HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A1- Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting Appendix A-1 Notice of Preparation – Scoping Comments 1 City of Fontana Planning Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Notice of Preparation of a Draft Supplemental EIR and Scoping Meeting Date: October 20, 2021 To: Public Agencies and Interested Parties Subject: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and Scoping Meeting Project Title: Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment The City of Fontana, as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) project (the “project”). In accordance with Section 15082 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City has issued this Notice of Preparation (NOP) to provide responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and other interested parties with information describing the proposed project and its potential environmental effects. The purpose of this notice is to: 1) serve as the Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), Responsible Agencies, public agencies involved in funding or approving the project, and Trustee Agencies responsible for natural resources affected by the project, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15082; 2) advise and solicit comments and suggestions regarding the preparation of the EIR, environmental issues to be addressed in the EIR, and any other related issues, from interested parties, including interested or affected members of the public; and 3) advertise a public meeting to solicit comments from public agencies and interested parties regarding the scope of study in the EIR. Project Location The project site is located southeast of the Interstate 15 (I-15), west of Citrus Avenue, and both north and south of Duncan Canyon Road. The approximately 102-acre project site is located in the northern part of the City of Fontana, within San Bernardino County, California. The project is bound by the I-15 Freeway to the north and west, Citrus Avenue to the east, and a Southern California Edison (SCE) Transmission Line Corridor to the south (see Figure 1, Regional Map and Figure 2, Vicinity Map). The project site is currently undeveloped and includes eucalyptus trees in windrows within the northern portion of the site. FONTANA . City of Fontana NOTICE OF PREPARATION 2 Project Description The project includes a comprehensive Specific Plan Amendment to modify and update the overall development plan to reflect current planning and market demands. The existing Duncan Canyon at Ventana Specific Plan (2007 Specific Plan) identified ten (10) Planning Areas and included the development of up to 574,500 square feet (sf) of commercial uses; 842 dwelling units; a Corporate Office Corridor; and the construction of the realigned Lytle Creek Road. The proposed project re-envisions the project site with six (6) Planning Areas. The project would include the development of up to 476,500 sf of commercial uses, 1,671 dwelling units, a focal point piazza (public square), and the construction of the realigned Lytle Creek Road. The greatest difference between the existing Specific Plan and the proposed project is the overall increase in residential units, 1,671 compared to the 842 units under the existing Specific Plan. The additional units are accommodated via an increase in density from 15 to 26 units per acre, along with an increase in residential acreage of 8.6 acres (15 percent), from 55.9 acres under the existing Specific Plan, to 64.5 acres for the proposed project. In addition, the total commercial area would be reduced by 98,000 square-feet (17 percent), from 574,500 square-feet under the existing Specific Plan, to 476,500 for the proposed project. The project requires City of Fontana approval of the following entitlements: General Plan Amendment (GPA No. 21-0006), a Specific Plan Amendment (SPA No. 21-0001) to change the land uses, planning areas, and other elements of the Specific Plan. EIR Scope The City is preparing an Initial Study to evaluate the potentially significant impacts of the proposed project. The Initial Study is available on the City’s website; see Opportunity for Public Review and Comment herein. An EIR was prepared for the existing Specific Plan and certified in 2007. The City of Fontana in its capacity as Lead Agency for the proposed Project has determined that the project clearly has the potential to result in significant environmental effects and that a Supplemental EIR shall be prepared. Based on the preliminary results of the Initial Study, the following topics warrant additional consideration in an EIR:  Aesthetics  Air Quality  Biological Resources  Cultural Resources  Energy  Geology and Soils  Greenhouse Gas Emissions  Hazards and Hazardous Materials  Hydrology and Water Quality  Land Use and Planning  Noise  Population and Housing  Public Services  Transportation  Tribal Cultural Resources  Utilities and Service Systems  Wildfire The EIR will assess the effects of the project on the environment, identify potentially significant impacts, identify feasible mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate potentially significant environmental impacts, and discuss potentially feasible alternatives to the project that may accomplish basic objectives while lessening or eliminating any potentially significant project-related impacts. Notice of Preparation 3 Opportunity for Public Review and Comment This Notice, as well as an Initial Study, is available for review on the City’s website at: https://www.fontana.org/2137/Environmental-Documents. The City of Fontana would like to receive your input on the scope of the information and analysis to be included in the EIR. Due to time limits, as established by CEQA, your response should be sent at the earliest possible date, but no later than thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. Please submit your comments by 5:00 p.m. on November 19, 2021 by mail or e-mail to: Paul Gonzales, Senior Planner Phone: (909) 350-6658 City of Fontana Email: pgonzales@fontana.org 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Please include the name, phone number, and address of a contact person in your response. Scoping Meeting The City of Fontana will hold a public scoping meeting, where agencies, organizations, and members of the public will receive a brief presentation on the Project and will have the opportunity to provide comments on the scope of the information and analysis to be included in the EIR. The meeting will be held on: Date and Time: October 27, 2021 at 5:00-6:00 pm. Place: On-line meeting Access meeting at: https://tinyurl.com/mtrxxj9m Call in: +1 805-456-4438 Access Code: 990 561 4# Attachments: Figure 1 – Regional Map Figure 2 – Vicinity Map Figure 3 – Conceptual Site Plan for Planning Areas 1, 3 and 5 Figure 4 – Conceptual Site Plan for Planning Areas 2, 4 and 6 Notice of Preparation 4 Figure 1 Regional Location NProjectLocation '*M Palmdale ’« Notice of Preparation 5 Figure 2 Vicinity Map Imagery provided Microsoft Bing andits licensors ©2021. Notice of Preparation 6 Figure 3 Conceptual Site Plan for Planning Areas 1, 3 and 5 PA 3 Corporate Research &Development PA-5A -Rise Hotel. Restaurant PA-5B l = Notice of Preparation 7 Figure 4 Conceptual Site Plan for Planning Areas 2, 4 and 6 Canyon Rd PA-6 Offico &Development