HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report SCH #2021030597 prepared by City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Contact: Salvador Quintanilla, Associate Planner prepared with the assistance of Rincon Consultants, Inc. 250 East 1st Street, Suite 1400 Los Angeles, California 90012 June 2022 Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report SCH #2021030597 prepared by City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Contact: Salvador Quintanilla, Associate Planner prepared with the assistance of Rincon Consultants, Inc. 250 East 1st Street, Suite 1400 Los Angeles, California 90012 June 2022 This report prepared on 50% recycled paper with 50% post-consumer content. Table of Contents Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report i Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 Format of the Final SEIR .................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Environmental Review Process ....................................................................................... 1-2 2 Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR ................................................................................ 2-1 3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program .......................................................................... 3-1 Appendices Appendix A Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and Appendices City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment ii This page intentionally left blank Introduction Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report 1-1 1 Introduction This Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) has been prepared by the City of Fontana (City) for the proposed Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment (hereafter referred to as the “proposed project” or “project”), which includes the development of up to 476,500 square feet (sf) of commercial uses, 1,671 dwelling units in three separate residential villages with accompanying amenities, a focal point piazza (public square), and the construction of the realigned Lytle Creek Road. The project would be developed on an approximately 102-acre site located east of Interstate 15 (I-15), west of Citrus Avenue, and both north and south of Duncan Canyon Road. This Final SEIR complies with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA) statutes (California Public Resources Code [PRC], Section 21000 et. seq., as amended) and implementing guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15000 et. seq.) (the CEQA Guidelines). Before approving a project that may cause a significant environmental impact, CEQA requires the lead agency to prepare and certify a Final EIR. The City has the principal responsibility for approval of the proposed project and is considered the lead agency under PRC Section 21067. According to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15132, the Final EIR shall consist of:  The Draft SEIR or a revision of the Draft SEIR;  Comments and recommendations received on the Draft SEIR either verbatim or in summary;  A list of persons, organizations, and public agencies commenting on the Draft SEIR;  The responses of the lead agency to significant environmental points raised in the review and consultation process; and  Any other information added by the lead agency. The Draft SEIR and its appendices are included as Appendix A to the Final SEIR and can also be found on the City’s website: https://www.fontana.org/2137/Environmental-Documents. To clarify, while the Final SEIR under the CEQA Guidelines includes the Draft SEIR, the “Final SEIR” in this document will refer to everything contained in this document (as described in Section 1.1, Format of the Final SEIR) and not the Draft SEIR, whereas “SEIR” will refer both to the Final SEIR and the Draft SEIR. 1.1 Format of the Final SEIR The Final SEIR summarizes the project information presented in the Draft SEIR and contains responses to comments on environmental issues received from agencies, organizations, and individuals who reviewed the Draft SEIR as part of the 47-day public review period for the proposed project, which began on April 14, 2022, and ended on May 31, 2022. The Final EIR consists of the following three sections:  Section 1 – Introduction. This section summarizes the contents of the Final EIR and the environmental review process.  Section 2 – Response to Comments on the Draft SEIR. During the public review period for the Draft SEIR, the City received written comment letters pertaining to the Draft SEIR. The City also received verbal comments from Planning commissioners during the Planning Commission public hearing that occurred at the City Hall Council Chambers on May 3, 2022. This section contains a City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 1-2 summary of these written comment letters (provided by agencies, organizations, and individuals) and verbal comments and the City’s responses to the comments that raise significant environmental points.  Section 3 – Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. This section of the Final EIR provides the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the proposed project. The MMRP is presented in tabular format and identifies mitigation measures for the proposed project, the enforcing agency, the actions required by the responsible agency, the implementation period for each measure, and the monitoring period for each measure. The MMRP also provides a section for recordation of mitigation reporting. 1.2 Environmental Review Process Notice of Preparation The City determined that a SEIR would be required for the proposed project and issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP), which was filed with the San Bernardino County Clerk and distributed to the State Clearinghouse, interested agencies and groups, and the public on October 20, 2021, for 30 days. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15082, recipients of the NOP were requested to provide responses during the public review period after their receipt of the NOP. In addition, the City held a virtual SEIR Scoping Meeting on October 27, 2021. The purpose of this meeting was to seek input from public agencies and the general public regarding the environmental issues and concerns that may potentially result from the proposed project. The NOP public review period ended on November 19, 2021. Comments received during the NOP public review period were considered during the preparation of this SEIR. The NOP and NOP comments are included in Appendix A-1 of the Draft SEIR. Table 1-1 of the Draft SEIR summarizes the content of the letters received in response to the NOP during the public review period and identifies where the issues raised are addressed in the Draft SEIR or the Initial Study. The Initial Study is included in Appendix A-2 of the Draft SEIR. Noticing and Availability of the Draft SEIR The Draft SEIR was made available for public review and comment pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15087. The 47-day public review period for the Draft SEIR began on April 14, 2022 and ended on May 31, 2022. The Draft SEIR and Notice of Completion (NOC) were submitted to the State Clearinghouse on April 14, 2022. A Notice of Availability (NOA), which included a City website link to the posted Draft SEIR, was mailed to 56 agencies and organizations. In addition, the NOA was sent to individuals who had previously requested such notice in writing. The NOA was also filed at the San Bernardino County Clerk on April 14, 2022. Notably, a reposting of the NOA was circulated on April 25, 2022 to the same agencies, organizations, and individuals and was also re-filed at the County Clerk to announce a one-day extension to May 31, 2022, in accommodation of the Memorial Day Holiday on May 30, 2022, thereby resulting in a 47-day public review period. The NOA described where the document was available and how to submit comments on the Draft SEIR. In addition to the City’s website, hard copies of the Draft SEIR were also made available for public review at the City of Fontana Community Development Department counter and at the Fontana Lewis Library & Technology Center. The public review period provided interested public agencies, groups, and individuals the opportunity to comment on the contents of the Draft SEIR. Introduction Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report 1-3 Final SEIR The Final SEIR addresses the comments received during the public review period. Based on the comments received, no changes or revisions to the text of the Draft SEIR were necessary and recirculation of the Draft SEIR per CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5 was not required. Accordingly, this Final SEIR will be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council for potential certification as the environmental document for the proposed project. All persons who commented on the Draft SEIR will be notified of the availability of the Final SEIR prior to the public hearings, and all agencies that commented on the Draft SEIR will be provided with a copy of the Final SEIR at least 10 days before EIR certification, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15088(b). The Final SEIR is also posted on the City’s website: https://www.fontana.org/2137/Environmental-Documents. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15091, the City shall make findings for each of the significant effects identified in this SEIR and shall support the findings with substantial evidence in the record. After considering the Final SEIR in conjunction with making findings under Section 15091, the lead agency may decide whether or how to approve or implement the project. The Final SEIR for the proposed project identified potentially significant impacts that could result from project implementation. The City finds that the inclusion of certain mitigation measures as part of project approval will still result in certain impacts being significant and unavoidable. As such, a statement of overriding considerations prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15093 is required for this project. In addition, when approving a project, public agencies must also adopt a MMRP describing the changes that were incorporated into the proposed project or made a condition of project approval to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment (CEQA Guidelines Section 15097). The MMRP is adopted at the time of project approval and is designed to ensure compliance during project implementation. Upon approval of the proposed project, the City will be responsible for implementation of the proposed project’s MMRP. City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 1-4 This page intentionally left blank. City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report 2 Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR This section includes comments received during the public review period for the Draft SEIR prepared for the proposed project. The Draft SEIR was circulated for a 47-day public review period that began on April 14, 2022 and ended on May 31, 2022. The City of Fontana received nine comment letters on the Draft SEIR, consisting of two letters from agencies, two letters from organizations, and five letters from individuals. The City also received verbal comments from Planning commissioners during the Planning Commission public hearing that occurred at the City Hall Council Chambers on May 3, 2022. Although most comments received during the Planning Commission public hearing were not relevant to the environmental issues analyzed in the Draft SEIR, they are nonetheless included and summarized in this section. The commenters and the page number on which each commenter’s letter or verbal comments appear are listed in the following table. Letter No. and Commenter Page No. Agencies (A) 1 Daniel Guerra, Engineering Development Coordinator, West Valley Water District 2 2 Mary Padres, Office Chief District 8, State of California Department of Transportation 5 Organizations (O) 1 Ryan Nordness, Cultural Resource Analyst, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians 12 2 Bernadette Ann Brierty, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Morongo Band of Mission Indians 14 Individuals (I) 1 Ada Torres 16 2 Evelin Butler 18 3 Erick Torres 20 4 Josh and Crystal Smilor 22 5 Fred Torres 24 Public Hearing Comments 1 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Commissioner Ralph Thrasher 27 2 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Secretary Idilio Sanchez 28 3 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Vice Chair Raj Sangha 29 4 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Chair Cathline Fort 30 5 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Secretary Idilio Sanchez 32 6 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Vice Chair Raj Sangha 33 7 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Chair Cathline Fort 34 8 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Secretary Idilio Sanchez 35 The comment letters and responses follow. The comment letters have been numbered sequentially and each separate issue raised by the commenter, if more than one, has been assigned a number. The responses to each comment identify first the number of the comment letter, and then the number assigned to each issue (Response 1.1, for example, indicates that the response is for the first issue raised in comment Letter 1). The responses associated with the Planning Commission public hearing are grouped based on each commissioner’s speaking turn as they verbally commented on the project. 1 2 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter A-1 COMMENTER: Daniel Guerra, Engineering Development Coordinator, West Valley Water District DATE: April 27, 2022 Response 1.1 The commenter confirms that the project is within the West Valley Water District (District) service area and clarifies that the project Developer will be required to apply for and submit a plan check for the installation of all new water services associated with the project. The commenter adds that the project will be required to extend existing water facilities and incorporate other improvements to provide service to the project and notes that all necessary water improvements must be installed by one of the District’s preapproved contractors. The commenter’s clarifications regarding the procedural requirements to provide adequate water services to the project is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Nonetheless, as discussed in Section 4.15, Utilities and Services Systems, of the Draft SEIR, the construction of any required infrastructure improvements (e.g., water main, laterals, fire water lanes, hydrants) would not significantly increase the project’s disturbance area or otherwise cause significant environmental effects. Response 1.2 The commenter clarifies that the project Developer is required to provide easements for all District facilities within private streets or non-public rights-of-way. The commenter’s clarification regarding easements is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Response 1.3 The commenter clarifies that the project Developer will be required to enter into a Water System Infrastructure Installation and Conveyance Agreement for any main line extension and various improvements to District facilities. The commenter’s clarification regarding the Waste System Infrastructure Installation and Conveyance Agreement is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Response 1.4 The commenter clarifies that the project Developer shall adhere to the most recent District's "Standards for Domestic Water Facilities" and "Water Service Rules and Regulations" and any amendments. The commenter adds that all other plan check requirements, applications, and fees can be found on the District's Engineering web page. 3 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report The commenter’s clarification regarding the standards, regulations and the location of plan check requirements is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. 4 “Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California’s economy and livability” State of California California State Transportation Agency DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION M e m o r a n d u m Making Conservation a California Way of Life. Traffic Operations Surveillance Region C has reviewed the Ventana Specific Plan Amendment: Traffic Study for the Ventana Specific Plan in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino. The submitted document was prepared by Urban Crossroads dated April 6, 2022 and transmitted to Traffic Operations on April 14, 2022. We have the following comments: General: 1.Traffic Operations comments must be addressed prior to the issuance of the Encroachment Permit by Caltrans. 2.Please include a response document, Response to Comments, in your next review submittal addressing the comments provided by Traffic Operations. 3.Traffic Forecasting and Analysis Division will review the Traffic Study (TS) and concur with the trip generation and forecasted traffic volumes. 4.Traffic Operations Trucking Services will review and concur with truck-related items.5.A detailed review of site plan(s) will be performed during the Encroachment Permitprocess. Safety Reviews: 6.Please conduct and submit traffic safety reviews as a stand-alone report forproposed land use projects and plans affecting the State Highway System. Seeattached Local Development and Intergovernmental Review (LDIGR) SafetyReview Practitioners Guidance, December 2020. Vehicle Mile Traveled (VMT) Analysis: 7.Please provide the City of Fontana’s approval of the VMT analysis report and its results. To: ROSA CLARK OFFICE CHIEF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING Date: May 26, 2022 File: 08-SBd-15 PM 11.214 From: MARY PADRES Office Chief District 8, Traffic Operations Surveillance Region C Subject: Ventana Specific Plan Amendment: Traffic Study Ventana Specific Plan City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino MP Letter A2 2.1 2.2 2.3 5 Rosa Clark May 26, 2022 Page 2 of 2 “Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California’s economy and livability” Traffic Study: 8.Please provide Synchro files associated with this proposed project for review.9.Please provide traffic count data, full 24-hour counts, beyond the AM and PM peak hours and the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) data for study intersections and areas of the proposed project. Traffic counts should beconducted when school is in session. 10.Comments related to submitted Synchro results: i.Please verify the lane configurations for all study intersections in each study conditions as some of them do not match the existing and the proposed improvements. Please include the revisions in the requested Synchro files.ii.Lanes should be configured in way that reflects the allowed movements in said lanes, such as shared left and thru, shared right and thru, left-turn only,right-turn only, etc. for proper analysis of queuing and LOS.11.On-ramp queuing analysis is missing. Please provide the on-ramp queuing study. 12.Please coordinate with the Traffic Operations, Electrical Services to synchronize the traffic signal timing of the Lytle Creek Road & Duncan Canyon Road intersection (#8) with Caltrans I-15 ramps at Duncan Canyon Road. Please also provide your signal timing plans for review.13.Please consider converting the segment of Duncan Canyon Road between the I-15 NB ramps and Citrus Avenue to a four-lane road (two lanes each direction) with dedicated right-turn lane to I-15 NB ramp from Duncan Canyon Road westbound. This expanded configuration will enable this segment to safely accommodate the increased traffic volumes and to mitigate potential vehicular crashes. 14.Please provide site plans for both existing and proposed conditions for review. The site plans should be fully dimensions. 15.Please provide fully dimensioned plans for the recommended alternatives forreview. Include both existing and proposed conditions for comparison. 16.Please provide truck turning templates for your proposed project. Truck Services will review and concur with truck-related items.17.Please follow the California Highway Design Manual (HDM) and Caltrans Standard Plans for design standards for facilities, such as driveway, ADA curb ramp, bicycle path or lane, pedestrian walkway/access, etc., that directly interact with the state highway system.18.Please note that traffic impacts should be analyzed cumulatively. Therefore, please include all traffic and safety impacts from nearby pending projects that may affect your development in the complete TS. Consult with the lead agency for the status and information on these projects. Note: We appreciate the opportunity to review your project. This document is not considered a complete review or approval of the proposed development by Traffic Operations Surveillance Region C. Additional comments may be provided after any revisions. If you have any questions, please contact me at , or District 8 Traffic Operations Surveillance C via email at 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 6 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter A-2 COMMENTER: Mary Padres, Office Chief District 8, State of California Department of Transportation DATE: May 26, 2022 Response 2.1 The commenter confirms review of the Traffic Study prepared by Urban Crossroads for the project and lists information describing the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) requirements for addressing their comments and next steps for project review. Specifically, comments must be addressed prior to the issuance of the Encroachment Permit by Caltrans, responses to comments must be submitted as part of the next review submittal, and a detailed site plan review of project components related to transportation will be conducted. The Traffic Study was completed on April 6, 2022 and is included as Appendix I to the Draft SEIR. The commenter’s clarifications regarding their requirements for addressing comments and follow-up reviews is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Response 2.2 The commenter requests that traffic safety reviews be conducted as a stand-alone report for the project analyzing its effects on the State Highway System. The commenter’s request for additional safety reviews is noted. Hazards related to geometric design features (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) were reviewed as part of the Initial Study to the Draft SEIR, which is included as Appendix A-2 to the Draft SEIR. As discussed in Section 17, Transportation, of the Initial Study, the project would be accessible through Duncan Canyon Road, Citrus Avenue, and Lytle Creek Road. Duncan Canyon Road connects the site to the nearby I- 15 for regional access to and from the site. However, the project would comply with the City’s roadway standards and would not include any design features that would increase circulation hazards. Furthermore, as discussed Section 4.14, Transportation, of the Draft SEIR, on-site traffic signing and roadway striping would be implemented, consistent with the provisions of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and in conjunction with detailed construction plans for the project site. Sight distance at each project access point would be reviewed by the City to ensure compliance with standard Caltrans and City of Fontana sight distance standards at the time of preparation of final grading, landscape, and street improvement plans. In addition, the following standard conditions relation to transportation (and identified in the 2007 EIR) remain applicable to the proposed project:  Standard Condition 4.4.2: Future developments would be subject to plan check review to ensure that the necessary access, parking, and roadway improvements are provided as part of individual developments, in accordance with the City’s traffic safety design criteria.  Standard Condition 4.4.3: Future developments on the site shall be accompanied by the construction of internal and perimeter roadways, in accordance with the City’s Circulation Master Plan and City roadway standards, including the City’s standard intersection configuration for southbound traffic at the Lytle Creek Road/Duncan Canyon Road intersection. 7 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report In addition to complying with these standards, Urban Crossroads will provide the stand-alone report requested by Caltrans in connection with the encroachment permit process, and in accordance with Caltrans’ standard requirements. Compliance with the above requirements will ensure the project will not have any significant impacts related to safety. Response 2.3 The commenter requests that the City provide their written approval of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) analysis conducted for the project and submit the results of the analysis. Urban Crossroads conducted a VMT analysis for the project as part of the Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR), which is referenced in Section 4.14, Transportation, of the Draft SEIR. The Traffic Study was prepared in accordance with the City’s Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment and with the requirements of Senate Bill (SB) 743. As detailed in the Draft EIR, the project would not exceed the City’s adopted threshold of 15 percent below County of San Bernardino baseline VMT per service population (i.e., 27.8) in both baseline and cumulative scenarios. Further, as calculated in the Traffic Study and noted in Section 4.14 of the Draft SEIR, there is a net decrease of 0.30 VMT per service population within the City for baseline conditions and a net decrease of 0.22 VMT per service population within the City for cumulative conditions, which would indicate that the proposed project does not have a negative effect on VMT under baseline and cumulative conditions. The project’s VMT impact is therefore considered less than significant. The City reviewed these findings and had no further questions related to the Traffic Study and concurred with the findings therein, including the VMT analysis. The City provided Caltrans with the Draft SEIR and Traffic Study for their separate review as part of the public review period for the Draft SEIR. Response 2.4 The commenter requests that the traffic count data and Synchro files associated with the project be provided for their review, including full 24-hour counts, beyond the AM and PM peak hours and the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) data for study intersections and project areas. The commenter clarifies that traffic counts should be conducted when school is in session. The commenter’s requests concerning traffic count data do not raise any significant environmental issues, since traffic congestion is no longer considered to be an environmental impact for purposes of CEQA. (Pub. Res. Code section 21099.) Nonetheless, LOS impacts are analyzed in the Traffic Study prepared for the project (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR). Per the City of Fontana traffic study guidelines, unless otherwise noted, traffic counts should be conducted during the AM and PM peak hours. As such, traffic counts outside of the AM and PM peak hour were not collected or included as part of this study. Consistent with the City’s guidelines, the operations analysis in the traffic study is conservatively based on the traffic volumes during the AM and PM peak hours, when traffic is most severe. Therefore, 24-hour traffic counts are unnecessary. As noted in the Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR), due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and businesses within the study area were closed or operating at less than full capacity at the time of the Traffic Study was prepared. As such, to avoid underestimating traffic under existing conditions, historic traffic counts from 2018 were utilized in conjunction with a 1.16 percent per year, compounded annually, growth rate to develop peak hour traffic volumes for 2021 conditions. 8 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report The historic weekday AM and weekday PM peak hour count data is representative of typical weekday peak hour traffic conditions in the study area. There were no observations made in the field that would indicate atypical traffic conditions on the count dates, such as construction activity or detour routes and near-by schools were in session and operating on normal schedules. Existing and historical traffic counts are included in Appendix 3.1 of the Traffic Study. Synchro files associated with the traffic analysis are included throughout Appendices 3.2, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 through 5.8, 6.1, 6.2, 6.5 through 6.8, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.5 through 7.8 of the Traffic Study. Response 2.5 The commenter requests verification of lane configurations such that they match existing and proposed transportation improvements and requests that any revisions be included in the requested Synchro files. The commenter adds that lanes should be configured in way that reflects the allowed movements in said lanes, such as shared “left and thru,” shared “right and thru,” left- turn only, and right-turn only, for proper analysis of queuing and LOS. The commenter’s requests concerning LOS do not raise any significant environmental issues, since traffic congestion is no longer considered to be an environmental impact for purposes of CEQA. (Pub. Res. Code section 21099.) Nonetheless, LOS impacts are analyzed in the Traffic Study prepared for the project (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR). Synchro files associated with the traffic analysis are included throughout Appendices 3.2, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 through 5.8, 6.1, 6.2, 6.5 through 6.8, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.5 through 7.8 of the Traffic Study. Response 2.6 The commenter states that the on-ramp queuing analysis is missing and that the on-ramp queuing study be provided for review. The commenter’s request for the on-ramp queuing analysis is noted; however, traffic congestion is no longer considered to be an environmental impact for purposes of CEQA. (Pub. Res. Code section 21099.) Nonetheless, an off-ramp queuing analysis is provided for each analysis scenario evaluated in the Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR). On-ramp queuing analyses were not provided since on-ramp queues typically indicate operations of the freeway facilities, whereas off-ramp queues typically indicate operations of the freeway ramp-intersections. Response 2.7 The commenter requests that the Developer team coordinate with Traffic Operations and Electrical Services to synchronize the traffic signal timing of the Lytle Creek Road and Duncan Canyon Road intersection (#8) with I-15 ramps at Duncan Canyon Road. The commenter also requests that the signal timing plans be provided for review. The commenter’s request for further coordination regarding signal timing is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. The traffic signal timing will be coordinated between the Developer team and Caltrans as part of the encroachment permit process. Response 2.8 The commenter suggests that the project Developer consider conversion of the segment of Duncan Canyon Road between I-15 northbound ramps and Citrus Avenue to a four-lane road (two lanes 9 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report each direction) with dedicated right-turn lane to I-15 northbound ramp from Duncan Canyon Road westbound. The Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR) evaluates the roadway segment of Duncan Canyon Road, between I-15 northbound ramps and Citrus Avenue, as a six-lane divided roadway, consistent with the City’s General Plan. The roadway widening of this segment is included as a project design feature and improves the anticipated LOS from unacceptable operations (for Without Project conditions) to acceptable operations (for With Project conditions). Response 2.9 The commenter requests that fully dimensioned site plans depicting existing and proposed conditions be provided for review. The commenter also requests that fully dimensioned site plans depicting recommended alternatives (under both existing and proposed conditions) be provided for review for comparison. The commenter’s request for additional plans is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Fully dimensional site plans depicting requested conditions are currently unavailable at this stage of planning for a Specific Plan Amendment. Specific site plans will become available as individual projects come forward to the City for entitlement processing, which will result in separate analyses. Response 2.10 The commenter requests that truck turning templates be provided for review. The commenter’s request for additional plans is noted; however, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Specific site plans and turning templates will become available as individual projects come forward to the City for entitlement processing, which will result in separate analyses. Response 2.11 The commenter requests that the project Developer follow the California Highway Design Manual (HDM) and Caltrans Standard Plans for design standards for facilities (e.g., driveway, ADA curb ramp, bicycle lanes, walkways). The project is required to be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable standards. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Response 2.12 The commenter states that traffic impacts should be analyzed cumulatively and requests that all nearby pending projects be included in the traffic study. Cumulative traffic impacts are provided in the Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR). A list of cumulative development is included in Table 4-3 of the Traffic Study, the locations of which are also depicted on a map in Exhibit 4-7 of the Traffic Study. Cumulative traffic conditions are analyzed in Section 5, Opening Year Cumulative (2023) Traffic Conditions, and Section 6, Opening Year Cumulative (2030) Traffic Conditions of the Traffic Study. Furthermore, as calculated in the Traffic 10 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Study, there is a net decrease of 0.22 VMT per service population within the City for cumulative conditions, which would indicate that the proposed project does not have a negative effect on VMT under cumulative conditions. 11 12 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter O-1 COMMENTER: Ryan Nordness, Cultural Resource Analyst, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians DATE: May 4, 2022 Response 1.1 The commenter provides a list of recommended cultural and tribal cultural resources mitigation measures to be incorporated into the project. Project impacts to cultural and tribal cultural resources impacts were analyzed in Section 4.4, Cultural Resources and Tribal Cultural Resources, of the Draft SEIR. As discussed in Section 4.4, a recent records search and pedestrian survey did not identify any archaeological resources within the project site. However, the surveyors noted poor surface visibility based on heavy disturbance throughout the project site in the form of three to four inches of plowing and disking, several large modern trash dumps, and dense vegetation. Historical aerial imagery indicates that the project site has had moderate disturbance due to agricultural use, grading and building, demolition, or removal over the last 50 years. Due to the poor visibility on site, the potential for subsurface archaeological resources cannot be ruled out, and the project site is considered to have a moderate sensitivity for archaeological cultural resources. As such, Mitigation Measure CUL-2A (Archaeological Resources) is included in the Draft SEIR and would require archaeological monitoring by a qualified Archaeologist and a Native American monitor (from consulting tribes) during all project-related ground-disturbing activities. Mitigation Measure CUL-2A also specifies additional requirements for the treatment of a resource in the event an unanticipated discovery during project construction, such as stopping work within 50 feet of the find. Mitigation Measure CUL-2B is also identified in the Draft SEIR, which would require the preparation of construction workers on the types of cultural material that may be encountered and proper protocol prior to the commencement of ground-disturbing activities. Compared to the recommended measures provided by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, the measures included in the Draft SEIR are more conservative since they require archaeological monitoring during all ground-disturbing activities (not just in the event of a find). Therefore, implementation of the measures provided by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians would be less conservative for the protection of cultural and tribal cultural resources. Furthermore, with respect to the discovery of human remains, the project would be required to comply with the State of California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 in which the County coroner would notify the Native American Heritage Commission to identify the most likely descendant. Although the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians recommends a mitigation measure for the discovery of human remains, it is not necessary as the project is already required by law to comply with the stipulations of California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5. Accordingly, as set forth in the Draft EIR, with implementation of Mitigation Measures CUL-2A and CUL-2B, and compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, potential impacts to cultural and tribal cultural resources will be less than significant, and no further mitigation is required. 13 TRIBAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL quintanilla@fontana.org May 15, 2022 Salvador Quintanilla, Associate Planner Planning Department City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 9233 Re: Request for Consultation under SB 18: Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Quintanilla: The Morongo Band of Mission Indians (Tribe/MBMI) Tribal Historic Preservation Office is in receipt of the City of Fontana letter regarding the above referenced project. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment for Ventana at Duncan Canyon does not encompass land located within the boundaries of the ancestral territory and traditional use area of the Cahuilla and Serrano people of the Morongo Band of Mission Indians. Thank you for notifying the MBMI about this project. MBMI encourages your consultation with tribes more closely associated with the lands upon which the project is located. Respectfully, Bernadette Ann Brierty Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Morongo Band of Mission Indians CC: Morongo THPO Letter O2 2.1 14 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter O-2 COMMENTER: Bernadette Ann Brierty, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Morongo Band of Mission Indians DATE: May 15, 2022 Response 2.1 The commenter states that the proposed Specific Plan Amendment for Ventana at Duncan Canyon does not encompass land located within the boundaries of the ancestral territory and traditional use area of the Cahuilla and Serrano people of the Morongo Band of Mission Indians. The commenter’s statement regarding the location of the proposed project is noted, and, for the purposes of Senate Bill 18, consultation with the Morongo Band of Mission Indians is considered complete. 15 From: Ada Torres Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 7:05 AM To: Salvador Quintanilla <squintanilla@fontana.org> Subject: Ventana comment CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER - THIS EMAIL ORIGINATED OUTSIDE OF THE CITY'S EMAIL SYSTEM Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Quintanilla I am following this project and have received several signatures on the objections of the new addendum or change that the builder is requesting. I have been living in coyote canyon and I’m a lead Nextdoor app. We do not want an increase on higher density residents. The builder wants to double the original residents and we are objecting because we need new schools, new markets to shop, new stores. In the amendment the builder is increasing the residents from 870 to 1670 new families. We live here and there is no more room for the markets. The only shopping area is summit and serves already the residents in other communities. Please advice council I have roughly 100 signatures objection the new change from the builder. Please confirm receipt of this comment! Thank you Ada Torres Have a great day! Letter I-1 1.1 16 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter I-1 COMMENTER: Ada Torres DATE: May 13, 2022 Response 1.1 The commenter states concern regarding the increased density of residents, from 870 to 1670 new families, resulting from the proposed project. The commenter opines that there is already a need for more schools and shopping centers for current residents and notes that the existing shopping area along Summit Avenue serves residents in other communities. The commenter’s opinion that the City should prioritize the development of commercial uses and schools, rather than residential uses, is noted for the record and will be forwarded to the City’s decisionmakers for consideration. Although the proposed project would reduce the total commercial area envisioned in the Specific Plan by 98,000 square feet (17 percent), from 574,500 square feet under the existing Specific Plan, to 476,500 square feet for the proposed project, the project would still provide commercial/retail uses. Moreover, by incorporating more mixed-use development, the project would increase the walkability (e.g., integration of paseos) of the site. The commenter does not raise any specific environmental issues or concerns regarding the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Nonetheless, as discussed in detail throughout the Draft EIR, the proposed project (and the associated decrease in commercial space and increase in residential density) would not result in any significant environmental impact not previously identified in the Final EIR for the Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2005111048), approved by the City of Fontana on March 27, 2007. With respect to schools, school impacts fees paid by future development on the project site would assist in the provision of school services to residents of the site, and the Project would not result in a significant adverse impact on school facilities, as discussed in Section 4.13, Public Services, of the Draft SEIR. 17 18 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter I-2 COMMENTER: Evelin Butler DATE: May 16, 2022 Response 2.1 The commenter states that there is already a higher need for shopping, dining, and entertainment uses for the current and growing population in the city. The commenter notes that the project would increase the housing units on the site, objects to the project Developer’s request to increase density, and asks that the City consider the needs of the existing residents. The commenter’s opinion that the City should prioritize the development of commercial and entertainment uses over residential uses is noted for the record and will be forwarded to the City’s decisionmakers for consideration. The commenter does not raise any specific environmental issues or concerns regarding the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. See also Response 1.1 of Letter I-1, which addresses the decrease in commercial space and increase in residential density under the proposed project. 19 From: E.T Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 8:13 AM To: Salvador Quintanilla <squintanilla@fontana.org> Subject: Ventana Project opposition of increasing homes from 800-1670 CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER - THIS EMAIL ORIGINATED OUTSIDE OF THE CITY'S EMAIL SYSTEM Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Quintanilla We do not want an increase on higher density residents. The builder wants to double the original residents and we are objecting because we need new schools, new markets to shop, new stores. In the amendment the builder is increasing the residents from 870 to 1670 new families. We live here and there is no more room for the markets. The only shopping area is summit and serves already the residents in other communities. Please advice council I have roughly 100 signatures objection the new change from the builder. Please confirm receipt of this comment! Thank you, Erick Torres Letter I-3 3.1 20 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter I-3 COMMENTER: Erick Torres DATE: May 16, 2022 Response 3.1 The commenter states concern regarding the increased density of residents, from 870 to 1670 new families, resulting from the proposed project. The commenter adds that there is already a need for more schools and shopping centers for current residents and notes that the existing shopping area along Summit Avenue serves residents in other communities. The commenter’s opinion that the City should prioritize the development of commercial uses and schools, rather than residential uses, is noted for the record and will be forwarded to the City’s decisionmakers for consideration. The commenter does not raise any specific environmental issues or concerns regarding the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. See also Response 1.1 of Letter I-1, which addresses the decrease in commercial space and increase in residential density under the proposed project. 21 22 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter I-4 COMMENTER: Josh and Crystal Smilor DATE: May 17, 2022 Response 4.1 The commenter states concern regarding the decrease in commercial, shopping, and entertainment uses and increase in density of residents resulting from the proposed project and objects to the project Developer’s request. The commenter adds that there is a need for more destination points to meet the demands of the current and growing population in the city and notes congestion and traffic issues associated with the residents currently utilizing available shopping centers both within and outside of the city. The commenter’s opinion that the City should prioritize the development of commercial and entertainment uses over residential uses is noted for the record and will be forwarded to the City’s decisionmakers for consideration. See also Response 1.1 of Letter I-1, which addresses the decrease in commercial space and increase in residential density under the proposed project. With respect to traffic issues, although traffic congestion is no longer considered an environmental impact for purposes of CEQA, a Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR) was prepared for the proposed project to evaluate the impact the project would have on traffic. The Traffic Study identifies circulation system deficiencies that may result from the development of the project and recommends improvements to resolve identified deficiencies to achieve acceptable operational conditions at study area intersections and create consistency with the City’s General Plan. Based on the results of the analysis scenarios for future opening and horizon years, Urban Crossroads identified various infrastructure recommendations to address potential deficiencies which are incorporated into the project. 23 24 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Letter I-5 COMMENTER: Fred Torres DATE: May 17, 2022 Response 5.1 The commenter states concern regarding the increased density of residents resulting from the proposed project. The commenter adds that there is a need for more schools and shopping centers rather than residences. The commenter’s opinion that the City should prioritize the development of commercial uses and schools, rather than residential uses, is noted for the record and will be forwarded to the City’s decisionmakers for consideration. See also Response 1.1 of Letter I-1, which addresses the decrease in commercial space and increase in residential density under the proposed project. Response 5.2 The commenter states concern regarding “water issues, parking issues and many more.” While the commenter did not elaborate on a specific issue related to water, as discussed in Section 4.15, Utilities and Services Systems, of the Draft SEIR, the construction of any required infrastructure improvements (e.g., water main, laterals, fire water lanes, hydrants) would not significantly increase the project’s disturbance area or otherwise cause significant environmental effects. Furthermore, a Water Supply Assessment was prepared by Water Systems Consulting on October 29, 2020 for the project, which was subsequently approved by WVWD on December 17, 2020, and is included as Appendix G to the Draft SEIR. As discussed in Section 4.15, the project would not exceed WVWD’s projected supply during all normal, single-dry, and multiple-dry year scenarios through 2040. Therefore, based on the water demand projections, projected local water supplies are sufficient to serve the project during normal, single-dry, and multiple-dry years and impacts would be less than significant. The commenter’s concern regarding parking is noted; however, impacts to parking are generally not considered to be significant environmental impacts for purposes of CEQA. (San Franciscans Upholding the Downtown Plan v. City & County of San Francisco (2002) 102 Cal.App.4th 656, 697.) As such, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Furthermore, the commenter does not elaborate their “many more” concerns, and therefore they cannot be addressed at this time. Response 5.3 The commenter requests that the City meet the state housing requirements elsewhere near public transportation to make up for lack of parking. The commenter adds that no buses currently pass in the area and rideshare options (i.e., Uber, Lyft) are expensive, thereby creating a problem. The commenter’s concern regarding parking is noted; however, as previously discussed in Response 5.2, impacts to parking are generally not considered to be a CEQA impact, and the commenter’s concern regarding parking accordingly does not raise a significant environmental impact. 25 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Nonetheless, consistent with the City’s General Plan, the project would include bus turnouts to accommodate future bus service in the project area. 26 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 1 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Commissioner Ralph Thrasher DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 1.1 The commenter asked where Planning Area 10 is located on the new plans. The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing. Planning Staff clarified that Planning Area 10 was changed to Planning Area 6, which is also discussed in Section 2, Project Description, and shown in Figure 2-4 of the Draft SEIR. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. 27 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 2 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Secretary Idilio Sanchez DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 2.1 The commenter questioned if there is a reason for reducing commercial space and increasing residential space. The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing. Planning Staff clarified that by reducing commercial space, the project incorporated more mixed-use development to combine commercial, mixed-use, and residential uses space and increase the walkability (e.g., integration of paseos) of the site. Philip Burum, Deputy City Manager, added shortly after in response to another comment (see Response 4.4 of Public Hearing Comment 4) that one of the conditions of the City selling this property to the Developer was to increase residential density to meet a City Council- driven density number. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. 28 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 3 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Vice Chair Raj Sangha DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 3.1 The commenter questioned what the ratio of commercial use types would be, specifically the mix of retail use versus industrial use. Planning Staff briefly responded to the commenter’s question by clarifying that there are areas where business parks were integrated such that there would be small commercial buildings with warehouses behind. Planning Staff added that project details can be revisited at the future scheduled Planning Commission public hearing and reminded the Commission that the intent of this hearing was to take comment on the Draft SEIR. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. 29 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 4 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Chair Cathline Fort DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 4.1 The commenter questioned if additional units are anticipated when compared to the existing Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan approved by the City on March 27, 2007. The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing. Planning Staff clarified that the residential component of the would be increased from 842 units to 1,671 units under the proposed project when compared to the approved Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan, as shown in Table 2-3 of the Draft SEIR. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Response 4.2 The commenter questioned if there be an increase in height to allow for higher residential density. The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing. Planning Staff clarified that the maximum height of on-site buildings would remain the same when compared to the existing Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Response 4.3 The commenter questioned if the increase in residential units result from the proposed reduction in commercial space. The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing and Planning Staff confirmed their assumption as correct. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Response 4.4 The commenter asked about the comments that were received from the West Valley Water District. The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing. Planning Staff clarified that the District submitted comments regarding the procedural and infrastructure installation requirements to provide adequate water services to the project and noted that the comments were not in opposition to the project itself or related to the Draft SEIR. See Responses 1.1 through 1.4 of Letter A-1. Furthermore, to provide more context, Philip Burum, Deputy City Manager, added that one of the conditions of the City selling this property to the Developer was to increase residential density to meet a City Council-driven density number. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. 30 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Response 4.5 The commenter questioned if the increase in units was to support the regional housing needs allocation (RHNA). The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing. Philip Burum, Deputy City Manager, confirmed that the increase in units would support the City’s RHNA. Furthermore, as clarified by Mr. Burum, one of the conditions of the City selling this property to the Developer was to increase residential density to meet a City Council-driven density number. The commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. 31 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 5 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Secretary Idilio Sanchez DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 5.1 The commenter questioned if the City has the infrastructure to support the project. The commenter’s question was answered during the public hearing. Philip Burum, Deputy City Manager, confirmed that the nearby roadways are designed to accommodate added traffic and added that the Developer will incorporate underground infrastructure for added support. Mr. Burum points to the Traffic Study prepared by Urban Crossroads for the project (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR), which states that the purpose of the study is to evaluate the potential deficiencies related to traffic, identify circulation system deficiencies that may result from the development of the project, and to recommend improvements to resolve identified deficiencies to achieve acceptable operational conditions at study area intersections and create consistency with the City’s General Plan. Based on the results of the analysis scenarios for future opening and horizon years, Urban Crossroads identified various infrastructure recommendations to address potential deficiencies. Furthermore, as discussed in Section 4.15, Utilities and Service Systems, of the Draft SEIR, the project would result in less than significant impacts related to other local infrastructure, including water, wastewater, electric power, natural gas, or telecommunications facilities. 32 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 6 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Vice Chair Raj Sangha DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 6.1 The commenter provided concerns related to parking in accommodation of increased residential units. The commenter’s concern regarding parking is noted; however, the provision of parking is not considered a CEQA issue. (San Franciscans Upholding the Downtown Plan v. City & County of San Francisco (2002) 102 Cal.App.4th 656, 697.) As such, the commenter does not raise any significant environmental issues or raise other issues on the adequacy of the environmental analysis included in the Draft SEIR. Nonetheless, consistent with the City’s General Plan, the project would include bus turnouts to accommodate future bus service in the project area. 33 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 7 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Chair Cathline Fort DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 7.1 The commenter questioned how the increase in residential units would change the outcome of the traffic study and identified impacts. To clarify, the Traffic Study conducted by Urban Crossroads (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR) assessed the proposed project as a new project on the site independent of the approved Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan, and thus, all impacts associated with the proposed project are already identified in the Traffic Study. Jose Alire, Traffic Engineer with Urban Crossroads, stated during the public hearing that the Traffic Study assessed the land use components of the proposed project and “started over” to determine infrastructure needs generated by new development and associated traffic. As discussed in Section 4.14, Transportation, of the Draft SEIR, the project would have less than significant impacts related to VMT and programs, plans, ordinances, or policies governing the City’s public transit, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities. Response 7.2 The commenter questioned if there would be any improvements to biking trails or pedestrian crossings. Jose Alire, Traffic Engineer with Urban Crossroads, stated during the public hearing that preparation of the Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR) included review of the City’s Circulation Element and future bicycle facilities planned in the Circulation Element. Mr. Alire added that the Traffic Study references and includes planned bicycle facilities near the project to encourage their completion and complement the walkable design of the project. Mr. Alire also confirms that proper pedestrian facilities, which are required to meet ADA and other state requirements, are also included in the Traffic Study. As discussed in Section 4.14, Transportation, of the Draft SEIR, the project would have less than significant impacts related to programs, plans, ordinances, or policies governing the City’s public transit, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities. 34 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing Comment 8 COMMENTER: Planning Commission Public Hearing, Planning Secretary Idilio Sanchez DATE: May 3, 2022 Response 8.1 The commenter questioned if there are plans of opening Citrus Avenue to the I-15 by adding a new on- and off-ramp. The commenter added concerns related to the project area being overloaded with more traffic under a cumulative scenario and questioned if these impacts were analyzed. Jose Alire, Traffic Engineer with Urban Crossroads, stated during the public hearing that the opening of Citrus Avenue to I-15 would be a regional matter best answered by the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) and Caltrans as they are the controlling agencies. Mr. Alire clarified that local agencies, such as City of Fontana, would have to collect their fair shares for improvements in coordination with SBCTA. With respect to cumulative impacts, Mr. Alire confirmed that the Traffic Study (Appendix I to the Draft SEIR) analyzes traffic under a cumulative scenario based on pending and future project information provided by the City. Philip Burum, Deputy City Manager, further confirmed that added ramps along Citrus Avenue is a Caltrans decision and there is currently no plan for such improvements. 35 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment Responses to Comments on the Draft SEIR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report This page intentionally left blank. 36 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Supplemental Environmental Imact Report 3-1 3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program CEQA requires that a reporting or monitoring program be adopted for the conditions of project approval that are necessary to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment (PRC Section 21081.6). This mitigation monitoring and reporting program is intended to track and ensure compliance with adopted mitigation measures during the project implementation phase. For each mitigation measure recommended in the Final SEIR, specifications are made herein that identify the action required, the monitoring that must occur, and the agency or department responsible for oversight. City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 3-2 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments Air Quality AQ-1: Transportation Control Measures The proposed project shall implement transportation control measures (TCMs) to reduce vehicular emissions to and from the site, which may include the following:  Ridesharing Programs  Area-wide Carpooling and Vanpooling – The developer/building managers shall provide information brochures on carpooling and vanpooling.  Modified Work Schedules – The developer/building managers shall encourage commercial and office tenants to allow modified work schedules for employees.  Park and Ride Facilities – The developer/building managers shall accommodate the parking of vehicles to promote carpooling and vanpooling. Ares for future bus stops shall be reserved, where feasible.  Parking Management  Off-street Parking Controls – Measures to discourage single-occupant vehicles shall be implemented through parking controls.  Parking Management Programs – Measures to discourage single-occupant vehicles (SOV) shall be implemented.  Non-Motorized Strategies  Bicycle Lanes and Storage Facilities – Bicycle paths and bike racks shall be provided on-site.  Pedestrian Improvements – Sidewalks and pedestrian walkways shall be provided throughout the site. Review and approval of identified and implemented TCMs. Prior to the issuance of a construction permit and during construction prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit Continuous; throughout construction activities City of Fontana Planning Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Supplemental Environmental Imact Report 3-3 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments  Telecommunications  Adequate system connections in all homes – Telecommunication systems shall be provided in residential villages.  Wi-Fi “hot-spots” within the Community – High-speed wireless local area network shall be provided at select locations on- site.  The developer shall incorporate the TCMs above to facilitate the option to select a non- SOV transportation option. Biological Resources BIO-1A: Burrowing Owl Preconstruction Survey A burrowing owl pre-construction clearance survey shall be conducted prior to any ground disturbance or vegetation removal activities to ensure that burrowing owls remain absent from the project site. In accordance with the CDFW’s Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (2012), two pre- construction clearance surveys shall be conducted 14 - 30 days, and 24 hours prior to any ground disturbance or vegetation removal activities. Verification that the project Applicant has retained a qualified biologist to prepare two scheduled burrowing owl pre-construction clearance surveys. Review and approval of both pre-construction clearance surveys. Prior to the issuance of a grading or other construction permit Once City of Fontana Planning Department BIO-1B: Burrowing Owl Avoidance Measures A burrowing owl survey shall be conducted no more than 30 days prior to the onset of construction to ensure avoidance of this species. If no occupied burrows are found, a report shall be submitted to the City and construction may begin without further actions. If owl burrows are found, a 300-foot buffer zone shall be established around each burrow with an active nest until the young have fledged and are able to exit the burrow. For occupied burrows without active nesting or active burrows after the young have fledged, passive relocation of the owls would be performed. This shall involve installation of a one-way door at the burrow entrance. The Burrowing Owl Survey Protocol and Mitigation Guidelines (California If no occupied burrows are found from survey, review and approval of a final report prepared by a qualified biologist documenting their lack of presence. Prior to issuance of a grading or other construction permit Once City of Fontana Planning Department If occupied burrows with active nesting are found from survey, field verification that proper avoidance buffer zones are demarcated and enforced around each active burrow until the young have Upon discovery of occupied burrows Continuous, throughout construction activities near active burrow(s) Same as above City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 3-4 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments Burrowing Owl Consortium 1993) shall be utilized for current methods for passive relocation of any owls found during the survey. A qualified biologist shall conduct the relocation activities and provide construction monitoring during construction activities near the burrows. fledged/exited and a qualified biologist is retained to monitor construction activities near burrows. If occupied burrows without active nesting (or after young have fledged/exited), field verification of passive relocation of owls conducted by a qualified biologist. Upon discovery of occupied burrows Continuous, throughout relocation activities Same as above BIO-1C: Nesting Bird Avoidance All construction activities shall comply with the MBTA and CFGC Sections 3503, 3511 and 3513. The MBTA governs the taking and killing of migratory birds, their eggs, parts, and nests and prohibits the take of any migratory bird, their eggs, parts, and nests. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the following measures shall be implemented:  To avoid disturbance of nesting and special- status bird species protected by the MBTA and California Fish and Game Commission, construction activities related to the project, including but not limited to, vegetation removal, ground disturbance, and construction and demolition shall occur outside of the bird breeding season (February 1 through August 31). If construction must begin during the breeding season, then a pre-construction nesting bird survey shall be conducted no more than 30 days prior to initiation of construction activities. The nesting bird pre-construction survey shall be conducted on foot inside the project site disturbance areas. If an active avian nest is discovered during the pre-construction clearance survey, construction activities shall stay outside of a 300-foot buffer around the active nest. For listed and raptor species, this buffer shall be expanded to 500 feet. If project construction activities/disturbances begin during bird nesting season (February 1 – August 31), verification that the project Applicant has retained a qualified biologist to prepare a pre-construction nesting bird survey. Prior to issuance of a grading or other construction permit Once City of Fontana Planning Department Field verification that all inaccessible areas are surveyed by a qualified biologist from afar using binoculars. Prior to issuance of a grading or other construction permit Once Same as above If active nests are found from survey, field verification that proper avoidance buffer zones are demarcated and enforced around each active nest. Upon discovery of active nests Continuous, throughout construction activities near active nest(s) Same as above Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Supplemental Environmental Imact Report 3-5 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments  Inaccessible areas (e.g., private lands) shall be surveyed from afar using binoculars to the extent practical. The survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist familiar with the identification of avian species known to occur in the valley/foothill areas of San Bernardino County. If nests are found, an appropriate avoidance buffer shall be determined by a qualified biologist and demarcated by a qualified biologist with bright orange construction fencing, flagging, construction lathe, or other means to mark the boundary. Effective buffer distances are highly variable and based on specific project stage, bird species, stage of nesting cycle, work type, and the tolerance of a particular bird pair. The buffer may be up to 500 feet in diameter, depending on the species of nesting bird found and the biologist’s observations. Cultural Resources and Tribal Cultural Resources CUL-2A: Archaeological Resources a. The City shall designate a qualified archaeologist to monitor all project-related ground disturbing activities. Archaeological monitoring shall be performed under the guidance and direction of a Project Archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archeology (National Park Service 1983). A Native American monitor from the consulting tribes (those tribes that have consulted on the project under AB 52) shall also be retained to monitor ground disturbing activities. Upon discovery of any tribal cultural or archaeological resources, all construction activities in the immediate vicinity (50 feet) of the find shall cease until the find can be assessed. All tribal cultural and archaeological resources unearthed by project construction Retention of a qualified archaeologist and locally affiliated Native American monitor to monitor ground- disturbing activities. Prior to issuance of a grading or other construction permit Once City of Fontana Planning Department If archaeological resources are found, field verification that all construction activities within 50 feet have ceased. Upon discovery of archaeological resources Continuous, throughout construction near resource(s) Same as above If archaeological resources are found, consultation with retained qualified archaeologist to determine treatment of resource. If archaeological resources of Native American origin are Upon discovery of archaeological resources Continuous, throughout construction near resource(s) Same as above City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 3-6 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments activities shall be evaluated by the qualified archaeologist and tribal monitor/consultant from a consulting tribe. If the resources are Native American in origin, interested Tribes (as a result of correspondence with area Tribes) shall coordinate with the landowner regarding treatment (including evaluations for CRHR listing) and curation of these resources. Work may continue on other parts of the project while evaluation takes place. b. Monitors shall have the authority to halt and redirect work should any archaeological resources be identified during monitoring. If archaeological resources are encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work in the immediate area must halt and the find evaluated for listing in the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR). Construction monitoring may be reduced or halted at the discretion of the Project Archaeologist, in consultation with the lead agency, as warranted by conditions that include, but are not limited to encountering bedrock, non-native sediments (infill), or negative findings. Should archaeological spot-checking be recommended by the Project Archaeologist, it will only occur in areas of new construction, where ground disturbance will extend to depths not previously reached (unless those depths are within bedrock). Upon completion of project related ground disturbance and monitoring efforts, a monitoring report should be submitted to the City for review and approval. The final report should be transmitted to the South-Central Coastal Information Center housed at California State University, Fullerton. c. Preservation in place shall be the preferred manner of treatment. If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment may include implementation of archaeological data recovery found, consultation with Native American representatives to determine treatment of resource. If archaeological resources are found, review and approval of treatment plan. Upon completion of coordination with monitors Once Same as above Review and approval of final monitoring report. Upon completion of ground-disturbing activities Once Same as above Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Supplemental Environmental Imact Report 3-7 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments excavation to remove the resource from its current location for reburial elsewhere on the project site. Any historic archaeological material that is not Native American in origin shall be curated at a public, non-profit institution with a research interest in the materials, if such an institution agrees to accept the material. If no institution accepts the archaeological material, they shall be reburied on the project site. CUL-2B: Worker’s Environmental Awareness Program A qualified archaeologist who meets or exceeds the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archeology (National Park Service [NPS] 1983) shall conduct worker environmental awareness program (WEAP) training, prior to the commencement of any ground-disturbing activities. The sensitivity training shall include a description of the types of cultural material that may be encountered, cultural sensitivity issues, the regulatory environment, and the proper protocol for treatment and disposition of cultural materials in the event of a find. The training shall be required for all earthmoving construction personnel and a sign-in-sheet shall also be required. Verification that the project Applicant has retained a qualified archaeologist to conduct WEAP training. Prior to the start of construction activities Once City of Fontana Planning Department Review and retention of WEAP training sign-in sheet signed by all trainees. Prior to the start of construction activities and during ground- disturbing activities, as needed Continuous; throughout ground- disturbing activities Same as above Geology and Soils GEO-2: Implement Engineering Recommendations Final design for each planning area shall incorporate engineering recommendations based on site specific soil investigations, and shall consider collapsible soils, protection from corrosive soils, and other applicable soil conditions. More specifically, final design shall incorporate recommendations from the Preliminary Geological Investigation Approximately 81.1-Acre Site Duncan Canyon, City of Fontana California, prepared by Converse Consultants in September 2005, or subsequent analysis. Review and approval of implemented geotechnical engineering recommendations. Prior to issuance of a grading or other construction permit Once City of Fontana Planning Department City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 3-8 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments GEO-3 Paleontological Monitoring Monitoring shall be conducted for excavation activities extending to estimated depths of eight feet or more below the existing ground surface. If required, the paleontologic monitor shall be equipped to salvage fossils as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays and to remove samples of sediments that are likely to contain the remains of small fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. Monitors are empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or large specimens. Monitoring may be reduced if the potentially fossiliferous units are not present in the subsurface, or if present, are determined upon exposure and examination by qualified paleontologic personnel to have low potential to contain fossil resources. Also, the following measures shall be made during the monitoring of excavation activities on undisturbed subsurface Pleistocene sediments.  During monitoring, preparation of recovered specimens to a point of identification and permanent preservation, including washing of sediments to recover small invertebrates and vertebrates should occur.  During monitoring, identification and curation of specimens into a museum repository with permanent retrievable storage should occur. The paleontologist must have a written repository agreement in hand prior to the initiation of mitigation activities.  During monitoring, preparation of a report of findings with an itemized inventory of specimens should occur. The report and inventory, when submitted to the City of Fontana (as the Lead Agency), will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts to paleontological resources. If excavation or other ground- disturbing activities extend to depths of eight feet or below, verification that the project Applicant has retained a qualified paleontologist to monitor such activities. Prior to issuance of a grading or other construction permit Once City of Fontana Planning Department Review and approval of qualified paleontologist’s written repository agreement. Prior to the start of construction activities Once Same as above If fossils are discovered from disturbance of previously undisturbed subsurface Pliestocene sediments, verification that all finds are recovered, identified, preserved, and curated. Upon discovery of fossils Continuous; throughout ground- disturbing activities Same as above Review and approval of a final findings report with itemized inventory of finds. Upon completion of ground-disturbing activities Once Same as above If qualified paleontologist confirms full-time monitoring is not warranted, review and approval of recommendation that monitoring be limited. During initial ground-disturbing activities Once Same as above Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Supplemental Environmental Imact Report 3-9 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments HAZ-1A: Soil Sampling – Phase II ESA Prior to the start of construction (demolition or grading), the project applicant will retain a qualified environmental consultant, California Professional Geologist (PG) or California Professional Engineer (PE), to prepare a Phase II ESA of the project site that will be developed, to determine whether the soil has been impacted at concentrations exceeding regulatory screening levels for residential/commercial land uses. The Phase II ESA will be completed prior to construction and will be focused on the former agricultural use of the property (all Planning Areas), potential presence of aerially deposited lead (Planning Areas 3, 4, 5b, and 6), and the onsite presence of undocumented soil piles/trash (Planning Areas 4 and 6). As part of the Phase II ESA, the qualified environmental consultant will screen the analytical results against the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board environmental screening levels (ESL). These ESLs are risk-based screening levels for direct exposure of a construction worker under various depth and land use scenarios. The lead agency will review and approve the Phase II ESA prior to demolition and grading (construction). If the Phase II ESA for the development site indicates that contaminants are detected in the subsurface at the project site, the project applicant will take appropriate steps to protect site workers and the public. This may include the preparation of a Soil Management Plan for Impacted Soils (see Mitigation Measure HAZ-1B) prior to project construction. If the Phase II ESA for the contaminant site indicates that contaminants are present at concentrations exceeding hazardous waste screening thresholds for contaminants in soil and/or groundwater (California Code of Regulations [CCR] Title 22, Section 66261.24 Characteristics of Toxicity), the project applicant will take appropriate steps to protect site workers and Verification that the project Applicant has retained a qualified environmental consultant (PG or PE) to prepare a Phase II ESA. Review and approval of the Phase II ESA. Prior to the start of construction activities Once City of Fontana Planning Department If the Phase II ESA for the development site indicates that contaminants are present, verification that the project Applicant addresses contamination through appropriate action through compliance with Mitigation Measure HAZ-1B or -IC (below). Upon discovery of on- site contaminants and prior to the start of construction activities Continuous, throughout remediation activities Same as above City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 3-10 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments the public. This may include the completion of remediation (see Mitigation Measure HAZ-1C) at the proposed project prior to onsite construction. HAZ-1B: Soil Management Plan for Impacted Soils If impacted soils or other impacted wastes are present at the project site, the project applicant will retain a qualified environmental consultant (PG or PE), to prepare a Soil Management Plan (SMP) prior to construction. The SMP, or equivalent document, will be prepared to address onsite handling and management of impacted soils or other impacted wastes, and reduce hazards to construction workers and offsite receptors during construction. The plan must establish remedial measures and/or soil management practices to ensure construction worker safety, the health of future workers and visitors, and the off-site migration of contaminants from the site. These measures and practices may include, but are not limited to:  Stockpile management including stormwater pollution prevention and the installation of BMPs  Proper disposal procedures of contaminated materials  Monitoring and reporting  A health and safety plan for contractors working at the site that addresses the safety and health hazards of each phase of site construction activities with the requirements and procedures for employee protection  The health and safety plan will also outline proper soil handling procedures and health and safety requirements to minimize worker and public exposure to hazardous materials during construction. The lead agency will review and approve the development site Soil Management Plan for Impacted Soils prior to demolition and grading (construction). If the Phase II ESA for the development site indicates the presence of impacted soils or other impacted wastes, verification that the project Applicant has retained a qualified environmental consultant (PG or PE) to prepare a SMP, or equivalent document. Review and approval of the SMP, or equivalent document. Upon discovery of on- site contaminants and prior to the start of construction activities Once City of Fontana Planning Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Supplemental Environmental Imact Report 3-11 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments HAZ-1C: Remediation If soil present within the construction envelope at the development site contains chemicals at concentrations exceeding hazardous waste screening thresholds for contaminants in soil (California Code of Regulations [CCR] Title 22, Section 66261.24), the project applicant will retain a qualified environmental consultant (PG or PE), to conduct additional analytical testing and recommend soil disposal recommendations, or consider other remedial engineering controls, as necessary. The qualified environmental consultant will utilize the development site analytical results for waste characterization purposes prior to offsite transportation or disposal of potentially impacted soils or other impacted wastes. The qualified environmental consultant will provide disposal recommendations and arrange for proper disposal of the waste soils or other impacted wastes (as necessary), and/or provide recommendations for remedial engineering controls, if appropriate. The project applicant will review and approve the disposal recommendations prior to transportation of waste soils offsite, and review and approve remedial engineering controls, prior to construction. Remediation of impacted soils and/or implementation of remedial engineering controls, may require additional delineation of impacts; additional analytical testing per landfill or recycling facility requirements; soil excavation; and offsite disposal or recycling. The lead agency will review and approve the development site disposal recommendations prior to transportation of waste soils offsite and review and approve remedial engineering controls, prior to construction. If the Phase II ESA for the development site indicates the presence of impacted soils with chemicals at concentrations exceeding applicable thresholds, verification that the project Applicant has retained a qualified environmental consultant (PG or PE) to conduct additional testing, prepare disposal recommendations, and identify remedial engineering controls. Upon discovery of on-site contaminants and prior to the start of construction activities Once City of Fontana Planning Department Verification that the project Applicant has reviewed and approved the disposal recommendations and remedial engineering controls. Prior to transportation of waste soils offsite and prior to the start of construction activities Once Same as above Review and approval of the disposal recommendations and remedial engineering controls. Prior to transportation of waste soils offsite and prior to the start of construction activities Once Same as above City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment 3-12 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments Noise N-3: Exterior-to-Interior Noise Analysis For residential units where exterior noise levels exceed 65 dBA CNEL, the project applicant shall coordinate with the project architects and other contractors to ensure compliance with the 45 dBA CNEL interior noise level standard. This shall be achieved through additional exterior-to-interior noise analysis and incorporation of noise attenuation features once specific building plan information is available. The information in the analysis shall include wall heights and lengths, room volumes, window and door tables typical for a building plan, as well as information on other openings in the building shell. With this specific building plan information, the analysis shall determine the predicted interior noise levels at the planned on-site buildings. If predicted noise levels are found to be in excess of the applicable limit, the report shall identify architectural materials or techniques that could be included to reduce noise levels to the applicable limit. The project applicant shall comply with mitigation measures included in the interior noise report to reduce interior noise levels where applicable noise limits are exceeded. Verification that the project Applicant has coordinated with architects/contractors to comply with 45 CNEL interior noise standard through additional interior-to-exterior noise analysis. Review and approval of exterior-to-interior noise analysis and noise attenuation architectural materials, features. Prior to approval of project plans once specific building plan information is available Once City of Fontana Planning Department