration LID BMP -including underground BMPs (DA A/ DA B) 1 Remaining LID DCV not met by site design HSC BMP (ft3): Vunmet = Form 4.2-1 Item 7 - Form 4.3-2 Item 30 BMP Type Use columns to the right to compute runoff volume retention from proposed infiltration BMP (select BMP from Table 5-4 in TGD for WQMP) - Use additional forms for more BMPs DA-A (BMP#1) DA-B (BMP#1) DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 2 Infiltration rate of underlying soils (in/hr)See Section 5.4.2 and Appendix D of the TGD for WQMP for minimum requirements for assessment methods 27 27 3 Infiltration safety factor See TGD Section 5.4.2 and Appendix D 2 2 4 Design percolation rate (in/hr)Pdesign = Item 2 / Item 3 13.5 13.5 5 Ponded water drawdown time (hr)Copy Item 6 in Form 4.2-1 48 48 6 Maximum ponding depth (ft)BMP specific, see Table 5-4 of the TGD for WQMP for BMP design details n/a n/a 7 Ponding Depth (ft)dBMP = Minimum of (1/12*Item 4*Item 5) or Item 6 54 54 8 Infiltrating surface area,SABMP (ft2)the lesser of the area needed for infiltration of full DCV or minimum space requirements from Table 5.7 of the TGD for WQMP 329,793 28,359 9 Amended soil depth,dmedia (ft)Only included in certain BMP types, see Table 5-4 in the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 10 Amended soil porosity 11 Gravel depth,dmedia (ft)Only included in certain BMP types, see Table 5-4 of the TGD for WQMP for BMP design details 12 Gravel porosity 13 Duration of storm as basin is filling (hrs) Typical ~ 3hrs 14 Above Ground Retention Volume (ft3)Vretention = Item 8 * [Item7 + (Item 9 * Item 10) + (Item 11 * Item 12)+ (Item 13 * (Item 4 / 12))] 15 Underground Retention Volume (ft3)Volume determined using manufacturer’s stage storage table at the overflow outlet elevation. 39,808 1,565 16 Total Retention Volume from LID Infiltration BMPs: 41,444 17 Fraction of DCV achieved with infiltration BMP: 100.1%Retention% = Item 16 / Form 4.2-1 Item 7 18 Is full LID DCV retained onsite with combination of hydrologic source control and LID retention/infiltration BMPs? Yes No Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-19 4.3.3 Harvest and Use BMP Harvest and use BMP may be considered if the full LID DCV cannot be met by maximizing infiltration BMPs. Use Form 4.3-4 to compute on-site retention of runoff from proposed harvest and use BMPs. Volume retention estimates for harvest and use BMPs are sensitive to the on-site demand for captured stormwater. Since irrigation water demand is low in the wet season, when most rainfall events occur in San Bernardino County, the volume of water that can be used within a specified drawdown period is relatively low. The bottom portion of Form 4.3-4 facilitates the necessary computations to show infeasibility if a minimum incremental benefit of 40 percent of the LID DCV would not be achievable with MEP implementation of on-site harvest and use of stormwater (Section 5.5.4 of the TGD for WQMP). If yes, demonstrate conformance using Form 4.3-10; If no, then reduce Item 3, Factor of Safety to 2.0 and increase Item 8, Infiltrating Surface Area, such that the portion of the site area used for retention and infiltration BMPs equals or exceeds the minimum effective area thresholds (Table 5-7 of the TGD for WQMP) for the applicable category of development and repeat all above calculations. Form 4.3-4 Harvest and Use BMPs (DA A- C) 1 Remaining LID DCV not met by site design HSC or infiltration BMP (ft3): 0 Vunmet = Form 4.2-1 Item 7 - Form 4.3-2 Item 30 – Form 4.3-3 Item 16 BMP Type(s)Compute runoff volume retention from proposed harvest and use BMP (Select BMPs from Table 5-4 of the TGD for WQMP) - Use additional forms for more BMPs DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 2 Describe cistern or runoff detention facility N/A N/A N/A 3 Storage volume for proposed detention type (ft3)Volume of cistern N/A N/A N/A 4 Landscaped area planned for use of harvested stormwater (ft2) N/A N/A N/A 5 Average wet season daily irrigation demand (in/day) Use local values, typical ~ 0.1 in/day N/A N/A N/A 6 Daily water demand (ft3/day)Item 4 * (Item 5 / 12)N/A N/A N/A 7 Drawdown time (hrs) Copy Item 6 from Form 4.2-1 N/A N/A N/A 8Retention Volume (ft3) Vretention = Minimum of (Item 3) or (Item 6 * (Item 7 / 24)) N/A N/A N/A 9 Total Retention Volume (ft3) from Harvest and Use = N/A Sum of Item 8 for all harvest and use BMP included in plan 10 Is the full DCV retained with a combination of LID HSC, retention and infiltration, and harvest & use BMPs? Yes No If yes, demonstrate conformance using Form 4.3-10. If no, then re-evaluate combinations of all LID BMP and optimize their implementation such that the maximum portion of the DCV is retained on-site (using a single BMP type or combination of BMP types). If the full DCV cannot be mitigated after this optimization process, proceed to Section 4.3.4. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-20 4.3.4 Biotreatment BMP Biotreatment BMPs may be considered if the full LID DCV cannot be met by maximizing retention and infiltration, and harvest and use BMPs. A key consideration when using biotreatment BMP is the effectiveness of the proposed BMP in addressing the pollutants of concern for the project (see Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP). Use Form 4.3-5 to summarize the potential for volume based and/or flow based biotreatment options to biotreat the remaining unmet LID DCV w. Biotreatment computations are included as follows: ·Use Form 4.3-6 to compute biotreatment in small volume based biotreatment BMP (e.g. bioretention w/underdrains); ·Use Form 4.3-7 to compute biotreatment in large volume based biotreatment BMP (e.g. constructed wetlands); ·Use Form 4.3-8 to compute sizing criteria for flow-based biotreatment BMP (e.g. bioswales) Form 4.3-5 Selection and Evaluation of Biotreatment BMP (DA A- C) 1 Remaining LID DCV not met by site design HSC, infiltration, or harvest and use BMP for potential biotreatment (ft3): N/A Form 4.2-1 Item 7 - Form 4.3-2 Item 30 – Form 4.3-3 Item 16- Form 4.3-4 Item 9 List pollutants of concern Copy from Form 2.3-1. N/A 2 Biotreatment BMP Selected (Select biotreatment BMP(s) necessary to ensure all pollutants of concern are addressed through Unit Operations and Processes, described in Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP) Volume-based biotreatment Use Forms 4.3-6 and 4.3-7 to compute treated volume Flow-based biotreatment Use Form 4.3-8 to compute treated volume Bioretention with underdrain Planter box with underdrain Constructed wetlands Wet extended detention Dry extended detention Vegetated swale Vegetated filter strip Proprietary biotreatment 3 Volume biotreated in volume based biotreatment BMP (ft3):Form 4.3- 6 Item 15 + Form 4.3-7 Item 13 4 Compute remaining LID DCV with implementation of volume based biotreatment BMP (ft3):Item 1 – Item 3 5 Remaining fraction of LID DCV for sizing flow based biotreatment BMP: %Item 4 / Item 1 6 Flow-based biotreatment BMP capacity provided (cfs):Use Figure 5-2 of the TGD for WQMP to determine flow capacity required to provide biotreatment of remaining percentage of unmet LID DCV (Item 5), for the project’s precipitation zone (Form 3-1 Item 1) 7 Metrics for MEP determination: ·Provided a WQMP with the portion of site area used for suite of LID BMP equal to minimum thresholds in Table 5-7 of the TGD for WQMP for the proposed category of development:If maximized on-site retention BMPs is feasible for partial capture, then LID BMP implementation must be optimized to retain and infiltrate the maximum portion of the DCV possible within the prescribed minimum effective area. The remaining portion of the DCV shall then be mitigated using biotreatment BMP. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-21 Form 4.3-6 Volume Based Biotreatment (DA A- C)– Bioretention and Planter Boxes with Underdrains Biotreatment BMP Type (Bioretention w/underdrain, planter box w/underdrain, other comparable BMP) DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 1 Pollutants addressed with BMP List all pollutant of concern that will be effectively reduced through specific Unit Operations and Processes described in Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP N/A N/A N/A 2 Amended soil infiltration rate Typical ~ 5.0 N/A N/A N/A 3 Amended soil infiltration safety factor Typical ~ 2.0 N/A N/A N/A 4 Amended soil design percolation rate (in/hr)Pdesign = Item 2 / Item 3 N/A N/A N/A 5 Ponded water drawdown time (hr)Copy Item 6 from Form 4.2-1 N/A N/A N/A 6 Maximum ponding depth (ft) see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details N/A N/A N/A 7 Ponding Depth (ft)dBMP = Minimum of (1/12 * Item 4 * Item 5) or Item 6 N/A N/A N/A 8 Amended soil surface area (ft2)N/A N/A N/A 9 Amended soil depth (ft) see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details N/A N/A N/A 10 Amended soil porosity,n N/A N/A N/A 11 Gravel depth (ft) see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details N/A N/A N/A 12 Gravel porosity,n N/A N/A N/A 13 Duration of storm as basin is filling (hrs) Typical ~ 3hrs N/A N/A N/A 14 Biotreated Volume (ft3)Vbiotreated = Item 8 * [(Item 7/2) + (Item 9 * Item 10) +(Item 11 * Item 12)+ (Item 13 * (Item 4 / 12))] N/A N/A N/A 15 Total biotreated volume from bioretention and/or planter box with underdrains BMP: N/A Sum of Item 14 for all volume-based BMPs included in this form Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-22 Form 4.3-7 Volume Based Biotreatment (DA A- C)– Constructed Wetlands and Extended Detention Biotreatment BMP Type Constructed wetlands, extended wet detention, extended dry detention, or other comparable proprietary BMP. If BMP includes multiple modules (e.g. forebay and main basin), provide separate estimates for storage and pollutants treated in each module. DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) Forebay Basin Forebay Basin 1 Pollutants addressed with BMP forebay and basin List all pollutant of concern that will be effectively reduced through specific Unit Operations and Processes described in Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Bottom width (ft)N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 Bottom length (ft)N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 Bottom area (ft2)Abottom = Item 2 * Item 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 Side slope (ft/ft)N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 Depth of storage (ft)N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 Water surface area (ft2) Asurface =(Item 2 + (2 * Item 5 * Item 6)) * (Item 3 + (2 * Item 5 * Item 6)) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 Storage volume (ft3)For BMP with a forebay, ensure fraction of total storage is within ranges specified in BMP specific fact sheets, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details V =Item 6 / 3 * [Item 4 + Item 7 + (Item 4 * Item 7)^0.5] N/A N/A N/A N/A 9 Drawdown Time (hrs) Copy Item 6 from Form 2.1 N/A N/A 10 Outflow rate (cfs) QBMP = (Item 8forebay + Item 8basin) / (Item 9 * 3600)N/A N/A 11 Duration of design storm event (hrs)N/A N/A 12 Biotreated Volume (ft3) Vbiotreated = (Item 8forebay + Item 8basin) +( Item 10 * Item 11 * 3600) N/A N/A 13 Total biotreated volume from constructed wetlands, extended dry detention, or extended wet detention : N/A (Sum of Item 12 for all BMP included in plan) Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-23 Form 4.3-8 Flow Based Biotreatment (DA A- C) Biotreatment BMP Type Vegetated swale, vegetated filter strip, or other comparable proprietary BMP DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 1 Pollutants addressed with BMP List all pollutant of concern that will be effectively reduced through specific Unit Operations and Processes described in TGD Table 5-5 N/A N/A N/A 2 Flow depth for water quality treatment (ft) BMP specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details N/A N/A N/A 3 Bed slope (ft/ft) BMP specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details N/A N/A N/A 4 Manning's roughness coefficient N/A N/A N/A 5 Bottom width (ft) bw = (Form 4.3-5 Item 6 * Item 4) / (1.49 * Item 2^1.67 * Item 3^0.5) N/A N/A N/A 6 Side Slope (ft/ft) BMP specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details N/A N/A N/A 7 Cross sectional area (ft2) A = (Item 5 * Item 2) + (Item 6 * Item 2^2) N/A N/A N/A 8 Water quality flow velocity (ft/sec) V = Form 4.3-5 Item 6 / Item 7 N/A N/A N/A 9 Hydraulic residence time (min) Pollutant specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details N/A N/A N/A 10 Length of flow based BMP (ft) L = Item 8 * Item 9 * 60 N/A N/A N/A 11 Water surface area at water quality flow depth (ft2) SAtop = (Item 5 + (2 * Item 2 * Item 6)) * Item 10 N/A N/A N/A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-24 4.3.5 Conformance Summary Complete Form 4.3-9 to demonstrate how on-site LID DCV is met with proposed site design hydrologic source control, infiltration, harvest and use, and/or biotreatment BMP. The bottom line of the form is used to describe the basis for infeasibility determination for on-site LID BMP to achieve full LID DCV, and provides methods for computing remaining volume to be addressed in an alternative compliance plan. If the project has more than one outlet, then complete additional versions of this form for each outlet. Form 4.3-9 Conformance Summary and Alternative Compliance Volume Estimate (DA A) 1 Total LID DCV for the Project DA-A (ft3): 39,808 Copy Item 7 in Form 4.2-1 2 On-site retention with site design hydrologic source control LID BMP (ft3): 0 Copy Item 30 in Form 4.3-2 3 On-site retention with LID infiltration BMP (ft3): 41,444Copy Item 16 in Form 4.3-3 4 On-site retention with LID harvest and use BMP (ft3): 0 Copy Item 9 in Form 4.3-4 5 On-site biotreatment with volume based biotreatment BMP (ft3): 0 Copy Item 3 in Form 4.3-5 6 Flow capacity provided by flow based biotreatment BMP (cfs): 0 Copy Item 6 in Form 4.3-5 7 LID BMP performance criteria are achieved if answer to any of the following is “Yes”: ·Full retention of LID DCV with site design HSC, infiltration, or harvest and use BMP: Yes No If yes, sum of Items 2, 3, and 4 is greater than Item 1 ·Combination of on-site retention BMPs for a portion of the LID DCV and volume-based biotreatment BMP that address all pollutants of concern for the remaining LID DCV: Yes No If yes, a) sum of Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 is greater than Item 1, and Items 2, 3 and 4 are maximized; or b) Item 6 is greater than Form 4.3--5 Item 6 and Items 2, 3 and 4 are maximized §On-site retention and infiltration is determined to be infeasible and biotreatment BMP provide biotreatment for all pollutants of concern for full LID DCV: Yes No If yes, Form 4.3-1 Items 7 and 8 were both checked yes 8 If the LID DCV is not achieved by any of these means, then the project may be allowed to develop an alternative compliance plan. Check box that describes the scenario which caused the need for alternative compliance: ·Combination of HSC, retention and infiltration, harvest and use, and biotreatment BMPs provide less than full LID DCV capture: Checked yes for Form 4.3-5 Item 7, Item 6 is zero, and sum of Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 is less than Item 1. If so, apply water quality credits and calculate volume for alternative compliance, Valt = (Item 1 – Item 2 – Item 3 – Item 4 – Item 5) * (100 - Form 2.4-1 Item 2)% ·An approved Watershed Action Plan (WAP) demonstrates that water quality and hydrologic impacts of urbanization are more effective when managed in at an off-site facility: Attach appropriate WAP section, including technical documentation, showing effectiveness comparisons for the project site and regional watershed Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-25 Form 4.3-9 Conformance Summary and Alternative Compliance Volume Estimate (DA B) 1 Total LID DCV for the Project DA-B (ft3): 1,565 Copy Item 7 in Form 4.2-1 2 On-site retention with site design hydrologic source control LID BMP (ft3): 0 Copy Item 30 in Form 4.3-2 3 On-site retention with LID infiltration BMP (ft3): 41,444 Copy Item 16 in Form 4.3-3 4 On-site retention with LID harvest and use BMP (ft3): 0 Copy Item 9 in Form 4.3-4 5 On-site biotreatment with volume based biotreatment BMP (ft3): 0 Copy Item 3 in Form 4.3-5 6 Flow capacity provided by flow based biotreatment BMP (cfs): 0 Copy Item 6 in Form 4.3-5 7 LID BMP performance criteria are achieved if answer to any of the following is “Yes”: ·Full retention of LID DCV with site design HSC, infiltration, or harvest and use BMP: Yes No If yes, sum of Items 2, 3, and 4 is greater than Item 1 ·Combination of on-site retention BMPs for a portion of the LID DCV and volume-based biotreatment BMP that address all pollutants of concern for the remaining LID DCV: Yes No If yes, a) sum of Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 is greater than Item 1, and Items 2, 3 and 4 are maximized; or b) Item 6 is greater than Form 4.3--5 Item 6 and Items 2, 3 and 4 are maximized §On-site retention and infiltration is determined to be infeasible and biotreatment BMP provide biotreatment for all pollutants of concern for full LID DCV: Yes No If yes, Form 4.3-1 Items 7 and 8 were both checked yes 8 If the LID DCV is not achieved by any of these means, then the project may be allowed to develop an alternative compliance plan. Check box that describes the scenario which caused the need for alternative compliance: ·Combination of HSC, retention and infiltration, harvest and use, and biotreatment BMPs provide less than full LID DCV capture: Checked yes for Form 4.3-5 Item 7, Item 6 is zero, and sum of Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 is less than Item 1. If so, apply water quality credits and calculate volume for alternative compliance, Valt = (Item 1 – Item 2 – Item 3 – Item 4 – Item 5) * (100 - Form 2.4-1 Item 2)% ·An approved Watershed Action Plan (WAP) demonstrates that water quality and hydrologic impacts of urbanization are more effective when managed in at an off-site facility: Attach appropriate WAP section, including technical documentation, showing effectiveness comparisons for the project site and regional watershed Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-26 4.3.6 Hydromodification Control BMP Use Form 4.3-10 to compute the remaining runoff volume retention, after LID BMP are implemented, needed to address HCOC, and the increase in time of concentration and decrease in peak runoff necessary to meet targets for protection of waterbodies with a potential HCOC. Describe hydromodification control BMP that address HCOC, which may include off-site BMP and/or in-stream controls. Section 5.6 of the TGD for WQMP provides additional details on selection and evaluation of hydromodification control BMP. Form 4.3-10 Hydromodification Control BMPs (DA A- C) 1 Volume reduction needed for HCOC performance criteria (ft3): N/A (Form 4.2-2 Item 4 * 0.95) – Form 4.2-2 Item 1 2 On-site retention with site design hydrologic source control, infiltration, and harvest and use LID BMP (ft3): N/A Sum of Form 4.3-9 Items 2, 3, and 4 Evaluate option to increase implementation of on-site retention in Forms 4.3-2, 4.3-3, and 4.3-4 in excess of LID DCV toward achieving HCOC volume reduction 3 Remaining volume for HCOC volume capture (ft3): N/A Item 1 – Item 2 4 Volume capture provided by incorporating additional on-site or off-site retention BMPs (ft3): N/A Existing downstream BMP may be used to demonstrate additional volume capture (if so, attach to this WQMP a hydrologic analysis showing how the additional volume would be retained during a 2-yr storm event for the regional watershed) 5 If Item 4 is less than Item 3, incorporate in-stream controls on downstream waterbody segment to prevent impacts due to hydromodification Attach in-stream control BMP selection and evaluation to this WQMP 6 Is Form 4.2-2 Item 11 less than or equal to 5%: Yes No If yes, HCOC performance criteria is achieved. If no, select one or more mitigation options below: ·Demonstrate increase in time of concentration achieved by proposed LID site design, LID BMP, and additional on-site or off-site retention BMP BMP upstream of a waterbody segment with a potential HCOC may be used to demonstrate increased time of concentration through hydrograph attenuation (if so, show that the hydraulic residence time provided in BMP for a 2-year storm event is equal or greater than the addition time of concentration requirement in Form 4.2-4 Item 15) ·Increase time of concentration by preserving pre-developed flow path and/or increase travel time by reducing slope and increasing cross-sectional area and roughness for proposed on-site conveyance facilities ·Incorporate appropriate in-stream controls for downstream waterbody segment to prevent impacts due to hydromodification, in a plan approved and signed by a licensed engineer in the State of California 7 Form 4.2-2 Item 12 less than or equal to 5%: Yes No If yes, HCOC performance criteria is achieved. If no, select one or more mitigation options below: ·Demonstrate reduction in peak runoff achieved by proposed LID site design, LID BMPs, and additional on-site or off- site retention BMPs BMPs upstream of a waterbody segment with a potential HCOC may be used to demonstrate additional peak runoff reduction through hydrograph attenuation (if so, attach to this WQMP, a hydrograph analysis showing how the peak runoff would be reduced during a 2-yr storm event) ·Incorporate appropriate in-stream controls for downstream waterbody segment to prevent impacts due to hydromodification, in a plan approved and signed by a licensed engineer in the State of California Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-27 4.4 Alternative Compliance Plan (if applicable) Describe an alternative compliance plan (if applicable) for projects not fully able to infiltrate, harvest and use, or biotreat the DCV via on-site LID practices. A project proponent must develop an alternative compliance plan to address the remainder of the LID DCV. Depending on project type some projects may qualify for water quality credits that can be applied to reduce the DCV that must be treated prior to development of an alternative compliance plan (see Form 2.4-1, Water Quality Credits). Form 4.3-9 Item 8 includes instructions on how to apply water quality credits when computing the DCV that must be met through alternative compliance. Alternative compliance plans may include one or more of the following elements: ·On-site structural treatment control BMP - All treatment control BMP should be located as close to possible to the pollutant sources and should not be located within receiving waters; ·Off-site structural treatment control BMP - Pollutant removal should occur prior to discharge of runoff to receiving waters; ·Urban runoff fund or In-lieu program, if available Depending upon the proposed alternative compliance plan, approval by the executive officer may or may not be required (see Section 6 of the TGD for WQMP). Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 5-1 Section 5 Inspection and Maintenance Responsibility for Post Construction BMP All BMP included as part of the project WQMP are required to be maintained through regular scheduled inspection and maintenance (refer to Section 8, Post Construction BMP Requirements, in the TGD for WQMP). Fully complete Form 5-1 summarizing all BMP included in the WQMP. Attach additional forms as needed. The WQMP shall also include a detailed Operation and Maintenance Plan for all BMP and may require a Maintenance Agreement (consult the jurisdiction’s LIP). If a Maintenance Agreement is required, it must also be attached to the WQMP. Form 5-1 BMP Inspection and Maintenance (use additional forms as necessary) BMP Reponsible Party(s) Inspection/ Maintenance Activities Required Minimum Frequency of Activities Litter/Debris Control Program SD-32, N11, N15, S3 Owner Litter shall be picked up, trash enclosure areas shall be swept and cleaned, dumpsters shall be emptied.Weekly Catch Basin Inspection Program SD-11, N14, S1 Owner Catch basins shall be inspected to ensure proper operation. Monthly during rainy season (Oct- May) and before and after each storm event Parking Lot Sweeping SC-43 Owner Parking lots must be swept Quarterly (Minimum), Weekly during rainy season (Oct-May) Landscape Management SC-73, SD-10, SD-12, N3, S4 Owner Gardening and lawn care practices to prevent landscape waste to exit project site per SC-73 Weekly Perforated CMP N4 Owner See manufacturer information in O&M information. See Appendix D See manufacturer information in O&M information. See Appendix D N1, N2, N6, N11, N12, N17 Owner Educational material distributed to maintain compliance of activity restrictions, local water quality ordinances, and employee training As Needed Section 6 WQMP Attachments 6.1. Site Plan and Drainage Plan Include a site plan and drainage plan sheet set containing the following minimum information: 6.2 Electronic Data Submittal Minimum requirements include submittal of PDF exhibits in addition to hard copies. Format must not require specialized software to open. If the local jurisdiction requires specialized electronic document formats (as described in their local Local Implementation Plan), this section will describe the contents (e.g., layering, nomenclature, geo-referencing, etc.) of these documents so that they may be interpreted efficiently and accurately. 6.3 Post Construction Attach all O&M Plans and Maintenance Agreements for BMP to the WQMP. 6.4 Other Supporting Documentation §BMP Educational Materials §Activity Restriction – C, C&R’s & Lease Agreements §Project location §Site boundary §Land uses and land covers, as applicable §Suitability/feasibility constraints §Structural Source Control BMP locations §Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMP locations §LID BMP details §Drainage delineations and flow information §Drainage connections Attachment A – Site Plan Attachment A S SSSS S SSSS D D D D D D S S D DSD S SSSS S SSSS D D D D D D S S D DSD LOT A (OPEN SPACE) 1 STREET A(PRIVATE STREET)(DRIVEWAY A)2 34 5 6 LOT B (OPEN SPACE)LOT C(OPEN SPACE)7 (DRIVEWAY B)8 910 11 12 59 (DRIVEWAY J)60 6162 63 64 76 (DRIVEWAY K)75 7473 72 71 1314 15 16 17 18 (DRIVEWAY C) 1920 21 22 23 24 (DRIVEWAY D) 46 45 44 43 4241 (DRIVEWAY G) 52 51 50 49 4847 (DRIVEWAY H) 58 57 56 55 5453 (DRIVEWAY I) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31(DRIVEWAY E)32 33 34 35 36 37(DRIVEWAY F)65 66 67 68 69 70(DRIVEWAY L)38 39 40 STREET B (PRIVATE STREET)STREET C(PRIVATE STREET)STREET D (PRIVATE STREET)STREET E(PRIVATE STREET)LOT D(OPEN SPACE)LOT E(OPEN SPACE)EVA SUMMIT AVE.CITRUS AVE.FLORENTINE AVE.3:1 MAX 3:1 MAX3:1 MAX 3:1 MAX3:1 MAX3:1 MAX3:1 MAX3:1 MAX3:1 MAX3:1 MAX3:1 MAX3:1 MAX 3:1 MAX3:1 MAX7 7 8 8 8 2 NORTHSITE PLAN 10.14.2021 CITRUS EAST GUEST PARKING REQUIRE: 38 GUEST PARKING PROPOSED: 40 (INCLUDING 2 ADA PARKING) DDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSSSSDD(DRIVEWAY D)STREET B(PRIVATE STREET)(DRIVEWAY C)(DRIVEWAY B) (DRIVEWAY A) (DRIVEWAY E) (DRIVEWAY F)(DRIVEWAY G)(DRIVEWAY H)(DRIVEWAY I)(DRIVEWAY J) (DRIVEWAY K) (DRIVEWAY L)STREET D(PRIVATE STREET)STREET A (PRIVATE STREET) STREET C(PRIVATE STREET) STREET E (PRIVATE STREET) CITRUS AVENUE FLORENTINE AVENUESUMMIT AVENUENORTHTENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 20513FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSESCITY OF FONTANAPRELIMINARY WQMP EXHIBITPRELIMINARY WQMP EXHIBITCITRUS EASTTENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 20513LEGENDSTRUCTURAL SOURCE CONTROL BMP NOTESNON-STRUCTURAL SOURCE CONTROL BMP NOTES······STRUCTURAL BMP NOTES1953110031DEC 3, 20211" = 30'AGLAC1 Attachment B – HCOC Map Attachment B H04 I H02 A U H12 H09 III V H11IV H08 H07 X H05 H03 H06 J VII F H01 VI VIII B E W H10 IX XIII II G C H02BH02A II H12 II I 15I 10 STATE HWY 60 I 215 STATE 91STATE HWY 210 STATE HWY 71 I 10 - I 15 STATE HWY 259STATE 91 I 15STATE HWY 210 STATE HWY 60 S T A TE H W Y 71 STATE H W Y 71 Seven Oaks Dam, COE San Antonio Basin #9 Seven Oaks Dam, COE San Antonio Dam Seven Oaks Dam, COE [DSOD] Seven Oaks Dam, COE Waterman Spreading Grounds Seven Oaks Dam, COE Wineville Basin San Sevaine Basin #5 [DSOD] Prado Dam Twin Creek Spreading Grounds Riverside Basin Jurupa Basin [DSOD] Waterman Basin #1 San Antonio Basin #5San Antonio Basin #2 Cucamonga Basin #6 Plunge Creek Spreading Grounds Victoria Basin City Creek Spreading GroundsSan Antonio Basin #8 Devil Basin #7 Rich Basin Potato Creek Spreading Grounds Patton Basin Lytle Creek Gatehouse, COE Cactus Basin #3bCactus Basin #5 Brooks Basin 8th Street Basin #1 Mojave River Forks Dam; COE [DSOD] Linden Basin Wiggins Basin #1 Ely Basin #2 Cactus Basin #2 Declez Basin [DSOD] Turner Basin #1 Banana Basin Day Creek Dam [DSOD] Grove Avenue Basin Etiwanda Conservation Basin Bledsoe Basin Montclair Basin #2 Sycamore Basin Devil Basin #4 Church Street Basin Lower Cucamonga Sprdg Grnds Warm Creek Conservation Basin #4 Ranchero Basin Montclair Basin #1College Heights Basin #4College Heights Basin #1 Bailey Basin Montclair Basin #4 Mountain View Basin Wilson Creek Basin #3San Timoteo Sediment Basin #3 Hillside Basin, COE Wildwood Basin #2 Demens Basin #2 Dynamite Basin San Timoteo Sediment Basin #18 Sand Canyon Basin San Timoteo Sediment Basin #13 Perris Hill Basin 13th Street Basin Cook Canyon Basin Deep Creek M ill CreekCajon Creek Wash Zanja Creek Lytle Creek Wash Santa Ana RiverSheep CreekOak Glen CreekMojave RiverCypr ess Channel Sawpit CanyonHorse CanyonL iv e O a k C re e k Grout CreekY u c a ip a C r e e k Horsethief Canyon Seel ey Cr eekCleghorn Canyon Morrey Arroyo Arrowbear Creek Sand Canyon CreekSawpit CanyonLegend Regional Board Boundary County BoundaryDrainageCourse <all other values> Hydromodification EHM Low Medium High High (Default) Government Land State of California Land United States of America Land City Boundary Freeways Basins and Dams HCOC Exempt Areas None ExemptHCOC Exempt A B C E F G H01 H02 H02A H02B H03 H04 H05 H06 H07 H08 H09 H10 H11 H12 I II III IV IX J U V VI VII VIII W X XIII Figure F-1 Attachment C – Calculations Attachment C SWQDV Calculations Project Name:Citrus East Completed by:Ana Gonzalez Reviewed by:Lupita Astorga Date:3-Dec-21 County:San Bernardino Area Area Post class Impervious Area draw down time 85th% Depth SWQDv Contech CMP System Volume provided (sf)(ac)(ft)(%)(hr)(in)(cf)(cf) DMA 1 329793 7.571 RESIDENTIAL 85.8 48 1.099 39808 DMA 2 28359 0.651 RESIDENTIAL 44.7 48 1.099 1565 DMA 3 16279 0.374 SELF-TREATING 0.0 48 1.099 117 N/A Total 374431 8.6 41490 41444 Drainage Area TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT APPENDICES VII-35 May 19, 2011 Worksheet H: Factor of Safety and Design Infiltration Rate and Worksheet Factor Category Factor Description Assigned Weight (w) Factor Value (v) Product (p) p = w x v A Suitability Assessment Soil assessment methods 0.25 Predominant soil texture 0.25 Site soil variability 0.25 Depth to groundwater / impervious layer 0.25 Suitability Assessment Safety Factor, SA = p B Design Tributary area size 0.25 Level of pretreatment/ expected sediment loads 0.25 Redundancy 0.25 Compaction during construction 0.25 Design Safety Factor, SB = p Combined Safety Factor, STOT= SA x SB Measured Infiltration Rate, inch/hr, KM (corrected for test-specific bias) Design Infiltration Rate, in/hr, KDESIGN = STOT × KM Supporting Data Briefly describe infiltration test and provide reference to test forms: Note: The minimum combined adjustment factor shall not be less than 2.0 and the maximum combined adjustment factor shall not exceed 9.0. NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 6, Version 2 Location name: Fontana, California, USA* Latitude: 34.1512°, Longitude: -117.4522° Elevation: 1653.96 ft*** source: ESRI Maps ** source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Perica, Sarah Dietz, Sarah Heim, Lillian Hiner, Kazungu Maitaria, Deborah Martin, SandraPavlovic, Ishani Roy, Carl Trypaluk, Dale Unruh, Fenglin Yan, Michael Yekta, Tan Zhao, GeoffreyBonnin, Daniel Brewer, Li-Chuan Chen, Tye Parzybok, John Yarchoan NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF_tabular | PF_graphical | Maps_&_aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Duration Average recurrence interval (years) 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.138(0.115‑0.168)0.183(0.152‑0.222)0.240(0.199‑0.293)0.286(0.235‑0.352)0.349(0.277‑0.443)0.396(0.308‑0.515)0.444(0.336‑0.592)0.493(0.363‑0.676)0.559(0.395‑0.801)0.611(0.416‑0.906) 10-min 0.198 (0.165‑0.241) 0.262 (0.218‑0.318) 0.344 (0.285‑0.420) 0.411 (0.337‑0.505) 0.500 (0.397‑0.636) 0.568 (0.441‑0.738) 0.636 (0.482‑0.848) 0.707 (0.520‑0.969) 0.802 (0.566‑1.15) 0.876 (0.596‑1.30) 15-min 0.240 (0.200‑0.291) 0.317 (0.263‑0.385) 0.416 (0.345‑0.507) 0.496 (0.408‑0.610) 0.604 (0.480‑0.769) 0.686 (0.533‑0.892) 0.769 (0.583‑1.03) 0.855 (0.629‑1.17) 0.970 (0.684‑1.39) 1.06 (0.721‑1.57) 30-min 0.365(0.304‑0.443)0.483(0.401‑0.587)0.634(0.526‑0.773)0.756(0.621‑0.929)0.920(0.731‑1.17)1.05(0.812‑1.36)1.17(0.888‑1.56)1.30(0.958‑1.79)1.48(1.04‑2.12)1.61(1.10‑2.39) 60-min 0.562(0.468‑0.682)0.742(0.617‑0.902)0.975(0.808‑1.19)1.16(0.956‑1.43)1.42(1.12‑1.80)1.61(1.25‑2.09)1.80(1.37‑2.40)2.00(1.47‑2.75)2.27(1.60‑3.25)2.48(1.69‑3.68) 2-hr 0.860(0.716‑1.04)1.13(0.936‑1.37)1.47(1.22‑1.79)1.74(1.43‑2.14)2.11(1.67‑2.68)2.38(1.85‑3.10)2.66(2.01‑3.54)2.94(2.16‑4.03)3.32(2.34‑4.75)3.61(2.46‑5.35) 3-hr 1.11 (0.924‑1.35) 1.45 (1.20‑1.76) 1.88 (1.56‑2.29) 2.23 (1.83‑2.74) 2.69 (2.13‑3.42) 3.03 (2.35‑3.94) 3.37 (2.56‑4.50) 3.72 (2.74‑5.11) 4.19 (2.96‑6.00) 4.55 (3.10‑6.74) 6-hr 1.66 (1.38‑2.02) 2.16 (1.80‑2.63) 2.80 (2.32‑3.42) 3.31 (2.72‑4.07) 3.98 (3.16‑5.06) 4.47 (3.48‑5.82) 4.97 (3.77‑6.63) 5.47 (4.03‑7.51) 6.13 (4.33‑8.78) 6.63 (4.52‑9.84) 12-hr 2.29(1.91‑2.78)3.00(2.49‑3.64)3.89(3.22‑4.74)4.59(3.77‑5.64)5.50(4.37‑7.00)6.18(4.80‑8.03)6.85(5.19‑9.13)7.52(5.53‑10.3)8.39(5.92‑12.0)9.05(6.16‑13.4) 24-hr 3.11(2.75‑3.58)4.11(3.64‑4.74)5.37(4.74‑6.21)6.36(5.56‑7.41)7.64(6.47‑9.21)8.59(7.13‑10.6)9.53(7.72‑12.0)10.5(8.24‑13.5)11.7(8.83‑15.8)12.6(9.21‑17.6) 2-day 3.81(3.37‑4.39)5.14(4.54‑5.93)6.84(6.04‑7.91)8.21(7.18‑9.57)10.0(8.50‑12.1)11.4(9.48‑14.0)12.8(10.4‑16.1)14.2(11.2‑18.4)16.1(12.2‑21.7)17.6(12.9‑24.5) 3-day 4.09 (3.62‑4.71) 5.60 (4.96‑6.46) 7.61 (6.71‑8.80) 9.25 (8.10‑10.8) 11.5 (9.76‑13.9) 13.3 (11.0‑16.3) 15.1 (12.2‑19.0) 17.0 (13.4‑22.0) 19.6 (14.8‑26.4) 21.7 (15.8‑30.2) 4-day 4.37 (3.87‑5.03) 6.05 (5.35‑6.98) 8.30 (7.32‑9.60) 10.2 (8.91‑11.9) 12.8 (10.8‑15.4) 14.9 (12.3‑18.3) 17.0 (13.8‑21.4) 19.3 (15.2‑25.0) 22.5 (17.0‑30.3) 25.0 (18.3‑34.9) 7-day 5.02(4.45‑5.79)7.02(6.21‑8.10)9.71(8.56‑11.2)12.0(10.5‑13.9)15.1(12.8‑18.2)17.6(14.6‑21.7)20.2(16.4‑25.5)23.0(18.1‑29.8)26.9(20.4‑36.3)30.0(22.0‑41.9) 10-day 5.42(4.80‑6.25)7.62(6.74‑8.79)10.6(9.34‑12.3)13.1(11.5‑15.3)16.6(14.1‑20.0)19.4(16.1‑23.9)22.3(18.1‑28.1)25.5(20.1‑33.0)29.9(22.6‑40.3)33.4(24.4‑46.6) 20-day 6.46(5.72‑7.44)9.15(8.10‑10.6)12.8(11.3‑14.9)16.0(14.0‑18.6)20.4(17.3‑24.6)24.0(19.9‑29.6)27.8(22.6‑35.1)31.9(25.2‑41.3)37.7(28.5‑50.9)42.5(31.0‑59.3) 30-day 7.52 (6.66‑8.66) 10.7 (9.45‑12.3) 15.0 (13.3‑17.4) 18.8 (16.4‑21.9) 24.1 (20.4‑29.1) 28.5 (23.6‑35.0) 33.1 (26.8‑41.7) 38.1 (30.0‑49.4) 45.3 (34.3‑61.1) 51.2 (37.4‑71.4) 45-day 8.98 (7.95‑10.3) 12.7 (11.2‑14.6) 17.9 (15.8‑20.7) 22.3 (19.5‑26.0) 28.8 (24.4‑34.7) 34.0 (28.2‑41.9) 39.7 (32.1‑50.0) 45.8 (36.1‑59.4) 54.7 (41.4‑73.8) 62.1 (45.4‑86.6) 60-day 10.4(9.22‑12.0)14.6(12.9‑16.8)20.5(18.1‑23.7)25.6(22.4‑29.8)32.9(27.9‑39.7)39.0(32.4‑48.0)45.5(36.9‑57.4)52.7(41.5‑68.2)63.0(47.7‑85.0)71.7(52.4‑100) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for agiven duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are notchecked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical Back to Top Maps & aerials Small scale terrain Large scale terrain + – 3km 2mi Large scale map Large scale aerial Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions@noaa.gov Disclaimer + – 100km 60mi + – 100km 60mi + – 100km 60mi Attachment D – BMP Fact Sheet Attachment D Corrugated Metal Pipe Detention Design Guide ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 2 Guidelines for Designing CMP Detention System ...............................................3 Design Tables ......................................................................................................6 Pretreatment Options .......................................................................................11 Custom Fabrication and Fittings .......................................................................12 CMP Detention System Bedding and Backfill ....................................................13 CMP Detention System Installation ...................................................................13 Table of Contents NOTHING IN THIS CATALOG SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY. APPLICATIONS SUGGESTED HEREIN ARE DESCRIBED ONLY TO HELP READERS MAKE THEIR OWN EVALUATIONS AND DECISIONS, AND ARE NEITHER GUARANTEES NOR WARRANTIES OF SUITABILITY FOR ANY APPLICATION. CONTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE APPLICATIONS, MATERIALS, COATINGS, OR PRODUCTS DISCUSSED HEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED BY CONTECH. SEE CONTECH’S CONDITIONS OF SALE (AVAILABLE AT WWW.CONTECHES.COM/COS) FOR MORE INFORMATION. CMP Detention System Design Tools Design Your Own Detention System (DYODS®) Contech’s DYODS is an exclusive, online design tool that allows you to design your own detention or infiltration system. DYODS fully automates the layout process for stormwater detention and infiltration systems and produces CAD and PDF files that can be used for creating plans and specs, and for estimating total installed costs. Features of the new tool include: • Optimizes design and layout for cost efficiency • “Drag and drop” feature allow users to customize layout • Design multiple systems per project and save for future use • Provides instant access to customized, project specific drawings • CAD/PDF files provided for use in creating plans and specs • Guides the selection of CMP material and coatings The DYODS tool is available at www.conteches.com/DYO. Online Product Design Worksheet (PDW) Our in-house team of engineers can support you through the entire permitting process. Just enter your information into the online form, and one of our in-house engineers will contact you with specific recommendations for your project. The Detention Product Design Worksheet is available at www.conteches.com/detentionpdw Engineering Services & Support Contech has regional engineering offices and local stormwater consultants trained to provide regulatory guidance and permitting assistance, preliminary standard details and/or site specific final drawings and specifications, Low Impact Development design assistance, engineering calculations for hydraulics/hydrology, buoyancy, and stage-storage, installation support, maintenance support and more. 3 • No riser or stubs on a weld. • Minimum distance from riser or stub to a weld joint is 12”. • Riser minimum distance to end of pipe is 24”. • Stub minimum distance to end of pipe is 12”. • Spacing between pipe runs up to /incl 24”diameter pipe is 12”, 24” to 72” diameter pipe is equal to half the diameter of pipe, =>72” Diameter pipe is 3 ft standard spacing. • Minimum depth of earth cover is 1’ above crown of pipe up 96” diameter pipe, 102” diameter pipe and over is 18” min. earth cover. • Standardized length of pipe is 24’ but can vary from one region to another. Speak to your local Contech representative for additional information. • Minimum length of pipe needs to be 4 feet greater than the diameter of the pipe. • Any system should be outside the building’s foundation zone of influence and any system beneath a structure should be evaluated on an individual basis. Guidelines for Designing CMP Detention Systems Please follows these guidelines when designing a custom fabricated CMP detention system. Cost-Effective Design and Layout The three most important goals should be to shrink the footprint of the system by maximizing the storage volume within a given area, eliminate unnecessary welding and fabrication, and eliminate unnecessary structures. Shrinking the Footprint The goal of any CMP detention system should be to maximize the vertical space available to minimize the overall footprint, to reduce material, excavation, and backfill costs. To do this we recommend using the largest diameter pipe possible. Increasing the depth of a CMP detention system allows for a smaller footprint while storing the same amount of water. For example, doubling the diameter of pipe yields four times as much storage volume per foot in the pipe. This provides significant cost savings per cubic foot of storage. Also, more vertical storage space means a smaller footprint equating to less excavation, less backfill and lower project costs. 96” DIA. - 50.2 FT3/FT 48” DIA. - 12.5 FT3/FT 2X THE DIAMETER = 4 X THE STORAGE Larger pipe provides storage at a lower cost per cubic foot. System 1 System 2 Consider the following example: System 1 is made from 36” diameter pipe that provides 5,005 cubic feet of storage. System 2 is made from 60” diameter pipe that provides the same 5,005 cubic feet of storage. Both systems provide the same amount of storage, but System 2 is the most economical design as it reduces material costs, fabrication costs, excavation, and backfill costs. Having fewer runs of pipe will cut down on the number of welds and special fabrication requirements. Having fewer welds will also cut down on lead times. Lastly, System 2 has a footprint that is 1,300 square feet smaller than System 1, reducing excavation and backfill costs. The only instance, where System 2 may not be feasible, is when you do not have the available depth for the larger diameter pipe. 4 Eliminating Unnecessary Welds The rule of thumb is to use as much straight pipe as possible to reduce the number of tees and elbows in your design. Doing so will result in a more cost effective and efficient design, and will also reduce lead times. In the example below, both systems are designed with 72” diameter pipe and roughly the same storage volume. System 1 uses only two elbows and one tee and will be much more cost effective than System Two that uses four elbows and six tees. System 1 System 2 Eliminating Unnecessary Structures Costs can also be reduced by eliminating concrete structures such as catch basins and outlet control structures by incorporating them into the CMP system. For example, a riser can be added to a system in the low point of a parking lot with a grated inlet to eliminate a concrete catch basin. Internal weir plates and multiple external outlet stubs can often be used to eliminate a separate concrete outlet control structure downstream. Such designs may seem a bit unusual for an engineer that is used to designing with concrete structures. Contech’s team of stormwater design engineers have experience in this and can assist with the routing designs of CMP detention systems. Efficient Design Inefficient Design CMP Detention Systems in Corrosive Environments A site’s resistivity may change over time when various types of salting agents are used, such as road salts for deicing purposes. If salting agents are used on or near the project site, a geomembrane barrier must be used with the system. The geomembrane liner is intended to help protect the system from the potential adverse effects that may result from the use of such salting agents including premature corrosion and reduced actual service life. The project’s Engineer of Record is to evaluate whether salting agents will be used on or near the project site, and use his/her best judgement to determine if any additional protective measures are required. Below is a typical detail showing the placement of a geomembrane barrier for projects where salting agents are used on or near the project site. Standard Liner Over Rows 5 Detention Pipe Selection Durability Design Guide for CMP Detention Products Proper design of detention systems requires structural, hydraulic and durability considerations. While most designers are comfortable with structural and hydraulic design, the mechanics of evaluating abrasion, corrosion and water chemistry to perform a durability design are not found in most civil engineering handbooks. The durability and service life of a CMP detention installation is directly related to the environmental conditions encountered at the site and the type of materials and coatings from which the system is fabricated. Two principle causes of early failure for CMP are corrosion and abrasion. Service life can be affected by the corrosive action of the backfill in contact with the outside of a CMP detention or occasionally by the corrosive and abrasive action of the flow in the invert of the CMP detention. The design life analysis should include a check for both the water side and soil side environments to determine which is more critical— or which governs service life. Metal loss in the invert of a CMP detention due to abrasive flows is not typical as the hydraulic dynamics are different as compared to a culvert application. An estimate for potential abrasion is required at each pipe location in order to determine the appropriate material and gage. Typical Detention applications are considered to have an Abrasion Level 1, or non-abrasive. This manual is intended to guide specifiers through the mechanics of selecting appropriate materials to meet service life requirements. The information contained in the following pages is a composite of several national guidelines. Procedure for Selection of the Appropriate System The choice of material, gage and product type can be extremely important to service life. The following steps describe the procedure for selecting the appropriate CMP detention material and gage to meet a specific service life requirement. Design Sequence: 1. Select pipe or structure based on hydraulic and clearance requirements. 2. Use Height of Cover tables for the chosen pipe or structure to determine the material gage required for the specific loading condition. 3. Use Table 2 to select the appropriate material for the site-specific environmental conditions. There may be some instances where more than one material is appropriate for the project environmental conditions. Generally speaking, the metal material types increase in price as you move from top down on Table 2. Please contact your local Contech Representative for pricing. 4. Use Table 3 to determine which abrasion level most accurately describes site conditions. The expected stream velocity and associated abrasion conditions should be based on a typical flow and not a 10 or 50-year design flood. Abrasion Level 1 is typically an accepted value for detention and infiltration applications. 5. Use Table 4 to determine whether the structural gage for the selected material is sufficient for the design service life. If the structural gage is greater than or equal to the gage required for a particular abrasion condition and service life, use the structural gage. Conversely, if the structural gage is less than the gage required for a particular abrasion condition and service life, use the gage required by Table 4. Note: Corrosive environments, such as seawater and road/de-icing salt infiltration, and other environments with pH and resistivity outside of the recommended range may cause premature corrosion and reduce actual service life. See page 19 for additional information. 6 Table 3 — FHWA Abrasion Guidelines Abrasion Level Abrasion Condition Bed Load Flow Velocity (fps) 1*Non-Abrasive None Minimal 2 Low Abrasion Minor < 5 3 Moderate Abrasion Moderate 5 - 15 4 Severe Abrasion Heavy > 15 “Interim Direct Guidelines on CMP Drainage Alternative Selection.” FHWA, 2005. * Typical abrasion level for Detention and Infiltration applications is level 1. Table 2 — Recommended Environments Material Type Soil* and Water pH Resistivity (ohm-cm) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Minimum Maximum Galvanized Steel*2,000 10,000 Aluminized Steel Type 2 1,500 N/A Polymer Coated 250 N/A Aluminum Alloy 500 N/A *Appropriate pH range for Galvanized Steel is 6.0 to 10 Table 1 - AASHTO Reference Specifications Material Type Material Pipe Design*Installation*Pipe & Pipe ArchCMP (1/2” or 1” deep corrugations) Galvanized (2 oz.)M218 M36 Section 12 Section 26 Asphalt Coated M190 M36 Section 12 Section 26 Asphalt Coated and Paved Invert M190 M36 Section 12 Section 26 Aluminized Type 2 M274 M36 Section 12 Section 26 Polymer Coated M246 M36 & M245 Section 12 Section 26 Aluminum Alloy M197 M196 Section 12 Section 26 ULTRA FLO® (3/4” x 3/4” x 7-1/2” corrugation) Galvanized (2 oz.)M218 M36 Section 12 Section 26 Aluminized Type 2 M274 M36 Section 12 Section 26 Polymer Coated M246 M36 & M245 Section 12 Section 26 Aluminum Alloy M197 M196 Section 12 Section 26 Smooth Cor™ Polymer Coated M246 M36 & M245 Section 12 Section 26 * AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification and AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges Table 4 – CMP Detention & Infiltration Typical Gage Recommendations Design Service Life1 Estimates Abrasion Level 1 & 2 25 Years 50 Years 75 Years 100 Years Galvanized (2 oz.)2 16 12 10 85 Aluminized Type 23 16 16 16 146 Polymer Coated4 16 16 167 168 Aluminum Alloy 16 16 16 16 “Interim Direct Guidelines on CMP Drainage Alternative Selection.” FHWA, 2005. 1. All service life guidance is based on use in certain recommended environments only.2. The National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association (NCSPA) provides service life guidance for galvanized materials, with service life guidance up to 97 years for 8 GA galvanized. 3. Aluminized Type 2 is the typical coating for most detention and infiltration applications. The NCSPA service life guidance of 75+ years for ALT2 in recommended environments, for pH 5-9 and resistivity > 1,500 ohm-cm. 4. The NCSPA provides service life guidance for polymer coated materials. Service life guidance of up to 75 years for polymer coated materials is based on a pH range of 4-9 and resistivity greater than 750 ohm-cm and of up to 100 years for polymer coated is based on a pH range of 5-9 and resistivity greater than 1,500 ohm-cm. 5. Design service life for 8 GA galvanized is 97 years. 6. NCSPA states that 14 GA ALT2 can achieve a 100 year service life when the environmental conditions have a pH of 5 to 9 and a resistivity greater than 1,500 ohm-cm. 7. 75 year service life for polymer-coated is based on a pH range of 4-9 and resistivity greater than 750 ohm-cm. 8. 100 year service life for polymer-coated is based on a pH range of 5-9 and resistivity greater than 1,500 ohm-cm. 7 Storage Volumes for Corrugated Steel Pipe Round Pipe - Hydraulic Storage per Linear Foot Diameter (Inches) Hydraulic Storage (CF per FT) 12 0.8 15 1.2 18 1.8 21 2.4 24 3.1 30 4.9 36 7.1 42 9.6 48 12.6 54 15.9 60 19.6 66 23.8 72 28.3 78 33.2 84 38.5 90 44.2 96 50.3 102 56.7 108 63.6 114 70.9 120 78.5 126 86.6 132 95.0 138 103.9 144 113.1 Pipe Arch - Hydraulic Storage per Linear Foot 2 2/3” x 1/2” Corrugated Steel Pipe Diameter (Inches) Pipe Arch Equivalent Size (Inches) Hydraulic Storage (CF per FT) 15 17 x 13 1.1 18 21 x 15 1.6 21 24 x 18 2.2 24 28 x 20 2.4 30 35 x 24 4.5 36 42 x 29 6.5 42 49 x 33 8.9 48 57 x 38 11.6 54 64 x 43 14.7 60 71 x 47 18.1 66 77 x 52 21.9 72 83 x 57 26.0 Pipe Arch - Hydraulic Storage per Linear Foot 3” x 1” or 5” x 1” Corrugated Steel Pipe Diameter (Inches) Pipe Arch Equivalent Size (Inches) Hydraulic Storage (CF per FT) 54 60 x 46 15.6 60 66 x 51 19.3 66 73 x 55 23.2 72 81 x 59 27.4 78 87 x 63 32.1 84 95 x 67 37.0 90 103 x 71 42.4 96 112 x 75 48.0 102 117 x 79 54.2 108 128 x 83 60.5 114 137 x 87 67.4 120 142 x 91 74.5 CMP for Subsurface Infilitration • CMP infiltration systems can be designed to meet HS 20 or greater load requirements with proper depths of cover. • Protective pipe coatings such as Aluminized Type 2 (ALT2), Galvanized, and Polymer-Coated are matched to the pH and resistivity of the surrounding soil. See table 3 for additional information. • CMP infiltration systems need to be surrounded by clean crushed stone to provide increased capacity utilizing storage in the void space. The system is then wrapped with fabric on the sides and top. The fabric is primarily used to keep native soils from filling stone voids and reducing long term storage capacity. 8 Heights of Cover Notes: 1. These tables are for lock-seam or welded-seam construction. They are not for riveted construction. Consult your Contech Stormwater Consultant for Height of Cover tables on riveted pipe. 2. These values, where applicable, were calculated using a load factor of K=0.86 as adopted in the NCSPA CSP Design Manual, 2008. 3. The span and rise shown in these tables are nominal. Typically the actual rise that forms is greater than the specified nominal. This actual rise is within the tolerances as allowed by the AASHTO & ASTM specifications. The minimum covers shown are more conservative than required by the AASHTO and ASTM specifications to account for this anticipated increase in rise. Less cover height may be tolerated depending upon actual rise of supplied pipe arch. 4. H 20 and H 25 minimum cover is measured from top of pipe to bottom of flexible pavement or top of rigid pavement. 5. The H 20 and H 25 pipe-arch tables are based on 2 tons per square foot corner bearing pressures. 6. 0.052” is 18 gage. 0.064” is 16 gage. 0.079” is 14 gage. 0.109” is 12 gage. 0.138” is 10 gage. 0.168” is 8 gage. 7. For construction and firetruck loads, see Page 18. 8. 1-1/2” x 1/4” corrugation. H 20, H 25 and E 80 loading. 9. Sewer gage (trench conditions) tables for corrugated steel pipe can be found in the AISI book “Modern Sewer Design,” 4th Edition, 1999. These tables may reduce the minimum gage due to a higher flexibility factor allowed for a trench condition. 10. The haunch areas of a pipe-arch are the most critical zone for backfilling. Extra care should be taken to provide good material and compaction to a point above the spring line. Height of Cover and Weights Tables for HEL-COR® Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) H 20 and H 25 Live Loads Diameter or Span, Inches Minimum Cover, Inches Maximum Cover, Feet Specified Thickness, Inches 0.052 0.064 0.079 0.109 0.138 0.168 68 12 388 486 88 12 291 365 108 12 233 392 12 12 197 248 310 15 12 158 198 248 18 12 131 165 206 21 12 113 141 177 248 24 12 98 124 155 217 30 12 99 124 173 36 12 83 103 145 186 42 12 71 88 124 159 195 48 12 62 77 108 139 171 54 12 67 94 122 150 60 12 80 104 128 66 12 68 88 109 72 12 75 93 78 12 79 84 12 66 H 20 and H 25 Live Loads, Pipe-Arch Size Minimum Structural Thickness, Inches Minimum Cover, Inches Maximum Cover, Feet Round Equivalent, Inches Span x Rise, Inches 2 Tons/Ft.2 Corner Bearing Pressure 15 17 x 13 0.064 12 16 18 21 x 15 0.064 12 15 21 24 x 18 0.064 12 15 24 28 x 20 0.064 12 15 30 35 x 24 0.064 12 15 36 42 x 29 0.064 12 15 42 49 x 33 0.064*12 15 48 57 x 38 0.064*12 15 54 64 x 43 0.079*12 15 60 71 x 47 0.109*12 15 66 77 x 52 0.109*12 15 72 83 x 57 0.138*12 15 Heights of Cover Limits – 2 ²/³" x ½" HEL-COR CSP Heights of Cover Limits – 5" x 1" or 3" x 1" HEL-COR CSP H 20 and H 25 Live Loads, Pipe-Arch Size Minimum Structural Thickness, Inches Minimum Cover, Inches Maximum Cover, Feet Round Equivalent, Inches Span x Rise, Inches 2 Tons/Ft.2 Corner Bearing Pressure 72 81 x 59 0.109 18 21 78 87 x 63 0.109 18 20 84 95 x 67 0.109 18 20 90 103 x 71 0.109 18 20 96 112 x 75 0.109 21 20 102 117 x 79 0.109 21 19 108 128 x 83 0.109 24 19 114 137 x 87 0.109 24 19 120 142 x 91 0.138 24 19 Larger sizes are available in some areas of the United States. Check with your local Contech representative . Some minimum heights of cover for pipe-arches have been increased to take into account allowable “plus” tolerances on the manufactured rise. H 20 and H 25 Live Loads Diameter or Span, Inches Minimum Cover, Inches Maximum Cover, Feet Specified Thickness, Inches 0.064 0.079 0.109 0.138 0.168 54 12 56 70 98 127 155 60 12 50 63 88 114 139 66 12 46 57 80 103 127 72 12 42 52 74 95 116 78 12 39 48 68 87 107 84 12 36 45 63 81 99 90 12 33 42 59 76 93 96 12 31 39 55 71 87 102 18 29 37 52 67 82 108 18 35 49 63 77 114 18 32 45 58 72 120 18 30 42 54 66 126 18 39 50 61 132 18 36 46 58 138 18 33 43 53 144 18 39 49 Maximum cover heights shown are for 5” x 1”. To obtain maximum cover for 3” x 1”, increase these values by 12%. 9 Approximate Weight – Pounds/Foot HEL-COR® CSP (Estimated Average Weights—Not for Specification Use) 2 2/3” x 1/2” HEL-COR® CSP Inside Diameter, Inches Weight (Pounds/Feet) Specified Thickness (Gage) 0.052 0.064 0.079 0.109 0.138 0.168 18 16 14 12 10 8 12 8 10 12 15 10 12 15 18 12 15 18 21 14 17 21 29 24 15 19 24 33 30 24 30 41 36 29 36 49 62 42 34 42 57 72 88 48 38 48 65 82 100 54 54 73 92 112 60 81 103 124 66 89 113 137 72 123 149 78 161 84 173 3” x 1” HEL-COR® CSP Inside Diameter, Inches Weight (Pounds/Feet) Specified Thickness (Gage) 0.052 0.064 0.079 0.109 0.138 0.168 18 16 14 12 10 8 54 50 61 83 106 129 60 55 67 92 118 143 66 60 74 101 129 157 72 66 81 110 140 171 78 71 87 119 152 185 84 77 94 128 164 199 90 82 100 137 175 213 96 87 107 147 188 228 102 93 114 155 198 241 108 120 165 211 256 114 127 174 222 271 120 134 183 234 284 126 195 247 299 132 204 259 259 138 213 270 328 144 282 344 Notes:: 1. Weights shown apply to galvanized and aluminized type 2 (ALT2) CSP only. Weights for polymer coated CSP are 1% to 4% higher, varying by gage. 2. Please contact your Contech Stormwater Consultant. 3. Weights listed in the 3” x 1” or 5” x 1” table are for 3” x 1” pipe. Weights for 5” x 1” are approximately 12% less than those used in this table, for metallic coated pipe. CMP Perforation Details 8"11" TYP.2"1" GAP (TYP. ALLSIDES)NOTES: 1. DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO, 17th EDITION. 2. DESIGN LOAD HS25. 3. EARTH COVER = 1' MAX. 4. CONCRETE STRENGTH = 3,500 psi 5. REINFORCING STEEL = ASTM A615, GRADE 60. 6. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINFORCING AROUND OPENINGS EQUAL TO THE BARS INTERRUPTED, HALF EACH SIDE. ADDITIONAL BARS TO BE IN THE SAME PLANE. A A2" COVER(TYP) SECTION VIEW ROUND OPTION PLAN VIEW SQUARE OPTION PLAN VIEW Ø CMP RISER INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT,SEE NOTE 6. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORCASTING #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. ØA INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT, SEENOTE 6. ØB OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORCASTING #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE GASKET MATERIALSUFFICIENT TO PREVENTSLAB FROM BEARING ONRISER TO BE PROVIDED BYCONTRACTOR. 2" C O V E R (T Y P . ) ØB ACCESS CASTING TO BEPROVIDED AND INSTALLEDBY CONTRACTOR. REINFORCING TABLE Ø CMPRISER A Ø B REINFORCING **BEARINGPRESSURE(PSF) 24"Ø 4'4'X4'26"#5 @ 12" OCEW#5 @ 12" OCEW 2,4101,780 30"Ø 4'-6"4'-6" X 4'-6"32"#5 @ 12" OCEW#5 @ 12" OCEW 2,1201,530 36"Ø 5'5' X 5'38"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 10" OCEW 1,8901,350 42"Ø 5'-6"5'-6" X 5'-6"44"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 9" OCEW 1,7201,210 48"Ø 6'6' X 6'50"#5 @ 9" OCEW#5 @ 8" OCEW 1,6001,100 ** ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY1'-0"A 2" COVER (TYP.)2" COVE R (TYP) 7. TRIM OPENING WITH DIAGONAL #4 BARS, EXTEND BARS A MINIMUM OF 12" BEYOND OPENING, BEND BARS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN BAR COVER. 8. PROTECTION SLAB AND ALL MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 9. DETAIL DESIGN BY DELTA ENGINEERING, BINGHAMTON, NY. ØB Manhole Cap Detail 10 Height of Cover and Weights Tables - CORLIX® Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (CAP) Heights of Cover Limits – 2 ²/³" x ½" CORLIX CAP Notes: 1. Height of cover is measured to top of rigid pavement or to bottom of flexible pavement. 2. Maximum cover meets AASHTO LRFD design criteria. 3. Minimum cover meets AASHTO and ASTM B 790 design criteria. 4. 1 1/2” x 1/4” corrugation. 5. 8-gage pipe has limited availability. 6. For construction loads, see page 18. HL 93 Live Load, Pipe-Arch Round PipeDia. (Inches) Size, InchesSpan xRise MinimumGage Minimum(3) Cover(Inches) Maximum Cover, (Ft.)Aluminum Pipe-Arch(2) 2 Tons/Ft.2 for Corner Bearing Pressures 15 17 x 13 16 12 13 18 21 x 15 16 12 12 21 24 x 18 16 12 12 24 28 x 20 14 12 12 30 35 x 24 14 12 12 36 42 x 29 12 12 12 42 49 x 33 12 15 12 48 57 x 38 10 15 12 54 64 x 43 10 18 12 60 71 x 47 8(5)18 12 HL 93 Live Load Diameter or Span, Inches Minimum Cover, Inches Maximum Cover, Feet(2) Specified Thickness (Gage) 18 16 14 12 10 8(5) 6(4)12 197 247 8(4)12 147 185 10(4)12 119 148 12 12 125 157 15 12 100 125 18 12 83 104 21 12 71 89 24 12 62 78 109 27 12 69 97 30 12 62 87 36 12 51 73 94 42 12 62 80 48 12 54 70 85 54 15 48 62 76 60 15 52 64 66 18 52 72 18 43 Approximate Weight – Pounds/Foot CORLIX® CAP (Estimated Average Weights—Not for Specification Use) 2 2/3” x 1/2” CORLIX® CAP Diameter or Span, Inches Weight (Pounds/Feet) Specified Thickness (Gage) 0.048 18 0.06016 0.07514 0.10512 0.13510 0.1648(3) 6(4)1.3 1.6 8(4)1.7 2.1 10(4)2.1 2.6 12 3.2 41544.9 18 4.8 5.9 21 5.6 6.9 24 6.3 7.9 10.8 27 8.8 12.2 30 9.8 13.5 36 11.8 16.3 20.7 42 19 24.24821.7 27.6 33.5 54 24.4 31.1 37.7 60 34.6 41.96646 72 50.1 3" x 1” CORLIX® CAP Diameter or Span, Inches Weight (Pounds/Feet) Specified Thickness (Gage) 0.06016 0.07514 0.10512 0.13510 0.1648(3) 30 9.3 11.5 15.8 20.2 36 11.1 13.7 18.9 24.1 42 12.9 16 22 28 48 14.7 18.2 25.1 32 38.85416.5 20.5 28.2 35.9 43.6 60 18.3 22.7 31.3 40 48.3 66 20.2 24.9 34.3 43.7 53 72 22 27.1 37.4 47.6 57.8 78 29.3 40.4 51.5 62.5 84 43.5 55.4 67.2 90 46.6 59.3 71.9 96 49.6 63.2 76.710266.6 80.8 108 71 86.1 114 90.912095.6 Notes: 1. Helical lockseam pipe only. Annular riveted pipe weights will be higher. 2. 1 ½” x ¼” Corrugation. 3. 8-gage pipe has limited availability. 11 Pretreatment Options Regardless of infiltration material type and configuration, one of the most important components to consider is pretreatment. A pretreatment device prolongs the life of the infiltration system by removing debris and sediment that can collect on the invert and within the stone backfill voids. Pretreatment will maintain the efficiency of an infiltration system as well as extend the life cycle, therefore preventing a premature replacement. Pretreatment also offers these additional benefits: • Pretreatment creates a single collection point which is easier to clean and maintain compared to the infiltration system alone. • Cost savings due to the extended service life of the system. • Removing trash and debris protects downstream outlet control structures from clogging. Contech offers a number of pretreatment options, all of which will extend the life of subsurface infiltration systems and improve water quality. The type of system chosen will depend on a number of factors including footprint, soil conditions, local regulations, and the desired level of pretreatment. Hydrodynamic Separation Hydrodynamic Separation (HDS) provides a basic level of pretreatment by capturing and retaining trash and debris, sediment, and oil from stormwater runoff. Cascade Separator™ The Cascade Separator™ is the latest innovation in hydrodynamic separation from Contech. The Cascade uses advanced sediment capture technology to provide the highest sediment removal efficiency of any Contech HDS product. Cascade also captures trash and hydrocarbons. CDS® The CDS® uses both swirl concentration and a nonblocking screen to capture and retain 100% of floatables and neutrally buoyant debris 4.7mm or larger. Vortechs® Vortechs combines swirl concentration and flow controls into a shallow treatment unit that traps and retains trash, debris, sediment, and hydrocarbons from stormwater runoff. Vortechs removes sediment down to 50 microns and is the ideal solution for projects that require a shallow treatment device due to groundwater, utility, or bedrock constraints. Filtration Filtration provides a higher level of pretreatment and improved water quality by removing trash and debris, oil, fine solids, and dissolved pollutants such as metals, hydrocarbons, and nutrients. Filterra® Bioretention System Filterra is an engineered bioretention system that has been optimized for high volume/flow treatment and high pollutant removal. The Stormwater Management StormFilter® The StormFilter system is comprised of a structure that houses rechargeable, media-filled cartridges. The media can be customized to target site-specific pollutants. Jellyfish® Filter The Jellyfish filter uses membrane filtration in a compact footprint to remove a high level and a wide variety of stormwater pollutants such as fine particulates, oil, trash and debris, metals, and nutrients. GRATE INLET(CAST IRON HOOD FORCURB INLET OPENING) CREST OF BYPASS WEIR(ONE EASH SIDE) INLET(MULTIPLE PIPES POSSIBLE) OIL BAFFLE SUMP STORAGESEPARATION SLAB TREATMENT SCREEN OUTLET INLET FLUME SEPARATION CYLINDER CLEAN OUT(REQUIRED) DEFLECTION PAN, 3 SIDED(GRATE INLET DESIGN) CDS® Hydrodynamic Separator 12 239'-6"47'-0"DYODS CHECKED: DRAWN:DYODSDESIGNED: APPROVED:C:\DYODS\DATA\CPC\DYODS_1471-1.DWG9/6/2016 12:29 PMSHEET NO.: 9/6/2016DATE:PROJECT No.:1471-1 SEQ. No.:0 D1 CONTECH DRAWINGDYODS800-338-1122 513-645-7000 513-645-7993 FAXREVISION DESCRIPTIONDATE BY NOTES ALL RISER AND STUB DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE. ALL ELEVATIONS, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OFRISERS AND INLETS, SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO RELEASING FORFABRICATION.ALL FITTINGS AND REINFORCEMENT COMPLY WITH ASTM A998.ALL RISERS AND STUBS ARE 223" x 12" CORRUGATION AND 16 GAGE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.RISERS TO BE FIELD TRIMMED TO GRADE.QUANTITY OF PIPE SHOWN DOES NOT PROVIDE EXTRA PIPE FOR CONNECTING THE SYSTEM TO EXISTINGPIPE OR DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. OUR SYSTEM AS DETAILED PROVIDES NOMINAL INLET AND/OR OUTLETPIPE STUB FOR CONNECTION TO EXISTING DRAINAGE FACILITIES. IF ADDITIONAL PIPE IS NEEDED IT IS THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.BAND TYPE TO BE DETERMINED UPON FINAL DESIGN.THE PROJECT SUMMARY IS REFLECTIVE OF THE DYODS DESIGN, QUANTITIES ARE APPROX. AND SHOULDBE VERIFIED UPON FINAL DESIGN AND APPROVAL. FOR EXAMPLE, TOTAL EXCAVATION DOES NOTCONSIDER ALL VARIABLES SUCH AS SHORING AND ONLY ACCOUNTS FOR MATERIAL WITHIN THEESTIMATED EXCAVATION FOOTPRINT. Thedesignandinformationshownonthisdrawingisprovidedasaservicetotheprojectowner,engineerandcontractorbyContechEngineeredSolutionsLLC("Contech").Neitherthisdrawing,noranypartthereof,maybeused,reproducedormodifiedinanymannerwithoutthepriorwrittenconsentofContech.Failuretocomplyisdoneattheuser'sownriskandContechexpresslydisclaimsanyliabilityorresponsibilityforsuch use. Ifdiscrepanciesbetweenthesuppliedinformationuponwhichthedrawingisbasedandactualfieldconditionsareencounteredassiteworkprogresses,thesediscrepanciesmustbereportedtoContechimmediatelyforre-evaluationofthedesign.Contechacceptsnoliabilityfordesignsbasedonmissing,incompleteorinaccurate information supplied by others. www.ContechES.com NOTE:THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR CONCEPTUALPURPOSES AND DO NOT REFLECT ANY LOCALPREFERENCES OR REGULATIONS. PLEASECONTACT YOUR LOCAL CONTECH REP FORMODIFICATIONS. CALCULATION DETAILSLENGTH PER BARREL = 235 FTLENGTH PER HEADER = 47 FTLOADING = H20 & H25APPROX. CMP FOOTAGE = 1,692 FT PIPE DETAILSDIAMETER = 54 INCORRUGATION = 5" X 1" OR 3" X 1"GAGE = 16COATING = ALUMINIZED STEELTYPE 2 (ALT2)WALL TYPE = PERFORATEDBARREL SPACING = 31 IN BACKFILL DETAILSWIDTH AT ENDS = 12 INABOVE PIPE = 0 INWIDTH AT SIDES = 12 INBELOW PIPE = 6 IN STORAGE SUMMARYSTORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED 36,500 CFPIPE STORAGE = 26,910 CFSTRUCTURAL BACKFILL STORAGE = 9,677 CFTOTAL STORAGE PROVIDED = 36,587 CF ASSEMBLYSCALE:1" = 20' PROJECT SUMMARY DYODS - 1471-1-0PROJECT NAME: Edina Transportation FacilityEdina, MN 55426DESCRIPTION:UGS#1 Sample Proposal Drawing Custom Fabrication and Fittings One of the benefits of CMP detention systems is its flexibility. With the addition of elbows, tees, stubs, and other components, CMP detention systems can be configured to meet sight specific constraints. Benefits of Custom Fabrication • More efficiently match site constraints • System components are easy to install • Provide maintenance ready structures - easily accessible • Easily control influent and effluent • Eliminate concrete structures such as junction boxes CMP is also versatile enough for use for the entire stormwater system, including: • Slotted drain pipe • Storm sewer pipe • Manholes / Inlet structures One benefit to CMP detention systems is that we can integrate the manhole risers so you don’t have to have an additional concrete junction box which can add cost to the project. Vertical risers can be used as manholes or inlets…or both, and ladders can be added so the opening can be used for access. We typically locate the manhole on the side of the pipe so that the ladder can be extend down the wall of the pipe to the invert. Note: Fittings will need to be structurally checked for reinforcements. Typical Riser Detail ELEVATION END RISER (TYP.)SEE DETAIL NOTE:LADDERS ARE OPTIONAL AND ARE NOTREQUIRED FOR ALL SYSTEMS. 13 CMP Detention System Installation Overview Proper installation of a flexible underground detention system will ensure long-term performance. The configuration of these systems often requires special construction practices that differ from conventional flexible pipe construction. Contech Engineered Solutions strongly suggests scheduling a pre-construction meeting with your local Sales Engineer to determine if additional measures, not covered in this guide, are appropriate for your site. Foundation Construct a foundation that can support the design loading applied by the pipe and adjacent backfill weight as well as maintain its integrity during construction. If soft or unsuitable soils are encountered, remove the poor soils down to a suitable depth and then build up to the appropriate elevation with a competent backfill material. The structural fill material gradation should not allow the migration of fines, which can cause settlement of the detention system or pavement above. If the structural fill material is not compatible with the underlying soils an engineering fabric should be used as a separator. In some cases, using a stiff reinforcing geogrid reduces over excavation and replacement fill quantities. CMP Detention System Bedding and Backfill Please follow the guidelines below regarding pipe bedding and backfill. 1. Minimum trench width must allow room for proper compaction of haunch materials under pipe. min. width = (1.5 x diameter) + 12” (follow AASHTO Section 12 & 26). a. The minimum embankment width is 3 pipe diameters. 2. The foundation shall be well consolidated & stable. 3. The bedding material shall be a relatively loose material that is roughly shaped to fit the bottom of the pipe, 4” to 6” in depth. 4. Bedding material shall be a relatively loose material that is roughly shaped to fit the bottom of the pipe, and a minimum of twice the corrugation depth in thickness, with the maximum particle size of one- half of the corrugation depth (AASHTO Section, 26.5.3). a. Haunch zone material shall be hand shoveled or shovel sliced into place to allow for proper compaction. 5. H 20 and H 25 minimum cover is measured from top of pipe to bottom of flexible pavement or top of rigid pavement. Minimum cover is 12 inches for diameters up to and including 96”, 18 inches for diameters ranging from 102” and greater. 6. Final backfill material selection and compaction requirements per the project plans, specifications, or engineer of record. 7. Geotextile shall be used as required to prevent soil migration. 8. Final backfill material selection and compaction requirements shall follow the project plans and specifications per the engineer of record ( Cover Backfill Undercut and Replace Unsuitable Soils Embankment Geogrid Wasn't UsedGeogrid Used to Reducethe Amount of Undercut Geogrid Bedding Single Manifold System No Manifold System 14 Grade the foundation subgrade to a uniform or slightly sloping grade. If the subgrade is clay or relatively non-porous and the construction sequence will last for an extended period of time, it is best to slope the grade to one end of the system. This will allow excess water to drain quickly, preventing saturation of the subgrade. Bedding A 4 to 6-inch thick, well-graded, granular material is the preferred pipe bedding. If construction equipment will operate for an extended period of time on the bedding, use either an engineering fabric or a stiff geogrid to ensure the base material maintains its integrity. Using a relatively loose material, grade the base to a smooth, uniform grade to allow for the proper placement of the pipe. Using an open-graded bedding material is acceptable; however, an engineering fabric separator is required between the base and the subgrade. Geomembrane Barrier A site’s resistivity may change over time when various types of salting agents are used, such as road salts for deicing purposes. If salting agents are used on or near the project site, a geomembrane barrier must be used with the system. The geomembrane liner is intended to help protect the system from the potential adverse effects that may result from the use of such salting agents including premature corrosion and reduced actual service life. The project’s Engineer of Record is to evaluate whether salting agents will be used on or near the project site, and use his/her best judgement to determine if any additional protective measures are required. Below is a typical detail showing the placement of a geomembrane barrier for projects where salting agents are used on or near the project site. In-Situ Trench Wall If excavation is required, the trench wall needs to be capable of supporting the load that the pipe sheds as the system is loaded. If soils are not capable of supporting these loads, the pipe can deflect. Perform a simple soil pressure check using the applied loads to determine the limits of excavation beyond the spring line of the outer most pipes. In most cases the requirements for a safe work environment and proper backfill placement and compaction take care of this concern. Backfill Material Typically, the best backfill material is an angular, well-graded, granular fill meeting the requirements of AASHTO A-1, A-2 or A-3. In some cases, it may be desirable to use a uniformly graded material for the first 18- to 24-inches. This type of material is easier to place under the haunches of the pipe and requires little compactive effort. Depending on the bedding material, a separation geotextile might be required above and below these initial lifts. Open-graded fill is typically not used beyond the initial 18- to 24-inches because this type of fill often does not provide adequate confining restraint to the pipes. If a uniformly graded material (particles all one size) is used, install a geotextile separation fabric to prevent the migration of fines into the backfill. Backfill using controlled low-strength material (CLSM or “flowable fill”) when the spacing between the pipes will not allow for placement and adequate compaction of the backfill. Work closely with the local Contech Stormwater Consultant regarding the special installation techniques required when using CLSM. Backfill Placement Place backfill in 8-inch loose lifts and compact to 90% AASHTO T99 standard proctor density. Material shall be worked into the pipe haunches by means of shovel-slicing, rodding, air tamper, vibratory rod, or other effective methods. If AASHTO T99 procedures are determined infeasible by the geotechnical engineer of record, compaction is considered adequate when no further yielding of the material is observed under the compactor, or under foot, and the geotechnical engineer of record (or representative thereof) is satisfied with the level of compaction. For large systems, conveyor systems, backhoes with long reaches or draglines with stone buckets may be used to place backfill. Bedding–well gradedgranular and smaller Embankment 1/2" per foot of cover or4" minimum In-situ trenchwall Live Load Backfill – well graded3/4" granular and smaller Embankment Geotextile Separation(above and below bedding) with uniformly graded bedding layer. Min. Cover Bedding – uniformly graded Standard Liner Over Rows Pipe A Embankment Maximum Unbalance Limitedto 2 lifts (approx. 16") 8" Loose Lifts Bedding Pipe A Pipe B Pipe C Pipe D 15 Once minimum cover for construction loading across the entire width of the system is reached, advance the equipment to the end of the recently placed fill, and begin the sequence again until the system is completely backfilled. This type of construction sequence provides room for stockpiled backfill directly behind the backhoe, as well as the movement of construction traffic. Material stockpiles on top of the backfilled detention system should be limited to 8- to 10-feet high and must provide balanced loading across all barrels. To determine the proper cover over the pipes to allow the movement of construction equipment see Table 1, or contact your local Contech Stormwater Consultant. When flowable fill is used, you must prevent pipe floatation. Typically, small lifts are placed between the pipes and then allowed to set-up prior to the placement of the next lift. The allowable thickness of the CLSM lift is a function of a proper balance between the uplift force of the CLSM, the opposing weight of the pipe, and the effect of other restraining measures. The pipe can carry limited fluid pressure without pipe distortion or displacement, which also affects the CLSM lift thickness. Your local Contech Stormwater Consultant can help determine the proper lift thickness. Construction Loading Typically, the minimum cover specified for a project assumes H-20 live load. Because construction loads often exceed design live loads, increased temporary minimum cover requirements are necessary. Since construction equipment varies from job to job, it is best to address equipment specific minimum cover requirements with your local Contech Stormwater Consultant during your pre-construction meeting. Bedding Backfill Embankment Construction Load Min. Cover req'd forH-20 live loads Additional cover forconstruction load Water Elevation inDetention System Outlet Control Paved Parking LotWater Catch Basin Inlet Water Finished Functioning System Staged pours as requiredto control floatation andpipe distortion/displacement CLSM Weighted pipe with mobile concrete barriers(or other removable weights) Embankment Typical Backfill Sequence Embankment Firetruck Loading Please use the table below for general guidance. Additional ConsiderationsBecause most systems are constructed below-grade, rainfall can rapidly fill the excavation; potentially causing floatation and movement of the previously placed pipes. To help mitigate potential problems, it is best to start the installation at the downstream end with the outlet already constructed to allow a route for the water to escape. Temporary diversion measures may be required for high flows due to the restricted nature of the outlet pipe. HEL-COR® CSP Minimum Height of Cover Requirements for Firetruck Loading1 Pipe Span, Inches Corrugation Profile, Inches Minimum Cover, Inches for Firetruck Outrigger Load (64 kips)2,3 16 GA 14 GA 12 GA 10 GA 0.064 0.079 0.109 0.138 12 - 36 2 ²/³ x ½ 12 12 12 12 42 - 48 2 ²/³ x ½18 18 18 18 54 - 60 3 x 1 or 5 x 1 24 18 72 3 x 1 or 5 x 1 30 24 78 - 120 3 x 1 or 5 x 1 36 30 126 - 144 3 x 1 or 5 x 1 42 36 HEL-COR® CSP Minimum Height of Cover Requirements for Heavy Off-Road Construction Equipment Pipe Span, Inches Minimum Cover, Inches for Indicated Axle Loads (kips) 18-50 50-75 75-110 110-150 12 - 42 24 30 36 36 48-72 36 36 42 48 78-120 36 42 48 48 126 - 144 42 48 54 54 1. Minimum cover may vary depending on local conditions. The contractor must provide additional cover required to avoid damage to the pipe. Minimum cover is measured from the top of the pipe to the top of the maintained construction roadway surface. 2. Table is based on a typical 85,000 lb GVW firetruck with an outrigger load of 64,000 lbs. The 64,000 lb outrigger force is applied over a surface area of about 850.6 in2. The dimensions of the outrigger square pad are 25-7/8” x 32-7/8”. 3. The outrigger load will be the heaviest load applied from the firetruck. BRO-CMP-DETENTION DESIGN 8/19 MC © 2019 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC, a QUIKRETE Company All rights reserved. Printed in USA. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS NOTHING IN THIS CATALOG SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY. APPLICATIONS SUGGESTED HEREIN ARE DESCRIBED ONLY TO HELP READERS MAKE THEIR OWN EVALUATIONS AND DECISIONS, AND ARE NEITHER GUARANTEES NOR WARRANTIES OF SUITABILITY FOR ANY APPLICATION. CONTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE APPLICATIONS, MATERIALS, COATINGS, OR PRODUCTS DISCUSSED HEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED BY CONTECH. SEE CONTECH’S CONDITIONS OF SALE (AVAILABLE AT WWW.CONTECHES.COM/COS) FOR MORE INFORMATION Contech Engineered Solutions LLC is a leading provider of site solution products and services for the civil engineering industry. Contech’s product portfolio includes bridges, drainage, retaining walls, sanitary sewer, stormwater, erosion control, soil stabilization and wastewater products. For more information, call one of Contech’s Regional Offices located in the following cities: Ohio (Corporate Office) 513-645-7000 California (Roseville) 800-548-4667 Colorado (Denver) 720-587-2700 Florida (Orlando) 321-348-3520 Maine (Scarborough) 207-885-9830 Maryland (Baltimore) 410-740-8490 Oregon (Portland) 503-258-3180 Texas (Dallas) 972-590-2000 www.ContechES.com 800-338-1122 Attachment E – Geotechnical Report Attachment E ENGINEERS + GEOLOGISTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTSDESIGN-PHASE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT CITRUS AND SUMMIT EAST PROJECTPROPOSED 75-LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 8.6-ACRE SITE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF CITRUS AND SUMMIT AVENUES, CITY OF FONTANA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 J.N. 21-143 ENGINEERS + GEOLOGISTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS Offices Strategically Positioned Throughout Southern California RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE 40880 County Center Drive, Suite M, Temecula, CA 92591 T: 951.600.9271 F: 951.719.1499 For more information visit us online at www.petra-inc.com March 11, 2021 J.N. 21-143 LENNAR HOMES 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, California 92879 Attention: Mr. Randy Schroeder Subject: Design-Phase Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Citrus and Summit East Project, Proposed 75-Lot Residential Development, 8.6-acre Site at Northeast Corner of Citrus and Summit Avenues, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Dear Mr. Schroeder: In accordance with your request and authorization, Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is submitting this design-phase geotechnical investigation report for the proposed 75-unit residential development in the city of Fontana, California. The purpose of our evaluation was to obtain available geotechnical and geologic information on the nature of current site conditions, to evaluate the potential geologic constraints that may affect development of the property, and to provide recommendations pertaining to site remedial grading and construction of anticipated site improvements. This report presents the results of our preliminary field exploration, limited laboratory testing, engineering judgment, opinions, conclusions and recommendations pertaining to geotechnical design aspects for the presumed site development. Should you have questions regarding the contents of this report, or should you require additional information, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. ___________________________ Grayson R. Walker, GE Principal Engineer LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 2 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING ....................................................................................................... 2 EVALUATION METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 2 Literature and Aerial Photo Review ................................................................................................................... 2 Field Exploration and Testing ............................................................................................................................ 3 Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 3 FINDINGS .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Regional Geologic Setting ................................................................................................................................. 4 Local Geology and Subsurface Soil Conditions ................................................................................................. 4 Groundwater ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Faulting .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Secondary Seismic Effects ................................................................................................................................. 5 Liquefaction and Seismically-Induced Settlement ............................................................................................. 5 Compressible Near-Surface Soils ....................................................................................................................... 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................ 6 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Earthwork Recommendations .................................................................................................................................. 6 General Earthwork Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 6 Geotechnical Observations and Testing ............................................................................................................. 6 Clearing and Grubbing ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Excavation Characteristics ................................................................................................................................. 7 Ground Preparation .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Unsuitable Soil Removals .................................................................................................................................. 7 Overexcavation of Cut and Cut-Fill Transition Lots .......................................................................................... 8 Suitability of Site Soils as Fill ............................................................................................................................ 8 Oversize Rock .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Fill Placement .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Import Soils for Grading .................................................................................................................................... 9 Soil Shrinkage .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Temporary Excavations.................................................................................................................................... 10 Geotechnical Observations ............................................................................................................................... 10 TENTATIVE FOUNDATION DESIGN GUIDELINES ............................................................................................ 10 Allowable Bearing Capacity, Estimated Settlement and Lateral Resistance ......................................................... 13 Allowable Soil Bearing Capacities................................................................................................................... 13 Estimated Footing Settlement .......................................................................................................................... 13 Lateral Resistance ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Guidelines for Footings and Slabs on-Grade Design and Construction ................................................................. 14 Conventional Slab-on-Grade System ............................................................................................................... 14 Foundation Excavation Observations ............................................................................................................... 16 Foundation Concrete Over-Pour ...................................................................................................................... 17 General Corrosivity Screening ............................................................................................................................... 17 Preliminary Infiltration Rate .................................................................................................................................. 18 Infiltration Test Results .................................................................................................................................... 18 Post-Grading Considerations ................................................................................................................................. 19 Precise Grading and Drainage .......................................................................................................................... 19 Utility Trench Backfill ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Masonry Block Screen Walls ................................................................................................................................. 21 LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Construction on Level Ground ......................................................................................................................... 21 Construction Joints ........................................................................................................................................... 21 Retaining Walls ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Footing Embedment ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 21 Lateral Resistance ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Active Earth Pressures ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Geotechnical Observation and Testing ............................................................................................................. 22 Backdrains ........................................................................................................................................................ 23 Waterproofing .................................................................................................................................................. 23 Wall Backfill .................................................................................................................................................... 23 Preliminary Pavement Section ............................................................................................................................... 24 Exterior Concrete Flatwork .................................................................................................................................... 24 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Thickness and Joint Spacing ............................................................................................................................ 24 Reinforcement .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Edge Beams (Optional) .................................................................................................................................... 25 Subgrade Preparation ....................................................................................................................................... 25 Drainage ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 Tree Wells ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 GRADING AND FINAL PLAN REVIEWS .............................................................................................................. 26 REPORT LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 27 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................ 29 ATTACHMENTS FIGURE 1 – SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 – EXPLORATION LOCATION MAP FIGURE RW-1 – RETAINING WALL DETAIL APPENDIX A – FIELD EXPLORATION LOGS (TEST PITS) APPENDIX B – LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURES / LABORATORY DATA SUMMARY APPENDIX C – FIELD INFILTRATION TEST DATA APPENDIX D – STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN-PHASE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION CITRUS AND SUMMIT EAST PROJECT, PROPOSED 75-LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, 8.6-ACRE SITE AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF CITRUS AND SUMMIT AVENUES, CITY OF FONTANA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is presenting herein the results of our design-phase geotechnical evaluation for the proposed development of a 75-unit residential tract situated at the northeast corner of Citrus and Summit Avenues in the city of Fontana, California. The purpose of this study was to obtain preliminary information on the general geologic and geotechnical conditions within the project area in order to provide conclusions and recommendations for the feasibility of the proposed project and preliminary geotechnical recommendations for site grading and improvements. Our geotechnical evaluation included a review of geological maps and data for the site and surrounding area, excavation of exploratory test pits, conduct one onsite falling-head percolation test, laboratory testing, and geologic and engineering analysis. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of our evaluation consisted of the following. • Review of available published and unpublished data and geotechnical reports concerning geologic and soil conditions within the site and nearby area, that could have an impact on the proposed development. • Review readily available aerial photographs of the site and surrounding area. • Coordinate with the local underground utility locating service (i.e., Underground Service Alert [USA]) to obtain an underground-utility clearance prior to commencement of the subsurface exploration. • Geotechnical excavation, logging, and sampling of eight (8) exploratory test pits utilizing a conventional backhoe. Log and visually classify soil and materials encountered in our borings in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). • Perform one (1) falling-head field percolation test at the bottom of a test pit for preliminary infiltration design. • Conduct laboratory testing of representative samples (bulk and undisturbed) to determine their engineering properties. • Engineering and geologic analysis of the research, field exploration findings and laboratory data with respect to the proposed site development. • Preparation of this geotechnical report presenting the results of our evaluation and providing recommendations for the proposed site development in general conformance with the requirements of the 2019 California Building Code (2019 CBC), as well as in accordance with applicable state and local jurisdictional requirements. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 2 LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION The site is situated at the northeast corner of Citrus and Summit Avenues in the city of Fontana. The approximately 8.6-acre parcel is mostly vacant with some former land use, and is bounded by Citrus Avenue on the west, an existing masonry block wall on the north, Summit Avenue on the south and Florentine Avenue on the east. Sidewalks and streetlights are also present along the western and southern boundaries and underground dry utility and water pipelines may also be present in these areas. Streetlights are also present along to eastern boundary. Existing residences are present to the north of the perimeter masonry wall. The northerly half of the site is essentially undeveloped and covered with tall grasses, however a notable windrow of cobbles, boulders and chunks of concrete has been placed in the northeasterly quadrant, likely a historic attempt at flood control diversion purposes. The southerly half of the site contains foundation remnants for two former residences and associated walls, slabs and fencing in the southwesterly quadrant. Numerous tress and low-height brush are also located in this area of the site. Notable amounts of imported soil stockpiles are generally located in the southerly one-third of the site. Scattered trash, lumber, construction debris and materials have been dumped in random areas across the site but most prominently in the southerly portions and within the stockpiles. The property descends at a low gradient towards the south towards Summit Avenue. The surficial soils across the site are generally loose and dry with some cobbles and occasional boulders exposed on the ground surface. The easterly edge is also being used to temporarily store construction materials. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING Although conceptual grading plans are not available, the planned development will consist of 75 residential two-story units with attached garages and appurtenant interior alleyways and drive aisles. Anticipated ancillary site improvements include underground utilities, perimeter walls, subsurface storm water facilities, a recreation site and landscaping. The proposed grading is expected to entail shallow cuts and fills on the order of 1 to 3 feet from existing grades. Notable cut or fill slopes are not anticipated. EVALUATION METHODOLOGY Literature and Aerial Photo Review Petra researched and reviewed available published and unpublished geologic data pertaining to regional geology, faulting and geologic hazards that may affect the site, as well as our previous geotechnical reports in the immediate area (see References). Available online aerial imagery and historic aerial photos were LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 3 reviewed to assess previous land use. Based on historic aerial photo information obtained during this assessment, the two former residences and stands of trees all appear to have been present since at least 1933 and the rock windrow was placed by 1938. The remainder of the site appears to have been used for agricultural purposes up until the residences were demolished in the late 1990’s. Soil stockpiling in the southeastern corner and along the southern edge appears to begin in 2006 and may have been completed by 2008. The site appears relatively unchanged since 2008 with occasional imported stockpiles being dumped in the southerly one-third of the site and construction of the northern perimeter masonry wall around 2017. Field Exploration and Testing A subsurface exploration program was conducted under the supervision of an engineering geologist from Petra on February 23, 2021 that included excavation of eight (8) exploratory test pits to a general depth of approximately 5 to 6 feet below existing surface grades, however one test pit was excavated to a maximum depth of approximately 13 feet (TP-3). The fieldwork also included the excavation of a test trench to a depth of approximately 5 feet below existing grade for the purpose of performing a falling-head percolation test (P-1) near the proposed water quality facilities. A conventional backhoe was utilized to excavate the test trenches and the test pits were all loosely backfilled. Additionally, to further evaluate the shallow subsurface soil materials exposed in the test pits, in-situ density testing was conducted during test pit excavation using the nuclear gauge test method ASTM D6938. Existing soils were tested at varying depths between 2 and 5 feet below the ground surface (bgs). Test results are presented on the test pit logs in Appendix A, however due to the variable cobble to boulder content, the in-situ density test data indicated on the logs should not be considered absolute values. Earth materials encountered were classified and logged in accordance with the visual-manual procedures of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and the approximate locations of the exploratory test pits are shown on the attached Figure 2 and descriptive logs of the test pits are presented in Appendix A. Subsurface exploration also included the collection of bulk samples of soil materials for classification, laboratory testing and geotechnical engineering analyses. Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing for selected samples of onsite soils materials included maximum dry density and optimum moisture content determination and general soil corrosion potential (sulfate content, chloride content, pH/resistivity). A description of laboratory test methods and laboratory testing are presented in Appendix B. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 4 FINDINGS Regional Geologic Setting The subject property is situated within the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province on the proximal portion of a large alluvial fan that extends southward from the flanks of the adjacent San Gabriel Mountains to the north. Bedrock underlying the site at depth is part of the Perris Block and is composed of granitic and metamorphic crystalline rock that is Cretaceous in age or older. The Perris Block is separated from adjacent crustal blocks by major faults and is bounded on the northeast by the San Jacinto fault zone and on the north by the Cucamonga fault and the San Gabriel Mountains. The southwesterly edge of the block is marked by the northward extension of the Chino-Elsinore fault system. In closer proximity, the subject site is located adjacent to the San Gabriel Mountains and westerly of Lytle Creek. The local area alluvial-fan deposits reportedly extend up to a depth of roughly 100 to 300 feet beneath the site. Local Geology and Subsurface Soil Conditions Earth units encountered within our field evaluation consisted of surficial stockpiles and undocumented fills, a minor occurrence of topsoil, and natural alluvial fan deposits. The onsite soil units are discussed in detail below. • Surficial Topsoil and Undocumented Fills – Shallow topsoils was observed in unaltered areas of the site and undocumented fill were observed over notable portions of the of the site overlying topsoils and/or native alluvial fan deposits. The topsoils and fills were found to range in depth from approximately 0.5 to a maximum of 5 feet. The depth of stockpiles appear to be about 2 to 2.5 feet above original site grades. These soils were generally composed of loose, silty fine to medium sand with gravels and occasional small cobbles, which was dry to damp, loose, slightly porous and frequent thin roots. • Alluvial Fan Deposits – Alluvial fan deposits were observed beneath the topsoil and fill at all test pit locations. The alluvial fan deposits generally consisted of gravelly fine to coarse- sand with silt to sandy gravel with abundant subrounded cobbles, generally on the order of 10 to 15 percent. Occasional boulders from about 12 to 25 inches in diameter were estimated to be generally on the order of 2 percent and locally up to 5 percent. These fan deposits were locally weathered and generally medium dense within about the upper 0.5 to 1 foot with increasing density with depth. Boulders larger than 24 inches in diameter may be occasionally encountered within shallow cuts and should be expected in deeper excavations. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 5 Groundwater Neither groundwater nor seepage was encountered in the test pits during our subsurface exploration. Based on our interpretation of published geotechnical literature, the depth to local area groundwater varies from 200 to 300 feet below ground surface (bgs). Groundwater is not anticipated to affect the proposed development. Faulting The geologic structure of the southern California area is dominated mainly by northwest-trending faults associated with the San Andreas system. Faults, such as the Newport-Inglewood, Whittier, Elsinore, San Jacinto and San Andreas, are major faults in this system and are known to be active. In addition, the San Andreas, Elsinore and San Jacinto faults are known to have ruptured the ground surface in historic times. Based on our review of published and unpublished geotechnical maps and literature pertaining to site and regional geology, the closest active faults to the site are the Cucamonga fault located approximately 1.4 miles to the north and the Lytle Creek fault located approximately 1.9 miles to the east. Based on this firm's review of the referenced geologic literature no active faults appear to project through or toward the site, nor does the site lie within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Hazard Zone. Additionally, based on historic aerial photos, no lineaments appear to cross through the property. The potential for active fault rupture at the site is considered to be very low. Secondary Seismic Effects Secondary effects of seismic activity normally considered as possible hazards to a site include several types of ground failure. Various general types of ground failures, which might occur as a consequence of severe ground shaking at the site, include ground subsidence, ground lurching and lateral spreading. The probability of occurrence of each type of ground failure depends on the severity of the earthquake, distance from faults, topography, subsoil and groundwater conditions, in addition to other factors. The potential for ground lurching and lateral spreading are considered very low. The potential for seismically-induced flooding due to tsunami or seiche (i.e., a wave-like oscillation of the surface of water in an enclosed basin) is considered negligible at this site. Liquefaction and Seismically-Induced Settlement Liquefaction is the transformation of a cohesionless soil from a solid to a liquid state caused by an increase in pore pressure and a reduction of effective stress. Liquefaction can occur when loose saturated LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 6 cohesionless (sandy) soils are subjected to strong ground motion during an earthquake. Typically, liquefaction occurs in areas where groundwater lies within the upper 50 feet of the ground surface. The site in not located within a San Bernardino County Liquefaction Zone. In addition, due to the gravelly to cobbly nature of the underlying alluvial-fan materials, as well as the depth to groundwater expected to be deeper than 200 feet bgs, the potential for liquefaction is considered to be very low. Thus, neither liquefaction nor dynamic settlement should be considered as major geotechnical concerns for site development. Compressible Near-Surface Soils A geotechnical factor affecting the project site is the presence of shallow topsoil/fills and low-density and dry, near-surface alluvial fan deposits. Such materials in their present state are not considered suitable for support of fill or structural loads. Accordingly, these materials will require removal to competent alluvial fan deposits as observed by the geotechnical consultant and replacement as properly moisture-conditioned and compacted fill. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General From a geotechnical engineering and engineering geologic point of view, the subject property is considered suitable for the proposed grading and development provided the following conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into the design criteria and project specifications and implemented during construction. Earthwork Recommendations General Earthwork Recommendations Earthwork should be performed in accordance with the Grading Code of the City of Fontana and with the applicable provisions of the 2019 California Building Code (CBC). Grading should also be performed in accordance with the following site-specific recommendations prepared by Petra based on the proposed construction. Geotechnical Observations and Testing Prior to the start of earthwork, a meeting should be held at the site with the owner, contractor and geotechnical consultant to discuss the work schedule and geotechnical aspects of the grading. Earthwork, which in this instance will generally entail removal and re-compaction of the near surface soils, should be accomplished under full-time observation and testing of the geotechnical consultant. A representative of LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 7 the project geotechnical consultant should be present onsite during all earthwork operations to document placement and compaction of fills, as well as to document compliance with the other recommendations presented herein. Clearing and Grubbing Clearing operations will include the removal of all existing vegetation, shrubs, stumps any existing dumped trash or construction debris, oversize boulders, or deleterious materials. All weeds, grasses, bush, shrubs, tree stumps etc. existing within areas to be graded should be stripped and removed from the site. Any deleterious materials encountered within the site may need to be removed by hand (i.e. by root pickers) during the grading operations. The project geotechnical consultant should provide periodic observation services during clearing and grubbing operations to document compliance with the above recommendations. In addition, should unusual or adverse soil conditions or buried structures be encountered during grading that are not described herein, these conditions should be brought to the immediate attention of the project geotechnical consultant for corrective recommendations. Excavation Characteristics The existing site soils can be readily excavated with conventional earthmoving equipment, however, oversize rocks, those exceeding 12 inches in maximum dimension, are very likely to be encountered during grading. Ground Preparation Unsuitable Soil Removals All existing surficial soils (stockpiles, topsoil and undocumented fills) are considered unsuitable in their current state for support of proposed fills, structures, flatwork, pavement or other improvements. These materials should be removed to underlying competent alluvial fan deposits, as approved by the project geotechnical consultant. Remedial removals are estimated to be approximately 3 to 4 feet below existing grades to expose competent alluvial fan deposits over most of the site, however, soil removals in stockpile areas may be on the order of 5 to 6 feet below grades. Removals may also need to be locally deeper depending upon the exposed conditions encountered during grading. The actual depths and horizontal limits of removals and over-excavations should be evaluated during grading on the basis of observations and testing performed by the project geotechnical consultant. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 8 Prior to placing engineered fill, all exposed removal bottom surfaces in the building pad areas should be heavily watered (flooded), as necessary, to achieve moisture conditions at least two percent above optimum and then compacted in-place to a relative compaction of 90 percent or more based on ASTM D1557. Horizontal limits of removals should extend across the entire level portion of the lot. Overexcavation of Cut and Cut-Fill Transition Lots Lots located entirely in cut and/or cut/fill transitions should be eliminated from building pad areas to reduce the detrimental effects of differential settlement. Cut and transient lots should be overexcavated to a minimum of 3 feet below proposed finished pad grade elevations and replaced as properly compacted fill. Prior to placing engineered fill, all exposed overexcavation bottom surfaces in the building pad areas should be heavily watered (flooded), as necessary, to achieve moisture conditions at least two percent above optimum and then compacted in-place to a relative compaction of 90 percent or more based on ASTM D1557. Horizontal limits of over-excavation should extend across the entire level portion of the lot. Suitability of Site Soils as Fill Site soils are suitable for use in engineered fills provided they are clean from any organics, debris and oversize rocks/boulders greater than 18 to 24 inches in diameter, which is discussed in the following section. Oversize boulders between 12 and 25 inches in diameter are likely to be encountered during remedial grading and may be incorporated within specified depths of the engineered fills as discussed in the following section. Oversize Rock Removals and over-excavation during grading are expected to produce oversize rock on the order of 12 to 24 inches in diameter. Oversize rock is defined as rock or irreducible rock fragments greater than 12 inches in maximum diameter. Rock up to 12 inches in diameter may be placed with the upper 3 feet of the building pads in a manner to avoid nesting. Oversize rock up to 18 inches in diameter may be placed deeper than 3 feet below finished pad grades in a manner to avoid nesting and then completely covered/mixed with granular soil materials. Oversize rock between 18 and 24 inches in diameter may be placed deeper than 5 feet below finish pad grades in a manner to avoid nesting and then completely covered/mixed with granular soil materials. As with the placement of all oversized rock in engineered fills, the granular materials should be watered and/or jetted around the rock to assure the infilling of all voids. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 9 Due to the anticipated relatively shallow fills onsite, i.e., generally expected to be less than 5 feet in depth, removing all oversize rock greater than 18 inches in diameter from the building pad fills should be anticipated. The grading contactor should provide either a screening operation to remove oversize rocks from the fill soils or utilize mechanical removal of oversize rocks from the fill areas by heavy equipment equipped with rock rakes or similar equipment. Fill Placement Fill materials for building pad areas should be placed in approximately 6- to 8-inch thick loose lifts, watered or air-dried as necessary to achieve a moisture content of at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture condition, and then compacted in-place to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for each change in soil type should be determined in accordance with ASTM D1557. Import Soils for Grading If imported soils are needed to achieve final design grades, the soils should be free of deleterious materials, oversize rock and any hazardous materials. Additionally, the soils should also be non-expansive (i.e. have “very low” expansion potential) and essentially non-corrosive and approved by the project geotechnical consultant prior to being brought onsite. The geotechnical consultant should inspect the potential borrow site and conduct testing of the soil at least three days before the commencement of import operations. Soil Shrinkage Volumetric changes in earth quantities will occur when excavated onsite soils are replaced as engineered fill. Based on similar soil conditions in the nearby area, we estimated the soil shrinkage factor to be on the order of 10 to 15 percent for soil removed and replaced as compacted fill and a subsidence factor of 0.1 foot during recompaction of removal bottom or overexcavation surfaces. Also note that volume associated with the removal of oversize rocks greater than 18 to 24 inches from the site in the course of planned removals, over-excavations and/or deep utility trenching should also be accounted for in determining final earthwork quantities. The estimate of shrinkage is intended as an aid for project engineers in determining earthwork quantities; however, this estimate should not be considered as absolute values and should be used with some caution. Contingencies should be made for balancing earthwork quantities based on actual shrinkage that occurs during the grading operations. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 10 Temporary Excavations Temporary excavations up to a depth of 4 feet below existing grades may be required to accommodate the recommended overexcavation. Based on the physical properties of the onsite soils, temporary excavations which are constructed exceeding 4 feet in height should be cut back to an inclination of 1:1 (h:v) or flatter for the duration of the overexcavation of unsuitable soil material and replacement as compacted fill, as well as placement of underground utilities. However, the temporary excavations should be observed by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant for evidence of potential instability. Depending on the results of these observations, revised slope configurations may be necessary. Other factors which should be considered with respect to the stability of the temporary slopes include construction traffic and/or storage of materials on or near the tops of the slopes, construction scheduling, presence of nearby walls or structures on adjacent properties and weather conditions at the time of construction. Applicable requirements of the California Construction and General Industry Safety Orders, the Occupational Safety and Health act of 1970 and the Construction Safety Act should also be followed. Geotechnical Observations Observation of clearing operations, overexcavation of unsuitable surficial materials, fill placement, cut and fill slope construction and general grading procedures should be performed by the project geotechnical consultant. Fills should not be placed without prior observation and approval of the removal/overexcavation bottom surfaces by the geotechnical consultant. The project geotechnical consultant or his representative should be present onsite during grading operations to observe and document proper placement and compaction of fill, as well as to observe and document compliance with the other recommendations presented herein. TENTATIVE FOUNDATION DESIGN GUIDELINES Seismic Design Parameters Earthquake loads on earthen structures and buildings are a function of ground acceleration which may be determined from the site-specific ground motion analysis. Alternatively, a design response spectrum can be developed for certain sites based on the code guidelines. To provide the design team with the parameters necessary to construct the design acceleration response spectrum for this project, we used two computer applications. Specifically, the first computer application, which was jointly developed by Structural Engineering Association of California (SEAOC) and California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), the SEA/OSHPD Seismic Design Maps Tool website, https://seismicmaps.org, is used to calculate the ground motion parameters. The second computer application, the United Stated LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 11 Geological Survey (USGS) Unified Hazard Tool website, https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/interactive/, is used to estimate the earthquake magnitude and the distance to surface projection of the fault. To run the above computer applications, site latitude and longitude, seismic risk category and knowledge of site class are required. The site class definition depends on the direct measurement and the ASCE 7-16 recommended procedure for calculating average small-strain shear wave velocity, Vs30, within the upper 30 meters (approximately 100 feet) of site soils. A seismic risk category of II was assigned to the proposed building in accordance with 2019 CBC, Table 1604.5. A seismic shear-wave survey was performed by a subconsultant of Petra approximately 300 feet northwest of the site on August 6, 2020 (Petra, 2020). An average shear-wave velocity (“weighted average”) in the upper 100 feet of the subject survey area is 2,013 feet per second based on the geophysical testing. As such, in accordance with ASCE 7-16, Table 20.3-1, Site Class C has been deemed appropriate to the general area. The following table, Table 1, provides parameters required to construct the seismic response coefficient, Cs, curve based on ASCE 7-16, Article 12.8 guidelines. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 12 TABLE 1 Seismic Design Parameters Ground Motion Parameters Specific Reference Parameter Value Unit Site Latitude (North) - 34.1512 ° Site Longitude (West) - -117.4520 ° Site Class Definition Section 1613.2.2 (1), Chapter 20 (2) C (4) - Assumed Seismic Risk Category Table 1604.5 (1) II - Mw - Earthquake Magnitude USGS Unified Hazard Tool (3) 7.9 (3) - R – Distance to Surface Projection of Fault USGS Unified Hazard Tool (3) 2.2 (3) km Ss - Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Short Period (0.2 second) Figure 1613.2.1(1) (1) 2.1 (4) g S1 - Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Long Period (1.0 second) Figure 1613.2.1(2) (1) 0.687 (4) g Fa – Short Period (0.2 second) Site Coefficient Table 1613.2.3(1) (1) 1.2 (4) - Fv – Long Period (1.0 second) Site Coefficient Table 1613.2.3(2) (1) 1.4 (4) - SMS – MCER Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter Adjusted for Site Class Effect (0.2 second) Equation 16-36 (1) 2.52 (4) g SM1 - MCER Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter Adjusted for Site Class Effect (1.0 second) Equation 16-37 (1) 0.961 (4) g SDS - Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2-s Equation 16-38 (1) 1.68 (4) g SD1 - Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 1-s Equation 16-39 (1) 0.641 (4) g To = 0.2 SD1/ SDS Section 11.4.6 (2) 0.076 s Ts = SD1/ SDS Section 11.4.6 (2) 0.381 s TL - Long Period Transition Period Figure 22-14 (2) 12 (4) s PGA - Peak Ground Acceleration at MCEG (*) Figure 22-9 (2) 0.857 g FPGA - Site Coefficient Adjusted for Site Class Effect (2) Table 11.8-1 (2) 1.2 (4) - PGAM –Peak Ground Acceleration (2) Adjusted for Site Class Effect Equation 11.8-1 (2) 1.028 (4) g Design PGA ≈ (⅔ PGAM) - Slope Stability (†) Similar to Eqs. 16-38 & 16-39 (2) 0.68 g Design PGA ≈ (0.4 SDS) – Short Retaining Walls (‡) Equation 11.4-5 (2) 0.67 g CRS - Short Period Risk Coefficient Figure 22-18A (2) 0.912 (4) - CR1 - Long Period Risk Coefficient Figure 22-19A (2) 0.89 (4) - SDC - Seismic Design Category (§) Section 1613.2.5 (1) D (4) - References: (1) California Building Code (CBC), 2019, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume I and II. (2) American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE/SEI), 2016, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, Standards 7-16. (3) USGS Unified Hazard Tool - https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/interactive/ (4) SEI/OSHPD Seismic Design Map Application – https://seismicmaps.org Related References: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2015, NEHERP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program) Recommended Seismic Provision for New Building and Other Structures (FEMA P-1050). Notes: * PGA Calculated at the MCE return period of 2475 years (2 percent chance of exceedance in 50 years). † PGA Calculated at the Design Level of ⅔ of MCE; approximately equivalent to a return period of 475 years (10 percent chance of exceedance in 50 years). ‡ PGA Calculated for short, stubby retaining walls with an infinitesimal (zero) fundamental period. § The designation provided herein may be superseded by the structural engineer in accordance with Section 1613.2.5.1, if applicable. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 13 Allowable Bearing Capacity, Estimated Settlement and Lateral Resistance Allowable Soil Bearing Capacities Pad Footings An allowable soil bearing capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot may be utilized for design of isolated 24-inch-square footings founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade for pad footings that are not a part of the slab system and are used for support of such features as roof overhang, second-story decks, patio covers, etc. This value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional foot of depth and by 10 percent for each additional foot of width, to a maximum value of 2,500 pounds per square foot. The recommended allowable bearing value includes both dead and live loads and may be increased by one-third for short duration wind and seismic forces. Continuous Footings An allowable soil bearing capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot may be utilized for design of continuous footings founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. This value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional foot of depth and by 10 percent for each additional foot of width, to a maximum value of 2,500 pounds per square foot. The recommended allowable bearing value includes both dead and live loads and may be increased by one-third for short duration wind and seismic forces. Estimated Footing Settlement Based on the allowable bearing values provided above, total static settlement of the footings under the anticipated loads is expected to be less than ¾ inch. Differential settlement is expected to be less than ½ inch over a horizontal span of 30 feet. The majority of settlement is likely to take place as footing loads are applied or shortly thereafter. Lateral Resistance A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth, to a maximum value of 2,500 pounds per square foot, may be used to determine lateral bearing resistance for footings. In addition, a coefficient of friction of 0.40 times the dead load forces may be used between concrete and the supporting soils to determine lateral sliding resistance. The above values may be increased by one-third when designing for transient wind or seismic forces. It should be noted that the above values are based on the condition where footings are cast in direct contact with compacted fill or competent native soils. In cases where the footing sides are formed, all backfill placed against the footings upon removal of forms should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the applicable maximum dry density. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 14 Guidelines for Footings and Slabs on-Grade Design and Construction Near-surface soils within the site will very likely exhibit expansion indices (EI’s) that are in the Very Low category (EI < 20) following site grading. As indicated in Section 1803.5.3 of 2019 California Building Code (2019 CBC), these soils are considered non-expansive and, as such, the design of slabs on-grade is considered to be exempt from the procedures outlined in Sections 1808.6.2 of the 2019 CBC and may be performed using any method deemed rational and appropriate by the project structural engineer. However, the following minimum recommendations are presented herein for conditions where the project design team may require geotechnical engineering guidelines for design and construction of footings and slabs on-grade the project site. The design and construction guidelines that follow are based on the above soil conditions and may be considered for reducing the effects of variability in fabric, composition and, therefore, the detrimental behavior of the site soils such as excessive short- and long-term total and differential heave or settlement. These guidelines have been developed on the basis of the previous experience of this firm on projects with similar soil conditions. Although construction performed in accordance with these guidelines has been found to reduce post-construction movement and/or distress, they generally do not positively eliminate all potential effects of variability in soils characteristics and future heave or settlement. It should also be noted that the suggestions for dimension and reinforcement provided herein are performance-based and intended only as preliminary guidelines to achieve adequate performance under the anticipated soil conditions. However, they should not be construed as replacement for structural engineering analyses, experience, and judgment. The project structural engineer, architect and/or civil engineer should make appropriate adjustments to slab and footing dimensions, and reinforcement type, size and spacing to account for internal concrete forces (e.g., thermal, shrinkage and expansion) as well as external forces (e.g., applied loads) as deemed necessary. Consideration should also be given to minimum design criteria as dictated by local building code requirements. Conventional Slab-on-Grade System Given the expansion index is expected to be less than 20, we recommend that footings and floor slabs be designed and constructed in accordance with the following minimum criteria. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 15 Footings 1. Exterior continuous footings supporting one- and two-story structures should be founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade, respectively. Interior continuous footings may be founded at a minimum depth of 10 inches below the top of the adjacent finish floor slabs. 2. In accordance with Table 1809.7 of 2019 CBC for light-frame construction, all continuous footings should have minimum widths of 12 inches for one- and two-story construction. We recommend all continuous footings should be reinforced with a minimum of two No. 4 bars, one top and one bottom. 3. A minimum 12-inch-wide grade beam founded at the same depth as adjacent footings should be provided across garage entrances or similar openings (such as large doors or bay windows). The grade beam should be reinforced with a similar manner as provided above. 4. Interior isolated pad footings, if required, should be a minimum of 24 inches square and founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the bottoms of the adjacent floor slabs for one- and two-story buildings. Pad footings should be reinforced with No. 4 bars spaced a maximum of 18 inches on centers, both ways, placed near the bottoms of the footings. 5. Exterior isolated pad footings intended for support of roof overhangs such as second-story decks, patio covers, and similar construction should be a minimum of 24 inches square and founded at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. The pad footings should be reinforced with No. 4 bars spaced a maximum of 18 inches on centers, both ways, placed near the bottoms of the footings. Exterior isolated pad footings may need to be connected to adjacent pad and/or continuous footings via tie beams at the discretion of the project structural engineer. 6. The minimum footing dimensions and reinforcement recommended herein may be modified (increased or decreased subject to the constraints of Chapter 18 of the 2019 CBC) by the structural engineer responsible for foundation design based on his/her calculations, engineering experience and judgment. Building Floor Slabs 1. Concrete floor slabs should be a minimum 4 inches thick and reinforced with No. 3 bars spaced a maximum of 24 inches on centers, both ways. Alternatively, the structural engineer may recommend the use of prefabricated welded wire mesh for slab reinforcement. For this condition, the welded wire mesh should be of sheet type (not rolled) and should consist of 6x6/W2.9xW2.9 WWF (per the Wire Reinforcement Institute, WRI, designation) or stronger. All slab reinforcement should be properly supported to ensure the desired placement near mid-depth. Care should be exercised to prevent warping of the welded wire mesh between the chairs in order to ensure its placement at the desired mid-slab position. Slab dimension, reinforcement type, size and spacing need to account for internal concrete forces (e.g., thermal, shrinkage and expansion) as well as external forces (e.g., applied loads), as deemed necessary. 2. Living area concrete floor slabs and areas to receive moisture sensitive floor covering should be underlain with a moisture vapor retarder consisting of a minimum 10-mil-thick polyethylene or polyolefin membrane that meets the minimum requirements of ASTM E96 and ASTM E1745 for vapor retarders (such as Husky Yellow Guard®, Stego® Wrap, or equivalent). All laps within the membrane should be sealed, and at least 2 inches of clean sand should be placed over the membrane to promote LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 16 uniform curing of the concrete. To reduce the potential for punctures, the membrane should be placed on a pad surface that has been graded smooth without any sharp protrusions. If a smooth surface cannot be achieved by grading, consideration should be given to lowering the pad finished grade an additional inch and then placing a 1-inch-thick leveling course of sand across the pad surface prior to the placement of the membrane. At the present time, some slab designers, geotechnical professionals, and concrete experts view the sand layer below the slab (blotting sand) as a place for entrapment of excess moisture that could adversely impact moisture-sensitive floor coverings. As a preventive measure, the potential for moisture intrusion into the concrete slab could be reduced if the concrete is placed directly on the vapor retarder. However, if this sand layer is omitted, appropriate curing methods must be implemented to ensure that the concrete slab cures uniformly. A qualified materials engineer with experience in slab design and construction should provide recommendations for alternative methods of curing and supervise the construction process to ensure uniform slab curing. Additional steps would also need to be taken to prevent puncturing of the vapor retarder during concrete placement. 3. Garage floor slabs should be a minimum 4 inches thick and reinforced in a similar manner as living area floor slabs. Garage slabs should also be poured separately from adjacent wall footings with a positive separation maintained using ¾-inch-minimum felt expansion joint material. To control the propagation of shrinkage cracks, garage floor slabs should be quartered with weakened plane joints. Consideration should be given to placement of a moisture vapor retarder below the garage slab, similar to that provided in Item 2 above, should the garage slab be overlain with moisture sensitive floor covering. 4. Presaturation of the subgrade below floor slabs will not be required; however, prior to placing concrete, the subgrade below all dwelling and garage floor slab areas should be thoroughly moistened to achieve a moisture content that is at least equal to or slightly greater than optimum moisture content. This moisture content should penetrate to a minimum depth of 12 inches below the bottoms of the slabs. 5. The minimum dimensions and reinforcement recommended herein for building floor slabs may be modified (increased or decreased subject to the constraints of Chapter 18 of the 2019 CBC) by the structural engineer responsible for foundation design based on his/her calculations, engineering experience and judgment. Foundation Excavation Observations Foundation excavations should be observed by a representative of this firm to document that they have been excavated into competent engineered fill soils prior to the placement of forms, reinforcement or concrete. Following grading, the presence of rock, up to 12 inches diameter, in the compacted fill may require the use of forms when pouring concrete. The excavations should be trimmed neat, level and square. All loose, sloughed or moisture-softened soils and/or any construction debris should be removed prior to placing of concrete. Excavated soils derived from footing and/or utility trenches should not be placed in building slab- on-grade areas or exterior concrete flatwork areas unless the soils are compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 17 Foundation Concrete Over-Pour As noted in the previous section, the on-site soils contain a large percentage of cobbles which will result in widened and potentially deepened footing excavations due to the excavation of rocks in the fill. Even with forming, concrete quantities in excess of calculated footing volumes should be expected. General Corrosivity Screening As a screening level study, very limited chemical and electrical tests were performed on several samples considered representative of the onsite soils to identify potential corrosive characteristics of these soils. The common indicators associated with soil corrosivity include water-soluble sulfate and chloride levels, pH (a measure of acidity), and minimum electrical resistivity. Test results are presented in Table 2 below. It should be noted that Petra does not practice corrosion engineering; therefore, the test results, opinion and engineering judgment provided herein should be considered as general guidelines only. Additional analyses would be warranted, especially, for cases where buried metallic building materials (such as copper and cast or ductile iron pipes) in contact with site soils are planned for the project. In many cases, the project geotechnical engineer may not be informed of these choices. Therefore, for conditions where such elements are considered, we recommend that other, relevant project design professionals (e.g., the architect, landscape architect, civil and/or structural engineer) also consider recommending a qualified corrosion engineer to conduct additional sampling and testing of near-surface soils during the final stages of site grading to provide a complete assessment of soil corrosivity. Recommendations to mitigate the detrimental effects of corrosive soils on buried metallic and other building materials that may be exposed to corrosive soils should be provided by the corrosion engineer as deemed appropriate. In general, a soil’s water-soluble sulfate levels and pH relate to the potential for concrete degradation; water-soluble chlorides in soils impact ferrous metals embedded or encased in concrete, e.g., reinforcing steel; and electrical resistivity is a measure of a soil’s corrosion potential to a variety of buried metals used in the building industry, such as copper tubing and cast or ductile iron pipes. Table 2, below, presents test results. with an interpretation of current code indicators and guidelines that are commonly used in this industry. The table includes the classifications of the soils as they relate to the various tests, as well as a general recommendation for possible mitigation measures in view of the potential adverse impact on various components of the proposed structures in direct contact with site soils. The guidelines provided LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 18 herein should be evaluated and confirmed, or modified, in their entirety by the project structural engineer, corrosion engineer and/or the contractor responsible for concrete placement for structural concrete used in exterior and interior footings, interior slabs on-ground, garage slabs, wall foundations and concrete exposed to weather such as driveways, patios, porches, walkways, ramps, steps, curbs, etc. TABLE 2 Soil Corrosivity Screening Results Test Test Results Classification General Recommendations Soluble Sulfates (Cal 417) 0.0006 percent S0(1) Type II cement; min. fc’ = 2,500 psi; no water/cement ratio restrictions pH (Cal 643) 6.8 Neutral No special requirements Soluble Chloride (Cal 422) 105 ppm C12 C24 Residence: No special recommendations Pools/Decking: water/cement ratio 0.40, fc’ = 5,000 psi Resistivity (Cal 643) 26,000 ohm-cm Mildly Corrosive(3) No special requirements Notes: 1. ACI 318-14, Section 19.3 2. ACI 318-14, Section 19.3 3. Pierre R. Roberge, “Handbook of Corrosion Engineering” 4. Exposure classification C2 applies specifically to swimming pools and appurtenant concrete elements Preliminary Infiltration Rate Infiltration Test Results One field falling-head percolation test (P-1) was performed in roughly the center of the subject site near the proposed infiltration facility to evaluate the infiltration rate of native alluvial fan soils. The test was performed in the zone approximately 5 to 6 feet below existing grade. Normally, the falling-head percolation test data would be utilized in determining the test infiltration rate, It, expressed in units of inches/hour, utilizing the Porchet Method. Field testing was conducted in a perforated-cased borehole at an initial 10-minute interval; however, the test hole emptied well before the completion of the time interval. Second and third attempts at 5- and 1-minute intervals, respectively, yielded premature drainage, negating the results. The percolation tests were conducted in the bottom 1 foot of the test pit and the test data are attached in Appendix C. The reason for the unsuccessful percolation test is most likely disturbance of the subgrade underlying the test pit floor due to the backhoe. In this instance Petra recommends using an assumed un-factored infiltration of 27 inches per minute, as determined for the adjacent Citrus and Summit West site (Petra, 2021), for preliminary design purposes. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 19 In view of the sandy nature of the onsite native materials, which includes the presence of gravel and cobbles, the infiltration test method utilized is subject to the soils being highly disturbed, as was the case on this site. As a consequence, the infiltration test rate should be viewed as being indicative of highly permeable soils, rather than an accurate rate for final design purposes. The test results do, however, confirm that the site is suitably permeable to support onsite stormwater infiltration. While the designer may assume a relatively high infiltration rate for preliminary design purposes, additional field testing should be performed to provide a more accurate un-factored design infiltration rate for final design. TABLE 3 Test No. Approximate Test Location Test Zone Depth (ft) Infiltration Rate, It (in./hr.)1,2 P-1 Center of site (see Figure 2) 5 to 6 27 Notes: 1. No factor of safety applied 2. Infiltration rate based on data obtained from Citrus and Summit West site Post-Grading Considerations Precise Grading and Drainage Surface and subsurface drainage systems consisting of sloping concrete flatwork, drainage swales and possibly subsurface area drains will be constructed on the subject lots to collect and direct all surface water to the adjacent streets. In addition, the ground surface around the proposed buildings should be sloped to provide a positive drainage gradient away from the structures. The purpose of the drainage systems is to prevent ponding of surface water within the level areas of the site and against building foundations and associated site improvements. The drainage systems should be properly maintained throughout the life of the proposed development. Section 1804.3 of the 2019 CBC requires that "The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from the building at a slope of not less than one unit vertical in 20 units horizontal (5-percent slope) for a minimum distance of 10 feet (3048 mm) measured perpendicular to the face of the wall". Further, “Swales used for this purpose shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent where located within 10 feet (3048 mm) of the building foundation”. These provisions fall under the purview of the Design Civil Engineer. However, exceptions to allow modifications to these criteria are provided within the same section of the Code as "Where climatic or soil conditions warrant, the slope of the ground away from the building foundations is permitted to be reduced LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 20 to not less than one unit in 48 units horizontal (2-percent slope)”. This exemption provision appears to fall under the purview of the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record. It is our understanding that the state-of-the-practice for projects in various cities and unincorporated areas of San Bernardino County, as well as throughout Southern California, has been to construct earthen slopes at 2 percent minimum gradient away from the foundations and at 1 percent minimum for earthen swale gradients. Structures constructed and properly maintained under those criteria have performed satisfactorily. Therefore, considering the semi-arid climate, site soil conditions and an appropriate irrigation regime, Petra considers that the implementation of 2 percent slopes away from the structures and 1 percent swales to be acceptable for the subject lots. It should be emphasized that the homeowners are cautioned that the slopes away from the structures and swales to be properly maintained, not to be obstructed, and that future improvements not to alter established gradients unless replaced with suitable alternative drainage systems. Further, where the flow line of the swale exists within five feet of the structure, adjacent footings shall be deepened appropriately to maintain minimum embedment requirements, measured from the flow line of the swale. Utility Trench Backfill All utility trench backfill should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent, however the trench backfill materials should be first be screened of any rock greater than 6 inches in diameter. The backfill should be placed in 8- to 12-inch lifts, moisture-conditioned as necessary to achieve slightly above optimum moisture conditions, and mechanically compacted in place with a hydra-hammer, pneumatic tamper or similar equipment to achieve a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. A representative of this firm should probe and test the backfills to document the adequate compaction has been achieved. For shallow trenches where pipe or utilities might be damaged by mechanical compaction equipment, imported sand having a Sand Equivalent (SE) value of 30 or greater may be used for backfill. Sand backfill materials should be watered to achieve above optimum moisture conditions, and then tamped with hand- operated pneumatic tampers to ensure proper consolidation of the backfill. No specific relative compaction will be required; however, observation, probing and, if deemed necessary, testing should be performed by a representative of this firm to verify that the backfill is adequately compacted and will not be subject to excessive settlement. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 21 Where an exterior or interior utility trench is proposed in a direction that is parallel to a building footing, the bottom of the trench should not extend below a 1:1 (h:v) plane projected downward from the bottom edge of the adjacent footing. Where this condition occurs, the adjacent footing should be deepened or the trench backfilled and compacted prior to construction of the footing. Masonry Block Screen Walls Construction on Level Ground Where masonry walls are proposed on level ground and 5 feet or more from the tops of descending slopes, the footings for these walls may be founded 18 inches or more below the lowest adjacent final grade. These footings should also be reinforced with two No. 4 bars, one top and one bottom. Construction Joints In order to reduce the potential for unsightly cracking related to the effects of differential settlement, positive separations (construction joints) should be provided in the walls at horizontal intervals of approximately 20 to 25 feet and at each corner. The separations should be provided in the blocks only and not extend through the footings. The footings should be placed monolithically with continuous rebars to serve as effective "grade beams" along the full lengths of the walls. Retaining Walls Footing Embedment The base of retaining wall footings constructed on level ground may be founded at a depth of 12 inches or more below the lowest adjacent final grade. Footing trenches should be observed by the project geotechnical representative to document that the footing trenches have been excavated into competent bearing soils and to the embedments recommended above. These observations should be performed prior to placing forms or reinforcing steel. Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity A basic allowable soil bearing capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot, including dead and live loads, may be utilized for design of 12-inch-wide continuous footings founded in compacted fill at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. This value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional foot of depth and by 10 percent for each additional foot of width to a maximum value of 2,500 pounds per square foot. Recommended allowable bearing values include both dead and live loads, and may be increased by one-third for short duration wind and seismic forces. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 22 Lateral Resistance A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth, to a maximum value of 2,500 pounds per square foot, may be used to determine lateral bearing resistance for footings. In addition, a coefficient of friction of 0.40 times the dead load forces may be used between concrete and the supporting soils to determine lateral sliding resistance. When calculating passive resistance, the resistance of the upper 6 inches of the soil cover in front of the wall should be ignored in areas where the front of the wall will not be covered with concrete flatwork. The above values may be increased by one-third when designing for transient wind or seismic forces. It should be noted that the above values are based on the condition where footings are cast in direct contact with compacted fill or competent native soils. In cases where the footing sides are formed, all backfill placed against the footings upon removal of forms should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the applicable maximum dry density. Active Earth Pressures Existing soils within the site exhibit expansion potentials that are very low in expansion potential; therefore, the proposed retaining walls are expected to be backfilled with on-site soils. It should be noted that the retaining wall plans that are prepared for construction should specify the type of backfill as used by the project structural engineer in their design. On-Site Soils Used for Backfill For onsite soils used for retaining wall backfill, an active lateral earth pressure equivalent to a fluid having a density of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) should be used for design of cantilevered walls retaining a drained level backfill. Where the wall backfill slopes upward at 2:1 (h:v), the above value should be increased to 51 pcf. All wall backfill soils should be screened of rock particles greater than 6-inches in diameter. The values provided herein are for retaining walls that have been supplied with a proper subdrain system (see Figure RW-1). Retaining walls should be designed to resist surcharge loads imposed by other nearby walls or structures in addition to the above active earth pressures. Geotechnical Observation and Testing All earthwork associated with retaining wall construction, including backcut excavations, observation of the footing trenches, installation of the backdrain systems, and placement of backfill should be provided by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 23 Backdrains To reduce the likelihood of the entrapment of water in the backfill soils, weepholes or open vertical masonry joints may be considered for retaining walls not exceeding a height of 3 feet. Weepholes, if used, should be 3-inches minimum diameter and provided at intervals of 6 feet or less along the wall. Open vertical masonry joints, if used, should be provided at 32-inch intervals. A continuous gravel fill, 3 inches by 12 inches, should be placed behind the weepholes or open masonry joints. The gravel should be wrapped in filter fabric to prevent infiltration of fines and subsequent clogging of the gravel. Filter fabric may consist of Mirafi 140N or equivalent. A perforated pipe-and-gravel subdrain should be constructed behind retaining walls exceeding a height of 3 feet (see Figure RW-1). Perforated pipe should consist of 4-inch-minimum diameter PVC Schedule 40, or ABS SDR-35, with the perforations laid down. The pipe should be encased in a 1-foot-wide column of ¾-inch to 1½-inch open-graded gravel. If on-site soils are used as backfill, the open-graded gravel should extend above the wall footings to a minimum height equal to one-third the wall height or to a minimum height of 1.5 feet above the footing, whichever is greater. The open-graded gravel should be completely wrapped in filter fabric consisting of Mirafi 140N or equivalent. Solid outlet pipes should be connected to the subdrains and then routed to a suitable area for discharge of accumulated water. Waterproofing The backfilled sides of retaining walls should be coated with an approved waterproofing compound or covered with a similar material to inhibit migration of moisture through the walls. Wall Backfill Recommended active pressures for design of retaining walls are based on the physical and mechanical properties of the onsite soil materials. The backfill behind the proposed retaining walls, they should be screened of rock fragments greater than 6-inches in diameter, placed in approximately 6- to 8-inch-thick maximum lifts, watered as necessary to achieve slightly above optimum moisture conditions and then mechanically compacted in place to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Flooding or jetting of the backfill materials should be avoided. A representative of the project geotechnical consultant should observe the backfill procedures and test the wall backfill to verify adequate compaction. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 24 Preliminary Pavement Section Onsite soil are highly granular and testing within the adjacent developments have resulted in R-values over 70. Based on a traffic index of 5.5 and utilizing a preliminary design R-value of 70, the recommended preliminary pavement sections for the in-tract streets is 4 inches of asphalt concrete over compacted subgrade soils. R-value testing and final pavement design recommendations should be conducted based on the as-graded conditions at the conclusion grading operations and wet utility trench backfill placement. Subgrade soils immediately below the aggregate base, to a minimum depth of 12 inches, should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent based on ASTM D1557 near approximately two percent above optimum moisture content. Final subgrade compaction should be performed prior to placing base materials and after utility-trench backfills have been compacted and tested. Asphaltic concrete materials and construction should conform to Section 203 of the Greenbook or by City of Fontana specifications. Exterior Concrete Flatwork General Near-surface compacted fill soils within the site are expected to exhibit an expansion index of 0 to 20, i.e. non-expansive. We recommend that all exterior concrete flatwork such as sidewalks, patio slabs, large decorative slabs, concrete subslabs that will be covered with decorative pavers, private and/or public vehicular driveways and/or access roads within and adjacent to the site be designed by the project architect and/or structural engineer with consideration given to mitigating the potential cracking and uplift that can develop in soils exhibiting expansion index values that fall in the very low category. The guidelines that follow should be considered as minimums and are subject to review and revision by the project architect, structural engineer and/or landscape consultant as deemed appropriate. Thickness and Joint Spacing To reduce the potential of unsightly cracking, concrete walkways, patio-type slabs, large decorative slabs and concrete subslabs to be covered with decorative pavers should be at least 4 inches thick and provided with construction joints or expansion joints every 6 feet or less. Private driveways that will be designed for the use of passenger cars for access to private garages should also be at least 4 inches thick and provided with construction joints or expansion joints every 10 feet or less. Concrete pavement that will be designed based on an unlimited number of applications of an 18-kip single-axle load in public access areas, segments of road that will be paved with concrete (such as bus stops and cross-walks) or access roads and driveways, LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 25 which serve multiple residential units or garages, that will be subject to heavy truck loadings should have a minimum thickness of 5 inches and be provided with control joints spaced at maximum 10-foot intervals. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 125 pounds per cubic foot may be used for design of the public and access roads. Reinforcement All concrete flatwork having their largest plan-view panel dimension exceeding 10 feet should be reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 bars spaced 24 inches on centers, both ways. Alternatively, the slab reinforcement may consist of welded wire mesh of the sheet type (not rolled) with 6x6/W1.4xW1.4 designation in accordance with the Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI). The reinforcement should be properly positioned near the middle of the slabs. The reinforcement recommendations provided herein are intended as guidelines to achieve adequate performance for anticipated soil conditions. The project architect, civil and/or structural engineer should make appropriate adjustments in reinforcement type, size and spacing to account for concrete internal (e.g., shrinkage and thermal) and external (e.g., applied loads) forces as deemed necessary. Edge Beams (Optional) Where the outer edges of concrete flatwork are to be bordered by landscaping, it is recommended that consideration be given to the use of edge beams (thickened edges) to prevent excessive infiltration and accumulation of water under the slabs. Edge beams, if used, should be 6 to 8 inches wide, extend 8 inches below the tops of the finish slab surfaces. Edge beams are not mandatory; however, their inclusion in flatwork construction adjacent to landscaped areas is intended to reduce the potential for vertical and horizontal movement and subsequent cracking of the flatwork related to uplift forces that can develop in expansive soils. Subgrade Preparation Compaction To reduce the potential for distress to concrete flatwork, the subgrade soils below concrete flatwork areas to a minimum depth of 12 inches (or deeper, as either prescribed elsewhere in this report or determined in the field) should be moisture conditioned to at least equal to, or slightly greater than, the optimum moisture content and then compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Where concrete public roads, LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 26 concrete segments of roads and/or concrete access driveways are proposed, the upper 6 inches of subgrade soil should be compacted to no less than 95 percent relative compaction. Pre-Moistening As a further measure to reduce the potential for concrete flatwork cracking, subgrade soils should be thoroughly moistened prior to placing concrete. The moisture content of the soils should be at least 1.2 times the optimum moisture content and penetrate to a minimum depth of 12 inches into the subgrade. Flooding or ponding of the subgrade is not considered feasible to achieve the above moisture conditions since this method would likely require construction of numerous earth berms to contain the water. Therefore, moisture conditioning should be achieved with a light spray applied to the subgrade over a period of few to several days just prior to pouring concrete. Pre-watering of the soils is intended to promote uniform curing of the concrete, reduce the development of shrinkage cracks and reduce the potential for differential expansion pressure on freshly poured flatwork. A representative of the project geotechnical consultant should observe and verify the density and moisture content of the soils, and the depth of moisture penetration prior to pouring concrete. Drainage Drainage from patios and other flatwork areas should be directed to local area drains and/or graded earth swales designed to carry runoff water to the adjacent streets or other approved drainage structures. The concrete flatwork should be sloped at a minimum gradient of one percent, or as prescribed by project civil engineer or local codes, away from building foundations, retaining walls, masonry garden walls and slope areas. Tree Wells Tree wells are not recommended in concrete flatwork areas since they introduce excessive water into the subgrade soils and allow root invasion, both of which can cause heaving and cracking of the flatwork. GRADING AND FINAL PLAN REVIEWS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Lennar Homes to assist the project engineers and architect in the design of the proposed development. It is recommended that Petra be engaged to review the rough grading and any other final-design drawings and specifications prior to construction. This is to document that the recommendations contained in this report have been properly interpreted and are incorporated into the project specifications. If Petra is not accorded the opportunity to review these documents, we can take no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 27 We recommend that Petra be retained to provide soil-engineering services during construction of the excavation and foundation phases of the work. This is to observe compliance with the design, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction. If the project plans change significantly (e.g., major slopes or type of structures), we should review our original design recommendations and their applicability to the revised construction. If conditions are encountered during construction that appears to be different than those indicated in this report, this office should be notified immediately. Design and construction revisions may be needed. REPORT LIMITATIONS This report is based on the proposed residential development and our preliminary subsurface exploration and geotechnical laboratory testing and analysis. The materials encountered on the project site and utilized in our laboratory evaluation are believed representative of the total area; however, soil materials, moisture contents and oversize rock conditions can vary in characteristics between excavations, both laterally and vertically. The conclusions and opinions contained in this report are based on the results of the described geotechnical evaluations and represent our professional judgment. This report has been prepared consistent with that level of care being provided by other professionals providing similar services at the same locale and in the same time period. The contents of this report are professional opinions and as such, are not to be considered a guaranty or warranty. This report has not been prepared for use by parties or projects other than those named or described herein. This report may not contain sufficient information for other parties or other purposes. In addition, this report should be reviewed and updated after a period of 1 year or if the site ownership or project concept changes from that described herein. LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 28 This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free contact this office. Respectfully submitted, PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. 3/11/2021 Douglass L. Johnston Grayson R. Walker Senior Associate Geologist Principal Engineer CEG 2477 GE 871 DLJ/GRW/lv Distribution: (1) Addressee (electronic) (1) Mr. Amir Fallahi, K&A Engineering, Inc. (electronic) W:\2020-2025\2021\100\21-143 Lennar Homes (Citrus-Summit East, Fontana) Geotech Proposal\Reports\21-143 110 Preliminary Geotechnical Report.docx LENNAR HOMES March 11, 2021 Citrus and Summit East Project / Fontana J.N. 21-143 Page 29 REFERENCES American Concrete Institute publication, 2014 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, ACI 318-14. California Department of Water Resources, 2021, Water Data Library, accessed February, http://www.water.ca.gov/waterdatalibrary/ California Geologic Survey, 2021, Earthquake Zones of Required Investigation, Devore Quadrangle, accessed February, https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/EQZApp/app/ Google Earth™ 2021, by Google Earth, Inc., accessed February, http://www.google.com/earth/index.html International Building Code, 2018, 2019 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Par 2, Volume 2 of 2, Based on the 2018 International Building Code, California Building Standards Commission. Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc., 2021, Conceptual Site Plan, dated January 21. Morton, D.M. and Matti, J. C., 2001, Geologic Map of the Devore 7.5’ Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California; USGS Open-file Report 01-173. Petra Geosciences, Inc., 2015, Due-Diligence Geotechnical Assessment, Summit at Fontana Project (Phase 1), Tract 18825-1 (77 Lots), Northeast of Summit and Citrus Avenues, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California, prepared for Richmond American Homes, J.N. 15-399, dated October 22. ______, 2020, 2nd Revised Updated Geotechnical Recommendations and Review of Precise Grading Plans, Shady Trails Project, Lot 2 of Tract 17041, Citrus Avenue at Parkhouse Drive, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California, prepared for Taylor Morrison, J.N. 20-208, dated August 12. ______, 2021, Design-Phase Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Citrus and Summit West Project, Proposed 84-Lot Residential Development, 9-acre Vacant Site at Northwest Corner of Citrus and Summit Avenues, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California, J.N. 21-142, dated March 4. San Bernardino County Land Use Plan, 2010, General Plan Geologic Hazard Overlays, Figure FH21 C, Devore. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2021, accessed March, http://mil.library.ucsb.edu/ap_indexes/FrameFinder/ Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI), 1996, Design of Slabs on Ground. FIGURES PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. 40880 County Center Drive, Suite M Temecula, California 92591 PHONE: (951) 600-9271 COSTA MESA TEMECULA VALENCIA PALM DESERT CORONA Site Location Map DATE: March 2021 J.N.: 21-143 Figure 1 Citrus and Summit East Project 8.6-acre Site City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California SCIENCES N Reference: Google Earth, 2019 image Project Site PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. 40880 County Center Drive, Suite M Temecula, California 92591 Phone: (951) 600-9271 COSTA MESA TEMECULA VALENCIA PALM DESERT CORONA Exploration Location Map DATE: J.N.: 21-143 Figure 2March 2021 SCIENCESBasemap: Google Earth, 2019 image Citrus and Summit East Project 8.6-Acre Site City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Percolation Test Location P-1 Approximate Test Pit Location TP-8 P-1 N TP-7 TP-2 TP-3 TP-6 TP-1 TP-5 TP-8 TP-4 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION LOGS (TEST PITS) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 TOPSOIL Silty Sand (SM): Dark brown, moist, fine grained Sand, with trace coarse grained, 5% gravel, 95% silty sand, abundant roots. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Sand with silt (SP): brown, moist, fine grained, 15% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),. Gravelly Sand (GP-SP): gray, slightly moist, medium to coarse grained, 30% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 6" diameter), 60% sand. @ 3' Same as above,30% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 6" diameter), 60% sand. @ 5' Same as above, 30% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 6" diameter), 60% sand. Total Depth =5.1' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. 6.8 7.2 117.6 122.4 Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-1 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1649 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:KTM Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 TOPSOIL Silty Sand (SM): Dark brown, dry, fine grained Sand, with trace coarse grained, abundant roots. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Gravelly Sand (GP-SP): gray, dry to slightly moist, medium to coarse grained gravel, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 6" diameter),50% sand. @ 2'Same as above,40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 6" diameter),50% sand. @ 3' Same as above,40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 6" diameter),50% sand. @ 4.5' Becomes yellowish brown,40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 6" diameter),50% sand. Total Depth=6' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. 4.8 5.0 114.6 111.4 MAX,MA, PH, SO4, RES Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-2 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1657 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:KTM Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Silty Sand (SM): Dark brown, dry, trace piece of plastic,10% gravel ,2% cobbles (up to 4" diameter), 88% silty sand. TOPSOIL Silty Sand (SM): Dark brown, dry, fine grained sand, with trace coarse grained sand, 20% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 7" diameter),70% silty sand. abundant roots. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Gravelly Sand (GP/SP): gray, dry, medium to coarse grained sand, 45% gravel, 5% cobbles (up to 6" diameter),5% boulder (up to 12" diameter),45% sand.. @ 6'Becomes yellowish brown. Sand with gravel (SP): Yellowish-brown, moist, coarse grained sand, 20% gravel, 5% cobbles, 5% boulder (up to 14" diameter), 70% sand. Total Depth=13' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. 8.2 7.4 120.2 114.2 Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-3 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1647 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:KTM Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): Dark brown, dry, fine grained Sand, 10% gravel, 90% silty sand, abundant roots. TOPSOIL Silty sand with gravel (SM): light brown, moist, fine grained, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 45% silty sand. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Silty sand with gravel (SM): light gray, moist, fine grained, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 45% silty sand. @ 5' Same as above,40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 25" diameter) 45% silty sand. Total Depth =5.1' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. 6.9 7.0 115.7 103.6 Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-4 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1646 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:SB Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): light brown, gray, dry, fine grained Sand, 20% gravel, 10% cobbles, 5% boulder (up to 12" diameter) 65% silty sand. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Silty sand with gravel (SM): Dark brown, moist, fine grained, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 45% silty sand. @ 4' Same as above, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 45% silty sand. @ 5'Same as above, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 45% silty sand. Total Depth =10' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. 8.7 96.4 112.2 10.4 Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-5 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1649 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:SB Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): light gray, dry, fine grained Sand, 30% gravel, 10% cobbles, 5% boulder (up to 12" diameter) 55% silty sand. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Gravelly Sand (GP-SP): Dark brown, moist, medium to coarse grained sand, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 10" diameter) 45% silty sand. @ 4' Same as above, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 10" diameter) 45% silty sand. @ 7' Same as above, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 10" diameter) 45% silty sand. Total Depth =7.1' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. 9.2 7.2 101.2 113.4 Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-6 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1646 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:SB Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): light brown, dry, fine grained Sand, 10% gravel, 90% silty sand. TOPSOIL Silty Sand with gravel (SM): light brown, moist, fine to medium grained sand, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),2% to 3% boulber(up to 24" diameter) 47% silty sand. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): yellowish-brown, moist, fine to medium grained sand, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),2% to 3% boulber(up to 24" diameter) 45% silty sand. @ 5' Same as above, 40% gravel, 10% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),2% to 3% boulber(up to 24" diameter) 45% silty sand. Total Depth =5.1' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. 5.8 9.1 115.2 93.1 MAX,MA Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-7 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1652 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:SB Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-7 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 TOPSOIL Silty Sand with gravel (SM): light brown, dry, fine grained Sand, 10% gravel, 90% silty sand. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): Grayish-brown, slightly moist, medium to coarse grained sand, 40% gravel, 20% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 35% silty sand. @ 2'Same as above, 20% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 35% silty sand. @ 5' Becomes yellowish brown, 20% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),5% boulber(up to 8" diameter) 35% silty sand. Total Depth =6.1' No groundwater encountered Backfilled Backfilled with cuttings. 8.7 9.0 94.6 93.2 Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:TP-8 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1658 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:SB Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): light brown, dry, fine grained Sand, 20% gravel, 5% cobbles,75% silty sand.. VERY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (Qf) Silty Sand with gravel (SM): Grayish-brown, slightly moist, medium to coarse grained sand, 30% gravel, 20% cobbles (up to 5" diameter),1% to 2% boulber(up to 12" in diameter) 48% silty sand. Total Depth =5.1' No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings. Project:Citrus and Summit "East" Project Boring No.:P-1 Location:NE Corner of Citrus & Summit Ave, Fontana, CA Elevation:±1651 Job No.:21-143 Client:LENNAR HOMES Date:02/23/2021 Drill Method:24" Backhoe Driving Weight:N/A Logged By:SB Depth (Feet) Lith- ology Material Description W A T E R Blows per 6 in. Samples C o r e B u l k Moisture Content (%) Laboratory Tests Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests T E S T P I T L O G Petra Geosciences, Inc. PLATE A-9 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURES LABORATORY DATA SUMMARY _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________ PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. Laboratory Address: 1251 W. Pomona Road, Unit 103, Corona, CA, 92882 J.N. 21-143 LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURES Soil Classification Soils encountered within the exploration borings were initially classified in the field in general accordance with the visual-manual procedures of the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2488). The samples were re-examined in the laboratory and the classifications reviewed and then revised where appropriate. Laboratory Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content The maximum dry unit weight and optimum moisture content of various on-site soil types were determined for selected bulk samples in accordance with current version of Method A of ASTM D 1557. The results of these tests are presented on Plate B-1. Soil Corrosivity Chemical analyses were performed on a selected sample of soil to determine concentrations of soluble sulfate and chloride, as well as pH and resistivity. These tests were performed in accordance with California Test Method Nos. 417 (sulfate), 422 (chloride) and 643 (pH and resistivity). Test results are included on Plate B-1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. Laboratory Address: 1251 W. Pomona Road, Unit 103, Corona, CA, 92882 J.N. 21-143 PLATE B-1 LABORATORY DATA SUMMARY* Location Sample Depth (ft) Soil Description Max. Dry Density 1 (pcf) Optimum Moisture1 (%) Expansion Index2 USCS Soil Classification3 Atterberg Limits4 Sulfate Content5 (%) Chloride Content6 (mg/L) pH7 Minimum Resistivity7 (ohm-cm) LL PL PI TP-2 2-4 Gravelly Sand with silt 8.0 135.0 -- SW -- -- -- 0.0006 105 6.82 26,000 TP-7 0-2 Silty Sand with gravel 9.0 130.0 -- SW -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (--) Tests Not Performed Test Procedures: 1 Per ASTM Test Method D1557 5 Per Caltrans Test Method 417 2 Per ASTM Test Method D4829 6 Per Caltrans Test Method 422 3 Per ASTM Test Method D2487 7 Per Caltrans Test Method 643 4 Per ASTM Test Method D4318 APPENDIX C FIELD INFILTRATION TEST DATA Total Depth of Boring, Dt (ft):5 Diameter of Hole, D (in): 12 Diameter of Pipe, d (in): 2 Agg. Correction (% Voids): 20 Pre-soak depth (ft): 4 1st Reading 2nd Reading 10 4.00 5.00 12.00 0.83 79.8 5 4.00 5.00 12.00 0.42 159.6 1 4.00 5.00 12.00 0.08 798.1 NOTE: Test hole was empty prior to completion of test intervals. Rates invalid. Percolation Rate:0.1 min/in 798 gal/day/ft2 Infiltration Rate:240 in/hr (Porchet Method) r = D / 2 Ho = Dt - Do Hf = Dt - Df H = ΔD = Ho - Hf Havg = (Ho + Hf) / 2 *Raw Number, Does Not Include a Factor of Safety Reference: RCFCWCD, Design Handbook for LID, dated June, 2014 or SARWQCB, Technical Guidance Document Appendix VII, dated December 20, 2013 or DATE: Feb., 2021 CofSBASP, Technical Guidance Document Appendix D, dated May 19, 2011 or J.N.: 21-143 Figure 1 Northwest corner of Citrus & Summit Ave Fontana, California PERCOLATION TEST SUMMARY PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. COSTA MESA TEMECULA VALENCIA PALM DESERT CORONA Test Number: P-1 3186 Airway Avenue, Suite K Costa Mesa, California 92626 PHONE: (714) 549-8921 Perc. Rate (gal/day/ft^2) Deep Percolation Test Method Time Interval (min) Depth to Water Surface Dw (ft) Change in Head (in) Perc. Rate (min/in) where Infiltration Rate, It =H (60r) / t (r + 2Havg) APPENDIX D STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 1 These specifications present the usual and minimum requirements for projects on which Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is the geotechnical consultant. No deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where specifically superseded in the preliminary geology and soils report, or in other written communication signed by the Soils Engineer and Engineering Geologist of record (Geotechnical Consultant). I. GENERAL A. The Geotechnical Consultant is the Owner's or Builder's representative on the project. For the purpose of these specifications, participation by the Geotechnical Consultant includes that observation performed by any person or persons employed by, and responsible to, the licensed Soils Engineer and Engineering Geologist signing the soils report. B. The contractor should prepare and submit to the Owner and Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork to be performed prior to the commencement of grading. This work plan should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Consultant to schedule personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing as necessary. C. All clearing, site preparation, or earthwork performed on the project shall be conducted by the Contractor in accordance with the recommendations presented in the geotechnical report and under the observation of the Geotechnical Consultant. D. It is the Contractor's responsibility to prepare the ground surface to receive the fills to the satisfaction of the Geotechnical Consultant and to place, spread, mix, water, and compact the fill in accordance with the specifications of the Geotechnical Consultant. The Contractor shall also remove all material considered unsatisfactory by the Geotechnical Consultant. E. It is the Contractor's responsibility to have suitable and sufficient compaction equipment on the job site to handle the amount of fill being placed. If necessary, excavation equipment will be shut down to permit completion of compaction to project specifications. Sufficient watering apparatus will also be provided by the Contractor, with due consideration for the fill material, rate of placement, and time of year. F. After completion of grading a report will be submitted by the Geotechnical Consultant. II. SITE PREPARATION A. Clearing and Grubbing 1. All vegetation such as trees, brush, grass, roots, and deleterious material shall be disposed of offsite. This removal shall be concluded prior to placing fill. 2. Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipe lines, etc., are to be removed or treated in a manner prescribed by the Geotechnical Consultant. STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 III. FILL AREA PREPARATION A. Remedial Removals/Overexcavations 1. Remedial removals, as well as overexcavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant. Remedial removal depths presented in the geotechnical report and shown on the geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of removal should be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the conditions exposed during grading. All soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as determined by the Geotechnical Consultant. 2. Soil, alluvium, or bedrock materials determined by the Soils Engineer as being unsuitable for placement in compacted fills shall be removed from the site. Any material incorporated as a part of a compacted fill must be approved by the Geotechnical Consultant. 3. Should potentially hazardous materials be encountered, the Contractor should stop work in the affected area. An environmental consultant specializing in hazardous materials should be notified immediately for evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuing work in the affected area. B. Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant as suitable to receive fill. The contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide sufficient survey control for determining locations and elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches. C. Processing After the ground surface to receive fill has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant, it shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches and until the ground surface is uniform and free from ruts, hollows, hummocks, or other uneven features which may prevent uniform compaction. The scarified ground surface shall then be brought to optimum moisture, mixed as required, and compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. D. Subdrains Subdrainage devices shall be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agency, and/or with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Consultant. (Typical Canyon Subdrain details are given on Plate SG-1). E. Cut/Fill & Deep Fill/Shallow Fill Transitions In order to provide uniform bearing conditions in cut/fill and deep fill/shallow fill transition lots, the cut and shallow fill portions of the lot should be overexcavated to the depths and the horizontal limits discussed in the approved geotechnical report and replaced with compacted fill. (Typical details are given on Plate SG-7.) STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 IV. COMPACTED FILL MATERIAL A. General Materials excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill, provided each material has been determined to be suitable by the Geotechnical Consultant. Material to be used for fill shall be essentially free of organic material and other deleterious substances. Roots, tree branches, and other matter missed during clearing shall be removed from the fill as recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. Material that is spongy, subject to decay, or otherwise considered unsuitable shall not be used in the compacted fill. Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material. B. Oversize Materials Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches in diameter, shall be taken offsite or placed in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Consultant in areas designated as suitable for rock disposal (Typical details for Rock Disposal are given on Plate SG-4). Rock fragments less than 12 inches in diameter may be utilized in the fill provided, they are not nested or placed in concentrated pockets; they are surrounded by compacted fine grained soil material and the distribution of rocks is approved by the Geotechnical Consultant. C. Laboratory Testing Representative samples of materials to be utilized as compacted fill shall be analyzed by the labora- tory of the Geotechnical Consultant to determine their physical properties. If any material other than that previously tested is encountered during grading, the appropriate analysis of this material shall be conducted by the Geotechnical Consultant as soon as possible. D. Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material should meet the requirements of the previous section. The import source shall be given to the Geotechnical Consultant at least 2 working days prior to importing so that appropriate tests can be performed and its suitability determined. V. FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION A. Fill Layers Material used in the compacting process shall be evenly spread, watered, processed, and compacted in thin lifts not to exceed 6 inches in thickness to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill shall be placed and compacted on a horizontal plane, unless otherwise approved by the Geotechnical Consultant. STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 B. Moisture Conditioning Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly above optimum moisture content. C. Compaction Each layer shall be compacted to 90 percent of the maximum density in compliance with the testing method specified by the controlling governmental agency. (In general, ASTM D 1557-02, will be used.) If compaction to a lesser percentage is authorized by the controlling governmental agency because of a specific land use or expansive soils condition, the area to received fill compacted to less than 90 percent shall either be delineated on the grading plan or appropriate reference made to the area in the soils report. D. Failing Areas If the moisture content or relative density varies from that required by the Geotechnical Consultant, the Contractor shall rework the fill until it is approved by the Geotechnical Consultant. E. Benching All fills shall be keyed and benched through all topsoil, colluvium, alluvium or creep material, into sound bedrock or firm material where the slope receiving fill exceeds a ratio of 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Consultant. VI. SLOPES A. Fill Slopes The contractor will be required to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent out to the finish slope face of fill slopes, buttresses, and stabilization fills. This may be achieved by either overbuilding the slope and cutting back to the compacted core, or by direct compaction of the slope face with suitable equipment, or by any other procedure that produces the required compaction. B. Side Hill Fills The key for side hill fills shall be a minimum of 15 feet within bedrock or firm materials, unless otherwise specified in the soils report. (See detail on Plate SG-5.) C. Fill-Over-Cut Slopes Fill-over-cut slopes shall be properly keyed through topsoil, colluvium or creep material into rock or firm materials, and the transition shall be stripped of all soils prior to placing fill. (see detail on Plate SG-6). STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 D. Landscaping All fill slopes should be planted or protected from erosion by other methods specified in the soils report. E. Cut Slopes 1. The Geotechnical Consultant should observe all cut slopes at vertical intervals not exceeding 10 feet. 2. If any conditions not anticipated in the preliminary report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes are encountered during grading, these conditions shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant, and recommendations shall be made to treat these problems (Typical details for stabilization of a portion of a cut slope are given in Plates SG-2 and SG- 3.). 3. Cut slopes that face in the same direction as the prevailing drainage shall be protected from slope wash by a non-erodible interceptor swale placed at the top of the slope. 4. Unless otherwise specified in the soils and geological report, no cut slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies. 5. Drainage terraces shall be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies, or with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Consultant. VII. GRADING OBSERVATION A. General All cleanouts, processed ground to receive fill, key excavations, subdrains, and rock disposals must be observed and approved by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placing any fill. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the Geotechnical Consultant when such areas are ready. B. Compaction Testing Observation of the fill placement shall be provided by the Geotechnical Consultant during the progress of grading. Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultants discretion based on field conditions encountered. Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis. Test locations may be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be susceptible to inadequate compaction. C. Frequency of Compaction Testing In general, density tests should be made at intervals not exceeding 2 feet of fill height or every 1000 cubic yards of fill placed. This criteria will vary depending on soil conditions and the size of the job. In any event, an adequate number of field density tests shall be made to verify that the required compaction is being achieved. STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 VIII. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS A. Erosion control measures, when necessary, shall be provided by the Contractor during grading and prior to the completion and construction of permanent drainage controls. B. Upon completion of grading and termination of observations by the Geotechnical Consultant, no further filling or excavating, including that necessary for footings, foundations, large tree wells, retaining walls, or other features shall be performed without the approval of the Geotechnical Consultant. C. Care shall be taken by the Contractor during final grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces, interceptor swales, or other devices of permanent nature on or adjacent to the property. S:\!BOILERS-WORK\REPORT INSERTS\STANDARD GRADING SPECS Attachment F – Educational Materials Attachment F For More Information Aliso Viejo (949) 425-2535 Anaheim Public Works Operations (714) 765-6860 Brea Engineering (714) 990-7666 Buena Park Public Works (714) 562-3655 Costa Mesa Public Services (714) 754-5323 Cypress Public Works (714) 229-6740 Dana Point Public Works (949) 248-3584 Fountain Valley Public Works (714) 593-4441 Fullerton Engineering Dept (714) 738-6853 Garden Grove Public Works (714) 741-5956 Huntington Beach Public Works (714) 536-5431 Irvine Public Works (949) 724-6315 La Habra Public Services (562) 905-9792 La Palma Public Works (714) 690-3310 Laguna Beach Water Quality (949) 497-0378 Laguna Hills Public Services (949) 707-2650 Laguna Niguel Public Works (949) 362-4337 Laguna Woods Public Works (949) 639-0500 Lake Forest Public Works (949) 461-3480 Los Alamitos Community Dev (562) 431-3538 Mission Viejo Public Works (949) 470-3056 Newport Beach, Code & Water Quality Enforcement (949) 644-3215 Orange Public Works (714) 532-6480 Placentia Public Works (714) 993-8245 Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 635-1800 San Clemente Environmental Programs (949) 361-6143 San Juan Capistrano Engineering (949) 234-4413 Santa Ana Public Works (714) 647-3380 Seal Beach Engineering (562) 431-2527 x317 Stanton Public Works (714) 379-9222 x204 Tustin Public Works/Engineering (714) 573-3150 Villa Park Engineering (714) 998-1500 Westminster Public Works/Engineering (714) 898-3311 x446 Yorba Linda Engineering (714) 961-7138 Orange County Stormwater Program (877) 897-7455 Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem Reporting Hotline 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455) On-line Water Pollution Problem Reporting Form w w w o c w a t e r s h e d s c o m The Ocean Begins at Your Front Door California Environmental Protection Agency www calepa ca gov • Air Resources Board www arb ca gov • Department of Pesticide Regulation www cdpr ca gov • Department of Toxic Substances Control www dtsc ca gov • Integrated Waste Management Board www ciwmb ca gov • Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment www oehha ca gov • State Water Resources Control Board www waterboards ca gov Earth 911 - Community-Specific Environmental Information 1-800-cleanup or visit www 1800cleanup org Health Care Agency’s Ocean and Bay Water Closure and Posting Hotline (714) 433-6400 or visit www ocbeachinfo com Integrated Waste Management Dept. of Orange County (714) 834-6752 or visit www oclandfills com for information on household hazardous waste collection centers, recycling centers and solid waste collection O.C. Agriculture Commissioner (714) 447-7100 or visit www ocagcomm com Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook Visit www cabmphandbooks com UC Master Gardener Hotline (714) 708-1646 or visit www uccemg com Did You Know? Most people believe that the largest source of water pollution in urban areas comes from specific sources such as factories and sewage treatment plants In fact, the largest source of water pollution comes from city streets, neighborhoods, construction sites and parking lots This type of pollution is sometimes called “non-point source” pollution There are two types of non-point source pollution: stormwater and urban runoff pollution Stormwater runoff results from rainfall When rainstorms cause large volumes of water to rinse the urban landscape, picking up pollutants along the way Urban runoff can happen any time of the year when excessive water use from irrigation, vehicle washing and other sources carries trash, lawn clippings and other urban pollutants into storm drains Where Does It Go? Anything we use outside homes, vehicles and businesses – like motor oil, paint, pesticides, fertilizers and cleaners – can be blown or washed into storm drains A little water from a garden hose or rain can also send materials into storm drains Storm drains are separate from our sanitary sewer systems; unlike water in sanitary sewers (from sinks or toilets), water in storm drains is not treated before entering our waterways Printed on Recycled Paper The Orange County Stormwater Program has created and moderates an electronic mailing list to facilitate communications, take questions and exchange ideas among its users about issues and topics related to stormwater and urban runoff and the implementation of program elements To join the list, please send an email to ocstormwaterinfo-join@list ocwatersheds com Orange County Stormwater Program Even if you live miles from the Pacific Ocean, you may be unknowingly polluting it.Sources of Non-Point Source Pollution Automotive leaks and spills Improper disposal of used oil and other engine fluids Metals found in vehicle exhaust, weathered paint, rust, metal plating and tires Pesticides and fertilizers from lawns, gardens and farms Improper disposal of cleaners, paint and paint removers Soil erosion and dust debris from landscape and construction activities Litter, lawn clippings, animal waste, and other organic matter Oil stains on parking lots and paved surfaces The Effect on the OceanNon-point source pollution can have a serious impact on water quality in Orange County Pollutants from the storm drain system can harm marine life as well as coastal and wetland habitats They can also degrade recreation areas such as beaches, harbors and bays Stormwater quality management programs have been developed throughout Orange County to educate and encourage the public to protect water quality, monitor runoff in the storm drain system, investigate illegal dumping and maintain storm drains Support from Orange County residents and businesses is needed to improve water quality and reduce urban runoff pollution Proper use and disposal of materials will help stop pollution before it reaches the storm drain and the ocean Dumping one quart of motor oil into a storm drain can contaminate 250,000 gallons of water. Follow these simple steps to help reduce water pollution: Household Activities Do not rinse spills with water Use dry cleanup methods such as applying cat litter or another absorbent material, sweep and dispose of in the trash Take items such as used or excess batteries, oven cleaners, automotive fluids, painting products and cathode ray tubes, like TVs and computer monitors, to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center (HHWCC) For a HHWCC near you call (714) 834-6752 or visit www oclandfills com Do not hose down your driveway, sidewalk or patio to the street, gutter or storm drain Sweep up debris and dispose of it in the trash Automotive Take your vehicle to a commercial car wash whenever possible If you wash your vehicle at home, choose soaps, cleaners, or detergents labeled non-toxic, phosphate- free or biodegradable Vegetable and citrus-based products are typically safest for the environment Do not allow washwater from vehicle washing to drain into the street, gutter or storm drain Excess washwater should be disposed of in the sanitary sewer (through a sink or toilet) or onto an absorbent surface like your lawn Monitor your vehicles for leaks and place a pan under leaks Keep your vehicles well maintained to stop and prevent leaks Never pour oil or antifreeze in the street, gutter or storm drain Recycle these substances at a service station, a waste oil collection center or used oil recycling center For the nearest Used Oil Collection Center call 1-800-CLEANUP or visit www 1800cleanup org Never allow pollutants to enter the street, gutter or storm drain! Lawn and Garden Pet and animal waste Pesticides Clippings, leaves and soil Fertilizer Common Pollutants Automobile Oil and grease Radiator fluids and antifreeze Cleaning chemicals Brake pad dust Home Maintenance Detergents, cleaners and solvents Oil and latex paint Swimming pool chemicals Outdoor trash and litter The Ocean Begins at Your Front Door Trash Place trash and litter that cannot be recycled in securely covered trash cans Whenever possible, buy recycled products Remember: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Pet Care Always pick up after your pet Flush waste down the toilet or dispose of it in the trash Pet waste, if left outdoors, can wash into the street, gutter or storm drain If possible, bathe your pets indoors If you must bathe your pet outside, wash it on your lawn or another absorbent/permeable surface to keep the washwater from entering the street, gutter or storm drain Follow directions for use of pet care products and dispose of any unused products at a HHWCC Pool Maintenance Pool and spa water must be dechlorinated and free of excess acid, alkali or color to be allowed in the street, gutter or storm drain When it is not raining, drain dechlorinated pool and spa water directly into the sanitary sewer Some cities may have ordinances that do not allow pool water to be disposed of in the storm drain Check with your city Landscape and Gardening Do not over-water Water your lawn and garden by hand to control the amount of water you use or set irrigation systems to reflect seasonal water needs If water flows off your yard onto your driveway or sidewalk, your system is over-watering Periodically inspect and fix leaks and misdirected sprinklers Do not rake or blow leaves, clippings or pruning waste into the street, gutter or storm drain Instead, dispose of waste by composting, hauling it to a permitted landfill, or as green waste through your city’s recycling program Follow directions on pesticides and fertilizer, (measure, do not estimate amounts) and do not use if rain is predicted within 48 hours Take unwanted pesticides to a HHWCC to be recycled For locations and hours of HHWCC, call (714) 834-6752 or visit www oclandfills com Follow these simple steps to help reduce water pollution: Household Activities Do not rinse spills with water Use dry cleanup methods such as applying cat litter or another absorbent material, sweep and dispose of in the trash Take items such as used or excess batteries, oven cleaners, automotive fluids, painting products and cathode ray tubes, like TVs and computer monitors, to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center (HHWCC) For a HHWCC near you call (714) 834-6752 or visit www oclandfills com Do not hose down your driveway, sidewalk or patio to the street, gutter or storm drain Sweep up debris and dispose of it in the trash Automotive Take your vehicle to a commercial car wash whenever possible If you wash your vehicle at home, choose soaps, cleaners, or detergents labeled non-toxic, phosphate- free or biodegradable Vegetable and citrus-based products are typically safest for the environment Do not allow washwater from vehicle washing to drain into the street, gutter or storm drain Excess washwater should be disposed of in the sanitary sewer (through a sink or toilet) or onto an absorbent surface like your lawn Monitor your vehicles for leaks and place a pan under leaks Keep your vehicles well maintained to stop and prevent leaks Never pour oil or antifreeze in the street, gutter or storm drain Recycle these substances at a service station, a waste oil collection center or used oil recycling center For the nearest Used Oil Collection Center call 1-800-CLEANUP or visit www 1800cleanup org Never allow pollutants to enter the street, gutter or storm drain! Lawn and Garden Pet and animal waste Pesticides Clippings, leaves and soil Fertilizer Common Pollutants Automobile Oil and grease Radiator fluids and antifreeze Cleaning chemicals Brake pad dust Home Maintenance Detergents, cleaners and solvents Oil and latex paint Swimming pool chemicals Outdoor trash and litter The Ocean Begins at Your Front Door Trash Place trash and litter that cannot be recycled in securely covered trash cans Whenever possible, buy recycled products Remember: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Pet Care Always pick up after your pet Flush waste down the toilet or dispose of it in the trash Pet waste, if left outdoors, can wash into the street, gutter or storm drain If possible, bathe your pets indoors If you must bathe your pet outside, wash it on your lawn or another absorbent/permeable surface to keep the washwater from entering the street, gutter or storm drain Follow directions for use of pet care products and dispose of any unused products at a HHWCC Pool Maintenance Pool and spa water must be dechlorinated and free of excess acid, alkali or color to be allowed in the street, gutter or storm drain When it is not raining, drain dechlorinated pool and spa water directly into the sanitary sewer Some cities may have ordinances that do not allow pool water to be disposed of in the storm drain Check with your city Landscape and Gardening Do not over-water Water your lawn and garden by hand to control the amount of water you use or set irrigation systems to reflect seasonal water needs If water flows off your yard onto your driveway or sidewalk, your system is over-watering Periodically inspect and fix leaks and misdirected sprinklers Do not rake or blow leaves, clippings or pruning waste into the street, gutter or storm drain Instead, dispose of waste by composting, hauling it to a permitted landfill, or as green waste through your city’s recycling program Follow directions on pesticides and fertilizer, (measure, do not estimate amounts) and do not use if rain is predicted within 48 hours Take unwanted pesticides to a HHWCC to be recycled For locations and hours of HHWCC, call (714) 834-6752 or visit www oclandfills com For More Information Aliso Viejo (949) 425-2535 Anaheim Public Works Operations (714) 765-6860 Brea Engineering (714) 990-7666 Buena Park Public Works (714) 562-3655 Costa Mesa Public Services (714) 754-5323 Cypress Public Works (714) 229-6740 Dana Point Public Works (949) 248-3584 Fountain Valley Public Works (714) 593-4441 Fullerton Engineering Dept (714) 738-6853 Garden Grove Public Works (714) 741-5956 Huntington Beach Public Works (714) 536-5431 Irvine Public Works (949) 724-6315 La Habra Public Services (562) 905-9792 La Palma Public Works (714) 690-3310 Laguna Beach Water Quality (949) 497-0378 Laguna Hills Public Services (949) 707-2650 Laguna Niguel Public Works (949) 362-4337 Laguna Woods Public Works (949) 639-0500 Lake Forest Public Works (949) 461-3480 Los Alamitos Community Dev (562) 431-3538 Mission Viejo Public Works (949) 470-3056 Newport Beach, Code & Water Quality Enforcement (949) 644-3215 Orange Public Works (714) 532-6480 Placentia Public Works (714) 993-8245 Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 635-1800 San Clemente Environmental Programs (949) 361-6143 San Juan Capistrano Engineering (949) 234-4413 Santa Ana Public Works (714) 647-3380 Seal Beach Engineering (562) 431-2527 x317 Stanton Public Works (714) 379-9222 x204 Tustin Public Works/Engineering (714) 573-3150 Villa Park Engineering (714) 998-1500 Westminster Public Works/Engineering (714) 898-3311 x446 Yorba Linda Engineering (714) 961-7138 Orange County Stormwater Program (877) 897-7455 Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem Reporting Hotline 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455) On-line Water Pollution Problem Reporting Form w w w o c w a t e r s h e d s c o m The Ocean Begins at Your Front DoorCalifornia Environmental Protection Agency www calepa ca gov • Air Resources Board www arb ca gov • Department of Pesticide Regulation www cdpr ca gov • Department of Toxic Substances Control www dtsc ca gov • Integrated Waste Management Board www ciwmb ca gov • Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment www oehha ca gov • State Water Resources Control Board www waterboards ca gov Earth 911 - Community-Specific Environmental Information 1-800-cleanup or visit www 1800cleanup org Health Care Agency’s Ocean and Bay Water Closure and Posting Hotline (714) 433-6400 or visit www ocbeachinfo com Integrated Waste Management Dept. of Orange County (714) 834-6752 or visit www oclandfills com for information on household hazardous waste collection centers, recycling centers and solid waste collection O.C. Agriculture Commissioner (714) 447-7100 or visit www ocagcomm com Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook Visit www cabmphandbooks com UC Master Gardener Hotline (714) 708-1646 or visit www uccemg com Did You Know? Most people believe that the largest source of water pollution in urban areas comes from specific sources such as factories and sewage treatment plants In fact, the largest source of water pollution comes from city streets, neighborhoods, construction sites and parking lots This type of pollution is sometimes called “non-point source” pollution There are two types of non-point source pollution: stormwater and urban runoff pollution Stormwater runoff results from rainfall When rainstorms cause large volumes of water to rinse the urban landscape, picking up pollutants along the way Urban runoff can happen any time of the year when excessive water use from irrigation, vehicle washing and other sources carries trash, lawn clippings and other urban pollutants into storm drains Where Does It Go? Anything we use outside homes, vehicles and businesses – like motor oil, paint, pesticides, fertilizers and cleaners – can be blown or washed into storm drains A little water from a garden hose or rain can also send materials into storm drains Storm drains are separate from our sanitary sewer systems; unlike water in sanitary sewers (from sinks or toilets), water in storm drains is not treated before entering our waterways Printed on Recycled Paper The Orange County Stormwater Program has created and moderates an electronic mailing list to facilitate communications, take questions and exchange ideas among its users about issues and topics related to stormwater and urban runoff and the implementation of program elements To join the list, please send an email to ocstormwaterinfo-join@list ocwatersheds com Orange County Stormwater Program Even if you live miles from the Pacific Ocean, you may be unknowingly polluting it.Sources of Non-Point Source Pollution Automotive leaks and spills Improper disposal of used oil and other engine fluids Metals found in vehicle exhaust, weathered paint, rust, metal plating and tires Pesticides and fertilizers from lawns, gardens and farms Improper disposal of cleaners, paint and paint removers Soil erosion and dust debris from landscape and construction activities Litter, lawn clippings, animal waste, and other organic matter Oil stains on parking lots and paved surfaces The Effect on the OceanNon-point source pollution can have a serious impact on water quality in Orange County Pollutants from the storm drain system can harm marine life as well as coastal and wetland habitats They can also degrade recreation areas such as beaches, harbors and bays Stormwater quality management programs have been developed throughout Orange County to educate and encourage the public to protect water quality, monitor runoff in the storm drain system, investigate illegal dumping and maintain storm drains Support from Orange County residents and businesses is needed to improve water quality and reduce urban runoff pollution Proper use and disposal of materials will help stop pollution before it reaches the storm drain and the ocean Dumping one quart of motor oil into a storm drain can contaminate 250,000 gallons of water. For More Information Aliso Viejo (949) 425-2535 Anaheim Public Works Operations (714) 765-6860 Brea Engineering (714) 990-7666 Buena Park Public Works (714) 562-3655 Costa Mesa Public Services (714) 754-5323 Cypress Public Works (714) 229-6740 Dana Point Public Works (949) 248-3584 Fountain Valley Public Works (714) 593-4441 Fullerton Engineering Dept (714) 738-6853 Garden Grove Public Works (714) 741-5956 Huntington Beach Public Works (714) 536-5431 Irvine Public Works (949) 724-6315 La Habra Public Services (562) 905-9792 La Palma Public Works (714) 690-3310 Laguna Beach Water Quality (949) 497-0378 Laguna Hills Public Services (949) 707-2650 Laguna Niguel Public Works (949) 362-4337 Laguna Woods Public Works (949) 639-0500 Lake Forest Public Works (949) 461-3480 Los Alamitos Community Dev (562) 431-3538 Mission Viejo Public Works (949) 470-3056 Newport Beach, Code & Water Quality Enforcement (949) 644-3215 Orange Public Works (714) 532-6480 Placentia Public Works (714) 993-8245 Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 635-1800 San Clemente Environmental Programs (949) 361-6143 San Juan Capistrano Engineering (949) 234-4413 Santa Ana Public Works (714) 647-3380 Seal Beach Engineering (562) 431-2527 x317 Stanton Public Works (714) 379-9222 x204 Tustin Public Works/Engineering (714) 573-3150 Villa Park Engineering (714) 998-1500 Westminster Public Works/Engineering (714) 898-3311 x446 Yorba Linda Engineering (714) 961-7138 Orange County Stormwater Program (877) 897-7455 Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem Reporting Hotline 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455) On-line Water Pollution Problem Reporting Form w w w o c w a t e r s h e d s c o m The Ocean Begins at Your Front Door California Environmental Protection Agency www calepa ca gov • Air Resources Board www arb ca gov • Department of Pesticide Regulation www cdpr ca gov • Department of Toxic Substances Control www dtsc ca gov • Integrated Waste Management Board www ciwmb ca gov • Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment www oehha ca gov • State Water Resources Control Board www waterboards ca gov Earth 911 - Community-Specific Environmental Information 1-800-cleanup or visit www 1800cleanup org Health Care Agency’s Ocean and Bay Water Closure and Posting Hotline (714) 433-6400 or visit www ocbeachinfo com Integrated Waste Management Dept. of Orange County (714) 834-6752 or visit www oclandfills com for information on household hazardous waste collection centers, recycling centers and solid waste collection O.C. Agriculture Commissioner (714) 447-7100 or visit www ocagcomm com Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook Visit www cabmphandbooks com UC Master Gardener Hotline (714) 708-1646 or visit www uccemg com Did You Know? Most people believe that the largest source of water pollution in urban areas comes from specific sources such as factories and sewage treatment plants In fact, the largest source of water pollution comes from city streets, neighborhoods, construction sites and parking lots This type of pollution is sometimes called “non-point source” pollution There are two types of non-point source pollution: stormwater and urban runoff pollution Stormwater runoff results from rainfall When rainstorms cause large volumes of water to rinse the urban landscape, picking up pollutants along the way Urban runoff can happen any time of the year when excessive water use from irrigation, vehicle washing and other sources carries trash, lawn clippings and other urban pollutants into storm drains Where Does It Go? Anything we use outside homes, vehicles and businesses – like motor oil, paint, pesticides, fertilizers and cleaners – can be blown or washed into storm drains A little water from a garden hose or rain can also send materials into storm drains Storm drains are separate from our sanitary sewer systems; unlike water in sanitary sewers (from sinks or toilets), water in storm drains is not treated before entering our waterways Printed on Recycled Paper The Orange County Stormwater Program has created and moderates an electronic mailing list to facilitate communications, take questions and exchange ideas among its users about issues and topics related to stormwater and urban runoff and the implementation of program elements To join the list, please send an email to ocstormwaterinfo-join@list ocwatersheds com Orange County Stormwater Program Even if you live miles from the Pacific Ocean, you may be unknowingly polluting it.Sources of Non-Point Source Pollution Automotive leaks and spills Improper disposal of used oil and other engine fluids Metals found in vehicle exhaust, weathered paint, rust, metal plating and tires Pesticides and fertilizers from lawns, gardens and farms Improper disposal of cleaners, paint and paint removers Soil erosion and dust debris from landscape and construction activities Litter, lawn clippings, animal waste, and other organic matter Oil stains on parking lots and paved surfaces The Effect on the OceanNon-point source pollution can have a serious impact on water quality in Orange County Pollutants from the storm drain system can harm marine life as well as coastal and wetland habitats They can also degrade recreation areas such as beaches, harbors and bays Stormwater quality management programs have been developed throughout Orange County to educate and encourage the public to protect water quality, monitor runoff in the storm drain system, investigate illegal dumping and maintain storm drains Support from Orange County residents and businesses is needed to improve water quality and reduce urban runoff pollution Proper use and disposal of materials will help stop pollution before it reaches the storm drain and the ocean Dumping one quart of motor oil into a storm drain can contaminate 250,000 gallons of water. For more information, please call the Orange County Stormwater Program at 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455) or visit www.ocwatersheds.com To report a spill, call the Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem Reporting Hotline at 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455). For emergencies, dial 911. Proper Maintenance Practices for Your Business The Ocean Beginsat Your Front Door PROJECT PREVENTION Help Prevent Ocean Pollution: Preventing water pollution at your commercial/industrial site Clean beaches and healthy creeks, rivers, bays and ocean are important to Orange County. However, many landscape and building maintenance activities can lead to water pollution if you’re not careful. Paint, chemicals, plant clippings and other materials can be blown or washed into storm drains that flow to the ocean. Unlike water in sanitary sewers (from sinks and toilets), water in storm drains is not treated before entering our waterways. You would never pour soap or fertilizers into the ocean, so why would you let them enter the storm drains? Follow these easy tips to help prevent water pollution. Some types of industrial facilities are required to obtain coverage under the State General Industrial Permit. For more information visit: www.swrcb.ca.gov/stormwater/industrial.html Printed on Recycled Paper Tips for Pool Maintenance Call your trash hauler to replace leaking dumpsters. Do not dump any toxic substance or liquid waste on the pavement, the ground, or near a storm drain. Even materials that seem harmless such as latex paint or biodegradable cleaners can damage the environment. Recycle paints, solvents and other materials. For more information about recycling and collection centers, visit www.oclandfills.com. Store materials indoors or under cover and away from storm drains. Use a construction and demolition recycling company to recycle lumber, paper, cardboard, metals, masonry, carpet, plastic, pipes, drywall, rocks, dirt, and green waste. For a listing of construction and demolition recycling locations in your area, visit www.ciwmb.ca.gov/recycle. Properly label materials. Familiarize employees with Material Safety Data Sheets. Landscape Maintenance Compost grass clippings, leaves, sticks and other vegetation, or dispose of it at a permitted landfill or in green waste containers. Do not dispose of these materials in the street, gutter or storm drain. Irrigate slowly and inspect the system for leaks, overspraying and runoff. Adjust automatic timers to avoid overwatering. Follow label directions for the use and disposal of fertilizers and pesticides. Do not apply pesticides or fertilizers if rain is expected within 48 hours or if wind speeds are above 5 mph. Do not spray pesticides within 100 feet of waterways. Fertilizers should be worked into the soil rather than dumped onto the surface. If fertilizer is spilled on the pavement or sidewalk, sweep it up immediately and place it back in the container. Building Maintenance Never allow washwater, sweepings or sediment to enter the storm drain. Sweep up dry spills and use cat litter, towels or similar materials to absorb wet spills. Dispose of it in the trash. If you wash your building, sidewalk or parking lot, you must contain the water. Use a shop vac to collect the water and contact your city or sanitation agency for proper disposal information. Do not let water enter the street, gutter or storm drain. Use drop cloths underneath outdoor painting, scraping, and sandblasting work, and properly dispose of materials in the trash. Use a ground cloth or oversized tub for mixing paint and cleaning tools. Use a damp mop or broom to clean floors. Cover dumpsters to keep insects, animals, rainwater and sand from entering. Keep the area around the dumpster clear of trash and debris. Do not overfill the dumpster. PROJECT PREVENTION Proper Maintenance Practices for your Business Never Dispose of Anything in the Storm Drain. For more information, please call the Orange County Stormwater Program at 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455) or visit www.ocwatersheds.com UCCE Master Gardener Hotline: (714) 708-1646 To report a spill, call the Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem Reporting Hotline 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455). For emergencies, dial 911. The tips contained in this brochure provide useful information to help prevent water pollution while landscaping or gardening. If you have other suggestions, please contact your city’s stormwater representatives or call the Orange County Stormwater Program. C lean beaches and healthy creeks, rivers, bays and ocean are important to Orange County. However, many common activities can lead to water pollution if you’re not careful. Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals that are left on yards or driveways can be blown or washed into storm drains that flow to the ocean. Overwatering lawns can also send materials into storm drains. Unlike water in sanitary sewers (from sinks and toilets), water in storm drains is not treated before entering our waterways. You would never pour gardening products into the ocean, so don’t let them enter the storm drains. Follow these easy tips to help prevent water pollution. Printed on Recycled Paper Tips for Landscape and GardeningTips for Landscape & Gardening Never allow gardening products or polluted water to enter the street, gutter or storm drain. General Landscaping Tips Protect stockpiles and materials from wind and rain by storing them under tarps or secured plastic sheeting. Prevent erosion of slopes by planting fast-growing, dense ground covering plants. These will shield and bind the soil. Plant native vegetation to reduce the amount of water, fertilizers, and pesticide applied to the landscape. Never apply pesticides or fertilizers when rain is predicted within the next 48 hours. Garden & Lawn Maintenance Do not overwater. Use irrigation practices such as drip irrigation, soaker hoses or micro spray systems. Periodically inspect and fix leaks and misdirected sprinklers. Do not rake or blow leaves, clippings or pruning waste into the street, gutter or storm drain. Instead, dispose of green waste by composting, hauling it to a permitted landfill, or recycling it through your city’s program. Use slow-release fertilizers to minimize leaching, and use organic fertilizers. Read labels and use only as directed. Do not over-apply pesticides or fertilizers. Apply to spots as needed, rather than blanketing an entire area. Store pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals in a dry covered area to prevent exposure that may result in the deterioration of containers and packaging. Rinse empty pesticide containers and re-use rinse water as you would use the product. Do not dump rinse water down storm drains. Dispose of empty containers in the trash. When available, use non-toxic alternatives to traditional pesticides, and use pesticides specifically designed to control the pest you are targeting. For more information, visit www.ipm.ucdavis.edu. If fertilizer is spilled, sweep up the spill before irrigating. If the spill is liquid, apply an absorbent material such as cat litter, and then sweep it up and dispose of it in the trash. Take unwanted pesticides to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center to be recycled. Locations are provided below. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers Anaheim: 1071 N. Blue Gum St. Huntington Beach: 17121 Nichols St. Irvine: 6411 Oak Canyon San Juan Capistrano: 32250 La Pata Ave. For more information, call (714) 834-6752 or visit www.oclandfills.com Clean beaches and healthy creeks, rivers, bays and ocean are important to Orange County. However, many common activities such as pest control can lead to water pollution if you’re not careful. Pesticide treatments must be planned and applied properly to ensure that pesticides do not enter the street, gutter or storm drain. Unlike water in sanitary sewers (from sinks and toilets), water in storm drains is not treated before entering our waterways. You would never dump pesticides into the ocean, so don’t let it enter the storm drains. Pesticides can cause significant damage to our environment if used improperly. If you are thinking of using a pesticide to control a pest, there are some important things to consider. For more information, please call University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners at (714) 708-1646 or visit these Web sites: www.uccemg.org www.ipm.ucdavis.edu For instructions on collecting a specimen sample visit the Orange County Agriculture Commissioner’s website at: http://www.ocagcomm.com/ser_lab.asp To report a spill, call the Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem Reporting Hotline at 1-877-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455). For emergencies, dial 911. Information From: Cheryl Wilen, Area IPM Advisor; Darren Haver, Watershed Management Advisor; Mary Louise Flint, IPM Education and Publication Director; Pamela M. Geisel, Environmental Horticulture Advisor; Carolyn L. Unruh, University of California Cooperative Extension staff writer. Photos courtesy of the UC Statewide IPM Program and Darren Haver. Funding for this brochure has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) pursuant to the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000 (Prop. 13). Help Prevent Ocean Pollution: The Ocean Beginsat Your Front Door Responsible Pest Control Printed on Recycled Paper Key Steps to Follow: Step 1: Correctly identify the pest (insect, weed, rodent, or disease) and verify that it is actually causing the problem. This is important because beneficial insects are often mistaken for pests and sprayed with pesticides needlessly. Consult with a Certified Nursery Professional at a local nursery or garden center or send a sample of the pest to the Orange County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. Determine if the pest is still present – even though you see damage, the pest may have left. Step 2: Determine how many pests are present and causing damage. Small pest populations may be controlled more safely using non- pesticide techniques. These include removing food sources, washing off leaves with a strong stream of water, blocking entry into the home using caulking and replacing problem plants with ones less susceptible to pests. Step 3: If a pesticide must be used, choose the least toxic chemical. Obtain information on the least toxic pesticides that are effective at controlling the target pest from the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program’s Web site at www.ipm.ucdavis.edu. Seek out the assistance of a Certified Nursery Professional at a local nursery or garden center when selecting a pesticide. Purchase the smallest amount of pesticide available. Apply the pesticide to the pest during its most vulnerable life stage. This information can be found on the pesticide label. Step 4: Wear appropriate protective clothing. Follow pesticide labels regarding specific types of protective equipment you should wear. Protective clothing should always be washed separately from other clothing. Step 5: Continuously monitor external conditions when applying pesticides such as weather, irrigation, and the presence of children and animals. Never apply pesticides when rain is predicted within the next 48 hours. Also, do not water after applying pesticides unless the directions say it is necessary. Apply pesticides when the air is still; breezy conditions may cause the spray or dust to drift away from your targeted area. In case of an emergency call 911 and/or the regional poison control number at (714) 634-5988 or (800) 544-4404 (CA only). For general questions you may also visit www.calpoison.org. Step 6: In the event of accidental spills, sweep up or use an absorbent agent to remove any excess pesticides. Avoid the use of water. Be prepared. Have a broom, dust pan, or dry absorbent material, such as cat litter, newspapers or paper towels, ready to assist in cleaning up spills. Contain and clean up the spill right away. Place contaminated materials in a doubled plastic bag. All materials used to clean up the spill should be properly disposed of according to your local Household Hazardous Waste Disposal site. Step 7: Properly store and dispose of unused pesticides. Purchase Ready-To- Use (RTU) products to avoid storing large concentrated quantities of pesticides. Store unused chemicals in a locked cabinet. Unused pesticide chemicals may be disposed of at a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center. Empty pesticide containers should be triple rinsed prior to disposing of them in the trash. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center(714) 834-6752www.oclandfills.com Integrated Pest Management (IPM) usually combines several least toxic pest control methods for long-term prevention and management of pest problems without harming you, your family, or the environment. Three life stages of the common lady beetle, a beneficial insect. Tips for Pest Control -'0%2(7'%4)1%-28)2%2')1-2-191&)781%2%+)1)2846%'8-')7 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Properly store and dispose of gardening wastes. Use mulch or other erosion control measures on exposed soils. Properly manage irrigation and runoff. Properly store and dispose of chemicals. Properly manage pesticide and herbicide use. Properly manage fertilizer use. Stencil storm drains Training Train employees on these BMPs, storm water discharge prohibitions, and wastewater discharge requirements. Provide on-going employee training in pollution prevention. &IWX1EREKIQIRX4VEGXMGIW&14W A BMP is a technique, measure or structural control that is used for a given set of conditions to improve the quality of the stormwater runoff in a cost effective manner1. The minimum required BMPs for this activity are outlined in the box to the right. Implementation of pollution prevention/good housekeeping measures may reduce or eliminate the need to implement other more costly or complicated procedures. Proper employee training is key to the success of BMP implementation. The BMPs outlined in this fact sheet target the following pollutants: 8EVKIXIH'SRWXMXYIRXW Sediment x Nutrients x Floatable Materials x Metals Bacteria x Oil & Grease Organics & Toxicants Pesticides x Oxygen Demanding x Provided below are specific procedures associated with each of the minimum BMPs along with procedures for additional BMPs that should be considered if this activity takes place at a facility located near a sensitive waterbody. In order to meet the requirements for medium and high priority facilities, the owners/operators must select, install and maintain appropriate BMPs on site. Since the selection of the appropriate BMPs is a site- specific process, the types and numbers of additional BMPs will vary for each facility. 8EOIWXITWXSVIHYGIPERHWGETIQEMRXIRERGIVIUYMVIQIRXW Where feasible, retain and/or plant native vegetation with features that are determined to be beneficial. Native vegetation usually requires less maintenance than planting new vegetation. When planting or replanting consider using low water use flowers, trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Consider alternative landscaping techniques such as naturescaping and xeriscaping. 4VSTIVP]WXSVIERHHMWTSWISJKEVHIRMRK[EWXIW Dispose of grass clippings, leaves, sticks, or other collected vegetation as garbage at a permitted landfill or by composting. Do not dispose of gardening wastes in streets, waterways, or storm drainage systems. Place temporarily stockpiled material away from watercourses and storm drain inlets, and berm and/or cover. 9WIQYPGLSVSXLIVIVSWMSRGSRXVSPQIEWYVIWSRI\TSWIHWSMPW 1 EPA "Preliminary Data Summary of Urban Stormwater Best Management Practices” IC7 Landscape Maintenance 1 4VSTIVP]QEREKIMVVMKEXMSRERHVYRSJJ Irrigate slowly or pulse irrigate so the infiltration rate of the soil is not exceeded. Inspect irrigation system regularly for leaks and to ensure that excessive runoff is not occurring. If re-claimed water is used for irrigation, ensure that there is no runoff from the landscaped area(s). If bailing of muddy water is required (e.g. when repairing a water line leak), do not put it in the storm drain; pour over landscaped areas. Use automatic timers to minimize runoff. Use popup sprinkler heads in areas with a lot of activity or where pipes may be broken. Consider the use of mechanisms that reduce water flow to broken sprinkler heads. 4VSTIVP]WXSVIERHHMWTSWISJGLIQMGEPW Implement storage requirements for pesticide products with guidance from the local fire department and/or County Agricultural Commissioner. Provide secondary containment for chemical storage. Dispose of empty containers according to the instructions on the container label. Triple rinse containers and use rinse water as product. 4VSTIVP]QEREKITIWXMGMHIERHLIVFMGMHIYWI Follow all federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the use, storage, and disposal of pesticides and herbicides and training of applicators and pest control advisors. Follow manufacturers’ recommendations and label directions. Use pesticides only if there is an actual pest problem (not on a regular preventative schedule). When applicable use less toxic pesticides that will do the job. Avoid use of copper-based pesticides if possible. Use the minimum amount of chemicals needed for the job. Do not apply pesticides if rain is expected or if wind speeds are above 5 mph. Do not mix or prepare pesticides for application near storm drains. Prepare the minimum amount of pesticide needed for the job and use the lowest rate that will effectively control the targeted pest. Whenever possible, use mechanical methods of vegetation removal rather than applying herbicides. Use hand weeding where practical. Do not apply any chemicals directly to surface waters, unless the application is approved and permitted by the state. Do not spray pesticides within 100 feet of open waters. Employ techniques to minimize off-target application (e.g. spray drift) of pesticides, including consideration of alternative application techniques. When conducting mechanical or manual weed control, avoid loosening the soil, which could lead to erosion. Purchase only the amount of pesticide that you can reasonably use in a given time period. Careful soil mixing and layering techniques using a topsoil mix or composted organic material can be used as an effective measure to reduce herbicide use and watering. 4VSTIVP]QEREKIJIVXMPM^IVYWI Follow all federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the use, storage, and disposal of fertilizers. Follow manufacturers’ recommendations and label directions. Employ techniques to minimize off-target application (e.g. spray drift) of fertilizer, including consideration of alternative application techniques. Calibrate fertilizer distributors to avoid excessive application. Periodically test soils for determining proper fertilizer use. Fertilizers should be worked into the soil rather than dumped or broadcast onto the surface. Sweep pavement and sidewalk if fertilizer is spilled on these surfaces before applying irrigation water. Use slow release fertilizers whenever possible to minimize leaching IC7 Landscape Maintenance 2 -RGSVTSVEXIXLIJSPPS[MRKMRXIKVEXIHTIWXQEREKIQIRXXIGLRMUYIW[LIVIETTVSTVMEXI Mulching can be used to prevent weeds where turf is absent. Remove insects by hand and place in soapy water or vegetable oil. Alternatively, remove insects with water or vacuum them off the plants. Use species-specific traps (e.g. pheromone-based traps or colored sticky cards). Sprinkle the ground surface with abrasive diatomaceous earth to prevent infestations by soft-bodied insects and slugs. Slugs also can be trapped in small cups filled with beer that are set in the ground so the slugs can get in easily. In cases where microscopic parasites, such as bacteria and fungi, are causing damage to plants, the affected plant material can be removed and disposed of (pruning equipment should be disinfected with bleach to prevent spreading the disease organism). Small mammals and birds can be excluded using fences, netting, and tree trunk guards. Promote beneficial organisms, such as bats, birds, green lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantis, ground beetles, parasitic nematodes, trichogramma wasps, seedhead weevils, and spiders that prey on detrimental pest species. 8VEMRMRK 8VEMRIQTPS]IIWSRXLIWI&14WWXSVQ[EXIVHMWGLEVKITVSLMFMXMSRWERH[EWXI[EXIVHMWGLEVKI VIUYMVIQIRXW )HYGEXIERHXVEMRIQTPS]IIWSRXLIYWISJTIWXMGMHIWERHTIWXMGMHIETTPMGEXMSRXIGLRMUYIW 3RP]IQTPS]IIWTVSTIVP]XVEMRIHXSYWITIWXMGMHIWGERETTP]XLIQ 8VEMRERHIRGSYVEKIIQTPS]IIWXSYWIMRXIKVEXIHTIWXQEREKIQIRXXIGLRMUYIW 8VEMRIQTPS]IIWSRTVSTIVWTMPPGSRXEMRQIRXERHGPIERYT Establish training that provides employees with the proper tools and knowledge to immediately begin cleaning up a spill. Ensure that employees are familiar with the site’s spill control plan and/or proper spill cleanup procedures. Fact sheet IC17 discusses Spill Prevention and Control in detail. )WXEFPMWLEVIKYPEVXVEMRMRKWGLIHYPIXVEMREPPRI[IQTPS]IIWERHGSRHYGXERRYEPVIJVIWLIV XVEMRMRK 9WIEXVEMRMRKPSKSVWMQMPEVQIXLSHXSHSGYQIRXXVEMRMRK 7XIRGMPWXSVQHVEMRW Storm drain system signs act as highly visible source controls that are typically stenciled directly adjacent to storm drain inlets. Stencils should read “No Dumping Drains to Ocean”. 6IJIVIRGIW California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbook. Industrial and Commercial. 2003. www.cabmphandbooks.com California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbooks. Industrial/Commercial Best Management Practice Handbook. Prepared by Camp Dresser& McKee, Larry Walker Associates, Uribe and Associates, Resources Planning Associates for Stormwater Quality Task Force. March 1993. King County Stormwater Pollution Control Manual. Best Management Practices for Businesses. King County Surface Water Management. July 1995. On-line:http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/dss/spcm.htm Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Volume IV Source Control BMPs. Prepared by Washington State Department of Ecology Water Quality Program. Publication No. 99-14. August 2001. IC7 Landscape Maintenance 3 Water Quality Handbook for Nurseries. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Oklahoma State University. E-951. September 1999. *SVEHHMXMSREPMRJSVQEXMSRGSRXEGX 'SYRX]SJ3VERKI3';EXIVWLIHW Main: (714) 955-0600 24 hr Water Pollution Hotline: 1-877-89-SPILL or visit our website at www.ocwatersheds.com IC7 Landscape Maintenance 4 Efficient Irrigation SD-12 January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 1 of 2 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Description Irrigation water provided to landscaped areas may result in excess irrigation water being conveyed into stormwater drainage systems. Approach Project plan designs for development and redevelopment should include application methods of irrigation water that minimize runoff of excess irrigation water into the stormwater conveyance system. Suitable Applications Appropriate applications include residential, commercial and industrial areas planned for development or redevelopment. (Detached residential single-family homes are typically excluded from this requirement.) Design Considerations Designing New Installations The following methods to reduce excessive irrigation runoff should be considered, and incorporated and implemented where determined applicable and feasible by the Permittee: Employ rain-triggered shutoff devices to prevent irrigation after precipitation. Design irrigation systems to each landscape area’s specific water requirements. Include design featuring flow reducers or shutoff valves triggered by a pressure drop to control water loss in the event of broken sprinkler heads or lines. Implement landscape plans consistent with County or City water conservation resolutions, which may include provision of water sensors, programmable irrigation times (for short cycles), etc. Design Objectives ; Maximize Infiltration ; Provide Retention ; Slow Runoff Minimize Impervious Land Coverage Prohibit Dumping of Improper Materials Contain Pollutants Collect and Convey SD-12 Efficient Irrigation 2 of 2 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Design timing and application methods of irrigation water to minimize the runoff of excess irrigation water into the storm water drainage system. Group plants with similar water requirements in order to reduce excess irrigation runoff and promote surface filtration. Choose plants with low irrigation requirements (for example, native or drought tolerant species). Consider design features such as: - Using mulches (such as wood chips or bar) in planter areas without ground cover to minimize sediment in runoff - Installing appropriate plant materials for the location, in accordance with amount of sunlight and climate, and use native plant materials where possible and/or as recommended by the landscape architect - Leaving a vegetative barrier along the property boundary and interior watercourses, to act as a pollutant filter, where appropriate and feasible - Choosing plants that minimize or eliminate the use of fertilizer or pesticides to sustain growth Employ other comparable, equally effective methods to reduce irrigation water runoff. Redeveloping Existing Installations Various jurisdictional stormwater management and mitigation plans (SUSMP, WQMP, etc.) define “redevelopment” in terms of amounts of additional impervious area, increases in gross floor area and/or exterior construction, and land disturbing activities with structural or impervious surfaces. The definition of “ redevelopment” must be consulted to determine whether or not the requirements for new development apply to areas intended for redevelopment. If the definition applies, the steps outlined under “designing new installations” above should be followed. Other Resources A Manual for the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, May 2002. Model Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) for San Diego County, Port of San Diego, and Cities in San Diego County, February 14, 2002. Model Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for County of Orange, Orange County Flood Control District, and the Incorporated Cities of Orange County, Draft February 2003. Ventura Countywide Technical Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Control Measures, July 2002. Parking Area Maintenance SC-43 September 2014 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 1 of 5 Industrial and Commercial www.casqa.org Description Parking lots can contribute a number of substances, such as trash, suspended solids, hydrocarbons, oil and grease, and heavy metals that can enter receiving waters through stormwater runoff or non-stormwater discharges. The protocols in this fact sheet are intended to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants from parking areas and include using good housekeeping practices, following appropriate cleaning BMPs, and training employees. BMPs for other outdoor areas on site (loading/unloading, material storage, and equipment operations) are described in SC-30 through SC-33. Approach The goal of this program is to ensure stormwater pollution prevention practices are considered when conducting activities on or around parking areas to reduce potential for pollutant discharge to receiving waters. Successful implementation depends on effective training of employees on applicable BMPs and general pollution prevention strategies and objectives. General Pollution Prevention Protocols Encourage advanced designs and maintenance strategies for impervious parking lots. Refer to the treatment control BMP fact sheets in this manual for additional information. Keep accurate maintenance logs to evaluate BMP implementation. Good Housekeeping Keep all parking areas clean and orderly. Remove debris, litter, and sediments in a timely fashion. Post “No Littering” signs and enforce anti- litter laws. Objectives Cover Contain Educate Reduce/Minimize Product Substitution Targeted Constituents Sediment Nutrients Trash Metals Bacteria Oil and Grease Organics Minimum BMPs Covered Good Housekeeping Preventative Maintenance Spill and Leak Prevention and Response Material Handling & Waste Management Erosion and Sediment Controls Employee Training Program Quality Assurance Record Keeping Parking Area Maintenance SC-43 September 2014 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 2 of 5 Industrial and Commercial www.casqa.org Provide an adequate number of litter receptacles. Clean out and cover litter receptacles frequently to prevent spillage. Preventative Maintenance Inspection Have designated personnel conduct inspections of parking facilities and stormwater conveyance systems associated with parking facilities on a regular basis. Inspect cleaning equipment/sweepers for leaks on a regular basis. Surface Cleaning Use dry cleaning methods (e.g., sweeping, vacuuming) to prevent the discharge of pollutants into the stormwater conveyance system if possible. Establish frequency of public parking lot sweeping based on usage and field observations of waste accumulation. Sweep all parking lots at least once before the onset of the wet season. Dispose of parking lot sweeping debris and dirt at a landfill. Follow the procedures below if water is used to clean surfaces: Block the storm drain or contain runoff. Collect and pump wash water to the sanitary sewer or discharge to a pervious surface. Do not allow wash water to enter storm drains. Follow the procedures below when cleaning heavy oily deposits: Clean oily spots with absorbent materials. Use a screen or filter fabric over inlet, then wash surfaces. Do not allow discharges to the storm drain. Vacuum/pump discharges to a tank or discharge to sanitary sewer. Dispose of spilled materials and absorbents appropriately. Surface Repair Check local ordinance for SUSMP/LID ordinance. Preheat, transfer or load hot bituminous material away from storm drain inlets. Apply concrete, asphalt, and seal coat during dry weather to prevent contamination from contacting stormwater runoff. Cover and seal nearby storm drain inlets where applicable (with waterproof material or mesh) and manholes before applying seal coat, slurry seal, etc. Leave covers in Parking Area Maintenance SC-43 September 2014 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 3 of 5 Industrial and Commercial www.casqa.org place until job is complete and all water from emulsified oil sealants has drained or evaporated. Clean any debris from these covered manholes and drains for proper disposal. Use only as much water as necessary for dust control during sweeping to avoid runoff. Catch drips from paving equipment that is not in use with pans or absorbent material placed under the machines. Dispose of collected material and absorbents properly. Spill Response and Prevention Procedures Keep your Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan up-to-date. Place a stockpile of spill cleanup materials where it will be readily accessible or at a central location. Clean up fluid spills immediately with absorbent rags or material. Dispose of spilled material and absorbents properly. Employee Training Program Provide regular training to field employees and/or contractors regarding cleaning of paved areas and proper operation of equipment. Train employees and contractors in proper techniques for spill containment and cleanup. Use a training log or similar method to document training. Quality Assurance and Record Keeping Keep accurate maintenance logs that document minimum BMP activities performed for parking area maintenance, types and quantities of waste disposed of, and any improvement actions. Keep accurate logs of spill response actions that document what was spilled, how it was cleaned up, and how the waste was disposed. Establish procedures to complete logs and file them in the central office. Potential Capital Facility Costs and Operation & Maintenance Requirements Facilities Capital investments may be required at some sites to purchase sweeping equipment, train sweeper operators, install oil/water/sand separators, or implement advanced BMPs. These costs can vary significantly depending upon site conditions and the amount of BMPs required. Parking Area Maintenance SC-43 September 2014 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 4 of 5 Industrial and Commercial www.casqa.org Maintenance Sweep and clean parking lots regularly to minimize pollutant transport into storm drains from stormwater runoff. Clean out oil/water/sand separators regularly, especially after heavy storms. Maintain advanced BMPs such as vegetated swales, infiltration trenches, or detention basins as appropriate. Refer to the treatment control fact sheets for more information. Supplemental Information Advanced BMPs Some parking areas may require advanced BMPs to further reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff, and a few examples are listed below. Refer to the Treatment Control Fact Sheets and the New Development and Redevelopment Manual for more information. When possible, direct sheet runoff to flow into biofilters (vegetated strip and swale) and/or infiltration devices. Utilize sand filters or oleophilic collectors for oily waste in low quantities. Arrange rooftop drains to prevent drainage directly onto paved surfaces. Design lot to include semi-permeable hardscape. References and Resources City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities Department of Planning and Development, 2009. Stormwater Manual Vol. 1 Source Control Technical Requirements Manual. California Stormwater Quality Association, 2003. New Development and Redevelopment Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook. Available online at: https://www.casqa.org/resources/bmp-handbooks/new-development-redevelopment- bmp-handbook. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, 2007. The Truckee Meadows Industrial and Commercial Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook. Available online at: http://www.cityofsparks.us/sites/default/files/assets/documents/env- control/construction/TM-I-C_BMP_Handbook_2-07-final.pdf. Orange County Stormwater Program, Best Management Practices for Industrial/Commercial Business Activities. Available online at: http://ocwatersheds.com/documents/bmp/industrialcommercialbusinessesactivities. Parking Area Maintenance SC-43 September 2014 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 5 of 5 Industrial and Commercial www.casqa.org Pollution from Surface Cleaning Folder, 1996, 2003. Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association. Available online at: http://basmaa.org/Portals/0/documents/pdf/Pollution%20from%20Surface%20Cleani ng.pdf. Sacramento Stormwater Management Program. Best Management Practices for Industrial Storm Water Pollution Control. Available online at: http://www.msa.saccounty.net/sactostormwater/documents/guides/industrial-BMP- manual.pdf. The Storm Water Managers Resource Center, http://www.stormwatercenter.net. US EPA. Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment. BMP Fact Sheets. Available online at: http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/index.cfm?action=min_measure &min_measure_id=5. Attachment G – 303d List Attachment G REGION REGION NAME WATER BODY NAME WBID WATER BODY TYPE WBTYPE CODE INTEGRATED REPORT CATEGORY USGS CATALOGING UNIT* CALWATER WATERSHED(S) ESTIMATED SIZE AFFECTED UNIT POLLUTANT POLLUTANT CATEGORY FINAL LISTING DECISION POTENTIAL SOURCES 8 Regional Board 8 - Santa Ana Region Santa Ana River, Reach 4 CAR8012700019990211142130 River & Stream R 5 18070203 80127000 14.1776 Miles Indicator Bacteria Fecal Indicator Bacteria List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)Source Unknown 8 Regional Board 8 - Santa Ana Region Warm Creek CAR8015200020080921202752 River & Stream R 5 18070203 80152000 7.2 Miles Indicator Bacteria Fecal Indicator Bacteria List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)Source Unknown Water quality limited segments requiring a TMDL(5A), and/or being addressed by an action other than TMDL(5C) 2014/2016 California 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments* Attachment H – Operation and Maintenance Plan Attachment H ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS CMP Detention and Infiltration Installation Guide 2 CMP Detention and Infiltration Installation Guide Proper installation of a flexible underground detention system will ensure long-term performance. The configuration of these systems often requires special construction practices that differ from conventional flexible pipe construction. Contech recommends scheduling a preconstruction meeting with your local Contech Representative to determine if additional measures, not covered in this guide, are appropriate for your site. Preconstruction Meeting It is a best practice to have a pre-construction meeting with the installation contractor and Contech personnel. Included at the end of this guide is a preconstruction checklist to review prior to installation. Proper Pipe Unloading, Handling and Placement The pipe should be unloaded off the flatbed trailer with a fork lift, excavator, crane or other piece of construction equipment. The pipe should never be dropped or rolled off the flatbed trailer. Nylon slings or lifting lugs should be used to lift the pipe into place. Normally the header row pipe section is placed on the downstream end. For detention systems with a single header row on one end and pipe with bulkheads on the other end; it is a best practice to start pipe placement on the header row end. Lifting CMP off the flatbed with a front end loader and forks. Lowering the header pipe section into place first. Lifting ALT2 CMP with nylon slings. Lifting polymer-coated CMP into place with nylon slings. 3 Foundation and Pipe Bedding Construct a foundation that can support the design loading applied by the pipe and adjacent backfill weight as well as maintain its integrity during construction. If soft or unsuitable soils are encountered, remove the poor soils to a suitable depth and then replace with a competent granular material to the appropriate elevation. The granular material gradation should not allow the migration of fines, which can cause settlement of the detention system or pavement above. If the structural fill material is not compatible with the underlying soils a geotextile fabric should be used as a separator. Grade the foundation subgrade to a uniform or slightly sloping grade. If the subgrade is clay or relatively non-porous and the construction sequence will last for an extended period of time, it is best to slope the grade to one end of the system. This will allow excess water to drain quickly, preventing saturation of the subgrade. A 4” – 6” thick, well-graded granular material is preferred pipe bedding. If the existing foundation is made up of a course sand or other suitable granular material, imported bedding material will not be required. Site conditions may require 4” – 6” of imported granular material as pipe bedding. TYPICAL SECTION VIEW NOT TO SCALE NOTE: IF SALTING AGENTS FOR SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL ARE USED ON OR NEAR THEPROJECT, A GEOMEMBRANE BARRIER IS RECOMMENDED WITH THE SYSTEM. THEGEOMEMBRANE LINER IS INTENDED TO HELP PROTECT THE SYSTEM FROM THEPOTENTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS THAT MAY RESULT FROM A CHANGE IN THESURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT OVER A PERIOD OF TIME. PLEASE REFER TO THECORRUGATED METAL PIPE DETENTION DESIGN GUIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 12 - 144" TYP.VARIES"TYP.VARIES" SEE TYPICALBACKFILL DETAILNOTES LIMITS OFREQUIREDBACKFILL 20 MIL PEIMPERMEABLELINER OVERTOP OF PIPE(IF REQUIRED) KEY 1.) RIGID OR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 2.) GRANULAR ROAD BASE 3.) 12" MIN. FOR DIAMETERS THROUGH 96" 18" MIN. FOR DIAMETERS FROM 102" AND LARGER MEASURED TO TOP OF RIGID OR BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. 4.) FREE DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE 3/4" - 2" MIN. PARTICLE SIZE. 5.) GRANULAR BEDDING, ROUGHLY SHAPED TO FIT THE BOTTOM OF PIPE, 4"- 6" IN DEPTH. 6.) CONTECH C-40 OR C-45 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE REQUIRED, WRAPPING TRENCH ONLY. 3 1 2 FOUNDATION/BEDDING PREPARATION PRIOR TO PLACING THE BEDDING, THE FOUNDATION MUST BE CONSTRUCTED TOA UNIFORM AND STABLE GRADE. IN THE EVENT THAT UNSUITABLE FOUNDATIONMATERIALS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION, THEY SHALL BE REMOVEDAND BROUGHT BACK TO THE GRADE WITH A FILL MATERIAL AS APPROVED BYTHE ENGINEER. ONCE THE FOUNDATION PREPARATION IS COMPLETE, THE4 INCHES OF A WELL-GRADED GRANULAR MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AS THEBEDDING. BACKFILL THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE-DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE3/4" - 2" PARTICLE SIZE. MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN 8"-10" MAXIMUM LIFTS.MATERIAL SHALL BE WORKED INTO THE PIPE HAUNCHES BY MEANS OF SHOVEL-SLICING, RODDING, AIR-TAMPER, VIBRATORY ROD, OR OTHER EFFECTIVE METHODSCOMPACTION IS CONSIDERED ADEQUATE WHEN NO FURTHER YIELDING OF THEMATERIAL IS OBSERVED UNDER THE COMPACTOR, OR UNDER FOOT, AND THE PROJECTENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE IS SATISFIED WITH THE LEVEL OF COMPACTION.INADEQUATE COMPACTION CAN LEAD TO EXCESSIVE DEFLECTIONS WITHIN THE SYSTEMAND SETTLEMENT OF THE SOILS OVER THE SYSTEM. BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED SUCHTHAT THERE IS NO MORE THAN A TWO-LIFT DIFFERENTIAL BETWEEN THE SIDES OF ANYPIPE IN THE SYSTEM AT ALL TIMES DURING THE BACKFILL PROCESS. BACKFILL SHALLBE ADVANCED ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE SYSTEM AT THE SAME RATE TO AVOIDDIFFERENTIAL LOADING ON ANY PIPES IN THE SYSTEM. EQUIPMENT USED TO PLACE AND COMPACT THE BACKFILL SHALL BE OF A SIZE ANDTYPE SO AS NOT TO DISTORT, DAMAGE, OR DISPLACE THE PIPE. ATTENTION MUSTBE GIVEN TO PROVIDING ADEQUATE MINIMUM COVER FOR SUCH EQUIPMENT, ANDMAINTAINING BALANCED LOADING ON ALL PIPES IN THE SYSTEM, DURING ALLSUCH OPERATIONS. OTHER ALTERNATE BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE ALLOWED DEPENDING ON SITESPECIFIC CONDITIONS. REFER TO TYPICAL BACKFILL DETAIL FOR MATERIALREQUIRED. 4 5 6 6 1 C3 BACKFILL DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. DAH CHECKED: DRAWN: xxx DESIGNED: APPROVED:C:\USERS\DHOPKINS\DESKTOP\000000-001-CMP SAMPLE SOLID - PERF.DWG 3/7/2019 5:49 PMSHEET NO.: OF DATE:PROJECT No.: ---- SEQ. No.: ---- C2 xxxxxxCONTRACTCONTECH DRAWING 11815 NE Glenn Widing Drive, Portland, OR 97220 800-548-4667 503-240-3393 800-561-1271 FAX 12 - 144"Ø SOLID OR PERFORATED UNDERGROUND SYSTEM - ---------SAMPLE PROJECT ANYTOWN, USA SITE DESIGNATION: SAMPLE TANK The design and information shown on this drawing is providedas a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor byContech Engineered Solutions LLC ("Contech"). Neither thisdrawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced ormodified in any manner without the prior written consent ofContech. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk andContech expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility forsuch use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon whichthe drawing is based and actual field conditions are encounteredas site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reportedto Contech immediately for re-evaluation of the design. Contechaccepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete orinaccurate information supplied by others. www.ContechES.com 6REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARKBY 1/10/2019 4 Installation of band with flat neoprene gasket. Some jobs may require special bands, such as rod and lug connection, flat bands, or dimple bands. Connecting Bands There are various types of connecting bands for connecting CMP. Hugger and corrugated bands are the most common. Flat gaskets or O-ring gaskets can also be used in conjunction with connecting bands to reduce leakage in the joints. Installing a Hugger band on a perforated pipe.Tightening bolts on a corrugated band. 5 Geomembrane Barrier If the underground detention system is installed under a future parking lot or roadway where winter de-icing salts are used, an HDPE liner barrier is recommended to be installed over the pipe. The liner should extend beyond the 9 and 3 o’clock positions (crown) of the pipe. The HDPE liner is intended to help protect the pipe system from the potential adverse effects of de-icing salts, including premature corrosion. The project engineer of record is to evaluate whether de-icing salts will be used at the site in the future. For large diameter pipes, the liner is shipped in rolls that are folded in half. The liner is rolled out over the crown of the pipe, unfolded, and covered over the pipe from the nine and three o’clock position. An HDPE liner is rolled out over the crown of the pipe prior to backfilling around the pipe. In-Situ Trench Wall If excavation is required, the trench wall needs to be capable of supporting the load that the pipe sheds as the system is loaded. If soils are not capable of supporting these loads, the pipe can deflect. Perform a simple soil pressure check using the applied loads to determine the limits of excavation beyond the spring line of the outer most pipes. In most cases, the requirements for a safe work environment and proper backfill placement and compaction take care of the concern. The contractor is responsible for the safety of his/her employees and agents. Safe practices on construction work as outlined in the latest edition of the “Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction,” published by the Associated General Contractors, shall be used as a guide and observed. The contractor shall comply with all applicable city, state, and federal safety codes in effect in the area where work is being performed. This conformance shall include the provisions of the current issue of the “OSHA Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1926/1910)” as published by the U.S. Department of Labor. 6 Backfill Material Corrugated Steel Pipe is a flexible pipe. All buried flexible pipes are dependent on a quality backfill material for structural support. AASHTO refers to these pipe systems as, “Soil-Corrugated Metal Structure Interaction Systems”. The best backfill material is an angular, well-graded, granular fill meeting the requirements of AASHTO A-1, A-2, or A-3. Aggregate materials that are free draining and compact easily such as crushed aggregate, crushed aggregate with fines, gravely sand, and coarse sand make good backfill. The aggregate particle size shall not exceed 3” in diameter. For solid pipe, well graded or open graded granular material can be used as backfill. Infiltration pipe systems have a pipe perforation sized of 3/8” diameter. An open graded stone, with a particle size of ½” – 2 ½” diameter is recommended for backfill around perforated pipe. Backfill using controlled low-strength material (CLSM, “flash fill”, or “flowable fill”) when the spacing between the pipes will not allow for placement and adequate compaction of the backfill. Course Sand EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE BACKFILL MATERIAL Crushed River Gravel Crushed Limestone Crushed Granite 7 Backfill Placement The backfill shall be placed in 8” +/- loose lifts and compacted to 90% AASHTO T99 standard proctor density. Material shall be worked into the pipe haunches by means of shovel-slicing, rodding, vibratory packer, or other effective methods. If AASHTO T99 procedures are determined infeasible by the geotechnical engineer of record, compaction is considered adequate when no further yielding of the material is observed under the compactor, or under foot, and the geotechnical engineer of record (or representative thereof) is satisfied with the level of compaction. For large systems, conveyor systems, backhoes with long reaches may be used to place backfill. Once minimum cover for the construction loading across the entire width of the system is reached, advance the equipment to the end of the recently placed fill, and begin the sequence again until the system is completely backfilled. This type of construction sequence provides room for stockpiled backfill directly behind the backhoe, as well as the movement of construction traffic. It is important to keep the elevation of backfill between pipes evenly. As a rule of thumb, do not allow for backfill to exceed the elevation of one side of pipe to the other by more than 24”. Material stockpiles on top of the backfilled detention system should be limited to 9’ +/- high and must provide balanced loading across all barrels. To determine the proper minimum cover over the pipes to allow the movement of construction equipment, contact your local CONTECH Sales Engineer. If CLSM or “flowable fill” is used as backfill, pipe flotation needs to be prevented. Typically, small lifts are placed between the pipes and then allowed to set-up prior to the placement of the next lift. The allowable thickness of the CLSM lift is a function of a proper balance between the uplift force of the CLSM, the opposing weight of the pipe, and the effect of other restraining measures. Your local Sales Engineer can help determine an appropriate lift thickness. Placing backfill with a conveyor.Compaction with vibratory equipment. 8 Examples of light, tracked, construction equipment used to place final cover over the pipe system. Final Cover Placement and Construction Loading The minimum cover specified for a project normally assumes H-20 highway live loading. Backfill must be placed and fully compacted to the minimum cover level over the structure before the pipe is subjected to design loads. The minimum cover for AASHTO H-20 Live Loading per design section 12, is span of the pipe divided by eight plus asphalt pavement. Construction loads often exceed design highway loading. During construction, keep heavy construction equipment that exceeds legal highway loads off the pipe. Light construction equipment on tracks such as a D-3 dozer (or lighter weight) may cross over the pipe when a minimum of 12” of compacted backfill is over pipe. When construction equipment that exceeds legal highway loads must cross over pipe, an additional thickness of compacted fill, beyond that required for planned cover is required. Since construction equipment varies from job to job, it is best to address equipment specific minimum cover requirements with your local CONTECH Sales Engineer during your pre-construction meeting. Minimum Height of Cover Requirements for Tracked Loading (feet) HEL-COR® Corrugated Steel Pipe¹ Diameter (inches)Track Pressure at Surface (psi) 10 15 22 30 40 12-72 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 78-120 1.00 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 126-144 1.00 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 1 Minimum cover may vary depending on local conditions. The contractor must provide additional cover required to avoid damage to the pipe. Minimum cover is measured from the top of the pipe to the top of the maintained construction roadway surface. 9 Examples of heavy construction equipment that may require additional minimal cover. Contech can help evaluate minimum cover for the installation contractor for all the equipment on the site. CMP Manhole Risers CMP manhole risers allow easy access for future maintenance of the system. If the system is installed under a parking lot or road way subject to live loads, care must be taken to ensure loads are not applied directly to the riser structure. A pre-cast or cast-in-place slab should be installed above the riser. The manhole lid and frame should not rest directly on the CMP riser. MANHOLE CAP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE8"11" TYP.2" COVERTYP.1" GAP (TYP. ALLSIDES)NOTES: 1.DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO, 17thEDITION AND ACI 350. 2.DESIGN LOAD HS25. 3.EARTH COVER = 1' MAX. 4.CONCRETE STRENGTH = 4,000 psi 5.REINFORCING STEEL = ASTM A615, GRADE 60. 6.PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINFORCING AROUNDOPENINGS EQUAL TO THE BARS INTERRUPTED,HALF EACH SIDE. ADDITIONAL BARS TO BE IN THESAME PLANE. A A2" COVER(TYP) SECTION VIEW ROUND OPTION PLAN VIEW SQUARE OPTION PLAN VIEW Ø CMP RISER INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT,SEE NOTE 6. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORACESS #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. A INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT, SEENOTE 6. B OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORACCESS #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE GASKET MATERIALSUFFICIENT TO PREVENTSLAB FROM BEARING ONRISER TO BE PROVIDED BYCONTRACTOR. 2" C O V E R (T Y P . ) ØB REINFORCING TABLE Ø CMPRISER A B Ø REINFORCING **BEARINGPRESSURE (PSF) 24"4'Ø4'x4'26"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 10" OCEW 2,5401,900 30"4'-6"Ø4'-6" x 4'-6"32"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 9" OCEW 2,2601,670 36"5'Ø5' x 5'38"#5 @ 9" OCEW#5 @ 8" OCEW 2,0601,500 42"5'-6"Ø5'-6" x 5'-6"44"#5 @ 8" OCEW#5 @ 8" OCEW 1,4901,370 48"6'Ø6' x 6'50"#5 @ 7" OCEW#5 @ 7" OCEW 1,2101,270 ** ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY1'-0"A 2" COVER (TYP.)2" COVER (TYP)7.TRIM OPENING WITH DIAGONAL #4 BARS, EXTEND BARS AMINIMUM OF 12" BEYOND OPENING, BEND BARS AS REQUIREDTO MAINTAIN BAR COVER. 8.PROTECTION SLAB AND ALL MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED ANDINSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 9.DETAIL DESIGN BY DELTA ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND LANDSURVEYORS, ENDWELL, NY. ØB 36"Ø MAX., HS-25 ACCESS CASTINGWITH GRADE RINGS AS REQUIRED, TOBE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BYCONTRACTOR. MAY BE TOP MOUNTED(AS SHOWN) OR RECESSED.CMPPROTECTIONSLAB VARIES RIM/FINISHEDGRADE ACCESS CASTING NOT SUPPLIED BY CONTECH DAH CHECKED: DRAWN:xxxDESIGNED: APPROVED:C:\USERS\DHOPKINS\DESKTOP\000000-001-CMP SAMPLE SOLID - PERF.DWG 3/7/2019 5:49 PMSHEET NO.: OF DATE:PROJECT No.:----SEQ. No.:---- C4 xxxxxxCONTRACTCONTECH DRAWING 11815 NE Glenn Widing Drive, Portland, OR 97220 800-548-4667 503-240-3393 800-561-1271 FAX 12 - 144"Ø SOLID OR PERFORATED UNDERGROUND SYSTEM - --------- SAMPLE PROJECT ANYTOWN, USA SITE DESIGNATION: SAMPLE TANK The design and information shown on this drawing is providedas a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor byContech Engineered Solutions LLC ("Contech"). Neither thisdrawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced ormodified in any manner without the prior written consent ofContech. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk andContech expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility forsuch use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon whichthe drawing is based and actual field conditions are encounteredas site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reportedto Contech immediately for re-evaluation of the design. Contechaccepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete orinaccurate information supplied by others. www.ContechES.com CONSTRUCTION LOADS FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE LOADS, AN EXTRA AMOUNT OF COMPACTED COVER MAY BE REQUIRED OVERTHE TOP OF THE PIPE. THE HEIGHT-OF-COVER SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW.THE USE OF HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NECESSITATES GREATER PROTECTION FOR THE PIPE THAN FINISHEDGRADE COVER MINIMUMS FOR NORMAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC. PIPE SPAN,INCHES 18-50 MINIMUM COVER (FT) AXLE LOADS(kips) 50-75 75-110 110-150 12-42 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.078-120 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 *MINIMUM COVER MAY VARY, DEPENDING ON LOCAL CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE THE ADDITIONALCOVER REQUIRED TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE PIPE. MINIMUM COVER IS MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE TOTHE TOP OF THE MAINTAINED CONSTRUCTION ROADWAY SURFACE. HEIGHT OFCOVER TEMPORARY COVER FORCONSTRUCTION LOADS FINISHEDGRADE CONSTRUCTION LOADING DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE SCOPE THIS SPECIFICATION COVERS THE MANUFACTURE ANDINSTALLATION OF THE CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (CSP) DETAILED INTHE PROJECT PLANS. MATERIAL THE ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL COILS SHALL CONFORM TO THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M274 OR ASTM A929. PIPE THE CSP SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M36 OR ASTM A760. THEPIPE SIZES, GAGES AND CORRUGATIONS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ONTHE PROJECT PLANS. ALL FABRICATION OF THE PRODUCT SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THEUNITED STATES. HANDLING AND ASSEMBLY SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THENATIONAL CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE ASSOCIATION (NCSPA) INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES, SECTION 26, DIVISION IIOR ASTM A798 AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT PLANSAND SPECIFICATIONS. IF THERE ARE ANY INCONSISTENCIES ORCONFLICTS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD DISCUSS AND RESOLVEWITH THE SITE ENGINEER. IT IS ALWAYS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TOFOLLOW OSHA GUIDELINES FOR SAFE PRACTICES. SPECIFICATION FOR CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE-ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL MATERIAL SPECIFICATION NOT TO SCALE 6REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BY 1/10/2019 MANHOLE CAP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE8"11" TYP.2" COVERTYP.1" GAP (TYP. ALLSIDES)NOTES: 1.DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO, 17thEDITION AND ACI 350. 2.DESIGN LOAD HS25. 3.EARTH COVER = 1' MAX. 4.CONCRETE STRENGTH = 4,000 psi 5.REINFORCING STEEL = ASTM A615, GRADE 60. 6.PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINFORCING AROUNDOPENINGS EQUAL TO THE BARS INTERRUPTED,HALF EACH SIDE. ADDITIONAL BARS TO BE IN THESAME PLANE. A A2" COVER(TYP) SECTION VIEW ROUND OPTION PLAN VIEW SQUARE OPTION PLAN VIEW Ø CMP RISER INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT,SEE NOTE 6. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORACESS #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. A INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT, SEENOTE 6. B OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORACCESS #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE GASKET MATERIALSUFFICIENT TO PREVENTSLAB FROM BEARING ONRISER TO BE PROVIDED BYCONTRACTOR. 2" C O V E R (T Y P . ) ØB REINFORCING TABLE Ø CMPRISER A B Ø REINFORCING **BEARING PRESSURE(PSF) 24"4'Ø4'x4'26"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 10" OCEW 2,5401,900 30"4'-6"Ø4'-6" x 4'-6"32"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 9" OCEW 2,2601,670 36"5'Ø5' x 5'38"#5 @ 9" OCEW#5 @ 8" OCEW 2,0601,500 42"5'-6"Ø5'-6" x 5'-6"44"#5 @ 8" OCEW#5 @ 8" OCEW 1,4901,370 48"6'Ø6' x 6'50"#5 @ 7" OCEW#5 @ 7" OCEW 1,2101,270 ** ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY1'-0"A 2" COVER (TYP.)2" COVE R (TYP)7.TRIM OPENING WITH DIAGONAL #4 BARS, EXTEND BARS AMINIMUM OF 12" BEYOND OPENING, BEND BARS AS REQUIREDTO MAINTAIN BAR COVER. 8.PROTECTION SLAB AND ALL MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED ANDINSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 9.DETAIL DESIGN BY DELTA ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND LANDSURVEYORS, ENDWELL, NY. ØB 36"Ø MAX., HS-25 ACCESS CASTINGWITH GRADE RINGS AS REQUIRED, TOBE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BYCONTRACTOR. MAY BE TOP MOUNTED(AS SHOWN) OR RECESSED.CMPPROTECTIONSLAB VARIES RIM/FINISHEDGRADE ACCESS CASTING NOT SUPPLIED BY CONTECH DAH CHECKED: DRAWN:xxxDESIGNED: APPROVED:C:\USERS\DHOPKINS\DESKTOP\000000-001-CMP SAMPLE SOLID - PERF.DWG 3/7/2019 5:49 PMSHEET NO.: OF DATE:PROJECT No.: ---- SEQ. No.: ---- C4 xxxxxxCONTRACTCONTECH DRAWING 11815 NE Glenn Widing Drive, Portland, OR 97220 800-548-4667 503-240-3393 800-561-1271 FAX 12 - 144"Ø SOLID OR PERFORATED UNDERGROUND SYSTEM - --------- SAMPLE PROJECTANYTOWN, USA SITE DESIGNATION: SAMPLE TANK The design and information shown on this drawing is providedas a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor byContech Engineered Solutions LLC ("Contech"). Neither thisdrawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced ormodified in any manner without the prior written consent ofContech. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk andContech expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility forsuch use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon whichthe drawing is based and actual field conditions are encounteredas site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reportedto Contech immediately for re-evaluation of the design. Contechaccepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete orinaccurate information supplied by others. www.ContechES.com CONSTRUCTION LOADS FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE LOADS, AN EXTRA AMOUNT OF COMPACTED COVER MAY BE REQUIRED OVERTHE TOP OF THE PIPE. THE HEIGHT-OF-COVER SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW.THE USE OF HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NECESSITATES GREATER PROTECTION FOR THE PIPE THAN FINISHEDGRADE COVER MINIMUMS FOR NORMAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC. PIPE SPAN,INCHES 18-50 MINIMUM COVER (FT) AXLE LOADS(kips) 50-75 75-110 110-150 12-42 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.078-120 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 *MINIMUM COVER MAY VARY, DEPENDING ON LOCAL CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE THE ADDITIONALCOVER REQUIRED TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE PIPE. MINIMUM COVER IS MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE TOTHE TOP OF THE MAINTAINED CONSTRUCTION ROADWAY SURFACE. HEIGHT OFCOVER TEMPORARY COVER FORCONSTRUCTION LOADS FINISHEDGRADE CONSTRUCTION LOADING DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE SCOPE THIS SPECIFICATION COVERS THE MANUFACTURE ANDINSTALLATION OF THE CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (CSP) DETAILED INTHE PROJECT PLANS. MATERIAL THE ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL COILS SHALL CONFORM TO THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M274 OR ASTM A929. PIPE THE CSP SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M36 OR ASTM A760. THEPIPE SIZES, GAGES AND CORRUGATIONS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ONTHE PROJECT PLANS. ALL FABRICATION OF THE PRODUCT SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THEUNITED STATES. HANDLING AND ASSEMBLY SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THENATIONAL CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE ASSOCIATION (NCSPA) INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES, SECTION 26, DIVISION IIOR ASTM A798 AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT PLANSAND SPECIFICATIONS. IF THERE ARE ANY INCONSISTENCIES ORCONFLICTS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD DISCUSS AND RESOLVEWITH THE SITE ENGINEER. IT IS ALWAYS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TOFOLLOW OSHA GUIDELINES FOR SAFE PRACTICES. SPECIFICATION FOR CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE-ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL MATERIAL SPECIFICATION NOT TO SCALE 6REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BY 1/10/2019 10 Additional Considerations Because most systems are constructed below-grade, rainfall can rapidly fill the excavation; potentially causing floatation and movement of the previously placed pipes. To help mitigate potential problems, it is best to start the installation at the downstream end with the outlet already constructed to allow a route for the water to escape. Temporary diversion measures may be required for high flows due to the restricted nature of the outlet pipe. Precast Option for Manhole Riser Caps Reinforcing Table Ø CMP Riser A ØB Reinforcing Bearing Pressure** (psf) 24 4’Ø 4’ x 4’26”#5 @ 10” OCEW #5 @ 10” OCEW 2,540 1,900 30”4’-6”Ø 4’-6” x 4’-6”32”#5 @ 10” OCEW #5 @ 9” OCEW 2,260 1,670 36”5’Ø 5’ x 5’38”#5 @ 9” OCEW #5 @ 8” OCEW 2,060 1,500 42”5’-6”Ø 5’-6” x 5’-6”44”#5 @ 8” OCEW #5 @ 8” OCEW 1,490 1,370 48”6’Ø 6’ x 6’50”#5 @ 7” OCEW #5 @ 7” OCEW 1,210 1,270 ** Assumed soil bearing capacity. MANHOLE CAP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE8"11" TYP.2" COVERTYP.1" GAP (TYP. ALLSIDES)NOTES: 1.DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO, 17thEDITION AND ACI 350. 2.DESIGN LOAD HS25. 3.EARTH COVER = 1' MAX. 4.CONCRETE STRENGTH = 4,000 psi 5.REINFORCING STEEL = ASTM A615, GRADE 60. 6.PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINFORCING AROUNDOPENINGS EQUAL TO THE BARS INTERRUPTED,HALF EACH SIDE. ADDITIONAL BARS TO BE IN THESAME PLANE. A A2" COVER(TYP) SECTION VIEW ROUND OPTION PLAN VIEW SQUARE OPTION PLAN VIEW Ø CMP RISER INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT,SEE NOTE 6. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORACESS #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. A INTERRUPTED BARREPLACEMENT, SEENOTE 6. B OPENING INPROTECTIONSLAB FORACCESS #4 DIAGONAL TRIMBAR (TYP. 4 PLACES),SEE NOTE 7. STANDARDREINFORCING,SEE TABLE GASKET MATERIALSUFFICIENT TO PREVENTSLAB FROM BEARING ONRISER TO BE PROVIDED BYCONTRACTOR. 2" C O V E R (T Y P . ) ØB REINFORCING TABLE Ø CMPRISER A B Ø REINFORCING **BEARINGPRESSURE(PSF) 24"4'Ø4'x4'26"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 10" OCEW 2,5401,900 30"4'-6"Ø4'-6" x 4'-6"32"#5 @ 10" OCEW#5 @ 9" OCEW 2,2601,670 36"5'Ø5' x 5'38"#5 @ 9" OCEW#5 @ 8" OCEW 2,0601,500 42"5'-6"Ø5'-6" x 5'-6"44"#5 @ 8" OCEW#5 @ 8" OCEW 1,4901,370 48"6'Ø6' x 6'50"#5 @ 7" OCEW#5 @ 7" OCEW 1,2101,270 ** ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY1'-0"A 2" COVER (TYP.)2" COVER(TYP) 7.TRIM OPENING WITH DIAGONAL #4 BARS, EXTEND BARS AMINIMUM OF 12" BEYOND OPENING, BEND BARS AS REQUIREDTO MAINTAIN BAR COVER. 8.PROTECTION SLAB AND ALL MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED ANDINSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 9.DETAIL DESIGN BY DELTA ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND LANDSURVEYORS, ENDWELL, NY. ØB 36"Ø MAX., HS-25 ACCESS CASTINGWITH GRADE RINGS AS REQUIRED, TOBE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BYCONTRACTOR. MAY BE TOP MOUNTED(AS SHOWN) OR RECESSED.CMPPROTECTIONSLAB VARIES RIM/FINISHEDGRADE ACCESS CASTING NOT SUPPLIED BY CONTECH DAH CHECKED: DRAWN: xxx DESIGNED: APPROVED:C:\USERS\DHOPKINS\DESKTOP\000000-001-CMP SAMPLE SOLID - PERF.DWG 3/7/2019 5:49 PMSHEET NO.: OF DATE:PROJECT No.:----SEQ. No.:---- C4 xxxxxxCONTRACTCONTECH DRAWING 11815 NE Glenn Widing Drive, Portland, OR 97220 800-548-4667 503-240-3393 800-561-1271 FAX 12 - 144"Ø SOLID OR PERFORATED UNDERGROUND SYSTEM - --------- SAMPLE PROJECT ANYTOWN, USASITE DESIGNATION: SAMPLE TANK The design and information shown on this drawing is providedas a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor byContech Engineered Solutions LLC ("Contech"). Neither thisdrawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced ormodified in any manner without the prior written consent ofContech. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk andContech expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility forsuch use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon whichthe drawing is based and actual field conditions are encounteredas site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reportedto Contech immediately for re-evaluation of the design. Contechaccepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete orinaccurate information supplied by others. www.ContechES.com CONSTRUCTION LOADS FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE LOADS, AN EXTRA AMOUNT OF COMPACTED COVER MAY BE REQUIRED OVERTHE TOP OF THE PIPE. THE HEIGHT-OF-COVER SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW.THE USE OF HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NECESSITATES GREATER PROTECTION FOR THE PIPE THAN FINISHEDGRADE COVER MINIMUMS FOR NORMAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC. PIPE SPAN,INCHES18-50 MINIMUM COVER (FT) AXLE LOADS(kips) 50-7575-110110-150 12-422. 3.078-1203.54.04.0 *MINIMUM COVER MAY VARY, DEPENDING ON LOCAL CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE THE ADDITIONALCOVER REQUIRED TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE PIPE. MINIMUM COVER IS MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE TOTHE TOP OF THE MAINTAINED CONSTRUCTION ROADWAY SURFACE. HEIGHT OFCOVER TEMPORARY COVER FORCONSTRUCTION LOADS FINISHEDGRADE CONSTRUCTION LOADING DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE SCOPE THIS SPECIFICATION COVERS THE MANUFACTURE ANDINSTALLATION OF THE CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (CSP) DETAILED INTHE PROJECT PLANS. MATERIAL THE ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL COILS SHALL CONFORM TO THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M274 OR ASTM A929. PIPE THE CSP SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M36 OR ASTM A760. THEPIPE SIZES, GAGES AND CORRUGATIONS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ONTHE PROJECT PLANS. ALL FABRICATION OF THE PRODUCT SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THEUNITED STATES. HANDLING AND ASSEMBLY SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THENATIONAL CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE ASSOCIATION (NCSPA) INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES, SECTION 26, DIVISION IIOR ASTM A798 AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT PLANSAND SPECIFICATIONS. IF THERE ARE ANY INCONSISTENCIES ORCONFLICTS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD DISCUSS AND RESOLVEWITH THE SITE ENGINEER. IT IS ALWAYS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TOFOLLOW OSHA GUIDELINES FOR SAFE PRACTICES. SPECIFICATION FOR CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE-ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL MATERIAL SPECIFICATION NOT TO SCALE 6REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARKBY 1/10/2019 NOTES: A.) 4000 P.S.I. CONCRETE B.) GRADE 60 REINFORCING PER ASTM A-615 C.) BUTYL SEALANT IN JOINTS ITEM: 48" X 30" X 8" PRECAST FLAT TOP JOB: CONTRACTOR: BY: OLSON PRECAST OF ARIZONA, INC. DATE: 2008 SCALE: NTS 58"48" I.D.30" ALSO AVAILABLE AS CONCENTRIC 58" O.D.30"OPENING 58" PLAN VIEW SECTION 30" OPENING 0'-8" 58" 8"30"48" I.D.NOTES: A.) 4000 P.S.I. CONCRETE B.) GRADE 60 REINFORCING PER ASTM A-615 C.) BUTYL SEALANT IN JOINTS ITEM: 48" X 30" X 8" PRECAST FLAT TOP JOB: CONTRACTOR: BY: OLSON PRECAST OF ARIZONA, INC. DATE: 2008 SCALE: NTS 58"48" I.D.30" ALSO AVAILABLE AS CONCENTRIC 58" O.D.30"OPENING 58" PLAN VIEW SECTION 30" OPENING 0'-8" 58" 8"30"48" I.D. 11 CMP Preconstruction Checklist Contech Field Contact and Phone: —————————————————————————————————————————— Contech Plant Contact and Phone: —————————————————————————————————————————— Contractor Contact and Phone: ——————————————————————————————————————————— Project Name: ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Site Address: ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Pre-con Attendees: ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Topics to Review: Truck access and pipe storage availability/expectation Pipe unloading and handling safety, equipment and procedures System layout and shop drawing review Shipping schedule and installation sequence Joint configuration and assembly Connection with unlike storm sewer materials Backfill material selection and placement strategy Backfill sequence, lift thickness and balanced loading Compaction requirement (90%) and equipment Additional cover requirements for heavy construction loads CMP riser concrete cap installation Notes: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Reinforcing Table Ø CMP RiserAØBReinforcing Bearing Pressure** (psf) 244’Ø 4’ x 4’26”#5 @ 10” OCEW #5 @ 10” OCEW 2,540 1,900 30”4’-6”Ø 4’-6” x 4’-6”32”#5 @ 10” OCEW #5 @ 9” OCEW 2,260 1,670 36”5’Ø 5’ x 5’38”#5 @ 9” OCEW #5 @ 8” OCEW 2,060 1,500 42”5’-6”Ø 5’-6” x 5’-6”44”#5 @ 8” OCEW #5 @ 8” OCEW 1,490 1,370 48”6’Ø 6’ x 6’50”#5 @ 7” OCEW #5 @ 7” OCEW 1,210 1,270 Support Drawings and specifications are available at www.ContechES.com/cmp-detention © 2019 Contech ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC, A QUIKRETE COMPANY 800-338-1122 www.ContechES.com All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA. Contech Engineered Solutions LLC provides site solutions for the civil engineering industry. Contech’s portfolio includes bridges, drainage, sanitary sewer, stormwater and earth stabilization products. For information on other Contech division offerings, visit ContechES.com or call 800-338-1122. The product(s) described may be protected by one or more of the following US patents: 5,322,629; 5,624,576; 5,707,527; 5,759,415; 5,788,848; 5,985,157; 6,027,639; 6,350,374; 6,406,218; 6,641,720; 6,511,595; 6,649,048; 6,991,114; 6,998,038; 7,186,058; related foreign patents or other patents pending. CMP Detention Install Guide 9/19 NOTHING IN THIS CATALOG SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY. APPLICATIONS SUGGESTED HEREIN ARE DESCRIBED ONLY TO HELP READERS MAKE THEIR OWN EVALUATIONS AND DECISIONS, AND ARE NEITHER GUARANTEES NOR WARRANTIES OF SUITABILITY FOR ANY APPLICATION. CONTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE APPLICATIONS, MATERIALS, COATINGS, OR PRODUCTS DISCUSSED HEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED BY CONTECH. SEE CONTECH’S CONDITIONS OF SALE (AVAILABLE AT WWW.CONTECHES. COM/COS) FOR MORE INFORMATION. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS Underground stormwater detention and infiltration systems must be inspected and maintained at regular intervals for purposes of performance and longevity. Inspection Inspection is the key to effective maintenance of CMP detention systems and is easily performed. Contech recommends ongoing, quarterly inspections. The rate at which the system collects pollutants will depend more on site specific activities rather than the size or configuration of the system. Inspections should be performed more often in equipment washdown areas, in climates where sanding and/or salting operations take place, and in other various instances in which one would expect higher accumulations of sediment or abrasive/corrosive conditions. A record of each inspection is to be maintained for the life of the system. Maintenance CMP detention systems should be cleaned when an inspection reveals accumulated sediment or trash is clogging the discharge orifice. Accumulated sediment and trash can typically be evacuated through the manhole over the outlet orifice. If maintenance is not performed as recommended, sediment and trash may accumulate in front of the outlet orifice. Manhole covers should be securely seated following cleaning activities. Contech suggests that all systems be designed with an access/inspection manhole situated at or near the inlet and the outlet orifice. Should it be necessary to get inside the system to perform maintenance activities, all appropriate precautions regarding confined space entry and OSHA regulations should be followed. Systems are to be rinsed, including above the spring line, annually soon after the spring thaw, and after any additional use of salting agents, as part of the maintenance program for all systems where salting agents may accumulate inside the pipe. Maintaining an underground detention or infiltration system is easiest when there is no flow entering the system. For this reason, it is a good idea to schedule the cleanout during dry weather. The foregoing inspection and maintenance efforts help ensure underground pipe systems used for stormwater storage continue to function as intended by identifying recommended regular inspection and maintenance practices. Inspection and maintenance related to the structural integrity of the pipe or the soundness of pipe joint connections is beyond the scope of this guide. Contech® CMP Detention Inspection and Maintenance Guide CMP MAINTENANCE GUIDE 2/17 PDF © 2017 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC All rights reserved. Printed in USA. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS NOTHING IN THIS CATALOG SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY. APPLICATIONS SUGGESTED HEREIN ARE DESCRIBED ONLY TO HELP READERS MAKE THEIR OWN EVALUATIONS AND DECISIONS, AND ARE NEITHER GUARANTEES NOR WARRANTIES OF SUITABILITY FOR ANY APPLICATION. CONTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE APPLICATIONS, MATERIALS, COATINGS, OR PRODUCTS DISCUSSED HEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED BY CONTECH. SEE CONTECH’S CONDITIONS OF SALE (AVAILABLE AT WWW.CONTECHES.COM/COS) FOR MORE INFORMATION CMP DETENTION SYSTEMS Underground stormwater detention and infiltration systems must be inspected and maintained at regular intervals for purposes of performance and longevity. Inspection Inspection is the key to effective maintenance of CMP detention systems and is easily performed. Contech recommends ongoing, annual inspections. Sites with high trash load or small outlet control orifices may need more frequent inspections. The rate at which the system collects pollutants will depend more on- site specific activities rather than the size or configuration of the system. Inspections should be performed more often in equipment washdown areas, in climates where sanding and/or salting operations take place, and in other various instances in which one would expect higher accumulations of sediment or abrasive/ corrosive conditions. A record of each inspection is to be maintained for the life of the system. NOTHING IN THIS CATALOG SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY. APPLICATIONS SUGGESTED HEREIN ARE DESCRIBED ONLY TO HELP READERS MAKE THEIR OWN EVALUATIONS AND DECISIONS, AND ARE NEITHER GUARANTEES NOR WARRANTIES OF SUITABILITY FOR ANY APPLICATION. CONTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE APPLICATIONS, MATERIALS, COATINGS, OR PRODUCTS DISCUSSED HEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED BY CONTECH. SEE CONTECH’S CONDITIONS OF SALE (AVAILABLE AT WWW.CONTECHES.COM/COS) FOR MORE INFORMATION. CMP MAINTENANCE GUIDE 10/19 PDF © 2019 CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC, A QUIKRETE COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN USA. Maintenance CMP detention systems should be cleaned when an inspection reveals accumulated sediment or trash is clogging the discharge orifice. Accumulated sediment and trash can typically be evacuated through the manhole over the outlet orifice. If maintenance is not performed as recommended, sediment and trash may accumulate in front of the outlet orifice. Manhole covers should be securely seated following cleaning activities. Contech suggests that all systems be designed with an access/inspection manhole situated at or near the inlet and the outlet orifice. Should it be necessary to get inside the system to perform maintenance activities, all appropriate precautions regarding confined space entry and OSHA regulations should be followed. Annual inspections are best practice for all underground systems. During this inspection if evidence of salting/de-icing agents is observed within the system, it is best practice for the system to be rinsed, including above the spring line soon after the spring thaw as part of the maintenance program for the system. Maintaining an underground detention or infiltration system is easiest when there is no flow entering the system. For this reason, it is a good idea to schedule the cleanout during dry weather. The foregoing inspection and maintenance efforts help ensure underground pipe systems used for stormwater storage continue to function as intended by identifying recommended regular inspection and maintenance practices. Inspection and maintenance related to the structural integrity of the pipe or the soundness of pipe joint connections is beyond the scope of this guide. Contech® CMP Detention Inspection and Maintenance Guide ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS CMP DETENTION SYSTEMS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Real Property in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL "B" OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 03-020 RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 2004 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2004-131626, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF THE FRACTIONAL WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, DATED OCTOBER 14, 1875, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE, NORTH 89° 30' 06" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 806.67 FEET TO A POINT 494.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL WEST HALF; THENCE NORTH 00° 37' 53" WEST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL WEST HALF, 521.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45° 56' 28" WEST, 35.69 FEET TO A POINT 488.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 9.00 ACRES PER DOCUMENT RECORDED JULY 17, 1989 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 89-256843, OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 89° 36' 34" WEST PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH LINE, 782.09 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE SOUTH 00° 42' 51" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 548.31 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF FONTANA, BY DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 21, 2001, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 01-529876, OFFICIAL RECORDS APN: 0239-141-30-0-000