HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix E - Trip Generation and VMT Screening MemorandumCitrus East Project
City of Fontana Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
June 2022
VMT Analysis
Citrus East Residential
In the City of Fontana
June 2022
Prepared by:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
1100 Town and Country Road, Suite 700
Orange, California 92868
June 2022
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................................................1
Project Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................1
Vehicle Miles Traveled Screening..............................................................................................................................................3
VMT Thresholds .................................................................................................................................................................................4
VMT Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................................5
Project VMT per Service Population......................................................................................................................................5
Potential Impacts ...........................................................................................................................................................................5
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................................................................6
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VMT Analysis June 2022
Senate Bill (SB) 743 was approved by the California legislature in September 2013. SB 743
requires changes to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), specifically directing the
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to develop alternative metrics to the use of
vehicular “level of service” (LOS) for evaluating transportation projects. OPR has updated
guidelines for CEQA and written a technical advisory for evaluating transportation impacts in
CEQA and has set a deadline of July 1, 2020 for local agencies to update their CEQA transportation
procedures. OPR has recommended that Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) replace LOS as the
primary measure of transportation impacts. The City of Fontana has adopted new Transportation
Impact Guidelines and now relies on VMT as the measure for determining a project significant
transportation impact under the CEQA process.
This technical memorandum was prepared to document the VMT analysis for the Citrus East
Residential project following the City of Fontana Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines
for VMT and LOS Assessment (October 2020).
The project site consists of approximately 8.65 acres of land located on the northeast corner of
Citrus Avenue and Summit Avenue in the City of Fontana. The project site is currently vacant. The
project applicant proposes to develop 76 multi-family dwelling units. The project requires a
General Plan Amendment (GPA) to amend the land use designation for the project site from
Community Commercial (C-C) to Medium Density Residential (R-M), as well as a Zone Change
(ZC) to amend the zoning from Community Commercial (C-1) to the Medium Density (R-2) Zoning
District. A copy of the project site plan is provided in Figure 1.
Trip generation estimates for the proposed project was based on the Institute of Transportation
Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition) trip rates for Multi-Family Housing (Low-
Rise) (ITE Code – 220). The project is estimated to generate 512 daily trips.
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Citrus East Residential - 3 - Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
VMT Analysis June 2022
This section documents Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)/ SB 743 considerations for the project.
The City Guidelines provides details on appropriate screening thresholds that can be used to
identify when a proposed land use project is anticipated to result in a less than significant impact
without conducting a more detailed level analysis. Screening thresholds are broken into the
following three steps:
1.Transit Priority Area (TPA) Screening
2.Low VMT Area Screening
3.Low Project Type Screening
4.Project Net Daily Trips Less Than 500 ADT
A land use project needs only meet one of the above screening thresholds to be presumed to
result in not significant impact under CEQA pursuant to SB 743.
Transit Priority Area (TPA) Screening
As described in the City Guidelines, projects located within a half mile from an existing major
transit stop or within half of a mile from an existing stop along a high-quality transit corridor can
be screened out. Based on San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) VMT
Screening Tool, the project is not located in a Transit Priority Area (TPA). The TPA screening
criteria is not met.
Low VMT Area Screening
The project is located in TAZ number 53739101. As shown in Figure 2, the project is not located
in a Low VMT (15% below County Average) zone based on the SBCTA VMT Screening tool. As
such, the Low VMT Area screening threshold is not met.
Low Project Type Screening
The City presumes various usages, assumed to be local serving in nature, as having less than
significant impact absent of substantial evidence to the contrary. The Low Project Type screening
is not met for this project.
Project Net Daily Trips Less Than 500 ADT Screening
The City Guidelines identify that project with a net daily trip generation of less than 500 ADT can
be screened out. The project is estimated to 512 trips on a daily basis, which is slightly higher
than the 500 ADT threshold.
The Project Net Daily Trips Less Than 500 ADT screening criteria is not met.
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VMT Analysis June 2022
Figure 2 – Low VMT Area Screening
The City of Fontana Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for VMT and LOS Assessment
(October 2020) recommends VMT thresholds set to 15% below the baseline County of San
Bernardino VMT per service population (based on origin-destination).
A project would result in a significant project-generated VMT impact if either of the following
conditions are satisfied:
1.The baseline project-generated VMT per service population exceeds 15% below the
baseline County of San Bernardino VMT per service population, or
2.The cumulative project-generated VMT per service population exceeds 15% below the
baseline County of San Bernardino VMT per service population.
A significant cumulative impact would occur if the project is determined to be inconsistent with
the RTP/SCS and causes total daily VMT within the City to be higher than the no project
alternative under cumulative conditions. The proposed project is consistent with the population
growth projections within the City of Fontana in the SCAG 2020 RTP/SCS. The proposed project
requires a GPA from C-C to R-M and a Zone Change from C-1 to R-2. for the project site. However,
it should be noted that the proposed project (76 multi-family dwelling units) does not exceed the
growth of 296 multi-family dwelling units assumed in the TAZ where the proposed project is
located (53739101). As such, the proposed project is consistent with the RTP/SCS and would not
create a significant cumulative transportation impact.
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VMT Analysis June 2022
As the project does not satisfy VMT screening criteria, a VMT analysis has been conducted for the
project based on the San Bernardino County Transportation Analysis Model (SBTAM), consistent
with the City of Fontana guidelines.
For purposes of this VMT assessment the VMT per service population has been compared to 15%
below countywide average VMT, based on data provided by SBCTA. Table 1 shows the calculated
VMT thresholds:
Table 1: VMT Thresholds
Threshold Option Countywide Average Threshold (15% below)
VMT per Service Population 32.7 27.8
Project VMT
The calculation of vehicle miles traveled has two components – the total number of trips
generated and the average trip length of each vehicle. SBTAM is a useful tool to estimate VMT as
it considers interaction between different land uses based on socio-economic data such as
population, households, and employment. Project VMT was calculated using the most current
version of SBTAM. Adjustments in socio-economic data (76 multi-family homes and a population
of 266) were made to the appropriate traffic analysis zone (TAZ; 53739101) within the SBTAM
model to reflect the project’s proposed land use. The population of 266 was calculated based on
a factor of 3.5 population per unit, consistent with assumptions in the SBTAM TAZ. For the
purposes of this analysis, the project was isolated in a separate TAZ.
Project VMT per Service Population
The project VMT per service population is the total daily VMT (4,806) divided by the population
(266) derived from the SBTAM model (since there is no employment component to the project,
the service population is same as population). The Project VMT per service population calculated
based on SBTAM is 18.1.
Potential Impacts
As shown in Table 2, the project’s VMT per service population would meet the 15% below
countywide average threshold. As such, the project’s transportation impact is less-than-
significant based on City of Fontana’s recommended thresholds. As stated earlier, the proposed
project (76 multi-family dwelling units) does not exceed the growth of 296 multi-family dwelling
units assumed in the TAZ where the proposed project is located (53739101). As such, the project
is consistent with the RTP/SCS and would not create a significant cumulative transportation
impact. Therefore, the project’s cumulative VMT per service population would be considered
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VMT Analysis June 2022
Table 2: VMT Impact Evaluation
Threshold Option Threshold Project Change Potentially
VMT per service population 27.8 18.1 -9.7 No
The Project was evaluated based on the SBCTA VMT screening tool and was found to not meet
screening criteria based on VMT per service population metric. Consistent with the City of
Fontana Guidelines, a project level VMT analysis was performed with the SBTAM model for the
proposed residential use. The Project’s VMT was found to be less than significant based on City
of Fontana’s recommended thresholds based on VMT per service population. The Project’s
transportation impact is therefore presumed to be less than significant.
kimley-horn.com 1100 Town and Country Road,Suite 700,Orange,CA 92868 714 939 1030
To: Mahmoud Khodr
Senior Traffic Engineer
City of Fontana
From: Trevor Briggs, P.E.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Date: October 1, 2021
Subject:Trip Generation and VMT Screening Memorandum for the Proposed Citrus East
Residential Project in the City of Fontana
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. has prepared a trip generation and vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
screening memorandum to evaluate the trip generation potential and VMT screening for the
proposed Citrus East Residential project.
The project site consists of approximately 8.65 acres of land located on the northeast corner of Citrus
Avenue and Summit Avenue in the City of Fontana. The project site is currently vacant. The project
applicant proposes to develop 76 multi-family dwelling units. A copy of the project site plan is
provided in Figure 1.
A trip generation analysis has been prepared to evaluate the trip generating characteristics for the
proposed project. Trip generation estimates for the proposed project were based on the Institute
of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) trip rates for Multi-Family
Housing (Low-Rise) (ITE Code – 220).
Trip generation rates and the resulting trip generation estimates for the proposed project are
summarized on Table 1. Based on Table 1, the project is estimated to generate 556 daily trips, with
35 trips (8 inbound and 27 outbound) in the morning peak hour and 43 trips (27 inbound and 16
outbound) in the evening peak hour.
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Trip Generation Rates 1
ITE AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use Code Unit Daily In Out Total In Out Total
Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise)220 DU 7.320 0.106 0.354 0.46 0.353 0.207 0.56
Trip Generation Estimates
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use Quantity Unit Daily In Out Total In Out Total
Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise)76 DU 556 8 27 35 27 16 43
Total Project Trips 556 8 27 35 27 16 43
1 Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition
Citrus East Residential Project
Traffic Memorandum
- 3 -Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
October 2021
kimley-horn.com 1100 Town and Country Road,Suite 700,Orange,CA 92868 714 939 1030
Mr.Khodr,October 1, 2021,Page 4
The City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level
of Service Assessment (June 2020) provides guidance on when a Traffic Impact Study is required for
a project. The City document specifies that:
·If a project generates less than 50 peak hour trips, a traffic analysis shall not be required, and
a trip generation memo will be considered sufficient unless the City has specific concerns
related to project access and interaction with adjacent intersections.
Since the proposed project is expected to generate less than 50 peak hour trips, a traffic analysis is
not required.
Senate Bill 743 (SB 743) was approved by California legislature in September 2013. SB 743 requires
changes to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), specifically directing the Governor’s Office
of Planning and Research (OPR) to develop alternative metrics to the use of vehicular “Level of
Service” (LOS) for evaluating transportation projects. OPR has prepared a technical advisory (“OPR
Technical Advisory”) for evaluating transportation impacts in CEQA and has recommended that
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) replace LOS as the primary measure of transportation impacts. The
Natural Resources Agency has adopted updates to CEQA Guidelines to incorporate SB 743 that
requires VMT for the purposes of determining a significant transportation impact under CEQA.
The City of Fontana’s Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and
Level of Service Assessment (June 2020) provides details on appropriate screening thresholds that
can be used to identify when a proposed land use project is anticipated to result in a less than
significant impact without conducting a more detailed level analysis. Screening thresholds are
broken down into the following four steps:
1. Projects in a Transit Priority Area (TPA)
2. Low VMT Area
3. Low Project Type
4. Project Net Daily Trip Less Than 500 ADT
kimley-horn.com 1100 Town and Country Road,Suite 700,Orange,CA 92868 714 939 1030
Mr.Khodr,October 1, 2021,Page 5
Land development projects that meet one or more of the above screening thresholds may be
presumed to create a less than significant impact on transportation and circulation.
Projects in a Transit Priority Area (TPA)
In accordance the City of Fontana’s Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled
(VMT) and Level of Service Assessment (June 2020), projects located within half mile from an existing
major transit stop or within half of a mile from an existing stop along a high-quality transit corridor
can be screened out. Based on San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) VMT
Screening Tool, the project is not located in a Transit Priority Area (TPA). The TPA screening criteria
is not met.
Low VMT Area
Residential and office projects located within a low VMT - generating area may be presumed to have a
less than significant impact absent substantial evidence to the contrary. In addition, other
employment related, and mixed-use land use projects may qualify for the use of screening if the
project can reasonably be expected to generate VMT per resident, per worker, or per service
population that is similar to the existing land uses in the low VMT area. Based on the traffic analysis
zone (“TAZ”) that the project is in and the San Bernardino County Traffic Analysis Model (SBTAM)
travel forecast model, the low VMT area screening criteria is not met.
Low Project Type
The City presumes various usages, assumed to be local serving in nature, as having less than
significant impact absent of substantial evidence to the contrary. The low VMT project type screening
is not met for this project.
Project Net Daily Trips Less Than 500 ADT:
The City presumes that projects that generate fewer than 500 average daily trips (ADT) would not
cause a substantial increase in the total citywide or regional VMT and would therefore have a less
than significant impact on VMT. Based on the trip generation noted earlier, the project is expected to
generate more than 500 average net new daily trips. Therefore, the less than 500 ADT screening
criteria is not met for the project.
Based on review of the City’s guidelines, the project is expected to generate less than 50 peak hour
trips; therefore, a Level of Service analysis is not required. Per the City’s VMT guidelines the project
is not screened out from a VMT analysis.