HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I - Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan❖ APPENDICES ❖ 7106/Summit Avenue Warehouse Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration December 2021 APPENDIX I Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan Allard Engineering Prelim in ary W a ter Q ual i ty M anagemen t Pla n For: Sierra / Summit PARCEL MAP NO. 20167 WQMP No. At the Intersection of Sierra Avenue & Summit Avenue Prepared for: Prepared by: Allard Engineering 16866 Seville Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone (909) 356-1815 rallard@allardeng.com Initial Preparation Date: November 3, 2020 Submittal Date: Approval Date: Allard EngineeringAppendix I Project Owner’s Certification This Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for Ketter Pacific Investment, LLC by Allard Engineering. The WQMP is intended to comply with the requirements of the City of Fontana and the NPDES Area wide Stormwater Program requiring the preparation of a WQMP. The undersigned, while it owns the subject property, is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this plan and will ensure that this plan is amended as appropriate to reflect up-to-date conditions on the site consistent with San Bernardino County’s Municipal Storm Water Management Program and the intent of the NPDES Permit for San Bernardino County and the incorporated cities of San Bernardino County within the Santa Ana Region. Once the undersigned transfers its interest in the property, its successors in interest and the city/county shall be notified of the transfer. The new owner will be informed of its responsibility under this WQMP. A copy of the approved WQMP shall be available on the subject site in perpetuity. “I certify under a penalty of law that the provisions (implementation, operation, maintenance, and funding) of the WQMP have been accepted and that the plan will be transferred to future successors.” Project Data Permit/Application Number(s):PAM20-000038 Grading Permit Number(s): Tract/Parcel Map Number(s):20167 Building Permit Number(s): CUP, SUP, and/or APN (Specify Lot Numbers if Portions of Tract):APN (s): 0239-161-28 Owner’s Signature Owner Name: Zack Hovav Title Company Address 1663 Glenwood Avenue Upland, CA 91784 Email Telephone #909-227-3368 Signature Date Allard Engineering Preparer’s Certification Proj ect Data Permit/Application Number(s):PAM20-000038 Grading Permit Number(s): Tract/Parcel Map Number(s):Building Permit Number(s): CUP, SUP, and/or APN (Specify Lot Numbers if Portions of Tract):APN (s): 0239-161-28 “The selection, sizing and design of stormwater treatment and other stormwater quality and quantity control measures in this plan were prepared under my oversight and meet the requirements of Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R8-2010-0036.” Engineer:RAYMOND ALLARD PE Stamp Below Title PRESIDENT Company Allard Engineering Address 16866 Seville Avenue Email rallard@allardeng.com Telephone # (909) 356-1815 Signature Date Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Contents ii Table of Contents Section 1 Discretionary Permits ................................................................................. 1-1 Section 2 Project Description...................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Project Information........................................................................................ 2-1 2.2 Property O wnership / Manage ment .............................................................. 2-2 2.3 Poten t ial Stor mwater Pollutan ts ................................................................... 2-3 2.4 Water Q ual ity Credits ........……………………………………………………………………………. 2-4 Section 3 Site and Watershed Description ................................................................. 3-1 Section 4 Best Management Practices ....................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Source Control BMP ....................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 Pollu t ion Preven tion.................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Preven tative LID Si te Design Pract ices ....................................................... 4-7 4.2 Project Perfor m ance Criteria ......................................................................... 4-8 4.3 Project Conforma nce An alysis ....................................................................... 4-14 4.3.1 Site Design H ydrologic Source Control BMP .............................................. 4-19 4.3.2 Infiltra tion BMP .......................................................................................... 4-26 4.3.3 Harvest and Use B M P .................................................................................. 4-30 4.3.4 Biotreatmen t BMP ....................................................................................... 4.31 4.3.5 Conformance Su m mary ............................................................................... 4-35 4.3.6 Hyd romodification Control B MP ............................................................... 4-38 4.4 Alternative Co mpliance Plan (if applicable) ................................................. 4-39 Section 5 Inspection & Maintenance Responsibility Post Construction BMPs ........... 5-1 Section 6 Site Plan and Drainage Plan ........................................................................ 6-1 6.1. Si te Plan and Drainage Plan .......................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Electronic Data Sub m ittal ............................................................................. 6-1 Forms Form 1-1 Project I nformati on ............................................................................................... 1-1 Form 2.1-1 D escriptio n of Proposed Project ......................................................................... 2-1 Form 2.2-1 Property Ownership /Manageme nt ..................................................................... 2-2 Form 2.3-1 Pollutan ts of Concern ......................................................................................... 2-3 Form 2.4-1 Water Q uality Credits ......................................................................................... 2-4 Form 3-1 Site Locatio n and Hydrologic Features ................................................................. 3-1 Form 3-2 Hydrologic Characteristics .................................................................................... 3-2 Form 3-3 Watershed Description .......................................................................................... 3-5 Form 4.1-1 Non-Structural Source Control BMP ................................................................... 4-2 Form 4.1-2 Structural Source Control B MP .......................................................................... 4-5 Form 4.1-3 Site Design Practices Checklist ........................................................................... 4-7 Form 4.2-1 LID BMP Performance Criteria for Design Cap t ure Volume ............................. 4-8 Form 4.2-2 Su m mary of HCO C Assessmen t .......................................................................... 4-11 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Contents iii Form 4.2-3 HC OC Assessment for Runoff Vol ume ............................................................... 4-12 Form 4.2-4 HCOC Assessmen t for Time of Co ncentration .................................................. 4-13 Form 4.2-5 H C OC Assessment for Peak Ru noff .................................................................... 4-14 Form 4.3-1 Infil tration BMP Feasibi lity ................................................................................ 4-16 Form 4.3-2 Site Design Hyd rologic Source Con trol BMP ..................................................... 4-20 Form 4.3-3 Infiltration LID BMP ........................................................................................... 4-27 Form 4.3-4 H arvest and Use BMP ......................................................................................... 4-30 Form 4.3-5 Selection and Eval uation of Biotreatment BMP ................................................ 4-31 Form 4.3-6 V olume Based Biotreatmen t – Bioreten tion and Planter Boxes w/Underd rai ns 4-32 Form 4.3-7 Volu me Based Biotreatme nt- Co nstructed Wet lan ds an d Extended Detention 4-33 Form 4.3-8 Flow Based Biotreatment ................................................................................... 4-34 Form 4.3-9 Conformance Sum mary an d Alternative Co m pliance Volume Estimate .......... 4-35 Form 4.3-10 H yd romodificat ion Con trol BMP ..................................................................... 4-38 Form 5-1 BMP Inspection a nd Maintenance ........................................................................ 5-1 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1-1 Section 1 Discretionary Permit(s) Form 1-1 Project Information Project Name Sierra / Casa Grande Warehouse Project Owner Contact Name:Jack Hovav Mailing Address: E-mail Address:-Telephone:909-227-3368 Permit/Application Number(s):Tract/Parcel Map Number(s): 20167 APN (s): 0239-161-28 Additional Information/ Comments:N/A, Description of Project: The project is a 4.49 acres proposed commercial development which consist of warehouse, trailer dock/parking, parking lot, planters and landscaping at the Southwest corner of Sierra Avenue and Summit Avenue in the City of Fontana. The proposed development will have approximately 81% impervious overall. Onsite water will drain in to the proposed grate inlets via onsite storm drain/on surface and the drains to the proposed Stormtech Inciltration Chamber System for the low flow infiltration for WQ mitigation. Once the chamber system reach its capacity and for the stormevent larger than the wq stormevent, the runoff will discharge via onsite storm drain into the existing 24” rcp lateral and ultimately drains to the master Storm Drain System (66” RCP Line B1) in Sierra Avenue. One Drainage Area: DA1 with ONE Drainage Management Areas (DMA-1) Onsite drainage area divided into two drainage management areas (DMA-1) based on the flow pattern onsite. DMA-1 include a Stormtech Infiltration Chamber System-1 for water quality volume, a network of storm drain pipe/conveyance system including grate inlet with ADS Flextorm Filter Inserts for pre-treatment. Water drains to Chamber-1 via onsite drainage system for low flow infiltration. For larger flow, once the Chamber-1 reach its capacity, it will drain out to the existing lateral (24” RCP) at the southwest corner of the site via storm drain and will ultimately drain to the master storm drain system (66” RCP) in Sierra Avenue. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1-2 Provide summary of Conceptual WQMP conditions (if previously submitted and approved). Attach complete copy. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-1 Section 2 Project Description 2.1 Project Information This section of the WQMP should provide the information listed below. The information provided for Conceptual/ Preliminary WQMP should give sufficient detail to identify the major proposed site design and LID BMPs and other anticipated water quality features that impact site planning. Final Project WQMP must specifically identify all BMP incorporated into the final site design and provide other detailed information as described herein. The purpose of this information is to help determine the applicable development category, pollutants of concern, watershed description, and long term maintenance responsibilities for the project, and any applicable water quality credits. This information will be used in conjunction with the information in Section 3, Site Description, to establish the performance criteria and to select the LID BMP or other BMP for the project or other alternative programs that the project will participate in, which are described in Section 4. Form 2.1-1 Description of Proposed Project 1 Development Category (Select all that apply): Significant re- development involving the addition or replacement of 5,000 ft2 or more of impervious surface on an already developed site New development involving the creation of 10,000 ft2 or more of impervious surface collectively over entire site Automotive repair shops with standard industrial classification (SIC) codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532- 7534, 7536-7539 Restaurants (with SIC code 5812) where the land area of development is 5,000 ft2 or more Hillside developments of 5,000 ft2 or more which are located on areas with known erosive soil conditions or where the natural slope is 25 percent or more Developments of 2,500 ft2 of impervious surface or more adjacent to (within 200 ft) or discharging directly into environmentally sensitive areas or waterbodies listed on the CWA Section 303(d) list of impaired waters. Parking lots of 5,000 ft2 or more exposed to storm water Retail gasoline outlets that are either 5,000 ft2 or more, or have a projected average daily traffic of 100 or more vehicles per day Non-Priority / Non-Category Project May require source control LID BMPs and other LIP requirements. Please consult with local jurisdiction on specific requirements. 2 Project Area (ft2): 195,410-sf sf 3 Number of Dwelling Units: 1 4 SIC Code:3999 5 Is Project going to be phased? Yes No If yes, ensure that the WQMP evaluates each phase as a distinct DA, requiring LID BMPs to address runoff at time of completion. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-2 6 Does Project include roads? Yes No If yes, ensure that applicable requirements for transportation projects are addressed (see Appendix A of TGD for WQMP) Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-3 2.2 Property Ownership/Management Describe the ownership/management of all portions of the project and site. State whether any infrastructure will transfer to public agencies (City, County, Caltrans, etc.) after project completion. State if a homeowners or property owners association will be formed and be responsible for the long-term maintenance of project stormwater facilities. Describe any lot-level stormwater features that will be the responsibility of individual property owners. Form 2.2-1 Property Ownership /M anagement Describe property ownership/management responsible for long-term of WQMP stormwater facilities: Ketter Pacific Investment, LLC. will be responsible to build the site and the maintenance of the post-developed BMPs. Address: 1633 Glenwood Avenue, Upland, CA 91784 Phone Number: 909-227-3368 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-4 2.3 Potential Stormwater Pollutants Determine and describe expected stormwater pollutants of concern based on land uses and site activities (refer to Table 3-3 in the TGD for WQMP). Form 2.3-1 Pollutants of Concern Pollutant Please check: E=Expected, N=Not Expected Additional Information and Comments Pathogens (Bacterial / Virus)E N Bacteria and viruses are a potential pollutant for industrial developments. Due to the nature of the development the site will be treated using site and source and treatment control BMPs. Bacteria and virus can also be detected in pavement runoff, therefore, the site has incorporated treatment control throughout. All paved and hardened surfaces will flow through the proposed grate inlet pre- treatment units prior to discharge into the proposed infiltration basins as part of Low Impact Design (LID). Impacted Water Body: Santa Ana River Reach 3. Nutrients/Noxious Aquatic Plants E N This commercial site includes landscaping area which will be the potential generation of this type of pollutants. Impacted Water Body: None Sediment / Total suspended solids / pH E N This commercial site which will be the potential generation of this type of pollutants. Metals E N Generates from Commercial/Industrial buildings and parking lots Impacted Water Body: Santa Ana River Reach 3. Oil and Grease E N Generates from oil & grease from parked vehicle of the Commercial project Trash/Debris E N Debris/trash is a potential pollutant for Commercial/Industrial project. Trash/debris from paved surfaces will be intercepted in the proposed grate inlets with filtration devices as part of the source and treatment control BMPs. Impacted Water Body: None Pesticides / Herbicides E N This commercial site will use pesticides/herbicides for pest control purposes and will be the potential generation of this type of pollutants. Impacted Water Body: None Organic Compounds E N This commercial site includes the usage of solvents which will be the potential generation of this type of pollutants. Impacted Water Body: None Other: Nutrients E N Include nitrogen and phosphorus from usages of fertilizers in the proposed landscape area. Oxygen Demanding Compounds E N Other:E N Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 2-5 2.4 Water Quality Credits A water quality credit program is applicable for certain types of development projects if it is not feasible to meet the requirements for on-site LID. Proponents for eligible projects, as described below, can apply for water quality credits that would reduce project obligations for selecting and sizing other treatment BMP or participating in other alternative compliance programs. Refer to Section 6.2 in the TGD for WQMP to determine if water quality credits are applicable for the project. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-6 Form 2.4-1 Water Quality Credits 1 Project Types that Qualify for Water Quality Credits:Select all that apply Redevelopment projects that reduce the overall impervious footprint of the project site. [Credit = %impervious reduced] Higher density development projects Vertical density [20%] 7 units/ acre [5%] Mixed use development, (combination of residential, commercial, industrial, office, institutional, or other land uses which incorporate design principles that demonstrate environmental benefits not realized through single use projects) [20%] Brownfield redevelopment (redevelop real property complicated by presence or potential of hazardous contaminants) [25%] Redevelopment projects in established historic district, historic preservation area, or similar significant core city center areas [10%] Transit-oriented developments (mixed use residential or commercial area designed to maximize access to public transportation) [20%] In-fill projects (conversion of empty lots & other underused spaces < 5 acres, substantially surrounded by urban land uses, into more beneficially used spaces, such as residential or commercial areas) [10%] Live-Work developments (variety of developments designed to support residential and vocational needs) [20%] 2 Total Credit % 0 (Total all credit percentages up to a maximum allowable credit of 50 percent) Description of Water Quality Credit Eligibility (if applicable) N/ Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-7 Section 3 Sit e and Watershed Description Describe the project site conditions that will facilitate the selection of BMP through an analysis of the physical conditions and limitations of the site and its receiving waters. Identify distinct drainage areas (DA) that collect flow from a portion of the site and describe how runoff from each DA (and sub-watershed DMAs) is conveyed to the site outlet(s). Refer to Section 3.2 in the TGD for W QMP. The form below is provided as an example. Then complete Forms 3.2 and 3.3 for each DA on the project site.I f t he project has more th a n o ne dr ain age a rea for stor m wa ter m a na gemen t, t hen complet e a ddi t io na l versions of these fo rms for e ach D A / ou tle t. Form 3-1 Site Location and Hydrologic Features Site coordinates take GPS measurement at approximate center of site Latitude 34.15089ᵒ N Longitude 117.43489ᵒ W Thomas Bros Map page PAGE ___ GRID _ _ 1 San Bernardino County climatic region: Valley Mountain 2 Does the site have more than one drainage area (DA): Yes No If no, proceed to Form 3-2. If yes, then use this form to show a conceptual schematic describing DMAs and hydrologic feature connecting DMAs to the site outlet(s). An example is provided below that can be modified for proposed project or a drawing clearly showing DMA and flow routing may be attached ` Conveyance DA-1 TO Outlet 1 One Drainage Area: DA1 with ONE Drainage Management Areas (DMA-1) Onsite drainage area divided into two drainage management areas (DMA-1) based on the flow pattern onsite. DMA-1 include a Stormtech Infiltration Chamber System-1 for water quality volume, a network of storm drain pipe/conveyance system including grate inlet with ADS Flextorm Filter Inserts for pre- treatment. Outlet 1 (66”RCP MASTER SD) DMA-1 Contech Chamber System-1 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-8 Water drains to Chamber-1 via onsite drainage system for low flow infiltration. For larger flow, once the Chamber-1 reach its capacity, it will drain out to the existing lateral (24” RCP) at the southwest corner of the site via storm drain and will ultimately drain to the master storm drain system (66” RCP) in Sierra Avenue . Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-9 Form 3-2 Existing Hydrologic Characteristics for Drainage Areas (DA-1) For Drainage Areas 1-3 sub-watershed DMA, provide the following characteristics DMA-1 1 DMA drainage area (ft2)194,410 sf 2 Existing site impervious area (ft2)0 sf 3 Antecedent moisture condition For desert areas, use http://www.sbcounty.gov/dpw/floodcontrol/pdf/2 0100412_map.pdf III 4 Hydrologic soil group Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool – http://sbcounty.permitrack.com/WAP A 5 Longest flowpath length (ft)670 6 Longest flowpath slope (ft/ft)1.6% 7 Current land cover type(s)Select from Fig C-3 of Hydrology Manual Undeveloped- Open Brush 8 Pre-developed pervious area condition: Based on the extent of wet season vegetated cover good >75%; Fair 50-75%; Poor <50% Attach photos of site to support rating Good Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-10 Form 3-3 Watershed Description for Drainage Area(s) DA1 Receiving waters Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool - http://sbcounty.permitrack.com/WAP See ‘Drainage Facilities” link at this website Site Drains to 66” Master SD (RCP) in Sierra Avenue (Line B1) 108” Master SD (RCP) in Summit Ave (Line B2) 10’X9’ RCB in Summit Ave (Line B2) San Sevaine Basins San Sevaine Channel Etiwanda Creek Channel Santa Ana River Reach 3 Predo Dam Applicable TMDLs Refer to Local Implementation Plan Santa Ana River Reach 3: Pathogens “Bacterial Indicator TMLDs for Middle Santa Ana River Watershed Waterbodies (Bill Rice) Nitrate : Santa Ana River Reach 3 Nitrate TMDL (Hope Smythe) Prado Flood Control basin Pathogens “Bacterial Indicator TMLDs for Middle Santa Ana River Watershed Waterbodies (Bill Rice) Santa Ana River Reach 2 NONE Santa Ana River Reach 1 NONE Tidal Prism, Santa Ana River NONE 303(d) listed impairments Refer to Local Implementation Plan and Watershed Mapping Tool – http://sbcounty.permitrack.com/WAP and State Water Resources Control Board website – http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaana/water_iss ues/programs/tmdl/index.shtml Expected pollutants of concern include heavy metals, organic compounds, trash/debris and oil/grease. Potential pollutants of concern include bacteria vitus, nutrients, pesticides, sediments, and oxygen demanding substances. There is no evidence to suggest that any other pollutants will be produced from the project site other than these 303(d) listed impairment Santa Ana River Reach 3: Pathogens, Metals (copper & lead) Prado Flood Control Basin: Pathogens and Nutrients Santa Ana River Reach 2: Pathogens Santa Ana River Reach 1 and Tidal prism Santa Ana River : NONE Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool – http://sbcounty.permitrack.com/WAP San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat, Riversidian Alluvial Sage Scru Unlined Downstream Water Bodies Refer to Watershed Mapping Tool – http://sbcounty.permitrack.com/WAP Santa Ana River Reach 3 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-11 Hydrologic Conditions of Concern Yes Complete Hydrologic Conditions of Concern (HCOC) Assessment. Include Forms 4.2-2 through Form 4.2-5 and Hydromodification BMP Form 4.3-10 in submittal No Watershed–based BMP included in a RWQCB approved WAP Yes Attach verification of regional BMP evaluation criteria in WAP • More Effective than On-site LID • Remaining Capacity for Project DCV • Upstream of any Water of the US • Operational at Project Completion • Long-Term Maintenance Plan No WQMP Project Report County of San Bernardino Stormwater Program Santa Ana River Watershed Geodatabase Wednesday, November 04, 2020 Note: The information provided in this report and on the Stormwater Geodatabase for the County of San Bernardino Stormwater Program is intended to provide basic guidance inthe preparation of the applicant’s Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and should not be relied upon without independent verification. Project Site Parcel Number(s):023916128 Project Site Acreage:4.638 HCOC Exempt Area:Yes. Verify that the project is completely with the HCOC exemption area. Closest Receiving Waters: (Applicant to verify based on local drainage facilities and topography.) System Number - 104 Facility Name - Cactus Channel Owner - SBCFCD Closest channel segment’s susceptibility to Hydromodification:EHM Highest downstream hydromodification susceptibility:High Is this drainage segment subject to TMDLs?No Are there downstream drainage segments subject to TMDLs?No Is this drainage segment a 303d listed stream?No Are there 303d listed streams downstream?Yes Are there unlined downstream waterbodies?No Project Site Onsite Soil Group(s):A Environmentally Sensitive Areas within 200':SAN BERNARDINO KANGAROO RAT,Riversidian Alluvial Sage Scru Groundwater Depth (FT):-264 Parcels with potential septic tanks within 1000':No Known Groundwater Contamination Plumes within 1000':No Studies and Reports Related to Project Site:Cactus Basin Summary Report Master Storm Drainage Plan Study Summary Report Master Storm Drainage Plan Map CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume ICSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume II CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume III Revised CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume ICSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume IV CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume V CSDP 3 CALC SHEET FOR HYDRO CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drain Area DraftFONTANA MPD FEE STUDY Master SD Hydrology Calcs for Fontana Vol III Master SD Hydrology Calcs For Fontana Vol IIMaster SD Hydrology Calcs for Fontana Vol V Master SD Hydrology Calcs for Fontana Vol IV Preliminary Report on Proposed North SBFCPRialto Channel SD Plan Rialto MPD Vol1 Rialto MPD Vol II RS-Rialto Map Book-FINAL Layout2San Sevaine - Boyle Map 0001San Sevaine - Boyle Map 0002 San Sevaine - Boyle Map 0003 West Fontana Channel Preliminary Basin StudySBVMWD High Groundwater / Pressure Zone Area Page 1 of 1San Bernardino -WAP Report 11/4/2020http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap_report/report.asp?septic=No&SECAREA=SAN BER... Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-12 Section 4 Best Management Practices (BMP) 4.1 Source Control BMP 4.1.1 Pollution Prevention Non-structural and structural source control BMP are required to be incorporated into all new development and significant redevelopment projects. Form 4.1-1 and 4.1-2 are used to describe specific source control BMPs used in the W Q MP or to explain why a certain BMP is not applicable. Table 7-3 of the TGD for W QMP provides a list of applicable source control BMP for projects with specific types of potential pollutant sources or activities. The source control BMP in this table must be implemented for projects with these specific types of potential pollutant sources or activities. The preparers of this WQMP have reviewed the source control BMP requirements for new development and significant redevelopment projects. The preparers have also reviewed the specific BMP required for project as specified in Forms 4.1-1 and 4.1-2. All applicable non-structural and structural source control BMP shall be implemented in the project. Form 4.1-1 Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Describe BMP Implementation OR, if not applicable, state reasonIncludedNot Applicable N1 Education of Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants on Stormwater BMPs Practical education materials will be provided to property owner and Maintenance staffs covering various water quality issues that will need to be addressed on their specific site. These materials will include general practices that contribute to the protection of storm water quality and BMP’s that eliminate or reduce pollution during property improvements. The developer will request these materials in writing at least 30 days prior to intended distribution and will then be responsible for publication and distribution. N2 Activity Restrictions Restrictions may be developed by property owner or other mechanisms. Pesticide applications will be performed by an applicator certified by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Vehicle washing will be prohibited. N3 Landscape Management BMPs According to the California Stormwater Quality Associations Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook, landscape planning is implemented to reduce groundwater and storm water contamination. This will be accomplished through infiltration in inf. Chamber systems, and landscape Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-13 Form 4.1-1 Non-Structural Source Control BMPs areas. N4 BMP Maintenance See section 5, Table 5.1 for details on BMP maintenance N5 Title 22 CCR Compliance (How development will comply) Not applicable, This site will not generate any hazardous waste of any kind. N6 Local Water Quality Ordinances Comply with any applicable local water quality ordinances. N7 Spill Contingency Plan The spill contingency plan shall be provided in accordance with Section 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. N8 Underground Storage Tank Compliance No underground storage tank on the site. N9 Hazardous Materials Disclosure Compliance No hazardous materials in the site. N10 Uniform Fire Code Implementation No hazardous materials in the site. N11 Litter/Debris Control Program Will be responsible by landscaper contractor assigned by Community Facilities Districts (CFD). Litter/debris control a minimum of once every two weeks. N12 Employee Training All employees will be trained administered by Community Facilities Districts (CFD) once in a year. N13 Housekeeping of Loading Docks Loading Docks will be in a clean and orderly condition through sweeping and litter control and immediate cleanup of spills and broken containers. Owner assigned personnel will maintain the loading docks. N14 Catch Basin Inspection Program Catch basins will be inspected a minimum of once every three months during the dry season and a minimum of once every two months during the rainy season. N15 Vacuum Sweeping of Private Streets and Parking Lots Parking lot and onsite pavement will be vacume sweep by the owner assigned landscape contractor. At a minimum all paved areas shall be swept, in late summer or early fall. Prior to the start of the rainy season or equivalent, as govern by the governing jurisdiction. N16 Other Non-structural Measures for Public Agency Projects Not applicable Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-14 Form 4.1-1 Non-Structural Source Control BMPs N17 Comply with all other applicable NPDES permits Yes, if necessary. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-15 Form 4.1-2 Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Describe BMP Implementation OR, If not applicable, state reasonIncludedNot Applicable S1 Provide storm drain system stencilling and signage (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-13) Signs will be placed above storm drain inlets to warn the public of prohibitions against waste disposal S2 Design and construct outdoor material storage areas to reduce pollution introduction (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-34) No material storages areas in the project S3 Design and construct trash and waste storage areas to reduce pollution introduction (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-32) Trash enclosures, containment structures will be provided and will be maintained by Community Facilities District (CFD) or CFD assigned operator. S4 Use efficient irrigation systems & landscape design, water conservation, smart controllers, and source control (Statewide Model Landscape Ordinance; CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-12) Rain sensors will be incorporated into the onsite sprinkler system so that no unnecessary watering of landscaped areas occurs after storm events. S5 Finish grade of landscaped areas at a minimum of 1-2 inches below top of curb, sidewalk, or pavement New landscaped areas will be constructed at a minimum of 1 inch below existing paved areas S6 Protect slopes and channels and provide energy dissipation (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-10) No Slopes and Channel, Not applicable S7 Covered dock areas (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-31) Not Applicable S8 Covered maintenance bays with spill containment plans (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-31) No Maintenance Bays, Not applicable S9 Vehicle wash areas with spill containment plans (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-33) No carwash areas , Not applicable S10 Covered outdoor processing areas (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-36) No outdoor Processing, Not applicable Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-16 Form 4.1-2 Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Describe BMP Implementation OR, If not applicable, state reasonIncludedNot Applicable S11 Equipment wash areas with spill containment plans (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-33) No equipment wash areas, Not applicable S12 Fueling areas (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-30) No Fueling Areas, Not applicable S13 Hillside landscaping (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-10) No Hillside Landscaping, Not applicable S14 Wash water control for food preparation areas No food Preparation, Not applicable S15 Community car wash racks (CASQA New Development BMP Handbook SD-33) No Community Car Wash, Not applicable Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-17 4.1.2 Preventative LID Site Design Practices Site design practices associated with new LID requirements in the MS4 Permit should be considered in the earliest phases of a project. Preventative site design practices can result in smaller DCV for LID BMP and hydromodification control BMP by reducing runoff generation. Describe site design and drainage plan including: Refer to Section 5.2 of the TGD for WQMP for more details. Form 4.1-3 Preventative LID Site Design Practices Checklist Site Design Practices If yes, explain how preventative site design practice is addressed in project site plan. If no, other LID BMPs must be selected to meet targets Minimize impervious areas: Yes No Explanation: We will build multiple planter areas in addition to an infiltration chamber system. Maximize natural infiltration capacity: Yes No Explanation: Part of Runoff from impervious surfaces will be conveyed through landscaped areas so that infiltration is maximized. Runoff will also be intercepted by an stormtech infiltration chamber system Preserve existing drainage patterns and time of concentration: Yes No Explanation: The site currently drains Southwest. Post developed flow will also drain southwest this is consistent with existing and Master Planned flow patterns. Disconnect impervious areas: Yes No Explanation: Part of impervious/roof areas will drain into landscaped areas. Protect existing vegetation and sensitive areas: Yes No Explanation: There are no environmentally sensitive portions onsite and existing vegetation will be kept as much as possible. Re-vegetate disturbed areas: Yes No Explanation: Part of disturbed areas will be revegeated, see landscape plan. Minimize unnecessary compaction in stormwater retention/infiltration basin/trench areas: Yes No Explanation: No compaction will be performed within the area where the infiltration chamber system is proposed. Utilize vegetated drainage swales in place of underground piping or imperviously lined swales: Yes No Explanation: Runoff will also be intercepted by the infiltration chamber system and multiple landscaped areas. Stake off areas that will be used for landscaping to minimize compaction during construction : Yes No Explanation: No compaction will be performed within the area where landscape areas are proposed. ƒA narrative of site design practices utilized or rationale for not using practices ƒA narrative of how site plan incorporates preventive site design practices ƒInclude an attached Site Plan layout which shows how preventative site design practices are included in W QMP Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-18 4.2 Project Performance Criteria The purpose of this section of the Project W QMP is to establish targets for post-development hydrology based on performance criteria specified in the MS4 Permit. These targets include runoff volume for water quality control (referred to as LID design capture volume), and runoff volume, time of concentration, and peak runoff for protection of any downstream waterbody segments with a H CO C.If the p roject h as more th a n one ou t let for stor mw a ter r un off, th en com plet e a ddi t io nal ve rsions of these fo rms for e ach D A / ou tle t. Methods applied in the following forms include: ƒFor LID BMP Design Capture Volume (DCV), the San Bernardino County Stormwater Program requires use of the P6 method (MS4 Permit Section XI.D.6a.ii) – Form 4.2-1 ƒFor HCO C pre- and post-development hydrologic calculation, the San Bernardino County Stormwater Program requires the use of the Rational Method (San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual Section D). Forms 4.2-2 through Form 4.2-5 calculate hydrologic variables including runoff volume, time of concentration, and peak runoff from the project site pre- and post-development using the Hydrology Manual Rational Method approach. For projects greater than 640 acres (1.0 mi2), the Rational Method and these forms should not be used. For such projects, the U nit Hydrograph Method (San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual Section E) shall be applied for hydrologic calculations for H C OC performance criteria. Refer to Section 4 in the TGD for WQMP for detailed guidance and instructions. Form 4.2-1 LID BMP Performance Criteria for Design Capture Volume (DM A-1)See attached summary table and calculation sheets for DCV 1 Project area DMA-1 (ft2): 195,410 2 Imperviousness after applying preventative site design practices (Imp%):81% . 3 Runoff Coefficient (Rc): 0.61 Rc = 0.76 (Imp%)^3-0.78(Imp%)^2+0.774(Imp%)+0.04 Varies for each DMAs. See provided Calculation Sheets in the following pages. 4 Determine 1-hour rainfall depth for a 2-year return period P2yr-1hr (in): -http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/sa/sca_pfds.html 0.742 inches. 5 Compute P6, Mean 6-hr Precipitation (inches): 1.285 for all DMAs. See provided Calculation Sheets in the following pages. P6 = Item 4 *C1, where C1 is a function of site climatic region specified in Form 3-1 Item 1 (Valley = 1.4807; Mountain = 1.909; Desert = 1.2371) 6 Drawdown Rate Use 48 hours as the default condition. Selection and use of the 24 hour drawdown time condition is subject to approval by the local jurisdiction. The necessary BMP footprint is a function of drawdown time. While shorter drawdown times 30reduce the performance criteria for LID BMP design capture volume, the depth of water that can be stored is also reduced. 24-hrs 48-hrs 7 Compute design capture volume, DCV (ft3): 21,296 DCV = 1/12 * [Item 1* Item 3 *Item 5 * C2], where C2 is a function of drawdown rate (24-hr = 1.582; 48-hr = 1.963) Compute separate DCV for each outlet from the project site per schematic drawn in Form 3-1 Item 2 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-19 Refer to the attached design capture volume calculations for drainage management area DMA-1 below: 1) Calculate the "Watershed Imperviousness Ratio", I which is equal to the percent of impervious area in the BMP Drainage Area divided by 100 Imperviousness(i)=0.81 Total Acreage(A) =4.45 195410 SF 2) Calculate the composite Runoff Coefficient Cbmp for the drainage area Cbmp = 0.858i3-0.78i2+0.774i+0.04 Cbmp =0.61 3) Determine which Regression Coefficient to use by region the project is located in Valley 1.481 Mountain 1.909 Desert 1.237 Regression coefficient for this project is:1.481 4) Determine the area averaged "6 hour Mean Storm Rainfall" , P6 2 yr 1 Hr Rainfall Depth per NOAA Atlas 14=0.742 inches P6 = 2 yr 1 hr Rainfall x Regression coefficient P6 =1.0989 inches 5) Determine Regression Constant (a) for 48 hour drawdown a for 24 hour = 1.582 a for 48 hour = 1.963 a =1.963 6) Calculate the Maximized Detention Volume, P0 P0 = C x a x P6 Po(inches) = 1.3184 7) Calculate the Target Capture Volume, V0, in acre feet V0 = (P0 * A)/12 V0 =0.49 acre-feet V0 =21,296 CF Target Captured Volume Watershed DA 1 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-20 Project site located within HCOC Exempt Area per San Bernardino County WAP. Also the project in developed condition will discharge to the Master Storm Drain System for up to 100-yr storm event. Form 4.2-2 Summary of HCOC Assessment Does project have the potential to cause or contribute to an HCOC in a downstream channel: Yes No Go to:http://sbcounty.permitrack.com/WAP If “Yes”, then complete HCOC assessment of site hydrology for 2yr storm event using Forms 4.2-3 through 4.2-5 and insert results below (Forms 4.2-3 through 4.2-5 may be replaced by computer software analysis based on the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual) If “No,” then proceed to Section 4.3 Project Conformance Analysis Condition Runoff Volume (ft3)Time of Concentration (min)Peak Runoff (cfs) Pre-developed 1 Form 4.2-3 Item 12 2 Form 4.2-4 Item 13 3 Form 4.2-5 Item 10 Post-developed 4 Form 4.2-3 Item 13 5 Form 4.2-4 Item 14 6 Form 4.2-5 Item 14 Difference 7 Item 4 – Item 1 8 Item 5 – Item 2 9 Item 6 – Item 3 Difference (as % of pre-developed) 10 % Item 7 / Item 1 11 % Item 8 / Item 2 12 % Item 9 / Item 3 WQMP Project Report County of San Bernardino Stormwater Program Santa Ana River Watershed Geodatabase Wednesday, November 04, 2020 Note: The information provided in this report and on the Stormwater Geodatabase for the County of San Bernardino Stormwater Program is intended to provide basic guidance inthe preparation of the applicant’s Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and should not be relied upon without independent verification. Project Site Parcel Number(s):023916128 Project Site Acreage:4.638 HCOC Exempt Area:Yes. Verify that the project is completely with the HCOC exemption area. Closest Receiving Waters: (Applicant to verify based on local drainage facilities and topography.) System Number - 104 Facility Name - Cactus Channel Owner - SBCFCD Closest channel segment’s susceptibility to Hydromodification:EHM Highest downstream hydromodification susceptibility:High Is this drainage segment subject to TMDLs?No Are there downstream drainage segments subject to TMDLs?No Is this drainage segment a 303d listed stream?No Are there 303d listed streams downstream?Yes Are there unlined downstream waterbodies?No Project Site Onsite Soil Group(s):A Environmentally Sensitive Areas within 200':SAN BERNARDINO KANGAROO RAT,Riversidian Alluvial Sage Scru Groundwater Depth (FT):-264 Parcels with potential septic tanks within 1000':No Known Groundwater Contamination Plumes within 1000':No Studies and Reports Related to Project Site:Cactus Basin Summary Report Master Storm Drainage Plan Study Summary Report Master Storm Drainage Plan Map CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume ICSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume II CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume III Revised CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume ICSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume IV CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drainage Area Volume V CSDP 3 CALC SHEET FOR HYDRO CSDP 3-3 Rialto Channel Drain Area DraftFONTANA MPD FEE STUDY Master SD Hydrology Calcs for Fontana Vol III Master SD Hydrology Calcs For Fontana Vol IIMaster SD Hydrology Calcs for Fontana Vol V Master SD Hydrology Calcs for Fontana Vol IV Preliminary Report on Proposed North SBFCPRialto Channel SD Plan Rialto MPD Vol1 Rialto MPD Vol II RS-Rialto Map Book-FINAL Layout2San Sevaine - Boyle Map 0001San Sevaine - Boyle Map 0002 San Sevaine - Boyle Map 0003 West Fontana Channel Preliminary Basin StudySBVMWD High Groundwater / Pressure Zone Area Page 1 of 1San Bernardino -WAP Report 11/4/2020http://permitrack.sbcounty.gov/wap_report/report.asp?septic=No&SECAREA=SAN BER... Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-21 Form 4.2-3 HCOC Assessment for Runoff Volume Weighted Curve Number Determination for: Pre-developed DA 1a Land Cover type 2a Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) 3a DMA Area, ft2 sum of areas of DMA should equal area of DA 4a Curve Number (CN)use Items 1 and 2 to select the appropriate CN from Appendix C-2 of the TGD for WQMP Weighted Curve Number Determination for: Post-developed DA DMA C DMA D DMA E DMA F DMA G DMA H 1b Land Cover type 2b Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) 3b DMA Area, ft2 sum of areas of DMA should equal area of DA 4b Curve Number (CN)use Items 5 and 6 to select the appropriate CN from Appendix C-2 of the TGD for WQMP 5 Pre-Developed area-weighted CN:7 Pre-developed soil storage capacity, S (in S = (1000 / Item 5) – 10 9 Initial abstraction, Ia (in): Ia = 0.2 * Item 7 6 Post-Developed area-weighted CN:8 Post-developed soil storage capacity, S (in) S = (1000 / Item 6) – 10 10 Initial abstraction, Ia (in): Ia = 0.2 * Item 8 11 Precipitation for 2 yr, 24 hr storm (in): Go to:http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/sa/sca_pfds.html 12 Pre-developed Volume (ft3): Vpre =(1 / 12) * (Item sum of Item 3) * [(Item 11 – Item 9)^2 / ((Item 11 – Item 9 + Item 7) 13 Post-developed Volume (ft3): Vpre =(1 / 12) * (Item sum of Item 3) * [(Item 11 – Item 10)^2 / ((Item 11 – Item 10 + Item 8) 14 Volume Reduction needed to meet HCOC Requirement, (ft3): VHCOC = (Item 13 * 0.95) – Item 12 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-22 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-23 Form 4.2-4 HCOC Assessment for Time of Concentration Compute time of concentration for pre and post developed conditions for each DA (For projects using the Hydrology Manual complete the form below) Variables Pre-developed DA1 Use additional forms if there are more than 4 DMA Post-developed DA1 Use additional forms if there are more than 4 DMA DA 1 DMA B DMA C DMA D DA 1 DMA B DMA C DMA D 1 Length of flowpath (ft) Use Form 3-2 Item 5 for pre-developed condition 2 Change in elevation (ft) 3 Slope (ft/ft),So = Item 2 / Item 1 4 Land cover 5 Initial DMA Time of Concentration (min)Appendix C-1 of the TGD for WQMP 6 Length of conveyance from DMA outlet to project site outlet (ft) May be zero if DMA outlet is at project site outlet 7 Cross-sectional area of channel (ft2) 8 Wetted perimeter of channel (ft) 9 Manning’s roughness of channel (n) 10 Channel flow velocity (ft/sec) Vfps = (1.49 / Item 9) * (Item 7/Item 8)^0.67 * (Item 3)^0.5 11 Travel time to outlet (min) Tt = Item 6 / (Item 10 * 60) 12 Total time of concentration (min) Tc = Item 5 + Item 11 13 Pre-developed time of concentration (min): 14 Post-developed time of concentration (min): 15 Additional time of concentration needed to meet HCOC requirement (min): Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-24 Form 4.2-5 HCOC Assessment for Peak Runoff Compute peak runoff for pre- and post-developed conditions Variables Pre-developed DA to Project Outlet (Use additional forms if more than 3 DMA) Post-developed DA to Project Outlet (Use additional forms if more than 3 DMA) DMA A DMA B DMA C DMA A DMA B DMA C 1 Rainfall Intensity for storm duration equal to time of concentration Ipeak = 10^(LOG Form 4.2-1 Item 4 - 0.6 LOG Form 4.2-4 Item 5 /60) 2 Drainage Area of each DMA (ft2) For DMA with outlet at project site outlet, include upstream DMA (Using example schematic in Form 3-1, DMA A will include drainage from DMA C) 3 Ratio of pervious area to total area For DMA with outlet at project site outlet, include upstream DMA (Using example schematic in Form 3-1, DMA A will include drainage from DMA C) 4 Pervious area infiltration rate (in/hr) Use pervious area CN and antecedent moisture condition with Appendix C-3 of the TGD for WQMP 5 Maximum loss rate (in/hr) Fm = Item 3 * Item 4 Use area-weighted Fm from DMA with outlet at project site outlet, include upstream DMA (Using example schematic in Form 3-1, DMA A will include drainage from DMA C) 6 Peak Flow from DMA (cfs) Qp =Item 2 * 0.9 * (Item 1 - Item 5) 7 Time of concentration adjustment factor for other DMA to site discharge point Form 4.2-4 Item 12 DMA / Other DMA upstream of site discharge point (If ratio is greater than 1.0, then use maximum value of 1.0) DMA A n/a n/a DMA B n/a n/a DMA C n/a n/a 8 Pre-developed Qp at Tc for DMA A: Qp = Item 6DMAA + [Item 6DMAB* (Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAB)/(Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAB)* Item 7DMAA/2] + [Item 6DMAC* (Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAC)/(Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAC)* Item 7DMAA/3] 9 Pre-developed Qp at Tc for DMA B: Qp = Item 6DMAB + [Item 6DMAA* (Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAA)/(Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAA)* Item 7DMAB/1] + [Item 6DMAC * (Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAC)/(Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAC)* Item 7DMAB/3] 10 Pre-developed Qp at Tc for DMA C: Qp = Item 6DMAC + [Item 6DMAA * (Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAA)/(Item 1DMAA - Item 5DMAA)* Item 7DMAC/1] + [Item 6DMAB* (Item 1DMAC - Item 5DMAB)/(Item 1DMAB - Item 5DMAB)* Item 7DMAC/2] 10 Peak runoff from pre-developed condition confluence analysis (cfs):Maximum of Item 8, 9, and 10 (including additional forms as needed) 11 Post-developed Qp at Tc for DMA A: Same as Item 8 for post-developed values 12 Post-developed Qp at Tc for DMA B: Same as Item 9 for post-developed values 13 Post-developed Qp at Tc for DMA C: Same as Item 10 for post-developed values 14 Peak runoff from post-developed condition confluence analysis (cfs):Maximum of Item 11, 12, and 13 (including additional forms as needed) 15 Peak runoff reduction needed to meet HCOC Requirement (cfs):Qp-HCOC = (Item 14 * 0.95) – Item 10 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-25 4.3 Project Conformance Analysis Complete the following forms for each project site DA to document that the proposed LID BMPs conform to the project DCV developed to meet performance criteria specified in the MS4 Permit (WQMP Template Section 4.2). For the LID DCV, the forms are ordered according to hierarchy of BMP selection as required by the MS4 Permit (see Section 5.3.1 in the TGD for WQMP). The forms compute the following for on-site LID BMP: ƒSite Design and Hydrologic Source Controls (Form 4.3-2) ƒRetention and Infiltration (Form 4.3-3) ƒHarvested and Use (Form 4.3-4) or ƒBiotreatment (Form 4.3-5). At the end of each form, additional fields facilitate the determination of the extent of mitigation provided by the specific BMP category, allowing for use of the next category of BMP in the hierarchy, if necessary. The first step in the analysis, using Section of the TGD for WQMP, is to complete Forms 4.3-1 and 4.3-3) to determine if retention and infiltration BMPs are infeasible for the project. For each feasibility criterion in Form 4.3-1, if the answer is “Yes,” provide all study findings that includes relevant calculations, maps, data sources, etc. used to make the determination of infeasibility. Next, complete Forms 4.3-2 and 4.3-4 to determine the feasibility of applicable HSC and harvest and use BMPs, and, if their implementation is feasible, the extent of mitigation of the DCV. If no site constraints exist that would limit the type of BMP to be implemented in a DA, evaluate the use of combinations of LID BMPs, including all applicable HSC BMPs to maximize on-site retention of the DCV. If no combination of BMP can mitigate the entire DCV, implement the single BMP type, or combination of BMP types, that maximizes on-site retention of the DCV within the minimum effective area. If the combination of LID HSC, retention and infiltration, and harvest and use BMPs are unable to mitigate the entire DCV, then biotreatment BMPs may be implemented by the project proponent. If biotreatment BMPs are used, then they must be sized to provide sufficient capacity for effective treatment of the remainder of the volume-based performance criteria that cannot be achieved with LID BMPs (TGD for WQMP Section no circumstances shall any portion of the DCV be released from the site without effective mitigation and/or treatment. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-26 Form 4.3-1 Infiltration BMP Feasibility (DA 1) Feasibility Criterion – Complete evaluation for each DA on the Project Site 1 Would infiltration BMP pose significant risk for groundwater related concerns? Yes No Refer to Section of the TGD for WQMP If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 2 Would installation of infiltration BMP significantly increase the risk of geotechnical hazards? Yes No (Yes, if the answer to any of the following questions is yes, as established by a geotechnical expert): x The location is less than 50 feet away from slopes steeper than 15 percent x The location is less than eight feet from building foundations or an alternative setback. x A study certified by a geotechnical professional or an available watershed study determines that stormwater infiltration would result in significantly increased risks of geotechnical hazards. If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 3 Would infiltration of runoff on a Project site violate downstream water rights? Yes No If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 4 Is proposed infiltration facility located on hydrologic soil group (HSG) D soils or does the site geotechnical investigation indicate presence of soil characteristics, which support categorization as D soils? Yes No If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 5 Is the design infiltration rate, after accounting for safety factor of 2.0, below proposed facility less than 0.3 in/hr (accounting for soil amendments)? Yes No If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 6 Would on-site infiltration or reduction of runoff over pre-developed conditions be partially or fully inconsistent with watershed management strategies as defined in the WAP, or impair beneficial uses?Yes No See Section 3.5 of the TGD for WQMP and WAP If Yes, Provide basis: (attach) 7 Any answer from Item 1 through Item 3 is “Yes”: Yes No If yes, infiltration of any volume is not feasible onsite. Proceed to Form 4.3-4, Harvest and Use BMP. If no, then proceed to Item 9 below. 8 Any answer from Item 4 through Item 6 is “Yes”: Yes No If yes, infiltration is permissible but is not required to be considered. Proceed to Form 4.3-2, Hydrologic Source Control BMP. If no, then proceed to Item 9, below. 9 All answers to Item 1 through Item 6 are “No”: Infiltration of the full DCV is potentially feasible, LID infiltration BMP must be designed to infiltrate the full DCV to the MEP. Proceed to Form 4.3-2, Hydrologic Source Control BMP. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-27 4.3.1 Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMP Section XI.E. of the Permit emphasizes the use of LID preventative measures; and the use of LID HSC BMPs reduces the portion of the DCV that must be addressed in downstream BMPs. Therefore, all applicable HSC shall be provided except where they are mutually exclusive with each other, or with other BMPs. Mutual exclusivity may result from overlapping BMP footprints such that either would be potentially feasible by itself, but both could not be implemented. Please note that while there are no numeric standards regarding the use of HSC, if a project cannot feasibly meet BMP sizing requirements or cannot fully address HCOCs, feasibility of all applicable HSC must be part of demonstrating that the BMP system has been designed to retain the maximum feasible portion of the DCV. Complete Form 4.3- 2 to identify and calculate estimated retention volume from implementing site design HSC BMP. Refer to Section 5.4.1 in the TGD for more detailed guidance. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-28 Form 4.3-2 Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMPs (DA 1) 1 Implementation of Impervious Area Dispersion BMP (i.e. routing runoff from impervious to pervious areas), excluding impervious areas planned for routing to on-lot infiltration BMP: Yes No If yes, complete Items 2-5; If no, proceed to Item 6 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 2 Total impervious area draining to pervious area (ft2) 3 Ratio of pervious area receiving runoff to impervious area 4 Retention volume achieved from impervious area dispersion (ft3)V = Item2 * Item 3 * (0.5/12), assuming retention of 0.5 inches of runoff 5 Sum of retention volume achieved from impervious area dispersion (ft3): Vretention =Sum of Item 4 for all BMPs 6 Implementation of Localized On-lot Infiltration BMPs (e.g. on-lot rain gardens): Yes No If yes, complete Items 7- 13 for aggregate of all on-lot infiltration BMP in each DA; If no, proceed to Item 14 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 7 Ponding surface area (ft2) 8 Ponding depth (ft) 9 Surface area of amended soil/gravel (ft2) 10 Average depth of amended soil/gravel (ft) 11 Average porosity of amended soil/gravel 12 Retention volume achieved from on-lot infiltration (ft3) Vretention = (Item 7 *Item 8) + (Item 9 * Item 10 * Item 11) 13 Runoff volume retention from on-lot infiltration (ft3):Vretention =Sum of Item 12 for all BMPs Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-29 Form 4.3-2 cont. Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMPs (DA 1) 14 Implementation of evapotranspiration BMP (green, brown, or blue roofs): Yes No If yes, complete Items 15-20. If no, proceed to Item 21 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 15 Rooftop area planned for ET BMP (ft2) 16 Average wet season ET demand (in/day) Use local values, typical ~ 0.1 17 Daily ET demand (ft3/day) Item 15 * (Item 16 / 12) 18 Drawdown time (hrs) Copy Item 6 in Form 4.2-1 19 Retention Volume (ft3) Vretention = Item 17 * (Item 18 / 24) 20 Runoff volume retention from evapotranspiration BMPs (ft3): 0 ft3 Vretention =Sum of Item 19 for all BMPs 21 Implementation of Street Trees: Yes No If yes, complete Items 20-2. If no, proceed to Item 24 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 22 Number of Street Trees 23 Average canopy cover over impervious area (ft2) 24 Runoff volume retention from street trees (ft3) Vretention = Item 22 * Item 23 * (0.05/12) assume runoff retention of 0.05 inches 25 Runoff volume retention from street tree BMPs (ft3): 0 ft3 Vretention = Sum of Item 24 for all BMPs 26 Implementation of residential rain barrels/cisterns: Yes No If yes, complete Items 27-28; If no, proceed to Item 29 DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 27 Number of rain barrels/cisterns 28 Runoff volume retention from rain barrels/cisterns (ft3) Vretention = Item 27 * 3 29 Runoff volume retention from residential rain barrels/Cisterns (ft3):0 ft3 Vretention =Sum of Item 28 for all BMPs 30 Total Retention Volume from Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMPs: 0 ft3 Sum of Items 5, 13, 20, 25 and 29 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-30 4.3.2 Infiltration BMPs Use Form 4.3-3 to compute on-site retention of runoff from proposed retention and infiltration BMPs. Volume retention estimates are sensitive to the percolation rate used, which determines the amount of runoff that can be infiltrated within the specified drawdown time. The infiltration safety factor reduces field measured percolation to account for potential inaccuracy associated with field measurements, declining BMP performance over time, and compaction during construction. Appendix D of the TGD for WQMP provides guidance on estimating an appropriate safety factor to use in Form 4.3-3. If site constraints limit the use of BMPs to a single type and implementation of retention and infiltration BMPs mitigate no more than 40% of the DCV, then they are considered infeasible and the Project Proponent may evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs lower in the LID hierarchy of use (Section 5.5.1 of the TGD for WQMP) If implementation of infiltrations BMPs is feasible as determined using Form 4.3-1, then LID infiltration BMPs shall be implemented to the MEP (section 4.1 of the TGD for WQMP). Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-31 Form 4.3-3 Infiltration LID BMP –Inf. Chamber System (Chamber-1) 1 Remaining LID DCV not met by site design HSC BMP (ft3): 21,296 ft3 Vunmet = Form 4.2-1 Item 7 - Form 4.3-2 Item 30 BMP Type Use columns to the right to compute runoff volume retention from proposed infiltration BMP (select BMP from Table 5-4 in TGD for WQMP) - Use additional forms for more BMPs DMA-1 BMP Type Inf. Chamber-1 DMA-2 BMP Chamber-2 DA DMA BMP Type 2 Infiltration rate of underlying soils (in/hr)See Section 5.4.2 and Appendix D of the TGD for WQMP for minimum requirements for assessment methods 12.995 3 Infiltration safety factor See TGD Section 5.4.2 and Appendix D 4 4 Design percolation rate (in/hr)Pdesign = Item 2 / Item 3 3.25 5 Ponded water drawdown time (hr)Copy Item 6 in Form 4.2-1 25 6 Maximum ponding depth (ft)BMP specific, see Table 5-4 of the TGD for WQMP for BMP design details 8.0 ft 7 Ponding Depth (ft)dBMP = Minimum of (1/12*Item 4*Item 5) or Item 6 7 ft 8 Infiltrating surface area,SABMP (ft2)the lesser of the area needed for infiltration of full DCV or minimum space requirements from Table 5.7 of the TGD for WQMP 5,090.75 sq-ft 9 Amended soil depth,dmedia (ft)Only included in certain BMP types, see Table 5-4 in the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details - 10 Amended soil porosity - 11 Gravel depth,dmedia (ft)Only included in certain BMP types, see Table 5-4 of the TGD for WQMP for BMP design details 0 12 Gravel porosity 0.4 13 Duration of storm as basin is filling (hrs) Typical ~ 3hrs - 14 Above Ground Retention Volume (ft3)Vretention = Item 8 * [Item7 + (Item 9 * Item 10) + (Item 11 * Item 12)+ (Item 13 * (Item 4 / 12))] 0 15 Underground Retention Volume (ft3)Volume determined using manufacturer’s specifications and calculations 21,555 ft3 16 Total Retention Volume from LID Infiltration BMPs: 21,555 ft3 (Sum of Items 14 and 15 for all infiltration BMP included in plan) 17 Fraction of DCV achieved with infiltration BMP: 101.2 %Retention% = Item 16 / Form 4.2-1 Item 7 18 Is full LID DCV retained on-site with combination of hydrologic source control and LID retention and infiltration BMPs? Yes No If yes, demonstrate conformance using Form 4.3-10; If no, then reduce Item 3, Factor of Safety to 2.0 and increase Item 8, Infiltrating Surface Area, such that the portion of the site area used for retention and infiltration BMPs equals or exceeds the minimum effective area thresholds (Table 5-7 of the TGD for WQMP) for the applicable category of development and repeat all above calculations. ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC.RFOR STORMTECHINSTRUCTIONS,DOWNLOAD THEINSTALLATION APPIMPORTANT - NOTES FOR THE BIDDING AND INSTALLATION OF MC-4500 CHAMBER SYSTEM1.STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THE MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE HAS COMPLETED APRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE INSTALLERS.2.STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE".3.CHAMBERS ARE NOT TO BE BACKFILLED WITH A DOZER OR EXCAVATOR SITUATED OVER THE CHAMBERS.STORMTECH RECOMMENDS 3 BACKFILL METHODS:xSTONESHOOTER LOCATED OFF THE CHAMBER BED.xBACKFILL AS ROWS ARE BUILT USING AN EXCAVATOR ON THE FOUNDATION STONE OR SUBGRADE.xBACKFILL FROM OUTSIDE THE EXCAVATION USING A LONG BOOM HOE OR EXCAVATOR.4.THE FOUNDATION STONE SHALL BE LEVELED AND COMPACTED PRIOR TO PLACING CHAMBERS.5.JOINTS BETWEEN CHAMBERS SHALL BE PROPERLY SEATED PRIOR TO PLACING STONE.6.MAINTAIN MINIMUM 9" (230 mm) SPACING BETWEEN THE CHAMBER ROWS.7.INLET AND OUTLET MANIFOLDS MUST BE INSERTED A MINIMUM OF 12" (300 mm) INTO CHAMBER END CAPS.8.EMBEDMENT STONE SURROUNDING CHAMBERS MUST BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE MEETING THE AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION OF #3OR #4.9.STONE SHALL BE BROUGHT UP EVENLY AROUND CHAMBERS SO AS NOT TO DISTORT THE CHAMBER SHAPE. STONE DEPTHS SHOULD NEVERDIFFER BY MORE THAN 12" (300 mm) BETWEEN ADJACENT CHAMBER ROWS.10.STONE MUST BE PLACED ON THE TOP CENTER OF THE CHAMBER TO ANCHOR THE CHAMBERS IN PLACE AND PRESERVE ROW SPACING.11.THE CONTRACTOR MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH CHAMBER FOUNDATION MATERIAL BEARING CAPACITIES TO THE SITE DESIGNENGINEER.12.ADS RECOMMENDS THE USE OF "FLEXSTORM CATCH IT" INSERTS DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR ALL INLETS TO PROTECT THE SUBSURFACESTORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FROM CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF.NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT1.STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE".2.THE USE OF EQUIPMENT OVER MC-4500 CHAMBERS IS LIMITED:xNO EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED ON BARE CHAMBERS.xNO RUBBER TIRED LOADER, DUMP TRUCK, OR EXCAVATORS ARE ALLOWED UNTIL PROPER FILL DEPTHS ARE REACHED IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE".xWEIGHT LIMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CAN BE FOUND IN THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE".3.FULL 36" (900 mm) OF STABILIZED COVER MATERIALS OVER THE CHAMBERS IS REQUIRED FOR DUMP TRUCK TRAVEL OR DUMPING.USE OF A DOZER TO PUSH EMBEDMENT STONE BETWEEN THE ROWS OF CHAMBERS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO CHAMBERS AND IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLEBACKFILL METHOD. ANY CHAMBERS DAMAGED BY USING THE "DUMP AND PUSH" METHOD ARE NOT COVERED UNDER THE STORMTECH STANDARDWARRANTY.CONTACT STORMTECH AT 1-888-892-2694 WITH ANY QUESTIONS ON INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS OR WEIGHT LIMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT.MC-4500 STORMTECH CHAMBER SPECIFICATIONS1.CHAMBERS SHALL BE STORMTECH MC-4500.2.CHAMBERS SHALL BE ARCH-SHAPED AND SHALL BE MANUFACTURED FROM VIRGIN, IMPACT-MODIFIED POLYPROPYLENECOPOLYMERS.3.CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418-16a, "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP)CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS" CHAMBER CLASSIFICATION 60x101.4.CHAMBER ROWS SHALL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS, UNOBSTRUCTED INTERNAL SPACE WITH NO INTERNAL SUPPORTS THAT WOULDIMPEDE FLOW OR LIMIT ACCESS FOR INSPECTION.5.THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE CHAMBERS, THE STRUCTURAL BACKFILL, AND THE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SHALL ENSURETHAT THE LOAD FACTORS SPECIFIED IN THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION 12.12, ARE MET FOR: 1)LONG-DURATION DEAD LOADS AND 2) SHORT-DURATION LIVE LOADS, BASED ON THE AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK WITH CONSIDERATIONFOR IMPACT AND MULTIPLE VEHICLE PRESENCES.6.CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED, TESTED AND ALLOWABLE LOAD CONFIGURATIONS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787,"STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS".LOAD CONFIGURATIONS SHALL INCLUDE: 1) INSTANTANEOUS (<1 MIN) AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK LIVE LOAD ON MINIMUM COVER 2)MAXIMUM PERMANENT (75-YR) COVER LOAD AND 3) ALLOWABLE COVER WITH PARKED (1-WEEK) AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK.7.REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLING AND INSTALLATION:xTO MAINTAIN THE WIDTH OF CHAMBERS DURING SHIPPING AND HANDLING, CHAMBERS SHALL HAVE INTEGRAL, INTERLOCKINGSTACKING LUGS.xTO ENSURE A SECURE JOINT DURING INSTALLATION AND BACKFILL, THE HEIGHT OF THE CHAMBER JOINT SHALL NOT BE LESSTHAN 3”.xTO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ARCH SHAPE DURING INSTALLATION, a) THE ARCH STIFFNESS CONSTANT AS DEFINED INSECTION 6.2.8 OF ASTM F2418 SHALL BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 500 LBS/IN/IN. AND b) TO RESIST CHAMBER DEFORMATIONDURING INSTALLATION AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (ABOVE 73° F / 23° C), CHAMBERS SHALL BE PRODUCED FROMREFLECTIVE GOLD OR YELLOW COLORS.8.ONLY CHAMBERS THAT ARE APPROVED BY THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER WILL BE ALLOWED. UPON REQUEST BY THE SITE DESIGNENGINEER OR OWNER, THE CHAMBER MANUFACTURER SHALL SUBMIT A STRUCTURAL EVALUATION FOR APPROVAL BEFOREDELIVERING CHAMBERS TO THE PROJECT SITE AS FOLLOWS:xTHE STRUCTURAL EVALUATION SHALL BE SEALED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER.xTHE STRUCTURAL EVALUATION SHALL DEMONSTRATE THAT THE SAFETY FACTORS ARE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 1.95 FORDEAD LOAD AND 1.75 FOR LIVE LOAD, THE MINIMUM REQUIRED BY ASTM F2787 AND BY SECTIONS 3 AND 12.12 OF THE AASHTOLRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR THERMOPLASTIC PIPE.xTHE TEST DERIVED CREEP MODULUS AS SPECIFIED IN ASTM F2418 SHALL BE USED FOR PERMANENT DEAD LOAD DESIGNEXCEPT THAT IT SHALL BE THE 75-YEAR MODULUS USED FOR DESIGN.9.CHAMBERS AND END CAPS SHALL BE PRODUCED AT AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED MANUFACTURING FACILITY.©2013 ADS, INC.PROJECT INFORMATIONADS SALES REPPROJECT NO.ENGINEERED PRODUCTMANAGER6800,76,(55$&200(5&,$/FONTANA, CA 520 CROMWELL AVENUE _ ROCKY H ILL _CT_06067860-529-8188_888-892-2694_WWW.STORMTECH.COMDetention Retention Water QualityADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC.R4640 TRUEMAN BLVDHILLIARD, OH 430261-800-733-7473DATE: DRAWN: ASPROJECT #: CHECKED: N/ATHIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATERESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS.REVDRWCHKDESCRIPTIONSUMMIT/SIERRA COMMERCIALFONTANA, CASHEETOF25NOTES•MANIFOLD SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER. SEE TECH NOTE #6.32 FOR MANIFOLD SIZING GUIDANCE.•DUE TO THE ADAPTATION OF THIS CHAMBER SYSTEM TO SPECIFIC SITE AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS, IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO CUT AND COUPLE ADDITIONAL PIPE TO STANDARD MANIFOLDCOMPONENTS IN THE FIELD.•THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER MUST REVIEW ELEVATIONS AND IF NECESSARY ADJUST GRADING TO ENSURE THE CHAMBER COVER REQUIREMENTS ARE MET.•THIS CHAMBER SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED WITHOUT SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON SOIL CONDITIONS OR BEARING CAPACITY. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FORDETERMININGTHE SUITABILITY OF THE SOIL AND PROVIDING THE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE INSITU SOILS. THE BASE STONE DEPTH MAY BE INCREASED OR DECREASED ONCE THIS INFORMATION ISPROVIDED.•NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION: THIS LAYOUT IS FOR DIMENSIONAL PURPOSES ONLY TO PROVE CONCEPT & THE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME CAN BE ACHIEVED ON SITE.&21&(378$/(/(9$7,216MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (TOP OF PAVEMENT/UNPAVED):12.75MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (UNPAVED WITH TRAFFIC):8.25MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (UNPAVED NO TRAFFIC):7.75MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (TOP OF RIGID CONCRETE PAVEMENT):7.75MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (BASE OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT):7.75TOP OF STONE:6.75TOP OF MC-4500 CHAMBER:5.7524" ISOLATOR ROW PLUS INVERT:0.9418" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD INVERT:0.9118" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD INVERT:0.9118" BOTTOM CONNECTION INVERT:0.91BOTTOM OF MC-4500 CHAMBER:0.75UNDERDRAIN INVERT:0.00BOTTOM OF STONE:0.00352326('/$<287120STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS6STORMTECH MC-4500 END CAPS12STONE ABOVE (in)9STONE BELOW (in)40STONE VOID21556INSTALLED SYSTEM VOLUME (CF)(PERIMETER STONE INCLUDED)(COVER STONE INCLUDED)(BASE STONE INCLUDED)5091SYSTEM AREA (SF)411.7SYSTEM PERIMETER (ft)*INVERT ABOVE BASE OF CHAMBERMAX FLOWINVERT*DESCRIPTIONITEM ONLAYOUTPART TYPE1.97"18" BOTTOM PARTIAL CUT END CAP, PART#: MC4500IEPP18B / TYP OF ALL 18" BOTTOMCONNECTIONSAPREFABRICATED END CAP2.26"24" BOTTOM PARTIAL CUT END CAP, PART#: MC4500IEPP24B / TYP OF ALL 24" BOTTOMCONNECTIONS AND ISOLATOR PLUS ROWSBPREFABRICATED END CAPINSTALL FLAMP ON 24" ACCESS PIPE / PART#: MC450024RAMPCFLAMP1.97"18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD, ADS N-12DMANIFOLD1.97"18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD, ADS N-12EMANIFOLD8.0 CFS OUTOCS (DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS)FCONCRETE STRUCTURE11.0 CFS IN(DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS)GCONCRETE STRUCTUREW/WEIR6" ADS N-12 DUAL WALL PERFORATED HDPE UNDERDRAINHUNDERDRAINISOLATOR ROW PLUS(SEE DETAIL)PLACE MINIMUM 17.50' OF ADSPLUS175 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE OVER BEDDINGSTONE AND UNDERNEATH CHAMBER FEET FOR SCOUR PROTECTION AT ALLCHAMBER INLET ROWSBED LIMITS176.73'29.10'166.47'26.50'DAEHCBGF30'15'0 ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS: STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBER SYSTEMSPLEASE NOTE:1.THE LISTED AASHTO DESIGNATIONS ARE FOR GRADATIONS ONLY. THE STONE MUST ALSO BE CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR. FOR EXAMPLE, A SPECIFICATION FOR #4 STONE WOULD STATE: "CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR NO. 4 (AASHTO M43) STONE".2.STORMTECH COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET FOR 'A' LOCATION MATERIALS WHEN PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 9" (230 mm) (MAX) LIFTS USING TWO FULL COVERAGES WITH A VIBRATORY COMPACTOR.3.WHERE INFILTRATION SURFACES MAY BE COMPROMISED BY COMPACTION, FOR STANDARD DESIGN LOAD CONDITIONS, A FLAT SURFACE MAY BE ACHIEVED BY RAKING OR DRAGGING WITHOUT COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. FOR SPECIAL LOAD DESIGNS, CONTACT STORMTECH FORCOMPACTION REQUIREMENTS.4.ONCE LAYER 'C' IS PLACED, ANY SOIL/MATERIAL CAN BE PLACED IN LAYER 'D' UP TO THE FINISHED GRADE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE SOILS CAN BE USED TO REPLACE THE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS OF LAYER 'C' OR 'D' AT THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S DISCRETION.NOTES:1.CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418-16a, "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS" CHAMBER CLASSIFICATION 60x1012.MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS".3.THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE BEARING RESISTANCE (ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY) OF THE SUBGRADE SOILS AND THE DEPTH OF FOUNDATION STONE WITH CONSIDERATIONFOR THE RANGE OF EXPECTED SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS.4.PERIMETER STONE MUST BE EXTENDED HORIZONTALLY TO THE EXCAVATION WALL FOR BOTH VERTICAL AND SLOPED EXCAVATION WALLS.5.REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLING AND INSTALLATION:xTO MAINTAIN THE WIDTH OF CHAMBERS DURING SHIPPING AND HANDLING, CHAMBERS SHALL HAVE INTEGRAL, INTERLOCKING STACKING LUGS.xTO ENSURE A SECURE JOINT DURING INSTALLATION AND BACKFILL, THE HEIGHT OF THE CHAMBER JOINT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 3”.xTO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ARCH SHAPE DURING INSTALLATION, a) THE ARCH STIFFNESS CONSTANT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6.2.8 OF ASTM F2418 SHALL BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 500 LBS/IN/IN.AND b) TO RESIST CHAMBER DEFORMATION DURING INSTALLATION AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (ABOVE 73° F / 23° C), CHAMBERS SHALL BE PRODUCED FROM REFLECTIVE GOLD OR YELLOW COLORS.MATERIAL LOCATIONDESCRIPTIONAASHTO MATERIALCLASSIFICATIONSCOMPACTION / DENSITY REQUIREMENTDFINAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER 'D' STARTS FROM THE TOP OF THE 'C'LAYER TO THE BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR UNPAVED FINISHEDGRADE ABOVE. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT SUBBASE MAY BE PART OF THE 'D'LAYERANY SOIL/ROCK MATERIALS, NATIVE SOILS, OR PER ENGINEER'S PLANS.CHECK PLANS FOR PAVEMENT SUBGRADE REQUIREMENTS.N/APREPARE PER SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S PLANS. PAVEDINSTALLATIONS MAY HAVE STRINGENT MATERIAL ANDPREPARATION REQUIREMENTS.CINITIAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER 'C' STARTS FROM THE TOP OF THEEMBEDMENT STONE ('B' LAYER) TO 24" (600 mm) ABOVE THE TOP OF THECHAMBER. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT SUBBASE MAY BE A PART OF THE 'C'LAYER.GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35% FINES ORPROCESSED AGGREGATE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE MATERIALS CAN BE USED IN LIEU OF THISLAYER.AASHTO M145¹A-1, A-2-4, A-3ORAASHTO M43¹3, 357, 4, 467, 5, 56, 57, 6, 67, 68, 7, 78, 8, 89, 9, 10BEGIN COMPACTIONS AFTER 24" (600 mm) OF MATERIAL OVERTHE CHAMBERS IS REACHED. COMPACT ADDITIONAL LAYERS IN12" (300 mm) MAX LIFTS TO A MIN. 95% PROCTOR DENSITY FORWELL GRADED MATERIAL AND 95% RELATIVE DENSITY FORPROCESSED AGGREGATE MATERIALS.BEMBEDMENT STONE: FILL SURROUNDING THE CHAMBERS FROM THEFOUNDATION STONE ('A' LAYER) TO THE 'C' LAYER ABOVE.CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONEAASHTO M43¹3, 4AFOUNDATION STONE: FILL BELOW CHAMBERS FROM THE SUBGRADE UP TOTHE FOOT (BOTTOM) OF THE CHAMBER.CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONEAASHTO M43¹3, 4PLATE COMPACT OR ROLL TO ACHIEVE A FLAT SURFACE.2,324"(600 mm) MIN*7.0'(2.1 m)MAX12" (300 mm) MIN100" (2540 mm)12" (300 mm) MIN12" (300 mm) MIN9"(230 mm) MINDCBA*TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVEDINSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR,INCREASE COVER TO 30" (750 mm).60"(1525 mm)DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) MINPERIMETER STONE(SEE NOTE 6)EXCAVATION WALL(CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL)MC-4500END CAPSUBGRADE SOILS(SEE NOTE 4)PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER)NO COMPACTION REQUIRED.ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALLAROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE IN A & B LAYERS520 CROMWELL AVENUE _ ROCKY H ILL _CT_06067860-529-8188_888-892-2694_WWW.STORMTECH.COMDetention Retention Water QualityADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC.R4640 TRUEMAN BLVDHILLIARD, OH 430261-800-733-7473DATE: DRAWN: ASPROJECT #: CHECKED: N/ATHIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATERESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS.REVDRWCHKDESCRIPTIONSUMMIT/SIERRA COMMERCIALFONTANA, CASHEETOF35 INSPECTION & MAINTENANCESTEP 1)INSPECT ISOLATOR ROW PLUS FOR SEDIMENTA.INSPECTION PORTS (IF PRESENT)A.1.REMOVE/OPEN LID ON NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAINA.2.REMOVE AND CLEAN FLEXSTORM FILTER IF INSTALLEDA.3.USING A FLASHLIGHT AND STADIA ROD, MEASURE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT AND RECORD ON MAINTENANCE LOGA.4.LOWER A CAMERA INTO ISOLATOR ROW PLUS FOR VISUAL INSPECTION OF SEDIMENT LEVELS (OPTIONAL)A.5.IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3.B.ALL ISOLATOR PLUS ROWSB.1.REMOVE COVER FROM STRUCTURE AT UPSTREAM END OF ISOLATOR ROW PLUSB.2.USING A FLASHLIGHT, INSPECT DOWN THE ISOLATOR ROW PLUS THROUGH OUTLET PIPEi)MIRRORS ON POLES OR CAMERAS MAY BE USED TO AVOID A CONFINED SPACE ENTRYii)FOLLOW OSHA REGULATIONS FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY IF ENTERING MANHOLEB.3.IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3.STEP 2)CLEAN OUT ISOLATOR ROW PLUS USING THE JETVAC PROCESSA.A FIXED CULVERT CLEANING NOZZLE WITH REAR FACING SPREAD OF 45" (1.1 m) OR MORE IS PREFERREDB.APPLY MULTIPLE PASSES OF JETVAC UNTIL BACKFLUSH WATER IS CLEANC.VACUUM STRUCTURE SUMP AS REQUIREDSTEP 3)REPLACE ALL COVERS, GRATES, FILTERS, AND LIDS; RECORD OBSERVATIONS AND ACTIONS.STEP 4)INSPECT AND CLEAN BASINS AND MANHOLES UPSTREAM OF THE STORMTECH SYSTEM.NOTES1.INSPECT EVERY 6 MONTHS DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. ADJUST THE INSPECTION INTERVAL BASED ON PREVIOUSOBSERVATIONS OF SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION AND HIGH WATER ELEVATIONS.2.CONDUCT JETTING AND VACTORING ANNUALLY OR WHEN INSPECTION SHOWS THAT MAINTENANCE IS NECESSARY.CATCH BASINORMANHOLEMC-4500 ISOLATOR ROW PLUS DETAILNTSSTORMTECH HIGHLY RECOMMENDSFLEXSTORM INSERTS IN ANY UPSTREAMSTRUCTURES WITH OPEN GRATESCOVER PIPE CONNECTION TO END CAP WITH ADSGEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILEMC-4500 CHAMBEROPTIONAL INSPECTION PORTMC-4500 END CAP24" (600 mm) HDPE ACCESS PIPE REQUIRED USEFACTORY PRE-CORED END CAPPART #: MC4500REPE24BC OR MC4500REPE24BWONE LAYER OF ADSPLUS175 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE BETWEENFOUNDATION STONE AND CHAMBERS10.3' (3.1 m) MIN WIDE CONTINUOUS FABRIC WITHOUT SEAMSSUMP DEPTH TBD BYSITE DESIGN ENGINEER(24" [600 mm] MIN RECOMMENDED)INSTALL FLAMP ON 24" (600 mm) ACCESS PIPEPART #: MC450024RAMP520 CROMWELL AVENUE _ ROCKY H ILL _CT_06067860-529-8188_888-892-2694_WWW.STORMTECH.COMDetention Retention Water QualityADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC.R4640 TRUEMAN BLVDHILLIARD, OH 430261-800-733-7473DATE: DRAWN: ASPROJECT #: CHECKED: N/ATHIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATERESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS.REVDRWCHKDESCRIPTIONSUMMIT/SIERRA COMMERCIALFONTANA, CASHEETOF45 UNDERDRAIN DETAILNTSAABBSECTION A-ASECTION B-BDUAL WALLPERFORATEDHDPEUNDERDRAINADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601TNON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILESTORMTECH END CAPADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601TNON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILESTORMTECHCHAMBEROUTLET MANIFOLDSTORMTECH END CAPSTORMTECHCHAMBERSNUMBER AND SIZE OF UNDERDRAINS PER SITE DESIGN ENGINEER4" (100 mm) TYP FOR SC-310 & SC-160LP SYSTEMS6" (150 mm) TYP FOR SC-740, DC-780, MC-3500 & MC-4500 SYSTEMSFOUNDATION STONEBENEATH CHAMBERSFOUNDATION STONEBENEATH CHAMBERSMC-SERIES END CAP INSERTION DETAILNTSNOTE: MANIFOLD STUB MUST BE LAID HORIZONTALFOR A PROPER FIT IN END CAP OPENING.MANIFOLD HEADERMANIFOLD STUBSTORMTECH END CAPMANIFOLD HEADERMANIFOLD STUB12" (300 mm)MIN SEPARATION12" (300 mm) MIN INSERTION12" (300 mm)MIN SEPARATION12" (300 mm)MIN INSERTIONMC-4500 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONNTSPART #STUBBCMC4500IEPP06T6" (150 mm)42.54" (1081 mm)---MC4500IEPP06B---0.86" (22 mm)MC4500IEPP08T8" (200 mm)40.50" (1029 mm)---MC4500IEPP08B---1.01" (26 mm)MC4500IEPP10T10" (250 mm)38.37" (975 mm)---MC4500IEPP10B---1.33" (34 mm)MC4500IEPP12T12" (300 mm)35.69" (907 mm)---MC4500IEPP12B---1.55" (39 mm)MC4500IEPP15T15" (375 mm)32.72" (831 mm)---MC4500IEPP15B---1.70" (43 mm)MC4500IEPP18T18" (450 mm)29.36" (746 mm)---MC4500IEPP18TWMC4500IEPP18B---1.97" (50 mm)MC4500IEPP18BWMC4500IEPP24T24" (600 mm)23.05" (585 mm)---MC4500IEPP24TWMC4500IEPP24B---2.26" (57 mm)MC4500IEPP24BWMC4500IEPP30BW30" (750 mm)---2.95" (75 mm)MC4500IEPP36BW36" (900 mm)---3.25" (83 mm)MC4500IEPP42BW42" (1050 mm)---3.55" (90 mm)NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINALNOMINAL CHAMBER SPECIFICATIONSSIZE (W X H X INSTALLED LENGTH)100.0" X 60.0" X 48.3" (2540 mm X 1524 mm X 1227 mm)CHAMBER STORAGE106.5 CUBIC FEET (3.01 m³)MINIMUM INSTALLED STORAGE*162.6 CUBIC FEET (4.60 m³)WEIGHT (NOMINAL)125.0 lbs.(56.7 kg)NOMINAL END CAP SPECIFICATIONSSIZE (W X H X INSTALLED LENGTH)90.0" X 61.0" X 32.8" (2286 mm X 1549 mm X 833 mm)END CAP STORAGE39.5 CUBIC FEET (1.12 m³)MINIMUM INSTALLED STORAGE*115.3 CUBIC FEET (3.26 m³)WEIGHT (NOMINAL)90 lbs.(40.8 kg)*ASSUMES 12" (305 mm) STONE ABOVE, 9" (229 mm) STONE FOUNDATION AND BETWEEN CHAMBERS,12" (305 mm) STONE PERIMETER IN FRONT OF END CAPS AND 40% STONE POROSITY.PARTIAL CUT HOLES AT BOTTOM OF END CAP FOR PART NUMBERS ENDING WITH "B"PARTIAL CUT HOLES AT TOP OF END CAP FOR PART NUMBERS ENDING WITH "T"END CAPS WITH A PREFABRICATED WELDED STUB END WITH "W"CUSTOM PARTIAL CUT INVERTS AREAVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.INVENTORIED MANIFOLDS INCLUDE12-24" (300-600 mm) SIZE ON SIZEAND 15-48" (375-1200 mm)ECCENTRIC MANIFOLDS. CUSTOMINVERT LOCATIONS ON THE MC-4500END CAP CUT IN THE FIELD ARE NOTRECOMMENDED FOR PIPE SIZESGREATER THAN 10" (250 mm). THEINVERT LOCATION IN COLUMN 'B'ARE THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE FORTHE PIPE SIZE.UPPER JOINTCORRUGATIONWEBCRESTCRESTSTIFFENINGRIBVALLEYSTIFFENING RIBBUILD ROW IN THISDIRECTIONLOWER JOINT CORRUGATIONFOOTBC52.0"(1321 mm)48.3"(1227 mm)INSTALLED60.0"(1524 mm)100.0" (2540 mm)90.0" (2286 mm)61.0"(1549 mm)32.8"(833 mm)INSTALLED38.0"(965 mm)520 CROMWELL AVENUE _ ROCKY H ILL _CT_06067860-529-8188_888-892-2694_WWW.STORMTECH.COMDetention Retention Water QualityADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC.R4640 TRUEMAN BLVDHILLIARD, OH 430261-800-733-7473DATE: DRAWN: ASPROJECT #: CHECKED: N/ATHIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATERESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS.REVDRWCHKDESCRIPTIONSUMMIT/SIERRA COMMERCIALFONTANA, CASHEETOF55 Inf. Chamber System-1: Infiltration Drawdown Time Calculation Infiltration Surface Area Provided:5,090 SF Chamber-1 Inf Surface Footprint Infiltration Rate per Soil Report 12.995 in/hr (Average Infiltration Rate Per WebSoil Report) 1.08 ft/hr Facor of Safety 4 Design Infiltration Rate 0.271 ft/hr Volume needed to be Infiltrated 21,555 cu.ft From DMA-1 Infiltration Volume per hour 1378.01 cu.ft/hr (5090 sft * 0.271 ft/hr) Infiltration Draw Down Time 15.64 Hours (21555 cu.ft / 1378.01 cu.ft/hr) 16 hr < 48 hr draw down time. OK Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-32 4.3.3 Harvest and Use BMP Harvest and use BMP may be considered if the full LID DCV cannot be met by maximizing infiltration BMPs. Use Form 4.3-4 to compute on-site retention of runoff from proposed harvest and use BMPs. Volume retention estimates for harvest and use BMPs are sensitive to the on-site demand for captured stormwater. Since irrigation water demand is low in the wet season, when most rainfall events occur in San Bernardino County, the volume of water that can be used within a specified drawdown period is relatively low. The bottom portion of Form 4.3-4 facilitates the necessary computations to show infeasibility if a minimum incremental benefit of 40 percent of the LID DCV would not be achievable with MEP implementation of on-site harvest and use of stormwater (Section 5.5.4 of the TGD for WQMP). Form 4.3-4 Harvest and Use BMPs – Not used 1 Remaining LID DCV not met by site design HSC or infiltration BMP (ft3): Vunmet = Form 4.2-1 Item 7 - Form 4.3-2 Item 30 – Form 4.3-3 Item 16 BMP Type(s)Compute runoff volume retention from proposed harvest and use BMP (Select BMPs from Table 5-4 of the TGD for WQMP) - Use additional forms for more BMPs DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 2 Describe cistern or runoff detention facility 3 Storage volume for proposed detention type (ft3)Volume of cistern 4 Landscaped area planned for use of harvested stormwater (ft2) 5 Average wet season daily irrigation demand (in/day) Use local values, typical ~ 0.1 in/day 6 Daily water demand (ft3/day)Item 4 * (Item 5 / 12) 7 Drawdown time (hrs) Copy Item 6 from Form 4.2-1 8Retention Volume (ft3) Vretention = Minimum of (Item 3) or (Item 6 * (Item 7 / 24)) 9 Total Retention Volume (ft3) from Harvest and Use BMP Sum of Item 8 for all harvest and use BMP included in plan 10 Is the full DCV retained with a combination of LID HSC, retention and infiltration, and harvest and use BMPs? Yes No If yes, demonstrate conformance using Form 4.3-10. If no, then re-evaluate combinations of all LID BMP and optimize their implementation such that the maximum portion of the DCV is retained on-site (using a single BMP type or combination of BMP types). If the full DCV cannot be mitigated after this optimization process, proceed to Section 4.3.4. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-33 4.3.4 Biotreatment BMP Biotreatment BMPs may be considered if the full LID DCV cannot be met by maximizing retention and infiltration, and harvest and use BMPs. A key consideration when using biotreatment BMP is the effectiveness of the proposed BMP in addressing the pollutants of concern for the project (see Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP). Use Form 4.3-5 to summarize the potential for volume based and/or flow based biotreatment options to biotreat the remaining unmet LID DCV w. Biotreatment computations are included as follows: x Use Form 4.3-6 to compute biotreatment in small volume based biotreatment BMP (e.g. bioretention w/underdrains); x Use Form 4.3-7 to compute biotreatment in large volume based biotreatment BMP (e.g. constructed wetlands); x Use Form 4.3-8 to compute sizing criteria for flow-based biotreatment BMP (e.g. bioswales) Form 4.3-5 Selection and Evaluation of Biotreatment BMP - Not used 1 Remaining LID DCV not met by site design HSC, infiltration, or harvest and use BMP for potential biotreatment (ft3): 0 Form 4.2-1 Item 7 - Form 4.3-2 Item 30 – Form 4.3-3 Item 16- Form 4.3-4 Item 9 List pollutants of concern Copy from Form 2.3-1. 2 Biotreatment BMP Selected (Select biotreatment BMP(s) necessary to ensure all pollutants of concern are addressed through Unit Operations and Processes, described in Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP) Volume-based biotreatment Use Forms 4.3-6 and 4.3-7 to compute treated volume Flow-based biotreatment Use Form 4.3-8 to compute treated volume Bioretention with underdrain Planter box with underdrain Constructed wetlands Wet extended detention Dry extended detention Vegetated swale Vegetated filter strip Proprietary biotreatment 3 Volume biotreated in volume based biotreatment BMP (ft3): 0 Form 4.3-6 Item 15 + Form 4.3-7 Item 13 Full DCV achieved by using Retention/Infiltration BMPs. Volume based Biotreatment BMPs not used in this project. 4 Compute remaining LID DCV with implementation of volume based biotreatment BMP (ft3):Item 1 – Item 3 5 Remaining fraction of LID DCV for sizing flow based biotreatment BMP: %Item 4 / Item 1 6 Flow-based biotreatment BMP capacity provided (cfs):Use Figure 5-2 of the TGD for WQMP to determine flow capacity required to provide biotreatment of remaining percentage of unmet LID DCV (Item 5), for the project’s precipitation zone (Form 3-1 Item 1) 7 Metrics for MEP determination: x Provided a WQMP with the portion of site area used for suite of LID BMP equal to minimum thresholds in Table 5-7 of the TGD for WQMP for the proposed category of development:If maximized on-site retention BMPs is feasible for partial capture, then LID BMP implementation must be optimized to retain and infiltrate the maximum portion of the DCV possible within the prescribed minimum effective area. The remaining portion of the DCV shall then be mitigated using biotreatment BMP. Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-34 Form 4.3-6 Volume Based Biotreatment– Not used Bioretention and Planter Boxes with Underdrains Biotreatment BMP Type (Bioretention w/underdrain, planter box w/underdrain, other comparable BMP) DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 1 Pollutants addressed with BMP List all pollutant of concern that will be effectively reduced through specific Unit Operations and Processes described in Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP 2 Amended soil infiltration rate Typical ~ 5.0 3 Amended soil infiltration safety factor Typical ~ 2.0 4 Amended soil design percolation rate (in/hr)Pdesign = Item 2 / Item 3 5 Ponded water drawdown time (hr)Copy Item 6 from Form 4.2-1 6 Maximum ponding depth (ft) see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 7 Ponding Depth (ft)dBMP = Minimum of (1/12 * Item 4 * Item 5) or Item 6 8 Amended soil surface area (ft2) 9 Amended soil depth (ft) see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 10 Amended soil porosity,n 11 Gravel depth (ft) see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 12 Gravel porosity,n 13 Duration of storm as basin is filling (hrs) Typical ~ 3hrs 14 Biotreated Volume (ft3)Vbiotreated = Item 8 * [(Item 7/2) + (Item 9 * Item 10) +(Item 11 * Item 12)+ (Item 13 * (Item 4 / 12))] 15 Total biotreated volume from bioretention and/or planter box with underdrains BMP: Sum of Item 14 for all volume-based BMPs included in this form Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-35 Form 4.3-7 Volume Based Biotreatment– Not used Constructed Wetlands and Extended Detention Biotreatment BMP Type Constructed wetlands, extended wet detention, extended dry detention, or other comparable proprietary BMP. If BMP includes multiple modules (e.g. forebay and main basin), provide separate estimates for storage and pollutants treated in each module. DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) Forebay Basin Forebay Basin 1 Pollutants addressed with BMP forebay and basin List all pollutant of concern that will be effectively reduced through specific Unit Operations and Processes described in Table 5-5 of the TGD for WQMP 2 Bottom width (ft) 3 Bottom length (ft) 4 Bottom area (ft2)Abottom = Item 2 * Item 3 5 Side slope (ft/ft) 6 Depth of storage (ft) 7 Water surface area (ft2) Asurface =(Item 2 + (2 * Item 5 * Item 6)) * (Item 3 + (2 * Item 5 * Item 6)) 8 Storage volume (ft3)For BMP with a forebay, ensure fraction of total storage is within ranges specified in BMP specific fact sheets, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details V =Item 6 / 3 * [Item 4 + Item 7 + (Item 4 * Item 7)^0.5] 9 Drawdown Time (hrs) Copy Item 6 from Form 2.1 10 Outflow rate (cfs) QBMP = (Item 8forebay + Item 8basin) / (Item 9 * 3600) 11 Duration of design storm event (hrs) 12 Biotreated Volume (ft3) Vbiotreated = (Item 8forebay + Item 8basin) +( Item 10 * Item 11 * 3600) 13 Total biotreated volume from constructed wetlands, extended dry detention, or extended wet detention : (Sum of Item 12 for all BMP included in plan) Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-36 Form 4.3-8 Flow Based Biotreatment - Not used Biotreatment BMP Type Vegetated swale, vegetated filter strip, or other comparable proprietary BMP DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type DA DMA BMP Type (Use additional forms for more BMPs) 1 Pollutants addressed with BMP List all pollutant of concern that will be effectively reduced through specific Unit Operations and Processes described in TGD Table 5-5 2 Flow depth for water quality treatment (ft) BMP specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 3 Bed slope (ft/ft) BMP specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 4 Manning's roughness coefficient 5 Bottom width (ft) bw = (Form 4.3-5 Item 6 * Item 4) / (1.49 * Item 2^1.67 * Item 3^0.5) 6 Side Slope (ft/ft) BMP specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 7 Cross sectional area (ft2) A = (Item 5 * Item 2) + (Item 6 * Item 2^2) 8 Water quality flow velocity (ft/sec) V = Form 4.3-5 Item 6 / Item 7 9 Hydraulic residence time (min) Pollutant specific, see Table 5-6 of the TGD for WQMP for reference to BMP design details 10 Length of flow based BMP (ft) L = Item 8 * Item 9 * 60 11 Water surface area at water quality flow depth (ft2) SAtop = (Item 5 + (2 * Item 2 * Item 6)) * Item 10 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-37 4.3.5 Conformance Summary Complete Form 4.3-9 to demonstrate how on-site LID DCV is met with proposed site design hydrologic source control, infiltration, harvest and use, and/or biotreatment BMP. The bottom line of the form is used to describe the basis for infeasibility determination for on-site LID BMP to achieve full LID DCV, and provides methods for computing remaining volume to be addressed in an alternative compliance plan. If the project has more than one outlet, then complete additional versions of this form for each outlet. Form 4.3-9 Conformance Summary and Alternative Compliance Volume Estimate (DA 1) 1 Total LID DCV for the Project DA-1 (ft3): 21,296 ft3 Copy Item 7 in Form 4.2-1 2 On-site retention with site design hydrologic source control LID BMP (ft3): 0 ft3 Copy Item 30 in Form 4.3-2 3 On-site retention with LID infiltration BMP (ft3): 21,555 ft3 Copy Item 16 in Form 4.3-3 4 On-site retention with LID harvest and use BMP (ft3): 0 ft3 Copy Item 9 in Form 4.3-4 5 On-site biotreatment with volume based biotreatment BMP (ft3): 0 ft3 Copy Item 3 in Form 4.3-5 6 Flow capacity provided by flow based biotreatment BMP (cfs): 0 ft3 Copy Item 6 in Form 4.3-5 7 LID BMP performance criteria are achieved if answer to any of the following is “Yes”: x Full retention of LID DCV with site design HSC, infiltration, or harvest and use BMP: Yes No If yes, sum of Items 2, 3, and 4 is greater than Item 1 x Combination of on-site retention BMPs for a portion of the LID DCV and volume-based biotreatment BMP that address all pollutants of concern for the remaining LID DCV: Yes No If yes, a) sum of Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 is greater than Item 1, and Items 2, 3 and 4 are maximized; or b) Item 6 is greater than Form 4.3--5 Item 6 and Items 2, 3 and 4 are maximized ƒOn-site retention and infiltration is determined to be infeasible and biotreatment BMP provide biotreatment for all pollutants of concern for full LID DCV: Yes No If yes, Form 4.3-1 Items 7 and 8 were both checked yes 8 If the LID DCV is not achieved by any of these means, then the project may be allowed to develop an alternative compliance plan. Check box that describes the scenario which caused the need for alternative compliance: x Combination of HSC, retention and infiltration, harvest and use, and biotreatment BMPs provide less than full LID DCV capture: Checked yes for Form 4.3-5 Item 7, Item 6 is zero, and sum of Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 is less than Item 1. If so, apply water quality credits and calculate volume for alternative compliance, Valt = (Item 1 – Item 2 – Item 3 – Item 4 – Item 5) * (100 - Form 2.4-1 Item 2)% x An approved Watershed Action Plan (WAP) demonstrates that water quality and hydrologic impacts of urbanization are more effective when managed in at an off-site facility: Attach appropriate WAP section, including technical documentation, showing effectiveness comparisons for the project site and regional watershed Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-38 4.3.6 Hydromodification Control BMP Use Form 4.3-10 to compute the remaining runoff volume retention, after LID BMP are implemented, needed to address HCOC, and the increase in time of concentration and decrease in peak runoff necessary to meet targets for protection of waterbodies with a potential HCOC. Describe hydromodification control BMP that address HCOC, which may include off-site BMP and/or in-stream controls. Section 5.6 of the TGD for WQMP provides additional details on selection and evaluation of hydromodification control BMP. Form 4.3-10 Hydromodification Control BMPs 1 Volume reduction needed for HCOC performance criteria (ft3): (Form 4.2-2 Item 4 * 0.95) – Form 4.2-2 Item 1 2 On-site retention with site design hydrologic source control, infiltration, and harvest and use LID BMP (ft3):Sum of Form 4.3-9 Items 2, 3, and 4 Evaluate option to increase implementation of on-site retention in Forms 4.3-2, 4.3-3, and 4.3-4 in excess of LID DCV toward achieving HCOC volume reduction 3 Remaining volume for HCOC volume capture (ft3):Item 1 – Item 2 4 Volume capture provided by incorporating additional on-site or off-site retention BMPs (ft3):Existing downstream BMP may be used to demonstrate additional volume capture (if so, attach to this WQMP a hydrologic analysis showing how the additional volume would be retained during a 2-yr storm event for the regional watershed) 5 If Item 4 is less than Item 3, incorporate in-stream controls on downstream waterbody segment to prevent impacts due to hydromodification Attach in-stream control BMP selection and evaluation to this WQMP 6 Is Form 4.2-2 Item 11 less than or equal to 5%: Yes No If yes, HCOC performance criteria is achieved. If no, select one or more mitigation options below: x Demonstrate increase in time of concentration achieved by proposed LID site design, LID BMP, and additional on-site or off-site retention BMP BMP upstream of a waterbody segment with a potential HCOC may be used to demonstrate increased time of concentration through hydrograph attenuation (if so, show that the hydraulic residence time provided in BMP for a 2-year storm event is equal or greater than the addition time of concentration requirement in Form 4.2-4 Item 15) x Increase time of concentration by preserving pre-developed flow path and/or increase travel time by reducing slope and increasing cross-sectional area and roughness for proposed on-site conveyance facilities x Incorporate appropriate in-stream controls for downstream waterbody segment to prevent impacts due to hydromodification, in a plan approved and signed by a licensed engineer in the State of California 7 Form 4.2-2 Item 12 less than or equal to 5%: Yes No If yes, HCOC performance criteria is achieved. If no, select one or more mitigation options below: x Demonstrate reduction in peak runoff achieved by proposed LID site design, LID BMPs, and additional on-site or off-site retention BMPs BMPs upstream of a waterbody segment with a potential HCOC may be used to demonstrate additional peak runoff reduction through hydrograph attenuation (if so, attach to this WQMP, a hydrograph analysis showing how the peak runoff would be reduced during a 2-yr storm event) x Incorporate appropriate in-stream controls for downstream waterbody segment to prevent impacts due to hydromodification, in a plan approved and signed by a licensed engineer in the State of California Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 4-39 4.4 Alternative Compliance Plan (if applicable) Describe an alternative compliance plan (if applicable) for projects not fully able to infiltrate, harvest and use, or biotreat the DCV via on-site LID practices. A project proponent must develop an alternative compliance plan to address the remainder of the LID DCV. Depending on project type some projects may qualify for water quality credits that can be applied to reduce the DCV that must be treated prior to development of an alternative compliance plan (see Form 2.4-1, Water Quality Credits). Form 4.3-9 Item 8 includes instructions on how to apply water quality credits when computing the DCV that must be met through alternative compliance. Alternative compliance plans may include one or more of the following elements: x On-site structural treatment control BMP - All treatment control BMP should be located as close to possible to the pollutant sources and should not be located within receiving waters; x Off-site structural treatment control BMP - Pollutant removal should occur prior to discharge of runoff to receiving waters; x Urban runoff fund or In-lieu program, if available Depending upon the proposed alternative compliance plan, approval by the executive officer may or may not be required (see Section 6 of the TGD for WQMP). Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 5-1 Section 5 Inspection and M aintenance Responsibility for Post Construction BMP All BMP included as part of the project WQMP are required to be maintained through regular scheduled inspection and maintenance (refer to Section 8, Post Construction BMP Requirements, in the TGD for WQMP). Fully complete Form 5-1 summarizing all BMP included in the WQMP. Attach additional forms as needed. The WQMP shall also include a detailed Operation and Maintenance Plan for all BMP and may require a Maintenance Agreement (consult the jurisdiction’s LIP). If a Maintenance Agreement is required, it must also be attached to the WQMP. Form 5-1 BMP Inspection and Maintenance (use additional forms as necessary) BMP Reponsible Party(s)Inspection/ Maintenance Activities Required Minimum Frequency of Activities Infiltration Chamber System (Stormtech MC4500) Chamber-1 Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Remove accumulated trash and debris in the basin at the start and end of the wet season. Inspect for standing water at the end of the wet season. Trim vegetation at the beginning and end of the wet season to prevent establishment of woody vegetation and for aesthetic and vector reasons. Remove accumulated sediment and regrade when the accumulated sediment volume exceeds 10% of the basin. If erosion is occurring within the basin, re-vegetate immediately and stabilize with an erosion control mulch or mat until vegetation cover is established 2 times a year at the beginning and end of the rainy season (October to March) Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 5-2 Education of Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants on Stormwater BMPs (N1) Landscape maintenance (N3) BMP maintenance (N4) Spill contingency plan (N7) Litter debris control program (N11) Employee training (N12) Catch basin inspection program (N14) Ketter pacific Investment, LLC . Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Practical education materials will be provided to property owners covering various water quality issues that will need to be addressed on their specific site. These materials will include general good house keeping practices that contribute to the protection of storm water quality and BMP’s that eliminate or reduce pollution during property improvements. All inlet will have visual inspection and cleaning of any Debris See BMP fact sheets and Table 5-1 details hereon The spill contingency plan shall be provided in accordance with Section 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. Litter debris control program may be developed by City of Fontana Employee training may be developed by City of Fontana Catch basins will be inspected a minimum of once every three months during the dry season and a minimum of once every two months during the rainy season. At Property sale/transfer Monthly At construction At construction. Ongoing with every visit By weekly Ongoing Inspect once a year Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 5-3 Provide storm drain system stencilling and signage (S1) Use efficient irrigation systems & landscape design, water conservation, smart controllers, and source control (S4) Street sweeping and Vaccuming (N15) Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Ketter pacific Investment, LLC . Ketter pacific Investment, LLC Signs will be placed above storm drain inlets to warn the public of prohibitions against waste disposal Rain sensors will be incorporated into the onsite sprinkler system so that no unnecessary watering of landscaped areas occurs after storm events. Landscape planning is implemented to reduce groundwater and storm water contamination. This will be accomplished through an infiltration basin, and landscape areas. Street sweeping and vaccuming schedule will be per the Vity of Fontana Community Facilities District. Once a year or according to Manufacturer Manuals Once a year or according to Manufacturer Manuals Bi Monthly Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 6-4 Section 6 WQ MP Attachments 6.1. Site Plan and Drainage Plan Include a site plan and drainage plan sheet set containing the following minimum information: 6.2 Electronic Data Submittal Minimum requirements include submittal of PDF exhibits in addition to hard copies. Format must not require specialized software to open. If the local jurisdiction requires specialized electronic document formats (as described in their local Local Implementation Plan), this section will describe the contents (e.g., layering, nomenclature, geo-referencing, etc.) of these documents so that they may be interpreted efficiently and accurately. 6.3 Post Construction Attach all O&M Plans and Maintenance Agreements for BMP to the WQMP. 6.4 Other Supporting Documentation ƒBMP Educational Materials ƒActivity Restriction – C, C&R’s & Lease Agreements ƒProject location ƒSite boundary ƒLand uses and land covers, as applicable ƒSuitability/feasibility constraints ƒStructural Source Control BMP locations ƒSite Design Hydrologic Source Control BMP locations ƒLID BMP details ƒDrainage delineations and flow information ƒDrainage connections Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 6-5 EXHIBIT I WQMP Certification 6.1 Certification “This Water Quality Management Plan has been prepared for Ketter Pacific Investment, LLC, by Allard Engineering. It is intended to comply with the requirements of the County of San Bernardino for Rancho Palma Project requiring the preparation of a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). The undersigned is aware that Best Management Practices (BMPs) are enforceable pursuant to the City’s Water Quality Ordinance. The undersigned, while it owns the subject property, is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this plan and will ensure that this plan is amended as appropriate to reflect up-to-date conditions on the site consistent with San Bernardino County’s Municipal Stormwater Management Program and the intent of the NPDES Permit for San Bernardino County and the incorporated cities of San Bernardino County within the Santa Ana Region. Once the undersigned transfers its interest in the property, its successors in interest and the city/county shall be notified of the transfer. The new owner will be informed of its responsibility under this WQMP. A copy of the approved WQMP shall be available on the subject site in perpetuity. “ “I certify under a penalty of law that the provisions (implementation, operation, maintenance, and funding) of the WQMP have been accepted and that the plan will be transferred to future successors.” Ketter Pacific Investment, LLC By: Ketter Pacific Investment, LLC By: _______________________ Date: ___________ Name: Zack Hovav Applicant Telephone Number: (909) 227-3368 Sierra / Summit Industrial Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 6-6 EXHIBIT I Certifications I certify under penalty of law that this document and all the attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations Developer’s Project Engineer Signature _____________________________________________________ Signature Date I/we certify that I/we am/are the legal owner of the project and hereby accept the responsibility for the implementation of the provisions of the SWQMP as long as I/we retain ownership of this property and that upon the sale of this land, I/we will deliver this plan to the future owner and inform him of the requirement to implement the plan. Owner(s) Signature Zecharia Hovav By: _______________________ Date: ___________ Name: Zack Hovav For the use by County of San Bernardino Environmental Section Approval of SWQMP I, and /or personnel acting under my direction and supervision, have reviewed this SWQMP and find that it meets the requirements set forth in the County of San Bernardino’s Storm Water Ordinance. Acceptance or approval of this Storm Water Quality Management Plan in no way precludes the authority of this agency to require modification to the plan as conditions warrant nor does this agency take responsibility for performance of BMP’s provided for in the plan. ______________________________________________________ Signature Date of SWQMP approval Educational Material BMP Fact Sheets PRODUCT CATALOG MC-3500 MC-4500 SC-740 THE MOST ADVANCED NAME IN WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS ® STORMTECH SUBSURFACE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT table of contents Product Features and Benefits .........................................................................5 SC-160LP .........................................................................................6 SC-310 ...........................................................................................8 SC-310-3 ........................................................................................10 SC-740 ..........................................................................................12 DC-780 ..........................................................................................14 MC-3500 ........................................................................................16 MC-4500 ........................................................................................18 Isolator® Row .....................................................................................20 Products and Services ..............................................................................22 THE MOST ADVANCED NAME IN WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS™ 3 The ADS StormTech Design Tool will help designers, owners and contactors design conceptual layouts and cost estimates. Now available at https://designtool.ads-pipe.com 4 STORMTECH SUBSURFACE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT StormTech has thousands of chamber systems in service throughout the world. All StormTech chambers are designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity. The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, roadways and heavy earth loads saving valuable land and protecting water resources for commercial and municipal applications. In our continuing desire to answer designers’ challenges, StormTech has expanded the family of products providing engineers, developers, regulators and contractors with additional site specific flexibility. advanced structural performance for greater long-term reliability stormtech developed a state of the art chamber design through: • Collaboration with world-renowned experts of buried drainage structures to develop and evaluate the structural testing program and product design • Designing chambers to exceed American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD design specifications for HS-20 live loads and deep burial earth loads • Subjecting the chambers to rigorous full scale testing, under severe loading conditions to verify the AASHTO safety factors for live load and deep burial applications • Designing chambers to conform to the product requirements of ASTM F2418 and ASTM F2922 and design requirements of ASTM F2787 ensuring both the assurance of product quality and safe structural design our chambers provide • Large capacity that fits very tight footprints providing developers with more usable land for development • A proven attenuation alternative to cumbersome large diameter metal pipe or snap together plastic crates and unreliable multi-layer systems • Provides the strength of concrete vaults at a very competitive price • The robust continuous true elliptical arch design, which effectively transfers loads to the surrounding backfill providing the long-term safety factors required by AASHTO. Offers developers a cost-effective underground system that will perform as designed for decades. • Designed in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications providing engineers with a structural performance standard for live and long-term dead loads • Polypropylene and polyethylene resins tested using ASTM standards to ensure long and short-term structural properties • Injection molded for uniform wall thickness and repeatable quality • Third-party tested and patented Isolator Row for less frequent maintenance, water quality and long-term performance • Incorporates traditional manifold/header designs using conventional hydraulic equations that can easily verify flow equalization and scour velocity • Open chamber design requiring only one chamber model to construct each row assuring ease of construction and no repeating end walls to obstruct access or flow. StormTech offers a variety of chamber sizes (SC-160LP, SC-310, SC-740, DC-780, MC-3500 and MC-4500) so the consulting design engineer can choose the chamber that is best suited for the site conditions and regulatory requirements. StormTech has thousands of chamber systems in service worldwide. We provide plan layout and cost estimate services at no charge for consulting engineers and developers. 5 STORMTECH SUBSURFACE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Example: Footprint Comparison-100,000 CF Project 40% Reduction 40% Reduction 20% Reduction SC-310 SC-740 MC-3500 MC-4500 MC-3500 Product Specifications MC-4500 MC-3500 DC-780 SC-740 SC-310 SC-160LP Height, in. (mm)60 (1524)45 (1143)30 (762)30 (762)16 (406)12 (305) Width, in. (mm)100 (2540)77 (1956)51 (1295)51 (1295)34 (864)25 (635) Lenth, in. (mm)52 (1321)90 (2286)90.7 (2300)90.7 (2300)90.7 (2300)90.7 (2300) Installed length, in. (mm)48.3 (1227)86.0 (2184)85.4 (2170)85.4 (2170)85.4 (2170)85.4 (2170) Bare Chamber Storage, cf (cm)106.5 (3.01)109.9 (3.11)46.2 (1.30)45.9 (1.30)14.7 (0.42)6.85 (0.19) Stone above, in. (mm)12 (305)12 (305)6 (152)6 (152)6 (152)6 (152) Minimum stone below, in. (mm)9 (229)9 (229)9 (229)6 (152)6 (152)4 (100) Row spacing, in. (mm)9 (229)6 (152)6 (152)6 (152)6 (152)N/A Minimum installed storage, cf (cm)162.6 (4.60)175.0 (4.96)78.4 (2.22)74.9 (2.12)31.0 (0.39)15.0 (0.42) Storage per unit area, cf/sf (cm/sm)4.45 (1.35)3.53 (1.08)2.32 (0.70)2.21 (0.67)1.31 (0.39)1.01 (0.30) 6 STORMTECH SC-160LP CHAMBER Shipping 132 chambers/pallet 144 end caps/pallet 12 pallets/truck StormTech SC-160LP (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (LxWxH)85.4” x 25.0” x 12.0” (2170 x 635 x 305 mm) Chamber Storage 6.85 ft3 (0.19 m3) Min. Installed Storage*15.0 ft3 (0.42 m3) Weight 24.0 lbs. (10.9 kg) *Assumes 6” (150 mm) stone above, 4” (100 mm) below and stone between chambers with 40% stone porosity THe INSTALLed CHAMBeR SySTeM SHALL pRovIde THe LoAd fACToRS SpeCIfIed IN THe AASHTo LRfd BRIdge deSIgN SpeCIfICATIoNS SeCTIoN 12.12 foR eARTH ANd LIve LoAdS, WITH CoNSIdeRATIoN foR IMpACT ANd MuLTIpLe veHICLe pReSeNCeS. 14" (350 mm)MIN* 10'(3.0 m)MAX 6" (150 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN 25" (635 mm)12" (300 mm)TYP DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 4" (100 mm) MINWITH GEOGRID BX124GG 12" (300 mm) *MINIMUM COVER TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 20" (510 mm). SC-160LP END CAP NO SPACING REQUIREDBETWEEN CHAMBERS SINGLE LAYER OF GEOGRID BX124GG TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN NON WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AND BASE STONE PERIMETER STONE EXCAVATION WALL (CAN BE SLOPEDOR VERTICAL) SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FORTHE ENSURING THE REQUIRED BEARINGCAPACITY OF SUBGRADE SOILS PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) CHAMBERS SHALL BE BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTICCORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35%FINES, COMPACT IN 6" (150 mm) MAX LIFTS TO 95% PROCTOR DENSITY. SEE THE TABLE OF ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS. ADS GEOSYTHETICS 601T NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED,ANGULAR EMBEDMENT STONE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ASTM F2418 POLYPROPLENE (PP) CHAMBERSOR ASTM F2922 POLYETHYLENE (PE) CHAMBERS EMBEDMENT STONE SHALL BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED AND ANGULARSTONE WITH AN AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION BETWEEN #3 AND #57 Designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity while providing designers with a cost-effective method to save valuable land and protect water resources. The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, thus maximizing land usage for commercial and municipal applications. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices. The SC-160LP chamber was developed for infiltration and detention in shallow cover applications • Only 14” (350 mm) required from top of chamber to bottom of pavement • Only 12” (300 mm) tall • Installs toe to toe—no additional spacing between rows 7 SC-160LP CumLative Storage voLumeS Per Chamber Assumes 40% Stone Porosity. Calculations are Based Upon a 4” (100 mm) Stone Base Under Chambers. Note: Add 0.49 ft3 (0.014 m3) of storage for each additional inch (25 mm) of stone foundation. Depth of Water in System Inches (mm) Cumulative Chamber Storage ft3 (m3) Total System Cumulative Storage ft3 (m3) 22 (559)6.85 (0.194)14.98 (0.424) 21 (533)6.85 (0.194)14.49 (0.410) 20 (508)6.85 (0.194)14.00 (0.396) 19 (483)6.85 (0.194)13.50 (0.382) 18 (457)6.85 (0.194)13.01 (0.368) 17 (432)6.85 (0.194)12.51 (0.354) 16 (406)6.85 (0.194)12.02 (0.340) 15 (381)6.80 (0.193)11.49 (0.325) 14 (356)6.67 (0.189)10.92 (0.309) 13 (330)6.38 (0.181)10.25 (0.290) 12 (305)5.94 (0.168)9.49 (0.269) 11 (279)5.40 (0.153)8.67 (0.246) 10 (254)4.78 (0.135)7.81 (0.221) 9 (229)4.10 (0.116)6.91 (0.196) 8 (203)3.36 (0.095)5.97 (0.169) 7 (178)2.58 (0.073)5.01 (0.142) 6 (152)1.76 (0.050)4.02 (0.114) 5 (127)0.89 (0.025)3.01 (0.085) 4 (102)0 (0)1.98 (0.056) 3 (76)0 (0)1.48 (0.042) 2 (51)0 (0)0.99 (0.028) 1 (25)0 (0)0.49 (0.014) Stone Foundation Stone Cover ENGLISH TONS (yds3)Stone Foundation Depth 4”6”8” StormTech SC-3160Lp 1.1 (0.8)1.2 (0.9)1.3 (0.9) METRIC KILOGRAMS (m3)100 mm 150 mm 200 mm StormTech SC-3160Lp 952 (0.7)1,074 (0.8)1,197 (0.8) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of stone above and only embedment stone between chambers. amount of Stone Per Chamber Stone Foundation Depth 4” (100)8” (200)12” (300) StormTech SC-160Lp 1.4 (1.1)1.6 (1.2)1.8 (1.3) Note: Assumes no row separation and 14” (350 mm) of cover. The volume of excavation will vary as depth of cover increases. voLume exCavation Per Chamber yd3 (m3) 8 STORMTECH SC-310 CHAMBER Shipping 41 chambers/pallet 108 end caps/pallet 18 pallets/truck StormTech SC-310 Chamber (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)85.4” x 34.0” x 16.0” (2170 x 864 x 406 mm) Chamber Storage 14.7 ft3 (0.42 m3) Min. Installed Storage*31.0 ft3 (0.88 m3) Weight 37.0 lbs (16.8 kg) *Assumes 6” (150 mm) stone above, below and between chambers and 40% stone porosity. THe INSTALLed CHAMBeR SySTeM SHALL pRovIde THe LoAd fACToRS SpeCIfIed IN THe AASHTo LRfd BRIdge deSIgN SpeCIfICATIoNS SeCTIoN 12.12 foR eARTH ANd LIve LoAdS, WITH CoNSIdeRATIoN foR IMpACT ANd MuLTIpLe veHICLe pReSeNCeS. 18"(450 mm) MIN* 8'(2.4 m)MAX 6" (150 mm)MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) TYP34" (865 mm)6"(150 mm) MIN 16" (405 mm) DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 6" (150 mm) MIN SC-310END CAP PERIMETER STONE EXCAVATION WALL (CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL) *MINIMUM COVER TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 24" (600 mm). SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENSURING THE REQUIRED BEARING CAPACITY OF SUBGRADE SOILS PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) CHAMBERS SHALL BE BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787"STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTICCORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35%FINES, COMPACT IN 6" (150 mm) MAX LIFTS TO 95% PROCTORDENSITY. SEE THE TABLE OF ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS. ADS GEOSYTHETICS 601T NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED,ANGULAR EMBEDMENT STONE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FORASTM F2418 POLYPROPLENE (PP) CHAMBERSOR ASTM F2922 POLYETHYLENE (PE) CHAMBERS EMBEDMENT STONE SHALL BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED AND ANGULAR STONE WITH AN AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION BETWEEN #3 AND #57 Designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity while providing designers with a cost-effective method to save valuable land and protect water resources. The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, thus maximizing land usage for private (commercial) and public applications. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices. 9 SC-310 CumLative Storage voLumeS Per Chamber Assumes 40% Stone Porosity. Calculations are Based Upon a 6” (150 mm) Stone Base Under Chambers. Note: Add 0.79 ft3 (0.022 m3) of storage for each additional inch. (25 mm) of stone foundation. Bare Chamber Storage ft3 (m3) Chamber and Stone Foundation Depth in. (mm) 6 (150)12 (300)18 (450) StormTech SC-310 14.7 (0.4)31.0 (0.9)35.7 (1.0)40.4 (1.1) ENGLISH TONS (yds3)Stone Foundation Depth 6”12”18” StormTech SC-310 2.1 (1.5 yd3)2.7 (1.9 yd3)3.4 (2.4 yd3) METRIC KILOGRAMS (m3)150 mm 300 mm 450 mm StormTech SC-310 1,830 (1.1 m3)2,490 (1.5 m3)2,990 (1.8 m3) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of stone above, and between chambers. Storage voLume Per Chamber ft3 (m3) amount of Stone Per Chamber Stone Foundation Depth 6” (150 mm)12” (300 mm)18” (450 mm) StormTech SC-310 2.9 (2.2)3.4 (2.6)3.8 (2.9) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of row separation and 18” (450 mm) of cover. The volume of excavation will vary as the depth of the cover increases. voLume exCavation Per Chamber yd3 (m3) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of stone above chambers, 6” (150 mm) row spacing and 40% stone porosity. Depth of Water in System Inches (mm)Cumulative Chamber Storage ft3 (m3)Total System Cumulative Storage ft3 (m3) 28 (711)14.70 (0.416)31.00 (0.878) 27 (686)14.70 (0.416)30.21 (0.855) 26 (680)14.70 (0.416)29.42 (0.833) 25 (610)14.70 (0.416)28.63 (0.811) 24 (609)14.70 (0.416)27.84 (0.788) 23 (584)14.70 (0.416)27.05 (0.766) 22 (559)14.70 (0.416)26.26 (0.748) 21 (533)14.64 (0.415)25.43 (0.720) 20 (508)14.49 (0.410)24.54 (0.695) 19 (483)14.22 (0.403)23.58 (0.668) 18 (457)13.68 (0.387)22.47 (0.636) 17 (432)12.99 (0.368)21.25 (0.602) 16 (406)12.17 (0.345)19.97 (0.566) 15 (381)11.25 (0.319)18.62 (0.528) 14 (356)10.23 (0.290)17.22 (0.488) 13 (330)9.15 (0.260)15.78 (0.447) 12 (305)7.99 (0.227)14.29 (0.425) 11 (279)6.78 (0.192)12.77 (0.362) 10 (254)5.51 (0.156)11.22 (0.318) 9 (229)4.19 (0.119)9.64 (0.278) 8 (203)2.83 (0.081)8.03 (0.227) 7 (178)1.43 (0.041)6.40 (0.181) 6 (152)0 4.74 (0.134) 5 (127)0 3.95 (0.112) 4(102)0 3.16 (0.090) 3 (76)0 2.37 (0.067) 2 (51)0 1.58 (0.046) 1 (25)0 0.79 (0.022) Stone Foundation Stone Cover 10 STORMTECH SC-310-3 CHAMBER Shipping 41 chambers/pallet 108 end caps/pallet 18 pallets/truck StormTech SC-310-3 Chamber (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)85.4” x 34.0” x 16.0” (2,170 x 864 x 406 mm) Chamber Storage 14.7ft3 (0.42 m3) Min. Installed Storage*29.3 ft3 (0.83 m3) Weight 37.0 lbs (16.8 kg) *Assumes 6” (150 mm) stone above and below chambers, 3” (76 mm) row spacing and 40% stone porosity. THe INSTALLed CHAMBeR SySTeM SHALL pRovIde THe LoAd fACToRS SpeCIfIed IN THe AASHTo LRfd BRIdge deSIgN SpeCIfICATIoNS SeCTIoN 12.12 foR eARTH ANd LIve LoAdS, WITH CoNSIdeRATIoN foR IMpACT ANd MuLTIpLe veHICLe pReSeNCeS. The proven strength and durability of the SC-310-3 Chamber allows for a design option for sites where limited cover, limited space, high water table and escalated aggregate cost are a factor. The SC-310-3 has a minimum cover requirement of 16” (400 mm) to bottom of flexible pavement and reduces the spacing requirement between chambers by 50% to 3” (76 mm). This provides a reduced footprint overall, reduces aggregate needed, and allows the designer to offer a traffic bearing application yet comply with water table separation regulations. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices. 11 Note: Add 0.73 ft3 (0.021 m3) of storage for each additional inch (25 mm) of stone foundation. Depth of Water in System Inches (mm)Cumulative Chamber Storage ft3 (m3)Total System Cumulative Storage ft3 (m3) 28 (711)14.70 (0.416)29.34 (0.831) 27 (686)14.70 (0.416)28.60 (0.810) 26 (660)14.70 (0.416)27.87 (0.789) 25 (635)14.70 (0.416)27.14 (0.769) 24 (610)14.70 (0.416)26.41 (0.748) 23 (584)14.70 (0.416)25.68 (0.727) 22 (559)14.70 (0.416)24.95 (0.707) 21 (533)14.64 (0.415)24.18 (0.685) 20 (508)14.49 (0.410)23.36 (0.661) 19 (483)14.22 (0.403)22.47 (0.636) 18 (457)13.68 (0.387)21.41 (0.606) 17 (432)12.99 (0.368)20.25 (0.573) 16 (406)12.17 (0.345)19.03 (0.539) 15 (381)11.25 (0.319)17.74 (0.502) 14 (356)10.23 (0.290)16.40 (0.464) 13 (330)9.15 (0.260)15.01 (0.425) 12 (305)7.99 (0.226)13.59 (0.385) 11 (279)6.78 (0.192)12.13 (0.343) 10 (254)5.51 (0.156)10.63 (0.301) 9 (229)4.19 (0.119)9.11 (0.258) 8 (203)2.83 (0.080)7.56 (0.214) 7 (178)1.43 (0.041)5.98 (0.169) 6 (152)0 (0)4.39 (0.124) 5 (127)0 (0)3.66 (0.104) 4 (102)0 (0)2.93 (0.083) 3 (76)0 (0)2.19 (0.062) 2 (51)0 (0)1.46 (0.041) 1 (25)0 (0)0.73 (0.021) Stone Foundation Stone Cover ENGLISH TONS (yds3)Stone Foundation Depth 6”12”16” SC-310-3 1.9 (1.4)2.5 (1.8)3.1 (2.2) METRIC KILOGRAMS (m3)150 mm 300 mm 450 mm SC-310-3 1,724 (1.0)2,268 (1.3)2,812 (1.7) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of stone above and and 3” (76 mm) row spacing. amount of Stone Per Chamber Stone Foundation Depth 6 (150)12 (300)18 (450) SC-310-3 2.6 (2.0)3.0 (2.0)3.4 (2.6) Note: Assumes 3” (76 mm) of row separation and 6” (150 mm) of stone above the chambers and 16” (400 mm) of cover. The volume of excavation will vary as depth of cover increases voLume exCavation Per Chamber yd3 (m3) Bare Chamber Storage ft3 (m3) Chamber and Stone Foundation Depth in. (mm) 6 (150)12 (300)18 (450) SC-310-3 Chamber 14.7 (0.42)29.3 (0.83)33.7 (0.95)38.1 (1.08) Storage voLume Per Chamber ft3 (m3) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of stone above chambers, 3” (76 mm) row spacing and 40% stone porosity. SC-310-3 CumLative Storage voLumeS Per Chamber Assumes 40% Stone Porosity. Calculations are Based Upon a 6” (150 mm) Stone Base Under Chambers. 12 STORMTECH SC-740 CHAMBER Shipping 30 chambers/pallet 60 end caps/pallet 12 pallets/truck StormTech SC-740 Chamber (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)85.4” x 51.0” x 30.0” (2,170 x 1,295 x 762 mm) Chamber Storage 45.9 ft3 (1.30 m3) Min. Installed Storage*74.9 ft3 (2.12 m3) Weight 74.0 lbs (33.6 kg) *Assumes 6” (150 mm) stone above, below and between chambers and 40% stone porosity. THe INSTALLed CHAMBeR SySTeM SHALL pRovIde THe LoAd fACToRS SpeCIfIed IN THe AASHTo LRfd BRIdge deSIgN SpeCIfICATIoNS SeCTIoN 12.12 foR eARTH ANd LIve LoAdS, WITH CoNSIdeRATIoN foR IMpACT ANd MuLTIpLe veHICLe pReSeNCeS. 18"(450 mm) MIN* 8'(2.4 m)MAX 51" (1295 mm) 6" (150 mm) MIN 6"(150 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) TYP 30"(760 mm) DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 6" (150 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENSURING THE REQUIRED BEARINGCAPACITY OF SUBGRADE SOILS PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) CHAMBERS SHALL BE BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787"STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35%FINES, COMPACT IN 6" (150 mm) MAX LIFTS TO 95% PROCTOR DENSITY. SEE THE TABLE OF ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS. ADS GEOSYTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED,ANGULAR EMBEDMENT STONE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FORASTM F2418 POLYPROPLENE (PP) CHAMBERS OR ASTM F2922 POLYETHYLENE (PE) CHAMBERS EMBEDMENT STONE SHALL BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED AND ANGULARSTONE WITH AN AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION BETWEEN #3 AND #57 PERIMETER STONE EXCAVATION WALL(CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL) SC-740END CAP *MINIMUM COVER TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 24" (600 mm). Designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity while providing designers with a cost-effective method to save valuable land and protect water resources. The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, thus maximizing land usage for private (commercial) and public applications. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices. 13 Note: Add 1.13 ft3 (0.032 m3) of storage for each additional inch (25 mm) of stone foundation. Depth of Water in System Inches (mm)Cumulative Chamber Storage ft3 (m3)Total System Cumulative Storage ft3 (m3) 42 (1067)45.90 (1.300)74.90 (2.121) 41 (1041)45.90 (1.300)73.77 (2.089) 40 (1016)45.90 (1.300)72.64 (2.057) 39 (991)45.90 (1.300)71.52 (2.025) 38 (965)45.90 (1.300)70.39 (1.993) 37 (940)45.90 (1.300)69.26 (1.961) 36 (914)45.90 (1.300)68.14 (1.929) 35 (889)45.85 (1.298)66.98 (1.897) 34 (864)45.69 (1.294)65.75 (1.862) 33 (838)45.41 (1.286)64.46 (1.825) 32 (813)44.81 (1.269)62.97 (1.783) 31 (787)44.01 (1.246)61.36 (1.737) 30 (762)43.06 (1.219)59.66 (1.689) 29 (737)41.98 (1.189)57.89 (1.639) 28 (711)40.80 (1.155) 56.05 (1.587) 27 (686)39.54 (1.120)54.17 (1.534) 26 (660)38.18 (1.081)52.23 (1.479) 25 (635)36.74 (1.040)50.23 (1.422) 24 (610)35.22 (0.977)48.19 (1.365) 23 (584)33.64 (0.953)46.11 (1.306) 22 (559)31.99 (0.906)44.00 (1.246) 21 (533)30.29 (0.858)1.85 (1.185) 20 (508)28.54 (0.808)39.67 (1.123) 19 (483)26.74 (0.757)37.47 (1.061) 18 (457)24.89 (0.705)35.23 (0.997) 17 (432)23.00 (0.651)32.96 (0.939) 16 (406)21.06 (0.596)30.68 (0.869) 15 (381)19.09 (0.541)28.36 (0.803) 14 (356)17.08 (0.484)26.03 (0.737) 13 (330)15.04 (0.426)23.68 (0.670) 12 (305)12.97 (0.367)21.31 (0.608) 11 (279)10.87 (0.309)18.92 (0.535) 10 (254)8.74 (0.247)16.51 (0.468) 9 (229)6.58 (0.186)14.09 (0.399) 8 (203)4.41 (0.125)11.66 (0.330) 7 (178)2.21 (0.063)9.21 (0.264) 6 (152)0 (0)6.76 (0.191) 5 (127)0 (0)5.63 (0.160) 4 (102)0 (0)4.51 (0.128) 3 (76)0 (0)3.38 (0.096) 2 (51)0 (0)2.25 (0.064) 1 (25)0 (0)1.13 (0.032) Stone Foundation Stone Cover ENGLISH TONS (yds3)Stone Foundation Depth 6”12”16” SC-740 3.8 (2.8)4.6 (3.3)5.5 (3.9) METRIC KILOGRAMS (m3)150 mm 300 mm 450 mm SC-740 3,450 (2.1)4,170 (2.5)4,490 (3.0) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of stone above and between chambers. amount of Stone Per Chamber Stone Foundation Depth 6 (150)12 (300)18 (450) SC-740 5.5 (4.2)6.2 (4.7)6.8 (5.2) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of row separation and 18” (450 mm) of cover. The volume of excavation will vary as depth of cover increases. voLume exCavation Per Chamber yd3 (m3) Bare Chamber Storage ft3 (m3) Chamber and Stone Foundation Depth in. (mm) 6 (150)12 (300)18 (450) SC-740 Chamber 45.9 (1.3)74.9 (2.1)81.7 (2.3)88.4 (2.5) Storage voLume Per Chamber ft3 (m3) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) stone above chambers, 6” (150 mm) row spacing and 40% stone porosity. SC-740 CumLative Storage voLumeS Per Chamber Assumes 40% Stone Porosity. Calculations are Based Upon a 6” (150 mm) Stone Base Under Chambers. 14 STORMTECH DC-780 CHAMBER Shipping 24 chambers/pallet 60 end caps/pallet 12 pallets/truck StormTech DC-780 Chamber (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)85.4” x 51.0” x 30.0” (2169 x 1295 x 762 mm) Chamber Storage 46.2 ft3 (1.30 m3) Min. Installed Storage*78.4 ft3 (2.2 m3) *Assumes 9” (230 mm) stone below, 6” (150 mm) stone above, 6” (150 mm) row spacing and 40% stone porosity. THe INSTALLed CHAMBeR SySTeM SHALL pRovIde THe LoAd fACToRS SpeCIfIed IN THe AASHTo LRfd BRIdge deSIgN SpeCIfICATIoNS SeCTIoN 12.12 foR eARTH ANd LIve LoAdS, WITH CoNSIdeRATIoN foR IMpACT ANd MuLTIpLe veHICLe pReSeNCeS. 18"(450 mm) MIN* 12'(3.7 m)MAX 51" (1295 mm) 6" (150 mm) MIN 6"(150 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) TYP 30"(760 mm) DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FORTHE ENSURING THE REQUIRED BEARINGCAPACITY OF SUBGRADE SOILS PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) CHAMBERS SHALL BE BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787"STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTICCORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35%FINES, COMPACT IN 6" (150 mm) MAX LIFTS TO 95% PROCTORDENSITY. SEE THE TABLE OF ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS. ADS GEOSYTHETICS 601T NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED,ANGULAR EMBEDMENT STONE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET ASTM F2418 "STANDARDSPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPLENE (PP) CORRUGATEDWALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". EMBEDMENT STONE SHALL BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED AND ANGULARSTONE WITH AN AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION BETWEEN #3 AND #57 PERIMETER STONE EXCAVATION WALL(CAN BE SLOPEDOR VERTICAL) SC-740/DC-780END CAP *MINIMUM COVER TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 24" (600 mm). Designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity while providing designers with a cost-effective method to save valuable land and protect water resources. The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, thus maximizing land usage for private (commercial) and public applications. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices. • 12’ (3.6 m) Deep Cover Applications • Designed in accordance with ASTM F2787 and produced to meet the ASTM 2418 product standard. • AASHTO safety factors provided for AASHTO Design Truck (H20 and deep cover conditions.) 15 dc-780 cumulative storage volumes per chamber Assumes 40% Stone Porosity. Calculations are Based Upon a 9” (230 mm) Stone Base Under Chambers. Note: Add 1.13 ft3 (0.032 m3) of Storage for each Additional Inch (25 mm) of Stone foundation. Bare Chamber Storage ft3 (m3) Chamber and Stone Foundation Depth in. (mm) 9” (230 mm)12” (300 mm)18” (450 mm) dC-780 Chamber 78.4 (2.2)78.4 (2.2)81.8 (2.3)88.6 (2.5) ENGLISH TONS (yds3)Stone Foundation Depth 9”12”18” dC-780 Chamber 4.2 (3.0)4.7 (3.3)5.6 (3.9) METRIC KILOGRAMS (m3)230 mm 300 mm 450 mm dC-780 Chamber 3,810 (2.3)4,264 (2.5)5,080 (3.0) Note: Assumes 9” (150 mm) of stone above, and between chambers. Storage voLume Per Chamber ft3 (m3) amount of Stone Per Chamber Stone Foundation Depth 9” (230 mm)12” (300 mm)18” (450 mm) dC-780 Chamber 5.9 (4.5)6.3 (4.8)6.9 (5.3) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) separation between chamber rows and 18” (450 mm) of cover. The volume of excavation will vary as depth of cover increases. voLume exCavation Per Chamber yd3 (m3) Note: Assumes 40% porosity for the stone, the bare chamber volume, 6” (150 mm) of stone above, and 6” (150 mm) row spacing. Depth of Water in System Inches (mm)Cumulative Chamber Storage ft3 (m3)Total System Cumulative Storage ft3 (m3) 45 (1,143)46.27 (1.310)78.47 (2.222) 44 (1,118)46.27 (1.310)77.34 (2.190) 43 (1,092)46.27 (1.310)76.21 (2.158) 42 (1,067)46.27 (1.310)75.09 (2.126) 41 (1,041)46.27 (1.310)73.96 (2.094) 40 (1,016)46.27 (1.310)72.83 (2.062) 39 (991)46.27 (1.310)71.71 (2.030) 38 (965)46.21 (1.309)70.54 (1.998) 37 (940)46.04 (1.304)69.32 (1.963) 36 (914)45.76 (1.296)68.02 (1.926) 35 (889)45.15 (1.278)66.53 (1.884) 34 (864)44.34 (1.255)64.91 (1.838) 33 (838)43.38 (1.228)63.21 (1.790) 32 (813)42.29 (1.198)61.43 (1.740) 31 (787)41.11 (1.164 )59.59 (1.688) 30 (762)39.83 (1.128)57.70 (1.634) 29 (737)38.47 (1.089) 55.76 (1.579) 28 (711)37.01 (1.048)53.76 (1.522) 27 (686)35.49 (1.005)51.72 (1.464) 26 (660)33.90 (0.960)49.63 (1.405) 25 (635)32.24 (0.913)47.52 (1.346) 24 (610)30.54 (0.865)45.36 (1.285) 23 (584)28.77 (0.815)43.18 (1.223) 22 (559)26.96 (0.763)40.97 (1.160) 21 (533)25.10 (0.711)38.72 (1.096) 20 (508)23.19 (0.657)36.45 (1.032) 19 (483)21.25 (0.602)34.16 (0.967) 18 (457)19.26 (0.545)31.84 (0.902) 17 (432)17.24 (0.488)29.50 (0.835) 16 (406)15.19 (0.430)27.14 (0.769) 15 (381)13.10 (0.371)24.76 (0.701) 14 (356)10.98 (0.311)22.36 (0.633) 13 (330)8.83 (0.250)19.95 (0.565) 12 (305)6.66 (0.189)17.52 (0.496) 11 (279)4.46 (0.126)15.07 (0.427) 10 (254)2.24 (0.064)12.61 (0.357) Depth of Water in System Inches (mm)Cumulative Chamber Storage ft3 (m3)Total System Cumulative Storage ft3 (m3) 9 (229)0 (0)10.14 (0.287) 8 (203) 0 (0)9.01 (0.255) 7 (178)0 (0)7.89 (0.223) 6 (152)0 (0)6.76 (0.191) 5 (127)0 (0)5.63 (0.160) 4 (102)0 (0)4.51 (0.128) 3 (76)0 (0)3.38 (0.096) 2 (51)0 (0)2.25 (0.064) 1 (25)0 (0)1.13 (0.032) Stone Foundation Stone Cover 16 STORMTECH MC-3500 CHAMBER Shipping 15 chambers/pallet 7 end caps/pallet 7 pallets/truck StormTech MC-3500 Chamber (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)90” x 77” x 45” (2,286 x 1,956 x 1,143 mm) Chamber Storage 109.9 ft3 (3.11 m3) Min. Installed Storage*175.0 ft3 (4.96 m3) Weight 134 lbs (60.8 kg) *Assumes a minimum of 12” (300 mm) of stone above, 9” (230 mm) of stone below chambers, 9” (230 mm) of stone between chambers/end caps and 40% stone porosity. StormTech MC-3500 End Cap (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)26.5” x 71” x 45.1” (673 x 1,803 x 1,145 mm) end Cap Storage 14.9 ft3 (0.42 m3) Min. Installed Storage*45.1 ft3 (1.28 m3) Weight 49 lbs (22.2 kg) *Assumes a minimum of 12” (300 mm) of stone above, 9” (230 mm) of stone below, 6” (150 mm) of stone perimeter, 6” (150 mm) of stone between chambers/end caps and 40% stone porosity. THe INSTALLed CHAMBeR SySTeM SHALL pRovIde THe LoAd fACToRS SpeCIfIed IN THe AASHTo LRfd BRIdge deSIgN SpeCIfICATIoNS SeCTIoN 12.12 foR eARTH ANd LIve LoAdS, WITH CoNSIdeRATIoN foR IMpACT ANd MuLTIpLe veHICLe pReSeNCeS. 45"(1140 mm) 18"(450 mm) MIN* 8'(2.4 m)MAX 12" (300 mm) TYP77" (1950 mm) 12" (300 mm) MIN 6" (150 mm) MIN DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) MIN6" (150 mm) MIN MC-3500END CAP PERIMETER STONE EXCAVATION WALL(CAN BE SLOPEDOR VERTICAL) PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) CHAMBERS SHALL BE BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787"STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTICCORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35% FINES, COMPACT IN 12" (300 mm) MAX LIFTS TO 95% PROCTORDENSITY. SEE THE TABLE OF ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS. ADS GEOSYTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR EMBEDMENT STONE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET ASTM F2418 "STANDARDSPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPLENE (PP) CORRUGATEDWALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". EMBEDMENT STONE SHALL BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED AND ANGULARSTONE WITH AN AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION BETWEEN #3 AND #4 SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THE REQUIRED BEARING CAPACITY OF SOILS *MINIMUM COVER TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 24" (600 mm). Designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity while providing designers with a cost-effective method to save valuable land and protect water resources. The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, thus maximizing land usage for private (commercial) and public applications. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices. 17 Bare Chamber Storage ft3 (m3) Chamber and Stone Foundation Depth in. (mm) 9” (230 mm)12” (300 mm)15” (375 mm)18” (450 mm) MC-3500 Chamber 109.9 (3.11)175.0 (4.96)179.9 (5.09)184.9 (5.24)189.9 (5.38) MC-3500 end Cap 14.9 (.42)45.1 (1.28)46.6 (1.32)48.3 (1.37)49.9 (1.41) ENGLISH TONS (yds3)Stone Foundation Depth 9”12”15”18” MC-3500 Chamber 8.5 (6.0)9.1 (6.5)9.7 (6.9)10.4 (7.4) MC-3500 end Cap 3.9 (2.8)4.1 (2.9)4.3 (3.1)4.5 (3.2) METRIC KILOGRAMS (m3)230 mm 300 mm 375 mm 450 mm MC-3500 Chamber 7711 (4.6)8255 (5.0)8800 (5.3)9435 (5.7) MC-3500 end Cap 3538 (2.1)3719 (2.2)3901 (2.4)4082 (2.5) Note: Assumes 12” (300 mm) of stone above and 6” (150 mm) row spacing and 6” (150 mm) of perimeter stone in front of end caps. Storage voLume Per Chamber ft3 (m3) amount of Stone Per Chamber Stone Foundation Depth 9” (230 mm)12” (300 mm)15” (375mm)18” (450 mm) MC-3500 Chamber 11.9 (9.1)12.4 (9.5)12.8 (9.8)13.3 (10.2) MC-3500 end Cap 4.0 (3.1)4.1 (3.2)4.3 (3.3)4.4 (3.4) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) of separation between chamber rows and 24” (600 mm) of cover. The volume of excavation will vary as depth of cover increases. voLume exCavation Per Chamber yd3 (m3) Note: Assumes 6” (150 mm) row spacing, 40% stone porosity, 12” (300 mm) stone above and includes the bare chamber/end cap volume. 18 STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBER StormTech MC-4500 Chamber (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)52” x 100” x 60” (1321 x 2540 x 1524 mm) Chamber Storage 106.5 ft3 (3.01 m3) Min. Installed Storage*162.6 ft3 (4.60 m3) Weight Nominal 125 lbs (56.7 kg) *Assumes a minimum of 12” (300 mm) of stone above, 9” (230 mm) of stone below chambers, 9” (230 mm) of stone between chambers/end caps and 40% stone porosity. StormTech MC-4500 End Cap (not to scale) Nominal Chamber Specifications Size (Lx W x H)38” x 90” x 61” (965 x 2286 x 1549 mm) end Cap Storage 39.5 ft3 (1.12 m3) Min. Installed Storage*115.3 ft3 (3.26 m3) Weight Nominal 90.0 lbs (40.8 kg) *Assumes a minimum of 12” (300 mm) of stone above, 9” (230 mm) of stone below, 12” (300 mm) of stone perimeter, 9” (230 mm) of stone between chambers/end caps and 40% stone porosity. Designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity while providing designers with a cost-effective method to save valuable land and protect water resources. The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, thus maximizing land usage for private (commercial) and public applications. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices. Shipping 7 chambers/pallet 7 end caps/pallet 11 pallets/truck 24" (600 mm) MIN* 7.0'(2.1 m)MAX 12" (300 mm) TYP100" (2540 mm) 12" (300 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN 9"(230 mm) MIN 60"(1525 mm) DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) MIN *MINIMUM COVER TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 30" (750 mm). SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURINGTHE REQUIRED BEARING CAPACITY OF SOILS PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNEDBY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) MC-4500END CAP PERIMETER STONE EXCAVATION WALL (CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL) CHAMBERS SHALL BE BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787"STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTICCORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS".ADS GEOSYTHETICS 601T NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED,ANGULAR EMBEDMENT STONE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET ASTM F2418 "STANDARDSPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPELENE (PP) CORRUGATEDWALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". EMBEDMENT STONE SHALL BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED AND ANGULAR STONE WITH AN AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION BETWEEN #3 AND #4 GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35%FINES, COMPACT IN 12" (300 mm) MAX LIFTS TO 95% PROCTORDENSITY. SEE THE TABLE OF ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS. 90"(2286 mm) 61"(1549 mm) 32.8"(833 mm)INSTALLED 38"(965 mm)ACTUAL 19 Storage voLume Per Chamber ft3 (m3) Note: Assumes 9” (230 mm) of separation between chamber rows, 12” (300 mm) of perimeter in front of the end caps, and 24” (600 mm) of cover. The volume of excavation will vary as depth of cover increases. Note: Assumes 9” (230 mm) row spacing, 40% stone porosity, 12” (300 mm) stone above and includes the bare chamber/end cap volume. end cap volume assumes 12” (300 mm) stone perimeter in front of end cap. ENGLISH TONS (yds3)Stone Foundation Depth 9” 12” 15” 18” MC-4500 Chamber 7.4 (5.2)7.8 (5.5)8.3 (5.9)8.8 (6.2) MC-4500 end Cap 9.8 (7.0)10.2 (7.3)10.6 (7.6)11.1 (7.9) METRIC KILOGRAMS (m3)230 mm 300 mm 375 mm 450 mm MC-4500 Chamber 6713 (4.0)7076 (4.2)7529 (4.5)7983 (4.7) MC-4500 end Cap 8890 (5.3)9253 (5.5)9616 (5.8)10069 (6.0) Note: Assumes 12” (300 mm) of stone above and 9” (230 mm) row spacing and 12” (300 mm) of perimeter stone in front of end caps. amount of Stone Per Chamber Stone Foundation Depth 9” (230 mm)12” (300 mm)15” (375mm)18” (450 mm) MC-4500 Chamber 10.5 (8.0)10.8 (8.3)11.2 (8.5)11.5 (8.8) MC-4500 end Cap 9.7 (7.4)10.0 (7.6)10.3 (7.9)10.6 (8.1) voLume exCavation Per Chamber yd3 (m3) Bare Chamber Storage ft3 (m3) Chamber and Stone Foundation Depth in. (mm) 9” (230 mm)12” (300 mm)15” (375 mm)18” (450 mm) MC-4500 Chamber 106.5 (3.01)162.6 (4.60)166.3 (4.71)169.9 (4.81)173.6 (4.91) MC-4500 end Cap 39.5 (1.12)115.3 (3.26)118.6 (3.36)121.9 (3.45)125.2 (3.54) 20 STORMTECH ISOLATOR ROW An important component of any Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is inspection and maintenance. The StormTech Isolator Row is a technique to inexpensively enhance Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal and provide easy access for inspection and maintenance. The Isolator Row is a row of StormTech chambers that is typically surrounded with filter fabric and connected to a closely located manhole for easy access. The fabric-wrapped chambers provide for settling and filtration of sediment as stormwater rises in the Isolator Row and ultimately passes through the filter fabric. The open bottom chambers and perforated sidewalls (SC-310, SC-310- 3, and SC-740 models) allow stormwater to flow both vertically and horizontally out of the chambers. Sediments are captured in the Isolator Row, protecting the storage areas of the adjacent stone and chambers from sediment accumulation. Two different fabrics are used for the Isolator Row. A woven geotextile fabric is placed between the stone and the Isolator Row chambers. The tough geotextile provides a media for stormwater filtration and provides a durable surface for maintenance operations. It is also designed to prevent scour of the underlying stone and remain intact during high pressure jetting. A non-woven fabric is placed over the chambers to provide a filter media for flows passing through the perforations in the sidewall of the chamber. The non-woven fabric is not required over the DC-780, MC-3500 or MC-4500 models as these chambers do not have perforated side walls. The Isolator Row is typically designed to capture the “first flush” and offers the versatility to be sized on a volume basis or flow rate basis. An upstream manhole not only provides access to the Isolator Row, but typically includes a high flow weir such that stormwater flow rates or volumes that exceed the capacity of the Isolator Row crest the weir and discharge through a manifold to the other chambers. An alternative design using a “high/low” concept is an acceptable method. This creates a differential between the Isolator Row and the manifold thus allowing for settlement time in the Isolator Row. The Isolator Row may also be part of a treatment train. By treating stormwater prior to entry into the chamber system, the service life can be extended and pollutants such as hydrocarbons can be captured. Pre-treatment best management practices can be as simple as deep sump catch basins and oil- water separators or can be innovative stormwater treatment devices. The design of the treatment train and selection of pretreatment devices by the design engineer is often driven by regulatory requirements. Whether pretreatment is used or not, the Isolator Row is recommended by StormTech as an effective means to minimize maintenance requirements and maintenance costs. note: See the StormTech Design Manual for detailed information on designing inlets for a StormTech system, including the Isolator Row. StormTech Isolator Row with Overflow Spillway (not to scale) note: Non-woven fabric is only required over the inlet pipe connection into the end cap for DC-780, MC-3500 and MC-4500 chamber models and is not required over the entire Isolator Row. 21 inspection The frequency of Inspection and Maintenance varies by location. A routine inspection schedule needs to be established for each individual location based upon site specific variables. The type of land use (i.e. industrial, commercial, public, residential) anticipated pollutant load, percent imperviousness, climate, rain fall data, etc. all play a critical role in determining the actual frequency of inspection and maintenance practices. At a minimum, StormTech recommends annual inspections. Initially, the Isolator Row should be inspected every 6 months for the first year of operation. For subsequent years, the inspection should be adjusted based upon previous observation of sediment deposition. The Isolator Row incorporates a combination of standard manhole(s) and strategically located inspection ports (as needed). The inspection ports allow for easy access to the system from the surface, eliminating the need to perform a confined space entry for inspection purposes. If, upon visual inspection it is found that sediment has accumulated, a stadia rod should be inserted to determine the depth of sediment. When the average depth of sediment exceeds 3 inches throughout the length of the Isolator Row, clean-out should be performed. Examples of culvert cleaning nozzles appropriate for Isolator Row maintenance. (These are not StormTech products.) maintenance The Isolator Row was designed to reduce the cost of periodic maintenance. By “isolating” sediments to just one row, costs are dramatically reduced by eliminating the need to clean out each row of the entire storage bed. If inspection indicates the potential need for maintenance, access is provided via a manhole(s) located on the end(s) of the row for cleanout. If entry into the manhole is required, please follow local and OSHA rules for confined space entries. Maintenance is accomplished with the jetvac process. The jetvac process utilizes a high pressure water nozzle to propel itself down the Isolator Row while scouring and suspending sediments. As the nozzle is retrieved, the captured pollutants are flushed back into the manhole for vacuuming. Most sewer and pipe maintenance companies have vacuum/jetvac combination vehicles. Selection of an appropriate jetvac nozzle will improve maintenance efficiency. Fixed nozzles designed for culverts or large diameter pipe cleaning are preferable. Rear facing jets with an effective spread of at least 45” are best. Most jetvac reels have 400 feet of hose allowing maintenance of an Isolator Row up to 50 chambers long. The jetvac process shall only be performed on StormTech Isolator Rows that have AASHTO class 1 woven geotextile (as specified by StormTech) over their angular base stone. 22 A FAMILY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES • MC-4500 Chambers and End Caps • MC-3500 Chambers and End Caps • SC-310 Chambers and End Caps • SC-310-3 Chambers and End Caps • DC-780 Chambers and End Caps • SC-740 Chambers and End Caps • SC-160LP Chambers and End Caps • SC, DC and MC Fabricated End Caps • Fabricated Manifold Fittings • Patented Isolator™ Row for Maintenance and Water Quality • Inserta Tee® Connections • Nyloplast® Basins and Inline Drains • Flexstorm® Inserts • In-House System Layout Assistance • On-Site Educational Seminars • Worldwide Technical Sales Group • Centralized Product Applications Department • Research and Development Team • Technical Literature, O&M Manuals and Detailed CAD drawings all downloadable via our Web Site • StormTech Design Tool Please contact one of our inside Technical Service professionals or Engineered Product Managers (EPMs) to discuss your particular application. A wide variety of technical support material is available from our website at www.stormtech.com. For any questions, please call StormTech at 888-892-2694. stormtech provides state-of-the-art products and services that meet or exceed industry performance standards and expectations. We offer designers, regulators, owners and contractors the highest quality products and services for stormwater management that “saves valuable land and protects Water resources.” Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. 1-800-821-6710 www.ads-pipe.com THE MOST ADVANCED NAME IN WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS TM An company TOOL 2.0 DESIGN Working on a project? Visit www.stormtech.com and utilize the enhanced ADS Design Tool 2.0 Customize layouts Generate quick layouts Import site plans & maps Estimates for projects Save, manage, revise $ ReADy foR ToDAy’S fAST-pAceD buSineSS enViRonmenT 24 Advanced drainage Systems, Inc. 4640 Trueman Blvd. Hilliard, oH 43026 1-800-821-6710 www.ads-pipe.com ADS “Terms and Conditions of Sale” are available on the ADS website, www.ads-pipe.com Advanced Drainage Systems, the ADS logo and the Green Stripe are registered trademarks of Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. StormTech® and the Isolator® Row are a registered trademarks of StormTech, Inc. LEED® and the Green Building Council Member logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Green Building Council. © 2019 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. #10818 12/19 CS THE MOST ADVANCED NAME IN WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS ® This catalog is not intended to provide requirements for design or installation of StormTech chambers. Refer to the appropriate “StormTech Design Manual” and “StormTech Construction Guide” for design and installation specifications. Save Valuable Land and Protect Water Resources SiteASSIST TM by CivilEngineering-LandSurveying-LandPlanning16866SevilleAvenueFontana,California92335ALLARDENGINEERINGPreparedBy:(909)356-1815Fax(909)356-1795PreparedFor: